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Practical Research 1 Think Green 1

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Chapter 1:

The Problem and its Scope


Rationale of the Study:

The Crest Senior High School faculty recognizes the importance of solid waste
management and its impact on the environment and the community. As educators, they
are in a unique position to educate and promote sustainable practices to their students and
the community. The study aims to explore the faculty's viewpoints on solid waste
management and their role in promoting sustainable practices to their students.

Theoretical Background:

Solid waste management is a multidisciplinary field that involves the collection,

transportation, processing, and disposal of Solid waste. The goal of solid waste
management is to minimize the adverse effects of waste on the environment and human
health. The waste hierarchy is a framework that guides waste management practices, with
waste reduction and recycling as the preferred options. The waste hierarchy promotes
sustainable practices that reduce the amount of waste generated, conserve resources and
minimize the environmental impact of waste disposal.

In addition to the waste hierarchy, the concept of sustainable development is also

relevant to solid waste management. Sustainable development is a development process
that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. Sustainable solid waste management practices aim to minimize
waste generation, maximize resource recovery through recycling and reuse, and ensure
the safe and environmentally sound disposal of residual waste.
Chapter 2:
Review of Related Literature

Solid waste management has become a critical issue in today's world. Improper
disposal of solid waste can have adverse effects on the environment, human health, and
society as a whole. Senior high school faculty members play a crucial role in educating
students about the importance of proper solid waste management practices. This review of
related literature aims to explore the viewpoints of senior high school faculty members on
solid waste management.

According to a study conducted by Huang and Liu (2020), faculty members in higher
education institutions play a crucial role in promoting environmentally sustainable
practices, including solid waste management. The study found that faculty members who
integrate environmental sustainability into their teaching practices are more likely to
influence students toward adopting environmentally sustainable behaviors.

Nnaji and Uchegbu (2019) found that faculty members in senior high schools in
Nigeria had positive attitudes toward solid waste management practices. The study found
that faculty members who had access to waste disposal facilities and training programs
were more likely to engage in environmentally sustainable behaviors.

A study by Neuman et al. (2018) found that some faculty members in the United
States were not fully aware of the impacts of solid waste on the environment and society.
The study found that faculty members who had limited access to waste disposal facilities
and training programs were less likely to engage in environmentally sustainable behaviors.

According to a study of Srivastava & Gupta, 2016. In the Philippines, the waste
management crisis has become a pressing issue due to the increasing population,
urbanization, and lack of adequate infrastructure for waste management (Dizon et al.,

The study of the Republic of the Philippines Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
of 2000 (ESWM) is a landmark legislation in the Philippines that aims to promote waste
reduction, segregation, recycling, and disposal in an environmentally sound manner
(DENR, 2002). The law requires local government units (LGUs) to implement an integrated
waste management system and encourages the private sector to participate in waste
reduction and management practices. One of the key strategies of the ESWM Act is to
educate the public on the importance of proper waste management, which includes the
integration of solid waste management (SWM) education into the curriculum of all
educational institutions.

The Republic Act 9003 regulates Municipal Solid Waste. (MSW) designates wastes
generated by activities within local government entities made up of a variety of Cebu City
Wastes from homes, businesses, Senior high Schools, and industries and sweeping the
streets. Approximately 80 percent of the School Faculty in the city produce MSW, which
represents about 40%.

In conclusion, the viewpoints of senior high school faculty members on solid waste
management can vary depending on various factors such as access to waste disposal
facilities, training programs, and awareness of the impacts of solid waste on the
environment and society. Educational institutions need to provide faculty members with the
necessary resources and training programs to promote environmentally sustainable
practices among students.

The Problem:

Statement of the Problem (SOP) :

Solid waste management is a crucial aspect of promoting sustainable development and

green initiatives. The proper management and disposal of waste not only protect the
environment but also contribute to the health and well-being of the community. In the context of
senior high schools, where a significant amount of waste is generated daily, it is essential to
evaluate the current waste management practices and policies. This study aims to explore the
perceptions and viewpoints of faculty teachers on the current solid waste management
practices in their schools and how effective the current waste management policies and
strategies are in promoting green initiatives and sustainable development. Specially, this
sought to answer the following questions.

1. ) How do CREST SHS Faculty view the regulations in waste management disposal?

2. What issues encountered by SHS Faculty about Solid Waste management?

3. What opportunities CREST SHS Faculty done to address the impact of Solid Waste

Significance of the study:

The significance of the study "Think Green: Crest SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Faculty
Viewpoints On Solid Waste Management" lies in its potential to provide insights and
recommendations on how to effectively manage solid waste in SHS. Schools generate a
significant amount of waste, and proper management of this waste is crucial not only for
the environment but also for the health and safety of students, teachers, and staff.

By understanding the viewpoints and opinions of the teachers on solid waste

management, the study can identify the challenges and barriers that hinder effective waste
management practices in Crest SHS. This research can be used to develop strategies and
interventions that promote sustainable waste management practices in schools, such as
recycling, composting, and reducing waste generation.

Moreover, the study can serve as a basis for future research on solid waste
management in schools, particularly in the context of developing countries where waste
management infrastructure may be limited. Overall, the study can contribute to the
promotion of sustainable practices in schools, which can have a positive impact on the
environment and the health and well-being of students, teachers, and staff.
Research Methodology:

Research Design: Case Study

A case study research design will be implemented to investigate the faculty viewpoint
on solid waste management at Crest Senior High School. The study will involve 5-10
faculty members who will participate in semi-structured interviews about their perceptions
of waste management practices at the school. The interviews will be audio-recorded and
transcribed for analysis, and the researcher will also review relevant school documents and
observe waste management practices. The research questions will focus on the impact of
the school's green initiative on teaching approaches, challenges faced in promoting
sustainable waste management to the school, and strategies used to encourage students
to engage in sustainable waste management practices. The results of this study will
contribute to the knowledge base on environmental education and sustainable waste
management practices in schools.

Research Environment:

Crest Senior High School is a private SHS located at 72 N Escario St, Cebu City,
6000 Cebu. The school has a student population of approximately, 300 students and a
faculty of around 17 teachers. The school has implemented a green initiative intended to
promote sustainable waste management practices among students, faculty, and staff. The
school has implemented various waste management practices, such as recycling,
composting, and reducing solid waste. Soon Crest Senior High School will also introduce
environmental education into the curriculum, which includes topics such as SWM,
sustainability, and conservation. The research environment for this study will be the school
campus, where interviews with faculty members will take place, and the waste
management practices implemented by the school will be observed.

Research Participants:

In conducting an interview, the researchers should pick 5-10 faculty members to be

our respondents. It was intended for the study to be well organized and more objective in
our study.
Research Instrument:

In this study, the researchers will be using a questionnaire. The questionnaire is a set
of questions prepared by the researchers and to be answered by the educators at Crest
Senior High School. The first part of the questionnaire is about how the teachers in Crest
Senior High School's point of view on the regulation in waste management disposal and
what issues they saw about solid waste management. The researcher's questionnaire will
use questionnaires to make the outcomes of participants more objective.


This study aims to explore the viewpoints of senior high school faculty members on solid
waste management. The primary objective of this research is to gain an understanding of
the perceptions of senior high school faculty members toward waste management
practices and assess their awareness of environmental concerns. The research
methodology of this study will be qualitative, using a phenomenological approach.

Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to explore the viewpoints of SHS faculty on SWM education
and its integration into the curriculum. The study aims to identify the challenges and
opportunities in integrating SWM education into the curriculum and how it can be
effectively implemented to promote sustainable practices among faculty members
Scope and Delimitation :

This study will focus on the viewpoints of the teachers and faculty members of Crest Senior
High School on solid waste management and their role in promoting sustainable practices to their
students. The study will also explore the current solid waste management practices in the school
and identify areas for improvement. The study's results will emphasize 72 N Escario St, Cebu City,
6000 Cebu settings at CREST SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL.

Definitions Of Terms:

CREST Senior High School :

A school with a clear mission, high standards for success, instructional leadership,
and a safe and orderly environment. Cebu Reliable and Excellent Seafarers Training
Center is regarded as one of the most prominent and preferred maritime training and
evaluation institutions for seafarers, keeping up with national and international
standards. As the demand for seafarers started growing, CREST SHS was established
in 2018 for students who aspire to be maritime professionals. In just three years, it has
already exceeded expectations by providing opportunities not only for its Maritime
students but also for its ABM and HUMSS students through various development
programs such as Student Recollection, Mental Health Awareness Activities,
International Youth Conference, and Extra & Co-curricular Activities.

Solid Waste Management:

The collecting, treating, and disposing of solid material that is discarded because it has
served its purpose or is no longer useful.

Combining or involving several academic disciplines or professional specialization in an approach to a
topic or problem.
Conceptual Framework:

Moderating variable:

Level of awareness and Knowledge of the faculty

on solid waste management practices.

Dependent Variable:

Independent Variable: Faculty's Viewpoints on solid Waste

Implementation of the “ Think Green”
Advocate in Crest Senior High School.

Control Variable:

School Policies and Regulations on Solid Waste


Mediating Variable:

Availability of Resources and Facilities for Proper Solid

Waste Management in the School.

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