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Kuchar Martin (Orcid ID: 0000-0002-7616-6352)

Stability of psilocybin and its four analogs in the biomass of the

psychotropic mushroom Psilocybe cubensis

Klára Gotvaldováa, Kateřina Hájkováa,b, Jan Borovičkac,d, Radek Juroka,b,e, Petra Cihlářováa,b,
Martin Kuchařa,f*

Forensic Laboratory of Biologically Active Substances, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds,
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 3, 166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice, Czech Republic
Department of Brain Electrophysiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Topolová 748, 250 67 Klecany,
Czech Republic
Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Rozvojová 269, 165 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Hlavní 130, 250 68 Husinec, Czech Republic
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 3, 166 28
Praha 6 – Dejvice, Czech Republic
Department of Experimental Neurobiology, National Institute of Mental Health, Topolová 748, 250 67
Klecany, Czech Republic

Corresponding author*:
Martin Kuchař
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 3, 166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice, Czech Republic
Tel.: (+420) 220 444 432
Fax: (+420) 220 444 422

Email addresses of the other authors:

Klára Gotvaldová:
Kateřina Hájková:
Jan Borovička:
Radek Jurok:
Petra Cihlářová:

This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1002/dta.2950

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Psilocybin, psilocin, baeocystin, norbaeocystin, and aeruginascin are tryptamines structurally
similar to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Psilocybin and its pharmacologically active
metabolite psilocin in particular are known for their psychoactive effects. These substances
typically occur in most species of the genus Psilocybe (Fungi, Strophariaceae). Even the
sclerotia of some of these fungi known as “magic truffles” are of growing interest in
microdosing due to them improving cognitive function studies. In addition to microdosing
studies, psilocybin has also been applied in clinical studies, but only its pure form has been
administrated so far. Moreover, the determination of tryptamine alkaloids is used in forensic
In this study, freshly cultivated fruit bodies of Psilocybe cubensis were used for monitoring
stability (including storage and processing conditions of fruiting bodies). Furthermore,
mycelium and the individual parts of the fruiting bodies (caps, stipes, and basidiospores)
were also examined. The concentration of tryptamines in final extracts was analyzed using
ultra-high-performance chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. No tryptamines
were detected in the basidiospores and only psilocin was present at 0.47 wt.% in the
mycelium. The stipes contained approximately half the amount of tryptamine alkaloids (0.52
wt.%) than the caps (1.03 wt.%); however, these results were not statistically significant, as
the concentration of tryptamines in individual fruiting bodies is highly variable. The storage
conditions showed that the highest degradation of tryptamines was seen in fresh mushrooms
stored at -80°C and the lowest decay was seen in dried biomass stored in the dark at room

Mushrooms, Psilocybe, stability, psilocybin, tryptamines, LC-MS

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1 Introduction
Psychoactive mushrooms have been used as entheogens during transcendental ceremonies by
Mexican inhabitants, mainly by shamans, for thousands of years. Mushrooms used for
religious and spiritual rituals are called “magic mushrooms”.1-3 There are many mushroom
species that contain high levels of psychotropic tryptamines, including the genera Pluteus,
Panaeolus, Inocybe, Gymnopilus, Galerina, Pholiotina, and especially Psilocybe.4-7 In the
1950s, these magic mushrooms were introduced to Europe thanks to Gordon Wasson, who
brought them from Mexico from the shaman Maria Sabina of the Mazatec tribe.8-9 Gordon
Wasson passed these Mexican mushrooms on to Roger Heim, who identified them as
Psilocybe mexicana, and then passed them on to Albert Hofmann, who in 1958 isolated
psilocybin and psilocin from them. 10-11 Psilocybin and its hydrolyzed metabolite psilocin are
well-known psychoactive tryptamines of mushrooms, which are controlled substances.5, 12-13
Nevertheless, other fungal tryptamine analogs have not been explored in detail. Structural
analogs of psilocybin and psilocin are baeocystin, norbaeocystin, aeruginascin, 14-16 and
norpsilocin, which was identified in 2017.17
Currently, psilocin and psilocybin are used in neuropsychopharmacological studies
because of their therapeutic potential in the treatment of depression, obsessive-compulsive
disorder, anxiety, and cluster headaches. 18-20 In clinical studies, mainly synthetic forms of
psilocybin and psilocin have been administrated to subjects. However, studies in which
people were given the natural form of these tryptamines known as “magic truffles” (sclerotia
of some Psilocybe species) have also been published.21-22
The knowledge of tryptamine stability in mushrooms is very important for sample processing
and long-term storage. It is already known that aqueous standard solutions of psilocin
and psilocybin are photosensitive, thermolabile, and undergo the oxidation upon exposure
to air and light.23-25 However, the stability of tryptamine alkaloids in mushrooms and the
effect of storage and drying conditions have not been comprehensively published.26-27
The most common methods for the quantification of psychoactive tryptamines are based
mainly on liquid (LC) or gas chromatography (GC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS).
The advantages of these methods are accuracy, repeatability, selectivity, robustness, and the
possibility to reach low detection limits and multiple analyte analyses in a short time.
However, gas chromatography is not recommended for the quantification of tryptamines
because of their poor volatility and heat-lability.28-30 In our study, ultra-high performance
liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-
MS/MS) was employed to investigate the stability of five tryptamine alkaloids in the biomass
of cultivated fruiting bodies of the psychoactive species Psilocybe cubensis.31-33

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Chemicals and reagents

Analytical standards of psilocybin and psilocin were purchased from Cayman Chemical,
USA. The analytical standards of aeruginascin, baeocystin, and norbaeocystin were
synthesized in-house at the UCT Prague by Dr. Radek Jurok of the Department of Organic

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Chemistry. Details of the synthesis and characterization of these tryptamines are described in
the supporting information.
Psilocin, psilocybin, and aeruginascin were dissolved in methanol, and baeocystin and
norbaeocystin were dissolved in 50 % (v/v) methanol, respectively. Eluent additives for LC-
MS – acetic acid, formic acid, and ammonium formate – were obtained from Honeywell,
Fluka™, USA. Methanol LC-MS CHROMASOL™ was obtained from Honeywell, Reidel-
de Haën™, USA. Ultrapure water, 18.2 MΩ·cm, was produced by the Smart2Pure 12 UV
system (Thermo Fisher Scientific – Barnstead, Germany).

2.2 Cultivation of mushrooms and their drying and storage

P. cubensis mushrooms were cultivated in the laboratory at the UCT Prague to obtain a large
compact matrix for stability experiments according to the procedure in the supporting
information where cultivation is also discussed.
To verify which mushroom storage is most suitable for maintaining the tryptamine content,
five fresh fruiting bodies of P. cubensis (height of approximately 20 cm) were cut lengthwise
into equivalent portions. Subsequently, these parts were stored under various conditions that
are given in Table 1. The cultured mushrooms were then dried in the dark at room
temperature. Approximately ten dried fruiting bodies were homogeneously powdered using a
mortar and pestle. The powder was divided into five different conditions according to Table

2.3 Blank matrices and preparation of samples and their extracts

The microscopic fungus Penicillium candidum was used as a blank matrix for the mycelium
and fresh or and dried Agaricus bisporus fruiting bodies were used as a blank matrix for the
P. cubensis mushrooms. The fruiting bodies were extracted using 0.5 % (v/v) acetic acid in
methanol after weighing. They were subsequently vortexed, centrifuged, and re-extracted
according to the details included in the supporting information, which also includes a
description of the formation and plotting of the blank matrices.

2.4 Instrumentation and conditions of UHPLC-MS/MS

A UHPLC 1290 Infinity assembly (Agilent Technologies, USA) with a Zorbax Eclipse Plus
C18 column, 100 × 2.1 mm, 1.8 µm and with a Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18, 5 × 2.1 mm, 1.8 µm
pre-column (Agilent Technologies, USA) at 40°C was used for the chromatographic
separation. 10 mmol.L-1 ammonium formate with 0.1 % (v/v) formic acid (mobile phase A,
MPA) and 10 mmol.L-1 ammonium formate with 0.1 % (v/v) formic acid in methanol (mobile
phase B, MPB) were used as the mobile phases. The flow rate was 0.25 mL.min-1
and the injection volume of the sample was 3 μL. The total run time of the separation was
7 minutes. The chromatographic method held the initial composition 10 % MPB ramping
to 35 % MPB in 3.5 min then increased to 100 % MPB at 4 min and held for 0.5 min. It then
followed a linear gradient to 90 % MFA at 5 min and held 2 min to the starting condition.
A triple quadrupole 6460 spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, USA) was used
for the detection and quantification of tryptamines in the mushrooms. Electrospray ionization

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in the positive mode (ESI+) was used for all of the analytes. The parameters of the ion source
were as follows: drying gas temperature (nitrogen) 340°C, drying gas flow 10 L.min-1,
nebulizer (nitrogen) 25 psig, sheath gas temperature (nitrogen) 400°C, sheath gas flow
12 L.min-1, and capillary voltage 2300 V.
The analysis was conducted in the dynamic multiple reaction monitoring (dMRM)
acquisition mode. The two most intensive transitions were used for all of the analytes except
for psilocin, for which we used three transitions. The characteristics of the dMRM method are
summarized in Table S 1 in the supporting information with the chromatograms of
aeruginascin, baeocystin, norbaeocystin, psilocin, and psilocybin (Figure S 3).

2.5 Method validation

The developed method was validated according to the Scientific Working Group for Forensic
Toxicology (SWGTOX) standard practices for method validation in forensic toxicology,34
Tutorial review on validation of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods: Part I,35
and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) guideline on bioanalytical method validation.36
The method was validated for specificity, linearity, limits of detection (LOD), limits of
quantitation (LOQ), precision, accuracy, recovery, matrix effect, and stability in the
supporting information together with its results.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Optimization of the extraction procedure

All of the concentration levels are given in wt. % of dry matter. The preparation of the
mushroom samples and the extraction method was inspired by other studies.22, 37-41 Based on
the fact that mushroom indole alkaloids are compounds with high polarity, we used polar
solvents.16 Due to the high concentration of psilocybin, it was always evaluated in 1000×
diluted samples, so the matrix effect was kept negligible. Other analytes were evaluated from
100× or 10× diluted samples. If their concentration was within the calibration curve of both
dilutions, the results were evaluated using their average.

3.1.1 Effect of homogenization

The experiments verified whether it is better to extract fruiting bodies in pieces or
homogenized. The experiments were performed on fresh and dried mushrooms according to
the procedure in the supporting information.
We found that the dried fungal fruiting bodies had a better yield from a fungal powder than
from whole pieces. Conversely, in the case of fresh fungal fruiting bodies, the extraction of
larger unprocessed pieces of fresh fruiting bodies was found to be more effective than
chopping these mushrooms into small pieces. The fresh fruiting bodies quickly turned blue as
they were cut into smaller pieces, which may be due to the psilocybin hydrolyzing to
psilocin, which then oxidizes to quinoid dye.24-25
In summary, the yields of the analytes from the dried mushroom powder in comparison
to the unprocessed dried mushrooms were as follows: 16 % increase in psilocybin, 13 %
increase in psilocin, 74 % increase in baeocystin, and 40 % increase in aeruginascin. The

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

concentration of norbaeocystin was below the LOQ. On the contrary, the yields of the
analytes from unprocessed fresh mushrooms in comparison to chopped fresh mushrooms
were as follows: 33 % increase in psilocybin, 37 % increase in psilocin, 1.5 % increase in
baeocystin, 12 % increase in aeruginascin. The concentration of norbaeocystin was below the
LOQ. Therefore, the unprocessed fresh mushrooms contained approximately 30 %
more tryptamines than the chopped fresh mushrooms.

3.1.2 Extraction solvents

Methanol with formic acid (0.1 %, 0.2 %, 0.5 % and 1.0 %, v/v) or acetic acid (0.1 %, 0.2 %,
0.5 % and 1.0 %, v/v), 50 % (v/v) methanol, deionised water, ethanol, 75 % (v/v) ethanol,
isopropanol, and 25 mmol.L-1 acetate buffer (pH 4.5) were tested for the optimization of
extraction solvents. More details on the process are included in the supporting information.
Methanol with 0.5 % (v/v) acetic acid was chosen as the optimal extraction solvent. The
results were evaluated only qualitatively using by Agilent software MassHunter Qualitative
Analysis, according to which the solvents with the largest area under the peak were selected.
Methanol is often used as a suitable extraction solvent in many scientific works.14, 42-43 It
corresponds with the hypothesis that acidification may be suitable for increase the solubility
of basic tryptamine alkaloids, mainly in a phosphorylated form.44

Repeated extraction
The next step after choosing the extraction solvent was to evaluate whether the efficiency
of the whole process was sufficient. We decided to use a subsequent extraction of the matrix
with another solvent. To evaluate the efficiency of the extraction, subsequent extractions of
the matrix were performed. Approximately 20 % of the analytes were found in the second
extract, but no further re-extractions improved recovery. Methanol was chosen as the best
solvent for a re-extraction of the matrix. The re-extraction solvents were selected in the same
way as the extraction solvents, i.e. using Agilent software MassHunter Qualitative Analysis.
During the re-extraction of the residual pellet, acidification of the solvent was probably no
longer necessary.

3.1.3 Effect of mechanical agitation and extraction time

Part of the experiment was to evaluate whether vortexing increases the yield of tryptamines
from the matrix. Ten tubes of pulverized mushrooms were macerated in 1 mL of solvent, five
were vortexed at 13 × g for two hours and five were not mechanically agitated. Higher
concentrations of all of the analytes were found in the vortexed samples, with a 9 % increase
in psilocin, a 17 % increase in aeruginascin, 21 % increase in psilocybin, 26 % increase in
baeocystin, and 40 % increase in norbaeocystin.
The duration of mechanical agitation, ranging from 20 to 360 minutes, gave almost identical
concentrations of all of the analytes (difference <1 %).

3.2 Effect of temperature change

Degradation of tryptamines was observed at 25°C, 50°C, 75°C, 100°C, 125°C, and 150°C for
30 minutes according to the procedure attached in the supporting information.
The decay in the concentration of phosphorylated tryptamines is significantly noticeable from
100°C. Up to this temperature, the concentrations of phosphorylated tryptamines reduced

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gradually, for example at 150°C the yields significantly decreased by approximately 80 %
(Figure 1). An exception to these results was psilocin, where the concentration increased at
higher temperatures. The loss of phosphorylated analytes and at the same time the increased
amount of psilocin may be explained by the dephosphorylation of tryptamines to their
hydrolyzed forms, which are easily subjected to oxidative degradation. The temperature
of 25 °C was chosen for the extraction as it reached the highest yield of analytes, which is in
line with the previously published work. 9

3.3 Basidiospores and mycelium

Spore prints (biomass of spores released from the hymenium) from three individual caps
of P. cubensis were analyzed but no tryptamines were detected.
Mycelium samples of P. cubensis from two Petri dishes were prepared in six replicates. The
mycelia were dried after analysis for 6 hours in vacuum evaporators to determine the dry
weight and water content. The water in the mycelium was approximately 89 wt.%.
The mycelium samples contained only psilocin with an average concentration of 0.15 wt.%
of dry matter. Mycelial samples in previously published studies have contained highly
variable concentrations of psilocin (0.0 - 0.2 wt.%) and psilocybin (0.0 – 2.0 wt.%). The
results of our analysis are in the range of the published values.45-47 We also tried to evaluate
whether psilocin permeates through agar, and we found that approximately ten times lower
concentrations of psilocin (0.01 wt.%) were quantified in the agar on which the mycelium
grew. Although this is contrary to previous results, it is not exceptional due to the variability
of the alkaloid content in the mycelia themselves.31

3.4 Fresh versus dried fruiting bodies

These experiments aimed to determine the water content in fresh mushrooms and to analyze
the concentration of tryptamines in fresh and dried fruiting bodies, which were dried in the
dark at room temperature. According to the previous results from the homogenization effects,
the dried mushrooms were analyzed as mushroom powder and fresh mushrooms in whole
pieces for the highest possible yield. In the experiment with fresh mushrooms, an equivalent
part of each fruiting body was used to determine the water content and the other part was
used to analyze the concentration of tryptamines. These experiments were performed on ten
fresh cultivated fruiting bodies of P. cubensis. In conclusion, the water content in the fresh
mushrooms was approximately 90 %, which is in agreement with another mushroom study,48
and the concentrations of tryptamines were as follows: 0.54 wt.% of psilocybin, 0.02 wt.% of
norbaeocystin, 0.01 wt.% of aeruginascin, 0.05 wt.% of baeocystin, and 0.25 wt.% of
psilocin. Within the experiments with homogeneous dried fungal powder, the concentrations
of tryptamines were as follows: 0.62 wt.% of psilocybin, 0.02 wt.% of norbaeocystin, 0.01
wt.% of aeruginascin, 0.06 wt.% of baeocystin, and 0.16 wt.% of psilocin. The presence of
baeocystin in P. cubensis the fruiting bodies was demonstrated more than thirty years ago,
but the content of aeruginascin and norbaeocystin has not been studied yet in this fungal
species.31, 40, 49 The measured data correlate with previously published works, where the
concentrations of alkaloids were in the range of 0.00 – 0.60 wt.% for psilocin, 0.17 – 0.63

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

wt.% for psilocybin, and 0.02 for baeocystin, for which we measured more.18, 31, 40, 46 All of
the concentration levels are given in wt. % of dry matter.
In summary, the average total content of tryptamines in fresh and dried mushrooms was
approximately 0.87 wt.% in both cases. This is confirmed by studies that claim that the
tryptamine content in fungal biomass is not reduced by drying in the dark at room
temperature.14, 26 Generally, there were higher concentrations of all analytes except for
psilocin in dried mushroom powder. We found a 27 % increase in norbaeocystin, a 12 %
increase in aeruginascin, a 26 % increase in baeocystin, and an 18 % increase in psilocybin in
comparison to the fresh mushrooms. On the contrary, there was a 34 % increase in psilocin in
the fresh mushrooms. It is supposed that the higher concentrations of hydrolyzed forms of
tryptamines are present in fresh mushrooms, but the phosphorylated forms are mainly found
in dried fungal biomass. Tryptamines in fresh fruiting bodies may act enzymatically by
kinases before the fruiting body is dried, as in the case of phosphorylating psilocin to
psilocybin.50 It may be also because, according to Alexander Shulgin, psilocin is already
unstable in solutions and fresh fruiting bodies still contain approximately 90 % water, which
means that it forms a similar environment to the solution51 while psilocybin is more stable
than psilocin.4

3.5 Caps versus stipes of fungal fruiting bodies

The fruiting bodies were separated into caps and stipes to determine the tryptamine
concentrations in these mushroom parts. These experiments were performed on dried fungal
fruiting bodies in six replicates. On average, the caps contained 0.01 wt.% of aeruginascin,
0.07 wt.% of baeocystin, 0.88 wt.% of psilocybin, 0.01 wt.% of norbaeocystin, and 0.06 wt.%
of psilocin. In stipes, we found <0.01 wt.% aeruginascin, 0.03 wt.% baeocystin, 0.47 wt.%
psilocybin, <0.01 wt.% norbaeocystin, and 0.01 wt.% psilocin.
There was approximately 50 % less baeocystin, psilocybin, and norbaeocystin in the stipes
than in the caps. The stipes contained 32 % less aeruginascin and 85 % less psilocin than the
caps. The total content of tryptamine alkaloids in the stipes was approximately 50 % less than
in the caps. These results are slightly different from an older study, which states that the
psilocin content is higher in the stipes than in the caps in P. cubensis, but a similar
distribution of psilocybin (higher levels in the caps than in the stipes) was observed in
Psilocybe samuiensis.52 Our results correspond with the published work.26
The parametric two-sample unpaired t-test with Welch correction in the R program found that
the results were not statistically significant, as the p-value was 0.3756. This may be due to the
large difference between the alkaloid concentrations in the individual fruiting bodies. This
means that although the average content of tryptamines in caps is higher than in stipes, due to
the SD, where there is high variability between individual fruiting bodies, it cannot be said
that this statement applies to all fruiting bodies. The variability of tryptamines in individual
fruiting bodies has been described in other published works.52-53

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3.6 Processing of fresh fruiting bodies
The samples were measured in duplicates using UHPLC-MS/MS after 3 months of storage
(Figure 2). To verify which type of mushroom processing, including storage and drying, is
most suitable for maintaining tryptamine content, five fresh fruiting bodies of P. cubensis
(height approximately 20 cm) were cut lengthwise into equal portions as described in Section
2.2. These groups were processed and stored under different conditions, which are
summarized in Table 1.
1. The mushrooms that were stored in the light at room temperature contained very similar
concentrations of norbaeocystin and aeruginascin, but a 12 % decrease in baeocystin, 9 %
decrease in psilocybin, and even 46 % decrease in psilocin was noted when compared to the
fungal samples that were stored in the dark at the same temperature. This is a confirmation of
rapid psilocin degradation in the light because of high photosensitivity.23, 54
2. The highest concentration of tryptamines was found in samples that were stored in the dark
at 20°C (1.30 wt.% psilocybin, 0.01 wt. % norbaeocystin, <0.01 wt.% aeruginascin, 0.07
wt.% baeocystin, and 0.01 wt.% psilocin). This is confirmation as discussed in Section 3.4
that drying the mushrooms in the dark at room temperature does not have a reducing effect on
the concentration of indole alkaloids.
3. The mushrooms were stored in a freezer (-20°C) before loading into a lyophilizer. It was
found that the concentrations of all analytes were reduced in the lyophilized samples except
for psilocin. The most significant decay was in psilocybin, where there was an 88 %
reduction in concentration, from 1.30 wt.% to 0.16 wt.%. Gartz states that lyophilized
mushroom samples decompose rapidly when stored at room temperature after lyophilization
because these fungi have a porous structure.9 After lyophilization, our lyophilized
mushrooms were stored in a freezer at -20°C, and the tryptamines also rapidly degraded.9
This is in contrast to Beug and Bigwood, who state that lyophilization of fungi does not
decrease the concentration levels of tryptamine alkaloids (specifically psilocybin and
psilocin).27 This difference may be due to a disruption of the cellular structure of the fungus,
which occurred due to the splitting of the mushroom into analogous parts that were used for
various types of processing. Disruption of the cell structure may lead to faster degradation of
tryptamines due to hydrolysis to psilocin and subsequent oxidation to quinoid dyes. 55-56 This
hypothesis was confirmed by the fact that almost immediately after cutting, the fresh fruiting
body turned blue.
4. and 5. When storing mushrooms in the freezer (-20°C, -80°C), significantly lower
concentrations of all of the analytes were detected except for psilocin. The most pronounced
decay occurred at -80°C, where 94 % less psilocybin was measured than for samples stored in
the dark at room temperature.
The degradation of psilocybin may be due to the gradual biotransformation of the sliced
specimens since psilocybin is dephosphorylated enzymatically by phosphatase to psilocin,
which is unstable because of it being readily subjected to oxidation to blue quinoid dye.55-56
Significant blue staining was observed for the chopped fresh mushroom samples only a few
seconds after the fruiting bodies were cut.
For all of the samples stored in the freezer, the concentration of phosphorylated analytes (the
main psilocybin) was reduced. Furthermore, a trend in increased concentrations of psilocin
was observed over samples stored at room temperature. For future research, we suggest that

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the concentration of quinoid dyes as products of tryptamine metabolism should also be
monitored. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the mushrooms should be frozen with liquid
nitrogen to avoid cell disruption.

3.7 Stability of tryptamines in dried fungal powder

The original concentration of freshly homogenized P. cubensis mushroom powder was 0.01
wt.% norbaeocystin, <0.01 wt.% aeruginascin, 0.07 wt.% baeocystin, 1.51 wt.% psilocybin,
and 0.04 wt.% psilocin. The fungal powder was used for monitoring of the tryptamines
stability. These powder was divided into different zip bags and stored under various
conditions as shown in Table 1. Aliquots were measured several times at different intervals:
one week, one month, two months, and fifteen months. The dried mushroom powder was
chosen as a suitable model, as the whole fruiting bodies could not be divided into many
homogeneous pieces for the experiments used (5 storage conditions in different periods).
The most pronounced changes in the decay in concentration over time were observed with
psilocybin, which is the main tryptamine alkaloid in fruiting bodies.
After 1 week - The concentration of psilocybin reduced from 1.51 wt.% to 1.31 wt.%.
The greatest loss of psilocybin was found in a sample stored in the light at 20°C, where the
psilocybin value dropped to 0.96 wt.%. This trend was also observed for norbaeocystin,
aeruginascin, baeocystin, and psilocin, where the measured concentration gradually
decreased. From the results shown in Figure 3, it is apparent that tryptamines are not very
stable in the homogenized mushroom powder.
After 1 month - The degradation to approximately 50 % of the initial concentration of all
tryptamines occurred on storage under all of the test conditions. The most significant
decrease in concentration to 0.72 wt.% appeared in the sample that was stored in the light at
20°C. This effect is probably due to the photooxidation of alkaloids, similarly as described in
Section 3.6. The lowest concentration reduction to 0.85 wt.% was found in the dark at 20°C.
After 2 months - This phenomenon was also observed when the most significant degradation
to 0.67 wt.% was measured in a sample that was stored in the light at 20°C. In contrast, the
smallest loss of psilocybin occurred when the sample was stored in the dark at 20°C, where
the psilocybin was 0.82 wt.%.
After 15 months - A very similar concentration of all tryptamines was found after 15 months
under all of the storage conditions. The psilocybin concentration varied by a maximum of
0.04 % in these samples. The lowest degradation of psilocybin was found in a sample that
was stored in the dark at 20°C. The concentration of all analytes gradually decreased (Figure
3), which corresponds to studies that claim the same but do not state under what conditions.14,

For the minor alkaloids (aeruginascin, baeocystin, norbaeocystin, and psilocin) the changes in
concentrations were negligible after the first week. After one month of storage, a slight
decrease in the concentration of all of the remaining alkaloids was seen at a similar time
under all of the defined conditions. After two months of storage, all of the alkaloids were
reduced, except for psilocin, which decomposed more only in the light at 20°C. After 15
months of storage, no further changes occurred, except for psilocin, whose concentration

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increased (probably due to the degradation of psilocybin). The measured data are summarized
in Table S 2, which is found in the supporting information.

4 Conclusion
An extraction procedure and a UHPLC-MS/MS analytical method for the analysis of
psilocybin, psilocin, baeocystin, norbaeocystin, and aeruginascin in fungal biomass were
developed and validated. All of these analytes were present in P. cubensis. Concentrations of
aeruginascin are low and have not been reported before. It was found that the degradation
of indole alkaloids occurs when fresh fungal fruiting bodies are mechanically damaged
(sliced). Conversely, better extraction yields for dried fungal fruiting bodies were achieved
after the mushrooms were homogenized to a powder form. Higher amounts of
phosphorylated tryptamines (e.g., psilocybin) were found in the dried fungal fruiting bodies,
while higher amounts of the dephosphorylated forms of indoles (e.g., psilocin) were found in
the fresh fruiting bodies.
To prevent the degradation of fungal tryptamines during sample processing, the most suitable
conditions were to dry the fruiting bodies in the dark at room temperature. The total content
of tryptamines was strikingly reduced when they were stored under different conditions.
Mushrooms that were stored in the freezer (-80°C) lost almost 90 % of tryptamines.
Regardless of the storage conditions, rapid degradation of all analytes was observed when the
dried fungal powder was stored. To improve the storage of dried mushrooms, they should be
stored in an inert gas environment.

5 Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the long-term development projects RVO67985831,
RVO61389005, and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic

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6 References
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Table 1: Processing of fresh fruiting bodies and storage conditions of dried fungal
homogenized powder
Sample Processing conditions of fresh Storage conditions of dried
identification fruiting bodies fungal powder
1 Dark, 20°C Light, 20°C
2 Light, 20°C Dark, 20°C
3 Lyophilizer, - 50°C Fridge, 4°C
4 Freezer, - 20°C Freezer, - 20°C
5 Freezer, - 80°C Freezer, - 80°C

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Figure 1. Temperature stability of mushroom tryptamines from fungal homogenous powder
which was heated in five replicates for 30 minutes

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Figure 2. Tryptamine content after processing of fresh fruiting bodies and their storage after 3

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Figure 3. Stability of psilocybin as a major tryptamine in fungal powder after 15 months

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Graphical Abstract

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