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FEU Review Pre Board Exam 2016 Pathophysio

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FEU-NRMF School of Respiratory Therapy II. Pulmonary edema is frequently severe IV.

Comprehensive Review 2016 Pre-Broad Examination Cough with sputum is the chief complaint
(Pathophysiology) A. I and III only C. I, III
and IV only
B. II, III and IV only D. I
only E. II and III only
7. Which of the following is most helpful in
Multiple choice, choose the BEST answer establishing the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis?
1. In most patients suffering from chronic A. Pulmonary tomography C.
hypercapnia who require oxygen therapy, the hazard of CO2 Angiograms
retention can usually be minimized by keeping the PaO2 B. Measurement of sweat electrolytes D. Lung
between mm Hg. biopsy C. Sputum culture and sensitivity
A. 30-40 C. 30-70 8. In pneumonia, the following are gram-positive
B. 40-50 D. 60-80 organisms, EXCEPT;
E. 70-90 A. Klebsiella C.
2. Which of the following statements is/are true Staphylococcus
regarding flail chest? B. Streptococcus D. All of the
I. Double fractures of several adjacent ribs may be etiologic above E. None of the above
II. Lung contusion is a rare accompanying pathology 9. In pneumonia, the following are gram-negative
III. Continuous ventilatory support is always indicated organisms, EXCEPT;
A. II and III only C. I only A. Klebsiella C. Haemophilus
B. I and II only D. I, II and III influenzae
only E. I and III only B. Pseudomonas aeruginosa D. Legionella
3. The chief complaint of the patient with pneumophila E. None of the above
bronchiectasis is: 10. The type of COPD with chronic inflammation of
A. Orthopnea C. Dyspnea bronchial wall and productive cough for at least 3 months of
B. Easy fatigability D. Sleep apnea the year for 2 successive years is ?
E. Cough and sputum production A. Emphysema C. Cystic Fibrosis
4. Definitive diagnosis of bronchiectasis is made on B. Chronic bronchitis D. Asthma
the basis of which of the following? 11. COPD is that characterized by weakening and
A. History and physical examination C. permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the
Bronchography terminal bronchioles and by destruction of the alveolar walls
B. Sputum culture and sensitivity D. is ?
Angiography E. Pulmonary tomography A. Emphysema C. Cystic Fibrosis
5. Which of the following statements regarding the B. Chronic bronchitis D. Asthma
Guillain-Barre’ syndrome is/are true? 12. Type of COPD that characterized by chronic
I. It may lead to respiratory muscle paralysis III. Its dilation and distortion of one or more bronchi due to
primary pathology involves neuromuscular extensive inflammation and destruction of the bronchial wall
II. It is considered an obstructive disorder IV. It is cartilage, blood vessels, elastic tissue and smooth muscle
a common cause of adult RDS component is ?
A. I, II and IV only C. I A. Emphysema C. Cystic Fibrosis
only B. Chronic bronchitis D.
B. III and IV only D. I, II, Bronchiectasis
III and IV E. I, III and IV only 13. A reversible obstruction which involved smooth
6. Which of the following statements regarding the muscle constriction of bronchial airways, hyperinflation of
clinical picture of patients with Guillain-Barre’ syndrome alveoli with excessive production of thick and tenacious
is/are true? tracheobronchial secretions is ?
I. Loss of vital capacity is a consistent finding III. A. Emphysema C. Bronchiolitis
Increased anteroposterior diameter is a common radiologic B. Chronic bronchitis D. Asthma
finding 14. A genetically transmitted disease which
involved bronchial gland hypertrophy and metaplasia of
goblet cells and secretes large amounts of thick, tenacious 22. Type of emphysema that primarily involves the
mucus is ? respiratory bronchioles in the proximal portion of the acinus
A. Emphysema C. Cystic Fibrosis it is also common type of emphysema associated with
B. Chronic bronchitis D. Asthma chronic bronchitis is ?
15. The upper airway obstruction that develops in A. Panlobular emphysema C. Centrilobular
laryngotracheobronchitis and acute epiglottitis and emphysema
associated with inspiratory barking sound is ? B. Extrinsic emphysema D. Cardiogenic
A. Bronchiolitis C. Pharyngitis emphysema
B. CROUP Syndrome D. Chronic 23. The single most important etiology factor in
bronchitis emphysema is thought to be ?
16. The inflammation of the lungs where alveoli are A. α1-protease inhibitor deficiency C. Infection
filled with fluid and blood cells (consolidation) due to B. Cigarette smoking D. Sulfur dioxide
infection is ? E. Ozone
A. ARDS C. PTB 24. The chest radiograph of a patient with
B. Pneumonia D. Bronchiolitis emphysema is/are ?
17. It is the excessive movement of fluid from the I. Opaque II. Whiter in appearance III.
pulmonary vascular system to the extravascular system and More translucent IV. Darker in appearance
air spaces of the lungs is ? A. I only C. I and III only
A. Pleural effusion C. ARDS B. II only D. II and III only
B. Pulmonary edema D. E. III and IV only
Pneumoconiosis 25. In chronic bronchitis;
18. Lung diseases that are caused by the chronic I. The bronchial walls are narrowed due to vasoconstriction
inhalation of inorganic dusts and particulate matter, usually II. The bronchial glands are enlarged
of occupational or environment origin is ? III. The number of goblet cells is decreased
A. Pneumonia C. Acute IV. The number of cilia lining the tracheobronchial tree is
Bronchitis increased
B. Pneumoconiosis D. Bronchiolitis A. I only C. III only
19. Type of pulmonary failure that may result from B. II only D. III and IV only
any disease that causes large amounts of fluid to collect in E. II, III and IV only
the lungs which involved surfactant deficiency, atelectasis 26. In chronic bronchitis the patient commonly
and also known as Shock Lung Syndrome is ? demonstrates
A. Pleural effusion C. ARDS I. Increased FVC III. Increased VC
B. Pulmonary edema D. II. Decreased ERV IV. Decreased
Pneumoconiosis RV
20. A blood clot or obstruction from other A. II only C. I and III only
particulate matter that has become dislodged elsewhere in B. III only D. III and IV only
the body and has impacted in the natural filter system of the E. I, III and IV only
pulmonary vasculature is ? 27. Patients with severe chronic bronchitis
A. Pleural effusion C. ARDS commonly demonstrate
B. Pulmonary edema E. Pulmonary I. Peripheral edema III. An elevated
embolism hemoglobin concentration
21. Type of emphysema that involves abnormal II. Distended neck veins IV. An enlarged
weakening and enlargement of all air spaces distal to the liver
terminal bronchioles, including the respiratory bronchioles, A. I only C. II and IV only
alveolar ducts, sacs and alveoli and commonly found the A. III only D. II, III and IV
lower part of the lungs and also associated with α1-protease only E. I, II, III and V
inhibitor or α1-antitrypsin is ? 28. The diffusion capacity of patients with
A. Panlobular emphysema C. Centrilobular emphysema is ?
emphysema A. Increased B. Decreased
B. Extrinsic emphysema D. Cardiogenic C. Normal
29. Which of the following pulmonary function a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
study findings are associated with severe emphysema? e. 9
I. Increased FRC III. Increased RV
II. Decreased PEFR IV. Decreased
FVC 36. In cystic fibrosis, the patient commonly
A. I and III only C. II and III only demonstrates a (an);
B. III and IV only D. II, III and IV I. Increased FEVt III. Increased RV
only E. I, II, III and IV only II. Decreased MVV IV. Decreased
30. Type of bronchiectasis that the bronchi are FEV1/FVC ratio
dilated and constricted in an irregular fashion similar to A. I only C III only
varicose veins, ultimately resulting in a distorted, bulbous B. II only D. III and IV only
shape is ? E. II, III and IV only
A. Varicose Bronchiectasis C. Saccular 37. During the advanced stages of cystic fibrosis,
Bronchiectasis the patient generally demonstrates;
B. Cylindrical Bronchiectasis D. None of the I. Bronchial breath sound III. Diminished
above breath sounds
31. Type of bronchi are dilated and have regular II. Dull percussion notes IV.
outlines similar to a tube is ? Hyperresonant percussion notes
A. Varicose Bronchiectasis C. Saccular A. I and III only C. I and IV only
Bronchiectasis B. II and IV only D. III and IV only
B. Cylindrical Bronchiectasis D. None of the E. II and III only
above 38. In children, which of the following sweat
32. Type of bronchiectasis that the bronchi chloride concentration values is diagnostic of cystic fibrosis?
progressively increase in diameter until they end in large A. 50 mEq/L C. 70 mEq/L
cystlike sacs in the lung parenchyma, causes the greatest B. 60 mEq/L D. 80 mEq/L
damage to the tracheobronchial tree is ? E. 90 mEq/L
A. Varicose Bronchiectasis C. Saccular 39. Which of the following is/are commonly seen in
Bronchiectasis patients with AIDS?
B. Cylindrical Bronchiectasis D. None of the I. Aspergillus III.
above Pneumocystis carinii
33. In the primarily obstructive form of II. Cryptococcus IV.
bronchiectasis, the patient commonly demonstrates; Cytomegalovirus
I. decreased FRC III. Decreased A. I only C. II and IV only
PEFR B. III only D. II, III and IV
II. Increased FEF 25%-75% IV. Increased V only E. I. II, III and IV
max 50 40. The most common respiratory complication
A. I only C. I and III only seen in patients with AIDS is ?
B. III only D. II and IV only A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis C. Atypical
E. III and IV only mycobacterium
34. Which of the following is/are gold standard B. Pneumocystis carinii D.
diagnosis of bronchiectasis? Cytomegalovirus E. Streptococcus pneumonia
I. Arterial Blood Gases III. Oxygen 41. Which of the following is almost always the
indices cause of acute epiglottitis?
II. Bronchography IV. A. Haemophilus influenza B C. Streptococcus
Computerized tomography
A. II only C. I and III only B. Klebsiella D. Mycoplasma
B. III only D. II and IV only pneumoniae E. Parainfluenza virus
E. I, II, III and IV 42. Which of the following is most associated with
35. The cystic fibrosis gene is located on causing CROUP?
chromosome; A. Streptococcus C. Mycoplasma
B. Parainfluenza D. Adenovirus blood from the heart to the lungs become narrowed, making
E. Chlamydia psittci it difficult for blood to flow through the vessels is
43. During an asthma episode, the smooth muscle ?
of the bronchi may hypertrophy as much as ; A. Pulmonary Edema C. Pulmonary
A. 2 times normal size C. 4 times Embolism
normal size B. Pulmonary Hypertension D. Pulmonary
B. 3 times normal size D. 5 times Emphysema
normal size E. 6 times normal size 50. A patient exhibits 60 bpm upon examination, if
44. Asthma causes a/an; the volume ejected every contraction amounts to 60mL,
I. Increase in goblet cells III. Increase in what is the cardiac output?
bronchial gland size A. 500mL C. 350mL
II. Decrease in cilia IV. Decrease in B. 360mL D. 450mL
eosinophils 51. Which of the following should be
A. I and III only C. I, II and III recommended first for a patient with a tension
only pneumothorax?
B. II and IV only D. II, III and IV A. Obtain a stat chest x-ray C. Administer an
only E. I, II, III and IV IPPB treatment
45. During an extrinsic type asthma attack, the B. Obtain stat ABG levels D. Release air
lymphoid tissue cells form which antibody? from the pleural space
A. IgA B. IgM C. IgG D. IgE 52. Which of the following therapy modalities are
46. When chemical mediators of the mast cells are therapeutic for obstructive apnea?
released; A. Phrenic pacemaker C.
I. Bronchial dilation occurs III. Blood vessels Tracheostomy
constrict B. CPAP D. Endotracheal
II. Blood constriction occurs IV. Tissue tube at night
edema occurs 53. Which of the following therapy modalities for
A. I only C. II and IV only central sleep apnea?
B. II only D. I and III only A. Negative-pressure ventilation C.
E. I, II, III and IV Tracheostomy
47. When pulsus paradoxus appears during an B. CPAP D. Endotracheal
asthma attack; tube at night
I. Left ventricles filling is increased during inspiration 54. The following are common
II. Cardiac output decreases during expiration noncardiopulmonary manifestations of myasthenia gravis,
III. Left ventricle filling increases during expiration EXCEPT;
IV. Cardiac output increases during inspiration A. Drooping of the upper eyelids C. Speech
A. I only C. III only impairment
B. II only D. I and II only B. Double vision D. All of the
E. III only IV only above E. None of the above
48. During an asthma episode, the following 55. The following are associated with pickwickian
abnormal lung volume and capacity findings are found: syndrome, EXCEPT;
A. Central sleep apnea C. Loud snoring
I. Increased FRC III. Increased B. Obesity D. Obstructive
FEV1 sleep apnea E. None of the above
II. Decreased ERV IV. Decreased 56. During periods of apnea, the patient commonly
RV demonstrates;
A. I only C. I and II only I. Systemic hypotension III. Increased
B. II only D. III and IV only heart rate
E. II, III and IV only II. Decreased cardiac out IV. Pulmonary
49. It is a hemodynamic state defined by a resting hypertension
mean pulmonary artery pressure at or above 25 mm Hg this A. I and III only C. III and IV only
is also rare lung disorder in which the arteries that carry
B. II and IV only D. I, II and III 65. An increased central venous pressure (CVP)
only E. II, III and IV only reading is commonly seen in the patient who
57. The following are associated with severe sleep .
apnea, EXCEPT; I. Has a severe pneumothorax III. Has
A. Ventricular tachycardia C. Premature cor pulmonale
ventricular contraction II. Is receiving high positive pressure IV. Is in
B. Sinus bradycardia D. Sinus left heart failure
arrhythmia E. None of the above A. I only C. IV
58. During REM sleep, there is paralysis of the only
. B. III only D. II, III
I. Arm muscles III. Leg muscles and IV only E. I, II, III and IV
II. Upper airway muscles IV. Intercostal 66. In respiratory disease, cor pulmonale is partly
muscles caused by pulmonary vasoconstriction. The pulmonary
A. IV only C. IV and V only vasoconstriction is chiefly caused by a/an
B. V only D. I, II, III and IV .
59. What is the average compliance of the lungs A. Decreased PAO2 C. Increased pH
and chest wall combined? B. Increased PaCO2 D. Increased
A. 0.05 L/cm H2O C. 0.2 L/cm H2O PaO2
B. 0.1 L/cm H2O D. 0.3 L/cm H2O 67. Patients with severe chronic bronchitis
E. 0.4 L/cm H2O commonly demonstrate;
60. When lung compliance decreases, the patient’s I. Peripheral edema III. An elevated
. hemoglobin concentration
I. Ventilatory rate usually decreases III. II. Distended neck veins IV. An enlarged
Ventilatory rate usually increases liver
II. Tidal volume usually decreases IV. A. I only C. II and IV only
Tidal volume usually increases B. III only D. II, III and IV
A. I. only C. III only E. I, II, III and IV
only 68. Which of the following is/are associated with
B. II only D. II chronic bronchitis?
and III only E. I and IV only A. The bronchial walls are narrowed due to vasoconstriction
61. What is the normal airway resistance in the B. The bronchial glands are enlarged
tracheobronchial tree? C. The number of goblet cells is decreased
D. The number of cilia lining in the tracheobronchial tree is
A. 30% C. 50% increased
B. 40 % D. 60% E. All of the above
62. What is the normal PaO2/FIO2 ratio? 69. You suspect a patient may have a pulmonary
A. < 200 mm Hg C. < 300 mm Hg embolism. Which of the following would be the most
B. > 200 mm Hg D. > 300 mm Hg appropriate recommendation for diagnosis of this
63. What is the normal Maximal Inspiratory Force condition?
(MIF) or (NIF)? A. Bronchoscopy C. Coagulation
A. < - 20 cm H2O C. < - 100 cm studies
H2O B. V/Q lung scan D. Shunt study
B. > - 30 cm H2O D. > - 40 cm 70. It corresponds to the middle lobe of the right
H2O lung ?
64. Cardiac output and blood pressure begin to A. Lingula C. Mediastinum
decline when the heart rate increases beyond
. B. Hilum D.
A. 100 to 125 bpm C. 150 to 175 Hemidiaphragm
bpm 71. Considered as the transitional zone in the
B. 125 to 150 bpm D. 175 to 200 tracheobronchial tree ?
bpm E. 200 to 250 bpm A. Trachea C. Alveoli
B. Respiratory bronchiole D. Nose 79. When the pathophysiology of bronchiectasis is
72. The mediastinum contains the following primarily obstructive in nature, the patient demonstrates
structures, EXCEPT. the following clinical manifestations;
A. Lungs C. Heart I. Decreased tactile and vocal fremitus III. Dull
B. Trachea D. Great Vessels percussion note
73. It marks the point of tracheal bifurcation II. Bronchial breath sounds IV.
A. Carina C. Angle of Louis Crackles/rhonchi/wheezing
B. Suprasternal notch D. Manubrium A. II only C. I and IV only
74. Which of the following are accessory muscles B. III only D. II and IV only
of inspiration? E. II, III and IV only
I. Scalene III. Trapezius 80. Which of the following statements regarding
II. Pectoralis major IV. Internal the cardiac output is TRUE?
Oblique A. It is the amount of blood ejected every contraction.
B. It is affected by the stretch and the amount of pressure in
A. I and II only C. I, II and III the ventricle.
only C. Acidosis decreases cardiac output.
B. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV D. It the product of stroke volume and tidal volume.
75. Which of the following are accessory muscles 81. Afterload increases when .
of expiration? A. Pressure increases, resistance decreases
I. Transversus III. Internal B. Pressure decreases. Resistance increases
Oblique C. Pressure increases, resistance increases
II. External Oblique IV. D. Pressure decreases, resistance decreases
Sternocleidomastoid 82. The following are chemical mediators released
A. I and II only C. I, II and III during mast cell degranulation, EXCEPT;
only A. Neutrophil chemotactic factors (NCF) C.
B. II and III only D. I, II, III and IV Histamine
76. Which of the following are common causes of B. Eosinphil chemotactic factors (ECF) D.
acquired bronchiectasis? Leukotrines E. None of the above
A. Hypogammaglobulinemia C. 83. Anatomically, a lung abscess most commonly
Kartargener’s syndrome forms in the ?
B. Pulmonary Tuberculosis D. I. Posterior segment of the upper lobe III.
Cystic fibrosis Anterior segment of the upper lobe
77. Which of the following is considered the II. Lateral basal segment of the lower lobe IV.
hallmark of bronchiectasis? Superior segment of the lower lobe
A. Chronic cough and large quantities of foul-smelling A. I only C. I and IV only
sputum B. III only D. II and III only
B. Abnormal bronchogram E. II, III and IV only
C. Acute ventilator failure superimposed on chronic 84. What is the protective cell wall called that
ventilator failure surrounds and encases lung tissue infected with
D. Presents as both a restrictive and obstructive pulmonary tuberculosis?
disorder A. Granuloma or Tubercle C. Miliary
E. Acute alveolar hyperventilation superimposed on chronic tuberculosis
ventilator failure B. Reinfection tuberculosis D. Cavitary or
78. Which of the following is/are commonly Post infection tuberculosis
cultured in the sputum of patients with bronchiectasis? 85. Which of the following is/are associated with
I. Staphylococcus III. Haemophilus tubercle bacillus?
influenzae I. Highly aerobic III. Capable of
II. Pseudomonas aeruginosa IV. Klebsiella surviving for months
A. I only C. IV only II. Acid-fast IV. Rod-shaped
B. III only D. I, II and III A. I only C. IV only
only E. I, II, III and IV
B. II only D. II and III only B. II and III only D. I, II and III
E. I, II, III and IV only
86. In pulmonary edema, fluid first moves into the 93. A patient with glottis edema after extubation is
? in mild respiratory distress. Which of the following
A. Alveoli C. Bronchioles medications would be of benefit in this situation?
B. Perivascular interstitial space D. Peribronchial A. Cromolyn sodium C. Racemic
interstitial space E. B and D only epinephrine
87. The following are causes of cardiogenic B. Succinylchloline (Anectine) D. Pentamidine
pulmonary edema, EXCEPT; 94. You are having difficulty intubating a combative
A. Excessive fluid administration C. Mitral valve patient in the emergency department. The respiratory
disease therapist should recommend the delivery of which drug to
B. Right ventricular failure D. Pulmonary facilitate intubation?
embolus E. None of the above A. Succinylchloline (Anectine) C. Atropine
88. Most pulmonary emboli originate from thrombi sulfate
in the ? B. Cromolyn sodium D. Epinephrine
A. Lungs C. Leg and pelvic 95. Which of the following airway disorders may be
veins successfully treated with dexamethasone (Decadron)?
B. Right heart D. Left heart I. Asthma III. Pulmonary
E. Pulmonary veins edema
89. When treating a pneumothorax with a chest II. Glottic edema
tube and suction, the negative (suction) pressure usually A. I only C. I and II only
does not exceed: B. II only D. II and III only
A. 4 cm H2O C. 8 cm H2O 96. Which of the following pulmonary disorders is
B. 6 cmH2O D. 10 cm H2O not associated with shifts of the mediastinal contents to the
E. 12 cm H2O unaffected side?
90. A patient with severe tension pneumothorax A. Massive atelectasis C. Tension
demonstrates ? pneumothorax
I. Diminished breath sounds III. Dull B. Pleural effusion D. Hemothorax
percussion notes E. Hemopneumothorax
II. Hyperresonant percussion note IV. 97. In reading a patient’s chart, the respiratory
Whispered pectoriloquy therapy practitioner notes the attending physician’s
A. II only C. III and IV only statement that the patient’s primary pathology involves the
B. I and II only D. I, II and IV loss of pulmonary parenchymal elastic recoil. This
only E. I, II, III and IV observation is most consistent with:
91. Which of the following is/are not associated of A. chronic bronchitis C.
a patient with pneumothorax due to sucking chest wound? Bronchiectasis
A. Intrapleural pressure on the unaffected side increases B. Emphysema D. Bronchial
during inspiration. asthma E. ARDS
B. The mediastinum often moves to the unaffected side 98. In reviewing a patient’s chart prior to therapy,
during inspiration. the respiratory therapist notes that the patient has a history
C. Intrapleural pressure the on affected side often rises of respiratory insufficiency due to neuromuscular blockade.
above the atmospheric pressure during expiration. The above is most consistent with which of the following
D. The mediastinum often moves to the affected side during disorders?
expiration. A. Guillain-Barre’ syndrome C. Myasthemia
92. With which of the following lung disorders gravis
would acetylcysteine (Mucomyst) be indicated? B. Pickwickian syndrome D. Narcotic
I. Emphysema III. Cystic overdose E. Upper cervical spine
fibrosis transection
II. Bronchiectasis IV. Pulmonary 99. A 45-year-old patient is seen in the intensive
edema care unit by a respiratory therapist. The patient’s pulmonary
A. I and II only C. III and IV only wedge pressures is 30 mm Hg. To determine whether left
ventricular dysfunction or hypervolemia is responsible for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who has developed
this abnormality, which of the following should be cor pulmonale is ?
measured? A. Decreased right ventricular workloads C.
A. Qt (Cardiac Output) C. Decreased work of breathing
PaO2 B. Decreased left ventricular workloads D.
B. Pulmonary vascular resistance D. Improve renal function E. Increase in PaO2
Effective static compliance E. CVP 107. Which of the following is/are associated with
100. A weak pulse is detected distal to the arterial pulmonary hypertension?
catheter in a patient. This is indicative of which of the A. Abnormally high blood pressures in the arteries of the
following? This is indicative of which of the following? lungs which make the right side of the heart work harder
A. Infection C. B. There is no cure for pulmonary hypertension
Thrombosis C. Shortness of breath or light-headedness during activity is
B. Hemorrhage D. the first symptoms
Tachycardia D. All of the above E.
101. A patient with a blood pressure of 110/50 mm None of the above
Hg and a pulse rate of 75 beats/min has which of the 108. Which of the following disorders can lead to
following pulse pressures? increased pressure in the pulmonary circulation that can
A. 40 mm Hg C. 60 lead to pulmonary hypertension?
mmHg A. Massive pulmonary emboli C. Left
B. 50 mm Hg D. 70 heart failure
mm Hg B. Fluid overload D. All
102. Which of the following conditions results in a of the above E. None of the above
decreased CVP reading? 109. You suspect a patient may have a pulmonary
I. Hypovolemia III. Air embolism. Which of the following would be the most
bubbles in the CVP appropriate recommendation for diagnosis of this
II. Vasoconstriction condition?
A. I only C. I and a. Bronchoscopy c. Coagulation studies
II only b. V/Q lung scan d. Shunt study
B. II only D. I and
III only
103. Which of the following determinations would 110. Which of the following is/are associated with
be most beneficial in establishing the presence of polycythemia?
respiratory failure? a. Abnormally high Hb content in the blood
A. C(a-ṽ)o2 C. c. Present in most COPD patients
PaCO2, PaO2 and pH b. May be present due to chronic hypoxemia
B. Pṽo2 D. P(A- d. All of the above e. None of the
a)O2 E. VD/VT above
104. Which of the following determinations is
considered most useful in establishing the presence or
absence of tissue hypoxia?
A. PaO2 C. C(a-
B. SṽO2 D. PWP
E. Systemic vascular resistance
105. Which of the following would be most helpful
in assessing the adequacy of tissue oxygenation?
A. QT C. PṽO2
B. PaO2 D.
Qs/QT E. Arterial pH
106. The single most important therapeutic effect
resulting from the administration of oxygen to a patient with

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