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Analytical Biochemistry 566 (2019) 23–26

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Analysis of butterfly reproductive proteins using capillary electrophoresis T

and mass spectrometry
Maria Khihon Rokhasa,1, Johanna Liljestrand Rönnb, Christer Wiklundc, Åsa Emmera,*
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health, Dept. of Chemistry, Div. of Applied Physical Chemistry,
Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm, Sweden
Uppsala University, Dept. of Ecology and Genetics, Animal Ecology, Uppsala, Sweden
Stockholm University, Dept. of Zoology, Ecology, Stockholm, Sweden


Keywords: A method for analysis of proteins from spermatophores transferred from male to female Pieris napi butterflies
Capillary electrophoresis during mating has been developed. The proteins were solubilized from the dissected spermatophores using
Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization different solubilization agents (water, methanol, acetonitrile and hexafluoroisopropanol). Capillary electro-
mass spectrometry phoresis (CE) analysis was performed using an acidic background electrolyte containing a fluorosurfactant to
Pieris napi
avoid protein-wall adsorption, and to increase separation performance. The samples were also analyzed with
Seminal fluid proteins
matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), in a lower m/z range (1000–6000)
and a higher m/z range (6000–12000). Solubilization with different solvents and the use of alternative matrices
gave partly complementary profiles.

1. Introduction P. napi butterflies. Important factors to establish were the solubilization

agent and the MALDI matrix.
Reproduction involves complicated processes at the molecular level
between numerous male and female proteins [1]. These proteins, 2. Materials and methods
especially seminal fluid proteins (sfps) contained in the male ejaculate,
have gained considerable attention as a result of their rapid evolution Fluorosurfactant Fluorad 134 (FC134) was from 3M (St. Paul, MN,
[2,3]. Butterflies constitute an interesting model system as the males USA), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), trifluoro acetic acid (TFA), mono-
transfer a spermatophore (a small rigid capsule containing sperm, nu- potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), phosphoric acid, hexa-
trients, inorganic solutes, lipids and sfps) to the female during mating. fluoroisopropanol (HFIP), MALDI-MS calibration substances: bovine
The female remating rate is affected by the spermatophore itself serum albumin, [glu1]-fibrinopeptide B, neurotensin, substance P, an-
since females will not remate as long as they have an unprocessed giotensin I and II, cytochrome c, apomyoglobin and insulin (bovine
spermatophore inside their reproductive organ [4]. Female P. napi pancreas) from Sigma-Aldrich (Stockholm, Sweden), 2,5-dihydrox-
butterflies gain from multiple mating, and females with higher mating ybensoic acid (DHB) from Bruker Daltonics (Bremen, Germany), 2,6-
frequency live longer, lay more eggs and get higher lifetime offspring dihydroxyacetophenone (DHAP) from Fluka Chemical Corporation
production [5–7]. Butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) have been ex- (Steinheim, Germany), methanol (MeOH) and acetonitrile (MeCN) from
tensively used as model systems but little is known about the proteins Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Water was from a Milli-Q Synergy 185
transferred by males during mating, and the ways in which these pro- system (Millipore corp., Billerica, MA, USA). ZipTips® C18 were from
teins are related to other reproductive traits. Millipore.
In this work, capillary electrophoresis (CE) and matrix assisted laser The CE instrument was an HP3dCE with a UV diode array detector.
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) methods have Electropherograms were monitored at 200 nm, using ChemStation
been developed to enable studies of the proteins in spermatophores of (Agilent Technologies Inc., Palo-Alto, CA, USA). Fused silica capillaries

Abbreviations: HFIP, hexafluoroisopropanol; DHAP, 2,6-dihydroxyacetophenone

Corresponding author. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Chemical Science and Engineering, Dept. of Chemistry, Div. of Applied Physical Chemistry,
Analytical Chemistry, Teknikringen 36, SE-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden.
E-mail address: (Å. Emmer).
Present address: Pretech Instruments, Sollentuna, Sweden.
Received 24 October 2017; Received in revised form 18 October 2018; Accepted 3 November 2018
Available online 10 November 2018
0003-2697/ © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
M.K. Rokhas et al. Analytical Biochemistry 566 (2019) 23–26

Fig. 1. Electropherograms of P. napi spermatophore samples obtained using different solvents. CE conditions as in Fig. S2 a) water, butterfly 2, b) 100% MeOH,
butterfly 5, c) 100% HFIP, butterfly 9.

(Polymicro Technologies, Phoenix, USA) had a length of 100 cm (ef- water, MeOH and MeCN samples.
fective length 75 cm, i.d 50 μm, o.d. 375 μm). The MALDI-MS was a Bruker Reflex III with a SCOUT 384 ion source
New capillaries were rinsed with 1 M NaOH for 30 min, 0.1 M NaOH and FlexControl software except for the MS-MS studies, which were
for 20 min, water for 15 min, and rinsed with background electrolyte performed on a Bruker ultrafleXtreme. The dried droplet method was
(BGE) for 30 min. Each day the capillary was flushed with 0.1 M NaOH used applying 0.5 μL of matrix followed by 0.5 μL of sample. All Reflex
(10 min), water (10 min) and BGE (15 min). The BGE consisted of III mass spectra were obtained by sweet spot searching (20 or 25 shots
20 mM KH2PO4, 150 μg mL−1 of fluorosurfactant FC134, and phos- at various positions summing up to between 200 and 600 shots), while
phoric acid to adjust pH to 2.3. Between runs the capillary was flushed 5000 shots were used with the ultrafleXtrem. The instruments were
with BGE for approximately 5 min. Electrokinetic injection was used for externally calibrated. Glufibrinopeptide (m/z 1596), neurotensin (m/z
5 s at a voltage of −10 kV, separation voltage was −20 kV. The EOF, 1673), substrate P (m/z 1347) and angiotensin (m/z 1297) were used in
and thus the state of the dynamic coating of FC134, was monitored each reflector mode, and cytochrome c (m/z 12362), apomyoglobin (m/z
day using mesityl oxide. 16952), bovine serum albumin (m/z 66429) and insulin from bovine
The butterflies were the offspring from eggs collected on leaves of pancreas (m/z 5730) in linear mode.
the crucifers Barbarea vulgaris and Alliaria petiolata in the Kullaberg area MALDI analysis benefits from matching the polarity of the matrix
in southern Sweden (56°18′N/12°27′ E). The caterpillars hatching were with the polarity of the analyte [8], hence DHAP matrix was used in
reared on leaves of B. vulgaris under a 22:2 light:dark photoperiod en- addition to DHB to investigate whether some large hydrophobic pep-
suring direct development. On the day of adult eclosion the butterflies tides or proteins could be detected. Due to low surface tension, HFIP
were transferred to a mating cage, maintained at 28–30 °C and an 8 h tends to spread on stainless steel targets. A stainless steel target plate
daylength. All butterflies were unmated at the onset of the experiment. (Bruker) was therefore converted to a hydrophobic prestructured plate
Within 15 min after mating females were euthanized by freezing and covered with silicone, according to an earlier described method [9].
stored at −20 °C until dissection. A total of 12 spermatophores from as The other MALDI analyses were performed with the commercial Bruker
many mating pairs were analyzed. Daltonics AnchorChip™ plate. DHAP (10 mg mL−1) and DHB
The abdomen of the butterfly was cut from the main body with a (5–10 mg mL−1) were dissolved in 1:2 MeCN:0.1% TFA for MALDI-MS.
scalpel and the solid spermatophore was dissected out (Fig. S1a). The For MALDI-MS-MS 20 mg mL−1 DHB dissolved in 1:9 MeCN:0.1% TFA
spermatophores are covered by a thin membrane, which was left intact was used.
(Fig. S1b).The entire spermatophore samples were hydrated by soaking Water and MeOH solubilized samples were desalted and con-
in 100 μL water for 10 min, transferred to a second vial with 50 μL centrated by ZipTips® C18 using standard protocol PR02358.
water (butterflies 1–3, 10 and 12), MeOH (butterflies 4–6), MeCN MS-MS was also performed on ZipTip® purified samples. A back-
(butterfly 11) or HFIP (butterflies 7–9) and punctured several times ground mass list consisting of ubiquitous peaks was used to exclude
with a needle, after which they were shaken for 15 min at 2500 rpm. contaminants etc. before MS-MS peaks were chosen. MS-MS spectra
Solid remainders were removed through centrifugation for 10 min at were evaluated in BioTools (Bruker) (peak threshold: S/N = 3, mass
4000 rpm, and the supernatant transferred to a new vial and kept at tolerance: 0.3 Da, MS-MS tolerance: 0.5 Da) using Mascot database.
−20 °C until used. No sample was put through more than 10 thawing/
refreezing cycles.
3. Results and discussion
In addition, HFIP samples were filtered to remove insoluble solid
constituents. The samples were transferred to the filter, washed twice
The complex and unknown composition of the spermatophore
with 20 μL HFIP and centrifuged for 10 min at 4000 rpm each time. The
contents demands a CE method that works satisfactory for a wide
filtered solution was vacuum centrifuged at 1400 rpm until dry fol-
variety of peptides and proteins, considering size, pI values and po-
lowed by addition of 50 μL HFIP to obtain the same final volume as for
larity. Addition of the cationic fluorosurfactant FC134 to the BGE

M.K. Rokhas et al. Analytical Biochemistry 566 (2019) 23–26

Fig. 2. MALDI mass spectra of spermatophore samples using DHB matrix. a - c) low m/z range, reflector mode, d - f) high m/z range, linear mode, a and d) butterfly 3
solubilized with water, b and e) butterfly 5 solubilized with MeOH, c and f) butterfly 8 solubilized with HFIP.

prevents protein adsorption to the capillary wall, without introducing causing a repelling effect. RSD for the mesityl oxide migration time was
lipophilic interactions, resulting in a stable and highly reproducible CE 2.7% (n = 12, between day variations) and the EOF was determined to
method. The low BGE pH further contributes to decreasing wall ad- −5.8·10−4 cm2V−1s−1. The long term stability of both the method and
sorption since most proteins and peptides are positively charged, the spermatophore samples was also established by analysis of a water

M.K. Rokhas et al. Analytical Biochemistry 566 (2019) 23–26

solubilized spermatophore (butterfly 10) 6 times over a period of three In order to confirm the compatibility of the developed method for
weeks. The resulting migration time RSD was 0.66% for a peak at about MALDI-MS-MS a ZipTip® purified water solubilized spermatophore
13.5 min, and the RSD of the peak height was 7.9%. The average effi- sample (butterfly 12) was analyzed. Six of the most abundant peaks
ciency measured in theoretical plates was 307000 (RSD 7%) for the were chosen for this study: 1103, 1421, 1827, 2663, 2989, 3774. The
same peak. MS-MS results were used for database search but no match could be
Analysis of spermatophore samples from different butterflies (but- found. This is probably because the database did not include data for
terflies 1–3) but in the same solvent (water) resulted in electro- Pieris napi or any closely related species.
pherograms with similar profiles, and without noticeable wall adsorp- Additional investigations of the identification and homologies of the
tion manifested by e.g. tailing peaks or migration time drift (Fig. S2). spermatophore peptides and proteins have been performed in a sub-
Comparison of the three samples, taken from the same butterfly po- sequent study [11].
pulation, reveals some individual distinguishable differences despite
the overall similar profiles (Fig. S2). These differences are probably 4. Conclusions
derived from individual diversities between different butterfly speci-
mens. The results obtained from this study show that the CE separation
The impact of the solvent was investigated with the use of water, method used is robust and reproducible when analyzing the sperma-
MeOH, MeCN and HFIP. A major part of samples acquired from a tophore contents from P. napi. It was also shown that the use of water,
biological origin are water soluble and thus water was an obvious MeOH and HFIP as solubilization agents gave complementary CE and
choice. Nevertheless, hydrophobic peptides and proteins can be dis- MALDI profiles. However, the use of water and HFIP together covered
criminated when using polar solvents. MeOH and MeCN were chosen as most of the detected substances. Furthermore, some additional in-
less polar alternative solvents. However, MeCN gave very poor results formation was obtained using DHAP as an alternative MALDI matrix.
and was omitted at an early stage. HFIP was chosen since it has been To be able to investigate the reproduction proteins from P. napi in a
successfully used to solubilize hydrophobic proteins [10]. All three comprehensive way, several combinations of solubilization solvents and
solvents gave robust CE baselines and reproducible EOF (Fig. 1). So- MALDI matrices should therefore be used. While confirming that the
lubilization with HFIP shifted the electropherogram profile approxi- protein content of the P. napi spermatophore is complex, this study
mately 5 min, though (Fig. 1c). Furthermore, the use of the three dif- suggests methods for the further strive to shed more light on protein
ferent solubilization agents gave some changes in the electropherogram composition and function in butterflies.
profiles in terms of peak intensities and numbers of peaks (Fig. 1).
Water solubilization generally resulted in a higher number of peaks, Conflicts of interest
and somewhat better resolution (Fig. 1a).
The spermatophore samples were further analyzed with MALDI-MS None of the authors declares any competing interests.
to investigate the molecular size range, and to evaluate the solubiliza-
tion agents influence on the MALDI analysis. The spectra obtained using Acknowledgements
the three solubilization agents differ in some m/z areas in both the
lower m/z range (Fig. 2a–c), and the higher m/z range (Fig. 2d–f). Three The Carl Trygger research foundation (grant numbers CTS11:116,
different spermatophores were by necessity used (butterflies 3, 5, 8). In CTS13:117 and CTS15:146) is acknowledged for financial support.
HFIP some peaks at about m/z 5700 were exclusively observed (Fig. 2c Karin Fagerland, Gina Norberg, Yosra Persnia and Beatrice Timgren are
and f). Water solubilization resulted in some peaks in the m/z area at acknowledged for initial experimental work within the frame of their
3750 (Fig. 2a), which were not seen with the other solvents, and a bachelor thesis project. Joakim Romson is acknowledged for revision of
higher number of peaks in the m/z range 2200–2800. On the other text and figures.
hand, there was a cluster of peaks visible in the MeOH spectrum, and to
some extent the HFIP spectrum, around m/z 3000 where water samples Appendix A. Supplementary data
only showed a few peaks. The results indicated that the three solvents
could be used as complementary solubilization agents. Combining Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
water and HFIP covered most of the detected peaks. Previous studies
performed with HFIP [10] suggest that these additional peaks could be
related to more hydrophobic peptides or small proteins. References
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