Lecture 3
Lecture 3
Lecture 3
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5.111 Lecture Summary #3
Reading for today: Section 1.2 (1.1 in 3rd ed), and Section 1.4 (1.2 in 3rd ed) with a focus on
pgs 10-12 in the 4th ed or pgs 5-7 in the 3rd ed.
Read for Lecture 4: Section 1.5 (1.3 in 3rd ed) – The Wave-Particle Duality of Matter, and
Section 1.6 (1.4 in 3rd ed) – The Uncertainty Principle.
Topics: I. (Failure of) the classical description of an atom (continued from Lecture #2)
II. Introduction to quantum mechanics: wave-particle duality
III. Light as a wave, characteristics of waves
IV. Light as a particle, the photoelectric effect
Coulomb’s Force Law to describe the F between the nucleus and electron in an H atom.
When r → ∞ 0
F(r) = ________ r
As r → 0 F(r) = negative
________infinity H nucleus
The closer the electron is to the nucleus, the larger the attractive force between the two
We can plug in the Coulomb force law for F, and solve the equation for any rinitial. If
rinitial is 10 Å (10-10 m), a typical distance for an H atom, the calculation indicates that
r = 0 at t = _______
10^-10 sec!
This predicts that the electron should plummet into the nucleus in ______________!
0.1 nsec
QUANTUM MECHANICS provides a single and comprehensive theory that explains the
behavior of matter on an atomic (nanometer or smaller) scale.
We’ll briefly set aside our discussion of atomic structure (to be returned to in Lecture #5)
to discuss these two sets of observations that are essential for understanding the atom.
Between 1887 and 1927 experiments were done that suggested the boundry between
waves and particles is not rigid.
We’ll begin by describing some general properties of waves, including water waves,
sound waves and light (electromagnetic or EM) waves.
_ Low _ Low
level density
Light (____________________
Electromagnetic radiation) is the periodic variation of an electric field (and
a perpendicular magnetic field).
Wavelength λ
Amplitude -
electric field
electric field +
The electric field is the force field through which the Coulomb force operates.
+ positive
_ amplitude
x = __________________
t = ___________________
The EM wave is a function of two variables, x and t. For visualization, let’s hold one
variable constant and plot it as a function of the other variable. (So we will plot the wave at
a fixed time as a function of position, or at a fixed position as a function of time.)
a λ
a = maximum amplitude
λ = wavelength (reported in
x units of length)
E(x,0) = a (its maximum), when x = ___________________________________
integral multiple of wavelength
Note: any time we see an equation of a wave, we automatically know its amplitude, a. We
also know its maximum intensity: intensity = __________
E(0,t) = _________________
a 1/ν
a = maximum amplitude
1/ν = period = the time for 1
time cycle to occur
• E(0,t) = a (its maximum), when t = …-3/ν, -2/ν, -1/ν, 0, 1/ν, 2/ν, 3/ν…
• Units of frequency (ν) : cycles per second = _______
For any wavelength of light, the product of λ * ν is always c. λ and ν are NOT independent
of each other. If you know λ, you can calculate ν. If you know ν, you can calculate λ.
The color of EM waves is determined by their wavelength:
RED has longest λ ~650 nm (6.5 x 10-7 m) and lowest ν 4.6 x 1014 Hz
YELLOW ~580 nm (5.8 x 10-7 m) 5.2 x 1014 Hz
GREEN ~520 nm (5.2 x 10-7 m) 5.8 x 1014 Hz
BLUE has shortest λ ~460 nm (4.6 x 10-7 m) and highest ν 6.5 x 1014 Hz
(You are not responsible for knowing specific wavelength or frequency ranges, but you
should know the relative order of colors and types of waves.)
MIT Chemistry Research Example:
Research in the Bawendi laboratory includes the synthesis and application of quantum
dots, semiconductor crystals of <10 nm in diameter. Quantum dots excited by UV radiation
emit light of characteristic color that corresponds to the size and material of the quantum
dot. Smaller dots emit bluer (higher frequency) light and larger dots emit redder (lower
frequency) light. Quantum dots are being used and designed for an ever-increasing
number of biological and sensor applications.
+ = + =
UV light (ν) e-
K.E.= (1/2)mv2
The frequency, ν, of the incoming light must be equal to some threshold frequency, ν0, for
an electron to be emitted. The ν0 value depends on the identity of the metal.
At a constant intensity, the frequency of the light has no effect on the number of electrons
ejected, as long as the frequency is above ν0. (Below ν0, no electrons are emitted.)
# of e-’s
ν0 ν of light
The kinetic energy, K.E., of ejected electros was measured as function of the frequency of
the incident light:
K.E. K.E.
of e-’s of e-’s
ν0 ν of light ν of light
The kinetic energy, K.E., of the ejected electrons was measured as a function of intensity of
the incident light.
Experimentally observed Predicted from classical physics
K.E. K.E.
of e-’s of e-’s
The # of electrons ejected was measured as a function of intensity of the incident light.
Experimentally observed Predicted from classical physics
# #
of e-’s of e-’s
These data were in direct opposition to the predictions of classical mechanics. In 1905
Einstein analyzed plots of K.E. as a function of frequency for different metals and found
that all of the data fit into a linear form
Rb K Na
Einstein could rewrite the equation of the line:
y = mx + b
E = hν
K.E. of
Ei = hν
ejected e-
E of a
free e
(Note: these are just different forms of the equation K.E = hν - hν0)