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1 Semester, S.Y 2018-2019: Table of Specification Diagnostic Test in English For Academic and Profesional Purposes

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1ST Semester, S.Y 2018-2019

Item Placement

No. of Items
No. of Days Taught
Easy Average Difficult
(20%) (70%) (10%)




No. Competencies

uses appropriate critical approaches* in writing a

1 critique such as formalism, feminism, etc. 6 8 1-8 4 1 3 8
Defines what a concept paper is (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig-j-
2 2 2 9-10 1 1 2
Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a
3 concept by definition, explication and clarification 4 5 11-15 2 3 5
Comprehends various kinds of concept papers
4 2 2 16-17 2 2
Defines what a position paper is (CS_EN11/12A-
5 2 2 18-19 2 2
Gathers manifestoes and analyzes the arguments
6 4 5 20-24 3 2 5
used by the writer/s (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-3)
Defends a stand on an issue by presenting
7 reasonable arguments supported by properly cited 5 6 25-30 6 6
factual evidences (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIa-d-4)
Determines the objectives and structures of various
8 5 6 31-36 5 1 6
kinds of reports (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIe-j-6)
Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or
9 5 7 37-43 3 4 7
observations (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-IIe-j-9)
Summarizes findings and executes the report
10 through narrative and visual/graphic forms 5 7 44-50 3 4 7
Total 40 50 1-50 10 16 19 5 0 0 50

Prepared by:
Gina E. Virina,Ed.D.
Teacher III

Reviewed by:


Master II Master II Master II

Noted by:
B. Definition D. Values
11. Which among the following is NOT
included in the basic AND
of a Concept Paper? PURPOSES
1 Semester, S.Y 2018-2019
A. Analysis of the elements and aspects which forms
the total meaning
Student’s Name: B. Definition of term.
Grade Level & Section: C. Description of the idea and principles.
D. Values and implication of ideas
12. It is a technique in defining that uses a
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer
certain pattern or the equation “
on the space provided before each number.
1. A reaction paper, a review and critique are
A. Formal C. Illustration
specialized forms of writing that evaluate the following
B. Function D. Origin
except .
13. The following statements are true in writing
A. A graphic design C. Any written
a concept paper except .
A. Concept paper is a summary of project or issue that
B. A scholarly work D A work of Art
reflects the interest, experience and expertise of an
2. The following are true about writing a
reaction paper, a review and critique except
A. It usually ranges from 250 to 750 words.
B. It is in short, a summary of any written work.
C. It is a critical assessment, analysis and evaluation of
different works.
D. It involves skills in critical thinking and recognizing
3. It is an approach in writing a critique that
claims, “a literary work contains intrinsic properties and
treats each work as a distinct work of art.
Teacher:Gina E. Virina Score:
A. Feminist Criticism C. Marxist Criticism
B. Formalism D. Reader-
B. It may also be used as an instructional tool that may
4. The following aspects are to look for when
have developed as a result of extensive research.
using formalism approach in writing a critique, except
C. It could discuss best practices, philosophies and
other related issues.
A. the author’s technique in resolving contradictions
D. The term “proposal” should NOT be interchanged to
within the work.
concept paper
B. the interaction between the reader and the text in
14. A concept paper may range from how
creating meaning.
many pages?
C. the use of imagery to develop the symbols in work
A. from 2-3 pages to as many as 10-20 pages
D. the unity in work
B. from 4-8 pages to as many as 30-40 pages
5. It is an approach in writing a critique that is
C. from 6-10 pages to as many as 50-60 pages
concerned with the reviewer’s reaction as an audience
D. from 8-12 pages to as many as 70-80 pages
of work.
15. Which of the following statements is true
A. Feminist Criticism C. Marxist Criticism
and correct?
B. Formalism D. Reader-
A. All research projects need a concept paper.
B. A concept paper is a short summary that tells the
6. Among the following aspects which should
reader what the project is.
be looked into when using Reader-response approach
C. A concept paper CANNOT help a researcher to spot
in writing a critique?
holes in his/her project.
A. How the patriarchal ideology is an overpowering
D. A concept paper contains a clear description of the
research topic
B. The impact of the reader’s delivery of sounds and
16. Typically a concept paper contains these
visuals on enhancing and changing meaning.
elements except .
C. The relationship of the form and the content.
A. A clear description of the topic.
D. The social class of the writer.
B. Exclusion of the summary of what is already known
7. It is an approach in writing a critique that
about that topic.
presents how literature presents women as subject of
C. A one-sentence statement of the research question
socio-political, psychological and economic oppression
that the project will seek to answer.
A. Feminist Criticism C. Marxist Criticism
D. A statement of the limitations of the research.
B. Formalism D. Reader-
17. It is a process by which abstract concepts
are systematically linked to observations in the real
8. Among the following aspects which should
be looked into when using Feminist Criticism approach
A. Concept Explication C. Conceptual
in writing a critique?
A. How culture determines gender.
B. Operational Definition D. Empirical
B. The interconnectedness of various parts of works
C. The social class of the character.
18. A position paper can be defined as
D. The social class of the writer
9. It is a paper that generally serves the
A. an essay that expresses your country’s position on
purpose of providing in-depth discussion of a topic and
the topic and proposes solutions and recommendations
presents the “whatness” or the essence of an idea.
for the future.
A. Concept Paper C. Research Paper
B. an essay that expresses one’s thought and opinion
B. Position Paper D. Review Paper
regarding certain topic.
10. It forms the core of a concept paper.
C. a written work for a possible solution to a specific
A. Analysis C. Illustration
D. an identification of the problem and analyzing it. A. restricted to things that are personal in nature
19. The structure of a position paper includes B. restricted to politics
the following C. limited by law
A. Introduction, Body and Conclusion D. unlimited
B. Thesis statement, Body, Conclusion and 30. “As part of an on-going programme to
Recommendation assess the responsiveness of health systems to the
C. Introduction, Body, Conclusion and Recommendation population, WHO undertook a Key Informants Survey
D. Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body, Conclusion of Health and Responsiveness in 2001. The main
and Recommendation
purpose of the survey was to find out what key
20. The following statements are necessary in
players thought of their health system in terms of it
writing a position paper except
. having a culture of respecting users and being
A. the use of simple language. people-oriented “The statement is an example of ___
B. making sure that each paragraph starts with a topic A. Conclusion C. Main
sentence. Body
C. including all the ideas in one paragraph. B. Introductory Paragraph D.
D. constant proofreading for possible mistakes. Recommendation
21. A part of the position paper that includes 31. “A survey of RSU student satisfaction
the recommendations to the committee on how to best was conducted in spring 2013 during the months of
resolve the issue in the future. April and May. All students enrolled during spring
A. Introduction C. Body 2013 were emailed an invitation to participate in this
B. Thesis Statement D. Conclusion online survey”.
22. “The critical issue in the education of Deaf The statement is an example of
and hard of hearing students is direct access: direct A. Conclusion C. Main
access to teachers and the language of instruction; Body
direct access to peer interaction; and direct access to B. Introductory Paragraph D.
the whole school environment. Without this full and Recommendation
direct access, the education of Deaf and hard of hearing 32. “Although students expressed relative
students is at risk” The statement is an example of
satisfaction with all survey items, 15 items resulted in
a gap between importance and satisfaction greater
A. Body C. Introduction
B. Conclusion D. than 0.5 point. These items follow in gap order, and
Recommendation Figure 1 graphically presents these results ”. The
23. “Education has been a central focus of my statement is an example of
tenure in the State Legislature. The future of our A. Conclusion C. Main
children, California and its economy, and our nation Body
depend on how we educate the next generation”. The B. Introductory Paragraph D.
statement is an example of . Recommendation
A. Body C. Introduction 33. “In conclusion, 462 students responded
B. Conclusion D. to a survey of student satisfaction of RSU operations
Recommendation and services during spring 2013. Bachelor degree-
24. “California's schools were once a national seeking students were more likely to respond with
model for education excellence. But long-term cuts in seniors representing the largest respondent
funding and a subsequent decline in achievement levels classification. Results can be considered
have diminished our standing.” The statement is an generalizable at the 95% confidence level.”The
example of statement is an example of
A. Body B. Conclusion C. Introduction D. A. Conclusion C. Main
Recommendation Body
25. Which of the following word best describes
B. Introductory Paragraph D.
a report?
A. Informal C. Objective
B. Informative D. Subjective 34. “Respondents were asked to rate the
26. A report is written in response to importance of and satisfaction for RSU operations
. and services using a five-point, Likert-type scale
A. Teacher C. Request or consisting of 42 items.” The statement is an example
Instruction of .
B. Organization D. Superior A. Conclusion C. Main
27. A report is different to essay in the sense Body
that____. B. Introductory Paragraph D.
A. It is far more formal and professional Recommendation
B. It is informative and analytical 35. Field reports require to combine to
C. It has kinds that varies with each other elements, these are .
D. It proposes solution to a topic. A. Theory and analysis learned in school and
28. Which among the statements is true and methods applied at work.
correct? B. Related Literature and Related Studies
A. A successful written report has an introductory C. Theories and analysis
paragraph that clearly shows the thesis statement. D. Concepts learned in school and Analysis
B. A successful written report has a main body in 36. Which among the following statement is
which irrelevant information are presented in detail. NOT true about note taking?
C. A successful written report has conclusion that A. It is the most commonly used and easiest method.
may include opinion, suggestion and B. It includes shorthand symbols
recommendation based on the facts gathered. C. It uses long paragraph
D. None of the above. D. It requires further investigation
29. The list of topics that surveys can cover
is __
37. Which among the techniques to record B. Professional Writing D. All of the Above
observation has a positive effect of giving unfiltered 46. It is the type of everyday writing that
record of the observation event? surrounds us from the time we wake until we climb in
A. Note Taking C. Video and bed at night
Audio Recording A. Survey Report C. Technical
B. Illustrations D. Drawings Report
38.Which of the following statements is true B. Laboratory Report D. Field Report
and correct? 47. Scientific -Technical writing is different
A. Continuous recording provides a faithful record of from other disciplines of writing because__________.
behavior. A. The writing has inconsistency however clearly
B. Continuous recording is one of the easiest ways to stated.
sampling. B. The writing takes into account the audience’s
C. Focal Sampling involves observing two individuals needs, biases and prior understanding.
for a specified amount of time. C. The writing presents information to help readers
D. Focal sampling tends to bias one behavior over solve a problem only.
another. D. The writing conveys simple yet specialized
39. “The aim of this report was to investigate information in a way that is easy for a non-technical
UniLab staff attitudes to personal mobile phone use reader to understand
in staff and team meetings. A staff survey on 48. A type of writing/report that is a natural
attitudes towards the use of mobile phones in the partner to academic writing. It is descriptive,
staff / team meetings was conducted.” The statement creative, and expository, but the format is different
is an example of and the standards are higher.
A. Description of Activities C. Interpretation & A. Survey Report C. Technical
Analysis Report
B. Introduction D. B. Laboratory Report D. Field Report
Recommendation 49. Scientific -Technical writing is different
40. The above statement could be written as from other disciplines of writing because__________.
part of __. A. The writing has inconsistency however clearly
A. Concept Paper C. Survey Report stated.
B. Field Report D. Position paper B. The writing takes into account the audience’s
41. “There has been a massive increase in needs, biases and prior understanding.
the use of personal mobile phones over the past five C. The writing presents information to help readers
years and there is every indication that this will solve a problem only.
continue. According to Black (2002) by 2008 almost 50. Technical writing requires
100% of working people in Australia will carry _________________.
personal mobile phones”. The statement is an A. 100% accuracy C. 95% accuracy
example of B. 99% accuracy D. 90% accuracy
A. Description of Activities C. Interpretation &
B. Introduction D.
42. “It can be seen from the results in Table
1 that personal mobile phone use is considered to a
problem; however it was acknowledged that in some
situations it should be permissible.” The statement is
an example of .
A. Description of Activities C. Interpretation &
B. Introduction D.
43. “The use of mobile phones in staff
meetings is clearly disruptive and they should be
switched off”. The statement is an example of
A. Conclusion C. Interpretation &
B. Introduction D.
44. The policy should recommend:
• mobile phones are banned in staff meetings
•mobiles phone may be used in exceptional
circumstances but only with the permission of the
appropriate manager or chair.
The statements could be a part of .
A. Conclusion C. Interpretation &
B. Introduction D.
45. Technical Writing is also known
A. Business Writing C. Informational

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