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Web 2.

0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

Lesson Idea Name: Mixed Numbers

Grade Level/Content Area: 4th Grade Mathematics
Content Standard Addressed: 4.NR.4.6: Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with like
denominators using a variety of tools.
ISTE Technology Standard What would you like students to know and be able to do
Addressed: by the end of this lesson:

Empowered Learner – 1.1c Students should be able to add and subtract fractions and
Students use technology to seek mixed numbers with the same (like) denominators by
feedback that informs and improves joining and separating parts referring to the same whole
their practice and to demonstrate while solving genuine, mathematical problems related to
their learning in a variety of ways. everyday life.

What is the student learning goal(s) for this lesson idea?

We should be able to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with the same denominators in
multiple ways after interacting with the Peardeck.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

Remembering X Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:

X Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the
student and mostly practice based.

☐ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic
of learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The
teacher facilitates the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based (Real world problems) and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems
and completing projects to demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared
outside of the classroom. (Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the
school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another
class, or publishing it via an outside source.)

Gantt, 2023
Web 2.0 Tools for Communication and Collaboration

Lesson idea implementation:

The lesson will be taught as a whole group, where the teacher has the slides on the board, and the
students have the Peardeck access to use on their own devices/school provided laptops. The teacher
will have the first slide up on the board as students prepare for math so they can begin thinking
about how mixed numbers connect to their prior knowledge of fractions. The students will have the
interactive slides on their devices and move on to the next slides as a class, after the teacher has
observed each student’s participation. The teacher can see the number of submissions through the
Peardeck, or they can observe the classroom by walking around as the students work. Students will
stay engaged as each slide requires interactments such as typed responses, dragging an icon, a video
link to watch, drawing/solving, and scanning a QR code. The QR code will be left on the screen for
students to scan at the end of the lesson, or students can click the link attached to the Peardeck, to
complete a Microsoft Form, assessing what they had learned during the lesson which also includes a
self-evaluation of their understanding.
Managing student learning:
The use of Peardeck, an interactive lesson, will cause a shift in behavior of students where they
move from passive to active social learners because some of the interactions involve seeing their
classmates’ responses and turning to their neighbor to explain their overall thinking.
As the teacher, I plan to implement many opportunities for students to self-assess before, during,
and after the lesson. I will allow for time-on-task and shift from passive to active learning using time
limits on the board, turn to your neighbor strategies for quick chat time, intentional volunteers to
share their answers, and a metacognition check in the assessment to reflect on their learning.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
The Peardeck lesson will mainly support providing multiple means of representation. The Peardeck
represents mixed numbers in various symbolic formats, offers zoom on the images, can pause as
needed in the video linked, and highlights students’ background knowledge that can be used to
solve new/unfamiliar problems.

Representation (2.5): Illustrate through multiple media.

Representation (1.1): Offer ways of customizing the display of information.
Representation (3.2): Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships.
Reflective Practice:
I believe using Peardeck will help students build understanding in a way they could not do with
traditional tools, such as pen and paper, because the students are able to display their answers, see
their classmates’ responses, gain immediate feedback, and are far more engaged with the content
material. I am looking forward to implementing the assessment portion the most because I will be
able to see what each student retained from the lesson as individuals, as well as gain insight on their
confidence with the material. If students are not confident, I may need to review. However, if all my
students’ self-assessments reflect that they are confident, I will not stay on the subject for as long, or
I will extend their thinking.

Gantt, 2023

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