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Research HUMMS

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The knowledge and abilities that acquire in school will be useful

now and when begin working later in life. The students of Grade 11 section

HUMSS and TVL already experienced conducting a business plan due to an

entrepreneurship subject defense. In terms of enacting the business plan, the

students had challenged since they are first timers and does not have any

background of business planning.

It is the outline of goals, projections and a map to success.

Business plan is a road map to reach the journey’s for becoming a tycoon.

Starting a new business comes with headaches and it is important to

understand the purpose of creating it in the first place. Because success will

not come overnight it needs a long-term focus and remain consistent in

challenging environment. To the business, new ideas and new approaches is

a big help for becoming a tycoon and it is also requiring discipline, focus, and


Most books on new venture creation are relentlessly performative,

giving guidance on how to complete a business plan. Brännback and Carsrud

take a different approach. Adopting the voice an experienced and wise

mentor, they guide the would-be entrepreneur/new venture creator through

the start-up process, emphasizing what they need to know and why they need

to know it. Engaging and scholarly without being dry and demystifying the

start-up process, this is must-read for the manager/employee interested in

entrepreneurship as a career option. “Brännback and Carsrud present an

engaging and wide-ranging approach to starting and growing businesses that


covers context, mindset, and the type of behaviors necessary for being

entrepreneurial. (Brännback and Carsrud, 2016).

Every business needs to conduct a business plan, and it is

expected to identify potentials competitors. This serves as an unsolved

problem because it has been challenging the entrepreneurs. Numerous

companies had failed just like GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY, GM was the

largest automobile manufacturer from. By failing to innovate and ignoring the

competition, GM found itself at the doorstep of the largest bankruptcy in

American history, (Goh, 2022).

This study is not common to conduct for the research. Most

studies focus on the hardships and risks on having a business. No research

shows the obstacles you face as you make business plans. When an

entrepreneur is new in the world of business, it is hard to conduct a business

plan because it will state to know how to do it, where to start, what are the

important things to remember, and how will entrepreneurs understand the

value of business plan.


The purpose of this study is to learn new facts and to provide

solution to a problem regarding the struggles of conducting business plan.

This study is articulate strategy for starting a business because it identifies,

describe, and analyze a business. This will help the business grow its revenue

and market share.


The research questions that guided this study are the following:

1. What are the experiences of HUMSS and TVL students in crafting business


2. How did the HUMSS and TVL students cope up the challenges of crafting

business plan?

3. What is the insight of Grade 11 HUMSS and TVL students in crafting business


Theoretical Lens

Henri Fayol was one of the first theorists to define functions of

management in his book “Administration Industrielle et Generale”. Henri Fayol

identified 5 functions of management, which he labelled: planning, organizing,

commanding, coordinating and controlling. Henri Fayol theorized that these

functions were universal, and that every manager performed these functions

in their daily work.

Planning, managers must plan for future conditions, develop

strategic objectives and secure the achievement of future goals. Therefore,

managers must evaluate future contingencies affecting the organization, and

shape the future operational and strategic landscape of the company.

Organizing, managers must organize the workforce in an efficient manner and

structure and align the activities of the organization. Managers must also train

and recruit the right people for the job, and always secure a sufficiently skilled

and educated workforce. Commanding, managers must supervise

subordinates in their daily work, and inspire them to achieve company goals.

Likewise, it is the responsibility of managers to communicate company goals

and policies to subordinates. The commanding of subordinates should always

be consistent with company policies, and every manager should treat


subordinates in line with the standards of the company. Coordinating,

managers must harmonize the procedures and activities performed by the

company, meaning that every activity of each organizational unit should

complement and enrich the work of another. Controlling, managers must

control that company activities are in line with general company policies and

objectives. It is also the responsibility of the manager to observe and report

deviations from plans and objectives, and to make initiatives to correct

potential deviations.

The five functions theory of Henri Fayol is a very normative and functional

view on management. As such, Henry Fayol’s five functions focus very little

on informal relationships between managers and subordinates, and do not

touch very much upon how to develop and maintain a motivated workforce.

(Shah, 2017).

Significance of the study

This research aims to provide crucial information and knowledge

regarding the hurdles of Grade 11 HUMSS and TVL encountered while

conducting the business plan. Being inexperienced for this kind of event is a

challenge for becoming a this will be the instrument that will guide

and navigate them in discovering credible, reliable, factors that known as

indispensable data for further understanding on the topic. Indeed, this

research is going to be the chief source of the enlighten that they will surely

need in their future studies.


The result will provide the student with some knowledge on

factors that make small business stay small. It will give the student an

information about this certain topic. It also gives the students a full guide lines

on the running and maintenance of businesses. At the end of this study

student would finally know why small business stay small.


The given data would guide the teachers to have a deeper

understanding about this study and for them to identify the different factors of

why small business stay small.

Definition of terms

Craft -Is an activity of working creativity and intelligently to achieve goals.

Tycoon -Is the called-person that considered as successful entrepreneurs of

business /industry and has become very rich and powerful.

Hurdles -Are obstacles in which the business formers have to face and


Scope and delimitation of the study

The study will choose seven (7) participants from the Carmen

National high school, specifically Grade 11 section HUMSS and TVL who

have experience conducting a business plan for the entrepreneurship subject.

Notably, the four (4) participants of TVL students referring to section

COOKERY and the other three (3) participants of HUMSS students will

undergo the in-depth interview (IDI). This study will be conducted on March

27, 2023 at Carmen National Highschool.

Organization of the study

In chapter 1 its presents introduction of the study about the

importance and situation of the problem, its show the purpose , and

explanation of problem of the study, the research question is accurate that will

lead in conducting this study by the interview guide questions, the theoretical

lens provide the theory that signifies the basis of this research, importance of

the study where determine the group of people and organization on how they

will benefit from this, definition of terms provides clear information, description

and understanding that the reader will be interested in the rest of this study.

And the study provides guidelines of this research that focus the matter, the

mode and manner of conducting this study.

Chapter 2 consists of the review of related literature. This

chapter covers all the theories and studies that are connect with this study.

This chapter also consists of past studies that discusses this study to some

extent that will support our claims and the statement we stated. Authors and

sources are cited to fully support statements that were given.

Chapter 3 consists of the methodological approach employed in

the study. This methodology includes the research design, research locale,

research participants, research instrument, data collection, data analysis, and

ethical consideration that will serve as the scope and delimitation of the study.

Chapter 4 provides the thematic results from In-Depth

Interview (IDI) of selected sections of Grade 11 students in Carmen National

High School. A detailed response during the interview that contains the

experiences, coping mechanism, and insights among Senior High School

students is thoroughly presented in this chapter.

Chapter 5 presents the discussion pf the results based on

the essential themes supported by various studies conducted. It also presents

the implications for education practice and the concluding remarks of the


Chapter 2


According to Boinott (2020), starting a new business is exciting,

especially when you have an idea you know will help others. But having your

own business is also stressful. Even when you take all the right steps —

selecting a business model, writing a detailed business plan to attract potential

investors, leveraging social media to build a customer base, and focusing on

cash flow — your small business may still struggle along the way.

Most books on new venture creation are relentlessly performative,

giving guidance on how to complete a business plan. Brännback and Carsrud

take a different approach. Adopting the voice an experienced and wise

mentor, they guide the would-be entrepreneur/new venture creator through

the start-up process, emphasizing what they need to know and why they need

to know it. Engaging and scholarly without being dry and demystifying the

start-up process, this is must-read for the manager/employee interested in

entrepreneurship as a career option, study by, (Harrison, 2016).

Every business needs to conduct a business plan, and it is

expected to identify potentials competitors. This serves as an unsolved

problem because it has been challenging the entrepreneurs. Numerous

companies had failed just like GENERAL MOTORS COMPANY, GM was the

largest automobile manufacturer from. By failing to innovate and ignoring the


competition, GM found itself at the doorstep of the largest bankruptcy in

American history, (Goh, 2022).

Renee Fellman said that “In my experience, the biggest

challenges CEOs face is creating a business plan that can actually be

successfully implemented. Many companies create plans, but too often, those

plans sit on the shelf with actions not done, targets not met.” (Helmrich, 2023).

Speaking from experience, this is a tricky one that I’m sure we

can all relate to. I recommend getting your plan on to 1 page – impossible, I

hear you say. Not at all, it’s called a business model canvas, and something I

run workshops on. Building on just 9 simple boxes, it is a visual aid, a way of

brainstorming your thoughts into something more coherent. (Timbrell, 2015)

Henri Fayol theorized the five functions of management. His book

called “Administration Industrielle et Generale”, these five functions are

planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Henri Fayol

theorized that these functions were universal, and that every manager

performed these functions in their daily work. Planning, every company has a

manager and the role of manager in company is to plan for future conditions

and make sure to achieve the future goals, and every plan can affect the

shape of a company and handle the future operations in managing the

company. Organizing, Managers is the persons who will train and recruit

every employee who wants to work in the company to make sure that the

company owe a sufficiently and educated workforce. Commanding, Managers

must supervise subordinate in their daily work, and inspire them to achieve

company goals, and the manager also treat their subordinates well in line with

the company policies. Coordinating, the activity of each organization unit of


the company should complement and enrich the work of another. Controlling,

Managers must control the activities are in line with the policies, and they are

responsible to report the deviations from plan and objectives and they are

responsible to correct any potential deviations. The five functions theory of

Henri Fayol is a very normative and functional view on management. As such,

Henry Fayol’s five functions focus very little on informal relationships between

managers and subordinates, and do not touch very much upon how to

develop and maintain a motivated workforce. (Shah, 2017).


Chapter 3


This chapter describes the research method and procedures,

techniques and sources of data that helped the researcher for further data

gatherings. It includes the research design, research locale, research

participants, research instrument, data collection, data analysis, and ethical


Research Design

The researcher will use both qualitative and phenomenology

approach. The qualitative approach will be used to gather detailed information

on the perceptions of the students toward their responses. The qualitative

research method is a subjective approach to data collection and analysis that

includes in-depth interview. This method is particularly useful for investigating

phenomenology of whom starting in conducting business plan.A

phenomenological study attempts to set a side biases and preconceived

assumptions about human experiences, feelings, and responses to a

particular situations. The responses of the participants to these questions will

provide valuable insights into their perspective on conducting business plan.

Research Locale

The researcher conducted in Carmen National High School

located in the Barangay Ising of the Municipality of Carmen, Davao del Norte.

Region XI, Philippines. Carmen is located in the southern part of Davao del


Research Participants

The Grade 11 students of Carmen National High School will be

the participants of this study specifically 4 students of section TVL and 3

students of section HUMSS since they experienced the hurdles of conducting

a business plan due to the entrepreneur subject.

Research Instrument

The research instrument that is used in this qualitative research

study will be the in-depth interview process that was contain various questions

regarding the experiences, feelings, and emotions, of the beginner students in

terms of enacting the conduction of business plan.

Data Collection

The letter of approval for conducting the interview questions was

secured and signed by the school head of Carmen National High School-

Senior High in which in the researchers were given a specific date and time to

conduct the interview. The researchers provide guide questionnaires to those

Grade 11 students specifically the sections HUMSS students and TVL

students referring to section COOKERY. Moreover, the researchers explained

to the participants the importance of their response to the study.

Data Analysis

The data analysis in this study will include a qualitative analysis of

the participants’ responses to the interview questions. The thematic analysis


will be used to analyze the transcribed interview data. Thematic analysis is a

qualitative research method for analyzing data derived from interview; in-

depth interview. The primary objective of thematic analysis is to interpret and

comprehend their responds. The researcher will start by reviewing the data

and getting acquainted with the content. The data analysis will include

drawing conclusions based on the answers of the respondents. The

researcher will use these findings to answer the research questions to

investigate the implications for the hurdles of conducting business plan.

Ethical Consideration

When conducting this study, ethical considerations must be taken

into account. The respondents’ full consent should be obtained prior to the

study. This includes explaining the purpose and nature of the study, as well as

respondents’ rights and the benefits of participating. The research

participants’ confidentiality. Personal information about participants must be

kept private and not disclosed to anyone.

A qualitative case study must be guided with the following ethics

in doing research namely: informed consent and confidentiality (Trochim,


Informed consent is that the participant is able to make an

informed decision as to whether they will participate in the evaluation or not.

Additional information should also be provided in the event that the participant

becomes distressed in any way during their participation. (Trochim, 2006).

Confidentiality ensures such identifying information is excluded

from any reports of published documents. It is very important to consider how


reports are worded to ensure that there is no opportunity for people to be

identified even though names are not used. (Trochim, 2006).

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the experiences, coping mechanisms of the

challenges encountered and insights of the Grade 11 HUMSS and TVL

students in Carmen National High School. Results from the responses enable

the researcher to discover themes for the purpose of the study as anchored

on the three basic questions:

1. What are the experiences of HUMSS and TVL students in crafting business


2. How did the HUMSS and TVL students cope up the challenges of crafting

business plan?

3. What is the insight of Grade 11 HUMSS and TVL students in crafting business


This chapter is divided into three parts: Part 1 presents the

demographic profile of participants and Part 2 presents the data analysis

procedures and the steps in the categorization of the major themes from the

result of the In-Depth Interview (IDI) questions and Part 3 is the summary of


Profile of the participants

In-Depth Interview

There were seven (7) participants in our In-Depth Interview. All of them

are students in Carmen National High School who are currently engage into

the conduction of business plan. Six of the participants are females and the

other one is male. All of them are students. All the informants came from the

same school. Majority of the participants age ranges from 17-18 years old.

Table 1. Profile of Participants in In-Depth Interview

IDI AGE GENDE Address Grade & Section

R (Municipality


IDI-01 18 F Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-HUMSS

IDI-02 17 F Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-HUMSS

IDI-03 18 F Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-HUMSS

IDI-04 17 M Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-TVL(Cookery)

IDI-05 17 F Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-TVL(Cookery)

IDI-06 17 F Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-TVL(Cookery)

IDI-07 17 F Carmen, Davao del Norte Grade 11-TVL(Cookery)

Categorization of Date

In categorizing then data, the first step was to group the

responses of the participants and identify the common answer in order to

come up with the major theme. The important phrases that emerged from the

transcripts and comments were identified as thematic statements which will


be analyzed to come up with the major themes. These data were arranged

and organized based on the common general concepts presented by the

participants. The process finally generated three major themes for the first

research question; three major themes for the second; and three major

themes for the third research question. The themes are presented in Table 2,

3, and 4. The important phrases that emerged from the transcripts and

comments were identified as thematic statements. They were organized to

come up with the major theme.

Research Question No. 1: What are the experiences of HUMSS and TVL

students in crafting business plan?

Generally, under experience, the following were generated: The

conduction without background, A toxic member, Burnt out.

Conducting without background

Most of the participant narrated that they are having difficulties in

conducting because of lack of ideas on how to start business plan. They cited:

“Crafting business plan was that it was my first time to make this and that’s

why I struggle” (IDI_2)

“We struggled because we don’t have any background” (IDI_3)

“Since I’m newbie is that, I don’t have any experience” (IDI_4)

A toxic member

Most of the participant said that being a leader they encountered

the hurdles of handling irresponsible members. They emphasized:


“Upon crafting business plan is that there are a lot of members how are free

loader or burdens and those who does not care about our business plan”


“There are times you cry conducting the business plan because most of your

members are burden. We’re five members but I’m almost the only one who

does it for us” (IDI_1)

“Difficult to do because almost, there some irresponsible members” (IDI_1)

“There are so many groupmates that are not willing to do the business plan

with us, to participate and at the same time to do their own thing so during the

making of the business plan” (IDI_5)

Burn out

Some of the participant narrated that they struggle and got

drained in conducting business plan. They cited:

“We get drained” (IDI_1)

“We struggled” (IDI_3)

Research Question No. 2: How did the HUMSS and TVL students cope

up the challenges of crafting business plan?

Generally, under the coping strategies, the following themes are

being generated: Seek information about conducting business plan,

Teamwork and collaboration, Persistence during the conduction.

Seek information about conducting business plan

Most of the participant narrated that they seek information from

people who understand and have knowledge and ask advice on how to

conduct business plan. And others are searching information from Google.

They Cited:

“Giving each other enough time to discover things or we can research about

the parts of business plan” (IDI_2)

“Seek guidance from experts on business or related fields” (IDI_3)

“We ask help and advice” (IDI_3)

“Giving each other enough time to discover things or we can research about

the parts of business plan” (IDI_3)

“We look for a person who understand and relate in this problem, so we can

ask for their advice in order for us to solve our problem” (IDI_3)

“Planning to do everything so we had an outline about what we’re going to do

so that we have a guide” (IDI_5)

“Researching on the Google on how to make a perfect business plan” (IDI_6)

“Ask to my teachers and classmate” (IDI_6)

“Searching for a solution on how I would create a business plan. By asking

my classmates and teachers even my brother and sisters” (IDI_6)

Teamwork and collaboration

Some of the participants narrated that cooperating and helping

each other is a great communication for working the conduction of business

plan. They Cited:

“Helped each other so it’s not heavy to handle” (IDI_1)

“Cooperating and helping hands to help each other within our group” (IDI_2)

“We still help each other in terms of research” (IDI_3)

“Helping each other and then the communication, to those who don’t know,

will be helped” (IDI_3)


“Giving each other enough time to discover things or we can research about

the parts of business plan” (IDI_3)

“We worked together until we all passed” (IDI_3)

“Cooperate and teamwork as still” (IDI_4)

“Telling them what they need to do” (IDI_5)

“Help each other and understand each other” (IDI_7)

“Helping each other” (IDI_7)

Persistence during the conduction

Most of the participant stated that even though they are tired, they

don’t give up and they still keep moving. And it needs patience to work on

business plan. They cited:

“Keep going even if it’s tiring” (IDI_1)

“All of us should move” (IDI_1)

“Patient especially if you are in a group so there are burdens” (IDI_1)

“Should take it and just be able to in order for us when we get old” (IDI_4)

“Takes hard work creativity and being innovative” (IDI_5)

Research Question No.3: What is the insight of Grade 11 HUMSS and

TVL students in crafting business plan?

Generally, under the insights, the following themes were

generated: Amateur’s hindrances, Risk taking, Possibilities in the future.

Amateur’s hindrances

Most of the participant narrated that they having a hard time on

working because it’s their first time to conduct business plan. They cited:

“it’s difficult because the task we are doing and it’s my first time” (IDI_4)

“I could say it was hard at first and at the same time it was great since we’re

learning new things” (IDI_5)

“I don't know how to make it because it is my first time making a business

plan” (IDI_6)

Risk taking

Most of the participants stated that in the world of business you

should take a risk. They cited:

“You take risk in business” (IDI_3)

“In making business it need a risk or you should take a risk” (IDI_6)

Possibilities in the future

Most of the participant said that business plan is very helpful

especially in the future situation. It’s very useful because you already know or

you already experience on how to conduct your business plan. They cited”:

“Conducting business plan is helpful for us because in the future it can be

useful, or experience as a student because we don’t know our future maybe

we encounter business” (IDI_1)

“Very helpful in the future we conduct a business in yourself, you know

already how to handle your business.” (IDI_4)

“Through it, it helps you maybe in the future, we don’t know we became

business entrepreneurs.” (IDI_5)

“Opens our minds in terms of business plan in the business world so we don’t

know in the future we will businessman, businesswomen” (IDI_5)

“I gain ideas and knowledge for future situations.” (IDI_7)


Chapter 5


This chapter presents the discussion of the results of the study as

well as the implications for future research which are anchored on the results

of the investigation.


For the first research question, there are three (3) major themes

generated: Conduction without background, A toxic member, and burnt out.

Conduction without background

One of the themes in the study is the Conduction without

background when students engage in conducting a business plan. Most of the

participants in the study have shared that without any ides or experience in

having business plan is difficult.

Every person working a 9-to-5 job with a small capital may

eventually come across this dilemma: I want to start a business but have no

ideas. Perhaps you got your tax return or a bonus check, and want to put that

money to good use - but what should you do? We live in a world where

opportunities are everywhere. The problem is that when you have that many

options, it may be difficult to narrow them down just to one. (Smery, 2023)

A toxic member

Another theme generated for the experiences is a toxic member.

Most of the participants said that based on their experience as a team leader,

conducting a business plan cannot be done by only one person; it requires


Lately, we have been hearing a lot from our clients about “toxic”

coworkers and teammates. This issue isn’t new; there have been bad

coworkers since the beginning of organized work. But these days, their impact

feels bigger and more destructive. Businesses need teamwork to function.

And teams need to be more collaborative, adaptable, and proactive than ever.

The days of top-down decision making are long gone in many companies and

industries, as it’s replaced by grassroots innovation that’s unleashed through

coworkers openly networking and sharing information across boundaries.

Because of this new dynamic, dysfunctional teammates can damage the

results of a whole team in a way that was much harder to do in the old, siloed

models of working.

The most common and destructive toxic behaviors we see include:

•backstabbing, criticizing, and blaming

•gossiping and spreading rumors

•agreeing in meetings, but not following through afterward

•hoarding information

•purposely undermining others

•caring only about personal agendas (over team and company goals)

Thus, one toxic team member is all it takes to destroy a high-

performing team. (Chavez, 2018).

Therefore, to stand as a group leader, they must be the first to

initiate actions, followed by the members. Leaders are looking for responsible

team members to work together on a group task. It could be hard for the

leaders to take on all the responsibilities that belong to the members. The

route forward is evident if you are the team leader. You must be aware of

what is taking place on the team and hold the toxic team member accountable

for their actions. You cannot put up with someone acting in a way that

detracts from the team's performance, results, technical skills, raw

intelligence, or priceless experience.

Burn Out

Another term generated on the experiences is the Burn out. Most

of the participants mentioned that they are drained and struggled which

caused them to burnt out. Burn out is kind of feeling, like you are empty,

devoid of motivation, mentally exhausted, and etc. And being burnt out is not

easy because you are thinking negative, and your negative thoughts are

greater than the positive and you will lose hope of finishing something

because you will lose the will to finish what you are doing.

Being a business owner is exciting. But it also comes with some

other not-so-exciting things, like the dreaded burnout (aka, exhaustion). And if

you’re not careful, burn out can kill your business. If you’re starting to feel

swamped and aren’t sure what to do to get back on track, I’m here to help you

with a few tips I’ve learned along the way. (Kappel, 2022)

Therefore, conducting business plan created burn out. It stresses

everyone in the group especially those who made all of the work in regard to

the paper. Though business plan is the foundation of the business you are

going to create, it takes time to make and such an effort to build ideas and

ways to manage your business.



On the other hand, there are three (3) major themes generated

under research question number two (2): Seek information about conducting

business plan, Teamwork and collaboration, Persistence during the


The following are the coping mechanisms drawn from the participants in order

to overcome the challenge of the said phenomenon.

Seek information about conducting business plan

One of the major themes generated on research question number

two (2) is seek information about conducting business plan. Most of the

participants are asking for help to gain ideas in conducting a business plan.

When you approach someone, be realistic about what they can

offer you. A busy CEO probably won’t have time to help you draft a business

plan, but they can review a draft and offer advice on a section, for instance.

Don’t ask for more guidance than a person can feasibly give you. “When it

comes to how to ask for help in business, make sure you accommodate the

other person’s schedule, make yourself accessible, and have everything they

need to complete the task at hand,” wrote entrepreneur Marcus Lemonis. CO

—is committed to helping you start, run and grow your small business.


Therefore, seeking information about how business plan works by

the help of people who already know the background and the steps of

creating a business plan is more helpful. In the help of experts many students

who conduct their business plan make it easy, they've encountered a lot of

struggles but they can easily come up the problems. This state that

conducting business plan is easy by the help of experts and the help of


Teamwork and collaboration

Another major theme generated for the second research question

in coping mechanism is teamwork and collaboration. Most of the participants

said that their only way to survive is to help each other so they can work

together on tasks.

Tuckman’s Theory gives a solid idea of what most teams go

through. If you are putting together a team to work on a project then it can be

helpful to have an idea of what to expect. By studying this theory and being

able to spot the stages in real life, you can prepare yourself for what lies

ahead and how best to tackle it. (Tuckman,2021)

Teammates refers to the group of people working together to

achieve a common goal. Consciously defining each person's role, their

responsibilities and success criteria within the team can have an instant

positive impact. It ensures that: Everyone knows what they're doing. It sounds

simple, but when roles are clear, people know what's expected of them, how

to behave and what they need to accomplish. Collaboration improves the way

your teammates work together to finish the problem and to solves those

challenges. This leads to more innovation, efficient processes, increased

success, and improved communication. Through listening to and learning

from team members, you can help each other reach your goals.

Persistence during the conduction

Another major theme generated in coping mechanism is

persistence during the conduction. Most of the participants pushed

themselves to be more productive and the perseverance in making up the

business planning.

Entrepreneurial persistence is demonstrated by an entrepreneur’s

continued positive maintenance of entrepreneurial motivation and constantly

renewed active engagement in a new business venture despite counterforces

or enticing alternatives. It thus is a crucial factor for entrepreneurs when

pursuing and exploiting their business opportunities and in realizing potential

economic gains and benefits. (Caliendo, 2019)

Therefore, conducting business plan needs perseverance and

hardworking to finish the given task.


Research question number three (3) highlighted the insights

gained from the phenomenon. There are three (3) major themes emerged

under insights namely: Amateur’s hindrances, Risk taking, Possibilities in the


Amateur’s hindrances

One of the major themes generated in the insight is Amateur’s

hindrances. Most of the participant are having a hard time on working

because it’s their first time to conduct a business plan.

Being an entrepreneur is a dream to which many people aspire,

and a worthwhile financial goal. Still, many first-time business owners, and

even experienced pros, can sabotage their best efforts through typical

mistakes. When you're ready to roll-up your sleeves and start your own

business, keep your eyes open for these four issues. Though they might

sound simple, these have been make-or-break issues for the fortunes of

countless aspiring entrepreneurs. (Alvarez, 2020)

Therefore, conducting business plan as first timers causes

hindrances to make it easier.

Risk taking

Another theme generated in insight is risk taking. Some of the

participant said that risk taking is needed in order to conduct a business plan.

Every entrepreneur and small business owner have a different

reason for wanting to start their own business. That means that you and every

other entrepreneur are deciding to take different risks specific to your idea.

However, the actual reason why entrepreneurs decide to take risks can be

narrowed down to the following five reasons.

1. You will never know unless you try Nobody can really be sure if risks will

pay off, no matter how calculated they may be. But this should not stop you

from taking risks. If you want your business to succeed, risks are necessary.

According to a quote by Frederick Wilcox, “Progress always involves risks.

You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.”

2. You learn from taking risks Some risks may not pay off, but an optimistic

risk-taker will always look at failure as an opportunity to learn. Social Media

Examiner owner Michael Stelzner writes that the willingness to experiment

with new ideas is key to business growth. As he puts it, “nothing ventured,

nothing gained.” (Genever, 2021)

Risk taking is any consciously or non-consciously controlled

behavior with a perceived uncertainty about its outcome, and/or about its

possible benefits or costs for the physical, economic or psycho-social well-

being of oneself or others. Failed risks aren't always negative. Sometimes,

they provide the most valuable business lessons an entrepreneur can learn.

Failure helps shape future business strategies and can eventually lead to

business growth.

Possibilities in the future

Another theme generated for coping mechanism is possibilities in

the future. Even if you are currently a student and uncertain about your future

career path, developing a business plan can still be valuable. It allows you to

explore your entrepreneurial potential, refine your ideas, and gain a deeper

understanding of various business aspects. It can also serve as a valuable

learning experience, helping you develop skills in critical thinking, problem-

solving, and strategic planning, which are applicable in many professional

contexts. conducting a business plan is a proactive step that can provide to us

with a structured framework for success, regardless of whether you decide to

pursue a business venture in the future or utilize the skills and knowledge

gained in other areas of your life.


We were so caught up in the daily operation of our business. Yet,

we also realized the need for dedicated time to think more deeply about our

futures. Thinking about the future of your business in an organized manner is

essential to growing your small business. Although it won’t allow you to

predict the future, it empowers you to shape your future. (Synnovatia,2023)

Therefore, creating a successful and effective business plan will

open new possibilities and chances in the future. By fully knowing how to

make a plan that will be the reason for the growth of your business plan, it will

open more possibilities and opportunities.


The purpose of planning is to develop a blueprint for growing a

business. The management team creates a vision for a larger, more profitable

company. The heart of the planning process is envisioning the actions that

must be taken, and the expenditures that must be made, to accelerate the

company’s growth. Effective planning requires an attitude of never being

satisfied with the company’s current performance. A basic principle of

planning is that a company’s future is to a great extent in its own hands.

Discovering Opportunities Businesses grow by uncovering

opportunities to acquire additional customers and increase market share.

Planning encourages creative strategic thinking, a mindset of continually

seeking out emerging markets for the company’s existing products and

services. Planning also encourages innovation, finding new products or

services that the company could offer to the marketplace.

Resource Management Growing a business requires deploying

resources in a manner that maximizes revenues. Planning involves making


decisions about the best possible uses for the company’s resources, which

include people, capital, productive capacity and brand recognition. Companies

do not have unlimited resources. Planning provides the information the

management team needs to prioritize expenditures. Planning also helps a

company avoid making poor strategic choices, such as wasting resources on

entering markets where competitors have an insurmountable advantage.

The implication of republic act No. 10679 or an Act of promoting

entrepreneurship and financial education among Filipino youth act of 2015,

young entrepreneurs refer to individuals within the age of eighteen (18) and

thirty (30) years old who are engaged in the design, creation, establishment,

and/or management of a micro, small or medium enterprise.


This study explored the experiences of HUMSS and TVL students

specifically in cookery in conducting business plan. Participants share their

experiences and insight about it, and what their ways to cope up the problems

that they could encounter in the midst of creating business plan. In this

statement we gathered a lot of information about how they manage the

situations and how the cooperation works in every member of the groups. The

researchers agree with the statement of Shah (2017).

“Henri Fayol identified 5 functions of management, which he

labelled: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.

Henri Fayol theorized that these functions were universal, and that every

manager performed these functions in their daily work.”


With this it implies that planning come first when starting up a

business. So, through this study, others may create or instill awareness of

handling a situation in conducting business plan as first-timers .

Alvarez, J. (2020). The Five Things Every First-time Business Owner Needs
to Know Before Getting Started

Boinott, John (2020). The 5 Toughest Things Entrepreneurs Face When

Starting a Business

Caliendo, M. (2019). Entrepreneurial Persistence Beyond Survival:

Measurement and Determinants from

Chavez, A. (2018). 4 Ways to Deal with a Toxic Coworker

Genever, H. (2021). Why Entrepreneurs Should Take Risks from

Goh, F. (2022). Enterprise Innovation .10 Companies That Failed to Innovate,

Resulting in Business Failure from
innovate- . and-missed-

Harrison, R (2016). Fundamentals for Becoming Successful Entrepreneur-

From Business Idea to Launch and Management

Heaslip, E. (2022). It’s OK to Ask for Help-Even as a Business Owner. Here’s

How to do it from

Helmrich, B. (2023). Writing a Business Plan? 13 Challenges to Overcome
to- overcome/

Kappel, M. (2022). "What To Do If You're Burnt Out as An Entrepreneur"

Shah, K. (2017). 5 Functions of Managements by Henri Fayol from

Smery, T. (2023). “I Want to Start a Business but Have No Ideas”-How to Find

Your Perfect Business Idea from

Synnovatia, J. (2023). Strategic Thinking Shapes the Business Strategy and

Future of your Business

Timbrell, C. (2015). 5 Big Challenges When Writing a Business Plan & How to
Overcome Them from

Trochim (2006). It is imperative that ethical issues are considered during the
formulation of the evaluation plan.

Tuckman, (2021). Tuckman’s Theory: Five Stages of Team Development
%3F ,last%20until%20the%20project%20ends.

This research paper entitled, “THE CRAFT OF BECOMING A


PLAN” prepared and submitted by, Charice Jane Alejado, Princess Queen

Alejado, Noahan Causing, Jesssamae Dalagwan,Lujille Dupale, Cyrinch

Keith Embay, Cyrus Jib Libradilla, Marriel Jayne Mesa, Jimboy Suarez,

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Grade 11 Practical Research 1

Subject has been examined and is recommended for oral examination,

acceptance, and approval.



APPROVED by the panel of examiners on oral examination with the
grade of_________.


Member Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical

Research Subject of Grade 11.


School Principal IV



Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte

Ising, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Mrs./ Ms.
We are the student of Grade 11 HUMSS C. As part of our requirements for
Practical Research l, we are conducting research under the supervision of
Ma’am Ellen Marie Recla entitled The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon:
Overcoming the Hurdles of Conducting Business Plan Among HUMSS
and TVL Senior High School Students.

In this regard, we requesting your expertise in validating the research

instrument in my study. Henri Fayol was one of the first theorist to define
functions of management in his book “Administration Industrielle et Generale”.
Henri Fayol identified 5 functions of management, which he labelled: planning,
organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Henri Fayol theorized
that these functions were universal, and that every manager performed these
functions in their daily work. Kindly see the attached file for the validation form
and research instruments.

We are looking forward to your favorable response regarding this humble

request. For further clarification and other concern, you can reach us through
our email and our cellphone number
09389959666. Thank you very much for your support.

Respectfully yours,
Alejado, Charice Jane, Embay, Cyrinch Keith, Alejado, Princess Queen,
Libradilla, Cyrus Jib, Causing, Noahan, Mesa, Marriel Jayne, Dalagwan,
Jessamae, Suarez, Jimboy, Dupale, Ma. Lujille


Researcher Adviser Approved:


The herein interview guide is designated to explore the stories of the

students on conducting business plan in Carmen National High School. This
guide incorporates initial guide questions regarding the concerns of the study.
Please check the appropriate box indicating your honest rating on the items
below. Your response will improve further the interview guide. Your comments
and suggestions are likewise welcome.
( ) 10 Very Good ( ) 6-7 Fair (maybe upgraded if
( ) 8-9 Good ( ) 0-5 For revalidation

To the evaluator: Kindly check the column which fits your evaluation of the item.
Items Yes No

1. Introduction (Purpose, confidentiality, duration, way of conduct, and closing

components (for additional comments) are provided.

2. Informed consent is included

3. Script is included/ built-in, so the interviewer can introduce, guide, and
conclude the interview in a consistent manner.
4. Questions are appropriate to the study, enhancing the possibility of storytelling
and narratives.
5. Questions are open-ended to encourage in-depth responses, avoiding close-
ended questions which are answerable by “yes” or “no”.
6. Questions are stated in the affirmative.

7. Probe questions are provided.

8. Questions are logically ordered asking the highest priority questions, first
opinion questions, follow information questions.
9. Questions are stated in clear and simple terms.
10. Number of questions can be covered within 60-90 minutes, not exceeding 15
open-ended items (probes excluded), for every research question, except for
special cases.



Signature over Printed Name of Evaluator Date Evaluation


Interview Protocol intended for the research proposal intended
“The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon: Overcoming the Hurdles of Conducting Business
Plan Among HUMSS and TVL Senior High School Students”
A Phenomenological Study
Alejado, Charice Jane A. Embay, Cyrinch Keith M.
Alejado, Princess Queen A. Libradilla, Cyrus Jib M.
Causing, Noahan G. Mesa, Marriel Jayne L.
Dalagwan, Jessamae L. Suarez, Jimboy
Dupale, Ma. Lujille R.


I. Preliminary

II. Interview Guide Questions

III. Validation Sheet for Interview Guide Questions

IV. Closing Instructions

V. Informed Consent

1. What are the challenges of HUMSS and TVL students in crafting business


1.1.1 What had you encounter in crafting business plan as a beginner?


1.1.2 What had you expect to experience before conducting a business plan?

2. How did the HUMSS and TVL students cope up the challenges of crafting

business plan?

2.2.1 What are the best strategies to overcome the hurdles?

2.2.2 How they manage the problem?

2.2.3 How long they manage the problem?

3. What is the insight of Grade 11 HUMSS and TVL students in crafting business


3.3.1What is your understanding in crafting business plan?

3.3.2What is your interpretation in conducting a business plan as a first timer?



Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte

Ising, Carmen, Davao del Norte

May 19, 2023
School Principal
Carmen National High School

Warmest Greetings!
We, the students of Grade 11 HUMSS C section of Carmen National
High School, Senior High School, are currently conducting research entitled
“The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon: Overcoming the Hurdles of
Conducting Business Plan”. In partial fulfillment of our requirements for our
Research Project.
To achieve our research objectives, we respectfully permission to
conduct an interview question among selected Senior High School Students

at Carmen National High School. We assure that we will conduct this survey
with utmost professionalism and that the results will be used solely for
research purposes only.
We believe that this research will contribute to the understanding of
the importance of mental health and its impact to student’s academic
Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your interest and assistance with this research.
Sincerely yours,
Group Leader

Noted by: Approved by:

Research Teacher Principal IV


Title of the Study: The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon: Overcoming the
Hurdles of Conducting Business Plan Among HUMSS and TVL Senior
High School Students
Name of Researchers:
Alejado, Charice Jane, Embay, Cyrinch Alejado, Princess Queen, Libradilla,
Cyrus Jib, Causing, Noahan, Mesa, Marriel Jayne, Dalagwan, Jessamae,
Suarez, Jimboy, Dupale, Ma. Lujille.

We are Grade 11 HUMMS C, students of Carmen National High

School. As part our requirements as part of our requirements for Practical
Research l, we are conducting research under the supervision of Ma’am
Marie Recla. We inviting you to participate in our study. Henri Fayol was one
of the first theorist to define functions of management in his book
“Administration Industrielle et Generale”. Henri Fayol identified 5 functions of
management, which he labelled: planning, organizing, commanding,
coordinating, and controlling. Henri Fayol theorized that these functions were
universal, and that every manager performed these functions in their daily
work. This study uses purposive sampling that will be used to select
“information-rich” participants for the In-Depth Interview (IDI) and Focal Group
Discussion (FGD). The main instrument to be used in the data collection is the
researcher-made interview sheet. The interview sheet, audio, or video
recording will be used to collect qualitative data on the positive disciplinary
practices employed by school heads in dealing with the indiscipline of
teachers. The activity will take sixty to ninety (60-90) minutes.

Your participation is completely voluntary. You may withdraw from this

study at any time without penalty.

All information obtained in this study will be kept strictly confidential. All
participants will be asked not to disclose anything said within the context of
the discussion. All identifying information will be removed from the collected
materials, and all materials will be stored securely.

We will also understand that our words may be quoted directly. Regarding
being quoted, please initial next to any of the statements that you agree with.

I wish to review the notes, transcripts, or other data collected

during the research pertaining to my participation.
I agree to be quoted directly.
I agree to be quoted directly if my name is not published (I
remain anonymous).
I agree to be quoted directly if a made-up name (pseudonym) is
I agree that the researcher may publish documents that contain
quotations by me.

By signing this consent form, you are indicating that you fully understand the
above information and agree to participate in this study.

Participant’s signature ____________

Date: _________________________

Researcher’s Signature: __________

Date: _________________________


Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte
Ising, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Name of Researcher: Alejado Charice Jane, Alejado Princess

Causing Noahan, Dalagwan Jessamae, Dupale
Lujille, Embay Cyrinch Keith, Libradilla Cyrus Jib,
Mesa Marriel Jayne, Suarez Jimboy
Title: “The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon:
Overcoming the Hurdles of Conducting Business Plan”
Research Question No. 1: What are the experiences of HUMSS and TVL
students in crafting business plan?

The conduction without background “crafting business plan was that it was
my first time to make this and that’s why
I struggle” (IDI_2)
 “we struggled because we don’t have
any background” (IDI_3)
 “since I’m newbie is that, I don’t
have any experience” (IDI_4)
A toxic member  “upon crafting business plan is that
there are a lot of members how are free

loader or burdens and those who does

not care about our business plan”
 “there are times you cry conducting the
business plan because most of your
members are burden. We’re five
members but I’m almost the only one
who does it for us” (IDI_1)
 “difficult to do because almost, there
some irresponsible members”
 “there are so many groupmates that are
not willing to do the business plan with
us, to participate and at the same time
to do their own thing so during the
making of the business plan” (IDI_5)
Burnt out  “we get drained” (IDI_1)
 “we struggled” (IDI_3)

Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte
Ising, Carmen, Davao del Norte
Name of Researcher: Alejado Charice Jane, Alejado Princess
Causing Noahan, Dalagwan Jessamae, Dupale
Lujille, Embay Cyrinch Keith, Libradilla Cyrus Jib,
Mesa Marriel Jayne, Suarez Jimboy
Title: “The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon:
Overcoming the Hurdles of Conducting Business Plan”
Research Question No. 2: How did the HUMSS and TVL students cope
up the challenges of crafting business plan?
Seek information about conducting  “giving each other enough time to
business plan. discover things or we can research
about the parts of business plan”
 “seek guidance from experts on
business or related fields” (IDI_3)
 “we ask help and advice” (IDI_3)

 “giving each other enough time to

discover things or we can research
about the parts of business plan”
 “we look for a person who
understand and relate in this
problem, so we can ask for their
advice in order for us to solve our
problem” (IDI_3)
 “planning to do everything so we
had an outline about what we’re
going to do so that we have a guide”
 “researching on the Google on how
to make a perfect business plan”
 “Ask to my teachers and classmate”
 “searching for a solution on how I
would create a business plan. By
asking my classmates and teachers
even my brother and sisters” (IDI_6)
Teamwork and collaboration  “helped each other so it’s not heavy
to handle” (IDI_1)
 “cooperating and helping hands to
help each other within our group”
 “we still help each other in terms of
research” (IDI_3)
 “helping each other and then the
communication, to those who don’t
know, will be helped” (IDI_3)
 “giving each other enough time to
discover things or we can research
about the parts of business plan”
 “we worked together until we all
passed” (IDI_3)
 “cooperate and teamwork as still”
 “telling them what they need to
 “help each other and understand
each other” (IDI_7)
 “helping each other” (IDI_7)
Persistence during the conduction  “keep going even if it’s tiring” (IDI_1)
 “all of us should move” (IDI_1)
 patient especially if you are in a
group so there are burdens” (IDI_1)

 “should take it and just be able to in

order for us when we get old” (IDI_4)
 “takes hard work creativity and being
innovative” (IDI_5)

Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Division of Davao del Norte
Ising, Carmen, Davao del Norte
Name of Researcher: Alejado Charice Jane, Alejado Princess
Causing Noahan, Dalagwan Jessamae, Dupale
Lujille, Embay Cyrinch Keith, Libradilla Cyrus Jib,
Mesa Marriel Jayne, Suarez Jimboy
Title: “The Craft of Becoming a Tycoon:
Overcoming the Hurdles of Conducting Business Plan”
Research Question No. 3: What is the insight of Grade 11 HUMSS and
TVL students in crafting business plan?
Table 4: INSIGHT
Amateur’s hindrances  “it’s difficult because the task we are
doing and it’s my first time” (IDI_4)
 “I could say it was hard at first and at

the same time it was great since

we’re learning new things”
 “I don't know how to make it because it
is my first time making a business plan”
Risk taking  “you take risk in business” (IDI_3)
 “In making business it need a risk or
you should take a risk” (IDI_6)
Possibilities in the future  “Conducting business plan is helpful
for us because in the future it can be
useful, or experience as a student
because we don’t know our future
maybe we encounter business”
 “very helpful in the future we conduct
a business in yourself, you know
already how to handle your
business.” (IDI_4)
 “through it, it helps you maybe in the
future, we don’t know we became
business entrepreneurs.” (IDI_5)
 “opens our minds in terms of
business plan in the business world
so we don’t know in the future we
will businessman, businesswomen”
 “I gain ideas and knowledge for
future situations.” (IDI_7)


IDI AGE GENDER Address Grade & Section



IDI-01 18 F Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-HUMSS


IDI-02 17 F Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-HUMSS


IDI-03 18 F Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-HUMSS


IDI-04 17 M Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-TVL

Norte (Cookery)

IDI-05 17 F Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-TVL

Norte (Cookery)

IDI-06 17 F Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-TVL

Norte (Cookery)

IDI-07 17 F Carmen, Davao del Grade 11-TVL

Norte (Cookery)


Name: Charice Alejado

Birth date: December 19, 2005


Address: Prk.2 Guadalupe, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Carmen National High School (Junior)

Tuganay Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Jessamae Dalagwan


Birth Date: December 15,2005


Address: Brgy.New camiling Carmen Davao del Norte

Education Qualification: Carmen National High School (Present)

New Camiling Elementary school (Elementary)

Name: Princess Queen Alejado

Birth date: June 11, 2004

Age: 18

Address: Prk.2 Guadalupe, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Carmen National High School (Junior)

Tuganay Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Jimboy Suarez

Birth date: December 5 2002

Age: 20

Address: Prk.4 Taba, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Carmen National High School (Junior)

Taba Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Cyrus Jib M. Libradilla

Birth date: November 14 2005


Age: 17

Address: Prk.6 Mangalcal, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Carmen National High School (Junior)

Cebulano Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Noahan Causing

Birth date: October 11, 2006

Age: 16

Address: Prk.2 Guadalupe, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Carmen National High School

Guadalupe Extension (Junior)

Guadalupe Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Marriel Jayne L. Mesa

Birth date: September 21 2005

Age: 17

Address: Prk.3A Magsaysay, Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Don Manuel A. Javellana Memorial National High

School (Junior)

Magsaysay Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Cyrinch Keith C. Embay


Birth date: January 9 2006

Age: 17

Address: Prk.2 mangalcal Carmen, Davao del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Maryknoll College Of Panabo (Junior)

Mangalcal Elementary School (Elementary)

Name: Ma Lujille R. Dupale

Birth date: February 20,2006

Age: 17

Address: Brgy. Salvacion Urban Panabo City, Davao Del Norte

Educational Qualifications: Carmen National High School (Present)

Carmen National High School (Junior)

Salvacion Elementary School (Elementary)

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