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Session 1 WMVI e Outline

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Worship Matters Video Intensive with Bob Kauflin

Session 1: The Important Things: Heart and Mind

(From Chapters 1-3 of Worship Matters)1
Outline & Discussion Questions

I. Worship Matters

II. Worship, Love, & Idolatry

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind.” - Matthew 22:372

Whatever we love most of all becomes our god, whether that be for a moment, a
lifetime, or an eternity.

Non-Christians aren’t the only ones who worship idols. God’s people do, too.

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols.” - 1 John 5:21

Our greatest challenge in leading others to encounter the greatness of God is the
idols we worship in our hearts.

1. My Story

“I don’t think you’re hopeless enough.”

Our problem isn’t that we’re hopeless. It’s that we put our hope in the
wrong things, and when they don’t deliver, we’re crushed.

B. Lessons Learned

1. We are great sinners, Jesus is a greater Savior.

2. God is God and we are not.

3. We can fully trust the God that gave his Son to die in our place for
our sins.

“And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus
Christ whom you have sent.” - John 17:3

C. Helpful Practices in Battling Idolatry

1. Look for opportunities to confess your sin

© 2017 Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Feel free to download, print, and copy this material, but please do not charge
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2. Boast of your weaknesses, not your strengths

“If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.”
- 2 Corinthians 11:30

3. Cultivate gratefulness

4. Encourage others

5. Serve others

III. The Importance of Knowing God Truly

Worshiping God doesn’t begin with music. It begins with God as he actually is.

A. Objection 1: “I don’t have time to read.”

B. Objection 2: “I don’t like to read.”

“He who will not use the thoughts of other men’s brains proves he has
no brains of his own.” - Charles Spurgeon3

C. Objection 3: “Understanding the Bible is hard.”

“If you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you
seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will
understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.”
- Proverbs 2:3

D. Objection 4: “I know God better through music than words.”

The more we get to know Him through His Word, the more we want to
know Him.

IV. Both Heart and Mind

Worship without true knowledge leads to misguided emotionalism. Doctrinal

knowledge without love, leads to rigid, harsh, lifeless orthodoxy.

© 2017 Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Feel free to download, print, and copy this material, but please do not charge
money for it or alter the content in any way without express permission from Sovereign Grace Music
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Session 1 Discussion Questions:

1. Discuss some common idols for worship team members. What idols have you
been personally tempted to look to for peace, joy, satisfaction, etc. while leading
God's people in times of congregational worship?  

2. Having received the freedom of forgiveness in Christ and the sanctifying power of
the Holy Spirit, what are some practical steps you can take to battle the idols that
call for your attention on Sunday morning?

3. Bob says “Being a musician is a choice, being a theologian isn’t.” What does he
mean when he says that being a theologian is not a choice?

4. Which of the four objections Bob gives (no time to read, don't like to read, hard to
understand, prefer knowing God through music) keep you from spending time in
God’s Word? What steps can you take to pursue God’s Word more consistently
and deeply?

5. How has God met you in your pursuit of his Word?

© 2017 Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. Feel free to download, print, and copy this material, but please do not charge
money for it or alter the content in any way without express permission from Sovereign Grace Music
( For more information and resources visit
Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin, © 2008 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers,
Wheaton, IL 60187,
All Scripture quotations taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), Copyright ©
2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ESV
Text Edition: 2016
Charles Spurgeon, Sermon #542 on 2 Timothy 4:13, November 29, 1863. Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, 9

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