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Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080505

Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach:

A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in
Developing Countries
Udomiaye Emmanuel1,*, Chukwuali Basil Chukwuemeka2, Kalu Cheche Kalu1

Department of Architectural Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Uwana, Nigeria
Department of Architecture, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria

Received June 25, 2020; Revised August 14, 2020; Accepted August 28, 2020

Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles

(a): [1] Udomiaye Emmanuel, Chukwuali Basil Chukwuemeka, Kalu Cheche Kalu , "Life Cycle Energy Assessment
(LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries," Civil Engineering and
Architecture, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 777 - 791, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080505.
(b): Udomiaye Emmanuel, Chukwuali Basil Chukwuemeka, Kalu Cheche Kalu (2020). Life Cycle Energy Assessment
(LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries. Civil Engineering and Architecture,
8(5), 777 - 791. DOI: 10.13189/cea.2020.080505.
Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract Sustainable architecture searches for methods approaches should be prioritized on a life cycle energy
to lessen the adverse environmental burdens of buildings basis.
by efficiently and moderately using materials, energy and
space. Ensuring sustainable development in multiple Keywords Architecture, Assessment, Energy,
dimensions requires an essential factor such as sustainable Environment, Sustainability
architectural practice that inculcates assessment framework.
Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) is a key component
of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in which energy use at
different life cycle stage of buildings is the only parameter 1. Introduction
analysed. In developing countries, defining sustainable
architecture and environmental sustainability assessment Any professional that is involved in building design,
in buildings remains a herculean task. The aim of the study procurement, construction and building maintenance or
was to examine the theoretical challenges associated with other activities related to the built environment in recent
defining what we mean by calling a building “green” or years would have encountered in one way or another the
sustainable architectural design and a post-positivism term sustainability or sustainable architectural design.
viewpoint on sustainability assessment of architectural Sustainable development is the “development that achieve
design. The objectives are to review the criteria for the needs of the present without hindering the ability of the
sustainable architecture and conduct an LCEA of an future generations to meet her needs” [1]. Therefore,
existing residential apartment building in Abakaliki- sustainable architecture advocates ways to lessen the
Nigeria, using process-based Life Cycle Energy adverse environmental burdens of buildings by efficiently
Assessment. The embodied energy intensity was found to and moderately using materials, energy and space. Arezon,
be high at 6.10GJ/M2, while cement- based component was Kalan; Oliveira & Eduardo [2] added that sustainable
8.8% by mass but accounted for 67.6% of the embodied architecture deals with the use of deliberate technique of
energy. Consequently, it is imperative to carry out LCEA at ecological and energy management in planning the built
the early stage of design and employ strategies to reduce environment. Ensuring sustainable development in
embodied energy instead of focusing only on lessening the multiple dimensions requires an essential factor such as
operational energy. Environmental and energy efficiency sustainable architectural practice that is equipped with an
778 Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries

assessment framework. It is the designer's insight and incorporation of established knowledge, advanced
technical knowledge to implement the fundamental architectural design strategies, application of innovative
features of the practice i.e. to design and build in accord technologies and development of sustainability assessment
with the environment [3], sociocultural and economic guidelines. Environmental sustainability assessment of
aspects of a community [2]. Therefore, the enhancement of design is pivotal to understanding sustainable architecture.
architectural design and ‘specifications writing’ for an Thus, the aim of this paper is to bring awareness to a shared
all-encompassing accomplishment of the environment is practical issue of sustainable architecture and provide
relevant and crucial for; reducing, costs, lowering energy parameters for assessing sustainable architectural design
use/greenhouse gas emissions, and for finding actual with the view to make the buildings more efficient,
resolution that not only accomplishes an improved functional, and sustainable. This was done through
economy and environmental performance but also as an literature review and practical Life Cycle Energy
assessment framework for architects [4]. According to Assessment of an existing residential apartment building as
Walker [5] architects have the responsibility to engage in a case study.
life cycle energy thinking during the design phase through
a coherent deliberation about a combination of issues like 1.1. Sustainable Design and Green Architecture
environmental sustainability, durability, longevity and
appropriate materials. One of such environmental Sustainable design is a design concept that considerably
assessment tools or framework that enables the architect to reduces the adverse influence of construction and operation
ascertain the level sustainability of his design is Life Cycle of buildings on the environment, economy and human
Energy Assessment (LCEA). Life Cycle Energy health as described in figure 1, thereby enhancing the
Assessment (LCEA) remains a key component of Life overall building performance during its Life Cycle.
Cycle Assessment (LCA) in which energy use at different Therefore, Sustainable buildings need to be resistant to
life cycle stages is the single parameter analysed. climate change and be adaptable, non-rigid and durable so
According to IPCC -Intergovernmental Panel on Climate as to enhance a building’s service life [12]. Sustainable
Change [6] “LCA is a standardized tool under the architecture and environmental sustainability are integral
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) for to green building. According to Madhumita [13] the
the measurement of environmental impact of products and "green" architecture is a conscious effort to protect air,
processes throughout their life cycle usually from cradle to water, and earth by selecting eco-friendly building
grave”. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) exemplifies an materials and construction methods. Green Architecture
all-inclusive technique used to estimate the environmental idea, often refers to as “sustainable architectural design” or
sustainability of a product such as buildings at all stages in “green building,” is the philosophy, science and building
its life cycle. Architecture is a significant arena for designed approach and constructed in harmony with
sustainable innovation. This is because according to the environmentally responsive principles [14]. The primary
UNEP [7] construction of buildings “accounts for 40% of aim of green architecture is to mitigate the amount of
total energy use, 40% of altogether raw materials use, 30% resources consumed (i.e. economy of resources) during
of solid waste generation, and responsible for about 33% of construction, use and operation of buildings as well as
the global greenhouse gas emissions”. curbing the damage inflicted on the environment and
Vision 2050 of the International Union of Architects sociocultural life through carbon emission, pollution and
-IUA is to realize carbon-free and low energy, thus waste. The basic objectives of sustainable design are to
sustainable buildings [8]. Unfortunately, the current achieve; energy efficiency, renewable energy, zero carbon
practice in most developing countries is far and in opposite and application of the 3R rule-Reduce, Reuse, and recycle.
direction with regard to the vision. This could be as a result
of the fact that sustainability has not be accorded the
needed attention in the training of the architect [9]. A
recent Nigerian study by [10-11] revealed that carbon
emission intensity of buildings in Nigeria is significantly
high related to the values obtained from developed
countries. Udomiaye et al., [11] added that the high
emission intensity was traced to high volume of
non-structural concrete elements such as concrete fascia,
non-load bearing columns and concrete parapets.
Moreover, the paucity of knowledge that exists with
respect to what makes sustainable architecture or green
design, how emissions from built environments can be
mitigated and how to assess environmental sustainability Figure 1. Sustainable design concept. Source: Author
need to be filled. This can be done by involving
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 779

1.2. Relevance of Sustainable Architecture 1.3. Main Criteria for Sustainable Architecture
Many developing countries are going through speedy Sustainable architecture is more than just
development because of the huge infrastructural evolution energy-efficient buildings. However, Vujozevic [17]
from formal and informal sectors. The process of posited that energy efficiency is the most significant
embarking on infrastructural development to meet the approach that gives an opportunity to address the three
housing need of the ever-increasing urban population has current issues: environmental damage, climate change and
raised environmental sustainability concerns. Currently, energy security. In practice, sustainable architecture or
due to an increasing understanding of human interface with green design involves five main design considerations or
nature, it is extensively acknowledged by the scientific principles as presented in figure 2. These are site
community that consuming energy from non-renewable development, material specifications, energy efficiency,
sources has caused significant environmental damage [15]. conservation of water and indoor air quality [14]. Pursuing
The principles of green design can effectively blend these principles requires organizing a vast range of
aesthetic and functionality to save planet earth. The design practices, procedures, skills to lessen or mitigate the
and sustainable construction, or "Green Building" is an environmental burdens and impact on human health, It
opportunity to use our resources more efficiently, while frequently highlights the advantages of renewable
creating more energy efficient and healthy homes [16]. resources, e.g. using sunlight through passive/active solar,
Effective green building or sustainable architecture is photovoltaic equipment as well as using plants, green roofs,
relevant based on the need to; reduction of rainwater run-off, rain gardens, and other
I) Reduce embodied and operational energy and techniques are used such as using energy efficient building
emission materials [18]. However, the practices or technologies
adopted in green design or sustainable architecture are
II) Minimize operating cost by increasing productivity
continuously developing and might actually vary based on
and less energy and water.
regional differences, but the central philosophies are
III) Improve occupant health as a result of improved constant from which the technique is derived. Energy
indoor air quality. efficiency of building is a key factor in the search for
IV) Reduce environmental impacts, climate change sustainability in architecture [19]. Hence, understanding
migration and adaptation energy use in building could as well be a panacea for
sustainable architecture.

Figure 2. Basic Elements of sustainable Architectural Design

780 Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries

2. Material and Methods generators constitute the segment of energy called

operating energy. Data for computations are often obtained
using questionnaire and the questionnaire are distributed to
2.1. Energy Use in Buildings and Assessment
occupants. Operations energy can vary depending on the
As earlier mentioned, the knowledge of energy use in level of luxury essential to occupants, the predominant
buildings and its assessment framework are fundamental to climatic environments as well as the operational plan [10].
understanding sustainable or green architecture. The rising This underscores the much effort to improved building
fears around the preservation of the eco-system from late energy efficiency through lowering of operational energy.
1980s has made energy use of buildings to be closely In the case study area, metering of energy is at the point of
monitored than previously, principally with regards to entry to the building. The energy expended by the
resource depletion, local/regional pollution and global occupants is referred to as delivered energy [25], while the
warming, [20]. According to Ezema et al., [10] and Dixit energy that is embodied in resources as they are found in
[21] these forms of energy are consumed either directly or nature: chemical energy embodied in fossil fuels (coal, oil,
indirectly in a primary or delivered form. For example, in and natural gas) is known as Primary energy. However,
Nigerian scenario, the residential sector accounts for most energy used during the operation of buildings is generally
of the final energy consumption with 57.8% [22]. Energy stated in primary energy terms which integrates the source
consumption throughout the life cycle of buildings consists of the energy being expended in its delivered state. Energy
of embodied energy, operating energy and demolition or and Treloar [23] added that in computing operational
decommissioning energy. Thus, the framework creates the energy, primary energy is a suitable measure of the
fundamentals for energy efficiency procedures in the environmental consequences of energy- use. Its
building industry, this underscores the relevance of LCEA equivalence is gotten by the multiplication delivered
in architecture and the built environment in general. energy with the primary energy factor (PEF). The primary
energy translation factors are determined by the electrical
energy mix of the study area.
2.2. Embodied Energy
Embodied energy is the total energy expended in raw 2.4. Demolition Energy
material extraction, manufacturing as well as energy used
for the construction, maintenance of the building and Whenever a building’s life span or service life comes to
haulage of raw and finished materials. Embodied energy a close, the structure is decommissioned and carried to
consists of two parts: initial and recurring embodied energy landfill sites [10] and some demolition procedures are
[23-24]. The energy used in producing a building - often employed, these are; mechanical demolition,
materials production, haulage of materials and site deconstruction and hybrid demolition. Decommissioning
construction (Manual and Machine) is referred to as initial energy is energy required to demolish a structure at the
embodied energy, while the energy used in maintaining expiration of its life time. In most cases, the outcome is not
building over its active life is known as recurring or dependent on material choice [26]. There is the possibility
maintenance. In mathematical expression, embodied that some materials at the demolition stage could be
energy is the sum total of initial embodied energy and recycled into the materials fabrication stage. This results to
recurring energy, whereas initial embodied energy is the some level of ambiguity at the demolition phase with
sum total of material embodied energy, site construction regards to the outcome of building materials in the future
energy and transportation as represented by equation [27]. Nevertheless, existing studies indicated that energy
needed for demolition is about one percent (1%) of the
EEi = EEM + EET + EEC (Equation 1) whole life cycle energy [27-28].
Where; EEi = initial embodied energy, EEM = embodied
energy of material (cradle – to – gate), EET = embodied 2.5. Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) in Buildings
energy of transportation (gate – to – site), EEC = site
construction energy. Assessing environmental sustainability in buildings is
multifaceted. Reliable number of research work has gone
2.3. Operation Energy into developing framework for assessing the environmental
performance of buildings over its life [29]. Life-cycle
Operation energy is one of the parameters for assessing energy analysis includes the operational energy of the
sustainable buildings. The energy used in keeping the building, initial and recurrent (maintenance) embodied
indoor environment within the acceptable range and other energy throughout its life cycle [25]. Life-cycle energy
human activities is referred to as Operating energy [20]. analysis is express in equation 2:
Through the operational phase, that is when the building is
fully occupied, energy sources such as electricity for LCEA = EEi + (EErec +OE) x Service Life equation (2)
appliances, air-conditioning, lighting; LNG (cooking gas); where: LCEA = the life-cycle energy assessment;
kerosene, PMS (petrol) and diesel for powering electricity
EEi = the initial embodied energy;
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 781

EErec = the annual recurrent (maintenance) embodied economy. Nevertheless, the accuracy level is far lower than
energy; and the process-based technique because of the level
aggregation of industry classification lacks regional
OE = the annual operational energy (air- cooling
variances [39].
appliances, light fittings and domestic energy uses).
Hybrid Assessment - This is a combination of the merits
Haapio and Viitaniemi [30] stated that the period of time of process-based analysis (dependable energy consumption
after installation, in the course of which all the properties figures for specific processes) and that of input-output
surpass the least satisfactory level is known as service life. analysis (theoretically complete system framework) while
Existing studies revealed that the service life of a building removing their characteristic weaknesses - incompleteness
is determined by Life Cycle Assessment goals. According and mistakes. A study by [40- 41] in an Australian building
to Holmess and Hudson [31] environmental sustainability revealed that hybrid assessment can be employed to
assessment in buildings has developed as one of the key advance the correctness of embodied energy assessment.
subjects in sustainable architectural design and building
construction. Nevertheless, in the developing countries, 2.7. Application of LCEA and Architectural Design
measuring the environmental sustainability of buildings is Process
comparatively new and it is largely based on the statements
or sustainability declaration presented by the LCEA can be applied at the various stages of design
manufacturers [32]. Ding [29] added that these tools are process; Pre-design stage, schematic design stage and
fundamentally in two groups: Assessment Tools and detailed design or design development.
Rating tools.
Sustainability assessment measures (environmental or 2.7.1. Pre-design stage
performance-based) are continuously developing in order This implies choosing the right systems and setting the
to overcome their several restrictions [33]. Nevertheless, right environmental goals [36]. LCEA is critical at this
two key assessment approaches that are notable: stage to guarantee energy efficiency, since it governs how
quantitative approach and qualitative assessment approach the building is properly incorporated with the immediate
[34-35]. environment [9]. Interpretation of the results of an LCEA
entails the design team to prioritize which environmental
2.6. Application of LCEA in Buildings impacts categories are most significant to discourse. For
instance, does the design team want to reduce carbon
LCEA is well-positioned to deliver quantitative data to
emissions through the use of carbon-sequestering products?
building professionals because it holistically assesses the
And what is the cost implication? LCEA could be used to
environmental impacts of a product [36]. The main aim of
make decisions regarding selecting a structural system and
LCEA is to inspire teamwork involving professionals in the
the building footprint among numerous possibilities. Bayer,
built environment and construction process. There are
Gentry; Joshi & Gamble [42] added that at this stage
methods that have been developed to compute life cycle
operational phases can also be evaluated to decide
energy in buildings as fully and exactly as possible: process
assembly types. Passive design strategies such as building
-based; input - output; and hybrid [25]. Process-based
positioning and building forms are determined in this stage
method was adopted for the case study and the unit of
and could meaningfully influence the energy performance
measurement are megajoule (MJ), gigajoule (GJ) or in
of buildings especially at the use stage. The outcome of
tonnes of oil equivalent (toe).
LCEA at this stage will help the design team to consider
Process-based assessment - This is carried out in four (4)
“daylighting, natural ventilation and passive design
stages namely: goal and scope definition; inventory
solutions for heating and cooling, using mass, landscaping
analysis; impact assessment and interpretation. During the
and design to work with topography and climate” [43- 44].
process indirect/direct upstream energy flows of a product
or process is evaluated and quantified [10]. The material 2.7.2. Schematic Design Stage
upstream energy flow consists of extraction,
At the schematic stage the design proposal approved by
manufacturing, transportation, construction and use flows
the client is now taken to a more serious and detailed level.
(use and maintenance), while the downstream flow
LCEA can help design team make choices regarding
includes deconstruction [37].
building products and optimize structural systems by
Input - Output Assessment - Makes use of national
selecting the most environmentally friendly options [45].
statistical information such as gross domestic product
Energy conservation procedures such as active approaches
(GDP) and economic growth per-capita compiled by
for cooling and heating systems, motorized by renewable
government agencies or ministries for assessing national
resources are evaluated for their environmental loads, and a
economic growth and flows amongst sectors. According to
well-versed decision can be enhanced by the use of LCEA
Optis [38] the system boundary of the technique is more
[9,36,46]. Buffaloe and Rebecca 2014 stated that at the
comprehensive than process-based LCA because it
schematic design phase, LCEA reminds the design teams
accommodates the various economic influences within the
782 Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries

to ask the questions: How much material does the project by rural house units were much lower than total energy use
actually need? And what is the spatial arrangement of by urban house units. For both cases, the percentage of
structural systems that hugely minimize the environmental operational energy was higher ranging between 75 % - 86 %
impact of the project? of total life cycle energy separately. Moreover, an
Australian study, Myers, Fuller & Crawford [49] revealed
2.7.3. Detailed Design or Design Development Stage
that embodied energy can be reduced by 28% (7.5GJ/m2 to
At this stage, the schematic design is worked through in 5.4GJ/m2) by simply replacing conventional materials with
detail, detailed working drawings are produced for renewable building materials. Mithraratne & Vale [50]
co-coordinating structure, services, and professional carried out LCEA using a New Zealand residential building
installation. LCEA can shed light on the environmental as a case study with the aim of assessing its energy-use
trade-offs of various product choices during specification under different conditions adopting 100 years as service
writing. For example, if the architect chose a steel panel life. The study shown that operational energy varied from
door over wooden panel doors during pre-design and 57% to 74% of total life cycle energy and using extra
adopted steel panel doors needed during schematic design, insulation decreased the life cycle energy by 31%. The
LCEA can assist the architect to compare the pros and cons above study concluded that concrete elements though has
of different door material selections. Material finishes and the highest initial embodied energy component possibly
water fixtures choices could impact potable water will possess a lengthier valuable life that might result to
conservation, hence, can also be compared with the help of
lower embodied energy at the long run.
LCEA results [9].

2.8. Examples of Life Cycle Energy Assessments 2.9. Case Study

An appraisal of existing studies on LCEA of buildings For easiness and understanding of the discussion,
shows that the outcomes were dependent on Life Cycle Life-Cycle Energy Assessment (Process-Based) is
Assessment goals and these goals significantly influenced demonstrated using a residential building project located in
the boundary, approach and methodology. Abakaliki, south eastern Nigeria. The residential building
In Scotland, Asif, Muneer& Kelley [47] assessed a analyzed for a service life of 60 years is a block
semi-detached three (3) bedroom residential building. one-bedroom apartment building containing five (5) units
LCEA was employed to evaluate the material embodied designed by EDT/GEMEX architects and engineers in
energy and the consequences on the environments. In the 1997 and built by Ebonyi state Housing development
study, 65% (227.46GJ) of the embodied energy of the Corporation (EBSHDC), Abakaliki, Nigeria. A total of one
referenced building and up to 99 % of the resultant hundred and sixty-five (165) house units were used as
environmental burden was attributed to concrete sample size each building has a gross floor area of
components. Chang, Reis &Wang [48] undertook an 355.68m2 as shown in figure 3 with details in appendix 1, 2
LCEA study using residential buildings in China. and 3.
Interestingly, the study discovered that energy consumed
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 783

Figure 3. Typical Floor Plan of one (1) Bedroom house unit (details in appendix 1, 2 and 3) Source: ESHDC

3. Case Study Results energy for materials transportation was computed as

122.51GJ with energy intensity of 0.34GJ/m2. In
Results obtained for the intensity for embodied energy, computing the construction (Manual and Machine) it was
operational energy and total life-cycle energy are stated in observed that majority the construction events were carried
square meters (M2) rate founded on the livable area of out manually and few contractors had machine/equipment.
355.68m2, also referred to as energy intensity. This is to Hence, contract sum /labour cost were obtained and
enable comparison with other results having different sizes manual energy computed using human energy coefficient
and in this type of climate as obtained from other studies. of 0.75 MJ/hour with day-to-day working period of 8
hours. The human energy factor was obtained from the
Nigerian Agricultural sector’s settings and effectively used
3.1. Embodied Energy
in industrial situations by Odigboh [51] and Ohunakin,
As presented in table 1, material embodied energy Leramo, Odunfa & Bafuwa [52]. Quantity of diesel, petrol
(cradle to gate) for the case study was calculated to be and lubricant were obtained and the value was multiplied
1095.48 GJ and energy intensity of 3.08 GJ/m2, with by their energy coefficient. The construction energy
superstructure having the highest energy intensity of (manual and machine) was calculated to be 60.16GJ with
0.88GJ/m2. For transportation energy the estimated construction energy intensity value of 0.169GJ/m2.
quantity of fuel consumption of 3,408.72 liters of diesel,
multiplied by the 35.94 being the default heating value, the
784 Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries

Table 1. Cradle – to – Gate Embodied Energy Computation. Source: Author

No Bldg Component Embodied Energy (MJ) Intensity (MJ/m2) (%)

1 Substructure 314,574.91 884.43 28.72

2 Walls 236,701.30 665.48 21.61

3 Roof Structure 205,298.86 577.20 18.74

4 Doors and Windows 58,158.72 163.51 5.31

5 Wall Finishes 57,253.31 160.97 5.23

6 Floor Finishes 38, 699.08 108.80 3.53

7 Ceiling Finishes 35,550.38 99.95 3.25

8 Painting and Decorations 64,453.80 181.21 5.88

9 Plumbing Installation 63,826.78 179.45 5.83

10 Electrical installations 20,958.67 59.93 1.91

TOTAL 1,095,475.8(1095.48GJ) 100

Table 2. Total Embodied Energy of the referenced building. Source: Author

No Embodied Energy Category Embodied Energy (MJ) (%)
(GJ/m2 )
1 Cradle-to-Gate 1,095,475.81 3.08 50.3

2 Transportation(surface) 122,509.36 0.34 5.6

3 Site Construction 60,160.82 0.17 2.8

4 Recurring Embodied Energy 892,318.41 2.51 41.0

TOTAL 2,170,450 (2,170.5GJ) 6.10 100

Table 3. Operational energy (Annual) of house unit of the case study building. Author
Lower Heating
Monthly Total Primary
No Energy Source Annual Consumption Value/Primary Energy
Consumption Energy (MJ)
1 LNG 2Kg 24Kg 47.3 1,135.20

2 Petrol 24.36liters 292.32liters 32.7 9,558.86

3 Kerosene 20.15liters 241.8liters 35.24 8,521.03

4 Diesel 0 0 35.94 0

5 Electricity 188.7kwh 2264.6kwh 2.83(3.6MJ) 23,071.59

Total 42,286.69(42.29GJ)

The initial embodied energy was calculated to be Data for identified energy source (quantity of Petrol,
1278GJ with energy intensity value of 3.60GJ/m2. Kerosene, Diesel and LNG) for calculating the operation
Recurring energy was estimated using 60 years as service energy were obtained from the questionnaire. The values
life and the estimated value is 892.3GJ while the recurring obtained were multiplied by the respective heating values
energy intensity was estimated as 2.51GJ/m2. Using and primary energy factor in line with Intergovernmental
equation 1, the total embodied was calculated as Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) protocol. The annual
2,170.45GJ as presented in table 2. The embodied energy operational energy was calculated as 42.29GJ, with annual
intensity is calculated as 6.10 GJ/m2. operational energy intensity as 0.59 GJ/m2/year. Over 60
years (Service Life) the operational energy was estimated
3.2. Operation Energy as 2,537GJ with operational energy intensity as
35.67GJ/m2 for a house unit.
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 785

3.3. Total Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) 86GJ [41] and 51.8 GJ [10]. Similarly, the value falls
within the range values range of 37.3 GJ – 66.85 GJ/m2
Equation 2 was used to calculate the total LCE. Since the presented by Ramesh, Prakash, Shukla [55]. The
operation energy was computed based on house unit the operational energy accounting for 85.4% for the study is
value for embodied energy per house unit was calculated higher than the values (57% - 74%) reported by
by dividing the total embodied energy value by five (5) Mithraratne and Vale [50]. In line with the study objectives,
being the number of house unit per block. The total using energy intensity as a parameter and based on the
embodied energy per house unit is calculated as 434.1GJ, values obtained from the study, it is evident that more
while the operational energy is 2,537GJ. Thus, the Life enlightenment is urgently needed with regards to
Cycle Energy for the case study house unit is 2,971GJ. The sustainable architecture and development of sustainability
embodied energy accounted for 15%, while operational assessment framework that integrate local data instead of
accounted for 85% of the total Life Cycle Energy relying only on international data. Especially now that the
Assessment as shown in figure 4, and the LCEA intensity is developing countries are racing to mitigate the housing
given as 41.84GJ/m2 for a house unit. deficit. It is imperative to adopt more sustainable measures
in design process and renewable energy alternatives in
order to reduce operational energy in the housing sector.
Also, integration of passive design styles at the early stages
of the design process is one of the effective methods of
reducing operational energy in buildings.
Moreover, it is important to note that in the study area,
kerosene and petrol consumption contributed significantly
to operational energy in comparison with developed
countries, with 20.15% and 22.60% respectively. This is as
a result of inadequate grid electricity supply in the study
area (this is very common in the developing countries)
resulting to the use of electricity generators and kerosene
lamps/cooking stoves by the occupants. This underlines the
need to improve grid electricity supply in Nigeria as a way
of aligning with the global quest for sustainable built
Figure 4. Total Life Cycle Energy percentage distribution. Source:
Author environment.

4.1. Implications of the Findings

4. Discussion
Understanding the energy-use consequences of
The values obtained from the case study is comparable architectural design is key to sustainable architecture and
with the existing studies. The Life Cycle Energy climate change mitigation/ adaptation strategy in the
Assessment was computed as 2,971GJ. It was observed housing sector. Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) of
that cement base materials accounted for just 8.8% by mass the referenced building provided an opportunity to identify
of total concrete used, however, it contributed 67.6% of the the implications of architectural design decisions and the
total embodied energy. This is slightly higher than the various dimensions of sustainable architecture in practice.
value from the Scottish study – 65% [47]. The study is on There are policy implications of the research findings
the view that reducing concrete based element in buildings with regards to energy -use and energy intensity
is a panacea for the reduction of embodied energy. The regulations in the national building code especially for new
embodied energy intensity value of 6.10GJ/m2 for the study buildings. According to Okonjo-Iweala [56] the Federal
area is high in comparison with the mean of 0.663GJ/m2 in Mortgage Bank of Nigeria put the country’s present
a study by Ghattas, Gregory, Olivetti & Greene [53]. An housing deficit at 17-22 million, as a result, the Federal
earlier Nigerian study reported 7.38GJ/m2 for a similar Government is currently constructing affordable homes in
building in Lagos [10]. The value of embodied energy 34 states of the federation. Thus, in order to lessen the
intensity of the study area and that reported by Ezema [10] energy intensity resulting from mass housing, it is
are of great concern with regards to sustainable housing imperative that the climaxes in their embodied energy and
and hence requires urgent actions. With regards to operational energy are addressed. Cement based building
operational energy, the value of 41.84GJ/m2 obtained in the materials accounting for 67.6% is of great concern,
study is higher than 27.3GJ/m2 – 31.68 GJ/m2 reported in a therefore, at research and development level, more
foremost LCA by Adalberth [54]. However, the value is research intended at finding alternative materials and
lower than a similar Australian and Nigerian (Lagos) study substitute for cement in building construction needs to be
which also adopted direct calculation from electricity bills, encouraged. Moreover, GHG emissions and energy-use in
the studies reported operational energy intensity values of
786 Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries

the housing sector should be given thoughtful deliberation challenges associated in defining what we mean by calling
in energy and CO2eq lessening plans, instead of focusing a building “green” or sustainable architectural design and
only on oil, gas and agricultural sector, especially now that provides a summary of a post-positivism viewpoint on the
efforts to reduce the housing deficit is gaining momentum development of sustainable architecture by using a case
from the informal and formal investors. study. The imperative of an architect having an
At the level of architectural education and practice, there all-inclusive knowledge of all aspects of sustainability in
is need to include environmental sustainability assessment order to be able to engage with a variety of professionals
protocol in school curriculum and workout synergy with and specialists underscores the significance of this paper.
appropriate regulatory institutions to regulate and certify From sustainable architecture perspective, buildings and
alternative materials to enhance their specification by infrastructures should become producers of energy rather
architects. This will make the vision 2050 of the than being just consumers of energy, directing our attention
International Union of Architect realizable. to imagining a future where we give more than we take.
One of the ways to reduce the operational energy in the From the values obtained from the study and existing
study area is the adoption of renewable energy technology. Nigerian study shows that the embodied energy intensity of
Thus, policy should focus on how collections of housing the Nigerian housing sector is high.
units or housing estates can be stimulated to install Architects need to take responsibility at the early stage
integrated Photo Voltic (PV) retrofits including micro-grid of building design by carrying environmental sustainability
renewable installations. assessment of their design. This is because no one can
claim that his building design is sustainable until a Life
Cycle Assessment is carried out. This calls for more
5. Conclusions enlightenment among architects in practice with regards to
According to Guy and Farmer [57] sustainable Life Cycle Energy Assessment and the use of architectural
architecture is not a ‘prescription’, but it’s an approach, design strategies for climate change migration and
practice and an attitude. The study reviewed the theoretical adaptations.
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 787

Appendix 1: Floor Plan of one bedroom apartment at Udensi Estate, Abakaliki. Source: EBSHDC
788 Life Cycle Energy Assessment (LCEA) Approach: A Prospect for Sustainable Architecture in Developing Countries

Appendix 2: Section X-X of One (1) bedroom apartment at Udensi Estate, Abakaliki. Source: EBSHDC
Civil Engineering and Architecture 8(5): 777-791, 2020 789

Appendix 3: Approach View of One (1) bedroom apartment at Udensi Estate, Abakaliki. Source: EBSHDC

Bazaar of Tabriz. Munich Personal RePEC Archive. Paper

no 53245. [Online] January 28, 2014. http://www.mpra.ub.
uni-murnchenide/53245 {Accessed: 4/06/2020}.

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