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Readings in Philippine History


DEFINITION OF HISTORY 3. History is concerned with man in time.

- It deals with a series of events and each
event happens at a given point in time.
➢ History was derived from the Greek
word “historia” which means 4. History is concerned with man in space.
“knowledge acquired through inquiry - History talks about nations and human
or investigation”. activities in the context of their physical
and geographical environment.
➢ As a discipline it existed for around
2,400 years and is as old as mathematics 5. History provides an objective record of
and philosophy. happenings.
- Historians are careful on the data they
➢ provides us significant records of include in their book.
events of the past, a meaningful story of
mankind depicting the details of what 6. History is multisided.
happened to man and why it happened. - History is not limited to one certain
aspect of man’s life.

VARIOUS HISTORIANS 7. History is a dialogue between the events of

the past & progressively emerging future ends.
- Past events are interpreted and become
“History is the record of what one age finds predictors of new objectives.
worthy of note in another.” - Burckhardt
8. History is not only narration but it is also an
“History, in its broadest sense, is everything that analysis.
ever happened.”-Henry Johnson - History is not confined with narrative
“The value & interest of history depend largely
on the degree in which the present is illuminated 9. Continuity and coherence are the necessary
by the past.” - V.S. Smith prerequisites of history.
- History monitors the development of
“History is the story of man’s struggle through society, from generation to generation.
the ages against Nature and the elements; against
wild beasts & the jungle & some of his own kind 10. History is relevant.
who have tried to keep him down and to exploit - In the study of history, only significant
him for their own benefit.”- Jawaharal Nehru events which have influenced the
society are covered and essential to the
understanding of the present life.
11. History is comprehensive.
1. History is a study of the present in the light - History is not limited to one period or to
of the past. one country alone.
- The present owes its existence on the

2. History is the study of man.

- As one historian said, history deals with
the man’s struggles through the ages.
Readings in Philippine History


➢ testimony of an eyewitness.

1. History helps us understand people & ➢ It must have been produced by a

societies. contemporary of that is narrated.
- Understanding the culture of a particular
race is difficult without looking back at ➢ It is a document or physical object
its history. written or created during the time under
2. History contributes to moral understanding
- Studying the struggles of heroes in the ➢ These sources were present during an
past or of people who defied adversities experience or time period and offer an
can serve as inspirations. inside view of a particular event.

3. History provides identity. Kinds of Primary Sources

- Historical data include evidence about
how families, race, institutions, and
countries were formed and how they A historical record Maps
evolved while retaining cohesion.
Records of social Memoirs
4. Studying history is essential for good
citizenship. Chronicles Personal accounts
- Knowing where your ancestors came
from and their struggles for freedom is a Human Fossils Newspapers &
source of pride for any individual. Magazines
5. History is useful in the world of work. Artifacts Legislative
- History helps create good business journals
people, professionals and political
leaders. Royal Decrees and Laws Court Records

Official Reports
➢ an object from the past or testimony
➢ interpret and analyze primary sources.
concerning the past which historian’s
use to create their own depiction of the
➢ they are one or more steps removed
from the event. Examples are printed
Written Sources: are published materials (books,
journals etc.) and manuscript(handwritten and
❖ Books with endnotes and footnotes
unprinted like archival materials and memoirs)
❖ Biographies
❖ Reprint of artwork
Non written Sources: Oral history, artifacts,
❖ A journal/magazine article which
fossils, etc.
interprets or reviews previous findings

Primary Sources
Readings in Philippine History


External Criticism - deals with the problem of

authenticity: to spot hoaxes, fakes, forgeries
and fabrications. Tests of Authenticity are:

➢ Determine the date if it is

Anachronistic: a material, skill or
culture does not exist at that time.

➢ Determine the author in the

uniqueness of his handwriting or

➢ Determine the provenance or custody:


➢ Determine the Semantics, meaning of a

text or word

➢ Determine the Hermeneutics, the

ambiguities (the branch of knowledge
that deals w/ interpretation, especially of
the Bible)

Internal Criticism - It deals with the problem of

credibility. The tests of credibility are:

➢ Determine the Character of the Author,

his reliability, and his Ability and
Willingness to tell the truth

➢ Determine the Corroboration, historical

facts rest upon the testimony of two or
more reliable witnesses

Historical Method
➢ the process of critically examining and
analyzing the records and survivals of
the past.

❖ The historian is many times removed

from the events under investigation

❖ They rely on surviving records

❖ History is a reconstruction
Readings in Philippine History

KATIPUNAN AND THE REVOLUTION: ➢ Founder and vice-president of the

MEMOIRS OF A GENERAL women’s chapter of the Katipunan of
the Philippines.
Santiago Alvarez (July 25, 1872- Oct 30, 1930) ➢ Wife of Andres Bonifacio.
➢ Only child of Mariano Alvarez and Jose Dizon
Nicolasa Virata ➢ A Filipino patriot who was among those
who founded the Katipunan
➢ Born in Imus, Cavite but raised in

➢ Known as Kidlat ng Apoy KKK - Kataas-taasan Kagalang-galangang Katipunan

ng mga Anak ng Bayan
➢ Among the first to take up arms against
Spain ➢ Katipunan literally means “assembly”
or “association” that comes from the
➢ Organized the Nacionalista Party root word “tipon” which means
➢ His memoirs was published in
Sampaguita, a Tagalog weekly, in 36 ➢ A secret organization founded by
installment Filipino patriots specifically Andres
Bonifacio led to the outbreak of the
Philippine Revolution.
Paula Carolina Malay
➢ Graduated from the University of the Emilio Aguinaldo
Philippines. ➢ Filipino revolutionary, politician, and
military leader.
➢ Turned to translation and writing
during the martial law period. ➢ First and the youngest President of the
➢ Translated the Katipunan and the
Revolution: Memoirs of a General. ➢ Original member of Katipunan. He led
Philippine forces first against Spain in
Andres Bonifacio the latter part of the Philippine
➢ A Filipino revolutionary hero founded Revolution
the Katipunan.
Raymundo Mata
➢ First leader of the Philippine ➢ Fellow Caviteños
Jacinto Lumbreras
➢ First self-declared President of the ➢ A Magdiwang and first presiding officer
Independent Philippines of the Tejeros convention.

➢ A Katipunan member

Gregoria de Jesus Dr. Pio Valenzuela

Readings in Philippine History

➢ A Filipino physician and a major figure ➢ They walked until they reached
during the Philippine Revolution Lavezares Street, Binondo. They met
with the Supremo Andres Bonifacio, his
➢ Took on the responsibility of wife Gregoria De Jesus, Jose Dizon, and
establishing factions of the secret Dr. Valenzuela himself.
society in different parts of Morong or
Rizal Province and Bulacan.
➢ Original member of Katipunan
➢ They establish a provincial council of

➢ Gen. Santiago V. Alvarez accompanied MAGDIWANG GOVERNMENT

neophytes Emilio Aguinaldo and
Raymundo Mata to Manila for their
initiation into the Katipunan secret Mariano Alvarez as President.
society, where they waited at the
quarters of Jacinto Lumbreras, a ➢ One of two Katipunan branches in
Katipunan member. Cavite along with Magdalo.

➢ Before leaving Lumbreras’ place, the ➢ The Magdiwang Council was

two were blindfolded as they reach the acknowledged "as the supreme organ
home of Andres Bonifacio, the responsible for the successful
Katipunan Supremo campaigns against the enemy.

➢ They pledged to destroy oppression by Officers of the Magdiwang Council

signing their names in their own blood
and were welcomed by fellow President = Mariano Alvarez
Katipuneros. Secretary = Pascual Alvarez
Treasurer = Dionisio Alvarez
Prosecutor = Valentin Salud
Sargeant at Arms = Benito Alix
APRIL 6, 1896 - MONDAY Directors : Nicolas Ricafrente
Adriano Guinto
➢ Aguinaldo asked Santiago to Emeterio Malia
accompany him to meet the Supremo Valeriano Aquino
Bonifacio to learn more about the
Gen. Artemio Ricarte
➢ They traveled from Cavite to Manila via ➢ A Filipino general during the Philippine
Ynchausti Boats. Revolution

➢ Aguinaldo went to the port office to ➢ Regarded as the Father of the

attend some business, only to be upset Philippine Army
over the superciliousness of Ramon
Padilla, an official at the port office. ➢ First Chief of Staff of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines.
Readings in Philippine History

Santiago Alvarez ➢ Some his other well-known works

➢ A revolutionary general and honorary include Revolts of the Masses(1956),
president of the first directorate of the Malolos the Crisis of the
Nacionalista Party Republic(1960), the Fateful Years
(1965), and History of the Filipino
➢ Known as "Kidlat ng Apoy" People (1960) which are all still being
used as textbooks in many schools.
➢ “Hero” of the Battle of Dalahican.
➢ For this outstanding works as a
➢ In a 36-hour battle in Dalahican, one historian, he was conferred as a National
of the bloodiest encounters during the Scientist in 1985.
revolution, he scored a decisive victory
and repulsed the Spanish troops. ➢ Accordingly, Agoncillo obtained a
Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from
the University of the Philippine in 1934
BATTLE OF DALAHICAN and a Master’s degree in Arts from the
same university.
➢ Was a simultaneous battle during the ➢ He became a linguistic assistant at the
Philippine Revolution that was fought Institute of National Language and as an
from November 9–11, 1896. Instructor at the Far Eastern University
and at the Manuel L. Quezon University
➢ The result of the battle was the first and a faculty member of U.P., chairing
significant Filipino victory in the the Department of History from 1963 to
country's history. Santiago Alvarez was 1969, until his retirement in 1977.
considered the “HERO” in this battle.
➢ Until his death on January 14, 1985,
Agoncillo served as a member of the
HISTORY OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE National Historical Institute.

November 8, 1912
Teodoro A. Agoncillo
➢ a renowned Filipino historian and
national scientist, was born in Lemery,

➢ Agoncillo started writing history from

the so-called Filipino point of view,
along with his contemporary historians
Renato Constantino and Gregorio F.

➢ They stand as the most prominent 20th

century Filipino historians.

➢ Agoncillo’s “History of the Filipino

People” was first published in 1960. It
remained a popular standard textbook in
many Filipino universities.
Readings in Philippine History


➢ The cave is 375 ft high and to the south
of Tabon Cave.
Robert Bradford Fox (1918 - 1985)
➢ Was an anthropologist and leading ➢ The discovery of Manunggul Cave by
historian on the prehispanic Philippines. Mr. Victor Decalan, Mr. Hans Kasten,
and volunteer workers from the United
➢ Fox actively served the National States Peace Corps in March 1964, led
Museum of the Philippines from 1948 to a re-exploration of all of the high
to 1975. cliffs of Lipuun Point.

Tabon Cave ➢ The cave is composed of 4 chambers

➢ Located in Lipuun Point, Quezon, with 3 openings but only two were used
Palawan in the island of the Philippines. for jar burials.

➢ The large main cave where the only Chamber A - 7 meters wide and nine meters
Pleistocene human fossils in the length, has a large round mouth. It is light and
Philippines were found. dry throughout.

➢ During the initial excavation, June and ➢ Seventy-eight jars, jar covers, and
July 1962, The scattered fossil bones of smaller earthenware vessels were found
at least 3 individuals were excavated, in the surface and in the subsurface
including a large fragment of a frontal levels of this chamber. The range of
bone with the brows and portions of the forma and designs is remarkable and to
nasal bone. the writer at least, presents a clear
example of a funerary pottery: that is,
➢ The fossil bones are those of homo vessels which for the most part were
sapiens (Tabon Man) potted specifically for burial and ritual
➢ The burial jar with a cover featuring a
ship-of-the-dead (color Frontispiece and
➢ When first discovered, this cave Fig, 34) is perhaps unrivalled in
provided a breathtaking site with large Southeast Asia: the work of an artist and
fragments of at least 200 jars, jar covers, master potter
and smaller vessel scattered on the
surface and in the holes of tabon birds, Chamber B - is a tunnel like having a send
particularly along the left wall and sub - opening on the northeast side of the cliff. This
surface levels of Tabon Cave also sloping chamber averages about two and
yielded jade and stone beads, bracelets, one-half meters in width and ten meters in
earrings, a few glass beads, and bronze, length.
but no iron.
➢ This chamber yielded a developed metal
Manunggul Cave age assemblage of artifacts. And aC-14
➢ The setting of this burial cave is determination consistent with the past
spectacular, being tucked into the face of estimation for the date of the first
a sheer cliff overlooking the South appearance of iron in the Philippines -
China Sea on the western side of Lipuun 190 B.C. the open ledge in front of
Point. Manunggul Cave.
Readings in Philippine History

Manunggul Jar B.C. with an earlier level lying so far below

➢ A secondary burial jar excavated from these that it must represent Upper Pleistocene
a Neolithic burial site in the Manunggul dates like 45 or 50,000 years ago....
cave of the Tabon cave in Lipuun point
in Palawan. ➢ Physical anthropologists who have
examined the Tabon skullcap agree that
➢ The two prominent figures at the top it belonged to modern man-- that is,
handle of the cover represents the Homo sapiens as distinguished from
journey of the soul to the afterlife. those mid Pleistocene species nowadays
called Homo erectus. Two experts have
William Henry Scott given the further opinion that the
➢ A historian of the Gran Cordillera mandible is "Australian" in physical
Central and Pre Hispanic Philippines type, and that the skullcap
measurements are mostly nearly like
➢ During his lifetime, Scott dedicated those of Ainus and Tasmanians.
himself to studying Philippine
Pre-Colonial and Central Cordillera ➢ All skulls and teeth that have been
history. He graduated with a BA in studied professionally-with the possible
Chinese language and literature at Yale exception of the three Tabon man
University in 1951, an MA in church fragments-- display the diagnostic
history at Columbia University in 1958 features of the physical type
and a PhD in history at the University of anthropologists call "Mongoloid" or
Santo Tomas in 1968, in which he "Southern Mongoloid"; none displayed
focused on precolonial history, any racial variations, and none belonged
examining the Maragtas and the Code of to pygmy Negritos.

➢ The excerpt within this module is part of

Scott's analytical report on the subject of
the Tabon Man which was published in

William Henry Scott, "Prehispanic Source

Materials for the Study of Philippine History."

Tabon Man - The earliest human skull remains

known in the Philippines are the fossilized
fragments of a skullcap and jawbone of three
individuals who are collectively called "Tabon
Man" after the place where they were found on
the west coast of Palawan.

Tabon Cave appears to be a kind of little Stone

Age factory: both finished tools and waste cores
and flakes have been found at four different
levels in the main chamber. Charcoal left from
cooking fires has been recovered from three of
these assemblages and dated by C-14 to
roughly 7,000 B.C., 20, 000 B.C., and 28, 000
Readings in Philippine History

The Prehispanic Source Materials for the Datu Puti - leader of the expedition and a
Study of Philippine History relative of Makatunaw and his wife Pinangpang,
By William Henry Scott who return to Borneo.

CHAPTER 3: the romance of Sumakwel,

The Maragtas Kapinangan and her lover Gurong-gurong, a
(History of Panay) charming little tale in its own right.

➢ Published by the Kadapig sang Banwa CHAPTER 4: concludes the tale of ten Datus,
at the El Tiempo Press, Iloilo in 1907 telling their political arrangements and their
circumnavigation of the Island
➢ It is written in mixed Hiligaynon and
Kin-iraya CHAPTER 5: another anthropological sort of
treatise describing language, commerce, clothes
➢ The word maragtas is used by the , customs, marriages, funerals, mourning habits,
author as the equivalent of the Spanish cockfighting, timekeeping techniques and
historia and glossed in the 1957 edition calendars, and personal characteristics.
with Visayan (account), through
commentators have regularly sought CHAPTER 6: gives the list of Castilian officials
some Sanskrit origin of the word. between 1637 and 1808 and the epilogue
contains a few 18th century dates from Miag-ao.
The Maragtas consists of 6 Chapters:

CHAPTER 1: Anthropological treatise on the

former customs, clothes, dialect, heredity, THE CONFEDERATION OF MADIA-AS
organization of the Aetas (Negritos) of Panay.
➢ The settlements set up in Panay by the
CHAPTER 2: the upcoming of the Ten Datus seven Bornean datus.
from Borneo, fleeing the tyranny of Datu
Makatunaw, and their purchase of the Island of ➢ The datus divided the islands into three
Panay from Marikudo. areas;
➢ Hantik (now Antique), under Datu
➢ Irong-irong (now Iloilo), under
Datu Paliburong
1. DATU PUTI ( and wife Pinangpangan) ➢ Aklan (now Aklan and Capiz),
2. DATU SUMAKWEL (and wife under Datu Bangkay.
3. DATU BANGKAYA ( and wife ➢ The 3 areas united themselves into a
Katurong) confederation under the overall rule of
4. DATU PAIBORONG (and wife Datu Sumakwel, the wisest of the datus
Pabilaan) and this grouping was called the
5. DATU PADUHINOGAN (and wife Confederation of Madya-as.
Readings in Philippine History

The Philippine History Quarterly, Vol. 1,

THE THREE BARK DOCUMENTS No. 1 (1919), and more may exist in the
➢ In 1912 Jose E. Marco sent the Beyer Collection, while its illustrated
Philippine Library and Museum three calendar appeared in the
one-sheet documents written in old third-anniversary issue of Renacimiento
Philippine script in what was Filipino and in Enrique d'Almonte y
presumably cuttlefish ink. They were Muriel's 1917 Formacion y Evolucion
subsequently lost in the destruction of de las Subrazas de Indonesia y Malaya.
the Library during the Battle of Manila
in February 1945, but excellent
photographic copies have been
preserved in Duke University's
Robertson Collection of Filipiniana,
Section III, Item No. 35, enlargements
of which have been made available to
scholars through the good offices of
Miss Francisca Damaso of the
University of the Philippine Library.


➢ The parchment original of Diego Lope
Povedano's La Isla de Negros y las
Costumbres de los Visayos y Negritos,
probably the only Philippine document
known on parchment instead of paper,
was destroyed like everything else in the
razing of the Philippine Library in 1945
but good photographs of every page
exist in the Robertson Collection of
Filipiniana in Duke University, and the
Spanish text has been published in E. D.
Hester's The Robertson text and
translation of the Povedano manuscript
of 1572.


➢ The two leather-bound volumes of Jose
Maria Pavin y Araguro's Las antiguas
Leyendas de la Isla de Negros and the
one-volume Los Cuentos de los Indios
de esta Isla all perished in the
destruction of the Philippine Library in
1945, but typescript copies of the text of
the former survive in the libraries of the
University of the Philippines and the
University of Florida, and in private
collections in Manila. Photographic
reproductions of three pages of Las
antiguas Leyendas were published in
Readings in Philippine History



Antonio Lombardo Pigafetta (c. 1491 - c. 1531)

➢ Was a Venetian or Italian scholar and

➢ He traveled with Portuguese explorer

Ferdinand Magellan and his crew
under the order of King Charles I of
Spain on their Voyage Around the

➢ He was one of the 18 men who Out of the 5 ships only 3 ships reached the
returned to Spain in 1522, out of the Philippines. After the Battle of Mactan, their
approximately 240 men who set out man is enough to man two ships: Trinidad and
three years earlier. Victoria. Until they returned to Spain, only one
ship survived, which was Victoria, one of the
survivors was Antonio Pigafetta, who kept a
➢ He joined the expedition to the Spice journal about their expedition.
Islands led by explorer Ferdinand
Magellan under the flag of King Charles
I of Spain and, after Magellan's death in MARCH 16, 1521 - SATURDAY
the Philippines, the subsequent voyage
around the world. ➢ Arrived at daybreak in sight of a high
island, three hundred ;leagues distant
from the before-mentioned Thieves’
➢ During the expedition, he served as Island. This isle name is Zamal.
Magellan's assistant and kept an
accurate journal which later assisted ➢ Arrival in Zamal (now Samar)
him in translating the Cebuano
language. It is the first recorded
document concerning the language. MARCH 18, 1521 - MONDAY

Historical Context ➢ After dinner, we saw a boat come

➢ The First Voyage around the World" was towards us with nine men in it: upon
written in one of the 5 Ships of the which the captain-general ordered that
Magallanes - Elcano Expedition. no one should move or speak without
his permission.
➢ These 5 ships were the first one to
circumnavigate around the world that
was led by Ferdinand Magellan, a
Portuguese explorer, and when he died
in the Battle of Mactan, Juan Sebatsian
Elcano took over.
Readings in Philippine History

MARCH 22, 1521 - FRIDAY understood his talk, and came near to
the side of the ship, but they withdrew
immediately, and would not enter the
➢ the above-mentioned people, who had ship from fear of us.
promised us to return, came about
midday, with two boats laden with the Long boats - “Balanghai”
said fruit cochi, sweet oranges, a vessel
of palm wine, and a cock, to give us to
understand that they had poultry in their
MARCH 31, 1521
country, so that we bought all that they
brought. The lord of these people was
old, and had his face painted, and had ➢ The first Holy Mass in the country
gold rings suspended to his ears, which (Easter Sunday) was held on March
they name Schione, and the others had 31, 1521 in Limasawa Island.
many bracelets and rings of gold on
their arms, with a wrapper of linen ➢ Attended by local islanders, Spanish
round their head.
Voyagers, the two Rajas, and
MARCH 25, 1521 - MONDAY
APRIL 7, 1521
➢ feast of our Lady, in the afternoon, and
being ready to depart from this place, I
went to the side of our ship to fish, and ➢ Entered Zubu Port
putting my feet on a spar to go down to
the store room, my feet slipped, because ➢ Pigafetta described the inhabitants
it had rained, and I fell into the sea houses that were made of logs
without any one seeing me, and being
near drowning by luck I found at my left ➢ Fired mortars as a "sign of peace and
hand the sheet of the large sail which friendship"
was in the sea, I caught hold of it and
began to cry out till they came to help
and pick me up with the boat. I was
➢ Tension between the king of Zubu
assisted not by my merits, but by the and the voyagers and Magellan
mercy and grace of the fountain of pity. threatened them to a rage war.

MARCH 28, 1521 - THURSDAY APRIL 14, 1521

➢ having seen the night before fire upon ➢ Held mass with Raja Humabon and
an island, at the morning we came to baptized 800 souls
anchor at this island; where we saw a
small boat which they call Boloto, with ➢ Pigafetta showed the image of Child
eight men inside, which approached the Jesus and a cross to the queen and
ship of the captain-general. Then a slave
asked to keep in place of her idols
of the captain's, who was from Sumatra,
otherwise named Traprobana, spoke
from afar to these people, who
Readings in Philippine History

➢ The child Jesus is known today as

Santo Niño, which is celebrated
every January in Cebu.


➢ Datu Zula, chief of the island Matan

(Mactan) welcomed them. But
Cilapulapu, the other chief, refused
to obey the king of Spain.

➢ Datu Zula requested the captain to

defeat Cilapulapu, which started the

➢ Natives outsmarted them, used

"patibongs" to defeat them. The
Voyagers were losing in this battle.


➢ Captain told them to give up this

losing battle but his men insisted.

➢ Magellan was shot in the leg with a

poisoned - arrow. He died, their
'mirror', 'comfort', and 'true guide' as
what Pigafetta described.

➢ They retreated leaving their captain



➢ Victoria, the only ship to survive,

finally arrived at Seville. Thus,
ending the Magallanes - Elcano
Readings in Philippine History


Juan de Plasencia ➢ free - born whom they call Maharlica.
➢ A Spanish friar of the Franciscan
Order. ➢ They did not pay tax or tribute to Dato,
but must accompany him in war, at their
➢ Arrived in the Philippines in 1578. own expense. The land which they
inhabited was divided among the whole
➢ He spent most of his missionary life barangay, especially the irrigated portion
in the Philippines, where he founded thus each one knew his own. No one
numerous towns in Luzon and belonging to another barangay would
authored several religious and
cultivate them unless after purchase or
linguistic books, most notably the
Doctrina Cristiana (Christian
Doctrine), the first book ever printed
in the Philippines. Commoners
➢ are called aliping namamahay.

➢ They are married, and serve their

master, whether he be a dato or not, with
half of their cultivated lands, as was
Datos - is what they called chief in their era.
agreed upon in the beginning. They live
They are the one who governed them and also
in their own houses, and are lords of
the captains in their wars, whom they obeyed
their property and gold. The children,
and reverenced.
then, enjoy the rank of their fathers, and
they cannot be made slaves (saguiguilir)
- These chiefs ruled over but few people;
nor can either parents or children be
Sometimes as many as a hundred houses,
sometimes even less than thirty. This tribal
gathering is called in Tagalog a barangay. It
was inferred that the reason for giving
➢ are called aliping saguiguilir.
themselves this name arose from the fact (as
they classed, by their language, among the
➢ They serve their master in his house and
Malay nations) that when they came to this
on his cultivated lands, and may be sold.
land, the head of the barangay, which is a boat,
servants who are born in the house of
became a dato.
their master are rarely, if ever, sold. That
is the lot of captives in war, and of those
brought up in the harvest fields.
Readings in Philippine History

In these three classes: ➢ If the father should by chance pay his

debt, the master then claimed that he
● Those who are maharlicas on both the had fed and clothed his children, and
father's and mother's side continue to be should be paid therefore. In this way he
so forever; kept possession of the children if the
● If these maharlicas had children among payment could not be met.
their slaves, the children and their
mothers became free; ➢ If the culprit had some relative or friend
● If two persons married, of whom one who paid for him, he was obliged to
was a maharlica and the other a slave, render the latter half his service until he
whether namamahay or saguiguilir, the was paid—not, however, service within
children were divided. the house as aliping saguiguilir, but
● The maharlicas could not, after living independently, as aliping
marriage, move from one village to namamahay.
another, or from one barangay to
another, without paying a certain fine in ● Dowries are given by the men to the
gold, as arranged among them. women's parents. If the latter are living,
they enjoy the use of it. At their death,
They had laws by which they condemned to provided the dowry has not been
death a man of low birth who insulted the consumed, it is divided like the rest of
daughter or wife of a chief; likewise witches, the estate, equally among the children,
and others of the same class. except in case the father should care to
bestow something additional upon the
They condemned no one to slavery, unless he daughter.
merited the death-penalty. As for the witches,
they killed them, and their children and ● In the case of a divorce before the birth
accomplices became slaves of the chief, after he of children, if the wife left the husband
had made some recompense to the injured for the purpose of marrying another, all
person. her dowry and an equal additional
amount fell to the husband; but if she
left him, and did not marry another, the
All other offenses were punished by fines in
dowry was returned.
This was done in the following way:
● Another practice in two villages. In one
➢ Half the cultivated lands and all their
case, upon the death of the wife who in
produce belonged to the master.
a year's time had borne no children, the
parents returned one-half the dowry to
➢ The master provided the culprit with
the husband whose wife had died.
food and clothing, thus enslaving the
culprit and his children until such time
as he might amass enough money to pay
the fine.
Readings in Philippine History


BURIALS AND SUPERSTITIONS Lic-ha, which were images with different
● No Temples
Dian Masalanta - Patron of lovers and of
● Simbahan, which means a temple or generation.
place of adoration; but this is because,
formerly, when they wished to celebrate Lacapati and Idianale - Patrons of cultivated
a festival, which they called pandot, or lands and of husbandry
“worship,” they celebrated it in the large
house of a chief. Buaya or crocodiles - They paid reverence to
water-lizards from fear of being harmed by
● Sibi - a temporary shed on each side of them.
the house, with a roof to protect the
people from the wet when it rained. Its Tigmamanuguin - , if they left their house and
purposed is giving shelter to people who met on the way a serpent or rat, or a bird hich
assembled. was singing in the tree, or if they chanced upon
anyone who sneezed, they returned at once to
Sorihile - They constructed the house that it their house, considering the incident as an
might contain many people— dividing it, after augury that some evil might befall them if they
the fashion of ships, into three compartments. should continue their journey —especially when
On the posts of the house they set small lamps. the above-mentioned bird sang. This song had
two different forms: in the one case it was
During this time the whole barangay, or family, considered as an evil omen; in the other, as a
united and joined in the worship which they call good omen, and then they continued their
nagaanitos. The house, for the above-mentioned journey.
period of time, was called a temple.


CATALONA- either a man or a woman
Badhala - whom they especially worshiped.
The title seems to signify “all powerful,” or MANGAGAUAY - witches, who deceived by
“maker of all things.” pretending to heal the sick

Tala - morning star MANYISALAT - had the power in applying

such remedies
The Pleiades - "seven little goats"
MANCOCOLAM - whose duty is to omit fire
Mapolon - Change of seasons. from himself at night, once or oftener each
Readings in Philippine History

praises of his good qualities, until finally

HOCLOBAN - greater efficacy than the they wearied of it.
The Aetas, or Negrillos [Negritos] inhabitants
SILAGAN- if they saw anyone clothed in white, of this island, had also a form of burial, but
they tear out the liver and eat it different. They dug a deep, perpendicular hole,
and placed the deceased within it, leaving him
MAGTATANGAL - to show himself at night to upright with head or crown unburied, on top of
many persons w/o his head or pretend to carry which they put half a cocoa-nut which was to
his head to different places, and in the morning serve him as a shield.
return to his body.
Maca - another life of rest. if we should say
OSUANG - equivalent to "sorcerer" They have “paradise,” or, in other words, “village of rest.”
seen him fly and that he murdered men and ate
their flesh. They said also that in the other life and
mortality, there was a place of punishment, grief,
MANGAGAYOMA - they made charms for and affliction, called casanaan, which was “a
lovers out of herbs, stones, and wood which will place of anguish;” they also maintained that no
infuse the heart with love. one would go to heaven, where there dwelt only
Bathala, “the maker of all things,” who governed
SONAT - to help one to die. It predicted the from above. There were also other pagans who
salvation or condemnation of the soul. confessed more clearly to a hell, which they
called, as I have said, casanaan; they said that all
PANGATAHOJAN - a soothsayer and predicted the wicked went to that place, and there dwelt
the future. the demons, whom they called sitan.

BAYOGUIN - signified a "cotquean". The There were also ghosts, which they called
nature inclined toward that of a woman. vibit; and phantoms, which they called
Tigbalaang. They had another
Their manner of burying the dead was as deception—namely, that if any woman died in
follows: childbirth, she and the child suffered
punishment; and that, at night, she could be
➢ The deceased was buried beside his heard lamenting. This was called patianac.
house; and, if he were a chief, he was
placed beneath a little house or porch
which they constructed for this purpose.

➢ if the deceased had been a warrior, a

living slave was tied beneath his body
until in this wretched way he died. In
course of time, all suffered decay; and
for many days the relatives of the dead
man bewailed him, singing dirges, and
Readings in Philippine History


➢ they planned to attack the detachment of
Emilio Jacinto y Dizon (December 12, 1875 - spanish soldiers in Bañadero, Tanauan,
April 16, 1899) Batangas

➢ Was one of the highest ranking officers ➢ Seasoned Generals - candido Trias
during the Philippine Revolution. Tirona and Pio del Pilar and Vito
➢ Joining the KKK or Katipunan at the
age of 19. ➢ Tagaytay, Iruhin, and talisay finalized
for the attack
➢ Served as the advisor on fiscal matters
and secretary to Andres Bonifacio. ➢ Aguinaldo sent a message to go home
because a large number of Spanish
➢ He edited the revolutionary newspaper soldiers had landed at Polvorin,
of the Katipunan called Kalayaan under Binakayan
the pseudonym ‘Dimasilaw’ and used
the monicker ‘Pingkian’ in the secret ➢ 4:00 am started for homeward and
society. noticed that the soldiers were almost
running to reach destination "refrain
➢ Brain of the Katipunan. from running and conserve your energy"
He said


BY: EMILIO AGUINALDO Lieutenant Dalupan - Kulanta,
Binakayan under Gen Crispulo
Aguinaldo was already in the hands of
Excerpts: the enemy.
The primary source deals with the memories of
P. Aguinaldo of the PH revolution, his exploits, ➢ The enemy was headed by Regiment 78
as a general, his sacrifices, views on certain and 5 battalions of cazadores and
events, and his crucial war decisions.. marine infantry under Gen. Ramon
FELICIANO JOCSON ➢ I remembered that in the midst of this
➢ owner of a drug store confusion, I spotted candido Tria Tirona
in a loud voice admonished him to be
➢ accompanied Gen. Jose Alejandrino to careful. He seemed certain that no harm
Hongkong to buy guns with the sum of would befall him..
20,000 that the two councils gave them
they succeeded in buying ➢ After we had recovered those that were
(MAGDIWANG and MAGDALO) the taken from Gen Crispulo Aguinaldo, I
arms ordered the soldiers to cas firing, as we
were to face a bigger enemy from
Readings in Philippine History

With the transfer of Magdiwang Council later to

➢ When the battle was all over, we San Francisco de Malabon, it was able to
realized that the whole province of complete its line-up of officers as follows:
Cavite had been liberated.
➢ King - Andres Bonifacio
➢ In the midst of this joyful triumph, I was ➢ Vice-King - Mariano Alvarez
greatly saddened by the news that ➢ Minister of War - Ariston Villanueva
candido Tria Tirona was killed in the ➢ Minister of Interior - Jacinto Lumbreras
encounter. ➢ Minister of Finance - Diego Mojica
➢ Minister of Justice - Mariano C. Trias
➢ November 12, 13, 14 it started (Tagalog writer and poet)
bombarding again. ➢ Minister of of Natural Resources -
Emiliano Riego de Rios
Bonifacio Invited to Cavite ➢ Captain General - Santiago Alvarez
➢ After Supremo and his men met defeat
on the hands of the Spaniards, he sent The Magdiwang Council headed by Andres
men to look for him in the forests of Bomifacio had the tendency to become
Caloocan or Malabon and instructed to monarchical in form. Even the terms used had
invite the Supremo to Cavite which was the flavors of monarchism. The terms – king
already been liberated from Spanish rule and ministers – remind one of the monarchical
for 3 months and peacefully being forms of government. On the other hand, the
governed by the Revolutionary Magdalo Council was Republican in form. We
Government. used the term Magdalo which we got from our
miraculous patron saint of Cavite el Viejo, the
DECEMBER 1896 Lady of Magdalene, and also because of our
➢ When the news of their amival, I was principle to help those in need.
fighting at Zapote, Arumahan, Las
Piñas, and Pintong Barto, Bacoor. The Magdalo Council moved to the hacienda in
Imus because Cavite el Viejo was constantly
➢ The Zapote River turned red with under cannon fire from the enemy.
human blood. This was almost an
ordinary Occurrence in our columns. The Magdalo Council, which had democratic
tendencies, was headed by the following
➢ President - General Baldomera
➢ THE SUCCESS of the liberation ➢ Vice-President - Edilberto Evangelista
movement in Cavite was the result of ➢ Secretary of war - General Candido
the leadership and efforts of the Tria Terona
leadership and efforts of the two ➢ Secretary of Interior - Felix Cuenca
councils: the Magdiwang Council ➢ Secretary of Natural Resources -
headed initially by General Mariano Glicerio Topacio
Alvarez in Noveleta, and the Magdalo ➢ Secretary of Agriculture - Cayetano
Council of Cavite el Viejo headed by Topacio
General Baldomero Aguinaldo. ➢ Lieutenant General - General Emilio
Readings in Philippine History

The Magdiwang Council was very lucky for it were Ministers Diego Mojica and
figured in only one battle from the time war Severino de las Alas. This time he won
was declared until April, 1897. This was the and everybody began congratulating
victory at Dalahikan, Noveleta, where many
him. But General Daniel Tirona
Spaniards were killed and 100 guns captured.
Credit for this victory goes to Generals Pascual objected to his election on the ground
Alvarez, Mariano Riego de Dios, Santiago that Bonifacio was not a lawyer and
Alavarez, and Aguedo Montoya Captain proposed that the position be given
Francisco Montoya and others. instead to Jose del Rosario, a lawyer
from Tanza.


➢ E. Aguinaldo was elected on his
➢ Pasong Santol in Dasmariñas, a group birthday, which seems to point that it is
of cavalry soldiers headed by Colonel Gods will that you lead this struggle for
Vicente Riego de Dios of Magdiwang our Mother land.
Council arrived to tell me that I had
been elected the head of the government ➢ Gen. Crispulo Aguinaldo, eldest brother
as a result of the Magdiwang and the 7:00 pm they took their oaths of office
Magdalo factions
➢ After, I told them of the need to come to
Election: tanza and help Gen.crispulo
➢ For the President of the Revolutionary
Government, Andres Bonifacio and ➢ Aguinaldo in Pasong Santol.
Emilio Aguinaldo do were nominated.
Emilio Aguinaldo won. March 23, 1897
➢ Supremo and his ministers met in
➢ For the Vice-President, Andres council and passed a resolution
Bonifacio was again nominated, but his declaring null and void the general
own Minister of Justice, Gen. Mariano meeting on March 22 in Tejeros,
Trias, defeated him. Malabon

➢ For the position of Captain General, ➢ But what a bitter disappointment and
Captain General Santiago Alvarez and sorrow, we learned that our troops
General Artemio Ricarte were bound for Pasong Santol were all
nominated. General Ricarte won. intercepted by Gen. Ricarte, upon orders
of the supremo.
➢ For Secretary of War, Andres Bonifacio
was nominated for the third time, but ➢ They were also instructed to kidnap me
General Emiliano Riego de Dios beat on my way to Imus
➢ what I learned about this plot I said,
➢ For Secretary of Interior, Bonifacio "our Revolution is bound to fail because
was again nominated. His opponents
Readings in Philippine History

of the selfishness and vindictiveness of THE MILITARY COURT

one person."
➢ Generals wanted Andres and Procorpio
March 25, 1897 Bonifacio shot to death without the
➢ the news came that Pasong Santol had benefit of trial.
been taken by the enemy and the
Spanish flag raised in victory, but Gen. ➢ THE GENERALS whom I consulted
Crispulo Aguinaldo. died fighting as he regarding the creation of a military court
had vowed. were all against this plan. They thought
that such court was unnecessary for two
reason; first, because we were in a state
In Emilio AGUINALDO'S MIND..... of war, and, secondly, because we were
harassed by the enemy at many points
➢ A disaster could've been averted had not almost every day.
Andres Bonifacio asked Gen. Artemio
Ricarte to intercept our reinforcement to ➢ At the meeting, the generals drew up
Pasong Santol five serious charges against the
Bonifacio brothers. These charges and
their attempt to subvert the interest of
➢ This is a black spot of the history of our the revolutionary Government, if prove,
struggle for independence which I can were sufficient to warrant the death
never forget penalty for them.

➢ I was plunged into deep thinking about
the fate of our Revolution. ENEMY ATTACK ON NAIC

➢ I had to go over the event with regret ➢ A PEACEFUL month had barely past
and remorse when suddenly Timalan, a barrio of
Naic, was attacked by thousand
cazadores belongin to Infantry
➢ added to this depressing state of affairs Battalion 14 under the leadership of
was the news that Supremo had ordered General Don Fernando Primo de
my capture on my way home to Pasong Rivera, successor of Captain General
Santol Camilo de Polaviej.

April 29, 1897 ➢ The Spaniards once more showed their

bravery and courage in facing our
➢ Col. Bonson, Pava, and Topacio
soldiers who showed equal valor and
returned to Naic with their captives determination
headed by Andres, Procopio Bonifacio
➢ When we reached the town, more people
➢ The capture of the Supremo and the welcomed us the women even wept with
immediate surrender of his troops joy. This was the second time that I was
averted unnecessary bloodshed and rumored to be dead. The first one was
on September 13, 1896, after the bloody
killing on both sides. battle Bacoor.
Readings in Philippine History


➢ AFTER a detailed and careful trial by

the military court composed of seven
members headed by General Mariano
Noriel, the two Bonifacio brothers were
found guilty of disloyalty to and
treachery against the revolutionary
Government as well as the sedition and

➢ Very early on the morning of May 10,

1897, Major Macapagal and his men
took the prisoners to Mount Tala where
they were shot.
Readings in Philippine History


Apolinario Mabini
➢ Filipino revolutionary leader,
educator, lawyer and statesman who
served first as a legal and
constitutional adviser to the
Revolutionary Government, and then as
the first Prime Minister of the
Philippines upon the establishment of
the First Philippine Republic.

➢ He is regarded as the "Utak ng

Himagsikan" or "Brain of the

➢ Mabini performed all his revolutionary

and governmental activities despite
having lost the use of both his legs to
polio shortly before the Philippine
Revolution of 1896.

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