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Final Cookery 10 q1 Module 5

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 1 – Module 5
Cook and Present Starch and
Cereal Dishes

Technology and Livelihood Education - Cookery
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Cook and Present Starch and Cereal Dishes
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form
without written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module


Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Melba N. Paz, Ph.D, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of TLE/EPP/TVL

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

Technology and
Livelihood Education
Quarter 1 – Module 5
Cook and Present Starch and Cereal Dishes

In cooking starch and cereal dishes, starch paste viscosity and

gel strength should be considered to obtain the right consistency of the finished
product. There are also common problems in starch cookery which can be controlled
with proper proportion of ingredients, correct temperature of cooking and consuming
the full time of cooking. These factors are to be observed in order to achieve products
according to standards.

Sauces, garnishes and accompaniments are additions to the main ingredients

of a meal. They can be used to enhance the flavor, color, aroma and overall
presentation of the meal. The way in which the sauce is presented will depend very
much on the dish being served. The sauce may be served partially masked over the
food, served under the food, or served in a separate dish.

There are many ways on how to present cereal and starch dishes. In
presenting, remember that you are creating a dining experience that tempts all the
senses, not just the palate.

This module will provide information and activities that will help you cook and
present starch and cereal dishes.
After going through this module, you are expected to:

• Cook various types of starch and cereal dishes

• Prepare sauces and accompaniments of selected starch and cereal product
follow safety and hygienic practices while working in the kitchen
• Present starch dishes with suitable plating and garnishing according to

1. State the principles of cooking various types of starch and cereal dishes
2. Enumerate the procedure in cooking various types of starch and cereal dishes

3. Familiarize with the different types of sauces and accompaniments of selected

starch and cereal product
4. State the guidelines of presenting starch dishes
5. Explain the guidelines of presenting starch dishes
Direction: Choose the most appropriate answer to each statement below. Write the
letter of your choice on a separate paper
_____1. What is the meaning of the Italian phrase “al dente” which is applied in
the preparation of pasta?
A. To the appetite B. To the bite C. To the taste D. To the tooth
_____2. When is the right time to stop cooking pasta?
A. When pasta becomes sticky
B. When pasta breaks when pressed
C. When pasta is firm to the bite
D. When pasta is soft and mushy
_____3. It is determined by the shape and size of pasta used in the dish.
A. Cooking temperature C. Kind of garnish
B. Cooking time D. Type of sauce
_____4. What kind of sauce is appropriate for thicker pasta like fettuccine?
A. Chunky B. Heavy C. Light D. Thick
_____5. This is the texture of a pasta which is cooked properly.
A. Soft and mushy C. Tender but firm
B. Soft and pasty D. Tough and chewy
_____6. What kind of pasta is appropriate for cooking soups?
A. Pasta with ridges C. Thin delicate pasta
B. thicker pasta shapes D. Very small pasta shapes
_____7.How is a pasta prepared when it is used as an ingredient in a recipe that will
be cooked more?
A. Cooked ahead and hold until service time
B. Cooked until firm and al dente
C. Cooked until smooth and mushy
D. Undercooked to provide time for further cooking
_____8. A sauce made with tomatoes, garlic, herbs and onions and can include
capers, olives, spices and a dash of wine to create a variation.
A. Bolognese sauce B. Carbonara sauce C. Marinara sauce D. Pesto sauce
_____9. A sauce which contains eggs, bacon or ham and grated cheese.
A. Carbonara sauce C. Spaghetti sauce
B. Pesto sauce D. Tomato sauce
_____10. An item which serves as accent that adds color to food and must match
flavor of the dish.
A. Accompaniment B. Garnish C. Main Dish D. Sauce
_____11. A sauce which contains mushrooms and ham with chopped vegetables, beef
and tomato paste.
A. Bolognese sauce C. Marinara sauce
B. Carbonara sauce D. Pesto sauce
_____12. It is a sauce made with puree of tomatoes with savory vegetables and other
savory vegetables and other seasonings which can be used on pastas.
A. Bolognese B. Carbonara C. Spaghetti D. Tomato
_____13. How will you prevent pasta from sticking together when it is to be stored?
A. Drain, cover and refrigerate C. Serve immediately
B. Rinse in cold water D. Toss with a little oil
_____14. What guideline in presenting a dish is applied when color, shapes and
texture of food are selected properly?
A. Balance B. Be odd C. Proportion D. Simplicity
_____15. When plating, what item is placed as the focal point?
A. Accompaniment B. Garnish C. Main Dish D. Sauce
LESSON Cook Various Types of Starch and
1 Cereal Dishes


ACTIVITY 1: Flash Cards

Direction: Pick the flashcards with principles appropriate for each cereal and starch
dishes. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


Principles for Cereal Dish Principles for Starch Dish

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

A. Always use the full time D. Use a double boiler to prevent

prescribed in the recipe or longer. scorching.

B. Stop the cooking process when it E. Cook and serve immediately to get
feels firm to the bite. the best result.

C. Add vegetables to improve flavor F. Cook at boiling temperature

and color. (212°F) to obtain correct
consistency and texture.
Principles in Cooking Cereals

In cooking all cereal products, the following points should be observed:

1. Use a double boiler.
2. Observe carefully the correct proportions of cereal, water and salt.
3. Cook at boiling temperature (212° F.).
4. Watch the time by the clock, and always cook the full time prescribed,
preferably longer.
5. Serve attractively.
6. Improper cooking and poor serving are largely responsible for unpopularity
of cereal foods.

Basic Principles in Preparing Pasta

Pasta should be cooked al dente, or “to the tooth”. This means the cooking
should be stopped when the pasta still feels firm to the bite, not soft and mushy.
The pleasure of cooking pasta is its texture, and this is lost if it is overcooked. To
test for doneness, break pasta into small piece and taste it. As soon as pasta is al
dente, cooking must be stopped at once. Half a minute extra is enough to overcook
Cooking time differs for every shape and size of pasta. Timing also depends
on the kind of flour used, and the moisture content.

Pasta Shapes
There are hundreds of shapes and sizes of pasta with each shape used
for different preparations based on how the sauce will cling, the texture
desired, or how the product will be used. For example:
• Pasta shapes with holes or ridges, such as wagon wheels or rotini, are
perfect for chunkier sauces.

• Thin, delicate pastas, such as angel hair or vermicelli, are better

served with light, thin sauces.

• Thicker pasta shapes, such as fettuccine, work well with heavier


• Very small pasta shapes, like alphabet shapes and acini di pepe,
are good for soups.

Flavored pasta is available in a variety of shapes in both the dried and fresh
forms. Vegetable ingredients are added to pasta to provide both color and flavor.
An example of flavored pasta is spinach noodles that are green. Follow the package
directions for cooking flavored pastas.
Cooking Time Depends on the Shape

It is important to be familiar with different shapes of pasta so cooking times

can be adjusted. The larger and fuller the pasta shape, the longer the cooking time.
Most pasta recipes specify cooking times for pasta cooked al dente, tender but
firm. Al dente is an Italian phrase that means “to the tooth.”
Pasta Gets Bigger and Heavier when Cooked
Generally, pasta doubles or triples in weight when it is cooked. Likewise,
the volume increases 2 to 2 ½ times during cooking.

Follow the Recipe

The general rule for cooking pasta in boiling water is for 1 pound of pasta,
use 1 gallon of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 teaspoon of oil. For 100 servings of
spaghetti, 6 gallons of water, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 2 tablespoons of oil are
needed to cook 6 pounds of dried spaghetti.

When pasta is to be used as an ingredient in a recipe that will be cooked

more, like macaroni and cheese, it should be slightly undercooked. This means
reducing the cooking time by about 2 minutes. Pasta that is not cooked enough is
tough and chewy. Pasta that is overcooked is soft and pasty. When overcooked
pasta is combined with a sauce, it often breaks apart. Handle pasta the right way
after it is cooked. Like most foods, pasta is best when it is cooked and served
right away. However, it is sometimes necessary to cook it ahead and hold it until
time for service.

Fresh egg pasta, if it has not been allowed to dry, takes only 1 to 1 ½
minutes to cook after the water has returned to a boil.
Italian practice is to toss the pasta with the sauce the minute it is drained,
the sauce immediately coats all surfaces of the pasta, and the cheese, melts in the
heat of the boiling hot noodles.

ACTIVITY 2: Al Dente
Direction: Cook spaghetti or any pasta you wish to prepare following the procedure
stated in the recipe. Let your parent or guardian evaluate your output using the
given rubrics. Document your performance through a video or picture and send to
your teacher.
Pinoy Spaghetti Recipe
Author: Vanjo Merano


2 lbs Spaghetti
2 tbsp Salt
36 ounces Water about 1 liter

1. In a large pot, pour the water in and bring to a boil. Put-in the salt.
2. Add the Spaghetti Noodles and cook until tender (see package for cooking
time) then set aside.

5 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta and
performs the skill without supervision.
4 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta and
performs the skill satisfactorily without assistance or supervision.
3 Follows correctly the procedures in preparing and cooking pasta with
minor errors and performs the skill satisfactorily with some assistance
and/or supervision.
2 Was not able to follow the procedures in preparing and cooking starch
dish and performs the skill unsatisfactorily.
1 No attempt
Name and Signature of Rater

ACTIVITY 3: Snack Time

Direction: Cook a pan cake following the procedure given. Let your parent or
guardian evaluate your output using the given rubrics. Document your
performance through a video or picture and send to your teacher.

Good Old Fashioned Pancakes

By dakota kelly

1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
3 ½ teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon white sugar
1 ¼ cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons butter, melted


Step 1. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make
a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.

Step 2. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium-high heat. Pour or
scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake.
Brown on both sides and serve hot.

I. Products: Very Good Fair Poor No

Good (4) (3) (2) attempt
(5) (1)
1. General Appearance
a. Attractive and appealing to
b. Ingredients cooked just right
2. Palatability
a. Delicious, Taste just right
3. Nutritive Value
a. Highly nutritious
II. Procedures:
1. Uses of Resources:
a. Keep working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients
b. Use only the proper and needed
utensils and dishes
c. Use time-saving techniques and
2. Cleanliness and sanitation
a. Is well-groomed and properly
dressed for cooking, use clean
apron, hair nets, hands towel and
pot holder
b. Observe sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. Follow proper preparation and
cooking procedures
TOTAL: (40 points)
Name and Signature of Rater

LESSON Sauces and Accompaniments of

2 Selected Starch and Cereal Product

ACTIVITY 4: Saucy Pair
Direction: Match the sauce that is appropriate for the pasta or cereal dish by pairing
them correctly. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.









Sauces, garnishes and accompaniments are additions to the main

ingredients of a meal. In cooking, a sauce is a liquid, cream, or semi-solid food, served
on or used in preparing other foods. Most sauces are not normally consumed by
themselves; they add flavor, moisture, and visual appeal to a dish. Sauce is a French
word taken from the Latin salsa, meaning salted. thick liquid served with food,
usually savory dishes, to add moistness and flavor.

Sauce is a term used in cookery to describe a wide range of flavoured liquids

that are served as part of the meal, or dish. Sauces come in a variety of different
styles and consistencies. They can be thick or thin, rich and creamy, or light and
delicate. Depending on the purpose, sauces can be strongly flavoured, hot and spicy,
or even sweet to be served with a dessert.

The way in which the sauce is presented will depend very much on the dish
being served. The sauce may be served partially masked over the food, served under
the food, or served in a separate dish.

Accompaniments are complementary additions to the main ingredient of a

meal. Accompaniments are typically things like vegetables and side salads but they
also include sauces and relishes. Sometimes the accompaniment also comes with a
garnish of its own. Sauce, flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an
accompaniment to food.
Types of Sauces

1. Pesto Sauce

- refer to the original dish pesto alla genovese, is a sauce originating in Genoa,
the capital city of Liguria, Italy. It traditionally consists of crushed garlic, European
pine nuts, coarse salt, basil leaves, and hard cheese such as Parmigiano-Reggiano
or Pecorino Sardo, all blended with olive oil.

2. Marinara Sauce
- a tomato sauce usually made with tomatoes, garlic, herbs, and onions. It
can include the addition of capers, olives, spices, and a dash of wine as possible
ingredients in its many variations. This sauce is widely used in Italian-American
cuisine, which has diverged from its Old World Origins.

In Italy, alla marinara refers to a sauce made with tomatoes, basil,

and oregano, but also sometimes olives, capers and salted anchovies; it is used
for spaghetti and vermicelli, but also with meat or fish. This is not to be confused
with spaghetti marinara, a popular dish in Australia, New Zealand, Spain and South
Africa, in which a tomato-based sauce is mixed with fresh seafood. In Italy, a pasta
sauce including seafood is more commonly called alla pescatora.

3. Spaghetti sauce
- any of numerous sauces for spaghetti or other kinds of pasta
4. Bolognese pasta sauce
- sauce for pasta; contains mushrooms and ham and chopped vegetables and
beef and tomato paste. Bolognese sauce is a meat-based sauce in Italian cuisine,
typical of the city of Bologna. It is customarily used to dress tagliatelle al ragù and
to prepare lasagne alla bolognese.

5. Carbonara sauce
- sauce for pasta; contains eggs and bacon or ham and grated cheese

6. Tomato sauce
- sauce made with a puree of tomatoes (or strained tomatoes) with savory
vegetables and other seasonings; can be used on pasta.

ACTIVITY 5: Sauce for My Pasta

Direction: Base from the recipe you have used in Activity 2 make the sauce which
will complement the pasta you prepared. Let your parent or guardian to evaluate the
sauce you prepared. Document your performance through a video or picture and
send it to your teacher. Your output will be evaluated using the given rubrics.

Spaghetti sauce ingredients

1 big bottle banana ketchup
1 big can Tomato sauce approximately 4 cups
½ cup Tomato Paste
1 tsp Garlic minced
1 ½ lbs Ground Meat pork or beef
4 pcs Hotdogs sliced
2 to 4 tablespoons brown Sugar
1 medium sized Onion diced
Cheddar Cheese
4 tbsp Cooking Oil

1. Using a separate pan, saute the garlic and onions.
2. Put-in the round meat and let cook for 5 minutes.
3. Add the hotdogs and cook for 2 minutes.
4. Put-in the tomato sauce, banana catsup, tomato paste, and brown sugar
then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes
5. Place the sauce on top of the cooked noodles and add some cheese
6. Serve hot. Share and Enjoy


Criteria Very Good Fair Poor No

Good Attempt
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
The sauce is attractive to look at and
The sauce has a good color
The ingredients are cooked just
The sauce has the right consistency
The sauce taste delicious
Name and Signature of Rater
ACTIVITY 6: Syrup to The Max

Direction: Base from the recipe you have used in Activity 2 make the sauce which
will complement the starch or cereal dish you prepared. Let your parent or guardian
to evaluate the syrup/sauce you prepared. Document your performance through a
video or picture and send it to your teacher. Your output will be evaluated using the
given rubrics.


Recipe by tcourto

1⁄ cup brown sugar
1⁄ cup granulated sugar
1⁄ cup water
1⁄ teaspoon vanilla
1 pinch salt
In a small pyrex measuring pitcher or bowl combine all ingredients.
Mix until well combined.
Cook over low heat. Stir.
Continue cooking until mixture boils.
Serve hot or let cool.

Criteria Very Good Fair Poor No

Good Attempt
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
The syrup is attractive to look at and
The syrup has a good color
The ingredients are cooked just
The syrup has the right consistency
The syrup taste delicious
Name and Signature of Rater
LESSON Present Starch Dishes with Suitable
3 Plating and Garnishing


ACTIVITY 7: Best Supporting Statement

Direction: Find the supporting statement which best explains the guidelines given.
Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

Answer Presenting Guidelines for Starch Supporting Statement

and Cereal Dishes
1. Place adequate serving portion A. Match flavor of food: not over
of food. power it

2. Garnishes B. Create balance.

3. Draw or sketch a plan of C. Avoid clutter to not confuse the
presentation. diner

4. Ensure the main dish is the D. Right amount of food of different

focal point with garnishes and nutrients should be placed on plate
sauces as support element to have balanced meal

5. Make it simple. E. Main dish between 3 to 9 o’clock

Starch and cereal between 9 to
11 o’clock
Veggies between 12 to 3 o’clock

Techniques in Preparing Pasta before Plating

1. Pasta is best if cooked and served immediately. Try to cook pasta upon
2. If pasta is to be served immediately, just drain and do not rinse in cold
3. If pasta is to be used cold in salad, it is ready to be incorporated in the
recipe as soon as it has cooled.
4. If pasta is to be held, toss gently with a small amount of oil to keep it from
5. Measure portions into mounds on trays. Cover with plastic film and
refrigerate until service time.
6. To serve, place the desired number of portions in a china cap and immerse
in simmering water to reheat. Drain, plate, and add sauce.
Presenting Guidelines for Starch and Cereal Dishes
A. Make it simple.
• Focus on main element of dish
• Avoid clutter to not confuse the diner
B. Draw or sketch a plan of presentation.
• Create balance. Select colors, shapes and texture of food to be included in the
presentation but don’t overpower function and flavor.
C. Place adequate serving portion of food.
• Right amount of food of different nutrients should be placed on plate to have
balanced meal
D. Ensure the main dish is the focal point with garnishes and sauces as support
• Main dish between 3 to 9 o’clock
• Starch and cereal between 9 to 11 o’clock
• Veggies between 12 to 3 o’clock
E. Use sauce to create accents in form of dots to be placed on side of plate.
• Can be lightly poured or drizzled on plate over or under the dish
F. Garnishes
• Serves as accent that adds color to food
• Match flavor of food: not overpower it


Activity 8: Make the Better Best

Direction: Present or plate the pasta dish you cooked in Activity 2 and Activity 5
following the guidelines given. Let your parent or guardian evaluate your output
using the given rubrics. Document your performance through picture or video and
send to your teacher.

Very No
Good Fair Poor
I. Products: Good attempt
(4) (3) (2)
(5) (1)
1. General Appearance
a. attractive and appealing to appetite
b. pleasing and good color combination
c. ingredients cooked just right
2. Palatability
a. delicious
b. taste just right
3. Nutritive value
a. highly nutritious
II. Procedures:

1. Use of Resources:
a. keep working table orderly while
preparing the ingredients
b. use only the proper and needed utensils
and dishes
c. use time-saving techniques and devices
2. Cleanliness and sanitation

a. is well- groomed and properly dressed for

cooking, use clean apron, hair nets, hand
towel and potholder
b. observe sanitary handling of food
3. Conservation of nutrients
a. follow proper preparation and cooking
Name and Signature of Rater


Activity 9: Simplicity is Beauty

Direction: Present or plate the cereal or starch dish you have cooked in Activity 3
and Activity 6 following the guidelines given. Let your parent or guardian evaluate
your output using the given rubrics. Document your performance through picture or
video and send to your teacher.
5 points 3 points 1 point
Proper Balance Plating is balanced Balance attempted Evidence of balance is
with even eye but needs limited or not present
appealing flow improvement
Use of Color Color is Some color variety Lack of color variety
complimentary but needs
and eye appealing improvement
Shape Proportion Incorporates Some repetition of Variety in shape very
variety of eye shapes but variety is limited or not present
appealing shapes evident
Use of Garnish Appropriate for Adequate but not Inappropriate
food items outstanding selection of garnish or
lack of or too much
Overall Product Presentation is Presentation is Presentation needs
Presentation attractively acceptable and some improvement and
displayed and creativity is lacks creativity
shows creativity displayed.
Name and signature of Rater

Direction: Choose the most appropriate answer to each of the questions below.
Write the letter of your choice in a separate paper
_____1. What is the meaning of the Italian phrase “al dente” which is applied in
the preparation of pasta?
A. To the appetite B. To the bite C. To the taste D. To the tooth
_____2. When is the right time to stop cooking pasta?
A. When pasta becomes sticky
B. When pasta breaks when pressed
C. When pasta is firm to the bite
D. When pasta is soft and mushy
_____3. It is determined by the shape and size of pasta used in the dish.
A. Cooking temperature C. Kind of garnish
B. Cooking time D. Type of sauce
_____4. What kind of sauce is appropriate for thicker pasta like fettuccine?
A. Chunky B. Heavy C. Light D. Thick
_____5. The texture of a pasta which is cooked properly.
A. Soft and mushy C. Tender but firm
B. Soft and pasty D. Tough and chewy
_____6. What kind of pasta is appropriate for cooking soups?
A. Pasta with ridges C. Thin delicate pasta
B. Thicker pasta shapes D. Very small pasta shapes
_____7.How is pasta prepared when it is used as an ingredient in a recipe that will
be cooked more?
A. Cooked ahead and hold until service time
B. Cooked until firm and al dente
C. Cooked until smooth and mushy
D. Undercooked to provide time for further cooking
_____8. A sauce made with tomatoes, garlic, herbs and onions and can include
capers, olives, spices and a dash of wine to create a variation.
A. Bolognese sauce C. Marinara sauce
B. Carbonara sauce D. Pesto sauce
_____9. A sauce which contains eggs, bacon or ham and grated cheese.
A. Carbonara sauce C. Spaghetti sauce
B. Pesto sauce D. Tomato sauce
_____10. An item which serves as accent that adds color to food and must match
flavor of the dish.
A. Accompaniment C. Main Dish
B. Garnish D. Sauce
_____11. A sauce which contains mushrooms and ham with chopped vegetables, beef
and tomato paste.
A. Bolognese sauce C. Marinara sauce
B. Carbonara sauce D. Pesto sauce
_____12. It is a sauce made with puree of tomatoes with savory vegetables and other
savory vegetables and other seasonings which can be used on pastas.
A. Bolognese B. Carbonara C. Spaghetti D. Tomato
_____13. How will you prevent pasta from sticking together when it is to be stored?
A. Drain, cover and refrigerate C. Serve immediately
B. Rinse in cold water D. Toss with a little oil
_____14. What guideline in presenting a dish is applied when color, shapes and
texture of food are selected properly?
A. Balance B. Be odd C. Proportion D. Simplicity
_____15. When plating, what item is place as the focal point?
A. Accompaniment C. Main Dish
B. Garnish D. Sauce

Pre-Test LESSON 3

1. D Jumpstart
2. C ACTIVITY 7: Best Supporting Statement
3. B 1. D
4. B 2. A
5. C 3. B
6. D 4. E
7. D 5. C
8. C
9. A Explore
10. B ACTIVITY 8: Make the Better Best
11. A Performance Task to be evaluated using
13. D Deepen
14. A ACTIVITY 9: Simplicity is Beauty
15. C Performance Task to be evaluated using
ACTIVITY 1: Flashcards Gauge
Priciples for Cereal Dish 1. D
1. A 2. C
2. D 3. B
3. F 4. B
Principles for Starch Dish 5. C
1. B 6. D
2. C 7. D
3. E 8. C
Explore 9. A
ACTIVITY 2: Al Dente 10. B
Performance Task to be evaluated 11. A
using RUBRICS 12. D
Deepen 13. D
ACTIVITY 3: Snack Time 14. A
Performance Task to be evaluated 15. C

ACTIVITY 4:Saucy Pair
1. C
2. A
3. E
4. D
5. B
ACTIVITY 5: Sauce For My Pasta
Performance Task to be evaluated
ACTIVITY 6: Syrup To the Max
Performance Task to be evaluated

Cookery Manual, Module 2 of 2 Technical-Vocational- Livelihood (First Quarter,





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