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Different retiming transformation technique to design optimized low power

VLSI architecture

Article in AIMS Journal · November 2018

DOI: 10.3934/ElectrEng.2018.4.117


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1 author:

Jalaja Swamy
Bangalore Institute of Technology


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Partition Based Product Term Retiming for Reliable Low Power Logic Structure Partition Based Product Term Retiming for Reliable Low Power Logic Structure View

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AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering, 2(4): 117–130
DOI: 10.3934/ElectrEng.2018.4.117
Received: 06 September 2018
Accepted: 14 November 2018 Published: 26 November 2018

Research article
Different retiming transformation technique to design optimized low power
VLSI architecture

Jalaja S1,∗ and Vijaya Prakash A M2

Department of Electronics and Communication, Research Scholar, Visvesvaraya Technological
University, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
Department of Electronics and Communication, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore,

* Correspondence: Email:; Tel: +919845100604.

Abstract: A different method for designing low power retime architecture is presented in this paper.
The modified retiming transformation techniques approach to reduce the dynamic power consumption
of the digital circuit, without compromising the output results. In this paper, retiming transformation
is extended in two-ways to reduce the power consumption of the design. Graphical Circular Retiming
and Tabular Shift Retiming are the two methods used to realize how the registers are mapped to reduce
the glitching power. Proposed transformation technique delay value is placed in the form of metric
and verified without sacrificing the functionality. Proposed transformation technique is applied to FIR
filter to analyze the simulation and synthesis results as proofs of this concept. Experimental results are
compared with the conventional retiming transformation technique with the same operating frequency,
and with the significant reduction in dynamic power of FIR filter.
Keywords: graphical retiming transformation; tabular retiming transformation; reduction in dynamic

1. Introduction

Reduction in power is very much essential in new smart electronics devices. Modern tools provide
many technique to reduce dynamic and leakage power. So far dynamic power reduction is done with
logic restructuring and synthesis, gate sizing, bus multiplexing, retiming and so on. In this paper, a
different form of retiming transformation is proposed to reduce the power consumption of the design.
These technique is proposed based on directed graphs, algebraic method and recurrence equations.
Proposed technique is applied to FIR filter to compare the power consumption and hardware block of
the existing design. The conventional equation for an n-tap FIR filter is represented as,

yn = ai xn (1.1)

Where xn is the input data, yn is the filtered output and ai is the coefficient of the filter. A set of
input data samples are fed to xn and their respective tap input data samples are given by x [n - k]. The
structure of conventional transposed FIR filter [13,14] is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Structure of transposed FIR filter.

Infinite impulse response filter (IIR) and finite impulse response filter (FIR) are the two different
types of digital filters in signal processing. Compared to IIR filter design, FIR filter is the simplest one
with several advantages. Linear phase finite impulse response filter is used in many DSP processors for
rapid processing and higher efficiency. Basic hardware blocks required to design FIR filter are adder,
delay lines, and multipliers. Many researchers had proposed different techniques and architectures to
design FIR filter multiplication block. However, some trade off with respect to area, delay and power
dissipation were found with earlier state-of-the-art research. Graphical Circular Retiming and Tabular
Shift Retiming transformations were applied to FIR filter multiplication block to reduce the power
consumption of the design. The convolution of two input data signals is given by

yn = ai ∗ xn (1.2)
Many researchers had proposed different forms of optimized multiple constant multiplication
(MCM) to design FIR filter. The product-accumulation [13] was implemented using integrated MCM
block with structural adder to design FIR filter in which it was optimized using retiming
transformation technique. Incremental delay of their corresponding product accumulation was
significantly reduced, with the penalty of small area [14] and this technique was used to analyze the
delay of transposed FIR filters. The transposed FIR filter MCM scheme [3] was implemented to
reduce the complexity of the design. Retimed data flow graph transpose FIR filter type II
configuration was also highlighted to minimize the register complexity. Mathematical formulation for
block transpose FIR filter was also derived. In MCM, block minimization problem had been
overcome with mixed integer programming based algorithm [15] and different filter order. The
performance of the results were analyzed in terms power and the cell area. Different types of
multiplication methods [1] were used to design 16 order FIR filter to reduce the complexity of the
design. For different frequency, energy delay product (EDP), the results were compared with the
existing design. Distributed arithmetic high throughput reconfigurable FIR filter [13] was designed to
reduce hardware cost. The registers were shared by distributed arithmetic for different bit slice. The

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


realization of MCM block [9] was addressed to minimize the adders/substractors block of FIR filter
design. The research work [9] showed better result compared to conventional implementation of
MCM block. Ring topology based FIR filter [2] was modeled for neural network application. In this
work author used modified retiming serial multiplier to achieve low power consumption and two
different types of adders were used to increase the performance. In [10] the researcher introduced a
new algorithm to realize the FIR Filter to reduce the hardware complexity of the design. It was used
to remove the power line interference (PLI) from electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. Approximate
synthesis technique was implemented in [14] to achieve energy efficiency in FIR filter design. Sub
expression elimination algorithm was used to design FIR filter and power reduction was achieved
using approximate computing. The Programmable FIR filter was designed using common sub
expression for multiplier less block. [6] Low complexity circuit was obtained based on extended
double base number system. FIR filter as well as Lattice FIR filter was redesigned using node
splitting and node merging retiming technique in [11] and performance of the filter was enhanced
after retiming transformation without affecting the area complexity. Register transfer level (RTL)
register retiming reduces the critical path delay compared to conventional retiming [12] and RTL
retiming was applied to control logic, of multiplexers to improve the clock frequency. Based on above
survey, different Retiming transformation techniques are introduced in this paper to improve the
performance level of FIR filter.

2. Graphical and tabular retiming transformation

Leiserson and Saxe 1983 [4,5] proposed the retiming transformation technique, in which delay
elements move from input path to output path without sacrificing the input/output functionality of the
circuit. Clock period minimization algorithm was proposed [4,5] and implemented to synchronous
design to increase the speed. Retiming transformation can also be applied to high switching activity
factor node to reduce power consumption of the design [7] (Monteiro et al. 1993). In CMOS
technology, large amount of power is consumed due to dynamic power, further it is subdivided into
short circuit power, glitch power and switched power dissipation. The power consumption of a CMOS
digital circuit is formulated in equation (3):

P = αCi Vdd
fi + I sc Vdd fi + Ileak Vdd (2.1)
Where Ci is output gate capacitance, Vdd is the supply voltage, fi is the gate frequency, α is the
switching activity factor, I sc is the short circuit current during switching and Ileak indicates leakage
current. The pictorial representation of retiming transformation is discussed in detail [8] (Parhi 1999).
Figure 2 shows the Tabular Shift multiplication, in which filter coefficient is folded and shifted one
position left and multiplied with input signal. Each output vertices are partitioned to insert the
registers ‘D’, and to implement the retiming transformation. To minimize the power consumption of
the filter, the flip-flops are shifted towards the product of shifted filter coefficient and input signal and
is as shown in Figure 3. Once the filter tap-length is increased, large multiplication steps are required
to perform FIR filter operation. Therefore, flipflops are shifted in the diagonal form to reduce the
glitch that occurs due to undesirable signal transition. The synthesis result shows that higher the
taplength the lower is the area. This is due to the adjustment in delay after applying tabular retiming
transformation. A 4-tap FIR filter multiplication block is implemented using Graphical Shift

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


multiplication method as shown in Figure 4. Each output samples are calculated with the sum of
individual product terms of input signal and filter coefficient in the form of shifted folded sequence
where each output samples are represented as y0 ,y1 ....yn . In Figure 5(a) a diagonal cut-set line is
applied to divide the graph into two subgraph to move the registers and to distribute the delay. In the
DFG of Figure 5(b) desired number of registers are added to all product samples like m1 ,m2 ,m3 and
m4 . Then systematically the registers are moved based on node transfer theorem and its multiplication
example as shown in Figure 8 analyzes area-delay-power value.

Figure 2. Tabular shift multiplication.

Figure 3. Tabular shift retime transformation.

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


Figure 4. Graphical shift multiplication.

Figure 5. Graphical shift retime transformation.

3. Analysis of proposed retiming transformation

Let us consider the circuit graph G = hV, E, d, wi consists of a set of n vertices and a set of edges
with the following additional notations:
• V = Set of nodes (vertices) of graph G and it indicates the data operations.
• E = Set of directed edges of G.
• Vertex u to vertex v of the directed edge is denoted as e:u → v.
• w(u,v) is the number flip-flops and also referred as the weight of the edge.
• d(v) is gate delay of vertex v. The two edges U and V are retimed to obtain wr (e).
• D represents the registers on an edge.
Retiming properties are summarized with the following equation and data flow graph diagram is
shown in Figure 6. After retiming edge weighting wr defined for an edge u → v in G, can be writen as

wr (e) = w(e) + r(U) − r(V) (3.1)

For example, Figures 7 and 8 show pictorial representations of data blocks and its corresponding
cutset line. Fig. 7 consists of set of objects V={v1, v2, v3, v4} called vertices and another set,
E={e1, e2, e3} of elements called edges. Initially each vertex is placed in separate cutset line c1
through c5 which is shown in Fig. 7. The primary goal of register allocation to c1 – c5 line is to

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


minimize the power consumption of the design. On the next iteration all the register whose
representative vertices is further retimed as shown in Fig. 8. The multiplier block takes longer
computation than adder block. As a result delay and power consumption are more for multiplier block
compared to adder block. The two multiplications can share the two-stage pipeline multiplier, and this
computational cloud exactly divides into two stages to reduce the complexity of the design. Further to
reduce the power consumption of the design, all the registers moved to high switching activity of the
nets. Combinational cloud is optimized using node transfer theorem to reduce the power

Figure 6. Retime signal flow graph.

Figure 7. Example of data flow graph.

Figure 8. Retime multiplication block.

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


The Tabular Shift Retiming equation is formulated in Fig. 3. Resultant multiplication output values
are stored in Y0 Y1 . . . Yn and represented in the DFG as shown in Figure 9. Let r be retiming and then
for any path u → v in G, form the retiming equation (5) as follows.

Figure 9. Tabular shift retime signal flow graph.

wr (p) = wr (e)
= (w(ei ) + r(Yi+1 ) − r(Yi ))
X k=1
X k=1
= w(ei ) + ( r(Yi+1 ) − r(Yi ))
i=0 i=0 i=0
= w(p) + (r(Yn ) − r(Y0 )) (3.2)

Similarly for the Graphical Shift Retiming feasible solution equation (6) and (7) obtained from
Fig. 4 as follows:

wr (Gm1m2 → Gm3m4 ) = w(Gm1m2 → Gm3m4 ) + (r(Gm3m4 ) − r(Gm1m2 ))

= w(Gm1m2 → Gm3m4 ) + k (3.3)

wr (Gm3m4 → Gm1m2 ) = w(Gm3m4 → Gm1m2 ) + (r(Gm1m2 ) − r(Gm3m4 ))

= w(Gm3m4 → Gm1m2 ) − k (3.4)

Where range of k lies between-

−min[w(Gm1m2 → Gm3m4 )] ≤ k ≤ min[w(Gm3m4 → Gm1m2 )]

4. Retiming for low power

Once the FFs are moved from one location to another location, it affects the switching activity on net
as well as capacitance. The product of the load capacitance on every node and switching activity factor
of the circuit represents the power dissipation. Placing the register at the high switching activity factor
node can reduce the power dissipation of the design. In this proposed work for conventional transposed
FIR filter, average switching activity factor is estimated. Tabular Shift Retiming and Graphical Shift
Retiming are applied to the same filter to reduce the glitching power. Power dissipation of the circuit
is significantly affected from number of registers in a circuit. Register added to each multiplier fan-out
nodes to increase the performance of the design. Consider the example in Figure 10 which consist of

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


c1, c2, c3, c4 and c5 complex combinational blocks. For high fan-out node c5 as shown in Fig. 10 (a),
is inserted with register to achieve low power results as shown in Fig. 10(b).

Figure 10. Retiming for low power.

5. Transposed FIR filter

Hardware implementation of Transposed FIR filter is beneficial compared to direct form structure.
Transposed FIR structure multiplier block is retimed with different transformation technique. Inside
the multiplier block, several cutset lines are contained in which products are generated at each stage
and are retimed to reduce the power consumption of the FIR filter. Many researchers have proposed
many techniques to reduce the complexity of multiplier block. In this paper, proposed optimization
technique is applied to multiplier block. Feed-forward cutset is applied to conventional transposed FIR
filter as shown in Fig. 2 and Retime is applied to multiplier as well as adder block in different ways.
Consider the 3-tap FIR filter example to implement retiming transformation, where red dotted lines
indicate the cutset line as shown in Figure 11. Every new data sample has to be left shifted and
multiplied by its coefficient ai, to compute output data for one single input; it requires three multiplier
and two adders block. For higher tap length the number of multiplication block are more. For n
number tap length the complexity of the design increases as well as performance is also degraded.
So in order enhance these two feature different method of retiming transformation is applied to filter
design. Tabular Shift and Graphical Shift Retiming technique replace every register in a high fan-
out node to reduce power consumption. Here different form of retiming transformation is applied
to bit addition and bit multiplication concurrently. Cut-set line applied to each computational unit to
implement the retiming transformation as shown in Fig. 11. Synthesis results shows better performance
result compared to existing FIR filter [11,13].

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


Figure 11. Modified 3-tap cutset Transposed FIR filter.

6. ASIC implementation of synthesis result

The proposed paper discusses the ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) based
implementation of retiming transformation method to design FIR filter. Proposed structure is
synthesized using cadence compiler 45 nm to obtain delay, area and power consumption of the design
from an ASIC perspective. The different forms of positioning the flip-flops to FIR filter and its
performance results are summarized in Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Obtained synthesis result graphs are
plotted to analyze the performance of power consumption and Power Delay Product as shown in
Figures 12 and 13. The calculated Area-Delay-Product (ADP) and Power-Delay-Product (PDP) of the
design are compared with the existing design. Product Accu. (Accumulation) design structure [13] is
compared with proposed design, which has 72.9% reduction in terms of PDP and 54.66% in terms of
ADP. The synthesis comparison result in terms of delay, area and power consumption listed in table
for different tap length (N) 25, 60, 80 and 108 with block-size (L) 16. Table V shows the comparison
result of existing node merging and node splitting retiming (node S-M) technique [11] with proposed
method. For 128-tap length FIR filter Graphical Shift Mult. (Multiplication) Retiming consumes less
ADP compared to state-of-the-art design of [11].

Figure 12. Power performance graph for different tap-length.

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


Figure 13. PDP analysis graph for different tap-lengths.

Table 1. Retime filter synthesis result for L=16 and N=25.

Method Product Tabular Shift Graphical Shift Graphical Shift

Accu. [13] Retiming adder Retiming Mult. Retiming
(µW) 1792.6 2706.204 1548.03 699.983

(µm2 ) 14028 41564 37501 8824

(ns) 2.65 3.72 3.67 3.74

(µm2 *ns) 37174.2 154618.08 137628.67 33001.76

(µW*ns) 4750.3 10072.47 5681.16 2617.93

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


Table 2. Retime Filter synthesis result for L=16 and N=60.

Method Product Tabular Shift Graphical Shift Graphical Shift

Accu. [13] Retiming adder Retiming Mult. Retiming
(µW) 4584.4 5170.572 3722.43 1354.005

(µm2 ) 35099 78289 89608 17091

(ns) 3.12 3.72 3.67 3.74

(µm2 *ns) 109508.9 244418.258 328861.36 63920.34

(µW*ns) 14303.3 19244.868 13683.65 5063.96

Table 3. Retime Filter synthesis result for L=16 and N=80.

Method Product Tabular Shift Graphical Shift Graphical Shift

Accu. [13] Retiming adder Retiming Mult. Retiming
(µW) 5952.4 3981.29 4862.595 1450.421

(µm2 ) 45518 6874 119608 18366

(ns) 2.81 3.72 6.32 3.74

(µm2 *ns) 127905.6 25585.028 439679.008 68688.84

(µW*ns) 16726.2 62254.172 17874.899 5424.5708

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


Table 4. Retime Filter synthesis result for L=16 and N=108.

Method Product Tabular Shift Graphical Shift Graphical Shift

Accu. [13] Retiming adder Retiming Mult. Retiming
(µW) 5717.3 3511.26 6608.149 911.377

(µm2 ) 43867 53615 161828 11699

(ns) 2.2 3.72 6.32 3.74

(µm2 *ns) 96507.4 199555.03 593908.76 43754.26

(µW*ns) 12578.1 13068.91 24291.55 3408.55

Table 5. Retime Filter synthesis result for L=16 and N=128.

Method Retiming Tabular Shift Graphical Shift Graphical Shift

with S-M [11] Retiming adder Retiming Mult. Retiming
(µW) - 4597.17 8036.41 1194.44

(ns) 2.3 3.72 3.67 3.74

(µm2 ) 389971.8 70308 191672 15294

(µm2 *ns) 896935.1 261545.76 704586.27 57199.56

(µW*ns) - 17101.47 29493.62 57199.56

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130


7. Conclusion

In this proposed design, a different method of retiming transformation is applied for digital design.
The technique described in this paper is experimented on a FIR filter. Suitable projection of retiming
transformation is applied to feed forward cut set to analyze the performance of area-delay-power and
to reduce the computational complexity of the existing design. Significant reduction in dynamic power
is obtained compared to conventional retiming transformation. Synthesis result of proposed design
has achieved power saving of 84% compared to product accumulation method. The proposed retiming
transformations have trade off in terms of area delay and power consumption with the requirement of
the different application environment.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.


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c 2018 the Author(s), licensee AIMS Press. This

is an open access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License

AIMS Electronics and Electrical Engineering Volume 2, Issue 4, 117–130

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