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Design and Fabrication of Pressing Steam Boiler

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International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
e-ISSN 2455–1392 Volume 2 Issue 4, April 2016 pp. 461 - 473
Scientific Journal Impact Factor : 3.468



Abstract— A boiler is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water. Changes in
investment costs, increases in scale, demands placed on energy efficiency and environmental
requirements are the main factors directing Development of the recovery boiler. This has
resulted in use of higher steam Parameters of ironing and food production .Wood fired boiler
equipment is common in the lumber processing industry. Many facilities will use wood waste
boilers as an integral part of the production process. Steam or hot water is generated for lumber
drying and process requirements. Wood burning boilers however, normally create considerable
ash and soot build-up in the fire tubes, resulting in inefficient heat transfer and a loss of steam
pressure. Most wood fired boilers require manual tube brushing. This means shutting down the
boiler for hours while mill personnel brush the ash build-up from the fire tubes. The trade-off
for not continually cleaning the fire tubes is excessive fuel usage, loss of energy and boiler
inefficiency. The fluid does not necessarily boil. (The term "furnace" is normally used if the purpose is not
actually to boil the fluid.) Boiler is an apparatus use to produce steam.
Keywords— Pressure gauge, Safety valve, Steam outlet valve, Exhaust valve, Multipurpose iron
box, Drain valve, Teflon tube



A boiler is an enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or
steam, to produce a source for either heat or power. A central heating plant may have one or more
boilers that use gas, oil, or coal as fuel. The steam generated is used to heat buildings, provide hot
water, and provide steam for cleaning, sterilizing , cooking, and laundering operations. Small
package boilers also provide steam and hot water for small buildings. A careful study of this
course can help you acquire useful knowledge of steam generation, types of boilers pertinent to
boiler operations, various fittings commonly found on boilers, and so on. The primary objective of
this chapter is to lay the foundation for you to develop skill in the operation, maintenance, and repair
of boilers.

A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for combustion and transfers heat to water
until it becomes hot water or steam. The hot water or steam under pressure is then usable for
transferring the heat to a process. Water is useful and cheap medium for transferring heat to a
process. When water is boiled into steam its volume increases about 1,600 times, producing a force
that is almost as explosive as gunpowder. This causes the boiler to be extremely dangerous
equipment and should be treated carefully. Liquid when heated up to the gaseous state this process.

The heating surface is any part of the boiler; hot gases of combustion are on one side and water
on the other. Any part of the boiler metal that actually contributes to making steam is heating

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International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

surface. The amount of heating surface of a boiler is expressed in square meters. The larger the
heating surface a boiler has, the more efficient it becomes.

The boiler system is made up of:

1. Feed water system
2. Steam system
3. Fuel system
The feed water system provides water to the boiler and regulates it automatically to meet the
steam demand. The water supplied to boiler that is converted to steam is called feed water. The
sources of feed water are:
1. Condensate or condensed steam returned from the processes
2. Make up water which is the raw water which must come from outside.
The steam system collects and controls the steam produced in the boiler. Steam is directed
through a piping system to the point of use. Throughout the system, steam pressure is regulated using
valves and checked with steam pressure gauges. The fuel system includes all equipment used to
provide fuel to generate the necessary heat. The equipments required in the fuel system depend on
the type of fuel used in the system.
Boilers are pressure vessels designed to heat water or produce steam, which can then be
used to provide space heating and or service water heating to a building In most commercial
building heating applications, the heating source in the boiler is a natural gas fired burner. Oil fired
burners and electric resistance heaters can be used as well. Steam is preferred over hot. water in
some applications, including absorption cooling, kitchens, laundries, sterilizers, and steam driven
equipment. Boilers have several strengths that have made them a common feature of buildings. They
have a long life, can achieve efficiencies up to 95% or greater, provide an effective method of
heating a building, and in the case of steam systems, require little or no pumping energy. However,
fuel costs can be considerable, regular maintenance is required, and if maintenance is delayed repair
can be costly. Guidance for the construction, operation, and maintenance of boilers is provided
primarily by the ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers), which produces the following
resources, Rules for construction of heating boilers, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV-
2007Recommended rules for the care and operation of heating boilers , Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VII-2007 Boilers are often one of the largest energy users in a building. For every
year a boiler system goes unattended, boiler costs can increase approximately 10% . Boiler operation
and maintenance is therefore a good place to start when looking for ways to reduce energy use and
save money.
The steam generator or boiler is an integral component of a steam engine when
considered as a prime mover. However it needs be treated separately, as to some extent a
variety of generator types can be combined with a variety of engine units. A boiler incorporates
a firebox or furnace in order to burn the fuel and generate heat. The generated heat is transferred to
water to make steam, the process of boiling. This produces saturated steam at a rate which can vary
according to the pressure above the boiling water. The higher the furnace temperature,
The faster the steam production. The saturated steam thus produced can then either be
used immediately to produce power via a turbine and alternator, or else may be
further superheated to a higher temperature, this notably reduces suspended water content making a
given volume of steam produce more work and creates a greater temperature gradient, which
helps reduce the potential to form condensation. Any remaining heat in the combustion gases can
then either be evacuated or made to pass through an economizer, the role of which is to warm

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International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

the feed water before it reaches the boiler. Boilers have several strengths that have made them a
common feature of buildings. They have a long life, can achieve efficiencies up to 95% or greater,
provide an effective method of heating a building, and in the case of steam systems, require little or
no pumping energy. However, fuel costs can be considerable, regular maintenance is required, and if
maintenance is delayed, repair can be costly. Guidance for the construction, operation, and
maintenance of boilers is provided primarily by the ASME (American Society of Mechanical
Engineers), which produces the following resources:
Rules for construction of heating boilers,
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section IV-2007
Recommended rules for the care and operation of heating boilers, Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code, Section VII-2007 Boilers are often one of the largest energy users in a building. For every
year a boiler system goes unattended, boiler costs can increase approximately 10%


1. Under Pressing:
Pressing from the wrong side of the garment.
2. Top Pressing:
Pressing from the face side of the garment In-Process Pressing, Pressing during the garment
manufacturing process

3. Finish Pressing:
Adds the final shape to seams and garments
4. Buck Presses:
Used by manufacturers of slacks, skirts, and jackets and most of the dry cleaning plants A lower
buck and a complementary moveable head with a linkage system, buck padding, steam and
vacuum systems, frame and table, gauges and manual/automatic controls for steams, vacuum,
heat and pressure May be used for in-process pressing and finish pressing.
5. Iron Pressing:
Manual molding operation with pressure and heat application with a flat contact surface
Consists of an iron, power line, bed buck, and an iron support system Irons vary in weight and
plate dimensions and characteristics depending on the type of pressing operation, fabric, area to
be pressed and quality specifications of the operation Mostly used for under-pressing and are
more versatile and mobile and are most common in our daily life.

6. Block or Die Pressing:

To establish a product’s conformance to a form May change the surface characteristics and dimensions
of a product An operator positions the component over a die and engages the machine, and
folding blades fold and hold the edges to the underside for creases to be set May also be used to
mould collars, collar stands and cuffs.

7. Form Pressing:

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International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

Used for final pressing or for renovating garments in dry cleaning plants Formed in approximate
shapes as the finished garment Designed to reduce the positioning and repositioning time Just
smooth garment fabric but does not set creases.

1.3 Boiler classification:

1. Tube content: (i) Fire tube boiler and (ii) water tube boiler

2. Axis of shell: (i) Horizontal, (ii) vertical, (iii) inclined

3. Location of furnace: (i) Externally fired, (ii) internally fired

4. Method of circulation: (i) Natural, (ii) forced

5. Mobility: (i) Stationary, (ii) portable

6. Usage: (i) Packaged, (ii) unpackaged

7. Pressure: (i) High, (ii) low

8. Tubes: (i) Single-tube, (ii) Multi-tube

Fire Tube Boiler:

As it indicated from the name, the fire tube boiler consists of numbers of tubes through which
hot gasses are passed. These hot gas tubes are immersed into water, in a closed vessel. Actually in
fire tube boiler one closed vessel or shell contains water, through which hot tubes are passed. These
fire tubes or hot gas tubes heated up the water and convert the water into steam and the steam
remains in same vessel. As the water and steam both are in same vessel a fire tube boiler cannot
produce steam at very high pressure. Generally it can produce maximum 17.5 kg/cm 2 and with a
capacity of 9 Metric Ton of steam per hour.

Types of Fire Tube Boiler:

There are different types of fire tube boiler likewise, external furnace and internal furnace fire
tube boiler. External furnace boiler can be again categorized into three different types- 1) Horizontal
Return Tubular Boiler. 2) Short Fire Box Boiler. 3) Compact Boiler. Again, internal furnace fire tube
boiler has also two main categories such as horizontal tubular and vertical tubular fire tube boiler.
Normally horizontal return fire tube boiler is used in thermal power plant of low capacity. It consists
of a horizontal drum into which there are numbers of horizontal tubes. These tubes are submerged in
water. The fuel (normally coal) burnt below these horizontal drum and the combustible gasses move
to the rear from where they enter into fire tubes and travel towards the front into the smoke box.
During this travel of gasses in tubes, they transfer their heat into the water and steam bubbles come
up. As steam is produced, the pressure of the boiler developed, in that closed vessel.

Water Tube Boiler:

A water tube boiler is such kind of boiler where the water is heated inside tubes and the hot.
This is the basic definition of water tube boiler. Actually this boiler is just opposite of fire tube boiler
where hot gasses are passed through tubes which are surrounded by water.

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

Types of Water Tube Boiler

There are many types of water tube boilers, such as

1) Horizontal Straight Tube Boiler.

2) Bent Tube Boiler.

3) Cyclone Fired Boiler.

Horizontal Straight Tube Boiler again can be sub - divided into two different types,

i) Longitudinal Drum Water Tube Boiler.

ii) Cross Drum Water Tube Boiler.

Bent Tube Boiler also can be sub divided into four different types,

i) Two Drum Bent Tube Boiler.

ii) Three Drum Bent Tube Boiler.

iii) Low Head Three Drum Bent Tube Boiler.

iv) Four Drum Bent Tube Boiler.


All combustion equipment must be operated properly to prevent dangerous conditions or
disasters from occurring, causing personal injury and property loss. The basic cause of boiler
explosions is ignition of a combustible gas that has accumulated within the boiler. This situation
could arise in a number of ways, for example fuel, air, or ignition is interrupted for some reason, the
flame extinguishes, and combustible gas accumulates and is reignited. Another example is when a
number of unsuccessful attempts at ignition occur without the appropriate purging of accumulated
combustible gas. There is a tremendous amount of stored energy within a boiler. The state change of
superheated water from a hot liquid to a vapour (steam) releases an enormous amount of energy. For
example, 1 ft 3 of water will expand to 1600 ft3when it turns to steam. Therefore, “if you could
capture all the energy released when a 30 gallon home hot water tank flashes into explosive failure
at332oF, you would have enough force to send the average car (weighing 2,500 lbs) to a height of
nearly 125 feet. This is equivalent to more than the height of a 14 story apartment building, starting
with a lift off velocity of 85 miles per hour. Boiler safety is a key objective of the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. This organization reports and tracks boiler safety and the
number of incidents related to boilers and pressure vessels each year. Their work has found that the
number one incident category resulting in injury was poor maintenance and operator error. This
stresses the importance of proper maintenance and operator training. Boilers must be inspected
regularly based on manufacturer’s recommendations. Pressure vessel integrity, checking of safety
relief valves, water cut off devices and proper float operation, gauges and water level indicators
should all be inspected. The boiler’s fuel and burner system requires proper inspection and
maintenance to ensure efficient operation, heat transfer and correct flame detection. The Federal
Energy Management Project (FEMP) O&M Best Practices Guide to Achieving Operation Efficiency

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

is a good resource describing a preventive maintenance plan and also explaining the importance of
such a plan.

Steam boiler or simply a boiler is basically a closed vessel into which water is heated until
the water is converted into steam at required pressure. This is most basic definition of boiler.

Direct method:

Direct method of boiler efficiency test is more usable or more common boiler efficiency =Q*(Hg-
Hf)/q*GCV *100 Q =Total steam flow, Hg= Enthalpy of saturated steam in k cal/kg, Hf =Enthalpy
of feed water in kcal/kg, q= quantity of fuel use in kg/hr, GCV =gross calorific value in Kcal/kg
,like pet coke (8200 KCAL/KG).

Indirect method:

To measure the boiler efficiency in indirect method we need a following parameter like

1) Ultimate analysis of fuel (H2, S2, S, C moisture constraint, ash constraint)

2) Percentage of O2 or CO2 at flue gas

3) Flue gas temperature at outlet

4) Ambient temperature in deg c and humidity of air in kg/kg

5) GCV of flue in Kcal/kg

6) Ash percentage in combustible fuel

7) GCV of ash in Kcal/kg

The heater is supplied with separate cold water and hot water connections. A connection is
provided for mounting a combination safety temperature and pressure relief valve. An overflow line
should be utilized from the relief valve outlet to a floor drain. See drawing for locations and sizes.


The tank is encapsulated in 2-inches of high-density fiberglass insulation. The protective
shell is constructed of galvanic and is coated with a durable silver hammer tone finish. The entire
vessel is supported on heavy-duty integrally welded steel supports for sturdy floor mounting.

The water heater is supplied with a high quality factory installed 2, 4, or 6-pass U-tube
heating coil constructed from 20-gauge ¾-inch O.D. single wall copper tubing designed for a
maximum working pressure of 150 psi. The tubing is installed in a heavy-duty fabricated steel head
with threaded NPT connections. Each assembly is fastened to a corresponding tank flange using a
gasket and hex head steel bolts and nuts. Specialized heating coil construction may be included.
These options include, Double wall tubing with a leak detection port, or special materials (stainless
steel, 90/10 copper-nickel, other) for the tubes and/or head. See drawing for complete details.

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

A fully modulating temperature regulator (also referred to as a control valve) should be
installed to regulate the flow of boiler water through the heating coil. No quick opening or snap-
acting valve should be used as these can cause surges in pressure or thermal shock to the coil. If the
unit is furnished with a pilot operated or self contained control valve, no external source of power is
required for the valve. The operating controls are factory selected sized, piped, and tested to ensure
reliable operation, but can be shipped loose for in the field installation by others up on request. The
following is an overview of the various boiler water control systems available.



In the garment industry, equipment for handling fabrics with damp heat to iron surfaces, fold
edges, iron out seams, shape flat parts, and raise the pile during the manufacture of clothing. Ironing
and pressing equipment shapes the semi finished garment by bringing the fabric fibers into a highly
elastic state and then deforming and setting them. This is done by the simultaneous action of
moisture, heat, and pressure on the fabric. Different types of fabric require specific combinations of
moisture, pressure per surface unit, temperature, and duration of the process.

Ironing and pressing equipment includes irons, presses, steamers, steam-air dummies,
assembling and shaping equipment, and auxiliary equipment. There is equipment that operates in
sequence (irons, steamers), in sequence and in parallel fashion (presses, assembling and shaping
equipment), and in parallel fashion (steam-air dummies). Ironing and pressing equipment can be
operated manually or by a pedal; it can also be powered by pneumatic, hydraulic, or belt drive from
electric motors. Presses with capacities up to 50 MN (500 kilogram-force) are considered light, up to
250 MN (2,500 kilogram-force) as medium, and above 250 MN as heavy. Presses are manufactured
with electric, steam, and oil heating equipment. Auxiliary equipment includes various attachments,
forms, and moisteners.

The most common but least productive ironing and pressing device is the iron, which is
suitable for performing a large number of operations in processing with heat and moisture. More
refined and more productive but less widespread are ironing presses, which permit a considerable
degree of mechanization and some automation of processing with heat and moisture. Fabrics are
steamed in order to eliminate sheen (luster), which develops when ironing and pressing equipment is
used. Steaming is done either on specially designed ironing presses that combine pressing and
steaming or on steaming equipment. In steam presses the steam is delivered to the article through an
upper ironing cushion. The working part of steaming equipment is a brush with a nozzle mounted on
a flexible, steam-resistant sleeve joined to a steam line or individual steam generator.

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

Work on steam-air dummies is highly efficient. A steam-air dummy consists of a metal frame
on a firm rotating base, with padding in the shape of the finished product placed on the frame.
Special equipment employing steam and hot air under

Pressure is used to shape the product placed on the dummy. Steam-air dummies are used to
form dresses, suits, coats, underwear, and certain other products. Sequential and parallel ironing and
pressing equipment includes highly productive machinery and equipment for unit processing and the
assembly of parts with thermoplastic glues to ensure high quality and stable production.

Extensive use is made of control and measuring equipment such as mechanical, oil, and
electronic time relays; bimetallic, fluid, and semiconductor thermo regulators; pressure gauges; and
moisture gauges. This equipment maintains the regimens of moisture and heat treatment within the
limits recommended for a particular type of fabric. Presses with electrically heated ironing surfaces
(cushions) are wide-spread, but the use of steam or of fluids that create a more even heat when mixed
with hot air offers better long-range prospects as heat conductors.

Further development of ironing and pressing equipment envisages automation of the

supervision and operation of press work, mechanization of auxiliary and laborious processes,
intensification and improvement in the quality of processing (the use of a vacuum to remove
moisture and steam permeation instead of moistening), increased productivity (multi operational and
multi positional presses), and improved working conditions.



Steam boilers for textile:

Textile industry is suffering from energy crisis specially Gas, Low pressure and high demand
among residence in winter causes complete breakdown. So, it’s high requirement to shift on alternate
energy resources e.g. Coal. Country is very rich with its coal reserves and it can serve for quite long.
In this post we will discuss possible energy alternates for textile industry, Economical aspect
(Costing), Merits and demerits involved. Major focus is on costing to evaluate efficiency of different

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International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

energy resources. Industry utilizes different kind of boilers with varying pressure and of different
capacities as per unit requirement.

Let’s assume a boiler working at pressure 5Bar and producing steam of Two Tons per hour.
Efficiency of this boiler is approx. 80%.

What would be cost of producing 2Tons of steam per hour on Natural Gas, Coal and Furnace
Our solution to this scenario is a simple formula which says:

Efficiency (n) = Output Quantityof Steam(Qs) X Energy in Steam(hf)

Input Qt of Fuel (Qf) X Gross Cal. Val. (GCV) X Sp. Gravity of fuel

Omitting Specific Gravity of fuels to simplify and Shifting variables of formula from here to
there and vice versa. So, that Final shape becomes.

Qf = Qs X hf

So, Here what these are

Qf = Quantity of fuel needed to produce 2Tons steam per hour at 5 Bar

Qs = Qunatity of steam. This is fixed value 2000Kg per hour
Hf = Enthalpy of evaporation which is Fix Value taken from Steam table, 2757KJ/Kg of
Steam.(Means One Kilogram of steam has this much energy at Pressure 5 Bar)
GCV = Gross caloric value, Different for each combustible material.
N = Efficiency of Boiler, Fixed quantity taken as 80%, we will put 0.8 in formula.


Steaming is one of the most important processes in textile processing such as well as being
widely used in pre-treatment, dyeing ,finishing and printing processes has come a long way from its
traditional associations with locomotives and the industrial revolution.
Steam today is an integral and essential part of modern technology. Without it, our food,
textile, chemical medical, power, heating and transport industries could not exist or perform as they
Steam provides a means of transporting controllable amounts of energy from a central,
automated boiler house, where it can be efficiently.
This is an obvious example of what steam is used for. It is just easier to get rid of spots and
dirt when the washing water is heated. Our washing machine at home does the same, however with
electrical heating. In large laundries this would be inefficient as electrical energy is too expensive.
Steam can also be perfectly used for downstream processes like pressing, using the mangle, ironing
or finishing. We know this process from steam-ironing at home; steam simply removes all creases.
Industrial boiler systems can cope with much higher pressures than pressure cookers. These
boilers are welded from thick steel plates that are up to 20 mm thick, making pressures of 20 bar and
more possible. A stable, robust design is also essential – if a boiler of this type were to collapse,
explosive forces comparable to the explosive power of a ton of gelignite would be released (milk

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International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER)
Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

boiling over in a pressure cooker is nothing in comparison to this). A thermal output of up to 10 MW

is possible from a single boiler.



Both gas and oil fired boilers use controlled combustion of the fuel to heat water. The key
boiler components involved in this process are the burner, combustion chamber, heat exchanger, and
controls. The burner mixes the fuel and oxygen together and, with the assistance of an ignition
device, provides a platform for combustion. This combustion takes place in the combustion chamber,
and the heat that it generates is transferred to the water through the heat exchanger. Controls regulate
the ignition, burner firing rate, fuel supply, air supply, exhaust draft, water temperature, steam
pressure, and boiler pressure. Hot water produced by a boiler is pumped through pipes and delivered
to equipment throughout the building, which can include hot water coils in air handling units, service
hot water heating equipment, and terminal units. Steam boilers produce steam that flows through
pipes from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, unaided by an external energy source such
as a pump. Steam utilized for heating can be directly utilized by steam using equipment or can
provide heat through a heat exchanger that supplies hot water to the equipment. The discussion of
different types of boilers, below, provides more detail on the designs of specific boiler systems.
The basic working principle of boiler is very simple and easy to understand. The boiler is
essentially a closed vessel inside which water is stored. Fuel (generally coal) is bunt in a furnace and
hot gasses are produced. These hot gasses come in contact with water vessel where the heat of these
hot gases transfer to the water and consequently steam is produced in the boiler. Then this steam is
piped to the turbine of thermal power plant. There are many different types of boiler utilized for
different purposes like running a production unit, sanitizing some area, sterilizing equipment, to
warm up the surroundings etc.

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]



The percentage of total heat exported by outlet steam in the total heat supplied by the fuel
(coal) is called steam boiler efficiency.

It includes with thermal efficiency, combustion efficiency & fuel to steam efficiency. Steam
boiler efficiency depends upon the size of boiler used. A typical efficiency of steam boiler is 80% to
88%. Actually there are some losses occur like incomplete combustion, radiating loss occurs from
steam boiler surrounding wall, defective combustion gas etc. Hence, efficiency of steam boiler gives
this result.

A boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other fluid is heated. The fluid does not
necessarily boil. The heated or vaporized fluid exits the boiler for use in various processes or heating
applications including water heating, central heating, boiler-based power generation, cooking, and

Many techniques have been developed for the measurement of pressure and vacuum.
Instruments used to measure pressure are called pressure gauges or vacuum gauges. A manometer is
an instrument that uses a column of liquid to measure pressure, although the term is often used
nowadays to mean any pressure measuring instrument. A vacuum gauge is used to measure the
pressure in a vacuum which is further divided into two subcategories, high and low vacuum and
sometimes ultra-high vacuum. The applicable pressure range of many of the techniques used to

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]

measure vacuums has an overlap. Hence, by combining several different types of gauge, it is
possible to measure system pressure continuously from10 m bar down to 10−11mbar.

A safety valve is a valve mechanism which automatically releases a substance from a boiler,
pressure vessel, or other system, when the pressure or temperature exceeds preset limits. It is one of a
set of pressure safety valves (PSV) or pressure relief valves (PRV), which also includes relief valves,
safety relief valves, pilot-operated relief valves, low pressure safety valves, and vacuum pressure
safety valves. Safety valves were first used on steam boilers during the Industrial Revolution. Early
boilers operating without them were prone to accidental explosion. A gate valve also known as a
sluice valve, is a valve that opens by lifting a round or rectangular gate wedge out of the path of the
fluid. The distinct feature of a gate valve is the sealing surfaces between the gate and seats are planar,
so gate valves are often used when a straight-line flow of fluid and minimum restriction is desired.
The gate faces can form a wedge shape or they can be parallel.


A boiler or steam generator is a device used to create steam by applying heat energy to water.
Although the definitions are somewhat flexible, it can be said that older steam generators were
commonly termed boilers and worked at low to medium pressure (1–300 psi or 6.895–2,068.427 kPa)
at pressures above this, it is more usual to speak of a steam generator.
A boiler or steam generator is used wherever a source of steam is required. The form and size
depends on the application: mobile steam engines such as steam locomotives, portable engines and
steam-powered road vehicles typically use a smaller boiler that forms an integral part of the vehicle;
stationary steam engines, industrial installations and power stations will usually have a larger
separate steam generating facility connected to the point-of-use by piping. A notable exception is the
steam-powered fireless locomotive, where separately-generated steam is transferred to a receiver
(tank) on the locomotive.
Thus it will lead to many changes in the field of Thermal engineering and development of
revolutionary heat exchangers. The integration of many collective applications of steam from the
boiler is possible.

A miniature steam power plant was presented. Construction and operation details were
explained. The voltage generated by the power plant is enough to lighten two LEDS. Energy
efficiency is very low. This is because the built miniature power plant is far from being optimized
like a real world one is. From the description presented is the text although the working principle is
the same there are profound differences between a real steam power plant and the model described in
this paper that directly affect efficiency. The major difference is the steam temperature difference
between steam going to and existing the turbine. In a real world plant steam enters the turbine at
550°C and exit at a relatively low temperature although higher them ambient temperature. In this
model the steam enters the turbine at about 120°C and leaves the turbine still very hot, steam
temperature was not measured but it is hot enough to burn the skin. Despite very poor efficiency the
device is very eye-catching and especially suitable for science fair events.

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Volume 02, Issue 04; April – 2016 [Online ISSN 2455–1392]


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