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Application Note AN-1194

Using MOSFET Spice Models for Analyzing

Application Performance
David Divins

Table of Contents


Uses for MOSFET Spice Models ......................................................... 2

MOSFET Spice Model Availability ........................................................ 2

Power MOSFET Spice Model .............................................................. 2

Spice Model Validation ......................................................................... 5

MOSFET Design Validation Simulation Example ……………………………….9

Summary ……………………………………………………………………………11 AN-1194 1
15 February 2014
Uses for MOSFET Spice Models

As design cycle times get shorter, which has always been the case, tools are needed to help the
engineer meet this challenge. Circuit simulation in the form of Spice is a tool that can help in
selecting the right topology and the accompanying MOSFET. Spice can be used to calculate
MOSFET power dissipation, predict gate drive performance, circuit avalanche energy, switching
times, estimate short time duration transient junction temperature increase and much more.
Given that there are low cost or free versions of Spice available and that International Rectifier
provides spice models for MOSFETs on the web site, circuit simulation is readily available to all
power engineers.

Another way at looking at the value of using circuit simulation is to consider that it can be used to
answer design questions like:

- Which MOSFET can I use to meet price performance requirements?

- What gate driver should I use? How should it be configured?
- How do I heatsink the MOSFET? What heatsink do I use? What Cu weight should I
choose for my surface mount board?
- Can I use the MOSFET as an inductive clamp or do I need to add an external catch
- Will the MOSFET experience dv/dt turn-on in a half-bridge circuit?
- Etc

With these and other questions being answered the engineer can make informed design
decisions up front reducing the potential number of respins of the product before launch.

MOSFET Spice Model Availability

For each new MOSFET that is released by International Rectifier a corresponding Spice model is
generated and published. The model comes in the form of a text file that can be imported into the
spice program. Just search for a desired MOSFET and there will be link to its
corresponding model.

Power MOSFET Spice Model

The power MOSFET Spice macro model is comprised of fundamental circuit elements plus the
standard CMOS model. Figure 1 shows a simplified version of a Power MOSFET Macro model. AN-1194 2
15 February 2014
Figure 1: Simplified Power MOSFET Marco Model

Some elements in Figure 1 reflect actual physical aspects of the MOSFET and its package while
other elements are there to realize physical behavior via circuit element constructs. The following
describes the relationship between the model and the real MOSFET.

Lg: The gate lead and bond wire inductance

Rg: The internal series gate resistance (principally the polysilicon gate resistance).
Ld: The drain lead and bond wire inductance
R1: The epitaxial layer bulk resistance and drain lead resistance
Rs: The diode bulk resistance
Is: A non-linear current source representing the relationship between diode current and diode
R2: The source lead and bond wire resistance
Ls: The source lead and bond wire inductance
Cx: A scaled value of capacitance used to simulate the effect of Cgd (Miller Capacitance)
CMOS Model: Implements the following equations

Note: The simplified model here does not include diode reverse recovery. However the posted
models have reverse recovery included. AN-1194 3
15 February 2014
The parameters of this model for a given MOSFET part number are determined using the
MOSFET characterization data and curve fitting software. Both curves (Ciss, Coss, Crss, Drain-
Source Diode IV curve, Vgs vs Qg etc) and particular measured values like BVdss, Rdson etc
are entered into the software. The software performs curve fitting which results in a set of model
parameters that allow the macro model to recreate the original characterization data using test
circuits. The following is an example of a MOSFET Spice model that can be found on .

.SUBCKT irfh5006pbf 1 2 3
* Model Generated by MODPEX *
*Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems*
* All Rights Reserved *
* Contains Proprietary Information *
* Which is The Property of *
*Commercial Use or Resale Restricted *
* by Symmetry License Agreement *
* Model generated on Aug 17, 10
* Symmetry POWER MOS Model (Version 1.0)
* External Node Designations
* Node 1 -> Drain
* Node 2 -> Gate
* Node 3 -> Source
M1 9 7 8 8 MM L=100u W=100u
+VTO=3.71802 LAMBDA=0.0415081 KP=45.7788
+CGSO=4.01469e-05 CGDO=1.62897e-06
RS 8 3 0.0001
D1 3 1 MD
.MODEL MD D IS=2.80456e-09 RS=0.00116577 N=1.19518 BV=60
+IBV=0.00025 EG=1 XTI=2.19334 TT=1e-07
+CJO=4.29277e-09 VJ=0.5 M=0.640529 FC=0.5
RDS 3 1 1e+07
RD 9 1 0.0001
RG 2 7 1.78118
D2 4 5 MD1
* Default values used in MD1:
* RS=0 EG=1.11 XTI=3.0 TT=0
* BV=infinite IBV=1mA
.MODEL MD1 D IS=1e-32 N=50
+CJO=1.8337e-09 VJ=0.500012 M=0.819764 FC=1e-08
D3 0 5 MD2
* Default values used in MD2:
* EG=1.11 XTI=3.0 TT=0 CJO=0
* BV=infinite IBV=1mA
.MODEL MD2 D IS=1e-10 N=0.400109 RS=3e-06
RL 5 10 1
FI2 7 9 VFI2 -1
VFI2 4 0 0
EV16 10 0 9 7 1
CAP 11 10 2.01999e-09
FI1 7 9 VFI1 -1
VFI1 11 6 0
RCAP 6 10 1 AN-1194 4
15 February 2014
D4 0 6 MD3
* Default values used in MD3:
* EG=1.11 XTI=3.0 TT=0 CJO=0
* RS=0 BV=infinite IBV=1mA
.MODEL MD3 D IS=1e-10 N=0.400109
.ENDS irfh5006pbf
*SPICE Thermal Model Subcircuit
.SUBCKT irfh5006pbft 5 1

R_RTHERM1 5 4 3.93e-10
R_RTHERM2 4 3 0.025591
R_RTHERM3 3 2 0.164071
R_RTHERM4 2 1 0.310278
C_CTHERM1 5 1 1.56182e+11
C_CTHERM2 4 1 0.002251121
C_CTHERM3 3 1 0.004889843
C_CTHERM4 2 1 0.010577591

.ENDS irfh5006pbft

Figure 2: Spice Model of the IRFH5006

Notice at the end of the Spice model there is a thermal model (sub-circuit) that is rendered as a
RC network. This Cauer network will allow for the realization of the single pulse thermal response
on the Zthjc vs tpulse curve.

Spice Model Validation

As with all software tools that are used to simulate real world phenomena, the question of
accuracy arises. At issue, is which aspects of the model are accurate and which are not.

Here are some limitations of the posted models:

- Models only behave as if the MOSFET is held at 25C during the entire simulation period.
The behavior does not change as a function of temperature because there is no
temperature dependence in the model. (Rdson, Vth, BVdss etc have no temperature
- The model can’t be used to create an SOA curve because the Thermal Instability effect is
not modeled.
- Although the body diode reverse recovery is modeled it is not very accurate. It can give
exaggerated reverse recovery current spikes.

The following shows a comparison between measured data and spice simulation results for a
Double Pulse Test of the IRFH5006 (60V N-Channel 5x6 PQFN MOSFET). The purpose of
choosing the Double Pulse test for this comparison is to select an operating scenario that does
not induce MOSFET self-heating. Thus the MOSFET will behave as a 25C device throughout the
duration of the measurement which is what is modeled in spice. AN-1194 5
15 February 2014
Figure 3 - Double Pulse Tester Schematic

Figure 4 - Double Pulse Tester Simulation Schematic

In Figure 4 L2-L4 were added to mimic the board and probe parasitic inductances. AN-1194 6
15 February 2014
Figure 5 - Measured Double Pulse Test HVDC=20V

In Figure 5:
C1 (Dark Green color) – Upper FET’s Vds
C2 (Red color) - Lower FET’s Vds
C3 (Light Blue color) – Lower FET’s Vgs
C4 (Green color) – Upper FET’s Id

Figure 6 - Simulated Double Pulse Test HVDC=20V

In Figure 6:
V(vd_top,vs_top) - Upper FET’s Vds
V(vd_bot) - Lower FET’s Vds
V(vgs) - Lower FET’s Vgs AN-1194 7
15 February 2014
Ix(M6:S) - Upper FET’s Id

Figure 7 - Upper FET Id Comparison

Figure 8 - Lower FET Vgs Comparison AN-1194 8
15 February 2014
Figure 9 - Lower FET Vd Comparison

Figure 10 - Upper FET Vds Comparison

In addition to adding the parasitic inductance, the reverse transit time of the body diode in the
IRFH5006 spice model had to be changed from tt=1e-7 to tt=6e-9.

Figures 7-10 demonstrate the validity of the spice model at the 10’s of nanosecond level. What
was not completely realized in the simulation are total parasitic effects of both the board layout
and the scope probing. One important point to note about this simulation is that switching losses
as well as conduction losses can be reasonability estimated using simulation.

MOSFET Design Validation Simulation Example

H-Bridge AN-1194 9
15 February 2014
Figure 11: H-Bridge Simulation Model

Figure 3 shows an example of a MOSFET H-Bridge driving an L-R load. In this case:

Duty Cycle=80%/20%
Load Current is 25A
Battery Voltage=24V
Gate Driver is a macro model of the IR2184
MOSFETs are the IRF7759L2 DirectFET

Figure 12: H-Bridge Load Current AN-1194 10
15 February 2014
Figure 13: Gate drive and Switch Node Waveforms

Running a power measure analysis on the MOSFETs yields:


From this simulation analysis board layout and Cu weight decisions can be made. Also the
interactions between the gate driver and MOSFET can be understood and the drive circuit can be


International Rectifier has MOSFET Spice models on that can be used for pre-
prototype circuit validation for a multitude of power application topologies. Performing simulation
is a low cost way to validate a design and make the appropriate trade-offs. The Spice models
represent a guard banded version of the actual MOSFET. Conservative modeling yields a guard
banded analysis, which is part of good design practices.

References and Acknowledgements

AN-975A Spice Computer Models HEXFET Power MOSFETs by S. Malouyans
Software: LTSpice IV Version 4.20b
MODPEX is copyrighted by Symmetry Design Systems AN-1194 11
15 February 2014

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