Clear-Hearers by John DeSouza
Clear-Hearers by John DeSouza
Clear-Hearers by John DeSouza
Ghosts and Seers of the Dead
The X-Man
Real Life X-Files
There is a new voice in the Paranormal…now we find its Source.
This work is also a detective story which searches for a culprit, but this
culprit uplifts us, helps us and sometimes saves our lives. We begin to see
how long the Great Voice has been with us. It also becomes clear from a
history of persecution and secrecy—how much energy and effort has been
invested by the controllers of society to keep the truth of the Great Voice
shrouded under the guise of a mental health issue. Once that truth is unfolded,
there will be revealed: a new voice in the paranormal, one that was there all
John DeSouza
Copyright © 2017 by John DeSouza
All rights reserved. Except as permitted by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976,
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without the express written consent of the publisher DESOUZA MEDIA
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- Nikola Tesla
Like the great genius inventor Nikola Tesla, the man who lit the world with
his invention of A/C electricity at the turn of the 20th century. Tesla was
responsible for setting in motion the technological path we find ourselves
living today. Tesla was obsessed with non-physical phenomenon and like
many greats before and after him, Tesla was a “Clear Hearer”.
Tesla did not shy away from these topics nor his experiences. He would
make it known publicly and in his writings that he would often experience
vivid visions. To Tesla, these visions would be so real that he would not be
able to separate the vision from 3D reality. In these visions he would see his
future inventions, he would witness every moving part and how it worked
and fit together. The technologies that would be brought forth from his
visions changed the course of our collective history.
He famously stated. “My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is
a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not
penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
Many great people throughout our history have been guided or influenced
by something that they cannot fully explain. Something outside of them. This
influence comes in many forms but ultimately share the same goals. To bring
forth new information into the world, to change or alter the course of history,
or to help an individual along their path so they can achieve their ultimate
destiny in life.
The manifestations of these non-physical phenomena come in the form of
‘Voices, Dreams & Visions’. Once deemed sacred by our ancestors, these
otherworldly influences are now just written off as a ‘Mental illness’ and
treated with medication. But what if the common view on these subjects are
wrong? What if this phenomena is something of much more importance?
The following work of John DeSouza explores these topics with a
detective’s eye and a lifetime of personal experiences, which lead him on a
Journey to discover the source of these “Voices & Visions.”
* * *
Growing up in the suburbs just north of Toronto, Ontario. I too have had
my fair share of experiences where I would hear a “Voice” or receive a
“Vision”. Now this didn’t happen very often, but when it did, I knew that
whatever I was experiencing was very real. For me, one of these experiences
left me utterly terrified.
Around the age of 15 I had a minor surgery, in which they prescribed the
pain killer ‘Codeine’. The first time I took this pill something very
unexpected happened. As I was dozing off to sleep, my ‘clairaudience’ ability
awakened without any warning. Instantly I started to hear very loud voices all
around me.
It was as if my entire bedroom was filled with 20-30 people all talking to
me at the same time. This felt very real, so real that I could even pinpoint
where in the room each voice was coming from. There was depth of field to
these voices. This was a very frightening experience because I could not
block these voices from entering my head. I tried to even cover my ears and
yell at these ghostly voices to stop talking to me. But there was no use, the
voices did not come through my ears, they were coming directly into my
mind, or from my own mind.
When I would retell this story to my doctor, he simply stated very
nonchalantly that I was just having an ‘Auditory Hallucination’. He made it
seem like this was a very common occurrence with certain types of
medications. A note was then placed in my medical file which stated that I
was to never be prescribed Codeine again because of “Auditory
From that moment on I was very curious about what had really happened.
Was it just my mind playing tricks on me from the medication? Was this
what it felt like to be insane? Or were these voices just a part of an unknown
human experience, yet still unacknowledged?
Hearing Voices was not a new concept to me, I had heard voices here and
there growing up. Most of the time I would just attribute it to the ‘spirits’ that
roamed my house. For example, some nights I would wake up to a voice
calling out my name, “JASON”. I would then wake up to find no one in my
In other instances, I would hear voices that sounded like they were coming
from another room in the house. As if a group of people were having a
conversation just far enough away that it would make it impossible to hear
what was being said. I would try to follow these voices to see where the
source was coming from, but the closer I would get the further away it
seemed to fade in the distance.
It wasn’t until my early 20’s when I heard A GREAT VOICE in my head.
This voice, sounded like my own voice. It said,
I jumped out of bed and reached for my phone to check the time. Right
when I looked at my phone, the alarm started ringing. I realized that I would
have probably slept through this alarm, which would have changed the flow
of the events I had planned for that day.
Was this voice trying to keep me on a set path, so that I would do what I
had to do that day? Could my future have been altered just by the simple fact
of sleeping in? Could this Voice somehow see the future and make
adjustments to keep us on our set path in life?
These questions and more rang through my mind. I thought of times in my
life when I would loose my car keys, or get delayed somewhere. Then, when
I would finally get on the road to my scheduled location, I would see that
there would be a terrible collision up ahead. Was that unexpected delay put in
my path so I would be placed out of danger?
I remembered the story of Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the cartoon
series ‘Family Guy’. Seth was booked to be on the flight that would hit the
south tower on 9/11. But due to an unexpected series of events that unfolded
prior to his departure, he would miss this flight. Was something outside of
him purposely guiding and protecting him on that fateful day? And what
would that mean for the other passengers that did board that plane?
As you will see in the following pages, many of these questions have been
brilliantly explored and answered through the Author’s personal quest in
becoming a Clear-Hearer.
I froze between the cars. I looked around to see who had yelled out. A boy
rushed past me and nearly knocked me over with his heavy backpack. He was
white, very pale as a matter of fact, and had curly brown hair—I’ll never
forget those tight brown curls. I thought maybe he yelled “stop” but it had
been an adult voice. The boy was in a hurry. An old Chevy was rocketing
through the neighborhood. He never saw it. It crunched him.
That should have been me.
The boy sailed twenty feet and his skull cracked open when he landed. I
suspect he was also dead before he landed. Curiously, there was a raw piece
of meat, about six inches long and two inches thick, on the pavement just a
couple of feet ahead of his body. It looked like he had picked up some raw,
pinkish steak from the butchers and some of it dislodged from the packaging
as he was smashed. People gathered around his body and speculated on
where the meat came from.
It was his tongue.
Upon impact, he bit his own tongue out of his mouth and it splatted out
onto the street—there for all the neighbors to see and comment on. This
death, without even a shred of dignity was similar to Dutchy’s death—bloody
limbs tangled with bicycle parts strewn all over the red smeared pavement—
car’s driving slowly around the carcass because, after all, life goes on. I never
learned the dead boy’s name. I only thought of him as Tongue-Less Boy as I
thanked him for saving my life.
I was thanking the wrong person.
Seeing the street battle between the men and the resultant death didn’t
bother me that much but seeing a young boy, close to my own age, die in
front of me was a much more connected experience. Again, death had
reached out for me. The universe was forcing me to confront what death
really was so I dealt with it the only way my father had taught me (by his
example) to deal with the big emotional issues. I pretended it didn’t exist. I
never even prayed for Meaty Guy, Dutchy, or Bitten Tongue Boy at all.
Despite the directive of our religious denomination to pray for the souls of
those who have passed, I didn’t want to think about them especially about
how the ages of the deceased were creeping closer and closer to my own. I
never spoke of it with anyone. I closed it off and shut it down forever and I
prayed that the issue would never come up ever again. That’s what I learned
from my Dad. Ignore the big emotional issues and they will probably go
away and never return—probably.
My father had always been an educated and hardworking man but had
little tolerance for suffering fools and could only work jobs where he had a
high degree of independence and autonomy. He had been a city bus driver
but spent the balance of his life as a prison guard—and his character reflected
his vocations. He was self-educated, highly erudite but utterly lacking in
common sense in two major areas—money and women.
As a younger man, my father had spent years in Ecuador, South America,
as an assistant English teacher at a University. He had his pick of many
beautiful women to marry but finally settled upon a beautiful 18-year-old
girl, ten years younger than he, who had no real affection for him; except for
his ability to get her to America. The young girl, like many before her, just
wanted to make a new life for herself in the country she had always heard
described as “a land of opportunity.” That girl became my mother. She had
dreams of arriving in America and setting up businesses, making big money
and being materially successful.
I tried to ignore the voice. I looked around and up at the other windows
but there was no one. But as I watched my father stomped one helpless
assailant on the ground as the other escaped. The voice rang out again:
Images flashed from my memory of several late nights over the years with
my father returning home with lumps and bruises on his face and whiskey on
his breath—mumbling about fights, confrontations and about “kicking their
asses.” I saw images of my father in alleyways, fighting men, one, two even
three at a time. He was dodging, punching, spinning, stomping their toes and
smashing them down. I saw flashes of my father towering over the squat,
Arab landlord in the story—being cheered by the crowd, speaking to the old
lady, grabbing the bird cages—alone.
There are times when we become aware of new truths but those around us
will permit us to go no further in our quests for truth. I found out at an early
age that there are few things worse for a naturally inquisitive mind than
blockage while trying to get to the truth of a situation, down to the bone.
I questioned my father about Harvey and he refused to give me any
answers about his friend or himself….but one night my father came
stumbling home after a long Friday night “out with Harvey.” In the morning,
when I got up it was the spectacle of major medical ministrations going
forward. My grandmother and my mother were furiously attending to the left
side of my father’s face, which was a red ruin of raw flesh, swollen out to
several times its normal side. He was in danger of losing a portion of his
handsome face. I could tell from the lack of conversation, the oils, elixirs,
herbal pastes and gauze flying every which way; that this was a very serious
situation. My father would never go to an emergency room but trusted
largely in natural remedies that were the specialty of my mother’s family
from Ecuador, South America. Even the fever temperature he had indicated
infection had set in. No one wanted to utter the dreaded phrase “emergency
room” because it would send my father into a rage.
The next couple of days were my personal crusade to get information
about what happened to my Dad. In bits and snatches, I pieced together that
Harvey finally got my father in terrible trouble. They had had a ruckus with a
couple of men behind a bar—laid them out but somehow one of the men
produced a two-by-four wooden plank and popped up on my Dad from
behind with his weapon. His face was horribly smashed. He was left out cold
in the alley for many hours. When he awoke, the left side of his face was red
swollen ruin. That side of his face was swollen to twice its size and lying in
that alley hadn’t helped his condition. It was infected and he was running a
high fever by the time he finally stumbled home. My Dad had other bruises
on his body but it was his precious, handsome face that concerned our family.
At the height of his fever when he would call out to no one in particular, I
would always get more information when he spoke in his sleep than when he
was awake speaking to me.
“Never again Harvey. I’m done with you.”
His fever broke. His face was saved—albeit with a significant blotch-scar
he would carry for the rest of his life. Later, when I asked my mother if my
father was done with Harvey forever, she responded hopefully.
“Yes I hope so. Your father has some demons. He thinks Harvey helps him
to clean the fury out of his system. But it’s an illusion. Harvey pretends to
help but in the long run only makes things much worse. Harvey is what your
father calls himself when he drinks whiskey. He becomes a different person—
a person you never want to meet.”
I never did meet Harvey because my father never again drank whiskey or
any “strong drink.” Harvey was never mentioned again in our household. My
father’s serious “accident” did change him. He spoke to me more openly and
I learned of some of those “demons.” He told me stories about his youth,
growing up as the semi-legitimate son of a horse-farmer in upstate New
York. He began to tell me about his own father. His father had also been a
man with “many weaknesses.” Chief among them was strong drink, gambling
and beating his semi-legitimate son—who would later become my father. My
father told of his adventures when he would defy his father’s rules about
keeping mares and stallions separate unless it was specifically the breeding
season. But as young boys will do, he would wait for his father to be on long
trips and bring the anxious stallions to spend time with the mares, just to see
nature’s result. When his father caught him doing this, it resulted in a terrible
beating with a horsewhip. He carried the marks of that day the rest of his life.
The physical marks were bad but the psychic damage was much worse.
My father grew up around wealthier boys who had all advantages but his
father gave him virtually no deference at all. “He always kept a roof over my
head and food on the table.” My father would say defensively as he realized
the picture he was painting. His childhood was cruel and painful. Despite my
father’s many natural talents, he simply learned that to attempt to expand his
potentialities would always only result in personal pain. My father always
lived closed off to his own emotions and those of others. Like his own father,
he always provided a roof and food on the table but little of the emotional
support and contact that young spirits need to flourish.
From a very young age I knew what I had in my father and that I would
get no more, no matter what I did. My father’s simple refusal to discuss the
Harvey issue was typical in our flow of communications. He would open
communications, stimulate his own story telling but when something was
dangerously close to touching upon his personal pain, he would simply shut
off, like a spigot.
I now know that contending with and discovering the depths of my
father’s personality is what led me to develop my own sense investigative
need—to always get to the truth of any situation. I developed a sense of the
juggernaut when pursuing truth, knowledge or understanding—no matter
what the final result might be.
Despite my father’s personal communication problems, the things he did
teach me were more valuable than gold. My father taught me that prayers and
meditations are not the totality of our mission to know the God of our
universe, but only the beginning of that wondrous journey. He elaborated that
we must try to understand God in a wider context than religious. We must
reach out to Him in understanding as both the creating force and also the life-
source of the universe. I later found out as I departed from organized religion
that this is a “Cosmic Truth” not a religious one. God is the “Creator-Source”
of the universe and that “he” longs for the return of his creations back to
Source. He made all things so that all ensouled beings would return to Him
someday and share their experiences with Him. In this way, Creator-Source
will experience Itself through Its creations. This is why Creator-Source
treasures us. I learned a deep and abiding respect for the Creator-Source’s
design, His love for us and a great reverence for His plans.
If I could go backwards several decades in time, I would not trade my
gruff, unsociable Dad for all the happy well-adjusted Dad’s in the world;
because the superficial contentions I suffered with him were merely
temporary but the gifts of understanding he gave me were eternal.
Separately, my parents were wonderful individuals with many gifts to
share. But together they brewed a terrible alchemy corrosive to any sensitive
human beings in the immediate area. Listening to my parents fighting, even
when I was as young as eleven or twelve—throughout my childhood really—
constantly with a depth of bitter hatred you can only plumb from the depths
of your soul, I wondered how any man could marry a woman that did not feel
any love for him. My father’s character was reflected his vocations.
My mother, a happy free spirit, accused my father of being “the jailer of
her soul.” Years of screaming and backbiting mercifully came to end when I
was thirteen years old. Two souls, who never should even have attempted
meaningful conversation with each other, much less one minute of co-
habitation or marriage, were thankfully…and mercifully divorced.
The late 1970’s had seen a terrible snow blizzard in New York City. After the
divorce, I had stayed with my father, who finally moved us to a better
neighborhood in Queens, New York. The suburbs of Queens, where I lived
with my divorced father and his new younger wife, had suffered the worst
winter in memory. There were snowdrifts in some areas of up to twelve feet.
At the age of 15, I was at odds with his new wife and had told my Dad that I
was leaving soon to live with my mother instead. His answer was a terrible
whipping with his belt for some imagined transgression. That, along with his
new wife’s campaign of steady insults and psychological abuse, had taken its
toll on my teenage psyche.
My Dad also told me I would never be allowed to even visit with my
mother. I felt terribly trapped and descended into a deep depression. I
resolved to leave that house forever no matter what that meant. I left the
house with only jeans and a thin summer jacket. I walked several miles into
the blizzard, even into the unplowed neighborhoods that began to form
mountains of snowdrifts. I plodded along until I ended up in the back lot of a
structure that was either a public school or a prison. It was immense and
snowbound. These powerful snowstorms had splattered everything with
snowy, white coverings. I could only see the lights from residential homes in
the far distance. I could barely feel my frozen legs and at one point stumbled
and fell backwards into a snow bank that swallowed me up.
The rest of my body also began to freeze but instead of pain, I felt a
blissful restfulness as I slipped into a deeply relaxed state. The thought of
death never entered my mind—only the thought of an end to the pain of this
world. As I contemplated from inside the pure, soft snow-bank, I thought:
How beautiful and restful…
As I began to drift into a deep sleep—a strong clear voice shattered my
I started to move but my limbs were stiff. I only turned my head slightly
to see that no one was around. This was no gentle inner voice of intuition. I
saw no footprints or marks in the neck-high snow except the body trail I had
plowed in my wake. I even looked out toward the trees and the homes in the
distance. There was no one and nothing there but an expanse of untouched
snow and ice. I did not know where the voice came from. I thought I had
imagined it. I felt the deep restfulness easing back into my limbs. I reposed
back into the comfortable snow bank. I found out later that freezing to death
is probably one of the most pleasant ways to die because it just feels like your
tired body is slipping into deep restful slumber.
My mind was fully awake and alert and commands were going out to my
body. I twitched the muscles of my legs. Twitching became movement and
movement became painful struggles. It took me hours to crawl and shamble
my way back to my father’s house. It took me weeks to recuperate while I
thought about the voice I’d heard. I didn’t know what to make of it.
I never told my father about the voice. He would not have taken that well.
I did not really question myself very much about it either. My speculation at
that age was: the voice might be something that happens to everyone but that
people just don’t talk about. I soon put it out of my childish mind and forgot
about it. I had more pressing matters to engage my mind, like how to escape
from the deep misery of my Dad’s house. I convinced myself I had imagined
the thunderous voice. I expected never to hear anything like it ever again.
This story and similar ones have long since passed into the lore of my
family but many years later what is most vivid in my memory are the images
shown to me by the intelligence behind the Voice that spoke to me. The
images of the possible future shown to me appeared in my memory to be
more real than the actual events of that night. That meant the voice that spoke
to me that night did have access to my inner processes both mental and
emotional. I resolved that I had to tell someone about the voice but whom
could I tell? My father was out of the question. My relatives were big
believers in evil spirits and they would have attributed the voice to something
evil and would have submitted me for exorcism or worse. My friends at
school would have told their parents, who would have told my parents,
achieving the same result that I had to avoid at all costs—unwanted
communication with my father.
I suppressed the need to speak to someone about the voice, until I later got
a call from my mother who advised me that she had just spoken to her lawyer
and that I was coming to live with her. She was excited. My mother talked to
me as if she was paroling a prisoner—which was pretty close to the truth. She
told me I could live free and become whatever I wanted.
She continued: “Has anyone spoken to you about staying or leaving your
father’s house?“I responded to her with my father declarations and the events
of the night of the big blizzard. Then, I took a breath and I told her about the
“Great Voice” I had heard. There was a very long pause on the other end of
the line. I believed she had hung up or we lost the connection. I resolved to
hang up and call her again. Then, there was movement.
“Was the voice in your ear or did you just feel it?”
Clues Revealed
The Voice has the access and power to show me moving images of
possible future realities.
The Voice has the power to transport me into the scene of a possible
future reality so I could feel the emotions of the people in the future
scene and feel the actual sensations of the scene.
After the incident at the snow bank, my mother, by now divorced, and
building a very comfortable life in a middle class neighborhood in Flushing,
New York, became my refuge from the misery of my father’s house. We had
many long phone conversations. I had related to her how my father had
announced to me that he could never afford to pay for college and therefore I
should plan to take a job upon my graduation from high school or go to a
trade school to learn to become a plumber. My mother was resolute.
“You will come to live with me and we will put you through university.” I
was amazed at her positivity.
“Are you sure you can do that?” She did not hesitate.
“Absolutely…and you will even go to graduate school after that, if you
achieve the grades for it. That part is up to you.”
After that, my mother and I became friends and allies in a way that I had
never been with an adult before or since. I spent long nights on the phone
with her unbeknownst to my father who did what he could to minimize our
contact. I saw my mother once a week in her modest apartment and I would
wonder aloud to her how she could say that she would have the money to
send me to university. She would smile and chop the air with her hand.
“You’ll see that I will always find a way.” Her motto was always “in all
things…relentless positivity.”
A new and better chapter in my life began. During one of my weekly
visits to her apartment in Queens, I recounted the events of the night of “my
march into the blizzard.” I was relieved that she seemed fascinated by the
story even when I got to the part about The Voice. She listened carefully and
her face did not change even once I had told her about how it had saved me.
Once I finished the tale of the voice on that snow bank that night, I paused
and looked at my mother expectantly.
“I don’t know who the Big Voice was if that’s what you’re waiting for. “
I was not giving up.
“Do you think the Big voice was God or His Angels…or maybe Christ?”
My mother looked dumbstruck.
“No, the Big voice can’t be any of those things.”
“Why not?”
“The problem is free will.
The first among this universe’s great absolute truths is that anything that
subverts or acts against human beings’ free will is negative, while anything
that supports free will is positive. People instinctively know/remember this
absolutism but the owners of global mainstream culture spend tremendous
treasure, blood and energy to make humankind forget this most basic self-
evident truth.
Consequently, one of the Creator-Source’s most important laws of the
universe is The Law of Divine Non-Interference: God or Agents of God
can never do anything that defeats people’s ability to choose freely.
My mother continued. “You had chosen to die that night and even as a
child you have the right to decide that. It was no cry for help. You were doing
it for real. God will not change that. But somebody did.” She continued.
“If God changed our decisions, it would destroy all of Creator-Source’s
work in making man so different from the animals that choose based on
instinct or from the angels who choose based upon their goodness or the evil
spirits who choose based on their evil. This is the reason Adam was allowed
to choose sin and disobedience in the Garden of Eden. It’s why Cain was
allowed to choose to kill Abel and it’s why men were allowed to choose to
fight World Wars that killed so many millions of their sisters and brothers.
Like I said, the problem is free will and Creator-Source’s determination to
respect it.”
“Then who can the Big Voice be?” I feared she was going to say the
culprit was my own imagination.
“I don’t know, but I do know the identity of another voice that we all hear
all the time.”
Now I was puzzled.
“What voice are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the still, small voice that is speaking to us all the time.
Some people just call it intuition, others say it’s their guardian angel but
whatever they call it, it is always speaking to us and giving us a sense of what
we should or should not do. This voice is just as much a voice as the other
but it is tiny. That one is from God, our guardian spirit or angels. It’s the
still, small voice inside of our hearts that whispers gently to us, gives us
advise, suggestions, feelings about whether or not something is right. That is
the quiet voice everyone feels all the time and most ignore it or aren’t open to
listening because of material-based emotions like greed, selfishness and petty
If you listen to the small voice all the time, then chances are you might
never need a visit from the big voice.
She studied me to see if I understood and then continued.
Some people listen and others don‘t. God and His agents are constantly
trying to persuade, convince, influence, help and open our understanding
through the small voice but He will not force us or change our decisions for
I thought about the implications of what she had just said insofar as I
could consider such lofty concepts at that age. A thought stuck me so I
blurted it out.
“Did the still, small voice counsel you to not marry my dad?
She looked down.
“Yes. But I was determined to get out of Ecuador and come to the place
I’d always dreamed of. That was my decision and it was part of God’s plan.
God cares more about our eternal destinations than our temporary
I continued over several months to ask my mother questions on this
subject that somehow appeared to be one of her areas of expertise. She told
me stories of others she had known over the years who also had encounters
with the great voice and how it had changed them. She said most people
don’t like to talk about because they believe it’s embarrassing to have things
happen to them that they have no control over or explanation for.
My mother recounted the story of the prison guard she knew whose Great
Voice told him not to respond to a particular call for assistance inside the
prison, which turned out later, to be a trap laid for him by prisoners who had
targeted him for assassination that day. That same prison guard, a short time
later, left his employment and became a full time religious missionary. He
traveled to troubled parts of the world aiding children and families. No one
can measure the impact for good that his later life ultimately had upon the
She later admitted to me that she was paranormally sensitive to things
beyond what we see in this world but that these were abilities she had
suppressed as much as she could. Despite that, she was always eager to
discuss realities beyond what we see with our eyes.
My mother would relate that God wants us to freely choose salvation and
freely decide to have faith without seeing and hearing directly from God. If
God no longer interjects directly into the decisions men make and no longer
sends angels to reach the same result, then He is demonstrating through
action how much He values our freedom to choose our own path. That is why
I now believe the gentle, small voice is from Creator-Source but the big voice
I heard that day is not. On a later occasion, I asked again about the identity of
the Big voice.
“Then that night on the snow bank, who else could the big voice have
been?” She looked right into my eyes.
“I don’t know but I have a very strong feeling that someday you are going
to find out.”
Clues Revealed
The still, small voice that every human has is distinct from and
opposite in nature from the Voice I heard on that snow bank.
The still, small voice is constantly prompting you, exposed and helping
you all the time but the Great Voice remains hidden unless it’s
absolutely needed in order to enforce Creator-Source’s plan for your
The still, small voice which everyone already has, is only persuasive
and has no power to coerce or change your mind. It can only try to
influence your decisions and you can easily ignore it. The Great Voice
is much more difficult to ignore but we can still pretend it doesn’t
The still, small voice has none of the powers exhibited in the Voice
that saved me from freezing to death many years earlier.
The still, small voice does not interfere with our free will but the Great
Voice “apparently” may.
The Law of Election Correction states: everyone has a still small voice
of intuition that always gives them the best advice in their lives but
when the individual elects unwisely and threatens Creator-Source’s
personal plan for that individual, the Great Voice can spring into action
to correct the situation and put the Creator-Source’s plan back on track.
It was like sonic boom but it came from inside my head—not from
outside. Again…
Clues Revealed
The Great Voice has the power to showing moving images of possible
future realities.
Queens, New York, was an area my mother knew intimately. She knew the
different ethnic flavors that existed in each range of streets. She knew what
kind of talk would go over well in the Irish Catholic neighborhoods of
Woodside, Queens, but what phrases would get a person killed in the
Dominican areas of Jackson Heights, New York. My mother could talk tough
to people who lived on the edge of the law and union workers who used the
law but her specialty was making blue collar workers feel like royalty by
catering to their fashion desires and their egos. She had an uncanny ability to
communicate on many levels for different purposes but everything always
came back to commerce. She was a businesswoman and a very successful
Over several years of moving wholesale goods from hotel rooms and other
temporary locations, my mother had accumulated quite a bit of capital and
more importantly, a widespread reputation as a smart and trustworthy
business woman. Many people approached her with investment opportunities
although she found none she liked, she made sure to learn new things from
each person who approached her.
In the meantime, although my mother never wanted to live in a real home
herself (she enjoyed apartment living) but she bought homes for her relatives
who weren’t faring as well financially. Even before I got my four year degree
from university, my mother encouraged me to apply to law school and
assured me I would never see a bill. Again, I went to the law school of my
choosing. For the first time in my life, I had to struggle to get good grades. At
times, I would ask my mother if all the struggles of life were really worth the
effort. She would respond:
“Yes, make the effort and stay on the path because God’s plan for you is
very special and if you don’t follow his road map, he might have to bump you
a few times so you know to stay on the path.”
I would learn about the law during the school year but whenever I was
home with my mother for holidays, it was time to learn about “life.” My
mother would teach me about how to deal with people, how to talk to them
and how to persuade them that they want what you want. My mother had
great mastery in talking to all kinds of people—even the dead ones.
She would tell me about conversations she had with her dead mother,
about plans for the future. My mother would get her advice and her input
about decisions she was making. My mother signaled with a flourish the chair
where I sat opposite her and told me about a visitation from a spirit
purporting to be her recently dead mother. When I say purporting, I simply
mean it took the appearance of being the physical image of my grandmother
who had recently died from a stroke. The apparition showed concern for my
mother’s continued well-being.
“She sat right in that chair you are in now and I spoke to her as easily as I
am speaking to you now. I couldn’t see through her. She looked solid but
somewhat blurry. She didn’t want me to try to touch her. She said she came
to give me some good advice but everything she said was just general… be
careful with lending people money...there are bad people in this
neighborhood…blah, blah, blah.” My mother shook her hands in the air to
simulate fretting. She sounded too general, too vague, so my mother became
a little suspicious.
“I decided to test if she was real and I asked her to name the puppy I first
had as a little kid in Ecuador, South America? Something popped behind me.
I glanced backward. There was nothing there. When I looked back at the
stool where the spirit sat, she was gone.”
My mother leaned closer.
“I think that spirits know when there is someone sensitive and they just
want someone different to talk to…anyone…so they’ll appear as whatever the
sensitive wants to see the most. She spoke like a mom and she probably had
been someone’s mom at some point but she wasn’t my mom.”
My mother was a fearless character in some ways. Paranormal realities
that would have sent most people into an emotional tailspin did not faze her
at all. The magnitude of my mother’s abilities intrigued me. I asked her if she
had ever thought about developing these abilities. Her answer struck me as
“I‘m interested only in developing powers in my own realm, not in the
realms controlled by others.”
I graduated from Law School with a specialty in criminal law and I
became a member of the New Jersey Bar. I was recruited into the Federal
Bureau of Investigation as a Special Agent Investigator. I became a
professional Investigator in keeping with my personal habits of relentless
investigation. During these years, my mother was my sage, my oracle and my
Queen. She always said you have whatever goals you want but you must find
joy in the achieving of those goals. She always made it a point to have fun at
whatever she was working toward and she advised me to do the same.
Although she never actively developed her psychic abilities, she could never
completely ignore them either. The only time her joy would disappear would
be when her abilities would intrude on her peace.
One of my mother’s friends, at the time, was a young police officer in his
early twenties named Carlos who I admired very much. He was a young
Puerto-Rican man who was making a name for himself as a reliable officer
who people could depend on both at the police department and on the street.
He cut a dashing figure in uniform and during social hour was a graceful
master of several types of dance. His fiancée was a beautiful young blonde
who learned to dance merengue and salsa just to be a part of her young man’s
favorite activity. With his jet-black, widow’s peak hairstyle and thin
moustache, he affected a “Valentino-like” appearance. I would always ask
him for any advice he could spare on how to comport yourself on the streets.
He would always have some cool-sounding epithets like:
“Just remember, you walk those streets like you own them but never let
the streets own you.”
I never found out what that meant, but at the time, to a teen boy seeking
out male role model/mentors; it sounded very pithy and cool. Carlos was
getting ready to get married and so he had many activities going on,
including taking out a short-term loan from my mother. When he stopped by
our apartment, he was dressed in baseball and sweat pants like the little boy
who was with him. He brought a garment bag that contained the dressy
clothing I was more used to seeing him in. The garment bag contained a crisp
white suit and a panama style white hat for a wedding rehearsal. He had just
stopped by to sign papers and pick up some documents from my mother.
Carlos had over-planned his schedule.
Carlos had brought along a twelve-year boy that he had met in a
mentoring program. Carlos was involved in several charities for young
people in addition to his own busy career schedule. At his department, they
had nicknamed him: “Mr. Mayor” in recognition of his social and political
skills. They had just come from an outdoor sports practice so Carlos changed
into his white suit and came out to check on the boy. The young boy, still
tired from their athletic activity and apparently thirsty, snapped at his mentor
to get him a cold drink. Without a word, Carlos hopped into the kitchen and
brought the boy his drink. Soon after that, they thanked my mother and left.
Once they had left, my mother sat down in a corner of the room slumped
over, like I had never seen her before. She was a little pale and she was
shaking. I approached her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” She took a deep breath and looked as if she would burst
into tears.
“I think I had my first visit.” I assumed she meant Carlos and the boy.
“Yes. So what’s wrong?” She lit up a cigarette.
“No. The big voice…the one you’ve talked about. It spoke to me when they
were here.” Now I was alarmed.
“What did it say to you?”
“Something horrible is happening between Carlos and that little boy…
terrible things.”
She repeated imitating a voice of authority.
My mother said that was she was told just once and then it showed her
things. I couldn’t believe what she was saying. I admired Carlos so much.
I became angry with my mother. To my eternal regret, I (of all people)
accused my mother of making it up and of ridiculing me (my telling her
about the Great Voice) about something special I had shared with her. She
convinced me that she was sincere but I persisted. I found alternate
explanations for behavior she found alarming. I told her that her voice was
just dead wrong. That was the most angry I had been at my mother but she
said she could only report what the voice said and what it showed her. She
never did tell what images had been except to repeat “horrible things.” I
didn’t talk to my mother for weeks after that. We eventually reconciled but
we never spoke of the Great Voice again.
One year later, that young police officer was arrested on charges of sexual
abuse against a minor. He was removed from the police department and was
later convicted of those charges. It made the newspapers. He killed himself
before he had to report to prison. The case was widely reported in New York
City. I still remember the images that came to my mind of “Mr. Mayor”
immaculately dressed in his best white suit and narrow tie, hands and feet
tied up behind his back—swinging by his neck in his dressing closet, dead,
pale and bloated.
I spent the next couple of years putting distance between myself and any
metaphysical realities. I forgot about the great voice and my mother and I
spoke less and less about metaphysical considerations.
During these years, my mother remained my staunchest supporter as she
continued to build her business and encourage me in my pursuits. My mother
often said the bank always wins so she became the bank. She got into the
full-time business of extending short-term, secured personal loans. People
would sign a contract and pledge their title to their car or some other personal
property and pay an interest rate for thirty to ninety days until the loan was
fully repaid. Sometimes, I would question my mother’s wisdom in doing
these loans but she was always confident. She would reassure me and I would
riddle her with questions about how does she ensure that people pay her? She
related that if they don’t pay, she would seize their personal assets as
collateral. She had become a successful businesswoman.
Throughout university and law school, I was educated with a dry
ruthlessness in the Aristotelian and Socratic methods that are foundational in
creating the basis for all valid knowledge in Western Civilization. I learned
and applied the differences between opinion and facts, between valid
inference and rock solid deduction, between something being denoted and
connoted. I learned to acquire knowledge but more importantly, I learned the
process of classifying, categorizing and organizing knowledge into useful
action toward the establishment of arguments that change the way we think
about important topics. I became terribly well acquainted with the
intersection of science and legal procedure in the area of criminal law.
During the application of this knowledge, at the FBI Academy and in my
first few years as an Investigator for the United States government, I learned
the application of all these methods to find the truth, even when it appeared
there were no physical clues. My transition from the misty mystical realities
of my mother to the granite reality of scientific method and legal procedures
were complete. At least I thought so. On the streets of New Jersey, I learned
to observe people for what they say with their bodies, because “words lie but
the body does not.” I learned to listen to the words not spoken when they
should be and to the words spoken when not solicited. I learned clues can
exist in the most unlikely places and I learned that even clues often carry
clues insides of them.
Clues within clues
I learned that people are always communicating truth every moment of
their lives; they just don’t speak it with their mouths. I learned to decipher
and deconstruct the voices and messages of criminals and terrorists who tried
not to speak and I left behind the memories of other voices in my past.
I believed I would never speak of or hear of the Great Voice again. Then I
received a call from a close friend of my mother. She told me I had to return
to Queens, New York, because my mother had just suffered a terrible
accident. She had fallen down a flight of stairs and hit her head on the way
down. My mother was in a coma and wasn‘t expected to live long.
“She can’t say anything but it would still be good for you to be here with
As I watched my mother hooked up to machines that were keeping her
alive temporarily, I thought back to the many lessons she had taught me and I
reconciled that her knowledge would not be lost. Shortly after that visit, my
mother passed away. My oracle had died under suspicious circumstances and
her “friends” had already prepared the funeral. The same person called me to
give me the news of where the funeral would be and the location of the
lawyer’s office for the dispersal of earthly possessions. I prepared to go to the
funeral when something went off in my head.
Why not?
I saw images of a funeral with an open casket showing of my mother’s
body. She looked wonderfully serene, except for too much makeup on her
face. In life, my mother never wore very much makeup. From behind, I could
see a crowd of people huddled on foot before the casket. Facing the crowd, I
could see all the faces sad and crying except for one figure appearing as a
silhouette. I could see a dark outline of that person but their face and features
were in supernatural darkness. I could not see who the person was but I could
feel their thoughts and emotions emanating from that person. There were
feelings of relief, guilt and anguish all raging at the same time in the figure’s
mind. Then, somehow in the astral body, I was transported by those thoughts
to another scene. I saw that same dark silhouette drinking with my mother
during a chatty social visit to her apartment. They were laughing and
enjoying each other’s company. It was a Caucasian female with a stout body
and mannish haircut.
Something happened outside the apartment door. My mother went to the
stairs and found a gift tied on the railing with a ribbon. She opened the
envelope and read the note while she stood on the edge of the top stair, gently
swaying back and forth from the alcohol in her system. This person waited
for what seemed like an eternity and pushed her hard from behind so that her
body went forward into a high arc before gravity kicked in. She crashed
down the steep stairs from a monumental height. Her skull hit one of the
concrete stairs with a terrible sound, like an egg cracking open.
There was an emotional rush of relief from the assailant (which I could
feel) about a huge debt that was extinguished by the death of my mother.
Then the silhouette made a quick disposal of the note still gripped in my
mother’s hand. They went about cleansing the scene of any clues of their
presence and carefully stepping over my mother’s crumpled body—they
departed. It was an hour before someone in the building discovered the body
and called 911. I was never allowed to see the person’s face.
The source of the Great voice would not allow to me to see who the
person was. The person was at the funeral along with the other mourners and
if I were to go to the funeral. I intuited that the moment I arrived at the
funeral, I would know which of them had caused my mother’s death. I might
find out it was someone that no one would ever suspect and against whom I
would need massive evidence to officially charge. I might find the need to
affect my own vengeance on that person. That would lead me down a bad
path from which there might be no return.
In the months before her death, I had warned my mother to stop giving
short term loans to questionable characters. She would hear none of it but
explained instead the manner of her life.
“I am like a star that is shooting across the sky. I’m going places and I
can’t live safe and worry about the things normal people spend their lives
worrying about. I don’t even have that part of the brain that people use in
order to worry.”
She was not bragging or being arrogant. That really was her way of life
and she would not deviate from it no matter what I said to her.
The day of the funeral, the viewing and the reading of the will, I got
several calls from relatives. All the relatives she had bought homes for, given
money to and generally helped; had returned to the cadaver to see what
morsels were left for them to pick at. Their calls to me were more concerned
with the legitimacy my presence might lend to cover their avarice. I would
not go against the Great Voice. I told them I was involved in some secret
operation at a remote location I could not reveal. They asked for me to video-
conference in for the reading of the will. I rejected any involvement with any
phase of the will or anything else since for all I knew, any movement in that
direction could reveal to me the assailant who pushed my mother down those
I thought about approaching the local police with what I knew about my
mother’s death but my rational mind encountered a brick wall in visualizing
how to explain what I knew. The police considered the matter resolved as an
accident involving someone who had a generous amount of alcohol in their
blood. They would not appreciate their tidy bow being undone by someone
who says they saw a vision, or worse, perceived a voice.
Queens in New York City died for me the day my mother died. I knew I
would never return there for any reason. Fittingly, my mother was also: my
saint and my oracle and my Queen. I lost the greatest ally I had ever had in
my life when my mother died but it seemed another ally came and proved
their worth. The Great Voice saved me from a quagmire of rage and revenge
that would have consumed my life had it gone forward. I know now that the
course I chose, of acceptance of the Great Voice; is the course my mother
would have wanted me to take. My sage—my Muse—was gone but my
experiences with the Great Voice would persist and elevate my understanding
of the timeless truths I had learned from her.
Clues Revealed
The Superconscious Voice doesn’t just care about my safety. It also
cares about my success in the paths I have chosen for myself.
It is above emotions like greed, rage for injustice, and desire for
vengeance. It lacks the worse human emotions, because it is above and
apart from human.
I fell back as a dead man and the icy mountain landscape disappeared.
I woke up in my bed and I could see my breath. I was freezing cold and I
knew that what I had experienced was somehow real. It was more real than
the bed I laid in shivering from the snow and ice that was no longer there.
I changed after that night. I felt as if I had entered the stream of eternity
instead of being rooted in the vanity of temporary existence. And all it took
was a nudge from a being that cared about me. I believe that the same entity
that was the Great Voice in my life had manifested itself as quickly as it
could to intervene in a time of personal crisis in my life. I believe the glowing
ball of light was a symbol that became a very real force as it entered my
My perspective changed. I stopped focusing on negativity and now felt a
higher awareness as I moved to live inside my blessings and the light
bestowed on me by the universe every day of my life. I lost the weight,
resumed regular exercise and began paying attention to the needs of others
more than my own. I began to realize a higher purpose for my life that
included the service and betterment of humanity and promoting the glory of
Creator-Source for all the blessings He had bestowed on me.
For the first time, I allowed myself to grieve for my mother. It was a
cathartic cleansing experience. I re-oriented myself. I shifted in the spiritual
sense and so did my Earthly life. Shortly after this experience, I encountered
my father who I had not spoken to for over a decade. He had become an even
more entrenched religious fanatic and I found that I could not discuss any
religious, political or social issues with him at all—they all led to the same
dark places. I felt like a different person with him than I ever did before. In
subtle ways that wouldn’t offend his proud nature, I finally forgave him for
his shortcomings as a father and (for my mother) as a husband. This was the
lifting a great personal burden for me. It effected a lightening of my soul.
Here is the greatest change that the Great Black Wolf effected in my life.
The shift in my consciousness rendered me permanently connected to a
swirling maelstrom of Superconsciousness that all humans and Creator-
Source can be connected into. I could no longer be deceived, lied to, misled
or fooled; unless I wanted to be. I was now constantly connected into
something that swirls above the head and reality of every conniver, liar and
trickster. No matter what deception might be imposed by the greatest of
global reptilian liars, this new, very strong connection no longer allowed me
the comfort of believing liars. This newly consummated connection to the
universal Overmind also no longer allowed me to believe in the myth of luck
or coincidence. It transformed my world as an investigator.
I decided that I could do a great deal of good in my position as an FBI
Special Agent in the in the National Security structure of the United States. I
became a legal instructor for other FBI Agents and joined in the War on
Terrorism that consumed the national stage in the 1980s. Before I even joined
the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I had endured a year of investigations
into my background, rigorous physical testing and invasive psychological
testing. Anyone who has ever served in the military or in any sensitive
civilian position for the U.S. federal government is familiar with “disqualifier
questions.” You get any of these “wrong” and the application process is over.
There are many but I will note just three that are posed in various forms:
Do you ever feel that people are “out to get you?”
Did you ever experience visual hallucinations?
Do you hear voices?
I would always look at the third question and smile. The Great Voice
never comes in through the ears. Even though Clear-Hearers sometimes
utilize the language “I heard” that’s not really what they mean at all. The
Great Voice enters like a thunderbolt through the top of the skull, through the
heart or through the solar plexus like a curving beam of light. It cannot be
resisted, deterred or ignored as you could a whisper or even a shout. I would
always look at the question twice:
Do you hear voices? I would always answer honestly:
My Great Voice is not heard through the ears—it is perceived through the
mind, soul and spirit.
Clues Revealed
The Source of the Voice can manifest itself through lucid dreams.
After I began as a Special Agent for the FBI, I believed my encounters with
the Great Voice were over. I was working the area of Counterterrorism, when
I found out differently. A man I’ll refer to as Khartos came to my attention
due to a citizen complaint that a local Arab man was operating a front
business for possible terrorist activities.
In this line of work, we were required to maintain relations with many
potential sources of information. Typically, we would get to know these
acquaintances sometimes for months before we could officially begin
collecting information from them. With Khartos, I had no idea if he would
ever pass muster. He was very talkative but not good on giving substantial
details about himself. I could not even get very many of the basic details I
would need to do effective background checks. He was quite mysterious but
also passionate.
Khartos was delighted to meet an official of the United States and was
eager to discuss his patriotism and love for the United States of America. He
loved discussing his hatred of Russia and radical Islam and showing off his
extensive knowledge of world politics. We would spend hours at his business
sipping thick Turkish coffee and discussing political current affairs. He had
some posters up in his office at the back of his business that depicted the
radical Islamic threat to the Western world. All conversations always
somehow circulated back to his hatred of the Russians and jihadists.
Khartos was one of the many refugees who came to the U.S. after the fall
of the U.S.S.R. during frictions between Russia and the Eastern Islamic
provinces that had formed part of the U.S.S.R. One of these Eastern
provinces was Khartos former home. He was a squat, powerful little man.
Although he in his sixties, I could feel the enormous power in his compact
frame during the fierce hugs of greeting and departure that he would share
with me as his cultural custom.
He always had a bright smile and shared incisive political opinions.
Despite his promises of information about the local radical community, he
did not seem to have any such information. Yet he was a fascinating
character so I continued to spend time with him if only as a rest stop between
meetings with more significant sources of real information relevant to
National Security. His business appeared to be little more than an empty front
for his true activity, which he advised me was “imports and exports.” He had
a desk with personal items, small American flags and pro-U.S. posters up on
the walls—which was visible from the front door. All the other desks in the
wide open main area were so desolate that this messy arrangement stood out.
I greatly enjoyed our political discussions and his rants about Russian tyranny
and Islamic radicalism. Khartos would always ask my opinions on political
and social affairs.
No matter how intensely affable Khartos was—a feeling of unease never
left me during our visits. I credited that feeling to the true nature of Khartos’
import export business would eventually reveal itself to me whether I wanted
to know or not. Men like Khartos are never angels. Often they are involved in
semi-legal or gray area activities—things that are not clearly illegal but that
are not ethical either. Whenever I would arrive at Khartos business, he was
always very busy on the phone during transactions in Arabic. Sometimes, he
would pop out of a back room with apologies but during intense periods of
negotiation, he would have me wait for a few minutes. During one of these
periods, I was able to inspect his desk, the only functioning desk in the large
business space. Various family items, political souvenirs and one interesting
item was a framed picture of Khartos with a well-known politician in the
Reagan administration. I knew the politician since I had spent time at events
where the gentleman had spoken in the past. It looked like a fund-raising
event during which Khartos was given a standard handshake side-by-side
glossy handshake photo.
As I rifled the drawers, I found that the bottom drawer had a set of loose
curved daggers with elaborate jeweled handles in leather sheaves. I had seen
this type before. They are carried by “holy warriors” as mostly symbolic
heirlooms but I pulled one of the blades from the sheaths as I heard Khartos
returning from the backroom. The blade was dulled from usage and it emitted
the odor of a metal cleaner commonly used to remove blood. Something
made me look backwards and I saw the polished mirrored wall behind the
desk. Even from the front door of the business, anyone at the front door
would see at an angle what I was doing behind the desk in my crouched down
position. The mirror might have been placed there on purpose. Khartos’
booming voice emitted a greeting as he blustered into the main room.
Khartos entered the room to see me standing back at the front entrance.
All the items at his personal desk were back in place and the drawers shut.
Khartos gave me the usual hearty greetings. He advised that he was looking
forward to working with me to help protect his adopted nation that he said he
loved so dearly. As we parted, he promised me some very special information
for the next visit about terrorism in the United States. I left and I thought no
more about the strange dagger I had found; until the next visit to his business
the following week.
I arrived early at his business and peered inside through the clear glass
door. From the outside, I could see Khartos sitting in what appeared to be
intense prayer at his desk. I opened the door. A booming voice struck me.
The phrase echoed through my bones and rattled my teeth. I felt the words
everywhere except in my ears. I was caught just in the act of opening the
front glass metal doors. For a moment, I thought I was having a stroke. I tried
to move my legs but they were rooted like tree trunks. An icy sprawl climbed
through my entrails threatening my lungs. I stalled as best I could.
“Khartos….I can’t come in today…just came by to say an emergency
came up.”
He popped up with a blustering greeting.
“Come in and close the door. I have a special gift for you and I want to
show you my picture of myself with a famous politician.”
He gesticulated wildly for me to come in.
I still couldn’t move forward but my head felt clear.
I ignored the voice and focused on the physical symptoms. I kept my
hands on the door rails and the open door just in case my legs gave out.
Clues Revealed
The source of the Great Voice can see things that we cannot possibly
No one can know when tragedy will strike. There is a continuum of events
that we are all a part of. The span of our lives and each event within that life
was planned out before we were born and yet we exercise free choice as the
most basic necessity of our existence. This appears to be a contradiction only
because of our limited understanding of Creator-Source’s Ways. There are no
contradictions in Creator-Source’s plan of existence no matter how much one
may appear to exist. When we are promoted from this life, I believe we will
finally comprehend the perfect consistency of this truth.
“God’s Ways are above perfection.” As highly imperfect beings, we can
barely wrap our minds around the theoretical concept of perfection. The idea
of absolute perfection is observed by humans in mathematical equations. This
is the simplest form of perfection that our limited abilities can contemplate: a
perfectly equilateral square or flawless circle, an equation that balances out
perfectly on both sides. More complex forms of perfection might be observed
but we do not have the ability to verify that it is absolute perfection we are
seeing. How can we know for sure that a structure, flower or any biological
design is completely perfect in every way? Due to our nature we can barely
generate or comprehend real perfection as a reality, so in most cases, we can‘t
know for sure if we are viewing or interacting with something truly perfect.
Yet the universe has a Designer and a Maker of laws that can and does
create real perfection and can even create systems that are “above
perfection.” This is a very important concept, though we cannot understand
anything above perfection, we must trust that this is true especially when we
are confronted with tragedy occurring to innocent people. Creator-Source’s
plans allow and even make provision for such things due to the nature of His
ways. We should and must believe this, because it will make tragedy bearable
for us and will even allow us to find triumph in the worst of tragedies.
Years after my mother’s passing, things in my life were going in a very
positive direction. I finally had my own family—one that I had always
wanted. It had always been my desire to have a family and conduct a home
life the way I wish my parents had done with me. I now had achieved a
wonderful family with two young sons. I was feeling truly fulfilled for the
first time in my life but still feeling portents of impending crisis.
My wife and I were visiting Washington D.C. I was there on Special
Projects for nearly a year. We had brought my two young sons who were
excited to see our nation’s capital for the first time in their lives. My sons
were eight and ten years old. They soaked up all the historical monuments
and museums. Those hot summer days barely affected us at all, as we toured
the Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson Monuments; along with thousands of
chattering tourists from all over the world. My wife and I had never
previously done these tours so we were as fascinated as the boys were. We
were especially impressed with the sacredness and mystical quality of the
Vietnam memorial and the engraved names we could touch of those who
gave their lives for our freedom.
One of the other things that fascinated my boys about the Washington
D.C. Metro area were the extended, gigantic, automated escalator systems
that exist throughout D.C. connecting various transit systems, malls and other
public places. My entire life, I had previously only seen escalators that were
one story tall. We were riding gigantic metallic escalators that were,
sometimes, many stories tall. These monstrosities sometimes plunged down
five or six stories, sometime fifty yards at a steep 6 percent decline. The
flowing power and marvelous engineering behind these enormous, constantly
flowing, machine vehicles fascinated me but I never thought they might be
dangerous. These escalators energized my two sons. They would race back
and forth over these moving, shifting, gliding steps as soon we embarked on
these rides.
At one isolated indoor area, I was standing with my wife during the ride
on this mammoth mechanism while my two sons got far ahead of us on the
moving escalator. It was late afternoon but due to some major
festival/parade/protest activity on the other side of the city, there was no one
else in the entire area except my family.
My inner voice told me I was letting my boys get too far ahead of us for
safety‘s sake. My rational mind would naturally have responded: we are
alone on a giant escalator with no other people anywhere in site so what
could possibly happen?
Yet, I called for my boys to return to our side long before the ride was
over. My younger boy obediently returned to our side. The older boy did not
respond and I could see him about twenty yards below us on the descending
escalator. He was standing with his back to us, rock still, as if he couldn’t
hear me. For a terrible moment, I felt someone else was standing there,
pretending to be my son, looking just like him with his back to me and
pretending not to hear me—like a changeling that had usurped my son’s
In that moment, the universe shifted sideways just a hair—just enough to
throw it off the rails. Something was horribly wrong. I shouted to my son.
He fidgeted slightly side to side but still stood firmly with his back to us.
He must have heard me but still didn’t turn.
A panic rose in my stomach as I screamed out for him to turn around. He
finally turned his head with visible effort almost 180 degrees, like an owl. His
ebony pupils were as wide as saucers—no whites in the eyes. He was
His voice quailed with fear and the Great Voice exploded in my chest.
My hands flashed over the tops of the shoe. A thick, white athletic sock
was ripped from his foot and the shoe was absorbed and threshed under the
moving grail. I pulled his foot out at the last possible moment. Incredibly, I
held his perfectly pristine foot in my hands—not a scratch on it. The shoe and
the sock were gone. They disappeared into the threshing grates. They were
ground down as flat as paper and disappeared in the greedy teeth of the
I carried my boy to safety as if the teeth of the escalator had jumped up
and were still pursuing him. My wife pushed the emergency stop button. My
boy was in shock (he was ashen pale and shivering). Unbelieving, I kept
looking and running my hand over his big, beautiful unblemished foot. I laid
him down on a shelf next to some plastic plants and spoke prayers of thanks
for his foot being spared. I was exhausted. I yelled at my wife why had it
taken so long to press the emergency stop? She informed me that the entire
drama had been less than twenty seconds. That news stunned me. I was sure I
had been in this battle for at least 15 minutes.
One couple had walked onto the escalator as the drama unfolded and saw
the end of the matter. They were a black couple who happened to be
charismatic Christians. They greeted us and advised that what they saw (the
boy’s escape from the possibility of losing his foot) was the greatest miracle
they had ever seen. They spoke aloud continual praises to God for His
goodness and spoke to my boy advising him that God’s grace just saved him
from losing his foot. As the woman fell into an ecstasy of spoken blessings
and praises spoken over the shivering boy, the man (who happened to be still
wearing his work tool belt) was more fascinated by the mechanics of the
escalator taking the shoe the way it did. Tool Belt man somehow reinforced
the emergency stop mechanism and began the process of dismantling a
portion of the massive escalator. He had to use every bit of his abilities for
about 20 minutes and further he had to fashion crowbars and levers from
items in the immediate area of the mall lobby; all so he could rescue the
mangled shoe.
We had a very spiritual conversation with them as he worked but we just
wanted to get to our hotel and minister to my boy so this trauma didn’t scar
him too badly (emotionally because physically he had escaped without a
scratch.) We felt obligated so we waited much longer then we wanted to stay
in that place. The couple told us that no one would ever believe that this
actually happened and that, in any case, we must keep that shoe as a reminder
of God’s blessings from this day. After an interminable period, we were
finally rewarded by the man’s efforts. He lifted some railings and pulled out
the mangled shoe. Amazingly, the shoe had fully reformed into its original
shape with just a few oily scuff marks. We accepted it and promised them
that we would keep the flattened shoe forever as a reminder this day and of
God’s mercy and goodness.
Once outside, we found a dumpster and threw away both shoes—bad
memories. I carried my boy part of the way back and then he walked up to the
room partly barefoot with one sock on.
Clues Revealed
The Voice will save us and our loved ones from harm if that is in
Creator-Source’s plan. It will give calls to action, instructions and
Although my sons did not themselves hear the Great Voice, they now
know it is real because they benefited from its intervention. This is
what the Great Voice wanted so that I would be forced to keep
following that trail of breadcrumbs it left behind.
The most important clue I had gathered on the identity of The Great
voice, was the most unexpected one. It was later pointed out to me is
that the (unfortunately) indestructible shoes my oldest boy had on, had
modern Velcro straps not old-fashioned laces. Yet the Great voice
I believe this reinforces a vital part of my ongoing hypothesis: that the Great
voice is not Omniscient (all-knowing) and therefore is not Creator-Source,
Jesus or the Angels who come directly from Creator-Source. Creator-Source
or anything omniscient would have perfection in their speech. Their
references would always be calibrated to perfection even in the smallest
details. This tiny mistake of referring to straps as laces, has further verified
for me that The Great Voice Is not God/Creator-Source, Jesus or the Angels.
I was living in New Jersey at the time and had many friends and
acquaintances in this particular neighborhood. The best among them was one
young lady in particular, a bright shining light of enthusiasm named
Elizabeth. This young lady always had a bright smile and positive
encouraging words for anyone that crossed her path. If the saying were true
that “only the good die young” then that would have made her an excellent
candidate for early death.
Elizabeth A. was recently married and looking forward to having children
and forming a wonderful household with her new husband. She had come to
the United States as a nanny and tutor for a prominent government official.
The family that Elizabeth worked for had treated her like one of their own—
with love, affection and the respect of the five young children she was
tutoring. She educated those children in reading, math and Spanish language
and she was terribly grateful that she had found such a wonderful place to
work. This was true even on nights like the one involved with this particular
incident, when the parents were delayed with work obligations and she was
asked to spend some extra time with the children. The extra money was good
but she was happy when her long day finally ended.
That winter in New Jersey and much of the Eastern United States, there
had been several extreme diurnal variations over short periods. That winter
there had been a high volume of snow and ice as early as September. Warm
temperatures during the days would melt snow and ice accumulated on the
many bridges in New Jersey. The melting pools during the sunny daytimes
would give way to sudden extreme drops in temperature at sundown. The
pools of dark water beneath the bridges of New Jersey would freeze—black
ice. As rush hour drew to a close, many of those pools would freeze into
blackish sheets of ice right beneath the bridges where they had gotten their
source water.
Coming home from her work around 5:15pm it was already getting
dark…water had melted under bridge and was refreezing. That winter, there
were many ice patches everywhere. Elizabeth had been driving the sports car
her husband had bought for her. It was a sporty two-seater roadster, not
designed for icy road travel. It was only a twenty-minute drive from
workplace to her home but she had to pass about three of these bridges that
over stood the highway she traveled. She had no inner voice warning, feeling,
or sense of dread. She was only thinking of her future in the days ahead—but
that very minute she was scheduled to die.
As she approached the underpass to the last bridge, Elizabeth heard a
terrible rumbling coming up directly behind her vehicle, a massive eighteen-
wheeler approaching at speeds far above the 55 mile per hour speed limit.
The dilapidated vehicle vibrated the entire stretch of highway as it
maneuvered around to pass her vehicle on the left. Instinctively, she leaned
away from the monstrous behemoth. In a moment, it would be far past her
and good riddance.
At the moment of attempted passing, the rear wheels of her vehicle slid on
black ice. The car went sideways into a spin. It slid directly across the front
of the oncoming truck.
Panic exploded her stomach as she lost control.
She could see a bright red bumper sticker on side of the truck grow larger
as her car slid underneath the truck.
E A T-
Everything slowed before impact…
S H * T
a voice rang out
* * *
This was a new era for me. I finally had outside testimony as to The Great
Voice. For the first time, I had a witness, besides myself, who had actually
heard the Great Voice and felt its effects in a dynamic and intimate way. I
now had people who shared the reality up close of what the Great Voice
could do for us and for Creator-Source’s plan. Since that incident, her
marriage was blessed with a son who is currently being groomed for medical
school. He will be a surgeon. I have no doubt that because she survived and
had this young future doctor, people in the future who otherwise would have
died, will instead be preserved alive for the benefit of the universe.
Could there be a different Great Voice for each of us?
The period after Elizabeth’s incident also created an entirely new set of
queries concerning the Great Voice. Could the Great voice have the same
goals of protection and increase but be actually from a different source for
each individual who hears it? It is possible that Elizabeth’s Great Voice and
mine are different entities but if that were so how could I be sure? Another
possibility is that the great voice is the same entity for all individuals but that
the filter of perception differs for each person. Does a female perceive the
great voice as female? Would a child hear the voice as a child’s voice?
Would a speaker of a particular language hear the voice in their own
I believe in many things but I do not believe in luck—randomness—
accident or coincidence. Even if I did believe in any of these, I would not
believe that sufficient random factors coalesced so that a woman I know
personally (out of all the people in the world) had experiences almost exactly
like my own with the Great Voice. Since her experience, this young lady and
others I have surveyed, have recounted many similar such experiences that fit
upon my own almost perfectly. This is not coincidence. There are many more
who have similar stories. It is possible that genuine Clear-Hearers create an
aura that influences those in close proximity to begin undergoing similar
episodes. This occurs in other areas of the paranormal. Psychics affect a
development in the psychic abilities of those closest to them. Ghostly
experiences and Near-Death Experiences, we now know, often tend to be
shared experiences among families and small groups of people residing
together. Clear-Hearers need a mechanism to discuss their experiences
without fear of recrimination or persecution. In this way, we can help each
other to harness the power of communing with the Great Voice.
This was the completion of my early life with The Great Voice but it was
only the beginning of my study of Clairaudience. I surveyed and investigated
history, literature, science and did extensive paranormal research; to find out
if Clear-Hearing was known at all by the wider world. My personal journey
with the Great Voice was nearly complete but the wider trek toward global
knowledge of this topic had only begun.
Clues Revealed
The Voice kept the same qualities and goals but may have appeared in
a different incarnation for the woman I knew as Elizabeth.
In Elizabeth’s case, the voice displayed the same abilities it had in me,
the abilities to directly affect the nervous system, muscles and limbs
with commands and directions.
Elizabeth’s Great Voice demonstrated all the same patterns that it had
done previously with me despite the fact that it seemed to be a
different voice, a female voice.
The great voice heard by Elizabeth and the great voice that communes
with me and magnifies me, are completely distinct entities which
follow the exact same rules—that remain hidden and reveal themselves
only in obedience to these rules with the same goals of protection and
I am convinced that both entities also occupy the same dimension that
puts them in the presence of the Creative Force of the Universe and
that they are assigned to uphold Creator-Source’s plan for our
individual destinies, in the face of the powerful (often destructive)
force of human free will.
I was now convinced that I had to pursue a profound study of what has
happened to others involved with the Great Voice even going far back
into the misty recesses of humanity’s past.
The History of the Great Voice is a tale of persecution,
salvation and redemption.
I am not alone.
My personal evolution into a true Clear-Hearer was nearly complete but I
was only beginning to understand what I was and that there have been others.
In history and literature, I found many Clear-Hearers both obscure and
others quite well known. Many figures in history made no secret of the fact
that they experienced Clear-Hearing communication with a great power
beyond their ability to comprehend. These figures, at times, were open about
these communications and predictably were met with distrust and suspicion
by the culturally conditioned minds of their day.
During crucial pivot points in history, these individuals changed events
when they received inspiration to act contrary to all the dictates, morals and
expectations of their own culture and society. I posit that they received clear
communication in the “Divine Ear” during moments of terrible crisis when
the future of the world and Creator-Source’s plan for humanity hung in the
With the clear instruction they received from the Great Voice they were
also shown why they should believe they could accomplish things that are
impossible in the natural world. A list of known figures that could be
correctly categorized as Clear-Hearers would be a subject that many volumes
could not cover. Consequently, what follows is only the most cursory survey
of a few well-known Clear-Hearers.
Joan of Arc, the young French girl who saved France from non-
Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister
These historical and literary figures openly spoke of the voices they heard.
Usually, the quotes from the Great Voice are not recorded or the quotes are
destroyed by culturally restricted minds. They each credited different sources
for the Great voice but their consequent actions always followed the similar
pattern of typical Clear-Hearers—during terrible crisis—they changed
themselves and the world around them forever.
Many who are greatly remembered shared this Gift of Divine Madness.
Socrates: Socrates (470-399 BCE) was a widely renowned philosopher in
his day who had made himself both highly respected for his mental acumen
and also infamous as the enemy of a powerful class of philosopher/political
figures known as the Sophists. Throughout his life, he claimed to hear voices
that he interpreted as signs from the gods. Socrates did have a loyal following
and he was very influential in the lives of Plato, Euclid and Alcibiades.
Socrates was always fearless in his pursuit of the truth, no matter where that
might lead.
Socrates placed great reliance throughout his life on what the Greeks
called his “daemonic sign,” an inner voice that Socrates regarded as his
counselor, advisor and guide especially when he was about to make a
mistake. It was this sign that prevented Socrates from entering into politics.
In the Phaedrus, we are told Socrates considered this a form of “divine
madness,” the sort of insanity that is a gift from the gods. Socrates’
characterization of the phenomenon as “daemonic” suggests that its origin is
divine, mysterious, and independent of his own thoughts.
He was guided by Voices
Part of Socrates’ spirituality is his experience of a divine presence within
himself. This daemon, as he called it, would warn him if he was undertaking
something inappropriate but it would remain silent if he pursued the good.
Furthermore, Socrates implies that daemons are the children of divine and
human parents (i.e. demi-gods). Thus, they are midway between the mortal
and divine. Unfortunately, his habit of pursuing truth down to the root at all
costs made him an inconvenience to the Athenian government at a time when
they were in a desperate fight with competing interests.
Mirza Tahir Ahmad, an Islamic scholar wrote that Socrates entire life was
patterned around what he heard from the Voices.
“Socrates seems to have a very personalized and intense relationship with
the Supreme Being. His very personality is built on the pattern of the
messengers of God.”
Socrates was arrested for “corruption of the youth of Athens.” He received
a prearranged show-trial. Political powers in Athens demanded the execution
of the man considered as a serious “irritant” by the Athenian government.
Everyone involved knew, no matter what the outcome, Socrates would be
sentenced to death.
Socrates gave a defiant defense to the jury but the conviction of Socrates
was already decided. Then, something extraordinary occurred. As historically
recorded by Xenophon and Plato; Socrates was offered an opportunity to
escape as he awaited his sentence. His followers, who were substantial in
number and affluence, were able to bribe the prison guards and secure his
flight out of Athens. They told him “Come with us and you’ll live like a king
in foreign lands where you’ll hailed as a philosopher-king.”
One close associate named Crito had arranged for Socrates a place of
honor in a foreign country where his teachings would continue to be preached
without restrictions from a government caught in strife. I believe his Great
Voice/daemon came to him one final time in this moment.
Again, I would never posit that the Great Voice would ever suggest
suicide for anyone but it simply upholds Creator-Source’s plan for each of us.
Socrates had already decided for the option of being promotion to the next
plane of existence. He believed that escape would indicate a fear of death,
which he did not have. Still, a small part of his ego-based self may have been
tempted by the prospect of escaping to live in luxury in a place where his
teachings would be exalted. He chose promotion and immortality of a sort.
Additionally, I believe his Great Voice may have shown him glimpses of the
immortality that his name and his philosophy would gain by his honorable
acceptance of his sentence—that his name and teachings would last for
thousands of years after the memories of those who sentenced him to death
were gone.
Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of Britain during World War II, and is
renowned for making magnificent speeches from embattled Britain in 1940
and 1941. Winston Churchill spoke of hearing voices and I posit that one of
those occasions was just after he became the Prime Minister of Britain.
In 1940, Churchill, as the Admiral of the Navy, had just dragged England
through a series of terrible military defeats against vastly superior Nazi
resources and superior German strategy. Churchill served as Admiral of the
world renowned British Navy when it suffered its first crushing defeat in
known memory at the hands of Hitler’s forces. Still, he was promoted to
Prime Minister despite all these military failures largely so that England
could strike a bargain with Hitler from a stronger position. That was
ostensibly the reason for much of Churchill’s support. The British people
rejected the political proponents of peace with Germany so Churchill could
strike a good bargain to bring that same peace to England.
Churchill was under enormous pressure immediately after his election as
the time came for his initial speech to declare England’s new official policy
of peaceful co-existence with Germany. His advisors believed that only the
strongest proponent of resistance against Germany relentless march across
Europe would escape criticism from adjusting England’s posture to
compromise with Hitler. Only Nixon can go to China.
England was tired of military engagement and support for the war against
Germany had waned in the face of so many military defeats. The pressure on
Churchill to reach some sort of accord or accommodation with Germany was
overwhelming. Even Churchill’s most enthusiastic military advisors asked for
the “breathing room” that would have been provided by a statement of
peaceful outreach towards Germany.
France was readying its own statement of compromise and the
international community was solidly in favor of some form of compromise
with Hitler. John Lukacs, in his book “Five Days in London, May 1940,”
made clear that Churchill was also informed that Hitler regarded the English
as his Aryan brothers. England teetered on the edge of disaster. A devastated
Great Britain only needed a brief respite from German aggression to retool,
reorganize and plan a military comeback under the secure guise of diplomatic
negotiation. In the face of global and domestic pressure, Churchill’s resolve
to resist Germany was wavering in favor of positive statements. The pressure
was not necessarily to become allies with Germany but just to state that co-
existence was possible to provide cover and respite for the English people.
It is at this moment, just before his declaration of policy towards Germany
that I posit Churchill went from Voice-Hearer to Clear-Hearer. Churchill,
during the course of his life, admitted to being a Voice-Hearer but not a
Clear-Hearer. Voice-Hearers receive noise. Clear-Hearers receive guidance.
For a politician, admitting to being a Voice-Hearer would be damaging, but
admitting to being a Clear-Hearer would be devastating.
Yet, here was Churchill at the fulcrum of the future of the Western world,
with the entire universe pushing him inexorably toward compromise with
Germany. His advisors and party members begged him to include in his
speech about Germany any or preferably all the following words:
compromise, accord, accommodation, peace, negotiation.
His advisors and his nation would get their way unless something
dramatic happened in Churchill’s psyche. Something had to intercede to
change the course of history. It was here that Churchill crossed over from
being a Voice-Hearer to being a full-blown Clear-Hearer. It is at this moment,
just before his first declaration of policy towards Germany that Churchill
heard the Great Voice.
I posit Churchill was shown visions of great victories that could only
happen if he drew upon the infinite Superconsciousness to make a declaration
that no one expected or thought possible. I posit that the voice showed him
images of what was possible in the future, it repeated again the course he
should take.
Because of Churchill’s faith in what he was shown, here is the speech that
he finalized and delivered at the House of Commons of the British Parliament
on 4 June 1940.
“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the
seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing
strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we
shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall
never surrender…”
Any study of military and political history would show that there has
never been such a public absolute statement of resistance made during such a
dark time in a nation’s history as this. This speech was the beginning of the
united stand that ultimately prevented Nazi domination of Europe and led to
Hitler’s eventual downfall.
That is official story of Churchill. However, the unofficial story had many
rumors attached and, I believe, a disinformation campaign attached to it. The
unofficial story is what matters more. It is undisputed that Churchill heard
voices but it’s the context of that hearing that was carefully controlled by his
doctors and political handlers. After all, the fate of the entire Western World
rested on this man. Churchill spoke of his Voice that would warn him (it was
a strong clear voice) from danger and had even saved his life a couple of
times. The voice that his doctors and handlers allowed talk of—they
described as chaotic murmurings associated to bouts of depression and heavy
drinking. His doctor’s described his voice as “a black dog” that came to him
in the depths of his cups. During a time of World War, the “Free World”
would tolerate a drunk and manic-depressive at its helm—but not a Clear-
Consequently, it’s a simple matter to find many sources for Churchill as a
Voice-Hearer but only rumors and hearsay for him as a Clear-Hearer. Great
Britain could ill afford the perception that the man upon whom the British
Empire depended—heard a supernatural voice that told him what to do.
Philip K Dick was a brilliant science fiction writer, who died in 1982. His
imagination and stories were transcendent in their foresight and originality.
With artists and writers, Clairaudience often tends to blend into the
inspiration they experience on a regular basis. Many poets and novelists have
also claimed that they “received” their material rather than consciously
constructed it. In a similar way, musicians often report initially hearing in
their head a new composition, which they then reproduce for their audiences.
Dick is the only writer I know of that spoke publicly about his Great
Voice. Many of his stories have been adapted into some of our most stunning
and original films to date, including “Blade Runner” and “Minority Report.”
Dick had an uncanny ability to draw upon the Superconsciousness and
receive creative ideas and visions of the future that were both shocking yet
wholly believable. He gave interviews regarding the “Great Voice” he
received on several occasions.
He was asked in a public interview about his encounter, in 1974, with
what he described as “a transcendentally rational mind” and if he continues in
contact with this “tutelary spirit.”
“I expect that if a crisis arises it will say something again. It’s very
economical in what it says. It limits itself to a few very terse, succinct
This pattern is very familiar to any who have heard the Great voice during
personal conflict but the illumination that Dick received from the Great voice
was extreme in the quality of creativity that was channeled to him during
these contacts. Anyone who reads his novels and short stories can sense that
he was illuminated from a vast and infinite source of creativity.
In the modern era, Howard Storm, the author of the book: My Descent Into
Death, is one of the most well-known cases of Near-Death Experience
(NDE). Howard Storm was an atheist, art professor visiting France who had a
rupture in the wall of his stomach that caused massive internal bleeding.
Shortly thereafter, he died in a hospital bed as his wife cried by his side.
Storm (his spirit body) got up from the bed feeling energized and wonderful.
Then, a group of entities that appeared to be dressed as hospital workers
led his spirit body out of the hospital. Storm remarked later that in the Spirit
body he felt more alive and powerful than he ever had during his physical
life. Yet the scene that confronted him was grim. The features of these
entities were grayish and shrouded in darkness. He had believed these were
people, hospital workers, there to take him to urgently needed surgery.
Instead, they led him out of the hospital and down a darkening corridor
deeper and deeper into oblivion until he finally refused to walk any further.
Dozens had turned into hundreds and they attacked him. They ripped his
body to shreds. He was left in a bloody ruin as his efforts to fight back
against so many were ineffective.
Howard Storm then said he heard a voice that emerged from his chest. He
related that it sounded like his voice but it wasn’t. The voice said three
Storm said he could hear distinctly that it was his own voice but he knew
he was not him speaking and he knew no one and nothing could force him to
do something that he didn’t even know how to do. Yet again, the voice came
even more forcefully.
Finally, Storm obeyed and the grayish entities who had been milling about
in the background—began to scream in pain. They cursed him and they fled.
His prayers had created hope for him so he continued as best he could and a
point of light appeared to him far up above in that dark and hopeless place.
That point of light approached, changed, grew and charged right for Howard
Storm. That light rescued him from the most horrible place in the universe.
His obedience to the Great Voice even when it was most difficult for him,
made the difference between eternal misery/horror and coming into the
presence of the Creator-Source.
“I once had my two year old discover an unlocked front door to my home. He
promptly ran out into the street and down the road towards oncoming traffic
with a woman in a van bearing down on him. She knocked on our door
carrying the precious, struggling little package and said she was just driving
down a street in our suburban neighborhood when she heard a voice in her
head yell
She hit the brakes. She stopped with a terrible screech. A small child ran
out in front of her car from between two parked cars. She said she would
have run over our boy without this clairaudient experience.”
She did.
Goldie stopped several feet short of a grumbling angry homeless man
crossing the major street haphazardly. He gave her a feral look. It was
“Disheveled Guy.” He was exactly as she had seen him in the vision she just
had. She had been the driver in the images. The car was Goldie’s car.
Here is how she concluded the story. “Can you believe on a major street
at rush hour that guy crossing like that outside the crosswalk?” Goldie was
also adamant about crosswalks for herself and the rest of the world. I
demurred on that question in favor of another.
“Goldie, what about that voice that saved you from hitting disheveled?
Who do you think it was that showed you that possible timeline of what would
have happened?” Goldie acted certain.
“That was the voice of God. Only God can show us images like that. No
offense to you and your book, but God doesn’t need help from anyone or
anything to help out those who believe in Him—again no offense.”
“None taken.” I lied.
After engaging in many such conversations with Goldie I knew there was
no winning any discussion that (in her mind) challenged her religious beliefs
in even the slightest way. No one should try to awaken someone who just
isn’t ready.
“If what you’re saying is true why haven’t I heard about this before?”
“Everyone (the Guardians of the Establishment who tell us how and what
to think and speak) would be talking about this if it were really true.”
“Crazy person”
“Anti-government freak”
I have heard these slogans many times and so have you (whether it was
directed at you or at others) even if you did not recognize it for what it was at
the time. For this reason, I will recreate at appropriate junctures in this book,
the typical queries I have received from the Culturally Conditioned Minds
who are the most vigorous advocates for their own enslavement. If you find
that any one of these questions has sprung from your own mind even before
you read them; then you may need a course in De-Conditioning your mind.
This is more commonly needed than you might think, even among those
already in the Awakening Process.
The Culturally Conditioned Mind speaks out of fear and conditioning. It
speaks the responses it has been taught by the news media, by the public
school system, by advertising, by the major political parties, by commercials,
by television, by radio, by the innumerable chattering voices that our societal
cultures use to numb our ability to think for ourselves.
The voice of the Culturally Conditioned Mind must be dealt with
constantly by any who are perpetrating new ideas or trying to revive old ones
that have been judged culturally unacceptable. But this CCM voice should
never move us (the Awakened) to anger or argument. It must be dealt with
patiently and with love because it is only the residual reflex of a still sleeping
mind. Human beings are not monkeys. With methodical treatment and loving
responses, we will always have a hope of awakening the Culturally
Conditioned Minds that seek to excoriate, chastise or punish those with
unapproved ideas.
Above all, the Culturally Conditioned Mind is terrified, angry and without
hope, so it seeks to render all others around it into the same condition. Think
in terms of “trolls” on the internet who seek to spread negativity and fear
whenever someone is trying to put forward new ideas or accomplishments.
The one thing the Culturally Conditioned Mind never does is to seek a true
answer to the questions it asks. Instead, it seeks societal approval, by showing
all those around how well it acts out its’ conditioning by attacking the
purveyors of unapproved ideas. Like those crazy monkeys attacking the brave
little souls trying to climb that pole, the CCM acts out of terror reflex
(something bad will happen if anyone climbs that pole, i.e.: spreads new
ideas that our Masters don’t approve of).
Clues Revealed
1—Clear-Hearing Is Real
There are several competing systems of belief when it comes to the human
sensory phenomena known as Clear-Hearing. One system is a cynical
materialist reaction that treats all Clairaudience as part of occult stunts.
Another is the frozen, medical/scientific model that treats all Clairaudience as
mental illness or auditory “flare-ups.” Only false premises make both of these
models possible.
The soon-passing-away, Newtonian model of science that regards all
reality as physical and material, is not long for this world. Mainstream
science has taken over the role that was in the hands of the Catholic Church
authorities centuries ago. Modern science and establishment medicine see
themselves as the unforgiving enforcers of a system that treats the body as
meat for surgery, drugs and experimentation; rather than respecting the
human body as part of a continuum of mind-body consciousness.
This establishment is now lighting the torches that burned up Joan of Arc
many centuries ago. They persecute the few former physicians and former
scientists who step up towards the reality that the mind, body and soul/spirit
are inseparably united under a single consciousness. That unity, then, has
further access to a singular Superconsciousness that gives entry into the
Multiverses that we still cannot fully fathom. This reactionary establishment,
unfortunately, is still empowered over the definition, diagnosis and treatment
of “Voice Hearing.”
Consequently, “Voice Hearing” is routinely treated as a subject of mental
illness. However, there is a world of difference between those who hear the
crystal clear voice of love and caring authority that seeks their benefit; and
those who hear the whisperings of chaos and confusion. The latter group who
hear those muddled voices that would lead them to do ill to themselves or
others must seek medical treatment as available—whatever is available,
whether under the antiquated model or under the new. Scientists and even
journalists are doing work to help those trapped in the old materialistic model
of medicine and drugs. There are now suggestions that even chaotic voice
hearing may not be an indicator of schizophrenia at all but simply a defect in
auditory perceptions caused by traumatic events.
“Raising Our Voices: An Account of the Hearing Voices Movement”
written by Adam James is an account of the hearing voices movement. James
challenges the biological and genetic models for schizophrenia, and the
ubiquitous diagnosis of schizophrenia. He believes that hearing voices could
come from social and environmental causes and traumatic life events.
Cognitive therapists believe that voices are self-generated thoughts that the
person believes are voices but are only their own thoughts with the volume
turned up. Either way, the old system of over-diagnosing schizophrenia as an
automatic reflex in cases of Voice-Hearing must be discarded.
While we must not disparage the important work of helping those plagued
by murmurings and whisperings of chaos, such work should be placed under
the new model of mind-body therapy. Putting people on drugs and dismissing
them does not truly help them.
Those who hear the clear measured tones of a voice of authority seeking
their benefit and well-being and increase—even their artistry; should
investigate the ultimate goal of that voice and the assistance it renders to
them. These voices of guidance and increase should be encouraged and
abetted in their mission to magnify us.
“By their fruits you shall know them.”
2—Each Person’s Source for the Great Voice Is Unique to That Person.
Clues Revealed
Each person’s source for the Great Voice is unique to that individual.
This is it.
The moment is now. The Source of your Great Voice is…..(you may think
you guessed it already…that’s it’s you yourself). Seriously, you couldn’t be
more wrong because the source of the Great Voice is (no its not you)….it’s
...this is an unknowable, unfathomable, incomprehensible version of
you…a version of you that mere humans cannot understand on this side of
the cosmic veil. Any mere human can really only guess or speculate at what
this version of the individual really means. We are only capable of thinking
in a few dimensions: height, width, depth, time and sometimes depending on
the person—spiritual. The Great Voice that Clear-Hearers perceive is a far
advanced, multi-dimensional being, steeped in foaming eternity while it
luxuriates in the Breath of God. You, as a temporary being, are only one of
the temporary soul-versions anchored to the prime soul version of yourself
that manages many such versions throughout various dimensions of the
alternate Multi-verses. Imagine an ant that ultimately becomes a mighty
Elephant. How can the ant fathom what it will be like to be the elephant…this
is the task that confronts you in imagining the Cosmic version of yourself that
looks back at you from outside time and space—its YOU but really not you
at all.
Understand this: your eternal soul came into existence at the moment of
creation and therefore, when your temporary body is gone, that tiny spark of
eternal soul will transition back toward its source—eternity and the Creator-
Source—to collect its next assignment/journey/destined realm and continue
on its new incomprehensible journey. Since eternity exists outside of time
and space (these are temporary constructs to support our temporary reality)
then there is the eternal, fully evolved, above perfection soul-version of
yourself already existing in the God-Verse—in what we can only understand
as right now—right at this moment as the God-Verse. That infinite soul-
version of you is sitting in the presence of the Creator-Source and eternity
right now…watching over you and speaking to you, when necessary—
thunderously. The only reason that it does such things is because only it can
do such things.
Only this Prime Soul can, when unforeseen emergency strikes, change
decisions you made without violating your free will. In a sense, it intercedes
without intercession. Nothing is actually being violated. It is just YOU
interceding on your behalf, for you. As the Great Voice swoops in and
changes your decision, there is no force outside of YOU violating your free
All these versions are still you. That is, they are all a part of the same
eternal spiritual soul that makes you who you are. These versions all share
the same hopes, dreams, essential personality, desires and identity that make
you who you are. The Prime Soul that already exists in Creator-Source’s
presence is at its core, the same Soul-Identity as we are—the temporary,
physical, derivative versions of the same eternal soul. We still live inside the
confining box of time and space in the physical universe but as eternal souls,
we are already destined to become what the Prime Soul already is—a
supernatural creative force that still cares about the earlier limited forms of its
own unlimited self.
If YOU can’t take care of yourself—then what good will you be to the rest
of the universes YOU will ultimately co-create?
This is the source of the Great Voice—it is the Prime Soul version of your
present, temporary self.
It exists this moment in the presence of Divine Infinity. I do not pretend to
know all the permutations of what it means to be the Prime Soul. I only know
that it exists and it cares about the earlier primitive versions of its former self.
What the other abilities and responsibilities of the Prime Soul might be are,
most likely beyond our present imaginings. It is enough for now to know this
—that it exists and that it cares about us on levels that we cannot yet grasp on
this side of the veil.
Illustration 1-1
The Prime Soul version of you existed both before and after you. That’s
the best we can describe the situation since it is outside time and space and
therefore before and after don’t really apply to this situation.
The source of the Great Voice is an extreme infinite, eternal future version
of the tiny physical temporary fragment of the flesh that you currently
inhabit. It is a monolithic version of you that has as much in common with
Creator-Source as it does with you. The Source of the Great Voice is as an
elephant while the present, temporary version of you is like the ant…if the
elephant had long ago and far away once been that very same ant. The
elephant would reach back to the ant using the simplest form of
communication it could. As Phillip K. Dick told us about the Great Voice…
It’s very economical in what it says. It limits itself to a few very terse,
succinct sentences.
…it would be very difficult for an elephant to remember how it used to
communicate so very long ago in such a primitive form. Even for such an
advanced version of our previous self it would require great focus and
concentration to speak in something as limited as human language—it would
require sparing succinct phrases. At first, such phrases would be limited to a
few words at a time...…
Short monosyllabic phrases are easier to grasp and diminish the danger of
misunderstanding. This is the greatest danger when a much higher species is
coming to contact with a much more primitive species—the danger of
misunderstanding. The simpler these contacts remain, the greater the clarity
of meaning…and intention.
Military structure is the most efficient for getting difficult tasks done,
because it is a pure command structure. In such a system, orders must be
followed at all costs. We see that structure here because the stakes are high—
survival. This is not just physical but also spiritual eternal survival on the
course laid out for us by Creator-Source. The survival at stake is that of a
lower life form (us) and a connected unimaginably higher life form (The
Source of The Great Voice).
Communications, in the initial stages at least, are not long flowing
monologues or back and forth dialogues—similar to the long flowing
dialogues that some Channelers purportedly engage in with the ancient,
hunched over, ancient warrior/ascended masters/alien entities who jabber
away endlessly. I was certain the Great Voice could never be so conversant.
Communications from the Great Voice are terse in order to avoid
misunderstandings, non-understandings or revelation of knowledge that
cannot be imparted to us at this limited stage of our existence. If the Great
Voice gave us too much knowledge of things beyond what we need for our
temporary existence on this plane; it would be like giving a five year old a
fully loaded semi-automatic gun on the playground with other children.
Whatever ultimately, the Great Voice holds back from us is for our own good
because the Great Voice will always do what is best for us since, on a
transcendent/incomprehensible level—it is us.
The elephant can do little more than use the tip of its sensitive trunk to
pull the ant away from danger and push it toward tasty food. The ant
receiving this bounty may, after many repetitions, realize the giant unknown
power seeks its benefit. Once communications had been successful over the
course of several crisis events and understood by the lower life form, then
communications could become a bit more involved.
Then, the Great Voice might even risk going beyond simply giving
instructions and commands. At a certain point, the Great Voice might be
intrigued by the agony and crisis of its former shell. Its connection to the
individual is very real and it has a personal stake in the continued
magnification of its former shell. It may even find it necessary to risk putting
forward actual ideas and concepts.
The source of the Great Voice might even, because it is not Creator-
Source and does not represent the absolute perfection of the Truly Divine,
make minor mistakes in its communications with the lower form of life.
Yet even if the shoe had straps instead of laces, the intention of the Source
of the Great Voice would be clear. That Source comes to our aid and
magnifies us in time of need. The Source for each hearer of The Great Voice
is the Great Eternal Version of that same individual. While we exist as tiny,
temporary, soul-derivative versions of our eternal self, we are blissfully
unaware of how many versions of the Prime Soul exist on the many varied
planes of existence. Although we as temporary shadow incarnations of the
Prime Soul are not consciously aware of each other, we do share images with
each other from time to time. This explains why sometimes we see images
clearly in our minds that have nothing to do with our present physical lives
and yet appear to be part of our ongoing lives.
The identity of the Source is not celestial in specific origin but it is in the
presence of the Celestial. The Source cannot be Creator-Source/Jesus or the
Angels due to the many instances wherein the Great Voice uses coercion to
change our actions—to change our decisions and the outcomes that result
from those decisions. The Law of Divine Non-Interference is what allows
humans to be different from any other types of creatures in the universe—
terrestrial or spiritual. If the Law of Non-Interference were not true, then
humans would be nothing more than playthings or robotic beings for celestial
powers. We are not. We are unique, self-empowered beings that make and
carry out our own decisions, for better or worse, because that’s how Creator-
Source designed us.
Our unimaginably greater selves, in acting as the guarantors of our
temporary selves; are upholding Creator-Source’s love for us while also
upholding Creator-Source’s law of non-interference with our free will—
because the Source of the Great Voice is us (in a way outside our prison of
time and space). We, as individuals, cannot disrupt our own free will.
Creator-Source governs the universe according to his laws. Creator-
Source’s law applies equally to all. Creator-Source’s Law of Gravity dictates
that you will be smashed if you jump off a building regardless of whether you
are a Buddhist or an Evangelical Christian. Creator-Source’s Law of
Attraction, in accordance with the frequencies of your thoughts, you will
attract riches and abundance into your life or poverty and misery. It doesn’t
matter whether you believe in Creator-Source or not—the form of your life
will still function in accordance with His laws. The Law of Benefit-Election
applies to everyone also. You will listen to the still, small voice that Creator-
Source uses to assist you in all situations or you will suffer loss, harm or
worse. That is, unless the Law of Magnification inserts itself to save you.
The problem is free will...
Since Creator-Source considers free will inviolable, then the long-sought
identity of the Source of the Great Voice is an entity that is much closer to
Creator-Source than it is to us—yet it was us at one point. As Howard Storm,
the Near Death Experiencer relates, the Great Voice is us, yet it is not us.
It sounded like my voice, but it wasn’t a thought of mine. I didn’t say it.
The voice that sounded like my voice, but it wasn’t….
The tiny shred of humanity that we are—which we exist in presently is
barely even a spark compared to the source of the Great Voice. To compare
our present temporary selves to the Source of the Great Voice is akin to
describing a single lit match to a 50 Megaton Nuclear Explosion. Can
reflecting on a lit match help us comprehend a thermonuclear explosion?
We must try.
The Source of the Great Voice represents a version of ourselves that came
into being as one of the points of light at the beginning of the universe’s
creation. Our corresponding Greater Selves may have gloried in Creator-
Source’s presence for ages waiting for the opportunity to help its temporary
self when it comes into being on this earthly plane. One universal constant, I
surmise, is love. Even in this infinitely higher state of being, the Greater You
that is The Source of The Great Voice feels great affection for the tiny shell
that used to contain the very same essence that in eternity blooms to
unimaginable extents. The greater YOU will help the temporary physical you
with the only lifeline that can open the door to this assistance—your faith.
Many people have already been assisted, some even saved, by their Great
voice. Now they will know who/what helped them and they can reach back
into the Superconscious Gulf with gratitude and faith, to ask for
Magnification. Yet reaching out to the Great Voice is not worship; in fact, the
Source of the Great Voice is acting as Creator-Source’s agent in upholding
His laws.
Pondering the fullness of what the Prime Soul is and does is beyond our
understanding, so for now we must concentrate on the only connection that
Illustration 1-2
Notice the great chasm of distance is between the temporary you and the
Prime Soul Version of you. Of course it’s not distance in the dimensional
sense but in the eternal sense—symbolic distance that echoes in spirit and is
outside of time and space. Only great power can instigate the crossing of this
chasm. It requires the greatest power we have at our command—belief. It is
the temporary version who must exude the faith to reach upwards. They open
the channels of communication to the eternal source of the Great Voice. The
Great Voice may be juggling the needs, crises, survival and magnification of
many versions of the temporary you. These versions could exist in various
alternate dimensions of reality ad infinitum. If this is true, then the key to
getting the attention and assistance from the Source of the Great Voice would
be faith—faith in the truth of the Great Voice, that it cares about the
temporary you and is appointed by Creator-Source to watch after you.
Whichever version of you exudes the most faith in the Great Voice will be
the one that gets the attention from the Great Voice and will see the Law of
Magnification operate in that version’s temporary physical life.
Clues Revealed
A voice in your head does not empower you. What empowers you is your
certainty that the Source of the Voice seeks the best for you and ultimately
your magnification. There are only two choices available to every single
human being in this universe in regards to the laws of the universe. They
must decide to live in concert with and become beneficiaries of Creator-
Source’s laws or the second choice, taken by most, is to suffer the negative
effects of living in contravention of Creator-Source’s laws that operate our
If you attempt to defy the law of gravity, by jumping from high places,
you will face physical damage and even death. However, if you show a
healthy respect for gravitation then it will aid and comfort you every moment
of your life. When it comes to Creator-Source’s laws, it doesn’t matter what a
person believes. In the same way, if you exude a negative attitude, the Law of
Attraction will guarantee you a sour, negative existence. Regardless of your
beliefs, if you act as a transmitter for positivity, then you will enjoy a happy
and joyful life. Similarly, the law of Election Correction operates a small, still
voice that all people feel and can take advice from on a constant basis. It
helps people through their intuition to elect the best path in life, to live
comfortably and make good choices; but only if they elect to listen to the still
small voice.
The Law of Magnification relates that Your Great voice will operate to
your great benefit at a much higher level than the benefits we get from the
Law of Benefit Election. The Great voice will come to your assistance to save
your life, change your existence and create an Unfoldment that most do not
dare to dream. You have only to free your mind.
1. Feel The Love—The Great Voice issues from a Source who absolutely
cares for you without reservation or shame because the Source of the
Great voice, at one point in space-time, actually was you. It has the
ultimate motivation to protect you, care for you and magnify you so
that you will continue to develop to become what the Great Voice is.
Because of where the Source of the Great Voice exists in at the time
we hear it, it is difficult for it to remember this tiny temporary
existence so long ago. Yet, I would wager that when it looks upon our
lives, our travails, our sorrows, our joys; that the memory comes back
to it and triggers its compassion for what it once was. The Great
Voice’s greatest motivation is your well-being and increase.
I will testify that if you follow these steps described in chapter 14: Steps
for Constant Access, you cannot help but succeed in gaining wisdom,
direction, help and magnification beyond any dreams of men. In workshops
and conferences, the culturally conditioned minds will appear and express
anger at new ideas unapproved and unfiltered by their masters. Here is a
template that often makes its appearance at public discussions of Clear-
“None of this adds up. How are you going to expect us to believe that
people who hear voices in their heads are receiving some kind of inspired
assistance from some benevolent power? They are just troubled people who
need help from doctors.”
Clairaudient Response: I once had a teenager I cared about return from
beyond the grave to give me a simple message so I’ll pass it on now to you in
direct response to what you are saying: “Don’t Be Afraid.” You believe
you’re angry—righteously angry for all the others duped, tricked and taken
advantage of by unscrupulous hucksters. You’re not angry. Despite your
various points of contention—everything you posit adds up to a single point
—you’re afraid. You’re afraid that something outside your paradigm exists,
is real and actually matters. If you’re not ready that’s alright. I would ask you
to leave this message behind and don’t return to it until your desire to be free
outweighs your desire to be comfortable.
Also, in answer to one of your contentions, I must repeat my advisement
that nothing in this work or in any workshop is intended as medical advice.
Anyone taking medication must consult their physician or naturopath before
altering any course of medication or treatment. We are not trying to change
anyone. We are only offering assistance to any who are already awakening
and are already changed.
There are people out there right now who are already Clear-Hearers and
still don’t know what they are. They know they are not Voice-Hearers but not
much beyond that.
This work is for them.
It is to give them aid, comfort and awakening to the bold future that awaits
them, as long as they are ready to take that boldest step and…..
Investigative Conclusions
And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country
of the Gadarenes. And when he was come out of the ship,
immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean
spirit, who had [his] dwelling among the tombs; and no man could
bind him, no, not with chains: Because that he had been often
bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked
asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any
[man] tame him. And always, night and day, he was in the
mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with
stones. But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him,
And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee,
Jesus, [thou] Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that
thou torment me not. For he said unto him, Come out of the man,
[thou] unclean spirit. And he asked him, What [is] thy name? And
he answered, saying, My name [is] Legion: for we are many. And
he be sought him much that he would not send them away out of the
country. Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd
of swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us
into the swine, that we may enter into them. And forthwith Jesus
gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into
the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the
sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.
(Emphasis added by the Author)
Once a person relinquishes free will and sovereign control of the precious
vessel (their body/psyche) given to them by Creator-Source, they are a lot
like the teenager having a massive party at his parent’s home for the first
time. They may want just fifty of the “cool kids” to come to their party and so
those are the people they invite. But once you’re past a hundred attendees it
becomes nigh impossible to control who is getting into the party. Similarly,
when it comes to “foreign entities” once the invitation is issued, there are no
numerical limits that can be enforced by the host. It’s basically “come one,
come all.”
The prophets, saints, holy men and women of Judaism, Christianity and
Islam received divine guidance through a means of meditative prayer that, at
times, resembles channeling. This type of Focused Meditation occurs
constantly everywhere in many forms; anyplace that people stop and focus
their spiritual energy and power on the things that really matter to them. It is
a steady stream of focused thoughts, words, images, and emotions through
prayer, fasting and meditation. Meditative Concentration is an alpha wave
state or light trance disassociated state, which anyone can achieve in quiet
focused concentration. The person can be totally aware of the process and yet
still be disassociated from the process at some level. The person can then
communicate through ordinary speech.
Focused Meditation or Meditative Concentration is the concentration of
our spiritual energy toward a purpose that goes beyond our localized reality.
It is when our focused spiritual energy is directed, by an act of our intentional
will, upward toward a great upside-down maelstrom of swirling inky
darkness under which all sentient beings live. This black maelstrom is the
Superconsciousness that connects all thinking beings to the mind of Creator-
Source. Terence McKenna, a modern alternative philosopher, called it the
“felt presence of Direct Experience.”
It is a tiny drop of Creator-Source’s essence perhaps dislodged from the
Being of Creator-Source during the explosion of the Big Bootup that brought
all things into existence. Perhaps this tiny drop of Creator-Source-Essence
expanded, rose high up above us all and transmogrified into the wonderful
ebony swirling pool that hovers over our heads, up above the third heaven,
into the great maelstrom of Superconsciousness. Any of us can tap into it
through the power of our intentions.
This tapping into the great ebony pool is not channeling, mental or
otherwise, because we are not connecting two distinct beings. We are simply
transcending our apparent limitations and entering that part of the universe
wherein is contained the Mind of Creator-Source. It takes more than poor
human language to explain this. It takes the Felt Presence of Direct
Experience—in other poverty-stricken language—it takes the experience of
doing it in order to convey the sense of knowing/believing it.
Writers, artists, inventors, businessmen, creators of all kinds experience
this whenever the tumblers flip, the locks disengage and they pass through
the curtain/veil onto the other side into the great Superconsciousness. They
begin creating/generating/manifesting from somewhere beyond themselves.
This is when ideas, thoughts, creativity and powerful truths are revealed that
feel as if they are from a place other than the consciousness of the thinker.
This is very common among creative thinkers and many great advances for
mankind have been “stumbled upon” this way.
Terence McKenna was an intellectual warrior for access to our own
human consciousness. He was an outside-the-mainstream writer, philosopher
and thinker noted for his exploration of the origins and nature of human
consciousness. McKenna advocated the exploration of altered states of mind
via the ingestion of naturally occurring psychedelic substances. Although I
would not wish to be one of the people to follow his literal methods but
judging from the originality and razor sharp conciseness of his commentaries,
I am glad there are psychonauts such as McKenna who are willing to do so in
my stead.
One of the things he advocated among the followers of the New Age was
refraining from giving your power away to those who appear to be more
spiritually in tune than the average individual. The reason for this was
McKenna’s consistent theme throughout his life—individual spiritual
sovereignty. Here is an excerpt from a public speech in which he challenged
people to “free your mind:”
“If you’re worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody
else then you are disempowering yourself. You are giving it all away to icons.
Icons that are maintained by an electronic media so that you will want to
dress like X, or have lips like Y. This is SH*T-BRAINED, this kind of
We must stop giving up our spiritual sovereignty to others like pastors,
mediums and Channelers. It is time for all those in the New Age, Mainstream
Christianity and everywhere else to take back their power for their own good
—to become their own creators by realizing that each of us has access to our
own Great Voice of guidance. We have only to seek for it and we will each
find it. This Great Voice that we all can access has a very important purpose;
which is precisely to NOT remain hidden—but to be found and exploited to
the fullest possible extent by its one true owner—you.
This new class of Clear-Hearers will be leaders of change in the
reformation and great synthesis that will finally leave formal Channeling in
the dustbin of history where it belongs. But they will take the best of what
channeling represents and instill those desires and qualities into millions of
beings still seeking to find their own wonderful “Great” Voice—a voice of
wisdom, spirituality and unflagging encouragement that never fails them,
never lets them down and never surrenders to supposed physical reality that
appears so contrary to their personal joy.
Clear-Hearers will lead this great reformation that will affect those in the
New Awakening, the New Way, Traditional Christianity, Paranormal
phenomena and even those still horribly trapped in the fossilized scientific
world. This will mean radical change throughout the entire vibration
bandwidth of our known reality. One of those changes will be our refocusing
away from mediumship/channeling and the promotion of individual
introspection as its replacement, as we rapidly approach the final crescendo
of the Age of Mass Awakening.
The reformation of channeling will mean its absorption into the much
larger and intensely personal experience of larger self-realization. Channeling
will finally be reduced and left behind, not due to “debunking” or hard
science or another such fossilized philosophy; but simply because we will
have grown out of it. We as a society will ride the crest of a wave of pulsating
spiritual energy and faith that will carry us up towards a reality much higher
and more direct than channeling outside entities ever could. We won’t have
mediums, Channelers or ghost whisperers anymore because we won’t need
them. We won’t need them because we will have direct access to the
Superconscious Gulf of universality through our Great Voice—access to any
type of paranormal understanding. We, the hearers of Ourselves, shall be the
Medium and the Message.
Even on this side of the veil, there are forces working constantly to keep you
from accessing this power. There is a Dampener Overlord loose on our planet
that is not a person or people. A great malevolent force suppresses us, keeps
us from questioning or reaching for anything better because it even prevents
us from contemplation. In this way, it keeps us from ever realizing the
potentials of constant access to a power as daunting as the Superconscious
Voice that is available to us.
A person who accesses The Great Voice can achieve anything they wish.
The Great Voice from the Superconsciousness represents a treasure waiting
for those who dare. Yet there are those in the general population who operate
on fear and negativity who are generally against the development of mass
human potential even for themselves. They believe the natural state of man,
as the philosopher David Hume said: is nasty, brutish and short. They live in
hopelessness and the constant peril of unfulfilled potential. Many such people
cannot see beyond their immediate circumstances and don’t want others to
see beyond them either.
Yet, even these people can still have their eyes and minds opened. They
can convert to better brighter lives of joy and hope so we must never give up
on them and on their field of infinite possibilities.
Another group is very different because they already know about the
potentialities of the Great Voice and they are the creators of its nemesis—the
Great Noise. They are those whose greatest wish is to keep people under
control—under their control. The second group not only knows about access
to The Great Voice but also access their own Dark Voices on a regular basis.
They are necromancers and they are the true owners of all the mainstream
institutions of our planet. The Elite Powers In Control (EPIC) are the
bloodline rulers of this planet. There is no foreseeable pattern to their actions
except to play all sides against one another. They elevated Joan of Arc to
save France from obliteration but then had her burned alive at the stake. They
raised up Adolf Hitler to reign over the planet but then allowed Winston
Churchill to be the “spear of destiny” through Hitler’s black heart. They have
played these games countless times but no matter which side wins, they
always win.
The EPIC always plays both sides of the dialectics they create and they
are unmolested in their machinations because they keep the populations
befuddled with The Great Noise.
This endless noise cuts through all our senses. It blurs our vision,
interferes with our hearing and dampens all our abilities. It is the great
seething mass of cable, satellite, radio, and mainstream media broadcasting
channels; that flood our existence. It inundates our lives with chatter, noise,
interference and negativity. This prevents the general population from ever
stopping, sitting in silence and looking within to find out what really matters.
This noise does not let us listen.
Modern people cannot hear the still, small voice that counsels them. It is
why they can pick themselves up after being knocked over by the Great
Voice and pretend nothing happened—because the noise steps right back in
again to block out everything else. They know the Great Noise is always just
around the next corner waiting for them, to sedate them, calm them, and
throw them into a narcotic stupor so they can forget anything that isn’t on a
plasma screen or in the mall store windows or that can’t be put on a lay-a-
way payment plan. The Great Noise is everywhere but it is a voluntary
participation system.
We have the ability to turn off the Great Noise but we need the will to do
it. Turning off the great noise is the first step to finally being able to listen to
what is inside.
It is not in the interest of the great economic powers in our society for
people to gain access to their own Superconscious Voice. They would be
guided to great and wonderful things for themselves that do not help the
institutions of society’s overlords. There is no limit to what people can
achieve once they tap into communication with their own Great Voice.
I owe this temporary life to my Superconscious Voice several times over but
that is the least of what Creator-Source’s law has done for me through the
span of my life. It has also saved my oldest son from losing his limb and
prevented me from losing my opportunity to achieve the career I was meant
to have. It has even saved the lives of friends. It has kept me safe through
times of terrible danger even when I was unaware that any danger was
lurking. Additionally, subjects of workshops, associates and even people I
have never met, have regaled me with their experiences of clairaudient
assistance, protection and even salvation.
The Great Voice has visited me during periods of depression and jolted
me into a better, stronger, higher way of living my life—with complete
certainty of my beliefs and the aspiration to learn the entire truth behind the
Great Voice. I never dreamed how deep into the Cosmic Plan this knowledge
would take me. Yet the greatest of all these truths is the revelation to
humanity of the Law Of Magnification—that law that will supercharge
millions of lives. Although we will not completely understand the
Superconscious Voice on this side of the veil, we must try to know it in order
to reach it.
The “Genie” has been revealed and named but can never be fully tamed.
Like lightning loosed from a bottle, this power can be used to magnify us in
positive ways but can also be used incorrectly. The same power that can
energize our lives can also blast our reason. We must be cautious in exploring
the Superconscious Voice. Brilliance can dazzle but can also blind. Caution is
vital in this newly unfolding area of devastating powers. Why does our great
Superconscious Voice speak to us in short terse sentences as the great science
fiction writer Phillip K. Dick tells us?
“It’s very economical in what it says. It limits itself to a few very terse,
succinct sentences.”
The reverent way to refer to the source of the Great Voice which comes to
us from the Super Consciousness itself is: the Great Voice is the actual
manifestation of the Infinite Version of Our Eternal Potentiality.”
Simple rationality cannot comprehend it. Only the open, non-judgmental
openness of a child’s imagination and belief can begin to comprehend the
place, presence and being of the Superconscious Voice. That is because this
Eternal Self does not exist in a place or as a presence as we understand it. The
Eternal Self exists in dimensions unknown and unknowable but from which,
aided by our faith, belief and intention; can contact us for limited and specific
The Superconscious Voice is the unimaginable version of the material you
who stands in the presence of Creator-Source without evaporating from the
brilliance of His light, who has access to all of the realities that exist beyond
ours, who is outside of time and physical dimensions, who knows all that has
already happened—will happen—and must happen. It also exists in
dimensions of unknowable reality very different from our physical reality:
height, width, depth, linear time. Imagine how you would feel if the Protocol
Office of the President of United States of America called you to advise you
to stand by your phone tomorrow at 3:00pm sharp because the Leader of the
Free World will be calling you for a three minute conversation to
congratulate you on some interesting achievement your family has aspired to
recently. Would you be excited or stimulated at all? Contact with your
Superconscious Voice is infinitely more important than that telephone call
from any human celebrity of your choice.
The divine knowledge your Superconscious Voice is privy to carries
staggering possibilities that even the Elite Powers In Control of our planet
may not be aware of—but you will be.
“Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions” is an 1884 science fiction
novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott that to this day is still
popular amongst mathematics, physics and computer science scholars. The
story is about a two-dimensional world referred to as Flatland. The narrator is
a simple Square (the social caste of gentlemen and professionals). This
narrator is a being raised in a world where there is no concept of up or below
or depth. This very limited being is visited by a three-dimensional Sphere,
which he cannot comprehend until he is himself lifted up out of his very
restricted reality and into the far greater three dimensional reality known as
Space Land. He had to enter into the three dimensional reality himself before
he could even comprehend what it meant. He could not be told about it with
any hope of making him understand. The Square had to experience it for
Such new knowledge always engenders fear in the hearts of those rulers of
the old order system of any world, especially when the new knowledge has
the potential to liberate the minds of the ordinary populace into a higher
awareness. Yet, the sphere visits Flatland at the turn of each millennium to
introduce a new apostle to the idea of a third dimension in order to eventually
educate the population of Flatland of the existence of Space Land and to
engender into them faith that other dimensions truly do exist. The Sphere and
the Square are able to observe the leaders of Flatland secretly acknowledging
the existence of the sphere and criminalizing the preaching the truth of the
gospel of “Space Land” and the third dimension.
I am relentlessly hopeful that these words will open up the reality of
others to a greater more vigorous existence. Yet like the Square protagonist, I
am writing these words from a prison that exists both figuratively and
literally. That prison is the old world that still refuses to acknowledge mind-
body consciousness in many strata of society but I go forward in the same
hope shared by the Square who never gave up hope that he could spread his
“Yet I exist in the hope that these memoirs, in some manner, I know
not how, may find their way to the minds of humanity in Some
Dimension, and may stir up a race of rebels who shall refuse to be
confined to limited Dimensionality.”
—The Square From Flatland
“Now that I know who you are, will you never speak to me again?”
I did two meditations uploading this query and I received a pure, clear
voice of authority.
How should I acquire the money (state the exact amount of money you
wish to acquire to the cent) to get out of the debt (exact money amount
you wish to pay off to the cent) I am facing?
Focus and crystallize that question in your mind. Writing it down first
to clarify the exact wording helps. In addition, listen to your intuition
in putting this together—the still, small voice.
The funnel for the Query can be meditation.
Equipment needed:
2. Set alarm for 20-25 minutes, set earplugs and blindfold in place, settle
into the correct spot comfortably on your sitting pillow.
3. Completing the circuit—cross your legs, straighten your spine and lace
your fingers/hand together across the middle of your lap so your body
forms a three-point triangle.
Can I trust my new business partner (give the exact name of the
I answered yes that I wanted to get the message out of the Great Voice and
many other things but that it may take years and years; but I wanted it to be
done in the blink of an eye. After placing my response on my consciousness
at bedtime, in the morning I learned about Unfoldment through imagery…the
Great Voice could leave imagery that would elaborate words and ideas.
Perceiving these messages was like learning to “smell colors” or learning to
“see sounds.” It was the perception of articulated words through image
downloads that gave off an aura of words and ideas—elaboration through
imagery. Here is the elaboration through imagery I received in the morning:
I’m also learning to interpret and translate for myself some Great Voice
jargon. I was being told to be quiet and do the work because the stream of
time doesn’t care where I surface within it. Once I’m far enough “down
river” in the stream of time it will be the same result as if I had skipped all
this grueling work because the work will seem like just a misty dream to me.
Personal comfort of your temporary, physical persona does not matter to the
Great Voice because it is precisely that—temporary. Because the Source of
the Great Voice is eternal and infinite, everything that is temporary and
limited inside the time stream is relatively unimportant to the Great Voice.
But efforts that create spiritual value by helping others and making things
better, actually are creating “eternal value.” This is what the Great Voice
cares about and this is why it magnifies you.
I meditated carefully upon this wisdom and its truth permeated my being
completely. I realized the absolute joy of pouring forth effort over any
expanse of time. I felt the power of that statement—that once we finish with
the joy of that journey, we will only long to accomplish that journey again
and again. That’s why we always keep setting new goals.
As I continued to think upon the Great Voice during the following days,
another method for constant communication with the Superconsciousness
voice was given to me. This method uses ancient methods mixed with new
concepts that should be easily achievable even for individuals who may have
trouble with doing transcendental meditation. It is understandable and
expected that there can be many people in our society that have been
damaged by the permanent impressions of internal mental chatter, damaged
by the Dampener Overlord that finds us always no matter where we may be. I
have known many very intelligent savvy business people and high achievers
who have very serious problems achieving the mental silence that we need to
reach out to the Superconsciousness during meditations. Such people should
not be discouraged. They should simply look for “plan b.” These individuals,
who may be comprised of as much of 20 percent of all those who attempt
transcendental meditation, may require longer periods of practicing silence or
even therapy before they can learn to achieve spontaneous silencing of
internal noise.
For those who may have this problem, they should try this exercise
instead which relies much more upon the conscious waking mind. This
mental-spirit-awareness process is the “Seven Day Awareness Exercise” and
especially those with problems achieving the silencing of internal chatter in
order to reach a Transcendental Meditative state should practice it.
Think of all your important goals…you may have a vision board, five-
year plan or generational goals list—where ever you must look, you should
find, memorize and master the truth of your desires and beliefs. Goals are of
little value unless you inculcate in yourself a real belief that the universe will
help you achieve them. Therefore, belief and faith in your goal is the first
Another very important step to make goals universally desirable and
powered from the Superconscious involves removing all elements of personal
ego. Goals must be primarily for the service and betterment of humankind
and for the glory of Creator-Source (not for our personal glory or accolades).
When we remove our personal ego—the sole desire for self- aggrandizement
and convert it to the intention to serve the universe rather than have the
universe serve us; then we enlist the cosmic consciousness and energy into
the achievement of our goals. This shifting of your conscious intention
regarding your goals should be written down and reflected in your vision
boards, five-year plans and all written goals. The primary aim should be
service for and betterment of humanity for the glory of Creator-Source.
Benefits will accrue to you when the universe conspires to achieve your goals
but its help will be much more readily available for those goals when your
primary intention is to serve the universe rather than yourself.
Once you completed these first two steps you’ll be holding concepts, ideas
and your most important goals in your mind. You must still complete the step
known as distilment. You must distill the most important goals into a single
word concept. If the goals are financial, the single word concept can be:
affluence, wealth, prosperity, fortune or even riches. The single word concept
is a symbol that means very specific things to you but will represent a far
wider range of possibilities when you successfully upload it to the Cosmic
awareness of the Superconsciousness. Other possible single word concepts
for this exercise:
Only you need to know why this concept is important to you and what
possibilities and specific goals it actually represents to you. The key to
success in this process is in the understanding that it runs parallel on two
planes simultaneously—on the merely conscious level and on the far more
important Superconscious level. Then, complete success will ensue.
2. Instilment: instill those goals with a real belief that you can achieve
great things within that goal. Faith is much more important than desire
when it comes to goals.
Now you have the most important starting point for this exercise: the
concept and you must utilize this item in the process that follows.
B. Establishing the time period—On your calendar, mark off the seven
days that are beginning for this exercise. Be ready to mark off each day as it
passes, always thinking in the upper reaches of your consciousness of the
concept you are focusing on and dispersing into the cosmic awareness.
Events will unfold during this period to show you that the universe wishes to
assist you in achieving this goal.
I maintain knights guarding my castle and it’s happening right now. When
dark influences come at you there is a wonderful exercise in positive power
meditation…Guardians of Your Inner Sanctum. This was the mental process
pioneered by Napoleon Hill, the “success philosopher.” He advised that you
should select several of your dead heroes and create in your imagination;
your own improvised version of them when they were young and physically
powerful. A group of about four or five of these should probably suffice.
Visualize them in a vivid and powerful way, assign them weapons, armor (if
appropriate) and any other resources they might need. Then bring them to a
castle that represents your mind and its Inner Sanctum of Peace. Place your
images of your heroes along the walls and ramparts of the castle where they
will defend whenever you feel negative feelings of fear, panic, concern,
worries or any negative influences at all. Whenever you sense these negative
influences, personify the negative feelings into “malignant darkling’s”
attacking your castle walls. A moat around the castle also helps.
Your protectors will act on instinct. They will capture and kill the
malignant vibrations, which personify into berserker attackers. These
darklings do not have blood but only thick black fluid inside representing the
purity of their negativity. When your heroes accomplish a mission of
protection and termination, do not forget to compliment them and give them
positive feedback. This will add to their life force, personalities,
independence and their determination to never let you down.
The reality and power of these images will become more powerful and
more real as successful missions accumulate. Positive reinforcement will feed
the life forces of these created entities. They will appreciate you and you will
come to value their protection. As they dispatch the evil darklings of fear,
doubt, hesitation…you will actually feel these emotions dissipate from your
mind and from your psyche….
We can all persuade others to agree with our point of view. It becomes a
special ability when we are able to always get others to adopt a position that
they ordinarily never would. Then it becomes a paranormal ability. A dear
friend of mine has a saying: “Just do everything I say and you will have a
happy life and all your dreams will come true.”
Developing this is frustrating at first because of delayed response. It’s not
like Obi Wan Kenobi—immediate. When you have an important useful
suggestion but are confronted with a person who never accepts advice or
doesn’t consider your suggestions worth considering, try this experiment:
instead of simply suggesting your idea, tell that person you received a
marvelous inspiration from somewhere else that you wanted to share with
them because you have an absolute certainty that it will bring positive results.
The goal here is to allow cynics/critics/jealous, envious, negative
personalities to escape the personal pain of giving you direct credit. Then,
give them your idea but finish with the suggestion that they probably
wouldn’t accept the idea because it would represent a risk that they might
find unacceptable. Then walk away. Nine out of ten times, the cynic will
return to you and either claim your idea as their own while they put it into
action or they will simply put your idea into use while expressing doubt they
you actually came up with the idea in the first place. You must respond with
a joyful declaration ascribing the cynic all the wisdom and credit for seizing,
creating or generating the creative environment that made the idea possible.
As you repeat this exercise several times with different cynical
individuals, you will increase your powers each time. You may still not reach
the level of Super-Persuasion but you will improve. Moreover, a few
practitioners will eventually find out that they are naturally gifted with Super-
Persuasion (in which case you will increase geometrically in these powers
instead of just arithmetically). Those who are so gifted will find, to their
amazement and perhaps even fright, that ten out of ten times they can
convince anyone of almost anything.
Positive Transmutation
I never said it would be easy…I only said it would be the truth
I emerged from the period of study and research into the realities of The
Great Voice and its potentialities. I felt I had truly found the Source of the
Great Voice but was still troubled by the firmness of the connection I had
I had a somber anniversary of my mother’s death. I was looking at some
of her old pictures and some of our family archives going back for one
hundred years. I reviewed photos of my grandfather and my father’s sad
childhood. My thoughts began to linger on some of the more tragic moments
of my own childhood. A yellowing card fell out from the pictures. It was an
ancient business card from an old hardware store in Queens, New York. I
puzzled over why I would have kept this scrap until I turned it over and
looked at the back. It was terribly faded but I still could recognize my
mother’s bold scrawl.
GV Elaboration:
I remember.
GV Elaboration:
“Thank you for saving my boy that day on the escalator. I never got to
thank you.”
The window had closed but my joy at what happened was rising. An
electric joy settled on me, a blue mist filled my lungs and I felt filled with
peace. I was also shocked because this was the most the voice had ever
spoken to me. For the first time in my life, the voice spoke in several
sentences rather than just one or two. All my life it would only utter a single
sentence or just a short phrase.
Another realization struck me as I reviewed my childhood: the reason I
had been so exposed to death (Dutchy, Tongue-Less Boy and even Meaty-
Guy) at such a young age was to begin a pinging in my consciousness that
has reverberated ever since. This pinging was an echo of the statement that
the thin veneer of our physical, material reality can dissipate at any moment.
These echoes resounded with me ever since and eventually opened me to in-
depth paranormal experiences both with and without the Great
Superconscious Voice. This was the purpose of my very early exposures to
death. It worked.
3. The tragedy that occurred to the little boy was also within the plan
of Creator-Source.
2. Belief that this Creator/Designer rules the Universe through laws, not
by individual acts of intervention that disrupts our free will.
3. You need a true belief that you are something far greater than the
biological being contained in your skin.
—Can you assure me that you can effect whatever you need to in the
universe so that once this book, The Clear-Hearers is published its message
of empowerment will successfully be spread through the world?
Message will reach many, betterment of your race. You are chosen—not
for comfort but for mission… uplift, magnify. Go forth and assure.
I had a sense that I may have made him angry (if human anger could truly
be ascribed to such a being) because the response had been immediate and
exclamatory. In a moment of weakness I had attempted to take advantage of
my connection to this being by seeking easy comfort and I had been called on
it right away. This was a replay of the “blink of an eye” question. There
would not be another such question. I felt appropriately chastened. No more
seeking shortcuts. I would get back to the business of putting in the work,
dedication and the expenditure of life to awaken as many as I can. Every man
spends his life on something, whether he knows it or not. Too often, he
spends it for the privilege of dying in a comfortable bed—unruffled and
barely noticed by the physical world he departs from—leaving it no richer or
poorer as a result of his lifetime or departure. The Great Voice had finally
made me comprehend that Clear-Hearers have a very different destiny in this
temporary material world.
Hope shall birth desire, desire shall manifest new awareness, and so I
repeat that last exhortation so that will reverberate in your mind as it does in
I now understood, perhaps for the first time, that some of the messages I
had received from the Source of the Great Voice were never meant for me
alone but for all those who will receive the message of the Clear-Hearers. If
you make a difference in the life of a single person; you have changed an
entire universe.
Weeks turned to months of silence. I decided that I had to do something to
reacquire the Great Voice. I just needed to hit upon the right question so I
made up a slew of them, hoping that one might be appropriate for a response.
“What should I ask an entity standing half a step away from God?”
I constructed ten questions and worded them carefully. They were
uploaded during deep meditations. I expected answers to one or two of the
queries and partial, curt answers at that. I did not expect what happened next.
Even Source cannot help those wishing not to be helped. Few have
chosen dark paths to follow in your physical existence and those to come.
Their Great Voice cannot contact. Such are rare. Other voices come to
them on your plane.
Most ignore their Great Voice and so it no longer tries to reach them.
Their Great Voice will await progression of their tiny reflection to a higher
plane of existence to try again. The few who hear clearly on the physical
plane should help others.
As has happened many times, Creator Source will always preserve the
existence of humanity because all sides share the desire that humanity be
preserved. You will never be allowed to destroy yourselves and the program
will be altered as needed to preserve you always. The only way human
existence would be terminated is if when they achieve perfect peace,
perfection and absolute highest development. No further conflict—no need
for existence. They exist to be in a constant process of conflict,
investigation, learning and discovery of truth. The more they learn and
experience, the more desirable they will be to the Creator-Source for
During every moment of their temporary physical incarnation, they
must never stop investigating and unfolding. Those who do not learn, grow
and unfold create far less impulse for the universe to rejoin them with the
Creator-Source. They must avoid falling into this status as it is the worst
judgment the universe can pass upon any human soul. They must not be
caught in the web of every day mediocrity that seeks to ensnare them, to
hold them and to prevent them from living a life of adventure and
discovery. If they are being held in that web, they must break free. It is
never too late to live up to the highest hopes Creator-Source had for them
when He designed each individual as a unique and wonderful gift to the
Multi-Verses. If they begin right this moment, then, they will be just in
Query: Do good and evil really exist?
Good and evil are not the choosing of certain values over others. On the
temporary physical plane: religions, philosophies and even science seek to
assign values of good and evil. Controllers on your plane of existence are
constantly seeking to assign values according to what gives them the most
control over individual human souls. The Controllers do this to serve their
masters: The Disconnected. This assignment of false values to good and
evil only serves to feed their system of obedience and submission in the
temporary physical plane. The labels of “good” and “evil” are used as
whips to keep the herd all moving in the same direction and following the
same orders.
At a higher, spiritual level, those who serve The Disconnected, again
seek to control by asserting that there are no such things as good and evil.
Their slogan is that all things are good and there is no such thing as “evil.”
They know vacuums are not allowed on any plane of existence. Something
always replaces nothing. If they can steer human souls away from any
value at all, then higher powers will decide the values for these human
souls. Human souls cannot exist without values and so they will always be
provided from some place and from someone. It will be those who have the
greatest need to connect to human consciousness that will inject themselves
into those decisions. Those are the Disconnected.
True Goodness is all things that increase, serve and magnify human
souls. This includes almost all of what Creator-Source has made for
human souls. It can all be used for good. Evil is much narrower and can
only come about by the exercise of free will. True Evil is only that which
willfully seeks the destruction of life or the destruction of spirit. Evil seeks
out destruction or harm to temporary physical life. This serves the purposes
of The Disconnected by showing a commitment and an agreement to
become part of those who disavow their eternal connection to the Creator-
Source. The moment a human soul exercises destruction or harm to
another temporary life, it has agreed to side with The Disconnected.
At a higher level, evil seeks harm or damage to eternal, spiritual life.
This is even more grave than the temporary brand of evil. This means
doing harm to the spiritual being of a human soul that reverberates
throughout eternity. Those who seek to do such harm know when they do it.
It requires intention and purpose. It damages the spirit and consciousness
of the receiver and can take many lifetimes to repair. The harm they create
is like an anchor on a balloon, weighting the human soul down until the
anchor can be detached. There are an endless number of ways this is
accomplished. Too many human lives are composed of an ongoing list of
spiritual damage and eternal injuries.
Outside of purposefully doing harm to temporary life or to eternal spirit,
nothing else is truly evil.
Query: Why doesn’t Creator-Source get rid of evil people and their
The masters of those who count themselves as evil are called The
Disconnected. They are lacking the connection back to the Creator-Source
that guarantees The Return that all life craves. All genuine Evil always
comes back to The Disconnected. These are powers that have cut their own
connection back or never had it due to how they were created. They, and
those beings who willfully follow them, seek only to bring as many beings
as possible into the category of The Disconnected.
They believe that their success will be achieved if they can get enough
conscious beings into The Unconnected category, then Creator-Source will
be left with too few Connected Beings. Creator Source will be faced with a
choice to lose the majority of the inhabitants of the Conscious Multi-Verses
if He continues to insist on the Rule of Connection and Return. The
Disconnected believe that facing losses of too many Conscious Beings, He
will overturn the Rule of Connection. Finally, Creator-Source will have to
start all over again. All the differences between those who are Connected
and those who are Unconnected Beings will disappear because the entire
system will have to be restarted. All conscious souls will be reconnected to
their Creator-Source because any other choice would mean the loss of most
of the eternal souls from creation. Then, things will be as before—in the
beginning before The Beginning. They are mistaken.
Creator-Source already has planned for the actions of The
Disconnected and they are a vital part of his plan. The Unconnected and
their evil deeds are not only planned for by Creator-Source—they are
necessary for people to gain their ultimate destiny. The eternal treasure
people generate for themselves by dealing with evil far outweighs the
temporary discomfort they suffer on your physical plane. It is because of
resistance to evil, which has been built into human souls as an imperative,
that the plans of the Disconnected will not succeed. Human souls cannot
grow without resistance to overcome. They will later be enormously
grateful for the misfortunes visited upon them.
I felt a strange pride at the Great Voice adopting my label for an event that
had caused me to be criticized.
It was a painful memory. When I was about twelve, my father had taken
me to a farm in Upstate New York during the fall season. It was my first trip
away from urban landscapes. Close to the farm we were visiting, I saw my
first enormous pile of leaves in a clearing. They were dark colors but a sheen
of wetness over the top of the pile made the darkish leaves appear black.
Adults later told me there are no such thing as black leaves. Even at that age,
I didn’t much care when people told me something didn’t exist. The pile had
to be ten feet in circumference and about five feet tall. It called to me like a
big fluffy mattress. I asked my father if I could jump into it and he assented.
He didn’t mean face first.
My body careened through the pile and I slammed my face into the hard
soil underneath. The pile had almost no substance to it. My face smashed into
the dirt painfully. As I wiped dirt from my muddy face, my father howled
with laughter. Even now, my nose tingled with the memory of the pain.
We remember. The physical plane is to help humans manifest the
Reality Tunnel that will carry you toward Creator-Source and His next
assignment for us. During this temporary existence, the human soul
assignment is to grow, serve others and fulfill your gifts as awarded by
Creator-Source. They must grow in abilities, wisdom and experience. They
must serve others by helping them in any way with their gifts. And they
fulfill those gifts by living up to the genius that Creator-Source has
designed into them. These three required elements are connected to each
other and they feed increased energy into each other. During the exercise
of these three elements, they build a new reality that will carry them
upward toward Creator-Source. Individuals are preparing this world even
now with every word they speak, every deed they do and every emotion they
exude. Everything is connected to life, death and eternity.
Yet, there are also the black leaves. During the temporary incarnation
on the physical plane every fear, hurt and injury that truly impacts upon
their spirit is like a black leaf still wet with dew that sticks to their outer
shell. Each person on your plane should review their temporary lives. Are
they still consumed with the injustices and insults that have been done to
them? Do they still think emotionally of the injuries others have done to
them? Then, they have not forgiven and brushed off their black leaves.
While they live, they should burn away their black leaves with forgiveness
and love. If too many black leaves still cover them at the end of the physical
existence, then part of the human soul may burn with the leaves. The black
leaves can cover the whole human soul so that nothing can be seen of them
anymore beneath the dark outer layer. They appear to the universe to be a
pile of walking black leaves. This is why WE warn so often “Do Not Fear.”
They hold on to injury due to fear. This is fear that if they don’t have their
hurts then nothing of their identity remains. That is a false identity to be
shunned—not embraced. If they do not learn to live without fear in this
life, then they must learn to do so later. This is Creator-Source’s plan. They
have to resolve every rotting black leaf until there is not a single one left on
their shell.
The Reality Tunnel universe they manifest will be to advance and grow
toward Creator Source or it will compose itself to continue to work to
resolve fears, hurts and injuries. If they pass into the next plane while they
are still covered by the black leaves, it delays their eternal development. The
universe as a tunnel into the next plane will still have conflict and
continued struggle. They must resolve each leaf during this temporary life.
Otherwise, they cannot be allowed into the truest stage of growth, increase
and magnification.
If, instead they have grown, served and fulfilled during their time on the
physical plane, then they are edifying a wonderful universal tunnel toward
the Creator-Source. Everyone must choose. The worst choice is making no
choice at all.
You can carefully step over the top of stones that are jutting out of the
rising river but you must not pause and remain on those stones for too long
or the rising river will make you stumble and then carry you away. Group-
religions that teach genuine love can help humanity to step toward genuine
relations with Creator-Source but they are only steps in that process.
Individual souls must not dawdle in them but learn, absorb and move on
toward genuine spiritual connection. Human souls should use the stones
quickly to cross the river toward genuine individual spirituality. The river is
always rising on your plane of existence so if they stay on those stones, they
will be overtaken and carried further away from Creator-Source.
Group-religions are controlled by the worst impulses of temporary
physical beings so even when they accomplish good, they still fall into the
hands of The Unconnected. They become instruments for control and
dilution of genuine spirit. This control is the worst brand of herding. It is
herding of the spiritual impulse and subjugation of the consciousness to the
authority of men. Individual spiritual connection is the highest value
humanity can aspire to but group-religion ultimately becomes little more
than prison.
Query: Are there other races in the universe? If so, are they visiting us
here on Earth?
There are no races other than humanity on Earth and in your physical
universe and yes Earth is being visited by alien races from other universes
and dimensions. Your Earth is the Planet of a thousand galaxies. It is first
a Gateway and secondly a planet.
Creator-Source made this physical universe just for sentient humanity.
Yet, there are innumerable Multi-Verses that sit alongside your physical
universe. Yes, the physical plane is being visited and has always been
visited but the visits are by the many races and beings that come from
outside the material physical existence. Some of these races are designed by
Creator-Source and others are designed by Elder Beings who have declared
themselves to be as Creator-Source is. They see themselves as gods equal to
Creator-Source in every way. They create sentient life and they seek
worship from beings they see as inferior. As we have said, they have even
disconnected themselves from Creator-Source as part of their declaration
of sovereign “godhood.” Therefore, all the creatures and races they
create/manifest are similarly disconnected from Creator-Source just as
their creators are.
However, all these non-human races exist outside of this physical
universe. None of them live or exist in temporary physical reality except
during their visitations. Human souls, as a race, are alone in the physical
universe and yet they are never alone because Creator-Source is always
with them and so is each human soul’s Great Voice.
The Controllers of humanity have kept these truths secret because, once
revealed, these truths would force humanity to focus inward to look inside
themselves for ultimate answers. This is precisely what The Controllers do
not want. They wish to keep humanity focused on outer space, solar
systems and far away galaxies so they might continue to hope for alien
saviors. While occupied by that fruitless quest, individual human souls will
never seek what is inside themselves and why they are being manipulated.
Members of alien races do visit humanity for short periods but cannot
stay for any length of time in a true form of presence. Human souls receive
transitory visits just as they always have but these visits are not from this
plane of physical existence. They come from other Multi-Verses and back
there is where they return to—for now.
The greatest power every human soul has is that of belief and faith. This
power is above all things. This power allows human souls to reshape the
fabric of reality in accordance with what they believe. Both the physical
temporary and even the fabric of the spiritual universe bends in accordance
to their beliefs. It is also the FIRST POWER because it allows human souls
to access all the other powers they have.
Unless you believe in your own abilities, gifts and powers, then you
cannot access or exercise them. Belief must be first, then all other blessings
can follow. To verify this is true, temporary physical beings only need to
look around on their plane at all the systems that have been composed by
The Controllers to keep them separate from their greatest power—their
faith and belief. While politics, economics and organized religion are
unmolested and even encouraged by the institutions of your plane, any sign
of genuine faith is under constant attack by dark powers. True spirituality
in any form is subject, at the highest levels of society, to constant ridicule
and aggression. All these attacks originate from the same source—The
Disconnected and The Controllers who are their minions.
Faith, the greatest power, causes real terror in the controllers of your
plane. They know faith and belief can be used to break the shackles that
keep so many varieties of controls in place. If too many break free this way,
The Controllers will have to answer to their masters—The Disconnected.
Facing such punishment is an unbearable thought to The Controllers.
All the great institutions in physical reality are designed by The
Controllers to limit, contain and restrict what you may believe and have
faith in. Once they control what individual souls are allowed to believe then
they can limit and contain individual spiritual power as well.
Group religions are designed to directly limit and contain your faith in
the Creator-Source and all things spiritual. Economics is designed to foster
dependence only on monetary systems and material things. It creates the
debt prison using the money system that suppresses the souls of human
individuals and even whole nations. Medicine and science go even further
in their attempt to depress the human spirit. They dictate that human souls
must never believe in anything they cannot touch, taste, feel, see, hear or
understand as material. Medicine and science on your plane even insist
that the human souls may really not exist at all since they cannot be
measured or quantified. They urge human souls to think and believe that
their true identity is just a shell, that is nothing more than material. Politics
is designed to make them believe in groups of men as the solutions to
slavery instead of in themselves as solutions. All politics formalizes the
systems of slavery for the body and mind by getting the consent of the
enslaved. All temporary physical institutions, in one way of another, are
designed to negate, obfuscate and suppress your greatest power.
Human souls achieve enlightenment and transcendence by fighting
through all these efforts to separate them from faith and plunging forward
with their belief in the things that truly matter—belief in Him, belief the
Universal Laws and belief in themselves. They must set aside all obstacles
against belief from this physical plane. They must exude courage through
faith in Creator-Source’s plan for them and for their life both in the
temporary and in the eternal yet to come.
Each human soul in the physical universe has been designed with
unique and wonderful gifts that no one else on this physical plane has in
quite the same way. These gifts and abilities were designed into them by
Creator-Source when He composed their souls in eternity. We have now
seen these plans. No creation of any human soul went forward unless these
unique gifts were put into the plans and into the execution of the designs.
These abilities can be used in the temporary physical universe for
subsistence or even great bounty if the human soul dedicates themselves to
unfolding those gifts. That is the mission He has assigned each human
Any human soul who believes they or other human souls exist that have
no special gifts are deluded. They have been taught this deception by an
artificial environment made by the controllers of this plane. They must
resist this lie and seek The Genius in every human soul. They will always
find it if they search enough.
The more important purpose of these gifts is to accumulate spiritual
treasure in eternity for existences yet to come. These are the same abilities
that Creator-Source has given in order to accomplish the eternal goals He
has assigned to human souls. The goals include learning and growing from
this existence and using that learning to serve others. By unfolding their
gifts and unique abilities they learn to help others in ways that are unique
from how anyone else would help them. However, the controllers on your
physical plane teach, through their institutions, that no one is special,
unique or outstanding in any way unless they are wealthy or famous. Since
they control who becomes rich and famous, through their gatekeeper
institutions, they control both sides of that equation. But once human souls
unfold gifts and abilities, they begin to free themselves from this system of
control and suppression. Then, they will be rising to the mission Creator-
Source assigned to them before the foundations of the world were laid. By
helping others around them with their distinct gifts and abilities, they will
be assisting the universe in its own Unfoldment as well as their own.
There are various paranormal phenomena that may simply be people’s own
Great Voice trying to break through to them. It issues forth from the
Superconsciousness but is filtered through mistaken understanding because
the truth of the Great Voice has not yet been articulated in the modern world
until now.
People have simply not put together the identity of the Great Voice. They
have come up with alternate explanations from myths and legends they have
had passing acquaintance with. There are several anomalies I now believe
have actually been individual’s Great Voice trying to break through them.
The Mothman is the name given to a creature reported in the Charleston
and Point Pleasant areas of West Virginia, between November 12, 1966, and
December 1967. Most observers describe the Mothman as a winged man-
sized creature with large reflective red eyes and large moth-like wings. The
creature was sometimes reported as having no head, with its eyes set into its
chest. The creature appeared just before major catastrophes and
communicated information that helped avoid far greater casualties. This is
almost identical to what the Great Voice does.
The Mothman has no longer appeared in any reported phenomena for
many decades. Some people said the Mothman was just a large Crane or
other overly tall bird standing inside shrubbery or bushes that caught the light
just right to appear as a red-eyed man-like figure. Decades after being written
off by debunkers, Mothman has re-appeared around the world. But even if he
hadn’t, what is there to explain the accuracy of supernatural messages
received by the witnesses of the Mothman?
Years ago, I lived on a property situated at the edge of an extensive forest
in New Jersey known as The Pine Barrens. My expansive, open backyard
happened to be the crossing point for animals leaving that forest in order to
travel north into Pennsylvania, close to one of the areas where the Mothman
was sighted. There was a constant pilgrimage going on across my backyard
as numerous species left the Pine Barrens every Spring to head up North:
foxes, bears, giant tortoises, every manner of deer, badgers and a few species
that I never figured out; crossed my property at all hours of the night and day
depending on the time of year. Storks, swans and other very large birds use
our roof as a resting point but they would land with such a loud thud and
walk about with such weight that anyone in the house listening could swear
that a flying man had just landed and was walking around the roof. Of course,
by the time a person would go out there to look, the flyer would be gone.
People who are not accustomed to dealing with real wildlife on a regular
basis are often already “spooked” to begin with just by the reality of it. Add
to that the dusk, nighttime, darkening hours; and there is a great potential for
misidentification and supernatural fears to arise. In addition, when you have
massive forests that cover hundreds, or thousands of acres, you have greater
potential for hybrids to arise between species. In the same way that a horse
with no better option will mate with a donkey to create a mule; similar things
can happen in a forest in which species can cross mate to create odd or even
bizarre looking hybrids. It is possible that the Mothman was a one-time
hybrid of some giant bird with some other species that made him appear
similar to the elaborate descriptions that were given by the “spooked” city
folk that began the legend.
Yet the messages and prophecies that accompanied the observance of
these creatures is what really made this legend grow and persist. Add to this,
the coincidence of major catastrophes that seemed to occur right around the
times of the sightings. The pattern of intercession to avert catastrophe fits
perfectly with the behavior of the Great Voice and its intentions towards
individual Clear-Hearers. It is very possible that Mothman is actually a
manifestation of The Great Voice. It would follow the pattern of The Great
Voice for it to take advantage of heightened senses at times and unique
circumstances when people are already in a frightened (highly
attuned/psychic receptive) state in order to intercede in the actions of human
There is a growing comprehensive theory of existence that states that the
basis of existence is not really time, space, matter and physical reality—but
rather it is consciousness. Just as Creator-Source “spoke” the universe into
existence by infusing His consciousness into non-matter, we also co-create
and re-shape existence through our conscious attention and energy. If the
basis of all reality is actually consciousness—not time, space and matter, then
this truth shifts the priorities of all things. Things come into existence and
remain in existence because we give them our energy in the form of
attention, belief and our energetic consciousness. The chicken and the egg
have been switched. We do not give them our energy because they already
exist—they exist because someone somewhere has given them energy in the
form of consciousness.
“Jason you’re dying of cancer. You have only a couple more years left.”
Jason remembered a warning that had come to him from another great
“There will be times when your voice and visions are not truly your own.”
Jason realized this voice speaking to him in his voice was not his voice at all.
As an astral traveler, Jason was able to exit his physical body to find a
glowing being (it looked like an angel) laying on the bed right next to his
physical form. It was whispering into his ear. Jason, in the astral form,
grabbed the startled being, shook it and finally banished it from our realm
Jason Quitt advises that we must all learn to be alert for those moments
when dark voices pretending to be our voice, bring messages of hopelessness
and despair. In that moment, we must stand up in the physical and spiritual
body, put out our hand in a gesture of command and declare this
“These are not my thoughts. This is not my voice, I reject the speaker
and the message. By the authority and power of Creator-Source, I banish
the speaker and the message from this realm and from ever having contact
with me again.”
* * *
Extra-Dimensional beings are not the only ones that can pose as your
Great Voice—men can do the same also do the same due to technology.
1. The Great Voice is loud and clear…not vague whisperings or far away
calling that you must strain or approach to hear better—we are, by
definition, Clear-Hearers—not Voice Hearers. It is only dark forces
that tend to try to capture your interest from a distance so that you can
approach them. Then, these entities entice you into giving them
permission, of your own free will to allow them to enter into control
over your psyche, your hearing and perhaps your life. The Great Voice
is loud, clear and already empowered.
2. The Great Voice comes—not through your ears. It is generated locally
from the inside of your head or heart or from somewhere inside your
center. It originates non-locally from the connection to the great
Overmind of creation.
3. The Voice only says things that inure to your great benefit and the
benefit of others around you. It acts in protection, magnification and
love. It would never suggest harm, injury or spread negativity in any
form whatsoever. If it creates or results in fear, apprehension, criticism
or anything negative, then it is not the Great Voice—it is something
5. Finally—the Great Voice sounds like your voice—it sounds like you
except through a megaphone of great authority, confidence and a
knowingness that may be unfamiliar to you yet on this side of the
cosmic veil.
If these criteria are not present but you are hearing something like the
Great Voice; someone or something may be trying to deceive you. The
Multi-Verses abound with creatures trying to confound and deceive us,
both on this side of the reality-veil and on the other.
Even non-hearers must become conversant in the core concepts and basic
terminology of Clear-Hearing. As the awakened paranormal community is
aware, there are several false-flag scenarios on the drawing boards of the
EPIC masters of the nations. They are likely to spring forward one or more of
these scenarios in the very near future—false Extra-Terrestrial invasion, the
arrival of a false messiah representing the return of Christ with great signs
and wonders or the unleashing of great “natural catastrophes” to cause such
fear in humanity that EPIC can consolidate direct control over Earth once
again…replacing the indirect control they have now through their proxies in
the national governments and the central banking systems. There is currently
technology available to Global government that will greatly aid any such
false flag scenario. It is also available to national governments but is not used
except in very limited experiments and with permission from EPIC. When
EPIC is ready to use this technology, it will be on a scale undreamt of by
their minions in the national governments.
Open public sources available for study indicate that both Global and
National governments have technology available and in use based on hyper-
sonic and scalar tech that allow them to beam apparent sound, voices and
even music directly into human skulls. This technology has been developed
for use in Psychological War Operations and is very effective in deceiving
the hearer or in just causing psychological stress on the perceiver. This
counterfeit clairaudience can meet criteria 1 and 2 above but it will never
duplicate criteria 3 to 5. It is important for all people, Clear-Hearers, Voice-
Hearers and non-hearers to be aware of this reality because it will be used on
a mass scale someday very soon.
With a great enough power source, when the time comes, it will be
possible for EPIC to beam a great voice of authority into the skull of every
man, woman and child on the planet. That artificially generated voice may
purport to be the voice of God, extra-terrestrial authority or any new
contrived authority. It will not be any of those. This is why it is imperative
for even non-hearers to become familiar with the reality of Clear-Hearing, the
Law of Magnification and the meaning behind The Great Voice. Awake and
aware people are much harder to fool.
What I am about to tell you…YOU will KNOW is true because you will not
be learning it—you will only be remembering.
You were born with this startling knowledge. It was yours by birthright as
a gift from Creator-Source, as part of your status of being a free human being
designed for joy and freedom—as a being of unlimited potential and power.
Tragically, these truths have slowly over many years been suppressed in you
just as they were in me, by the public school system, by the University
system, by cable television, satellite radio, by the Distraction Cable News
Service, by your job, by your culture, by your nation, by your church, by your
family, friends; and by all the prisoners and slaves who labor to keep each
other in subjugation to all those global institutions that only seek to place
limits on your personal reality—so that you can be not just a slave but an
active partner in your own slavery.
But I give praise to Creator-Source that He sent me great teachers to help
me remember these truths and now, as Karma dictates, I will pass on that
blessing to you by helping you remember and gain your freedom.
Unfortunately the adage is also true:
“You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
You can lead a man to knowledge but you can’t make him think.”
Once these words have helped you remember, you will still be seeing the
door. Only you can make the decision to step through the door. Only once
you are free yourself can you begin to help free others until a geometric
progression of freedom is achieved so that we can join hands and march
forward toward a spiritual revolution that will make the earth tremble. The
EPIC will quake with fear at the approach of millions of determined Free
People undivided by religion, race, and tribal distinctions; and joined together
to inform the Masters of the global order that the writing is on the wall—that
the days of their kingdom are numbered. Without prisoners and slaves, no
empire of tyranny and deceit can function for long.
This was the most important message I received but this message was the
first I ever received that was not for me, it was for you.
…you who are reading at this very moment, mistakenly believing this is
just another book that will give you some points to consider and others to be
…you who may be on the fence about the truths you are being shown
There are times when the GREAT VOICE communicates simple words to
us but they are loaded to bursting with symbols, geometric shapes in motion,
meanings beyond what can be contained in words. Other times our psyches
are stamped with Cosmic Monologues that unleash forces within us a life of
Relentless Positivity—and Relentless Positivity is the only way to live a truly
joyful life.
The Ledger
Unless we break away from the old code-words, control verbiage and false
labels of the mainstream, we can never show the way to others outside our
immediate circles. False labels are in place to limit discussion and
imagination, not to encourage it. Ludicrous descriptors are invitations to
ridicule anyone who opens a paranormal topic for discussion. Breaking from
this “control language” is the purpose of the new TAMA Lexicon. Discarding
the old labels and refusing to support them any longer will be our first step
down the long road to reclaiming our ideas, our thoughts and our truth.
Prime Soul—The Active Entity source of the Great Voice. This is outside of
the space and time dimension. This is the Infinite Version of your present
temporary self who “stands in the presence of Creator-Source” and finds
ways to help you as a way to help ITSELF. In addition, it can be termed this
way: the Source of the Great Voice is the “Actual Manifestation of the
Infinite Version of Our Eternal Potentiality.” It is this entity that reaches back
for us although it doesn’t fully understand or remember the tiny form that it
used to incarnate. It is the emotion of crisis that makes it remember—a little
Daemonic sign—Socrates’ inner voice that Socrates heard only when he was
about to make a mistake. It was this sign that prevented Socrates from
entering into politics. In the Phaedrus, we are told Socrates considered this to
be a form of “divine madness,” the sort of insanity that is a gift from the
The Black Dog—Winston Churchill’s name for the entity that visited him
when he began perceiving voices
Tutelary Spirit—Phillip K. Dick’s title for the entity that was the source of
his Superconscious voice
EPIC—The Elite Powers In Charge of the world that come from the ancient
bloodline families that have ruled humanity since the very first world empire
came to power. These same bloodlines have persisted at the tops of the
pyramids of humanity through every successive world empire right up until
today. They are not in charge of us as free and sovereign individuals but they
are directly in charge of the global institutions which tell our national
political leaders what they must do from day to day.
Any scriptural quotations in this work are from the King James Version
(KJV) Bible, originally published 1601, Public Domain rights apply.
Materials used for this book are from my own files and current research.
However, here are publications used to check facts and provide additional
supportive information.
Visionary science fiction stories from a man whose alternate realities were
at once both horrifying but fascinating. Even if you’ve seen the movies based
on his work—read the books as well. You’ll be glad you did.
This book is the amazing story of stepping through the veil that separates
us from the next world. If you care to know what might happen to your
immortal soul after your temporary soul-container expires, check out this
The Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh by Bahá’u’lláh
This book is vital for understanding the devices and oppressions used by
the Mainstream culture to punish people who dare to speak of unapproved
realities like Clear-Hearing. It also makes clear that society wants Clear-
Hearing/Voice Hearing to be strictly a pharmacological issue—not a
supernatural issue. This book is a call to action against the D-D-F system—
Drug them, Discard Them and Forget them.
Although he falls into the mind-trap of using language of the old paradigm
(rather than creating new language for a fresh outlook), Smith brilliantly
rejects Voice-Hearing as automatic “prima-fascia” evidence of mental illness.
He clearly demonstrates that auditory hallucination is fairly common in
people who are otherwise viewed as mentally normal.
This was an 1884 science fiction novella that is about dimensions and how
shifting your dimensional perception alters everything you believe. It’s also
about revolution, heroes and the price of truly independent thought. The final
scene of Flatland is coming again—the one in which the controllers effect a
cleansing of all those dissidents who know the truth of how things are—to get
rid of them and their “gospel” forever. We must prepare as best we can by
helping each other to awaken to truth. We must emulate the Square and his
dedication to spreading the truth at whatever cost and to whatever end.
As this work shows, there are moments when The Great Voice reaches out
to us and the substantial form it incorporates seems almost an afterthought—
as if all that matters is the message. The Mothman was one of those events
when something from beyond was desperate to communicate and just seemed
to throw on a hastily donned guise in order to do so (kind of like any of us
throwing on ratty sweats to pick up something at the corner store because we
figure chances are no one we know will see us.)
Revelations of a Multi-dimensional Time-Traveler
by Jason Quitt & Bob Mitchell
Author Bio
Previously, John DeSouza was an FBI Special Agent in the area of Counter-
Terrorism and Violent Crime Investigations. The author maintained a Top
Secret security clearance during many years at the Federal Bureau of
Investigation. The truth of Clear-Hearing was revealed to the author through
his own paranormal experiences and his life-long research. John DeSouza
now devotes himself to his companies and to writing books on spiritual and
paranormal subjects. He can be reached at