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Uif On-Boarding Training Manual

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UIF Onboarding Training

Welcome to the Understanding Israel Foundation (UIF) Onboarding Training


As a part of UIF, you are crucial in advancing our mission to strengthen and
deepen the ties between Trinidad and Tobago and the State of Israel.

This manual will provide you with the necessary knowledge and guidance to
effectively contribute to our organisation. Thank you for joining us in this
important endeavour.

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 1

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Understanding Israel Foundation (UIF)

1.1 About UIF
1.2 Mission and Vision
1.3 Organizational Values
1.4 Guiding Principles

Understanding the Objectives of the UIF

2.1 Short-Term Objectives
2.2 Medium-Term Objectives
2.3 Long-Term Objectives

Advocacy and Outreach

3.1 What is Israel?
3.2 Advocating for Israel
3.3 Community-Building and Outreach
3.4 Educating the Public

Combating Anti-Israel Sentiment and Antisemitism

4.1 Monitoring and Identifying Anti-Israel Sentiment
4.2 Combating Antisemitism
4.3 Promoting Understanding and Respect

Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Code of Conduct
5.2 Roles and Expectations
5.3 Collaboration and Communication

Resources and Support

6.1 Training and Development Opportunities
6.2 UIF Contact Information
6.3 Additional Resources

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 2

Introduction to the
Understanding Israel
1.1 About The Understanding Israel Foundation

The Understanding Israel Foundation (UIF) is a registered not-for-profit

organization (NPO) based in Trinidad and Tobago. Established on May 3rd, 2023,
UIF is the country's only think tank and Israel advocacy organization. Our primary
goal is to disrupt the current foreign relations approach of the Trinidadian
government toward the State of Israel.

1.2 Mission and Vision

At UIF, our mission is to bridge Trinidad and Tobago and Israel by strengthening
and deepening their ties at various levels. We seek to promote understanding,
respect, and education about Israel while advocating for a closer relationship
between the two countries. Our vision is to serve as the primary medium for
contact and information about Israel, fostering dialogue and collaboration
between Israelis and Trinidadians.

1.3 Organizational Values

As a part of UIF, you are expected to uphold and embrace our organizational
values and guiding principles. These include:

Understanding & Respect: We prioritize understanding and respect, both for

Israel and for diverse perspectives. We encourage open dialogue while
acknowledging that dissenting ideas and perceptions may exist.

Determination & Optimism: We approach our mission with determined

optimism, believing in the dream of stronger Trinidad-Israel relations and
remaining committed to our cause.

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 3

Advocacy & Community-building: Advocating for Israel and building a
community of pro-Israel advocates are essential aspects of our work. We
encourage the development of a common identity among our members to
advocate strongly as individuals and as a community.

1.4 Guiding Principles

On Israel & Zionism

Zionism is the “national and historic right of the Jewish people to self-
determination in the land of Israel,” expressed in the current State of Israel as a
democratic and Jewish country. Denials to Jewish rights to self-determination in
the State of Israel will not be tolerated.

On Antisemitism

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred

towards Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed
toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish
community institutions and religious facilities.”UIF uses Natan Sharansky’s “3D’s
of antisemitism” as the benchmark for any interactions with the public and within
the organization: that is, the Delegitimizing, Demonizing and holding Israel to
Double Standards will not be allowed.

On Democracy

UIF values, affirms and upholds the respective democratic natures of Trinidad &
Tobago and Israel as defined in the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad &
Tobago and Israel's Declaration of Independence and its Basic Laws.

On Politics

UIF is and remains politically nonpartisan and unaligned to any political party in
Trinidad & Tobago and/or Israel; it will work across all levels of political affiliations
to meet its goals.

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 4

On Religion

UIF is a religiously pluralistic and diverse organisation, which affirms and respects
the rights of all members and citizens of Trinidad & Tobago and Israel to their
freedoms of religion and religious expression. The disparaging of alternative
religious beliefs and/or proselytization will not be tolerated.

On Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Acceptance

UIF will not discriminate based on gender, gender self-identification, race,

ethnicity, tribal affiliation, religion, creed, nationality, sexual preference, origin,
place of abode or any other individual rights not expressly stated herein. UIF
promotes equality, justice, democracy and the rights of all peoples to self-
expression, dignity, security, rights and freedoms.

On Partnerships & Collaboration

With strategic partnerships in Trinidad & Tobago, the Caribbean region, Israel and
the Jewish and Christian worlds, the Organization realizes that it represents many
different viewpoints and will partner with many competing ideologies; the
organization will therefore do its best to represent each fairly and without bias.

On Peace

UIF affirms the following established protocols, and for as long as they remain
Israeli policy: 1. the Oslo 1 (1993) and 2 (1995) Accords, that is, the peace process
between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the official
representatives of the Palestinian people; 2. the Abraham Accords (2020) and the
peace treaties Israel enjoys with Egypt (1979) and Jordan (1994); 3. Israel’s historic
relationship with Turkey, Azerbaijan and other non-Arab Muslim-majority nations;
and, 4. the advance of further recognition of Israel as the Jewish homeland and
peace between Israel and other countries.

On Palestinian Independence & Statehood

UIF is not an anti-Palestinian organization. UIF does not negate the right and
legitimacy of Palestinian ambitions for independence, self-determination and

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 5

statehood, nor does UIF presuppose that Israeli independence, self-determination
and statehood is affected by the possible solution to the conflict. UIF opposes a
one-state solution as it is outrightly rejected by both Israel and the Palestinians.

On Arabs and the wider Muslim World

UIF promotes peace between Israel and her Arab neighbors, as well as Israel and
other nations antagonistic to Israel's existence. The Organization seeks to reach
out to Muslims in Trinidad & Tobago and elsewhere for respectful dialogue and
interactions regarding the peace process, Israel and the conflict.

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Understanding the
objectives of the UIF
2.1 Short-Term Objectives (June 2023 - June 2024)

During this period, our primary focus is on building and nurturing the UIF
membership. As a part of UIF, your role is vital in achieving this objective. You will
contribute to fostering a sense of community spirit and developing individual
member identities aligned with the organization's mission.

Key activities and initiatives during this phase may include:

● Membership drives and recruitment efforts

● Organizing community events, workshops, and seminars
● Developing communication channels and platforms for members
● Collaborating with other organizations and groups with aligned interests

2.2 Medium-Term Objectives

The medium-term objectives of the UIF include consolidating our presence and
impact within the Trinidadian community. We aim to expand our reach, engage a
wider audience, and establish ourselves as a trusted resource for information
about Israel.

Key activities and initiatives during this phase may include:

Increasing public awareness through media campaigns and public relations

Strengthening ties with community leaders, religious organizations, and
educational institutions
Organizing educational programs and cultural exchanges
Collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations to
foster cross-cultural opportunities.
Developing online resource libraries (see Resources section).

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2.3 Long-Term Objectives

In the long run, UIF aims to deepen the ties between Trinidad and Tobago and
Israel. We strive to establish embassies in both countries and facilitate direct
connections, particularly through the Piarco Airport as a gateway to North and
South America.

Key activities and initiatives during this phase may include:

Governmental lobbying to foster a pro-Israel stance and policy

Advocacy for increased trade, academic exchange, security relations,
technology collaboration, and agricultural partnerships between the two
Collaborating with diplomatic and cultural institutions to facilitate cross-
cultural understanding
Serving as the de-facto embassy in Trinidad and Tobago, promoting the
interests of both countries

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 8

Advocacy and Outreach
3.1 What is Israel

The State of Israel exists as the democratic and Jewish nation-state. Jewish being
defined as a halachic (Jewish law) definition of who is a Jew, that is someone born
to a Jewish mother and/or converts to Judaism, and also the Israeli definition of,
someone with one Jewish grandparent and thus having a right to immigrate to
Israel. It exists in the historic homeland of the Jewish people, known as the land of
Israel. Israel’s formation was precipitated by the Zionist movement, which simply
means the “national and historic right of the Jewish people to self-determination
in the land of Israel.”

With the catastrophe of the Holocaust during World War 2, where one third of the
world’s Jewish people were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime in
Germany, the newly-formed United Nations voted for the establishment of a
Jewish homeland in part of what was then the British Mandate of Palestine. On
May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence, and this Declaration of
Independence forms the bedrock of Israeli democracy, and helps balance Israel as
a Jewish and democratic state.

3.2 Advocating for Israel

As a part of UIF, one of your primary responsibilities is to advocate for Israel and
promote a pro-Israel stance within the Trinidadian community. Your efforts will
contribute to our overarching goal of disrupting the current foreign relations
approach toward Israel.

Key principles for effective advocacy:

Familiarize yourself with Israel's history, culture, achievements, and

Understand UIF's position on various issues related to Israel and Trinidad-
Israel relations.
Stay informed about current events and developments in the region.
Engage in constructive discussions and debates while respecting diverse

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 9

Utilize social media, public events, and personal interactions to share
information and counter misconceptions.
Collaborate with other volunteers and organizations to amplify our message.

3.2 Community-Building and Outreach

UIF places great importance on building a strong and supportive community

among its members. By fostering community spirit, we create a united front of
pro-Israel advocates working towards common goals.

Key community-building activities:

Participate in UIF-sponsored community events and programs.

Engage with staff, volunteers and members, sharing experiences, insights, and
Foster a sense of belonging and unity among members.
Encourage participation and involvement in UIF initiatives.
Actively contribute to a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the

3.3 Educating the Public

UIF aims to educate the public about Israel, Zionism, and Israeli history. By
providing accurate information and countering misconceptions, we contribute to
a more informed and nuanced understanding of Israel's role in the region and its
relationship with Trinidad and Tobago.

Key educational initiatives:

Organize seminars, workshops, and webinars to address common

Develop educational materials, fact sheets, and brochures for distribution.
Collaborate with educational institutions to offer lectures and presentations.
Establish relationships with Israel-focused organizations and Jewish groups for
cultural exchanges and educational opportunities.
Promote interfaith dialogue and understanding.

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4.1 Monitoring and Identifying Anti-Israel Sentiment

UIF is committed to monitoring and combating anti-Israel sentiment within

Trinidad and Tobago society. By identifying and addressing such sentiment, we
strive to foster a more balanced and nuanced understanding of the issues
surrounding Israel.

Key activities for monitoring and combating anti-Israel sentiment:

● Stay informed about anti-Israel narratives and rhetoric prevalent in the media
and public discourse.
● Develop a network of volunteers dedicated to monitoring and reporting
instances of anti-Israel sentiment.
● Engage with media outlets, journalists, and opinion leaders to provide accurate
information and counter false narratives.
● Collaborate with other organizations focused on combating antisemitism and
promoting understanding.

4.2 Combating Antisemitism

UIF recognizes the importance of combating antisemitism as an integral part of

our mission. We stand against all forms of discrimination and prejudice.

Key principles for combating antisemitism:

Familiarize yourself with the manifestations and history of antisemitism.

Remember the 3 Ds of Antisemitism (Demonisation, Deligitatimation, Double
Report instances of antisemitism to the appropriate authorities and
Engage in educational efforts to raise awareness about antisemitism and its

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 11

Collaborate with local and international organizations working against
Support initiatives that promote tolerance, diversity, and equality.

4.3 Promoting Understanding and Respect

UIF aims to foster understanding and respect for diverse perspectives, both
within the pro-Israel community and among the wider population.

Key principles for promoting understanding and respect:

Engage in open and respectful dialogue with individuals who may hold
differing opinions.
Foster a culture of tolerance and inclusivity within the organization and
Seek opportunities for interfaith and intercultural dialogue.
Encourage participants to approach discussions with empathy and active
Educate others about the importance of respectful and constructive

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 12

5.1 Code of Conduct

As a part of/representative of UIF, it is essential to adhere to a code of conduct

that reflects our values and principles. The following guidelines outline your

● Act with integrity, honesty, and professionalism in all interactions.

● Treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their background or beliefs.
● Maintain confidentiality when handling sensitive information.
● Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
● Adhere to UIF's policies and guidelines.
● Seek guidance and support when needed.
● Represent UIF in a positive and responsible manner.

5.2 Roles and Expectations

UIF offers various roles to match your skills, interests, and availability. Some
common roles include:

Event Coordinator: Assist in organizing and coordinating community events,

seminars, and workshops.
Social Media Manager: Help manage UIF's social media platforms, share
relevant content, and engage with the online community.
Researcher: Conduct research on topics related to Israel, Trinidad-Israel
relations, and advocacy strategies.
Outreach Ambassador: Represent UIF at community events, engage with the
public, and promote UIF's mission and initiatives.
Content Creator: Develop written or multimedia content, such as articles, blog
posts, videos, or graphics, to support UIF's educational and advocacy efforts.

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 13

5.3 Collaboration and Communication

Effective collaboration and communication are crucial for the success of UIF. By
working together and maintaining open lines of communication, we can achieve
our shared goals.

Key principles for collaboration and communication:

● Regularly attend meetings, workshops, and training sessions.

● Actively contribute ideas and insights during discussions.
● Respect the opinions and perspectives of fellow volunteers.
● Maintain open and respectful communication channels.
● Seek assistance or clarification when needed.
● Share updates, progress, and challenges with the UIF team.

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 14

6.1 Training and Development Opportunities

UIF is committed to providing training and development opportunities for its

staff, interns and volunteers to enhance their skills and knowledge.

These opportunities may include:

● Orientation and onboarding sessions

● Workshops and seminars on advocacy, communication, and leadership skills
● Access to educational materials, resources, and research
● Collaboration with experienced volunteers and professionals
● Ongoing support from UIF coordinators and mentors

6.2 UIF Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to reach out
to the UIF team:

Nicholas Shane Jagdeo- Executive Director


Jason Trotman-Williams

6.3 Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources that may assist you in your role at UIF:


Jewish News Syndicate,

Government Press Office,
The Times of Israel

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 15

News Outlets

Jerusalem Post

HaAretz ($)
Yehidot Ahranot in English
The Forward


“The Start-up Nation”- Dan Senor and Saul Singer,

“Letters to My Palestine Neighbor”- Yossi Klein Halevi
“For the love of Israel and the Jewish People” - Nathan Lopes Cardozo
“The Changing Face of Antisemitism” - Walter Laqueur
“A History of the Jews” - Paul Johnson
“Jews, God and History” - Max I Dimont
“I asked for wonder” - Abraham Joshua Heschel
“I accuse” - Emile Zola (English version - j’accuse in its original French)
“The Jewish State” - Theodor Herzl (English version - Judenstaat in its original
“No Mission is Impossible - The Death Defying Missions of the Israeli Special
Forces” - Michael Bar Zohar and Nissim Mishal
“Fate and Destiny” - Joseph Dov Soloveitchik
“Ally” - Michael B Oren
“The Case for Israel” - Alan Dershowitz
“Chutzpah” - Alan Dershowitz
“Terror Tunnels” - Alan Dershowitz
“The Fight for Jerusalem” - Dore Gold
“The Rise of Nuclear Iran” - Dore Gold
“Averting Palestinian Unilateralism” - Dore Gold
“Birthdate Politics in Zion” - Lilach Rosenberg-Friedman
"Oriental Neighbors - Middle Eastern Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine” -
Abigail Jacobson and Moshe Naor
“Nearly the New World: The British West Indies and the Flight from Nazism,
1933-45” - Joanna Newman

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 16

“Shimon Peres: The Biography” - Michael Zohar
“Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel’s Soul” - Daniel Gordis
“Vladimir Jabotinsky’s Story of My Life” - Ze’ev Jabotinsky
“Warrior: An Autobiography” - Ariel Sharon
“Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel” - Francine Klagsbrun
“David Ben Gurion - In His Own Words” - David Ben Gurion
“My Talks with Arab Leaders” - David Ben Gurion
“The Rabin Memoirs” - Yitzchak Rabin
“Bibi: My Story” - Benjamin Netanyahu
“Something New is Happening: The Life and Times of Naftali Bennett” - Moshe
“To Unify a Nation: My Vision for the Future of Israel” - Rabbi Dov Lipman

Documentaries and Films

Live or Die in Entebbe (2012)

Exodus (1960) (not to be confused with the biblical exodus, this epic film
focuses on the birth of the state of Israel)
JoJo Rabbit (2019)
Shoah (1985) - Claude Lanzman
The Red Sea Diving Resort (2019)
Golda (2023)
Hide and Seek (1980)
Son of Saul (2015)
The Reader (2008)
Waltz with Bashir (2008)
Incitement (2019)
The Gatekeepers (2012)
History of Israel Documentary,
Israel: Birth of a Nation,
Israel: Dream of the Future,
Netanyahu at War, Gaza: the fight for Israel,
The complex history of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,
The 50-year War Israel and Arabs Part 1 & 2.

Social Media Accounts

Tel Aviv Institute

Shalom Hartman Institute
Peres Center for Peace and Innovation

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 17

Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies
The Jewish institute of ideas and ideals
Israeli Embassy in Panama
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
AntiDefamation League (ADL)
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Christian’s United for Israel ( CUFI)
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Israeli Mission to the UN,
Onward Israel,
This is Zionism,
The Jewish Agency,
Keep Olim,
The American Israel Affairs Committee,
A Wider Bridge

Instagram profiles:

Nissim Black,

Understanding Israel Foundation Training Manual 18


Remember, as a part of UIF, you are integral to achieving our organization's

mission. Your dedication and commitment contribute to building stronger ties
between Trinidad and Tobago and Israel. Thank you for your valuable
contributions, and we look forward to working together to achieve our shared

Note: This manual serves as a general on-boarding guide for UIF volunteers,
interns and staff. Specific instructions and guidelines may be provided by the UIF
team based on ongoing initiatives and campaigns.

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