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Tailored Helical CT
Evaluation of Acute
(CME available in print version and on RSNA Link)

LEARNING Bruce A. Urban, MD • Elliot K. Fishman, MD

After reading this Helical computed tomography (CT) allows rapid, cost-effective evalu-
article and taking ation of patients with acute abdominal pain. Tailoring the examination
the test, the reader
will be able to: to the working clinical diagnosis by optimizing constituent factors (eg,
■ Discuss the impor- timing of acquisition, contrast material used, means and rate of con-
tance of narrowing
the differential diag- trast material administration, collimation, pitch) can markedly improve
nosis into a working diagnostic accuracy. Rapid (³3 mL/sec) intravenous injection of con-
diagnosis to optimize
helical CT technique. trast material is required for optimal assessment of acute pancreatitis,
■ Recognize the CT ischemic bowel, aortic aneurysm, and aortic dissection. Narrow colli-
appearance of com- mation and small reconstruction intervals can help detect calculi in the
mon pathologic con-
ditions that manifest biliary system and genitourinary tract. Tailored helical CT in patients
with acute abdominal with acute pyelonephritis usually involves several acquisitions through
■ Understand the
the kidneys during various phases of renal enhancement. In patients
role of helical CT in with suspected renal infarction, CT protocol must include an acquisi-
the evaluation of tion during the corticomedullary phase. Helical CT with 5-mm colli-
acute abdominal
pain. mation through the lower abdomen and pelvis is used to evaluate pa-
tients with suspected diverticulitis. Use of both oral and intravenous
contrast material can help localize small bowel perforation and charac-
terize related complications. Tailored helical CT for assessment of ab-
dominal hemorrhage consists of initial unenhanced CT followed by
optional contrast material–enhanced CT. Clear communication be-
tween the radiologist, the patient, and the referring physician is essen-
tial for narrowing the differential diagnosis into a working diagnosis
prior to helical CT.

Abbreviations: HIV = human immunodeficiency virus, 3D = three-dimensional

Index terms: Abdomen, acute conditions, 72.25, 74.723, 751.291, 76.285, 762.81, 77.291, 81.2121, 82.21 • Abdomen, CT, **.12112 • Appen-
dicitis, 751.291 • Cholecystitis, 76.285 • Computed tomography (CT), helical technology • Computed tomography (CT), utilization • Gallblad-
der, calculi, 762.289, 762.81 • Intestines, stenosis or obstruction, 74.723 • Nephritis, 81.2121 • Pancreatitis, 77.291 • Stomach, ulcer, 72.25
Ureter, calculi, 82.81

RadioGraphics 2000; 20:725–749

1From the Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, 600 N Wolfe St, Balti-

more, MD 21287. Received March 8, 1999; revision requested May 5 and received June 3; accepted June 8. Address reprint requests to
B.A.U. (e-mail:
2** indicates multiple body systems.
©RSNA, 2000
726 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

Table 1
Suggested Routine Helical CT Protocol for Nonlocalized Acute Abdominal Pain

Parameter Suggested Protocol

Contrast agent
Oral administration 750–1,000 mL 3% diatrizoate meglumine*
Intravenous administration 110–120 mL nonionic contrast material (iohexol);† injection rate,
2 mL/sec
Acquisition Single phase
Scan delay 70–90 sec (portal venous phase)
Scan area Diaphragm to symphysis pubis
Section thickness
Abdominal imaging 5 mm
Pelvic imaging 5–8 mm
Pitch 1.6 (table speed, 8 mm/rotation)
Reconstruction interval
Abdominal imaging 5 mm
Pelvic imaging 5–8 mm
*Hypaque; Nycomed Amersham, Princeton, NJ.

Omnipaque-350, Nycomed Amersham.

Introduction but also in detecting and characterizing the full

The term acute abdomen refers to any clinical con- extent of disease. Helical CT is the imaging mo-
dition characterized by severe abdominal pain that dality of choice for patient triage, and many hos-
develops over a period of hours. Rapid, accurate pitals now have helical CT scanners on-site in
diagnosis is essential if morbidity and mortality are the emergency department. Undoubtedly, the
to be significantly decreased. Clinical assessment need for conventional radiology has diminished
is often difficult, and laboratory and conventional due to the increasing utility of helical CT in ab-
radiologic findings are often nonspecific. The de- dominal imaging (4,8).
velopment of cross-sectional imaging has had a In this article, we discuss various protocols and
tremendous impact on the diagnosis and treat- techniques for optimizing the helical CT examina-
ment of acute abdomen (1–3). In particular, com- tion. We also discuss and illustrate helical CT
puted tomography (CT) has gained widespread findings in a variety of conditions that can mani-
acceptance as a reliable and highly accurate mo- fest with acute abdominal pain, including those af-
dality in the evaluation of affected patients (1–4). fecting the pancreas, biliary system, spleen, geni-
CT is most often indicated in patients with severe tourinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, and vascular
abdominal pain who may require surgery or other system.
forms of intervention. It is probably most benefi-
cial in patients who present with confusing or con- Helical CT Technique
flicting clinical signs and symptoms. Conventional Suggested routine helical CT protocol for pa-
CT has prospectively demonstrated an accuracy tients with nonlocalized signs and symptoms of
of nearly 95% in acute abdomen (1). The intro- acute abdominal pain is shown in Table 1. How-
duction of helical CT technology, with advances ever, it is also important to try to tailor the CT
in contrast dynamics and high-resolution volumet- examination to the specific clinical findings and
ric data acquisition, has further enhanced the util- area of interest. Scanning parameters will vary
ity of CT in abdominal imaging (5,6). Helical CT depending on the working clinical diagnosis
is a rapid, cost-effective procedure and provides (Table 2). The remainder of the examination is
diagnostic information that can help determine performed following targeted evaluation. Failure
appropriate clinical management (7). It is useful to tailor the examination can greatly reduce the
not only in diagnosing the primary abnormality ability to accurately and confidently detect dis-
ease. Communication between the radiologist,
the patient, and the referring physician is essen-
tial for narrowing the differential diagnosis into
a working diagnosis prior to scanning.
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 727

Table 2
Variations in Helical CT Protocol for Acute Abdomen Based on Working Clinical Diagnosis

Variation Working Diagnosis

No intravenous contrast agent Ureteral stone
No oral contrast agent Ureteral stone, high-grade small bowel obstruction*
Negative oral contrast agent (water) Peptic ulcer disease,† vascular disease†
Rectal contrast agent Appendicitis,† diverticulitis†
Increased rate of administration of intra- Vascular disease,‡ hemorrhage,‡ bowel ischemia,‡ pancreatitis,‡
venous contrast agent (3–4 mL/sec) renal infarct‡
Dual-phase acquisition§ Pancreatitis,† pyelonephritis†
Delayed acquisition (5-min delay) Pelvic disease,† pyelonephritis†
Narrow collimation (3 mm) Ureteral stone, choledocholithiasis, pancreatitis, vascular disease||
Small reconstruction intervals (3 mm) Ureteral stone, choledocholithiasis, pancreatitis,† vascular
*Evaluated with intravenous bolus administration of contrast agent.

Variation in protocol optional.

Evaluated with arterial-phase acquisition beginning 30 sec after intravenous injection.
Arterial-phase acquisition (30 sec after contrast agent administration) combined with portal venous phase ac-
quisition (70–90 sec).
Three-dimensional (3D) imaging (variation in protocol optional).

Contrast Material Orally Administered Contrast Material.—Use

of oral contrast material is also recommended in
Intravenously Administered Contrast Mate- most cases. Typically, 750–1,000 mL of water-
rial.—Use of intravenous contrast material is soluble contrast agent containing 3% iodine is ad-
recommended in most cases. Exceptions include ministered. Exceptions include cases in which high-
evaluation of suspected ureteral colic and, in some grade small bowel obstruction or ureteral colic is
instances, dedicated evaluation of suspected ap- suspected. In some patients with suspected gastric
pendicitis and diverticulitis. Intravenous contrast disease or gastrointestinal bleeding, water can be
material opacifies the abdominal vasculature and used as an oral contrast agent (10–14). In addition,
provides useful information regarding enhance- oral contrast material should not be used for CT
ment of the parenchymal organs and intestine angiography because it can interfere with 3D imag-
(5). ing (9). When oral contrast material is used to ex-
The amount of contrast material administered clude appendicitis or pelvic disease, it is recom-
and the rate of injection will vary depending on mended that imaging be delayed at least 1 hour to
the working diagnosis. In general, 120 mL of io- allow optimal bowel opacification. Rectal contrast
dinated contrast material injected at a rate of 2 material is not routinely used, although its use has
mL per second is adequate. Images are usually been advocated as an alternative protocol for eval-
obtained during the portal venous phase of en- uation of suspected appendicitis or diverticulitis
hancement beginning approximately 70 seconds (15,16).
after initiation of injection.
In dedicated vascular scanning for evaluation Collimation
of certain conditions such as suspected aortic an- Scanning parameters will vary somewhat depend-
eurysm or dissection, initial precontrast images ing on the type of scanner available. In general, a
can be helpful in localizing intramural hematoma collimation of 5–7 mm is preferred for routine
or impending rupture. CT (especially CT angiog- scanning. Narrow (3-mm) collimation is suggested
raphy) should be performed after intravenous for CT angiography, evaluation of suspected ure-
bolus administration of contrast material; injec- teral colic, and dedicated evaluation of suspected
tion of 150 mL of contrast material at a rate of acute pancreatic or biliary conditions (9–12). How-
3–4 mL per second is recommended. Scanning ever, use of narrow collimation can also increase
should be initiated during the arterial phase of noise and degrade image quality, especially in the
enhancement beginning 20–30 seconds after ini- pelvis and in obese patients.
tiation of injection (9).
728 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

Figure 1. Glandular enlargement in a 49-year-old Figure 2. Pancreatic abscess in a 38-year-old man

woman with acute pancreatitis. Axial CT scan ob- with acute pancreatitis. Axial CT scan obtained with
tained with intravenous contrast material shows a rapid bolus administration of intravenous contrast mate-
moderate amount of inflammatory fluid (arrows) sur- rial shows an air-fluid level (A) in the lesser sac anterior
rounding a minimally enlarged pancreas (p). The to the underlying pancreas (arrow), whose enhancement
pancreas demonstrates normal attenuation without implies viability.
evidence of necrosis.

affected patients (20,21). Tailored evaluation

Pitch with helical CT requires rapid (3 mL/sec) intra-
Most scanners provide high-quality diagnostic im- venous bolus administration of contrast material
ages with a pitch of 1.5–1.6. An increased pitch of to optimize glandular enhancement as well as
2 is necessary in cases requiring narrow collima- narrow collimation for improved resolution (22–
tion and significant patient coverage (eg, evalua- 24). Dual-phase scanning incorporating portal
tion of ureteral colic and vascular disease) (9–12). venous phase images optimizes opacification of
the veins surrounding the pancreas but is not
Phases of Acquisition necessary for diagnosis in most patients with
Single acquisitions performed during either the acute pancreatitis (23,24).
arterial phase (beginning 20–30 seconds follow- Helical CT findings in acute pancreatitis in-
ing intravenous injection of contrast material) or clude glandular enlargement due to interstitial pa-
the portal venous phase (beginning 70–90 sec- renchymal edema as well as increased attenuation
onds after injection) are adequate in most pa- and stranding in the peripancreatic fat (Fig 1).
tients. Occasionally, images should be acquired Glandular enlargement is typically diffuse rather
during both phases, especially for dedicated con- than focal. Focal enlargement may be indistin-
trast material–enhanced evaluation of the liver or guishable from cancer (25,26). The pancreatic
kidneys. Delayed images (acquired beginning 4 contour in acute pancreatitis may be irregular,
minutes after injection) are also helpful in cases with focal areas of decreased attenuation repre-
of suspected pyelonephritis or in the work-up of senting necrosis or edema (27). Acute pancreatitis
suspected pelvic disease, when opacification of can progress to a pathologic condition character-
the bladder may be desired (17–19). ized by extensive phlegmon formation along with
peripancreatic fluid collections, hemorrhage, peri-
Helical CT pancreatic abscess, and extraglandular fat necrosis
Findings in Acute Abdomen (Fig 2). Pancreatic exudate most often collects in
the immediate peripancreatic space, the anterior
Pancreas pararenal space, the lesser sac, and eventually in
Patients with acute pancreatitis often present with the peritoneum itself, with dissection pathways
midepigastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. It has that include the transverse mesocolon and the
been shown that the clinical severity of disease mesenteric root (25,26). Helical CT offers several
correlates well with CT findings; thus, helical CT advantages in the evaluation of acute pancreatitis
can often be used to predict clinical outcome in (23,24). Most important, it can help stage disease
involvement and detect complications. Helical CT
can demonstrate necrosis or hemorrhage within
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 729

Figure 4. Acute cholecystitis in a 40-year-old man.

Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast ma-
terial demonstrates the classic features of acute chole-
Figure 3. Hemorrhagic pancreatic pseudocyst in a 44-
cystitis: distention of the gallbladder (gb), wall thicken-
year-old man who presented with acute abdominal pain.
ing with enhancement, and focal pericholecystic fluid
Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast mate-
and inflammation. Surgery revealed acute cholecystitis
rial demonstrates calcifications from chronic pancreatitis
with a xanthogranulomatous component.
in the head of the pancreas. A high-attenuation focus of
blood (arrow) is seen within the low-attenuation pseudo-
cyst, a finding that is consistent with hemorrhage.
If hemorrhage is clinically suspected, initial
unenhanced CT should be included in the exami-
the pancreas itself as well as extension of the in- nation because visualization of hemorrhagic fluid
flammatory process into contiguous organs (28). can be difficult following intravenous injection of
Thrombosis of the portal or splenic vein with col- contrast material.
lateral vessel formation is clearly depicted. Helical
CT can also help detect an unsuspected, life- Biliary System
threatening pseudoaneurysm. Pancreatic abscesses
may develop with superinfection in acute pancre- Acute Cholecystitis.—Although CT is not typi-
atitis and contribute significantly to mortality in cally used to screen patients with presumed chole-
this setting. Gas within a fluid collection is highly cystitis, patients with acute abdominal pain often
suggestive of abscess formation (25,26). undergo CT as an initial diagnostic work-up. Rou-
Acute pancreatic fluid collections can evolve tine helical CT protocol with intravenous contrast
into true pseudocysts as the inflammatory reac- material is used for most patients. The most sensi-
tion walls itself off around the periphery. In con- tive helical CT findings in acute cholecystitis are
trast to the dynamic fluid collections in acute inflammation and significant thickening (>3 cm)
pancreatitis, pseudocysts have defined capsules of the gallbladder wall with increased attenuation
and are more often seen in the setting of sub- in the setting of a distended gallbladder (31).
acute or chronic pancreatitis (25,26). The fluid Transient focal areas of increased attenuation in
in pseudocysts usually has homogeneous low at- the liver can be seen adjacent to the inflamed gall-
tenuation similar to that of water. Pseudocyst bladder, findings that probably indicate hepatic
contents that exhibit a heterogeneous pattern of arterial hyperemia and early venous drainage
increased attenuation suggest the possibility of (32,33). Other findings include haziness of the
superimposed hemorrhage or infection (Fig 3). pericholecystic fat, pericholecystic fluid, and in-
Helical CT can clearly define the location and creased attenuation of the bile (34). A combina-
extent of pseudocysts and is helpful for surgical tion of some or all of these findings is highly spe-
planning in affected patients. Pancreatic pseudo- cific for acute cholecystitis, approaching the sensi-
cysts may invade vascular structures adjacent to tivity of ultrasonography (US) (Fig 4).
the pancreas such as the portal or splenic vein Helical CT can also demonstrate complica-
with consequent compression or even obstruction tions of acute cholecystitis. Air within the gall-
(29). Pseudocysts may also erode into the spleen bladder lumen or wall indicates the presence of
or into pancreatic or peripancreatic arteries with
resultant acute hemorrhage (29,30).
730 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

Figure 5. Emphysematous cholecystitis in a 66-year-

old man. Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous con- Figure 6. Infectious cholangitis in an 82-year-old
trast material shows air filling the distended gallbladder woman with acute cholecystitis. Axial CT scan ob-
lumen (gb) and wall (arrow). Pathologic analysis revealed tained with intravenous contrast material demon-
extensive necrosis with adherence to the adjacent liver. strates multiple hepatic abscesses (arrows), which
were a complication of cholecystitis in this case.

emphysematous cholecystitis, which in turn im-

plies underlying gangrenous changes (Fig 5). Care
must be taken not to mistake air introduced at re-
cent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatog-
raphy or prior surgery for acute emphysematous
cholecystitis. Infectious cholangitis can complicate
cholecystitis, manifesting as hepatic abscesses (Fig
6) (35). Perforation is a relatively late finding in
patients with cholecystitis and often necessitates
surgical intervention. CT is reasonably sensitive
in diagnosing and localizing gallbladder perfora-
tion (Fig 7) (36). Some patients may present
with acute cholecystitis and have fairly unremark-
able CT findings. Correlation of CT findings
with those at other modalities, especially US and
nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, is vital if
Figure 7. Gallbladder perforation in a 59-year-old
the diagnosis of cholecystitis remains in doubt. woman with acute cholecystitis. Axial CT scan obtained
This is particularly important for early diagnosis after bolus injection of intravenous contrast material
leading to rapid intervention in the intensive care demonstrates a liver abscess with heterogeneous attenu-
unit patient or the severely ill patient in whom ation (A) adjacent to the distended gallbladder (gb).
the gallbladder may be distended at baseline Continuity is demonstrated between the gallbladder and
evaluation (37). the abscess, indicating the site of rupture (arrow). Aspi-
ration yielded frank pus.
Choledocholithiasis.—Patients with choledo-
cholithiasis often present with recurrent episodes
of right upper quadrant pain, fever, and jaundice. and choledocholithiasis. In older studies, conven-
Tailored helical CT protocol includes narrow tional CT demonstrated sensitivities as high as
collimation and small (2–3-mm) reconstruction 90% for the detection of common bile duct
intervals to optimize detection of cholelithiasis stones (38). In a study by Neitlich et al (39),
helical CT demonstrated a sensitivity of 88%, a
specificity of 97%, and an accuracy of 94% in the
diagnosis of common bile duct stones. The most
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 731

a. b.
Figure 8. Biliary obstruction from an impacted common bile duct stone in an 81-year-old
woman with choledocholithiasis. (a) On an axial CT scan obtained with intravenous con-
trast material, the common bile duct (cbd) is moderately dilated and tortuous. (b) CT scan
obtained inferior to a shows an impacted high-attenuation nidus from a gallstone at the am-
pulla (arrow).

attenuation rings seen with mixed cholesterol-cal-

cium stones, which often result in distal common
bile duct obstruction. In the absence of a pancre-
atic head mass or a detectable cause of obstruc-
tion, the differential diagnosis of a distal common
bile duct obstruction should include stone, biliary
stricture, and small ampullary mass.

Patients with splenic infarction typically present
with left upper quadrant pain, although in some
cases the disease may be clinically silent. Com-
mon causes of splenic infarction include bacterial
endocarditis, portal hypertension, and underlying
splenomegaly (29). Pancreatitis can also extend
into the splenic hilum and result in infarction
(29,30). Tailored helical CT protocol requires
Figure 9. Gallstones in a 75-year-old man with intravenous bolus administration of contrast ma-
choledocholithiasis and pancreatitis. Axial CT scan
obtained with intravenous contrast material shows
terial. At helical CT, focal infarcts appear as
very subtle gallstones within the gallbladder lumen wedge-shaped areas of decreased attenuation that
(white arrow) and common bile duct (black arrow). extend to the surface of the spleen (Fig 10) (41–
Stranding is seen in the peripancreatic fat. 43). Most infarcts are easily appreciated against
the normal inhomogeneous pattern of early
splenic enhancement. Global infarction can
reliable CT finding is a high-attenuation nidus manifest as diffuse areas of decreased attenuation
within the duct (Figs 8, 9) (38,39). Helical CT in the spleen and can mimic splenic abscess or
with narrow collimation and small reconstruction
intervals is particularly helpful in detecting small
stones and the subtle, alternating low- and high-
732 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

10. 11.
Figures 10, 11. (10) Splenic infarction in a 41-year-old woman. Axial CT scan obtained with
intravenous contrast material demonstrates multiple infarcts in an enlarged spleen (arrows). Most
splenic abnormalities, including infarcts, can be differentiated from normal inhomogeneous splenic
enhancement. (11) Global splenic infarction in a 32-year-old man with human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection who presented with severe left upper quadrant pain. Axial CT scan obtained
with intravenous contrast material demonstrates an enlarged, infarcted spleen (S) resulting from
portal vein thrombosis. The spleen appears similar to a large abscess.

tumor (Fig 11). In some cases of global infarction, hypoperfusion, resulting in a characteristic
the splenic periphery remains enhanced due to “patchy” nephrogram (Fig 12) (48–50). Stria-
perfusion from capsular vessels. Helical CT per- tions result from stasis of contrast material within
formed during peak contrast material enhance- edematous tubules that demonstrates increasing
ment allows reliable depiction of the splenic ar- attenuation over time. The infected kidney is usu-
tery and vein (41). ally enlarged, and there is often stranding in the
perinephric fat (Fig 13). Poorly enhanced areas of
Genitourinary Tract focal pyelonephritis can mimic a renal mass at
conventional CT. Helical CT is probably more
Acute Pyelonephritis.—Acute pyelonephritis is a specific in differentiating infection from tumor
common clinical diagnosis in patients who present (47). It is also helpful in detecting subtle cases of
with fever, chills, and flank tenderness. Infections acute pyelonephritis; clues to the diagnosis in-
typically result from ascending retrograde spread clude loss of normal, sharp corticomedullary dif-
through the collecting ducts into the renal paren- ferentiation and delayed appearance of the corti-
chyma. Patients are referred for CT evaluation of cal nephrogram, abnormalities that are visualized
acute pyelonephritis when symptoms are poorly only during early dynamic contrast enhancement.
localized or complications are suspected (44–46). Delayed views of the infected kidney may dem-
Tailored helical CT in patients with acute pyelo- onstrate a nephrogram with increased attenua-
nephritis usually consists of several acquisitions tion (17).
through the kidneys during various phases of renal
enhancement (47). Typically, images are acquired Renal Infarction.—Patients with renal infarc-
during the corticomedullary phase beginning 30 tion typically present with acute flank pain and
seconds after initiation of injection and during ei- may have hematuria. Renal infarcts are typically
ther the nephrographic phase (70–90 seconds after the result of embolism (usually in a diseased
injection) or the excretory phase (5 minutes after heart), aortic dissection, trauma, or thrombosis
injection). (51,52). Tailored helical CT must include an ac-
Helical CT findings in acute pyelonephritis quisition during the corticomedullary phase of
consist of focal areas of striated or wedge-shaped enhancement (beginning 30 seconds after initia-
tion of injection) when renal arterial and venous
opacification is greatest. Helical CT findings in-
clude one or more focal parenchymal defects that
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 733

12. 13.
Figures 12, 13. (12) Acute bilateral pyelonephritis in a 34-year-old woman. Axial CT scan obtained with intrave-
nous contrast material demonstrates patchy, striated nephrograms. (13) Acute pyelonephritis in a 69-year-old man.
Axial nephrographic-phase CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast material reveals patchy enhancement of the left
kidney. The kidney is minimally enlarged with perinephric stranding, secondary findings that also suggest infection.

14. 15.
Figures 14, 15. (14) Abdominal aortic aneurysm and renal infarction in a 67-year-old man. On an axial arterial-
phase CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast material, the lateral aspect of the left kidney demonstrates the char-
acteristic appearance of renal infarction (arrow). (15) Global infarction in a 67-year-old man with aortic dissection.
The patient presented with acute left flank pain. Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast material reveals a
dissection flap occluding the left renal artery (arrow). Flow to the left kidney is obstructed.

involve both the cortex and medulla and extend medial aspect. With global infarction, the entire
to the capsular surface of the kidney. Segmental kidney is nonperfused (Fig 15). Characteristic
infarcts of the anterior or posterior renal arteries rim enhancement representing collateral capsular
demonstrate a characteristic appearance at CT perfusion may be seen surrounding the nonfunc-
(Fig 14) (53). The larger ventral branch supplies tioning, infarcted kidney (51).
the anterior lateral portion of the kidney, whereas
the smaller dorsal branch supplies the posterior
734 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

16a. 16b.
Figures 16, 17. (16) Obstructing ureteral
calculus in a 51-year-old woman. (a) Axial
unenhanced CT scan demonstrates right hy-
dronephrosis. (b) CT scan obtained inferior
to a clearly depicts an obstructing calculus in
the midureter (arrow). (17) Ureteral calculus
in a 24-year-old man. Axial unenhanced CT
scan shows focal stranding around the middle
of the right ureter, a finding that helps local-
ize a subtle calculus (arrow).

Ureteral Stones.—Patients with acute pain from

ureteral calculi present with hematuria and flank
pain radiating to the groin. Helical CT provides a
rapid and accurate test for the presence of ureteral
calculi (10–12). A significant advantage of using 17.
helical CT is the ability to document the presence
of stones without intravenous injection of contrast
material because the vast majority of calculi are Tailored helical CT in patients with suspected
radiopaque at CT (54). In addition, lack of breath- ureteral calculi requires a continuous breath-hold
ing misregistration with helical CT ensures con- acquisition from the top of the kidneys to the
tinuous coverage of the entire collecting system bladder base. Narrow (3-mm) collimation and
and improves detection of small stones. These small reconstruction intervals (also 3 mm) are es-
advantages make helical CT the screening mo- sential for optimal detection of small calculi (10–
dality of choice at most institutions (12). Helical 12). Identification of hydronephrosis, hydroureter,
CT has proved as sensitive as intravenous pyelog- and obstructing calculi is usually straightforward
raphy in detecting ureteral obstruction and more (Fig 16). Characteristic locations of obstructing
sensitive in identifying calculi as the source of ob- calculi include the ureteropelvic junction and the
struction (11). In clinical studies, helical CT ob- ureterovesical junction. Prone scans may be
viated intravenous pyelography in 90% of cases needed to differentiate a ureterovesical junction
(55). In 292 patients with 100 proved ureteral stone from a recently passed stone. Secondary
stones, Smith et al (10) found helical CT to be signs of perinephric stranding and edema provide
97% sensitive, 96% specific, and 97% accurate in supporting evidence for acute obstruction (55,
the depiction of ureteral calculi. 56). Focal periureteral stranding can also help lo-
calize subtle calculi (Fig 17). In addition, helical
CT can be used to document stone size and pre-
dict clinical outcome (12,57). Rarely, phleboliths
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 735

scesses manifest as complex masses with septa-

tions and thick, irregular walls (59,60). Helical
CT demonstrates characteristic peripheral en-
hancement of the fallopian tubes and abscess cap-
sule (Fig 18) (18,19). Tubo-ovarian abscesses
can be difficult to differentiate from ovarian neo-
plasms or from abscesses secondary to other causes
such as inflammatory bowel disease or appendici-
tis. In addition, ovarian cysts and a small amount
of ascites are normal in premenopausal patients,
and correlation with clinical history and US find-
ings remains essential.

Gastrointestinal Tract

Appendicitis.—Acute appendicitis is one of the

most common causes of acute abdominal pain.
Patients present with right lower quadrant pain,
Figure 18. Tubo-ovarian abscess and pyosalpinx nausea, and vomiting and often have an elevated
in a 41-year-old woman. On a CT scan obtained
with intravenous contrast material, the left fallopian
white cell count. CT has long been recognized as
tube is dilated and filled with fluid. Subtle tubular having a high diagnostic accuracy in patients with
enhancement is also seen (arrows). acute appendicitis (61,62). Initial studies have
shown conventional CT with both oral and intra-
venous contrast material to be highly diagnostic
can mimic renal calculi and present a diagnostic for appendicitis (61). More recently, other inves-
dilemma. Furthermore, HIV–positive patients tigators have shown that tailored helical CT eval-
undergoing indinavir therapy can present with uation with 5-mm collimation with or without
nonopaque stones (58). In such cases, intrave- oral or intravenous contrast material can be just
nous contrast material may be required to local- as accurate in the diagnosis of appendicitis, hav-
ize the ureter. However, we have found that ing a reported accuracy of 94%–98% (15,63).
unenhanced CT provides rapid and accurate di- Unenhanced helical CT is helpful in that it elimi-
agnosis in most patients. nates the risk of an adverse reaction to intravenous
contrast material as well as the time required for
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.—Patients with oral or rectal administration of contrast material.
pelvic inflammatory disease typically present with Obviously, if intravenous or oral contrast material
vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, fever, and an ele- is not used, this technique has limited value in
vated white cell count. US is the initial modality patients with minimal intraabdominal fat. Un-
of choice in most patients. Occasionally, patients enhanced helical CT with oral or rectal contrast
are referred for CT when signs and symptoms are material alone has been implemented in the com-
poorly localized or complications such as tubo- munity hospital setting in a study of 100 patients
ovarian abscess are suspected. Helical CT with and has demonstrated excellent diagnostic accu-
intravenous contrast material is required to de- racy (95%) (64).
fine the adnexal anatomy and potential disease A dilated, fluid-filled appendix is the most
(18,19). Occasionally, delayed images obtained specific helical CT finding in acute appendicitis
following bladder opacification (5 minutes after (15,63). Calcified appendicoliths and periappen-
contrast material injection) are needed to help diceal inflammation are helpful secondary find-
differentiate a cystic mass or collection from the ings. Enhancement of the appendiceal wall is of-
bladder (18,19). Typical helical CT findings in ten seen following intravenous bolus administra-
patients with pelvic inflammatory disease include tion of contrast material and is another specific
unilateral or bilateral adnexal masses, hydrosal-
pinx, and pelvic ascites (59). Tubo-ovarian ab-
736 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

a. b.
Figure 19. Acute appendicitis. Axial CT scans obtained with intravenous contrast material
in a 27-year-old woman (a) and a 62-year-old man (b) show a minimally distended appen-
dix with an enhancing wall (arrow). Stranding is seen in the periappendiceal fat. These find-
ings are pathognomonic for acute appendicitis.

a. b.
Figure 20. Perforating appendicitis in a 44-year-old man. (a) Axial CT scan obtained with in-
travenous contrast material demonstrates subtle findings of a minimally enhancing, tortuously di-
lated appendix (arrowheads). This finding was initially misinterpreted as the normal terminal ileum.
(b) CT scan obtained inferior to a demonstrates minimal fluid in the pelvis (arrow). B = bladder. In
this case, use of oral contrast material would likely have aided in making the correct diagnosis. Al-
though reported sensitivities for detecting acute appendicitis are similar with any combination of
oral, intravenous, and rectal contrast material (or with none of the three), we prefer using a com-
bination of the first two whenever possible.

sign of inflammation (Fig 19). However, in pa- also demonstrate complications of appendicitis,
tients with adequate intraperitoneal fat, diagnosis including perforation, small bowel obstruction,
can be made without oral or intravenous contrast and mesenteric venous thrombosis (Fig 20).
material because the focal nature of the periap- Many other conditions can lead to inflammation
pendiceal stranding is obvious. Helical CT can and abscess formation in the right lower quad-
rant and mimic findings of acute appendicitis at
both clinical examination and radiography (65–
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 737

Figure 22. Acute diverticulitis in a 62-year-old man.

Figure 21. Crohn disease mimicking acute appendici- Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast ma-
tis in an 18-year-old woman. Axial CT scan obtained terial demonstrates focal thickening and pericolonic
with intravenous contrast material shows minimal thick- stranding (arrow), both of which are classic features of
ening of the distal terminal ileum (white arrow). Focal acute diverticulitis.
abscesses in the right lower quadrant (black arrows)
mimic perforating appendicitis.
typically involving the sigmoid colon. Up to 25%
of these patients will develop diverticulitis (68).
Patients often present with fever, left lower quad-
rant pain, and an elevated white cell count. CT is
sensitive in proved cases of diverticulitis and has
replaced barium enema examination in the initial
evaluation of patients with suspected diverticulitis.
CT findings in acute diverticulitis include colonic
wall thickening in the presence of diverticula, peri-
colonic fat stranding, phlegmon, air bubbles, ab-
scess, and dependent free fluid (Fig 22) (69,70).
CT is up to 93% sensitive and approaches 100%
specificity and accuracy in the diagnosis or exclu-
sion of diverticulitis (16,71). CT is also much
more sensitive than barium enema examination
in determining the presence and nature of peri-
Figure 23. Diverticular abscess in a 49-year-old colonic complications (72). In addition, CT is
man. Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous excellent for detecting other causes of left lower
contrast material shows a small abscess adjacent quadrant pain that may mimic diverticulitis and
to an abnormally thickened sigmoid colon (ar- can suggest alternative diagnoses in 78% of cases
row). The rim enhancement of the fluid collection when other causes are present (16).
implies infection. Tailored helical CT evaluation of patients with
suspected diverticulitis includes 5-mm-collimation
scanning through the lower abdomen and pelvis.
67). These include Crohn disease and cecal di- Although helical CT with rectal contrast material
verticulitis, among others (Fig 21). Essentially all alone is highly accurate for diagnosis (16), intrave-
inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal nous bolus administration of contrast material is
tract, including inflammatory bowel disease and helpful in the detection and characterization of
infectious enteritis and colitis, can manifest with pericolonic inflammation and is therefore recom-
pain and produce inflammatory stranding in the mended in most patients. Helical CT with intra-
mesenteric fat. One must be certain that the ap- venous contrast material accentuates the charac-
pendix is the cause of inflammation before mak- teristic rim enhancement of pericolonic abscesses
ing the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. and helps differentiate neighboring bowel loops
from surrounding inflammatory changes (Fig
Diverticulitis.—Diverticular disease of the co- 23). Bowel lumen opacification is helpful for
lon is common, affecting up to 65% of patients
with acute abdominal pain by age 65 years and
738 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

24. 25.
Figures 24, 25. (24) Duodenitis in a 72-year-old man. The patient presented with postoperative nausea, vom-
iting, and abdominal pain. Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast material shows moderate duodenal
thickening (arrowheads). (25) Perforated duodenal ulcer in a 62-year-old man. Axial CT scan obtained with
intravenous contrast material demonstrates stranding in the right anterior pararenal space (arrow), a common
location for the traversal of fluid in patients with perforated ulcer. Surgery confirmed the presence of a large
perforated ulcer.

depiction of wall thickening and is best achieved if ful and specific in patients with complications
rectal rather than oral contrast material is used. from penetrating ulcers (Fig 25) (75), who will
Most authors suggest the administration of 400– demonstrate inflammatory changes in the adja-
800 mL of 3% iodinated contrast material (16). cent soft tissues and organs, including the pan-
In practice, however, the diagnosis can be estab- creas, liver, and lesser omentum. These changes
lished in most patients without use of rectal con- are easily identified at helical CT (75,76). CT is
trast material, which can be reserved for the oc- also valuable in the detection of clinically unsus-
casional patient with equivocal findings. pected perforation, although determining the pre-
cise site of perforation is often difficult (76).
Peptic Ulcer Disease.—Patients with peptic ulcer
disease present with epigastric pain, nausea, and Small Bowel Obstruction.—Small bowel ob-
vomiting. At times, symptoms are nonlocalized or struction is a common cause of acute abdominal
indistinguishable from those in acute pancreatitis pain. Patients often present with nausea, vomiting,
or cholecystitis, and CT is often performed in such and abdominal tenderness. Small bowel obstruc-
cases. Alternatively, patients with known ulcer tion has a variety of causes, the most common of
disease may undergo CT for assessment of severe which are adhesions (64%–79% of cases), hernia
complications of ulcer penetration, including pan- (15%–25%), and tumor (10%–15%) (77). The
creatitis, perforation, and abscess formation. utility of CT in the evaluation of small bowel ob-
Tailored helical CT of the stomach and duode- struction depends somewhat on the degree and
num is best performed after adequate distention suspected cause of obstruction. At most institu-
following the ingestion of either water or positive tions, CT has supplanted the small bowel follow-
oral contrast agent. Intravenous bolus administra- through study as the initial examination of choice
tion of contrast material is also necessary if water because it can help confirm the need for or obviate
is used (13,14). Peptic ulcer disease often mani- surgery. CT has proved to be very useful in cases
fests at CT as focal thickening (Fig 24). Unfortu- of high-grade small bowel obstruction, with a sen-
nately, gastric and duodenal thickening are often sitivity of 90%–96%, a specificity of 96%, and an
nonspecific, and correlation with the patient’s accuracy of 95% (78,79). In low-grade obstruc-
symptoms is poor (73). In addition, many patients tion, however, the accuracy of CT is only about
have chronic thickening, often due to infection 50%, and follow-up CT or barium examination
with Helicobacter pylori, which can produce sub- may be indicated. In all cases of small bowel ob-
stantial thickening in the body and antrum of the struction (including low-grade obstruction), sensi-
stomach (74). Helical CT is probably most help- tivity drops to about 60%, with a specificity of
80% and an accuracy of 66% (80). For this rea-
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 739

a. b.
Figure 26. Small bowel obstruction from inguinal hernia in a 55-year-old man. (a) Axial CT scan obtained with
intravenous contrast material shows moderately dilated small bowel loops with minimal mural thickening and en-
hancement. (b) CT scan obtained inferior to a shows a transition point at the site of an incarcerated right inguinal
hernia (arrow).

material, allowing opacification of the normal

bowel wall as well as bowel masses. Intravenous
contrast material also allows accurate assessment
of the extent of bowel wall thickening. However,
in cases of low-grade obstruction or vague pain,
use of oral contrast material is indicated because
it improves accuracy in the detection of inflamma-
tion and abscesses and can optimize identification
of a transition zone by increasing the load factor
on the bowel lumen.
The essential helical CT finding in small
bowel obstruction is a definable transition from
dilated to decompressed small bowel. Careful in-
spection of the transition point and luminal con-
tents of the bowel will often reveal the underlying
cause of obstruction (78,79). Hernias are the most
common positive finding and are usually seen in
Figure 27. Small bowel obstruction from metastatic the inguinal region or abdominal wall (Fig 26)
gastric cancer in a 68-year-old man. Axial CT scan ob- (81,82). Abdominal wall hernias account for the
tained with bolus administration of intravenous contrast
material demonstrates a markedly distended small bowel
great majority of external hernias (82,83). A con-
with air-fluid levels. An enhancing serosal implant is seen genital or acquired weakness or defect in the mus-
involving a bowel loop in the midabdomen (arrow). cular layers of the abdominal wall produces the
potential hernia site. Other types of abdominal
wall hernias include incisional hernias, parastomal
son, a small bowel follow-through study is often hernias, and spigelian hernias (78,82,83). Indirect
performed following CT if clinical concerns for inguinal hernias are also very common and are
low-grade obstruction persist. caused by acquired weakness and dilatation of the
Tailored helical CT evaluation for suspected internal inguinal ring, which results from a defect
high-grade small bowel obstruction is best per- in the transverse fascia (83). Less frequently, an
formed without oral contrast material. Patients obstructing mass or tumor implant may be identi-
with high-grade small bowel obstruction already fied (Fig 27). Intussusception may also result in
have large amounts of fluid in the bowel that acts
as a natural contrast agent, especially when com-
bined with intravenous bolus injection of contrast
740 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

Figure 29. Closed-loop small bowel obstruction from

adhesions in a 44-year-old woman. Axial CT scan ob-
Figure 28. Small bowel obstruction from adhesions in tained with intravenous contrast material shows dis-
a 61-year-old man who had undergone renal transplanta- tended small bowel loops in the left midabdomen with
tion. Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast collapsed loops in the right lower quadrant. Strangu-
material shows a moderately dilated proximal small lated obstruction is suggested by the bowel wall thicken-
bowel. Collapsed small bowel loops are seen in the right ing with mesenteric edema radiating toward the point of
lower quadrant (arrowheads). No discrete mass is seen strangulation (arrow). Surgery revealed extensive trans-
in the region of transition in the lower abdomen, and mural ischemia with mucosal and submucosal hemor-
there is no evidence of hernia or intussusception. rhage.

obstruction and is often associated with an under- obstructions may have a peculiar C- or U-shaped
lying mass that serves as a lead point (84,85). In configuration, and fluid in the mesenteric leaves
the absence of an obstructing mass or hernia at may radiate out from the point of strangulation
CT, small bowel obstruction is most likely due to (Fig 29). An unusual course and diffuse engorge-
adhesions, especially in patients with a history of ment of the mesenteric vasculature with mesen-
surgery (Fig 28). A finding of adhesions as the teric haziness are highly specific for strangulation
cause of small bowel obstruction effectively ex- (86).
cludes an obstructing mass or hernia in the ma-
jority of patients. Ischemic Bowel.—Patients with bowel ischemia
Helical CT can also be useful in differentiating can present with symptoms ranging from rela-
simple from strangulated small bowel obstruction tively minor discomfort to acute abdominal pain,
(86,87). Strangulated small bowel obstruction which makes clinical diagnosis difficult (89). Pre-
involves mechanical obstruction proximal to the dominant causes of intestinal ischemia include
involved loop and closed-loop obstruction with vascular occlusion or thrombosis, whether from
venous congestion of the involved loop (88). Ini- arterial or venous disease, and hypoperfusion.
tially, venous outflow is occluded in the involved Usually, a combination of these factors is seen,
loop, resulting in distention and engorgement of and the degree to which a given factor predomi-
vessels. Bowel hemorrhage ensues, resulting in nates determines patient outcome. Ischemia can
transudation of fluid into the peritoneal cavity. also result from secondary vascular compromise
Findings that suggest strangulation include poorly in patients with bowel obstruction, including
enhanced or unenhanced bowel wall and the ser- closed loop obstruction, hernia, and intussus-
rated beak sign, both of which are 100% specific ception. CT plays a key role in identifying early
for strangulation (86). The serrated beak sign is changes of ischemia and in determining the un-
caused by twisting of bowel with regional engorge- derlying cause of ischemic bowel (90–92). How-
ment of the mesenteric vasculature, mesenteric ever, CT findings in patients with ischemic
edema, and bowel wall thickening. Closed-loop bowel, even when newer helical CT techniques
are used, can be nonspecific (93). In patients
with obstruction, helical CT has only an 80%
positive predictive value for ischemia, and up to
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 741

a. b.
Figure 30. Diffuse bowel ischemia in a 49-year-old woman. The patient presented with recurrent pancreatic
cancer and had a history of Whipple disease. (a) Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast material
reveals a tumor surrounding the pancreas and mesenteric vessels (white arrowheads). The superior mesenteric
artery is patent (straight arrow), but the superior mesenteric vein is thrombosed (curved arrow). Infarcts are seen
in the left kidney (black arrowheads). (b) On a CT scan obtained inferior to a, minimal bowel wall thickening
is seen in both the small and large intestine (arrows). Surgery revealed diffuse ischemia.

Figure 32. Ischemic colitis in a 79-year-old

man. Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous
Figure 31. Intussusception and secondary bowel isch- contrast material reveals a focal low-attenuation
emia in an 80-year-old woman. Axial CT scan obtained area representing thickening in the transverse co-
with intravenous contrast material shows a colocolic in- lon (arrowheads). Focal stranding is seen in the
tussusception (black arrow). There is no evidence for a pericolonic fat.
lead point. Low-attenuation bowel wall ischemia is also
seen (white arrow) and was confirmed at surgery.
larly the superior mesenteric artery and superior
mesenteric vein (Fig 30). Intravenous contrast
20% of patients will have negative findings at lap- material is also helpful in characterizing bowel
arotomy for ischemia (94). However, helical CT wall thickening, which can manifest as a low-at-
has a 95% negative predictive value for ischemia tenuation ring of edema (Fig 31) (94). However,
and may help indicate when a more conservative a finding of bowel wall edema is nonspecific and
initial approach is warranted (94). can be seen with inflammatory or infectious causes
Tailored evaluation with helical CT requires as well (Fig 32) so that clinical correlation is re-
rapid (³3 mL/sec) intravenous administration of quired. Water can be used as an alternative to
contrast material for optimal vascular opacifica-
tion. Helical CT is very helpful in defining the
patency of the major intestinal vessels, particu-
742 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

33. 34.
Figures 33, 34. (33) Ischemic small bowel and pneumatosis intestinalis in a 41-year-old woman. The patient
presented with acute thrombosis of multiple vessels including the superior mesenteric artery. Unenhanced CT
scan reveals air within the bowel wall (arrow). Pneumatosis is often best appreciated with a lung window setting.
(34) Bowel necrosis and mesenteric air in a 53-year-old woman. Unenhanced CT scan demonstrates air within the
mesenteric vessels (arrowheads). Surgery revealed transmural necrosis of the distal ileum, cecum, and sigmoid co-

positive oral contrast agent in patients with pre- Perforation generally indicates a catastrophic com-
sumed ischemia, especially in the setting of ob- plication that can result from a multitude of po-
struction. In these patients, intravenous contrast tential causes, including severe intestinal inflam-
material is essential for depiction of the thickened, mation, peptic ulcer disease, diverticulitis, infarc-
edematous bowel wall, which can easily be appre- tion, trauma, and closed-loop obstruction (97).
ciated against the obstructed, fluid-filled intestine. Perforation can also complicate neoplasms, and
Air within the bowel wall (pneumatosis intesti- the search for an underlying mass is warranted in
nalis), mesentery, and portal venous system are late the appropriate clinical setting. Iatrogenic perfora-
CT signs of bowel ischemia and usually portend a tion is occasionally seen following endoscopic pro-
grave prognosis (Figs 33, 34). A multitude of en- cedures, especially endoscopic biopsy or sphinc-
tities can manifest with air in the bowel wall, in- terotomy (Fig 35) (98).
cluding conditions that disrupt the bowel mucosa Helical CT is ideally suited for rapid evaluation
(eg, bowel obstruction, inflammatory bowel dis- of the abdomen in patients with acute pain from
ease), entities that increase bowel permeability suspected perforation. CT is often indicated when
(eg, graft-versus-host disease, acquired immuno- free air is seen but the perforation site is unclear at
deficiency syndrome, steroid therapy), and pul- conventional radiography. Because CT is more
monary disease (eg, chronic obstructive pulmo- sensitive than conventional radiography in the de-
nary disease) (95,96). CT findings must always tection of subtle pneumoperitoneum, it is also in-
be correlated with clinical history and symptoms dicated when free air is strongly suspected despite
in patients with pneumatosis intestinalis (96). normal abdominal radiographic findings (99,100).
Unenhanced CT is often performed to expedite
Gastrointestinal Perforation.—Patients with evaluation. If possible, oral and intravenous con-
bowel perforation usually present with obvious in- trast material should be used to help localize the
dications of peritonitis, although symptoms can perforation and characterize complications includ-
be masked in immunosuppressed patients or in ing peritonitis and abscess formation. In supine
patients undergoing steroid therapy. Spontaneous CT, the anterior peritoneal surface of the liver is
bowel perforation usually occurs with underlying the most nondependent portion of the body and is
disruption of the mural integrity of the intestine. often the location where extraluminal air can first
be detected. However, detection of the actual site
of perforation is often challenging because the lo-
cation of the free air does not necessarily correlate
with the site of perforation (76,101). Extravasation
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 743

35. 36.
Figures 35, 36. (35) Perforating gastric cancer in a 61-year-old man who had undergone endoscopy. Axial
CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast material demonstrates extensive extraluminal air, predominantly
in the retroperitoneum. The exact site of perforation can be difficult to determine if there is a large amount of air,
especially in patients with iatrogenic perforation. (36) Perforated benign gastric ulcer in an elderly man. Axial CT
scan obtained with intravenous contrast material demonstrates free air anterior to the liver (black arrow) as well
as focal extraluminal oral contrast material (white arrow), which helped localize the perforation in the stomach.

many institutions helical CT angiography has es-

sentially replaced conventional angiography in the
evaluation of aortic aneurysms (9,102). Tailored
evaluation requires rapid (³3 mL/sec) intravenous
bolus administration of contrast material for opti-
mal vascular opacification. Narrow (3-mm) colli-
mation is also preferred for optimal vascular opaci-
fication and high-quality 3D images. Oral contrast
material is not administered because it can inter-
fere with CT angiographic reconstruction. Helical
CT can be used to accurately measure the diam-
eter of the aneurysm and allows direct visualiza-
tion of mural thrombus and the outer aneurysm
wall. In addition, the origin and length of the an-
eurysm and its relationship to the renal and iliac
arteries can readily be assessed (102,103).
Figure 37. Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm in a Rupture is a catastrophic complication of ab-
69-year-old man. Axial CT scan obtained with intrave- dominal aortic aneurysm, with mortality rates ap-
nous contrast material demonstrates massive extrava- proaching 95%. Up to 40% of patients die within
sation of contrast material. Intraoperative repair was
1 hour of the onset of symptoms (104). Some pa-
unsuccessful, and the patient died.
tients survive long enough to receive medical at-
tention and undergo imaging evaluation for acute
abdominal pain. CT is the modality of choice for
of oral contrast material is the most accurate local- evaluation of suspected aortic aneurysm rupture.
izer but is absent in many patients (Fig 36). If Pertinent helical CT findings include retroperito-
present, focal fluid, air, or inflammatory changes neal hematoma and extravasation of intravenous
near the site of perforation are often helpful for contrast material (Fig 37). Helical CT can often
localization. help localize the exact site of bleeding (Fig 38).
Hemorrhage is most often seen in the retroperito-
Vascular System neum involving the perirenal spaces (105). The

Aortic Aneurysm Rupture.—With the advent

of helical CT, quality multiplanar and 3D vascu-
lar images can now readily be produced, and at
744 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

Figure 39. Aortic dissection in a 54-year-old man.

Figure 38. Ruptured abdominal aortic aneu- Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast ma-
rysm in an elderly man. Axial CT scan obtained terial clearly depicts an intimal flap caused by aortic
with intravenous contrast material demonstrates dissection (arrowhead).
acute extravasation of contrast material from an
aneurysm leak (black arrow). Note the interrup-
tion of intimal calcifications at the site of rupture contained leak (107). The high-attenuation cres-
(white arrow). cent sign is the result of hemorrhage within the
mural thrombus or wall of the aneurysm and may
represent the first stage of rupture (108).
presence of an area of increased attenuation sur-
rounding the aorta does not always indicate rup- Aortic Dissection.—Aortic dissection is defined
ture; patients with perianeurysmal fibrosis can as the presence of a hematoma in the middle to
demonstrate a thick, often calcified mantle of outer third of the aortic wall with subsequent
chronic inflammatory tissue. Care must be taken proximal and distal propagation. The vast major-
not to mistake perianeurysmal fibrosis for hemor- ity of dissections lead to a tear in the weakened
rhage; both may demonstrate dramatic enhance- aortic intima and break into the aortic lumen
ment following bolus infusion of contrast material. (109). There are a multitude of predisposing fac-
At times, patients present with chronic abdomi- tors for dissection, the most common of which is
nal pain from impending rupture of enlarging ab- hypertension. Patients with aortic dissection typi-
dominal aortic aneurysms. Aneurysm size is the cally present with sharp, tearing chest pain. Dis-
most accurate positive predictive factor in deter- section proximal to the aortic root can lead to in-
mining which patients are at risk for aneurysm volvement of the coronary arteries, resulting in
rupture. Studies have shown that in approximately arrhythmia, cardiac tamponade, infarction, or
30%–40% of patients with aneurysms larger than even death. Less frequently, aortic dissection can
5 cm in diameter, the aneurysm will rupture with- manifest with acute abdominal pain. This is most
in 5 years of detection. An increase of 1 cm or commonly seen when origins of the renal arteries,
more in the diameter of an abdominal aortic aneu- celiac axis, or superior mesenteric artery are in-
rysm over the past 6 months is also a worrisome volved by the dissection flap, resulting in symp-
sign for impending rupture (106). Other indica- toms of ischemia or infarction in the involved
tions for impending rupture include the draped vascular distribution.
aorta sign, the high-attenuation crescent sign, and Helical CT is now considered the screening
focal discontinuity of a calcified rim. The draped modality of choice for aortic dissection (110).
aorta sign occurs when an area in the posterior The accuracy of helical CT in this setting is ex-
wall of the aortic aneurysm is undefinable and is tremely high, with a sensitivity and specificity of
in proximity to the spine. These findings are nearly 100% (110). Tailored helical CT requires
highly indicative of aortic wall deficiency and rapid (³3 mL/sec) injection of contrast material
for optimal vascular opacification. Narrow colli-
mation is also optimal for vascular imaging, espe-
RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3 Urban and Fishman 745

Figure 41. Peritoneal hemorrhage in a 33-year-old

Figure 40. Bleeding Meckel diverticulum in a 25- man who had undergone paracentesis. Axial CT scan
year-old man. Axial CT scan obtained with intrave- obtained with intravenous contrast material demon-
nous contrast material demonstrates bleeding from ec- strates hemorrhagic ascites throughout the abdomen. A
topic gastric mucosa within the diverticulum (arrow). bleeding vessel is identified near the site of recent needle
insertion (arrow).

and differential flow to the kidneys from the dis-

secting intimal flap secondary to involvement of
the renal artery origins.

Hemorrhage.—Patients can present with pain

due to acute abdominal hemorrhage in various
locations, including the gastrointestinal tract, ret-
roperitoneum, and abdominal musculature. A
falling hematocrit and hypotension are indicators
of significant bleeding. Tailored CT evaluation
for abdominal hemorrhage consists of initial
unenhanced CT, which is useful in detecting the
hyperattenuating hematoma, followed by op-
tional contrast-enhanced helical CT with intrave-
Figure 42. Small bowel hematoma in a 68-year-old nous bolus injection of contrast material (111).
man who was undergoing anticoagulation therapy. The The rate of injection should approach 3–4 mL
patient presented 7 days after undergoing heart surgery. per second for optimal vascular opacification.
Unenhanced CT scan demonstrates a high-attenuation This helical CT technique has the potential to lo-
hematoma in the proximal small bowel (arrows). calize sites of bleeding, which appear as a blush
of intravenous contrast material from the in-
volved vessel (Figs 40, 41) (111,112). Spontane-
cially 3D imaging. Findings of a contrast material– ous bowel hematomas are often seen in the set-
filled double channel with an intervening intimal ting of underlying coagulopathy (Fig 42) (113).
flap are diagnostic (Fig 39) (110). If one lumen is The rectus sheath represents one of the most
thrombosed, it may be difficult to differentiate common sites of spontaneous musculoskeletal
dissection from an aneurysm with mural throm- hemorrhage, which can mimic an obstructing or
bus. Associated findings that favor the diagnosis incarcerated abdominal wall hernia (114,115).
of dissection include dilatation of the aorta with Another relatively common site of spontaneous
compression of the true lumen, irregular contour
of the contrast material–filled portion of the aorta,
746 May-June 2000 RG ■ Volume 20 • Number 3

Figure 43. Hematoma in a 38-year-old man with he- Figure 44. Renal cell carcinoma in a 74-year-
mophilia who presented with acute abdominal pain. old man. Axial CT scan obtained after rapid intra-
Axial CT scan obtained with intravenous contrast ma- venous administration of contrast material demon-
terial demonstrates bilateral hematomas with heteroge- strates hemorrhage in the right kidney (arrow).
neous attenuation causing minimal enlargement of the Surgery revealed hemorrhagic cystic degeneration
psoas muscles (arrows). from renal cell carcinoma.

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