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WC Measurement Activity

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Assistive and Adaptive Technology

Measurement Average size Procedures (Item # on W/C Confirmation of Fit

(inches) Seating Form - see handout)

Seat Height 19.5-20.5 11, 12 (add 2" for foot rests) Foot plate 2" from floor;
2-3 fingers fit between
thigh and seat upholstery

Seat Depth 16 5, (subtract 2" to avoid 2-3 fingers fit between

pressure behind knees) front seat edge and
popliteal fold

Seat Width 18 10 Easily slide hands

between thighs and
clothing guard on arm

Back Height 16-16.5 3, (subtract 4") 4 fingers fit under axilla

and above upholstery

Armrest 9" above 4, (add ~1") shoulders level when

Height chair seat elbows are supported

How To Measure Wheelchair Components Comments

A. Hip Width Seat Width
Check there is nothing in the wheelchair Hip width equals the seat If pelvis side
user’s pockets before measuring. width or the distance pads are
Measure the wheelchair user’s hips or between pelvis side pads. provided, the
the widest part of his/ her thighs. wheelchair seat
Hold two clip boards against each side width may
of the wheelchair user to help to get an need to be
accurate measurement. Calipers can wider.
also be used. Always try to
keep the
width to a
In countries
with cold
climates where
thick clothes
Assistive and Adaptive Technology

may be worn,
allowance may
be needed.
B. Seat Depth Seat Depth
Place a clip board at the back of the Seat depth less 30 - 50 For a
wheelchair user to help get an accurate mm equals the depth of wheelchair user
measurement. Measure from the back the seat of the whose knees
of the wheelchair user’s pelvis to the wheelchair. are bent a lot
back of his/her knee in a straight line. less than 90
Always measure both legs. degrees, the
If there is a difference between the left seat depth may
and right side, check that the need to be
wheelchair user is sitting upright with slightly shorter.
their pelvis level. If there is still a See the box
difference, make the wheelchair `For wheelchair
prescription for the shorter side. users with a
fixed posterior
tilt of the pelvis
or fixed
forward bent
C. Calf Length Footrests Height
Measure from the back of the The calf length height The exact
wheelchair user’s knee to the base of equals the top of the footrest
his/her heel. Make sure the wheelchair cushion to the footrests location will
user’s ankles are bent at 90 degrees (if OR the top of the cushion change slightly
possible). to the floor if the depending on
Always measure both legs. If the wheelchair user is foot how much the
wheelchair user wears shoes, measure propelling. cushion
with the shoes he/she wears most days. compresses
If the foot is fixed in plantar flexion when the
(pointing downwards), measure to the wheelchair user
toe. sits on it.Final
adjustment is
always needed
at fitting.
D, E and F Backrest Height
D: Seat to bottom of rib cage: Measurements D, E and F If backrest
Measure from the wheelchair user’s help decide the height of recline or tilt in
seat to the bottom of the rib cage. the backrest. space is
Assistive and Adaptive Technology

To help find the bottom of the rib cage, The height depends on needed, the
place hands on both sides of the pelvis. the needs of the backrest height
Gently squeeze hands inwards and slide wheelchair user. must be at
hands upwards. The bottom of the rib The information from least standard
cage is just above the waist. assessment will guide (up to the
E: Seat to shoulder blade: Measure from wheelchair service bottom
the wheelchair user’s seat to the personnel of wheelchair
bottom of the shoulder blade in a to decide how high the user’s shoulder
vertical line. backrest needs to be to blades).
To help find the bottom of the shoulder provide the right support Remember to
blade ask the wheelchair user to shrug for the wheelchair user. consider if the
their shoulders. wheelchair
F: Seat to top of shoulder: Measure users will be
from the wheelchair user’s seat to the propelling the
top of the shoulder. wheelchair
they need
freedom to
move their
G: Trunk Width Trunk Side Pads or Wedges (Distance
Measure the width of the wheelchair Trunk width is the The final
user’s trunk just below the axilla distance between trunk position of the
(armpits). side pads trunk side pads
or wedges. or wedges may
change during
fitting, if they
are to be
placed lower
than just below
the axilla.
H: Seat to axilla (Armpit) Trunk Side Pads or Wedges (Height)
Measure from the seat to the axilla The seat to axilla This
(armpit). measurement less 30 mm measurement
is the maximum distance is a guide. The
between the top of the final height
cushion and the top of depends on the
trunk side pads/wedges. assessment and
Assistive and Adaptive Technology

Trunk side pads

should never
be high enough
to put pressure
into the axilla
(armpit). This
can be
and cause
nerve damage.
There should
always be at
least 30 mm
between the
top of a trunk
side pad and
the axilla.
See the box
`Measuring side
trunk supports
for a
wheelchair user
with scoliosis`.
I: Seat to the top of the pelvis (PSIS) Rear Pelvis Pad (Mid-height)
Measure from the seat to the top of the The seat to the top of the The depth
pelvis (PSIS). pelvis (PSIS) (thickness) of a
measurement is used to rear pelvis pad
locate the mid- height of depends on the
the rear pelvis pad. results of
J: Distance Between Knees Knee Separator Pad
Measure the distance between the two The distance between
knees – with the knees placed as close the two knees equals the
to neutral as is comfortable for the width of a knee separator
wheelchair user. pad.
The distance will depend
on the wheelchair user’s
sitting posture.
K: Seat to base of skull Headrest (Height)
Assistive and Adaptive Technology

Measure from the seat to base of skull. The measurement from

the seat to the base of
the skull helps to locate
the headrest.
I: Back of Pelvis to Seat Bones Pre Seat Bone Shelf
Measure from the back of the pelvis to The measurement from If a wheelchair
the seat bones. the back of pelvis to seat user has a fixed
From the side of the wheelchair user bones plus 20–40 mm is posterior tilt
place your hand (palms up) under the the distance from the of the pelvis or
wheelchair user’s bottom to find the backrest support to the fixed forward
seat bones. Locate the seat bones with beginning of the pre seat bent trunk the
one finger and then withdraw your hand bone shelf. measurement
to the side of the wheelchair user. may be
Measure from the back of the different (see
wheelchair user’s pelvis to the finger the box `For
that is located at the seat bones. wheelchair
Wheelchair service personnel may mark users with a
on the assessment bed in some way (for fixed posterior
example with a piece of chalk) alongside tilt of the pelvis
the wheelchair user in line with their or fixed
seat bones and measure from the mark forward bent
to the back of the pelvis. trunk`).
Assistive and Adaptive Technology

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