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Grade Level
LOG Quarter 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Date: Sept. 19, 2022 Date: Sept. 20, 2022 Date: Sept.21, 2022 Date: Sept. 22, 2022 Date: Sept. 23, 2022
A. Content Standard  The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve
personal fitness
B. Performance The learner designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness
C. Learning
Competencies The learners… The learners… The learners… The learners… The learners…
(Write the LC code
 undertake physical activity  undertake physical activity  undertake physical  undertake physical  undertake physical
for each)
and physical fitness and physical fitness activity and physical activity and physical fitness activity and physical
assessments. (PE7PF-Ia-h23) assessments. (PE7PF-Ia-h23) fitness assessments. assessments. (PE7PF-Ia- fitness assessments.
 set goals based on  set goals based on (PE7PF-Ia-h23) h23) (PE7PF-Ia-h23)
assessment results. (PE7PF- assessment results. (PE7PF-  set goals based on  set goals based on  set goals based on
Ia24) Ia24) assessment results. assessment results. (PE7PF- assessment results.
 recognizes barriers (low level  recognizes barriers (low (PE7PF-Ia24) Ia24) (PE7PF-Ia24)
of fitness, lack of skill and time) level of fitness, lack of skill  recognizes barriers  recognizes barriers (low  recognizes barriers (low
to exercise. (PE7PF-Ib26 and time) to exercise. (low level of fitness, level of fitness, lack of skill level of fitness, lack of
(PE7PF-Ib26 lack of skill and time) to and time) to exercise. skill and time) to exercise.
exercise. (PE7PF-Ib26 (PE7PF-Ib26 (PE7PF-Ib26
II. CONTENT: Exercise Programs


A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s PE and Health PE and Health PE and Health PE and Health PE and Health
Material pages
3. Textbook p. 10 - 46 p. 10 - 46 p. 10 - 46 p. 10 - 46 p. 10 - 46
4. Additional
Material from LR
B. Other Learning Google/YouTube Google/YouTube Google/YouTube Google/YouTube Google/YouTube
A. Reviewing The teacher will show students Activity: MATCH, MATCH, Teacher will facilitate Activity: TEXT TWIST Activity: TEXT TWIST
previous lesson or pictures of different physical MATCH! The teacher will review on different Teacher will facilitate Teacher will facilitate
presenting the new
activities. The students will show images that illustrates safety precautions and review through power review through power
match each physical activity physical activities that responsibilities to be point presentation point presentation
with the physical fitness displays the different considered before and The students will solve the The students will solve
components it matches. The components of Physical after the execution of scramble d words to get the scramble d words to
teacher will ask the students Fitness. physical fitness test. (5 the correct answer.  BOYD get the correct answer.
about their answer. ask the min SAMM DEXIN  BOYD SAMM DEXIN
students about their answer.  FELXIBILYTI  FELXIBILYTI
B. Establishing a Activity: FIT OR NOT? The Group Activity: DRAWING Group Activity: DRAWING
purpose for the teacher will show statements YOUR UNDERSTANDI NG. YOUR UNDERSTANDI NG.
related to Physical Fitness. The teacher will divide the The teacher will divide
Students will write FIT, if the class into six groups. Each the class into six groups.
statements relates to the group will be given a Each group will be given a
characteristics and indications drawing paper - size. Each drawing paper - size. Each
of a physically fit individual and group will draw a medium group will draw a
NOT, if the statement is – sized circle that medium – sized circle
opposite. symbolizes physical fitness that symbolizes physical
and describe their work fitness and describe their
C. Presenting Based on the activity, the The teacher will present a The teacher will ask the
Examples/ instances teacher will ask the students video exhibiting the unique The teacher will ask the students the following
of the new lesson students the following
the following questions: arts and crafts of Luzon in questions:  How
 How do you describe a relation to history and questions:  How significant for you is
physically fit person? tradition of their respective significant for you is undergoing a physical
 When can you say that an community. (Note: The undergoing a physical fitness test?  How can
individual is not physically fit? teacher can also post arts fitness test?  How can you you develop your
 Based on your responses, and crafts instead.) Ask the develop your personal personal physical fitness?
how do you describe yourself? students the following physical fitness?
 Are you a physically fit questions:
individual? Justify your answer.  What are the communities
 What are your goals in to be a or places shown in the
physically fit individual? video?
 What particular art/craft
highlighted in the video
 What elements and
principles can be derived
from the given art/craft?
 Do you think that the
tradition and history of the
community somehow
reflected in their arts and
D. Discussing new Teacher will lead discussion on Teacher will lead Teacher will lead
concepts and Physical Fitness and its discussion of FITT discussion of FITT
practicing new skills
components through power Principles through Principles through
point presentation. (40 min) power point power point
Physical Fitness presentation. presentation.
E. Discussing new Teacher will lead discussion
concepts and on the different safety
practicing new skills
precautions and
responsibilities to be
considered before and after
the execution of physical
fitness test.
F. Developing The teacher will divide the With the same groups, Activity: Designing One’s Activity: Designing One’s
mastery class into 4 groups for the each will perform the own Fitness Program own Fitness Program
(Leads to Formative
Health - Related Fitness Skill - Related fitness With the same groups, the With the same groups,
Assessment 3)
Test. Each group will Test. teacher will ask the the teacher will ask
perform and record it in Each group will perform students the design their the students the design
their Physical Fitness Test and record it in their own fitness plan their own fitness plan
Physical Fitness Test
Record Card through circuit considering the principles considering the principles
Record Card through
rotation. (see Annex D) (40 circuit rotation. (see of fitness training, the of fitness training, the
min ) (note) Let the students Annex E)(30 min) variables to be considered variables tobe considered
get their training heart – (note) for the training and the for the training and the
rate before and after Let the students get their result of their fitness test result of their fitness test
executing the test and training heart –rate before
and after executing the
record it. Before executing
test and record it.
the test, do warm – up Before executing the test,
exercises followed by do warm – up exercises
stretching activities. followed by stretching
activities. (5 min)
Let the students/group
assess their performance
and interpret using the PF
Test Norms.
G. Finding practical After the activity, the The teacher will asked the The teacher will asked
applications of teacher will asked the following question: What the following question:
concepts and skills
following questions:  are some avenues of What are some avenues
in daily living
How well did you physical activity, which you of physical activity, which
perform in the test?  may undertake, in your you may undertake, in
What do you think is daily your daily routine at
the significance of routine at home, school home, school and
conducting physical and community in order to community in order to
fitness tests such as develop your personal develop your personal
what you have done?  fitness? (5 min fitness? (5 min )
What could be the )
barriers in achieving
personal fitness? 
Regardless of whether
you got high or low
in the physical fitness
tests, how else can you
improve your fitness at
the level f the different
components? (5 min)
your daily routine at
home, school and
community in order to
develop your personal
fitness? (5 min)
H. Making
and Abstractions About
the Lesson
H. Making With the same groups, The teacher will asked the The teacher will asked
generalizations and the teacher will ask the students to following the students to following
abstractions about
students to organize questions:  What are the questions:  What are the
the lesson
their thoughts and components of physical components of physical
come up with their own fitness?  What are the fitness?  What are the
idea of what physical things to be considered in things to be considered in
fitness means to them. designing an individualized designing an
(5 min exercise program to individualized exercise
achieve personal fitness? program to achieve
The teacher will synthesize personal fitness? The
the student’s teacher will synthesize
the student’s
I. Evaluating The teacher will assess The teacher will assess The teacher will assess
learning students’ performance students’ output through students’ output through
through rubrics. rubrics. rubrics.
J. Additional Activity: Time Clock Activity: Activity Pyramid Activity: Activity Pyramid
activities for Write the schedule of Use the activity pyramid to Use the activity pyramid
application or
your daily activities or record and monitor your to record and monitor
physical activities inside daily physical activities. your daily physical
the time clock from the Write the activities you do activities. Write the
time you wake up and and use it as a guide in activities you do and use
until the time before achieving health and fitness it as a guide in achieving
you go to bed at night. development. health and fitness

Assignment The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
students to bring the following: students to make a
 Sack or used manila paper Fitness Research about:
 Tape measure  Number of warm –
 Stop watch up, flexibility, strength,
 Meter stick endurance and cool
 24 inches ruler down exercises.
 Marker or chalk  Familiarize the
exercises you have
Remind the students to wear searched by phase at
proper PE uniform. home or in any space
where you can execute
the movements.
VI. REFLECTION: Move to be Physically Fit.
Pragmatism: Knowing
results from experience

Prepared by: Checked by: Reviewed by: Approved:

Teacher Master Teacher I Head Teacher III Secondary School Principal IV

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