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Eapp Q1 3

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English for Academic and Professional Purposes Q1.

Topic: Reaction Papers, Reviews, and Critique

1.1 Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
1.2 Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique


 Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism,

Feminism, etc.
 Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a program


 A reaction paper, a review, and a critique are specialized forms of writing in which a
reviewer or reader evaluates any of the following:

 A scholarly work
 A work of art
 Designs
 Graphic designs

Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique

1. Formalism
 Literary works contain essential properties and treats each work as a distinct work of
art, it assume that the key to understanding a text is through the text itself; the
historical context, the author, or any other external contexts are not necessary in
interpreting the meaning.

Following are the common aspects looked into a formalism

1. Author’s techniques in resolving contradictions with the work.
2. Central passages that sum up the entirety of the work.
3. Contribution of parts and the work as a whole to its aesthetic quality.
4. Relationship of the form and the content.
5. Use of imagery to develop the symbols used in the work.
6. Interconnectedness of various parts of the work.
7. Paradox, ambiguity, and irony of the work.
8. Unity in the work.

2. Feminist Criticism
 Feminist criticism or Feminism focuses on how literature presents women as subjects of
socio- political, psychological, and economic oppression. It also reveals of our culture
are patriarchal, i.e. how our culture views as superior and women as inferior.

Common aspects of Feminism;

1. How culture determines gender
2. Gender equality
3. How gender issues are presented in literary works and other aspects of human
production and daily life
4. How women are socially, politically, psychologically, and economically oppressed by
5. How patriarchal ideology is an overpowering presence.

3. Reader-Response criticism
 Concerned with the viewer’s reaction as an audience of a work. This approach claims
that the reader’s role cannot be separated from the understanding of the work; a text
does not have meaning until the reader reads it and interprets it. Readers are therefore
not passive and distant, but are active consumers of the material presented to them.
The common aspects looked into when using reader response criticism are as follows:

 Interaction between the reader and the text in creating meaning.

 The impact of reader’s delivery of sounds

4. Marxist Criticism
 Concerned with differences between economic classes and implication of a capitalist
system, such as continuing conflicts between the working class and the elite. Hence, it
attempts to reveal that the ultimate source of people’s experience is the socioeconomic
system. The common aspects looked into when using Marxist criticism are as follows:
 Social class as represented in the work
 Social class of the writer/ creator
 Social class of the characters
 Conflicts and interactions between economic classes

Structure of a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique

 Introduction
 Summary
 Review/ Critique
 Conclusion

For other types of reviews, there is no prescribed structure, but the following sections are
almost always present
 Introduction
 Plot summary
 Analysis
 Conclusion/Evaluation
Guidelines in Writing a Reaction Paper, Review, or Critique
1. Articles or Journals
a. Read, review, or listen to the work to be reviewed carefully to get the main
topic, or the concepts presented. Then revisit the work to further identify its
arguments or message.
b. Relate the content of the work to what you already know about the topic. This
will make you more engaged in the article or book
c. Focus on discussing how the book treats the topic and not the topic itself. Use
phrases such as this book/work presents and the author argues.
d. Situate your review. This means that your analysis should be anchored on the
theories presented by the writer or creator.
e. Report the type of analysis or mode of presentation the writer/creator used and
show how this type of analysis supports the arguments and claims.
f. Examine whether the findings are adequately supported and how the
connections between ideas affect the conclusions and findings.
g. Suggest points for improvement of the reasoning, explanation, presentation of
ideas, as well as alternative methods and processes of reasoning.
h. Compare the writer’s or creator’s explanation of the topic to that of another
expert from the same field of study.
i. Point out other conclusions or interpretations that the writer/creator missed
out. Present other ideas that need to be examined.
j. Show you agreement with the writer’s or creator’s ideas and present an
explanation for this agreement.

2. For Artworks and other media

a. When critiquing artworks or posters, make sure to use speculative verbs such as
evoke, create, appear, and suggest to show that your interpretation of the
artist’s work is just that- an interpretation.

b. Presume that the reader that has not yet seen the material you are reviewing, so
make sure to describe it to them. For reviews of films or plays, make sure not to
spoil key events unless they figure in your review, in which case always add a
c. For artworks, describe the material in simple terms to help your audience
visualize it; refrain from being vague or abstract.

3. On general note, your reaction paper’s conclusion may focus on the following ideas.
a. Did the work hold your interest?
b. Did the work annoy or excite you?
c. Did the work prompt you to raise questions to the author?
d. Did the work lead you to some realizations?
e. Did the work remind you of other materials that you have read, reviewed, or
listened to in the past

Note: Reporting Next Meeting


1. Writing a concept paper (Abano and Matusino)

 Use of concept paper
 Ways in explaining concept Paper
 Parts of concept Paper
 Concept Paper for Academic Research
 Guidelines in Writing a Concept Paper

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