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Labour Law I Course Outline 2023

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Course Facilitators: Kanyago Kalagala Caroline, Ronald Musoke, Sam Herbert Mukwatiriri,
Nassimbwa Jochebed


This course explores the role of law in the regulation of labour-management relations in Uganda.
The legal framework regulating labour relations in Uganda presupposes the existence of a
relationship between employees on the one hand and employers on the other hand; and revolves
around the three main actors; namely, the state (the government), the employers and the

The state or government as an active participant of labor relations assumes the role of formulating
policies and ensures proper relationship between employees and employers through the medium
of legislation and operational rules.

The concept of labour law implies a set of functional norms involving historical, economic, social,
psychological, demographic, technological, occupational, political, and legal variables which are
important in the understanding of the subject.

This course is designed to acquaint the student with sound and empirical working knowledge of
trade unions, labor legislations and the fundamental principles of industrial democracy.

The course covers the following major topics:

❖ Historical foundations of Labour and Trade Union Laws,
❖ Contemporary Labour Union Laws, and
❖ Employment Contracts

The course content is divided into two major parts, namely: The Employment Law and Trade


At the end of this course, students should be able to:

❖ Have a fair understanding of the historical foundations of the different aspects of labour law,
❖ Discuss emerging trends, challenges, and also propose solutions to labour unions-related
matters, and
❖ Understand and identify:
(a) the formalities of employment contracts,
(b) the rights, duties and remedies available to parties under a contract of employment, and
(c) Labour Unionism and related issues.


(1) Lectures for this course-unit will be conducted twice a week, one two-hour class for History
and Labour Unions Law and another class for Employment law, supported by a two-hour
tutorial class.

(2) The total contact hours for the course will be six hours per week. Each student is required to
attend 90% of all the classes throughout the semester to qualify to sit the end of semester

(3) Classes will employ various methods of instruction, from discussions, to assigned readings,
lectures, individual research, student presentations among others.

(4) The course is informed by biblical concepts of labour justice and equity.

The delivery of this course is based on interactive learning principles

❖ The students are treated as partners with the lecturer in the learning process, thus they
are actively encouraged to participate throughout the class sessions.

❖ Since students at this level are capable of taking responsibility for their learning, self-
directed learning activities are incorporated in the course

❖ Interactive methods such as case studies and role play are used to assist the participants
to learn by drawing on their own experiences

❖ Students learn what they perceive to be useful in their life situation. The course tries to
draw on participant’s real life examples and situations

❖ Active participation in discussions is encouraged so that students can learn from each
other. In this way, they share resources with one another.


There shall be a course-work assignment during the semester worth 30% of the total
examination mark. At the end of the semester, students shall sit an examination worth 70% of
the total mark.

“He who does not work, shall not eat”: Where applicable, we shall explore how, and to what
extent Christianity informs aspects of the course unit. The bible provides a solid basis for the
principles regarding labour. Some quotations (not exhaustive) are provided below for reflection.

Work: Rights and Duties

1. Origin and Aim of Work
a) Gn 1:1-11. 29-30; Gn 1:28; Jn 5:17
b) Agricultural Work: Gn 1:28; 2:8-10; 2:15; 4:2; Deut 14:22-29; 26:1-11; Job 1:1-3; 42:10-
12; Is 5:2; Mk 4:1-8; 4:26-32; Mt:12:33; 13:1-18.24-30.31-32; 20:1-15;21:33-41; Lk 15:1-6;
21:29-30; Jn 15:1-8; 1Cor 3:6-9.

c) Technology: Gn 1:1-31; 2:1-25; 4:22; 11:3-4; 1Kgs 5:31; 6:7; 1Sam 13:19-21; Is 5:2; 44:12-
15; 2Chr 2:12-15; 32:2-6; Neh 2:18; Mt 2:1-12; 7:24-27; 21:33-41.
2. The Right to Work
a) Right to Work: Gn 1: 28-31; 2:15; 47:23-24; EX 35:35; 1Chr 28:20; Pr 14:23; Neh 6:9;
Eccl 5:10; Mt:20:1-16; 25:14-30; Lk 19:11-26; Jn 6:27; Acts 18:3; Rm 13:7; 1 Corr 9:7-11;
Eph 2:10; 1 Thes 2:9; 2Thes 3:10; Col 3:23-24; Jas 5:4
b) Family and Right to Work: Gen 1:28-29; Pr 10:5; 12:11; 24:27; 31:10-31; Ps 127; Lk 5:4-6;
10:38-42; 12:22-34; 1Tim 3:4; 5:8.
c) Women and Right to Work: Gen 1:28-31; Tb 2:11-14; Pr 31:10-31; Lk 18:1-3; 10:38-42;
Acts 9:36-39; Rm 16:1-2.6.12; Phil 4:3
d) Work and People with Disabilities: Gn 1:26-28; Ex 4: 10-17; Jer 1:6-10; 1 Cor 10:10;
11:5-6.16-33; 12:7-10.
e) Immigration and Work: Lev 19:33-34; Deut 27:19; Ez 47:22; Mt 2: 13-15
f) Child Labour: Pr 22:6; 29:15; Mt 18: 2:2-10; Mk 9:42; Mk 10:14
g) Rest from Work: Gen 2:1-3; Ex 20:8-11; Deut 5:12-15; Lev 25: 1-7; Ex 23: 12-13; 31:12-
17; Ez 20:12; Mt 12:1-14; Lk 6: 1-11; Mk 2:23-27; 3:1-6 Heb 4: 9-11.

3. Rights and Duties in Work

a) Rights and Duties in Work: Gn 1:1-31; 2:15; Ex 35:35; I chr 28:20; Mt 20:1-16; 25:14-30;
Lk 19:11-26; Acts 18:3; 1Cor 9:1-14; Col 3:23-24; 1 thes 2:9; 2 Thes 3:10.
b) Rights and Duties of Employers: Duet 24: 15; Lev 19:13; 25:43; Pr 11:1; 21:15; 22:16; Ps
127; Mt 20:1-16, 21:33-41; 25:14-30; Lk 14: 28-32; 18:1-8; Lk 19:11-27; 22:24-28; Jn
13:1-20; Rm 4:4; Eph 6:9; Col 4:1; 1Tim 5:18; Jas 5:4.
c) Rights and Duties of Employees/Workers: Pr 25: 13; Mt 5:16; 20:-6; 25:14-30; Lk 10:7;
18:1-8; 19:11-27; 20:9-17; 22:24-28; Rom 13:1-4; Eph 6:5-6; Col 3:33-23; 1 Thes 4:11.
d) Strikes: 2 Sam 3:35; 2 Thes 3:10-16; Lk 11:8; 18:3-5; Acts 19:21-40; 21: 29-36.
e) Importance of Trade Unions: Gn 1:26-31; Deut 15:1-23; Lev 25:14; Acts : 32-35; 19:24-
27; Rm 13:1-14; 1Cor 12:12-26; 15:48; Eph 4:28; 6:5-9; 2 Thes 3:10; Col 3:23
f) Informal Economy: Gn 1:28-31; Ex 35:35; Pr 31:11-31; Acts 16:14; 18:3; 19:24; 1 Thes
2:9, 2Thes 3:8; Mk 1:16; Mt 4:18; 13:1-8; 21:12; Mk 6:3; Lk 5:1-11; 8:3; 10:35; 19:45; Jn


1. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1967 and 1995
2. The Labour Unions Act, 2006, Act No. 7 of 2006
3. The Labour Unions Regulations (SI 36/2006)
4. The Minimum Wages Advisory Boards and Wages Councils Act, Cap 221
5. The Employment Act, 2006, Act No. 6/2006
6. The Labour Disputes (Arbitration & Settlement) Act, 2006
7. The Employment Regulations (SI 33/2006)
8. Public Service Act, 2008
9. The International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions and Recommendations

Basic Texts
Angeret S, Trade Union Law in Uganda (LDC Publications 1998)
Bogg, Alan, and Mark Freedland, eds. The Contract of Employment (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Collins H, KD Ewing & A McColgan, Labour Law, 3rd ed (CUP 2012)
Davies A, Perspectives on Labour Law, 2nd ed (CUP 2009)

Davis A, Employment Law, (Pearson 2015)
Moran JJ, Employment Law, 6th ed (Prentice Hall 2013)
Pitt G, Cases & Materials on Employment Law, 3rd ed (Pearson Education Ltd 2008)
Pitt G, Employment Law, 7th ed (Sweet & Maxwell 2009) (8th ed 2011)
Player MA, Employment Discrimination Law (West Publishing 1988)
Kahn-Freund, Labour and the Law, 2nd Edition (Stevens & Sons, London 1977)
Nyalali, F. L, Aspects of Industrial Conflicts, (East African Literature Bureau, Kampala 1975)
Rideout, R.W, Rideout’s Principles of Labour Law, 5th edition (Sweet & Maxwell London 1989)
Scott, R, The Development of Trade Unions in Uganda, (EAPH, Nairobi 1966)
Shivji, I.G, Law, State and the Working Class in Tanzania, ( James Currey, London 1986)
Slade E (Ed), Tolley’s employment Handbook, 21st Edn (Butterworths, London 2007)
Selwyn, N. M, Selwyn’s Law of Employment, 14th Edn, (Oxford University Press, NY 2006)
Barya, B.J.J: -Law, State and Working Class Organisation in Uganda 1962-1987, PhD Dissertation,
Warwick. 1990; Workers and the Law in Uganda, CBR Working Paper No. 17, 1991; Trade Unions
and the Struggle for Associational Space in Uganda: The 1993 Trade Union Law and Article 40 of
the Constitution, CBR Working Paper No. 63, 2001; A Comparative Analysis of Labour Law
Decisions in Uganda's Judicial System (1985-2002), ILO-SLARE (Strengthening Labour Relations
in East Africa) Report, 2002; 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A
Critical Analysis of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4
Mark Freedland, Alan Bogg, David Cabrelli, Hugh Collins, Nicola Countouris, A.C.L. Davies,
Simon Deakin, and Jeremias Prassl, The Contract of Employment, (Oxford Scholarship Online, 2016)
Guy Davidov and Brian Langille, The Idea of Labour Law, (Oxford University Press 2017)
Ann C. McGinley, Masculinity at Work: Employment Discrimination through a Different Lens, (NYU Press,
Jody Heymann, Michael Ashley Stein, and Gonzalo Moreno, Disability and Equality at Work,
(Oxford University Press, 2014)
Catharine A. MacKinnon and Reva B. Siegel (eds) Directions in Sexual Harassment Law, (Yale
University Press, 2013)
Joan Vincent (1989), “Contours of Change: Agrarian Law in Colonial Uganda, 1895-1962” in June Starr
and Jane F. Collier (eds.), History and Power in the Study of Law: New Directions in Legal Anthropology,
(Cornell University Press 1989)

Week I. Nature of Labour as Factor of Economic Development

A. National Employment Policy
B. Administration & Supervision of Labour Policy/Standards
— Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995
— Employment Act, 2006
— Public Service Act, 2008

Week II. Sources of Labour Law in Uganda

A. International Human Rights & Labour Law Instruments
— UN International Bills of Human Rights (UDNR, ICCPR & ICESCR)
— ILO Conventions & Recommendations
B. National Legislation
I. The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1967 and 1995
II. The Labour Unions Act, 2006, Act No. 7 of 2006

III. The Labour Unions Regulations (SI 36/2006)
IV. The Minimum Wages Advisory Boards and Wages Councils Act, Cap 221
V. The Employment Act, 2006, Act No. 6/2006
VI. The Employment Regulations (SI 33/2006)
Week III. Nature of Contract of Employment
A. Definition & Distinction from other Contracts (e.g. Contract of Service & contract for
— The Employment Act, 2006
— The Employment Regulations (SI 33/2006)
— Uber B.V. ("UBV") & Ors v Aslam & Ors [2018] EWCA Civ 2748
— Bates van Winkelhof v Clyde & Co LLP and another [2014] UKSC 32
— NSSF vs. MTN U Ltd & UNISIS Investments U Ltd Civil Suit No. 0094 of 2009
— Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart NV v Slatford [1953]1 QB 248 (United Kingdom
— Cassidy v Ministry of Health [1951] 1 All ER 574 (United Kingdom CA)
— Collins v Hertfordshire County Council & Another [1947] 1 All ER 633 (United
Kingdom __)
— Gold v Essex County Council [1942] 2 KB 293 (United Kingdom CA)
— Honey Will & Stain Ltd v Lakin Brothers Ltd [1934] 1 KB 19 (United Kingdom __)
— Morren v Swinton & Pendlebury Borough Council [1965] 2 All ER 349 (United
Kingdom __)
— Nokes v Doncaster Amalgamated Colliery Co [1940] AC 1014 (United Kingdom __)
— Performing Right Society Ld v Michell& Booker Ltd [1924] 1 K.B 762 (United
Kingdom __)
— Ready Mixed Concrete (South East) Ltd v Minister of Pensions & National Insurance
[1968] 2 QB 497 (United Kingdom __)
— *Simango v Blantyre Newspapers Ltd [2007] MWIRC 32 (Malawi IRC)
— *Alley SG & L Mendes, ‘Torts—Master and Servant—Hospital and Surgeon: Collins v
Hertfordshire C.C.’ (1946-7) 3 Res Judicate 221
— Godfrey Kyamukama v. Makerere University Business School, Labour Dispute
Reference No, 147 of 2019 [UGIC]
B. Private Sector v. Public Service Employment
— Employment Act, s 2
— Public Service Act, 2008
C. Form of Contract
(i) Written form (vis-à-vis oral/implied)
— *Ahmed Ibrahim Bholm v Car & General Ltd [2004] UGSC 8 (Uganda SC)
— *Miguna Miguna v Attorney General [2012] eKLR (Kenya IC)
(ii) Casualization of labour
— *Molefe Gaboeletswe v New Era Secondary School [2006] BWIC 14 (Botswana IC)
D. Formation of Contract
(i) Application of common principles of contract
(ii) Application of statutory provisions
— Employment Act

— Kalinda v Limbe Leaf Tobacco Ltd [2003] MWHC 79 (Malawi HC)
— Prof Syed Huq v Islamic University in Uganda [1997] UGSC 3 (Uganda SC)
— Timothy Chiba Chiume v S S Rent A Car Ltd [2003] MWIRC 3 (Malawi IRC)
— Willy Owacha v Ringa Enterprises Co Ltd & Another [1995] UGSC 17 (Uganda SC)
E. Contract vis-à-vis Employment Policies, etc.
— Abraham Gumba v Kenya Medical Supplies Authority [2014] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— Kenya Union of Journalists v Standard Group Ltd [2009] (Kenya HC)
Week IV. General Principles of Labour Law
A. Prohibition of Forced/Compulsory Labour
— Constitution, art 25
— Employment Act, 2006
— ILO Convention No 29 on Forced Labour 1930
— ILO Convention No 105 on Abolition of Forced Labour 1957
— Attorney General v Major-General David Tinyefuza, Const Appeal No 1/1997
(Uganda SC)
— Botswana Railways Organisation v Setsogo [1996] BWCA 3 (Botswana CA)
B. Equal Opportunities & Non-Discrimination
— Constitution , arts 20, 21
— Employment Act, s 6
— Equal Opportunities Commission Act, 2007
— ILO Convention No 100 on Equal Remuneration 1951
— ILO Convention No 111 on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) 1958
(i) Equality of opportunity or treatment
(ii) Discrimination—prohibited grounds of differentiation
(iii) Distinction based on inherent requirements of job
— Commonwealth of Australia v Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission &
Another [1998] FCA 3 (Australia CA)
— Fredrick Ouma v Spectre International Ltd [2013] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— Miguna Miguna v Attorney General [2012] eKLR (Kenya IC)
(iv) Migrant workers & limitations on available jobs
(v) Equal remuneration (for equal work)
— Davie Thomu Muhondo v Polyplast Ltd [2005] MWHC 25 (Malawi HC)
— Michael Louw v Golden Arrow Bus Service (Pty) Ltd [1999] ZALC 166 (South Africa
Week V. Terms & Conditions of Employment
A. Express v. Implied Terms
— Miguna Miguna v Attorney General [2012] eKLR (Kenya IC)
B. Employment Contract Duration/Period (incl. probation)
— Abraham Gumba v Kenya Medical Supplies Authority [2014] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— Ahmed Ibrahim Bholm v Car & General Ltd [2004] UGSC 8 (Uganda SC)
— Beatrice Akello v World Vision Uganda [2008] UGHC 118 (Uganda HC)
— Caroline Nyambura Thiga v Oxfam [2013] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— *Doreen Rugundu v International Law Institute [2006] UGSC 18 (Uganda SC)
— *Dr Paul Kagwa v Plan International [2016] UGIC 2 (Uganda IC)

— *Kengrow Industries Ltd v Chandran [2002] UGSC 19 (Uganda SC)
— Nyakabwa J. Abwooli v Security 2000 Ltd (2014) (Uganda __)
C. Working Hours
Employment Act, s 53
D. Remuneration—Salary/Wages, Allowances, etc. (incl. fair/minimum wage)
— Kibona v Transcan Timber Co Ltd [1995-8] 1 EA 121 (Tanzania HC)
E. Other Employment Benefits (e.g. housing, provident/social security, etc.)
— *Fredrick Ouma v Spectre International Ltd [2013] eKLR (Kenya IC)

F. Terms implied by common law

Description: Besides express terms of employment contracts, some terms are implied by common
law. These shall be considered in this session.
Reading List:
1. Skiilaw v Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd [1939]2 KB 206
2. B.P Refinery (Western Port) Pty Ltd v Shire of Hastings (1978) 52 A.J. LR 20
3. Devonald v Rosser & Sons [1906] 2 KB 728
4. Meek v Port of London Authority (1918) 1 Ch 415
5. Orman v Saville Sportswear Ltd [1960] 1 WLR 1055
6. Reigate v Union Manufacturing Co. Ltd (1916) 1 KB 582
7. Harley v Pease & Partners Ltd (1915) 1 KB 698
8. Browning v Crumlin Valley Collieres Ltd (1926) 1 KB 522
9. Donald v Rosser & Son
10. Cresswell v Sawdon & Co. (1901) 2 KB 653
11. Re: Rubel Bronze and Metal Co. (1918)1 KB 315
12. Turner v Sawdon & Co. (1901) 2 KB 653
13. Clayton & Walker Ltd v Oliver (1930) AC 209
14. Manbe v George Edwards (Day's Theatre) Ltd (1928)1 KB
15. Harmer v Cornelius (1958) 5 CB (NS) 26
16. Lister v Romford Ice and Cold Storage Ltd (1957) AC 555
17. Paris v Stepney Borough Council (1951)AC 367
18. Ottoman Bank v Chakarian [1930]AC 277
19. Johnstone v Bloomesbury Health Authority (1991)2 WLR 1362
20. Cresswell v Board of Inland Revenue (1984) ICR 508
21. Secretary of State for Employment v ASLEF (1972) 2 QB 455
22. Hivac Ltd v Park Royal Scientific Inst)ruments Ltd [1946] Ch 169
23. Sybron Coorporation v Rochem (1984)1 Ch 112 / (1983) IRLR 253
24. Bell v Lever Bros [1932] AC 161
25. Reading v AG [1951] AC 507
26. Marshall v Industrial System and Control Ltd (1992) 1 WLR 294
27. Wessex Diaries Ltd v Smith (1935)2 KB 80
28. Swain v West (Butchers) Ltd[1936] 3 ALL ER 261
29. Robb v Green [1895]2 QB 315
30. Turner v Vivian (1873) 37 J.P. 228
31. National Trading Co-op v Kityo

G. Other terms
Description: Some terms of employment contracts are neither express nor implied at common law,
but implied by various laws. These shall be looked at in this session.

Reading List:
1. Employment Act
2. Workers Compensation Act
3. Employment Regulations
4. National Social Security Act, Cap 222
5. Labour Unions Act
6. Prof. S Huq v Islamic University in Uganda, Appeal No. 47/1995
7. Dr. Sam Lyomoki and5 others v Attorney General (2005)2 EA 127
8. Car and General v Bholmi

Week VI. Human Rights, Gender and Employees’ Labour Rights

A. Freedom to Organise (Associational Right to Unionize)
— ILO Convention No 87 on Freedom of Association 1948
— Constitution, s29
— Employment Act, 2006
— *Dr Sam Lyomoki & Others v Attorney General [2005] UGCC 6 (Uganda CC)
— PAFCO Employees Union v Pacific Fishing Co Ltd, Civ Action No HBC543/2000
(Fiji HC)
— *Uganda Scientific Researchers & Allied Workers Union v Uganda National Bureau of
Standards & 2 Others [2015] UGIC 6 (Uganda IC)
B. Right to Withdrawal of Labour
(i) Right to strike (incl. restrictions on certain employees, procedures, etc.)
— ILO Convention No 98 on Right to Organise & Collective Bargaining 1949
— Employment Act
— Attorney General v Botswana Land Boards & Local Authorities Workers’ Union &
Others [2013] BWCA 8 (Botswana CA)
— Botswana Bank Employees Union & Others v Barclays Bank of Botswana Ltd [1995]
BWCA 3 (Botswana CA)
— Botswana Land Boards & Local Authorities Workers’ Union & 2 Others v Director of
Public Service Management & Another [2011] BWCA __ (Botswana CA)
— Botswana Mining Workers Union v Debswana Diamond Co (Pty) Ltd [2004] BWCA 9
(Botswana CA)
— Botswana Railways v Botswana Railways Amalgamated Union & Others [1999] BWCA
12 (Botswana CA)
— The State v Registrar of Trade Unions ex parte Fiji Bank & Finance Sector Employees’
Union, Judicial Rev No HBJ 15/2002 (Fiji HC)
(ii) Right to resign from employment
Employment Act, 2006 s 65
− Etuket Simon v. Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, LDC No. 272/2014
C. Right to Holidays & Periods of Rest
— Abudumosh Mugerere & 3 Others v KCCA [2016] UGIC 20 (Uganda IC)
— Building Trust Constructions Ltd v Martha Rugasira, Civil Suit No 288/2005 (Uganda
— Mbiika Vs Centenary Bank (Labour Dispute Claim No.023 of 2014) [2018]
— Lamunu v Krotchet Employees SACCO and Krotchet Kids Uganda (Labour Dispute
Claim NO.006/2016) [2017]
— Mwaka v Road Master Cycles (U) Ltd (Labour Dispute Claim No. 155/2014)

— Nyakabwa J. Abwoli Vs Security 2000 Ltd (Labour Dispute No.108 of 2014)
— Kyazze Vs Busoga College Mwiri (Labour Dispute Reference No. 143 of 2016)
— Molefe Gaboeletswe v New Era Secondary School [2006] BWIC 14 (Botswana IC)
D. Right to Favourable Conditions of Work
E. Non-Discrimination and Right to Equal Remuneration for Equal Work
— Employment Act, 2006
— African Charter on Human and People‘s Rights, 1979
— Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,
— Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)
— Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100)
— International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1966
— International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966
— Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights of Women in Africa,
— Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948
— Re Goodwell, 39 Wis (1875): 232 at 245

— Price Waterhouse v Hopkins, 490 U.S. 228 (1989)

— Fudge, Judy (1996), “Rungs on the Labour Law Ladder: Using Gender to Challenge
Hierarchy,” Saskatchewan Law Review 60 (2): 237-264
F. Absence of Sexual Harassment in Workplace
— Employment Act, 2006 s 7
— Meritor Savings Bank, FBS v. Vinson, 477 U.S, 57 (1986)
— MacKinnon, Catharine (1979), Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination,
New Haven: Yale University Press

— Magooba Editor v Tusker Matress (U) Ltd, Labour Dispute Reference No.243 of 2015 [UGIC]
Week VII. Disciplinary Rules, Termination & Dismissal from Employment
A. Disciplinary Rules
— Employment Act
— Benon H. Kanyangoga & Ors v Bank of Uganda, Labour Dispute Claim No.080 of
— Edcon Ltd v Ms. Teresa Cantamessa & Ors, Case No. JR 30/17, Labour Court of
South Africa
— Alex Methodious Bwayo v DFCU Bank Limited , High Court, Civil Suit No. 78 of
— Uganda Breweries Ltd v Robert Kigula, Court of Appeal, Civil Appeal No.0183/2016
— DFCU Bank Ltd v Donna Kamuli, Court of Appeal, Civil Appeal No. 121 of 2016
— Isaiah Gikumu v Manengai Oil Refineries Ltd Cause No. 296 of 2014
— Action Aid Uganda v David Mbarekye Tibekinga, Labour Dispute Appeal
— Grace Tibihikirra Makoko v Standard Chartered Bank(U) Ltd , Labour Dispute
Reference No. 315 Of 2015 (Uganda Industrial Court)
B. Distinction between Termination & Dismissal

— Florence Mufumba v Uganda Development Bank (Civil Appeal No. 241 of 2015)
— Florence Mufumba v Uganda Development Bank [2014] UCIC __ (Uganda IC)
— *Joseph Kibuuka & Others v Bank of Uganda [2016] UGIC 1 (Uganda IC)
C. Termination on Notice
— Employment Act
— *Kenya Revenue Authority v Menginya Salim Murgani [2010] eKLR (Kenya CA)
(i) Expiration of contract of employment
— *Abudumosh Mugerere & 3 Others v KCCA [2016] UGIC 20 (Uganda IC)
— *Boitshepo Bolele v BOCONGO [2013] BWCA 10 (Botswana CA)
— *Doreen Rugundu v International Law Institute [2006] UGSC 18 (Uganda SC)
(ii) Redundancy/retrenchment (incl. voluntariness)
— Barclays Bank of Uganda v Godfrey Mubiru, Civ Appeal No 1/1998 (Uganda SC)
— *Boniface Dlamini v Swaziland United Bakeries (Pty) Ltd [2007] SZIC 79 (Swaziland
— Cissy Nankabirwa Magezi v Board of Governors St Kizito Technical Institute Kitovu
[2016] UGIC 15 (Uganda IC)
— *Darlington Ngola v Mota Engil Ltd [2011] MWHC 22 (Malawi HC)
— *Gabaake-Kauta & Others v Botswana Communications Corpn [2008] BWHC 60
(Botswana HC)
— *Joseph Kibuuka & Others v Bank of Uganda [2016] UGIC 1 (Uganda IC)
— *Joseph Nsereko & Others v Bank of Uganda [2003] UGSC 15 (Uganda SC)
— Paul Michael Bukenya v Global Trust Bank [2014] UGIC __ (Uganda IC)
— *Simon Omoding v Rakai Health Science Program Department [2016] UGIC 14
(Uganda IC)
— *Timothy Chiba Chiume v SS Rent A Car Ltd [2003] MWIRC 3 (Malawi IRC)
— R V Industrial Commissioner of South Australia Exparte Adelaide Milk Supply Co.
Ltd (1977) 16 SASR 6
— Omoding Simon Vs Rakai Health Science Programme Department, LDC No.39/2016
(Industrial Court)
— David Kalyango Vs Rakai Health Science Programme, LDC No.038/2016 (Industrial
— Adam Kafumbe Mukasa & 2 Others Vs Uganda Breweries Limited LDC No.191OF
(iii) Notice (or salary in lieu of notice)
— Stanbic Bank (U) Limited v Constant R. Okou, Court of Appeal No.60 of 2020 [2023]
— Florence Mufumba v Uganda Development Bank (Civil Appeal No. 241 of 2015)
— *Beatrice Akello v World Vision Uganda [2008] UGHC 118 (Uganda HC)
— *Robert Mukembo v Ecolab East Africa (U) Ltd [2009] UGHC 126 (Uganda HC)
(iv) Reasons
— Bank of Uganda v Joseph Kibuuka & Others, Civ Appeal No. 281 of 2016
— *Joseph Kibuuka & Others v Bank of Uganda [2016] UGIC 1 (Uganda IC)
— Mary Pamela Sozi v Public Procurement & Disposal of Public Assets Authority [2012]
— *John Obol v Gulu Municipal Council [2008] UGHC 105 (Uganda HC)
— Gideon Mwanami vs Rainbow International School HCCS No. 274 of 2012
D. Summary Dismissal

(i) Gross/serious/willful misconduct
— Employment Act, 2006
— *Aggrey Tumuranze v Toro & Mityana Tea Co Ltd [2016] UGIC 16 (Uganda IC)
— *Attorney General v Botswana Land Boards & Local Authorities Workers’ Union &
Others [2013] BWCA 8 (Botswana CA)
— *Beatrice Akello v World Vision Uganda [2008] UGHC 118 (Uganda HC)
— Eletu v Uganda Airlines Corpn [1984] HCB 39 (Uganda HC)
— *Fred Wakibi v Bank of Uganda [2015] UGIC 5 (Uganda IC)
— *Fredrick Ouma v Spectre International Ltd [2013] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— *Kabojja International School v Godfrey Oyesigye [2016] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
— Laws v London Chronicle [1959] 2 All ER 285
— *Magalasi v National Bank of Malawi [2005] MWIRC 2 (Malawi IRC)
— *Mary B Mugenyi Nalongo v Coffee Marketing Board Ltd [1993] UGSC 17 (Uganda
— Pepper v Webb [1969] 2 All ER 216 (United Kingdom CA)

(ii) Right to pre/post-dismissal hearing (incl. procedural fairness)

— Employment Act, 2006
— Administrator, Transvaal & Others v Traub & Others [1989] ZASCA 90 (South Africa
— *Attorney General v Botswana Land Boards & Local Authorities Workers’ Union &
Others [2013] BWCA 8 (Botswana CA)
— *Dr Paul Kagwa v Plan International [2016] UGIC 2 (Uganda IC)
— *Eng Pascal R Gakyaro v Civil Aviation Authority [2007] UGCA 4 (Uganda CA)
— *Fred Wakibi v Bank of Uganda [2015] UGIC 5 (Uganda IC)
— *Kagiso Funeral Parlour v Modise & Others [2003] BWCA 3 (Botswana CA)
— *Magalasi v National Bank of Malawi [2005] MWIRC 2 (Malawi IRC)
— Polkey v A E Dayton Services Ltd [1987] 3 All ER 974 (United Kingdom CA)
E. Wrongful/Unfair Dismissal
(i) Reasons/grounds for dismissal
— Employment Act, 2006
— Herbert Bwengye vs Ecobank Uganda Limited Labour Dispute No. 132 of 2015
(Industrial Court)
— *Abraham Gumba v Kenya Medical Supplies Authority [2014] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— *Alice Kyebanghaire & Another v Uganda Telecom Ltd [2009] UGHC 138 (Uganda
— *Donna Kamuli v DFCU Bank [2015] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
— Earl v Slater & Wheeler Ltd [1973] 1 WLR 51 (United Kingdom __)
— *Irene Kharono v Action Aid International [2016] UGIC 19 (Uganda IC)
— *Kalinda v Limbe Leaf Tobacco Ltd [2003] MWHC 79 (Malawi HC)
— *Queenvelle Atieno Owala v Centre for Corporate Governance [2013] eKLR (Kenya
— *Timothy Chiba Chiume v S S Rent A Car Ltd [2003] MWIRC 3 (Malawi IRC)
(ii) Pre-dismissal hearing (incl. procedural fairness)
— *Abraham Gumba v Kenya Medical Supplies Authority [2014] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— *Donna Kamuli v DFCU Bank [2015] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
— Hypolito Cassiano DeSouza v Chairman & Members of the Tanga Town Council
[1971] EA 377

— *Kalinda v Limbe Leaf Tobacco Ltd [2003] MWHC 79 (Malawi HC)
— *Lesdi Funeral Parlour v Charles Nare [2010] BWCA 59 (Botswana CA)
— Local Government Board v Aldridge [1915] AC 120 (United Kingdom )
— Malloch v Aberdeen Corporation [1971] 2 All ER 1278 (United Kingdom __)
— R v Immigration Appeal Tribunal ex parte Jones [1988] 1 WLR 481 (United Kingdom
— *Richard Ndemerweki v MTN (U) Ltd LDCNO.101 of 2014 );[2015] UGIC 10
(Uganda IC)
— Russell v Duke of Norfolk [1949] 1 All ER 109 (United Kingdom __)
— Selvarajan v Race Relations Board [1975] 1 WLR 1686 (United Kingdom __)
— Stevenson v United Transport Union [1971] 2 All ER 941 (United Kingdom __)
— Queenvelle Atieno Owala v Centre for Corporate Governance [2013] eKLR (Kenya
F. Remedies for Unlawful or Wrongful Termination/Dismissal
Patson W. Arinaitwe, “Award of Damages for Unlawful Dismissal in Uganda; The Quest
for Consistency after the Employment Act of 2006.” (2017) ULRJ 6
(i) Unpaid salaries/wages (incl. in lieu of notice)
— *Donna Kamuli v DFCU Bank [2015] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
— *Molefe Gaboeletswe v New Era Secondary School [2006] BWIC 14 (Botswana IC)
— Ombaya v Gailey & Roberts Ltd [1974] EA 522 (Kenya)
— *Richard Ndemerweki v MTN (U) Ltd [2015] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
(ii) Damages (general & special (cf. aggravated/exemplary))
(iii) Johnson AP vs Unisys Limited [2001] UKHL 13
(iv) Edwards v Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2011] UKSC 58;
[2012] 2 A.C 22.
(v) Gumisiriza Caroline Kalisa vs Hima Cement Limited HCCS No. 084 of 2012
(vi) Omunyonkol Akol Johnson v AG SCCA No. 6 of 2012
— *Abraham Gumba v Kenya Medical Supplies Authority [2014] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— *Bank of Uganda v Betty Tinkamanyire [2008] UGSC 21 (Uganda SC)
— Barclays Bank of Uganda v Godfrey Mubiru, Civ Appeal No 1/1998 (Uganda SC)
— *Beatrice Akello v World Vision Uganda [2008] UGHC 118 (Uganda HC)
— Central Bank of Kenya v Nkabu [2002] 1 EA 34 (Kenya CA)
— *Dr Paul Kagwa v Plan International [2016] UGIC 2 (Uganda IC)
— East African Airways v Knight [1975] EA 165
— Eastwood & Another v Magnox Electric Plc; McCabe v Cornwall County Council &
Others [2004] UKHL 35 (United Kingdom HL)
— G.M.V. v Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd [2013] eKLR (Kenya IC)
— *Granger Nkhwazi v Commercial Bank of Malawi Ltd [2003] MWHC 81 (Malawi HC)
— *Irene Kharono v Action Aid International [2016] UGIC 19 (Uganda IC)
— *Kengrow Industries Ltd v Chandran [2002] UGSC 19 (Uganda SC)
— *Kenya Revenue Authority v Menginya Salim Murgani [2010] eKLR (Kenya CA)
— Obonyo & Another v Municipal Council of Kisumu [1971] EA 91 (Kenya)
— *Richard Ndemerweki v MTN (U) Ltd [2015] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
— *Robert Mukembo v Ecolab East Africa (U) Ltd [2009] UGHC 126 (Uganda HC)
— Rookes v Barnard [1964] 1 All ER 367 (United Kingdom)
(vii) Reinstatement

— *Boniface Dlamini v Swaziland United Bakeries (Pty) Ltd [2007] SZIC 79 (Swaziland
— PAFCO Employees Union v Pacific Fishing Co Ltd, Civ Action No HBC543/2000
(Fiji HC)
(viii) Pension, severance pay, gratuity/service pay, bonus, ex-gratia benefits, etc.
— *Alice Kyebanghaire & Another v Uganda Telecom Ltd [2009] UGHC 138 (Uganda
— *Attorney General v Senkali George & 45006 Others [2009] UGSC 1 (Uganda SC)
— *Boniface Dlamini v Swaziland United Bakeries (Pty) Ltd [2007] SZIC 79 (Swaziland
— Bonisile Dladla & Another v VIP Protection Services [2011] SZIC 41 (Swaziland IC)
— *Donna Kamuli v DFCU Bank [2015] UGIC 10 (Uganda IC)
— *Elijah Kipkoros Tonui v Ngara Opticians t/a Bright Eyes Ltd [2014]eKLR (Kenya
— *Hans Mwesigwa & Another v Uganda Consolidated Properties [2003] UGSC 43
(Uganda SC)
— *John Obol v Gulu Municipal Council [2008] UGHC 105 (Uganda HC)
— *Joseph Kibuuka & Others v Bank of Uganda [2016] UGIC 1 (Uganda IC)
— *Joseph Nsereko & Others v Bank of Uganda [2003] UGSC 15 (Uganda SC)
— *Joseph Nsereko & Others v Bank of Uganda [2004] UGSC 7 (Uganda SC)
— *Timothy Chiba Chiume v S S Rent A Car Ltd [2003] MWIRC 3 (Malawi IRC)
— *Uganda Commercial Bank Ltd v Yerusa Nabudere & Another [2006] UGSC 8
(Uganda SC)
(ix) Mitigation of loss—alternative employment
— *Doreen Rugundu v International Law Institute [2006] UGSC 18 (Uganda SC)
— El Sayed Hag El Dosh v President Ahlia Intermediate School [1958] SLJR 75
— Vine v National Dock Labour Board [1956] 1 QB 658 (United Kingdom)

G. Limitation/Time limits for Employment Claims

— *Apollo Twesigye v Aids Support Organisation [2016] UGIC 18 (Uganda IC)
— Charles Lubowa & 4 Others v Makerere University [2011] UGSC(Uganda SC)
— Francis Oumo Mubido v Oakwod Investment Ltd [2016] UGIC 21 (Uganda IC)
— Iga v Makerere University [1967] EA 65 (Uganda)
— *Jackson Osilo v Industrial Security Services [2016] UGIC 3 (Uganda IC)
— Julius Rugumayo v Uganda Revenue Authority [2014] UGIC __ (Uganda IC)

Weeks VIII-IX: The History of Trade Union Law in Uganda

Description: This section traces the history of trade union law in Uganda through the colonial and
post-colonial period up the present day.
Reading Materials
1. Angeret, Trade Union Law in Uganda, 1998
2. Barya B.J.J., Law, State and Working Class Organisation in Uganda 1962-1987, PhD
Dissertation, Warwick. 1990
3. Barya B.J.J., Workers and the Law in Uganda, CBR Working Paper No. 17, 1991
4. Barya B.J.J., Trade Unions and the Struggle for Associational Space in Uganda: The 1993
Trade Union Law and Article 40 of the Constitution, CBR Working Paper No. 63, 2001
5. Barya B.J.J., Trade Unions And Collective Bargaining – Understanding The Employer’s
Roles And Obligations Under The Labour Unions Act 2006 And The Labour Disputes
(Arbitration and Settlement) 2006, Paper Presented at Annual Labour and Employment Law

Conference organized by the Uganda Law Society, Signum Advocates and the Human
Resource Managers’ Association of Uganda held at Sheraton Hotel, 14th – 15th March,

A. Development of Wage Labour in Uganda

Reading Materials:
Barya B.J.J., Workers and the Law in Uganda, CBR Working Paper No. 17, 1991

B. The first trade union laws in Uganda

Reading Materials:
1. The 1937 Trade Union Ordinance
2. 1943 Trade Unions and Trade Disputes Ordinance
3. 1952 Trade Unions Ordinance
4. Barya B.J.J., Workers and the Law in Uganda, CBR Working Paper No. 17, 1991

C. Postcolonial Trade union Law Developments

Reading Materials:
1. Public Service (Negotiating Machinery) Act No. 78 of 1963
2. Trade Unions Act No.11 of 1965
3. Barya B.J.J., Workers and the Law in Uganda, CBR Working Paper No. 17, 1991
4. Barya B.J.J., Trade Unions and the Struggle for Associational Space in Uganda: The 1993
Trade Union Law and Article 40 of the Constitution, CBR Working Paper No. 63, 2001

D. : The 1970 Trade Unions Act

Reading Materials:
1. The Trade Unions Act No. 40 of 1970
2. The Common Man's Charter
3. The Nakivubo Pronouncement
4. Communication from the Chair
5. The Trade Union Act Amendment Decree No. 10 of 1971
6. The Trade Union Act Amendment Decree No. 29 of 1973
7. The Trade Union Decree No. 20 of 1976
8. The Trade Union Laws (Miscellaneous Amendment) Statute No. 10 of 1993
9. Barya B.J.J., Workers and the Law in Uganda, CBR Working Paper No. 17, 1991
10. Barya B.J.J., Trade Unions and the Struggle for Associational Space in Uganda: The 1993
Trade Union Law and Article 40 of the Constitution, CBR Working Paper No. 63, 2001

Week X: Contemporary Labour Unions Law in Uganda

Description: This section looks at the key aspects of the current labour unions law in Uganda.
Reading Materials
1. Constitution of Uganda, 1995, Article 29 and 40
2. The Labour Unions Act No.7/2006
3. The Trade Union Regulations
4. Labour Disputes (Arbitration & settlement) Act, 2006
5. ILO Conventions No. 87, 98, 135, 141, 151, 154
6. ILO Recommendations No. 143, 149, 159
7. ILO: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, 1994
8. Barya B.J.J., 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A Critical
Analysis of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4

A. International Protection of Labour Unions: ILO Conventions No. 87 and 98

Reading Materials:
2. ILO Convention No. 87
3. ILO Conventions No. 98
4. International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights,
5. Barya B.J.J., 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A Critical
Analysis of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4

B. Freedom of Association under Current National Laws

Reading Materials:
The 1995 Constitution, Articles 29 (1) (e) and 40 (3)
2006 Labour Unions Act
Labour Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement) Act 2006
Public Service (Negotiating, Consultative and Dispute Settlement Machinery) Act No. 10 of
Dr. S. Lyomoki & Ors V. the Attorney General, Constitutional Petition No. 8/2004
Ateker Ejalu v. Uganda Railways Workers Union and Uganda Railways Corporation; Civil
Appeal No. 8 of 1985; [1994] KALR 51.
Omara Okot Yokana Daudi v. NOTU & Suplisius Okolimong, HCCS No. 728/1985
Biryeri Zauja & ors v. Apparels Tri-Star (U) Ltd. Civil Suit No. 642 of 2003.
National Union of Clerical Commercial and Technical Employees v. Drappers [1969] E.A. 63

National Union of Clerical Commercial and Technical Employees v. Uganda Bookshop [1965]
E.A. 533.
Re An application by Isiko Brothers Press [1974] HCB. 254.
Re An application by the Managers of east African Railways and Habours [1966] EA. 110.
Uganda Electricity Board v. Uganda Electricity Board Workers Union [1974] EA. 203.
Lee v. Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain [1952] 2 Q.B 329
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters v Braithwaite (1922) 2 AC 440
Uganda Electricity & Allied Workers Union v. UEB, TD No.2/1984
Barya B.J.J., 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A Critical Analysis
of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4

C. Management of Unions
Reading Materials:
2006 Labour Unions Act
Trade Unions Regulations, Statutory Instrument No 223/1
Barya B.J.J., 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A Critical Analysis
of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4
− Uganda National Bureau of Standards& Anor v Dr. William, Former Chairperson NBS,
Labour Dispute Reference No. 031 of 2015

D. Public Service Unions

Reading Materials:
The Labour Unions Act, 2006
Public Service (Negotiating, Consultative and Dispute Settlement Machinery) Act No. 10 of 2008
Barya B.J.J., 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A Critical Analysis
of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4

E. Collective Bargaining
Reading Materials:
The 1995 Constitution, Article 40 (3)

ILO Convention No. 98
Labour Unions Act,2006
Labour Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement) Act,2006
Barya B.J.J., 2007: Freedom of Association and Uganda's New Labour Laws: A Critical Analysis
of Workers Organisational Rights, HURIPEC Working Paper No. 4
− Uganda Electricity Alliance Workers Union v. Uganda Electricity Transmission Company,
Labour Dispute Reference No. 094 of 2015


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