Internship Repor
Internship Repor
Internship Repor
Nirmala Sinjali
Submitted to
At the
Tribhuvan University
Tansen, Palpa
September, 2023
Nirmala Sinjali
Submitted to
At the
Tribhuvan University
Tansen, Palpa
September, 2023
Nirmala Sinjali
September 2023
Submitted by:
Is an academic work submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Tribhuvan University under my
guidance and supervision. To the best of our knowledge, the information presented in
the internship report has not been submitted earlier and the intern successfully defended
the report at Tribhuvan Multiple Campus, Palpa.
The report is prepared for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration offered by Tribhuvan University, based on the
activities performed and lesions during the internship period. I would like to express
my deep and sincere gratitude to Tribhuvan University, for providing a great
opportunity to enhance my educational knowledge and build up skills in practical
working conditions.
Lastly, I would like to give sincere thanks to my parents, my teachers, and friends for
making this study esteemed by providing consistent encouragement, support, and a
congenial atmosphere to complete it.
Nirmala Sinjali
September, 2023
1.1 Background 1
1.2. Objectives 2
1.3. Methodology 2
1.3.2. Placement 3
1.3.3. Duration 3
2.1. Background 5
2.1.1. History 6
2.4.2. Secondary functions 10
3.1. Background 11
5.2. Conclusion 25
Table no 1. 1 Placement and duration .................................................................................. 3
Table no 3. 2 List of board members .................................................................................. 13
Table no 3. 3 List of management team ............................................................................. 14
1.1 Background
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program is the undergraduate level
program offered by Tribhuvan University (T.U) that aims at developing students’
intellectual ability, managerial skills, and executive personality. Tribhuvan University
(TU) established in 1959, is the first national institution of higher education in Nepal.
TU is currently offering a BBA program which is a four year program consisting of
eight semesters and has a total of 120 hours aiming to provide required mix of theory
plus practical course. BBA at Tribhuvan University and affiliated college includes class
lectures, group discussions, case studies, research work, project work, assignments, and
term papers. BBA is a blend of computer and management course. Besides, it has been
growing as one of the demanding course of study that holds several job opportunities.
The objective of the BBA program at Tribhuvan University is to prepare students for
middle-level management by enhancing their capacity to understand and solve practical
business problems creatively. To attain this objective, the curriculum is designed to
cover different course components such as management and allied courses, computer-
related courses, specialization related courses summer project and internship. And these
courses are well-drafted to provide students with adequate theoretical knowledge and
practical learning. Evaluation of students is done accordingly: internal evaluation for
assessing practical learning and external examination for assessing students’ theoretical
knowledge. The internship during the last semester is a must to complete the BBA
while learning more about a specific field and applying classroom knowledge in a
corporate environment. The internship program
1.2. Objectives
The general objectives of doing an internship were to get practical experience and
explore theoretical understanding in a real organizational setting. Further, the purpose
of internship was to learn day-to-day activities, acquire learning as well as working
experience and gain practical exposure in the real life working situation. The specific
objectives that were set prior to the internship were:
1.3. Methodology
This report has been prepared on the basis of eight weeks internship experience gained
mostly at Customer Service Department of Nepal SBI Bank. Interaction with the staffs
and the operational knowledge gained is the major source of primary data for this
study. Besides, the website of the bank, previous internship reports and the bank’s
annual report are the source of secondary data.
1.3.2. Placement
During the eight weeks of internship, intern was mostly placed in Customer Service
Department (CSD). However, the opportunity of gaining insight knowledge about the
operational process and other activities of various departments within the branch was
also provided in the bank. The encouraging and cohesive environment made the
process of learning easier.
1.3.3. Duration
The duration of the internship as per the requirement of the 8th semester is eight weeks.
I had started the internship period effective from February 1 to April 30. During this
period I came to learn many more about the working environment, work procedure and
culture in customer service department. Even though I was assigned many tasks but my
task were limited to the CSD.
Table no 1. 1
Placement and duration
It is clear that the organization that accept the deposit and provided the bank. Bank is
called the factory of credit because it manufactures credit and sells it. Various writers
have been define the word “Bank” in different ways. According to NRB act 2002,
Banks if financial services that may be in the form of receiving deposits, advance loan,
providing necessary technical advices, dealing over foreign currencies, remitting a from
funds, etc. a bank is a company that ]provides financial services of various sorts to
various types of customers. It’s major function are to gather money from various
people and lend that money out to other people.
Nepal is an under developed country where capital is not distributed equally. Thought
there is potential for funds. Even those available funds are ideal. Due to this, banking
has emerged in Nepal. Bank provided capital for the development and expansion of
industry, trade, and business by investing saving, which is collected as deposit and
savings. It plays an important role for collecting idle saving of one sector and
mobilizations those saving to provide sector. Thus banking occupies a place of crucial
importance in any economy. It’s role is even more important to the developing
countries like Nepal. Today, the success or the failure of the business organization
depends on the responses of the customers.
They are the backbone of any kinds of business. This thesis is critical study on the
customer behavior and the services provided by the commercial banks. There are
currently 26 (Class A) banks and 18(Class B) banks in Nepal as per the Nepal Rastra
Bank report of Mid July 2022.
Commercial Banks are those banks, which perform all kinds of banking function as
accepting deposits, advancing credits, credits creation and agency functions etc.
Commercial banks are financial intermediaries who raise funds primarily by issuing
checkable deposits (deposits on which checks can be written), saving deposits (deposits
that are payable on demand but do not allow their owner to write checks), time deposits
(deposits with fixed term to maturity). They then use funds to make commercial,
consumer, and mortgage loans and to buy government securities and municipal bonds.
Though the main function of commercial bank is to collect deposits from depositors
and to invest on profitable sectors by avoiding risks, these days, the commercial banks
are moving towards the micro financing sectors like education loan, housing loan etc,
because of low risk and lack of proper and secured investing sectors.
2.1.1. History
Bank is a financial institution that deals with money. The word bank comes from Italian
word “Banco,” French word “Banque” and Latin word “Bancus” which means a
bench. A bank is a lawful organization that accepts deposits that can be withdrawn on
demand. Banks are institutions that help the public in management of their finances,
public deposit their saving in banks with the assurance to withdraw money from the
deposits whenever required. The basic function of bank is collecting deposits and
granting loans. The history concept of banking activities deepens its toots to the past
when people started having their properties. People started the saving concept. People
identified gold as a means to store their wealth. More the gold you have, wealthier you
are than others. Thus the wealth was compressed into the convenient form of gold
brings one disadvantage. Unless well hidden or protected, it is easily stolen. So there
need a safest place to hide gold.
The first regular institution resembling what we call a Bank was established at Venice,
nearly seven hundred years ago. The increase of trade in 13th century Italy prompted
the revival of banking. The money changers of the Italian states developed facilities for
exchanging local and foreign currency. Soon merchants demanded other services, such
as lending money, and gradually bank services were expanded. The first bank in the
world was established in Venice in 1157 AD. Historians conflict with facts. Some
argue that the Bank of Venice (1157AD) was just a chamber of loans and was not a
perfect bank at all. Some believe that the first bank to offer most of the basic banking
functions known today was the Bank of Barcelona in Spain. This bank held deposits,
exchanged currency, and carried out lending operations. It also is believed to have
introduced the bank check. Three other early banks, each managed by a committee of
city officials, were the Bank of Venice (1157AD), the Bank of Amsterdam (1609), and
the Bank of Hamburg (1619). These institutions laid the foundation for modern banks
of deposit and transaction.
In 1877 AD, Prime Minister Ranoddip Singh introduced financial and economic
reforms. “TejarathAdda” was established at that time to provide credit facilities to the
general public. Credit facility was given by “TejarathAdda” on the basis of collateral of
gold and silver. Government employees would get credit at ease because government
would pay them less to deduct the credit amount. Chandra Shamsher extended the
services of TejarathAddaoutside valley. TejarathAdda extended credit facilities to more
and more general public and did not accept deposit from public. Due to this reason,
TejarathAdda finally faced a crisis. People started borrowing from money lenders who
charged a high interest rate and other dues. Although “kaushi Tosh Khana” was
established during the regime of Prithivi Nararyan Shah, Tejarath Adda is regarded as
the foundation of modern banking in Nepal.
In 1937, Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) with the co-operation of Imperial Bank of India
came into existence. NBL played dual role of commercial bank as well as central bank
until 26th April, 1956, on which date, Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) was established. NBL
was a semi government bank. Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) was established in
23rd January, 1966. Nepal Industrial Development Bank (NIDC) was established as a
development bank in 1959 and Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) was established
in 1968. Since 1984 the ADB has also been allowed to do commercial banking in
selected urban areas with the aim to mobilize resources domestically and channel funds
to the agriculture and rural sector. Nepal adopted financial liberalization policy in 1984
by amending Commercial Bank Act 1974. Liberalization was adopted to welcome
private sector in banking industry and to increase competition among them.
In Nepalese context, Nepal Commercial Bank Act 2031 (1974), section 2(a) defines “A
commercial bank is one which exchange money, deposit money, accepts deposit, grants
loans and performs commercial banking functions”. The commercial bank are those
banks which perform all kinds of banking functions as accepting deposit, advancing
loans, credit creation, and agency functions. They supply the financial needs of modern
business by various means. They accept deposits from public on the condition that they
are repayable on demand or on short notice. All the banks established under
Commercial Bank Act 2031, Company Act 2053 and Central Bank 2058 are termed as
Commercial Banks.
a) Accepting deposits:
Commercial banks provide a safe place for individual and businesses to deposit their
money. They offer various types of deposit accounts, such as savings accounts, current
accounts to provide service to the customers. The amount deposited in bank for fixed
period is known as fixed time deposit. The amount deposited under this type of
account cannot be withdrawn before maturity. The deposit in this account pays higher
interest in comparison to other accounts .Under savings, customers can deposit as well
as withdraw money at any time. This account also pays interest but less than that under
fixed account. Similarly in current account, customers can draw money many times in
a day according to their necessities in which the bank does not pay any interest to the
amount deposited under this account.
Banks lend money to the individuals, business, and other entities for various purposes.
This function involves assessing creditworthiness, disbursing loans, and collecting
interest and principal payments. Lending is critical function as it helps stimulate
economic activity and growth. Commercial banks lend their money to the needy
borrower for short term, medium term and long term by charging different rates of
Banks assist in the collection of funds on behalf of their customers. This includes
collecting payments, dividends, and interest income. They also help customers pay
bills, taxes, and other obligations through services like electric bill payment.
b) Remittance services:
Commercials bank purchase and sale the securities like shares, debentures of their
customers in stock exchange and other capitals markets.
Banks offer online and mobile banking services, enabling customers to access their
accounts, make transactions, and perform various banking activities through digital
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. (NSBL) is the first Indo-Nepal joint venture in the financial sector
sponsored by three institutional promoters, namely State Bank of India (SBI),
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Agricultural Development Bank Ltd. (ADBL)
through a Memorandum of Understanding signed on 17th July 1992. NSBL was
incorporated as a public limited company at the Office of the Company Registrar on
April 28, 1993 under Registration. No. 17-049/50 with an Authorized Capital of Rs.12
Crores and was licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank on July 6, 1993 under license No.
NRB/l.Pa./7/2049/50. Nepal SBI Bank Ltd. (NSBL) is a subsidiary of State Bank of
India (SBI) having 55 percent of ownership. The local partner viz. Employee Provident
Fund holds 15% equity and General Public 30%, in terms of the Technical Services
Agreement between SBI and the NSBL. NSBL was established in July 1993 and has
emerged as one of the leading banks of Nepal, with 976 skilled and dedicated Nepalese
employees (as on Poush end 2079) working in a total of 133 outlets that include 93 full-
fledged branches, 22 extension counters, 7 Province offices, 10 Branchless Banking
Outlets and Corporate Office . With presence in 51 districts in Nepal, the Bank is
providing value added services to its customers through its wide network of 130 ATMs
(4 CDMs), internet banking, mobile wallet, SMS banking, IRCTC Ticket Online
Booking facility, etc. The bank, as far as possible, offers tailor-made facilities to its
clients to its customers. Nepal SBI Bank has been adopting innovative and latest
banking technology (FINACLE).
This has not only helped the Bank to constantly improve its service level but has also
kept it prepared for future adoption of new technology.
Aspiration: to be the most trusted and preferred banking utility/ financial service
provider in Nepal
The overall strategic goal is to build an open and honest corporate culture and to
develop mutually beneficial relationship with all the stakeholders and create value for
them. Nepal SBI Bank Limited aim to reach strategic goals by:
Table no 3. 2
List of board members
mission statement and objectives for the organization and the managers on their part are
engaged in devising an action plan to achieve those objectives. NSBL have a
centralized type of management because all the decisions are taken by the top
Table no 3. 3
List of management team
Name Designation
Mr. Dipak Kumar De Managing Director (MD) & Chief Executive
Officer (CEO)
Mr. Md. Rizwan Alam Deputy CEO & Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Mr. Yadvender Kant Chief Operating Officer (COO)
1. Deposit products
NSBL typically offer a range of deposit products to meet the financial needs of its
customers. These deposit products allows customers to save and invest their money
while earning interest. NSBL has introduced various personalized products and services
that harmonized different banking requirements of its customers. Designed with arrays
of features, deposit products of NSBL are one of the best in the market. The deposit
base comprises of various types of depositors ranging from general public, business
houses to institutional depositors. NSBL tailor made and personalized deposit products
and services meet the needs in today’s fast paced and competitive business world. The
services are characterized as being easy, secure and attractive modern banking
facilitates that provides high returns to the surplus fund, makes personal banking
convenient and efficient thus diversifying the portfolio to best suit the investment plan.
This chapter mainly focuses on the activities performed by the internee during the
internship period. For the whole internship period internee was placed in Customer
Service Department. However the opportunity to work under different department was
very fruitful for the internee as the internee got an overview of the entire major task
undertaken at respective department even in short span of time. The general activities
for an internee at the customer service department was opening account of the
customer, distributing ATMs, issuing cheque book, and providing various information
about the products to the customers.
Customer Service department is a primary level department that generally deals with
customers directly and regularly. This department is basically directed towards
providing the surface level assistance to the customers i.e., to provide general
information about banking system, product and services provided by the bank. The
department is responsible for providing the basic materials like deposit vouchers,
cheque book, bank statement, balance certificate, cards.
The very first thing that the people seek in the organization is the prompt service and
the person at the customer service desk properly handles them. The people at the
customer service desk must be ready to sort out every problem at any moment.
The customer service division can answer questions, resolve problems, and help you
establish new accounts and services, and providing information on products, forms, and
publications. The increasing competition in the banking sectors demands more service
proliferation, which would satisfy the demand of the customers. Banks and other
financial institution are introducing more and more innovative services such as ATM,
debit card, internet banking, locker services and various other services for their
customers to serve them more efficiently and effectively. Customers seek in
organization the prompt service and the person at the customer service desk properly
handled them. The people at the customer service desk must be ready to sort out every
problem at any moment. A customer is the most important visitor on the business
The account holder should present in the business desk during the time of
account opening.
Agree with the terms and conditions of the bank.
The original citizenship of the parties involved in the joint account must be
Two photographs of each party involve in joint account.
The account holder should decide on the signature that is either one signature is
acceptable or both signatures are compulsory.
After ascertaining completion of basic requirement, the bank assigns an account holder,
accepts deposit slip (voucher) and issues a chequebook.
Registration certificate
Tax registration certificate (PAN)
Copy of identification of all signatories
Document evidencing residential address of signatories, directors, beneficial
Passport size photos of signatories
Resolution from board of trustee/ authorized personnel
After fulfilling the requirement of the issued account opening form and customer
information form by the customers, it is received by the CSD. Then, thorough checking
and verification are done to see any discrepancies. Once the verification is done with
the original documents, a stamp stating “VERIFIED WITH ORIGINAL” is affixed on
the photocopy of all the supporting documents. The signature for the account operation
and image of the accountholder is scanned and kept along with the customer’s detail in
the FINACLE software. Finally all these details are taken to the operating head for
verification and approval.
Step 1: Customer should visit nearest branch or to visit the branch where account is
hold, as the process may vary slightly depending on the type of account and
branch specific policies.
Step 2: The customer is asked the reasons for closing the account and tries to convince
not to close the account by explaining the benefit of the account and the
charges taken for closing the account.
Step 3: If the customers are willing to close the account must fill up the form
specifying the reason.
Step 4: After submission of the form to CSD it is confirmed from the various
department that the customer is not enjoying and sort of facility from the bank
at present. And customer should settle outstanding balances before closing the
Step 5: The client is then asked to return all his account related belongings like ATM
cards and the check book. These are received by the teller and are cancelled or
Step 6: Some banks may charge a nominal account closure fee, which will be
deducted from account balance or collected at the time of closure. Then finally
the account of the applicant is closed with certain charge.
Balance certificate
Cheque books
ATM cards
Account statement
SMS banking
E-Banking user id
It is a banking process by which a bank provides its customers with a physical cheque
book, allowing them to write and issue cheques for various financial transactions.
Clients, especially the ones holding current account in the bank request for the cheques
book quite often. The client has to fill up the cheque request slip available in the
customer department. After the submission of the request slip, the cheque book is then
provided to the requester the next day. The account holder must present to collect the
cheques book and sign in the register and requisition slip.
c) ATM distribution
ATM distribution refers to the process by which banks or financial institutions provide
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) to various locations for customer use. The ATM
card of NSBL is linked with the Visa Debit Card. ATMs are self-service banking
machines that allow customers to perform a wide range of financial transactions, such
as withdrawing cash, checking account balances, transferring funds, pin change, and
many more. The processes of distributing the ATM to the customer are as follows:
For collecting the ATM card the account holder must be present in the business
desk with the account number
Check whether the ATM card has received by the bank or not.
The account holder must sign in two register that is card number register and ATM
delivery register. Then the signature is verified with the original signature provided
during the time of account opening.
After the verification of ATM card is provided to the account holder and inform
about the activation of the card.
The distribution of user IDs for e-banking, also known as online banking or internet
banking, is a crucial process that enables customers to access and manage their bank
accounts and perform various financial transactions through digital channels. The
account holder can use the internet facility to know about the balance, statement, fund
transfer, etc. The official website of NSBL is account
holder must fill the form of internet banking and request for the password, codes, etc.
SMS banking distribution refers to the process by which a bank or financial institution
provides customers with access to banking services and account information through
SMS (Short Message Service) messages on their mobile phones. SMS banking allows
customers to perform various financial transactions and inquires using text messages.
The account holder can use the mobile facility to know about the balance, statement
organization uses its strength to grab opportunities and minimize threats. Most of the
organizations use this tool to formulate plan, policies, and strategies for achieving
goals. The SWOT analysis of Customer Service Department of NSBL, which can be
listed as follows:
5.1. Lesson learnt
Lessons learnt refer to the insights and knowledge gained from experiences, projects, or
activities. These lessons are valuable because they help individuals, teams, and
organizations to improve and make informed decisions in the future. Knowledge of
both theoretical and practical aspects and exposure in the practical field is must to be
competitive in this world. Real work setting is a diverse situation than the classroom
leaning scenario, as we enter into real work setting there arise novel problem,
difficulties and challenges which make the person more dynamic and enthusiastic.
While dealing with the complexities we develop the interpersonal and communication
skills which further shape our personality.
Theoretical knowledge is not enough to know anything in a complete sense. For this
practical exposure is quite essential and program like internship grants such
opportunity. During the internship period, one gets acquainted with various lessons and
practical knowledge which could be basic for ones career development. In the due
period I got familiar with general banking activities, banking transactions, clerical
works and operations of office equipment, customers handling techniques, various
problems that may arise in bank, the importance of motivating factor, office layout,
maintaining relations with staffs etc. Beside these superficial lessons I got an
opportunity to learn various below mentioned lesson too:
Learned how to deal with varieties of people and their queries and providing
appropriate information to the customers.
Learned to communicate effectively with the people improving inter-personal
Learnt the importance of relation between clients and bank.
Acquired knowledge about the different types of services provided by the
Customer Service Department (CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT).
Learned account opening procedure, statement printing, account closing,
cheque issuing, ATM Card and ATM Pin issuing procedures.
5.2. Conclusion
Nepal SBI Bank (NSBL) is a prominent financial institution in Nepal, established as a
joint venture between the State Bank of India (SBI) and the Government of Nepal.
NSBL is one of the leading banks in Nepalese financial industry. NSBL, as a pioneer in
introducing many innovative products and marketing concepts in the domestic banking
sector, represents a milestone in the banking history of Nepal as it started an era of
modern banking either customer satisfaction measured as a focal objective while doing
business. Today NSBL holds one of the strongest networks, network in and outside
Nepal compared to other financial institutions of Nepal. NSBL has focus on customer
satisfaction by providing highly acclaimed services. NSBL has good cooperation within
and outside organization. NSBL has succeeded to maintain good culture and discipline
in organization.
The internship at NSBL Bank helped intern to gain in-depth knowledge about real
working environment, interpersonal and communication skills, organizational culture
and behavior, professional qualities and team building spirit as well as working
principles of commercial banks. Besides, observing and learning the various activities
in the different departments, intern performed the various task. During that period,
intern found that costumers are the key focus and greatest asset of the bank. Thus, the
bank always focused to maintain long term relationship with customer and retain them
by providing better services. Employees are directly linked with these customers so
employee must behave in decent and peaceful way. Similarly, proper coordination and
cooperation among all departments is needed for growth of organization.
During the internship period intern got chance to get familiar with the activities
performed in Customer Service departments. The process of issuing balance statement
and balance certificate and process of issuing new card to the customers whose cards
had been expired were learnt. In this course intern got an opportunity to assess the
requirements in a cheque, deposit slip, account opening form, account closing, the
various information revealed by balance statement, the need of balance certificate, the
requirements of dispatching new cards to the expired card holders and much more.
Overall, the internship program has been really very fruitful in enhancing the practical
knowledge of the intern.
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ANNEX: 1. 1 List of commercial banks in Nepal
ANNEX: 2 1
Interest rate on fixed deposit