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Intern Report Format 8th Semester TU

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Intern Report format for BBA 8th semester TU.

The internship carries a weight equivalent to 3 credit hours in BBA programmes of T.U.Students
must secure a minimum grade of 'C' in the internship.
Purpose Internship:
 Orient students to real life business.
 Provide exposure
 Give an opportunity to interface problems, and solve them.
 Prepare them to take responsibilities.

Points to note
 Get involved in real works.
 Gather information.
 Solve problems, show initiatives, talent.
 Do not be a burden.
 Learn.
 Seek opportunities.

Evaluation of Internship
 Organization's Evaluation: Confidential Report - 25 percent
 External Evaluation: Presentation of the Internship Report - 25 percent
 External Evaluation: Internship Report - 50 percent

Evaluation of Internship by Organizations

 Regularity of the student /5/ /4/ /3/ /2/ /1/
 Performance of the Student /5/ /4/ /3/ /2/ /1/
 Contribution to solve problems /5/ /4/ /3/ /2/ /1/
 Behavior / cooperation /5/ /4/ /3/ /2/ /1/
 Overall impression /5/ /4/ /3/ /2/ /1/
Format of the Internship Report

Internship Completion Letter
Certificate of Supervisor
Approval/ Recommendation
Table of Contents
Lists of Tables
List of Figures/Charts
List of Abbreviations/ Acronyms
Summary/ Executive Summary

- Background of the topic /study area
- Issue/Problem of the report
- Study Objectives
- Methodology (Organization selection, placement, duration, activities)
o Sources of data- primary and secondary
o Organization selection
o Placement
o Duration of Internship
o Activities performed in intern organization
- Limitation
- Meaning and definition
- Origin
- Types
- Evolution
- Function
- Objectives


- Background
- Branches
- Organization structure
- Number of employees
- Product
- Performance /Financial position
- Work flow process
- Its linkage with other department
- SWOT analysis
CHAPTER - IV Analysis of Intern Departmental Activities and problem solved (Please
keep here/ your real topic of internship report)
- Department and their major functions
- Activities Performed in the Organization
- Distribution/Allocation of work/activities
- Problem Solved (how to solve problem of departmental work)
- Intern's Key Observation
- Summary
- Conclusions
- Lesson learnt: Key Skill and Attitudes Learnt
- Feed back -Feedback to the Organization ,Feedback to the

Certified that this Internship report

…Title of the Project....
is the bonafide work of
…Name of the Candidate….
Who carried out the Internship Report under my supervision
This report is forwarded for examination.

…………………... ……………………..
Name of the Supervisor Name of the Program Director

Name of the External Examiner
Writing style of objectives:

Objectives of the Intern Report: For example

 To introduce ----( name of organization)

 To present details of work done

 To present work flow process

 To discuss strengths and weaknesses of department

 To highlight lesson learned and contribution made

 To outline suggestions for future improvement

Program: BBA, TU Credit hours: 6 Duration: 8 weeks Semester: 8

Objective: To relate and compare theory with practice

Parts and process
1. Identification and selection of origination: ( by both students and department)
2. Orientation: Department will orient students about the Internship Program and activities
during the internship, maintenance of diary during internship work as given in the
Annexure I, preparing internship report along with the university evaluation process and
criteria. At the same time, students are introduced about the areas/functions of the selected
3. Assignment of supervisor: The Head of the Department (HoD) will assign faculty. The ratio of
supervisor and students is 1:6-8(i.e. one faculty will supervise six to eight students)
4. Supervision: The concerned faculty may supervise own students at least two times and support
them. The supervisor may also produce report of his/her supervision to the Head of the
Department as given in the Annexure II.
5. Goal setting: Students will set learning goals with the support of the concerned supervisor.
6. Selection of study area( narrow down the selection)
 Field: Governmental (business and non-business) and non-governmental
(manufacturing, service, trading etc.)
 Functional Area: Marketing, Accountancy, Finance, Banking and Insurance, IT,
General Management etc.
 Subject: International marketing, financial derivatives, Principles of Management
Corporate Taxation in Nepal, Financial Accounting, Organizational Relations,
Business Strategies, HRM, Entrepreneurship.
 Topics: Select the interested topic from the concerned chapter of subject.
 Theory: Identify the particular theory (ies) among different theories that relates with the
7. Behavior during intern at intern organization
 Develop rapport
 Be honest and sincere
 Be punctual and regular
 Be Obedient
 Maintain confidence
 Be curious
 Be part and parcel of the organization
 Be smart and formal attire
 Show friendly behavior and cooperation
 Show your talent and capabilities
 Attempt to solve problems as per the direction and rule of the organization
8. Activities during the engagement in the work of organization
 Prepare work plan
 Define objectives
 Define methodology
 Collect relevant information
 Try to relate work, knowledge, theory and work environment with the topic selected
 Prepare a report with the support of supervisor from the very beginning of the
identification of intern organization.

9. Report preparation : Parts of internship report:

(i) Preliminaries
(ii) Body (Text of (chapters)
(iii) Supplementary

 Title Page
 Approval/ recommendation page
 Internship completion letter
 Declaration from student
 Acknowledgements
 Table of contents
 List of figures
 List of tables
 Abbreviations/ acronyms
 Executive summary: Briefing on objective, method, activities carried out, main
results, conclusion and recommendation along with key learning acquired.
Body (Text of (chapters):
Chapter I: Introduction
Background, objectives, Rationale of the Study Scope of the Study,
Methodology, limitations
Chapter II: Introduction of industry
Chapter III: Introduction the organization
Chapter IV: Analysis of activities undertaken/ problem solved
Chapter V: Conclusion, lesson learnt and suggestions

10. Evaluation (Mock Test)
 Evaluation: Oral and written( at least 25 pages)
 Format:
 Organization of report:
 Consistency
 Appreciation and assessment of organization: overall performance, strengths,
weaknesses, relevance of the results, overall impression
 Assessment of supervisor:
 Presentation( format, skill, organization, language, tools used etc):
 Question and answer( face to face discussion)
11. Submission of report (four copies) with CD
12. Evaluation process and criteria:
(i) Written Report Evaluation ( by FoM) 50%
Format 10
Quality of work 20
Presentation (language, tools used etc) 15
Conclusion and lesion learnt 5
Sub-total 50
(ii) Organizational Evaluation ( Confidential Report) 25%
Organization will evaluate 1-5 5 points scale depending upon the impression of
internee in the following criteria:

Evaluation Criteria Marks Range
Regularity 5 4 3 2 1
Performance 5 4 3 2 1
Contribution to problem solving 5 4 3 2 1
Behavior/Co-operation 5 4 3 2 1
Overall Impression 5 4 3 2 1

Sub-total 25
(iii) Presentation of report ( FoM external evaluation) 25%
Grooming 5
Presentation Skill 5
Organization of presentation 5
Questions answered 5
Overall impression 5
Sub-total 25
Grad total (i +ii +iii) 100 100%
Some tips/ guideline for preparing effective internship report

A. Font Sizes for Internship Report

Font: Times New Roman (Throughout the report)
- In title (Front page): Top and bottom= 1.5” ; Left= 2”; Right= 1” (In the Title page)
- First page of each chapter: 2” top, bottom and right= 1.00” ; Left= 1.5”
- Other pages: Top, bottom and right= 1.00” ; Left= 1.5”
- Title page: Center
- Chapter number and chapter name: Center
- Subtitles of Chapters and extension of subtitles: Left
- All text including declaration, acknowledgements : Justify
- Table of contents, list of tables/ figures , abbreviation : Center
- Body texts: Justified paragraphs
- Preliminary pages (before chapter one): Use lower case Roman numerals (ii, iii, iv, etc.)
exception of the Title page. No number in title page though it is to be counted as page i.
- First page of body (chapter one) to Bibliography/ References: Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)
- Placing of page numbers: Center at the bottom of the page, 1/2″ from the bottom edge.
- Appendices: In some cases there is no practice of pagination to appendix. In such case, use
separate number for appendices ( e.g. A-1, A-2, A-3 etc) is needed
Type of letter:
- Title: Capital, bold and normal
- Chapter number and chapter name: Capital, normal and bold
- Table of contents, list of tables/ figures , abbreviation: Capital, normal and bold
- Other text: Small, normal but Submitted By and An Internship Report Submitted To
(italic and bold).
- Sub-title and extension of sub-title: small, normal and bold
Font size:
- Subtitles of Chapters: Bold, 14 points.
- Extension of sub-title: Bold, 12 points.
- All Texts (including the other text of title page, declaration, acknowledgements): 12 points
but Submitted By and An Internship Report Submitted To in italic and bold
- All body texts: Justified paragraphs with 1.5 line spacing.

- Subtitle of Chapter: Double space from the Chapter title.
- All body texts (including the text of declaration, acknowledgements, justified paragraphs
with 1.5 line spacing.
- .CHAPTER NUMBER and CHAPTER TITLE: Double space between the Chapter
number and Chapter name.
- Subtitles of Chapters: Small letters, Bold, 14 points, and left aligned with double space
from the Chapter title.
- Extension of sub-titles: Small letters, Bold, 12 points, and left aligned with double space
from Chapter title.
- Texts (including the text of declaration, acknowledgements): Small letters, normal (no
bold), 12 points, justified paragraphs with 1.5 line spacing.

- Follow APA format
- Single-spaced within each entry of reference.
- Double-spaced line between each reference.

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