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Core Topics in General

and Emergency Surgery

Series Editors
O. James Garden
Simon Paterson-Brown

Core Topics in General

and Emergency Surgery

Edited by
Simon Paterson-Brown
Honorary Senior Lecturer,
Clinical Surgery School of Clinical Sciences,
The University of Edinburgh;
Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon,
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney Toronto 2014 66485457-66963820
Fifth edition © 2014 Elsevier Limited. All rights reserved.
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First edition 1997
Second edition 2001
Third edition 2005
Fourth edition 2009
Fifth edition 2014
ISBN 978-0-7020-4964-4
e-ISBN 978-0-7020-4972-9
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress
Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our
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Iain D. Anderson, BSc, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Gen), Chris Deans, MBChB (Hons), FRCS, MD
FRCS(Glas) Part-time Senior Lecturer, Clinical Surgery School
Consultant Surgeon, Intestinal Failure Unit, Salford of Clinical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh;
Royal Hospital, Manchester, UK Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal
Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
Emma Barrow, MBChB, MD, FRCS(Gen) Edinburgh, UK
Specialist Registrar, Intestinal Failure Unit, Salford
Royal Hospital, Manchester, UK Mark Duxbury, MA, DM, FRCSEd(Gen Surg)
Consultant Hepatopancreaticobiliary and
Paul Baskerville, MA, DM, BMBCh, FRCS General Surgeon, Glasgow Royal Infirmary,
Consultant Vascular and General Surgeon and Glasgow, UK
Director of Surgical Practice, King's College Hospital,
London, UK R. Michael Grounds, MD, FRCA, FFICM
Professor of Critical Care Medicine, St George's
Andrew C. de Beaux, MBChB, FRCS, MD University of London; Consultant in Anaesthesia
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Surgery School and Intensive Care Medicine, St George's Hospital,
of Clinical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh; London, UK
Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal
Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Steven D. Heys, BMedBiol, MD, PhD, FRCS,
Edinburgh, UK FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Glasg)
Deputy Head of the School of Medicine and
David E. Beck, MD, FACS, FASCRS Dentistry and Head of Division, University of
Professor and Chairman, Department of Colon Aberdeen; Honorary Consultant Surgeon,
and Rectal Surgery, Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, Grampian University Hospitals Trust,
LA, USA; Ochsner Clinical School, University of Aberdeen, UK
Queensland School of Medicine, Brisbane, Australia
Peter Lamb, MBBS, MD, FRCS(Gen), FRCS(Ed)
Kenneth D. Boffard, MBBCh, FRCS, FRCS(Edin), Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Surgery School
FRCPS(Glas), FCS(SA), FACS of Clinical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh;
Professor and Head, Department of Surgery, Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal
Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Edinburgh, UK
South Africa
Jacob C. Langer, MD
Felicity J. Creamer, BSc(Hons), MBChB, Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto, Robert
MRCSEd M. Filler Chair and Chief, Paediatric General and
Specialty Registrar, Colorectal Surgery, Western Thoracic Surgery, The Hospital for Sick Children,
General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dafydd A. Davies, MD, MPhil, FRCSC James Lau, MD

Fellow, Division of Paediatric and Thoracic Surgery, Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery,
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong,
Canada China

vii 66485457-66963820

Rhona M. Maclean, MBChB, FRCP, FRCPath Simon Paterson-Brown, MBBS, MPhil, MS,
Consultant Haematologist, Royal Hallamshire FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Engl), FCS(HK)
Hospital, Sheffield, UK Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Surgery School
of Clinical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh;
Colin J. McKay, MBChB, MD, FRCS Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal
Consultant Surgeon, West of Scotland Pancreatic Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
Andrew Rhodes, FRCP, FRCA, FFICM
B. James Mander, MBBS, BSc, FRCS, MS, Reader in Critical Care Medicine, St George's
FRCS(Gen) University of London; Consultant in Anaesthesia
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon and Honorary Senior and Intensive Care Medicine, St George's Hospital,
Lecturer, Colorectal Unit, Western General Hospital, London, UK
Edinburgh, UK
Kathryn A. Rigby, MBChB, MSc, FRCS(GEN)
Jonathan A. Michaels, MChir, FRCS Locum Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon,
Honorary Professor of Clinical Decision Science, York Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, York, UK
School of Health and Related Research, Sheffield
University, Sheffield, UK William G. Simpson, MBChB
Consultant Chemical Pathologist, Clinical
Enders K.W. Ng, MD, FRCSEd, MBChB Biochemistry, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary,
Head, Upper GI Division, Department of Surgery, Aberdeen, UK
Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Bruce R. Tulloh, MB, MS
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Surgery School
Sharath C.V. Paravastu, MBBS, MRCS, PGDip, MD of Clinical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh;
Clinical Lecturer in Vascular Surgery, Academic Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal
Vascular Unit, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

viii 66485457-66963820
Series Editors' preface
It is now some 17 years since the first edition of the e­ ndeavoured where possible to bring in new blood to
Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series was freshen content. We are impressed by the enthusiasm,
published. We set ourselves the task of meeting the commitment and hard work that our contributors
educational needs of surgeons in the later years of and editorial team have shown and this has ensured
specialist surgical training, as well as consultant a short turnover between editions while maintaining
surgeons in independent practice who wished for as accurate and up-to-date content as is possible. We
contemporary, evidence-based information on the remain grateful for the support and encouragement
subspecialist areas relevant to their general surgical of Laurence Hunter and Lynn Watt at Elsevier Ltd.
practice. The series was never intended to replace the We trust that our original vision of delivering an up-
large reference surgical textbooks which, although to-date affordable text has been met and that read-
valuable in their own way, struggle to keep pace with ers, whether in training or independent practice, will
changing surgical practice. This Fifth Edition has also find this Fifth Edition an invaluable resource.
had to take due account of the increasing specialisa-
tion in ‘general’ surgery. The rise of minimal access
O. James Garden, BSc, MBChB, MD, FRCS(Glas),
surgery and therapy, and the desire of some subspe-
cialties such as breast and vascular surgery to sepa-
rate away from ‘general surgery’, may have proved
Regius Professor of Clinical Surgery, Clinical
challenging in some countries, but has also served
Surgery School of Clinical Sciences, The University
to emphasise the importance of all surgeons being
of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant Surgeon,
aware of current developments in their surgical field.
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
As in previous editions, there has been increasing em-
phasis on evidence-based practice and contributors
have endeavoured to provide key recommendations Simon Paterson-Brown, MBBS, MPhil, MS,
within each chapter. The eBook versions of the text- FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Engl), FCS(HK)
book have also allowed the technophile improved Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Surgery School
access to key data and content within each chapter. of Clinical Sciences, The University of Edinburgh
We remain indebted to the volume editors and and Consultant General and Upper Gastrointestinal
all the contributors of this Fifth Edition. We have Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

ix 66485457-66963820
Editor's preface

Although surgical sub-specialisation within the spe- those conditions which the general surgeon might be
cialty of ‘General Surgery’ has progressed rapidly expected to deal with and, where appropriate, identi-
over the last decade or so, most general surgeons on- fies those which might be better managed by a ‘spe-
call, irrespective of their sub-specialty interest, require cialist’. In these cases the reader will be referred on to
a core knowledge in both elective and emergency the relevant specialist volume of this series.
‘general’ surgery in order to be able to see and treat
undifferentiated referrals and conditions outwith
their normal everyday elective ‘specialist’ practice. Acknowledgements
This volume of the Companion to Specialist Surgical
Practice provides the background information on Once again I remain grateful to my long-suffering
these key areas of ‘general surgery’ for all practising wife and family for their ongoing support and un-
general surgeons in both the elective and emergency derstanding in the time taken for me to complete
situation. It is the only volume in this series which the Fifth Edition of this volume of Core Topics in
provides detailed descriptions of evidence-based med- General and Emergency Surgery. The success of
icine and how surgical outcomes can be measured, in this volume, as for previous editions, very much
addition to other important areas common to all of lies in the quality of the chapters produced by my
‘general surgical practice’. These include an overview co-authors and I am grateful to all of them for the
of day case surgery, abdominal hernias, thrombo- hard work that has obviously gone into writing, or
embolic prophylaxis, the management of sepsis and re-writing, each chapter and their timely delivery.
the intensive care patient, the use of scoring systems The additional workload required in the writing of
in patient assessment and surgical nutrition. This vol- concise, well-referenced and up-to-date chapters for
ume should be considered complementary to the other a book such as this, by busy practising surgeons,
more specialist volumes in the series by including all should never be under-estimated. I would also like
the emergency areas which remain within the remit to recognise the support of Elsevier Ltd, as well as
of the general surgeon on-call. As in everyday practice, the help, enthusiasm and friendship of my co-editor
there remain emergency patients who, having been of all five editions of the Companion to Specialist
resuscitated and a diagnosis reached, might be bet- Surgical Practice series, James Garden.
ter served by referral to a colleague or unit with the Simon Paterson-Brown
­relevant sub-specialist interest. This volume discusses Edinburgh

xi 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

Critical appraisal for developing evidence-based may be expected to take into account patient
practice can be obtained from a number of sources, preferences, local facilities, local audit results or
the most reliable being randomised controlled clini- available resources.
cal trials, systematic literature reviews, meta-­analyses c. A recommendation made where there is no
and observational studies. For practical purposes adequate evidence as to the most effective
three grades of evidence can be used, analogous to ­practice, although there may be reasons for
the levels of ‘proof’ required in a court of law: making a recommendation in order to minimise
cost or reduce the chance of error through a
1. Beyond all reasonable doubt. Such evidence
locally agreed protocol.
is likely to have arisen from high-quality
randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews
Evidence where a conclusion can be reached
or high-quality synthesised evidence such as
‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ and therefore
decision analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis or where a strong recommendation can be given.
large observational datasets. The studies need This will normally be based on evidence levels:
to be directly applicable to the population of • Ia. Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
concern and have clear results. The grade is • Ib. Evidence from at least one randomised
controlled trial
analogous to burden of proof within a criminal
• IIa. Evidence from at least one controlled study
court and may be thought of as corresponding without randomisation
to the usual standard of ‘proof’ within the • IIb. Evidence from at least one other type of
medical literature (i.e. P < 0.05). quasi-experimental study.
2. On the balance of probabilities. In many
cases a high-quality review of literature
Evidence where a conclusion might be reached
may fail to reach firm conclusions due to
‘on the balance of probabilities’ and where there
conflicting or inconclusive results, trials of poor may be other factors involved which influence the
methodological quality or the lack of evidence recommendation given. This will normally be based
in the population to which the guidelines apply. on less conclusive evidence than that represented
In such cases it may still be possible to make a by the double tick icons:
• III. Evidence from non-experimental descriptive
statement as to the best treatment on the ‘balance
studies, such as comparative studies and case–
of probabilities’. This is analogous to the decision control studies
in a civil court where all the available evidence • IV. Evidence from expert committee reports or
will be weighed up and the verdict will depend opinions or clinical experience of respected
upon the balance of probabilities. authorities, or both.
3. Not proven. Insufficient evidence upon which to
base a decision, or contradictory evidence. Evidence which is associated with either a strong
recommendation or expert opinion is highlighted in
Depending on the information available, three
the text in panels such as those shown above, and is
grades of recommendation can be used:
distinguished by either a double or single tick icon,
a. Strong recommendation, which should be respectively. The references associated with double-
followed unless there are compelling reasons to tick evidence are highlighted in the reference lists at
act otherwise. the end of each chapter along with a short summary
b. A recommendation based on evidence of of the paper's conclusions where applicable.
effectiveness, but where there may be other The reader is referred to Chapter 1, ‘Evidence-
factors to take into account in decision- based practice in surgery’, in this volume for a more
making, for example the user of the guidelines detailed description of this topic.

xiii 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

Kathryn A. Rigby
Jonathan A. Michaels

Introduction In the UK, one of the most important advocates

of EBM was Archie Cochrane. His experiences in
the prisoner of war camps, where he conducted
Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, trials in the use of yeast supplements to treat nutri-
explicit and judicious use of current best evidence tional oedema, influenced his belief in reliable and
in making decisions about the care of individual scientifically proven medical treatment. In 1972 he
patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine published his book Effectiveness and Efficiency.
means integrating individual clinical expertise with Cochrane advocated the use of the randomised con-
the best external clinical evidence from systematic trolled trial (RCT) as the gold standard in the re-
research.1 search of all medical treatment and, where possible,
systematic reviews of these trials. One of the first
The concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM) was systematic reviews of RCTs was of the use of corti-
introduced in the 19th century but has only flour- costeroid therapy to improve lung function in threat-
ished in the last few decades. Historically, its ap- ened premature birth. Although RCTs had been
plication to surgical practice can be traced back to conducted in this area, the message of the results
the likes of John Hunter and the American Ernest was not clear from the individual studies, until the
Amory Codman, who both recognised the need for review overwhelmingly showed that corticosteroids
research into surgical outcomes in an attempt to im- reduced both neonatal morbidity and mortality. Had
prove patient care. a systematic review been conducted earlier, then the
In mid-19th century Paris, Pierre-Charles- lives of many babies could have been saved, as the
Alexander Louis used statistics to measure the ef- review clearly showed that this inexpensive treat-
fectiveness of bloodletting, the results of which ment reduced the chance of these babies dying from
helped put an end to the practice of leeching. Ernest complications of immaturity by 30–50%.3 In 1992,
A. Codman began work as a surgeon in 1895 in as part of the UK National Health Service (NHS)
Massachusetts. His main area of interest was the Research and Development (R&D) Programme, the
shoulder and he became a leading expert in this Cochrane Collaboration was founded.
topic as well as being instrumental in the founding Subsequently, in 1995, the first centre for EBM in
of the American College of Surgeons. He developed the UK was established at the Nuffield Department
his ‘End Result Idea’, a notion that all hospitals of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford. The
should follow up every patient it treats ‘long enough driving force behind this was the American David
to determine whether or not its treatment is success- Sackett, who had moved to a new Chair in Clinical
ful and if not, why not?’ in order to prevent similar Epidemiology in 1994 from McMaster University
failures in the future.2 Codman also developed the in Canada, where he had pioneered self-directed
first registry of bone sarcomas. teaching for medical students.

1 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
From these roots, interest in EBM has exploded. The authors concluded that 82% of these treatments
The Cochrane Collaboration is rapidly expanding, were in fact evidence based. However, they did sug-
with review groups in many fields of medicine and gest that similar studies should be conducted in
surgery. EBM is not limited only to hospital-based other specialities. The importance of evidence-based
medicine but is increasingly seen in nursing, general health care in the NHS was formally acknowledged
practice and dentistry, and there are many new evi- in two government papers, The new NHS7 and A
dence-based journals appearing. first class service.8 These led to the development of
While clinical experience is invaluable, the rapidly the National Service Frameworks and the National
changing world of medicine means that clinicians Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE).
must keep abreast of new advances and, where ap- In surgery there is a limited body of evidence from
propriate, integrate research findings into everyday high-quality RCTs. For an RCT to be ethical there
clinical practice. Neither research nor clinical expe- needs to be a clinical equipoise. That is, there needs
rience alone is enough to ensure high-quality patient to be a sufficient level of uncertainty about an in-
care; the two must complement each other. Sackett tervention before a trial can be considered. For ex-
et al. identified five steps that should become part ample, it would be unethical to conduct an RCT in
of day-to-day practice and in which a competent the use of burr holes for extradural haematomas,
practitioner should be proficient:4 because the observational data alone are so over-
whelming as to the high degree of effectiveness that
1. to convert information needs into answerable it would be unethical to deny someone a burr hole
questions; to prove the point.
2. to be able to track down efficiently the best Many surgeons feel unhappy with having to ex-
evidence with which to answer them (be it evi- plain to a patient that there is clinical uncertainty
dence from clinical examination, the diagnostic about a treatment, as patients have historically put
laboratory, research evidence or other sources); their trust in surgeons' hands. This reluctance to
perform RCTs and the belief that they would be
3. to be able to appraise that evidence critically for
difficult to carry out has led to practices that are
its validity and usefulness; poorly supported by high-quality evidence. For ex-
4. to apply the results of this appraisal in clinical ample, there is widespread use of radical prostatec-
practice; tomy to treat localised prostatic carcinoma in the
5. to evaluate performance. USA, despite a distinct lack of evidence to support
this procedure.9
This chapter discusses the steps that are neces- New technologies in surgery may be driven into
sary to identify, critically appraise and combine widespread use by market forces, patients' expec-
evidence, to incorporate the findings into clinical tations and clinicians' desire to improve treatment
guidance, and to implement and audit any necessary options. For example, with laparoscopic surgery,
changes in order to move towards EBM in surgery. many assumed that it must be ‘better’ because it
Many of the organisations and information sources made smaller holes, there was less pain involved
that are relevant to EBM are specific to a particu- and therefore patients left hospital sooner. It was
lar setting. Therefore, the emphasis in this chapter only after many hospitals had instituted its use that
is on the health services within the UK, although concerns were raised about its real benefits and
there are comparable arrangements and bodies in the adequacy of training in the new technology. In
many other countries. Links to a number of these 1996, a group of surgeons from Sheffield published
are given in the Internet resources described at the a randomised, prospective, single-blind study that
end of the chapter. compared small-incision open cholecystectomy with
laparoscopic cholecystectomy.10 They demonstrated
that in their hands the laparosopic technique offered
The need for evidence-based no real benefit over a mini-cholecystectomy in terms
medicine of the postoperative recovery period, hospital stay
and time off work, but it took longer to perform
In 1991, there was still a widely held belief that only and was more expensive.10 There were, however,
a small proportion of medical interventions were other factors that may have influenced the results
supported by solid scientific evidence.5 Jonathan from this study, including surgeon experience, and
Ellis and colleagues, on behalf of the Nuffield mini-cholecystectomy has not been widely adopted.
Department of Clinical Medicine, conducted a re- The MRC Laparoscopic Groin and Hernia Trial
view of treatments given to 109 patients on a medi- Group undertook a large multicentre randomised
cal ward.6 The treatments were then examined to comparison between laparoscopic and open re-
assess the degree of evidence supporting their use. pair of groin hernias.11 The results demonstrated

2 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

that the laparoscopic procedure was associated is to think of them as having four key elements
with an earlier return to activities and less groin (PICO):
pain 1 year after surgery but it was also associ-
• the population to whom the question applies;
ated with more serious surgical complications, an
increased recurrence rate and a higher cost to the • the intervention of interest (and any other
health service. They suggested that laparoscopic interventions with which it is to be compared);
hernia surgery should be confined to specialist • the comparison (the main alternative);
surgical centres. NICE have since published guide- • the outcome of interest.
lines which recommend that laparoscopic surgery
is now one of the treatment options for the repair Therefore, the question ‘What is the best treatment
of inguinal hernias. for cholecystitis?’ needs to be much more clearly for-
Some would argue that surgery, unlike drug trials, mulated if an adequate, evidence-based approach is to
is operator dependent and that operating experi- be used. A much better question would be ‘For adult
ence and skill can affect the outcome of an RCT, patients admitted to hospital with acute cholecystitis
and cite this as a reason for not undertaking surgi- (the population), does early open cholecystectomy,
cal trials. Although operator factors can introduce laparoscopic cholecystectomy (the interventions) or
bias into a trial, the North American Symptomatic best medical management (the comparison) produce
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial has shown that such the lowest mortality, morbidity and total length of
problems can largely be overcome through appro- stay in hospital (the outcomes)?’ Even this may re-
priate trial design.12 Only surgeons who had been quire more refinement to define further the exact in-
fully trained in the procedure, and who already had terventions and outcomes of interest.
a proven low complication rate, were accepted as Once such a question has been clearly defined, a
participants in the trial. number of further stages of the process can follow:
These examples illustrate a clear need for high- 1. Relevant sources of information must be
quality research to be undertaken into any new
searched to identify all available literature that
technology to assess both its efficacy and its cost-
effectiveness before it is introduced into the health- will help in answering the question.
care system. 2. Published trials must be critically appraised to
However, concerns have been raised about EBM. assess whether they possess internal and external
Sceptics have suggested that it may undermine clini- validity in answering the question posed (inter-
cal experience and instinct and replace it with ‘cook- nal validity is where the effects within the study
book medicine’ or that it may ignore the elements are free from bias and confounding; external va-
of basic medical training such as history-taking,
lidity is where the effects within the study apply
physical examination, laboratory investigations and
a sound grounding in pathophysiology. Another outside the study and the results are therefore
fear is that purchasers and managers will use it as a generalisable to the population in question).
means to cut costs and manage budgets. 3. Where relevant, a systematic review and meta-
Nevertheless, EBM can formalise our everyday analysis may be required to provide a clear
procedures and highlight problems. It can provide answer from a number of disparate sources.
answers by ensuring that the best use is made of 4. The answers to the question need to be incorpo-
existing evidence or it can identify areas in which
rated into clinical practice through the use of guide-
new research is needed. Although it has a role in
assessing the cost-effectiveness of an intervention, it lines or through other methods of implementation.
is not a substitute for rationing and often results in 5. Adherence to ‘best practice’ needs to be moni-
practice that, despite being more cost-effective, has tored through audit, and the process needs to be
greater overall cost.13 kept under review in order to take account of
new evidence or clinical developments.
The process of evidence-
based medicine Sources of evidence
EBM requires a structured approach to ensure that Once a question has been formulated, the next
clinical interventions are based upon best available step in undertaking EBM is the identification of
evidence. The first stage is always to pose a clinically all the relevant evidence. The first line for most
relevant question for which an answer is required. ­practitioners is the use of journals. Many clinicians
Such a question should be clear, specific, important will subscribe to specific journals in their own spe-
and answerable. One way of ­formulating questions cialist area and have access to many others through

3 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
local libraries. However, the vast increase in the Internet resources
number of such publications makes it impossible
for an individual to access or read all the relevant The Internet is becoming an increasingly useful source
papers, even in a highly specialist area. of medical information and evidence. Details of Internet
There has been a huge expansion in the resources addresses for many of the sources referred to below are
that are available for identifying relevant material given in the Appendix to this chapter, although this is a
from other publications, including indexing and rapidly progressing and changing area. There are many
abstracting services such as MEDLINE (computer- journals and databases that are available either free or
ised database compiled by the US National Library through subscription, and dedicated search engines
of Medicine) and EMBASE. There is also a rapidly such as Google Scholar. This medium also provides a
expanding set of journals and other services that number of advantages over printed material, including
provide access to selected, appraised and combined ease of searching, hyperlinks to other sources, access
results from primary information sources. to additional supporting materials or raw data and the
As a result, the information sources that provide provision of discussion groups. There are, however,
the evidence to support EBM are vast and include potential problems with the Internet in that there is no
the following: quality control and much of the available material is of
• Media – journals, online databases, CD-ROMs dubious quality, or published by those with particular
and the Internet. commercial or other interests.
• Independent organisations – research bodies and NHS Evidence
the pharmaceutical industry. This is a new service that provides online access to
• Health services – purchasers and providers at ­evidence-based information. It is managed by NICE and
local, regional and national levels. is free to use. It has access to NICE pathways, ­journals
• Academic units. and databases, ebooks and the Cochrane library.
Some of these are described in more detail below BMJ Evidence Centre
and the Appendix to this chapter provides a list of
This provides information, resources and tools that
contact details for further information.
aid evidence-based practice. It has access to sites
that target EBM in relation to patient care, research
Journals and patient information, and has updates on cur-
rent evidence and treatment options.
The following are a selection of journals that act
as secondary sources, identifying and reviewing Academic units
other research that is felt to be of key importance to
­evidence-based practice.
Cochrane Collaboration
Evidence-based Medicine As described above, the British epidemiologist who
This was first launched in October 1995, by the inspired this collaboration realised that in order to
British Medical Journal (BMJ) Publishing Group. make informed decisions about healthcare, reliable
It systematically searches high-quality international evidence must be accessible and kept up to date with
journals and provides summaries of the most clini- any new evidence. It was felt that failure to achieve
cally relevant research articles. The validity of the re- this might result in important developments in health-
search is critically appraised by experts and assessed care being overlooked. This was to be a key aspect in
for its clinical applicability. This consequently al- providing the best healthcare possible for patients. It
lows the reader to keep up with the latest advances was also hoped that by making clear the result of an
in clinical practice. It also publishes articles relating intervention, then work would not be duplicated.
to the study and practice of EBM. The Cochrane library is the electronic publication
of the Cochrane Collaboration and it includes six
Evidence-based Nursing databases:
This follows similar lines to Evidence-based • The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Medicine, but contains articles more relevant to the contains systematic reviews and protocols of
nursing field.
reviews in preparation. These are regularly
Evidence-based Mental Health updated and there are facilities for comments
This is produced by the BMJ Publishing Group in and criticisms along with authors' responses.
collaboration with the Royal College of Psychiatrists • The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled
and British Pyschological Society. Trials is the largest database of RCTs.

4 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

Information about trials is obtained from several is funded by NIHR England, the Department of
sources including searches of other databases Health, Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland,
and hand searching of medical journals. It and the National Institute for Social Care and
includes many RCTs not currently listed in Health Research, Welsh Assembly Government.
The CRD concentrates specifically on areas of pri-
databases such as MEDLINE or EMBASE.
ority to the NHS. It is designed to raise the stan-
• The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of dards of reviews within the NHS and to encourage
Effectiveness (DARE) contains abstracts of research by working with healthcare professionals.
reviews that have been critically appraised It undertakes and disseminates systematic reviews
by peer reviewers. These reviews evaluate the and maintains three databases:
effects of healthcare interventions and the • NHS EED contains mainly abstracts
delivery and organisations of health services. of economic evaluations of healthcare
• The Cochrane Review Methodology Register interventions and assesses the quality of the
is a bibliography of articles on the science of studies, stating any practical implications to the
research synthesis. NHS.
• Health Technology Assessment Database • DARE (see above).
(HTA) – see below. • The Health Technology Assessment (HTA)
• NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS database details completed and ongoing HTAs
EED) – see below. from around the world. The contents of this
The Reviewers' Handbook includes information database have not been critically appraised.
on the science of reviewing research and details of
the review groups. It is also available in hard copy.14 NIHR Health Technology Assessment
The Cochrane library is regularly updated and
amended as new evidence is acquired. It is distrib- Programme
uted on disk, CD-ROM and the Internet.3 In order to The HTA is now part of National Institute for
allow the results of the reviews to be widely used, no Health Research (NIHR). It commissions indepen-
one contributor has exclusive copyright of the review. dent research into high-priority areas. This includes
many systematic reviews and primary research in
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine key areas. The programme publishes details of on-
The Centre for Evidence-based Medicine was estab- going HTA projects and monographs of completed
lished in Oxford. Its chief remit is to promote EBM research.
and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in healthcare.
It runs workshops and courses in both the practice
and teaching of EBM. It also conducts research and Critical appraisal
development on improving EBP and its website also
has many free EBM resources and tools.
This is the process by which we assess the
Review Body for Interventional Procedures evidence presented to us in a paper. We need to
be critical of it in terms of its validity and clinical
(ReBIP) applicability.
This is a joint venture between the Health Services
Research Unit at Sheffield University and Aberdeen
From reading the literature, it is evident that there
University. It works under the auspices of NICE's
may be many trials on the same subject, which may
Interventional Procedures Programme (IPP). When
all draw different conclusions. Which one should be
there is doubt about the safety and efficacy of any
believed and allowed to influence clinical practice?
procedure they will be commissioned to provide a
We owe a duty to our patients to be able to assess
systematic review or gather additional data.
accurately all the available information and judge
each paper on its own merits before changing our
NHS agencies clinical practice accordingly.

Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Randomised controlled trials

The CRD was established in January 1994 at the The RCT is a comparative evaluation in which the
University of York and is now also part of the interventions being compared are allocated to the
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). It units being studied purely by chance. It is the ‘gold

5 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
standard’ method of comparing the effectiveness of design, conduct and conclusions before accept-
different interventions.15 Randomisation is the only ing the results. The first requirement is that there
way to allow valid inferences of cause and effect,16 must be sufficient detail available to make such an
and no other study design can potentially protect as assessment.
well against bias. It became clear that there was a need for the pre-
Unfortunately, not all clinical trials are done well, sentation of clinical trials to be standardised. The
and even fewer are well reported. Their results may CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting
therefore be confusing and misleading, and it is Trials) statement was developed. The most recent
necessary to consider several elements of a trial's version is CONSORT 2010 (Table 1.1).17,18

Table 1.1   •  CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomised trial*

Section/topic Item no. Checklist item

Title and abstract
1a Identification as a randomised trial in the title
1b Structured summary of trial design, methods, results, and conclusions (for specific
guidance see CONSORT for abstracts)
Background and 2a Scientific background and explanation of rationale
objectives 2b Specific objectives or hypotheses
Trial design 3a Description of trial design (such as parallel, factorial) including allocation ratio
3b Important changes to methods after trial commencement (such as eligibility criteria), with reasons
Participants 4a Eligibility criteria for participants
4b Settings and locations where the data were collected
Interventions 5 The interventions for each group with sufficient details to allow replication, including how
and when they were actually administered
Outcomes 6a Completely defined pre-specified primary and secondary outcome measures, including
how and when they were assessed
6b Any changes to trial outcomes after the trial commenced, with reasons
Sample size 7a How sample size was determined
7b When applicable, explanation of any interim analyses and stopping guidelines
Sequence generation 8a Method used to generate the random allocation sequence
8b Type of randomisation; details of any restriction (such as blocking and block size)
Allocation 9 Mechanism used to implement the random allocation sequence (such as sequentially
concealment numbered containers), describing any steps taken to conceal the sequence until
mechanism interventions were assigned
Implementation 10 Who generated the random allocation sequence, who enrolled participants, and who
assigned participants to interventions
Blinding 11a If done, who was blinded after assignment to interventions (for example, participants, care
providers, those assessing outcomes) and how
11b If relevant, description of the similarity of interventions
Statistical methods 12a Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary and secondary outcomes
12b Methods for additional analyses, such as subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses
Participant flow (a 13a For each group, the numbers of participants who were randomly assigned, received
diagram is strongly intended treatment, and were analysed for the primary outcome
recommended) 13b For each group, losses and exclusions after randomisation,together with reasons
Recruitment 14a Dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up
14b Why the trial ended or was stopped

6 66485457-66963820
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Table 1.1  • (Cont.) CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomised trial

Section/topic Item no. Checklist item

Baseline data 15 A table showing baseline demographic and clinical characteristics for each group
Numbers analysed 16 For each group, number of participants (denominator) included in each analysis and
whether the analysis was by original assigned groups
Outcomes and 17a For each primary and secondary outcome, results for each group, and the estimated effect
estimation size and its precision (such as 95% confidence interval)
17b For binary outcomes, presentation of both absolute and relative effect sizes is recommended
Ancillary analyses 18 Results of any other analyses performed, including subgroup analyses and adjusted
analyses, distinguishing pre-specified from exploratory
Harms 19 All important harms or unintended effects in each group (for specific guidance see
CONSORT for harms)
Limitations 20 Trial limitations, addressing sources of potential bias, imprecision, and, if relevant,
multiplicity of analyses
Generalisability 21 Generalisability (external validity, applicability) of the trial findings
Interpretation 22 Interpretation consistent with results, balancing benefits and harms, and considering other
relevant evidence
Other information
Registration 23 Registration number and name of trial registry
Protocol 24 Where the full trial protocol can be accessed, if available
Funding 25 Sources of funding and other support (such as supply of drugs), role of funders
*We strongly recommend reading this statement in conjunction with the CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration for important
clarifications on all the items. If relevant, we also recommend reading CONSORT extensions for cluster randomised trials, non-inferiority
and equivalence trials, non-pharmacological treatments, herbal interventions, and pragmatic trials. Additional extensions are forthcoming:
for those and for up-to-date references relevant to this checklist, see
Reproduced from Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D et al. Br Med J 2010; 340:c332 and Moher D, Hopewell S, Schulz KF et al. Br Med J
2010;340:c869. With permission from the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) is a

The CONSORT 2010 statement lists 25 items UK-based project designed to develop appraisal skills
that should be included in any trial report, along
about effectiveness. It provides half-day ­workshops
with a flow chart.17,18
and has developed appraisal frameworks based on
10 or 11 questions for RCTs, qualitative research and
Many journals now encourage authors to sub- systematic reviews.
mit a copy of the CONSORT statement relating to Assuming that the relevant information is avail-
their paper. A similar checklist has been proposed able, critical appraisal is required to ensure that the
for the reporting of observational studies (cohort, methodology of the trial is such that it will minimise
case–control and cross-sectional). This is called effects on outcome other than true treatment effects,
the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational i.e. those owing to chance, bias and confounding:
Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement.19
The QUORUM statement is a similar checklist • Chance – random variation, leading to
that has been developed to improve the quality of imprecision.
reporting relating to systematic reviews of RCTs.20 • Bias – systematic variation leading to
The STROBE statement provides a • Confounding – systematic variation resulting
recommended checklist for the reporting of from the existence of extraneous factors that
observational studies19 and the QUORUM affect the outcome and have distributions that
statement provides similar recommendations for
are not taken into account, leading to bias and
systematic reviews of RCTs.20
invalid inferences.

7 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
All good study designs will reduce the effects of so that a second party could reproduce the review at
chance, eliminate bias and take confounding into a later date if required.
account. This requires consideration of many as- Because of the increasing importance of system-
pects of trial design, including methods of randomi- atic reviews as a method of providing the evidence
sation, blinding and masking, analysis methods and base for a variety of clinical activities, the methods
sample size. It also requires the reviewer to consider are discussed in some detail below. There are several
aspects such as sponsorship and vested interests that key elements in producing a systematic review.
may introduce sources of bias. Discussion of meth-
odology for the critical appraisal of RCTs and other 1. Develop a protocol for a clearly
forms of study is readily available elsewhere.21
defined question

Systematic literature reviews Within a protocol:

• the objectives of the review of the RCTs must be
A systematic review is an overview of primary
studies carried out to an exhaustive, defined and • eligibility criteria must be included (e.g. relevant
repeatable protocol. patient groups, types of intervention and trial
There has been an explosion in the published medi- • appropriate outcome measures should be defined.
cal literature, with over two million articles a year In the Cochrane Collaboration, each systematic
published in 20 000 journals. The task of keeping review is preceded by a published protocol that is
up with new advances in medical research has be- subjected to a process of peer review. This helps to
come quite overwhelming. We have also seen that ensure high quality, avoids duplication of effort and
the results of trials in the same subject may be con- is designed to reduce bias by setting standards for
tradictory, and that the underlying message can be inclusion criteria before the results from identified
masked. Systematic reviews are designed to search studies have been assessed.
out meticulously all relevant studies on a subject,
evaluate the quality of each study and assimilate the
information to produce a balanced and unbiased 2. Literature search
One advantage of a systematic review with a All published and unpublished material should be
meta-analysis over a traditional subjective nar- sought. This includes examining studies in non-
rative review is that by synthesising the results of English journals, grey literature, conference reports,
many smaller studies, the original lack of statistical company reports (drug companies can hold a lot of
power of each study may be overcome by cumula- vital information from their own research) and any
tive size, and any treatment effect is more clearly personal contacts, for personal studies or informa-
demonstrated. This, in turn, can lead to a reduc- tion. The details of the search methodology and
tion in delay between research advances and clinical search terms used should be specified in order to
implementation. For example, it has been demon- make the review reproducible and allow readers to
strated that if the original studies done on the use of repeat the search to identify further relevant informa-
anticoagulants after myocardial infarction had been tion published after the review. The most frequently
reviewed, their benefits would have been apparent used initial source of information is MEDLINE but
much earlier.23,24 It is obviously essential that both this does have limitations. It only indexes about
the benefit or any harm caused by an intervention one-third of all medical articles that exist in libraries
becomes apparent as soon as possible. (over 10 million in total),25 and an average search by
Unfortunately, as in reported trials, not all reviews a regular user would only yield about one-fifth of the
are as rigorously researched and synthesised as trials that can be identified by more rigorous tech-
one would hope and are open to similar pitfalls as niques for literature searching.26 It also has a bias to-
RCTs. The Cochrane Collaboration has sought to wards articles published in English. Other electronic
rectify this and has worked upon refining the meth- and indexed databases should also be searched, but
ods used for systematic reviews. It has consequently often the only way to ensure that the maximum
produced some of the most reliable and useful re- number of relevant trials are found, wherever pub-
views, and its methods have been widely adopted by lished and in whatever language, is to hand search
other reviewers. The Cochrane Collaboration ad- the journals. This is one of the tasks of the Cochrane
vises that each review must be based on an explicit Collaboration through a database maintained at the
protocol, which sets out the objectives and methods Baltimore Cochrane Centre.

8 66485457-66963820
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One must also be aware, however, that there is a considering different patient groups or irrelevant
potential for ‘publication bias’. Trials that are more outcomes). Despite all precautions, the findings of
likely to get published are those with a positive re- a systematic review may differ from those of a large-
sult rather than a negative or no-effect result,27 and scale, high-quality RCT. This will be discussed be-
are also more likely to be cited in other articles.28 low in relation to meta-analysis.

3. Evaluating the studies

Each trial should be assessed to see if it meets the
inclusion criteria set out in the protocol (eligibil-
A meta-analysis is a specific statistical strategy
ity). If it meets the required standards, then the trial
for assembling the results of several studies into a
is subjected to a critical appraisal, ideally by two
single estimate, which may be incorporated into a
independent reviewers, to ascertain its validity, rel-
systematic literature review.30
evance and reliability. Any exclusions should be re-
ported and justified; if there is missing information
from the published article, it may be necessary to at- Here we must make the distinction that the term
tempt to contact the author of the primary research. ‘meta-analysis’ refers to the statistical techniques
Reviewers should also, if possible, be ‘blinded’ to used to combine the results of several studies and
the authors and journals of publication, etc. in or- is not synonymous with systematic review, as it is
der to minimise any personal bias. sometimes used.
The Cochrane reviewers are assisted in all these A common problem in clinical trials is that the re-
tasks by instructions in the Cochrane Handbook14 sults are not clear-cut, either because of size or be-
and through workshops at the Cochrane Centres.29 cause of the design of the trial. The systematic review
is designed to eliminate some of these problems and
give appropriate weightings to the best- and worst-
4. Synthesis of the results quality studies, regardless of size. Meta-analysis is
the statistical tool used to combine the results and
Once the studies have been graded according to give ‘power’ to the estimates of effect.
quality and relevance, their results may be com- Meta-analyses use a variety of statistical tech-
bined in an interpretative or a statistical fashion. It niques according to the type of data being analysed
must be decided if it is appropriate to combine some (dichotomous, continuous or individual patient
studies and which comparisons to make. Subgroup data).14 There are two main models used to anal-
or sensitivity analyses may also be appropriate. The yse the results: the fixed-effect model (logistic re-
statistical analysis is called a meta-analysis and is gression, Mantel–Haenszel test and Peto's method)
discussed below. and the random-effect model. The major concern
with fixed-effect methods is that they assume no
5. Discussion clinical heterogeneity between the individual trials,
and this may be unrealistic.31 The random-effect
The review should be summarised. The aims, meth- method takes into consideration random variation
ods and reported results should be discussed and the and clinical heterogeneity between trials. In the
following issues considered: presentation of meta-analysis, a consistent scale
should be chosen for measuring treatment effects
• quality of the studies;
and to cope with the possible large scale of differ-
• possible sources of heterogeneity (reasons for ence in proportions, risk ratios or odds ratios that
inconsistency between studies, e.g. patient can be used.
selection, methods of randomisation, duration of
follow-up or differences in statistical analysis); Heterogeneity
• bias;
• chance; Trials can have many different components21 and
therefore a meta-analysis is only valid if the trials
• applicability of the findings.
that it seeks to summarise are homogeneous: you
As with any study, a review can be done badly, and cannot add apples and oranges.32 If trials are not
the reader must critically appraise a review to as- comparable and any heterogeneity is ignored, the
sess its quality. Systematic errors may be introduced analysis can produce misleading results.
by omitting some relevant studies, by selection bias Figure 1.1 shows an example of this from a meta-
(such as excluding foreign language journals) or analysis of 19 RCTs investigating the use of en-
by including inappropriate studies (such as those doscopic sclerotherapy to reduce mortality from

9 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1


0.01 0.1 1 10
Odds ratio/log scale
Figure 1.1  •  An example of a meta-analysis of 19 randomised controlled trials investigating the use of endoscopic
sclerotherapy to reduce mortality from oesophageal varices in the primary treatment of cirrhotic patients. Reproduced
from Chalmer I, Altman DG. Systematic reviews. London: BMJ Publishing, 1995; p. 119. With permission from Blackwell
Publishing Ltd.

oesophageal varices in the primary treatment of

cirrhotic patients.33 Each trial is represented by a ‘Meta-analysis is on the strongest ground when
‘point estimate’ of the difference between the groups, the methods employed in the primary studies are
and a horizontal line showing the 95% confidence sufficiently similar that any differences in their
interval (CI). If the line does not cross the line of results are due to the play of chance.’30
no effect, then there is a 95% chance that there is
a real difference between the groups. It can be seen Views on the usefulness of meta-analyses are di-
that in this case the trials are not homogeneous as vided. On the one hand, they may provide conclusions
some of the lower limits of the CIs are above the that could not be reached from other trials because of
highest limits of CIs in other trials. Such a lack of the small numbers involved. However, on the other
homogeneity may have a variety of causes, relating hand, they have some limitations and cannot produce
to clinical heterogeneity (differences in patient mix, a single simple answer to all complex clinical prob-
setting, etc.) or differences in methods. The degree lems. They may give misleading results if used inap-
of statistical heterogeneity can be measured to see propriately where there is a biased body of literature
if it is greater than is compatible with the play of or clinical or methodological heterogeneity. If used
chance.34 Such a statistical tool may lack statistical with caution, however, they may be a useful tool in
power; consequently, results that do not show sig- providing information to help in decision-making.
nificant heterogeneity do not necessarily mean that Figure 1.2 shows a funnel plot of a meta-analysis
the trials are truly homogeneous and one must look relating to the use of magnesium following myo-
beyond them to assess the degree of heterogeneity. cardial infarction.35 The result of each study in the

10 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

Intravenous magnesium


No of patients



0.1 1 10
Odds ratio
Figure 1.2  •  A funnel plot of a meta-analysis relating to the use of magnesium following myocardial infarction. Points
indicate values from small and medium-sized trials; the diamond is the combined odds ratio with 95% confidence interval
from the meta-analysis of these trials and the square is that for a mega trial. Reproduced from Egger M, Smith GD.
Misleading meta-analysis. Br Med J 1995; 310:752–4. With permission from the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

analysis is represented by a circle plotting the odds • publication bias, since only trials with positive
ratio (with the vertical line being at 1, the ‘line of results were included (see funnel plot);
no effect’) against the trial size. The diamond repre- • methodological weakness in the small trials;
sents the overall results of the meta-analysis with its • clinical heterogeneity.
pooled data from all the smaller studies shown. This
study36 was published in 1993 and showed that it
was beneficial and safe to give intravenous magne-
sium in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Clinical guidelines
The majority of the studies involved show a positive
effect of the treatment, as does the meta-analysis.
However, the results from this study were contra- Clinical guidelines are systematically developed
dicted in 1995 by ISIS-4, a very large RCT involv- statements to assist practitioner and patient
ing 58 050 patients.37 It had three arms, in one of decisions about appropriate healthcare for specific
which intravenous magnesium was given to patients clinical circumstances.38
suspected of an acute myocardial infarction. The re-
sults are marked on the funnel plot and show that EBM is increasingly advocated in healthcare, and
there is no clear benefit for this treatment, contrary evidence-based guidelines are being developed in
to the results of the earlier meta-analysis. many areas of primary healthcare such as asthma,39
Some would say that this is one of the major prob- stable angina40 and vascular disease.41 Over 2000
lems with using statistical synthesis. An alternative guidelines or protocols have been developed from
viewpoint is that it is an example of the impor- audit programmes in the UK alone. An observa-
tance of ensuring that the material fed into a meta- tional study in general practice has also shown that
analysis from a systematic review is researched and recommendations that are evidence based are more
critically appraised to the highest possible standard. widely adopted than those that are not.42 The UK
Explanations for the contradictory findings in this Department of Health has also endorsed the policy
review have been given as:32,35 of using evidence-based guidelines.43

11 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
Guidelines may have a number of different The National Institute for Clinical
Excellence (NICE)
• to provide an answer to a specific clinical
question using evidence-based methods; NICE is a special health authority formed on
• to aid a clinician in decision-making; 1 April 1999 by the UK government. The board
comprises executive and non-executive members.
• to standardise aspects of care throughout
It is designed to work with the NHS in apprais-
the country, providing improved equality ing healthcare interventions and offering guidance
of access to services and enabling easier on the best treatment methods for patients. It as-
comparisons to be made for audit and sesses all the evidence on the clinical benefit of an
professional assessment (a reduction in intervention, including quality of life, mortality
medical practice variation); and cost-effectiveness. It will then decide, using this
• to help to make the most cost-effective use of information if the intervention should be recom-
mended to the NHS.
limited resources;
It produces guidance in three main areas:
• to facilitate education of patients and healthcare
professionals. • public health;
• health technologies – including the newly
For clinical policies to be evidence based and clinically
developed Medical Technologies Evaluation
useful, there must be a balance between the strengths
and limitations of relevant research and the practical Programme (MTEP) and Diagnostic Assessment
realities of the healthcare and clinical settings.44 Programme (DAP);
• clinical practice.
There are, however, commonly expressed concerns
about the use of guidelines: Its role was further expanded in 2010 following
the NHS White Paper, Equity and Excellence –
• There is a worry that the evidence used may Liberating the NHS and was tasked with develop-
be spurious or not relevant, especially in areas ing 150 quality standards in key areas in order to
where there is a paucity of published evidence. improve patient outcomes. It is now linked in with
• Guidelines may not be applicable to every NHS Evidence and manages the online search en-
patient and are therefore only useful in treating gine that allows easy access to an extensive evidence
base and examples of best practice.
diseases and not patients.
• Clinicians may feel that they take away their
autonomy in decision-making.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
• A standardised clinical approach may risk Network (SIGN)
suffocating any clinical flair and innovation.
The SIGN was formed in 1993. Its objective is to
• There may be geographic or demographic
improve the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical
limitations to the applicability of guidelines; care for patients in Scotland by developing, publish-
for instance, a policy developed for use in a city ing and disseminating guidelines that identify and
district may not be transferable to a rural area. promote good clinical practice. SIGN is a network
of clinicians from all the medical specialities, nurses,
The effectiveness of a guideline depends on three
other professionals allied to medicine, managers,
areas, as identified by Grimshaw and Russell:45
social services and researchers. Patients and carers
1. How and where the guidelines are produced are also represented on the council. Since 2005,
(develo­pment strategy) – at a local, regional or SIGN has been part of NHS Quality Improvement
national level or by a group internal or external
to the area.
2. How the guidelines have been disseminated,
Effective Practice and
e.g. a specific education package, group work, Organisation of Care (EPOC)
publication in a journal or a mailed leaflet.
3. How the guidelines are implemented (put into use). EPOC is a subgroup of the Cochrane Collaboration
that reviews and summarises research about the use
In the UK, there are a number of bodies that pro- of guidelines.
duce guidelines and summaries of evidence-based Guidelines also need to be critically appraised and
advice. a framework has been developed for this46 that uses

12 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

37 questions to appraise three different areas of a Box 1.1  •  Hierarchy of evidence

clinical guideline:
1. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
1. rigour of development; 2. Randomised controlled trials with definitive results (the
2. content and context; results are clinically significant)
3. application. 3. Randomised controlled trials with non-definitive results
(the results have a point estimate that suggests a clini-
cally significant effect)
Integrated care pathways 4. Cohort studies
(ICPs) 5. Case–control studies
6. Cross-sectional studies
ICPs are known by a number of names, including 7. Case reports
integrated care plans, collaborative care plans, criti-
From Greenhalgh T. How to read a paper: the basics of evidence
cal care pathways and clinical algorithms. ICPs are based medicine. London: BMJ Publications, 1997; Vol. xvii, p.
a development of clinical practice guidelines and 196. With permission from the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
have emerged over recent years as a strategy for de-
livering consistent high-quality care for a range of
diagnostic groups or procedures. They are usually when weighing up the evidence in order to make
multidisciplinary, patient-focused pathways of care a clinical decision. One version of the hierarchy is
that provide a framework for the management of a given in Box 1.1.21 It must be remembered, however,
clinical condition or procedure and are based upon that this is only a rough guide and that one needs
best available evidence. to assess each study on its own merits. Although a
The advantage of ICPs over most conventional meta-analysis comes above an RCT in the hierarchy,
guidelines is that they provide a complete pack- a good-quality RCT is far better than a poorly per-
age of protocols relating to the likely events for formed meta-analysis. Similarly, a seriously flawed
all healthcare personnel involved with the patient RCT may not merit the same degree of importance
during a single episode of care. By covering each as a well-designed cohort study. Checklists have been
possible contingency with advice based upon best published that may assist in assessing the method-
evidence, they provide a means of both identifying ological quality of each type of study.21
and implementing optimum practice. Similar checklists are available for systematic re-
views.21,47,48 As already discussed, the preparation
of a systematic review is a complex process involv-
Grading the evidence ing a number of steps, each of which is open to bias
and inaccuracies that can distort the results. Such
There is a traditional hierarchy of evidence, which lists can be used as a guide when preparing a review
lists the primary studies in order of perceived scien- as well as in assessing one. One checklist used to
tific merit. This allows one to give an appropriate assess the validity of a review does so by identifying
level of significance to each type of study and is u
­ seful potential sources of bias in each step (Table 1.2).49

Table 1.2  •  Checklist for assessing sources of bias and methods of protecting against bias

Source Check
Problem formulation Is the question clearly focused?
Study identification Is the search for relevant studies thorough?
Study selection Are the inclusion criteria appropriate?
Appraisal of the studies Is the validity of the studies included adequately assessed?
Data collection Is missing information obtained from investigators?
Data synthesis How sensitive are the results to changes in the way the review is done?
Interpretation of results Do the conclusions flow from the evidence that is reviewed? Are recommendations linked
to the strength of the evidence?
Are judgments about preferences (values) explicit?
If there is ‘no evidence of effect’, is care taken not to interpret this as ‘evidence of no effect’?
Are subgroup analyses interpreted cautiously?
From Oxman A. Checklists for review articles. Br Med J 1994; 309:648–51. With permission from the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

13 66485457-66963820
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It is hoped that the results of a systematic review be modified in the light of patient preferences or
will be precise, valid and statistically powerful in local circumstances. This raises different issues to
order to provide the highest quality information on the grading of evidence for critical appraisal and for
which to base clinical decisions or to produce clini- systematic reviews.
cal guidelines. The strength of the evidence provided In 1979, the Canadian Task Force on the Periodic
by a study also needs to be assessed before making Health Examination was one of the first groups
any clinical recommendations. A grading system is to propose grading the strength of recommenda-
required to specify the levels of evidence, and sev- tions.51 Since then there have been several published
eral have previously been reported (e.g. those of the systems for rating the quality of evidence, although
Antithrombotic Therapy Consensus Conference50 most were not designed specifically to be translated
or that shown in Table 1.3). into guideline development. The Agency for Health
The grading of evidence and recommendations Care Policy and Research has published such a
within textbooks, clinical guidelines or ICPs should ­system, although this body considered that its level
allow users easily to identify those elements of of classification may be too complex to allow clini-
­evidence that may be subject to interpretation or cal practice guideline development.52 Nevertheless,
modification in the light of new published data or the Agency advocated evidence-linked guideline
local information. It should identify those aspects development, requiring the explicit linkage of
of recommendations that are less securely based ­recommendations to the quality of the supporting
upon evidence and therefore may appropriately evidence. The Centre for Evidence-based Medicine
has developed a more comprehensive grading
Table 1.3  • Agency for Health Care Policy and system, which incorporates dimensions such as
Research grading system for evidence and prognosis, diagnosis and economic analysis.53
recommendations These systems are complex; for textbooks, care
pathways and guidelines, such grading systems need
Category Description to be clear and easily understood by the relevant
audience as well as taking into account all the dif-
ferent forms of evidence that may be appropriate to
Ia Evidence from meta-analysis of such documents.
randomised controlled trials
Ib Evidence from at least one randomised
controlled trial Determining strength of evidence
IIa Evidence from at least one controlled
study without randomisation There are three main factors that need to be taken
into account in determining the strength of evidence:
IIb Evidence from at least one other type of
quasi-experimental study • the type and quality of the reported study;
III Evidence from non-experimental • the robustness of the findings;
descriptive studies, such as comparative • the applicability of the study to the population
studies and case–control studies or subgroup to which the guidelines are directed.
IV Evidence from expert committee reports
or opinions or clinical experience of Type and quality of study
respected authorities, or both Meta-analyses, systematic reviews and RCTs are
Recommendation strength generally considered to be the highest quality evi-
A Directly based on category I evidence dence that is available. However, in some situa-
B Directly based on category II evidence tions these may not be appropriate or feasible.
or extrapolated recommendation from Recommendations may depend upon evidence
category I evidence from other kinds of study, such as observational
C Directly based on category III evidence studies of epidemiology or natural history, or syn-
or extrapolated recommendation from thesised evidence, such as decision analyses and
cost-effectiveness modelling.
category I or II evidence
For each type of evidence, there are sets of crite-
D Directly based on category IV evidence ria as to the methodological quality, and descrip-
or extrapolated recommendation from tions of techniques for critical appraisal are widely
category I, II or III evidence ­available.21 Inevitably, there is some degree of sub-
From Hadorn DC, Baker D, Hodges JS et al. Rating the quality jectivity in determining whether particular flaws
of evidence for clinical practice guidelines. J Clin Epidemiol 1996 or a lack of suitable information invalidates an
49:749–54. With permission from Elsevier. ­individual study.

14 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

Robustness of findings Details of the definitions are given in Table 1.4. For

The strength of evidence from a published study ­practical purposes, only the following three grades
would depend not only upon the type and quality are required, which are analogous to the levels of
of a particular study but also upon the magnitude of proof required in a court of law:
any differences and the homogeneity of results. High- I. ‘Beyond reasonable doubt’. Analogous to the
quality research may report findings with wide con-
burden of proof required in a criminal court
fidence intervals, conflicting results or contradictory
findings for different outcome measures or patient case and may be thought of as correspond-
subgroups. Conversely, sensitivity analysis within a ing to the usual standard of ‘proof’ within the
cost-­effectiveness or decision analysis may indicate medical literature (i.e. P <0.05).
that uncertainty regarding the exact value of a par- II. ‘On the balance of probabilities’. In many cases, a
ticular parameter does not detract from the strength high-quality review of literature may fail to reach
of the conclusion. firm conclusions because of conflicting evidence or
inconclusive results, trials of poor methodological
Applicability quality or the lack of evidence in the population
Strong evidence in a set of guidelines must be wholly to which the guidelines apply. Where such strong
applicable to the situation in which the guidelines evidence does not exist, it may still be possible to
are to be used. For example, a finding from high- make a statement as to the ‘best’ treatment on the
quality research based upon a hospital population
‘balance of probabilities’. This is analogous to the
may provide good evidence for guidelines intended
for a similar setting but a lower quality of evidence decision in a civil court where all the available evi-
for guidelines intended for primary care. dence will be weighed up and a verdict will depend
upon the ‘balance of probabilities’.
III. ‘Unproven’. Where the above levels of proof do
Grading system for evidence not exist.
The following is a simple pragmatic grading system All evidence-based guidelines require regular re-
for the strength of a statement of evidence, which view because of the constant stream of new infor-
will be used to grade the evidence in this book mation that becomes available. In some areas, there
(and the other volumes in the Companion series). is more rapid development and the emergence of

Table 1.4  •  Grading of evidence and recommendations

Category Description
I ‘Beyond reasonable doubt’. Evidence from high-quality randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews,
high-quality synthesised evidence, such as decision analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses or large
observational datasets, which is directly applicable to the population of concern and has clear results
II ‘On the balance of probabilities’. Evidence of ‘best practice’ from a high-quality review of literature,
which fails to reach the highest standard of ‘proof’ because of heterogeneity, questionable trial
methodology or lack of evidence in a relevant population
III ‘Unproven’. Insufficient evidence upon which to base a decision or contradictory evidence
A A strong recommendation, which should be followed unless there are compelling reasons against to
act otherwise
B Recommendations based on evidence of effectiveness that may need interpretation in the light of
other factors (e.g. patient preferences, local facilities, local audit results or available resources)
C Recommendation where there is inadequate evidence on effectiveness but pragmatic or financial
reasons to institute an agreed policy
Other considerations
The evidence should be presented as clear and brief points, with reference to original source material
Individual evidence requiring early review should be identified with reference to known sources of
work in progress

15 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
new evidence; in these instances, relevant reference • patients and the public;
will be made to ongoing trials or systematic reviews • government (local, regional and national).
in progress.
Each of these groups has a different set of pri-
Grading of recommendations orities. To ensure that their own requirements are
met by the proposal, negotiation is required, which
takes time. There are many potential barriers to the
Although recommendations should be based upon
implementation of recommendations, and clinicians
the evidence presented, it is necessary to grade the
may become so embroiled in tradition and dogma,
strength of recommendation separately from the ev-
that they are resistant to change. They may lack
idence. For example, the lack of evidence regarding
knowledge of new developments or the time and
an expensive new technology may lead to a strong
resources to keep up to date with the published lit-
recommendation that it should only be undertaken
erature. Lack of training in a new technology, such
as part of an adequately regulated clinical trial.
as laparoscopic surgery or interventional radiology,
Conversely, strong evidence for the effectiveness of
may thwart their use, even when shown to be ef-
a treatment may not lead to a strong recommenda-
fective. Researchers may become detached from
tion for use if the magnitude of the benefit is small
the practicalities of clinical practice and the needs
and the treatment very costly.
of the health service and concentrate on inappro-
The following grades of recommendations are
priate questions or produce impractical guidelines.
suggested and details of the definition are given in
Managers are subject to changes in the political cli-
Table 1.4:
mate and can easily be driven by policies and bud-
A. A strong recommendation, which should be gets. The resources available to them may be limited
followed. and not allow for the purchase of new technology,
and even potentially cost-saving developments may
B. A recommendation using evidence of effective-
not be introduced because of the difficulties in re-
ness, but where there may be other factors leasing the savings from elsewhere in the service.
to take into account in the decision-making Patients and the general public can also influence
process. the development of the healthcare offered. They
C. A recommendation where evidence as to the are susceptible to the persuasion of the mass media
most effective practice is not adequate, but there and may demand the implementation of ‘miracle
may be reasons for making the recommendations cures’ or fashionable investigations or treatments.
Such interventions may not be practical or of any
in order to minimise cost or reduce the chance of
proven benefit. They can also determine the success
error through a locally agreed protocol. or failure of a particular treatment. For instance, a
treatment may be physically or morally unaccept-
Implementation of evidence- able, or there may be poor compliance, especially
with preventative measures such as diets, smoking
based medicine cessation or exercise. All these aspects can lead to
a delay in the implementation of research findings.
Healthcare professionals have always sought evi-
Potential ways of improving this situation include
dence on which to base their clinical practice.
the following:
Unfortunately, the evidence has not always been
available, reliable or explicit, and when it was • Provision of easy and convenient access to
available it has not been implemented immediately. summaries of the best evidence, electronic
James Lancaster in 1601 showed that lemon juice databases, systematic reviews and journals in a
was effective in the treatment of scurvy, and in 1747 clinical setting.
James Lind repeated the experiment. The British
• Development of better disease management
Navy did not utilise this information until 1795 and
the Merchant Navy not until 1865. When imple- systems through mechanisms such as clinical
mentation of research findings is delayed, ultimately guidelines, ICPs and electronic reminders.
the people who suffer are the patients. • Implementation of computerised decision-
A number of different groups of people may need support systems.
to be committed to the changes before they can take • Improvement of educational programmes –
place with any degree of success. These include: practitioners must be regularly and actively
• healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, etc.); apprised of new evidence rather than relying
• healthcare providers and purchasers; on the practitioner seeking it out; passive
• researchers; dissemination of evidence is ineffective.

16 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

• More effective systems to encourage patients • PACE (Promoting Action on Clinical

to adhere to treatment and general healthcare Effectiveness);56
advice; the information must be clear, concise, • PLIP (Purchaser Led Implementation Projects);57
correct and actively distributed. • GriPP (Getting Research into Practice and
There is a gap between research and practice, and
there is a need for evidence about the effectiveness of Successful implementation of research findings
different methods of implementing changes in clini- into practice appears to be due to a multipronged
cal practice. The NHS Central R&D Committee set approach and the UK National Association of
up an advisory group to look into this problem and Health Authorities and Trusts (NAHAT) has pro-
identified 20 priorities for evaluation, as shown in duced an action checklist in order to facilitate this
Box 1.2.54 process.59
An EPOC review has examined the different meth- It must be remembered, however, that EBM
ods of implementing evidence-based healthcare and is not the sole preserve of experts or clinicians.
classified them into three broad groups:55 The research, dissemination and i­ mplementation
of clinical and economic evaluations have
• consistently effective – educational visits and ­wide-reaching repercussions for the health ser-
interactive meetings; vice. Managers are under increasing pressure
• sometimes effective – audit and feedback; to be effective both c­ linically and for costs, and
• little or no effect – printed guideline are accountable at local, regional and national
distribution. levels. They need to be actively involved and
understand the process. As with all interactions
Several groups have looked at implementing between ­ e lements in the health service, there
evidence-based practice, such as grommet use in
­ must be collaboration, the ultimate goal being
glue ear and steroids in preterm delivery: an improvement in patient care.

Box 1.2   • Priority areas for evaluation in the methods of implementation of the findings of research: recommendations
of the advisory group to the NHS Central Research and Development Committee

 1. Influence of source and presentation of evidence on its uptake by healthcare professionals and others
 2. Principal sources of information on healthcare effectiveness used by clinicians
  3. Management of uncertainty and communications of risk by clinicians
  4. Roles for health service users in implementing research findings
  5. Why some clinicians but not others change their practice in response to research findings
  6. Role of commissioning in securing change in clinical practice
  7. Professional, managerial, organisational and commercial factors associated with securing change in clinical practice, with
particular focus on trusts and primary care providers
  8. Interventions directed at clinical and medical directors and directors of nursing trusts to promote evidence-based care
  9. Local research implementation and development projects
10. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of audit and feedback to promote implementation of research findings
11. Educational strategies for continuing professional development to promote the implementation of research findings
12. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of teaching critical appraisal skills to clinicians, patients/users, purchasers and
­providers to promote uptake of research findings
13.  Role of undergraduate training in promoting the uptake of research findings
14.  Impact of clinical practice guidelines in disciplines other than medicine
15.  Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of reminder and decision support systems to implement research findings
16.  Role of the media in promoting uptake of research findings
17. Impact of professional and managerial change agents (including educational outreach visits and local opinion leaders) in
implementing research findings
18. Effect of evidence-based practice on general health policy measures
19. Impact of national guidelines to promote clinical effectiveness
20. Use of research-based evidence by policymakers
From NHS Central Research and Development Committee. Methods to promote the implementation of research findings in the NHS:
priorities for evaluation: report to the NHS Central Research and Development Committee. London: Department of Health, 1995. ©
Crown copyright 2008. Reproduced under the terms of the Click-Use Licence.

17 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1

Audit Define standards

Audit is the systematic critical analysis of the Monitor

quality of medical care, including the procedures Make
changes against
used for diagnosis and treatment, the use of standards
resources, and the resulting outcome and quality of
life for the patient.60

Analyse results/
The Department of Health has set out policy docu-
plan changes
ments that outline the development and role of audit
in today's healthcare system.60,61 Everyone involved Figure 1.3  •  The audit loop.
in the healthcare process has a responsibility to con-
duct audit and to assess the quality of care that they
provide. In 1996, Donabedian categorised three im- loop and the procedure begins again. The key to
portant elements in the delivery of healthcare:62 effective audit is that the loop must begin with the
• Structure – this relates to physical resources development of evidence-based standards. Any suc-
available, e.g. the number of theatres, hospital cess in changing care to meet proposed standards
is unlikely to ­produce more ­effective clinical care
beds and nurses, etc.
if such standards are set in an arbitrary way. The
• Process – this refers to the management of the Royal College of Surgeons of England has pub-
patient, e.g. procedures carried out, drugs used, lished its own guidelines on clinical audit in surgi-
care delivered, etc. cal practice.63
• Outcome – this refers to the result of the One result of the drive to implement audit in the
intervention, e.g. the amount of time off work, UK was the development in 1993 of a National
incidence of complications, morbidity and Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Deaths
(NCEPOD). This is an ongoing national audit and
length of stay.
has produced a series of reports and recommenda-
Audit is a dynamic cyclical process (an audit tions based upon a peer review process. The pro-
loop) in which standards are defined and data are cess has a high rate of participation and reports
­collected against these standards (Fig. 1.3). The re- with recommendations have resulted in a number
sults are then analysed and if there are any variances, of changes in clinical practice. For example, there
proposals for change are developed to address the has been a dramatic reduction in out-of-hours op-
needs. These changes are then ­ implemented and erating following recommendations suggesting that
the quality of care reassessed. This closes the audit much of this was unsafe and unnecessary.

Key points
• The formulation of clear and answerable questions is a key element of EBM in surgery.
• Identification of all the relevant evidence is required.
• Critical appraisal of the evidence is necessary.
• Synthesis of information from multiple sources needs to provide a clear message through
systematic review and/or meta-analysis.
• Findings should be implemented through mechanisms such as the use of clinical guidelines and ICPs.
• Monitoring through audit is necessary to ensure continuing adherence to best practice.
• Regular review to incorporate new evidence or take account of clinical developments should be
carried out.
• Throughout this book and the other volumes in this series, an attempt will be made to take an ­­
evidence-based approach. This will include the identification of high-quality evidence from RCTs and
systematic reviews, underlining key statements and recommendations relating to clinical practice. All
clinicians have a duty to ensure that they act in accordance with current ‘best evidence’ in order to give
patients the highest chance of favourable outcomes and make the best use of limited healthcare

18 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

References 18. Moher D, Hopewell S, Schulz KF, et al., for the

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13. Hunter D. Rationing and evidence-based medicine. 31. Thompson S, Pocock S. Can meta-analysis be trusted.
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handbook 4.1.1 (updated December 2000), Issue 4. analysis and mega-trials. Drug Ther Bull 1995;33:
Oxford: Cochrane Library; 2000. 25–7.
15. Guyatt G, Sackett DL, Sinclair JC, et al., for the 33. Chalmers I, Altman DG. Systematic reviews.
Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. Users' London: BMJ Publications; 1995. p. 50.
guides to the medical literature. IX. A method 34. DerSimonian R, Laird N. Meta-analysis in clinical
for grading health care recommendations. JAMA trials. Controlled Clin Trials 1986;7:177–88.
1995;274: 1800–4.
35. Egger M, Smith GD. Misleading meta-analysis. Br
16. Altman D. Randomisation. Br Med J 1991;302:1481–2. Med J 1995;310:752–4.
17. Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, for the CONSORT 36. Yusuf S, Teo K, Woods K. Intravenous magnesium
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lines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. simple, and inexpensive intervention. Circulation
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37. Anon. ISIS-4: a randomised factorial trial ­assessing 52. Hadorn DC, Baker D, Hodges JS, et al. Rating the
early oral captopril, oral mononitrate, and intrave- quality of evidence for clinical practice guidelines.
nous magnesium sulphate in 58 050 patients with J Clin Epidemiol 1996;49:749–54.
suspected acute myocardial infarction. ISIS-4 (Fourth 53. Centre for Evidence-based Medicine. Levels of
International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative evidence and grades of recommendations. Oxford:
Group. Lancet 1995;345: 669–85. Centre for Evidence-based Medicine; 1999. www.
38. Field MJ, Lohr KN. Clinical practice guidelines:
directions for a new program. Washington, DC: 54. NHS Central Research and Development Committee.
National Academy Press; 1990. p. 160. Methods to promote the implementation of research
39. Anon. North of England evidence based guidelines findings in the NHS: priorities for evaluation: re-
development project: summary version of evidence port to the NHS Central Research and Development
based guideline for the primary care management Committee. London: Department of Health; 1995.
in adults. North of England Asthma Guideline 55. Bero L, Grilli R, Grimshaw J, et al. Closing the gap
Development Group. Br Med J 1996;312:762–6. between research and practice. In: Haines A, Donald
40. Anon. North of England evidence based guidelines A, editors. Getting research findings into practice.
development project: summary version of evidence London: BMJ Publications; 1998. p. 27–35.
based guideline for the primary care management 56. Dunning M, Abi-aad G, Gilbert G, et al. Turning evi-
angina. North of England Stable Angina Guideline dence into everyday practice. London: King's Fund;
Development Group. Br Med J 1996;312:827–32. 1999.
41. Eccles M, Freemantle N, Mason J. North of England 57. Evans D, Haines A. Implementing evidence based
evidence based guideline development project: changes in healthcare. Oxford: Radcliffe Medical
guideline on the use of aspirin as secondary prophy- Press; 2000.
laxis for vascular disease in primary care. North of
58. Dunning M, McQuay H, Milne R. Getting a GRiPP.
England Aspirin Guideline Development Group. Br
Health Serv J 1994;104:18–20.
Med J 1998;316:1303–9.
59. Appleby JWK, Ham C. Acting on the evidence: a re-
42. Grol R, Dalhuijsen J, Thomas S. Attributes of clini- view of clinical effectiveness: sources of information,
cal guidelines that influence use of guidelines in dissemination, and implementation. Birmingham:
general practice: observational study. Br Med J National Association of Health Authorities and
1998;317:858–61. Trusts; 1995.
43. NHS Executive. Clinical guidelines: using clinical 60. Department of Health. Clinical audit: meeting
guidelines to improve patient care within the NHS. and improving standards in health care. London:
Leeds: NHS Executive; 1996. Department of Health; 1998. p. 14.
44. Gray J, Haynes RD, Sackett DL, et al. Transferring 61. Department of Health. The evolution of clinical
evidence from health care research into medical audit. Heywood: Health Publications Unit; 1994.
practice. 3. Developing evidence-based clinical pol-
62. Donabedian A. Evaluating the quality of care.
icy. Evid Based Med 1997;2:36–8.
Millbank Memorial Federation of Quality 1996;3:
45. Grimshaw J, Russell IT. Effect of clinical guidelines 166–203.
on medical practice: a systematic review of rigorous
63. Royal College of Surgeons of England. Clinical
evaluations. Lancet 1993;342:1317–22.
­audit in surgical practice. London: Royal College of
46. Cluzeau F, Littlejohns P, Grimshaw J, et al. Appraisal Surgeons of England; 1995.
instrument for clinical guidelines. London: St George's
Hospital Medical School; 1997.
47. Oxman A, Guyatt GH. Guidelines for reading litera-
ture reviews. Can Med Assoc J 1988;138:697–703. Appendix
48. Oxman A, Cook DJ, Guyatt GH. Users' guides to
the medical literature. VI. How to use an overview. Possible sources of further
Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group. JAMA information, useful Internet sites
49. Oxman A. Checklists for review articles. Br Med J
and contact addresses
1994;309:648–51. The details below provide references to a number of
50. Cook D, Guyatt GH, Laupacis A, et al. Rules of sources of information, particularly those accessible
evidence and clinical recommendations on the use of through the Internet. It must be remembered that
antithrombotic agents. Chest 1992;102:3055–115. there are rapid changes in the material available
51. Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Exami­ online and Internet addresses are liable to change.
nation. The periodic health examination. Can Med Several of these sources provide extensive links to
Assoc J 1979;121:1193–254. other sites.

20 66485457-66963820
Evidence-based practice in surgery

Organisations specialising Library for Health (NeLH). Includes access to My

in evidence-based practice,
systematic reviews, etc
UK Cochrane Centre
Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility (ARIF) Summertown Pavilion, Middle Way, Oxford OX2 7LG
Tel. 01865 516300
BMJ Evidence Centre
home page –
CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Program)
The Cochrane Collaboration
Centre for Evidence-based Child Health
Internet access to the Cochrane library and
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, established in html
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
Centre for Evidence-based Mental Health cochrane_clcentral_articles_fs.html
EPOC – Effective Practice and Organisation of Care
Centre for Health Evidence, University of Alberta.
University of Alberta Evidence Based Practice
Evidence Network – an initiative of the ESRC UK Centre
Centre for Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
JAMA Evidence Sources of reviews and abstracts relating to evidence-based
McMaster University Health Information Research practice
Unit ACP Journal Club
NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme Bandolier (now an electronic version, indepen-
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination dently written by Oxford scientists)
University of York. BMJ Clinical Evidence – a compendium of evi-
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) dence for effective health care

Intute: Health and Life Sciences – closed in July Centre for Evidence Based Purchasing
2011 but website still open for next 3 years al-
though will not be updated. Cochrane Systematic Reviews (abstracts only)
National Institute for Health and Research Effective Health Care Bulletins
NHS Evidence – web-based portal managed by Evidence Based Nursing Practice
NICE and linked with the National Electronic

21 66485457-66963820
Chapter 1
Evidence Based On-call National Research Register Archive – a ­searchable copy of the archives held by the National
PROSPERO – worldwide prospective register of Research Register (NRR) Projects Database, up to
systematic reviews September 2007
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Journals available on the internet Clinical Network Research Portfolio is a database
of clinical research studies that it supports, under-
eBMJ (electronic version of the British Medical taken in the NHS
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Sources of guidelines and integrated care pathways
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and
Evidence-based Medicine Quality) – provides practical healthcare informa- tion, research findings and data to help consumers
Evidence-based Mental Health Evidence Based Practice Centres – developed in
conjunction with the AHRQ
Evidence-based Nursing
Cedars – Sinai Medical Center, Health Services
Databases, bibliographies and Research
Home page:
National Guideline Clearinghouse
PUBMED (the free version of MEDLINE) NICE Pathways
BestBets – best evidence topics Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Trip database – turning research into practice (SIGN)
BMJ Best Health Scottish Pathways Association
DUETs – The Database of Uncertainties about Towards Optimised Practice (TOP) Clinical
the Effects of Treatments publishes uncertainties Guidelines
that cannot currently be answered by referring to
reliable up-to-date systematic reviews of existing
research evidence
Useful texts
Google Scholar Cochrane Collaboration Handbook

22 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

Sharath C.V. Paravastu

Jonathan A. Michaels

Introduction Outcome measures

Evidence-based medicine demands that all those Clinicians tend routinely to consider health out-
making decisions regarding clinical management, comes in terms of clinical or biomedical measures
either on an individual patient basis or at a policy such as blood pressure levels, blood sugar levels or
level, consider existing evidence in order to maxi- bone mineral density. Process-based outcomes such
mise the chance of favourable outcomes and opti- as readmission rates, reintervention or complica-
mise the use of available resources. However, such tions are readily considered alternatives. Data such
evidence is rarely clear-cut and there may be con- as these are seen as readily available, easily mea-
flicting advice because of differences in the way that sured, objective and comparable between differing
outcomes are measured, the way in which costs are settings. However, the present environment in medi-
assessed or the perspective from which an economic cal services makes it necessary for the healthcare
evaluation is carried out. professional to consider more than just the treat-
This chapter deals with some of the issues around ment of the condition. A greater emphasis is now
the measurement of outcomes, the calculation of placed upon the consideration by the clinician of the
costs and the methods of economic evaluation. The actual status of the patient's quality of life. Now,
available outcome measures are considered, draw- considerations extend beyond assessing the value of
ing the distinctions between disease-specific and an intervention and the effectiveness, or otherwise,
generic measures and explaining concepts such as of drug regimens. There should also be an assess-
health-related quality of life, quality-adjusted life- ment of the patient's physical, mental and social
years (QALYs) and utilities. The differences between well-being. In line with such interests, there has been
costs, charges and resource use are highlighted, fol- considerable research and a greater emphasis upon
lowed by a discussion of issues such as discounting, applying subjective non-biomedical measures and
sensitivity analysis and marginal costing. Finally, a the development of such tools (or ‘instruments’) has
section on economic evaluation describes the dif- been substantial since the early 1980s.
ferent techniques available – cost minimisation, When considering which instrument of assessment
cost-effectiveness, cost–utility and cost–benefit to choose from the plethora now available, the user
analysis – and discusses the use of cost-effectiveness should carefully consider what parameter is to be
league tables. The intention is not to provide a full measured before making a final selection of an out-
reference work on these subjects but to raise aware- come measure. Before applying this measure to a
ness of some of the important issues to be considered patient population, particular consideration needs
when evaluating evidence on specific interventions to be given to deciding whether it will measure what
that may rely on differing outcome measurements we are interested in measuring and whether it will
or methods of economic evaluation. answer the questions that we wish to be answered.

23 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2
All too often assessment tools may be applied to asthmatic patients could be used to develop an asthma
patients in the wrong circumstances or used when questionnaire in order to ensure that it captures all
there is no realistic opportunity to measure what the domains of interest for such a patient population.
we wish to measure. These are important consid- Second, there is a requirement to consider criterion
erations because the administration and analysis of validity, which is the degree to which the measure
these measures can be costly, as well as taking up obtains results that are comparable to some kind of
valuable time for both patients and clinicians. In ‘gold standard’. While this is theoretically a simple
addition, the use of unsuitable measures applied in concept, there are very few such gold standards for
the wrong context might yield results that are per- comparison. Finally, there is construct validity. This
haps plausible but wrong, thus leading to erroneous relates to observation of when expected patterns of
conclusions. The implications of such findings for given relationships are observed. For example, if a
patients or the health service can be substantial. method of valuation of outcomes predicts that a pa-
Instruments should therefore be carefully selected tient prefers option A to option B, then one would
for their appropriateness (able to answer the research expect this to be reflected by their behaviour when
question), acceptability (acceptable to patients), fea- faced with genuine clinical choices. This is normally
sibility (ease of administering), reliability (reproduc- assessed through the use of multitrait–multimethod
ibility), validity (measures the outcome it is meant techniques,4 which map the correlations between al-
to), responsiveness (ability to respond to changes), ternative approaches to measuring the same construct
precision (of scores) and interpretability (ease of and between measures of different constructs.
understanding the results).1 In particular, attention As can be seen, the choice of an outcome measure
should be given to reliability and validity. Reliability is not always as straightforward as it may seem at
refers to whether the instrument will be reproducible, first. In addition to considerations regarding the pa-
such that if applied in different settings or circum- tient group, there are also important considerations
stances to the same unchanged population then the regarding the psychometric properties of the instru-
same results should be achieved. This has particular ments. Different outcome measures will have uses
implications for studies using instruments to derive for differing patient groups. For example, a biomed-
longitudinal data on a particular sample of patients. ical measure such as blood pressure alone might be
In such circumstances, we need to be confident that considered suitable for comparing two similar drug
observed changes over a given time period reflect regimens to assess ‘best’ control of blood pressure.
actual change. Test–retest reliability is an important However, a study that attempts to compare renal
consideration and is assessed by making repeated as- transplant with dialysis might also wish to consider
sessments under the same circumstances at differing a much broader picture and would be likely to re-
points in time and comparing the results using corre- quire consideration of quality-of-life issues together
lations or differences. Similarly, for instruments that with mortality as outcome measures.
require administration by interviewers, there needs It is extremely important to choose the right out-
to be a high level of agreement between different rat- comes for the purpose in question, as different
ers assessing the same patients but at different peri- conclusions can be drawn from the application of
ods in time. For example, Collin et al. found a high different outcome measures in the same study. For
level of agreement between the patients, a trained example, a study of vascular patients compared ex-
nurse and two skilled observers during applications ercise training with angioplasty for stable claudica-
of the Barthel Index (assesses patients' ability to carry tion with results expressed in terms of ankle–brachial
out daily activities) to the same group of patients.2 In pressure indices and walking distance.5 In the short
another example, Aissaoui et al. found a high level of term, it was found that angioplasty improved the
agreement between doctors and nurses during the ap- pressure but not the walking distance, while exercise
plication of Behavioural Pain Score (BPS) in the same improved the walking distance but not the pressure.
group of critically ill patients.3 This example shows that different outcome measures
Another psychometric criterion for consideration is may not always change in the same direction and
that of validity, which means that instruments mea- used in isolation could lead to opposite conclusions.
sure precisely what they set out to do. It should be The following sections examine some of the issues
borne in mind that measures can be reliable without involved in the evaluation and application of some
being valid, but they cannot be valid without being common specific outcome measures.
reliable. Three types of validity are described. First,
content validity, which relates to the choice, appro-
priateness and representativeness of the content of the Mortality
instrument. Judging content validity involves an as-
sessment of whether all of the relevant concepts are The mortality rate expresses the incidence of death
represented. For example, a representative sample of in a population of interest over a given period of

24 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

time. It is calculated by dividing the number of fatal- rates. This problem is illustrated by Sowden and
ities in the given population by the total population. Sheldon, who discuss examples from coronary ar-
Mortality is often used as an outcome measure in tery bypass grafting and intensive care to demon-
studies as an indication of the effectiveness, or oth- strate the importance of adjusting for case mix.7 For
erwise, of a treatment. It is often easily derived and coronary artery bypass grafting, they report that the
as such represents a readily accessible outcome mea- strength of the relationship between low volume and
sure. While mortality can indeed provide much use- increased mortality is reduced in studies that adjust
ful information, its use in reporting results should for differences in risk among patients receiving treat-
always be interpreted with caution. First, procedure- ment. With adult intensive care, they cite a study by
and diagnosis-related mortality rates often refer to Jones and Rowan8 in which the apparent higher
inpatient deaths only or perhaps mortality over a mortality associated with smaller intensive care units
given postoperative period, for example 30 days. ceased to be significant once the data were adjusted
Variations in short-term survival rates might simply to reflect the fact that severity of illness was on aver-
reflect differing discharge practices between differ- age higher among patients admitted to small units.
ing hospitals or settings. Longer-term survival rates These examples clearly demonstrate that, in order to
are frequently reported for cancer and other chronic minimise bias in such studies, account must be taken
conditions. In interpreting these, it must be borne of all possible factors (beyond workload) that are
in mind that distortion may occur as a result of the likely to affect patient outcomes.
starting point or choice of time frame. For example,
survival may be longer in a screened population be-
cause there is an earlier starting point,6 and com-
Condition-specific outcome
parisons between surgical and medical treatments measures
may be very sensitive to follow-up periods because
of early excess operative mortality in surgical treat- The term ‘condition specific’ describes instruments
ments, which may be offset by better long-term designed to measure health outcomes considered to
survival. For these reasons, it is often necessary to be of specific interest to patients who incur health
compare survival curves rather than total survival problems attributable to a particular disease or as
at a specific time point. This may raise further is- the result of other processes. Such instruments are
sues regarding the possible need for discounting, to often referred to as ‘disease specific’, but this term
take account of a preference for survival in the ear- is more general as it encompasses more diverse ar-
lier years after treatment (see below). eas such as natural ageing, trauma and pregnancy,
Second, mortality can only be a partial measure which are not diseases.9
of quality, and it is often not the most appropriate The measurement of health status is not restricted
outcome measure for use in most situations. Many to broad generic measures. There are many instances
studies report mortality and tend to ignore other when researchers and clinicians are interested in as-
important outcomes such as morbidity and quality sessing the health status of individuals with a cer-
of life. These are more complex to quantify and are tain condition or disease. As might be anticipated,
not routinely collected. Mortality is particularly lim- many tools have been designed for this purpose and
ited in usefulness for studies investigating low-risk these are primarily aimed at measuring changes
procedures. Accurate assessment of the quality of that are of importance to clinicians. For example,
such procedures requires more sensitive measures. Spilker et al. identified over 300 such instruments
For example, use of mortality alone as an outcome in 1987 and many more are presently available.10
measure for parathyroidectomy would not be ap- Examples of such instruments include: measures for
propriate as it is associated with an extremely low arthritis, such as the Arthritis Impact Measurement
mortality. A more appropriate measure would be to Scales;11 measures for the heart, such as the Specific
assess improvement in symptoms or quality of life. Activity Scale;12 measures that assess pain, such as
It is also necessary to highlight the effect that dif- the McGill Pain Questionnaire;13 and measures for
ferences in case mix can have on the mortality rate. varicose veins, such as the Aberdeen Varicose Vein
For example, there is a tendency in studies relating Questionnaire.14 These instruments have a varying
workload to outcome for the results to be reported number of dimensions, differing numbers of items
for the whole sample of patients. It is important to and are generally self-completion or interview,
be aware that results reported in this way may be though some methods include professional assess-
misleading as no account is taken of the diversity of ment and clinical interview. Such questionnaires are
patient characteristics that may be contained in such usually scored in a simplistic fashion. Most have
a sample. Both differences in severity of illness and in simple numerical scaling, such as from 1 to 5, and
risk of adverse outcomes relating to comorbidity can these scores are usually summed across the items for
significantly affect any interpretation of ­mortality each dimension, or across all items.

25 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2
Advantages of condition-specific measures include are problems in assessing subjects for whom
their relevance and their greater responsiveness to ­communication is difficult. Examples include very
health change.15 Disadvantages are that they often young children and patients who are incapable of
exclude items relevant to potential complications of expressing how they feel. Those patients who are
treatment and symptoms that do not easily fit the unconscious or who are terminally ill will con-
medical model of disease. Generic measures have tinue to present particular difficulties for those at-
tended to be used in preference because they can tempting to assess levels of pain.
be used to assess benefits for differing treatments As with other outcome measures, options exist
or conditions, in a common and exchangeable to use binary, categorical or visual analogue scales.
currency. This enables decisions to be made on al- Within this area, there are both pain-relief scales
locative efficiency between healthcare programmes and pain-intensity scales to be considered. There
within the total healthcare budget, rather than help- are often occasions when it will be necessary to
ing to establish the technical efficiency of producing measure the state of the pain rather than the effect
health benefits for a specific condition.9 of a particular intervention or therapy, and in these
circumstances pain-intensity scales will be appro-
Patient-reported outcome priate. Pain-relief scales may well encompass more
than an intensity scale, as any side-effects resulting
measures (PROMs) from an intervention, such as dizziness, might be
included in such measurements. Pain-relief scales
Due to increasing need for assessing the effec- also require the patient to make a judgment as to
tiveness of care from a patient's perspective, a how the current pain compares with remembered
number of PROMs have been developed. For ex- pain, before the intervention. This might make
ample, in the NHS patients undergoing primary such scales more complicated for patients to grasp
hip or knee replacement, hernia surgery and vari- compared with intensity scales and this may raise
cose vein surgery are requested to fill question- doubts about validity. In situations where both
naires to assess their symptoms and disability pain-relief and pain-intensity scales are appropri-
before and after surgery. Some NHS trusts use ate, a decision is required regarding which one
electronic methods of recording outcome data, should be used.
such as the Patient Assessment Questionnaires Pain can manifest itself in a variety of quali-
(ePAQ) in gynaecology. The advantage of PROM ties, and one of the most widely used tools is the
is that it minimises observer bias, wherein patient McGill Pain Questionnaire.13 This is a generic
experience is directly assessed. These results can instrument, designed primarily for adults, which
be useful in informing patients, redesigning the was developed to specify the qualities and inten-
provision of services and quality improvement. sities of pain; as such, it is intended to provide a
One disadvantage can be the response rate and, quantifiable profile of pain. The questionnaire can
in the case of electronic data collection, the access be completed by the patient or administered in an
to and use of technology by patients to complete interview. Completion takes roughly 15–20 min-
the questionnaires. utes but becomes quicker on subsequent applica-
tions. The instrument contains 78 pain descriptor
The measurement of pain words, which are grouped into 20 subclasses, each
of which contains two to five words that describe
Pain is a common and important symptom of many pain on an ordinal scale. These words are arranged
medical conditions and deserves special consider- to reflect three dimensions of pain: sensory, affec-
ation. While many generic and condition-specific tive and evaluative. The questionnaire can yield
instruments dedicate specific dimensions to the three indices of pain: a pain-rating index based on
measurement of pain, there are also a number of the scale values of the words chosen by the patient;
instruments designed specifically to assess levels of a rank score using the rank values within each sub-
pain. The measurement of pain cannot be directly group chosen; and the total number of descriptions
assessed through clinical measures (e.g. blood chosen by the patient.
samples) and, in the absence of such objective ap- The McGill Pain Questionnaire has been thor-
proaches, it is necessary to assess pain subjectively oughly investigated in recent years and the in-
through the patient's own perceptions. strument has proved to be the most reliable in
Subjective measures allow for reproducible applications to patients with moderate-to-severe
results provided that the tools used to assess chronic or acute pain. It has been shown to be partic-
pain are measured appropriately. While subjec- ularly useful in disaggregating explained pain from
tive measures for the measurement of pain have unexplained pain. When the instrument was used
many advantages over other instruments, there in a cohort of cancer patients with ­lymphoedema,

26 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

it proved to be more sensitive than ­categorical or

The EQ-5D is now one of the most widely
analogue scales.16 adopted methods for measuring health-related
In those patients who are critically ill or uncon- quality of life and is the method favoured by the
scious, Behavioural Pain Score (BPS) was developed National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
to assess response to pain. BPS is based on three (NICE) for deriving utility weightings for cost-
items: facial expression, movement of upper limbs effectiveness analysis (see below). It has been
and compliance with mechanical ventilation. Each used in a wide variety of clinical areas, many
of these items is graded with values from 1 to 4, 1 pharmaceutical companies now include it as a
being no response and 4 being full response, giving standard outcome measure in clinical research, and
a minimal score of 3 and maximal score of 12.17 the questionnaire has been translated into many
Over the last decade BPS has been validated in a different languages and validated in a number of
number of studies.3,18 different countries.21

Health-related quality of life SF-36

The SF-36 is a self-administered questionnaire
Recent years have witnessed quite an upsurge in in- composed of 36 items. It measures health across
terest in the measurement of health-related quality eight multi-item dimensions, covering functional
of life, much of which has no doubt been stimulated status, well-being and overall evaluation of health.
by the analytical demands of researchers and the Responses within each of the dimensions are com-
need for outcome information as a basis for policy bined in order to generate a score from 0 to 100,
decisions. where 0 represents ‘worst health’ and 100 indicates
Such health status measures are standardised ques- ‘best health’. Dimension scores should not be ag-
tionnaires, or instruments, which are used to evalu- gregated into a single index score. The question-
ate patient health across a broad range of areas. naire takes about 5 minutes to complete, attains
These areas include symptoms, physical function- good response rates and is suitable for completion
ing, mental well-being, work and social activities. by the patients themselves or for administration by
Measures can be either generic or condition specific, trained interviewers on a face-to-face or telephone
and such measures can generate a profile of scores basis.22
or a single index. These scores can be based upon The questionnaire has been used in a variety of
people's preferences (e.g. EQ-5D) or, more usually, settings, administered on differing populations and
arbitrary scoring procedures (e.g. SF-36, assumes exhibits good psychometric properties. Detailed in-
equal weighting for most items).19 Four of the most formation regarding the scoring process and com-
frequently used instruments are discussed in more putation are readily available, as are published data
detail below. for comparative norms. The question complexity
can be a problem in situations where the sample
EQ-5D comprises individuals with low education levels, but
Of those instruments that generate a single index, otherwise the instrument is suitable for administra-
EQ-5D has been rapidly adopted and widely used.19 tion in a wide range of settings.22
The measure was developed by a group of research-
ers from seven centres across five countries.20 The SF-6D
present measure has five dimensions, whereas the This is a newer health measure, which is derived
original version had six. Patients are classified by from various items of SF-36 or SF-12 and provides
the completion of a five-item questionnaire. The a single index measure.23 It comprises six multi-level
EuroQol is a brief, easy-to-use questionnaire of two dimensions and describes 18 000 health states. The
pages. It can be made even simpler by using the one- SF-6D measure can be derived for any individual pa-
page descriptive classification. Self-completion, or tient completing SF-36 or SF-12. A standard gamble
interview, usually only takes a matter of minutes and technique has been used to obtain parametric and
response rates tend to be extremely high.19 The five non-parametric preference weights from a sample
dimensions of the EQ-5D comprise mobility, self- of the general population who were asked to rate a
care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/ variety of health states. These weights are modelled
depression. Each of the five questions has three levels; to predict health states obtained from SF-6D. This
therefore, combining the five questions defines 243 measure, however, may not be readily used in all
health states. In addition, the instrument contains a countries as preferences vary between people living
visual analogue scale: a thermometer scale calibrated in different countries. Currently, SF-6D preference
from 0 (representing ‘worst possible health state’) to weights are available for the UK, Australia, Brazil,
100 (representing ‘best imaginable health state’). Hong Kong, Japan, Portugal and Singapore.

27 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2

Nottingham Health Profile 0.8

No Intervention
The Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) measures 0.7 Intervention
levels of self-reported distress. The instrument con- 0.6
sists of two parts, each of which can be used in- 0.5
dependent of the other. Part 1, the most frequently 0.4 No Intervention
used component, comprises 38 statements that are 0.3
grouped into six sections: physical mobility, pain,
sleep, social isolation, emotional reaction, and en-
ergy. The number of statements in each of these sec- 0.1
tions varies from three for the energy dimension to 0.0
nine for emotional reaction. The second part of the










instrument asks respondents to indicate whether or








not their state of health influences activity in seven






areas of everyday life: work, looking after the home,
Figure 2.1  •  An example QALY chart showing the QALY
social life, home life, sex life, interests and hobbies,
gained with intervention.
and holidays. Responses for both parts 1 and 2 are
yes/no responses.24
Scoring is straightforward, with 0 assigned to a
‘no’ response and 1 to a ‘yes’ response. Scores for i­ntervention might yield can be compared with the
each of the sections range between 0 (‘worst health’) costs of the new procedure, thus enabling cost per
and 100 (‘best health’). The NHP was designed for QALY ratios to be generated.27 Such ratios have
self-completion and can readily be used in postal been used in so-called QALY league tables, whereby
surveys, although it can also be administered by an procedures or interventions are ranked on this basis.
interviewer. Generally, the instrument takes around These tables might be seen as useful within the deci-
5 minutes to complete. sion-making process, but caution should be exercised
in making quick decisions regarding the allocation of
resources based upon these comparative tables (see
Quality-adjusted life-years below).28–31
HYEs were developed as an alternative in order
QALYs were developed as an outcome measure to to address some of the suggested shortcomings of
incorporate effects on both the quality (morbidity) QALYs.32 HYEs produce a hypothetical combina-
and quantity (mortality) of life. Each year of life is tion of the number of years in full health that equates
multiplied by a weighting factor reflecting quality to the individual's utility of living a number of years
of life.25 An alternative to QALYs is healthy years at a health state rated at less than full health. In
equivalent (HYE), which is discussed below. effect, this can be considered as a lifetime profile
QALYs are estimated by assigning every life-year of health and is often referred to as a stream of
a weight between 0 and 1, where a weight of 0 re- health states. In order to produce the values for the
flects a health status that is valued as equal to b ­ eing HYEs, a two-stage gamble procedure is used. There
dead and a weight of 1 represents full health. For has, however, been criticism of the use of HYEs
example, consider a patient with a colon cancer and at present the use of QALYs remains the most
who has a health state of 0.9. Without surgery, he common method of performing cost-effectiveness
will die in 2 years. With surgery, his health state de- analysis.33,34 For the QALY to be a useful measure
teriorates slightly to 0.7, but he lives 5 more years of outcome, it should reflect patient or individual
(in total 7 years). Therefore, the QALY gained with preferences, which means that if an individual has a
surgery  =  [(0.7  × 7)  − (0.9   × 2)]  =  4.9  − 1.8  =  3.1. choice between two or more treatments or interven-
Another way of expressing QALY gained is from tions then they should choose the treatment option
QALY charts. For example, a patient with a par- that yields the most QALYs.
ticular disease is expected to deteriorate and die at
an estimate point 1. With intervention the patient
QALYs remains the most common measure
would deteriorate slowly and die at an estimate of effectiveness used in cost-effectiveness
point 2. The area between the two curves is the analysis.33,34
QALY gained by the intervention (Fig. 2.1).26
The QALY is frequently used by decision-makers
or researchers to draw comparisons between dif- Utilities
fering types of health programme or intervention. Quality weights for use in QALYs can be obtained
The QALY can be used in economic evaluation: the directly using one of three main methods – visual
number of additional QALYs that a new ­
­ surgical analogue scales (VAS), standard gamble and time

28 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

trade-off – which are described in turn below. In death. The probability of full health is varied un-
addition to these direct methods of measurement, til the individual is indifferent between the alterna-
it is possible to obtain utilities through the map- tives, and the quality weight of the assessed health
ping of health states derived from other quality- state is therefore equal to P. As an example, let us
of-life measures onto valuations obtained from consider that we are comparing 10 years with heart
members of the general population.35 The method disease with the gamble of full health for 10 years
for obtaining utility weightings is currently the sub- (probability P) or immediate death, with a comple-
ject of considerable research, and there is evidence mentary probability (1−P). Here, let us assume that
that different values are obtained depending on the the individual is indifferent at a probability of 0.6
method of evaluation and framing of questions. In of full health. In practical terms, this means that
addition, there is considerable controversy as to the individual would consider a certainty of living
whether the most appropriate utility values for eco- 10 years with the heart disease to be equivalent to
nomic evaluation are those of the general popula- taking a gamble that gives a 60% chance of living
tion or of patients with the particular conditions.36 10 years in full health and a 40% chance of imme-
diate death. The quality weight here would be 0.6
Rating scale or visual analogue scales for the heart disease health state. The advantages
In this approach respondents are asked to rate their of standard gamble include the fact that it is based
preference of outcomes or their present health state on expected utility theory;38 however, one of the
on a straight-line chart, often a thermometer with major disadvantages is that respondents might find
fixed points, where the bottom of the thermometer the concept difficult to understand because of the
is represented by 0, which is a health state ­equivalent probabilities associated with the method. Another
to being dead, and the top of the thermometer is 1, drawback is that the hypothetical choices used in
which indicates full health. If thermometers rang- such an approach are not representative of ‘real’
ing between 0 and 100 are used, these values are life, since choices between large improvements in
equated to 0–1, and the same assumptions regard- health status and large mortality risks are seldom
ing the health states hold. If, by way of an example, encountered, especially with the assumption that we
we wanted to measure the quality weight for being will live for a certain number of years for sure.
an amputee, and the respondent selects the health
state at 55 on the thermometer scale of 0–100, then Time trade-off
for that health state their quality weight is equiva- A third approach to estimating quality weights is
lent to 0.55. Advantages of VAS include their sim- time trade-off.39 This method compares D years du-
plicity, but this can be counterbalanced by the fact ration in the health state with X years in full health.
that there is no choice to be made between health The number of years in full health is varied until
states and therefore it is not possible to observe any the individual is indifferent between their options;
trade-offs that the individual might have between at this point, the quality weight of the health state
health states. Another problem with VAS is that it is calculated by X/D. As an example, consider that
is uncertain whether the responses lie on a linear in- we wish to calculate the quality weight for heart
terval scale: it is questionable whether moving from disease and that we assess the measurement for
20 to 30 is equivalent to moving from 70 to 80. 10 years of heart disease. If the individual considers
Further, there is scope for end-of-scale bias, where that 10 years of living with heart disease (D=10) is
respondents tend to avoid the extremes of scales, equivalent to 6 years of full health (X=6), then the
and spacing out bias, where respondents tend to quality weight is equal to 0.6 (6/10).
space out the outcomes irrespective of the signifi-
cance.37 Given these reservations, it is difficult to Obtaining utilities from health-related
use VAS methods to determine quality weights in a quality of life
way that is consistent with the theoretical basis of The direct methods of obtaining utilities have a
utility measurement.38 number of drawbacks. In particular, the VAS has
a poor theoretical basis, and standard gamble and
Standard gamble time trade-off methods may be complex to admin-
The second method routinely used to estimate qual- ister.40 An alternative approach is to derive single
ity weights is standard gamble. Under this approach, index measures from generic or disease-specific
the quality weight of a health state (patients' feel- health-related quality-of-life measures.41,42
ing of being well or unwell) can be constructed by One of the most widely adopted methods is de-
comparing a specific number of years in the health rived from the EQ-5D, as described above.42 The
state to a gamble with a probability (P) of achiev- questionnaire generates a limited number of dis-
ing full health for the same number of years and crete health states depending upon the grading of
a complementary probability (1−P) of immediate the responses to each of the questions and previous

29 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2
research has used direct measurement methods to Table 2.1  • Resource use and methods for
obtain a utility tariff associated with each of these measurement
states.43 These tariffs have been widely used for
cost-effectiveness analysis and alternative tariffs for Resource Measurement Valuation
different populations have also been developed.21 Health services
Another generic measure that has been used to gen-
erate utilities is the SF-6D, a measure derived from Staff time Time (e.g. hours/ Salary levels
the SF-36 questionnaire.44 This has been extensively days worked)
validated and compared with EQ-5D in a number General Units/quantities Market price
of studies.45 consumables used
In cases where information from generic scores Capital Units/quantities Market price
is not available, methods have been developed to used
derive utility weightings from disease-specific mea- Overheads Units/quantities Market price/
sures such as scoring systems for arthritis46 or even
used salary levels
from laboratory measures such as haemoglobin
levels, used as a proxy for anaemia-related symp- Other services
toms.47 Disease-specific scores may be more sensi- Community services Units/quantities Market price
tive to changes in symptoms for the condition in used
question, but suffer from the disadvantage that they Ambulance services Units/quantities Market price
may fail to capture adverse events or other outcomes used
of treatment that are outside the main domains that
Voluntary services Units/quantities Estimated
are of interest in the specific disease so that com-
parability with other diseases may be questionable. used values for staff
There remains considerable controversy about the costs
relative benefits of the use of generic and disease- Patients and their families
specific measures to generate utilities.48,49 Personal time Hours of input Salary levels
Expenses Units/quantities Market price or
Costs, charges and used cost of actual
resource use Time off work Duration of time Salary levels
From the above discussion, it can be seen that, from plus other
a health economist's perspective, there are several imputed values
methods for assessing the benefits that might be ac-
crued from a healthcare intervention within the con-
text of an economic evaluation. Whichever approach costs usually have the greatest impact upon ­healthcare
is adopted within the economic evaluation, the costs, and these can be readily costed provided that
method of identifying either the costs or the benefits we are aware of the staffing scale and can use wage
is essentially the same for each of the approaches. rates or salary levels attached to the staff level. For
In order to identify the relevant costs, it will be example, to cost consultant time one would multiply
necessary to categorise all items of resource that the number of hours of consultant time in the pro-
will be utilised within the healthcare programme. gramme by their hourly pay, with added allowance
Therefore, we need to identify which resources are to cover the costs of leave, sick pay and superannua-
required and which are not. Measurement requires tion, etc. The majority of the other categories of re-
an estimation of the amount of resources used within source use for health services identified in the table
the programmes, and these should be measured us- (consumables, overheads, capital, etc.) can be readily
ing natural units of measurement. For example, to costed through the use of the market price.
look specifically at staffing time, one would use units Elsewhere, community services, ambulance ser-
of time (such as hours) that are spent on activities vices and the expenses incurred by patients and
relating to the programme and the specific grades of their families would usually be costed in the same
staff. For other categories of resource use, different manner as health service resources.
units would be appropriate. One might look at drug Within the above, certain components are notori-
use in units such as doses of specific drugs. Other ously difficult to cost. For example, using patient or
examples of resource use and their relevant methods family leisure time incurs an opportunity cost, which
of measurement are outlined in Table 2.1. is complex to measure as there are differing types
Many of the items in Table 2.1 are readily identifi- of activity that are forgone in such situations. It is
able and straightforward to value. Of these, staffing also complex to attach monetary values to activity

30 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

­involving voluntary care or time lost from house- now (i.e. £1050/1.05), and likewise £1102.5 in
work. No accessible market value exists for either 2 years' time is also equivalent to £1000 now (i.e.
of these areas; therefore, it is customary to use a £102.5/1.052). If we compare the costs between
comparable market value from another market. As the different options in this example, we would
an example, Gerard used the wage rate for auxiliary conclude that surgery is the more efficient option
nursing staff in order to cost the inputs by volunteers when compared with the unadjusted drug option,
assisting with respite services for mentally handi- since it is the least costly of the two but equally
capped adults.50 However, there are occasions when effective. However, it should be noted at this point
comparable proxy market values are not readily ac- that the drug therapy option is only greater in
cessible. This is often the case for the costing of ‘time terms of cost owing to inflation. Therefore, if the
off usual activities’, such as housework, which by its costs are adjusted to take account of inflation, by
nature is not of routine duration and is often irregu- adjusting costs to year 0 prices, then both thera-
lar in its occurrence, making comparison with other pies cost exactly the same, with the same effective-
occupations virtually impossible. One approach that ness, and neither of the options can be considered
is advocated in such circumstances is to use average superior to the other.
female labour costs as a relatively accurate reflection
of the opportunity cost of housework.51 Discounting
While costing might appear to be rather simplistic
and straightforward, there are a number of consid- Not all costs and benefits of healthcare programmes
erations that need to be taken into account before are observed to occur at the same point in time. For
embarking upon such an exercise. example, the costs associated with a vaccination
programme are incurred very early in order to pro-
Counting costs in base year vide benefits to the individual, or society, in later
life. In general, individuals prefer to reap the ben-
First, we should consider whether healthcare costs efits sooner rather than later and prefer to incur the
should be counted during the base year. By this, costs later rather than sooner. The most common
we mean that the costs should be adjusted in order method of allowing for such circumstances is to ap-
to take account of inflation. If we assume that the ply a discount rate to future costs and benefits.26
annual inflation rate is running at 6% then £1060 This leads us to consider whether the costs (and
would be required to purchase an item of medi- benefits) occurring at differing time points should be
cal equipment in a year's time that would cur- allocated equal weighting. There is not a consensus
rently cost £1000. The two values (both now and amongst health economists over what the appropri-
in 1 year's time) are considered to be equivalent ate discount rates are, or whether costs and benefits
in real terms, although of course they represent should be discounted at the same rate. Choosing the
two different amounts of money. This problem appropriate discount rate can have significant im-
becomes more acute if we are considering a com- plications for the results of evaluations; the current
parison of two or more health programmes that recommended rates in England and Scotland are
have their costs spread at differing proportions 3.5%. Consequently, sensitivity analysis is essential
over a different number of years. To illustrate this to assess the implications of varying the discount
point, let us consider the following example from rate. Recent convention dictates that costs should
Auld et al.51 where surgical and drug treatment be discounted at the same rate as benefits,52,53
options are considered for the same hypothetical though again this should be done in conjunction
condition (Table 2.2). We assume that each option with sensitivity analysis to assess variations in such
has the same effect, but the cost streams are dif- assumptions. Issues of discounting of costs and ben-
ferent between the two options, and the inflation efit may have a particularly dramatic effect on con-
rate is 5% per annum. This rate means that a cost clusions if different options have marked differences
of £1050 in a year's time is equivalent to £1000 in the timing of expenditure or outcomes. This is

Table 2.2  •  Adjusting costs to base year (assuming 5% inflation)

Costs arising (£/person/year)

Options Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Total

Surgery 3000
Drug (unadjusted for inflation) 1000 1050 1102.5 3125.5
Drug (adjusted to year 0 prices) 1000 1000 1000 3000

31 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2
particularly important when considering screening Another issue that arises in addressing costs is the
programmes and preventative treatments. difference between the true cost of providing care
or treatment and the charge that may be made for
Marginal costing that treatment by the providing authority. In the
UK in recent years the costs of treatment have been
The marginal cost is the cost incurred or saved classified according to health resource groups that
from producing one unit more, or one unit less, of may cover a range of related procedures and/or di-
a healthcare programme. This is in contrast to the agnostic groupings. For these procedures, reference
average cost, which is the total cost of a programme costs have been determined that represent the aver-
divided by the total units produced. age costs of treatment within the NHS and a set of
In calculating marginal costs the costs of treating an tariffs has been developed that determines the level
extra case, or moving from one programme to another, of funding available to providers that deliver the
need to be assessed. For example, if there is currently services. In some cases these tariff rates or reference
a breast-screening programme for 50- to 65-year- costs are used for economic analysis; however, they
old women and one wishes to consider whether frequently cover a wide of range of procedures and
breast screening is as cost-effective in women aged case mix and may not represent true costs.56
40–50 years of age, this should be done by looking at
the marginal costs and benefits of reducing the age at
which screening is started rather than assessing aver- Summary of cost analysis
age costs for the entire programme. The use of mar-
ginal rather than average costs has been found to be This section highlights the importance of adher-
extremely important in screening programmes, where ing to the appropriate methods when undertaking
the marginal cost of screening an additional individual the costing component of an evaluation. Failure
can be significantly lower than the average cost.54 to do so might well lead to incorrect conclusions
Auld et al. illustrate this point with an example of and to recommendations based upon flawed analy-
hospital care.51 Although it may well cost £25 000 sis. Clearly, not all studies that are published will
per annum, on average, to care for an elderly person have fully adopted the principles underlying the
in hospital, it is extremely unlikely that this amount methods outlined in this section, and it is impor-
would be saved if one person less were admitted tant when assessing the results from evaluations to
to the hospital. Similarly, this figure is unlikely to consider whether appropriate analyses have been
equate to an additional expense if one person more undertaken.
were admitted to the hospital. The reasoning behind
this is that some costs, such as capital and overhead
costs plus some staffing costs, will not differ with Economic evaluation
small incremental changes in the numbers of pa-
tients entering the hospital. Within the healthcare sector, there will never be
The use of full costs or marginal costs may depend enough resources to allow the sufficient provi-
upon the purpose of an economic evaluation and sion of healthcare to satisfy the demands of soci-
also the time scale of interest. For example, if one ety. Quite simply, resources are scarce and choices
is considering making the most cost-effective use of need to be made about how best to distribute such
limited resources then the issue may be one of op- resources. Such problems are further increased by
portunity costs in that a change in activity may be the fact that healthcare is a mercurial environment
more or less cost-effective depending upon the activ- with changing technology and population struc-
ity that is displaced. Marginal costing depends upon tures. This leads on to the concept of opportunity
an ability to distinguish between fixed and variable cost. Because of the scarcity of resources, choices
costs, and this can be difficult as it may depend upon need to be made regarding the best method for their
time-scale and capacity issues. In the long term most deployment. It is therefore inevitable that choosing
resources can be altered in line with activity, al- to use resources for one activity requires that their
though there may be issues of economies of scale. In use in other activities must be forsaken. The ben-
general the assessment of whether a new technology efits, often referred to as utility, that would have re-
is considered a cost-effective use of resources will de- sulted from these forsaken activities are referred to
pend upon an assessment of the full costs that would as opportunity costs. In healthcare, the opportunity
be incurred; however, there may be special consider- costs of the use of resources for a particular health-
ations where a particular resource has limited avail- care programme or intervention are equivalent to
ability that could not be influenced by additional the benefits forsaken in the best alternative use of
expenditure due to capacity constraints.55 these resources.

32 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

It is necessary to identify from whose perspective there would be no expected differences in outcome
the economic evaluation is undertaken. The per- between the two forms of treatment, and therefore
spective can be that of the individual patient, the the preferred option would involve choosing the
NHS, the individual hospital or service provider, treatment method that was the least costly of the
the government or society as a whole. If we con- two. Care should be taken in applying cost mini-
sidered the societal perspective, then we would seek misation and it should be borne in mind that the
to include all costs and benefits, no matter where lack of evidence regarding differences in outcomes
they occur. In the UK, the methods recommended is not the same as evidence that such differences do
by NICE consider that the base case for cost-effec- not exist. If there is potential for such differences
tiveness analysis should include health and personal then a safer approach is to carry out cost-effective-
social service costs, but not all societal or costs in- ness analysis with a sensitivity analysis to examine
curred by patients, although other issues may be the effect of possible differences in outcome (see
taken into account in evaluating technologies. below). It is not unusual to find that plausible but
Within healthcare, economic evaluation is used as unsubstantiated differences in outcome would out-
a general term to describe a range of methods that weigh the cost differences, which might have led to
look at the costs and consequences of different pro- incorrect conclusions had analysis been confined to
grammes or interventions.54 Each of the methods cost-minimisation techniques.
involves identifying, measuring and, where neces-
sary, valuing all of the relevant costs and conse-
quences of the programme or intervention under
Cost-effectiveness analysis
There are four main approaches for undertaking Cost-effectiveness analysis should be used when
economic evaluation: cost-minimisation analy- the outcomes from the different programmes or
sis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost–utility analy- interventions are anticipated to vary. The out-
sis and cost–benefit analysis. A summary of the comes are expressed in natural units, though the
features of these is given in Table 2.3 and each is appropriate measure to be used in such studies
discussed below, outlining their appropriate use in depends ultimately upon the programmes that are
healthcare. being compared. For interventions that would be
expected to extend life, natural units such as life-
years gained would be an appropriate measure.
Cost-minimisation analysis However, there might be a programme, such as
the surgical approach for a hernia repair, where
Cost-minimisation analysis is often considered to be other measures might be considered appropriate,
a form of cost-effectiveness analysis but is treated in this case, for example, recurrence rates or time
here as a separate method of economic evaluation. taken to return to work. Likewise, there might be
This particular form of economic evaluation is ap- a comparison of two different preventative treat-
propriate in circumstances where, prior to investi- ments for coronary heart disease, where heart
gation, there is no reason to expect that there will attacks avoided might be a suitable measure to
be any therapeutic difference in the outcomes of use. In order to assess the cost-effectiveness, or
the procedures under consideration. For example, otherwise, of the interventions, cost is expressed
we might wish to consider two different settings of per unit of outcome (cost-effectiveness ratios).
treatment for varicose veins, such as day-case and The outcome of interest in the appraisal of two
inpatient treatment. Here, one might assume that or more interventions must be exactly the same

Table 2.3  •  Methods of economic evaluation

Type of economic evaluation Units of measurement

Cost-minimisation analysis Outcomes are the same between the different options; evaluation based upon cost
Cost-effectiveness analysis Benefits are quantity or quality of life, which are measured in natural units (e.g.
life-years gained, cases avoided, etc.)
Cost–utility analysis Benefits are quantity and quality of life, which are measured using QALYs or HYEs
Cost–benefit analysis Benefits are quantity and quality of life, which are measured in monetary terms
such as human capital or willingness to pay
HYE, healthy years equivalent; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year.

33 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2
for each of the alternatives that are considered. the ratio between the additional cost that is incurred
Therefore, the results from cost-effectiveness and the additional benefit (frequently measured in
studies cannot often be generalised in order to as- QALYs). Thus, for example, if a treatment produces
sess the impact of interventions for differing con- 0.5 of a quality-adjusted life-year more than the next
ditions unless a unified measure that reflects both best treatment but costs an additional £5000, the in-
quantity and quality of survival is used (see cost– cremental cost-effectiveness ratio would be £5000
utility analysis). In conclusion, cost-effectiveness divided by 0.5 or £10 000 per QALY. If the treat-
analysis is a useful tool for informing choices be- ment that produces greater clinical benefit is less
tween alternatives where common outcomes have costly than the alternative then the ICER is negative
been used for the analysis. and the treatment with better outcomes is said to
As an example, one might assess the cost per ‘dominate’, thus being the preferred option in that it
stroke avoided in comparing the cost-effective- produces greater benefit at lower cost.
ness of a drug treatment for stroke prevention Where the ICER is positive it reflects the fact that
with that of carotid endarterectomy. However, the additional benefit comes at an additional cost
such figures would be of little help in compar- and the ICER can be compared with other alterna-
ing the value of these treatments with that of a tive uses for the available resources. Such calcula-
treatment for a different condition, such as joint tions have been used to produce league tables to
replacement. compare the cost of providing benefits by treatment
in different clinical settings.
Cost–utility analysis
As has been discussed above, one of the potential
Cost-effectiveness league tables
limitations of cost-effectiveness analysis is that it does
Decision-makers face difficult decisions when asked
not allow for decisions to be made regarding different
how to allocate resources in healthcare. Such de-
treatments for differing diseases or conditions if the
cisions are increasingly influenced by the relative
units of outcome differ between disease areas.
cost-effectiveness of different treatments and by
Cost–utility analysis can be thought of as a spe-
comparisons between healthcare interventions in
cial case of cost-effectiveness analysis where the
terms of their cost per life-year or per QALY gained.
outcomes are expressed in generic units that are
The first compilation of such league tables was un-
able to represent the outcome for different con-
dertaken by Williams, who calculated the cost per
ditions and treatments. Therefore, the units of
QALY of a range of interventions and divided them
outcome combine both mortality and morbidity
into strong candidates for expansion and less strong
information into a single unit of measurement
candidates for expansion.27 Advocates of such anal-
(such as QALYs or HYEs). This two-dimensional
yses argue that if properly constructed, these tables
outcome measure allows comparisons to be
provide comprehensive and valid information to aid
drawn between treatments for different therapeu-
tic areas. These units of measurement are often
There are, however, problems with the use of
expressed in terms of a universal unit, usually
such tables and these can make interpretation
cost per QALY gained. Such units have resulted
and comparison between studies problematical.57
in league tables that compare the outcomes for
First, the year of origin for the studies varies and,
treatments in different areas, and these will be
because of technological changes and shifts in
discussed below.
relative prices, the ranking might not be truly re-
flective of the intervention under current practice.
Cost–utility analysis expressed in terms Second, differing discount rates have been used in
of cost per QALY gained has become the the ­studies, some appropriately and others inap-
predominant form of cost-effectiveness analysis propriately, which impacts upon the results. Third,
in recent years. there have been a variety of preference values for
health states, and currently it is difficult to deter-
mine which measure of quality of life has been
used to derive the estimates concealed within the
Incremental cost-effectiveness statistics presented in the league table. Clearly, if
ratios there is a high degree of homogeneity between the
methods used to derive such estimates then these
In comparing the results of cost-effectiveness analysis statistics might well aid decision-makers. Fourth,
for different treatments it is usual to report the incre- there is a wide range of costs used within the stud-
mental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). The ICER is ies, and often costs are presented at an insufficient

34 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

level of detail to allow recalculation to reflect lo- £20 000–30 000 per QALY,60 although early em-
cal circumstances. In addition, many studies used in pirical research suggests that this may be set rather
such league tables are often compared with differing high.61,62
programmes from which the incremental cost per
QALY has been assessed. For example, some might
compare with a ‘do nothing’ or ‘do minimum’ al- Cost–benefit analysis
ternative, while other programmes would compare
with the incremental cost per QALY of expanding Whilst cost-effectiveness analysis and cost–util-
services to other groups of patients. Finally, the ity analysis tell us whether a programme or inter-
setting of the study will prove important in draw- vention has better outcomes at additional costs or
ing comparisons between the statistics in such ta- gains more QALYs, they cannot tell us whether
bles, especially in situations where the studies are the use of resources to achieve those outcomes is
undertaken in different countries, requiring adjust- justified. Cost–benefit analysis is a type of evalua-
ments for exchange rates. tion that places a single value, usually in monetary
There has been a substantial amount of literature terms, upon the benefits and outcomes from dif-
on the topic,28–31 and while these tables might aid fering programmes of healthcare, i.e. it determines
the decision-maker they also need to be interpreted the absolute benefit of both quality and quantity,
with extreme caution as there is ample opportunity which is vital in resource allocation. In order to do
to mislead the casual observer. this the health outcomes from treatment need to
be measured in the same units as cost. This can be
carried out as an extension to cost–utility analy-
Willingness-to-pay thresholds sis where the costs and benefits are converted to
the same units. In the UK this is usually done with
A more common practice in recent years has been reference to the WTP threshold set by NICE. For
to compare incremental cost-effectiveness ratios example, if one were to consider a treatment that
against a ‘willingness-to-pay’ (WTP) threshold produces one additional QALY then at a WTP
rather than directly against the ICER of other spe- threshold of £20 000 this may be considered equiv-
cific treatments. The WTP threshold is a figure that alent to a £20 000 benefit. If the cost of providing
represents the amount that those who fund the that treatment were £10 000 the treatment would
healthcare consider is the maximum that should be result in a net benefit of £10 000. However, at a
paid to generate one unit of benefit, usually one cost of £30 000 the net benefit would be −£10 000,
QALY. This figure may be specific to local circum- implying that there would be a net loss from pro-
stances, depending upon the population and fund- viding the treatment (as, for example, if it were to
ing arrangements. In the UK, there has been some displace a more cost-effective use of the available
discussion in recent years on the appropriate level resources). An alternative way of presenting such
of WTP thresholds and the theoretical basis for the analysis is in terms of net health benefit rather than
figures.58,59 On one hand it may be thought of as economic benefit, so that the result is presented in
representing the amount that society is prepared terms of QALY rather than monetary terms (0.5 or
to pay to generate additional healthcare benefit. −0.5 QALY in the above example).63
An alternative interpretation is that if one assumes
that the resources available to health are finite
then additional expenditure on a new treatment Choosing an evaluation method
will displace expenditure elsewhere. Assuming that
healthcare provision was fully efficient, the WTP The appropriate method of economic evaluation
threshold would be the level of cost per additional depends upon which choices need to be made and
QALY at which the activity displaced resulted in a the context within which those choices need to be
net loss of health benefit that was equivalent to that reached (for example, refer to Table 2.4). If outcomes
­produced by the new treatment. Thus, any treat- are expected to be the same then the choice is quite
ments that fell below the threshold would displace straightforward: cost-minimisation analysis may
activities that produced less overall benefit, provid- be used. The limitations of cost-effectiveness with
ing a net gain in health, whilst any treatment that disease-specific outcomes should be borne in mind.
was purchased above the threshold would be dis- Cost–utility analysis has increased in popularity in an
placing greater health gain than was provided by attempt to standardise and allow comparisons across
the new treatment. different conditions and healthcare programmes.
At present there is active empirical research Cost–benefit analysis may offer decision-makers an
to try to establish a realistic WTP threshold. In alternative way of viewing such analysis but is depen-
the UK setting NICE works with a threshold of dent upon a predetermined WTP threshold.

35 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2
Table 2.4  •  An example of how to choose a type of economic evaluation based on the question

Question Outcomes evaluation What is assessed?
Is day-case open hernia repair better than Similar Cost-minimisation Purely the cost difference
inpatient repair? analysis
Is laparoscopic hernia repair better than open Different Cost-effectiveness Cost-difference in relation to
hernia repair? analysis varying outcomes
Is the quality of life better with laparoscopic Different Cost–utility analysis Changes in quality of life with
hernia repair compared to open repair? differing outcomes
Is laparoscopic hernia repair better compared Different Cost–benefit analysis Costs and quality together with the
to open repair in terms of willingness to pay available resources
threshold or the resources available?

Sensitivity analysis more difficult to interpret as progressively more

variables are varied in the analysis.52
Evaluations will always be subject to elements of
uncertainty, be it in terms of resource use, costs or Threshold analysis
effectiveness. Sensitivity analysis is essential in such Threshold analysis involves the identification of the
circumstances as it allows us to assess how sensitive critical value of a parameter above or below which
the study results are to variations in key parameters the conclusion of a study will change from one con-
or assumptions that have been used in the analysis. clusion to another.64 Threshold analysis is of greatest
This allows us to assess whether changes in key pa- use when a particular parameter in the evaluation is
rameters will result in savings or costs. indeterminate, for example a new drug with a price
It is possible to undertake sensitivity analysis using that has not yet been determined. A major limita-
as few or as many variables as desired. Commonly, tion of threshold analysis is that it deals only with
variables such as production variables or discount uncertainty in continuous variables, meaning that it
rates will be used, or if statistical analysis of the is normally only useful for addressing uncertainty in
variables has been undertaken one can carry out analyses with data inputs.52
sensitivity analysis around known confidence in-
tervals. Although sensitivity analysis is advocated Analysis of extremes
for evaluations, a review by Briggs and Sculpher52 In analysis of extremes, a base-case analysis is un-
found that only 39% of articles reviewed had taken dertaken that incorporates the best estimates of the
at least an adequate account of uncertainty, while inputs and then further analyses consider extreme
only 14% were judged to have provided a good estimates of the relevant variables. For example, if
account of uncertainty. In addition, 24% had failed to two alternative treatment strategies are being com-
consider uncertainty at all. There are differing meth- pared, then both the high and low costs can be con-
ods of sensitivity analysis, which are discussed below. sidered for both therapies and costs can be assessed
for each of the options based upon combinations of
Simple sensitivity analysis these. Analysis of extremes can be particularly effec-
Simple sensitivity analysis, in which one or more pa- tive in situations where a base-case value is known
rameters contained within the evaluation are varied together with a plausible range, but the actual
across a plausible range, is widely practised. With distribution between the outer limits is unknown.
one-way analysis, each uncertain component of the However, a problem with this approach is that it
evaluation is varied individually in order to assess does not consider how likely it is that the various
the separate impact that each component will have scenarios will arise.52
upon the results of the analysis. Multi-way sensi-
tivity analysis involves varying two or more of the Probabilistic sensitivity analysis
components of the evaluation at the same time and A final approach to dealing with uncertainty is
assessing the impact upon the results. It should be through the use of probabilistic sensitivity analysis
noted that multi-way sensitivity analysis becomes (PSA). This method allows ranges and d ­ istributions

36 66485457-66963820
Outcomes and health economic issues in surgery

to be assigned to variables about which we are to use patient or societal preferences, weighting of
­uncertain, thus allowing for combinations of items QALY to consider severity of disease, carer benefits
that are more likely to take place. For example, it is and the incorporation of a value for innovation.
unlikely that all of the pessimistic factors regarding Over the last decade, multi-criteria decision analysis
costs will occur in the evaluation. Techniques such (MCDA) has been suggested as a way to incorporate
as Monte Carlo simulations allow for the random these complex and often conflicting values in eco-
simultaneous selection of items at designated val- nomic evaluation. In MCDA, ‘criteria’ refers to the
ues and undertake analysis based upon hypothetical value taken into consideration. The process involves
patient cohorts. This approach allows the propor- consideration of multiple criteria, each of which is
tion of patients to be estimated for whom one of given a weight in coming to an ‘objective’ decision.70
the options under evaluation is preferred; generally, Currently, NICE health technology appraisals pre-
proportions approaching 100% suggest that the in- dominantly use ICER provided by cost–utility analy-
tervention is nearly always preferable under a range sis. This is considered, using informal methods for
of conditions. PSA is generally considered to be the incorporating other issues that are not thought to be
most rigorous form of ­ sensitivity analysis and is incorporated in the costs or QALY measures, often
gaining widespread use.65 by adjusting the WTP ­threshold that is considered
Value of information analysis Another major change in NICE economic evalua-
Value of information analysis is a recent devel- tions evolved in appraisals for interventions involving
opment that is an extension of PSA. The method ‘end of life’. As mentioned in earlier sections, NICE
uses the results of PSA to consider the effect of re- considers interventions to be cost-effective if the
ducing the uncertainty. Whilst PSA can provide a cost per QALY gained is less than £20 000–30 000.
measure of the uncertainty around a prediction of However, in 2009, NICE issued guidance wherein
cost-effectiveness, expected value of perfect infor- some ‘end-of-life’ interventions or therapeutics that
mation (EVPI) gives a measure that also incorpo- cost more than £30 000 per QALY gained may be
rates the importance of such uncertainty.66 Further given consideration if the treatment is indicated
­developments of this may help to guide priorities for conditions with a life expectancy of less than
for future research67 or help to design studies and 24 months and if there is sufficient evidence that the
estimate required sample size.68 new intervention improves life expectance by at least
3 months compared to the available NHS treatment
and if the treatment if licensed for small population
Ethical issues groups.72

Any formal method for determining the costs and

benefits of different treatments that may be used to
allocate resources is likely to raise complex ethical Summary
issues. In particular, certain methods may create ap-
parent discrimination against certain groups, such Whether making individual or policy decisions
as the elderly or disabled, due to reduced capacity regarding healthcare provision, it is becoming
to gain from a particular treatment. Such methods increasingly important for clinicians to take into
may also fail to take into account other issues that account evidence about both the effectiveness and
are seen by society as being important in allocating the cost-effectiveness of the treatment options.
resources, such as preferences relating to the process This requires that they examine the available evi-
of care and issues such as equity.69 It is important dence with particular attention to the appropri-
that such economic methods should not be used ateness of the outcome measures used and of any
without considering these wider implications of the techniques for economic analysis. In particular,
decisions which stem from such analyses. there is a need for both clinicians and research-
ers to focus upon outcomes that are relevant to
patients and truly represent their views about
Recent advances the relative values of the health states and events
that they may encounter. Outcome research and
Most economic evaluations in healthcare use the economic evaluation are relatively new areas of
above-mentioned methods looking at monetary healthcare research but they are progressing rap-
value for new treatment options. There are, however, idly. An understanding of the methods used is a
a number of complex issues in economic evaluation prerequisite for an adequate interpretation of the
that remain controversial. These include whether conclusions drawn from such work.

37 66485457-66963820
Chapter 2

Key points
• The choice of outcome measure is important in assessing the results of surgical treatment and
needs to be carefully considered.
• The measure used should be clinically relevant and preferably have been validated by previous research.
• Possible measures relevant to surgery include mortality, condition-specific measures, standard pain
questionnaires and generic measures of health-related quality of life.
• Quality-adjusted life-years are a commonly used measure of outcome and there are several different
ways to produce the weights (utilities) that are required to calculate these.
• The estimation of the cost of treatments should include a detailed analysis of the resources used
and their valuation, and may require consideration of the timing of incurring various costs.
• There are several different methods of economic evaluation, including cost-minimisation, cost-
effectiveness, cost–utility and cost–benefit analysis.
• The use of cost-effectiveness analysis may allow comparison of health benefits to be gained by expenditure
on different treatments but is not without both technical and ethical problems in its application.

References 10. Spilker B, Molinek Jr FR, Johnston KA, et al.

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40 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

Paul Baskerville

Introduction by separating their elective treatment from the

bustle of emergency surgical care, both of which
One of the main aims of surgery is to return the are traditionally managed on the same wards.
postoperative patient to their home environment, in Most people would rather not stay in hospital lon-
a safe and timely fashion. If, following a surgical ger than necessary, and short stays reduce the risks
procedure, the patient does not spend a few days of hospital-acquired infections. Reducing length of
in hospital, but returns home the same day, we de- stay also reduces costs and can improve efficiency,
scribe that process as day case surgery. Why should reasons that make day surgery attractive to all
this obvious and rather banal variation in length of healthcare systems worldwide.
hospital stay ­deserve a chapter of its own in a surgi- In the UK, the NHS plan proposed by the govern-
cal textbook? The reason is that the development of ment in 2001 set the patient firmly at the centre of a
successful day surgery practice, and the knowledge framework for modernising the NHS.1 The idea was
gained from studying its component parts, have to reduce waiting times, implement booking sys-
been instrumental in improving the delivery of all tems and introduce patient choice. However, the
surgical care in the last 30 years. It has helped all government was faced with capacity constraints
parties responsible for that delivery to understand and one solution to increase patient throughput was
how to introduce, create and then manage surgical to reduce the length of patients' stay by focusing on
developments in a timely, safe, efficient and cost- increasing national day surgery rates by implement-
effective manner. ing a National Day Surgery Programme.
Understanding how day surgery works, how tradi-
tional inpatient care can be successfully transferred The day surgery strategy was launched in
to the day unit, and what is required to enable that 2002 with the broad aim of achieving 75% of all
to happen is a fundamental requirement for all those elective surgery in the UK to be performed on a day
involved in the care of the surgical patient, be they case basis by the year 2005.2
surgeon or anaesthetist, nurse or manager, health
purchaser or provider. Day surgery now comprises over 70% of all elec-
Day surgery has been described as the planned ad- tive surgery in the UK, over 80% in the USA and
mission of a patient to hospital for a surgical procedure is likely to become the default method of treating
which, while requiring recovery from a bed or trolley, most surgical patients in the next two decades. This
allows the patient to return home the same day. As a growth has occurred over the last 30 years, most of
consequence, procedures not requiring full operating it in the last 15. How has this come about? What
theatre facilities and/or general anaesthesia, proce- are the main driving forces behind it? What are
dures which can be performed in outpatient or endo- its strengths and weaknesses? This chapter covers
scopic suites, are no longer called true ‘day surgery’. those aspects of day surgery that are essential to
Successful and well-managed day surgery has the good practice, and highlights some areas of current
potential to improve the quality of care for patients controversy.

41 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
was performed on a day case basis and the report
The development of day suggested 50% as an appropriate target. In 1989,
surgery the gathering momentum of day surgery demon-
strated a need for a professional body to promote
The concept of day surgery is not new. In 1909, the speciality and set quality standards of care. The
James Nicholl, a surgeon working at the Royal result was the British Association of Day Surgery
Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, reported (BADS) encompassing surgeons, anaesthetists,
on nearly 9000 children undergoing operations for nurses and managers involved in day surgery. The
conditions such as hernia and harelip, all of whom same year the NHS Management Executive's value-
went home on the day of surgery.3 He described for-money unit demonstrated that the cost of treat-
the benefits for parent and child of returning home ing patients as day cases was significantly less than
the same day, but stressed the importance of suit- as inpatients.10 By 1990, the Audit Commission had
able home conditions in the success of day surgery. taken over the role of external auditors within the
A ­decade later, in 1919, Ralph Waters, an anaesthe- NHS and it introduced the concept of a ‘basket’ of
tist in Sioux City, Iowa, reported on the ‘downtown 20 surgical procedures suitable for day case surgery
anaesthesia clinic’ where adults underwent minor to allow benchmarking between health authori-
surgical procedures, returning home within a few ties.11 The audit figures also demonstrated wide
hours.4 variations between hospitals.
The modern era of day surgery began in the years By 1991, the Audit Commission Report Measuring
following World War II with the realisation that quality: the patient's view of day surgery found that
prolonged bed rest was associated with high rates 80% of day case patients preferred this mode of
of postoperative complications such as deep vein treatment to traditional inpatient treatment, add-
thrombosis.5 The move towards early ambulation ing further impetus to the development of day
led to earlier discharge and, for the first time, the surgery.12
economic benefits of day surgery were noted.6 In By the end of the decade, the introduction of newer
1955, Eric Farquharson of Edinburgh described a surgical and anaesthetic techniques to the day unit
series of 458 consecutive inguinal hernia repairs and the loss of others to the outpatient department
performed on a day case basis at a time when the forced a reassessment of the surgical basket to re-
average length of postoperative stay was approxi- flect modern-day case activity, as many day units
mately 2 weeks.7 The medical benefits of early am- were already performing more complex proce-
bulation were recorded and the potential impact on dures on a day surgery basis. In 1999, continuing
surgical waiting times was considered. the supermarket analogy, the BADS recommended
Further development of day surgery occurred not an additional 20 operations to form a ‘trolley’ of
in the UK but in North America, where cost sav- procedures suitable for day surgery in the more
ings associated with day surgery in privately run ­experienced day unit (Box 3.1). The trolley included
healthcare systems led to the early development major operations such as laparoscopic cholecystec-
of day units within hospitals, and by 1969 the tomy, thoracoscopic sympathectomy, partial thy-
first ­free-standing ambulatory surgical centre in roidectomy and laser prostatectomy. The concept of
Phoenix, Arizona. The huge commercial success of the trolley was that a target of 50% of these proce-
such units led to a s­ ignificant shift in surgical care dures on a day case basis would be realistic.
out of hospital inpatient beds, and forced surgeons, Following this lead by the professions, the Audit
anaesthetists and hospital managers to study and Commission updated its own basket of proce-
improve the safety and efficiency of surgical care. dures (Box 3.2) and this was incorporated into the
The UK, with its state-run NHS, was much slower Department of Health's Day surgery: operational
to introduce day surgery. The few existing units guide published to support the National Day Surgery
were poorly utilised and there was little support for Programme to achieve a 75% day case rate for elec-
the expansion seen in the USA. In 1980 Paul Jarrett, tive surgery by 2005.2 Although this tool is still used
in the day unit at Kingston Hospital, demonstrated as a comparator in assessing output by Trusts and
once again the benefits of dedicated day surgery lists Health Authorities,13 for development purposes it
for hernias, including the rapid reduction of waiting has now been superseded by the introduction of
times from 3 years to 3 months.8 This time the gov- a regularly updated Directory of Procedures by
ernment was quick to see the advantages, and sup- the BADS.14 The Directory, which was first intro-
ported day surgery expansion throughout the UK duced in 2007 and is regularly updated, lists over
for a decade. In 1985 the Royal College of Surgeons 200 procedures by speciality, including their OPCS
of England published a report (revised in 1992) en- and HRG codes, and provides a breakdown of how
titled Guidelines for day case surgery.9 At that time, each procedure might be treated within four areas:
it was estimated that only 15% of elective surgery procedure room, day surgery, 24-hour stay or under

42 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

Box 3.1  • British Association of Day Surgery ‘trolley’ of Box 3.2  • Audit Commission basket of 25 procedures
procedures 1999, of which 50% should be 2001
suitable for day case surgery
Laparoscopic hernia repair Circumcision
Thoracoscopic sympathectomy Inguinal hernia repair
Submandibular gland excision Excision of breast lump
Partial thyroidectomy Anal fissure dilatation or excision
Superficial parotidectomy Haemorrhoidectomy
Wide excision of breast lump with axillary clearance Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Haemorrhoidectomy Varicose vein stripping or ligation
Urethrotomy Transurethral resection of bladder tumour
Bladder neck incision Excision of Dupuytren's contracture
Laser prostatectomy Carpal tunnel decompression
Transcervical resection of endometrium Excision of ganglion
Eyelid surgery Arthroscopy
Arthroscopic meniscectomy Bunion operations
Arthroscopic shoulder decompression Removal of metalware
Subcutaneous mastectomy Extraction of cataract with or without implant
Rhinoplasty Correction of squint
Dentoalveolar surgery Myringotomy
Tympanoplasty Tonsillectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Submucous resection
Bunion operations Reduction of nasal fracture
Operation for bat ears
72-hour stay. It therefore allows for the planning Dilatation and curettage/hysteroscopy
and development of day surgery practice within a Laparoscopy
Unit or Trust. Termination of pregnancy

How does it work for the ­ atient was able to go home the same e­ vening. In the
patient? UK, the patient's procedure was often cancelled on
the day of admission as their projected bed had been
occupied overnight by an emergency admission.
Facilities for day surgery Self-contained day units or dedicated day wards
The organisation of day surgery services differs were therefore developed and unplanned overnight
from traditional inpatient surgery. Patients arrive admission rates dropped dramatically from 14% on
at the hospital on the day of surgery, fully assessed, an inpatient ward to 2.4% in a dedicated day unit.2
with the results of investigations already checked. These units may be free-standing or integrated
Following operation, patients recover in the day within the main hospital, where they benefit from
unit and are discharged home, accompanied by the full range of available support services. The
their carer. The entire admission episode is pre- self-contained unit should have its own day surgery
planned and the routine nature of the hospital visit theatre within the day surgery suite, performing
ensures quality care. Any error in the system re- dedicated day case lists.
sults in an unnecessary overnight admission and it Dedicated lists require appropriate staffing levels
is therefore not surprising that the facilities for day to be allocated as there is a greater intensity of work
surgery differ from inpatient surgery. for theatre staff if several day cases are to be treated
Initially, day surgery was attempted from the rather than a single major case. Experience has shown
­inpatient ward, but this environment is a mixture that the most effective units unite all managerial as
of emergency admissions, unwell elective surgery well as nursing and operative functions under the
­patients and the ‘well’ elective day surgery p­ atient. same roof. Further efficiencies are made if the day unit
Quality of care for the day case patient suffered as can be accessed directly from the street or car park,
busy ward staff naturally concentrated on the acutely and if day patients have their own dedicated car park-
ill. There was also no incentive to ensure the day ing facilities.

43 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
The day surgery cycle In any hospital, over 75% of traditional inpatient
procedures can therefore be performed safely on
In traditional inpatient surgery, the patient is admit- a day case basis.2 UK guidelines have recently been
ted either from the waiting list or directly from the published by BADS and the Association of GB and
surgical outpatient clinic if the patient is classified Ireland.15
as urgent. In day surgery, the processes are different
(Fig. 3.1). In many hospitals the patient is seen in Social factors
the outpatient clinic and then sent directly for pre- The effects of general anaesthesia on cerebral func-
assessment. While this has the advantage of a single tion, affecting judgment and coordination, are well
hospital visit, some patients become overwhelmed recognised. After day surgery, all patients must be
with the amount of information they are given in a accompanied home by a responsible and physically
short space of time. Therefore, some patients find able adult, who should be available for the first
it convenient to come back for pre-assessment at a 24 hours following operation. Patients themselves
later date. must not drive home and preferably should avoid
A few hospitals accept fast tracking by general public transport. Greater travelling times are as-
practitioners, who refer patients directly for pre- sociated with increased discomfort and nausea,16
assessment to the day unit. In this case, the surgeon and patients should reside within an hour's jour-
will not see the patient until the morning of opera- ney from the hospital in case of emergency. The
tion and, for obvious reasons, the process is only patient's home conditions should be sufficient to
suitable for the young, fit patient with a straightfor- allow them to recover in comfort. In general, they
ward surgical problem. should have access to a telephone in case of emer-
gency, there should be adequate toilet facilities and
Patient selection household stairs should be minimal, but each set of
Patient selection addresses the suitability of the circumstances requires individual judgment.
­patient for day surgery. The majority of patients
will be suitable unless an overnight stay would be of Age
particular benefit. Factors that may also influence Biological age is more important than chronologi-
selection include the risk of major complications, cal age, although some day units arbitrarily and
social conditions and medical fitness. There should illogically apply upper limits of 65 or 70 years of
be no upper limits on age or body mass index (BMI), age. Whilst the older patient is more likely to suffer
although each patient is judged on an individual from respiratory and cardiovascular disease and the
basis, and American Society of Anesthesiologists carer may also be in an elderly age group, with care-
(ASA) class III patients are routinely accepted. ful preoperative evaluation the elderly patient can



Outreach st-
tre tra Outpatient
nurse ac ck o clinic
hc r

Inpatient Unsuitable
Discharge Preassessment

n pla ion
U s
mis Day surgery
Recovery ad

Figure 3.1  •  The day surgery cycle.

44 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

benefit from day surgery through a rapid return to Smoking

familiar home circumstances and less postoperative Smokers undergoing surgery have increased intraop-
confusion. erative complications such as impaired gas ­exchange
and increased secretions, with p ­ ostoperative prob-
Body mass index lems consisting of an increased incidence of broncho-
Obesity is measured by BMI (in kg/m2) and height– spasm, chest infection and wound complications.21
weight charts are used as ‘ready reckoners’ to calcu- Advice at pre-assessment regarding ­ cessation of
late it (Fig. 3.2). Obesity is defined as a BMI equal to smoking depends on whether the ­patient would like
or greater than 30.17 The prevalence of obesity has to stop permanently or else temporarily suspend their
doubled since the 1990s, with 24% of adults in habit in the perioperative period. For those attempt-
England now fulfilling the definition.18 The very ing permanent cessation, this should commence
obese were excluded from day surgery because of 6–8 weeks before surgery since this is the minimum
delayed recovery related to the absorption of volatile time required for lung function to improve signifi-
anaesthetic agents into body fat, but this is less of a cantly.22 The least effective time of smoking cessa-
problem with modern total intravenous anaesthetic tion is in the week before surgery, when the ­effects
agents such as propofol.19 The problems that do oc- of withdrawal are maximal.23 For those who intend
cur with the obese patient are related to comorbidity, continuing their habit, temporary cessation 12 hours
the surgical procedure and the anaesthetic. Obesity before surgery confers a reduction in circulating car-
is associated with cardiac disease, diabetes mellitus, boxyhaemoglobin, thereby improving perioperative
hiatus hernia, hypertension and sleep apnoea, and it lung function.
may be the comorbidity ­ factor that excludes an
obese patient from day surgery rather than the obe- Medical factors
sity itself. Operating on the obese patient is often
more technically demanding and the complication In 1991 the ASA classified surgical patients
rate is often higher, with increased rates of postop- into five classes of physical fitness (Table 3.1),
erative haematoma formation and pain as a result of which has provided a framework for patient
the need for greater ­ surgical access. Anaesthetic selection in day surgery.24
problems include problems of venous access, intuba-
tion and airway control. Operating on patients early While ASA class I or class II patients are generally ac-
in the day is advisable to ensure that any minor post- cepted for day surgery, the suitability of patients in the
operative complications can be corrected and do not ASA class III group is less clear. While hypertension,
prevent the ­patient from returning home.
Stable ASA class III patients have the same risk
The upper safe BMI limit for day surgery remains of unplanned overnight admissions as lower ASA
controversial. While some day units still remain at a status patients,25 and any increase in complications
restrictive BMI of 30, others have safely increased with ASA class III patients is related to the surgical
this upper limit to 35, 37 and even 40.20 procedure rather than comorbidity.

ft ins cm Figure 3.2  • Assessment

6'5 195 chart for body mass index
6'3 190 (BMI).
6'1 185 BMI≤30
6'0 suitable for BMI
5'11 180
5'10 day surgery 30–34
5'9 175
5'7 170
5'5 165
5'4 BMI≥35
5'3 160 unsuitable for
5'2 day surgery
5'1 155
4'11 150

kg 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

stones lb 6'3 7'12 9'6 11 12'7 14'2 15'9 17'4 18'12 20'8

45 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
Table 3.1  • Adaptation of the American Society of for ‘on the day’ cancellation: the blood pressure has
Anesthesiologists' classification of physical status either not been accurately measured at preoperative
assessment or it has not been adequately treated
Class I A healthy patient
(see ‘Preoperative assessment’). Preoperative seda-
Class II Mild-to-moderate systemic disease caused tion can lower a marginally elevated blood pressure
by the surgical condition to be treated or by but the underlying cause requires further investiga-
another disease process, with no functional tion. Many patients with significant cardiovascular
limitation, controlled hypertension, mild disease can still undergo day surgery procedures
diabetes, mild asthma provided exercise tolerance is good.
Class III Severe systemic disease with some functional
limitation plus diabetes with complications, The specific blood pressure that is unsafe
severe asthma, myocardial infarction >6 months for the patient undergoing day surgery remains
Class IV Severe systemic disease that is a constant unclear, but a systematic review and meta-analysis
threat to life plus unstable angina, severe of 30 observational studies found little evidence
cardiac, pulmonary, renal, hepatic or endocrine for an association between admission arterial
pressure and perioperative complications if systolic
and diastolic pressures are less than 180 and
Class V Moribund patient not expected to survive 110 mmHg, respectively.27
24 hours even with surgical intervention
chronic lung disease and symptomatic heart disease The stable asthmatic using an inhaler and with good
increase the risk of complications, this is not evident exercise tolerance is suitable for day surgery. Only
with asthma or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. those with unstable or steroid-controlled asthma re-
quire investigation before proceeding and may require
Diabetes mellitus exclusion. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Patients with stable diabetes mellitus are usually (NSAIDs) can be administered safely for pain relief
best managed as day cases as this interferes least to 95% of asthmatics.28 A history of previous admin-
with their routine. Nevertheless, type I diabetic istration without bronchial spasm, usually from over-
­patients are more difficult to manage in the periop- the-counter preparations, is often available.
erative period than type II patients and are more li-
able to unplanned admission. Stability of the disease Preoperative assessment
in the months before surgery is therefore central The admission, operation and discharge of a patient
to success of the admission, especially in the type within a day requires accurate forward planning,
I patient. A glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) with the procedure occurring on a scheduled day at
result of less than 8% suggests that the patient is a scheduled time. Day surgery pioneered the role of
suitable for day surgery. Most intermediate surgical preoperative assessment, performed up to 6 weeks
procedures, such as those in the Audit Commission prior to surgery. As a result nursing, anaesthetic and
basket of 25 (Box 3.2), can be safely undertaken in surgical assessment on the day of admission is both
adult diabetic patients with the occasional excep- rapid and minimal. Pre-assessment of patients also
tion of laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to the in- ensures that ‘on the day’ cancellation for clinical
creased risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting. reasons is rare. Cancellations not only waste hospi-
Where possible, the patient should be managed tal resources but cause distress to patients and their
with local or regional anaesthesia as this may re- families and often disrupt work commitments.
move the need for the patient to starve preopera- To maximise day surgery throughput, pre-assessment
tively. However, if general anaesthesia is required, may be accomplished by:
diabetic medication is omitted on the morning of
surgery, the procedure is scheduled as early as pos- • automatic assignment to day surgery of all
sible on the list and the normal regimen is resumed patients undergoing a procedure included in
as soon as possible.26 Well-controlled non-insulin- the BADS's trolley of procedures (Box 3.1)
dependent diabetics present few problems but insulin- or the Audit Commission's updated basket of
dependent diabetics require intensive monitoring procedures (Box 3.2);
throughout the day surgery process. • hospital-wide pre-assessment for all elective
Cardiac disease surgical procedures (with procedure-specific
The risk of myocardial ischaemia during anaesthesia exclusions for major surgical procedures such
is increased in the hypertensive patient, and elevated as major bowel resection and aortic aneurysm
blood pressure is one of the most common reasons repair).

46 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

Successful pre-assessment should focus on educat- The incidence of electrocardiographic (ECG) ab-
ing the patient and their carers about their condi- normalities increases with age but minor preop-
tion, identifying any preoperative risk factors and erative ECG abnormalities do not predict adverse
optimising the patient's condition. All three aspects cardiovascular perioperative events in day surgery.31
need to be performed well in order to maximise suc- The only indications for preoperative ECG include
cess on the day of surgery. Strict assessment criteria chest pain, palpitations and dyspnoea, but these pa-
ensure patient safety, and identifying any anoma- tients have often already been excluded from day
lies at pre-assessment allows for timely correction surgery by other comorbidity. A chest X-ray exami-
of these factors. Day surgery pre-assessment is best nation is also unnecessary. If required, then the pa-
performed by trained nurses in nurse-based pre- tient is probably unsuitable for day surgery in the
assessment clinics. The availability of a consultant first place.
anaesthetist to deal immediately with some queries Testing for sickle cell disease is more controver-
and concerns further improves efficiency. The most sial. Patients with sickle cell disease usually pres-
common treatable exclusion factors are hyperten- ent in childhood with chronic haemolytic anaemia.
sion and identifying an overnight carer for patients Preoperative screening in adults is unlikely to iden-
living on their own. tify a patient with previously unknown sickle cell
Pre-assessment clinics use a patient questionnaire disease but will, of course, identify those with sickle
to screen for social and medical problems. Most cell trait. However, the ‘at-risk’ population (those
questionnaires follow a standard format to screen of African, Asian and Mediterranean origin) is of-
and triage the suitability of patients for day surgery. ten difficult to define in Britain today as a result of
Questionnaires should address the generic status of ethnic mixing. Furthermore, those factors that pre-
the health of the patient, but additional questions cipitate sickling (hypotension, hypoxaemia and aci-
may be added for specific surgical specialities. dosis) are unlikely to occur during day case surgery.
Patient information leaflets should also be avail-
able covering both general day surgery information Day of surgery admission
and information specific to the proposed operation. On arrival at the day unit on the prearranged day
These may have been issued at the outpatient consul- of operation, most documentation is already com-
tation where first-stage consent is usually obtained. plete and bureaucracy is minimised. Any change
The later pre-assessment visit allows the patient to ask of circumstance, either social or medical, should
questions that may have arisen since their consulta- be noted since the time of pre-assessment, and the
tion, and subsequent discussion leads to better under- preoperative surgical visit by the person perform-
standing by the patient and family, and may reduce ing the operation need only consist of verification of
anxiety levels.29 Involvement of the patient at this the consent and marking the appropriate operation
stage permits flexibility and choice regarding their site. The final anaesthetic assessment is performed
operating date and improves non-attendance rates. at this time and not in the anaesthetic room, where
levels of anxiety are already high. Many day surgery
Investigations units have successfully introduced staggered admis-
Routine investigations are unnecessary in the a sion times for patients, which is more convenient
symptomatic day surgery patient30 and preopera- for both patient and the day unit. In most centres,
tive testing should be limited to circumstances in the 12-hour fasting ritual has now been replaced
which the results will affect patient treatment and by regimens of no solids (including milk) within
outcomes. Investigations should not be prescriptive 4–6 hours and up to 300 mL of clear fluid within 2
but should be tailored to the individual's needs be- hours of surgery.
cause most investigations required can be predicted
from the history alone. Even when minor abnor- Patient discharge
malities are found they rarely entail cancellation. Discharge after inpatient surgery for procedures
A full blood count is only required if there is a risk suitable for day surgery usually occurs at least 24
of anaemia, chronic renal disease, rectal bleeding hours after its completion. By then, there is little
or haemorrhage. Similarly, analysis for urea and concern regarding postoperative complications or
electrolytes is only indicated if the patient has ­renal the adverse effects of the anaesthetic. In contrast,
disease or is taking diuretics. Urinalysis is often rou- discharge on the day of surgery must address strict
tinely performed as part of the preoperative routine discharge criteria if complications are to be avoided.
but, again, unsuspected disease is more likely to Before returning home, patients may be seen by the
be picked up on history alone. In Oxford, routine surgeon and anaesthetist involved in their care, but
urine testing of more than 30 000 day case admis- the final decision to discharge is usually nurse ini-
sions resulted in only one cancellation, caused by tiated, based on clear and agreed discharge guide-
unsuspected diabetes mellitus.19 lines. Some units adhere to strict scoring systems

47 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
Box 3.3  •  Discharge criteria in day surgery and, if given, recovery time may be
prolonged. In most cases this is true, but up to 19%
Vital signs stable for at least 1 hour of patients suffer significant anxiety and these may
Correct orientation as to time, place and person benefit from sedative premedication.34
Adequate pain control and supply of oral analgesia Other premedication drugs commonly used in day
Understanding the use of oral analgesia supplied, supported surgery include oral ranitidine 150 mg for known
by written information acid reflux and NSAIDs for postoperative pain if
Ability to dress, walk (if appropriate) the procedure is of short duration. In addition, the
Minimal nausea, vomiting or dizziness patient's normal drug therapy, including antihyper-
tensive agents, should be given as normal.
Oral fluids taken
Minimal bleeding (or wound drainage)
Has passed urine (if appropriate)
Sedation, commonly used in dental and endoscopy
Has a responsible escort for the homeward journey practice, may be defined as ‘a technique in which
Has a carer at home for next 24 hours the use of a drug or drugs produces a state of de-
Written and verbal instructions given about postoperative pression of the central nervous system enabling
care treatment to be carried out, but during which verbal
Knows when to return for follow-up (if appropriate) contact with the patient is maintained’.35 Standards
Emergency contact number supplied of monitoring for sedation in gastrointestinal en-
doscopy were published in 1991 and address safety
issues such as the availability of resuscitation equip-
that address vital signs, patient activity, postopera- ment and the safe use and administration of ben-
tive nausea and vomiting (PONV), pain and bleed- zodiazepines.36 Patient responses to sedative agents
ing,32 but whether such regimented protocols offer vary considerably and they should be titrated to the
any advantage over the checklist of criteria outlined desired clinical effect to minimise overdose. Ideally,
in Box 3.3 is debatable. Generic criteria have their the sedationist should be an experienced anaesthe-
limitations. For example, the criterion of being able tist. Monitoring during the procedure is mandatory
to ‘walk unaided’ from the day unit may be inap- and consists of pulse oximetry to measure oxygen
propriate following orthopaedic surgery to the foot. saturation, an assessment of the patient's level of
Common sense in such situations is clearly required consciousness, and ECG and blood pressure moni-
and the individual surgical procedure or type of toring, especially for patients with a history of isch-
surgery undertaken may prompt additional specific aemic heart disease or cardiac arrhythmias. Oxygen
criteria.33 supplementation is provided by oxygen mask or
nasal cannulae.
In surgical practice, intravenous sedation should
How do we do it? be kept simple and consists in adults of midazolam
at a titrated dose of 0.07 mg/kg. Dosage is reduced
Developing and maintaining good practice in day in the elderly patient because hypotension and re-
surgery requires attention to detail in all aspects of spiratory depression can occur. It is a better amnesic
anaesthetic and surgical care. Special considerations drug than diazepam and its solubility has reduced
apply to management of children in the day unit. the incidence of pain on injection or phlebitis. As
it has a short half-life of 2–4 hours, ‘hangover’ ef-
Anaesthesia fects are reduced. If overdose occurs, the competi-
tive benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil is given,
Day surgery may be performed under four basic but as its half-life is only approximately 1 hour, it
anaesthetic techniques: sedation, local, regional or is important to recognise that re-sedation may oc-
general anaesthesia, with or without premedication. cur and premature discharge of the patient must be
Where local or regional anaesthetic techniques can avoided.
be applied safely, advantages arise both for the pa- Sedo-analgesia is a combination of a benzodi-
tient and for the efficient running of the service. azepine and an analgesic agent such as pethidine
(meperidine) or morphine. It is often used in the
Premedication more painful endoscopic procedures such as colo-
In day surgery, premedication relates to any drugs noscopy. The longer-acting traditional opioids are
administered in the day unit before the patient often now replaced by the more rapid onset short-
leaves for surgery and they are usually administered acting agents such as fentanyl (50–200 μg i.v.), al-
orally or rectally. There is a widely held belief that fentanil and remifentanil, which act within several
premedication sedatives for anxiety are unnecessary minutes.

48 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

Local and regional anaesthesia principal reasons for selecting spinal anaesthesia
As with sedation, perioperative monitoring is re- are in the obese or those with cardiorespiratory dis-
quired and should include pulse oximetry, with ease who would otherwise be excluded from day
ECG and blood pressure monitoring in the elderly surgery.37
or cardiovascularly unfit. Several local anaesthetic
agents are available (Table 3.2) but toxic reactions
General anaesthesia
can occur in overdosage. Toxic blood levels lead to The techniques and drugs used in general anaesthe-
circumoral tingling, tinnitus and dizziness. Serious sia today permit up to 90 minutes of anaesthetic
overdosage is reflected in loss of consciousness, time for day surgery. The use of the laryngeal mask
convulsions or cardiac dysrhythmia. Dosage levels rather than the endotracheal tube has changed an-
therefore need to be controlled. Higher dosage can aesthetic practice in day surgery since its introduc-
be administered if it is given with adrenaline (epi- tion in 1988. Muscle relaxants are not required
nephrine; 1:200 000), which causes vasoconstric- with its insertion, which is quicker and easier, and
tion. This assists haemostasis, slow absorption and it is tolerated in light anaesthesia, allowing rapid
prolongs anaesthesia. The administration of adren- patient turnaround. The introduction of total in-
aline is contraindicated, however, in end-artery pro- travenous anaesthesia using propofol for induction
cedures such as in the penis or in the digits of the and maintenance of anaesthesia has major advan-
hand or feet. tages over inhalation agents; these include reduced
Local or regional anaesthesia may be used alone, PONV, early recovery and rapid control of the depth
with sedation or with general anaesthesia to pro- of anaesthesia, making it ideal for day case surgery.
long pain relief after completion of the procedure. PONV after surgery is best prevented rather than
Cocaine, which also has vasoconstrictor properties, treated, but is more likely if surgery lasts more than
may be topically applied to the nasal mucosa prior 1 hour or involves laparoscopy, dental procedures,
to nasal surgery. Amethocaine (tetracaine), which is squint surgery or correction of bat ears.
systemically toxic, is mainly used for topical anaes-
thesia in ophthalmology. Prilocaine is short acting, Adequate hydration reduces PONV and
has less toxic levels in the blood and is useful in in- intravenous fluid should be administered during
travenous regional anaesthesia such as Bier's block. longer procedures. Intravenous fluids at a dose
Field infiltration with local anaesthetic and adrena- of 20 mL/kg significantly reduce the incidence of
line may be used for the removal of minor ‘lumps postoperative drowsiness and dizziness.38
and bumps’. Bupivacaine (and the newer ropiva-
caine) has a long duration of action, lasting several Pain management during anaesthesia is based on
hours, but can take up to 30 minutes to achieve a concept of multimodal analgesia, which is a com-
simple nerve block. It is therefore a useful adjunct bination of two or more analgesic agents or analge-
for wound infiltration or nerve block in association sic techniques to minimise side-effects. A common
with general anaesthesia. strategy is to use an NSAID or short-acting opioid
Spinal anaesthesia is not widespread in UK day in combination with regional or local anaesthesia.
surgery practice, in contrast to many other parts The administration of stronger opiates such as mor-
of the world. The main advantage of spinal an- phine and pethidine at this stage is to be avoided
aesthesia is for operations below the waist such as its longer-lasting effects may lead to unplanned
as arthroscopic surgery on the knee, foot surgery, overnight admission. Administration of analgesia
haemorrhoidectomy or other rectal surgery, neu- in recovery and on the day ward before discharge
rological surgery and inguinal hernia repair. The should be given before ‘breakthrough’ pain occurs

Table 3.2  •  Dosage and application of local anaesthetic agents

Dose (mg/kg)

Agent Alone With adrenaline Application

Cocaine – – Topical
Amethocaine (tetracaine) – – Topical
Prilocaine 5 7 Intravenous regional anaesthesia
Lidocaine 3 5 Infiltration nerve blocks
Bupivacaine 1–2 1–2 Infiltration nerve blocks, spinal/epidural
Ropivacaine 1–2 1–2 Infiltration nerve blocks, spinal/epidural

49 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
and is based on the accurate measurement of pain variations between surgeons, trusts and regions.13
by the patients themselves. The reasons for this relate to fears about reaction-
ary haemorrhage, delayed haemorrhage and bile
Surgery leak. Reactionary haemorrhage occurs within 4–6
hours after surgery and can be addressed within
The safe, effective and efficient surgery required for the ordinary working day if the surgery is per-
a day case procedure demands the competence of a formed before noon. Delayed haemorrhage usu-
trained surgeon, a consultant or an experienced spe- ally occurs 3–4 days after cholecystectomy and
cialist registrar. In the past, the day surgery list of even if the patient had undergone their operation
intermediate procedures was delegated to the most as an inpatient, they would still have gone home
junior surgical trainee to perform without supervi- before the secondary haemorrhage was appar-
sion. Not surprisingly, this led to prolonged operating ent. Bile leaks rarely become apparent before 48
times, patient cancellations, increased complications hours after surgery: accessory duct injury is often
and an inevitable rise in the unplanned overnight insidious, diathermy injury to the biliary tree may
admission rate. As surgical trainees may no lon- take days to leak and cystic duct stump leakage
ger work unsupervised, such poor-quality practices likewise. Again, if the patient had undergone in-
should be features of the past. Nevertheless, some patient surgery the likelihood is that they would
consultant surgeons' attitudes towards day surgery already have been discharged home. It is therefore
remain lukewarm, mainly because many have never more important to warn these patients of possible
considered the importance of their role in the overall delayed complications and that they should seek
delivery of patient care and the need for them to be medical review in the first few days after discharge
more actively involved in the process of care through if alarm symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea
the hospital system. A frequent excuse was that the and vomiting occur. The NHS Institute published
surgery itself was mundane and lacked the technical a clinical pathway in 2007 which noted that 70%
challenge of complex major procedures. With the in- of laparoscopic cholecystectomies could be safely
troduction of more major minimal access procedures performed as day cases40 and this target has been
into the field of day surgery, this excuse no longer recommended to NHS commissioners as part of
holds true. Indeed, many day surgery experts would the 18-week programme.43
contend that any intermediate or major surgery per- Successful day case laparoscopic cholecystec-
formed on a day case basis is a true surgical challenge tomy relies on rigorous patient selection, accepting
if morbidity is to be maintained at near zero levels. only well-motivated and non-obese patients, and
Day surgery rates for specific procedures still vary attention to detailed surgical technique. Patients
between individual surgeons, between hospitals and require approximately 6 hours of recovery time
even between regions. In November 2011, there and the procedure is best performed early in the
was still a 17% variation in day case rates for in- operating day.
guinal hernia repair and varicose vein surgery be-
tween the best and the worst performing Strategic Age greater than 50 and ASA class II and III are
Health Authorities (SHAs) in England, whilst the poor prognostic indicators.44,45
rates for day case laparoscopic cholecystectomy in
all SHAs ranged from 23% to 56%!13 The reasons Good operative technique is also relevant when
for such variations are complex and remain largely creating the pneumoperitoneum, as carbon di-
unexplained, but often reflect an inability to organ- oxide inadvertently placed in the extraperitoneal
ise healthcare effectively and follow guidelines.39–42 space can cause considerable discomfort. Shoulder
Whilst these variations were understandable in the tip pain from diaphragmatic irritation has been re-
development phase of day surgery, they become in- lated to the size of the gas bubble under the dia-
creasingly difficult to justify as we move to a genu- phragm46 and attempts should therefore be made
ine National Healthcare system, with equal access to expel as much gas as possible at the end of the
to treatment for all. A new generation of surgeons procedure. Blood in the peritoneal cavity is an ir-
and anaesthetists who are more familiar with the ritant, and liver bed haemostasis and peritoneal
skills and techniques necessary to provide high-qual- lavage before exiting the abdomen are worth-
ity day surgery should ensure that most of these ex- while. While much of the postoperative pain in
treme variations disappear over the next few years. laparoscopic cholecystectomy is deep in nature,
laparoscopy port sites should always be infiltrated
Surgical practice: controversies with a long-acting local anaesthetic (such as bu-
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy pivacaine). There appears to be little difference
The day case rate for laparoscopic cholecystectomy between infiltration at the beginning or the end of
in the UK is just under 40% and still shows large the procedure.47

50 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

Prostatectomy Other areas of surgery are developing fast-track

For benign prostatic disease, the current na- or short-stay admissions as a preferred clinical
tional day case rate for laser ablation is 10% and pathway for their patients, for the same reasons
for transurethral resection is just over 1%, although surgeons applied day surgery techniques 30 years
the rates are 30% in London and 10% in south ago for hernia and paediatric surgery: when de-
central England.13 Patients requiring prostatectomy livered to a high standard, safely and efficiently,
tend to be older and less fit and many have previ- patients and providers benefit. Kehlet described
ously been excluded from day surgery by their co- his experience in developing enhanced recovery
morbidity. Conventional transurethral resection of programmes in colorectal surgery a decade ago
the prostate (TURP) can be performed as a day case and the principles have been extended to broader
but postoperative haemorrhage remains a problem. aspects of surgery.54,55 Clinicians using techniques
Over the last decade, laser prostatectomy day case as diverse as abdominoplasty, colorectal cancer
programmes have been developed,48,49 with the pa- surgery, thoracic surgery and even endovascular
tients discharged with a catheter in situ, returning aortic grafting are now using these techniques to
to the day unit approximately 1 week later for trial shorten lengths of stay while enhancing patient
without catheter. Some units now perform over 90% care.56–59
of prostatectomies as day cases.50
Head and neck Upon completion of anaesthesia at the end of a
surgical procedure, the patient is transferred to the
In the UK, 6% of tonsillectomies are performed operating theatre recovery area known as ‘first-
on a day case basis due to worries about stage recovery’. Formerly, patients remained here
reactionary haemorrhage. This risk is small and in for a predetermined period, commonly 30 or 60
a series of 668 adults and children undergoing day minutes. However, the development of short-act-
case tonsillectomy in Salisbury, the reactionary ing anaesthetic agents, the introduction of mini-
haemorrhage rate was 0.3%, each occurring within mally invasive surgical techniques and individual
the first 6–8 hours after the operation while the patient variability meant that patients were often
patient was still on the day unit.51 ready for transfer to ‘second-stage recovery’ before
their predetermined time. Therefore, ‘time-based
Secondary haemorrhage occurs in approximately recovery’ is no longer necessary and has in many
1% of post-tonsillectomy patients and occurs sev- units been superseded by ‘criteria-based recovery’,
eral days after discharge, but may cause rapid air- where discharge is determined by the observations
way obstruction at home with fatal consequences. of stable vital signs, return of protective reflexes
The Salisbury Unit has a high readmission rate of and the ability to obey commands.60 ‘Second-stage
6% that reflects their policy of readmitting even mi- recovery’ occurs back in the ward or trolley area
nor bleeds for 24 hours in case they herald a more of the day unit itself, where patients recover suf-
major bleed. ficiently to allow safe discharge home. Certain
Similarly, parathyroid surgery has not been deemed patients may be suitable for direct transfer to
suitable for day case surgery because of the risk of second-stage recovery from the operating theatre
haemorrhage and hypocalcaemia. Nevertheless, itself (Fig. 3.3) and include patients who have re-
McLaren and colleagues have demonstrated high ceived local or regional anaesthesia with or with-
and safe day surgery rates in patients with positive out minimal sedation.
preoperative localisation.52
Postoperative instructions and discharge
Bariatric and other surgery Before leaving the day unit, patients require specific
Bariatric or weight loss surgery is increasingly per- information regarding their medication, wound
formed in the UK, as a result of the growing num- care and when they are able to bath or shower,
ber of morbidly obese in the population who fail arrangements for suture removal or dressing re-
to respond to dietary methods or exercise. Obesity newal, when they can resume normal activities and
is a risk factor for any surgery,17 but shorter, mini- arrangements for follow-up (if appropriate). It is
mal access procedures such as laparoscopic gastric also important to offer a contact telephone number
banding have been performed successfully as day for emergency purposes on the night of discharge.
case procedures,53 the limiting criteria being the In addition, patients must be clearly instructed not
150-kg weight limit of most operating trolleys. Of to drive a motor vehicle for at least 24 hours.61
greater significance is perhaps the implied message Appropriate preoperative information may also
that BMI should no longer be seen as a limiting fac- have a beneficial effect on return to work after
tor in the delivery of day surgery generally. surgery.62

51 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
Operating theatre
Figure 3.3  •  Staged patient recovery.

1st stage recovery

No Direct transfer
for selected patients
Vital signs stable following local anaesthesia
Protective reflexes present
Obey commands


2nd stage recovery

Discharge criteria


Unplanned overnight Home


The most common reason for a patient visiting complications in major inpatient surgery but not
their general practitioner after day surgery is to in day surgery patients. Surgical causes account for
obtain certification for time off work. The second 60–70% of unplanned admissions and are usually
commonest reason, usually in an unplanned man- the result of the surgeon embarking on a more ex-
ner, relates to worries about their wound. After tensive procedure than planned rather than surgi-
discharge, many day surgery units therefore offer cal misadventure. Day surgery lists require careful
outreach or telephone follow-up for their patients planning, with the more major surgical procedures
24 hours later. This can be an effective evaluation performed earlier in the day to allow adequate re-
tool, where any identified actual or potential prob- covery time. Failure to adhere to this policy often
lems can be highlighted to the day surgery team for leads to unplanned admissions.66 The more lengthy
action. This may only be necessary after specialised and invasive surgical procedures tend to increase
surgery (e.g. cataract surgery, where a change of postoperative pain, PONV and drowsiness, and
dressing can be combined with outreach follow-up) preclude safe discharge. Even once the patient has
or after the introduction of an unfamiliar procedure returned home, PONV may return and last up to
to the unit. 5 days in 35% of patients67 and is often severe.
Readmission rates are similar to unplanned admis-
Postoperative complications sion rates (0.7–3.1%) and again are most often
Precise patient selection should ensure that postop- from surgically related causes.
erative morbidity is minimised, but complications
do occur and can be classified into major and minor Paediatric day surgery
problems.63 Major complications occur less often
than anticipated in the day surgery patient popula- Children find surgery and hospital visits a daunt-
tion with an incidence of 1 in 145564 and are inde- ing and stressful prospect, and are therefore treated
pendent of ASA status. Mortality is low and varies both separately and differently from adults. In
between 1 in 66 500 and 1 in 11 273. 1991, the National Association for the Welfare of
Minor complications are more common and may Children in Hospital published quality standards
precipitate unplanned overnight admission; these for care of paediatric day cases and suggested that
range from 0.1% to 5% depending on case mix.65 children should be managed by staff trained in
Postoperative morbidity is usually related to the their care, in a child-safe and child-friendly envi-
procedure undertaken and the anaesthetic agent ronment with open access to the conscious child
used rather than the ASA status, which predicts for the parents.68 As a result, excellent results have

52 66485457-66963820
Day case surgery

been reported from non-specialised District General of age or 10 kg in weight because of their immature
Hospitals as long as regular auditing of quality is kidneys, but paracetamol is effective if given in a
practised.69 premedication dose of 20 mg/kg. Before discharge,
Most children are fit and healthy ASA class I pa- the parents require clear instructions regarding pain
tients. ASA class II and III patients are not excluded control, wound care, mobilisation and resumption
but an anaesthetist with paediatric expertise is rec- of normal activities.
ommended.15 Procedures for children with respira-
tory infections should be postponed for 2–4 weeks
depending on severity, but after measles or whoop- What will happen next?
ing cough this should be extended to 6 weeks be-
The shift of elective surgery from the inpatient set-
cause of irritability of the respiratory tract.70 In
ting to short stay and eventually day care is now
many units, children under the age of 6 months are
inexorable and will continue to be driven by three
considered unsuitable for day surgery, but if spe-
factors. The first and most important is the natu-
cialist facilities are available, full-term neonates are
ral dislike in most people of in-hospital stays, ac-
acceptable provided inpatient neonatal care is avail-
celerated by the growing fear of hospital-acquired
able. Premature babies are excluded up to 60 weeks
­infections; most people prefer to be at home, and
after conception because of the risk of postoperative
as soon as a day surgery procedure can be shown
apnoea.71 Many units also exclude children who are
to be performed as safely and effectively as in the
less than 5 kg because of the risk of hypothermia or
traditional inpatient setting, most of us will opt for
hypoglycaemia associated with their physical status.
the former.
Psychosocial factors also determine a child's suitabil-
The second drive for change is the continued
ity for day surgery, and may limit access to day sur-
growth of minimal access techniques, including
gery especially in single parents with many children
the use of robotics and the development of natural
and little support, or very timid children with overly
orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES).72
anxious parents.
These techniques are associated with less surgical
Therefore, while the range of surgical procedures
trauma and reduced postoperative pain both in the
undertaken is similar to adult day surgery, in chil-
short and medium term, and have led to the concept
dren it is often confined to a more restricted list
of ‘fast-track’ surgery for inpatient procedures.54
(Box 3.4). In the anaesthetic room, venous access
The concomitant development of better anaesthetic
is obtained after the application of topical local an-
and pain-relieving techniques will further reduce the
aesthetic 1 hour before; parental presence in the an-
need for inpatient postoperative care.
aesthetic room is useful, especially in the preschool
The third and greatest factor currently driving
group. Postoperative pain relief is obtained first
change is that of healthcare costs. By dispensing
through adjunctive local or regional anaesthesia.
with inpatient hotel costs including staffing, proce-
NSAIDs cannot be given to children under 1 year
dures performed as day cases offer significant cost
savings to healthcare providers and purchasers, and
the impact of this can be seen in many areas:
Box 3.4  •  Paediatric day surgery procedures
• Emergency surgery. There has been a significant
General surgery growth in emergency and urgent surgery now
Herniotomy, hydrocele excision, examination under being performed in the ambulatory setting, which
anaesthesia, anal stretch, excision of minor lumps and
reduces costs as well as avoiding the reported
bumps, ingrowing toenail treatment, endoscopy, biopsy
(rectal, skin, lymph node) postponements that occur in the inpatient setting.
Recent studies have shown that care of these
patients in the day unit can be preferable to
Circumcision and associated procedures, orchidopexy
inpatient care.73,74
ENT • Short stay and enhanced recovery. New research
Myringotomy/grommets, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy and developments in enhanced recovery are
Dental enabling the performance of more complex
Extractions and advanced day surgery in patients who are
Ophthalmology anaesthetically more challenging.54–59,75 This
Correction of squint allows the high standards of care explicit in day
surgery to be applied to early recovery and
mobilisation, and discharge in these cases can
Change of plaster cast
usually take place in under 72 hours.

53 66485457-66963820
Chapter 3
• Tariffs and commissioning. We have seen how perceive day surgery, and its role in the delivery
much variability in day case rates persists across of elective care.76 The added impact of both
the UK.13 New funding rules are likely to have primary care commissioning77 and tariffs that
beneficial effects on this ‘postcode lottery’. financially penalise organisations performing
The impact of payment by results is already inpatient rather than day case procedures is
changing the way in which hospital trusts accelerating the shift to day care.78,79

Key points
• The UK government targeted 75% of all elective surgery to be performed on a day case basis by
the end of 2005.
• All elective surgical patients should be pre-assessed by a nurse-led pre-assessment team who
make the decision to allocate the patient to 12-hour, 23-hour or inpatient surgery.
• Day surgery should be independent and separate from the inpatient infrastructure as successful day
surgery depends on day of surgery admission, pre-assessment and nurse-led discharge.
• Regional and local anaesthetic block techniques are ideal for day surgery but are currently
• Major surgical procedures, such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, TURP, bilateral varicose vein
surgery and arthroscopic procedures, can now be performed safely and routinely as day cases.

References 10. NHS Management Executive. A study of the man-

agement and utilisation of operating departments.
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gery on a day case basis and covers aspects of patient National/And/25th/Percentile [accessed 01.08.12].
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3. Nicholl JH. The surgery of infancy. Br Med J Wales) for a large number of procedures.
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56 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

Andrew C. de Beaux

Introduction such as varicose veins and arterial aneurysm. In

essence, hernias can be considered design faults,
A hernia is defined as an abnormal protrusion of a either anatomical or through inherited collagen
cavity's contents, through a weakness in the wall of disorders, although these two aetiological factors
the cavity, taking with it all the linings of the cavity, probably work together in the majority of patients.
although these may be markedly attenuated. The Anatomical design faults can be considered at any
anterior abdominal wall can be divided into two site where structures within the cavity exit through
structural/functional zones: the upper ‘parachute an opening in the wall of the cavity, such as blood
area’ aiding respiratory movement and a lower vessels, bowel or the spermatic cord. This is typi-
‘belly support’ area. Functional failure in the abdo- cal, for example, around the oesophagus and in
men may lead to epigastric and umbilical hernia in the groin. However, not everyone develops a groin
the upper zone and to inguinal and femoral hernia hernia so other factors must be important. The
in the lower zone. The external abdominal hernia is fascia and surrounding tissues that cover muscle,
the commonest form of hernia, the most frequent acting to hold the muscle bundles together, may ap-
varieties being the inguinal (75%), umbilical (15%) pear relatively avascular, but it remains a complex
and femoral (8.5%). and living structure. The genetic code for fascia is
Hernias can be described as reducible, incarcer- coded on DNA, and within fibroblasts the sequence
ated or strangulated. A reducible hernia is one in is messenger RNA, transfer RNA, peptide forma-
which the contents of the hernial sac can be manu- tion, with fusion of peptides into approximately
ally introduced back into the abdomen while, con- 1000-amino-acid polypeptides called alpha chains.
versely, an irreducible or incarcerated hernia cannot The endoplasmic reticulum converts these to pro-
be manipulated back into the abdomen. A stran- collagen. Procollagen is the large building block
gulated hernia occurs when the vascular supply to of collagen, comprising triple-helix strands, stabi-
the contents contained within the hernia is compro- lised by hydroxylation of proline and lysine, which
mised, resulting in ischaemic and gangrenous tissue. is vitamin C dependent. These triple-helix strands
form microfibrils, then fibrils, then fibres and fi-
nally bundles. These collagen bundles surrounded
Aetiology by extracellular matrix comprise fascia. The control
of this process is mediated through matrix metal-
Multiple factors contribute to the development of loproteinases, which in turn are controlled by tissue
hernias. Hernias are associated with a number of inhibitory metalloproteinases. If this is not complex
medical conditions, including connective tissue dis- enough, there is also control by collagen-interacting
orders such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, as well as proteins and receptors such as fibronectin, tenasin
a number of abnormal collagen-related disorders and collagen receptor discoidin domain receptor 2.

57 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4
Fascia and tendon are made up of type I and type III over-engineered, with a burst strength at least an
collagen (type II is found in cartilage and type IV in order of magnitude greater than the anterior abdom-
the basement membrane of cells). In cross-section, inal wall and an elasticity of much less.4 As a result
there is a bimodal distribution of bundle size. The there are now many polypropylene meshes on the
larger bundles are type I collagen, imparting the market of lighter weight. There are no strict defini-
strength to the fascia or tendon. The type III colla- tions of light weight and heavy weight but a reason-
gen bundles are smaller and are thought to provide able guideline is that mesh of 40–80 g/m2 is medium
elastic recoil following stretch when the tissues have weight and <40 g/m2 is light weight. However, it is
been loaded. The type I to III collagen ratio varies not just the weight of the mesh that imparts elastic-
between individuals but is constant in all the fascia ity and flexibility. The weave of the strands in the
of a particular individual. mesh may impart varying flexibility or elasticity to
A clinical observation was made by surgeons in the mesh in different directions of pull, so-called
the late 1960s that the anterior rectus sheath some anisotropy. Pore size or the size of the large holes
distance from the hernial defect was thinner than in the mesh is also important. Mesh has a volume
normal, especially in those patients with direct with length, breadth and thickness. The amount of
hernias.1 Since then, research has demonstrated a empty space within the ‘volume’ of the mesh is the
variety of defects in collagen synthesis in such pa- porosity and the effective porosity is the amount of
tients.2,3 The current notion is that the majority of empty space within the volume of the mesh made up
hernias are a disease of collagen metabolism. One of of holes that are bigger than 1 mm diameter. It has
the key factors in this is the type I to III collagen ra- recently been proposed that an effective porosity of
tio. The lower this ratio, from an average of around a mesh for hernia repair should be at least 60%.5
5, the more likely the individual is to develop a her- Fibrosis will occur around each strand of the mesh.
nia. Currently, collagen typing is not used in clinical If the strands are close together, the fibrosis around
practice to help decide perhaps which patients merit each strand will coalesce together, forming a solid
a mesh as opposed to a suture repair, but this may scar plate. As the scar plate matures it will shrink,
well be a development in the near future. reducing the overall size of the mesh. The minimum
pore size should be about 1 mm2 but many meshes
Hernias are a collagen disease, with reduced have pore sizes around 3–5 mm. Increasing the mac-
collagen type I to III ratio.2,3 roporosity of the mesh produces a scar net, rather
than a scar plate, with normal tissue in between
the fibre/scar complex, reducing mesh/scar shrink-
Mesh age and improving flexibility (Fig. 4.1). In addition
to the macropore size, mesh also has micropores
Much will be mentioned about mesh repairs of her- within the mesh material itself. These should be at
nias in the remainder of this chapter, but this section least 10 μm in size. If the micropore size is smaller,
gives a brief overview of mesh and its science. bacteria can harbour in the pores out of reach of the
Many companies produce a variety of mesh for larger inflammatory cells.
hernia repair. These are either synthetic (man made) The majority of synthetic meshes in the UK are
or biological (preparations from animal or human polypropylene. Gore-tex and other polytetrafluo-
tissue). The majority of synthetic meshes are woven roethylene (PTFE)-based meshes also have some
from either polypropylene or polyester. Biological popularity. PTFE has no macropores so will be
meshes are typically animal collagen, either from encapsulated by fibrous tissue with minimal tis-
skin or bowel, but there are also human prepara- sue ingrowth. Polyester-based meshes are gaining
tions. Biological meshes tend to be much more ex- popularity and have some advantages over polypro-
pensive and are thus reserved for specialist use. plyene but are multifilament rather than monofila-
It goes without saying that any mesh should have ment. The multifilament arrangement increases the
the usual properties of any implant, including be- developed surface of the mesh (around 2000 mm2
ing non-allergenic, non-carcinogenic, have good per cm2 mesh as compared to 200 mm2 per cm2
incorporation into tissue and mimic the tissue it is for polypropylene) and thus improves tissue in-
replacing or reinforcing. The abdominal wall is not corporation. As a result, the peel strength (the ef-
a rigid structure, but regularly copes with increases fort required to separate the mesh from the tissues
in abdominal pressure on coughing and sneezing, once it is incorporated) is greater, in the region of
etc. of up to 200 mmHg. The abdominal wall elas- 190 N as compared to 160 N for a polypropylene
ticity is greater in women than in men and is greater mesh (Fig. 4.2).
in the craniocaudal direction than transversely or There is increasing evidence that lightweight, large
obliquely. The traditional standard weight polypro- pore mesh is of benefit to the patient.6 Although
pylene mesh, of around 100 g/m2, is significantly there are some reports that suggest the recurrence

58 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

a b

Figure 4.1  •  (a) Micrograph of a macropore mesh of

<0.5 mm pore size showing scar plate formation and
contraction/distortion of the mesh. (b) Micrograph of a
macropore mesh of 0.8 mm pore size showing minimal
scar bridging and no distortion of the mesh. (c) Micrograph
of a macropore mesh of 3 mm pore size showing scar
net formation and no contraction/distortion of the mesh.
Micrographs used by permission of Covidien UK.

Traditional meshes placed within the abdominal

cavity have a high rate of adhesions of the omentum
and bowel to the mesh. This can result in bowel fis-
tulation or make subsequent laparotomy more dif-
ficult, with increased risk of bowel perforation and
thus the need for bowel resection during the process
of re-entering the abdominal cavity.8 A number of
tissue-separating meshes are available, where the
intra-abdominal side of the mesh is coated with a
product to minimise adhesion formation. It would
be fair to say that while such coatings do reduce
adhesion formation, in the majority of patients sig-
nificant adhesion to such coatings still occurs. The
Figure 4.2  •  Micrograph of a polyester mesh fibre. There main points of adhesion appear to be the edge of
is evidence of fibrosis around the fibre bundle as well as the mesh and to the points of fixation, either su-
fibrous ingrowth around each strand. Micrograph used by tures, tacks or staples. Nevertheless, it is likely that
permission of Covidien UK. these products will improve in the future, as meshes
become more physiological, perhaps impregnated
with growth hormones and other biologically active
rate may be higher7 when such mesh is used, it is molecules to improve the mesh/tissue integration.
likely that this is due to technical reasons. Fixation Biological mesh (a slight misnomer as most biologi-
sutures on such mesh should be placed at least 1 cm cal meshes are really sheets of collagen) has gained
in from the edge of the mesh and slightly larger popularity in hernia repair. It is, however, disappoint-
meshes may need to be used. ing that, from the thousands of biological meshes
that have been implanted worldwide (often at great
Preferred mesh should be lightweight (<80 g/m2),
expense as biological mesh is 10–100 times more ex-
large pore (>1 mm) and macroporous (>10 μm).6 pensive than polypropylene mesh), follow-up data on
only just a few hundred patients have been published.

59 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4
What is becoming evident, though, is that biological with epigastric tenderness. The symptoms tend to be
meshes are not all the same. The major difference, more severe when the patient is lying down, attributed
in addition to the animal and anatomical source of to traction on the hernial contents. Pain on exertion
the mesh, is the degree of chemical processing, or localised to the epigastrium is also a common symp-
crosslinking, of the biological product. The more the tom. Incarceration is common, and strangulation of
collagen is crosslinked, the more resistant it is to bac- pre-peritoneal fat or omentum results in localised pain
terial collagenase breakdown in the presence of infec- and tenderness. Incarceration or strangulation of in-
tion. The downside to crosslinking is that the more tra-abdominal viscera is extremely rare, the symptoms
the collagen is crosslinked, the less tissue ingrowth obviously depending on the incarcerated organ.
and integration occurs, with reduction in potential The presence of a midline mass on physical ex-
strength to the repair. It is becoming evident that amination usually confirms the diagnosis. In obese
most biological meshes have no role in dirty wounds, patients, palpation of the mass may be difficult
acting as little more than a very expensive dressing. and confirmation of the diagnosis by ultrasound or
They are too expensive for use in clean wounds as computed tomography may be helpful.
any benefit is not worth the huge price difference,
and using them for bridging (mesh spanning the fas- Management
cial gap as opposed to augmentation, where the mesh
reinforces or augments the fascial closure) also results Epigastric hernias are rare in infants and children,
in a high percentage of failure. The author's opinion and asymptomatic hernias in children under the age
is that there is no good evidence available to suggest of 10 years may resolve spontaneously. The decision
that biological mesh is superior or even as good as for surgical intervention depends on the presence
polypropylene in clean/contaminated operations. and severity of symptoms.
Similarly, there is a lack of comparative evidence in
contaminated operations, although fortunately this is Operative details
a very small part of hernia surgery. Small solitary defects may be approached with ei-
ther a vertical or transverse incision in the midline,
centred over the hernia. For larger hernias, if the
Epigastric hernia defects are multiple or in the emergency setting
when a strangulated viscus is suspected, a vertical
An epigastric hernia is defined as a fascial defect
incision is preferred. The hernia and its contents are
in the linea alba between the xiphoid process and
dissected free of the surrounding tissues and, if pres-
the umbilicus. The true incidence is unknown but
ent, the hernial contents examined and dealt with
autopsy studies have suggested a prevalence of
appropriately. If the defect is small (<2 cm), repair
0.5–10% in the general population. There is a male
by primary suture closure using non-absorbable
preponderance, with a male to female ratio of ap-
material is usually sufficient. The orientation of the
proximately 4:1, with the diagnosis usually being
suture closure remains controversial, some surgeons
made in the third to fifth decades.
preferring a vertical closure and others a horizon-
tal orientation. There are very few data to support
Aetiology one technique over the other and probably the
direction resulting in the least tension is the most
The aetiology is related to the functional anatomy appropriate. If the defect is large (>6 cm2), or oc-
of the ‘parachute area’. The anterior abdominal curs within a divarification of the recti, the hernia
wall aponeurosis consists of tendinous fibres that should be repaired with prosthetic mesh. This tech-
lie obliquely in aponeurotic sheets, allowing for nique is described later in the chapter when consid-
changes in the shape of the abdominal wall, for ex- ering incisional hernias. The technique applied to
ample during respiration. However, the midline can ­intermediate-sized hernias is controversial and su-
change only in length and breadth, an increase in one ture or mesh techniques are both currently deemed
necessitating a decrease in the other. During abdomi- acceptable. Laparoscopic repair of epigastric her-
nal distension, the linea alba must increase in both nias9 was first described in 1993 and the technique
dimensions, the resulting tearing of fibres possibly has grown in popularity. The author prefers an open
leading to the development of an epigastric hernia. technique under local anaesthetic whenever possible
for smaller hernias (defect <2 cm), suture or mesh
Clinical presentation depending on the quality of the tissues, and the lap-
aroscopic approach for larger, multiple, recurrent
The majority of epigastric hernias (probably 75%) are hernias, or hernias in the obese. At laparoscopic
asymptomatic. Typical symptoms, if present, include repair, it is important to take down the falciform
vague upper abdominal pain and nausea associated ligament and remove any pre-peritoneal fat above

60 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

the linea alba, otherwise the ‘hernia’ may still be Management

palpable following the alleged repair. Surgical correction should only be undertaken in
specialised centres. If the diagnosis is made prena-
Complications tally, the mother should be transferred to such a
centre for delivery. If the diagnosis only becomes
Complication rates are low and most are the usual apparent at birth, the baby should be kept warm
complications associated with abdominal wall inci- and hydrated, and the sac handled with care to
sions (haematoma, infection). There are very few avoid rupture or twisting of the sac. The sac should
data on recurrence rates, historical series reporting be wrapped in moist sterile gauze and covered
rates around 7%.10 In perhaps 50% of patients, with impervious plastic sheeting or aluminium
however, the recurrence probably represents the foil. Mother and baby should then be transferred
persistence of a second hernia or area of weakness as soon as feasible to a tertiary centre for further
overlooked at the initial procedure. The laparo- management.
scopic technique avoids this problem because all
fascial defects are visible laparoscopically if ad- Infantile umbilical hernias
equate dissection is carried out.
Infantile umbilical hernias occur when the umbili-
cal vessels fail to fuse with the urachal remnant and
Umbilical and para-umbilical umbilical ring. It presents with a protrusion of the
hernias umbilicus, usually at the superior margin of the
ring. The infantile hernia, as opposed to the con-
There are several distinct types of hernia that oc- genital type, is always covered by skin. It is the third
cur around the umbilicus: congenital (omphalo- most common surgical disorder in children, occur-
cele), infantile, para-umbilical and adult umbilical ring in approximately one in five live births.
Clinical presentation
Congenital umbilical hernias Clinically, the commonest presenting ‘symptom’ is
the cosmetic appearance, the hernia resulting in a
A congenital umbilical hernia occurs when the ab- cone-like protrusion of the umbilicus that bulges
dominal viscera herniate into the tissue of the umbili- every time the child cries or strains. Infantile um-
cal cord. Normally, the gut returns to the abdominal bilical hernias rarely enlarge over time and 90%
cavity at 10 weeks of gestation. If this fails to occur, disappear by the time the child is 2 years of age,
normal rotation and fixation of the intestine are pre- although they are unlikely to close spontaneously
vented, the umbilicus is absent and a funnel-shaped if they persist to the age of 5 years.11 Spontaneous
defect in the abdominal wall is present through which resolution of umbilical hernias appears to be di-
viscera protrude into the umbilical cord. The abdom- rectly influenced by the size of the umbilical
inal wall defect may vary in size from no larger than ring. If, at the age of 3 months, the hernia has
an umbilical stump to a defect that appears to in- a fascial ring of <0.5 cm, 96% heal spontane-
volve the entire abdominal wall. Congenital umbili- ously within 2 years. Defects that have a fascial
cal hernia occurs in 1 in 5000 births and is associated diameter >1.5 cm are unlikely to heal spontane-
with other serious congenital anomalies. ously. Complications of umbilical hernias are
rare, ­occurring in approximately 5%, and include
Clinical presentation strangulation of the omentum, strangulation of
Congenital umbilical hernia may be diagnosed in the intestine and evisceration.
utero or at birth. On ultrasound examination, foe-
tal abdominal wall defects are not subtle and may Management
be visualised as early as 15 weeks of gestation. The Management of the infant with an umbilical hernia
management is surgical correction and one of the is expectant. The majority will resolve spontane-
most important contributors to the morbidity and ously without surgical correction. The indications
mortality of isolated abdominal wall defects is the for surgery in children less than 2 years of age are
delay between delivery and appropriate surgical re- the development of complications or tenderness
pair. Antenatal knowledge of the existence of a con- over the site of the hernia. There is no consensus
genital hernia can allow for the birth of the child on the appropriate timing of herniorrhaphy in older
at a tertiary care institution with the appropriate children but generally repair is performed before
neonatal and paediatric surgical expertise (see also school/nursery to avoid the child becoming self-
Chapter 12). conscious of the umbilical protrusion.

61 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4

Operative details
Elective repair of infantile umbilical hernia is per-
formed on an outpatient basis under general anaes-
thesia. A curvilinear incision is made within a skin
fold on the inferior aspect of the hernia. The sac is
then encircled by blunt dissection. If there is any
concern regarding the contents of the sac, the sac
should be opened on its caudal aspect, as abdomi-
nal contents usually adhere to the fundus of the sac.
Once dealt with appropriately, the contents should
be reduced and the incision continued to the cephalic
aspect of the sac. If the sac is empty, the fundus may
simply be disconnected from the umbilicus and re-
duced intact. Repair is by simple fascial apposition
using horizontal mattress sutures of absorbable ma- Figure 4.3  •  Clinical photograph of a para-umbilical
terial. While the Mayo (‘vest-over-pants’) technique hernia. Note the swelling of the right groin of an
of umbilical hernioplasty is frequently taught, there is associated right inguinal hernia – a common finding
no evidence that the results are any better than simple consistent with a generalised collagen disorder.
apposition of the fascial edges. The umbilicus is re-
fashioned by leaving a small button of the fundus of
the sac attached to the inner surface of the cicatrix produce a symmetric bulge with the protrusion di-
and tacking it down to the area of fascial repair. rectly under the umbilicus. This is in contrast to para-
umbilical hernias, where about half the fundus of the
Complications sac is covered by the umbilicus and the remainder is
Complications of umbilical hernioplasty are rare, covered by the skin of the abdomen directly above or
but include seroma or haematoma formation and below the umbilicus(Fig. 4.3). Para-umbilical hernias
infection. Recurrence is possible if large defects do not resolve spontaneously and have a high inci-
are closed under tension or if an associated para-­ dence of incarceration and strangulation; therefore,
umbilical hernia is overlooked. surgical repair is nearly always indicated.

Para-umbilical hernias Operative details

For solitary hernias separated from the umbilicus,
Para-umbilical hernias are acquired hernias and oc- a transverse incision over the hernia produces the
cur in all age groups. They occur secondary to dis- best exposure. In patients with a para-umbilical
ruption of the linea alba and generally occur above and umbilical hernia, a midline incision may pro-
the umbilical cicatrix. Aetiological factors include vide better access. Similarly, if multiple fascial
stretching of the abdominal wall by obesity, multiple defects are present or there is concern about the
pregnancy and ascites. Para-umbilical hernias are integrity of visceral contents of the sac, a verti-
more common in patients over the age of 35 years cal incision may be better employed. If the defect
and are five times more common in females. simply contains pre-peritoneal fat, this may be re-
duced. In patients with strangulated or ischaemic
Clinical presentation pre-peritoneal fat, it is best excised. If there is a sac
Clinically, para-umbilical hernias are frequently symp- present, it should be dissected free from the fascial
tomatic. Patients complain of intermittent abdomi- edges, opened and the contents examined. Once
nal pain (possibly caused by dragging on the fat and the contents have been dealt with appropriately,
peritoneum of the falciform ligament) and, when the they may be reduced and redundant sac excised.
hernial sac contains bowel, colic resulting from in- There is no requirement to close the peritoneum
termittent intestinal obstruction. The hernia tends to but some authors recommend transfixing the neck
progress over time and intertrigo and necrosis of the of the sac once the contents have been reduced.
skin may occur in patients with large dependent her- Repair is performed by fascial apposition either
nias. Such symptoms are a good indication for surgery. transversely or longitudinally, depending on the
defect and the direction of least tension. As this
Management is an acquired defect, non-absorbable sutures are
It is important to distinguish para-umbilical hernias recommended. Indeed, the author usually creates
from true umbilical defects as the latter may resolve a pre-peritoneal pocket, inserting a 5 cm × 5 cm
spontaneously in the young, whereas the former re- square (minimum size – bigger if necessary) mesh
quire surgical correction. Umbilical hernias classically and closing the fascia over this. The classic Mayo

62 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

approach12 overlaps the edges, but there has Umbilical hernias in adults have a high morbidity
never been any demonstration that the bursting and mortality. Over 90% occur in females and al-
strength of the wound is improved by imbrica- most all patients are obese and multiparous.
tions and may actually be impaired to a degree The clinical presentation, management and com-
proportional to the amount of overlapping and plications of adult umbilical hernia are very simi-
tension. For larger para-umbilical hernias, with lar to those of para-umbilical hernia, as described
a neck size >3 cm (or smaller hernias in an obese above.
patient), it is the author's preference to repair
these laparoscopically and very large hernias with
a neck size >8 cm by an open sublay technique
(described later).
Inguinal hernias
The overlying umbilical skin need not be excised
unless it is macerated or infected, although the cos- Anatomy
metic appearance is often enhanced by judicious The anatomy of the inguinal region is complex.
removal of excess skin and subcutaneous fat. All The inguinal canal is approximately 4 cm in length
patients should be warned that it might be neces- and is located just above the inguinal ligament be-
sary to excise the umbilicus. If a new umbilicus is to tween the internal and external rings. The inguinal
be created, care should be taken as recurrences may canal allows passage of the spermatic cord into the
occur at the point on the linea alba where the new scrotum, along with the testicular, deferential and
umbilicus is fixed to the fascia. cremasteric vessels. The superficial ring is a trian-
gular aperture in the aponeurosis of the external
oblique and lies about 1 cm above the pubic tu-
Complications include the development of sero- bercle. The ring is bounded by a superomedial and
mas, haematomas and infection. Sealed suction an inferolateral crus joined by criss-cross intercru-
drains may be employed in the retromuscular and ral fibres. Normally, the ring will not admit the
subcutaneous planes to avoid the development of tip of the little finger. The deep ring is a U-shaped
large seromas. In addition to local problems, these condensation of the transversalis fascia and it lies
patients may have respiratory and cardiovascular about 1 cm above the inguinal ligament, midway
complications. between the pubic tubercle and the anterior supe-
rior iliac spine. The transversalis fascia is the fas-
Adult umbilical hernias cial envelope of the abdomen and the competency
of the deep inguinal ring depends on the integrity
Umbilical hernias in adults represent a spectrum of of this fascia.
conditions from the partially unfolded cicatrix to The anterior boundary of the inguinal canal com-
huge dependent sacs. The umbilicus may become prises mainly the external oblique aponeurosis
partially unfolded in patients with acute abdominal with the conjoined muscle laterally. The posterior
distension. Persistent elevation of intra-abdominal boundary is formed by the fascia transversalis and
pressure eventually results in the umbilical cicatrix the conjoined tendon (internal oblique and trans-
giving way and the development of an umbilical versus abdominus medially). The inferior epigastric
hernia. Although uncommon, causes include as- vessels lie posteriorly and medially to the deep in-
cites from cirrhosis, congestive cardiac failure guinal ring. The superior boundary is formed by
or nephrosis. Patients undergoing peritoneal di- the conjoined muscles (internal oblique and trans-
alysis also have a high incidence of these hernias. versus) and the inferior boundary by the inguinal
Management should be non-operative where pos- ligament.
sible, as the majority of these patients have seri-
ous underlying pathology. Operative repair is not
indicated unless the hernia incarcerates or becomes Definition
extremely large and the overlying skin is thinned
down to such an extent that spontaneous rupture An indirect hernia travels down the canal on the
is possible. outer (lateral and anterior) side of the spermatic
Umbilical hernias in adults do not represent per- cord. A direct inguinal hernia comes out directly
sistence of infantile hernias but are indirect hernia- forwards through the posterior wall of the inguinal
tions through an umbilical canal, which is bordered canal. While the neck of an indirect hernia is lateral
by umbilical fascia posteriorly, the linea alba anteri- to the epigastric vessels, the direct hernia usually
orly and the medial edges of the two rectus sheaths emerges medial to these vessels, except in the sad-
on each side. They have a tendency to incarcerate dle-bag or pantaloon type, which has both a lateral
and strangulate and do not resolve spontaneously. and a medial component (Fig. 4.4).

63 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4

an inguinal hernia in more than 90% of patients.

Although routine orchidopexy is usually delayed
until the child is 1 year of age, a coexisting symp-
tomatic hernia should be promptly repaired and
orchidopexy accomplished at the same time.
Inguinal hernias in infants and children are prone
to incarcerate, with the overall rate being 12%.13
Incarceration is most common in the first 6 months
of life, when more than half of all instances are
observed. An incarcerated hernia usually presents
as an acute tender mass in the inguinal canal. The
mass may protrude beyond the external inguinal
ring or into the scrotum. The skin over the mass
may be discoloured, oedematous, erythematous
or blue. Strangulation, characterised by abdomi-
Figure 4.4  •  Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP)
nal distension, vomiting, failure to pass faecal
view of the right groin with a direct inguinal hernia (DH)
material, tachycardia and radiological evidence
lying medial to the inferior epigastric vessels (IE), above
of small-bowel obstruction, demands emergency
the inguinal (IL) and lacunar (LC) ligaments. The pubic
bone (P), iliac vessels (IV), vas and vessels (VV) are also
operative intervention for relief of obstruction,
seen. The positions of a femoral hernia (FH) and indirect intestinal salvage and hernia repair. In contrast to
inguinal hernia (IH) are also marked. the adult with an incarcerated hernia, in children
testicular ischaemia is far more common than in-
testinal ischaemia, and it is therefore appropriate
to be aggressive about reducing the hernia (see
Chapter 12).
Inguinal hernia in infants and
children (see also Chapter 12) Management
In general, hernias in children and particularly in-
Repair of congenital inguinal hernia is the most fre- fants should be managed by experienced paediatric
quently performed operation in the paediatric age surgeons (see also Chapter 12). However, this is not
group. Although inguinal hernias can present at any always possible depending on geography and avail-
age, the peak incidence is during infancy and child- ability. In these circumstances the general surgeon
hood. About 3–5% of full-term infants may be born on call may be required to manage these patients.
with a clinical inguinal hernia. Between 80% and As most (80%) incarcerated hernias in children
90% of paediatric hernias occur in boys, about one- may be managed initially by non-operative mea-
third of the hernias presenting in the first 6 months sures, which include sedation, and then gentle re-
of life. Congenital inguinal hernias have a 15% bi- duction when the baby is quiet, exploration may
lateral presentation. be safely delayed for about 24–48 hours, allowing,
if possible, a more experienced paediatric surgeon
Clinical presentation to become involved. However, if the hernia remains
Examination of the inguinal area for a hernia may irreducible at this stage, emergency repair is indi-
show an obvious bulge at the site of the external cated. The complication rate is approximately 20
ring or within the scrotum that can often be gently times greater after emergency repair for incarcer-
reduced. However, the bulge may only be seen dur- ated hernia than after elective procedures.14 It is
ing severe straining, such as with crying or defeca- therefore worthwhile to reduce the hernia when-
tion. If the infant is old enough to stand, he or she ever possible and perform an elective procedure
should be examined in both the supine and stand- within 24–48 hours of the reduction. The high risk
ing positions. If not, the parent can hold the infant of incarceration in the paediatric age group makes
upright so that the surgeon can closely observe the the presence of an inguinal hernia an indication for
inguinoscrotal area. Sometimes, photographs taken surgical repair.
by the parent when a swelling appears can aid in
the diagnosis in the difficult case. It is essential to Operative details
make sure that the testis is within the scrotal sac Surgical access is achieved through a short (2–3 cm)
to avoid mistaking a retractile testis for a hernial transverse incision in the lowest inguinal skin crease.
bulge. The presence of an empty scrotum should The superficial fascia (Scarpa's fascia) is incised and
alert the examining surgeon to a possible unde- the external oblique fascia identified. The aponeuro-
scended or ectopic testis, which is associated with sis is traced laterally to identify the inguinal ­ligament

64 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

and the exact location of the external inguinal ring In certain circumstances, the incarcerated in-
identified. Although some surgeons advocate repair testine may reduce during surgical manipulation,
through the external ring (Mitchell Banks tech- before the intestine has been visualised. However,
nique15), an alternative approach is to incise the ex- such spontaneous reduction of infarcted bowel is
ternal oblique fascia in the long axis of its fibres, very rare. Laparoscopy through the hernial sac
perpendicular to the external inguinal ring. This can be undertaken if there are serious concerns re-
exposes the cremasteric muscle and fascia, which en- garding bowel viability. Surgery for incarcerated
velop the cord structures. hernia may be difficult because of oedema, tissue
The hernial sac is always located in an anterome- friability and the presence of the mass, which may
dial position in relation to the cord and gentle blunt obscure the anatomy. The gonad should be care-
dissection of the cremasteric fibres usually brings fully inspected because it may become infarcted by
the sac into view. The sac is elevated with a haemo- vascular compression caused by the incarcerated
stat and the cremasteric fibres carefully freed from intestine. The undescended testis is more vulnerable
the anterior and lateral aspects. Retraction of the to this complication in the presence of incarcerated
sac medially allows identification of the spermatic intestine.
vessels and vas deferens, and these structures may
be carefully teased away from the sac in a postero- Complications
lateral direction. Injection of 1–2 mL of saline into Complications may be divided into intraoperative
the cord may help to define the planes of separa- and postoperative categories. Intraoperative com-
tion. The vas itself should not be grasped and the plications include: division of the ilioinguinal nerve,
floor of the canal not disturbed. Once the end of which can be avoided if the external oblique fascia
the sac has been freed, the dissection of the sac is is elevated before incision; division of the vas defer-
carried superiorly to the level of the deep inguinal ens, which should be repaired with interrupted 7–0
ring. If the sac extends down into the scrotum, it monofilament sutures; and bleeding, which is usu-
may be divided once the cord structures are identi- ally secondary to needle-hole injury and can usually
fied and protected. The base of the sac may then be controlled with withdrawal of the suture and the
be gently twisted to reduce any fluid or viscera into application of pressure.
the peritoneal cavity. The base of the sac should be Postoperative complications include wound in-
suture ligated with an absorbable suture and, once fection, scrotal haematoma, postoperative hydro-
the suture is cut, the peritoneal stump should re- celes and recurrence. The wound infection rate
tract proximally through the deep inguinal ring. is low (1–2%) and recurrence rates of less than
Free ties should not be used because of the risk of 1% are reported, 80% of recurrences being noted
them becoming dislodged if abdominal distension within the first postoperative year. The major
occurs. Absolute haemostasis is essential to prevent causes of recurrence in infants and children in-
postoperative haematoma formation. The position clude: (i) a missed hernial sac or an unrecognised
of the testis within the scrotum should be confirmed tear in the peritoneum; (ii) a broken suture liga-
to avoid iatrogenic entrapment within the inguinal ture at the neck of the sac; (iii) injury to the floor
canal. There is an increasing role for laparoscopic of the inguinal canal, resulting in the development
hernia repair in infants and young children.14 of a direct inguinal hernia; (iv) severe infection
An emergency operation is required for patients in the inguinal canal; and (v) increased intra-
with an incarcerated hernia, with toxicity and ob- abdominal pressure, as is noted in patients with
vious intestinal obstruction or after failed attempts ascites after ventriculoperitoneal shunts, in chil-
at reduction. As previously mentioned, a paediatric dren with cystic fibrosis, after previous operation
surgeon should be involved in all cases if possible for incarceration and in patients with connective
as this can be a difficult undertaking. After appro- tissue disorders. Although failure to repair a large
priate resuscitation, prophylactic antibiotics and in- internal inguinal ring is a possible (and very oc-
sertion of a nasogastric tube, the operation begins casional) cause of recurrence, attempts to tighten
with preparation of the whole abdomen in case lapa- the internal ring at the time of the first repair by
rotomy is required. An inguinal incision is utilised approximating the transversalis fascia medial to
and the incarcerated intestine carefully inspected for the inferior epigastric vessels risk compromis-
viability once the obstruction at the internal ring is ing the blood supply to the testicle and should
relieved. A rapid return of pink colour, sheen, peri- be avoided where possible. Simple excision of the
stalsis and palpable or visible pulsations at the mes- sac is all that is required in most patients. Re-
enteric border should be observed. If there is any operations for recurrent inguinal hernia may be a
question regarding intestinal viability, resection and technical challenge and a pre-peritoneal approach
anastomosis should be carried out and hernial repair is an extremely useful alternative for recurrent
accomplished. hernias.

65 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4

Adult inguinal hernias Only the latest techniques (i.e. prosthetic repairs) will
be considered here.
Inguinal hernias are more frequent in males, with
Tension-free prosthetic mesh repair
a male to female ratio of 12:1. The peak incidence
is in the sixth decade and 65% are indirect in type. Lichtenstein first described the technique of tension
Right-sided inguinal hernias are slightly more com- free repair of groin hernia, which now bears his
mon than left-sided, 55% occurring on the right. name.17 Tension-free repair of primary groin her-
Bilateral hernias are four times more common in nias may be performed as an outpatient procedure
direct than indirect forms. under local anaesthesia, although in the UK open
mesh repair is still more commonly performed un-
Aetiology der general anaesthetic.
The pathogenesis of groin hernias is multifactorial. It Once the local anaesthesia has been administered
was initially believed that persistence of a patent pro- (typically a mixture of 0.5% bupivacaine and 1% lig-
cessus vaginalis into adult life was the predisposing nocaine) along the line of the proposed incision, a cut
factor for indirect inguinal hernia formation. However, is made in the groin-crease and a window established
post-mortem studies have shown that 15–30% of adult through the subcutaneous tissues including Scarpa's
males without a clinically apparent inguinal hernia fascia at the lateral end of the wound, exposing the ex-
have a patent processus vaginalis.16 Similarly, review ternal oblique aponeurosis. The window is increased
of the contralateral side in infantile inguinal hernias re- in size to expose the medial end of the external oblique
veals a patent processus vaginalis in 60% of neonates aponeurosis, the inguinal ligament and the superficial
and a contralateral hernia in 10–20%. During 20 years ring. Additional anaesthetic is then injected under
of follow-up after infantile hernia repair, only 22% of the external oblique aponeurosis, following which a
men will develop a contralateral hernia. small incision is made in the external oblique along
It is therefore apparent that the problem of indirect the line of the fibres, approximately 2 cm above the
inguinal hernia is not simply one of a congenital de- inguinal ligament. The edges are carefully lifted with
fect. The high frequency of indirect inguinal hernia haemostatic forceps to avoid damage to the ilioingui-
in middle-aged and older people suggests a patho- nal nerve. The external oblique aponeurosis is then
logical change in connective tissue of the abdominal opened along a line from the incision to the superfi-
wall to be a contributory factor,1 as discussed earlier. cial ring and the contents of the inguinal canal gently
separated from it. After a self-retaining retractor has
Management been inserted under the edges of the external oblique
The essential goal of hernia repair is to restore aponeurosis, the spermatic cord is mobilised utilising
the functional integrity of the laminar musculo- the avascular space between the pubic tubercle and the
aponeurotic structure of the groin region and the cord itself to avoid damage to the floor of the canal,
musculo-aponeurotic fenestration, which allows the injury to the testicular blood flow and crushing of the
vessels to the genitalia to penetrate this structure. genital nerve, which always lies in juxtaposition to the
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to review the external spermatic vessels (Fig. 4.6).
history of the various repair techniques that have
been previously employed and are now mainly his-
torical. However, Fig. 4.5 illustrates how the popu-
larity of suture and mesh techniques has changed in
the Lothian region of Scotland in the last 20 years.

Open Suture
100 Open Mesh
Laparoscopic Repair



Figure 4.6  •  Open right inguinal hernia repair. External
0 oblique has been opened. Medial is to the right of the
1989 1994 1999 2004 2007 2010 picture with superior at the top. Note the iliohypogastric (IH),
Year ilioinguinal (II) that splits into two branches, and the small
Figure 4.5  •  Changing patterns in suture, mesh and laparo­ genitor-femoral nerve (GF) lying inferiorly. Clinical photograph
scopic inguinal hernia repair in the Lothian Region, Scotland. used with permission of Mr Martin Kurzer, London, UK.

66 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

In order to thin out the spermatic cord and remove suture. Sharp retraction of the upper leaf of the
any lipoma present, the cremaster fibres are incised external oblique aponeurosis from the internal
longitudinally at the level of the deep ring. Complete oblique muscle is important because it provides the
excision of the cremaster fibres from the spermatic appropriate amount of laxity for the patch. When
cord is unnecessary and may result in damage to the retraction is released, a true tension-free repair
the vas deferens, increasing the likelihood of post- is taken up when the patient strains on command
operative neuralgia and ischaemic orchitis. Indirect during the operation (if under local anaesthetic)
hernial sacs are opened and digital exploration per- or resumes an upright position afterwards. Using
formed to detect any other defects or the presence a single non-absorbable monofilament suture, the
of a femoral hernia. Lichtenstein states that the sac lower edges of the two tails are fixed to the shelv-
may be simply inverted into the abdomen without ing margin of the inguinal ligament just lateral to
excision, suture or ligation, which he feels is unnec- the completion knot of the lower continuous suture.
essary and may contribute to postoperative discom- This creates a new deep ring of mesh (Fig. 4.7). Some
fort.17 However, it is the author's practice to suture surgeons simply suture the lower edge of the upper
ligate any but the smallest hernial sacs at the level of tail to the upper edge of the lower tail.
the deep ring and excise any redundant peritoneum. The excess patch is trimmed on the lateral side,
To prevent postoperative hydrocele formation, leaving 3–4 cm beyond the deep ring. This is tucked
complete scrotal sacs are transected at the midpoint underneath the external oblique aponeurosis and
of the canal, with the distal section left open and the external oblique aponeurosis closed with a con-
in situ. If performing the procedure under local an- tinuous suture. Unrestricted activity is encouraged
aesthetic, handling of the sac at this stage can cause and patients are expected to return to their normal
pain and often further local anaesthetic to the sac activity 2–7 days after surgery.
area in the region of the deep ring is required. In the past few years, there has been an explosion in
In the event of a large direct hernia, the sac (trans- different mesh types for the open repair of inguinal
versalis fascia) is invaginated with an imbricating hernias. The plug and patch utilises a cone-shaped
suture to achieve a flat surface over which to lay the mass of mesh that can be inserted, tip side inwards,
prosthetic mesh. The external oblique aponeurosis into either the deep or superficial rings, depending
is separated from the underlying internal oblique on the type of hernia. A flat mesh is then placed
muscle at a point high enough to accommodate a over the plug akin to the Lichtenstein technique. The
mesh measuring around 11 cm×6 cm. This size will prolene hernia system is two flat meshes secured to-
vary depending on the size of the patient and the gether by a small cyclinder of mesh. The aim is to
size of the hernial defect. insert one mesh into the pre-peritoneal space and the
The mesh is trimmed as appropriate so that the
patch overlaps the internal oblique muscle and
aponeurosis by at least 2 cm above the border of
the Hesselbach triangle. The medial portion of the
mesh is rounded to the shape of the medial corner
of the inguinal canal. The mesh is sutured to the
aponeurotic tissue over the pubic bone, overlap-
ping the bone to prevent any tension or weakness
at this critical point, but ensuring the periosteum is
not caught in the suture as this is believed to be a
good source of chronic pain. The medial part of the
mesh should extend at least 2 cm medial to the pu-
bic tubercle to reduce the risk of medial recurrence.
The same suture is continued along the lower edge,
attaching the mesh to the shelving portion of the
inguinal ligament to a point just lateral to the deep
ring with a continuous suture.
A slit is made at the lateral end of the mesh, cre-
ating a wider tail above the cord and a narrower
one below the cord. This manoeuvre positions the
cord between the two tails of the mesh and avoids Figure 4.7  •  Left inguinal hernia repair. Mesh in place.
the keyhole opening, which is less effective at pre- Note continuous suture attaching inferior edge of mesh to
venting recurrence. The upper edge of the patch is inguinal ligament and mesh fish-tailed laterally to create a
sutured to the internal oblique aponeurosis using a new deep ring. Cord structures and ilioinguinal nerve are
few interrupted sutures or widely spaced ­continuous intact. The mesh is lying flat and ‘tension’ free.

67 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4
other is secured akin to the Lichtenstein technique. Transabdominal pre-peritoneal prosthetic repair
There is also the open pre-peritonel approach with TAPP repair is one of the most popular approaches
the Kugel patch, for example. All these alternatives used for laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, particularly
report good results in the hands of experts, but the in Europe. The abdomen is insufflated with carbon
open flat mesh technique in its various forms, akin dioxide and the laparoscope introduced through an
to the Lichtenstein technique, remains the common- umbilical incision. Two accessory trocars, placed
est technique in Western countries to date. It is also well above and slightly medial to the anterior supe-
the author's prejudice that if a mesh is to be inserted rior iliac spines, are used to provide access for the
into the pre-peritoneal space, it makes sense to do dissecting instruments and the stapler. After both
this under direct vision using a laparoscope rather groins have been inspected, a second incision is
than using a largely blind, blunt finger dissection made in the pelvic peritoneum several centimetres
technique. above the hernia defect, typically in line with the
level of the anterior iliac spine, and the peritoneum
Laparoscopic repair then peeled away to expose the hernia defect. The
The alternative to an open operation is a laparo- peritoneum is dissected bluntly away from the ab-
scopic approach. Ger is credited with the first lapa- dominal wall, allowing the hernia sac to be inverted
roscopic approach to hernia, repairing indirect and dissected free of adherent tissue. Pre-peritoneal
hernias with a stapling instrument developed for fat is removed to allow identification of the trans-
this purpose.18,19 In parallel, Gazayerli described versus abdominis arch, the pubic tubercle, the il-
a suture repair technique through a transabdomi- iopubic tract and Cooper's ligament. A prosthetic
nal approach, approximating the transversus ab- mesh of approximately 10 cm ×15 cm is inserted
dominis aponeurotic arch and the iliopubic tract.20 and manipulated into position so that it covers the
After the repair is completed, the peritoneum is re- entire myopectineal orifice. Some surgeons fix the
approximated. Since the early 1990s, laparoscopic mesh in place with staples, sutures or glue, although
hernia repair has evolved from simple closure of there is little evidence to support such practices. The
a small indirect hernia, through the placement of peritoneum is closed over the mesh with staples or
mesh plugs and a small mesh patch over the internal sutures. This approach has the advantage of permit-
ring, to the current use of large pieces of prosthetic ting inspection of the abdomen in general, and of
mesh to reinforce the lower abdominal wall. the opposite side in particular, enabling bilateral
The rationale for the use of large mesh sheets repairs to be performed if necessary. In addition,
placed into the pre-peritoneal space was based on exposure is usually excellent. The disadvantage is
the surgical experience of the open pre-peritoneal that a wider dissection is required to accommodate
hernia repair, especially in the treatment of recur- the mesh than is used in the intraperitoneal onlay
rent hernias.21 Although a variety of laparoscopic procedure. In addition, the intra-abdominal incision
repairs have been described, they can be categorised presents the possibility of injury to intraperitoneal
in general according to the approach used to expose structures and a second peritoneal incision in the
the defect. Three exposures are used: the intraperi- groin increases the potential for adhesion formation
toneal approach, in which the prosthesis is placed and late bowel obstruction.
as an onlay graft over the peritoneum; the trans-
abdominal pre-peritoneal (TAPP) repair; and the Totally extraperitoneal prosthetic repair
totally extraperitoneal (TEP) repair. TEP repair is a laparoscopic adaptation of the open
posterior pre-peritoneal approach first described by
Intraperitoneal prosthetic repair Annandale.23 The laparoscope is introduced into the
In the intraperitoneal repair with an onlay graft, pre-peritoneal space through an infra-umbilical in-
the prosthesis is placed within the peritoneal cavity. cision. The pre-peritoneal space is dissected towards
The technique is well described by Toy and Smoot.22 the symphysis pubis, Cooper's ligament and the il-
Compared to the TAPP and TEP approaches, it has iac vessels with a blunt instrument or space-making
the advantages of being less time-consuming to per- balloon. Carbon dioxide is insufflated into the pre-
form and requires no dissection of the pre-peritoneal peritoneal space to maintain exposure. Care must
space. It has the disadvantage of leaving the pros- be taken to avoid entering the peritoneum; if this
thetic material exposed within the peritoneal cavity occurs, loss of pressure in the pre-peritoneal space
and has a higher recurrence rate. It is the author's can result, making exposure more difficult. A vent-
view that this operation is very much an operation ing Verres needle in the right iliac fossa will usually
of last resort, when other open or laparoscopic tech- resolve this problem, or alternatively a structural
niques have failed. It is possible that when better balloon attached to the umbilical port will help to
non-stick meshes become available, combined with keep the pre-peritoneal space open. Two additional
glue fixation, this technique may gain in popularity. 5-mm ports are inserted, either in the right and left

68 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

iliac fossa, after extending the dissection laterally or remains in the adolescent age group, where perhaps
in the midline below the umbilicus. Direct hernial a herniotomy alone is insufficient and the risks of
sacs usually reduce with ease, but an indirect hernial mesh insertion not merited. There has been a sug-
sac may need more work. The key landmark here gestion that mesh repairs in the groin can affect fer-
is the vas. The indirect hernial sac lies above and tility in males.27 This is a very controversial area, as
lateral to the vas, taking the dissection away from the occurrence of a hernia per se in the young is as-
the iliac vessels, preventing their inadvertent injury. sociated with reduced fertility. There is no convinc-
A mesh of minimum size 10 cm×15 cm is used to ing evidence to support the view that a mesh repair
cover all the inguinal and femoral myopectineal affects fertility except when there is obviously direct
orifices, ensuring good cover laterally and superi- trauma to the vas or vessels to the testicle.
omedially. As with TAPP repairs, there is now good The complication that is becoming the bench-
evidence that suturing, tacking or stapling of mesh mark for comparing hernia repairs is the incidence
does not reduce the risk of hernia recurrence but is of chronic pain, rather than recurrence rate. Risk
a cause of postoperative chronic pain.24 The author factors for chronic pain include nerve damage,
does occasionally tack the mesh, confined mainly to preoperative pain in the hernia, young age, pain
the patient with a very large direct hernial defect or at other sites of the body, postoperative complica-
when there has been more bleeding than usual, espe- tions and psychosocial features.28 Pain response to
cially patients on aspirin. In all circumstances tacks a standardised heat stimulus appears to be a use-
are placed medial to the inferior epigastric vessels ful tool in assessing risk of postoperative chronic
and superior to the pubic bone only. More recently, pain.29
the author has attempted laparoscopic suture closure
of large direct inguinal hernias with a non-absorbable Suture, mesh or laparoscopic repair?
suture rather than using tacks. The TEP approach
avoids the risks of entering the peritoneal cavity and
The Shouldice technique using suture repair
subsequent intraperitoneal adhesion formation.
rather than mesh is still carried out in many
There is little evidence to support TEP versus
centres worldwide and numerous publications
TAPP and the technique used is largely down to the have reported recurrence rates of 1–2%.30 To
individual surgeon. The author's preference is the date, the Lichtenstein tension-free repair has
TEP approach, with the TAPP approach reserved the largest number of published repairs with
for recurrence after a previous TEP or open intra- the lowest recurrence rates. Lichtenstein and
peritoneal operations. colleagues published a multicentre series of 22 300
hernioplasties performed by this technique, with a
Laparoscopic repair of ingiunal hernias recurrence rate of 0.77%.31
causes less acute and chronic pain, thus earlier
return to work, less infection, fewer wound
The 2004 NICE report commented on 37 ran-
complications and less numbness than the open
domised controlled trials that compared laparo-
operation. It is currently the preferred technique
scopic with open mesh repair of inguinal hernias in a
recommended by the National Institute for Clinical
Excellence (NICE) for recurrent inguinal hernias and
total of 5560 participants.25 The report summarised
bilateral primary inguinal hernias, and an alternative these results, stating that the laparoscopic repair as
operation for primary unilateral hernias.25 compared to an open repair was associated with less
acute pain and thus a quicker return to daily activ-
ites and work, fewer wound complications such as
Complications haematoma, seroma and infection, and less risk of
Complications of herniorrhaphy include recurrence, chronic pain. There was a similar recurrence rate
urinary retention, ischaemic orchitis and testicular and a similar risk of major vessel, bowel or bladder
atrophy, wound infection and nerve injuries (neu- injury (except for a slightly higher risk for the TAPP
romas of the ilioinguinal or genitofemoral nerves). repair). However, the laparoscopic repair took lon-
A wide variation in recurrence rates is reported ger to perform and was a more expensive option.
in the literature, depending on both the surgical The cost of open surgery has to be set against the
technique employed and the method and length of price of open surgery for the patient and society,
follow-up (questionnaire, physical examination, namely more acute and chronic pain, more time off
etc.). In general, papers comparing mesh to su- work and more wound complications. This is borne
ture repair note lower recurrence rates in the mesh out by a cost–benefit analysis using the same data as
group.26 Nevertheless, the percentage of recurrent the 2004 NICE report.32 Unilateral hernia open flat
to primary hernia repair has remained largely con- mesh repair was the least costly option, but it pro-
stant in Lothian, Scotland over the past 30 years at vided fewer quality-adjusted life-years compared
around 10%. Perhaps the only role for suture repair to both TAPP and TEP. Also, laparoscopic repair

69 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4
for bilateral hernias reduces both operating times As a result there is little role now for suture repair of
and convalescence period, equating to greater cost- recurrent inguinal hernias, and a re-recurrence
effectiveness. In addition, repair of an occult hernia rate of 30% for the Bassini technique has been
on the other side may also be performed, enhancing ­reported.36 The McVay procedure and transversalis
the benefit of the laparoscopic procedure. repair are not commonly employed and the results
are probably of historic interest only. In centres
Mesh repair using the Lichtenstein technique where alloplastic material is unavailable or too
has the lowest worldwide recurrence rate for expensive for routine use, the Shouldice technique
primary inguinal hernias. The laparoscopic repair is probably the technique of choice.37
is associated with less early and late pain, earlier
return to normal activities and work, but is more Prosthetic mesh repair of recurrent
expensive. It is, however, the preferred technique
inguinal hernias
for the repair of recurrent and bilateral hernias.25,32
The Lichtenstein repair remains the commonest
operation for recurrent inguinal hernias. Rate of
Recent publications now demonstrate that laparo- re-recurrence depends to an extent on the length
scopic repairs, whether unilateral or bilateral, can of follow-up, but is typically under 10%. Since its
be performed more quickly than open ­repair.33,34 introduction, excellent results have been reported
The only downside to laparoscopic hernia surgery with the mesh plug method.38 The transinguinal
is the need for general anaesthesia. While small pre-peritoneal prosthetic repair/Rives procedure
numbers have been done under local or regional tends to be reserved for selected cases and is not
techniques, these have been confined to young indicated for the majority of recurrent inguinal
fit patients, for whom avoidance of a general an- ­hernias.39 When an open pre-peritoneal approach
aesthetic is not necessary. Nevertheless, in many is used with pre-peritoneal mesh implantation, the
Western countries open inguinal hernias are still ­re-recurrence rate ranges between 0.5% and 25%
predominantly repaired under general anaesthetic. after an observation period of up to 10 years, sug-
gesting that this technique may require a degree of
Contralateral repair surgical experience for success.40,41 Divergent results
Inguinal hernia arises as a design fault, both ana- are also reported for the Stoppa technique, with re-
tomically and at the level of collagen metabolism, so recurrence rates varying between 1% and 12%.42,43
there is every reason why it should be a bilateral dis- The most likely explanation for this wide variation is
ease. Furthermore, clinical assessment of bilateral that the size and type of recurrence probably varied
or unilateral hernia has a false positive and negative between the reporting centres, and there is variation
rate of around 10%. The rate of development of a in the length and the quality of the follow-up.
contralateral inguinal hernia following open repair
is around 25% at 10 years.26 The Edinburgh experi- Laparoscopic repair of recurrent
ence is that time from first repair to contralateral inguinal hernias
repair in the laparoscopic era is about half the time The 2004 NICE25 report acknowledges that after
compared to open hernia repair. It could be argued a previous open repair, laparoscopic repair is the
that the larger mesh inserted laparoscopically places preferred technique. The advantages of the laparo-
more strain on the contralateral side. An alternative scopic approach include: elimination of one of the
hypothesis is that following laparoscopic repair, pa- commonest causes of recurrence, the missed hernia;
tients are more likely to volunteer for repair of the allowing the surgeon to identify those patients with
contralateral side as the operation is less painful. It complex hernias; and covering the entire myopectin-
is thus the author's practice to offer the majority of eal orifice, buttressing the intrinsic collagen deficit,
patients a bilateral laparoscopic repair, unless the thereby overcoming one of the causes of late recur-
laparoscopic approach is contraindicated and the rence. The complication rate is low, and the majority
patient unfit or elderly. of such repairs are as easy as primary laparoscopic
repair. The data from the Swedish Hernia Registry
Recurrent inguinal hernias would support the benefit of a pre-peritoneal repair
(open or laparoscopic) for recurrent inguinal hernia
The repair of recurrent inguinal hernia remains a following a previous open non-peritoneal repair.44
common operation and there is now some ­evidence The type of surgery following recurrence after a pre-
to suggest that the increasing use of mesh may vious laparoscopic repair is less well defined, and is
be having a small effect in reducing the ­number more governed by surgeon preference and expertise.
of ­recurrent hernia repairs26,35 (see section on It is the author's opinion that an open mesh repair
­prophylactic hernia repair at the end of this chapter). is the best option following a failed TAPP repair,

70 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

and a TAPP repair for a failed TEP repair. The TAPP node of Cloquet. It is closed above by the septum
approach allows assessment as to why the TEP crurale, a condensation of extraperitoneal tissue
­repair failed, and maintains the speedier ­recovery pierced by lymphatic vessels, and below by the crib-
of the laparoscopic approach over open repair. riform fascia. The femoral ring is bounded anteri-
However, the significant adhesions following a orly by the inguinal ligament and posteriorly by the
TAPP make a redo TAPP much more difficult, but iliopectineal (Cooper) ligament, the pubic bone and
still possible in experienced hands. the fascia over the pectineus muscle. Medially, the
boundary is the edge of the lacunar ligament, while
The asymptomatic hernia laterally it is separated from the femoral vein by a
thin septum (Fig. 4.4).
Traditional teaching used to suggest that once an in-
guinal hernia was detected, it merited repair to pre- Aetiology
vent hernia-related complications unless the patient
was not fit for such surgery. However, increasing Femoral hernias are considered to be ­ acquired,
awareness of complications following hernia repair, ­possibly as a result of increased abdominal ­pressure
particularly chronic pain, has questioned this ap- on the background of disturbed ­collagen ­metabolism.
proach. Two randomised trials have reported simi- A postulated mechanism is the i­ nsinuation of fat into
lar results but come to different conclusions.45,46 In the femoral ring ­secondary to raised ­intra-abdominal
essence, chronic pain on follow-up is similar be- pressure. This bolus of fat drags along pelvic peri-
tween the operation group and the watchful wait- toneum to develop a p ­ eritoneal sac. Once the peri-
ing group. However, significant numbers in the toneal sac has moved the short ­distance down the
watchful waiting group crossed over to the surgery canal and out of the ­femoral ­orifice, the sac becomes
arm because of increasing symptoms, but it is likely apparent. The h ­ ernia not only becomes visible and
that such patients would tolerate complications of palpable, but the c­ ontents of the sac become at risk
surgery better than if they were asymptomatic at of ­ incarceration and ­ strangulation. The incidence
the time of the surgery. Also, the risk of incarcera- of femoral ­herniation increases with age, and a po-
tion or strangulation is much lower than previously tential ­mechanism for this involves the muscle bulk
thought. Thus, following informed consent, surgery adjacent to the d ­ istal femoral ­canal. Normally, the
or watchful waiting for an asymptomatic hernia is iliopsoas and ­pectineus muscle ­bundles encroach on
appropriate. The younger the patient, or less fit the the canal and thus act as a ­barrier to the ­development
patient on presentation, then perhaps the earlier of a femoral ­ hernia. With the natural ­ atrophy
surgery should be offered, with suitable informed of muscle tissue that ­ occurs with senescence, the
consent of the risks, benefits and alternatives to the ­actual ­volume of muscle within the canal decreases,
proposed surgery. ­allowing ­positive intra-abdominal pressure to push
the peritoneum into the canal. This would explain
Repair of an asymptomatic hernia does not the high rate of femoral hernia among elderly
increase the incidence of chronic pain as compared women as well as men. In women of all ages, the
to a wait and see policy. Either treatment option is muscle mass is not as great as in men. Consequently,
acceptable with appropriate informed consent.45,46 women are ­predisposed to femoral hernias with any
The majority of wait and see patients will cross over condition that increases intra-abdominal pressure,
to surgery with time as their hernia increases in size such as pregnancy or obesity.
and/or becomes more symptomatic.

Femoral hernia The treatment of femoral hernia is surgical repair
Femoral hernia represents the third commonest type due to the invariable presence of incarceration and
of primary hernia. It accounts for approximately the associated risk of strangulation. Several opera-
20% of hernias in women and 5% in men, strangu- tive approaches have been described: the low ap-
lation being the initial presentation in 40%. proach (Lockwood), the high approach (McEvedy)
and the inguinal approach (Lothiessen). To these
Anatomy can now be added the laparoscopic approach.

The femoral canal occupies the most medial com- Operative details
partment of the femoral sheath, extending from the The low approach (Lockwood)
femoral ring above to the saphenous opening be- The low approach is based on a groin-crease incision
low. It contains fat, lymphatic vessels and the lymph and dissection of the femoral hernia sac below the

71 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4
inguinal ligament. The anatomical layers covering strangulated femoral hernias as it is easy to convert
the sac should be peeled away and the sac opened to to laparotomy for bowel resection.
inspect its contents. Once empty, the neck of the sac
is pulled down, ligated as high as possible and re- Laparoscopic approach
dundant sac excised. The neck then retracts through The laparoscopic approach is the same as for ingui-
the femoral canal and the canal is closed with a plug nal hernias and may employ the TAPP or TEP tech-
or cylinder of polypropylene mesh, anchored to the nique. The femoral ring is easily seen during either
inguinal ligament and iliopectineal ligament with of these approaches and, indeed, visualisation of
non-absorbable sutures. Suturing of the iliopectin- the whole of the myopectineal opening is frequently
eal ligament to the inguinal ligament may result in quoted as one of the advantages of laparoscopic
tension due to the rigidity of these structures and herniorrhaphy. Small series of laparoscopic femoral
may predispose to recurrence. hernia surgery have been reported with excellent re-
sults on short-term follow-up.47,48
Transinguinal approach (Lothiessen)
Techniques of femoral repair that open the poste-
rior inguinal wall for exposure and repair (the in-
guinal approaches of Lothiessen, Bassini, Shouldice,
Incisional hernia
McVay–Cooper, Halsted and Andrews) should
rarely be used. This technique usually involves liga- Aetiology
tion and division of the inferior epigastric vessels Incisional hernias are unique in that they are the
at the medial border of the internal inguinal ring only hernia to be considered iatrogenic. The cause
followed by incision of the transversalis fascia to of wound complications after laparotomy is multi-
expose the extraperitoneal space and the femoral factorial, conditioned by local and systemic factors
hernia sac. This is reduced and the defect closed and by preoperative, perioperative and postopera-
by either suture (as in the original description) or, tive factors. Several factors including advanced age,
increasingly, mesh. However, the need to incise the pulmonary disease, morbid obesity, malignancy
natural fascial barrier in Hasselbach's triangle for and intra-abdominal infection are associated with
exposure results in this technique being inferior impaired wound healing and predispose patients to
to either the low or high approach, both of which serious wound complications such as wound dehis-
leave the inguinal floor intact. cence, wound infection and incisional herniation. It
is always easy to blame the patient for complica-
High approach (McEvedy) tions! But surgeon or technical factors influencing
The high approach was classically based on a verti- wound complications include surgical technique
cal incision made over the femoral canal and con- and suture material choices.
tinued upwards above the inguinal ligament. This What is the best way to close the abdominal wall?
has now been replaced with a transverse ‘unilat- It is amazing that today we still don't know for sure.
eral’ Pfannenstiel incision, which can be extended A recent review49 proposed mass closure (as com-
to form a complete Pfannenstiel incision if a formal pared to layered closure), continuous (as compared
laparotomy is required. The dissection is continued to interrupted sutures) absorbable monofilament
through the subcutaneous tissue to the anterior rec- (as compared to non-absorbable monofilament
tus sheath. This can either be divided transversely or and absorbable multifilament) with a suture length
longitudinally, following which transversalis fascia to wound length ratio of 4:1. However, stud-
is incised, the rectus muscle retracted medially and ies continue to challenge such doctrine. A recent
the pre-peritoneal space entered. The femoral her- randomised controlled trial (RCT)50 comparing
nia sac is identified medial to the iliac vessels and polypropylene to polydioxanone demonstrated
reduced by traction. If the hernia is incarcerated, the no significant difference, and the 4-year incisional
sac may be released by incising the insertion of the hernia rate was 23.7% and 30.2 %, respectively.
iliopubic tract into Cooper's ligament at the medial Another recent RCT51 demonstrated no significant
margin of the femoral ring. The sac is then opened, difference between interrupted and continuous su-
the contents dealt with appropriately and the sac tures. Controversy over the 4:1 ratio also exists. This
ligated at its neck. The hernioplasty may then be ratio can be achieved by big bites far apart or small
completed by either suturing the iliopubic tract to bites close together. A recent RCT52 reported a 50%
the posterior margin of Cooper's ligament or by in- reduction in wound infection and a 67% reduc-
sertion of a prosthetic mesh, either as a sheet cov- tion in incisional hernia rates in the 2–0 polydiox-
ering the whole of the myopectineal opening or as anone 20-mm-needle small bite arm compared to
a mesh plug. The wound is closed in layers. This more conventional closure techniques. Using such
technique is particularly useful in the presence of a suture technique, suture to wound length ratios

72 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

greater than 4:1 were not associated with increasing prospective randomised trials comparing different
wound complications.53 Further trials are in prog- types of incisional hernia repair are lacking and the
ress to evaluate this and other techniques in wound majority of studies are retrospective.
closure to minimise the risks of the burst abdomen As a consequence of the disappointing data on
(sometimes called an acute hernia or deep wound mesh-free repair of incisional hernias, including the
dehiscence), wound infection and incisional hernia. Mayo (‘vest-over-pants’) procedure, meshes were
Indeed, incisional hernia is the commonest compli- introduced to strengthen the abdominal wall repair.
cation of a laparotomy. The development of an in- Several different techniques were developed: inlay,
cisional hernia is inevitable if there is separation of onlay and sublay (Fig. 4.9). Mesh implantation as
the fascia by 12 mm at 12 weeks, so it is not difficult an inlay does not achieve any strengthening of the
to see that the events that lead to an incisional her- abdominal wall and is essentially a suture repair at
nia are determined early in the healing phase, and the muscle/fascia mesh interface. It has the highest
technical issues are likely to have a significant part recurrence rate of the three techniques. The results
to play. of randomised trials comparing mesh to suture re-
pair demonstrate a clear advantage for mesh repair,
Closure of a laparotomy wound to minimise even for small hernias.54,55 However, incisional her-
incisional hernia formation includes:49 nia should be considered an incurable disease, mesh
1. mass closure; just increasing the time from repair to recurrence.56
2. simple running technique; Although suture repair is now rarely indicated, it
3. absorbable monofilament; might still have a role in young women who wish
4. suture length to wound length ratio of at least 4:1. repair of an incisional hernia but are also contem-
plating further pregnancy.

Mesh Abdominal
The diagnosis of an incisional hernia is usually easy Onlay wall muscles
except in the very obsese. However, computed to-
mography (CT) scanning is helpful to identify the
size of the defect and the state of the adominal wall
muscles (Fig. 4.8).
The large number of surgical procedures described Intra-abdominal pressure
in the literature to repair incisional hernias illus- Recurrent hernia occurs as mesh
trates that no single technique has stood out as be- pushed off anterior fascia
ing effective. While 50% of incisional hernias occur
within 1 year after the primary operation, 10–18% Inlay
are diagnosed more than 5 years later. Any study
reporting re-recurrence rates following incisional
hernia repair should therefore ideally have at least
5 years of follow-up data for analysis. Unfortunately,
Recurrent hernia occurs as mesh /
abdominal wall ‘suture’ repair fails


Recurrent hernia minimised as intra-

abdominal pressure pins the mesh
against the abdominal wall
Figure 4.9  •  Cross-sectional appearance of mesh
position in incisional hernia repair. Reproduced from
Schumpelick V, Klinge V. Immediate follow-up results
Figure 4.8  •  CT scan of a large incisional hernia of sublay polypropylene repair in primary or recurrent
demonstrating loss of domain. The gap between the incisional hernias. In: Schumpelick V, Kingsnorth AN (eds)
medial ends of the left and right recti muscles on this slice Incisional hernia. Berlin:Springer-Verlag 1999; pp312-26.
is 25 cm. With kind permission of Springer Science+Business Media.

73 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4

Mesh repair of incisional hernia reduces the

recurrence rate, even for small hernias.54,55

Mesh repair
The onlay technique remains the commonest tech-
nique in the West, largely because it is relatively
easy to perform. The technique is dependent on clo-
sure of the anterior abdominal wall and adequate
fixation of the mesh to the fascia and a minimum
overlap of 5–8 cm is recommended. If the connec-
tion between the mesh and the fascia is lost, a but-
tonhole hernia develops at the edge of the mesh.
Good results can be reported with attention to de-
tail, namely wide overlap of the mesh, and oblitera- Figure 4.10  •  Fresh cadaveric dissection of the
tion of large skin flaps with fibrin glue.57 However, retromuscular space for sublay incisional hernia. Used
for many surgeons the relatively high rate of hernia with permission of Dr J Conze, Aachen, Germany.
recurrence, seroma formation and mesh infection
make this operation a poor option for the patient.
The sublay technique is the procedure favoured by the
author. A mesh in the sublay position is not only su-
tured into position but is also held in place by the intra-
abdominal pressure. Mesh in this position is therefore
able to strengthen the abdominal wall both by mechani-
cal sealing and by the induction of strong scar tissue.
Several authors have compared the recurrence rate in a
single institution where all three techniques have been
used.58,59 Both these studies clearly demonstrate the su-
perior results achieved by the sublay technique.
Open sublay repair
The sublay operation begins by excising the old scar
and performing a laparotomy. Adhesions tend to
be maximal at the neck of the sac, so entering the Figure 4.11  •  Fresh cadaveric dissection demonstrating
abdominal cavity through the hernia sac is usually the fatty triangle by division of the posterior rectus sheath
straightforward. It is helpful to mobilise adhesions as it attaches to the linea alba. This allows development
off the underside of the anterior abdominal wall. It of the sublay space behind the xiphisternum. Used with
permission of Dr J Conze, Aachen, Germany.
is not the author's routine practice to mobilise all
the bowel adhesions unless there is a good history of in all directions. This mesh is sutured to the poste-
recurrent episodes of obstruction. The sublay space rior rectus sheath with interrupted absorbable su-
is then developed, which is the space anterior to the tures, avoiding any obvious nerves. These sutures
posterior rectus sheath, although this becomes pre- are purely to hold the mesh flat until it is encased in
peritoneal below the semi-arcuate line. Care should fibrous tissue. A suction drain is often left anterior
be taken to mobilise the inferior epigastric vessels to the mesh. Any further redundant skin and hernial
up with the belly of the rectus muscle to minimise sac is excised and the anterior rectus sheath closed
bleeding. It is also important to preserve as many of with an absorbable suture, as is the skin, minimising
the intercostal nerves as possible to minimise muscle any subcutaneous dead space. The cross-sectional
denervation (Fig. 4.10). The pre-peritoneal space can appearance is illustrated in Fig. 4.12. If an abdomi-
be developed behind the pelvis, akin to a TEP repair, noplasty is performed at the same time, then further
especially if the hernia arises in a Pfannensteil inci- drains are placed to the subcutaneous space.
sion. Superiorly, the sublay space can be developed
behind the xiphisternum if necessary. The posterior
The open sublay technique for incisional hernia
rectus sheath is divided on either side close to the
repair has a lower recurrence rate and wound
linea alba to expose the area known as the fatty tri-
complication rate compared to onlay or inlay repair
angle (Fig. 4.11). The posterior rectus sheath is ap-
techniques.58,59 Randomised trials comparing the
proximated with an absorbable suture. The mesh is three mesh position techniques are lacking.
cut to size, aiming to have at least a 6-cm overlap

74 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

Subcutaneous fat
Anterior rectus sheath
Rectus muscle
Posterior rectus sheath
Preperitoneal fat
a Mesh

Subcutaneous fat
Anterior rectus sheath
Rectus muscle
Posterior rectus sheath
Preperitoneal fat
b Mesh
Figure 4.12  •  (a) Cross-sectional appearance of peritoneum closure showing the sublay position of the mesh, which is
fixed to the posterior sheath of the rectus muscle with an interrupted absorbable suture. (b) The anterior and posterior
rectus sheath is closed continuously.

Laparoscopic repair of tacks around the hernia defect), although there

The laparoscopic (intraperitoneal) approach has is a lack of quality studies to make this an evidence-
also been applied to incisional hernias. The lapa- based decision. The recent introduction of absorb-
roscopic approach has the advantages of shorter able tacks may reduce the risk of chronic pain and
hospital stay, lower analgesic requirements, fewer bowel adhesion to the tacks. Centring the mesh over
wound complications and an earlier return to nor- the hernial defect is important to minimise hernia
mal activities over open surgery. However, while recurrence. The mesh can be centred with a central
the complication rate is lower overall when com- stitch,61 although two or four corner sutures are
pared to surgery, there is concern that when com- probably more accurate.
plications do arise with the laparoscopic approach, What about closure of the defect? Bridging of the
they are more likely to be life threatening or require defect is recognised to be a problem at open surgery,
further surgery to deal with compared to open sur- so why bridge with laparoscopic surgery? It is clear
gery.60 Furthermore, the cosmetic result for larger that once adhesions to the abdominal wall are taken
hernias may not be as good as there is no abdomi- down, inserting a mesh and tacking it in place are
noplasty component to the laparoscopic approach. usually quick and easy. Closing the defect is thus not
Remember, the majority of patients wish surgery for attractive to the majority of laparoscopic surgeons,
their incisional hernia because of the cosmetic de- introducing tension and perhaps increasing post-
formity rather than symptoms related to the hernia. operative pain. However, many groups are talking
The author reserves the laparoscopic approach for about pseudo-recurrence62 – the redevelopment of
smaller incisional hernias, with a hernial neck size a bulge at the hernia site several years after lapa-
less than 10 cm and when cosmesis is not an issue. roscopic repair as the mesh slides into the hernia
Two current controversies exist in the technique, re- sac. Whether closing (either completely or partially)
lated to (i) the method of fixation of the mesh and will reduce recurrence and pseudo-recurrence is still
(ii) whether the hernia defect should be closed or unknown but would seem likely.
not. The method of mesh fixation divides surgeons One of the main long-term risks of the laparo-
between those who believe transfascial sutures to scopic repair of incisional hernias is the place-
be essential to prevent hernia recurrence and those ment of the mesh in direct contact with the
who believe such sutures cause chronic pain post- intra-­abdominal structures. As mentioned earlier,
surgery and their use should be avoided. The author the use of meshes that have one side coated with
prefers a double-crown tack technique (two rings a relatively non-adhesive material will help reduce

75 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4
(but not abolish) adhesion formation to the mesh. the sublay space in the emergency setting should not
The other main risk is infection of the mesh, which be associated with an increase in mesh infection as it
is nearly always due to contamination from a bowel lies external to the peritoneal cavity, but clearly each
injury. Care should be taken with any ­adhesiolysis case will need to be assessed individually.
to minimise bowel injury with thermal sources Emergency hernia surgery remains a high-risk sur-
such as diathermy and ultracision dissection kept gical procedure, with the main risk factor for post-
to a minimum. The current consensus is that if the operative mortality being infarcted bowel.66,67 Such
colon is injured, then it should be repaired, lapa- operations should not be left to junior members of
roscopically or open, according to the skills of the the surgical and anaesthetic teams. Appropriate re-
surgeon and no mesh inserted at this time. The pa- suscitation, followed by timely and appropriate sur-
tient can return in a number of months for a f­ urther gery, may save lives. Occasionally, the techniques of
attempt at repair. If the small bowel is injured damage limitation surgery (see Chapter 13) may be
with minimal contamination, then laparoscopic appropriate.
­repair, washout and mesh insertion is acceptable. If
there is ­significant small-bowel injury and risk of Bowel infarction is the main risk factor for
­failure of the bowel repair, then no mesh should be mortality in emergency hernia surgery.66,67
­inserted. The patient should be observed in h
­ ospital
and if they remain well 4–5 days later, then it is
­appropriate to re-laparoscope the patient and if no Port-site hernia
continuing contamination/infection is observed, the
laparoscopic mesh repair is completed. The use of This is a hernia with an increasing incidence as-
­antibiotic-impregnated mesh may allow a change to sociated with the increase in laparoscopic surgery.
this policy with placement of such a mesh at the Insertion of larger ports through the midline as op-
same time as bowel injury and repair.63 posed to more laterally appears to be a significant
risk factor. This is especially true in the presence
of a divarification of the recti or an unrecognised
umbilical hernia. There is little evidence to support
Emergency hernia surgery closure of the fascia except when a cut-down is per-
formed for the first port. The use of dilating rather
Much of what has been mentioned above is appli-
than cutting trocar tips may reduce the incidence of
cable to hernia repair in the emergency situation.
port-site hernia formation.
However, there are a few dilemmas that occur more
frequently in the emergency setting. Patients who
present as an emergency but have no bowel com-
promise can be treated as per elective hernia sur- Antibiotic prophylaxis
gery. When bowel is compromised, especially when in hernia surgery
there has been significant contamination, current
opinion is that synthetic mesh should not be used. In general, elective hernia surgery to the groin and
However, there is little in the way of evidence apart ventral regions does not require antibiotic prophy-
from anecdote to support such a view and this view laxis.68,69 However, as the risk of bowel injury is al-
has been challenged.64 The case for biological mesh ways present in incisional hernia surgery, it would
in such scenarios is also lacking in evidence.65 For be reasonable to give routine antibiotic prophylaxis
those who support the laparoscopic approach, it is for such surgery. Patients at increased risk of in-
not unreasonable to offer this in the emergency set- fection, including the immunocompromised, skin
ting and laparoscope the patient with an irreducible conditions with higher bacterial carriage such as
inguinal hernia. If the bowel can be reduced and psoriasis and in the emergency setting, all merit an-
is viable, then convert the operation to a TEP and tibiotic prophylaxis.
place mesh as usual. If the bowel is compromised, All theatres have bacteria (called colony-forming
then resect the bowel through a small incision and units) in the circulating theatre air. It therefore makes
return 6 weeks later for a TEP. In the emergency in- sense to open the mesh just before it is required during
cisional/ventral hernia setting, if the hernia is large, the operation. Changing to fresh gloves before the han-
then proceed directly to open sublay mesh repair. dling of the mesh, minimising mesh contact with the
If the hernia is smaller, then laparoscopy and intra- skin and inserting the mesh deep to the subcutaneous
abdominal mesh are appropriate if there is no bowel tissues may all help reduce the risk of mesh contamina-
compromise. If there is bowel ischaemia, then con- tion. The author uses a gentamicin solution (240 mg
vert to the open sublay repair. The use of mesh in gentamicin in 250 mL normal saline) to irrigate larger

76 66485457-66963820
Abdominal hernias

meshes following insertion, although there is no that some s­ urgeons' repairs last longer than others,
­evidence-based medicine to support this manoeuvre. so technical factors remain important, and mesh
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus ­aureus (MRSA) repairs at any time point are more likely to be in-
bacteria have been found on mesh several years af- tact compared to a suture repair.56 (Re-operation
ter insertion, so prophylaxis to MRSA is appropriate rates are a surrogate for recurrence rates, although
if a previous repair has been complicated by MRSA re-­operation will underestimate the true recurrence
infection. rate.) However, a hernia repair at present is a patch-
up job, and will probably fail eventually (if the pa-
Antibiotic prophylaxis is unnecessary for tient lives long enough). Nevertheless, randomised
uncomplicated elective hernia surgery to the groin trials in patients at high risk of developing incisional
and ventral regions.68,69 hernia are ongoing.

Prophylatic hernia surgery Management of an infected

The topic of prophylactic mesh insertion to mi- mesh
nimise subsequent hernia formation in high-risk
groups of patients remains controversial. One study In general, an infected mesh has to be removed
reduced the incidence of incisional hernia follow- or exposed to the surface. If the mesh is lying in
ing open gastric bypass surgery from 21% to 0% a pool of pus with no adherence to the patient,
by the prophylactic insertion of a polypropylene then the only option is removal of the mesh. If the
mesh in the sublay position.70 Another study re- mesh is partly embedded in tissue, then if there is
duced the incidence of parastomal hernia follow- adequate drainage through an open wound, many
ing permanent end colostomy from 50% to 5% infected meshes will slowly granulate over and re-
by the prophylactic insertion of a polypropylene main sound. However, sometimes chronic sinuses
mesh in the sublay position at 2 years' follow-up.71 will develop and the only option is excision of these
At 5 years' the rates were 81% and 13%, respec- along with as much of the visible mesh as possible.
tively.72 Both studies have small patient numbers, Not all patients who require mesh removal will de-
but no increase in morbidity was noted in the pro- velop a hernia recurrence, although the majority
phylactic mesh group. It is likely that prophylac- probably will at some stage in the future.73 It is the
tic mesh to minimise subsequent hernia formation author's opinion that it is best to remove as much of
will become more mainstream practice. This may the mesh foreign body as possible, control the sepsis
be supported by preoperative collagen type I/III ra- and return at a later date for further repair. The use
tio typing to perhaps select patients more at risk. of biological mesh in a contaminated field is rarely
This concept of collagen disease is important, and indicated. The use of vacuum-assisted dressing to
introduces the notion that hernia repair of any type control the fluid exudates from the wound may aid
will fail if the patient lives long enough. It is true wound care in such patients.

Key points
• Herniorrhaphy is one of the commonest operations performed.
• Techniques advanced considerably during the 1990s.
• The use of prosthetic mesh should now be considered for the repair of all hernias.
• The laparoscopic approach may be more appropriate than a traditional open approach.
• Recurrent hernias may be best managed in specialist centres or by surgeons with a specialist
interest in hernia surgery who are technically competent to perform both open and laparoscopic
• A multidisciplinary approach, including plastic surgeons, may be appropriate for complex, multiply
recurrent hernias.

77 66485457-66963820
Chapter 4

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80 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical
services and the early assessment and
investigation of the acute abdomen

Simon Paterson-Brown

Introduction the night and often carried out by junior surgi-

cal trainees. However, over the last few years, due
The management of emergency surgery has un- to a number of factors, this has all changed. The
dergone huge changes over the last 5 years as increased number of surgical admissions to many
both surgeons and hospital managers have fi- hospitals, associated with regional reorganisation
nally recognised that it is not only a major part of surgical services2,3 and the associated increase
of ‘general surgery’, but also associated with a in workload,4 the reduced experience of surgical
significant morbidity and mortality, account- trainees due to the reduction in junior doctors'
ing for a large part of hospital resources. The hours and training period,5 and the recognition
American College of Surgeons National Surgical that early assessment by experienced senior sur-
Quality Improvement Project recently examined geons with timely surgical intervention,6 prefera-
the results of emergency appendicectomy, chole- bly by someone with an interest in that condition,
cystectomy and colorectal resections in 95 hos- have led to a recognition that a ­­radical change
pitals between 2005 and 2008.1 They found that in the provision of acute general surgical services
the risk of severe morbidity or death was 3.7% was required. The Association of Surgeons of
in the 30 788 appendicectomies performed, 6.37% Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) held a consen-
in the 5824 cholecystectomies and 41.56% in the sus meeting on the future of emergency general
8990 colorectal resections. Interestingly, they also surgery in 2006, subsequently publishing their
identified that in 7–10% of hospitals good or bad conclusions,7 which are summarised in Box 5.1.
performance could be generalisable across the A subsequent survey of consultant surgeons in the
three procedures, suggesting that there are ‘best’ UK by the ASGBI8 reported that: only 55% con-
and ‘worse’ practices to be identified. sidered they were able to care well for their emer-
Reduced bed days and improvements in patient gency patients; the workload was increasing with
care are, not surprisingly, associated with earlier junior support decreasing; only 19% had com-
and better clinical decision-making, prompt and prehensive interventional radiology service out of
appropriate surgery, along with reductions in hours; 55% had inadequate access to an emer-
readmissions and later requirements for surgery. gency theatre; current pressure within the NHS
Until recently, many surgical units throughout the favoured elective over emergency work; many felt
world continued their elective work in tandem they could not argue the case for change at a local
with their on-call commitments and, as a result, level; and many felt that helpful changes would
getting timely surgical intervention on all but the include national standards of practice and of ser-
sickest emergency patients was difficult, resulting vice delivery, proper theatre access, and increased
in delayed operations, usually going on late into separation of elective and emergency work.

81 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5
Box 5.1  • Summary of the conclusions of the consensus and then fully implemented in Edinburgh, UK, as
meeting of the Association of Surgeons of the ‘emergency team’ in 1997.12 With this system,
Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI) in 2006 on the whole surgical team (consultant and support-
emergency general surgery7 ing junior staff) have no elective commitments
for their time on call and, although unfortunately
 1. There is evidence that there is wide variation in the shift working remains essential in many countries
quality of emergency general surgery (EGS). due to restricted working hours, the same train-
 2. EGS is a huge clinical service with approximately 1000 ees take part in the emergency team for extended
finished consultant episodes per 100 000 population periods of time. Their subsequent attachment to
per year. elective activity then no longer suffers from the
 3. All hospitals should have a named surgeon responsible disruption associated with on-call shifts, a state
for the clinical leadership of EGS. of affairs that enhances both emergency and
 4. Emergency admissions must have dedicated resources elective training opportunities. This ‘emergency
and senior surgical personnel readily available. team’ system, with various adaptations according
 5. There must be a clear and identifiable separation of to local requirements,13 has now been adopted
delivery of emergency and elective care. in many units throughout the UK and increas-
 6. Local circumstances will determine model of delivery. ingly worldwide. Two recent publications from
 7. Timely access to diagnostic services (particularly the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and
­radiology) and emergency theatre should be provided. Ireland include descriptions on the different ways
 8. The assessment, prioritisation and management of that individual hospitals and regions in the UK
emergency general surgical patients should be the have changed their service in order to improve
responsibility of accredited general surgeons. the provision of emergency surgical services.14,15
 9. An essential prerequisite for accreditation in general Box 5.2 provides recommendations published by
the Royal College of Surgeons of England16 for
surgery is competence to manage unselected general
the separation of elective and emergency general
surgical emergencies.
10. The largest component of EGS is GI surgery.
The emergency team undoubtedly improves the
11. The emergency general surgeon should remain ability of the consultant general surgeon, as well
­competent in trauma management. as the middle grade team, to provide safe and ef-
12. Vascular surgery is undergoing significant changes and fective emergency care, but requires other condi-
in future will probably not be involved in EGS. tions to be met if this is to be both efficient and
13. Dedicated breast surgeons are unlikely to be involved in cost-effective, not only in terms of lost elective
EGS in the future. activity for the consultant but also training op-
14. Surgeons managing EGS should be as committed to portunities for the surgical trainees. These include
continuing medical education related to EGS in a easy access to radiological imaging, a dedicated
­manner equivalent to their elective surgical practice. emergency operating theatre with full (and senior)
15. The care of emergency surgical patients should be anaesthetic support available 24 hours each day,17
­delivered to equal standards as those accepted for enough surgical admissions to make the system
­elective surgical practice. worthwhile, and a distinct and dedicated admis-
sion area for emergency patients to be assessed.
This is particularly useful in the assessment of pa-
tients with equivocal clinical signs, such as in early
Organisation of emergency appendicitis, where the value of ‘active observa-
general surgical services tion’ with reassessment after 2–3 hours by the
same surgeon, repeated thereafter as necessary, is
Separation of elective and well established.18

emergency surgery
Where in the past the continuity of care for surgi- Emergency general surgery should be
cal patients was maintained by the ‘middle grade’ provided by a team that is free of elective
surgical team, current rotas are now primarily of commitments. All emergency general surgical
patients should be admitted to a single dedicated
a shift pattern where the maximum time worked
admission area within the hospital, where they can
per week is around 48 hours, and as a result
be assessed and reviewed by the admitting surgical
consultants find they rarely work with the same
team. This should be supported by easy access to
trainees9 and continuity of care is reduced.10 One an emergency operating theatre and appropriate
solution to this problem was the introduction of and timely radiological investigations.7,16
the ‘surgeon of the day’, first suggested in 1995,11

82 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

Box 5.2  • Summary of recommendations for separation better treated by surgeons with a particular inter-
of emergency and elective surgical care est and experience in that subspeciality. This has of
course been recognised for some time in the elective
1. A physical separation of services, facilities and rotas performance of a number of surgical procedures,
works best, although a separate unit on the same site including oesophagectomy, gastrectomy, abdomi-
is preferable to a completely separate location. nal aortic aneurysm repair, lung lobectomy, cardiac
2. The presence of senior surgeons for both elective and surgery and colectomy,19,20 and although mainly
emergency work will enhance patient safety and the thought to be related to hospital and surgeon vol-
quality of care, and ensure that training opportunities umes,21 specialisation of the surgical team is also
are maximised. an important factor.22 However, there are now
3. The separation of emergency and elective surgical care data available to support similar improvements in
can facilitate protected and concentrated training for patient outcomes for emergency conditions, such
junior surgeons providing consultants are available to as acute gallstone disease23,24 and acute colorectal
supervise their work. disorders.25 This is not surprising considering the
subspecialisation that has occurred in general sur-
4. Creating an ‘emergency team’, linked with a ‘surgeon
gery over the last decade,26 with consultant sur-
of the week’, is a good method of providing dedicated geons now being expected to deal with surgical
and supervised training in all aspects of emergency conditions in the emergency situation that they no
and elective care. longer see in their elective practice. Reports of the
5. Separating emergency and elective services can separation of upper and lower elective and emer-
prevent the admission of emergency patients (both gency gastrointestinal (GI) services in one region
medical and surgical) from disrupting planned activity of Scotland have been encouraging. Not only has
and vica versa, thus minimising patient inconvenience there been a significant increase in the number of
and maximising productivity for the hospital. The patients with acute gallstone problems undergoing
success of this will largely depend on having sufficient the same admission laparoscopic cholecystectomy,27
beds and resources for each service. there have also been improvements in the manage-
6. Hospital-acquired infections can be reduced by the ment of perforated duodenal ulcers,28 and acute
provision of protected elective wards and avoiding diverticulitis where patients have a lower mortal-
ity and fewer stomas.29 The challenge now is for
admissions from the emergency department and
all those surgeons involved in the development and
transfers from within/outside the hospital.
provision of emergency surgical care to produce on-
7. The improved use of IT (information technology) solutions call rotas that allow, where possible, patients with
can assist with separating workloads (for example, specific subspeciality conditions to be treated and
scheduling systems for appointments and theatres, operated upon by surgeons with a specific interest
telemedicine, picture archiving and communication in that area. This will undoubtedly involve reor-
systems, etc.), although it is recognised that developments ganisation of regional emergency surgical services,
in IT for the NHS are generally behind schedule. bringing together a wider group of surgeons for the
8. High-volume specialities are particularly suited to on-call rota, with the ability to provide both upper
separating two strands of work. Other specialities can and lower GI cover. The political hurdles of closing
also benefit by having emergencies seen by senior some emergency services in some hospitals in order
surgeons – this can help to reduce unnecessary to provide these larger emergency surgical units in
admissions, deal with ward emergencies and facilitate other hospitals must be overcome if the undoubted
rapid discharge. improvements in patient care associated with dedi-
cated emergency surgical services delivered by surgi-
Copyright The Royal College of Surgeons of England. cal teams with appropriate subspeciality expertise
Reproduced with permission. Separating emergency and elective are to be realised, while at the same time providing
surgical care: recommendations for practice, The Royal College of
robust junior doctor rotas that comply with the ap-
Surgeons of England, 2007 (
propriate working time directives.

Early assessment of the

Subspecialisation in emergency
acute abdomen
general surgery
Attempts to improve preoperative diagnosis and
Along with the recognition that emergency surgery early management of patients with acute abdomi-
deserves more attention and support has also come nal pain are continuingly being made; this section
the recognition that specialist conditions are often discusses all the current available techniques and

83 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5
the evidence for their incorporation into emer- Box 5.3  • Conditions that may present with acute
gency surgical practice. For the purposes of most abdominal pain
studies looking at acute abdominal pain, the broad
definition is taken as ‘abdominal pain of less than Non-specific abdominal pain (NSAP) (35%)
1 week's duration requiring admission to hospital, Acute appendicitis (17%)
which has not been previously treated or investi- Intestinal obstruction (15%)
gated’. However, this must be accepted as a fairly Urological causes (6%)
loose definition. Gallstone disease (5%)
For an emergency team system to work efficiently Colonic diverticular disease (4%)
the surgical team must have rapid access to diag-
Abdominal trauma (3%)
nostic blood tests and appropriate imaging, which
should include plain and contrast radiology, both Abdominal malignancy (3%)
diagnostic and interventional (percutaneous drain- Perforated peptic ulcer (3%)
age and biopsy), ultrasound (US) and computed Pancreatitis (2%)
tomography (CT). Furthermore, plain radiography Conditions contributing 1% or less
evaluated by senior radiologists substantially en- Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
hances senior surgical assessment of patients with
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm
acute abdominal pain, resulting in reduced surgi-
cal admissions.30 All these modalities are discussed Gynaecological causes (these may go unnoticed as NSAP)
below. Inflammatory bowel disease
Medical conditions
Conditions associated with Mesenteric ischaemia
abdominal pain Gastroenteritis
Many studies have looked at the spectrum of pa-
Reproduced from Irvin TT. Abdominal pain: a surgical audit
tients admitted to hospital with acute abdominal of 1190 emergency admissions. Br J Surg 1989; 76:1121–5.
pain and the approximate percentage represented © British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Reproduced with
by each condition is now well understood. Figures permission. Permission is granted by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on
from one study31 appear to be fairly representa- behalf of the BJSS Ltd.
tive (Box 5.3). In this study the 30-day mortality in
1190 emergency admissions was 4%, with a peri- Box 5.4  •  Causes of non-specific abdominal pain32
operative mortality of 8%. Not surprisingly, the
mortality rate was age related, with perioperative Viral infections
mortality in patients below 60 years being 2%, ris- Bacterial gastroenteritis
ing to 12% in those 60–69 years and reaching 20% Worm infestation
in patients over the age of 80 years. Laparotomy
Irritable bowel syndrome
for irresectable disease was the most common cause
of perioperative mortality (28%), with ruptured ab- Gynaecological conditions
dominal aortic aneurysm (23%), perforated peptic Psychosomatic pain
ulcer (16%) and colonic resections (14%) all being Abdominal wall pain34
associated with significant perioperative mortality. • Iatrogenic peripheral nerve injuries
What stands out from all the studies on acute ab- • Hernias
dominal pain published over the last few decades is
• Myofascial pain syndromes
the high incidence of non-specific abdominal pain
(NSAP), with published figures of 40% or more.32 • Rib tip syndrome
NSAP usually reflects a failure of diagnosis, as many • Nerve root pain
of these patients do have a cause for the pain and • Rectus sheath haematoma
it has been shown that further investigations, such
as laparoscopy, can reduce the overall incidence of
NSAP to around 27%.33 muscles) may be a useful diagnostic test.36 Possible
Some authors have examined this diagnosis causes of ­abdominal wall pain are also given in
of NSAP further and describe a certain number Box 5.4. The major problem with making a diag-
of alternative conditions that could be related nosis of NSAP is in missing serious underlying dis-
(Box 5.4),32 including abdominal wall pain34 and ease, and the late Tim de Dombal demonstrated that
rectus nerve entrapment.35 In some cases of NSAP, 10% of patients over the age of 50 years who were
detection of abdominal wall tenderness (increased admitted to hospital with acute abdominal pain
abdominal pain on tensing the abdominal wall were subsequently found to have intra-abdominal

84 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

malignancy.37 Half of these patients had colonic a list of probable diagnoses for individual patients
carcinoma and the major concern was that 50% of with acute abdominal pain. They demonstrated
the patients who were subsequently proved to have that the accuracy of clinical diagnosis could be im-
intra-abdominal cancer were discharged from hos- proved by around 20%, and a subsequent multi-
pital with a diagnosis of NSAP. centre study confirmed this finding.45 Furthermore,
Acute gynaecological conditions such as pelvic in- these studies showed that there was a reduction in
flammatory disease and ovarian cyst accidents are the unnecessary laparotomy rate and bad manage-
another group of diagnoses that may often be in- ment errors (patients whose surgery is incorrectly
cluded under the umbrella of NSAP, simply because delayed). When the reasons for the improvement
of failure to take a good history or examination in diagnostic accuracy associated with the use of
or even perform a thorough pelvic examination, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) were examined,
whether digitally, ultrasonographically or at opera- there appeared to be three main factors involved:
tion. In one study from a general surgical unit, gyn- (i) peer review and audit, which is invariably as-
aecological causes represented 13% of all diagnoses sociated with improved results in most aspects of
in a consecutive series of all emergency admissions medical management;46 (ii) an educational factor
(both male and female) initially presumed to be ‘sur- related to feedback;47 and (iii) probably of great-
gical’ in origin.38 As many of these patients present est significance, the use of structured data sheets
with ‘query appendicitis’, accurate assessment is es- on to which the history and examination findings
sential if unnecessary operations are to be avoided, were documented before being entered into the
and even then the diagnosis may remain hidden un- computer program. One study went on to dem-
less the surgeon examines the pelvic organs once a onstrate that the diagnostic accuracy of junior
normal appendix has been found. However, with the doctors improved by nearly 20% when they used
increased use of diagnostic laparoscopy, discussed structured data sheets alone, without going on to
later in this chapter, these conditions are now be- use the CAD program.48 The same study also dem-
ing recognised by the emergency surgeon with much onstrated that medical students assessing patients
greater frequency. Early recognition and appropri- with the structured data sheets and then using the
ate treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease may CAD program reached similar levels of diagnostic
help to avoid potentially serious long-term sequelae accuracy to qualified doctors. Other studies have
and must be encouraged.39 Indeed, the condition of since confirmed similar improvements in clinical
Curtis–Fitz-Hugh syndrome, when transperitoneal decision-making following the introduction of
spread of pelvic inflammatory disease produces these data sheets.49
right upper quadrant pain due to perihepatic adhe-
sions, is now well recognised and care must be taken The message from all these studies is clear:
to differentiate this from acute biliary conditions.40 a good history and examination remain essential
Although much is made of possible ‘medical’ causes for both diagnostic accuracy and good clinical
of acute abdominal pain in surgical textbooks, the decision-making, and the use of a structured
incidence of conditions such as myocardial in- data sheet helps the clinician to achieve this
farction, lobar pneumonia and some metabolic objective.8,9,45
disorders is extremely small, though many still
masquerade as NSAP. However, the possibility of The aim of both the history and examination
such conditions must still be borne in mind during is to determine a diagnosis and clinical decision.
the clinical assessment of all patients with acute ab- There are undoubtedly specific features associ-
dominal pain: one study has shown that 19 of 1168 ated with all acute abdominal conditions that are
children (1.6%) admitted to hospital with acute ab- well established; however, it remains the ability
dominal pain had pneumonia as the sole cause of to identify the presence or absence of peritoneal
symptoms.41 It is therefore still extremely important inflammation that probably has the greatest influ-
to recognise these medical conditions when they do ence on the final surgical decision. In other words,
present, before exploratory surgery, as the mortality the presence or absence of guarding and rebound
can be significantly increased.42 tenderness, and a history of pain on coughing,
correlates well with the presence of peritonitis.50
The differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis
History and examination (including from NSAP is always difficult, particularly in chil-
computer-aided diagnosis) dren, and both guarding and rebound tenderness
are significantly more likely to be present in acute
In the early 1970s, de Dombal et al.43 in Leeds and appendicitis.51 There was always great emphasis
Gunn44 in Edinburgh developed a computer pro- in the past on the importance of a rectal examina-
gram based on Bayesian reasoning that ­produced tion in patients with suspected acute appendicitis

85 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5
to elicit ­
tenderness within the pelvis. However,
Early diagnosis in patients with mesenteric
when rebound tenderness is detected in the lower ischaemia is particularly important as survival
abdomen, as evident by pain on gentle percus- after surgery is much better in those with venous
sion, further examination by rectal examination thrombosis than those with arterial thrombosis.58
has been shown to provide no new information.52
Rectal examination can therefore be avoided in
such patients and reserved for those patients with- In the assessment of the role of subsequent in-
out rebound tenderness or where specific pelvic vestigations in the acute abdomen, it is important
disease needs to be excluded. Measurement of to identify their potential influence on clinical
temperature has also been shown to be relatively ­decision-making rather than evaluating them purely
non-discriminatory in the early assessment of on diagnostic potential.
the acute abdomen.53 Urgent urinary microscopy Although blood tests are often useful as a base-
should be carried out on anyone with any symp- line, their influence on the diagnosis of acute
toms that could relate to the urinary tract and it is abdominal pain remains unclear, with the excep-
a good principle to dip test the urine on admission tion of serum amylase55 and increasingly serum
of every patient with acute abdominal pain. lipase59 or acute pancreatitis (see also Chapter 8).
Studies examining the influence of white cell
concentration60 and C-reactive protein61,62 in pa-
Initial blood investigations and tients with ‘query appendicitis’ have concluded
that serial white cell counts are useful (compared
early decision-making with a single measurement). Although isolated
C-reactive protein levels may also be fairly non-
After the initial assessment (history and examina- discriminatory, when they are interpreted with
tion) of patients with acute abdominal pain, steps white cell count and both are normal, acute ap-
should be taken towards resuscitation, pain relief pendicitis is unlikely.63
and further diagnostic tests as required. There is
very good evidence to support the early adminis-
tration of opiate analgesia in patients with acute Overall, inflammatory markers are poor
discriminators of conditions such as appendicitis
abdominal pain, and a recent Cochrane system-
when looked at individually, but when combined and
atic review confirmed that patient comfort was
used with history and clinical findings of peritoneal
improved without detrimentally affecting surgical
irritation they achieve a high discriminatory
decision-making.54 power.64 Thus, routine measurement of the white
cell count and C-reactive protein in patients with
The early administration of opiate analgesia acute abdominal pain can be justified, not only
in patients with acute abdominal pain improves for a baseline with which to compare subsequent
patient comfort without adversely affecting clinical levels depending on clinical progress, but also
decision-making.54 to be interpreted along with all other clinical and
biochemical findings.
Once the initial assessment has been completed,
the surgeon will reach a differential diagnosis and, Liver function tests are of course an essential in-
perhaps more importantly, a clinical decision: early vestigation in the early assessment of the acute ab-
operation definitely required, early operation defi- domen where acute biliary disease is suspected.65
nitely not required or need for early operation un- The other area that has attracted great interest in
certain. Clearly, further investigations in the first the role of blood tests for aiding diagnosis in the
category are unlikely to influence management, with acute abdomen is intestinal ischaemia, whether
the exception of a serum amylase level, which may from strangulated obstruction or mesenteric isch-
reveal acute pancreatitis.55 Further investigations in aemia and infarction. Estimation of acid–base
the group in which the surgeon considers early op- status to assess the degree of metabolic acidosis
eration is not required can be organised on a more is often a late change and measurement of serum
leisurely basis, and it is not surprising that it is in the phosphate, lactate, kinase, creatine, lactate dehy-
group in which the surgeon is uncertain as to whether drogenase, alkaline phosphatase, diamineoxidase
early operation is required that most difficulty ex- and porcine ileal peptide have all been shown to be
ists.56 Most of the uncertainty relates to ‘query ap- unreliable.58 A recent study, however, has demon-
pendicitis’, particularly in the young female, but also strated the use of a combined clinico-radiological
involves patients with intestinal obstruction and the score for predicting the risk of strangulation in
elderly patient, in whom the diagnosis of mesenteric small-bowel obstruction.66 This will be discussed in
ischaemia must always be considered.57 more detail later.

86 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

Radiological investigations
With advances in technology and improved radio-
logical techniques, the radiologist is playing an ever
more important role in the diagnosis of patients with
acute abdominal pain. Furthermore, abdominal ul-
trasonography and plain radiography evaluated by
senior radiologists substantially enhance senior sur-
gical assessment of patients with acute abdominal
pain, resulting in reduced surgical admissions.67

Plain radiology
Figure 5.1  •  Erect chest radiograph in a patient with a
The role of plain radiology in the investigation of
perforated duodenal ulcer. Note the free intraperitoneal air
the acute abdomen has been extensively examined. under both hemidiaphragms.
Until recently there was general consensus that the
erect chest radiograph was the most appropriate in-
vestigation for the detection of free intraperitoneal
gas, with use of the lateral decubitus film if either
the erect chest film could not be taken (due to the
patient's condition) or was equivocal. This no lon-
ger seems to be true following a report from Taiwan,
where ultrasonography was shown to be superior to
the erect chest radiograph, with a sensitivity of 92%
in the detection of pneumoperitoneum compared
with only 78% for plain radiology.68 Undoubtedly
there will be operator dependence and for now the
erect chest radiograph should still be the initial test
for suspected perforation (Fig. 5.1). Failure to de-
tect free gas under the diaphragm in a patient with
suspected intestinal obstruction can then be further
investigated by US, CT or contrast radiology, as dis-
cussed below. The erect chest radiograph remains
important for excluding chest conditions such as
acute lobar pneumonia that can present as acute
upper abdominal pain (Fig. 5.2).
Plain abdominal radiography is still carried out un-
necessarily in a large number of patients,69 and it could Figure 5.2  •  Erect chest radiograph in a patient with
be significantly reduced if its use is limited to those acute right-sided pneumonia.
patients where it might provide some diagnostic help,
such as suspected intestinal obstruction, suspected Contrast radiology
perforation (Fig. 5.3) and exacerbation of colitis.70
It has been recognised for many years that gastro-
The use of the supine abdominal radiograph intestinal contrast studies can be used to evaluate
should be limited to patients with suspected acute gastrointestinal conditions.73 Its main func-
intestinal obstruction, suspected perforation and tion remains the assessment of both large- and
exacerbation of colitis, as indicated in the guidelines small-bowel obstruction and possible gastroin-
produced by the Royal College of Radiologists.71 testinal perforation. However, with the increasing
availability of multi-slice CT (see below) this role
Similar controversy exists in the use of erect ab- is dwindling.
dominal radiographs for the assessment of patients
with suspected intestinal obstruction. Most sur- Perforated peptic ulcer
geons still prefer both views (erect and supine) on Although the erect chest radiograph is recognised
the basis that in those patients in whom the supine as the most appropriate first-line investigation for a
radiograph is normal or equivocal the erect film suspected perforated peptic ulcer, in approximately
may be helpful.72 50% of patients no free gas can be identified on the

87 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5

Figure 5.4  •  Supine abdominal radiograph taken 20

minutes after the oral administration of 50 mL of water-soluble
contrast material in a patient with a suspected perforated
peptic ulcer in whom the erect chest radiograph was normal.
Note the small trickle of contrast through the perforation.
These findings were confirmed at laparotomy. Reproduced
b from Ellis BW, Paterson-Brown S (eds). Hamilton Bailey's
emergency surgery, 13th edn. London: Hodder Arnold, 2000.
Figure 5.3  •  Plain supine abdominal radiographs
With kind permission from Taylor Francis.
demonstrating free intraperitoneal air (a) in a patient with
a perforated duodenal ulcer and retroperitoneal air (b) in a
patient with perforated diverticular disease. Small-bowel obstruction
Surgery for small-bowel obstruction is performed
for one of two reasons: first, there has been fail-
radiograph.74 This leaves the emergency surgeon ure of non-operative management; second, there
with three options: (i) to review the diagnosis, such is clinical suspicion of impending strangulation.
as reconsidering acute pancreatitis; (ii) to proceed Although plain abdominal radiographs are use-
to laparotomy based on the clinical findings alone; ful in establishing the diagnosis of small-bowel
or (iii) particularly if there are reasonable grounds obstruction, they cannot differentiate between
for uncertainty, to arrange for either a CT with oral strangulated and non-strangulated gut. The cri-
contrast or a water-soluble contrast study. The lat- teria on which strangulated intestine must be
ter will confirm or refute the presence of an ongoing suspected are well established: peritonism, fever,
leak (Fig. 5.4), but will not differentiate between the tachycardia and leucocytosis.76 However, even
­patient without a perforation and one in whom the when the diagnosis is suspected, the changes at
perforation has sealed. The addition of US,68 as al- operation are often irreversible and resection re-
ready discussed, and increasingly CT in this scenario quired. Some workers have looked at serum mark-
may help by revealing free abdominal air and fluid ers such as phosphate and lactate concentrations58
in the patient whose perforation has sealed sponta- to help identify patients with possible strangula-
neously. As has been well understood for quite some tion in order to allow earlier surgery, but unfor-
time now, many patients with perforated peptic ul- tunately they are unreliable. As in other areas of
cers can be managed non-operatively;75 with this acute abdominal imaging, US also appears to be
knowledge, the assessing surgeon has plenty of time able to contribute to the diagnosis of intestinal
to resuscitate the patient and make efforts to con- obstruction,77 but the problem of detecting early
firm or refute the diagnosis before rushing to emer- ischaemic changes in small-bowel obstruction re-
gency surgery. Patients who might be considered for mains largely unsolved. There is little doubt that
non-operative treatment of their perforation should water-soluble contrast studies in patients with
have a contrast meal to confirm spontaneous sealing small-bowel obstruction are useful in ­ detecting
of the perforation. This topic is discussed in more those patients who are not likely to settle with
detail in Chapter 6. non-operative management.78 A randomised trial

88 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

comparing water-soluble contrast follow-through contrast to reach the caecum by 4 hours strongly
versus conventional management in patients with suggests that surgical intervention is likely to be
suspected adhesive small-bowel obstruction dem- required, and better sooner than later (Fig. 5.5).
onstrated a significantly shorter time to surgery Water-soluble contrast follow-through is also use-
and therefore overall hospital stay in the group ful in the assessment of early postoperative ob-
receiving the contrast study.79 Water-soluble con- struction in order to identify those patients with
trast material also allows quicker resolution of an ileus from those with mechanical obstruction
symptoms.80 In general, failure of water-soluble who need re-operation.81

a b

c d

Figure 5.5  •  Supine abdominal radiograph in a patient with adhesive small-bowel obstruction (a), 90 minutes (b) and
4 hours (c) after oral administration of 50 mL of water-soluble contrast material. Note failure of contrast to reach the
caecum and the obvious small-bowel obstruction. Laparotomy confirmed small-bowel obstruction due to adhesions.
(d) A post-contrast 4-hour film in a patient with suspected small-bowel obstruction from the plain abdominal radiograph
but on this occasion contrast has reached the colon by 4 hours and no surgery was required.

89 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5
under CT imaging. More detailed information on
In patients with small-bowel obstruction
early administration of a water-soluble contrast
the surgical management of small-bowel obstruc-
material should be considered as it allows those tion is provided in Chapter 9.
patients who require surgery to be identified sooner
and those that will settle non-operatively to do so Large-bowel obstruction
quicker than patients managed conventionally.79,80 The management algorithm for large-bowel
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the ­obstruction has now become well established fol-
diagnostic and therapeutic role of water-soluble lowing the more widespread recognition that colonic
contrast in adhesive small-bowel obstruction found pseudo-obstruction could not be distinguished from
that it was effective in predicting the need for mechanical obstruction on plain r­adiographs alone
surgery, as well as actually reducing the need for (Fig. 5.6a,b).83 The decision that all patients with sus-
operation and shortened hospital stay.82
pected large-bowel obstruction should now undergo
a contrast enema (Fig. 5.6c,d) before laparotomy has
A recent clinicopathological score has been devel- probably been the most important ­factor in reducing
oped to predict the risk of strangulated small-bowel not only the unnecessary ­operation rate for pseudo-
obstruction66 and is discussed in more detail below obstruction, but also the associated ­ mortality.

a b

c d

Figure 5.6  •  Supine abdominal radiographs in two patients with large-bowel obstruction. (a) Patient A has pseudo-
obstruction. (b) Patient B has mechanical obstruction. (c,d) Water-soluble contrast enema confirmed pseudo-obstruction
in patient A (c) and an obstructing carcinoma of the sigmoid colon in patient B (d).

90 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

Patients with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction pres- indicators of acute cholecystitis.85 US is the first-
ent with similar history and clinical signs to the pa- line investigation for acute biliary disease, with
tient with a mechanical obstruction. Although factors a sensitivity greater than 95% for the detection
recognised as precipitating pseudo-obstruction, such of acute cholecystitis.86 As the most appropriate
as dehydration, electrolyte abnormalities, pelvic and management of these patients is now laparoscopic
spinal surgery, acid–base imbalance and so on, may cholecystectomy during the same admission, and if
alert the clinician as to the possible cause, it cannot possible within 48 hours,87 early US examination
be confirmed without further investigation. As the on any patient with suspected acute biliary disease
treatment for one is non-operative and for the other should be undertaken soon after admission (see
is usually operative, accurate assessment is essential. also Chapter 8).
In experienced hands US has been shown to be
All patients with a suspected large-bowel able to detect an acutely inflamed non-perforated
obstruction should undergo some form of contrast appendix with a sensitivity of 81% and specificity
examination to exclude pseudo-obstruction.83 of 100%.88 Because the technique relies on visualis-
ing a non-compressible swollen appendix (Fig. 5.7),
The surgical management of both large-bowel ob- the sensitivity for perforated appendicitis is much
struction and the next topic, acute diverticulitis, is lower (29%). When a scoring system is used for
covered in more detail in Chapter 10. both clinical diagnosis and ultrasonographic find-
ings, the addition of the latter increases the diag-
Acute diverticulitis nostic accuracy for acute appendicitis.89,90 Clearly,
The majority of patients who present with symp- it would be inappropriate to scan everyone with
toms and signs of acute diverticulitis can be man- suspected appendicitis, but where the diagnosis is
aged non-operatively, with the exception of those uncertain, particularly in women, the case for US
patients who have overt peritonitis from perfora- scanning is strong, as many alternative diagnoses
tion. Although US in experienced hands might iden- can be detected.91
tify a thickened segment of colon, perhaps with an Other areas where US is specifically used to
associated paracolic collection of fluid, invariably assess the acute abdomen are abdominal aortic
there is too much gas for adequate assessment and aneurysms, renal tract disease and acute gynae-
quite significant collections can go unnoticed. For cological emergencies. US may also have a role to
this reason clinicians have attempted to evaluate play in the diagnosis of strangulated small-bowel
other modalities, such as water-soluble contrast ra- obstruction, by detecting dilated non-peristaltic
diology and CT. The former has the ability to iden- loops of bowel in association with free intraperito-
tify an ongoing ‘leak’, the latter a perforation and neal fluid.92 US can also be useful in detecting acute
collection. Both of these pieces of information may abdominal wall problems, such as rectus sheath
be of use to the surgeon in reaching a decision to haematoma (Fig. 5.8), and differentiating them
operate, even though the ultimate decision must be from intra-abdominal pathology.93 US also has a
based on clinical rather than radiological criteria. role in the early assessment of patients with blunt
Overall, CT has been shown in a prospectively ran- ­abdominal trauma,94 and this is covered in detail in
domised trial to be superior to contrast enemas in Chapter 13.
both the evaluation of inflammation and identifica-
tion of a collection.84

Ultrasonography (US)
The use of US is now one of the mainstays of inves-
tigation of the acute abdomen. Accurate detection
of small amounts of intraperitoneal fluid associ-
ated with conditions such as perforated peptic
ulcer, acute cholecystitis, acute appendicitis, stran-
gulated bowel and ruptured ovarian cysts can be
very helpful in alerting the clinician to the possible
severity of the patient's symptoms. Furthermore,
reports on the accuracy of US in the detection of
specific conditions such as acute cholecystitis and
appendicitis are impressive. The presence of free Figure 5.7  •  Ultrasound examination on a patient with
fluid, gallstones, a thickened gallbladder wall and a acute appendicitis. Note the non-compressible thick-
positive ­ultrasonographic Murphy sign are all good walled hollow organ (appendix) beneath the probe.

91 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5

Figure 5.8  •  Ultrasound of the abdominal wall Figure 5.9  •  CT image with intravenous contrast
demonstrating a rectus sheath haematoma. demonstrating perforated appendicitis.

Computed tomography (CT)

The place of CT in the early assessment of the acute
abdomen has received wide attention over the last
few years following the introduction of multislice
CT and recognition of the excellent images that can
be produced, especially if intravenous (i.v.) contrast
is used. Its role in the investigation of the severity of
acute diverticulitis has already been discussed84 and
it can also be used to identify miscellaneous intra-
abdominal collections resulting from other condi-
tions. Attempts to improve the diagnostic accuracy
of acute appendicitis using CT have been impres-
sive, with 98% accuracy in 100 consecutive patients
with suspected appendicitis (Fig. 5.9), of whom 53
had acute appendicitis.95 However, irrespective of
the cost and availability issue, the diagnosis of acute
appendicitis can usually be made without the aid of
imaging studies and care must be taken to ensure
that such investigations are used to complement
rather than to replace the clinical assessment of pa-
tients with suspected appendicitis.96 Because of the
associated risks of i.v. contrast in some individuals
as well as excessive radiation exposure, particularly Figure 5.10  •  CT image with intravenous contrast
in the younger patients, the role of non-contrast CT demonstrating small-bowel obstruction due to an
has been examined in a systematic review of seven incarcerated inguinal hernia. With thanks to Dr Dilip Patel,
Consultant Radiologist, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.
studies.97 This review concluded that non-contrast
helical CT provides an acceptably high accuracy
(sensitivity of 92.7% and specificity of 96.1%) for of the same data demonstrated that another advan-
the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adult patients. tage of early CT was in the detection of unexpected
A randomised study from Cambridge that ex- significant primary and secondary diagnoses.99 These
amined the effect of early CT (within 24 hours of findings were confirmed in another more recent ran-
admission) compared to standard investigations on domised trial comparing plain ­radiology with early
patients with undifferentiated acute abdominal pain low-dose abdominal CT.100 In addition to its overall
demonstrated an improvement in diagnostic accu- role in the investigation of the acute abdomen, CT is
racy in patients undergoing early CT, but no differ- also extremely useful specifically in the detection of
ence in length of stay or mortality.98 Further analysis gastrointestinal obstruction (Fig. 5.10), ­perforations

92 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

(Fig. 5.11), along with indications of the site of per- 233 consecutive patients studied with small-bowel
foration,101 intestinal ischaemia (Fig. 5.12)102 and obstruction was 6% in patients with a score of 1
bleeding (Fig. 5.13), as well as abdominal wall prob- or less (one point for each variable) compared to a
lems (Fig. 5.14). Multislice CT with intravenous and sensitivity of 67.7% and specificity of 90.8% in re-
rectal contrast can also be useful in the detection and quiring resection for a score of 3 or more.66 Overall,
differentiation of different types of colitis, includ- 138 of the patients in this study underwent surgery,
ing ulcerative, Crohn's, pseudo-membranous and of whom 45 required intestinal resection.
Clostridium difficile colitis.103 A clinicoradiologi- Despite the relatively high diagnostic accuracy of
cal score has recently been developed to predict the CT in the assessment of the acute abdomen, and par-
risk of strangulated small-bowel obstruction using ticularly acute appendicitis, the main drawbacks re-
duration of pain (lasting 4 days or more), elevated main cost and radiation exposure.104 As a result the
C-reactive protein (>75 mg/L), leucocyte count (>10 role of CT in the early assessment of patients with
× 109/L), the presence of guarding, at least 500 mL acute abdominal pain should still be limited to those
of fluid as seen on CT and reduced enhancement in whom there remains uncertainty as to either diag-
of the small bowel on CT. The risk of ischaemia in nosis or decision to operate after initial assessment.

a b

Figure 5.11  •  (a) Sagittal view of a CT scan with intravenous contrast demonstrating free intraperitoneal gas from a
perforated peptic ulcer. Note the free air anterior to the liver. (b) Axial view of the same patient showing free air above the
liver. With thanks to Dr Dilip Patel, Consultant Radiologist, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.

Figure 5.12  •  CT angiogram demonstrating coeliac axis Figure 5.13  •  CT angiogram demonstrating contrast in the
thrombus. mid descending colon from bleeding diverticular disease.

93 66485457-66963820
Chapter 5

Figure 5.15  •  Laparoscopy showing an acutely inflamed

appendix with pelvic peritonitis.

Figure 5.14  •  CT image with intravenous contrast

demonstrating a large rectus sheath haematoma.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

With the increased use of CT in the investigation
of the acute abdomen it was only a matter of time
before attention turned to the role of MRI, which is
not associated with the radiation exposure of CT.
MRI can undoubtedly differentiate an acutely in-
flamed appendix from a normal one105 and therefore
is useful in pregnant patients, where the diagnosis
of acute appendicitis can be difficult.106 However,
a review of academic centres in North America re- Figure 5.16  •  Laparoscopic view of a torsion of the right
ported that radiologists still preferred CT to MRI in fallopian tube with ischaemia of the distal tube and ovary.
the second and third trimester to investigate acute
abdominal pain.107

Laparoscopy is now an integral part of the
emergency surgeon's armamentarium, for both
diagnosis and treatment of acute abdominal con-
ditions. Laparoscopy significantly improves surgical
­decision-making when used as a diagnostic tool,108
particularly when the need for operation is uncer-
tain.56 With the increasing use of laparoscopic ap-
pendicectomy (see Chapter 9), most patients with
suspected appendicitis can now undergo diagnostic
laparoscopy followed by laparoscopic appendicec-
tomy if the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is con- Figure 5.17  •  Laparoscopic view of a haemorrhagic
firmed (Fig. 5.15). Even if a policy of laparoscopic ovarian cyst.
appendicectomy is not followed, all females with
suspected acute appendicitis should still undergo ­abdominal pain, some of whom of course subse-
diagnostic laparoscopy because the diagnostic error quently turn out to have a surgical cause, early lap-
is more than twice that of males,109 usually due to aroscopy versus observation has been shown to be
underlying gynaecological conditions (Figs 5.16 and of benefit. Two randomised studies110,111 have dem-
5.17). When used as a diagnostic tool in patients ad- onstrated that the associated improved diagnostic
mitted to hospital with suspected acute non-specific accuracy in the patients undergoing laparoscopy

94 66485457-66963820
Organisation of emergency general surgical services

converts to a reduced hospital stay, and in one of either not remember what had happened or their
the studies110 an improved quality of life (assessed recall was incorrect.112 This included knowledge as
6 weeks after discharge from hospital). to whether the appendix had been removed or not.
The decision on what to do if a normal appen-
dix is seen at laparoscopy is discussed in detail in
Chapter 9, and there are differing arguments for It is clear that there is now overwhelming
evidence in support of the use of diagnostic
and against its removal. What is essential is that the
laparoscopy in the management of patients with
patient must be clearly told the diagnosis made at
acute abdominal pain in whom the need for surgery
laparoscopy and the procedure performed. It has
is uncertain and particularly women with suspected
been shown that around 27% of patients under- appendicitis.108,110,111
going laparoscopy for acute abdominal pain could

Key points
• The art of good management of patients with acute abdominal pain lies in an accurate history,
careful examination and logical decision-making, taking into account results from all appropriate
and available investigations.
• Regular reassessment of patients is an essential part of this process and facilities should be
provided so that emergency patients are kept in an area of the hospital where regular review is
• The ability to provide adequate emergency surgical care, with careful observation, reassessment
and early access to the operating theatre, is best provided by dedicated emergency surgical
teams without elective commitments.
• Swift access to investigations and an emergency theatre is an essential requisite for the
appropriate management of patients with acute abdominal pain.
• Although emergency subspecialisation has great attractions for the overall care of the emergency
patient with complex problems, this area of development will depend very much on local
resources, requirements and workload.

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81. Sajja SBS, Schein M. Early postoperative small 95. Rao PM, Rhea JT, Novelline RA, et al. Effect of
bowel obstruction. Br J Surg 2004;91:683–91. computed tomography of the appendix on treatment
82. Branco BC, Barmparas G, Schnuriger B, et al. Systematic of patients and use of hospital resources. N Engl J
review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic and thera- Med 1998;338:141–6.
peutic role of water soluble contrast agent in adhesive 96. Unlu C, de Castro MMN, Tuynman JB, et al.
small boiwel obstruction. Br J Surg 2010;97:47–8. Evaluating routine diagnostic imaging in acute ap-
Fourteeen prospective studies were analysed and pendicitis. Int J Surg 2009;7:451–597.
confirmed that water-soluble contrast radiography 97. Molstrom C, Johar S. Is contrast needed for CT in the
predicted the need for surgery, reduced the need for diagnosis of appendicitis? A systematic review of the
surgery and shortened hospital stay in patients with ad- literature. AccessMedicine from McGraw-Hill; 2011.
hesive small-bowel obstruction.; [accessed 10.11.12].
83. Dudley HAF, Paterson-Brown S. Pseudo-obstruction. 98. Sala E, Watson CJE, Beadsmoore C, et al. A ran-
Br Med J 1986;292:1157–8. domized, controlled trial of routine early abdomi-
Leading article that provides the history of pseudo-­ nal computed tomography in patients presenting
obstruction and the relevant papers in relation to with non-specific acute abdominal pain. Clin Radiol
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99. Sala E, Beadsmoore C, Gibbons D, et al. Unexpected pain: a survey of academic centers. AJR Am J
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computed tomography compared with clinical eval- 108. Paterson-Brown S. Emergency laparoscopic sur-
uation. Abdom Imaging 2009;34(6):783–7. gery. Br J Surg 1993;80:279–83.
100. Nguyen LK, Wong DD, Fatovich DM, et al. Low- Review article showing the overwhelming evidence
dose computed tomography versus plain abdomi- in support of diagnostic laparoscopy in the assess-
nal radiography in the investigation of an acute ment of patients with acute abdominal pain, particu-
abdomen. Aust N Z J Surg 2012;82(1–2):36–41. larly when the diagnosis and decision to operate is
101. Imatu M, Awai K, Nakayama Y, et al. Multidetector in doubt.
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155 patients. Radiat Med 2007;25(3):113–8. dicitis should undergo laparoscopy? Br Med J
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99 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Enders K.W. Ng

Introduction A lateral decubitus X-ray, water-soluble contrast

meal, ultrasound scan and computed tomography
Foregut perforations are challenging surgical emer- (CT) of the abdomen are thus invaluable additional
gencies and the keys to success in managing these investigations when the diagnosis is in doubt (see
potentially life-threatening situations are timely di- also Chapter 5). However, it is noteworthy that the
agnosis and appropriate intervention. This chapter role of CT may be limited if the onset of symptoms
summarises the latest evidence and clinical experi- is less than 6 hours.6 Pneumogastrogram was once
ence concerning the investigation and therapeutic advocated for being able to increase the diagnos-
options for perforation in different parts of the up- tic yield from 66% on plain erect X-ray to 91%.7
per gastrointestinal tract. Owing to the potential im- However, such a practice is now abandoned be-
plications for prognosis and management planning, cause forceful intragastric air insufflation is likely
perforations are conventionally classified according to reopen some of the spontaneously sealed-off
to the anatomical position and causative mechanism. perforations. For patients with profound peritoneal
signs and a serum amylase level not diagnostic of
acute pancreatitis, a laparoscopy or laparotomy af-
Peptic ulcer perforation ter resuscitation is indeed the most time-saving and
efficient investigation. It has the advantage of being
The estimated lifetime risk of perforation in peptic able to execute immediate therapeutic intervention,
ulcer disease ranges from 2% to 10%.1–3 Typical either laparoscopically or via an open laparotomy,
presentation includes a sudden onset of epigastric once the pathology is verified.
pain, which rapidly generalises to other parts of
the abdomen. Some patients may report a history Prognosis
of dyspepsia or peptic ulcer, but such findings are
absent in about one-third of the patients.4 ‘Board- Perforation accounts for the majority of deaths re-
like rigidity’ is the most commonly mentioned lated to peptic ulcer disease.8,9 Spillage of gastro-
physical sign, referring to the diffuse peritonitis duodenal contents through the perforation initiates
revealed on abdominal examination. However, in a chemical peritonitis, which will rapidly be super-
the elderly and the critically ill who develop ulcer imposed by bacterial infection if left untreated. This
perforation during hospitalisation, the presenta- leads in turn to the systemic inflammatory response
tion can often be atypical and subtle. Diagnosis syndrome and multi-organ dysfunction associated
under such circumstances requires a high index with the bacterial translocation across the peritoneal
of suspicion. Though subdiaphragmatic free gas surface. Despite surgical intervention, mortality rates
on a plain erect chest X-ray (Fig. 6.1) is diagnos- remain around 5–15%.9–11 The prognostic indica-
tic, it is seen in no more than 70% of patients.5 tors for ulcer perforation have been widely studied,

100 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

score was found to be associated with an increased

chance of ­conversion when laparoscopic repair was
attempted. Albeit a precise and useful tool for re-
search purposes, the APACHE II system is cumber-
some to employ in daily practice, not to mention
that the calculated score may vary with different
time points of assessment.

It is widely accepted that patient comorbidity,

age >65 years, the presence of preoperative shock
and long-standing perforation are associated with
an increase in mortality and morbidity following
perforated peptic ulcer.

A Danish group has recently published a revised

prediction model, the Peptic Ulcer Perforation (PULP)
score, based on a multicentre study including more
than 2600 patients with perforated gastric or duode-
nal ulcers treated surgically over a 6-year period.16
It comprises eight variables including (1) age over
65 years, (2) active malignancy or human immuno-
deficiency virus (HIV) infection, (3) cirrhosis, (4) ste-
roid use, (5) presentation more than 24 hours after
Figure 6.1  •  Erect chest radiograph showing right symptom onset, (6) preoperative shock, (7) serum
subphrenic free gas shadow associated with a perforated creatinine higher than 130 μM/L and (8) the four lev-
peptic ulcer. els of ASA score (2–5). In the study, PULP score was
reported to predict postoperative 30-day mortality
with an area under curve (AUC) of 0.83, which was
yet most published series consist of ­relatively small significantly better than the conventional Boey score
numbers of patients with marked heterogeneity in (AUC = 0.70) and ASA score alone (AUC = 0.78).
both demographics and treatment methods.

Before the era of laparoscopic surgery, Treatment

significantly higher rates of mortality were reported
by Boey et al. in patients with an ulcer perforation Some 50% of perforated peptic ulcers have spon-
who were admitted with major medical illness, taneously sealed at the time of admission to hospi-
preoperative shock and long-standing perforation tal.17 Such an observation has led to the sporadic
(more than 24 hours). Those with no, one, two and advocacy of non-operative management, especially
all three risk factors at presentation were noted for older patients with poor premorbid status.18
to have mortality rates of 0%, 10%, 45.5% and However, the non-operative approach has not been
100%, respectively.12 This study underscores widely accepted, with the exception of a few centres.
the importance of stratifying patients with ulcer Donovan et al. were among the first to advocate use
perforation according to their risk of mortality,
of diatrizoate meglumine (Hypaque) water-soluble
which is of relevance to the prognosis and choice of
contrast meal for confirmation of spontaneous seal-
surgical intervention.
ing of the perforation.19 In the absence of duodenal
scarring and contrast extravasation, patients with
Similar findings have been reported by other mul- subphrenic free gas were managed non-operatively
tivariate analyses. Some also identified that age with nasogastric suction and intravenous antibiot-
>65 years and perforation during hospital stay ics. By implementing this preset policy, these au-
are additional predictive factors of death.13,14 In thors were able to report an overall mortality rate
2001, Lee et al. compared the APACHE II score of only 4.6% in a series of 249 patients.20
with the Boey parameters in a cohort of over 400
patients.15 An APACHE II score >5 was found to
The non-operative approach to the treatment
have predictive value for increasing postopera-
of perforated peptic ulcers has been studied in a
tive complications and death, whereas the Boey
randomised trial consisting of 83 patients, of whom
score only predicted mortality but not morbid- 40 were assigned to non-operative management
ity. Interestingly, in the same study, a higher Boey

101 66485457-66963820
Chapter 6

while the rest underwent immediate laparotomy.21

mortality was only 0.9% and the recurrent ulcer rate
After 12 hours, 28% of the patients in the non- by life table analysis was 7.4%, with a re-operative
operative group failed to improve and required rate of only 1.9%.30 As a result, emergency vagot-
surgery. Though mortality rates were comparable omy was once a standard of care recommended for
between the two approaches, the incidence of peptic ulcer perforation.
intra-abdominal collections and sepsis was much The addition of a truncal or highly selective va-
higher in the non-operative group. Most strikingly, gotomy may cause little early morbidity or mortal-
patients over 70 years of age were found to be less ity apart from prolonging the time of anaesthesia.
responsive to the non-operative approach when However, resectional surgery in the form of emer-
compared to the younger patients. In concluding gency antrectomy or distal gastrectomy has been
the study, the authors did not recommend routine shown to increase mortality in patients with perfo-
use of non-operative management for peptic ulcer rated peptic ulcers, and therefore should be avoided
perforation. However, they recognised that the wherever possible.31
results suggested that patients (a) did not need All these ‘definitive’ surgical approaches, how-
to be rushed to the operating theatre and time ever, have changed over the last two decades fol-
could be more usefully spent in better preoperative lowing better understanding about the pathogenesis
resuscitation, and (b) in selected patients the non- of peptic ulcer disease; most surgeons now prefer a
operative approach has a role to play.
much less aggressive ‘damage control’ tactic when
treating ulcer perforations.32,33 The availability of
Though the majority of surgeons now advocate Helicobacter pylori eradication regimens and po-
immediate surgical intervention for perforated pep- tent proton-pump inhibitors provides excellent
tic ulcers, there remains debate as to what consti- means to alleviate patients' ulcer diathesis without
tutes the most appropriate operation. The omental the need for a definitive acid-reducing procedure.
repair technique first described by Graham in 1937 A simple omental patch repair and thorough peri-
involves patching the perforation with a piece of de- toneal toileting are the only key manoeuvres need-
tached omentum.22 It is no longer a common prac- ing to be done during the emergency operation. The
tice nowadays and has been largely replaced by the only exception is probably those suffering from gi-
pedicle omentopexy which is usually secured in place ant duodenal perforations (>2 cm), which may not
by two to three tie-over sutures (Fig. 6.2a, b). For a be amenable to a simple patch repair (see below).34
time such a simple omentopexy repair was associ-
ated with a high subsequent ulcer relapse rate.23–25 Role of Helicobacter pylori and
This resulted in the popularity of adding a definitive
acid-reducing procedure, such as distal gastrectomy
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
or vagotomy, to lower ulcer recurrence.26–29 In a drugs (NSAIDs)
prospective follow-up study, 107 selected patients
with perforated pyloroduodenal ulcers undergoing While the relationship between Helicobacter
omental patch closure and p ­ arietal cell vagotomy ­pylori infection and uncomplicated peptic ulcers
were evaluated up to 21 years later. The operative is ­indisputable, the role of the bacteria in ulcer

a b

Figure 6.2  •  (a) A small perforation at the juxtapyloric area. (b) Pedicle omental patch repair on the perforation site
secured with absorbable sutures.

102 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

perforation was once enigmatic. Reported infection The role of cyclo-oxygenase-2

rates in earlier series varied markedly from 0% to
100%.35–37 The difference in the number, timing and (COX-2)-specific inhibitors
types of diagnostic test used to diagnose H. pylori in-
fection in these studies may have accounted for the Selective COX-2 inhibitors have been approved
widely different findings. Furthermore, the frequency for symptomatic treatment of arthritis for nearly
of NSAID intake can be an important confounding two decades. In contrast to conventional NSAIDs,
factor. In one consecutive series of 73 patients with COX-2 inhibitors provide anti-inflammatory effects
perforated duodenal ulcers, intraoperative antral without suppressing synthesis of prostaglandins
biopsies for rapid urease test and histopathology essential for maintenance of mucosal integrity.44

were taken. These revealed an H. pylori infection In the Celecoxib Long-term Arthritis Safety Study
rate of 70%,38 the figure rising to 80% if NSAID (CLASS), a double-blind randomised controlled
users were excluded. Some studies also reported a trial, selective COX-2 inhibitor was confirmed to
high proportion of NSAID use among patients with be associated with a significantly lower annualised
perforated gastric ulcers, especially in those with- incidence of peptic ulcer complications when com-
out H. pylori infection, suggesting that these drugs pared to non-selective NSAIDs (0.44% vs 1.27%,
may represent a factor of relevance to H. pylori- P = 0.04).45 However, such a protective effect was
negative ulcer perforation.39,40 negated if the patient used aspirin concomitantly.45,46
The more affirmative evidence confirming a causal In another population-based study, a 44% increase
relationship between H. pylori infection and non- in the annual number of prescriptions for NSAIDs
NSAID peptic ulcer perforation comes from long- (both selective and non-selective) had been recorded
term follow-up studies. A study of 163 consecutive since the introduction of COX-2 inhibitors, but the
patients with perforated peptic ulcer managed by annual hospitalisation rates for perforated peptic
simple closure confirmed the strong association ulcer decreased from 17 per 100 000 person-years
between persistent H. pylori infection and ulcer.41 to 12 per 100 000 person-years during the study
Of the 163 patients, 47.2% were found to have period.47
H. ­pylori infection during endoscopy at a mean fol- The impact of COX-2 inhibitor and traditional
low-up of 6 years. Male gender and H. pylori were NSAIDs on perforation-related death was recently
the only two independent predictive factors of ulcer determined in a population cohort study.48 While
relapse in the study. the observed 30-day mortality of the entire cohort
In a randomised study, 99 patients with perfo- of 2061 patients with ulcer perforation was 25%,
rated duodenal ulcers and confirmed H. pylori in- that among NSAID and COX-2 inhibitor users was
fection received either 1 week of anti-Helicobacter much higher, amounting to 35%. The increase in
therapy or 4 weeks of omeprazole.42 Endoscopic mortality associated with use of COX-2 inhibi-
surveillance after 1 year showed that ulcer recur- tors was similar to that of traditional NSAIDs,
rence rate decreased significantly from 38% in the with an adjusted mortality rate ratio (compared to
control group to 4.8% in the eradication group. non-­users of NSAIDs) of 2.0 and 1.7, respectively.
A recent meta-analysis has further consolidated the COX-2 inhibitors, although being able to reduce
efficacy of H. pylori eradication in the prevention the overall incidence of perforated ulcers, do not
of ulcer relapse after simple repair of duodenal ulcer confer any advantage in clinical outcomes if perfo-
perforation.43 The pooled incidence of 1-year ulcer ration occurs. Such an observation may be related
relapse from three prospectively randomised trials to the poor underlying comorbid condition of the
was only 5.2% in patients treated with H. pylori patients who require extended use of NSAIDs or
eradication, which was significantly lower than that COX-2 inhibitor therapy.
of the control group (35.2%). As a result of knowing that the mortality risk
is high once perforation occurs in the long-term
NSAID users, protective measures against devel-
These two studies42,43 confirm that medical opment of peptic ulcer in this group of patients
eradication of H. pylori results in resolution of have been extensively investigated. In an eco-
ulcer diathesis without the need for long-term nomic evaluation study using the Markov model
antacid therapy or definitive surgery in patients and data extracted from a systematic review, the
who have undergone simple omental patch closure prescription of a proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) was
for perforated duodenal ulcers. The majority of shown to be cost-effective for people with osteo-
patients with perforated peptic (pyloroduodenal)
arthritis no matter whether they are taking a tra-
ulcers should be managed by simple omental
ditional NSAID or COX-2 selective inhibitor.49
patch closure, thorough peritoneal lavage, and
Importantly, the cost-effectiveness of adding a PPI
subsequent treatment with proton inhibitors and
eradication of H. pylori as necessary.
remained valid even in patients at low risk of gas-
trointestinal adverse events.

103 66485457-66963820
Chapter 6

Laparoscopic versus open repair (2–10%), which can lead in turn to increased
morbidity rates and a resultant higher mortality
As the ulcer diathesis is readily corrected by H. pylori (10–35%).58,59 Converting the perforation into a
eradication and cessation of NSAID usage, most pa- controlled fistula by suturing the perforated site
tients with ulcer perforation can now be treated with around an indwelling Foley catheter or T-tube was
a simple patch repair together with a thorough peri- once advocated as a salvage measure. However,
toneal washing. These operations used to mandate a leakage remains a major concern with this tech-
midline laparotomy, but developments in minimally nique and it should be reserved for patients with
invasive surgery have revolutionised the surgical ap- overtly unstable physiology to which the operative
proach. The first laparoscopic closure of peptic ul- time is limited. For patients who are haemodynam-
cer perforation was reported in 1992.50 Since then ically stable, a distal gastrectomy incorporating
several series have been published.51–53 However, in- resection of the perforation-bearing duodenum is
terpretation of these data is difficult due to marked considered to be a viable option by some surgeons.
heterogeneity in the study designs, patients' demo- However, due to pre-existing scarring and recent
graphics and the laparoscopic techniques used. With tissue loss, the duodenal stump thus created can be
the exception of the two truly randomised trials from difficult to manage. Various procedures have been
Hong Kong, all the others are either single-centre described, keeping in mind the friability of tissues.
series or retrospective non-randomised comparative Nissen's double-layer closure technique,60 catheter
studies.54,55 Most of them reported significantly better, duodenostomy (Fig. 6.3),61 lateral duodenostomy
albeit marginal, outcomes in the laparoscopic group, through the third part of the duodenum,62 and
which could be due to selection bias when choosing making a duodenojejunostomy with a Roux-en-Y
the surgical approach for individual patients. segment of jejunum63 have all been mentioned.
In a systematic review of 15 publications, the lapa- Nevertheless, it is noteworthy that the best way
roscopic closure was found to be associated with to avoid a difficult duodenal closure is to avoid
significantly less analgesic use, shorter hospital stay, an unnecessary gastrectomy, even in the presence
less wound infection and lower mortality rate com- of giant duodenal perforation. The alternatives to
pared to open surgery.56 However, shorter operating gastrectomy in these situations include converting
time and less suture-site leakage were clear advan- the large perforation into a Finney pyloroplasty,
tages of the open technique. Interestingly, in a more use of omental plugging technique64 or fashion-
updated review comprising data extracted from ing a controlled tube duodenostomy after primary
56 studies, apart from confirming the above-men- closure of the perforation.65 It cannot be overem-
tioned findings, the issue of conversion to open sur- phasised that most of the technical advocates are
gery was addressed.57 The overall conversion rate based on level III evidence only because of the rare
was 12.4%, with the main reason being the size of nature of giant perforations. However, if there is
perforation and inadequate localisation of the per- no option but to proceed with a distal gastrectomy,
forated pathology. The authors also identified that a Roux-en-Y reconstruction is preferable as this
patients with a Boey score of 3, age over 70 years will permit enteral nutrition in the postoperative
and symptoms persisting longer than 24 h were as- period while the (inevitable, but hopefully con-
sociated with a higher morbidity and mortality, and trolled) duodenal fistula is allowed to close.
recommended these factors to be relative contrain-
dications for laparoscopic intervention.

Laparoscopic repair of perforated peptic

ulcers results in significantly less analgesic use,
shorter hospital stay, less wound infection and
lower mortality rate compared to open surgery at
the expense of a longer operating time and higher
incidence of suture-site leakage.56 Elderly patients
and those with a Boey score of 3 and symptoms for
>24 hours should undergo open surgery.57

Giant duodenal ulcer perforation

Giant duodenal perforation (>2 cm in diameter)
remains a challenge to most surgeons because Figure 6.3  •  A catheter duodenostomy for managing a
failure of omental patch repair is not uncommon difficult duodenal stump.

104 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

Perforated gastric ulcers resection, often at night, in difficult circumstances

on a sick patient and increasingly by surgeons who
Reports pertaining to gastric ulcer perforation only may not be experienced in upper gastrointestinal
are scarce.66 On a statistical basis, gastric perfo- surgery should only be undertaken as a last resort,
ration tends to cluster among the elderly and is when all other methods of closure are considered
more likely to be associated with use of NSAIDs, doomed to failure.
but other possible causes include carcinoma, lym-
phoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumours.
Perforation in the older age group carries a less fa-
Oesophageal perforation
vourable prognosis, partly related to their impaired
physiological response to the septic insult, and Classification
more so to the delay in presentation, which is not
uncommon. While simple omental patch remains Perforation of the oesophagus can be broadly clas-
the best option (after biopsying the lesion – see be- sified into iatrogenic and spontaneous. Iatrogenic
low), most surgeons prefer an ulcer excision if this perforations represent the most common cause
can easily be carried out and without compromise of oesophageal perforation, with most occurring
to the stomach lumen. Formal gastric resection is during diagnostic or therapeutic endoscopy, while
not indicated unless either of these options is not some are related to para-oesophageal operations,
possible, and this is rare. such as fundoplication, cardiomyotomy, bariatric
Because a small minority of gastric perforations are procedures, etc. The reported incidence of per-
malignant, and the possibility of gastric lymphoma foration for rigid oesophagoscopy is 0.11% and
needs to be remembered, it is essential to biopsy for fibre-optic endoscopy varies from 0.018%
the ulcer edge, if it is not being excised.67 Definitive to 0.03%.69,70 Therapeutic endoscopy is associ-
surgery, if then required, can be carried out at a ated with a much higher frequency of perforation
later date once the pathology has been reviewed, (1–10%).71,72 Spontaneous rupture of the oesopha-
full staging investigations carried out, and after a gus (Boerhaave's syndrome) accounts for approxi-
full and frank discussion with the patient regarding mately 15% of perforations and classically occurs
prognosis and alternative treatment options. This is after forceful retching or vomiting, often related to
particularly true for gastric lymphoma, which can an episode of binge eating and/or drinking.73 The
now be managed almost entirely by chemotherapy, perforation is typically located just proximal to the
radiotherapy or a combination of the two. oesophagogastric junction and more commonly
Though surgery for a perforated gastric cancer opens into the left pleural space. Other less common
was once considered to be invariably palliative in causes of oesophageal perforation include foreign
nature, recent evidence suggests that long-term sur- body penetration, traumatic endotracheal intuba-
vival is still achievable in selected patients (stage tion, nasogastric catheterisation and the swallowing
I and II). A systematic review based on nine pub- of corrosives.
lished articles encompassing 127 patients surgically
treated for gastric cancer perforation reveals that Diagnosis
the diagnosis of malignancy was known in 14–57%
during the preoperative and intraoperative phases.68 The overall mortality following oesophageal perfo-
While mortality rates for emergency gastrectomy ration was estimated to be 18% in a recent review
ranged from 0 to 50%, a two-stage approach was covering 726 published patients.74 Paramount in the
adopted in five of the nine series, and patients able management of this highly lethal emergency is expe-
to receive an R0 gastrectomy during the second- dient diagnosis and judicious clinical management.
stage operation demonstrated significantly better However, the presentation can be non-specific and
long-term survival (median 75 months, 50% 5-year) may easily be confused with other disorders such as
compared with patients who had only simple clo- spontaneous pneumothorax/pneumomediastinum,
sure. It highlights the importance of not taking a too myocardial infarction, acute pancreatitis and pneu-
pessimistic stance if the biopsy of a repaired gastric monia. The essential attribute is to maintain a high
ulcer turns out to be carcinoma. index of suspicion, especially if a normal laparot-
omy has been performed. Pain is the most common
Simple omental patch closure with biopsies of symptom, which may occur anywhere from the neck
the ulcer edge or ulcer excision is the best option to the abdominal region, depending on the location,
for perforated gastric ulcers. The former works the cause and the time elapsed between onset and
surprisingly well, even for large lesions and is to be presentation. Less often, dysphagia, odynophagia,
preferred where possible over resection. Gastric dyspnoea, cyanosis and fever are other possible com-
plaints. A preceding history of forceful ­vomiting,

105 66485457-66963820
Chapter 6
of a perforation that might be managed non-­
operatively (see below), this will need to be inserted
either under direct vision (endoscopically) or using
X-ray guidance. Vigorous intravenous fluid replace-
ment and broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed
for control of systemic infection, and antifungal

Figure 6.4  •  Plain radiograph of a patient with surgical

emphysema in the neck due to a mid oesophageal
perforation following endoscopic ultrasound examination
and transmural biopsy.

oesophageal instrumentation, para-­ oesophageal

surgery and chest trauma should always be taken
into consideration. Physical examination and plain
radiograph may reveal surgical emphysema over the
neck and upper chest wall (Fig. 6.4). Hydrothorax
or pneumothorax may also be found on erect chest
X-ray (Fig. 6.5). Hamman's sign (a crunching sound Figure 6.5  •  Left hydropneumothorax revealed on
heard on chest auscultation) is found less commonly decubitus chest radiograph in a patient with Boerhaave's
than suggested in textbooks. syndrome.
The role of ancillary investigations for oesopha-
geal perforation depends largely on the condition
of the patient. If a patient is relatively stable and
requires no endotracheal intubation, a water-
soluble contrast swallow is a relatively easy way
to confirm the diagnosis, determine the location,
and assess the severity of the perforation (Fig. 6.6).
However, for patients with profound sepsis man-
dating intubation and ventilatory support, a con-
trast-enhanced CT scan of the suspected region
will be required to help establish the diagnosis
(Fig. 6.7). A careful flexible oesophagoscopy is
a very useful technique when the diagnosis is in
doubt after these other investigations and often be-
fore surgery, as it confirms the exact site and length
of perforation.
The management of oesophageal perforation starts
with aggressive resuscitation and close monitoring
of the physiological parameters. Further contamina-
tion of the mediastinum is minimised by making the
patient ‘nil by mouth’. Although insertion of a naso- Figure 6.6  •  A water-soluble contrast swallowing
gastric tube reduces the potential for ongoing leak- showing massive leak at the lower oesophagus in
age from refluxed gastric contents, in the p ­ resence Boerhaave's syndrome.

106 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

treatment of spontaneous rupture (Boerhaave's

­syndrome) and iatrogenic perforation of the thoracic
oesophagus with pleural contamination used to have
a high failure rate in previously reported series and
such patients were often managed by early surgical
intervention. However, all this has changed over the
last decade with the introduction of aggressive con-
servative strategy and the increasing interest in en-
doscopic stenting technology.
Vogel et al. were the first to advocate an ‘aggres-
sive conservative’ approach in a series of 47 patients
with oesophageal perforation (10 proximal and 37
thoracic).79 Of these 47 patients, 34 were managed
non-operatively with repetitive radiographs, ag-
gressive image-guided chest drainage and operative
intervention when indicated (only needed in 30%
of the patients). The authors reported no mortal-
Figure 6.7  •  Pneumomediastinum and left pleural ity and an admirably high oesophageal healing rate
effusion revealed by CT scan in a patient with lower in the series, even among patients with Boerhaave's
oesophageal perforation. syndrome. In another cohort study by a tertiary re-
ferral centre of 81 consecutive patients with acute
oesophageal perforation managed over a 20-year
therapy should also be considered. Chest drain-
period, there was a marked temporal increase in
age should be established if there is hydrothorax
the frequency of utilising CT scan for diagnosis and
or hydropneumothorax and most patients require
treatment monitoring of the patients. The percent-
intensive care support. Subsequent management
age of patients being treated non-operatively also
should be individualised according to the patient's
increased significantly from 0% in the first 5-year
clinical condition, the presence of comorbidities,
cohort to 75% in the last one.80 Parallel to these
the underlying oesophageal pathology, the loca-
results was a marked reduction in complication rate
tion of perforation, and sometimes the time lapse
and mean hospital stay. There was no difference in
between perforation and diagnosis. Nowadays, a
final mortality rates between patients treated with a
multidisciplinary team approach involving medical,
non-operative approach and those who underwent
endoscopic and surgical management is increasingly
immediate surgery.
adopted in the care of such patients.
One hindrance in promulgating wider use of the
non-operative approach for oesophageal perfora-
Non-operative management tion lies in the difficulty of selecting appropriate
candidates for this treatment while those who will
Candidates for conservative treatment, as defined benefit from early surgery are not delayed unneces-
by Cameron and colleagues in 1979, include those sarily. The criteria set by Cameron et al. were far
with a small perforation that does not breach the from evidence based, and the subsequent modifica-
mediastinal pleura, together with mild symptoms tion by Altorjay et al. also restricted non-operative
and no evidence of systemic sepsis.75,76 Preferably, management to patients with almost microperfora-
the perforation is accompanied by a re-entry of ex- tion only.81 Recently, an oesophageal perforation
travasated contrast medium into the oesophageal severity scoring system has been suggested by the
lumen. Any sympathetic pleural effusion has to be Pittsburgh group.82 Based on 10 clinical variables
drained, with the effluent regularly inspected to (old age, tachycardia, leucocytosis, pleural effusion,
exclude fistulation. Nutritional support, either by fever, non-contained leak, respiratory compromise,
the parenteral route or increasingly by the opera- delay in diagnosis, cancer and hypotension), a max-
tive insertion of a feeding jejunostomy tube, is com- imum score of 18 can be derived at the time of ad-
menced early. mission. The prevalence of complications, mortality
Previous experience suggests that patients who and the length of hospital stay were found to be sig-
respond to non-operative management are those nificantly varied among groups with different scores
with small cervical tears following oesophagos- (less than 2, 3–5 and more than 5). Notably the data
copy or traumatic endotracheal intubation, well- suggested that patients with low clinical scores had
circumscribed intramural dissection after pneumatic worse outcomes if treated operatively when com-
dilatation for achalasia and small anastomotic leaks pared to those managed by the non-operative ap-
following oesophageal surgery.77,78 Non-operative proach. These authors concluded that patients with

107 66485457-66963820
Chapter 6
a low clinical score, especially those with minimal
The effectiveness of self-expandable covered
mediastinal contamination and no respiratory dis- stents in non-operative treatment of oesophageal
tress, should be tried with aggressive non-operative rupture has been confirmed by a recent systematic
treatment and surgical repair reserved for those review based on 25 selected studies encompassing
with signs of deterioration. 267 patients.86 Due to a lack of randomised
controlled trials, this study is already the best
Endoscopic stenting current evidence supporting the use of endoscopic
stenting in treating oesophageal perforation that is
An important adjunct now available in dealing not associated with profound sepsis.
with these ‘minor’ perforations is endoluminal
stenting.83,84 The recent development of a retriev- The technical success rate of stenting was 99%
able type of silicone-coated stent has shown some and clinical success was achieved in 85% of pa-
promising results (Fig. 6.8). In a prospective series tients. Though 34% of the patients had a stent-
of 18 patients with iatrogenic perforation of the related complication (mainly stent migration),
oesophagus, 17 were treated with the Polyflex surgical intervention was required in only 13%,
(Boston Scientific, Natick, MA, USA) stent in ad- in whom the rupture site failed to heal completely
dition to chest drainage.85 Except for one patient ­after 6–8 weeks of stenting. These stents should be
with a persistent leak who required operative re- removed as soon as possible to prevent longer-term
pair, the remaining 16 had successful resolution of problems.
their perforations as confirmed by oesophagram.
Most of the patients were able to resume oral in-
take in 72 hours, and the mean time before the Surgical intervention
stent was removed was 52 days. Alternatively,
elderly and frail patients who suffer perforation Early surgical intervention should be seriously
following attempted dilatation of a malignant considered if patients have profound sepsis upon
stricture can be managed by insertion of a covered admission, if adequate chest drainage cannot be
permanent stent. achieved, or when clinical deterioration is observed

a b c

Figure 6.8  •  Contrast radiography of the oesophagus. (a) Barium swallow demonstrating a tight malignant stricture.
(b) Water-soluble contrast swallow after dilatation demonstrating a perforation. (c) Water-soluble contrast study in the
same patient following insertion of an expandable metal stent, demonstrating no further leak.

108 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

after a period of aggressive non-operative man-

agement. In addition to thorough drainage of the
mediastinum and the pleural space, three surgical
manoeuvres for control of leakage may be applied:
1. Isolation and diversion (cervical oesophagos-
tomy) followed by delayed staged reconstruction.
2. Primary repair of the perforation, with or with-
out reinforcement and insertion of a T-tube, and
external drainage.
3. Immediate oesophagectomy.

Oesophageal exclusion and diversion

The technique of oesophageal exclusion and diver-
sion was described several decades ago. It involves Figure 6.9  •  Primary repair with interrupted absorbable
division and closure of the oesophagus proximal stitches for a lower oesophageal rupture.
and distal to the site of injury, with creation of an
end-cervical oesophagostomy. Subsequently it has
evolved to a side cervical oesophagostomy for prox- Though technically feasible, primary repair is as-
imal diversion of saliva and a staple transection of sociated with a high failure rate and many surgeons
the oesophagogastric junction to prevent reflux of now advocate insertion of a T-tube into the perfora-
gastroduodenal contents back into the oesophageal tion, which is closed around it (after debridement),
lumen. Nevertheless, such an incomplete diversion producing a controlled fistula. This can be removed
often ends up with continuous soiling in the medi- at a later date, often many weeks/months later, once
astinum, leading to persistent thoracic sepsis. With the patient has recovered and the surrounding leak-
time, it proves to be a suboptimal treatment and is age (managed by appropriately placed chest drains)
now reserved mainly for patients who are too un- has subsided.
stable to undergo definitive repair or resection.
Immediate resection
Primary repair Several series have pointed out that primary re-
Primary repair is an appropriate option for per- pair resulted in greater morbidity and even mor-
forations occurring less than 24 hours after the tality than immediate oesophageal resection.89–91
injury, because surrounding tissues are neither ex- However, this may well relate to the underlying
cessively inflamed nor ischaemic. As the laceration cause of perforation and whether the cause remains.
on the mucosal side can be much longer/wider than
is appreciated from the adventitial surface, a cau- In a series of 41 patients, of whom 25 patients
tious longitudinal extension of the muscular defect underwent surgical repair of oesophageal perforation,
is often required for better assessment of the extent about one-third had continued swallowing
of the mucosal injury. Following careful debride- difficulty that mandated regular oesophageal dilation
ment of the necrotic tissues along the perimeter after an average of 3.7 years.92 A high incidence
of the perforation, the edges are then closed with of functional or structural deficiency was observed
interrupted absorbable sutures (Fig. 6.9). It may after primary repair of oesophageal perforation,
be possible, in very early perforations with very which indeed affected the quality of life of the
healthy tissue, to close the defect wound in two patients.
layers: first the mucosa/submucosal layer, followed
by the muscular layer. However, in the majority of Oesophagectomy is therefore a reasonable option
circumstances a single all-layer suture is adequate. (if the surgeon is experienced in this procedure)
Enrolment of reinforcing autogenous vascular in patients with underlying disease (including car-
pedicle flap remains controversial.87,88 Most advo- cinoma, if the lesion was considered operable be-
cates of reinforcement flaps suggest an onlay patch fore the perforation occurred) and if the diagnosis
rather than a wrap, to minimise the possibility of has been made early and the patient is in a good
stricture at the repair site. A major concern with condition. Occasionally it may also be required
the wrap technique is the induction of an obstruc- in patients presenting late, in whom simple clo-
tive component distal to the repair site, rendering sure over a T-tube is not possible. This scenario is,
it more prone to leakage. however, very uncommon. (The reader is referred

109 66485457-66963820
Chapter 6
to the Oesophagogastric Surgery volume in this often than not, reconstruction is done by fashioning
Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series for a jejunal or colonic interposition loop through an
more detailed information.) extra-anatomical plane (e.g. the substernal or pre-
sternal routes).
Primary repair with or without T-tube
drainage is the best option for the management
of oesophageal perforations depending on time
Perforation after endotherapy
from occurrence to diagnosis. Patients with an for mucosal/submucosal
underlying condition related to the perforation, in
whom the diagnosis has been made early (<24
hours) and who are in a good condition, can be Since its introduction in the 1980s, endoscopic mu-
considered for resection if the appropriate surgical
cosal resection (EMR) has been increasingly prac-
expertise is available.
tised for upper gastrointestinal lesions identified at
early stages.98–100 With the snaring technique, en
Corrosive perforation bloc resection used to be a challenging task as the
average size of lesion removed is limited (<15 mm
Corrosive injury to the upper gastrointestinal tract in diameter).101 The recent development of new en-
is an entity very different from other mechanical doscopic accessories, such as the insulated-tip knife
types of oesophageal perforation. It is a notoriously and hook knife, has opened a new horizon for such
difficult situation associated with dreadful rates of purposes.102,103 The novel endoluminal procedure,
morbidity and mortality. While more than 80% of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), has virtu-
accidental corrosive ingestion occurs in children, ally no limitation on the size of resection, provided
injuries in adults are usually intentional, and thus that the lesion is superficial with a low chance of
more severe in extent.93 The mortality rate ranges nodal spread.104 However, ESD is a technically
from 10% to 78% in cases of attempted suicide.94,95 demanding procedure with a significantly higher
The severity of damage depends on the type, con- risk of perforation compared with conventional
centration, volume and duration of contact of the EMR.105,106 As most ESD-induced perforations can
agent with the mucosal surface. Making a distinc- be recognised intraoperatively, attempts to close the
tion between acid and alkali as to the extent and defect by various techniques have been reported.107
severity of oesophagogastric damage has been elu- Fujishiro et al. described a 100% success rate of
sive. It is well known that acid induces a coagu- closing ESD perforations using endoscopic clips.108
lating burn injury, which tends to be self-limiting The average duration of hospital stay was only
with the coagulum formation. In contrast, alkali 12 days and none of the 27 patients in the series
causes a liquefactive necrosis to the tissue, leading required surgical salvage. More importantly, as
to dissolution of protein and collagen, saponifica- reported in an intermediate-term follow-up study
tion of fats, and thrombosis of blood vessels. All by Ikehara et al., perforation during ESD for early
these incur a deeper damage and even transmural oesophageal and gastric cancers has not been asso-
perforation. ciated with increased risk of dissemination of the
The acute management of corrosive ingestion en- malignancy.109
tails a quick and efficient assessment of the patient's
vital signs. Laryngeal oedema can be life threatening
and establishing a patent airway is of paramount Duodenal and jejunal
importance. Either an early endotracheal intuba- perforations during
tion or tracheostomy may be required in difficult
cases before further resuscitation and management.
endoscopic retrograde
It is generally agreed that early gentle endoscopic cholangiopancreatography
examination is of value for both prognostic consid- (ERCP)
eration and decision-making.96,97 Surgical interven-
tion, such as thoracotomy, drainage, mediastinal Visceral perforations due to ERCP are not uncom-
debridement, proximal diversion of saliva with a mon, with an incidence reported to range between
cervical oesophagostomy and exclusion from gas- 0.5% and 2.1%.110,111 The injury carries a death
tric reflux, are better performed early if signs of rate over 15%. Risk factors include older age of
full-thickness perforation are evident on radiologi- patients, suspected sphincter of Oddi dysfunction,
cal or endoscopic investigations. Reconstruction a dilated duct, performance of sphincterotomy and
should be deferred until sepsis has subsided. More longer duration of the procedure.112 ERCP-related

110 66485457-66963820
Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract

perforation can be further subclassified according size of leakage and therefore more amenable to
to the causative mechanism and location because non-­operative therapy. Although some perforations
management strategy may vary accordingly. Stapfer can be identified at the time of the ERCP, many are
et al. first described a typing system in 2000 to not suspected until after the procedure. Clearly,
guide the treatment for the situation (type I: duode- early suspicion is raised by the presence of abdomi-
nal wall injury; type II: peri-Vaterian injury related nal pain post-procedure, but the observation of a
to sphincterotomy; type III: distal bile duct injury paraduodenal or perinephric gas shadow on plain
probably related to guidewire or basket injury; and abdominal radiographs is suggestive of retroperito-
type IV: retroperitoneal air alone).113 While perfora- neal perforation. In such cases, and even if the plain
tion of the oesophagus and stomach due to insertion X-rays are unremarkable, a CT scan of the abdo-
of the side-view duodenoscope can be managed as men with oral and intravenous contrast should be
discussed in the previous sections, type I injury with organised to confirm the diagnosis and extent of
lateral or medial duodenal wall tear is often related the perforation. Small perforations with minimal
to difficult positioning of the endoscope in the at- extravasation of contrast can be successfully man-
tempt to obtain access to the papilla. Vulnerability aged by non-operative means, including nasogastric
further increases if there is anatomical deformity drainage, antibiotics and parenteral nutrition. Some
such as a stricture or tumour compression. This surgeons also advocate biliary ­decompression by ei-
kind of perforation tends to be intraperitoneal, ther an internal plastic stent or external nasobiliary
which is unlikely to be self-contained, and early sur- drain. Radiologically guided percutaneous drain-
gical repair with debridement of devitalised tissue age is indicated if a sizeable collection is shown by
is recommended. Small perforations less than 1 cm the initial imaging. However, surgical intervention
in diameter can be closed primarily with transverse should be offered to patients with extensive extrav-
sutures in one or two layers. For perforations of a asation of contrast or clinical deterioration despite
larger size, or when the diagnosis has been delayed, initial non-operative treatment. This can be a formi-
jejunal serosal patch, duodenal diversion or conver- dable undertaking and is associated with significant
sion to a Billroth II gastrectomy are alternative op- morbidity and mortality. Thankfully they are rela-
tions, but to some extent the choice depends mainly tively rare, but when they occur each patient will
on the patient's clinical condition and intraopera- need to be managed according to first principles: de-
tive findings. bridement of ischaemic and damaged tissue, primary
Another prominent risk factor for ‘scope’ perfora- repair of the defect if possible, diversion of biliary
tion is a history of previous Billroth II gastrectomy, contents (by means of a T-tube) and consideration
because retrograde insertion of the endoscope given to duodenal exclusion (closure of pylorus and
along the afferent loop may overstretch and rup- gastrojejunostomy). In such circumstances a feeding
ture the jejunum around the relatively fixed duo- jejunostomy should also be inserted for long-term
denojejunal flexure. The reported incidence under nutritional support.
such circumstances can be as high as 10% even in
expert centres and early surgical repair is usually
It has been shown in various series that one of
the key prerequisites for successful non-operative
In contrast, perforations resulting from endo- management of ERCP perforations is the early
scopic sphincterotomy (type II) or guidewire/basket recognition and diagnosis of the situation.116,117
(type III) are mostly retroperitoneal with a small

Key points

• Perforations of the upper gastrointestinal tract are either spontaneous or iatrogenic.

• Early surgery is generally required for the majority of perforations as delay in diagnosis and treatment
is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
• For perforated duodenal ulcers omental patch repair followed by postoperative therapy with proton-pump
inhibitors and eradication of Helicobacter pylori, if present, is the treatment of choice.
• For perforated gastric ulcers, either ulcer excision (if feasible) or omental patch repair and biopsy of
the ulcer is all that is required. Gastric resection should not be carried out without histology unless
closure cannot be achieved using these other techniques.

111 66485457-66963820
Chapter 6

• Management of oesophageal perforations depends largely on whether the pleura has been breached.
It can be a challenging condition and surgical strategies will depend on the expertise available. These
include non-operative management, stent insertion (both permanent and removable), repair (with or
without T-tube drainage) and occasionally oesophageal resection.
• Early endoscopy is a very useful technique to assess many oesophageal emergencies including
corrosive injury.
• ERCP perforations vary from simple to extensive and management depends on early diagnosis and
accurate assessment as to the degree of extravasation.

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116 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Colin J. McKay
James Lau

Introduction ­ lcer bleeding is now elderly, often suffering medical

comorbidity and taking antiplatelet therapy. Such
A major audit of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) patients are at greater risk of death despite skilled
bleeding in the UK carried out over 15 years ago re- intervention and are less able to withstand surgery
ported an incidence of 103 cases per 100 000 adults should this be necessary. Although the need for sur-
per year.1 A much higher incidence was reported in gical intervention is now much reduced with the
an audit from the West of Scotland, which found widespread availability of skilled endoscopic hae-
172 cases per 100 000.2 The difference was thought mostasis, mortality following surgery remains high.
to be due to regional variation in deprivation and In the recent UK audit, postoperative mortality was
possible Helicobacter pylori prevalence. Whatever 30% and, while this is likely to reflect the fact that
the actual incidence at regional level, UGI bleeding surgery has become a last resort in patients who are
remains a significant health problem and in Scotland often elderly and suffering from other conditions,
alone accounts for approximately 7000 hospital there are inevitable concerns about the availability
admissions each year. Overall mortality from an of appropriate expertise in the management of what
episode of UGI bleeding was 14% in the UK study1 has become an uncommon surgical emergency. As
and 8% in the study from the West of Scotland,2 a result alternatives to surgical intervention are in-
and both demonstrated a marked increase in mor- creasingly being employed and will be discussed in
tality if bleeding occurred following hospitalisation this chapter.
with another complaint (33% and 44% in the re-
spective studies). A more recent audit3 covering pa-
tients admitted to UK hospitals during a 2-month Aetiology
period in 2007 demonstrated a marked reduction
in the proportion of patients undergoing surgery, In the Rockall study1 only 4% of patients had UGI
as well as an increase in the proportion of patients bleeding due to varices, with the majority (35%) be-
admitted with variceal bleeding. Overall mortality ing attributed to peptic ulcer disease. Of some con-
had fallen slightly at 10%, compared with 14% in cern was the 25% of patients in this study where no
the earlier UK audit, and the mortality of 26% for cause for bleeding was identified at all, particularly
inpatients was also lower than in the pevious study. as this group had a mortality of 20%. Very simi-
However, mortality in patients admitted with peptic lar figures were reported in the Scottish study.2 Of
ulcer bleeding had fallen from 8.8% to 5.8% and those patients with a diagnosis, approximately 25%
the overall reduction in mortality from 14 to 10% were due to duodenal ulcer and 25% to peptic ul-
occurred despite the increase in incidence of variceal ceration in the stomach, oesophagus or a combina-
bleeding. Mortality is now rare in the absence of tion of sites. The remainder were due to a number
comorbidity. The typical patient with severe peptic of other conditions, including oesophagitis, gastritis

117 66485457-66963820
Chapter 7
Table 7.1  • Endoscopic diagnoses to patients who Scoring systems
presented with acute upper gastrointestinal
bleeding in the 2007 UK Audit.
Many patients with UGI haemorrhage have
Total number trivial bleeding, require no intervention and can
of patients (5004) safely be discharged early. Others, however, have
Endoscopic diagnoses % (n) ­catastrophic bleeding and many lie between these
two extremes. On initial assessment, differentia-
Peptic ulcer 36 (1826) tion between patients can sometimes be difficult.
Varices 11 (544) Two separate studies have assessed the initial,
pretreatment risk factors in an attempt to enable
Malignancy   3.7 (187)
triage of patients to appropriate early endoscopy,
Oesophagitis 24 (1177) observation or even non-admission. In the English
Gastritis/ erosions 22 (1091) audit discussed above, Rockall and colleagues
identified risk factors for mortality.5 Patients with
Erosive duodenitis 13 (640) an initial score of zero (i.e. age <60, no tachycar-
Mallory-Weiss Tear   4.3 (213) dia, no hypotension and no comorbidity) had very
low mortality, although in a subsequent study 18%
Others including vascular   2.6 (133) of patients with an initial Rockall score of zero
ectasia required further intervention. Assessment of the
No abnormality seen 17 (865) re-bleeding risk therefore requires the full Rockall
score, which necessitates endoscopic assessment.
Modified from Hearnshaw S et al. Gut 2011; 60: 1327-1335
This is discussed below.
In contrast, a scoring system was developed in
the West of Scotland, the aim being to allow early
and ­duodenitis, with 10% of cases explained by ma- assessment of the need for intervention rather
lignancy or Mallory–Weiss syndrome (Table 7.1). than risk of death.6 The Glasgow Blatchford
In the most recent UK audit, the proportion of pa- Score (GBS) performed significantly better than
tients with variceal bleeding had increased to 11%, the Rockall score at predicting the need for inter-
whereas the overall proportion with peptic ulcer re- vention and has now been validated in prospec-
mained unchanged. tive studies from the UK7 and Hong Kong.6 In
particular, the GBS is the better scoring system
for predicting low-risk patients who can be safely
Initial assessment and triage discharged. The proportion of patients with UGI
Patients with acute UGI bleeding present with hae- haemorrhage who fulfil these low-risk criteria
matemesis, melaena or a combination of the two. (i.e. a GBS of 0) is, however, low (4.6% in the
Haematemesis may be defined as the vomiting of Hong Kong study). The proportion of patients
blood from the upper gastrointestinal tract and is who require endoscopic therapy increases with
indicative of significant bleeding from a site in the higher scores. There remains a small but signifi-
oesophagus, stomach or duodenum. Melaena is cant proportion of patients with low to moder-
the passage of black, tarry stools and usually in- ately high scores who require endoscopic therapy
dicates a bleeding site in the upper gastrointestinal and it is difficult to define a cut-off score beyond
tract, although bleeding from the small bowel or which urgent endoscopy becomes mandatory.
even the right colon may present in a similar way, Full assessment of mortality risk demands endo-
depending on speed of passage. Coffee-ground scopic determination of the cause of bleeding and
vomiting (the vomiting of black, particulate mate- assessment of the appearance of any ulcer pres-
rial that tests positive for blood) is not indicative ent. These findings are incorporated into the full
of active bleeding. Presentation with haematemesis Rockall score. This composite Rockall system has
is associated with an increased risk of mortality been validated in prospective studies,8–10 but is more
compared with melaena or coffee-ground vomit- accurate in predicting mortality than the risk of re-
ing.4 Patients with upper gastrointestinal blood bleeding8,9 (Table 7.2).
loss may occasionally present with frank rectal
bleeding (haematochezia), but this is indicative of
major blood loss and, not surprisingly, is associ- A GBS of 0 on presentation identifies a low risk
group of patients who may be safely discharged
ated with an increased need for transfusion, sur-
without the need for urgent UGI endoscopy.
gery and mortality.5 A good example of this would
A full Rockall score should be calculated for
be a patient who has previously undergone aortic
all patients with UGI bleeding following initial
aneurysm surgery who subsequently develops an endoscopic assessment.
aortoduodenal fistula.

118 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Table 7.2  •  Rockall score for predicting risk of re-bleeding or death In non-variceal UGI haemorrhage

Component 0 1 2 3
Age (years) <60 60–79 ≥80
Shock Pulse < 100 Pulse ≥ 100 SBP < 100 mmHg
SBP ≥ 100 mmHg SBP ≥ 100 mmHg
Comorbidity IHD, cardiac failure, Renal failure, liver failure,
other major comorbidity disseminated malignancy
Diagnosis Mallory–Weiss, no All other diagnoses
lesion, no SRH
Stigmata of recent No stigmata or dark Blood in UGI tract,
haemorrhage spot adherent clot, visible or
spurting vessel
IHD, ischaemic heart disease; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SRH, stigmata of recent haemorrhage.
Reproduced from Rockall TA, Logan RFA, Devlin HB et al. Variation in outcome after acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Lancet
1995; 346(8971):346–50. With permission from Elsevier.

Initial management of 55 trials found no evidence of any b ­enefit of

administering colloid rather than crystalloid solu-
While it may be appropriate to consider discharge for tions during resuscitation in critically ill patients.12 As
young patients with no haemodynamic compromise colloid solutions are more expensive, initial resuscita-
and a GBS of zero, particularly where there has been tion with appropriate crystalloids is recommended.
no witnessed frank haematemesis, most patients with a
history of UGI bleeding will be admitted for observation Use of blood and blood products
and endoscopy. This will entail insertion of a large-bore Red cell replacement is likely to be required when
cannula, administration of prewarmed crystalloid or 30% or more of the blood volume is lost. This can
colloid as required and immediate blood samples taken be difficult to assess, particularly in young patients,
for crossmatch, biochemistry, full blood count, coagula- and clinical assessment of blood loss, coupled with
tion screen and arterial blood gases. There is some evi- the response to initial volume replacement, must
dence that admission to a dedicated UGI bleeding unit guide the decision on the necessity of transfusion.
is associated with a reduction in mortality.11 Such a unit Haemoglobin levels are a poor indicator of the de-
requires a 24-hour on-call service for immediate endos- gree of acute blood loss. It should very rarely be
copy if required and early (within 24 h) consultant-led necessary to administer unmatched blood to such
endoscopy for all patients. Indications for urgent (out- patients, but group-specific blood may be required
of-hours) endoscopy vary, but the main factor determin- in life-threatening haemorrhage. In the majority
ing the degree of urgency is the necessity for endostasis. of patients there is usually sufficient time to al-
Therefore, patients with evidence of continuing haem- low full compatibility testing before transfusion.
orrhage, declared either by continuing haematemesis In patients with evidence of continuing haemor-
or haemodynamic instability despite initial fluid resus- rhage, however, arrangements for emergency endo-
citation, require emergency endoscopy with a view to scopic intervention must be made in parallel with
endostasis. Repeated ‘coffee-ground’ vomiting or me- resuscitation.
laena in a haemodynamically stable patient are of less Administration of platelets should aim to maintain a
urgent concern. Most stable patients will undergo UGI platelet count of more than 50 × 109/L, but in practice
endoscopy within 24 h (usually on the morning after ad- a platelet transfusion should be triggered by a count
mission). In such patients the purpose of endoscopy is of less than 75 × 109/L in a patient with ongoing haem-
twofold: firstly, patients with minor bleeds undergo full orrhage, and may be anticipated in a patient who has
diagnostic assessment and if considered at low risk of re- required more than two blood volumes of fluid/blood
bleeding can be discharged home; secondly, to identify replacement. Platelet therapy may be required in the
the group of patients who have significant lesions and presence of a normal platelet count where a patient
who ­require endoscopic therapy to reduce the risk of re- has been receiving antiplatelet therapy.
bleeding. This will be discussed in the next section. Coagulation factors are likely to be required when
more than one blood volume has been lost. These
Massive haemorrhage are most commonly given in the form of fresh fro-
zen plasma (FFP). The use of platelets, FFP and
In those patients who have evidence of haemody- other agents such as recombinant factor VIIa should
namic compromise, initial resuscitation should fol- be guided by local protocols and early involvement
low the appropriate guidelines.11 A Cochrane review of a haematologist.

119 66485457-66963820
Chapter 7

Early pharmacological treatment haemorrhage require emergency endoscopy, whereas

the majority of patients will undergo endoscopy
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is the mainstay of within 24 hours of admission. In a study from Hong
investigation and management of UGI bleeding, but Kong,17 70 patients aged less than 60 years with a
there may also be a role for early treatment with acid clean ulcer base and stable vital signs were safely
suppression therapy. In vitro studies have shown discharged on the same day as endoscopy with
that, at pH < 6, platelet aggregation and plasma appropriate anti-ulcer medication. A systematic
coagulation are markedly reduced,13 a situation
­ review of the literature supports a policy of early en-
exacerbated by the presence of pepsin. It is there- doscopy, as this allows the safe discharge of patients
fore reasonable to expect acid suppression ther- with low-risk haemorrhage and improves outcome
apy to promote clot formation and stabilisation. for patients with high-risk lesions.18
Six randomised trials comparing pre-­ endoscopy
proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy with
­ Early endoscopy is recommended for all
histamine-2 receptor antagonist or placebo were
­ patients with UGI haemorrhage.18
analysed in a Cochrane review.14 No significant
impact of PPI therapy was demonstrated on mor-
tality, surgery or re-bleeding rates. There was,
Endoscopic technique
however, a reduction in the proportion of patients
with stigmata of recent haemorrhage at the time of Endoscopy for UGI bleeding requires the support
endoscopy, and a reduction in the requirement for of a dedicated endoscopic unit with trained nurs-
endoscopic therapy at the index endoscopy. While ing staff, availability of additional endoscopes and
these findings may suggest that pre-endoscopy PPI equipment, ready access to anaesthetic staff and
therapy is warranted, there was no evidence of a operating theatre, and, increasingly, access to in-
reduction in any of the clinically significant param- terventional radiology services. These procedures
eters. In a large, single-centre, randomised study,15 are not ideal for the unsupervised trainee and
pre-endoscopy intravenous omeprazole infusion should be performed or supervised by experienced
was associated with a reduction in the incidence consultant staff.
of active bleeding and significant reduction in the For the majority of stable patients, procedures can
necessity for endoscopic intervention. However, no be safely carried out using standard diagnostic en-
difference was observed for re-bleeding, surgery or doscopes. In the unstable patient or where continu-
mortality rates, which were observed in 3%, 2% ing haemorrhage is suspected, the twin-channel or
and 2% of patients, respectively. An accompanying large (3.7-mm) single-channel endoscope is prefer-
cost-effective analysis concluded that the strategy able and allows better aspiration of gastric contents
of pre-emptive use of PPI infusion was cost-saving, as well as more flexibility with regard to the use of
probably because of reduced endoscopic therapy heater probes and other instruments. In unstable or
and ­hospitalisation.16 It therefore seems reasonable obtunded patients, anaesthetic support is mandatory
to propose ­pre-­endoscopic PPI therapy in patients as an endotracheal tube should be passed before en-
admitted with UGI bleeding, but this should not doscopy to guard against aspiration. In rare cases,
delay or act as a substitute for early endoscopic the use of a pharyngeal over-tube and gastric lavage
intervention. There is no evidence to support the tube is necessary to remove blood and clot from the
use of other agents such as somatostatin, octreotide stomach before adequate visualisation of the bleed-
or vasopressin in the pre-endoscopy setting, except ing site can be achieved. Water is poured down the
where variceal bleeding is suspected. lavage tube via a funnel, which is then placed in a
bucket at floor level, allowing siphoning of gastric
contents. This, however, can be a time-consuming,
Pre-endoscopy treatment with PPIs is unpleasant and messy experience, and in the pres-
recommended as it reduces the number of actively ence of continuing bleeding should not be allowed
bleeding ulcers and increases the number of clean-
to delay endostasis. The use of a tilting trolley allows
based ulcers seen at the time of endoscopy.14
repositioning of the patient, which can facilitate vi-
Early use of PPI reduces the need for endoscopic
sualisation of the proximal stomach when obscured
intervention and hospitalisation.
by blood and clot. Initially, placing the patient in an
upright position may suffice, and if necessary roll-
Endoscopy ing the patient into a right lateral and upright posi-
tion may be needed for complete visualisation of the
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is required for any gastric fundus. In general, lavage is more successful
patient with significant UGI bleeding. Patients with in achieving visualisation than endoscopic aspira-
haemodynamic instability or evidence of c­ ontinuing tion, as endoscope working channels rapidly block

120 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

with clot. Lavage can be achieved using repeated i­ntervention. However, if bleeding is seen at the
flushes of saline down the endoscope working chan- time of ­endoscopy, several approaches have been
nel or with the use of the powered endoscopic la- described. The simplest and most readily available
vage catheters such as that provided with the heater technique is the injection of 1:10 000 adrenaline, as
probe. With experience, it should rarely be necessary for bleeding peptic ulcers, which is sufficient in the
to proceed to surgery or angiography because of in- great majority of patients.20 Mechanical methods of
ability to visualise the bleeding site due to blood and endostasis such as endoscopic band ligation or clip
clot in the stomach or duodenum. application have not been shown to be superior to
Bleeding gastric ulcers are most likely within the adrenaline injection alone but are appropriate alter-
antrum or at the incisura (77%), or less commonly natives, particularly when major bleeding or shock
higher on the lesser curve (15%), with ulcers at has occurred or where adrenaline injection fails to
other sites within the stomach being uncommon. achieve endostasis.20,21
Ulcers at the incisura and proximal lesser curva-
ture can be readily overlooked unless the endo-
scope is retroflexed within the stomach. The most
common site for a bleeding duodenal ulcer is the
posterior wall, sometimes with involvement of the Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease is responsible
inferior and superior walls of the first part of duo- for approximately 10% of cases of UGI haemor-
denum. Superficial anterior duodenal wall ulcers rhage and is rarely severe. Treatment is with oral
can ooze, but usually these ulcers perforate. Ulcers PPI therapy.
elsewhere in the duodenum are seen in less than
10% of patients.19 The presence of active bleed- Neoplastic disease
ing at the time of endoscopy and the size of the
ulcer, rather than its anatomical site, are the main Major bleeding is occasionally associated with
endoscopic determinants of the risk of therapeutic oesophageal, gastric or duodenal tumours. Gast­
failure. rointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) may present
with bleeding, which can be severe in very occa-
sional cases. Malignancies of the UGI tract com-
Management of bleeding due monly cause occult, chronic bleeding but major
to causes other than peptic bleeding can occur and may be difficult to control
ulceration endoscopically. Management will be dependent on
the specific circumstances and may include endo-
scopic techniques such as argon plasma coagula-
Gastritis/duodenitis tion, angiographic embolisation or, as a last resort,
surgical resection. Where possible, however, if a
Bleeding due to gastritis or duodenitis may be malignancy is suspected, non-operative methods
associated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory of achieving haemostasis should be employed, al-
drug (NSAID) therapy or ingestion of alcohol. It lowing full staging investigations to be organised to
may also be due to Helicobacter pylori and can be guide appropriate management.
severe enough to cause superficial erosions. Such
bleeding, however, is almost always self-limiting
in the absence of bleeding disorders and thera- Dieulafoy's lesion
peutic intervention is not required at the time
of endoscopy. Treatment with appropriate acid This rare cause of UGI bleeding is due to sponta-
suppression therapy and early discharge is usu- neous rupture of a submucosal artery, usually in
ally appropriate in the absence of other comorbid the stomach and often within 6 cm of the cardia.
illness. The characteristic endoscopic appearance is of a
protruding vessel with no evidence of surround-
Mallory–Weiss syndrome ing ulceration. They are commonly missed due to
their small size and relatively inaccessible posi-
Mallory–Weiss syndrome was first described in tion. Endoscopic clip application or band ­ligation
1929 and refers to haematemesis following re- offers durable and definitive treatment when the
peated or violent vomiting or retching. It is caused lesion is identified. In a small randomised trial,22
by a linear tear of the mucosa close to the oe- haemoclip application was associated with a
sophagogastric junction. It accounts for approxi- lower rate of re-bleeding than adrenaline injec-
mately 5% of patients with UGI haemorrhage and tion, although both achieved similar rates of
most will settle without the need for therapeutic initial haemostasis.

121 66485457-66963820
Chapter 7

Endoscopic management
of bleeding peptic ulcers
Endoscopy has a central role in the management of
non-variceal UGI bleeding. It enables an early diag-
nosis and allows for risk stratification. Endoscopic
signs or stigmata of bleeding are of prognostic value
and, in patients with actively bleeding ulcers or stig-
mata associated with a high risk of recurrent bleed-
ing, endoscopic therapy stops ongoing bleeding and
reduces re-bleeding.23 When compared to placebo
in pooled analyses, endoscopic therapy has been
shown not only to reduce recurrent bleeding, but
also the need for surgery and mortality.24,25

Endoscopic stigmata of bleeding

Figure 7.2  •  Visible vessel.
Forrest et al.26 categorised endoscopic findings of
bleeding peptic ulcers into those with active bleed-
ing, stigmata of bleeding and a clean base. A modi- evidence of ongoing or recent bleeding, e.g. p­ resence
fied nomenclature has been in common use in the of fresh blood or coffee-ground materials in the gas-
endoscopy literature. Laine and Peterson27 sum- troduodenal tract. There has been until recently a
marised published endoscopic series of ulcer appear- controversy whether to wash away adherent clot
ances in which endoscopic therapy was not used and overlying an ulcer (Fig. 7.3). Endoscopists vary in
provided crude figures in both the prevalence and their vigour in clot irrigation before declaring a
rate of recurrent bleeding associated with these stig- clot adherent. There have been several randomised
mata of bleeding. In ulcers that are actively bleed- studies and a pooled analysis has demonstrated that
ing (Fig. 7.1) or exhibit a non-bleeding visible vessel recurrent bleeding is reduced following clot eleva-
(NBVV; Fig. 7.2), endoscopic treatment should be tion and treatment to the underlying vessel when
offered. There has, however, been observer varia- compared to medical therapy alone.30 Techniques
tion in the interpretation of endoscopic signs28 for clot elevation include target irrigation using a
and the National Institutes of Health Consensus heat probe and cheese-wiring using a snare with or
Conference29 defined an NBVV as ‘protuberant without pre-injection with diluted adrenaline. One
­discoloration’ (Fig. 7.2). The endoscopist should should, however, be cautious in elevation of clots
search the ulcer base diligently in patients judged to overlying large deep bulbar and lesser curve ulcers as
have bled significantly or when there is ­circumstantial some of these may have eroded into larger arteries.
A recourse to angiographic embolisation without
clot elevation and possible provocation of bleeding
may be a better option in sucvh cases. Ulcers with
flat pigmentation and clean base (Fig. 7.4) are associ-
ated with minimal risk of recurrent bleeding. Stable
patients with such ulcers can be discharged home
early on medical treatment (Table 7.3).

Endoscopic therapy should be applied where

there is active bleeding or a non-bleeding visible
vessel in the ulcer base.23 Adherent clot should be
removed and endoscopic therapy applied to the
underlying vessel.30

Endoscopic treatment
Modalities of endoscopic treatment can be broadly
categorised into: injection, thermocoagulation, hae-
moclipping and, recently, the use of haemostatic
Figure 7.1  •  Bleeding vessel in base of ulcer. nano-powder.

122 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Injection therapy has been widely used because of
its simplicity. Injection therapy works principally by
volume tamponade. Aliquots (0.5–1 mL) are injected
near the bleeding point at four quadrants using a 21-
or 23-gauge injection needle. Adrenaline 1:10 000
has an added local vasoconstrictive effect. There is
no role for the use of sclerosants as there have been
fatal case reports of gastric necrosis following its in-
jection and the added injection of a sclerosant such as
polidocanol or sodium tetradecylsulphate after pre-
injection of diluted adrenaline does not confer any
advantage over injection of diluted adrenaline alone.
Injection of fibrin or thrombin has been shown to be
effective in some studies but repeated injections are
required. These products are costly.31,32
Figure 7.3  •  Adherent clot. Thermal methods
In a canine mesenteric artery model, contact thermo-
coagulation is superior to injection therapy and non-
contact coagulation such as laser photocoagulation
in securing haemostasis. Contact thermocoagulation
using a 3.2-mm probe consistently seals arteries up
to 2 mm in diameter in ex vivo models. Johnston and
colleagues emphasised the need for firm mechanical
tamponade before sealing of the artery with ther-
mal energy, introducing the term ‘coaptive thermo-
coagulation’. Mechanical compression alone stops
bleeding, reduces heat-sink effect and dissipation of
thermal energy. The footprint after treatment pro-
vides a clear end-point to therapy. Non-contact ther-
mocoagulation in the form of laser photocoagulation
is no longer used as a laser unit is bulky and difficult
to be transported. At least in animal experiments,
non-contact coagulation in the form of laser photoco-
agulation is not as effective as contact thermocoagu-
lation. There has also been interest in the use of argon
plasma thermocoagulation, with two randomised tri-
als comparing this to injection sclerotherapy or heat-
probe treatment, respectively.33 Neither demonstrated
Figure 7.4  •  Ulcer with clean base. any significant difference in treatment outcome.

Table 7.3  •  Prevalence and outcomes of ulcers based on endoscopic appearance

Endoscopic signs Prevalence (%) bleeding (%) Surgery (%) Death (%)
Clean base 42 5 0.5 2
Flat spot 20 10 6 3
Adherent clot 17 22 10 7
Non-bleeding visible vessel 17 43 34 11
Active bleeding 18 55 35 11
Data from Laine L, Peterson WL. Bleeding peptic ulcer. N Engl J Med 1994; 331 (11):717–27.

123 66485457-66963820
Chapter 7

Mechanical methods Limit of endoscopic therapy

Haemoclips are commonly used. Their application
may be difficult in awkwardly placed ulcers such as As mentioned previously, the size of the bleeding
those on the lesser curvature of the stomach and the artery is a critical determinant in the success of
posterior bulbar duodenum. In a meta-analysis of endoscopic treatment. In an ex vivo model, a ves-
15 studies with 390 patients34 that compared hae- sel size of 2 mm could be consistently sealed by a
moclipping versus injection and thermocoagulation, 3.2-mm contact thermal device. In clinical studies
successful application of haemoclips (81.5%) was that examined factors that might predict failure
superior to injection alone (75.4%) but comparable of endoscopic treatment, ulcer size greater than
to thermocoagulation (81.2%) in producing defini- 2 cm, ulcers on the lesser curvature and ulcers on
tive haemostasis. In this pooled analysis, haemoclip- the superior or posterior wall of bulbar duodenum
ping also led to a reduced need for surgery when were consistently identified as major risk factors
compared to injection alone. for recurrent bleeding.23 These ulcers erode into
large artery complexes such as the left gastric and
Hemospray® the gastroduodenal artery, which are usually size-
Recently the endoscopic use of a haemostatic nano- able. Consideration should therefore be given to
powder was reported in a small series of 20 patients prophylactic measures against recurrent bleeding
with actively bleeding peptic ulcers.35 The powder was in these ulcers judged endoscopically to be at sig-
approved in the United States for external use in trau- nificant risk of re-bleeding.
matic injuries. During endoscopy, the tip of a catheter
is placed 1–2 cm from the ulcer. With the push of a but-
ton, the powder is then sprayed onto the bleeding ulcer
Second-look endoscopy
with a pressurised canister with carbon dioxide. It was
successful in the control of bleeding in 19 of 20 pa- Many endoscopists re-scope their patients the
tients. Comparative studies are required to determine next morning and re-treat ulcers with remain-
the efficacy of this haemostatic powder. The simplicity ing ­stigmata of bleeding. In a pooled analysis on
of its application certainly appeals to endoscopists. the role of second-look endoscopy,38 the authors
found a modest 6.2% reduction in the absolute
Single versus combined methods risk of re-bleeding (number needed to treat (NNT)
Soehendra introduced the concept of combination to reduce one episode of recurrent bleeding). The
treatment that involved pre-injection with ­adrenaline NNT for reduction of surgery and surgery was 58
allowing a clear view of the vessel, which then allowed and 97, respectively. A subsequent meta-analysis
targeted therapy using a second modality to induce and a third meta-­analysis carried out for an in-
thrombosis. In a meta-analysis of 16 studies and 1673 ternational consensus conference confirmed that
patients,36 adding a second modality after adrenaline routine second-look endoscopy did reduce the
injection further reduces bleeding from 18.4% to incidence of re-bleeding. The findings were stron-
10.6% (odds ratio (OR) 0.53, 95% CI 0.4–0.69), gest in studies including a high proportion of
emergency surgery from 11.3% to 7.6% (OR 0.64, high-risk ulcers. However, in many of these trials,
95% CI 0.46–0.90) and mortality from 5.1% to adrenaline injection alone was used. The role of
2.6% (OR 0.51, 95% CI 0.31–0.84). In an indepen- second-look endoscopy following dual therapy or
dent meta-analysis of 22 studies (2472 patients),37 mechanical therapy remains unclear. In addition,
dual therapy was shown to be superior to injec- adjuvant treatment with PPI therapy following
tion alone. However, treatment outcomes following endoscopic haemostasis can be expected to reduce
combination treatments were not better than either the benefit of second-look endoscopy even fur-
mechanical or thermal therapy alone. Based on the ther. With aggressive first endoscopic treatment,
above pooled analyses, adrenaline alone should no the risk of complications, especially perforation,
longer be considered an adequate treatment for bleed- with second treatment is substantial. There may,
ing peptic ulcers. The current evidence suggests that however, be a role for second-look endoscopy in
after initial adrenaline injection to stop bleeding, the selected high-risk patients, although this would
vessel should either be clipped or thermocoagulated. require further studies and the most recent in-
In ulcers with a clear view to the vessel, direct clipping ternational consensus guidelines did not recom-
or thermocoagulation should yield similar results. mend this approach on the basis of the available
Endoscopic therapy for bleeding peptic
ulcers should use dual therapy or mechanical Second-look endoscopy is not indicated as a
therapy rather than adrenaline injection alone in routine if primary optimum endoscopic haemostasis
order to reduce the risk of re-bleeding.36,37 has been performed.23

124 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Pharmacological management of these patients, no previous attempt at endoscopic

haemostasis had been made. In the most recent UK
of bleeding peptic ulcers audit,3 surgery was required in only 1.9% of patients
but mortality remained high in this group (30%).
Acid suppression The high mortality is probably related to an aged
population, with the mean age at 68, and the high in-
It has been shown in an in vitro study that plate- cidence of comorbidity. In some patients with severe
let aggregation is dependent on plasma pH. It is comorbid illnesses and bleeding peptic ulcer, gastro-
thought that a pH of 6 is critical for clot stability intestinal haemorrhage is an agonal event. Bleeding
and an intragastric pH above 4 inactivates stom- ulcers that fail endostasis are typically ‘difficult’ ul-
ach pepsin, preventing the digestion of clots.13 cers – larger chronic ulcers that erode into major ar-
To raise intragastric pH consistently above 6, a terial complexes. The decline in elective ulcer surgery
high-dose PPI given intravenously is required. The also means the atrophy of surgical techniques in deal-
antisecretory effect of histamine receptor antago- ing with these ulcers. Ideally, a specialist team with
nists, due to tolerance, is less reliable than PPIs. an experienced upper gastrointestinal surgeon should
In a study from the Hong Kong group,39 a 3-day be involved in managing these patients.
course of high-dose omeprazole infusion given af- Although emergency ulcer surgery has diminished
ter endoscopic therapy to bleeding ulcers reduced significantly, it has an important gatekeeping role in
the rate of recurrent bleeding from 22.5% to the management algorithm. The clear indication for
6.7% at day 30. The majority of recurrent bleed- surgery is loosely defined as ‘failure of endoscopic
ing occurred within the first 3 days of endoscopic treatment’. In a patient with massive bleeding that
treatment. This trial demonstrated the impor- cannot be controlled by endoscopy, immediate sur-
tance of early endoscopic triage, selecting only the gery should obviously follow. Similarly, in a patient
high-risk ulcers for aggressive endoscopic treat- with bleeding controlled at endoscopy, most clinicians
ment followed by profound acid suppression. In would adopt a non-operative approach. However,
a Cochrane systematic review of 24 controlled tri- the difficulty lies in deciding the exact role of sur-
als and 4373 patients,40 PPI treatment was shown gery in ulcers judged to have a high risk of recur-
to reduce re-bleeding (pooled rate of 10.6% vs. rent bleeding (e.g. >2 cm and at difficult locations),
17.3%, OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.37–0.65) as well as in whom endoscopic haemostasis has been initially
surgery (pooled rate of 6.1% vs. 9.3%, OR 0.61, successful. Increasingly, angiographic embolisation is
95% CI 0.48–0.78) when compared with placebo replacing emergency surgery in these circumstances.
or histamine-2 receptor antagonist. There was
no evidence of an effect on all-cause mortality, Choice of surgical procedure for
although when the analysis was confined to pa-
tients with high-risk stigmata (active bleeding or
bleeding peptic ulcers
visible vessels) there was an associated reduction
in mortality with PPI therapy. A multicentre study The choice of surgical procedure for bleeding pep-
randomised 767 patients from 91 hospitals in 16 tic ulcers, when required, has not been adequately
countries to intravenous esomeprazole or placebo examined in the era following routine eradication
following successful endoscopic haemostasis.41 of Helicobacter pylori and high-dose PPI therapy.
Esomeprazole was associated with significant Many surgeons maintain that under-running of ul-
reductions in re-bleeding and endoscopic re-­ cers alone combined with acid suppression using
intervention rates and non-significant reductions high-dose PPI therapy is safer than definitive sur-
in mortality and the need for surgery. gery by either gastric resection or vagotomy. Two
randomised studies looking at the different surgical
procedures used to control bleeding peptic ulcers
High-dose intravenous PPI therapy (80 mg have been reported,42,43 but both predate the PPI
omeprazole followed by 8 mg/h for 72 h) is and routine H. pylori eradication era and therefore
recommended for patients with active bleeding or their results must be interpreted with considerable
visible vessels at the time of endoscopy.40
caution. One of these was a multicentre study com-
paring minimal surgery (under-running the vessel
or ulcer excision alone plus intravenous histamine
Surgical management of receptor antagonist) versus definitive ulcer surgery
bleeding peptic ulcers (vagotomy and pyloroplasty or partial gastrectomy)
in patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers.42 The
The first UK audit revealed a mortality of 24% in trial was terminated, however, because of the high
those patients (251 of 2071, 12%) who required sur- rate of fatal re-bleeding in the minimal surgery
gery for bleeding peptic ulcers.1 However, in 78% group (6 of 62 vs. 0 of 67, P = 0.02).

125 66485457-66963820
Chapter 7

The other trial was carried out by the French GD

Association of Surgical Research and included only
bleeding duodenal ulcers.43 The patients in this trial
were randomly assigned to either under-running plus
vagotomy and drainage (58 patients) or partial gas-
trectomy (60 patients). Recurrent bleeding occurred in
10 of 58 patients (17%) after under-­running and va-
gotomy. In the group assigned to partial gastrectomy,
only two patients (3%) re-bled and both recovered
without the need for further surgery. The rate of duo-
denal stump leak in the gastrectomy group was 8 in 60
(13%). When the results were analysed on an inten-
tion-to-treat basis, and those with duodenal leaks after
re-operations for re-bleeding in the under-running and
vagotomy group were included, duodenal leak rate RGE
was similar in both groups (7/58 vs. 8/60). The mor- SPD
tality in both groups was similar (22% after vagotomy
Figure 7.5  •  The anatomy of the gastroduodenal (GD)
and 23% after gastrectomy). In the era of PPI therapy, artery complex with confluence of several branches into the
the role of vagotomy has disappeared. A proper liga- artery itself. RGE, right gastroepiploic artery; SPD, superior
tion of the gastroduodenal artery complex including pancreatico-duodenal artery; TP, transverse pancreatic.
the right gastroepiploic and the transverse pancreatic Reproduced from Berne CJ, Rosoff L. Peptic ulcer
branches is the key to avoid recurrent bleeding. perforation of the gastroduodenal artery complex: clinical
In a survey of UK surgeons reported in 2003, more features and operative control. Ann Surg 1969; 169:141–4.
than 80% of respondents rarely or never perform va- With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
gotomy for bleeding peptic ulcer.44 Despite the absence
of recent randomised evidence, surgeons have clearly fistula by closing the duodenal stump around a
adopted a more conservative approach based on the Foley catheter rather than attempting more complex
efficiency of PPI treatment and H. pylori eradication closures, such as with the Billroth I reconstruction.
in the healing of peptic ulceration. With improve- In the case of surgery for a bleeding gastric ulcer, the
ments in endoscopic therapy and the increasing age common scenario is for the ulcer to be located high
and comorbidity of patients, the risks of definitive ul- on the lesser curve of stomach. Anterior gastrotomy,
cer surgery may outweigh any potential benefit from identification of the bleeding site and simple under-
reduction in re-bleeding. For duodenal ulcer haemor- running of the ulcer (with biopsy of the ulcer edge) is
rhage, longitudinal duodenotomy is carried out and the procedure of choice, and is also suitable for rare
control of bleeding achieved by digital pressure or by cases of Mallory–Weiss tear or a Dieulafoy lesion that
grasping the posterior duodenal wall in tissue forceps. does not respond to endoscopic management. In the
If possible, preservation of the pylorus is preferred, but rare case of a distal gastric ulcer that does not respond
extension of the duodenotomy to include the pylorus to endoscopic therapy, there may occasionally be a
may be required if access is difficult. Control of bleed- case for ulcer excision or even distal gastrectomy, but
ing may be aided by mobilisation of the duodenum it is difficult to justify such a course of action in the
(Kocher's manoeuvre), allowing pressure to be applied hands of a non-specialist surgeon, and simple under-
posteriorly. In the majority of patients, simple under- running should be the aim in the majority of patients.
running of the bleeding vessel can be achieved using 0
or 1/0 absorbable sutures above and below the bleed-
The choice of operation in patients with
ing point, ensuring deep enough tissue penetration to
bleeding peptic ulcers who have failed endoscopic
completely occlude the vessel. Due to the variation in treatment should involve, where possible, simple
anatomy of the gastroduodenal artery (Fig. 7.5), four under-running of the bleeding ulcer, without either
or five sutures should be placed to ensure enduring vagotomy or gastric resection. Biopsies should be
haemostasis. The duodenotomy can then be closed taken from the edge of a gastric ulcer.
longitudinally or converted into a formal pyloroplasty
if the pylorus has been divided.
In cases of a massive duodenal ulcer, it may be Management of recurrent
necessary to exclude the ulcer, perform a distal gas- bleeding
trectomy and close the distal duodenum. This can
be a challenging procedure in an elderly, unstable The decision on management of patients who re-
patient, particularly where duodenal thickening and bleed after initial endoscopic control can be difficult.
scarring prevent safe stump closure. In this situation In a randomised study that compared endoscopic re-
it may be better to anticipate a controlled ­duodenal treatment to surgery in such patients,45 endoscopic

126 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

re-treatment secured bleeding again in 75% of pa- ulcers and the technique has been in use for over
tients. With intention-to-treat analysis, complications two decades. In the 1980s, there were reports of
following endoscopic re-treatment were significantly visceral infarcts46,47 following TAE, and its use was
less when compared to those who received surgery. restricted to a small group of patients with refractory
The gastrectomy rate in the surgery group was 50%. bleeding considered unfit for surgical ­intervention.
In a subgroup analysis, those re-bleeding with hypo- With advances in embolisation techniques and
tensive shock from ulcers greater than 2 cm were less specifically the use of superselective coiling (Fig. 7.6),
likely to respond to a repeat endoscopic treatment. the success rate in the control of bleeding has been
It is therefore suggested that a selective approach reported to be between 64% and 91%, and mor-
can be used in re-bleeding patients. Patients with tality between 5% and 25%. There have since been
smaller ulcers and subtle signs of re-bleeding should two retrospective comparative studies comparing
be re-­endoscoped and therapy repeated, often with angio-embolisation with surgery,48,49 involving a to-
successful outcome. If not successful, surgery should tal of 179 patients of whom 72 had TAE and 107
obviously follow. It remains probable that patients underwent surgery. In the Hong Kong series,48 re-
with large chronic ulcers and in shock are better bleeding was higher after TAE compared with sur-
treated by expeditious surgery without recourse to gery but complications were higher in the surgical
endoscopic re-treatment. Some of these patients may group and overall mortality was similar at 25%for
benefit from early ‘elective/pre-emptive’ surgery or TAE and 30% for surgery. The Swedish study49 had
(increasingly) angiographic embolisation. a lower mortality in both groups (3% and 14% for
TAE and surgery, respectively), perhaps reflecting
Management of re-bleeding following different selection criteria, but again there were no
successful endostasis will depend on the specific significant differences between the TAE and surgical
circumstances. Further endoscopic haemostasis groups. In the latter comparative study, the lack of
may be appropriate for many patients,46 but outcome difference and the more advanced age in the
high-risk ulcers, particularly those where good TAE group suggest that TAE may be at least as good
endostasis was difficult to achieve at the first an option as surgery in the management of refrac-
procedure, may be better considered for surgery or tory ulcer bleeding. TAE is certainly now the pro-
even transarterial angiographic embolisation. cedure of choice in the small group of patients who
re-bleed after surgery, but a randomised controlled
study comparing surgery and TAE in this group of
The role of selective mesenteric patients would be of great interest. Similarly, the role
embolisation of semi-elective TAE following successful endosta-
sis in patients considered at high risk of re-bleeding
Transarterial angiographic embolisation (TAE) is an or death has not been studied, but is another area
alternative rescue procedure for bleeding duodenal where further research may be interesting.

a b

Figure 7.6  •  Active bleeding from the gastroduodenal artery complex during transfemoral angiography. Coils were used to
embolise the artery leading to cessation of bleeding.

127 66485457-66963820
Chapter 7

Transarterial embolisation should be considered Use of NSAIDs

in patients who re-bleed following surgery for
bleeding peptic ulcers and as an alternative to In patients who continue to require NSAIDs, co-therapy
surgery when endoscopic haemostasis has failed, with PPI reduces recurrence in peptic ulcers and bleed-
provided appropriate facilities and expertise are ing. In these patients, H. pylori should first be tested
available. This may be particularly useful in elderly and treated if confirmed. A randomized controlled trial
patients with medical comorbidity. TAE should also compared the use of a traditional NSAID plus a PPI to
be considered as a possible pre-emptive treatment COX-2 inhibitors and found that the rate of further
option in high-risk surgical patients who are at high ulcer complications is between 4-6% in 6 months.51
risk of re-bleeding after endostasis. A subsequent randomized trial combined the use of
COX-2 inhibitor to PPI and compared them to the
use of a COX-2 inhibitor alone.52 At 1 year, the use of
Helicobacter pylori COX-2 inhibitor alone was associated with a rate of
eradication 8.9% in recurrent bleeding. The risk of recurrent bleed-
ing was completely abolished in those who the com-
A Cochrane review50 concluded that H. pylori eradi- bined treatment. COX-2 inhibitor plus PPI appears to
cation was associated with a significant r­eduction in offer the best protection to these high risk patients.
the risk of re-bleeding compared with no H. ­pylori
eradication, from 20% to 2.9%. If antisecretory
therapy was continued, the risk was 5.6%, still signifi- Summary
cantly higher than achieved with H. pylori eradication.
The overall risk of re-bleeding following H.  pylori The challenge posed by peptic ulcer bleeding has
eradication was less than 1% per year. It is therefore of altered with the increasing age of the population
concern that in a UK review of consultant behaviour, at risk and the increasing availability of skilled
fewer than 60% routinely tested patients for H. pylori therapeutic endoscopy. Failure of endoscopic hae-
following treatment for complicated peptic ulcers.44 mostasis is increasingly uncommon but the surgi-
cal challenge presented by the elderly patient with
refractory bleeding from a large ulcer is consider-
Following treatment for bleeding duodenal
able. Successful management of UGI bleeding will
ulcer, patients should be tested for H. pylori and
involve the close cooperation of a multidisciplinary
receive eradication therapy where appropriate.
team, which will increasingly include interventional
Patients should have further testing to ensure
successful eradication.50
radiologists, aided by local protocols based on evi-
dence-based best practice (Fig. 7.7).

Haematemesis or melaena
Unstable Stable
(pulse >100 or SBP < 100 mmHg)
after initial fluid resuscitation

Urgent endoscopy Consider i.v. PPI therapy

Active bleeding or high-risk lesion Early endoscopy (within 24 h)

Low risk of re-bleed and no
Endostasis + i.v. PPI infusion comorbidity (Rockall score 0–1)

Early discharge

• Repeat endostasis
• Mesenteric angiography/embolisation
• Surgery
Figure 7.7  •  Management algorithm. SBP, systolic blood pressure.

128 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Key points
• A full Rockall score should be calculated for all patients with UGI bleeding following initial
endoscopic assessment.
• Pre-endoscopy treatment with PPIs is recommended as it reduces the risk of active bleeding at
the time of endoscopy and may reduce the need for endoscopic intervention.
• Early endoscopy should be performed on all patients with UGI bleeding/haemorrhage.
• Endoscopic therapy should be applied where there is active bleeding or a non-bleeding visible
vessel in the ulcer base. Adherent clot should be removed and endoscopic therapy applied to the
underlying vessel.
• Endoscopic therapy for bleeding peptic ulcers should involve use of dual therapy or mechanical
therapy rather than adrenaline injection alone in order to reduce the risk of re-bleeding.
• High-dose intravenous PPI therapy (80 mg omeprazole followed by 8 mg/h for 72 h) is
recommended for patients with active bleeding or visible vessels at the time of endoscopy.
• The choice of operation in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers who have failed endoscopic
treatment should involve, where possible, simple under-running of the bleeding ulcer, without either
vagotomy or gastric resection.
• Management of re-bleeding following successful endoscopic haemostasis will depend on the
specific circumstances. Further endoscopic haemostasis may be appropriate for many patients but
those with high-risk ulcers, particularly where good endostasis was difficult to achieve at the first
procedure, may be better considered for surgery or transarterial angiographic embolisation.
• Following treatment for bleeding duodenal ulcer, patients should be tested for H. pylori and receive
eradication therapy where appropriate. Patients should have further testing to ensure successful

References dicting the need for endoscopic therapy in patients

with upper GI hemorrhage. Gastrointest Endosc
1. Rockall TA, Logan RF, Devlin HB, et al. Incidence 2010;71(7):1134–40.
of and mortality from acute upper gastrointesti- 7. Stanley AJ, Dalton HR, Blatchford O, et al.
nal haemorrhage in the United Kingdom. Steering Multicentre comparison of the Glasgow Blatchford
Committee and members of the National Audit of and Rockall Scores in the prediction of clinical end-
Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage. Br Med J points after upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
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13. Green Jr FW, Kaplan MM, Curtis LE, et al. Effect of 24. Cook DJ, Guyatt GH, Salena BJ, et al. Endoscopic
acid and pepsin on blood coagulation and platelet therapy for acute nonvariceal upper gastrointesti-
aggregation. A possible contributor prolonged gas- nal hemorrhage: a meta-analysis. Gastroenterology
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pump inhibitor treatment initiated prior to endo- ulcers. JAMA 1990;264(4):494–9.
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This systematic review of randomised trials found no ef-
27. Laine L, Peterson WL. Bleeding peptic ulcer. N Engl
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was a significant reduction in active bleeding and the
need for intervention at the time of endoscopy. 28. Laine L, Freeman M, Cohen H. Lack of uniformity in
15. Lau JY, Leung WK, Wu JC, et al. Omeprazole before evaluation of endoscopic prognostic features of bleed-
endoscopy in patients with gastrointestinal bleeding. ing ulcers. Gastrointest Endosc 1994;40(4):411–7.
N Engl J Med 2007;356(16):1631–40. 29. Consensus Conference. Therapeutic endoscopy and
16. Tsoi KK, Lau JY, Sung JJ. Cost-effectiveness analysis bleeding ulcers. JAMA 1989;262(10):1369–72.
of high-dose omeprazole infusion before endoscopy 30. Kahi CJ, Jensen DM, Sung JJ, et al. Endoscopic
for patients with upper-GI bleeding. Gastrointest therapy versus medical therapy for bleeding pep-
Endosc 2008;67(7):1056–63. tic ulcer with adherent clot: a meta-analysis.
17. Lai KC, Hui WM, Wong BC, et al. A retrospective Gastroenterology 2005;129(3):855–62.
and prospective study on the safety of discharging A pooled analysis of several randomised studies dem-
selected patients with duodenal ulcer bleeding on onstrated that recurrent bleeding is reduced following
the same day as endoscopy. Gastrointest Endosc clot elevation and treatment to the underlying vessel
1997;45(1):26–30. when compared to medical therapy alone.

18. Spiegel BM, Vakil NB, Ofman JJ. Endoscopy for 31. Kubba AK, Murphy W, Palmer KR. Endoscopic
acute nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal tract hem- injection for bleeding peptic ulcer: a comparison of
orrhage: is sooner better? A systematic review. Arch adrenaline alone with adrenaline plus human throm-
Intern Med 2001;161(11):1393–404. bin. Gastroenterology 1996;111(3):623–8.
This systematic review of 23 studies concluded that 32. Rutgeerts P, Rauws E, Wara P, et al. Randomised trial
early endoscopy improved outcome in patients with UGI of single and repeated fibrin glue compared with in-
bleeding in all risk categories. jection of polidocanol in treatment of bleeding peptic
19. Wong SK, Yu LM, Lau JY, et al. Prediction of thera- ulcer. Lancet 1997;350(9079):692–6.
peutic failure after adrenaline injection plus heater 33. Havanond C, Havanond P. Argon plasma coagula-
probe treatment in patients with bleeding peptic ulcer. tion therapy for acute non-variceal upper gastro-
Gut 2002;50(3):322–5. intestinal bleeding. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
20. Park CH, Min SW, Sohn YH, et al. A prospec- 2005;(2)CD003791.
tive, randomized trial of endoscopic band liga- 34. Sung JJ, Tsoi KK, Lai LH, et al. Endoscopic clipping
tion vs. epinephrine injection for actively bleeding versus injection and thermo-coagulation in the treat-
Mallory–Weiss syndrome. Gastrointest Endosc ment of non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleed-
2004;60(1):22–7. ing: a meta-analysis. Gut 2007;56(10):1364–73.
21. Huang SP, Wang HP, Lee YC, et al. Endoscopic 35. Sung JJ, Luo D, Wu JC, et al. Early clinical experi-
hemoclip placement and epinephrine injection for ence of the safety and effectiveness of Hemospray
Mallory–Weiss syndrome with active bleeding. in achieving hemostasis in patients with acute peptic
Gastrointest Endosc 2002;55(7):842–6. ulcer bleeding. Endoscopy 2011;43(4):291–5.
22. Park CH, Sohn YH, Lee WS, et al. The usefulness 36. Calvet X, Vergara M, Brullet E, et al. Addition of a
of endoscopic hemoclipping for bleeding Dieulafoy second endoscopic treatment following epinephrine
lesions. Endoscopy 2003;35(5):388–92. injection improves outcome in high-risk bleeding ul-
23. Barkun AN, Bardou M, Kuipers EJ, et al. International cers. Gastroenterology 2004;126(2):441–50.
consensus recommendations on the management 37. Marmo R, Rotondano G, Piscopo R, et al. Dual ther-
of patients with nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal apy versus monotherapy in the endoscopic treatment
bleeding. Ann Intern Med 2010;152(2):101–13. of high-risk bleeding ulcers: a meta-analysis of con-
These are the most recently published comprehen- trolled trials. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102(2):279–
sive guidelines on the management of UGI bleeding 89; quiz 469.
based on studies published to date and include data These two meta-analyses provide compelling evidence
from published and new meta-analyses as well as ex- that addition of a second endoscopic therapy is better
pert opinion. than adrenaline alone.

130 66485457-66963820
Acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

38. Marmo R, Rotondano G, Bianco MA, et al. Outcome 46. Shapiro N, Brandt L, Sprayregan S, et al. Duodenal
of endoscopic treatment for peptic ulcer bleeding: Is a infarction after therapeutic Gelfoam embolization
second look necessary? A meta-­analysis. Gastrointest of a bleeding duodenal ulcer. Gastroenterology
Endosc 2003;57(1):62–7. 1981;80(1):176–80.
39. Lau JY, Sung JJ, Lee KK, et al. Effect of intravenous 47. Trojanowski JQ, Harrist TJ, Athanasoulis CA, et al.
omeprazole on recurrent bleeding after endoscopic Hepatic and splenic infarctions: complications of
treatment of bleeding peptic ulcers. N Engl J Med therapeutic transcatheter embolization. Am J Surg
2000;343(5):310–6. 1980;139(2):272–7.
40. Leontiadis GI, Sharma VK, Howden CW. Proton 48. Wong TC, Wong KT, Chiu PW, et al. A compari-
pump inhibitor treatment for acute peptic ulcer son of angiographic embolization with surgery after
bleeding. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(1): failed endoscopic hemostasis to bleeding peptic ul-
CD002094. cers. Gastrointest Endosc 2011;73(5):900–8.
This Cochrane review of randomised trials found that 49. Eriksson LG, Ljungdahl M, Sundbom M, et al.
high-dose PPI therapy reduced re-bleeding, surgery Transcatheter arterial embolization versus surgery in
and mortality rates following endotherapy for high-risk the treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding after
ulcers. therapeutic endoscopy failure. J Vasc Interv Radiol
41. Sung JJ, Barkun A, Kuipers EJ, et al. Intravenous 2008;19(10):1413–8.
esomeprazole for prevention of recurrent peptic ul- 50. Gisbert JP, Khorrami S, Carballo F, et al. ­Meta-analysis:
cer bleeding: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy vs. antise-
2009;150(7):455–64. cretory non-eradication therapy for the prevention
42. Poxon VA, Keighley MR, Dykes PW, et al. of ­recurrent bleeding from peptic ulcer. Aliment
Comparison of minimal and conventional surgery Pharmacol Ther 2004;19(6):617–29.
in patients with bleeding peptic ulcer: a multicentre This Cochrane review included seven studies and a
trial. Br J Surg 1991;78(11):1344–5. reduction in re-bleeding rates following H. pylori eradi-
43. Millat B, Hay JM, Valleur P, et al. Emergency surgical cation compared with antisecretory therapy and no
treatment for bleeding duodenal ulcer: oversewing eradication.
plus vagotomy versus gastric resection, a controlled 51. Chan FK, Hung LC, Suen BY, Wu JC, Lee KC,
randomized trial. French Associations for Surgical Leung VK, et al. Celecoxib versus diclofenac and
Research. World J Surg 1993;17(5):568–74. omeprazole in reducing the risk of recurrent ulcer
44. Gilliam AD, Speake WJ, Lobo DN, et al. Current bleeding in patients with arthritis. N Engl J Med
practice of emergency vagotomy and Helicobacter 2002;347(2)104–10.
pylori eradication for complicated peptic ulcer in the 52. Chan FK, Wong VW, Suen BY, Wu JC, Ching JY,
United Kingdom. Br J Surg 2003;90(1):88–90. Hung LC, et al. Combination of a cyclo-oxygenase-2
45. Lau JY, Sung JJ, Lam YH, et al. Endoscopic retreat- inhibitor and a proton-pump inhibitor for preven-
ment compared with surgery in patients with re- tion of recurrent ulcer bleeding in patients at very
current bleeding after initial endoscopic control of high risk: a double-blind, randomised trial. Lancet
bleeding ulcers. N Engl J Med 1999;340(10):751–6. 2007;369(1)621–6.

131 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

Mark Duxbury

Introduction i­nfundibulum, leading to gallbladder obstruction.

In a functioning gallbladder, obstruction results in
The clinical benefits of subspecialisation in pancre­ marked gallbladder contraction with the perception
aticobiliary surgery are now widely accepted and of pain. Following disimpaction of the stone, the
are supported by a considerable body of evidence.1 pain subsides. Disimpacted gallstones may either
However, the nature of surgical service provision fall back into the gallbladder or pass into the com­
often demands that pancreaticobiliary emergen­ mon bile duct (CBD).
cies be treated by surgeons with principal specialist Persistent gallbladder obstruction leads to acute
­interests lying outside upper gastrointestinal ­surgery. mural inflammation, although there is often a poor
The aim of this chapter is to provide an overview correlation between the clinical presentation and
of current evidence relating to the t­reatment of the the histopathological features of acute and chronic
more commonly encountered pancreaticobiliary inflammation in the gallbladder wall. Initially, in
emergencies, including the management of acute acute cholecystitis, the inflammatory process within
cholecystitis, acute cholangitis, acute pancreatitis, the gallbladder is sterile; however, bacterial colo­
and pancreaticobiliary disease in pregnancy, for the nisation of the obstructed bile and inflamed tissue
emergency general surgeon. occurs and may result in an empyema of the gall­
bladder. Further, if the inflammatory process is par­
ticularly severe, gallbladder ischaemia and necrosis
can occur, with the risk of gallbladder perforation
Biliary colic and acute and subsequent biliary peritonitis.
Clinical presentation
The majority of acute gallbladder disorders are
due to gallstones and have a range of clinical Biliary colic presents with severe upper abdominal
presentations. pain in the epigastric and right upper quadrant re­
gions, commonly with radiation to the back or
Pathogenesis shoulders. Although termed ‘colic’, the pain is usu­
ally constant when present, but remits after a period
In the emergency setting, biliary colic or acute cho­ of minutes to hours. Pain may be provoked by eating,
lecystitis are the most common presentations of and the patients frequently describe an association
symptomatic cholelithiasis and it is often difficult at with ingestion of fatty foods. A history of previous
the initial assessment to distinguish between the two similar episodes may be obtained. Palpation of the
conditions as they form part of a continuum. Biliary abdomen may reveal epigastric/right upper quadrant
colic is thought to occur following the impaction tenderness but no evidence of peritoneal irritation.
of a gallstone within the cystic duct or gallbladder Blood investigations are usually normal.

132 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

In acute cholecystitis the pain is localised to the Initial radiological imaging

right upper quadrant, and also may radiate to the
back or right shoulder tip. Because of peritoneal ir­ Transabdominal ultrasound is the initial i­ nvestigation
ritation the pain is exacerbated by movement and of choice in both biliary colic and acute cholecys­
breathing. Commonly, the patient is nauseated titis and has a sensitivity of greater than 95% for
and may have vomited. Systemic signs of inflam­ ­detecting gallstones (see also Chapter 5). In addi­
mation including tachycardia and pyrexia may be tion, ultrasound (US) can demonstrate signs of acute
present and abdominal examination will typically inflammation such as gallbladder wall thickening,
reveal right upper quadrant tenderness with signs pericholecystic fluid and a positive sonographic
of localised peritonitis. Classically, Murphy's sign Murphy's sign (Fig. 8.1). US may also demonstrate
(acute tenderness during palpation below the tip gas in the gallbladder wall in patients with emphy­
of the right ninth rib elicited on inspiration) can be sematous cholecystitis. Newer techniques of colour
observed in patients with acute cholecystitis. A ten­ velocity imaging and power Doppler ultrasound can
der gallbladder may occasionally be palpable in the provide additional information, and may therefore be
right upper quadrant, particularly in the presence helpful in distinguishing patients with true acute cho­
of an empyema. Haematological investigations typi­ lecystitis from those with upper abdominal pain and
cally demonstrate a leucocytosis and liver function incidental cholelithiasis. In addition, transabdomi­
tests (LFTs) may be mildly deranged. An obstructive nal ultrasound can detect the presence of biliary tree
picture to the LFTs may be a consequence of chole­ dilatation, which may indicate choledocholithiasis,
docholithiasis, but may also be a consequence of im­ ­although the sensitivity for choledocholithiasis may
pacted gallstones in Hartmann's pouch pressing on be significantly impaired by obesity or gas within
or eroding into the common hepatic duct (Mirizzi overlying bowel. In patients where US is equivocal
syndrome) or contiguous inflammation affecting either computed tomography (CT) or magnetic reso­
the biliary tree or adjacent hepatic parenchyma. nance imaging (MRI) can be helpful (Fig. 8.1).

a b

c d

Figure 8.1  •  (a) Ultrasound features of acute cholecystitis. Note the thickened gallbladder wall. The gallbladder contains
stone and debris. This patient was also tender on pressing the transducer on to the gallbladder (sonographic Murphy's
sign). (b) Addition of colour Doppler to help identify associated anatomy. (c) Axial CT image demonstrates cholecystitis
with gallbladder wall thickening and adjacent parenchymal inflammatory changes in the liver. (d) Coronal MRCP
reconstruction with a single calculus in the gallbladder and normal biliary tree.

133 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
Radionucleotide scintigraphy has historically been
reported to have greater accuracy in diagnosing
acute cholecystitis than standard US techniques.
However, these techniques are time-consuming, in­
volve the use of radiopharmaceuticals, and their use
is now generally restricted to individuals who are
clinically suspected of having abnormal gallblad­
der function in the presence of a normal ultrasound
scan (gallbladder dyskinesia).

Management of patients with

acute gallbladder disease and
suspected bile duct stones
Concomitant choledocholithiasis may be indicated
by obstructive LFTs or US evidence of biliary dilata­
tion and/or evidence of ductal calculi. In the acute
setting several additional factors may complicate the
­decision-making process. Most importantly, if there
are signs of generalised peritonitis, operative interven­
tion cannot be deferred and investigation for CBD
calculi becomes of secondary importance. In this situ­
Figure 8.2  •  MRCP demonstrating gallbladder
ation, any ductal stones can be looked for at opera­
stones and extensive choledocholithiasis extending
tion. It is also important to bear in mind the clinical
into the intrahepatic biliary tree. The patient underwent
overlap between acute cholangitis and acute cholecys­
laparoscopic cholecystectomy and bile duct exploration.
titis, and patients with cholangitis due to CBD calculi
may have upper abdominal tenderness and guarding.
An appropriate index of suspicion together with find­ An alternative management strategy is to under­
ings on US should result in such individuals being ap­ take intraoperative cholangiography during acute
propriately treated for their ductal calculi. cholecystectomy (Fig. 8.5). If a ductal stone is
In the majority of patients with acute biliary colic demonstrated on intraoperative cholangiography,
or cholecystitis who have deranged LFTs there will the options are to undertake laparoscopic CBD
be an opportunity to assess the CBD preoperatively. exploration, convert to an open procedure with
The management options include endoscopic retro­ ­exploration of the CBD or to perform a postopera­
grade cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) or mag­ tive ERCP or, in some cases, intraoperative ERCP.
netic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). The potential risk with adoption of a postoperative
MRCP has the advantage that it is ­non-invasive and ERCP strategy is failure to cannulate at endoscopy;
is as accurate as ERCP in detecting bile duct stones however, in practice, success rates are high with
(Fig. 8.2),2 as well as providing valuable additional experienced ­endoscopists and few patients require
information about more complex presentations, e.g. further surgery.
Mirizzi syndrome (Fig. 8.3). Nowadays, ERCP is
reserved for therapeutic intervention, e.g. sphincter­
Systematic reviews of studies reporting
otomy and stone removal or stenting, rather than for the outcome of laparoscopic CBD exploration
diagnosis (Fig. 8.4). report morbidity rates of between 2% and 17%
and mortality rates of 1–5%.4 This is comparable
Guidelines on the management of CBD stones to ERCP, with a Cochrane review of randomised
published by the British Society of Gastroenterology controlled trials concluding that there was no clear
recommend that where initial assessment, based on difference in primary success rates, morbidity or
clinical features, liver function tests and ultrasound mortality between the two approaches.5 However,
findings, suggests a high probability of CBD it is important to note that the majority of these
calculi, then it is reasonable to proceed directly studies involved elective as well as emergency
to ERCP if this is considered the treatment of patients.
choice.3 Where initial assessment suggests a low or
uncertain index of suspicion for CBD calculi, then
Although laparoscopic CBD exploration is a logi­
it is recommended that patients undergo MRCP or
cal extension to laparoscopic cholecystectomy and
endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), with ERCP reserved
for those with abnormal or equivocal results.
is now becoming much more widely practised, the
associated inflammation around Calot's triangle

134 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

a b

Figure 8.3  •  Coronal MRCP reconstruction demonstrates Mirizzi syndrome.

a b

Figure 8.4  •  (a) EUS demonstrates a distal common bile duct stone. (b) The stone was removed at ERCP (endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography). With thanks to Dr Ian Penman, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Royal Infirmary of
Edinburgh, UK.

and the CBD in patients with acute cholecystitis

may make laparoscopic exploration difficult and/or
hazardous. A suggested algorithm for the manage­ Biliary colic
ment of patients with suspected biliary colic/acute The initial treatment for biliary colic consists of
cholecystitis and suspected CBD stones is described adequate analgesia and antiemetics. Although opi­
in Fig. 8.6. ate analgesia is widely prescribed, non-steroidal

135 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8

a b

Figure 8.5  •  Intraoperative cholangiograms obtained during laparoscopic cholecystectomy demonstrating a non-

obstructing calculus in the cystic duct (a) and distal common bile duct (b).

Worsening or persistently deranged LFT Settling LFT Mildly deranged or settling LFT
Dilated biliary tree Dilated biliary tree Normal biliary tree diameter


Ductal stone No ductal stone

Ductal stone
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
ERCP+/–stone extraction
Operative cholangiogram
Normal duct
Ductal stone

Bile duct exploration

Figure 8.6  •  Investigation and management of patients with biliary colic or acute cholecystitis and suspected bile duct
stones. ERCP, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography; LFT, liver function tests; MRCP, magnetic resonance

a­ nti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are also effective Acute cholecystitis

in relieving pain. Moreover, studies have suggested Initial therapy in acute cholecystitis includes
that NSAIDs can reduce the number of patients intravenous fluid resuscitation, analgesia, a
progressing from biliary colic to acute cholecysti­ nil-by-mouth regimen and administration of in­
tis. Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be travenous antibiotics. Although the initial inflam­
offered. mation is sterile, secondary infection with aerobic

136 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

­Gram-negative organisms, enterococci and anaer­ cholecystectomy is both safe and has significant
obes occurs. Clostridium perfringens infection of benefits for patients. Conversion rate, hospital
the necrotic gallbladder may be a particular com­ stay and complications are all significantly lower
plication in the diabetic patient. Few data exist in the early surgery group.6–8 A meta-analysis of
to support the optimum antibiotic regimen and five randomised clinical trials comparing early
local microbiology recommendations should be versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy for
followed, although a second- or third-generation acute cholecystitis has demonstrated that there
cephalosporin combined with metronidazole is fre­ is no difference in conversion rate or incidence
quently prescribed. of bile duct injury and the total hospital stay is
Urgent surgical intervention is indicated in those shorter.9
patients with generalised peritonitis arising from The benefits of early laparoscopic cholecystec­
a gallbladder perforation or in those with emphy­ tomy over early open cholecystectomy have also
sematous cholecystitis (Fig. 8.7). Outwith these been assessed.10 A total of 63 patients with acute
circumstances, the therapeutic options are to re­ cholecystitis were randomised to either early lapa­
move the gallbladder, either during the index ad­ roscopic cholecystectomy (n  = 32) or early open
mission or, electively, at a later admission. Early cholecystectomy (n = 31). Conversion to the open
operation has the advantage of prompt definitive procedure was required in five patients randomised
therapy but surgical intervention may be techni­ to laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Although there
cally more difficult. The rationale for deferred were no deaths or bile duct injuries in either group,
surgery is to allow for resolution of inflamma­ the postoperative complication rate was signifi­
tion, but the patient remains at risk of exacer­ cantly higher in the open group (P = 0.0048): seven
bations during the ‘waiting’ period, leading to patients (23%) had major and six (19%) had minor
readmission and increased healthcare-associated complications after open cholecystectomy, whereas
costs. In addition, as many surgeons can attest, only one (3%) minor complication occurred after
subsequent ‘delayed’ surgery may still be techni­ the laparoscopic procedure. Both the postoperative
cally very demanding. Several randomised trials hospital stay (median 4 days vs. 6 days; P = 0.0063)
over the last 15 years comparing early versus late and duration of sick leave (mean 13.9 days vs.
laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecys­ 30.1 days; P <0.0001) were significantly shorter in
titis have now confirmed that early laparoscopic the laparoscopic group.

Figure 8.7  •  CT image of emphysematous cholecystitis demonstrating gas in the gallbladder wall with extension into the
hepatoduodenal ligament.

137 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
free drainage is established. On occasions, simple
Early laparoscopic cholecystectomy should
be attempted in all patients with acute cholecystitis
aspiration of the gallbladder may be effective; how­
who are fit for surgery, recognising that there ever, a recent randomised trial concluded that place­
will be some in whom the acute inflammation ment of a percutaneous cholecystostomy drain was
prevents adequate visualisation of the anatomy and associated with a superior clinical response rate.14
conversion will be required.6–10 With effective intervention, clinical improvement
usually occurs within 24–48 hours; therefore, in
those in whom rapid improvement does not occur, a
It therefore follows that patients admitted to hos­
complication, either of the original acute cholecysti­
pital as an emergency with acute biliary colic should
tis (gallbladder necrosis and/or perforation) or of the
also be offered early laparosocpic cholecystectomy.
cholecystostomy tube placement (bile leak, visceral
Antibiotic cover for urgent cholecystectomy perforation, bleeding, etc.), should be suspected and
surgical intervention should be reconsidered. The
cholecystostomy tube should be maintained until a
Antibiotic therapy following successful mature fistula tract is achieved, which usually forms
early cholecystectomy for acute non-gangrenous
within 3 weeks. Contrast radiology in the form of a
cholecystitis does not need to be continued beyond
‘tubogram’ may be undertaken in order to confirm
12 hours.11
drain position, cystic and common bile duct pa­
tency, as well as the presence and site of any calculi.
Non-surgical options for decompressing the A randomised clinical trial assessing the role of
gallbladder in acute cholecystitis percutaneous cholecystostomy in patients with
Although early laparoscopic cholecystectomy is acute cholecystitis who are high-risk surgical can­
optimal management for acute cholecystitis, sur­ didates included 123 patients with acute cholecysti­
gery may not be feasible in some patients because tis and an Acute Physiological and Chronic Health
of comorbid conditions. In these patients US-guided Evaluation (APACHE) II score of 12 or greater.15
percutaneous cholecystostomy is a useful alterna­ Patients were randomised to either percutaneous
tive (Fig. 8.8). If the diagnosis is in doubt, such as cholecystostomy (PC; n  = 
60) or to conservative
might be the case in the critically ill patient on the therapy (C; n = 63). Percutaneous cholecystostomy
intensive care unit, percutaneous cholecystostomy was associated with a number of major complica­
can also be diagnostic,12 with successful drainage of tions in the initial stages of the trial, although this
the gallbladder possible in up to 90% of patients.13 appeared to be due to the use of non-locking drains
Although cannulation of the gallbladder may be inserted under CT guidance. A change in technique
achieved through a transperitoneal approach, a to US transhepatic placement of locking drains
transhepatic approach is to be preferred because of helped to lower procedure-related complications.
the lower risk of biliary peritonitis and the earlier Nevertheless, in this trial rates of clinical resolution
maturation of the cholecystostomy tract. Following (PC 86% vs. C 87%) and mortality (PC 17.5% vs.
insertion of the drainage tube into the gallbladder, C 13%) were similar between the two groups.

a b

Figure 8.8  •  Ultrasound of a patient with acute cholecystitis. (a) Before treatment; note the microabscesses within
the thickened gallbladder wall. (b) After successful percutaneous transhepatic drainage. With thanks to Dr Paul Allan,
Consultant Radiologist, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, UK.

138 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

can present with clinical and radiological features

Percutaneous cholecystostomy should only
be used in those patients not fit for surgery whose
of acute cholecystitis without gallstones. Treatment
symptoms do not improve rapidly on standard non- is by cholecystectomy.
operative therapy.15

The results of the current multicentre randomised

Acute acalculous
controlled (CHOCOLATE) trial, comparing percu­ cholecystitis
taneous cholecystostomy with laparoscopic chole­
cystectomy, are awaited.16 Acute inflammation of the gallbladder can occur in
In patients who have not been offered early cho­ the absence of gallstones and is termed acute acal­
lecystectomy for their acute cholecystitis, including culous cholecystitis (AAC). Although AAC may
those who have undergone cholecystostomy, follow­ present as a complication of a number of clinical
ing disease resolution, definitive therapy directed conditions, it occurs most frequently in the criti­
towards the gallbladder needs to be considered. cally ill or postoperative patient. Despite the fact
Recurrent symptoms will occur in approximately that AAC is an uncommon entity, it does appears to
one-third of patients who have previously had acute be increasing in frequency.24 Observational studies
calculous cholecystitis and have not undergone de­ have suggested that AAC occurs in 0.004–0.05% of
finitive treatment.17 Therefore, interval cholecys­ patients undergoing surgery.25,26 Although much less
tectomy following optimisation of any comorbid common than gallstone-induced acute cholecystitis,
disease should be considered. In those patients in the mortality rate of AAC is significantly higher, in
whom surgical intervention is absolutely contrain­ part reflecting the patient population affected.24
dicated, the cholecystostomy tube may be left in situ The pathogenetic mechanisms in AAC are not
for a more prolonged period. Cholelithiasis may then clear. Most recent evidence suggests that AAC is a
be treated by percutaneous extraction of the gall­ consequence of microvascular ischaemia resulting
stones or, less commonly, by direct dissolution with in gallbladder inflammation. Studies have demon­
a solvent such as methyl-tert-butyl ether. However, strated that the gallbladder arterial and capillary
recurrence of gallstones following these therapies is network is reduced and irregular in AAC compared
common, with studies suggesting that 10–20% of with that in acute cholecystitis.27 Furthermore, in
all patients treated by these methods develop further animal models, the induction of a vasculitic process
symptoms.18–20 As a result of these limitations, such through the activation of factor XII causes AAC. As
approaches are not widely employed. indirect evidence, AAC can occur as a consequence
of systemic lupus erythematosus, polyarteritis no­
Management of acute gallstone dosa and antiphospholipid syndrome. In critical
illness states, gallbladder microvascular ischaemia
disease in pregnancy probably occurs as a manifestation of the systemic
inflammatory response syndrome.
Non-obstetric acute abdominal pain is relatively The diagnosis of AAC is often difficult. Because
common in pregnancy, causes being similar to it occurs principally in critically ill patients and in
those in non-pregnant patients, and transabdominal those who have recently had abdominal surgery, the
US and MRI are the primary imaging modalities. symptoms and signs may be masked by coexisting
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is generally a safe problems. The critically ill patient may be sedated
therapeutic option in pregnancy.21 Although tradi­ and/or ventilated, limiting the availability of histori­
tionally invasive approaches during the first trimes­ cal information, and abdominal signs may be masked
ter have been avoided, more recent data indicate that by sedation or drug-induced paralysis in the critical
minimally invasive surgery can be conducted with rel­ care setting. In the postoperative patient, abdominal
ative safety in the first trimester.22,23 Biliary imaging signs may be limited by wound pain, and other more
may be performed with intraoperative ultrasound, or operation-specific complications may be considered
with limited exposure fluoroscopy and foetal shield­ as a cause for changes in the clinical condition.
ing. Management decisions must be based on the ef­ Unfortunately, diagnostic imaging may also be
ficacy or otherwise of non-operative measures, fully unhelpful. Although US signs of AAC have been
informed consent and with foetal–­maternal benefits described (dilated gallbladder, gallbladder wall
being considered on an individual basis. thickening, pericholecystic fluid and gallbladder
sludge), these are not diagnostic. In a prospective se­
Gallbladder torsion ries of 21 critically ill patients, all study subjects had
gallbladder abnormalities on at least one occasion
Torsion of the gallbladder is rare, may be partial or during serial US examinations; however, only four
complete and can result in gallbladder necrosis. It patients required intervention for AAC.28 Similarly,

139 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
although CT may demonstrate gallbladder abnor­
malities, these signs may again be non-­diagnostic.
Acute cholangitis
Cholescintigraphy may be the most accurate method Acute cholangitis may be defined as an acute pyo­
of identifying AAC. In a retrospective study of genic infection within the biliary tree. Because of the
27 patients with AAC, cholescintigraphy detected possibility of rapid disease progression, acute chol­
AAC in 9 of 10 patients (90%), whereas CT de­ angitis is a potentially life-threatening condition
tected AAC in 8 of 12 (67%) and US detected AAC that requires urgent therapeutic intervention.
in 2 of 7 (29%).29 However, these results must be
viewed cautiously as every patient did not undergo
all investigations. Moreover, other series have sug­ Pathogenesis
gested a high incidence of false-positive cholescin­
tigraphy scans in critically ill patients.30 Because Acute cholangitis arises as a consequence of biliary
of the inaccuracy of imaging studies, the definitive stasis with subsequent bacterial infection. Although
diagnosis of AAC may only be made at laparotomy a number of pathological processes may lead to bili­
or diagnostic laparoscopy.31 AAC must therefore ary stasis, the most common underlying causes of
be considered in all critically ill or postoperative acute cholangitis are bile duct calculi, malignant
patients with right upper quadrant pain, deranged bile duct obstruction and biliary stent occlusion.
LFTs or unexplained sepsis. With the difficulty of Biliary obstruction need not be complete as acute
diagnosis in mind, one prospective study assessed cholangitis can arise in a partially obstructed bili­
the benefit of percutaneous cholecystostomy in 82 ary system. Under normal conditions bile is sterile;
critically ill patients with unexplained sepsis.32 In 48 however, in 58% of individuals with asymptomatic
patients (59%) there was rapid improvement in the ductal calculi, bile cultures will be positive, indicat­
clinical condition within 48 hours but ultrasound ing bacterial colonisation.36 In those progressing to
did not predict which patients would respond to acute cholangitis, cholangiovenous reflux of bacte­
cholecystostomy. ria and bacterial products occurs because of increas­
The optimal therapeutic strategy in AAC is not ing hydrostatic pressure within the biliary tree. This
clear. In all patients, broad-spectrum antibiotic cholangiovenous reflux results in bacteraemia and
therapy should be instituted as 65% of bile cul­ the induction of a systemic inflammatory response,
tures will be positive, with Escherichia coli the and it is this response, leading to organ dysfunction,
most common organism. Therapeutic interventions that is responsible for the morbidity and mortality
include cholecystostomy with or without interval in acute cholangitis. Decompression of the biliary
cholecystectomy, or early cholecystectomy. Several tree removes the inflammatory insult.
series have demonstrated that percutaneous chole­ Aerobic Gram-negative bacilli (E. coli, Klebsiella,
cystostomy is not only an effective immediate inter­ Pseudomonas species), enterococcus and anaerobes
vention but may also constitute definitive treatment are the most common organisms cultured from
as the likelihood of recurrent episodes is small.33,34 the bile of patients with acute cholangitis.36 In up
However, early cholecystectomy has been advo­ to 50% of patients, anaerobic organisms may be
cated because necrosis of the gallbladder may occur associated with aerobic organisms. In the elderly,
in up to 63% of cases,29,35 with perforation occur­ polymicrobial infection is more common than
ring in approximately 15%. It would therefore monomicrobial infection, and again concomitant
appear reasonable to manage AAC in critically ill anaerobic infection occurs in the majority. In ap­
patients with initial percutaneous cholecystostomy, proximately 35% of patients, blood cultures will be
but in the absence of rapid clinical improvement a positive for the same organisms that are found in
complication should be presumed and cholecystec­ the bile.37 The route of bacterial biliary colonisation
tomy carried out. In those patients managed suc­ is not clear; however, the types of bacteria involved
cessfully by percutaneous cholecystostomy there suggest that they are derived from the intestinal
does not appear to be an absolute requirement for tract.
interval cholecystectomy.
A high index of suspicion is required for
the diagnosis of AAC in critically ill patients.32 The presentation of acute cholangitis can be vari­
Percutaneous cholecystostomy under either able, ranging from mild symptoms and signs to
US or CT guidance is the primary treatment overwhelming septic shock. Classically, patients
unless there are signs of overt peritonitis when
with acute cholangitis present with the symptoms
cholecystectomy is indicated. Failure to improve
and signs that constitute Charcot's triad: upper ab­
after cholecystostomy is also an indication for
dominal pain, jaundice and pyrexia. However, the
complete triad may be present in as few as 22% of

140 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

patients.38 In the elderly patient, the presentation ­volume of intravenous fluid and appropriate anal­
may be subtle, with signs of an acute confusional gesia. Efficacy of therapy is assessed by close moni­
state being common and deranged LFTs being the toring of vital signs and, because of the potential for
only pointer to the diagnosis. Similarly, acute chol­ rapid decompensation, management of the patient
angitis must be included in the differential diagnosis in a high-dependency unit is usually required (see
for any patient presenting with rigors. It is not un­ also Chapter 16).
common for patients who have previously had en­ Aerobic Gram-negative bacilli are the most com­
doscopic biliary stents to present with a rigor as the mon organisms in acute cholangitis and therefore
major feature of an obstructed and infected stent. empirical therapy with antibiotics covering these
At the other end of the spectrum, acute cholangitis bacteria should be commenced. In addition, because
can present with signs of septic shock and evidence anaerobic bacteria, although rarely cultured from
of multiple organ dysfunction. Because the progres­ blood, are frequently found in bile cultures in as­
sion to septic shock can be rapid in patients with sociation with aerobic bacteria, antibiotic regimens
biliary obstruction, the diagnosis of acute cholan­ should also have anaerobic activity. Piperacillin is an
gitis must be considered in any patient presenting extended-spectrum penicillin with activity against
with jaundice and signs of sepsis. aerobic Gram-negative bacilli, enterococcus and an­
aerobes. The addition of the β-lactamase inhibitor
tazobactam increases the spectrum of activity.
In a randomised clinical trial involving
Cholestatic LFTs are found in the majority of pa­
96 patients with acute cholangitis, piperacillin
tients with acute cholangitis, demonstrating elevated
had similar efficacy to combination therapy with
bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and γ-glutamyl trans­
ampicillin and tobramycin, achieving clinical cure
ferase. However, serum bilirubin may be normal in or significant improvement in 70% of patients.40
acute cholangitis arising in a partly obstructed bili­ Another randomised trial assessing single
ary tree because the remaining unobstructed liver antibiotic therapy37 demonstrated that intravenous
is able to compensate. A neutrophilia is typical and ciprofloxacin alone improved the clinical condition
serum amylase may also be raised. Deranged coag­ in 85% of cases and had similar efficacy to
ulation tests can occur, either as a consequence of a combination of ceftazidime, ampicillin and
prolonged biliary obstruction resulting in vitamin K metronidazole.
deficiency, or due to disseminated intravascular co­
agulation. Blood cultures must be obtained as soon Although appropriate antibiotic therapy is im­
as possible. portant, relief of biliary obstruction is crucial to
The initial radiological investigation of choice is successful disease resolution. Emergency operative
transabdominal US. This may demonstrate signs of intervention is associated with significant risk, with
bile duct obstruction, although false-negative scans a reported mortality of 20% and a 50% complica­
can occur. Ultrasound may also determine the un­ tion rate for patients with severe acute cholangitis.41
derlying pathology. CT can identify biliary dilata­ As a result, the mainstay of treatment now is en­
tion in 78% of patients with acute cholangitis as doscopic bile duct drainage, with improved results
well as the level of obstruction in 65% and the cause compared with surgical intervention.42
of the obstruction in 61%;39 however, the initial in­
formation obtained is no greater than with US.
Although the determination of the exact site and The benefits of endoscopic therapy over
surgery in patients with acute cholangitis were
nature of the bile duct obstruction may require di­
confirmed several years ago in a randomised
rect visualisation with either ERCP or percutaneous
controlled trial, with significantly fewer
transhepatic cholangiography (PTC), the true value
complications and lower mortality in those
of these procedures is their potential for therapeutic undergoing endoscopic drainage.42,43
intervention. For this reason, although MRCP has
recently been reported to be accurate in identifying
biliary obstruction and the underlying obstructing The method used to achieve non-surgical bili­
lesion, it does not have an early role in managing ary drainage would appear to be less important
patients with acute cholangitis. than simply achieving adequate drainage. Within
the confines of a randomised trial, one study44
demonstrated that biliary decompression in acute
Management cholangitis with a biliary stent inserted without a
sphincterotomy was as efficacious as insertion of a
Initial resuscitation aims to achieve adequate oxy­ nasobiliary drain. In patients in whom ERCP is un­
gen delivery, administration of an appropriate successful, drainage by PTC should be u ­ ndertaken

141 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
in the acute situation, even in patients who do not Box 8.1  • Terminology relating to acute pancreatitis as
have a dilated intrahepatic biliary tree.45 Once exter­ defined by the Atlanta consensus conference
nal drainage has been achieved in the first instance,
the placement of a biliary stent can be organised as Mild acute pancreatitis
a staged procedure. Minimal organ dysfunction and an uneventful recovery
In the case of gallstone-related acute cholangitis, Severe acute pancreatitis
following resolution of the episode of acute chol­ Associated with organ failure and/or local complications
angitis, adequate clearance of the bile duct should such as necrosis, abscess or pseudocyst
be confirmed by direct cholangiography, ERCP,
high-quality MRCP or operative cholangiography. Acute fluid collections
Cholecystectomy should be undertaken if there are Occur early in the course of acute pancreatitis, are
no contraindications in order to reduce the risk of situated in or near the pancreas, and always lack a wall of
further gallstone-related problems.46,47 granulation or fibrous tissue
Pancreatic necrosis
Diffuse or focal areas of non-viable pancreatic parenchyma,
Acute pancreatitis typically associated with peripancreatic fat necrosis
Acute pseudocysts
Acute pancreatitis is defined as an acute inflamma­
tory process of the pancreas, with variable involve­ Collection of pancreatic juice surrounded by a wall of fibrous
ment of other regional or remote organ systems.48 or granulation tissue
It is a common acute illness, with epidemiological Pancreatic abscess
data from the Health Service Statistics Division in Circumscribed intra-abdominal collection of pus arising in
Scotland reporting an annual incidence of 318 cases close proximity to the pancreas, but containing little or no
per million (365 cases per million in men, 275 cases pancreatic necrosis, which arises as a consequence of acute
per million for women).49 Analysis of patterns of pancreatitis
incidence in this particular population (which has
remained relatively constant over the past decade)
suggests an increase in the incidence of acute pan­
understanding of the pathophysiology of pancreati­
creatitis, particularly in those over 40 years of age.
tis, improved imaging techniques and newer thera­
Similar increases in the incidence of acute pancre­
peutic strategies, steps are being taken to revise the
atitis have also been observed in Germany, Finland
classification of acute pancreatitis. Alternative class­
and Denmark. The factors giving rise to the ob­
fication techniques have already been proposed53
served increased incidences are not clear; however,
but still suffer from significant limitations as prog­
at least in Finland, the increase in the incidence of
nostic or predictive tools. A revision of the Atlanta
acute pancreatitis is strongly correlated with an in­
criteria and management guidelines is anticipated.
crease in alcohol consumption.
In practical terms the management of acute pan­
creatitis can be divided into two broad phases. The Aetiology
first phase includes the establishment of diagnosis,
severity stratification, initial resuscitation and the Acute pancreatitis may be caused by a wide vari­
choice of appropriate disease-specific initial ther­ ety of aetiological agents (Box 8.2), although the
apy. The second phase relates to those with severe majority of cases are due to either gallstones or al­
disease who will usually require further interven­ cohol excess. Recent epidemiological studies have
tion for intra-abdominal complications or support demonstrated that alcohol excess is an increasingly
for ongoing multiple organ failure. Guidelines50–52 frequent cause of acute pancreatitis. The prevalence
suggest that patients with complications arising of idiopathic acute pancreatitis varies between re­
from severe acute pancreatitis are most appropri­ ported series and is probably a function of the de­
ately managed in a unit with specialist expertise gree of investigation undertaken to identify a cause.
and therefore this chapter only focuses on the initial Recent UK guidelines state that no more than 20%
phase of management. of patients should be labelled as having idiopathic
Within this chapter the terminology used to de­ acute pancreatitis.51
scribe patients with acute pancreatitis is in keeping
with definitions agreed by the 1992 Atlanta con­ Pathogenesis
sensus conference (Box 8.1).48 The Atlanta classi­
fication attempted to introduce uniformity in the The mechanisms through which each aetiological
description of clinical severity and the various com­ agent causes pancreatic acinar cell injury are not
plications of the disease; however, with increasing clear. However, after the initial pancreatic insult, it

142 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

Box 8.2  •  Aetiological agents in acute pancreatitis predominant early symptom, with associated vom­
iting or retching. Before presenting with gallstone-
Common induced acute pancreatitis, patients may have had
Gallstones symptoms consistent with biliary colic. Likewise, in
Alcohol alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis, patients will of­
Uncommon ten have a long history of alcohol ingestion and/or
recent binge drinking.
Trauma Signs of cardiovascular and respiratory dysfunc­
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography tion may be present. Examination may reveal ab­
Sphincterotomy dominal signs ranging from localised epigastric
Biliary manometry tenderness to generalised peritonitis. More specific
Pancreatic duct obstruction signs of severe acute pancreatitis include periumbili­
Ampulla of Vater neoplasia cal bruising (Cullen's sign) and flank bruising (Grey
Turner's sign; Fig. 8.9).
Diagnosis (see also Chapter 5)
Hypercalcaemia Traditionally, the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
Hyperlipidaemia has depended on the detection of a serum amy­
Infection lase concentration more than three times the upper
Mumps limit of normal. However, hyperamylasaemia may
Coxsackie B occur in several other conditions (Box 8.3), and a
serum ­amylase concentration above the ‘diagnostic’
threshold does not definitely indicate acute pancre­
Vascular atitis. Conversely, acute pancreatitis may exist with
Vasculitis serum amylase concentrations below this threshold.
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Hereditary pancreatitis

is believed that regardless of the aetiological agent

the pathogenetic mechanisms of disease progression
in acute pancreatitis are similar. Following pancre­
atic acinar cell injury, local pancreatic inflammation
occurs. Although the inflammatory process may
remain confined to the pancreas and peripancre­
atic tissues, a systemic inflammatory response may
be triggered. This systemic inflammatory response
is characterised by the systemic activation of leu­
cocytes and endothelial cells and the secretion of
proinflammatory cytokines, and is responsible for
the development of the organ dysfunction that Figure 8.9  •  Grey Turner's sign in severe acute
pancreatitis. Reproduced from Powell JJ, Parks RW.
characterises severe acute pancreatitis. It is not clear
Diagnosis and early management of acute pancreatitis.
why some patients develop severe acute pancre­
Hosp Med 2003; 64:150–5. With permission from the
atitis whilst others with similar aetiological agents
develop mild acute pancreatitis; however, there is
evidence to implicate both excessive proinflamma­
tory mediators and decreased anti-inflammatory Box 8.3  • Main differential diagnoses of
mechanisms. hyperamylasaemia

Clinical presentation Acute pancreatitis

Pancreatic pseudocyst
Presenting symptoms may range from mild discom­ Mesenteric infarction
fort to overwhelming abdominal pain. Typically, Perforated viscus
patients present with increasing epigastric/central Acute cholecystitis
abdominal pain radiating through to the back. This
Diabetic ketoacidosis
pain may be eased by sitting forward. Nausea is a

143 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
In those patients with a prolonged history prior access to CT on a 24-hour basis is a prerequisite for
to admission to hospital, serum amylase concen­ this strategy.
trations may have normalised. Amylase measure­
ment therefore needs to be timely. Serum amylase Establishment of aetiology
levels do not provide prognostic information, nor
can they be followed in order to monitor the early Following diagnosis, usually confirmed biochemi­
disease process. However, very high levels of serum cally, transabdominal US should be undertaken in
amylase on admission are often suggestive of a gall­ all patients with acute pancreatitis within 24 hours
stone aetiology. to determine the presence or absence of gallstones.
Because of the limitations of the serum amylase For those patients in whom alcohol is thought to
test, other markers have been used to diagnose be the causative agent, an accurate alcohol history
acute pancreatitis. Serum lipase is perhaps the most must be taken, with corroborative information be­
common and is more sensitive and specific than se­ ing obtained from other sources as necessary. In
rum amylase. Moreover, because of its longer half- patients where alcohol is effectively excluded as a
life, serum lipase is more accurate if there has been causative agent and no other biochemical cause is
a delay in obtaining the initial sample.50 However, identified, it is reasonable to repeat transabdominal
as with serum amylase, serum lipase concentrations US. Endoscopic ultrasound should be considered
do not correlate with disease severity. In contrast, for patients without an identified aetiology as this
newer markers such as urinary trypsinogen activa­ may demonstrate biliary microlithiasis (Fig. 8.11), in
tion peptide and serum carboxypeptide B activation which case cholecystectomy should be considered.
peptide provide both diagnostic and prognostic in­
formation, although these are not assayed routinely
in most units.
Although the vast majority of cases of acute pan­
creatitis can be diagnosed either clinically or bio­
chemically, contrast-enhanced CT may be required
in equivocal cases (Fig. 8.10).
Finally, in a few patients, laparotomy may be re­
quired to confirm the diagnosis of acute pancreati­
tis while refuting other potential diagnoses such as
acute mesenteric ischaemia or a perforated peptic
ulcer. The decision to undertake diagnostic laparot­
omy should not be made lightly as there is evidence
that early operation has an adverse effect on out­
come in acute pancreatitis.54 In contrast, patients
with acute intestinal ischaemia may present with Figure 8.11  •  Endoscopic ultrasound detection of
abdominal pain and hyperamylasaemia and diag­ gallbladder microlithiasis in a patient with recurrent
nostic delay may be critical. If the pancreas appears pancreatitis. Transabdominal ultrasound was normal.
normal on CT, and in the absence of a firm diag­ Following laparoscopic cholecystectomy there have been
nosis, laparoscopy or laparotomy should be consid­ no further episodes of pancreatitis. Courtesy of Dr Ian
ered if there are ongoing signs of peritonitis. Clearly, Penman, Edinburgh

a b c

Figure 8.10  •  (a) Contrast-enhanced CT image of severe acute pancreatitis demonstrating extensive necrosis with gas.
(b) A radiologically guided drain has been placed. (c) Minimally invasive necrosectomy was performed to remove solid

144 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

Management Furthermore, practical confusion can result from

the fact that there are at least three versions of
the ‘Glasgow’ score: the original publication in
General guidelines
197858 and subsequent modifications in 198159 and
1984.60 An APACHE II score of 9 or more has been
Guidelines for the initial management of validated for predicting prognostic severity in acute
acute pancreatitis have been published by the pancreatitis,68 although a number of clinical trials
1997 Santorini consensus conference,50 the British have used lower cut-off points in order to predict
Society of Gastroenterology,51 the American College severe disease, resulting in lower positive predic­
of Gastroenterology,52 the Japanese Society tive values. Although an APACHE II score can be
of Abdominal Emergency Medicine55,56 and the generated soon after admission, unlike the Ranson
International Association of Pancreatology.57 Their and Glasgow systems, it has the disadvantage of
recommendations are broadly similar and are
requiring collation of a sizeable number of vari­
described below.
ables. Comparative studies of the commonly used
scoring systems have reported that no single system
Initial resuscitation is superior to the others.69 Accuracy to predict prog­
As in other acute abdominal emergencies, initial nosis is typically 75–80%; however, a recent modi­
therapy is aimed at adequate resuscitation (see also fication of the APACHE II system, which includes a
Chapter 16). Provision of oxygen to maintain ar­ clinical assessment of obesity (APACHE-O score),
terial oxygen saturation, intravenous fluid therapy has been suggested to further improve predictive ac­
and adequate analgesia constitute the mainstays of curacy70 and accuracy rates as high as 95% have
therapy. In addition, the correction of metabolic been reported using computerised artificial neural
abnormalities such as hyperglycaemia or hypocal­ networks.71
caemia may require administration of intravenous Finally, it should be noted that the currently used
insulin or calcium. Patients with acute pancreatitis prognostic systems are a one-off or static assess­
should be started on some form of thromboprophy­ ment and serial or dynamic assessment may provide
laxis (see also Chapter 14). Antacid therapy with H2 a more accurate determination of outcome. Indeed,
antagonists, proton-pump inhibitors or other gas­ it would appear that it is not the presence of or­
troprotective agents may be commenced as prophy­ gan dysfunction at presentation that is important
laxis against upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in in determining outcome, rather it is the response
those patients with severe disease. to initial resuscitation. Several authors have dem­
onstrated that clinical outcome is worst in patients
Severity stratification with persistent organ dysfunction, as manifested by
Following resuscitation, patients should be cat­ worsening or static organ dysfunction scores fol­
egorised into either prognostically mild or severe lowing initial resuscitation, compared with patients
disease, allowing decisions to be taken regarding whose organ dysfunction scores improve.72–74
the degree of monitoring, supportive care and in­
tervention appropriate for each patient. Subjective Imaging in acute pancreatitis
clinical assessment of prognosis is inaccurate and a As already mentioned, US should be performed in
validated prognostic scoring system should be used. order to confirm or exclude the presence of gall­
A number of systems currently exist and can be di­ stones. Following this, all patients with prognos­
vided as follows: tically ‘severe’ acute pancreatitis should undergo
contrast-enhanced CT between the third and
• Multiple factor scoring systems – Glasgow,58–60
tenth days of admission to determine the presence
Ranson61 and APACHE II.62 of pancreatic necrosis.51
• Biochemical scoring systems – C-reactive
protein (CRP)63 and the Hong Kong system
based on glucose and urea.64
Specific therapies for acute
• Immunological scoring – interleukin (IL)-6.65 pancreatitis
• Radiological scoring – Balthazar66 and
The majority of patients recover from an episode
of acute pancreatitis without complication and re­
It should be noted that the Ranson score is based quire little intervention. However, despite intense
on a North American population with alcohol biomedical research activity there remains a dearth
as the predominant aetiological agent, whereas of effective specific therapies for severe acute pan­
the Glasgow score is designed for use in a typical creatitis. The importance of vigorous volume resus­
British population of gallstone-predominant ­disease. citation and careful monitoring and treatment for

145 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
metabolic, respiratory, renal and cardiac complica­ (CI) 0.67–62.7; P = 0.16). Furthermore, ERCP was
tions cannot be overemphasised. However, in addi­ associated with an increased rate of respiratory fail­
tion to this supportive care, the therapeutic options ure (15 for ERCP vs. 5 for conventional, OR 5.16,
are limited. Several randomised controlled trials 95% CI 1.63–22.9; P = 0.03). Because of the trend
have assessed the role of early ERCP and prophy­ towards increased mortality and the significantly
lactic antibiotics; however, controversy still persists increased rate of respiratory failure in those under­
regarding the relative values of both these thera­ going ERCP, the trial supervisory committee termi­
peutic options. These treatments, together with nated the study early.
other potential therapeutic options, are reviewed The Dutch Acute Pancreatitis Study Group re­
below. ported an observational multicentre study in eight
university medical centres and seven major teach­
Early ERCP ing hospitals involving 153 patients with predicted
Early ERCP with endoscopic sphincterotomy (ES) severe acute biliary pancreatitis without cholan­
in gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis aims to re­ gitis who were enrolled in a randomised multi­
move impacted ductal gallstones, thereby eliminat­ centre probiotic trial and who were prospectively
ing the initiating stimulus and hopefully reducing followed. Conservative treatment or ERCP within
pancreatic inflammation. Three randomised trials 72 hours after symptom onset were compared,
assessing early ERCP have been published. They management being based on the discretion of the
have produced some conflicting results and so it is treating physician. Patients without and with cho­
worth discussing the results in some detail. lestasis (bilirubin: >40 μmol/L and/or common bile
Neoptolemos et al.75 randomised 121 patients duct dilatation) were analysed separately. In the
with gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis, 53 of 51% of patients with cholestasis, ERCP was asso­
whom had prognostically severe disease, to ei­ ciated with fewer complications than conservative
ther early ERCP (n = 59) or conventional therapy treatment (25% vs. 54%, P = 0.020; multivariate
(n = 62). Although there was no difference in mor­ adjusted OR 0.35, 95% CI 0.13–0.99, P = 0.049).
tality between the two groups (1 for ERCP vs. 5 Mortality was non-significantly lower after ERCP
for conventional therapy; P = 0.23), there was a (6% vs. 15%, P = 0.213, multivariate adjusted OR
significant reduction in total complications (17% 0.44; 95% CI 0.08–2.28, P = 0.330). In patients
ERCP vs. 34% conventional; P = 0.03) and dura­ without cholestasis, ERCP was not associated with
tion of hospital stay (median 9.5, range 6–36 days reduced complications (45% vs. 41%, P = 0.814;
ERCP vs. 17.0, range 4–74 days conventional; multivariate adjusted OR 1.36, 95% CI 0.49–3.76,
P = 0.035) in those patients with prognostically se­ P = 0.554) or mortality (14% vs. 17%, P = 0.754;
vere disease. Similarly, Fan et al.76 randomised 195 multivariate adjusted OR 0.78, 95% CI 0.19–3.12,
patients with acute pancreatitis, of whom 127 had P = 0.734).78
gallstone-induced disease and 81 had prognosti­
cally severe disease, to either early ERCP (n = 97)
Rationalisation of the results of the
or conventional therapy (n = 98). Again, there was
fully reported trials suggests that early ERCP/
no significant difference in mortality rates between ES is of benefit in patients with prognostically
the two groups (5 for ERCP vs. 9 for conventional severe gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis with
therapy; P = 0.276). However, there was a signifi­ evidence of cholangitis or biochemical evidence
cant reduction in the incidence of biliary sepsis of obstructive liver function tests (serum bilirubin
following ERCP in those with prognostically se­ >90 μmol/L).75–79
vere acute pancreatitis (0% ERCP vs. 20% con­
ventional; P = 0.008). Moreover, in those patients
with gallstones a significant reduction in overall Antibiotic therapy
morbidity was observed (16% ERCP vs. 33% con­ The administration of prophylactic antibiotics in
ventional; P = 0.003). acute pancreatitis is based on the hypothesis that
In contrast, a multicentre trial undertaken by the prevention of infected pancreatic necrosis would
Folsch et al.77 randomised 238 patients with improve outcome. Numerous studies have been un­
gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis but without dertaken to investigate this hypothesis and differ­
evidence of biliary obstruction to undergo either ing results have led to much debate. Early clinical
early ERCP (n = 126) or conventional management studies did not show any benefit, possibly due to in­
(n = 112). In total only 46 patients had prognostically clusion of patients with a low risk of infection or be­
severe disease. In contrast to the previous studies, cause antibiotics with poor pancreatic penetration
the mortality rate was higher in the groups undergo­ were used. In the light of these conflicting r­eports
ing ERCP (10 for ERCP vs. 4 for conventional ther­ and more recent meta-analyses the details of these
apy; odds ratio (OR) 4.57, 95% confidence i­nterval studies are worth considering further.

146 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

In a multicentre trial published in 1993,80 74 enrolled in the prophylactic arm received imipenem
patients with CT-proven pancreatic necrosis were from the time of admission, whereas patients in the
randomised to receive either imipenem or no ini­ therapeutic arm only commenced imipenem follow­
tial antibiotic therapy. Pancreatic infection was ing the development of signs suggesting the devel­
significantly reduced in the antibiotic-treated opment of infected pancreatic necrosis (pyrexia,
group (30% vs. 12%; P < 0.001). Furthermore, leucocytosis, raised CRP, in the absence of another
rates of non-pancreatic infection were also signifi­ source of infection). There was no significant dif­
cantly reduced; however, antibiotic therapy had ference in the number of patients requiring necro­
no effect on the development of multiple organ sectomy or in the mortality rate between the two
failure, the need for operative intervention or on groups.
the mortality rate. The largest randomised placebo-controlled,
A Finnish study81 randomised 60 patients with double-blind trial on the use of prophylactic anti­
CT-proven pancreatic necrosis to receive either biotics was published in 2004.86 This multicentre
prophylactic intravenous cefuroxime or antibi­ study randomised 114 patients to receive either
otics only when there were clinical indications ciprofloxacin in combination with metronidazole
of infection. Although there was no difference or placebo. Only patients with a predicted severe
in the rates of pancreatic infections between the attack were included, defined either by an elevated
two groups (30% cefuroxime vs. 40% control), serum C-reactive protein above 150 mg/L or by pan­
prophylactic cefuroxime significantly reduced creatic necrosis on CT scan. No beneficial effects
the mean number of infectious complications per with regard to reduction of pancreatic infection,
patient (1.0 vs. 1.8; P <0.01), mainly through a systemic complications or hospital mortality were
marked fall in the number of urinary tract in­ demonstrated; however, a shift to open antibiotic
fections. There was also a significant reduction treatment was more frequent in patients receiving
in mortality in patients treated with cefuroxime placebo, suggesting a subgroup of patients may
(23.3% vs. 3.3%; P = 0.028), although this was warrant antibiotic treatment.
not associated with any difference in local pan­ Using a different strategy aimed at eliminating
creatic infection. the reservoir from which bacteria arise to colonise
Another study82 randomised 23 patients with pancreatic necrosis, Luiten et al.87 evaluated the
alcohol-induced severe acute pancreatitis to ei­ role of selective gut decontamination. In a multi­
ther standard medical therapy or standard medical centre trial, 102 patients with prognostically severe
therapy plus intravenous ceftazidime, amikacin and acute pancreatitis were randomised to either con­
metronidazole. Antibiotic therapy resulted in a sig­ ventional therapy or conventional therapy supple­
nificant reduction in the number of patients with mented with selective gut decontamination using
proven infections (0 vs. 7; P < 0.03), but there was oral and rectal colistin, amphotericin and norfloxa­
no significant reduction in mortality rates. Schwarz cin. In addition, patients in the selective gut decon­
et al.83 reported a randomised controlled trial of tamination group received intravenous cefotaxime
26 patients with CT-proven pancreatic necrosis in until aerobic Gram-negative bacteria were elimi­
which the combination of ofloxacin and metroni­ nated from the oral cavity and rectum. Selective
dazole lessened the physiological disturbance found gut decontamination reduced rates of pancreatic
in severe acute pancreatitis, but did not prevent infection compared with the control group (38%
or delay the development of infected pancreatic vs. 18%; P = 0.03). Although there was a reduction
necrosis. in mortality from 35% in the control group to 22%
Subsequently two further studies were published in the selective decontamination group, it did not
that compared different antibiotic regimens in pa­ reach significance (P = 0.19). However, when allow­
tients with necrotising pancreatitis. The first of ing for differences in disease severity, multivariate
these,84 a multicentre, randomised controlled trial analysis suggested a significant survival benefit fol­
involving 60 patients with pancreatic necrosis, ob­ lowing gut decontamination (P = 0.048). Although
served that intravenous imipenem was more effective the results of this trial appear promising, selective
than perfloxacin at reducing rates of both infected gut decontamination is not regarded as a standard
pancreatic necrosis (34% vs. 10%; P = 0.034) and for the prevention of pancreatic infection because
extrapancreatic infection (44% vs. 20%; P = 0.059), of the difficulties of drug administration in the in­
but had no effect on the mortality rate. The second tensive care setting.
of these studies again examined the effect of imi­ The inconsistencies among these trials may result
penem85 in a randomised trial comparing the pro­ from the relatively small number of patients per
phylactic use of imipenem with the therapeutic use study and the limited statistical power to detect such
of imipenem in patients with severe acute pancre­ differences. There is also considerable heterogeneity
atitis and CT-proven ­pancreatic necrosis. Patients in patient selection and the antibiotics used. Other

147 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
differences include variety in the non-antibiotic
In the light of all these conflicting studies, it
treatments, such as fluid resuscitation, enteral nutri­ is clear that further trials are needed to clarify the
tion and timing of surgical intervention. Although role of antibiotic and antifungal prophylaxis in acute
many published guidelines recommend the use of pancreatitis. At present, a pragmatic approach is that
antibiotics in patients with severe acute pancreatitis, routine administration of prophylactic antibiotics to
none of the published randomised trials is in itself of all patients with predicted severe acute pancreatitis
sufficient power to mandate antibiotic prophylaxis. is not indicated, but should be considered in those
In an attempt to strengthen the evidence regarding patients with evidence of pancreatic necrosis who
the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in acute pancreati­ appear septic (with leucocytosis, fever and/or organ
tis, several meta-analyses have been performed. In failure). If blood and other cultures are subsequently
1998, Golub et al.88 undertook a meta-analysis of found to be negative and no source of infection is
all trials that had been published up to that point identified, antibiotics should be discontinued. If
and reported that in patients with severe disease, positive microbiological cultures are obtained,
the risk of death fell from 18.2% in patients not appropriate antibiotics should be continued based on
receiving antibiotic prophylaxis to 5.3% in those re­ microbiological sensitivities.88–91
ceiving prophylaxis (log odds ratio −0.32 to −2.44;
P = 0.008). Similarly, Sharma and Howden89 under­
took a meta-analysis of three of the trials utilising Early enteral nutrition
broad-spectrum antibiotics in patients with severe In those patients with severe acute pancreatitis
disease. They suggested that antibiotic prophylaxis the systemic inflammatory response may be main­
resulted in a 12.3% (95% CI 2.7–22%) absolute tained by intestinal dysfunction, leading to bacterial
risk reduction in mortality rate, with eight (95% translocation from the intestinal lumen. Intestinal
CI 5–37) patients needing treatment to prevent one dysfunction may in part be a consequence of the
death. nil-by-mouth regimen, leading to a loss of luminal
More recent meta-analyses, however, do not sup­ nutrition in the intestine. The provision of enteral
port the use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients nutrition aims to ameliorate intestinal dysfunction,
with severe acute pancreatitis. In 2006, Mazaki thereby reducing the systemic inflammatory re­
et al.90 analysed six trials and concluded that pro­ sponse and improving outcome.
phylactic antibiotics were not associated with a This hypothesis was assessed in a randomised
statistically significant reduction in infected ne­ study of 32 patients with acute pancreatitis who
crosis (relative risk 0.77, CI 0.54–1.12; P = 0.173), received either early enteral nutrition through an
non-pancreatic infections (relative risk 0.71, CI endoscopically placed feeding tube, or parenteral
0.32–1.58), surgical intervention (relative risk 0.78, nutrition following central or peripheral venous
CI 0.55–1.11) or mortality (relative risk 0.78, CI cannulation.95 Enteral nutrition appeared to be
0.44–1.39), but were associated with a significant well tolerated, with no patients developing a sig­
reduction in hospital stay. In 2007, de Vries et al.91 nificant complication from the study intervention.
undertook a meta-analysis on six trials and reported Importantly, enteral nutrition was able to supply
that prophylactic antibiotics had no significant ef­ a similar caloric intake to parenteral nutrition.
fect on infection of pancreatic necrosis (absolute However, the patients in the study had relatively
risk reduction 0.055, CI −0.084 to 0.194) or mor­ mild disease and thus no significant differences in
tality (absolute risk reduction 0.058, CI −0.017 to clinical outcome were observed, although enteral
0.134). nutrition was associated with a significant reduc­
Furthermore, there is concern that the use of tion in the cost of patient care.
potent antibiotics may increase the rate of fungal- A similar study that randomised 34 patients with
associated infected pancreatic necrosis and in turn acute pancreatitis to receive, in addition to standard
adversely affect outcome. The use of antibiotic ther­ therapy, either early enteral nutrition or parenteral
apy has been shown to alter the organisms involved nutrition demonstrated that the introduction of
in the development of infected pancreatic necrosis,92 early enteral nutrition was associated with a sig­
and it has been suggested that higher rates of fun­ nificant reduction in CRP and APACHE II scores.96
gal infection have been reported in recent studies.93 Furthermore, in those receiving parenteral nutri­
There is currently debate as to whether fungal-­ tion, serum anti-endotoxin IgM antibody levels in­
associated infected pancreatic necrosis is ­associated creased, whereas they remained unchanged in those
with increased mortality; however, a recent ran­ receiving enteral nutrition.
domised trial of antifungal therapy in patients with In contrast to the previous two studies, all ­patients
severe acute pancreatitis showed a definite reduc­ in the randomised controlled trial reported by
tion in the incidence of fungal infection in the treat­ Kalfarentzos et al.97 had prognostically severe
ment group.94 disease. In total, 38 patients were randomised to

148 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

­receive either enteral nutrition or parenteral nutri­ a­ llocated to t­reatment groups according to date of
tion. Enteral nutrition was delivered distal to the birth, whereas the second phase involved compari­
ligament of Treitz through a radiologically placed son of historical cohorts. Both of these flaws may
feeding tube. Even in this population of patients have resulted in bias.
with severe disease, enteral nutrition was well toler­ Another small study randomised 17 patients with
ated, with the protein and caloric intake equalling prognostically severe acute pancreatitis (APACHE II
that administered to the patients receiving paren­ score = 6) to either enteral nutrition through a naso­
teral nutrition. This ability to provide adequate jejunal tube (n = 8) or parenteral nutrition (n = 9).101
nutrition via the enteral route appeared to trans­ Not surprisingly, given the small numbers enrolled
late into a clinical benefit. In those patients receiv­ in the trial, there was no significant difference in
ing enteral nutrition there were significantly fewer morbidity between the two treatment groups, al­
complications and a significant reduction in the though the use of enteral nutrition was associated
number of infectious episodes. Further, the cost of with an earlier institution of normal diet and re­
nutritional support in the enteral feeding group was sumption of normal bowel opening.
one-third of that in the parenteral nutrition group. The interpretation of the results of all the published
A slightly different study randomised 27 patients trials assessing the role of enteral nutrition and the
with prognostically severe acute pancreatitis to ei­ subsequent translation of these into evidence-based
ther enteral nutrition or standard care, where paren­ clinical practice is difficult. Firstly, all the trials have
teral nutrition was not instituted from the outset.98 insufficient power to determine the effects of en­
Although no major complications arose from the pro­ teral nutrition on the most relevant outcome mea­
vision of enteral nutrition, it was not possible to meet sures of morbidity and mortality. The conclusions
full nutritional requirements. In contrast to previous of two meta-analyses, one of which reported on six
studies, enteral nutrition did not appear to affect studies102 and the other on two of the six studies,103
markers of the inflammatory response (IL-6, tumour were contradictory. In one, enteral nutrition was fa­
necrosis factor receptors and CRP). Moreover, the voured;103 in the other, the interpretation was that
institution of enteral nutrition was associated with a there were insufficient data upon which to make
significant deterioration in gut barrier function. firm judgments.102 Secondly, all the randomised tri­
A large study from China99 randomised 96 pa­ als to date have delivered enteral nutrition through
tients with severe pancreatitis to parenteral nu­ a nasojejunal feeding tube requiring either radiolog­
trition versus nasojejunal feeding. Measures of ical or endoscopic placement. However, a prospec­
inflammation including CRP and IL-6 decreased tive observational study has reported that successful
earlier with enteral nutrition, as did APACHE II nasogastric feeding can be achieved in patients with
scores. Furthermore, mucosal permeability was im­ severe acute pancreatitis.104 Early nasogastric and
proved, as inferred by urine endotoxin levels. nasojejunal feeding appear equivalent in patients
In an attempt to determine the efficacy of both with objectively graded severe acute pancreatitis.105
enteral nutrition and antibiotic prophylaxis, Olah Thirdly, other than the trial conducted by Powell
et al.100 undertook a two-phase study. In the first et al.,98 enteral nutrition was compared with early
phase, patients within 72 hours of the onset of parenteral nutrition. In general, it is not standard
prognostically severe acute pancreatitis were ‘ran­ practice to commence parenteral nutrition in pa­
domised’ to either parenteral nutrition or enteral tients immediately following admission with acute
nutrition delivered by a nasojejunal feeding tube. In pancreatitis. Furthermore, it is possible that the ob­
this phase of the study there was no significant dif­ served ‘benefits’ from the institution of enteral nu­
ference in the rates of septic complications between trition, as compared with parenteral nutrition, are
the two treatment groups. The second phase of the in fact due to the induction of deleterious effects by
study was a prospective cohort study, with all pa­ parenteral nutrition. It has been demonstrated that
tients being given enteral nutrition and imipenem a nil-by-mouth regimen and the institution of par­
with prophylactic intent, with subsequent compari­ enteral nutrition in normal volunteers is associated
son of outcome measures obtained in phase 2 with with an increased inflammatory response follow­
those obtained in phase 1. Following their analysis, ing a stimulus,106 and malnourished patients have
the authors of this study stated that the combina­ an impairment of intestinal function and increased
tion of enteral nutrition and antibiotic prophylaxis markers of the acute-phase response. Furthermore,
significantly reduced the rate of septic complica­ the use of parenteral nutrition in acute pancreatitis
tions and the requirement for surgical interven­ is associated with a significant increase in line sepsis
tion when compared with parenteral nutrition. when compared with standard management.107
However, the results of the study have to be inter­ The Dutch PYTHON multicentre trial108 plans
preted with caution. The initial phase of the study to recruit 208 patients with predicted severe acute
was not truly ‘randomised’, with patients b ­eing pancreatitis and randomise to a very early (<24 h)

149 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
start of enteral nutrition versus introducing oral Anticytokine therapy
diet and enteral nutrition if necessary at around 72 With increased understanding of the pathogenetic
hours after admission. The 3-year trial is designed mechanisms in acute pancreatitis, it is hoped that
to determine whether very early feeding reduces the novel therapies will be developed that can perturb
combined end-point of mortality or infections. these mechanisms and improve outcome. Indeed, a
large number of agents that either antagonise the
Although there is no definitive evidence proinflammatory response or augment the anti-
demonstrating that early enteral nutrition improves inflammatory response have been demonstrated
outcome in severe acute pancreatitis, all published to ameliorate disease severity in animal models of
studies demonstrate that enteral nutrition is feasible, acute pancreatitis. However, it should be noted that
safe and does not exacerbate the disease process. in these studies the agent is usually administered
Further trials are required to determine the impact before or immediately after the induction of acute
of early enteral nutrition in predicted severe acute pancreatitis, a scenario that does not translate to
pancreatitis on infectious complications and disease the clinical situation. One such agent to undergo
outcome.102,103 clinical trials was lexipafant, a high-affinity platelet-­
activating factor receptor antagonist, which acts as
a general down-regulator of the proinflammatory
Other potential treatment strategies cytokine response. On the basis of encouraging
Probiotic therapy results from initial trials, a large multicentre trial
The use of probiotic therapy in acute pancreatitis recruiting 1500 patients was undertaken. Although
is based on the hypothesis that colonisation of the the trial results have not been formally reported, it
proximal gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic bac­ is widely known that there was no improvement in
teria is a precursor to the development of infected mortality following the use of lexipafant, and that
pancreatic necrosis. Probiotic therapy therefore the manufacturers are now no longer pursuing this
aims to establish colonisation of the gastrointestinal drug as a treatment for severe acute pancreatitis.
tract by non-pathogenic bacteria, thereby reducing It is expected that further drugs that perturb the
the risk of infective complications. This hypothesis pathogenetic mechanisms of acute pancreatitis will
was tested by randomising 45 patients with acute be developed and will undergo clinical trials.
pancreatitis, 32 of whom had severe disease, to re­
ceive either live Lactobacillus plantarum (n = 22) or Prognosis
killed Lactobacillus plantarum (n = 23) delivered via
a nasojejunal feeding tube, along with oat fibre as Current UK guidelines provide targets for mortal­
a bacterial substrate.109 All patients received a stan­ ity rates in acute pancreatitis.51 These guidelines
dard enteral nutrition formula in addition to the live state that overall mortality should be less than 10%
or killed L. plantarum. Within this trial, probiotic of patients admitted with acute pancreatitis, with
therapy appeared to reduce the risk of developing a mortality rate less than 30% in those with prog­
either infected pancreatic necrosis or abscess. One nostically severe disease. Certainly, epidemiological
patient who received live L. plantarum developed data published in 1999 suggested that there had
pancreatic infection compared with seven patients been a significant reduction in mortality rates be­
in the control group (P = 0.023). tween 1984 and 1995.49
The controversial PROPATRIA trial, a multicentre
randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Treatment of gallstones in acute
recruited 298 patients with predicted severe acute
pancreatitis (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health gallstone pancreatitis
Evaluation (APACHE II) score ≥8, Imrie score ≥3 or
CRP >150 mg/L) within 72 hours of onset of symp­ In 1988, before laparoscopic surgery, Kelly and
toms to receive a multispecies probiotic preparation Wagner111 randomised 165 patients with gallstone-
(n = 153) or placebo (n = 145), via the enteral route twice induced acute pancreatitis to either early (n = 83) or
daily for 28 days. An unexpected more than doubling late (n = 82) biliary surgery, with early surgery be­
in mortality in the treatment arm was reported.110 ing undertaken within 48 hours of admission. In
This trial provoked extensive discussion regarding its those with mild acute pancreatitis (n = 125) there
design, execution, analysis and safety monitoring. was no significant difference in outcome between
the two groups (morbidity: early 6.7% vs. late
3.3%, P > 0.10; mortality: early 3.1% vs. late 0%,
As a result of the current evidence available,
P > 0.10). However, in those with severe acute pan­
the use of probiotics in patients with severe acute
pancreatitis cannot be recommended.109,110
creatitis (n = 40) early biliary surgery resulted in a
significant increase in morbidity and mortality

150 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

(morbidity: early 82.6% vs. late 17.6%, P < 0.001; ­ebridement (VARD), as well as radiologically
mortality: early 47.8% vs. late 11%, P < 0.025). A guided limited incision open necrosectomy, have
recent prospective study112 randomised 50 patients gained popularity and may result in lesser physi­
with mild gallstone pancreatitis to laparoscopic ological insult than more traditional open necrosec­
cholecystectomy performed within 48 hours of ad­ tomy. These patients should be managed within a
mission, regardless of the resolution of abdominal specialist pancreatic unit where appropriate reper­
pain or serum biochemistry, or performed once toire of interventional techniques is available.
pain had resolved and biochemistry was normalis­
ing. The primary end-point, hospital length of stay, Haemorrhage
was significantly shorter in the early surgery group, Advances in imaging and endovascular intervention
with no apparent impact on the technical difficulty capabilities have increased the options available for
of the procedure or perioperative complication rate. patients that develop acute bleeding in association
However, careful patient selection for such early with pancreatic necrosis, often the result of pseu­
surgery remains important as other considerations doaneurysm or true aneurysm formation. CT angi­
may influence decision-making, such as further ography is generally the preferred initial modality to
investigation and/or treatment of abnormal LFTs, localise the site of haemorrhage. Once the bleeding
persistent fever and so on, which may complicate vessel is localised, directed transarterial embolisa­
assessment of the patient after laparoscopic chole­ tion can be attempted and, in many cases, obviates
cystectomy. As a result most surgeons still prefer to the need for a technically challenging laparotomy in
wait a few days until the acute attack has resolved an unwell patient with a ‘hostile abdomen’.
before proceeding (still during the same hospital ad­
mission) with removal of the gallbladder.
Iatrogenic pancreaticobiliary
British Society of Gastroenterology emergencies
guidelines recommend that patients with gallstone-
induced mild acute pancreatitis should undergo ERCP-related complications
cholecystectomy (laparoscopic) during the same
hospital admission unless a clear plan for definitive The most common complications of ERCP and
treatment within the following 2 weeks has been ES are pancreatitis, cholangitis, haemorrhage and
made.51 In patients with severe comorbid disease duodenal perforation. Pancreatitis is managed in
contraindicating cholecystectomy, definitive the same way as pancreatitis of any other aetiol­
treatment may be provided by ERCP and ES. ogy. Cholangitis will commonly respond to antibi­
In those with gallstone-induced severe disease, otic treatment, provided biliary drainage has been
cholecystectomy should be delayed until disease achieved at ERCP, either by effective stent place­
resolution or undertaken as an additional procedure ment or by clearing the biliary tree. Haemostasis
during surgery for a complication of the acute can frequently be achieved endoscopically using lo­
pancreatitis. cal adrenaline injection into the papilla. However,
should endoscopic haemostasis be ineffective, an
Managing the acute sequelae of operative approach may be required, particularly
in a haemodynamically unstable patient. Generally,
acute pancreatitis haemostasis can be achieved at ­laparotomy via a
duodenotomy. Localisation of the ampulla, place­
Infected necrosis ment of the duodenotomy and initial tamponade
Many patients with pancreatic necrosis require min­ can be facilitated by insertion of a Fogarty catheter
imal if any local intervention.113 In those ­patients via the cystic duct, through the ampulla. Definitive
­requiring intervention, an individualised approach haemostasis can then achieved by direct suture simi­
is required. The interventional approaches to in­ lar to that carried out during a surgical ‘sphinctero­
fected necrosis can be viewed as lying along a spec­ plasty’. Care should be taken to avoid suturing the
trum of ‘invasiveness’. The optimal therapeutic pancreatic duct and the use of a small cannula or
approach will depend on the patient's condition probe can be helpful here.
and the morphology and extent of the pancreatic or Perforation may be apparent at the time of ERCP,
peripancreatic necrosis. Many patients with ­infected but should be suspected in patients who develop
necrosis can be managed with radiologically guided severe pain or systemic physiological compromise
percutaneous drainage alone. Minimally inva­ following ERCP. CT is the preferred modality
sive necrosectomy techniques, e.g. minimally in­ for diagnosis of perforation as the perforation is
vasive retroperitoneal pancreatic necrosectomy ­frequently retroperitoneal (Fig. 8.12). Small perfo­
(MIRP) and videoscopic-assisted retroperitoneal rations may seal spontaneously and can, in some

151 66485457-66963820
Chapter 8
be suspected and actively sought. Percutaneous
drainage of the retroperitoneum may be required,
although operative debridement should not be de­
layed if the patient's condition is not improved by
percutaneous drainage, or if this approach is inef­
fective in controlling the collection. Again, refer­
ral to a specialist unit may be advisable as these
complications can be difficult to treat and have a
significant mortality.

This potentially life-threatening complication is for­
tunately relatively uncommon but may present to
the non-pancreatic surgeon. A ‘herald bleed’ may
Figure 8.12  •  CT image demonstrates retroperitoneal
precede major haemorrhage and in most cases fol­
gas in a patient with iatrogenic perforation at ERCP.
lowing pancreaticoduodenectomy, the bleeding
arises from the gastroduodenal artery stump. In
cases, be managed non-operatively by placing the patients sufficiently stable for transfer to radiology,
patient nil by mouth, then initiating nasogastric CT angiography and endovascular treatment with
tube drainage and systemic antibiotic treatment. embolisation may be sufficient to control haemor­
The patient's nutritional status also requires careful rhage. In patients requiring emergency laparotomy,
attention. Should sepsis develop, a collection should mortality rates are significant.

Key points
• Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the gold standard intervention for the management of biliary
colic and acute cholecystitis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy during the index admission is both
feasible and safe in patients with acute cholecystitis.
• Percutaneous cholecystostomy may be undertaken in those patients with acute cholecystitis
who do not respond to conservative management and who have significant comorbidity
contraindicating emergency surgical intervention. Percutaneous cholecystostomy may be the
definitive therapy in patients with acute acalculous cholecystitis.
• Intravenous antibiotics and endoscopic drainage of the biliary tree form the basis of management
for patients with acute cholangitis. Definitive management of acute cholangitis secondary to
choledocholithiasis includes cholecystectomy in order to reduce the risk of further gallstone-related
• Acute pancreatitis is an increasingly common life-threatening illness. Initial management of severe
acute pancreatitis involves appropriate resuscitation and organ support.
• Routine administration of prophylactic antibiotics to all patients with predicted severe acute
pancreatitis is not indicated, but should be considered in those patients with evidence of
pancreatic necrosis who appear septic.
• Early ERCP and ES should be undertaken in patients with gallstone-induced severe acute
pancreatitis and evidence of either acute cholangitis or significant biliary obstruction (serum
bilirubin >90 μmol/L).
• Surgery has little role in the initial management of severe acute pancreatitis.
• Cholecystectomy should be undertaken in all patients with gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis
during the index admission or within the next 2 weeks unless they have ongoing problems
from severe disease or are unfit for surgery. In those unfit for surgery ERCP and ES should be
considered as definitive treatment.
• Complicated severe acute pancreatitis should be managed in a specialist unit.

152 66485457-66963820
Pancreaticobiliary emergencies

References A study of 145 patients randomised to early laparo-

scopic cholecystectomy within the first 7 days (early;
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1. Birkmeyer JD, et al. Hospital volume and surgi­ n =  74). In the late group, 26% failed conservative ther-
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Single institution randomised study (n = 41) demonstrat- 71. Mofidi R, Duff MD, Madhavan KK, et al.
ing that early intensive conservative treatment with late Identification of severe acute pancreatitis us­
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75. Neoptolemos JP, Carr-Locke DL, London NJ, et al. 87. Luiten EJ, Hop WC, Lange JF, et al. Controlled
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pancreatitis due to gallstones. Lancet 1988;2:979–83. 88. Golub R, Siddiqi F, Pohl D. Role of antibiotics in
Early ERCP with sphincterotomy resulted in fewer com-
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plications and shorter hospital stay.
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76. Fan ST, Lai EC, Mok FP, et al. Early treatment of 89. Sharma VK, Howden CW. Prophylactic antibiotic
acute biliary pancreatitis by endoscopic papillotomy. administration reduces sepsis and mortality in acute
N Engl J Med 1993;328:228–32. necrotizing pancreatitis: a meta-analysis. Pancreas
Hospital mortality rate was slightly lower in the group
undergoing emergency ERCP with or without endo-
90. Mazaki T, Ishii Y, Takayama T. Meta-analysis of
scopic papillotomy. Subsequent comments on this pa-
prophylactic antibiotic use in acute necrotizing pan­
per are also worth reading.
creatitis. Br J Surg 2006;93:674–84.
77. Folsch UR, Nitsche R, Ludtke R, et al. Early ERCP Three examples of articles presenting arguments for
and papillotomy compared with conservative treat­ and against the use of antibiotics in severe acute
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Study Group on Acute Biliary Pancreatitis. N Engl J
Med 1997;336:237–42. 91. de Vries AC, Besselink MG, Buskens E, et al.
Prospective multicentre study: 126 patients were ran-
Randomized controlled trials of antibiotic pro­
phylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis: relationship
domly assigned to early ERCP with sphincterotomy,
between methodological quality and outcome.
when appropriate, and 112 patients were assigned to
Pancreatology 2007;7:531–8.
conservative management. In patients with acute bili-
A useful assessment of methodological quality of stud-
ary pancreatis, without obstructive jaundice, early ERCP
ies in the field concludes that adequate evidence for
and sphincterotomy were not found to be beneficial.
the routine use of antibiotic prophylaxis in severe acute
78. van Santvoort HC, Besselink MG, de Vries AC, pancreatitis is lacking.
et al. Early endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan­
creatography in predicted severe acute biliary pan­ 92. Howard TJ, Temple MB. Prophylactic antibiotics
creatitis: a prospective multicenter study. Ann Surg alter the bacteriology of infected necrosis in severe
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for acute pancreatitis: arguments against. Ital J phylaxis in severe acute pancreatitis. Pancreatology
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80. Pederzoli P, Bassi C, Vesentini S, et al. A random­ 94. He YM, Lv XS, Ai ZL, et al. Prevention and ther­
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inflammatory and oxidative markers in patients plement to early enteral nutrition in patients with
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A meta-analysis of six studies concluded that there were plantarum developed pancreatic infection compared
insufficient data on which to make any firm judgment. with seven patients in the control group (P = 0.023).

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157 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

Peter Lamb

Introduction world the most common cause is hernia. A large

retrospective study using Scottish National Health
Acute disease of the small bowel, from which ap- Service data estimated that 5.7% of all hospital ad-
pendicitis is considered separately, contributes sub- missions following abdominal and pelvic surgery
stantially to the workload of the general surgeon over a 10-year period were directly related to adhe-
and often patients will present as emergencies. sions.1 In order to avoid unnecessary surgery and to
There are many causes of acute small-bowel dis- ensure the correct surgical approach is employed,
ease and disease in any intra-abdominal organ or an attempt should be made to diagnose the cause
the peritoneum may involve the small bowel sec- of the obstruction preoperatively where possible, or
ondarily. The pattern of acute small-bowel disease at least to eliminate conditions that might require
varies with the age of the patient: some conditions special treatment. In practice, however, the cause
are more common in young people, others in an of the obstruction is often diagnosed at operation.
older population. The incidence of acute surgical A retrospective study of 102 patients undergoing
small-bowel pathology is difficult to estimate but is surgery for adhesive small-bowel obstruction car-
probably second to appendicitis as the site of dis- ried out between 1987 and 1992, and followed up
ease requiring urgent surgical intervention. Acute for 14 years, reported that a total of 273 further
small-bowel disease manifests itself in one of three episodes of obstruction occurred, requiring 237
main ways: (i) obstruction, (ii) peritonitis and (iii) hospital admissions.2 Nearly half of these further
haemorrhage. These categories are not mutually episodes resulted in more surgery.
exclusive and more than one type of process may
exist in each clinical episode. Treatment of small- Mechanism
bowel disease may be operative or conservative, and
the timing of surgical intervention requires as much The small bowel responds to obstruction by the
consideration as the causes and specific treatment of onset of vigorous peristalsis. This produces col-
small-bowel disease. icky pain, usually in the central abdomen, as the
small bowel is of midgut embryological origin.
As the obstruction develops, the proximal intes-
Small-bowel obstruction tine dilates and fills with fluid, producing sys-
temic hypovolaemia. Further fluid is lost through
Although there are many causes of small-bowel vomiting, which occurs early if the obstruction
obstruction (Box 9.1), the commonest cause in the is proximal. As the process continues the risk of
developed world is adhesions secondary to previous complications increases and if the blood supply
surgery (approximately 60% of episodes), followed is compromised, infarction and perforation will
by malignancy. By comparison, in the developing occur. If the blood supply remains intact and the

158 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

Box 9.1  •  Causes of small-bowel obstruction Presentation

Within the lumen
The typical clinical presentation of small-bowel ob-
struction is central abdominal colicky pain, vomit-
Food bolus ing (often bile stained), abdominal distension and
Bezoars a reduction or absence of flatus. Vomiting may be
Parasites (e.g. Ascaris) less of a feature and a greater degree of abdominal
Enterolith distension observed if the blockage is in the distal
Foreign body ileum – in which case the vomiting often becomes
‘faeculant’ as the stagnant small-bowel contents
Within the wall become degraded by bacterial colonisation. Bowel
Tumour sounds increase and may be audible to the patient.
Primary Localised peritonitic pain and tenderness may de-
  Small-bowel tumour velop and this suggests incipient strangulation. In
  Carcinoma some patients there may be an obvious causative
  Lymphoma feature such as an irreducible hernia. The presence
  Sarcoma of surgical scars is important, as is any history of
  Carcinoma of caecum previous intra-abdominal pathology.
Although small-bowel obstruction can occur
without the development of abdominal pain, the
Inflammation absence of this symptom should be viewed with
Crohn's disease caution. This is particularly the case in postopera-
Radiation enteritis tive patients, where small-bowel obstruction and
Postoperative stricture intestinal ileus can be difficult to differentiate. The
Potassium chloride stricture history and examination of the patient should be
sufficiently detailed to allow a diagnosis of small-
Vascultides (e.g. scleroderma)
bowel obstruction and to determine possible causes.
Outside the wall Complicated small-bowel obstruction, with isch-
Adhesions aemia or perforation, should be readily detectable
Congenital by marked abdominal tenderness. It is essential to
 Bands assess the patient's general state, particularly the de-
Acquired gree of dehydration and its effect on the patient, so
that adequate resuscitation is undertaken prior to
any planned surgical treatment.
 Neoplastic Initial management
  Chemical (e.g. starch, talc)
  Pharmacological (e.g. practolol) The aim of management is to adequately resusci-
Hernia tate patients, confirm the diagnosis and to identify
possible bowel strangulation before gangrene and
perforation occurs, so that early surgery can be
  Congenital (e.g. diaphragmatic)
arranged. There is less urgency in the recognition
  Acquired (e.g. inguinal, femoral, etc.) of non-strangulating obstruction, and a period of
Secondary decompression and intravenous fluid resuscitation
  Incisional hernia may allow resolution to occur without surgery.
 Internal postoperative hernia (e.g. lateral space, However, failure of the obstruction to resolve af-
mesenteric defect) ter 48–72 hours is usually an indication for surgical
The first step in management is fluid resuscitation
and patients often require several litres of normal sa-
bowel is readily ­decompressed by vomiting and line with potassium supplementation or Hartmann's
subsequent nasogastric drainage, peristalsis will solution in the first few hours after admission.
eventually stop, leaving grossly dilated, non-func- Patients with a long history are likely to be severely
tioning bowel. In the former scenario the pain, dehydrated, with an alkalosis and associated hypo-
initially colicky, will become continuous, whereas kalaemia, the former due to loss of hydrogen ions
in the latter even the colicky pain may cease as in the vomit and the latter from renal compensa-
peristalsis stops. tion. Urinary catheterisation is essential to monitor

159 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
­response to resuscitation and measurement of cen-
tral venous pressure can be helpful in the elderly,
particularly those patients with coexisting morbidity.
Adequate fluid replacement should be given before
any surgical intervention is planned and can be given
rapidly if required, even in the elderly, provided ap-
propriate monitoring is used (see also Chapter 16).
Decompression of the stomach with a nasogastric
tube will reduce vomiting in most patients, help to
decompress the bowel and reduce the risk of air-
way contamination from aspiration. Fluid lost from
the nasogastric tube should be replaced with ad-
ditional intravenous crystalloids (normal saline or
Hartmann's solution) and potassium supplements.
Analgesia should be given early and in adequate
doses, with opiates the most commonly used. This
will not mask signs of peritonitis and there is no
justification for withholding adequate analgesia
while waiting for further clinical assessment3 (see
also Chapter 5). However, the analgesia require-
ment should be reviewed regularly, especially in the
early stages of management, as a persistent require-
ment for increasing amounts of opiate analgesia is
a strong sign that underlying strangulation is a pos-
sibility and surgery indicated. Again, as in all emer-
gency patients, antithromboembolic prophylaxis Figure 9.1  •  Multislice CT scan with intravenous
should be commenced early and continued until contrast demonstrating small-bowel obstruction. With
resolution (see Chapter 14). thanks to Dr Dilip Patel, Consultant Radiologist, Royal
Infirmary, Edinburgh.
with non-operative treatment.5 The current view
The investigations undertaken in patients with is that, although these tests may aid management,
small-bowel obstruction are aimed at: identifying patients with possible strangulation re-
mains difficult, and the surgeon must base much of
1. assessing the general state of the patient; the decision-making on clinical assessment.
2. confirming the diagnosis of small-bowel
obstruction; Non-operative management
3. identifying which patients should undergo early
surgery (those with a high risk of strangulation) Intravenous fluids and nasogastric aspiration are
and those in whom a non-operative approach is the two components of the ‘drip and suck’ regimen,
appropriate. which is the first-line treatment for most patients
with obstruction, particularly when the underlying
Radiological investigations are discussed in detail cause is thought to be adhesions, as spontaneous
in Chapter 5. Contrast-enhanced computed tomog- resolution will occur in the majority. As mentioned
raphy (CT; Fig. 9.1) is increasingly used in the early earlier, this treatment plan should be abandoned
assessment of patients with small-bowel obstruc- at the first suggestion of underlying strangulation.
tion, both to identify the underlying cause (particu- Although non-operative management can be con-
larly malignancy) and to identify features of possible tinued for several days in the absence of any sug-
strangulation. CT features of intraperitoneal free gestion of strangulation, surgical exploration is
fluid, mesenteric oedema and lack of the ‘small- generally indicated if the obstruction fails to resolve
bowel faeces sign’, in combination with a history of after 48–72 hours. In some patients with known
vomiting, have been reported to be highly predictive extensive adhesions from multiple previous explo-
of requiring operative intervention.4 There is also rations, it might be worth waiting longer and if so
evidence to support the role of oral contrast studies, attention should be paid to nutritional support,
with the passage of contrast to the colon at 4 hours sometimes necessitating insertion of a central line
being a good predictor that obstruction will resolve for parenteral feeding (see Chapter 17).

160 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

and extended cranially or caudally so that the peri-

In the absence of clinical or CT signs (free
fluid, mesenteric oedema, small-bowel faeces sign,
toneal cavity can be entered through a ‘virgin’ area.
devascularised bowel) of strangulation, or patients Loops of small bowel may be densely adherent to
with partial obstruction, initial non-operative the back of the old scar and attempts to enter the
management is appropriate. These patients are peritoneal cavity through this area can result in an
good candidates for a trial of water-soluble contrast inadvertent enterotomy. This is clearly best avoided,
medium with both diagnostic and therapeutic particularly if the bowel wall is grossly distended,
purposes. The appearance of water-soluble friable and diseased.
contrast in the colon on X-ray within 24 hours from Having entered the abdominal cavity, the first step
administration predicts resolution. In the absence is to identify the point at which the dilated bowel
of signs of strangulation or peritonitis non-operative proximal to the obstruction changes to c­ollapsed
treatment can be prolonged up to 72 hours distal bowel. It is important to demonstrate that
(Bologna Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management such a change is present as this confirms the diag-
of Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction – 2010).6 nosis of mechanical obstruction and identifies the
obstructing point. The presence of uniformly di-
lated small bowel, or no definite point of change
Surgical management in diameter of the bowel, suggests that the clinical
diagnosis of mechanical obstruction may be incor-
The particular circumstances of any given patient rect. Dilated bowel can be decompressed, usually
determine the need for surgical intervention, but by milking the contents proximally and aspirating
some of the commonest features in decision-making via a large-bore nasogastric tube. If the small-bowel
are listed in Box 9.2. contents will not easily pass to the stomach or the
bowel is so friable that retrograde decompression
Operative principles might produce a tear, then a suction catheter may be
Once a decision to operate has been made, patients inserted through a small enterotomy. Where possi-
should be fully resuscitated, treatment of comorbidity ble this should be carried out through non-­diseased
optimised and the stomach emptied with a nasogas- bowel. Decompression is particularly useful in
tric tube. The wide range of possible surgical proce- distal obstruction when a large number of dilated
dures should be explained to the patient. Prophylactic loops can be difficult to handle and make subse-
antibiotics and antithromboembolic prophylaxis (if quent abdominal closure difficult. The fluid within
not already started) should be administered. the bowel makes it heavy and if it is removed from
Generally, a midline incision is the most flexible the abdominal cavity, it should be handled with care
when the diagnosis is unknown. If the patient has so that the mesentery is not damaged. The large sur-
a previous midline incision, this should be excised face area of dilated loops results in considerable in-
sensible fluid loss and if it is anticipated that the
viscera will lie outside the abdominal cavity for a
Box 9.2  • Small-bowel obstruction: indications for
significant length of time, it should be placed in a
waterproof ‘bowel’ bag or wrapped in moist swabs.
Absolute indication (surgery as soon as Having identified the point of obstruction, the
patient resuscitated) cause is dealt with. If it is due to adhesions, they
Generalised peritonitis should be divided as completely as possible.
Visceral perforation Although it is not necessary or helpful to divide
every last adhesion within the abdomen (as these
Irreducible hernia
will inevitably re-form), enough should be divided
Localised peritonitis to confirm that there remains no possible site of ob-
Relative indication (surgery within 24 hours) struction between the duodenojejunal (DJ) flexure
Palpable mass lesion and the caecum. It is essential to recognise the pa-
‘Virgin’ abdomen tient in whom the clinical diagnosis of mechanical
small-bowel obstruction is incorrect, as the presence
Failure to improve (continuing pain, high nasogastric aspirates)
of adhesions does not in itself confirm the diagnosis.
Trial of initial conservative treatment (with The small bowel should be resected if it is clearly
further investigations) ischaemic or there is disease or narrowing in the
Incomplete obstruction bowel at the point of obstruction, and an anasto-
Previous surgery mosis may be carried out if both ends of the bowel
Advanced malignancy are healthy. If the viability of a segment of bowel
Diagnostic doubt (possible ileus) is unclear then it should be wrapped in warm
moist swabs for several minutes and re-examined.

161 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
Where viability remains in doubt it should be re- difficulties as they are often neutropenic or suffering
sected. Even after removing the obstruction, exte- other side-effects of their treatment. The possibility
riorisation of the bowel may be indicated if there is of a primary pathology, such as acute appendicitis,
generalised disease of the bowel and when an anas- arising during the course of radiotherapy must also
tomotic dehiscence might be more likely. An ileos- be borne in mind but, where possible, surgical ex-
tomy may be indicated in patients with Crohn's ploration is best avoided.
disease as part of their long-term management, and A more common acute presentation is with adhe-
the possibility of such a step should be recognised, sions due to previous radiotherapy and these pa-
considered and discussed with the patient before tients normally have obstructive symptoms. Again,
undertaking the laparotomy. When the viability a non-operative management policy is the best
of large sections of bowel is unclear or the patient course as laparotomy is fraught with difficulty. The
is unstable a r­ easonable option is to resect clearly adhesions are often dense and, if the small bowel
ischaemic bowel and return the stapled ends to is inadvertently injured, there is a significant risk
within the abdomen. A planned re-look lapa- that it might not heal whether it is repaired or
rotomy is then performed at 24–36 hours, when anastomosed.
either an anastomosis or exteriorisation of bowel
ends can be performed, depending on the patient's Malignant obstruction
condition. Primary tumours of the small bowel are rare but
There has been considerable research aimed at can be the cause of acute small-bowel obstruction:
reducing the development of further adhesions af- surgical management at laparotomy will depend on
ter surgery. There is some evidence that the intra- the exact nature of the disease.
peritoneal administration of icodextrin 4% solution A more common problem is the patient with
(ADEPT®) at the end of surgery reduces intra- advanced intra-abdominal malignancy, with or
abdominal adhesion formation and the risk of re- without a past history of surgical treatment for
obstruction. In a randomised trial the small-bowel malignancy, who presents with bowel obstruc-
obstruction recurrence rate was 2% (2/91) in the tion. If the obstruction fails to settle or rapidly
icodextrin groups versus 11% (10/90) in the control recurs, there is usually time to carry out appropri-
group after a mean follow-up period of 41.4 months ate investigations to determine the extent of the
(P<  0.05). However, no difference was found in the disease prior to surgery. CT is important in iden-
need for laparotomy.7 tifying a single area of obstruction, which might
Abdominal closure should be carried out using be amenable to surgery, as compared to extensive
a mass closure technique. There are some patients intra-abdominal disease without a single point of
with gross obstruction or repeated procedures in obstruction.
whom, even after relief of obstruction, the oedema- Ascites can be a confusing factor in such a pa-
tous bowel makes closure impossible. In these pa- tient and aspiration for cytology to confirm wide-
tients the use of a vacuum-assisted closure dressing spread malignancy can be helpful. Clearly in the
or prosthetic mesh to allow temporary closure, with presence of advanced and disseminated malig-
subsequent removal and formal closure a few days nancy laparotomy should be avoided at all costs.
later, should be considered. If at subsequent surgery However, if the obstructive symptoms are diffi-
it is still not possible to approximate the fascial cult to manage non-­operatively and the patient is
edges, alternative techniques can be used: the mesh otherwise in reasonable condition, a laparotomy
can be left in situ and the wound edges mobilised may be useful in the short term. When surgery
and closed over the top; a component separation is necessary, the exact procedure will depend on
technique can be used to allow fascial closure; or the operative findings. The choice usually lies be-
vacuum-assisted closure dressings can be contin- tween resection and bypass.
ued and the abdomen managed as a laparostomy. It is also important to recognise that not all pa-
Further discussions on abdominal sepsis and dehis- tients have obstruction due to their malignant pro-
cence are covered in Chapter 18. cess. One study of patients who presented with
obstruction following previous treatment of intra-
abdominal malignancy reported that in around
Special conditions one-third of such patients the obstruction was due
to a cause other than secondary malignancy.8 In
Radiation enteritis a study from Japan of 85 patients who had pre-
Patients can present with an acute abdomen during viously undergone surgery for gastric cancer and
radiotherapy due to radiation enteritis or with acute- who were subsequently re-admitted to hospital
on-chronic attacks many years later. Patients in the with intestinal obstruction, the cause was benign
former scenario can present considerable ­diagnostic adhesions in 20%.9

162 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

The results of bypass entero-enterostomy for ma-

lignant adhesions are generally poor, with short
periods of patient survival. For this reason there is
growing expertise among palliative care physicians
in the medical management of intestinal obstruc-
tion.10 The principles involve the use of fluid diet,
steroids and octreotide. The results of such manage-
ment are variable but it does offer the opportunity
to spare a patient the morbidity of laparotomy in
the terminal phase of their disease.

Abdominal wall hernia

Any hernia can present with intestinal ob-
struction (Figs 9.2 and 9.3) and if presentation
is ­delayed, ­gangrene may have occurred and a
bowel resection may be necessary. A Richter
hernia involves part of the circumference of the
Figure 9.3  •  Multislice CT image with intravenous
bowel wall and the lumen is not obstructed.
contrast demonstrating small-bowel obstruction
Infarction of the trapped bowel wall segment can
secondary to a left-sided Spigelian hernia.
still occur and there will be exquisite localised
tenderness over a potential hernia site; the indi-
cation for surgical intervention is usually clini-
cally apparent. to the hernia is appropriate. For a strangulated
Any patient with acute symptoms of a hernia that femoral hernia a ‘high’ McEvedy approach usually
is irreducible should have urgent surgery, with re- provides optimum access for both hernia repair and
pair carried out in the usual way. In the presence of bowel resection if required. The incarcerated tis-
obstruction necessitating bowel resection, it is prob- sue may reduce under anaesthesia and it is unlikely,
ably best to avoid the use of a prosthetic mesh if should this occur, that there will have been strangu-
possible. When there has been gross contamination lation. However, the bowel loops must be inspected
of the surrounding area, the risk of complications is from within the hernia sac to ensure that a gangre-
increased and a full treatment course of antibiotics nous loop of bowel or a strictured segment has not
should be given. In most cases, a direct approach dropped back into the abdominal cavity (see also
Chapter 4).
A final consideration is the patient who has an
asymptomatic hernia who develops acute intesti-
nal obstruction and who then demonstrates signs
of an apparently irreducible swelling in the site of
the hernia. The intestinal obstruction raises intra-
abdominal pressure and this will, in turn, produce
the irreducible hernia. The unwary may find the
hernia difficult to reduce and, in their efforts to
do so, can elicit tenderness. It is worth obtaining
a plain abdominal radiograph in all patients with
an irreducible hernia and apparent bowel obstruc-
tion. The absence of dilated small-bowel loops, or
the presence of a dilated colon, should suggest the
possibility that the apparently ‘incarcerated’ hernia
is a secondary effect of some other intra-abdominal
pathology. If in doubt, a CT scan may help reach the
correct diagnosis preoperatively and allow planning
of surgery. In such cases consideration will need to
be given for a formal laparotomy rather than a local
approach over the hernia.

Figure 9.2  •  Supine abdominal radiograph Enterolith obstruction

demonstrating small-bowel obstruction in a patient with Enterolith obstruction is rare: the commonest types
an irreducible femoral hernia. are gallstone ileus and bezoars.

163 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
Gallstone ileus typically occurs in the elderly
female and is due to the development of a cho-
lecystoduodenal fistula after an episode of acute
cholecystitis with ongoing chronic inflammation.
The gallstone may be visible on a plain abdomi-
nal radiograph and gas can often be seen within
the biliary tree. At surgery the stone should be re-
moved via a proximal enterotomy and the intestine
proximal to the obstruction carefully palpated to
exclude the presence of a second stone. In these
circumstances the gallbladder should be left alone,
as cholecystectomy can be difficult and is usually
Bezoars may arise in psychiatric patients, the nor-
mal population after over-indulging in particular Figure 9.4  •  Laparoscopic view of a band adhesion.
types of food (e.g. oranges and peanuts), and those With thanks to Luigi Sussman, Auckland, New Zealand.
who have ingested a foreign body. Rarely, they can
occur with material that is collected within a jejunal ­cardiac procedures who have apparent bowel ob-
diverticulum. struction. Each case must be judged on its merits
but the differentiation between true mechanical
Intussusception obstruction and paralytic ileus can be difficult. In
In children, acute presentation is usually to the patients who genuinely have a mechanical obstruc-
paediatric department and the main differen- tion, appropriate surgical intervention is frequently
tial diagnosis is gastrointestinal (GI) infection. delayed as a result of this diagnostic dilemma. In
This is discussed in more detail in Chapter 12. these patients, the use of water-soluble contrast
Intussusception in adults is usually caused by tu- small-bowel studies and contrast-enhanced CT is
mours of the bowel, often metastatic deposits, often helpful and should be considered early.11
which should be treated on their merits once de-
tected at laparotomy. Laparoscopy
Following the development of laparoscopic surgery,
Connective tissue disorders
there have been reports regarding the use of laparo-
There are several systemic connective tissue dis- scopic surgery in the treatment of small-bowel ob-
orders that can affect the GI tract and result in struction.12,13 Open surgery is the preferred method
a loss of peristaltic power. These patients gener- for surgical treatment of strangulating small-bowel
ally present with chronic symptoms and the pres- obstruction as well as after failed non-operative
ence of the ­ underlying disorder is established. management. However, in selected patients and
Occasionally, symptoms suggesting acute GI ob- with appropriate surgical skills, a laparoscopic ap-
struction are present and the differentiation be- proach can be attempted using an open access tech-
tween full mechanical obstruction and ileus can nique. Laparoscopic adhesiolysis may be suitable
be difficult. Expectant management of these pa- during a first episode of small-bowel obstruction,
tients should be pursued whenever possible. The particularly when there has been limited previous
obstructed episode may progress to perforation of surgery and/or a single band is anticipated, such as
the bowel and if peritonitis is present, the perfo- might occur in a patient who has previously had an
rated bowel should be resected and consideration appendicectomy but no other major abdominal sur-
given to bringing the proximal bowel out as an gery (Fig. 9.4). A low threshold for open conversion
ileostomy, depending on the site and state of dis- should be maintained.6,12
ease. In addition, postoperative ileus is common
and the differentiation of a further episode of me-
chanical obstruction or continuing ileus presents a
diagnostic challenge. Peritonitis
Small-bowel pathology may present as an acute
Intestinal obstruction in the early abdomen, with either localised or generalised peri-
postoperative period tonitis. This may represent the end-stage of any
GI ileus can occur after any abdominal operation. condition causing obstruction, but this section con-
The surgeon may also be asked to see patients who siders conditions that present with primarily inflam-
have undergone gynaecological, orthopaedic or matory signs.

164 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

Crohn's disease Surgery for acute Crohn's disease

presenting de novo
Crohn's disease is a chronic relapsing inflammatory If a patient with known Crohn's disease presents
disease that can affect any part of the GI tract. A with an acute flare-up, or during first presentation
common presentation is inflammation of the ter- the diagnosis of Crohn's disease is established before
minal ileum and this occasionally presents as an surgery, the patient should be referred to a surgeon
acute abdomen. The small bowel alone is affected with a special interest in this condition.15 However,
in approximately 30% of patients and the small the diagnosis may only be suspected at the time of
bowel and colon together in 50%. The incidence operation, and the surgeon must proceed accord-
of Crohn's disease is highest in the USA, the UK ing to first principles. In the presence of a localised
and Scandinavia and is rare in Asia and Africa, inflammatory mass or stricture, resection and pri-
suggesting that dietary factors may be important. mary anastomosis may be appropriate. If surgery
Similar to appendicitis, the disease can appear at has been carried out for suspected appendicitis and
any age but is most frequent in young adults and a normal appendix with ileocaecal Crohn's disease
there may be a familial tendency. It is thought that is discovered, the appendix should be removed with
the disease is most likely due to an immunological careful repair of the caecum, so that the possible
disorder, although the exact mechanism remains diagnosis of acute appendicitis is ruled out of any
unclear although the final pathway is probably a future attacks of pain. No further action needs to
microvasculitis in the bowel wall. Where possible, be taken at this time for the Crohn's disease and
the management of patients with Crohn's disease appropriate investigation and treatment can be
should be undertaken by a surgeon with a special initiated in the postoperative period. Fortunately,
interest in this condition and the reader is referred extensive small-bowel Crohn's disease is an uncom-
to the much more detailed account of this disease in mon finding at laparotomy, but in this situation the
the Colorectal Surgery volume of the Companion to bare minimum should be carried out. If a stricture
Specialist Surgical Practice series.14 Only first prin- is found it should be resected, to treat the problem
ciples for managing an acute episode are discussed and to confirm the diagnosis. If multiple strictures
in this chapter. are found multiple stricturoplasties can be carried
out, with full-thickness biopsies taken for histology.
Presentation The differential diagnosis of lymphoma should also
An acute clinical episode typically presents with ab- be considered.
dominal pain, diarrhoea and fever, and can occur in
a patient who has previously been entirely well. An
acute presentation is more likely in young adults, Mesenteric ischaemia
hence the differential diagnosis of Crohn's disease
in patients with suspected appendicitis. Mesenteric ischaemia can be due to embolism or
Two other clinical presentations occur, although thrombosis, arterial or venous, and may be acute or
they are less likely to be acute. First, resolving chronic. Chronic mesenteric ischaemia is also termed
Crohn's disease will produce fibrosis in the ileum ‘mesenteric claudication’ and is usually caused by a
that can cause obstructive symptoms. These tend stenosis in the proximal part of the superior mesen-
to be subacute or chronic and an acute presenta- teric artery. Patients develop cramp-like abdominal
tion with small-bowel obstruction is rare. Second, pains after eating, caused by the increased oxygen
entero-enteric or enterocutaneous fistula occurs in requirements to the small intestine, which cannot be
Crohn's disease because of the transmural inflam- met by increased blood flow because of the stenosis.
mation that is a characteristic histological finding. The disease is usually associated with atherosclero-
sis and the investigation of choice is mesenteric an-
Investigation giography. This condition is discussed in more detail
A patient who presents with right iliac fossa pain, in the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery volume
with symptoms that are more insidious than typical of the Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice
appendicitis, should give rise to clinical suspicion. series and is not discussed further here. These pa-
Inflammatory markers may be markedly elevated tients should be transferred to a specialist vascular
(white cell count, platelet count, alkaline phospha- surgeon.
tase, erythrocyte sedimentation rate), but these are Acute mesenteric ischaemia can affect any part
not specific to Crohn's disease. An ultrasound scan of the GI tract, but is most common in the small
may show thickening of the bowel wall or a mass, bowel and colon. Acute ischaemia to the small
and contrast-enhanced CT will provide more de- bowel will usually produce infarction, whereas
tailed information. ischaemia to the large bowel presents with bloody

165 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
diarrhoea and abdominal pain, which will usually diagnosis is suspected. Patients in whom a diagno-
settle over the course of a few days and is often sis is suspected should be resuscitated and prepared
termed ‘ischaemic colitis’. Delayed strictures may for laparoscopy or laparotomy. Once the diagnosis
occur. has been confirmed, a decision must be made as
Acute small-bowel ischaemia is caused by either to whether the ischaemic bowel is salvageable by
thrombosis or embolus. Thrombosis may occur in vascular reconstruction. If the underlying cause is
the superior mesenteric artery or its branches, ­usually thrombosis, then resection should be performed;
associated with underlying atherosclerosis. Embolus however, if an embolus is present, then in selected
is often associated with atrial fibrillation, when an patients exploration of the superior mesenteric ar-
atrial thrombus dislodges and impacts ­itself in the tery with removal of the embolus may save an ex-
superior mesenteric artery distribution. Venous tended small-bowel resection.16 This procedure is
thrombosis in the distribution of the superior mes- difficult and may require associated vascular recon-
enteric vein is a less common cause of acute small- struction. Advice should be sought from a specialist
bowel ischaemia but may be related to increased vascular surgeon.
blood coagulability, portal vein thrombosis, dehy- If surgical resection is carried out, primary anas-
dration, infection, compression and vasoconstrict- tomosis may be performed, providing the blood
ing drugs. supply to both proximal and distal margins is ad-
Early detection of acute mesenteric ischaemia is equate. If embolectomy and reconstruction have
difficult (see Chapter 5) and failure to detect this been performed, or there is doubt about the mar-
condition early continues to be one of the major gins, then anastomosis should be deferred. In this
causes of morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis is situation the distal and proximal ends of bowel
more common in the elderly patient who gives a his- should be stapled off and returned to the abdo-
tory of vague but worsening abdominal pain. There men, with re-­exploration planned within 48 hours.
may be a background history of atherosclerosis, but At ­re-­operation an anastomosis may be performed
not invariably so. Initial examination findings can or the ends brought out as stomas if anastomosis
be unremarkable, lulling the clinician into a false is contraindicated. Attention must be given in the
sense of security. postoperative period to the general condition of the
The investigations for possible mesenteric isch- patient in order that any possible secondary isch-
aemia are discussed in detail in Chapter 5. CT with aemic event can be detected early.
intravenous contrast performed as a diagnostic test Unfortunately, for the majority of patients with
for the ‘acute abdomen’ may suggest the diagnosis, mesenteric ischaemia the small intestine is beyond
but CT angiography (Fig. 9.5) is more useful if the salvage at the time of laparotomy and requires re-
section. If the whole of the superior mesenteric
artery has been affected, the majority of the small
bowel and part of the proximal colon will often
be involved and no resection should be performed.
These patients should receive intravenous opiates
and be kept well sedated, as death will occur shortly

Overall prognosis is better following acute

mesenteric venous infarction as compared to acute
mesenteric arterial ischaemia, and survival better
following arterial embolism as compared to arterial

Meckel's diverticulum
Meckel's diverticulum is a remnant of the om-
phalomesenteric or vitelline duct. It arises from
the antimesenteric border of the distal ileum ap-
proximately 60 cm from the iliocaecal valve. It
Figure 9.5  •  Multislice CT image with intravenous may contain ectopic tissue, usually gastric, and is
contrast demonstrating ischaemic bowel due to superior estimated to be present in approximately 2% of
mesenteric vein thrombosis. With thanks to Dr Dilip Patel, the population. Meckel's diverticulum may remain
Consultant Radiologist, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. asymptomatic throughout life, particularly if it has

166 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

a b

Figure 9.6  •  (a) Acutely inflamed Meckel's diverticulum identified at laparotomy. (b) Operative view after resection of the
Meckel diverticulum shown in (a).

a broad base and does not contain ectopic gastric Meckel's diverticulum, and small-bowel tumour.
mucosa. Occasionally, a band may exist between These are all treated by resection.
Meckel's diverticulum and the umbilicus, which It is important to try to identify the site of bleeding
can cause small-bowel obstruction. This should before surgery, as one of the major problems at op-
be treated as for a congenital band adhesion, al- eration is that a vascular abnormality may produce
though resection of the diverticulum should ac- no external signs. The mobility and variable ana-
company division of the band. Occasionally, the tomical layout of the small bowel mean that it can
diverticulum may ­ intussuscept, also causing ob- even be difficult to identify a bleeding point that has
struction. Again, this will require reduction and been demonstrated by imaging. CT angiography is
excision. The other two common complications recommended (Fig. 9.7a),18 and if a bleeding point
of Meckel's diverticulum are inflammation, when is found, formal angiography may allow a catheter
the patient presents with signs and symptoms simi- to be passed into the mesenteric branches as close
lar to acute appendicitis, and haemorrhage. Acute as possible to the bleeding point and left in position
inflammation is rarely suspected before surgery to aid surgical localisation (Fig. 9.7b). In selected
and the patient is usually diagnosed on the operat- patients, the vessel may be embolised and then at
ing table (Fig. 9.6a) once a normal appendix has surgery the ischaemic segment can be resected. If
been found through a right iliac fossa incision or this has not been possible, intraoperative enteros-
at laparoscopy. In the presence of inflammation, a copy may be helpful. Occasionally, the only option
Meckel's diverticulum should be excised and the is to place segmental soft bowel clamps through-
small bowel repaired (Fig. 9.6b). Occult GI bleed- out the small intestine, resecting the segment that
ing may occur from a Meckel's d ­ iverticulum that fills up with blood after a period of waiting. Blind
contains ectopic gastric mucosa and the diagnosis resection is often unrewarding and the risks of re-
is usually established by CT angiogram. The treat- bleeding are high. If no bleeding point can be identi-
ment is again surgical resection. fied, the surgeon can either close the abdomen and
await events, hoping that further bleeding does not
occur (and this can often be the case), or divide the
small bowel around its midpoint, bringing out two
Haemorrhage stomas. Subsequent bleeding can then be identified
to one or other side and enteroscopy used to localise
Disease of the small intestine is an occasional cause
it further.
of acute GI haemorrhage.18 There are no specific
clinical features that distinguish the small bowel
as the source rather than the colon, except that the
blood loss may be less ‘fresh’ and more like me- Acute appendicitis
laena. As discussed in Chapter 7, it is important
to exclude bleeding from a gastroduodenal source Acute appendicitis is the most common intra-­
at an early stage by upper GI endoscopy. The most abdominal surgical emergency that requires opera-
commonly encountered causes are vascular malfor- tion, with an incidence of 7–12% in the population
mation, ­jejunal diverticulae, peptic ulceration in a of USA and Europe. Although frequently described

167 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9

a b

Figure 9.7  •  (a) CT angiogram with intravenous contrast demonstrating a bleeding point in the jejunum. (b) Mesenteric
angiogram demonstrating embolisation of the bleeding point shown in (a). With thanks to Dr Jim Gordon-Smith,
Consultant Radiologist, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.

as a childhood illness, the peak incidence is to- localised periappendiceal mass/abscess or gener-
wards 30 years of age. It is slightly more common alised peritonitis.
in males (1.3–1.6:1) but the operation of appen-
dicectomy is more common in women because of Clinical features
other mimicking conditions. The reader is referred
to Chapter 5 for description of some of the general The presentation of acute appendicitis varies
features and investigation of patients with acute widely but the classical history is of central abdom-
abdominal pain, many of which relate directly to inal pain over 12–24 hours migrating to the right
acute appendicitis. iliac fossa. Nausea and vomiting frequently occur
and although diarrhoea is less common, when pres-
ent it can be confused with gastroenteritis. On ex-
Pathology amination, the patient usually exhibits a low-grade
pyrexia and ­localised peritonism in the right lower
The aetiology of acute appendicitis is bacterial quadrant.
infection secondary to blockage of the lumen by Appendicitis can occur at any age; although the
faecoliths, parasitic worms, tumours of caecum or main peak is in young adults, there is a second peak
the appendix, or enlargement of lymphoid aggre- around the seventh decade. The condition is most
gates within the appendix wall. In many cases, the difficult to diagnose at the extremes of age: in the
cause of the obstruction remains unknown. There very young because of the lack of history and fre-
is little seasonal variation but there may be a famil- quent late presentation, and in the elderly because
ial tendency. The incidence has been falling since of a wide list of differential diagnoses and often less
the 1930s, presumably because of improved living impressive physical signs.
standards and general hygiene. Changes in dietary A further factor that may produce atypical signs
habits, such as an increase in dietary fibre, may is the variation in the position of the appendix.
also be a factor as appendicitis is less common in A retrocaecal appendix can give rise to tender-
countries with a high roughage diet (e.g. central ness in the right loin and/or right upper quadrant,
Africa). whereas a pelvic appendix may be associated with
The pathology of acute appendicitis is classically very little abdominal discomfort but marked ten-
described as suppurative, gangrenous or perforated. derness on rectal examination and a history of di-
Typically, there is full-thickness inflammation of the arrhoea. Rectal examination tends to be of little
appendix wall. As the disease progresses, adjacent value in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis unless
tissues, particularly the omentum, may also become the organ lies in the pelvis. If the diagnosis has
inflamed. Haemorrhagic ulceration and necrosis been established from abdominal examination,
in the wall indicate gangrenous appendicitis, and rectal examination contributes very little addi-
subsequent perforation may be associated with a tional information.19

168 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

Acute appendicitis is one of a dwindling number

of conditions in which a decision to operate may be
based solely on clinical findings. In this context, the
description of classic history and/or the presence of
localised peritonism are highly predictive of acute
appendicitis. The risk of morbidity and mortality
is significantly ­increased if the appendix perforates;
thus, to err on the side of overdiagnosing acute ap-
pendicitis remains accepted best surgical practice.
As discussed in Chapter 5, if in doubt, laparoscopy
offers an alternative to what may turn out to be an
unnecessary laparotomy.

Investigations Figure 9.9  •  Multislice CT image with intravenous

contrast demonstrating an acutely inflamed appendix.
The majority of these investigations are discussed at
length in Chapter 5.
Urinalysis is essential, particularly in women.
Although pus cells and microscopic haematuria There has been an increasing trend towards us-
can occur in appendicitis, their absence may be ing CT (Fig. 9.9) in the assessment of patients
useful in excluding significant urinary tract dis- with acute lower abdominal pain, since the po-
ease. The presence of organisms on microscopy tential role of CT in acute appendicitis was first
may confirm the diagnosis of urinary tract infec- reported.20 A recent meta-analysis concluded that
tion. Pyelonephritis or pyonephrosis may be dif- CT has reduced negative appendicectomy rates,
ficult to differentiate clinically from an acutely and even proposed the routine use of CT in adult
inflamed retrocaecal appendix. In such cases ur- patients with suspected appendicitis.21 At present,
gent investigation of the urinary tract is indicated due to the radiation involved, it is reasonable to
to exclude these diagnoses prior to appendicec- proceed directly to laparoscopy for young, fit pa-
tomy. Ultrasound is often used to identify gyn- tients with a high clinical suspicion of appendicitis.
aecological causes of pain and may visualise an As discussed in Chapter 5, ultrasonography can
inflamed appendix (Fig. 9.8), but cannot reliably also be helpful. However, there should be a low
be used to exclude appendicitis. threshold for CT imaging when there is diagnostic
doubt, particularly in older patients, and for those
in whom the risks of laparoscopy are increased,
due to comorbidities, previous abdominal surgery
or morbid obesity.

Differential diagnosis
Just as appendicitis should be considered in any pa-
tient with abdominal pain, many other abdominal
emergencies must be considered in the differential
diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Some of the more
common conditions that present in a similar fash-
ion include gastroenteritis, mesenteric lymphad-
enitis, gynaecological diseases, right-sided urinary
tract disease and disease of the distal small bowel.
Gynaecological disorders are probably the most
important group because the removal of a normal
appendix is highest in young women. Acute sal-
pingitis, Mittelschmerz pain and complications of
ovarian cyst may all be difficult to differentiate.
Figure 9.8  •  Ultrasound scan demonstrating an acutely Torsion of an ovarian cyst usually presents with
inflamed appendix. a notable acute onset of pain and may sometimes

169 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
be distinguished on clinical grounds. It is impor- is obviously inflamed, it should be removed, la-
tant to recognise ruptured ectopic pregnancy, and vage performed and no further laparotomy carried
females of childbearing age should routinely have out. If the appendix is macroscopically normal,
a pregnancy test (although it must be remembered ­examination should be undertaken of the terminal
that appendicitis is not uncommon in the first tri- ileum (for at least 60 cm to exclude an inflamed
mester of pregnancy). Meckel's diverticulum) and small-bowel mesentery
The continuing development of imaging tech- and ­pelvis, both by palpation and direct visuali-
niques and laparoscopic surgery has prompted the sation. Any free peritoneal fluid should be exam-
view that the previous proportion of normal appen- ined and cultured. The presence of bile staining
dices removed in the ‘open surgery’ era (typically indicates bowel perforation at some point, such as
up to 20% of patients operated on) was unaccept- perforated peptic ulcer, and faecal fluid indicates
ably high. Although it is clearly advantageous to colonic perforation. In both cases a full laparot-
spare patients unnecessary surgery, the morbidity omy is indicated. In the former situation, it is best
and mortality of failing to diagnose appendicitis to close the right iliac fossa incision in preference
until perforation has occurred is greater than that to an upper midline, but in the latter condition
associated with the removal of a normal appendix. some surgeons advocate extending the right iliac
If the diagnostic tools discussed in Chapter 5 are fossa incision across to the left as a muscle-cutting
not readily available, the best policy remains early lower abdominal transverse incision. If in doubt, a
surgery when there is clinical suspicion of acute midline incision is best.
appendicitis. It used to be traditional teaching to bury the ap-
pendix stump but there is now general recognition
that simple ligation of the stump is adequate.26 If the
Management appendix has perforated at the base, formal repair
of the caecal pole is advised. Leaving an excessively
A positive diagnosis of acute appendicitis requires long stump should be avoided as this can become
urgent surgery as any further delay will result in ischaemic and produce symptoms postoperatively.
a higher proportion of perforation.22,23 Where the Peritoneal lavage should always be carried out but
diagnosis is in doubt, in patients who are systemi- surgical drains are unnecessary unless there is an es-
cally well and/or have mild signs, early explora- tablished abscess cavity.
tion in the middle of the night is not indicated and All patients should receive prophylactic broad-
these patients can be safely observed with regular spectrum antibiotics against the risk of wound in-
review or investigations as described in Chapter 5. fection, which is the commonest complication of
The incidence of perforation in this subgroup of appendicectomy.27,28 A single dose is as effective as
patients is no higher than if they are taken to the- three doses for wound prophylaxis. For perforated
atre for early exploration.24,25 Intravenous antibi- appendicitis, a 5-day treatment course of antibiotics
otics may be given once a decision has been made is used by many surgeons, although there are lim-
to operate or to actively treat acute appendicitis ited data to support this view. When patients can
non-operatively. tolerate diet, completing the course of antibiotics
orally has been shown to reduce hospital stay with-
Surgical treatment out additional complication.29 Although the risk of
Conventional appendicectomy deep vein thrombosis is relatively low in young pa-
A classical appendicectomy incision is made over the tients, prophylaxis is best administered as a routine
point of maximum tenderness and this usually lies as not all patients will make a swift recovery and
on a line between the anterior superior iliac spine early postoperative mobilisation may be delayed.
and umbilicus in the right iliac fossa (McBurny's
point). The skin incision should be horizontal Prophylactic antibiotics should be administered
and placed in a skin crease if possible to achieve in all patients undergoing appendicectomy for acute
a satisfactory cosmetic result. The abdominal wall appendicitis in order to reduce the risk of wound
muscles may be separated in the traditional ‘muscle infection.27,28
splitting’ fashion or the abdominal cavity may be
entered at the lateral margin of the rectus muscle,
with retraction of the muscle fibres medially. Laparoscopic appendicectomy
Once the abdominal cavity has been entered, The advantages of laparoscopic appendicectomy
the appendix should be located by gentle palpa- over the open approach have been extensively stud-
tion and it may be most easily mobilised from the ied over the last 15 years, although individual stud-
inflammatory adhesions by finger dissection. If it ies have produced conflicting results.30–35

170 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

cases to leave a drain in the pelvis to remove any

A recent Cochrane database systematic
review of 67 studies has confirmed the benefit
residual lavage fluid in the immediate postopera-
of the laparoscopic approach in relation to less tive period (this may often be removed after 12–24
pain, faster recovery and a lower incidence of hours). In patients with generalised ­contamination
wound infections. However, it suggests that there from a perforated appendix, it must be remem-
is an increase in intra-abdominal abscesses (odds bered that the advantages of the laparoscopic ap-
ratio 1.87) in patients undergoing a laparoscopic proach are small, as even if the operation can be
procedure. A laparoscopic approach was generally completed laparoscopically these patients rarely re-
recommended for patients with suspected cover quickly due to the systemic nature of their dis-
appendicitis, especially young female, obese and ease. If conversion to open surgery is required then
working patients.36 the laparoscope can be used to transilluminate the
abdominal wall, allowing accurate placement of a
The increase in abscesses may of course reflect conventional surgical incision, which it may be pos-
problems with surgical technique or poor patient sible to keep to a smaller size than would otherwise
selection. There is no reason why the laparoscopic have been used.
approach should have a higher complication rate, There have been various descriptions of operative
if performed correctly, and indeed it brings with it technique for laparoscopic appendicectomy and
the possibility of performing a better lavage than at different positions for port placement. If ports are
open surgery. The increased abscesses reported may placed low in the abdominal wall, the cosmetic result
relate to inadequate removal of the lavage fluid (see may be improved. One approach is to place working
below). ports at the umbilicus and in the suprapubic region,
As skill in laparoscopic techniques has become with the camera port in the left iliac fossa.
more widespread, laparoscopic appendicectomy has One of the reported complications of laparoscopic
become increasingly common.37 It seems reasonable appendicectomy is leaving too long a stump and
to proceed with laparoscopic appendicectomy for risking recurrent symptoms.38 Care must therefore
any patient in whom an acutely inflamed appendix be taken to ensure that the entire appendix has been
is discovered during diagnostic laparoscopy, provid- fully mobilised to avoid this complication.
ing the surgeon has the relevant skills. Large and
obese patients probably benefit more from the lapa- The normal appendix at open surgery
roscopic approach due to the larger wound required In practice, if a standard incision has been made for
at open surgery. a planned open appendicectomy, a normal appen-
dix should probably be removed in every patient,
Technique including those with Crohn's disease that affects
The basic principles of laparoscopic appendicec- the caecum, in order to prevent future diagnostic
tomy mirror those of conventional open surgery. dilemma. The removal of a normal appendix may
The appendix mesentery is usually divided first still be associated with morbidity; the wound in-
and may be cauterised with electrocoagulation at fection rate is the same as for removal of a non-
the level of the appendix, tied in continuity with perforated inflamed appendix. The main long-term
ligatures or controlled by application of haemo- complication is small-bowel obstruction. This
static clips. The appendix itself is usually ligated has been examined in a historical cohort study of
with a preformed loop ligature. An alternative, 245–400 patients in Sweden with population-based
effective and rapid technique is to apply an en- matched controls.39 This study calculated the cu-
doscopic stapling device to the mesoappendix. mulative risk of surgically treated small-bowel
The appendix can then be removed after further obstruction following open appendicectomy to
application of the stapler or by using a pre-tied be 1.3% after 30 years compared with 0.21% for
ligature. Unfortunately, such stapling devices are non-operated controls. Higher risk was associated
expensive. with those patients undergoing appendicectomy for
The inflamed appendix should usually be removed other conditions, a perforated appendix and a nor-
in a retrieval bag as it is important to remove the mal appendix.
appendix through the abdominal wall without con-
taminating the soft tissues. A friable or perforated The normal appendix at laparoscopy
appendix should be handled gently and care taken The complication rate associated with open removal
to remove all debris, including any loose faecolith. of a normal appendix is 17–21%, depending on
A thorough lavage is essential in contaminated cases whether other conditions have been identified.40,41
to prevent postoperative abscess formation. In the The long-term sequelae of laparoscopic removal of
authors' institution it is standard practice in such a normal appendix remain relatively unknown, but

171 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
the rate is hopefully less. Removal of a normal ap- treated with antibiotics required appendicectomy
pendix at diagnostic laparoscopy is not mandatory within 30 days and a further 26% developed re-
and should not usually be undertaken if a definite current appendicitis requiring surgery within
alternative diagnosis for the patient's symptoms, 1 year. A recent Cochrane review of five low to
such as pelvic inflammatory disease, is established. moderate quality randomised trials (901 patients)
There is more debate about what should be done found that 73% of patients treated with antibiot-
if a normal appendix is seen and no other condi- ics were cured (including recurrence within 1 year)
tion can be identified to account for the patient's within 2 weeks without major complications, com-
symptoms. In this scenario, there are two argu- pared to 97% of patients who directly underwent
ments in favour of removing the appendix. (i) There appendicectomy.50
is a small incidence of appendicitis on histological It therefore follows that when a diagnosis of acute
examination of a macroscopically normal appen- appendicitis is suspected appendicectomy should be
dix.42,43 One study evaluating the ability of lapa- carried out, and that surgery remains the gold stan-
roscopy to discriminate between a normal and an dard treatment for acute appendicitis. Antibiotic
inflamed appendix demonstrated a sensitivity of treatment might be used as an alternative treatment
92% and a specificity of 85% if an appendix with in the absence of overt peritonitis in specific patients
isolated mucosal inflammation was considered to where there are factors that favour a non-operative
be inflamed.44 (ii) Removal of the appendix pre- approach. However, this decision must be made in
vents diagnostic dilemma in a patient who contin- the knowledge that regular review is essential, sur-
ues to suffer from abdominal symptoms and signs gery is indicated if resolution does not take place
following laparoscopy. The counter argument is within 12–24 hours or the patient deteriorates, and
that the clinical significance of isolated mucosal that there is a significant risk of recurrent symptoms
inflammation in an otherwise normal appendix re- during the next 12 months.
mains highly debatable, and that all operative in-
terventions or procedures are associated with some Treatment of atypical presentation
form of risk.
Surgeons will have their own opinions on this mat- of acute appendicitis
ter and decisions may vary between patients and the
clinical presentation. The final course of action has Appendix mass
to be left to the operating surgeon and the patient The natural history of acute appendicitis left un-
should be counselled about the options preopera- treated is that it will either resolve, become gangre-
tively. In a patient who has required repeated ad- nous and perforate, or become walled off by a mass
missions to hospital with recurring right iliac fossa of omentum and small bowel. The latter situation
pain, it would make sense to remove the appendix, prevents inflammation spreading to the abdominal
even if normal, to at least exclude appendicitis from cavity yet resolution of the condition is delayed.
the differential diagnosis on any possible future Such a patient usually presents with a longer his-
admissions. tory (1 week or more) of right lower quadrant ab-
dominal pain, appears systemically well and has a
Non-surgical treatment tender palpable mass in the right iliac fossa. This
It has been suspected for many years that not only condition is best managed non-operatively as the
can acute appendicitis settle spontaneously, re- risk of perforation has passed and removal of the
turning with recurrent symptoms at a later date, appendix at this late stage can be difficult and is as-
but that it can be successfully treated in some sociated with a significant complication rate. A re-
patients with antibiotics, providing there are no cent meta-analysis reported that the non-operative
signs of overt peritonitis. The former is supported treatment of complicated appendicitis (appendix
by a study which reported that 71 of 1084 pa- mass or abscess) is associated with a decrease in
tients (6.5%) who underwent appendicectomy for complications compared to acute appendicectomy,
acute appendicitis admitted to similar symptoms with a similar duration of hospital stay.51 The differ-
3 weeks to 12 years previously.45 The latter is sup- ential diagnosis includes Crohn's disease in younger
ported by a number of randomised trials compar- patients and carcinoma of the caecum in older pa-
ing antibiotic treatment versus appendicectomy in tients. Confirmation is obtained from ultrasound or
patients with suspected appendicitis.46–49 The diffi- CT and it is not uncommon for these investigations
culty with such a strategy is highlighted by one re- to reveal an underlying abscess.52 However, if the
cent trial, carried out in 243 patients, which found patient remains systemically well, non-­ operative
that despite CT assessment 18% of patients were treatment can still be pursued with percutane-
identified at ­surgery to have unexpected compli- ous drainage of any fluid collections if required
cated appendicitis.49 Furthermore, 12% of those (see below). Following resolution of the symptoms

172 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

and mass, further investigations, which might in-

clude CT and colonoscopy, must be used to exclude
these other conditions.
In the past, routine interval appendicectomy
(6 weeks to 3 months) was considered essential to
prevent recurrent symptoms in the young and to ex-
clude carcinoma in the elderly. However, providing
carcinoma can be excluded by other means, rou-
tine interval appendicectomy is no longer recom-
mended. In the majority of patients the appendix
has been destroyed and in one study only 9% of
patients treated non-operatively for an appendix
mass subsequently developed recurrent symptoms,
and all did so within 5 months.52
Figure 9.11  •  CT scan of the same patient as shown
in Fig. 9.10, demonstrating the appendix abscess. With
A systematic review has confirmed that non-
thanks to Dr Paul Allan, Consultant Radiologist, Royal
operative management of an appendix mass will be
Infirmary, Edinburgh.
successful in the majority of patients and recurrence
of symptoms is low. As a result the routine use of
interval appendicectomy is no longer justified.53

Appendix abscess
In some patients the appendix becomes walled off
by omentum but has perforated and an abscess
will develop in the periappendiceal region. This
may be in the right paracolic gutter, the subcaecal
area or the pelvis and can be visualised by either
ultrasound (Fig. 9.10) or CT (Fig. 9.11). Unlike with
a simple ‘appendix mass’, the patient is usually sys-
temically unwell with abdominal tenderness. As for
all abscesses, drainage is the best treatment, either
under radiological control or surgically. There is
no doubt that surgical drainage can be associated Figure 9.12  •  Radiograph of the same patient as shown
with significant complications, not least because in Figs 9.10 and 9.11, following percutaneous drainage of
tissues and organs adjacent to the abscess will the appendix abscess, with drain in situ.
be friable and must be handled with great care.
The ­alternative of radiologically guided drainage
(Fig. 9.12) has been reported to produce lower
complications and equivalent early operation/
re-operation rates.51,54,55 It would therefore seem
reasonable to use the n ­ on-operative approach in any
patient in whom overt signs of peritonitis are absent.
If surgery is required then the residual necrotic ap-
pendix should be identified and resected along with
the inevitable faecolith, which if left contributes to a
protracted recovery.

Chronic appendicitis
As mentioned above, there is certainly a group of
patients who suffer from recurrent appendicitis45
and who benefit from appendicectomy. Similarly,
there are some patients who, having recovered
from an acute attack of appendicitis, go on to suf-
fer from recurrent less-acute episodes of abdomi-
Figure 9.10  •  Ultrasound scan demonstrating an nal pain. These also benefit from appendicectomy,
appendix abscess. With thanks to Dr Paul Allan, usually as an elective procedure. Assessment in
Consultant Radiologist, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh. ­difficult cases can be helped by CT (Fig. 9.13), but

173 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9
Figure 9.13  •  CT image
showing an abnormal and
thickened tip of appendix without
contrast. These findings were
confirmed at appendicectomy
when a grossly abnormal distal
half of appendix was found.

for many ­patients laparoscopy is the best investi- laparoscopy, with an odds ratio of 2.3 for foetal
gation, at which the appendix can be removed. A loss compared to conventional surgery,58 and this
small randomised trial has reported improvement has influenced the results of a subsequent system-
in chronic recurrent right lower quadrant pain fol- atic review.57 The result of this single study does not
lowing laparoscopic appendicectomy compared to contraindicate laparoscopic appendicectomy in preg-
laparoscopy alone.56 nancy, but does indicate a need for further research
on the subject. Currently the Society of American
Appendicitis in pregnancy Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons continues
The rate of appendicitis in pregnancy is similar to to recommend laparoscopic appendicectomy as the
that in the non-pregnant female population. The treatment of choice for pregnant patients.59
preoperative diagnosis of acute appendicitis can The assessment and decision-making for such pa-
be difficult in pregnancy, and a low threshold for tients should involve both senior general and obstetric
surgical intervention has traditionally been recom- surgeons. A reasonable approach is to use laparoscopy
mended, as complicated appendicitis is associated in the first trimester or when, despite adequate imag-
with a higher rate of foetal loss and increased mater- ing, the diagnosis is in doubt. In later pregnancy open
nal morbidity. A recent systematic review reported a surgery may be preferred when the diagnosis is con-
negative appendicectomy rate of 27%, higher than firmed but the approach will depend upon surgeon ex-
in the non-pregnant population, and rates of foetal pertise. In all cases there should be a low threshold for
loss of 3.4%, 12.1% and 7.3% in simple, compli- conversion to open surgery if difficulties are encoun-
cated and negative appendicectomy, respectively.57 tered. If the appendix is found not to be inflamed at
Recognition of the risk associated with negative laparoscopy then it should not routinely be removed.
appendicectomy58 has led to guidelines from the
American College of Radiology recommending that Postoperative complications
‘magnetic resonance imaging can be accurate in
excluding appendicitis where the ultrasound exam and outcome
does not visualise a normal appendix’. Where emer-
gency access to such imaging is possible it is recom- Hospital stay
mended, but it should not delay surgery in patients The duration of hospital stay depends on local re-
with a high clinical suspicion of appendicitis. sources, policies, the patient's general condition and
Many reports have demonstrated laparoscopic ap- any coexisting disease. It is now clear that laparo-
pendicectomy to be a safe and effective procedure scopic appendicectomy is associated with a more
during pregnancy. With modification of port posi- rapid return to normal activities36 than conven-
tion the laparoscopic approach has even been re- tional surgery, but this does not necessarily relate
ported during the third trimester. One recent large to a shorter hospital stay. Much will depend on lo-
observational study has reported a higher risk for cal factors, and reports of routine early discharge

174 66485457-66963820
Acute conditions of the small bowel and appendix

(24–48 hours) after conventional appendicectomy60 presents with lower abdominal discomfort and
suggest that full diet and early mobilisation are well swinging pyrexia. The symptoms may be delayed
tolerated by the majority of patients. by 10 days or more and a soft tender mass may
be palpable on rectal examination, although this
Wound infection is not always the case. Again, ultrasound and of-
This is the commonest postoperative complication, ten CT is required for diagnosis and, if pus is as-
occurring in around 10–15% of patients following pirated, a percutaneous drain should be placed if
a conventional right iliac fossa incision. In most possible. Occasionally, a pelvic abscess may be dif-
patients there is superficial inflammation, which re- ficult to drain percutaneously and in this situation
sponds to antibiotics. In a smaller number there will the options are between antibiotics, drainage of
be dehiscence of the wound and purulent discharge. the abscess into the rectum or to proceed to surgi-
Occasionally, surgical intervention may be required cal drainage through the abdomen. The decision is
to drain a collection in the abdominal wall. The influenced by the general condition of the patient.
current practice of early discharge from hospital Prolonged use of antibiotics should be avoided and
results in many wound infections developing once further attempts made for drainage if the collec-
the ­patient is at home, and the possibility of this tion is not resolving on repeated imaging.
complication should always be discussed with the In patients who have undergone laparoscopic ap-
patient. Wound infection appears to be significantly pendicectomy for perforated appendicitis, signs
less following laparoscopic appendicectomy.36 of generalised peritonitis can develop in the first
There is no evidence that wound infiltration with 48 hours. This may be due to dissemination of in-
local anaesthetic is associated with any increase in fected fluid through the abdominal cavity, possibly
the incidence of wound infection but there is also by circulation of the carbon dioxide used to create
minimal benefit in reducing postoperative wound the pneumoperitoneum. The main differential diag-
pain.61,62 After open appendicectomy the skin may nosis in this situation is iatrogenic injury to the in-
be closed with interrupted stitches or a continuous testine and, if in doubt, re-laparoscopy is indicated.
suture and this does not appear to affect wound in-
fection rates. Some surgeons leave the skin incision Prognosis
open if there has been gross contamination of the The mortality of appendicitis is associated with the
wound in perforated appendicitis. The subsequent age of the patient and delayed diagnosis (perfo-
cosmetic result of such a scar is usually satisfactory rated appendix). A report from the Royal College of
but healing takes several weeks. Surgeons of England showed a mortality of 0.24%
and morbidity of 7.7% in 6596 patients undergoing
Other septic complications open appendicectomy between 1990 and 1992.64 A
Pericaecal fluid collections are relatively common further prognostic consideration is the incidence of
and are usually indicated by the presence of ab- subsequent tubal infertility after appendicectomy.
dominal discomfort and a low-grade pyrexia. They Although one report suggested that the increased risk
can usually be diagnosed by ultrasound and treated of tubal infertility following perforated appendicitis
by antibiotics, especially in children,63 or occasion- was 4.8 in nulliparous women and 3.2 in multipa-
ally aspiration; formal drainage is rarely necessary. rous women,65 a more recent historical cohort study
Pelvic abscess is a less common ­complication that revealed no long-term consequence on fertility.66

Key points
• The main emergency conditions affecting the small bowel are obstruction, haemorrhage and ischaemia.
• Early management requires adequate clinical and radiological assessment, which might include
contrast radiology and, increasingly, CT (see also Chapter 5).
• Early appendicectomy for acute appendicitis is better than non-operative treatment with antibiotics
because of a high recurrence rate.
• Laparoscopic appendicectomy results in less pain and faster return to normal activities than open
appendicectomy but there may be a higher risk of postoperative abscess formation.
• A non-operative approach is indicated in the majority of patients with appendix mass or abscess,
with radiological drainage as required. Subsequent interval appendicectomy is only indicated in
those patients with recurrent symptoms. Care must be taken to ensure that underlying disease
other than appendicitis has been excluded (e.g. caecal carcinoma and Crohn's disease).

175 66485457-66963820
Chapter 9

References 15. Mowat C, Cole A, Windsor A, et al., IBD Section of

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178 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

David E. Beck

Introduction Preparation for operation

Emergency conditions of the large bowel are common Patients should be adequately informed of
and changes in their evaluation and management their likely diagnosis and management options.
have continued. Rather than rushing the patient to Alternatives and risks as well as the potential need
the operating room after a token resuscitation, current for a stoma should be explained carefully. Patients
standards suggest that an initial appropriate period of requiring emergency large-bowel surgery should be
resuscitation along with physiological and radiological marked for potential stoma sites and if possible par-
evaluation should be undertaken. Many patients with ticipation of a stoma therapist arranged.
colonic conditions can be managed non-­operatively The risk of postoperative deep vein thrombosis
with bowel rest, antibiotics and blood components. and pulmonary embolus is substantial in this group
Comorbid disease such as cardiac, pulmonary and of patients, and prophylactic measures are essential.
metabolic conditions are optimised and critically ill Options include intermittent pneumatic calf compres-
patients are monitored in an intensive care setting. If sion and subcutaneous low-molecular-weight hepa-
adequate facilities and personnel are not readily avail- rin. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy is standard, with
able, transfer to a tertiary care facility should be con- broad-spectrum single-dose therapy as effective as
sidered if the patient can be readily stabilised. multiple-dose regimens. The duration of prophylactic
The operative mortality for emergency colon re- antibiotics should be less than 24 hours. If significant
sections is two to three times that associated with infection or contamination is found intraoperatively,
elective resection. As a result, surgeons have investi- empirical therapeutic antibiotics may be indicated.
gated ways of stabilising patients in order to convert
emergency into more planned, elective procedures. Disease process
Deciding if and when to operate can be difficult, and
active observation and consultation with colleagues Colonic emergencies can be divided into ischaemia,
is often helpful in the decision-making process. obstruction, perforation and bleeding. These cat-
Active participation of the attending/consultant sur- egories will be discussed in turn, with attention to
geon in both the assessment and operative procedure their pathophysiology, evaluation and management.
is essential in this group of very challenging patients.
When emergency surgery is necessary, there has
been a clear trend towards single rather than staged Colonic ischaemia
procedures for large-bowel disorders. When fea-
sible, this approach reduces the length of hospital Although the colon has a generous overlapping blood
stay and avoids the risks of multiple operations. supply, any interruption in blood flow produces isch-
However, in some unfit or acutely septic patients, a aemia. Anatomical locations that have the potential to
staged approach may still be preferable. be vulnerable to ischaemic disease include: Griffith's

179 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
point at the splenic flexure (junction of the superior f­ull-thickness necrosis and right-sided involvement
mesenteric artery (SMA) and the inferior mesenteric ar- than do those with spontaneous ischaemic colitis
tery (IMA)); Sudeck's critical point at the mid-sigmoid who were previously well. The mortality associated
colon (junction of the IMA and hypogastric vascula- with colonic infarction in these patients who are se-
ture); and the caecum (distal distribution of the SMA). verely ill from another disease process is extremely
high. In one report of 17 such patients the mortality
Aetiological factors and rate was 57%.3 One must therefore have a very high
index of suspicion for full-thickness necrosis in this
pathophysiology group of patients and be ready to intervene early.
Spontaneous ischaemic colitis may occur without
As outlined in Box 10.1, colonic ischaemia can re- any demonstrable vessel occlusion on angiography.4
sult from a number of conditions. The pathological changes seen in the colon are identi-
Interruption of flow in large vessels following aor- cal to those caused by vessel occlusion and resulting
tic surgery varies from 1–2% for elective cases to decreased in blood flow to the colon. The spectrum of
as high as 60% during emergency aneurysm repair.1 disease varies from mild submucosal oedema to frank
Sudden occlusion of the IMA can also occur as a full-thickness necrosis. Most cases are the milder self-
result of angiographic trauma with subintimal dis- limiting variety that are typically seen in middle-aged
section or as a result of either blunt or penetrating or elderly patients, often following episodes of dehy-
abdominal trauma. Atheromatous narrowing or dration. In younger patients, who are mostly women,
occlusion of the IMA is not unusual. However, in there has been an association between ischaemic coli-
most cases this occurs gradually, and the collateral tis and the use of oral contraceptive drugs.5
circulation from the SMA can compensate for the
decrease in flow through collateral circulation via
the marginal artery. If the IMA becomes acutely
thrombosed or occluded with an embolus and the
collateral circulation is inadequate, the clinical pic- Colonic ischaemia usually presents in one of two ways.
ture will be similar to that found after IMA ligation The milder cases are manifest by diffuse and/or bloody
during aortic surgery. diarrhoea. Patients with frank colonic infarction fre-
Any of the connective tissue diseases that produce quently develop acidosis, glucose intolerance, renal
inflammation in the small-intestinal arteries (intrin- failure, obvious sepsis, and abdominal distension or
sic small-vessel disease) can also result in colonic tenderness. The diagnosis of postoperative ischaemia
ischaemia.2 Another variant of ischaemic colitis oc- can be made with flexible sigmoidoscopy performed
curs in patients who are severely ill with conditions at the bedside. If the symptoms are not explained by
that cause hypotension, decreased cardiac output flexible sigmoidoscopy, a colonoscopy may occasion-
or peripheral vasoconstriction, with a decreased ally be required to rule out more proximal disease.
flow to the end organ (low-flow states). This group The endoscopic appearance of colonic ischaemia may
of patients appears to have a higher incidence of range from submucosal oedema with haemorrhage
and ulceration to the dusky blue mucosal colour of in-
farction. Frank gangrene mandates immediate surgery
Box 10.1  •  Classification of ischaemic colitis and resection; however, the colon with just mucosal
oedema and haemorrhage may be watched closely.
I. Interruption of flow in large vessels The diagnosis can be made with endoscopy, barium
A. Following ligation during aortic surgery enema or computed tomography (CT). Endoscopy
B. Injury secondary to angiographic, blunt or penetrating can be performed in the office or at the bedside and the
trauma pathological state can be viewed directly (Fig. 10.1).
C. Spontaneous thrombosis of large vessels CT is rapidly becoming more common and ischaemia
II. Intrinsic small-vessel disease presents as thickened bowel wall (Fig. 10.2).
III. Low-flow state in the critically ill There are three possible outcomes of ischaemic
IV. Spontaneous ischaemic colitis without demonstrable vessel
occlusion 1. Resolution of the process is the most common
A. Self-limiting without sequelae clinical course.
B. With subsequent stricture formation 2. Progression to full-thickness necrosis is unusual,
V. Miscellaneous especially if there is no evidence of gangrenous
A. Secondary to luminal obstruction bowel at the first examination.
B. Young adults
3. The condition may evolve to an ulcerative stage,
C. Renal allograft recipients
which may eventually result in stricture formation.

180 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

and resultant diminution of blood flow in the co-

lonic wall, or a decrease in aortic blood pressure
and vena caval return with straining in obstructive
lesions.7 Knowledge of this association is of obvious
importance to avoid using ischaemic bowel for an

If the diagnosis of ischaemic colitis is made early,
non-operative treatment is warranted in the first
instance. Mild cases can be managed on an outpa-
tient basis with a clear liquid diet, close observa-
tion and possibly antibiotic therapy. More serious
cases require hospitalisation, bowel rest, nasogas-
tric suction (if there are any signs of ileus), and opti-
misation of blood flow to the mucosa (intravenous
hydration and optimisation of cardiac output). If
the patient is receiving digitalis, a serum level should
be checked because toxic digitalis levels can have a
Figure 10.1  •  Endoscopic view of colonic ischaemia. marked vasoconstrictive effect on visceral circula-
tion. Parenteral antibiotics (such as a second- or
third-generation cephalosporin) are used by some
surgeons because of the suggestion that colonic
ischaemia may allow colonic bacterial transmigra-
tion, although there are no strong data to support
or refute their use. Patients with ischaemia result-
ing from arteritides may respond to corticosteroid
Specific indications for surgery include peritoni-
tis, perforation, sepsis and failure of non-operative
therapy. At operation a wide resection of non-viable
colon is performed. Primary anastomosis is usu-
ally unsafe because of the potential for postopera-
tive progression of the ischaemia. A double-barrel
Figure 10.2  •  CT scan of colonic ischaemia. stoma or end stoma and separate mucous fistula is
safer and allows assessment of the bowel viability
in the postoperative period. The mortality rate for
During the ulcerative stage the endoscopic and
ischaemic colitis among renal transplant patients is
radiographic findings may mimic Crohn's disease. 70%.2 Diagnostic manoeuvres should therefore be
Occasionally the early phases of this disease will initiated at the first suspicion of ischaemia in these
go unnoticed or undiagnosed, and the patient will high-risk patients, and surgery should be aggres-
present with a stricture. sive once the diagnosis is made (resection of any
compromised bowel with an end stoma). Primary
Ischaemic colitis may also be associated with a anastomosis after resection is ill advised in these
complete or partial bowel obstruction. In one re- patients.
ported series,6 10% of patients with colonic isch-
aemia had an associated carcinoma and another
10% had some other condition that potentially Colonic obstruction
interfered with colonic motility. When ischaemic
colitis occurs in association with tumour, the isch-
aemic area is usually proximal to the tumour and
Colonic volvulus
may or may not be associated with obstruction. Volvulus can be defined as a twisting or torsion of
The investigators in this study and others specu- bowel around its mesentery and occurs most com-
lated that colonic blood flow could be decreased as monly in the sigmoid colon (76%), but also in the
a consequence of increased intraluminal pressure, caecum (22%) and the transverse colon (2%).8 One
hyperperistalsis with increased muscular spasm, report suggested that 40–60% of patients have had

181 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10

previous episodes of obstruction.9 In the USA, vol-

vulus represents a rare cause of intestinal obstruc-
tion, encompassing less than 5% of large-bowel
obstructions. However, worldwide it may represent
more than 50% of the cases in some countries.10

Sigmoid volvulus
The sigmoid colon rotates through 180–720° in
either a clockwise or anticlockwise direction to
produce the volvulus.11 A narrowed sigmoid meso-
colon provides a pedicle for rotation. The condition
is occasionally associated with Chagas' disease and
Hirschsprung's disease, in which redundancy of the
colon is a feature, in addition to non-specific motil-
ity disorders of the colon.12
A typical patient with a sigmoid volvulus pres-
ents with abdominal pain, constipation and feeling
bloated. On examination there is marked disten-
sion, which is often asymmetrical. Severe pain and
tenderness, associated with tachycardia and hypo-
tension, may suggest colonic ischaemia. Patients
who develop sigmoid volvulus in the industrialised
world tend to be older, and one-third either have Figure 10.3  •  Radiograph of the abdomen
mental illness or are institutionalised.12 demonstrates the characteristic massive dilation of the
Findings on the plain abdominal radiograph are of- sigmoid colon arising from the pelvis and extending
ten characteristic. Massive distension of the sigmoid to the right diaphragm. The arrow points to three lines
colon is visible; the bowel loses its haustration and representing the twisted walls of the sigmoid colon, which
extends in an inverted U from the pelvis to the right converge in the left lower quadrant.
upper quadrant of the abdomen (Fig. 10.3). Fluid lev-
els are seen in both limbs of the loop on the erect ischaemia at colonoscopy should also undergo emer-
film, commonly at different levels (‘pair of scales’). gency laparotomy. Since it is likely that resection will be
In one-third of patients, the appearances are atypical required, the patient should be placed in the lithotomy/
and a water-soluble contrast enema should be carried Trendelenburg position on the operating table. If co-
out. This may demonstrate narrowing of the contrast lonic distension makes it difficult to handle the colon, a
column at the point of twisting, which has been de- needle inserted obliquely through a taenia coli attached
scribed as resembling the beak of a bird of prey. to a suction apparatus aids decompression. If the colon
Volvulus patients often present with significant fluid is gangrenous, it should be resected with as little ma-
and electrolyte abnormalities, which require careful nipulation as possible; the most widely recommended
correction. Untwisting and decompression are the ini- procedure is a segmental colectomy with an end colos-
tial treatments of choice as long as the patient lacks tomy and closure of the rectal stump (Hartmann's op-
clinical features suggestive of colonic strangulation. eration). In a prospective randomised trial from West
Untwisting has been described using several techniques, Africa, Bagarani et al. compared the operative treat-
including rigid or flexible sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, ment in 31 patients with or without gangrene.16 When
blind passage of a rectal tube, and instillation of rectal gangrene was present, the mortality for Hartmann's
contrast during a barium enema examination.13–15 The procedure was 12.5% compared with 33.3% when
endoscopic method of decompression has the advan- resection and anastomosis were performed.
tage that decompression can be done under vision, in- A small number of surgeons have described resection
creasing the accuracy of insertion through the twisted and primary anastomosis with good results. A study
segment in the sigmoid colon. In addition, the mucosa from India reported 197 patients with acute sigmoid
of the whole sigmoid loop can be visualised directly volvulus treated by single-stage resection and anasto-
and the identification of gangrenous mucosal patches mosis, 23 of whom had gangrene of the bowel.17 Only
is an indication for operative management. two patients had anastomotic leaks, both of which
If symptoms and signs suggest ischaemia of the co- responded to non-operative management. The two
lon, laparotomy should be undertaken after the patient mortalities occurred in ­elderly patients who presented
has been adequately resuscitated. Likewise, the patient with perforations. A study from Ghana reported 21
who has unsuccessful non-operative treatment and patients with acute s­ igmoid volvulus treated by single-
those who have clinical features suggestive of colonic stage resection and anastomosis, 15 of whom had

182 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

gangrene of the bowel.18 Only one patient had a mi- A variety of fixation procedures have been de-
nor anastomotic leak, which responded to conserva- scribed but have been associated with high recur-
tive management. However, it is important to stress rence rates.15
that the majority of the patients in these studies were
young and these results may not be applicable to the Ileosigmoid knotting
typical Western patient. In contrast, a series from the Ileosigmoid knotting is a variant of sigmoid volvu-
USA with 228 patients reported a mortality rate of lus in which the ileum twists around the base of the
24% for emergency operations and 6% for elective mesocolon (Fig. 10.4). It is also known as double
operations. This study found mortality to correlate volvulus. Three factors are responsible for ileosig-
with emergency surgery and necrotic colon.14 moid knotting: (i) a long small-bowel mesentery and
Intraoperative colonic irrigation may facilitate pri- freely mobile small bowel; (ii) a long sigmoid colon
mary anastomosis in patients with sigmoid volvu- on a narrow pedicle; and (iii) ingestion of high-bulk
lus who require emergency operation, since faecal diet in the presence of empty small bowel.19
loading proximal to the volvulus may increase the The condition is characterised by very acute on-
risk of anastomotic dehiscence. However, it is still set of agonising generalised abdominal pain and
important that only patients who are generally fit repeated vomiting. Gangrene of the ileum and sig-
and without systemic sepsis and peritoneal contami- moid colon is common. Generalised peritonitis, sep-
nation are selected for this procedure. sis and dehydration are recognised complications,
Because the risk of recurrent volvulus after de- with hypovolaemic shock occurring early. The erect
compression and de-rotation has been reported to plain abdominal radiograph shows a dilated sig-
be between 40% and 60%,9 elective surgery to pre- moid colon and fluid levels in the small bowel.
vent further volvulus should always be considered. Initial management consists of resuscitation and
The most widely accepted procedure is resection, administration of antibiotics followed by surgical
which is now associated with an operative mortal- intervention. Resection and anastomosis of the ter-
ity of 2–3%. The operation may be performed as minal ileum and a Hartmann procedure is the most
a laparoscopic-assisted procedure through a small commonly performed operation. Recent reports
incision under local anaesthesia if required. suggest that primary colonic anastomosis can be

Figure 10.4  •  Ileosigmoid knotting.

183 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
undertaken safely when there is a short history and
the colon is clean and well vascularised. The condi-
tion unfortunately carries a very high mortality rate,
ranging from 15% to 73%.20

Transverse colon volvulus

Volvulus affecting the transverse colon is less common
than sigmoid volvulus, accounting for only 2.6% of all
cases of colonic volvulus in one series.21 Predisposing
conditions include pregnancy, chronic constipation,
distal colonic obstruction and previous gastric surgery.
The plain abdominal radiograph usually shows gas-
filled loops of large intestine with wide fluid levels.
The condition is often mistaken for sigmoid volvulus
and the diagnosis is rarely made preoperatively. After
the operative diagnosis is confirmed and the transverse
colon untwisted, evidence of distal obstruction should
be sought. Operative choices include a transverse col-
ectomy or an extended right hemicolectomy.
A primary anastomosis after resection is probably
safe. However, in the presence of gangrenous bowel
and significant peritoneal contamination, the safest
approach may be to resect the affected colon and
exteriorise both ends.

Caecal volvulus Figure 10.5  •  Abdominal radiograph demonstrates a

Volvulus of the caecum is less common than volvulus massively dilated caecum folded over into the left upper
of the sigmoid colon, representing 28% of all cases quadrant with distended small bowel.
of colonic volvulus reported over a 10-year period in
Edinburgh.22 It is likely that incomplete rotation of
the midgut leaves the caecum and ascending colon upper quadrant with a concavity to the right iliac
inadequately fixed to the posterior abdominal wall fossa is diagnostic (Fig. 10.5) and there may be
with a substantial length of mesentery. Conditions small-bowel loops lying to the right side of the cae-
that alter the normal anatomy may predispose to cum. A single, long fluid level on the erect film is
caecal volvulus. There is an increased risk of caecal characteristic. If doubt persists, a contrast enema
volvulus in pregnancy, and some patients are found will show a beaked appearance in the ascending co-
to have adhesions from previous surgery. There is lon at the site of the volvulus (Fig. 10.6).
also an association with distal colonic obstruction. Management depends on the clinical picture. The pa-
Volvulus usually takes place in a clockwise direction tient who is unfit for surgical treatment can be consid-
around the ileocolic vessels and, although the term ered for colonoscopy since occasional successes have
‘caecal volvulus’ is used, the condition also involves been reported using this method.23 However, laparot-
the ascending colon and ileum. As it twists, the cae- omy is necessary in most patients. If the right colon is
cum comes to occupy a position above and to the left gangrenous at operation, the treatment of choice is a
of its original position. A similar condition, which right hemicolectomy. A primary anastomosis should
is seen very occasionally, is ‘caecal bascule’. In this be possible in most cases even in the presence of con-
condition, the caecum folds upwards on itself, pro- tamination of the peritoneal cavity. It should be re-
ducing a sharp kink in the ascending colon. membered that there is a markedly increased mortality
It is difficult to differentiate between caecal vol- in patients who have caecal gangrene. A report from
vulus and other forms of proximal large-bowel the Mayo Clinic found a mortality rate of 12% in pa-
obstruction on clinical grounds. Some patients will tients with caecal volvulus with a viable caecum, rising
have a previous history of episodes of obstruction to 33% in the presence of colonic gangrene.24
that subsequently settled with non-operative treat- There is more controversy about the procedure of
ment. The main presenting symptoms are colicky ab- choice in patients who have a viable caecum after re-
dominal pain and vomiting. A tympanitic abdominal duction of the volvulus. On the one hand untwisting
swelling will usually be present in the mid-abdomen. alone is associated with a high recurrence rate, but on
On the supine abdominal radiograph, a ‘comma’- the other hand resection, which avoids all risk of re-
shaped caecal shadow in the mid-abdomen or left currence, carries a small risk of anastomotic leak.

184 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction

Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO) is the
term used to describe the syndrome in which patients
present with symptoms and signs of large-bowel ob-
struction but in whom no mechanical cause can be
demonstrated at contrast radiology. In more than
80% of patients with ACPO, an underlying precip-
itating condition exists, of which at least 50 have
been described.27 The most common of these asso-
ciated conditions are metabolic disorders, trauma
and cardiorespiratory disease (Box 10.2). The term
‘Ogilvie's syndrome’ is loosely used in the literature
as a synonym for ACPO, although it was actually
used first to describe the pseudo-obstruction associ-
ated with retroperitoneal malignant infiltration. The
mortality rate of ACPO is high, partly as a result of
the underlying disorders but also related to failure to
recognise the condition, leading to inappropriate op-
eration. The true incidence is hard to ascertain since
a number of unrecognised cases are likely to resolve
spontaneously and diagnostic criteria are variable.
However, it has been estimated that some 200 deaths
per annum in the UK may result from ACPO.28
The state of colonic motility at any point in time is de-
termined by a balance of the inhibitory influence of the
Figure 10.6  •  Water-soluble contrast enema sympathetic nervous supply and the stimulatory effect
demonstrates a beak-like termination at the point of of the parasympathetic system. It has been suggested
obstruction in the ascending colon with a markedly dilated that ‘neuropraxia’ of the sacral parasympathetic nerves
caecum seen high in the abdomen. may be a factor in the aetiology of ACPO, leading to
a failure of propulsion in the left colon. This would
also explain the ‘cut-off’ between dilated and collapsed
However, in one study of 22 patients there was no bowel, which is located on the left side of the large
mortality and no anastomotic leaks. A 14% morbidity bowel in 82% of patients.29 Many of the conditions
included one abdominal wall abscess, one intra-­ commonly associated with ACPO, such as sepsis, are
abdominal abscess and one medical complication.25 likely to result from sympathetic overactivity.
The other two procedures commonly performed for
caecal volvulus are caecostomy and caecopexy. Presentation
Reports on the use of caecostomy demonstrate a wide The clinical features of ACPO are almost identical to
variation in terms of both recurrence (0–25%) and those of mechanical large-bowel obstruction, making
mortality (0–33%). Some authors express concern
over the morbidity of caecostomy and the occasional
serious complication of abdominal wall sepsis and fas- Box 10.2  • Predisposing conditions in acute colonic
ciitis, in addition to the potential for a persistent fistula. pseudo-obstruction

Chest infection
The treatment of caecal volvulus has been reviewed
in a large study comprising 561 published cases.26 Myocardial infarction
This review showed that caecopexy was associated Cerebrovascular accident
with a mortality rate of 10% and a recurrence rate of Renal failure
13%. If all circumstances are favourable, resection Puerperium
appears to be a justifiable procedure with minimal risk
Retroperitoneal malignancy (Ogilvie's syndrome)
of recurrence, accepting that there may be a small
number of patients who will have increased bowel Orthopaedic trauma
frequency. In other circumstances, the minimum Myxoedema
procedure compatible with survival becomes the goal. Electrolyte disturbance

185 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
differentiation on clinical grounds alone almost im- be measured on sequential abdominal radiographs
possible. In a review of 400 patients it was noted that since it is believed that the risk of caecal rupture
the clinical features of ACPO were abdominal pain increases greatly with increasing caecal diameter.30
(83%), constipation (51%), diarrhoea (41%), fever
(37%) and abdominal distension (100%).29 On ex- There is overwhelming support for the use
amination, the abdomen is generally very distended of a contrast enema in all patients with suspected
and tympanitic, but tenderness is often less than ex- ACPO in order to establish the diagnosis, since the
pected. The majority of patients will already have differentiation from mechanical obstruction can be
had operative procedures or have been hospitalised extremely difficult. This is well illustrated in a study
for some time because of some other disorder, and reported by Koruth et al., who performed a contrast
serum electrolytes are often abnormal. enema on 91 patients with suspected large-bowel
obstruction.31 Of the 79 patients who were thought
Investigation (see also Chapter 5) clinically to have mechanical obstruction, the
diagnosis was confirmed in 50. There was free
Plain radiographs of the abdomen in ACPO typi-
flow of contrast to the caecum in the remaining
cally show gross distension of the large bowel with
29 patients. Of these 29, 11 had non-obstructing
cut-off at the splenic flexure, rectosigmoid junction
colonic pathology such as diverticular disease
or, less commonly, the hepatic flexure (Fig. 10.7). and ulcerative colitis and 18 patients had pseudo-
Gas–fluid levels are less commonly seen on the plain obstruction. Of the 12 patients who were thought to
radiograph in patients with ACPO compared with have pseudo-obstruction before the water-soluble
those presenting with mechanical obstruction.30 It contrast enema, two were shown to have carcinoma
has been suggested that a prone lateral view of the of the colon.
rectum may be useful in making the diagnosis since
gaseous filling of the rectum will tend to exclude
mechanical obstruction. The caecal diameter should Management
The initial management of ACPO is non-operative
and the underlying cause is treated if possible. Any
medications that cause gut stasis should be discon-
tinued, particularly analgesics. A nasogastric tube
is routinely inserted to prevent swallowed air from
entering the intestine and the use of enemas and
flatus tubes is said to be of value in the treatment
of early colonic pseudo-obstruction; in a number
of patients even the water-soluble contrast enema
used to establish the diagnosis may have a useful
therapeutic effect. In most patients, the condition
will resolve without intervention. One study found
that it took an average of 6.5 days for complete
resolution to take place in a group of 26 patients
treated medically.30 Progress should be checked by
serial examination of the abdomen and by abdomi-
nal radiographs.
It is only when the risk of perforation increases
substantially that more active intervention becomes
necessary. The risk of perforation is approximately
3% and it has been shown that there is a correlation
between perforation and the duration of disten-
sion.32 The mean duration of distension was 6 days
in the group of patients who went on to perforate
compared with a mean duration of only 2 days in
the group that did not progress to perforation.

In a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial

of neostigmine only, 10 of 11 patients who were
treated with intravenous neostigmine had prompt
passage of flatus or stool, with reduced abdominal
distension, compared with none of 10 patients who
Figure 10.7  •  Plain abdominal radiograph of a patient
received placebo injection.33
with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction.

186 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

These results were mirrored in a trial of 28 pa- c­ aecum using radiological guidance for the purpose of
tients, with rapid resolution in 26. Time to pass fla- decompression. A trephine caecostomy may be per-
tus varied from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. In the formed under local anaesthesia. To avoid contamina-
two patients who failed to resolve, one was found tion, the caecum can be sutured to the incised external
to have a sigmoid cancer and the other died of or internal oblique muscles and only opened when the
multi-organ failure.34 There is a risk of bradycar- peritoneal cavity is sealed off. Only when perforation
dia with cholinergic agonists, and it has been sug- of the caecum is suspected should a full laparotomy
gested that patients with cardiac instability should be performed. If a perforation or necrosis of the cae-
not be treated with neostigmine. Interestingly, cum has already occurred, a full laparotomy is neces-
there is anecdotal evidence that the concomitant sary and a right hemicolectomy is the treatment of
administration of glycopyrrolate with neostigmine choice. When resection of the right colon is required,
seems to offset the risk of bradycardia and may be it is probably safest to bring out an ileostomy and mu-
considered in patients with cardiac instability.35 cous fistula and reanastomose the two ends of bowel
Epidural anaesthesia blocks sympathetic outflow, at a later date. Primary anastomosis may be feasible if
and improvement has been observed in a number contamination of the peritoneal cavity is not a feature
of patients with ACPO who have had this form of and the remaining colon looks healthy.
The use of colonoscopy to decompress the colon in Malignant large-bowel obstruction
ACPO has become well established and it is success-
ful in 73–90% of patients.37 The procedure can be Approximately 85% of colonic emergencies are due
difficult and tedious, requiring a skilled colonosco- to colon cancer and most of these occur in the el-
pist, and air insufflation must be kept to a minimum. derly patient.43 However, only 8–29% of colorectal
Frequent small-volume irrigation is required to en- cancer patients present with intestinal obstruction.44
sure good visibility in the colon and maintain the pa- Approximately half of splenic flexure tumours pres-
tency of the colonoscope suction channel. A further ent with obstruction, compared to 25% of those
advantage of colonoscopy is that necrotic patches in the left colon, 6% of rectosigmoid lesions and
can be identified on the colonic mucosa, allowing 8–30% of right-sided carcinomas.45 Both obstruc-
pre-emptive surgical treatment before perforation su- tion and perforation occur together in approxi-
pervenes. The risk of perforation of the colon during mately 1% of all colon cancers, but in patients who
colonoscopy for this condition has been estimated at have an obstruction caused by cancer, 12–19% will
around 3%,38 and other complications are very un- have a perforation.44 The perforation may either be
usual. It should be emphasised, however, that radio- at the site of the tumour or in the caecum, caused
graphs taken after successful clinical response often by back pressure from the distal obstructing lesion.
fail to show complete resolution of caecal distension, The influence of obstruction on prognosis is contro-
and one disadvantage of colonoscopic treatment is versial. Some studies suggest that the apparent adverse
the tendency for the condition to recur. The over- effect of obstruction on prognosis is a consequence of
all rate of recurrence following initial colonoscopic the stage of the disease rather than obstruction itself,
decompression varies from 15% to 29%.39 There is as 27% have liver metastasis at the time of opera-
some difference of opinion about the best method of tion.46 Other reports, however, suggest that obstruc-
management of recurrent ACPO, but the safety and tion is an independent predictor of poor prognosis.47
efficacy of repeat colonic decompression has now
been reported.27,37,39 A potential means of avoiding Presentation
recurrence is intubation of the caecum with a long Symptoms associated with large-bowel obstruction
intestinal tube passed alongside the colonoscope.40 frequently reflect the site of the tumour. In right-sided
The indications for surgery include the following: obstruction, particularly at the level of the ileocaecal
1. Caecal distension – the extent of distension valve, the onset of colicky central abdominal pain
may be quite sudden and vomiting a relatively early
varies between authors, from 9 to 12 cm,41 the
feature. If the obstruction is at the rectosigmoid junc-
threshold rising with increasing availability of tion, there may be a history of a change in bowel habit
medical therapy. and of rectal bleeding, with vomiting uncommon.
2. Continuing caecal distension beyond 48–72 On examination, abdominal distension is the
hours despite maximum medical therapy. most notable feature. Peritoneal irritation suggests
3. Pain over the right iliac fossa, i.e. the caecum. that perforation is either imminent or may have al-
4. Pneumoperitoneum. ready occurred. Palpation of an irregular liver edge
­suggests that liver metastasis may be present and a
There are doctors who recommend percutane- palpable mass on rectal examination obviously sug-
ous caecostomies,42 where a tube is inserted into the gests a carcinoma of the rectum.

187 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10

Plain abdominal radiography will usually pro-
vide the diagnosis of large-bowel obstruction.
The pattern of gas distribution in both the small
and large bowel will depend on the site of ob-
struction and also on whether the ileocaecal
valve is competent. However, as already men-
tioned, differentiation from ACPO requires a
contrast enema.

A water-soluble contrast enema (Fig. 10.8)

should be carried out in all patients with suspected
large-bowel obstruction without evidence of

A water-soluble contrast enema will exclude other

conditions such as volvulus or pseudo-obstruction Figure 10.9  •  CT scan of a patient with a perforated
and, in addition, may go some way to cleansing the caecum (perforation indicated by arrow). The scan also
colon distal to the obstructing lesion. Sigmoidoscopy revealed an obstructing splenic flexure tumour and
or colonoscopy can be useful, particularly if the sus- extensive liver metastases.
pected obstructing lesion is in the distal colon. In
addition, either technique can be used to exclude Management
synchronous carcinoma or adenoma below the level The morbidity and mortality rate associated with
of obstruction. CT with intravenous and water- emergency procedures for obstruction of the colon
soluble rectal contrast is increasingly used in the is at least twice that for elective surgery. This has
emergency setting and this has the added advantage encouraged surgeons to develop methods such as
of providing information on the spread of disease the use of expandable intraluminal stents. These can
preoperatively (Fig. 10.9). be used to palliate patients or to convert emergency
operations into elective procedures. Several colonic
stents are currently available and can be placed us-
ing radiological or endoscopic assistance. Various
models can be deployed over guidewires or through
an endoscope.
A review of 54 case series that included 1198
patients48 found that in 791 palliative patients,
technical success was possible in 93% and clini-
cal success (defined as decompression in less than
48 hours) in 91%. Stents also provided successful
conversion to elective procedures in 92% of 407
patients. Intraluminal stenting was more success-
ful in shorter, distal lesions and colonic primaries.
Technical failure usually results from an inability to
pass the guidewire or stent catheter across the le-
sion. Reported complications include perforation in
3.8%, stent migration in 12% and re-obstruction
in 7%.
When surgery is undertaken, patients with right-
sided obstruction should be positioned flat on
the operating table. Those with left-sided large-
bowel obstruction are placed in the lithotomy/
Trendelenburg position to allow access to the anus
during the procedure for purposes of irrigation of
the rectal stump or anal insertion of a surgical sta-
Figure 10.8  •  Water-soluble contrast enema pling instrument. It also allows the surgical assistant
demonstrating complete obstruction in the proximal the option of standing between the patient's legs.
sigmoid colon. The abdomen is opened through a midline incision.

188 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

If the bowel is tense, it should be decompressed: first, from anastomotic failure. This suggests that instead
to improve visualisation of the rest of the abdomen of subjecting all patients with obstruction to right
and, second, to prevent spillage of faecal content. hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis, it may
The large bowel can be decompressed by inserting be wiser to use a policy of selection, subjecting pa-
a 16 G intravenous catheter or 18 F nasogastric tube tients with good risk status to primary anastomosis
obliquely through the colonic wall, following which and managing patients with risk factors for anasto-
suction is applied. This is often enough to make it motic failure by resection and exteriorisation of the
possible to handle the large bowel without fear of bowel ends.
rupture as the distension is mainly gas. After locali- The anastomotic technique used will depend on
sation of the primary tumour, synchronous tumours the surgeon's preference. If the obstructed bowel
should be excluded. The presence of direct spread is very thickened and oedematous, care should be
to adjacent structures should also be assessed, in ad- taken with the use of stapling instruments since
dition to any peritoneal seedlings and the presence there is a tendency for the instruments to cut
of liver secondaries. Based on these observations, a through oedematous bowel. On these occasions a
decision can be made as to whether the operation is sutured anastomosis is preferable. Only on the rela-
potentially curative or palliative. tively rare occasion when locally advanced disease
When there is a prospect of curative resection, is unresectable should the patient be subjected to
standard techniques of radical cancer therapy an ileo-transverse colon bypass procedure. There is
should be employed, including wide excision of almost no place for caecostomy in the current man-
the lesion en bloc with the appropriate blood ves- agement of right-sided large-bowel obstruction;
sels and mesentery. If the lesion is adherent to other trephine ileostomy, which can usually be achieved
structures, an attempt should be made to resect the under local anaesthesia, affords better palliation in
affected part en bloc. High cure rates are possible very sick patients not fit for operation under general
with locally advanced tumours if a radical resection anaesthesia.
is performed and clear resection margins obtained. Most surgeons would advocate an extended right
The presence of liver or peritoneal metastases does hemicolectomy for patients with transverse colon
not preclude resection of the primary carcinoma carcinoma, and decompression of the colon may be
and gastrointestinal continuity should be restored necessary to facilitate mobilisation. For the patient
if at all possible. who has a large carcinoma obstructing the trans-
If there is a closed loop obstruction because of verse colon, achieving clearance may be difficult
competence of the ileocaecal valve, the caecum and because of involvement of the transverse mesocolon
right colon may be very tense. Decompression can and adjacent organs. The splenic flexure is mobil-
be achieved as a preliminary to resection by mak- ised to assist with a primary anastomosis between
ing a small enterotomy in the terminal ileum and ileum and upper descending colon. In the sick pa-
passing a Foley catheter through the ileocaecal valve tient who already has a perforated caecum, resec-
into the caecum. This technique is particularly use- tion and an ileostomy may be appropriate.
ful in situations where there is splitting of the taenia For obstructing left-sided colonic tumours, the
on the caecum, indicating impending rupture. The two most frequent options are resection and either
range of operations available for treatment of right- primary anastomosis, or colostomy and rectal clo-
sided tumours causing obstruction includes right sure (Hartmann's procedure). A three-stage proce-
hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis, right dure (diverting colostomy, resection and colostomy
hemicolectomy with exteriorisation of both ends of closure) is now rarely used, and only in critically
the large bowel, and ileo-transverse colon bypass. ill patients. Two-stage procedures became popu-
There is general agreement that a right hemicolec- lar during the 1970s and remain the procedure of
tomy with primary anastomosis is the treatment of choice for most surgeons, with an overall mortal-
choice in most patients; however, this procedure ity around 10%.44 However, the main disadvantage
is by no means free of complications. One report of this approach, apart from the fact that a second
noted an operative mortality rate of 17% in 195 operation is required for reconstruction, is that ap-
patients who had emergency right hemicolectomy proximately 40% of patients will be left with a per-
with primary anastomosis for obstructing colonic manent stoma.
carcinoma.49 In addition, a leak rate of 10% was The second stage of the two-stage operation may
noted in 179 patients who had a right hemicolec- be difficult because of adhesions, although it is fa-
tomy and primary anastomosis for obstruction. cilitated if the rectal stump has been divided above
This compares with a leak rate of 6% in 579 pa- the peritoneal reflection. The timing of the second
tients with right colon cancer who did not have an stage is also important and most surgeons will wait
obstruction.49 Other studies have shown similar 2–6 months. The second stage of the two-stage
mortality rates, and many of the deaths resulted procedure is increasingly being performed using

189 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
laparoscopic techniques. If successful the hospital incontinence. Subtotal colectomy is clearly the pro-
stay is reduced, but conversion to open surgery cedure of choice when there are synchronous tu-
may be necessary. mours in the colon. When subtotal colectomy with
Primary resection and anastomosis is associated ileorectal anastomosis is selected as the operation of
with a shorter hospital stay, reduced mortality and choice, the whole colon is mobilised and the rectum
morbidity, and the avoidance of a stoma. It is increas- washed out as for elective surgery. After resection of
ingly becoming the operation of choice for colorec- the colon, an ileorectal or ileosigmoid anastomosis
tal surgeons, with the exact procedure depending is performed using either a sutured or stapled tech-
on a number of factors. Subtotal colectomy fol- nique. The first randomised trial comparing subto-
lowed by ileosigmoid or ileorectal anastomosis has tal versus segmental resection was reported in
been reported to have a low operative mortality of 1995.55 This study involved 91 eligible patients re-
3–11% and a hospital stay of around 15–20 days.50 cruited by 18 consultant surgeons in 12 centres; 47
Segmental colectomy (left hemicolectomy, sigmoid were randomised to subtotal colectomy and 44 to
colectomy or anterior resection of the rectosigmoid) on-table irrigation and segmental colectomy. There
with on-table irrigation followed by primary anasto- was no significant difference in operative mortality,
mosis has a reported operative mortality rate around hospital stay, anastomotic leakage or wound sepsis
10%, anastomotic leakage around 4% and hospital between the two groups. There was, however, a sig-
stay of approximately 20 days.51 nificantly higher permanent stoma rate in the subto-
A retrospective study of 243 patients who under- tal colectomy group compared with the segmental
went emergency operation for obstructing colorectal colectomy group (7 vs. 1). The high permanent
cancers showed that primary resection and anasto- stoma rate in the subtotal colectomy group was
mosis for left-sided malignant obstruction either partly accounted for by four patients who were ran-
by segmental resection with on-table lavage or by domised to subtotal colectomy but who underwent
subtotal colectomy was not more hazardous than Hartmann's procedure because this was thought
primary anastomosis for right-sided obstruction.52 clinically more appropriate at the time of surgery by
Single-stage resection with primary anastomosis was the operating surgeon. Two additional patients had
possible in 197 patients. Of the 101 patients with left- the anastomosis taken down at a later date and a
sided obstruction, segmental resection with on-table stoma formed. At follow-up 4 months after the op-
colonic lavage was performed in 75 patients and sub- eration, there was a significantly greater number of
total colectomy in 26. There were no differences in patients who had three or more bowel movements
the mortality or leakage rates between patients with a day after subtotal colectomy than after segmental
right-sided and left-sided lesions (mortality 7.3% vs. resection (14 of 35 vs. 4 of 35). One patient had 12
8.9%; leakage 5.2% vs. 6.9%, respectively). bowel movements per day after subtotal colectomy.
More recent papers have described segmental re- Nearly one-third of patients randomised to subtotal
section and primary anastomosis without any at- colectomy had night-time bowel movements during
tempt to clean the bowel. One study reported only the first few months after operation. In contrast,
one leak and one postoperative death in 58 con- less than 10% of those who had segmental resection
secutive patients with left-sided malignant colonic had this problem.
obstruction who underwent bowel decompression
without irrigation, followed by resection and pri- Segmental resection of the colon, with or
mary colocolic anastomosis.53 The patients in this without intraoperative irrigation, is the preferred
study had a mean age of 63 (range 54–89) years, treatment for left-sided malignant colonic
the leak occurring in a 61-year-old with a sigmoid obstruction.55,56
carcinoma and the death in an 80-year-old due to
myocardial infarction. None of the carcinomas Although the SCOTIA study55 addressed the
described were rectosigmoid or rectal. A further immediate and early results after these two pro-
study of left-sided obstruction in which 40 of 60 cedures, it did not investigate the long-term im-
patients had carcinoma compared one-stage resec- plications of either procedure. It has been argued
tion with Hartmann's procedure.54 There was no that there are advantages in performing a subtotal
significant difference in outcome or time taken to colectomy rather than segmental resection because
complete the operation, with the only death being in synchronous tumours will be removed along with
the Hartmann's group. Again, none of the tumours the obstructing lesion and, since the length of colon
described was more distal than the sigmoid colon. left is small, there should be less risk of developing
Circumstances usually dictate the operative choice. a metachronous tumour. Clearly the operating sur-
In the elderly, segmental resection may be preferable geon needs to take all these factors into account
to a more extensive resection, both in terms of op- when making the final decision on which proce-
erative morbidity and postoperative problems of dure is most suitable for the individual patient.

190 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

Inflammation and infection in this group. Recently, Biondo et al. looked at 327
patients treated for acute left colonic diverticuli-
tis and compared those aged 50 or less with those
Acute colonic diverticulitis older than 50.58 No difference was noted regarding
Colonic diverticula are found with increasing age. It severity or recurrence. Another study found that di-
has been estimated that one-third of the population verticulitis in the young does not follow a particu-
will have colonic diverticula by the age of 50 years larly aggressive course.59 In general, there is a trend
and two-thirds after 80 years. Although the vast towards conservative management of acute diver-
majority of individuals with colonic diverticula are ticulitis, with early investigation and confirmation
asymptomatic, most patients who require surgical of the diagnosis being a fundamental part of this
care do so because of an inflammatory complica- approach. The mortality and morbidity rates can be
tion. Acute diverticulitis can affect any part of the high if emergency surgery is necessary.
colon; in Western Europe and North America, the
left side is more commonly affected, whereas in Investigation
Japan and China right-sided diverticulitis is more Acute right-sided diverticulitis, a rare condition in
commonly seen. Symptomatic complications of the Western world, can be confused with appendicitis
diverticulitis occur in 10–30% of patients, but the as it occurs in a somewhat younger age group than
need for surgery in acute diverticulitis is becoming left-sided disease. In the more common left-sided dis-
less common. ease, the plain abdominal radiograph may show non-
specific abnormalities such as pneumoperitoneum,
Presentation intestinal obstruction or a soft-tissue mass.
Diverticulitis is thought to result from inspissation
of stool in the neck of a diverticulum, with conse- CT is now the favoured modality for
quent inflammation and possible microperforation. acute investigation of suspected acute colonic
This results in local bacterial proliferation, leading diverticultis.60
to inflammation in the surrounding colonic wall
and mesentery (acute phlegmonous diverticulitis). Features of acute diverticulitis include thicken-
A collection of pus may form either in the mesen- ing of the bowel wall, increased soft-tissue density
tery of the colon or adjacent to the colonic wall. within the pericolic fat secondary to inflammation
As the collection of pus enlarges, it becomes walled and a soft-tissue mass, which represents either a
off by loops of small bowel or the peritoneum of phlegmon or an abscess. Advantages of CT include
the pelvis. Occasionally, free perforation into the the accurate assessment of the extent of pericolonic
peritoneal cavity occurs with consequent purulent involvement and the diagnosis of abscess formation
or faecal peritonitis. The Hinchey grading system or perforation (Fig. 10.10). It is also useful for track-
for acute diverticulitis has become fairly widely ac- ing the therapeutic percutaneous drainage of any
cepted, allowing more meaningful comparison be- abscess. When CT is compared with barium enema,
tween outcome studies (Table 10.1).57 CT is no more accurate in terms of diagnosis but
From time to time other complications also arise. undoubtedly provides better definition of the extent
A fistula sometimes develops between bowel and
another adjacent organ (ie. the bladder or vaginal
cuff). Diverticular disease is responsible for around
10% of all cases of left-sided large-bowel obstruc-
tion and is frequently difficult to differentiate from
malignant left-sided large-bowel obstruction on
clinical grounds. Bleeding also occurs.
There has been controversy regarding the virulence
of diverticular disease in younger patients and the
possible increase in need for surgical ­intervention

Table 10.1  • Hinchey classification of peritoneal

contamination in diverticulitis

Stage 1 Pericolic or mesenteric abscess

Stage 2 Walled-off pelvic abscess Figure 10.10  •  Appearance of perforated sigmoid
Stage 3 Generalised purulent peritonitis diverticular disease on CT. The upper arrow shows a
Stage 4 Generalised faecal peritonitis small pocket of free air and the lower arrow one of the

191 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
and severity of the inflammatory process, which is and primary anastomosis, is becoming increasingly
of prognostic value in the short and long term.61 popular among specialist colorectal surgeons.
Ultrasonography has also been used for localised Pain from perforated sigmoid diverticulitis usually
diverticulitis. The main disadvantages of ultraso- commences in the lower abdomen, mostly on the left
nography are that assessment of bowel thickening is side, and gradually spreads throughout the abdomen.
a non-specific finding and assessment is very opera- In 25% of patients, however, signs and symptoms
tor dependent. are predominantly right-sided63 and in some patients
An alternative investigation is contrast enema. might mimic acute appendicitis. On examination,
Despite the extensive literature on the use of con- there are signs of generalised peritonitis including
trast enema in acute diverticulitis, there is no guarding and rebound tenderness. About one-quarter
consensus on either the best contrast agent or the of all patients will have free gas under the diaphragm
optimal timing of the examination. There has been on plain radiography, and at operation purulent peri-
some interest with magnetic resonance imaging in tonitis is more common than faecal peritonitis.64 The
the diagnosis of acute diverticulitis and prospective majority of patients presenting in this way will clearly
observational studies have been encouraging, but require operation following adequate resuscitation.
more formal evaluation is still required.62 Antibiotic therapy should be commenced early to
cover both anaerobic organisms and Gram-negative
Management bacteria. Some patients will improve so much with
Right-sided disease may be encountered unexpect- non-operative treatment that it may be appropriate to
edly at surgery or be operated on for a complication continue with this therapy for a longer period.
diagnosed preoperatively. The treatment options
are controversial, ranging from appendicectomy Operative management
to hemicolectomy. A conservative approach with The patient is placed in the lithotomy/Trendelenburg
appendicectomy and antibiotics has resulted in a position and explored with a midline incision. Pus
similar mortality, morbidity and recurrence as for and faecal material should be removed from the
resection of the diverticulum.63 A right hemicolec- peritoneal cavity and specimens sent for micros-
tomy is the correct operation when it is not possible copy and both aerobic and anaerobic culture.
to rule out the presence of a carcinoma. Intraoperative irrigation of the peritoneal cavity
A typical patient with localised left-sided diver- with 6–10 L of warm saline solution is of value,
ticulitis will complain of pain in the left iliac fossa while the addition of topical antibiotics to the so-
and will be febrile. Examination reveals tenderness lution (e.g. cephradine 1 g in 1 L of 0.9% saline),
and sometimes a mass is palpable per abdomen or although logical, remains unproven.
on rectal examination. In women, a vaginal exami- In addition to treating the peritonitis, surgical
nation should also be performed to exclude gynae- treatment must minimise continued contamination
cological pathology. If sigmoidoscopy is performed, of the peritoneal cavity. A review of 57 reports65
it should be done gently with minimal insufflation on the treatment of acute diverticular disease dem-
of air. onstrated that the operative mortality rates from
In the absence of generalised peritonitis, a non- procedures that involve primary resection (10%)
operative policy is adopted, with antibiotic therapy were less than half those from operations that did
directed against Gram-negative and anaerobic bac- not include excision of the diseased colon (20%). A
teria. Most clinicians advocate bowel rest initially, further reason for advocating primary resection is
and intravenous fluids and antibiotics. If the pain the difficulty experienced at the time of operation
and fever settle within a few days, the patient can go in deciding whether the lesion is a perforated car-
home on oral antibiotics and a barium enema and cinoma or an area of diverticulitis. At laparotomy,
sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy can be performed the appearance of both lesions may be similar when
as an outpatient several weeks later to exclude any the colon is inflamed and oedematous. It has been
malignancy. estimated that as many as 25% of patients with a
If the patient continues with fever, pain or enlarging preoperative diagnosis of perforated diverticulitis
lower abdominal mass, a CT should be obtained. If may be found to have a perforated carcinoma. If
there is an abscess, it can be drained percutaneously there is reasonable suspicion of carcinoma, a radi-
under radiological guidance. In the event of local- cal resection of the lesion, together with the colonic
ised abdominal signs becoming more generalised, or mesentery, needs to be performed. Examination of
if there is a failure of the infective process to settle the resected specimen at the earliest opportunity is
despite adequate non-operative therapy, operation recommended to aid further decision-making.
is indicated. In the small number of patients who Failure to take the resection far enough distally
require operation for localised diverticulitis, pri- beyond the sigmoid colon risks recurrence of di-
mary resection, with or without on-table irrigation verticular disease. Therefore, Hartmann's resection

192 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

with complete excision of the sigmoid and closure Neutropenic enterocolitis

of the rectum, with formation of a left lower quad-
rant colostomy, has been the standard procedure Neutropenic enterocolitis, also known as typhlitis, is
advocated by most surgeons. If the operation is ex- a potentially life-threatening condition characterised
ceptionally difficult owing to the colon being very by an inflammatory process that usually involves the
adherent to surrounding structures, making safe caecum and ascending colon. It occurs most often as
mobilisation impossible, it may be reasonable to a complication of chemotherapy and can progress to
create a proximal stoma, drain the area and transfer necrosis and perforation. Although it can affect any
the patient to a tertiary referral centre for more de- part of the small and large intestine, the cause of its
finitive treatment. predisposition for the right colon is unclear.
There has been an increase in the use of primary anas- Clinical features include nausea, vomiting, abdom-
tomosis in selected patients who have operations for inal pain, distension and diarrhoea, which can be
acute diverticulitis. The main reasons are: (i) that pa- bloody. Right iliac fossa tenderness and pyrexia are
tients receive one operation rather than two; (ii) after a quite common and in later stages peritonitis may be
Hartmann operation many patients are left with a per- present. CT is the diagnostic modality of choice and
manent stoma, either because of unwillingness or unfit- may reveal right-sided colon wall thickening, mesen-
ness to have further surgery; and (iii) reversal operation teric stranding, pneumatosis and ascites (Fig. 10.11).
after Hartmann's resection can be very difficult. Management demands careful evaluation of the
One study reported resection, intraoperative co- patient, with each case treated individually. An
lonic lavage and primary anastomosis in 55 of 124 initial conservative approach includes fluid and
patients with complicated diverticular disease; 49 of electrolyte replacement, broad-spectrum antibiot-
the 55 had diverticulitis, 33 having localised and 16 ics, correction of any attendant coagulopathy and
generalised peritonitis.66 Faecal peritonitis was con- complete bowel rest with parenteral nutrition. The
sidered a contraindication to a one-stage procedure. use of recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating
Four patients died, one from an anastomotic leak. factor to correct chemotherapy-induced neutrope-
Major complications included two anastomotic nia should be considered. Colonic perforation and
leaks (one of which was successfully treated with generalised peritonitis are clear indications for sur-
parenteral nutrition), four re-operations (three for gery. The operative procedure of choice is a right
abdominal wound dehiscence and one for anasto- hemicolectomy, with either exteriorisation of the
motic leak) and four deaths (three of those who died bowel ends or a primary anastomosis, depending on
were over 70 years old). The study concluded that the extent of sepsis and peritoneal soiling. In gen-
one-stage resection is feasible in selected patients. eral, most patients can be managed non-operatively.

One-stage resection for acute complicated Toxic colitis

diverticultis without faecal peritonitis is feasible
and should be considered, depending on patient
Toxic colitis is a potentially fatal complica-
tion of inflammatory bowel disease, particularly

A further study of primary anastomosis in emer-

gency colorectal surgery showed no significant dif-
ference in the incidence of complications, even in
patients with free peritonitis (21.9% perforation,
17.7% localised sepsis).67 The necessity for intra-
operative colonic lavage has also been challenged.
Despite an increasing trend to perform primary
anastomosis in patients who have perforated diver-
ticulitis, the number of patients who are suitable for
such a procedure will be small.
Laparoscopic techniques continue to be used in
an increasing number of diverticular cases with
good results,68 with laparoscopic assessment and
lavage also a possibility. A recent review found
laparoscopic peritoneal lavage for perforated sig-
moid diverticulitis to be a potentially effective and Figure 10.11  •  CT scan showing large retroperitoneal
more conservative alternative to a Hartmann proce- collection (indicated by arrows) secondary to acute
dure.69 Randomised controlled trials are needed to necrotising enterocolitis with a delayed perforation of the
better evaluate its role. posterior wall of the caecum and ascending colon.

193 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
if ­accompanied by megacolon. While several anus (e.g. Mallencott or Foley) to decompress the
schemes exist to accurately identify toxic colitis, rectum and reduce the chance of a stump blowout.
one reasonably simple system employs a defini- The patient typically improves over the ensuing
tion that includes a disease flare-up accompanied few days and can be discharged within a week of
by two of the following criteria: hypoalbuminae- the operation. An appropriate elective procedure
mia (<3.0 g/dL), leucocytosis (>10.5 × 109cells/L), can be considered several months after the patient
tachycardia (>100 beats/minute), temperature recovers.
­elevation (>38.6 °C).70 Use of this relatively objec- Proctocolectomy with end ileostomy is rarely per-
tive definition may aid in the diagnosis and care formed in the severely ill patient with toxic colitis
of these patients, whose severe condition can be because of the excessive rates of morbidity and
under-appreciated because of high dosages of ste- mortality.72 Proctectomy increases the difficulty of
roids, immunomodulators or biological agents. the procedure and risks pelvic bleeding as well as
The initial management is directed at reversing physi- autonomic nerve damage. In rare instances of rec-
ological deficits with intravenous hydration, correction tal perforation or profuse colorectal haemorrhage,
of electrolyte imbalances, and blood product transfu- proctocolectomy may be an option. The surgeon
sions. Free perforation, increasing colonic dilatation, must be cautioned, however, that the macroscopic
massive haemorrhage, peritonitis and septic shock are and microscopic differentiation of ulcerative colitis
indications for emergency operation after the patient from Crohn's proctocolitis is especially difficult in
has been adequately resuscitated. In the absence of severe colitis, and primary proctocolectomy would
these features, medical therapy is initiated with high nullify the future option of a restorative procedure
dosages of intravenous corticosteroids, immunomod- in a patient with ulcerative colitis.
ulators and/or biological agents. Broad-spectrum anti- The need for loop ileostomy combined with de-
biotics directed against intestinal flora are prescribed compression blowhole colostomy has virtually dis-
to minimise the risk of sepsis secondary to transmural appeared with improved medical recognition and
inflammation or microperforation. Anticholinergics, more sophisticated management of toxic colitis.
antidiarrhoeals and narcotics are avoided as they The operation is still useful in extremely ill patients
may worsen already impaired colonic motility or con- or those in whom colectomy would be especially
ceal ominous symptoms. Hyperalimentation may be hazardous (e.g. contained perforation, high-lying
started and the patient is closely observed with serial splenic flexure and pregnancy). Contraindications to
examinations and abdominal roentgenograms. Any the procedure include colorectal haemorrhage, free
worsening of the clinical course over the ensuing 24– perforation and intra-abdominal abscess. The op-
72 hours mandates urgent laparotomy. If the patient eration is considered only a temporising procedure,
improves minimally after 5–7 days of conventional and a definitive operation is commonly performed
therapy, the medical therapy should be altered or sur- approximately 6 months later.
gery should be advised. Experience with ciclosporin or
infliximab in this setting is anecdotal, and should be
weighed against operative therapy while understand- Perforation
ing that surgery in this setting often relegates the pa-
tient to an ileostomy.71
The principal operative options in patients with
Stercoral perforation
toxic colitis are subtotal colectomy with end il- The word stercus means dung or faeces. Perforation
eostomy or loop ileostomy with decompressive of the bowel caused by pressure necrosis from a fae-
blowhole colostomy. The most difficult aspect of cal mass is a rare entity, first reported by Berry at
a subtotal colectomy is managing the distal bowel the Pathological Society of London in 1894. Fewer
stump. The distal limb may be closed with sutures than 100 cases have been reported in the literature,
or staples and then delivered to the anterior ab- although this may reflect the poor outcome (with
dominal wall, where it can lie without tension in mortality rates approaching 50%), an increasing
the subcutaneous fat of the lower midline wound. If reluctance to publish case reports and ill-defined
the bowel end is placed above the fascia, dehiscence diagnostic criteria. There appears to be an equal in-
of the rectal closure during the postoperative period cidence in men and women and the median age for
results in a mucous fistula. If the closed stump is left these patients is said to be 60 years.73
within the peritoneal cavity, staple line dehiscence Reported predisposing factors have included
will produce a pelvic abscess. If the bowel wall is chronic constipation, megacolon, scleroderma, hyper­
too friable to hold sutures or staples, creation of a calcaemia, renal failure and renal transplantation.
mucous fistula is preferred. If there is inadequate Medications associated with stercoral perforation
residual bowel length to create a mucous fistula, include narcotics, postoperative analgesia, antacids,
many surgeons will place a catheter through the calcium channel blockers and antidepressants. Only

194 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

11% of cases are accurately diagnosed prior to l­arge-bowel anastomosis compared with only 7.2%
operation,74 with investigations frequently non- in 1275 patients without a leak.76 In the patients
contributory. Perforations usually occur on the who survive this serious complication, morbidity
antimesenteric border, with the majority occur- and hospital stay are greatly increased.
ring in the sigmoid colon and rectosigmoid region.
Multiple perforations are found in about one-fifth Causes
of patients, with the remaining patients usually hav- A variety of general and local causative factors of
ing ulceration extending away from the perforation. anastomotic dehiscence have been described. General
The suggested clinicopathological diagnostic cri- factors listed usually include poor nutritional state,
teria are: anaemia, uraemia, diabetes, steroid administration and
old age, while suggested local factors involved tension,
• A round or ovoid colonic perforation exceeding
ischaemia or infection of the anastomosis. The risk of
1 cm in diameter. anastomotic leakage in low colorectal anastomosis is
• Faecolomas present within the colon. several times higher than in either ileocolic or colocolic
• Microscopic evidence of pressure necrosis anastomosis. In one report a clinical leak rate for ileo-
or ulcer and chronic inflammatory reaction colic and colocolic anastomosis was 0.4%, whereas the
around the perforation site.75 This study, which leak rate after low colorectal anastomosis was 4.7%.77
constitutes one of the largest single-institution In a review of 477 large-bowel anastomoses, which
included 215 colorectal anastomoses, there were eight
reports on stercoral perforation of the colon,
colorectal and one ileocolic leaks. All nine patients re-
defined strict clinical and pathological criteria quired laparotomy, and seven were salvaged with no
for its diagnosis. Using these criteria stercoral mortality. Three colorectal leaks (small posterior de-
perforation of the colon would appear to occur fects in stapled anastomoses) were closed with inter-
more frequently than previously reported in the rupted endoanal sutures and a proximal loop stoma
literature. fashioned in two patients who did not already have
one. The other two leaks (defect in suture line attribut-
Management of these patients is surgical, with the able to a single suture cutting through) were managed
resection margins sufficiently wide to encompass by creating a controlled external fistula. None of these
all areas of perforation or impending perforations. patients had further complications and all the stomas
The bowel is universally loaded with stool and the were subsequently closed. It is therefore possible to
tendency towards constipation is not removed by salvage anastomotic leaks with a good outcome in se-
a limited resection. The operation should involve lected patients with appropriate operative treatment.
resection of the affected segment and exteriorisa- Another important factor in dehiscence is the oxy-
tion of the bowel for left-sided perforations, with gen tension at the bowel ends used for the anasto-
resection and primary anastomosis being reserved mosis. In an elegant study reported in 1987, it was
for those patients with a right-sided perforation. shown that if tissue oxygen tension in the ends of
The risk of recurrent perforation in the proximal bowel to be anastomosed fell to less than 20 mmHg
colon presents a further problem for those with a (2.66 kPa), there was a high likelihood of anasto-
left-sided perforation. Milking the stool in an ante- motic breakdown.78 However, a significant factor in
grade direction into the resected segment and ortho- anastomotic failure is poor surgical technique, ir-
grade colonic irrigation may combine to avoid early respective as to whether sutures or staples are used.
re-perforation. However, the fear of recurrent per-
foration from persistent constipation has led some Presentation
surgeons to suggest a subtotal colectomy. In general, the clinical features of anastomotic de-
hiscence will depend on whether the leak is localised
Anastomotic dehiscence or more extensive, causing generalised peritonitis.
At one end of the spectrum, when sepsis associated
Breakdown of an anastomosis is one of the most with the leak is localised, the patient may have mini-
significant complications after large-bowel surgery. mal symptoms and only a few physical signs. There
The presentation can be insidious but more com- may be ‘flu-like’ symptoms of feeling vaguely un-
monly the patient becomes acutely ill, particularly well with shivering and nausea. If the anastomosis
if there is generalised peritonitis. If the diagnosis is lies low in the pelvis, there may be some lower ab-
not made and appropriate treatment undertaken, dominal pain and tenderness and on rectal exami-
death is likely to follow. There is no doubt that the nation a defect can often be felt in the anastomosis.
presence of anastomotic leakage significantly in- Tachycardia is a common general feature and is of-
creases mortality and one study noted a mortality ten associated with pyrexia. If a drain is still in situ,
rate of 22% in 191 patients who had leakage after faecal material or pus may be seen.

195 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
At the other end of the spectrum the scenario is fore important to look at the overall clinical picture
associated with a major leak, when faecal material and attempt to assess all the clinical and radiological
or pus has leaked into the general peritoneal cav- evidence before coming to a final conclusion about
ity. The effect on the patient is usually profound. the presence of a clinically significant leak.
Abdominal pain is difficult to control and tachycar-
dia and tachypnoea are common. The temperature Management
is raised and hypotension is often a feature. The Although the literature on colonic anastomotic leak
patient is distressed and sweaty and on abdominal rates is extensive, there is a paucity of information on
examination the abdomen is tender with abdominal how to treat the leakage. It is best to consider the man-
guarding. Sometimes the features of even an exten- agement of localised leakage separately from those
sive leak can be more insidious, with the patient not who present with generalised peritonitis. Most patients
making progress as rapidly as expected and suffering with localised leakage can be treated non-operatively
abdominal pain that is vague rather than dramatic. with bowel rest and antibiotic therapy. If there is a
Delay in diagnosis of large-bowel anastomotic leak- large collection of pus around the anastomosis, it is
age is still a major problem and leads to increased usual to drain this percutaneously under ultrasound
morbidity and mortality. It is crucial that surgeons are or CT guidance. Patients with generalised peritonitis
vigilant about deterioration of any patient who has a from a large-bowel anastomotic leak are usually dra-
large-bowel anastomosis and maintain a low thresh- matically ill and require resuscitation. Assuming that
old for ordering investigations to identify a leak. It investigations have been performed and the diagnosis
should be remembered that the anastomosis may leak confirmed, the next step is to improve the patient's
any time during the first 2–3 weeks after operation. condition before surgical intervention.
Haemodynamic status needs to be assessed and treat-
Investigations ment given to improve cardiac and respiratory func-
Usually the white blood count is elevated, except tion. Parenteral antibiotic administration is a priority
in patients who have overwhelming sepsis, when and inotropic support may be necessary. Adequate
it may be either normal or even low. However, the pain control is important and these patients are best
earliest derangement in the white blood count is an managed in a high-dependency unit or intensive ther-
increase in the less mature polymorphic neutrophils apy unit. Anaesthesia is alerted and only when the pa-
(e.g. left shift). Erect chest radiograph or abdominal tient's condition is stabilised is operation undertaken.
films will sometimes show gas under the diaphragm, The patient is usually placed in the lithotomy/
but this sign is of debatable significance in the first Trendelenburg position. The previous midline inci-
few days after the original operation because of sion is reopened and great care is taken not to dam-
the presence of intra-abdominal air introduced at age adherent loops of small intestine. Bowel loops
the time of operation. The absence of pneumoperi- are dissected free and the area of anastomosis ex-
toneum should not discourage the clinician from posed. Faecal material and pus are removed from
pursuing investigations to check the integrity of the the peritoneal cavity and pelvis. Occlusion clamps
anastomosis. are gently placed on bowel above and below the
Ultrasound examination can be helpful in the pa- leaking anastomosis to limit further contamination.
tient with a suspected collection of pus related to Extensive lavage of the peritoneal cavity is per-
anastomotic leakage, but the value of this investi- formed with saline or antibiotic solution.
gation is often impaired by the presence of dilated The next steps depend on the size and location of
gas-filled loops of bowel, with dressings and drains the anastomotic defect. In the majority of cases, the
on the abdomen further increasing technical diffi- anastomosis is taken apart and the proximal end of
culties. CT or contrast studies are the investigation bowel is brought out as an end stoma and the distal
of choice. end as a mucous fistula. If the distal stump is not
Water-soluble contrast enema is a simple investiga- long enough to be brought out on the abdominal
tion for assessing anastomotic leakage, particularly wall, it should be closed carefully using a series of
on the left side of the large bowel. Another option is interrupted seromuscular sutures. Some surgeons
a pelvic CT scan with rectal contrast. In addition to will place a transanal drain to decompress the
demonstrating whether a leak has occurred, assess- bowel. Surgeons must be aware that the more distal
ment of the extent of leakage is of value in deciding the leak, the lower the chances of bowel continuity
the overall management. It is important to be aware being restored at a later date.
of two caveats, however. Occasionally, when the con- In selected patients (usually those with a small de-
trast study shows no leak, a later investigation will fect in a low colorectal anastomosis), the anastomo-
show one. The corollary of this is also sometimes sis may be salvaged. A defunctioning ileostomy can
true. The enema or scan may show a leak that is of be constructed for diversion and the area of the leak
no clinical consequence (radiological leak). It is there- can be drained. However, the faecal loading in the

196 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

colon can lead to continued soiling unless it is re- is worried after an examination has been completed,
moved with transanal irrigation. However, in a pa- an erect chest radiograph should be ordered as a
tient who has already had an anastomotic leak it is screening test and the patient observed until symp-
poor practice to risk a further leak and the patient's toms have settled. In cases where there is a high index
safety should be the prime objective. of suspicion, a water-soluble enema or CT scan with
contrast can be used to confirm the diagnosis.
Bowel damage at colonoscopy Non-operative treatment with close observation,
intravenous fluids and antibiotics may be possible in
The perforation rate at colonoscopy is now gener- selected patients.81 The authors' approach is presented
ally agreed to be about 1 in 500, varying with the in Fig. 10.12. A large defect or symptoms of peritoneal
level of intervention employed. contamination will usually require operative treat-
There are three proposed mechanisms for colono- ment. If the injury is operated upon early, a direct
scopic perforation: repair of the defect or small resection and a primary
anastomosis is possible. It may also be possible to effect
1. mechanical perforation directly from the colo- the repair laparoscopically. With delayed diagnosis or
noscope or biopsy forceps; clinical deterioration during observation, patients will
2. barotrauma from overzealous air insufflation; usually require a temporary defunctioning stoma.
3. perforations occurring as a result of therapeutic
procedures (use of energy sources).
Colonic bleeding
Measurement of forces exerted during colonoscopy
has only been reported in one paper from the Royal Although upper gastrointestinal and small-bowel
London Hospital,79 where an electronic device was bleeding has been covered in Chapters 5 and 7, there
used in a research setting. The caecum and right colon remains the problem of patients who bleed from the
are most susceptible to barotrauma, although diver- colon. In approximately 20% of cases, the colon
ticula can also be directly inflated. The use of carbon and rectum are the source of acute gastrointestinal
dioxide for insufflation may decrease perforation rates haemorrhage. The most common aetiologies of this
and increase levels of patient comfort. Therapeutic in- haemorrhage include diverticulosis, angiodysplasia,
terventions such as polyp removal with a hot biopsy or ischaemic colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, neo-
snare and balloon dilatation of strictures are, not sur- plasms, aorto-enteric fistulas and anorectal diseases
prisingly, associated with a higher risk of perforation. such as haemorrhoids.82 The general p ­ rinciples of
The most common site of perforation is the sigmoid management of many of these conditions have already
colon. Signs and symptoms of a perforation are not been discussed, but each patient needs to be man-
always obvious at the time of colonsocopy. In retro- aged individually. Where possible, management of
spective studies, the diagnosis of a perforation is de- colonic bleeding is non-operative and usually stops
layed in about 50% of patients.80 If the endoscopist spontaneously, permitting investigation to proceed at

asymptomatic Non-operative management
perforation • Intestinal rest
• Intravenous fluids
Delayed Clinical Localised • Antibiotics
diagnosis evaluation peritonitis • Frequent clinical evaluation

Colonoscopic Generalised
perforations peritonitis

Immediate Large
diagnosis Operative management

Aetiologies Colectomy/ Colorrhaphy Colectomy/

• Mechanical trauma primary anastomosis debridement colostomy
• Barotrauma with/without proximal and closure
• Coagulation/thermal trauma diverting stoma
Figure 10.12  •  Algorithm for the management of colonoscopic perforation.

197 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10
a leisurely pace. In some patients, however, the bleed- the reported series described atypical aetiologies for
ing either does not spontaneously stop or is profuse ‘massive haemorrhage’, including ischaemic colitis, in-
and urgent investigation, followed occasionally by flammatory bowel disease and cancer. The usual rate
emergency surgery, is required. In these patients, the of bleeding in these conditions is more amenable to ur-
source of bleeding is often difficult to identify. gent colonoscopy (within 24 hours) than to emergent
colonoscopy. Higher bleeding rates are more common
Diagnosis and non-surgical with diverticular or angiodysplastic sources.
The benefit of colonoscopy depends on its ability to
management provide a definitive localisation of ongoing active bleed-
ing and the potential for therapy. Many landmarks for
Diagnostic tests utilised will vary according to insti- colonoscopy may be obscured during haemorrhage.
tutional availability, patient characteristics, and the Even when pathology is identified, establishing the
providers' experience and expertise. These investi- presence of stigmata of recent haemorrhage is more
gations are used to localise the site of haemorrhage, difficult than in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In
cause it to stop or confirm its cessation. Options addition, colonoscopy is associated with complica-
include radionuclide imaging, colonoscopy, CT an- tions such as perforation. Inconclusive findings owing
giography and selective angiography. to technically unsatisfactory results are frequent and
failure to achieve a firm diagnosis may reflect stricter
Radionuclide imaging diagnostic criteria rather than inferior diagnostic skill.
Radionuclide imaging with [99mTc]pertechnetate- Because of the inability to appreciate all intralumi-
tagged red cells detects the slowest bleeding rates nal landmarks and accurately locate the segment that
(0.1–0.5 mL/min) but cannot reliably localise the is bleeding, once the enodoscopist highlights a source
site of haemorrhage.83 of bleeding, the region of the intestine is best marked
The timing of the radionucleotide blush is im- with a tattoo of India ink. If the haemorrhage contin-
portant. An immediately positive blush (within the ues and the patient fails medical management, a tat-
first 2 minutes of scanning) is highly predictive of a too greatly assists the surgeon in localising the site of
positive angiogram (60%) and the need for surgery bleeding. The endoscopist has many therapeutic op-
(24%), while a negative scan is highly predictive of tions to control the bleeding, including thermal agents
a negative angiogram (93%) and the need for sur- (heater probes and bipolar coagulation), monopolar
gery falls to 7%.84 A negative nuclear scan provides or bipolar diathermy, topical or intramucosal epi-
objective evidence that the patient is not actively nephrine injection and endoscopically applied clips.
bleeding and may be evaluated by colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy Angiography aids as a diagnostic and therapeutic
Many authors believe that colonoscopy has the high- option in the treatment of intestinal haemorrhage.
est efficacy and should be the first study in patients Acute, major haemorrhage with ongoing bleed-
with major bleeding that appears self-limited.85 ing requires emergency angiography, while patients
Whether colonoscopy should be undertaken as an with an early blush during nuclear scintigraphy may
‘emergency’ depends on the patient's stability. In pa- benefit from therapeutic angiography. Angiograms
tients with hypotension and ongoing haemorrhage, may also define a potential source for haemorrhage
it is difficult to safely cleanse the bowel with lavage in occult and recurrent gastrointestinal haemor-
solutions, and the continued bleeding limits intralu- rhage. In order to appreciate an angiographic blush
minal visualisation and the ability to utilise thera- of contrast, the study requires a bleeding rate of at
peutic options. In general, these patients require least 1–1.5  mL/min. Appropriate patient selection
prompt attention with angiography or surgery. increases yields and avoids excessive use of angio-
In stable patients with self-limited haemorrhage, grams. Superselective catheterisation of branch
colonoscopy is the preferred diagnostic study. arteries and multiple injections of contrast may be
The need for bowel preparation is controversial. required to examine the entire territory. It is impor-
Colonoscopy without preparation can be described tant to take late films in the venous phase as they may
as ‘emergent’ while administering a mechanical prep- demonstrate abnormalities that may not be seen in
aration and then performing colonoscopy within 24 the arterial phase. Major complications of diagnostic
hours of presentation is best termed ‘urgent’ colo- arteriography include arterial thrombosis, embolisa-
noscopy. The rapid time preferred for mechanical tion and renal failure caused by the contrast material.
cleansing usually mandates a lavage method. The angiographic blush may suggest a specific aetiol-
Proponents of ‘emergency colonoscopy’ have dem- ogy, but this finding lacks the accuracy of colonoscopy.
onstrated high caecal intubation rates (95%) and a Highly accurate localisation also provides for focused
diagnostic accuracy of 72–86%.86 However, many of therapy. The haemorrhagic site may receive highly

198 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

­selective, intra-arterial vasopressin infusion. This medi- bleeding spontaneously resolve or are controlled with
cation produces potent arterial contraction that may the therapeutic interventions described previously.
reduce or halt the haemorrhage. Infusion rates of vaso- Surgical therapy for intestinal bleeding is required in-
pressin begin at concentrations of 0.2 U/min and may frequently and associated with significant mortality.
progress to 0.4 U/min. The systemic effects and cardiac Patients that are haemodynamically unresponsive to
impact of vasopressin may limit maximising the dos- the initial resuscitation obviously require emergency
age. Vasopressin infusion controls bleeding in as many surgery. In other patients the site of haemorrhage may
as 91% of patients, but unfortunately bleeding may be localised, yet the available therapeutic interventions
recur in up to 50% of patients once the vasopressin is fail to control the bleeding. Patient mortality increases
reduced. However, this has been reported as allowing with transfusion requirements. It has been reported
surgery to be performed electively in 57% of patients.87 that there is a reduced mortality (7%) for patients re-
Angiographic technology also allows for arterial quiring less than 10 units of blood, while the mortality
embolisation to control haemorrhage. Arterial em- increases to 27% for patients receiving in excess of 10
bolisation of larger vessels produces intestinal isch- units.90 Therefore, patients with ongoing haemorrhage
aemia or infarction in approximately 20% of who require more than 6–7units of blood during the
patients. Much safer superselective mesenteric angi- resuscitation should undergo surgical intervention.
ography using microcatheters allows embolisation of Surgeons should tailor their operative approach
the intestinal vasa recta or vessels as small as 1 mm. based on the preoperative diagnostic evaluations.
Surgery starts with a thorough examination of the
The high re-bleeding rate with vasopressin has entire intestine through a large midline open lapa-
led to the suggestion that other, more definitive rotomy incision. The first objective is location of
therapeutic manoeuvres should be undertaken intraluminal blood with the hope of segmentally
during angiography such as superselective isolating a possible source of bleeding.
embolisation, which is effective in controlling If no source appears obvious after the exploration
colonic haemorrhage and is associated with a low phase, the surgeon may consider intestinal enter-
rate of post-embolisation colonic ischaemia. In a oscopy. The enteroscope or colonoscope exposes
study of 27 patients, all were initially controlled with the luminal surface and transilluminates the intes-
arterial embolisation although six re-bled, five of tinal wall. Transillumination may identify vascular
whom needed surgical intervention.88 anomalies, small ulcers or tumours. Endoscopic ac-
cess to the intestine may require a transoral, trans-
Successful embolisation therapy provides immediate gastric, transcolonic or transanal approach, or a
arrest of the bleeding. Embolisation agents include combination of these. Intraoperative endoscopy is,
gelfoam pledgets, coils and polyvinyl alcohol par- however, a technically difficult endeavour. A team
ticles. Success has been better in diverticular bleeds, approach with two surgeons or the availability of
which are usually fed by one vessel, than with angio- an experienced endoscopist is important in order to
dysplasias, which often have multiple feeding vessels. identify the elusive lesions causing the haemorrhage.
Once the haemorrhage site is identified, an appropri-
CT angiography ate segmental resection can be performed. If no source
Advanced CT angiography using thinly sliced, fast of bleeding is confirmed, but appears to arise from
image acquisition combined with three-dimensional the colon, the surgeon should perform a subtotal or
software packages has revolutionised the imaging total colectomy. Stable patients will tolerate a primary
of the vascular tree.89 Vessels smaller than ‘named’ ileosigmoid or ileorectal anastomosis, while unstable
vessels can be visualised, and use of CT angiogra- patients are best served with an end ileostomy with
phy has been reported in chronic conditions such closure of the rectal stump or a sigmoid mucous fistula.
as mesenteric ischaemia and inflammatory bowel Critical issues with operative management include
disease. Case reports and animal modelling sug- delaying surgery until the haemorrhage reaches a criti-
gest feasibility for gastrointestinal haemorrhage. cal point beyond 10 units of blood, with an associated
The sensitivity and specificity of CT angiography in mortality rate between 10% and 35%, and recurrence
patients with gastrointestinal haemorrhage are un- bleeding rates of 10% due to imprecise localisation of
known and require further research. the bleeding.91 Recurrence rates are higher (e.g. 20%)
if a limited right or left colectomy is performed with-
out precise localisation of the haemorrhage.92 A total
Surgical management colectomy offers the same mortality but with a lower
chance of recurrent or persistent bleeding. Therefore,
Patients require surgical intervention if they continue a total colectomy is the preferred option if preopera-
to bleed profusely and medical, endoscopic and an- tive localisation is not possible, or a definite site of
giographic interventions have failed. Most sources of bleeding cannot be found at laparotomy.

199 66485457-66963820
Chapter 10

Key points

• There has been a recent swing towards greater emphasis on preoperative investigations, especially
CT, and daytime operating by specialist consultant surgeons for most urgent surgery. In cases
of colonic emergencies where there is faecal contamination of the peritoneal cavity, emergency
surgery may still be life-saving.
• Mild cases are treated with bowel rest and optimisation of cardiovascular status. Severe cases
usually require resection.
Colonic obstruction
• Volvulus. Emergency decompression using a proctoscope, a long soft tube such as a chest drain,
or a colonoscope should, in most cases, be followed by elective definitive surgery.
• Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction. Some patients can be managed conservatively,
employing regular review and frequent plain abdominal radiographs to check caecal diameter.
As caecal diameter increases, decompression is required. Many patients will respond to a trial
of neostigmine. If this treatment is not successful, the colon can be decompressed with the
colonoscope. Failure may necessitate caecostomy or resection. If perforation or necrosis is
suspected, a full laparotomy is necessary.
• Malignant disease. Right hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis is the treatment of choice
for most patients with right-sided or transverse colonic obstruction. A subtotal colectomy may
be the preferred option for patients who have a lesion at the splenic flexure. Most other patients
who have an obstructing carcinoma in the left colon will be best treated by segmental colectomy
with primary anastomosis where possible. Patients who are thought to be particularly at risk from
lengthy emergency operations are best served by either segmental resection or colostomy.
Inflammation and/or infection
• Diverticulits. CT is now the investigation of choice for those patients presenting as emergencies.
Abscesses can then be drained percutaneously and perforations requiring surgery diagnosed early.
One-stage surgery is ideal; however, in left-sided disease this is not appropriate for the unstable
patient or in those with gross faecal contamination.
• Typhlitis. There should be a high index of suspicion for this condition in the neutropenic patient.
The majority respond to conservative measures including antibiotics and complete bowel rest, but
perforation should be actively excluded along the course of the disease, preferably with CT.
• Stercoral perforation. This rare condition may be difficult to diagnose preoperatively. Awareness
of the possibility of postoperative re-perforation, especially where limited resections have been
performed, may be the key to a successful outcome.
• Anastomotic leak. Postoperative assessment of the abdomen is complex, with many signs being
attributable to the surgery itself. In equivocal cases, further investigations should be instigated
where there is uncertainty. Active observation should be employed by senior surgical staff. In some
instances, transfer to a specialist colorectal unit needs to be considered after initial resuscitation
and assessment.
• Colonoscopic damage. Signs and symptoms of perforation are not always obvious at the time
of colonoscopy. A high index of suspicion, especially following interventional procedures, may allow
conservative management or primary repair if surgery is performed early.
• The majority of colonic bleeding settles spontaneously, allowing subsequent investigation to take
place ‘electively’. However, ongoing bleeding should be investigated by CT angiography and then
selective angiography, with or without embolisation. Surgery may be required and unless an obvious
cause has been identified, subtotal colectomy with stoma formation is probably the safest procedure.

200 66485457-66963820
Colonic emergencies

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203 66485457-66963820
Anorectal emergencies

Felicity J. Creamer
B. James Mander

Introduction The canal is surrounded by a funnel of muscle

essential in maintaining faecal continence. The ­inner
The emergency presentation of anorectal pathology muscle layer is the involuntary internal sphincter
constitutes a significant proportion of the general muscle, derived from the circular muscle of the rec-
surgeon's workload. The problems encountered tum. Beyond this is the voluntary external sphincter,
range from the acute pain of thrombosed haemor- formed from striated muscle, continuous at its supe-
rhoids and perianal sepsis to the management of rior edge with the levator plate. Between these two
massive bleeding, trauma and foreign bodies. The muscle layers is the intersphincteric space, which con-
management of many of these conditions is fre- tains mucous-secreting anal glands. Ducts from these
quently straightforward; however, the close prox- glands open into the anal valves at the dentate line.
imity of pathology to the structures involved in Three submucosal anal cushions are found, usually
continence does require a degree of care and reflec- at the 3, 7 and 11 o'clock positions within the anal
tion. It is therefore imperative to ensure that any canal and contain fibroelastic tissue and arteriove-
surgical intervention is appropriate, timely and nous anastamoses. In health they appose to form a
minimally disruptive. tight seal within the canal, which helps to maintain
continence, but in some people these can enlarge to
form troublesome symptomatic haemorrhoids.
Anorectal anatomy
Understanding the pathophysiology and rationale Perianal abscess
for treatment in anorectal disease is impossible
without sound knowledge of the anatomy of the Perianal abscesses are defined as any collection of
anal canal. This is a 3- to 4-cm-long tube running pus in the perianal tissues and are very common,
downwards and backwards from the anorectal an- with operative treatment being required in about
gle to the anus. It is divided in half by the dentate 1 in 5000 people in Scotland annually.1 They oc-
line, above which the canal is lined with hindgut- cur predominantly in adults, with a peak incidence
derived columnar epithelium and innervated by in the third and fourth decades of life, men being
the autonomic hypogastric nerves, sensitive only to affected two to three times more frequently than
stretch. The section of the canal below the dentate women. Patients present with signs and symptoms
line is lined with stratified squamous epithelium of acute inflammation, with pain being the most
that merges at the anus with the perianal skin, and common symptom. In approximately one-third of
its nerve supply is derived from the somatic inferior patients they are associated with a persistent fistula-
rectal nerve making it sensitive to pain, pressure and in-ano that, if left untreated, can result in recurrent
temperature. infections.2

204 66485457-66963820
Anorectal emergencies

Primary perianal abscesses are most commonly whether a fistula is likely to be present and thus guide
caused by infection within the anal glands (the cryp- decision-making regarding future management.6,7
toglandular theory) with the common causative
organisms being gut-derived enterococci.3,4 The re- It is recommended that a swab from the
sulting suppuration can spread in several directions, abscess cavity is sent for culture to determine the
resulting in infection in a variety of anatomical spaces likelihood of a subsequent fistula.6,7
(Fig. 11.1). The relative frequency with which abscesses
occur in the various anatomical locations is shown in
Secondary abscesses are much less common, ac-
Table 11.1.5 Primary abscesses can also be caused by
counting for just 10% of presentations.8 They are
suppurating skin infections, including carbuncles, fu-
the manifestation of distinct underlying disease, with
runcles and infected apocrine glands. The responsible
inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease in par-
bacteria in these cases is almost invariably staphylo-
ticular), colorectal neoplasia, diabetes mellitus, AIDS
coccus and as these abscesses do not communicate
and tuberculosis all being potential causes. They can
with the anal canal they are not associated with fistula
also occur as a complication of haemorrhoid surgery
formation.6 Studies have shown that taking a swab
for culture at the time of abscess drainage can predict or as a consequence of trauma from foreign bodies.

Clinical features
On examination the abscess can usually be seen as
a red, tender, fluctuant swelling near the anal verge;
however, ischiorectal abscesses often present as a
plate Dentate less distinct brawny swelling on one side of the anus
line 5 and intersphincteric abscesses cannot usually be seen
2 externally at all. Although this last type of abscess
3 can be felt through the anal wall as a smooth, tender
collection, digital rectal examination is usually ex-
cruciatingly painful without anaesthesia. This diag-
4 nosis should therefore be suspected in patients with
External Internal severe anal pain and fever. In a few patients (par-
sphincter Intersphincteric sphincter ticularly those who are immune-compromised or
space with diabetes mellitus) the abscess can be associated
Figure 11.1  •  The spread of anal gland infection and with cellulitis, which can progress to life-threatening
common sites of anorectal sepsis. Infection of the anal necrotising infection if not treated promptly.9
gland within the intersphincteric space can spread All patients presenting with anorectal sepsis or
in a variety of directions (see left side of diagram), pain should have an examination of the anorectum,
resulting in abscess in a number of classical sites: 1, including proctosigmoidoscopy. It is our opinion
supralevator; 2, intersphincteric; 3, submucosal; 4, that this can usually only be performed satisfacto-
perianal; 5, ischiorectal. Note also the possibility of rily under general anaesthesia. As the diagnosis is
circumferential extension of sepsis (‘horseshoeing’) in the usually obvious, few people would routinely recom-
intersphincteric, ischiorectal and supralevator planes. mend preoperative imaging (although some advo-
cate its use, arguing that by identifying cavities and
Table 11.1  • Location of anorectal sepsis by fistulas there is a reduction in the incidence of recur-
anatomical site rence10). However, if the diagnosis is unclear (such
as in intersphincteric or supralevator abscesses) or
Anatomical in cases of recurrent sepsis, imaging is very useful.
site Number Percentage
Perianal abscess 437 42.7 Radiological imaging
Ischiorectal 233 22.8
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an accurate
Intersphincteric 219 21.4 method of identifying collections of pus and fistula
Supralevator 75 7.3 tracts.11,12 It is commonly used in investigating com-
Submucosal 59 5.8 plex fistula disease in Crohn's disease but is rarely
needed in the acute situation. Endoanal ­ultrasound
Data from Ramunjam PS, Prasad MI, Abcarian H et al. Perianal
abscesses and fistulae: a study of 1023 patients. Dis Colon is another sensitive method of identifying collec-
Rectum 1984; 27:593–7. With kind permission from Wolters tions of fluid close to the anal canal and can also be
Kluwer Health. used to identify fistula tracts (Fig. 11.2). It remains

205 66485457-66963820
Chapter 11

b a

c d

Figure 11.2  •  Endoanal ultrasound examination carried out on a patient under general anaesthesia. This patient presented
with severe anal pain and perianal induration but without any specific area of fluctuation. The ultrasound demonstrates an
extensive ischiorectal abscess cavity (c,d) extending around the anal canal (a, internal sphincter; b, external sphincter). With
thanks to Mr Mike Hulme-Moir, previous Clinical Fellow in Colorectal Surgery, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh.

a technique practised by only a few specialist sur- variables (such as age, immune suppression or di-
geons and so is rarely available in the emergency abetes) and so it must be concluded that surgical
situation. However, it has been shown that in error was the only reason for these findings, empha-
­experienced hands it is at least as accurate as MRI sising the need for a thorough primary examination.
and its use is likely to increase.13,14 Historically, it was suggested that thoroughly
‘deroofing’ the abscess cavity with a wide cruci-
ate incision was beneficial but this does little other
Treatment than giving the patient a larger wound that will take
longer to heal.16 Similarly, a short-lived enthusiasm
Treatment must be aimed at draining the abscess, for primary wound closure after incision has been
thereby removing the source of sepsis. This should abandoned by most surgeons as studies have shown
be done whilst minimising damage to the sphinc- that it offers little immediate benefit in terms of time
ters, preventing recurrence and minimising hospital to wound healing and probably increases the chance
stay. In most patients this involves making a linear of recurrent sepsis.17
incision over the cavity, gently breaking down any If the abscess cavity is very large, an alternative
loculi and then dressing appropriately. There is no to making a huge incision is to insert a de Pezze
role for treatment with antibiotics unless the pa- or Malecott catheter via a smaller skin incision.
tient is immune-compromised or there is evidence This was looked at in one study, which showed
of florid cellulitis or suspicion of necrotising infec- that of the 91 patients who underwent this treat-
tion. Although in North America this drainage is ment compared to the 54 who underwent conven-
commonly undertaken under local anaesthesia, the tional treatment, hospital stay was shorter (1.4 vs.
more thorough examination, drainage and treat- 4.5 days) and the need for community dressing
ment that can be performed under general anaesthe- shorter, with no disadvantages seen at long-term
sia is, in the opinion of the authors, preferable – and follow-up.18
probably prevents a significant proportion of re-
operations. A large retrospective case study of 500
patients treated for perianal abscess at the Mayo Technical tips
Clinic was reported in 2001 and revealed a 7.6% The management of specific abscesses is shown dia-
re-operation rate.15 The reasons for re-operation grammatically in Fig. 11.3. Simple perianal abscesses
included incomplete drainage of the abscess cavity should be drained and the cavity gently curetted
at the first operation, missed abscesses (most often (Fig. 11.3a). With ischiorectal abscesses, the cavity is
posterior collections) and postoperative ­ bleeding. often huge (Fig. 11.3b). The cavity should be incised
There was no association reported between patient as near to the anal verge as possible to bring the

206 66485457-66963820
Anorectal emergencies

into the anal canal. Supralevator or pelvic abscesses

must be drained with care and ideally not through
the perineum or a high fistula-in-ano will be cre-
ated. In true pelvic abscesses unrelated to spread
from the anal glands, drainage can be achieved into
the rectum or vagina. If the abscess is related to pel-
vic pathology, the primary disease process will need
to be excised along with drainage of the pus.
After the abscess has been opened and drained it
is common to ‘pack’ the resulting cavity with absor-
bent dressing material, which must then be removed
and replaced by community nurses. However, there
is no good clinical evidence that this practice is ben-
eficial to the patient and indeed, in our opinion,
serves only to cause discomfort and inconvenience.19

Perianal abscesses are best incised under

general anaesthesia with the cavity left open.
Packing the abscess cavity is clinically unnecessary
and unpleasant for the patient.15,17,19

Studies have shown that perianal abscesses are as-
sociated with fistulas in about 60% of patients;7,20
however, only 29–37% of these persist after the
acute inflammation has resolved.2,21,22 A persisting
fistula tract increases the chance of a recurrent ab-
scess and can cause perianal discharge, itch and pain
even in the absence of an acute infection. However,
identifying a fistula when acute inflammation is
present can be tricky, especially for the less expe-
rienced surgeon. As noted previously, a swab from
an abscess cavity that grows gut- rather than skin-
c derived bacteria would suggest a communication to
Figure 11.3  •  Management of specific abscesses. (a) the bowel.6,7 These patients can then be reviewed in
Perianal abscess is treated by excision of a small disc of the clinic after the acute sepsis has resolved and a
skin and curettage of the cavity. (b) Ischiorectal abscess second-look examination under anaesthesia (EUA)
may require excision of a substantial amount of tissue booked if indicated.
to facilitate drainage. The alternative is to introduce However, the cryptoglandular theory of anorectal
a drainage catheter through a small stab incision. (c) sepsis would suggest that the presence of intersphinc-
Intersphincteric abscess is treated by excision of the teric pus would definitively predict an underlying
mucosa and internal sphincter overlying the abscess. fistula tract. This was tested in a 1994 prospective
Such an abscess should not be drained through the study of 22 patients. A radial drainage incision was
perineal skin or a high fistula will result.
made and extended into the intersphincteric space.
Careful examination was then made to determine
external opening of any subsequent fistula close to whether there was a fistula tract. It was found
the anal verge and thus minimise the trauma of sub- that intersphincteric sepsis predicted a fistula with
sequent fistulotomy should it be required. A large 100% sensitivity and specificity. Patients were fol-
horseshoe abscess in the ischiorectal space is better lowed up for 38 weeks with no adverse outcomes
drained through multiple short incisions than one reported. This has the advantage over microbiologi-
large circumferential incision. As mentioned earlier, cal analysis of the abscess (which is very sensitive
the size of the drainage wound can be minimised but just 80% specific) in that no second procedure is
if a drainage catheter is used. Intersphincteric ab- needed.23 However, it must be noted that this study
scesses require drainage into the anorectum, with was performed by two highly experienced colorec-
excision of part of the internal sphincter (Fig. 11.3c). tal surgeons and there is no evidence that similar
Submucosal abscesses, although rare, are drained results would be safely obtained by non-specialists.

207 66485457-66963820
Chapter 11
The probing and opening of tracts within friable, they reported flatus/liquid incontinence in 6/32 of the
oedematous tissue, with the possibility of creating control and 13/34 of the intervention groups, with
false passages, may do disproportionate damage to four and one patients from each group, respectively,
the sphincters and thus continence. lost to follow-up.28 All these data combine to give a
risk ratio of 2.64 for long-term incontinence following
The majority of anorectal abscesses are synchronous fistulotomy.24
adequately treated with incision and drainage alone The overall conclusions of the Cochrane meta-anal-
and if a fistula tract is not obvious it should not be ysis were that synchronous fistulotomy is appropri-
sought.20,21 ate for low, uncomplicated fistula tracts. It should not
be performed for high fistulas or anterior fistulas in
women. It should also be avoided for groups where
So should synchronous fistulotomy ever be per-
the risk of incontinence is high (e.g. those who have
formed? A recent Cochrane review of six ran-
undergone previous anorectal surgery or have IBD).24
domised control studies from five different centres
from 1987 to 2003 looked at concomitant fistula
surgery at the time of abscess drainage in terms of Synchronous fistulotomy can be performed
recurrence, need for further surgery and postopera- with care for low, uncomplicated fistula tracts to
tive incontinence.24 However, as would be expected, reduce the risk of abscess recurrence and further
the eligibility criteria and treatments offered varied operations.24
considerably between the trials, making definitive
recommendations difficult. Three studies also re- Management of secondary
port fistula rates of 83–90%,20,25,26 which is higher
than would be expected, raising questions about perianal sepsis
whether iatrogenic tracks may have been created.
The majority of the studies included in the review Malignant disease
dealt only with the surgical treatment of low fis- These abscesses should be drained like any other
tulas. Of these, one randomised patients after the but definitive treatment will require resection of
initial abscess drainage, with fistulotomy performed the malignant lesion. However, it is likely that the
as a second procedure on day 3 of the acute admis- presence of anorectal sepsis indicates tumour spread
sion.25 Most studies excluded those with recurrent outwith the bowel wall, which has implications for
anorectal sepsis, previous surgery and inflammatory further treatment. Significant malignant fistulas will
bowel disease (IBD).24 require a defunctioning stoma as other treatment
All the studies showed that recurrence was less likely will not be successful.
after fistula surgery (risk ratio 0.07–0.24), although
follow-up times varied. Only two studies looked at Inflammatory bowel disease
short-term incontinence, with one (which included All abscesses in patients with IBD should be drained
only low fistulas, n=52) reporting no clinical inconti- and seton sutures inserted into any fistulous tracts
nence in either group despite anal manometry reveal- as necessary. MRI is often helpful in demonstrating
ing a transient reduction in the anal resting pressure in fistula tracts. Recurrent disease is often very hard to
the fistulotomy group (76.3 mmHg vs. 91.1 mmHg), treat and an expert opinion should be sought.
which had disappeared by week 12. Squeeze pres-
sures were unaffected.26 The other group (who had Necrotising infection
included high trans-sphincteric and suprasphincteric
This life-threatening condition requires urgent wide
fistulas, which had been treated with cutting setons)
debridement of all involved tissue and high-dose
reported transient incontinence of flatus in 3/100 of
antibiotics. A defunctioning stoma may have to be
the control and 15/100 of the intervention group. For
formed to allow healing and several repeat exami-
those who underwent drainage alone this had entirely
nations under anaesthetic are often necessary to en-
resolved by 6 months; however, in the fistula surgery
sure that only healthy tissue remains. Microbiology
group, 6% were still having problems after 1 year.20
advice should be sought for antibiotic choice.
Long-term continence rates were documented in
five studies and were normal in four of them follow-
ing simple drainage alone at 1 year or later. Of the Anorectal sepsis in children
studies performing low fistulotomy, incontinence of
flatus was 0/24,27 8/2025 and 0/24.26 The study that Anorectal sepsis in children is uncommon. One of the
included high fistulas reported 2/100 incidence of largest series in the literature is from Edinburgh, which
incontinence for flatus and 4/100 for liquid inconti- reported 69 patients in a catchment population of 1
nence with urgency.20 The final study had performed million over a 10-year period.29 The median age for
fistulectomy and partial internal sphincterectomy, and development of the abscess was 3 years (range 1 month

208 66485457-66963820
Anorectal emergencies

to 12 years), with the male to female ratio 9:1. In total, e­ xcision (without closure). The results are displayed in
24 patients (38%) presented with recurrent sepsis after Table 11.2. The risk of recurrent pilonidal suppuration
simple incision and drainage, but in only half of these was similar between the two groups, although those
was a fistula found. The study was unable to relate who underwent excision had a longer time off work.34
pus culture to the presence of a fistula. One study has It is therefore recommended that excision of the fistula
shown that non-operative treatment with needle aspi- tract is not undertaken synchronously.35 It is the authors'
ration and antibiotics was satisfactory in the manage- usual practice only to offer formal excision after the
ment of 36 children over 2 years of age, with only four second presentation with a pilonidal abscess and this
requiring operative incision.30 However, a recent large is always performed as a separate procedure after the
study from New Zealand has shown that the risk of acute sepsis has settled. To ensure optimum wound
recurrence is significantly reduced by incision, drainage healing it is recommended that the incision is made
and fistulotomy where possible.31 away from the midline and, as with other abscesses,
that packing the wound with dressings is avoided.

Pilonidal abscess Fifty per cent of all pilonidal abscesses will be

cured with incision and drainage alone.34 Definitive
A pilonidal sinus arises from infection within a hair fol- surgery should be reserved for those who have
licle, usually in the natal cleft. It is an acquired condi- recurrent disease and performed in the elective
tion caused either by an ingrowing hair, which then sets setting.33,35
up a local foreign body reaction, or by obstruction of a
hair follicle, which then ruptures into the surrounding
tissues. It affects twice as many men as women and is Acute anal fissure
more common in the hirsute.32 In the Second World
War it was known as ‘Jeep disease’ due to its preva- A primary anal fissure is a benign, superficial ulcer
lence amongst the drivers in the United States army. within the anal canal. Patients present with severe
The usual emergency presentation of pilonidal disease pain on defecation, which is caused by chemical irri-
is with an acutely inflamed tender swelling adjacent tation of the ulcer and spasm of the internal sphincter.
to the natal cleft. Midline pits are usually visible. The Some patients will also complain of bright red bleed-
causative organism is, as with many skin infections, ing caused by irritation of the ulcer bed. Although
staphylococcus but mixed anaerobes are not infre- most patients with anal fissures will be seen in the
quently cultured.33 outpatient clinic, some present acutely with an exac-
In the emergency setting the objective of treatment is erbation of pain or just out of desperation with their
to drain the abscess, which usually relieves the acute chronic symptoms. It is often an easy diagnosis to
symptoms and prevents spreading sepsis. Excision for make on inspection; gently parting the buttocks will
the whole sinus tract at the same time as abscess drain- usually reveal the lower edge of the fissure, most com-
age has been attempted but this has been associated monly in the posterior midline (6 o'clock) position.
with recurrence rates of up to 60%.33 In fact, primary The key to treatment is to stop the muscle spasm,
drainage alone has a similar recurrence rate of around which can be achieved by topical administration of
50%,34 but with a much smaller initial wound. smooth muscle relaxants such as glycerine trinitrate
A comparative study from Israel assessed 58 patients (GTN)36 or diltiazem,37 which reduce sphincter pres-
with acute pilonidal abscess; 29 patients were treated sure and aid fissure healing. Diltiazem has a signifi-
with incision and drainage, the other 29 with wide cantly lower side-effects profile than GTN and so

Table 11.2  •  Results of treatment for acute pilonidal abscess

Excision Incision and drainage P value

Number 29 29
Recurrence 12 (41%) 16 (55%) NS
Hospital stay (days)* 4 (2–8) 3 (0–12) NS
Time off work (days)* 14 (3–60) 7 (3–30) 0.06
Time to healing (days)* 30 (15–70) 30 (10–60) NS
NS, non-significant.
*Values expressed as median (range).
Data from Matter I, Kunin J, Schein M et al. Total excision versus non-resectional methods in the treatment of acute and chronic pilonidal
disease. Br J Surg 1995; 82:752–3. © British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Reproduced with permission. Permission is granted by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the BJSS Ltd.

209 66485457-66963820
Chapter 11

should be used preferentially, if available.38 These may be associated with straining to defecate), and
treatments typically take weeks to exert their full ef- internal haemorrhoids may prolapse, strangulate
fect, but one study has shown that they can be useful and thrombose. This thrombosis, with associated
in the acute setting – most patients presenting with oedema and sometimes necrosis of the overlying
fissures are too sore to tolerate digital rectal examina- mucosa, combines to cause exquisite tenderness
tion but administration of sublingual GTN allowed such that patients are often unable to sit, walk or
13 of the 16 patients to be examined.39 This allows defecate.
more sinister pathology to be ruled out without re-
course to admission and anaesthesia in some patients.
Medical treatment has excellent short-term results,
leading to the healing of 90% of acute fissures with- Thrombosed haemorrhoids
out the need for surgery.40 However, the long-term
These tense, tender, purple swellings can be seen by
outlook is less encouraging, with one meta-analysis
simply parting the buttocks. Although immensely
showing recurrence rates of up to 50%.41 Lateral
painful they tend to resolve spontaneously after
internal sphincterotomy (LIS) is much better at re-
4–5 days and therefore many surgeons advocate
ducing recurrence (rates of about 2%) and although
non-surgical management, the mainstays of which
some studies have raised concerns about continence
are good analgesia, laxatives and topical treatments
disturbance, it has been shown that a well-planned
such as nifedipine.46 The main argument for this ap-
procedure in selected patients has very little effect
proach is that surgical treatment of haemorrhoids
on continence.42,43 This, however, has no place in
is likely to be painful for about the same amount
the acute setting and should be reserved for patients
of time as for natural healing, with little significant
with chronic problems. Botox (botulinium toxin)
advantage in the longer term. However, a review by
injections into the internal sphincter are something
the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
of a middle ground, affecting a temporary sphinc-
suggests that although those who present after 72
terotomy to allow fissure healing. These have again
hours of symptoms are best served by non-operative
been mostly used for patients with chronic problems
treatment, those who present before this time would
but a recent Eygptian randomised control trial has
benefit from excision of the external component.45
shown good results when used for acute fissures.44
However, definitive emergency surgical treatment
It is important not to underestimate the pain
can be difficult as swollen, congested tissues dis-
caused by anal fissures and if patients are in pain for
tort normal anatomy and restrict views. Although
long periods of the day or unable to sleep at night
many retrospective and case-controlled studies sug-
an EUA should be performed to exclude occult sep-
gest that outcomes are favourable when emergency
sis and botox and local anaesthetic infiltrated into
haemorrhoidectomy is performed by experienced
the internal sphincter and under the fissure, respec-
surgeons,47,48 the only prospective randomised con-
tively, to provide symptomatic relief.
trolled study to investigate this showed that non-
operative treatment was associated with shorter
Most anal fissures will heal with conservative hospital stay and less sphincter damage.49 If surgery
topical treatment.36,40 However, an EUA should is to be undertaken, several studies have shown
be performed for those with severe unremitting that in the acute, as in the elective setting, a stapled
symptoms. Definitive surgery should be reserved for procedure is associated with shorter hospital stays,
those with recurrent disease.41,42 reduced pain and earlier return to work.50–52 One
case–control study from Singapore compared 204
patients who underwent emergency haemorrhoidec-
Haemorrhoids tomy with 500 who underwent an elective procedure
during the same time period. They demonstrated no
Haemorrhoidal disease is very common, causing difference in any of the assessed end-points (haem-
symptoms in approximately 5% of the popula- orrhage, stricture, incontinence and portal pyaemia)
tion.45 Haemorrhoids can be divided into internal, between the two groups (see Table 11.3).53
which originate above the dentate line, and exter-
nal, which originate below the dentate line and
are thus covered in mucosa and sensitive to pain. Thrombosed haemorrhoids will resolve with
conservative management but longer remission
Although haemorrhoids are associated with symp-
may be achieved with surgery. If surgery is to
toms including perianal irritation and small
be undertaken a stapled haemorrhoidectomy is
amounts of bleeding, they do not usually cause pain
preferable and has no greater associated risks
and uncomplicated haemorrhoidal disease is rarely in the acute situation if undertaken by a suitably
seen as an emergency. However, external haemor- experienced surgeon.49,53
rhoids can thrombose spontaneously (this process

210 66485457-66963820
Anorectal emergencies

Table 11.3  •  Results from comparative study on emergency and elective haemorrhoidectomy

Elective surgery (n=500) Emergency surgery (n=204) P value

Haemorrhage 27 (5.4) 10 (4.9) NS
Blood transfusion 10 (2) 4 (2) NS
Anal stenosis 15 (3) 12 (5.9) NS
Disturbance of continence 26 (5.2) 9 (4.4) NS
Sepsis 0 0 NS
Recurrence 38 (7.6) 14 (6.8) NS
Numbers in parentheses are percentages. NS, non-significant.
Data from Eu KW, Seow Choen F, Goh HS. Comparison of emergency and elective haemorrhoidectomy. Br J Surg 1994; 81:308–10. © British
Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Reproduced with permission. Permission is granted by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the BJSS Ltd.

Anorectal haemorrhage Anorectal trauma can also occur as a result of pen-

etrating injury, iatrogenic damage or secondary to
Although per rectal bleeding is a common reason foreign objects inserted into the anal canal. Injury
for acute surgical referral, major haemorrhage from sustained to the intraperitoneal rectum can some-
an anorectal source is very rare. A series of lower times be primarily repaired but if there is significant
gastrointestinal bleeds in an elderly North American contamination, large injuries, devascularisation or
population published in 1979 demonstrated an ano- nearby open fractures, resection and formation of a
rectal cause for massive blood loss in just four out stoma should be preferred.60 Damage to the extra-
of 98 patients.54 Bleeding generally comes from a peritoneal rectum can also often be repaired primar-
colonic source but rectal cancer, haemorrhoids, ily but proximal diversion may again be needed if
proctitis, rectal varices, anal fissures and solitary the injuries are extensive.61 Sigmoidoscopy should
rectal ulcer syndrome have all been implicated in always be performed if blood is seen in the rectal
massive lower gastrointestinal bleeds. The increased lumen or if an extraperitoneal haematoma is seen
use of nicorandil for the treatment of ischaemic adjacent to the rectum at laparotomy.
heart disease has led to an increased awareness of
the rectal ulcers that this drug can cause as a side-
effect and a recent case report has been published of Foreign bodies
a life-threatening bleed secondary to this.55
Rectally inserted foreign objects and the innova-
tive techniques used to remove them safely are
Anorectal trauma extensively reported in anecdotal case reports in
the world literature. These objects are most com-
Worldwide the most common cause of anorectal monly inserted for sexual gratification and in most
trauma is childbirth, with 0.4% of all vaginal births circumstances the patient has made an unsuccess-
complicated by a third-degree (into the external sphinc- ful attempt to remove them before presentation.
ter) or fourth-degree (into the rectal wall) tear.56 One A review of these case reports suggests that in the
prospective study using endoanal ultrasound to evalu- majority of instances removal is possible under
ate post-childbirth sphincter function has suggested conscious sedation, either digitally for low objects
that as many as 35% of women demonstrate damaged or bimanually for those above the rectosigmoid
external or internal sphincters following vaginal deliv- junction.62 When this fails, endoscopic extraction
ery.57 These tears are often repaired in the labour suite with or without fluoroscopic guidance is worth at-
with interrupted sutures to approximate the sphincters tempting. Some authors have reported success with
but results from this are poor, with significant levels of various obstetric instruments and in one reported
faecal urgency and incontinence persisting (up to 50% case of an irretrievable metallic ball, an electromag-
in one study).58 In an attempt to improve outcome, a net was employed.63 If all of these measures fail, or
recent randomised controlled study from Norway of there is radiographic evidence of perforation, lapa-
119 women with third- and fourth-degree tears com- rotomy is usually inevitable. In a series reported
pared this end-to-end approximation with an overlap from San Diego, this was necessary in five of 64 pa-
technique for sphincter repair.59 Unfortunately, they tients presenting with impacted foreign bodies.64 It
found no significant difference between the two tech- is recommended that all patients undergo sigmoid-
niques for reported faecal incontinence at 12 months oscopy after extraction to ensure no damage to the
or on anal manometry. rectal mucosa has been sustained.

211 66485457-66963820
Chapter 11

Key points
• Anorectal sepsis should be managed by prompt drainage following sound anatomical principles.
• Synchronous fistulotomy can be undertaken with care in low, uncomplicated posterior fistulas but
should be avoided in those at high risk of incontinence or when a tract is not easily distinguished.
• Acute pilonidal abscesses should be treated with simple incision and drainage alone.
• Abscess cavities should not be packed following drainage.
• Anal fissures should be managed pharmacologically, with surgery reserved for those that fail to heal.
• Acute thrombosed haemorrhoids should be managed non-operatively. Emergency
haemorrhoidectomy is only recommended if carried out within 72 hours of symptom onset by an
appropriately skilled surgeon.
• Management of anorectal trauma and retained foreign bodies should be determined by the site of
injury and the anorectum should always be re-examined by sigmoidoscopy following removal.

for pre-operative assessment of anal fistula: a com-

References parative study. Colorectal Dis 2001;3(3):189–97.
14. Law PJ, Talbot RW, Bartram CJ, et al. Anal endos-
1. Information Services Division, NHS Scotland. 2011 copy in the evaluation of perianal sepsis and fistula
(personal communication). in ano. Br J Surg 1989;76(7):752–5.
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214 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

Dafydd A. Davies
Jacob C. Langer

Introduction Whenever possible these patients should be re-

ferred for prenatal consultation with obstetrics,
While paediatric surgery has increasingly become neonatology and paediatric general surgery. In
the domain of the subspecialist paediatric surgeon, most cases, delivery should occur at a hospital
adult general surgeons are still often faced with with a neonatal intensive care unit and paediatric
the challenges of assessing and managing children surgical service. If this is not possible they should
with surgical emergencies. The unique differences be immediately transferred following delivery and
between adults and children must be taken into resuscitation.
account when addressing every aspect of surgical
management, including assessment, diagnosis, resus-
citation and operative interventions. Children face Intestinal obstruction
a different spectrum of conditions, have different
physiological responses to trauma, illness and surgi- Intestinal obstruction is the most common abdomi-
cal stress, and have different psychosocial needs. nal emergency in the neonatal period, and is usu-
This chapter will address the common abdominal ally due to a congenital, developmental or genetic
paediatric surgical emergencies encountered by gen- anomaly.
eral surgeons. These will be categorised according
to age: (i) Neonates (up to 44 weeks postgestational Assessment
age), (ii) infants (1 month to 2 years of age) and (iii) Assessing neonatal patients for obstruction requires
children (2 years of age and older). a thorough history, including the nature of any
vomiting and the presence or absence of abdominal
distention. Since neonates are unable to verbalise,
Neonatal period surgeons must gather as many clues as possible
from the prenatal, perinatal and family historical
Prenatal diagnosis details (Table 12.1).
Examination of neonates with suspected in-
Routine prenatal ultrasonography has become the testinal obstruction should start with vital signs
standard of care in many parts of the developed and an assessment of the level of resuscitation re-
world, and has resulted in the detection of many quired. Certain forms of obstruction can cause se-
congenital anomalies before birth. Common de- vere ­dehydration or sepsis, which will need to be
tectable anomalies relevant to the general surgeon addressed early. Dysmorphic features may give
include: abdominal wall defects, congenital dia- clues to syndromes in which obstruction is com-
phragmatic hernia, intestinal obstruction, and intra- mon. The a­bdominal examination should make
abdominal masses. note of any discoloration, distention and signs of

215 66485457-66963820
Chapter 12
Table 12.1  •  Important considerations in the neonatal history

Prenatal history • Previous pregnancies (complications and outcomes)

• Maternal gestational illnesses (e.g. gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension)
• Screening ultrasonoography (dates and findings)
• Other prenatal investigations and outcomes (e.g. maternal alpha-fetoprotein/betaHCG/
oestrogen levels, chorionic villous sampling, amniocentesis)
Perinatal history • Weeks of gestation
• Induced or spontaneous labour
• Complications of delivery
• APGAR scores
Neonatal history • Complications
• Infections
• Feeding history (initiation, type, rate achieved)
• Passage of meconium in the first 24 hours of life
• Other anomalies identified
Family history • Maternal and paternal health
• Previous congenital anomalies
• Cystic fibrosis
• Consanguinity

peritoneal ­ inflammation, such as guarding and have a ‘double-bubble’ appearance (Fig. 12. 1), whereas
­rigidity. It is ­important to look for an incarcerated those with distal intestinal obstruction will have mul-
inguinal ­
­ hernia as the cause of obstruction (see tiple dilated bowel loops. It is impossible to differ-
later). A thorough evaluation of the perineum must entiate distal small-bowel obstruction from colonic
also be carried out to ensure normal location and obstruction based on the plain abdominal radiograph
patency of the anus. in neonates, as the haustral markings seen in adults
Routine blood tests including electrolytes and full are not visible in this age group.
blood count are helpful in assessing the level of de- A contrast study is often required to definitively
hydration as well as helping determine if electrolyte diagnose the aetiology of intestinal obstruction. If
disturbances or sepsis are contributing to the presenta- malrotation is suspected, an urgent upper gastro-
tion. It should be kept in mind that serum creatinine in intestinal contrast study should be performed first.
the newborn reflects the mother's levels, and may not Once this diagnosis has been excluded a contrast
be helpful in assessing the neonate's renal function. enema can be done to exclude distal pathology if
Abdominal radiography should be the initial imag- this is indicated. For those infants with distal ob-
ing modality for neonates with possible intestinal ob- struction on plain radiograph, a contrast enema will
struction. Typically, infants with duodenal ­obstruction help to differentiate the three most common causes

Figure 12.1  •  Abdominal radiograph of an infant showing the typical ‘double-bubble’ appearance resulting from
duodenal obstruction.

216 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

Figure 12.2  •  Water-soluble contrast enemas of infants with distal bowel obstruction. (a) Meconium ileus, showing a
microcolon, dilated proximal small bowel and a soap-bubble appearance in the right lower quadrant. (b) Ileal atresia,
showing a microcolon, contrast entering the distal small bowel but dilated proximal small bowel without contrast.

217 66485457-66963820
Chapter 12

Figure 12.2  • (cont.) (c) Hirschsprung's disease: lateral film showing a contracted distal rectum with dilated bowel

of distal obstruction: meconium ileus, jejuno-­ileal first suspected when the baby has ­difficulty ­swallowing
atresia and Hirschsprung's disease (Fig. 12.2). saliva and may have coughing or ­respiratory distress
Water-soluble contrast should always be used in- during the first feed.1 Intubation may be needed if
stead of barium, to avoid the possibility of barium ventilation or respiration are significantly impaired.
leaking into the abdominal cavity should a perfora- The diagnosis is confirmed by the inability to pass
tion occur, and also because water-soluble contrast a 10–12 French nasogastric tube. This tube should
is more effective in relieving the obstruction in cases be left in the proximal oesophageal pouch and
of meconium obstruction. placed on suction to prevent ­aspiration of secre-
Neonates with suspected intestinal obstruction tions. Operative ­repair should only be performed
should be transferred in a temperature-controlled by an experienced paediatric surgeon and involves
transport isolette to a specialised paediatric surgi- division of the ­fistula and end-to-end anastamosis
cal unit for evaluation and definitive management. of the proximal and distal oesophagus.
Resuscitation should begin as soon as the patient
is assessed and should continue during transport. Meconium ileus
Nasogastric decompression with a large-calibre Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common autosomal
nasogastric tube (size 8–10 French) is important
­ recessive disorder in Caucasian children.2 The disease
to improve ventilation, monitor resuscitation, and alters the regulation of chloride transport in epithe-
limit bowel distention and subsequent ischaemia. lial cells, resulting in a variety of clinical manifesta-
tions. Ten to fifteen per cent of children born with CF
will develop meconium ileus, in which the meconium
Specific forms of intestinal obstruction becomes sticky and causes intraluminal obstruction.
Oesophageal atresia This can further lead to complications of volvulus,
This anomaly is characterised by a gap in the atresia or perforation. In addition, meconium ileus
­oesophagus, resulting in a blind-ending proximal may occasionally occur in children without CF. A
pouch. In 90% of cases, the distal oesophagus is diagnostic work-up, including both sweat chloride
connected to the back of the trachea as a tracheo- determination and genetic studies, must therefore be
oesophageal fistula. Oesophageal ­atresia is ­usually performed on all children with meconium ileus.

218 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

Abdominal radiographs may show distal intestinal Hirschsprung's disease

obstruction with a bubbly appearance in the right Hirschsprung's disease (HD) is a congenital disor-
lower quadrant due to gas mixing with the viscous der characterised by a lack of ganglion cells in the
meconium (Fig. 12.2a).2 There may also be intra- distal bowel. This results in failure of peristalsis and
peritoneal calcification if in-utero perforation has functional obstruction. The ‘transition zone’ is usu-
occurred. ally located in the rectosigmoid region, but HD can
Following resuscitation and nasogastric decom- affect the entire colon and in rare occurrences the
pression, a water-soluble contrast enema will small bowel. HD most often presents in the neo-
reveal a microcolon (small calibre) and multiple natal period with distal bowel obstruction and fail-
meconium plugs in the terminal ileum (Fig. 12.2a). ure to pass meconium in the first 24 hours of life.
In approximately 50% of cases, the contrast en- Patients can present later in life with a history of
ema will relieve the obstruction. If progress is severe constipation. Early identification and man-
made, but the infant remains obstructed after the agement are important to prevent complications of
initial enema and is otherwise stable, the pro- HD such as enterocolitis and nutritional problems.
cedure can be repeated. If the contrast enema is Water-soluble contrast enema has a sensitivity and
unsuccessful in relieving the obstruction and/or specificity of 70% and 83%, respectively, and may
no further progress has been made, a laparotomy therefore be normal, particularly in the newborn.4
must be carried out. If there is no volvulus or per- The gold standard for the diagnosis of HD is rectal
foration, enterotomies are made and mechanical biopsy, either by a suction technique at the bedside
washout is performed. Complications of volvu- or full-thickness biopsy.
lus, acquired atresia or perforation are managed Initial management, after resuscitation and nasogas-
by intestinal resection with or without a stoma, tric decompression, includes digital rectal stimulation
depending on the condition of the bowel and of and/or rectal irrigations (10 mL/kg normal saline).
the patient.
Although the historical teaching used to be
Intestinal atresia/stenosis routine diverting colostomy followed by a ‘pull-
Atresia and stenosis can occur at any point in the through’ operation several months later, the current
alimentary canal. The two prominent aetiological standard of care is primary reconstructive surgery
theories are failure of recanalisation of the intes- without a routine colostomy in most patients.5
tine during foetal development or an ischaemic
event in utero.3 Early resuscitative measures Preliminary colostomy should be reserved for in-
should be initiated and confirmatory diagnosis fants presenting with severe enterocolitis or colonic
can usually be made with either upper or lower perforation.
gastrointestinal contrast studies. The presence of There are a number of options for the surgical cor-
a ‘double-bubble’ sign on abdominal radiograph rection of HD, including the Swenson, Soave and
is considered diagnostic for duodenal atresia Duhamel procedures. In recent years, laparoscopic
(Fig. 12.1), although this finding associated with and trans-anal approaches have been described,
distal gas may also be due to stenosis, duodenal which have decreased morbidity and shortened
web, or malrotation. Trisomy 21 is present in one- hospital stay. It goes without saying that these
third of children with duodenal atresia. Patients ­operations should all be carried out by an experi-
with distal atresia will typically have multiple enced paediatric surgeon.
dilated loops of bowel on the plain abdominal
radiograph. Although a diagnosis of proximal ob- Anorectal malformations
struction can be confidently made based on plain Anorectal malformations can be divided into low
radiography, those with distal obstruction should and high anomalies. Low anomalies are character-
always undergo water-soluble contrast enema ised by rectoperineal or rectovestibular fistulas in
to differentiate atresia from meconium ileus or female patients. Most males with high malforma-
Hirschsprung's disease. tions have a fistula from the rectum to the blad-
Since most infants with intestinal atresia are der neck or urethra. Females with high anomalies
stable once decompressed and resuscitated, they usually have a single channel (cloaca) formed by
should then be transferred to a facility with pae- ­coalescence of the urethra, vagina, and rectum. Less
diatric surgical expertise. Most of these anomalies commonly, there may be rectal atresia without a fis-
are treated with a primary anastomosis. If there tula, and some infants present with an anal mem-
is significant dilatation of the proximal segment, brane or anal stenosis.
a tapering enteroplasty should be performed Infants with these malformations usually pres-
as the dilated bowel tends not to have effective ent in the first day of life with distal bowel ob-
peristalsis. struction. Low malformations in girls with large

219 66485457-66963820
Chapter 12
fistulas can permit adequate evacuation of stool, Malrotation
and are occasionally missed. Careful examination The process of normal rotation and fixation occurs
of the perineum of all newborns for anal patency between the sixth and tenth weeks of development.
and ­position is therefore important. Many of these If no rotation occurs, the patient is left in a position
­patients will suffer from associated anomalies which of non-rotation, which has a wide-based mesentery
need to be investigated prior to proceeding with and does not require correction. Classic malrota-
­anatomical repair of the anorectal malformation. tion occurs when the process is interrupted part
The next consideration is to determine if the way through, leaving the caecum and the duodeno-
defect is amenable to primary repair or whether
­ jejunal junction (ligament of Treitz) close to each
faecal flow should be diverted with a colostomy other (Fig. 12.3). Because this arrangement results
followed by delayed secondary anatomical repair. in a narrow-based mesentery, the bowel is prone
Children with a rectoperineal fistula can usually to midgut volvulus around the superior mesenteric
be managed with a local procedure from below, vessels, which may lead to intestinal ischaemia.
without a c­ olostomy. Children with high anomalies Malrotation with midgut volvulus is one of the
are usually managed with a preliminary colostomy. true paediatric surgical emergencies and failure to
The use of a colostomy in females with a rectoves- ­recognise it early can be catastrophic, leading to loss
tibular fistula is controversial. The colostomy can of large portions of bowel and subsequent short-
be made using either the transverse or the sigmoid bowel syndrome or death.
colon, and can be a loop or divided stoma. The au- Rotation abnormalities are most often asymp-
thors favour Pena's recommendation for a divided tomatic. While volvulus can occur at any time,
colostomy in the proximal sigmoid colon.6 Long- it is most common in the first week of life.7 The
term continence in these patients is determined by most common presentation of malrotation is bil-
the level of the rectal fistula, and the presence of ious vomiting, which may occur for two ­reasons:
an absent or hypoplastic sacrum. Depending on the midgut volvulus with kinking of the duodenum,
nature of the anomaly, ­repair can be carried out or compression of the duodenum by Ladd's bands.
­using a ­posterior ­sagittal approach, a laparoscopic Peritonitis and shock from midgut volvulus are
approach, or a ­combination of posterior and ab- late symptoms and are associated with a worse
dominal approaches. Technical expertise is crucial prognosis. Every attempt should be made to diag-
to success, and again these procedures should only nose and correct malrotation before this occurs.8
be performed by experienced paediatric surgeons. For this reason, every infant who ­presents with


Normal anatomy Non-rotation Malrotation

Figure 12.3  •  Schematic illustrations depicting normal intestinal rotation, non-rotation and malrotation. Bold dotted lines
illustrate the width of the mesenteric base in each situation.

220 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

bilious vomiting should be considered to have may be very subtle. In addition, the neonate does
malrotation with midgut volvulus until proven not have a well-developed omentum, so ability to
otherwise. ­localise ­inflammation may be impaired.
Any patient with suspected malrotation and Neonates with peritonitis will often develop
volvulus needs urgent imaging and surgical
­ ­systemic sepsis, which may differ in its presentation
­consultation. Abdominal radiograph is often non-­ from that in older children and adults. Signs of sep-
diagnostic but may show a dilated stomach, a ‘dou- sis in neonates may include lethargy, t­emperature
ble bubble’ with distal gas or a relatively gasless instability (either fever or ­hypothermia), increased
abdomen. Upper gastrointestinal contrast study ventilation requirements, thrombocytopenia, a high
is the preferred examination. A nasogastric tube or low white blood cell count, and acidosis.
placed prior to the exam can not only aid in de-
compression of the stomach, but also the admin-
Specific forms of abdominal
istration of the w ­ ater-soluble ­contrast. The chief
radiographic signs of malrotation are: (1) abnor- inflammation
mal position of the duodenojejunal junction, (2) a Meconium peritonitis
spiral, ‘corkscrew’ or Z-shaped course of the distal This condition occurs when there has been prenatal in-
duodenum and proximal jejunum, and (3) location testinal perforation, resulting in chemical ­peritonitis.
of the proximal ­jejunum in the right ­abdomen.8 Prenatally there may be evidence of free fluid or calci-
Abdominal ultrasound may show abnormal orien- fication within the abdomen. In some cases, the foetus
tation of the ­superior mesenteric artery and vein, or is able to localise and wall off the perforation, which
a ‘whirlpool sign’.9 may result in a meconium cyst. The aetiology of the
The operation to correct malrotation involves perforation is often distal ­obstruction, usually from
a laparotomy, although a laparoscopic approach meconium ileus or intestinal atresia, but in some cases
may be taken for children without evidence of vol- the perforation is idiopathic.
vulus.10 If there is volvulus, the bowel is untwisted Management of meconium peritonitis involves
and checked for viability. If there is ischaemia, fluid resuscitation, nasogastric drainage and anti-
the bowel is wrapped with warm towels and re- biotics. If there is evidence of associated intestinal
inspected. Grossly necrotic bowel is resected and the obstruction, a contrast enema may be helpful pre-
rest is left, with a second-look laparotomy planned operatively. Laparotomy should be performed, with
for 24–48 hours later. In children who have necrosis resection of the involved bowel and either stomas or
of the entire midgut, a palliative approach should primary anastomosis, depending on the condition
be considered. of the child and the bowel.
If the intestine is viable, a Ladd procedure should
be performed. This operation consists of five stages: Necrotising enterocolitis
(1) division of Ladd's bands; (2) mobilisation of the Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is most commonly
colon to the left side of the abdomen; (3) mobili- seen in low-birth-weight and small-for-gestational-
sation and straightening of the duodenum; (4) dis- age infants.11 The aetiology of NEC is unknown,
section and widening of the small bowel mesentery; but a combination of bacterial colonisation, intralu-
and (5) appendicectomy. minal substrate and intestinal ischaemia/hypoxia all
appear to be important.12
NEC should be suspected in neonates with sep-
Inflammatory conditions sis, increased abdominal girth, feeding intolerance,
abdominal wall discoloration or bloody stools.
Assessment Abdominal radiograph may show pneumatosis intes-
The diagnosis of peritonitis in the neonate is compli- tinalis, portal venous gas or free intra-abdominal air
cated by a number of factors, including the p ­ atient's (Fig. 12.4). It is convenient to classify the severity of
inability to communicate with the surgeon, as well NEC using the Bell classification (Table 12.2), which
as several anatomical and physiological differences helps to guide treatment and may assist the surgeon
between neonates and older children/adults. The in decision-making about operative intervention.13
very thin abdominal wall may develop oedema and Initial management of NEC includes bowel rest,
erythema as a result of underlying inflammation. nasogastric decompression, broad-spectrum anti-
Neonates breathe primarily with their diaphragms, biotics, parenteral nutrition, and supportive mea-
so peritonitis results in rapid, shallow respiration, sures to optimise perfusion and oxygenation of the
and ultimately will cause elevation in pCO2 and bowel. Persistent clinical deterioration and signs of
­respiratory failure. Localised peritoneal signs can necrosis or perforation are generally considered
be elicited by palpation, but the examiner must indications for operative intervention. Options
be gentle, since the signs of involuntary guarding ­include bedside peritoneal drainage, or laparotomy

221 66485457-66963820
Chapter 12

a b

Figure 12.4  •  Abdominal radiographs of infants with necrotising enterocolitis. (a) Pneumatosis intestinalis. (b) ‘Football
sign’ on supine film depicting intra-abdominal free air. (c) Free intra-abdominal air on lateral film.

with resection of grossly necrotic bowel and either Before laparotomy parents should always be in-
primary ­anastomosis or stomas, depending on the formed of the possibility of a long segment of necrosis
status of the child and the bowel.11,14 requiring massive resection that would leave the child
with short-bowel syndrome. Palliative management
should then be considered in these infants.
A recent randomised control trial in
neonates less than 1500 g with perforation found
Isolated ileal perforation
no significant difference in outcomes between
peritoneal drainage and laparotomy.15
This condition resembles NEC, in that it p
­ rimarily
affects preterm and small-for-gestational-age

222 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

Table 12.2  •  Bell stages of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)

Stage 1 (suspect) a. Any historical factors producing perinatal stress

b. Systemic manifestations – temperature instability, lethargy, apnoea, bradycardia
c. Gastrointestinal manifestations – poor feeding, increased nasogastric tube residuals,
emesis (may be bilious or test positive for occult blood), mild abdominal distension, occult
blood may be present in stool
Stage 2 (definite) a. Any historical factors producing perinatal stress
b. Above signs and symptoms plus persistent occult or gross gastrointestinal bleeding;
marked abdominal distension
c. Abdominal radiographs show significant intestinal distension with ileus; small-bowel
separation (oedema in the bowel wall or peritoneal fluid), unchanging or persistent ‘rigid’
bowel loops, pneumatosis intestinalis, portal vein gas
Stage 3 (advanced) a. Any historical factors producing perinatal stress
b. Above signs and symptoms plus deterioration of vital signs, evidence of septic shock or
marked gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
c. Abdominal radiographs may show pneumoperitoneum in addition to the others listed above.
Reprinted from Bell MJ, Ternberg JL, Feigin RD et al. Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. Therapeutic decisions based upon clinical
staging. Ann Surg 1978; 187(1):1–7. With permission from Wolters Kluwer Health.

­infants. However, infants with isolated ileal perfo- hernia, testicular ischaemia is far more common than
ration do not have any abnormalities of the intes- intestinal ischaemia, and it is appropriate to be ag-
tine other than localised perforation, usually in the gressive about reducing the hernia. Multiple a­ ttempts
distal ileum. It is unclear whether this represents and the use of sedation may be necessary. Ice should
a very localised form of NEC or a distinct entity. not be applied to the hernia, since it may induce hy-
Clinically, these infants present with sudden deterio- pothermia. Surgical repair of an incarcerated hernia
ration, sepsis and free air without any evidence of in an infant is a formidable undertaking. The sac is
pneumatosis seen on the abdominal radiograph. In often thin and oedematous, and the risks of injury to
general, the same principles of treatment are applied the cord structures and recurrence of the hernia are
to ileal perforation and NEC. very high. Therefore, if a general surgeon is unable to
reduce the hernia and a paediatric surgeon is acces-
Other neonatal conditions sible, the patient should be referred immediately.

If the hernia is reduced, repair should be

Incarcerated inguinal hernia
undertaken 24–48 hours later, allowing some
Inguinal hernias are very common throughout of the oedema to settle, but hopefully before
childhood. Hernias in children almost always
­ re-incarceration.16
arise from persistence of the processus vaginalis. If
the processus contains only fluid, it is known as a
­hydrocele; the hydrocele is communicating if the pro- Abdominal wall defects
cessus ­remains open and non-communicating if the Gastroschisis is characterised by an abdominal
processus has become obliterated proximal to the wall defect to the right of the umbilicus, through
fluid. Communicating hydroceles should be ­repaired which most of the intestinal tract protrudes.17
electively if they have not closed by 1 year of age. Omphalocele (also called exomphalos) is character-
In most cases, inguinal hernias are asymptom- ised by herniation of bowel with or without solid
atic and can be repaired electively. Incarceration of organs, into the umbilical cord. Gastroschisis tends
bowel may result in complete bowel obstruction, to be an isolated anomaly, whereas omphalocele is
and represents a surgical emergency since both the often associated with chromosomal, cardiac, renal,
bowel and the testis may become ischaemic. The limb and facial anomalies.
risk of incarceration is greatest in newborns and If the diagnosis is made prenatally, delivery should
is approximately 30% in the first 2 years of life. occur at a centre with paediatric surgical sup-
Premature infants are at highest risk. port. Resuscitation and nasogastric decompression
Neonates and infants presenting with an incarcer- should begin in the delivery room. The bowel or sac
ated hernia should be resuscitated if necessary, and should be wrapped in warm, saline-soaked, sterile
an immediate attempt should be made to reduce the gauze and covered with sterile plastic wrap to mini-
hernia. In contrast to the adult with an incarcerated mise heat and evaporative fluid loss.

223 66485457-66963820
Chapter 12
Repair of both conditions should be undertaken an infusion consisting of 1.5 times the maintenance
by an experienced paediatric surgeon. Options in- requirement (i.e. 6  mL/kg/h for this age group)
clude primary closure, or staged closure using a until the urine output and electrolytes have been
Silastic® silo that allows the bowel to be reduced normalised.
gradually into the abdomen over 1–6 days.18 Surgical management of HPS consists of extramu-
cosal longitudinal splitting of the pyloric muscle.
The original procedure described by Ramstedt in
Infancy 1912 was performed through a transverse right
upper quadrant incision. This technique has been
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis modified in many institutions to utilise circumum-
bilical incisions and, more recently, laparoscopic
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) is an acquired techniques.22 Following pyloromyotomy, many in-
condition in which the pylorus becomes abnormally fants will experience continued vomiting for 24–48
thickened, causing gastric outlet obstruction. This hours, although the majority will eventually toler-
occurs in infants during the first 2–12 weeks of ate feeds and be discharged. Postoperative com-
life and is characterised by projectile, non-bilious plications are rare but include wound infection,
vomiting usually occurring after feeds. HPS occurs duodenal or gastric perforation and incomplete
in approximately 1:400 children, with a significant pyloromyotomy.
male predominance.19
Diagnosis is suspected based on a history of pro-
gressive, forceful, non-bilious vomiting in a child Intussusception
of the appropriate age. Physical examination usu-
ally reveals some level of dehydration. The presence Intussusception, or ‘telescoping of the bowel’, oc-
of a palpable ‘olive’ in the epigastrium has a 99% curs when one portion of bowel invaginates into a
positive predictive value for the disease.20 Vomiting more distant portion. This results in venous con-
of gastric contents leads to depletion of sodium, gestion, bowel wall oedema, intestinal obstruction
potassium and hydrochloric acid, resulting in the and ultimately full-thickness necrosis of the intus-
typical hypochloraemic, hypokalaemic metabolic susceptum. The peak incidence of intussuscep-
alkalosis. The kidneys attempt to conserve sodium tion is seen at 6–9 months of age.23 The majority
at the expense of hydrogen ions, often leading to are ileocolic with hyperplastic lymphoid tissue in
paradoxical aciduria.21 The level of dehydration can Peyer's patches acting as a lead point.24 These are
be estimated by clinical examination, urine output, often referred to as ‘idiopathic’. Asymptomatic
and serum chloride and bicarbonate levels. If the small-bowel to small-bowel intussusception may
pyloric olive is not palpable, the diagnosis can be be seen incidentally on abdominal ultrasound,
confirmed by ultrasound (pyloric length >16 mm or sometimes may be associated with Henoch–
and single wall thickness >3 mm). If an experienced Schonlein purpura or cystic fibrosis. Less than
sonographer is not available, the diagnosis can be 5% of intussuceptions are due to a pathological
made using a barium swallow (Fig. 12.5). lead point such as a Meckel diverticulum, polyp
Surgery should be deferred until the infant is fully or small-bowel tumour such as lymphoma or leio-
resuscitated. This is accomplished by using normal myoma. Intussusception occurring outside of the
saline or Ringer's lactate with potassium. Most chil- usual age range, or those that recur, should raise
dren should receive a bolus of 20 mL/kg, and then suspicion for a pathological lead point.

a b

Figure 12.5  •  Images of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. (a) Abdominal ultrasound. (b) Upper gastrointestinal contrast study.

224 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

Few children with ileocolic intussusception will Table 12.3  • Paediatric Appendicitis Score: a score of 6
demonstrate the classic triad of intermittent se- or more has been shown to be associated
vere abdominal pain with drawing up of the legs, with a high likelihood of the child having
palpable abdominal mass and ‘redcurrant jelly’
­ acute appendicitis
stool. Physicians must therefore have a high index
Paediatric Appendicitis Score Points
of suspicion due to the variability of symptoms.
Patients may present with irritability, lethargy, Percussion/hopping/coughing 2
abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea or constipa- Anorexia 1
tion, haematochezia, fever, dehydration or shock.
Pyrexia 1
Management should initially focus on diagnosis and
resuscitation. Nausea or vomiting 1
Following fluid resuscitation, imaging should be RLQ tenderness 2
performed to confirm the diagnosis of intussuscep- Leucocytosis (WBC >10 000/μL) 1
tion. Abdominal radiograph may show air-fluid lev- Neutrophilia (‘left shift’) 1
els and distention of the small bowel and there may Migration of pain to RLQ 1
be a characteristic lack of air in the right lower
quadrant. Ultrasonography has a high sensitivity RLQ, right lower quadrant; WBC, white blood cell count.
and is currently the investigation of choice.24 Reprinted from Samuel M. Pediatric Appendicitis Score.
J Pediatr Surg 2002; 37(6):877–81. With permission from Elsevier.

Traditionally, the treatment of intussusception

has been barium enema. More recently, pneumatic have attempted to quantify the usefulness of specific
reduction using air or CO2 has been associated with findings in children using scoring systems. Clinical
an 80–95% success rate.24 scoring systems such as the Alvarado Score and the
Paediatric Appendicitis Score have been shown to
If the intussusception is partially but not com- be both sensitive and specific (Table 12.3).29–31
pletely reduced it is worth trying again a few hours In the otherwise well, stable patient with an equiv-
later, since some of the oedema may have been ocal presentation, the diagnostic options include
eliminated by the first attempt and a second at- observation with serial examinations, or imaging
tempt may be associated with a 50% chance of suc- with ultrasound or computed tomography (CT)
cess.25 Pneumatic pressures of 60–100 mmHg are (Fig. 12.6). There is a great deal of controversy as
recommended.26 to which technique is more appropriate (see also
Surgical intervention is reserved for those patients Chapter 5). Ultrasound is clearly more operator
who fail hydrostatic or pneumatic reduction, or dependent, but recent analyses have suggested that
who have signs of infarcted or perforated bowel CT scans in childhood may be associated with an
such as peritonitis or free air on abdominal radio- increased risk of radiation-induced malignancy later
graph at the time of presentation. At laparotomy, in life.32 Both have excellent accuracy.
the intussusception is manually reduced if possible. Increasingly, surgeons are using a laparoscopic
If the intussusception is not reducible, the bowel ap- approach to appendicectomy in children. As in
pears necrotic or a pathological lead point is iden- adults, the benefits of the laparoscopic approach
tified, a segmental resection should be performed include reduced postoperative pain and length of
with primary anastamosis. Recently some authors stay, in addition to a decrease in wound infection
have documented excellent results using a laparo- rate. There is some evidence that the rate of intra-
scopic approach to this condition.27 abdominal abscess may be higher after laparoscopic
appendicectomy in children with perforated appen-
dicitis.33 The laparoscopic approach may also be
Children beneficial in children who are muscular or obese,
and in adolescent females, where the incidence of
ovarian pathology as a cause for the symptoms is
Appendicitis higher.
Appendicitis is the most frequent abdominal surgi- Approximately 40% of children present with per-
cal emergency in children.28 As in adults, the classic foration, and the incidence is over 65% in those
presentation is mid-abdominal pain moving to the aged 0–4 years old.28 In contrast to non-perforated
right lower quadrant, anorexia, vomiting, low-grade appendicitis, these children usually present with
fever and localised tenderness with peritoneal signs prolonged symptoms, higher fever, higher white
in the right lower quadrant (see also Chapter 9). blood cell count and more diffuse peritoneal signs.
Presentation in children may be atypical, particu- Some children present with frank sepsis and diffuse
larly in those under 5 years of age. Some authors peritoneal contamination; these children benefit

225 66485457-66963820
Chapter 12

a b

Figure 12.6  • Ultrasound (a) and computed tomography (b) images of children with acute appendicitis. A faecolith is
visible at the base of the inflamed appendix in both images.

from resuscitation, followed by immediate appen- reached with onset of hypotension, irritability or
dicectomy and peritoneal washout. Many children coma. However, tachycardia is an early sign that
with perforated appendicitis present with a pro- should be recognised and treated.21
longed history and a localised abscess or phlegmon The urgency of fluid replacement depends on the
on imaging. This condition can be managed either degree of dehydration and the cause of the fluid
by early operation or by non-operative management loss. The goals of treatment are the restoration
consisting of broad-spectrum antibiotics and image- and preservation of cardiovascular, neurologi-
guided drainage of any purulent collections. As in cal and ­renal perfusion. In the event of dehydra-
adults (see also Chapter 9), the need for a subse- tion resulting from an inflammatory condition
quent interval appendectomy several months later is that will require urgent surgical intervention,
controversial. The authors reserve the use of inter- such as appendicitis, isotonic fluid (normal s­ aline
val appendectomy for those with an appendicolith or Ringer's lactate solution) should be given in
on imaging, since their risk of recurrent appendicitis 20 mL/kg boluses until signs of cardiovascular
is over 50%.34 compromise subside. For situations in which there
is no urgency to do an operation, such as pyloric
stenosis, the fluid deficit can be replaced more
Fluid resuscitation of the child slowly. This has the advantage of avoiding sudden
with a surgical emergency fluid shifts, and the possibility of cerebral oedema
and seizures, which are particularly likely in neo-
Fluid and electrolyte management in children are nates and infants. The commonly used protocol
made challenging by differences in total body water is to calculate the fluid deficit, and replace half
and compensatory mechanisms, as well as changes over the first 8 hours and the other half over the
in physiology throughout childhood. Total body subsequent 16 hours.
water is as high as 80% of body weight in neonates,
and decreases to the adult level of approximately
60% by 1 year. Degree of dehydration can be esti- Paediatric trauma
mated from the history and physical examination.
Children with mild dehydration (1–5% of body The principles of trauma management are the
fluid volume) show few clinical signs but frequently same for children as they are for adults (see also
have a history of 12–24 hours of vomiting or diar- Chapter 13). Securing the airway and ensuring ad-
rhoea. Those with moderate dehydration (6–10%) equate ventilation are paramount prior to treating
are often lethargic, have low urine output (usu- bleeding and circulatory collapse. Fluid resuscita-
ally evident as fewer wet nappies/diapers), weight tion is based on the patient's size, keeping in mind
loss, loss of skin turgor, sunken eyes or fontanel, the differences in physiological response to hypovo-
dry ­mucus membranes and crying without tears. If laemia mentioned in the previous section. As with
severe dehydration (11–15%) is reached the child adults, two boluses of crystalloid (20 mL/kg) should
may develop cardiovascular or neurological insta- be given through large-bore intravenous lines as
bility. Children have very active peripheral vasocon- quickly as possible. If there is still suspicion for on-
striction, so that blood pressure will be maintained going bleeding, blood products are administered in
until advanced intravascular volume depletion is 20 mL/kg boluses.

226 66485457-66963820
Paediatric surgical emergencies

The principles of managing penetrating trauma operations are rare for blunt abdominal trauma in
in children are also the same as in adults (see children. The indications for laparotomy in a child
Chapter 13). However, children sustaining blunt with blunt abdominal trauma include: evidence of
abdominal trauma are more prone to solid-organ peritonitis on abdominal examination; free intra-
injury due to the low-lying nature of these organs abdominal air on imaging; inability to normalise
with respect to the paediatric ribcage and the rela- haemodynamic status despite resuscitation efforts;
tive laxity of the abdominal wall. In general, inju- a rapidly expanding abdomen associated with per-
ries to the spleen, liver and kidney can be managed sistent hypotension; and the need for transfusion of
non-operatively regardless of the grade of injury and more than one-half of a blood volume over 24 hours.

Key points
• Neonatal and complex surgery in children should ideally take place in specialised paediatric
surgical units, with subspecialised paediatric surgical, anaesthetic and intensive care unit support.
• Resuscitation is the first step in the management of all children with surgical problems.
• Beware the child who vomits green! Bilious vomiting in a neonate or child is usually associated
with intestinal obstruction, and every child with bilious vomiting should be assumed to have
life-threatening malrotation and midgut volvulus until proven otherwise.
• A high index of suspicion for intussusception should be maintained in children in the high-risk age
group (3–12 months of age) presenting with intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting and/or bloody stools.
• Delayed passage of meconium (>24 hours of life) should arouse suspicion of Hirschsprung's disease.
• Incarcerated inguinal hernias should be reduced if possible and repaired within 48 hours of reduction.
• Tachycardia is an important sign of intravascular fluid depletion in children; hypotension is a late finding.

References 10. Mazziotti MV, Strasberg SM, Langer JC.

Intestinal rotation abnormalities without vol-
1. Spitz L. Oesophageal atresia. Orphanet J Rare Dis vulus: the role of laparoscopy. J Am Coll Surg
2007;2:24. 1997;185(2):172–6.
2. Chaudry G, Navarro OM, Levine DS, et al. 11. Lee JS, Polin RA. Treatment and prevention
Abdominal manifestations of cystic fibrosis in children. of necrotizing enterocolitis. Semin Neonatol
Pediatr Radiol 2006;36(3):233–240. 2003;8(6):449–59.
3. Dalla Vecchia LK, Grosfeld JL, West KW, et al. 12. Caplan MS, Jilling T. New concepts in necrotizing
Intestinal atresia and stenosis: a 25-year experience enterocolitis. Curr Opin Pediatr 2001;13(2):111–5.
with 277 cases. Arch Surg 1998;133(5):490–7. 13. Bell MJ, Ternberg JL, Feigin RD, et al. Neonatal nec-
4. de Lorijn F, Kremer LC, Reitsma JB, et al. Diagnostic rotizing enterocolitis. Therapeutic decisions based
tests in Hirschsprung disease: a systematic review. J upon clinical staging. Ann Surg 1978;187(1):1–7.
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5. Nasr A, Langer JC. Evolution of the technique in the with necrotizing enterocolitis. Semin Neonatol
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15. Moss RL, Dimmitt RA, Barnhart DC, et al.
6. Pena A, Hong A. Advances in the manage- Laparotomy versus peritoneal drainage for necro-
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8. Strouse PJ. Disorders of intestinal rotation and 16. Baguley PE, Fitzgerald PG, Srinathan SK, et al.
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tion? J Pediatr Surg 2006;41(5):1005–9. 2003;27(1):117–24.

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18. Langer JC. Gastroschisis and omphalocele. Semin 27. Bailey KA, Wales PW, Gerstle JT. Laparoscopic ver-
Pediatr Surg 1996;5(2):124–8. sus open reduction of intussusception in children: a
19. To T, Wajja A, Wales PW, et al. Population de- single-institution comparative experience. J Pediatr
mographic indicators associated with incidence Surg 2007;42(5):845–8.
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228 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Kenneth D. Boffard

Introduction oxygenation of ischaemic tissues.Several studies in

critically ill intensive care patients have demonstrated
In 1988, without organised trauma care, some that elevated initial or 24-hour lactate levels corre-
20–35% of patients who reached hospital alive in late significantly with mortality and appear to have
the UK died unnecessarily,1 and even in a recent a more superior predictive value than corresponding
study of the NHS, almost 60% of patients received a base deficit level changes.5,6 Similarly, prolonged ele-
standard of care that was considered less than good vation of blood lactate levels has been correlated with
practice.2 In the now classic study of trauma centres increased organ failure and mortality after trauma.7
versus non-trauma centres in California published in Criteria that identify patients at significant risk for
1979, West et al. demonstrated that the majority of abdominal injury, and therefore requiring objective
preventable deaths resulted from unrecognised, and evaluation, are:
therefore untreated, intra-abdominal haemorrhage.3 Anatomy
Approximately 6% of all patients with blunt ab- • major mechanism of injury;
dominal trauma will require laparotomy, primarily for
• associated major chest injury;
haemorrhage from solid-organ injuries. Penetrating
torso trauma poses its own problems, especially with • presence of pelvic fracture;
regard to whether the peritoneal cavity has actually • presence of haematuria;
been penetrated, whether intra-abdominal injury has • objective physical findings (e.g. tenderness of
occurred and, in the presence of competing injuries, the abdomen);
the decision-making required for best management. • impaired sensorium and consequent inability for
objective abdominal examination.
Risk factors Physiology

Mackersie et al., in an evaluation of 3223 patients • significant rise in the serum lactate or significant
with blunt trauma, found that the risk of abdomi- base deficit;
nal injury was significantly increased in the pres- • unexplained haemodynamic instability;
ence of an arterial base deficit of 3 mmol/L or more, • unexplained hypovolaemic shock.
the presence of major chest trauma, the presence
of pelvic fractures or the presence of hypotension.4
The current ‘gold standard’ for assessment of per- Transport
fusion following injury is measurement of the serum
lactate. Elevated lactate levels indicate organ dys- Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)
function and failure in severely injured trauma pa- and its possible association with outcomes im-
tients, and therefore reflect inadequate perfusion and provement continues to be a subject of debate.

229 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
In an effort to facilitate the academic pursuit of as- the trauma patient, he or she is classified as a level
sessment of HEMS utility, in late 2000 the National I trauma patient and should be transported to the
Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) Air nearest appropriate centre:
Medical Taskforce reviewed the use of HEMS in
• confirmed blood pressure (BP) less than
both trauma and non-trauma. A more recent litera-
ture analysis by Thomas8 showed, like most HEMS 90 mmHg at any time;
trauma studies, that the crude mortality was much • respiratory compromise, obstruction and/or
higher in the HEMS patients; however, control for intubation;
acuity reversed the association and outcomes point • patients from other hospitals receiving blood to
estimates favoured HEMS in nine of 10 analyses. maintain vital signs;
Penetrating trauma was the only group for which • emergency physicians' discretion, especially
the non-significant outcome impact was on the side
where there is unexplained hypotension, or the
of better outcome with ground EMS. For patients
with severe head injuries HEMS response was as- expected need for damage control may exist.
sociated with borderline significant outcome im-
provement. The authors concluded that HEMS was
called for in patients of higher injury acuity with Assessment in the
diminished (poorer) vital signs, and that HEMS re- emergency department
sponse resulted in improved outcome for patients
with blunt trauma and those with severe head The entire philosophy of the abdominal injury can
injuries. be summed up by answering the following questions:
In a more recent study of 56  744 inured adults • Is the abdomen involved in an injury process?
transported to US trauma centres by either ground
• Is a surgical procedure necessary to correct it?
transport or helicopter, the odds of death were 39%
lower in those transported by HEMS, compared to • What additional support does the patient require?
those transported by road, especially in the 18- to In hypotensive patients, the goal is to stop the
54-year-old age group.9 A second recent study of bleeding, and this includes the rapid determination
223 475 patients transported by ground and air of whether the abdomen is the cause of the hypoten-
showed that certain patients transported to level sion. If intra-abdominal bleeding is the cause, then
I and II centres by helicopter had an improved odds emergency measures will be needed to control that
of survival to hospital discharge.10 bleeding. These include emergency transfusion in or-
In summary, therefore, HEMS is associated with a der to ‘buy time’ or emergency thoracotomy in the
reduction in mortality, particularly in patients under emergency room to control the descending aorta and
55 years. However, overall survival, especially in therefore control distal bleeding. Transfusion alone is
those patients with torso or penetrating injury, and only a means to an end, and for hypotensive patients
patients who are actively bleeding, is best achieved with penetrating torso injuries, delay in aggressive
by early control of bleeding. This implies that the fluid resuscitation until rapid operative intervention
time between injury and successful surgical inter- and control has occurred improves outcome.12 The
vention is the single biggest factor in determining a often quoted paper by Bickell et al. states that this
favourable outcome, and in the urban environment applies primarily to penetrating trauma of the chest
this may imply rapid road transport with limited re- and that other injuries, particularly those involv-
suscitation en route. The right patient by the right ing blunt abdominal trauma, should be assessed.
transport to the right hospital in the right time. Thromboelastography (TEG) has become a further
dynamic point-of-care (POC) standard to optimise
clotting ability for haemostasis.13,14
Regional trauma systems Haemodynamically stable patients without signs
of abdominal irritation may undergo a more ex-
Dating from 1979,3 outcomes have been shown to tended assessment in order to answer the above
be improved if a regional trauma system is present, questions.
and the importance of transporting a patient to an Most conventional texts emphasise the need for a
appropriate centre, capable of managing the injuries careful history and physical examination of the ab-
(actual and potential) in a timely and comprehensive domen. In trauma, it is extremely difficult to assess
fashion, is well established. The American College the abdomen, as the history may not be available
of Surgeons Committee on Trauma provides criteria and all the available physical signs are misleading.
for classification of trauma centres from level I to Fresh blood is not a peritoneal irritant! Positive
level IV and definitions for a level I patient.11 When clinical findings may be relevant. Negative ones
one or more of the following criteria are present in are not!

230 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

The mechanism of injury is critically important in taken and will give an indication of the track of the
assessing the potential for abdominal injury. This in- bullet, which wound is at the front and which is at
formation may be obtained from the patient, relatives, the back, and also the presence of other fragments.
police or emergency care personnel. When assessing
the patient who has sustained a penetrating injury, per- Special diagnostic studies
tinent historical information includes the time of injury,
type of weapon, number and direction of (especially) The advantages and disadvantages of each of the
bullet wounds (was it an entrance and an exit wound, objective methods of examining the abdomen for
or two entry wounds with both bullets retained?). injuries are summarised in Table 13.1.
It is unacceptable to withhold analgesia (see also
Chapter 5). Judicious, properly titrated use of intrave- Computed tomography (CT)
nous opiates will not significantly affect the clarity of With contrast-enhanced CT (CECT), it is possible
the history, nor will it ‘mask’ pain, depress cerebration both to recognise the organ that is injured and to
or respiration, or alter the blood pressure. What it will grade the severity of the injury. Intravascular con-
do is make the injury more comfortable for the patient trast is essential. There is only limited evidence
and allow the clinician a much more accurate picture that enteral (via stomach or rectum) contrast is
of both the history and the clinical presentation. helpful, and its use may delay the examination.
Both intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal injuries
can be detected with CECT, and the amount of
Diagnostic modalities in blunt intra-abdominal blood loss can be estimated. Serial
abdominal trauma scanning can be used to follow the resolution (or
progression) of an injury. The disadvantages of
The accuracy of physical examination of the abdo- CECT include the need to move the patient to the
men in detecting intra-abdominal injuries is limited. radiology suite and the time required to perform
There are many patient factors that contribute to the scan, although with the introduction of 64-slice
the difficult physical examination, including the spiral scanners, the latter factor has become less im-
presence of other painful distracting injuries, espe- portant. CT is expensive, there is the potential for
cially if they occur both above and below the abdo- allergic reaction to the injected contrast m­ aterial,
men, and an altered level of consciousness as the
result of drugs, alcohol or head injury. Recognising
these limitations, most trauma surgeons advocate Table 13.1  • Comparison of diagnostic methods for
a more objective evaluation of the abdomen in pa- abdominal injury
tients at risk for intra-abdominal injury.
Method Advantages Disadvantages
Routine screening radiographs Clinical
Clinical Quick Unreliable
The routine radiographs as laid down by the
examination Non-invasive
Advanced Trauma Life Support Programme
(ATLS®) of the American College of Surgeons are an Diagnostic
anteroposterior (AP) chest film and a pelvic film.15 Computed Organ-specific Patient must be
Abdominal films are not usually useful. If possible tomography retroperitoneal stable
(and it is safe to do so), an erect chest radiograph ‘Gold standard’ information Expensive
will provide more information than an erect ab-
Ultrasound Quick User dependent
dominal film in looking for infradiaphragmatic free
Non-invasive Unhelpful for hollow
air (see also Chapter 5).
viscus injury
In all cases of penetrating trauma, it is important
to appreciate that in the unstable patient, the radio- Diagnostic Quick Invasive
graph is unlikely to influence management and the peritoneal lavage Inexpensive Too sensitive
patient requires an immediate laparotomy. However, Limited specificity
in the stable patient, useful additional information Laparoscopy Organ specific Painful
regarding the track of the bullet can be obtained. It Anaesthesia required
is essential in such a situation to make use of bullet User dependent
markers to show the entry/exit wounds.16 These can Patient must be
be simply paper clips taped onto the skin. If there are stable
wounds on both front and back, then one of the pa- Laparotomy Highly specific Complications
per clips can be unfolded. After the clips are applied Expensive
to all relevant torso wounds, the radiographs are

231 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
or for aspiration of oral contrast (a rare event), Injuries of the retroperitoneum will be missed by
and the danger of the radiation dose administered DPL, and the presence of pelvic fractures may lead
should not be underestimated.17 It has been esti- to a false-positive result.
mated that the danger of CT scan-induced cancer A DPL is generally considered as positive if:
may be as high as 2%.18
• red cell count is >100 000 cells/mm3;
Although CT is relatively insensitive in the de-
tection of hollow viscus injuries, a bowel injury • white cell count is >500/mm3;
(and especially a duodenal injury) is suggested by • there is amylase or bowel content in the lavage
finding a thickened bowel wall, extraluminal air return.
and the presence of intraperitoneal fluid in the
However, if surgeons are committed to operating on
absence of a solid-organ injury.19,20 CT may also
all patients with positive DPL the ability to manage
miss a pancreatic injury early in its course. The
patients non-operatively may be lost.The lavage is
accuracy of CT is generally poor in the detection
therefore regarded as an indicator of the presence
of diaphragmatic, hollow-organ and mesenteric
of abdominal pathology, but not necessarily an in-
injuries, and there have been reports of a high in-
dication for surgery (see section on non-operative
cidence of false-negative results.21 Despite these
management below).
limitations, however, CT remains the method of
choice for objective evaluation of the abdomen in Diagnostic laparoscopy
stable trauma patients who are likely to have an Laparoscopy has yet to find its role in the evalua-
intra-­abdominal injury, and is currently the ‘gold tion of the patient with blunt abdominal trauma.25
standard’ of investigation. With few exceptions, laparoscopy requires general
anaesthesia, is expensive and has the potential to
Diagnostic ultrasound create a tension pneumothorax26 or air embolus
The sensitivity of ultrasound for the detection of free during insufflation. Laparoscopy in penetrating in-
intraperitoneal fluid in abdominal blunt trauma has jury has been reported with the successful repair of
been shown to be 81–99%.22 The disadvantage of injuries of the diaphragm and stomach.27
ultrasound is its lack of sensitivity for injuries that An additional drawback of diagnostic laparos-
do not produce blood or peritoneal fluid and the copy currently is the relative cost compared with
fact that its accuracy is directly related to the experi- other modalities, especially those performed at the
ence of the ultrasonographer. Nonetheless, surgeons bedside, such as ultrasound. The technique should
can be taught to perform and interpret ultrasound only be used on relatively stable patients, and lapa-
examinations rapidly and accurately, with a sen- roscopy is still limited in its ability to detect pen-
sitivity/specificity and accuracy each over 90%.23 etrating intestinal injury, especially in the hands
This diagnostic method has particular ­ appeal in of an operator unskilled in the specific techniques
paediatric trauma patients and in the injured gravid required for elucidation of intra-abdominal injury.
patient. Currently, laparoscopy is most useful in the patient
In most centres, ultrasound has replaced diagnos- with penetrating abdominal trauma when there is
tic peritoneal lavage (DPL) for evaluation of the a question of peritoneal penetration or diaphrag-
unstable patient following blunt trauma. However, matic injury. The diaphragm is also an area where
the role of ultrasound in the assessment of penetrat- delay or missed diagnosis dramatically increases
ing ­abdominal trauma is still controversial, since the the ­morbidity.28 Laparoscopy can identify not only
examination will miss small amounts of intraperito- clinically unsuspected diaphragm injuries but also
neal fluid. other injuries that have been ‘missed’ by other di-
agnostic tests.
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) Diagnostic laparoscopy does not confer any ad-
Root et al. introduced DPL as a method of evalua- vantages or improvements over other techniques
tion of the abdomen some 50 years ago,24 and while when it comes to investigation of retroperitoneal
it has frequently been superseded by more sophisti- injuries to organs such as the duodenum and pan-
cated (and potentially more expensive) techniques, creas, and CT remains more accurate in this regard.
it remains the standard against which all other
diagnostic examinations are judged. The main ad- Laparotomy
vantage of DPL is that it can be performed quickly Mandatory laparotomy
and with few complications by relatively inexperi- While laparotomy remains the most appropriate
enced clinicians. DPL is also reproducible, as well therapy for an unstable patient with obvious ab-
as highly sensitive and specific for the detection of dominal trauma, a non-therapeutic laparotomy is
abdominal blood (>97%), but it does not identify not necessarily benign. In a prospective study of un-
the organ of injury. necessary laparotomies performed in 254 trauma

232 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

patients, complications occurred in 41% of ­patients, It is obvious that the decision not to operate
and included atelectasis, ­ postoperative hypoten- should be carefully considered and, if taken,
sion, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, p ­rolonged meticulous and repeated re-examination of the
ileus, pneumonia, surgical wound infection, small- patient for changing abdominal signs should be
bowel obstruction and urinary infection.29 performed. A general dictum should be that the
Many centres still practise a policy of mandatory more there is uncertainty in the assessment, or
laparotomy for abdominal gunshot wounds because the more inexperienced the assessor, the more
of the higher morbidity associated with delayed aggressive should be the tendency towards
diagnosis. However, Ross et al.30 reported a nega- laparotomy.
tive laparotomy rate (absence of injury) of 12% in
gunshots, 23% in stab wounds and 6% in blunt
trauma, suggesting that there is a more accurate in-
vestigation of the abdomen in blunt trauma.
Operative management
of abdominal trauma
Selective laparotomy (i.e. selective conservatism)
in penetrating injury
Laparotomy for trauma
Several studies have considered the possibilities of
selectively treating certain patients by observation In patients who, by any of the diagnostic criteria
only, even when a laparotomy seems to be required. above, are judged to need a laparotomy for con-
Two South African studies reviewed selective con- trol of their injuries, the timing of laparotomy in
servatism in the management of abdominal gun- ­relationship to the detection and/or repair of con-
shot wounds. Muckart et al. reported no delayed comitant injuries requires input from an experi-
laparotomies or morbidity, with only a 7% negative enced trauma surgeon. Although open to debate,
laparotomy rate,31 and Demetriades et al. found a the following scenarios are offered along with a
delayed laparotomy rate of 17%.32 suggested algorithm (Fig. 13.1).

Haemodynamically Haemodynamically
stable unstable

Blood tests

Examination Examination Unequivocal Injury Injury

normal equivocal intraperitoneal injury not obvious obvious

Serial CT or Laparotomy CT or Laparotomy

examination ultrasound or ultrasound or

Negative Positive Positive Negative

Observe Selective Laparotomy Observe


Interventional Laparotomy
Figure 13.1  •  Management of abdominal injury.

233 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13

The unstable patient with intra-abdominal as to possible injury to intra-abdominal organs.

Furthermore it may exclude a diaphragmatic
bleeding rupture, which has a significant association with
The unstable patient with obvious intra-abdominal pelvic fractures. Intrapelvic bleeding is best con-
haemorrhage should undergo immediate operative trolled by angio-embolisation (arterial) or by ex-
intervention. However, if other priorities are also ternal fixation (venous), often in association with
pressing (e.g. major physiological derangement, extraperitoneal pelvic packing.
­severe closed head injury or associated pelvic haem-
orrhage), a ‘damage control’ procedure (abbrevi-
ated laparotomy) should be considered to allow The stable patient with combined head,
management of the patient's physiology or of other chest and abdominal injuries
life-threatening injuries. In stable patients with combined head/chest/ab-
During the laparotomy, however brief, if the pa- dominal injuries, CT with contrast can rapidly
tient had an initial Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of identify injuries that need operative intervention.
less than 8/15, it is recommended that intracranial A study by Wisner et al. described 800 patients
pressure monitoring should take place. The most who were thought to have potentially correctable
lethal secondary brain injury is induced by hypoten- injuries to both the head and the abdomen.34 Only
sion or hypoxia. 52 had a head injury requiring craniotomy, 40
If a widened mediastinum is present, the situation required laparotomy, and only three needed both
must be assessed and priorities of care selected. In craniotomy and therapeutic laparotomy. These au-
the patient who is unstable because of intra-ab- thors lend support to the concept that if patients
dominal pathology, the diagnostic processes for the with combined head/abdominal trauma are stable
mediastinum may have to take place after the thera- and have a negative ultrasound (or DPL), they can
peutic laparotomy. Consideration should be given undergo CT of both the head and abdomen. Many
to the use of beta-blockade, and hypotensive resus- patients with head trauma and stable liver/spleen
citation, until the aorta/great vessels can be properly injuries are now being treated non-operatively.35
There are considerable data available to support The patient with abdominal injuries
medical treatment of contained thoracic aortic in-
juries and to delay repair or endovascular stenting and limb fractures
until other injuries are stabilised.33 With the exception of pelvic fractures, fracture/
dislocations and in the presence of vascular impair-
The unstable patient with intra-abdominal ment, most fractures can be simply splinted while
other surgical procedures take place. Open fractures
and pelvic haemorrhage should be irrigated and debrided within 6 hours of
In a patient who is unstable with both the injury, and antibiotics administered. Although
­intra-­abdominal haemorrhage and pelvic bleed- there is still considerable debate about the timing
ing, the surgeon must decide which injury is caus- of fracture fixation in trauma patients with mul-
ing the hypotension. If the DPL is grossly positive, tiple priorities, those with head and/or pulmonary
or an ultrasound demonstrates a large amount of injuries still benefit from early fracture fixation,
fluid in Morrison's pouch, laparotomy should provided hypotension and hypoxia can be avoided
be performed promptly. As most fractures of during the surgery. There is a clear role for damage
the pelvis bleed extraperitoneally, this bleeding control orthopaedics as part of a damage control
is unlikely to originate in the pelvis. An unsta- procedure.
ble patient who has signs of bleeding from both
pelvis and abdomen should have c­ompression
stabilisation of the pelvis, with a ­knotted sheet Trauma laparotomy: a systematic
(or proprietary device) or external fixation ap- approach
plied immediately, followed by laparotomy and
extraperitoneal packing, then angiography of If it is decided that the injured patient would ben-
the pelvis and embolisation of bleeding arteries. efit from laparotomy, the operation should be ap-
Ultrasound is unreliable for quantifying blood proached in an orderly fashion. It is important to
loss in such circumstances and, if the patient is recognise the components of the ‘trauma laparot-
stable enough, CT of both pelvis and abdomen omy’. The vital initial goals are to:
should be carried out. Not only will CT pro-
vide significant information regarding the pelvic • stop the bleeding;
fractures and source of bleeding (85% will be • limit contamination;
venous in origin), it will also give information • restore the physiology.

234 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Preparation hiatus. When the patient is reasonably stable, the

An adequately stocked warm operating theatre packs are removed systematically, uncovering the
is essential. Delay in surgery is the most common most likely injury last. Any bleeding sites are then
cause of unnecessary ongoing bleeding. In addition rapidly controlled by clamps, sutures or re-packing
to routine equipment, the following should be con- as needed.
sidered as mandatory equipment:
Contamination control
• rapid infusion devices with rapid warming
Gross contamination from the gastrointestinal tract
capability (Alton Deane®, Mallincrodt® or Level is quickly controlled with sutures or staples.
• patient warming blankets (e.g. Bair Hugger®); Physiological control
• autotransfusion if available. No further definitive surgery is performed until the
anaesthesia team has the patient stabilised and the
Incision patient is warm (>35 °C). This may require a pe-
A long midline abdominal incision is used, one that riod of resuscitation in the intensive care unit (see
can be extended superiorly as a sternotomy. The ‘Damage control laparotomy’ below).
ideal incision is always ‘too big rather than too
small’ and should extend from the xiphisternum to Full inspection for injury
the symphysis pubis. Once there is control of haemorrhage and contami-
nation, a systematic inspection is performed.
Bleeding control In addition to inspecting the liver and spleen,
If, upon opening the abdomen, gross blood is en- a full trauma laparotomy includes examination
countered, as much as possible is scooped out, using of the anterior/posterior stomach wall, the en-
a receiver such as a kidney dish. Suction is ineffec- tire large and small bowel (including the duode-
tive as it is too slow, and the apparatus blocks with num), the diaphragm, the gastrohepatic ligament,
clots.The abdomen is packed using layered dry ab- the head, body and tail of the pancreas, and any
dominal swabs: central retroperitoneal haematomas. In order to
achieve this, it will be necessary not only to per-
• below the left hemidiaphragm; form a conventional reflection of the duodenum
• lateral to the descending colon; (the Kocher manoeuvre) and to enter the lesser sac,
• the pelvis; but also to reflect the right and left hemicolon to
• lateral to the ascending colon; view the great vessels (right and left medial visceral
• lateral to the liver; rotation manoeuvres).
The abdomen is only closed when it is safe to do so
• below the liver;
(see ‘Damage control laparotomy’ and ‘Abdominal
• anterior to the dome of the liver, under the right compartment syndrome’ below).
subcostal margin;
• central abdomen.
Damage control laparotomy
Additional packs are used to isolate bleeding areas
as required. Since the mid-1980s, there has been a re-emergence
With blunt injuries, the most likely sources of of the concept of packing and closing for abdomi-
­bleeding are the liver, spleen and mesentery. The solid nal injuries with profuse haemorrhage. Further
organs are packed and bleeders in the m ­ esentery are experience with this technique has resulted in its
clamped using mosquito forceps. No attempt is made extension to patients with other vascular/intestinal
to tie off individual vessels (very time consuming) un- injuries, and new terms such as ‘damage control’
til all major bleeding has been controlled with clamps. surgery, ‘abbreviated laparotomy’, ‘staged lapa-
If necessary, a soft bowel clamp can be used across the rotomy’ or ‘planned re-operation’ have emerged.36
mesentery to control all mesenteric bleeding. The principle of damage control has been extended
With penetrating injuries, the liver and retroperi- beyond the abdomen, to thoracic, extremity and
toneal structures, vascular structures and mesentery orthopaedic damage control techniques.37
are all examined. The concept of damage control has as its objec-
If packing does not control the bleeding, the tive the avoidance of imposition of additional
blood supply to the organ is isolated using proxi- ­surgical stress at a moment of physiological frailty.
mal clamping or isolation techniques. If additional The concept is not new – livers were not infre-
assistance is needed for blood pressure control, the quently packed 100 years ago. However, the failure
abdominal aorta can be manually compressed at the to understand the underlying rationale, or deal with

235 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
the resulting disruption to physiological processes, Hirshberg and Mattox described three distinct
led to disastrous results. The concept of packing indications for planned re-operation in severely in-
was re-examined, and the technique establish- jured patients:38
ment of intra-abdominal pack tamponade and then
• avoidance of irreversible physiological insult in
completion of the procedure once coagulation has
returned to an acceptable level proved to be life- a hypothermic coagulopathic patient by rapid
saving. This approach was initially advocated for termination of the surgical procedure;
patients with severe liver injuries, ­especially those • inability to obtain direct haemostasis (by
with retrohepatic venous injuries. When properly ligation, suture or vascular repair), necessitating
applied, packs above/below the liver can compress indirect control of bleeding by packing or
and control venous injuries long enough for the pa- balloon tamponade;
tient's coagulopathy, acidosis and temperature to
• massive visceral oedema precluding formal
be corrected.
Often, when the patient is returned to the operat- closure of the abdomen or chest.
ing room after packing for liver injuries, the bleed- Garrison et  al. described criteria that predicted
ing has already stopped, and irrigation, debridement the need to pack early for severe intra-abdominal
and formal closure are all that are required. The haemorrhage:39
concept of ‘staging’ applies both to routine and to
emergency procedures, and it can apply equally well • Injury Severity Score (ISS) >35;
beyond the abdomen. • coagulopathy with a prothrombin time >19
This approach has been used for patients with seconds;
both penetrating and blunt injuries, and it gener- • hypotension with a systolic blood pressure
ally includes clamping of major bleeding vessels, <70 mmHg for longer than 70 minutes;
packing of bleeding solid-organ injuries and sta- • pH <7.2;
pling/dividing bowel injuries but without initial
• serum lactate >5 mmol/L;
reconstruction. A variety of temporary methods of
closure of the abdomen have been developed (see • temperature <34 °C.
‘Temporary abdominal closure’ below), including More recently, thromboelastography (TEG) or
mesh and other synthetic material, plastic intrave- rotary thromboelastometry (RoTEM) has been re-
nous bags and towel clips. Currently, the ‘vacuum garded as the ‘gold standard’ for assessment of co-
sandwich’ technique is the simplest method of agulation status, and an r time >12 minutes would
choice. However, it must be remembered that the mandate damage control surgery.13
type of closure is much less important than the rec- Damage control procedures can be considered un-
ognition of the need to terminate the operation and der the following stages.
save the patient.
Stage 1: Damage control procedure
Patient selection for damage control In damage control, the technical aspects of the sur-
Patients are selected for a damage control approach gery are dictated by the injury pattern, with the pri-
if there is: mary objectives as follows.

• inability to achieve haemostasis; Arrest bleeding and the resulting (causative)

• proven coagulopathy; coagulopathy
Procedures for haemorrhage control include:
• inaccessible major venous injury, e.g.
retrohepatic vena cava injury; • repair or ligation of accessible blood vessels;
• anticipated need for a time-consuming • occlusion of inflow into the bleeding organ (e.g.
procedure (>90 min); Pringle's manoeuvre for bleeding liver);
• demand for non-operative control of other • tamponade using wraps or packs;
injuries, e.g. fractured pelvis; • intravascular shunting;
• desire to reassess the intra-abdominal contents • intraoperative or postoperative embolisation.
(directed relook).
Limit contamination and the associated sequelae
Irrespective of setting, a coagulopathy in the pres- This is achieved by:
ence of hypothermia is the single most common
reason for abortion of a planned procedure or the • ligation or stapling of bowel;
curtailment of definitive surgery. It is important to • isolation of pancreatic injury;
abort the surgery before the coagulopathy becomes • adequate suction drainage (e.g. with a Blake®
obvious. drain).

236 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Temporary abdominal closure Stage 3: Resuscitation in the intensive

The abdomen is only closed to limit heat and care unit
fluid loss and to protect viscera. Closure is usually
Priorities on reaching the intensive care are:
achieved using the ‘sandwich technique’, first de-
scribed by Schein et al. in 198640 and subsequently 1. The restoration of body temperature using:
popularised by Rotondo et al.36 a. passive rewarming with warming blankets,
A sheet of self-adhesive incise drape (Opsite®, warmed fluids, etc.;
Steridrape® or Ioban®) is placed flat, sticky side
b. active rewarming using lavage of chest or
up, and an abdominal swab placed upon it. The
plastic edges are trimmed, to produce a sheet with abdomen.
membrane on one side and abdominal swab on the 2. Correction of clotting profiles by blood com-
other. If extra firmness is required, a surgical drape ponent repletion. This is best directed by the
can be used instead of the swab. It is worth noting results of the TEG/RoTEM.13
that it is unnecessary to make any perforations in 3. Optimisation of oxygen delivery:
the membrane, and to do so may increase subse- a. volume loading to achieve optimum preload;
quent fistula formation.
b. haemoglobin optimisation to a value of 9 g/dL;
The membrane is utilised as an on-lay with the mar-
gins ‘tucked in’ under the edges of the open sheath, c. temperature optimisation (>35 °C).
the membrane being in contact with the bowel. 4. Monitoring of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) to
The appreciable drainage of serosanguinous fluid prevent abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS).
that occurs is best dealt with by placing a pair of
drainage tubes (e.g. sump-type nasogastric tubes or Stage 4: Return to the operating
closed-system suction drains) through separate stab theatre for definitive surgery
incisions onto the membrane and utilising continu- The patient is returned to the operating theatre as soon
ous low-vacuum suction. This arrangement is cov- as stage 3 is achieved. The timing is determined by:
ered by an occlusive incise drape applied to the skin,
thus providing a closed system. • the indication for damage control in the first place;
Other techniques, such as the use of towel clips • the injury pattern;
or the so-called ‘Bogota bag’, are now generally re- • the physiological response.
garded as obsolete. The use of proprietary vacuum
Patients with persistent bleeding despite correction
suction devices at this stage is not only expensive, but
of the other parameters merit early return to control
the suction used is often above mean arterial pressure,
the bleeding.
which increases the risk of subsequent fistula. Such
Every effort must be made to return all patients to
devices should generally only be used at the final stage
the operating theatre within 24–48 hours of their
of closure if definitive closure is not possible.
initial surgery.
Stage 2: Transfer to the intensive care Stage 5: Definitive surgery and abdominal
unit for ongoing resuscitation wall reconstruction if required
The timing of the transfer of the patient from Once definitive surgery is complete, and no further
the operating theatre to the intensive care unit is operations are contemplated, then the abdominal
critical. Early transfer is cost-effective; premature wall can be closed. This is often difficult and meth-
transfer is counter-productive. In addition, once ods involved include:
haemostasis has been properly achieved, it may
not be necessary to abort the procedure and it • primary closure;
may be possible to proceed to definitive surgery. • closure of the sheath, leaving the skin open;
Conversely, there are some patients with severe • grafts with Vicryl® mesh, or other synthetic sheets;
head injuries where the coagulopathy is induced • use of lateral relieving incisions to allow closure
by severe irreversible cerebral damage, and further of sheath (component separation).
surgical energy is futile.
In the operating theatre, efforts must be started to
reverse all the associated adjuncts, such as acidosis, Abdominal compartment
hypothermia and hypoxia, and it may be possible to syndrome
improve the coagulation status through these meth-
ods alone. Adequate time should still be allowed for There have been major developments in our un-
this, following which reassessment of the abdomi- derstanding of intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and
nal injuries should take place, as it is not infrequent intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH). Raised IAP
to discover further injuries or ongoing bleeding. has far-reaching consequences for the physiology of

237 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13

the patient.41 Clinically, the organ systems most af- even higher. The causes of acutely increased IAP
fected include the cardiovascular, renal and pulmo- are usually multifactorial (see also Chapter  18).
nary systems. A sustained IAP≥20 mmHg associated The first clinical reports of postoperative in-
with new organ dysfunction is known as abdominal creased IAP were often after aortic surgery, with
compartment syndrome (ACS; see Table 13.2).With postoperative haemorrhage from the graft suture
increasing awareness of the problem, reduced fluid line. Peritonitis and intra-abdominal sepsis, tissue
resuscitation and more appropriate damage control, oedema and ileus are the predominant cause of
the incidence of ACS in trauma is decreasing. Failure ­increased IAP. Raised IAP in trauma patients is of-
to detect ACS in a timely fashion and treat it aggres- ten caused by a combination of blood loss and tis-
sively results in high mortality in such patients. sue oedema. Causes of increased intra-abdominal
pressure include:
Definition • tissue oedema secondary to insults such as
ischaemia, trauma and sepsis;
The first World Congress on ACS was held in 2005
• paralytic ileus;
and an internal consensus agreement relating to cur-
rent definitions42 is shown in Table 13.2. • intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal haematoma;
• ascites;
ACS is defined as a sustained IAP ≥20 mmHg
• trauma with hypothermia, coagulopathy and
(with or without an abdominal perfusion pressure acidosis.
<60 mmHg) that is associated with new organ
dysfunction/failure. Effect of raised IAP on
organ function
Renal function
The incidence of increased IAP may be 30% of The most likely direct effect of increased IAP is
postoperative general surgery patients in intensive an increase in the renal vascular resistance, cou-
care and after emergency surgery the incidence is pled with a moderate reduction in cardiac output.

Table 13.2  •  Consensus definitions related to IAP, IAH and ACS

Definition 1 IAP is the pressure concealed within the abdominal cavity

Definition 2 APP = MAP − IAP
Definition 3 FG = GFP − PTP = MAP − 2 × IAP
FG, filtration gradient; GFP, glomerular filtration pressure; PTP, proximal tubular pressure
Definition 4 IAP should be expressed in mmHg and measured at end-expiration in the complete supine position after
ensuring that abdominal muscle contractions are absent and with the transducer zeroed at the level of the
mid-axillary line
Definition 5 The reference standard for intermittent IAP measurement is via the bladder with a maximal instillation
volume of 25 mL of sterile saline
Definition 6 Normal IAP is approximately 5–7 mmHg in critically ill adults
Definition 7 IAH is defined by a sustained or repeated pathological elevation of IAP >12 mmHg
Definition 8 IAH is graded as follows:
• Grade I: IAP 12–15 mmHg
• Grade II: IAP 16–20 mmHg
• Grade III: IAP 21–25 mmHg
• Grade IV: IAP >25 mmHg
Definition 9 ACS is defined as a sustained IAP ≥20 mmHg (with or without an APP <60 mmHg) that is associated with
new organ dysfunction/failure
Definition 10 Primary ACS is a condition associated with injury or disease in the abdomino-pelvic region that frequently
requires early surgical or interventional radiological intervention.
Definition 11 Secondary ACS refers to conditions that do not originate from the abdomino-pelvic region
Definition 12 Recurrent ACS refers to the condition in which ACS redevelops following previous surgical or medical
treatment of primary or secondary ACS
Reproduced with permission from the World Society for Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.

238 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

The absolute value of IAP that is required to cause Intracranial contents

renal impairment is probably in the region of Raised IAP can have a marked effect on intracranial
20  mmHg. Maintaining adequate cardiovascular pathophysiology and cause severe rises in intracra-
filling pressures in the presence of increased IAP nial pressure.
also seems to be important.43

Cardiac function Measurement of IAP

Increased IAP reduces cardiac output as well as
increasing central venous pressure, systemic vascu- The most common method for measuring IAP uses
lar resistance, pulmonary artery pressure and pul- a urinary catheter.44 The patient is positioned flat
monary artery wedge pressure. Cardiac output is in the bed and a standard Foley catheter is used
affected mainly by a reduction in stroke volume, sec- with a T-piece bladder pressure device attached be-
ondary to a reduction in preload and an increase in tween the urinary catheter and the drainage tubing.
afterload. This is further aggravated by hypovolae- This piece is then connected to a pressure trans-
mia. Paradoxically, in the presence of hypovolaemia, ducer, which is placed in the mid-axillary line and
an increase in IAP can be temporarily associated the urinary tubing clamped. Approximately 50 mL
with an increase in cardiac output. Venous stasis oc- of isotonic saline is inserted into the bladder via a
curs in the legs of patients with IAP values above three-way stopcock. After zeroing, the pressure on
12 mmHg. In addition, recent studies of patients un- the monitor is recorded.
dergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy show up to
Pitfalls of IAP pressure measurement
a fourfold increase in renin and aldosterone levels.
The following factors are important in achieving ef-
Respiratory function fective IAP measurements:
In association with increased IAP, there is diaphrag- • A strict protocol and staff education on the
matic splinting, exerting a restrictive effect on the technique and interpretation of IAP is essential.
lungs with reduction in ventilation, decreased lung
• Very high pressures (especially unexpected ones)
compliance, increase in airway pressures and reduc-
tion in tidal volumes. The mechanism by which in- are usually caused by a blocked urinary catheter.
creased IAP impairs pulmonary function appears to be • The size of the urinary catheter does not
purely mechanical. As IAP increases, the diaphragm is matter.
forced higher into the chest, thereby compressing the • The volume of saline instilled into the bladder is
lungs. Adequate ventilation can still be achieved, but not critical, but it should be enough to overcome
only at the cost of increased airway pressures. the resistance of the contracted bladder; usually,
In critically ill, ventilated patients the effect on the
not more than 50 mL is adequate.
respiratory system can be significant, resulting in
reduced lung volumes, impaired gas exchange and • A central venous pressure manometer system
high ventilatory pressures. Hypercarbia can occur can be used but it is more cumbersome than
and the resulting acidosis can be exacerbated by si- online monitoring.
multaneous cardiovascular depression as a result of • Elevation of the urine catheter and measuring
the raised IAP. The effects of raised IAP on the respi- the urine column provides a rough guide and is
ratory system in the intensive care setting can some- simple to perform.
times be life threatening, requiring urgent abdominal
• If the patient is not lying flat, IAP can be
decompression. Patients with true ACS demonstrate
a remarkable improvement in their intraoperative vi- measured from the pubic symphysis.
tal signs following abdominal decompression. • IAP is not a static measurement and should
be measured continuously. In addition,
Visceral perfusion whether IAP is measured intermittently or
Interest in visceral perfusion has increased with in- continuously, consideration of abdominal
creased awareness of gastric tonometry, and there perfusion measurement should be given (see
is an association between IAP and visceral perfu-
below). Real-time continuous monitoring of
sion as measured by gastric pH. In a study of 73
patients after laparotomy, it was shown that IAP IAP is effective and shows trends as well as
and gastric pH are strongly associated, suggesting actual pressures.
that early decreases in visceral perfusion are related
to IAP at levels as low as 12 mmHg.43 Visceral re-
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) is defined by
perfusion injury is a major consideration after a
a sustained or repeated pathological elevation of
period of raised IAP, and may of itself have fatal
IAP >12 mmHg.

239 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13

Abdominal perfusion pressure such as neostigmine but if it is severe, surgical de-

compression may be necessary (see also Chapter 10).
Like the concept of cerebral perfusion pressure, Ileus is a common cause of raised IAP in patients in
calculation of the ‘abdominal perfusion pres- intensive care. There is little that can be actively done
sure’ (APP), which is defined as mean arterial in these circumstances apart from optimising the pa-
pressure (MAP) minus IAP, assesses not only the tient's cardiorespiratory status and serum electrolytes.
severity of IAP present, but also the adequacy Abdominal evaluation for sepsis is a priority and
of the patient's abdominal blood flow. A ret- surgery is obviously the mainstay of treatment in
rospective trial of surgical and trauma patients patients whose rise in IAP is caused by postopera-
with IAH (mean IAP 22  ±  8 mmHg) concluded tive bleeding.
that an APP > 50 mmHg optimised survival based Management of IAH and ACS is summarised in
upon receiver operating characteristic curve Figs 13.2 and 13.3.42,48,49
analysis.45 APP was also superior to global re-
suscitation end-points such as arterial pH, base Surgery for raised IAP
deficit, arterial lactate and hourly urinary output
in its ability to predict patient outcome.Three As yet, there are few guidelines for exactly when
subsequent trials in mixed medical–surgical pa- surgical decompression is required in the presence
tients (mean IAP 10  ±  4 mmHg) suggested that of raised IAP. The indications for abdominal decom-
60 mmHg represented an appropriate resuscita- pression are related to correcting pathophysiologi-
tion goal.46–49 Persistence of IAH and failure to cal abnormalities as much as achieving a precise and
maintain an APP ≥ 60 mmHg by day 3 following optimum IAP. The abdomen is decompressed, and
development of IAH-induced acute renal failure a temporary abdominal closure (TAC) is achieved.
was found to discriminate between survivors and The simplest technique is the Opsite® sandwich
non-survivors. technique described above.
Every effort must be made towards the reduction
Management of raised IAP of intra-abdominal pressure, allowing early clo-
sure of the abdomen. Clinical infection is common
in the open abdomen and the infection is usually
General support polymicrobial. Prophylactic antibiotics are not rou-
In general, the best treatment is prevention, both by tinely used.
minimising the causative agents and early apprecia-
tion of the potential complications. Summary
There are a number of key principles in the man-
agement of patients with potential ACS:
Patients with raised IAP require close and careful
• regular (<8-hourly) monitoring of IAP; monitoring, aggressive resuscitation and a low in-
• optimisation of systemic perfusion and organ dex of suspicion for requirement of surgical abdom-
function in the patient with IAH; inal decompression.
• institution of specific medical procedures to
reduce IAP and the end-organ consequences of The formation of the World Society on
ACS has been a major advance, with production
of consensus definitions, formation of a research
• early surgical decompression for refractory IAH. policy with multicentre trials, and the publishing of
the consensus guidelines on ACS.42,48,49
Reversible factors
The second aspect of management is to correct any
reversible cause of ACS, such as intra-abdominal Organ injury scaling systems
bleeding. Maxwell et al. reported on secondary
ACS, which can occur without abdominal injury, The American Association for the Surgery of
and stated that, again, early recognition could im- Trauma (AAST) has developed an organ injury scal-
prove outcome.50 ing system for all major injuries in the body.51–57
Massive retroperitoneal haemorrhage is often as- These scores not only allow a clear anatomical
sociated with a fractured pelvis, and consideration language when dealing with organ injury but also,
should be given to measures that would control since surgical policies are often dictated by the inju-
haemorrhage, such as pelvic fixation or vessel em- ries sustained, a degree of consistency in both treat-
bolisation. In some cases, severe gaseous distension ment and prognosis. The scaling system is outlined
or acute colonic pseudo-obstruction can occur in in the Appendix to this chapter and can be accessed
patients in intensive care. This may respond to drugs at on the Internet.

240 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Intra-Abdominal Hypertension (IAH) Medical treatment options to reduce lAP

1. Improve abdominal wall compliance
Patient has IAH Sedation & analgesia
(IAP > 12 mmHg) Neuromuscular blockade
Avoid head of bed > 30 degrees
2. Evacuate intra-luminal contents
Nasogastric decompression
Initiate treatment
Rectal decompression
to reduce IAP
Gastro-/colo-prokinetic agents
Avoid excessive fluid
3. Evacuate abdominal fluid collections
Optimise organ perfusion
Percutaneous drainage
4. Correct positive fluid balance
Monitor Avoid excessive fluid resuscitation
IAP with serial Diuretics
IAP >20 mmHg No measurements IAP <12 mmHg Colloids/hypertonic fluids
with new organ failure? at least every consistently? Haemodialysis/ultrafiltration
4 hours 5. Organ Support
Yes while patient is Yes Maintain APP ≥ 60 mmHg with vasopressors
critically ill Optimise ventilation, alveolar recruitment
Use transmural (tm) airway pressures
Pplatm = Pplat - lAP
Patient has ACS IAH has resolved Consider using volumetric preload indices
Discontinue IAP measurements and If using PAOP/CVP, use transmural pressures
monitor patient for clinical deterioration PAOPtm = PAOP - 0.5 * lAP
CVPtm = CVP - 0.5 * lAP

Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (ACS)

Identify and treat underlying

aetiology for patient's ACS

Does patient have Patient has secondary

primary ACS No
or recurrent ACS

Yes Is IAP >25 mmHg with
progressive organ failure?
Perform / revise abdominal
decompression with No
temporary abdominal closure
as needed to reduce IAP

Continue medical treatment

options to reduce IAP

Measure IAP/APP at least every

4 hours while patient is critically ill

Perform balanced resuscitation of patient IAH has resolved

No preload, contractility and afterload using Decrease frequency of IAP
crystalloid / colloid / vasoactive medications No measurements and observe
avoid excessive fluid resuscitation patient for deterioration

Can APP be maintained IAP < 12 mmHg

Yes Yes
≥ 60 mmHg? consistently?

Figure 13.2  •  Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH)/abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) management algorithm.

ACS, abdominal compartment syndrome; APP, abdominal perfusion pressure (MAP −IAP); IAH, intra-abdominal
hypertension; IAP, intra-abdominal pressure; Primary ACS, a condition associated with injury or disease in the abdomino-
pelvic region that frequently requires early surgical or interventional radiological intervention; Recurrent ACS, the condition
in which ACS redevelops following previous surgical or medical treatment of primary ACS; Secondary ACS, ACS due to
conditions that do not originate from the abdomino-pelvic region.

241 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13

• The choice (and success) of the medical management strategies listed below is strongly related to both the aetiology
of the patient's IAH / ACS and the patient's clinical situation. The appropriateness of each intervention should always
be considered prior to implementing these interventions in any individual patient.
• The interventions should be applied in a stepwise fashion until the patient's intra-abdominal pressure (lAP) decreases.
• If there is no response to a particular intervention, therapy should be escalated to the next step in the algorithm.

Patient has lAP 12 mmHg

Begin medical management to reduce lAP

Measure lAP/APP at least every 4–6 hours or continuously.

Titrate therapy to maintain lAP 15 mmHg and APP 60 mmHg

Evacuate Evacuate Improve Optimise Optimise

intraluminal intra-abdominal abdominal wall fluid systemic/regional
contents space occupying compliance adminstration perfusion

Insert nasogastric Abdominal Ensure adequate Avoid excessive Goal-directed

and/or rectal tube ultrasound to sedation & fluid resuscitation fluid resuscitation
identify lesions analgesia
Step 1

Initiate gastro-/ Remove constrictive Aim for zero to Maintain abdominal

coloprokinetic dressings, negative fluid perfusion pressure
agents abdominal eschars balance by day 3 (APP) ≥ 60 mmHg

Minimise enteral Abdominal Avoid prone Resuscitate using Haemodynamic

nutrition computed position, hypertonic fluids, monitoring to
tomography to head of bed colloids guide resuscitation
identify lesions > 20 O
Step 2

Administer Percutaneous Consider reverse Fluid removal

enemas catheter drainage Trendelenberg through judicious
position diuresis once

Consider Consider Consider Consider Vasoactive

colonoscopic surgical neuromuscular haemodialysis/ medications
decompression evacuation of blockade ultrafiltration to keep APP
Step 3

lesions ≥ 60mmHg

enteral nutrition
Step 4

If lAP > 25 mmHg (and/or APP < 50 mmHg) and new organ dysfunction/failure is present,
patient's IAH/ACS is refractory to medical management. Strongly consider surgical abdominal decompression.

Figure 13.3  •  Medical management options to reduce intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). ACS, abdominal compartment
syndrome; APP, abdominal perfusion pressure; IAH, intra-abdominal hypertension.

242 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Surgical decision-making Box 13.1  • Evidence-based guidelines for prophylactic

antibiotic administration: summary of
in abdominal trauma recommendations

Experience in dealing with injury clearly leads to a Strong recommendation

better outcome: 1. Patients with peritoneal contamination due to traumatic
bowel injury repaired within 12 hours are not considered to
Good judgment comes from experience.
have established intra-abdominal infections, and should be
Unfortunately, experience often comes from
treated with prophylactic antimicrobials for 24 hours or less
bad judgment! (Evidence level I)
There is limited evidence-based decision-making in Recommendation based on evidence of
trauma, although certain practice guidelines have effectiveness
been developed, primarily by groups working in
2. Systemic antibiotics should be administered as soon as
the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma
possible after injury for patients with penetrating trauma
( Examples of evidence-based prac-
tice management guidelines include the following. requiring surgical intervention (Evidence level II)
3. A single broad-spectrum agent is at least as safe and
effective as a double or triple antibiotic therapeutic regimen
Antibiotic prophylaxis in (Evidence level II)
abdominal trauma58,59 4. Patients with a fully removable focus of inflammation
(e.g. bowel necrosis) should be treated with prophylactic
Guidelines for patient selection and specific an- antimicrobials for 24 hours or less (Evidence level II)
timicrobial regimens are based on good evidence
Recommendation made where there is no
(Box  13.1),59,60 those regarding high-risk patients
adequate evidence as to the most effective
and duration of therapy less so (Box  13.2). The
trauma surgery setting is fundamentally different
to that of elective surgery, especially with regard to 5. Patients with more extensive conditions should be treated
prophylactic antibiotics. Antibiotics are given after as having more extensive infections, and given therapeutic
the peritoneal insult and possible contamination has antimicrobials for more than 24 hours (Evidence level III)
occurred (Boxes 13.3 and 13.4). Reproduced from Mazuski JE, Sawyer RG, Nathens AB et al. The
Surgical Infection Society Guidelines on antimicrobial therapy for
intra-abdominal infections: an executive summary. Surg Infect
Management of abdominal 2002; 3(3):161–73. Cornwell EE IIIrd, Campbell KA. Trauma. In:

injury Gordon TA, Cameron JL (eds) Evidence-based surgery. Hamilton,

Ontario: BC Decker, 2000; pp. 415–28. With permission from
Mary Ann Liebert Inc./BC Decker Inc.
Abdominal injury is of a blunt or penetrating na-
ture.While it is hard to define precise parameters for
the approach to management, the following guide- forces or shear forces. The elastic tissue within ar-
lines are offered. terial blood vessels makes them less susceptible to
tearing than any other structures within the liver.
Hepatic injury Venous and biliary ductal tissues are moderately
resistant to shear forces, whereas the liver paren-
Repair and resection for treatment of hepatic trauma chyma is the least resistant of all. Therefore, frac-
demands a working knowledge of the ­anatomy of tures within the liver parenchyma tend to occur
the liver. Segmental anatomical resection has been along segmental fissures or directly into the paren-
well documented but usually is not applicable to in- chyma. This causes shearing of lateral branches to
jury. The three main hepatic veins divide the liver the major hepatic and portal veins. With severe de-
into four sections: right posterior lateral, right an- celeration injury, the origin of the hepatic veins may
terior medial, left anterior and left posterior. Each be ripped from the inferior vena cava, causing dev-
of these sectors receives a portal pedicle.The liver astating haemorrhage. Similarly, the small branches
is practically divided into eight Couinaud segments from the caudate lobe entering directly into the cava
(Fig. 13.4). are at high risk of shearing with linear tears on the
Understanding the anatomy also helps to explain caval surface.
some of the patterns of injury following blunt Direct compressive forces usually cause tearing
trauma. There are also differences in tissue elas- between segmental fissures in an anterior posterior
ticity, which determine injury patterns. The forces sagittal orientation. Horizontal fracture lines into
from blunt injury are usually direct compressive the parenchyma give the characteristic burst ­pattern

243 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
Box 13.2  • Evidence-based guidelines for duration Box 13.3  • Evidence-based guidelines for antimicrobial
of antibiotic therapy: summary of regimens: summary of recommendations
Strong recommendation
Recommendation based on evidence of 1. Antimicrobial regimens for intra-abdominal infections
effectiveness should cover common aerobic and anaerobic enteric flora.
1. High postoperative septic complications can be expected No regimen has been demonstrated to be superior to
in patients with gunshot injuries to the colon, high another (Evidence level I)
Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index (PATI) scores, major
blood loss, and common need for postoperative care. Recommendation based on evidence of
There is no evidence to date that extending prophylactic
antibiotic therapy beyond 24 hours decreases that high 2. Once-daily administration of aminoglycoside is the preferred
risk (Evidence level II) dosing regimen for patients receiving these agents for intra-
abdominal infections (Evidence level II)
2. Antimicrobial therapy of most established intra-abdominal
infections should be limited to no more than 5 days Recommendation made where there is no
(Evidence level II) adequate evidence as to the most effective
3. Antimicrobial therapy can be discontinued in patients when practice
they have no clinical evidence of infection such as fever or 3. Aminoglycosides should be avoided in the acute trauma
leucocytosis (Evidence level II) patient due to difficulty in reaching adequate MIC levels
without toxicity (Evidence level III)
Recommendation made where there is no
adequate evidence as to the most effective For less severely ill patients with community-acquired
practice infections, antimicrobial agents having a narrower spectrum
of activity, such as antianaerobic cephalosporins, are
4. Continued clinical evidence of infection at the end of the preferable to more costly agents having broader coverage
time period designated for antimicrobial therapy should of Gram-negative organisms and/or a greater risk of toxicity
prompt appropriate diagnostic investigations rather than (Evidence level III)
prolongation of antimicrobial treatment (Evidence level III)
4. The routine use of intraoperative cultures is controversial,
5. If adequate source control cannot be achieved, a longer and there is no evidence that altering the antimicrobial
duration of antimicrobial therapy may be warranted regimen on the basis of intraoperative culture results
(Evidence level III) improves outcome (Evidence level III)

to such liver injuries. If the fracture lines are par- parenchyma, it is then appropriate to apply a vas-
allel, these have been dubbed ‘bear claw’-type in- cular clamp to the porta hepatis (Pringle's manoeu-
juries and probably represent where the ribs have vre), via the gastrohepatic ligament. If this controls
been compressed directly into the parenchyma. the bleeding, the surgeon should be suspicious of he-
Occasionally, there will be a single fracture line patic arterial or possible portal venous injury. While
across the horizontal plane of the liver, usually be- control is being obtained, it is important to establish
tween the anterior and posterior segments. This can more intravenous access lines and other monitoring
cause massive haemorrhage if there is direct exten- devices as needed. (The treatment of bleeding is to
sion or continuity with the peritoneal cavity. stop the bleeding!) Hypothermia should be antici-
The liver is at risk in any penetrating trauma to the pated and corrective measures taken.
right upper quadrant of the abdomen. CECT has en- After haemostasis and haemodynamic resuscita-
hanced the diagnosis of significant liver injury in the tion has been achieved, any packs in the two lower
stable patient. Virtually all penetrating injuries to the abdominal quadrants are removed. If there is ab-
abdomen should be explored promptly, especially dominal contamination, it is appropriate to control
when they occur in conjunction with h ­ ypotension. this as rapidly as possible. The packs in the left up-
The surgeon should be aware that penetrating inju- per quadrant are then removed. If there is an associ-
ries to the right lower chest, presenting with haemo- ated spleen injury a decision must be made either
thorax, may have penetrated the diaphragm, with to remove it promptly or to clamp the hilum of the
the bleeding originating from the liver. spleen temporarily with a vascular clamp to reduce
The treatment of severe liver injuries begins with further bleeding. Finally, the packs are removed in
temporary control of haemorrhage. Most cata- the right upper quadrant and the injury to the liver
strophic bleeding from hepatic injury is venous rapidly assessed.
in nature and can therefore be controlled by liver If there is bleeding from the porta hepatis, care-
packs. If there is bright red blood pouring from the ful exploration for a portal vein injury should be

244 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Box 13.4  • Evidence-based guidelines for antimicrobial carried out, with repair or shunting. Traction on
therapy in the high-risk patient: summary of the dome of the liver, which produces a sudden
recommendations gush of retrohepatic blood, should make the sur-
geon suspicious of injury to the posterior hepatic
Strong recommendation veins or inferior vena. The options for hepatic
1. In patients with intra-abdominal infections, treatment failure vein and cava injuries include direct compression
and death is associated with patient-related risk factors such (packing), extension of the laceration and direct
as advanced age, poor nutritional status, low serum albumin control, atrial–caval shunt, non-shunt isolation
concentration and pre-existing medical disease.A higher (Heaney technique) and veno–veno bypass. Liver
APACHE II score is the most consistently recognised risk packs are increasingly used as definitive treat-
factor for both death and treatment failure (Evidence level I) ment, particularly when there is bilobar injury, or
Recommendation based on evidence of they can simply buy time if the patient develops a
effectiveness coagulopathy, hypothermia or there are no blood
2. Disease and treatment-related risk factors, including
nosocomial origin of infection, the presence of resistant
pathogens, and the lack of adequate source control are Pancreatic trauma
associated with treatment failure and death (Evidence
level II) Blunt pancreatic trauma can be subtle and presenta-
3. Routine addition of an aminoglycoside to other agents tion is often that of associated injuries. The pan-
having broad-spectrum Gram-negative coverage provides creas is a retroperitoneal organ and there may be no
intraperitoneal signs. History can be helpful, for ex-
no additional benefit (Evidence level II)
ample if there is a history of epigastric trauma. The
4. Addition of empirical antifungal therapy with fluconazole is physical examination is often misleading. Amylase
reasonable for patients with postoperative intra-abdominal and blood count are non-specific, and may be
infections at high risk of candidiasis (Evidence level II) normal; CT is 85% accurate, but does not always
Recommendation made where there is no help with the grading of the injury, and endoscopic
adequate evidence as to the most effective ­retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) can
practice be helpful in selected stable patients.
5. Patients at higher risk of failure (e.g. damage control) should Penetrating pancreatic trauma is usually obvious
be treated with an antimicrobial regimen having a broader since the patient will almost invariably have been
spectrum of coverage of Gram-negative aerobic/facultative explored for other injuries.61
Once the retroperitoneum has been violated it is
anaerobic organisms (de-escalation therapy) (Evidence
imperative for the surgeon to do a thorough explo-
level III)
ration in the central region. This includes:
• an extended Kocher manoeuvre to examine the
entire duodenum;
• a right medial visceral rotation to examine the
back of the head of the pancreas;
Middle hepatic vein • division of the ligament of Treitz to examine the
Right IVC front of the pancreas;
hepatic vein Left hepatic vein
• division of the gastrocolic omentum to examine
HV the top of the pancreas;
VII • a left medial visceral rotation to examine the
IV anterior and posterior surfaces of the tail of
the pancreas as it extends towards the splenic
III Injury to the main pancreatic duct appears to in-
crease the pancreatic-specific morbidity and
Any parenchymal haematoma of the pancreatic
head should be thoroughly explored and should
VI Portal vein include irrigation of the haematoma and adequate
drainage with a suction drain (e.g. a Blake®
Figure 13.4  •  Couinaud's segments of the liver. drain).

245 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
Injuries to the tail and body of the pancreas can e­xpose the infrarenal cava and infrarenal aorta.
usually either be drained or, if a strong suspicion It will also facilitate access to the portal vein.
for major ductal injury is present (Grade III injury), If the bleeding is primarily arterial in nature, it is
resection can be carried out as a distal pancreatec- best to approach the injury from the left. Initial con-
tomy. In young patients, the duct is not usually vi- trol can be obtained by direct pressure at the oesoph-
sualised following trauma and so cannot specifically ageal hiatus or via the lesser sac. Additional exposure
be tied off. can be obtained by simply dividing the left crus of the
The injuries that vex the surgeon most, however, diaphragm. Exposure includes reflecting the left co-
are those to the head of the gland, particularly those lon medially and mobilising the pancreas, kidney and
with juxtaposed injuries or also involving the duo- spleen to the midline. By approaching the aorta from
denum. Resection (Whipple's procedure) is usually the left lateral position it is possible to identify the
reserved for those patients who have destructive plane of Leriche more rapidly than by approaching
injuries or those in whom the blood supply to the it through the lesser sac. The problem is the coeliac
duodenum and pancreatic head has been embar- and superior mesenteric ganglia, both of which can
rassed. This procedure should only be embarked be quite dense and hinder dissection around the ori-
upon as a planned procedure in the stable patient, gins of the coeliac and superior mesenteric arteries.
with consideration being given to appropriate dam- Once isolation of the injury has been achieved,
age control procedures in all others. The remainder treatment of aortic or caval injuries is usually
are usually treated with variations of drainage and straightforward, either by direct suture or occasion-
pyloric exclusion. This would include tube duo- ally grafting. Caval injuries below the renal vein, if
denostomy and extensive closed drainage around extensive, can be ligated, although repair is preferred.
the injury site. Common duct drainage is not indi- Injuries above the renal veins in the cava should be
cated.63 There are limited guidelines for the man- repaired if at all possible. If there is ­injury to the pos-
agement of major pancreatic trauma (Box 13.5). terior wall of the vein, it is preferable to isolate the
segment and repair it from within the vein using an
Aorta and inferior vena cava anterior approach.

Aortic and caval injuries are primarily a problem Colonic injuries

of access (rapid) and control of haemorrhage. If the
surgeon opens the abdomen and there is extensive Many studies have shown primary repair of colonic
retroperitoneal bleeding centrally, there are two op- injuries to be safe in patients at low risk of postop-
tions. If the bleeding is primarily venous in nature, erative complications; however, identification of the
the right colon should be mobilised to the midline, high-risk patient in whom avoidance of an intraperi-
including the duodenum and head of the pancreas, toneal colonic suture line may be beneficial is still
using a right medial visceral rotation. This will controversial. The significant morbidity and financial
costs associated with the creation and reversals of co-
Box 13.5  • Evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and lostomy, and the destructive effect of colostomy on the
management of pancreatic trauma: summary patient's quality of life, have been cited as evidence to
of recommendations support the primary repair of colonic wounds.60,64–66
Stone and Fabian excluded patients from primary
Recommendations made where there is no repair in the presence of shock, major blood loss,
adequate evidence as to the most effective more than two organs injured, faecal contamination
practice more than ‘minimal’, delay to repair of more than 8
1. Delay in the recognition of main pancreatic duct injury hours and wounds of the colon or abdominal wall
causes increased morbidity (Evidence level III) so destructive as to require resection.67 Murray et al.
reviewed 140 patients with colonic injuries that re-
2. CT scan is suggestive, but not diagnostic of, pancreatic
quired resection.68 They suggested that the major-
injury (Evidence level III)
ity of patients can safely undergo colonic resection
3. Amylase/lipase levels are suggestive, but not diagnostic of, with primary colo-colonic anastomosis, even for
pancreatic injury (Evidence level III) severe injuries; however, there is a subgroup of criti-
4. Grade I and II injuries can be managed by drainage alone cally injured patients at higher risk of anastomotic
(Evidence level III) leakage who may be best treated by colostomy.
5. Grade III injuries can be managed with resection and In the ‘physiologically challenged’ patient, hypo-
drainage (Evidence level III) perfusion of splanchnic tissues leads to local tissue
6. Closed suction is preferred to sump suction (Evidence hypoxia, and repair or anastomosis under those
level III) circumstances is more likely to fail. This high-
risk group should be treated by damage c­ontrol

246 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

t­echniques with restoration of continuity of the the pelvic bleeding has been arrested (Box 13.7).
bowel once the physiological insult has been cor- Extrapelvic packing should be considered.
rected. Outcome is determined by the patient's
physiological envelope and not by anatomical integ- Technique of extraperitoneal packing
rity69,70 (Box 13.6). The patient is positioned supine and, if neces-
sary, an external fixator or C-clamp is applied.
Complex pelvic fracture A 5-cm vertical midline suprapubic incision is made
and the fascia anterior to the rectus muscle is ex-
Complex pelvic fractures can be some of the most posed. The fascia is divided until the symphysis can
difficult injuries to treat. Initially, they can cause be palpated directly (the pre-peritoneal plane has
devastating haemorrhage and subsequently may be been reached). The fascia is divided in the midline,
associated with overwhelming pelvic sepsis and dis- protecting against urinary bladder damage. From
tant multiple organ failure. the symphysis the pelvic brim is followed laterally
For those patients who present with complex pel- and posterior to the sacroiliac (SI) joint (first bony
vic fractures and who are haemodynamically stable, irregularity felt), first on the side of major bleed-
diagnostic studies should be carried out as rap- ing (most often the side of SI joint disruption). The
idly as possible, including plain films of the pelvis, fascia is then dissected away from the pelvic brim
CECT and arteriogram. All haemodynamically un- as far posteriorly as possible at the level of the pel-
stable patients with such pelvic fractures should be vic brim. The bladder and rectum are then held to
taken to the operating theatre as soon as possible, to the opposite side while the plane is opened bluntly
allow continuing resuscitation including packing.71 down to the pelvic floor, avoiding injury to vascular
The priorities facing the surgeon are to control and nerve structures in the area. The space is then
the pelvic haemorrhage and rule out other intra- packed with vascular or abdominal swabs, start-
abdominal organ injuries with associated haemor- ing posteriorly and distal to the tip of the sacrum,
rhage. Sometimes it is prudent to perform a rapid and building the packs cranially and anteriorly.72
laparotomy to rule out additional haemorrhage, In an unbroken pelvis with intact ­pelvic floor, one
but if there is not a strong suspicion of abdomi- should be able to accommodate three large abdomi-
nal bleeding, it is best to avoid laparotomy until nal swabs on each side. In severe pelvic fractures,

Box 13.6  •  Evidence-based guidelines for management of colon injuries: summary of recommendations

Strong recommendation
1. Primary repair is supportedfor non-destructive (involvement of <50% of the bowel wall without devascularisation) colon wounds in the
absence of peritonitis. The risk is not obviated by colostomy, and intra-abdominal sepsis frequently occurs in the absence of suture
line disruption. Accordingly, the majority of colon injuries in civilian practice may be managed by primary repair (Evidence level I)
Recommendations based on evidence of effectiveness
2. Patients with penetrating colon wounds that are destructive can undergo resection and primary anastomosis if they:
• are haemodynamically stable without evidence of shock
• have no significant underlying disease
• have minimal associated injuries (PATI <25, ISS <25)
• have no peritonitis
(Evidence level II)
3. Given the small number of patients in high-risk categories with destructive colon injuries requiring resection who were randomised
to primary repair, there is still room to consider colostomy in the management of these patients (Evidence level II)
4. Patients with shock, underlying disease, significant associated injuries or peritonitis should have destructive wounds managed by
resection and colostomy (Evidence level II)
5. Colostomies performed following colon and rectal trauma can be closed within 2 weeks if contrast enema is performed to confirm
distal healing. This recommendation pertains to patients who do not have non-healing bowel injury, unresolved wound sepsis or are
unstable (Evidence level II)
6. A barium enema should not be performed to rule out colon cancer or polyps prior to colostomy closure for trauma in patients who
otherwise have no indications for being at risk (Evidence level II)
7. Multiple blood transfusions, shock and a high PATI reliably identify patients at high risk of septic complications following penetrating
colon injuries (Evidence level II)
Reproduced from Cayten CG, Fabian TC, Garcia VF et al. Patient Management Guidelines for penetrating intraperitoneal injuries. EAST
Practice Parameter Working Group;

247 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
Box 13.7  • Evidence-based guidelines for management of haemorrhage in pelvic fracture: summary of

Recommendations based on evidence of effectiveness

1. Patients with evidence of unstable fractures of the pelvis associated with hypotension should be considered for some form of pelvic
stabilisation (Evidence level II)
2. Patients with evidence of unstable pelvic fractures who warrant laparotomy should receive external pelvic stabilisation prior to
laparotomy incision (Evidence level II)
3. Patients with a major pelvic fracture who have signs of ongoing bleeding after non-pelvic sources of blood loss have
been ruled out should be considered for pelvic angiography and possible embolisation (Evidence level II)
4. Patients with major pelvic fractures who are found to have bleeding in the pelvis, which cannot be adequately controlled at
laparotomy, should be considered for pelvic angiography and possible embolisation (Evidence level II)
5. Patients with evidence of arterial extravasation of intravenous contrast in the pelvis by computed tomography should be considered
for pelvic angiography and possible embolisation (Evidence level II)
6. Patients with hypotension and gross blood in the abdomen or evidence of intestinal perforation warrant emergency laparotomy
(Evidence level II)
7. The diagnostic peritoneal tap appears to be the most reliable diagnostic test for this purpose. Urgent laparotomy is warranted
for patients who demonstrate signs of continued intra-abdominal bleeding after adequate resuscitation or evidence of intestinal
perforation (Evidence level II)
Recommendation made where there is no adequate evidence as to the most effective practice
8. Patients with evidence of unstable fractures of the pelvis not associated with hypotension but who do require a steady and
ongoing resuscitation should be considered for some form of external pelvic stabilisation (Evidence level III)
Reproduced from DiGiacomo JC, Bonadies JA, Cole FJ et al. Practice Management Guidelines for haemorrhage in pelvic fracture. EAST
Practice Management Guidelines Work Group;

efficient packing might require many more (>10 Non-operative approach to

packs is not unusual). The number of packs needed
is defined by the available space and the appropriate abdominal solid-organ injuries
force applied. The outer fascia is closed with a single
running suture and the skin is closed. If laparotomy There is a growing body of evidence attesting to the
is required, it should follow the packing procedure. effectiveness and safety of selective non-operative
After a damage control laparotomy with extra- management (SNOM) of abdominal injury, both
peritoneal pelvic packing, a temporary abdominal blunt and penetrating in nature. Most surgeons who
closure is appropriate. As in the abdomen, the packs practice SNOM regard peritonitis, omental and
should be removed after 24–48 hours. bowel evisceration, and being unable to evaluate
Stabilisation of the pelvis is initially by compres- a patient, as a contraindication to attempting non-
sion (using a knotted sheet or external fixation). operative management.73 Almost all regard CT as
External fixation is used for stabilisation of the an- essential, and their preparedness to consider SNOM
terior pelvis but will fail if the posterior pelvis is un- was related to injury extent, as well as the experi-
stable. These patients may require plating of the SI ence of the surgeon concerned.
joint and are best managed by temporary stabilisa-
tion using a pelvic binder, and then assessed by CT Liver
and arteriography. Based on location of the injury, In 1990, it was suggested that a number of pa-
colostomy may be required in order to prevent con- tients with blunt liver injuries might be candidates
tamination of a perineal wound in the post-injury for expectant management,74 and in a multicentre
period. In general, all compound injuries involving study it was found that, in the hands of experi-
the perineum and perianal area should have a di- enced trauma surgeons, the success with the non-
verting colostomy (see also Chapter 11). operative approach to liver injuries was greater
In patients with associated major perineal inju- than 98%.75
ries, after the initial fixation of the pelvis has been Currently, all patients with liver injuries following
obtained, daily wound examination, debridement blunt trauma should be considered candidates for
and gradual removal of packs should take place. A non-operative management, provided that haemo-
caveat of pack removal is that the longer they are dynamic stability can be assured. Unlike the spleen,
left in, the greater the risk of pelvic sepsis, and ide- delayed haemorrhage from the liver is rare. The com-
ally they should be removed within 24–48 hours. plications in those patients managed e­xpectantly

248 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

are frequently related to the biliary system and can Penetrating injury
usually be managed by endoscopic or interventional
techniques. While non-operative management has In those patients with penetrating injury to the
most frequently been applied to patients with blunt abdomen, who are haemodynamically unstable,
injuries, stable patients with liver injuries as the re- have peritonitis or clear signs of abdominal pen-
sult of penetrating trauma have also been managed etration, there is little debate regarding the need
expectantly.76 for urgent laparotomy. However, in those pa-
tients with penetrating injury where the wounds
Spleen are tangential, it is clear that if these patients are
In children, the success of non-operative manage- stable, without peritonitis, some patients may not
ment of the spleen is over 90%, but this has not need surgery despite the penetrating nature of the
been the experience in adults. Currently, most sur- wound.
geons will attempt to manage the injured adult In a recent study of gunshot wounds managed
spleen with an AAST grade I–III injury non-oper- non-operatively, clinical examination was a key
atively; the management of grade IV or V injuries marker, and all failures occurred within 24 hours of
remains controversial. Patients over 55 years of age admission, setting a minimum required observation
generally do not do as well and splenectomy contin- period before discharge.78
ues to be recommended (see Box 13.8).77 Laparoscopy may play a role, particularly in
the clarification of penetration of the abdominal
Box 13.8  • Practice management guidelines for the non- cavity and of the diaphragm. Current evidence-
operative management of blunt injury to the liver based guidelines for the management of penetrat-
and spleen: summary of recommendations ing trauma are limited, and are perhaps more
suited to high-volume centres than those only oc-
Recommendations based on evidence of
casionally dealing with penetrating trauma79 (see
Box 13.9).
1. There are class II and mostly class III data to suggest
that non-operative management of blunt hepatic and/
or splenic injury in a haemodynamically stable patient is Interventional radiology
reasonable (Evidence level II)
2. The severity of hepatic or splenic injury (as suggested by In a significant number of patients, interventional
CT grade or degree of haemoperitoneum), neurological radiology, with arterial embolisation (AE), stent
status and/or the presence of associated injuries are or stentgraft placement, has become either the
not contraindications to non-operative management first line of treatment or an important adjunct
to non-operative management of abdominal and
(Evidence level II)
other injuries.80 Clinical evaluation, however, de-
3. Abdominal CT is the most reliable method to identify termines the course of treatment. Patients who are
and assess the severity of injury to the spleen or liver haemodynamically stable should be evaluated with
(Evidence level II) CECT.
Recommendations made where there is no
adequate evidence as to the most effective Angio-embolisation in liver injuries
4. The clinical status of the patient should dictate the Non-operative management (NOM) of blunt liver
frequency of follow-up scans (Evidence level III) injuries in haemodynamically stable or stabilised
5. Initial CT of the abdomen should be performed with oral patients has become standard practice. The intro-
and intravenous contrast to facilitate the diagnosis of duction of AE has been reported to increase the suc-
hollow viscus injuries (Evidence level III) cess rate of NOM to well above 80%.81
Operative treatment of liver injuries, even in ex-
6. Medical clearance to resume normal activity status
perienced hands, still carries a high mortality and
should be based on evidence of healing (Evidence morbidity risk. AE seems to be a valuable adjunct to
level III) operative management since most patients are hae-
7. Angiographic embolisation is an adjunct in the non- modynamically abnormal at the end of a damage
operative management of the haemodynamically stable control laparotomy, and ongoing arterial bleeding
patient with hepatic and splenic injuries and evidence of is difficult to rule out clinically.
ongoing bleeding (Evidence level III) The indications for AE should include CT evidence
Reproduced from Alonso M, Brathwaite C, Garcia V et al. Practice of ongoing bleeding with contrast extravasation
Management Guidelines Work Group. Blunt liver and spleen injuries: outside or within the liver, a drop in haemoglobin,
non-operative management; tachycardia and haemoperitoneum, as well as for-

249 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
Box 13.9  • Selective non-operative management of penetrating injury of the abdomen: summary of recommendations

Strong recommendations
1. Patients who are haemodynamically unstable or who have diffuse abdominal tenderness should be taken for laparotomy as
an emergency (Evidence level I)
2. Patients who are haemodynamically stable with an unreliable clinical examination (i.e. brain injury, spinal cord injury,
intoxication or need for sedation or anaesthesia) should have further diagnostic investigations done for intraperitoneal injury
or undergo exploratory laparotomy (Evidence level I)
3. Routine laparotomy is not indicated in haemodynamically stable patients and abdominal stab wounds without signs of peritonitis
or diffuse abdominal tenderness (away from the wounding site) in centres with surgical expertise (Evidence level II)
4. A routine laparotomy is not indicated in haemodynamically stable patients with abdominal gunshot wounds if the wounds are
tangential and there are no peritoneal signs (Evidence level II)
5. Serial physical examination is reliable in detecting significant injuries after penetrating trauma to the abdomen, if performed by
experienced clinicians and preferably by the same team (Evidence level II)
6. In patients selected for initial non-operative management, abdomino-pelvic CT should be strongly considered as a diagnostic
tool to facilitate initial management decisions (Evidence level II)
7. Diagnostic laparoscopy may be considered as a tool to evaluate diaphragmatic lacerations as well as peritoneal penetration
(Evidence level II)
Recommendations made where there is no adequate evidence as to the most effective practice
8. Patients with penetrating injury isolated to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen may be managed without laparotomy in
the presence of stable vital signs, reliable examination and minimal to no abdominal tenderness (Evidence level III)
9. The vast majority of patients with penetrating abdominal trauma, managed non-operatively, may be discharged after 24
hours observation, in the presence of a reliable abdominal examination and minimal to no abdominal tenderness (Evidence
level III)
Reproduced from Como JJ, Bokhari F, Chiu WC et al. Practice Management Guidelines Working Group. Penetrating trauma: selective
non-operative management. Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma. J Trauma 2010; 68(3):721–33. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

mation of pseudoaneurysm. The risk of bleeding bleeding. The application of a sheet or exter-
with NOM in OIS grade 4 and 5 liver injuries is nal fixation may control the venous bleeding,
significant, and operative intervention, with pack- which constitutes about 85% of all pelvic bleed-
ing, followed by AE is preferable.82 ing. However, arterial bleeding ­ o ften requires
AE, which has become the first line of treatment
Angio-embolisation in blunt in patients stable enough to reach angiogra-
splenic injuries phy. 85 Established indications are CT evidence
of ongoing bleeding such as contrast extravasa-
tion and pelvic haematoma with bladder com-
Indications for AE include CT evidence of ongo-
pression and ongoing transfusion requirements
ing bleeding with contrast extravasation outside or
without evidence of other extrapelvic bleeding
within the spleen, a drop in haemoglobin, tachy-
cardia and haemoperitoneum, as well as formation
There is also a possibility in this subgroup of
of pseudoaneurysm. Selective catheterisation of the
patients of severe venous bleeding. The patient in
splenic artery is performed, followed by superselec-
shock refractory to resuscitation should be consid-
tive catheterisation of the bleeding arteries or feed-
ered for damage control with (extraperitoneal) pel-
ers to the pseudoaneurysm.83,84
vic packing before AE.
AE is carried out after performing an abdominal
Angio-embolisation in severe aortography followed by selective catheterisation
pelvic fractures of the internal iliac arteries. When contrast ex-
travasation is demonstrated, the bleeding vessels
Severe pelvic fractures, particularly with dis- are catheterised superselectively and embolised
ruption of the sacroiliac joints, are associated with coils, or a combination of coils and gelfoam
with a high risk of severe arterial and venous particles.

250 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Key points
• In order to avoid missed injuries and preventable deaths, trauma patients who have any of the risk
factors for abdominal injury should undergo objective evaluation of the abdomen.
• Delay in surgery is the most common cause of unnecessary ongoing bleeding.
• In patients who are unstable, the preferred objective study is a bedside ultrasound. If an ultrasound
examination is unavailable or equivocal, a DPL should be performed.
• In stable patients, abdominal CT with intravenous contrast is the preferred method of objective
examination of the abdomen.
• When laparotomy is required, it should be approached in a systematic fashion and the treatment
of injuries prioritised.
• In patients who are cold, coagulopathic and acidotic, a damage control operation should be
accomplished promptly.

10. Galvagno Jr SM, Haut ER, Zafar SN, et  al.

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58. Hoff WS, Holevar M, Nagy KK, et al. Practice non-operative management of abdominal gunshot
Management Guidelines for the evaluation of blunt wounds: survey of practice. Injury 2012;Feb 14.
abdominal trauma. Available at EAST Practice
Management Guidelines Work Group; 2001. http:// Epub ahead of print; [accessed February 2012]. 74. Knudson MM, Lim RC, Oakes DD, et  al.
59. Mazuski JE, Sawyer RG, Nathens AB, et  al. The Nonoperative management of blunt liver injuries in
Surgical Infection Society Guidelines on antimicro- adults: the need for continued surveillance. J Trauma
bial therapy for intra-abdominal infections: an ex- 1990;30:1494–500.
ecutive summary. Surg Infect 2002;3(3):161–73. 75. Pachter HL, Knudson MM, Esrig B, et al. Status of
60. Cornwell IIIrd EE, Campbell KA. Trauma. In: Gordon nonoperative management of blunt hepatic injuries
TA, Cameron JL, editors. Evidence-based surgery. in 1995: a multicenter experience with 404 patients.
Hamilton, Ontario: BC Decker; 2000. p. 415–28. J Trauma 1996;40:31–8.
61. Boffard KD, Brooks AJ. Pancreatic trauma. Eur J 76. Renz BM, Feliciano DV. Gunshot wounds to the
Surg 2000;166:4–12. right thoracoabdomen: a prospective study of non-
62. Bradley 3rd EL, Young Jr PR, Chang MC, et  al. operative management. J Trauma 1994;37:737–44.
Diagnosis and intial management of blunt pancre- 77. Alonso M, Brathwaite C, Garcia V, et  al. Practice
atic trauma: guidelines from a multi-institutional Management Guidelines Work Group. Blunt
review. Ann Surg 1998;227(6):861–9. liver and spleen injuries: non-operative manage-
63. Bokhari F, Phelan H, Holevar M, et  al. EAST ment,; [accessed
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of pan- February 2012].
creatic trauma. Eastern Association for the Surgery 78. Inaba K, Branco BC, Moe D, et  al. Prospective
of Trauma: Practice Management Guidelines, http:// evaluation of selective nonoperative management of; [accessed February 2012]. torso gunshot wounds: when is it safe to discharge?
64. Brasel KJ, Borgstrom DC, Weigelt JA. Management J Trauma 2012;72(4):884–91.
of penetrating colon trauma: a cost utility analysis. 79. Como JJ, Bokhari F, Chiu WC, et  al. Practice
Surgery 1999;125:471–9. Management Guidelines Working Group.
65. Bern JD, Velmahos GC, Chan LS, et  al. The high Penetrating trauma: selective non-operative man-
morbidity of colostomy closure after trauma: fur- agement. Eastern Association for the Surgery of
ther support for the primary repair of colon injuries. Trauma. J Trauma 2010;68(3):721–33.
Surgery 1998;123:157–64. 80. Dondelinger RF, Trotteur G, Ghaye B, et  al.
66. Pachter HL, Hoballah JJ, Corcoran TA, et al. The Traumatic injuries: radiological hemostatic interven-
morbidity and financial impact of colostomy closure tion at admission. Eur Radiol 2002;12(5):979–93.
in trauma patients. J Trauma 1990;30:1510–4. 81. Johnson JW, Gracias VH, Gupta R, et  al. Hepatic
67. Stone HH, Fabian TC. Management of perforat- angiography in patients undergoing damage control
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mary colon closure and exteriorisation. Ann Surg 82. Asensio JA, Roldan G, Petrone P, et  al. Operative
1979;190:430–6. management and outcomes in 103 AAST-OIS grades

253 66485457-66963820
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IV and V complex hepatic injuries: trauma surgeons Committee on Trauma of the American College of

still need to operate, but angioembolization helps. Surgeons. Resources for optimal care of the trauma
J Trauma 2003;54:647–53. patient. Chicago, IL: Committee on Trauma of the
83. Dent D, Alsabrook G, Erickson BA, et  al. Blunt American College of Surgeons; 2006.
splenic injuries: high nonoperative management Peitzman A, Rhodes M, Schwab CW, editors. The trauma
rate can be achieved with selective embolization. manual: Trauma and acute care surgery. Philadelphia,
J Trauma 2004;56(5):1063–7. PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2008.
84. Haan JM, Biffl W, Knudson MM, et  al. Western
Trauma Association Multi-institutional Trials
Committee. Splenic embolization revisited: a multi- Websites
center review. J Trauma 2004;56(3):542–7.
85. Velmahos GC, Toutouzas KG, Vassiliu P, et  al. Organ Injury Scaling of the American Association for the
A prospective study on the safety and efficacy of an- Surgery of Trauma.
giographic embolization for pelvic and visceral inju-
ries. J Trauma 2002;53(2):303–8.
Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
Practice Management Guidelines.
Recommended reading
World Society of the Abdominal Compartment
Boffard KD, editor. Manual of definitive surgical trauma Syndrome (WSACS).
care. 3rd ed. London: Hodder Arnold; 2011.

Appendix: Scaling system for organ-specific injuries

Scaling system for organ-specific injuries
Table A1 Cervical vascular organ injury scale Table A17 Abdominal vascular injury scale
Table A2 Chest wall injury scale Table A18 Adrenal organ injury scale
Table A3 Heart injury scale Table A19 Kidney injury scale
Table A4 Lung injury scale Table A20 Ureter injury scale
Table A5 Thoracic vascular injury scale Table A21 Bladder injury scale
Table A6 Diaphragm injury scale Table A22 Urethra injury scale
Table A7 Spleen injury scale Table A23 Uterus (non-pregnant) injury scale
Table A8 Liver injury scale Table A24 Uterus (pregnant) injury scale
Table A9 Extrahepatic biliary tree injury scale Table A25 Fallopian tube injury scale
Table A10 Pancreas injury scale Table A26 Ovary injury scale
Table A11 Oesophagus injury scale Table A27 Vagina injury scale
Table A12 Stomach injury scale Table A28 Vulva injury scale
Table A13 Duodenum injury scale Table A29 Testis injury scale
Table A14 Small-bowel injury scale Table A30 Scrotum injury scale
Table A15 Colon injury scale Table A31 Penis injury scale
Table A16 Rectum injury scale Table A32 Peripheral vascular organ injury scale

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Table A1  •  Cervical vascular organ injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Thyroid vein 900.8
Common facial vein 900.8
External jugular vein 900.81 1–3
Non-named arterial/venous branches 900.9
II External carotid arterial branches (ascending pharyngeal, superior 900.8 1–3
thyroid, lingual, facial, maxillary, occipital, posterior auricular)
Thyrocervical trunk or primary branches 900.8 1–3
Internal jugular vein 900.1 1–3
III External carotid artery 900.02 2–3
Subclavian vein 901.3 3–4
Vertebral artery 900.8 2–4
IV Common carotid artery 900.01 3–5
V Subclavian
Internal artery
carotid artery (extracranial) 901.1
900.03 3–4
*Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries involving more than 50% vessel circumference. Decrease one grade for less than
25% vessel circumference disruption for grade IV or V.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling VII: Cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal,
penis, testis and scrotum. J Trauma 1996; 41(3):523–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A2  •  Chest wall injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion Any size 911.0/922.1 1
Laceration Skin and subcutaneous 875.0 1
Fracture <3 ribs, closed 807.01/807.02 1–2
Non-displaced clavicle closed 810.00/810.03 2
II Laceration Skin, subcutaneous and muscle 875.1 2
Fracture ≥3 adjacent ribs, closed 807.03/807.08 1
Open or displaced clavicle 810.10/810.13 2–3
Non-displaced sternum, closed 807.2 2
Scapular body, open or closed 811.00/811.18 2
III Laceration Full thickness including pleural penetration 862.29 2
Fracture Open or displaced sternum 807.2 2
Flail sternum 807.3 2
Unilateral flail segment (<3 ribs) 807.4 3–4
IV Laceration Avulsion of chest wall tissues with 807.10/807.18 4
underlying rib fractures
Fracture Unilateral flail chest (≥3 ribs) 807.4 3–4
V Fracture Bilateral flail chest (≥3 ribs on both sides) 807.4 5
*This scale is confined to the chest wall alone and does not reflect associated internal or abdominal injuries. Therefore, further delineation
of upper versus lower or anterior versus posterior chest wall was not considered, and a grade VI was not warranted. Specifically, thoracic
crush was not used as a descriptive term; instead, the geography and extent of fractures and soft tissue injury were used to define the
grade. Upgrade by one grade for bilateral injuries.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ. Organ Injury Scaling III: chest wall, abdominal vascular, ureter, bladder and
urethra. J Trauma 1992; 33:337–8. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Table A3  •  Heart injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Blunt cardiac injury with minor ECG abnormality (non-specific ST or T wave changes, 861.01 3
premature arterial or ventricular contraction or persistent sinus tachycardia)
Blunt or penetrating pericardial wound without cardiac injury, cardiac tamponade, or 861.01 3
cardiac herniation
II Blunt cardiac injury with heart block (right or left bundle branch, left anterior fascicular, 861.12 3
or atrioventricular) or ischaemic changes (ST depression or T wave inversion) without
cardiac failure
Penetrating tangential myocardial wound up to, but not extending through endocardium, 861.01 3–4
without tamponade
III Blunt cardiac injury with sustained (>6 beats/min) or multifocal ventricular contractions 861.01 3–4
Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with septal rupture, pulmonary or tricuspid valvular 861.01 3–4
incompetence, papillary muscle dysfunction, or distal coronary arterial occlusion without
cardiac failure
Blunt pericardial laceration with cardiac herniation 861.12 3
Blunt cardiac injury with cardiac failure 861.12 3
Penetrating tangential myocardial wound up to, but extending through, endocardium,
with tamponade
IV Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with septal rupture, pulmonary or tricuspid valvular 861.03 5
incompetence, papillary muscle dysfunction, or distal coronary arterial occlusion
producing cardiac failure
Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with aortic mitral valve incompetence 861.03 5
Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury of the right ventricle, right atrium or left atrium 861.03 5
V Blunt or penetrating cardiac injury with proximal coronary arterial occlusion 861.03 5
Blunt or penetrating left ventricular perforation 861.13 5
Stellate wound with <50% tissue loss of the right ventricle, right atrium or of left atrium 861.03 5
VI Blunt avulsion of the heart; penetrating wound producing >50% tissue loss of a chamber 861.13 6
*Advance one grade for multiple wounds to a single chamber or multiple chamber involvement.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling IV: thoracic, vascular, lung, cardiac and diaphragm.
J Trauma 1994; 36(3):299–300. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A4  •  Lung injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion Unilateral, <1 lobe 861.12/861.31 3
II Contusion Unilateral, single lobe 861.20/861.30 3
Laceration Simple pneumothorax 860.0/1/4/5 3
III Contusion Unilateral, >1 lobe 861.20/861.30 3
Laceration Persistent (>72 hours) air leak from distal airway 860.0/1/4/5 3–4
Haematoma Non-expanding intraparenchymal 862.0/861.30
IV Laceration Major (segmental or lobar) air leak 862.21/861.31 4–5
Haematoma Expanding intraparenchymal
Vascular Primary branch intrapulmonary vessel disruption 901.40 3–5
V Vascular Hilar vessel disruption 901.41/901.42 4
VI Vascular Total uncontained transection of pulmonary hilum 901.41/901.42 4
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III. Haemothorax is scored under thoracic vascular injury scale.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling IV: thoracic, vascular, lung, cardiac and diaphragm.
J Trauma 1994; 36(3):299–300. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Table A5  •  Thoracic vascular injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Intercostal artery/vein 901.81 2–3
Internal mammary artery/vein 901.82 2–3
Bronchial artery/vein 901.89 2–3
Oesophageal artery/vein 901.9 2–3
Hemiazygos vein 901.89 2–3
Unnamed artery/vein 901.9 2–3
II Azygos vein 901.89 2–3
Internal jugular vein 900.1 2–3
Subclavian vein 901.3 3–4
Innominate vein 901.3 3–4
III Carotid artery 900.01 3–5
Innominate artery 901.1 3–4
Subclavian artery 901.1 3–4
IV Thoracic aorta, descending 901.0 4–5
Inferior vena cava (intrathoracic) 902.10 3–4
Pulmonary artery, primary intraparenchymal branch 901.41 3
Pulmonary vein, primary intraparenchymal branch 901.42 3
V Thoracic aorta, ascending and arch 901.0 5
Superior vena cava 901.2 3–4
Pulmonary artery, main trunk 901.41 4
Pulmonary vein, main trunk 901.42 4
VI Uncontained total transection of thoracic aorta or pulmonary hilum 901.0 5
*Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries if more than 50% circumference. Decrease one grade for grade IV injuries if less
than 25% circumference.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling IV: thoracic, vascular, lung, cardiac and diaphragm.
J Trauma 1994; 36(3):299–300. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A6  •  Diaphragm injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion 862.0 2
II Laceration <2 cm 862.1 3
III Laceration 2–10 cm 862.1 3
IV Laceration >10 cm with tissue loss <25 cm2 862.1 3
V Laceration with tissue loss >25 cm2 862.1 3
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling IV: thoracic, vascular, lung, cardiac and diaphragm.
J Trauma 1994; 36(3):299–300. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Table A7  •  Spleen injury scale (1994 revision)

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Subcapsular, <10% surface area 865.01/865.11 2
Laceration Capsular tear, <1 cm parenchymal depth 865.02/865.12 2
II Haematoma Subcapsular, 10–50% surface area; 865.01/865.11 2
intraparenchymal, <5 cm in diameter
Laceration Capsular tear, 1–3 cm parenchymal depth that 865.02/865.12 2
does not involve a trabecular vessel
III Haematoma Subcapsular, >50% surface area or expanding; 865.03 3
ruptured subcapsular or parenchymal
haematoma; intraparenchymal haematoma
>5 cm or expanding
Laceration >3 cm parenchymal depth or involving 865.03 3
trabecular vessels
IV Laceration Laceration involving segmental or hilar vessels 865.13 4
producing major devascularisation (>25% of
V Laceration Completely shattered spleen 865.04 5
Vascular Hilar vascular injury with devascularised spleen 865.14 5
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ et al. Organ Injury Scaling: spleen and liver (1994 revision). J Trauma 1995;
38(3):323–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A8  •  Liver injury scale (1994 revision)

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Subcapsular, <10% surface area 864.01/864.11 2
Laceration Capsular tear, <1 cm parenchymal depth 864.02/864.12 2
II Haematoma Subcapsular, 10–50% surface area; 864.01/864.11 2
intraparenchymal <10 cm in diameter
Laceration Capsular tear 1–3 cm parenchymal depth, 864.03/864.13 2
<10 cm in length
III Haematoma Subcapsular, >50% surface area of ruptured 864.04/864.14 3
subcapsular or parenchymal haematoma;
intraparenchymal haematoma >10 cm or
Laceration 3 cm parenchymal depth 864.04/864.14 3
IV Laceration Parenchymal disruption involving 25–75% 864.04/864.14 4
hepatic lobe or 1–3 Couinaud segments within a
single lobe
V Laceration Parenchymal disruption involving >75% of 864.04/864.14 5
hepatic lobe or >3 Couinaud segments within a
single lobe
Vascular Juxtahepatic venous injuries, i.e. retrohepatic 864.04/864.14 5
vena cava/central major hepatic veins
VI Vascular Hepatic avulsion 864.04/864.14 5
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ et al. Organ Injury Scaling: spleen and liver (1994 revision). J Trauma 1995;
38(3):323–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Abdominal trauma

Table A9  •  Extrahepatic biliary tree injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Gallbladder contusion/haematoma 868.02 2
Portal triad contusion 868.02 2
II Partial gallbladder avulsion from liver bed; cystic duct intact 868.02 2
Laceration or perforation of the gallbladder 868.12 2
III Complete gallbladder avulsion from liver bed 868.02 3
Cystic duct laceration 868.12 3
IV Partial or complete right hepatic duct laceration 868.12 3
Partial or complete left hepatic duct laceration 868.12 3
Partial common hepatic duct laceration (<50%) 868.12 3
Partial common bile duct laceration (<50%) 868.12 3
V >50% transection of common hepatic duct 868.12 3–4
>50% transection of common bile duct 868.12 3–4
Combined right and left hepatic duct injuries 868.12 3–4
Intraduodenal or intrapancreatic bile duct injuries 868.12 3–4
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A10  •  Pancreas injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Minor contusion without duct injury 863.81/863.84 2
Laceration Superficial laceration without duct injury 2
II Haematoma Major contusion without duct injury or tissue loss 863.81/863.84 2
Laceration Major laceration without duct injury or tissue loss 3
III Laceration Distal transection or parenchymal injury with duct injury 863.92/863.94 3
IV Laceration Proximal transection or parenchymal injury involving ampulla 863.91 4
V Laceration Massive disruption of pancreatic head 863.91 5
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III. 863.51, 863.91 – head; 863.99, 862.92 – body; 863.83, 863.93 – tail. Proximal
pancreas is to the patient's right of the superior mesenteric vein.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni MA et al. Organ Injury Scaling: pancreas, duodenum, small bowel, colon and
rectum. J Trauma 1990; 30(11):1427–9. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A11  •  Oesophagus injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion Contusion/haematoma 862.22/826.32 2
Laceration Partial thickness laceration 862.22/826.32 3
II Laceration Laceration <50% circumference 862.22/826.32 4
III Laceration Laceration >50% circumference 862.22/826.32 4
IV Tissue loss Segmental loss or devascularisation <2 cm 862.22/826.32 5
V Tissue loss Segmental loss or devascularisation >2 cm 862.22/826.32 5
*Advance one grade for multiple lesions up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Table A12  •  Stomach injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion Contusion/haematoma 863.0/863.1 2
Laceration Partial thickness laceration 863.0/863.1 2
II Laceration <2 cm in gastro-oesophageal junction or pylorus 863.0/863.1 3
<5 cm in proximal one-third stomach 863.0/863.1 3
<10 cm in distal two-thirds stomach 863.0/863.1 3
III Laceration >2 cm in gastro-oesophageal junction or pylorus 863.0/863.1 3
>5 cm in proximal one-third stomach 863.0/863.1 3
>10 cm in distal two-thirds stomach 863.0/863.1 3
IV Tissue loss Tissue loss or devascularisation<two-thirds stomach 863.0/863.1 4
V Tissue loss Tissue loss or devascularisation>two-thirds stomach 863.0/863.1 4
*Advance one grade for multiple lesions up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A13  •  Duodenum injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury† ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Involving single portion of duodenum 863.21 2
Laceration Partial thickness, no perforation 863.21 3
II Haematoma Involving more than one portion 863.21 2
Laceration Disruption <50% of circumference 863.31 4
III Laceration Disruption 50–75% of circumference of D2 863.31 4
Disruption 50–100% of circumference of D1, D3, D4 863.31 4
IV Laceration Disruption >75% of circumference of D2 863.31 5
Involving ampulla or distal common bile duct 863.31 5
V Laceration Massive disruption of duodenopancreatic complex 863.31 5
Vascular Devascularisation of duodenum 863.31 5
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.

D1, first position of duodenum; D2, second portion of duodenum; D3, third portion of duodenum; D4, fourth portion of duodenum.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni MA et al. Organ Injury Scaling: pancreas, duodenum, small bowel, colon and
rectum. J Trauma 1990; 30(11):1427–9. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A14  •  Small-bowel injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Contusion or haematoma without devascularisation 863.20 2
Laceration Partial thickness, no perforation 863.20 2
II Laceration Laceration <50% of circumference 863.30 3
III Laceration Laceration ≥50% of circumference without 863.30 3
IV Laceration Transection of the small bowel 863.30 4
V Laceration Transection of the small bowel with segmental tissue 863.30 4
Vascular Devascularised segment 863.30 4
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni MA et al. Organ Injury Scaling: pancreas, duodenum, small bowel, colon and
rectum. J Trauma 1990; 30(11):1427–9. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Table A15  •  Colon injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9† AIS-90

I Haematoma Contusion or haematoma without devascularisation 863.40–863.44 2
Laceration Partial thickness, no perforation 863.40–863.44 2
II Laceration Laceration <50% of circumference 863.50–863.54 3
III Laceration Laceration ≥50% of circumference without transection 863.50–863.54 3
IV Laceration Transection of the colon 863.50–863.54 4
V Laceration Transection of the colon with segmental tissue loss 863.50–863.54 4
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.

With ICD-9: 863.40/863.50, non-specific site in colon; 863.41/863.51, ascending; 863.42/863.52, transverse; 863.43/863.53,
descending; 863.44/863.54, sigmoid.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni MA et al. Organ Injury Scaling: pancreas, duodenum, small bowel, colon and
rectum. J Trauma 1990; 30(11):1427–9. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A16  •  Rectum injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Contusion or haematoma without devascularisation 863.45 2
Laceration Partial-thickness laceration 863.45 2
II Laceration Laceration <50% of circumference 863.55 3
III Laceration Laceration ≥50% of circumference 863.55 4
IV Laceration Full-thickness laceration with extension into the perineum 863.55 5
V Vascular Devascularised segment 863.55 5
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Malangoni MA et al. Organ Injury Scaling: pancreas, duodenum, small bowel, colon and
rectum. J Trauma 1990; 30(11):1427–9. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A17  •  Abdominal vascular injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Non-named superior mesenteric artery or superior mesenteric vein branches 902.20/902.39 NS†
Non-named inferior mesenteric artery or inferior mesenteric vein branches 902.27/902.32 NS
Phrenic artery or vein 902.89 NS
Lumbar artery or vein 902.89 NS
Gonadal artery or vein 902.89 NS
Ovarian artery or vein 902.81/902.82 NS
Other non-named small arterial or venous structures requiring ligation 902.80 NS
II Right, left, or common hepatic artery 902.22 3
Splenic artery or vein 902.23/902.34 3
Right or left gastric arteries 902.21 3
Gastroduodenal artery 902.24 3

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Table A17  • (Cont). Abdominal vascular injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

Inferior mesenteric artery/trunk or inferior mesenteric vein/trunk 902.27/902.32 3
Primary named branches of mesenteric artery (e.g. ileocolic artery) or 902.26/902.31 3
mesenteric vein
Other named abdominal vessels requiring ligation or repair 902.89 3
III Superior mesenteric vein, trunk and primary subdivisions 902.31
Renal artery or vein 902.41/902.42 3
Iliac artery or vein 902.53/902.54 3
Hypogastric artery or vein 902.51/902.52 3
Vena cava, infrarenal 902.10 4
IV Superior mesenteric artery, trunk 902.25 3
Coeliac axis proper 902.24 3
Vena cava, suprarenal and infrahepatic 902.10 3
Aorta, infrarenal 902.00 4
V Portal vein 902.33 3
Extraparenchymal hepatic vein only 902.11 3
Extraparenchymal hepatic veins+liver 902.11 5
Vena cava, retrohepatic or suprahepatic 902.19 5
Aorta suprarenal, subdiaphragmatic 902.00 4
*This classification system is applicable to extraparenchymal vascular injuries. If the vessel injury is within 2 cm of the organ parenchyma,
refer to specific organ injury scale. Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries involving >50% vessel circumference.
Downgrade one grade if <25% vessel circumference laceration for grades IV or V.

NS, not scored.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ. Organ Injury Scaling III: chest wall, abdominal vascular, ureter, bladder and
urethra. J Trauma 1992; 33:337–8. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A18  •  Adrenal organ injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion 868.01/868.11 1
II Laceration involving only cortex (<2 cm) 868.01/868.11 1
III Laceration extending into medulla (≥2 cm) 868.01/868.11 2
IV >50% parenchymal destruction 868.01/868.11 2
V Total parenchymal destruction (including massive 868.01/868.11 3
intraparenchymal haemorrhage)
Avulsion from blood supply
*Advance one grade for bilateral lesions up to grade V.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling VII: cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal,
penis, testis and scrotum. J Trauma 1996; 41(3):523–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

262 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Table A19  •  Kidney injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion Microscopic or gross haematuria, urological studies normal 866.01 2
Haematoma Subcapsular, non-expanding without parenchymal laceration 866.01 2
II Haematoma Non-expanding perirenal haematoma confined to renal 866.01 2
Laceration <1.0 cm parenchymal depth of renal cortex without urinary 866.11 2
III Laceration >1.0 cm parenchymal depth of renal cortex without collecting 866.11 3
system rupture or urinary extravasation
IV Laceration Parenchymal laceration extending through renal cortex, medulla, 866.02/866.12 4
and collecting system
Vascular Main renal artery or vein injury with contained haemorrhage 866.03/866.13 4
V Laceration Completely shattered kidney 866.04/866.14 5
Vascular Avulsion of renal hilum that devascularises kidney 866.13 5
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Shackford SR, Pachter HL et al. Organ Injury Scaling: spleen, liver and kidney. J Trauma 1989;
29(12):1664–6. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A20  •  Ureter injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Contusion or haematoma without devascularisation 867.2/867.3 2
II Laceration <50% transection 867.2/867.3 2
III Laceration ≥50% transection 867.2/867.3 3
IV Laceration Complete transection with <2 cm devascularisation 867.2/867.3 3
V Laceration Avulsion with >2 cm of devascularisation 867.2/867.3 3
*Advance one grade for bilateral up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ. Organ Injury Scaling III: chest wall, abdominal vascular, ureter, bladder and
urethra. J Trauma 1992; 33:337–8. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A21  •  Bladder injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma Contusion, intramural haematoma 867.0/867.1 2
Laceration Partial thickness 867.0/867.1 3
II Laceration Extraperitoneal bladder wall laceration <2 cm 867.0/867.1 4
III Laceration Extraperitoneal (≥2 cm) or intraperitoneal (<2 cm) bladder wall laceration 867.0/867.1 4
IV Laceration Intraperitoneal bladder wall laceration ≥2 cm 867.0/867.1 4
V Laceration Intraperitoneal or extraperitoneal bladder wall laceration extending 867.0/867.1 4
into the bladder neck or ureteral orifice (trigone)
*Advance one grade for multiple lesions up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ. Organ Injury Scaling III: chest wall, abdominal vascular, ureter, bladder and
urethra. J Trauma 1992; 33:337–8. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

263 66485457-66963820
Chapter 13
Table A22  •  Urethra injury scale

Grade* Injury type Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion Blood at urethral meatus; urethrography normal 867.0/867.1 2
II Stretch injury Elongation of urethra without extravasation on urethrography 867.0/867.1 2
III Partial disruption Extravasation of urethrography contrast at injury site with 867.0/867.1 2
visualisation in the bladder
IV Complete disruption Extravasation of urethrography contrast at injury site without 867.0/867.1 3
visualisation in the bladder; <2 cm of urethra separation
V Complete disruption Complete transaction with ≥2 cm urethral separation, 867.0/867.1 4
or extension into the prostate or vagina
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Cogbill TH, Jurkovich GJ. Organ Injury Scaling III: chest wall, abdominal vascular, ureter, bladder and
urethra. J Trauma 1992; 33:337–8. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A23  •  Uterus (non-pregnant) injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion/haematoma 867.4/867.5 2
II Superficial laceration (<1 cm) 867.4/867.5 2
III Deep laceration (≥1 cm) 867.4/867.5 3
IV Laceration involving uterine artery 902.55 3
V Avulsion/devascularisation 867.4/867.5 3
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach, vulva,
vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from Lippincott,
Williams & Wilkins.

Table A24  •  Uterus (pregnant) injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion or haematoma (without placental abruption) 867.4/867.5 2
II Superficial laceration (<1 cm) or partial placental abruption <25% 867.4/867.5 3
III Deep laceration (≥1 cm) occurring in second trimester or placental abruption 867.4/867.5 3
>25% but <50%
Deep laceration (≥1 cm) in third trimester 867.4/867.5 4
IV Laceration involving uterine artery 902.55 4
Deep laceration (≥1 cm) with >50% placental abruption 867.4/867.5 4
V Uterine rupture
Second trimester 867.4/867.5 4
Third trimester 867.4/867.5 5
Complete placental abruption 867.4/867.5 4–5
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

264 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Table A25  •  Fallopian tube injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Haematoma or contusion 867.6/867.7 2
II Laceration <50% circumference 867.6/867.7 2
III Laceration ≥50% circumference 867.6/867.7 2
IV Transection 867.6/867.7 2
V Vascular injury; devascularised segment 902.89 2
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995: 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A26  •  Ovary injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion or haematoma 867.6/867.7 1
II Superficial laceration (depth <0.5 cm) 867.6/867.7 2
III Deep laceration (depth ≥0.5 cm) 867.8/867.7 3
IV Partial disruption of blood supply 902.81 3
V Avulsion or complete parenchymal destruction 902.81 3
*Advance one grade for bilateral injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A27  •  Vagina injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion or haematoma 922.4 1
II Laceration, superficial (mucosa only) 878.6 1
III Laceration, deep into fat or muscle 878.6 2
IV Laceration, complex, into cervix or peritoneum 868.7 3
V Injury into adjacent organs (anus, rectum, urethra, bladder) 878.7 3
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

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Chapter 13
Table A28  •  Vulva injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion or haematoma 922.4 1
II Laceration, superficial (skin only) 878.4 1
III Laceration, deep (into fat or muscle) 878.4 2
IV Avulsion; skin, fat or muscle 878.5 3
V Injury into adjacent organs (anus, rectum, urethra, bladder) 878.5 3
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Jurkovich GJ, Knudson MM et al. Organ Injury Scaling VI: extrahepatic biliary, oesophagus, stomach,
vulva, vagina, uterus (non-pregnant), uterus (pregnant), Fallopian tube, and ovary. J Trauma 1995; 39(6):1069–70. With permission from
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A29  •  Testis injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion/haematoma 911.0–922.4 1
II Subclinical laceration of tunica albuginea 922.4 1
III Laceration of tunica albuginea with <50% parenchymal loss 878.2 2
IV Major laceration of tunica albuginea with ≥50% parenchymal 878.3 2
V Total testicular destruction or avulsion 878.3 2
*Advance one grade for bilateral lesions up to grade V.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling VII: cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal,
penis, testis and scrotum. J Trauma 1996; 41(3):523–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A30  •  Scrotum injury scale

Grade Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Contusion 922.4 1
II Laceration <25% of scrotal diameter 878.2 1
III Laceration ≥25% of scrotal diameter 878.3 2
IV Avulsion <50% 878.3 2
V Avulsion ≥50% 878.3 2
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling VII: cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal,
penis, testis and scrotum. J Trauma 1996; 41(3):523–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Table A31  •  Penis injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Cutaneous laceration/contusion 911.0/922.4 1
II Buck's fascia (cavernosum) laceration without tissue loss 878.0 1
III Cutaneous avulsion 878.1 3
Laceration through glans/meatus
Cavernosal or urethral defect <2 cm
IV Partial penectomy 878.1 3
Cavernosal or urethral defect ≥2 cm
V Total penectomy 876.1 3
*Advance one grade for multiple injuries up to grade III.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling VII: cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal,
penis, testis and scrotum. J Trauma 1996; 41(3):523–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

266 66485457-66963820
Abdominal trauma

Table A32  •  Peripheral vascular organ injury scale

Grade* Description of injury ICD-9 AIS-90

I Digital artery/vein 903.5 1–3
Palmar artery/vein 903.4 1–3
Deep palmar artery/vein 904.6 1–3
Dorsalis pedis artery 904.7 1–3
Plantar artery/vein 904.5 1–3
Non-named arterial/venous branches 903.8/904.7 1–3
II Basilic/cephalic vein 903.8 1–3
Saphenous vein 904.3 1–3
Radial artery 903.2 1–3
Ulnar artery 903.3 1–3
III Axillary vein 903.02 2–3
Superficial/deep femoral vein 903.02 2–3
Popliteal vein 904.42 2–3
Brachial artery 903.1 2–3
Anterior tibial artery 904.51/904.52 1–3
Posterior tibial artery 904.53/904.54 1–3
Peroneal artery 904.7 1–3
Tibioperoneal trunk 904.7 2–3
IV Superficial/deep femoral artery 904.1/904.7 3–4
Popliteal artery 904.41 2–3
V Axillary artery 903.01 2–3
Common femoral artery 904.0 3–4
*Increase one grade for multiple grade III or IV injuries involving >50% vessel circumference. Decrease one grade for <25% vessel
circumference disruption for grades IV or V.
Reproduced from Moore EE, Malangoni MA, Cogbill TH et al. Organ Injury Scaling VII: cervical vascular, peripheral vascular, adrenal,
penis, testis and scrotum. J Trauma 1996; 41(3):523–4. With permission from Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

267 66485457-66963820
Venous thromboembolism: prevention,
diagnosis and treatment

Rhona M. Maclean

Introduction in men. Clinical studies, excluding autopsy data,

have consistently shown that the incidence of DVT
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the most com- is approximately twice that of PE.2,3 It has been es-
mon cause of preventable death in hospitalised timated that there are over 130 000 cases of VTE in
patients, with an estimated 25 000 patients dying the UK each year, at a cost (direct and indirect) of
from preventable hospital acquired VTE in the around £640 million annually.4
UK each year.1 The two most common manifesta- DVT and PE are the result of the same disease pro-
tions of venous thrombosis are deep vein throm- cess, VTE; of patients presenting with symptomatic
bosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), both PE, up to 80% will have asymptomatic DVT, and in
of which are associated with significant morbidity those presenting with symptomatic DVT, 50–80%
(post-thrombotic syndrome and chronic thrombo- can be shown by imaging to have PE.5
embolic pulmonary hypertension respectively). As Approximately half of VTE episodes are idiopathic
surgery is associated with a high risk of postop- in nature (defined as having had no recent surgery,
erative VTE, evidence-based thromboprophylaxis trauma, cancer, pregnancy or immobilisation), the
strategies should be employed to reduce this risk, remainder presenting after an obvious precipitating
and those patients with symptoms and/or signs sug- event.2,3 Of patients diagnosed with VTE, the ma-
gestive of VTE should be thoroughly investigated jority (73.7%) present as outpatients and of these a
and managed accordingly. significant proportion have either undergone surgery
(23.1%) or been hospitalised (36.8%) in the preceding
3 months.6 Presentation with VTE after surgery peaks
Epidemiology of VTE at 21 days postoperatively, with the risk remaining
significantly increased for 3 months after surgery.7
The incidence of a first episode of VTE is estimated VTE is associated with a surprisingly high mor-
at 1–2 per 1000 person-years in white Caucasians, tality. In a retrospective epidemiological study, the
with a lower incidence in Hispanics and Asians.2,3 30-day fatality rate was 4.6% following DVT and
The risk of VTE increases progressively with age, 9.7% with PE.3 Cancer was associated with a worse
with an incidence of >5/1000 person-years in those outcome, with a 30-day fatality rate of 19.1%.
over the age of 80.3 The incidence of VTE is ap- Mortality rates associated with PE are high, with
proximately equal in men and women; however, it is approximately 25% of patients dying within a year,
more frequent in women in the childbearing years, many due to malignancy, others from cardiopulmo-
likely due to the use of the hormonal therapies (the nary disease or recurrent VTE.7 Overall, pulmonary
combined oral contraceptive pill and hormone re- emboli are thought to be responsible for 10% of
placement therapy) and pregnancy, whereas after hospital inpatient deaths,8 with many diagnosed for
the age of 45 incidence rates are generally higher the first time at post-mortem.9

268 66485457-66963820
Venous thromboembolism: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Thrombosis in the deep veins damages the deep Box 14.1  •  Natural history of venous thromboembolism
venous valves, resulting in post-thrombotic scar-
ring, stiffening of the vessel wall, venous insuf- • The majority of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) originates
ficiency, reflux and venous hypertension, all of within the calf veins
which can result in swelling, pain and heaviness in • About half the episodes of DVT associated with
the affected leg – the post-thrombotic syndrome. In surgery start intraoperatively, of which 50% resolve
its severe form, this causes marked skin changes – spontaneously within 72 hours
lipodermatosclerosis (varicose eczema and ­atrophy • Those with persisting risk factors or those with a large
of the subcutaneous tissues), ­hyperpigmentation and initial thrombosis are at highest risk of progression of
ulceration – and can be a major cause of morbidity. postoperative DVT
The incidence of the post-thrombotic ­syndrome has
• Symptomatic risk of venous thromboembolic disease is
been reported at approximately 28% after 5 years,
highest within 2 weeks of surgery but patients remain
with 9% having a severe form.7 Up to 5% of patients
with PE will develop pulmonary hypertension.7 at high risk of VTE for 3 months postoperatively
• Approximately 25% of episodes of untreated
symptomatic calf DVT extend to the proximal veins
Pathophysiology of venous within 1 week of presentation
thromboembolism • Without treatment approximately 50% of patients with
symptomatic proximal DVT or pulmonary embolism will
Thrombus formation have a recurrent thrombosis in 3 months
• The mortality associated with PE is estimated to
DVTs usually start in the calf veins, and thrombi be 5–25%. The greatest risk of fatal postoperative
developing after surgery often originate in the valve pulmonary embolism occurs 3–7 days after surgery
cusps of the soleal veins. These thrombi are ini-
and 10% of symptomatic DVTs are fatal within 1 hour
tially formed of red blood cells caught in a fibrin
of first symptoms
mesh, which then incorporate platelets and fibrin
into the clot, propagating proximally to form a • Isolated calf DVT is associated with half the risk of
free-floating thrombus, or extending to occlude the recurrence of proximal DVT or pulmonary embolism
vein.10,11 Many such thrombi start to develop intra- • The risk of recurrence is similar following proximal DVT
operatively; of these, half will resolve spontaneously and pulmonary embolism
within 72 hours and 18% will extend proximally, of • If a first thrombosis was a DVT, it is likely that a
which 50% will embolise. Some thromboses, how- recurrence is a DVT. Similarly, if a first VTE was a PE, it
ever, begin postoperatively; 20–34% of patients is likely that a recurrence will be a PE
diagnosed as having DVT by screening tests in hos- • Pulmonary hypertension will develop in approximately
pital had been shown to have legs free of thrombosis
5% of patients with pulmonary embolism
postoperatively. It has been estimated that 10% of
symptomatic PEs cause death within 1 hour of onset
(Box 14.1). There is an ongoing debate as to the
significance of calf vein thrombosis and whether, if Stasis
detected, it should be treated. A recent study of iso- Stasis, the slowing of venous return, is associated
lated symptomatic muscular calf vein thromboses with an increased risk of VTE (stroke patients have
suggested that they are not as innocuous as origi- an increased risk of DVT in the paralysed limb13). It
nally thought; 7% of patients had symptomatic PEs has been demonstrated that intraoperative paraly-
at presentation, and after completing 1–3 months sis causes ‘microtears’ in the venous endothelium,
of anticoagulation, 18% had recurrent episodes of exposing circulating blood to procoagulant com-
VTE within 3 years.12 ponents in the subendothelium (e.g. collagen, von
Willebrand factor, tissue factor).14 Stasis, in and
Virchow's triad of itself, is likely to be insufficient to cause VTE,
and most patients with significant immobility are
In the 1860 s, Virchow described three factors im- likely to have a systemic illness, increasing the risk
plicated in the development of a venous thrombo- of VTE by other mechanisms.
sis: slowing of venous blood flow (stasis), damage
to the vessel wall (venous injury), and changes in Venous injury
the blood that increase the propensity to develop Surgery or trauma cause venous injury, which in-
thrombosis (hypercoagulability). These are now creases the risk of venous thrombosis. Inflammatory
widely known as Virchow's triad, and this model cytokines also induce venous injury by down-­
remains a valid concept today. regulating thrombomodulin, impairing fibrinolysis,

269 66485457-66963820
Chapter 14
stimulating tissue factor expression on monocytes Hyperhomocysteinaemia
or endothelial cells, and inducing apoptosis of endo- Classical homocystinuria causes extremely high levels
thelial cells, rendering them thrombogenic.15 of plasma homocysteine and is associated with both
venous and arterial thrombosis in addition to the other
Hypercoagulability classical disease manifestations (mental retardation,
Hypercoagulability, both inherited and acquired, seizures, musculoskeletal abnormalities, eye anoma-
has been demonstrated to significantly influence lies including lens dislocation). Neither the common
the development of VTE. Studies undertaken in mutation in the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase
families in whom multiple members have presented gene (MTHFR C677T) nor mild elevations in homo-
with VTE have identified a number of inherited cysteine levels are associated with thrombosis.18
Testing for inherited thrombophilia, whilst
frequently undertaken, rarely helps in the
Risk factors for VTE management of patients with VTE. Such testing
should usually only be performed in young
Inherited thrombophilias individuals with a personal history of VTE who have
a history of VTE in a first-degree relative. Testing
Antithrombin (AT) is an anticoagulant protein, whose should not usually be done while a patient is taking
function is predominantly to inactivate thrombin and anticoagulant therapy.19
activated coagulation factor X, thereby limiting on-
going thrombus propagation. AT deficiency is found
in 1% of consecutive patients presenting with VTE Other thrombophilias
and increases the risk of VTE five- to 50-fold.16,17
Acquired AT deficiency can occur in a number of Elevated factor VIII levels have been demonstrated
different clinical situations, including liver disease, to increase the risk of developing a first VTE, and
sepsis, acute thrombosis, disseminated intravascular also increase the risk of recurrent thrombosis.16,20
coagulation (DIC) and nephrotic syndrome. Association and linkage studies have identified a
Proteins C and S are both vitamin K-dependent number of other proteins associated with VTE. This
proteins; their activity will be reduced by vitamin K includes high levels of the coagulation factors fi-
antagonist anticoagulants(such as warfarin and sin- brinogen, prothrombin, IX, XI and von Willebrand
throme). The activated protein C/protein S complex factor. There is also an association between VTE
inactivates coagulation factors V and VIII, also lim- and platelet glycoprotein VI, blood group O and
iting ongoing thrombus propagation. Inherited pro- deficiencies of proteins associated with fibrinolysis
tein C deficiency increases the risk of VTE six- to (plasminogen and plasminogen-activated inhibitor-1
15-fold and is found in 1–3% of patients presenting (PAI-1)). These proteins are associated with a weak
with VTE.16 Protein S deficiency is present in 1–3% increased risk of thrombosis (1.1- to 2.5-fold).16,21,22
of patients with VTE. Liver disease, sepsis, DIC and
acute thrombosis reduce the levels of proteins C and S, Acquired thrombophilias
resulting in acquired hypercoagulability.
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS)
Factor V Leiden and the prothrombin Diagnosis of the APLS requires the presence of both
gene mutation clinical (arterial or venous thrombosis or recurrent
Factor V Leiden, a mutation of the factor V gene, miscarriage) and laboratory (persistent detectable
is the most common inherited thrombophilia, pres- antiphospholipid antibodies such as lupus antico-
ent in 5% of the Caucasian population (and <1% agulant or anticardiolipin or anti-β2-glycoprotein
of Africans/South East Asians). It renders activated 1 antibodies) criteria. The mechanism of these an-
factor V relatively resistant to inactivation by the tibodies in the development of thrombosis has not
activated protein C/protein S complex, and confers been established; however, a number of hypotheses
an eightfold increased risk of VTE in the hetero- have been suggested, including the interference of
zygous form (80-fold increased risk in the homo- antibodies with anticoagulant mechanisms, trigger-
zygous form). In Caucasian populations, factor ing procoagulant changes in leucocytes, platelets or
V Leiden is found in >20% of unselected patients endothelial cells, or activation of complement trig-
presenting with VTE.16 The prothrombin gene mu- gering an inflammatory reaction.23 Patients with
tation (G20210A) is less prevalent, found in 1% a diagnosis of APLS who have had a thrombosis
of the general population, and confers a threefold should be therapeutically anticoagulated long term
increased risk of VTE. It is found in 5–6% of un- (usually with warfarin, target international nor-
selected patients with VTE.16 malised ratio (INR) 2.5).23

270 66485457-66963820
Venous thromboembolism: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) Obesity

HIT is a rare but life-threatening complication of Those with a body mass index (BMI) of over 30 kg/m2
heparin therapy; it confers a high risk of throm- have a two- to threefold increased risk of VTE. As
bosis (30–75%), and has a significant morbidity with age, it is thought that this might be a reflection
and mortality. It occurs more frequently in patients of immobility and coagulation activation.26
receiving unfractionated heparin (UFH) than low-
molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), and the high- Family history of VTE
est risk is in those who have had cardiothoracic A history of VTE in a first-degree family member
surgery. General surgical patients receiving LMWH (aged <50 years) confers an increased risk of devel-
have a <1% risk of developing HIT. The platelet oping a VTE.27
count characteristically falls by ≥50% from base-
line (rarely below 20 × 109/L) between days 5 and Medical illness and malignancy
10 of heparin therapy. Less often, if a patient has
Hospitalisation itself is associated with an eightfold
received heparin within the last 100 days, HIT can
increased risk of VTE, with specific patient groups
present acutely after heparin administration with
being at particularly high risk. Congestive cardiac
systemic symptoms (rigors, cardiorespiratory dis-
failure, acute infection, central venous access, para-
tress). Skin lesions at the site of heparin injections
lytic stroke, nephrotic syndrome, cancer and che-
have also been shown to be associated with HIT.24
motherapy are all moderate risk factors for VTE
Half of patients with HIT will develop thrombo-
(odds ratio 2–9).28 It has therefore been proposed
sis, and unless heparin is stopped and alternative
that hospitalised medical patients are risk assessed
anticoagulation commenced, there is a consider-
for their level of risk of developing VTE (NICE
able risk of further thrombosis developing.25 HIT
guideline,29 SIGN guideline,30 ACCP guideline8).
is rarely associated with bleeding and so platelet
Cancer is strongly associated with VTE; 15% of
transfusions should not be given due to the risk of
patients with VTE have malignancy and 2–3% of
thrombosis,25 unless there is active bleeding.
patients with VTE are newly diagnosed with malig-
Patients receiving heparin should have a plate-
nancy at presentation. Patients with certain cancers
let count checked on the day treatment is started,
(stomach, lung, breast, pancreas, gynaecological,
after 24 hours of therapy (if exposed to heparin
lymphoma) are at particularly high risk of throm-
within the previous 100 days) and thereafter every
bosis, thought to be caused by tissue factor-like
2–4 days until day 14. If the platelet count falls
substances and microparticles activating the coagu-
by ≥50% of baseline or the patient develops new
lation cascade. Surgery and immobilisation further
venous or arterial thrombosis or skin allergy, then
increase this patient group's risk of thrombosis.
a diagnosis of HIT should be considered and a
clinical assessment undertaken; advice should be
sought from haematology. If the diagnosis of HIT
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and
is thought to be likely, heparin should be stopped combined oral contraceptive pill (cOCP)
(including heparin flushes) and, due to the high The risk of VTE is increased two- to fourfold in us-
risk of thrombosis, an alternative anticoagulant ers of the cOCP.31 The risk is highest in the first year
(e.g. danaparoid, argatroban or fondaparinux) of use, diminishes thereafter, and is reduced by
should be commenced, pending the results of fur- the use of the lower dose oestrogen preparations.
ther investigations. Again, in such circumstances Obese women (BMI >30) have a twofold increased
the advice of a haematologist is essential. Warfarin risk of VTE, but a 10-fold increased risk if taking
should not be started until the platelet count has the cOCP. The risk of VTE after surgery in women
fully recovered, and care should be taken to con- taking the cOCP is increased 2.5-fold. There is no
tinue an additional anticoagulant until the INR is evidence that the progesterone-only contraceptive
>2.0 for 2 days. increases the risk of VTE. Women with thrombo-
philia (antithrombin, protein C or S deficiencies,
factor V Leiden of the prothrombin gene variant)
Other risk factors for VTE who take the cOCP are at particularly high risk of
VTE.32 More recently, transdermal contraceptive
Age patches have been introduced containing both oes-
Age is an important risk factor for VTE, with many trogen and progestogen, but the risk of VTE with
studies showing an increased risk in patients over these preparations appears to be similar to the oral
40 years of age and considerably greater in those preparations.33
>70 years of age.26 It is likely that this is a reflection HRT is associated with a two-to fourfold increased
of medical comorbidities, immobility and coagula- risk of VTE in women using HRT compared with
tion activation. non-users.32–34 As with the cOCP, the risk is highest

271 66485457-66963820
Chapter 14

in the first year of HRT,35 and there is a synergistic Box 14.2  •  Risk factors for venous thromboembolism
effect with the inherited thrombophilias.36 Unlike
the cOCP, there appears to be a lower risk of VTE Inherited
when the transdermal route is used compared with Antithrombin deficiency
oral preparations.37 Protein C deficiency
Protein S deficiency
Pregnancy and puerperium Factor V Leiden
VTE is a leading direct cause of maternal death Prothrombin G20210A
in the UK, primarily due to pulmonary embo- Elevated factor VIII levels
lism. There is a 10-fold increased risk of VTE in
pregnancy and a 25-fold increased risk during
the puerperium. Many of these thrombotic events Acquired
are preventable by the use of appropriate throm- Surgery
boprophylaxis38 and it therefore follows that all Trauma
pregnant women, including those in the post- Acute medical illness
partum period, should be considered ‘at risk’ of
VTE if admitted with an acute illness, and given
thromboprophylaxis unless contraindicated. Low- Cancer therapies (hormonal, chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
molecular-weight heparins are safe to use in preg- Previous VTE
nancy as they do not cross the placenta into the Antiphospholipid syndrome
foetal circulation. Increasing age
Pregnancy and puerperium
Travel Oestrogen-containing oral contraceptives or hormone
Travel of long duration is a relatively weak risk replacement therapy
­factor for VTE, with risks higher in those with pre-­ Selective oestrogen receptor modulators
existing risk factors. Studies that have investigated
the role of risk factors in travel-related thrombosis
have mentioned the role of recent trauma or sur- Immobility/paresis
gery, in addition to obesity, cancer and hormone Heart or respiratory failure
therapy. It is important to remember that the risk of Inflammatory bowel disease
developing symptomatic VTE after long-duration Nephrotic syndrome
travel remains increased in the 8 weeks after the Haemoglobinopathies
flight.39–41 Myeloproliferative disease
Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
Superficial thrombophlebitis
Superficial thrombophlebitis (STP) of the lower
leg is a significant risk factor for VTE and a large Obesity
prospective epidemiological study found that Smoking
3.3% of patients with STP develop symptomatic Varicose veins and superficial vein thrombophlebitis
VTE if untreated. Those with STP >5 cm in length Central venous lines
were more likely to have associated DVT if the
STP was in the proximal long saphenous vein. STP
within a varicose vein was less likely to be associ- ­patient (Box 14.2). It is also now understood that
ated with DVT.42 the risk of VTE does not end at the point of dis-
charge as 56% of all VTE episodes within 91 days
Surgery of surgery occur after discharge.43,44
One-third of patients with VTE will have had sur-
gery in the preceding 3 months, with the risk great-
est following major abdominal and pelvic surgery Prevention of venous
(especially if associated with malignancy), and ­major thromboembolic disease
orthopaedic procedures. Without appropriate
thrombosis prevention strategies, 60–80% of such Guidelines
patients will develop venous thrombosis.8 Major
trauma is also associated with a very high risk of Over the last few years there has been a prolifera-
VTE. It has been recognised that, in addition to the tion of guidelines for the prevention of VTE, with
surgical procedure itself, a number of other fac- national guidelines developed in Scotland (SIGN
tors increase the risk of thrombosis in the surgical 122)30 and England and Wales (NICE CG92).29

272 66485457-66963820
Venous thromboembolism: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

All ­
hospitals should formally adopt and imple-
Graduated compression stockings produce
ment guidelines for VTE prevention and audit their a highly significant risk reduction in postoperative
practice. venous thomboembolic disease of 68% in
moderate-risk patients.47 A recent Cochrane review
Thromoboprophylaxis confirmed the effectiveness of GECSs in reducing
the risk of venous thromboembolic disease,
Studies investigating strategies for the prevention particularly when used on a background of other
methods of prophylaxis.48 All surgical patients at
of VTE have used angiography or more recently
risk of VTE should have GECSs applied unless
ultrasonography to confirm the presence of a
thrombotic event, with the majority of these be-
ing subclinical below-knee DVTs. There is a strong
association between asymptomatic DVT and the There are a number of different manufacturers of
development of symptomatic VTE (proximal DVT IPC devices, which supply intermittent low pressure
or PE)8 and it is therefore essential to introduce (typically 40 mmHg) for 1 minute with a 90-second
thromboprophylaxis strategies in patients at risk in period of decompression. This increases the veloc-
order to reduce the morbidity and mortality associ- ity of venous return and blood flow and may also
ated with this disease. While it is possible to iden- enhance fibrinolysis49 and inhibition of the tissue
tify groups at high risk of VTE,45 it is not possible factor pathway.50 A meta-analysis47 of the use of
to identify the specific patient who will develop a mechanical methods for thromboprophylaxis re-
symptomatic thrombosis, nor the individual who ported DVT rates of 9.9%and 17.6% for IPC versus
will develop a sudden massive PE. In 70–80% of 20.3% and 27% for placebo. Adherence with IPC
patients dying of a PE in hospital, a diagnosis of is frequently less than optimal in ‘real-life’ settings.
VTE was not considered prior to autopsy, and most
patients with PE have had no previous symptoms A major limitation in the studies of intermittent
suggestive of DVT. pneumatic compression (IPC) devices is the
The prevalence of postoperative PE is now relatively small numbers of patients included. When
considerably lower than it was some years ago used alone in patients undergoing high-risk surgery
due to the use of improved surgical and anaes- they appear to lack efficacy, and further assessment
thetic techniques, early mobilisation of patients of their role is required.
and the systematic introduction of chemical
Pharmacological methods
Methods of thromboprophylaxis Vitamin K antagonists
Mobilisation and leg exercises It has been known since 1959 that warfarin an-
While evidence to support early mobilisation and leg ticoagulation significantly reduces the incidence
exercises in reducing the risk of VTE is scarce, im- of thromboembolic disease when used for pro-
mobility significantly increases the risk of VTE, and phylaxis.51 However, this method is not routinely
trials of bed rest for medical illnesses demonstrated used, mainly because of the considerable risk of
no evidence of benefit.26 Mobilisation and leg exer- haemorrhage, either spontaneous or related to the
cises are simple interventions and should be encour- surgery.
aged where appropriate to reduce thrombosis risk.
Aspirin and antiplatelet agents
Mechanical thromboprophylaxis The Medical Research Council sponsored a double-
Mechanical methods of prophylaxis include gradu- blind, placebo-controlled study of 303 surgical pa-
ated elastic compression stockings (GECSs), inter- tients, which showed no reduction in postoperative
mittent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices and DVT with 600 mg aspirin taken immediately before
venous foot-pumps. These methods are designed to and for 5 days after surgery.52 A meta-analysis of
reduce venous stasis and improve venous flow in the thromboprophylaxis following total hip replace-
leg veins. ment, including data from 56 randomised trials,
GECSs have a compression profile of 18 mmHg showed no benefit for aspirin in preventing DVT.53
at the ankle, 14–15 mmHg mid-calf and 8 mmHg at However, in the meta-analysis of the Antiplatelets
the knee. They are simple, safe when applied cor- Trialists' Collaboration,54 aspirin was found to sig-
rectly (care should be taken not to use them in pa- nificantly reduce DVT, although the poor quality of
tients with severe peripheral vascular disease) and some of the studies included has led to many doubts
moderately efficacious in preventing VTE without regarding this finding. Aspirin may have a role in
any increased risk of bleeding.46 prophylaxis of low-risk groups.54

273 66485457-66963820
Chapter 14

New oral anticoagulants

From the results of these studies,52–55 aspirin
appears to have some efficacy in the prevention Dabigatran etexilate, an oral direct thrombin inhib-
of VTE, but as there are no robust studies directly itor, and rivaroxaban and apixaban (oral anti-Xa
comparing it with other pharmacological agents anticoagulants) have been licensed for thrombopro-
of proven efficacy, aspirin should not currently be phylaxis following hip and knee replacement sur-
considered a thromboprophylactic drug of choice. gery, but as yet there are few data for their use in
general surgery.

Heparins Duration of thromboprophylaxis

The use of low-dose unfractionated heparin Patients remain at increased risk of VTE once dis-
(UFH) for thromboprophylaxis has now largely charged after a surgical procedure, with a peak
been superseded by low-molecular-weight heparin at 3 weeks postoperatively. Clinical trials of ex-
(LWMH) due to the latter's superior bioavailability, tended prophylaxis (4 weeks of LMWH vs. 1 week
once-daily dosage and the reduced incidence of HIT. LMWH) after general surgery showed a significant
Heparins are renally excreted and therefore UFH reduction in venographically detected thromboses in
may be preferred in patients in whom there is an in- those with cancer.8,61 One randomised trial of 300
creased risk of accumulation (those with significant patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery
renal impairment). receiving either 9 or 30 days of LMWH showed
A meta-analysis of UFH prophylaxis in surgery two proximal DVTs in those receiving short-term
showed a reduction in DVT and PE by two-thirds treatment, compared to one in those in the extended
when compared to placebo, with a 2% increase group.62
in minor bleeding events.56 Studies have con-
sistently shown reductions in DVT and PE by
There are now many guidelines that provide
two-thirds with both UFH and LMWH, with a
recommendations on how to reduce the risk of VTE
slightly reduced risk of bleeding with LMWH in surgical patients (and in other patient groups). In
compared with UFH. Two meta-analyses have the UK these include the National Institute of Health
shown superior results with LMWH after total and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Clinical Guideline 92
hip replacement with regard to postoperative (Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk29) and
DVT (risk reduction of 17–32%) and PE (risk the Scottish SIGN 122 (Prevention and management
reduction of 50%).57,58 Higher doses of LMWH of venous thromboembolism30). What these
should be given to high-risk general surgical pa- guidelines have in common is the recommendation
tients as these provide greater protection than that all patients should be assessed for their
lower doses. In cancer patients undergoing sur- risk of developing a venous thrombosis based
gery, prophylaxis with dalteparin 5000 units on both their individual predisposing factors
daily was shown to be significantly more effec- and the risk associated with their illness and/or
tive than 2500 units daily, without an increased proposed surgical procedure. Patients assessed
risk of bleeding.59 Compared with no prophy- as being at high risk of VTE should be given
laxis, LMWH reduces the risk of clinical PE and thromboprophylaxis, which should be continued
clinical VTE by approximately 70%, and is as- after discharge in specific high-risk groups.
sociated with a possible reduction in the risk of
death from any cause. However, LMWH also
leads to an approximately doubling of the risk Diagnosis of venous
of wound haematoma and is associated with a thromboembolic disease
small increase in major bleeding, which is higher
in those with renal failure. Many patients present with leg pain or swelling,
chest pain or breathlessness, and it is not possible
Fondaparinux to exclude VTE on the basis of clinical history and
Fondaparinux is a synthetic pentasaccharide and examination alone. Approximately 25% of patients
a potent, highly selective, inhibitor of factor Xa. It with symptoms thought to be due to a DVT or PE
has a longer half-life, is associated with a slightly will have those diagnoses subsequently confirmed;
increased risk of bleeding and is more expensive- therefore, many could be unnecessarily exposed to
than LMWH. For these reasons, fondaparinux is imaging investigations with their associated risks.
less commonly used for VTE prevention in general As a result, over the last 5–10 years, diagnostic
surgical patients. As LMWH is of porcine origin, strategies have been developed that utilise both clin-
fondaparinux can be used as an alternative in pa- ical pretest probability scoring tools (for DVT and
tients with religious objection to the use of porcine PE) and D-dimer estimation to reduce the require-
products.60 ment for imaging investigations.

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Venous thromboembolism: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of DVT The most frequently used clinical prediction tool

for DVT is the Wells score,64,65 which has been
adapted to categorise patients as ‘DVT likely’ or
Clinical features of DVT ‘DVT unlikely’64 (Table 14.1). The Wells score is
The symptoms and signs of DVT tend to be non-­ not validated for use in patients with previous DVT
specific. Most often patients complain of pain, or in hospitalised or pregnant patients; initial inves-
swelling and redness of the lower limb, and on ex- tigation in such patients should be by appropriate
amination mild erythema, tenderness along the thigh imaging.
or calf, muscle induration and mild pyrexia are
found. However, many patients with DVT will have
none of these clinical features. Unilateral pitting oe- D-dimer
dema is the most significant clinical sign, indicating D-dimers are the product of fibrinolysis of cross-
thrombosis in 70% of patients. Homan's sign (pain linked fibrin, and are usually (but not always)
or discomfort on foot dorsiflexion) is unreliable. increased in patients with active VTE (i.e. ac-
Patients with distal iliac or femoral vein thrombo- tive thrombus formation). There are a number of
ses can present with a very painful, swollen, white different D-dimer assays (qualitative and quan-
leg (phlegmasia caerulea alba). A rare but dramatic titative) available, many of which have been eval-
presentation is that of ‘phlegmasia caerulea dolens’, uated to determine clinically meaningful cut-off
which occurs when the whole iliac system is throm- values for the exclusion of VTE.66 A systematic
bosed. The entire leg is swollen, acutely painful, review of patient cohorts presenting with sus-
dusky blue in colour and patchy areas of venous pected VTE who were prospectively assessed us-
gangrene can develop. The cyanosis and swelling ing a clinical prediction tool and D-dimer testing
distinguish this from arterial ischaemia (in which found a rate of VTE of 0.45% (95% confidence
the limb is white and rarely is there any swelling). interval 0.22–0.83) in those who were at low
Venous thrombosis is not the only cause of a pain- risk of VTE and had D-dimers below the cut-off
ful and/or swollen leg. Rupture of a Baker's cyst value.67 Patients who are considered using clinical
presents with sudden-onset lower leg pain, swelling prediction tools to be ‘DVT unlikely’, without in-
and cellulitis, with a painful and erythematous lower creased D-dimers, can be considered to have had
limb. Muscular tears and bleeding into a muscle in a a DVT excluded and do not require further inves-
patient already on anticoagulant therapy can also be tigation. It must be borne in mind, however, that
difficult to differentiate from a DVT. It is also impor- D-dimers tend to be increased with increasing age,
tant to remember that (rarely) malignancies such as and in those with malignancy, recent surgery or
sarcoma can present with a unilateral swollen leg.63 acute infection. The clinical utility of requesting a
D-dimer assay in these patient groups is therefore
Diagnostic algorithms for DVT limited, and most patients within these groups are
Clinical prediction tools incorporate clinical symp- likely to need imaging to exclude a thrombosis.
toms, signs and risk factors of thrombosis, and D-dimer levels are reduced in patients on antico-
assess the likelihood of a patient having a DVT. agulant drugs.

Table 14.1  •  Clinical model predicting the pretest probability of DVT*

Clinical characteristic Score

Active cancer (patient receiving treatment for cancer within previous 6 months or palliative)  1
Paralysis, paresis or recent plaster immobilisation of the lower extremities  1
Recently bedridden for 3 days or more, or major surgery within 12 weeks  1
Localised tenderness along the distribution of the deep venous system  1
Entire leg swollen  1
Calf swelling at least 3 cm larger than that on asymptomatic leg (10 cm below tibial tuberosity)  1
Pitting oedema confined to symptomatic leg  1
Collateral superficial veins (non-varicose)  1
Previously documented DVT  1
Alternative diagnosis at least as likely as DVT −2
*A score of 2 or higher indicates that the probability of DVT is likely; a score of less than 2 indicates that the probability of DVT is unlikely.
Reproduced from Wells PS, Anderson DR, Rodger M et al. Evaluation of D-dimer in the diagnosis of suspected deep-vein thrombosis.
N Engl J Med 2003; 349(13): 1227–35. Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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Chapter 14

Imaging techniques for DVT a­vailable. As with the other imaging modalities,
MRA is sensitive and specific for proximal throm-
bosis, but has a lower sensitivity for distal thrombi.
Venous ultrasound MRI is particularly useful for the investigation of
Venous ultrasound is the investigation of choice for suspected iliac thrombosis in pregnant women.
suspected DVT, with high sensitivity (94–99%) and
specificity (89–96%) for the diagnosis of symptom-
atic lower-limb proximal DVT when compared to Summary of diagnostic
contrast venography. Sensitivity and specificity are methods in DVT
considerably less for calf DVT.68 The outcome of
patients with a negative initial scan appears similar
Ultrasonography by an experienced operator is now
to control populations; however, there is evidence
the investigation of choice for DVT. D-dimer testing
that distal DVT may extend proximally and subse-
has now been widely incorporated into diagnostic
quently embolise.69,70 For that reason, many centres
algorithms, allowing the exclusion of DVT in pa-
repeat the ultrasound in 1 week if the initial scan is
tients at low risk with D-dimers below the cut-off
for that assay. Serial ultrasound scanning should
Care should be taken in the interpretation of ul-
be performed in those at high risk of DVT with an
trasound scans when requested in individuals with a
initial ‘negative’ ultrasound but D-dimers above the
history of previous DVT. A scan report of echogenic
cut-off. More invasive investigations (e.g. CT, MRA,
or non-occlusive thrombus at the site of a previous
venography) should be reserved for those in whom
clot could be due to chronic or ‘old’ DVT rather
there is thought to be iliac thrombosis not visualised
than a new event. Serial ultrasound (or venography)
by ultrasound, or if there is lack of concordance be-
may be useful in such circumstances.
tween clinical probability and the ultrasound scan
Impedance plethysmography (IP) result. Most centres will prefer to use CT or MRA
rather than venography for the investigation of pa-
IP was extensively studied in the 1970s and 1980s
tients suspected of having an iliac thrombosis.
and is currently still used to exclude DVT in a num-
ber of centres. A tourniquet is applied to the af-
fected limb and changes in the volume of the limb Diagnosis of pulmonary
measured after tourniquet removal. The sensitivity
and specificity of IP for DVT (83% and 92%, re-
spectively) are lower than with ultrasound, hence
the preference for ultrasound for the diagnosis of Clinical presentation and pretest
DVT by many hospitals.68,71 probability
The symptoms and signs most commonly associ-
ated with a confirmed diagnosis of PE are (in order
Venography was for a long time the ‘gold standard’ of descending frequency): dyspnoea, tachypnoea,
for a diagnosis of DVT; however, it is painful, in- pleuritic pain, apprehension, tachycardia, cough,
volves the use of contrast medium and radiation, haemoptysis, leg pain and clinical DVT. Clinical
and is rarely used today. Venography has now been history and examination are insufficient to exclude
superseded by duplex ultrasound imaging. a diagnosis of PE.72
As with DVT, the diagnostic process has been im-
Computed tomography (CT) proved considerably by the introduction of clini-
CT has a 95% sensitivity for DVT (proximal and cal decision rules (such as the Wells (Table 14.2)
distal) and 97% specificity.71 While it may not be and Geneva scoring systems), which risk stratify
routinely used for the diagnosis of peripheral ve- patients with suspected PE, and are used in com-
nous occlusion, it is useful in the investigation of bination with D-dimer testing. Using the PE Wells
suspected proximal venous thrombosis (inferior and score and a quantitative D-dimer test to rule out
superior vena cava). PE, in those at low risk of PE with low D-dimers,
0–1.9 cases of PE would be missed/1000 patients
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) screened.73 In practice, therefore, in patients at ‘low
and angiography (MRA) risk’ of PE with low D-dimers, a diagnosis of PE can
MRI and MRA can detect both peripheral and cen- be excluded. These clinical decision rules have not
tral venous thromboses, and are being studied for been validated in patients already hospitalised, nor
their role in the investigation of venous thrombosis. in pregnant women. Hospitalised patients should
MRA is non-invasive, uses venous blood flow as therefore be investigated by appropriate imaging
the source of image contrast, but is not yet widely studies.

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Table 14.2  •  Variables used to determine patient pretest probability for pulmonary embolism*

Clinical variable Score

Clinical signs and symptoms of DVT (minimum of leg swelling and pain with palpation of deep veins) 3
PE as or more likely than an alternative diagnosis 3
Heart rate >100 1.5
Immobilisation or surgery in the previous 4 weeks 1.5
Previous DVT/PE 1.5
Haemoptysis 1
Malignancy (on treatment, treated in the last 6 months or palliative) 1
* Score >4, probability of PE is ‘likely’; 4, probability for PE is ‘unlikely’. Alternatively, <2 is low probability, 2–6 moderate and >6 high.
Adapted from Wells PS. Integrated strategies for the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism. J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5(Suppl 1):41–50.
With permission from John Wiley and Sons.

Investigation for PE hypokinesis and increased pulmonary pressures are

highly suggestive of PE and can be considered diag-
nostic if ultrasound evidence of DVT is also seen. It
Chest X-ray (CXR) may also allow differentiation between other clini-
Radiographic findings in PE are usually non-specific cal conditions that can present in a similar fashion,
on a CXR; however, it will exclude other diagnoses such as aortic dissection, myocardial infarction or
(such as infection or pulmonary oedema). pericardial tamponade.76
Computed tomography pulmonary MRI
angiogram (CTPA) Currently, the clinical utility of MRI in the diagnosis
CTPA is now the gold standard for detecting PE, of PE is low when compared with CTPA. Although
with multislice scanners reporting sensitivities of preliminary studies suggest contrast-enhanced mag-
83–100% and specificity of 89–97%. These mul- netic resonance angiography (ce-MRA) has a similar
tislice CTPA scanners allow the entire pulmonary sensitivity and specificity to other imaging tech-
arterial tree to be visualised in less than 10 seconds, niques,77 there is less access to patients (who may
and in addition to demonstrating the presence or ab- be clinically unstable) whilst in the magnet, the du-
sence of a PE, an alternative cause for the patient's ration of scanning is longer and MRI scanning is
symptoms may be detected (not possible with V/Q generally less easily available. However, MRI scan-
scanning – see below). CTPA also gives an assess- ning has some advantages: firstly, it does not require
ment of the right ventricular:left ventricular size, ionising radiation, which is beneficial for women of
an indicator of the severity of the PE in the acute childbearing age and/or those who are pregnant;
situation. A good-quality negative CTPA on a mul- secondly, MRI contrast agents are considered to
tidetector scan effectively excludes PE, and antico- have fewer side-effects than the iodinated media re-
agulation can safely be withheld in such patients.74 quired for CT; and thirdly, it is possible to carry out
a comprehensive protocol of magnetic resonance
Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scanning venography and pulmonary angiography (taking
Until recently, V/Q scanning was the imaging inves- less than 20 minutes in total). As a result, consider-
tigation of choice for those suspected of having had ation could be given to using MRI in patients with
a PE, but has been largely superseded by CTPA. It contraindications to contrast media, young women
is relatively easily performed, is less invasive and with a low clinical probability of PE, and in preg-
cheaper than pulmonary angiography, and can be nancy. However, the other imaging modalities dis-
used as an alternative in patients with contrain- cussed above remain the mainstay of investigation
dications to CTPA. It is of most use in those with at the present time.
normal CXR without underlying lung disease.74 A
normal V/Q scan excludes the diagnosis of PE (1% Investigation in pregnancy
VTE in follow-up).75 Clinical assessment of DVT and PE is especially un-
reliable in pregnancy and the minority of pregnant
Echocardiography women undergoing objective investigation for VTE
Echocardiography can be particularly useful in un- will have that diagnosis confirmed. It is important,
stable patients for whom transport to the radiology therefore, that the risks of imaging (both to the
department is unfeasible. Right ventricular freewall mother and the foetus) are minimised. The Royal

277 66485457-66963820
Chapter 14
College of Obstetricians advises that pregnant coagulation test monitoring, and care should be
women suspected of having a PE have a duplex ul- taken with anticoagulant therapy in anaemia and
trasound performed,78 with V/Q scanning or CTPA thrombocytopenia.
reserved for those with negative ultrasound scans.30 Anticoagulation should be started as soon as
CTPA has the disadvantage of a high radiation dose an objective diagnosis of VTE has been made,
to the woman's breasts and an increased lifetime of if there are any delays in investigation of pa-
risk of developing breast cancer, with V/Q result- tients at high risk of VTE.29,72 For most patients,
ing in a considerably lower radiation dose to the this will mean immediate anticoagulation with
mother. an injectable anticoagulant (UFH, LMWH or
fondaparinux), followed by oral anticoagulation
Summary of diagnostic with a vitamin K antagonist. Rivaroxaban, an oral
direct Xa antagonist, is now licensed for the treat-
methods for PE ment of DVT. Some patients (such as those with
PE with haemodynamic compromise or DVT as-
Patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of sociated with phlegmasia caerulea dolens) may
PE should have a clinical assessment and pretest benefit from thrombolytic therapy or even surgical
probability determined. Those at low risk with intervention.
D-dimers below the laboratory ‘cut-off’ for the
exclusion of VTE do not usually need further in- High-risk PE
vestigation. For those with suspected PE in whom
the diagnosis is ‘PE likely’ or ‘PE unlikely but with Haemodynamically compromised patients with PE
positive D-dimers’, CTPA should be performed; a should be managed in an appropriate clinical s­ etting –
negative multislice scan can safely exclude the pres- usually a coronary care or high-­dependency unit.
ence of a PE. Hospital inpatients with symptoms/ Haemodyanamic support (inotropes) and oxygen
signs of PE should have imaging investigations should be administered if required. Intravenous
performed. Pregnant women should have duplex UFH will achieve therapeutic levels faster than
ultrasound of the leg veins performed as the initial LMWH, and the dose can be adjusted if throm-
investigation. bolytic therapy is required; therefore, it should
be used in preference to subcutaneous LMWH in
shocked patients.
Management of venous
thromboembolic disease Thrombolysis achieves clot lysis more rapidly
than anticoagulation alone, accelerating the
Aims of treatment reduction in pulmonary vascular obstruction,
potentially increasing pulmonary perfusion and gas
The primary aims of the treatment of VTE are to re- exchange, and should be considered in patients
lieve symptoms and to prevent thrombus extension with haemodynamic instability.72
and recurrent thrombotic events, thereby reducing
the risks of the long-term complications of VTE (the
post-thrombotic syndrome and chronic thrombo-
embolic pulmonary hypertension). Anticoagulation
is the mainstay of treatment of VTE for both DVT
and PE. UFH
Before starting anticoagulation, assessment should UFH is renally excreted, has an unpredictable
be undertaken to determine whether any disorders dose response and a narrow therapeutic window;
predisposing to VTE are present (i.e. malignancy it therefore needs monitoring. It is an injectable
or pregnancy), to assess the safety of proposed an- anticoagulant and has a short half-life of 60–90
ticoagulant therapy and to determine whether ap- minutes. It is usually administered by a continuous
propriate monitoring of anticoagulant therapy is intravenous infusion after an initial loading dose
achievable. Thorough clinical history taking and (loading dose 80 U/kg followed by an infusion of 18
examination will identify factors contributing to U/kg per hour) with subsequent dose adjustments
the development of VTE and risks for anticoagulant made to maintain an activated partial thrombo-
therapy. Baseline blood tests should be undertaken plastin time (APTT) ratio of 1.5–2.5. Randomised
(full blood count, renal function and coagulation clinical trials have shown that treatment with intra-
screen) to allow safe prescribing of anticoagulant venous (i.v.) UFH for 5–7 days followed by more
therapy. Heparins are renally excreted, vitamin K prolonged treatment with an oral anticoagulant is
antagonists and unfractionated heparin require as efficacious as longer treatment with i.v. UFH.79

278 66485457-66963820
Venous thromboembolism: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Haemorrhage occurs in up to 5% of individuals

Studies in cancer patients comparing LMWH
receiving UFH infusions, the risk being greater in to standard warfarin anticoagulation in patients
the elderly and those receiving antiplatelet thera- with acute VTE and malignancy demonstrated a
pies. Care should be taken to monitor for HIT (see significant reduction in the occurrence of recurrent
earlier). Oral anticoagulation (see below) should VTE without an increase in bleeding in those
be started concurrently with UFH, and the UFH receiving LMWH.82 Although there was no reduction
stopped when the INR is therapeutic on two con- in mortality, LMWH was well tolerated and avoided
secutive days.79 Use of UFH has now largely been the necessity of frequent INR checks; it therefore
superseded by LMWH other than in patients with should be offered to patients with malignancy and
renal failure, or those at high risk of bleeding. VTE, especially whilst undergoing chemotherapy,
which can cause unstable INRs.
LMWHs are made by chemical or enzymatic
depolymerisation of UFH. Their predominant
mode of action is to inhibit anti-Xa activity, Fondaparinux is a pentasaccharide that exerts
­although all have variable anti-IIa activity. In com- a selective anti-Xa anticoagulant effect via anti-
parison to UFH, they have more reliable pharma- thrombin. Once-daily, subcutaneous, fixed-dose
cokinetics and a greater bioavailability and can fondaparinux (7.5 mg subcutaneously once daily for
be given by once or twice daily weight-adjusted patients 50–100 kg in weight) has been shown to be
subcutaneous administration. A Cochrane review as effective and safe as UFH and LMWH for the
that compared fixed-dose LMWH with UFH for management of acute symptomatic DVT and PE,
acute PE treatment found an odds ratio of 0.88 and has a licence for these indications. Whilst it is
(95% confidence interval 0.48–1.63) for risk of more expensive than UFH and LMWH, it does not
­recurrent PE in favour of LMWH.80 LMWH does need monitoring, nor has it been associated with the
not, routinely, require monitoring. In certain cir- development of HIT.83
cumstances, however (e.g. in renal impairment or
elderly patients with low body weight), monitor- Vitamin K antagonists
ing may be of benefit. Peak anti-Xa levels should Warfarin remains the treatment of choice for the ma-
be measured 3–4 hours ­after LMWH injection, the jority of patients with VTE. It has a narrow therapeu-
therapeutic range being 1.0–2.0 IU/mL with once- tic window, there is considerable variability in dose
daily injection and 0.5–1.0 IU/mL with twice-daily response between subjects, it has numerous drug
injections. The risk of bleeding is less with LMWH and food interactions, and requires regular moni-
compared with UFH, as is the risk of HIT. toring. All too frequently there are dosing problems
due to patient non-adherence or miscommunication
between patient and health professional. Warfarin
Studies have shown that, for the treatment inhibits the metabolism of vitamin K, which is
of DVT, outpatient LMWH administration at ­required for the essential post-­translational modifi-
therapeutic licensed dosages is as safe and
cation (carboxylation) of the vitamin K-dependent
efficacious as UFH infusion.79
coagulation factors (factors II, VII, IX and X). The
rate of inhibition of these coagulation factors is de-
LMWHs have been shown to be as safe and ef- pendent on their rate of synthesis; factor VII (with a
fective as UFH in treating non-massive haemo- half-life of 6 h) is rapidly inhibited, whereas it takes
dynamically stable PE, but the optimal dosing considerably longer for the activity of factor II (with
schedule (once or twice daily) remains contro- a half-life of 72 h) to fall. It usually takes 4–7 days
versial. Prognostic prediction models (such as for the activities of these vitamin K-dependent coag-
Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index) are being ulation factors to fall to a level at which the patient
used to categorise risk of mortality, and patients at is therapeutically anticoagulated.
low risk are suitable for outpatient management or Warfarin is monitored by the INR (derived from
early discharge.81 the prothrombin time). ‘Bridging’ anticoagulation
LMWHs are the treatment of choice for VTE with UFH, LMWH or fondaparinux should be con-
in pregnancy, as warfarin is teratogenic. As the tinued for a minimum of 5 days and until the INR
half-life of LMWH in pregnancy is shorter, twice- is >2. The target INR for a patient with DVT or
daily regimens should be utilised for pregnant PE (unless the thrombosis occurred on warfarin) is
patients. Furthermore, these patients should be 2.5. Not surprisingly, the most serious adverse com-
managed in consultation with an obstetrician plication of oral anticoagulation is bleeding. The
and a haematologist with an interest in obstetric risk is directly related to the intensity of anticoagu-
haematology.78 lation and the length of therapy, and is greatest in

279 66485457-66963820
Chapter 14
the elderly, those with unstable anticoagulation and Inferior vena caval (IVC) filters
those with significant concomitant illnesses (includ-
ing past history of gastrointestinal bleeding, renal or There is no evidence to support the routine use of
liver failure, anaemia, uncontrolled hypertension). IVC filters where a patient can be anticoaguated.
The risk of major bleeding with warfarin anticoagu- There is only one randomised trial of the use of
lation is reported to be 0.5–6.5% per year and fatal vena caval filters in the management of VTE in pa-
bleeding 0.1–1.0% per year.84 For patients newly tients who were anticoagulated; this demonstrated
starting warfarin anticoagulation it is not (yet) pos- a reduction in symptomatic PE, but a higher risk of
sible to predict their dose, and induction algorithms recurrent DVT without a reduction in mortality in
(such as the modified Fennerty algorithm) should be patients with IVC filters.92
used to guide dosing.85 The remainder of the evidence for IVC filter use
comes predominantly from descriptive case series
Rivaroxaban and therefore there is little robust evidence to
Rivaroxaban, a once-daily, oral, direct Xa inhibi- guide the clinician on their use. Both permanent
tor has now been licensed in the UK and approved and retrievable filters are available (some may be
by NICE and the Scottish Medicines Consortium retrieved up to a few months after insertion). It
for the treatment of DVT and the secondary pre- is recommended that insertion of an IVC filter be
vention of VTE. In the management of acute DVT, considered to prevent PE in patients with VTE
rivaroxaban was non-inferior when compared to and a contraindication to anticoagulation; this
traditional anticoagulation (LMWH and warfa- includes patients with recent (within 2 months)
rin) in the prevention of symptomatic, recurrent VTE who require cessation of anticoagulation for
VTE, without an increase in bleeding.86 Similar surgery. Anticoagulation should be commenced
findings were seen in the more recently published when the contraindication to its use resolves, and
study in patients presenting with PE,87 but as yet should be considered for all patients with IVC
rivaroxaban is not licensed in the acute manage- filters in situ (dependent on perceived risks of
ment of PE. thrombosis from disease and bleeding associated
There are clear advantages to the use of rivar- with anticoagulant therapy). It is also reasonable
oxaban in the treatment of patients with DVT; it to consider IVC filter insertion in patients who
is an oral medication with a reliable pharmaco- have PE despite therapeutic anticoagulation. If
kinetic profile and therefore does not need moni- the indication for the filter is temporary, retriev-
toring. One disadvantage is that there is no direct able filters should be used (and then removed)
antidote, although there is some evidence for the where possible.
use of prothrombin complex concentrates and no-
voseven in the management of patients bleeding
while taking rivaroxaban.88 It is expected that as Duration of anticoagulation
clinical experience with these new anticoagulants
grows, they will, in time, largely replace the use of There remains uncertainty about the optimal dura-
warfarin. tion of anticoagulation following a VTE. Systematic
reviews have considered the duration of anticoagu-
Thrombolysis lation after an episode of VTE and have reported
that, while the risk of recurrent VTE is low should
Thrombolysis has been used for the treatment of anticoagulant therapy be continued, the risk of
DVT, initially given systemically and more recently bleeding is increased.93 Short-term anticoagulation
by local catheter. Thrombolysis has been demon- (less than 3 months) is associated with a higher
strated to produce more rapid early clot lysis and risk of recurrence compared with longer-term treat-
reduced incidence of the post-thrombotic syn- ment.94 Following cessation of oral anticoagulation
drome (PTS), but is associated with a significant after a first episode of VTE, the risk of recurrence
risk of bleeding. Patients at low risk of bleeding is 7–12.9% after 1 year and 21.5–22.8% after
(predominantly young patients), with extensive il- 5 years.9,95
iofemoral DVT, may significantly benefit from this
treatment.89 Local administration of thrombolytic
agents, or the use of combined catheter-directed At least 3 months of anticoagulant therapy is
required after a proximal DVT or PE; 3 months is
thrombolysis with mechanical thrombectomy, re-
likely sufficient after a first event if it was associated
duces that bleeding risk.90 Thrombolytic therapy
with a transient risk factor, such as surgery. Calf
should be considered for patients with recent-onset
vein thromboses, if diagnosed, should be treated
(within 7–10 days) massive iliofemoral DVT or with anticoagulation for 6–12 weeks.85
those with limb-threatening thrombosis.91

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Venous thromboembolism: prevention, diagnosis and treatment

A prospective study followed 570 patients with a risk of recurrence once stopping anticoagulation if
first episode of VTE for 2 years after the cessation of the underlying risk factor has resolved.
oral anticoagulant therapy.95 The risk of recurrence Longer-term anticoagulation after a first idiopathic
at 2 years in those who had presented with VTE VTE may be appropriate in patients considered at
within 6 weeks of surgery or in pregnancy or post- high risk of recurrent VTE, who are at low risk of
partum was zero, in contrast to those who had had bleeding, following an individual assessment of risk
idiopathic events (19.4%) and those who had had factors. As active cancer and anticancer treatment
a non-surgical risk factor for VTE (8.8%). Patients both increase the risk of VTE, consideration should
with a clear precipitating factor for VTE are at low be given to continuing anticoagulation.

Key points
• The risk of developing VTE increases steadily with age, with 1 in 100 individuals over the age of 80
developing a VTE each year.
• Thromboembolism in hospital inpatients is common, developing in over 20% of general surgical
patients in the absence of thromboprophylaxis. PE is a well-recognised complication of surgery,
and a significant cause of perioperative morbidity and death. There are frequently no signs of DVT
prior to the onset of PE.
• Patients can be identified to be at risk of VTE both by surgical (i.e. procedural) and patient (i.e.
thrombophilia or medical comorbidity) risk factors. Undertaking a risk assessment and using
appropriate thromboprophylaxis will reduce the risk of VTE.
• Thromboprophylaxis with a combination of mechanical and pharmacological agents is effective
in preventing VTE in high-risk surgical patients. Further studies to evaluate the efficacy of newer
methods (both pharmacological and mechanical) are needed.
• If a diagnosis of VTE is considered, appropriate investigations should be performed. Clinical pretest
probability and D-dimer testing are useful in the assessment of outpatients, but have not been
validated within the hospital inpatient population. Such patients should have appropriate imaging
investigations undertaken. If there is a delay in investigation, therapeutic anticoagulation should be
commenced unless the bleeding risks outweigh the potential benefits of anticoagulation.
• Anticoagulation is the mainstay of treatment for DVT and PE. If anticoagulation is contraindicated,
IVC filter insertion should be considered.

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Clin Appl Thromb Hemost 2001;7(2):87–92. deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
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diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism.
90. Alesh I, Kayali F, Stein PD. Catheter-directed throm-
Br J Haematol 2005;131:301–12.
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78. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Management of venous thromboembolism: a sys-
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92. The PREPIC Study Group. Eight-year follow-up
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and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest 2004;126(3, Interruption Cave) randomized study. Circulation
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rence of venous thromboembolisms. Duration 523–6.

285 66485457-66963820
Patient assessment and surgical risk

Chris Deans

Introduction patient's risk will influence surgical decision-making

and, in turn, facilitate informed consent. This pro-
Surgical risk is an estimation of the likelihood of an cess will ultimately influence choice of treatment
adverse event occurring as a consequence of a patient options for individual patients. Secondly, identify-
undergoing a particular surgical procedure or inter- ing higher risk patients will also allow appropriate
vention. Patient assessment is a process that attempts pre-emptive measures to be undertaken and target
to quantify this risk for an individual patient. The abil- particular areas of concern to optimise the patient
ity to undertake patient assessment to determine surgi- in the perioperative period (see also Chapter 16).
cal risk for a patient is fundamental to modern surgical This process may also help anticipate potential ad-
practice. Appropriate patient assessment and estima- verse events. A further positive effect of this process
tion of risk will inform surgical decision-making, as- is to aid case mix adjustment. There is increasing
sist patient decision-making and facilitate informed public release of activity/outcome figures (or ‘league
consent. It is important to remember that risk is not tables’) in surgery, which may be crude mortality
only associated with undertaking surgical procedures, or complication rates. Case mix adjustment allows
but may also include other treatments or investiga- units with a greater proportion of high-risk patients
tions that may pose a particular risk to the patient, for to compensate for any differences in their figures
example performing a colonoscopy or interventional with respect to national outcomes and allow for
radiological procedure. The risks of not performing meaningful comparison of data against national
a particular procedure or intervention should also be audits. This will ensure quality assurance for the
considered and the possible implications for the pa- future (Box 15.2).
tient of not undertaking a procedure should be part of
any informed consent process (Box 15.1).1 How can we assess surgical risk?
Why assess surgical risk? Determination of surgical risk is complex and
is influenced by many variables. However, the
Estimation of surgical risk is important for several ­process may be simplified by thinking of the assess-
reasons. Firstly, as already stated, determining a ment ­according to two main factors – the patient,

Box 15.1  • GMC definition of risk of investigation/ Box 15.2  •  Why assess surgical risk?
1. Allow informed consent
1. Side-effects 2. Facilitate surgical decision-making
2. Complications 3. To anticipate adverse events
3. Failure of an intervention to achieve the desired aim 4. To minimise risk to patients, staff and healthcare system
4. The potential outcome of taking no action 5. To allow for meaningful comparison of outcomes

286 66485457-66963820
Patient assessment and surgical risk

and those related to the surgical procedure itself.

Procedural-related risks are generally easier to
Estimation of surgical risk
quantify where national, local and even individual
complication rates may be known. The introduc-
Clinical assessment
tion of national and regional audit programmes in It is the role of the surgeon as a clinician to un-
some specialities, as well as the improved quality of dertake a thorough clinical assessment of every
data collection in local departments, have enabled patient in order to carefully identify individual
a better understanding of the more common risks characteristics of the patient's comorbidity and un-
and complications that are associated with many derlying ­disease process that may influence surgi-
surgical procedures. However, procedural-related cal risk. Only then may a fully informed decision
risk will also depend on additional factors, such as be made regarding treatment choices for individual
the urgency and duration of the procedure, volume patients. Some patient factors may be clearly iden-
of blood loss and type of surgery undertaken. The tifiable, such as the presence of ischaemic heart
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) ­disease or obesity, whereas others may not yet have
has attempted to stratify surgical procedures into been diagnosed. A thorough history and examina-
different grades of severity in an effort to provide tion should be undertaken and targeted investiga-
guidance on the use of preoperative investigations tions requested, based on the clinical findings. This
and estimate the likelihood of perioperative risk ­process may be difficult and more challenging situ-
(Table 15.1).2 ations should involve consultation with colleagues
Patient-related risk factors are less easy to quan- and other clinicians as part of the wider multidis-
tify. They may be broadly divided into either ciplinary team – for ­example, obtaining a cardiol-
subjective or objective factors. Subjective risk as- ogy review or asking for an anaesthetic opinion. In
sessment includes patient history, clinical exami- ­difficult cases a ­second opinion may be sought from
nation, pattern recognition, accumulated clinical an independent source.
experience and ‘the end of the bed test’. Objective There are in fact data to support the concept that
risk assessment includes formal laboratory results ‘gut instinct’ or ‘surgical intuition’ can be more ef-
and assessment of comorbidity and physiological fective than formal risk prediction models in iden-
function through further investigation. Patient fac- tifying the patient with a poor prognosis in the
tors will be influenced by the ‘fitness’ of the patient context of a particular procedure,3 especially in the
(functional/performance status), age, comorbid elective setting.4 However, there is also epidemio-
illness, the underlying disease process and nutri- logical evidence suggesting that clinicians often fail
tional status, as well as many other inter-related to identify patients at high risk of complications and
variables. as a result do not allocate them to the appropriate
Several risk prediction models and scoring sys- level of perioperative care.5
tems have been developed in an attempt to help
measure surgical risk. In addition, techniques to
formally quantify levels of patient fitness (func-
Risk prediction models and
tional assessment), such as exercise testing, and scoring systems
measurements of serum biomarkers have also been
introduced specifically to predict perioperative Attempts to improve the accuracy of estimation
risk, with variable success. This chapter will discuss of risk and to provide a more robust quantitative
some of these scoring systems and functional as- assessment have led to the development of several
sessment tools that may be used for patient assess- scoring systems and risk prediction models. Many
ment and estimation of surgical risk. These may be of these are freely available online.6 These tools
broadly classified into risk prediction models (gen- have been developed to objectively estimate mor-
eral and specific), functional assessment tools and bidity and mortality rates for individual patients
novel biomarkers. prior to the proposed intervention. It should be

Table 15.1  •  Examples of surgical procedures by severity grading (NICE)

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy Haemorrhoidectomy Amputation Gastrectomy
Vasectomy Varicose vein surgery Mastectomy Colectomy
Tooth extraction Adenoidectomy Thyroidectomy Renal transplant
Excision skin lesion Reduction of dislocated joint Prostatectomy Hip replacement

287 66485457-66963820
Chapter 15
noted that there is no perfect tool, that the models Box 15.3  • Variables used in the calculation of the
available must not be used to guide decision-making P-POSSUM score
in isolation and that there is no substitute for the
combination of objective markers with surgical Physiological variables
experience and intuition. Furthermore, the models Age
available pertain to populations rather than indi- Cardiac disease
vidual patients, and therefore have limitations that Respiratory disease
need to be recognised before using them to inform Electrocardiogram (ECG)
surgical risk assessment. For example, the mortality Systolic blood pressure
rate for a surgical intervention in a particular popu-
Pulse rate
lation may be 5%, but for the individual patient it
Haemoglobin concentration
can only be 0% or 100%.
The scoring systems available usually incorpo- White cell count
rate physiological and comorbidity data that have Serum urea concentration
been selected using logistical regression techniques Serum sodium concentration
in a large database of patients, which may not be Serum potassium concentration
similar to the local population. A coefficient may Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
be assigned in order to weight the variables and the
Operative variables
resulting equation provides a numerical indication
of risk for the patient, although it is frequently more Operation severity class
meaningful to the operating surgeon. Number of procedures
Ideally the patients in the database on which the Blood loss
scoring system is developed and validated should Peritoneal contamination
be similar to the individual patient in question. Malignancy status
However, publication bias may mean that only the Urgency
best data are published. While this has inherent
flaws, it may also be viewed as an opportunity to P-POSSUM formula
benchmark one's own results against those from a Ln R/1−R = −9.065 + (0.1692 × physiological score) +
centre of excellence. (0.1550 × operative severity score)
Finally, the accuracy of predictive models is dy-
namic and they should be periodically retested
against an evolving surgical patient population. outcome predictors. Twelve physiological and six
When accuracy deteriorates they should be revised operative parameters were identified, and each of
and updated. these factors were weighted to a value of 1, 2, 4 or
8 to simplify the calculation. It was re-evaluated in
POSSUM 1998 in Portsmouth, UK by Whiteley et al., who
The Physiological and Operative Severity Score reported concerns that it overestimated mortal-
for the enUmeration of Mortality and ­ morbidity ity in their patients, particularly in the lowest risk
(POSSUM) was first described in 1991.7 It was group.8 They modified the POSSUM formula and
­designed as a scoring system to estimate morbidity they constructed the Portsmouth predictor equation
and mortality following a surgical procedure and, for mortality (P-POSSUM; Box 15.3). The modi-
by including data on the patient's physiological con- fied formula fitted well with the observed mortal-
dition, it provides a risk-adjusted prediction of out- ity rate; however, it still overestimates mortality in
come. This facilitates more accurate comparison of low-risk groups, the elderly and in certain surgical
hospital or surgeon performance and it can be used subspecialities.9 The latter finding has prompted
as an audit and clinical governance tool. However, the ­development of speciality-specific POSSUM for
the model involves inclusion of operative variables, ­major elective surgery.
such as volume of blood loss and the presence of
peritoneal soiling, which precludes its use in the CR-POSSUM (colorectal)
preoperative setting to inform the consent process. The value of POSSUM and P-POSSUM in predicting
Despite this, POSSUM is the most widely applied, in-hospital mortality was examined in patients un-
validated, surgical risk scoring system in the UK dergoing colorectal surgery in France. Both POSSUM
and has been modified by several authors to provide and P-POSSUM performed well but overestimated
speciality-specific information. postoperative death in elective surgery and the au-
The original POSSUM score was developed after thors concluded that it had not been validated in
initially subjecting 62 parameters to multivariate France in the field of colorectal surgery.10 The origi-
analysis in order to determine the most powerful nal POSSUM score and P-POSSUM were derived

288 66485457-66963820
Patient assessment and surgical risk

from a heterogeneous population of general surgical O-POSSUM (oesophagogastric)

patients. Subgroup analysis of high-risk colorectal A UK study of 204 patients demonstrated that
surgery patients found that the models under-pre- POSSUM did not accurately predict morbidity and
dicted death in the emergency patients.11 There was mortality in patients undergoing oesophagectomy.18
also a lack of calibration at the extremes of age in A dedicated oesophagogastric model (O-POSSUM)
both emergency and elective work. This resulted in developed in a study population of 1042 patients
remodelling of the POSSUM score for colorectal was described in 2004. The O-POSSUM model used
surgery patients and led to the development of the the following independent factors: age, physiological
Colorectal-POSSUM model (CR-POSSUM). The status, mode of surgery, type of surgery and histolog-
CR-POSSUM model was superior to the P-POSSUM ical stage. It provided a more accurate risk-adjusted
model in predicting operative mortality in a study in- prediction of death from oesophageal and gastric
volving almost 7000 patients undergoing emergency surgery for individual patients than P-POSSUM.19
and elective colorectal surgery in the UK.12 However, to date there have been several conflicting
External validation of CR-POSSUM was derived studies examining the predictive value and accuracy
from three multicentre, UK studies involving a total of of O-POSSUM. A Dutch study of 663 patients un-
16 006 patients: the original CR-POSSUM study pop- dergoing potentially curative oesophagectomy in a
ulation (n = 6883), the Association of Coloproctology tertiary referral centre (in-hospital mortality 3.6%)
of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) Colorectal demonstrated that O-POSSUM over-predicted in-
Cancer (CRC) Database (n = 8077) and the ACPGBI hospital mortality threefold and could not identify
Malignant Bowel Obstruction (MBO) Study (n = those patients with an increased risk of death.20 This
1046). Of the different risk models that were tested, was supported in similar studies from both the UK
CR-POSSUM was superior in predicting postopera- and Hong Kong, which found that P-POSSUM pro-
tive death.13 vided the most accurate prediction of in-hospital
This conflicted to a certain extent with a later mortality and O-POSSUM again over-predicted mor-
study in New Zealand involving 308 patients un- tality in patients, particularly with low physiological
dergoing major colorectal surgery. In this cohort scores and in older patients.21,22 A recent systematic
POSSUM, P-POSSUM and CR-POSSUM were all review comparing P-POSSUM with O-POSSUM,
satisfactory predictive tools for postoperative mor- which included data from 10 studies, concluded that
tality but the latter tended to be relatively less accu- P-POSSUM was the most accurate predictor of post-
rate. However, the authors noted that CR-POSSUM operative mortality and O-POSSUM consistently
requires fewer individual patient parameters to overestimated postoperative mortality in gastro-­
be calculated and is therefore simpler to use.14 oesophageal cancer patients.23
A more recent systematic review pooled data from In summary, the data reported in the original study
18 studies to compare the accuracy of POSSUM, to construct O-POSSUM have not been validated in
P-POSSUM and CR-POSSUM in predicting postop- other centres. It may be that individual units have
erative mortality for patients undergoing colorectal to modify the O-POSSUM model to take account
cancer surgery.15 This study also reported greater of local factors.
predictive accuracy for the P-POSSUM model com-
pared with CR-POSSUM.
CR-POSSUM is not an accurate predictor of V-POSSUM (vascular)
­disease-specific colorectal mortality. A study from the V-POSSUM was devised for use specifically in
Netherlands on patients undergoing elective sigmoid ­patients undergoing arterial surgery. One study ex-
resection for either carcinoma or diverticular dis- amined the records of 1313 patients and added ‘ex-
ease demonstrated that CR-POSSUM ­over-predicted tra items’ to the original POSSUM dataset, ­although
mortality in the patients with malignant disease and this did not appear to significantly improve the accu-
under-predicted it in patients with benign disease. racy of prediction.24 The model has, however, been
However, in the whole group CR-POSSUM pre- used in further studies and has been modified further
dicted postoperative mortality accurately.16 to only take account of the physiology component
A possible modification to the CR-POSSUM sys- of the score, with improved prediction accuracy
tem was suggested following a single-centre UK (V-POSSUM physiology only). However, a current
study in 304 patients. CR-POSSUM proved to be UK study involving almost 11 000 patients under-
a more accurate predictive model than POSSUM going elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
and P-POSSUM and, interestingly, logistic regres- ­evaluated the accuracy of five risk prediction ­models,
sion demonstrated a significant correlation between including V-POSSUM.25V-POSSUM performed
albumin and mortality. It may therefore be possible poorly, with the Medicare and Vascular Governance
to improve the accuracy of CR-POSSUM further by North West (VGNW) models ­ demonstrating
modifying the equation to include serum albumin.17 the best discrimination, leaving the authors to c­ onclude

289 66485457-66963820
Chapter 15
that V-POSSUM should not be used for risk predic- ASA
tion for these patients. Neither the V-POSSUM nor In 1963 the American Society of Anesthesiologists
P-POSSUM models appear to be accurate in pre- (ASA) adopted a five-point classification system for
dicting mortality in the context of ruptured aortic assessing the physical status of a patient prior to
aneurysms.24 The finding that V-POSSUM may be elective surgery. A sixth category was added later
of limited value in the context of emergency arterial (Box 15.4).
surgery was confirmed by a larger and more recent The ASA grade is essentially a combination of the
evaluation of the appropriate POSSUM models in subjective opinion of the anaesthetist taken in con-
the context of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms junction with a more objective assessment of the
(RAAAs).26 When the P-POSSUM, RAAA-POSSUM, patient's general fitness for surgery, and is used rou-
RAAA-POSSUM (physiology only), V-POSSUM tinely in most centres in the UK. There are a number
and V-POSSUM (physiology only) models were all of studies assessing the utility and accuracy of the
compared in 223 patients with RAAA (in-hospital ASA grade in determining surgical risk and, as an-
mortality was 32.4%), all except V-POSSUM and ticipated given the nature of this scoring system, the
P-POSSUM (physiology only) demonstrated no sig- literature is conflicting.
nificant lack of fit. One study of 113 anaesthetists in the UK demon-
As one may expect, the various POSSUM mod- strated such marked variation in the inter-individual
els are not accurate predictive tools in the context assessment of 10 hypothetical patients that the au-
of elective carotid surgery. Both POSSUM and thors concluded that the ASA grade should not be
V-POSSUM over-predicted mortality in a large used on its own to predict surgical risk.29 A further
­single-centre study (n = 499) of patients u
­ ndergoing study of 97 anaesthetists demonstrated that the agree-
carotid endarterectomy.27 This is not surprising ment for the assessment of each hypothetical patient
given the nature of the surgery and the reduced sur- varied from 31% to 85%. The overall correlation was
gical insult compared to body cavity procedures. only fair, and the inter-observer inconsistency was
A recent evaluation of V-POSSUM in New Zealand similar to that in a study from 20 years previously.30
has indicated that it is a useful tool not only in the However, the largest study to date is more encour-
assessment of outcome, but of longitudinal surgical aging.31 Of 16 227 patients undergoing elective sur-
performance in major vascular surgery. Major vas- gery over a 5-year period, 215 died within 4 weeks
cular procedures (n = 454) were prospectively of operation. There was a significant correlation
scored for V-POSSUM over a 10-year period. There ­between perioperative mortality and the ASA grade.
was a trend towards improved surgical performance The mortality was lowest (0.4%) when the ASA
over time, with a drop in the observed to predicted grade was less than or equal to 2 and increased up to
ratios of deaths. This novel role has not yet been 7.3% in ASA grade 4 patients. The authors con-
tested in the other POSSUM models, but given these cluded that perioperative mortality can be predicted
data there may be the potential to use them to eval- using the ASA grade.
uate surgical training and performance in other sur-
gical subspecialities.28
The ASA classification remains a quick, simple,
widely used and reasonably accurate assessment
POSSUM is the most widely applied, validated, of surgical risk in both the elective and emergency
surgical risk scoring system currently used in the settings.
UK. The original POSSUM equation has been
modified in an effort to increase its accuracy as a
risk prediction tool for in-hospital surgical mortality. Box 15.4  •  ASA classification
Of these, P-POSSUM is the most widely used and
validated general modification. Speciality-specific 1. A normal healthy patient
POSSUM has also been developed for use in 2. A patient with mild systemic disease
colorectal, oesophagogastric and vascular patients, 3. A patient with severe systemic disease
with some variable improvement in risk stratification.
4. A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant
The available data, however, suggest that the
various POSSUM models have a tendency to
threat to life
overestimate mortality rates. Within these limitations, 5. A moribund patient who is not expected to survive without
the POSSUM models provide a useful tool for the operation
risk assessment, audit, and comparing outcomes 6. A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being
between different units and within the same unit removed for donor purposes
over a period of time. However, due to the variables
included in the calculation, POSSUM cannot be Note: If the surgery is an emergency, the ASA grade is followed
used in the preoperative setting to inform risk. by ‘E’ (for emergency), for example ‘3E’. Category 5 is always an
emergency so should not be written without ‘E’.

290 66485457-66963820
Patient assessment and surgical risk

Surgical mortality probability model Revised Cardiac Risk Index

The surgical mortality probability model (SMPM) The risk models described thus far have been
was derived from a retrospective data analysis of ­designed to predict general mortality and morbid-
almost 300 000 patients using the American College ity for a patient population. Some risk models have
of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement been developed with the aim of predicting specific
Program Database.32 The primary outcome was 30-day complications, such as risk of cardiac or pulmo-
mortality for patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. nary complications in the postoperative period. Of
The model identified three risk factors – ASA status; these, the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) is the
emergency or elective surgery; and surgery risk class – as most commonly used. This model was published in
the main determinants of outcome. Points are allocated 1999 with the aim to develop an index of risk for
in accordance with these three factors and predicted cardiac complications in major elective non-cardiac
30-day mortality is calculated from the total score surgery.33 Six independent predictors of complica-
(Table 15.2). Patients with a total risk score less than tions were identified and included high-risk type of
5 had a predicted mortality of less than 0.5%, surgery, history of ischaemic heart disease, history
whereas a risk score greater than 6 predicted a of heart failure, history of stroke, diabetes requir-
mortality of more than 10%. This new model has yet ing insulin, and elevated baseline serum creatinine.
to be fully externally and prospectively validated but The risk of myocardial infarction and cardiac death
may prove to be a useful risk tool for the future. could then be predicted according to the number of
risk factors that were present (Table 15.3, Fig. 15.1).
The surgical mortality probability model (SMPM) is A recent systematic review was performed to eval-
a newly devised risk assessment tool to predict 30-day uate the current accuracy of the RCRI to predict
surgical mortality. It has the advantage of using simple cardiac complications and death after non-cardiac
data readily available at the bedside. Whether the surgery.34 The authors concluded that the RCRI
SMPM becomes widely established as a risk model discriminated moderately well between patients
will depend on the results of future validation studies. at low versus high risk for cardiac events, but it
did not perform well at predicting cardiac events
­after vascular surgery or at predicting death within
Table 15.2  • The surgical mortality probability model 30 days.

Risk factor Points Other risk prediction models

There are many other published risk prediction
models that have not been presented here for rea-
I 0 sons of brevity. Despite showing initial promise,
II 2 many of these models have been disappointing when
III 4 validated against external patient populations. The
IV 5 inability of these models to reproduce initial predic-
V 6 tive accuracy has resulted in many failing to gain
widespread acceptance. It is fair to say that at pres-
Procedure severity ent there is no single model that can accurately pre-
Low 0 dict surgical risk for all patient populations.
Intermediate 1
High 2
Urgency Functional assessment
Elective 0
Assessment of exercise capacity provides useful in-
Emergency 1
formation about the functional status of a patient
Total points Mortality risk and their response to physiological stress. This in-
formation can then be used to inform about how
0–4 <0.5% the patient might respond to surgical stress and
5–6 1.5–4% may therefore be used to predict perioperative risk.
7–9 >10% Patients with higher exercise tolerance usually have
lower risk. Evaluation of exercise capacity may be
The SMPM was developed to predict 30-day mortality for
patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. The model utilises
subjective or objective, where formal exercise test-
three risk factors (ASA status, severity of procedure and urgency ing is performed.
of the procedure). A score is awarded for each variable and the Subjective assessment of exercise tolerance can
mortality risk is calculated form the total score. usually be easily undertaken by asking some simple

291 66485457-66963820
Chapter 15
Table 15.3  • The Revised Cardiac Risk Index: six risk factors to predict mortality and cardiovascular complications
following surgery

Number of risk Risk of death/

Risk factor factors myocardial infarction
Major (high risk) surgery 0 0.4%
History of ischaemic heart disease 1 1%
History of heart failure 2 2.4%
History of cerebrovascular disease 3 5.4%
Diabetes requiring insulin treatment
Serum creatinine concentration>177 μmol/L

16 Exercise capacity may be more objectively mea-

14 1 2 3 4
sured. Metabolic equivalent of tasks (METs) is a
12 measure of energy expenditure related to physical
10 activity. One MET may be considered as the resting

8 metabolic rate (RMR) and is defined as energy con-

6 sumption at a rate of 3.5 mL O2 per kg per minute.
Physical activities may be measured as a ratio com-
pared to the RMR. For example, ironing clothes is
equivalent to 1.8 METs and climbing two flights of

ul r




sc he

stairs is equivalent to 4 METs. Some further exam-




va Ot



ples are given in Table 15.4. This process may then



Procedure type be used to identify patients with reduced exercise

capacity and who may benefit from a more objec-
Figure 15.1  •  Risk of major cardiac complications
tive assessment of their functional status. A full list
predicted by the Revised Cardiac Risk Index according
of physical activities and the MET equivalents can
to type of surgical procedure performed. The greater
the number of risk factors present, the greater the risk
be found at the web address listed in Ref. 37.
of complications, irrespective of the type of surgery
undertaken. Reproduced from Lee TH, Marcantonio ER,
Mangione CM et al. Derivation and prospective validation Table 15.4  • Examples of common activities and their
of a simple index for prediction of cardiac risk of major metabolic equivalents (METs)
noncardiac surgery. Circulation 1999; 100(10):1043–9.
With permission from Wolters Kluwer Health. Activity MET value
Watching television 1
questions to assess the functional capacity of the Showering 2
­patient. Determination of how many stairs a patient Playing the piano 2.3
can climb before stopping due to limitation by symp- Washing the dishes 2.5
toms, or how far they can walk on the flat without Playing snooker 2.5
stopping, are commonly employed questions. There
is evidence to suggest that these simple assessments Walking the dog 3
of exercise capacity correlate with surgical risk. In a Slow ballroom dancing 3
study of 600 patients undergoing major non-cardiac Lawn bowls 3
surgery serious postoperative complications, espe- Moderate housework 3.5
cially cardiac complications, were twice as common Climbing two flights of stairs 4
for those patients who were unable to climb two
Golf (using an electric cart) 3.5
flights of stairs preoperatively.35 Inability to climb
two flights of stairs was associated with a positive Golf (carrying clubs) 4.3
predictive value of 82% for the development of car- Mowing the lawn 5.5
diopulmonary complications in patients undergoing Moderate swimming 5.8
major thoracic and abdominal surgery and stair- Jogging 7
climbing ability was inversely related to duration of Running (10 minute/mile pace) 9.8
hospital stay.36

292 66485457-66963820
Patient assessment and surgical risk

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPEX) a­mputees. Another potential limitation of CPEX

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPEX) has been testing relates to availability and cost. The equip-
introduced in an attempt to provide a measurable, ment and expertise to perform the test are not widely
objective assessment of cardiorespiratory function available in the UK at present. A survey conducted in
for the assessment of surgical risk. In 1993 Older England during 2008 found that only 30 (17%) hos-
et al. performed CPEX testing among a group of pitals had a CPEX service, with an additional 12
elderly patients undergoing major surgery. An an- (7%) in the process of setting one up.43 Despite these
aerobic threshold (AT) of less than 11 O2 mL/min/ limitations, CPEX testing is becoming an increas-
kg was associated with a mortality rate of 18% ingly adopted tool for preoperative assessment of
compared with a mortality rate of less than 1% for higher risk patients undergoing major surgery.
those patients with an AT greater than 11 O2 mL/
min/kg.38 Subsequent studies have similarly shown Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPEX) is
that an AT of less than 11 O2 mL/min/kg was as- the ‘gold standard’ measure of cardiorespiratory
sociated with increased hospital mortality following function. An anaerobic threshold (AT) less than 11
major elective abdominal and vascular surgery.39,40 O2 mL/min/kg has been associated with increased
CPEX testing was also predictive of longer-term risk of postoperative complications and mortality,
outcome. In a study of 102 patients undergoing although the exact threshold AT value may need
elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, CPEX to be modified for different patient groups or
testing was not only predictive of 30-day mortality, different surgical procedures. CPEX testing requires
but was also predictive of longer-term survival at specialist equipment and expertise to perform, and
30 months.40 Other studies have identified differ- it is not widely available in the UK at present, but
it is likely to be increasingly used for assessment
ent values for the optimal discriminatory level for
of perioperative risk in selected high-risk patient
the anaerobic threshold. CPEX testing was under-
taken in patients with a low functional capacity
(less than 7 METs) who subsequently underwent
major surgery. A lower AT value was associated
with increased likelihood of postoperative compli-
Other objective measures of exercise
cations and the optimal AT threshold for the study capacity
group was identified at 10.1 O2 mL/min/kg.41 An The incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) requires
AT cut-off of 11 mL/kg/min was also a poor pre- the patient to walk between two markers placed 10
dictor of postoperative cardiopulmonary morbidity metres apart within a set time period. This time pe-
for patients undergoing oesophagectomy for can- riod becomes progressively shorter, requiring more
cer.42 However, this study did demonstrate an as- effort from the patient to make the distance within
sociation between lower exercise capacity and risk the shorter time. The test stops when the patient can-
of complications, suggesting that this study was not reach the end of the 10-metre course within the
underpowered and/or an alternative AT threshold given time. The ISWT has been shown to correlate
may be more suitable for this group of patients. The with measured oxygen consumption in patients with
optimal cut-off value for the anaerobic threshold is cardiac and chronic lung disease.44 A small study in-
generally accepted at 11 O2 mL/min/kg.43 It is inter- vestigated the role of ISWT to predict 30-day mortal-
esting that this value closely relates to 4 METs (14 ity following oesophagogastrectomy.45 No patients
O2 mL/min/kg) and, in turn, ability to climb two with a walk distance greater than 350 metres died in
flights of stairs. This would suggest that patients the postoperative period. Patients who managed to
who are able to climb two flights of stairs would walk a distance less than 350 metres had a 50% 30-
have an anaerobic threshold greater than11 O2 mL/ day mortality. Distance achieved on the shuttle walk
min/kg. Stair climbing therefore has the potential test was compared with CPEX measurements in a
to be used as a screening tool for the identification study of 50 patients undergoing abdominal surgery.
of patients who would benefit from further assess- All patients who walked in excess of 360 metres had
ment by CPEX testing. However, it remains unclear an anaerobic threshold (AT) greater than 11 O2 mL/
whether this is the optimal AT value or indeed if al- min/kg.46 It was also noted that some patients who
ternative thresholds should be adopted for different walked less than 360 metres may also have had sat-
patient groups or for different surgical procedures. isfactory CPEX results, suggesting that the ISWT
Other limitations of CPEX testing relate to the pro- was good at identifying patients with a good AT, but
cess of conducting the test itself. Patients are re- could not accurately identify those who had a poor
quired to exercise, usually on a cycle ergometer, and anaerobic threshold (i.e. a good positive predictive
full assessment may be limited by physical ability value, but poor negative predictive value). The study
rather than limitations due to cardiorespiratory was not, however, sufficiently powered to investigate
function – for example, patients with arthritis or ­surgical outcomes. These data suggest that the ISWT

293 66485457-66963820
Chapter 15
may be used as a screening tool to identify patients A recent meta-analysis examined the predictive
who may then benefit from more formal exercise value of preoperative serum BNP concentrations
testing with CPEX (i.e. those who walked less than for predicting postoperative mortality and cardiac
350–360 metres). complications following vascular surgery.51 The au-
The 6-minute walk test is another standardised as- thors concluded that elevated BNP concentrations
sessment tool for estimation of exercise capacity. were predictive of adverse outcome, but there was
The test involves measuring the distance that a pa- wide variation in the serum concentration of BNP
tient can cover during a 6-minute period. The pa- that was chosen as the threshold for discrimination
tient is instructed to walk as fast as they can to (range 35–100 pg/mL). The optimal discriminatory
cover the maximum possible distance. The AT de- concentration remains unknown and it is likely that
termined by CPEX testing was compared with max- threshold values may vary depending on the patient
imum distance achieved during the 6-minute walk group under investigation.
test in a study of 110 patients awaiting major gen- CRP is a marker of systemic inflammation and se-
eral surgery. Patients who completed in excess of rum concentrations are associated with atheroscle-
563 metres during the 6-minute test had an AT rotic disease and adverse outcomes in cancer.
greater than 11 O2 mL/min/kg and those who man- A preoperative serum CRP concentration greater than
aged less than 427 metres had an AT less than 11 O2 6.5 mg/L was associated with increased 30-day mor-
mL/min/kg.47 The authors recommended that those tality and postoperative cardiac complication rates in
patients who completed 563 metres did not require a study involving 592 patients undergoing vascular
formal exercise testing, whereas those who could surgery (odds ratio 2.5; 95% confidence interval
not manage more than 427 metres should undergo 1.5–4.3).52 Moreover, this association was indepen-
CPEX assessment. Those patients who walked be- dent of serum BNP concentration and also estab-
tween 427 and 563 metres belong to a group of lished cardiac risk factors. The association between
‘clinical uncertainty’, and other clinical risk factors elevated CRP concentration and adverse periopera-
and magnitude of surgery should be incorporated tive outcome may be due, in part, to a correlation
into the decision-making process. between markers of systemic inflammation and ex-
ercise capacity. Elevated serum CRP concentrations
The incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) and the have been demonstrated to be inversely correlated
6-minute walk test are simple tools to objectively with VO2 max in male subjects without evidence of
assess exercise capacity. They are indirect tests coronary heart disease.53 Further study is required
of oxygen consumption and have been shown to to determine the true value of serum biomarkers in
correlate with formal exercise testing values (CPEX). risk assessment for surgical patients.
The main value of these tests is to identify higher-
risk patient populations who may benefit from Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and C-reactive
formal exercise testing. protein (CRP) are the most promising biomarkers
for risk assessment. Elevated preoperative serum
concentrations have been associated with increased
Biomarkers to assess risk risk of mortality and cardiac complications in
surgical patients; however, the optimal threshold
There is emerging evidence that estimation of serum cut-off value remains unknown. The real value of
concentration of biomarkers in the preoperative pe- serum biomarkers may lie in the selection of patients
riod may assist risk stratification for patients under- into high- or low-risk groups and therefore help
identify which patients merit further assessment.
going surgery. Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) and
C-reactive protein (CRP) are the most promising
biomarkers for risk assessment. BNP is released from Communicating risk
cardiac ventricles in response to excessive stretching
and elevated serum concentrations are correlated The use of risk prediction models, scoring systems,
with prognosis in heart failure.48 Elevated preopera- exercise tests and serum biomarkers as adjuncts to
tive serum concentration of BNP (> 40 pg/mL) was decision-making is an increasingly important part of
associated with an increased risk of death and peri- surgical practice. This information must then be com-
operative cardiac events in a study of 204 patients municated effectively to the patient to allow fully in-
undergoing non-cardiac surgery.49 A further study formed choice. GMC guidance on this issue states that:
of 190 patients undergoing elective non-cardiac
Clear, accurate information about the risks
surgery also identified elevated serum NT-proBNP
(a co-secretory product of BNP) as a predictor of of any proposed investigation or treatment,
postoperative cardiac complications, which was in- presented in a way patients can understand,
dependently prognostic on ­multivariate analysis.50 can help them make informed decisions. The

294 66485457-66963820
Patient assessment and surgical risk

amount of information about risk that the individual patient, they may be misleading. Odds,
clinician should share with patients will depend relative risk and absolute risk may be too com-
on the individual patient and what they want, plex, but quoting for example ‘a 1 in 10 or 1 in
or need, to know. Discussions with patients 100 chance’ may be helpful. Using relativity (com-
parison with a concept the patient understands) or
should therefore focus on their individual
examples (‘of the last 50 patients this has happened
situation and the risk to them.1 to …’) may also clarify the concept of surgical risk
In communicating risk there are several techniques to the patient.
to impart the concept of how likely it is that the Finally, it is worth remembering that the per-
patient will have a complication of the procedure, ceived surgical risk that concerns the surgeon is
or die as a result of it. These broadly fall into us- not necessarily what the patient is worried about.
ing numerical data or descriptive details of risk. As Assessing, discussing and communicating risk has
always, this communication must be tailored to the the primary aim of allowing patients to understand
needs and expectations of the individual patient and what may happen to them, and to help them make
it is likely that a combination of these techniques an informed choice about investigation or thera-
will be most appropriate. peutic options. However, as a consequence of this,
Percentages alone are often not well understood, coupled with careful documentation, it affords the
and as they apply to a population rather than an surgeon some protection against litigation.

Key points
• Estimation of surgical risk is vital to enhance treatment decision-making and facilitate
informed consent, anticipate potential complications and target aspects of care to optimise
the patient, and allow meaningful comparison of clinical outcomes, audit and quality
• Determination of surgical risk is complex, but may be more simply considered in terms of
patient-related risks and procedural-related risks.
• Patient-related risk factors will be influenced by patient age, comorbidity, the underlying disease
process, nutritional status and the performance status of the patient.
• Procedural-related risk factors include the grade of severity of the procedure planned, urgency of
the procedure, volume of blood loss and other technical aspects.
• Risk prediction models and scoring systems (such as POSSUM, ASA and the Revised Cardiac
Risk Index) have been developed in an attempt to improve risk prediction. These tools work best
for patient populations (groups) rather than individual patients, and therefore their main value is for
audit purposes and comparing outcomes between different units and within the same units over
time. There is no perfect risk prediction model.
• Assessment of functional capacity may be easily undertaken through the use of simple screening
questions. More objective measurements may be performed by using standardised walking tests
or CPEX testing.
• Serum biomarkers, such as BNP and CRP, may have a future role in identifying high-risk surgical
patient groups, who may then benefit from more detailed assessment.
• Estimation of surgical risk should include a thorough clinical assessment, an assessment of the
functional capacity of the patient (through simple questions relating to METs) and should take into
account the severity of the surgical procedure proposed. If this process identifies the patient to
be at high risk, then further testing should be considered – for example, objective exercise testing

295 66485457-66963820
Chapter 15

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30. Mak PH, Campbell RC, Irwin MG. The ASA 42. Forshaw MJ, Strauss DC, Davies AR, et al. Is car-
Physical Status Classification: inter-observer con- diopulmonary exercise testing a useful test before
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297 66485457-66963820
Perioperative and intensive care management
of the surgical patient

R. Michael Grounds
Andrew Rhodes

Introduction group of 513 924 patients was 12.3%, compared to

the overall mortality rates of 0.44% for elective and
Over the last 50 years the incidence of death di- 5.4% for emergency surgery. This high-risk group
rectly attributable to anaesthesia has decreased. In of patients accounted for 83.8% of all deaths but
the 1950s a number of studies demonstrated that only 12.5% of procedures. For the 31 633 patients
the postoperative mortality solely associated with admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) electively
anaesthesia was approximately 1 in 25001–3 and by there was a mortality rate of 10.1% and the 24 764
1987, in the Report of a confidential enquiry into emergency surgical patients carried a mortality of
perioperative deaths (CEPOD),4 this cause of death 28.6%. Despite the high mortality rates, fewer than
had fallen to 1 in 185 000. This chapter deals with 15% of these patients were admitted to the ICU and
the perioperative and intensive care management of the highest mortality rate (39%) was found in pa-
these patients with a specific focus on how ensur- tients who required ICU admission following initial
ing that each patient has adequate cardiovascular care in a ward environment.
performance for their needs during the periopera- Repeated publications by the National Confidential
tive period can reduce their risk of complications Enquiry into Postoperative Deaths (NCEPOD)
and death. have cited inadequate preoperative preparation,
Postoperative critical care is a key factor to the inappropriate intraoperative monitoring and poor
improvement of outcome in surgical patients, par- postoperative care as contributing causes of peri-
ticularly to those patients who are at high risk of operative mortality. The most recent6 NCEPOD
postoperative morbidity and mortality. Thus, post- Report (Knowing the Risk) suggests that patients in
operative critical care admission should always be the UK often die after surgery because they are not
considered when the preoperative physiological con- given the level of care they are entitled to or could
dition of the patient suggests that there is a reasonable reasonably expect. In this latest report less than half
probability or risk of postoperative complications of the patients actually received the care that the
and organ dysfunction. In order to provide this post- advisors felt was the minimal acceptable standard.
operative critical care it is obviously necessary to be Twelve per cent of hospitals had no method for
able to identify these high-risk patients preoperatively. recognising the acutely ill patient and only 22% of
patients deemed as being at high risk actually went
to any sort of critical care area postoperatively and
How big is the problem? 48% of high-risk patients who died never went to
any sort of critical facility. As far back as 1996, the
In a recent analysis of over four million surgical pro- Department of Health issued guidelines as to which
cedures in the UK, a subgroup of high-risk p ­ atients patients should be admitted to critical care units.7
was identified.5 The mortality in this high risk In particular, they ­ suggested that ­ postoperative

298 66485457-66963820
Perioperative and intensive care management of the surgical patient

patients who needed close monitoring for more Box 16.1  • Criteria for identifying high-risk surgical
than a few hours after surgery should be admitted. patients developed by Shoemaker15
However, the great variation in underlying pathol-
ogy and premorbid physiology of these patients High-risk surgery (intraperitoneal, intrathoracic, or
makes it very difficult to provide hard and fast rules suprainguinal vascular procedures)
as to which patients will ­benefit from perioperative Ischaemic heart disease
admission to either ICUs or high-dependency units Previous severe cardiorespiratory illness, including
(HDUs). What is clear from a number of studies is myocardial infarction, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary
that at present the care of patients before admis- disease, etc., including admission to critical care unit for
sion to ICU is often suboptimal.8,9 This situation is cardiorespiratory illness
partly exacerbated by the paucity of both ICU and History of congestive heart failure
HDU beds in the UK10–12 and the fact that patients Late-stage vascular disease
were often admitted later and with a worse severity Age >70 years with limited physiological reserve,
of illness. particularly limited cardiorespiratory reserve
Extensive surgery for carcinoma: oesophagectomy,
Why do patients die after surgery? gastrectomy, cystectomy in patient with limited physiological
Major surgery is associated with a significant stress Insulin therapy for diabetes
response13 that is vital for the body to recover and
Acute abdominal catastrophe with haemodynamic instability:
heal from the surgical trauma. This response mani-
peritonitis, perforated viscus, pancreatitis
fests in many different ways; however, a common
delineating pattern is one of a hyperdynamic cir- Acute massive blood loss > 8 units at time of surgery
culation with increased oxygen requirements from Proven septicaemia: positive blood culture or septic focus
110 mL/min per m2 at rest to 170 mL/min per m2 Acute respiratory failure: PaO2 < 8.0 kPa or FiO2 > 0.4 or
postoperatively.14 If the body is unable to increase mechanical ventilation > 48 hours
the cardiac output in response to the surgical stress, Acute renal failure: urea > 20 mmol/L or
then the increased need for oxygen cannot be met creatinine >176 mmol/L
and the patient develops tissue dysoxia and cellu- NECPOD reports6 that the more risk factors or predictors
lar dysfunction. This has been described by some a patient has, the greater the risk of perioperative and
authors as an acquired oxygen debt.15 If left, this postoperative complications and death.
will result in organ failure and death. The important
point to recognise is that the normal response to
surgery is to increase the cardiac output and the de- metabolism fails to provide adequate adenosine
livery of oxygen to the tissues. Any patient who for triphosphate and anaerobic metabolism starts to
whatever reason is unable to develop this response reduce the resultant deficit. The threshold is deter-
is at higher risk of subsequent complications. mined by monitoring inhaled and exhaled levels of
oxygen and carbon dioxide during escalating levels
of exercise. This provides an objective measure of
What is a high-risk surgical physiological reserve. However, it must be remem-
patient? bered that complex cardiopulmonary testing in
­patients who have established poor cardiorespira-
The challenge is the early identification of patients tory reserve is only of use if used to target preop-
who are at high risk of postoperative complications erative preparation and these patients must have
and death, and this is vital in order to ensure that specific optimisation of their comorbidities prior
correct care and therapy are initiated at an optimal to surgery whenever possible. This requires that
time in order to reduce the associated morbidity ­patients booked for elective surgery have all their
and mortality.6 On the whole, this patient group is comorbidities treated and investigated to ensure
characterised by undergoing major surgery whilst best possible physiological status prior to surgery.
having concurrent medical illnesses that limit their This is also the opportunity to consider if surgical
physiological reserve to compensate for the stressful intervention is the best course of action in view of
situation (Box 16.1). More sophisticated analyses the risk of the potential adverse outcomes. A full
of these relationships have been described. In par- and truthful risk assessment should be undertaken
ticular, elective surgical patients can be assessed by and the patient fully involved in the decision to
cardiopulmonary exercise testing,14,16 in which a proceed to surgery. A recent report suggested that
strong correlation has been demonstrated between only 7.5% of patients at high risk of death or severe
anaerobic threshold and perioperative mortality. complications were given any indication of their
The anaerobic threshold is the point where ­aerobic risks of mortality and morbidity prior to surgery.6

299 66485457-66963820
Chapter 16

Variables associated with state. These cytokines themselves can impair oxy-
gen delivery to the splanchnic circulation, further
postoperative complications increasing translocation.
and death
Several authors17,18 have examined the prognos- Strategies to improve
tic ability or power of many variables that can be outcomes
monitored in the postoperative setting. One group5
found that none of the routinely measured variables The concept of augmenting cardiac output in the
such as heart rate, blood pressure, central venous perioperative period to improve the outcome of sur-
pressure, urine output or any marker of acid–base gical patients has been described by many authors
status was able to predict subsequent postopera- as ‘optimisation’ or ‘goal-directed therapy’. The
tive complications. The variables independently main aim of all optimisation strategies for high-risk
associated with subsequent significant complica- surgical patients has been to ensure that the circula-
tions were the central venous oxygen saturation tory status of the patients is adequate for their needs
and the cardiac index. This association between in the perioperative period. This has been achieved
oxygen flux in the perioperative period and subse- with a number of differing protocols utilising dif-
quent complications is not new and is essentially the ferent time periods, resuscitation end-points and
same as work published by Shoemaker et al.15 some pharmacological agents. There are few to no data
30 years previously, who identified the key variables describing the relative efficacy of the different pro-
as being cardiac index, oxygen delivery and oxygen tocols when compared with each other, as they have
consumption. It was from this body of work that nearly all been compared against ‘standard’ care.
the theories surrounding the targeting of oxygen de- Almost all studies where this approach has been
livery to values of over 600 mL/min per m2 in the used have led to an improved outcome.
perioperative period to improve patient outcome
originated. Oxygen delivery
In order to understand the rationale behind many
The role of the splanchnic of the protocols that have been utilised in the
circulation perioperative setting, it is vital to appreciate the
important variables that determine oxygen delivery.
There is some evidence of the role of the splanch- These variables can be summarised according to the
nic circulation in the pathogenesis of postopera- ­following equations:
tive morbidity and mortality. It has been shown Oxygen content = ([1.34 ´ Hb ´ ( Sa O2 / 100 )]
that ­increasing global tissue oxygen delivery will
increase splanchnic oxygen delivery.19–21 It would + (0.023 ´ Pa O2 ))
appear that in the early stages of shock any inad- Oxygen delivery = Cardiac output
equacy of tissue oxygen delivery predominantly ´ Oxygen content
affects the splanchnic circulation.22 The splanch-
nic circulation is particularly sensitive to hypo- It therefore becomes clear that in order to ensure
perfusion states, and the reduction in flow to the that an adequate volume of oxygen is delivered to
splanchnic bed is out of proportion to the over- the body's vital organs, the haemoglobin concentra-
all reduction in cardiac output and is usually the tion (Hb), the arterial saturation of haemoglobin
last major system blood flow to r­ecover when the with oxygen (SaO2) and the cardiac index must all
­hypoperfusion state improves.23–35 It is thought that be at a satisfactory level. Maximising all three of
this splanchnic ­hypoperfusion leads to disruption these variables to clinically acceptable levels is the
of the enteric ­mucosal barrier with translocation of aim of resuscitation in any given patient, although
endotoxins and micro-­organisms into the systemic not always achievable. The Hb level is governed
circulation.26–29 This translocation initiates a cyto- by the clinical situation as well as the underlying
kine pathway, increasing the risk of sepsis and or- pathophysiological process, but many experts aim
gan failure. This risk of splanchnic hypoperfusion to keep the Hb level above 9 g/dL in a stable peri-
and translocation increases with age, the ­urgency operative setting. The SaO2 is usually targeted to be
of the surgery and the preoperative presence of over 95% with increased inspired oxygen and/or
bowel obstruction. The translocation of bacteria continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) if nec-
and ­endotoxins induces cytokine release by tissue essary, so the main variable that can be manipulated
macrophages, activates the complement and coag- is the ­cardiac output. There is a growing under-
ulation systems, and produces a proinflammatory standing that atelectasis in the postoperative period

300 66485457-66963820
Perioperative and intensive care management of the surgical patient

is not just associated with hypoxaemia but also with ­ rder to show that the repayment of an incurred
a proinflammatory response that potentiates tissue oxygen debt within 8 hours resulted in an improved
injury. As a result the use of CPAP or other non-­ outcome. It has been consistently shown31–36 that
invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) ther- ­reductions in mortality and morbidity are obtained
apy has the potential to improve many physiological when these levels of oxygen delivery are achieved
parameters without serious ­
­ side-effects in certain and that in conjunction with the decreased compli-
high-risk groups of patients, but whether this leads cations there is a reduced length of stay. It is worth
to improved outcome or reduced hospital stay is not noting that many patients are unable to achieve
yet clear and requires further investigation. ­adequate levels of oxygen delivery without assis-
Cardiac output can be increased with several easy- tance in this setting. Not all patients will achieve
to-use protocols. The targeting of cardiac index these targets, even with assistance. For these p
­ atients
does necessitate the measurement and monitoring an increase in oxygen delivery may still be benefi-
of this variable, which nowadays can be done rela- cial, although it is unclear exactly how hard to drive
tively non-invasively. Once measured, if the cardiac them so that the complications do not override any
output is perceived to be too low, then it is increased benefit accrued. Most successful trials have targeted
with intravenous volume therapy and then, if it has an oxygen delivery of 600 mL/min per m2. This
still not improved sufficiently, pharmacologically therefore seems a sensible target to use in this
using appropriate cardiovascular pharmaceutical ­setting. This does not mean, however, that this is the
agents that will improve cardiac output. best target as others that may be better may be
available but simply have yet to be studied. Other
Measurement and monitoring of goals or targets are available, for instance maximal
cardiac output stroke volume or central venous saturations and
There are a variety of technologies available to ­serum lactate. Until they have been proven to be
monitor cardiac output. Traditionally a pulmonary beneficial, however, it would be prudent to continue
artery catheter has been used, which enables a ther- with the published data.
modilution curve to be constructed across the right
ventricle, thus enabling cardiac output to be calcu- Reductions in mortality, morbidity and
lated from the Stewart–Hamilton equation. In re- hospital stay have consistently been shown to occur
cent times this tool has become highly controversial with improved tissue levels of oxygen delivery.30–36
due to a lack of evidence demonstrating a beneficial
effect on outcome and the perceived invasiveness of
its approach. Many new devices and techniques are
Fluid resuscitation
now available that can provide the same informa-
tion in a less invasive fashion. Oesophageal Doppler It is important to recognise that protocol-driven
analysis of the descending aorta has been widely de- therapy of this nature is not about giving more in-
scribed in the perioperative period, while titrating travenous fluid to the patients; it is about giving the
therapy with pulse power analysis has recently been right amount at the right time. There is evidence
shown to reduce length of stay and postoperative that excessive fluid administration is detrimental
complications. in critically ill and postoperative patients (Fig. 16.1)
and it is likely that inappropriate volume overload
has just as many detrimental effects as inadequate
Protocol-driven therapy to volume resuscitation. The 2011 NCEPOD report6
augment oxygen delivery shows that mortality is related to fluid manage-
ment, with mortality being only 4.7% in patients
Inappropriately low values of cardiac index, oxygen receiving adequate preoperative fluids as compared
delivery and oxygen consumption result in abnor- to 20.5% and 33.3%, respectively, in those patients
mal microcirculatory blood flow as a result of vaso- who ­received either inadequate or excessive preop-
constriction in the capillary beds. Unfortunately it is erative intravenous fluid. This mandates the need to
not possible to detect these tissue hypoxic states monitor very carefully fluid administration in criti-
with traditional monitored variables; therefore, it is cally ill or high-risk patients where simple measures
necessary to monitor and titrate therapy to cardiac or markers of preload status are often inadequate.
index and oxygen delivery. Shoemaker et al.30 Defining the end-point at which filling is optimal
utilised targets of cardiac index, oxygen delivery
­ and the need for inotropic therapy begins is difficult.
and consumption (4.5 L/min per m2, DO2 >600 mL/ A plateau in the stroke volume, the flow correction
min per m2 and VO2 >170 mL/min per m2) that had time as determined by oesophageal Doppler and
been previously demonstrated to be the median the stroke volume variation (with the pulse pressure
values for survivors following major surgery, in
­ analysis) can all be used to define the end-point. The

301 66485457-66963820
Chapter 16
If cardiac index over 4.5 L/min or
Assess patient as being high risk:
oxygen delivery over 600 mL/min per m2
Where possible perform cardiovascular
then goal-directed therapy is
measurements and assess cardiac performance
unlikely to be needed

If cardiac index less than 4.5 L/min or

oxygen delivery less than 600 mL/min per m2
goal-directed therapy may be indicated penoperatively;
if possible start preoperative therapy in critical care unit Frequently reassess whether
and continue during and postoperatively patient is achieving targets
during perioperative period

1. Increase i.v.fluids
Use flow directed monitoring to
If cardiac index over 4.5 L/min or
maximise intravascular filling pressure
oxygen delivery over 600 mL/min per m2
2. Maintain haemoglobin,
then maintain during perioperative period
use transfusion if necessary
until end-points reached
3. Maintain oxygen saturation;
if necessary intubate and ventilate

If cardiac index over 4.5 L/min or

If oxygen delivery target still not reached
oxygen delivery over 600 mL/min per m2
then start intropes/vasodilators to improve
then maintain during perioperative period
cardiac function until targets are met
until end-points reached
Figure 16.1  •  Algorithm for ‘protocol-driven therapy’.

British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid the GDT should be started as early as possible and
Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients (GIFTASUP) continue until the patient is stable in the postopera-
state that ‘in high-risk patients treatment with in- tive period (Box 16.2). The duration, timing and set-
travenous fluid and inotropes should be aimed at ting of therapy will mandate the type of monitoring
achieving predetermined goals for cardiac output technology used. For instance, although it has been
and oxygen delivery’ in order to improve outcome.37 suggested that intraoperative fluid management can
It is important that the end-points of resuscitation be guided by oesophageal Doppler,38 this particular
are reached with the minimal amount of volume monitor is difficult to use in the postoperative phase
and inotropic therapy possible. as awake patients do not readily tolerate the oesoph-
ageal Doppler probe.

Timing of protocol-driven therapy Goal-directed therapy to optimise the patient's

circulation and therefore tissue oxygenation should
The timing of goal-directed therapy (GDT) is very be commenced as soon as possible and continued
important in order to achieve the benefits demon- into the postoperative period.
strated in the published studies. Most of the s­ tudies
that have had significant impact on mortality have
been started before surgery and then continued on
throughout the perioperative period. Due to r­ esource Box 16.2  • Clinical guidelines for the implementation of
goal-directed therapy in high-risk surgical
constraints this is difficult to implement, so many
authors have since studied the effects of GDT either
only during surgery or during the postoperative pe- Identify the high-risk patient
riod. Although nearly all of these s­tudies have also See Box 16.1 for Shoemaker criteria
demonstrated benefit, the effects are not as ­dramatic
Particularly identify elderly patients with poor
as when therapy is started in the preoperative pe-
cardiorespiratory reserve, ischaemic heart disease with
riod. Whether this is a real effect or whether it is an
evidence of heart failure
artefact of study design is difficult to a­scertain.
A pragmatic response is to initiate therapy as soon as Identify the operation
is practically possible – either during or immediately Operations likely to last longer than 1.5 hours
after surgery. It makes no sense to wait until after Lack of postoperative critical care facilities
problems have developed. In practice this means that

302 66485457-66963820
Perioperative and intensive care management of the surgical patient

Box 16.2  • (cont.) Clinical guidelines for the implementation

of goal-directed therapy in high-risk surgical
patients This overview of the literature relating to the high-
risk surgical patient and current improvements as-
Emergency surgery, particularly abdominal surgery
sociated with goal-directed therapy leads to some
Perioperative goal-directed therapy inevitable conclusions:
1. Assess the patient preoperatively: where possible
  1. There is good evidence to suggest that patients
perform cardiovascular measurements to assess cardiac
performance. Measure cardiac output and oxygen with poor cardiorespiratory reserve have a
delivery. higher mortality and complication rate when
2. If cardiac index > 4.5 L/min per m2 and/or oxygen delivery undergoing major surgery. Most of these
> 600 mL/min per m2 (body surface area), then no patients can be identified by simple clinical
further goal-directed therapy will be necessary. Patient can methods before surgery.
proceed to anaesthesia and surgery.   2. It is likely that there are significant numbers of
3. If cardiac index < 4.5 L/min per m2 and/or oxygen delivery patients undergoing different types of surgery
< 600 mL/min per m2 (body surface area), then further who may be at substantial risk of developing
goal-directed therapy may be Indicated either prior to major complications or death.
surgery or, if this is not possible, then Immediately following   3. A number of randomised controlled clinical
surgery in a dedicated critical care area. studies have consistently demonstrated the
4. If cardiac index < 4.5  L/min per m2 and/or oxygen improvement in outcome that can be achieved
delivery<600 mL/min per m2 (body surface area): in these patients by the use of goal-directed
(a) Increase intravenous fluids: direct therapy using
therapy aimed at temporarily improving
flow-directed monitoring equipment to maximise
the cardiovascular performance of high-risk
intravascular filling pressure.
(b) Maintain adequate haemoglobin concentration with patients so that non-survivors have the same
blood transfusion if necessary. cardiorespiratory performance as survivors.
(c) Maintain blood oxygen saturation at 95% or   4. Studies have shown that benefit may be obtained
greater with supplemental oxygenation or artificial in a wide range of surgery, including vascular
ventilation. surgery, colorectal surgery, trauma, orthopaedics,
5. If despite these measures cardiac index is <4.5 L/min per major cancer surgery and cardiac surgery.
m2 and/or oxygen delivery <600 mL/min per m2 (body   5. From the work of Shoemaker and colleagues
surface area), then consider the use of cardiovascular it would seem that about 8% of the surgical
performance-enhancing therapy. Although a number of population would fulfil this definition of being
different inotropic and vasodilator therapies have been used at high risk of complications or death following
(including adrenaline and dobutamine), the best results
major surgery. It would appear that these patients
seem to have been achieved using dopexamine, which acts
have a postoperative 30-day mortality of
mainly as a vasodilator with some positive inotropic effects.
Start dopexamine at 0.5 μg/kg per min and increase the 20–30%, representing 90–95% of all surgical
rate of infusion incrementally every 10–15 minutes until deaths. This number is likely to increase with
either the target oxygen delivery has been achieved or there an ageing population on whom increasingly
is an increase in heart rate 20% greater than the patient's complex surgery is being performed.
resting rate or there are signs of ischaemia on the ECG. (If   6. Although optimising the circulation produces
the patient is very tachycardic prior to starting inotropes, it significant reductions in mortality and
is important to recognise this and not try to increase cardiac postoperative complications in the higher-risk
output at the expense of increasing the already raised heart patient, it is now clear that important reductions
rate.) Maintain intravascular filling pressure during this in complications can be achieved in patients
period of inotrope therapy.
who have a lower mortality risk but for whom
Maintain this goal-directed therapy into the postoperative
a significant complication risk exists.
period until there is evidence that the intraoperative oxygen
debt is repaid (return of base deficit to normal, blood lactate   7. It is also apparent that optimising the
concentration within normal range). circulation can be carried out using several
different techniques and at different times
(i.e. preoperatively, intraoperatively and

303 66485457-66963820
Chapter 16
  8. The decision to operate on high-risk patients 12. The Royal College of Surgeons of England
should be made at consultant level and should have considered the high-risk surgical patient
involve surgeons as well as those who will and have made a series of key suggestions for
provide the intra- and postoperative care (an- improvement in care and outcomes.39 These
aesthetists and critical care consultants). include recommendations that all hospitals
  9. An assessment of mortality risk should be made should formalise their pathways for unsched-
explicit to the patient and recorded clearly on uled adult surgical care. That there should be
the consent form and in the medical notes. prompt recognition and treatment of emergen-
10. Appropriate intraoperative physiological moni- cies and complications to improve outcomes
toring is required for all high-risk patients and and reduce costs. Hospitals should match
NICE Medical Technology Guidance 3 relating theatre access to patient needs. Every patient
to cardiac output monitoring should be applied. should have his/her expected risk of death
11. All hospitals undertaking surgery for high- estimated and documented. High-risk patients
risk patients should have facilities to provide are those at greater risk of death than 5% and
perioperative goal-directed monitoring and all should have active consultant input and be
therapy and the hospital should analyse the admitted to a critical care area postoperatively
volume of work they undertake to ensure they for at least 12 hours. Surgical procedures with
have sufficient capacity of facilities to be able a risk of death greater than 10% should only
to accommodate all the patients they treat. be conducted under the direct supervision of a
This should be assessed annually.6 consultant surgeon and consultant anaesthetist.

Key points
• Patients with poor cardiorespiratory reserve undergoing major operations have a high
postoperative complication and mortality rate. The mortality rate is much higher if these patients
have emergency operations.
• These patients can be identified preoperatively by simple clinical history and examination.
• This high postoperative complication and mortality rate can be significantly reduced by goal-
directed therapy aimed at enhancing the cardiorespiratory performance of these patients with poor
physiological reserve during the perioperative period.
• Goal-directed therapy aims to ensure that tissue oxygen delivery is enhanced to levels shown to
confer survival without postoperative complications.

References surgical population in the United Kingdom. Crit

Care 2006;10(3):R81.
6. National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome
and Death. Knowing the risk. A review of the peri-
1. Beecher HK, Todd DP. A study of the deaths as-
operative care of surgical patients. 2011.
sociated with anaesthesia and surgery. Ann Surg
This report studies the risk of dying and postoperative
complications and reports on the deficiencies in the UK
2. Edwards G, Morton HJV, Pask EA, et al. NHS hospital system and clearly shows that poor out-
Deaths associated with anaesthesia. Anaesthesia come is related to lack of provision of care facilities and
1956;11:194–220. the inability of clinicians to grasp the significance that
3. Dornette WHL, Orth OS. Death in the operating preoperative comorbidities have on patient outcome
room. Anesth Analg 1956;3:545–69. after surgery.
4. Buck N, Devlin HB, Lunn JN. The report of a con- 7. Department of Health. Guidelines on admission to
fidential enquiry into perioperative deaths. London: and discharge from intensive care and high depen-
Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the King dency units. London: NHS Executive; 1996.
Edward's Hospital Fund for London; 1987. 8. McQuillan P, Pilkington S, Allan A, et al. Confidential
5. Pearse RM, Harrison DA, James P, et al. enquiry into quality of care before admission to in-
Identification and characterisation of the high-risk tensive care. Br Med J 1998;316(7148):1853–8.

304 66485457-66963820
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9. Garrard C, Young D. Suboptimal care of patients be- 24. Bailey RW, Bulkley GB, Hamilton SR, et al.
fore admission to intensive care is caused by a failure Protection of the small intestine from nonocclusive
to appreciate or apply the ABCs of life support. Br mesenteric ischemic injury due to cardiogenic shock.
Med J 1998;316(7148):1841–2. Am J Surg 1987;153:108–16.
10. Purdie JA, Ridley SA, Wallace PG. Effective use 25. McNeill JR, Stark RD, Greenway CV. Mortality and
of regional intensive therapy units. Br Med J morbidity in gastro-oesophageal cancer surgery: ini-
1990;300(6717):79–81. tial results of ASCOT multi-centre prospective co-
11. Henao FJ, Daes JE, Dennis RJ. Risk factors for hort study. Br Med J 2003;327:1192–7.
multi-organ failure: a case control study. J Trauma 26. Ohri SK, Somasundaram S, Koak Y, et al. The effect
1991;31:74–80. of intestinal hypoperfusion on intestinal absorption
12. Bion J. Rationing intensive care. Br Med J and permeability during cardiopulmonary bypass.
1995;310(6981):682–3. Gastroenterology 1994;106:318–23.
13. Desborough JP. The stress response to trauma and 27. Brooks SG, May J, Sedman P, et al. Translocation of
surgery. Br J Anaesth 2000;85:109–17. enteric bacteria in humans. Br J Surg 1993;80:901–2.
14. Older P, Hall A, Hader R. Cardiopulmonary ex- 28. O'Boyle CJ, MacFie J, Mitchell CJ, et al.
ercise testing as a screening test for perioperative Microbiology of bacterial translocation in humans.
management of major surgery in the elderly. Chest Gut 1998;42:29–35.
1999;116:355–62. 29. Deitch EA. Multiple organ failure. Pathophysiology
15. Shoemaker WC, Appel PL, Kram HB. Role of oxy- and potential future therapy. Ann Surg
gen debt in the development of organ failure, sep- 1992;216:117–34.
sis and death in high-risk surgical patients. Chest 30. Shoemaker WC, Appel PC, Cram HB, et al.
1992;102:208–15. Prospective trial of supranormal values of survivors
16. Gibbons RJ, Balady GJ, Timothy Bricker J, et al. as therapeutic goals in high risk surgical patients.
ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for exercise test- Chest 1988;94:1176–86.
ing: summary article. A report of the American This study is important because it is the study that in-
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association troduced the concept of goal-directed therapy for high-
Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to risk surgical patients nearly a quarter of a century ago.
Update the 1997 Exercise Testing Guidelines). J Am This year the Royal College of Surgeons of England has
Coll Cardiol 2002;40:1531–40. finally published guidelines for this group of patients
that essentially endorse the findings and recommenda-
17. Shoemaker WC. Cardiorespiratory patterns of sur-
tions of Shoemaker et al.
viving and non-surviving postoperative patients.
Surg Gynecol Obstet 1972;134:810–4. 31. Boyd O, Grounds RM, Bennett ED. A randomized
clinical trial of the effect of deliberate perioperative
18. Shoemaker WC, Montgomery ES, Kaplan E,
increase of oxygen delivery on mortality in high risk
et al. Physiologic patterns in surviving and non-
surgical patients. JAMA 1993;270:2699–708.
surviving shock patients. Use of sequential car-
This was the first full well-conducted, randomised
diorespiratory variables in defining criteria for
controlled study of goal-directed therapy for periop-
therapeutic goals and early warning of death. Arch
erative enhancement of the cardiovascular systems
Surg 1973;106:630–6.
of these high-risk surgical patients. It was stopped
19. Ruokonen E, Takala J, Kari A. Regional blood flow ­before it was completed by the local hospital research
and oxygen transport in patients with the low car- ethics committee because the surgeons felt that it was
diac output syndrome after cardiac surgery. Crit obvious which group their patients were in and felt it
Care Med 1993;21:1304–11. was unethical to continue when the benefits were so
20. Ruokonen E, Takala J, Kari A, et al. Regional blood obvious.
flow and oxygen transport in septic shock. Crit Care 32. Wilson J, Woods I, Fawcett J, et al. Reducing the
Med 1993;21:1296–303. risk of major elective surgery: randomised controlled
21. Uusaro A, Ruokonen E, Takal J. Splanchnic oxygen trial of preoperative optimization of oxygen delivery.
transport after cardiac surgery: evidence for inad- Br Med J 1999;318:1099–103.
equate tissue perfusion after stabilization of hemo- This study is important because not only did it have
dynamics. Intensive Care Med 1996;22:26–33. a control group where clinicians not involved with the
22. Gutierrez G, Bismar H, Dantzker DR, et al. study were able to decide on the postoperative treat-
Comparison of gastric intramucosal pH with mea- ment and send patients back to the ward postopera-
sures of oxygen transport and consumption in criti- tively (which is common practice in many hospitals in
cally ill patients. Crit Care Med 1992;20:451–7. the UK due to lack of critical care facilities), but it also
23. Adar R, Franklin A, Spark RF, et al. Effect of de- divided the group admitted to intensive care into two
hydration and cardiac tamponade on superior mes- groups for therapeutic intervention and thus showed
enteric artery flow: role of vasoactive substances. that there could be a difference in outcome if different
Surgery 1976;79:534–43. drugs were used for goal-directed therapy.

305 66485457-66963820
Chapter 16

33. Lobo SM, Salgado PF, Castillo VG, et al. Effects of c­ omplications and duration of hospital stay. A ran-
maximizing oxygen delivery on morbidity and mor- domized controlled study. Crit Care 2005;9:R687–93
tality in high-risk surgical patients. Crit Care Med 37. British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid
2000;28:3396–404. Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients (GIFTASUP).
34. Bishop MH, Shoemaker WC, Appel PL, et al. Prospec­
tive, randomized trial of survivor values of cardiac index, 38. Kuper M, Gold SJ, Callow C, et al. Intraoperative
oxygen delivery, and oxygen consumption as resuscitation fluid management guided by oesophageal Doppler
end points in severe trauma. J Trauma 1995;38:780–7. monitoring. Br Med J 2011;342:d3016. http://dx.doi.
35. Polonen P, Rukonen E, Hippelainen M, et al. A pro- org/10.1136/bmj. d3016.
spective, randomized study of goal-orientated hemo- 39. The Royal College of Surgeons of England,
dynamic therapy in cardiac surgical patients. Anesth Department of Health. The higher risk general surgi-
Analg 2000;90:1052–9. cal patient: Towards improved care for a forgotten
36. Pearse R, Dawson D, Fawcett J, et al. Early goal- group. London; 2011.
directed therapy after major surgery reduces

306 66485457-66963820
Surgical nutrition

William G. Simpson
Steven D. Heys

Introduction ­ ortality. To further complicate the situation with

respect to nutrition, patients undergoing surgery
The importance of nutrition in all fields of clini- will also be fasted for varying periods of time (pre-
cal practice has become well recognised and none operatively and/or postoperatively). Moreover, if
more so than in the management of patients who patients then experience postoperative complica-
are undergoing surgery and/or are faced with criti- tions (e.g. sepsis), these effects may be further po-
cal illness. Despite this increasing understanding of tentiated and the disturbances of cellular and organ
the importance of nutrition in health, up to 40% of function occurring in malnutrition then made even
hospitalised patients can be classified as being mal- more complex.
nourished and many of these patients are not recog- In this chapter the following areas, which are im-
nised clinically as having this problem. In patients portant for surgical practice, will be outlined:
undergoing gastrointestinal surgery, for example, • the principles of the metabolic responses to
the prevalence of ‘mild’ and ‘moderate’ malnutri-
feeding, trauma and sepsis;
tion has been estimated to be approximately 50%
and 30%, respectively. • nutritional requirements for surgical patients;
The clinical significance of this is vitally important • identification of patients who are malnourished
because when patients are malnourished, distur- or are at risk;
bances in function at the organ and cellular level • nutritional support principles for surgical
can manifest as the following: practice and modifications in defined common
• altered partitioning and impairment of normal clinical situations;
homeostatic mechanisms; • modulation of nutritional support with key
• muscle wasting and impairment of skeletal nutrients – application to clinical practice.
muscle function;
• impaired respiratory muscle function; Metabolic response to
• impaired cardiac muscle function; feeding, trauma and sepsis
• atrophy of smooth muscle in the
gastrointestinal tract; In order to maintain the health of cells, tissues and
• impaired immune function; organs, the metabolism must adapt to changes in
nutritional intake, trauma and sepsis.While a de-
• impaired healing of wounds and anastomoses.
tailed knowledge of complex biochemical path-
The key point, therefore, is that as a result of ways is not necessary, it is important to understand
these malnutrition-induced changes, patients have the principles of these metabolic and biochemical
an increased risk of postoperative morbidity and changes, and the metabolic response when a patient

307 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17
experiences trauma, undergoes surgery or develops If the changes of the ‘ebb phase’ are not replaced
sepsis. This forms the basis for understanding nutri- by the ‘flow phase’, then despite any advances in
tion and nutritional support in critically ill patients. surgery, anaesthesia and intensive care support,
death of the patient is the inevitable outcome.
Trauma The central nervous system and the neurohypoph-
yseal axis play key roles in regulating these meta-
A major advance in understanding occurred more bolic changes following trauma, utilising a range of
than 80 years ago when Sir David Cuthbertson de- hormones and cytokines. Afferent nerve impulses
scribed the loss of nitrogen from skeletal muscle also stimulate the hypothalamus to secrete hypotha-
that occurred following trauma.1 Cuthbertson con- lamic releasing factors that, in turn, stimulate the
cluded that the response to injury could be consid- pituitary gland to release prolactin, arginine vaso-
ered as occurring in two phases (Fig. 17.1): pressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH), growth hor-
mone and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).
1. the ‘ebb’ phase, which is a short-lived response The changes in hormone levels in plasma follow-
associated with hypovolaemic shock, increased ing trauma are outlined in Box 17.1, with the stress
sympathetic nervous system activity and re- hormones (adrenaline, cortisol, glucagon) playing
duced metabolic rate; pivotal roles.
2. the ‘flow’ phase, which is associated with a loss
of body nitrogen and resultant negative nitrogen Protein metabolism
balance. Amino acids are required for:
These changes result in the following: • synthesis of proteins necessary for growth,
Ebb phase function and structural repair;
• energy substrates for gut, lymphocytes and
• decreased resting energy expenditure;
other rapidly proliferating tissues (mostly
• increased gluconeogenesis;
glutamine), also as fuel in muscle;
• increased glycogenolysis.
• hepatic gluconeogenesis – glucose is produced
Flow phase from alanine, which itself is produced by
• increased resting energy expenditure; transamination reactions from other amino acids;
• increased heat production, pyrexia; • maintenance of renal acid–base balance
• increased muscle catabolism and wasting and (arginine);
loss of body nitrogen; • production of proteins with specific roles in
• increased breakdown of fat and reduced fat repair – immunological, endocrine, etc.
synthesis; In the well-fed state, proteins are synthesised at
• increased gluconeogenesis and impairment of a rate exceeding breakdown, whereas in the fast-
glucose tolerance. ing state breakdown predominates. Following

Oxygen consumption



and death

0 24 48 72 96 240
Time (hours)
Figure 17.1  •  Diagrammatic representation of the ebb and flow phases in the metabolic response to injury. Reproduced
from Broom J. Sepsis and trauma. In: Garrow JS, James WPT (eds) Human nutrition and dietetics, 9th edn. Edinburgh:
Churchill Livingstone, 1993; pp. 456–64. With permission from Elsevier.

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Box 17.1  •  Changes in hormone levels in plasma following trauma

Catecholamines altered because of changes in binding protein concentration.

Rapid increases in concentrations of adrenaline and In addition, reverse T3 is generally high. These effects may be
noradrenaline within a few minutes of injury due to increased prolonged for some weeks
activity of sympathetic nervous system. Levels return to Other disturbances of thyroid function may, however, be
normal within 24 hours present, including ‘transient hyperthyrotropinaemia of
Glucagon illness’ – a transiently raised TSH, not to be confused with
Rises within a few hours; maximal levels 12–48 hours hypothyroidism
post-trauma Renin, aldosterone
Insulin Aldosterone levels increased after trauma, returning to
Initially plasma levels are low following trauma, but rise to normal within 12 hours. Its secretion is stimulated by renin,
above normal levels and reach a maximum several days after which in turn is produced in response to reduced renal
the injury perfusion
Cortisol Testosterone
Rapid increase in cortisol (due to stimulation by ACTH), Plasma levels fall after trauma and may remain low for up to
returning to normal 24–48 hours later; may remain elevated 7 days
for up to several days. Has ‘permissive’ effects with other Vasopressin/antidiuretic hormone
hormones such as catecholamines Plasma levels rise following trauma and may remain elevated
Growth hormone for several days
Levels increased following trauma; usually return to normal Prolactin
levels within 24 hours Secretion increased following trauma but function in trauma
Thyroid hormones is unknown
Following trauma, the biochemical features of ‘sick euthyroid Cytokines
syndrome’ may be present: thyroid-stimulating hormone Increased secretion of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-6, tumour necrosis
(TSH) levels normal or low, levels of free thyroxine (T4) and factor, etc.; inter-relationship between these changes leads to
tri-iodothyronine (T3) normal, whereas the total levels are differential responses seen in trauma and sepsis

prolonged fasting for 1–2  weeks, breakdown still glycogenolysis predominates, but after a number
predominates but at a lower rate as the metabolism of hours (dependent on demands), gluconeogenesis
adapts to starvation. In contrast, following trauma predominates (colloquially referred to as ‘getting
or sepsis, breakdown exceeds synthesis regardless your second wind’). Following trauma, there is an
of whether the patient is fed or fasted; this response increase in hepatic glycogenolysis (caused by in-
is, however, impaired if the metabolism is already creased sympathetic activity),4 with these stores be-
adapted to starvation.2 The magnitude of the nitro- ing substantially depleted within 24 hours.5 Insulin
gen loss is proportional to the degree of operative antagonists are also involved in this metabolic re-
trauma or the severity of the sepsis, and the major sponse (see Box 17.1), and the insulin resistance is
site of protein breakdown is skeletal muscle (con- accompanied by a rise in insulin concentration. The
tains 80% of the body's amino acid pool, with 60% circulating insulin level usually reaches a maximum
being glutamine).3 several days after the injury, before returning to-
wards normal levels.
Carbohydrate metabolism In general, the carbohydrate response is to
Glucose is the main fuel used by many different tis- produce hyperglycaemia both in the immediate
sues, being essential for some. In the well-fed state ‘shock’ (‘ebb’ phase) and later ‘flow’ phase of the
it is available for absorption from the gastrointesti- metabolic response. The origin of the increased
nal tract and, mostly driven by insulin, any excess glucose differs between these two phases – while
is converted to glycogen (glycogenesis) in both liver reduced peripheral utilisation of glucose is com-
and muscle, and to fatty acids (lipogenesis), the lat- mon to both phases, the glycogenolysis of the ebb
ter predominating when glycogen stores are replete. phase must be replaced by gluconeogenesis in the
On fasting, insulin levels are lower, with an associ- flow phase. In the critically ill patient the advent
ated reduction in peripheral utilisation of glucose, of hypoglycaemia is an indication of major prob-
and it is endogenously produced from glycogen lems – glycogenolysis has slowed with depletion
(glycogenolysis) or other precursors (gluconeo- of glycogen stores, but gluconeogenesis is not yet
genesis), e.g. amino acids and fatty acids. Initially, adequate.

309 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17

Fat metabolism A significant abnormality in the patient with sepsis is

In the healthy, resting, fed state, triacylglycerol, being the disruption of the microstructure of the hepatocyte
energy dense, is used by the metabolism to efficiently mitochondria, particularly of the inner membrane.
store energy. When fasting, lipolysis of triglyceride There is a block in energy transduction pathways,
releases free fatty acids, which can be used as respi- with consequent reduction in the aerobic metabolism
ratory fuel for most cells other than brain and red of both glucose and fatty acids. The body therefore
blood cells, and glycerol that can be converted to depends on the anaerobic metabolism of glucose,
glucose by hepatic gluconeogenesis.6 Fatty acids are which also results in lactate production. It is essential,
also metabolised in the liver to form ketone bodies, therefore, that there is an adequate supply of glucose
which are used as a preferential fuel source by many from gluconeogenic pathways. If this is impaired or
tissues (humans cannot use fatty acids for gluconeo- inadequate, then hypoglycaemia (and death) may en-
genesis). Lipolysis is stimulated by glucagon during sue. The development of hypoglycaemia during sepsis
short-term fasting, by ACTH once the metabolism is is an indicator of an extremely poor prognosis and is
adapted to starvation, or by adrenaline during exer- usually associated with inevitable mortality.
cise and stress. Following trauma, there is therefore
an increase in the turnover of fatty acids and glyc- Nutritional requirements
erol, although raised levels of lactate, for example in
hypovolaemic shock, induce re-esterification leading
to raised plasma triglyceride levels.
Proteins and amino acids
Protein is required for the maintenance of normal
Mineral and micronutrient metabolism health and cellular function. Proteins have many func-
Changes in fluid compartments, minerals and mi- tions, including being essential components of cellular
cronutrients (micronutrients are broadly defined as structure. They are required for the synthesis of a va-
substances required in amounts of <1 g daily) are riety of secretory proteins produced by many organs.
beyond the scope of this chapter, but it is worth re- The average daily intake of protein is approximately
emphasising that measured serum concentrations 80 g in the UK, with a recommended daily intake of
rarely reflect body status, and this is even more 0.8 g/kg body weight and with nitrogen comprising
pronounced in starvation and illness; for example, approximately 16% of its weight. However, more
hyponatraemia is more often associated with an than 50% of the world's population exist on less!
excess of water than with a deficiency of sodium; Conventionally, amino acids have been classified
hypocalcaemia does not indicate a deficiency of cal- as either ‘essential’ or ‘non-essential’. The ‘essential’
cium, but can suggest a deficiency of magnesium. It amino acids cannot be synthesised endogenously and
is therefore essential to consider the effect of illness are required in the diet. Paradoxically, the so-called
before trying to interpret laboratory results.7 ‘non-essential’ amino acids are actually so metaboli-
cally important that humans have retained the ability
to synthesise them. Both groups of amino acids are
Sepsis necessary for normal tissue growth and metabolism.
Dietary intake and endogenous synthesis of amino
The metabolic response to sepsis is also character- acids in the body maintain the relevant pool of
ised by alterations in protein, carbohydrate and fat amino acids, replacing those that have been lost
metabolism, but the following are key differences:8 by excretion in the urine, losses from the skin and
• The breakdown of skeletal muscle and nitrogen gastrointestinal tract, utilisation as precursors for
losses can be substantial (more than 15–20 g non-protein synthetic pathways, irreversible modi-
per day). fication and irreducible oxidation.
Under certain circumstances (e.g. sepsis, trauma,
• There is increased production of glucose by the
growth) endogenous synthesis of some amino acids
liver (both gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis), normally considered to be ‘non-essential’ is inad-
resulting in an elevated plasma glucose. equate; therefore, these amino acids are described
• In contrast to the situation following trauma, as ‘conditionally essential’: l-alanine, l-glutamate
there is an increased rate of glucose uptake and and l-aspartate, which are produced by a simple
oxidation by peripheral tissues. transamination reaction. These are the three most
• Decrease in the peripheral uptake of important amino acids in times of starvation:
triacylglycerols and defective ketogenesis • alanine for hepatic gluconeogenesis;
in the presence of sepsis (in contrast to the • glutamate as a fuel source for liver, enterocytes
situation occurring after trauma) lead to and white blood cells;
hypertriglyceridaemia. • aspartate for maintaining renal acid–base balance.

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Energy requirements Minerals and micronutrients

Energy transduction is accomplished by the break- A number of specific organic compounds (vita-
down of carbohydrate, fat and proteins. The energy mins) and inorganic elements are essential for tis-
available from various common nutrients is: sue growth and repair, and for maintenance of body
function, playing key roles in metabolism, including
• fat 9.3 kcal/g (38.9 kJ/g);
the processing of macronutrients (protein, carbo-
• glucose 4.1 kcal/g (17.1 kJ/g); hydrate and fat). For many micronutrients, specific
• protein 4.1 kcal/g (17.1 kJ/g); deficiency diseases have been described. Details of
• alcohol 7.1 kcal/g (29.7 kJ/g). individual substances are beyond the scope of this
chapter and can be found elsewhere,9 but some ex-
The principal carbohydrates in the diet are poly-
amples are given in Box 17.3.
saccharides (starch and dietary fibre), dextrins
In general, micronutrients are classified into:
and free sugars (monosaccharides), disaccharides,
oligosaccharides and sugar alcohols. Dietary fat • fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K);
includes triacylglycerol, containing long-chain • water-soluble vitamins (C and the B vitamins –
fatty acids (C16–C18 triacylglycerols) and medium- folic acid, B12, B1, B2, B3, pantothenic acid,
chain fatty acids (C6–C12 triacylglycerols) and
biotin and B6).
If the energy intake of an individual is greater than • trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, selenium, etc.).
energy expenditure, extra carbohydrate intake, on The exact requirement for micronutrients during
reaching the liver via the portal vein, will be chan- trauma and sepsis is unclear and may alter depend-
nelled into synthesis of glycogen or fat. Glycogenesis ing on the type of metabolic support provided.
dominates until hepatic glycogen stores are replete;
thereafter, fat synthesis dominates. Additional fat
intake will be stored in adipose tissue as triacyl­ Box 17.3  • Functions of some micronutrients important
glycerol. In contrast, if there is a negative energy in surgical practice
balance, then glycogenolysis dominates until glyco-
gen stores are depleted, then fat and protein will be Vitamin A
broken down to provide energy. Stabilises epithelial cell membranes; necessary for fibroblast
Total daily energy expenditure comprises the differentiation and collagen secretion
following: Vitamin D
• resting metabolic expenditure (RME), which Role in calcium and phosphate regulation
is energy required for cardiorespiratory Vitamin E
function and synthesis and maintenance Immunostimulant and free radical scavenger
of electrochemical gradients across cell Vitamin K
membranes; Required for liver synthesis of clotting factors
• activity energy expenditure (depends on type of Vitamin B12
physical work undertaken); Important in synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids
• diet-induced energy expenditure. Ascorbic acid
Important in hydroxylation (e.g. collagen synthesis) and
Normally, approximately 25–30 kcal/kg (105–
energy transduction
125 kJ/g) are required daily; the magnitudes of
changes in requirements in some common condi- Thiamine
tions are given in Box 17.2. Necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and ATP synthesis
Energy transfer
Box 17.2  • Additional energy requirements in disease
states Collagen synthesis
Trauma: 0.3×RME Antioxidant; protection against peroxidation processes
Elective surgery: 0.1×RME occurring in tissue damage and repair
Sepsis: up to 0.5×RME Zinc
Severe sepsis: up to 0.6×RME Cofactor in numerous enzymes; necessary for wound
Massive burns: 1×RME healing

311 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17
It should be remembered that micronutrients, if used clinically, although even these tend to be used
given at high doses, can have toxic effects on tis- more for research or clinical audits of nutrition and
sues. In particular, toxicity can be a problem with nutritional support.
excesses of vitamin A, iron, selenium, zinc and cop-
per; vitamin D toxicity is no longer thought to be a Subcutaneous fat thickness
significant problem. Care must be taken when these Skinfold thickness has been used as an index of total
micronutrients are provided for a prolonged period body fat (50% of total body fat is subcutaneous,
to ensure that toxicity does not occur. It is also un- depending on age, sex and fat pad). Triceps skinfold
usual to find isolated deficiencies, so identification thickness is most commonly measured but assess-
of one micronutrient deficiency should stimulate ment of skinfolds at multiple sites is better and cor-
consideration of other deficiencies. relates with total body fat. Regression equations for
the estimation of total body fat from these measure-
ments are available.12 However, skinfold thickness
Identification of patients measurements are susceptible to intra-observer and
who are malnourished inter-observer variability, which limits clinical use.

It is important to assess the nutritional status in all Bioelectrical impedance

patients undergoing surgery and identify those who This entails the passage of an alternating electrical
are malnourished, or who are at risk of becoming current between electrodes attached to the hand and
so. Measurements used previously in clinical prac- foot. The current passes through the water and elec-
tice include: trolyte compartment of lean tissues and the drop
in voltage between the electrodes is measured.13
• anthropometric – body structure and composition; This change in voltage gives an estimation of total body
• biochemical; resistance, which depends principally on total
• functional – muscle (skeletal and respiratory) body water and electrolyte content (i.e. lean body
and immunological responses. mass). This estimate can give an accurate measure
of body composition in stable subjects; it becomes
less reliable in patients with oedema and electrolyte
Anthropometric measures shifts, and so the value of bioelectrical impedance in
critically ill patients remains unclear.14
Height and weight
Height and weight are two commonly used indices Biochemical measures
of nutritional status.10 Body weight on its own takes
no account of frame size but body mass index (BMI;
weight divided by the square of the height) is a good Serum proteins
anthropometric indicator of total body fat in adults. Albumin is the major protein in serum and the re-
Loss of body weight has been used as an indicator lationship between serum proteins and malnutrition
of nutritional status. This is determined by subtract- was recognised over 150 years ago.14 Low serum
ing current weight from recall weight when the pa- albumin levels are associated with increased risk of
tient was ‘well’, or from the ‘ideal’ weight, obtained complications in patients undergoing surgery.15 In
from published tables. The loss of more than 10% of experimental starvation, however, serum albumin
body weight, or more than 4.5 kg of recall weight, is levels may not fall for several  weeks16 because, al-
associated with a significant increase in postopera- though synthesis decreases, only 30% of the total
tive mortality. The shorter the period of weight loss, exchangeable albumin is in the intravascular space,
the more significant this is in predicting increased with the remainder being extravascular. In addition,
postoperative complications. Malnutrition can be albumin has a relatively long half-life of approxi-
defined as a BMI of less than the 10th percentile mately 21 days. The flux of albumin between the in-
with a weight loss of 5% or more.11 travascular and extravascular compartments is about
10 times the rate of albumin synthesis, although this
Body composition varies greatly depending on capillary permeability.17
Various techniques for assessing the body's differ- Importantly, serum albumin acts as a negative
ent compartments (e.g. fat, fat-free mass, total body marker of the acute-phase response, and so is low-
nitrogen and total body mineral contents) have be- ered in malignancy, trauma and sepsis, even in the
come available but many require specialised equip- presence of an adequate intake. Serum albumin
ment and may not be readily applicable to clinical should therefore not be used as an assessment of
practice. Relatively simple techniques, such as skin- nutritional state, although low levels point to the in-
fold thickness and bioelectrical impedance, can be creased nutritional risk associated with underlying

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disease, and indeed the implied reduction of gut ab- Muscle function
sorption may indicate that the parenteral route may Skeletal muscle
be preferred for provision of nutrition.
Various aspects of skeletal muscle structure and
Alternatives to using albumin as a marker of nutri-
function are deranged in malnutrition. In patients
tional status by measuring other serum protein con-
undergoing surgery, handgrip strength (cheap and
centrations, including transferrin (half-life 7 days),
easy to perform) may predict patients who develop
retinol-binding protein (half-life 1–2 hours) and
postoperative complications (sensitivity >90%).
pre-albumin (half-life 2 days), have been suggested.
However, grip strength is influenced by factors
The serum levels of these proteins are, however, also
such as patients' motivation and cooperation.
altered in stress, sepsis and cancer, and so, as for al-
Furthermore, such tests may be difficult to apply to
bumin, they are not useful for assessing nutritional
critically ill patients. Alternatively, stimulation of
status in routine clinical practice.
the ulnar nerve at the wrist with a variable electri-
cal stimulus results in contraction of the adductor
Nitrogen balance pollicis muscle, the force of which reflects nutri-
Most of the nitrogen lost from the body is excreted tional intake.22
in urine, mainly as urea (approximately 80% of to-
tal urinary nitrogen). Urea alone may be measured Respiratory muscle
as an approximate indicator of losses, or total uri- The function of the respiratory muscles is impaired
nary nitrogen may be measured, although this latter by malnutrition and can be detected by deteriora-
technique is not widely available. In addition, there tion in respiratory function tests, in particular vi-
are also losses of nitrogen from the skin and in stool tal capacity.23 Measurements of inspiratory muscle
of approximately 2–4 g per day. One equation used strength have the advantage that they can be per-
for balance studies is: formed in patients who are intubated.

Nitrogen balance ( g ) = (dietary protein ( g ) × 0.16) - Nutrition risk index

(urine urea nitrogen ( g ) + A nutrition risk index is an index of nutritional sta-
tus based on combinations of variables. Although
2 g stool + 2 g skin) several indices exist, one that is commonly used
depends on serum albumin, current weight and the
where patient's usual weight:
urine urea nitrogen ( g ) = urine urea ( mmol) × 28. Nutrition risk index = 1.519 × serum albumin ( g / L )
+0.417 × (current weight /
Although nitrogen balance has not been shown to
be a prognostic indicator, it is a useful way of as- usual weight ) × 100
sessing a patient's nutritional requirements and the The score obtained is used to categorise nutri-
response to provision of nutritional support. tional risk: <83.5, ‘severe’ risk; 83.5–97.5, ‘mild’
risk; 97.5–100, ‘borderline’ risk. Note that this is a
Tests of function prognostic index and bears little relationship to the
patient's nutritional status.
Immune competence How should nutritional status be
In malnutrition there is a reduction in total circulat-
ing lymphocyte count and impairment in immune assessed in clinical practice?
functions, e.g. decreased skin reactivity to mumps,
Candida and tuberculin (assuming prior exposure), Although the various techniques outlined above can
and reduced lymphocyte responsiveness to mitogens help to predict the risks of complications, there is
in vitro.18,19 at present no reliable technique for assessing nutri-
A correlation between depressed immune func- tional status. There is, however, increasing support
tion and postoperative morbidity and mortality has for using the following techniques, which are ap-
been demonstrated, and depression of total circulat- plicable to clinical practice.
ing lymphocyte count is associated with a poorer
prognosis in surgical patients.20 However, these al-
The Malnutrition Universal Screening
terations in immune function are non-specific and Tool (MUST)
affected by trauma, surgery, anaesthetic and seda- This simple, yet effective, tool was developed by
tive drugs, pain and psychological stress,21 and are the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral
not generally applicable to clinical practice. Nutrition (BAPEN). Details are available from the

313 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17
website, which we recommend you read carefully Assessment of protein and energy balance
( This tool has been endorsed Protein and energy balance can be assessed either
by external organisations and its routine use is rec- by a dietician or by a clinician, who determines the
ommended for all hospital admissions in the UK. frequency and size of meals eaten. This information
As a minimum standard in clinical practice, the is compared with the patient's rate of loss of body
MUST tool should be used to assess nutritional weight and BMI.
risk. Essentially, MUST consists of a series of five
steps: Assessment of body composition
Loss of body fat can be determined by observ-
1. Measure height and weight to obtain BMI (in
ing the physical appearance of the patient (loss of
kg/m2) – this is then given a numerical score body contours) and feeling the patient's skinfolds
(>20 = 0; 18.5–20 = 1; >18.5 = 2). between finger and thumb. In particular, if the dermis
2. Note percentage unplanned weight loss in the can be felt on pinching the biceps and triceps skin-
previous 3–6 months – then give this a numeri- folds, then considerable weight loss has occurred.
cal score (<5% = 0; 5–10% = 1; >10%= 2). The stores of protein in the body can be assessed
3. Establish the ‘acute disease effect’ and also give from various muscle groups, including the tempo-
ralis, deltoid, suprascapular, infrascapular, biceps
this a numerical score (if patient is acutely ill
and triceps, and the interossei of the hands. When
and there is or will be no nutritional intake for tendons of the muscles are prominent and bony pro-
more than 5 days = 2). truberances of the scapula are obvious, greater than
4. Add scores from steps 1, 2 and 3 together to 30% of the total body protein stores have been lost.
obtain the ‘overall risk of malnutrition’.
5. A decision is taken as to what to do depending Assessment of physiological function
on the resultant score. Assessments of function are made by observing
the patient's activities. Grip strength is determined
Significance of the resultant score and clinical by asking patients to squeeze the clinician's index
management and middle fingers for at least 10 seconds, and re-
spiratory function by asking them to blow hard on
• Score 0 (low risk) – repeat the screening process
a strip of paper held 10 cm from the patient's lips.
at a future time. The measurement of metabolic expenditure requires
• Score 1 (medium risk) – observe by noting the specialised equipment, but additional metabolic
patient's dietary intake for the next 3 days. stresses on the patient can be determined from clini-
If this improves then there is little concern. cal examination. Extra metabolic stresses will oc-
However, if there is no improvement, this is of cur if trauma or surgery has taken place or there is
clinical concern and one should follow the local evidence of significant sepsis (elevated temperature
and/or white blood cell counts, tachycardia, tachy-
policies for what to do next, e.g. referral to
pnoea, positive blood cultures) or active inflamma-
nutrition support team/dietician. tory bowel disease. In addition, patients should be
• Score 2 or more (high risk) – these patients asked about their ability to heal wounds, changes in
should be referred to the nutrition support exercise tolerance and their ‘tiredness’.
team/dietician to try to increase their
nutritional intake and there should be policies Re-feeding syndrome
in place for the nutritional support given to Once a patient's need for nutritional support has been
identified, it is important to consider whether the pa-
these patients.
tient is at risk of re-feeding syndrome. This is de-
scribed in detail elsewhere, but in essence it is the
The MUST tool should be used routinely to inability of a patient's metabolism to handle macro-
assess nutritional risk for all hospital admissions nutrients. After approximately 10 days without nutri-
tional intake, the metabolism adapts to the state of
starvation. Re-feeding with full ‘normal’ required
Subjective global assessment amounts of macronutrients will induce a sudden re-
Useful indicators for bedside assessment of nu- versal of this adaptation, with an anabolic drive that
tritional status applicable to clinical practice may result in catastrophic depletion of available
have been identified,24 and include estimation of potassium, phosphate and magnesium. Before re-
protein and energy balance, assessment of body feeding, the serum biochemistry may appear ‘normal’,
composition and evaluation of physiological and so the possibility of re-feeding must be antici-
function. pated on history alone. The other essential ­nutrient

314 66485457-66963820
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liable to become depleted in this situation is thiamine, endotoxin from the gut lumen into portal venous
a cofactor of pyruvate kinase, which is required for and lymphatic systems.28 Loss of gut integrity may
glucose to undergo oxidative phosphorylation, and account for a substantial proportion of septicaemic
without which glucose is metabolised to lactic acid. events in severely ill patients. However, the extent
Thiamine must therefore be replenished before feed- to which it contributes to sepsis in patients is not
ing is commenced in the starved patient to prevent fully understood.
development of Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome. The
potential for this is considerably higher in patients Routes of access for enteral nutritional
with a history of chronic excessive ethanol intake, and support
so even greater caution is required. Nasoenteric tubes
Nasogastric feeding via fine-bore tubes (polyvinyl
Thiamine deficiency must always be considered chloride or polyurethane) may be used in patients
in patients who have had no nutritional intake for who require nutritional support for a short period
more than 1 week, who have a history of excessive of time. There has been considerable debate as to
alcohol intake, or in the presence of an unexplained whether positioning the feeding tube beyond the
metabolic acidosis. pylorus into the duodenum will result in reduc-
tion in the risks of regurgitation of gastric contents
Nutritional support in surgical and pulmonary aspiration (occurs in up to 30% of
practice patients fed this way). This is most likely in patients
with impaired gastric motility. In the latter patients,
the fine-bore tube can be manipulated through the
Route of nutritional support pylorus into the duodenum, reducing the risk of
The preferred route of administration of nutritional gastric aspiration. Other complications associated
support is through the gastrointestinal tract (en- with the use of nasoenteric tubes include:
teral), with intravenous (parenteral) nutrient deliv- • pulmonary atelectasis;
ery reserved for patients with intestinal failure.
• oesophageal necrosis, stricture formation;
• tracheo-oesophageal fistulas;
Enteral nutritional support • sinusitis, postcricoid ulceration.
If there is an intact and functioning gastrointestinal More recently, double-lumen tubes have been used –
tract, enteral feeding should be used if oral intake one lumen resides in the stomach and is used to
is insufficient. Enteral feeding is contraindicated to aspirate gastric contents, while the distal lumen is
various degrees in patients with intestinal obstruc- placed in the jejunum for feeding, thus reducing
tion, paralytic ileus, vomiting and diarrhoea, high- risks of aspiration. This can be successful even in
output intestinal fistulas or in the presence of major patients with relatively high gastric aspirates, previ-
intra-abdominal sepsis. ously thought to be a contraindication for feeding
via the enteral route.
The importance of enteral nutrition Gastrostomy tubes
Studies in animals have shown that in the absence
A gastrostomy tube can be placed into the stomach
of nutrients into the intestinal lumen, changes oc-
at laparotomy, although percutaneous endoscopic
cur in the intestinal mucosa. There is loss of height
or percutaneous fluoroscopic techniques are pre-
of villi, reduction in cellular proliferation and the
ferred. Details of how these are performed can be
mucosa becomes atrophic.25,26 Activities of enzymes
found in standard texts.
found in association with the mucosa are reduced
The establishment and use of a gastrostomy has
and permeability of the mucosa to macromolecules
certain disadvantages and there is a recognised
increased.27 Stimulation of the intestinal tract by
nutrients is important for release of many gut-
related hormones, including those responsible for gut • infection of the skin at the puncture site;
motility and stimulation of secretions necessary for • necrotising fasciitis or deeper-sited sepsis;
normal maintenance of the mucosa. The gut acts as • damage to adjacent intra-abdominal viscera;
a barrier to bacteria, both physically and by release
• leakage of gastric contents into the peritoneal
of chemical and immunological substances. There
is evidence to suggest that atrophy of the intestinal cavity;
mucosa is associated with loss of intercellular adhe- • haemorrhage from the stomach;
sion and opening of intercellular channels. This pre- • persistent gastrocutaneous fistula following
disposes to increased translocation of bacteria and removal of the feeding tube.

315 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17
The overall mortality rate for a gastrostomy is Special formulations
1–2%, with major and minor complications occur- Special formulations have been developed for pa-
ring in up to 15% of patients. Mechanical compli- tients with particular diseases. Examples of such di-
cations associated with the tube include blockage, ets include: (i) those with increased concentrations
fracture and displacement. Furthermore, ‘dumping’ of branched-chain amino acids and low in aromatic
and diarrhoea are more common when the tip of the amino acids for patients with hepatic encephalopa-
tube lies in the duodenum or jejunum.29 thy; (ii) those with a higher fat but lower glucose
energy content for patients who are artificially ven-
Jejunostomy tubes tilated; and (iii) diets containing key nutrients that
A feeding jejunostomy is usually carried out at modulate the immune response (see later).
the time of laparotomy if it is envisaged that a
patient will need nutritional support for a longer Modular diets
period. Details of the operative technique are also Modular diets are not commonly used but allow
in standard operative texts and the smaller needle- provision of a diet rich in a particular nutrient for
catheter tubes are to be preferred. Advantages of specific patients. For example, the diet may be en-
a feeding jejunostomy compared with a gastros- riched in protein if the patient is protein deficient or
tomy are: in sodium if sodium deficient. These modular diets
can be used to supplement other enteral regimens
• less stomal leakage; or oral intake.
• gastric and pancreatic secretions are reduced
because the stomach is bypassed; Enteral nutrition delivery and
• less nausea, vomiting or bloating; complications
• reduced risk of pulmonary aspiration. Previously, when starting an enteral nutrition feed-
ing regimen, patients received either a reduced rate
Nutrient solutions available for enteral of infusion or a lower strength formula for the first
2 or 3 days to reduce gastrointestinal complica-
nutrition tions. Recent studies have demonstrated this is not
A range of nutrient solutions are available for use required and nutritional support can commence us-
in enteral nutritional support and examples can be ing full-strength feeds at the desired rate in those
found in specialised texts. However, there are four not at risk of developing ‘re-feeding syndrome’.
main categories of enteral diet. Cyclical feeding (e.g. 16 hours feeding with a post-
absorptive period of 8 hours) is optimal and more
Polymeric diets closely mimics the natural feeding cycle than other
Polymeric diets are ‘nutritionally complete’ diets types of feeding regimens.30
and provided to patients with inadequate oral in- Enteral nutrition should be administered through a
take, but whose intestinal function is good. They volumetric pump. If not available, then it is possible
contain whole protein as the source of nitrogen, and to use a gravity drip flow but care should be taken to
energy is provided as complex carbohydrates and reduce the risk of a large bolus being administered.
fat. They also contain vitamins, trace elements In patients whose conscious level is impaired or con-
and electrolytes in standard amounts. fined to bed, the head of the bed should be elevated
by 25° to reduce risks of pulmonary aspiration. Some
Elemental diets clinicians prefer patients to be sitting upright when
Elemental diets are required if the patient is un- receiving enteral nutrition. The stomach contents
able to produce an adequate amount of digestive should be aspirated every 4 hours during feeding and
enzymes or has a reduced area for absorption (e.g. if a residual volume of more than 100 mL is found,
severe pancreatic insufficiency or short-bowel enteral nutrition is temporarily discontinued.
syndrome). Elemental diets contain nitrogen as The aspirate is checked again after 2 hours, and
oligopeptides (free amino acids are not as easily when satisfactory volumes are aspirated (<100 mL)
absorbed as dipeptide and tripeptide mixtures). feeding is re-instituted. If more than 400 mL per
The energy source is provided as glucose polymers 24 hours is aspirated, then feeding is discontinued.
and medium-chain triacylglycerols. Each oligo- Gastric emptying may be improved by the admin-
peptide molecule contributes as much to the os- istration of cisapride or erythromycin, which may
molarity of the solution as one molecule of intact allow feeding to be continued.
protein, and it can be difficult to provide complete Metabolic disturbances are less likely with enteral
requirements without producing side-effects asso- feeding. The other complications of enteral nutri-
ciated with an osmotic load, e.g. ‘dumping’ and tion are those associated with the route of access to
diarrhoea. the gastrointestinal tract (Box 17.4).

316 66485457-66963820
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Box 17.4  •  Complications of enteral nutrition or subclavian vein directly by ‘blind’ percutaneous

puncture, using small hand-held ultrasound imag-
Gastrointestinal ing, by ‘cut-down’ techniques utilising the cephalic
Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort and vein to access the subclavian vein, or under fluo-
bloating, regurgitation and aspiration of feed/stomach roscopic control. Details of these techniques, their
contents advantages and disadvantages can be found else-
Mechanical where.32–34 However, it is important that whoever
Dislodgement of the feeding tube, blockage of the tube, inserts a central venous line is expert, well practised
leakage of stomach/small intestine contents onto the skin and carries out the procedure under full aseptic
with the use of jejunostomies or gastrostomies techniques.
Technical aspects of feeding lines
Excess or deficiency of glucose, electrolytes, minerals or
trace elements. Some of these will be noted through routine Central lines are manufactured from polyurethane
testing protocols, e.g hyperkalaemia, but others such as or silicone. Both of these materials are tolerated
hypophosphataemia may be missed if not specifically well with low thrombogenic potential. However,
anticipated polyurethane does have advantages:
Infective • it is stiffer than silicone at room temperature,
Local effects (e.g. diarrhoea, vomiting) or systemic effects but at body temperature is pliable;
(e.g. pyrexia, malaise) • it has a higher tensile strength than silicone and
is less likely to fracture;
• polyurethane catheters have smaller outside
Parenteral nutritional support diameters, making cannulation easier, as well as
a greater resistance to thrombus development
Patients who require nutritional support but with
enteral feeding contraindicated will require paren- on their surfaces.
teral nutrition. These include: Catheter manufacturers have attempted to reduce
• patients with a non-functioning or inaccessible risks of bacterial colonisation of the line by bond-
ing antiseptics (e.g. chlorhexidene) and antibiotics
gastrointestinal tract;
(e.g. silver sulphadiazine) into the catheter's fabric.
• those with high-output enteric fistulas (enteral Some catheters have an antimicrobial cuff, usually
nutrition may stimulate gastrointestinal made of Dacron, around their external surface. This
secretion – discussed further later); acts as a barrier to micro-organisms, which may mi-
• those for whom it is not possible to provide grate from subcutaneous tissues along the external
sufficient intake of nutrients enterally (e.g. aspect of the catheter to its tip. Although studies
because of a short segment of residual bowel or have suggested that risks of septicaemia are reduced
by using a cuff around the catheter, this makes
malabsorption, severe burns, major trauma).
positioning of the catheter more difficult techni-
Detailed guidance for parenteral nutrition (PN) in cally. Complications of central venous catheters are
patients has been published by the American Society shown in Box 17.5.
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN).31
Current ASPEN guidelines are available on their
website (, as are those of Box 17.5  • Complications of central venous catheter
the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and placement and incidence of occurrence
Metabolism (
Catheter-related sepsis: variable, but reported in up to 40%
Parenteral routes of access of catheters
Central venous access Thrombosis of central vein: variable, but reported in up to
Central venous access is obtained by positioning a 20% of catheters
catheter into the superior vena cava through sub- Pleural space damage: pneumothorax (5–10%),
clavian or internal jugular veins. The catheter either haemothorax (2%)
emerges through the skin (usually after being tun- Major arterial damage: subclavian artery (1–2%)
nelled in the subcutaneous fat) or is connected to a Catheter problems: thrombosis (1–2%), embolism (<1%), air
port placed in the subcutaneous fat of the anterior embolism (<1%)
chest wall. A variety of techniques for insertion of
Miscellaneous problems: brachial plexus (<1%), thoracic
central venous lines are used. For example, cath-
duct damage (<1%)
eters may be introduced into the internal jugular

317 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17

Catheter care Nutrients used in parenteral feeding

Appropriate dressings of the catheter are essential. solutions
The dressing should be changed weekly with strict
Various nutrient solutions (amino acids, glucose
aseptic technique, and the skin exit site cleaned
and fat) are available and a complete list is given in
with chlorhexidene. A variety of dressings have
the British National Formulary (
been used at the skin exit, but a transparent adher-
There are also available a variety of pre-mixed bags
ent type of dressing has the advantage of allowing
containing various concentrations of amino acids
a visible check on the puncture site for inflamma-
and glucose, with or without fat, which are suit-
tion or pus.
able for different clinical situations. These mixtures
Infection of the catheter tip is the most serious
do not usually contain vitamins or trace elements,
type of infection. The patient usually is pyrexial
which must be given in addition to avoid develop-
and may have systemic signs of sepsis. This may be
ment of metabolic complications. Care should be
diagnosed by blood (at least three cultures 1 hour
taken that patients receive sufficient electrolytes and
apart) and catheter cultures.35 Antibiotic therapy
minerals to satisfy requirements.
may result in recovery, but in some the feeding
line has to be removed to eradicate the infection.
However, less serious infection may occur in the Nitrogen sources
skin at the exit site of the catheter. This is recog- Nitrogen sources are solutions of crystalline l-
nised by skin erythema, possibly associated with amino acids containing all essential and a balanced
fluid exudate and pus. mixture of the non-essential amino acids required.
Amino acids that are relatively insoluble (e.g.
Peripheral venous access l-glutamine, l-arginine, l-taurine, l-tyrosine, l-
methionine) may be absent or present in inadequate
Peripheral venous cannulation, using a sterile
technique, may be used to supply nutrients intra-
Attention has focused on the provision of l-glutamine
venously, avoiding complications associated with
because of its key roles in metabolism. Despite be-
central venous catheters. Peripheral intravenous nu-
ing one of the most abundant amino acids, its use
trition is likely to be used in patients who do not re-
in PN fluids has been limited by instability. It can,
quire nutritional support for long enough to justify
however, be supplied as N-acetylglutamine (hydro-
risks of central vein cannulation or in whom central
lysed in the renal tubule to free l-glutamine) or as
vein cannulation is contraindicated (e.g. central line
l-glutamine dipeptides such as alanylglutamine
insertion sites are traumatised, increased risks of
(broken down to release free l-glutamine). Recent
infective complications, thrombosis of the central
evidence, however, questions the need for enrich-
veins or significant clotting defects).
ment of PN with glutamine.36
Problems associated with the delivery of intrave-
nous nutrition using the peripheral route include:
Energy sources
• a limit to nutrient quantity deliverable – this Energy is supplied as a balanced combination of
is not the route of choice in those with high dextrose and fat. Glucose is the primary carbohy-
requirements for protein or energy; drate source and the main form of energy supply
• a high incidence of complications, particularly to the majority of tissues. During critical illness the
phlebitis (occurs in up to 45% of patients), and body's preferred calorie source is fat (fasted or fed
it is essential to ensure good peripheral venous states).37,38 There are controversies as to the utili-
sation of fat in sepsis because of defects in energy
substrate metabolism at the oxidative level.
The lifespan of a peripheral intravenous can- Glucose utilisation may be impaired in certain pa-
nula can be prolonged by treating it as if it is a tients and glucose is then metabolised through other
central line with regard to aseptic care, and by pathways. This results in increased production and
using a narrow-gauge cannula giving better mix- oxidation of fatty acids, resulting in increased car-
ing and flow characteristics of the nutrient solu- bon dioxide (excreted through the lungs). In addi-
tion. Risks of phlebitis can be reduced by frequent tion, if glucose is the only energy source, patients
changes of infusion site, ultrafine-bore catheters may develop essential fatty acid (linolenic, linoleic)
or using a vasodilator patch over the cannula- deficiency.
tion site (e.g. transdermal glyceryl trinitrate). Fat (e.g. soyabean oil emulsions) provides a more
Furthermore, peripheral intravenous nutrition concentrated energy source. Usually, approximately
can only be used where fat emulsion is part of the 30–50% of the total calories are given as fat, with
single-phase administration of nutrients to avoid non-protein calorie to nitrogen ratio varying from
thrombophlebitis. 150:1 to 200:1 (lower in hypercatabolic conditions).

318 66485457-66963820
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The provision of exogenous lipids has also been as- glucose can precipitate hyperglycaemia, which may
sociated with problems. Intravenous fat emulsions be further complicated by lactic acidosis. Electrolyte
can impair lung function, inhibit the reticuloendo- disturbances may present problems, not least be-
thelial system and modulate neutrophil function; cause the intravenous feeding regimen is usually
recent interest has also focused on the use of fish prescribed in advance for 24 hours. Prediction of
oils as a source of fat rich in omega-3 polyunsatu- the patient's nutrient requirements must be comple-
rated fatty acids, as this appears to be associated mented by frequent monitoring. The provision of
with reduced incidence of hepatic dysfunction.39,40 nutrients may lead to further electrolyte abnor-
malities when potassium, magnesium and phos-
Other nutrients phate enter the intracellular compartment. This is
Commercially available preparations of trace ele- particularly noticeable in patients whose previous
ments (e.g. Additrace®) and vitamins, water solu- nutrient intake was especially poor, as highlighted
ble (e.g. Solivito®) and fat soluble (e.g. Vitlipid®), previously. Others complications of PN are shown
supply daily requirements. Larger amounts, particu- in Box 17.6.
larly of the water-soluble vitamins, may be required
initially if recent nutritional intake has been inade-
Box 17.6  • Metabolic complications of parenteral
quate. Additionally, total fluid volume and amounts nutrition
of electrolytes can be modified daily to meet par-
ticular requirements. Glucose disturbances
Hyperglycaemia: excessive administration of glucose
Delivery and administration of PN inadequate insulin, sepsis
In practice, commercially available solutions for Hypoglycaemia: rebound hypoglycaemia occurs if glucose is
parenteral infusion are mixed under sterile condi- stopped abruptly but insulin levels remain high
tions in laminar flow facilities. The feeding regimen Lipid disturbances
is made up in an inert 3- to 4-litre bag (ethyl vinyl
Hyperlipidaemia: directly through excess administration
acetate), comprising all nutrients and stored for up
of lipid, or indirectly through excess calories that will be
to 1  week, although compatibility between differ-
converted to fat or reduced metabolism (e.g. renal failure,
ent constituents must be ensured. No additions of
liver failure)
drugs should be made as this could make the emul-
sion unstable, affect the bioavailability of the drug Fatty acid deficiency: essential fatty acid deficiency leads to
or compromise sterility. Advantages of pre-mixed hair loss, dry skin, impaired wound healing
bags include: Nitrogen disturbances
Hyperammonaemia: occurs if deficiency of l-arginine, l-
• cost-effectiveness; ornithine, l-aspartate or l-glutamate in infusion. Also occurs
• reduced infective risks; in liver diseases
• more uniform administration of a balanced Metabolic acidosis: caused by excessive amounts of chloride
solution over a prolonged period; and monochloride amino acids
• decreased lipid toxicity as a result of the greater Electrolyte disturbances
dilution of the lipid emulsion and longer Hyperkalaemia: excessive potassium administration or
duration of infusion; reduced losses
• ease of delivery and storage and reduced long- Hypokalaemia: inadequate potassium administration or
term accumulation of triacylglycerols (occurs excessive loss
with glucose-based PN). Hypocalcaemia: inadequate calcium replacement, losses in
pancreatitis, hypoalbuminaemia
Pre-prepared bags are available where the fat Hypophosphataemia: inadequate phosphorus
emulsion is stored separately from the aqueous supplementation, also tissue compartment fluxes
solution and is mixed by bag rupture immediately
Liver disturbances
prior to administration, conferring the advantage of
a longer shelf life. Elevations in aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline
phosphatase and γ-glutamyltransferase may occur because
Complications of parenteral nutritional of enzyme induction secondary to amino acid imbalances or
deposition of fat and/or glycogen in liver
support Ventilatory problems
Instant availability of nutrients provided by the If excessive amounts of glucose are given, the increased
intravenous route can lead to metabolic complica- production of CO2 may precipitate ventilatory failure in non-
tions if the composition or flow rate is inappro- ventilated patients
priate. Rapid infusion of high concentrations of

319 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17

Monitoring patients receiving The provision of nutritional support by such

nutritional support a team results in the most cost-effective use of
nutritional support and the least risk of infective,
Patients receiving nutritional support should be metabolic and feeding-line complications.41
monitored by accurate recording of fluid balance and
daily weighing. Daily intake of calories and nitrogen
should be documented. Biochemical assessments in- Nutritional support in defined
clude daily measurements of renal and liver function,
with twice-weekly checks of phosphate, calcium, clinical situations
magnesium, albumin and protein levels, and hae-
matological indices (haemoglobin, white blood cell Nutritional support in the
count, haematocrit), until the patient is stabilised. perioperative period
Then,  weekly or fortnightly measurements are nec-
essary. Patients receiving PN require urinalysis daily Parenteral nutrition
initially in case glycosuria occurs, as this induces fur- There is debate as to which patients require preop-
ther fluid and electrolyte losses. If glycosuria occurs, erative and/or postoperative nutritional support.
it may be necessary to commence intravenous insulin Many studies have evaluated the effects of nutri-
on a sliding scale with hourly blood glucose moni- tional support in the perioperative period; clinical
toring. It is important to note that if the PN fluid benefit with supplemental nutrition has not been a
is stopped, insulin requirements will reduce imme- consistent finding. This may be because the stud-
diately; it is safest to discontinue the insulin at the ies were small, with many different end-points (e.g.
same time as the PN, reviewing the sliding scale with morbidity, mortality), frequently without proper
a view to giving intravenous glucose if required. randomisation or allowance for malnutrition prior
Routes of access (enteral or parenteral) should to the study commencing.
be regularly examined to ensure that the cath- A meta-analysis has examined 27 randomised
eter is correctly positioned and mechanically controlled trials (almost 3000 patients) of nutri-
satisfactory. tional support in the perioperative period.42 The
When feeding is prolonged, other assessments, e.g. results are important and provide a basis for the
muscle function, nitrogen balance, measurement of rational use of nutritional support in this situation.
trace elements and vitamins, may be performed reg- The key findings are detailed in Table 17.1. When
ularly to ascertain patient progress (see nutritional PN was given in the preoperative period there was a
assessment section above). reduction in complication rates (relative risk 0.52,
95% confidence interval (CI) 0.30–0.91) in mal-
Nutritional support teams nourished patients but not when nutritional state
was adequate. However, there was no difference
It is clear that for optimal provision of nutritional in mortality. Analysis of patients in the postopera-
support, a multidisciplinary nutritional support tive period indicated no reduction in complications
team is required. This may comprise a clinician with (relative risk 1.08, 95% CI 0.81–1.43) or mortal-
a special interest in nutritional support and under- ity in patients receiving PN. Subgroup analyses in-
standing of metabolic pathways, a biochemist, a dicated that nutritional support in the preoperative
pharmacist, a dietician and a nursing specialist. period be considered for:

Table 17.1  •  Effect of perioperative nutritional support on morbidity and mortality in surgical patients

Complications (RR and 95% CI) Mortality (RR and 95% CI)
Malnourished patients 0.53 (0.30–0.91) 1.13 (0.75–1.71)
Adequate nutrition 0.95 (0.75–1.21) 0.90 (0.66–1.2)
Preoperative TPN 0.70 (0.52–0.95) 0.85 (0.6–1.20)
Postoperative TPN 1.01 (0.70–1.46) 1.08 (0.73–1.58)
Overall effects 0.81 (0.65–1.01) 0.97 (0.76–1.24)
CI, confidence interval; RR, relative risk; TPN, total parenteral nutrition.

320 66485457-66963820
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• those with a serum albumin <30–32 g/L; studies of enteral nutrition given to patients in the
• patients with a weight loss of 15% or more, ­perioperative period has been carried out and pub-
associated with impairment of physiological lished as European Society of Parenteral and Enteral
Nutrition (ESPEN) guidelines43 (
• patients with a nutrition (prognostic) risk index
Nutritional support in patients
Nutritional support should be given to
malnourished patients for at least 7–10 days
with acute pancreatitis (see
preoperatively where possible to reduce also Chapter 8)
postoperative morbidity.42 Nutritional support in the
postoperative period should be considered for: Severe pancreatitis produces a major catabolic stress
• p
 atients in whom it is anticipated that normal oral with rapid loss of muscle proteins. The daily nitro-
intake is unlikely for 7 days or more after surgery; gen requirements of such patients are high, reach-
• those with severe sepsis or burns; ing 1.2–2.0 g protein/kg body weight (0.2–0.3 g
• those with enterocutaneous fistulas (particularly if of nitrogen/kg). Daily energy requirements also
high output); increase with disease severity to be 28–35 kcal/kg.
• patients who have lost 15% or more of their Previously, patients with pancreatitis were fasted
usual weight prior to surgery being undertaken. in order to avoid pancreatic stimulation. However,
views have now changed44,45 and a recent systematic
review46 has shown that patients with acute severe
Enteral nutrition pancreatitis should commence enteral support early
As discussed, the enteral route is the preferred route (within 5 days). This resulted in better outcomes
except in specific circumstances where not pos- with reduced infectious complications and hospital
sible (e.g. intestinal obstruction, ileus, intestinal stay, but without effect on mortality.44–46
ischaemia, etc.) or used in combination with PN
if the nutritional requirements cannot be provided
by the enteral route alone. A recent analysis of Patients with severe acute pancreatitis
should commence early enteral nutritional support
as this is associated with a better outcome.46
The ESPEN guidance is summarised as
follows.43 Patients who should receive perioperative Nutritional supplementation in
nutritional support:
inflammatory bowel disease
• T hose expected not to eat for >7 days
perioperatively. A significant number of patients with Crohn's dis-
• Those unable to have an oral intake >60% of ease and ulcerative colitis become malnourished.
their recommended intake for >10 days. The reasons for this include decreased nutrient
Patients who should receive preoperative enteral intake, malabsorption by the small intestine (de-
nutritional support: creased length, bacterial overgrowth, protein-losing
enteropathy) and increased calorie/nitrogen require-
• P
 reoperative nutritional support should be given ments in those with coexistent sepsis. There may be
for 10–14 days to those with ‘severe’ nutritional
deficiencies of specific vitamins and trace elements.
risk, which is defined as either a BMI <18.5 kg/
Nutritional support, therefore, may have differ-
m2, recent weight loss of 10–15% in the previous
ent roles: (i) to provide nutritional requirements
6 months or serum albumin <30 g/L (with no
evidence of renal or hepatic failure). For such
and correct nutritional deficiencies the patient may
patients it is recommended that surgery should have; (ii) the possibility that provision of PN with
be delayed if possible to allow nutritional support. bowel rest in Crohn's disease may be therapeuti-
cally beneficial. The results of studies addressing
Patients who should receive postoperative this latter point are inconclusive,47,48 suggesting
nutritional support: that PN itself does not have a therapeutic effect in
inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, there is
 arly enteral nutritional feeding (i.e. <24 hours
• E
evidence showing that enteral nutrition is as effec-
after surgery) is recommended for patients
tive as PN in these patients.49 This has the added
who have undergone upper gastrointestinal
benefits of maintaining gut mucosa integrity in ad-
anastomosis with the tip of a feeding tube placed
distal to the anastomosis.
dition to stimulating production of gut hormones
necessary for function.

321 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17

While systematic reviews have shown some Glutamine supplementation should be given
potential for enteral nutrition in this regard, further to patients with substantial burns to reduce their
studies are required to clarify the use of nutrition in complications and improve healing. If enteral
this way.50,51 nutritional support is not possible, e.g. with gastric
stasis, ileus or other coexistent injuries, parenteral
nutrition is required.
Nutritional support in
enterocutaneous fistulas and better wound healing, and is recommended by
the ESPEN guidelines.56
Nutritional support has an important role to play Several formulae exist for calculating the protein
in management of patients with enterocutane- and calorie requirements.57 However, up to 20–
ous fistulas as up to 50% are malnourished. The 25 g of nitrogen per day may be required initially,
importance of adequate nutritional support was with a non-protein calorie to nitrogen ratio of
demonstrated by Chapman et al.,52 who found 100–200. Energy is provided as carbohydrate and
that if patients with fistulas received nutritional lipids, with the calorie requirement being 35–50%
support with PN and enteral feeding (>3000 kcal as lipid.
(12.6 MJ) daily), spontaneous fistula healing with
a reduced mortality occurred compared with pa-
tients with fistulas receiving less than 1000 kcal Nutritional supplementation
(4.1 MJ) daily. The management of such patients with key nutrients: application
commences with correction of fluid and electrolyte
deficits and elimination of septic foci. Nutritional
to clinical practice
support is required to correct any nutritional defi- Certain nutrients can have effects on cellular and
cits and provides maintenance requirements when tissue function. Some of these nutrients modulate
the patient is stabilised. Whether PN or enteral immune and inflammatory responses if given in
nutrition is more effective is unknown. Other excess of normal intake or requirements. The use
techniques for providing nutritional support have of nutrients (‘nutriceuticals’) in this way has been
included collecting the intestinal output from the termed ‘nutritional pharmacology’. Examples and
proximal end of the fistula and re-infusing it into specific effects include:
the distal part of the small intestine or by giving
enteral nutrition via the fistula. If the fistula out- • l-arginine – stimulates aspects of immune
put is low, enteral nutritional support should be function, improves nitrogen retention after
considered because of the benefits.53 surgery, enhances wound healing;58,59
• l-glutamine – stimulates immune function,
reduces nitrogen loss postoperatively, may
Enteral nutrition has theoretical benefits due
to its effects on gut mucosa and case series have be important in maintaining gut-barrier
suggested that healing rates with enteral nutrition function;60
are comparable to those of parenteral nutrition.53 • branched-chain amino acids – may control
protein synthesis in muscle and stimulate whole-
body protein synthesis, especially in severely
Nutritional support in patients traumatised patients;61
with burns • essential fatty acids – stimulation or inhibition of
immune function, anti-inflammatory effects;62,63
Major burns induce severe hypermetabolic and • polyribonucleotides and ribonucleic acid –
hypercatabolic states. There is increased skeletal stimulate immune function;
muscle breakdown, nitrogen losses of 15 g daily or • vitamins, trace elements – stimulation of immune
more, and up to a doubling of metabolic rate. In function, antioxidant effects, wound healing;
patients with burns of greater than 20% of their • selenium – stimulation of immune function,
body surface area, nutritional support is required,
prevention of tissue damage, anti-inflammatory
orally or by nasoenteric feeding. There may be clini-
cal benefits by introducing feeding early, and with effects;64
glutamine supplementation.54,55 This appears to be • omega-3 fatty acids – immunomodulatory effect
associated with reduced infectious complications and avoidance of hepatic dysfunction.65

322 66485457-66963820
Surgical nutrition

The clinical benefits of supplementation with standard nutritional diets (Figs 17.2 and 17.3)
key nutrients have, however, been difficult to showed that supplemented nutrition had clinical
demonstrate. benefits:66
• reduction in infectious complications (wound
Combinations of these nutrients infections, intra-abdominal abscesses,
and their place in practice septicaemia), with an odds ratio of 0.47 (95%
CI 0.32–0.70);
Several studies have evaluated the use of combina- • reduction in length of hospital stay, with a
tions of key nutrients in clinical practice in patients weighted mean difference of −2.4 days (95%
with critical illnesses (trauma, surgery for malignant CI −4 to −1).
disease, burns), but particularly in upper gastroin-
testinal cancer. A combination of l-arginine, n-3 However, there was no significant difference in
essential fatty acids and ribonucleic acid is com- mortality. A subsequent meta-analysis of 17 trials
mercially available (Impact; Sandoz Nutrition, has confirmed this benefit.67
Minneapolis, MN, USA) and has been used in many Many of these studies had methodological limita-
trials. The supplemented nutrition has been given in tions but, nevertheless, the role of immunonutrition
the postoperative period (nasoenteric tube or feed- in critically ill patients was further investigated by
ing jejunostomy), starting within 12–48 hours of
the critical events and continued for several days. ESPEN56 (
The first meta-analysis of the studies that ENICU.pdf). The conclusion drawn from the con-
have compared supplemented nutritional versus sensus based on the available evidence was that an

Study Expt Ctrl OR Weight OR

N/n N/n (95% CI fixed) % (95% CI fixed)

0.1 0.2 1 5 10
Favours treatment Favours control
Figure 17.2  •  Effect of immune-enhancing diets on the incidence of major infective complications (wound infections,
intra-abdominal abscesses, pneumonia, septicaemia). Expt, patients receiving immune-enhancing diets; Ctrl, patients
receiving standard nutrition; n, number of events; N, number of patients in each group on an intention-to-treat basis;
OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. (Study sources are given in Heys et al.60). Reproduced from Heys SD, Walker
LG, Smith IC et al. Enteral nutritional supplementation with key nutrients in patients with critical illness and cancer. A
meta-analysis of randomised controlled clinical trials. Ann Surg 1999; 229:467–77. With permission from Wolter Kluwers

323 66485457-66963820
Chapter 17

Figure 17.3  •  Effect of immune-enhancing diets on the length of hospital stay. WMD, weighted mean difference; CI,
confidence interval. (Study sources are given in Heys et al.66) Reproduced from Heys SD, Walker LG, Smith IC et al.
Enteral nutritional supplementation with key nutrients in patients with critical illness and cancer. A meta-analysis of
randomised controlled clinical trials. Ann Surg 1999; 229:467–77. With permission from Wolter Kluwers Health.

immune-modulating nutrition (enriched with ar- In addition, there were situations identified where
ginine, nucleotides and omega-3 fatty acids) was immunonutrition should not be given due to poten-
beneficial and recommended for the following: tially adverse effects:
• patients with mild sepsis (APACHE II score <15); • patients with severe sepsis;
• patients undergoing elective major intra- • patients unable to tolerate more than 700 mL/
abdominal surgery for cancer to receive day of immunonutrition.
5–7 days of immune-enhancing nutrition
(arginine, omega-3 fatty acids and Immune-modulating nutrition is associated
polyribonucleotides); with a reduction in septic complications and a
• patients with acute respiratory distress reduced hospital stay. It should be considered in
syndrome (ARDS) should receive enteral patients with mild sepsis (APACHE II score <15),
patients undergoing elective major intra-abdominal
nutrition supplemented with omega-3 fatty
surgery for cancer and in patients with ARDS.56,66,67
acids and antioxidants.

Key points
• Malnutrition is associated with loss of body weight and impairments in organ function.
• The metabolic changes that occur in patients undergoing surgery or in those who have
experienced trauma and sepsis can be compounded by inadequate nutritional support.
• Nutritional requirements must take into consideration the underlying pathophysiological changes.
• An assessment of nutritional status should be made in all patients.
• If nutritional support is considered necessary, the route and composition of this support should be
considered carefully.
• Remember re-feeding syndrome and possible thiamine deficiency.
• The role of certain key nutrients and their effects, either individually or in combination, on aspects of
organ and immune function should be taken into consideration when planning nutritional interventions.
• There is now emerging evidence to indicate that manipulating the composition of nutritional
support can affect patient outcome.
• Careful monitoring of patients receiving nutritional support and the role of the multidisciplinary team
is essential for all patients.

324 66485457-66963820
Surgical nutrition

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multidisciplinary nutritional support teams. ESPEN Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: intensive
42. Heyland DK, Montalvo M, MacDonald S, et al. care. Clin Nutr 2006;25:210–23.
Total parenteral nutrition in the surgical patient: a Evidence-based guidelines summarising the current
meta-analysis. Can J Surg 2001;44:102–11. evidence and making recommendations for clinical
A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials of parenteral practice.
nutritional support that attempts to draw ­together the 57. Chiarelli A, Siliprandi L. Burns. In: Zagola GP, edi-
­evidence as to which patients benefit from TPN. tor. Nutrition in critical care. St Louis: Mosby Year
43. Weimann A, Braga M, Harsanyi L, et  al. ESPEN Book; 1994. p. 587–97.
Guidelines on Enteral Nutrition: surgery ­including 58. Brittenden J, Park KGM, Heys SD, et al. 1-Arginine
organ transplantation. Clin Nutr 2006;25(2): stimulates host defences in patients with breast can-
224–44. cer. Surgery 1994;115:205–12.
Evidence-based guidelines summarising the current evi-
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dence and making recommendations for clinical practice
pharmacology: effects of l-arginine on host de-
in patients during the perioperative period.
fences, responses to trauma and tumour growth.
44. Croad NR. The management of acute severe pancre- Clin Sci 1994;86:123–32.
atitis. Br J Intensive Care 1999;2:38–45. 60. Heys SD, Park KGM, Garlick PJ, et  al. Nutrition
45. Kanwar A, Windsor ACJ, Li A, et  al. Benefits of and malignancy: implications for surgical practice.
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46. McClave SA, Chang WK, Dhaliwal R, et  al. pharmacology and malignant disease: a thera-
Nutrition support in acute pancreatitis: a system- peutic modality in patients with cancer? Br J Surg
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2006;30:143–56. 62. Purasiri P, Murray A, Richardson S, et al. Modulation
Current updated position evaluating evidence for clinical of cytokine production in  vivo by dietary essential
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Controlled trial of intravenous hyperalimentation 63. Purasiri P, McKechnie A, Heys SD, et al. Modulation
as an adjunct to the routine therapy of acute colitis. in vitro of human natural cytotoxicity, lymphocyte
Gastroenterology 1980;79:1199–204. proliferative response to mitogens and cytokine
48. Muller JM, Keller HW, Erasmi H, et al. Total paren- production by essential fatty acids. Immunology
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prospective study. Br J Surg 1983;70:40–3. 64. Avenell A, Noble DW, Barr J, et al. Selenium supple-
49. Jones VA. Comparison of total parenteral nutrition mentation for critically ill adults. Cochrane Database
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65. Chen WJ, Yeh SL. Effects of fish oil in parenteral 67. Heyland DK, Novak F, Drover JW, et  al. Should
nutrition. Nutrition 2003;19:275–9. immunonutrition become routine in critically ill pa-
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tritional supplementation with key nutrients in pa- This is an updated meta-analysis of randomised con-
tients with critical illness and cancer. A meta-analysis trolled trials that confirms the previous meta-analysis
of randomised controlled clinical trials. Ann Surg and extends it further by examining different subgroups
1999;229:467–77. of patients in an attempt to try to understand fur-
This is the first meta-analysis that indicated that immu- ther which patients are the most likely to benefit from
nonutrition could result in clinically important benefits immunonutrition.
for patients in terms of reduction in infectious complica-
tions postoperatively.

327 66485457-66963820
Abdominal sepsis and abdominal
compartment syndrome

Emma Barrow
Iain D. Anderson

Introduction patient in the ICU, where sequelae such as abdomi-

nal compartment syndrome, management of the
Abdominal sepsis accounts for many of the serious open abdomen and intestinal fistulation can cre-
and all too often fatal emergency conditions that the ate particular difficulties. The reader is referred to
general surgeon is called upon to treat. It may arise Chapter 16 for a description of the intensive care
primarily from conditions as seemingly simple and management of the surgical patient, Chapters 6, 8,
routine as appendicitis, to more complicated and 9, 10 and 13 for more detail on specific causal con-
serious conditions such as diverticulitis and perfo- ditions, and to Chapter 17 for surgical nutrition.
rated peptic ulcer disease. Alternatively it may arise
as a consequence of complications of surgery, par-
ticularly intestinal anastomotic leakage. While, with Pathophysiology of sepsis
experience and a few basic principles, even complex
cases of abdominal sepsis can be relatively straight- The systemic inflammatory response syndrome
forward to manage, not infrequently the diagnosis is (SIRS) is a clinically defined response (Box 18.1) to
obscured and delayed. As a consequence treatment a variety of insults including trauma, burns, pan-
is often complicated and prolonged. Some 80–90% creatitis, tissue ischaemia and inflammatory bowel
of general surgical deaths follow emergency admis- disease. When the cause of SIRS is a proven or sus-
sion,1 and much of this morbidity and mortality pected infection, it is termed sepsis. The normal
expresses itself through the processes of abdominal response to infection serves to localise and control
sepsis. Delay to operation is the single most common bacterial invasion. This occurs through the che-
reason for adverse outcomes and anastomotic leak motaxis of neutrophils and macrophages, which
the single commonest cited complication in fatal in turn release inflammatory mediators. When this
cases. These will be recurring themes in this chapter inflammatory response becomes generalised, sepsis
as even with optimal treatment of abdominal sepsis, results. This is characterised by systemic vasodila-
multiple organ failure (MOF) may ensue. MOF is tion and resultant hypotension, increased vascular
more likely and often fatal when treatment is slow permeability leading to fluid exudate, and microcir-
or suboptimal. In the intensive care unit (ICU), ab- culatory dysfunction with decreased capillary flow.
dominal sepsis constitutes a substantial proportion These factors ultimately result in tissue hypoxia.
of the patients with MOF. Given its frequency and Once triggered, the downward spiral of severe sep-
severity, a sound understanding of abdominal sepsis sis is believed to be independent of the precipitating
must be integral to every general surgeon's profes- infectious insult.
sional armamentarium. The theory that sepsis is due to an exaggerated,
This chapter will address the diagnosis and man- uncontrolled inflammatory response has now
agement of abdominal sepsis, including the complex been shown to be overly simplistic. There is no

328 66485457-66963820
Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

Box 18.1  •  Sepsis definitions13 ­advantage.3 Individual randomised trials in the

clinical effectiveness of activated protein C in
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
severe sepsis showed promising results,3 but a
recent Cochrane review concluded no survival
SIRS is defined by the presence of two or more of the
following clinical findings: advantage4 and it has now been withdrawn.
• Body temperature >38 °C or >36 °C 2. Disturbances to coagulation. During sepsis,
• Heart rate >90 per minute significant alterations occur within both the
coagulation and fibrinolytic systems. Activation
• Respiratory rate >20 per minute or PaCO2<4.3 kPa
of vascular endothelial cells by inflammatory
• White cell count >12×109/L or <4×109/L
­mediators leads to a prothrombotic state,
Sepsis which can result in disseminated intravascular
SIRS plus a documented or suspected infection ­coagulation (DIC). This leads to reduced end
Severe sepsis perfusion, and the subsequent consumption of
Sepsis plus clinical evidence of organ dysfunction: platelets and clotting factors results in prolonged
• Hypoxia clotting times.3,5
• Oliguria 3. Immunosuppression. Another emerging theory
• Hypotension implicates immunosuppression rather than
• Confusion immunostimulation in the aetiology of sepsis.
• Disturbances to coagulation Patients with sepsis display features of im-
• Disturbances to liver synthetic function munosuppression, such as an inability to clear
Septic shock infection and predisposition towards nosoco-
Sepsis with acute circulatory failure, despite adequate mial pathogens.3 A proposed mechanism is a
volume resuscitation in the absence of other causes of shift from T helper cell secretion of inflamma-
hypotension tory cytokines such as TNFα, IL-1 and IL-6
• SBP<90 mmHg to the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and
• MAP<60 mmHg IL-10.3,5 This pattern of cytokine release has
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) been observed in septic patients in an intensive
care setting.6,7 Lymphocyte apoptosis is another
• Altered organ function in an acutely ill patient such that
homeostasis cannot be maintained without intervention postulated pathway.3
• Potentially reversible
• Affects two or more organ systems
The slippery slope of sepsis
SIRS and sepsis occur commonly amongst surgical
single ­mediator, system or pathway that drives the
patients on the ward, although they are usually re-
­pathophysiology of SIRS and sepsis. The predomi-
solved by appropriate treatment of the underlying
nant theories can be summarised as follows:
problem. Sometimes the physiological derangement
1. Uncontrolled systemic cytokine release. persists and, particularly when it does so beyond
Uncontrolled release of cytokines from macro- 48 hours, outcome is worsened as progression to
organ dysfunction is much more likely. Organ dys-
phages in response to cellular injury is proposed
function denotes severe sepsis and the next step is
to initiate other mediator cascades and acti- organ failure, which typically carries a mortality of
vate neutrophils and platelets. The particular the order of 40%. Mortality, in general, increases
candidate mediators are tumour necrosis factor with the number of organ systems affected and with
(TNF) α, interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6.2 However, the severity of physiological disturbance at onset.8
circulating levels of cytokines are highly variable While the onset of SIRS does not accurately predict
between different studies and indeed within development of sepsis or the multiple organ dys-
function syndrome (MODS), the progression from
study populations.3 Numerous trials have been
SIRS to severe sepsis is associated with increasing
conducted on agents that block the inflamma- risk of multiple organ failure.9 Approximately 30%
tory cascade: corticosteroids, TNFα antago- of septic patients develop at least one organ dys-
nists and anticytokine monoclonal antibodies. function.10 Therefore, timely recognition of SIRS,
These have failed to demonstrate a survival particularly if persistent, alerts the clinician to a

329 66485457-66963820
Chapter 18
potentially deteriorating situation at a time when Box 18.2  •  Surviving Sepsis Campaign bundles16
prompt intervention may yet avert catastrophe.
By the time the patient with abdominal sepsis has Sepsis resuscitation bundle
developed shock, the mortality increases from less To be accomplished within the first 6 hours of identification
than 10% to greater than 50%.11,12 of severe sepsis:
The identification and active management of SIRS 1. Measure serum lactate
and early organ dysfunction is therefore an impor- 2. Obtain blood cultures prior to antibiotic administration
tant first step as, once organ dysfunction is under
3. Administer broad-spectrum antibiotic, within 3 hours of A&E
way, the patient is on a slippery slope that can lead
admission and within 1 hour for current inpatients
them rapidly downwards despite the best treatment.
It is essential that the surgeon appreciates that these 4. In the event of hypotension and/or a serum lactate >4 mmol/L:
processes often start insidiously on the ward and a. Deliver an initial minimum of 20 mL/kg of crystalloid
that early detection is vital, as management is most or an equivalent
successful at this stage. While there are objective cri- b. Apply vasopressors for hypotension not responding
teria that define organ dysfunction, clinical findings to initial fluid resuscitation to maintain mean arterial
are useful pointers. Hypoxia, oliguria, hypotension, pressure (MAP) >65 mmHg
deranged liver function tests or clotting, thrombo- 5. In the event of persistent hypotension despite fluid
cytopenia, acidosis and confusion are some of the resuscitation (septic shock) and/or lactate >4 mmol/L:
plethora of signs that indicate that a severe systemic a. Achieve a central venous pressure (CVP) of >8 mmHg
derangement is in process. b. Achieve a central venous oxygen saturation
(ScvO2) >70% or mixed venous oxygen
The importance of detecting the often subtle saturation (SvO2) > 65%
signs of abdominal sepsis at the earliest stage
cannot be overemphasised and while the rate with
Sepsis management bundle
which organ dysfunction develops in individual To be accomplished within the first 24 hours of identification
patients will vary, the requirement for rapid of severe sepsis:
identification and treatment remains key.9 1. Administer low-dose steroids for septic shock in accordance
with a standardised ICU policy
2. Maintain glucose control >70 but <150 mg/dL
Treatment strategies
3. Maintain a median inspiratory plateau pressure (IPP)
in sepsis <30 cm H2O for mechanically ventilated patients
SIRS, sepsis and their sequelae are recognised and
defined according to a number of clinical criteria;13
using goal-directed strategies (the rationale for this
these are summarised in Box 18.1. Whilst these
is detailed in Chapter 16). Evidence-based guide-
specific criteria are not intended as a substitute for
lines were published in 2004, split into ‘bundles’ of
clinical acumen, their use facilitates early identifi-
care to be accomplished within certain time frames
cation and appropriate treatment of sepsis by even
(Box 18.2). A total of 165 sites participated in the
the most junior member of the surgical team. SIRS
campaign, submitting bundle compliance and out-
and sepsis can be adequately managed on the ward,
come data on 15 022 patients with severe sepsis.
providing there is response to treatment. However,
Despite incomplete compliance, a significant reduc-
the deteriorating patient or those with severe sepsis
tion in unadjusted hospital mortality (37% to 31%
are more appropriately transferred to a critical care
over the 2-year study period) was identified in those
environment, where invasive arterial and central
centres participating in the campaign.17
venous pressure monitoring will guide resuscita-
tion. The benefits of managing such high-risk surgi-
cal patients with early critical care input are well The goal-directed treatment bundles
developed by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign are
to be recommended as a standard of care. Their
use in the timely identification and management
The Surviving Sepsis Campaign of patients with severe sepsis has been shown to
reduce mortality.17
In 2008, informed by the results of a number of clini-
cal trials, an international campaign was launched,16
with the intention of improving outcomes in severe Systematic assessment
sepsis and septic shock by standardising care. The
emphasis of the campaign was timely identifica- Although effective management of patients with se-
tion and treatment of patients with severe sepsis, vere sepsis may entail complex investigations and

330 66485457-66963820
Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

procedures, the results of these manoeuvres are of- basic monitoring as required. Although some pa-
ten suboptimal or even lethal without adequate prior tients will deteriorate catastrophically and require
resuscitation. A systematic approach such as that immediate intensive care support, simple resuscita-
described in the Care of the Critically Ill Surgical tion will more commonly buy sufficient time for a
Patient (CCrISP) course18 has much to recommend more thorough full assessment to be carried out.
it, as it provides a common management structure This aims to determine the cause and severity of any
for problems of any type or severity (Fig. 18.1). problem and to exclude other conditions that would
Having a structured approach in times of crisis fa- prove deleterious if left untreated. It also includes a
cilitates speed and may also be important in reduc- thorough appraisal of the patient's notes and charts.
ing the likelihood of management errors. It certainly As the clinical manifestations of abdominal sepsis
provides a common language and transparency that can be subtle and varied (Box 18.3), a high index
lets other health professionals understand interven- of suspicion, combined with anticipation of poten-
tions more easily. With complex abdominal sepsis, a tial complications, is essential. Complications can
team approach is required: firstly, because help will usually be anticipated from the surgical condition
often be needed from radiology, anaesthesia and in- in question, any operation recently carried out and
tensive care; and secondly, because the illness will knowledge of comorbid conditions. Frequently, the
often run a prolonged time course of days or weeks range of possible diagnoses is large (Box 18.4) and
and hence many doctors will be involved. the initial diagnostic net must be cast wide before
Patients with abdominal sepsis will present with drawing it in rapidly with the assistance of selec-
some degree of instability and CCrISP advocates tive investigations. Reaching a provisional diagnosis
rapid immediate management following ABC and management plan rapidly is important as out-
principles of assessment with simultaneous correc- come worsens with delay and deterioration.
tion of life-threatening conditions and initiation of Patients should improve after clinical interven-
high-flow oxygen therapy, fluid resuscitation and tions. Failure to progress, or signs of deteriora-
tion, suggest a new problem or an unresolved one.
The same systematic CCrISP approach forms the
Immediate management basis of ongoing assessment of the critically ill or
ABCDE at-risk patient on the critical care unit or ward. As
repeated complications and setbacks are likely in
complex cases, the surgeon must be prepared for
a long campaign as compared to a single battle,
Full patient assessment and be prepared to take a leading role in ongoing
Chart review management.
History and systematic examination
Available results
Box 18.3  • General manifestations of abdominal sepsis
in the ward or HDU patient
Decide and plan Pyrexia or hypothermia
Stable patient Unstable/unsure
Daily management plan Diagnosis required Oedema
Specific investigation Metabolic acidosis
Definitive care
Medical Poor peripheral perfusion
Surgical Hypotension
Radiological Hypoxia
Figure 18.1  •  The CCrISP system of assessment. Lethargy
Reproduced from Anderson ID. Assessing the critically ill Oliguria
surgical patient. In: Anderson ID (ed.) Care of the critically Raised lactate
ill surgical patient. London: Arnold, 1999; pp. 7–15. © Hyponatraemia
Hodder Arnold. Reproduced by permission of Hodder Leucocytosis or neutropenia

331 66485457-66963820
Chapter 18
Box 18.4  • Some possible differential diagnoses in
When severe sepsis is identified, blood
patients presenting with abdominal sepsis
cultures should be taken, and broad-spectrum
on the ward (this depends on presenting
antibiotics administered within 1 hour. As part of a
management strategy in severe sepsis and septic
Sepsis of other origin (urine, line, chest, etc.) shock, this has been shown to reduce mortality.17
Cardiac (ischaemia, infarction, dysrhythmias, failure)
Cerebral (toxic confusion, ischaemia) Combination antibiotic therapy should be
Pulmonary (atelectasis, collapse, infection, pulmonary used in preference to monotherapy in severe
embolism) sepsis and septic shock, as it is associated with a
Fluid imbalance reduction in mortality.21
Other non-septic abdominal complications (e.g. ileus,
Imaging in abdominal sepsis
Various imaging techniques may be employed to
localise an infective focus (see also Chapter 5).
Antimicrobial therapy in Computed tomography (CT), usually with gas-
abdominal sepsis trointestinal and/or intravenous contrast en-
hancement, can provide excellent information in
Definitive management of sepsis requires eradica- thoracic, abdominal and pelvic sepsis. Most surgi-
tion of the source of infection. However, the role cal patients can be stabilised sufficiently for safe
of antimicrobial therapy is also vital.19 When sepsis scanning to take place and the assistance that CT
is suspected, blood cultures, urine, wound swabs gives in terms of accurate diagnosis and selective
and sputum should be submitted for urgent Gram therapeutic intervention should not be underesti-
staining and culture, with all sources of sepsis con- mated. CT is excellent at primary diagnosis and
sidered. Cultures from the main source of sepsis at least as useful in the complex or postoperative
are several times more likely to be positive (75% patient where clinical examination is more diffi-
vs. 18%)20 than blood cultures, but both are im- cult.22 Contrast can be usefully inserted up drains
portant in the critically ill patient. Once cultures or down stomas when needed. Comparison with
are taken, best-guess antibiotic therapy should be- previous scans is important and the input of a se-
gin immediately as delay may influence outcome.17 nior, specialist radiologist will increase the accu-
The role of cultures is to enable the antibiotics to be racy of the report. In emergency cases, the surgeon
changed successfully if the patient fails to respond. should ideally be present at the scan so that deci-
The choice of antibiotic will be influenced by the sions about any interventional radiological proce-
clinical circumstances to cover the expected range dure can be made jointly.
of infecting organisms. Early combination antibi- It should not be considered that CT or any other
otic therapy yields significantly improved survival diagnostic test is perfect. Interference from infu-
compared with single-agent use in septic shock.21 sions, drains and metallic prostheses may reduce
The route of administration must ensure adequate image quality. Intravenous contrast use is often
plasma levels and the drugs should penetrate ad- contraindicated in acute renal failure, although gas-
equately into the tissues. Intravenous infusion is trointestinal contrast can still be used to advantage.
usually necessary. Whenever there is doubt concern- Even in expert hands, there is a small but significant
ing the optimal choice of antibiotics, the advice of rate of missed diagnoses. When emergency scans are
a medical microbiologist should be urgently sought. interpreted by trainees, the rate is probably higher.
For most abdominal sepsis, coverage of Gram- The chest radiograph remains an integral part of
negative and anaerobic bacteria will be necessary. patient assessment and ultrasound has the advan-
With biliary sepsis, approximately 15% of cases tages of being portable, harmless and repeatable.
will involve streptococci species that are resistant to The greatest utility of ultrasound probably lies with
cephalosporins, so the addition of a modern peni- the assessment of biliary and renal pathology and
cillin is a common approach. With postoperative the monitoring of identified collections. However,
hospital acquired infection, cover against a broader it is limited by operator dependency, and a nega-
and more resistant spectrum of organisms will be tive scan will offer little reassurance when the clini-
needed.19 Fungal infection (usually Candida species) cal picture is concerning. When a focus of subacute
is not uncommon in complex abdominal sepsis re- sepsis cannot be identified radiologically, isotopic
quiring ICU care and often antifungal therapy will methods such as labelled white cell scanning using
be required. indium-111 may help.

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Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

Early source control in definitively with the underlying disease process or

abdominal sepsis cause. In all patients, pus must be drained and dead
tissue removed with specimens submitted for urgent
Source control describes the physical measures microbiology. While localised collections can be
taken to control an infective focus. This includes drained percutaneously, generalised peritonitis re-
the drainage of collections, debridement of necrotic mains an indication for laparotomy. Exceptions to
tissue and definitive surgical procedures to correct this rule include primary spontaneous bacterial peri-
the anatomical abnormality. Whilst it is intuitive tonitis and acute pancreatitis. There is an increasing
that early source control will improve outcomes in use of laparoscopy in the management of specific
abdominal sepsis, there is a relative paucity of data surgical conditions causing abdominal sepsis (dis-
to support this, and obvious ethical considerations cussed further in Chapters 6, 8, 9 and 10). However,
in performing prospective randomised trials. Delay it must be remembered that a laparoscopic approach
to source control significantly increases mortality in may not allow sufficient access to adequately de-
septic shock,23 and there are clear advantages of ex- bride and drain the septic focus, and that the physi-
pedient source control before progression to septic ological sequelae of a pneumoperitoneum may be
shock occurs.17,24 poorly tolerated in those with septic shock.
In a complex system such as a hospital, it is all too Whether treatment is radiological or surgi-
easy for multiple small delays to add up. Managing the cal, adequate preparation is essential (see also
multidisciplinary team to achieve prompt and timely Chapter 16). Coagulopathy must be excluded or
intervention is a considerable skill, which requires corrected ­ beforehand and blood for transfusion
active and continued leadership from the surgeon. should be available. Although drainage may be an
The Royal College of Surgeons of England and the essential prerequisite to resolution of sepsis, it is
Department of Health have issued timelines regard- not infrequent for bacteraemia, as a consequence
ing the urgency of source control in sepsis (Box 18.5), of the intervention, to cause a temporary deteriora-
which are advocated as a standard of care. tion in the patient's condition. Indeed, a bacterae-
mia may represent the ‘second hit’ that precipitates
MODS. Such circumstances should be anticipated
Expedient control of the septic focus is of
and an appropriate level of post-procedure care ar-
utmost importance in the management of severe
sepsis. Neither overly prolonged resuscitation nor
ranged beforehand.
observation should delay this.14 With more complex cases and with older and
sicker patients, treatment may need to be tem-
pered in order to be survivable. However, there is
a balance to be struck as inadequate treatment will
Aims of treatment in condemn the patient to recurrent sepsis and likely
abdominal sepsis death. The opinion of senior colleagues and special-
ist centres can be invaluable.
The management of abdominal sepsis in the emer- Image-guided percutanous drainage of both sponta-
gency surgical admission is that of the underlying neous and postoperative intra-abdominal collections
disease, as covered elsewhere in this book. The aim has reported success rates of 70–90%.25,26 The im-
is to deal not only with the sepsis, but also to deal portance of adequate systemic support for the patient
having imaging or image-guided intervention should
nowadays be self-evident. Surgeons have a role to play
in this, which may involve the assistance of anaesthe-
Box 18.5  •  Timelines for source control in sepsis14
tists. Percutaneous procedures may be less invasive
than open surgery but will only be effective if good
Patients with sepsis require immediate broad-spectrum drainage is achieved. Many percutaneous drains are
antibiotics with fluid resuscitation and source control. narrow and inadequate when infected fluid is viscous
Septic shock or contains necrotic tissue. Larger or multiple drains
Control of the source of sepsis by surgery or other means may be more effective and daily flushing can help.
should be immediate and under way within 3 hours When radiological drains are placed for abdominal
Severe sepsis sepsis, the responsibility lies with the surgical team
Control of the source of sepsis should be performed within to ensure that the patient's condition improves as ex-
6 hours of the onset of deterioration pected. Failure to respond to radiological intervention
Sepsis is another indication for laparotomy.
Control of the source of sepsis should be performed within When open surgery is performed for sepsis, the
18 hours procedure will vary according to the underlying
pathology. Nonetheless, general principles apply

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Chapter 18
in that the most straightforward adequate proce-
dure is often preferable to a complex and time-
Abdominal sepsis on the ICU
consuming operation. The aim is to improve the Not infrequently, the surgeon is also involved with
patient's condition sufficiently without risking the assessment and management of patients already
further complication. There is a current trend to- on the ICU who develop recurrent abdominal sep-
wards primary bowel resection and anastomosis sis. The outcome of patients with abdominal sepsis
in the acute setting, but this should be avoided who require ICU treatment depends on age, co-
in unstable patients, the presence of significant morbidities, source of sepsis and organ dysfunc-
comorbidity, or heavy contamination. Generous tion. Control of the source of sepsis is essential for
saline lavage is recommended on completion of survival among patients with MOF. When sepsis is
the procedure but there is nothing to be gained eradicated successfully from these patients by sur-
either by removing fibrinous debris piecemeal or gery over 60% survive, whereas survival is close to
by postoperative lavage.19 Delayed skin wound zero if significant abdominal sepsis continues.28
closure may be preferable to primary suture, or The principal causes of recurrent abdominal sepsis
wounds may be left to close by secondary inten- in the ICU are shown in Box 18.7. The reader is
tion if sepsis is substantial. referred to Chapters 6, 8, 9 and 10 for the manage-
Obtaining informed consent for treatment will ment of each organ-specific condition. Leaking anas-
involve both patient and relatives. The potential tomosis remains the commonest single cause and
severity of the situation should not be underesti- should be actively suspected in all ‘at-risk patients’
mated and the possibility of death, stoma creation, who are critically ill or deteriorating. Enterotomy
the need for intensive care treatment and further during difficult surgery is not uncommon, occurring
surgery will usually need to be discussed explic- in up to 20% of patients,29 and these can also leak
itly. The average mortality for an emergency lap- in the postoperative period. Gastrostomy or other
arotomy is around 15%, and increases with age tubes inserted into the gut occasionally leak as well
and physiological disturbance.14 Complementing and this is more likely when tissue healing is poor.
clinical assessment with an objective determinant Postoperative small-bowel ileus usually resolves
of risk from a scoring system (such as P-Possum) within days, regardless of the extent of bowel han-
is valuable to help focus efforts.14,27 See also dling.30 Drugs, especially opiates, or electrolyte
Chapter 15. abnormalities (hypokalaemia, uraemia) may delay
Often the early phase of postoperative care will resolution, but failure to progress may also indicate
be delivered on the surgical high-dependency unit ongoing retroperitoneal or abdominal pathology.
(HDU) or ICU. Although we, as surgeons, may Ileus may be difficult to distinguish from adhesive
sometimes feel uncomfortable on ICU, there is a obstruction, and contrast studies may clarify the
range of skills that we are usually best placed to situation (see also Chapter 5). Adhesive obstruction
deliver, and close cooperation between surgeon and frequently resolves but refractory cases occasionally
intensivist is essential (Box 18.6). require laparotomy. However, in a hostile abdo-
men, such as found in abdominal sepsis, consider-
Intraperitoneal abscesses with safe access able caution should be exercised in subjecting the
routes should be drained percutaneously. patient to further surgery.31 Whereas a 5- to 7-day
This intervention carries high success and low period of non-operative treatment might be accept-
recurrence rates.26 able in the presence of straightforward adhesion

Box 18.7  • The principal causes of recurrent abdominal

Box 18.6  •  Surgeon's role on the ICU
sepsis in the ICU
Daily surgical input to:
Leaked anastomosis or enterotomy
• Wound and stoma care
Leaking gastrostomies and other tubes
• Tubes and drains
Abscesses or collections
• Nutrition Dead or ischaemic gut
• Ongoing management of sepsis Acalculous cholecystitis
• Further operations Clostridium difficile-associated pseudomembranous colitis
• Compartment syndrome Acute massive gastric dilatation
• Postoperative bleeding Neutropenic enterocolits
• Preparation for HDU/ward Continuing sepsis from ‘common’ peritonitis (perforation of
• Treatment/advice regarding the underlying surgical disease peptic stress ulcer or diverticulum)

334 66485457-66963820
Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

­ bstruction (and on occasions perhaps even longer

o of ­abdominal pathology also remain a significant
if nutrition is supported), one should be prepared group in whom laparotomy may be necessary. In
to wait for considerably longer when faced with a some patients it will be clear that there is no realistic
hostile abdomen, provided specific indications for prospect of survival, either of the required opera-
surgery are not present. These indications include a tion or, more commonly, of the inevitably prolonged
known point of unrelieved complete obstruction or ICU course thereafter. It is important that both in-
where there is a known septic focus. tensivist and surgeon counsel the family if care is to
be limited.
Assessment on the ICU
Assessing patients on the ICU is difficult for several Re-operating in abdominal
reasons. Firstly, the patients are often complex yet sepsis
unfamiliar, perhaps having been treated previously
by other surgeons. Secondly, sedated, postoperative Re-operating in abdominal sepsis is always difficult:
patients in organ failure show their abdominal sep- the timing of the most recent operation will influ-
sis in different ways to a new emergency admission ence the degree of difficulty and hence the risk of
with peritonitis. Abdominal signs are unlikely to future complications. Beyond 72 hours adhesions
be evident unless gross (e.g. flank cellulitis, bowel will make surgery increasingly difficult and the risk
contents in a drain, necrotic stoma), and the diag- of bowel damage increases: often the adhesions are
nosis of recurrent abdominal sepsis is often made stronger than the bowel. Entry to the abdomen can
from deterioration in vital organ function (see be difficult and an extension of the previous mid-
Chapter 16) and suspicion based on previous treat- line incision may help. Adhesions are generally most
ment and imaging. Again, contrast-enhanced CT is dense around any site of inflammation, as well as a
the gold-standard investigation and of great value, recent incision. Here, having a preoperative CT scan
but occasionally patients will be too unwell to travel comes into its own, guiding the surgeon as to the rel-
to the scanner. For them, exploratory laparotomy ative necessity to dissect in any difficult area. While
may still occasionally be necessary. Interpreting a full laparotomy is ideal, prolonged dissection of
CT images in the recently operated abdomen is not adhesions in an area not thought from CT to contain
easy. With expert help, the CT will not only con- inflammation or a collection may not be merited.
firm the diagnosis but can also potentially identify The surgeon must deal with the sepsis as thor-
areas where there is no evidence of inflammation. oughly as possible but also simply and quickly.
In a difficult re-operative procedure with adhesions, Prolonged and complex procedures will likely lead
that knowledge can save time and reduce the risk to a systemic deterioration in the patient and the
of surgical damage to other organs. Percutaneous prospect of bowel anastomoses healing under these
drainage has a similar role here as in primary in- adverse circumstances is not as high as one would
flammation and the same caveats apply. like. The ability of the patient to withstand fur-
The importance of surgeons making their own ther surgery for further complications is very much
thorough assessment cannot be overestimated as lower next time around,28 and the surgeon should
the stakes are high. The surgeon should be satisfied see the present operation as the best opportunity for
that the diagnosis is secure and that surgery is the salvaging the patient. Intestinal reconstruction can
best course of action. Part of that process will be be attempted when the patient is well and recov-
engaging in detailed discussion with the intensivist ered, some months later.
to weigh up alternative diagnoses and sources of sep- Hence, in general terms the simplest and safest
sis, and the risks and benefits of intervention at this procedure will be best. This holds true especially in
point in time. Often this is not clear-cut as patients the patient who already has incipient or established
may have multiple potential sources (e.g. simultane- organ failure: drain sepsis, debride any necrotic tis-
ous pneumonia and abdominal sepsis) or other com- sue and exteriorise any leaking bowel or anasto-
plicating factors, usually revolving around comorbid moses as stomas. Most controversy relates to the
diseases or other ICU treatments. That said, any sig- management of enteric and colorectal anastomotic
nificant abdominal sepsis will require treatment. leaks. While in a well patient, with a small leak and
Whilst the risks of surgery in the ICU population minimal contamination, preservation of a repaired
are often self-evident, these patients can sometimes anastomosis with proximal defunctioning and local
be described as being ‘too sick not to have an op- drainage may be appropriate, it is all too often fool-
eration’. Clear indications for life-saving surgery hardy in the critically ill. Preserving the anastomosis
include generalised peritonitis, multiple collec- might work but there is a significant risk of further
tions and presence of dead tissue. Patients with peritonitis and likely death as further acute surgery
­deteriorating organ function and a strong suspicion will seldom be successful. A first salvage operation

335 66485457-66963820
Chapter 18
in an ICU patient will successfully eradicate sepsis intestinal function returns, provided there is no per-
over 40% of the time but a second operation carries sisting distal bowel leak. These laparotomies are
a success rate of only 25% and a third operation often oozy and contaminated, and many surgeons
only 7%.28 This is reflected in the rate of survival. would leave large drains (24Ch tube or sump) in
In difficult cases, the surgeon must be ready to the subphrenic spaces and pelvis at the end of the
employ alternative strategies, although it remains procedure. This is particularly so for certain deep
essential to drain significant collections of pus or cavities (e.g. psoas abscess) or when further leak-
enteric content and to debride any necrotic tissue. age is likely or inevitable. Large Foley catheters can
In the multiply operated septic abdomen, it may not be used to intubate inaccessible bowel to create a
be possible to take down and exteriorise the prime controlled fistula (typically the duodenum) and it
source of sepsis because of dense adhesions or the is often advisable to place an additional large drain
anatomical location (oesophagus, duodenum). For just outside the bowel. There is a particular role for
inaccessible pelvic sepsis arising from distal small local lavage in pancreatic necrosis (see Chapter 8)
bowel or colon, it may be possible to identify and but, otherwise, continuing lavage down abdominal
exteriorise a proximal loop of jejunum without en- drains in the postoperative period is of no proven
tering and damaging the matted pelvic loops other benefit.
than to achieve necessary drainage. This will usually Outcome from surgery for abdominal sepsis in
relieve the sepsis but at the price of a high-output the ICU patient depends on many factors. Age
stoma and prolonged intravenous feeding. For oe- and eradication of sepsis have been discussed but
sophagogastric or duodenal sepsis, all that may numbers of failed organs, comorbid conditions and
be possible is to drain collections and leave large the underlying surgical disease are also important.
tube or sump drains beside the leaking anasto- Overall, 30–40% will survive,28 but a further factor
mosis or other septic focus. Placing a second tube that is associated with survival is the early response
in the hole to create a controlled fistula is also of to the first operation in the ICU. If the patient has
merit. Proximal intestinal contents or secretions can improved clinically within 48 hours then survival
sometimes be diverted away by tube gastrostomy is much better (80%) than if the patient does not
or other techniques, although each has its compli- improve in this time frame (10%). Given the cost
cations. A further option in difficult situations or of intensive care, attempts have been made using
resistant cases is to gain entry to locules of pus or a variety of scoring systems to define numerically
enteric content, then to leave the abdomen open as a those patients with negligible chance of survival (see
laparostomy (Fig. 18.2). Further pus or enteric con- Chapter 15). However, due to the heterogeneity of
tent will usually find its way to the surface, assisted the patient group and the nature of scoring systems
by subsequent manual lavage on the ICU or in the- in general, it is not possible to use them for decision-
atre as necessary. making in individual patients. Clinical judgment is
In addition to their role in draining proximal gut most important and the scoring systems remain pri-
secretions, gastrostomy and enterostomy tubes marily tools for audit and research.
can be usefully placed to facilitate future, and of-
ten prolonged, enteral feeding. The same tube can
serve both roles: drainage initially, then feeding as
Damage control laparotomy
Damage control laparotomy (DCL) is a concept
that has expanded from its initial role in trauma
surgery (see also Chapter 13). Trauma patients be-
come hypothermic, acidotic and coagulopathic, and
surgery becomes unsurvivable. Rapid, immediately
life-saving surgery (‘staple, pack and go’) is carried
out and the patient returned to ICU for warming
and resuscitation, with more definitive surgery de-
ferred for 24–48 hours once coagulopathy has been
corrected and homeostasis returned towards nor-
mal. In abdominal sepsis it holds true that the first
laparotomy carries the best chance for salvage.28
However, in severely unstable patients it can be
better to make an active decision to quickly drain
pus, remove dead tissue, stop bleeding by packing
Figure 18.2  •  Laparostomy with polyglactin mesh, and close overtly leaking bowel with staples (with-
gastrostomy, jejunostomy, cholecystostomy and drains. out resection) before terminating the operation.

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Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

Indications for this include haemodynamic instabil- low threshold for early laparotomy on demand
ity, massive haemorrhage, coagulopathy, abdomi- when indicated, as delaying necessary surgery
nal compartment syndrome and acute mesenteric worsens outcome.28
­ischaemia.32 Packs should generally be removed as
early as possible once clotting is restored and usu-
ally the next day. The small bowel becomes adher- Leaving the abdomen open
ent remarkably quickly and can be damaged as
packs are removed. Packs should be removed cau-
tiously under direct vision with saline irrigation and In adverse circumstances, the abdomen is occa-
gentle finger separation. sionally left open as a last resort in allowing pus
and enteric contents to drain. More often it is left
open in preference to closing it with undue tension.
Second-look or planned Abdominal compartment syndrome (see below) may
re-laparotomy also lead to an open abdomen. Leaving the abdo-
men open in appropriate circumstances can avoid or
This term refers to the planned re-exploration of reduce septic, enteric and wound complications. It
the abdomen, planned at the previous procedure in also allows improved systemic function, faster wean-
order to re-operate before any clinical deterioration ing from the ventilator and can facilitate early en-
occurs. The term distinguishes it from ‘laparotomy teral nutrition. However, it is deforming, increases
on demand’, which is now the more common ap- evaporative losses, and exposes the bowel to risk of
proach and where the abdomen is only explored damage and fistulation. The open abdomen is partic-
when a new problem is diagnosed. After DCL, a ularly challenging to nurse, and comfortable, secure,
second look is obviously required to complete the wound care may be difficult to achieve.34 Prolonged
necessary definitive procedures, but the term is more healing is usually required with a risk of late hernia-
commonly applied to ‘looking again’ after laparot- tion. These deleterious effects are significant enough
omy for intestinal ischaemia. The extent of intesti- to make one caution against unnecessary use of lapa-
nal ischaemia may not be fully evident at the first rostomy.19 It is undoubtedly a valuable and life-sav-
operation and, particularly if the bowel has been ing technique when needed but it is also a significant
re-anastomosed, looking again at 48–72 hours, de- future burden to the patient in its own right.
pending on progress, can identify further ischaemia In closing the abdomen during laparotomy for ab-
before the patient deteriorates. In some cases of in- dominal sepsis, the surgeon should close the fascia
testinal ischaemia where there may be doubt as to conventionally but avoid tension. Tension sutures
the extent, it may be preferable to resect and staple have little to recommend them and their continued
off the bowel ends, forcing the surgeon to re-explore use is not supported. If bowel distension, oedema,
48 hours or so later, rather than gamble on anasto- haemorrhage (or packing) combine to make closure
mosing bowel that might be subclinically ischaemic impossible, then there are several options open to
and subsequently break down at a later date. the surgeon, depending on a number of factors, in-
Repeated planned re-laparotomies have been cluding the likely time course of recovery. In gen-
used aggressively for abdominal sepsis with MOF eral, each end of the wound is closed conventionally
in both Europe and North America for some years. to the point of reasonable tension and the central
In this method of treatment, the abdomen is typi- defect left open. For short-lived oedema (e.g. after
cally re-operated upon every 24–48 hours for sev- aortic aneurysm repair or traumatic haemorrhage)
eral days to wash out the peritoneal cavity and the defect can be covered with abdominal packing,
remove any ongoing sepsis. However, a recent ran- which is changed daily until such time as the de-
domised trial has shown that this approach is as- fect can be closed or a longer-term solution imple-
sociated with significantly more laparotomies and mented (see below). Early dressing changes should
prolonged ICU stay compared to a ‘re-laparotomy be carried out by the surgical team. The small bowel
on demand’ approach.33 Although on occasions will become adherent to any gauze dressings, and
there may be a case for a single planned second- gentle separation will be required to avoid injury.
look laparotomy in patients with severe faecal A double-sandwich dressing of semipermeable ad-
peritonitis, even this is debatable. This should not, hesive dressing with moist gauze between the layers
however, divert the surgeon from maintaining a of dressing protects the bowel with less adhesion
formation than with standard gauze packs. There
are various commercial plastic sheets that can be
In patients undergoing surgery for severe
used. Alternatively, a version of the Bogota bag can
secondary peritonitis, re-laparotomy on demand is
preferable to ‘planned re-laparotomy’.33
be used (Fig. 18.3). In this technique, a sterile 3-litre
intravenous fluid bag is slit open and sutured to the

337 66485457-66963820
Chapter 18
which compared it to polyglactin absorbable mesh.
Whilst not statistically significant, the rate of fis-
tulation in the vacuum-assisted closure arm was
21%.37 Controversy regarding the rate of intestinal
fistulation continues,34,38 while the results of a na-
tional audit coordinated by the National Instititute
of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) are
awaited. Until the intestinal fistulation rate has been
clarified, particular caution is required on the use of
vacuum dressings in the presence of suture or staple
lines, repaired serosal tears or enterotomies.

Abdominal compartment
Figure 18.3  •  Bogota bag.
Normally, intra-abdominal pressure is low
fascia, covering and protecting the bowel and pro- (<10 mmHg), but it is increasingly recognised that
viding it with a clean, moist environment. Again, as it can be raised in abdominal sepsis (and other
the oedema subsides, usually within 72 hours or so, acute abdominal conditions, including trauma and
the Bogota bag or double-sandwich dressing can be pancreatitis) to the significant detriment of the pa-
removed and the abdomen either closed or a longer- tient. The condition is recognised with increasing
term technique instituted. frequency and is probably not as uncommon in
In recurrent sepsis, where recovery is likely to be our practice as previously thought.39 As abdominal
slow, prosthetic mesh can be used to restrain the pressure rises, venous return is impaired and with it
viscera. In abdominal sepsis, absorbable polygla- cardiac output. The tense abdomen can cause pul-
ctin meshes are preferred to non-absorbable poly- monary compromise, oliguria, mesenteric ischaemia
propylene meshes, as there is less likelihood of and even raised intracranial pressure. These features
chronic mesh infection and fistulation to underlying constitute the abdominal compartment syndrome
bowel.35 Caution is also required in the use of bio- (ACS) – similar in some ways to a tension pneumo-
prosthetic collagen meshes on account of complica- thorax, within the abdomen.40
tions and cost.35 ACS is caused by multiple factors that exist after
Whichever technique is employed to close the ab- certain operations, typically those for peritonitis,
domen, the later development of an incisional hernia abdominal aneurysm and abdominal trauma. Tissue
is almost inevitable, but might be less so with the oedema results from the combined effects of tissue
non-absorbable mesh. If the contamination is par- injury, intravenous fluid infusion and leaky capil-
ticularly severe such that a further laparotomy and laries, while bowel distension and haematomas also
lavage is planned in 24–48 hours, then mesh place- contribute. ACS is seen most commonly after fascial
ment can be deferred until then. Likewise if oozing closure but it can also occur in the abdomen that has
requires gauze packing then mesh placement can be been left open and packed, especially if there is on-
effected when the gauze is removed. The mesh and going haemorrhage. Operations likely to cause ACS
bowels must still be kept moist and protected, and include those involving significant haemorrhage,
a double-sandwich dressing achieves this admirably. retroperitoneal or intestinal oedema, bowel disten-
If there is a lot of effluent or tissue fluid, then use of sion, aortic clamping, hypothermia, massive trans-
low-grade suction can help provide control. As the fusion or prolonged surgery. These circumstances
wound shrinks, these bulky dressings can be changed should heighten the surgeon's awareness of ACS as
to a large fistula bag, even if there is no fistula, as a potential complication. ACS is not restricted to
again it provides a non-adherent moist environment. emergency surgery and prolonged elective surgery
Use of commercial vacuum dressings has become with a scarred and rigid abdominal wall may also
widespread as they make wound management con- lead to this condition. The anaesthetist may signal
siderably easier, and provide a ready-made tech- an unacceptable rise in the ventilatory pressure as
nique for the non-expert unit. Early cohort studies the abdomen is closed but more commonly ACS de-
suggested that vacuum-assisted closure was well velops on the critical care unit, some 12–30 hours
tolerated in the open abdomen, with intestinal fistu- after surgery. Oligo/anuria and raised ventilatory
lation rates of 5%.36 However, these findings have pressures are the usual presenting features.
not been borne out by the only randomised trial Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is measured via the
on vacuum-assisted closure in the open ­abdomen, bladder following instillation of 25 mL of normal

338 66485457-66963820
Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

Box 18.8  • Definitions of abdominal compartment An intestinal fistula, from somewhere in the intesti-
syndrome41 nal tract to the laparotomy wound, will occur occa-
sionally in every gastrointestinal surgeon's practice,
Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) arising most commonly as a result of anastomotic
Steady-state pressure in the abdominal cavity leakage or bowel damage. While a few will show
Between 5 and 7 mmHg in critically unwell adults signs of severe sepsis, more often than not there is a
Abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) period of apparent ileus, wound infection and clinical
APP = MAP− IAP stagnation. When the wound ruptures or is opened
Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) to treat the infection, the enteric or faecal nature of
the contents will become apparent. This may not be
Sustained or repeated pathological elevation in
convincing to begin with as the enteric flow is usually
IAP≥ 12 mmHg
preceded by a volume of pus and blood, as with most
Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) postoperative wound infections. Postoperative fis-
Sustained IAP >20 mmHg (with or without an APP <60 mmHg) tulas may also occur through drains or along recent
that is associated with new organ dysfunction or failure drain sites, to the vaginal vault (especially in those
who have undergone previous hysterectomy) and oc-
casionally to the rectum or other parts of the gut.
saline. The IAP is measured through the aspiration However, fistulas are more likely to occur after
port of the catheter tubing using a transducer. The emergency surgery, usually carried out for another
transducer should be zeroed at the level of the mid postoperative complication, commonly sepsis, ob-
axillary line, and IAP measured in the supine po- struction or bleeding. In these operations, the inher-
sition at end expiration.41 Standardised definitions ent difficulty of the procedure, brought about by
for ACS were developed in 2006 by an international adhesions, bowel distension and softened tissues,
consensus group41 (Box 18.8). makes further bowel damage a real possibility. If
In intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and ACS, that damage is not, or cannot, be repaired effec-
a number of medical treatment options are of ben- tively, if there is persisting obstruction of the intes-
efit in reducing IAP.42 Abdominal wall compliance tine postoperatively, a postoperative phlegmon or
can be improved with adequate sedation, analgesia an open abdomen, then the likelihood of fistulation
and neuromuscular blockade. Intraluminal con- escalates considerably. Postoperatively, the combi-
tents should be evacuated with nasogastric and nation of small-bowel obstruction and an undrained
rectal decompression and the use of prokinetic abscess is also likely to result in a fistula as the ob-
agents. Abdominal fluid collections should be structed bowel eventually softens and gives way at,
aspirated. Positive fluid balance can be corrected or into, the collection. Thus it will be evident that
with fluid restriction, diuretics or dialysis/ultra- repairing a leaking anastomosis once the patient is
filtration. However, if pressures above 20 mmHg septic and local tissues oedematous and friable is
persist despite these measures, or organ dysfunc- all too often doomed to failure. Bowel exposed in
tion worsens, then the abdomen will need to be an open abdomen will also invariably be subject to
decompressed and left open using the techniques some degree of trauma unless the dressings or ap-
discussed above. pliances are handled and changed expertly. Again,
if there is distal obstruction, a local and exposed
suture line or local trauma, a fistula will often occur.
Intestinal fistulas Perhaps 10–20% of ‘laparostomies’ will fistulate
and this sometimes happens even with expert care.
Intestinal fistulas pose their own particular prob- A significant number of intestinal fistulas heal
lems and can greatly complicate patient manage- spontaneously, although they will cause misery and
ment. They contribute to sepsis, malnutrition, fluid morbidity while they do so. The factors that contrib-
and electrolyte imbalances, difficulties in wound ute to persistence of a fistula are shown in Box 18.9.
care, as well as posing an enormous psychological The best-known approach to fistula care is that
challenge to the patient. described at the specialist fistula unit in Salford
A fistula is defined as an abnormal communica- (UK), and known by the acronym SNAP (Sepsis,
tion between two epithelial lined surfaces. There are Nutrition, Anatomy, Procedure). The most press-
many types and exhaustive description is beyond ing effects of a fistula relate to intra-abdominal
the remit of this chapter. The great majority of those sepsis. There can also be wound sepsis, usually in
seen within the context of severe abdominal sepsis the form of cellulitis, although occasionally local
follow surgery and result from anastomotic leakage necrosis can occur. Once the necessary resuscitation
or an inadvertent enterotomy, either overlooked or is in hand, an early priority is CT of the abdomen,
unsuccessfully repaired. preferably with both gut and intravenous contrast.

339 66485457-66963820
Chapter 18
Box 18.9  • Factors contributing to the occurrence and Additionally, enteral feeding may also ‘feed’ the
persistence of postoperative fistulas ­abdominal sepsis, if there is complexity to the fis-
Occurrence tula with a further unrecognised proximal hole in
the bowel. There is often partial obstruction asso-
Repaired anastomosis
ciated with the sepsis and with most fistulas it is
Inadvertent enterotomy (repaired or missed) often better and more reliable to resort to parenteral
New anastomosis in unfavourable circumstances nutrition while the patient stabilises and the situa-
Persisting abscess or phlegmon causing obstruction tions with regard to sepsis, wound care and fistula
Fistulating disease anatomy each become clearer. Indeed, it is often
Open abdomen better to see parenteral nutrition as the ongoing
Persistence mainstay of nutritional support in intestinal fistula-
tion with abdominal sepsis. In some circumstances,
Distal obstruction (including constipation)
enteral nutrition can take over some, or even all, of
Open abdomen the role, but this will usually take time and is only
Disconnected bowel ends possible in selected patients.
Local abscess Fistulas can be categorised as high or low output
High output from fistula (high >500 mL per 24 hours). This cut-off represents
Complex fistula a level above which the fistula is likely to have a sig-
Mucocutaneous continuity nificant effect on fluid balance and nutrition. Some
proximal fistulas have outputs of one or more litres
per day and fluid balance will be challenging in its
own right. Senior surgical staff will need to com-
The frequency of intra-abdominal abscess formation mit to adequate supervision of the recording of the
is high, in the region of 66%,43 and often these are various inputs and outputs, particularly in the ini-
not evident clinically. Without diagnosis and control tial unstable and complicated phase of care. Fistula
of the sepsis, the prognosis is bleak. Management output will often reduce with time and, when possi-
strategies follow the principles outlined above. ble, some healing begins to occur. A typical anasto-
An integral part of early management is wound motic wound fistula will be a side hole and if there
care and control of the fistula effluent. When there is is free distal flow, no sepsis, no bowel disease and
a small fistula orifice in a drain site or through part no distal obstruction (or constipation), then heal-
of a wound, the effluent can be controlled with a ing may occur. It is unknown whether restricted oral
stoma bag. At the other extreme, when bowel con- intake helps, but it is intuitive to minimise the flow
tents are leaking into a laparostomy, management through the hole to encourage healing. As healing
may be very difficult. Large fistula bags are avail- occurs, usually after 2–4 weeks, oral intake can be
able; the largest may be needed for a new lapar- increased. If there is no healing by 6 weeks and no
ostomy. The author's unit often uses a sandwich apparently reversible factor (e.g. abscess, constipa-
dressing initially, as described above, with low-grade tion), then many would assume the fistula will not
suction attached to soft rubber catheters placed near heal and allow more liberal oral intake.
the fistula site. The same suction technique can be In the ICU setting, once sepsis is excluded or con-
placed inside a fistula bag when appropriate in order trolled and the open abdomen, if present, is starting
to reduce the frequency of bag leakage. to granulate, oral or enteral feeding can begin cau-
Important ancillary techniques include reducing tiously, maintaining a careful watch for recurrent
fistula output by avoiding enteral feeding and re- sepsis. The nutritional effect of this will depend on
ducing gastric acid output with proton-pump inhib- the length and condition of gut available for absorp-
itors. Codeine and loperamide can subsequently be tion and it will often take time for enteral feeding to
used to contribute to this control of gut secretions. be tolerated. During this phase, combined enteral
Octreotide will also reduce gut secretion in some and parenteral feeding is used.
patients but, in the author's experience, its effect is It will be clear from the above that further surgery
inferior to the steps already described. It is perhaps is usually only advocated to deal with abdominal
most useful in pancreatic fistulas and upper small- sepsis. Further operations at this stage to try and
bowel fistulas. correct the fistula often cause more harm than good
Immediate fluid management will have been con- through loss of bowel (risking short-bowel syn-
sidered as the patient was resuscitated but attention drome) or the creation of yet more fistulas. If sur-
will have to turn rapidly to the optimal means of gery is undertaken then the approach follows that
nutrition. The deleterious effect that enteral nu- described above for abdominal sepsis. Surgery for
trition often has on output and wound care, par- fistulas is best deferred until the patient is well phys-
ticularly in the early stages, has been noted above. ically, nutritionally and emotionally, and only after

340 66485457-66963820
Abdominal sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome

the anatomy has been defined radiologically. This is ­ utrition is often integral to this and, again, the help
often some months later and in complex cases is a of a specialist unit can be invaluable. In these units,
highly specialist undertaking. the support of specialist nursing staff in maintain-
ing sepsis-free nutrition and providing expert fistula
Chronic abdominal sepsis care is fundamental to success. The overall recovery
or otherwise of the patient will be indicated by the
Intestinal fistulas often settle down and can run a clinical and biochemical picture combined. A falling
course of chronic abdominal sepsis where there is white count and C-reactive protein with a steady
low-grade inflammation but no organ failure. This rise in the serum albumin, together with increas-
can be punctuated with further acute episodes and ing general well-being, are all good signs. Further
it may be difficult to be certain if the sepsis comes surgery should probably be deferred for at least
from the feeding line, urinary catheter, chest, 6 months after the last laparotomy in order to allow
wounds or abdomen. Unusual bacteria or fungi can the abdomen to become less hostile, and prolapse
be involved and occasionally less common sites be- of stomas or fistulas is a useful indicator that re-
come infected (e.g. myocardium or heart valves sec- peritonealisation has occurred. Restorative surgery
ondary to feeding lines). During this period there is is still usually prolonged and difficult, and recon-
a continuing requirement for close daily monitoring structing the abdominal wall after laparostomy has
with senior surgical input, often for several months, its own difficulties, which may benefit from help
if the patient is to ­ recover. Ongoing parenteral from a plastic surgeon.

Key points
• Abdominal sepsis is a leading cause of death in acute surgical practice and cases still carry a high
• A systematic approach, based on a sound understanding of pathophysiology, is fundamental to
successful sepsis management. Adequate resuscitation, safe, timely diagnosis, rapid definitive
treatment, and accurate and ongoing reassessment are essential if the progression to organ
dysfunction and failure is to be avoided.
• Identifying and rapidly treating the underlying cause of sepsis (‘the septic focus’) is fundamental to
a successful outcome.
• Radiological intervention for localised sepsis is growing in importance.
• Indications for laparotomy include generalised peritonitis, necrotic tissue, multifocal abscesses and
failure of radiological intervention.
• Re-laparotomy is often difficult and advanced techniques may be required.
• Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome are probably under-
recognised. Medical management has a role, but in refractory cases surgical abdominal
decompression will be required.
• Intestinal fistulas can occur following any abdominal intervention, but are more common after
emergency surgery. Prompt eradication of sepsis and attention to nutrition is key. Definitive surgery
to correct the fistula should be deferred until the patient is well and the anatomy has been clearly
• Abdominal sepsis often runs a prolonged course in which the surgeon will have to play an ongoing role.

what we do and do not know about cytokine regu-

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343 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting
to the general surgeon

Bruce R. Tulloh
Andrew C. de Beaux

Introduction Bariatric surgery is the only method of

producing long-term, reliable and significant weight
Trends in the UK and many other parts of the loss with resolution of the associated morbidities of
­developed world show a steady increase in obe- morbid obesity.2
sity over the last 30 years and there are no signs
that this is decreasing. Obesity places an enor- Although the number of hospitals providing a
mous health burden on our society because of the bariatric service in the UK is undoubtedly growing,
medical comorbidities that are associated with it, many patients still have to travel long distances for
such as type II diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidae- their surgery – some even go overseas. Procedures
mia, steatohepatitis, obstructive sleep apnoea, are generally performed using laparoscopic and/or
arthritis of the weight-bearing joints, gastro- endoscopic techniques and lengths of stay are short.
oesophageal reflux, depression and infertility. In the event of postoperative complications, patients
In general, these medical problems improve or can therefore present back at their local hospital or
even resolve in parallel with weight loss. Surgery clinic, where there may be no specialised knowledge
specifically aimed at weight loss (‘bariatric’ or expertise in the field. The aim of this chapter is
­surgery, from the Greek word baros = weight, to inform general surgeons on the disease process of
iatrikos = medical) has been developing since the obesity and the current bariatric procedures that are
1950s but it is only in the last 20 years, in the commonly performed, to outline the common com-
wake of advances in laparoscopy, that surgery plications that may arise and to provide manage-
has become increasingly popular. ment guidance for those patients that present in an
Over the past decade, following the publication emergency setting. Several articles have been writ-
of several long-term outcome studies that showed ten on the topic recently,4–6 which reflects its current
a significant improvement in cardiovascular risk level of interest.
and mortality after bariatric surgery,1–3 the number
of bariatric procedures being carried out annually
in the UK has grown exponentially. Surgery re- Causes of obesity
mains the only way to produce significant, sustain-
able weight loss and resolution of comorbidities. While obesity is the result of a chronic energy
Nevertheless, relatively few surgeons have devel- imbalance when food (calorie) intake exceeds en-
oped an interest in this field. Most bariatric surgery ergy expenditure, such an explanation on its own
is now performed in centres staffed by surgeons is too simplistic. Obesity should be considered
with a bariatric interest, usually as part of a multi- a multifactorial socio-psycho-endocrine disease
disciplinary team. process.

344 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon

It is now clear that there is a complex physiological ­ ormonal adaptation to starving. Part of the band's
adipostatic system in place that works to maintain a action appears to be through feedback to the adipo-
constant body weight in the face of daily fluctuations stat, possibly via vagal afferents. Similarly, patients
in energy balance.7 The hypothalamus is an important undergoing a so-called malabsorptive operation,
control centre for this process, integrating a variety such as gastric bypass, do not suffer chronic diar-
of both short-term and long-term energy flux signals. rhoea; their weight loss is mediated by a series of
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract produces a number of gut hormonal changes that influence appetite, food
hormones including ghrelin, glucagon-like peptides choices and gut motility, amongst other things.
(GLP)-1 and 2, peptide ­tyrosine, insulin and chole- Even so, iatrogenic manipulations of the adipo-
cystokinin, which not only influence gut motility and stat are not the full story. In order to achieve the
exocrine secretions but also exert positive and nega- best outcomes, patients still need to make a series
tive feedback on the hypothalamus to regulate appe- of healthy dietary and lifestyle changes along the
tite. Ghrelin, the ‘hunger hormone’, is released from lines of eating sensibly and being physically active.
the gastric body and promotes appetite, while leptin, a Authorities agree that postoperative weight main-
hormone that circulates in proportion to the body's fat tenance is improved by the ongoing encourage-
mass, has a negative feedback on the hypothalamus ment, advice and support obtained from long-term
to promote negative energy balance. Neural pathways ­follow-up in a bariatric clinic.9–11
are also involved via vagally innervated stretch recep- While weight control is a complex process, the
tors in the stomach wall, which induce satiety (and mechanisms behind the postoperative resolution of
even nausea) in response to gastric distension. obesity-related comorbidities are also complex and,
There are also social and psychological drivers to even now, not fully understood. Control of type II
eat. Eating is a pleasurable activity and, for many, diabetes mellitus, for example, is known to improve
meals are the hub of family and social events. Eating in parallel with the gradual weight loss that follows
may also provide comfort to address fear, loneliness gastric band surgery.12 However, the gastric bypass
or anxiety. There is now evidence that such nega- and duodenal switch operations can normalise
tive emotions increase food consumption and that glucose tolerance much more quickly, even before
obese people eat in response to emotions more than there has been any appreciable weight loss.13,14 Such
normal-weight people.8 changes are mediated by gut hormones that are
Dieting is known to be difficult and, for many, is not stimulated either by a lack of nutrients in the fore-
successful in the long term. Modern human beings gut or by the rapid post-prandial delivery of food to
have evolved from nomadic hunter-gatherers and our the hindgut, with a resultant improvement in pan-
physiology defaults to energy storing in periods of creatic function and a reduction in peripheral insu-
food shortage. Thus dieting induces a physiological lin resistance. These processes are well explained
adaptation to starvation. This stimulates appetite, elsewhere7,13,15 and will not be expanded upon here.
induces the bowel to absorb a greater proportion of
food eaten, reduces energy loss by a subtle lowering
of body temperature and promotes fat storage.
Bariatric operations
Surgery is the most effective treatment for severe The commonest weight loss procedures performed
and complex obesity because it alters the physiolog- around the world at present are the gastric band,
ical processes at the heart of weight homeostasis. the gastric bypass and the sleeve gastrectomy. In
Different procedures do this in different ways. very obese patients, an alternative operation is the
duodenal switch, while the new ileal transposition
procedure represents one of the few purely meta-
Mechanisms of weight loss bolic operations designed specifically for the treat-
surgery ment of type II diabetes. Older operations such as
vertical banded gastroplasty and jejuno-ileal bypass
Traditionally, weight loss operations have been are now obsolete, although patients who have un-
described as either restrictive or malabsorptive, dergone such procedures in the distant past may still
influencing either the volume of food that can be present to hospital with complications. The main
ingested or the absorption of food at the mucosal endoscopic option at present is insertion of a gastric
level, respectively (or both). However, it is more balloon, with newer procedures like the endoscopic
likely that surgery interacts in a beneficial way with duodenojejunal barrier and gastric plication on
the complex adipostatic system outlined above. the horizon. Implantable neuroregulatory devices
Gastric band patients, for example, who are re- (gastric ‘pacemakers’) represent a new direction for
stricted in their oral intake by the constricting ring ­surgical weight control by harnessing neural feed-
around their upper stomach, do not show the normal back signals to help control eating.

345 66485457-66963820
Chapter 19
The reason that so many options exist is because the linear cutting stapler to separate a small proxi-
no procedure is perfect. Each brings its own benefits mal gastric pouch, again approximately 30 mL in
and risks. There is little evidence to indicate which volume, from the distal stomach, which is left in situ.
operation suits which patient, although most series The small bowel is then divided 50–100 cm beyond
demonstrate greater average weight loss from op- the duodenojejunal (DJ) flexure and the distal side
erations with a malabsorptive component over re- anastomosed to the gastric pouch, in an antecolic
strictive operations alone.11,16 In practice, the final or retrocolic position. The proximal side, repre-
choice of operation emerges from a detailed discus- senting the biliopancreatic limb of the Roux-en-Y
sion between the patient and their surgeon about reconstruction, is anastomosed 100–150 cm distal
the options available and the potential risks and to the gastro-jejunostomy (Fig. 19.2). Any mesen-
benefits of each one. teric defects are closed to prevent subsequent inter-
nal herniation.
Gastric band
Mini-gastric bypass
The gastric band is an inflatable silicone ring fixed
around the proximal stomach to create a zone of A more recent modification of the gastric bypass
constriction with a small proximal gastric pouch is the mini-gastric bypass, so called because it is
of approximately 30 mL. The band sits around the
quicker and easier to perform. The essential differ-
angle of His, runs along the line of the left crus of
ences between this and a conventional bypass are
the diaphragm and typically lies at about 45° to the
that a longer gastric pouch is created and a Polya-
horizontal in the 8-to-2 o'clock direction (Fig. 19.1).
type antecolic loop gastro-jejunostomy, rather than a
Many surgeons secure the band in position with a
Roux-en-Y configuration, is constructed (Fig. 19.3).
number of gastro-gastric sutures from the fundus Early results are satisfactory but long-term outcome
below the band up on to the small gastric pouch. data are lacking. Many authors remain sceptical,
The band connects by tubing to an injection port, believing this operation to be a retrograde progres-
which is then secured subcutaneously on the ante- sion in technique as the Polya reconstruction has
rior abdominal wall. Instillation or aspiration of sa- been largely abandoned in both benign and malig-
line via the subcutaneous injection port adjusts the nant upper gastrointestinal surgery because of the
degree of constriction produced by the band. The problems of bile reflux.
amount of saline required in the band varies from
patient to patient and often a number of fine adjust-
ments are needed to achieve just the right level of Sleeve gastrectomy
restriction so that patients can manage small por-
tions of normal food. This operation was originally developed as the
first stage of a duodenal switch operation but soon
became a stand-alone procedure when its weight
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
This is the most common bariatric operation now
performed worldwide. The first step involves using

Figure 19.1  •  Barium meal showing band sitting at a

normal angle of approx 45°, in the 8-to-2 o'clock direction
(arrow). Figure 19.2  •  Diagram of a gastric bypass.

346 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon

Duodenal switch
The duodenal switch operation can be performed as
a two-stage procedure but is more commonly car-
ried out in one sitting.19 The first stage is a conven-
tional sleeve gastrectomy. The second stage involves
dividing the duodenum just distal to the pylorus and
then dividing the small bowel halfway between the
DJ flexure and the ileocaecal junction. The distal
part of the divided small bowel is then anastomosed
to the proximal end of the divided duodenum just
beyond the gastric outlet (pylorus). Thus the jeju-
num is ‘switched’ for the duodenum. The biliopan-
creatic (Roux) limb of the divided small bowel is
then joined to the ileum 1 metre proximal to the
ileocaecal valve (Fig. 19.5). This creates a longer
bypassed segment and a much shorter common
channel than a standard gastric bypass procedure,
resulting in significantly more malabsorption. An
earlier version of this operation, which involved
a more conventional partial gastrectomy instead
of a pylorus-preserving sleeve resection, is known
Figure 19.3  •  Diagram of a mini-gastric bypass.
as a biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) or Scopinaro
loss outcomes were, at least initially, similar to
what was achievable with a gastric bypass.17,18 It is
also technically easier to perform than any of the Intragastric balloon
Roux-en-Y procedures, particularly in super-obese
patients. The greater curve of the stomach is sepa- This plastic balloon is inserted endoscopically and
rated from the omentum from the angle of His to inflated with saline under vision to between 500
a point 5–6 cm proximal to the pylorus. A bougie, and 700 mL (Fig. 19.6). This induces a feeling of
commonly around 34 French in size, is inserted fullness and thus reduces oral intake. Because the
down to the antrum and manipulated up against the satiety effect wanes after several months and there
lesser curve. Using a linear cutting stapler and with also remains a small risk of leakage/deflation in situ,
the bougie as a guide, the body and fundus of the with the possibility of distal migration of the col-
stomach are excised and removed (Fig. 19.4). lapsed balloon, it is recommended that the balloon
is removed after 6 months. Removal involves an-
other endoscopic procedure in which the balloon is
punctured, aspirated and withdrawn.

There is little evidence to indicate which

operation suits which patient, although most series
demonstrate greater average weight loss from
operations with a malabsorptive component over
80-100 cc Portion of restrictive operations alone.11
residual stomach the stomach
Older, more obsolete operations

Jejuno-ileal bypass (JIB)

It is rare to see patients with an intact jejuno-ileal
bypass today. This operation involved anastomos-
ing the proximal jejunum to the terminal ileum less
than 100 cm from the ileo-caecal valve (Fig. 19.7).
Figure 19.4  •  Diagram of sleeve gastrectomy. The It gained popularity between the 1950s and1970s
omentum (not shown) is preserved on the gastro-epiploic before the emergence of the Roux-en-Y gastric
arcade. bypass operation. The jejuno-ileal bypass resulted

347 66485457-66963820
Chapter 19

a b
Figure 19.5  •  Diagram of bilio-pancreatic diversion (BPD) (a) and duodenal switch (b).The common channel is
approximately 100 cm long.

Figure 19.6  •  Abdominal X-ray of a patient with a gastric

balloon in situ.

in ­significant protein malabsorption and vitamin/

mineral deficiency, the long blind jejunal limb com-
monly led to bacterial overgrowth, and patients
were prone to liver failure as a result of both pro-
tein malnutrition and toxaemia from bacterial over-
growth in the blind loop.9 The majority of patients,
if still alive, have had their operations reversed.

Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG)

This operation gained popularity in the 1980s and Figure 19.7  •  Diagram of a jejuno-ileal bypass (JIB)
early 1990s but its high failure rate, and the advent of procedure. Note the long blind loop of jejunum.

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Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon


Staples Stomach

Pouch Duodenum



Figure 19.8  •  Diagram of the vertical banded

gastroplasty (VBG) procedure. Figure 19.9  •  Diagram of the duodenojejunal scene

better procedures, has resulted in it being abandoned. the mucosa of the first part of the duodenum with
Just above the incisura, a short distance in from the small barbs and then runs distally, effectively lining
lesser curve, the anterior and posterior walls of the the duodenum and upper small bowel, preventing
stomach were stapled together with a circular stapler. ingested food from making contact with the mucosa
Through the resultant hole made by the stapler, a until the proximal jejunum is reached (Fig. 19.9). Its
linear stapler could be applied vertically towards the effect on the gut hormone milieu mimics that of the
angle of His. This staple line fixed the anterior and gastric bypass and early clinical results have shown
posterior gastric walls together but did not divide the a similar improvement in type II diabetes control,
stomach. The outlet of the small gastric pouch thus along with modest weight loss. At present it is sug-
created was then ‘banded’ with a 360° ring of tape gested that such barriers be removed at around
to prevent dilatation (Fig. 19.8). The high failure rate 1 year. As yet, however, no long-term follow-up
resulted from pouch outlet stenosis and/or pouch dil- information is available regarding the extent of
atation (usually caused by overeating), and this was weight regain or the return of glucose intolerance
often followed by disruption of the vertical staple line after the barrier is removed.
with the consequent loss of restriction to eating.
Gastric plication
Reducing the size of the stomach either endoscopi-
Newer procedures cally or laparoscopically has been described where
the greater curve of the stomach at the fundus is
Ileal transposition invaginated to reduce gastric volume.22 Infolding
This operation is still experimental although it may the gastric wall in this way may also provide stimu-
have an emerging role in patients with diabetes who lation of mural stretch receptors to reduce hunger.
have a lower body mass index (BMI) than would tra- Endoscopically this can be performed by firing a se-
ditionally be offered weight loss surgery, or in those ries of staples or clips that ‘gather’ the stomach wall
with no more than truncal obesity (sometimes termed from the inside.23 Outcomes are not yet known, but
‘normal-weight obesity’). In essence, a short segment of the same technology has been described previously
terminal ileum is excised with preservation of its mes- for plicating the gastro-oesophageal junction for
entery, and then re-implanted in an isoperistaltic fash- treating reflux where, despite early successes, long-
ion into the proximal jejunum. This brings endocrine term results have been disappointing.
receptors from the hindgut mucosa into the foregut
environment, with dramatic effects on the insulin/glu- Implantable neuroregulators (gastric
cagon axis, pancreatic function and GI tract motility.21 ‘pacemakers’)
A number of laparoscopically implantable devices
Endoscopic duodenojejunal sleeve are now undergoing trials. They register the pres-
This endoscopically inserted tube of thin, impervi- ence of food in the stomach and are designed to
ous plastic material has its proximal end secured to mediate satiety by vagal feedback. Lack of o
­ utcome

349 66485457-66963820
Chapter 19
data in addition to concerns about battery life and Table 19.1  • General complications following bariatric
cost are currently a block to their more widespread surgery (similar to those that may arise
use. following any GI operation)

Early Medium or late

Complications of bariatric Bleeding: Chest infection

Intraluminal (staple/suture DVT/pulmonary embolism
surgery line) Haematoma or abscess
There are general complications such as might fol- Intraperitoneal (staple/suture Incisional or port-site hernia
low any abdominal operation, and specific compli- line, mesentery, omentum,
cations that relate to the procedure performed. liver/spleen injury)
Subcutaneous (trocar site)
General complications Staple/suture line leak
Inadvertent GI tract
It should be within the capability of any abdomi- perforation
nal surgeon to manage the general complications Port-site haematoma/
of bariatric surgery, which include pulmonary at- infection
electasis/pneumonia, intra-abdominal bleeding, DVT/pulmonary embolism
anastomotic or staple-line leak with or without
Anaesthetic drug reaction,
abscess formation, deep vein thrombosis (DVT)/pul-
monary embolus and superficial wound infections. etc.
Patients may be expected to present with malaise, Chest infection/atelectasis
pallor, features of sepsis or obvious wound prob- Port-site hernia with or
lems. However, clinical features may be difficult to without bowel obstruction
recognise owing to body habitus. Abdominal dis-
tension, tenderness and guarding may be impossible
to determine clinically due to the patient's obesity. develop many years later. Patients at this stage
Pallor is non-specific. Fever and leucocytosis may may be of normal weight, and therefore a link to
be absent. Wound collections may be very deep. their previous bariatric surgery may not be obvious
These complications in a bariatric patient should be (Table 19.2).
actively sought with appropriate investigations. In
particular, it is vital for life-threatening complica-
tions such as bleeding, sepsis and bowel obstruction Clinical presentation
to be recognised promptly and treated appropri-
Once the receiving clinician understands the op-
ately. A persistent tachycardia may be the only sign
eration that has been performed and the specific
heralding significant complications and should al-
complications to look out for, the next step is the
ways be taken seriously.24
interpretation of the presenting clinical features and
It is useful to classify complications as ‘early’, ‘me-
formulation of a management plan.
dium’ and ‘late’ because, from the receiving clini-
cian's point of view, the differential diagnosis will
differ accordingly (Table 19.1). Early complications Gastric band patients
usually arise within the first few days of surgery
but, with ever-advancing laparoscopic surgery and Vomiting and/or dysphagia
shorter lengths of stay, these may still present to the These are very common and not surprising symp-
non-bariatric surgeon after the patient has left the toms, considering that the band works by causing
specialist centre. a constriction ring around the upper stomach. Band
patients are accustomed to a degree of dysphagia
Specific complications and occasional vomiting, so for them to present for
medical attention implies that it is ‘worse than usual’.
These relate to the procedure performed. Again, These symptoms indicate a degree of obstruction at
they may be grouped into ‘early’, ‘medium’ and the level of the band and there are three main causes.
‘late’, although the ‘early’ complications overlap
with the general complications mentioned above. Band too tight
Medium-term complications are likely to arise Has the patient had an adjustment recently?
while the patient is still overweight and thus may Perhaps they have a food bolus obstruction. Once
be difficult to diagnose. Late complications may the patient begins to vomit the gastric wall becomes

350 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon

Table 19.2  •  Specific complications of bariatric surgery: early, medium and late

Procedure Early Medium Late

Band Gastric perforation Slippage (with or without gastric Slippage
Liver/spleen injury with necrosis) Erosion
bleeding Injection-port migration or infection Injection-port problems
Sleeve Reflux oesophagitis Intra-abdominal abscess or Fistula
Staple-line bleed or leak haematoma Stenosis of sleeve
Splenic infarct
Omental necrosis
Bypass/duodenal switch/BPD Anastomosis/staple-line Intra-abdominal abscess or SBO (internal hernia,
bleed or leak haematoma volvulus, adhesions)
Small-bowel enterotomy Roux limb obstruction Anastomotic ulcer
Early small-bowel Biliopancreatic (blind) loop Anastomotic stricture
obstruction obstruction Dumping syndrome
Gastro-gastric fistula
Mini-gastric bypass As above As above As above plus bile reflux
Intragastric balloon Nausea/vomiting Dehydration and electrolyte Bowel obstruction from
Gastric ulceration imbalance deflated balloon
Gastric or oesophageal Reflux oesophagitis
VBG Stomal stenosis Staple-line disruption
JIB Bowel obstruction (internal hernia, Malnutrition
adhesions) Blind loop syndrome
Liver failure
Duodenal barrier Duodenal bleeding Dumping syndrome Unknown
Duodenal perforation Food bolus obstruction
Migration of the device with
mechanical bowel obstruction
Gastric plication Bleeding – –
Splenic or liver injury
Gastric pacing Nausea/vomiting – –
Infection of
subcutaneous implant

­ edematous within the confines of the band and

o used to secure the band in place. The patient usu-
the apparent obstruction becomes worse. The treat- ally presents with vomiting, often in association
ment is urgent band decompression using the subcu- with being able to eat a sizeable meal, as the food
taneous injection port (see Box 19.1 and Fig. 19.10). accumulates in the large gastric pouch above the
Once the patient can drink freely they can be dis- band before eventually being regurgitated. Urgent
charged, with arrangement for follow-up by their decompression often provides relief but if not, then
bariatric specialist team. an urgent contrast swallow should be ordered.
Slippage is often evident on a plain abdominal or
Acute band ‘slippage’ chest radiograph, with the band lying at an unusual
This is the term commonly used to describe what is angle (see Fig. 19.11), although a contrast swallow
really a process of gastric prolapse upwards through provides more conclusive information. The most
the band. It typically occurs months or years after serious complication of band slippage is ischaemic
the original operation and is possibly more com- necrosis of the prolapsed fundus, secondary to dis-
mon when no gastro-gastric tunnelling sutures are tension and/or occlusion of the blood supply to the

351 66485457-66963820
Chapter 19
Box 19.1  •  Urgent percutaneous band decompression proximal stomach as it passes through the band.
Failure of the symptoms to resolve with percutane-
The subcutaneous injection port should be palpable beneath ous band decompression is an indication for urgent
the skin on the abdominal wall, usually close to one of the surgical intervention.
longer laparoscopic scars. Some surgeons place it over the The operation to remove the band is generally
lower sternum. The patient usually knows where it is. Using by laparoscopy. The tight band must be released.
a strict aseptic technique, the port is steadied between the Unclipping it may be difficult, especially laparo-
fingers of one hand while the other holds an empty 10-mL scopically, but if possible – and if the stomach is
syringe with needle attached. Ideally a non-coring ‘Huber’ viable – then it may be left in situ for an experienced
or spinal needle is used so as not to damage the port, but in bariatric surgeon to re-position at a later date. An
an emergency a conventional 23-gauge hypodermic needle alternative to unclipping the band is simply to cut
works well (although it may not be long enough). Entering it in half, after which it should be removed. Once
at right angles to the skin, the rubber diaphragm of the port local adhesions have been divided the band should
is punctured. The needle hits the metal base-plate with a just slide out. If there is gastric necrosis then lapa-
‘clunk’ and aspiration can begin. The reservoir is aspirated rotomy and some form of gastrectomy will be re-
to dryness; it may contain up to 14 mL. The needle is simply quired along with complete removal of the band,
withdrawn when finished and a small dressing applied. tubing and injection port.

Band erosion
This is not usually an acute problem but presenta-
tion may be precipitated by an aggravation of dys-
phagia with or without pain and sepsis. Symptoms
will not improve after percutaneous band decom-
pression. An urgent contrast swallow may also
Rubber Saline demonstrate band erosion with leakage of contrast
diaphragm reservoir around the band (see Fig. 19.12) but the most de-
finitive test for erosion is gastroscopy, where a por-
Skin surface
tion of the white silicone band will be visible from
within the lumen.

Deep fascia Abdominal pain

This is uncommon in band patients (as a result of
the band) and so should alert the clinician to a seri-
ous problem such as visceral distension from acute
Tubing slippage (see above), inflammation related to band
to band erosion (see above), peritonitis from gastric necro-
Figure 19.10  •  Diagram of needle access to the sis with or without perforation or postoperative
subcutaneous injection port. Strict aseptic technique is haematoma. If the symptoms are of recent onset
important and a non-coring Huber needle should be used. (hours) and pain is a prominent feature, necrosis

Figure 19.11  •  Abdominal X-ray of an acute band Figure 19.12  •  Barium swallow demonstrating band
slip. The band lies 90° out of alignment (compare with erosion. Note the barium leaking out around the
Fig. 19.1). band (arrow). Compare with Fig. 19.1.

352 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon

and/or perforation should be suspected and urgent

imaging is required, followed by laparoscopy with
or without laparotomy if necessary. Peritonitis is
an unlikely consequence of band erosion but may
occur with gastric necrosis (acute band slippage)
or perhaps foreign body perforation of the gastric

Chest pain
This is a common reason for anyone to present to
the hospital emergency department and cardiac Figure 19.13  •  Port erosion through the skin.
causes need to be excluded. In patients with a gas-
tric band, the possibility of band slippage, erosion Sleeve gastrectomy patients
and reflux oesophagitis (secondary to a tight band)
needs to be considered. Early postoperative reflux/vomiting and dyspha-
gia are common as the narrow and oedematous
Mega-oesophagus gastric sleeve tends to empty poorly at first. Some
This is the result of long-standing, excessive restric- degree of reflux oesophagitis is common. Patients
tion and usually follows either a period of exces- are usually discharged from hospital on proton-
sive band tightness, or chronic malpositioning due pump inhibitor (PPI) medication with instructions
to band slippage. It is recognised on a contrast to adhere to a fluid diet, gradually thickening their
swallow. It usually improves over a period of sev- intake over several weeks. However, if the prob-
eral weeks following band decompression but may lem is severe or associated with early signs of de-
necessitate band removal to prevent recurrence. hydration, then specific complications should be
Port problems
Migration Staple-line leak or bleed
The subcutaneous injection port may move about Any disruption of the staple line along the narrow
within its subcutaneous pocket, depending on how sleeve of remaining stomach is likely to cause lu-
well it has been fixed in position. This makes it dif- minal compression, either from oedema or direct
ficult to access for percutaneous needle aspiration pressure such as from a collection or haematoma.
and if it has flipped over completely, the band will A contrast swallow or computed tomography (CT)
be impossible to decompress. should demonstrate this, although both imaging
modalities may be falsely negative. Furthermore,
Leakage some obese patients may be too large for the scan-
Repeated attempts to needle the subcutaneous res- ner or X-ray table. If there is reasonable clinical
ervoir should be avoided as damage to the rubber concern of a staple-line leak or bleed, perhaps be-
diaphragm or perforation/rupture of the tubing can cause of grumbling sepsis or worsening anaemia,
produce a slow leak. laparoscopy should be arranged as this is likely to
both confirm the diagnosis and allow repair/con-
Infection trol/drainage as necessary.
The injection port may become infected through
breach of sterile technique; this may present as ab- Splenic infarction
dominal wall cellulitis or an abscess. An infected As the greater omentum is separated from the fun-
port will need to be removed but can be replaced at dus of the stomach it is possible to take one or more
a later date when the sepsis has completely cleared. apical splenic vessels, leading to segmental infarc-
Sometimes an infected subcutaneous port may be the tion. This will present as left upper quadrant pain
first manifestation of band erosion (see above), as the with or without some features of sepsis. A contrast
tubing effectively acts as a conduit to convey infected CT should demonstrate this. Conservative manage-
material from the eroded band to the skin surface. ment is likely to be successful.

Skin erosion Omental necrosis

The port may also erode through the skin surface The blood supply to the omentum may be compro-
(Fig. 19.13). While not an emergency, this situation mised if the gastro-epiploic arcade is damaged as it
may present to the general surgeon. Again, plans is separated from the stomach. Ischaemic necrosis
will need to be made for removal, then later replace- may be the result, presenting with abdominal pain
ment, of the injection port. and features of sepsis. Surgical debridement of the

353 66485457-66963820
Chapter 19
necrotic tissue is likely to be required, either laparo- early return to the operating theatre (see Box 19.3).
scopically or by open surgery. Treatment involves establishing drainage of the col-
lection of the haematoma by gastrotomy and con-
Sleeve stenosis trolling the bleeding point, usually by oversewing
This is usually a late complication of a staple-line the staple line. Placement of a transcutaneous gas-
problem but may be evident within the first week trostomy tube is wise, not only to decompress the
postoperatively if an intense local inflammatory re- stomach but also to use for later nutritional sup-
action is established, usually following an otherwise port if required. Angiographic embolisation of the
undetected leak. After imaging as above, rehydra- bleeding point may be an alternative but the sur-
tion and possibly nutritional support are all that geon must not allow the inherent delays of such
is required initially. At a later date, once any evi- intervention to postpone what might be life-saving
dence of active perforation or leak has settled, en- re-operative surgery.
doscopic dilatation may help, although this brings
its own risk of causing further disruption/perfora- Small-bowel enterotomy
tion. Completion gastrectomy with conversion to a Full-thickness injury to the small bowel can easily
Roux-en-Y bypass may ultimately be required. be incurred as a result of handling with instruments,
and perforations may occur ‘off-camera’, out of the
Gastric bypass/BPD/duodenal laparoscopic field of view. Missed enterotomies may
take several days to become apparent, usually pre-
switch patients senting with increasing abdominal pain, tachycar-
dia and fever. Enteric fluid may leak out from one
Staple-line leak or more of the laparoscopic port sites. CT may dem-
These operations have several staple lines to con- onstrate free intraperitoneal fluid and even intra-
sider: the gastric pouch, the gastro-jejunal anasto- peritoneal gas, but these findings are non-specific.
mosis, the gastric remnant (in a gastric bypass) and Return to theatre for laparoscopy or laparotomy
the more distal jejuno-jejunostomy. Only the first and drainage/repair is required.
two of these can be imaged on a contrast swallow.
CT may show the others but the receiving surgeon Early small-bowel obstruction
should have a low threshold for returning the pa- Early postoperative small-bowel obstruction is un-
tient to theatre for laparoscopy if a leak is suspected. common after laparoscopic surgery and should not
It should be remembered that a tachycardia or ele- immediately be attributed to a paralytic ileus. Port-
vated C-reactive protein (CRP) may be the only evi- site bowel herniation, often of the Richter type, is
dence of such a problem in obese patients. If more always a possibility but after operations involv-
than 48–72 hours have elapsed since the initial op- ing Roux-en-Y reconstruction one should always
eration, then laparoscopic repair is less likely to be consider internal herniation, small-bowel volvulus
feasible and laparotomy may be required. Surgical and iatrogenic jejuno-jejunal anastomotic stricture
treatment should address drainage of sepsis, control or distortion. Vomiting will be absent if the blind
of any ongoing leakage and the provision of nutri- gastroduodenal limb is obstructed and abdominal
tion (Box 19.2). X-rays may be unreliable, especially in a morbidly
obese patient. CT is indicated (Fig. 19.14). The treat-
Staple-line bleed ing surgeon should not delay operating to correct an
Patients may bleed into the GI tract or into the peri- established obstruction.
toneal cavity. A bleed into the ‘blind’ gastric rem-
nant after a bypass will only be evident on CT, or by Late small-bowel obstruction
Small-bowel obstruction arising months or years af-
ter laparoscopic gastric bypass is a well-­recognised
Box 19.2  •  Nutritional support in the bariatric patient problem. The most frequent cause is internal
herniation, occurring in up to 7% of cases if the
It is a mistake to assume that obese patients are well
nourished: although their diets may have been high in
calories, they have often been deficient in protein, vitamins Box 19.3  •  Early recognition of complications is essential
and other micronutrients. As for any patient with an upper
GI anastomotic leak, consideration should be given to Many of the early complications after gastric bypass and
commencing enteral feeding or total parenteral nutrition. duodenal switch are potentially life threatening. Prompt
When re-operating on a bariatric patient for complications, it recognition is important. CT scanning is useful but delay
is sensible to place a feeding gastrostomy or jejunostomy at in the diagnosis will worsen a perilous situation so urgent
the same time. return to theatre is often a better strategy.

354 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon

bowel is carefully ‘walked’ back until the point of

internal herniation is seen and reduced. The defect
is then closed with non-absorbable material to pre-
vent recurrence.

Gastro-gastric fistula
This is a consideration in the medium to long term if
a patient develops weight regain. It may also present
with dysphagia or pain on eating. It is often associ-
ated with stomal ulcers in the gastric pouch, which
prove resistant to acid suppression medication, and
likely arises following a staple-line leak with abscess
formation that discharges into the gastric remnant.
Figure 19.14  •  CT scan showing ‘blind’ gastroduodenal The treatment is surgical to divide the fistula and re-
biliopancreatic limb obstruction. Note the dilated, fluid- sect some of the distal stomach. This may be achiev-
filled stomach and duodenum (large arrows) and the able laparoscopically.
oral contrast in the non-distended alimentary limb (small
arrow). Dumping syndrome
A recognised complication of gastric resectional
surgery, this syndrome comprises post-prandial
cramping abdominal pain, nausea, sweating,
light-headedness and sleepiness. It reflects hyper-
insulinaemic hypoglycaemia, usually precipitated
by a high carbohydrate load in the jejunum from
rapid gastric emptying,27 although it is also de-
scribed after Nissen fundoplication where vagal
injury is the likely cause.28 Mild forms are com-
mon and it is rarely severe enough to present as
a surgical emergency, but surgeons should never-
theless be aware of it as a cause of post-bypass
malaise. Dietary regulation, medication to slow
gut motility and/or somatostatin analogues gener-
ally provide relief.

Mini-gastric bypass patients

A similar spectrum of complications can be ex-
pected as might follow a Roux-en-Y bypass, BPD
or duodenal switch. However, because of the loop
Figure 19.15  •  The three common sites for internal
gastro-­jejunostomy, bile reflux can be a problem –
hernia after Roux-en-Y reconstruction: the mesocolic
especially if the efferent limb takes a long time to
defect (green arrow), Petersen's space (blue arrow) and
function. Prolonged nasogastric drainage and nutri-
the jejunal mesenteric window (red arrow).
tional support may be required, with or without the
addition of somatostatin analogues or other agents
to reduce secretions. If the problem is intractable,
­ esenteric defects are not closed.25,26 Hernias typi-
m conversion to a Roux-en-Y configuration may be
cally develop through the mesocolic defect if the ret- necessary.
rocolic route is used, the jejunal mesenteric defect at
the site of jejuno-jejunostomy, and Petersen's space
between the alimentary limb and the transverse co- Gastric balloon patients
lon (see Fig. 19.15). For many patients the presen-
tation is insidious, with post-prandial pain and/or Nausea and vomiting are almost universal ­symptoms
bloating. Imaging may not reveal significant small after balloon insertion but usually subside by the end
bowel dilatation. Laparoscopy is the investigation of the first week. Patients may need intravenous hy-
and treatment of choice, where chyle within the dration, PPI medication and parenteral ­anti-emetics
­abdominal cavity is a clue to the diagnosis. The ileo- over this time. A small minority of patients cannot
caecal junction is identified first and then the small tolerate oral intake even after several weeks and, in

355 66485457-66963820
Chapter 19
this group, early balloon removal should be offered Gastric plication patients
and will provide instant relief. Although a special
kit is produced for balloon removal, it can easily Whether this is done laparoscopically or endo-
be performed by using a standard endoscopic injec- scopically, the procedure-specific risks include gas-
tion needle (to puncture and empty the balloon) and tric trauma (bleeding or perforation), liver/spleen
some strong grasping forceps, or a snare, to remove trauma incurred by traction, direct pressure or in-
the deflated balloon. jury and perforation of the stomach.18
Abdominal or chest pain is uncommon and
should raise the possibility of reflux oesophagi-
tis, gastric ulceration or even gastric/oesophageal
Patients with older, now obsolete
perforation. If relief is not obtained with hydra- operations
tion, PPI and anti-emetic medication, then gas-
troscopy is warranted – though urgent CT is the As patients will have had their operations many years
preferred investigation if perforation is a serious earlier, only late complications will arise. These in-
consideration. clude exacerbations of long-standing problems such
as blind loop syndrome following a JIB and pouch
Duodenojejunal barrier patients outlet stenosis after a VBG. Nutritional deficiencies,
which may manifest in many ways, are also possible
There is little information about the long-term out- complications (see below).
comes of this new procedure. Epigastric discom-
fort, attributable either to the transmucosal barbs
that fix the collar of the device into the first part of Other postoperative problems
the duodenum, or simply to the foreign body sen-
sation itself, is common and usually settles within Gallstones
a week or two with PPI medication and analgesics.
However, several specific complications have been Dramatic weight loss from any cause promotes gall-
reported. stone formation owing to mobilisation of choles-
terol from peripheral fat stores and changes to the
Migration enterohepatic cycle. Patients may present with bili-
The device may fail to fix adequately in the duode- ary colic, cholecystitis, pancreatitis or obstructive
nal cap and shift out of position. This may cause jaundice and should be managed according to es-
pain, nausea, bleeding or a degree of gastric out- tablished protocols. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
flow obstruction. Abdominal X-ray and/or gastros- is generally no more difficult after a bariatric surgi-
copy should diagnose the problem, and endoscopic cal operation than otherwise, but the management
removal is likely to be required. A special kit is of common bile duct stones can be problematic
needed and so either the original bariatric sur- because endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancrea-
geon, or alternatively the manufacturers, should be tography (ERCP) may be impossible if there has
contacted. been a previous bypass or duodenal switch/BPD.
Intraoperative cholangiography is therefore recom-
Duodenal bleeding mended at the time of cholecystectomy, with con-
This may be minor or catastrophic. Diagnosis and current surgical duct exploration as required.
management would be along the lines of any upper
GI bleed, although removal of the device is likely Nutritional deficiencies
to be required if simple endoscopic means do not
control the bleeding. The common nutritional deficiencies seen in the
bariatric surgery population concern thiamine,
Bowel obstruction iron, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B12. These may
This may occur with a food bolus if the patient does have been present preoperatively, in which case
not eat slowly and chew well, but may also arise ­replenishment can be difficult, especially if a mal-
if the device migrates distally into the small bowel. absorptive-type operation has been done. The
The wire frame of the collar of the device will be clinical features of various deficiency syndromes
visible on abdominal X-ray but, without some are well documented but, like the neurological
knowledge of the endoscopic procedure done, these manifestations of thiamine deficiency presenting as
appearances may be difficult to interpret. Because Wernicke–Korsakoff's syndrome, may not be read-
of the metal barbs, simply waiting for the device to ily recognised by general surgeons. If one deficiency
pass spontaneously is risky and as a result laparot- is diagnosed then others should be sought. These
omy is likely to be required. are of particular importance if re-operative surgery

356 66485457-66963820
Complications of bariatric surgery presenting to the general surgeon

is planned because of the possible detrimental ef- common. This rarely means that the operation has
fects that nutritional deficiencies might have on been done incorrectly or failed in some way, a­ lthough
wound healing. this should be excluded first: bands may become too
loose, gastric pouches may stretch, ­staple lines may
Failure to lose weight disrupt, bypassed bowel may adapt. More usually,
however, weight regain reflects a ­re-emergence of
Even the best operations do not work for everyone. underlying poor eating behaviours – in other words,
While most patients do well in the first few months patients tend to slip back into their old eating hab-
after surgery, and for many the weight loss is main- its.29 Ongoing follow-up with the multidisciplinary
tained indefinitely as they adopt a new and healthy bariatric team is important to both prevent and
lifestyle, some degree of late weight regain is very manage postoperative weight regain.9–11

Key points
• Weight loss operations are becoming more common and complications are increasingly likely to
present to the general surgeon on call.
• Knowledge of the operation performed will help the receiving surgeon anticipate any problems that
might arise.
• It is wise to contact the original bariatric surgical team as they may provide useful advice but, as
for all emergency admissions, the prime clinical responsibility for the patient rests initially with the
receiving surgeon.
• Physical examination may be difficult and X-rays may be hard to interpret. Look carefully for clinical
and biochemical features of dehydration and sepsis.
• Beware the acute band slippage in a gastric band patient. Percutaneous band decompression
may provide short-term relief but definitive operative release/removal/resection may be required.
• Urgent CT to demonstrate a bleed, leak or obstruction in a patient who is unwell following a gastric
bypass or duodenal switch procedure can help to make the diagnosis but immediate return to
theatre may be a better strategy.
• Incessant vomiting after gastric balloon insertion may respond to inpatient gut rest and anti-emetic
medication but instant and permanent relief will be obtained by removal of the balloon.
• Tachycardia should never be disregarded as it may be the only clue to an intra-abdominal
• Because complications may arise some years after bariatric surgery, patients may no longer be
overweight and thus the link to the initial procedure may not be obvious.

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Roux-en-Y gastric bypass without division of small
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26. Bauman RW, Pirrello JR. Internal hernia at
16. Tice JA, Karliner L, Walsh J, et al. Gastric band- Petersen's space after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gas-
ing or bypass?A systematic review comparing the tric bypass: 6.2% incidence without closure – a sin-
two most popular bariatric procedures. Am J Med gle surgeon series of 1047 cases. Surg Obes Relat Dis
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2011;91:1281–93. literature. Int J Eating Disorders 2007;40(3):349–59.

358 66485457-66963820

NB: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, Abdominal sepsis (Continued)

t indicate tables and b indicate boxes. re-operation 335–336, 336f
resuscitation bundle 330
Surviving Sepsis Campaign 330, 330b
A see also Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)
Abdominal trauma 229–267
Abdomen see Acute abdomen assessment, emergency department 230–231
Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) 237–240, diagnostic modalities 231–233, 231t
238t, 241f, 242f, 338–339, 339b computed tomography (CT) 231–232
abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) 240 laparoscopy 232
definitions 238, 339b laparotomy 232–233
IAP measurement 239–240 peritoneal lavage (DPL) 232
pitfalls 239–240 radiography 231
pathophysiology 238 ultrasound 232
raised IAP, management 240, 241f, 242f interventional radiology 249–251
general support 240 management 243–249
reversible factors 240 aorta/inferior vena cava 246
raised IAP, organ function 238–239 colonic injury 246–247, 247b
cardiac function 239 extraperitoneal packing technique 247–248
intracranial contents 239 hepatic injury 243–245, 245f
renal function 238–239 pancreatic injury 245–246, 246b
respiratory function 239 pelvic fracture, complex 247–248, 248b
visceral perfusion 239 selective non-operative (SNOM) 248–249
raised IAP, surgery 240 operative management 233–237
Abdominal hernias 57–80 antibiotic prophylaxis 243, 243b, 244b, 245b
abdominal wall 163, 163f damage control laparotomy 235–237
aetiology 57–58 decision-making 243
antibiotic prophylaxis 76–77 laparotomy 233–235, 233f
emergency surgery 76 patient selection 236
epigastric see Epigastric hernias organ injury scaling systems 240, 254–267
femoral see Femoral hernias penetrating injury 249, 250b
incisional see Incisional hernias regional systems 230
inguinal see Inguinal hernias risk factors 229
mesh repairs 58–60, 59f transport 229–230
infection, management 77–78 Abdominal vascular injury scale 261t
post-site 76 Abdominal wall
prophylactic surgery 77 neonatal defects 223–224
umbilical see Umbilical hernias reconstruction 237
Abdominal pain, gastric band 352–353 Aberdeen Varicose Vein Questionnaire 25
Abdominal perfusion pressure (APP) 240, 339b Abscess
Abdominal sepsis 328–343 appendix 173, 173f
chronic 341 pelvic 175
clinical manifestations 331, 331b perianal see Perianal abscess
diagnosis 331, 332b pilonidal 209, 209t
imaging 332 Academic units 4–5
incidence 328 Acid suppression, peptic ulcers 125
intestinal fistulas 339–341, 340b Acute abdomen
pathophysiology 328–329, 329b associated conditions 84–85, 84b
recognition 329–330 blood tests 86
systematic assessment 330–331, 331f, 335 early assessment 83–86
treatment strategies 330 history/examination 85–86
aims 333–334, 334b radiological investigations 87–95
antibiotics 332 computed tomography (CT) 92–93, 92f,
damage control laparotomy (DCL) 336–337 93f, 94f
early source control 333, 333b contrast radiology 87–91
intensive care unit (ICU) 334–335, 334b laparoscopy 94–95, 94f
laparostomy 337–338, 338f magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 94
management bundle 330 plain radiology 87, 87f, 88f
re-laparotomy 337 ultrasound (US) 91, 91f, 92f

359 66485457-66963820
Acute acalculous cholecystitis (ACC) 139–140 Acute pancreatitis (Continued)
Acute anal fissure 209–210 enteral nutrition 148–150
Acute appendicitis 167–176 ERCP 146
atypical presentation 172–174 probiotic 150
appendix abscess 173, 173f Acute pseudocysts, defined 142b
appendix mass 172–173 Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 324
chronic appendicitis 173–174, 174f ADEPT® (icodextrin) 162
pregnancy 174 Adrenal organ injury scale 262t
clinical features 168–169 Adrenaline 49
complications/outcome 174–176 Adult hernias
hospital stay 174–175 inguinal 66–70
septic 175 umbilical 63
wound infection 175 Advanced Trauma Life Support Programme (ATLS®),
differential diagnosis 169–170 American College of Surgeons 231
investigations 169, 169f Age factors
management 170–172 day surgery 44–45
surgical 170–172 venous thromboembolism (VTE) 271
non-surgical 172 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 14, 14t
pathology 168 Air Medical Taskforce (NAEMSP) 229–230
prognosis 175–176 Albumin 312–313
Acute cholangitis 140–142 Aldosterone 309b
investigations 141 Alfentanil 48
management 141–142 Alvarado Score, appendicitis 225
pathogenesis 140 American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST)
presentation 140–141 240, 249
Acute cholecystitis 132–139 American College of Surgeons 1
acute gallstone disease 139 Advanced Trauma Life Support Programme (ATLS®) 231
clinical presentation 132–133 Committee on Trauma 230
gallbladder torsion 139 National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
gallbladder/bile duct stones 134–135, 134f, 135f, 136f Database 81, 291, 291t
pathogenesis 132 American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 44, 101
radiological imaging 133–134, 133f patient classification 45–46, 45b, 46t, 52, 53, 290, 290b
treatment 136–139, 137f, 138f American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons 210
Acute colonic diverticulitis 91, 191–193 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
investigations 191–192, 191f (ASPEN) 317
management 192–193 Amethocaine (tetracaine) 49, 49t
operative 192–193 Amikacin 147
presentation 191, 191t Amino acids 308, 310, 318
Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO) 185–187, branched-chain 322
185b Amphotericin 147
aetiology 185 Anaerobic threshold (AT) 293–294
investigations 186, 186f Anaesthesia, day case 48–50
management 186–187 general 49–50
presentation 185–186 local/regional 49, 49t
Acute fluid collection, defined 142b premedication 48
Acute gallbladder disease 134–135, 134f, 135f, 136f sedation 48
Acute gallstone disease 139 Anal fissure, acute 209–210
Acute pancreatitis 142–151 Anastomotic dehiscence 195–197
aetiology 142, 143b, 144, 144f causes 195
classification 142b investigations 196
clinical presentation 143, 143f management 196–197
diagnosis 143–144, 143b, 144f presentation 195–196
gallstones 150–151 Angio-embolisation
management 145 blunt splenic injury 250
general guidelines 145 liver injury 249–250
imaging 145 pelvic fracture, complex 250–251
initial resuscitation 145 Angiography 198–199
severity stratification 145 computed tomography pulmonary (CTPA) 277
pathogenesis 142–143 magnetic resonance (MRA) 276
prognosis 150 Anorectal emergencies 204–214
sequelae, management 151 acute anal fissure 209–210
haemorrhage 151 anatomy 204
infected necrosis 151 foreign bodies 211–212
therapies 145–150 haemorrhage 211
antibiotics 146–148 haemorrhoids 210
anticytokine 150 thrombosed 210–211, 211t

360 66485457-66963820

Anorectal emergencies (Continued) Bariatric surgery 344–358

perianal see Perianal abscess complications 350, 354b
pilonidal abscess 209, 209t clinical presentation 350–356, 354b
trauma 211 general 350, 350t
Anorectal malformations 219–220 specific 350, 351t
Anthropometric measures 312 day case 51
Antibiotics 141, 146–148, 192 mechanisms 345
abdominal conditions 76–77, 332 obesity, causes 344–345
abdominal trauma 243, 243b, 244b, 245b postoperative problems 356–357
acute cholecystitis 136–137, 138 procedures 345–350
Anticoagulation ‘Basket’ of procedures, day case surgery 42–43, 43b, 46
duration 280–281 Bassini technique 70
new oral 274 Bedside assessment 314–315
venous thromboembolism (VTE) 278–280 Behavioural Pain Score (BPS) 27
Anticytokine therapy 150 Bell classification, necrotising enterocolitis 221, 223t
Antidiuretic hormone 309b Benzodiazepines 48
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS) 270 ‘Beyond reasonable doubt’, defined 15
Antiplatelet agents 273–274 Bezoars 164
Antiplatelets Trialists’ Collaboration 273 Bias, defined 7
Antithrombin (AT) deficiency 270, 272b Bier’s block 49
Antithrombotic Therapy Consensus Conference 14 Biliary colic 132–139
Aorta injury 246 acute gallstone disease 139
APACHE (Acute Physiological and Chronic Health clinical presentation 132–133
Evaluation) O score 145 gallbladder torsion 139
APACHE (Acute Physiological and Chronic Health gallbladder/bile duct stones 134–135, 134f, 135f, 136f
Evaluation) II score 101, 138, 324 pathogenesis 132
acute pancreatitis 145, 148, 149, 150 radiological imaging 133–134, 133f
Apixaban 274 treatment 135–136
Appendicectomy Biliary tree injury scale, extrahepatic 259t
conventional 170 Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) 347
laparoscopic see Laparoscopic appendicectomy complications 351t, 354–355
Appendicitis Biochemical measures 145, 312–313
acute see Acute appendicitis Bioelectrical impedance 312
children 225–226, 225t, 226f Biological mesh 59–60
chronic 173–174, 174f Biomarkers, surgical risk 294
Appendix Bladder injury scale 263t
abscess 173, 173f Bleeding
mass 172–173 colonic see Colonic bleeding
normal 171–172 duodenal-jejunal 356
l-arginine 322 intra-abdominal 234
Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 25 staple-line 353
Ascorbic acid 311b upper gastrointestinal see Upper gastrointestinal (UGI)
Aspirin 273–274 tract, bleeding
Assessment, patient see Surgical risk see also Haemorrhage
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland Blood/blood products 119
(AAGBI) 44 Body composition 312
Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and assessment 314
Ireland (ACPGBI) Body mass index (BMI), day surgery 45, 45f
Colorectal Cancer (CRC) database 289 Boerhaave’s syndrome 105, 106f, 107
Malignant Bowel Obstruction (MBO) Study Boey score 101
289 Bogota bag technique 237, 337–338, 338f
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland Botox (botulinum toxin) 210
(ASGBI) 81, 82, 82b Bowel damage, colonoscopy 197
Asthma, day surgery 46 Bowel infarction 76b
Asymptomatic inguinal hernias 71 Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) 294
Atlanta consensus conference, acute pancreatitis Branched-chain amino acids 322
142, 142b Breakthrough pain 49–50
Audit 18–19, 18f British Association of Day Surgery (BADS) 42–43, 43b, 44, 46
Audit Commission (UK) 42–43, 43b, 46 British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
(BAPEN) 313–314
British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid
B Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients (GIFTASUP)
Baker’s cyst 275 British Medical Journal (BMJ) Publishing Group 4
Balthazar scoring system 145 BMJ Evidence Centre (internet) 4
Baltimore Cochrane Centre 8 British National Formulary 318

361 66485457-66963820
British Psychological Society 4 Cochrane Library (Continued)
British Society of Gastroenterology 151b Cochrane Reviewers’ Handbook 5, 9
Bupivacaine 49, 49t, 50 Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness
Burns, nutritional support 322 (DARE) 5
Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) 5
NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) 5, 7
C Cochrane systematic reviews 8, 86, 120, 125, 128, 171b,
208, 273b
C-reactive protein (CRP) scoring system 145, 148, Codeine 340
149, 150 Coffee-ground vomiting 118
Caecal volvulus 184–185, 184f, 185f Colistin 147
Canadian Task Force on the Periodic Health Examination 14 Colitis
Candida spp 313, 332 ischaemic see Ischaemic colitis
Carbohydrate metabolism 309 toxic 193–194
Cardiac function Collagen-related disorders 57–58
abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) 239 Colonic bleeding 197–201
disease 46 investigations/diagnosis 198–199
output 300–301 angiography 198–199
response 299 colonoscopy 198
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPEX) 293, 294b radionuclide imaging 198
Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCrISP) system surgical management 199–201
330–331, 331f Colonic emergencies 179–203
Catecholamines 309b bleeding see Colonic bleeding
Catheters disease process 179
care 318 inflammation/infection 191–194
complications 317b ischaemia see Ischaemic colitis
duodenostomy 104, 104f obstruction 181–190
Ceftazidime 147 perforation 165
Cefuroxime 147 preoperative preparation 179
Central venous access 317 Colonic injury
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine 5, 14 management 246–247, 247b
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) 5 scale 261t
Cephalosporins 136–137, 332 Colonic volvulus 181–185
Cervical vascular organ injury scale 255t caecal volvulus 184–185, 184f, 185f
Chance, defined 7 ileosigmoid knotting 183–184, 183f
Charcot’s triad 140–141 sigmoid volvulus 182–183
Charges see Costs/charges/resource use transverse 184
Chest, abdominal injuries, combined head 234 Colonoscopy
Chest pain, gastric band 353 bleeding 198
Chest wall injury scale 255t bowel damage 197
Chest X-ray (CXR) 277 perforation, management 197f
Children Colorectal Cancer (CRC) database (ACPGBI) 289
perianal abscess 208–209 Combined oral contraceptive pill (cOCP) 271–272
surgical emergencies 225–227 Comfort, eating 345
see also Paediatric entries Commercially available nutrients 319
CHOCOLATE trial 139 Commissioning/tariffs 54
Cholangitis see Acute cholangitis Common bile duct (CBD) 134–135, 135f, 136f
Cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 50 laparoscopic exploration 134–135, 136f
Cholecystitis stones 134–135, 135f
acute see Acute cholecystitis Communicating surgical risk 294–296
acute acalculous (ACC) 139–140 Compression stockings, graduated elastic 273, 273b
Cholecystostomy 336f Computed tomography (CT)
Choledocholithiasis 134–135, 134f, 135f, 136f acute abdomen 92–93, 92f, 93f, 94f
Chronic abdominal sepsis 341 angiography 199
Chronic appendicitis 173–174, 174f contrast-enhanced 231–232
Ciprofloxacin 147 deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 276
Clinical guidelines 11–13 pulmonary angiography (CTPA) 277
Clostridium difficile 92–93 Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) 85–86
Clostridium perfringens 136–137 Condition-specific outcome measures 25–26
Coagulation disturbances 329 Confidence interval (CI) 9–10
Cocaine 49, 49t Confounding, defined 7
Cochrane Centres 8, 9 Congenital umbilical hernias 61
Cochrane Collaboration 1, 2, 4–5, 8, 9, 12 Connective tissue disorders 164
Cochrane Library 4, 5 Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials 6, 6t
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 4–5 CONSORT 2010 statement 6, 6t
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 4 Construct validity, defined 24
Cochrane Review Methodology Register 5 Content validity, defined 24

362 66485457-66963820
Continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 275
300–301 clinical features 275
Contrast radiology 87–91 D-dimers 275
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) diagnostic algorithms 275, 275t, 276
231–232 imaging techniques 276
Copper 311b computed tomography (CT) 276
Corrosive perforations 110 impedance plethysmography (IP) 276
Cortisol 309b magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) 276
Costs/charges/resource use 30–32, 30t magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 276
base year costs 31, 31t venography 276
cost analysis 32 venous ultrasound 276
discounting 31–32 see also Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
marginal costing 32 Department of Health (UK) 11, 18, 42–43, 298–299, 333
see also Economic evaluation Diabetes mellitus 46
Couinaud segments 243 type II 345
C-reactive protein (CRP) 294 Diagnostic Assessment Programme (DAP) (NICE) 12
Criteria-based recovery 51 Diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL) 232
Criterion validity, defined 24 Diaphragm injury scale 257t
Critical appraisal 5–8 Diatrizoatemeglumine 101
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) 7 Diets 316, 345
Crohn’s disease 161–162, 165, 321 Dieulafoy’s lesion 121
investigations 165 Diltiazem 209–210
presentation 165 Discounting 31–32
surgery 165 Diverticulitis see Acute colonic diverticulitis
CR-POSSUM (colorectal) 288–289 Double-bubble appearance 216, 216f, 219
Cullen’s sign 143 Double-layer closure technique (Nissen) 104
Curtis–Fitz-Hugh syndrome 85 Drip and suck regimen 160
Cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2)-specific inhibitor 103 Duhamel procedure 219
Cystic fibrosis (CF) 218 Dumping syndrome 355
Cytokines 309b Duodenal perforations 110–112
Duodenal switch 347, 348f
complications 351t, 354–355
D Duodenal ulcers, giant 104, 104f
Dabigatran etexilate 274 Duodenal-jejunal barrier, complications 351t, 356
Damage control laparotomy (DCL) 235–237, bleeding 356
336–337 bowel obstruction 356
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness migration 356
(DARE) 5 Duodenitis 121
Day case surgery 41–56 Duodenojejunostomy 104
development 42–43, 43b Duodenostomy, catheter 104, 104f
future trends 53–54 Duodenum injury scale 260t
good practice 48–53 Dutch Acute Pancreatitis Study Group 146
anaesthesia see Anaesthesia, day case Dysphagia 350–352
attitudes 50
complications 52 E
controversies 50–51
discharge 51–52 Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma 243
procedures, rates 50 Ebb and flow phases, trauma 308–310, 308f
recovery, staged 51, 52f Echocardiography 277
paediatric 52–53, 53b Economic evaluation 32–37, 33t
patient viewpoint 43–48 cost-benefit analysis 35
cycle see Day surgery cycle cost-effectiveness
facilities 43 analysis 33–34
Day surgery: operational guide (DOH) 42–43 incremental, ratios (ICER) 34
Day surgery cycle 44–48, 44f league tables 34–35
admission 47 cost-minimisation analysis 33
discharge 47–48, 48b cost-utility analysis 34
patient selection 44–46 ethical issues 37
age 44–45 method, choice 35, 36t
body mass index (BMI) 45, 45f recent advances 37
medical factors 45–46, 46t sensitivity analysis 36–37
smoking 45 extremes, analysis 36
social factors 44 probabilistic analysis (PSA) 37
preoperative assessment 46–47 simple 36
investigations 47 threshold analysis 36
D-dimers 275 value of information analysis 37
Decompression, sigmoid volvulus 182 willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds 35

363 66485457-66963820
Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) 12–13 EuroQol questionnaire 27
Effectiveness and Efficiency (Cochrane) 1 Evidence-based Medicine (journal) 4
Elastic compression stockings, graduated (GECSs) 273, 273b Evidence-based Mental Health (journal) 4
Elective surgery 82, 83b Evidence-based Nursing (journal) 4
Electrocardiography (ECG) 47 Evidence-based medicine (EBM) 1–22
Electrolyte disturbances 319b audit 18–19, 18f
Elemental diets 316 clinical guidelines 11–13
EMBASE database 4–5 critical appraisal 5–8
Emergency medical services (EMS) 229–230 grading, evidence 13–16, 13b, 13t, 14t
Emergency surgery determining strength, evidence 14–15
abdominal hernias 76 recommendations 15t, 16
anorectal see Anorectal emergencies system 15–16, 15t
colonic see Colonic emergencies implementation 16–17, 17b
day cases 53 integrated care pathways (ICPs) 13
general see Emergency surgery, general meta-analysis 9–11
paediatric see Paediatric surgical emergencies heterogeneity 9–11, 10f, 11f
pancreaticobiliary see Pancreaticobiliary emergencies need for 2–3
Emergency surgery, general process 3
early assessment, acute abdomen 83–86 sources, evidence 3–5
management 81, 82b systematic literature reviews 8–9
services organisation 82–83 discussion 9
elective, separation 82, 83b evaluation studies 9
subspecialisation 83 literature search 8–9
Emphysematous cholecystitis 137, 137f question protocol 8
‘End Result Idea’ 1 results, synthesis 9
Endoscopic duodeno-jejunal sleeve 349, 349f Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) 5
Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) 110 Exercise capacity, measures 293–294
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography External validity 3
(ERCP) 134, 135f Extrahepatic biliary tree injury scale 259t
acute cholangitis 141–142 Extremes, analysis 36
acute pancreatitis 146, 151b
duodenal/jejunal perforations 110–112
ERCP-related complications 151–152, 152f F
Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) 110
Endoscopic treatment, peptic ulcers 122–125 Factor V Leiden 270
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) 134b, 151b Fallopian tube injury scale 265t
Endoscopy 120–121 Family history 271
Endotherapy, mucosal/submucosal tumours 110 ‘Fast track’ surgery 44, 53
Energy Fat 318–319
assessment 314 metabolism 310
sources 318–319 Feeding lines 317, 317b
Enhanced recovery 53 Femoral hernias 71–72
Enteral nutritional support 315–316 aetiology 71
access routes 315–316 anatomy 64f, 71
acute pancreatitis 148–150, 321 management 71–72
delivery/complications 316, 317b operative details 71–72
importance 315 high approach (McEvedy) 72
nutrient solutions 316 laparoscopic approach 72
perioperative 321 low approach (Lockwood) 71–72
Enterocutaneous fistulas 322 transinguinal approach (Lothiessen) 72
Enterolith obstruction 163–164 Fennerty algorithm, modified 279–280
Enterostomy tube 336 Fentanyl 48
Epigastric hernias 60–61 Finney pyloroplasty 104
aetiology 60 A First class service (DOH) 2
clinical presentation 60 Fistulas
complications 61 enterocutaneous 322
management 60–61 fistula-in-ano 207–208
operative details 60–61 gastro-gastric 355
EQ-5D questionnaire 27, 29–30 intestinal 339–341, 340b
ERCP see Endoscopic retrograde malignant 208
cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Fixed-effect model (meta-analysis) 9
Escherichia coli 140 Fluid resuscitation 301–302, 302f
Esomeprazole 125 children 226
Essential fatty acids 322 Fondaparinux 274, 279
Ethical issues 37 Foreign bodies, anorectal 211–212
European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) 119
(ESPEN) 317, 321b, 322, 323–324 Functional assessment 287

364 66485457-66963820

Haemorrhoidectomy 210, 211t

G Haemorrhoids 210
thrombosed 210–211, 211t
Gallbladder stones 134–135, 134f, 135f, 136f Hamman’s sign 105–106
Gallbladder torsion 139 Head
Gallstone disease, acute 150–151, 356 chest, abdominal injuries, combined 234
pregnancy 139 and neck procedures 51
Gallstone ileus 164 Health Service Statistics Division (Scotland) 142
Gastric band 346, 346f Health Services Research Unit 5
complications 350–353, 351t Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) 5
erosion 352, 352f Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) code 42–43
patients 345 Health-related quality of life 29–30
slippage 351–352, 352f Healthy years equivalent (HYE) 28
tight 350–351, 352b, 352f Heaney technique 244–245
Gastric bypass, Roux-en-Y 346, 346f Heart injury scale 256t
complications 351t, 354–355 Height 312
Gastric ‘pacemakers’ 345, 349–350, 351t Helicobacter pylori 102, 117, 121, 128
Gastric plication 349 peptic ulcers 102–103, 125, 126
complications 351t, 356 Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS)
Gastric ulcers, perforation 105 229–230
Gastritis 121 Helsinki scoring system 145
Gastro-gastric fistula 355 Hemospray® 124
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract Heparin 274
enteral nutrition 317b -induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) 271
haemorrhage 167, 168f low-molecular weight (LMWH) 271, 274, 278, 279
upper see Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) entries unfractionated (UFH) 271, 274, 278–279
Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) 121 Hepatic injury 243–245, 245f
Gastrostomy tubes 315–316 Hernias
abdominal sepsis 336, 336f small bowel 354–355, 355f
General anaesthesia 49–50 see also Abdominal hernias
General Medical Council (GMC), patient information 294 Heterogeneity 9–11, 10f, 11f
Generalised peritonitis 196 Hinchey grading system 191, 191t
Geneva scoring system 276 Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) 219
Ghrelin (hunger hormone) 345 Homan’s sign 275
Giant duodenal ulcers 104, 104f Hong Kong scoring system 145
GIFTASUP (British Consensus Guidelines on Intravenous Hormone level, changes 309b
Fluid Therapy for Adult Surgical Patients) 301–302 Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 271–272
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 234 Hospitalisation 52–53, 174–175, 271
Glasgow scoring system, acute pancreatitis 145 Hunger hormone (ghrelin) 345
Glucagon 309b Hyperamylasaemia 143, 143b
Glucose 318 Hypercoagulability 270
disturbances 319b Hyperhomocysteinaemia 270
Glutamine supplementation 322 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) 224, 224f
l-glutamine 318, 322
Glycerine trinitrate (GTN) 209–210
Glycopyrrolate 187 I
Goal-directed therapy (GDT) 302, 302b, 330b
Google Scholar 4 Icodextrin (ADEPT®) 162
Graduated elastic compression stockings (GECSs) 273, 273b Ileal perforation, isolated 222–223
Grey Turner’s sign 143, 143f Ileal transposition 349
GriPP (Getting Research into Practice and Purchasing) 17 Ileosigmoid knotting 183–184, 183f
Growth hormone 309b Imipenum 147
Guidelines for day case surgery (Royal College of Immune competence 313
Surgeons of England) 42 Immunological scoring system 145
Immunosuppression 329
H Impedance plethysmography (IP) 276
Implantable neuroregulators 349–350
Haematemesis 118 Imrie score 150
Haemorrhage Incarcerated inguinal hernia 223
acute pancreatitis 151 Incisional hernias 72–76
anorectal 211 aetiology 72–73
control 236 management 73–76, 73f
gastrointestinal (GI) tract 167, 168f laparoscopic repair 75–76
upper (UGI) 119 mesh repair 74–76
intra-abdominal 234 open sublay technique 74–75, 74f, 75f
pelvic 234, 246, 248b Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER) 34, 37
post-pancreatectomy 152–153 Incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT) 293–294, 294b

365 66485457-66963820
Infancy, surgical emergencies 224–225 Intestinal obstruction, postoperative 164
Infantile hernias Intestinal stenosis 219
inguinal 64–65 Intra-abdominal bleeding 234
umbilical 61–62 haemorrhage 234
Infection Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) 339, 339b
colonic 191–194 see also Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)
enteral nutrition 317b Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) 338–339, 339b
mesh repairs 77–78 see also Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)
necrotising 208 Intracranial contents 239
port problems 353 Intragastric balloon 347, 348f
wound 175 complications 355–356
Inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) 179–180 Intraperitoneal abscesses 334b
Inferior vena cava (IVC) Intraperitoneal prosthetic repair 68
filters 280 Intussusception 164
injury 246 infancy 224–225
Inflammation, colonic 191–194 Iron 311b
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 208 Ischaemic colitis 179–181
nutritional support 321–322 aetiology/pathophysiology 180, 180b
Inflammatory conditions, neonatal 221–223 diagnosis 180–181, 181f
assessment 221 treatment 181
specific forms 221–223 ISIS-4 trial 10–11
Information Isolated ileal perforation 222–223
analysis, value of 37
patient see Patient information J
Inguinal hernias 63–71
adult 66–70 Jejunal perforations, ERCP 110–112
aetiology 66 Jejuno-ileal bypass (JIB) 347–348, 348f
complications 69 complications 351t, 356
contralateral repair 70 Jejunostomy 336f
intraperitoneal prosthetic 68 tubes 316
laparoscopic repair 68–69 Journals 4
management 66–69, 66f
suture vs mesh vs laparoscopic repair 69–70
tension-free prosthetic mesh repair 66–68, 66f, 67f K
totally extraperitoneal prosthetic (TEP) repair 68–69
transabdominal pre-peritoneal prosthetic (TAPP) Kidney injury scale 263t
repair 68 Klebsiella spp 140
anatomy 63 Kocher’s manoeuvre 126, 245
asymptomatic 71
definition 63, 64f L
incarcerated neonatal 223
infants/children 64–65 Lactobacillus plantarum 150
clinical presentation 64 Ladd procedure 221
complications 65 Ladd’s bands 220–221, 220f
management 64–65 Laparoscopic appendicectomy 170–171
operative details 64–65 technique 171
recurrent 70–71 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 50
laparoscopic repair 70–71 Laparoscopic Groin and Hernia Trial Group (MRC) 2–3
tension-free prosthetic mesh repair 70 Laparoscopic repair 104, 232
Inherited protein C deficiency 270 acute abdomen 94–95, 94f
Institute for Innovation and Improvement 50 hernias 68–71, 72, 75–76
Insulin 309b small-bowel obstruction 164, 164f
Integrated care pathways (ICPs) 13 Laparotomy 182, 232–233
Intensive care units (ICU) 328, 334–335, 334b abdominal sepsis 336, 336f
see also Perioperative/intensive care management abdominal trauma 232–235, 233f
Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices 273 damage control (DCL) 235–237, 336–337
Internal validity 3 re-laparotomy 337
Internet resources 4 Large-bowel obstruction 90–91, 90f
Interventional Procedures Programme (IPP) (NICE) 5 malignant see Malignant large-bowel obstruction
Interventional radiology, abdominal trauma 249–251 Lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) 210
Intestinal atresia 216f, 219 Leg exercises 273
Intestinal fistulas 339–341, 340b Lichtenstein technique 66–68, 69b, 70
Intestinal malrotations 220–221, 220f Lidocaine 49t
Intestinal obstruction, neonatal 215–221 Limb/abdominal injuries 234
assessment 215–218, 216f, 216t, 217f Lipid disturbances 319b
specific forms 218–221 Liver disturbances 319b

366 66485457-66963820

Liver function tests (LFTs) 86, 133, 134, 140–141, Metronidazole 136–137, 147
150–151 Micronutrients 311–312, 311b
Liver injury metabolism 310
angio-embolisation 249–250 Midazolam 48
scale 258t Mild acute pancreatitis, defined 142b
selective non-operative management (SNOM) Minerals 311–312, 311b
248–249, 249b metabolism 310
Local anaesthesia 49, 49t Mini-gastric bypass 346, 347f
Lockwood approach 71–72 complications 351t, 355
Loperamide 340 Mirizzi syndrome 134, 135f
Lothiessen approach 71, 72 Mobilisation 273
Low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) 271, 274, Modular diets 316
278, 279 Morphine 48
Lung injury scale 256t Mortality rates 24–25, 298–299
Mucosal/submucosal tumours, endotherapy 110
Multi-criteria decision analysis (MDCA) 37
M Multidisciplinary teams 320
Multiple factor scoring systems 145
McEvedy approach 71, 163 Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) 329–330,
femoral hernias 72 333
McGill Pain Questionnaire 25, 26–27 defined 329b
McVay procedure 70 Multiple organ failure (MOF) 328, 334, 337
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) Muscle function 313
134, 134f, 135f, 141, 142
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 94, 276, 277
Malignancy N
fistulas 208
small-bowel obstruction 162–163 Nasoenteric tubes 315
venous thromboembolism (VTE) 271 National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP), Air
Malignant Bowel Obstruction (MBO) Study (ACPGBI) Medical Taskforce 229–230
289 National Association of Health Authorities and Trusts
Malignant large-bowel obstruction 187–190 (NAHAT) (UK) 17
investigations 188, 188f National Association for the Welfare of Children in
management 188–190 Hospital 52–53
presentation 187 National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and
Mallory–Weiss syndrome 121 Death (NCEPOD) 18, 298–299, 301–302
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) Knowing the Risk 298–299
313–314 Report of a confidential enquiry into perioperative
Marginal costing 32 deaths 298
Markov model 103 National Day Surgery Programme 41, 42–43
Mayo (‘vest-over-pants’) procedure 73 National Health Service (NHS) (UK) 5, 12, 26, 42,
Measuring quality: the patient’s view of day surgery 81, 229
(Audit Commission) 42 2001 plan 41
Meckel’s diverticulum 166–167, 167f Central R&D Committee 17, 17b
Meconium ileus 217f, 218–219 Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) 5
Meconium peritonitis 221 Institute for Innovation and Improvement 50
Medical Research Council (MRC) 273 Management Executive’s value-for-money unit 42
Laparoscopic Groin and Hernia Trial Group 2–3 The New NHS (DOH) 2
Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme (MTEP) NHS Evidence (internet) 4
(NICE) 12 Quality Improvement Scotland 12
Medicare risk assessment model 289–290 Research and Development (R&D) Programme 1
MEDLINE database 4–5, 8 National Healthcare system, day surgery 50
Melaena 118 National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence
Mesa-oesophagus, gastric band 353 (NICE) 2, 4, 12, 280, 338
Mesenteric ischaemia 165–166, 166f Clinical Guideline 92 - venous thromboembolism
Mesh repairs, abdominal hernias 58–60, 59f (VTE) 274b
infection, management 77–78 Diagnostic Assessment Programme (DAP) 12
vs suture/laparoscopic repair 69–70 economic evaluation 33, 35, 37
tension-free prosthetic 66–68, 66f, 67f, 70 inguinal hernia repair 69–71, 69b
Meta-analysis 9–11 Interventional Procedures Programme (IPP) 5
Metabolic equivalent of tasks (METs) 292, 292t Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme (MTEP)
Metabolic issues 12
enteral nutrition 317b Medical Technology Guidance 3 304
parenteral nutrition (PN) 319b surgical procedures 2–3, 286–287, 287t
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) 5
76–77 Health Technology Assessment programme (HTA) 5

367 66485457-66963820
National Library of Medicine (USA) 4 O-POSSUM (oesophagogastric) 289
National Service Frameworks 2 Opportunity cost, concept 32
Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery Opsite® sandwich technique 240
(NOTES) 53 Organ injury scaling systems 240
Neck procedures, head and 51 Outcome, in healthcare delivery 18
Necrosis, pancreatic 151 Outcome measures 23–30
Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) 222–223 condition-specific 25–26
neonatal 221–222, 222f, 223t costs see Costs/charges/resource use
Necrotising infection 208 health-related quality of life 27–28
Neonatal period, surgical emergencies 215–224 mortality 24–25
Neoplastic disease 121 pain 26–27
Neostigmine 187 patient-reported (PROMs) 26
Neutropenic enterocolitis (typhlitis) 193, 193f quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) 28–30
Nifedipine 210 Ovary injury scale 265t
Nissen’s double-layer closure technique 104 Oxygen delivery 300–301
balance 313
disturbances 319b P
sources 318
Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) PACE (Promoting Action on Clinical
300–301 Effectiveness) 17
Non-specific abdominal pain (NSAP) 84–86 Paediatric Appendicitis Score 225, 225t
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) 46, Paediatric day case surgery 52–53, 53b
48, 49–50, 121, 128, 135–136 Paediatric surgical emergencies 215–228
ulcers 102–103, 105 neonatal period 215–224
Norfloxacin 147 inflammatory see Inflammatory conditions,
North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy neonatal
Trial 3 intestinal see Intestinal obstruction, neonatal
Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) 28 prenatal diagnosis 215
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine 2 infancy 224–225
Numerical indication of risk 288 hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) 224, 224f
Nutrients intussusception 224–225
solutions 316, 318–319 children 225–227
supplementation 322–325 appendicitis 225–226, 225t, 226f
combinations 323–325, 323f, 324f fluid resuscitation 226
Nutrition risk index 313 trauma 226–227
see also Surgical nutrition Pain, measurement 26–27
Nutritional deficiencies 356–357 Pancreas injury
management 245–246, 246b
scale 259t
O Pancreatectomy 152–153
Pancreatic abscess, defined 142b
Obesity 271 Pancreatic necrosis, defined 142b
causes 344–345 Pancreaticobiliary emergencies 132–157
Octreotide 120, 340 acute acalculous cholecystitis (ACC) 139–140
Oesophageal atresia 218 iatrogenic 151–153
Oesophageal injury scale 259t ERCP-related complications 151–152, 152f
Oesophageal perforation 105–110 post-pancreatectomy haemorrhage 152–153
classification 105 see also Acute cholangitis; Acute cholecystitis;
diagnosis 105–107, 106f, 107f Acute pancreatitis; Biliary colic
endoscopic stenting 108, 108f Parathyroid surgery 51
management, non-operative 107–108 Para-umbilical hernias 61, 62–63
surgical intervention 108–110 Parenteral nutritional (PN) support 317–319
immediate resection 109–110 access routes 317–318
oesophageal exclusion/diversion 109 complications 319, 319b
primary repair 109, 109f delivery/administration 319
Oesophagitis 121 nutrient solutions 318–319
Ogilvie’s syndrome 185 perioperative 320–321
Omega-3 fatty acids 322 Pathological Society of London 194
Omental necrosis 353–354 Patient assessment see Surgical risk
Omental repair technique 102 Patient Assessment Questionnaires (ePAQ) 26
Omeprazole 120, 125 Patient information 294
‘On the balance of probabilities’, defined 15 leaflets 47
Onlay technique, mesh repair 74 Patient-related risk 287
OPCS (classification of interventions and procedures) Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) 26
code 42–43 Pedicle omentoplexy 102, 102f

368 66485457-66963820

Pelvic abscess 175 PICO (population, intervention, comparison, outcome),

Pelvic fracture, complex 247–248, 248b, 250–251 for questioning 3
Pelvic haemorrhage 234, 246, 248b Piperacillin 141
Penetrating injury 233, 249, 250b Plain radiology 87, 87f, 88f
Penicillin 332 PLIP (Purchaser Led Implementation Projects) 17
Penis injury scale 266t Polymeric diets 316
Peptic ulcer perforation 87–88, 88f, 100–105, 101f Polyribonucleotides 322
cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2)-specific inhibitor 103 Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) mesh 58, 59f
gastric ulcers 105 Port problems 353
giant duodenal ulcers 104, 104f infection 353
Helicobacter pylori 102–103 leakage 353
laparoscopic vs open repair 104 migration 353
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) skin erosion 353, 353f
102–103 Portsmouth predictor equation for mortality
prognosis 100–101 (P-POSSUM) 288–289, 288b, 290b
Peptic Ulcer Perforation (PULP) score 101 POSSUM (Physiological and Operative Severity Score for
Peptic ulcers, bleeding the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity) 288,
endoscopic management 122–125 288b
stigmata 122, 122f, 123f, 123t CR-POSSUM (colorectal) 288–289
endoscopic treatment 122–124 O-POSSUM (oesophagogastric) 289
Hemospray® 124 P-POSSUM (Portsmouth formula) 288–289, 288b, 290b
injection 123 RAAA-POSSUM (ruptured abdominal aortic
limit 124 aneurysms) 289–290
mechanical methods 124 V-POSSUM (vascular) 289–290
second-look 124–125 Postoperative complications
single vs combined methods 124 nausea and vomiting (PONV) 47–48, 49, 52
thermal methods 123 variables 300
pharmacological management 125 Post-site hernias 76
acid suppression 125 P-POSSUM (Portsmouth formula) 288–289, 288b, 290b
recurrent 126–128 Pre-albumin 313
selective mesenteric embolisation 127–128, 127f Pregnancy 139, 174, 272, 277–278
surgical management 125–126 Prenatal diagnosis 215
procedure, choice 125–126, 126f Prilocaine 49, 49t
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) Pringle’s manoeuvre 244
141–142 Probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) 36–37
Perfloxacin 147 Probiotic therapy 150
Perianal abscess 204–209, 205f, 205t Procedural-related risks 286–287
children 208–209 Process, in healthcare delivery 18
clinical features 205 Prolactine 309b
radiological imaging 205–206, 206f PROPATRIA trial 150
secondary sepsis 208 Prostatectomy 51
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 208 Protein 308–309, 310
malignant disease 208 assessment 314
necrotising infection 208 C deficiency, inherited 270
treatment 206–208 metabolism 308–309
fistula-in-ano 207–208 S deficiency 270
technical tips 206–207, 207f Prothrombin gene mutation 270
Perioperative/intensive care management 298–306 Protocol-driven therapy 301, 302, 302b, 302f
cardiac response 299 Proton-pump inhibitors 340
high-risk patients, defined 299, 299b Pseudomonas spp 140
mortality rate 298–299 Puerperium, venous thromboembolism (VTE) 272
outcomes, strategies for improvement 300–302 Pulmonary embolism (PE) 276
cardiac output 300–301 clinical presentation 276
fluid resuscitation 301–302, 302f diagnostic methods 278
oxygen delivery 300–301 investigations 277–278
protocol-driven therapy 301, 302, 302b, 302f chest X-ray (CXR) 277
postoperative complications 300 computed tomography pulmonary angiography
splanchnic circulation 300 (CTPA) 277
Peripheral vascular organ injury scale 267t echocardiography 277
Peripheral venous access 318 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 277
Peritonitis 164–167 pregnancy 277–278
generalised 196 ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scanning 277
Pethidine 48 pretest probability 276, 277t
Phlegmasia caerulea dolens 275 see also Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
Physical fitness classification 45b, 46t Pyloroplasty, Finney 104
Physiological function, assessment 314 PYTHON trial 149–150

369 66485457-66963820

Quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) 28–30 Sandwich technique 237
see also Economic evaluation Scopinaro procedure 347
Question protocol 8 Scoring systems 287–291
Questionnaires, day case surgery 47 SCOTIA study 190
QUORUM statement 7 Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) 12, 274b
Scottish Medicines Consortium 280
Scrotum injury scale 266t
R Sedation 48
Sedo-analgesia 48
RAAA-POSSUM (ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms) Selective mesenteric embolisation 127–128, 127f
289–290 Selective non-operative management (SNOM) 248–249,
Radiation enteritis 162 250b
Radiography, abdominal trauma 231 Selenium 311b, 322
Radiological imaging Self-expandable covered stents (SEMS) 108
acute abdomen 87–95 Sensitivity analysis 36–37
acute pancreatitis 145 Sepsis
biliary colic 133–134, 133f defined 329b
contrast 87–91 metabolic response 310
perianal abscess 205–206, 206f see also Abdominal sepsis
plain 87, 87f, 88f Septic shock, defined 329b
Radionuclide imaging 198 Serum proteins 312–313
Random-effect model (meta-analysis) 9 Severe acute pancreatitis, defined 142b
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) 5–8, 6t Severe sepsis, defined 329b
Ranson scoring system 145 SF-6D questionnaire 27, 29–30
Rating scales vs visual analogue scales (VAS) 29 SF-36 questionnaire 27, 29–30
Recommendations, grading 15t, 16 Short stay cases 53
Rectum injury scale 261t Shouldice technique 69b
Recurrent inguinal hernias 70–71 Sickle cell disease 47
Recurrent peptic ulcer bleeding 126–128 Sigmoid volvulus 182–183, 182f
Re-feeding syndrome 314–315 Skeletal muscle 313
Regional anaesthesia 49, 49t Skin erosion 353, 353f
Regional trauma systems 230 Sleeve gastrectomy 346–347, 347f
Reliability, defined 24 complications 351t, 353–354
Remifentanil 48 Sleeve stenosis 354
Renal function 238–239 Small-bowel enterotomy 354
Renin 309b Small-bowel injury scale 260t
Resources Small-bowel obstruction 88–90, 89f, 158–164
evidence 3–5 causes 159b
internet 4 early 354, 355f
see also Costs/charges/resource use investigations 160, 160f
Respiratory function 239 late 354–355, 355f
Respiratory muscle 313 management
Resting metabolic rate (RMR) 292 initial 159–160
Resuscitation, postoperative 237 non-operative 160–161
Retinol-binding protein 313 mechanism 158–159
Review Body for International Procedures (ReBIP) 5 presentation 159
Reviewers’ Handbook (Cochrane Library) 5, 9 special conditions 162–164
Revised cardiac risk index (RCRI) 291, 292f, 292t abdominal wall hernia 163, 163f
Ribonucleic acid 322 connective tissue disorders 164
Richter hernia 163 enterolith obstruction 163–164
Risk intestinal obstruction , postoperative 164
prediction models 287–291 intussusception 164
scoring systems 287 laparoscopy 164, 164f
see also Surgical risk malignant obstruction 162–163
Rivaroxaban 274, 278, 280 radiation enteritis 162
Rockall score 117–118, 119t surgery 161–162, 161b
Ropivacaine 49t operative principles 161–162
Roux-en-Y 104, 346, 346f Smoking 45
Royal College of Psychiatrists 4 SNAP (Sepsis, Nutrition, Anatomy, Procedure) fistula
Royal College of Surgeons of England 18, 42, 175, 304, 333 care 339–340
emergency/elective care 82, 83b Soave procedure 219
Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms Social factors 44
(RAAAs) 289–290 Somatostatin 120

370 66485457-66963820

Special formulations 316 Surviving Sepsis Campaign 330, 330b

Spinal anaesthesia 49 Swenson procedure 219
Splanchnic circulation 300 Systematic literature reviews 8–9
Spleen injury Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) 328,
blunt 250 329–330
scale 258t defined 328–329, 329b
selective non-operative management (SNOM) 249, 249b
Splenic infarction 353
Standard gamble method 29 T
Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant (MRSA)
Tariffs/commissioning 54
Tazobactam 141
Staple-line bleed 353, 354
Tension-free prosthetic mesh repair, inguinal hernias
Staple-line leak 353, 354, 354b
66–68, 66f, 67f, 70
Stasis 269
Testis injury scale 266t
Stercoral perforation 194–195
Testosterone 309b
diagnostic criteria 195
Tetracaine (amethocaine) 49, 49t
Stomach injury scale 260t
Thermal methods, peptic ulcers 123
Stoppa technique 70
Thiamine 311b
Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) 50
deficiency 315b
STROBE statement (Strengthening the Reporting of
Thoracic vascular injury scale 257t
Observational Studies in Epidemiology) 7
Threshold analysis 36
Structure, in healthcare delivery 18
Thrombocytopenia (HIT), heparin-induced 271
Thrombolysis 280
applicability 15
Thrombophlebitis (STP), superficial 272
robustness of findings 15
Thromboprophylaxis 273–274
type/quality 14
duration 274
Subcutaneous fat thickness 312
methods 273
Subjective global assessment 314–315
mechanical 273
Sublay technique, open 74–75, 74f, 75f
pharmacological 273–274
Submucosal tumours, endotherapy 110
Thrombosed haemorrhoids 210–211, 211t
Subspecialisation, emergency general surgery 83
Thrombus formation 269, 269b
Superficial thrombophlebitis (STP) 272
Thyroid hormones 309b
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) 179–180
Time trade-off method 29
Surgical mortality probability model (SMPM) 291, 291t
Tonsillectomies 51
Surgical nutrition 307–327
Totally extraperitoneal prosthetic (TEP) repair 68–69,
energy requirements 311, 311b
malnutrition 307, 312–315
Toxic colitis 193–194
anthropometric measures 312
Transabdominal pre-peritoneal prosthetic (TAPP) repair
biochemical measures 312–313
68, 70–71
function tests 313
Transarterial angiographic embolisation (TAE) 127, 127f
status assessment 313–315
Transferrin 313
metabolic responses 307–310
Transition zone, Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) 219
minerals/micronutrients 310, 311–312, 311b
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) 51
nutritional support 315–320
Transverse colonic volvulus 184
acute pancreatitis 321
bariatric patients 354b
abdominal see Abdominal trauma
enteral see Enteral nutritional support
anorectal 211
enterocutaneous fistulas 322
children 226–227
inflammatory bowel disease 321–322
metabolic response 308–310, 308f, 309b
key nutrient supplementation 322–325, 323f, 324f
Travel, venous thromboembolism (VTE) 272
major burns 322
‘Trolley’ of procedures, day case surgery 42, 43b, 46
monitoring 320
Tumours, mucosal/submucosal 110
multidisciplinary teams 320
Typhlitis 193, 193f
parenteral see Parenteral nutritional (PN) support
perioperative period 320–321
routes 315 U
proteins/amino acids 308–309, 310
Surgical risk 286–297 Ultrasound (US)
assessment methods 286–287, 287t abdominal trauma 232
biomarkers 294 acute abdomen 91, 91f, 92f
clinical assessment 287 endoscopic (EUS) 134b, 151b
communicating risk 294–296 venous 276
definition, GMC 286b Umbilical hernias 61–63
functional assessment 291–294, 292t infantile 61–62
prediction models/scoring systems 287–291 clinical presentation 61
reasons to assess 286, 286b complications 62

371 66485457-66963820
Umbilical hernias (Continued) Venous thromboembolism (VTE) (Continued)
management 61–62 management 278–281
operative details 62 aims 278
adult 63 anticoagulation 278–281
congenital 61 high-risk PE 278
clinical presentation 61 inferior vena caval (IVC) filters 280
management 61 surgery 272, 272b
para- 61, 62–63 thrombolysis 280
clinical presentation 62 pathophysiology 269–270
complications 63 thrombus formation 269, 269b
management 62–63, 62f Virchow’s triad 269–270
operative details 62–63 prevention 272–274
Uncontrolled systemic cytokine release 329 guidelines 272–273
Unfractionated heparin (UFH) 271, 274, 278–279 thromboprophylaxis 273–274
‘Unproven’, defined 15 risk factors 270–272, 272b
Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) tract, bleeding 117–131 thrombophilias 270
aetiology 117–118 acquired thrombophilias 270–271, 272b
assessment/triage 118–119 inherited thrombophilias 270, 272b
scoring systems 118–119, 119t see also Deep vein thrombosis (DVT); Pulmonary
endoscopy 120–121 embolism (PE)
technique 120–121 Venous ultrasound 276
Helicobacter pylori eradication 128 Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scanning 277
management 119–120, 121 Ventilatory problems 319b
blood/blood products 119 Vertical banded gastroplasty (VBG) 348–349, 349f
massive haemorrhage 119 complications 351t, 356
pharmacological treatment 120 Virchow’s triad 269–270
management algorithm 128f Visceral perfusion 239
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) 128 Visual analogue scales (VAS) 28–29
peptic ulcers see Peptic ulcers, bleeding vs rating scales 29
Upper gastrointestinal (UGI) tract, perforations 100–116 Vitamins 322
corrosive 110 Vitamin A 311b
duodenal/jejunal, ERCP 110–112 Vitamin B12 311b
endotherapy, mucosal/submucosal tumours 110 Vitamin D 311b
oesophageal see Oesophageal perforation Vitamin E 311b
peptic ulcer see Peptic ulcer perforation Vitamin K 311b
Ureter injury scale 263t antagonists 273, 278, 279–280
Urethra injury scale 264t Volvulus see Colonic volvulus
Uterus injury scale Vomiting 350–352
pregnant 264t V-POSSUM (vascular) 289–290
non-pregnant 264t Vulva injury scale 266t
Utilities 29–30

6-minute walk test 294
Vagina injury scale 265t Warfarin 279–280
Validity Weight
construct 24 loss 357
criterion 24 measurement 312
defined 24 see also Bariatric surgery
external 3 Wells score 275, 276
internal 3 Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome 314–315
Value of information analysis 37 Whipple’s procedure 246
Vascular Governance North West (VGNW) model Whirlpool sign 221
289–290 Willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds 35
Vasopressin 120, 309b World Congress on Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Venography 276 (ACS) 238
Venous foot pumps 273
Venous injury 269–270
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) 268–285 Z
diagnosis 274–278
epidemiology 268–269 Zinc 311b

372 66485457-66963820

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