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Eing Ed by The Pirit

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Rev. Bayless Conley


Rev. Conley shares practical insights with

ministers on how to improve and make
their ministries stronger. Family issues and
tips on preparing messages are also covered.

Sessions: 5 Spirit Directed and Spirit Power

How God Leads Us through Our Spirits
How to Receive Direction in Difficult Times
The Priorities of Life
Pitfalls and Dangers When Seeking for Guidance


SESSION 1: Spirit Directed and Spirit Power

Many of us find ourselves in situations and we don’t know what to do. But God has answers for
us. God never intended that those who are in leadership in the body of Christ would carry out
their work powered by the flesh. The work of ministry was never meant to be carried out just by
the means of human intelligence. God has designed that those who are in leadership be led by
His Spirit.

If we are going to obtain spiritual fruit in our ministries, our ministries must be Spirit-directed
and Spirit-empowered. One of the most frustrating things in the world is to be in ministry and
not know how to be led by the Spirit.

God has given us His Spirit to help us make right decisions. When it comes to dealing with
difficult and rebellious people in the Church, we must be led by the Spirit. When we face
persecution, spiritual attacks, and are under pressure, we must be led by the Spirit. When it
comes to purchasing land for buildings, we must be led by the Spirit. Whether we are choosing
leaders, preaching sermons, or helping people, we need the help of the Spirit of God.

As leaders, many lives are affected by what we do or what we do not do. Our decisions were
never meant to be left just to human intellect. God has given us His Spirit so that we can make
right decisions. But we must learn how to listen to Him. When we are listening to the Spirit of
God, we are hearing things that other people do not hear.

Note: Throughout this series all Scripture references are from the NKJ, unless otherwise noted.


A. The written Word of God is the wisdom of God (Luke 11:49).

• Do you need the wisdom of God today for your church or home meeting? The
Bible is the first place to look for it.

B. The written Word of God assures success in ministry (Joshua 1:7-8).

C. The written Word of God shines light on our pathway (Psalm 119:105, 128).
1. God leads us by His Word.
2. We must adopt the right attitude toward God’s Word.
3. That attitude should be obedience (Isaiah 8:20).
4. God does not lead contrary to His written Word.

D. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth by the Word of God (John 16:13; 17:17).
1. Look into the Word of God for guidance.
2. Find out what the Word of God says before you make decisions.

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3. Before appointing leaders, find out what are the Biblical qualifications for Church
4. It is when we depart from the Word that we get into trouble.


A. Integrity means uprightness of character and honesty (Job 27:3-6).

• When we make a decision to live by integrity, life becomes easier.

B. Pastors must lead by integrity (Psalm 78:70-72).

1. People are not put into leadership positions in the Church because they give
2. If they are not God’s choice, it will break the principle of integrity to put them in
3. Integrity means: “I will not use questionable means to raise funds.”
4. Pastors: Guard your ministries with integrity.
a. Be honest with people when you speak.

Being Led by the Spirit

b. Don’t violate your conscience.
c. Anytime you compromise the truth in order to get something, you will
eventually lose it.


A. “Let the peace of God decide and settle with finality all questions that rise in your
mind” (Colossians 3:15, AMP).
• As you start to pray about doing something, ask yourself: Do you have peace in
your heart or do you feel hesitant and uneasy?

B. Walking in the pathway of wisdom leads to peace (Proverbs 3:13, 17).

1. Many major decisions can be made on the basis of having peace about them.
2. Jesus is the Prince of Peace.


A. God has given us the Body of Christ to help us.

1. No man or woman is an island to themselves.
2. If the counsel you are receiving from others is different from what God has placed
in your heart, take more time to pray about it.
3. You alone will have to answer to God for your decisions.
a. But others can help us see things in a new light; consider things we’ve never
considered before.
b. They can help us to take a look at our own motives and to consider the right
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B. We must be open to those who love us (Proverbs 18:1).

Remember that as leaders in the body of Christ, the decisions we make affect others. So let us go
to the Word of God and walk in integrity with the peace of God and the counsel of others.

1. How do we discern when the Holy Spirit is leading us and when other spirits are leading
2. When what we feel we are hearing from the Spirit is not supported by people around us,
what should we do?
3. Discuss various ways in which we can break the principle of integrity in the choices or
decisions we make.
4. What does integrity mean to you personally?
5. What role does the peace of God and the counsel of others play in your life as you make
crucial decisions that are not clearly stated in the Bible?

1. List four ways in which God leads us, as studied in this lesson, and apply each one to
your own life situation.
2. Are there any areas in your life right now in which you could benefit from the counsel of
a leader or mentor? If so, find a time to meet with that person and pray that God would
lead you both in seeking His will.

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SESSION 2: How God Leads Us through Our Spirits

In our last lesson, we talked about looking into the Word of God for guidance. We talked about
how God leads us by integrity, following the peace of God in our hearts, and being open to the
counsel that others give us.

In this lesson, we will talk about how God leads us through our spirits.


A. Notice in this text that God forms the spirit within man.
1. Man has spirit within him.
2. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 also teaches that man is a three-part being: spirit, soul, and

Being Led by the Spirit

B. There is a difference between the spirit and soul of man.
1. The spirit is the real person that lives inside the body.
2. The soul is made up of the will, mind, and emotions.
3. The body is the house man lives in.

C. God is the Father of spirits (Hebrews 12:9).

1. Jesus confirms in John 4:24 that God is spirit.
2. If God is spirit and man is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27; 2:7), then
man must be a spirit.
3. James 2:26 says: “The body without the spirit is dead.”

D. The spirit in man died in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3).
1. God is speaking about spiritual death to Adam and Eve.
2. This means to be cut off from God (Genesis 3:8-9).
3. Adam and Eve are the fountainhead of the human race.
4. Man then becomes by nature the children of wrath (Ephesians 2:1-3).


A. That plan was fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

B. The new spirit in man (John 3:1, 8)

1. Man must be born again to receive this new spirit.

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2. This speaks of spiritual birth through the Spirit of God.

3. The change takes place on the inside.
4. When a person receives Christ, he receives a new spirit.

C. We contact God through our spirits, and He contacts us through His Spirit.
• If God is going to guide us and lead us by His Spirit, He will do it through our

D. God illuminates us through our spirits (Proverbs 20:27).

1. “The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit . . . .” (Romans 8:16)
(See also 1 Corinthians 2:14)
2. God reveals what He has prepared for us by His Spirit, and the Spirit bears witness
with our spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-12).


A. Being troubled in spirit (John 13:21)

1. When you get around people who have a wrong spirit or motivation, your spirit
will be troubled.
2. They may be saying the right thing or doing the right thing, but when you get
around them, something in your spirit bothers you.
3. When you sense an inward agitation, be on your guard; God is communicating
with you.

B. Being grieved in spirit (Acts 16:16-18)

1. A certain people or place may cause you to be grieved in your spirit.
2. When that happens to you, be on your guard and learn to pay attention to it
because this will keep you out of trouble.

C. Being restless in spirit (2 Corinthians 2:12-13)

1. There will be no rest in your spirit when something is not right.
2. If you don’t seem to have rest in the direction you are going, stop and wait on

D. Being provoked in spirit (Acts 17:16-17)

1. When that happens to you, you need to open your mouth and share.
2. Get involved; God is directing you.
3. The word “provoke” means: to prod or to softly push.
4. If you learn to listen to God this way, your ministry will be well defined.

E. Being compelled in spirit (Acts 18:5)

• An inward compelling to speak

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The way to become more sensitive to how God deals with your spirit is to spend time in God’s
Word. His Word is Spirit and life.

Spend time in prayer, especially praying in other tongues. When you pray in tongues, your spirit
is praying. Pray and get into the Word. Listen to your spirit.

1. Share at least one new concept that you learned in this lesson on how to be led by the
Spirit of God.
2. Relate a personal experience with any one of the five ways in which God dealt with your
3. As we receive directions from God through our spirits, what should be our ultimate guide?

Study the life of Christ in the Gospels and find passages/events in His life for the five ways in
which God deals with our spirits.

Being Led by the Spirit

1. Being troubled in spirit
2. Being grieved in spirit
3. Being restless in spirit
4. Being provoked in spirit
5. Being compelled in spirit

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SESSION 3: How to Receive Direction in Difficult Times

Sometimes when we are under great pressure, it can be difficult to hear from God. But those are
the times we need to hear from God the most.

I. THE PASSAGE (1 KINGS 19:1-19)

A. The nation of Israel had fallen into a backslidden state.

• They had fallen into idol worship.

B. Elijah had prayed and heaven had been shut up without rain.
1. He called all Israel to meet him on top of Mount Carmel.
2. There Elijah called down fire from heaven, and the nation repented and came
back to God.
3. He prayed again and the rain began to fall.

C. Elijah had many fantastic supernatural experiences that won victory for the Lord.
1. Then came the greatest trials of his life.
a. Many times our greatest trials follow our greatest victories.
b. Some of the greatest temptations you will ever experience will come to you
after your highest and sweetest experience with the Lord.
2. At this critical and difficult time for Elijah, he needed a fresh direction from the



A. Don’t quit.
1. When the crisis arose, Elijah knew he had to hear from God.
2. He decided to go to Mount Horeb.
a. This is now known as Mount Sinai.
b. This is Elijah’s destination.
3. But before getting there, he wanted to quit (1 Kings 19:4).
• You will reach your place of breakthrough if you don’t give up.

B. Cut away unnecessary things (1 Kings 19:3).

1. He left his servant in Beersheba.
a. This servant was not God’s choice to succeed Elijah; Elisha was.
(1 Kings 19:16)
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b. Elijah never returned to take this servant.

2. Sometimes we add things to our life that God never intended for us.
a. Are you staying within the boundary God has set for you?
b. Have you added a lot of things to your life and ministry that God never
ordained? (2 Corinthians 10:13-14)
3. What is the last thing that God told you to do?
• Have you finished it or left it undone?
4. If you need God’s direction, especially in difficult times, you need to rethink,
re-examine, and re-experience.
a. Realize that a new direction from God will come out of the overflow of the
b. You will not find step two in the will of God until you complete step one.

C. You need to rest (1 Kings 19:5-6).

1. Spiritually, you need to rest in God.
2. Worry will cut off the flow of God’s wisdom into your life.

Being Led by the Spirit

3. Even naturally, it is important to rest.

D. Spend time in the Word of God and prayer (1 Kings 19:6).

1. Bread is the type of the Word of God, while water is the type of the Spirit of God.
• If you want direction from God, you need to eat and drink.
2. Get into the Word of God, prayer, and fellowship with the Spirit of God.
a. If you do, God will speak to you through His Word (Proverbs 6:22).
b. If you commit yourself to the Word and prayer, you will get to the place
where you will hear from God.

E. Remind yourself how God leads you (1 Kings 19:11-12).

1. Mt. Horeb (Mt. Sinai) is the place that God spoke to all Israel (Exodus 19).
2. God is saying He is not going to lead you though the physical signs of your
senses, but through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 12:18, 26).
• What is the still small voice saying to you when you are quiet?
3. The most important event that can ever happen to a person is getting saved.
a. This is confirmed by the Spirit witnessing with our spirit (Romans 8:16).
b. Why should we expect more when it comes to lesser issues in life?
4. Develop spiritually so that you can know when God is talking to you.
5. All of the decisions we make in life are less important than salvation.
6. Don’t expect spectacular things to happen to you before you can hear from God.
• God speaks in a still small voice.

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Realize that you are not alone (1 Kings 19:18). You are not the only one experiencing pressure
today. Many people of God are going through the same trial you are going through now. They
heard from God and have made it through their trials.

Act on the direction you have received (1 Kings 19:19). If you know you have received a
direction from God, act on it. Get into the middle of God’s flow and go with it. Your best days
are ahead of you.

1. Why are the “best times” in our lives or ministries when we need God’s direction the
2. Discuss various obstacles or distractions that may sometimes prevent us from getting to
our place of breakthrough where we can hear from God.
3. Give some suggestions on how to cut away unnecessary things from your life and ministry.
4. Suggest some specific ways to get both the physical and spiritual rest that you need to
keep your body and spirit healthy.

1. Rethink and re-examine the responsibilities in your life and ministry.
a. Which of these are you convinced God has called and equipped you to do?
b. Which of these are you not convinced that you are called by God to do, but you
have added them to your ministry out of necessity?
c. What can you do about these added responsibilities?
2. When last did you take time out of your busy schedule to have a personal retreat?

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SESSION 4: The Priorities of Life

When you have your priorities right, it helps you to make good decisions. If your priorities are
out of line, you are going to have much trouble in your life and ministry.

Some decisions are very easy to make when we look at our priorities. There are four main
priorities we want to deal with in this session. They are ministry, family, relationship with God,
and recreation. Think for a moment. What order would you put them in? Priorities are determined
by what we see as valuable and precious. When you are on your own, the things you pursue
during that time will let you know where your priorities are.

Let me share with you the way your priorities should be.

Priority #1: Personal Relationship with God

Priority #2: Family

Priority #3: Ministry

Being Led by the Spirit

Priority #4: Rest and Recreation


A. Anytime any of these priorities jumps up, it is heading for the number one spot.

B. This world was plunged into darkness because Adam and Eve got their priorities out
of line.
1. Eve put material above spiritual.
2. Adam put his wife above God.

C. God is a God of order.

1. God has a specific order for doing things.
2. You can avoid many problems in your life and ministry if you will prioritize your
life according to Biblical patterns and principles.


A. Definition
1. Preaching is not a relationship with God.
• Preaching is the overflow of a relationship with God.
2. Praying and studying is not a relationship with God.

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3. A personal relationship with God is your friendship and fellowship with God.
a. The time that you spend in His presence with prayer and worship
b. The time that you spend in His Word in order to know Him
c. That is the first priority in life.

B. Fellowship with God through prayer and the Word

1. All effective ministry will be the overflow or outgrowth of this personal fellowship
with God.
a. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches (John 15:4-5).
b. The only way we can be fruitful is to maintain a living communion with Him.
2. Notice that Jesus appointed the Apostles that they might be with Him first and
then to preach (Mark 3:13-15).
a. Knowing Him comes before knowing His power (Philippians 3:10).
b. It is possible to be working for God without having time to spend with Him.
3. Martha was over-occupied and too busy serving the Lord and His disciples, but
she lacked the time to sit at Jesus’ feet (Luke 10:38-42).
4. Pastors, leaders: Take time to sit at the feet of Jesus.
• We have to choose to be with God.


A. Priority with the spouse

1. The spouse comes after God and before the children.
a. Adam’s wife completed him and not the ministry (Genesis 2:18).
b. Ministry is people; hence, it must start with the spouse (1 Timothy 3:1-5).
2. If you cannot care for your bride, how can you take care of the bride of Christ?
3. If you cannot take care of your family, how can you take care of the family of
4. The spouse comes before any other person in the ministry besides God.

B. Priority with the children

1. Your children are your first mission field.
• After getting them saved, they become the first church.
2. The minister’s family must first be in order before he can qualify to minister to
a. The story of Eli: the priest (1 Samuel 2:22-36)
b. You can be a great preacher, but if you don’t take time with your family, your
ministry can end in disaster.

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A. Give yourself fully to the ministry (Colossians 4:17; 2 Timothy 4:5).

B. Ministry is co-laboring together with God to change people’s lives and destiny.

C. Ministry can be broken into several areas.

1. A time of prayer and study
• In order to have fresh messages from God to feed the flock of God, we must
spend time in prayer and the study of God’s Word.
2. Take time with the staff or the leaders of the church.
a. The pattern of Jesus
i. Three closest disciples to Him: Peter, James, and John
ii. Then the other nine
iii. Then the group of seventy disciples
iv. Then the masses and the multitudes
b. You must take time with the leaders in your church.

Being Led by the Spirit

i. After that, you minister to the congregation.
ii. Be available to them and be touchable.
iii. Relate to your people.
3. Ministry is work (1 Peter 5:1-5).
a. Ministers are not dictators.
b. They must lead by example.


A. Take time to rest (Mark 6:31).

1. Ministry can be so busy that you can spend all day, every day, and yet not get to
2. There are times when Jesus will say to you, “Come aside and rest a little while.”
(Mark 6:31)
3. If you don’t take time to rest, your body will break down.

B. Take time to exercise (1 Timothy 4:8).

1. Do something for recreation.
a. Find something that you like and that will benefit your body.
b. This helps to clear your mind.
2. There must be a balance of rest and exercise along with ministry.

C. Take time to rest and exercise.

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Make decisions based on the priorities of life.

1. Evaluate each of the four priorities and share with members of your group how each fits
into your schedule.
2. Pray for one another, especially for those in your group whose priorities are misplaced.

1. Prepare a timetable of your present daily routine, starting with when you get up in the
morning until the time you go to bed at night.
2. Record the amount of time you have per week for God, family, ministry, and recreation.
a. Time with God
b. Time with your family
c. Time with the ministry
d. Time for rest and recreation
3. Are your priorities in or out of order?
4. If your priorities are out of order, what are some practical steps that you can implement
right away to put them back in order?

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SESSION 5: Pitfalls and Dangers When Seeking for Guidance

In this session, I will give some practical wisdom that will help you make wise decisions and not
be deceived. Be careful not to make your decisions based on outward appearance or popular


A. This was something Paul perceived in his spirit.

B. Everything outward contradicted what Paul perceived in his spirit.

1. Three things contradicted Paul.
a. The expert contradicted him (Acts 27:11).
b. The majority contradicted him (Acts 27:12).

Being Led by the Spirit

c. The circumstances contradicted him (Acts 27:13).
2. They were all wrong, but Paul was right.

C. Learn to listen to the inward witness of the spirit.

• So many times in our lives we don’t listen while God is speaking to us through
our inward spirit.


A. As Christians in the New Testament, should we seek for signs as Gideon did?

B. We need to understand certain truths.

1. Gideon was not a Christian.
a. He was not living under the New Covenant.
b. He was living in a backslidden generation.
c. His father was a worshipper of Baal.
d. He did not know God.
2. Christians have the light of God in them that Gideon did not have.
a. We are under the New Covenant.
b. We are born of God.
c. God’s Spirit dwells in us.
d. We have access to God’s Word.

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C. If we begin to seek for signs or put up a fleece, we are likely to find ourselves in
1. The only time we find anything like this in the New Testament is in Acts 1.
2. But in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit came.
a. He came to live within us.
b. Never again in the New Testament do we find anyone doing that.
3. If we are looking for signs to know the will of God, we will end up being deceived.
4. We are to be led by the Spirit of God dwelling in us, instead of by outward signs.

D. The deception of outward signs (Joshua 9:3-16)

1 We need to be sensitive.
• If something doesn’t seem right, take time to wait on God.
2. God wants to guide us.
• God leads us through our hearts.


A. Important things regarding prophecy

1. Prophecy that is truly from the Spirit of God will never contradict the written
Word of God.
2. The New Testament gift of prophecy is not for guidance.
a. The New Testament does not teach us to be led by prophecy.
b. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 gives us the nine gifts of the Spirit, which can be divided
into three groups.
i. Power Gifts
ii. Revelation Gifts
iii. Vocal Gifts.
3. The purposes of prophecy in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 14:1-5)
a. Edification: to build up
b. Exhortation: to call near to God
c. Comfort: to console
4. We are not to be guided by prophecy.
a. The Holy Spirit may confirm things through others that God has already
spoken to our hearts.
b. The key is: We must develop a personal relationship with God.
c. Prophecy is to edify, exhort, and comfort the Church.

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B. Welcoming the move of God in the Church (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21)

1. We should not despise prophecy.
a. Sometimes the Holy Spirit may reveal future events.
b. But we must test all things.
2. Prophecy can be judged.
a. Human beings can make mistakes.
b. We can test prophecy against the Word of God.
c. We can judge prophecy by the inward witness of the Spirit in our hearts.
3. If it is from God, embrace it.
• But don’t fall into the trap of letting someone guide your life through personal

C. Several means of guidance by God in the New Testament

1. Through dreams
2. Through visions

Being Led by the Spirit

3. By hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit
• This is more than an inward impression.

D. God may lead us through any of these methods, anytime He chooses.

1. Don’t begin seeking to be led those ways.
• If you do, you may end up being deceived.
2. You always have the Word of God to go to.
3. You always have the abiding presence of His Spirit.
4. God will always lead you through peace in your heart.
5. Look to those things.
a. If God chooses to lead you through something spectacular, that is His
b. If you have a dream, a vision, a revelation, or if you hear a voice, it will never
contradict the written Word of God.
6. Develop a close and intimate relationship with the Lord.
a. Learn to recognize the Holy Spirit.
b. Learn to listen and sense His inward impressions.
c. Know the Word of God.

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1. How much should we rely on our inward impressions for guidance in doing the will of
2. Can Christians today use the examples of Gideon and other Old Testament saints in
seeking for outward signs to determine the will of God?
3. Why are we told not to rely on personal prophecies for guidance?
4. What are the New Testament guidelines that we must follow in confirming a prophecy to
be from God?
5. To what extent can we depend on dreams, visions, or a voice from God for guidance?

1. Study Acts 27:9-15 and Joshua 9:3-16. What lessons can you learn from these two Scriptural
passages about depending on outward signs for guidance?
2. Study 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 and list out the purposes of prophecy in the Church.
3. List some New Testament examples and their Scripture references of people who were
guided by the Lord through the following means:
a. Dreams
b. Visions
c. Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit

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