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Corporate Criminal Liability in India

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Corporate Criminal

Liability in India
A company can only act through human beings and a human being who
commits an offence on account of or for the benefit of a company will be
responsible for that offence himself. The importance of incorporation is
that it makes the company itself liable in certain circumstances, as well
as the human beings- Glanville Williams
Section 11 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 (the Code) define person. It reads
“the word person includes any Company or Association or a body of
persons, whether incorporated or not.” Further section 2 of the Code
provides that “Every person shall be liable to punishment under this
Code.” Thus, section 2 of the Code without any exception to body
corporate, provides for punishment of every person which obviously
includes a Company. Therefore, by reading of these two provision
concept of corporate criminal liability can be derived, though it is not
the sole legislation which provides for the punishment of corporate
body, Companies Act, 2013, Income Tax Act, etc.
• Corporations have now became an integral part of our society, and with
development of corporations they have become significant actor in our economy,
our society runs in the risk of getting victimized by these corporation, and
therefore they should be deterred too. Imposition of punishment, upon offenders
of any kind, can be understood by various rationale of criminal law jurisprudence,
but deterrence is the rationale that is applicable to such economic entities as
• Corporations have their own identity, they have separate legal personality and
they are different from their members,
• and this is sufficient to makes it possible to held them liable and censure them.
• Criminal Liability is the quality or state of being legally obligated or accountable;
legally responsible to another or to society which is enforceable by criminal
• And therefore, Corporate Criminal Liability means the extent to which a
Corporation as a legal person can be held criminally liable for its acts and
omissions and for those of the natural persons employed by it.
Twin Model of Corporate Criminal Liability
• A. Derivative Model
This model is individual centred model. It derives to attach the liability to the
corporation only because an individual connected to the corporation incurred some
liability for which the individual is to be punished, but since it is connected to the
corporation the liability is put on the corporation to having that individual with it and
letting it incurred some liability. Derivative model can be understood in two sub-
categorises: a) Vicarious Liability; b) Identification Doctrine.
• Vicarious Liability
The concept of vicarious liability is based on two latin maxims- first, qui facit per
alium facit per se, it means that he who acts through another shall deemed to have
acted on his own, and second, respondeat superior which means let the master
answer. In Bartonshill Coal Co. v. McGuire, Lord Chelmsford LC said: ‘every act which
is done by an employee in the course of his duty is regarded as done by his employer’s
orders, and consequently is the same as if it were his employer’s own act.’
• Identification Doctrine
This doctrine is an English law doctrine which tries to identify certain key persons of a
corporation who acts in its behalf, and whose conduct and state of mind can be
attributed to that of the corporation. In case of Salomon v. Salomon & Co. House of
Lords held that corporate entity is separate from the persons who acts on its behalf. The
Courts in England had in various judgments like DPP v. Kent & Sussex Contractors Ltd., R
v. ICR Haulage Ltd., ruled that the corporate entities could be subjected to criminal
liability and the companies were held liable for crimes requiring intent. Judgment like
these led to the promulgation of ‘identification doctrine’.
As to the liability of these key persons who act on behalf of company, it was held in
Moore v. Brisler that the persons who are identified with the corporations must be
acting within the scope of their employment or authority. The conduct must occur
within an assigned area of operation even though particulars may be unauthorised. It
will be wise to infer that identification doctrine is narrower in scope than the vicarious
liability doctrine, instead of holding corporation liable for act of any employee,
identification doctrine narrows it down to certain persons.
• B. Organizational Model
• Unlike derivative model which focuses on individual, organizational model
takes corporation into consideration. Offences require mental state (mens rea)
to commit a crime along with physical act (actus reus), but the problem that
arises while holding corporations criminally liable is how a corporation which
is juristic person could possess requisite mental state to commit a crime.
• Derivative model was one way to attribute mental state to corporation. Other
way could be by proving that there existed an environment in the corporation
which directed, tolerated, led-on, and even encouraged the non-compliance
of specific law which made it offence. Moreover, physical act that too is
required to complete the requirement of commission of an offence can be
derived rather be proved from the act of its employees, officers, directors, etc.
Thus, culture of a corporation is to be seen while determining its criminal
• Corporate culture may help for commission of an offence
requiring mental state by- firstly, providing the
environment or necessary encouragement that it was
believed by the offender working in the corporation that
it was perfectly alright to commit that offence, or
corporation has psychologically supported the
commission of offence; secondly, it is quite possible that
the corporation created an environment which led to
commission of crime. Both ways it was the corporation
and its working culture that let the offence committed.
Deadlocks of Corporate Criminal Liability
A. Imprisonment
As has been discussed above that a company is recognized as a
juristic person, and being a person it has to face the
punishment that has been provided by the various acts. There
are various provisions in Companies Act, 2013 itself which hold
a company liable for its wrongdoing. However, there are
provisions which provides mandatory imprisonment for a
person including company, such as Section 447 of Companies
Act, 2013 Act, Section 420 of The IPC, 276B of The Income Tax
Act etc.
B. Mens rea
Another problem faced by the Judges was how to try a
company for the offences where mens rea was an essential.
How can a juristic person have a mental element to commit
a crime? The trend was such that the company was only
tried for cases where mens rea was not an essential and it
was accepted that it cannot be tried for offences where
mens rea is required.
In the case of Motorola Inc. vs. Union of India the Bombay
High Court quashed a proceeding against a corporation for
alleged cheating, as it came to the conclusion that it was
impossible for a corporation to form the requisite mens
rea, which was the essential ingredient of the offense.
Recommendation and Conclusion
The 47th law commission report has recommended various solutions to deal with
such problem:
Some discretion is to be given to judges to impose penalties as they deem fit for
the case.
• Para 8(3) of the47th law commission report recommended that, “in every case in
which the offence is punishable with imprisonment only or with imprisonment
and fine, and the offender is the corporation, it shall be competent to the court to
sentence such offender to fine only.”
• In every case in which the offence is punishable with imprisonment and any other
punishment not being fine and the offender is a corporation, it shall be
competent to the court to sentence such offender to fine.
• Unfortunately, the legislatures have ignored these recommendation by law
commission and failed to incorporate these provision, and thus the problem is
where it was earlier. It is still very difficult for court to punish the offenders.
Therefore, it can be said that even though Corporate Crimes are much in vogue
today, but the methods to tackle them are still in their pre-mature stage.

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