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Sealant Bond Strengths of CO2 Laser-Etched Versus Acid-Etched Bovine Enamel

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Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 27:111–118 (2000)

Sealant Bond Strengths of CO2 Laser-Etched

Versus Acid-Etched Bovine Enamel
James L. Drummond, DDS, PhD,1* Harvey A. Wigdor, DDS,2 Joseph T. Walsh, Jr., PhD,3†
Shahrbanoo Fadavi, DDS, MS,4 and Indru Punwani, DDS, MS4
Department of Restorative Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Ravenswood Hospital Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
Biomedical Engineering Department, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Department of Paediatric Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Background and Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate

sealant shear bond strength on bovine enamel with standard acid etch-
ing compared with CO2 laser etching.
Study Design/Materials and Methods: Bovine enamel was prepared ei-
ther by acid or laser etching and divided into four experimental
groups, either acid or laser-etched teeth with or without a primer. A
gelatin capsule was used to place the sealant on the prepared enamel
surface and the bond tested in shear. Also surface roughness was evalu-
ated by using a surface analyzer and an atomic force microscope.
Results: Shear bond strength results were the following: acid etch = 8.8
± 3.8 MPa, acid etch with primer = 10.3 ± 5.5 MPa, laser etch = 4.0 ± 1.1
MPa, and laser etch with primer = 6.2 ± 2.3 MPa. Analysis of variance
statistical analysis found no significant difference in bond strength
between the acid-etched groups. However, the laser-etched groups had
significantly lower bond strengths from the acid-etched teeth. In addi-
tion, a significant difference was observed between the laser-etched
groups, where the use of the primer helped to increase the bond
strength of the sealants. The surface roughness was significantly
greater on the laser-etched teeth at the mm level (by using a surface
analyzer) from the acid-etched and the control specimens. No differ-
ence in roughness (by using an atomic force microscope) was observed
at the nanometer level between the laser and acid-etched teeth.
Conclusion: For these particular settings, the laser-etched teeth re-
sulted in lower bond strengths to enamel and the use of a primer in-
creased the bond strength for laser-etched teeth only. Lasers Surg.
Med. 27:111–118, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: laser and acid etching; enamel bond strength

INTRODUCTION ment, but no change in retention was observed

[5]. Walsh et al. found that the shear strength of
Sealants have been used as a preventive resin was higher for CO2 laser-etched samples
measure for over 30 years; however, increased re- than traditional acid etch samples [6]. Corpas-
tention time of sealants continues as a research Pastor et al. examined the tensile bond strength
focus [1]. One approach to increase retention has of orthodontic brackets between acid-etched and
been the use of bonding agents [2,3]. When used †
In accordance with the policy of the Journal, the designated
in a moist environment, primers (one component author discloses a financial or other interest in the subject
of bonding agents), have increased the sealant discussed in this article.
bond strength [4]. *Correspondence to: James L. Drummond, DDS, PhD, 337A
Recently, instead of acid etching, lasers have College of Dentistry (m/c 555), 801 South Paulina, University
been used for etching of the enamel surface. Ar- of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60612-7212.
coria et al. used a CO2 laser to produce a surface E-mail:
roughness similar to that of an acid etch treat- Accepted 25 February 2000

© 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

112 Drummond et al.
laser-etched teeth after thermal cycling and found TABLE 1. Surface Preparation of the Bovine Teeth
that the acid-etched teeth had significantly Group Code Procedure
higher bond strength [7]. Bouvier et al. examined
One AE Acid etch + sealant
the effect of lased dentin versus unlased dentin Two AEP Acid etch + primer + sealant
and found the tensile bond strength of unlased Three LE Laser etch + sealant
dentin was significantly higher [8]. Shahabi et al. Four LEP Laser etch + primer + sealant
found no difference in shear bond strength on hu-
man enamel for CO2 lased versus unlased sur-
faces [9,10]. Ariyaratnam et al., by using a TABLE 2. Static Shear Bond Strength† (MPa ± SD)
Nd:YAG laser, found all lased teeth to have sig-
nificantly lower bond strength than the acid- Group N Bond strength Significance*
etched teeth [11]. Enamel surfaces treated with a AE 32 8.8 ± 3.8 A
laser also develop more resistance to caries for- AEP 30 10.3 ± 5.5 A
LE 30 4.0 ± 1.1 C
mation [12]. The inconclusive results from the la- LEP 35 6.2 ± 2.3 B
ser etching of teeth with respect to bond strength
were the impetus for the present study. P values for Tukey analysis of shear bond strength
Many different types of lasers exist, and pro-
duce different results on dental hard tissue
AE 1.000
[13,14]. Some CO2 lasers are able to operate at a
AEP 0.301 1.000
lower radiant exposure, compared with other la- LE 0.000 0.000 1.000
sers, because of the efficient transfer of optical LEP 0.019 0.000 0.050 1.000
energy to heat in enamel and dentin. This effi- †
AE, acid etched plus sealant; AEP, acid etched plus primer
ciency is accomplished because of the greater ab- plus sealant; LE, laser etched plus sealant; LEP, laser etched
sorption in the hydroxyapatite component of the plus primer plus sealant.
dental hard tissues in the wavelength range from *Groups with same letter were not statistically significant at
9.3 to 9.8 mm. the 0.05 level.
The intent of this project was to evaluate the
shear bond strength on bovine enamel between mounted teeth were stored in distilled water at
acid-etched teeth and laser-etched teeth with and room temperature.
without a primer. A CO2 laser-emitting short A prototype CO2 laser (Laser Industries, Tel
pulses at radiation was used to etch the enamel Aviv, Israel) that emits 9.6-mm radiation, strongly
with limited thermal alteration of the surface. absorbed by the hydroxyapatite of the bovine
Surface roughness was evaluated and microscopy enamel was used at a power setting of 3.5 watts.
examination carried out by using a scanning elec- The laser emitted a series of 20 mJ, 60-ms-long
tron microscope and an atomic force microscope. pulses focused to approximately a 250-mm-
diameter spot on the enamel surface. The spot
was mechanically scanned along a helical path to
create a pattern of shallow ablation craters within
The roots of 128 bovine incisors without ob- a 2.5-mm-diameter circular area. The 2.5-mm-
vious defects, caries, or attrition were removed diameter area was then manually scanned over
leaving only the clinical crowns, which were an approximately 8-mm-diameter area to achieve
stored in room temperature, distilled water. Dis- an etch. To minimize the accumulation of thermal
tilled water was chosen as the storage medium energy, a compressed nitrogen gas/water mixture
because a previous study by Goodis et al. indi- was sprayed on the surface of the tooth at a rate of
cated no difference in shear strength strengths for ∼10 ml/min. These parameters were selected after
teeth stored in either 70% ethanol, 10% formalin, a extensive series of experiments, to achieve a
distilled water, or distilled water with thymol clinically acceptable etch rate while causing lim-
[15]. The extracted incisors were all prepared and ited damage to the remaining enamel.
tested within a time period of 3 months post mor- The tooth was covered with an aluminum
tem. The clinical crowns were embedded in auto mask 8 mm in diameter. The effective spot of the
polymerizing acrylic resin (Vitacrilic, Fricke Den- laser (2.5 mm) was swept along a linear raster
tal Manufacturing Company, Villa Park, IL) in a scan pattern inscribed in a square area of 8 mm
rubber mold. They were then randomly placed by 8 mm The sweep path followed a right/down/
into four different groups (see Table 1). All left/down pattern, originating in the top left cor-
Bond Strengths of CO2 Laser-Etched Versus Acid-Etched Enamel 113
TABLE 3. Surface Roughness†

Surface analyzer Ra* t-Test AFM Ra

Group N (mm ± SD) P value* (nm ± SD) Significance*
Control parallel (CPA) 5 0.46 ± 0.23 A 0.042 13.04 ± 2.72 A
Control perpendicular (CPE) 5 1.12 ± 0.56 AB
AE parallel (AEPA) 6 1.87 ± 0.36 B 0.027 77.41 ± 23.80 B
AE perpendicular (AEPE) 5 2.45 ± 0.37 BC
LE parallel (LEPA) 6 4.83 ± 1.04 D 0.053 64.74 ± 15.23 B
LE perpendicular (LEPE) 6 3.82 ± 1.22 CD

P values for Tukey analysis of shear bond strength


CPA 1.000
CPE 0.742 1.000
AEPA 0.050 0.588 1.000
AEPE 0.004 0.092 0.795 1.000
LEPA 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
LEPE 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.059 0.225 1.000

AE, acid etched; LE, laser etched; AFM, atomic force microscope.
*Groups with same letter were not statistically significant at the 0.05 level. The t-test was between parallel and perpendicular
surface within each group.

Fig. 1. Bovine enamel control.

114 Drummond et al.

Fig. 2. Bovine enamel after acid etching.

ner of the square, and ending in the bottom right free, moisture free, compressed air for 5 seconds;
corner. To ensure homogeneity of the etch, the etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel (Bisco Dental
path was then reversed, tracing a left/up/right/up Products) placed with a syringe needle tip;
trajectory inside the square. The total scan was washed for 10 seconds with distilled water; and
composed of 14 passes (7 down and 7 up) in 12–13 then dried with oil-free compressed air until
seconds. The average effective etch time (within chalky white. A gelatin capsule 4.34 mm in diam-
the mask) was 8–10 seconds. The continuous lin- eter (#5, Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN) was
ear scan, combined with the helical motion of the filled with the dual curing sealant and bonded to
focus, ensured a homogeneous, stochastic etch. the prepared tooth and cured for 20 seconds by
The use of the mask resulted in a sharp transition using a visible light curing unit (Visiluxll, 3M,
form etched to nonetched surfaces. Minneapolis, MN). The bonded tooth was then
The sealant used (Aelite Seal, Bisco Dental stored in room temperature distilled water.
Products, Itasca, IL) was a dual-cured pit and fis-
sure sealant composed of bisphenol diglycidyl- Acid Etching With Primer
methacrylate with amorphous silica, titanium di- The enamel surface was treated as above ex-
oxide, and benzoyl peroxide (catalyst). The primer cept for the final drying step. Instead of drying
was made of ethyl alcohol and hydroxyethyl meth- with compressed air, the etched enamel surface
acrylate. The bonding procedures given by the was kept moist by using a wet facial tissue
manufacturer’s instructions were as follows. (Kleenex Softique, Kimberly-Clark Corporation,
Acid Etching Without Primer Neenah, WI) to remove only the excess water. The
method of maintaining the moist surface had no
The enamel surface was cleaned with a rub- effect on the bond strength as observed in a pre-
ber cup and pumice for 15 seconds; dried with oil vious study [4]. Two coats of primer were added to
Bond Strengths of CO2 Laser-Etched Versus Acid-Etched Enamel 115

Fig. 3. Bovine enamel after laser etching.

the surface of the enamel as per manufacturer’s Laser Etch With Primer
instructions. The enamel surface was dried with The enamel surface was prepared the same
oil-free compressed air for 10 seconds and then a as the laser-etched and primer placed as above by
gelatin capsule, as above bonded to the surface. using a moist surface. The gelatin capsule was
bonded, and the specimens were stored at room
Laser Etching Without Primer temperature in distilled water.
All of the bonded teeth were stored at room
The enamel surface was cleaned with a rub- temperature in distilled water for 7 days before
ber cup and pumice for 15 seconds and then the shear bond strength test was completed.
etched by using the CO2 laser as described above. Shear bond strength was completed on a material
The etched samples were stored in a 100% humid testing machine (Instron 1152, Instron Corp.,
environment for 12 hours (half an inch of 2 × 2 Canton, MA) at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min.
nonsterile wet gauze was placed at the bottom of The bond strength was determined by dividing
the container and the etched tooth were placed on the load at fracture by the sealant area.
top of the wet gauze). The etched surface was then Surface roughness (Ra) measurements (1
washed for 10 seconds with distilled water; dried mm in length) were made on an unaltered bovine
with oil-free compressed air until chalky white, incisor, an acid-etched bovine incisor, and a CO2
and a gelatin bonded to the surface. The bonded laser-etched bovine incisor by using a Surftest
tooth was then stored in room temperature dis- 201 surface analyzer (Miutoyo Manufacturing
tilled water. The 12-hour storage time was re- Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Roughness was mea-
quired because the laser was not housed at the sured parallel and perpendicular to the long axis
same place as the bonding and testing procedures of the tooth to compensate for the dominant ridges
and travel time was required. parallel to the long axis of the tooth. To measure
116 Drummond et al.

Fig. 4. Cross-section of bovine enamel after laser etching.

the surface roughness at a much smaller scale, an and the laser-etched groups. The two acid-etch
atomic force microscope was used (ARIS-3300 groups were not significantly different from each
Personal Atomic Force Microscope, Burleigh In- other; however, the laser-etched groups were sig-
struments, Inc., Fisher NY) with line scans 1.4 nificantly different from each other.
mm in length. Table 3 presents the result from the rough-
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) [JOEL ness study. The statistical analysis showed that
35C, JOEL USA, Peabody, MA] was completed for the orientation of the tooth had an effect on the
the control, acid-etched, and laser-etched sur- measured roughness. The laser-etched surface
faces. The specimens were coated with gold- was the roughest followed by the acid-etched and
palladium. then the control. A t-test was then conducted be-
The statistical analysis for the bond strength tween the orientation (parallel vs. perpendicular
and surface roughness consisted of a one-way to the long axis), showing that for both the control
analysis of variance followed by a Tukey multiple and the acid-etched, there was a significant dif-
means comparison test when required. For the ference depending on orientation. For the laser-
comparison between the parallel versus perpen- etched tooth, there was no significant difference
dicular surface roughness within each material in orientation. The roughness from the atomic
(control, acid-etched, and laser-etched), a Stu- force microscope only showed a significant differ-
dent’s t-test was used. ence between the two etched surfaces and the con-
trol. The differences observed between the two
techniques are one of scale. The region measured
by the atomic force microscope is much smaller,
The shear bond strength and statistical between the ridges, than the surface analyzer,
analysis are reported in Table 2. A significant dif- which crossed over the ridges, resulting in the in-
ference existed between the acid-etched groups creased roughness.
Bond Strengths of CO2 Laser-Etched Versus Acid-Etched Enamel 117
SEM photographs of the control, acid-etched, between laser-etched and acid-etched teeth. Most
and laser-etched surfaces are presented in Fig- of literature states that a decrease in bond
ures 1–4. Figure 1 is the unetched surface of bo- strength is observed when enamel was laser-
vine enamel and Figure 2 is the surface after acid treated, but Walsh et al. [6] noted that in their
etching. The surfaces presented were representa- study that a significant increase (P < 0.0001) in
tive of the bovine enamel specimens. Figure 3 is bond strength is seen when enamel was laser
the laser-etched surface with crack formation in treated. It should be noted that these authors had
the re-solidified enamel. No crack formation was used numerous parameters (different power set-
observed in any teeth outside of the region of the tings) for their study and only one of nine showed
laser etching. Figure 4 is a cross-section of the the greater bond strength, whereas all the others
laser-etched surface showing the depth effect of showed a decrease in bond strength. Only one
the laser to be approximately 1–2 mm. power setting was used in our study to measure
shear bond strength and the effect of a primer and
additional research would be needed to determine
the most optimal setting, which would mimic the
The results showed that for the parameters characteristics of acid etching and improve the
used, laser etching on the bovine enamel pro- sealant bond strength.
duced a significantly lower bond strength. The Research has shown that lasers can alter the
power settings that were used produced a laser- morphology of enamel to make it less susceptible
etched, re-solidified enamel. The acid-treated to caries. This finding may yet be a more practical
samples revealed a typical morphology observed approach with regard to laser use in preventative
for acid-etched enamel. The decrease in bond dentistry.
strength for the laser-etched teeth may not be a
function of surface roughness, but of the surface
energy of the etched surface. The acid etching pro- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
cess leaves a high-energy surface that is easily The authors thank Yang-sun Bak for his as-
wetted by the sealant. The laser-etched surface on sistance in the sample preparation and testing,
the other hand, is most likely at a lower surface the Research Resources Center at the University
energy because the surface was melted and then of Illinois at Chicago, for the use of the scanning
re-solidified. Another possibility is that failure of electron microscope, and Laser Industries, Tel
the bond occurred between the re-solidified Aviv, Israel, for use of the laser.
enamel and the unaltered enamel and not be-
tween the sealant and the enamel.
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