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Scheduling Algorithms in Broadband Wireless Networks

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Scheduling Algorithms in Broad-Band Wireless


Invited Paper

Scheduling algorithms that support quality of service (QoS) dif- control and congestion control policies are all dependent on
ferentiation and guarantees for wireless data networks are crucial the specific scheduling disciplines used. Many scheduling al-
to the development of broad-band wireless networks. Wireless com- gorithms, capable of providing certain guaranteed QoS, have
munication poses special problems that do not exist in wireline net-
works, such as time-varying channel capacity and location-depen- been developed for wireline networks. However, these ex-
dent errors. Although many mature scheduling algorithms are avail- isting service disciplines, such as fair queueing scheduling
able for wireline networks, they are not directly applicable in wire- [1], virtual clock [4], and EDD [2], are not directly appli-
less networks because of these special problems. This paper pro- cable in wireless networks because they do not consider the
vides a comprehensive and in-depth survey on recent research in varying wireless link capacity and the location-dependent
wireless scheduling. The problems and difficulties in wireless sched-
uling are discussed. Various representative algorithms are exam- channel state.
ined. Their themes of thoughts and pros and cons are compared and The characteristics of wireless communication pose spe-
analyzed. At the end of the paper, some open questions and future cial problems that do not exist in wireline networks. These
research directions are addressed. include: 1) high error rate and bursty errors; 2) location-de-
Keywords—Broad-band wireless networks, QoS, scheduling. pendent and time-varying wireless link capacity; 3) scarce
bandwidth; 4) user mobility; and 5) power constraint of the
mobile hosts. All of the above characteristics make devel-
I. INTRODUCTION oping efficient and effective scheduling algorithms for wire-
In the future, broad-band wireless networks will be an in- less networks very challenging.
tegral part of the global communication infrastructure. With Recently, new propositions and schemes for packet sched-
the rapid growth in popularity of wireless data services and uling in wireless networks, which account for the special
the increasing demand for multimedia applications, it is ex- characteristics of the wireless environment, have emerged.
pected that future wireless networks will provide services for However, to the best of our knowledge, none of this work
heterogeneous classes of traffic with different quality of ser- systematically addresses the problem of packet scheduling
vice (QoS) requirements. Currently, there is an urgent need to in wireless networks. This paper presents a comprehensive
develop new technologies for providing QoS differentiation survey and in-depth discussion on packet scheduling in wire-
and guarantees in wireless networks. Among all the technical less networks, and more specifically, in cell-structured wire-
issues that need to be resolved, packet scheduling in wireless less networks. It is expected that, as the first step of wireless
networks is one of the most important. and wireline network integration, wireless networks will be
Scheduling algorithms provide mechanisms for bandwidth mainly used as access networks to the wired world for mobile
allocation and multiplexing at the packet level. Admission users. The most commonly adopted and deployed wireless
networks are based on a cell structure. Although many of the
underlying ideas of the solutions to be discussed in this paper
Manuscript received February 23, 2000; revised September 4, 2000. This can also be used in the design of scheduling algorithms for
work was supported in part by the Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, ad hoc networks (also called packet radio networks), sched-
under Grant HKU 7224/99E.
Y. Cao is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of uling issues in ad hoc networks are beyond the scope of this
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA (e-mail: paper.
V. O. K. Li is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic En- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
gineering, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong (e-mail: Section II, the system model, including the wireless network
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(01)00453-4. model and the wireless link model, is presented. Section III

0018–9219/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE


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discusses the major issues in the design of wireless sched- can communicate with more than one mobile host simultane-
uling algorithms. Section IV–VIII examine various repre- ously. Due to different physical locations, some mobile hosts
sentative wireless scheduling algorithms and contrast their may enjoy error-free communication with the base station,
advantages and disadvantages. Further discussion of the al- while others may not be able to communicate at all. This
gorithms are presented in Section IX. Finally, open research is the so-called location-dependent error. Furthermore, mo-
questions and future research directions are addressed in Sec- bility of the hosts increases the variability of the transmis-
tion X. sion links. Such link variations require the scheduling algo-
rithms to be equipped with certain dynamic mechanisms that
II. SYSTEM MODEL can deal with these time-dependent and location-dependent
A. Wireless Network Model
In this paper, we are interested in cell-structured wireless B. Fairness
networks. In such networks, the service area is divided into
cells, and each cell has a base station. Within a cell mo- Scheduling fairness in wireline networks is usually guar-
bile hosts communicate via the base station, and base sta- anteed by dedicating a certain service rate to a flow, and
tions are connected via wireline networks. The communica- the scheduling algorithm prevents different flows from in-
tion between a mobile host and a base station may consist of terfering with each other. Since wireline media may be con-
more than one traffic flow (or session). The base station is sidered error-free, the service rate allocated is indeed the
responsible for scheduling both downlink (from base station amount of service share that is received by a particular flow.
to mobile hosts) and uplink (from mobile hosts to base sta- However, the fairness issue in wireless networks is more
tion) packet transmissions between the mobile hosts and it- complicated. It may happen that a packet is scheduled for
self. All the downlink packets are queued at the base station; transmission on a wireless link according to certain service
therefore, the base station has full knowledge of the status discipline or fairness guideline, which are independent of
of downlink queues. For uplink packet transmissions, mo- link state, and the link is actually in an error state. If the
bile hosts need to send their transmission requests and queue packet is transmitted, it will be corrupted and the transmis-
status, if necessary, to the base station. The base station per- sion will waste transmission resources. In this case, defer-
forms uplink scheduling based on these requests and related ring transmission of this packet till the link recovers from
information. Although we assume the above model for the the error state is clearly a reasonable choice. The affected
wireless network, the algorithms to be discussed are not nec- flow, hence, temporarily loses its share of the transmission
essarily only applicable in this model. bandwidth. To ensure fairness, the flow should be compen-
sated for this loss later when the link recovers. But deter-
B. Wireless Link Model mining how to compensate for it is not an easy task. Some
fairness definitions for wireline scheduling algorithms are
All the scheduling algorithms discussed in this paper use available in [12], [13]. The definition and objectives of fair-
the following wireless link model. The wireless links be- ness guarantees become more ambiguous in a wireless envi-
tween a base station and each of the mobile hosts are inde- ronment. The granularity of fairness, i.e., short-term fairness
pendent of each other. Wireless links are subject to bursty versus long-term fairness, is another factor that affects the
errors. A two-state Markov channel model [11] is used for scheduling policy. The appropriate interpretation of fairness
the state of a wireless link, which is in either one of the two for wireless scheduling should depend on the service model,
states: good (or error-free) state or bad (or error) state. In a traffic type, and channel characteristics.
good state, the wireless link is assumed to be error-free. If
a link is in a bad state, packets transmitted on the link will
C. QoS
be corrupted with very high probability. Transitions between
the two states occur randomly. Broad-band wireless networks will provide services for
heterogeneous classes of traffic with different QoS require-
III. MAJOR ISSUES IN WIRELESS SCHEDULING ments. Therefore, QoS differentiation and guarantees must
be supported. To achieve this goal, the corresponding mech-
A. Wireless Link Variability anism for QoS support should be integrated into the sched-
The biggest difference between a wireless network and a uling algorithm. QoS support in wireless scheduling is dic-
wireline network is the transmission link variability. Due to tated by the service model. For DiffServ [6] type of ser-
the high quality of the transmission media, packet transmis- vices, at least prioritized scheduling service for aggregated
sions on wireline networks enjoy very low error rate. How- traffic with QoS differentiation should be implemented in
ever, wireless channels are more error-prone and suffer from the scheduling algorithm; whereas for IntServ [5] type of
interference, fading, and shadowing. As a result, the capacity services, support for per-flow-based guaranteed QoS perfor-
of a wireless link has very high variability. During some se- mance, such as delay or jitter bound, should be provided by
vere bursty error state, a wireless link can be so bad that no the scheduling algorithm. Of course, if a wireless link ex-
successful packet transmissions can be achieved. Besides the periences frequent channel degradations, it is very difficult
time-dependent problem, wireless link capacity is also loca- to guarantee QoS for the flows using this link. Neverthe-
tion-dependent. At a particular time instance, a base station less, QoS should be guaranteed for the flows, either deter-


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monitor (LSM) monitors the link states for all mobile hosts.
When the LSM determines that a link is in a bad state, it
marks the affected queues. The scheduler does not serve the
marked queues. The queue is unmarked after a time-out pe-
riod, which may, for example, be the average link “error”
duration. A link is considered being in a bad state when the
acknowledgment for a data packet from the mobile is not
received. Simulations show that compared with just using a
Fig. 1. CSDPS component model.
single FIFO queue for all traffic, CSDPS can achieve much
higher data throughput and channel utilization. Since CSDPS
ministically or statistically, on those links where the physical alleviates the head of line (HOL) blocking problem expe-
channel degradation does not exceed certain thresholds. rienced by a single FIFO queue, the average delay of the
packets is reduced.
D. Data Throughput and Channel Utilization CSDPS improves scheduling performance by taking into
The most precious resource in wireless networks is the account the location-dependent and time-dependent channel
bandwidth. An efficient wireless scheduling algorithm states. However, it has several drawbacks. It does not have
should aim to minimize unproductive transmissions on error any mechanism to guarantee bandwidth for a mobile user.
links, and at the same time, maximize the effective service A mobile user may receive much less service opportunities
delivered and the utilization of the wireless channels. than its fair share because when a link is “believed” to be in a
bad state, the affected mobile user’s service opportunities in
E. Power Constraint and Simplicity a subsequent time period are given to other mobile users al-
The scheduling algorithms in cell-structured wireless though those other mobile users may already have exceeded
networks are usually run at the base station. Therefore, their fair service share. No limit is imposed on the amount of
the electric power required for computation of packet service received by a mobile user. Moreover, the algorithm
service order should not be a big concern because of ad- does not provide any guarantees on packet delay.
equate power supply at the base station. However, mobile
hosts are power-constrained. A good scheduling algorithm
should be designed in such a way that minimal number of In order to solve the problem of unfair bandwidth sharing
scheduling-related control messages, which may contain in CSDPS, a scheduling scheme combining class-based
information on mobile hosts’ queue status, packet arrival queueing (CBQ) [3] and CSDPS is proposed in [10]. In this
times, and channel states, are required from mobile hosts. scheme, users or traffic flows are grouped into classes, and
For example, a scheduling algorithm that needs to use every each class is committed with a certain amount of bandwidth.
uplink packet’s arrival time to compute scheduling order is The CSDPS component is used to deal with wireless link
not a good choice, because it demands a large amount of variations, and the CBQ component is used to provide
power from mobile hosts for transmitting the information fairness mechanism in sharing the overall wireless channel.
of arrival times to the base station. Also the scheduling CBQ is a set of hierarchical channel-sharing guidelines for
algorithm should not be too complex, so that it can be ensuring that classes receive their allocated share of band-
executed at high speed to schedule real-time multimedia width over a predefined time scale. It also aims to distribute
traffic with stringent timing requirements. the excess bandwidth in a fair way. CBQ keeps track of the
amount of service received by each class in a certain time-in-
IV. CSDPS AND ITS VARIANT terval window. A class is called unsatisfied if it has persistent
backlogs, and the service it recently received is less than its
A. CSDPS allocated fraction. The channel-sharing guideline of CBQ is
One of the first papers that address the problem of loca- that a class should be restricted from receiving service when
tion-dependent and bursty errors in scheduling in wireless it exceeds its allocated bandwidth share and contributes to
networks is [8]. It proposes a scheduling algorithm called any other class’ unsatisfied state. Such a queue is called a re-
channel state dependent packet scheduling (CSDPS). Fig. 1 stricted queue.
presents the major components of a CSDPS scheduling Reference [10] makes changes to the CSDPS component
system of the base station. A separate queue is maintained in the following two aspects. First, it uses the ready-to-send
for each mobile’s packets. Within one queue, packets are (RTS) and clear-to-send (CTS) pair [21], rather than the data
served in an FIFO order. Across the queues the service packet and acknowledgment pair, to test the states of wireless
policy could be decided according to service requirements. links. RTS and CTS are exchanged between the base station
In particular, the paper discusses three service policies, and a mobile host before a data packet is transmitted. RTS
namely, round robin (RR), earliest timestamp first (ETF), and CTS messages are usually shorter than data packets. If
and longest queue first (LQF). a link is in an error state, using RTS-CTS wastes less trans-
The basic idea of CSDPS is very simple. When a wire- mission bandwidth than data packets. However, if a link is in
less link experiences bursty errors, the scheduling algorithm a good state, RTS-CTS imposes extra overhead and delay on
defers transmission of packets on this link. The link status packet transmissions. Second, each link is associated with a


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variable , the maximum number of tries of RTS transmis- knowledge on wireless links and a perfect multiple-access
sions allowed before a packet transmission attempt is given control (MAC) protocol, IWFQ works as follows.
up. actually represents the estimate of how good a link Each flow has its own queue. When no link suffers from
is and is updated whenever a packet is scheduled for trans- errors, it works just like ordinary WFQ in wireline networks.
mission on link . is decreased exponentially if no CTS is When a packet of sequence number of flow arrives, it
received after trials of RTS. If it succeeds within less than is tagged with virtual service start time and finish time
trials, is increased in inverse proportion to the number . More specifically
of RTS trials.
The original CBQ in [3] is also modified to accommodate
the special needs in the wireless environment. Instead
of guaranteeing a class a specific share of transmission (1)
bandwidth, it guarantees a percentage of the total effective
throughput. Effective throughput is defined as the total suc- where
cessful data transmissions per unit time. The reasoning of packet size of the arrived packet;
the authors is that a portion of the bandwidth will be wasted system virtual time defined in WFQ;
by unsuccessful transmissions and RTS-CTS attempts, and
the fair share of a mobile user should be based on the total service rate allocated to flow .
effective service the base station delivered, not the theoret- Packets are stored in a nondecreasing order of the finish times
ical bandwidth. Also, a restricted queue will continue to in each queue. The scheduler always chooses to serve the
receive service if it has a good link and all other unsatisfied packet with the smallest finish time. All these operations are
queues are experiencing bad links. exactly what a wireline WFQ scheduler performs. The dif-
This algorithm enables fair sharing of the wireless channel ference occurs when link error happens. If the chosen packet
while trying to maintain high throughput. However, it does cannot be transmitted because of a bad link state, the packet
not have an explicit mechanism for compensating those mo- in other queues with the next smallest finish time will be
bile users who have previously lost their service share be- picked. The process will continue and repeat from the be-
cause of link error. Thus, there is no guarantee on the rate ginning, if necessary, until the scheduler finds a packet with
at which a mobile user will be compensated. Also, issues on a good link state.
other QoS guarantees, such as delay bound and loss rate, are Since the time tags of a packet normally are not changed
not discussed in [10]. after a packet’s arrival, a flow that loses its service oppor-
tunity because of link error will have packets with smaller
finish times, compared with other flows’ packets. Therefore,
V. ALGORITHMS USING AN IDEAL REFERENCE SYSTEM it will have precedence in accessing the service bandwidth
when its link exits from error. So the compensation is guar-
A. IWFQ anteed. However, allowing an unbounded amount of com-
Derived from the fluid fair queueing (FFQ) [or generalized pensation can result in denial of service to other error-free
processor sharing, i.e., (GPS)] and weighted fair queueing flows. When a flow’s link recovers from an error state, its
(WFQ) [1], [14] models, wireless fluid fair queueing packets may have the smallest virtual tags and as a result,
(WFFQ), and idealized wireless fair queueing (IWFQ) for the scheduler may only serve this flow exclusively for an ex-
packet scheduling in cell-structured wireless networks are tended period. To alleviate this problem, IWFQ artificially
proposed in [9]. The relationship between IWFQ and WFFQ bounds the amount of lag and lead. The bounds are defined
is very similar to the relationship between WFQ and FFQ. and enforced in the following ways.
Basically, FFQ and WFFQ are fluid scheduling models 1) Lagging bound: The total lag, with respect to error-
for wireline and wireless networks, respectively. WFQ and free service, of all flows that will be compensated is
IWFQ are corresponding packet-based emulations of FFQ bounded by bits. A flow with weight is allowed
and WFFQ, respectively. to compensate a maximum of
Since WFFQ, just like FFQ, is based on the unrealistic bits, where is the set of all flows. The scheduler
fluid model and is mainly presented for the purpose of theo- checks every queue after transmitting a packet. For a
retical analysis, we focus our discussion on its packet-based lagging flow, if the total length of the packets with
emulation, IWFQ. An IWFQ model is defined with refer- finish times less the current virtual time is greater than
ence to an error-free WFQ service system. Given the packet bits, then, among these lagging packets, only the
arrival sequence for each data flow, an error-free service is first packets are retained and other lagging packets
defined as the WFQ service for the flows with identical ar- are deleted from the queue. is the largest integer
rival sequences and completely error-free links. The service such that .
received by a flow in the IWFQ system (with link errors) is 2) Leading bound: If a flow leads, with respect to error-
compared with the error-free system. A flow is said to be free service, for more than bits, it will only surrender
leading, lagging, or in sync at any time instant if its queue up to bits of service share to other flows later on.
size is smaller than, larger than, or the same as the queue To implement this bound, the scheduler checks each
size in the error-free system. With the assumption of perfect leading flow after transmitting one packet. If the start


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time of the HOL packet of a leading flow sat- should have. Although these properties may not be optimal
isfies , then set and are subject to modifications if used in different environ-
and , where ments and applications, they provide some useful guidelines
is the finish time of the HOL packet, is the for designing fairness mechanisms in wireless scheduling al-
system virtual time, and is the packet length of gorithms. The set of properties includes four objectives.
the HOL packet. 1) Delay and throughput guarantees: delay bound and
Following the above two guidelines, the amount of com- throughput for error-free flows should be guaranteed,
pensation for lagging flows and penalty for leading flows are and not affected by other flows in error state.
bounded. Consequently, throughput and delay guarantees are 2) Long-term fairness: after a flow exits from link error,
achievable for IWFQ. Analytical results of throughput and as long as it has enough service demand, it should be
delay bounds of IWFQ are derived in [9] for error-free links compensated, over a sufficiently long period, for all of
and error-prone links, respectively. Here, we need to note that its lost service while it was in error.
delay bounds are derived only for packets not deleted from the 3) Short-term fairness: the difference between the nor-
queue by the scheduler to enforce the artificial lagging bound. malized services received by any two error-free flows
There is a problem with the described approach, namely, that are continuously backlogged and are in the same
how can the base station know the arrival time of uplink state (i.e., leading, lagging, or satisfied) during a time
packets? It is impractical to require all mobile hosts to convey interval should be bounded.
this information to the base station every time a packet ar- 4) Graceful degradation for leading flows: during any in-
rives. In the real implementation of the algorithm, weighted terval while it is error free, a leading backlogged flow
round robin (WRR) is used instead of WFQ. Hence, only should be guaranteed to receive at least a minimum
information of whether an uplink queue is empty or not is fraction of the service it would receive in an error-free
needed for scheduling. Since perfect link knowledge is im- system.
possible, missing acknowledgment messages are used for de- CIF-Q is designed to achieve the above goals. Start-time
tecting link errors. The simulation shows that the worst case fair queueing (SFQ) [15] is chosen to be the core of CIF-Q,
performance of the real implementation is much worse than although other wireline fair queueing algorithms can also be
IWFQ, and the average performance is very close to the ide- used. Just like IWFQ, the real error-prone scheduling system
alized algorithm. is associated with an error-free system . Each flow has
Although IWFQ has some appealing properties in fair- its own queue. When a flow is served, its HOL packet is
ness and QoS guarantees, its limitations have been pointed transmitted. One of the major differences between CIF-Q and
out in [7]. First, since absolute priority is given to packets IWFQ is that virtual time is only kept and updated in , and
with the smallest finish times, when a flow is compensated not in . Arrived packets are put into queues both in and
for its previous lagged service all other error-free flows will . (The queues in are virtual queues used for keeping and
not be served at all. For the same reason, a lagging flow will updating each HOL packet’s virtual start time, also called
receive compensation at a rate independent of its allocated a flow’s virtual time.) Service order is determined by em-
service rate, violating the semantics that a larger guaranteed ploying SFQ in . When there is no link error, if a packet is
rate implies better QoS. Second, the choice of the parameter chosen in , it is served in both and . However, when
reflects a conflict between the delay and fairness proper- a chosen packet in cannot be transmitted in because of
ties. A large means that lagging flows can receive more link error, the real packet in the queue of is kept, but the
compensation after recovering from errors, but it also causes virtual packet in the queue of is still served and the cor-
other error-free flows to be denied service for longer periods. responding flow’s virtual time is updated according to SFQ.
In addition, the delay and throughput guarantees are closely Therefore, a flow’s virtual time only keeps track of the nor-
coupled, which may not be desirable. malized service, with respect to its allocated service rate, re-
ceived in the error-free system, not in the real system.
A parameter is associated with flow to keep track of
Reference [7] proposes a wireless scheduling algorithm the difference between the service received by a flow in and
called channel-condition independent packet fair queueing the service it receives in . Since the scheduling algorithm
(CIF-Q). CIF is very similar to IWFQ in the sense that it
is work-conserving, , where is the set of
also uses an error-free fair queueing reference system and
all active flows. To achieve graceful degradation, a param-
tries to approximate the real service to the ideal error-free
eter is used to define the minimal fraction of service to be
system. Similar to the definitions in [9], a flow is said to be
received by a leading flow. In particular, a leading flow is al-
leading, lagging, or satisfied at any time instant if it receives
lowed to continue to receive service at an average rate of ,
more, less, or the same amount of service as it would have
where is the allocated service rate. The value of is con-
received in the corresponding error-free system. The main
figurable. The remaining part of service share of the leading
objective of CIF-Q is to address the fairness issue; therefore,
link error detection, estimation, and implementation issues flow is given up for compensating other lagging flows. The
are not discussed. following summarizes the key rules of CIF-Q scheduling.
One of the important contributions made by [7] is that 1) When scheduling the next packet to be transmitted,
it clearly specifies the properties a fair wireless scheduler the HOL packet with the smallest virtual start time


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in is chosen, and the corresponding packet in VI. ALGORITHMS USING AN EXPLICIT COMPENSATION
is transmitted unless one of the following situations COUNTER OR SERVER
a) The link on which the picked packet is to be
transmitted is in an error state. Server-based fair approach (SBFA) is proposed in [17].
b) The picked packet belongs to a leading flow and In this approach, part of the wireless bandwidth is allocated
during the current leading period (time elapsed to some compensation server(s), called long-term fairness
since the flow starts to lead) the flow has re- server (LTFS). An LTFS is a special data flow created for
ceived more than a fraction of the normalized compensating flows whose packet transmissions are deferred
service it should have received based on its al- because of link errors, and it shares the wireless channel with
located service rate. other regular data flows.
The algorithm works with an implicit assumption that the
2) Lagging flows have higher priority to receive addi-
packet size of each flow is fixed, although different flows
tional service available due to leading flows giving up
can have different packet sizes. The scheduler maintains two
lead [case b)] or another flow not being able to send
queues, packet queue (PQ) and slot queue (SQ) for each flow.
because of error link [case a)].
When a packet of flow arrives, it is put into PQ and a
3) Instead of allocating all the additional service to the
virtual copy of the packet called slot is put into SQ . The
flow that has the largest lag, the compensation is dis- scheduling policy is applied on slot queues. Any wireline
tributed among the lagging flows in proportion to their scheduling algorithm can be used for scheduling slot queues.
allocated service rates. Each slot carries an identification number specifying which
4) If no lagging flow can receive additional service flow it belongs to. When a slot is chosen from a slot queue,
because of link errors, the additional service is dis- its corresponding flow’s HOL packet in the packet queue will
tributed to nonlagging flows in proportion to their be transmitted if the link it uses is in a good state. In this case,
allocated service rate. the slot and the packet will be removed from the slot queue
By enforcing the above rules, the four previously listed and the packet queue, respectively.
fairness properties can be satisfied. The detailed implemen- Fig. 2 illustrates what happens if a chosen packet can not
tation of the above rules can be found in [7]. It is proven in be transmitted because of link errors. Assume there are two
[16] that for CIF-Q, the difference between the normalized flows and one LTFS in the system. The RR scheduling policy
service received by any two flows and during any interval is used for simplicity. At the beginning of time 0, the queue
in which both flows are continuously backlogged, status is shown in Fig. 2(a). No packet arrives after time 0. At
error-free, and their status unchanged, is bounded by the fol- time 0, the scheduler picks one slot in SQ and finds that link
lowing inequality: 1 is in error. Therefore, the transmission of packet p11 is de-
ferred. Instead, the scheduler chooses to serve flow 2. Link
(2) 2 is in a good state, so the HOL packet of flow 2, namely,
p21 is transmitted. Note the changes in the queues shown
in Fig. 2(b) at the beginning of time 1. Packet p11 is kept in
where represents the service received by flow
PQ , but one slot is removed from SQ . At the same time one
during , is the maximum packet length, and
slot with flow 1’s identification number (s1) is added into the
if both flows are nonleading, and oth-
LTFS queue. Since p21 of flow 2 is transmitted, p21 and one
slot are removed from the queues of flow 2. According to the
The biggest advantage of CIF-Q is its nice properties in original RR service order, time 1 is flow 2’s turn to receive
both long-term and short-term fairness guarantees. In ad- service. Link 2 is still in the good state at time 1; therefore,
dition, the other two QoS parameters, packet delay bound one more packet of flow 2 is transmitted. Then at time 2,
and flow throughput, can also be guaranteed for flows with LTFS takes its turn to receive service. The scheduler checks
error-free links. Compared with IWFQ, CIF-Q improves the queue of LTFS and finds a slot with identification number
scheduling fairness by associating compensation rate and s1. Thus, the HOL packet of flow 1 is picked for transmis-
penalty rate with a flow’s allocated service rate and guar- sion. If at this time link 1 is in a good state, the HOL packet
anteeing flows with error-free links with a minimal service will be transmitted, and p11 and s1 will be dequeued from
rate. In CIF-Q, all the quantities are normalized by service PQ and LTFS, respectively. However, if link 1 is still in a
rate, which makes service allocation fairer. Since CIF-Q bad state, s1 will still be kept in LTFS, so that this compen-
also needs to use packet arrival times to compute virtual sation credit is kept for flow 1.
start times for scheduling uplink packets, it has the same By recording the service loss of each flow in LTFS and
problem as IWFQ, i.e., how does the base station get the dedicating part of the bandwidth to LTFS, flows losing their
information of uplink packet arrival times? The algorithm service share because of link errors will eventually be com-
complexity of both CIF-Q and IWFQ are relatively high be- pensated. There can be more than one LTFS in the system. The
cause they need to simulate an error-free system and keep exact number depends on the QoS requirements of flows or
record of and update the amount of services received in the some administrative policies of the flows. It is suggested that
real system. flows with similar requirements be assigned to the same LTFS.


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a flow with a consistently good link may receive far more
service than its promised share. Another problem is that LTFS
needs preallocated network resources. For example, if LTFS
is integrated with WFQ, LTFS must be guaranteed some
service rate, which reduces the service capacity available to
data flows and the number of flows admitted into the system.
In addition, when several flows share an LTFS, the rate at
which these flows receive compensation is determined only
by the service rate of LTFS and is independent of the flows’
allocated service rates. The information of different service
rate requirements of different flows is lost in the compensa-
tion process. One possible solution to this problem would
be to add more LTFS’s, which certainly introduces more
(a) scheduling overhead. Finally, the algorithm does not work
well if the packet size of a flow is variable. To keep in-order
transmission of a flow, a slot in LFTS is always associated
with the HOL packet of a flow. However, this HOL packet
may not be the same packet the slot is originally associated
with. If the packet size is variable, then the slot size in LFTS
may not be consistent with the HOL packet size, which will
cause problems in calculating and updating the virtual time.

Using a modified version of deficit round robin (DRR)
scheduler [20] combined with an explicit compensation
counter, a wireless scheduling algorithm called improved
channel state dependent packet scheduling (I-CSDPS) is
(b) proposed in [29].
In DRR, each flow has its own queue, and the queues are
served in a RR fashion. In each service round the number
of packets served in each queue is determined by two pa-
rameters: deficit counter (DC) and quantum size (QS). DRR
is basically a credit-based scheduling policy. The QS deter-
mines how much credit, in number of bits or bytes, is given
to a flow in each round and DC keeps a record of the total
credit received less the credit used. For each flow at the be-
ginning of each round, a credit of size QS is added to DC.
When the scheduler serves a queue, it transmits the first
packets in the queue, where is the largest integer such that
DC, where is the size of the th packet in the
queue. After transmission DC is decreased by the amount of
. If the scheduler serves a queue and finds that there
are no packets in the queue, its DC is reset to zero.
To allow flows to receive compensation for their lost ser-
Fig. 2. An example of SBFA with RR. (a) Time 0. (b) Time 1. vice opportunities due to link errors, I-CSDPS adds a com-
(c) Time 2.
pensation counter (CC) to each flow. CC keeps track of the
amount of lost service for each flow. If the scheduler defers
SBFA can be integrated with arbitrary wireline scheduling transmission of a packet because of link errors, the corre-
policies, such as WFQ, WRR, or hierarchical fair service sponding DC is decreased by the QS of the flow and the CC
curve (H-FSC) [18]. The QoS characteristics of the algorithm is increased by the QS. At the beginning of each round CC
depend on the wireline scheduling policy it is integrated with. amount of credit is added to DC, and CC is decreased by
The structure of SBFA is simple and provides throughput the same amount, where . Fig. 3 gives an ex-
guarantees. However, it has several drawbacks. Since SBFA is ample of how the counters are updated. Assume there are two
designed based on the reasoning that all flows whose wireless flows in the system with parameters QS , QS ,
link is in a good state should always be served at its promised , and . The status of the queues and the
service rate and not a fraction of the promised rate, no restric- counters at the beginning of round is shown in Fig. 3(a).
tion is imposed on flows receiving excessive service. Hence, The number marked on each packet represents the size of the


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of flow , is the number of active flows, and is the
transmission bandwidth. In other words, the packet can
be delayed by a DC’s worth by every other flow. Like the
parameter in I-WFQ, the choice of DC also represents
(a) a tradeoff between the packet delay bound and the degree of
compensation a flow is allowed to receive for its lost service
due to link errors. In addition, CSDPS has the same problem
as SBFA in the sense that it does not impose any restriction
on flows receiving excessive service.


Up to now, all of the wireless scheduling algorithms dis-
cussed are in a very general form—they are not designed for
any specific multiple-access control (MAC) protocol. Appro-
priate modifications to the algorithms are needed in order
(c) to integrate them with MAC protocols and apply them to
Fig. 3. An example of I-CSDPS scheduling (QS = 100 , QS = a specific type of wireless networks, such as wireless asyn-
50, =1 3 = , and =1 2 = ). (a) Beginning of round n, (b) end chronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. In this section, we
of round n, and (c) beginning of round n +1 . would like to discuss some algorithms specifically designed
for wireless ATM networks.
packet. Assume no packet arrives thereafter, and link 2 is al- Based on the cell structure, wireless ATM networks extend
ways in a good state while link 1 is in a bad state at round wireline ATM services into the wireless environment [22],
. In round , transmission of the HOL packet of flow 1 is [23]. Packet scheduling in wireless ATM has some special
deferred due to link error, and the HOL packet of flow 2 is concerns related to MAC framing structures and heteroge-
transmitted. Note the changes of counters at the end of round neous traffic classes. Wireless ATM must support constant
. DC is decreased by the size of QS and CC is increased bit rate (CBR), variable bit rate (VBR), available bit rate
by the size of QS . DC is decreased by the size of the trans- (ABR), and unspecified bit rate (UBR) traffic classes. Dif-
mitted packet and CC is not changed. At the beginning of ferent QoS requirements, such as cell loss ratio (CLR) and
the next round, as shown in Fig. 3(c), each flow’s DC is cred- cell transfer delay (CTD), are specified for different classes
ited with the amount of its QS. Besides this increase, the DC of traffic. Most of the TDMA-based MAC protocols in wire-
of flow 1 is increased by an extra amount of CC , less ATM networks use fixed-size MAC protocol data units
while CC is decreased by the same amount. (MPDU). Time is divided into slots and a number of slots are
To avoid problems caused by unbounded compensation, grouped together to form a frame, whose size could be vari-
upper limits are imposed on deficit counters. That is, at any able. Within a frame, some slots are used for uplink trans-
time the credit accumulated in a DC can not exceed a cer- mission requests; and some are used for data transmission;
tain value DC . To increase the flexibility in compensation and some are used by the base station for broadcasting slot
and resource allocation, the amount of credit transferred to a allocation. The base station needs to collect all the transmis-
CC after a packet transmission is deferred and the parameter sion requests, and decide appropriate frame partitioning and
, which decides the portion of compensation credit trans- slot allocation for packet transmissions. Many wireless ATM
ferred to a DC, can be dynamically changed. Reference [19] MAC protocols, such as D-TDMA [24], PRMA/DA [25],
describes a possible way of implementing such dynamical and MASCARA [26], fall into this generalized category. In
changes based on the load of the system, i.e., fast compensa- such a system, the scheduling algorithm is coupled closely
tion when the system is lightly loaded and slow compensa- with the MAC protocol, and its main functions consist of al-
tion when the system is heavily loaded. locating transmission slots and packing slots into frames.
Unlike SBFA, in I-CSDPS the rate at which a flow with In the early work of designing MAC protocols for wire-
lost service is compensated is associated with its allocated less ATM networks, the issue of related scheduling algorithm
service rate. Also the compensation rate can be dynamically design has not been emphasized. Simple FIFO service disci-
changed according to system load, thus increasing flexi- plines combined with different priority assignments to dif-
bility. Another advantage of I-CSDPS is its ability to handle ferent classes are used to serve the transmission requests.
variable-sized packets. When all the deficit counters are CBR and VBR traffic are given higher priority than ABR
bounded, packet delay can be bounded. However, this bound and UBR traffic in receiving service. Slots could be reserved
is very loose and dependent on the number of active flows. for CBR and UBR slots if they have enough traffic demand.
Consider a packet arriving at the head of a queue , which Within a priority class, requests are served in a FIFO order.
has just finished receiving service. Then the longest time The default scheduling algorithm of D-TDMA and the dy-
it has to wait before being served is , namic allocation (DA) algorithm of PRMA/DA both follow
where is the upper limit of the deficit counter the above scheduling policy.


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The first operation can be further divided into two steps. In
the first step, the scheduler services “conforming” requests,
defined as requests that belong to connections whose token
pool is nonempty. UBR connections are not served in this
step. Following the priority table, the scheduler serves the
Fig. 4. Frame structure of MASCARA.
requests of each connection, as long as slots are available
and the connection’s token pool is not empty. Every time a
Table 1 slot is allocated to a connection, a token is removed from
Traffic Classes and Service Priorities in PRADOS that connection’s token pool. Within the same priority class,
the scheduler gradually allocates one slot at a time to the
connection that has the most tokens left in its token pool.
The first step finishes when all requests have been served or
all token pools are empty. If all token pools are empty and
there are still requests pending, the scheduler moves to the
second step to serve “nonconforming” requests. It restarts al-
locating slots for connections, starting from the highest pri-
ority (CBR) down to the lowest priority (UBR). The same
procedure as described above is repeated until all the requests
are served.
The second part of the operation is based on the idea
that, in order to maximize the fraction of ATM cells that are
A more sophisticated algorithm, named prioritized regu- transmitted before their deadlines, each ATM cell should
lated allocation delay oriented scheduling (PRADOS) [27] is be scheduled for transmission as closely to its deadline
developed for traffic scheduling in wireless ATM. PRADOS as possible. Deadlines are calculated according to ATM
is designed to work with a specific MAC protocol, MAS- connections’ cell delay tolerance (CDT) requirements. The
CARA [26]. Fig. 4 shows the time frame structure of MAS- initial ordering of the slots are decided following the above
CARA. The FH period is the frame header, which is the de- idea. Then the scheduler performs some necessary slot
scriptor of the current frame. The remainder of the frame shifting and packing operations so that deadlines are not
consists of a downlink period for downlink traffic, an up- violated and downlink and uplink transmissions are within
link period for uplink traffic and a contention period. All the their respective periods. To achieve high utilization of the
periods are of variable lengths, depending on the instanta- wireless channel, PRADOS is work-conserving. This part
neous traffic, and all are further subdivided into a variable of the operation is very similar to the B-EDF algorithm. A
number of time slots. The mobile hosts use contention slots to detailed description can be found in [27].
transmit uplink transmission requests for subsequent frames PRADOS is a good example of how a scheduling al-
and other control information. gorithm is tied to a specific MAC protocol. The main
PRADOS is based on the idea of Backward Earliest Due advantage of PRADOS is that it reduces the average cell
Date First (B-EDF) with priority [28] and combines it with delay and the cell loss rate by taking into account the
a leaky bucket traffic regulator. Each connection is associ- cells’ timing constraints. Furthermore, since traffic is leaky
ated with a priority number according to which traffic class bucket regulated, combined with appropriate admission
it belongs. The traffic classes and the priority assignments are control, PRADOS can provide delay bound for error-free
shown in Table 1. The greater the priority number, the higher connections. But PRADOS has no mechanism to deal with
the priority of a connection. Additionally, a token pool is in- wireless link variability. Slot allocations are independent of
troduced for each connection. Tokens are generated at a fixed the wireless link states. As a result, the effective wireless
rate equal to the mean cell rate, and the size of the pool is the channel utilization will be lowered when link errors occur.
maximum burst size of a connection. In ATM, the informa-
tion of the traffic characteristics of a connection can be ob-
tained from the traffic contract of the connection. There are
no bandwidth guarantees for UBR traffic, and so no token We summarize the properties of the presented algorithms
pool is available for UBR connections. The scheduler takes in Table 2. These properties have already been discussed in
into account the priority class, contractual characteristics of the previous sections, where we introduced the algorithms.
the traffic, and delay constraints in slot allocation. Delay bound is defined only for flows with error-free wire-
At the beginning of each frame, the scheduler collects a less links. Long-term throughput guarantee means that as
number of pending requests for slot allocation. The sched- long as a flow has enough service demand and the link errors
uler’s operation can be separated into two parts, which are it experiences are sporadic, its throughput over a sufficiently
executed in parallel: 1) determining the number of requests long period can be maintained above a certain value. For
for slot allocation from each connection that should be served short-term fairness, we follow the definition in [7]. In fact,
in the current frame; and 2) determining the exact location in CIF-Q is the only algorithm addressing the issue of short-
the frame of the allocated slots. term fairness.


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Table 2
Comparison of the Algorithm Properties

There are other related works that may provide insights 5) Support multiple classes of traffic with QoS differen-
in wireless scheduling. For the sake of completeness, they tiation.
are briefly discussed below. A modified version of earliest 6) Achieve low power consumption in mobile hosts.
due date (EDD), called feasible earliest due date (FEDD), is 7) Achieve medium algorithm complexity.
proposed in [30] for scheduling real-time traffic with dead- Indeed, it is impossible and not necessary to design an
lines in wireless networks. The FEDD policy is a scheduling “optimal scheduler” to achieve all the above objectives, be-
policy that always schedules the packet with the earliest time cause of the conflicting nature of some objectives. Appro-
to expire and whose link is currently in a good state. It is priate tradeoffs should be made depending on the system
proven in [30] that for a large range of channel parameters characteristics and service requirements.
and initial queue lengths and deadlines, the FEDD policy
is optimal in terms of minimizing packet losses caused by
deadline expiry. However, packet loss rate is the only perfor- IX. FUTURE WORK AND OPEN QUESTIONS
mance criterion. No fairness issue and other QoS guarantees
Although the algorithms discussed provide some possible
are discussed. Chen et al. propose a scheduling algorithm
solutions to the packet scheduling problem in wireless net-
called priority RR with dynamic reservation update and error
works, there are some issues that have not been addressed
compensation for wireless ATM networks in [32]. One note-
and are potential research topics.
worthy point of this algorithm is that it tries to save mobile
hosts’ power by always allocating contiguous slots in a MAC
frame to each mobile even if the mobile has more than one A. Adaptive Error-Correction Coding and Deferment of
data flow. Therefore, a mobile only needs to turn on the trans- Transmissions
mitter/receiver once in the schedule broadcast phase and in Two approaches can be used to reduce unproductive
the data transmission/receiving phase. Reference [31] inte- transmissions in case of link errors. One is for the sched-
grates self-clocked fair queueing (SCFQ) [13] with a general uler to defer transmissions, as discussed in this paper. The
form of TDMA/TDD-based MAC protocol for scheduling in other approach is to use error-correction code. Adaptive
wireless ATM networks. It is suggested in [31] that in case error-correction coding schemes [33], [34] adjust the code
of link errors, the affected flow will get credits and free re- rate according to the quality of the wireless channels to
sources will be allocated to the affected flows. However, the offset the errors. Both approaches have their advantages and
paper does not describe the exact procedure of this compen- disadvantages. Since perfect knowledge of the link states is
sation process. Because of the nature of SCFQ, the scheme is not possible, for the approach of deferring transmission, the
able to provide differentiated QoS for different traffic classes. scheduler has to regularly “poll” the links by some means,
We believe the following is the set of objectives that a good such as sending RTS-CTS packets, in order to gain accurate
wireless packet scheduling algorithm should try to achieve. knowledge of link states. This kind of regular “polling”
1) Provide long-term fairness and throughput guarantees introduces overhead. Also, for some packets with very strin-
for flows with error-free links or sporadic link errors. gent timing constraints, deferring transmissions may cause
2) Achieve high wireless channel utilization. these packets to be dropped because of deadline expiry. To
3) Minimize packet loss. expedite the transmissions, error-correction code can be used.
4) Provide delay (jitter, if possible) bound for flows with However, error-correction code introduces transmission
error-free links or sporadic link errors. overhead to a data packet. And this overhead increases with


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the error-correcting capability. If, instead of using error-cor- C. Integration of Admission Control, Scheduling, and
rection code, the scheduler defers transmissions on an error Congestion Control
link and uses this bandwidth share to serve other packets with
Since the wireless channel is bandwidth-limited and
better links, the overhead of error-correction code will be
highly variable, in order to provide guaranteed service to
lowered. Thus, the overall wireless channel utilization will be
mobile hosts the scheduling algorithm must be supported
improved. In addition, the error-correction capability of the
by appropriate admission control and congestion control
error-correction code in a data packet is limited. Therefore,
schemes. The performance of a scheduling algorithm is
in those situations where the links suffer from severe errors,
dependent upon these two components. Studying how a
error-correction coding may not work. Then deferment of
scheduling algorithm is affected by the admission control
transmission is the only choice. Although research has been
and congestion control policies in a wireless environment,
conducted on the two approaches individually, little has been
and how to “optimally” integrate admission control, sched-
done to quantitatively investigate the tradeoffs of the two
uling and congestion control require further study.
approaches. After the tradeoffs have been analyzed, we may
try to combine the two approaches to design new wireless
scheduling algorithms. X. CONCLUSION
In this paper, we presented a comprehensive and in-depth
B. Scheduling in CDMA Networks—Multiple Servers and
survey on current research in wireless packet scheduling. The
Multiple Link States
major issues in wireless scheduling were discussed. Various
Most of the previous and current research in wireless representative algorithms were analyzed and compared. We
scheduling focus on the scheduling issue of one single also proposed some future research directions.
server, such as in the typical TDMA network. In such a
system, the scheduler can serve only one packet at a time.
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[30] S. Shakkottai and R. Srikant, “Scheduling real-time traffic with Engineering, and Managing Director of Versitech Ltd., the technology
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[31] R. Sigle and T. Renger, “Fair queueing wireless ATM MAC proto- high-speed communication networks, personal communication systems,
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tized data in wireless networks,” in Proc. PIMRC’95, vol. 1, 1995, keynote addresses and served on the boards of numerous international con-
pp. 338–342. ferences.


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