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DevOps Final

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SOFTWARE TESTING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.DEVOPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

PIPELINES : ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

2. NETWORKING ..............................................................................................................................................12

3.CLOUD COMPUTING .................................................................................................................................. 28

Types of Cloud Platform plans ........................................................................................................................................................... 31

In Real-World ................................................................................................................................................................................... 32

4.JENKINS ......................................................................................................................................................... 33

5.VAGRANT ....................................................................................................................................................... 35

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
ARCHITRCTURE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
COMMANDS......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
WORKING............................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
UBUNTU INSTALL .............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................................................................... 41

6. MICROSOFT AZURE ....................................................................................................................................41

AZURE INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................... 42
1.Creating Azure Account ................................................................................................................................................................ 42
2.Terminalalogies ............................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Tisco Project Raodmap ...................................................................................................................................................................... 44
AZURE STORAGE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 46
AZURE VIRTUAL NETWORK (VNET) ............................................................................................................................................. 47
AZURE VIRTUAL MACHINES............................................................................................................................................................ 48
AZURE COMPUTE .............................................................................................................................................................................. 48

7. AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS) ............................................................................................................... 50

1. HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
2.SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
AWS CLI: AWS Command Line Interface .................................................................................................................................... 56
AWS SDK: Software Development Kits ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Example : Pizza Application ........................................................................................................................................................... 56
............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Installing AWS Commandline Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 57
3. CLOUDWATCH & IAM ................................................................................................................................................................. 57
1.CloudWatch ................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
2.IAM - Identity & Access Management ......................................................................................................................................... 60
4. EC2 & VIRTUAL MECHINES ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
1.Virtual Private Cloud .................................................................................................................................................................... 62
2.Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) ...................................................................................................................................................... 66
1|P A G E
3. Scalling Application ...................................................................................................................................................................... 70
5. S3 (SIMPLE STORAGE SERVICE) .................................................................................................................................................. 71
6. DATABASES (RDS & DYNAMODB)............................................................................................................................................ 73
Relational Database Service ............................................................................................................................................................... 73
7. CLOUDFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 73
AWS CERTIFIED DEVOPS ENGINEER .......................................................................................................................................... 74
1.AWS CODECOMMIT ...................................................................................................................................................................... 74
2. AWS CODEDEPLOY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 75
3.AWS CODEPIPELINE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 75
4.CLOUDFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76
5.ELASTIC BEANSTALK..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
6.OPSWORKS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
7. CLOUDWATCH ............................................................................................................................................................................... 80

8. CHEF - AUTOMATE IT INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................................................... 83

ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 85
INSTALLING ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
HANDSON ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
1.CREATING RECIPE IN CHEF ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
2. CHEF : RECIPES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 89
3. CHEF : COOKBOOKS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 90
4. COOKBOOKS + CHEF SERVER + NODES ................................................................................................................................. 93
Chef Server : Create Online Chef server ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Nodes : Manage Nodes using Chef server ......................................................................................................................................... 96
MORE ON CHEF ................................................................................................................................................................................. 99

9. ANSIBLE ....................................................................................................................................................... 100

ORCHESTRATION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 104

ARCHITETURE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 104
PLAYBOOKS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 108
HANDSON TASK............................................................................................................................................................................... 108
ANSIBLE – UBUNTU HANDS ON ................................................................................................................................................... 110
STEP 4 : HANDS ON : PLAYBOOK TO DEPLOY NGINX USING ANSIBLE ............................................................................... 112
ANSIBLE MASTER ON AWS CLOUD ............................................................................................................................................. 114
REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................................................... 120

10. PUPPET ....................................................................................................................................................... 121

CHEF VS PUPPET .............................................................................................................................................................................. 124

WHAT THE PROBLEMS IT SOLVES................................................................................................................................................. 125
PUPPET TERMINOLOGY.................................................................................................................................................................. 129
PUPPUT INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................................................. 131
REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................................................... 132

11. DOCKER ...................................................................................................................................................... 133

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 133

What is Virtualization?.................................................................................................................................................................. 133
What is Containerization? .............................................................................................................................................................. 133
Virtualization vs Containerization .................................................................................................................................................. 134
WHAT IS DOCKER............................................................................................................................................................................ 135
2|P A G E
HOW DOCKER WORKS ................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Docker Engine ................................................................................................................................................................................ 137
Docker Image .................................................................................................................................................................................. 138
Docker Container ............................................................................................................................................................................ 138
Docker Registry? ............................................................................................................................................................................. 138
DOCKER ARCHITECUTURE ............................................................................................................................................................ 139
DOCKER COMMANDS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 139
INSTALLING DOCKER ON UBUNTU ............................................................................................................................................. 142
Docker Compose .............................................................................................................................................................................. 142
HANDSON......................................................................................................................................................................................... 143
DOCKER INSTALL UBUNTU ........................................................................................................................................................... 143
Task 1 : pull centos image from hub.docker ..................................................................................................................................... 144
REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................................................................... 164

12. KUBERNATES ............................................................................................................................................ 165

INSTALL KUBERNETES CLUSTER ON UBUNTU........................................................................................................................... 171

REFETENFCES................................................................................................................................................................................... 171

13.NAGIOS ........................................................................................................................................................ 172

WHAT IS NAGIOS? ........................................................................................................................................................................... 172

NAGIOS ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................................................................................ 173

14. SPLUNK ....................................................................................................................................................... 174

COMPONENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 177

ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 180
ADDING DATA TO SPLUNK ............................................................................................................................................................ 181
START SERACHING .......................................................................................................................................................................... 182
SPL – SPLUNK PROCESSING LANGUAGE..................................................................................................................................... 184
REPORTING....................................................................................................................................................................................... 186
CREATE ALERTS............................................................................................................................................................................... 188
WORKING WITH REMOTE SERVER LOGS .................................................................................................................................... 188
Forwarder ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 189
Entraprize Splunk Architecuture .................................................................................................................................................... 190
SPLUNK IN DEVOPS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 191
SPLUNKBASE ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 191

IBM APPSCAN ................................................................................................................................................. 193

LINKS ................................................................................................................................................................ 193

ERRORS AND SOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 194

VAGRANT .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 194

3|P A G E
Software Testing
Software testing is a set of processes and tasks that take place throughout the software development
life cycle. It helps to reduce the risk of failures that may occur during operational use and, thus,
ensure the quality of the software system.

Objectives of software testing

 Preventing defects from entering the system.
 Finding defects existing in the system.
 Measuring the quality of the system.

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Yes. High deployment frequencies are possible and leading IT organizations do it today.

 FlickR - The popular image and video hosting portal deploys release updates to their
applications everyday.
 Facebook - The most used social networking site, deploys an average of 2 releases everyday.
 Amazon - The world's largest internet company by revenue, does an average of 50,000,000 code
deployments per year.

They do it with the help of DevOps.

Continuous Testing (CT): Continuous Testing is the process of executing automated tests as part of
the software delivery pipeline in order to obtain rapid feedback on the business risks associated with
a software release candidate

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PipeLines :

In this case study we will look at how DevOps was implemented for an international
telecommunications and television company. This client is one of the largest broadband internet
service providers outside of the United States

XYZ Company helped them to successfully build overall testing governance structure using DevOps

Before DevOps implementation:

With deployment frequencies as high as atleast 2 per week, it was challenging due to:

 Total integration time, from code deployment to test readiness taking 5 weeks
 Manual regression tests to test every deployment.
 Manual smoke tests required to ensure all the services are up and running on different

Tools used:

 Jenkins: For automated triggering of CI-CD pipeline processes

 Apache Subversion: For automated version control of code base and automated test scripts
 Apache Ant: For automated software build processing
 JIRA: For defect management
 Selenium: For functional test automation
 Apache Jmeter: For performance testing

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Continuous integration: The most dominant player in the ‘Three Cs’ is Continuous integration (CI)
and it’s a necessary approach for any Agile team. CI requires developers to integrate code into a
shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing
teams to detect problems early.

By integrating regularly, teams can detect errors quickly, and locate them more easily. Simply, it
ensures bugs are caught earlier in the development cycle, which makes them less expensive to fix -
and maintains a consistent quality.

Continuous delivery: Continuous delivery is the practice of streamlining/automating all the

processes leading up to deployment. This includes many steps, such as validating the quality of the
build in the previous environment (ex.: dev environment), promoting to staging, etc. These steps,
done manually, can take significant effort and time. Using cloud technologies and proper
orchestration, they can be automated.

Teams should ensure they have a monitoring dashboard for your production environment in place in
order to eliminate performance bottlenecks and respond fast to issues. This will complete an efficient
CD process.

Continuous testing: Continuous testing (CT), which can also be referred to as Continuous Quality, is
the practice of embedding and automating test activities into every “commit”. CT helps developers
use their time more efficiently when trying to fix a bug for code that was written years ago. To fix the
bug, developers should first remind themselves of which code it was, undo any code that was written
on top of the original code, and then re-test the new code; not a short process. Testing that takes
place every commit, every few hours, nightly and weekly, not only increases confidence in the
application quality, it also drives team efficiency.

11 | P A G E
2. Networking
When two or more machines are connected with each other, it is called a network and the devices in a
network are called hosts.

Your classroom computer is actually part of XYZ Company network. All the computers in XYZ
Company are connected with each other, That’s why you are able to send a mail to any XYZ Company
mail Id.

12 | P A G E
What do you think is the use of LAN cable?

LAN cable is used to transmit data to and from the computer.

The amount of data that can be transmitted in a given period of time is called Bandwidth. It is
measured in Mbps, Gbps, etc.

Type of cable Bandwidth

Twisted-Pair 100 Mbps

Fiber-Optic >10Gbps

The LAN cable starts from your desktop. Do you know where it ends?

It ends in a Switch.

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Switch has many ports. Each port can be connected with an individual network device

Check if your computer is directly connected to your friends computer. How does your data
reach his computer?

 The message you send reaches the switch. The switch sends the message to your
friends machine.
 A switch is a device which connects all the devices within a network. All your
computers are connected to a switch!

Here we can see that all the computers are connected to a single switch, like a star. The
layout of a network is called a topology and local networks use the star topology.
14 | P A G E
If your switch cannot send data beyond XYZ Company Mysore network, how can you send
data to a machine in the supermarkets network?

A router is a device which is used to connect different networks.

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Just the way a switch has ports, a router has interfaces through which other switches and
routers are connected.

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We can form a network of networks also. Internet is the largest network of networks!

Here we can see that the routers are highly interconnected, like a mesh. Such a topology is
called a Mesh topology. The mesh topology improves redundancy, as the data can reach the
destination in a different route if some link fails.


Let’s say you want to send a parcel to your friend in USA. There are millions of houses all
over the world. How can you uniquely identify your friends house?

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Just the way you can uniquely identify your friends house by the unique house address,
we can uniquely identify every device in the network by its address called the IP

Since the number of devices on the internet far exceeds the number that can be supported
by IPv4, world is gradually adopting the IPv6 system

Find your IP address by typing ipconfig -all in command prompt.

Since available IP addresses are limited, organizations allocate IP addresses to machines

temporarily and later deallocate them. A machine which does this is DHCP server. DHCP
18 | P A G E
stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

The below approach is used for trainee machines.

Find the duration of the temporary IP allocation through ipconfig -all

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Domain Name

Domain Name is a name given to an IP address or a collection of IP addresses. No two

organizations can have the same domain name.

www.XYZ is the name given to the IP address of the computer within XYZ domain, which stores the XYZ Company website

DNS (Domain Name System) Server is a machine which has a database of domain names
and the corresponding IP addresses.

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DNS is used for Resolving names into IP address

Ping is a command which checks the connectivity with a specific machine. It also gives the
IP address associated with a domain name

Your machine will check if the destination machine is within the same network.

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How can your device know if the destination IP address is within the same

If the network ID of the IP addresses are same, then it means both the
addresses are in same network.

Subnet mask is a value which is used to separate out the network ID and the
host ID.

For example, consider IP address

Subnet mask Network ID 10 10.68 10.68.190

Note: Network ID is determined by a bitwise AND operation between IP

Address and Subnet Mask.

Applying the subnet mask of, the Network ID of sender and receiver is
10.123.45. Hence, they both are in the same network.

22 | P A G E
Among all the machines in the same network how can your machine find out which is the
receiver machine?

A similar thing happens in a network also. Switch sends a broadcast message to the rest of
the devices

The machine with the IP address responds back, giving details of its MAC address. MAC is a
unique value given to a

23 | P A G E
This process is called ARP. ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
MAC – Media Access Control
A MAC address is also a unique value given to every device.

If IP address itself can uniquely identify a computer, then why do we need a MAC address?

Different unique values are meant for different purposes. For example, your employee
number though unique is relevant only within XYZ Company, whereas a unique passport
number is relevant throughout the world.

Similarly, IP and MAC are meant for different purposes.

Some uses of Mac are:

 Uniquely identify a machine when IP address is not available. For

example, a DHCP server uses MAC address to assign the IP address.
 A IP address can change, for example, when you take your laptop from
one DC to another. But, MAC is permanent. That is why it is also
called the physical address of the system.

24 | P A G E
IP Address MAC Address

Unique Unique

Example: Example: 01-23-45-67-89-ab

It can change. It is permanent. It never changes.

Used to identify the network and the device Used to identify the device

Switch does not understand IP address Switch understands only MAC address and

Now that your machine knows the MAC address of the receiver machine, it can now send
the data.

The switch has a MAC table. The MAC table has a list of port numbers and MAC addresses.
Depending on the MAC address passed, it will send information to that specific machine

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Your mobile is not connected to network through wires. Then how it is able to
send and receive data? This is done through Wi-Fi.

26 | P A G E

Start the web service from your command prompt


Call the web service from your web browser

Open another command prompt. Call the web service using python client
python 6

Open another command prompt. Call the web service using java client
java CurrencyConverter_Java_Client 6

Download Demo

Note 1: Ensure you are in the correct directory in the command prompt.

Note 2: To stop the server, press ctrl+c in the command prompt

27 | P A G E
3.Cloud Computing
Cloud computing means that all the computing hardware and software resources that you need to
process your tasks are provided for you, "as a service" over the internet, by a vendor instead of you
owning and maintaining them.

It is the responsibility of the vendor, the Cloud Service Provider (CSP), to develop, own and
maintain these resources and make them available to the consumers over the internet.

You, the consumer, need not know exactly where the resources are located and how it all works.

If you want to use an email service, you would need the hardware and software resources for

 an email server to send, receive and store your mails

 an email client to access the data and operations in your email server.

Instead, if you use a cloud based mail service like Gmail, Outlook, etc., all you need is a device, with
an app or a browser, connected to the internet

A traditional enterprise IT set up (on-premise) would consist of the following layers.

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Organisations are looking at cloud computing solutions like below

1.Infrastructure as a Service is the provisioning of IT infrastructure resources, like processors,

storage, networks, firewalls, load balancers etc., over the internet.

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2.Platform as a Service provides all of the capabilities that you need to support a complete
application lifecycle - building, testing, deploying, managing, and updating – using the same
integrated environment.

3.Software as a Service describes any cloud service where a fully functional and complete software
product is delivered to users over the internet. Instead of installing and maintaining software, you
simply access it via the Internet, freeing yourself from complex software and hardware management.

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Types of Cloud Platform plans

Each deployment model aims at addressing one or more concerns of the cloud consumer. Therefore,
it is very important that consumers prioritize their concerns before opting for a particular model.

1. Public cloud
2. Private cloud
3. Community cloud
4. Hybrid cloud

1.Public Cloud is one that is available for use by the general public. Hence, it is the most common
and popular deployment model available today. They are entirely owned, deployed, monitored, and
managed by the cloud service provider, who deliver their computing resources over the internet.

 DropBox provides storage space to the general public.
 Google provides Gmail and other cloud servers to the general public
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2. Private Cloud is available only to users within a single organization.

Concerns addressed

 Security
 Compliance
 Governance/Control
 Performance

3.A community cloud is a private cloud that is shared by two or more organizations having shared
concerns like security requirements, policy, and compliance considerations etc.

4.A hybrid cloud is a combination of two or more different cloud deployment models.

In Real-World

As a software services professional, you might get to work on cloud computing in one of the following

1. Cloud implementations
2. Cloud based developments
3. Migration projects

Though virtualization enables logical (not physical) separation of shared hardware resources, it is
only an enabler for implementing cloud and not a mandatory requirement. Physically separate
resources, like different makes and models of mobile devices, can also be hosted on cloud, without
virtualization, to be used by developers and testers.

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whenever developers create a build, testers will execute these test cases and scripts using its own
frame works and the results will be saved separately for UFT, Selenium and IDTW.

With the help of Jenkins, we can automatically call and execute all these types of test cases and test
scripts in a sequential or pipeline fashion whenever the developer pushes the code to GitHub. Also,
the results of all these scripts can be saved back to GitHub. This helps in the automatic execution of
test cases without the intervention of testers, and developers can immediately know the quality of
their code.

cd D:\DevOps
java -jar jenkins.war
admin /admin

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34 | P A G E
“Create and configure lightweight, reproducible and portable environments.”

Vagrant - the command line utility for managing the lifecycle of virtual machines

Vagrant, an open-source software product for building and maintaining portable virtual
development environments. Written in: Ruby

The Hashicorp Repository Contains More Than 10,000 Boxes !

Alternatives: Docker, CLI Tools, Terraform

Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With
an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup
time, increases production parity, and makes the "works on my machine" excuse a relic of the past.

Every developer has faced problems when it comes to setting up a development
environment. Usually the environment behaves as it should on one machine, while on another
machine it behaves differently or does not function at all.

Vagrant changes the way how developers setup their work environments and maintain them.
Vagrant makes it possible to create a configurable portable development environment easily. These
environments need to be configured in a so-called Vagrantfile to get completely configured.

In this Vagrantfile file, the developer specifies how the environment should be set up,
configured, which software should be installed and which operating system should be used. This
Vagrantfile can then be distributed among other developers who just need this file in order to set up
the same development environment on their own machine. Vagrant will then follow every step as
defined in the provided Vagrantfile and initialise the machine.

 Vagrant encourages automation to set up your development environments using shell scripts
or configuration management software.
 Vagrant allows you to work with the same operating system that is running in production,
whether your physical development machine is running Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows.

If you were to run the virtual development environment manually — without Vagrant’s help, that is —
you would have to follow these steps:

1. Download the VM image.

2. Start the VM.
3. Configure the VM’s shared directories and network interfaces.
4. Maybe install some software within the VM.

35 | P A G E
With Vagrant, all these tasks (and many more) are automated. The command $ vagrant up can do the
following (depending on the configuration file):

• Automatically download and install a VM, if necessary

• Boot the VM
• Configure various resources: RAM, CPUs, network connections, and shared folders
• Install additional software within the VM by using tools such as Puppet, Chef,
 Ansible, and Salt

Vagrant sits on top of existing and well-known virtualization solutions such as VirtualBox, VMWare
Workstation, VMWare Fusion, and Hyper-V; and provides a unified and simple command-line
interface to manage VMs. To work with Vagrant, you have to install at least one provider

In Vagrant terminology, a provider is a software virtualization solution such as VirtualBox, VMWare

Fusion, or VMWare Workstation.

$ vagrant init [url]
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant halt
$ vagrant destroy [--force]
$ vagrant reload
$ vagrant ssh
$ vagrant status

36 | P A G E
Set the Proxy on cmdline
set http_proxy=
set https_proxy=

1. Download the free VirtualBox for your operating system from the VirtualBox website.
2. After download, just run the binary and install it.
3. Download Vagrant.
4. Again, just run the binary to install it.

2.Vagrant is a command-line based tool. Once installation is complete, open a console window and
create a new directory called 'vagrant_intro’ to workwith new Vegrant baox
cd ~
mkdir vagrant_intro
cd vagrant_intro

3. To add a box, goto box repository: Run this command:

$ vagrant box add <name>
$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
This will download the box named "hashicorp/precise64" from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud box
catalog .

In the above command, you will notice that boxes are namespaced. Boxes are broken down into two
parts - the username and the box name - separated by a slash

4.To create an environment, inside your folder run init command, it will create ‘vagrantfile’
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

It will downloads the Ubuntu Box into our local mechine, we can check the downloaded Box by going
this location Windows : C:\Users\<Username>\.vagrant.d\boxes Linux/Mac: ~/.vagrant.d/boxes

The generated 'Vagrantfile' is a Ruby file that controls your [one or more] virtual machines.
A 'Vagrantfile' has been placed in this directory. You are now ready to 'vagrant up' your
first virtual environment! Please read the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as
documentation on'' for more information on using Vagrant.

5.Start the Environmet

$ vagrant up

37 | P A G E
6. connect to Environment
$ vagrant ssh

To Set Shared folder, edit vagrantfile as

config.vm.synced_folder "D:\\DevOps\\Instl\\VagrantBoxes\\SyncFolder", "/vagrant"
we named our syncd folder as “vagrant”, you can find the files in Syncfolder by going /vagrant/

Ubuntu Install
sudo apt-get install vagrant

2.Complete log

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant$ mkdir centos

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant$ cd centos/

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant/centos$ vagrant box add centos/7

==> box: Loading metadata for box &apos;centos/7&apos;

box: URL:

This box can work with multiple providers! The providers that it

can work with are listed below. Please review the list and choose

the provider you will be working with.

1) hyperv

2) libvirt

3) virtualbox

4) vmware_desktop

Enter your choice: 3

38 | P A G E
==> box: Adding box &apos;centos/7&apos; (v1804.02) for provider: virtualbox

box: Downloading:

==> box: Successfully added box &apos;centos/7&apos; (v1804.02) for &apos;virtualbox&apos;!

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant/centos$ ls

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant/centos$ vagrant init centos/7A

`Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. You are now

ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! Please read

the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on

`` for more information on using Vagrant.

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant/centos$ vagrant up

Bringing machine &apos;default&apos; up with &apos;virtualbox&apos; provider...

==> default: Importing base box &apos;centos/7&apos;...

==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...

==> default: Checking if box &apos;centos/7&apos; is up to date...

==> default: Setting the name of the VM: centos_default_1537980466397_98016

==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...

==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...

default: Adapter 1: nat

==> default: Forwarding ports...

default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)

==> default: Booting VM...

==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...

default: SSH address:

default: SSH username: vagrant

default: SSH auth method: private key

default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...


default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace

default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.

39 | P A G E

default: Inserting generated public key within guest...

default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it&apos;s present...

default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...

==> default: Machine booted and ready!

==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...

default: No guest additions were detected on the base box for this VM! Guest

default: additions are required for forwarded ports, shared folders, host only

default: networking, and more. If SSH fails on this machine, please install

default: the guest additions and repackage the box to continue.


default: This is not an error message; everything may continue to work properly,

default: in which case you may ignore this message.

==> default: Rsyncing folder: /home/satya/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant/centos/ => /vagrant


satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/vagrant/centos$ vagrant ssh

CentOS Default username/passwd is root/vagrant

Save:, run on terminal

/* this is the box (and the version) that we want to download from: */

wget -

/* add the box to vagrant */

vagrant box add debian/jessie64

40 | P A G E
/* update box version */

cd ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/debian-VAGRANTSLASH-jessie64/

mv 0 8.9.0

/* create metadata_url file */

echo -n "" > metadata_url

/* show vagrant boxes */

vagrant box list

Installation :

6. Microsoft Azure

Tisco, an IT and networking firm, develops, manufactures and sells networking hardwares to markets
across globe. The organization is currently maintaining their own infrastructure but due to the
massive growth of the organization in the global market, the organization is more keen towards
increasing the manufacturing unit rather than expanding the existing infrastructure. Some of the
challenges faced by the current infrastructure are as follows:

1. Exponential data growth is demanding more storage space resulting more maintenance cost.
2. Often resulting in application/database downtime while upgrading the server because of
demanding resource.
3. 24*7 power supply and manpower is required hence adding to the cost.
4. Taking periodic backups of the critical servers and recovering it during fail over is complex.

In order to overcome the above challenges, Tisco has decided to gradually move some of their new
deployments to Microsoft Azure.

41 | P A G E
Azure Introduction
Microsoft Azure is Microsoft's public cloud offering with a wide set of cloud services that gives
the flexibility to build, manage and deploy infrastructure and application on a massive, global
network using diverse technology and frameworks.

Azure service offerings fall into all the three categories:

 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS offers virtualized servers and network infrastructure
components so that users can easily provision and decommission as required
 Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS offers resources/platform on which developers can build
their own solutions.
 Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS offers complete software applications that are delivered as a
cloud-based service. SaaS basically enables the users to easily access applications without the
need to install them.

1.Creating Azure Account

1.Log on to Azure site and click on the "Start Free" button.

2. Create a Microsoft live id(For example, Outlook, hotmail, etc.)

3. Once you log in, fill in the required details

4. Access the Portal. Your portal is as follows.

5.To Launch Azure in powershell , run following commands

Install-Module Azure
Import-Module Azure

6.It will asks for email/password , once connect – it will show the Azure Account details
PS C:\windows\system32> Add-AzureAccount
Id Type Subscriptions Tenants
-- ---- ------------- ------- User 197d6fbd-41b4-4 {bc2fc351-2b4d-}
PS C:\windows\system32>

7.To Know all subscription deatils , use - Get-AzureSubscription

42 | P A G E
8.To run powershell scripts we must ByPass the ExecutionPolicy as below


The infrastructure of an application on Azure is made up of many components like virtual machine,
storage account, web app, etc. Some of the terminologies used to referring these components are as

Resource: Resource in Azure are manageable items that are present in Azure, such as, virtual
machines, networks, databases, web app etc

Resource groups : Resource group is a logical container that holds related resources for an entire
application. While creating/deploying resources on Azure, you have to specify the resource group
that has to be used for storing the resource.

Resource provider: Resource provider is a service that supplies the resources which you can deploy
and manage through Resource Manager. For example, Microsoft.compute is one of the common
resource provider which supplies virtual machine resource.

Some benefits of Resource Manager

 Deploy, manage, and monitor all the resources for a solution as a group
 Define the dependencies between resources to deploy them in the correct order.
 Organization's billing is transparent with the help of tags.
 Deploy solutions consistently throughout the development life cycle.

1.Log in to the Azure portal.

2.Navigate to the "Resource group" option towards the left pane.

3:Click the "Add" option in the top middle pane to create a new resource group.

Fill in the details as follows:

 Resource group name: tisco-rg
 Subscription: Free trial
 Resource group location: East US
43 | P A G E
You will observe that the resource group tisco-rg created as below

Tisco Project Raodmap

Tisco has decided to gradually migrate their existing infrastructure and also the new deployments to
Microsoft Azure.

44 | P A G E
You will be performing the following tasks to achieve this

45 | P A G E
Azure Storage
Requirement : Tisco has huge amount of data stored in their file servers and in other object storages.
As a part of their migration plan, Tisco wants to move the data to a storage which
can accomodate terabytes of unstructured data.

Solution : Azure storage account can be used to store huge amount of data as files and also
as objects.

Azure Storage provides data storage solution on cloud. It is highly scalable, elastic, globally
accessible and automatically load-balances application-data based on traffic.

Azure Storage provides the following services:

 Table: Stores NoSQL data as key-attribute pair
 Blob: Stores unstructured object data on Azure like images, videos, documents
 Queue: Provides a reliable messaging solution for asynchronous communication between loosely
coupled application components
 File: Offers file shares in the cloud using the standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol

You can choose one of the following replication options:

 Locally Redundant Storage (LRS): Maintains three copies of data within the same data
center in a single region

 Geo Redundant Storage (GRS): Maintains six copies of data, three copies in the primary
region and three copies in the secondary region

 Read-Access Geo Redundant Storage (RA GRS): Similar to GRS. Only read permissions
assigned to the data stored in secondary region

Step 1: Log in to the Azure portal.

Step 2: Navigate to the "Resource group" and open the tisco-rg and "Add" , search for "Storage
account", click on it & create

Step 3: Fill in the details as follows and Click on "Create":

 Storage Account Name: tiscostore
 Location: East US
 Replication: LRS
 Resource group: tisco-rg

46 | P A G E
Azure Virtual Network (VNet)
Azure Virtual Network (VNet) is a representation of a network in the cloud. It enables Azure Virtual
machines to communicate with each other, the internet and the on-premises network. Virtual
Networks can be segmented into multiple Subnets

Azure Virtual Network provides the following key capabilities:

 Isolation and segmentation: Within each Azure subscription and Azure region multiple
virtual networks can be configured. Each virtual network is isolated from other virtual
 Communicate with the internet: By default, all resources in a virtual network can
communicate outbound to the internet. For inbound communication with a resource, a public
IP address(A public IP address is a resource with its own configurable settings) has to be
assigned to it.
 Communicate between Azure resources: Azure resources communicate securely with each
 Communicate with on-premises resources: Azure VNet's can be integrated with on-
premises resources.
 Filter network traffic: Inbound and out bound traffic through Azure VNet an be customized
 Route network traffic: Azure routes traffic between subnets, connected virtual networks, on-
premises networks, and the Internet, by default. Traffic can be routed with azure route table
or it can also be user defined

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IP addresses can be assigned to Azure resources so as to communicate with other Azure resources,
with the on-premises network and the internet. IP addresses can be of two types in Azure

Step 1: Login to Azure Portal.

Step 2:Create a new resource by navigating to "Create a resource".

Step 3:Provide the parameters for creating the Azure Virtual Network as follows.
Name: tisconet
Address space:
Resource group: tisco-rg
Location: East US
Subnet: default

Step 4:You will observe that the Azure Virtual Network is created as below.

Azure Virtual Machines

Azure Virtual Machines gives you the flexibility of virtualization without having to buy and maintain
the physical hardware that runs it.

Azure Compute
Hardware / Resoures required to run our code

48 | P A G E
We have following Azure Compute Options

1.Virtual Machines
 Linux or Windows
 Prebuilt images
 Varying sizes
 Premium Storage
 You manage the operating system

 Lightweight application hosts
 Chain images together
 Docker client support on Windows

3.Cloud Services
 Web / Worker Roles
 Package application code
 Declared target operating system
 Azure Service Fabric managed

4.web apps
 Web application code
 IIS hosting at scale
 Source control integration for CI
 Web Jobs for background processing

49 | P A G E
7. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Cloud computing offers dynamic provisioning of resources based on demand, on a pay-as-you-use
pricing. Instead of physical servers, cloud computing helps to spin out virtual servers. With dynamic
scaling and load balancing features of cloud, long term planning is not necessary.

Why Cloud?'s Great Indian Festival or Flipkart's Big Billion Day, they also declare intermittent offer

50 | P A G E
51 | P A G E
Continuous Delivery and Cloud

52 | P A G E
 AWS - Compute and Network Services
 AWS - Storage and Database Services
 AWS – Cloud management Systems
 GCP - Storage and Database Services
 GCP - Compute and Network Services

1. History

Amazon Web Services(AWS) is a low cost cloud service platform from Amazon, which provides
services such as compute, storage, networking, CDN services etc to users. All AWS services are
exposed as web services accessible from any where, any time, on a pay per use pricing model.

AWS services can be managed through a web based management console, command line interface
(CLI) or software development kits (SDK). With AWS, you can provision resources in seconds and
build applications without upfront capital investment.

53 | P A G E
 is a physical location spread across globe to host your data
 In each region, there will be atleast two availability zones for fault tolerance
 Regions are completely separate from one another
 Enterprises can choose to have their data in a specific region

Availability zones
 Availability zones are anologous to clusters of datacenters
 Availability zones are connected through redundant low-latency links
 These AZs offer scalable, fault tolerant and highly-available architecture

Most of the AWS services are region dependent and only a few are region independent. Few services
may not be available in all the regions. So, while determining a region to push the workloads, the
following parameters to be considered.

 Availability of required services

 Cost
 Latency
 Security&Compliance
 Service Level Agreements(SLAs)

54 | P A G E
55 services currently available from AWS.The following are the various categories of services offered
by Amazon Web Services (AWS).

55 | P A G E
AWS CLI: AWS Command Line Interface

AWS CLI: Made for Operations Engineers morethan Developers

 Great for Shell Scripting
 Feature Complete with Console & SDKs
 Interact with Any Service

AWS SDK: Software Development Kits

AWS provides SDK’s for all programming languages for implementing application inside AWS. For
example the AWS SDK for Java is a collection of tools for developers creating Java-based Web apps to
run on Amazon cloud components such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon SimpleDB

Some of the AWS SDK api’s are

 Java
 .Net
 Node.js., etc

AWS Access Key gives access for SDK & CLI

Example : Pizza Application

 Nodejs
 Application Hosting > EC2
 Images/Assets in website > S3
 User Registrtions Database > RDS
 User Sessions Storage Cache > ElastiCache
 Saving Pizza’s NoSQL Db > DynamoDB

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Installing AWS Commandline Interface

1. Go to follow the installation steps on right side menu, in windows it is

Download and run the 64-bit or 32-bitWindows installer.

2.After installation check by running >aws –version command on cmd

C:\Users\kaveti_S>aws --version
aws-cli/1.16.17 Python/3.6.0 Windows/10 botocore/1.12.7

3. Creating and Initializing an AWS Account

 go to & Sign into Console

4. An AWS Access Key is required for configure the CLI in local system& SDK
 Top menu > Your name > Security Credencials >Continue to Security Credencials
 Expand AccessKeys > Create New Access Key > Copy & Download file(rootkey.csv)
Secret Access Key :TzSnFtUwpDtpp1y2JaZvldeDbw9Ujv7ugopOM1S7

5.Configure CLI In Local System

 Type “aws configure” on command prompt & provide required details

 To test the configuration use, aws ec2 describe-instances

3. CloudWatch & IAM

57 | P A G E

Cloudwatch is a Service to set alarms based on Service metric thresholds. That means send
a notification when a perticlar event is occurred using Simple Notification Service(SNS).

Examples of CloudWatch Alarm Actions

 Send Notification via SNS
 Trigger AutoScaling Action
 Trigger EC2 Action

1. Set Region as US East (N. vergina)

2.Go to services, select SimpleNotificationService(SNS) > Getting Strarted

3. Create New Topic > Topic Name: admin_email ; Display Name : Email SNS

58 | P A G E
4.Subscriptions > Create Subscription > Protocal : Email, EndPoint:

5.A confirmation mail is sen to your mail id. Check & Confirm subscription.

1.Go To Top Menu > Your name > My Billing DashBorad > Preferences > Check[] box for

2.Go to Services > Cloudwatch > Left Menu : Alarams > Create Alaram

 Select metric > Total Estimated Charge > Check USD >Set Alaram Threshold

 Set Actions & create Alaram

3.Refresh it, Billing alaram is created

59 | P A G E
2.IAM - Identity & Access Management

Identity & Access Management (IAM) Service to configure authentication and access for user accounts

By using IAM, we can manage

 Passwords
 Multi-Factor Authentication
 Access Keys
 SSH Keys

Multi-Factor Authentication(MFA)
Authentication that requires more than one factor to authenticate

1.Go to Top > Your name > My Security Credencials > Select : Multi-factor Authentication > Activate

2.Select [.] Virtual device(Your Smartphone) & install AWS MFA-compatible app on the smartphone.
So Install MFA apps like Google Authenticator, open it.

3.Scan the QR code using the App, add the two Conseqgutiive keys from app & Finish

4.Signout from aws, try to re-login, it will asks for MFA code. That’s it!!

IAM Policy
Used to manage perimissions for different groups

Root Account Permissions

 Administer all services
 Modify billing information
 Manage users

60 | P A G E
IAM Policy Statement Properties
 Effect : “Allow”or“Deny”
 Action: Operation user can perform on services
 Resource : Specific Resources user can perform action on

To check go to My Security Credencials > Policies > Check AdministratorAccess

1.To Create user, Go to Servies > IAM >Add User > username:[ ] > Create User

2.To Add user to Group, Add new Group> Choose Group name > Add

3.It will create Access Keys for user, go to command line add user keys to system

Password Policy
 Require at least one uppercase letter
 Require at least one lowercase letter
 Require at least one number
 Require at least one non-alphanumeric character
 Allow users to change their own password

To set these options Go to My Security > Account Settings > Password Policy

Iam > Users > user : smlcodes > Security credentials Tab > Console password : Manage

IAM users sign-in link:

61 | P A G E
Finally we completed with Security Things

4. EC2 & Virtual Mechines

Amazon EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) provides users with the means of creating instances. These
instances are virtual machines that are created on the AWS infrastructure.

The EC2 provides users with the opportunity to choose among several varieties of operating systems,
RAMs and CPUs.

You can imagine EC2 as a computer which is maintained by someone else.

1.Virtual Private Cloud

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) enables you to launch Amazon Web Services (AWS)
resources into a virtual network that you've defined.

A "Virtual Private Cloud" is a sub-cloud inside the AWS public cloud. Sub-cloud means it is inside an
isolated logical network. Other servers can't see instances that are inside a VPC. It is like a vlan AWS
infrastructure inside a vlan.

62 | P A G E
We are now going to create below archetecutre in AWS

1.Go to Sevices > Search > VPC

2.Click on VPC > Create VPC > fill details & Create

3. VPC is created Successfully.

Now VPC is just created, but for instances of the VPC has no access with Internet by default. We
need to configure Routing table for the Internet access.

63 | P A G E
4.To Configure VPC, Go to VPC > Left: Your VPC’s > Select : Pizza VPC > Summary: Routetable

By Clicking Route Table link, it will open new tab, and select Route Table Id > Routes Tab

5.Next, Create Subnet, VPN >Left: Subnet > Create Subnet

64 | P A G E
6.Next, create Route Table, VPN >Left: Route Table > Create Route Table

7.To access Internet, we must create Internet gateway : Internet gateways > Create internet gateway

8.To add Internet gateway to VPC, go to subnets > Pizza-Public-Subnet>Routing table > Edit > add
another route & save details

8.So now we need to create another subnet in different region for replica purpose.

 Go to VPCs > Edit CIDRs > Add IPv4 CIDR > > save
 Go to VPC > Subnets > Create subnet > Fill Details > Save

65 | P A G E
2.Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2)

EC2 is a webservice that enables you to launch and manage Linux/Unix/Windows operating system
instances in Amazon data centers.

1.EC2 Instance Parameters

 Memory
 Storage
 Network

2.EC2 popular OS’s

 Linux (Amazon, Red Hat, Ubuntu, etc)
 Windows

3. Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

 Operating System which is installed on EC2 is called as AMI
 Operating System + Software installed on EC2 instance
 Examples of AMI are
 Anti-Virus Scanners Network Firewall
 Business Intelligence Software

EC2 requires Storage space for Uploding & Saving files. For that they provide default service as
“Elastic Block Store”

4.Elastic Block Store

66 | P A G E
 Independent storage volumes used with EC2 instances

Go to Services > EC2 > Create Instance >Launch Instance.

1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

2: Choose an Instance Type

67 | P A G E
3: Configure Instance Details

4: Add Storage

5: Configure Security Group & Launch

All Traffic

6: Important !! Download Key pairs

1.Download Our Application code , extract it , navigate to the extracted location from cmdline

2.Install npm packages & Start npm

68 | P A G E
3.Go to EC2 > Running Instances > Click : 1 Running Instances, see there is no Public DNS (IPv4)

4.To connect with our EC2 instance form our local machine, we need to configuere Public DNS(Public
IP Address).

5.Elastic IP instace will manages the Public IP addresses that are creation, destroyed, and assigned.

 EC2 > Left: NETWORK & SECURITY > Elastic IPs > Allocate new address > Create
 Now, Select Elastic IP > Actions > Associate Address > Click Associate

 If you check the Public ip Address in running instances, it is not empty !

69 | P A G E
1.Open PuttyGen > Load > Select Perm key > Save Private Key

2. Open Putty, Host : Enter Public DNS (IPv4)

3.Connection > SSH > Auth > Locate Prieve key

1. Installing node.js on Instance

sudo yem update
curl –location | sudo bash -
sudo yum -y install nodejs
node -v

2.Using WinScp, move PizzaApp code to /PizzaApp folder & run following commands
npm install
npm start

3. Scalling Application

EC2 > Actions > Image > Create Image > [Done]

To view Created image : Go to Images > AMI

Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers. This ensures no
single server bears too much demand. By spreading the work evenly, load balancing improves
application responsiveness

70 | P A G E
Creating Load Balancer for PizzaApp

1.EC2 > left : LOAD BALANCING > Load Balancer > Create Load Balancer

5. S3 (Simple Storage Service)

S3 stores data in the form of Objects in the Region you specify

S3 Object = File + Metadata; S3 Bucket = Collection of Objects

71 | P A G E
S3 Bucket Example
 Bucket Name: pizza-luvrs
 Region: Oregon
 URL:

S3 Object Key Example

Path & filename is considered as KEY, key is unique
 Filename: dog.png
 Folder Name: images
 Object Key: images/dog.png

1.S3 > Create Bucket > Name : pizzaimgs

2.Add prtmissions to make this bucket as public. For this use & Copy JSON

3.Go to S3 Bucket > Permissions > Bucket Policy : Paste JSON > save

72 | P A G E
6. Databases (RDS & DynamoDB)
Relational Database Service

Managed database instances in AWS running on EC2

 Software Upgrades
 Nightly Database Backups
 Monitoring

RDS Backups
Multi-AZ Deployment Database replication to different Availability Zone
Automatic failover in case of catastrophic event
 Occurs daily
 Configurable backup window
 Backups stored 1 - 35 days
 Restore database from backup

RDS Database Options

1.Services > RDS > Create DataBase > Ex. PostgreSQL >

7. CloudFormation
CloudFormation allows you to use a simple text file to model and provision, in an automated and
secure manner, all the resources needed for your applications across all regions and accounts. This
file serves as the single source of truth for your cloud environment.

73 | P A G E
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
1.AWS Certified DevOps Engineer: Continuous Delivery and Automation

1.AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private
Git repositories. AWS CodeCommit eliminates the need for you to manage your own source control
system or worry about scaling its infrastructure. You can use AWS CodeCommit to store anything
from code to binaries.
>Get-AWSCredentials -ListProfiles
>Set-AWSCredentials -AccessKey AKIAJBJRAI3S3TZEETFA -SecretKey yGD05dNukCMt+oQw+so5
-StoreAs codecommit
>cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\AWS Tools\CodeCommit\'
> .\git-credential-AWSS4.exe -p codecommit

74 | P A G E
IAM Sign in URL : user/123abc****@

To create Repository
Services > CodeCommit > Create Repo > Name : “FirstRepo” > Create

Clone Repo:
git clone

2. AWS CodeDeploy
Code :

3.AWS CodePipeline

75 | P A G E

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5.Elastic BeanStalk

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AWS OpsWorks is a configuration management service that helps you build and operate highly
dynamic applications, and propagate changes instantly.

7. CloudWatch

80 | P A G E
Software testing is a set of processes and tasks that take place throughout the software development
life cycle. It helps to reduce the risk of failures that may occur during operational use and, thus,
ensure the quality of the software system.

Objectives of software testing

 Preventing defects from entering the system.

 Finding defects existing in the system.
 Measuring the quality of the system.

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8. Chef - Automate IT Infrastructure

83 | P A G E
Signup for HostedChef / > Get Chef

2.After Vefify email, set password

3.Create new Organization

Chef is a configuration management tool. Trying to coordinate the work of multiple system
administrators and developers involving hundreds, or even thousands, of servers and applications to
support a large customer base is complex and typically requires the support of a tool.

Examples of modern IT configuration management tools are CFEngine, Puppet, the Desired State
Configuration engine in Microsoft Windows, Ansible, SaltStack, and of course, Chef.

84 | P A G E

 The Chef DK workstation is the location where users interact with Chef. On the workstation
users author and test cookbooks using tools such as Test Kitchen and interact with the Chef server
using the knife and chefcommand line tools.
 The Chef server acts as a hub for configuration data. The Chef server stores cookbooks, the
policies that are applied to nodes, and metadata that describes each registered node that is being
managed by Chef.
 Chef client nodes are the machines that are managed by Chef. The Chef client is installed on
each node and is used to configure the node to its desired state.

85 | P A G E
Once you master Chef, you can use it to
 Fully automate deployments, including internal development and end-user systems
 Automate scaling of infrastructure
 Make your infrastructure self-healing

1. download an Ubuntu 14.04 box using vagrant. To create an environment, inside your folder run init
command, it will create ‘vagrantfile’
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

2.Navigate to vagrantfile creaged folder & Start the Environmet

$ vagrant up

3. connect to Environment
$ vagrant ssh

4. Install the Chef DK on your Ubuntu instance

The Chef DK provides tools that enable you to manage your servers remotely from your workstation.
But it also provides tools that allow you to configure a machine directly.

To use proxy : sudo http_proxy= apt-get update

86 | P A G E
Check CURL installation
sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get -y install curl

To Set Shared folder, edit vagrantfile as

config.vm.synced_folder "D:\\DevOps\\Instl\\VagrantBoxes\\SyncFolder", "/vagrant"
we named our syncd folder as “vagrant”, you can find the files in Syncfolder by going /vagrant/

3. Install ChefDK:

sudo http_proxy= apt-get update

sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo dpkg -i chefdk_*.deb

1.Downloaded chefdk in Normal ubuntu System & installed

2.Check chef -v version details

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef$ chef -v
Chef Development Kit Version: 3.2.30
chef-client version: 14.4.56
delivery version: master (6862f27aba89109a9630f0b6c6798efec56b4efe)
berks version: 7.0.6
kitchen version: 1.23.2
inspec version: 2.2.70

1.Creating Recipe in Chef

Chef writen in Ruby. Now we are going to create a recipe “hello.rb” , here .rb is Ruby extension
Collection of Recipes are called CookBoook

1.Create chef_repo folder, go into it

87 | P A G E
2.Create a resource in System using Chef
create hello.rb file inside chef_repo
file 'motd' do
content 'Hello, World'

3.Apply recipe to Current System.

The above Code means, create a resorce(fille) with name “motd” with content as “hello world”
By executing chef-apply hello.rd, Chef will create a new file in our current infrasrure system
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ chef-apply hello.rb
Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* file[motd] action create
- create new file motd
- update content in file motd from none to 03675a
--- motd 2018-09-26 22:42:58.885793277 +0530
+++ ./.chef-motd20180926-23053-ysyfqd 2018-09-26 22:42:58.885793277 +0530
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+Hello, World
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ ls
hello.rb motd

4.Here chef is idempotent, that means multiple changes won’t change the result.
It we change the hello.rd file, chef wont consider the changes until we apply changes

5.Delete file, using action

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ gedit hello.rb

file 'motd' do

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ chef-apply hello.rb

Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* file[motd] action delete
- delete file motd
Complete Log

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ gedit hello.rb

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ cat hello.rb
file &apos;motd&apos; do
content &apos;Hello, World&apos;

88 | P A G E
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ ls
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ chef-apply hello.rb
Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* file[motd] action create
- create new file motd
- update content in file motd from none to 03675a
--- motd 2018-09-26 22:42:58.885793277 +0530
+++ ./.chef-motd20180926-23053-ysyfqd 2018-09-26 22:42:58.885793277 +0530
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
+Hello, World
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ ls
hello.rb motd
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ gedit hello.rb
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ chef-apply hello.rb
Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* file[motd] action delete
- delete file motd

2. Chef : Recipes

In above ex, we just created a file as a resorce in host mechine. Now go to more advance install
Softtware as a pkg in host machine
 Apache2 pkg should install in host mechine
 Apache2 Should enable & Auto Start
 Create index.html, & make it as apache Homepage

1.edit hello.rd to perform above 3 steps on host system

package 'apache2'

service 'apache2' do
action[:enable, :start]

file '/var/www/html/index.html' do
content '<h1>Hello, Chef!!</h1>'

2.Do chef-apply
Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ sudo chef-apply hello.rb
[sudo] password for satya:
Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* apt_package[apache2] action install

- install version 2.4.29-1ubuntu4.1 of package apache2

89 | P A G E
* service[apache2] action enable (up to date)
* service[apache2] action start (up to date)
* file[/var/www/html/index.html] action create
- update content in file /var/www/html/index.html from b66332 to c0086c
--- /var/www/html/index.html 2018-09-26 23:24:20.577635660 +0530
+++ /var/www/html/.chef-index20180926-27935-qxmg32.html 2018-09-26
23:24:28.713710303 +0530
@@ -1,376 +1,2 @@
Cross Checking
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ sudo chef-apply hello.rb
Recipe: (chef-apply cookbook)::(chef-apply recipe)
* apt_package[apache2] action install (up to date)
* service[apache2] action enable (up to date)
* service[apache2] action start (up to date)
* file[/var/www/html/index.html] action create (up to date)

3.Staring apache Server

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ service apache2

4.Test by going :

Or using Curl
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef_repo$ curl localhost
<h1>Hello, Chef!!</h1>

3. Chef : Cookbooks

We are creating cookbooks folder, for working

satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/cookbooks$ PS1=’\W>’;

shorten file path in terminal PS1='\W> '

90 | P A G E
To generate CookBook Syntax is
chef generate cookbook <Cookbook_Name>

1.Createing Apache Cookbook

cookbooks> chef generate cookbook chef_apache2

Here a folder is created inside /cookbooks withthe name chef_apache2

cookbooks> ls
cookbooks> cd chef_apache2/
chef_apache2> tree
├── Berksfile
├── chefignore
├── metadata.rb
├── recipes
│ └── default.rb
├── spec
│ ├── spec_helper.rb
│ └── unit
│ └── recipes
│ └── default_spec.rb
└── test
└── integration
└── default
└── default_test.rb

7 directories, 10 files

2.Create a Template called index.html in chef_apache2 cookbook

chef generate template chef_apache2 index.html

Recipe: code_generator::template
* directory[./chef_apache2/templates] action create
- create new directory ./chef_apache2/templates
* template[./chef_apache2/templates/index.html.erb] action create
- create new file ./chef_apache2/templates/index.html.erb
- update content in file ./chef_apache2/templates/index.html.erb from none to
here new folder (template) inside chef_apache2 and places index.html inside template folder
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/cookbooks/chef_apache2$ tree
├── Berksfile
├── chefignore
├── metadata.rb
91 | P A G E
├── recipes
│ └── default.rb
├── spec
│ ├── spec_helper.rb
│ └── unit
│ └── recipes
│ └── default_spec.rb
├── templates
│ └── index.html.erb
└── test
└── integration
└── default
└── default_test.rb

3.Write “hello world” inside index.html

chef_apache2$ gedit templates/index.html.erb

4.edit recipe file recipes/default.rb to perform below 3 steps on host system

 Apache2 pkg should install in host mechine
 Apache2 Should enable & Auto Start
 Create index.html, & make it as apache Homepage

chef_apache2$ gedit recipes/default.rb

package 'apache2'

service 'apache2' do
action [:enable, :start]

template '/var/www/html/index.html' do
source 'index.html.erb'

5.Applay Cookbook to local System

sudo chef-client --local-mode --runlist ‘recipe[chef_apache2]’;
[sudo] password for satya:
[2018-09-27T20:53:43+05:30] WARN: No config file found or specified on command line,
using command line options.
Starting Chef Client, version 14.4.56
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["chef_apache2"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
- chef_apache2 (0.1.0)
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...
Converging 3 resources
92 | P A G E
Recipe: chef_apache2::default
* apt_package[apache2] action install (up to date)
* service[apache2] action enable (up to date)
* service[apache2] action start (up to date)
* template[/var/www/html/index.html] action create
- update content in file /var/www/html/index.html from c0086c to 95dfba
--- /var/www/html/index.html 2018-09-26 23:24:28.713710303 +0530
+++ /var/www/html/.chef-index20180927-5228-95sw5q.html 2018-09-27
20:53:46.556287854 +0530
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-<h1>Hello, Chef!!</h1>
+Hello Satya

Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 1/4 resources updated in 03 seconds
Check Apache Homepage
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef$ curl localhost
Hello Satya

4. CookBooks + Chef Server + Nodes

So far we did changes on local system only.
Now we are going to execute our cookbooks in Hosted Nodes through Chef server
| Chef | ---------- Node 1
[CookBooks] ----> | Server | ---------- Node 2
(Programmer Mechine) | | --------- Node 3

Chef Server : Create Online Chef server

1.Create Chef server by going Hosted Chef Server - Manage Chef

2.Login to Chef Server :

3.Administration > Oraganization >smlcodes > Actions > Starter Kit > Download Starter Kit

4.Extract Downloaded zip (Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef-starter)

93 | P A G E
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef-starter$ tree
└── chef-repo
├── cookbooks
│ ├── chefignore
│ └── starter
│ ├── attributes
│ │ └── default.rb
│ ├── files
│ │ └── default
│ │ └── sample.txt
│ ├── metadata.rb
│ ├── recipes
│ │ └── default.rb
│ └── templates
│ └── default
│ └── sample.erb
└── roles
└── starter.rb

10 directories, 8 files

5. where all the user created cookbooks are stored.

For example Search for learn_chef_apache2,

going to use above cookbook in this example

6. Download cookbook using Knife

i. Go to /DevOps/chef/chef-starter/chef-repo & run knife command to download cookbook.


knife cookbook site download learn_chef_apache2

Downloading learn_chef_apache2 from Supermarket at version 0.3.0 to

Cookbook saved: /home/satya/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef-starter/chef-

ii.Exatract tar file to cookbooks folder

94 | P A G E
satya@satya-Aspire-E5-523:~/Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef-starter/chef-repo$ ls
cookbooks learn_chef_apache2-0.3.0.tar.gz roles


tar -zxxvf learn_chef_apache2-0.3.0.tar.gz -C cookbooks


After Extraction remove .tar file

rm -rf learn_chef_apache2-0.3.0.tar.gz

Check learn_chef_apache2/recipes/default.rb it contains same code we configue before

apt_update 'Update the apt cache daily' do
frequency 86_400
action :periodic

package 'apache2'

service 'apache2' do
supports :status => true
action [:enable, :start]

template '/var/www/html/index.html' do
source 'index.html.erb'

7.Upload CookBook to Chef Server

go to Desktop/DevOps/chef/chef-starter/chef-repo folder & upload cookbook to chef server
chef-repo> knife cookbook upload learn_chef_apache2
Uploading learn_chef_apache2 [0.3.0]
Uploaded 1 cookbook.

8.Check Uploaded CookBook in server > policy tab

95 | P A G E
Now we are going to manage our nodes throgh Chef Server

Nodes : Manage Nodes using Chef server

We have two nodes created using vagrant, up them[vagrant up, vagrant ssh]
1. Ubuntu : vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:
2. CentOS : [vagrant@localhost ~]$

IpAddress : check ip’s by ping <ip>

change the password using sudo passwd ubuntu (by default ubuntu user has sudo-permissions
with NOPASSWD set)

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64" "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 5555 "public_network"

1) wlp3s0 --> choose this

2) enp2s0f1

Ubuntu : 5555
 IpAddrees -
 Username/pwd - ubuntu/ ubuntu

96 | P A G E
 IpAddrees - inet
 Username/pwd - root / vagrant

1.Working with Ubuntu Node (

1.Go to Clinet workstation coomandline


2.Boostrap Node1 – Ubuntu & run cookbook on Node1

chef-repo> knife bootstrap --ssh-user ubuntu --ssh-password ubuntu --sudo
--use-sudo-password --node-name cnode1 --run-list
Node cnode1 exists, overwrite it? (Y/N) y
Client cnode1 exists, overwrite it? (Y/N) y
Creating new client for cnode1
Creating new node for cnode1
Connecting to -----> Existing Chef installation detected Starting the first Chef Client run... Starting Chef Client, version 11.8.2 resolving cookbooks for run list: ["learn_chef_apache2"] Synchronizing Cookbooks: - learn_chef_apache2 Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 3 resources Recipe: learn_chef_apache2::default * package[apache2] action install - install version 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.20 of package apache2 * service[apache2] action enable - enable service service[apache2] * service[apache2] action start (up to date) * template[/var/www/html/index.html] action create - update content in file /var/www/html/index.html from 538f31 to
ef4ffd --- /var/www/html/index.html 2018-09-27 18:46:21.787423744
+0000 +++ /tmp/chef-rendered-template20180927-2085-27sx61 2018-
09-27 18:46:35.617936153 +0000 @@ -1,379 +1,6 @@

3.Now we can check, knife automatically register Ubuntu Node1 , with Chef Server

97 | P A G E
4.Go To Node1-Ubuntu Terminal, Check the Home page
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ curl localhost
<h1>hello world</h1>

2.Working with Node 2 - CentOS (

1.Go to Clinet workstation coomandline


2.Boostrap Node2 – CentOs & run cookbook on Node2

chef-repo> knife bootstrap --ssh-user vagrant --ssh-password vagrant --
sudo --use-sudo-password --node-name cnode2 --run-list

`rescue in new_session&apos;: Authentication failed for user

vagrant@ (Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed)
ERROR: Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user

Fixed it!
So when you are using hosted chef you need to pass in a private key with the bootstrap and have the
public key in your autherized_keys file....
98 | P A G E
1. install the ChefSDK
2. SCP your starter kit from hosted Chef
3. extract the starter kit to ~/chef-repo
4. generate a new keypair: ssh-keygen
5. add the public key to your autherized_keys file: $ cat >> authorized_keys
6. run the knife bootstrap with the following:
sudo knife bootstrap {{server-ip}} --ssh-user {{your-server-user}} -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa --sudo --node-name web1
That should work!
I would also suggest that the user you pass as the --ssh-user has passwordless sudo access.

3.Now we can check, knife automatically register CentOS Node2 , with Chef Server

4.Go To Node2-CentOS Terminal, Check the Home page

More on Chef

To get no.of Nodes in Chef server

chef-repo> knife node list


Get more Node Info

chef-repo> knife node show cnode1
Node Name: cnode1
Environment: _default
FQDN: vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64
Run List: recipe[learn_chef_apache2]
Recipes: learn_chef_apache2
Platform: ubuntu 14.04

99 | P A G E
9. Ansible
 Managing Multiple Systems/ Servers

 Scaling -Bigbillion day, more traffic – need to add more Servers & Load Balancers

 Time – Configurting each server by going manually gioing into it.

100 | P A G E
 Rooling – Rooling & Rooling back if Users don’t like new features.

 Push Based – we can push the changes to Node machines directly (Without Serve)
 Pull Based – They pull all the Configurations through the Server

101 | P A G E
 NASA needed to move 65 applications from a traditional hardware based data center to a cloud-
based environment for better agility and cost savings
 The rapid timeline resulted in many applications being migrated ‘as it is’ to a cloud environment.
This created an environment which spanned multiple virtual private clouds (VPCs) and AWS
accounts that could not be managed easily.
 Even simple things, like ensuring every system administrator had access to every server, or
simple security patching, were extremely cumbersome.

The solution was to leverage Ansible Tower to manage and schedule the cloud environment.

 Ansible Tower provided with a dashboard which provided the status summary of all hosts and
jobs which allowed NASA to group all contents and manage access permissions across different
 Ansible Tower is a web-based interface for managing Ansible. One of the top items in Ansible
users’ wishlists was an easy-to-use UI for managing quick deployments and monitoring one’s
 Further, Ansible divided the tasks among teams by assigning various roles. It managed the clean
up of old job history, activity streams, data marked for deletion and system tracking info

102 | P A G E
As a result, NASA has achieved the following efficiencies:

 NASA web app servers are being patched routinely and automatically through Ansible Tower
with a very simple 10-line Ansible playbook.
 Every single week, both the full and mobile versions of are updated via Ansible,
generally only taking about 5 minutes to do.

103 | P A G E
Orchestration – Flow of Order of Configurations.

Ex: if host PHP WebApplication to Node machine

 First install LAMP Server

 Second, Deploy html & php files
 Third, get input data from WebApp & Store it to database.

See, if we change the Order the WebApplication not Deploy properly , where you place html files
with out 1st step 😊


104 | P A G E
105 | P A G E
Provisioning – Installing nessasary softwares which are required to run a application properly

106 | P A G E
107 | P A G E

Handson Task

Using vagrant (user/pwd = vagrant/vagrant)

Control Machine (ubuntu/trusty):

Host(node) Machine (ubuntu16):

108 | P A G E
sudo http_proxy= apt-get update
sudo http_proxy= apt install software-properties-common

Then add the Ansible PPA by typing the following command:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible

Install the Ansible software

sudo http_proxy= apt-get install ansible

Check ansible version

ansible --version

Check the host inventory file, path is /etc/ansible/hosts; provide host machine(node) ip address in
that host’s file.

Generate ssh key in the ansible machine, which we have to copy to all the remote hosts for doing
deployments or configurations on them.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64"
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /home/vagrant/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
61:a0:f0:74:66:79:7b:99:df:af:f1:c6:54:68:3e:d6 vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 4096]----+
| . . =. |
| + =... |
| o+|
| .o.|
Ssh key is generated at (/home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa), here id_rsa is a SSH key file

109 | P A G E
Ansible – Ubuntu Hands on
Configured in Puppet Folder under ansible

Step 1 — Installing Ansible

Update Pkgs
[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# yum update -y

Ansible by default not available to Yum pkgs, so To get Ansible for CentOS 7, first ensure that the
CentOS 7 EPEL repository is installed:EPEL(Extra Pkgs for Entraprize Linux)
sudo yum install epel-release
[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# sudo yum install epel-release

### Once the repository is installed, install Ansible with yum:

sudo yum install ansible

CHECK Version

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ansible --version

ansible 2.6.4
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules',
ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
python version = 2.7.5 (default, Apr 11 2018, 07:36:10) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat
[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]#

### Generate SSH key on the Ansible Control Machine.

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ssh-keygen

110 | P A G E
### copy public key of Ansible server to its nodes.Here my node ip is :

ssh-copy-id -i root@<ip address of your node machine>

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ssh-copy-id -i root@

Error : Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).

Go to /etc/ssh/sshd_config uncomment 'PasswordAuthentication yes' then re-started the service 'sudo

systemctl restart sshd'[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ssh-copy-id -i root@

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/root/.ssh/"

/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any
that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now
it is to install the new keys
root@'s password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh 'root@'"

and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

### Test SSH Connection with host system

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ssh 'root@'

[root@CentOS7-Agent ~]# who
vagrant pts/0 2018-09-29 18:46 (
root pts/1 2018-09-29 18:55 (
[root@CentOS7-Agent ~]#

Step 2 — Configuring Ansible Hosts

Ansible keeps track of all of the Nodes by reading 'hosts' file.

Just write all of our Node System details in this file

sudo nano /etc/ansible/hosts

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts


111 | P A G E
Step 3 — Using Simple Ansible Commands

## Ping all of the node servers you configured by typing:

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ansible -m ping all | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

### Check uptime of your node machines

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ansible -m command -a "uptime" 'test-servers' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
19:06:37 up 21 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05

### Check kernel version of your nodes

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ansible -m command -a "uname" 'test-servers' | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

Step 4 : Hands on : PlayBook to Deploy Nginx Using Ansible


Nginx is software to provide a web server. It can act as a reverse proxy server for TCP, UDP, HTTP,
HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load balancer and an HTTP cache.

### Write Play Book : nginx.yml

become: true
hosts: test-servers
name: "Install nginx"
name: "Add epel-release repo"
name: epel-release
state: present
name: "Install nginx"
name: nginx
state: present
name: "Start NGiNX"

112 | P A G E
### Run the playbook, it will install nginx on nodes

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ansible-playbook nginx.yml

PLAY [Install nginx]


TASK [Gathering Facts]

ok: []

TASK [Add epel-release repo]

ok: []

TASK [Install nginx]

ok: []

TASK [Start NGiNX]

changed: []

*************************** : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

Now to check if it is installed in your node machine, type the following command in your node:
ps waux | grep nginx
[vagrant@CentOS7-Agent ~]$ ps waux | grep nginx
root 5600 0.0 0.4 120812 2096 ? Ss 19:53 0:00 nginx: master process
nginx 5601 0.0 0.6 121276 3132 ? S 19:53 0:00 nginx: worker process
vagrant 5626 0.0 0.1 12520 952 pts/0 S+ 19:55 0:00 grep --color=auto

113 | P A G E
Ansible Master on AWS Cloud

1.Login to Aws

2.LaunchInstance > Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 > t2.micro

Instances :4

Auto-assign Public IP : Enable

Tag : name = Node

Configure Security Group

Security group :AnsibleSecureGroup

Download public key "AnsibleNodes.pem"and launch the nodes

3.Assign "Elastic IPs"

Public IP will keep change, if we reboot/re-launch the System. To make IP Address Static we need
assign "Elasitic IP"

-Newwork secirity tab > Elastic Ips > Allocate 4 New IP address ::scope -vpc

-Associte Elastic IPS with Nodes

-Select IP > Actions > Associte :: [tick] Re-Associate

- Now AWS releses the Public IP & makes E'ip as public Ip


Public IP : is for connecting with public systems over internet

Private IP: is for connecting Internal System resorces. ex: apache runs on port 8080, mysql:3305

114 | P A G E
4.Connect with Ansible Master & Nodes

Locate "AnsibleNodes.pem" by terminal & chane permissions before connect

chmod 400 AnsibleNodes.pem

ssh -i "AnsibleNodes.pem"

satya@satya:~/.../ansible$ chmod 400 AnsibleNodes.pem

satya@satya:~/.../ansible$ ssh -i "AnsibleNodes.pem" ec2-user@ec2-13-126-179-188.ap-
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-23-104 ~]$ =========== CONNECTED ================

Switch to Root
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-23-104 ~]$ sudo su

Connet withh nodes

ssh -i "AnsibleNodes.pem"
ssh -i "AnsibleNodes.pem"
ssh -i "AnsibleNodes.pem"

5. Create user called "test" in master & Nodes with pwd test
useradd test
passwd test

Provide ROOT access to test user by going vi /etc/sudoers add below line


6.Go to sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config in all nodes, enable

PasswordAuthentication yes
PermitRootLogin yes

Restart System SErvices

systemctl restart sshd

7.Now Login using Test Account in all Servres

ssh test@ipaddress

ssh test@
ssh test@
ssh test@
ssh test@

115 | P A G E
8.Get Public & private Ips

9.All the Systems are Internal to AWS. So Check login from On Node Terminal to Other For this we
need to add ICMP - All to Security Group in AWS

ssh test@

ssh test@
ssh test@
ssh test@

[test@ip-172-31-29-193 ~]$ ssh test@

test@'s password:
Last login: Sun Sep 30 14:43:23 2018 from ip-172-31-29-193.ap-south-1.compute.internal

See it is aking for Password for Internal Communication. To make Systems connect with out ask
password We should generate SSH Key & Share to the Nodes

10.Generate SSH key

Login to mastet using test@publ ip & generate key

[test@ip-172-31-20-225 ~]$ ssh-keygen

Similarly Generate the Key in all the machines

-Copy Master SSH key to All the Nodes

ssh-copy-id <Private-Ip>


It will show following message in all nodes, by successfull copy

Number of key(s) added: 1

Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh ''" and check to make sure that only the
key(s) you wanted were added.

-Now Copy Node1 SSH to all Other Master, 2 Nodes Machines same way

116 | P A G E

-Now Copy Node2 SSH to all Other Master, 2 Nodes Machines same way


Now Copy Node3 SSH to all Other Master, 2 Nodes Machines same way


11.Installing Ansible


Ansibe is not free, provide Ansible Tower only that too Commercial.we can use
Opensource version from fedora repo.

Ansible by default not available to Yum pkgs, so To get Ansible for CentOS 7, first ensure that the
Redhat 7 EPEL repository is installed:EPEL(Extra Pkgs for Entraprize Linux)
sudo yum install epel-release

-Update Pkgs
[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# yum update -y
[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# sudo yum install epel-release

-Add Fedora repo to yum

sudo yum install wget
sudo rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
sudo yum update -y

-You can epel repo is added to our system

[test@ip-172-31-29-193 ~]$ ls -la /etc/yum.repos.d/
total 40
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 142 Sep 30 16:49 .
drwxr-xr-x. 75 root root 8192 Sep 30 16:35 ..
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 951 Oct 2 2017 epel.repo
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1050 Oct 2 2017 epel-testing.repo
117 | P A G E
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 607 Sep 30 08:58 redhat-rhui-client-config.repo
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8679 Sep 30 08:58 redhat-rhui.repo
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 82 Sep 30 08:58 rhui-load-balancers.conf

-Once the repository is installed, install Ansible with yum:

sudo yum install ansible -y

Step 2 — Configuring Ansible Hosts


Ansible keeps track of all of the Nodes by reading 'hosts' file.

Just write all of our Node System details in this file

sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts

13. Using Simple Ansible Commands

## Ping all of the node servers you configured by typing:

[test@ip-172-31-31-116 ~]$ ansible -m ping all | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
} | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

### Check uptime of your node machines

118 | P A G E | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
17:25:28 up 8:27, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 1.25, 11.17 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

17:25:28 up 8:27, 2 users, load average: 0.02, 0.02, 0.05 | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

17:25:29 up 8:27, 2 users, load average: 1.31, 1.16, 1.17

Nginx is software to provide a web server. It can act as a reverse proxy server for TCP, UDP, HTTP,
HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols, as well as a load balancer and an HTTP cache.

vi playbook.yml

### Write Play Book : playbook.yml

become: true
hosts: test-servers
name: "Install nginx"
name: "Add epel-release repo"
name: epel-release
state: present
name: "Install nginx"
name: nginx
state: present
name: "Start NGiNX"

### Run the playbook, it will install nginx on nodes

[root@AnsibleMaster vagrant]# ansible-playbook playbook.yml

[test@Kira ~]$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml

PLAY [Install nginx]


119 | P A G E
TASK [Gathering Facts]
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Add epel-release repo]

ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Install nginx]

ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Start NGiNX]

ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

*************************** : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=4 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0

Now to check if it is installed in your node machine, type the following command in your node:
ps waux | grep nginx

Ansible Install :

Ansible Woman :

AWS + Ansible :

120 | P A G E
10. Puppet
Puppet : a person, group, or country under the control of another.

What Is Puppet?

Puppet is a Configuration Management tool that is used for deploying, configuring and managing
servers. It performs the following functions:

 Defining distinct configurations for each and every host, and continuously checking and
confirming whether the required configuration is in place and is not altered (if altered Puppet
will revert back to the required configuration) on the host.

 Dynamic scaling-up and scaling-down of machines.

 Providing control over all your configured machines, so a centralized (master-server or repo-
based) change gets propagated to all, automatically.

121 | P A G E
Architecture of Puppet

The following functions are performed in the above image:

 The Puppet Agent sends the Facts to the Puppet Master. Facts are basically key/value data
pair that represents some aspect of Slave state, such as its IP address, up-time, operating
system, or whether it’s a virtual machine. I will explain Facts in detail later in the blog.

 Puppet Master uses the facts to compile a Catalog that defines how the Slave should be
configured. Catalog is a document that describes the desired state for each resource that
Puppet Master manages on a Slave. I will explain catalogs and resources in detail later.

 Puppet Slave reports back to Master indicating that Configuration is complete, which is
visible in the Puppet dashboard.

Puppet Master and Slave Communication

122 | P A G E
As you can see from the above Image:

 Puppet Slave asks for Puppet Master certificate.

 After receiving Puppet Master certificate, Master requests for Slave certificate.
 Once Master has signed the Slave certificate, Slave requests for configuration/data.
 Finally, Puppet Master will send the configuration to Puppet Slave.

Rudy based Tool

123 | P A G E
Chef vs Puppet

124 | P A G E
What the Problems it Solves

125 | P A G E
126 | P A G E
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128 | P A G E
Puppet Terminology

129 | P A G E
130 | P A G E
Pupput Installation

131 | P A G E
Puppet client is defalutly installed on Ubuntu machines. You can check by
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ puppet --version

Now we are going to uninstall it completely & Start from Stcrach

$ sudo apt-get purge puppet puppet-common -y
~$ sudo apt-get autoremove -y

Check the Puppet folders deleted or not

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ ls /etc/puppet
ls: cannot access /etc/puppet: No such file or directory

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~$ ls /var/lib/puppet
ls: cannot access /var/lib/puppet: No such file or directory

1: Enable the Puppet Package Repository

To enable the repository for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr:

sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
sudo apt-get update

--2018-09-28 08:46:41--
Connecting to connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 16944 (17K) [application/x-debian-package]
Saving to: ‘puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb’

16,944 --.-K/s in 0.003s

2018-09-28 08:46:41 (5.18 MB/s) - ‘puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb’ saved [16944/16944]

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/puppet$ sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
Selecting previously unselected package puppetlabs-release.
(Reading database ... 103605 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb ...
Unpacking puppetlabs-release (1.1-1) ...
Setting up puppetlabs-release (1.1-1) ...
vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/puppet$ sudo apt-get update

2. Install Puppet Master

Video :

Chef vs Puppet :

132 | P A G E
11. Docker
Ref :

What is Virtualization?

Virtualization is the technique of importing a Guest operating system on top of a Host operating
system. This eliminated the need for extra hardware resource.

The advantages of Virtual Machines or Virtualization are:

 Multiple operating systems can run on the same machine
 Maintenance and Recovery were easy in case of failure conditions
 Total cost of ownership was also less due to the reduced need for infrastructure

In above pic, you can see there is a host operating system on which there are 3 guest operating
systems running which is nothing but the virtual machines.

Guest OS running on top of the host OS, which will have its own kernel and set of libraries and
dependencies. This takes up a large chunk of system resources, i.e. hard disk, processor and
especially RAM.

Disadvantages of Virtualization:
 Running multiple Virtual Machines leads to unstable performance
 Hypervisors are not as efficient as the host operating system
 Boot up process is long and takes time

What is Containerization?

Containerization is also a type of Virtualization. Containerization is however more efficient because

there is no guest OS here and utilizes a host’s operating system, share relevant libraries & resources
as and when needed unlike virtual machines

133 | P A G E
All the containers share, host operating system and holds only the application related binaries &
libraries. They are lightweight and faster than Virtual Machines.

Advantages of Containerization over Virtualization:

 Containers on the same OS kernel are lighter and smaller
 Better resource utilization compared to VMs
 Boot-up process is short and takes few seconds

In the diagram , you can see that there is a host operating system which is shared by all the
containers. Containers only contain application specific libraries which are separate for each
container and they are faster and do not waste any resources.

Virtualization vs Containerization

Virtualization and Containerization both let you run multiple operating systems inside a host machine.

Virtualization deals with creating many operating systems in a single host machine. Containerization
on the other hand will create multiple containers for every type of application as required

As we can see from the image, the major difference is that there are multiple Guest Operating
Systems in Virtualization which are absent in Containerization. The best part of Containerization is
that it is very light weight as compared to the heavy virtualization
134 | P A G E
What is Docker
Ref :

Before we go ahead, let me summarize the learning till now:

 Virtual Machines are slow and takes a lot of time to boot.
 Containers are fast and boots quickly as it uses host operating system and shares the relevant
 Containers does not waste or block host resources unlike virtual machines.
 Containers have isolated libraries and binaries specific to the application they are running.
 Containers are handled by Containerization engine.
 Docker is one of the containerization platforms which can be used to create and run containers.

What is Docker ? – Docker is a containerization platform that packages your application and all its
dependencies together in the form of a docker container to ensure that your application works
seamlessly in any environment

What is Container ? – Docker Container is a standardized unit which can be created on the fly to
deploy a particular application or environment. It could be an Ubuntu container, CentOs container,
etc. to full-fill the requirement from an operating system point of view. Also, it could be an application
oriented container like CakePHP container or a Tomcat-Ubuntu container etc.

A company needs to develop a Java Application. In order to do so the developer will setup an
environment with tomcat server installed in it. Once the application is developed, it needs to be
tested by the tester.

Now the tester will again set up tomcat environment from the scratch to test the application. Once the
application testing is done, it will be deployed on the production server.

Again the production needs an environment with tomcat installed on it, so that it can host the Java
application. If you see the same tomcat environment setup is done thrice. There are some issues
that I have listed below with this approach:

1. There is a loss of time and effort.

2. There could be a version mismatch in different setups i.e. the developer & tester may have
installed tomcat 7, however the system admin installed tomcat 9 on the production server.

Now, I will show you how Docker container can be used to prevent this loss.

In this case, the developer will create a tomcat docker image ( A Docker Image is nothing but a
blueprint to deploy multiple containers of the same configurations ) using a base image like Ubuntu,
which is already existing in Docker Hub (Docker Hub has some base docker images available for
free) .

Now this image can be used by the developer, the tester and the system admin to deploy the tomcat
environment. This is how docker container solves the problem.

135 | P A G E
Let’s see a comparison between a Virtual machine and Docker Container to understand this better.

136 | P A G E
Size: The following image explains how Virtual Machine and Docker Container utilizes the resources
allocated to them.

How Docker Works

Docker Engine

Docker Engine is simply the docker application that is installed on your host machine. It works like a
client-server application which uses:

 A server which is a type of long-running program called a daemon process

 A command line interface (CLI) client
 REST API is used for communication between the CLI client and Docker Daemon

137 | P A G E
As per the above image, in a Linux Operating system, there is a Docker client which can be accessed
from the terminal and a Docker Host which runs the Docker Daemon. We build our Docker images
and run Docker containers by passing commands from the CLI client to the Docker Daemon.

Docker Image

Docker Image can be compared to a template which is used to create Docker Containers. They are
the building blocks of a Docker Container. These Docker Images are created using the build
command. These Read only templates are used for creating containers by using the run command.

Docker Container

Containers are the ready applications created from Docker Images or you can say a Docker
Container is a running instance of a Docker Image and they hold the entire package needed to run
the application. This happens to be the ultimate utility of Docker.

Docker Registry?

Docker Registry is where the Docker Images are stored. The Registry can be either a user’s local
repository or a public repository like a Docker Hub allowing multiple users to collaborate in building
an application.

Even with multiple teams within the same organization can exchange or share containers by
uploading them to the Docker Hub. Docker Hub is Docker’s very own cloud repository similar to

138 | P A G E
Docker Architecuture
Docker Architecture includes a Docker client – used to trigger Docker commands, a Docker Host –
running the Docker Daemon and a Docker Registry – storing Docker Images. The Docker Daemon
running within Docker Host is responsible for the images and containers.

 To build a Docker Image, we can use the CLI (client) to issue a build command to the Docker
Daemon (running on Docker_Host). The Docker Daemon will then build an image based on
our inputs and save it in the Registry, which can be either Docker hub or a local repository

 If we do not want to create an image, then we can just pull an image from the Docker hub,
which would have been built by a different user

 Finally, if we have to create a running instance of my Docker image, we can issue a run
command from the CLI, which will create a Docker Container.

Docker Commands
1.docker –version
This command is used to get the currently installed version of docker

2. docker pull

Usage: docker pull <image name>

This command is used to pull images from the docker repository(

139 | P A G E
3. docker run

Usage: docker run -it -d <image name>

This command is used to create a container from an image

4. docker ps

This command is used to list the running containers

5. docker ps -a

This command is used to show all the running and exited containers

6. docker exec

Usage: docker exec -it <container id> bash

This command is used to access the running container

7. docker stop

Usage: docker stop <container id>

This command stops a running container

8. docker kill
Usage: docker kill <container id>

This command kills the container by stopping its execution immediately. The difference between
‘docker kill’ and ‘docker stop’ is that ‘docker stop’ gives the container time to shutdown gracefully, in
situations when it is taking too much time for getting the container to stop, one can opt to kill it

9. docker commit

Usage: docker commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

This command creates a new image of an edited container on the local system
140 | P A G E
10. docker login

This command is used to login to the docker hub repository

11. docker push

Usage: docker push <username/image name>

This command is used to push an image to the docker hub repository

12. docker images

This command lists all the locally stored docker images

13. docker rm

Usage: docker rm <container id>

This command is used to delete a stopped container

14. docker rmi

Usage: docker rmi <image-id>

This command is used to delete an image from local storage

15. docker build

Usage: docker build <path to docker file>

This command is used to build an image from a specified docker file

141 | P A G E
Installing Docker on Ubuntu
LD25KxI5&index=2 19: min

Docker Compose

when I had to containerize multiple services in separate containers, who can you communicate
beween them ? & How can start them with Single Operations. That Stage Docker Compose Come into
the picture.

Docker Compose can be used to create separate containers and host them for each of the stacks in a
Full stack application which contains MongoDB Express Angular & NodeJs.

By using Docker Compose, we can host each of these technologies in separate containers on the
same host and get them to communicate with each other. Each container will expose a port for
communicating with other containers.

The communication and up-time of these containers will be maintained by Docker Compose

142 | P A G E

Install :

Edureka :

Next :

Docker Install Ubuntu

1.First, update your existing list of packages:
sudo apt update

2.Next, install a few prerequisite packages which let apt use packages over HTTPS:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

3.Then add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to your system:

curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

4.Add the Docker repository to APT sources:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]

bionic stable"

5.Next, update the package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repo:

sudo apt update

6.Make sure you are about to install from the Docker repo instead of the default Ubuntu repo:

apt-cache policy docker-ce

You'll see output like this, although the version number for Docker may be different:
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 18.03.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu
Version table:
18.03.1~ce~3-0~ubuntu 500

143 | P A G E
500 bionic/stable amd64 Packages

7.Notice that docker-ce is not installed, but the candidate for installation is from the Docker repository
for Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic).So, install Docker:

sudo apt install docker-ce

8.Docker should now be installed, the daemon started, and the process enabled to start on boot.
Check that it's running:

sudo systemctl status docker

● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2018-10-01 21:10:48 IST; 3min 39s ago

if not start, start the service by running

sudo service docker start

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ docker --version

Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a

Task 1 : pull centos image from hub.docker

### Pull image from Docker Hub

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker pull centos

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/centos
256b176beaff: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:6f6d986d425aeabdc3a02cb61c02abb2e78e57357e92417d6d58332856024faf
Status: Downloaded newer image for centos:latest

First, it will check the local registry for CentOS image. If it doesn’t find there, then it will go to the
docker hub and pull the image

### Check Downloaded Image

-By Def. location is /var/lib/docker

-In the case of aufs:/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/<id>

-In the case of devicemapper:/var/lib/docker/devicemapper/devicemapper/data

144 | P A G E
### Now, Run the CentOS container.

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker run -it centos

[root@15458942452c /]#
You logged in centos successfully


Task 2 : Wordpress + MySQL + PhpMyAdmin


Basically, you need one container for WordPress and you need one more container as MySQL for
back end, that MySQL container should be linked to the wordpress container. We also need one more
container for Php Myadmin that will be linked to MySQL database, basically, it is used to access
MySQL database.

[ Worpress ]

link= wordprees+ MySQL

[ MySQL ]

link= MySql+ PhpMyAdmin

[ PhpMyAdmin ]

Here we will write Docker Compose file to install & make link between them

Steps involved:

1. Install Docker Compose:

2. Install WordPress: We’ll be using the official WordPress and MariaDB Docker images.
3. Install MariaDB: MariaDB is a database it provides an SQL interface for accessing data.
4. Install PhpMyAdmin: handle the administration of MySQL over the Web.
5. Create The WordPress Site

145 | P A G E
1. Install Docker Compose

### Install Python Pip first:

sudo apt-get install python-pip -y

### Now, you can install Docker Compose:

sudo pip install docker-compose

2. Install WordPress:

### Create a wordpress directory:

mkdir wordpress
cd wordpress/

### In this directory create a Docker Compose YAML file, then edit it using gedit:

sudo gedit docker-compose.yml

version: "2"
image: mariadb
- "8081:3306"
image: wordpress
- ./:/var/www/html
- "8080:80"
- my-wpdb:mysql
image: corbinu/docker-phpmyadmin
- my-wpdb:mysql
- 8181:80

### Now start the application group:

146 | P A G E
satya@satya:~/.../Wordpress$ docker-compose up -d
ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running?

this error means you don't have enogh permissions. so run with Sudi

satya@satya:~/.../Wordpress$ sudo docker-compose up -d

### Test wordpress


### Test PhpMyAdmin



Docker AWS Installation



Using Amazon Linux AMI


sudo yum -y update

sudo yum install -y docker

sudo service docker status

sudo service docker start

sudo service docker stop

sudo docker info

sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user

sudo docker images

sudo docker ps -a

docker run <image_name>

147 | P A G E
sudo docker run hello-world

sudo yum remove docker


Docker COmmands




sudo docker version

sudo docker -v

sudo docker info

sudo docker --help

sudo docker login



sudo docker images

sudo docker pull

sudo docker rmi

sudo docker

sudo docker

148 | P A G E

sudo docker ps

sudo docker run

sudo docker start

sudo docker stop



sudo docker stats

sudo docker system df

sudo docker system prune

Create Docker Images


[root@ip-172-31-22-216 ec2-user]# docker pull ubuntu

Using default tag: latest

latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu

124c757242f8: Pull complete

9d866f8bde2a: Pull complete

fa3f2f277e67: Pull complete

398d32b153e8: Pull complete

afde35469481: Pull complete

Digest: sha256:de774a3145f7ca4f0bd144c7d4ffb2931e06634f11529653b23eba85aef8e378

Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest

[root@ip-172-31-22-216 ec2-user]# docker images


hello-world latest 4ab4c602aa5e 3 weeks ago 1.84kB

149 | P A G E
ubuntu latest cd6d8154f1e1 3 weeks ago 84.1MB

To get Specfic version

[root@ip-172-31-22-216 ec2-user]# docker pull ubuntu:18.04

18.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu

Digest: sha256:de774a3145f7ca4f0bd144c7d4ffb2931e06634f11529653b23eba85aef8e378

Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:18.04

By running Docker image, we are creating Container

docker run --name MyDockerUbuntu -it ubuntu bash

[root@ip-172-31-22-216 ec2-user]# sudo docker run -it ubuntu


root@76baecadb14d:/# ls

bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var



Create Docker Containers


Dockerfile :

A text file with instructions to build image

Automation of Docker Image Creation

150 | P A G E


Step 1 : Create a file named Dockerfile

Step 2 : Add instructions in Dockerfile

Step 3 : Build dockerfile to create image

Step 4 : Run image to create container

Containers are the Running instances of Images.

When ever we run the image, it creates a Container

Create Our Own Imgage


create a Directory /Docker, write a Dockerfile under it



#Getting base image Ubuntu

FROM ubuntu

MAINTAINER smlcodes<>
151 | P A G E
RUN apt-get update

CMD ["echo" , "Hello, Im Satya"]

Create Docker Image


Go to /Docker location & Run

docker build -t smlcodes1:1.0 .

[root@ip-172-31-22-216 Docker]# docker build -t smlcodes1:1.0 .

Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048kB

Step 1/4 : FROM ubuntu

---> cd6d8154f1e1

Step 2/4 : MAINTAINER smlcodes<>

---> Running in 53f4f543c194

Removing intermediate container 53f4f543c194

---> 78dd08c39f7b

Step 3/4 : RUN apt-get update

---> Running in 4d6c57bf6859

Successfully built 863bc0cd3f7c

Successfully tagged smlcodes1:1.0

Check Image in the List


If you check the list image is created locally.

image just contains a program to print hello

152 | P A G E
[root@ip-172-31-22-216 Docker]# sudo docker images


smlcodes1 1.0 863bc0cd3f7c 4 minutes ago 127MB

hello-world latest 4ab4c602aa5e 3 weeks ago 1.84kB

ubuntu 18.04 cd6d8154f1e1 3 weeks ago 84.1MB

ubuntu latest cd6d8154f1e1 3 weeks ago 84.1MB

Run your image, it will create container


[root@ip-172-31-22-216 Docker]# sudo docker run -it smlcodes1

Unable to find image 'smlcodes1:latest' locally

docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for smlcodes1, repository does not exist or
may require 'docker login'.

See 'docker run --help'

If You got this error Login with Your Docker account or use id to Run [sudo docker run -it
863bc0cd3f7c ]

[root@ip-172-31-22-216 Docker]# docker login

Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID,
head over to to create one.

Username: smlcodes


[root@ip-172-31-22-216 Docker]# sudo docker run -it smlcodes1:1.0

Hello, Im Satya

153 | P A G E

Docker Compose


Docker compose

: tool for defining & running multi-container docker applications

: use yaml files to configure application services (docker-compose.yml)

: can start all services with a single command : docker compose up

: can stop all services with a single command : docker compose down

: can scale up selected services when required

Step 1 : install docker compose

(already installed on windows and mac with docker)

docker-compose -v

2 Ways


2. Using PIP

pip install -U docker-compose

Step 2 : Create docker compose file at any location on your system

[root@ip-172-31-22-216 Docker]# cat docker-compose.yml
version: '3.3'

154 | P A G E

image: nginx

image: redis

Step 3 : Check the validity of file by command

docker-compose config

Step 4 : Run docker-compose.yml file by command

sudo docker-compose up -d

Steps 5 : Bring down application by command

docker-compose down


How to scale services


docker-compose up -d --scale database=4


Docker Volumes


-By default all files created inside a container are stored on a writable container layer

-The data doesn’t persist when that container is no longer running

155 | P A G E
-A container’s writable layer is tightly coupled to the host machine where the container is running.
You can’t easily move the data somewhere else.

-Docker has two options for containers to store files in the host machine so that the files are persisted
even after the container stops

Use of Volumes


Decoupling container from storage

Share volume (storage/data) among different containers

Attach volume to container

On deleting container volume does not delete

: docker volume //get information

: docker volume create

: docker volume ls

: docker volume inspect

: docker volume rm

: docker volume prune


 -Volumes are stored in a part of the host filesystem which is managed by Docker
 -Non-Docker processes should not modify this part of the filesystem
 -Bind mounts may be stored anywhere on the host system
 -Non-Docker processes on the Docker host or a Docker container can modify them at any time
 -In Bind Mounts, the file or directory is referenced by its full path on the host machine.
 -Volumes are the best way to persist data in Docker
 -volumes are managed by Docker and are isolated from the core functionality of the host
 -A given volume can be mounted into multiple containers simultaneously.

156 | P A G E
 -When no running container is using a volume, the volume is still available to Docker and is
not removed automatically. You can remove unused volumes using docker volume prune.
 -When you mount a volume, it may be named or anonymous.
 -Anonymous volumes are not given an explicit name when they are first mounted into a
 -Volumes also support the use of volume drivers, which allow you to store your data on
remote hosts or cloud providers, among other possibilities.

### Create Volume

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker volume create myvol1


### list the docker volumes

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker volume ls


local 046cd7015ac74c659beb1f8d93293993161f1e4103715cdc29c4b447a105dcf2

local 3c6e5051ff9c98b23829c45e4a374f1426f7bbd15eab39d52720f1d8337dea82

local 9c8f01a4316e809eee624833b4538afc39e7e8194e81ee792e8ce5873b87298e

local myvol1

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker volume inspect myvol1

"CreatedAt": "2018-10-02T19:42:26+05:30",
"Driver": "local",
"Labels": {},
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/myvol1/_data",
"Name": "myvol1",
"Options": {},
"Scope": "local"

157 | P A G E
### to remove volume

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker volume rm -f myvol1

### to remove all unused volumes

sudo docker volume prune


Example - using Jenkins


1.pull Jenkins

docker pull jenkins

2.Now i want to store the all /var/.jenkins related data to 'myvol1', so that if we delete

jenkins container , the jenkins data will be available, to do so run below cmd

sudo docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins

This command will directly store the data into the container only

satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker run --name MyJenkins1 -v myvol1:/var/jenkins_home -p

8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins

Here all jenkins data of 'MyJenkins1' will be stored at myvol1

IF We start the another Jenkins instance with same volume location, docker wont create another

jenkins intsnace, instead ot will share the same data to newly added jenkins with another port

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satya@satya:~/.../docker$ sudo docker run --name MyJenkins2 -v myvol1:/var/jenkins_home -p
9090:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins


docker run --name MyJenkins1 -v myvol1:/var/jenkins_home -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins

docker run --name MyJenkins2 -v myvol1:/var/jenkins_home -p 9090:8080 -p 60000:50000 jenkins

Bind Physical Location


docker run --name MyJenkins3 -v /Users/raghav/Desktop/Jenkins_Home:/var/jenkins_home -p

9191:8080 -p 40000:50000 jenkins



Docker Swarm


-A swarm is a group of machines that are running Docker and joined into a cluster.

-Docker Swarm is a tool for Container Orchestration

Let’s take an example


You have 100 containers,You need to do

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- Health check on every container

- Ensure all containers are up on every system

- Scaling the containers up or down depending on the load

- Adding updates/changes to all the containers

Orchestration - managing and controlling multiple docker containers as a single service

Tools available - Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Apache Mesos


1. Docker 1.13 or higher

2. Docker Machine (pre installed for Docker for Windows and Docker for

Step 1 : Create Docker machines (to act as nodes for Docker Swarm) Create one machine as
manager and others as workers

docker-machine create --driver hyperv manager1 docker-machine create --driver virtualbox


docker-machine:Error with pre-create check: “exit status 126”

brew cask install virtualbox;

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Create one manager machine

and other worker machines

Step 2 : Check machine created successfully

docker-machine ls

docker-machine ip manager1

Step 3 : SSH (connect) to docker machine

docker-machine ssh manager1

Step 4 : Initialize Docker Swarm docker swarm init --advertise-addr MANAGER_IP

docker node ls

(this command will work only in swarm manager and not in worker)

Step 5 : Join workers in the swarm

Get command for joining as worker

In manager node run command

docker swarm join-token worker

This will give command to join swarm as worker

docker swarm join-token manager

This will give command to join swarm as manager

SSH into worker node (machine) and run command to join swarm as worker
161 | P A G E
In Manager Run command - docker node ls to verify worker is registered and is ready

Do this for all worker machines

Step 6 : On manager run standard docker commands

docker info

check the swarm section

no of manager, nodes etc

Now check docker swarm command options

docker swarm

Step 7 : Run containers on Docker Swarm

docker service create --replicas 3 -p 80:80 --name serviceName nginx

Check the status:

docker service ls

docker service ps serviceName

Check the service running on all nodes

Check on the browser by giving ip for all nodes

Step 8 : Scale service up and down

On manager node
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docker service scale serviceName=2

Inspecting Nodes (this command can run only on manager node)

docker node inspect nodename

docker node inspect self

docker node inspect worker1

Step 9 : Shutdown node

docker node update --availability drain worker1

Step 10 : Update service

docker service update --image imagename:version web

docker service update --image nginx:1.14.0 serviceName

Step 11 : Remove service

docker service rm serviceName

docker swarm leave : to leave the swarm

docker-machine stop machineName : to stop the machine

docker-machine rm machineName : to remove the machine

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FAQs & Helpful Tips:

 A swarm is a group of machines that are running Docker and joined into a cluster
 A cluster is managed by swarm manager
 The machines in a swarm can be physical or virtual. After joining a swarm, they are referred
to as nodes
 Swarm managers are the only machines in a swarm that can execute your commands, or
authorise other machines to join the swarm as workers
 Workers are just there to provide capacity and do not have the authority to tell any other
machine what it can and cannot do
 you can have a node join as a worker or as a manager. At any point in time, there is only one
LEADER and the other manager nodes will be as backup in case the current LEADER opts out


Docker Tutorial - Introduction To Docker & Containerization

What is Docker Container? - Containerize Your Application Using Docker

What Is Docker & Docker Container ? A Deep Dive Into Docker !

Top 15 Docker Commands - Docker Commands Tutorial

Install Docker - Docker Installation On Ubuntu And CentOS

Docker Networking - Explore How Containers Communicate With Each Other

Docker Swarm For Achieving High Availability

Docker Compose For Containerizing A MEAN Stack Application

Kubernetes vs Docker: Comparing The Two Container Orchestration Giants!

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12. Kubernates
Kubernetes is an open-source container management (orchestration) tool. It’s container
management responsibilities include container deployment, scaling & descaling of containers &
container load balancing.

It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing

165 | P A G E
1. Automatic Binpacking
Kubernetes automatically packages your application and schedules the containers
based on their requirements and available resources while not sacrificing availability.
To ensure complete utilization and save unused resources, Kubernetes balances
between critical and best-effort workloads.

2. Service Discovery & Load balancing

There is no need to worry about networking and communication because
Kubernetes will automatically assign IP addresses to containers and a single DNS
name for a set of containers, that can load-balance traffic inside the cluster.

3. Storage Orchestration
With Kubernetes, you can mount the storage system of your choice. You can either opt
for local storage, or choose a public cloud provider such as GCP or AWS, or perhaps
use a shared network storage system such as NFS, iSCSI, etc.

4. Self-Healing
Personally, this is my favorite feature. Kubernetes can automatically restart containers
that fail during execution and kills those containers that don’t respond to user-defined
health checks. But if nodes itself die, then it replaces and reschedules those failed
containers on other available nodes.

5. Secret & Configuration Management

Kubernetes can help you deploy and update secrets and application configuration without
rebuilding your image and without exposing secrets in your stack configuration.

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6. Batch Execution
In addition to managing services, Kubernetes can also manage your batch and CI
workloads, thus replacing containers that fail, if desired.

7. Horizontal Scaling
Kubernetes needs only 1 command to scale up the containers, or to scale them down
when using the CLI. Else, scaling can also be done via the Dashboard (kubernetes UI).

8. Automatic Rollbacks & Rollouts

Kubernetes progressively rolls out changes and updates to your application or its
configuration, by ensuring that not all instances are worked at the same instance. Even if
something goes wrong, Kubernetes will rollback the change for you.

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Kubernetes Architecture

Master controls the cluster, and the nodes in it. It ensures the execution only happens in nodes and
coordinates the act. Nodes host the containers; in-fact these Containers are grouped logically to
form Pods. Each node can run multiple such Pods, which are a group of containers, that interact with
each other, for a deployment.

Replication Controller is Master’s resource to ensure that the requested no. of pods are always
running on nodes. Serviceis an object on Master that provides load balancing across a replicated
group of Pods.

So, that’s the Kubernetes architecture in simple fashion. You can expect more details on the
architecture in my next blog. A better news is, the next blog will also have a hands-on demonstration
of installing Kubernetes cluster and deploying an application.

170 | P A G E
Install Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu

Intro :\

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Nagios monitors your entire IT infrastructure to ensure systems, applications, services, and business
processes are functioning properly.

For years our security professionals are performing static analysis from – system log, firewall logs,
IDS logs, IPS logs etc. But, it did not provide proper analysis and response.

What is Nagios?
Nagios is used for Continuous monitoring of systems, applications, services, and business processes
etc in a DevOps culture. In the event of a failure, Nagios can alert technical staff of the problem,
allowing them to begin remediation processes before outages affect business processes, end-users,
or customers. With Nagios, you don’t have to explain why an unseen infrastructure outage affect your
organization’s bottom line.

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Nagios runs on a server, usually as a daemon or a service.

It periodically runs plugins residing on the same server, they contact hosts or servers on your
network or on the internet. One can view the status information using the web interface. You can also
receive email or SMS notifications if something happens.
The Nagios daemon behaves like a scheduler that runs certain scripts at certain moments. It stores
the results of those scripts and will run other scripts if these results change.

Plugins: These are compiled executables or scripts (Perl scripts, shell scripts, etc.) that can be run
from a command line to check the status or a host or service. Nagios uses the results from
the plugins to determine the current status of the hosts and services on your network.

Nagios Architecture
 Nagios is built on a server/agents architecture.
 Usually, on a network, a Nagios server is running on a host, and Plugins interact with local and all
the remote hosts that need to be monitored.
 These plugins will send information to the Scheduler, which displays that in a GUI.

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14. Splunk

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Adding data to Splunk
Windows – Event Viwer

Adding data - Home > Add Data >Monitor > Local Evenet Logs > [Application Security] > Submit


181 | P A G E
Start Seraching
Go To here : http://localhost:8000/en-US/app/search/search

Check data Summary

1. “*” - To get all logs = <Hostname> - To get all logs of perticlular Host/System,


182 | P A G E
3.Click on Log text & Add to Search

4. To Get the logs which contain the word “auditing” in the given host

host=HYDPCM457488D auditing

183 | P A G E
SPL – Splunk Processing language

1. Get the all the logs of the Host

180,149 events (before 10/4/18 10:18:30.000 AM)

2.Get the all the Logs of Host=”hyd” & EventCode=5447

host="hydpcm457488d" | search EventCode=5447
130,219 events (before 10/4/18 10:19:42.000 AM)

3.Get the all the Logs of Host=”hyd” & EventCode=5447 & Process_ID=956
host="hydpcm457488d" | search EventCode=5447 | search Process_ID=956
29,594 events (before 10/4/18 10:18:30.000 AM)

184 | P A G E
4.Get the all Logs which conatin tha word Privileges
host="hydpcm457488d" privileges
374 events (before 10/4/18 10:38:16.000 AM)

host="hydpcm457488d" | head 10
10 events (before 10/4/18 10:26:07.000 AM)

host="hydpcm457488d" | tail 10
10 events (before 10/4/18 10:26:07.000 AM)

Top Count of EventCodes

host="hydpcm457488d" | top 10 EventCode

180,202 events (before 10/4/18 10:31:51.000 AM)

185 | P A G E
Pattrens – On What conditions/ pattens logs are generated

Just I want to get the Reports of UnAuthrozed access of XYZ Company Account.

host="hydpcm457488d" privileges Account_Domain=ITLXYZ COMPANY

304 events (before 10/4/18 10:44:32.000 AM)

To Save it as Report : Top on Search > Save As > Report

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To get Save Reports
Home > Splunk Search > Reports Tab ; we can find the list of reports

187 | P A G E
Create Alerts

If any one from Infy users , try to modify account settings, should trigger an ALERT!!

host="hydpcm457488d" Account management Account_Domain=ITLXYZ COMPANY

To Create an Alert,
Search Bar Top > Save As > Alert > Privide Required Details

Working with Remote Server Logs

188 | P A G E

Instance of Splunkthat sends data to another instance of Splunk.

Light forwarder is deprecated as of Splunk6.0

189 | P A G E
Entraprize Splunk Architecuture

Load Balancer : Distributing data across multiple Splunk environments

Setting Splunk Forwarder In Unbuntu

190 | P A G E
Splunk in DevOps

Splukbase is Market place for Splunkplug-ins and application. Community driven application with
licensed and non-licensed options for Splunkapplication.

 Create custom application in Splunk

 Leverage the community for customer “plug-in” Splunk application

Examples of Splunkbase for Tools

 Microsoft Exchange App
 Isilon SplunkApp Splunk
 App for Dropbox

Website :

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IBM AppScan
IBM® Security AppScan® and Application Security on Cloud enhance web and mobile application
security, improve application security program management and strengthen regulatory compliance.
Testing web and mobile applications prior to deployment can help you identify security risks,
generate reports and fix recommendations.

 Identify and fix vulnerabilities : Reduce risk exposure by identifying vulnerabilities early
in the software development lifecycle.
 Maximize remediation efforts: Classify and prioritize application assets based on business
impact and identify high-risk areas.
 Decrease the likelihood of attacks:Test applications prior to deployment and for ongoing
risk assessment in production environments.

AppScan Document :

Jenkins : https://lex.XYZ

193 | P A G E
Errors and Solutions
Error: Could not resolve host: ?
set http_proxy=
set https_proxy=

apt-get update Error ?

sudo http_proxy= apt-get update

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