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Bioactive Polysaccharides From Seaweeds

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Bioactive Polysaccharides from Seaweeds
Faiez Hentati 1,2 , Latifa Tounsi 1 , Djomdi Djomdi 3 , Guillaume Pierre 1 , Cédric Delattre 1,4 ,
Alina Violeta Ursu 1 , Imen Fendri 5 , Slim Abdelkafi 2 and Philippe Michaud 1, *
1 Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, Institut Pascal, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France; (F.H.); (L.T.); (G.P.); (C.D.); (A.V.U.)
2 Laboratoire de Génie Enzymatique et Microbiologie, Équipe de Biotechnologie des Algues, Département
Génie Biologique, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, Université de Sfax, Sfax 3038, Tunisie;
3 Department of Renewable Energy, National Advanced School of Engineering of Maroua, University of
Maroua, P.O. Box 46 Maroua, Cameroon;
4 Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), 1 rue Descartes, 75005 Paris, France
5 Laboratoire de Biotechnologie des Plantes Appliquée à l’Amélioration des Cultures, Faculté des Sciences de
Sfax, Université de Sfax, Sfax 3038, Tunisie;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +33-(0)4-73-40-74-25

Academic Editor: Benoît Chénais 

Received: 7 June 2020; Accepted: 7 July 2020; Published: 9 July 2020

Abstract: Bioactive compounds with diverse chemical structures play a significant role in disease
prevention and maintenance of physiological functions. Due to the increase in industrial demand for
new biosourced molecules, several types of biomasses are being exploited for the identification of
bioactive metabolites and techno-functional biomolecules that are suitable for the subsequent uses in
cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical fields. Among the various biomasses available, macroalgae are
gaining popularity because of their potential nutraceutical and health benefits. Such health effects are
delivered by specific diterpenes, pigments (fucoxanthin, phycocyanin, and carotenoids), bioactive
peptides and polysaccharides. Abundant and recent studies have identified valuable biological
activities of native algae polysaccharides, but also of their derivatives, including oligosaccharides and
(bio)chemically modified polysaccharides. However, only a few of them can be industrially developed
and open up new markets of active molecules, extracts or ingredients. In this respect, the health and
nutraceutical claims associated with marine algal bioactive polysaccharides are summarized and
comprehensively discussed in this review.

Keywords: Macroalgae; seaweeds; biomolecules; polysaccharides; bioactive agents

1. Introduction
Promising biologically active compounds isolated from natural sources have revealed proven
activities in the cosmetic, medical and pharmaceutical fields. Several industries consider the marine
ecosystem as a source of natural compounds with multiple activities. In it, marine macroalgae
(Chlorophyceae, Pheophyceae and Rhodophyceae) constitute the richest source of non-animal biological
compounds in nature [1].
The global production of macroalgae generated a turnover of around 10 billion US dollars for
28–30 million tons (Mt) of fresh algae collected or cultivated in 2016 [2]. The seaweed market is more
mature and substantial in volume than the microalgae one. China, Indonesia and the Philippines
dominate the algal world production with respective levels of 48.7, 36.6 and 5.7% [2–4].
Furthermore, this production only concerns red (approximately 60%) and brown (approximately
39.5%) algae. Currently, 95% of the world tonnage comes from seaweed farming (with a growth rate of

Molecules 2020, 25, 3152; doi:10.3390/molecules25143152

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5.5%/year) compared to only 5% from the harvest of wild algae (1.5 Mt) [5]. Approximately, at least 291
species from 43 countries are used in the world, and they are divided into 163 species of Rhodophyceae,
75 of Pheophyceae and 33 of Chlorophyceae [3]. Nonetheless, six species of macroalgae represent
96% of the world production volume, i.e., Eucheuma (9.55 Mt), Laminaria (7.65 Mt), Gracilaria (3.75 Mt),
Undaria (2.36 Mt), Porphyra (1.80 Mt) and Kappaphycus (1.64 Mt) [3,5].
Seaweeds are known as producers of various biologically active macromolecules (polyphenols,
diterpenes, fiber, proteins and notably polysaccharides) with different structural and physicochemical
properties and interesting functional characteristics. Regarding the production of these bioactive
substances, algae are considered the most abundant source of polysaccharides, which may be sulfated
(fucoidans, carrageenans, galactans, and agars) and non-sulfated (alginates, laminaran) [6]. These high
molar mass biopolymers (10 to 1000 kDa) have extremely varied structures and are mainly made
up of osidic unit sequences (pentoses and/or hexoses) linked by O-glycosidic bonds. The repeating
unit can be composed of the same monosaccharide (homopolysaccharides) or of different units
(heteropolysaccharides). The monosaccharide sequences can consist of neutral ones (e.g., Glc, Gal,
Xyl, Fuc, Ara, Man), acidic ones (GlcA, GalA, etc.) or hexosamines (GlcNAc, GalNAc) [1,6]. It was
reported that these polymers can be linear (alginates, cellulose), but also branched (fucoidans, sulfated
galactans). They can be substituted by proteins but also by organic groups such as acetate, lactate,
pyruvate and succinate or inorganic groups like phosphate, sulfate and amine. In this case, they
are called aglycones [1]. This review focuses on marine seaweed polysaccharides and gives a recent
overview of their structural, physicochemical and biological features with potential health benefits.

2. Marine-Algal Bioactive Compounds

Marine seaweeds are considered as an excellent source of high-value biologically active molecules
(functional substances) thanks to their abundance and the advantage of their environmentally friendly
cultivation processes [7,8]. Setting optimal extraction conditions of bioactive compounds from
the seaweed matrix is of crucial importance for obtaining homogeneous biological activities and
subsequent industrial applications. Seaweeds, or their extracts, are rich in vital nutrients and can
produce a great variety of bioactive compounds. Among them, polyphenolic constituents, terpenoids,
carotenoids, vitamins, phlorotannins, alkaloids, diterpenes tocopherols, tocotrienols, proteins, peptides
and carbohydrates (polysaccharides) are of great interest [9] (Figure 1).
These bioactive compounds display several nutraceutical effects, such as anticoagulant,
immunomodulatory, anticancer, antitumor, antioxidant, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic,
antiobesity, antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral activities [7,10,11].
The use of conventional extraction techniques negatively affects the biomolecule production yield
as well as its bioactivity [12,13]. Hence, it is necessary to develop new, proficient and innovative
extraction procedures with remarkable advantages over the conventional technologies to obtain
high quality biomolecules with a greater yield. However, using more environmental, efficient
and economic processes based on the green extraction concept has allowed us to develop new
non-conventional technologies to recover valuable compounds from algae biomass [12,14,15]. Some of
these novel techniques are microwave assisted extraction (MAE), pressurized fluid/liquid extraction
(PLE), ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and enzyme-assisted
extraction (EAE), which are also used in pharmaceutical and food industries [16–18].
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Figure 1. Bioactive compounds from marine seaweeds.

2.1. Pigments and Phenolic Compounds

Pigments present in marine seaweeds are divided into three types: chlorophylls, carotenoids
and phycobiliproteins. Chlorophylls are greenish fat-soluble pigments which play a key role in the
photosynthesis phenomenon and are commonly found in land plants, algae, and cyanobacteria [19].
The main algae carotenoids include carotenes, fucoxanthin (the most abundant carotenoids), lycopene,
astaxanthin, zeaxanthin, neoxanthin, lutein and violaxanthin [19]. Phycobiliproteins are water-soluble
pigments, distinguishing three types of molecules with different protein structures. Phycoerythrins are
red pigments (the most abundant ones)) whereas phycocyanins and allophycocyanins are respectively
blue and light blue pigments [19]. These pigments have substantial potentials as biologically active
agents, nutraceutical ingredients and food colorings with anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic,
immunomodulatory, antioxidant and antiangiogenic properties [19].
Phenolic compounds from marine algae include phenolic acids, phlorotannins, flavonoids,
tannins and catechins. The type and yield extraction of phenolic compounds strongly depend
on the seaweed species. In fact, brown seaweeds (Pheophyceae) are mainly characterized by
significant levels of phlorotannins, complex polymers composed of oligomers of phloroglucinol
(1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene), whereas red (Rhodophyceae) and green (Chlorophyceae) seaweeds are
rich in flavonoids, phenolic acids and bromophenols [20]. Numerous biological activities have
been ascribed to polyphenols isolated from seaweeds such as antitumor, anticancer, antimicrobial,
antiviral, antiobesity, antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antioxidant properties [20].
Ryu et al. [21] and Gullón et al. [8] proved the in vitro anti-inflammatory property of a polyphenol-rich
fraction isolated from Rhodophyceae. In addition, Liu et al. [22,23] and Gullón et al. [8] demonstrated
that phlorotannins and bromophenols extracted from red and green algae have a great inhibition activity
against in vitro cancer cell proliferation and in vivo tumor growth, along with in vitro antidiabetic and
antithrombotic activities.
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2.2. Lipids and Proteins

Lipid or fatty acid content of marine seaweeds varies according to many factors, such as
geographical location, season, climatic conditions (temperature, light intensity), salinity and algal
species. Usually, algae have a low lipid content lower than 5.0% of their dry weight (w/w) [24] (Table 1).
The fatty acid profile of algae contains wide quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), such
as docosahexaenoic (DHA, C22:6 n-3), eicosapentaenoic (EPA, C20:5 n-3), α-linolenic (ALA, C18:3
n-3), linoleic (LA, C18:2 n-6), octadecatetraenoic (SDA, C18:4 n-3), and arachidonic (AA, C20:4 n-6)
acids [24–26]. Sterols mainly represented by fucosterol, clionasterol, isofucosterol and cholesterol
are the main nutritional constituents of marine seaweeds [26–28]. Sterols have important nutritional
and biological properties, such as anticancer, antioxidant, antiobesity, antitumoral, antiviral, and are
effective against cardiovascular diseases [24].
Proteins, peptides and amino acids content in seaweeds ranges from 5% to 47% of their dry weight
(w/w) depending on many factors, such as algal species, season and geographical location [7] (Table 1).
The red seaweeds Porphyra tenera and Palmaria palmata possess high protein concentrations of 35%
(w/w) and 47% (w/w), respectively, whereas the green alga Ulva pertuse has a protein content of only
26% (w/w) [29]. Generally, Chlorophyceae and Rhodophyceae have higher protein contents compared
to Pheophyceae [7,30]. Besides, seaweed proteins are excellent sources of most amino acids, such
as proline, alanine, glycine, arginine, and especially aspartic and glutamic acids [7,30,31]. Peptides
exhibiting a large spectrum of bioactivities can be obtained from the protein fraction extracted from
marine seaweeds. Moreover, phycobiliproteins, intensely fluorescent proteins isolated from the red alga
P. palmata, could be used in the prevention of hypertension due to their great angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity [32].

Table 1. Physicochemical composition of macroalgae.

Macroalgae Country Proteins (%) Lipids (%) Carbohydrates (%) Fibers (%) References
Brown Seaweeds (Pheophyceae)
Colpomenia Rohani-Ghadikolaei et al.
Iran 9.20 1.50 32.10 -
sinuosa [33]
Tunisia 9.98 2.80 39.11 57.33 Hentati et al. [34]
Chile 10.40 0.80 70.90 71.40 Ortiz et al. [35]
Ecklonia radiata 9.60 1.80 66.90 - Smith et al. [36]
Fucus spiralis Portugal 9.71 5.23 17.59 - Paiva et al. [37]
Hormosira banksii 6.07 2.63 62.90 - Smith et al. [36]
Padina pavonica Iran 11.83 1.79 - 11.00 Tabarsa et al. [38]
Portugal 14.44 1.10 45.60 - Rodrigues et al. [39]
China 11.20 1.06 47.43 4.83 Peng et al. [40]
Red Seaweeds (Rhodophyceae)
Ahnfeltia plicata Denmark 31.10 1.10 59.10 - Parjikolaei et al. [41]
Dumontia United
31.70 0.12 - 34.30 Marsham et al. [42]
contorta Kingdom
Brazil 19.70 0.43 63.10 5.65 Marinho-Soriano et al. [43]
Jania adhaerens Tunisia 9.81 2.76 34.54 51.68 Hentati et al. [34]
India 16.24 0.74 27.40 29.40 Fayaz et al. [44]
Portugal 20.79 7.53 17.61 - Paiva et al. [37]
Argentina 24.61 0.25 - 48.02 Cian et al. [45]
Green Seaweeds (Chlorophyceae)
Borneo 10.41 1.11 38.66 32.99 Matanjun et al. [46]
Caulerpa taxifolia India 12.44 0.32 23.86 - Kokilam and Vasuki. [47]
Ulva lactuca Tunisia 8.46 7.87 - 54.90 Yaich et al. [48]
Ratana-Arporn and
Ulva reticulata Thailand 21.06 0.75 55.77 4.84
Chirapart [49]
Ulva rigida Spain 17.80 0.90 42.60 11.90 Taboada et al. [50]
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2.3. Vitamins and Minerals

Seaweeds are important sources of hydro-and liposoluble vitamins, which could improve the
food and feed vitamin status. They consist of water-soluble vitamins B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), C, niacin,
folic acid, pantothenic acid and riboflavin, as well as fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and carotenoids as
provitamin forms of vitamin A [7,51,52]. For instance, the values mentioned for vitamin C were in a
similar range for green, red, and brown seaweeds (0.0347–1.25, 0.0353–1.61, 0.0345–1.85 g/100 g dry
weight (DW), respectively) [8]. However, the literature data concerning vitamin B12 content are more
scattered, ranging between 0.06 and 0.786 g/100 g DW for green seaweeds, 0.0961 and 1.34 g/100 g
DW for red seaweeds and from 0.0164 to 0.0431 g/100 g DW for brown seaweeds [8,53]. Furthermore,
important vitamin B3 values are recorded in the range of 0.005–1.0 g/100 g DW for Chlorophyceae,
0.0951-0.10 g/100 g DW for Rhodophyceae and 0.612–0.90 g/100g DW for Pheophyceae [8].
Macroalgae are also wealthy sources of minerals. Their mineral amount ranges between 7 to 40%
of their dry weight (w/w) according to factors such as algal species, season and geographical collection
site [8,54,55]. Seaweeds have a significant amount of macroelements Ca, K, P, Na, Mg, Mn, Fe and trace
elements (microelements) Pb, Cu, Zn, Sc, Sd, As, Sr and Cr [8,56]. These elements—especially calcium
(Ca)—are found in seaweeds with higher levels than in terrestrial plants [56]. The important iodine
levels found in algal biomass differ from species and range from 0.004 to 2.66 g/kg [14]. However, it is
worthwhile to note that new strategies have been applied to reduce its content in macroalgae food
products because of its potential harmful properties for health [8].

2.4. Carbohydrates
Marine macroalgae are considered as good sources of carbohydrates varying in its total content
from 5 to75% (w/w, DW) depending on the age, species, period and harvesting site [7,11] (Table 1).
Algal carbohydrates consist mainly of polysaccharides and few amounts of disaccharides and
monosaccharides [1]. Polysaccharides isolated from marine seaweeds are found principally in
sulfated and non-sulfated forms [8]. The presence of various types of polysaccharides (matrix and
storage ones) is macroalgae species-specific. For example, green marine seaweeds are rich in ulvans,
brown macroalgae contain alginic acids (or alginates), laminarans (or laminarins) and fucoidans,
whereas red seaweeds are characterized by their carrageenans, agars, xylogalactans (especially in
the Corallinales order), sulphated galactans, xylans, porphyran and floridean starch [8,11,57,58].
Abundant and recent investigations have widely described valuable biological activities of native
seaweed polysaccharides but also of their derivatives, including oligosaccharides and (bio)chemically
modified polysaccharides. Among these activities, anti-inflammatory [59], antidiabetic [60],
antiobesity [61], antihyperlipidemic [62], immunomodulatory, antioxidant [11,59], antitumor [63],
antiviral, antimicrobial [64], and gastroprotective [65] activities have been well explored. Thus, the
biological properties of marine algal bioactive polysaccharides are summarized and comprehensively
discussed later in this review.

3. Main Structural Features of Algal Polysaccharides

The algal walls are distinguished from those of terrestrial plants by the predominance of mucilage
on the skeleton, the abundance of sulfated macromolecules of polyanionic character on neutrals and the
presence of an abundant intercellular matrix [1]. All of these characteristics give particular properties
to algal cells, such as (i) mechanical resistance to deformation of the thalli (ensured by celluloses,
alginates and galactans), (ii) improving elasticity and rigidity of these networks by incorporating
CaCO3 associated with MgCO3 and strontium (Sr), (iii) the increase in ionic exchanges by capturing
cations such as Mg2+ , Ca2+ or Na+ and, finally, (iv) the strong adaptation against dehydration by
the presence of sulfated polysaccharides [66]. The cell walls of algae are composed of two parts: (i)
a so-called “crystalline” phase which plays the role of skeleton and (ii) an amorphous phase, called
the “matrix”, which contains the skeleton. For each of the three classes of macroalgae, the crystalline
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phase consists of cellulose (β-(1→4)-d-Glcp) and shows little variation from green to brown algae [1]
(Figure 2).

Figure 2. Algal polysaccharides classification.

The storage (reserve) polysaccharides result directly from the photosynthetic mechanism. They
are stored in algae plastids and are reusable on demand to maintain the basic metabolism. In green
and red seaweeds, polysaccharides are α-(1→4) and α-(1→6)-d-glucans with comparable structures to
starch of terrestrial plants, while β-(1→3)-d-glucans (laminarin) is found in brown algae [1]. On the
other hand, the matrix polysaccharides of the amorphous phase are very different from one algal class
to another, and those of brown and red algae have many industrial applications as food texturizers.
These phycocolloids, also known as hydrocolloids, are substances capable of modifying the
rheological properties of the aqueous solutions which contain them. They can thus modify the flow
properties of water, being classified as thickeners (changes in water mobility), gelling agents (stopping
water mobility) and finally stabilizers (limiting flocculation, flotation, decantation or coalescence of
particles in a liquid medium). Algal polysaccharides are commonly used as texturing agents in the
food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries [57] (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Applications of bioactive algal polysaccharides.

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These biological activities and rheological properties are strongly influenced by their structures
(monosaccharidic composition, anomeries, glycosidic bonds and branching degree) and their molar
masses [67]. Note that understanding the precise functions of polysaccharides in different biological
mechanisms requires the development of efficient separation and purification techniques, which will
allow one to study their structure–function relationships.

3.1. Brown Seaweed Polysaccharides

In agreement with IUPAC recommendations, Berteau and Mulloy [68] defined sulfated fucans
polysaccharides from marine invertebrates (notably sea cucumbers and sea urchin eggs) principally
composed of l-fucose residues (less than 10% of other monosaccharides) and fucoidan for sulfated
fucans isolated from marine seaweeds. Complex fucoidans, extracted from macroalgae, are thus
sulfated and branched α-l-fucans containing predominantly sulfated l-Fucp (< 90%), but also other
monosaccharides such as d-Galp, d-Manp and d-Xylp, as well as uronic acids (d-GlcAp and sometimes
d-GalAp) [11,68]. The complexity and structural heterogeneity of fucoidans vary with the extraction
processes and algal sources, but also with the local climatic conditions and harvest site [11]. Several
studies have attempted to determine the exact structure of fucoidans, and only a few examples of
regular patterns have been described. The type of O-glycosidic bonds, the position of the sulfates and
the ramifications seem to be variable [69]. It has been reported by Bilan et al. [70], Sellimi et al. [71]
and Hentati et al. [11] that representatives of the Fucales order (e.g., Fucus, Sargassum, Pelvetia,
Ascophyllum and Cystoseira) (Figure 4) contain fucoidans with a main backbone of (1→2), (1→3) and
(1→4)-α-l-Fucp, while fucoidans obtained from the Laminariales order (e.g., Laminaria, Ecklonia and
Eisenia) (Figure 5) have a linear chain of α-l-fucopyranosyl residues linked in α-(1→3) [72]. The sulfate
and/or acetate groups of the α-l-Fucp residues are predominately situated in position C-2 [73], C-4 [11]
and occasionally in C-3 [74], or disubstituted at positions C-2 and C-4 [70].

Figure 4. Structures of fucoidans extracted from brown seaweeds of the Fucales order. (A) Fucoidan of
Fucus serratus (and Ascophyllum nodosum) composed of a main chain of (1→3)- and (1→4)-α-l-Fucp with
short branches of α-l-Fucp-(1→4)-α-l-Fucp and α-l-Fucp-(1→3)-α-l-Fucp in O-4 of α-(1→3)-l-Fucp
and sulfate groups in O-2 and/or O-4 positions. (B) Fucoidan extracted from Fucus evanescens consisting
of a main skeleton of (1→3)- and (1→4)-α-l-Fucp highly substituted by sulfate groups at O-2 and/or
O-3 positions.
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Figure 5. Structures of fucoidans from brown seaweeds of the Laminariales order. (A) Fucoidan from
Laminaria saccharina composed of a main chain of (1→3)-α-l-Fucp branched at O-2 and O-4 of α-l-Fucp
by terminal residues and sulfate groups. (B) Fucoidan obtained from Chorda filum consisting of a
(1→3)-α-l-Fucp main backbone highly ramified at O-2 by terminal residues and substituted by sulfate
groups at O-2 and/or O-4positions.

These sulfated polysaccharides have a broad spectrum of biological activity, including antioxidant,
anticoagulant, antithrombotic, antiproliferative, antitumor, anticancer, immunomodulatory,
anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antidiabetic activities [7].
Ascophyllans, called xylofucoglucuronanes, are more complex and composed of a
poly-(1→4)-β-d-glucuronan skeleton, branched by short chains containing d-Xylp and l-Fucp sulfated
in position C-4 [75]. In contrast, sargassans (glucuronofucogalactans) are similar to the previous
ones, but also contain d-Manp residues. This type of polysaccharide has been identified in particular
in the genus Sargassum (e.g., Sargassum linifolium) [76]. Generally, fucoidan solutions displayed a
low shear-thinning behavior (sometimes Newtonien) with low viscoelastic characteristics weakly
influenced by monovalent and divalent salts [77].
Laminarin (named also laminaran) from brown seaweeds is an original reserve polysaccharide
isolated initially from the large laminaria present in the North Atlantic. Laminarin, with a Dp of
15-40 and therefore an Mw of 2-10 kDa, is a β-(1→3)-d-glucan whose diholosidic repeating unit is
laminaribiosis (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Structures of (A) laminaribioses and (B) gentiobioses.

The laminarin chains have ramifications consisting of β-(1→6)-d-Glcp, which is verified by

obtaining gentiobiose after hydrolysis [1]. Two types of laminarin have been described, namely (i)
the M series (or M-chains) where the laminarin chains carry a d-mannitol residue at their reducing
terminal end and (ii) the G series (or G-chains) where the d-mannitol residue is replaced by d-Glcp unit.
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Depending on the percent of M chains in a total laminarin structure, a distinction can be made between
soluble laminarin (around 75% of M-chains) and insoluble laminarin (M-chains ≤ 45%). Laminarins
have low cell toxicity, proven biodegradability and high biocompatibility. Diverse ranges of biological
activities have been reported for this polysaccharide. Among them, we can mention antiapoptotic,
anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory, antitumor, anticoagulant and antioxidant activities [78]. Brown
algae also use mannitol and laminitol as energy stores. These carbohydrates are abundant in the fronds
and rarely present in the stipes.
With 12,863 research articles, 411 reviews and 15,322 patents, the term alginate(s) is used to
designate alginic acids and their salt forms which constitute a group of unbranched polyuronides [79].
They are mainly derived from the cell walls of brown seaweeds and some of them are produced
as exopolysaccharides (acetylated at C-2 and/or C-3 of M residues) by some Pseudomonas and
Azetobacter species [80]. Their existence in cell walls of Pheophyceae in different salt forms (Ca2+ ,
Na+ or Mg2+ ) makes the tissues strong and more flexible. These polysaccharides are composed of
(1→4)-β-d-mannuronic acid (d-ManpA) with a 4 C1 ring conformation and α-l-guluronic acid (l-GulpA)
with a 1 C4 ring conformation (Figure 7). They are arranged in homogeneous (MM (poly-M) or GG
(poly-G)) and heterogeneous (MG or GM (poly-MG)) blocks leading to a large diversity of structures,
molar masses, physicochemical and biological properties (Figure 7) [11,79].

Figure 7. Structure of alginates. G: guluronate or l-GulpA; M: mannuronate or d-ManpA.

Fundamentally, alginates are characterized by their molecular weights (Mw , Mn , Dp),

polydispersity index (PI = Mw /Mn ), macromolecular parameters (e.g., intrinsic viscosity ([η]), critical
concentration (C*), hydrodynamic (Rh ) and gyration (Rg ) radii), as well as notably by M/G ratio
and number and length of monad (M and G) and diad (GG, MM, MG or GM) frequencies, which
provide structural information that is easily correlated with their rheological properties (gelling
or/and thickening) in a solution or in the presence of mono- and di-valent salts [11,77,81]. Indeed, M
block segments offer linearity and flexibility to a linear chain of alginates, whereas G blocks provide
rigid and folded structural conformations responsible for the stiffness of these anionic copolymers.
Furthermore, GG-rich alginates have higher viscosity (pseudoplastic/shear-thinning behavior) with
important viscoelastic properties. The gelling properties of alginate are also related to their GG blocks
where selective alkaline earth metal multivalent (divalent (whose the most used is Ca2+ ) or trivalent)
cations take place by chelation, leading to the formation of stronger gels described by the egg-box
model. Alginates with M/G > 1 are more suitable to form elastic gels than brittle ones [11,77,79,82].
Alginates are employed mainly in the feed, food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries for their
thickening and gelifying characters.

3.2. Red Seaweed Polysaccharides

Red seaweed (Rhodophyta) is a known industrial source of water-soluble sulfated galactans with
gelling and texturing properties such as (i) carrageenans and (ii) agarocolloids. These two polymers
have similar structures and are constructed on the basis of a linear chain consisting of alternating
(1→3)-β-Galp and (1→4)-α-Galp units [57]. The β-Galp unit (A unit) always belongs to the d series,
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while the α-Galp unit (B unit) is of configuration d in carrageenans and l in agarocolloids (agarans).
The (1→4)-linked α-Galp units can exist in the 3,6-anhydrogalactose form (3,6-α-AnGalp, DA units).
The latter form is obtained by elimination of the sulfate ester at C-6 of the (1→4)-linked α-Galp unit in
the presence of galactose-6-sulfurylases during biosynthesis [83].
Carrageenan is the third-largest hydrocolloid in the food industry, after gelatin and starch. Sulfated
galactans with B residues of the d-series (4-α-d-Galp) are named carrageenans [84]. These are linear
polymers of carrabiosis (sulfated dioside), which alternately consists of repeating AB units (3-β-d-Galp
and 4-α-d-Galp). The B residues (α-d-Galp) can be replaced by 3,6-α-d-AnGalp. Carrageenans
can be extracted from diverse species of Rhodophyceae, such as Agardhiella, Chondrus, Eucheuma,
Furcellaria, Gigartina, and Hypnea [85,86]. Their structural heterogeneity depends on their levels of
sulfate substituents and 3,6-α-d-AnGalp residues, as well as their solubility in potassium chloride
(KCl) [85]. Besides, the carrageenan’s main skeleton may contain other monosaccharides (Xylp, Glcp,
GlcAp and GalAp), pyruvic acid ketals and methyl ether groups [57]. According to many authors,
these sulfated polysaccharides are divided into several structural families (κ, λ, β, ω) where the kappa
(κ), iota (ι), and lambda (λ) are the well-known structural groups of carrageenans [87] (Figure 8). It
is important to note that the molecular weights of carrageenans are very variable, ranging from 200
to 1400 kDa [85,87]. The sulfate binding sites are always on carbons 2, 4 and 6 for the two units A
and B (or DA). κ-,ι-,λ-carrageenans respectively contain one, two and three sulfates per disaccharide
unit, which corresponds to sulfation rates of around 20, 33 and 41%. The kappa family includes
the κ- (A4S-DA) and ι- (A4S-DA2S) carrageenans and their respective precursors, µ- (A4S-B6S) and
ν- (A4S-B2S, 6S). The lambda family consists of sulfated carrageenans such as λ- (A2S-B2S,6S), θ-
(A2S-DA2S), ξ- (A2S-B2S) and pyruvilated structures such as π-carrageenan (A2S-BP2S). The beta
family have non-sulfated A units for the β- (A-DA) and α- (A-DA2S) carrageenans and their respective
precursors, γ- (A-B6S) and δ- (A-B2S,6S). Finally, the omega family includes ω-carrageenan (A6S-DA)
and its precursor ψ-carrageenan (A6S-B6S).

Figure 8. Structures of (A) µ-carrageenans, (B) κ-carrageenans, (C) ν-carrageenans, (D) λ-carrageenans
and (E) ι-carrageenans.

Sulfated galactans with B residues of the l-series (4-α-l-Galp) are named agarans [84]. Agarans
are divided in two groups, i.e., agars (high gelling agents) and agaroids (weak gelling agents) [88,89],
depending on the percentages of 3-6-α-l-AnGalp residues (B units) and sulfate groups. Agars are
essentially isolated from Gracilaria, Gelidium, or Pterocladia algal species, and agarobiose depicts the basic
repeating unit of agarose consisting of β-(1→3)-d-Galp units and α-(1→4)-l-An-3,6-Galp (Figure 9).
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 11 of 29

Figure 9. Representation of agarose.

Agars can be considered as mixtures of two polymers (agarose and agaropectin) at variable rates
depending on the algal species. From a structural point of view, agarose, with an average Mw of
120 kDa (Dp = 400), is often heavily substituted in the C-6 position by methyl groups (until 20%).
Contrastingly, agaropectin has the same basic structure as agarose (alternation of residues β-d-Galp
and 3,6-An-α-l-Galp) with various substituted groups (high-branching degree), such as glycuronate,
methyl, pyruvate, or sulfate [80].
Agaroids, weakly gelling polymers, have a structure close to agars and can be divided into (i)
funorans and (ii) porphyrans (Figure 10). Funorans are constituted of a succession of A (6-O-SO3 − ) and
B (2-O-SO3 − ) units and are widely used in the field of adhesives. Porphyrans, extracted from Porphyra
species, e.g., Porphyra haitanensis [90,91], P. capensis [92], or P. umbilicalis [89], have 3-β-d-Galp units
methylated or sulfated at C-6 and 50% of B units are 4-α-l-Galp-6-sulfate residues.

Figure 10. Structures of (A) porphyrans and (B) funorans. R: CH3 or SO3 − .

3.3. Green Seaweed Polysaccharides

Polysaccharides from Chlorophyceae are variously sulfated complex polyholosides that are
not fundamentally different from those of terrestrial plants [93]. Their structural patterns can
vary depending on the algae species, the culture site and the extraction method. Numerous
studies have highlighted three distinct groups [79]. (i) The sulfated xylorhamnoglycuronans,
called ulvans, are polyholosides composed of l-Rhap (30-50%), d-Xylp (8-9%), d-GlcAp (10-20%)
and sulfate (16-19%) [94]. The two main recurrent disaccharides in ulvals (Ulva lactuca, U.
reticulata) are β-d-GlcAp-(1→4)-α-l-Rhap3S-(1→(or A3 S: ulvanobiuronate-3-sulfate type A) and
α-l-IdoA-(1→4)-α-l-Rhap3S-(1→ (or B3 S: ulvanobiuronate-3-sulfate type B) [95] (Figure 11).
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 12 of 29

Figure 11. Structures of ulvans. A3 S: ulvanobiuronate-3-sulfate type A,; B3 S: ulvanobiuronate-3-sulfate

type B; U3 S: ulvanobiose-3-sulfate type A; U2’ S3 S: ulvanobiose-2,3-disulfate type B.

Xylose or sulfated xylose (S-Xylp) residues may appear in place of uronic acids in certain
polysaccharides. In this case, the disaccharides are respectively composed of ulvanobiose-3-sulfate
type A (or U3 S) and ulvanobiose-2,3-disulfate type B (or U2’ S3 S) [96]. Ulvans and their oligomers
have been patented for their biological activities that elicit plant defense reactions against biotic and
abiotic stresses [97] (Figure 11). (ii) Sulfated xyloarabinogalactans or arabinoxylogalactans (15 to 20%
sulfate), present in the orders of Cladophorales and Bryopsidales, are composed of d-Galp, l-Araf
and d-Xylp units. These polymers exhibit significant anticoagulant capacities [76]. Finally, (iii) the
glucuronoxylorhamnogalactans and the sulfated rhamnogalactogalacturonanes have similar structures
to the pectic acids of terrestrial plants and are extracted from some Ulvales [98].

4. Health Claims of Algal Polysaccharides

Algal bioactive polysaccharides (ABPs) have been broadly described for their potential human
health benefits. Their biological abilities depend on their structural features, e.g., monosaccharidic
composition, molecular weight, O-glycosidic linkages type (along the polysaccharide backbone and
ramifications), sulfation level and position and stereochemistry. Some of these beneficial impacts are
discussed and summarized under the following headings.

4.1. Antioxidant Activity

Oxidative stress phenomenon is caused by an inequity between production and neutralization of
free radicals, which generates various degenerative diseases [9]. Many free radicals, especially reactive
oxygen species (ROS), are produced in living organisms over metabolic activities and therefore impact
human health (Figure 12).
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 13 of 29

Figure 12. Damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS).

ROS are produced in the hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ), hydroxyl radical (• OH), superoxide radical
(O2 – ), and nitric oxide (NO) forms. The generated oxidative stress may cause involuntary and
pronounced enzyme activation and subsequent oxidative damage to cellular systems. ROS attack
and destroy vital macromolecules such as proteins, membrane lipids, and DNA, leading to various
disorders such as inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and intense
tissue injuries [71,99–102] (Figure 12).
In the food industry, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propyl gallate (PG), butylated
hydroxyanisole (BHA), and tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) are commonly used as synthetic
antioxidants [103]. However, the use of these latter is restricted by food legislation owing to
their possible effect in carcinogenesis [85]. For this reason, antioxidant compounds from dietary
sources, particularly ABPs, are of cardinal importance for reducing radicals [9]. Antioxidant
potential of bioactive molecules has been determined by several methods, such as ABTS
(2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) radical scavenging, ferric reducing antioxidant
ability (FRAP), DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging, iron (II) chelating activity,
nitric oxide scavenging (NO-scavenging), superoxide and hydroxyl radicals scavenging assays, and
lipid peroxide inhibition [71,102].
Recently, sulfated polysaccharides (SPs), including fucoidan, sulfated galactan, carrageenan, agar
and porphyran isolated from brown and red seaweeds, have been observed to possess appreciable
antioxidant abilities (Table 2). According to Choi et al. [104], the sulfated fucans obtained from the
brown seaweed Sargassum fulvellum are more powerful NO scavengers than commercial antioxidants
such as α-tocopherol and BHA. Fucoidans have shown the highest antioxidant activity followed by
sodium alginates from brown alga Cystoseira compressa according to DPPH and FRAP assays [11].
The chelating, FRAP and anti-DPPH activities of algal SPs depend on the availability of a number
of functional groups, such as the carboxylic groups (-COOH) of the d-ManpA and l-GulpA units for
alginates and the (SO4 − ) sulfates groups in the ortho position for fucoidans [11]. Furthermore, it has
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 14 of 29

been mentioned that more than one of -NR2 , -COOH, -O-, -OH, -C=O, -PO3 H2 , -SH, and -S- is in favor
of antioxidant capacity [11].
Sudharsan et al. [105] and Li et al. [106] showed that carrageenans and ulvans isolated from
Rhodophyceae (Spyridia hypnoides) and Chlorophyceae (Ulva pertusa), respectively, have great
antioxidant properties related to sulfate content. Interestingly, metal chelating and DPPH and
ABTS radical scavenging activities of fucan fractions extracted from Sargassum tenerrimum appear
to relate to low molecular weight and their ratio of sulfate/fucose [107]. Furthermore, the in vivo
antioxidant capacity of sulfated galactans derived from Rhodophyceae Porphyra haitanensis in aging
mice has been signalized [108]. Moreover, according to Li et al. [106], the low molecular weight, uronic
acids, and the high sulfate content of ulvans derivatives exhibited improved antioxidant abilities
when using the hyperlipidemic Kunming mice model, including glutathione peroxidase, superoxide
dismutase, malondialdehyde, and catalase assays in liver. Zhang et al. [108], Costa et al. [109],
Souza et al. [110] and Gómez-Ordóñez et al. [111] highlighted the antioxidant effect (in vitro and
in vivo) of carrageenans extracted from Rhodophyceae, such as Mastocarpus stellatus, Gracilaria caudata,
Gracilaria birdiae and Porphyra haitanensis. In another research, De Souza et al. [112] studied the in vitro
antioxidant activities of ι-carraghenans (Eucheuma spinosum), κ-carrageenans (Eucheuma cottonii) and
λ-carrageenans (Gigartina acicularis and G. pistillata), and λ-carrageenan was shown to have the best
antioxidant potential compared to κ- and ι-carrageenans. All of these ABPs, especially SPs, could be
used as a natural source of antioxidants and are interesting for food cosmetic and pharmaceutical
industrial applications.

4.2. Anticoagulant and Antithrombotic Activities

Blood coagulation disorders can lead to an increased hazard of clotting (thrombosis) or bleeding
(hemorrhage) [113]. As mentioned in the study of Ngo and Kim [114], the blood coagulation mechanism
is mediated by coagulation factors, such as IXa, VIIa, Xa, thrombin (FIIa) and VIIIa factors, when
an abnormal vascular condition occurs. Exogenous or endogenous anticoagulants can thus interact
with the clotting factors to block blood clotting. Heparin, a glycosaminoglycan (highly sulfated
polysaccharide) extracted from mammalian tissues (porcine tissue), is currently the commonly and
widely anticoagulant/antithrombotic compound used in anticoagulant therapy [115]. However,
porcine heparin has been widely criticized for problems with contamination by chondroitin sulfate,
which causes hypotension and other undesirable effects (hemorrhagic activity, thrombocytopenia or
antithrombin deficiency) [109].
Cui et al. [10] showed that fucoidan fraction NP2 extracted from the Pheophyceae Nemacystus
decipiens (the Ectocarpales order) can rise the percentage of plasma t-PA/PAI-1 levels, suggesting its
high fibrinolytic activity and its possible use as a novel antithrombotic compound. As reported by
Zhao et al. [116], the low molecular weight (LMW) fucoidan (Mn = 7.3 kDa and Mw = 7.6 kDa) isolated
from brown alga Laminaria japonica exhibited better oral absorption and greater antithrombotic activity,
in addition to various antithrombotic mechanisms with regard to those of the middle molecular weight
(MMW) fucoidans (Mn = 28 kDa and Mw = 35 kDa).
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 15 of 29

Table 2. Biological properties of algal bioactive polysaccharides.

Type of PS Source Main Backbone Biological Properties References
Brown macroalgae
Padina Fucp, Galp, Xylp,
S-fucan (1,2)- and (1,3)-α-l-Fucp Nd Karmakar et al. [117]
tetrastromatica GlcpAc
S-galactofucans Galp, Fucp, Xylp (1,4)- and (1,3)-α-l-Fucp Anti-thrombotic Costa et al. [109]
Adenocystis Galp, Fucp, Rhap,
S-galactofucans (1,3)-α-l-Fucp Antiviral Ponce et al. [69]
utricularis uronic acids
Ascophyllum Fucp, Xylp, Galp, anti-inflammatory,
S-fucans (1,3)- and (1,4)-α-l-Fucp Cumashi et al. [118]
nodosum GlcpAc, Glcp anticoagulant,
Immunostimulant, antiviral,
Fucp, Xylp, Galp,
S-fucans Fucus spp. (1,3)- and (1,4)-α-l-Fucp antitumor, antiproliferative, Costa et al. [109]
Galp, Fucp, Rhap, (1,6)-β-d-Galp and Sokolova et al. [119]
S-galactofucans Sargassum sp. Antitumor
GlcpAc (1,2)-β-d-Manp Ale et al. [120]
Sargassum (1,3)-α-l-Fucp, (1,3)- and Ale et al. [120]
S-fucoidan Fucp Antitumor, antiviral
horneri (1,4)-α-l-Fucp Hoshino et al. [121]
Ermakova et al. [122]
Ecklonia cava Fucp, Rhap, Galp, (1,3)- or (1,6)-, and antitumor, anticoagulant,
S-fucans Yamamoto et al.
Ecklonia kurome GlcpAc (1,4)-α-l-Fucp antioxidant, antithrombotic,
Anti-lipidaemic, antiviral,
Fedorov et al. [124]
Laminaria antitumor,
S-galactofucan Galp, Fucp (1,3)- and (1,4)-α-l-Fucp Cumashi et al. [118]
japonica immunomodulator,
Wang et al. [125]
antioxidant neuroprotective
Red macroalgae
(1,3)-α-d-Galp, and Albuquerque et al.
Chondrus Antiviral, anticoagulant,
S-λ-carrageenan Galp, AnGalp (1,4)-β-3,6-AnGalp or [126]
crispus antithrombotic
(1,4)-β-d-Galp Luescher-Mattli [127]
(1,3)-α-d-Galp, and
Anticoagulant, Prajapati et al. [86]
S-κ-carrageenan E. spinosa Galp, AnGalp (1,4)-β-3,6-AnGalp or
anti-thrombotic Campo et al. [87]
(1,3)-α-d-Galp, and
Stenogramme Prajapati et al. [86]
S-carrageenans Galp, AnGalp (1,4)-β-3,6-AnGalp or Antiviral
interrupta Caceres et al. [128]
(1,3)-α-d-Galp, and
Carrageenan Galp, AnGalp (1,4)-β-3,6-AnGalp or Anticancer Souza et al. [129]
(1,3)-α-d-Galp, and Lins et al. [130]
LMW-carrageenans Champia
Galp, AnGalp (1,4)-β-3,6-AnGalp or Antitumor Prajapati et al. [86]
(1,4)-β-d-Galp Campo et al. [87]
Green macroalgae
Anticoagulant, Takano et al. [131]
S-arabinogalactans Codium spp. Galp, Araf (1,3)-β-d-Gal
antithrombotic, antiviral Lee et al. [132]
Antioxidant, Usui et al. [133]
Rhap, Xylp, GlcpAc, -(1,4)-α-l-Rhap3S-(1→], and
S-ulvans Ulva pertusa anti-proliferative, Xing et al. [134]
IdoAc [→4)-α-l-IdoAc-(1,4)
hypocholesterolaemic Yu et al. [135]
Lahaye and Robic
S-PS Ulva rigida Rhap, GlcpAc β-d-GlcpAc-(1,4)-l-Rhap Immunostimulatory
[94] Leiro et al. [136]
(1,3)-α-l-Rhap, and
Lee et al. [137]
Monostroma (1,3)-α-l-Rhap or
S-rhamnans Rhap Antiviral, anticoagulant Mao et al. [138]
latissimum (1,2)-α-l-Rhap or
Zhang et al. [139]
PS: Polysaccharides; S-PS: Sulfated polysaccharides; LMW: Low Molecular Weight; Nd: Not determined.

Indeed, oral administration of the LMW fucoidan at concentrations of 400 and 800 mg/kg
(for 30 days) inhibited the arterial thrombosis formation in rats. It is accompanied by the regulation
of TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1α, significant antiplatelet capacity and efficient fibrinolysis. Anticoagulant
properties of fucoidans obtained from brown seaweed Ecklonia cava including prothrombin time (PT),
thrombin time (TT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) were recorded [140]. In their
further study, Jung et al. [141] endorsed fucoidans isolated from E. cava as promising anticoagulants
which strongly enhance the inhibition of the ATIII-mediated coagulation factor in coagulation pathways.
The study carried out by Wijesinghe et al. [142] demonstrated in vivo anticoagulant activity on Wistar
rats of highly sulfated fucoidans extracted from E. cava. Nishino and Nagumo [143] and Qui et al. [144]
demonstrated that oversulfated fucans exhibited anticoagulant and antithrombin activities and the
heparin cofactor II-mediated antithrombin activity of these SPs increased significantly with sulfate
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 16 of 29

content. According to Silva et al. [145], the great sulfation degree at C-3 of (1,4)-α-l-Fucp residues
was responsible for the anticoagulant properties of heterofucan isolated from the brown seaweed,
Padina gymnospora. The sulfated ramified polysaccharide (CP2-1), isolated from the green seaweed
Codium divaricatum, possessed a high dose-dependent anticoagulant activity evaluated by the APTT,
PT and TT assays [146]. Maeda et al. [147] revealed that the anticoagulant-active SPs isolated
from Monostroma nitidum (Chlorophyceae, Ulotrichales) yielded a six-fold greater capacity than that
of heparin. Li et al. [148] and Zhang et al. [139] demonstrated high anticoagulant activities for
sulfated rhamnans obtained from Monostroma latissimum. Anticoagulant sulfated galactans from the
Rhodophyceae Codium cylindricum were also characterized by Matsubara et al. [149]. Pereira et al. [150]
found that the sulfated galactans from the red alga Botryocladia occidentalis have higher anticoagulant
properties than similar polysaccharides isolated from Gelidium crinale with different sulfation patterns.
Sudharsan et al. [151] showed that the sulfated polysaccharide isolated from red marine seaweed
Gracilaria debilis presented an important anticoagulant ability through APTT and PT (14.11 and
8.23 IU/mg) assays. Silva et al. [145] discussed the anticoagulant properties of sulfated galactans
from seaweeds and showed their close dependence on the monosaccharidic composition, the type
of glycosidic linkages, the sulfate content, the molar mass and the sulfation position in the backbone
structure. Indeed, Fonseca et al. [152] have clearly shown that the differences in venous anticoagulant
and antithrombotic activities depend on the yield and the distribution of sulfate groups in the structure
of sulfated galactans. In addition, high molecular weight carrageenans with high sulfate content
showed higher anticoagulant capacities than those with low sulfate content and a low molecular
weight [153]. As reported by Necas and Bartosikova [154], λ-carrageenans have higher antithrombotic
activities than those of κ-carrageenans due to their higher sulfate content, but always remain lower
than that of heparin.

4.3. Anticancer and Antitumor Activities

Today, cancer is considered to be the first causes of human death, and its incidence has doubled in
the past decade. This dreadful human disease increases with global warming, unbalanced nutrition, free
radicals, and changing lifestyle. The biological mechanism of this pathology involves several families
of proteins, such as caspases participating in tumor growth at several stages of carcinogenesis [155].
Therapeutic methodologies using the chemotherapy technique were usually used for the treatment
of cancer. However, in most cases, the anticancer agents currently used are particularly cytotoxic.
Therefore, many radical scavenging natural compounds, such as SPs from seaweeds, have been
proposed for their beneficial effects as cancer prevention agents [124] (Figure 13, Table 2).
Palanisamy et al. [156] reported that fucoidans extracted from Sargassum polycystum exhibited
antiproliferative properties at a concentration of 50 µg/mL and they can induce apoptosis-mediated cell
death against the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 through the activation of caspase-8. According to recent
study by Usoltseva et al. [157], the native and deacetylated fucoidans from brown seaweeds Sargassum
feldmannii, Sargassum duplicatum, and their derivatives (at 200 µg/mL) inhibited colony formation of
human colon cancer cells (DLD-1, HT-29, and HCT-116). The study findings of Narayani et al. [155]
suggest that fucoidan isolated from Brown seaweed Sargassum cinereum exerts potent anticancer and
apoptotic effects on the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line (Caco-2) by preventing metastasis. As
reported by Athukorala et al. [140], SPs isolated from the Pheophyceae Ecklonia cava have potential
antiproliferative properties on B-16 (mouse melanoma), HL-60 (human promyelocytic leukemia), CT-26
(murine colon carcinoma) and U-937 (human leukemic monocyte lymphoma) cell lines. Porphyran
extracted from the red algae Porphyra yezoensis can induce in vitro cancer cell death in a dose-dependent
manner via apoptosis without affecting normal cells growth [158]. Equally, Souza et al. [129] reported
that the kappa-carrageenan obtained from the Rhodophyceae Hypnea musciformis (Hm-SP) reduced the
proliferation ability on MCF-7 and SH-SY5Y cancer cell-lines, without cytotoxic impact. Chen et al. [159]
showed that Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides (SFPS) exhibited a concentration-dependent inhibition
of in vitro SPC-A-1 cell proliferation and in vivo tumor growth. All these studies demonstrated that
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 17 of 29

the SFPS administration significantly reduced the tumor microvessel density (MVD) and the expression
of CD31, VEGF-A. SFPS also provide the induction of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of human
umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and inhibit the VEGF-A expression in tumor cells and its
receptor VEGFR2 in HUVECs. Ji and Ji [160] reported the anticancer effect of commercial laminaran
(400–1600 µg/mL) on human colon cancer LoVo cells by activating mitochondrial and DR pathways.
Moreover, Ji et al. [161] endorsed oversulfated laminaran (1600 µg/mL) to reduce the number of LoVo
cells by 86% vs. only 38% for unmodified laminaran at the same concentration. Synytsya et al. [162]
suggested that fucoidans extracted from the Korean brown alga Undaria pinnatifida have potential
antitumor properties in cell lines HepG2 (human hepatocellular liver carcinoma), Hela (human cervical),
PC-3 (human prostate), and A549 (carcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial) similar to those of
commercial fucoidans. Yan et al. [163] showed that fucoidan obtained from Sargassum hemiphyllum
can induce miR-29b expression, subsequently helping the inhibition of DNA methyltransferase 3B
expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) human cells. As reported by Lee et al. [164], fucoidans
isolated from Fucus vesiculosus (Sigma-Aldrich) have been endorsed for their anticancer potentials to
induce apoptosis in MC3 human mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells via a caspase-dependent apoptosis
signaling cascade (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Potentials of marine-derived algae polysaccharide (SP)-based engineered cues to induce cell
death of tumor cells (apoptosis).

4.4. Immunomodulatory Property

Immunomodulation is a therapeutic technique that modulates the balance of cytokines in the
human body, either by limiting inflammation and controlling immune reactions, or by stimulating
a deficient immune system. Diverse cytokines regulate the activation, development, proliferation,
killing of natural killer cells (NK cells) and chemotaxis. According to the study of Raulet [165],
NK cell proliferation and the secretion of several cytokines can be stimulated by IL-2 and IL-15.
Indeed, the activated NK cells can secrete soluble cytokines such as IFN and TNF to improve the
body immune response. SPs derived from algae are biological immunomodulators with an immune
regulatory function, and they can maintain homeostasis by regulating NK cells (Figure 14), macrophages
(Figure 15), T/B lymphocytes, and complement systems [166].
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 18 of 29

Figure 14. Signaling pathways involved in natural killer cell (NK cells) activation by bioactive
algal polysaccharides.

Figure 15. Signaling pathways involved in macrophage activation by algal-sulfated polysaccharides.

As biological immunomodulators, fucoidans can activate the immune defense system and inhibit
the development of tumor cells by enhancing immunomodulatory activity [167]. Fucoidan can
significantly increase the cytolytic activity of NK cells by stimulating macrophage-mediated immune
response signaling molecules, such as interleukins IL-2 and IL-12 and IFN-γ [168]. Okai et al. [169] found
that fucoidan had stimulating effects on the activity of mouse phagocytic cells (such as B lymphocytes
and macrophages) against Staphylococcus aureus and on the release of cytokines, IL-1 and TNFα by the
same cells. Other studies in mice have also shown significant immunomodulatory effects by increasing
the activity of NK cells and modulating the ratio of helper T cells (Th-1/Th-2) [167]. Choi et al. [170]
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 19 of 29

demonstrated the in vitro immunomodulatory effects of fucoidan and arabinogalactan as activators of

lymphocytes and macrophages in the immunoprevention of cancer. As reported by Rostami et al. [171],
oligoalginates, obtained by enzymatic degradation or physical treatments (high temperature, high
pressure or sonication), ensure the stimulation of the proliferation of RAW264.7 macrophages and
the production of nitric oxide by these same cells, the growth of human keratinocytes or the growth
and migration of endothelial cells. It was reported that five carrageenan types extracted from red
seaweeds (belonging to Gigartinaceae and Tichocarpaceae) increased the level of pro-inflammatory
IL-6 and TNF-α, and induced the secretion of anti-inflammatory IL-10 in a dose-dependent manner.
The differences in activities suggest that the immunomodulatory ability of carrageenans depends
on the monosaccharidic composition, the nature of O-glycosidic linkages and the number, position
and distribution of sulfate groups along the galactan backbone [172]. Bobadilla et al. [173] reported
important immunostimulant properties of the soluble (1,3/1,6)-β-d-glucan extracted from brown alga
Durvillaea antarctica, which induce a 16.9% increase in activated CD19+ B lymphocytes compared
with the control sample. Yin et al. [174] suggested that commercial laminarin modulates the immune
response and immune-related genes expression in addition to stimulating the growth of the grouper
Epinephelus coioides. Laminarin supplementation significantly improved the level of total proteins
(TP), the lysozyme (LZM), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, as well as the
expression of immune response genes IL-1β, IL-8, and TLR2 compared with the control. Sulfated
polysaccharides purified from the Chlorophyceae Codium fragile can ameliorate NK cell activation
through the induction of activating receptor expression, cytokine secretion and the release of the
perforin, granzyme-B, and lysing proteins [175]. According to Zhao et al. [176], sulfated agarose
rich in pyruvate and xylose substitutes, isolated from the red alga Polysiphonia senticulosa, displays
immunomodulatory activity by improving the viability of NK cells.

4.5. Neuroprotective Activity

Neurodegenerative disorders (NDs) are the progressive damage of neurons, mostly concerned
with the death of neuronal cells. Numerous types of NDs, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), Parkinson’s (PD), Alzheimer’s (AD) and prion (PrD) diseases, are associated with the neuronal
damage in the different areas of spinal cord and brain [177]. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most
common neurodegenerative disorder accounting for 50 to 70% of all dementias [178,179]. AD is
mainly characterized by a progressive loss of cognitive functions and memory that could be linked
to a significant decrease in brain volume in AD patients when compared to healthy patients, which
ultimately leads to disability and dependency [180,181]. Alzheimer’s illness is associated with the failure
to clear β amyloid peptide (Aβ) from the walls of blood vessels and plaques in extracellular spaces.
The aggregation of Aβ located around neurons has a toxic impact and makes the neurons susceptible to
free radicals [179,181]. Currently, this chronic illness afflicts about 20 million people worldwide [182].
Owing to their higher life expectancy and reduction in estrogen levels due to menopause, women
are more susceptible to suffer from AD than men [178]. Until now, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
such as donepezil, tacrine, galantamine and rivastigmine are still the most encouraging treatment
for AD [183–185]. Nevertheless, these inhibitors have a restricted therapeutic success because they
merely ameliorate memory in mild dementia and cannot stop the neurodegeneration process [184,186].
Furthermore, these inhibitors have shown several drawbacks in treating AD, such as a narrow
therapeutic window, low bioavailability and hepatotoxicity [187]. Therefore, developing novel
innocuous drugs to slow down this illness progression is crucial. Recently, Hu et al. [182] reported
that fucoidans isolated from ethanol precipitation of Sargassum fusiform have therapeutic potential in
improving the cognitive dysfunction of mice and enhancing cognitive ability. To delay or halt AD
development, this sulfated polysaccharide might be considerably appropriate to treat AD patients.
As shown by Wozniak et al. [188], sulfated-fucan extracts obtained by divers from five species of
brown seaweeds exhibit antiviral activity against the common herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1)
in relation to its putative role in AD. The study findings of Luo et al. [189] suggested that fucoidan
Molecules 2020, 25, 3152 20 of 29

extracted from L. japonica had protective effect on 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (a

neurotoxin)-induced neurotoxicity in Parkinson’s disease via its antioxidant activity. Considering this
scientific evidence, algal-derived polysaccharides can be endorsed for their neuroprotective activities
and potential use in clinical therapies.

5. Conclusions
The marine source variety allows for the selection of polysaccharides isolated from seaweeds
with specific characteristics, completely absent in polysaccharides from terrestrial plants. Algal
polysaccharides and their structural diversity constitute a source of several biological capacities
that may represent an interesting tool for novel therapeutic benefits and industrial applications,
including cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and functional foods. Currently, sulfated
polysaccharides are found principally as excipients in feed, food and pharmaceutical formulations, but
the discovery of surprising biological capacities makes these polymers a very exciting research field.
For a vision towards the future, the use of algal polysaccharides in medicine is expected to considerably
progress. Despite the huge clinical use of alginate gels as wound healing agents, antiulcer and antiacid
cures, other bioactive polysaccharides still depict an entirely passive role because of the extraction and
purification costs. Thus, the development of novel extraction and purification methodologies of algal
polysaccharides might initiate the turning event toward a wide industrial utilization.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.H. and L.T.; validation, G.P., S.A. and P.M.; resources, D.D., C.D.;
writing—original draft preparation, F.H. and L.T.; writing—review and editing, D.D., F.H., A.V.U., I.F., S.A. and
P.M; supervision G.P., S.A. and P.M.; project administration, C.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: The authors declare no funding for this work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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