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Summarize PR2

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Summarize PR2

Good day to everyone, especially to our panelists, Sir Dennis. We are the researchers of Group4.

We are going to discuss our research paper. The research title of our research paper is "Personnel
Management Practices of Business Owners and their Success in the Industry: A Comparative Study"

So let's start in Chapter 1

The Problem and It's Background


Industry is a business that produces or sells particular products and services that may satisfy consumer's
needs and wants. It plays a big role in the economy. It helps create jobs for employees and encourage
other sectors. The industry is often run by the business owners. Business owner is the person who owns
and manages a business or industry. They are often the ones who make all crucial decisions for the firm.
They are also responsible for managing their employees, also called as Personnel management.
Employees is the one who help business owners for the growth of the business or industry.

Personnel Management is a tactical approach that manages, organizes and maximizes the employees
performance inside the business or industry. This tactical approach is one of the skills that business
owners should have, to make business, function well. It is focused on strengthening the relationship
between the employees and business owners for smooth operation of the business and aims for the
success of it.

Success is the accomplishment or completion of a goal. It is a thing that everyone wants to commit,
especially in every business. It is the goals of every business owner where it helps to give a good name
and recognition to them. It also gives satisfaction and proves that their businesses are independent and
intelligent enough to face any challenge.

Personnel management practices of the business owners play an important role for the success of the
business or industry. Employees is one of the factors that help attaining business success as they are the
one who do the task inside the business or industry. Business owners affect their business success
depending on how they manage their personnel. Proper management of the employees can make a
business function well and attain success.

Now let's go to the Background of the study. - Baby Rose


•PROBLEM: Many companies are in poor condition. Most of these businesses are in the sector of small
and medium enterprises. Some of the negative personnel management practices are lack of motivation,
lack of training, lack of teamwork and not efficient recruitment.

•3 CITATION: According to the study conducted by Makhwathana et. al. (2019), proper management of
employees or personnel is one of the factors that need to be known by business owners for the smooth
operation of the business. In this study he gives The crucial steps for improving the personnel
management practices and this are effective leadership, provision of competitive pay, recruiting skilled
workers, rewarding dedicated workers and paying attention to personnel's needs and concerns.
Additionally, according to the study of Kuzina A. F. et. al. (2019), the personnel management is one of
the factors that gives good image and good environment on the business. And also base on him business
owners should improve their motivation system to their was supported by Smagin
(2021) business owners are the important factors of motivation, which influence employees behavior
and productivity that will help for the success of business.

•GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study is (to know how personnel management practices
of the business owners affects the success of their business. It also aims to know the level of success in
different types of personnel management of the business owners in the industry.) This study will
properly explain how personnel management practices helps business owners and how employees in a
company are properly organized.

Statement of the problem - Finney, (Babyrose)

This study endeavors to assess Personnel Management Practices of the Business owners and their
Success in the Industry or Company. The researchers aim to determine the following questions:

1. What is the involvement of personnel management practices used by business owners in the

succeeding industry with respect to;

a. Autocratic Method

b. Democratic Method

c. Laissez Faire

(Explanation: I'm going to explain different types of personnel management.

Autocratic method defined as leaders or business owners making choices based upon their own ideas
and not listening to their employees or personnel.

Democratic method defined as a leader or owner who doesn't make choices based on their own ideas
and tends to listen to their employees or personnel to make a particular decision.

Laissez-faire defined as the leader or business owners that don't get too involved and rely on

their employees to use their creativity and experience to help them meet the goal of the

business.) – Babyrose

2. What is the level of success of the business owner in the industry with respect to;

a. Autocratic Management

b. Democratic Management

c. Laissez Faire Management

3. What are the problems encountered by the business owner in personnel management


4. Is there a significant relationship between the personnel management practices of the

business owner and their success in the industry?

5. Based on the result of the study, what intervention shall be implemented?

Hypothesis - Michael

There is no significant relationship between the personnel management practices of the

business owners and their success in the industry.

Scope and Delimitation - Me

The General objective of the study so determined the effectiveness of personnel management practices
of the business owners to the success in the industry to provide the particular solution to the problems
encountered by the researchers. The study conducted on the first semester of the school year 2022-
2023. The researcher's respondent would be business owners with employees in Camarin and Bagong
Silang, Caloocan City and the researcher will use self-made survey questionnaires to gather data.

Significance of the Study - Me

The researchers considered that not only themselves, but also the other groups of individuals would
gain from the results of the study. The study will be beneficial to DTI, Business owners, Employees,
Future Entrepreneurs, and Future Researchers.

Let's go in Chapter 2

The Review and Related Literature and Studies

This chapter discussed the literary works and studies relevant to the previous study. We use the
Grouping method on gathering source that related to our studies and it consist of 20 sources. It is
divided to Related Literature and Studies, both Foreign and Local.

In synthesis of related literature and studies, it is a summarization of 20 sources.

According to the other study gathered by researchers, Personnel management practices of the business
owner gives many benefits like improving employees performance and productivity and give positive
working environment in the business or industry. There are different types of personal management
practices of the business owners that might affect the level of success of the business and that's
autocratic democratic and laissez-faire. Success give good name and recognition. It also gives
satisfaction and happiness. On the contrary, unexpected events like pandemic, salary, and employees
sabotage are the factors that might affect the personal management practices of the business owner
that can lead to business failure.
Theoretical Framework - Ylaiza Isleta

This study is based on two theories which helps for the reliability of the study. The two theories are
“Scientific Management Theory” by Taylor (1911) and “Human Relation Theory” by Mayo and
Roetlisboger (1930s)

The Scientific Management Theory is all about good working environment and proper management of
the business owners to their employees.

The Human Relation Theory is all about the importance of employees inside the business. Managers
should make employees feel that they are part of the family inside the business so that they will be
motivated to work.

Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework in the illustration below present the independent variable and dependent
variable of the study which reflect the relation between personnel management practices as an
independent variable of the business owner and the success as dependent variable in the study this
framework indicate that's personnel management of the business owner influence the success of the

Research Design - Realyn Zamora

Comparative Research Design - seeks for connections between independent and dependent variables
after a certain action.

Let's go in CHAPTER 3:


This chapter explains the research methodology that will be used by the researchers on conducting the
study. Which includes the description of the research design,research locale, selection of respondents,
research instruments, research procedure and statistical treatment of data.
Let's go first in Research Design.

The researcher will utilized comparative quantitative method of research as a research design of the
study. According to Hussain (2019) comparative research design seeks for relation between independent
and dependent variables after a certain actions or event has already taken place.

With the use of this research design the researcher can measure the level of success of the personnel
management practices of the business owners.the research design also show how types of personnel
management practices of the business owner affects the level of success in the business.

Research Locale

The researcher seeks to gather the required data based in the selected marketplace in Camarin and
Bagong Silang, Caloocan City. The researcher focuses on this particular marketplace due to the fact that
most of the residents in this community are business owners with employees where personnel
management practices are being applied.

Research Respondents

The researchers focused on two hundred (200) business owners in Camarin and Bagong Silang, Caloocan
City. The researchers chose business owners as their respondents as those are related to the study. They
are also the ones who manage their employees for the smooth operation in their industry.

The researchers will utilize the stratified sampling method in selecting respondents. In stratified
sampling method, the respondents of the study will be selected according to its strata. The strata is the
subset of the population that will be part of the sample given that it is still according to the objective of
the study.

Research Instrument

The researchers were doing self-made survey questionnaires in order to gather specific data for the
study. The content of the questionnaires mainly dealt with personnel management practices of business
owners that influences the success in the industry. The first part is the profile of the respondents. The
second part is the influences of personnel management practices of business owners to the success in
the industry, and the third part is the problems encountered by respondents in personnel management.
Research Procedure

Before the survey, the researchers will wait until the research instrument has been approved. After
approving the research instrument, the researchers will go to selected marketplace.

During the survey, the researchers will distribute the survey questionnaires to the respondents to gather
data. After they answer the paper, the research will give appreciation to them.

After the survey, the researchers will start analyzing the gathered information to provide particular
recommendation and solution to the problem encountered in the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data acquired will be examined with the help of a statistician, who will employ the formulas
indicated below:

Weighted Mean - This will determine the composite average of the respondent's opinion on each item
with the use of a self-made survey questionnaire.

Pearson Product-Moment of Correlation - This will be used to determine if there is a significant

relationship between the personnel management practices of the business owners and their success in
the industry.

So that's all for our presentation. Thank you.

Possible Question:

1. What problems did you see that you came up with the decision to pursue your working title?

Thank you for the Question Sir, the problem we saw that we came up with the decision to study this
topic are many businesses nowadays are in poor condition especially in small and medium enterprises
and one of it's factors are improper personnel management practices of the business owners. Many
business owners don't how to management their personnel properly. They may not know on what types
of personnel management practices they will apply in order to handle their employees. They may give
lack of motivation, lack of recognition, inappropriate training and negative working environment to all of
their employees. This factors may affect the success of the business. This study was conducted to
provide particular recommendation and solution on how business owners manage their employees
properly that will help for the success of the industry.
2. What is/are the goal/s of the study?

Thank you for the Question Sir, the goal of our study is to determine how personnel management
practices of the business owners affects the success of their business industry. This study also aims to
know the level of success of different types of personnel management practices of the business owners
in the industry. This study intended to provide additional knowledge to help business owners improve
their understanding about personnel management practices and so they can handle their employees
properly that will help for the success of the business.

3. Who will be the respondents of the study and how did you choose them?

Thank you for the Question Sir, the respondents of the study is the business owners. We choose them as
respondents because they related of the foregoing study. They usually the one who apply personnel
management practices in the business. We choose the respondents using the stratified sampling
method where the selection of respondents will be base on its strata. The strata is the subset of the
population will be part of the sample given that it is still according to the objective of the study. We
focus on the business owner in the marketplace of Camarin and Bagong Silang. The strata would be the
business owner with employees.

4. How are you sure that your study will be useful and feasible in the future?

Thank you for the question Sir, we are really sure that our study will be useful and feasible in the future
as it will helps on proper managing of the employees that will help for the success of the business. This
study gives importance to all of the employees as they are the one of the important assets of one's
business that help for it's growth. The business with a good personnel management will most likely bring
success. Business success depends on personnel management practices of the business owners. This
study would also benefits the DTI where they can help the business on how to handle their employees.
This will also beneficial to employees as it will help them to be motivated to work. This will also
beneficial to future entrepreneurs as this study will serve as their guide when they started to build their
own business in the future. And last, this will also gives benefits to future researcher as it will serve as
their guide to study more about this topic to provide particular recommendation and solution that will
help for the success of the business.

5. Why did you conduct or choose this study?

Thank you for the question Sir, we conduct this study in order to provide particular recommendation
and solution about the problem we seen in personnel management practices of the business owners
and their success of the Industry. The problem we saw that we came up with the decision to study this
topic are many businesses nowadays are in poor condition especially in small and medium enterprises
and one of it's factors are improper personnel management practices of the business owners. Many
business owners don't how to management their personnel properly. They may not know on what types
of personnel management practices they will apply in order to handle their employees. They may give
lack of motivation, lack of recognition, inappropriate training and negative working environment to all of
their employees. This factors may affect the success of the business. This study was conducted to
provide particular recommendation and solution on how business owners manage their employees
properly that will help for the success of the industry.

In other words,

1. What is the goal of your study?

-to determine how personnel management practices affect of success of the business

-how to management the personnel properly

2. Where did we get the respondets?

-we get the respondents in the selected market place in camarin and bagong silang caloocan city.

3. What is the problem

-many businesses are in poor condition and one of it's factor are improper personnel management.

4. Sino ang respondents?

-Business owners within the camarin and bagong silang caloocan city.

5. How did you choose this study?

-the researcher used stratified method

-the respondents of the study will be chosen according to its strata and the strata of our study are
business owners with employees

6. What is your research Instrument?

- self made survey questionnaires

7. How are you sure that you study are useful in the future?

-para maka tulong sa business owners na mapatakbo ng maayos ang kaniyang mge impleyado sa
kanyang kumpanya.

8. Why did you choose this study?

- so we choose this study in order to provide particular recommendations and solutions to the problem
we seen.

9. What is your research design?

-a comparative Research study

-relationship of dependent and independent variable

A. Dependent variables - success

B. Independent variables - personnel management practices

10. What is research local?

-market place in camarin and bagong silang.

....pagwala sa study yung tanong:sorry sir we will overlooked about this.

....pano nakuha ang population size:we count the business owner with employees in our research locale.

....415 population size 200 respondents

11. What is your theory?

-scientific management theory and human relation theory

12. What is your research title?

-personnel management practices of business owners and their success in the industry: a comparative

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