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Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390


Insights Into Genetics and Pathophysiology of Arrhythmogenic

Brenda Gerull1 · Andreas Brodehl2

Accepted: 9 August 2021 / Published online: 3 September 2021

© The Author(s) 2021

Purpose of Review Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) is a genetic disease characterized by life-threatening ventricular
arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in apparently healthy young adults. Mutations in genes encoding for cellular
junctions can be found in about half of the patients. However, disease onset and severity, risk of arrhythmias, and outcome
are highly variable and drug-targeted treatment is currently unavailable.
Recent Findings This review focuses on advances in clinical risk stratification, genetic etiology, and pathophysiological
concepts. The desmosome is the central part of the disease, but other intercalated disc and associated structural proteins not
only broaden the genetic spectrum but also provide novel molecular and cellular insights into the pathogenesis of ACM.
Signaling pathways and the role of inflammation will be discussed and targets for novel therapeutic approaches outlined.
Summary Genetic discoveries and experimental-driven preclinical research contributed significantly to the understanding
of ACM towards mutation- and pathway-specific personalized medicine.

Keywords Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy · Junctions · Sudden cardiac death · Cardiovascular genetics · Desmosomes ·
Dilated cardiomyopathy

Introduction arrhythmogenic right ventricular “dysplasia” (ARVD) and

the recognition as mainly inherited disease, we have learned
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM) defines a spec- a lot about the clinical presentation, which is dominated by
trum of mainly familial/genetic diseases, which includes the occurrence of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias
not only the classical right ventricular dominant form — and sudden cardiac death (SCD) often in young individu-
arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) als, sometimes athletes. Prediction of those events occurs
— but also biventricular and left ventricular dominant forms still as a major challenge in the clinical management. With
such as arrhythmogenic left ventricular cardiomyopathy identification of genetic causes and subsequent cardiogenetic
(ALVC). From the first description by Marcus et al. [1] as family screening, it became even more apparent that asymp-
tomatic carriers require lifelong clinical observation and risk
stratification. However, it also brought up that besides the
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Translational
Research in Heart Failure primary genetic cause, other genetic and non-genetic modi-
fiers and external factors play a role in the disease process,
* Brenda Gerull which are still barely understood. On the other hand, there is increasing understanding about the role of cardiac intercellu-
Andreas Brodehl lar junctions, which are the central pathogenetic frameworks in ACM, and how structural alterations in composition and
Comprehensive Heart Failure Center (CHFC), Department remodeling are drivers of the disease. In this review, we will
of Medicine I, University Clinic Würzburg, Am focus on recent advances in clinical risk prediction, genet-
Schwarzenberg 15, 97078 Würzburg, Germany ics, and pathophysiology of the disease and explain how
Heart and Diabetes Center NRW, Erich and Hanna understanding of the pathogenesis drives future therapeutic
Klessmann Institute, University Hospital approaches.
of the Ruhr-University Bochum, Georgstrasse 11,
32545 Bad Oeynhausen, Germany

379 Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390

Clinical Features or explanted myocardial tissue of patients shows dynamic

changes and distinct patterns of fibrosis compared to other
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis cardiomyopathies [7]. However, in the early stages of the
disease, the changes are often discrete and non-diagnos-
ACM is considered a rare disease with a prevalence of tic, in particular when based on endomyocardial biopsies
1:2000 to 1:5000 [2]. Affected patients often present (EMB), due to segmental distribution and the fact that the
with palpitations, pre-syncope, syncope, or SCD in their disease starts from the epicardium and extends later on to
2nd–4th life decade mainly due to ventricular arrhythmias. the endocardium. The end-stage or “overt” disease stage is
Males are more often clinically affected than females (3:1) characterized by the replacement of cardiomyocytes with
[3]. Key features are a mixture of structural and electrical fibro-fatty tissue. Sometimes cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
abnormalities (arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy). How- is also present [8]. More lately, inflammatory cells —
ever, the clinical diagnosis remains difficult, requires a mainly T-lymphocytes but also macrophages — are found
comprehensive clinical evaluation, and is based on the nearby areas of fibro-fatty replacement [7, 9].
2010 consensus task force criteria (TFC) [4]. A definitive At the organ level, the “triangle of dysplasia” involving
diagnosis requires two major criteria or one major and two the right ventricular (RV) inflow and outflow tract and the
minor criteria or four minor criteria from different of the RV apex is predominantly affected [4]. Left-sided disease is
six categories (depolarization abnormalities, repolariza- characterized by histological changes, which mainly affect
tion abnormalities, arrhythmia, imaging, histology, and the sub-epicardial layer or mid-mural layers of the free wall.
family history/genetics). Current TFC still focus on the Interestingly, even in clinically and genetically primary
classical right ventricular form (ARVC) where primary right-sided disease, post-mortem studies show also in half
left-sided forms are under-recognized in particular by the to two-thirds of the cases LV involvement at the histological
imaging criteria. Other limitations are due to the subjec- level (Fig. 1A,B) [7, 10].
tivity of visual assessment of wall motion abnormalities,
while newer methods such as strain imaging would be
more accurate [5]. Due to those limitations, recently “the Management
Padua criteria” have been proposed [6•]: here, ACM has
been defined as “a genetic heart muscle disease involving Curative treatment is not available to date. Management
the right ventricle, left ventricle, or both, characterized strategies focus on symptom relief, slowing disease pro-
by fibro-fatty replacement predisposing to global and/or gression and prevention of arrhythmias and SCD [11]. In
regional dysfunction, and ventricular arrhythmias inde- addition, lifestyle interventions and in particular exercise
pendent of the ventricular dysfunction.” Additionally, restriction are recommended [12]. Exercise is an important
some other changes to the original TFC have been pro- risk factor. The mechanistic idea behind it is that intercellu-
posed, e.g., cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging lar junctions are exposed to mechanical stress and therefore
(wall motion abnormalities as a minor criterion) and CMR further deteriorate their connections. According to the Euro-
(late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) as a major criterion) pean Society of Cardiology, high-intensity sport should be
apply ventricular tachycardia (VT) morphology criteria to discouraged because it accelerates disease progression and
the premature ventricular complex (PVC) criterion, etc. increases the risk for ventricular arrhythmias. A maximum
However, as suggested by the authors, the Padua criteria of 150 min of low-intensity exercise per week should be
require further clinical validation before their final clinical considered for all individuals even in the absence of an overt
implementation. disease phenotype [13].
Importantly, differential diagnoses should be consid- Current medical therapy focuses on beta-blockers, which
ered which include not only cardiac sarcoidosis, myocar- are recommended as first-line treatment to reduce the
ditis, idiopathic right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia arrhythmic burden. However, if ineffective, class III anti-
(RVOT), and Brugada syndrome, but also changes seen in arrhythmic drugs are recommended in selected cases, but
an athlete’s heart or overlaps with dilated cardiomyopathy none of them has shown to reduce the risk for SCD [14]. In
(DCM). late stages of ACM, standard heart failure treatment should
be considered, and at end stage of the disease (heart fail-
ure or therapy-resistant arrhythmias) heart transplantation
Histology (HTx) [15]. In some patients with frequent monomorphic
ventricular arrhythmias, radiofrequency catheter ablation
An important hallmark of the disease is the histopathology, therapy can be performed for symptom relief, but due to
which in experimental models as well as in post-mortem the progressive nature of the disease this may only be of
short-term success.

Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390 380

tachycardia/fibrillation or sudden cardiac arrest (VT/VF/

SCA) based on four risk parameters (sex, age, T-wave inver-
sions, PVC burden). In those individuals without a prior
sustained event, seven risk parameters (sex, age, T-wave
inversions, PVC burden, non-sustained VT, syncope, and
right ventricular ejection fraction) can help predict the risk
of any first sustained ventricular arrhythmias. Interestingly,
prior sustained ventricular arrhythmias and the extent of
functional heart disease are not associated with subsequent
life-threatening ventricular arrhythmogenic events such as

Genetic Causes and Modifiers

The majority of ACM patients have a family history of dis-

ease, indicating a genetic etiology. However, incomplete
penetrance and variable expressivity ranging from mild
phenotypes to severe cases including SCD are frequently
observed even within the same family. In addition, de novo
mutations and recessive, compound heterozygous, and
digenetic inheritance can hide the genetic etiology in iso-
lated index patients without familial history [18, 19]. Cur-
rently, mutations in more than 25 different genes have been
described (for an overview, see Fig. 2) [20]. Since its genetic
etiology is known and accounts for about 50% of cases,
genetic diagnostics is highly recommended for patients and
Fig. 1  A Explanted heart of an ACM patient with biventricular car- their relatives [11]. Most of the ACM-associated mutations
diomyopathy and fibrous-fatty remodeling (arrows). Of note, the
myocardial tissue of the right ventricle is nearly completely replaced are found in genes encoding proteins of different junctional
against fibro-fatty tissue (blue arrows). However, fibro-fatty replace- multi-protein complexes like, e.g., the cardiac desmosomes
ment is also present in the left ventricular myocardial tissue (green localized in the intercalated disc (Fig. 3A,B).
arrows). LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle. B Hematoxylin and
eosin staining of myocardial tissue from an ACM patient. Fat replace-
ment is marked with blue arrows Junctional Gene Mutations

The generation of different knock-out, knock-in, and trans-

Risk Prediction genic mouse models led scientists to discover that genes
encoding for desmosomal proteins are highly relevant for the
The average risk for patients with ACM to suffer from ven- development of ACM [21–25]. Desmosomes are cell–cell
tricular arrhythmias or SCD is 10% per year [16]. For the junctions connecting cells exposed to nano-mechanical
improvement of survival, the placement of an implantable forces, such as cardiomyocytes during excitation–contraction
cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is the only proven effective coupling [26]. In the 2000s, it became evident that mutations
treatment. However, this invasive treatment with its own in desmosomal genes cause ACM also in humans [27, 28].
complications in often young active individuals requires The most common ACM-associated gene is PKP2, encoding
careful considerations and a decision-making process of plakophilin-2, which is a protein from the armadillo fam-
experts in the field. Expert statements and guidelines pro- ily [27]. These proteins have an armadillo domain, formed
pose algorithms; the most recent one was published in 2019 by different numbers of armadillo repeats each composed
from the Heart Rhythm Society where major and minor risk of three α-helices [29]. The majority of PKP2 mutations
factors are defined and their presence or absence defines are heterozygous nonsense, frameshift, or splice site muta-
a strong, moderate, or weak indication for ICD implanta- tions leading to haploinsufficiency. Plakoglobin, encoded by
tion [11]. Lately, a new risk calculator (www.​arvcr​isk.​com) JUP, is a second armadillo protein involved in ACM [30].
has been introduced by a transatlantic initiative of experts However, mutations in JUP are rare and normally reces-
aiming to improve ICD patient selection [17•]. The ARVC sively inherited in a homozygous or compound heterozygous
risk calculator predicts risk for fast (> 250 bpm) ventricular status. In addition to cardiomyopathy, JUP mutations also

381 Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390

Fig. 2  Genetic overlap of ACM

with other cardiomyopathies
and channelopathies. ACM,
arrhythmogenic cardiomyo-
pathy; DCM, dilated cardio-
myopathy; HCM, hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy; LVNC, left
ventricular non-compaction
cardiomyopathy; RCM, restric-
tive cardiomyopathy. Gene
names according to HUGO
Gene Nomenclature Com-
mittee, HGNC, https://​www.​
genen​ames.​org/. Sub-images of
the DCM or HCM heart were
licensed from

cause woolly hair and palmoplantar keratoderma, a triad More recently, rare mutations in CDH2, encoding N-cad-
of clinical symptoms known as Naxos disease (Mendelian herin, were identified in ACM [40]. N-cadherin is localized
Inheritance in Man, MIM, https://​omim.​org/, #601,214), at the intercalated discs but is part of the adherens junctions
since it was first recognized in families from the small Greek and of the area composita, which represent mixed-type junc-
island Naxos [31]. Plakophilin-2 and plakoglobin bind to the tions [41]. Adherens junctions are multi-protein complexes
cytoplasmic domains of desmoglein-2 (DSG2) and desmo- linked to the actin cytoskeleton and are similarly relevant
collin-2 (DSC2), which are type I transmembrane proteins for the structural integrity of the myocardium. Members of
from the cadherin family. Hetero- and homo- or compound the catenin family bind to the intracellular domain of N-cad-
heterozygous pathogenic mutations in DSG2 and DSC2 have herin. Previously, rare pathogenic mutations in CTNNA3,
been described in about 5% of ACM patients [19, 32–34]. encoding αT-catenin, were identified in ACM patients [42].
The majority of DSG2 and DSC2 mutations are localized Li et al. reported that αT-catenin-deficient mice develop
in the extracellular domains, which consist of four cadherin DCM in combination with ventricular arrhythmias [43].
and an anker domain, carrying several N-glycosylations and Recently, the group of Rampazzo et al. identified muta-
O-mannosylations [35, 36]. Hetero- and homophilic pro- tions in TJP1, encoding the tight junction protein-1 also
tein–protein interactions of the desmosomal cadherins are known as zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), in a cohort of ACM
mediated by their first cadherin domains by strand swapping patients [44]. Tight junctions are multi-protein complexes
and are calcium-dependent [37]. On the intracellular side involved in sealing of the para-cellular space of adhering
of the desmosomes, plakophilin-2 and plakoglobin bind to cardiomyocytes [45]. Different transmembrane proteins
desmoplakin (encoded by DSP), which is a member of the from the claudin and occluding family are the major building
plakin cytolinker family (Fig. 3B). Comparable to Naxos blocks of the tight junctions coupled by different scaffolding
disease, mutations in DSP cause a combined cardiac and proteins with the cytoskeleton [46] (Fig. 3B).
cutaneous syndrome, which is called Carvajal syndrome The linkage of cardiomyocytes with the extracellu-
(MIM, #605,676) [38]. However, also cases with isolated lar matrix (ECM) is mediated by costamere complexes,
ACM have been described [28]. Desmoplakin connects the which are laterally localized in the sarcolemma (Fig. 3C).
cardiac desmosomes with the intermediate filaments, con- Integrins are important structural transmembrane proteins
sisting of desmin in cardiomyocytes [39]. of the costameres and are connected by different adapter

Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390 382

Fig. 3  A Subcellular localization of proteins involved in ACM. Junc- reticulum (D), or the nuclear envelope (E). DSC2, desmocollin-2;
tional multi-protein complexes involved in ACM, which are local- DSG2, desmoglein-2; DSP, desmoplakin; PG, plakoglobin; PKP2,
ized at the intercalated discs (B), at the costameres (C), sarcoplasmic plakophilin-2

proteins with the cytoskeleton. Two pathogenic missense Z‑Band Proteins

mutations in ILK, encoding the scaffolding adapter pro-
tein integrin linked kinase, have been recently described DES encodes the cardiac intermediate filament (IF) protein
in patients with ACM [47]. In addition, more recently desmin, and missense mutations in this gene cause right
ACM-associated mutations in FLNC, encoding the large or biventricular forms of ACM [50–52]. However, the
cytolinker protein filamin-C involved in coupling of the phenotypes associated with DES mutations are heteroge-
cytoskeleton with several cell–cell junctions, have been neous and range from isolated skeletal myopathies to dif-
identified [48]. However, FLNC mutations cause also ferent cardiomyopathies including DCM, left ventricular
other types of cardiomyopathy [49]. non-compaction (LVNC), and restrictive cardiomyopathy
(RCM) [53]. Some patients present combined skeletal and
cardiac muscle phenotypes [54]. IFs connect desmosomes
Non‑junctional Gene Mutations and costameres, as well as Z-bands, mitochondria, and
nuclei, and are therefore important for the structural
Besides mutations in genes encoding proteins of differ- integrity of cardiomyocytes. The primary consequence
ent cell junctional complexes, some other genes might of pathogenic DES mutations is an abnormal cytoplasmic
be involved in ACM. However, there is less evidence of aggregation of proteins that alters the regular structure of
their pathogenicity and involvement in ACM than for the sarcomeres [55]. In addition, pathogenic mutations in
junctional gene mutations. LDB3 and in ACTN2, encoding the Z-band proteins cypher

383 Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390

and α-actinin-2, respectively, have been described in ACM In Newfoundland, a predominant heterozygous founder
patients [56, 57]. mutation in TMEM43-p.S358L has been recognized as the
genetic cause for an aggressive form of ACM mainly affect-
Proteins Involved in Cardiac Electrophysiology ing males [76]. Although this TMEM43 mutation has been
found several times in other cohorts, the molecular function
Interestingly, mutations in genes encoding proteins involved of this gene is unknown. Remarkably, the nonsense vari-
in cardiac electrophysiology like RYR2, SCN5A, and PLN ant TMEM43-p.R372X causes auditory neuropathy spec-
have been also identified in ACM patients [58–60]. SCN5A trum disorder without causing ventricular arrhythmias or
encodes the cardiac sodium voltage-gated channel subunit any other cardiac abnormalities [77]. TMEM43 encodes the
α5 ­(Nav1.5) and mutations in this gene are frequently found nuclear transmembrane envelope protein luma, which is a
in patients with channelopathies like Brugada syndrome binding partner of emerin and lamins (see Fig. 3E). Sev-
(MIM, #601,144) or long-QT syndrome (MIM, #603,830) eral groups have generated different mice and zebrafish, and
[61, 62]. However, rare cases with DCM or ACM carrying induced pluripotent stem cells carrying TMEM43 mutations
SCN5A mutations have been described [63, 64]. The cardiac to model ACM [78•, 79–81]. However, both Tmem43-p.
­Nav1.5 channel is a large transmembrane protein consisting S358L knock-in and knock-out mice do not develop a car-
of four sub-domains, each formed by six transmembrane diac phenotype under normal housing conditions [79] indi-
segments of SCN5A in combination with one β-unit [65, cating that the pathogenicity of this specific mutation needs
66]. It mediates the inward sodium current that initiates the enhancement by overexpression or additional genetic, epi-
cardiac action potential [67]. RYR2 encodes the ryanodine genetic, or environmental factors in mice.
receptor-2, which forms a tetrameric calcium channel local- Recently, the homozygous recessively inherited missense
ized in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) [68]. The ryano- mutation LEMD2-p.L13R was found in patients from the
dine receptor 2 mediates calcium release from the SR and is Hutterite population affected by severe ACM in combination
thereby highly relevant for excitation–contraction coupling with cataract [82]. LEMD2 encodes LEM domain contain-
of cardiomyocytes (Fig. 3D). Besides ACM, mutations in ing protein-2, also known as nuclear envelope transmem-
RYR2 have been linked with catecholaminergic polymor- brane protein-25. LEMD2 binds to lamin and is likewise
phic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT, MIM #604,772). The involved in structural nuclear organization [83]. Comparable
sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 (SERCA2) to LMNA, mutations in LEMD2 cause also a progeria-related
pumps calcium back from the cytoplasm into the SR and is syndrome indicating pleiotropy for all three ACM-associated
regulated in cardiomyocytes by phospholamban (encoded nuclear envelope encoding genes [84].
by PLN). Phospholamban is a small transmembrane protein
localized in the SR membrane forming pentamers, which are
structurally regulated by phosphorylation [69]. Recently, it Pathogenesis
was shown than PLN mutations cause both DCM and ACM
[60]. Cardiac fibrosis and inflammation as well as cardiomyo-
cyte death and hypertrophy are typical features of different
Nuclear Envelope Proteins types of cardiomyopathy. Although these pathophysiologi-
cal processes are complex and contribute to several cardiac
Moreover, the nuclear envelope of cardiomyocytes is a sensi- diseases, there is evidence that they have likewise high rel-
tive cellular structure, which is currently affected by muta- evance for ACM.
tions in three genes/proteins associated with ACM (Fig. 3E).
The nuclear lamina is a filamentous structure associated with Cardiac Fibrosis
the inner nuclear membrane and is involved in the three-
dimensional organization and regulation of the genome [70]. Fibro-fatty replacement of the myocardium, especially in
Lamins are type V intermediate filament proteins and are the right ventricle, is a hallmark of ACM (Fig. 1) [85, 86].
the building blocks of the nuclear lamina [71]. Mutations in In general, the development of cardiac fibrosis is a repara-
LMNA, encoding lamin A/C, cause different cardiomyopa- tive process in response to injury by different triggers. How-
thies including ACM [72, 73]. At the molecular level, the ever, its progression can cause patchy scar formation [87]
ACM-associated mutation LMNA-p.L306R induces in vitro and thereby increase stiffness and impair contractility of the
a hyper-assembly of recombinant lamin and induces nuclear myocardium. In ACM patients, cardiac fibrosis can be deter-
structural defects [74]. Besides isolated cardiomyopathies, mined by CMR imaging using LGE [88, 89] or by EMB
mutations in LMNA cause Hutchinson-Gilford progeria with classical histology [90]. In addition, it can be investi-
syndrome (MIM, #176,670), a systemic disease leading to gated ex vivo after HTx or autopsy [91, 92]. Different poten-
premature aging including heart failure [75]. tial pro-fibrotic triggers have been identified in ACM. The

Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390 384

fragility of cardiac desmosomes induced by genetic defects Hippo pathway consists of a cascade of different kinases
in combination with mechanical stress during exercise might activating YAP and TAZ, which are transcriptional coacti-
contribute to cardiomyocyte injury as well as to pro-fibrotic vators of transcription factors from the TEAD family [111].
and pro-inflammatory activation [93]. An abnormal structure But, Rouhi et al. analyzed human tissue from ACM patients,
of cardiac desmosomes and other multi-protein complexes of carrying DSP truncation mutations, using RNA sequencing
the intercalated disc have been described in explanted myo- and revealed a suppression of the Hippo and Wnt pathway
cardial tissue from ACM patients, in animal models, and in mediated gene expression at the mRNA level [112]. Also,
cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells Shoykhet et al. showed that activation of protein kinase C
(hiPSC) [34, 87, 94–96]. Because a complex interaction of (PKC) and inhibition of the p38-MAPKinase pathways can
different cardiac cell types like cardiomyocytes, myofibro- increase cell–cell adhesion of the cardiomyocytes [113]. In
blasts, and immune cells is involved, it is difficult to deter- summary, the pathological modulation of signaling pathways
mine the cascades of molecular and cellular events leading involved in ACM is complex. Different signaling pathways
to cardiac fibrosis in ACM. Recently, Maione et al. showed have an effect on each other and contribute to alterations in
that the pro-fibrotic transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) transcriptional and translational gene or protein expression
is overexpressed in ACM patients [97]. In good agreement, patterns associated with ACM. To what extent the modu-
Dubash et al. showed that loss of plakophilin-2 increases lation of those signaling pathways will provide effective
TGFβ1 signaling [98]. Zheng et al. observed that the nuclear therapeutic strategies without side effects requires further
factor κB (NFκB) is hyper-activated in a Tmem43-p.S358L evaluation.
mouse model, leading to an increased TGFβ1 expression
and consequently to cardiac fibrosis [99]. In this context, Loss of Cardiomyocytes by Apoptosis and Necrosis
it is interesting that a rare mutation in the regulating pro-
moter region of the TGFβ3 gene has been described in ACM Cardiomyocyte loss is a hallmark of ACM. Different kinds
patients [100]. of cell death, like apoptosis, necrosis, or atrophy, have been
In addition, it has been suggested that signaling via the suggested to explain loss of cardiomyocytes in ACM [7,
Wnt pathway leads to pro-fibrotic, pro-adipogenic, and pro- 114–118]. Apoptosis is a programmed form of cell death
apoptotic gene expression changes in ACM [101]. β-catenin induced by different triggers and is mediated by signal
is a member of the Armadillo protein family and is an impor- transmission pathways leading to the activation of cysteine-
tant signaling molecule within the Wnt pathway. It not only dependent aspartate-directed proteases (Caspases) [119].
binds to the adherens junctions but can also shuttle into the Members of the Caspase family mediate a suicide cell death
nuclei, where it modulates transcriptional gene expression program without affecting neighboring cells [120]. Cell
leading to pro-survival stimuli of the cardiomyocytes [102]. shrinkage and DNA fragmentation are the typical cellular
Cytoplasmic β-catenin is phosphorylated and degraded by and morphological features frequently observed in apoptosis
the destruction complex containing the glycogen synthase [121], which can be determined in paraffin slices by TUNEL
kinase 3β (GSK3β). GSK3β is a serine/threonine kinase and assays. During the 1990s, it became evident from studies
a central mediator of the Wnt pathway. However, the con- using myocardial sections that apoptosis contributes to ACM
tribution of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in ACM is currently [116, 122].
being debated [103]. An abnormal nuclear localization of
plakoglobin, which is also known as γ-catenin, in combi- Inflammation
nation with a decreased Wnt/β-catenin signaling has been
associated with ACM in several studies [104–106]. How- Early studies of cardiac tissue from ACM patients detecting
ever, other studies were unable to confirm the finding of an immune cell infiltrates and the release of pro-inflammatory
abnormal nuclear plakoglobin localization using myocardial cytokines suggested that chronic inflammation might play
tissue from ACM patients or ACM mouse models [107]. a role in the disease process [7, 9]. However, it remains
Nevertheless, inhibition of GSK3β by SB216763 causes a unclear whether and to what extent these cell infiltrates
re-localization of plakoglobin, leading to increased survival represent tissue-resident immune cells. It is still debated
of an ACM zebrafish model [108]. Some other studies using whether myocardial inflammation promotes fibrosis and
different ACM cell culture and/or animal models support fibro-fatty replacement or if it is just a bystander and sec-
this therapeutic effect of GSK3β inhibition [78•, 109]. ondary to cardiomyocyte death.
Using human explanted heart tissue from four ACM More recently, clinical reports of genetically proven ACM
patients and two different ACM mouse models as well as patients presenting with a clinical picture of acute myocardi-
knock-down experiments of Pkp2 in HL-1 cardiomyocytes, tis are suggesting that the disease may pass different phases
Chen et al. demonstrated a pathogenic activation of the [123]. The so-called hot phases are characterized by chest
Hippo pathway leading to increased adipogenesis [110]. The pain, ST-elevation, and troponin release [124]. It seems that

385 Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390

in particular genetic variants in the DSP gene are involved patients. Flecainide inhibits both the sodium channel and
and that these acute events may require a trigger such as the ryanodine receptor 2, thus inhibiting the spontaneous
physical exercise [125•, 126]. calcium release from the SR, potentially accounting for the
Additionally, autoantibodies against desmoglein-2 were beneficial effects of this drug [136].
detected in ACM patients, independent of their genetic In the advanced stage of the disease, electrical distur-
cause, and a positive correlation between antibody titer bances occur due to the isolation of cardiomyocytes via
and disease severity and risk of arrhythmias was described fibrotic remodeling and scar tissue in combination with the
[127]. A recent study also suggested the presence of anti- events described above such as the sodium channel remod-
heart autoantibodies (AHAs) as well as anti-intercalated eling. Consequently, heterogeneous electrical conduction
disk autoantibodies (AIDAs) in the majority of familial and of surviving cardiomyocytes and reduced excitability due
in almost half of sporadic ACM cases and associated them to a decreased sodium current combined with fibrosis lead
in probands and clinically affected relatives with features to the formation of re-entrant circuits — the source of fatal
of disease severity [128•]. Further independent and larger arrhythmias [133, 137].
cohort studies are required to confirm these findings and Given those mechanistic approaches, arrhythmias in
assess the value of autoantibodies as a biomarker to predict ACM show similarities to arrhythmias found in Brugada
disease severity and outcome. syndrome and CPVT.
The role of inflammation has been also addressed in
murine models of ACM, where immune cell infiltrates,
inflammatory cytokines, and chemokines and the activation Novel Therapeutic Approaches
of the pro-inflammatory nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) signal-
ing pathway have been suggested to play a role in disease Current management approaches focus on symptom relief,
progression [129, 130]. The NF-κB inhibitor Bay 11–7082 prevention of SCD, and standard heart failure therapy. Novel
mitigates the inflammatory response and ACM features in therapeutic approaches are on the horizon and may help pre-
a ­Dsg2mut/mut mouse model [131•]. This suggests that anti- vent progression of the disease while focusing on underlying
inflammatory agents may also have a beneficial effect in genetic and molecular mechanisms and the pathophysiology
ACM patients. As drugs targeting TNFα or IL-1β are already of ACM.
on the market and have shown to be effective in other cardiac
diseases [132], these approaches should be also considered Gene Therapy
for ACM treatment in the future.
As ACM is mainly a genetic disease, putative gene therapy
Arrhythmogenesis approaches have been suggested. Recently, Shiba et al. pre-
sented proof-of-concept experiments using adeno-associated
Life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias and SCD are the viruses (AAVs) encoding for desmoglein-2 to rescue the
clinical hallmarks of ACM. Therefore, many pre-clini- phenotype of cardiomyocytes derived from iPSCs carrying
cal studies in vitro and in vivo focused on the underlying a homozygous nonsense mutation in the DSG2 gene [138•].
pro-arrhythmic mechanisms in early and late stages of the In addition, studies from the Olson’s lab have recently shown
disease. that genome-editing technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 can
In early disease, the so-called concealed phase, fatal be applied for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystro-
arrhythmias are mechanistically related to sodium channel phy (MIM #310,200) [139–142]. Although currently not
­(Nav1.5) and connexin-43 (Cx43) remodeling. Both proteins directly applied to the treatment of ACM, it is likely that
are part of the intercalated disc structure (Fig. 3A,B) and novel genome editing tools like Cas9 [143], base pair editors
require intact desmosomes for their appropriate function. [144], or RNA-editing tools based on Cas13 [145] might
Studies in human cardiac tissue [96] and murine models be promising tools for gene therapeutic approaches in the
lacking Dsg2 and Pkp2 demonstrated decreased Cx43 future.
expression and aberrant localization affecting cell–cell
coupling as well as a reduced sodium current leading to Targeting signaling and inflammation
decreased conduction velocity [133]. Both may cause ven-
tricular arrhythmias in the absence of structural abnormali- Thanks to a high-throughput chemical screen performed in
ties of the myocardium. In addition, alterations in calcium zebrafish, the compound SB216763 has been identified as
handling have been proposed to contribute to the arrhythmic a GSK3β inhibitor. The use in several pre-clinical models
burden via early and late after-depolarization events second- has shown that SB216763 ameliorates ACM features, and
ary to SR calcium overload [134, 135]. Interestingly, fle- in particular the development of fibrosis [108, 146•, 147].
cainide has been suggested to reduce arrhythmias in ACM Because SB216763 activates the Wnt/β-catenin pathway,

Current Heart Failure Reports (2021) 18:378–390 386

clinical applications of this compound are limited by its Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt
pro-oncogenic activity [147]. DEAL. Support was provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF); grant no: 01EO1504 and by the Interdisciplinary
Another therapeutic approach is targeting inflammation. Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) Würzburg, Germany.
As described above, activation of pro-inflammatory path-
ways including the NF-κB signaling pathway may play a Declarations
role in disease progression. Interestingly, a NF-κB inhibi-
tor prevents disease features and inflammatory responses Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
in mice [131•]. However, more data are required to prove
beneficial effects in other model systems. Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
Over the last years, the contribution of inflammation of the authors.
and auto-immune responses became more evident in ACM.
Therefore, clinically approved anti-inflammatory agents
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
such as the p38MAPK inhibitor losmapimod, the anti- bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
interleukin-1β antibody canakinumab, and TNFα inhibi- tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
tion with pentoxifylline may help attenuate the disease. as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
But to date, none of these agents has been tested neither provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
in pre-clinical models nor in patients with ACM. Interest- included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
ingly, off-label use of conventional immunosuppressive otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
therapy with prednisolone and azathioprine was beneficial the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
in a child presenting with a clinical picture of autoimmune permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
myocarditis with [148]. copy of this licence, visit http://​creat​iveco​mmons.​org/​licen​ses/​by/4.​0/.
Another therapeutic approach has been suggested by the
group of Schinner, who designed a linking bicyclic pep-
tide (Dsg2-LP) to cross-link Dsg2 molecules and rescue
arrhythmias in an ACM mouse model [149]. References

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