Reviewer in Uts-1
Reviewer in Uts-1
Reviewer in Uts-1
Pythagoras - the first to use the term ● Socrates was the first thinker to
“Philosophy”. focus on the full power of reason
on the human self: who we are,
Philosophy means “Love of Wisdom” who we should be and who we
Philo is a greek word means “Love”. will become.
Sophia is a greek word means “Wisdom”. ● The soul strives for wisdom and
perfection, and the reason is the
Origin of Philosophy and Logic soul’s tool to achieve an exalted
● Search for the truth state of life.
● Search is to look for something ● Our preoccupation with bodily
● Search for meaning (importance, needs such as food, drink, sex,
significance, value, relevance) pleasure, material possessions
● Philosophy ask a lot of questions and wealth keep us from attaining
Philosophy and the Self
● A person can have a meaningful When conflict occurs, Plato believes that it
and happy life only if he becomes is the responsibility of our Rational to sort
virtuous and knows the value of things out and exert control, restoring a
himself that can be achieved hormonious relationship among the three
through constant soul-searching. elements of ourselves.
● For him, this is the best achieved
when one tries to separate the body Plato believes that genuine happiness can
from the soul as much as possible. only be achieved by people who
consistently make sure that their Rational
Plato is in control of their Spirits and Appetites.
- “The soul is immortal”
- A student of Socrates Aristotle
- Philosophy of the self can be - “The soul is the essence of the
explained as a process of Self”
self-knowledge and purification - A student of Plato
of the soul. - The body and soul are not two
- He believed in the existence of the separate elements, but are one
mind and soul. thing.
- mind and soul are given in - The soul is simply the form of the
perfection with god. body, and is not capable of existing
without the body.
Soul has three parts
1. Rational Soul Aristotle: Kinds of Soul
- reason and intellect 1. Vegetative
- devine essence that enables us to - includes the physical body that can
think deeply, make wise choices grow.
and achieve a true understanding of 2. Sentient
eternal truths. - includes the sensual desires,
2. Spirited Soul feelings and emotions.
- emotion and passion 3. Rational
- basic emotions such as love, anger, - is what makes man human. It
ambition, empathy, and includes the intellect that makes
aggressiveness. man know and understand things.
3. Appetitive Soul
- basic needs Examples:
- includes our biological needs such ● Vegetative Soul - Plants
as hunger, thirst, and sexual (Reproduction, Growth)
desire. ● Sentitive Soul - Animals (Mobility,
and Sensation)
These 3 elements of ourselves are in a ● Rational Soul - Human (Thought,
dynamic relationship with one another, Reflection)
sometimes in conflict.
St. Augustine learn everything through
- “I am doubting, therefore I am” experience.
- Integrated the ideas of Plato and
- Augustine’s view of the buman
person reflects the entire spirit of CONSCIOUSNESS
the medieval world. ● necessary to have a coherent
- The soul is united with the body so personal identity or knowledge of
that man may be entire and the self as a person.
complete. ● what makes possible our belief, is
- Believed humankind is created in that we are the same identity in
the image and likeness of God. different situations.
- “Knowledge can only come by
seeing the truth that dwells David Hume
within us”. The truth of which - “There is no self”
Augustine spoke refers to the truth - Self is simply a bundle or
of knowing God. collection of different perceptions,
which succeed each other with an
Rene Descartes inconceivable rapidly and are in a
- “I think therefore I am” perpetual flex and movement.
- The act of thinking about self - of - The idea of personal identity is a
being self-conscious - is in itself result of imagination.
proof that there is self. - There is no self.