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Surgical Finals - Passing The CL - John Lumley

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First published 1996

Second edition 2003
Reprinted 2005, 2009
Third edition 2011

ISBN: 1905635 71 0
978 1905635 71 9
eISBN: 978 1909491 18 2

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Section 1 – General points

1 The clinical: examiners, patients and preparation
2 The OSLER/long case
3 The OSCEs/short cases
4 Frequently asked questions and the viva
5 The day of the examination

Section 2 – History and examination of typical cases

6 General examination and pain
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
7 Swellings and ulcers
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
8 Neck swellings and thyroid lumps
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
9 The breast
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
10 The gastrointestinal tract
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions

11 Lump in the groin
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
12 Urology/Scrotal and Inguinal Swellings
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
13 A limb
14 A joint
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
15 The hip
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
16 The knee
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
17 The hand and foot
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
18 Arterial insufficiency of the lower limb
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
19 Venous disorders of the lower limb
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
20 Neurology
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions
21 The postoperative patient
FAQs and Popular Viva Questions


History and examination are essential parts of clinical practice and key elements in
medical training, requiring constant supervision and evaluation. The assessment of
these skills is therefore a mandatory requirement of every medical school. The form
of this assessment varies: continuous assessment is common, and desirable, with
constructive feedback, to ensure that students are developing appropriate skills.

As students approach their summative assessments and final examinations,

however, examiners have a responsibility to ensure that candidates are competent
to progress independently and that patient safety is assured. Although symptoms and
signs and their clinical interpretation do not change markedly, their forms of
assessment have evolved into structured, consistent, reliable and measurable
methods, ensuring that specific skills are examined and achieved by every
successful candidate.

The primary aim of this text is to reduce the chances of failure in the clinical part of
surgical finals. This is by encompassing the core knowledge and skills needed to
pass finals, and providing a reliable and safe approach to patients and their
surgical problems; it also addresses the requirements of the various forms of
assessment that are in current use. Student as well as staff involvement in the
initiation and development of the first and subsequent editions has retained a close
link to teaching and assessment methods, and most importantly to clinical practice.

The text takes the candidate through the clinical history and examination of
frequently encountered surgical conditions and common written or verbal questions
that are added to manned or unmanned examination stations. The emphasis is
surgical and topics more pertinent to medical specialities, such as cardiac,
respiratory, neurology, dermatology and psychiatry, are not included. For these and
other aspects of finals, consult the companion Medical, OSCE and EMQ volumes.

We hope that the continued popularity of the text reflects its close link to the
examination systems across the UK and reader’s success in his or her surgical

By the end of your undergraduate training you will have probably accumulated
enough knowledge and clinical experience to pass finals; however, clear
organisation of factual material and refining of your clinical skills increases your
confidence, reduces examination stress and ensures optimal performance. This
book addresses the clinical aspects of the examination in a concise, ordered and
meaningful way, presenting essential information in a form that is linked to the
various examination systems that are in current use across the UK.

The book covers the following:

• How to prepare for your surgical clinical examination
• How to take a history and examine a patient with a surgical problem
• Schematic approaches to all common surgical conditions
• The likely surgical stations that you will encounter in OSCEs
• The long and short cases that you are likely to encounter, with lists of features,
tables of differential diagnoses and treatment
• Frequently asked questions in all forms of surgical examination
• An answer section to frequently asked questions
• The approach to vivas
• A checklist against which to plan your revision

The emphasis of the book is on a practical approach to clinical problems. The

techniques described are applicable to the final examination and will keep your
examiner happy. Make sure that you know the format of the examination in your
own school, the emphasis on long or short cases, and the form and usual content of
OSCEs – match your use of the text to this style. The concise, dogmatic and ‘no-
frills’ approach has been taken to allow rapid retrieval and packaging of
information to your needs: the aim at all times is to minimise your examination

As an aid to revision, use this syllabus as your own personal checklist. Page
numbers are given in brackets after each case. You should aim to achieve at least
two ticks per case before the date of the examination. If you have not actually seen
a condition, look it up in an illustrated textbook.


To Marcia and Louis Kuperberg

To Calina, Dan, Mocoo, Teodora and Flory”

Thanks to Sophie Lumley

We would also like to thank Mr James Pegrum (MRCS, BSc MSc) for his
specialist review of the orthopaedic section of this new edition which included
the following chapters (Joint, hands, hip, knee, foot and ankle)

The following abbreviations have been used throughout this book

ABG arterial blood gases

ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
ALP alkaline phosphatase
ALT alanine aminotransferase
ANA antinuclear factor
ASIS anterior superior iliac spine
ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support
AV arteriovenous
CLL chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
CRP C-reactive protein
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CT computed tomography
DIP(J) distal interphalangeal (joint)
DVT deep vein thrombosis
ECG electrocardiogram
ENT ear, nose and throat
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
FBC full blood count
GCS Glasgow coma scale
GI(T) gastrointestinal (tract)
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HRT hormone replacement therapy
IP(J) interphalangeal (joint)
JVP jugular venous pressure
LFT liver function test
MCP(J) metacarpophalangeal (joint)
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PIP(J) proximal interphalangeal (joint)

RIF right iliac fossa
T3 triiodothyronine
T4 thyroxine
TB tuberculosis
TFT thyroid function test
TNM tumour / node / metastases (classification)
TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone
WBC white blood cell (count)

Section 1
General points

The examiners
Examiners of a long case traditionally work in pairs. There is normally one
‘internal’ examiner (from your own teaching hospital) and one ‘external’ (invited
from outside). The difficulty in finding enough clinical material to assess large
numbers of candidates has led to the merging of medical and surgical cases and an
increase in assessments of structures. However, the text has been structured to be
applicable to all forms of assessment.

You will usually be told who your examiners are. It is worth knowing their special
interests, even though their questions will not be confined to these areas. Talk to
medical students who have been taught by your examiners to find out any particular
preferences in examination technique (eg always kneeling down to examine the

The patients
The range of conditions that you will see in the examination is not necessarily
representative of the conditions seen in general hospital care. First, you will never
be given a very ill patient with, for example, an acute abdomen or an acutely
ischaemic limb. Second, there are some rare conditions that crop up
disproportionately in examinations: such patients usually have long-standing
problems with good physical signs. Examples are AV malformations or carotid
body tumours.

Patients are drawn from four sources: inpatients, patients coming up from clinics,
‘professional’ patients and simulated patients.

1. Inpatients
Most inpatients transferred to the examination will be awaiting operations such as
hernia repairs or removal of breast lumps. Postoperative patients are also available
for the clinicals: after all, you will be expected to manage such patients in your F1
and F2 years. A minority of patients will be those recovering from acute conditions,
with good histories and/or physical signs that have not yet resolved.

2. Patients coming up from clinics

Patients with good physical signs who attend clinics in the few weeks before the
clinicals are often asked to come up for the examination. Try to attend clinics in
your hospital in the lead-up to finals. (For example, before surgical finals, one of
the authors walked into the examination centre with a fellow candidate who pointed
out two patients who she recognised: ‘He has a sebaceous cyst on his forehead.
She’s got a left submandibular tumour.’ After revising these two conditions, she
was given both patients as short cases!)

3. ‘Professional’ patients
These are patients with long-standing signs who are listed on a computer database
and who have been called up numerous times in the past. Such patients are usually
excellent historians and may even point out their physical signs.

4. Simulated patients
Simulated patients are healthy individuals who are trained to simulate a patient’s
illness in a standard manner. They are usually actors. Some training is usually
required to ensure that they are able to bring out the main points in the history on
request and within the time allowed. Simulated patients can become skilled
historians and very persuasive patients, such as when replicating a psychiatric
disturbance. They are often asked to give their own marks on the student encounter.

In addition a video of a patient presenting a history can be shown.

Early preparation

Don’t fall into bad habits
Ask a doctor to watch you examine and listen to your presentations as early and as
often as possible. Without this, it is very easy to acquire bad habits that are difficult
to break.

Act as a chaperone
Senior medical students in their clinical years are often used as ‘chaperones’ in
clinical examinations. Their role is to escort the candidates from room to room,
ring the bells and ensure that the examination runs smoothly. If you are given this
opportunity, take it. You will get an idea of the examination format and there will
often be time to examine the patients yourselves afterwards. There can be no better
preparation: some of the same patients may even come up the following year.

The revision period

Team up with a colleague

As the examination draws closer, pair up with a fellow student whose aims and
standards are similar to your own and whose opinion you respect. By working in
pairs, each of you can act as an examiner in turn, covering long and short cases and
talking through topics that could arise in vivas. Remember that each person works
at his or her own pace and thinks that the other knows more than him- or herself.
The relationship should be mutually beneficial.

Ask for senior help

During the revision period don’t hesitate to ask for extra teaching from senior staff:
they’ve all been through finals themselves and are usually glad to help. Don’t be put
off by any tendency to teach by humiliation and don’t worry if you are given
different information or conflicting approaches: just extract what you consider the
best information from each teacher.

Bleep the FY1 and FY2 and ask for lists of patients to see as long and short cases.
Ask when patients are to be admitted. Also find out when day surgery lists take
place: here you will find many swellings, ulcers, varicose veins and hernias to

Revise efficiently
This book gives plenty of lists of clinical features and provides tables of
differential diagnoses. Modify these to make your own lists: you will remember
best what you compile yourself. Laptops or card systems may be a useful revision
aid at this stage.

Try not to work late into the night, relax before you go to bed, avoid excess coffee
and keep up physical exercise. You will retain much more if you are alert during the
revision period than if you are exhausted. Remember that hypnotics and anxiolytics
can dull your mind on the day of the examination: take them only under medical

Long cases in finals may be combined medical and surgical assessment with one or
two examiners. You may or may not be observed during the history and
examination. Often you are taken back to a patient to demonstrate specific signs.

The traditional long case format has inherent problems of objectivity and
reliability. In response to such problems, standardised patients and markings
systems have been introduced. These include the introduction of the ‘objective
structured long examination record’ (OSLER). The OSLER might include more than
one case (a real patient, a simulated patient or a video, see here), each allocated
20–30 minutes, usually with a single examiner. This allows the examiner to test
specific aspects of knowledge, skills or management decisions. Shorter periods
may be allotted to specific parts of the history taking or focal examination.

Allocating your time

Be sure that you know well in advance how much time you will be given for the
long case. This varies from school to school. Normally, 20 minutes is the minimum.
This provides very little time for complex peripheral vascular or GIT problems;
listen to or read the instructions very carefully. If it looks as if the history will take
longer than half the allotted time, start examining after you have taken the details of
the presenting complaint and past medical history. The remainder of the history can
be taken at convenient points during the examination. It is essential that you practise

Rapport with the patient

It is important to establish a good rapport with your patient. Be friendly and polite.
Introduce yourself and say what you wish to do (I am ……..…….., I am a medical
student and I would like to ask you about and examine your ……….); ask for their
verbal consent to these procedures (Are you happy with this?). Make sure that the

patient is comfortable at all times. Do not ask the diagnosis immediately. On the
other hand, if you gain the patient’s sympathy, he or she may point you in the right
direction and may even show you physical signs.

The history
Go through your usual scheme, which should be familiar by now. You will probably
be given paper and a writing board. Start with name, age, occupation and marital
status. This is followed by seven headings.

1. Presenting complaint
Ask about the main problem(s). List these together with a time scale, eg

• Abdominal pain: 3 weeks

• Nausea: 4 days

2. History of presenting complaint

Always include the systemic enquiry of the system relevant to the presenting
complaint. Also ask the other appropriate questions (revised in sections of this

3. Past medical and surgical history

When asking about previous surgery, remember to ask if there were any problems
with the anaesthetic, and how long the patient was in hospital.

4. Drug history and allergies (including recreational drugs)

5. Family history
Again, include questions about anaesthetic reactions.

6. Social history
A good social history will make you stand out from other candidates. Don’t just ask
about alcohol and smoking; check environmental hazards (eg asbestos exposure). It
is important that you know how well the patient will manage at home during the
postoperative period. Therefore ask about family, neighbours, carers, GP home
visits, district nurses, home help, meals on wheels and financial problems.

Your social history should be relevant to the patient’s problem, so if you have a
patient with a stoma, enquire into the details of stoma care, and whether they can
change the bag themself. If you have a patient with an orthopaedic problem or
amputation, ask about physiotherapy, occupational therapy, aids and appliances.

7. Systemic enquiry
As in subsequent sections.

The examination
Your hands should be washed clean and warm before commencing any examination.
(For more than one station there will usually be an alcohol wash at the bedside; if
not, ask an attendant where you can wash your hands.) Your examination may be
observed by an examiner. This does not mean that you should change your clinical
approach: the order for general and regional examination is just the same, as
outlined in the text, and the one you have practised with supervisors and your
chosen colleague (here).

Start your examination by forming a general impression of the patient: observing

him or her from the end of the bed. If you are being monitored by an examiner,
state what you are doing and comment on the presence or absence of the signs that
you are looking for. Next move to the patient’s right-hand side (this is not only a
time-honoured tradition, but also efficient [even if you are left handed] –
manoeuvres in this text are described from this position).

Look for JACCOL (jaundice, anaemia, cyanosis, clubbing, oedema,

lymphadenopathy) and examine the hands. In your systems approach pay particular
attention to the system relevant to the presenting complaint. However, aim to be
thorough; always take the pulse and blood pressure. Remember to test the urine. A
dipstick should be provided.

Observation, palpation, percussion and auscultation will have been repeatedly

drummed into you by your teachers, and look, feel, move and measure for joints –
this is not the time to forget them! When palpating, always watch your patient’s face
for distress, and apologise for causing any discomfort. When auscultating, warm the
bell or diaphragm and tap the end to make sure that you are plugged into the right
bit before you start.

An examiner may ask what you are doing at each stage; take this into account when
you are preparing with a colleague and do likewise. When you have finished your
examination make sure that the patient is covered and comfortable.

Thinking time
If you are not being observed you will usually have a few minutes between
examining the patient and presenting your findings. During this time, reorganise any
misplaced information and summarise the case in writing. You might also predict
your examiners’ questions so that you are one step ahead. The sections on ‘typical
cases’ in this book will help you to do this.

Presenting your findings

The examiners will usually tell you what they want. Normally they will ask you to
tell them about the patient who you have just seen. They may add a rider such as
‘stick to the important features’. Don’t get flustered if they start with ‘What’s the

If your patient was a poor historian, start by commenting on this fact: this is an
important sign in itself and allowances will be made. However, it is no excuse for
a poor presentation.

Your presentation should be as concise, snappy and comprehensive as possible.

Place your notes in front of you for reference but talk, don’t read, to the examiners.
Don’t panic if your notes are taken away from you: the history and examination will
be fresh in your mind and you will remember more than you think.

If the patient has more than one complaint this should be brought out by listing the
presenting complaints. Then explain, ‘I will describe each of these in turn.’

You should not give long lists of negative findings: if the main problem is
abdominal and you have found no other abnormality, it is quite permissible to state
that ‘other systems are normal’.

The examiners may interrupt you in the middle of your presentation. They may be
happy with the way that you have started and want to go on to the next point, they
may wish to discuss a problem in more depth, or they may simply be bored after
listening to several well-delivered histories in a row.

You may be taken back to the patient to demonstrate an abnormal finding. This does
not necessarily mean that there is any doubt about your findings: you may have
elicited a sign previously missed! At the end of your presentation give the diagnosis
(if you are sure of it), and/or list the common differentials or causes of the patient’s

Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) assesses a broad range of
knowledge and skills in a quantifiable, valid and reliable form. The OSCE aims to
assess your factual recall, your interpretative skills, your decision making, your
behavioural attitude in professional practice and your ability to perform particular
practical tasks. It ensures that each of you is presented with the same material and
therefore provides a uniform evaluation and marking system.

The OSCE often includes short cases. These are probably the most difficult part of
the clinical examination because you will be required to examine a patient under
the eagle eye of one or two examiners. The examiners will watch for three things.

1. A caring and competent approach

You should always introduce yourself, say what you would like to do and ask
permission (see here). Fully expose the part of the body that you wish to examine.
Remember to compare both sides: if the examiner tells you to examine one leg,
always expose the other leg as well. However, keep the patient ‘decent’, eg when
exposing the legs, cover the groin. Before palpation, never forget to ask if there is
any tenderness. The patient should be comfortable at all times. Thank the patient
and cover him or her up before presenting your findings.

2. A good examination technique

Your examination of the short cases should be a smooth, thorough and slick
performance. The only way to achieve this is to practise again and again so that the
routine becomes second nature. Find a colleague to work with and examine under
observed and, whenever possible, supervised conditions.

Note the following points:

• Do not take the examination schemes provided in this book as gospel. Modify
them according to your own teaching and individual preference.

• Don’t be such an automaton that you fail to listen to the instruction: if the
examiner tells you to ‘palpate the abdomen’, do not start with the hands.

• Passing the short cases is rather like passing a driving test: you must actually
show your examiners that you are following the correct routine, eg by standing at
the end of the bed to observe the patient.

• Although you are not supposed to take a history during the short case, you are
allowed certain questions, eg before examining a lump you cannot see, ask the
patient to point out its exact position.

Three further questions that should be asked regarding a lump are: Is it

tender/painful (before you start)? How long have you had it? Is it changing in size?

There are certain things that you are not expected to include in the examination
situation, such as a rectal examination. However, you must indicate to the
examiners that you would normally examine these areas. Furthermore, you should
express a desire to examine other systems to seek underlying causes of local
conditions, eg tell the examiners that you would like to examine the abdomen for
secondary causes of hernias or varicose veins.

It is usually up to you whether you talk as you examine or you present your findings
at the end. Practise both ways: you may be requested specifically to ‘explain what
you are doing’ or you may be interrupted at any stage of the examination to ‘present
your findings so far’.

3. An ability to elicit and draw conclusions from physical signs

You will not fail the examination if you do not pick up all the physical signs.
However, you will be asked questions such as ‘What are the causes of X?’ and
‘What is the differential diagnosis?’ Aim to be one step ahead of your examiners by
pre-empting such questions.

Seek clues from the beginning: observe all the artefacts around the patient such as
drips and catheters. Plastic gloves next to a patient with a submandibular swelling
indicate that you are expected to palpate the gland bimanually. A glass of water next
to a patient with a neck swelling suggests a goitre.

Never forget to look at the patient as a whole, even when you are asked to examine

one small part: rheumatoid nodules on the elbow suggest the diagnosis before you
have even looked at the hands.

OSCEs assess your interpretive skills, preparation and progress, as well as factual
recall; they include task-oriented items and they can examine your powers of
decision making, problem solving and behavioural attitudes in simulated
professional practice. The overall effect is to provide a valid assessment of
clinical practice.

Medicine involves a great deal of communication, with both patients and
colleagues from all disciplines. Thus presenting clinical findings, answering
related questions, and discussing differential diagnoses and subsequent management
are a routine part of clinical practice. Do not therefore be surprised to be asked
further questions about your clinical findings.

Vivas are widely practised in postgraduate examinations but less so in

undergraduate examinations because they can be subjective and provide a patchy
assessment of the curriculum. You may particularly dread them because the field is
vast and ‘they can ask you anything’. The viva does, however, provide an examiner
a rapid way of covering essential knowledge in a form that relates to subsequent
clinical practice. This is why some schools retain a pass or fail viva for borderline

If you are unfortunate enough to be in this group, take courage from the fact that
there are usually two examiners looking for reasons to pass you. The examination
usually follows a standard approach, and paying attention to the viva techniques
outlined below and the content of the subsequent pages will make it less of an
ordeal. They are likely to cover a number of topics to ensure that your knowledge
across the syllabus is at a safe and competent level for you to progress.

You should also be aware that any part of the clinical examination can turn into a
‘mini viva’. The frequently asked questions throughout the text cover the topics,
and answers, that make up the standard surgical viva.

The other type of viva that you may be fortunate enough to be part of is the
distinction viva – equally terrifying! Here the rules are different; the examiners are
assessing a depth of surgical knowledge beyond the contents of this book. They may
start off with the same standard questions, but will then ask the details of probably
two topics, pushing you to your limit. You may think that you shouldn’t be there and
be tempted to withdraw – but don’t – it is as an enlightening experience, you can’t
be marked down and your luck may hold! Scan through topics that have been

covered in surgical journals over the last year online and when you find ones that
interest you read them in detail – you may have to visit the library to find the full
text. The examiners will have read the same material and will enjoy the discussion
– good luck.

Note the following points:

• Go in with a positive attitude.

• Although you will be nervous, try not to show it: aim to give an impression of
calm confidence.

• Try to hold the attention of your examiners: speak audibly and clearly. Keep
eye contact with at least one of them.

• When asked a question, consider for a moment before rushing into an answer.
However, do not hesitate too long because this makes you appear uncertain.

• If you do not understand a question, admit it, put it behind you and be ready
for the next question.

• Once you get onto a topic that you know, keep talking as long as you have
positive factual knowledge to offer. Drop your voice slightly on the final
sentence so that the examiners know that you have completed your statement;
try not to peter out.

• Be confident in your knowledge: avoid words such as ‘possible’ and ‘I think’.

If an examiner says ‘Are you sure?’, this does not necessarily mean that you
are wrong. If, however, an examiner tells you that you are wrong, accept it,
even if you are certain that you are right. This is not the time for argument or

• Don’t dig yourself a hole mentioning a very rare condition or something about
which you know little or nothing. The examiner could very well ask you to
elaborate (‘Oh yes, tell me more about that’).

• Don’t worry if some humour arises and you are excluded: examiners are
pleased to have some light relief during a heavy day’s examining. However,
do not go out of your way to be funny because this can fall very flat.

• At the end, do not rush off as soon as the bell rings: the examiner decides the
finishing point, not you. When the end is signalled, smile and thank the
examiners, regardless of your feelings. Leave quietly at a normal pace. Try
not to trip, knock over the chair or slam the door!

Always show the examiners that you can classify information. The following ‘time-
honoured’ mnemonics will help you organise your information, but if you make up
your own they will be more memorable.

A disease
You may be asked to talk about a particular disease. Use a pathology sieve to
structure your answer. One aide-mémoire is ‘Dressed In a Surgeon’s Gown A
Physician Might Make Progress’: Definition, Incidence, Sex, Geography,
Aetiology, Pathogenesis, Macroscopic pathology, Microscopic pathology,
Prognosis. This is modified to form a clinical sieve ‘… a physician Should
Succeed In Treatment’: Symptoms, Signs, Investigations, Treatment.

Examiners often ask the causes of a condition. Remember to mention common
causes before rarer ones. If you have not memorised a list for that condition, again
refer to a sieve. You may find the following mnemonic useful: CIMETIDINE –
Congenital, Infective, Inflammatory, Metabolic, Endocrine, Traumatic, Iatrogenic,
Degenerative, Idiopathic, Neoplastic, Everything else!

An easy surgical specific mnemonic is TIMEC: T: tumour/trauma; I: infection,

inflammation, ischaemia; M: mechanical, metabolic; E: endocrine; C: congenital

The question ‘How would you manage a patient with this condition?’ comes up
again and again. The term ‘management’ is sometimes used loosely to be
synonymous with treatment. However, management refers to history, examination,

special investigations and treatment. You should always begin by saying ‘I would
take a thorough history and perform a full examination.’ Go on to describe the
special investigations that you would request and only then describe the treatment.
If asked about the management of trauma or shock, never forget to say: ‘This is an
emergency. I would first check the airway, the breathing and the circulation

Special investigations
When asked about special investigations, start with simple investigations such as
urinalysis and blood tests: haematological (FBC, clotting studies, group and save),
biochemical (U&Es, LFTs, TFTs, amylase) and urinalysis. Then go on to describe
relevant imaging investigations (chest radiograph, ultrasonography and Doppler
sonography, angiography, barium studies, CT and MRI), endoscopy and biopsies
(cytology and histology). Remember that all older patients being considered for
surgery should have a chest radiograph and ECG (think: 1 fluids, 2 tissues and 3

If asked about the treatment of any disease, always divide your answer into
conservative, medical and surgical. Under conservative treatment, consider the
contributions from all other healthcare providers such as nurses, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists and social services. Under medical treatment, consider
drugs, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


Objects used as talking points
Examiners will often have an array of objects in front of them that serve as useful
talking points; they may also be incorporated into OSCEs.

Results of investigations
Familiarise yourself with plain radiographs, CT and MRI scans of the skull, chest
and abdomen, and barium studies, IVUs and angiograms. Examiners like to know if
you have actually seen these investigations and may ask you to describe the
procedures. You should also know normal haematological and biochemical values.

Pathology specimens
If handed a pathology pot, look all around the specimen: a discouraging amorphous
mass on one view may be easily recognised by the presence of a nipple or an
appendix on the other side. Note the organ, describe the abnormalities and make a
diagnosis. You may then be asked about the condition and how the patient might
have presented.

Other objects
You are expected to recognise a variety of instruments and tubing. These include an
endotracheal tube, a laryngoscope, a Guedel airway, a laryngeal mask, a chest
drain, a tracheostomy tube, a Sengstaken–Blakemore tube, a T-tube, a proctoscope,
sigmoidoscope and an endoscope. You may be asked to describe a practical
procedure such as how to catheterise or how to put down an endotracheal tube.

Other popular viva topics

Popular questions are listed at the end of each chapter in this book. You should also
be particularly aware of emergencies, anatomy and embryology, and general
surgical care.

You must know about the management of the common surgical emergencies such as
the acute abdomen and acute upper and lower GI bleeding. These are ‘pass/fail’

Anatomy and embryology

You are not expected to know much anatomy, embryology or details of operations.
However, there are certain topics that are particularly popular with examiners.
These include the anatomy of the appendix, inguinal and femoral canals,
tracheostomy sites, and the embryology of thyroglossal and branchial cysts.

General surgical care

It is essential that you know about fluid balance, postoperative complications and
complications of fractures, wounds and incisions.

The examination week is very intensive. Each day covers OSLERs/long cases and
OSCEs/short cases, and may include a viva. It therefore deserves forethought and
preparation, particularly on what you intend to take with you, what you will wear
and how you will make your way to the examination.

Take appropriate equipment

Work out in advance exactly what you intend to carry. Know what equipment is in
which pocket. Bring the following items:

• Watch with a second hand (carry if bare elbow policy)

• Stethoscope

• Short ruler

• Tape measure

• Pen torch (plus extra batteries)

• Opaque tube, eg an empty Smartie tube (for transillumination)

• Wooden spatulas (for looking in the mouth)

• Tourniquet (for examining varicose veins)

Neurological examination requires additional items that you can bring yourself,
although they will usually be provided:

• Cotton wool

• Sterile, sheathed disposable needles (wooden sticks, if against med. school

• Tuning fork

• Tendon hammer

• Orange sticks (for eliciting plantar responses)

• Red- and white-headed hatpins (each >5 mm diameter)

• Pocket-sized reading chart

• Ophthalmoscope.

Dress conventionally
Avoid appearing at all unconventional. Men should wear a plain dark suit, tie and
white shirt. Women should wear a smart dress or suit. Hair should be tidy: men
should have a recent haircut and women with long hair should tie it back. Make
sure that your nails are clean and your shoes polished.

Arrive on time
It is essential that you arrive on time and in a composed state. You can be sure that
there will be examiners and patients waiting for you, regardless of traffic delays or
train strikes. Excuses wear thin on such occasions. If you are not familiar with the
venue, a preliminary visit may be worthwhile in order to time your journey.

Aim to be at the examination at least 30 minutes before the listed starting time. This
will ensure that you are able to find the toilets, check your dress and equipment,
and fill in any necessary forms. It is a good idea, while waiting outside the
examination room, to write down the various headings of your history and
examination on the blank paper provided. Not only does this ensure that you do not
forget a heading in the heat of the moment, but it limits the space (and hence time)
that you spend on any one area.

Section 2
History, examination, typical cases

In surgical finals a long case is usually directed at a single system, and OSCE and
short cases at specific clinical signs, as considered in subsequent chapters.
Nevertheless be sure that you can undertake a structured general examination that
can be integrated with the examination of every system. Pain can be a feature of all
systems: be sure that you have a reliable system for questioning – the following can
serve as a template, but if you work out your own it will be more memorable.

The History

• Where is the pain? (Ask the patient to point to the area where the pain is felt
• Have you ever had a pain like this before?
• When did you first notice the pain this time?
• Did the pain begin suddenly or gradually?
• Has the pain become worse since it started?
• Can you describe the pain? (?colicky, ?burning, ?aching)
• How severe is the pain? Does it keep you awake at night?
• Does the pain go anywhere else?
• Is there anything that makes the pain better?
• Is there anything that makes the pain worse?
• What do you think caused the pain?

A mnemonic may help you remember the important features: Site, Radiation,
Severity, Nature, Onset, Periodicity, Duration, Relieved by, Accentuated by,
Timing (eg State Registered Staff Nurse; Out-Patients Department; RAT).

Other common surgical features are lumps, swellings and ulcers (discharge,
bleeding), as considered in Chapter 7. In a long case, always quickly survey the
past, drug, social, family and systemic histories, as outlined on page 8; if you are
short of time, this can be done during the examination, but, as in your future clinical
practice, never omit this because unexpected things turn up during this enquiry and

the examiner may want to talk about them. Is there a urine sample by the bed that
you are expected to test?

As in all examinations, gain the patient’s verbal consent to proceed (see here). The
general approach assesses the wellbeing of the patient, both the mental and physical
conditions; you will already have gained a lot of information during your history
taking. The general assessment includes your general impression, and the
examination of the hands and the head and neck; this is integrated with the
subsequent examination of each system.

1. What are the causes of anaemia?

2. What are the clinical features of anaemia?

3. What are the causes of jaundice?

4. What are the clinical features of jaundice?

5. What are the causes of dehydration?

6. What are the clinical features of dehydration?

7. What are the clinical features of heart failure?

8. What do you understand by Cushing syndrome?

9. What is CPR?

10. What is the emergency management of a patient with major trauma?

1. Anaemia is a decrease in circulating haemoglobin. It can be classified according
to the size of the red blood cells (mean corpuscular volume / MCV describes the
average volume of a red blood cell):
a. Hypochromic microcytic (small size)
b. Normochromic normocytic (normal size)
c. Macrocytic/megaloblastic (large size).

Microcytic anaemia is usually linked to iron deficiency:

a. Low dietary intake (green vegetables, liver, dairy products)

b. Low absorption (increased with acidity)
c. Increased iron requirements (usually due to chronic loss – menstrual, gut
inflammation and malignancy, worms [hookworm in tropics])
d. Chronic disease
e. Sideroblastic anaemia.

Normocytic anaemia is seen in:

a. Chronic diseases (liver and renal failure, chronic inflammation and

inflammatory bowel disease, drugs, chemicals and malignancy)
b. Haemolytic anaemias (sickle, thalassaemia [may also be microcytic], glucose-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, hereditary spherocytosis)
c. Bone marrow disease
d. Aplastic anaemia and autoimmune disorders; the anaemia of acute blood loss
is delayed until the plasma volume is replaced.

Megaloblastic anaemia:

Megaloblasts are formed in the marrow due to defective DNA synthesis; the
deficiency is usually of vitamin B12 or folic acid. Levels are affected by poor
intake, loss of intrinsic factor in the stomach (gastrectomy, gastric atrophy
[pernicious anaemia and other autoimmune conditions] alcoholic liver disease
and occasionally small-gut and pancreatic disorders.

In surgical patients low haemoglobin (Hb) must alert the surgeon to a source of
blood loss. This can be:

a. Occult (hidden!), such as slowly bleeding gastric cancer that renders the
patient anaemic over a long period of time. The patient may present with
fatigue and shortness of breath

b. Acute, as in ruptured oesophageal varices or diverticular disease. The patient

may present with haematemesis, melaena or haematochezia (blood per rectum
from a lower GI source – not modified as seen in melaena).

Managing ‘surgical’ anaemias:

A low Hb should prompt the clinician to request an MCV (mean corpuscular

volume), iron studies (serum ferritin levels, serum plasma iron and total iron-
binding capacity), vitamin B12 and folate levels as a baseline set of

A low Hb with a low MCV and depleted iron levels should prompt further
investigation including faecal guaiac testing (looking for occult bleeding in the
GI tract) and urine dipstick (blood loss from the renal tract). A full menstrual
history needs to be taken in women, as well as an assessment of dietary habits.

The second level of investigation includes a colonoscopy and

oesophagoduodenoscopy (OGD) to look for GI pathology.

Failing this, a CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis may be the last resort.

A haematology opinion must always be sought if in doubt regarding the


A CT pneumocolon can be undertaken instead of a colonoscopy in frail patients.

Capsule endoscopy (a small camera that is swallowed by the patient and

retrieved when passed in stool) can detect bleeding lesions in the small bowel
which cannot be reached with standard endoscopes.

2. Patients are pale but may be asymptomatic, the body compensating by an

increased cardiac output and a shift of the oxygen dissociation curve to the right.
With progression, there is fatigue, fainting and cardiac signs of shortness of
breath, palpitations, angina, claudication and eventually cardiac failure, with
signs of tachycardia, a hyper-dynamic circulation, a systolic flow murmur and
signs of cardiac failure.

Look for conjunctival pallor; in iron deficiency the nails are brittle and spooned
(koilonychia), there may be angular stomatitis, atrophy of tongue papillae and

glossitis. Pernicious anaemia may be associated with neurological signs and
hepatosplenomegaly, and all anaemias can show the symptoms and signs of an
underlying disease. In Plummer–Vinson syndrome, iron deficiency is associated
with dysphagia, leading to weight loss.

3. Jaundice is the yellow skin discoloration produced by increased levels of

circulating bilirubin. This may be due to:

a. Pre-hepatic: increased production of bilirubin due to increased break-down of

red cells (haemolytic anaemias) and congenital hyperbilirubinaemia (Gilbert
syndrome being the commonest and mildest form)

b. Hepatic: obstruction to the normal flow of bilirubin within the liver: this can
occur in most forms of acute and chronic liver disease, culminating in end-
stage liver failure, which can only be treated by transplantation. Hence,
hepatitis and end-stage liver failure in the form of cirrhosis can be mentioned
in the exams as a cause of ‘hepatic’ jaundice. Common causes are viral
(hepatitis B/C), alcoholic or autoimmune hepatitis

c. Post-hepatic (obstruction): obstruction to bilirubin flow after it has left the

liver. Post-hepatic obstruction is usually due to gallstones (usually in the
presence of right upper quadrant pain), while painless jaundice must raise
alarm regarding cancers of the biliary tree and the head of the pancreas.
Choledochal cysts are a benign cause of post-hepatic jaundice.

In the jaundiced patient, measure liver function tests. A high bilirubin confirms
the presence of jaundice. NB also check clotting.

Remember that high ALT levels confirm liver injury, while high ALP levels
indicate injury to the biliary tree downstream from the liver.

Hence high bilirubin with ALT > ALP suggests a hepatic cause for the jaundice.

A high bilirubin level with ALP > ALT suggests an obstructive cause (post-
hepatic) for the jaundice.

To confirm the cause of jaundice request an ultrasound scan. In obstructive

jaundice the biliary tree will be dilated as it is obstructed (by a gallstone or
tumour). In hepatic jaundice the ultrasound scan will reveal changes in the
morphology of the liver parenchyma which would suggest a diagnosis (hepatitis
or cirrhosis).

Also remember that in pre-hepatic jaundice the bilirubin is unconjugated (as the

liver’s metabolic capacity to conjugate is saturated), while in post-hepatic
jaundice the bilirubin is conjugated.

4. The symptoms of acute liver disease may be mild, but in viral infections can
progress rapidly to malaise, anorexia, fever and unconsciousness. The symptoms
of chronic disease depend on the cause; in addition to jaundice there may be
pruritus / itching (due to release of conjugated bilirubin, ie not in haemolytic
forms) gynaecomastia and testicular atrophy, and as liver failure progresses,
abdominal distension from ascites, confusion, drowsiness and bleeding from
oesophageal varices; obstructive disease can manifest as pale stools as well as
dark urine. Biliary symptoms include indigestion, colic and fever; pancreatic
pain occurs in the upper abdomen and radiates through to the back.

On examination:

a. Early jaundice is first observed in the frenulum of the tongue and best
observed in the sclera of the eyes, progressing to widespread cutaneous

b. Look for xanthomas around the eyes; in the hands look for palmar erythema,
spider naevi, clubbing and Dupuytren’s contracture (most often in alcoholic
cirrhosis); in later stages liver flap (of the wrist), altered consciousness and
generalised purpura

c. in the abdomen the patient develops collateral veins around the umbilicus
(caput medusa), hepatosplenomegaly (the liver may shrink in late stages of
cirrhosis; splenic enlargement usually indicates portal hypertension); palpable
gallbladder (Courvoisier said it was unlikely to be a stone!); ascites (make
sure you percuss for it); abdominal masses (look for associated disease, such
as colonic cancer and lymphomas).

Remember that the symptoms and signs in liver failure are caused by portal
hypertension or impaired synthetic function of the liver.

Portal hypertension (as blood flow through the liver is impaired due to
structural changes brought about by cirrhosis). This causes splenomegaly (as
drainage of splenic blood is obstructed) and collateral blood routes form at
the site of portosystemic anastomoses. These give rise to oesophageal and
haemorrhoidal varices, as well as a caput medusa

Impaired synthetic function of the liver:

a. High oestrogen: increased systemic vascularity (spider naevi),

gynaecomastia, testicular atrophy

b. Low albumin: ascites

c. Poor synthesis of clotting function causing coagulopathies, bleeding and


d. Encephalopathy: an impairment of brain function due to ineffective

metabolism of ammonia

e. Impaired bilirubin metabolism, giving rise to jaundice.

5. Dehydration is caused by reduced intake or excessive loss of fluid. Also

consider electrolyte balance, whether the tissues are hyper-, hypo- or isotonic: in
most situations it is isotonic and replacement is with isotonic fluids. Dehydration
is a particular problem in neonates and in the elderly. Lack of intake occurs in
the unconscious patient; an inability to swallow; malnutrition; fasting; pre- and
postoperative deprivation; lack of water at sea (sea water rapidly produces a
hypertonic state that progresses to renal failure).

Losses are usually due to vomiting and diarrhoea (cholera causing extreme loss
but other infections can also be rapidly lethal); fistulae; burns; major trauma and
blood loss. Fluid may be sequestrated, as in paralytic ileus. Excess sweating and
hyperthermia usually occur in hot countries but can result from prolonged
exercise without adequate fluids (eg marathon, triathlon). People in protective
clothing (eg chemical protection) are more liable to dehydration and
hyperthermia in hot climates. Polyuria is a complication of diabetes insipidus,
diabetes mellitus, hypercalcaemia, some uraemic states, diuretics and
postoperatively – all requiring measured fluid and electrolyte balance and
avoidance of over-zealous uncontrolled replacement.

6. Early symptoms of dehydration are thirst and a reduced and concentrated urine
output. There may be nausea, vomiting, cramps, weakness, paraesthesia and
orthostatic hypotension ( a drop in blood pressure when standing). Cerebral
symptoms of a reduced circulating volume include headache, ‘hangover’
sensation, dizziness and fainting, progressing to delirium, seizures and

Signs include tachycardia, hypotension and pyrexia. The skin is dry and lax
(check over the back of the hands); dry tongue; dry or cracked lips; sunken eyes
with absent lacrimation. Altered mental state is present as symptoms progress.

7. Cardiac failure occurs when the cardiac output is insufficient to meet the

metabolic and perfusion needs of the body. It may be due to damage to the heart
muscle, its valves or the conduction system, or to abnormal filling, and is
variously classified by the cause, severity and the side of the heart most affected.

Anatomical classification of causes of cardiac failure (external to internal):

a. Pericardium: pericardial effusion, pericarditis

b. Myocardium: ischemia (myocardial infarct), cardiomyopathy

c. Endocardium: valvular problems (stenosis or regurgitation)

d. Electrical: arrhythmias

e. Pre- or post-cardiac vascular: fluid overload, hypertension, pulmonary

embolism, aortic dissection.

Heart failure can arise from the right heart, the left heart or (eventually) both

In heart failure blood ‘accumulates’ in the vascular territory preceding the failing
chamber: the lungs (left heart failure) and the systemic venous circulation (right
heart failure).

Left heart failure causes congestion (build-up) of blood on the lungs. This gives
rise to fluid exudation in the lungs and pulmonary oedema (so tachypnoea,
shortness of breath, low oxygen saturation, impaired gas exchange on an ABG
and bilateral widespread crackles).

Right-sided heart failure causes a raised central venous pressure in the major
veins of the body (so raised central venous pressure / JVP).

SVC congestion: raised JVP.

IVC congestion: hepatomegaly, peripheral oedema.

In reality this is a simplistic model and clinical signs may overlap. More typical
heart failure can present with a combination of palpitations, fatigue, syncope,
cough, shortness of breath, respiratory crackles, frothy sputum, orthopnoea,
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea and angina.

Cardiac signs of heart failure include altered pulse rate, rhythm, volume and
character, abnormal blood pressure, cardiomegaly and abnormal heart sounds; in
the hands look for clubbing and cyanosis. Fluid retention presents with

pulmonary added sounds, pleural effusion, peripheral oedema, ascites, raised
jugular venous pressure, hepatomegaly and a hepatojugular reflex. Additional
signs include those of high-output conditions – anaemia, thyrotoxicosis,
arteriovenous fistulae and malformations, Paget’s disease, beri beri and

Cor pulmonale is a right-sided heart failure caused by lung pathology, eg

pulmonary hypertension secondary to recurrent pulmonary emboli.

8. Cushing syndrome is caused by an excess of free circulating glucocorticoids. Its

aetiology can be classified as:

a. Exogenous steroids: due to steroid therapy for other medical condition

(commonest cause); eg oral steroids following organ transplantation

b. Increased ACTH production in the pituitary gland, eg pituitary hyperplasia or

ACTH-secreting pituitary adenomas (Cushing’s disease)

c. Increased steroid production in the adrenal glands, eg adrenal hyperplasia,

adenoma, adenocarcinoma

d. Ectopic sources: ACTH-producing tumours, eg small-cell carcinoma of the


Cushing syndrome may be complicated by problems of hypertension, diabetes

mellitus, polyuria, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, susceptibility to infection,
impotence, amenorrhoea, infertility, hypercalcaemia, osteoporosis, muscle
weakness, sleep deprivation and psychological disturbances. Excess ACTH
secretion can also be accompanied by hyperkalaemia and hyperpigmentation.

The clinical signs of moon face, facial acne and a buffalo hump are diagnostic.
The skin is thin with telangectasia, purpuric patches, purple abdominal stretch
marks and hyperhidrosis. The hair is dry and brittle and of male distribution,
often with baldness. Suprasellar extension of pituitary lesions may compress the
optic chiasm, with resultant bi-temporal hemianopia.

9. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an emergency procedure for the treatment of

cardiac arrest. It involves rhythmical compression on the chest to maintain
pulmonary and systemic blood flow, combined with exhalation into the patient’s
mouth, or other means of artificial ventilation, to inflate the lungs and maintain
end-organ perfusion and oxygen delivery.

Guidelines vary, but a useful regimen is to apply 30 compressions at 100–120

beats/min, at a depth of a third of the chest (5–6 cm): alternated with 2 rescue
breaths. For effective rescue breaths, create a seal around the mouth, squeeze the
nose and exhale for 1 second, checking for the rise and fall of the chest. Although
CPR is only effective in about 10% of cases, it can delay tissue death until more
advanced life support (intravenous drugs and defibrillation) becomes available.
Successful CPR depends on resuscitation technique, underlying cause of the
cardiac arrest and the patient’s physiological reserve.

10. The resuscitation of the trauma patient must be undertaken according to ATLS
guidelines (Advanced Trauma Life Support) produced by the American College
of Surgeons. All doctors involved in trauma care should gain this qualification.
The following provides a brief summary for finals purposes:

Check for danger to yourself or the patient.

Check for patient response (do they respond if you firmly shake their shoulders
and ask them to open their eyes if they can hear you: shake and shout)

Shout for help / put out the hospital trauma call via switchboard.

AIRWAY and C-Spine immobilisation –

1. If there is any suggestion of neck injury, immobilise the cervical spine using a
collar and blocks.

2. Open their Airway by performing a head-tilt / chin-lift procedure. Use airway

adjuncts such as Guedel airway or a nasopharyngeal airway if basic
manoeuvres fail. Administer oxygen (100% via a face mask). Advanced
airway manoeuvres involve endotracheal intubation or the use of a LMA
(laryngeal mask airway).

BREATHING – Check for Breathing by holding your ear close to their mouth,
listening and feeling for their breath on your cheek and looking for the rise and
fall of their chest. Check oxygen saturation. Look for evidence of haemothorax,
pneumothorax, flail chest or mediastinal injury (cardiac tamponade, traumatic
aortic dissection). Haemo / pneumothoraces require insertion of a chest drain.
Tension pneumothorax requires initial decompression with a large-bore cannula
in the second intercostal space, midclavicular line. Pericardial tamponade
requires needle pericardiocentesis (aspiration). Major vessel or mediastinal
trauma requires thoracotomy or sternotomy. Further tests: ABG – perform an
arterial blood gas to check the patient’s gas exchange (pH, pCO2, pO2). Are they
in respiratory failure?

CIRCULATION – Check for presence of Circulation. Feel a central pulse
(carotid or femoral) – if absent commence CPR and follow the Advanced Life
Support (ALS) algorhythm. Advanced circulation assessment involves checking
heart rate, blood pressure, JVP, heart sounds, peripheral perfusion (warmth and
capillary refill time in the toes). If there is any evidence of external bleeding stop
this by simple manual compression. Insert two large intravenous cannulae and
administer fluid or blood products if the patient is in hypovolaemic shock. Fluid
resuscitation is a much debated subject. In trauma victims, warm fluid should be
used to avoid hypothermia. Overly aggressive fluid therapy may cause already
formed clots in injured vessels to be displaced, having an overall detrimental
effect. Further tests: ECG. Attach to cardiac monitor.

If the patient has obvious major bleeding that will be worsened by CPR, put
pressure on the wound and elevate the limb that is damaged before commencing
the above algorithm. Lay the patient down if possible, and dress the wound(s)
with a maximum of two bandages. If blood seeps through, remove the bandages
and start again.

DISABILITY – Check body temperature and glucose levels. Check for any
evidence of neurological injury: GCS (Glasgow coma scale), pupil size, reaction
and accommodation, gross motor and sensory function of upper and lower limbs.
Further tests: CT scan of the head.


Look for any obvious wounds or bruising indicating penetrating and blunt injury
respectively. Palpate for right upper quadrant pain or masses (liver injury /
haematoma) and left upper quadrant pain (splenic injury / haematoma).

Palpate the pelvis for any evidence of instability or pain suggestive of pelvic
fracture (this can cause major internal bleeding by injuring the iliac vessels).

Look at the penile meatus in men for blood, suggestive of urethral injury
(contraindication for Foley catheterisation).

Perform a log-roll to inspect for injuries to the back and spine; at this time do a
digital rectal examination to assess anal sphincter tone or presence of lower GI

Further tests: FAST scan (focused assessment with sonography for trauma). This
is an abdominal and thoracic ultrasound assessment looking for evidence of free
fluid in the abdomen and chest. Presence of fluid would mandate urgent
operative intervention in unstable patients not fit to undergo formal imaging with

a CT scan.

Take a short, focused trauma history using the AMPLE mnemonic:

A: any allergies?

M: do you take any medicines (drug history)?

P: any past medical problems / history?

L: when did you last eat (to assess risk of intubation / rapid sequence induction
of anaesthesia should it be needed)?

E: events – how did the injury happen?

At the end perform a trauma series of X-rays: C-spine, chest and pelvis. Further
imaging is requested once the patient has completed the primary survey.

Ideally each component of the primary survey should be performed by different

individuals feeding back to the trauma lead, so that the initial assessment should
not last more than a few minutes.

If the patient is stable, proceed to a formal, detailed assessment, the secondary


Swellings and ulcers are presenting features of many diseases. Always ask the
same questions.

• When did you first notice it?

• How did you notice it?

• Has it changed since you first noticed it?

• How does it bother you? (What are the main symptoms: is it painful or tender?)

• Do you have (or have you ever had) any other lumps or ulcers?

• What do you think caused it?

Even if the diagnosis seems obvious, always go through the same routine when
examining a swelling or an ulcer. It is probably easier to talk as you go rather than
to present your findings at the end.

‘Examine this patient’s swelling’

‘Examine this patient’s ulcer’



Neck, breast, abdomen and knee swellings are covered on pages here, here, here,
and here. This section revises skin lumps, giving examples of common short cases.

Lesions derived from the epidermis

Case 1: squamous cell papilloma/skin tag

This is a pedunculated overgrowth of skin. It is soft, the colour of normal skin and
can occur at any site.

Treatment: excision if symptomatic or cosmetic concerns, tying base where


Case 2: wart
Warts are grey/brown filiform lesions, usually seen on the back of the hand. The
surface is rough and the consistency hard.

Treatment: if symptoms, paint with podophyllin, freeze or curettage.

Case 3: seborrhoeic keratosis/senile wart

These are flattened, well-defined plaques, usually found on the back. They may be
multiple and are usually pigmented. The patient will probably be elderly. They are
easily recognised because of their greasy, rough surface and because they are easy
to pick off (although you should not try to do this if you are uncertain of the

Case 4: pigmented naevus or malignant melanoma

Benign naevi may occur anywhere. They may be flat, raised, hairy or non-hairy.
The surface may be rough or smooth.

You should know the characteristics that suggest malignancy:

• Increase in size

• Ulceration

• Change in colour

• Irritation

• Bleeding

• Halo of pigmentation

• Satellite nodules

• Enlarged local lymph nodes

• Evidence of distant spread.

Treatment: excision biopsy of all suspicious lesions, insuring adequate wide

excision margins are taken pending formal diagnosis. Confirmed malignant
melanomas require formal staging, wide local excision of affected lesion and

relevant lymph nodes as well as chemoradiotherapy.

Note: squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas can also present as epidermal
nodules. They usually ulcerate and are considered here.

Lesions derived from the dermis

Case 5: dermatofibroma/histiocytoma
This is a firm nodule, usually seen on the lower leg, containing lipid-filled
macrophages. It is part of the skin and fully mobile.

Treatment: excise if symptoms.

Case 6: pyogenic granuloma

This is a bright-red or blood-encrusted nodule. It feels fleshy and is slightly
compressible. It bleeds easily.

If you are not sure of the diagnosis, ask the patient how quickly it appeared (it
arises within days) and whether he or she remembers a preceding penetrating

Note: unlike the implication of its name, it is not granulomatous or pyogenic. It is

actually an acquired haemangioma.

Treatment: excision.

Case 7: keloid scar or hypertrophic scars

Keloid is an overgrowth of fibrous tissue within a scar. Suspect this in an Afro-
Caribbean patient who has had recent surgery.

You may be asked about the differences between a keloid and a hypertrophic scar.


1. Compression therapy or occlusive dressing

2. Injection of steroids in lesion

3. Topical agents: vitamin E, steroid creams

4. Surgical excision is associated with recurrence. If ablation is needed

cryotherapy, laser or radiotherapy may be attempted.

Lesions derived from skin appendages

Case 8: keratoacanthoma/molluscum sebaceum

A keratoacanthoma is a benign overgrowth of a sebaceous gland.

It appears within 3–4 weeks. It resembles a volcano, consisting of a conical lump

of normal skin colour with a central irregular crater containing keratin.

It usually regresses spontaneously but may take 6–9 months.

Treatment: excise only if diagnosis is uncertain or marked symptoms.

Case 9: keratin horn

This is a dry, hard spike, derived from sebaceous secretions. Unlike a
keratoacanthoma, it does not regress.

Treatment: excise if symptoms.

Case 10: sebaceous cyst
This is an extremely common short case. It is usually found in hairy areas (the
scalp, neck, face and scrotum).

The size varies but the lump is usually hemispherical with a well-defined edge.
Although it lies subcutaneously, it is attached to skin by the sebaceous duct, hence
the skin over it cannot be ‘pinched’/elevated.

The consistency is hard although there is some fluctuation. It is not usually


Always look for a punctum: only 50% will possess one but it is pathognomonic if

If the cyst is painful and red, this does not necessarily indicate infection: after
trauma, the secretions may cause a foreign body inflammatory response in the
surrounding tissues. Bacteria cannot, however, usually be cultured.

If you are asked about its origin, remember that the term ‘sebaceous’ cyst is a
misnomer. It is not derived from the sebaceous gland, but from the outer sheath of
the hair follicle. The cyst contents, although thick and waxy, are dead epithelial
elements rather than sebaceous secretions.


1. Antibiotics for cellulitis

2. Incision and drainage if cyst becomes infected

3. Elective complete excision of cyst in the absence of infection, followed by

primary closure.

Case 11: boil or carbuncle

A boil or furuncle is an infection originating in a hair follicle. It begins as a hard,
red, tender lesion. It later discharges spontaneously.

If you are allowed to ask the patient a few questions, ask about diabetes, steroid
therapy and other predisposing immunodeficiencies.

You may be asked to describe the differences between a furuncle and a carbuncle.

Treatment: wait for resolution unless cellulitis is present (antibiotic) or abscess

Case 12: hydradenitis suppurativa

A red, tender swelling is not necessarily a boil: if the patient has multiple such
lesions in the axillae or groin, suspect hydradenitis suppurativa. This is a recurrent
infection of sweat (apocrine) glands characterised by subcutaneous sinus and
fistula formation.


1. Antibiotics for early lesions

2. Incision and drainage of localised abscesses

3. Long-term antibiotics with systemic steroids may be needed for chronic


4. Oral retinoids may be of benefit, but side-effect profile needs to be considered

5. Wide excision of recurrent lesions, with skin flaps or grafts for closure of
large defects.

Lesions derived from vascular structures

The term ‘haemangioma’ encompasses many lesions, including Campbell de
Morgan spots and spider naevi.

You should also be able to recognise the two common paediatric haemangiomas.

Case 13: strawberry naevus

This is a bright-red, strawberry-like lesion. It is small at birth but increases in size

and may be disfiguring.

Treatment: it should be left alone, because it spontaneously regresses by the age of

about 4–5 years. Remember the important exception to this rule is when it obscures
a visual field.

Case 14: port-wine stain

This is a flat purple/red lesion with an irregular border and is caused by a capillary
malformation of the dermis. It is present at birth and does not increase or decrease
in size thereafter. Facial haemangiomas may develop in the distribution of a sensory
dermatome. They may be associated with a meningeal haemangioma (Sturge-Weber

Treatment: cosmetic creams or tattooing (although not routine). Pulse-dye laser

(PDL) therapy may be of benefit.

Lesions not attached to skin

Case 15: lipoma

This is a benign tumour of adipocytes. Its size varies. The shape is hemispherical
and the edge is well defined. The consistency is soft and the surface bosselated.
The overlying skin is easily elevated.

Note: only large lipomas are fluctuant and transilluminable.

Lipomas are usually freely mobile although they may occasionally lie beneath the
deep fascia.

Treatment: excision.

Case 16: dermoid cyst

Dermoid cysts are hard and spherical. Although derived from epithelial elements
within the dermis, they lie subcutaneously.

In an adult, you should suspect an implantation dermoid, usually found on the

fingers. Ask about a preceding injury.

In a child, suspect a congenital dermoid. This occurs at the sites of fusion of the
facial processes, eg the outer angle of the eye.

Treatment: excision of whole lesion with primary closure. Prior ultrasound
imaging may be needed in certain lipomas to ensure these don’t extend deep to
muscular planes.

Case 17: ganglion

The patient will have a smooth, hemispherical swelling near a joint or tendon. The
most common sites are at the wrist, on the dorsum of the hand and around the ankle.
The surface is smooth and the consistency firm. It is slightly fluctuant and weakly

Remember to palpate the ganglion in all positions of the underlying joint: its
mobility depends on whether it is derived from, and thus attached to, deep

Note that the origin is controversial. Some view it as a pocket of synovium,

communicating with the associated joint. Others see it as a myxomatous
degeneration of fibrous tissue, derived from the tendon sheath.

Treatment: excision. Remember ‘hitting with Bible’ – the examiners will, but not
to be recommended.

You should know the definition of an ulcer: a defect in an epithelial surface. You
may be asked the causes.

Case 18: ulcer with a sloping edge
A sloping edge is characteristic of a healing ulcer, ie a traumatic (although not
neuropathic) ulcer or a venous ulcer.

Venous ulcers are found in the ‘gaiter area’ (above the malleoli, particularly the
medial malleolus). They are usually shallow and flat. The base is covered with
pink granulation tissue mixed with white fibrous tissue.

Look for and describe associated signs of superficial or deep venous insufficiency
(see here).

Case 19: ulcer with a ‘punched-out’ edge

It is unlikely that you will see a gumma of tertiary syphilis, which is the classic
‘punched-out’ ulcer. This usually occurs on the anterior aspect of the lower leg and

is easily recognised by the yellow-coloured (‘wash-leather’) base. Ischaemic and
neuropathic ulcers are much more common as short cases. They have many of the
same characteristics:

• Over the tips of and between the toes

• Over pressure areas (heel, malleoli)

• Pale-pink base (very little granulation tissue)

• Deeply penetrating

• Bone, ligaments and tendons seen in the base.

Ischaemic ulcers are secondary to circulatory insufficiency (large- or small-vessel

disease) whereas neuropathic ulcers are usually secondary to spinal cord disease
or a peripheral neuropathy: repeated injury arises from loss of pain. Remember that
in diabetes mellitus ulcers have a mixed pathogenesis (see here).

If you are asked to distinguish between the two, use the scheme in the table

Case 20: ulcer with a raised edge

Ulcers with raised edges are neoplastic. The centre of the carcinoma becomes
necrotic, but the periphery continues to grow and rises above the surface of the
surrounding skin.

The main features distinguishing a basal cell carcinoma (rodent ulcer) from a
squamous cell carcinoma are the edge and the colour.

You should be able to list the predisposing factors for skin cancer:

• Age

• Sunlight (ultraviolet radiation)

• Ionising radiation

• Chemical irritants (eg soot, dyes, tar).

Remember that malignant change (usually to squamous cell carcinoma) can also
occur in long-standing benign ulcers (Marjolin’s ulcers), in scars and in chronically
discharging osteomyelitis sinuses.

Treatment of ulcers:

• Venous – four-layer compression bandging

• Neuropathic – daily inspection of feet, protect against trauma, clean and bandage

• Arterial – improve blood supply by revascularisation or angioplasty,

debridement; amputation if it becomes a source of sepsis or if causing reduced
quality of life / mobility when healing is unlikely despite maximum
revascularisation attempts

• Infective – treat cause, antibiotics for cellulitis, drain abscesses

• Malignant – excise lesion together with draining lymph nodes; chemotherapy and
radiotherapy as adjunctive or palliatve options

• Non-malignant – skin graft for persistent ulcers once base granulated.

1. Describe the features you would note in examining a lump/an ulcer. How
would these features help in your differential diagnosis?

2. What is the difference between a furuncle and a carbuncle?

3. What are the differences between a keloid and a hypertrophic scar?

4. What are the features that would suggest malignancy in a pigmented naevus?

5. Describe the differences in appearance between a basal cell carcinoma and a

squamous cell carcinoma.

6. What aetiological factors can predispose to squamous cell carcinoma?

1. See examination section pages here.

2. A boil is an abscess in a superficial hair follicle. In a carbuncle, the infection has

extended into the subcutaneous tissue and it may be a collection of subcutaneous
abscesses with or without external tracts.

3. A hypertrophic scar resolves within 6 months. Keloids extend into the

surrounding tissues and recur after surgery. One or more steroid injections may
help. Keloids are more common in African–Caribbean people.

4. Itching, colour change, increase in size, ulceration, bleeding, halo of

pigmentation, satellite nodules, enlarged local lymph nodes and distant spread.

5. Basal cell carcinoma has a smooth, rounded, pink, pearly edge; squamous cell
carcinoma has an irregular, raised, everted, red–brown edge.

6. Age, sunlight, ionising radiation and chemicals such as soot, dyes and tar.

If your patient complains of a swelling in the neck, ask the same questions as for
any lump (here).

If you suspect lymphadenopathy, ask the following questions to determine local


• Do you have any mouth ulcers or pain in your mouth?

• Do you have any pain or discharge from your nose or ears? Do you have a sore

• Have you noticed any other lumps on your head or face? Do you have any
difficulty swallowing?

• Do you have any difficulty breathing?

Your systemic enquiry will be important in determining generalised causes. If you

suspect a goitre, ask the following specific questions.

Local effects of the swelling

• Is the lump painful?

• Do you have any difficulty or pain when you swallow?

• Do you have any difficulty breathing?

• Have you noticed any change in your voice recently?

Eye problems associated with hyperthyroidism

• Do you have double vision?

• Do you get painful, red eyes?

Systemic enquiry to determine thyroid status

1. General symptoms

• Have you noticed a change in your appearance?

• Are you intolerant of hot or cold temperatures?

2. Gastrointestinal symptoms

• Have you noticed a change in your appetite/weight/bowel habit?

3. Cardiorespiratory symptoms

• Do you get palpitations/shortness of breath on exertion/ankle swelling/chest


4. Neurological symptoms

• Have you noticed any nervousness/irritability/insomnia/loss of concentration?

5. Gynaecological symptoms (in females)

• Have you noticed any change in your menstrual cycle?

A common instruction in the short case is to ‘examine this patient’s neck’ without
being given any clue as to the pathology. Alternatively, you may be asked to
‘examine this patient’s thyroid gland’. In this case, proceed to the relevant section
of the examination scheme below. Rarely, you may be pointed out a lump and asked
to describe it (pages here).

The presence of a glass of water near the patient is a good hint that there may be a

Always describe the position of neck swellings in terms of the triangles of the neck.

‘Examine this patient’s neck’

Now proceed as follows:

• If obvious goitre, continue examination of thyroid gland: A (below)

• If no goitre, examine for cervical lymphadenopathy: B (here)

• If you feel an obvious lump, proceed to C (here)

• If you suspect enlargement of a salivary gland, proceed to D (here)

A . Examination of the thyroid gland

B. Examination for cervical lymphadenopathy

C . Examination of other neck lumps

D. Examination of a salivary gland



You should memorise a list of midline neck swellings as shown below.

Case 1: goitre
Revise the causes of a goitre.

a. Physiological

• Puberty

• Pregnancy.

b. Simple colloid goitre and multinodular goitre

Note: these have the same underlying pathogenesis and a multifactorial aetiology:

• Goitrogens

• Dyshormogenesis

• Iodine deficiency (epidemic, endemic)

• Autoimmune.

c. Autoimmune thyroid disease

• Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

• Graves’ disease.

d. Other thyroiditides

• De Quervain’s thyroiditis (acute)

• Riedel’s thyroiditis (chronic fibrosing).

e. Tumours

• Benign

• Malignant: primary (carcinoma); secondary (lymphoma).

f. Other

• Tuberculosis

• Sarcoidosis.

Note that if you feel a single nodule you may be feeling the following:

• One nodule of a multinodular goitre

• An enlarged lobe (eg malignant infiltration; Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)

• A true single nodule, ie a neoplasm.This may be benign (adenoma: functional or

non-functional) or malignant.

You may be asked about the different kinds of primary thyroid cancers shown

Assess thyroid status independently: you are expected to know the common causes
of hyper- and hypothyroidism.

Investigation: determine levels of TSH, T3 and T4 (euthyroid: normal TSH;
hyperthyroid: TSH T3 ; hypothyroid TSH n T4 ), thyroid antibodies for
thyroiditis, ultrasonography to differentiate cystic and nodular disease, CT and MRI
to identify infiltration, fine-needle aspiration and histological examination.


1. Iodine for deficiency.

2. Remove goitrogens.

3. Suppress TSH with thryoxine in multinodular goitres (can lead to 70%

reduction in size).

4. Surgery for retrosternal extension, tracheal compression and malignant


5. Anti-thyroid treatment for hyperthyroidism (usually long-term carbimazole

with the addition of propranolol in severe cases). Surgery for relapse, if age
<40 years; radioiodine in older patients, add 2-week course of Lugol’s iodine
to drug management preoperatively.

6. Pregnancy: change antithyroid treatment to thiouracil; surgery safest in second


Case 2: thyroglossal cyst
This is a spherical midline lump. It feels hard and the edge is clearly defined. It
moves with swallowing, but ask the patient to stick out his or her tongue: the lump
will move up due to its attachment to the fibrous remnants of the thyroglossal tract;
this differentiates it from a thyroid mass.

Note its position: is it suprahyoid or infrahyoid?

You may find it difficult to fluctuate and to transilluminate.

Clinical diagnosis aided by imaging, particularly the need to define glossal


Investigation: the clinical diagnosis is aided by imaging, which is particularly

important in defining glossal extension.

Treatment: excision of cyst and whole tract. This may loop behind the hyoid bone,
requiring resection of the body and following the tract into the base of the tongue.


Don’t forget that an asymmetrical thyroid swelling may appear as a lateral neck

Otherwise, think of a lateral swelling as derived from paired lateral structures.

Don’t forget that lymph nodes are by far the most common cause.

aNote: a cold abscess arises from TB involvement of the nodes: the caseating nodes
point, weakening the overlying tissue and then burst, causing a ‘collar-stud’


Case 3: cervical lymphadenopathy

You are likely to be asked the differential diagnosis.

Treatment: identify the aetiology by clinical diagnosis which may be aided by

fine-needle aspiration or excision biopsy; search for primary site.

Case 4: salivary gland swelling

You may be given a patient with enlargement of the parotid or submandibular
glands. Note how long, changing features, pain.

Be able to classify the causes of salivary gland enlargement:

a. Infection (sialoadenitis)


• Viral

• Bacterial.


• Obstructive: calculus, stricture

• Non-obstructive: children, menopausal women.


• Tuberculosis

• Actinomycosis.

b. Autoimmune

• Sicca syndrome

• Sjogren syndrome.

c. Calculi (sialolithiasis)

d. Cysts

• Simple cysts (parotid)

• Mucus retention cysts.

e. Infiltration

• Sarcoidosis.

f. Systemic disease

• Alcoholic liver cirrhosis

• Diabetes mellitus

• Pancreatitis

• Acromegaly

• Malnutrition.

g. Drugs

• Phenothiazines

• Phenylbutazone.

h. Allergy

• Iodine.

i. Malignancy

• Benign

• Intermediate

• Malignant.


• 80% of salivary neoplastic conditions occur in the parotid gland.

• Most stones occur in the submandibular gland.

The most likely cause of parotid enlargement is a benign mixed parotid tumour.
Occasionally you will see a Warthin’s tumour. The following characteristics
distinguish these two tumours.

You may be asked how you would clinically assess the malignancy of a parotid
tumour. The distinguishing features are:

• Short presentation

• Painful

• Hyperaemic and hot skin

• Hard consistency

• Fixed to skin and underlying muscle

• Irregular surface and indistinct edge

• Invasion of facial nerve with facial palsy.

Treatment: treat infection with appropriate antibiotic. Dilate strictures, remove

stones and marsupialise orifice. Watch small benign tumours. In parotid surgery for
benign pleomorphic adenomas, protect facial nerve and aim for conservative
resection (eg superficial parotidectomy). Total parotidectomy and facial nerve
sacrifice may be performed for infiltrating / malignant lesions. This is associated
with neck dissection and lymphadenectomy to remove involved nodes with or
without adjunctive radiotherapy.

Case 5: cervical rib

This rarely comes up in examinations.

The lump is only occasionally palpable, just above the clavicle. It may be pulsatile
due to the elevated and sometimes dilated subclavian artery.

Look out for neurological and vascular features.

a. Neurological features (more common)

• Pain in C8 and T1 dermatomes

• Wasting and weakness of the small muscles of the hand.

b. Vascular features (rarer)

• Raynaud’s phenomenon

• Rest pain

• Trophic changes

• Gangrene.

Treatment: excise symptomatic ribs. Associated vascular lesions may require

local resection of aneurysm, distal thrombectomy and sympathectomy.

Case 6: carotid body tumour

This is a rare condition but may come up in the examination as a short case. The
tumour feels hard and is sometimes known as a ‘potato tumour’. The position is

shown in the figure below.

You may feel pulsation. This may result from the following sources:

• Internal carotid artery (transmitted)

• External carotid artery (running superficially)

• Tumour itself (intrinsic vascularity).

Ask about blackouts, transient paralysis and paraesthesia. Check the other side –
the tumour is often bilateral.

Treatment: observe small, often bilateral tumours. Excise enlarging, symptomatic

and invasive tumours. May need replacement of carotid artery. Essential to make
the diagnosis preoperatively so that a vascular surgeon is involved.

Case 7: branchial cyst/sinus/fistula

Note that although these are developmental, arising from remnants of the second
pharyngeal pouch, they present in young adults.

The cyst has a distinct edge and a smooth surface. Depending on its contents, it may
or may not transilluminate.

You may be shown a branchial sinus or fistula – a small dimple in the skin, at the
junction of the middle and lower thirds of the anterior edge of sternomastoid:

• Ask the patient to swallow: this will make it more obvious

• Ask about discharge.

Know the definitions of a sinus and a fistula:

a. Sinus: a blindly-ending track, leading away from an epithelial surface into

surrounding tissue, lined by epithelial or granulation tissue. (In this instance there
is no closing off of the second branchial cleft, although the upper end is

b. Fistula: an abnormal tract connecting two epithelial surfaces, lined by epithelial

or granulation tissue. (In this instance the fistula connects skin to the oropharynx,
just behind the tonsil.)

Treatment: complete excision.

1. What are the causes of cervical lymphadenopathy?

2. What are the possible causes of a lump in the anterior triangle of the neck?

3. What are the causes of a thyroid swelling?

4. What are the causes of hyper- and hypothyroidism?

5. What are the indications for the surgical management of hyperthyroidism?

6. What precautions would you take in preparing a patient with hyperthyroidism

for surgery?

7. What are the complications of thyroidectomy?

8. What kinds of thyroid malignancy do you know?

9. What are the sites of the openings of the submandibular and parotid ducts
into the mouth?

10. What are the causes of stones in the salivary ducts? Where are they most
likely to form?

11. What is the most common tumour of the parotid gland? How should it be

12. What clinical features distinguish a benign from a malignant salivary


13. What are the complications of surgery to the parotid gland?

1. (a) Infection: from the skin of the head and neck, the tonsils, adenoids and throat,
other sites in the ear and nose, paranasal air sinuses, pharynx and larynx. (b) Part
of generalised lymphadenopathy: acute (eg infectious mononucleosis,
cytomegalovirus) or chronic (eg TB, brucellosis, secondary syphilis, HIV). (c)
Malignancy: primary (eg lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and leukaemias) or
secondary (eg metastases from carcinoma of the head and neck, breast, chest and
abdomen). (d) Amyloid and sarcoid infiltration.

2. The anterior triangle lies anterior to the sternomastoid muscle below the
mandible. The triangles from each side meet in the midline. Lymph nodes and
abscesses such as tuberculous ones, salivary glands (submandibular and
parotid), carotid body tumours, carotid aneurysms, branchial cysts and tumours
of the sternomastoid.

Midline swellings may appear in either anterior triangle: thyroid swellings,

thryoglossal cysts, sublingual dermoid cyst, plunging ranula, pharyngeal pouch,
subhyoid bursa and carcinomas of the larynx, trachea and oesophagus.

3. Physiological enlargement at puberty and pregnancy; simple and multiple colloid

that may be associated with goitrogens; dyshormogenesis; iodine deficiency;
autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Graves’ disease); other
thyroid disease (de Quervain’s and Riedel’s thyroiditis); tumours: benign and
malignant (primary or secondary); tuberculosis; sarcoidosis.

4. Hyperthyroidism: Graves’ disease (autoimmune; younger patients with diffusely

enlarged goitre and bruit), multinodular goitre (in older patients), toxic adenoma
and excessive thyroxine replacement. Rare causes: metastatic thyroid carcinoma,
TSH-secreting pituitary tumour, choriocarcinoma, hydatidiform mole and
neonatal thyrotoxicosis. Hypothyroidism: primary myxoedema (autoimmune;
older patients with no goitre), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, over-zealous treatment
with drugs, surgery or radioiodine. Neonatal cases: agenesis or maternal anti-
thyroid agents.

5. Failure of medical treatment; retrosternal extension and tracheal compression;

symptoms of multinodular enlargement. Note that surgical treatment is safest in
the middle trimester of pregnancy.

6. Continuation of long-term carbimazole or other anti-thyroid agents; additional
propranolol in severe cases and uncontrolled cardiovascular symptoms; Lugol’s
iodine 2 weeks preoperatively.

7. Immediate complications: acute tracheal obstruction from haematoma, thyroid

crisis, recurrent laryngeal nerve damage. Longer-term complications:
hypocalcaemia from parathyroid excision, long-term hypothyroidism and
recurrent hyperthyroidism.

8. Papillary and follicular carcinoma, medullary carcinoma (associated with

multiple endocrine neoplasia types IIa and IIb), anaplastic carcinoma and
aggressive neoplasms (of middle-aged and elderly patients) and malignant
lymphomas (associated with long-standing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).

9. Submandibular: in the floor of the mouth on the submandibular papilla, situated

on each side of the frenulum of the tongue. The parotid duct opens opposite the
crown of the second upper molar tooth.

10. Stenosis in the duct due to chronic infection and oral disease around the papilla.
They usually occur in the submandibular gland, leading to pain and distension
on eating; very rarely found in the parotid gland.

11. Pleomorphic adenoma – commonest parotid tumour: small non-progressive

tumours – regular observation. Superficial parotidectomy or excision with a
surrounding cuff of normal tissue is the surgical alternative. The more extensive
excision requires particular care of the facial nerve. Occasionally radiotherapy
is required for recurrent problems.

12. Benign: smooth, lobulated, painless, may be bilateral, when superficial may be
slightly mobile, usually soft to firm, slowly enlarging over years. Malignant:
firm to hard, fixed, rapid growth over a number of months, facial nerve
involvement and infiltration of surrounding tissues.

13. Facial nerve injury (which may be unavoidable in treating malignant disease),
Frey syndrome, gustatory sweating due to divided parasymphathetic nerves
growing into the skin, salivary fistula, recurrence of malignancy.

Your patient in either the long or short case might be a woman complaining of pain
(cyclical, persistent, progressive) or a lump in her breast.

Bring out the following points when presenting under ‘history of presenting

Breast lump

• When did you notice the lump? How did you notice it?

• Has the lump changed since you first noticed it? How?

• Is it painful?

• Have you had any breast lumps in the past?

• Has anyone in your family had breast lumps?

Hormonal factors

• Does the lump change with your menstrual cycle or at different times in the

• When did you start your periods? (menarche) If relevant – When did you stop
your periods? (menopause)

• How many children do you have? Did you breast-feed them? Were there any

• Have you ever been on the pill or hormone replacement therapy?

Nipple discharge

• Spontaneous or elicited

• Do you have discharge from both nipples?

• What colour is the discharge?

• Have you breast-fed recently?

The usual instruction given in the short case is to ‘examine the breasts’. Proceed as
below (a chaperone should be present, and may be requested).

Occasionally, you may be asked just to feel and describe a lump in the breast, in
which case you should proceed as described on pages here. Remember at all times
to be sensitive and to avoid embarrassment and discomfort. Cover the breasts up
when you are examining other systems.

‘Examine this patient’s breasts’

Breast lumps come up as long (OSLER) and short (OSCE) cases. Revise the causes
of a breast lump.

You should be able to differentiate clinically between the more common lumps.

Case 1: breast carcinoma

This is a very common case. Remember the classic features.

a. Age 35+

b. Positive family history

c. Lump

• Stony-hard

• Irregular edge

• Tethered vs fixed to skin? (see table opposite)

• Immobile

• Peau d’orange.

d. Nipple

• Inverted

• Distorted

• Bloody discharge

• Red, encrusted, oozing (Paget’s disease).

e. Lymphadenopathy

f. Features of metastases

• Backache

• Breathlessness

• Jaundice

• Malaise and weight loss.

Remember that the signs of breast carcinoma may be mimicked by other conditions.
Consider the following:

a. Hard irregular lumps: fat necrosis and chronic mastitis.

b. Nipple inversion: this may be long-standing or congenital.

c. Nipple discharge: see Case 4.

d. Nipple skin changes: differentiate Paget’s disease from eczema.

Screening: in the UK all women aged 50–70 are invited for breast cancer screening
every 3 years. This involves a bilateral breast X-ray (mammogram). This aims to
detect breast cancers early and offer curative surgical treatment.

Staging: staging of breast cancer is valuable both in choice of treatment and as a

prognostic indicator. Stages 1–4 have a TNM classification superimposed.

Stage 1: early disease confined to the breast (T1 <2 cm) or Paget’s disease

Stage 2: axillary nodal spread (T2 2–5 cm, N1); stages 1 and 2 are classified as
early disease

Stage 3a: locally advanced disease

Stage 3b: chest wall involvement (T3 <5 cm, T4 skin and chest wall involvement,
N2 fixed nodes, N3 ipsilateral internal mammary nodes)

Stage 4: extension of disease beyond the breast (M1).

Treatment: (extensive National and International guidelines exist for management

of breast cancer; know your hospital’s current policy)

1. Early lesions require complete surgical excision with negative margins.

According to lesion size, this surgical excision can involve a lumpectomy,
segmental mastectomy or modified radical mastectomy. More recent techniques
include skin-sparing or nipple-sparing mastectomy in selected patients.

2. Breast reconstruction can occur at the time of primary surgery or as a separate

procedure. Different techniques include transverse rectus abdominus
myocutaneous flap (TRAM) or a deep inferior epigastric perforator flap (DIEP).

3. Local radiotherapy is administered to reduce the risk of local recurrence.

4. Assessment of axillary lymph node involvement is essential. This is performed

by injection of radioisotopes in the breast and selective excision of axillary

lymph nodes showing high isotope uptake (hence predominant tumour drainage).
This technique is known as sentinel lymph node biopsy. It aims to prevent the co-
morbidities associated with axillary clearance (eg arm lymphoedema) or
unreliability of axillary sampling.

5. Adjuvant therapy for breast cancers includes:

a. Chemotherapy

b. Hormonal therapy for patients that are oestrogen-receptor positive: selective

oestrogen-receptor modulator (tamoxifen) or aromatase inhibitors

c. Immunotherapy for patients over-expressing HER2 using monoclonal

antibodies (trastuzumab)

6. Advanced lesions require mastectomy with axillary lymph node clearance

together with a patient-specific combination of adjuvant therapy. Palliation is
given to patients where curative therapy is not possible.

The Nottingham Prognostic Index (NPI) uses: the size of the lesion; tumour grade;
number of involved lymph nodes. A score of ≤ 3.4 with the system suggests an 85%
5-year survival and > 5.4 a 50% survival rate.

Case 2: fibroadenoma
A woman with a fibroadenoma will usually be young (peak 25–35 years).

There may be more than one lump. The lumps are small and rubbery-hard. They are
very mobile and are therefore also known as ‘breast mice’.

Investigation: includes ultrasonography and fine-needle cytology (these with the

clinical examination comprise the ‘triple assessment’).

Treatment: refer to specialist breast unit for triple assessment. Excision biopsy
may be subsequently recommended to exclude malignancy, although simple, low-
risk lesions that have been triply assessed can be monitored radiologically.

Case 3: fibroadenosis
Terminology varies: aberration of normal development and involution (ANDI) most
accurately describes the process.

This condition is very common and borders on physiological change.

It occurs in women of reproductive age, peak 35–45 years. Ask specifically about
variation with the menstrual cycle.

There are many presentations:

• Single lump (solid or cystic)

• Multiple lumps or generalised nodularity

• Cyclical breast pain

• Nipple discharge (clear, white or green).

Investigation and treatment: age <35–40; ultrasound; age >40, mammography to

exclude neoplasia. Stop hormonal contraceptives or HRT. A trial of evening
primrose oil. Where cysts have been aspirated, core needle biopsy or excision
biopsy is used to assess any residual lesion.

Case 4: nipple discharge

Ask yourself the following key questions:

a. Is the discharge a true discharge?

Eczema, Paget’s disease and fistulae all cause discharges that do not arise from the
ducts themselves.

b. Is the discharge significant?

For a discharge to be significant, it must have occurred:

• Spontaneously

• Over a year after stopping breast-feeding

• More than once.

c. Is the discharge worrying?

The following features suggest carcinoma:

• Unilateral discharge

• Bloody discharge

• Discharge arising from a single duct (single nipple segment). The colour of the
discharge may give you a clue as to the cause.

Investigation: includes cytology of the discharge and triple assessment (palpation,

breast imaging and fine-needle cytology of any underlying lesion). This is followed
by core needle biopsy of any area of equivocal findings.

Treatment: malignancy is managed as outlined in Case 1 or enrolment onto a

screening programme, based on these investigation results.

1. What is a fibroadenoma?

2. How can fibroadenosis present?

3. What benign breast diseases come into the differential diagnosis of breast

4. What are the advantages of mammography for breast cancer screening?

5. What are the presenting features of breast carcinoma?

6. Where does breast cancer spread to?

7. What is Paget’s disease of the nipple?

8. What are the causes of nipple discharge?

9. What do you understand by the term ‘early breast cancer’?

10. How would you manage a woman with early breast cancer?

11. What are the advantages of lumpectomy over mastectomy for breast cancer?

12. What is advanced breast cancer?

13. What are the alternative treatments in advanced breast cancer?

1. A focal area of lobular stromal hyperplasia with epithelial proliferation.

2. Non-cyclical breast discomfort with or without swelling or nodularity. When

present, nodularity may be both palpable and tender, and may include cystic

3. Fibroadenoma, fibroadenosis, acute and chronic infection, fat necrosis,

sclerosing adenonis, granulomatous lobular and periductal mastitis, and
eczematous disease of the nipple.

4. Mammography screening of the female population at age 50–70 may detect non-
palpable asymptomatic disease. Serial assessment at 3-year intervals may
identify early malignant change. Abnormalities are detected by specialist teams.
Triple assessment (clinical, imaging, tissue sampling) is recommended.

5. Of symptomatic lesions, 80% present with a palpable lump, nipple retraction or

a blood-strained discharge; axillary mass or Paget’s disease is less common;
asymptomatic disease may be picked up on screening.

6. Local spread may distort the nipple, tethering to skin may produce peau d’orange
and deep tethering may cause fixation. Nodal spread is to the axilla and is
frequently to the internal mammary nodes. Vascular spread is primarily to the
liver, lung and bone.

7. Paget’s disease of the nipple is a subepidermoid carcinoma arising in the

nipple/areola complex, presenting with eczema of the nipple.

8. Bloody discharge from a ductal papilloma and carcinoma; green cell debris from
fibroadenosis and duct ectasia; yellow exudate from fibroadenosis and
abscesses; milk from the lactating breast. Cutaneous discharge may arise from
eczematous change.

Early breast disease is stage 1 (TI: a tumour of <2 cm) and stage 2 (T2: 2–5 cm);
if axillary nodes are present, they must be mobile. Treatment involves complete
local excision of lesions of <5 cm as well as radiotherapy to the conserved

breast; after initial sentinel node biopsy and frozen section, a decision is made
on axillary surgery; axillary clearance below the axillary vein and medial to the
pectoralis minor muscle.

11. Lumpectomy conserves breast tissue but requires prophylactic radiotherapy.

Advance cancer is stage 3 (tumours of >5cm: T3), or extension into the skin or
chest wall (T4). Axillary nodes are fixed (N2), ipsilateral internal mammary
nodes are present (N3) and stage 4 extension beyond the breast and chest wall
(M1). Treatment is based on national guidelines and involves a multidisciplinary
team, it may include radiotherapy, endocrine therapy and chemotherapy directed
at symptomatic, local and distal sites.

Give a succinct and chronological report of your patient’s presenting complaint.
Bring out the following aspects in your presentation.

The history of the patient’s pain

see here.

The history of the patient’s lump/swelling

see here.

Remainder of systemic enquiry of the GIT

Ask about the following symptoms:

• Dysphagia/dyspepsia

• Abdominal swelling/distension/pain

• Nausea and vomiting/flatulence, haematemesis

• Appetite and weight loss

• Change in bowel habit, rectal bleeding

• Jaudice, pruritis

• Overseas travel

• Family history of bowel problems.

Remember that diarrhoea/constipation are not precise words: ask what is normal
for your patient.

Report on the stool:

• ?consistency

• ?frequency, quantity

• ?colour

• ?offensive

• ?blood (?mixed in, on the surface, on the toilet paper)

• ?mucus/slime

• ?anal discharge/pruritus ani/tenderness.

Listen carefully to the instruction. In a short case, you may be asked to ‘examine the
gastrointestinal system’ or ‘examine the abdomen’.

As with the examination of any system, always start with the hands. You may be
stopped at this stage and asked to proceed to the abdomen itself. Occasionally, you
may be instructed to ‘palpate the abdomen’, in which case beginning with the hands
will only antagonise the examiners.

Note the following points:

• Make sure that your hands are warm.

• Don’t hurt your patient: ask if an area is tender during palpation; keep looking at
his or her face for wincing.

• Don’t forget the following points on account of exam nerves:

– percussion of the upper border of the liver (normally fifth intercostal space;
may be displaced downwards with hyperexpansion of the chest)

– groin

– external genitalia

– statement that you would normally perform a rectal examination.

Also remember the 3 As:

1. Aortic aneurysm

2. Ascites

3. Auscultation.

‘Examine this patient’s gastrointestinal system’

1. Preliminary assessment

2. The abdomen

You are unlikely to meet a patient with an acute abdomen in either the short or the
long case. However, you should revise the causes of acute abdominal pain for
discussion in the clinical examination and viva.

In the long case, you may meet patients with abdominal symptoms but few signs.
Examples are patients with peptic ulcers, chronic cholecystitis (and bouts of biliary
colic), chronic pancreatitis, diverticular disease, irritable bowel syndrome and
inflammatory bowel disease.

You may also have a patient with jaundice. In a surgical examination, the most
likely cause will be post-hepatic ‘obstructive’ jaundice. However, when asked the
differential diagnosis, mention pre-hepatic and hepatocellular causes.

The main physical signs, to be picked up in both the long and the short case, are
scars and stomas, organomegaly, masses and distension. This section revises the
differential diagnosis of these signs.


Always look very carefully for abdominal scars: old ones are surprisingly easy to
miss, especially in hirsute men. It is particularly easy to miss a Pfannenstiel

incision, appendicectomy scar and a left nephrectomy scar (look well over the left

You should know the usual sites shown in the figure.

Short (1–1.5-cm) scars in the umbilical region, along the midline and elsewhere
may indicate laparoscopic procedures.

You should understand the differences between ileostomies and colostomies.


Case 1: hepatomegaly
In a surgical examination, the most common cause of hepatomegaly is metastases.
The patient may or may not be jaundiced. Your examiner will expect you to know
the other causes of hepatomegaly.

Common causes in the UK include the following:

• Metastases

• Congestive cardiac failure (right-sided)

• Cirrhosis (not in later stages, when liver shrinks and its impalpable)

• Infections, eg viral hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis.

Go through your surgical sieve (here) to retrieve rarer causes.

Your description of the liver should help in your differential diagnosis:

b. Consistency: hard if metastases.

c. Tenderness occurs when capsule is distended:

• Congestive heart failure

• Hepatatis

• Hepatocellular carcinoma

• AV malformation

• Alcoholic hepatatis (rare).

d. Pulsatility: tricuspid regurgitation.

See Treatment after Case 3.

Case 2: Splenomegaly
If your patient has splenomegaly, you may well be asked to justify your diagnosis in
terms of its five distinguishing characteristics:

1. Descends towards the right iliac fossa

2. Moves down on inspiration

3. Palpable anterior notch

4. Cannot get above it

5. Dull to percussion (continuous with area of splenic dullness over ribs 9, 10 and
11, behind posterior axillary line).

Have a list of causes of massive, moderate and mild splenomegaly. As always, give
the common causes in the UK first (eg myelofibrosis rather than kala-azar for
massive splenomegaly).

Although many of these causes of splenomegaly are ‘medical’, your patient may be
awaiting a splenectomy because of its complications: hypersplenism leads to both
pooling and destruction of haematopoietic cells by the reticuloendothelial system,
causing a pancytopenia. Be aware of the potential problems of splenectomy, eg
infection with capsulated bacteria such as pneumococci. Know about the measures
to reduce such complications (Pneumovax immunisation, prophylactic penicillin).
See Treatment following Case 3.

Case 3: hepatosplenomegaly
Causes of enlargement of the spleen as well as the liver include some of the above,
eg lymphoma, leukaemias, infections, amyloidosis and sarcoidosis. The most likely
case in an examination is cirrhosis with associated portal hypertension.

Treatment for Cases 1, 2 and 3: management of most of the listed diseases is that
of the underlying cause. Surgery for hepatomegaly might include drainage of

abscesses, segmental resection of tumours and occasionally transplantation.
Indications for splenectomy include septicaemic abscesses, schistosomiasis,
tropical splenomegaly, hydatid cysts, Gaucher’s disease, myelofibrosis,
thalassaemia, sickle cell disease, lymphoma, embolic infarction, splenic artery or
venous thrombosis, and possibly hereditary spherocytosis, idiopathic
splenomegaly, thrombocytopenic purpura and solitary or polycystic disease.

Case 4: enlarged kidneys

Remember that in slim people the lower pole of a normal right kidney may be

Know the characteristics of a renal swelling:

• Ballotable (bimanually palpable)

• Descends vertically

• Moves down on inspiration and can be ‘trapped’ between your hands

• Resonant to percussion due to overlying colon (not always: some parts may be

• Can get above it (rarely).

Another popular question is to differentiate between an enlarged left kidney and a

palpable spleen,

In finals, the most common cause of bilateral renal enlargement is polycystic

kidneys. These may be extremely large and feel lobulated because of the multiple
cysts. If you suspect this condition:

• Ask about family history (inheritance is autosomal dominant)

• Take the blood pressure

• Ask to examine the urine (?haematuria, ?proteinuria, ?casts) – try to palpate the
liver, which might also be polycystic

• Look for a third cranial nerve palsy due to pressure from an associated posterior
communicating artery berry aneurysm.

Other causes of bilateral renal enlargement are bilateral hydronephrosis and


Causes of unilateral renal enlargement include the following:

• Hydronephrosis

• Simple benign cysts

• Hypertrophy

• Tumour, eg renal cell carcinoma.

A transplanted kidney is usually found in an iliac fossa.

Treatment: progressive renal failure from polycystic disease may require

transplantation; hydronephrosis: drainage and treatment of the cause; renal cell
carcinoma: nephrectomy with removal of intravenous extension and possibly
pulmonary metastases.

Revise pages 41–43 for the description of any mass.

As many masses are visible on careful observation of the abdomen, do not forget to
look first.

List and revise the causes of masses in each segment of the abdomen.

Case 5: mass in the right hypochondrium

The causes of a mass in the right hypochondrium include the following:

• Hepatomegaly

• Enlarged gallbladder

• Enlarged right kidney

• Colonic mass.

Revise the causes of an enlarged gallbladder:

a. Obstruction of cystic duct: mucocele or empyema.

b. Obstruction of the common bile duct, eg cancer of the head of the pancreas.

Remember Courvoisier’s law:

‘If the gallbladder is palpable and the patient is jaundiced, the obstruction of the
bile duct causing the jaundice is unlikely to be due to a stone.’ The gallbladder is
fibrotic and contracted in inflammatory (non-malignant) disease.

c. Gallbladder mass: inflammation with surrounding adherent omentum

Also note the characteristics of an enlarged gallbladder:

• Appears from the tip of rib 9 and cannot get between it and the liver edge

• Dull to percussion

• Smooth surface

• Moves down on inspiration (not always true of gallbladder mass).

See Treatment following Case 10.

Case 6: mass in the epigastrium

The two most important causes are carcinoma of the stomach and pancreatic masses
(pseudocyst, carcinoma). An aortic aneurysm is situated deep to the umbilicus, but
may also fill the epigastrium.

Three ‘catches’ are:

1. Liver: either left lobe or a post-necrotic nodule of a cirrhotic liver.

2. Large recti: these appear to enlarge when the patient sits forwards.

3. Prominent xiphisternum: comes to light at odd ages.

You should suspect gastric or pancreatic carcinoma in a cachectic patient

complaining of pain, dyspepsia, anorexia and significant weight loss. You may not
always feel a mass.

Note the characteristics of a gastric carcinoma:

• Hard, irregular

• Cannot get above it

• Moves with respiration.

Think immediately of checking for a left supraclavicular node (Virchow’s

node/Troisier’s sign).

Gastric carcinoma may be difficult to differentiate from a pancreatic pseudocyst

which, although uncommon, crops up disproportionately often in examinations. The
characteristics of a pancreatic pseudocyst are as follows:

• Cannot get above it

• Indistinct lower border

• Resonant to percussion

• Moves slightly woth respiration.

See Treatment following Case 10.

Case 7: mass in the left hypochondrium

The most common cause is an enlarged spleen. Other causes are a pancreatic mass
(carcinoma of tail) and an enlarged left kidney.

See Treatment following Case 10.

Case 8: mass in the right loin

• Enlarged right kidney

• Enlarged liver

• Enlarged gallbladder.

See Treatment following Case 10.

Case 9: mass in the umbilical region

• Small-bowel mass (nodal or omental)

• Cancer of transverse colon

• Aortic aneurysm.

See Treatment following Case 10.

Case 10: mass in the left loin

• Enlarge left kidney

• Enlarge spleen.

Investigations for Cases 5–10: confirmation of the diagnosis in these areas can
usually be obtained by imaging techniques. CT and MRI provide reliable
diagnostic information on the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and retroperitoneal
structures, identifying inflammatory change as well as benign and malignant
tumours, with or without invasion and secondary spread.

Treatment for Cases 5–10:

Aortic aneurysm: an abdominal aortic aneurysm is usually a clinical diagnosis;

intervention by stenting or open surgery is considered in lesions >5.5 cm in
diameter, or rapidly expanding (all require regular follow-up).

Gallbladder: cholelithiasis is managed by cholecystectomy and exploration and

evacuation of the common bile and hepatic ducts, possibly endoscopically.

Pancreas: acute pancreatitis occasionally requires surgical débridement and

drainage; malignant tumours of the body and tail of the pancreas are usually
inoperable by the time of diagnosis; a lesion causing jaundice might still be
resectable using Whipple’s procedure.

Case 11: mass in the right iliac fossa

A mass in the right iliac fossa is a common clinical case.

The most common causes are carcinoma of the caecum and Crohn’s disease.

a. Carcinoma of caecum

Suspect this condition in an elderly patient who appears clinically anaemic. The
mass is often well defined and hard. It can be mobile or fixed. It is not usually

b. Crohn’s disease

This is usually seen in younger patients. The mass feels rubbery and non-tender and
can be fairly mobile. See Treatment following Case 12.

These are the less common causes:

• Appendix mass

• Ileocaecal TB

• Congenital abnormal kidney

• Infected caecal diverticulum

• Iliac lymphadenophaty

• Ovarian cyst

• Ectopic pregnancy

• Transplanted kindey

• Iliac artery aneurysm.

Case 12: mass in the left iliac fossa

The common causes are a loaded sigmoid colon (can be palpable normally, but,
particularly with constipation or diverticular disease, it can be indented) and
carcinoma of the colon. Rarer causes are Crohn’s disease and iliac
lymphadenopathy. Again, don’t forget gynaecological causes (eg an ovarian mass)
or transplanted kidney.

a. Diverticular disease

You are unlikely to be given a patient with a diverticular abscess. However,

patients with diverticular disease often have a palpable, tender sigmoid colon.

b. Carcinoma of colon

The patient normally presents with a change in bowel habit. The mass is usually

Feel for an enlarged liver and listen for high-pitched bowel sounds (in the presence
of any obstruction); palpate for enlarged inguinal nodes.

Treatment for Cases 11 and 12: most iliac fossa masses are related to lesions of
the colon. Appendix abscesses may require drainage. Those extending laterally are
allowed to resolve, followed, after a few months, by interval appendicectomy.
Medial extensions may give rise to further gut symptoms and may require a difficult
surgical resection in the acute phase.

Obstruction from inflammatory bowel disease, diverticular disease or colonic

malignancy may require emergency surgery with temporary colostomy, requiring
subsequent resection with or without restoration of gut continuity. It may also be
possible to undertake definitive surgery at the time of the initial emergency
procedure. Fulminating toxic megacolon in ulcerative colitis is a serious emergency
that may respond to steroids. Emergency surgery is directed at retroperitoneal
decompression to avoid peritoneal contamination before total proctocolectomy.

Crohn’s disease may require drainage of abscesses and resection of fistulae. The
aim is to preserve as much bowel as possible.

Case 13: abdominal distension

Remember the 5 Fs:

1. Fetus: very unlikely in a surgical examination but always consider in a woman of

reproductive age.

2. Flatus: the abdomen is hyper-resonant; you may see visible peristalsis, implying
bowel obstruction.

3. Faeces: you are unlikely to be given a patient with acute obstruction. However,
chronic constipation is a common surgical problem. Beware – your patient may
be complaining of diarrhoea and in fact be constipated (spurious diarrhoea).
Faeces have the following characteristics:

– lie in the distribution of the colon

– often form multiple separate masses

– can be indented with digital pressure.

4. Fat: usually obvious; deposition is in the lower half of the abdomen.

5. Fluid: ascites can be detected by two tests: fluid thrill and shifting dullness. The
latter is more reliable because a fluid thrill is detected in any abdominal fluid-
filled cavity.

Treatment: according to diagnosis (see treatment of Cases 11 and 12). Initial

imaging includes an erect chest X-ray (to rule out bowel perforation) and a plain
abdominal X-ray (to rule out bowel distension). Subsequently abdominal CT or
ultrasound scanning is usually required. Ascites requires diagnostic aspiration if
the cause is unknown. Ascitic fluid needs to be sent for biochemical (exudate /
transudate), cytological (benign / malignant) and microbiological (infection)

1. What are the causes of:
• dysphagia
• hepatomegaly
• splenomegaly
• hepatosplenomegaly
• jaundice
• change in bowel habit
• diarrhoea
• constipation
• haematemesis
• melaena
• bleeding per rectum
• intestinal obstruction ?in children, ?in adults
• pruritis ani?

2. Differentiate tenderness, rebound tenderness, guarding and rigidity.

3. What is the difference between peritonism and peritonitis?

4. How do gallstones present?

5. How does presentation of carcinoma of the head of the pancreas differ from
that of the tail of the pancreas?

6. What is the difference between diverticulosis and diverticulitis?

7. What are the complications of diverticular disease?

8. What are the differences between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis?

9. What are the local and general complications of inflammatory bowel


10. What is Dukes’ staging for colorectal cancer?

11. How does the presentation of carcinoma of the right side of the bowel differ

from that of the left?

12. What are the symptoms of intestinal obstruction?

13. What are the extra-abdominal causes of acute abdominal pain?

1. Dysphagia may be due to abnormalities of the wall or the lumen of the
oesophagus, or extrinsic pressure. Strictures of the wall include benign and
malignant neoplasms, acute and chronic oesophagitis, Crohn’s disease, post-
radiotherapy, oesophageal diverticula and scleroderma. Abnormal contracture
occurs in achalasia, abnormal relaxation of cricopharyngeus and Chagas’
disease. Abnormalities within the lumen include foreign bodies and webs.
Extrinsic pressure can be from a goitre, pharyngeal pouch, aortic aneurysm or
abnormal aortic arch vessels, mediastinal tumours and a paraoesophageal hiatus

Hepatomegaly: (a) infection (hepatitis A, B, C, D and E, infectious

mononucleosis, hydatid cysts, amoeba, schistosomiasis and bacterial abscesses,
cholangitis and portal pyaemia); (b) cellular proliferation (leukaemias,
lymphoma, polycythaemia); (c) cellular infiltrates (amyloid, sarcoid); (d)
metabolic (haemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, galactosaemia and drugs); (d)
space-occupying lesions (abscesses, cysts, syphilitic gumma, haemangioma,
hepatoma, cholangiocarcinoma, metastatic disease); (e) congestive heart failure
and Budd–Chiari syndrome.

Splenomegaly: (a) infection (viral, infective mononucleosis, typhoid, typhus,

TB, septicaemic abscess, syphilis, leptospirosis, malaria, schistosomiasis,
trypanosomiasis, tropical splenomegaly, hydatid cyst and kala-azar); (b) cellular
proliferation (leukaemia, myelofibrosis, polycythaemia rubra vera, pernicious
anaemia, hereditary spherocytosis, thalassaemia, sickle cell disease, idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura, collagen diseases, Felty syndrome and Still’s
disease); (c) cellular infiltrates and metabolic (amyloid, Gaucher’s disease,
porphyria); (d) space-occupying lesions (cysts, angioma, lymphoma); (e)
circulatory (congestion and portal hypertension, hepatic vein obstruction, right-
sided heart failure, embolic infarction, splenic artery infarction and venous

Hepatosplemomegaly causes can be determined from the overlap of the

previous two lists.

Jaundice may be due to pre-hepatic causes (haemolytic: hereditary

spherocytosis, hypersplenism), hepatic causes (liver dysfunction: hepatitis,
cirrhosis, Gilbert’s disease) and post-hepatic causes (obstruction to the biliary
tree caused by gallstones, benign and malignant strictures, sclerosing
cholangiitis, extrinsic neoplasms in the porta hepatis and head of pancreas).

Change in bowel habit: this is commonly experienced in relation to dietary

changes, alcohol intake, overseas trips and changes in daily routines such as
mobility, confinement to bed and in pregnancy. However, when there is an
obvious cause it must be fully investigated because it is a cardinal sign of
neoplasia in the older age group, as well as the other pathologies listed in the
subsequent two items.

Diarrhoea: commonly infective in origin; in temperate climates, Salmonella and

Escherichia spp. are common whereas in tropical areas a wide variety of
bacteria, viral and parasitic agents may be involved. Other causes include:
ingestion of purgatives and antibiotics, chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis,
small-gut abnormalities (eg gluten-induced or protein-losing enteropathy),
inflammatory bowel disease (see below), surgical intervention (gastrectomy,
vagotomy, blind-loop syndrome, small-gut resection, stomas), fistulae and
systemic diseases (thyrotoxicosis, uraemia, carcinoid and Zollinger–Ellison
syndrome). Spurious diarrhoea is the leakage of faecal fluid around impacted

Constipation is a cardinal sign of acute intestinal obstruction (see below). In

these cases there is absolute constipation with no passage of flatus. Other causes
include weight loss (starvation cachexia and malignant lesions), peritoneal and
inflammatory disorders (appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, peritonitis,
perforation), biliary and renal colic, drugs (eg analgesics, ganglion blockers),
adynamic bowel (Hirschsprung’s and Chagas’ diseases), spinal cord
abnormalities, myxoedema, pelvic masses (pregnancy, fibroids, uterine and
ovarian tumours) and painful lesions inhibiting defecation (abscesses and
complicated haemorrhoids).

Haematemesis and melaena: melaena is the name for the black stool resulting
from the digestion of blood from luminal bleeding in the upper intestinal tract.
When this bleeding is profuse and from the proximal duodenum and above, it
may be vomited as haematemesis. Thus, haematemesis and melaena have a
common aetiology above this level. Oesophageal bleeding must be
differentiated from haemoptysis and can result from most of the inflammatory and
neoplastic causes of dysphagia listed above. Other causes of oesophageal
bleeding include trauma after endoscopy, ingestion of foreign bodies and
vomiting leading to tearing of the mucosa at the oesophageal junction (Mallory–

Weiss tear). Some of the most severe bleeding is from oesophageal varices in
liver failure and fatal bleeding occurs when an aortic aneurysm erodes into the
oesophagus. Gastroduodenal haematemesis is usually due to peptic ulceration but
may be caused by multiple gastric erosions and benign and malignant neoplasms.
In the small gut, ectopic gastric mucosa may be present in Meckel’s diverticulum
or duplicated gut, causing melaena. Aortoduodenal fistulae and fistulae from
infected prosthetic arterial grafts in the abdomen can also cause melaena.

Bleeding per rectum: may be overt or covert. Covert bleeding is associated

with anaemia and usually originates from lesions in the right colon, which is
more capacious than the left colon and therefore rarely becomes obstructed. The
most common cause of overt bleeding is piles. Other causes include fistulae,
fissures and any neoplasm of the colon, rectum or anal canal. Bleeding from
inflammatory lesions can be more prominent than from neoplasia. Catastrophic
bleeding occasionally occurs from a diverticulum. Although upper alimentary
bleeding usually presents as melaena, copious bleeding may pass through the
bowel with little such change. Vascular malformations can give rise to severe

Obstruction: in children may be related to atresia along the length of the gut
(oesophageal, pyloric, small gut, Hirschsprung’s disease and imperforate anus,
duodenal or Ladd’s bands, annular pancreas, meconium ileus, midgut volvulus,
strangulated hernias and intussusception. Adult obstruction may result from
adynamic or dynamic causes. Adynamic causes include paralytic ileus, acute
ischaemia, megacolon and Hirschsprung’s and Chagas’ diseases and pseudo-
obstruction. Dynamic causes include lesions of the wall, lesions within the
lumen and external compression. Lesions within the gut wall include diverticular
disease, inflammatory bowel disease, carcinoma and anastomotic strictures.
Luminal obstruction may be due to faecal impaction and gallstone ileus. The
most common causes of external compression are adhesions and hernias. Other
causes of external compression include volvulus, bands and the spread of
neoplasia throughout the peritoneum and pelvis.

Pruritis ani is caused by excess sweating and poor local hygiene, skin
conditions (eczema, contact dermatitis, allergy, psoriasis, lichen planus),
infective lesions (sexually transmitted infections, fungal, scabies, lice,
threadworms, Candida spp., Trichomonas spp.). Other causes include anal
pathology (piles, fissures, fistulae, warts and pilus adenomas, solitary ulcers and
other anal neoplasms), diarrhoea/incontinence (sphincter malfunction, rectal
prolapse, leakage of liquid paraffin), generalised causes of itching (obstructive
jaundice, diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroidism, myeloproliferative disorders
and lymphomas) and psychological causes. In babies, pruritis ani is most

commonly due to nappy rash as a result of infrequent changes and reaction to
local applications.

2. Abdominal tenderness results from pressure over an area of inflamed parietal

peritoneum. Pressure at such sites may produce voluntary contraction (guarding)
of the lower abdominal wall. When peritonitis is present (see below), there is
involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing rigidity. Paradoxically, the
board-like rigidity seen in acute pancreatitis and perforated peptic ulcer is not
associated with abdominal tenderness, because the wall is too rigid to allow
deeper palpitation. When there is deeply seated or mild inflammation,
superficial palpation may not produce tenderness but rapid release from deep
palpation produces rebound tenderness. This test must, however, never be
performed when tenderness has already been established because it may lead to
severe pain. Percussion rebound is a very valuable test because, gently
performed, it can localise the point of maximal involvement, eg in childhood

3. Peritonism and peritonitis are signs of peritoneal inflammation and are

accompanied by marked guarding and often rigidity. Peritoneal inflammation may
result from infective or non-infective causes, leading to peritonitis and
peritonism respectively. Uninfected peritonism may be due to leakage of five
irritant fluids (gastric or pancreatic juice, bile, urine and blood) as a result of
perforation of a peptic ulcer or gallbladder, acute pancreatitis or bleeding from a
ruptured ectopic pregnancy. If left untreated, these conditions progress to acute
peritonitis due to secondary infection from transmural migration of gut
organisms. Primary blood-borne peritonitis is secondary to bacteria from the
lower bowel.

4. Gallstones may present with indigestion. Inflammation can cause tenderness

(cholecystitis). Impaction of a gallstone in the cystic gut can cause biliary colic
or a mucocele that may subsequently perforate. Stones in the common bowel duct
may produce ascending cholangitis and intermittent or progressive jaundice.
They may also erode through into an adjacent small bowel and cause small-
bowel obstruction.

5. Pancreatic carcinomas are usually slow growing. There is often vague, deep
abdominal or back pain. Diagnosis may be late, when they have already invaded
adjacent structures, such as the large vessels, spleen and the lesser sac.
Carcinomas of the head, however, may involve the common bowel duct and
investigation of the resulting progressive jaundice results in an earlier diagnosis.

6. Diverticulosis is a common condition in the western world, arising through a

diet low in roughage and high in refined foods. Over half the population over the
age of 50 are affected. Diverticulitis indicates a superadded infection.

7. Symptoms of diverticular disease include alteration in bowel habit, pain and

tenderness in the left iliac fossa, and rectal bleeding that may be severe.
Diverticular disease may also present with an abscess and a palpable mass in the
left iliac fossa, perforation, peritonitis and sepsis. Fistulae into the bladder cause
pneumaturia. Isolated diverticula in the caecum may present with a mass and are
an important differential diagnosis for neoplasia.

Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis collectively are termed ‘inflammatory
bowel disease’ and may cause intrinsic or extrinsic lesions. The gut lesions
(colitis) is primarily ulceration of the mucosa and submucosa of the colon and
rectum. Long term, the lesions are prone to malignant change. Crohn’s disease is
associated with full-thickness inflammation of the gut wall with fissuring and
skip lesions, and mainly involves the small bowel, but also the large bowel and
the perianal region and can involve the entire gastro-intestinal tract. It typically
involves adjacent structures such as the gut, urinary tract, vagina and skin.
Ulcerative colitis is associated with prominent diarrhoea and occasionally
fulminating toxic megacolon.

Extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease include

haematological disorders (iron-deficiency and haemolytic anaemia, leukocytosis
and thrombocytosis and deep vein thrombosis), skin disorders (erythema
nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosa, drug reactions of erythema multiforme and
finger clubbing), ocular disorders (iritis, uveitis, episcleritis, superficial
keratitis with blepharitis, retinitis, retrobulbar neuritis), hepatic disease
(sclerosing cholangitis, pericholangitis, fatty infiltration, cholelithiasis), renal
disease (immune-mediated pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, glomerular nephritis,
hypokalaemic nephritis) and arthropathy (ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliitis,
migratory monoarthropathy, peripheral arthritis in children).

10. Dukes’ A: neoplasm confined to gut wall; Dukes’ B: spread through gut wall;
Dukes’ C: nodal involvement. Later subclassifications included Dukes’ C1 and
C2, referring to the involvement of nodes around the inferior mesenteric artery,
and Dukes’ D for metastatic spread.

11. Lesions of the capacious right colon where faecal material is more fluid usually
present with anaemia. Lesions of the left colon may present with an alteration in
bowel habit and/or obstruction. Both may present with a palpable mass or
spread to the adjacent peritoneum, leading to an inflammatory mass or

perforation. Both may also present with signs of secondary spread to the liver.

12. The features of intestinal obstruction are colicky abdominal pain, vomiting,
abdominal distension and absolute constipation.

13. Extra-abdominal causes of acute abdominal pain are often nonsurgical in

origin and must always be considered in the differential diagnosis of the acute
abdomen. Cardinal signs are the absence of percussion or deep rebound
tenderness during abdominal examination. Causes include ischaemic heart
disease, pleuritic irritation from underlying lung disease, somatic nerve and root
pain from herpes zoster infection, other causes of spinal root irritation (eg
degenerative disease of the thoracic spine and tumours and abscesses in the
thoracic spinal cord), diabetic crises, hyperparathyroidism, hyperlipidaemia,
porphyria, lead colic, sickle cell crises, tabes dorsalis and Munchausen

Hernias and groin lumps are very popular short and OSCE cases. After examining a
hernia, you may be instructed to ask the patient some additional questions. Structure
them as follows.

The lump itself

see here.

Predisposing causes

• Do you have a chronic cough/asthma/bronchitis?

• Do you do much heavy lifting?

• Do you have to strain to pass a motion? (Note that this can occur with both
constipation and diarrhoea.)

• Do you have difficulty passing water?

Potential complications (strangulation and obstruction)

• Does the lump become tender or painful?

• Do you have any abdominal pain?

• Have you vomited recently?

• Have you noticed your abdomen swelling/your clothes getting tighter?

• Are you constipated?

In a short case, you may be asked specifically to ‘examine this hernia’ or ‘this
scrotal lump’, in which case you should examine as for any lump (here) plus
perform the additional assessment outlined below. If you are asked to ‘examine the
groin’, follow the whole examination scheme.

Note the following points:

• You may see an inguinal lump that you are certain is a hernia. However, always
examine the scrotum as well. There might be dual pathology.

• Always examine both sides: 20% of hernais are bilateral.

• Try to distinguish between a direct and an indirect inguinal hernia. Some say that
this is unimportant because it does not affect the patient’s management. However,
you cannot be faulted for being too thorough.

‘Examine this patient’s groin’

Examination for hernias


One way to remember the differential diagnosis of lumps in the groin is to think of
the structures that normally lie in the region.

a. Hernias

• Inguinal (direct, indirect)

• Femoral.

b. Vascular structures

• Saphena varix

• Femoral aneurysm.

c. Lymph nodes

• Lymphadenopathy.

d. Muscle

• Psoasabscess.

e. Hip joint

• Psoas bursa.

f. Testis

• Ectopic testis (in superficial inguinal pouch)

• Undescended testis (as it emerges from superficial ring).

g. Spermatic cord

• Lipoma of the cord

• Hydrocele of the cord.

Have a clear picture of the relationship of these structures to the inguinal ligament.

You may be asked what is meant by the term ‘hernia’. The definition should roll off
your tongue:

‘The protrusion of the whole or part of a viscus, from its normal position, through
an opening in the wall of its containing cavity.’

Another common question is: ‘Why must a hernia be repaired?’

The answer is because of the potential complications of obstruction and

strangulation. You should understand exactly what is meant by these two terms.

Obstruction: constriction at the neck of a hernial sac leads to obstruction of the

loops of bowel within it.

Strangulation: constriction prevents venous return, causing venous congestion,

arterial occlusion and gangrene. This can lead to perforation, causing peritonitis or
a groin abscess.

Note that strangulation can occur without obstruction if only one wall of a viscus
pouches into the sac (‘Richter’s hernia’).

Case 1: inguinal hernia

There is not much anatomy that you need to know for finals.

However, a favourite question is to describe the anatomy of the inguinal canal: this
is an intermuscular oblique passage, 4-cm long. The following structures pass
through it:

• Spermatic cord/round ligament

• Ilionguinal nerve.

a. The walls

b. The rings

External ring
This is formed by the two crura of the external oblique aponeurosis (ie it is an
opening in the external oblique). It lies just above and medial to the pubic tubercle.

Internal ring
This is a U-shaped condensation of the fascia transversalis (ie it is an opening in
the fascia transversalis).

It lies just above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament. The inferior epigastric
artery (branch of external iliac) runs medially.

Note the difference between the midpoint of the inguinal ligament (halfway
between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle) and the midinguinal point (halfway
between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis – landmark of the femoral pulse). The
midpoint of the inguinal ligament lies 1–1.5 cm lateral to the midinguinal point.

Understand the anatomy of direct and indirect hernias:

Some examiners are keen for you to be able to distinguish clinically between a
direct and an indirect hernia:

Treatment: surgical repair: herniotomy (removal of sac) in the neonate and

herniorrhaphy (plus repair defect) in children and adults. Initial attempts are made
to reduce hernias that are not tender or accompanied by systemic problems, but
obstruction and strangulation are treated as an emergency.

Surgical repair can be:

1. Open repair with mesh repair.

2. Laparoscopic repair in recurrent or bilateral hernias. Two techniques are

commonly used: TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) and TEP (total
extraperitoneal) approaches.

Case 2: femoral hernia
You should know how to distinguish a femoral from an inguinal hernia clinically.

aA femoral hernia may bulge up into the groin crease (as shown here).

Note the following additional points:

• In both men and women inguinal hernias are more common than femoral hernias.
However, femoral hernias. However, femoral hernias are more common in
females than in males.

• A femoral hernia is more likely to obstruct and strangulate than an inguinal hernia
because of the narrow femoral ring. Furthermore, a femoral hernia is more likely
than an inguinal hernia to strangulate without obstructing (Richter’s hernia).

Revise the anatomy of the neck of the femoral canal:

• Medially: lacunar ligament

• Laterally: femoral vein

• Superoanteriorly: inguinal ligament

• Inferoposterior: pectineal ligament of Astley Cooper over horizontal ramus of the


Treatment: femoral hernias have a narrow neck and are particularly prone to
strangulation, possibly of the Richter variety. They therefore require early surgery
and complications should be treated as an emergency. After inspecting the contents
of the sac, ligating its neck and removing excess, repair is by suture of the inguinal
ligament to the pectineal ligament, the fibres of which run along the superior ramus
of the pubis. Two or three sutures are placed with a J-shaped needle and ligated
from medial to lateral to ensure that the femoral vein is neither damaged nor


The table below summarises the clinical features of some other inguinal swellings
(Cases 3–6).


Case 3
A saphena varix is treated as part of varicose vein excision in symptomatic

Case 4
Femoral aneurysm is treated by surgical resection and replacement with a synthetic
tube (graft) oral endovascular approach.

Case 5
Lymph nodes may be part of a generalised infection. In localised infection the
source must be identified and treated. Tuberculous nodes require treatment with a
full course of antituberculous therapy. Primary and secondary malignant nodes

require a tissue diagnosis. This might be possible through fine-needle aspiration, a
full search being undertaken to identify a primary site, so that treatment of primary
and secondaries can be planned.

Case 6
Psoas abscesses are drained and appropriate antituberculous therapy initiated.

1. Define ‘hernia’.

2. Where might you find a hernia, other than the groin?

3. What anatomical factors can predispose to inguinal hernias?

4. What are the surface markings of the superficial inguinal ring/the deep
inguinal ring?

5. Describe the anatomy of the inguinal canal.

6. Describe the anatomy of the femoral canal.

7. Why do we repair hernias?

8. What are the complications of hernias?

9. What is the difference between an indirect and a direct inguinal hernia?

10. Define the terms ‘herniotomy’ and ‘herniorrhaphy’.

11. What is the treatment of a strangulated inguinal hernia?

1. A protrusion of the whole or part of a viscus from its normal position, through an
opening in the wall of its containing cavity.

2. (a) Lumbar hernia: through a defect in the lateral abdominal wall, above the
iliac crest between the posterior border of external oblique and the anterior
border of latissimus dorsi. (b) Umbilical hernia: through a congenital defect in
the umbilicus. (c) Paraumbilical hernia: through the linea alba, adjacent to the
umbilicus. (d) Incisional hernia: through an old incision. (e) Spigelian hernia:
through a defect in the lateral border of the rectus sheath, usually just below the
umbilicus. (f) Internal abdominal hernias: through the oesophageal hiatus and
other diaphragmatic congenital openings.

3. Indirect: congenital persistence of the processus vaginalis within the spermatic

cord and along the inguinal canal into the scrotum. Direct: weakness in the
transversalis fascia, below the conjoined tendon, bulging into the posterior
aspect of the inguinal canal, medial to the inferior epigastric vessels and passing
laterally alongside the spermatic cord through the superficial inguinal ring.

4. The superficial inguinal ring is situated above and medial to the pubic tubercle
and is an opening in the external oblique aponeurosis. The deep inguinal ring is
situated just above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament and is an opening in the
transversalis fascia.

5. The inguinal canal extends from the deep to the superficial inguinal rings as
described in (4). Posterior relations: the transversalis facia and medially
conjoined tendon and inferior epigastric vessels passing upwards and medially
on the tranversalis fascia. Anterior relations: the external oblique and laterally
the internal oblique. Inferior relations: the inguinal ligament and medially the
lacunar reflection of the inguinal ligament. The internal oblique arches over the
canal to become the conjoined tendon.

6. The neck of the femoral canal is situated lateral to the lacunar ligament, medial
to the femoral vein, with the inguinal ligament anteriorly and the superior pubic
ramus posteriorly. The canal passes downwards beneath the fascia lata to the
saphenous opening. Hernias pass along this pathway and through the opening,

alongside the vein. As a result of the attachment of the superficial facia to the
inferior margin of the saphenous opening, femoral hernias are then directed
upwards anterior to the inguinal ligament in the groin.

Two serious complications of hernias are obstruction and strangulation. In
obstruction, constriction of the neck of the sac leads to obstruction of the loops of
small bowel within it. In strangulation, constriction of the venous return leads to
congestion, arterial occlusion and gangrene, with the potential of perforation,
causing peritonitis or a groin abscess. In Richter’s hernia, a bulge of one wall of
the viscus into the hernial sac may become strangulated without producing
obstruction of the involved bowel loop.

9. An indirect hernia passes along the inguinal canal within the spermatic cord and
its congenital defect. A direct inguinal hernia is through a weakness of the
transversalis facia in the posterior wall, the hernial sac passing medially through
the superficial inguinal ring alongside the spermatic cord.

10. Herniotomy involves the opening of the hernial sac, the inspection of its
contents, their replacement within the abdominal wall, ligation of the neck and
removal of excess tissues. In herniorrhaphy, there is additional repair of the
abdominal wall defect. In children, where the superficial and deep inguinal rings
almost overlap, a herniorrhaphy is unnecessary because, in the subsequent
development of the inguinal canal, the external and internal oblique muscles
come to overlay the herniotomy site.

11. An incision is made over the strangulated loop of gut, the sac is opened,
infected peritoneal fluid is evacuated, and the strangulated loop is examined to
assess its viability and the need for resection. Care must be taken not to lose a
strangulated loop or strangulated side wall of bowel back into the abdomen
without it being fully examined. If there is any doubt about this happening, or if
the resection cannot be carried out through the hernial sac, a separate laparotomy
incision is also required.

Urological cases present in the clinical with renal (here) and scrotal swellings
(here); malignancy and infection of the renal tract and prostatic problems are not
commonly associated with other abnormal physical signs. You should, however, be
able to take a urological history, and know about the symptoms of prostatism and
urinary tract infection, and the management of urinary catheters.

The presenting symptoms are as follows:

• Prostatism: hesitancy, frequency, poor urinary stream, terminal dribbling,

incomplete evacuation, double micturition (particularly first thing in the
morning), urgency, nocturia

• Frequency: note the number of times that the bladder is emptied during the day
and night (D/N)

• Nocturia: the number of times getting out of bed to pass water

• Cloudy/offensive urine: infection and stagnation (obstruction, atonia)

• Dysuria: pain on passing urine – usually infection and burning or stinging

• Urgency/incontinence: usually infection, may be prostatic enlargement; stress

incontinence (on coughing, laughing) usually gynaecological

• Stangury: sudden painful cessation of micturition – usually caused by vesical or

urethral calculi

• Fever/systematic disturbance: infection and malignancy

• Abdominal pain: suprapubic – usually cystitis; renal colic, loin radiating to groin
– calculi; loin – renal disease

• Haematuria: start, mixed or end of stream/frank blood; painful – usually
infection; painless – malignancy must be excluded

• Polyuria: passing large volumes of urine – intake, diabetes mellitus/insipidus

• Sexual history: orientation, contacts.

Examination includes looking for nephrectomy and suprapubic scars (see here); the
loins for renal masses (see here, Cases 8 and 10, and here, answer 1); the iliac
fossae for transplanted kidneys (see here, Case 11, and here, answer 5); and the
scrotum (see below): tell the examiner that you would always add a rectal
examination in your clinical practice. A general examination (see here) is an
essential part of the assessment of all renal disease and malignancies of the renal
tract, because there might be abnormal systemic signs (at the end ask for dipstick).

Examination of the external genitalia

Case 1: suprapubic mass
Suprapubic masses are easily missed. The two characteristics of a pelvic swelling

1. Cannot get below it.

2. May be palpated bimanually on vaginal or rectal examination.

The most common cause is an enlarged bladder. This has the following

• Dull to percussion

• Fluid thrill

• Direct pressure produces desire to micturate.

In the female, do not forget obstetric and gynaecological causes: the most frequent
pelvic mass in the female is the pregnant uterus. Also consider a large ovarian cyst
and uterine fibroids.

Manual examination improves diagnosis of obstetric and gynaecological causes.

Treatment: an enlarged bladder usually requires decompression by transurethral

or suprapubic catheterisation. Emergency surgery may be required for ectopic
pregnancies and complications of ovarian cysts. As much ovarian tissue as possible

is preserved in the premenstrual years, but ovarian cancer requires extensive
clearance, as well as a chemotherapeutic approach. Uterine cancer, fibroids and
other lesions may require hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy.


It is unlikely that you will be given a patient with a very tender swelling in an
examination because this usually implies the following:

• Torsion of the testis: a surgical emergency

• Severe epididymo-orchitis: rare

A simplified diagnostic flowchart that excludes the latter two conditions is given

Case 1: testicular tumour

This is an opaque mass, not felt discretely from the testis. It is usually painless but
occasionally causes a dull ache. There is usually loss of sensation in the mass.

Remember that it may be associated with a secondary hydrocele.

Note that lymphatic spread is along the site of its embryological origin, ie to para-
aortic lymph nodes. It spreads to inguinal nodes only if the scrotum is invaded.

Investigation: the initial diagnosis is a clinical one. Tumour markers may be

elevated – β human chorionic gonadotropin (90% in teratoma, 25% in seminoma),

α-fetoprotein (50% in teratoma) plus alkaline phosphatase (50% in seminoma). CT
is undertaken to identify para-aortic or mediastinal lymph nodes or secondaries in
the liver or lungs.

Treatment: orchidectomy via an inguinal approach. The testis is delivered through

the incision in the external oblique and a vascular clamp applied to the spermatic
cord, while a biopsy and frozen section are taken to confirm the diagnosis. A high
ligation of the cord and orchidectomy are undertaken. Subsequent management
depends on the stage and the pathology:

Stage 1: rising tumour markers post-orchidectomy

Stage 2: abdominal nodes

Stage 3: supradiaphragmatic nodes

Stage 4: lung or liver metastases.

The subsequent treatment of testicular seminomas is radiotherapy for stages 1 and

2, combination chemotheraphy for stage 2 if nodes are >5 cm and for cysts after
radiotherapy, and for stages 3 and 4.

In teratoma, surgical resection of abdominal nodes is advocated as well as

combination chemotherapy. Testicular lymphomas are treated by orchidectomy and

Case 2: varicocele
This is a dilatation and elongation of the pampiniform plexus of veins, usually
found on the left.

It feels like a ‘bag of worms’, and may have a cough impulse.

It can only be felt with the patient standing.

Recent onset of a left-sided varicocele in an older man may be associated with a

left renal cell carcinoma which is invading the left renal vein, thus occluding the
left testicular vein.

Treatment: in symptomatic enlargement of the pampiniform plexus and in the

management of infertility the plexus is excised, preserving the testicular vein within
the spermatic sheath, using an inguinal incision. Current options also include
endovascular coiling of the varicocele.

Case 3: hydrocele
This is a swelling that cannot be felt separately from the testis. It is fluctuant and
transilluminable. It is due to excessive fluid collecting in the tunica vaginalis.

Understand the anatomy of the four types of hydrocele. All of these come into your
differential diagnosis of inguinal and inguinoscrotal lumps. A vaginal hydrocele is
by far the most common. The features of the four types of hydrocele are summarised
in the table overleaf.

Treatment: the hydrocele may be secondary to trauma (haematocele), infection or

a tumour. Idiopathic hydroceles can be managed conservatively. Aspiration is
possible although recurrence is usual. Definitive treatment is by surgical excision
of the tunica vaginalis or incision of the sac and radial plication sutures from within
it to reduce its size.

Case 4: epididymal cyst
Similar to a hydrocele, this is brilliantly transilluminable. However, the testis can
be felt separately.

Note that if it is filled with many sperm it can be opaque. In this case, it is called a

Treatment: usually conservative but cysts might be excised if they are producing
symptoms; care is taken not to damage surrounding structures because this can
impair fertility.

Case 5: Absent testis in a child

Put your hand just lateral to the external ring and apply firm pressure downwards
and medially. If you can ‘milk’ the testis down into the scrotum, the testis is
retractile: descent is normal, but excessive cremasteric muscle activity in young
children leads to the testis being drawn up.

Look carefully for other swellings in the area; there may be an ectopic testis. You
may feel a lump in the following positions:

• Superficial inguinal pouch (superficial to external oblique and lateral to the

pubic tubercle)

• Femoral canal (medial thigh)

• Perianally.

Once you have excluded retractile and ectopic testes, you can diagnose an
incompletely descended testis.

Remember to search for an inguinal hernia. This is present in 90% of cases of

incompletely descended testes.

Treatment: undescended testes usually descend into the scrotum by the age of 2
years. Orchidopexy is undertaken after this age as (1) infertility is likely after
puberty, (2) the testes are more likely to undergo torsion and (3) the testes have a
tenfold increased incidence of malignancy. The testes may lie in the inguinal canal
or just above (identification may be helped by CT). The spermatic vessels are
preserved but other restricting tissues are excised to allow the testes to reach the
scrotum. Ectopic testes are similarly mobilised and placed within the scrotum.

1. What is the differential diagnosis for a left upper quadrant mass?

2. How do you differentiate between an enlarged spleen and an enlarged


3. What are the typical signs found in renal cell carcinoma?

4. How would you investigate and treat a patient with renal cell carcinoma?

5. What clinical signs would indicate that a patient has had a renal transplant?

6. Name three risk factors for end-stage renal failure.

7. How do you manage patients with renal transplants?

8. What are the causes of haematuria?

9. How do bladder tumours present?

10. What do you understand by benign prostatic hyperplasia?

11. A man is found to have a craggy prostate on attending the clinic with back
pain – how do you proceed?

12. What is the Gleason score?

13. How would you manage a patient with a testicular tumour?

1. The differential diagnosis for a left upper quadrant mass includes:
a. Renal: renal cysts, renal cancers / metastases, hydronephrosis, perinephric
b. Spleen: splenomegaly, splenic artery aneurysm
c. Colon: colon tumour
d. Stomach: gastric tumour.

2. Differences between a renal and a splenic mass:

A renal mass:
a. On palpation is ballotable
b. On palpation has no medial notch
c. On palpation one can ‘get above it’
d. On inspiration descends vertically down
e. On percussion it is resonant to percussion (has overlying loops of bowel).

An enlarged spleen:
a. On palpation is not ballotable
b. On palpation has a medial notch
c. On palpation one ‘cannot get above it’ (upper edge is hidden by thoracic cage)
d. On inspiration: descends diagonally towards right iliac fossa
e. On percussion it is dull.

3. Typical signs of a renal cell carcinoma:

a. Renal cell carcinoma classically presents with the triad of flank pain, flank
mass and haematuria. In reality these three symptoms rarely occur together.
b. The presence of a left testicular varicocele indicates tumour spread in the left
renal vein with obstruction of the left testicular / gonadal vein, giving rise to
the varicocele.
c. Hypertension can occur due to excess renin secretion by the tumour. This
exemplifies a paraneoplastic syndrome. Hypercalcaemia may also be
d. Bedside urine analysis may reveal haematuria.

4. Investigation for a renal cell carcinoma:

Investigation includes renal ultrasound and contrast CT of the chest, abdomen

and pelvis for staging.
Treatment for renal cell carcinoma is radical nephrectomy. Small lesions
under 4 cm may be amenable to partial nephrectomy. Radiation and
chemotherapy have poor results. Immunotherapy requires further investigation,
although it has produced encouraging results in select patient groups.

5. Clinical signs of renal transplantation:

a. A non-tender mass in the iliac fossa (the transplanted kidney) with an
overlying J-shaped incision (Rutherford Morison scar)
b. A forearm or cubital fossa scar indicating a previous reversal of an
arteriovenous fistula used for dialysis
c. Evidence of Cushing syndrome secondary to chronic steroid use for
immunosupression (see here).

6. Three risk factors for end-stage renal failure:

a. Hypertension
b. Diabetes mellitus
c. Polycystic renal disease.

7. Management of patients with a renal transplant:

Patients with renal transplants need to be on life-long immuno-suppressive
therapy, avoid nephrotoxic agents (eg NSAIDs) and have regular follow-up with
renal physicians. They must be carefully monitored for post-transplant
complications, including post-transplant ATN (acute tubular necrosis) and
anastomotic urine leaks in the immediate stages, immune rejection of kidney and
renal vascular thrombosis.

8. Causes of haematuria:
a. Tumours: renal cell carcinomas, bladder transitional cell carcinomas, prostate
b. Trauma: post insertion of Foley catheter, after cystoscopy or after urethral
injury in pelvic fractures
c. Infection: cystitis, prostatitis
d. Inflammation: nephritic syndrome
e. Mechanical: urinary stones
f. Medical: coagulopathies
g. ‘Red herrings’: ingestion of beetroot, jaundice causing dark urine.

9. Presentation of bladder tumours:

Bladder tumours are difficult to diagnose clinically. Possible presentations
a. Haematuria

b. Changes in urinary stream if the tumour involves the bladder outlet
c. Abdominal or pelvic masses associated with inguinal lymphadenopathy
(rarely found in early lesions).

10. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is an enlargement of the prostate gland, affecting

mostly the transitional and peri-urethral zones.
This can cause partial or complete urinary obstruction, manifested as a weak
urinary stream, urinary frequency, nocturia, dribbling, a feeling of incomplete
bladder emptying and urinary retention.
It commonly affects men over the age of 60.
Digital rectal examination reveals a smooth but enlarged prostate gland.
Transrectal ultrasonography can provide a volumetric assessment of prostate

Medical management includes:

a. Alpha-adrenergic blockers, eg tamsulosin
b. 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, eg finasteride.
Surgical management consists of transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).

11. In a patient with a craggy (enlarged / irregular) prostate and back pain you have
to suspect a diagnosis of prostate cancer with bone metastases:
a. As for any condition take a focused history and perform a physical
examination, including a digital rectal examination.
b. The next step is to measure the level of PSA (prostate-specific antigen) which
is a marker of prostate cancer.
c. Perform other routine blood tests: LFTs for evidence of liver metastases; high
ALP and calcium levels may be indicative of bone metastases.
d. Perform a transrectal ultrasound and transrectal biopsy in order to get a tissue
e. CT or MRI scan can be used to assess local and distal spread of disease
(tumour staging), as well as any bone lesions.
f. Refer for a combined urology/oncology multidisciplinary team opinion.

12. The Gleason score is a histological scoring system used to determine the grade
of differentiation of prostate cancer. This is based on the two most common
glandular patterns seen on prostate biopsy. Each of commonest patterns is scored
from 1 to 5.
The sum of the two gives an overall score out of 10. A score of 1 represents a
well-differentiated tumour (best outcomes), while 10 is a very poorly
differentiated one (worst outcomes).

13. In testicular tumour the initial diagnosis is a clinical one. Tumour markers may

be elevated: β human chorionic gonadotropin (90% in teratoma, 25%
seminoma), α-fetoprotein (50% in teratoma) and alkaline phosphatase (50% in
seminoma). CT identifies para-aortic or mediastinal lymph nodes or secondaries
in the liver or lungs. The treatment is orchidectomy via an inguinal approach.
The testis is delivered through the incision in the external oblique and a vascular
clamp is applied to the spermatic cord while a biopsy and frozen section are
taken to confirm the diagnosis. A high ligation of the cord and orchidectomy are
then undertaken. Subsequent management depends on the stage and the pathology.
Stage 1: rising tumour markers post-orchidectomy; stage 2: abdominal nodes;
stage 3: supradiaphragmatic nodes; and stage 4: lung or liver metastases.

Treatment of seminomas: radiotherapy for stages 1 and 2. Combination

chemotheraphy for stage 2 if nodes are >5 cm and for cysts after radiotherapy,
and for stages 3 and 4. Treatment of teratomas: surgical resection of
abdominal nodes as well as combination chemotherapy. Treatment of
lymphomas: orchidectomy and chemotherapy.

Most of this book is devoted to specific systems or parts of the body. However, you
may be asked for a more general approach (as considered here), and similarly you
may be told to examine a limb, with no clues from the examiner as to which system
is abnormal. Always approach the problem by looking systematically and
remarking on any abnormalities that you see. Then go on to examine the appropriate

In the upper limb, this may focus on the hand (see here), or the joints of hand and
the rest of the limb. In the lower limb it may relate to the joints or the vascular
system, as considered in subsequent sections. The scheme on the following pages
gives an initial approach to examining a leg.

‘Examine this patient’s leg’

The most common orthopaedic long and short cases are hip and knee. However, do
not panic if you are given a shoulder, an elbow, an ankle or a back to examine.
Follow the same routine for all joints and with your chosen colleague (see here) go
through the routine of look, feel, move and measure, and tell the examiner you
would like a radiograph to confirm your findings. Never forget to expose both sides
of the body, and at the end to check pulses and peripheral sensation. (In a
rheumatological examination, you are expected to examine gait, arms, legs and
spine – GALS.) Your routine should include the joint above and below.

‘Examine this patient’s joint’

1. Describe the clinical features of a patient with osteoarthritis (OA) of the

2. Which compartment of the knee is most often affected by OA?

3. How would you manage OA of the knee?

4. What features of OA would you expect to see on a joint X-ray?

5. What is the differential diagnosis of a red, hot, swollen joint?

6. How would you diagnose a red, hot, swollen joint?

7. When should you suspect septic arthritis of a joint?

8. When would you aspirate a swollen joint?

9. How would you manage gout?

10. You have finished examining a painful knee. What would you like to do

1. The patient has an antalgic gait, with a varus deformity of the knee. On palpation
of the knee joint osteophytes are present. Passive movement of the knee reveals
crepitus. The quadriceps is wasted due to lack of activity secondary to pain.

2. The medial knee compartment is most often affected by osteoarthritis.

3. Initial management involves analgesia, weight loss if required, use of walking

aids and physiotherapy. Osteotomy of the involved tibial compartment may be the
initial therapeutic approach. Older patients or those with significant symptoms
require a knee replacement.

4. Remember the mnemonic for features of osteoarthritis on an X-ray: LOSS

Loss of joint space

Subchondral cyst
Subchondral sclerosis

5. Differential diagnosis of a red swollen joint:

a. Inflammation (synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis)

b. Degenerative cartilage damage (osteoarthritis)
c. Crystal deposition (gout, pseudogout)
d. Infection (septic arthritis)
e. Trauma (haemarthrosis, meniscal tears, ligamentous injury, bone fracture, joint
capsule tears).

6. Diagnosis of a red swollen joint requires a focused history with the above
differential in mind, followed by an examination. Perform simple blood tests to
looks for evidence of infection or inflammation (WBC, CRP, ESR) . Rheumatoid
factor and ANA levels are requested if the history is suggestive of non-infectious
inflammatory disease. Do a full set of X-rays to identify any evidence of
rheumatoid or osteoarthritic changes, as well as fractures.

Discuss joint aspiration with your Consultant, (for crystals and culture – see

question 8).

7. If the joint cannot be moved due to pain or swelling and the patient is tachycardic
or has a pyrexia, consider septic arthritis as a diagnosis (unlikely in an
examination, but an important aspect of the differential diagnosis). Also
determine source of sepsis (eg superificial trauma or infection/abscess at another
site causing haematogenous spread). Septic arthritis is an orthopaedic
emergency. Aspirate joint, sending fluid for Gram stain and culture, but get a
senior opinion first. For gout (urate crystals) or pseudogout (calcium
pyrophosphate crystals) analyse aspirated fluid under polarised light

8. Aspiration is necessary in three main circumstances:

a. To diagnose the cause of a swollen joint (septic arthritis: microscopy and

Gram stain; gout: crystals; trauma: blood)

b. To relieve pain and discomfort caused by swelling (although this may only be

c. To aspirate pus and perform a joint washout (this requires more than just a
needle and syringe and so needs to be undertaken by orthopaedic surgeons in a
sterile environment).

Every time a joint capsule is breached the patient is exposed to the risk of septic
arthritis. Currently many hospitals strongly discourage joint aspiration by junior
doctors or performance of the procedure on the ward or in the Emergency
Department, where the risk of introducing infection is high (the consequences are
potentially disastrous after knee replacement).

This can be a trick question in the examination, so always state that you would
seek orthopaedic advice before considering aspirating a joint. Follow this
advice once you qualify.

9. Gout requires NSAID analgesia (eg diclofenac) in the short term (acute
episodes), followed by long-term allopurinol to reduce uric acid levels.

10. When finishing an examination say you would like to examine the joint above
and the joint below (hip and ankle) to ensure that the pain doesn’t radiate to the
knee from other joints. Ask to examine anterior and lateral X-rays of the affected
knee, as well as X-rays of the contralateral knee joint (in two planes).


Ask the usual questions about pain (see here). Be clear as to where your patient’s
pain is felt maximally and where it radiates. Ask specifically if there is any knee
pain. When enquiring into exacerbating factors, ask about actions that load the joint,
eg putting on socks, sitting in a low chair, rising from a sitting position and walking.
Question the character of the pain: throbbing pain – abscess (? systemic symptoms);
aching – arthritis; burning – neuralgia; stabbing – tendon or muscle rupture.

Neurological pain may be accompanied by focal or generalized muscle weakness

or sensory loss.

Ask if this is worse in the morning, on movement or after staying in one position.
Pain and swelling around the hip may indicate non-orthopaedic problems, such as a
hernia (see here).


• Ask how far the patient can walk

• Has he or she noticed a limp or change in leg length?

• Ask in detail about aids and appliances: does the patient need a walking stick or
a Zimmer frame?

In a long case, you must take a detailed social history. Find out how the problem
affects the patient’s lifestyle and whether it is deteriorating. Ask about the
involvement of other joints: many patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid
arthritis of the hip will have had other joint replacements. You are unlikely to
encounter a child in finals, but remember presentation may be a limp or delayed
walking, as well as the above symptoms. Aetiological factors are considered in the
FAQs at the end of the chapter.

The examination of the hip and knee is where most candidates let themselves down.
You will probably not have had nearly as much practice as, say, in examining an
abdomen. Practise on each other: it is very easy for the examiner to see if you have
done it before.

Most of the patients in short cases will have osteoarthritis and will be fairly
fragile. If they are supine when you are introduced, it is probably simpler to start
examining in this position. However, never forget to stand the patient up to perform
the Trendelenburg test and to watch the gait – if they are sitting, start with these

In a long case, it is essential to examine the peripheral vascular system and to look
for signs of infection in the leg. Both ischaemia and infection could potentially
compromise a total hip replacement.

‘Examine this patient’s hip’


Case 1: hip pain
If you meet a patient with a hip disorder in the long case/OSLER, he or she will
almost certainly complain of pain.

You should know the characteristics of hip pain: this is usually felt maximally in the
anterior groin. However, it is poorly defined and radiates variably to the following

• Anterior thigh

• Lateral thigh

• Buttock

• Anterior knee

• Anterior lower leg.

Remember that a patient with a primary hip disorder can present with isolated knee
pain. This is because both the hip and knee contribute fibres to the obturator and
femoral nerves.

Use the table opposite to differentiate hip pain from other local or distant causes.

Diagnosis: by clinical examination of the joints. Also assess for sensory and motor
loss suggesting nerve damage. Radiographs identify abnormalities of the spine,
pelvis and hip (important to compare the two sides), and are supplemented by
images that identify soft-tissue changes of the spine, pelvis and hip joint.

Treatment: this depends on identified cause of pain. Bursae can usually be treated
conservatively until the inflammation subsides. Arthritic pain is managed by non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, although preferably not long-term. The lateral
cutaneous nerve of the thigh should be released in meralgia paraesthetica. A
protruded disc and peripheral vascular stenotic problems may require surgical
management. Severe hip arthritis may require prosthetic hip replacement or hip
joint resurfacing. In all cases, consider physiotherapy, the use of a walking stick,
and weight reduction.

Case 2: abnormal gait
You may be asked to describe the gait of a patient with hip pathology.

The two main types are the antalgic (painful) gait and the Trendelenburg gait
(waddling gait if bilateral). You should know how they differ.

You may be asked to describe the mechanism of the Trendelenburg gait. This is
probably best understood by considering the Trendelenburg test. Normally, when
standing on one leg, the abductors on the weight-bearing side contract so that the
pelvis rises on the opposite side. A positive Trendelenburg test occurs when there

is any inefficiency of hip abduction: the pelvis droops towards the unsupported
side – the pelvis has to be raised for the swinging leg to clear the ground.

Inefficiency of hip abduction occurs as a result of the following factors.

a. Disturbance in the pivotal mechanism:

– dislocation or subluxation of the hip

– shortening of the femoral neck.

b. Weakness of the hip abductors (gluteus medius and minimus):

myopathy (usually bilateral): osteoarthritis; previous arthroplasty

neuropathy (L5 root lesion, usually unilateral).

Treatment: see Case 1.

Case 3: arthritis of the hip

A patient with primary osteoarthritis of the hip is a very common short or long case.
You could also be given a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and you should know
how to distinguish the two conditions (see here). A patient with osteoarthritis will
complain of hip pain (see Case 1). This will initially occur only after activity, but
later be present at rest. Look carefully at the gait (see Case 2).

You may be asked the reasons why you measure apparent leg length and perform
Thomas’ test: arthritis may result in contractures that give rise to deformities, and
osteophytes inhibit movement. The most common are fixed adduction and flexion
deformities. Both can be masked by compensatory movements.

The aim of measuring apparent leg length and of performing Thomas’ test is to

unmask these contractures.

a. Apparent leg shortening

A fixed adduction deformity tends to cross the legs. Therefore the pelvis
compensates by tilting towards the affected side. This leads to apparent leg
shortening. (True shortening arises from loss of joint space or arthroplasty.)

b. Thomas’ test

A fixed flexion deformity can be completely masked when lying flat, by a lumbar
lordosis. This is unmasked by performing Thomas’ test.

At rest, both legs rest straight on the couch, the normal lumbar lordosis masks
any fixed hip flexion.

Normal – the right hip extension keeps the right leg straight and in contact with
the couch

Positive Thomas test: flexion of normal left hip reveals fixed flexion of the right

Use your right hand to flex the left leg and slide your left fingers under the back
to feel when it is flat – at this point the angle x gives the amount of fixed flexion.

Treatment: see Case 1.

1. What are the risk factors for congenital dislocation of the hip?

2. How do we screen for congenital dislocation of the hip?

3. How would you manage a baby presenting with congenital dislocation of the

4. What is a slipped upper femoral epiphysis?

5. What is protrusio acetabuli?

6. What is Perthes’ disease?

7. What is the difference between true and apparent leg shortening?

8. Describe the radiological appearances of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid


9. How would you manage a patient with osteoarthritis of the hip?

10. What are the operations available for a patient with osteoarthritis of the

11. What are the complications of a total hip replacement?

12. What are the contraindications to a total hip replacement?

13. Describe Garden’s classification of fractured neck of femur. What is its


1. Developmental dysplasia (congenital dislocation of the hip) occurs in up to
5/1000 live deliveries. It has a polygenic inheritance pattern and is associated
with high maternal relaxin and breech position of the baby. It is associated with
acetabular and proximal femoral dysplasia.

2. In neonates, screen with Ortolani’s test: abduction of the hips in 90° flexion is
impeded; pressure on greater trochanters reduces the hips with a clunk and
further movement is then possible. Barlow’s test attempts to lever the hips in and
out of the acetabulum during abduction. Late features are asymmetry, clicking and
difficulty in changing nappies.

3. Diagnosis is by clinical tests and ultrasonography. After 6 months, radiographs:

look for Von Rosen’s line (45° abduction line is drawn through femoral shaft and
should point to the acetabulum) and Perkins’ line (femoral head epiphysis should
lie below a horizontal line through the triradiate cartilage, medial to the vertical
line drawn from the outer acetabular edge). Treatment: 3–6 months: double
nappies for 6 weeks; 6 months: abduction splint. If still unstable, 6–18 months:
traction, plaster spica or open surgery. If unsuccessful, 18 months–10 years:
traction followed by surgery and 3 months of hip spica. Treatment after this time,
or after 6 years in bilateral cases – should be avoided during development to
prevent avascular necrosis of femoral head.

4. A slipped upper femoral epiphysis is a posterior displacement of the upper

femoral epiphysis, usually in boys aged 14–16 years who are overweight or tall
and thin. It is caused by a hormonal imbalance and trauma, producing a limp,
pain and leg shortening.

5. Protrusio acetabuli is a pelvic deformity where the medial wall of the

acetabulum expands inwards. It is associated with skeletal dysplasias, coxa
vara, osteoarthritis, connective tissue disorders, Marfan syndrome, haemophilia
and post-radiotherapy.

6. Perthes’ disease is avascular necrosis of the femoral head occurring in boys

(4:1, male:female) aged 4–10 years due to changing blood supply from the
metaphysis to the epiphysis: this may be compromised by a joint effusion.

Remodelling results in an abnormally shaped femoral head.

7. True shortening is due to joint or bony abnormality of the hip, knee or lower leg,
and is determined by comparing the distances from the greater trochanter to the
lateral malleolus on each side. Apparent shortening is seen when malalignment
between the ankles (on lying) is caused by pelvic tilting, as occurs in a fixed
adduction deformity. Measurement from the umbilicus or symphysis pubis
highlights the difference between the sides.

8. Osteoarthritis: asymmetrical narrowing of the joint space with sclerosis of

subcondylar bone, cysts close to the joint surface and osteophytes at the joint
margin. Rheumatoid arthritis: periarticular osteoporosis, marginal bony
erosion, narrowing of joint space. At later stages, destruction and deformity, with
subluxation of the joint surfaces.

9/10. Analgesia: paracetamol is preferred to long-term non-steroidal anti-

inflammatory drugs. Physiotherapy and the use of a walking stick reduce weight
bearing. With progressive pain and limitation in mobility and activity, surgery is
considered. Initially a subtrochanteric osteotomy but, in late cases, an
arthrodesis or a prosthetic joint replacement may be required.

11. Early (intra-operative) complications of total hip replacement include femoral

shaft fracture and sciatic nerve damage (particularly with a posterior approach).
Intermediate complications include deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary
embolism; dislocation and infection. Chronic infection requires removal and
delayed replacement of the prosthesis. Late complications include heterotopic
bone formation causing pain and stiffness that may respond to anti-inflammatory
medication. Other problems are aseptic loosening of the prosthesis and
osteolysis, that may occur around the cement, polyethylene or metal particles.

12. Young patients, particularly those still undertaking active contact sports because
any subsequent revision is accompanied by a much higher complication rate;
mild disease; severe degenerative disease with destruction of the hip joint or
multiple joint involvement; when there is doubt as to the origin of the hip pain
such as with coexistent scoliotic problems; patient refusal or mental apathy
towards the procedure; severe comorbidity; and obesity.

13. Garden’s classification:

• I Incomplete impacted fracture
• II Complete undisplaced fracture
• III Moderately displaced fracture
• IV Severely displaced fracture.

Grades I and II undisplaced can be managed with cannulated hip screws.

Displacement disrupts the blood supply of bone, reducing the chances of natural
healing and together with extra-capsular fractures are indication for radical
surgery, extending to total hip replacement.

If you have a patient with a knee complaint in the long case, bring out the following
aspects in your presentation.


• Ask the usual questions about pain (see here).

• Be very clear as to whether the pain is generalised or localised; the former

suggests inflammatory or degenerative, the latter a mechanical cause.

• Tell the patient to point with one finger to where the pain is felt maximally.

• Ask if there is pain above the knee.

• Ask if it is exacerbated by walking or walking up and down stairs.

Ask if this is worse in the morning, on movement or after staying in one position,
post-inactivity suggests arthritis.

If preceded by an injury:

• Did the swelling occur straight away – suggesting a haemarthrosis?

• Did the swelling occur after a few hours?

Episodes of locking or giving way

Explain to the patient exactly what you mean by these terms. ‘Locking’ is the sudden
inability to extend the knee fully. ‘Giving way’ describes the feeling of
apprehension on weight bearing (see case 3 here).

As with the hip, examination of the knee will probably be relatively unfamiliar:
practise on each other.

Don’t worry too much about the ‘additional assessment’, eg the apprehension test
and McMurray’s test. Most of your examiners are not orthopaedic surgeons and just
want to see that you have a basic routine of LOOK, GAIT, FEEL, MEASURE,

Never forget to ask to see the patient walk at the end of the examination. This will
also give you the opportunity of looking at the popliteal fossa for posterior knee

‘Examine this patient’s knee’

As with the hip, pain is the most common presenting symptom. It may be associated
with stiffness and mechanical problems. The aetiology of knee pain in the aged is
usually arthritic, while the contact activities of young adults make them subject to
mechanic problems. There are also a large collection of other problems that give
knee pain, including paediatric conditions and referred pain – these are first
considered in Case 1. NB pain in the knee: always examine the hip.

First ask yourself if the pain is due to knee pathology or if it is referred.

Case 1: non-arthritic knee pain

The conditions comprise congenital and acquired, the latter being traumatic or

non-traumatic. Traumatic may be intra-capsular (producing a haemarthrosis
within an hour) or an extra-capsular injury. Non-traumatic conditions can
classified by their position, and as common, paediatric and uncommon.

Anterior Knee Pain

a Patellofemoral and patellotendinopathy problems are common, frequently follow

injury: they are characteristically exacerbated by:

• Going up and down stairs

• Sitting for a long time with the knee flexed
• Quadriceps wasting (particularly the lower fibres of vastus medialis)
• Small effusions, accentuated by activity

b In children consider:
• Osgood –Slatter’s disease
• Growth spurt (especially adolescent girls)
• Chodromalacia patellae (especially adolescent boys)
• Osteochondritis dissecans
• Obesity
• Referred hip pain (NB an important differential)

c Uncommon - bursitis and fat pad impingement

Lateral Knee Pain
• Ilio-tibial band (ITB) friction syndrome
• Lateral collateral ligament damage
• OA knee

Medial Knee Pain

• Meniscal damage
• Medial collateral ligament damage
• Pes anserinus tendinopathy

Posterior Knee Pain

• Popliteal cysts
• Baker’s cyst

Investigation: diagnosis can be made clinically but is confirmed radiologically;

radiographs also demonstrate the extent of bone injury. MRI adds information on
soft-tissue disease, while arthroscopy allows both diagnosis and treatment of intra-
articular problems.


• Soft tissue injuries to the collateral ligaments are immobilised with a high knee
brace followed by physiotherapy
• In cruciate ligament damage, as with hamstring conditions, physiotherapy and
rehabilitation can negate the need for surgical reconstruction
• Meniscal injuries inevitably require arthroscopy and partial meniscectomy, but
peripheral early tears may be sutured
• Patellofemoal disorders require biomechanical assessment and rigorous
quadriceps physiotherapy
• Trauma with tibial plateau fractures inevitably require open reduction and
fixation: with aspiration of the joint and elevation, progressing to cast brace for
early mobilisation. Traction may also be applied when osteoporosis is present.
Undisplaced patellar fractures can be managed with a backslab and mobilisation
but displaced fractures may require wiring followed by a cast brace.
• In tuberculous disease, a full drug course must be given. Subsequent management
may include that of osteoarthritic changes.
• Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are treated as summarised in Case 2.

Case 2: arthritides
Compare and contrast the symptoms and signs of rheumatoid arthritis and

Ask specifically about the pattern of stiffness: this may tell you about the joint

If you are asked to examine the knee in a short case, always glance at the hands.
This will give you a clue if your patient has rheumatoid arthritis.

Remember: the knee may be the only joint involved in osteoarthritis; in rheumatoid
arthritis, it is usually involved as part of a generalised syndrome (for hands see

Look carefully for scars of previous operations: your patient may have had a joint
replacement. Look also at the thigh: note that in all knee injuries there is rapid
muscle wasting of the thigh muscles, particularly of the medial quadriceps.

Treatment: osteoathritis of the knee is treated with analgesics and knee elastic
support, progressing to depomedrone intra-articular injection and washout of
degenerative material. If symptoms progress, other measures may include
patellectomy, tibial osteotomy, prosthetic joint replacement or arthrodesis.
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis involves treating the generalised disease and, in
the knee, arthroscopic synovectomy. When symptoms are not controlled by drugs,
osteotomy is undertaken for marked valgus deformity and prosthetic joint
replacement for extensive joint destruction. In both diseases, haemarthrosis and
effusions are aspirated. Physiotherapy is an important aspect of rehabilitation.

Case 3: mechanical problems (‘locking and giving way’)

You would be extremely unlikely to have a patient with an acute injury in the
examination, but there could be a patient with recurrent episodes.

True locking occurs with menisceal tears in plica syndrome (trapping of a synovial
fold) and loose bodies (‘joint mice’). Know the causes of joint mice:

• Osteochondritis dissecans

• Synovial chondromalacia

• Osteochondral fracture

• Localised separation of articular cartilage.

Pseudo locking is due to pain and apprehension. A knee ‘gives way’ in

patellofemoral disease and when there is any weakness of quadriceps, especially
vastus medialis.

Treatment: when loose bodies or meniscal tears are present, arthroscopy allows
diagnosis and treatment of the underlying problem, removing loose bodies and any
damaged cartilage. If the anterior cruciate ligament requires replacement or repair
for tears or knee instability, followed by a hinged knee brace and 12 –18 months

Case 4: knee deformities

You should know the causes of the two most common deformities: genu valgum
and genu varum.

Treatment: see Case 2.

Most lumps in and around the knee are due to bursitis or diverticula. Know the
differential diagnosis.

a. Anterior (rare)

• Prepatellar bursa (housemaid’s knee)

• Infrapatellar bursa (clergyman’s knee)

• Osgood-Schlatterdisease.

b. Lateral/medial (rare)

• Cystoflateralmeniscus

• Cystofmedialmeniscus

• Exostosis.

c. Posterior

• Semimembranous bursa

• Baker’s cyst

• Poplitealaneurysm.

You should be able to recognise a bursa by the following features:

• Not tender(unless infected)

• Smooth surface

• Fluctuant

• Transilluminable

• May be attached to skin

• Immobile.

Case 5: anterior knee swellings

a. Prepatellar bursitis: housemaid’s knee

Here the swelling is over the patella. Ask the patient his or her occupation: it is
common in carpet layers, tilers and roofers, but not so common in housewives!

b. Infrapatellar bursitis: clergyman’s knee

Here the swelling is distal to the patella.

c. Osgood–Schlatter disease

Suspect this condition in an adolescent who complains of pain after physical

activity: look for a lump over the tibial tuberosity. On palpation, it is usually tender.

Treatment: bursae and cysts are usually managed conservatively but may, if
infected, need aspiration and appropriate antibiotics.

Case 6: posterior knee swellings

a. Semimembranous bursitis

The swelling is behind the knee in the medial part of the popliteal fossa, above the
joint line.

b. Baker’s cyst/popliteal cyst

This is a synovial diverticulum extending into the popliteal fossa through a deficit
in the posterior capsule. The swelling is behind the knee, below the joint line. You
may be asked to distinguish the terms ‘popliteal cyst’ and ‘Baker’s cyst’:

Popliteal cyst:

• No underlying pathology

• Seen in young adults/children.

Baker’s cyst:

• Pathology of rest of knee, eg rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout,


• Often excaberates pre-existing symptoms, eg further interference with knee


c. Popliteal aneurysm

This is easily detected because of its expansile pulsation:

• Always palpate the other leg (it may be bilateral)

• Examine the peripheral pulses

• Palpate the abdomen and groin for associated aortic femoral aneurysms.

Treatment: bursae and cysts (see Case 5). Popliteal aneurysms require surgical
repair to prevent acute ischaemia from thrombosis or rupture.

Case 7: Knee injuries

Remember that the knee contains not only the femorotibial joint, but also a joint
between the patella and the femur. Always check for fractures along the entire
length of the fibula.

Knee injuries can cause:

a. Bone fractures:

• Tibial plateau fractures occur as a result of femur compressing the tibia.

• Supracondylar femoral fractures may damage the popliteal artery.

• Fractures of the patella may be transverse (split in half) or comminuted

(shattered). Patellar fractures, quadriceps tendon tears or tears of the patellar
ligament can all give rise to loss of the extensor mechanism of the knee.

b. Ligamentous injury:sudden change of direction of movement exerted on the

knee can cause anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. This can be associated
with a positive anterior drawer test (anterior translation of the tibia on the femur
when knee is flexed at 90º, meniscial damage and haemarthrosis (blood in the
knee joint). Severe trauma can give rise to the Terrible Triad of O’Donohue
(anterial cruciate, medial meniscus, medial collateral ligament damage).

c. Joint dislocation:

• Patellar dislocation occurs laterally. It may reduce spontaneously on extension

of the knee.

• Knee dislocation is relatively rare and requires high-velocity trauma; it may

give rise to injuries to the popliteal artery and the peroneal nerve, as well as
to major ligamentous injuries. This is unlikely in this case.

• In such cases also consider damage to the joints below, eg impacted fracture of
the neck of femur and ankle sprains. Remember: pain in knee – examine the

1. What is the normal angle of the femur on the tibia?

2. What are the causes of genu varum?

3. What are the causes of genu valgum?

4. What is the cause of Osgood–Schlatter disease?

5. What is osteochondritis dissecans?

6. What are the causes of anterior knee pain?

7. What are the causes of a ‘locked knee’?

8. What radiological features would you see in osteoarthritis?

9. What radiological features would you se e in rheumatoid arthritis?

10. Where is the most common site for a meniscus to tear? How would such an
injury present?

1. The tibiofemoral angle is 5–7° of femoral valgus. It is usually greater in the
female due to the wider pelvis.

2. Genu varum (bow-legs):>6cm between the knees when the heels are together.
Physiological normal finding in babies; abnormal growth of the posteromedial
proximal tibial epiphysis; osteoarthritis and cartilage loss in the medial
compartment; Paget’s disease and epiphyseal injury; vitamin C and D deficiency.

3. Genu valgum:>8 cm between malleoli with knees touching. Physiological normal

variant in toddlers aged 3–4; rheumatoid arthritis; dysplasias; epiphyseal injury;
vitamin C and D deficiency.

4. Painful swelling of the tibial tubercle in adolescence due to traction injury of the
apophysis. Spontaneous recovery with alteration of activity.

5. Avascular necrosis of subchondral bone: avascular fragments separate and may

give rise to loose bodies.

6. Congenital lesions (eg bipartite patella); injuries; stress; (growth spurts,

chondromalacia patellae, obesity, plica syndrome); osteochondritis (Osgood–
Schlatter disease, osteochondritis dissecans); bursae (bursitis); joint pathology
(rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, tuberculosis).

7. Meniscal tear (including bucket handle); loose bodies (joint mice) such as in
osteochondritis dissecans; synovial chondromalacia; osteochondral fracture;
localised separation of articular cartilage and plica syndrome (trapping of a
synovial fold).

8. Osteoarthritis: asymmetrical narrowing of joint space, sclerosis of subcondylar

bone; cysts close to the joint surface and osteophytes at the joint margin.

9. Rheumatoid arthritis: periarticular osteoporosis, marginal bony erosion,

narrowing of joint space. At later stages, destruction and deformity, with
subluxation of joint surfaces.

10. Splitting is usually along the length of the medial meniscus:bucket-handle tears
remain attached at each end. It presents with severe pain, usually on the medial
side of the knee, often as a sports injury. The knee is typically locked in flexion.
Swelling follows a few hours or days later. Recurrent and chronic problems may
requir surgery.

Hand and foot problems usually come up as short cases and OSCEs. You may be
told to ask the patient a few questions: first ask about the patient’s main complaint.
Then go through the usual questions about pain and swelling (here and here), and
autoimmune conditions.

Ask specifically about loss of function and social history:

• Can you hold a cup and feed yourself easily?

• Can you turn a doorknob?

• Do you have difficulty dressing yourself, eg doing up buttons?

• Are you right or left handed

• Do you have difficulty washing yourself?

• Can you write?

• What job do you do?

The instruction will usually be to ‘examine this person’s hands’. Seek clues as to
the underlying cause right from the beginning.

Look at both sides:

• Elbows: ?rheumatoid nodules

• Nails and skin ?nail, ?pitting,?psoriasis (and scalp) ?scarring of systemic

sclerosis (and face)

• Ears: ?gouty tophi.

‘Examine this patient’s hand (s) ’

If you are asked to examine a patient’s foot, follow the usual routine of ‘LOOK,
FEEL, MOVE, MEASURE’, examining each joint in turn as outlined here. There
will usually be an obvious abnormality which you should describe systematically
before giving your diagnosis.



Case 1: contracted hand

You may be shown a contracted hand. Your differential diagnosis will include an
ulnar nerve palsy (here) and Klumpke’s palsy (here) which both result in a
clawed hand. A contracted hand can result from the following conditions.

The most common cause of a contracted hand is Dupuytren’s contracture:

• Feel for the hard, subcutaneous nodules on the palmar surface – usually involving
the 4th and 5th digits.

• Look at the knuckles, which may also be thickened (Garrod’s pads).

• Look at the other hand.

• Ask to examine the soles of the feet: similar nodules may be felt.

If permitted, ask the following questions to determine the cause:

• Do you drink alcohol? How much per day? Do you have any liver problems?

• Do you have diabetes?

• Do you suffer from epilepsy? Are you on a phenytoin?

Treatment: Dupuytren’s contracure is usually managed conservatively but where

there is progressive flexion of ring and middle fingers the patient is unable to have
a flat palm when placed on a table.
The thickened fascia may be excised (faciectomy or dermofaciectomy graft; if skin

involved) with splintage for 6–12 weeks postoperatively. In severe, persisting,
disabling deformity the little finger may have to be amputated.

Volkmann’s contracture and shortening of the intrinsic hand muscles are usually
managed conservatively although muscle release procedures and tendon transfers
may be possible.

Case 2: median nerve lesion

This is usually carpal tunnel syndrome. You may be asked the associations.
Classify your answer:

• Endocrine causes (acromegaly, myxoederma)

• Connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis)

• Fluid retention (congestive cardiac failure, pregnancy)

• Trauma.

Remember the signs:

a. Sensory loss: over lateral three and a half digits.

Note that the palm may be spared as the palmar branch of the median nerve passes
superficial to the flexor retinaculum.

b. Motor loss and wasting, affects LOAF:

Lumbricals (lateral two)

Opponens pollicis

Abductor pollicis brevis (easiest to detect)

Flexor pollicis brevis

c. Positive Tinel’s sign and Phalen’s test (see examination scheme, here).

Treatment: see after Case 6.

Case 3: ulnar nerve palsy

This is usually due to trauma at the elbow: look for scars here. It may occasionally

arise from repeated trauma to the heel of the hand, in which case there is no sensory
loss. Revise the signs:

a. Position: claw hand.

b. Sensory loss: over little and ring fingers.

c. Motor loss and wasting: affects the interossei; most noticeable dorsally. There
is weakened finger abduction and adduction.

d. Positive Froment’s sign (see here).

Treatment: see after Case 6.

Case 4: radial nerve palsy

The most common cause is when the patient falls asleep with his or her arm hanging
over the edge of the chair (‘Saturday night palsy’). Remember that the radial nerve
lies in the spiral groove and can therefore also be damaged by fractures of the shaft
of the humerus.

The main signs are wrist drop and wasting of the posterior forearm muscles. There
is very little sensory loss – only over the anatomical snuffbox.

Treatment: see after Case 6.

Case 5: Erb’s palsy (C5, C6 roots)

The most common causes are birth trauma and injury. The signs are as follows:

a. Position: arm internally rotated with the forearm pronated and the palm facing
backwards (the waiter’s tip sign).

b. Sensory loss: over deltoid.

c. Muscle weakness and wasting: affects deltoid, most of shoulder rotator

muscles, biceps and brachioradialis.

d. Reflexes: absent biceps and supinator reflexes.

Treatment: see after Case 6.

Case 6: Klumpke’s palsy (TI root)

This can be caused by a cervical rib or apical lung tumour (Pancoast’s tumour):
remember to check for an associated Horner syndrome – miosis, ptosis,
enophthalmos and anhidrosis of the face.

The hand is clawed and wasted. There is sensory loss over the inner aspect of the
arm and forearm.

Treatment: where the nerve injury is neuropraxia, there may be some spontaneous
recovery. For more severe injuries, the site of damage must be identified and
immediate repair may be possible. Recovery is more likely in children and in pure
motor or sensory nerves. Brachial plexus injuries involving avulsion of the nerve
roots are not amenable to surgery and a useless, flail, upper limb is an occasional
indication for amputation. Progress of healing can be followed by a positive Tinel’s

Case 7: dropped finger

Usually affects little and ring fingers. Finger can be passively extended but drops
down upon release.

Cause: extensor tendon rupture (close to ulnar styloid and rheumatoid arthritis).

Treatment: tendon repair.

Case 8: mallet finger

Terminal IP joint cannot be extended.

Cause: division/avulsion of extensor digitorum longus (at base of distal phalanx).

Treatment: a splint in the acute phase, retaining hyperextension of the distal

interphalangeal joint. Old injuries with marked deformity may require tendon

Case 9: boutonnière deformity

• Flexion of PIP joint

• Hyperextension of DIP joint.

Cause: rupture of central slip of extensor expansion. Associated with rheumatoid

arthritis and trauma.

Treatment: surgical correction, by transferring the lateral slip of the tendon to the
middle phalanx.

Case 10: swan-neck deformity

(opposite of boutonnière deformity)
• Hyperextension of PIP joint.

• Flexion of DIP joint

Cause: associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment: painful deformed and defective hands might be relieved by

synovectomy, with or without prosthetic replacement of the MCP and IP joints.

Case 11: trigger finger/stenosing tenosynovitis

• Patient’s finger clicks when it is bent

• When patien straightens out hand, affected finger remains bent and then
straightens with a click

• Feel for a tender nodule over the tendon sheath, over the distal palmar crease.

Cause: inflammatory thickening of the tendon or its sheath.

Treatment: steroid injection; if fails, the stenotic area of the tendon sheath is
incised to release and allow free movement of the tendon.

Case 12: rheumatoid arthritis
This is a very common short case. You should be able to describe the characteristic

• Ulnar deviation of the fingers

• Boutonnière deformity

• Swan-neck deformity

• Z-deformity of the thumb

• Subluxation of the MCP joints

• Dorsal subluxation of the ulna at the carpal joint (piano key sign).

Also look for additional features:

• Swelling of the PIP joints

• Wasting of the small hand muscles

• Atrophic skin and purpura (secondary to steroid therapy).

Palpate the elbows for rheumatoid nodules.

Treatment: painful, deformed and defective hands might be helped by

synovectomy, with or without prosthetic replacement of the MCP and IP joints.

Case 13: osteoarthritis

Note especially:

• Heberden’s nodes: bony thickening of DIP joints

• Bouchard’s nodes: bony thickening of the PIP joints

• Squaring of thumb: involvement of carpometacarpal joint of thumb.

Treatment is usually conservative:

• Simple analgesia

• Discontinue any activity likely to aggravate wear and tear of cartilage

• Splints and physiotherapy

• More rarely, steroid injection or surgical therapy.

Case 14: the wasted hand

This is a common short case. The two most common causes of generalised hand
wasting are old age and rheumatoid arthritis. However, remember neurological

• Palpate for a cervical rib.

• Look for scars around the elbow (ulnar nerve palsy).

• Test abductor pollicis brevis and the interossei for median and ulnar nerve
palsies respectively.

Treatment: if a T1 nerve injury is identified, the offending cervical rib or

compressing band must be removed or released surgically as soon as possible.

Case 15: fall on an outstretched hand (FOOSH)

Falls in the elderly are a major cause of morbidity due to osteoporosis which
increases the risk of fracture, as well as poor mobility, balance and vision, which
make falling more likely.

Fractures can occur in the carpal bones of the wrist, the radius or ulna, as well as
in more proximal joints such as the shoulder due to pressure transmission.

You must consider three injuries:

1. Colles’ fracture: fracture of the distal end of the radius bone, with shortening,
and dorsal diplacement and angulation of the fractured distal segment. This gives
the classic ‘dinner-fork’ deformity of the wrist and is typical of a fall on an

outstretched hand. The wrist can be ‘pulled’ (reduced) using local anaesthesia
(into haematoma or a biers block), sedation and analgesia; or it can be
manipulated under anaesthesia, followed by fixation in a plaster cast. Complex
fractures may require open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). Persistent
deformity and poor wrist function are common complications of inadequate
reduction and immobilisation.

2. Smith’s fracture: fracture of the distal radius with volar angulation (opposite to
Colles’) of the fractured segment. This occurs when the impact occurs on the
dorsum of the hand.

3. Scaphoid fracture (more common at a younger age): the patient is tender over
the anatomical snuffbox (space between the extensor tendons of the thumb:
extensor policis longus vs extensor policis brevis and abductor policis longus).
The pain can be reproduced by a telescoping movement of the thumb (as if trying
to pull thumb out or push it in). Avascular necrosis of the proximal scaphoid
segment can occur due to disturbance of the blood supply to it. Treatment
normally involves immobilisation with a plaster from the upper forearm to just
proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers, but including the
metacarphphalyngeal joint of the thumb, with the wrist slightly extended (the
glass holding position), for 6-8 weeks.

Case 16: shoulder injuries

Injuries to the shoulder can involve:

• Bones: fractures of the humerus, clavicle and scapula

• Joints: dislocation of joints between any of the above bones

• Muscles and ligaments: rotator cuff injuries.

1. Humeral shaft fractures may damage the brachial artery (anteriorly) and radial
nerve (posteriorly). Clinical and radiological diagnosis are needed. Radial
nerve damage presents with loss of wrist extension (motor) and loss of sensation
over first dorsal web space of the hand (sensory).

2. Shoulder dislocation: over 90% of traumatic shoulder dislocations cause the

humerus to lie anteriorly (anterior dislocations). The patient supports the
dislocated humerus, while the shoulder contour is lost. Dislocations can cause
axillary nerve and artery damage, with loss of sensation over the outer aspect of
the upper arm (sergeant’s patch / regimental patch area). Shoulder dislocations

can be reduced using Kocher’s method. Recurrent dislocation of the joint can

3. Clavicular fracture: the clavicle commonly fractures in its middle third

segment. The outer third becomes depressed by the weight of the arm, while the
proximal third is elevated by the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The fractured
clavicle is treated with an arm sling. Dimpling of skin over the fracture /
proximity of bony spicules to skin mandates surgical intervention, as does
significant displacement (the latter may damage the subclavian vessels or
brachial plexus).

4. Rotator cuff injuries: may involve any of the short articular muscles, causing
painful movements (rotar cuff; tendinitis). The supraspinatus may impinge on the
acromion producing a painful arc on abduction. Transection of supraspinatus may
be accompanied by an inability to initiate shoulder abduction. Treatment includes
repair of torn rotator tendons and removal of any bony irregularities on the

The three common foot problems you will see in an examination are hallux valgus,
hammer toe and claw toes.

Case 17: hallux valgus (bunions)

This is lateral deviation of the great toe (valgus deformity) with protrusion of the
metatarsal head. The condition is usually bilateral: always look at the other foot.
Examine for the following features:

• Inflammation: heat and redness over the bunion

• Associated hammer toes, due to overlapping (crowding)

• Corns and callosities over and under the metatarsal heads

• Secondary osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint.

Treatment: appropriate footwear (low heels, wide toes); surgical corrective

osteotomy or arthrodesis.

Case 18: hammer toe

This usually affects the second toe. It can be bilateral. There is a fixed flexion
deformity of the PIP joint.

Treatment: see Case 17.

Case 19: claw toes

Claw toes (hyperextension metatarsophalangeal, flexion interphalangeal joints):
usually idiopathic. However, you should know the secondary causes:

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Neurological problems, eg polio, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, diabetes.

Look for an associated pes cavus (high foot arch).

Treatment: these deformities are usually managed conservatively with appropriate

footwear but the affected joints can be arthrodesed.



1. What muscles do the median, ulnar and radial nerves supply in the hand?

2. What are the signs of median, ulnar and radial nerve palsies?

3. What are the causes of median, ulnar and radial nerve palsies?

4. In what position would you fix the hand after injury to avoid stiffness?

5. What is de Quervain’s tenosynovitis?

6. What is a trigger finger?

7. What associations of Dupuytren’s contracture do you know?


8. Describe the deformity of club foot.

9. Are there any indications for treating flat feet?

10. What is hallux valgus? How would you manage it?

11. What is the difference between hallux valgus and hallux rigidus?

12. What are the causes of pes cavus and claw toes?

1. Median: thenar muscles and lateral two lumbricals, flexor digitorum
superficialis and lateral two tendons of flexor digitorum profundus. Ulnar:
hypothenar muscles, adductor pollicis, tendons of flexor digitorum profundus to
ring and little finger. Radial: posterior compartment muscles (the long extensor
tendons are supplied by its posterior interosseous branch).

2. Median: thenar wasting, loss of thumb abduction, flexion of ulnar fingers but
pointing of the index finger, loss of wrist flexion and pronation. Loss of sensation
over the radial three and a half digits including the nail beds. Ulnar: loss of
intrinsic muscle function of the hand produces a claw hand with loss of finger
abduction and thumb adduction. Loss of sensation over the ulnar one and a half
digits including the nail bed. Positive Froment’s sign. Radial: loss of elbow
extension with injuries to the upper arm; loss of extensors of wrist, fingers and
thumb, and thumb abduction. Sensory loss over anatomical snuffbox.

3. Median: penetrating injuries in the arm and forearm, elbow dislocation, carpal
dislocation, carpal tunnel syndrome due to fluid retention in association with
congestive cardiac failure, pregnancy, connective tissue disease (rheumatoid
arthritis), endocrine disease (acromegaly, myxoedema).

Ulnar: usually disease around the elbow, eg fractures, dislocations, entrapment

in the cubital tunnel syndrome, particularly with severe valgus deformity and
osteoarthritis, compression injuries against the medial epicondyle (during
anaesthesia or trauma), penetrating injuries in the forearm, repeated trauma over
the pisohamate tunnel (in cyclists).

Radial: falling asleep with the arm hanging over the back of a chair (Saturday
night palsy), midshaft fracture of the humerus with damage in the spiral groove,
penetrating injuries and fracture dislocation of the elbow.

Prolonged use of a tourniquet or acute ischaemia can damage all three nerves.

4. Intrinsic plus position: wrist 10º extension; metacarpophalangeal 80º flexion;

interphalangeal 0º – keeps collateral ligaments taught, preventing intrinsic

5. De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is thickening, inflammation and tenderness of the
tendon sheaths of extensor pollicis brevis and longus, and abductor pollicis
longus, giving pain on thumb abduction against resistance and passive adduction.

6. Patient’s finger clicks when it is bent and usually has to be forcibly straightened.
A palpable tendon nodule over the distal palmar crease, may be present.
Symptoms are due to trapping of the nodule by a stenosis in the sheath.

7. Dupuytren’s contracture has an autosomal dominant inheritance, and is

associated with alcoholic cirrhosis, phenytoin, diabetes mellitus, AIDS and

8. In club foot, the ankle is in equines, the heel inverted and the forefoot adducted
and supinated, so that the foot sole faces posteromedially. The foot cannot be
dorsiflexed to touch the leg as is normal in neonates.

9. Flat feet are common and no treatments are required in asymptomatic children
or adults. Treatment is indicated in tarsal conditions (fixed/fused tarsals) and
failure of correction of the medial arch when on tiptoe. Initially plaster with foot
in plantar grade position, if failure, surgical intervention.

10. In hallux valgus, there is excessive lateral angulation of the big toe away from
the axis of the metatarsal. It can be treated by appropriate footwear and, when
symptomatic (eg an infected bunion), the prominent part of the metatarsal head
can be excised with a corrective osteotomy. Alternative surgical treatments
include excision of the metatarsophalangeal joint or arthrodesis.

11. Hallux rigidus is stiffness of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Causes include
osteoarthritis, trauma, osteochondritis or gout, usually without the associated
lateral angulation of the toe of hallux valgus.

12. Pes cavus is usually idiopathic but may be secondary to neurological disorders
such as peroneal muscular atrophy or Friedreich’s ataxia. It is often associated
with clawing of the toes and with callosities under the metatarsal heads. The
metatarsophalangeal joints are extended and the interphalangeal joints are flexed.

‘Arteriopath’ patients are readily available for examinations because of their age
and complications. They are usually given as long cases, because the histories tend
to be extensive. In your ‘history of presenting complaint’, include not only the
symptoms of peripheral vascular disease, but also all other symptoms, risk factors,
past history, and family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and lower
limb arterial disease.

Presenting symptoms

• Can you describe the pain in your legs? (Ask pain questions, see here)

• Does the pain come on when you walk/exercise?

• How far can you walk before you get the pain? (Claudication distance is best
described in terms of a known distance, eg from the entrance of the hospital to
the clinic.)

• When you stop walking, how long does it take for the pain to go away?

• Can you walk through the pain?

• How long have you had the problem? Has it got any better or worse over this

• How does it affect your lifestyle and does it interfere with your work?

• Have you any pain in your leg or foot at rest?

• What relieves your pain? (Rest pain may be relieved by walking about and
hanging the leg over the side of the bed)..

• Where is the pain in your leg (calf, thigh, buttock)? In a man, ask about erectile
function (Leriche syndrome).

In a man, ask about erectile function (Leriche syndrome).

Past surgical history

Ask about past surgery and investigations (duplex scans, angiograms) for
peripheral vascular disease. When you present your history, describe these events
chronologically and as concisely as possible.

Past medical history

Ask about previous myocardial infarcts/strokes/transient ischaemic attacks/leg

Drugs and allergies

Ask about any known allergies to drugs.

Associated cardio vascular and cerebrovascular problems

Ask about chest pain/shortness of breath on exertion/palpitations/ankle
swelling/loss of sensation or power of a limb/loss of vision/speech problems.

Risk factors
Ask about smoking/hypertension/diabetes/cholesterol levels.

Family history
Ask about a family history of cardiovascular/cerebrovascular/peripheral vascular

Tailor the rest of your history towards the differential diagnosis – it is important to
ask about neurological symptoms, such as paraesthesia in the leg, because there
may be a neurological cause of the pain.

The OSLER/long case
Pay particular attention to the following:

• Peripheral vascular system: look for ulcers on pressure areas and over the tips
and between the toes. Record all pulses and bruits on a diagram (see here); felt
against underlying bone – ?enlarged

• Pulse: rate, rhythm, volume, vessel wall

• Heart

• Fundoscopy

• Neurological examination of the lower limb: in a patient complaining of leg pain,

you may be asked to explain how your examination findings point to a diagnosis
of claudication/rest pain rather than nerve root pain.

The OSCE/short case

Listen carefully to or read the instruction: if your examiner asks you to examine the
patient’s lower limb, do not jump straight into the following scheme, but follow the
systematic approach outlined here. Similarly, if asked to examine an ulcer on a
limb, proceed as for the examination of any ulcer (pages here).

‘Examine this patient’s lower limb peripheral vascular system’

It is extremely unlikely that you will have a patient with an acutely ischaemic limb
in the examination because this is a surgical emergency. However, be aware of the
causes of acute ischaemia and the symptoms and signs – remember the 6 Ps:

1. Pain

2. Paraesthesia

3. Paralysis

4. Pallor

5. Pulselessness

6. Perishingly cold.

Case 1: intermittent claudication

Don’t worry if your history doesn’t fit into any neat category: just report clearly and
confidently on your findings. Ask yourself the following questions – this will help
enormously in your presentation and discussion of the case with the examiners.

a. Is your patient’s pain due to vascular disease?

It is quite possible that your patient has symptomless arterial disease with loss of

pulses, but is suffering from a different cause of leg pain. Know the features of
claudication pain:

• Cramp like

• Felt in the muscle

• Comes on invariably and only with exercise

• Stops after about 2 minutes of rest.

b. What is the differential diagnosis?

Think of the following:


This is differentiated from claudication by the following features:

• History of disc lesion/back trouble

• Pain felt in back, down buttock and thigh

• No characteristic relationship to exercise

• Limited straight-leg raising

• Neurological signs, eg wasting, loss of power, reflexes and sensation.

Osteoarthritis of the hip

This can be difficult to distinguish because the pain is also worsened by exercise.
The pain is felt in the hip joint but can be referred to the knee. It varies from day to

Anterior tibial compartment syndrome (rare in an examination)

This occurs in young people after unaccustomed exercise. The pain is felt in the
anterior part of the lower leg.

Cauda equina claudication

This is the most difficult to distinguish. There are two pathologies. Both lead to
sciatic-like pain and to limited straight-leg raising after exercise:

• Disc pathology: partial compression of cauda equina by prolapsed disc

• Aortoiliac disease: on exercise, a drop in pressure leads to ischaemia of cauda


c. What is the site of the main occlusion?

Try to relate your patient’s symptoms (site of pain) and signs (absence of pulses,
presence of bruits) to the anatomy. Early claudication – superficial femoral; thigh –
common femoral; external iliac/profunda origin – unilateral buttock; bilateral
buttock – aorta. A mental picture of the angiogram helps.

Distinguish between femorodistal disease and aortoiliac disease:

If aortoiliac symptoms are unilateral, occlusion is probably of the common iliac
artery. If symptoms are bilateral (rare), occlusion may be of the aorta. Think of the
tetrad of Leriche syndrome:

• Bilateral pain

• Impotence in male (no flow in internal iliac vessels)

• Bilateral absent femoral and distal pulses

• Aortoiliac bruit.

d. How severe is the claudication?

Your examiner will almost certainly ask how you would manage your patient. This
is influenced by your assessment of the severity of your patient’s claudication. Use
the following parameters:

• What is the claudication distance?

• Can your patient walk through the pain?

• How is it affecting your patient’s lifestyle or work? (How far does he or she
need to walk?)

• Has your patient tried conservative measures, eg stopping smoking, losing

weight, an exercise programme?

• How rapidly is the problem progressing?

Treatment: if patient can actively enjoy life, leave well alone (90% managed
conservatively); if not, consider arteriography and percutaneous dilation (the more
proximal the disease the better the result).

Case 2: rest pain/critical ischaemia
The patient will usually be male, aged 60 +. A strong clue that he has rest pain is if
his knee is bent or if his leg is hanging over the bed. Both these positions ease the
pain. The following features differentiate rest pain from claudication:

• The pain is distal, mainly in the toes and forefoot

• Skin pallor

• Trophic changes (see here)

• Ischaemic ulceration at pressure points (see here)

• Gangrene: usually dry and wrinkled

• Positive Buerger’s test (see here).

You may be asked why the pain occurs particularly at rest. There are three reasons:

1. Decreased arterial flow due to decreased assistance of gravity

2. Physiological decreased cardiac output at rest

3. Reactive dilatation of skin vessels to warmth (in bed).

Treatment: pain needs to be managed. Arteriogram is used to assess whether it is

possible to dilate arterial stenosis, whether surgical reconstruction is possible and
whether the patient is fit for surgery.

Case 3: diabetic foot

As in the above case, your patient may have ulcers at pressure points and
gangrenous toes. Remember that the pathology is multifactorial:

• Arterial occlusive disease

• Microscopic angiopathy

• Peripheral neuropathy (sensory, motor, autonomic)

• Infection.

The following features distinguish the diabetic foot from the critically ischaemic

• The patient is younger.

• The foot is red and warm.

• Gangrene is usually accompanied by infection: there may be deep collections of


• The pulses maybe present.

Treatment: treat infection. Neuropathic ulcers, with no ischaemia or acute

infection – broad-spectrum antibiotics and follow the bone changes with MRI. May
require conservative surgery to drain pus and remove dead tissue. May need more
aggressive approach, as in Case 2.

Case 4: aortic aneurysm

This is a common short and long case in surgical finals. As always, look carefully.
You may see a pulsating mass in the umbilical region.

An aortic aneurysm has an expansile pulsatility as opposed to a transmitted

pulsatility. To distinguish between these, place the fingers of your two hands on
either side of the mass and look to see if they are actually being pushed apart.

Measure the horizontal distance between your fingers: remember that, especially in
thin females, the abdominal aorta is easily palpable.

Can your hand get above it? If so, it is infrarenal (most common).

Is the aneurysm tender? This suggests that it may be about to rupture (a very
unlikely examination situation!).

Auscultate over the swelling: a loud bruit (in the absence of a similar bruit in the
heart) supports the diagnosis.

Check the femoral, popliteal and foot pulses. These are usually present, as patients
presenting with aneurysms rarely have peripheral vascular disease. However,
emboli from the aneurysm may cause distal occlusion. There may be an associated
popliteal aneurysm.

Treatment: when the aneurysm is >5.5 cm across (symptomatic or rapidly

expanding), the risk of rupture continues to rise; if the patient is otherwise fit, the
aneurysm should be replaced with a synthetic tube, using percutaneous (EVAR:

endovascular aneurysm repair) or open surgical techniques.

Case 5: amputation
Peripheral vascular disease is by far the most common cause of amputation in
elderly people. You might meet such a patient in the long case.

Take a detailed history of the immediate events leading up to the amputation but do
not get bogged down in the probably lengthy history of previous operations such as
bypasses and sympathectomies.

Your history should be geared largely towards the sociological implications of the
amputation. Ask about mobility: can the patient climb stairs? Is he or she likely to
be confined to a wheelchair? Assess the patient’s ability to wash, dress and self-
care in other ways. Ask also about occupational therapy, home help, aids and

Determine whether the amputation is below knee/through knee/above knee and look
carefully at the wound site. Is it infected? Are there contractures of the hip and knee

Treatment: vascular amputees need a wheelchair even where a prosthesis is

proposed. Check whether the patient’s home needs to be adapted: wheelchair
accessibility is required for toilet and bathroom, reaching light switches, washing
and cooking facilities, cupboards and getting onto their bed.

1. Why does critical ischaemia lead to rest pain?

2. What is the cause of a bruit?

3. What factors would influence your management of a patient with


4. What are the causes of diabetic foot disease?

5. What causes of intermittent claudication would you consider in a young


6. What are the causes of an acutely ischaemic limb?

7. What are the symptoms and signs of an acutely ischaemic limb?

8. What is the ankle–brachial pressure index (ABPI)? Why measure it?

9. What anatomical features on the arteriogram determine the severity of

ischaemia in an atherosclerotic limb?

10. What are the risk factors for peripheral vascular disease?

1. The blood supply is insufficient to keep the tissues alive; ischaemic metabolites
and associated ulceration produce pain.

2. Turbulence when blood encounters a narrowing. High flow (associated with

arteriovenous fistulae) can produce a bruit or a continuous murmur (machinery
murmur). Murmurs can be transmitted from the heart, particularly to the carotid

3. (a) The effect on lifestyle: how far they can and need to walk, interference with
work activities and social life; (b) response to preventive measures, eg stopping
smoking, reaching an optimal weight and regular exercise; and (c) the rate of

4. In diabetes, arterial disease occurs a decade earlier than in the rest of the
population and is complicated by microvascular disease, neuropathy of motor or
sensory and autonomic fibres, and increased susceptibility to infection.

5. Early onset of arteriosclerosis occurs in hyperlipidaemia, antiphospholipid

syndrome, a bad family history, diabetes, someone who is a heavy smoker and
Buerger’s disease. Also consider compartment syndromes, popliteal entrapment
and cystic degeneration, arterial injury and congenital anomalies, and exclude
pain of neurological origin.

6. Trauma, embolism and thrombosis of aneurysms or pre-existing chronic disease.

7. The 6 Ps: pain, paraesthesia, paralysis, pallor, pulselessness, perishingly cold.

8. The ABPI is the ratio of the ankle to the arm blood pressure – usually >1 because
the muscle bulk of the leg gives slightly higher readings. The value is reduced in
lower limb arterial disease with a further fall on exercise.

9. Leg disease commonly starts in the superficial femoral artery at the adductor
hiatus or its origin. Symptoms become prominent once disease is present at two
levels, such as with additional popliteal or aortoiliac stenosis.

10. Family history, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, smoking and hypertension.

Include the following questions.

Presenting complaint

• What is your main problem? (The patient may be bothered by the appearance,
aches and pains or something else.)

• Are you on your feet all day? Do your legs ache more towards the end of the day?

• How long have you had the problem? Have you seen anyone about it previously?
Was it treated then?

Predisposing causes

• Does anyone else in your family have varicose veins?

• Have you ever been pregnant? Did you have any problems with your legs then?
Did one leg swell up?

• Have you had any major injuries or operations? Did you have any problems with
your legs then? Did one leg swell up?

In your systemic enquiry, ask about abdominal and gynaecological symptoms,


• Have your noticed any swelling of your abdomen?

• Have your clothes become tighter lately?

Venous insufficiency is a common short case. Practise the tourniquet test. It may
look easy on paper but the only way it doesn’t end up an embarrassing fiasco in
front of your examiners is for it to be a well-worn routine. Be absolutely clear
about its significance. You may think that you understand it but, with exam nerves,
explaining it is another matter. If you are being examined by a vascular unit, ask for
a hand-held Doppler to test incompetence before performing the tourniquet test.

‘Examine this patient’s varicose veins’

Although a patient with an acute deep vein thrombosis is unlikely to come up in an
examination, you should know about the presentation and differential diagnosis of
this common emergency.

Be absolutely clear as to what is meant by the terms ‘varicose veins’ and ‘venous
insufficiency’. Your patient may have one or both of these conditions.

Case 1: varicose veins
Your patient will usually have primary varicose veins, ie no known underlying
cause. There may be a positive family history. However, always seek a secondary
cause (see history and examination above).

You may be asked to define varicose veins: these are ‘dilated, tortuous, thin-
walled, superficial veins’.

A knowledge of the anatomy will help in your description of the distribution of the
varicosities. Note that the muscular wall usually prevents dilation of the main leg
veins: varicosities occur in the tributaries.

a. The long saphenous vein:

• Arises from the dorsal venous arch

• Runs anterior to the medial malleolus

• Runs behind the medial aspect of the knee

• Runs up the leg superficial to deep fascia

• Pierces cribriform fascia at the saphenous opening

• Empties into the femoral vein.

b. The short saphenous vein:

• Arises from the dorsal venous arch

• Runs behind the lateral malleolus

• Runs up the midline of the calf superficial to deep fascia

• Pierces deep fascia over the popliteal fossa

• Empties into the popliteal vein.

c. The perforator veins


1. Conservative measures with compression therapy with supportive hosiery and

leg elevation.

2. Sclerotherapy of small varicosities (only after saphenous reflux has been

excluded/treated) by injection of sclerosants.

3. Surgery is indicated if the patient has uncontrolled symptoms, venous ulceration

or significant cosmetic concerns. This involves ligation of the saphenofemoral
junction, great saphenous vein stripping, with avulsion of small varicosities
below the knee.

4. Endovascular laser therapy (EVLT) and endovascular radiofrequency ablation of

the great saphenous vein using ultrasound guidance. This has comparable results
to saphenous vein stripping, but long-term recurrence rates need to be

Case 2: venous insufficiency

This describes the following dermatological course:

• Eczema (a low-grade cellulitis)

• Pigmentation (haemosiderin deposition)

• Venous ulcers (see here).

Your examiner will want to know if you have a clear understanding of the
difference between superficial and deep venous insufficiency.

Treatment: conservative measures, with elevation of legs whenever convenient

and supportive/compression hosiery.

Case 3: AV malformations
Although AV malformations are rare, they are lifelong problems, often with good
physical signs, and they may therefore turn up as short cases.

Consider this diagnosis if you come across an easily compressible, superficial

mass of vessels.

The malformation may be congenital or acquired. In a congenital AV

malformation, your patient will tell you that the symptoms have been present from
birth or childhood. There will often be gigantism of the affected limb. In acquired
AV fistulae, there is a history of trauma. This may be surgically induced, as in the
case of a fistula for haemodialysis.

Look for the following features:

• Signs of venous insufficiency

• Pulsatility

• Hum: always listen over large, unusually sited collections of varicosities.

Treatment: difficult as tend to recur. Injection of sclerosant into centre of

malformation, usually via an arterial catheter; however, if this is not possible,
transcutaneously into (or smaller amounts around) the vessels. Surgical excision of
localised malformation involving non-essential tissue, more aggressive
management if the lesion is affecting vision or hearing, or if cosmetically

1. Describe the aetiology of varicose veins.

2. What do you understand by the term ‘venous insufficiency’?

3. What are the indications for operating on a person with varicose veins?

4. How does an acute deep venous thrombosis present?

5. What are the causes of deep venous thrombosis?

6. What are the complications of a deep venous thrombosis?

1. Varicose veins are superficial, thin-walled, elongated, tortuous, dilated veins.
They may be primary congenital in origin, when there is often a family history.
Both primary and secondary varicose veins are associated with valvular
incompetence of the superficial system. Secondary varicose veins are associated
with disease of the deep veins, eg previous deep vein thrombosis giving rise to
superficial venous hypertension. Varicose veins may also be associated with
arteriovenous malformations and fistulae.

2. Venous insufficiency describes a failure of the normal venous circulation: valves

direct blood from the superficial to the deep vessels and from there, propelled
by muscle pumps, back to the heart. It is associated with venous hypertension
causing swelling and aching of the legs, particularly at the end of the day, and
progressive skin changes – eczema, pigmentation, bleeding thrombosis,
lipodermatosclerosis and ulceration.

3. Injection and/or surgery is indicated when the cosmetic appearance or the

discomfort of the primary veins or their complications is unacceptable to the

4. There are no symptoms in 50% of patients with deep venous thrombosis, or

noted post-pulmonary embolism. The most common symptoms are a pale,
swollen lower leg, calf tenderness, and pain on active and passive plantar- and
dorsiflexion. If thrombosis extends enough to impair venous return, a blue
swollen leg can lead to necrosis of superficial tissues; venous gangrene has a
50% amputation rate.

5. Thrombosis is produced by damage to the vessel wall, stasis or alteration in the

constituents of the blood. These are all present after surgery and also when the
patient is confined to bed. Hormonal changes also predispose to deep vein
thrombosis, eg in association with the oral contraceptive pill, pregnancy,
puerperium, hormonal replacement therapy. Thrombophlebitis is associated with
serious illness, particularly malignancy.

6. Venous gangrene, pulmonary embolism and late sequelae of long- term venous

Chronic neurological cases usually form part of medical finals, but the cranial
nerves can be damaged by trauma and surgery, and sensory loss, and muscle
wasting and weakness are easily missed if not routinely checked in every limb
examination. This section considers surgically-related pathology.

Examination of the cranial nerves

The instruction may be to ‘examine this patient’s cranial nerves’, or may be limited
to one (perhaps VII or XII). If all, look around to see what equipment has been laid
out for you, and talk the examiner through the procedure, because you may not be
expected to examine them all and, with the simple statement of what you intend to
do, you may be asked to proceed to the next nerve or you may also be asked to
comment on the cause of any defect.

Examination of the peripheral nervous system
Examination of the peripheral nervous system is not usually part of surgical finals,
but it is repeatedly emphasised that, in every limb (and major joint) examination,
you should check peripheral sensation (and pulses) and note muscle wasting. The
following scheme is for sensory testing of the upper limb. Upper limb nerve
injuries are considered with the hand (see here) and lower limb neurological
testing with examination of the limb (see here). Upper limb sensory testing (with
eyes closed) of dermatomes (individual nerves, see here).

1. What is the Glasgow coma scale (GCS)?

2. What do you mean by coning?

3. How do you differentiate between a runny nose and a CSF leak?

4. What is a pseudobulbar palsy?

5. What are the causes of a homonymous hemianopia?

6. What are the features of a facial palsy?

7. What are the features of a hypoglossal nerve injury?

8. What brachial plexus injuries would you expect from a motorcycle accident?

9. What is Tinel’s sign?

10. What are the features of a femoral nerve palsy?

1. The Glasgow coma scale is a system for assessing cerebral damage following a
head injury – it scores eye, verbal and motor performance, E + V + M: minimum
= 3, maximum = 15

Response Details Score

Best eye response (E) Eyes open spontaneously 4
Eyes opening to verbal command 3
Eyes opening to pain 2
No eye opening 1
Best verbal response (V) Orientated 5
Confused 4
Inappropriate words 3
Incomprehensible sounds 2
No verbal response 1
Best motor response (M) Obeys commands 6
Localising pain 5
Withdrawal from pain 4
Flexion to pain 3
Extension to pain 2
No motor response 1

A GCS of 13 or higher correlates with a mild brain injury; 9–12 is a moderate

injury; and 8 or less is a severe brain injury (the components should be presented
with the score).

2. Coning is associated with raised intracranial pressure, the brain being

compressed through the opening of the tentorium cerebelli or the foramen
magnum. Early signs are pupillary changes (initial stimulation giving
constriction, and then paralysis and dilatation) and loss of upward gaze due to
compression of the oculomotor nerve(s) against the free edge of the tentorium.
The condition is usually fatal. Note that it can be precipitated by a lumbar
puncture in the presence of raised intracranial pressure – always exclude
papilloedema before undertaking the procedure, or perform a CT scan.

3. Leaking cerebrospinal fluid is distinguished from other clear nasal drips by its
sugar content and, when mixed with blood, by a separate diffusion ring on filter

4. A bulbar palsy is produced by damage to the cranial nerve motor nuclei in the
brainstem (mid- and hindbrain). However, these nuclei receive a bilateral
cortical innervation; thus unilateral cortical lesions (lesions of the upper motor
neurone) produce no cranial nerve paresis (for an exception, see answer 6
below). Thus, to produce paralysis, cortical lesions have to be bilateral – when
this occurs it is referred to as a pseudobulbar palsy.

5. A homonymous hemianopia is loss of vision to one side of the body (the

ipsilateral nasal retina and contralateral lateral retina). To produce this defect,
the lesion is posterior to the crossing in the optic chiasm, ie in the optic tract,
radiation or cortex. Lesions anterior to the chiasm affect only one eye; lesions at
the chiasm (eg pituitary tumours) compress the crossing fibres of both sides,
producing a bitemporal hemianopia.

6. A lesion of the facial nerve nucleus in the pons or the nerve itself (ie a lower
motor neurone lesion) produces complete facial paralysis. The usual surgical
causes are parotid tumours, their surgical management and Bell’s disease. Only
part of the nucleus is bilaterally innervated (see answer 4 above) and in a stroke
patient, the lower face is paralysed but the upper face is spared.

7. The hypoglossal nerve innervates the tongue and damage to the nerve produces
wasting and weakness; on protrusion the tongue is deviated towards the affected
side. The nerve may be damaged by infiltrating malignancies of the pharynx and
surgery in the region of the carotid bifurcation. Unilateral cortical lesions do not
affect tongue movements.

8. The classic motorcycle injury of the brachial plexus is avulsion of the upper
(C5,6) roots (the helmet is in contact with the road and the shoulder is pulled
downwards, stretching that side of the neck). There is loss of elbow flexion and
supination. The limb hangs down the side, with palm facing backwards (waiter’s
tip position). This Erb’s palsy may also be encountered after a difficult forceps
delivery at birth.

9. A divided or damaged peripheral nerve regenerates and, if unimpeded, growth is

about 1mm/day. If the regenerating end is percussed a tingling is produced and
this Tinel’s sign, which is used as a way of monitoring progress.

10. Damage to the femoral nerve paralyses hip flexion and knee extension, and
produces numbness over the anterior and medial thigh and along the saphenous
distribution to the medial leg and foot. The injury can be caused by surgery
around the psoas muscle and sheath; a profound temporary paresis can follow a
spontaneous retroperitoneal bleed in patients on anticoagulants.

Surgical wards have a high proportion of postoperative patients who are readily
available for examinations. Patients who have recently undergone vascular,
gastrointestinal or transplant surgery may come up as long cases.

In any part of the clinical examination expect questions on postoperative

complications (eg pain, respiratory problems, wounds) and fluid balance.
Familiarise yourself with bedside charts, which may be used as a basis for
discussion and OSCEs.

Take a history of both the presenting complaint (ie circumstances that led up to this
admission) and postoperative events. Screen for common postoperative
complications by asking the following questions.


• Are you in any pain? (Ask specifically about leg pain, chest pain and increasing
wound pain).

Respiratory symptoms

• Since the operation, have you:

– been short of breath?
– had a cough?
– coughed up blood?

Gastrointestinal symptoms

• Have you passed a motion or flatus since the operation?

• Have you noticed any swelling of your abdomen?

• How is your appetite?

• Are you able to eat normally?

• Do you have any nausea or vomiting?

Urinary symptoms

• Did you have a catheter?

• Have you passed urine since the operation?

• Have you had any difficulty passing urine?

• Is there any pain when you pass urine?

Ask also about drugs, including analgesics, antibiotics and heparin prophylaxis.

Take a detailed social history: Does the patient live alone? Who will look after
him or her after leaving hospital? On which floor does the patient live: are there
many stairs to climb/do the lifts work?

When you examine a postoperative patient, first take a note of the tubes and
measuring devices around the bed. Then go on to examine the patient. Finally, never
omit to look at observation, fluid and drug charts that will probably be available.

Follow the scheme opposite.

‘Examine this post operative patient ’

1. What is the normal daily requirement of water, sodium and potassium?

2. How would you determine the amount of fluid to prescribe in the first 24
hours after a laparotomy?

3. How would you assess dehydration/overhydration?

4. What is the difference between a crystalloid and a colloid?

5. What are the complications of blood transfusion?

6. Define oliguria.

7. How would you manage a patient with oliguria for more than 24 hours

8. How would you manage a patient with an increased pulse rate and drop in
blood pressure postoperatively?

9. Tell me about prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis.

10. What are the possible causes of a pyrexia between 2 and 10 days after

11. What are some of the alternatives for pain relief after surgery?

12. What are some of the predisposing factors for wound infection?

13. What are the respiratory complications after major surgery?

14. How would you manage a patient with (a) type 1 and (b) type 2 diabetes
pre-, peri- and postoperatively?

1. Normal requirements: 2.5-3 litres a day of water; 70 mmol of sodium (1-2
mmol/kg) and 60 mmol of potassium (1 mmol/kg).

2. Fluid loss (through aspiration via a nasogastric tube, diarrhoea, stoma output,
vomiting, an intestinal fistula and sequestration of fluid requirement. However,
precise measurement of urine output (a catheter being routinely used after major
surgery) is documented on fluid balance charts, and also measured losses from
other sites. These measurements are supplemented by clinical examination and
other tests as described in the answer to question 3.

3. Signs of dehydration are a rising pulse, falling blood pressure, reduced

capillary refill, decreased skin turgor, reduced urine output and falling jugular
venous pressure (or central venous pressure when the line is in position). Serial
measurement of blood urea and creatinine clearance may show progressive
abnormality. Overhydration may be more difficult to diagnose. In a patient with
good renal and cardiac function, urine output increases to maintain fluid balance
but in elderly people the increased load can give rise to cardiac failure. Signs of
fluid overload include peripheral oedema (usually over the sacrum in recumbent
patients or dependent ankle oedema), pulmonary oedema as evidenced by basal
crepitations, dyspnoea and a frothy sputum, pleural effusions, ascites and raised
jugular venous pressure. Overload may be due to inappropriate amounts of 5%
dextrose and may be associated with hyponatraemia.

4. The previous two answers have considered replacing appropriate volume and
fluid loss. Attention is also given to the type of fluids prescribed. A typical
prescription is 2 litres of 5% dextrose to every litre of dextrose/saline to satisfy
daily requirements of sodium and carbohydrate. If the fluid loss is through
haemorrhage, this may be replaced by blood transfusion. Attention may also be
required to maintaining the circulating osmotic pressure of serum by prescribing
a colloid solution, such as Haemaccel or human albumin. Colloid solutions are
less likely than crystalloids to be rapidly excreted by the kidney. The logic of
replacing circulating fluid loss with a similar constituent such as human albumin
has not been consistently successful.

5. Complications of blood transfusion include acute immunological problems

(after transfusing the wrong blood) with ABO and rhesus incompatibility,
urticarial and anaphylactic reactions. Other immunological complications
include transfusion-related acute lung injury and delayed reactions such as post-
transfusion purpura, graft-versus-host disease and immunomodulatory effects.
Non-immunological effects include hypothermia, hyperkalaemia,
hypercalcaemia, congestive cardiac failure and iron overload. Infection can
result from bacterial contamination of the transfusion apparatus or transfer from
the donor (eg hepatitis B and C, HIV-I and -II, HTLV-I and -II (human T-
lymphocytic virus), parvovirus, cytomegalovirus, malaria, babesiosis,
brucellosis, trypanosomiasis and syphilis).

6. Oliguria is excretion ofless than 400 ml of fluid over 24 hours.

7. Management of oliguria is dependent on the cause. Postrenal obstructive

disease such as prostatic hyperplasia, bladder neck obstruction, stones and
tumours must be relieved by catheterisation and appropriate management of the
underlying cause. In renal failure, treatment is aimed at avoiding hyperkalaemia
and retention of waste products. Glucose/insulin solutions may control
hyperkalaemia but, with progressive disease, haemofiltration or haemodialysis
may be required. In prerenal failure, fluid must be replaced. Rapid infusion may
require a wide-bore central line, the volume being monitored by central venous
or wedge pressures if a pulmonary artery line is in place. Aliquots of 150 ml of
fluid can be delivered when the central venous pressure is <3 cmH2O. It may be
repeated until the level begins to rise. Other factors of overhydration, as
described in (3), must also be undertaken to ensure that the reading is not a
spurious one and that the quantity of fluid is appropriate.

8. A postoperative increase in pulse rate accompanied by a falling blood pressure

indicates inadequate circulating blood volume, due to haemorrhage or fluid loss
from other sources. Replacement is urgently required. Crystalloid is prescribed
in the acute management and delivered rapidly in monitored aliquots. Blood is
considered if haemorrhage is the cause and other causes addressed.

9. Venous thrombosis is a common postoperative complication. The thrombotic

triad of stasis, damage to the vessel wall and alteration of blood constituents are
all present (Virchow’s triad). Some degree of calf thrombosis occurs in 50% of
patients, probably starting at the time of surgery, although clinically obvious
DVT classically occurs at 7–10 days, as does pulmonary embolism. Prophylactic
measures are therefore advisable, particularly in prolonged surgery and in high-
risk groups such as those with previous DVTs, malignancy, obesity and age >40.
Antithrombotic above-knee compression stockings are appropriate in all major
surgery. Additional prophylactic measures include calf pneumatic compression

devices and subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin.

10. Fever is defined as a temperature of >38°C. it is commonly related to

infection, which may be present in the wound, respiratory and urinary tracts,
uterus or skin. Abdominal surgery is particularly associated with peritonitis from
leakage of gut flora. Bacteraemia may also give rise to cannula infections:
particularly susceptible individuals are young and old people, people with
alcohol problems, and patients with cardiac valvular disease, diabetes or
immunosuppression. Non-infective causes of pyrexia include atelectasis, DVT,
haematoma formation, transfusion reactions, myocardial infarction, some tumours
(eg renal), connective tissue disorders and drug reactions. Malignant intra-
operative hyperthermia is an inherited response to suxamethonium.

11. Pain is an inevitable result of surgery. It may be background, continuous or

breakthrough. Milder forms of pain, in patients who can take oral preparations,
can be managed with paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
opioids including codeine, dihydrocodeine, oxycodone and tramadol. For more
severe pain, morphine is usually administered; this may be intravenous or
intramuscular, or as a continuous, possibly patient-controlled, subcutaneous
injection. Local anaesthetic can be injected into wounds at operation and
epidural pain control is valuable when appropriate. Entonox is useful for short,
painful procedures.

12. Wound infection may be inevitable when operating through a contaminated

field and is increased if there is haematoma formation. Organisms may come
from the skin, be blood-borne or come from the underlying infective sources,
particularly in association with peritonitis.

13. The most common respiratory complication is infection. Dry gases and
reduced ciliary movement produce debris and, together with oropharyngeal
secretions, this predisposes to tracheobronchitis, pneumonia and acute
respiratory distress syndrome. Atelectasis is also common because ventilation is
not uniform throughout the pulmonary tree under anaesthesia, and the debris
causing infection may also block bronchi and bronchioles. Reduced
postoperative ventilation may be due to diaphragmatic splinting or sedation, and
is increased in those who smoke and patients with previous respiratory
problems; pain also inhibits respiratory executions. Pneuomothorax may be due
to hyperinflation and misplaced central lines. Pulmonary embolism may follow a

14. People with diabetes undergoing major surgery should be brought into hospital
at least the night before surgery. Type 1 patients should be converted to short-

acting insulin. In type 2, oral medication should be changed to a short-acting
sulphonylureas. On the day of the surgery, an insulin-glucose infusion should be
started. The concentrations will depend on the patient’s expected requirement but
typically 15 U in a 500-ml pack of 5% dextrose can deliver 3 U in 100-ml
aliquots delivered over an hour. Concentrations are varied with hourly blood
sugar estimations and potassium supplements can be added to the infusion.

acute pain ref1, ref2
distension ref1, ref2
examination ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
masses ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
organomegaly ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
abducent nerve ref1
accessory nerve ref1
acoustic nerve ref1
aetiology, viva topics ref1
airway management ref1
amputation, leg ref1
anaemia ref1
anal itching ref1
analgesia, postoperative ref1
ankle–brachial pressure index ref1
antalgic gait ref1
aortic aneurysm ref1, ref2, ref3
aortoiliac disease ref1, ref2
appendix ref1
apprehension test ref1
arm see hand; upper limb
arterial disease, lower limb ref1, ref2
ulcers ref1, ref2, ref3
arteriovenous (AV) malformations ref1
hand ref1, ref2
hip ref1, ref2, ref3
knee ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
radiological appearance ref1, ref2, ref3
arthroplasty ref1
ascites ref1, ref2
aspiration of a swollen joint ref1
ATLS guidelines ref1
axillary lymph nodes ref1, ref2

Baker’s cyst ref1
Barlow’s test ref1
basal cell carcinoma ref1, ref2
benign prostatic hypertrophy ref1, ref2
Bier’s block ref1
biliary obstruction ref1, ref2, ref3
bilirubin ref1
bladder ref1, ref2, ref3
bleeding see haemorrhage
blood transfusions ref1
boils ref1, ref2
boutonnière deformity ref1
bowel habit ref1, ref2
bowel obstruction ref1, ref2, ref3
due to a hernia ref1, ref2, ref3
brachial plexus injuries ref1
branchial cyst/sinus/fistula ref1
breast lumps ref1
bruits ref1, ref2
bulbar palsy ref1
bulge test ref1
bunions ref1, ref2
Bunnel’s test ref1
bursitis ref1, ref2

caecal carcinoma ref1

bladder ref1
breast ref1, ref2, ref3
caecum ref1
carotid body ref1
cervical lymphadenopathy ref1
colon ref1, ref2
kidney ref1
pancreas ref1
prostate ref1
salivary gland ref1, ref2
skin ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
stomach ref1
testis ref1, ref2
thyroid ref1, ref2
carbuncles ref1, ref2
cardiac failure ref1

cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) ref1
carotid body tumours ref1
carpal tunnel syndrome ref1, ref2
cauda equina claudication ref1
cerebrospinal fluid leaks ref1
cervical rib ref1
cervical swellings ref1
cholelithiasis ref1, ref2, ref3
claudication ref1, ref2, ref3
clavicular fracture ref1
claw toes ref1, ref2
clinical examination
abdomen ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
breast ref1
general ref1, ref2, ref3
groin ref1, ref2, ref3
hand ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
joint ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
leg ref1, ref2, ref3
neurological ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
postoperative ref1
swellings ref1, ref2
ulcers ref1
club foot ref1
Colles’ fracture ref1
colon ref1, ref2, ref3
colostomy ref1
compartment syndrome ref1
congenital dislocation of the hip ref1
coning ref1
constipation ref1, ref2
Courvoisier’s law ref1
cranial nerves ref1, ref2
Crohn’s disease ref1, ref2, ref3
cruciate ligaments ref1, ref2
Cushing syndrome ref1

de Quervain’s tenosynovitis ref1, ref2

deep venous thrombosis ref1, ref2
dehydration ref1, ref2, ref3
dermatofibroma ref1
dermoid cyst ref1
diabetic foot ref1, ref2

diabetic patients, surgery in ref1
diarrhoea ref1
discs, prolapsed ref1
hip (congenital) ref1
knee ref1
shoulder ref1
diverticular disease ref1, ref2
dorsalis pedis pulse ref1
dress code ref1
dropped finger ref1
Dukes’ staging ref1
Dupuytren’s contracture ref1, ref2, ref3
dysphagia ref1

epididymal cyst ref1

epigastric masses ref1
asked about in the exam ref1
needed for the exam ref1
Erb’s palsy ref1, ref2
examination see clinical examination
neurological defects ref1, ref2
thyroid disease ref1, ref2

facial nerve ref1, ref2

FAST scan ref1
femoral aneurysm ref1, ref2
femoral canal anatomy ref1
femoral fracture ref1
femoral hernia ref1
femoral nerve palsy ref1
femoral pulse ref1
fever, postoperative ref1
fibroadenoma ref1, ref2, ref3
fibroadenosis ref1, ref2, ref3
fingers ref1, ref2
Finkelstein’s test ref1
fistulae ref1
flat feet ref1
fluctuation/fluid thrill ref1
fluid balance ref1, ref2, ref3

foot ref1, ref2, ref3
diabetic ref1, ref2
hip ref1
knee ref1, ref2
shoulder/humerus ref1
wrist ref1
Froment’s sign ref1
furuncles ref1, ref2

gait ref1, ref2, ref3

gallbladder ref1, ref2, ref3
ganglion ref1
Garden’s classification ref1
gastric carcinoma ref1
gastrointestinal tract
bleeding from ref1, ref2
history and examination ref1
see also specific disorders
genu valgum/varum ref1, ref2
Glasgow Coma Scale ref1
Gleason score ref1
glossopharyngeal nerve ref1
goitre ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
gout ref1
Graves’ disease ref1
groin ref1, ref2
scrotal swellings ref1, ref2

haemangioma ref1, ref2

haematemesis ref1
haematuria ref1, ref2
haemoglobin, low ref1
gastrointestinal ref1, ref2
in trauma ref1
hallux rigidus ref1
hallux valgus ref1, ref2
hammer toe ref1
disorders ref1, ref2
examination ref1, ref2
signs of systemic disease ref1, ref2, ref3

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis ref1, ref2
head injuries ref1
heart failure ref1
hepatic jaundice ref1, ref2, ref3
hepatomegaly ref1, ref2, ref3
hepatosplenomegaly ref1
hernias ref1, ref2, ref3
hip ref1, ref2, ref3
history-taking ref1
GI disorders ref1
hand disorders ref1
joint disorders ref1, ref2
pain ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
peripheral vascular disease ref1, ref2
postoperative ref1
swellings ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
trauma ref1
urological disorders ref1
homonymous hemianopia ref1
humeral fracture ref1
hydradenitis suppurativa ref1
hydrocele ref1
hyperthyroidism ref1, ref2, ref3
hypertrophic scars ref1, ref2
hypochondrial masses
left ref1
right ref1
hypoglossal nerve ref1, ref2
hypothyroidism ref1, ref2

ileostomy ref1
iliac fossa masses
left ref1
right ref1
lymphadenopathy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
postoperative ref1
salivary gland ref1
ulcers ref1, ref2
inflammatory bowel disease ref1, ref2, ref3
inguinal canal anatomy ref1, ref2
inguinal examination ref1, ref2, ref3
inguinal hernias ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

inguinoscrotal swellings ref1, ref2
intestinal obstruction ref1, ref2, ref3
due to a hernia ref1, ref2, ref3
investigations, viva topics ref1, ref2
iron deficiency ref1, ref2
ischaemia, limb ref1, ref2
ulcers ref1, ref2, ref3 ref1

jaundice ref1, ref2, ref3

joint mice ref1, ref2
joints ref1
hip ref1
knee ref1, ref2, ref3

keloid scars ref1, ref2

keratin horn ref1
keratoacanthoma ref1
end-stage renal failure ref1
enlarged ref1, ref2
examination ref1, ref2
renal cell carcinoma ref1
transplantation ref1
Klumpke’s palsy ref1
knee ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

leg see lower limb

Leriche syndrome ref1
ligaments, knee ref1, ref2, ref3
lipoma ref1
hepato(spleno)megaly ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
jaundice ref1, ref2, ref3
locking, knee ref1, ref2, ref3
loin, masses in ref1
long cases (OSLERs) ref1, ref2
lower limb
arterial disorders ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
examination ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
femoral nerve palsy ref1
foot ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
hip ref1, ref2
knee ref1, ref2, ref3

ulcers ref1, ref2
venous disorders ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
lumps see swellings and lumps
cervical ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
inguinal ref1, ref2

mallet finger ref1

mammography ref1, ref2
management, viva topics ref1
McMurray’s test ref1
median nerve ref1, ref2, ref3
megaloblastic anaemia ref1, ref2
melaena ref1
melanoma ref1, ref2
meniscal tears ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
meralgia paraesthetica ref1
microcytic anaemia ref1, ref2
motor testing ref1, ref2
mouth, examination ref1, ref2
myxoedema ref1

pigmented ref1, ref2
strawberry ref1
neck, swellings ref1
neoplasms see cancer
neurological examinations ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
neuropathic ulcers ref1, ref2, ref3
see also diabetic foot
discharge ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Paget’s disease ref1, ref2
normocytic anaemia ref1
Nottingham Prognostic Index ref1

oculomotor nerve ref1

oesophageal bleeding ref1
olfactory nerve ref1
oliguria ref1
optic nerve ref1, ref2
orchidectomy ref1, ref2
Ortolani’s test ref1

OSCEs (short cases) ref1, ref2, ref3
Osgood–Schlatter disease ref1, ref2
OSLERs (long cases) ref1, ref2
hand ref1
hip ref1, ref2, ref3
knee ref1, ref2, ref3
radiological appearance ref1, ref2, ref3
osteochondritis dissecans ref1
overhydration ref1

Paget’s disease of the nipple ref1, ref2

pain ref1
abdominal ref1, ref2
hip ref1, ref2
knee ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
lower limb arterial disease ref1, ref2
postoperative ref1
shoulder ref1
pancreas ref1, ref2, ref3
parotid gland ref1, ref2
patellar conditions ref1, ref2
patellar tap ref1
pathology specimens ref1
patient rapport ref1
perforator veins ref1
peripheral vascular disease
arterial ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
venous ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
peritonitis/peritonism ref1
Perthes’ disease ref1
Perthes’ test ref1
pes cavus ref1
pes planus (flat feet) ref1
Phalen’s test ref1
polycystic kidney disease ref1
popliteal aneurysm ref1
popliteal cyst ref1
popliteal pulse ref1
port wine stains ref1
portal hypertension ref1
posterior tibial pulse ref1
postoperative patients ref1

preparation for the exam ref1, ref2
prostate gland ref1, ref2
protrusio acetabuli ref1
pruritis ani ref1
pseudobulbar palsy ref1
psoas abscess ref1
pulses ref1
punctuality ref1
pyogenic granuloma ref1
pyrexia, postoperative ref1

radial nerve ref1, ref2, ref3

rebound tenderness ref1
rectal bleeding ref1
renal cell carcinoma ref1
renal enlargement ref1, ref2
renal examination ref1, ref2
renal failure ref1
renal transplantation ref1
respiratory complications
left heart failure ref1
surgery ref1
rest pain ref1, ref2
resuscitation ref1
revision ref1
rheumatoid arthritis ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Richter’s hernia ref1, ref2
rotator cuff ref1

sacroiliac pain ref1

salivary glands ref1, ref2, ref3
saphena varix ref1
saphenous veins ref1
scaphoid fracture ref1
scars ref1, ref2
abdominal ref1
sciatica ref1
scrotum ref1, ref2
sebaceous cyst ref1
seborrhoeic keratosis ref1
sensory testing ref1, ref2, ref3
septic arthritis ref1
short cases (OSCEs) ref1, ref2, ref3

shoulder ref1
sieves ref1
sinuses ref1
swellings ref1, ref2, ref3
ulcers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
skin tags ref1
slipped upper femoral epiphysis ref1
Smith’s fracture ref1
social history ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
spermatocele ref1
splenomegaly ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
hepatosplenomegaly ref1
squamous cell carcinoma ref1, ref2
squamous cell papilloma ref1
stenosing tenosynovitis ref1
stomach cancer ref1
stomas ref1
stool, appearance ref1
strangulated hernias ref1, ref2, ref3
strawberry naevus ref1
submandibular gland ref1
suprapubic masses ref1
swan-neck deformity ref1
swellings and lumps ref1, ref2
abdomen ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
breast ref1
groin ref1
knee ref1, ref2
neck ref1
scrotum ref1, ref2
skin ref1, ref2
syphilis ref1

talipes equinovarus (club foot) ref1

testis ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Thomas’ test ref1, ref2
thrombosis, venous ref1, ref2
thyroglossal cyst ref1
thyroid disease ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
tibiofemoral angle ref1
time management ref1, ref2
Tinel’s sign ref1, ref2

toes ref1, ref2
tourniquet test ref1
transillumination ref1
brachial plexus ref1
head ref1
knee ref1, ref2, ref3
resuscitation ref1
shoulder ref1
wrist ref1
treatment, viva topics ref1
Trendelenburg gait/test (hip) ref1, ref2
Trendelenburg test (varicose veins) ref1
triangles of the neck ref1, ref2
trigeminal nerve ref1
trigger finger ref1, ref2
trochanteric bursitis ref1
trochlear nerve ref1
Troisier’s sign ref1
tumours see cancer

ulcerative colitis ref1, ref2

ulcers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
ulnar nerve ref1, ref2, ref3
umbilical masses ref1
upper limb
neurological testing ref1, ref2
shoulder pain ref1
see also hand
urological disorders ref1

vagus nerve ref1

varicocele ref1, ref2
varicose veins ref1, ref2
venous disorders, lower limb ref1
deep vein thrombosis ref1, ref2
ulcers ref1, ref2, ref3
venous insufficiency ref1, ref2
Virchow’s node ref1
vision, neurological defects ref1, ref2
vivas ref1
Volkmann’s contracture ref1, ref2

walking ref1, ref2, ref3
Warthin’s tumour ref1
warts ref1
wasted hand ref1
wounds ref1, ref2
wrist, fracture ref1

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