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At The Travel Agent'S: Useful Words More Words

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Track 6

At the travel agent’s

Useful words More words Dialogue: Deciding where to go
Package deal/holiday – a holiday Jim wants to go on holiday. A: Erm, Germany?
that includes everything: the flight, He’s talking to a travel J: I’m not a big fan (5)
hotel, meals, etc.
agent, who’s helping him sausages.
Overnight stay – if you have an plan the trip. [Listen and A: There’s more to Germany
“overnight stay”, you sleep in a hotel
during your journey. complete with the correct than just sausages! Mmm...
Cruise ship Train prepositions.] well, you could always go
Resort – a place with hotels /
restaurants, etc. where people spend J=Jim somewhere closer to home.
their holidays: a beach resort / a ski A=Agent Maybe take the ferry (6)
resort. Dublin?
Journey – when you go on a J: Morning! J: I’d love to. But I get seasick.
“journey”, you travel somewhere. A: Good How about Brighton?
Typical expressions include: car morning! A: Well, it might be a bit cold
Aeroplane / journey / train journey / long journey / Can I help and depressing in December.
airplane Coach short journey...
you? by plane or J: Sounds perfect!
Trip – a journey that you make to a J: Yes, erm, train?
A: Erm, OK! And because it’s
particular place. Typical expressions
include: day trip, business trip, round
I’ve never been (1) low season I can get you a
trip (a journey to a place and then holiday before, but I’ve finally great deal (7) a 5-star
back over the same route)... decided to take an overseas hotel. I’ll book the train too.
Travel – if you “travel” somewhere, trip. The trip of a lifetime! Window or aisle seat?
Passport Backpack you go there. A: How exciting! How long J: Train?
Voyage – a long journey on a ship or would you like to go (2) A: Yeah. Brighton is only
in a spacecraft. ? 45-minutes from London by
Tour guide – someone whose job is J: Two weeks. During the train.
to show tourists around a place and Christmas holidays. Where do J: Erm, I don’t do trains. Long
explain its history, architecture, etc. you suggest? story. Maybe I’ll just stay in
Guided tour – if someone takes you A: How about a luxury safari in London.
Insect /mosquito on a “guided tour”, they show you Mozambique? The weather A: Not much of a holiday
Map repellent around a place of interest and tell you will be warm and you’ll have a though. I mean, you already
all about it.
real adventure. live (8) London.
Travel agency / travel agent’s – J: Erm, will there be J: I’ll go to the British Museum,
a shop where you can buy holidays.
mosquitoes? visit Big Ben, walk across
Visa – an official document or a
A: I guess so. But you can take London Bridge. It’ll be the
stamp in your passport which allows
you to enter or leave a particular some insect repellent. holiday of my dreams! Thanks
country. J: I’m allergic (3) so much for your advice.
(Sun) hat Camera
Stop-over – if you have a “stop- mosquitoes. What else have A: Erm, my pleasure.
over” during your journey, you stop you got? J: I’ll send you a postcard. Bye!
in a place and stay there for one or A: What about southern Spain? full-board or
two nights. I can get you a package half-board?

Customs – the place in an airport deal that includes flights,

where customs officials may check accommodation and meals.
your bags for drugs / weapons, etc. J: Aren’t the beaches there
Wash bag Sun cream Exchange rate – the rate at which full of Brits? I’d rather go
one currency can be exchanged for somewhere “off the beaten
another. For example, the exchange
rate for euros to dollars.
path”, so to speak.
A: Well, British Airways have
Seasick / carsick / airsick – if you
get “carsick”, you feel sick during a car a great deal (4)
journey. the moment on flights to
B/O = Bed Only – just a bed in a the Solomon Islands. It’s
Sunglasses Sandals
hotel. beautiful there this time of
B/B = Bed and Breakfast – a bed in year. And the exchange rate is GLOSSARY
a hotel with breakfast included. great. off the beaten path exp
H/B = Half board – a bed in a hotel J: How long is the flight? if a place is “off the beaten path”, it’s in a
remote area, often far away from the nearest
with breakfast and either lunch or A: About 20 hours. town or city
dinner included. J: Oh, that won’t do. I get cramp cramp n
if you get “cramp”, you have a sudden pain
F/B = Full board – a bed in a hotel if I sit too long. Anything in a muscle in your body
Bum bag / fanny pack (US English) with breakfast, lunch and dinner. closer to home?

Travel English booklet

10 Copyright Hot English Publishing SL 2014

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