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An Etymological Dictionary of English Language

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Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, by

Court of the United States for the
in the clerk's office of the District
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.




Few sciences are more worthy of acquirement than Ety-

mology. Next to the being endowed by nature with a mind
of acute perception, large capacity, and correct judgment,
there is no more powerful aid, to philosophical inquiries, than
a precise understanding of the language in which knowledge
is conveyed. If the terms of scientific instruction be not
clearly understood by the pupil, his perceptions will at first
be imperfect, and in the end abortive if not fully compre-

hended by the teacher, his manner will betray his ignorance

and, in place of developing his subject, he will involve it
instead of delighting, he will fatigue.
The English language, of the present day, with the ex-
ception of adverbial and conjunctive words, is twofold. It

consists of a dialect, which has emanated, without any mate-

rial change, through the Saxon, from the Gothic or Teutonic ;

and of another, derived immediately from the French.- Latin,

and Greek. The former is used by the common people, and
by children, and, occasionally, in familiar discourse, by the
higher classes : the latter, by the learned and polite, the
philosopher and historian, the orator and statesman. The
first has descended to us from the various northern tribes,
who, in the fifth century, drove the Britains into Wales and
Cornwall. The second, is of more recent birth. Additions
from the French tongue, commenced in the eleventh century,
on the accession of Edward the Confessor to the English
throne. This prince having been educated in Normandy,
where he had contracted many intimacies with the natives, as
well as a partiality for their manners, the court of England
was soon filled with Normans who, being distinguished by

the royal favour, and a superior degree of urbanity, rendered

not only their language, but their laws and customs, fashion-
A* (V)
able in the kingdom. The French tongue was very generally
studied, and was used, by the law-
in their different writings,
yers. The subjection of the British people, by the Duke of
Normandy, almost immediately after the death of Edward,
served still more to intermingle the continental language.
William endeavoured to abolish the English tongue. He or-
dered that the youth should be instructed in French, that the
pleadings in the supreme court should be in that language,
the laws written in the same, and that no other should be
spoken at the royal court.
Nearly five centuries before, the Latin had been used in
England, in the service of the Roman church but, as few ;

of the clergy, even in the time of Alfred, (who ascended the

throne in 871,) could interpret what they were repeating, the
English language could not then have been rendered more
copious, by the introduction of Latin words. Its history is
involved in much obscurity. Even the additions, which had
undoubtedly been made to the colloquial tongue, by the use
of the Norman amongst the higher orders, are not easily
discovered, or reduced to a certain date. The nobility were
unlettered their discourse was, therefore, not committed to

writing the poets composed their rude verses in the homely


dialect of the lower classes, and the historians their chroni-

cles in Latin. So recently as the beginning of the last
century, theological disputations, as well as philosophical
inquiries, were frequently written in Latin. The national
tongue was not yet sufficiently dignified, nor sufficiently
copious, to gratify the pride, or express the ideas, of the
learned; nor were the readers", in any country, numerous
enough, to repay the expense of translating, and of printing
works of that kind in their own tongue. A
reciprocal means
of communication was therefore adopted, which rendered the
original writings of the learned, in one country, intelligible
to those in every other.
Each succeeding year enlarges our verbal store. Every
new invention or discovery, every new modification or com-
bination, requires a new word. On these occasions, the
elementary parts are seldom drawn from the national stock.
The scientific terms, adopted by all modern nations, are almost
exclusively constructed from the Greek or Latin. These are
happily adapted to such a purpose. The elliptical form, re-
quired to express multum in parvo, much in a small compass,


would be repugnant to the mind, and unpleasant to the ear,

ifcompounded from the native tongue because the ellipsis

would appear too violent a harshness which is avoided by


the use of foreign words.

There is little likelihood (though there is some,) of mis-
taking the true signification of our vernacular dialect, —the
Anglo-Saxon. That which we have been accustomed to do
from our childhood, we will do, almost instinctively, right.
Words, in the use of which we have had so early and long
continued experience, will be thoroughly understood. Their
various powers will be known, without a glossary. But this
cannot be said, of the modern portion of our language. Not
having been required in youth, it has been neglected ; and
we are hurried from the society who speak the other, into a
maturer and more refined, whose discourse is, in a great
measure, unintelligible to us.
Many years will elapse, before we are enlightened much;

arduous application will be used, much painful degradation

suffered. Even when we conceive that we have dispelled tht
obstructing clouds, we are encompassed by a remaining mist,
— by an opacity, more dangerous than complete darkness,
because more deceitful. Without a previous classical edu-
cation, (which is attained by few males, and scarcely by any
females,) we are seriously perplexed : we know not which is
the literal, which the figurative import of a word ; how far
the former may be extended, — within what bounds the latter
should be confined. We have derived our knowledge from
those who were either not competent, or not willing to instruct
who have misled us through ignorance, or deceived us through
design. We resemble a vessel without a pilot, which is sub-
ject to the variable directions of her crew, and, in tracing the
windings of the channel, is wrecked upon its banks.
The best verbal pilot is Etymology. But, except to the
classical scholar, this guide has hitherto been wanting. This
is the first Etymological Dictionary that has ever appeared,

of any language, founded on a minute and regular system of

analysis. Each word is here resolved into its original ele-
ments. In words composed of a Preposition and a Verb, the
appropriate meaning of the former, out of its multifarious
significations, has been chosen, to suit its particular applica-
tion ; and the latter has been displayed, either in its primitive
shape, or the inflection used in its combination. The same

mode has been adopted with regard to foreign Nouns. These
generally come to us through their genitive case, whilst the
Verbs very frequently reach us in their participial form.
The present tense of the indicative mood, I consider as the
root of Greek and Latin verbs ; to which part, I have there-
fore referred, as the fountain head; though, in accordance
with academical usage, I have affixed to it the translation of
the infinitive. Thus, I write metreo, " to measure," whilst the
real meaning is " I measure ;" and facio, " to make," instead
of " I make." I have also substituted the Roman letters for
the Greek, as the best suited to the simplicity of my design
enabling the mere English scholar to produce the sound indi-
cated by the Greek characters, with sufficient accuracy
whilst the radicals are, notwithstanding, exhibited in such a
form, that a Greek scholar may easily find them in a lexicon.
The most philosophical treatise on the derivation of Eng-
lish words, is the Ertsa U-tsposvta, or Diversions of Purley, by
Home Tooke. Had embraced words derived from
his plan
the learned languages, no occasion had offered for so inferior
a philologist, as the author of the present work, to undertake
this task. My labour would have been only manual. There
would have been required only a judicious selection, and
alphabetical arrangement. But he has confined his research-
es, with some desultory exceptions, to that portion of the

rous dialects of the north.

lancruao;e which is derived from the Saxon, and other barba-
Several inquiring minds had
previously explored the remote sources of the English tongue.
Junius, in the sixteenth, and Skinner in the seventeenth
century, had exercised no small degree of ingenuity, in
ascending the intricate windings of the etymological stream
but their various deductions of the same word, excite scep-
ticism and perplexity ; and their quaint subtleties, character-
isticof the age in which they lived, instead of now promoting
admiration, excite contempt.
The dictionary of Dr. Johnson, is, by many, thought to
combine etymology with definition. But this opinion, if the
work be rightly examined, will be found erroneous. Except
in occasional instances, the foreign words are neither analysed
nor translated ; nor is the mode shown, by which the mind
has compounded, or deduced them. A
mere English scholar,
therefore, never acquires more than the exchange of one sound
for another ; but not always so much : for, as the Greek letters


cannot be pronounced by him, they afford no intelligence,

more lucid, than would be experienced by a Greek scholar,
when staring, with stupid vacuity, at Arabic. He is informed,
that cession is derived from cedo, accede, from accedo, geo-
metry, from yscofjLslpva information that confers no benefit,

on the learned, or on the unlearned. The latter has not, by

this exhibition, received a single new idea ; the former, none,
of which he was not possessed before.
The derivations have, in many instances, not been attempt-
ed by Dr. Johnson and the haste in which his voluminous

work was compiled, has prevented a uniformity of system.

A considerable number of phrases, wholly French or Latin,
are now interspersed throughout our language. They have
not been admitted into any English dictionary yet, it is not

less essential to know their meaning, than the signification of

words that we have fully naturalized. These have not been
excluded from the present work. There is no essay of the
scientific, nor interchange of sentiment amongst the polite,
that does not require them. Every newspaper exhibits them
the lawyer employs them to elucidate his argument, the sen-
ator to adorn his oration, and the ambassador to unfold, in
technical phraseology, the intention of his government.
Much more might be adduced on this subject. But the
author refers, for practical illustration, to the work itself.A
liberal critic will make due allowance, on account of its pe-
culiar difficulty, —
as well from its novelty, as its intricacy
and, if he discerns, upon examination of the whole, that the
author, notwithstanding some injudicious examples, possesses
abilities competent to the design, he will pronounce a favour-
able verdict, and expect that the errors left uncorrected in the
present, will be corrected in a future edition.

Philadelphia, July 31s£, 1848.


L. Latin. G. Greek. v. verb, s. substantive,

F. French.
adj. adjective, prep, preposition, part,
participle.— p. part, a

participle, sup. supine.— pos. positive, compar.

parative, superl. superlative. — comp. compounded. — nom.
accusative, abl.
nominative, gen. genitive, dat. dative, accus.
incep. or incept, inceptive.
ablative.— dim. diminutive,


ABA'SE. v. To lower one's-self in rank ; to perform an act of self-
humiliation. F. abaisser ; comp. of a, to, and bas, low. L. ad, to,
and basis, the lower part or base of a pillar.
ABA'TE. v. To beat down ; to pull down ; to lessen ; to diminish ; to
quash. F. abattre ; L. a, from, and batuo, to beat.
AB'BOT. s. The chief of a convent or fellowship of canons. From
the Syriac word, abba, father, used also in the Greek language..
ABBREVIATE, v. To shorten. L. abbrevio ; ab, from, and brevis,
AB'DICATE. v. To relinquish ; to abandon ; to resign. L. abdico ;
ab, from, and dico, to declare.
AB'DITORY. s. A hiding place. L. abdo, to hide ; ab, from, and do,
to give.
ABDOMEN, s. The lower cavity of the body. L. abdomen ; from
abdo, to hide.
ABDU'CE. v. To draw away. L. abduco; comp. of ab, from, and duco,
to lead, or draw.
term applied to those muscles which serve to
open or pull back certain parts of the body. L. abducens, part, of
abduco. Sse ABDUCE.
ABDUCTION, s. The act of drawing or carrying away; a particular
form of argument. L. abductio. See ABDUCE.
ABER'RANCE. s. Deviation. L. aberrans, part, of aberro; comp. of
ab, from, and erro, to wander.
ABERRA'TION. s. Act of deviating. L. aberratio. See ABER-
ABHOR', v. To detest ; to hate with acrimony. L. abhorreo ; comp. of
ab, from, and horreo, to tremble.
ABILTTY. s. Power ; mental efficiency. F. habilete ; L. habilitas .

from habeo, to have.

AB INITIO. From the beginning. L. ab, from, initio, abl. of ini.
tium, a beginning.
AB'JECT. Worthless; mean; groveling. L. abjectus, p. part, of
abjicio, to cast out ab, from, and jacio, to throw.

ABJU'RE. v. To swear not to do, or not to have. L. abjuro ; comp.

of ab % from, and juro, to swear.

ABLAC'TATE. v. To wean from the breast. L. ablacto; a6, from
lac, milk.
bare of the roots of trees, in order

to expose them to the air and water —

a practice amongst gardeners.
L. ablaqueatio ; ab, from, and laquear, a roof or covering.
AB'LATIVE. adj. Relating to that case in grammar, which, amongst
other significations, includes that from which something is taken.
L. ablativus ; from ablalus, p. part, oi'aufero, to take away.
ABLE. adj. Having ability. See ABILITY.
ABLU'TION. s. The act of cleansing. L. ablutio ; ab, from, and lau-
tus, part, of lavo, to wash.
ABOLISH, v. To make void; to annul; to abrogate. L. aboleo : ab,
from, and grow.
oleo, to
ABOM'INATE. v. To hold in religious abhorrence to detest, in the ;

highest possible degree. L. abominor ; comp. of ab, from or against,

and ominor, to wish ill luck omen, a presageful sign.

ABORIGINES, s. The earliest known inhabitants of a country. L.

aborigines ; comp. of ab, from, and origo, the beginning.
ABOR'TION. s. Premature birth produce of a premature birth;

failure of design. L. abortio ; from aborto, to miscarry ; ab, from,

and ortus, part, of orior, to rise, or come suddenly.
ABOR'TIVE. adj. In the manner of an abortion. L. abortivus. See
ABOUND', v. To have or possess in great quantity. L. abundo : ab,
from, and undo, to rise in surges, to spread unda, a wave. :

ABRA'DE. s. To rub off, or gradually wear away from the other

parts. L. abrado ; ab, from, and rado, to scrape.
ABRASION, s. Act of rubbing off, or of gradually wearing away
from the other parts. L. abrasio ; abrasus, p. part, of abrado. See
AB'ROGATE. v. To repeal. L.abrogo; comp. ofab, from, and rogo,
to ask, or entreat. In Rome, no law was repealed, without asking
the consent of the people.
ABRUPT, adj. Broken craggy sudden unexpected. L. abruptus,
; ; ;

ofabrumpo : ab, from, and rumpo, to break.

p. part,
AB'SCESS. s. A morbid cavity. L. abscessus ; comp. ofa&, from, and
cessus, p. part, of cedo, to retire.
ABSCIND', v. To cut off. L. abscindo : ab, from, and scindo, to cut.
ABSCIS'SION. s. The act of cutting off. L. abscissio ; from abscissus,
p. part,of abscindo. See ABSCIND.
ABSCOND', v. To hide to depart secretly.
; L. abscondo ; comp. of
abs, from, and condo, to hide.
AB'SENT. adj. Not present; inattentive. L. absens, part, ofabsum ;
ab, from, and sum, I am.
AB'SOLUTE. adj. Literally, in a general sense, free, independent
of anything extraneous hence, unconditional complete; not rela-
; ;

tive ;not limited. L. absolutvs, (p. part, of absolvo,) perfect, accom-

plished. See ABSOLVE.
ABSOLUTION, s. Acquittal ; remission of sins. L. absolutio ; from
absolutus, p. part, of absolvo. See ABSOLVE.
ABSOLVE', v. To free, or acquit. L. absolvo ; comp. of ab, from, and
solvo, to loosen.

ABSO'NANT. adj. Not to the purpose; inconsistent. L. absonam
part, ofabsono; ab, from, and sono, to sound.
ABSORB', v. To draw in. L. absorbeo ; ab, from, and sorbeo, to
ABSTAIN', To forbear. L. abstineo ; ab, from, and teneo, to
v. hold.
ABSTE'MIOUS. adj. Temperate in diet, &c. L. abstemius. See
ABSTERGENT, adj. Cleansing. L. abstergens, part, of abstergeo,
to wipe clean.
AB'STINENCE. s. Act of abstaining. L. See ABSTAIN.
ABSTRACT', v. To take from to separate. L. abstractum, ;
sup. of
abstraho ; abs, from, and traho, to draw.
ABSTRU'SE. adj. Hidden ; difficult. L. abstrusus, part, ofabstrudo,
to conceal ; abs, from, and trudo, to thrust.
ABSURD', adj. Contrary to reason. abs, from, and
L. absurdus

surdus, deaf, hearing to no purpose.

ABUN'DANT. adj. Plentiful exuberant. L. abundans, part, of

abundo ; comp. of ab, from, and undo, to flow.

ABU'SE. s. The act of using improperly; rude reproach. L. ab, from,
and usus, the custom, or practice.
ABYSS', s. A
depth without bottom a prodigious gulf. L. abyssus ; ;

G. abussos ; a, without, and bassos, a bottom.

place where sciences are taught. Academus, of
Athens, whose house was converted into a school.
ACCE'DE. v. To agree to. L. accedo ; from ad, to, and cedo, to
yield, or go.
ACCELERATE, v. To hasten. L. accelero ; from ad, to, and celero,
to give speed.
ACCENT, s. Manner of speaking or pronouncing ; sound given to a

particular syllable ; mark of that sound. F. accent, a tune, or note ;

L. ad, to, and cantum, sup. of cano, to sing.

ACCEPT', v. To receive willingly; to admit with approbation. L.
acceptum, sup. of accipio ; ad, to, and capio, to take.
ACCESS, s. Means or liberty of approaching; increase. L. accessus f
from ad, to, and cessum, (sup. of cedo) to give way.
ACCESSARY, or ACCESSORY, s. One who, not being a chief
agent in an act, connives at, or contributes to it. L. From the same
roots as access; because aiding in gaining access.
ACCIDENT, s. The property or quality of any being, which may

be separated from it, at least in thought; casualty, chance. L. cc

cidens, part of accido ; from ad, towards, and cado, to fall.
ACCIP'IENT. s. receiver. A
L. accipiens, part, of accipio ; to take,
or receive ad, to, and capio, to take.

ACCI'TE. v. To call; to summon. L. accitum, sup. of actio ; ad, to,

and cieo, to move.
ACCLAMA'TION. s. Shouts of applause. L. acclamatio ; from ad,
to, and clamo, to call loudly.
ACCLIMATE, v. To habituate to a new climate. L. ad, to, and
ACCLIVITY, Steepness, reckoned upwards.
s. L. acclivitas ; from
ad, to, and clivus, a slope.
B 13

ACCOLADE, s. A ceremony, formerly used in conferring knight-
hood but whether an embrace or a blow, seems not to be settled.

L. ad, to, and collum, the neck.

ACCOMMODATE, v. To render a convenience to make suitable ;

to compromise. L. accommodo ; ad, to, and commodo, to lend.

ACCOMTANY. v. To go with, as a companion; to escort. See
ACCOMTLICE. s. A partner in crime. F. complice; L.. complex
con, together, and plico, to fold.
ACCOMTLISH. v. To complete to execute
; fully. F. accomplir
L. compleo ; con, with, and pleo, to fill.
ACCORD', v. To agree. F. accorder ; L. ad, to, and chorda, the
string of a harp.
ACCOST', v. To
to. F. accoster ; from a, to, and cote, (for-
merly meaning, to approach.
coste) the side ;

ACCOUCHEUR', s. A surgeon who attends a female during her con-

finement. F. from the L. accumho, to lie down.
ACCOUNT', s. A computation a narrative. F. accompt ; L. con, ;

together, and puto, to adjust.

ACCOU'TRE. v. To equip. F. accoutrer, to dress.
ACCRED'IT. v. To authorize by a written commission. L. accredo ;
from ad, to, and credo, to trust.
ACCRE'TION. s. Act of growing to another thing, so as to increase
it. L. accretio : accretum, sup. of accresco ; ad, to, and cresco, to
ACCRE'TIVE. adj. Increasing by growth. See ACCRETION.
ACCRU'E. v. Literally, to grow to hence, to arise, proceed, or come.

F. accroitre ; L. accresco; ad, to, and cresco, to grow.

ACCU'MULATE. v. To put one heap upon another ; to heap together.
L. accumulo ; from ad, to, and cumulus, a heap.
ACCURATE, adj. Exact ; very correct. L. accuratus ; from ad, to,
and cura, care.
ACCU'SATIVE. adj. Relating to that case in grammar, upon which
the action of the verb or preposition terminates. L. accusativus.
ACCU'SE. v. To charge with a crime. L. accuso; from causa, a
cause, or trial.
ACE. s. One. L. acus, a small point ; or G. heis, one.
ACER'BITY. s. Sourness ; severity. L. acerbitas ; from acer, sharp,
or painful ; from acus, a sharp point.
acer is
ACETOM'ETER. An instrument for measuring the strength of

vinegar. L. acetum, vinegar, and G. metron, measure.

ACE'TOUS. adj. Sour. L. acetum, vinegar. See ACID.
ACHE. s. Pain. G. aclws, pain. This word may be derived also
from the, Saxon.
ACHIEVE', v. To perform to accomplish. F. achever : from chef,

the head or end.

ACHROMATIC, adj. Destitute of colour. An achromatic telescope
is formed of a combination of lenses, which separate the variously
coloured rays of light to equal angles of divergence, at different
angles of refraction of the mean ray. G. a, without, and chroma,
A'CID. s. A
sour substance. L. acidus. G. akidos, gen. of akis, a
sharp edge, or point.
ACID'IFY. v. To convert into or become an acid. Acid, and L.Jio,
to be made.
ACIDIM'ETER. s. An instrument for ascertaining the strength of
acids. Acid, and G. ?netron, measure.
ACIDULATE, v. To make sour. L. From the same root as acid,
with the addition of latus, brought ; that is, brought to a state of
ACME. s. The height, especially of a disease. G. akme, the point,
or edge.
ACOUS'TICS. s. The doctrine of sounds. G.akoustica; from akouo,
to hear.
ACQUIESCE', v. To be satisfied with, either really or apparently.
L. acquiesco ; from ad, concerning, and quiesco, to become quiet.
ACQUTRE. v. To gain ; to obtain. L. acquiro ; comp. of ab, from,
and quaro, to seek.
ACQUISI'TION. s. Act of acquiring ; thing acquired. L. acquisitio :

acquisitus, p. part, of acquiro. See ACQUIRE.

ACQUIT', v. To declare innocent. F. acquitter ; L. a d, to, and quie-
tus, p. part, of quiesco, to rest, or be quiet.
ACRID, adj. Of" a hot, biting taste ; bitter. L. acer, sharp. See
ACRIMONIOUS, adj. Bitter ; severe. L. acrimonia, sharpness ; from
acer, sharp.
ACROMAT'ICAL. adj. Belonging to profound learning doctrines ;

anciently taught by private communication, and delivered viva voce.

Epoptic, of the same import, is a metaphorical term, borrowed from
the Eleusinian Mysteries in which, those who were admitted to see

their unhallowed rites, were denominated " EpoptcBy Under this

head, A. Gellius classes physics, metaphysics, and dialectics. G.
akromatikos : akros, highest, and mateuo, to seek.
poem, of which the first letter of every line being
taken, a particular name is found. G. akros, uttermost, and stichos,
a verse.
ACT. s. Something done; agency ; a certain part of a play. L. actus ;
from ago, to do.
ACTUAL, adj. Real.
F. actuel. See ACT.
ACU'MEN. Acuteness of mental perception. L. acumen; from

acus, a needle, or sharp point.

ACUMINATED, adj. Sharpened to a point. L. acuminalus. See
ACUPUNCTURE, s. Amongst the Chinese, a surgical operation,
performed by pricking the part affected with a needle, as in head-
aches and lethargies. L. acus, a needle, and punctura, or punctus,
a pricking.
ACU'TE. adj. Ending in a point; of a penetrating mind. L. acutus ;
from acus. See ACUMEN.
of adamant; of impenetrable hardness,
and great durability. L. adamantinus : adamantis, gen. of adamas,
a diamond. G. adamas : a, not, and damao, to subdue.
ADAPT', v. To fit to suit. L. adapto ; from ad, to, and apfo, to fit.

ADD. v. To join ; to perform addition. L. addo ; from ad, to, and
do, to give.
to be added. L. addendvs, p. part of addo, to add.
ADDICT', v.devote commonly taken in a bad sense.
To ; L. addic-
tion, sup. of addico : from ad, to, and dico, to say, or dedicate.
ADDRESS', s. Dexterity; petition; courtship; manner of addressing
another. F. addresse: L. ad, to, and directus, p. part, of dirigo :
from di, signifying separation, and rego, to rule, or guide.
ADDUCE, v. To offer in argument. L. adduco ; from ad, to, and
duco, to bring.
ADDU'CENT. adj. A term applied to those muscles which draw to-
gether the parts of the body. L. adducens, part, of adduco : ad, to,
and duco, to draw.
ADEMP'TION. s. Taking away; privation. L. ademptio ; a, from,
and demptus, p. part, of demo, to take away.
ADEPT', s. One completely skilled in a particular art. L. adeptus,
part, of adipiscor, to obtain.
ADEQUATE, adj. Equal to: proportionate. L. adequatus ; from
ad, for, and quilum, sup. of queo, to be able.
ADME'RE. v. To stick to continue firmly fixed. L. adhareo ; from

ad, to, and hccreo, to stick.

ADHE'SION. s. Act of adhering.
Adhesion is used in the natural,
and Adherence in the figurative, sense. D. adhcesio ; from adhasus,
part, ofadhareo. See ADHERE.
ADIEU', int. Farewell. F. a Dieu, to God; that is, "I commend
you to God."
AD INFINITUM. Without end. L. ad, to, infinitum, accus. of in-
Jinitus, endless.
ADJACENT, adj. Lying near; neighbouring. L. adjacens ; from
ad, to, and jacens, part, ofjaceo, to lie.
ADJECT', v. To place to. L. adjectum, sup. of adjicio ; from ad, to,
and jacio, to throw.
word qualifying a noun. L. adjectivum; from ad,
to, and jactus, p. part, of jacio, to throw.
ADJOIN', v. To join to ; to be contiguous to. F. adjoindre : L. ad,
to, and jungo, to join.
put off to another day, or to another time of the
same day. ; from a, to, and jour, a day.
F. adjourner
ADJUDICATION, s. The act of judging, or of granting something
by a judicial sentence. L. adjudicatio ; adjudico, to give sentence:
judex, a judge.
ADJUNCT, adj. Joined to assistant. L. adjunctus, p. part, of ad-

jungo. See ADJOIN.

ADJURE, v. To impose an oath, Sec. L. adjuro ; from ad, concern-
ing, and juro, to swear.
ADJUST, v. To regulate; to render conformable. F. adjuster: L.
ad, to, and Justus, right.
AD'JUTANT. s. An assistant military officer. F. adjutant : L. ad,
to, and juium, sup. of juvo, to help.
AD LIBITUM. At pleasure. L. ad, the will.
to, libitum,
ADMINISTER, v. To give ; to perform. L. administro. See MIN-

regard with wonder, or pleasure. L. admirer ; from

ad, at, to wonder.

and miror,
ADMISSIBLE, adj. That may be admitted. L. admissus,,\>. part.
ofadmitto. See ADMIT.
ADMIT, v. To let in, or grant. L. admitto ; from ad, into, and mitto,
to send.
ADMIX', v. To mingle. L. admixtum, sup. of admisceo ; comp. of
ad, and misceo, to mix.
ADMON ISH. v. To warn of a fault to reprove gently. L. admoneo ; ;

from ad, to, and moneo, to advise.

ADOLES'CENCE. s. The age succeeding childhood. L. adulescentia ;
from adolesco, to grow.
ADOPT', w. To receive as our own. L. adopto ; from ad, to, and opto,
to select.
ADO'RE. v. To
worship with external homage. L. o^oro ; from ad,
to, and speak or entreat.
oro, to
ADORN', v. To deck or decorate; to make beautiful. L. adorno
ad, to, and orno, to deck probably from the G. ornis, a bird.

AD QUOD DAMNUM. The title of a writ of inquiry, to ascertain

what injury may possibly be done, by the erection of a new market,
&c, to another market already established. L. ad, concerning, quod,
what, damnum, loss.
ADROIT', adj. Dexterous skilful active. F. adroit ; a, to, and droit,
; ;

the right hand.

ADSTRIC TION. s. Act of binding together. L. adstrictio ; ad, to,
and strictus, p. part, of stringo, to bind.
ADULA'TION. s. Extreme flattery. L. adulatio, the fawning of a
dog; G. skulakion, gen. of kuon, a dog.
ADULT', s. A person full grown. L. adultus, (p. part, of adoleo)
grown up.
ADUL'TERATE. v. To corrupt, debase, or make impure, by the ad-
mixture of baser materials. L. adulter o : from adulter, mixed: ad,
to, and alter, another.
ADUM'BRATE. v. To give a faint shadow, or slight likeness. L.
adumhro umbra, a shadow.

ADUST', adj. Burned up; scorched. L. adustus, p. part, of aduro,

lo burn.
AD VALOREM. According to the value. L. ad, according to,
valorem, accus. of valor, value.
go, or come, forward to bring forward to give ; ;

or to lend before the regular time. F. avancer ; avant, before.

ADVAN'TAGE. s. Gain ; superiority. F. avantage. See ADVANCE.
AD'VENT. s. A holy season, during four weeks immediately before
Christmas. L. advent us, the coming [of the Redeemer.]
ADVENTITIOUS, adj. Accidental; extrinsic. L. adveniitius ; from
ad, to, and vtntum, sup. ofvenio, to come.
chance a hazard an enterprise. F. aventure ;
; ;

L. adventurus, about to happen ; from advenio : ad, to, and venio, to

ADVERB, s. A word joined to another word. L. adverbium ; from
ad, to, and vcrbum, a word.
b* 17
— ;

ADVERSE, adj. Opposing ; hostile. L. adversus ; from ad, against,
and versus, p. part, of verto, to turn.
ADVERT', v. To attend to; to speak of. L. adverio ; from ad, to,
and vc.rto, to turn.
inform to make public. L. ad, to, and verto,
v. ;

to turn [attention.] See ADVERT.

ADVISE, v. To counsel; to consult to inform. F. aviser, (formerly ;

adviser ;) from ad, upon, and visum, (sup. of video) to see, or consi-
ADVOCATE, s. One who pleads for another, or who speaks in favour
of any measure. L. advocatus ; from ad, for, and voco, to call out,
or speak.
ADVOLU'TION. s. The act of flying towards. L. advolo : ad, to,
and volo, to fly.
ADVOLU TION. s. The a.ct of rolling towards. L. advolutio ; from
ad, to, and volutus, p. part, of volvo, to roll.
ADVOW'SON. s. The right of presentation to a church, or ecclesias-
tical benefice. L. advocatio : ad, to, and voco, to call.
AERIFORM, adj. Gaseous; having the form of air. L. air, air, and
forma, shape.
2Ei ROLITE. s. A
solid substance, that has fallen out of the air, as a
meteoric stone, &c. G. air, air, and lithos, a stone.
AEROL'OGY. s. The doctrine of the atmosphere. G. aer, air, and
logos, a description.
AEROM'ETRY. s. The art of measuring the air. G. aer, air, and
metreo, to measure.
A'ERONAUT. s. One who ascends
in a balloon. L. air, the air, and
nauta, a sailor.G. aer, and nautes.
AEROSTATION, s. Aerial navigation; the science of guiding ma-
chines in the air. G. aer, air, and staios, sustaining istemi, to :

AFFABLE, adj. Aceostable; agreeable in discourse. F. affable; L.
ad, to, and fabulor, to speak; that is, an affable person is one who
may be spoken to.
AFFAIR', s. Business. F. affaire ; from faire, to do; L. facer e, infin.
of facio, to do.
AFFECT', v. To influence; to pretend. L. affectum, sup. of officio ;

comp. of ad, and facio, to do.

AFFECTION, s. Love personal attachment state of being affected.
: ;

L. affectio. See AFFECT.

AFFIDAVIT, s. A declaration upon oath. L. This word is con-
tracted from an expression of the common law, ad Jidem dedit
that is, he has given assurance concerning [this matter.]
AFFILTATE. v. To associate, ally, or unite with. L. ad, to, and
jilius, ason or child.
AFFINITY, s. Relation by marriage, opposed to consanguinity, or

relation by birth connexion with resemblance to. L. ajfinitas ;

; ;

from ad^ to, zndjinis, a boundary, or border.

AFFIRM', v. To ratify; to declare. L. afjirmo ; from ad, concerning,
and Jirpw, to establish.
AFFIX', v. To unite to the end; to subjoin; to connect with. L.
affixum, sup. of affigo ; from ad, to, andjSgo, to fasten.
AFFLA'TION. s. Act of breathing upon. L. afflatus, p. part, of
afflo: ad, to or upon, and jio, to blow.
AFFLICT', v. To cause pain. L. afflictum, sup. of affligo ; from ad%
against, and fligo, to dash.
AF FLUENT, adj. Flowing to any part abundant ; wealthy. L. ;

affluens, part. oT affluo ; from ad, to, a.nd Jluo, to flow.

AFFLUX, s. The act of flowing to; the thing which flows. L.
affluxus ; from affluo : ad, to, and fluo, to flow.
AFFRAY', s. The fighting of two or more persons, in some public
place, and causing terror to others. F. effrayer, (formerly effriger)
to terrify.
AFFRIC'TION. s. Act of rubbing one thing upon another. L. affric-
tus; ad, or against, and frico, to rub.
AFFRONT', v. Literally, to meet or encounter face to face but this :

sense is obsolete : —
to offer abuse to the face ; to insult, dare, or
brave openly. F. affronter ; L. ad, to, and frons, the front or face.
AFFU'SION. s. The act of pouring one thing upon another. L. affu-
sio ; affusus, p. part, ofaffundo: ad, upon, andfundo, to pour.
A FORTIORI. With stronger reason. L. a, with, fortiori, abl. of
fortior, stronger.
A'GENT. s. One who transacts business for another that which acts. ;

L. agens, part, ox ago, to act.

AGGERATE. v. To heap up. L. agger, a heap ad, to, and gero, to :

AGGLOMERATE, v. To come together, as a ball. L. agglomero ;
from ad, to, and glomus, a ball of yarn.
(used chiefly in medical language :)
join :

L. agglutino: ad, to, and gluten, glue.

AG'GRANDIZE. v. To make great to increase in power. F. ag- ;

grandiser ; from grand, great. L. grandis.

AGGRAVATE, v. To make heavier (used only in a metaphorical:

sense ;) to make worse. L. aggravo ; from ad, and gravo, to bur-

AG'GREGATE. s. The entire ; the collective result. L. aggrego, to
accumulate; from grex, a flock.
AGGRES'SION. s. An unprovoked injury. L. aggressio ; from ad,
towards, and gradus, a step.
AGIL'ITY. s. Activity. ; L. agilitas ; from ago, to act.
F. agilite
AGITATE, v. To shake violently. L. agito, freq. of ago, to act.
AGNA'TE. adj. Related or akin by the father's side. L. agnatus ;
ad, and nascor, to be born.
AGONIST, s. One who contends for the prize in public games. G.
ogonizo, to strive.
AGONY, s. Extreme pain. G. agon, a struggle, or contention.
AGRA'RIAN. adj. Relating to land. L. agrarius ; from ager, a field.
AGRES'TIC. adj. Rural rustic pertaining to fields, or the country,
; ;

in opposition to the citv. L. agrestis ; ager, a field.

AGRICULTURE, s. The art of cultivating the ground; tillage. L.
agricultural ager, a field, and cultus, p. part, of colo, to till.
AID. v. To help, to assist. F. aider: L. adjuto, to help.
AID-DE-CAMP. s. A.n officer who conveys the orders of a military
commander. F. aide, an assistant, de, of, camp, the camp.

AISLE, s. The wing of a quire ; a walk in a church. F. axle, a wing
L. ala.
ALACRITY, Cheerful speed. L. alacritas ; from ala, a wing.

A-LA-MODE. F. a la mode, according to the fashion.

ALARM', s. Notice of danger. F. a Varmes I (aux armes .') to arms !

AL A'TED. adj. Winged ; having dilations like Wings. L. alutus :

al-i, a wing.

ALBESCENT, adj. Becoming white. L. albescens, part, of albesco

ai'ous, white.
ALBINO, s. A descendant of coloured parents, unnaturally white.
L. albus, white.
book with unwritten leaves. L. albus, white.

AL'BUMEN. s. That which forms the serum of the blood, the white
of egg.s, &c. L. alburn, the white of an egg.
AL'CHEMY. s. Formerly signified the most abstruse part of che-
mistry, as the attempt to transmute common metals into gold but ;

it is no longer ranked amongst the sciences. Arabic.

ALERT', adj. Brisk; watchful.Y.alerte; L. ala, a wing.
kind of verse, consisting of twelve syllables,

or of twelve and thirteen alternately so called from a poem, written,


in French, on the life of Alexander.

A' LIAS. Otherwise or ; : —
thus " Donnel, alias O'Donnell. L. alias,

in another manner.
ALIBI. Means that the accused was absent when the crime was
committed. L. alibi, elsewhere.
A'LIEN. s. A
foreigner. L. alienus, from alius, another.
A'LIENATE. v. To transfer to another to withdraw the affections. ;

L. alieno. See ALIEN.

ALIF'EROUS. adj. Having wings. L. ala, a wing, and gero, to bear.
ALFGEROUS. adj. Having wings. L. ala, a win g, and gero, to bear,
or carry.
ALTMENT. s. Food. L. alimentum ; from alo, to nourish.
ALTMONY. s. Legal allowance by a husband to his wife, after se-
paration. L. alimonia ; from alo, to nourish.
ALTQLOT. adj. Even —
without a remainder, as 2 is an aliquot

L. aliquot ; from aliquolies, certain times.

part of 10.
ALLEGA'TION. s. Affirmation thing alleged. L. allegatio. ; See
ALLE'GE. v. To affirm; to maintain; to declare. L. allego ; from
ad, to, and lego, to impute.
ALLEGIANCE, s. The duty of a subject. F. allegeance; L. ad, to,
and legem, accus. of lex, a law.
figurative relation. G. allegoria ; from alios,
another, and agora, a speech.
AL'LEY. s. A
walk in a garden ; a narrow passage or way in a town.
F. allce : aller, to go.
ALLE'VIATE. v. To lighten. L. allevo ; ab, from, and leva, to lift.
ALLI'ANCE. s. Connexion a league. F. alliance.
; See ALLY.
ALLIGATION, s. The arithmetical rule which teaches to adjust the
price of compounds, formed of several ingredients of different value.
L. alligatio ; from alligo ; ad, together, and Ugo, to bind.
ALLITERATION, s. Beginning several successive words with the
same L. ad, and liter a [adhering] to a letter.
ALLOC ATION. s. Act of putting one thing to another. L. ad, to,
and locus, a place.
ALLODIAL, adj. Allodial lands are those which are not held under
any superior. In England, all lands are held under the crown.
The etymology of this word is uncertain.
ALLU'DE. v. To speak of indirectly to hint at. L. alludo ; from;

ad, towards, and ludo, to play, —

perhaps, originally used respecting
the episodes of a lively composition.
ALLU'RE. v. To entice. F. a, to, and leurre, a decoy, or bait.
ALLU'SION. s. Indirect reference a hint. L. See ALLUDE.;

ALLU' VI AL. adj. Relating to alluvion consisting of alluvion. ;

ALLU'VION. s. That which is carried by a flood ; as land formed

near a river. F. alluvion : L. alluvio, an inundation of water ; aU
luo, to flow near to ad, to, and luo, to wash away.

AL'LY. s. A F. allie ; a, to, and Her, (L. ligo) to tie.

AL'FHA TO OMEGA. From the beginning to the end: alpha is
the first, and omega the last letter, of the Greek alphabet.
AL'PHABET. s. The letters of a language. G. alpha and beta, the
first two letters of the Greek alphabet.
AL'TAR. s. A
place raised for worship. L. altar e ; from alius,
ALTER, s. To change. L. alter, another.
ALTERCA'TION. s. Dispute. F. altercation : L. altercatio ; from
alterco, to contend.
ALTERNATIVE, s. Choice of two things. F. alternatif ; L. alter,
ALTER'NETER. s. An instrument for measuring altitudes by geo-
metrical principles. L. altus, high, and G. metron, measure.
AL'TITUDE. s. Height. L. altitudo ; from altus, high.
ALUMNI, s. Pupils ; youths who have been educated at any parti-
cular college. L. pi. of alumnus, a pupil, or foster child : from alo,
to nourish.
AMAL'GAM. s. A composition of metals. G. ama, together, and
gameo, to marry.
AMAL'GAM ATE. v. To form into amalgam; to unite intimately.
AMANUEN'SIS. s. A writer employed by an author, &c. L. ama.
nuensis ; from ad, in place of, and manus, a hand.
AMASS', v. To accumulate. F. amasser ; L. ad, to, and massa, a
lover of any particular pursuit or system. F. ama-
tear L. amator, a lover ; from amo, to love.
AM'ATORY. adj. Relating to love containing sentiments of love.

L. amator, a lover; from amo, to love.

AM'AZON. s. One of the warlike nation of women who inhabited
Caucasus said to have cut off their right breast, that they might

the more easily use their weapons. G. a, not, and mazos, a breast.
person sent, in a public manner, from one
sovereign power to another. F. ambassadeur ; L. ambio, to go
about, or make interest for.

AMBIDEXTROUS, adj. Expert with both hands. L. ambidexter
from ambo, both, and dexter, right-handed.
AM'BIENT. adj. Surrounding encompassing. L. ambiens, part, of ;

ambio, to go about or encompass.

AMBIG'UOUS. adj. Having a double meaning doubtful. L. ambu ;

guus ; from ambo, both.

AMBIL OQUY. s. Use of doubtful expressions. L. ambo, both, and
loquor, to speak.
AMBITION, s. Desire of eminence. L. ambitio ; from ambio, to go
about, or solicit.
AM'BLE. v. To move with an easy, peculiar pace. F. ambler : L.
ambulo, freq. of ambio, to go about.
AMBRO'SI A. s. The imaginary food of the gods. G. ambrosia ; from
ambrotos, immortal.
AMBULATE, v. To walk about. L. ambulo ; from ambio, to go
AMBUSCA'DE. s. A hostile concealment ; ambush. F. embuscade ;
en, in, and bois, a wood.
AM'BUSH. s. An ambuscade. F. embuche : and bois, a wood.
en, in,
AMEN' ABLE. adj. Responsible ; tractable. F. amesnable ; amener,
to lead.
AMEND', v. To reform ; to correct. L. emendo ; comp. of e, from,
and menda, a blemish.
AMELIORATE, v. To make better ; to improve ; to meliorate. See
AMENITY", s. Pleasantness; agreeableness. L. amoenitas ; G. ame-
nitos ; a, without, and menis, anger.
THO'RO. From bed and board; a term used to
denote a partial divorce, distinguished from de vinculo matrimonii,
which signifies a total divorce. L. a, from, mensa, a table, et, and,
thoro, abl. ofthorus, a bed.
A'MIABLE. adj. Lovely virtuous. F. aimable : L. amo, to love.

AMTCABLE. adj. Friendly peaceable. L. amicabilis ; from amo, ;

to love.
AMTTY. s. Friendship peace. F. amitie L. amicitia amo, to love.
; ; :

AMMUNITION, s. Military stores materials for loading a gun. ;

L. ad, to, and munio, to fortify.

AM'NESTY. s. An act of oblivion. G. amnestia ; from a, not, and
mnesis, memory.
AM'OROUS. adj. Loving L. amor, love. ; lustful.
AMOR- PA' TRUE. The love of one's country. L. amor, love, pa.
trice, sfen. of patria, a country.
term used, in law, to denote a violent removing, or
displacing. L. amotum, sup. of amoveo : a, from, and moveo, to
AMPHIB'IOUS. adj. Capable of living on land, or in water. G. am.
phibious amphi, opposite, and bios, life.

AMPHITHE'ATRE. s. A circular or oval building of which, the ;

area, or pit, is reserved for exhibitions, and surrounded by seats, one

above another. G. amphitheatron ; from amphi, around, and tliea-
tron, a theatre from theotnai, to see or look.

AM'PLE. adj. Large; wide; sufficient. F. ample ; L. amplus, large.


AMTLIFY. v. To enlarge. F. amplifier ; L. ampins, large, and Jio,
to \e made.
AMPUTATE, v. To cut off. L. amputo, comp. of ab, from, and
puto, to lop.
sort of charm, worn about the person. L. amu-
letum : probably, from amolior, to remove, or put away with diffi-
AMU'SE. To entertain; to deceive by artful management. F«
amuser L. musa, a song, or poem.

ANABAP'TIST. s. One who opposes the baptism of infants. G. ana,

again, and bapto, to wash; because the original followers of that
doctrine had been christened when children, and were again bap.
tized, when by immersion.
ANA'CHRONISM. Error in computing time.s. F. anachronisme
G. ana, against, and chronos, time.
ANACREON'TIQUE. s. A poem in the manner of Anacreon, of
Jonia ; who wrote in Greek.
from the transposition of letters.
s. conceit, arising
G. ana, opposite and gramma, a letter.
to, or backwards,
ANALEC'TIC. adj. Selecting. G. ana, again, and lektos, collected.
ANALOGY, s. Resemblance, with regard to some circumstances or
effects. F. analogie; G. analogia; from ana, with, and logos, a word.
ANAL'YSIS. s. Separation. G. analusis ; from ana, separately, and
luo, to dissolve.
ANALYTTC, or ANALYTICAL. By analysis; examining mi-
nutely. ANALYSIS. See
ANARCHY, s. Want of government national confusion,
; G. anar-
chia ; from a, without, and arche, government.
ANA'THEMA. s. A curse, pronounced by ecclesiastical authority
excommunication. G. anathema : ana, denoting separation, and
tithemi, to place.
ANAT'OMY. s. The art of dissection. G. anatomia ; from ana,
through, and temno, to cut.
ANCESTOR, s. One from whom a person
remotely descended. L. is
antecessor ; from ante, before, and cessum, sup. of cedo, to go.
ANCH'OR. s. An instrument for holding a ship in a certain place. L.
anchor a ; G. ankvros, a hook.
ANCH'ORET, or ANCH'ORITE. s. A hermit a recluse. G. ana- ;

choretes: ana, separately, and choreo, to go.

AN'CIENT. adj. Past ; former of great age.
; F. ancien ; L. ante,
ANCIL'LARY. adj. Subservient. L. ancilla, a maid-servant.
ANDROI'D. s. x\n automaton of human form. G. aner, a man, and
eidos, form.
ANECDOTE, Secret history ; biographical incident. G. anekdo-
ton ; from and ekdidoni, to publish.
a, not,
ANEMOG'RAPHY. s. Description of the cause of the winds. G.
anemos, the wind, and grapho, to write.
ANEMOM'ETER. s. An instrument for measuring the power or ve-
locity of the wind. G. anemos, the wind, and metreo, to measure.
ANEM'OSCOPE. s. An instrument to show the direction of the wind.
G. anemos, the wind, and skopeo, to view.
AN'EURISM. s. An irregular dilation of an artery. G. aneuro, to
AN'GEL. s. A celestial inhabitant, or messenger. G. angelos : an-
gello, to deliver a message.
ANG'ER. s. Severe displeasure ; wrath. L. ango ; G. ancho, to choke,
strangle, or vex.
ANG'LE. s. A term in geometry. L. angulus, a corner.
ANG'LICE'. In English. L.
ANG UISH. Excessive pain. F. angoisse ; L. ango, to strangle.
ANHELA'TION. s. Shortness of breath; a panting. L. anhelo: halo,
to breathe.
ANIL' IT Y. s. The state of being an old woman ; dotage. L. anili-
tas ; anus, an old woman.
ANIMADVERT', v. To consider; to observe; to censure. L. ani-
madverto ; from animus, the mind, ad, to, verto, to turn.
ANTMAL. s. A living creature. L. animal, a living creature ; G.
anima, breath.
ANIMATE, v. To give life ; to enliven. L. animo. See ANIMAL.
ANIMOSTTY. s. Vehement hatred. L. animositas ; from animus,
spirit, passion.
AN'NALS. History, in which the events are recorded in yearly

succession. L. annales ; from annus, a year.

ANNEX', v. To join to to unite. L. annezum, sup. of annecto ; ad,

to, and necto, to link or tie together.

ANNI'HILATE. v. To destroy. L. ad, to, and nihil, nothing.
ANNIVER'SARY. s. "Yearly return. L. anniversarius ; from anni,
of a year, and versus, a turning annus and verto. :

ANNO DOMINI, or A. D. The sign of the Christian era. L. anno,

in the year, Domini, of our Lord.
term in chronology, referring to the
creation. L. anno, in the year, mundi, of the world.
AN NOTATOR. s. One who writes notes a commentator. L. anno- ;

tator ; from ad, concerning, and noto, to mark.

ANNOUNCE', v. To proclaim. L. annuncio ; from ad, to, and nuncio,
to relate.
or A. U. C. term in Roman chro- A
nology. L. anno, in the year, urbis, of the city, (Rome,) condita,
being built.
ANNOY', v. To molest ; to teaze. F. nuire, to hurt ; L. ad, to, and
noceo, to hurt.
AN'NUAL. adj. Yearly. F. annuel : L. annus, a year.
ANNUITY, s. Yearly allowance. F. annuite ; L. annus, a year, and
itum, sup. of go, or proceed.
eo, to
ANNUL', v. To make void. L. ad, to, and nullus, of no account.
ANNULAR, adj. In the form of a ring. L. annulus, a ring.
ANODYNE, s. A mitigator of pain. G. ana, against, and odune,
ANOINT', v. To pour oil upon to consecrate by unction, or the use

of oil. F. oint, part, of oindre ; L. ad, to, and unctus, p. part, of

ungo, to smear.
ANOM'ALOUS. adj. Irregular. G. a, without, and nomos, a

ANON'YMOUS. adj. Without a name. L. anonymus : G. anonumos
a,without, and onuma, a name.
ANTAGONIST, s. An opponent. F. antagoniste : G. anti, against,
and agonizo, to contend.
term in astronomy. G. anti, opposite, and
ANTECE'DENT. s. That which goes before. L. antecedens ; from
ante, before, and cedens, part, of cedo, to go.
ANTECES'SOR. s. One that goes before. L. See ANTECEDENT.
AN'TECHAMBER. s. A chamber that leads to the chief apartment.
L. ante, before, and chamber.
ANTEDATE, v. To date earlier than the proper time. L. ante, be-
fore, and date.
ANTEDILUVIAN, adj. Existing before the flood. L. ante, before,
and diluvium, a deluge.
ANTEMERIDIAN, or A. M. L. ante, before, meridies, noon.
adj. Before the creation of the world.
before, and mundus, the world.
ANTEN'NiE. s. In zoology, the horns or feelers of insects, projecting
from the head. L. antenna, a sail-yard.
AN'TEPENULT. s. The last syllable except two. L. antepenuHjma
ante, before, pene, almost, ultimus, the last.
ANTE'RIOR. adj. Going before; previous. L. anterior, the compar.
form of ante, before.
hymn, sung in alternate parts any holy song. G. ;

anthumnos ; from anti, opposite to, and humneo, to sing in verse, or

to praise.
ANTHOL'OGY. s. A collection of beautiful passages from authors ;

a collection of poems or epigrams. In the Greek church, a collection

of devotional pieces. G. anthos, a flower, and logos, a discourse, or
logia, a collection.
AN'THRACITE. adj. Composed chiefly of carbon ; not bituminous.
G. anthrax, a coal.
ANTHROPOPHAGI, s. Eaters of human flesh. G. anthropos, a
man, and phago, to eat.
ANTICHRIS'TIAN. adj. Opposed to Christianity. G. anti, against,
and Christian.
ANTI'CIPATE. v. To act or think before an event. L. anticipo
from ante, before, and capio, to take.
AN'TIC. adj. Strange ridiculous. L. antiquus, ancient.

ANTICLI'MAX. s. A sentence, of which the last part expresses some-

thing lower than the first. G. anti, opposite to, and climax.
ANTIDOTE, s. A remedy for poison. G. antidotos ; from anti,
against, and dotos, part, of didomi, to give.
ANTIFEB'RILE. adj. Efficacious against fever. G. anti, against,
and L. febris, a fever.
ANTIFED'ERALIST. s. A person who was opposed to the tenor of
the federal constitution of the United States of America. G. anti,
against, and federalist.
ANTIL'OGY. s. A contradiction between any words or passages in
ail author. G. anti, against, and logos, speech.
ANTIPATHY, s. Fixed dislike. G. anti, against, and pathos, feeling.
c 25
" ;

ANTI'PHONY. s. The answer of one
choir to another, when an an-
them or psalmsung by two choirs; alternate singing the words

given out at the beginning of a psalm, to which both the choirs are
to accommodate their singing. G. anti, against, and phone, voice.
ANTI'PHRASIS. s. An expression in which the words are used in a
sense opposite to their just meaning. G. anti, opposite to, and
phrasis, a form of speech.
ANTIP'ODES. s. People who live on opposite meridians, and in op-
posite latitudes. G. anti, opposite to, and podes, feet.
ANTIPOL'OMIST. s. One opposed to war. G. anti, against, and
polemos, war.
AN'TIQUARY. s. A searcher of ancient things. L. antiquarius
from ante, before, and qucero, to seek.
AN'TIQUATE. v. To make obsolete. L. antiquo. See ANTI-
ANTISCORBUTIC, adj. Efficacious against scurvy. G. anti, against,
and scorbutic.
ANTISEP'TIC. adj. Preventive of putrefaction. F. antiseptique : G.
anti, against, and sepo, to putrefy.
ANTISPASMODIC, adj. Efficacious against cramp. G. anti, against,
and spasmos, the cramp; spao, to draw.
ANTITH'ESIS. s. Contrast in words. G. antithesis; from anti,
against, and thesis, a position; tithemi, to place.
ANTIS'TASIS. s. In oratory, the defence of an action, from the con-
sideration that if it had been omitted, something worse would have
happened. G. anti, opposite, and stasis, station.
ANTISTROPHE'. s. In grammar, the changing of things mutually
depending on each other. Amongst the ancients, that part of a song
or dance, before the altar, which was performed by turning from
west to east, in opposition to the strophe. G. anti, opposite, and
strophe, a turning.
ANTITHETIC, adj. Placed in contrast. See ANTITHESIS.
ANTCE'CI. s. People who live in opposite latitudes, on the same me-
ridian. G. anti, opposite to, and oikeo, to dwell.
AN'TRILE. adj. Relating or belonging to a den or cavern. L. an-
trvm, a den.
ANXPETY. s. Trouble of mind, about a future event. L. anxietas ;
from angor, anguish ango, to strangle.

A'ORIST. s. The name of certain tenses in the grammar of the Greek

language, which express time indeterminate, that is, either past,
present, or future. G. aoristos, indefinite.
APARTMENT, s. A separate room a chamber. F. apartement :

L. a, from, and pars, a part.

A'PATHY. s. Want of feeling, or of passion. G. a, without, and
pathos, feeling.
APEP'SIA, or APEPSY. s. Want of natural concoction vulgarly, a

heart-burn. G. apepsia ; from a, not, and pepto, to boil, or digest.

APERIENT, adj. Gentle purgative. L. aperiens, part, of aperio, to
AP'ERTURE. s. An opening. L. apertura ; from aperio, to open.
AP'EX. s. The point. L. apex, the top.
APHELION, the orbit of any planet, which is the
That part
most remote from the sun. G. apo, from, and helios, the sun.
figure of speech, by which a letter or syllable is
taken from the beginning of a word. G. aphairesis ; comp, of apo,
from, and aireo, to take.
A'PHORISM. s. A maxim ; a precept contracted into a short sentence.
comp. of apo, from, and orizo, to separate or define.
G. aphorismos ;

AP'IARY. s. A place for bees. L. apis, a bee.

APOCALYPSE, s. Revelation; the last book of the New Testament.
G. apokalupto, to uncover.
APOCRYPHAL, adj. Of uncertain authority. G. apo, far off, and
krupto, to hide.
point in the heavens, in which the sun, or a planet,
is at the greatest distance from the earth. G. apo, from, and ge, the
AP'OLOGUE. s. A kind
of fable. G. apologos ; from apo, far off, and
logos, a discourse alluding to the nature of fable which inculcates
; ;

one thing by the relation of another.

APOL'OGY. s. Excuse. G. apologia ; from apo, after, and logos, a
speech that is, an explanation subsequent to the offence.

APOPLEXY, s. A general deprivation of animal sensation. G. apo-

plexia ; from apo, from, and plesso, to strike.
APOSTATE, s. One who has deserted his former profession, either
in politics or religion. G. apostates ; apo, from, and estaotos, part.
ofistimi, to stand.
A POSTERIO' RI. From the latter a phrase, in logic, opposed to ;

a priori, and used in reasoning from an effect to its cause. L. a,

from, and posteriori, abl. of posterior, the latter.
person deputed. G. apostolos ; from apo, from, and
stello, to send.
APOSTROPHE', s. diversion of speech, to another person or thing.
G. apostrophe : comp. of apo, from, and strepho, to turn.
compounder of medicines. L. apotheca, a
wine-cellar, or store-house G. apo, from, and theke, a depository.

AP'OTHEGM, or AP'OPHTHEGM. s. pointed sentiment; a A

maxim delivered extempore. G. apophthegma : apo, without- [consi-
deration] and phthengomai, to speak.

APOTHE'OSIS. s. Heathenish deification. G. apotheosis : from apo,

(a word of multifarious signification,) and theos, a god.
APPAL', v. To affright. F. appalir ; L. ad, at, palleo, to look
appurtenance of land. F. apanage ; from ap-
pendre, to hang L. ad, to, and pendo, to hang.

APPARATUS, s. Utgnsils; philosophical instruments. L. appara-

tus ; from ad, for, and paro, to prepare.
APPAR'EL. s. Dress habiliments. F. appareil, furniture. See

APPA'RENT. adj. Easily seen ; seeming, not real. L. apparens,
part, ofappareo; from ad, to, and pareo, to appear.
APPARITION, s. An L. appareo, to appear.
ideal spectre.
APPEAL', v. To remove a cause from a lower, to a higher tribunal;
to refer. L. apcllo, to applv to ad and pello. :

APPEAR', v. To come in view ; to be apparent. L. appareo, to ap-
pear ; ad and pareo.
APPE'ASE. v. To quiet. F. appetiser ; a, to, and paix, peace : L.
ad and pax.
APPEL'LATE. adj. Appellate jurisdiction is the power of hearing
appeals. See APPEAL.
APPELL A'TION. s. A name. L. appellatio ; appello, to call ; from
ad, to, and pello, to strike or effect : so as to draw attention.
APPEND', v. To hang or attach. L. appendo : ad, to, and pendo, to
supplement. L. appendix. See APPEND.
APPERTAIN', v. To belong (with to.) F. appartenir ; L. ad, to,
and perteneo, to belong perteneo is from per, by, and teneo, to hold.

AP'PETENCE. s. Strong desire. L. appetens, part, of appeto, to de-

sire ; ad, for, and peto, to seek.
APPETITE, s. Desire; keenness of stomach. L. appetitio ; from
ad, for, and peto, to seek.
APPLAUD', v. To praise, by clapping the hands ; to praise aloud.
L. applaudo : ad, to, and laudo, or plaudo, to give praise.
AP'PLICABLE. adj. Suitable; attributable. F. applicable. See
APPLY', v. To join; to have recourse (with to.) L.applico; from
ad, to, and plico, to fold.
APPOINT, v. To fix, or mark out. F. appointer ; L. ad, to, and
punctum, sup. of pungo. See POINT.
APPORTION, v. To assign in just proportion. L. ad, to, and por-
AP'POSITE. adj. Proper ; appropriate. L. appositus ; from ad, to,
and positvs, p. part, of pono, to place.
APPOSITION, s. Addition of new matter ; agreement of nouns. L.
appositio. See APPOSITE.
APPRAISE, v. To fix a price on. F. apprecier ; L. ad, to, and pre-
tium, a price.
APPRECIATE, v. To value at a just rate or price. F. apprecier.
APPREHEND', v. To seize; to understand. L. apprehendo ; from
ad, to or at, and prehendo, to catch.
APPRENTICE, s. One who is bound by covenant to remain with

another for a certain period, in order that he may acquire knowledge

of an art or trade. F. apprenti : apprendre, to learn L. apprehendo. :

APPRI'ZE. v. To inform. F. appris, part, of apprendre, to inform.

APPROACH', v. To come near. F. approcher ; from a, to, and
proche, near L. ad, to, and proximus, next.

APPROBATION, s. Approval. L. approbatio. See APPROVE.

APPRO'PRIATE. v. To assign to some particular use. L. ad, to,
and proprius, special or particular.
APPRO'VE. v. To like; to be pleased with. F. approuver : L.ap.
probo, to approve.
APPROXIMATE, v.- To approach. L. ad, to, and proximus, next.
APPUL'SION. s. The act of striking against, by a moving body. L.
appulsus : ad, and pulsus, p. part, of pello, to drive.
APPURTENANCE, s. thing appertaining. See APPERTAIN.
ATRIL. s. The fourth month. L. Aprilis ; from aperio, to open ; be-
cause, in April, the blossoms unfold.
A PRIORI. From the former ; in the first instance a phrase, in ;

logic, opposed to a posteriorly and used in reasoning- from a cause to

its effect. L. a, from, priori, abl. of prior, the former.
APROPOS. To the purpose ; well-timed. F. a, to, propos, the pur-
APT. adj. Fit ; inclined ; ready. L. aptus, p. part, of apto, to fit, or
AP'TOTE. s. An indeclinable noun. G. a, without, and ptosis, a
AQUAFORTIS, s. Sulphate of nitre. L. aqua, water, and fortis,
(gen. offors) of strength.
AQUARE'GIA. «. Nitro-muriatic acid. L. aqua, water, and regia,
(fem. of regius,) royal : this mixture will dissolve gold ; hence, its
princely title.
sign of the zodiac. L. aquarius, a water-bearer.
AQUAT'IC. adj. Relating to any thing that inhabits water. L. aqua-
ticus; from aqua, water.
method of etching on copper, by which a beau-

tiful effect is produced, resembling a fine drawing in water-colours
or Indian ink. L. aqua, water, and Italian, tenia, dye.
strong spirituous liquor. L. aqua, water, vita,
of life. (It should rather be named aqua mortis, the water of
AQUEDUCT, s. An artificial conveyance for water. L. aqu&ductus ;
aqua, water, and ductus, p. part, of duco, to bring.
A'QUEOUS. adj. Watery partaking of the nature of water. L.

aqua, water.
A'QUILINE. adj. An aquiline nose resembles an eagle's beak. L.
aquilinus ; from aquila, an eagle.
A'RABLE. adj. Fit for cultivation. L. arabilis ; aro, to plough.
AR'BITER. s. Ajudge; one who has the power of direction. L.
arbiter, an arbitrator, or ruler.
ARBITRARY, adj. Despotic; independent of rules. L. arbitrarius.
AR'BITRATOR. s. A judg-e, chosen by mutual consent. L. arbitror,
to award. See ARBITER.
ARBORESCENT, adj. Growing in the form of a tree. L. arbore.
scens, part, of arboresco : arbor, a tree.
AR'BORIST. s. One who makes trees his study. L. arbor, a tree.
AR'BOUR. s. A bower. L. arbor, a tree.
ARC. s. Part of a circle. L. arcus, a bow or arch; because these de-
scribe only part of a circle.
continued arch a walk covered with an arched roof.

F. arcade. L. arcus. See ARCH.

ARC A' NUM. s. A secret. L. arcanum ; from area, a chest, coffin,
or tomb secrets are hidden, as in a chest.

ARCH. s. Part of a circle. L. arcus. See ARCH.

ARCH' ANGEL, s. One of the highest order of angels. G. archos,
chief, and angel.
ARCHBISHOP, s. A chief bishop. G. archos, chief, and bishop.
c* 29

ARCHAIOL'OGY. s. A discourse on antiquity. G. archios, ancient,
and logos, a word.
ARCH'ER. s. One who uses a bow. L. arcus, a bow.
ARCHETYPE, s. The original. L. archetypus ; G. arche, the be.
ginning-, and tupos, a type. See TYPE.
archbishop. G. archos, chief, and episkopos, an overseer. See
professor of the art of building. L. architectus
G. archos, chief, and tekton, a builder.
ARCHTTRAVE. s. The moulding next above the capital of a column :

in timber buildings, it is called the master-beam. G. arche, chief,

and L. trabs, a beam.
ARCHTVES. s. place for public records ; or the records themselves.
L. archiva ; G. arche, a government.
ARCHON. s. One of the nine chief magistrates of Athens. G. archon,
from arche, a chief.
ARCTIC, adj. Relating to the arctic circle, or to the north. G. arktos,
a bear the name given to the northern constellation.

ARCUA'TION. s. Act of bending; curvity. L. arcus, an arch or

AR'DENT. adj. Hot eager. L. ardens ; from ardeo, to burn.

AR'DUOUS. adj. Difficult. L. arduus, inaccessible; lofty; danger-

A'REA. s. A
term in mathematics, and architecture. L. area, a va-
cant place. See ARENA.
ARE'NA. s. That part of a theatre which is left vacant for the con-
tests, or sports. L. arena, sand because the space was strewed

with sand. Area appears to be derived from arena.

AR'GENT. s. The white colour used in coats of arms, which is bright,
like silver. L. argenteus : argentum, silver.
ARGILLA'CEOUS. adj. Partaking of the nature of ciay. L. argil-
lacevs : argilla, white clay, such as potters use.
ARGUE, v. To reason ; to dispute. L. arguo, to show or prove.
ARGUMEN TUM AD HOMINEM. An argument which derives its
strength from its personal application. L. argumentum, an argu-
ment, ad, to, homincm, accus, of homo, a man.
ARTD. adj. Dry parched. L. aridus, dry, parched.

A'RIES. s. A
sign of the zodiac. L. aries, a ram.
government by nobles. G. aristos, best, or
most eminent, and krateo, to govern meaning, where the most :

powerful men govern.

ARITH'METIC. s. The science of numbers. L. arithmetica : G.
arithmos, a number.
ARITHMOM'ETER. s. An instrument for solving questions in arith-
metic. G. arithmos, a number, and metreo, to measure.
ARK. s. A
large chest a vessel to swim on the water, as the Ark of

Noah. L. area, a chest. The close rooms in which meal is kept in
some parts of Britain, and a species of vessels with which the people
of the United States descend their rivers, are called arks.
ARMIL'LARY. adj. Resembling a bracelet. L. armilla, a bracelet
— See Ferguson's description of the globes.

ARMISTICE, s. A cessation
of arms, for a short time, by conven-
tion; a truce. L. anna, arms, and sisto, to stand still.
AROMAT'IC. adj. Spicy fragrant. F. aromatique : L. aroma, spice,

ARRANGE', v. To place in order ; to settle. F. arranger ; from a, to,

and rang, a row or rank.
AR'RANT. adj. Bad, in a high degree. L. errans, part, of erro, to
ARRE'AR. s. That which is left unpaid, or not done. F. arriire, be-
ARREST', v. To
obstruct; to stop; to seize and fix, as to arrest the
eyes or attention. F. arreter ; L. ad, and resto, to stop ; re, back,
and sto, to stand.
ARRIVE, v. To come ; to reach. F. arriver ; from a, to, and rive, a
shore, or sloping bank of a river L. ripa. :

AR'ROGANCE. s. Undue assumption ; haughtiness. L. arrogans,

part, of arrogo.— See ARROGATE.
AR'ROGATE. v>. To assume unjustly. L. arrogo ; comp. of ad, to,
and rogo, to demand.
dart. Derived, through the Saxon, from L. arundo, a
reed because, reeds were used for arrows.

military workshop or magazine. F. arsenal: L.
ars, an art or trade.
AR'SON. s. The malicious burning of another's property: (used by
lawyers ;) arsum, sup. of ardeo, to burn.
AR'TERY. s. tube or canal which conveys the blood from the heart
to all parts of the body. G. arteria ; from airo, to take awaj'.
part of speech a particular part. L. articulus, a

ARTICULATE, v. To pronounce distinctly. L. articulo ; from ar-
ticulus, a joint, or point.
AR'TIFICE. Trick stratagem. F. artifice : L. artijicium ; from
s. ;

arte, (abl. of ars) by art, and facio, to do.

ARTIFICIAL, adj. Made by art; fictitious. See ARTIFICE.
ARTIL'LERY. s. Missive weapons cannon. F. artillerie ; from art,

art, and tirailler, to shoot.

ASBES'TOS. s. A kind of stone, indestructible by fire. G. asbestos :
a, not, sbennumi, to extinguish.
ASCEND', v. To go upwards. L. ascendo ; from ad, towards, and
scando, to climb.
ASCERTAIN', v. To know surely. L. ad, to, and certain.
ASCES'CENT. adj. Growing sour. See ACID.
ASCETTC. adj. Retired from the world rigid austere. F. ascetique ; ;

G. asketos, exercised, hardened ; from asheo, to exercise.

ASCRI'BE. v. To attribute. L. ascribo ; ad, to, and scribo, to write,
or appoint: meaning, to assign an effect to a particular cause.
ASCRIP'TION. s. Act of ascribing. L. ascriptio. See ASCRIBE.
ASTECT. s. Appearance direction towards. L. aspectus ; from ad,

at, and specto, to look.

ASPERTTY. s. Roughness; severity. L. asperitas ; from asper,
ASPERSE', v. To calumniate. L. aspersum, sup. of aspergo : ad,
upon, and spargo, to sprinkle.
pronunciation formed by a full breathing as the
s. ;

letter h. L, aspiratus, part, of aspiro, to breathe, or blow.

ASPI RE. v. To desire eagerly (with to, or after.) L. aspiro : ad, to,
and spiro, to breathe.
particular drug. L. assus, unmixed, and foeti-
dus, bad-smelling matter that is, entirely fetid. This word is some-

times improperly spelled asafoetida.

ASSAIL', v. To assault. F. assailir : L. assilio : ad, at, and salio, to
ASSAULT', s. An attack or violent onset; in law, an attempt or offer
to strike another, without touching his person. F. assaut, formerly,
assault : to, and salto, to leap.
L. ad,
ASSAY', Examination. F. essayer, to try.

ASSEM'BLY. s. A meeting of people. F. assembUe; from a, to, and

semblable, like meaning, resembling each other, or of equal quality.

L. ad, to, and similis, like. Assembly is used in relation to persons

only Assemblage, chiefly in relation to things.

ASSENT', f. To agree. L. assentio; ad, with, and seniio, to think.

ASSERT', v. To affirm positively to aver. L. assertion, sup. of ;

assero, to claim or challenge

throw or set.
L. ad, and sero, to sow, properly, to

ASSESS', v. To apportion, or tax. L. assessum, sup. of assideo ; from
ad, concerning, and sedeo, to sit; or ad, to, and cessum, sup. of cedo,
to yield.
ASSETS', s. Goods or estate of a deceased person, sufficient to pay
his debts. But the word sufficient, though expressing the original
signification of assets, is not, with us, necessary to the definition.
In the present usage, assets are the money, goods, or estate, of a
deceased person, subject, by law, to the payment of his debts and
legacies. F. assez, enough.
ASSEVERATE, v. To declare earnestly. L. assevero : ad, to, and
severiias, seriousness.
ASSID'UOUS. adj. Constant in application. L. assiduus : ad, at, and
sedeo, to sit.

ASSIGN', v. To mark out; to convey a right; to appoint, or depute.

L. assigno ; from ad, for, and signo, to mark.
ASSIGNEE', s. One to whom any thing is assigned. See ASSIGN.
ASSIM'ILATE. v. To convert to the same nature ; tocause resem-
blance. L. assimilo; from ad, to, and similis, like.
ASSIST', To help to aid. L. assisto : ad, to, and sisto, to stand up.
v. ;

ASSI'ZE. s. Regulation: (assizes, meeting of provincial law-courts.)

F. assis, a sitting; pi. assises : L. ad, at, and sedeo, to sit.

ASSOCIATE, v. To join as a companion to unite. L. associo : ad, ;

to, and socivs, a companion.

ASSORT', v. To place in classes. F. assoriir : L. ad, to, and sors, a
ASSUAGE', v. To mitigate; to ease. L. ad, to, and suadeo, to per-
suade, or counsel.
ASSUA'SIVE. adj. Softening. L. ad, to, and sausio, a counselling.
ASSU'ME. v. To take ; to usurp. L. assumo : from ad, to, and sumo,
to take.

ASSUMP'SIT. An action of assumpsit lies against a builder, or any
other person, who has failed to perform^his contract. L. assumpsit,
(from assumo,) he undertook.
ASSURE, v. To give confidence ; to insure. F. assurer : L. ad, to,
and securus, safe.
AS'TERISK. s. A mark (*) used in printing. G. asteriskos, dim. of
aster, a star.
ASTEROI'D. s. Something partaking of the form of a star. G.
aster, a star, and oidos, form.
AST'HMA. s. A difficult, short respiration. G. asthma : from ao, to
ASTONTSH. v. To confound ; to amaze. F. etonner, (formerly eston-
ner) : L. ad, at, and tono, to thunder.
ASTOUND', v. To astonish, (a vulgarism.) F. etonner, (formerly
estonner.) See ASTONISH.
AS'TRAL. adj. Relating to the stars. L. astrum, a star.
ASTRIC'TION. s. Act of contracting, by medical applications. L.
astrictio ; from astrictus, p. part, of astringo, to tie or bind.
ASTRIN'GENT. adj. Contracting. L. astringens, part, of astringo
from ad, to, and stringo, to truss up, or bind.
AS'TROLABE. s. An instrument formerly used for ascertaining lati-
tudes. G. astron, a star,and lamhano, to take.
ASTROL'OGY. s. The pretended science of foretelling by the stars.
L. astrologia : G. astron, a star, and logos, a discourse.
ASTRON'OMY. s. Knowledge of the heavenly bodies. G. astrono-
mia ; from astron, a star, and nomos, a law or rule.
AS'TROSCOPE. s. An astronomical instrument, by means of which
the stars may easily be known. G. astron, a star, and skopeo, to
ASTU'TE. ; cunning. L. astutus, from astus, craft.
adj. Subtle
ASYLUM, Place of safety. L. asylum : G. a, without, and sulon,
part, of sulao, to plunder meaning, free from robbery, or hnrt.

ATHEIST, s. One who denies the existence of God. G. a, without,

and Theos, God.
ATHLETIC, adj. Of a strong and vigorous body. L. athleticus : G.
athletes, a wrestler athleo, to contend. ;

AT'MOSPHERE. s. The air which surrounds the earth. G. atmos,

vapour, and sphaira, a sphere.
ATOM, s. A
very small particle. G. atomos ; from a, not, and temno,
to cut meaning, that it cannot be divided.

ATRO'CITY. s. Horrible wickedness. L. atrocitas ; atrox, cruel

ater, black.
ATROPHY, s. Debility, for want of due nourishment. G. atrophia
from a, not, and trepho, to nourish.
ATTACH', v. To join to arrest. ; F. attacher : L. ad, at or to, and
tactum, sup. of tango, to touch.
ATTACK', v. To assault an enemy ; to begin a contest. F. attaquer
L. ad, to or against, and tactus, p. part, of tango, to touch.
ATTAIN', v. To reach, come to, or arrive at. F. atteindre : L. at-
tingo : ad, to, and tango, to touch.
ATTAIND'ER. s. By attainder, the estate of the convicted person
reverts to his superior lord ; and his blood is, in a legal sense, so
corrupted, as to be no longer inheritable. See ATTAINT.
ATTAINT', v. To disgrace particularly, by conviction of felony or

treason. L. attinctus, p. part, of attingo : ad, to, and lingo, to stain.

ATTEMPT', v. To endeavour. L. attento ; from ad, at, and tento,
to try.
ATTEND', v. To give attention, or aid ; to be present at. L. attendo ;
from ad, to, and tendo, to stretch out.
ATTEN'T ION. s. Act of attending to, or heeding act ; of civility.
ATTEN'UATE. v. To make thin, or slender. L. attenuo ; comp. of
ad, to, and tenuis, slender.
ATTEST', v. To sign as a witness
; to bear witness. L. attestor; from
ad, to, and witness.
testis, a
ATTI'RE. v. To dress ; to habit; to array. F. attirer ; tirer, to draw :
L. ad, to, and traho, to draw.
ATTRACT", v. To draw towards. L. attractum, sup. of attraho ; from
ad, towards, and traho, to draw.
ATTRIB'UTE. v. To ascribe. L. attribuo: ad, to, and tribuo, to give.
ATTRIBUTE, s. The thing attributed, or belonging, to another. See
the verb.
ATTRI'TION. s. Act of wearing things by rubbing. L. attritio : ad,
against, and tritus, p. part, of tero, to rub.
AUBURN, adj. Brown of a dark colour. F. brun, brown.

AUCTION, s. A mode of sale. L. audio : auctus, p. part, of augeo.

to increase, (from a small, to a greater, price.)
AUDA'CIOUS. adj. Impudently daring. F. audacieux : L. audacis,
gen. of audax, bold audeo, to dare.

AUDIBLE, adj. Loud enough to be heard. L. audibilis; from audio,

to hear. -.

act of hearing ; hearers.
s. F. audience : L. au-
diens, part, of audio, to hear.
AUDIT, v. To review or examine the accounts of another. See
AU'DITOR. s. A hearer ; an examiner of public accounts. L. auditor ;
from audio, to hear.
AU FAIT. " He is quite au fait, in those things;" a French phrase,
implying a certain familiarity with, or mastery of a subject.
AUGMENT', v. To increase to become larger, or more. L. augmen,

an increase : augeo, to create, or increase.

AU'GUR. v. the Romans, an officer whose duty was to fore-
by the singing, chattering, flight, and feeding of
tel future events,
birds. L. augur from avis, a bird.

AUGUST', adj. Great magnificent. L. augustus, venerable, noble.


AU'GUST. s. The eighth month. L. Augustus Ctesar. See AU-

AU'LIC. adj. Pertaining to a royal eourt. The epithet is probably
now confined to the German empire, where it is used to designate
certain courts, or officers composing the courts. L. aulicus : aula,
a hall.
AURE'LIA. s. The first apparent change of the maggot of insects.
L. aurum, gold.
AURICULAR, adj. Within the sense or reach of hearing; secret.
L. auricularis : auris, the ear.
AU'RIST. s. An ear-surgeon. L. auris, an ear.
luminous meteor, peculiar to the north-
ern latitudes. L. aurora, the morning, (meaning, light,) and borea-
lis, belonging to the north.
AUSTICE. s. An omen ; protection. L. auspicium ; from auspex, a
soothsayer or diviner, who observes the motion and number of birds :
from avis, a bird, and specio, to behold.
AUSPI'CIOUS. adj. Having omens of success favourable kind. ; ;

AUSTE'RE. adj. Harsh; of a distant manner. L. austerus : G.aus-
teros : from auo, to dry up.
AUS'TRAL. adj. Southern. L. australis ; from auster, the south.
AUTHEN'TIC. adj. Proceeding from sufficient authority. L. au-
thenticus : G. authentes, an author.
AUTH'OR. s. One who first effects, or produces any thing. L. auc-
tor ; from auctus, p. part, of augeo, to increase, or create.
AUTHOR'ITY. s. Testimony; influence; power. From author : be-
cause, authority, in its various significations, must proceed from its

proper source, the author.
AUTOBIOG'RAPHY. s. Memoirs of any person, written by himself.
G. autos, self, and BIOGRAPHY.
AU'TOCRAT. s. An absolute prince. G. autos, self, and kratos,
particular person's own handwriting or the

original manuscript, in opposition to a copy. G. autographon ; from

autos, self, and grapho, to write.
AUTOM'ATON. s. A machine, which has a power of motion within
itself. G. automaton ; autos, self, and maomai, to be moved.
AUXIL'IARY. s. An assistant. L. auxiliarius : G. auxo, to increase.
AVAIL', v. To aid in promoting to profit. L. valeo, to be strong, or

to serve.
A'VALANCHES. Prodigious snow-balls, that frequently roll down
the mountains in Savoy. F. avalanches : avaler, to fall down.
messenger, sent forward to announce the
approach of some great personage. F. avant, before, and courier.
AVARICE, s. Insatiable desire of wealth. L. avaritia ; from aveo,
to covet.
AVENGE', v. To punish in behalf of another. F. venger : L. vinco,
to conquer or subdue. Revenge is to punish in behalf of one's-self.
AVENUE, s. A way of approach. F. avenue L. ad, to, and venio,

to come.
AVER', v. To declare solemnly. F. averer : L. ad, to, and verum, the
one degree of value on things of various quali-
ties. L. averagium ad, to, verum, truth, and ago, to bring.

AVERSE', adj. Unfavourable opposed. L. aversus. See AVERT.


AVERT', v. To turn from ; to turn aside. L. averto ; comp. of a,

from, and verto, to turn.
A'VIARY. s. A place inclosed for birds. L. avis, a bird.
AVID'IT Y. s. Greediness ; eagerness. L. aviditas : aveo, to desire.
AVOCA'TION. Business which calls a person away from his usual

employment. L. avocatio ; a, from, and voco, to call.

AVOID', v. To shun to decline to escape. See VOID.
; ;

kind of weight, having sixteen ounces in a
pound. F. avoir du poids, to have just weight probably, the statute, :

mercantile weight, introduced into England, by the Normans.

AVOUCH', v. To affirm to produce or ; call in. See VOUCH.
AVOW. v. To declare with confidence ; to own or confess. F. avouer :

L. advoveo : ad, to, and vow. voveo, to

AVUL'SION. s. Act of pulling one thing from another. L. avulsio :

a,from, and vulsus, p. part, ofvello, to pull or pluck.

proposition evident at the first view, and which cannot
be made plainer by demonstration. G. axioma ; from axio-o, to be
thought worthy [of belief]
AXTS. s. The line, real or imaginary, that passes through any thing,

and on which it may revolve. L. axis : G. axon ; ago, to conduct,

AZOTE, s. Nitrogen that part of the atmospheric air which will not

support life. F. azote : G. a, not, and zao, to live.

A'ZURE. adj. Light blue. F. azur, a sky-coloured mineral.


BACCHANALIAN, s. A riotous, drunken person. L. bacchanalia,

the feast of Bacchus, the god of wine.
BACCIF'EROUS. adj. Producing berries. L. baccifer : bacca, a berry,
and fero, to bear.
BADINAGE, s. Playful conversation. F. badinage ; from badin,
waggish, merry.
BAGATELLE', s. A trifle. F. bagatelle, dim. of baggage, goods of
any kind.
BAIL. s. In law, is derived from the F. battler^ to deliver because ;

the defendant is bailed or delivered to his sureties, upon their giving

security for his appearance and is supposed to continue in their

friendly custody, instead of going to jail.

BAL'ANCE. s. An instrument for weighing difference of weight or

amount. F. balance : L. bilanx : bis, double, and lanx, a broad plate,

or dish.
BALE. s. A large bundle. F. bale, a ball.
warlike instrument, anciently used to throw stones

and darts. L. balista ; from the G. ballo, to throw.

BALL. s. An entertainment of dancing. F. bal : G. ballizo, to dance ;
from ballo, to throw, (meaning the legs.)
spheroid, formed of silk which, when inflated by ;

hydrogen gas, or rarefied air, ascends. F. balloon ; from bale, a ball.

BALLOT, s. mode of giving votes. F. balote, a little ball used at
elections. Balloting balls are of different colours a white ball de- ;

notes approbation a black one, dislike. In the United States, small


tickets are used.

BANK'RUPT. s. One who cannot pay his debts. Saxon, bane, a
heap, (alluding to the money accumulated in banks,) and L. ruptus,
p. part, of rumpo, to break.

BAPTI'ZE. v. To administer baptism ; to christen. G. baptizo, to
wash, dip, or besprinkle.
BAR'BAROUS. L. barbarus : G. barbaros,
adj. Uncivilized ; cruel.
foreign. The Greeks and Romans
applied this term to denote want
of civilization, as we do at the present time.
BARB'ED. adj. Pointed as an arrow, or a fishing-hook. L. barba, a
man who. shaves beards for hire. F. barbier : L.
barba, a beard.
BAROM'ETER. s. An instrument for ascertaining the pressure of the
atmosphere. G. baros, weight, and metreo, to measure.
BASE. s. The lower part, as of a column. See BASIS.
BASE. adj. Mean, dishonest. See ABASE.
kind of serpent, which is said to affright away by
hissing, and to kill by looking, G. basiliskos ; basileus, a king.
BAS'IS. s. The foundation ; first principle. G. and L. basis, the lower
part or base of a pillar.
BATCH'ELOR, BACHELOR, s. A man unmarried; a man who
takes his degrees, at a university ; a knight of the lowest order.
The etymology of this word is uncertain. " The second and most
numerous class of chivalric heroes, consisted of knights, who were
originally called bas-chevaliers, in contradistinction to the first class ;
but, in process of time, the word batchelor designated the esquire,
rather than the cavalier himself." Mills' Chivalry, 35.
BATH'OS. s. The art of sinking in poetry, or other literary composi-
tion. G. bathos, the bottom.
BATON, A s. marshal's staff. F. baton : L. batuo, to beat.
BATTERY, s. Act of battering; a number of cannon used for bat-

tering, or the frame upon which they are mounted ; a violent striking
or laying hold of any person. F. batterie : L. batuo, to 'strike.
BAWL. v. To cry aloud. L. balo, to bleat as a sheep.
BEAT. v. To strike, or conquer. L. batuo, to strike.
BEATIFY, v. To bless. L. beatifico; from beatus, happy, and facio,
to make : beo, to bless.
BEATITUDE, s. Superior degree of happiness. L. beatiludo ; from
beatus, happy : beo, to bless.
BE A U MONDE. The gay or fashionable world. F. beau, fine, and
monde, the world.
BEAUTY, s. An assemblage of graces, or an assemblage of proper-
ties in the form of the person or any other object which pleases the
eve. F. beaute : beau, handsome.
BEAUX ESPRITS. Men of wit. F. beaux, pi. of beau, pleasant,
and esprits, pi. of esprit, a spirit.
BEEF. s. Flesh of an ox, bull, or cow. F. boeuf: L. bovis, gen. of
bos, an ox, bull, or cow.
BELLES LETTRES. s. Polite Literature, (with the,) pronounced
bel-letter. F. les belles lettres, polite learning.
BELLI'GERENT. s. A party in a war. L. belligerans, part, of belli,
gero: bellum, war, and gero, to carry on.
BENEDICTION, s. A blessing. L. benedictio : bene, well, and dic-
tio, an expression : dico, to say.
o 37
BENEFACTOR, s. One who confers a benefit. L. bene, well, and
facio, to do.
BENEFICE, s. An ecclesiastical living. L. benejicium, an obliga- .


BENEFTCENT. adj. Kind; doing good. L. benefaciens part, of :

benefacio. See BENEFACTOR.

BENEFIT, s. Favour conferred advantage profit. L. benejicium.

BENEVOLENT, adj. Well-inclined; charitable. L. benevolens ; bene,
well, and volo, to wish.
BENIGNITY", s. Graciousness ;
goodness. L. benignitas ; from bene,
well, happily.
BES'TIAL. adj. Resembling a beast ; belonging to the class of beasts ;

beastly ; L. bestia, a beast.

BE'VER. s. That part of the
visor of a helmet which could be lifted
up. Italian, bevere, to drink. L. bibere, (infin. of bibo) to drink.
BEVERAGE, s. Drink. Italian, bevere, to drink. L. bibere, (infin.
of bibo) to drink.
BI'AS. s. Inclination, either of matter or mind. F. biais, an oblique
line, or slope : G. bia, force.
BIBBER, s. A tippler. L. bibo, to drink.
BTBLE. s. The sacred volume. G. biblion, a book meaning, by way :

of eminence, The Book.

BIBLIOGRAPHY, s. History of books. G. biblos, a book, and gra-
pho, to write.
BIBLIOMA'NIA. s. Book madness a rage for possessing rare and

curious books. G. biblion, a book, and mania, madness.

BIBULOUS, adj. Absorbing moisture. L. bibulus ; from bibo, to
BICOR'NOUS. adj. Having two horns. L. bis, double, and cornu, a
BIDEN'TAL. adj. Having two teeth. L. bidens : bis, double, and
dens, a tooth.
BIENNIAL, adj.Continuing two years occurring every two years.

L. biennis: from bis, double, and annus, a year.

BIF'EROUS. adj. Bearing twice a year. L. biferus ; bis, twice, and
fero, to bear.
BIG'AM Y. s. This word originally signified the having married twice ;

it now
denotes the crime of having two wives, or of having two hus-
bands. G. bis, double, and gameo, to marry.
BI'NARY. adj. By couples. L. binus ; from bis, double.
BIOG RAPHY. s. Personal history. G. bios, life, and grapho, to write.
BI'PAROUS. adj. Having two at a birth. L. bis, double, and pario,
to bring forth.
BIPAR'TITE. adj. Having two parts. L. bipartitus, part, of bipar-
tior : bis, twice, and partior, to divide.
BITED. s. An animal having two feet. L. bipedis, gen. of bipes ; bis,
double, and pes, a foot.
BIPET'ALOUS. adj. Consisting of two flower leaves ; having two
petals. L. bis, twice, and petalon, a leaf.
BIS'CUIT. s. Hard bread. F. biscuit: L. bis, twice, and F. cuit, part
of cuire, to bake.
BISECT', v. To divide into two parts. L. binus, by couples, and seco,
to cut.
BISHOP, s. One who is placed over several churches. Derived,
through the Saxon, from L. episcopus : G. epi, over, and skopeo, to
adj. Relating to every fourth, or leap year.
sextiles. In the Roman
Calendar, both the 24th and 25th of Febru-
ary were denominated sexto Kalendas Mar lias ; hence, the redupli-
cative term, bis, twice, is prefixed to sextilis, which relates to the
sixth of the Kalends of March. See Adams's Rom. Ant. 330, 331.
BITUMINOUS, adj. Having the qualities of bitumen pitchy. L. ;

bitumen, a kind of fit clay or slime, like pitch.

BLANCH, v. To whiten. F. blanchir ; from blanc, white.
BLAND, adj. Mild gentle. L. blandus, kind.

BLANDIL'OQUENCE. s. Fair, mild, flattering speech. L. blandus,

mild, and loquor, to speak.
BLANDISHMENT, s. Act of fondness caresses. L. blanditia. See

BLANK, s. A space not written upon unproductive result of a lottery

chance. F. blanc, white that is, having the white paper visible.

woolen cloth used in a printing-press, or for cover-
ing a bed. F. blanchet : blanche, white.
BLASPHE'ME. v. To speak irreverently of religion. G. blasphemeo :
blax, impious, and phemi, to say.
BLEMISH, v. To mark with any deformity; to tarnish; to defame.
F. blemir : bleme, pale, wan.
BOIL. v. To be agitated by heat. F. bouillir : L. bullio ; from bulla,
a bubble.
BOIL. s. A
vulgar term for a bile. From the verb, to boil ; alluding
to the form of a bile, —
that of a bubble.
BO'LUS. s. A
large pill. L. bolus, a lump.
BOMB. s. A
hollow ball, filled with gunpowder. F. bombe : L. bom-
bus, a buzzing noise.
BOM'BAST. s. Inflated language. L. bombus, a buzzing noise.
BONA FIDE. Actually; really. The phrase is also used adjectively,
for actual, real. L. bona, (from bonus,) in good, and fide, (from
fides,) faith.
BON MOT. A witty expression. F. bon, good, and mot, a word, or
BONNE BOUCHE. A nice or sweet morsel. F. bonne, fern, of bon,
good, and bouche, the mouth.
luxurious person. F. bon, well, and vivant, part.
ofvivre, to live.
BOTANY, s. The science of plants. G. botane, an herb.
BOUNTY, s. Generosity pecuniary encouragement. F. bonte : L.

bonitas ; bonus, good.

bound, a limit. F. borne, a limit.
BOX. s. A
case rmide of wood or other substance. F. bois, wood.
BRACE, v. To make firm. F. embrasser, to embrace: en, in, and
bras, an arm. L. in, and brachium.
BRACE, s. That which holds any thing tight a couple two in com- ; :

pany. See the verb.

BRACE'LET. s. An ornament for the arm. F. bracelet; from bras,
an arm.
brevet-officer is one, who holds a command higher in
rank, than that expressed in his commission. F. from the L. brevis,
BRE'VIARY. s. An abridgment; a book containing the daily service
of the Roman church. F. breviare L. : breviarivm : brevis, short.
BREVITY, s. Conciseness. L. brevitas ; brevis, short.
BRIDE, s. A woman recently married. F. bride, part, of brider, to
BRI'DLE. s. The reins, &c. used for governing a horse. F. bride ;
from brider, to restrain.
BRIEF, s. An abridged writing ; a lawyer's written instructions. F.
brief. See the adjective.
BRIEF, adj. Concise. F. brief: L. brevis, short.
BRILLIANT, adj. Shining; splendid. F. brillant : briller, to shine.
BRONZE, s. Brass ; a metal composed of copper and tin. F. bronze,
cast copper or brass.
BRUIT, s. Rumour; report. F. bruit: from bruire, to make a noise.
BRU'MAL. adj. Belonging to winter. L. brumalis G. brugmos, a :

roaring noise.
BRUNETTE', s. A pretty female, with a brown complexion. F. bru-
nette, (dim. of brun, brown,) a little girl who is brown.
BRUTE, s. An animal without reason. L. brutus, insensible, irra-
tional G. barutes, heaviness baros, weight.
: ;

BUCOLTC. adj. Pastoral. L. bucolicus: G. boulcolika ; from boulcolos,

a cowherd.
BUFFET', s. A cup-board a place at a public entertainment, where

refreshments are kept. F. buffet, a cup-board.

BUL'BOUS. adj. Of a round shape, as the root of a tulip. L. bulbus,
an onion, or any round, laminated root.
BULL. s. In reference to the pope, a papal mandate. F. bulle ; from
the L. bulla;, ornaments, of the figure of a heart, formerly worn by
the nobility of the western empire, and afterwards attached to the
decrees of the popes.
military, or other public document. F. bulletin ;
bulle, authentic. See BULL.
BUOY. s. A
piece of floating wood or cork, used by mariners and
fishermen. F. bouee : bois, wood.
BUOYANT, adj. Floating light. See BUOY.
BUR'SAR. s. The treasurer of a college. L. bursarius ; from bursa,
a purse.
servant who takes care of the wines, and superin-
tends the table. F. bouteillier ; from bouteille, a bottle.


a small room or retired apartment; the se-
lect or secret council of a prince or an executive government a ;

piece of furniture, consisting of a chest or box, with drawers and

doors. F. cabinet : cabane, a cabin or cottage.

CAC'OCHYMY. s. An unhealthy state of the animal juices. G, kafco-

chumia from kakos, bad, and chumos, juice.


CACOETHES LOQUEN'DI, A too great fondness of speaking;

loquacity, L. cacoethes, an evil habit, loquendi, of speaking: cacoe-
thes is from G. kakos, bad, and ethos, a habit,
too great fondness of writing for
the public eye, L. cacoethes, an evil habit, scribendi, of writing
cacoethes is from G. kakos, bad, and ethos, a habit.
CACOPH'ONY. s. A harsh sound of words. G. kakophonia ; kakos,
bad, and phonia, a sound.
CADAVEROUS, adj. Looking like a corpse, L. cadaver, a dead
body cado, to fall.

CA'DENCE. s. Fall of the voice, &c. F. cadence : L. cadens, part.

of cado, to fall.
person serving in expectation of an office. F. cadet

L. cado, to be attached to.

C/ESU'RA. s. A
term in prosody, referring to a pause. L. casura ;
from cado, to cut.
CMTERA DE'SUNT. The remainder is wanting. L. catera, pi.
of cater, the rest, desunt, (from desum,) are wanting.
CMTERIS PARIBUS. Other things being equal. L. abl. of cater,
and par.
CALAMTTY. s. Sudden misfortune. L. calamitas ; from calamus,
an arrow because, a calamitous misfortune comes with the swift-

ness of an arrow.
CALCA'REOUS. adj. Of the nature of lime. See CALX.
CALCI'NE. v. To decompose by burning. F. calciner. See CALX.
CAL'CULATE. v. To numerate to conjecture. L. calculus, a pebble ;

by which, numbers were reckoned, by persons ignorant of arithme-

CAL'DRON. s. A pot ; a boiler. L. caldarium : calidus, hot ; from
caleo, to be hot.
CAL'ENDAR. s. A register of the year an almanack a ; ; list of pri-
soners in the custody of the sheriff. L. calendarum : See KA-
CAL'ENDER. v. To press between rollers, for the purpose of making
smooth and glossy ;originally, and frequently at the present day,
between hot rollers, F. calendrer : L. caleo, to be hot.
CAL'ENTURE. s. A distemper peculiar to sailors in hot climates. L.
caleo, to be hot.
CALI'BER. s. The diameter of a gun's bore. F. calibre, rate or size.
CALIDTTY. s. Heat. L. caliditas calidus, hot. :

CALTG'RAPHY. s. Beautiful writing. G. kaligraphia : kalos, beau-

tiful, and grapho, to write.
CAL'LOUS. adj. Insensible. L. callus, hardness, or hard flesh.
CAL'LOVV. adj. Without feathers. L. callus, roughness very young :

birds are unpleasingly rough, by reason of their projecting

CALOR'IC. s. The modern chemical name of heat. F. calorique : L.
color, heat.
CALORIFIC, adj. Producing heat. L. calorificus ; color, heat, and
facio, to make.
i>* 41
CALORIM'ETER. s. An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of
heat disengaged from any substance that may be an object of expe-
riment. L. color, heat, and G. metreo, to measure,
CALUM'NIATE. v. To slander. L. calumnior ; from calumnia, a
false accusation.
CALX. s. A burned substance. L. calx, burned lime*
CAL'YX. s. The cup of a plant that part which surrounds and sup-

ports the petals. L, kalyx : G. kalux, that in which any thing is

CAM'ERA-OBSCU'RA. s. A species of optical machine. L, camera,
a chamber, and obscura, dark.
CAMP. s. A number of military tents. F. camp : L. campus, a field.
CAMPAIGN', s. The period of an army's operations in the field, dur-
ing one season. F. campagne : L. campus, a field.
CAMPESTRAL, adj. Growing in fields. L. campestris ; campus, a
CANAILLE', s. The very lowest of the people the rabble. ; F. ca.
naille ; from canal, the kennel of a street alluding to their : filth.
CAN'CEL. v. To obliterate. F. canceller : L. cancelli, lattice- win-
dows the marks
: in cancelled writings are often crossed in the form
of such windows.
CAN'CER. s. A corroding, incurable sore (also, a sign of the zodiac ;) ;

cancer, a crab thus, comparing the gradual decay of the flesh, to


the slow motion of a crab.

CANDID, adj. Sincere. L. Candidas ; candeo, to shine.
suitor for any place of honour or profit. L. can.
didatus ; from candidus, white alluding to the custom, amongst

the Romans, of his wearing a white garment.

light made of wax, spermaceti, or tallow. L. can-
dela : candeo, to be white, or glitter.
CANINE', adj. Relating or belonging to a dog. L. caninus ; canis,
a dog.
CANISTER, s. A case, now made generally of tin but formerly of ;

canes. L. canistrum ; canna, a cane G. kanna. :

cancerous sore. L. cancer, a crab. See CANCER.
person who eats human flesh. L. canis, a doer.
great-gun. F. canon, formerly cannon : L. canna,
a large tube.
CAN'ON. s. A
church law. G. kanon, a rule.
CAN'ONIZE. v. To declare any person a saint. From canon ; because
his name is placed in the canon for observing festivals.
covering over a throne or over a bed more gene- ; ;

rally, a covering over the head. G. konopeion : from konops, a gnat.

CANT. v. To preach or talk as a hypocrite. L. canto, to repeat the
same thing often: cano, to sing.
poem set to music a species of song. Italian ;

from L. canto, to sing, or repeat often the same thing.

CAN'TO. s. Part of a poem. This word is derived, through the Ita-
lian, from the L. cantus, a song meaning, as much as would be

sufficient for a song, or for recital in one act.

CANTON', v. To distribute an army over a district. F. canton, a
CAN'VASS, or CANVAS, s. A kind of cloth. F. canevas : L. can-
nobis, hemp.
CAN'VASS. v. To solicit ; to examine. Etymology unknown : no
rational affinity appears with canvass, cloth.
CANZONET', s. A little song. Italian, canzonetta: L. cano, to
CA'PABLE. adj. Having a capacity for any particular object. F. ca-
pable L. capio, to take, or contain.

CAPACIOUS, adj. Capable of containing much ; internally large. L.

capax ; from capio. See CAPABLE.
CAPE. s. A
head-land; the termination of a promontory. F.cap:
from L. caput, the head.
CAP' IAS AD RESPONDENDUM. A writ issued to take the de-
fendant, that he may be answerable to the plaintiff. L. capias, that
you take, (from capio,) ad, for the purpose of, respondendum, (from
respondeo,) answering.
SATISFACIENDUM. writ issued, after judgment, A
to arrest the defendant, until he shall satisfy the plaintiff. L. capias,
that you take, ad, for the purpose of, satisfaciendum, (from satisfa-
cio,) satisfying.
CAPIL'LARY. adj. Resembling hairs ; relating to very small tubes.
L. capillaris ; capillus, a hair.
CAPITAL, adj. Affecting the head, or life; chief. F. capital: L.
capiialis : caput, the head.
CAPTTAL. s. Head%f a pillar ; chief town ; stock of a trader or
company. See the adjective.
CAPITA'TION. s. A capitation -tax is laid on the person. L. caput,
the head.
CAPIT'ULATE. v. To surrender by agreement. L. capitulatim, by
heads, or chapters caput, the head the terms of surrender being
; :

written in the form of distinct heads or articles.

sign of the zodiac. L. capricornus : caper, a
goat, and cornu, a horn.
CAP'TAIN. s. A commander a term generally restricted to an offi-;

cer who commands a single company of soldiers, or a single ship.

F. capitaine : L. caput, the head.
CAPTION, s. An arrest, &c. L. captio. See CAPTIVE.
CAP'TIOUS. adj. Caviling. L. captiosus : capto, to surprise, or
catch capio, to take.

CAPTIVATE, v. To delight highly; figuratively, to enslave. L.

captivo. See CAPTIVE.
CAPTIVE, s. One taken in war a prisoner. L. captivus : captus, ;

(p. part,of capio,) taken.

CAP'TOR. s. He that takes a prisoner, or prize. L. capio, to take.
monk of the reformed order of Franciscans. F.
capucin : from capuce, or capuchon, a cowl, or large hood by which ;

that order are particularly distinguished.

CAR. s. A
small vehicle, moved on wheels, usually drawn by one
horse a large carriage to convey passengers, &c. on a rail-road. L.

currus : curro, to run.

CAR'BON. s. The basis of charcoal. F. charbon : L. carbo, a coal.

jewel which shines in the dark a red spot, or
s. ;

pimple on the body. L. carbunculus, dim. of carlo, a coal.

CARD. s. Thick paper, formed of several layers pasted together. F.
carle: L. charta, (pronounced carta,) paper also, an instrument used :

in combing wool, &c. from the Dutch kaarde,


CARDINAL, adj. Principal. L. cardinalis, belonging to a hinge

cardo, a hinge because, inferior things are imagined to depend or

turn on the cardinal, as a door upon its hinge.

CAR'DINAL. s. One of the chief governors of the Roman church.
See the adjective.
CAREEN', v. To lay a vessel on one side, in order to repair the other ;
to incline to one side, as a ship under a press of sail. F. carener
L. carina, the keel or bottom of a ship.
CARE'ER. s. Course of rapid action. F. carriere : L. carrus, a car :
from curro, to run.
CARESS', v. To treat in a kind, or loving manner. F. caresser : L.
carus, dear.
CARET, s. A grammatical point (a.) L. caret, there is [something]
CARMIN'ATIVE. s. A medicine for expelling wind. L. cardiacus,
griped, and minuo, to lessen.
CAR'NAGE. s. Heaps of flesh ; immense slaughter. F. carnage : L.
carnis, gen. of caro, flesh.
CARNAL, adj. Fleshly ; not spiritual ; lustful. F. carnal : L. carnis,
gen. of caro, flesh.
CARNATION, s. The name of a pink
flower. F. carnation : L. car-
nis, gen. of caro, flesh
because, that species is flesh-coloured.

feast before Lent. F. carnaval : L. carnis, gen.
of caro, flesh, and valeo, to take leave, or bid farewell.
CARNIVOROUS, adj. Having a natural inclination to eat flesh. L.
carnivorus : carnis, gen. of caro, flesh, and voro, to devour
CARP. v. To cavil. L. carpo, to pluck, or find fault.
CAR'PENTER. s. An artificer in wood. F. charpentier : carpe.ns,
part, of carpo, to carve, separate, or divide.
CAR'RION. s. Flesh unfit for the food of man. F. charogne : from
carter, to rot.
CARTE-BLANCHE, s. An unlimited commission. F. carte, a card,
and blanche, white, or unwritten.
writing containing stipulations between enemies,
generally relating to an exchange of prisoners a vessel sailing ;

under those stipulations. F. cartel. See CHARTER.

smooth, and solid body, softer than a bone, but
harder than a ligament. L. cartilago, a cartilage, or gristle.
painting or drawing on large paper. F. carton :
L. charta, paper.
CARTRIDGE, s. A gun-charge, generally in paper. F. carte, strong
paper. L. charta.
waterfall. F. cascade : L. casus, p. part of cado, to

CASE. s. State of any thing; event ; variation of a noun. L. casus:

from cado, to fall, or happen.
CASTANET', s. Small shells of ivory, or hard wood, which dancers

rattle in their hands. Spanish castanela ; from the L. castanea, a
chesnut, because of their resemblance to two chesnuts.
CAS'TIGATE. v. To chastise; to. punish. L. castigo ; from castus,
pure, and ago, to make.
CASTRAME TA'TION. s. Science of measuring and laying out the
ground for an encampment. L. castra, a camp, and G. metreo, to
CAS'UAL. chance; cado, to fall.
adj. Accidental. F. casuel: L. casus, a
CAS'UIST. s. One who by argument. F. casu-
justifies evil actions
iste : L. casus, an event, occasion, or emergency.
CATACHRE'SIS. s. Abuse of words. G. katachresis : from kata,
against, and chresis, use.
CATACOMBS, s. Places for the dead. L. catacumba : G. kata,
against, and kumbos, a hollow place alluding to the body being

placed perpendicularly in a niche.

CATALOGUE, s. list.AL. catalogus : G. katalogos : kata, accord-
ing to, and logos, a word, or description.
CATAPLASM, s. poultice. G. kataplasma : kata, over, and plasso,
to spread.
waterfall. L. cataracta: G. kataraktes : kata,
against, and rasso, to break, or cast down.
CATARRH', s. An issue of humour from the glands, about the head
and throat. G. katarrheo, to flow from.
CATASTROPHE', s. Terminating event; unhappy confusion. G.
katastroplie : kata, against, and strepho, to turn.
CAT'ECHISE. v. To question minutely. G. katechizo : kata, into,
and echeo, to sound.
CATEGOR'ICAL. adj. Absolute ; direct. G. kata, according to, and
agoreo, to speak.
CATEGORY, s. In logic, a series or order of all the predicates or
attributes contained under a genus. G. kategoria : kata, against,
and agoreo, to speak to an assembly.
CATENARIAN, adj. Resembling a chain. L. catena, a chain.
CATHAR'TIC. adj. Purgative. G. kathartikos : kathairo, to purge
kata, from, and airo, to remove.
CATHE'DRAL. s. The head church of a diocese. L. cathedra : G.
kathedra, a chair, in which declamations are made, or lectures read.
CATH'OLIC. adj. Universal. F. catholique : G. katholikos : kata,
throughout, and holos, the whole.
CATHOLTCON. s. Something of universal application or use. See
CATOPTRICS, s. That part of optics which relates to vision by re-
flection. G. katoptron, a looking-glass kata, against, and optomai,

to see.
CAU'DAL. adj. Relating or belonging to the tail.
L. cauda, a tail.
kind of warm drink, composed of wine and other
materials, prepared for the sick, and also given to the visiters of a
lady after her confinement.
CAUSE, s. That which effects; subject of litigation ;
party. L. causa,
a cause.
CAUSIDTCAL. adj. Relating to a suit at law, or to a lawyer. L. cau.
sidicus, a lawyer : causa, a cause, or law-suit, and dico, to speak.

CAUSTIC, Destroying the texture of any thing, by its hot, cor-
rosive nature. G. kauslikos : kaio, to burn.
CAU'TERY. s. An iron used by. surgeons for burning the flesh; a
caustic substance. F. cautere : G. kauter : kaio, to burn.
CAU'TION. s. Regard to, or notice of, danger prudence foresight. ;

F. caution ; L. cautus, p. part, of caveo, to beware.

CAVALCA'DE. s. A procession of persons on horseback. F. caval-
cade. See CAVALRY.
horseman, or knight. F. cavalier; from cheval,
a horse.
CAVALRY, s. Men mounted on horses, and armed for war. F. ca-
valerie ; from cheval, a horse.
CAVE. s. A large hole under ground. L. cavum : cavo, to make
CAVEAT, s. The name of a legal process, denoting a caution, or in-
junction. L. caveat, let him beware from caveo. :

CAVTL. v. To object without sufficient cause. L. cavillor: caveo, to

CAVITY, s. A hollow place. L. cavitas. See CAVE.
CEASE, v. To stop. L. cesso ; from cedo, to retreat.
CEDE. v. To yield to assign by virtue of a treaty. L. cedo,
; to yield.
CEIL. v. To
overlay or cover the inner roof of a building. F. ciel
L. ccelum, heaven.
CEL'EBRATE. v. To solemnize to make famous. L. celebro : ce- ;

leber, renowned.
CELERITY, despatch.
s. Swiftness
L. celcritas : celer, swift.

CELES'TI AL. adj. Heavenly ; relating to the upper regions. L. ce-

lestis : caelum, heaven.
CELTBACY. s. Unmarried state. L. Calebs, or coslebs, unmarried.
subterranean apartment. L. cella ; (anciently cela ;)
from celo, to hide.
CEL'LULAR. adj. Having small cavities. L. cellula, a little cellar.
place for the dead. L. ccemeterium : G. koimete-
rion : from koimao, to put to sleep.
CEN'OBITE, or CCENOBITE. s. One of a religious order, who lives
in a convent, or in a community, under a certain rule ; in opposition

to a hermit, who lives in solitude. G. koinos, common, and bios,


monument for a person buried at another place.
G. kenotaphion : kenos, empty, and taphos, a sepulchre.
CEN'SER. s. A vessel in which incense is burned. F. encensoir :
L. incensus, p. part, ofincendo, to burn.
CEN'SOR. s. A corrector an examiner. L. censor : censeo, to judge.

CENSO'RIOUS. adj. Addicted to censuring with severity. See

CEN'SURE. s. Blame. L. censura. See CENSOR.
CENSUS, s. An account of the inhabitants, &c, made by public au-
thority. L. census. See CENSOR.
CENT. s. A hundred; a coin, equal to the hundredth part of a dollar.
F. cent : L. centum, a hundred.
CEN'TAUR. s. In mythology, a fabulous being, supposed to be half
man and half horse. L. centaurus ; G. kentauros : kenteo, to spur
or drive forward, and tauros, a bull.
CENTEN'NARY. adj. Relating to a hundred. L. centennarius :
centum, a hundred.
CEN'TIPEDE. s. An insect with many feet. L. centum, a hundred,
and pedes, (pi. of pes,) feet.
CENTRE, s. The middle; that which is equally distant from all ex-
tremities. L. centrum : G. kentron, a sharp point, or centre ; from
kenteo, to prick.
CENTRIF'UGAL. adj. Receding from the centre. L. centrum, the
centre, and fugio, to flee.
CENTRIP'ETAL. adj. Approaching the centre. L. centrum, the
centre, and peto, to seek.
CEN'TUPLE. adj. A hundred fold. L. centuplex : centum, a hun-
dred, and plico, to fold.
CENTU'RION. s. A Roman commander of a hundred men. L. cen-
turio from centum, a hundred.

CEN'TURY. s. A hundred ; a hundred years. L. centuria centum, .-

a hundred.
CEPHALTC. adj. Medicinal to the head. F. cephalique : G. kephale,
the head.
CE'RATE. s. An ointment composed chiefly of wax. L. ceratum :

cera, wax.
CERE'CLOTH. s. Cloth dipped in wax or gum. L. cera, wax, and
CER'TAIN. adj. Determined; stated; regular; sure; indubitable.
L. certus ; from cerno, to or separate.
CERTIFY, v. To make a formal attestation. F. certifier : L. certus,
sure, and facio, to make.
writ to order the record of a cause to be brought
before a superior court. L. certiorari, to be made more certain.
CERU'LEAN. adj. Light blue. L. cceruleus : ccelum, the sky.
CER'UMEN. s. The wax formed in the ear. L. cerumen : cera, wax.
CESS. s. A
tax levied, by its own officers, on a county or a parish.
L. cessum, sup. ofcedo, to yield.
stop ; suspension of action. L. cessatio. See
CES'SION. s. Resignation ; assignment. L. cessio ; from cessum, sup.
of cedo, to vield.
CETACEOUS, adj. Of the whale kind. L. cctus : G.ketos, a whale.
CETOL'OGY. s. The doctrine or natural history of cetaceous animals
G. ketos, a whale, and logos, discourse.
CHAFE, v. To heat by rubbing; to make angry; to fret. F. chauf.
fer : L. calfacio : calidus, hot, and facio, to make.
CHALTCE. s. A sacramental cup. F. calice : L. calix : G. kulix, a
CHALYB'EATE. adj. Impregnated with iron or steel. L. chalybs :

G. clialvps, steel.
CHAMA'DE. s. The beat of a drum, indicating a desire for a parley. F.
CHAM'OIS. s. A kind of soft leather. F. chamois, a wild goat.
CHAMPAIGN', adj. Relating to a flat, open country. F. campagne ;
from champ : L. campus, a field.
CHAM'PION. s. A warrior
one who engages in single combat. F.

champion : champ
L. campus, a field.

CHANCEL, s. The place in a church where the altar stands. F,

chancel : L. cancelli, lattices referring to the enclosure. ;

CHAN'CELLOR. s. This word is not placed here for the purpose of

exhibiting its etymology but, on the contrary, of stating that its

derivation has not been satisfactorily ascertained, even by the great-

est lawyers. See Blackstone's Com.
branch for candles. F. chandelier ; from chan-
delle, a candle.
maker of candles. F. chandelier : chandelle, a
CHAN'NEL. s. The hollow bed of running water. F. canal ; L. ca-
nalis, a trunk or pipe for the conveyance of water.
CHANT, v. To sing to sing, as in church-service. F. chanter ; L.

canto, fieq. of cano, to sing.

name given to the house-cock. F. chanter,
to sing, and clair, clear L. canto, and clarus.:

CHA'OS. s. A
confused mass or mixture. G. chaos, signifying, pro-
perly, a vast chasm from chao, to gape.


adj. Confused.
house for public worship. F. chapelle. It is said
that the kings of France, in war, carried into the field Martin's St.
hat, which was kept in a tent, as a precious relic whence the place ;

took the name capella, a little hat, and the priest, who had the cus-
tody of the tent, was called capellanus, now chaplain,
CHAPERON, v. To attend on a lady, in a public assembly. F. cha-
peron, a hood or cap anciently worn by men, women, nobles, and the
CHAPLAIN, s. Originally, an ecclesiastic, who performs service in
a chapel. See CHAPEL.
garland or wreath for the head. F. chapelet : L.
caput, the head.
division of a book (an assembly of the clergy of a ;

cathedral or collegiate church.) F. chapitre : L. capitulum, dim.

of caput, a head hence we say, the heads of a discourse ;" mean-

ing, the titles of each chapter.

mark a stamp ; a letter used in writing or

printing representation
; reputation. L. character, a branding-,

iron : G. character : from karasso, to scrape, cut, or engrave. G.

charasso, to imprint, or stamp.
CHARGE D'AFFAIRES, s. diplomatic agent, in rank inferior A
to an ambassador. F. signifying, "charged with the business."
half-coach a carriage with four wheels, and one

seat behind. F. chariot. See CAR.

CHAR'ITY. s. Love, benevolence, good-will, liberality to the poor.
F. charitc ; L. charitas ; G. charis, grace, affection, kindness.
quack, or mountebank. F. charlatan; from an
Italian word, signifying to chatter,
CHARM, s. Words, or characters, imagined to have some secret
power something which will please, irresistibly. F. charme : L,

carmen, a song or a verse.

CHARM, v. To delight highly. See the noun.
CHAR'NELHOUSE. s. A depository of human bones. F. charncl,
and house. L. carnis, gen. of car o, flesh.
relating to flesh,
CHART, s. A map for seamen. L. charta, paper, or a card. Sea-
charts were formerly, in England, called sea-cards.
CHAR'TER. s. A writing, containing a grant of privileges. L. charta,
CHASM, s. A cleft ; a place unfilled. G. chasma : chaino, to gape
CHASTE, adj. Pure F. chaste : L. castus, pure.
; undefiled.
CHASTI'SE. v. To punish with a design of amending. See CHASTE.
CHATEAU', s. A-stalely mansion. F. chateau, a castle.
CHEER, v. To salute with shouts of joy to dispel gloom or sorrow; ;

to encourage. G. chairo, to rejoice, hail, or salute.

separater and examiner of matter;
and preparer of various compounds. F. chymiste : G. chumizo, to
boil, or heat in the fire.
CHER'ISH. v. To treat with tenderness and affection ; to foster and
encourage. F. cherir. See CARESS.
CHERSONE'SE. s. peninsula. A
G. kersonesos : kersos, land, or
uncultivated land, and nesos, an isle.
CHEVALI'ER. s. knight. F.Achevalier ; from cheval, a horse be- ;

cause the knights were formerly distinguished, in battle, by being

mounted. See Rlackstone's Com.
CHEVAUX-DE-FRISE. s. A defensive instrument of war, made of
timber and iron spikes. F. This term denotes, in English, horses
of Friesland : the contrivance having been first used in the latter
country, as a substitute for cavalry.
CHICANE, s. Artifice. F. chicane, a quirk.
CHIEF, adj. Highest in office or rank; principal. F.chef; L. caput,
the head.
CHIMERIC AL. adj. Imaginary of extravagant conception. L. cha.

mera, one of the poetical monsters. G. chimaira, a goat, a monstrous

CHIROG'RAPHY. s. The art of writing. G. cheir, a hand, and gra-
pho, to write.
CHIROL'OGY. s. Talking by the hand. G. cheir, a hand, and logos,
a word.
CHIRO'MANCY. s. The pretended art of palmistry, or foretelling
the events of life by the lines of the hand. F. chiromance : G. cheir,
a hand, and mantis, a prophet.
CHIVALRY, Knighthood the qualifications or actions of a
s. ;

knight; the general system of knighthood. F. chevalerie. See

CHLO'RINE. s. a new name given to what was origin-
Chloric gas ;

ally called oxj'inuriatic gas. G. chloros, green.

band of singers in a church the place where they sing. ;

F. chceur. See CHORUS.

CHOL'ERA MOR'BUS. s. sudden effusion of the bile on the intes-
tines, so as to operate violently, both upwards and downwards. L.
cholera, the cholic, and morbus, a disease G. chole, bile. :

E 49
CHOL'ERIC. adj. Bilious irascible.
; L. cholericus : G. chole, bile.
CHOL'IC. s. A painful disorder of the stomach or bowels. G. chole,
CHO'RAL. adj. Belonging to a choir. See CHOIR.
CHO'RUS. s. A band of singers part of a song in which the whole

company join. L. chorus ; G. choros, a company of dancers and

singers : from choreuo, to dance.
CHRISM, s. Holy ointment. G. chrizma, an ointment.
CHROMATIC, adj. Relating to the colour of light, and of natural
bodies, and to a species of ancient music now unknown. G. chro-
matids : chroma, colour.
CHROME, s. A its name from the va-
species of metal, which takes
rious and beautiful colours which its oxyd and acid communicate to
minerals. G. chroma, colour.
adj. Relating to diseases of long con-
tinuance. F. chronique : G. chronos, time.
brief history, with dates. G. chronos, time.
CHRONOL OGY. s. The science of computing relative time. F. chro-
nologie G. chronos, time, and logos, a word, or discourse.

CHRONOMETER, s. An instrument for measuring time. G. chro-

nos, time, and metreo, to measure.
CHRY'SALIS. s. An insect, such as a butterfly, when changing from
its torpid state. L. chrysalis : G. chrusallis : chrusos, gold ; re-
ferring to its yellow hue.
CHRYSOLITE, s. A precious stone, of a dusky green, with a shade
of yellow. F. chrysolite : G. chrusos, gold, and lithos, a stone.
CHURCH, s. Originally, the collective body of Christians in modern :

times, a hcuse dedicated to the worship of God. G. kuriakon ; from

kuiios, a lord.
white juice, firmed in the intestines, and afterwards
converted into blood. G. chulos, juice.
CHYM'IST. s. A professor of chemistry. See CHEMIST.
CIDEVANT. Formerly F.
CIMME'RIAN. adj. Pertaining to Cimmerium, a town at the mouth
of the Palus Mceotes the ancients pretended that this country was

involved in darkness; whence the phrase Cimmerian darkness. The

country is now called Crimea, or Krim-Tartary.
CINCTURE, s. Something worn round the body; a bandage. L.
cinctvra ; from cinctus, p. part, of cingo, to gird.
CINERATION. s. The act of reducing to ashes. L. cineres i
CINQUE-PORTS, s. The cinque-ports, or Jive ports, as the F. numeral

cinque, denotes, were those in England, which, lying the nearest to

France, were the more vigilantly guarded against invasion; and
placed under the superintendence of a special governor.
CITHER, s. Any arithmetical figure; but, in general, denoting 0:
hence, the appellation to a person of no efficiency, "a mere cipher :"
it also means, a secret mode of corresponding. F. chiffre, an arith-
metical figure.
CIRCEN'SIAN. adj. Pertaining to the circus, in Rome, where were
practised games of various kinds, as running, wrestling, and com-
bats. L. circenses. See CIRCUS.
CIR'CLE. s. A line every where equidistant from a common centre.
L. circulus : circum, around.
CIR'CUIT. s. Motion around comprehensive tour space extent.
; ; ;

L. circvitus: circum, around, and itus, a going eo, to go. :

CIR'CULATE. v. To move in a circle to flow around. L. circulo. ;

CIRCUMAG'GERATE. s. To heap around. L. circumaggero .- cir-
cum, around, and aggero, to heap.
CIRCUMAMBIENT, adj. Going around. L. circum, around, and
ambiens, part, of ambio, to go about.
CIR'CUMCISE. v. To cut the foreskin. L. circumcisum, sup. of cir-
cumcido: circum, around, and cado, to cut.
CIRCUM'FERENCE. s. Boundary of a circle. L. circumferens, part.
of circumfero: circum, around, and fero, to carry.
CIRCUMFEREN'TOR. s. An instrument used in surveying. L.
circum, around, and fero, to carry.
CIR'CUMFLEX. s. In grammar, an accent, serving to denote or dis.
tinguish a syllable of an intermediate sound between acute and
grave used in the Greek, bat not in the English language. L.

circwmjlexus: circum, around, andjlecto, to bend.

CIRCUM'FLUENT. adj. Flowing around. L. circumfluens, part, of
circumfluo: circum, around, and Jluo, to flow.
CIRCUMFORA'NEOUS. adj. Wandering from house to house. L.
circum, around, and /oris, a door.
CIRCUM FUSE. v. To pour, or spread around. L. circumfusum, sup.
of circumfundo: circum, around, and /undo, to pour.
CIRCUMJA'CENT. adj. Surrounding. L. circumjacens, part, of cir.
cumj'iceo: circum, around, and jaceo, to lie.
CIRCUMLOCUTION, s. Indirect expression of words. L. circum,
about, and locutus, part, of loquor, to speak.
CIRCUMNA'VIGATE. v. To sail around. L. circum, around, and
CIRCUMSCRI'BE. v. To limit, by a real or imaginary circle. L.
circum, around, and scribo, to write.
CIR'CUMSPECT. adj. Cautious. L. circumspectus, p. part, of dr.
cumspicio: circum, around, and specio, to view.
CIRCUMSTANCE, s. Something relative to a fact; incident; con-
dition. L. circumstantia; from circum, about, and starts, part, of
sto, to stand.
surrounding wall. L. circumvallatus,
part, of circumvallo : circum, around, and vallo, (from vallum, a
fence,) to enclose.
CIRCUMVENT', v. To defeat by stratagem. L. circumventum, sup.
of ciicumvenio: circum, around, and venio, to come.
CIRCUMVOLUTION, s. The act of rolling around. L. circumvolu.
ius, p. part, of circumvolvo. Soe CIRCUMVOLVE.
CIRCUMVOLVE'. v. To roll around. L. circumvolvo: circum, around,
nnd volvo, to roll.
CIR'CUS. s. An open place, or theatre, for equestrian exhibitions. L.
circus ; from circum, around.
CIT'ADEL. s. A fortress or castle, in or near a city, intended for its
defence. F. citadelle : L. civitas, a state or city.
CITA'TION. s. Act of summoning; a summons; a quotation. L.
cifatus, p. part, of ciio, to summon.
CIT'V. s.This term cannot be strictly defined its application is ar- :

bitrary. Tl is applied always to the capital town; and frequently,

but not universally, to any incorporated town. We may safely apply
it to. places of great importance. F. cite: L. civitas ; from civis, a
CIV JL. adj. Relating to the in general mild
community obliging ; ; ;

civil law, the L. civilis ; from civis, a citizen.

law of ancient Rome.
CIVILIAN, s. One who is skilled in the Roman law one who is ;

versed in the science of law and government. See CIVIL.

CLAIM, v. To demand as a right. L. clamo, to call aloud.
CLAMOR, or CLAMOUR, s. Vehement outcry. L. clamor. See
CLANDESTINE, adj. Secret; done in a manner to elude observa-
L. clandestinus: clam, secretly, and destino, to design.
loud, shrill sound. L. clangor, the sound of a trum-
pet. G. klange: Jclazo, to cry aloud.
CLARE-OBSCURE, s. Light and shade in painting. L. clarus,
bright, and ohscurus, dusky.
CLARIFY, v. To make clear. L. clarus, clear, and/o, to be made.
CLARTON. s. A kind of trumpet. F. clairon: L. clarus, clear.
CLARIONET', s. A kind of wind-instrument of music. See CLA-
CLAS'SIC, or CLASSICAL, adj. Relating to ancient literature, and
to architecture, and modern literature, of the highest rank. L. clas-
sicus. See CLASSICS.
CLASSICS, s. Ancient literature of the first rank modern literature ;

of uncommon merit. L. classis, a school-bench alluding to the seats ;

arranged in the ancient academies.

CLAUSE, s. Part of a discourse, or of a sentence.
L. clausus, p. part,
of claudo, to enclose meaning, that a clause is separated by punc-

CLAUS'TRAL. adj. Relating to a cloister or religious house. L.
claustrum, an inclosure. See CLOSE.
CLAVICLE, s. The collar-bone. L. clavicula, a little key or bolt:
clavis, a key or bolt.
CLEF. s. A
character in music, placed at the beginning of a stave.
F. clef ; L. clavis, a key.
CLEM'ENCY. s. Mercy ; humanity. L. dementia : clemens, quiet,
CLER'GY. s. The body of ecclesiastics, in distinction from the laity.
F. clerge. See CLERK.
CLERICAL, adj. ReLting or pertaining to the clergy. L. clericus ;

G. klerihos. See CLERGY.

CLERK, s. In the dark age?, preceding the revival of letters, the
clergy engrossed every branch of learning, and were peculiarly re-
markable for their knowledge of law. The English judges were,
therefore, usually created out of the sacred order, and all the infe-
!rior offices were supplied by the lower clergy which has occasioned ;

their successors to be denominated clerks, to this day and hence, :

the same title is given to nearly all persons employed in any subor-
dinate office, that requires a knowledge of writing or accounts. L.
clericus, a clergyman : G. kleros, a lot, or office.
CLIMACTERIC, CLIMACTRIC. s. or period of life, when some A
great change supposed to befall the body. F. climaterique ; L.
climactericus : G. klimakter, the step of a ladder. See CLIMAX.
CLI'MATE. s. A space measured from the equator to the p les a ;

certain temperature or situation, indicating a degree different from

another. L. clima : G. kit ma ; from kiino, to change, or incline.
CLI'MAX. s. Gradual ascent; a rhetorical figure, by which the words
gradually rise in importance. L. climax ; G. klimax, a ladder.
CLINIC, or CLINTCAL. adj. Relating to a person who, from sick-
ness, is compelled to remain in bed. A " clinical lecture" is delivered
by a medical professor at the bed-side. G. klinikos ; klino, to lie
CLOIS'TER. s. A place of religious seclusion. L. clauslrum, an en-
closure, or closet. See CLOSE.
CLOSE, s. To shut; to conclude; to end. See the adjective.
CLOSE, adj. Shut fast; secret; confined; compact. L. clausus, p.
part, of claudo, to shut.
small room for retirement, or for the preservation of
valuable things. See CLOSE.
CLOUD, s. An opaque assemblage in the sky. L. claudo, to shut.
CLOWN, s. rustic a coarse ill-bred man one who makes sport at
; ;

a theatrical entertainment. L. colonus : colo, to till.

COAD'JUTOR. s. An assistant ; a partner. L. con, together, and ad~
jutor, a helper ad, to, and jutus, p. part, ofjuvo, to help.

COAG'ULATE. v. To curdle.. L. coagulo: con, together, and ago,

to go.
COALESCE', v. To unite. L. coalesce, to grow together con, toge- :

ther, and alo, to nourish or increase.

COALITION, s. Union. L. coalilvs, part, of coalesco. See COA-
COAST, s. The exterior line, limit, or border of a country ; the sea-
shore. F. cote, formerly coste : L. costa, a rib or side.
CODE. s. A
system of laws or regulations. F. code : L, codex, the
ligneous part of a tree; by metonymy, a book: because, books were
occasionally made of thin boards.
CODTCIL. s. A supplement to a will. L. codicillus, diminutive of
codex. See CODE.
COEFFICIENT, adj. Uniting in action. L. con, together, and effi-
COERCE', v. To force ; to restrain. L. co'erceo : con, together, and
arceo, to stop, or hinder.
COETICR'NAL. adj. Equally eternal. L. con, with, and eternal.
COE VAL. adj. Equally ancient. L. cocbvus : con, together, and azvum,
an age.
COEXIST', v. To exist at the same time. L. con, together, and
COEXTEND'. v. To reach to an equal distance. L. con, together,
and extend.
CO'GENT. adj. Powerful; convincing. L. cogens, part, of cogo, to
assemble, or compel : con, with, and ago, to act.
e* 53
CO'GITATE. v. To think. L. cogito ; from cogo, to assemble ; mean-
ing the mental faculties.
COG'NATE. by blood kindred by birth related in ori-
adj. Allied ; ;

gin. L. cognatus : con, with, and natus, part, of nascor, to be born.

COGNFTION. s. Knowledge consciousness. L. cognitio : from cog'

nosco, to discover or understand.

COGNIZANCE, s. Judicial notice judicial authority. F. connois-

sance L. cognosco, to discover.


COHAB'IT. v. To live together as husband and wife. L. cohabito :

con, together, and habito, to dwell.
COHABITANT, s. An inhabitant of the same place. L. cohabitans,
part, of cohabito : con, together, and habito, to dwell.
COHEIR', s. One of two or more persons who inherit the same estate.
L. con, together, and heir.
COHE'RE. v. To stick together. L. cohtzreo : con, together, and
hczreo, to stick fast.
COHE'SION. s. Act of cohering union of surfaces. L. cohasus,

part, of cohareo. See COHE.RE.

COIF. s. A hood a cap. Sir H. Spelman conjectures that coifs were

introduced amongst the clergy, to hide the tonsure of such as were

still tempted to remain in the secular courts, as advocates or judges,

notwithstanding their prohibition by canon. F. coiffe ; from couvrir,

to cover.
COIL. v. To wind into a ring, as a serpent, or a rope. F. cueiller, to
COIN. s. In architecture, a corner ; any thing standing out angularly.
F. coigne : G. gonia, a corner.
COINCI'DE. v. To meet in the same point ; to agree. L. coincido :

con, together, in, into, and cado, to fall.

COFTION. s. The act by which two bodies come together. L. coitio :
coitus, p. part, of coeo : con, together, and eo, to go.
COL'ANDER. s. A strainer. L. colo, to strain.
COL'LAR. s. A band for the neck. L. collare : from collum, the
COLLA'TE. v. To compare one copy or one thing with another of the
same kind ; to place in an ecclesiastical benefice, by the single act
of the ordinary, when patron. L. collatum, sup. of confero : con,
together, and/ero, to bring.
COLLAT'ERAL. adj. Running parallel ; not direct; equally related.
L. collateralis : con, together, and lutvs, a side that is, side by side, :

remaining together.
COLLA'TION. s. Act of collating; a species of repast. L. collatio.
COL'LEAGUE. s. An associate, or partner. L. con, together, and
COLLECT', v. To gather; to assemble. L. collectum, sup. ofcolligo:
con, together, and lego, to gather.
COL'LEGE. s. A public place of study; a state-assembly. L. coZZe-
sivm ; from colligo. See COLLECT.
act of binding together. L. colligatio : coU
ligatus, p. part, of colligo : con, together, and ligo, to bind.

act of striking together.
s. L. collisio ; from coU
lido : con, together, and lado,
to strike or hurt,
act of placing things together.
s. L. collo.
catio : collocatus, p. part, of colloco : con, together, and loco, to
COLLOQUIAL, adj. Relating or belonging to familiar discourse.
COL'LOQU Y„ s. Conversation ; conference. L. colloquium ; con, to-
gether, and loquor, to speak.
COLLU'DE. v. To play in concert, so as to cheat ; to conspire in a
fraud. L. colludo: con, together, and ludo, to play.
COLLUSION, s. Act of colluding; design of two or more persons to

defraud. L. collusio : collusum, sup. of colludo. See COLLUDE.

CO'LON. s. A grammatical point (:) ; one of the intestines. G. kolon,
a member.
COLONNA'DE. s. A peristyle, of a circular figure, or a series of co-

lumns, disposed in a circle, and insulated on the inner side; any se-
ries or range of columns. See COLUMN.
country planted by a foreign state the people inha- ;

biting, or intending to inhabit the plantation. L. volonia : G. kolon,

a member.
COLOS'SUS. s. A huge statue. L. colossus : G. kolossos. The most
celebrated colossal statue was that of Apollo, at Rhodes, which was
126 feet high. The name is derived from kollao, to join strongly
with cement ; alluding to the number of pieces of which it was com-


COLUM'BAR Y. s. A dove-cot ; a pigeon-house. L. columbarium :

columba, a pigeon.
COL'UMN. s. A round pillar, by which something is supported a ;

body of troops, formed into an oblong a section of a page, when ;

divided equally by a perpendicular line. L. columna : columen, a

prop from columis, whole, safe.

COL'URES. s. Two great circles, imagined to pass through the poles

of the world one through the equinoctial, and the other through the

solstitial points. L. coluri : G. kolouri ; from kolouros, cut short

because, a part of their circumference lies under the horizon.
COMB. s. An instrument to separate and adjust the hair the crest ;

of a cock. L. coma, the hair the cavities in which bees lodge their

honey. G. kumbos, a cave, or hollow place.

COMBAT, v. To fight; to oppose. F. combattre : L. con, together,
and batuo, to beat.
COMBI'NE. v. To unite. F. combiner : L. con, together, and binus,
a couple.
COMBUS'TIBLE. adj. Susceptible of ignition. L. combustus, p. part,
of combxiro : con, with, and uro, to burn.
COM'EDY. s. An amusing drama. L. comedia : G. komodia : kome,
a village, and ode, a song.
COMET, s. A kind of planet. L. cometa ; from coma, hair : referring
to its apparent tail.
COM'FORT. v. To strengthen, to invigorate, to cheer or enliven. F.
conforter : L. con, with, and fort is, strong.
COM'IC. adj. Relating to comedy ; fitted to excite merriment. L.
comicus. See COMEDY.
COM'ITY. s. Courtesy, civility. L. comitas ; from comis, gentle,
COM'MA. s» A grammatical point
(,) denoting the shortest pause in
reading; in music, the ninth part of a tone, G.komma, a slice, or
very small part from Tiopto, to cut.

COMMAND', s. Government; direction. F. commande : L. con and

mando, to intrust with mando is from manus, a hand, and do, to

give; meaning, to commit to another's power.

COMMEMORATE, v. To preserve the memory of, by some public
act. L. commemoro : con, together, and memoro, to remember.
COMMEND', v. To recommend; to approve. L. commendo: con,
with, and mando, to intrust.
COMMEN'DAM. s. A church benefice, given in trust. See COM-
COMMEN'SURATE. adj. Equal; proportionate. L. con, with, and
inensura, a measure.
COMMEJST'. v. To remark; to annotate. L. commentor ; from com.
meatus, part, of comminisco, to call to mind.
COM'MERCE. s. Extensive trade intercourse. F. commerce : L.

commercium : con, together, and mercor, to purchase.

COMMINGLE, v. To blend. L. con, together, and mingle.
COMMIS'ERATE. v. To pity. L. commiseror : con, with, misereor,
to be sorry.
COM'MISSARY. s. In military language, means a person who su-
perintends the supplying of an army with clothing, provisions, and
ammunition. Low L. commissarius. See COMMISSION.
COMMISSION, s. Act of committing authority given. F. commis- ;

sion: L. commissum : con, with, and missus, p. part, of mitlo, to

CO?vIMIT'. ». To give in trust; to perpetrate. L. committo : con,
with, and mitto, to send.
COMMITTEE', s. Persons chosen by a larger number, to consider

somebusiness, and report their opinion. See COMMIT.

COMMIX', v. To blend. L. con, together, and mix.
CO?>IMO DIOUS. adj. Convenient. L. commodus : con, with, and
modus, due proportion, a measure.
COMMODTTY. s. Something useful. Y.commodite: L. com.moditas.
COM'MON. adj. General ; vulgar. L. communis : con, together, and
munus, a benefit, or right.
COM'MORANCE. s. The act of dwelling or inhabiting. L. commo.
rans, part, ofcommoror : con, together, and moror, to stay or dwell.
COMMO'TION. s. Tumult; disturbance; agitation. L. commotio:
commotus, p. part, of commvveo : con, together, and moveo, to move.
COMMO'RIENT. adj. Dying together dying at the same time. L. ;

commoriens : con, together, and moriens, part, of morior, to die.

COMMU'NE. v. To converse ; to impart sentiments mutually. L.
communico. See COMMON.
COMMIT NIB US ANNIS. On the annual average. L. communibus,
in common, annis, years : (communis and annus.)

COMMUNICATE, v. To impart, or reveal. L. communico. See
COMMUNION, s. Intercourse; participation. L. communio. See
COMMUNITY, The state of being common
s. ;
people united into a
society, and having a common interest; that state which is opposed
to individuality L. communitas. See COiWMON.
of interest.
COMMUTE, v. To change; to put one thing in the place of another.
L. commuto ; from con, with, and muto, to change.
COM' PACT. s. An agreement. L. con, with, and partus, part, of
paciscor, to bargain.
COMPACT', adj. Firm ; close. L. compactus, p. part, of compingo :
con, together, and pango, to strike, or drive in.
COMPANION, s. An associate. F. compagnon: L. compago, a joint
con, together, and pango, to fix.
COMPAR'ATIVE. adj. Relating to comparison. See COMPARE.
COMPA'RE. v. To judge or estimate, relatively, things which have
some resemblance, or are of the same nature. L. comparo : con, to-
gether, and par, a pair.
COM'PASS. v. To encircle; to surround; to attain. See the noun.
COM'PASS. s. Circle ; round ; limits ; an instrument with which a
circle is drawn ; an instrument whereby mariners steer. L. con,
with, and passus, p. part, ofpando, to spread or extend.
COMPAS'SION. s. Pity. F. compassion : L. con, with, and passus,
part, ofpatior, to suffer.
COMPATIBLE, adj. Suitable ; consistent. F. compatible : L. con,
together, and patibilis ; patior, to receive, or suffer to be mixed
COMPATRIOT, s. One of the same country a fellow-patriot. F.

compatriote : L. con, together, and patria, a country.

COMPEL', v. To force. L. compello; from con, with, and pello, to
COMPENDIOUS, adj. Short abridged. See COMPENDIUM. ;

COMPENDIUM, s. An abstract an abridgment. L. compendium ; ;

from con, together, and pendo, to weigh, or deliberate on meaning, :

that care was used to admit only what was important.

COMPENSATE, v. To recompense. L. compenso : con, with, and
pensus, of pendo, to pay.
p. part,
seek or strive for the same thing as another to
v. ;

strive or claim to be equal. L. competo : con, with, and peto, to seek.

COM'PETENT. adj. Suitable; adequate qualified. L. competens, ;

part, of competo : con, with, and peto, to desire, or obtain.

COMPETITION", s. Rivalship. L. con, together, and petitio, a desire.
COMPI'LE. s. To collect from the works of others. L. compilo ; from
con, and pilo, to pull off.
COMPLACENT, adj. Mild. L. complacens, part, of complaceo, to
COMPLAIN, v. To murmur. F. complaindre : L. con, and plango,
to beat, (meaning the breast,) or bewail.
COMPLAISANT', adj. Civil ; desirous to please. F. complaisant :

L. complacens. See COMPLACENT.

COiVlTLEMENT. s. Generally signifies a just quantity. L. comple-

menium, a filling up, or completion ; from compleo. See COM-
COMPLE'TE. adj. Perfect ; full. L. completus, part, of camplcor
con, with, and pleor, to be filled.
COMPLEX, adj. Of many
parts; entangled. L. complexus, part, of
complector : and plector, to be folded.
con, together,
COMPLEX'ION. s. Appearance, (all the colours, or all the circum-
stances, being seen in one view ;) colour of the face. F. complexion :
L. complexio. See COMPLEX.
COMPLICATE, adj. Involved difficult. L. complicatus, part, of

complico : con, together, and plico, to fold.

flattering expression of civility. F. compli-
ment ; from compiler. See COMPLY.
COMPLY', v. To accord with ; to submit. F. compiler ; con, with,
and plier, to bend.
COMPO'NENT. adj. Composing constituting ; forming a compound. ;

L. componens. See COMPOSE.

COMPORT', v. To agree to suit (followed by with.) F. comporter :
; ;

L. con, together, and porto, to carry or bear.

COMPO'SE. v. To put together to invent to calm. F. composer :; ;

L. compositum, sup. of compono : con, together, and pono, to place.

COM POSITE. adj. Of several kinds. L. compositus. See COMPOSE.
COMPOS MENTIS. Of sound and composed mind. L.
COM'POST. A mixture for manure. See COMPOSE.

COMPO'SURE. s. Calmness of mind; tranquillity. See COMPOSE.

COMPOUND', v. To mix; to combine. L. compono. See COMPOSE.
COMPREHEND', v. To include ; to understand. L. comprehendo
con, together, and prehendo, to lay hold on.
COMPRESS', v. To press together; to condense. L. compressum,
sup. ofcomprhno: con, together, and premo, to press.
contain; to conclude. F. compris, comprised;
from comprendre. See COMPREHEND.
COM'PROMISE. s. Mutual abatement. F. compromis : L. compro-
missum : con, together, and promissus, p. part, of promitto, to pro-
COMPTROL'LER. s. director A
a supervisor. F. compte, an ac-

count, and rolle, a list.

COMPUL'SION. s. Act of compelling. L. compulsio : compulsus, p.
part. oUompello. See COMPEL.
COMPUNCTION, s. Uneasiness of conscience. F. compunction : L.
punctus, ofpungo, to prick.
p. part,
COMPURGATOR, s. One who bears his testimony to the credibility
of another (compurgators are not, however, admitted in modern

times.) L. compurgator ; con, together, and purgo, to cleanse. See —

Hume's History of England; or Blackstone's Commentaries.
COMPU'TE. v. To calculate. L. computo ; con, together, and puto,
to consider.
COM'RADE. s. Literally, one who lodges in the same room ;hence,
in a more general sense, a fellow, a mate, or companion. F. cama-
rade : L. camera, a chamber.
series of links; uninterrupted succession.
L. con, together, and catena, a chain.

CON'CAVE. adj. Hollow ; opposed to convex. L. concavus ; from
cavea, a cave.
CONCEAL', v. To hide. L. concelo : celo, to hide.
CONCEDE, v. To yield, or grant. L. concedo: con, with, and cedo,
to yield.
CONCEIT', s. Thought; opinion; pride. F. concept: L. conceptus,
of concipio, to conceive.
p. part,
CONCEIVE', v. To form in the mind to comprehend to think to ; ; ;

become pregnant. F. concevoir : L. concipio: con, with, and capio,

to take.
CONCENTRATE, v. To bring towards the centre; to bring toge-
ther. L. con, together, and centrum, the centre.
CONCEPTION, s. Act of conceiving thing conceived idea; know- ; ;

ledge; state of becoming pregnant. L. conceptio : conceptus, p. part.

of concipio, to conceive con, together, and capio, to take.

CONCERN', s. Business; participation; regard. F. concerner, to re-

gard L. con, with, and cerno, to separate, sift, divide ; to see.

CONCERT', v. To contrive and settle by mutual communication

of opinions or propositions. L. concerto: con, with, and certo, to
CON'CERT. s. Agreement of two or more in a design or plan the ;

music of a company of players or singers, or of both united ac- ;

cordance harmony. See the verb.


CONCESSION, s. Act of conceding. L. concessio ; from con, and

cessum, sup. of cedo, to yield.
description of shell-fish, or of shells ; the
science which treats of shell-fish. L. concha, a shell-fish, or shell,
and G. logos, a word.
CONCfiOI'DAL. adj. In mineralogy, resembling a conch or marine
shell conch, and G. eidos, form.

CONCI'SE. adj. Brief. L. concisus, part, of concidor, to cut.

CONCLAVE, s. close assembly. L. conclave, an inner apartment
con, with, and clavis, a key.
CONCLUDE, v. To finish; to decide. L. concludo: con, and claudo,
to shut up.
CONCLUSION, s. Act of concluding termination; result. L. con- ;

clusio. See CONCLUDE.

CONCOCT', v. To digest ; to ripen. L. concoctum, sup. ofconcoquo, to
CONCOM'ITANT. adj. Accompanying. L. concomitans : con, toge-
ther, and comitans, part, of comitor, toaccompany; comes, a compa-
CONCORD, s. Agreement. L. concordia : con, together, and cordia,
pi.of cor, the heart.
CONCOR'DAT. s. In the canon law, a compact, covenant, or agree-
ment, concerning some beneficiary matter, as a resignation, permu-
tation, or promotion. See CONCORD.
CONCOURSE, s. Assemblage. F. concours : L. concursus. See
CONCRETE, s. Asubstance formed by the union of dry particles.
L. concretio : concretus, part, of concresco, to be joined together con :

and cresco.
woman who cohabits with a man, without the
authority of a legal marriage ; the mistress of a married man. L.
concvbina : con, with, and cubo, to lie.
CONCUPISCENCE, s. Irregular desire; lust. L. concupiscentia :
concupisco, to covet incep. from con, and cvpio, to desire.

CONCUR', v. To meet in one point; to agree. L. concurro: con, to-

gether, and curro, to run.
CONCUSSION, s. Sudden and great agitation. L. concussio : con,
together, and quassus, p. part, of quatio, to shake, or jolt.
CONDEMN', v. To pronounce guilty to censure ; to declare unfit for ;

use. L. condemno : con, with, and damnum, loss, or damage.

CONDENSE', v. To make closer. L. condenso : con, together, and
denseo, to thicken.
CONDESCEND', v. To stoop. L. condescendo: con, with, and de-
scendo, to come down.
CONDIGN', adj. Suitable ; deserved. L. condignus ; from con, with,
and dignus, worthy, fit.
CONDIMENT, s. Seasoning, sauce. L. condimentum : condio, to
season, pickle, or preserve.
CONDITION, s. Stipulation ; state. L. conditio : condo, to build.
CONDO'LE. v. To join in grief. L. condoleo : con, with, and doleo,
to grieve.
CONDU'CE. v. To aid in promoting ; to contribute. L. conduco : con,
together, and duco, to lead.
CONDUCT', To lead, or direct. L. conduco : con, together, and
ductus, p. part, of duco, to lead.
CON'DUCT. s. Management behaviour. See the verb. ;

CONDUIT, s. An aqueduct, formed of pipes a conductor for ^ny ;

fluid. F. conduit. See CONDUCT.

CONE. s. A solid body, having a circular base, and declining regu-
larly to a point. L. conus : G. konos, the seed of the pine or a cone. ;

CONFABULATION, s. Conversation. L. confabulatio : con, toge-

ther, and fabula, a discourse.
CONFECTIONER, s. maker of sweetmeats. L. confectio, a pre-
paration con, together, and facto, to make.

CONFEDERATE, s. An ally; an associate. L. con, together, and

fcederatus, allied fcedus, a league.

CONFER', v. To consult to bestow. L. confero : con, together, and


fero, to bring.
CONFESS', ik To acknowledge; to avow ; to hear the confession of a
penitent, as a priest. F. confesser : L. confiteor : con, with, andfateor,
to own or avow fatus, p. part, of for, to speak.

CONFIDENCE, s. Belief ; trust; firmness. L. confidentia ; from con 9

with, and jWes, faith.
CONFINE, v. To limit ; to imprison. F. conjiner : L. con, with, and
finis, a boundary.
CONFINES, s. Borders. F. confins : L. confine, a place adjoining :

con, together, and finis, a boundary.

CONFIRM', v. To strengthen ; to establish. L. confirmo ; con, toge*
ther, and firmo, to strengthen.
CONFIS'CATE. v. To seize for public use. L. confiscor : fiscus, a
a public money-bag.

CONFL AGRA'TION. s. An extensive fire. F. conflagration : L. con,
tog-ether, and flagro, to burn.
CON'FLICT. s. A violent collision ; a combat. L. conflictus ; from
conjiigo : con, together, and fligo, to dash.
CONFLUENCE, s. Meeting of streams. L. confluens, part, of con-
fluo : con, together, arnd fluo, to flow.
CON' FLUX. s. Concourse ; crowd. L. confluxus, part, of confluo.
CONFORM', v. To assimilate; to comply with. L. conformo: con,
with, and formo, to shape.
CONFOUND', v. To perplex, or amaze. L. confundo : con, together,
and fundo, to pour.
CONFRONT', v. To bring face to face. F. confronter : L. con, toge-
ther, and frons, the forehead, or front.
CONFU'SE. v. To mix or blend things, so that they cannot be distin-
guished to disorder, or perplex. L. confusus, p. part, of confundo.

CONFU'TE. v. To convict of error, or falsehood. L. confuto ; from
con, and futo, to argue.
CONGEAL', v. To become solid, as ice. L. congelo : gelu, ice.
CONGE', s. Act of reverence bow courtesy leave farewell.
; ; ; ; F.
CONGE' D'ELIRE. s. Signifies, in England, the king's permission
to a dean and chapter, to choose a bishop. F. conge, a license,
d'elire, to elect.
CONGE'NI AL. adj. Of the same kind ; agreeable. L. con, with, and
genus, a sort.
CONGES'TION. s. A collection of humours, or an accumulation of
blood, in some part of an animal body. L. congestio : conjestus, p.
part, ofconjero: con, together, and gero, to bear.
CONGLOMERATE, v. To become round. L. conglomero : con, and
glomus, a ball of thread.
CONGLU'TINATE. v. To cement. L. conglutino : gluten, glue.
CONGRATULATE, v. To rejoice with a person on account of his
good fortune. L. congratulor : con, with, and gratus, thankful.
CONGREGA'TION. s. collection a religious assembly. L. congre- ;

gatio ; from con, together, and gregis, gen. ofgrex, a flock.

meeting a national assembly. L. congressio

from congredior : con, together, and gradior, to go gradus, a step. :

CONGRUTTY. s. Suitableness; the relation of agreement between

things. L. congruo, to agree.
CONICAL, adj. Having the form or properties of a cone. L. conicus ;
G. konikos. See CONE.
CONIF'EROUS. adj. Bearing cones. L. conus, a cone, and fero, to
CONJECTURE, s. Supposition. L. conjectura : con, together, and
jocio, to throw [our ideas.]
CON'JUGAL. adj. Matrimonial. L. conjugalis : conjugis, gen. of
conjux: con, together, and junctus, p. part, of jungo, to join.
CON' JUG ATE. v. To decline a verb through its variations, and with
a nominative prefixed so that the verb shall agree with the nomina-

tive, in number and person. L. conjugo: con, together, and^'w^o, to

f 61

CONJUNCTION, s. Act of conjoining; a connector of words. L.
conjunctio; from conjungo: con, together, and jungo, to join.
CONJURE', v. To call upon by a sacred name, or in a solemn man-
ner. L. conjuro : con, with, and juro, to swear.
CONJURE. (Pronounced kun'jur.) To practise the arts of a con-
jurer. See CONJURE.
CONNAS'CENCE. s. The common birth of two or more at the
same time. L. con, with, and nascor, to be born.
CONNATE', adj. Born with another united in origin; growing from ;

one base. See CONNASCENCE.

CONNECT', v. To join. L. connecto ; from con, together, and necto,
to link, or knit.
CONNFVE. v. To aid, by pretending ignorance of another's design.
L. conniveo, to wink.
CONNOISSEU'R. s. A judge, or critic. F. connoisseur : L. cognosco,
to know.
CONNUBIAL, adj. Nuptial. L. connubialis : con, together, and nubo,
to cover, or marry. Amongst the Romans, it was customary for the
bride. to wear a veil.
CON'NUSANT. adj. Having knowledge of; apprised. L. cognosco :

con, with, and nosco, to know.

CO'NOID. s. A figure resembling a cone. G. konos, a cone, and
eidos, form.
CON'QUER. v. To gain by conquest; to overcome. L. conquiro, to
seek about, to get together. See CONQUEST.
CON'QUEST. s. What is now called purchase, the feudists called eon.

quest (conquestus, or conquisitio) : both signifying, in law, any means

of acquiring an estate, out of the common course of inheritance
hence, the term was afterwards used to denote the act of subduing,
or placing in subjection. L. con, with, or together, and quasitus,
p. part, of qucero, to seek.

CONSANGUIN'ITY. s. Relation by blood. L. consanguinitas : con,

together, and sanguis, blood.
CON'SCIENCE. s. Self-knowledge ; moral feeling. L. conscientia
and sciens, part, of scio, to know.
con, with,
CONSCIEN'TIOUS. adj. Regulated by conscience ; exactly just. See
CON'SCIOUS. adj. Knowing any thing, from internal judgment, or
moral feeling. L. conscius. See CONSCIENCE.
CONSCRIP'TION. s. An enrolment or registering. L. conscriptio :
con, together, and scriptus, p. part, of scribo, to write.
CON'SECRATE. v. To make holy; to dedicate. L. consecro: con,
with, and sacro, to make sacred.
CONSECUTIVE, Uninterrupted. F. consecutif: L. con, toge-
ther, and secutus, part, of sequor, to follow.
CONSENT', v. To agree; to admit. L. consentio : con, with, and
sentio, to think, or perceive.
CONSENTANEOUS, adj. Agreeable; accordant; consistent with.
L. consentaneous. See CONSENT.
CON'SEQUENCE. s. Erfect. L. consequentia ; from consequens,
following, or ensuing. Consequence is often improperly used for
importance, — a person of consequence, instead of a person of import-
CONSERVA'TOR. s. A preserver of the public happiness. L. con-
from con, together, and servo, to keep.
servator ;

CONSERVATORY, s. A place for holding delicate things. See

CONSIDER, v. To study ; to regard. L. considero : con, with, and
sedeo, to sit.

CONSID'ERABLE. adj. Worthy of consideration ;

great. See CON-
CONSIGN', v. To assign, or intrust. L. consigno : con, with, and
signo, to mark.
CONSIST', v. To agree (followed by with) ; to be contained. L. con-
sisto : and sisto, to stand.
con, together,
CONSIS'TENT. According; proper. L. consistens, part, of con-
sisto : con, together, and sisto, to be set.
CONSISTO'RIAL. adj. Relating to an ecclesiastical court. L. con-
sisto, to remain in one place that is, not circuitous, as some of the

common-law courts.
CONSOLE, v. To comfort. L. consolor ; from con, with, and solor,
to cheer.
CONSOLIDATE, v. To make firm ; to unite. L. con, together, and
solidus, firm.
CONSO'NANT. adj. According with. L. consonans, part, of consono :

con, with, and sono, to sound.

letter, such as b, c, d the name of which cannot ;

be articulated without the aid of a vowel therefore, sounded with ;

another letter. See CONSO'NANT.

companion a wife. L. con, together, and sors, a;

CONSPICUOUS, adj. Obvious to the sight; distinguished. L. con-
spicuus ; from conspicio, (con, and specio,) to discern.
CONSPI'RE. v. To plot ; to join. L. conspiro : con, together, and
spiro, to breathe.
CON'STABLE. officer was so called, because his duty was to
s. This
regulate all matters of chivalry, tilts, tournaments, and feats of arms,
that were performed on horseback. L. comes, an attendant or com-
panion, stabuli, (gen. of stabulum,) of the stable.
CONSTANT, adj. Perpetual; continent; assiduous. L. constans ;
from con, with, and stans, part, of sto, to stand.
CONSTELLATION, s. A cluster of stars. L. con, together, and
stella, pi. of Stella, a star.
CONSTERNATION, s. Amazement. L. consternatio : con, together,
and sterno, to spread, or throw down.
CON'STIPATE. v. To thicken ; to make costive. L. constipo : con,
together, and stipo, to stuff.
CONSTIT'UENT. s. A necessary part; one who appoints. L. con-
stituens. Soe CONSTITUTE.
CON'STITUTE. v. To form to appoint. ; L. constituo : con, together,
and statuo, to establish : sto, to stand.
CONSTITUTION, s. The act of constituting; established form of
government ; frame. L. consiitutio. See CONSTITUTE.

CONSTRAIN', v. To compel to hinder by force. F. constraindre

L. con, together, and stringo, to bind.

CONSTRICT', v. To bind, to cramp. L. constrictus, p. part, of con-
stringo: con, together, and stringo, to bind.
CONSTRUE', v. To arrange words in their natural order to inter- ;

pret to translate.
; L. constrvo. See CONSTRUCT.
CONSTRUCT', v. To frame to build to form in the mind. L.
; ;

construcius, p. part, of construo : con, together, and struo, to

pile up.
CONSTRUCTION, s. The act of constructing; structure; gramma-
tical, logical, or mathematical arrangement. L. constrvctio. See
CONSUBSTAN'TIATE. v. To unite in one common substance or
nature. L. con, with, and substantia, substance.
species of public officer. L. consul: from consulo, to
advise, or provide for.
CONSULT', v. To deliberate together to ask advice of; to search

into, or —
examine as, to consult an author. L. consulto, frequent.
of consulo : con, together, and salio, to leap signifying, to run or ;

act in accordance.
CONSU'ME. v. To spend to destroy. L. consumo : con, with, and

sumo, to take.
CON'SUMMATE. v. To complete. L. consummo from summus, the ;

CONSUMMATE, adj. Complete; accomplished. L. consummalus.
See the verb.
CONSUMPTION, s. The act of consuming; wasting; state of being

consumed. L. consumptio. See CONSUME.

CON'TACT. s. Touch; junction. L. contactus, p. part, of contingo
con, together, and tango, to touch.
CONTA'GION. s. Infection, from contact. L. contagio. See CON-
CONTAIN', v. To hold ; to comprise. L. contine.o : con, together, and
teneo, to hold.
CONTAMINATE, v. To corrupt. L. contamino, to mix one thing
with another.
CONTEMN', v. To despise. L. : con, and temno, to despise :

G. temno, to cut off.

CONTEM'PLATE. v. To study; to have in view. L. contemplor
tern-plum, a recess.
CONTEMPORARY, or COTEMPORARY. adj. Existing at the
same time. L. con, together, and temporis, gen. of temp us, time.
CONTEMPT', s. Act of despising others; scorn. L. contemptio:
contemptus, p. part, of contemno. See CONTEMN.
CONTEND', v. To strive in opposition. L. contendo ; from con, to-
gether, and tendo, to stretch out.
CONTENT', adj. Satisfied. L. contentus, p. part, of contineo : con,
with, and teneo, to hold.
CONTENTION, s. Act of contending; strife. L. contentio. See

CONTEST, t». To dispute. L. contestor : eon, together, and testor,
to aver, or call evidence.
CONTEXT, s. General connexion or body of a discourse. L. con-
textus, woven together,
CONTIGUOUS, adj. Meeting, so as to touch. L. contiguus ; from
contingo. See CONTACT.
CONTINENCE, s. Self-restraint; chastity, F. continence : L. conti.
nentia. See CONTINENT.
CONTINENT, adj. Unchangeable chaste. ; F. continent : L. conti.
nens, part, of contineo : con, together, and teneo, to hold.
vast tract of land, not disjoined by the sea. F.
continent. See the adjective.
CONTIN'GENT. adj. Happening by chance ; accidental. L. contin.
gens, part, of contingo: con, together, and tango, to touch.
CONTINUE, v. To remain; to extend; to protract. L. continuo
con, together, and teneo, to hold.
CONTINUITY, s. Connexion ; continuation. F. continuile. See
CONTORTION, s. Twist; contraction. L, contortio ; from con, to-
gether, and tortus, p. part, of tor queo, to twist.
CONTRACT', v. To draw together ; to lessen in extent ; to bargain.
L. contractum, sup. of contraho : con, together, and traho, to draw.
CONTRACT, A s. bargain. See the verb.
CONTRACTION, a. The act of shortening. L. contractio. See
deny, or oppose verbally. L. contradictum,
sup. of contradico contra, against, and dico, to speak.

CONTRA DISTINGUISH, v. To distinguish, by qualities, not only

different, but opposite. L. contra, opposite to, and distinguish.
CONTRARY, adj. Opposite adverse. L. contrarius ; contra, against,

or opposite to.
CONTRAST, s. Opposition, in form, colours, &c. F. contraste : L.
contra, opposite to.
erected parallel with another.
L. contra, against, and vallum, a defence.
CONTRA VE'NE. v. To oppose ; to obstruct ; to baffle. L. contrave-
nio : contra, against, and venio, to come.
CONTRIB'UTE. v. To give aid, in conjunction with one or more
persons. L. contribuo : con, together, and tribuo, to give.
CONTRITE, adj. Penitent. L. contritus, p. part, of c outer o : con, to-
gether, and tritus, p. part, of tero, to rub, or break.
CONTRI'VE. v. To plan. F. controuver : comme, as or like, and
tr ouver, to find.
CONTROL', s. Check ; restraint. F. controle ; from contre, against,
and rolle, a list : meaning, a document capable of discovering the
errors of an account.
CONTROVERT', v. To dispute. L. controverto ; from contra, against,
and verto, to turn,
CONTUMACIOUS, adj. Haughty, disobedient, contemptuous. L.
contumax. See CONTUMELY.
CONTUMELY, s. Contempt; reproach. L. contumelia ; from con.
tra, against, against, and tumeo, to swell.
f* 65
CONTUSION, s. Bruise. L. contusio: con, together, and tusus, p,
part, oftundo, to beat.
CONVALES'CENT, adj. Recovering strength, L. convalescens, part.
of convalesco, to grow strong valeo, to be able. :

CONVENE, v. To assemble. L. convenio : con, together, and venio,

to come.
CONVE'NIENT. adj. Suitable;commodious. L. conveniens, part, of
convenio : con, together, and venio, to come.
CON'VENT. A s. monastery, or nunnery. L, conventus, p. part, of
convenio.CONVENE. See
CONVENTICLE, s. A little assembly; a small congregation of
schismatics, or sectarians ; a secret assembly. L. conventiculum,
dim. of convenes, a meeting. See CONVENE.
CONVEN'TION. s. Act of convening ; an assembly; a contract. L.
conventio. See CONVENE.
CONVERGE', v. To tend towards one point. L. convergo : con, to-
gether, and vergo, to incline.
CONVER'SANT. adj. Acquainted with, in relation to things. F.
conversant, part, of converser. See CONVERSE. By this species
of conversation, things are personified.
CONVERSE', v. To talk together. L. conversor ; from con, together,
and verso, to turn often.
term in geometry and logic, signifying opposition.
L. conversus, p. part, of converto. See CONVERT.
CONVER'SION. s. The act of converting. L. conversio. See CON-
CONVERT', v. To change ; to appropriate. L. converto : con, with,
and verto, to turn.
CONVEY', v. To carry ; to impart. L. conveho : con, with, and veho,
to carry.
CONVICT', v. To prove guilty. L. convictum, sup. of convinco, to
vanquish, or convict.
CONVICTION, s. Proof of guilt; act of convincing; state of being
convinced. See CONVICT.
CONVINCE', v. To overcome or satisfy by argument. L. convinco,
to vanquish, or convince.
CONVIVIAL, adj. Festal social cheerful. L. convivialis : con,
; ;

together, and vivo, to live.

CONVOCA'TION. s. Act of convoking ; an assembly summoned by
authority. L. convocatio. See CONVOKE.
CONVO'KE. v. To assemble by authority. L. convoco: con, together,
and voco, to call.
CONVOLU'TION. s. The act or state of rolling together. L. convo.
lutio. See CONVOLVE.
CONVOLVE', v. To roll one part upon another. L. convolvo : con,
together, and volvo, to roll.
guard, when passing by land or sea ; things guarded.
F. convoi : L. con, with, and F. voir, to see.
CONVULSE', v. To shake violently into disorder. L. convulsus, p.
part, of convello : con, together, and vello, to tug.
COOK. s. One who dresses and prepares food for the table. L. co-
quus ; from coquo, to boil.

CO-OP'ERATE. v. To labour or act jointly. L. con, together, and
CO-OR'DINATE. Having the same
adj. L. con, together, and
ordinatus, of nrdino, to range.
p. part,
CO'PIOUS. adj. Plentiful. L. copiosus ; from copia, plenty.
COP'ULA. s. In logic, signifies the word which unites the subject and
predicate of a proposition. L. copula ; from copulo, to couple. See
COP'ULATIVE, adj. A term in grammar and logic. L. copulalivus.
COP'Y. s. Exact resemblance. F. copie : L. copia, fulness because, ;

a copy contains the whole matter or form of the original.

COQUET', s. Afemale who assiduously endeavours to gain admirers.
F. coquette ; from queter, to search.
CO' RAM NON JUD'ICE. Before an improper tribunal. L. coram,
before, non, not, judice, abl. of judex, a judge.
CORDELI'ER. One of a celebrated order of monks, established in
France, in the reign of Louis VIII.; so called from a cord which
they wore around their waist. F. cordon, a string or cord.
COR'DIAL. s. A stimulating or comforting medicine. F. cordial
L. cor, the heart.
COR'DIAL. adj. Comforting sincere friendly. F. cordial : L. cor,
; ;

the heart.
CORDON', s. An extensive line of soldiers, to prevent communication
between different places. F. cordon, a string.
CORE. s. The inner part, generally of vegetables. F. cceur : L. cor,
the heart.
COR'NEA. s. The horny coat of the eye. L. cornea ; from cornv, a horn.
COR'NEOUS. adj. Horny like horn. L. corneus : cornu, a horn.

CORNI'GEROUS. adj. Having horns. L. corniger : cornu, a horn,

and gero, to bear.
CORNUCO'PIA. s. A heathenish fiction,
referring to the horn said to
have been broken from Achelous, by Hercules. L. cornucopia :
Cornu, a horn, and copia, abundance.
CORNU'TED. adj. Horned. L. cornutus : cornu, a horn.
COR'OLLARY. s. Conclusion surplus of a train of reasoning. L.

corolla, a little crown meaning, figuratively, that which crowns or


finishes the whole.

CORONA'TION. s. The act of crowning. L. corona, a crown.
COR'ONER. s. An officer whose chief duty is to inquire, on the part
of a sovereign, or state, how any violent or accidental death was
caused. F. coronaire L. corona, a crown.

COR'ONET. s. The crown of a nobleman. L. corona, a crown

through the Italian dim. coronetta.
COR'PORAL. adj. Relating to the body. L. corporalis : corpus, a
body, or any substance.
chartered company persons embodied. L. ;

corpus, a body.
CORPO'REAL. adj. Havinp- a body not spiritual. L. corporeus.

CORPS, s. A body of soldiers a professional body.
; (Pronounced
core.) F. corps : L. corpus, a body.
CORPS DIPLOMATIQUE. The diplomatic body. F. corps, a
body, and diplomatique, diplomatic.
dead human body. L. corpus, a body.
COR'PULENT. adj. Large in flesh. L. corpulentus ; from corpus,
the body, and lentus, heavy.
particle of matter. L. corpusculum, a small
body dim. of corpus, a body.

CORRECT', adj. Revised or finished with correctness ; free from

faults. L. correctus, p. part, of corrigo ; con, and rego, to rule.
CORRELATIVE, adj. Having reciprocal relation. L. con, together,
and relative.
CORRESPOND', v. To communicate by alternate letters to fit. ; L.
con, together, and respondeo, to answer.
COR'RIDOR. s. A gallery or long aisle around a building. F.
COR'RUGATE. v. To wrinkle; to draw or contract into folds. L.
corrugo : con, with, and rugo, to wrinkle.
COR'RIGIBLE. adj. Relating to that which can be amended. F. cor-
rigible L. corrigo, to set right con, and rego, to govern.
: ;

CORROB'ORATE. v. To strengthen by additional evidence. L. cor.

roboro ; from con, together, and roboro, to strengthen.
CORRO'DE. v. To consume slowly. L. corrodo, to gnaw.
CORRUPT', adj. Unsound infected depraved. L. corruptus, p. part.
; ;

of corrumpo : con, together, and rumpo, to break.

CORSAIR, s. pirate. F. A
term, used by poets, to denote a dead human body. See
CORSE'LET. s. A light armour for the fore part of the body. F.
corselet ; from corps, a body : L. corpus.
pair of stays for a woman.
s. F. corset; from corps, a
body L. corpus.

train or retinue of attendants or followers. F.
COR'TICATED. adj. Resembling the bark or rind of a tree. L. cor-
ticatus ; from cortex, bark.
CORUS'CANT. adj. Glittering. L. coruscans, part, of corusco, to
COR YMBIF'E ROUS. adj. Producing corymbs ;bearing fruit, berries,
or flowers, in clusters. L. coryinbifer ; corymbus, a cluster of ivy
berries, and fero, to bear.
COSMETIC, adj. Beautifying. F. cosmetique: G. kosmetikos ; from
kosmeo, to adorn.
COSMOG'ONY. s. The formation of the world. G. kosmos, the world,
and gone, generation.
description of the world or universe. G.
kosmographia kosmos, the world, and grapho, to write.

COSMOLOGY, s. The science of the general system of the world.

G. kosmos, the world, and logos, a word or description.

COSMOPOLITAN, or COSMOP'OLITE. s. citizen of the world. A
G. kosmos, the world, and polites, a citizen.
COS'TAL. adj. Pertaining to the side of the body, or the ribs. F.
costal ; from L. costa, a rib.
COS'TUME. s. In painting, the different customs of times and places,
with which a painter must conform, with regard to dress, &c. F,
COTEM'PORARY. adj. Living or being at the same time. L. con,
with, and tempus, time.
COTER'MINOUS. adj. Terminating at the same point; ending at
the same time having a common boundary.
; L. con, together, and
terminus, a boundary or limit.
COTILLON, or COTILLION, s. A species of dance. F. cotillon ;
meaning, originally, a petticoat that part of the dress being in the

dance, occasionally extended by the hands.

COUCH, s. A seat for repose ; a bed. F. couche, a bed.
COUCHANT. adj. Couching squatting. F. couchant,
; part, of coucher,
to lie down.
COULTER, s. The sharp iron of the plough which cuts the earth,
L. cultus, p. part, of colo, to till.

COUN'SELLOR. An -s. adviser. L. consiliarius. See CONSULT.

COUNT, v. To number ; to reckon ; to impute or charge to depend

on. L. computo. See COMPUTE.

COUNT, s. One of a certain rank of nobility, on the continent of Eu-
rope. In Latin, the counts are called comites, (a title first used in
the German empire,) from being the king's attendants. L. comes, a
COUNTENANCE, s. Form of the face; patronage. F. contenance:
L. con, together, and tenens, part, of teneo, to hold, or remain mean- :

ing, that, all the features are contemplated in one view.

COUNTER, adj. Contrary ; opposite. F. contre : L. contra, against.
COUNTERACT', v. To labour against. See and ACT. COUNTER
COUNTERFEIT, s. A deceitful imitation. F. contrefait, part, of
contrefaire ; from contre, against, and faire, to make.
COUNTERMAND', v. To repeal a command. F. contremander : L.
contra, against, and mando, to give orders.
COUNTERMARCH', v. To march back, over the same ground. See
COUNTERMI'NE. v. To perforate an enemy's mine to defeat one ;

stratagem by another. See COUNTER and MINE.

COUNTERMO'TION. s. Contrary motion. See COUNTER and
COUNTERPOISE, v. To counterbalance. See COUNTER and
COUNTERSIGN, v. To sign additionally, as secretary or clerk. See
COUNTERTENOR, s. A term in music. See COUNTER and
COUNTERVAIL', v. To oppose with an equal degree of power. L.
contra, ngainst, and valeo, to be able.
COUNTERWORK', v. To counteract. See and COUNTER WORK.
COUN'TY. s. That
division of a country, formerly placed under the
jurisdiction of a count, now called, in England, a sheriff. See
COUP BE GRACE. The stroke which terminated the sufferings
of those who had been broken on the wheel. F. coup, a stroke, de,
of,grace, favour, or mercy.
COUP DE MAIN. A bold and sudden enterprise. F. coup, a blow
or action, de, of, main, the hand.
COUP D'ESSAI. First experiment; first trial. F.
COUP D03IL. The entire view, suddenly taken. F. coup, a stroke,
de, of, ceil, the eye.
means of joining two things; two; a male and his
female. F. couple : L. copula ; from copulo, to join con, together, :

and pulsus, p. part, of pello, to drive.

COUR'AGE. s. Bravery, of the highest kind active fortitude. F. ;

courage : coeur, the heart : L. cor.

messenger, sent express. F. courier : L. cvrro, to
COURSE, s. Race ; progress ; way. F. course : L. cursus, a race ;
from curro, to run.
COURT, v. To flatter ; to endeavour to please by civilities and ad-
dress ; a use of the word derived from the manners of a court; to
woo; to solicit for marriage; to solicit. See COURTEOUS.
COUR'TEOUS. adj. Having the refined manners of a court polite. ;

F. courtois ; cour, a court. L. curia.

COUSTN. s. Any one collaterally related, more remotely than a bro-
ther or a sister. F. cousin : L. consanguineus : con, together, and
sanguis, blood. See GERMAN.
COVE. s. A
recess ; a circular bay. F. cove, a pigeon-hole ; couver,
to be hidden.
COVENANT, s. contract. A
F. convenant, part, of convenir, to
agree L. con, together, and venio, to come.

COVERT, s. shelter a hiding place. F. couvert, shelter couver,

A ; :

to lurk.
COVERT, adj. Sheltered having the legal privileges of a married

woman. See the noun.

COVERTURE, s. In law, the condition of a woman during her mar-
riage. See FEME CO VER T.
COVEY, s. A brood of partridges. F. couvee ; from couver, to brood
or sit on. L. cubo.
COVIN, s. A collusive or deceitful agreement between two or more,
to defraud a third person. L. con, together, and venio, to come.
CRANIOL'OGY. s. A discourse or treatise on the cranium or skull.
G. kranion, the skull, and logos, discourse.
CRANIO METER, s. An instrument for measuring the skulls of ani-

mals. G. kranion, the skull, and metron, measure.

CRAPE, s. A thin transparent stuff, gummed and twisted on the mill.
F. crepe, and creper, to curl.
pannier and wicker basket. L. crates, a bundle of rods
wattled together.
kind of pencil, or roll of paste, to draw lines with.
F. from craie, chalk. L. creta.
CRA'Z Y. adj. Shattered mentally deranged. F. ecraze, part, of ecra-

ser, to break into pieces.

CREA'TE. v. To originate to make. L. creatus, p. part, of creo, to

CREAT'URE. s. Thing created. See CREATE.
CRE'DENCE. s. Belief. L. credens, part, of credo, to believe.
CREDEN'DA. Things to be believed ; articles of religious faith. L.
credenda ; to be believed : a part, of credo.

CREDENTIAL, s. That which authorizes belief. See CREDENCE.
CREDIBLE, adj. Worthy of belief. L. credibilis. See CREDENCE.
CRED'IT. s. Belief; trust ; respectability ; allowance. F. credit : L.
creditus, p. part, of credo, to believe.
CREDITOR, s. One to whom another is indebted. L. creditor. See
CREDU'LITY. s. Incautious belief. F. credulite. See CREDIT.
CREED, s. Form of belief. L. credo, I believe; which is the first
word in the apostles' creed.
CREMA'TION. s. The act of burning. L. crematio cremo, to burn. :

CREPITATION, s. The act of bursting- with a frequent repetition

of sharp sounds ; crackling. L. crepito, to crackle ; crepo, to creak
as a door.
CREPUS'CLE. s. Twilight ; a little burst or break of light. L. ere-
pusculum : crepo, to crack.
CRES'CENT. s. A resemblance of the moon, when apparently in-
creasing ; L. crescens, part, of cresco, to increase.
adj. increasing.
CRES'CIVE. adj. Increasing. L. cresco, to increase.
plume of feathers a term in heraldry curve of a ; ;

horse's neck. L. crista, a tuft, or plume.

CRETACEOUS, adj. Having the qualities of chalk. L. creta, chalk.
cleft; a fissure. F. crevasse: from L. crepo, to
CRIMTNAL. adj. Faulty ; chargeable with a crime. L. crimen, a
CRI'SIS. s. The
height, or turn of a disease; critical time. L. crisis
G.krisis: judge because the symptoms have become more
Jcrino, to :

evident, and an opinion is the more easily formed.

mark a sign. G. Jcriterion ; from Jcrites, a judge.

CRIT'IC. s. One who is fond of examining and observing. G. krilikos :

krites, a judge krino, to judge.

CRIT'IC AL. adj. In the manner of a critic; exact; nicely judicious.

staff. F. crosier : L. crux, a cross.
chemist's melting-pot. Low L. crucibulum : G.
chrusos, gold ; alluding to its use in melting this metal.
representation of Christ's death. L. crucifixus :
crucis, gen. of crux, a cross, and Jixus, fastened.
CRU'CIFORM. adj. Having the form of a cross. L. crusos, gen. of
crux, a cross, and forma, shape.
CRUDE, adj. Unfinished impure. L. crudus, raw. ;

CRU'EL. adj. Barbarous delighting to hurt others; inhuman. L.


crudelis ; from crudus, raw, rough, or untutored.

sea-adventure. F. croise : L. crux, a cross. The first
cruisers displayed the cross, and plundered only infidels.
CRU'R AL. adj. Belonging to the leg. F. crural : L. cruris, gen. of
crus, a leg.
CRUSADE, s. An expedition against infidels. F. croisade. See
CRUST A'CEOUS. adj. Covered with a shell, in joints, not with one —
continued, uninterrupted shell. lobster is crustaceous an oyster, A ;

testaceous. L. crustatus : crusta t a crust.

CRYPTO'GRAPHY. s. The science of writing secret characters;

ciphers. G. krupto, to hide, and grapho, to write.

CRYPTOL'OGY. s. Enigmatical language. G. krupto, to hide, and
logos, a word.
CRYSTAL, s. hard, transparent, colourless body. F. crystal : L.
cryslallus : G. krustallos, ice.
CUBA'TION. s. The act of lying down. L. cubatio : cubatus, p. part.
of cubo, to lie down.
CUBE. s. A regular, solid body, having six square and equal sides, and
all its angles right angles hence, the arithmetical term, cube-root.

L. cubus : G. kubos, a die, such as that used in gambling.

CU'BIT. s. An ancient measure, equal to the length of a man's arm
from the elbow to the extremity of the fingers about eighteen ;

inches. L. cubitum ; from cubitus, an elbow.

CUBOI'DAL. adj. Cubiform in the shape of a cube. G. kubos, a

cube, and eidos, form.

CUI BO'NO. What advantage will result? L. cui, to what, bono,
good (dat. of quis and bonus.)

CUI MA'LO. What mischief will result? L. cui, to what, malo, evil:
(dat. of quis and malus.)
breastplate. F. from cosur ; L. cor, the heart.
CU'LINARY. adj. Relating to a kitchen. L. culina, a kitchen.
CULL. v. To choose. F. cueillir, to gather.
CULLIBILTTY. s. Credulity easiness of belief. F. cueillir, to ga-

CULMIFEREOUS. adj. Producing stalks. L. culmus, a stalk, and
fero, to bear.
CUL'MINATE. v. To be vertical; to be in the meridian. L. culmen t
the top.
CUL'PABLE. adj. Blamable; criminal. L. culpabilis : culpa, a fault.
CUL'PRIT. s. One accused. L. culpa, a fault.
CUL'TIVATE. s. To improve ; to till. F. cultiver : L. cultum, sup.
of colo, to till.
CUM'BROUS. adj. Burthensome ; L. cumbo, to lie down.
CUM MULTIS ALUS. With many other persons, or things. L.
cum, with, multis, many, aliis, others (abl. pi. of mult us and alius.)

CUMULATIVE, adj. Heaping one thing upon another ; adding one

things to another. L. cumulus, a heap.
CU'NEAL. adj. Relating to a wedge. L. cuneus, a wedge.
CU'NIFORM. adj. Having the shape or form of a wedge. L. cuneus,
a wedge, and forma, form.
CUPID'ITY. s. Unlawful desire. L. cupiditas : cupio, to desire.
CU'PREOUS. adj. Partaking of copper. L. cupreus : cuprum, copper.
CU'RATE. s. A clergyman paid to officiate for a superior. L. curator ;
from cura, care.
superintendent. L. curator : cura, care.
CURB. v. To restrain. F. courbir, to bend.
CURE. v. To heal; to prepare for keeping. L. euro; from cura,
signal made in England, by the Normans, at a cer-
tain hour in the evening, when every housekeeper must extinguish
his light. F. couvrez feu, cover the fire.

CU'RIOUS. adj. Inquisitive; worthy of notice. L» curiosus ; from
cur a, care, or concern.
CUR RENT. adj. Passing from one to another circulating-. L. cur- ;

rens, part, of cm/to, to run.

CUK'RENT. s. A stream.— See the adjective.
CUR'SORY. adj. Hasty; slight; superficial. L. cursorius : curso, to
run backwards and forwards: freq. of curro, to run.
CURTAIL', v. To cut short; to diminish in length; to lessen. F.
courte, short, and tailler, to cut.
CURVE, v. To bend. L. curvo, to bend.
CURVET', v. To play, as a horse. L. curvo, to bend.
CURVILIN'EAR. adj. Relating to a curved line. L. curvus, bent,
and linen, a line.
CUSTODY, s. Charge ; confinement. L. custodia ; from custos, a
CUS'TOS-ROTULORUM. s. An officer who has the custody of the
county-records. L. custos, a keeper, rotulorum, of the rolls [of
written parchment or paper.]
CUTA'NEOUS. adj. Relating or belonging to the skin. L. cutis, the
CU'TICLE. s. The outermost covering of the body that very tender

skin which rises in a blister. L. cuticula, dim. of cutis, the skin.

CUT'LER. s. One who makes, repairs, or sells knives. F. coutelier
L. culler, a knife.
CY'CLE. s. A G. kuklos, a circle.
circle; a revolution of time.
species of geometrical curve. G. kukloeides : kuklos,

a circle, and eidos, a shape.

book which treats of all the sciences. G. kuklos,
a circle, and paideia, instruction.
fabled race of men, of gigantic stature, who inha-
bited the western part of Sicily, and were said to have only one eye,
in the middle of the forehead. L. Cyclopes: G. kuklops : comp. of
kuklos, a circle, and ops, an eye.
CYGNET, A s. young swan. L. cycnus, or cygnus, a swan.
CYLINDER, A s. body having two flat surfaces, and one circular.
L. cylindrus: G. kulindreo, to roll.
CYL'INDROIDE. s. That which in form resembles a cylinder comp. :

of CYLINDER, and G. oidos, form.

species of musical instrument. L. cymbalum ; from
cymha, a cup. G. kumbos, a cavity.
follower of Diogenes; a disagreeable, snarling fellow.
L. cynicus : G. kunikos ; from kuon, a dog.
CY'NOSURE. s. The constellation near the north pole, consisting of
seven stars. As seamen are accustomed to steer by this constella-
tion, it is sometimes figuratively used for that which directs or at-
tracts attention. Gr. kunosoura, the tail of the dog; ursa minor, the
little bear.

poetical foot, consisting of one long, and two short
syllables as numine.
; L. dactylus : G. daktulos, a finger : alluding
to the joints of a finger.
o 73
DAM'AGE. s. Injury, which lessens the value ; hurt. F. dommaget
L. loss.
DAM' ASK. s. A
species of figured silk stuff, originally from Damas-
cus ; a kind of wrought- linen, in imitation of the damask silks; red
colours from the damask rose.
DAME. s. Literally, a mistress; hence, a lady a title of honour to a ;

woman. It is now applied generally to the mistress of a family, in

the common ranks of life. F. dame; L. domina, a mistress.
DAMN. v. To condemn; to curse. L. damino, to condemn from :

damnum, injury.
DAM'SEL. s. A young gentlewoman; a country lass. F. damoiselle,
or demoiselle, dim. of dame, a lady.
species of small plum. Contracted from damascene,
the Damascus plum.
DATA. Things given, or premises, as grounds of argument. — Sing,
DA TUM. L. datus, p. part, of do, to give.
DATE. Period of time when an action is performed, or when an
event happened. L. datus, p. part, of do, to give, or make.
DA'TIVE. adj. A
case in grammar, denoting to whom given. L. da-
trims: datus, p. part, of do, to give.
DAUNT, v. To intimidate. F. dumpier: L. domito, to tame.
DEA'CON. s. A person in the lowest degree of holy orders. L. dia-
conus ; G. konos: dia, through, and koneo, to serve.
DEAN. s. One of a certain order in the episcopal church the second ;

dignitary of a diocese; an officer of a certain rank in a university.

F. doyen: L. decanus : from the G. deka, ten because, a dean was ;

originally pl.ced over ten prebendaries.

DEBAR', v. To prevent. F. de, from, and barre, a bolt or bar.
DEBARK', v. To come on shore. F. debarquer: de, from, and barque,
a boat.
DEBA'SE. v To degrade; to adulterate. See BASE.
DEBA'TE. v. To dispute; : F. debatre
L. de, concern-
to deliberate.
ing, and batuo,
DEBENTURE, s. Written evidence of a debt, signed on account of a
state or public company. F. debenture: L. debeo, to owe.
DEBILTTY. s. Weakness: feebleness. L. debilitas : de, from, and
habilitas, ability. See ABILITY.
DEB IT. s. In mercantile language, signifies the debtor side of an ac-
count, or an item placed at the debtor side. L. debitus, p. part, of
debeo, to owe.
DEBOUCH', v. To issue or march out of a narrow place, or from de-
files, as troops. F. deboucher : de, from, and bouche, a mouth.
DEBT. s. Something due. L. debitum ; from debeo, to owe.
DECADE, s. The sum often. F. decade : G. deka, ten.
DECA'DENCE. s. Decline; fall. F. decadence: L. de, from, and ca-
dens, part, of cado, to fall.

plain figure having ten sides and ten angles. G.
deka, ten, and gonia, a corner.
DECALOGUE, s. The Ten Commandments. G. dekalogos : deka,
ten, and logos, a word.
DECAL'VATE. v. To make bald. L. calms, bald.

DECAMP', v. To go from the site of a camp ; to depart. F. decamper
de, from, and camp, a camp.
DECANT', v. To pour off gently, by inclination. L. decanto ; de,
from, and canto, to sing, or repeat often the same thing.
DECAPTTATE. v. To behead. L. decapito : de, from, and caput,
the head.
DECAY', v. Tft become infirm ; to rot. F. dechoir : L. decado : de-
from, and cado, to fall.
DECEASE', s. Death. L. decessus : decedo, to depart de, from, and :

cedo, to go.
DEC E' DENT. s. In law, one who has died. L. decedens, part, of de.
cedo, to depart.
DECEIT', s. Fraud ; artifice. L. deceptio : from deceptus, p. part, of
decipio: de, from, and capio, to take.
DECEIVE', v. To use deceit. L. decipio. See DECEIT.
DECEMBER, s. The twelfth month ; but, formerly, the tenth, when
the year began in March. L. December ; from decern, ten.
DECEM'VIRATE. s. The office of the ten governors of Rome. L.
decemviratits : decern, ten, and viri, men.
civil division, comprising, by a law of Alfred,
ten freeholders and their families. L. decern, ten.
DE'CENT. adj. Becoming ; modest. L. decens, part, of deceo, to be-
DECEP'TION. s. The act of deceiving. This word conveys a less
immoral meaning than deceit ; though it is derived from the same
word. L. deceptio. See DECEIT.
DECERPT', adj. Cropped. L. decerptus, p. part, of decerpo : de, from,
and carpo, to pluck.
departure act of going away. L. decessio : de.

cessus, p. part, of decedo : de, from, and cedo, to depart.

DECI'DE. v. To conclude to determine. L. decido : de, from, and

cado, to cut.
DECIDUOUS, adj. Losing the foliage at the end of a season. L.
deciduus : decido : de, from, and cado, to fall.
DE'CIMAL. adj. Numbered by ten. L. decimus, the tenth decern, :

DE'CIMATE. v. To take the tenth part. L. decimo decern, ten. :

DECISIVE, adj. Conclusive determined. F.decisif. See DECIDE.


DECLAIM', v. To harangue; to speak to the passions. L. declamo

de, concerning, and oh mo, to call out.
DECLA'RE. v. To publish ; to assert. L. declaro ; from de, concern-
ing, and claro, to brighten.
DECLEN'SION. s. Act of declining ; declination; decay; inflexion
of nouns. L. declinatio. See DECLINE.
DECLINE, v. To bend from; to refuse; to decay. L. declino : de,
from, and clino, to brmd.
DECLIVITY, s. Inclination, reckoned downwards. L. declivitas :

de, from, and clious, a slnp>'.

DECOCTION, s. Act of boiling any thing; an extract by boiling.
F. decoction: L. decoctum : decoquo : de, from, and coqno, to boil.
DECOL'LATE. v. To cut through the neck. L. decoUo : de, from,
and collum, the neck.
DECOMPOSE, v. To separate to disturb. L. de, from, and compose. ;

DECORATE, v. To adorn. L. decoro: decor, beauty.

DECOROUS, adj. Decent proper. L. decorus. See DECORUM.

DECO'RUM. s. Decency; propriety. L. decorum decor, decency. :

DECREA'SE. v. To diminish. L. decresco de, signifying from, or :

deprivation, and cresco, to grow.

DECREE', v. To enact; to resolve. L. decretum, sup. of decerno :

rfapcortcefning, and cerno, to see, or judge.

DECREMENT, s. Decrease the quantity lost ; by decreasing. L.
decrementum ; from descresco. See DECREASE.
DECREP'IT. adj. Infirm. L. decrepitus ; from de, and crepo, to
creak, or jingle.
DECRE'TAL. adj. Relating to a decree. F. decretal. See DECREE.
DECUPLE, adj. Tenfold. L. decuplus : G. deka, ten.
DEDECORATE. v. To strip of ornament; to disgrace. L. dedecoro :

de, from, and decorus, gen. of decus, honour.

assign or devote to a patron to appropriate. L.
v. ;

dedico : and dico, to appoint.

de, from,
DEDU'CE. v. To draw, in a connected series to infer. L. deduco : ;

de, from, and duco, to draw, or bring.

DEDUCT, v. To subtract. L. deductum, sup. of deduco : de, from,
and duco, to draw.
DEED. s. Written evidence of a grant, or of any legal act; action;
exploit; reality. L. dedi, I have given perfect tense of do, to give. :

DEFA'CE. v. To disfigure to erase. L. de, from, and face.


BE FACTO. From the fact. L. de, from, facto, abl. of factum, a.

thing done. See DE JURE.
DEFAL'CATE. v. To cut off; to take away or deduct a part ; used
chiefly of money, accounts, rents, &c. L. defalco : de, from, and

falx, a sickle.
DEFAME, v. To L. de, from, and fame.
injure in character.
DEFEA'SANCE. s. the written instru-
Act of annulling a contract ;

ment, in which the defeasance is contained. F. See DEFEASIBLE.

DEFEA'SIBLE. adj. Subject to be annulled or abrogated. F. defaire,
to undo. L. de, from, and facio, to make.
DEFEAT, s. Overthrow. F. defaite : defait, part, of defaire, to undo:

L. de, from, and facio, to make.

DEFECATE, To purge from lees or foulness to purify.
v. ; L. de-
fceco : and fcscis, gen. of fax, dregs.
de, from,
DEFECT', s. Absence of something necessary imperfection. ; L. de.
feclus, p. part, of dejicio : de, from, and facio, to make.
DEFECTION, s. Desertion ; revolt. L. defectio. See DEFECT.
DEFEND', v. To protect; to vindicate. L. defendo : de, from, and
fendo, to guard.
DEFER', v. To put off; to delay. L. differ o : de, from, and fero, to
DEF'ERENCE. s. Respect. F. deference : L. de, from, and fero, to
carry, or incline that is, to withdraw to a respectful distance.

DEFICIENT, adj. Defective; incomplete. L. deficiens. See DE-

DEFI'NE. v. To describe precisely ; to explain. L. definio ; from de%
concerning, zndjinis, a boundary,

DEFINITE, adj. Limited ; certain. L. definitus. See DEFINE.
DEFINI'TION. s. Act of defining; precise description ; explanation.
L. dejinilio. See DEFINE.
DEFLECTION, or DEFLEXION, s. Deviation. L. defiexus, p.
part, ofdejieclo: de, from, and Jlecto, to bend.
DEFLUOUS. adj. Flowing downwards. L. defluus : de, from, and
fluo, to flow.
DEFLUXTON. s. In medical language, the flow of humours down-
wards. L. dejiuxio : dejluxus, part, of defiuo : de, from, and Jiao,
to flow.
DEFRAUD', v. To L. defraudo: fraus, (gen. fraudis) deceit.
DEGEN ERATE. v. To become
inferior to a progenitor. L. degerte-
ro : de, from, and genus, a race; that is, to tall from its own kind.
DEGLUTl'TION. s. The act of swallowing. L.deglutio: de, from,
and glulio, to swallow.
DEGRA'DE. v. To lower in rank to disgrace. F. degrader: L. de,

from, Hnd gradus, a step, or degree.

DEGREE', s. Relative situation rank, measure. F. degre : L. de,

from, and gradus, a step.

DEHIS'CEN'T. adj. Opening, as the capsule of a plant. L. dehiscens,
pnrt. oCdehhco : de, from, and hisco, to g.ipe.
DEHORTA'TION. s. Dis>uasion. L. de, from, and hortor, to advise.
DETFY. v. To invest with the title of a god; to adore as a god. F.
deifier : L. deus, a god, and jio, to be made.
DEIGN, v. To think worthy to vouchsafe. F. daigner. L. dignor

dignus, worthy.
DEIN TEGRATE. v. To take from the whole to spoil. L. de, from, ;

and integer, a whole.

DETST. s. One who believes in God, but denies revelation. F. dmsle ;
from the L. deus, God.
DETTY. s. God; also a heathen god. F. deite ; L. deus, God, or a
god. G. Theos.
DEJECT', v. To depress in spirits. L. dejectum, sup. of dejicio: de,
from, and jacio, to throw.
DE JURE. From the law; by law. L. de, from, jure, abl. of jus,
right, or law. A
king is said to be such de facto, when in possession
of the throne, however obtained; and dejure, when he has the heie-
ditary right. See FA C TO. DE
DELACTA'TION. s. Act of weaning from the breast. L. de, from,
and lac, milk.
DELAY', v. To
prolong the time of acling or proceeding to put off; ;

to retard ; F. delai, to delay

to detain. L. dilatus, p. part, of dif-

fero, to scatter abroad, to put off.

DELECTABLE, adj. Delightful. L. delectnbilis : delecio, to allure.
DEL'EGATE. v. To depute for a special purpose. L. dtlego : de,
from, and lego, (legare,) to intrust.
DELE'TION. s. Act of blotting out. L. deletus, p. part, of deleo, to
blot out.
DELETERIOUS, adj. Destructive ;
poisonous. L. deleterius : deleo,
to blot out, or destroy.
DELIB'ERATE. v. To weigh in the mind; to hesitate. L. ddibero;
de, concerning, and libra, a balance,
o» 7?
DEL'IBLE. adj. Capable of being destroyed, or effaced. L. deleo, to
blot out.
DELICATE, adj. Pleasing; soft; weak. F. deiicat : L. delicatus :

delicia, delights. See DELIGHT.

DELICIOUS, adj. Sweet ;
pleasant. F. delicieux. See DELICATE.
DELIGHT', v. To please highly. L. delecto : de, from, and lacto, to
DELIN'EATE. To draw the lines of any thing to describe. L.
v. ;

delineo ; from
concerning, and linea, a line.
DELINQUENT, s. One who commits a breach of trust. L. delin-
quens, part, of delinquo, to omit: linquo, to forsake.
DELIQUESCE', v. To become fluid. L. deliquesco: deliqueo, to melt.
DELIRIUM, s. An alienation of mind, connected with fever. L.
from deliro, to rave.
DELIVER, v. To release ; to relate to assign. F. delivrer : L. de,

from, and libero, to free.

DEL'PHINE. adj. Pertaining to the dolphin. L. delphinus, a dol-
phin pertaining to the dauphin of France, as the delphine edition

of the classics.
DEL'TA. s. A
portion of land in the form of a triangle so called, ;

from its resemblance to the G. letter, delta, a.

term applied to a triangular muscle, for raising the
arm; delta, (A) a letter of the Greek alphabet, and eidos, shape.
DELUDE, v. To beguile. L. deludo ; from de, concerning, and ludo,
to play, or mock.
DELUGE, An immense, overwhelming
s. flood. L. diluvium : diluo,
to wash away.
DEM'AGOGUE. s. A leader of the rabble. G. demagogos ; from de-
mos, the people, and agogos, a leader.
DEMAND', v. To claim; to ask. F. demand er : L. de, from, and
mando, to order.
DEMEAN', v. To behave to conduct. ; F. demener, to lead.
DEMEN'TATE. v. To render insane. L. demento: de, from, and
mens, mind.
opposite to merit.
s. L. de, from, and merit.
part of an estate which is occupied by the lord
himself. Old F. from the L. dominus, a lord.

DEM'IGOD. s. Haifa god ; a fabulous hero, produced by the cohabi-

tation of a deity with a mortal. F. demi, from the L. dimidium,
signifying half, and god.
DEMI'SE. s. In law, a species of conveyance. The king of England's
death, is, in law, termed the demise of the king, to his successor, of
his crown and dignity, &c. F. dtmis, removed L. demissus, p. :

part, of demitto : de, from, and mitto, to send away.

DEMOCRACY, s. Government by the people. G. demokratia ; from
demos, the people, and krateo, to govern.
DEMOLTSH. v. To throw down ; to destroy. L. demolior : de, from,
and ?noles, a heap.
DE'MON. s. A
spirit, either good or bad; a devil. G. daimon, a
spirit : daio, to know.
DEMONSTRATE, v. To prove with the highest degree of certainty.
L. demonstro : de, concerning, and monstro, to show.

DEMOR'ALIZE. v. To destroy or corrupt the morals. L. de, from,
and moral.
DEMUL'CENT. adj. Softening; mollifying-; lenient. L. de mule ens,
pirt. of detnulceo : de, and mulceo, to stroke or soften.
delay a process in law, by some technical objection,
F. demeurer L. demoror, to stop.

DEMU'RE. adj. Grave; of studied gravity. F. de, of, and moeurs,

manners, or behaviour.
DEMUR'RAGE. s. Allowance, by a merchant, for the detention of a
ship beyond the time appointed. See DEMUR.
DENDRITE, s. stone or mineral, on or in which are the figures
of trees or shrubs. G. dendrites : dendron, a tree.
petrified or fossil shrub, or plant. G. dendron,
a tree, and lithos, a stone.
DENDROL'OGY. s. Natural history of trees. G. dendron, a tree,
and logos, a discourse.
DENTZEN. s. A stranger admitted
to residence and certain rights in
a foreign country. F. de-mi, half, and citizen.
distinguish by a name. L. denomino : de,
from, and nomino, to name nomen, a name. :

DENOTE, v. To signify. L. denoto : de, concerning, and noto, to

mark. See NOTE.
DENOUEMENT, s. The clearing up of a plot. F. denouement;
from denouer, to untie.
DENOUNCE', v. To threaten, or accuse, publicly. L. denuncio
comp. of de, concerning, and muntio, to acquaint.
DE NO' VO. Afresh ; over again. L. de, from, and novo, abl. of no-
vus, new.
DENSE, adj. Set closely together ; compact. L. densus ; probably
from dens, a tooth, or denies, teeth : alluding to the close arrange-
ment of the teeth.
DENT. s. A gap or notch, or rather a depression or small hollow in
a solid body, caused by a stroke or pressure. F. dent : L. dens, a
DEN'TAL. adj. Relating to the teeth. L. dentis, gen. of dens, a
DEN'TATED. adj. Having teeth, or the resemblance of teeth. L.
dentafus. See DENTAL.
DENTIFORM, adj. Having the form of a tooth. L. dentis, gen. of
dens, a tooth, and forma, shape.
DENTIFRICE, s. Tooth powder. L. dens, a tooth, and frico, to rub.
DENTIST, s. A tooth-surgeon. See DENTAL.
DENTI'TION. s. The breeding or cutting of teeth, in infancy. L.
dens, a tooth.
dentilio :

DENU'DATE. iv. To make naked; to strip. L. denudo: de, from,

DENUDE. ( and nudo, to make naked.
DENUNCIATION, s. Act of denouncing. L. denunciatio. See
DENY', v. Not to grant; to refuse; to contradict an accusation; to
disown. F. denier : L. denego : de, concerning, and nego, to deny :
ne, not, and ago, to act.
DE'ODAND. s. In England, a personal chattel which is the imme-

diate instrument of the death of a rational creature, and for that
reason, given to God, that is, forfeited to the king, to be applied to
pious uses. Thus, if a cart runs over a man, and kills him, the
cart is forfeited, as a deodand. L. Deo, to God, and dandus, given.
DEPART', v. To go away. F. departir : L, de, from, and partio, to
DEPEND', v. To hang ; to be connected ; to rely. L. dependeo : de,
from, and pendeo, to hang.
DEPICT', v. To paint, to describe. L. depictum, sup. of depingo ; de,
from, and pingo, to paint.
DEPILATION. s. Act of stripping off the hair. L. de, from, and
pilus, a hair.
DEPLE'TION. s. The act of emptying. L. depletus, p. part, of de.
pleo, to empty.
DEPLO'RE. v. To lament. F. deploro ; from de, concerning, and
ploro, to bewail.
DEPLOY', v. A military term, signifying to display, or spread out.
F. deployer : L. dis, asunder, and plico, to fold.
DEPLU'ME. v. To strip of its feathers. L. de, from, and pluma, a
DEPO'NENT. s. One who deposes. L. deponens, part, of depono
de,concerning, and port o, to place or allege.
DEPOPULATE, v. To unpeople. L. depopulor : de, from, and po-
pulus, people.
DEPORT, v. To transport; to carry off. L. deporto: de, from, and
porto, to carry.
DEPORT' M EN T. s. Behaviour. F. deportement : L. porto, to
DEPO'SE. v. To remove, as a monarch from his throne; to attest.
L. depositum, sup. of depono : de, from, and pono, to place or de, ;

concerning, and pono, to allege,

DEPOSTT. v. To lay up; down; to lay to leave for security, or as a
pledge. L. depositum, sup. of depono : de, from, and pono, to place.
DE'POT. s. A public storehouse. F. depot. See DEPOSIT.
DEPRA'VE. v. To corrupt. L. depravo : pravus, crooked, or knavish.
DEPRECATE, v. To pray against. L. deprecor : de, from, and pre.
cor, to pray.
DEPRE'CIATE, v. To undervalue ; to lower in price. L. depretio
comp. of de, from, and pretio, [its usual] price.
DEPREDA'TION. s. Act of plundering. L. depradatio : de, from,
and praedor, to rob.
DEPRESS', v. To press down ; to deject. L. depressum, sup. of de.
primo : de, from, and premo, to press.
DEPRI'VE. v. To from enjoying. L. de, from,
bereave ; to prevent
and privo, away.
to take
DEPUL'SION. s. Act of driving or thrusting away. L. depulsio
from depulsus, p. part, of depello : de, from, and pello, to drive.
DEPUTE, v. To send with a special commission to empower one to ;

act instead of another. L. deputo de, from, and pulo, to lop. :

DEP'UTY. s. One deputed; one acting in place of another. F. de-

putt : L. deputatus, p. part, of deputo. See DEPUTE.
DERANGE', v. To put out of its accustomed rank or place ; to dis.

order ; to render insane. F. deranger : de, from, and rang, a row
or place.
DERELICTION, s. Desertion. L. dereliclio : de, from, and relictus,
p. part, of relinquo, to leave behind re, back, and linquo, to leave.

DERIDE, v. To mock or scorn. L. derideo ; from de, concerning,

and video, to laugh.
DERISION, s. Mockery; scorn. L. derisio ; from derisus, p. part.
of derideo. See DERIDE.
DERIVE, v. Originally meant to turn the course of water from its
natural channel ; but it now means to deduce, or receive by trans-
mission. L. derivo : de, from, and rivus, a river.
DER'NIERERESSORT. Last resource. F. dernier, the last, and
essort, a spring or wheel.
DER'OGATE. v. To detract. L. derogo : de, from, and rogo, to de.
sire, or borrow.
DESCANT', v. To discourse at large. L. dis, separately, and canto,
to repeat often.
DESCEND', v. To go downwards to sink to fall, in order of inherit-
; ;

ance, to a successor. L. descendo : de, from, and scando, to climb.

DESCEN'SION. s. The act of descending. L. descensio. See DE-
DESCRI'BE. v. To delineate. L. describo : de, concerning, and scribo,
to write.
DESCRIP'TION. s. Act of describing; definition; peculiar quality.
L. descriplio. See DESCRIBE.
DESECRATE, v. To divert from the
purpose to which any thing was
originally consecrated.L. de, from, and sacro, to consecrate.
DESERT', v. To forsake. L. desertum, sup. of desero: de, from, and
sero, to sow meaning to leave as a place unsown.

DESERT, s. wilderness. L. desertus, forsaken. See the verb.
DESERT'. s. That which is deserved merit. L. deservitus, part, of ;

deservio. See DESERVE.

DESERVE', v. To merit. L. deservio : de, for, and servio, to serve.
DESICCATE, v. To dry. L. desicco, to dry.
DESIDERA'TUM. Something which inquiry has not yet been able

to ascertain or discover something desired, (pi. desiderata.)

; L. de-
sideratus, p. part, of desidero, to desire.
DESIGN', v. To intend, or invent. L. designo : de, out of, and signo,
to mark.
DESIGNATE, v. To point out, by some particular mark ; to name.
L. designation, sup. of designo. See DESIGN.
DESI'RE. v. To long for to wish to ask to entreat. F. desirer
; ; ;

L. desidero, freq. of desido : de, concerning, and sedeo, to sit, remain,

or continue.
DESIST', v. To cease. L. desisio: de, from, and sisto, to stop.
DESOLATE, v. To depopulate to lay waste. L. desolo ; from de,

and solus, alone.

DESPAIR, v. To be without hope. L. despero : de, signifying de-
privation, and spero, to hope.
DESPERATE, adj. Without hops; without care of safety; rash;
L. desperatus. See DESPAIR.
DES'PICABLE. adj. Contemptible. L. despicabilis. See DESPISE.

DESPI'SE. v. To contemn ; to disrespect. Old F. despiser : L. des.
picio : de, from, and specio, to look.
DESPOIL', v. To strip; to plunder. L. dtspolio: de, from, and spolio,
to plunder.
DESPOND', v. To despair. L. despondeo : de, signifying privation,
and spondeo, to promise.
DES'POT. s. An absolute monarch a tyrant. G. despotes, a ruler

deo, to bind, and podes, pi. of pous, a foot.

DES'TINE. v. To doom ; to design. L. destino, to bind fast together,
fix, or appoint.
DESTITUTE, adj. In want; friendless. L. destitutus, p. part, of
destituo ; from de, without, and statuo, to place.
DESTROY', v. To lay waste ; to consume. L. destruo : de, from, and
struo, to build.
DESTRUCTIVE, adj. Causing destruction. L. destructivus ; from
destructus, p. part, of dcstrvo. See DESTROY.
profuse and inordinate sweating. L. de, from,
and sudor, sweat.
DES'UETUDE. s. Cessation to be accustomed discontinuance of ;

practice or habit. L. desuetudo : de, from, and suetus, p. part, of

suesco, to use or accustom.
DES'ULTORY. adj. Roving from place to place inconstant imme- ; ;

thodical. L. desultorius : desultum, sup. of desilio : de, from, and

salio, to leap.
DETACH', v. To separate to send away. F. detacher : L. de, from,

and tactum, sup. of tango, to touch.

DETAIL', v. To relate minutely to detach. F. detailler ; de, from, ;

and tailler, to cut.

DETAIN', v. To restrain from departure; to hold. L. detineo : de f
from, and teneo, to hold.
DETECT, v. To discover. L. defectum, sup. of delego, to uncover.
DETENTION, s. The act of detaining. L. detentio. See DETAIN.
DETER', v. To intimidate. L. deterreo : de, from, and terreo, to
DETER'GENT. adj. Cleansing. L. detergens, part, of detergo ; de,
from, and tergo, to wipe.
DETE'RIORATE. v. To make worse ; to degenerate ; to grow worse.
F. deteriorer : L. de, from, and tero, to rub or wear.
conclude to resolve. L. determino ; de, con-
v. ;

cerning, and termino, to bound, or finish.

DETER SIVE. adj. Cleansing. F. detersif. See DETERGENT.
DETEST', v. To abhor. L. detestor ; de, from, or against, and leslor %
to attest, or bear witness.
DETHRONE, v. To deprive of regal power. L. de, from, and
DETONATE, v. To make a loud noise, by explosion. L. detono
comp. of de, from, and tono, to thunder.
DETORT. To twist; to pervert; to wrest from the original meaning
or design. L. detortum, sup. of detorqueo ; de, from, and torqueo, to
DETOUR', s. An excursion a military term, denoting a turning off

from the direct road. F. detour ; de, from, and tour, a journey.
DETRACT', v. To take away ; to derogate. L. detractum, sup. of
detraho ; de, from, and traho, to draw.
DETRIMENT, s. Loss; damage. L. detrimentum ; from detero, to
bruise or beat out ; de, from, and tero, to rub.
act of wearing away.
s. L. detritus, popart, of
detero ; de, from, and tero, to rub.
DETRU'DE. v. To thrust out; to thrust down. L. detrudo ; de, from,
and trudo, to thrust.
DETRUNCATE, v. To lop off. L. detrunco ; de, from, and trunco,
to cut.
DETRU'SION. s. The act of detruding. L. detrusio ; from detrusus,
p. p.rt. of detrudo. See DETRUDE.
DEUCE, s. Two. F. dews; L. rf«o, two.
DEUTERONOMY, s. The second book or repetition of the law; fifth

book of Moses. G. duteros, the second, and nomos, a law.

DEVASTATE, v. To lay waste. L. devasto ; vastus, waste.
DEVEL'OP. v. To uncover; to make known; to explain. F. devel-
opper : L. de, from, and velum, a veil.
DEVEST, or DIVEST', v. To strip; (with of) F. devester : L. de,
from, and vestis, a garment.
DEVEXTTY. s. Incurvation downwards declivity. L. devexitas : ;

de, from, and vectus, p % part. of veho, to carry.

DEVIATE, v. To go out of the usual way ; to err. L. de, from, and
via, a way.
DEVIOUS, adj. Out of the usual track; erring. L. devius. See
DEVISE, v. To contrive ; to consider; to grant by will. F. deviser :

L. de, from or concerning, and video, to see.

DEVOCA'TION. s. calling away Aa seduction. ; L. de, from, and
voco, to call.
DEVOI'R. s. Primarily, service or duty. Hence, an act of servility
or respect ; respectful notice due to another, as we paid our devoirs
to the queen, or to the ladies. F. devoir, duty.
DEVOLU'TION. s. Act of devolving. L. devolutio : devolutus, p. part.
of devolvo. See DEVOLVE.
DEVOLVE', v. To roll from ; to pass from. L. devolvo ; de, from,
and volvo, to roll.
DEVO'TE. v. To dedicate ; to appropriate ; to consign. L. devotum,
sup. of devoveo, to vow.
DEVOUR', v. To eat ravenously. L. devoro, to devour.
DEVOUT, adj. Pious; devoted to holy duties. L. devotus. See
DEX'TEROUS. adj. Expert. L. dexter ; from dextra, the right hand.
DEX'TRAL. adj. Relating to the right. L. dextra^ the right hand.
morbid copiousness of urine. G. diabaites ; dia,
through, and baino, to go.
DIABOLICAL, adj. Atrocious. L. diabolicus : G. diabolos ; dia,
across, and ballo, to throw.
medical preparation, composed of the juices of
certain plants. G. dia, through, and chulon, juice.
DIACOUS'TICS. s. The science or doctrine of refracted sounds called ;

also diaphonics. G. dia, and akono, to hear.


DIADEM, s. A royal crown. L. diadema ; G. diadema ; dia, around,
and deo, to bind.
DJiE'RESIS. s. The disjunction of syllables; (••) as, in cooperate ; G.

diairesis from dia, through, and aireo, to cut.


DIAGONAL, adj. Reaching from one corner or angle to another, so

as to divide a parallelogram into two equal parts. G. diagonios ; dia,
through, and gonia, a corner.
DIAGRAM, s. Delineation of a geometrical figure. G. diagramma ;
dia, through, and gramma, a letter, or thing written.
DIAGNOSTIC, adj. Distinguishing; characteristic; indicating the
nature of a disease. G. diagnostikos : dia, through, and ginosko, to
DI'AL. s. A plate marked with the hours.
L. dies, a day.
DI'ALECT. s. The
subdivision of a language, as the Attic or Doric
forms of the Greek ; a mode of speech which a people have chosen
or adopted ; language in general. G. dialektos ; dia, through, and
lego, to speak.
DIALECTICS, s. The science of dialects; logic. See DIALECT.
DIALEIP'SIS. s. The cavity or space formed by a wound. G. dia,
between, and leipo, to leave.
DI'ALOGUE. Formal conversation between two or more persons.
G. dialogos ; from dia, through, and logos, a discourse.

DIAMETER, s. A right line which divides the area of a circle into

two equal parts. G. dia, through, and metreo, to measure.
DIAMET'RICAL. adj. Describing a diameter; crossing in the man-
ner of a diameter, and hence denoting division or opposition. See
DIAPASON, s. A musical chord which includes all the tones. G.
dia, through,and pas, all.
DlAPHON IC. adj. Having the power to transmit light; transparent.
G. dia, through, and phaino, to shine.
DIAPHRAGM, s. The midriff which divides the upper cavity of the
body from the lower. G. diaphragma ; dia, between, and phragma,
a fence.
DIARRHCE A. s. A flux of the body. L. diarrhoea : G. diarrhoia
comp. of dia, from, and rheo, to flow.
DIARRHGE TIC. adj. Purgative. See DIARRHCEA.
DIARY, s. A daily register. L. diarium ; from dies, a day.
DI'ASTOLE. s. Amongst
physicians, a dilatation of the heart, auri-
cles, and arteries, opposed to systole or contraction. In grammar,
the extension of a syllable. G. diastole : dia, and stello, to set or
send from.
DIATONIC, adj. In music, ascending or descending in sound, in
certain intervals. G. dia, by or through, and tonos, sound.
disputation or continued discourse. G. diatribe :
dia, through, and tribo, to wear.
DICTATE, v. To speak as one having authority; to direct. L. freq.
v. dicto, to speak often dico, to speak.

DICTION, s. Language; expression. F. diction: L. dictio ; dico, to

DICTIONARY, s. A book containing the form and explanation of
words. See DICTION.

DIDACTIC, or DIDACTICAL, adj. Instructive; adapted to teach.
G. didalctikos ; didasko, to teach.
DIES NON. A day on which no legal proceedings can take place, or
on which public offices are shut. L. dies, a day, and non, not.
DI'ET. s. Food food regulated by a physician. F. diete. L. diosta.

In the middle ages, this word was used to denote the provision or
food for one day, and also for a journey of one day hence, it seems ;

to be from L. dies, a day.

DIFFER, p. To disagree; to vary. L. differo ; dis, asunder, and fero,
to carry.
DIF'FICULTY. s. Trouble; opposition. L. difficulias ; from difficilis

dis, meaning deprivation, and facilis, easy.

DIFFIDENT, adj. Not confident; distrustful. L. diffidens, part, of
diffido ; dis, without, and fides, faith.
pour out and spread as a fluid to spread. L. dif-
v. ;

fusum, sup. of d iffundo

; dis, asunder, and fundo, to pour out.
DIGEST', v. To arrange to dissolve, as in the stomach. L. digestum,

sup. of digero, to divide: di, asunder, and gero, to carry.

DIGIT, s. Three-fourths of an inch. L. digitus, a finger, or finger's
breadth. G. daktulos.
DIG'NIFY. v. To exalt; to honour. L. dignus, honourable, and fio,
to be made.
DIGNITARY, s. A clergyman of high rank. F. dignitaire : L.
dignilas, dignity from dignus, worthy, or honourable.

DIGRESS', v. To turn aside. L. digressus, part, of digredior ; dis,

from, and gradus, a step.
DILA'CERATE. v. To rend. L. dilacero ; dis, asunder, and lacero,
to tear.
DILAPIDATE, v. To go to ruin to fall by decay ; to pull down.

L. dilavido : di, asunder, and lapis, a stone.

DILATATION, s. The act of dilating. See DILATE.
DILA'TE. v. To extend to enlarge. L. dilato : dis, asunder, and

latum, sup. offero, to carry.

DIL'ATORY. adj. Slow ; late ; tardy ;
prone to defer ; tending to de-
lay. L. dilatarius. See DILATE.
argument equally conclusive by contrary suppo-

sitions; a difficult choice. G. dilemma; dis, double, and lemma, a

thing assumed lambano, to take. ;

DIL'IGENT. adj. Constant in application; zealously industrious;

assiduous. F. diligent : L. diligens, part, of diligo, to favour or love
greatly di, from, and lego, to choose.

DILU'CIDATE. v. To make clear. L. dilucido ; from di, signifying

through, and lucidus, bright: lucis, gen. of lux, light.
DILU'ENT. adj. Having the power of diluting. L. diluens, Dart, of
diluo. See DILUTE.
DILU'TE. v. To make thin to render liquid, or more liquid. L. di.;

latum, sup. of diluo, to temper, or mix.

DIME. s. A coin of the United States of America, in value the tenth
of a dollar. Derived, through the F., from L. decimus, a tenth.
DIMENSION, s. That which any thing measures; extent. L. di-
mensio: dimensus, part, of dimetior, to measure.
DIMINISH, v. To lessen. L. diminuo : minor, less.
h 85
DIMIS'SORY. adj. Sending away
dismissing to another jurisdic- ;

tion. A dimissory is one given by a bishop to a candidate for

holy orders, having a title in his diocese, directed to some other
bishop, and giving leave for the bearer to be ordained by him. L.
dimissorius. See DISMISS.
DI'OCESE. s. The circuit of a bishop's jurisdiction. G. dia, through,
and oikesis, a habitation.
DIOP'TRIC. adj. Affording a medium for the sight; assisting the
sight in viewing distant objects. G. dia, through, and opiomai, to
coalition of two vowels in one sound. G. diph-
thongos : dis, twice, and phthongos, a sound.
DIPLO MA. s. Anciently, a letter or other composition, written on
paper or parchment, and folded; afterwards, any letter, literary
monument, or public document. G. diploma ; from diplo-o, to fold.
DIPLOMATIC, adj. Privileged; relating to the office of an ambas-
sador. F. diplomatique. See DIPLOMA.
DIPLOMATIQUE, adf. Relating to the office of an ambassador.
DIP'TOTE. s. A noun having only two cases. G. diptota : dis, twice,
and ptosis, a case.
DIRECT, adj. Straight; immediate; express. L. directus, p. part, of
dirigo: di, signifying through, and rego, te guide.
DIRUP'TION. s. Act of rending, h.diruptio: diruptus, p. part, of
dirumpo ; from dis, or di, asunder, and rumpo, to break.
DISA'BLE. v. To deprive of ability. L. dis, signifying deprivation,
and able.
DISBURSE', v. To pay to expend. L. dis, from, and bursa, a purse.

DISASTER, s. Originally meant the supposed blast or stroke of an

unfavourable planet it now denotes misfortune. F. disastre : G.


dus, evilly, and aster, a star.

DISCARD', v. To lay aside or throw away cards, when playing a
game; to dismiss. L. dis, asunder, and CARD.
DISCERN', v. To distinguish to descry. L. discerno : dis, asunder,;

and cerno, to perceive.

DISCI'PLE. s. A scholar ; a follower. L. discipulus ; from disco, to
DIS'CIPLINE. s. Education rule or method of government, &c.

L. disciplina. See DISCIPLE.

DISCLAIM', v. To disown to disavow. L. dis, meaning separation,

and claim.
DISCLOSE', v. To uncover ; to discover ; to make known. L. dis,
asunder, and close.
DISCON'SOLATE. adj. Comfortless; sorrowful. L. dis, meaning
deprivation, and consolatus, part, of consolor, to comfort.
DIS'CORD. s. Disagreement. L. discordia : dis, asunder, and corda,
(pi.of cor,) hearts.
DISCOURSE', s. Conversation dissertation. F. discours ; from the ;

L. discursus, a running backward and forward: discurso : dis, from,

and curro, to run.
DIS'COUS. adj. Broad ; flat ; wide used of the middle,
; lain, and
flat part of some flowers. L. discus, a quoit.
DISCOVER, v, To find out ; to make known. L. dis, from, and
DISCREET', Prudent; modest. F. discret. See DISCRETION".
DISCRETION, s. Prudence liberty of acting at pleasure. L. dis-

credo: discretus, p. part, of discerno. See DISCERN.

DISCRE'TIVE. adj. In logic and grammar, denotes disjunction, or
opposition. L. discretus, severed, p. part, of discerno. See DISCERN.
DISCRIMINATE, v. To distinguish. This word, in accordance
with its derivation, should refer to the distinguishing of degrees of
crime. L. discri?nino : dis, asunder, and crimen, a fault.
DISCUR'SIVE. adj. Moving or roving about; desultory. L. discurso.
DISCUSS', v. To examine ; to argue. L. discvssum, sup. of discutio :

dis,asunder, and vuatio, to shake.

DISDAIN', v. To scorn. L. dis, not, and F. daigner, to condescend.
L. dignor, to think worthy.
DISEA'SE. s. Distemper. L. dis, meaning deprivation, and ease.
DISEMBOGUE', v. To pour out or discharge at the mouth, as a
stream. L dis, asunder, and F. en, in, and bouche, a mouth.
DISFRANCHISE, v. To deprive of a civil privilege. L. dis, denoting
deprivation, and franchise.
DISGRA'CE. v. To put out of favour; to dishonour; to bring a re--
proach upon. L. dis, denoting deprivation, and gratia, favour.
DISGORGE', v. To discharge through the mouth. L. dis, from, and
F. gorge, the throat.
DISGUISE, v. To conceal, by a counterfeit appearance. L. dis, de-
noting deprivation, and F. guise, manner.
DISGUST', s. Disrelish ; distaste ; strong aversion. L. dis, from, and
gustus, the taste.
DISHABILLE', s. Undress. F. deshabille : L. dis, not, and F. ha-
bill'e, dressed.
DISHEVEL, v. To spread [the hair.] F. decheveler : L. dis, asun-
der, and F. cheveu, hair.
DISINGENUOUS, adj. Uncandid ; unfair. L. dis, meaning depriva-
tion, and ingenuous.
DISINHERIT, v. To cut off from hereditary right. L. dis, asunder,
and inherit.
DISJUNCTIVE, adj. Denoting separation, or opposition. L. dis-
junclivus disjungo, to separate.

DISK. s. The face of the sun, or of a planet, as it amaears to the eye;

a quoit. L. discus, a dish or quoit.
DIS'LOCATE. v. To put out of the proper place ; to disjoint. L. dis,
asunder, and loco, to place.
DISMISS', v. To send away to discharge. L. dis, from, and missum,

sup. ofmitto, to send.

DISPARAGE, v. To match unequally to injure by comparing with ;

something of less value. L. dispar, unequal dis, denoting separa- :

tion, nnd par, a pair or couple.

DISPART VY. s. Inequality; unlikeness. F. disparite : L. dispar,
unlike coinp. of dis, denoting separation, and par, equal.

DISPEL', v. To drive away, by scattering ; to dissipate. L. dispello:

dis, asunder, and pello, to drive.
DISPEN'SARY. s. A place from which medicines are given. F. dis-
pensaire. See DISPENSE.
DISPENSE', v. To distribute,
(to dispense with, to excuse.) F. dis-
penser : L. dis, asunder, and pensum, sup. of pendo, to weigh.
pharmacopoeia, or book in which the com-
position of medicines described and directed.
DISPERSE', v. To scatter. L. dispersum, sup. of dispergo : dis,
asunder, and spargo, to scatter.
DISPLAY', v. To spread wide ; to exhibit. L. dis, asunder, and
plico, to fold.
DISPOSE, v. To distribute to arrange ; to incline.
; F. disposer :
L. dis, asunder, and posilvm, sup. ofpono, to place.
DISPU'TE. v. To controvert; to contest by argument; to debate.
L. dispvto : dis, signifying separation or opposition, and puto, to
DISQUISI'TION. s. Examination disputative inquiry. L. disquisi-

tio ; from disquisitus, p. part, of disquiro : dis, signifying separation,

and qucBro, to seek.
DISRUPTION, s. Act of rending. L. disruplio. See DIRUPTION;
a word which is more elegant than disruption.
DISSECT', v. To cut into parts. L. dissectum, sup. of disseco : dis,
asunder, and seco, to cut.
DISSEM'BLE. v. To hide under a fictitious appearance. Old. F. dis-
sembler : L. dissimulo : comp. of dis, noting deprivation, and similis,
DISSEMINATE, v. To to spread every way.
scatter like seed L. ;

dissemino : and semwo, to sow semen, seed.

dis, asunder, :

DISSEN'SION. s. Act of dissenting disagreement discord quarrel. ; ;


L. dissensio. See DISSENT.

DISSENT', v. To disagree in opinion. L. dissentio ; from dis, asun-
der, and sentio, to think.
DISSERTATION, s. A disquisition a treatise. L. dissertatio; from ;

the frequentative v. disserto, to argue.

DISSIMULATION, s. Act of dissembling. L. dissimulatio. See
DISSIL'IENT. bursting and opening with an
adj. Starting asunder ;

elastic force, as the dry pod or capsule of a plant. L. dissiliens,

part, of dissilio : dis, asunder, and salio, to leap.
DIS'SIPATE. v. To disperse to squander. L. dissipo, to scatter.

DISSO'CIATE. v. To separate to disunite. ; L. dissocio : dis, signi-

fying separation, and socius, a companion.
DISSOL'UBLE. adj. Capable of being dissolved, or melted. L. disso.
lubilis. See DISSOLVE.
DIS'SOLUTE. adj. Unrestrained wanton. L. dissolutus, p. part, of ;

dissolvo. See DISSOLVE.

DISSOLUTION, s, Separation; death. L. dissolutio. See DIS-
DISSOLVE', v. To unbind ; to melt. L. dissolvo : dis, asunder, and
solvo, to untie.

DIS'SONANT. adj. Discordant. L. dissonans, part, of dissono ; from

dis, noting opposition, and sono, to sound.

DISSUADE', v. To advise against. L. dissuadeo: dis, from, and
sundeo, to persuade.
DISS YL'L ABLE. s. A word of two syllables. G. dis, twofold, and
DIS'TANCE. s. Intervening space remoteness
; ; respect ; reserve.
F. distorts : L. dislantia ; from dis asunder, and
starts, part, of sto,
to stand.
stretch out in breadth. L. distendo : dis, asunder,
and tendo, to spread.
DISTENTION, s. Act of distending ; breadth. L. distensio. See
DISTICH, s. A couplet ; a couple of lines. L. distichon : G. dis,
twofold, and stichos, a verse.
DISTIL', v. To fall in drops; to make spirituous liquors. L. distillo
dis, asunder, and stillo, to drop or trickle down.
DISTINCT', adj. Having a marked and visible difference apart ;

clear unconfused. L. distinctus, p. part, of distinguo : dis, signi-


fying separation, and tinctus, p. part, of lingo, to dye or colour.

DISTINGUISH, v. To mark out by some external sign to see ob- ;

jects separately. L. distinguo ; from dis, separately, and tingo, to

dye or colour.
DISTORT', v. To writhe to deform. L. distortion, sup. of distor-

queo: dis, from, and lorqueo, to twist.

DISTRACT', v. To divide to perplex; to make insane. L. dis-

tractum, sup. of distraho : comp. of dis, asunder, and traho, to draw.

DISTRAIN', v. To seize as an indemnity or security. L. distringo,
to bind fast.
DISTRESS', s. Act of distraining; thing distrained calamity misery. ; ;

F. distresse : L. distr ictus, p. part, of distringo. See DISTRAIN.

DISTRIB'UTE. v. To divide amongst more than two. L. distribuo
dis, asunder, and tribuo, to bestow.
DISTRICT, s. Circuit of authority province division. L. distric-

tus, p. part, of distringo, to bind.

DISTURB', v. To disquiet. L. dislurbo : dis, separately, and turbo,
to disorder : turba, a crowd.
DITHYRAM'BIC. s. A kind of song, in honour of Bacchus a drink- ;

ing song. G. ditharos, having a double door, and embaino, to enter.

See the heathen Mythology.
DITTO, s. A mercantile term, equivalent to the relative said, used
by lawyers, and signifying the same as that which preceded. Ita-
lian ; from the L. dictus, p. part, of dico, to say.
DIURETIC, adj. Promoting urine. F. diuretique: G. diouretikos :
com p. of dia, from, and oureo, urinam reddo.
DIURNAL, adj. Daily. L. diurnus ; from dies, a day.
DIVERGE', v. To tend various ways from one point. L. divergo
di, from, and vcrgo, to decline, or bend.
DIVERSE', adj. Different; in various directions. L. diversus, p.
part, of diverto : di, asunder, and verto, to turn.
DIVERSION, s. Act of diverting; sport. Sec DIVERT.
DIVERT', d. To turn aside; to amuse. L. diverto ; comp. of di, from,
and verto, to turn.
h* 89

DIVEST', v. See DEVEST; which is more conformable with the
derivation, and more generally used.
DIVIDE', v. To part or separate; to make partition. L. divido : di,
asunder, and iduo, that is, viduo, to part.
DIVIDE ETIMPERA. Divide and govern:— the maxim of nearly
all monarchal governments. L. divide, (imperative of divido,) di-
vide, et, and impera, (imperative of impero,) govern.
DIVIDEND, s. In arithmetic, the number to be divided a share as- ;

certained by division. L. dividendus, to be divided part, of divido. :

DIVI'NE. adj. Partaking of the nature of God heavenly. L. divinus : ;

divi, the gods. The fables of poets (says Bossu) were originally em-
ployed in representing the Divine nature, according to the notion
then conceived of it. This sublime subject caused the first poets to
be called divines, and poetry the language of the gods.
DIVINE, v. To foretel, as by divine inspiration. See the adjective.
DIVINITY, s. The state of being divine a divine being. L. divini-

tas. See the adj. DIVINE.

DIVISTON. s. The act of dividing partition; disunion. L. divisio

divisus, p. part, of divido. See DIVIDE.

DIVORCE', s. Legal separation of husband and wife. F. divorce : L.
divorsus, p. part, of divorto, (synonymous with diverto,) to turn away
DIVULGE', v. To make public. L. divulgo ; di, meaning amongst,
and vulgus, the common people.
DIVUL'SION. s. Act of plucking away laceration. L. divulsus, p.

part, of divello : de, from, and vello, to pluck.

DOCILE, adj. Easily taught tractable. F. docile : L. docilis : doceo,

to teach.
DOCTOR, s. One who has received a collegiate diploma for his skill
in divinity, law, physic, &c. L. doctor, a teacher from doceo, to

DOCTRINE, s. That which taught. L. doctrina. See DOCTOR.

DOCUMENT, s. Written evidence, or means of information. L.

docvmentum ; from doceo, to teach.
DOGMA, s. Asettled opinion ; established principle ; doctrinal no-
tion. G. dogma : dokeo, to think.
DOGMATICAL, adj. Authoritative. See DOGMA.
DOLEFUL, adj. Sorrowful. L. doleo, to grieve.
DOLOROUS, adj. Sorrowful gloomy. L. dolor, pain, or sorrow.

DOMAIN', s. Dominion estate demesne. F. domaine : L. dominium ;

; ;

from dominus, a master domus,

; a house.
DOME. s. Ahouse a large cupola. F. dome : L. domus, a house.

DOMES'TIC. adj. Relating or belonging to home. L. domesticus :

domus, a house.
DOMICILTARY. adj. domiciliary visit is an intrusion, by govern-
mental authority, into a dwelling house. F. domicile, a habitation :
L. domus, a house.
DOMINANT, adj. Predominant; ascendant. F. dominant, part, of
dominer. See DOMINEER.
DOMTNATE. v. To predominate ; to govern. L. domino. See DO-

command with insolence. F. dominer
v. rule, or
dominus, a master domus, a house.
L. dominor, to govern : ;

DOMINTCAL. adj. That which marks Sunday. L. dominicalis

Dominus, the Lord.
DOMIN'ION. s. Sovereign power territory. L. dominium : dominus,

a master.
DONA'TION. s. A gift, for some general purpose. L. donatio: dono,
to give.
DO'NOR. s. A L. dono, to give.
DOR'MANT. Sleeping; inoperative; concealed. F. dormant,
part, of dormir, to sleep L. dormio, to sleep.

DOR'MITIVE. adj. Promoting sleep. F. dormitif: L. dormio, to

DORMITORY, s. A sleeping-room. L. dormitorium : dormio, to
DOR'MOUSE. s. A mouse which sleeps during part of winter. L.
dormio, to sleep, and mouse.
DOSE. s. A
prescribed quantity. F. dose : G. dosis : didomi, to
DOSOL'OGY. A treatise on the quantity of medicine to be taken

at one time. G. dosis, a dose, and logos, a discourse.

DO'TAL. adj. Pertaining to dower. L. dotalis ; from dotis, gen. oT
dos, dower.
DOTA'TION. s. Act of endowing. L. dotalus, p. part, of doto, to en-
dow dotis, gen. of dos, a dowry or portion from do, to give.
: ;

DOUBLE, s. Twice as much being in a two-fold state a turn in

; ;

running, to escape pursuers; a trick. L. duplex: duo, two, and

plico, to fold.
DOUBLE ENTENDRE, s. An obscene allusion in disguise. F.
double, double, and entendre, to understand.
bribe compensation. ; F. douceur, sweetness.
wife's marriage-portion, or a widow's possession. F.
douaire : douer, to bestow.
form of glorifying God. G. doxa, glory, and logos,
a word.
DOZ'EN. s. The number of twelve. F. douzaine : douze, twelve : L.
DRAM' A. s. A theatrical representation ; a play. G. dra?na : drao,
to act.
DRA'PER. s. One who F. drapier ; from drap, cloth.
sells cloth.
DR APERY, s. Cloth ; ornamental part of curtains ; imitation of dress

by a painter or statuary. F. draperie : drap, cloth.

DRESS, v. To adjust to a right line to put into good order to apply
; ;

medicaments; to prepare; to clothe; to adorn. F. dresser; from

the L. rectus, p. part, of rego, to rule, or make straight.
collection of water in the body. L. hydrops : G. hit-
dor, water, and ops, an appearance.
DRU'ID. s. One of the priests who worshiped in groves; called, by
Caesar, druides ; supposed from the G. drus, an oak.
DRY' ADS. s. Wood-nymphs. L. dryades : G. druades ; from drus,
an oak.
DU'AL. adj. Expressing the number two. L. dualis ; duo, two.

DU'BIOUS. adj. Doubtful; uncertain. L. dubius ; from dubium, &
doubtduo, two.

DUCTILE, adj. Flexible ; easily extended. L. ductilis ; from duco,

to draw.
DUE. adj. Owing; that which one has a riarht to demand; proper;
fit. F. da, p. part, of devoir, to owe. L. debeo.
DU'EL. s. A
combat between two persons. F. duel : L. duellum
duo, two.
DUKE. s. One of the highest order of nobility in England ; a title

originally signifying a chief or leader. F. due : L. dux; from duco,

to lead.
DUL/CET. adj. Sweet ; harmonious. L. dulcis, sweet.
DULCIMER, s. A kind of musical instrument. L. dulcis, sweet.
DUODECIMAL, adj. Numbered by twelve. L. duodecim, twelve.
DUODECIMO, s. A book formed by folding a sheet of paper into
twelve leaves. (12mo.) L. duodecimus, the twelfth.
DUODE CUPLE. adj, Consisting of twelves. L. duo, two, and decu.
plus, tenfold.
DU'PLICATE. s. A copy, generally the first. L. duplicatus, p. part,
of duplico, to double.
X>UPLFCITY. 5. Deceit, by using two appearances. F. duplicite : L.
duplicis, gen. of duplex, double duo, two, and plico, to fold.

DURABLE, adj. Lasting. L. durabilis : duro, to continue.

DURANCE, s. Imprisonment. L. durans, part, of duro, to remain.
DURANTE BENE PLA'CITO. At the will of the person grant-

ing; literally, "our decree, or pleasure happily continuing." L.
DURESS', s. Duress, in law, is either by imprisonment, or threats ;
and is inflicted for the purpose of causing a person to do some act
against his will. L. durities : durus, hard, rigorous.
DURING, prep. For the time of the continuance of L. duro, to con-
tinue. During is often improperly used it is ungrammatical to say,

that an event occurred "during the war," or "during his confine-

ment," because the term during includes the whole period of the
war, or the whole period of the confinement, and an evenl happens
in only apart of that period.
DUTY. s. That which is due that to which a man is, by any natural

or legal obligation, bound; tax; impost. See DUE.

DUUM'VIRATE. s. The union of two men in the same office or the ;

office, dignity, or government of two men thus associated. L. duo,

two, and vir, a man.
DYNAM'ICS. s. The science of moving powers. G. dunamis, power.
DY'NASTY. s. Sovereignty. F. dynastie : G. dunasteia ; from dunas-
tes, a ruler.
DYS'ENTERY. s. A disorder of the bowels. L. dysentcria : G. dusen-

teria dus, with difficulty, and enteron, a bowel.


DYSPEPSIA, or DYSPEP'SY. s. Imperfect digestion. G. duspepsia :

dus, with difficulty, and pepto, to boil or digest.


EBRI'ETY. s. Drunkenness. L. from ebrius, soaked ; drenched ; G.

brecho, to moisten or drench.
EBULLITION, s. Act of boiling up with heat; effervescence. F.
ebullition : L. ebullio, to boil, or bubble up e, from, and bulla, a :

EC'CE HOMO. Behold the man. L. ecce, Lo homo, the man. !

ECCEN'TRIC. from the centre irregular uncommon.

adj. Deviating ; ;

L. eccentricus ex, from, and centrum, a centre.


ECCLESIAS'TICAL. adj. Relating to the church. L. ecclesiastic us :

G. ekklesia, an assembly.
EC'CE SIG'NUM. Behold the sign, or mark. L. ecce, Lo signum, !

the sign.
ECHELON', s. In military tactics, the position of an army in the form

of steps. F. from echelle, a ladder.

ECH'O. s. The return or repercussion of any sound ; the sound re-
turned. L. echo : G. echo ; from echos, a sound.
ECHOM'ETER. s. (In music;) a kind of scale, serving to measure

the duration of sounds. G. echos, sound, and metreo, to measure.

ECLAIR' CISSEMENT. s. Explanation. F. eclaircissement : eclair cir,
to clear eclairer, to give light.

E'CLAT. Publicity
s. lustre. F. eclat, a crack.

ECLECTIC, adj. Selecting. G. eklektikos : ek, out of, and lektos,

chosen from lego, to choose.

ECLIPSE', s. The obscuring of a heavenly luminary, by interposition.

G. ekleipsis : ekleipo, to fail or desert.
great circle of the sphere, supposed to run through

the middle of the zodiac, making an angle with the equinoctial of

about 23 J degrees ; which is the sun's greatest declination, and in
which his eclipses happen. G. ekleiptikos. See ECLIPSE.
ECLOGUE, pastoral poem.
s. A G. ekloge, choice, ek, out of, and
logos, a word. According to the etymology, eclogue should be no
more than a select or choice piece ; but custom has assigned it a
further signification ; viz. a little elegant composition, in a simple
and natural style.
ECON'OMY. s. Management of a family ; frugality. L. mconomia :

G. oikonomia : oikos, a house, and nomos, a law.

ECSTACY, or EXTASY. s. Rapture. G. ekstasis ; from ek, out, and
stasis, standing.
EDA'CIT Y. s. Voracity greediness. L. edacitas ; from edo, to eat.

EDTBLE. adj. Proper to be eaten. L. edo, to eat.

E'DICT. s. A proclamation or command issued by an absolute sove-
reign a law. L. edictum : e, from, and dico, to say.

EDIFICE, s. building a house.A L. adijicium : cedis, a building,


and facio, to make.

ED'IFY. v. This word originally signified to build. It now signifies
to instruct, or improve. L. edifico. See EDTFICE.
E'DILE. s. A
Roman officer, whose original office was to take care
of temples and other public buildings. L. adilis ; from cedis, a
EDI'TION. s. Publication meaning, the whole number of copies of a

book printed from one arrangement of the types. L. editio : edo, to

publish e, from, and do, to give.

EDITOR, s. Publisher; one who superintends a publication. L,

editor. See EDITION.

ED'UCATE. v. To instruct. L. educo ; e, out of, (meaning forward,)
and dnco, to lead.
EDUCE, v. To bring or draw out ; to extract. L. educo : e, from,
and duco, to lead.
EF'FABLE. adj. Expressive ; utterable. L. ex, out of, or from, and
fabulor, to speak.
EFFA'CE. v. To
F. effacer : L. ex, from, and fades, a face.
EFFECT', s. Consequence success ; design ; reality. L. effectus, p.

part, of efficio : ex, from, and facio, to make.

EFFECTS', s. Whatever will effect, produce, or bring forth, money
by sale. See EFFECT.
EFFEMINATE, adj. Unmanlike; womanish. L. effeminatus : fe-
rnina, a woman.
EFFERVESCE', v. To boil gently ; to bubble. L. effervesco, to fer-
ment; from ferveo, to be hot.
EFFE'TE. adj. Barren worn out with age. L. effaslus or
; effetus
ex, from, and foetus, big with young.
EFFICA'CIOUS. adj. Having the power to effect remedial. ; L. effi-
cax. EFFECT.
EFFICIENT, adj. Producing an effect. L. efficient. See EFFECT.
EF'FIGY. s. An image. L. effigies ; from effingo, to fashion.
EFFLORESCENT, Shooting out in the form of flowers. L. efflo-
rescens ; part of effioresco : Jloris, gen. of Jios, a flower.
EFFLUENCE, s. That which issues from some other principle. L.
effluens, part, of effiuo : ex, from, -and Jluo, to flow.
EFFLUVIA, s. Ascending particles; smell. L. pi. of effluvium;
from effiuo. See EFFLUX.
EF'FLUX. Act of flowing out; thing which flows out. L.
s. effluxus,
p. part, of effiuo ; comp. of ex, from, and Jluo, to flow.
EFFORT, s. Laborious endeavour. F. effort : L. ex, out of, and fors,
EFFRONTERY, s. Impudence ; shamelessness ; contempt of re-
proach. F. effronterie. See AFFRONT.
EFFULGENT, adj. Shining ; luminous. L. effulgent, part, of efful-
geo ; and fulgeo, to shine.
ex, out of,
EFFU'SION. s. Act of pouring out thing poured out. L. ; effusio :

effusus, p. part, of effundo : ex, from, and fundo, to pour.

E'GOTIST. s. One who much
concerning himself. L. ego, I.
EGREGIOUS, adj. Remarkable; eminently bad: the latter is the
usual sense. L. egregius : e, out of, and grege, abl. of grex, a flock,
or multitude.
E'GRESS. s. Departure means of departure. L. egressus,
; part, of
egredior : e, from, and gradior, to proceed gradus, a step. :

EJACULATE, v. To utter suddenly. L. ejaculor: e, from, and jacu.

lor, to dart : jacio, to throw.
EJECT', v. To throw out; to expel. L. ejectum, sup. of ejicio : c,
from, and jacio, to throw.
ELABORATE, adj. Finished with great labour. L. elaboratus, p.
part, of elaboro, to labour : e, from, and labor, labour.
ELAPSE', v. To pass away. L. elapsus, part, of elabor : e, from, and
labor, to glide.

ELASTIC, adj. Having the power of a spring. F. elastique : G. elao,
to repel.
ELA'TE. adj. Elevated by success ;
joyful. L. elatus, p. part, of ef-
fero : ex, from, and fero, to carry.
ELECT', v. To choose. L. electum, sup. of eligo : e, from, and lego,
to choose.
ELECTRIC, adj. Relating to electricity ; having electric matter. L.
electrum, amber, (which is attractive;) G. elektron : elko, to draw.
ELECTROM'ETER. s. An instrument which indicates the strength

of the electric fluid. G. elektron, the electric fluid, and metreo, to

ELECTUARY, s. In pharmacy, a form of medicine composed of
powders, or other ingredients, incorporated with some conserve,
honey, or syrup. Low L. electuarium : from G. leicho, to lick.
ELEEMOS'YNARY. adj. Given through charity. G. eleemosune,
compassion eleeo, to pity.

,EL'EGANT. adj. Pleasing ; handsome. L. elegans ; comp. of e, from

and lego, to choose.
EL'EGY. s. A funeral song. L. elegeia : G. elogos ; from eleos, pity.
EL'EVATE. v. To raise to enliven. L. elevo : e, from, and levo, to


ELE'VE. s. A
one brought up, or protected by another. F.
disciple ;

eleve : See ELEVATE.

elever, to raise.
ELI'CIT. v. To strike out. R. elicio, to draw, or strike out.
ELTGIBLE. adj. Desirable. L. eligibilis : e, from, and lego, to choose.
ELIS'ION. s. The act of cutting out as in walk'd, for walked. L. ;

elisio : elisus, p. part, of elido, to strike out: compounded of e and

ELI'TE. In military language, the choice or select: from elire, to
choose: L. e, from, and legere, infin. of lego, to choose.
ELLIP'SIS. s. A figure of rhetoric, by which something is left out;
in geometry, an oval figure, generated from the section of a cone
G. elleipsis : en, in, and leipo, to fail.
ELLIPTIC, or ELLIPTICAL, adj. Having the form of an ellipsis;
oval. See ELLIPSIS.
ELOCU'TION. s. Art of speaking with elegance and force. L. elo-
cutio : e, out, and loquor, to speak.
EL'OQUENT. adj. Having the power of fluent, elegant, and convinc-
ing language. L. eloquens. See ELOCUTION.
ELUCIDATE, v. To make clear to explain.
; L. elucido : e, from,
and luceo, to give light: lux, light.
ELUDE, v. To avoid; to escape. L. eludo : e, from, and ludo, to
play, or mock.
ELYSIUM, s. The place assigned, by the heathens, to happy souls ;

any place exquisitely pleasant. L. elysium : G. elusion: ek, from,

and lusis, a dissolution.
EMA'CIATED. adj. Wasted lean. L. emacio, to make lean macies,
; :

EM' AN ATE. v. To issue or flow from. L. emano : e, from, and
mono, to run in a small stream, to distil.
EMANCIPATE, v. To L. emancipo : e, from, and mancipo,
set free.
to give away ; manu, (abl. ofmanus,) from the hand, and capio, to take.

EMAS'CULATE. v. To deprive of virility to render effeminate. Low ;

L. emasculo from, and mas, a male.

: e,

EMBARK', v. To go on shipboard to adventure. F. embarquer : en, ;

into, and barque, a large boat.

EM'BASSY. s. public message. A F. ambassade. See AMBASSA-
EMBEL'LISH. v. To adorn. F. embellir : en, into, and belle, hand-
distinguishing sign. G. emblema, a kind of inser-
tion work, —
alluding to the embroidery of a standard, or coat of
arms from emhallo, to throw in.

EMBOSS', v. To embroider to engrave with ; relief. F. en, into, and

bosse, a protuberance.
arms; to include. F. embrasser ; from
fold in the
en, in, and bras, an arm.
L. in, and brachium.
EMBRASU'RE. s. An aperture in a wall, through which a cannon is
pointed a battlement.

EMBROCATION, s. The act of rubbing with medicinal liquors; the

lotion with which any diseased part is washed. G. en, in, and bre-
cho, to moisten.
EM'ERYO. s. The incipient formation in the womb (foetus, signifies :

the child in the womb, after it is perfectly formed.) G. embruyon

en, in, and bruo, to grow.
EMEND A'TION. s. Correction. L. emendatio : e, from, and menda,
a fault.
EMERGE', v. To rise out of. L. emergo: comp. of e, from, and
mergo, to plunge.
EMER'GENCE, or EMERGENCY, s. Sudden occasion. See
EMER'SION. s. The act of emerging ; opposed to immersion. See
EMETIC, adj. Of a vomiting quality. G. emetikos : emeo, to vomit.
EMTGRATE. v. To change the place of abode, from one country, to
another. from, and migro, to remove.
L. emigro : e,

EMINENCE, s. Height
a high place dignity. L. eminens, part.
; ;

ofemineo, to stand above others e, from, and mineo, to hang ready :

to fall.

EMINENT, adj. High conspicuous. ; See EMINENCE.

EMTSSARY. s. One sent out on secret business a spy. L. emissa- ;

rius ; from emissus, p. part, of emitto ; comp. of e, from, and mitto,

to send.
EMISSION, s. Act of emitting ; thing emitted. L. cmissio. See
EMIT', v. To send forth ; to issue. L. emitto : e, from, and mitto, to
EMOL'LIENT. adj. Softening. L. emolliens : mollis, soft.
EMOL'UMENT. s. Profit. L. emolumentum ; comp. of e, from, and
molimentum, an enterprise : molior, to toil.
EMO'TION. Disturbance of mind vehemence of passion. L. emo-
s. ;

tio : emotus, p. part, of emoveo : e, out of, and moveo, to move.

EM'PEROR. s. A monarch, generally supposed to reign over many

countries. F. emperevr : L. imperator, meaning originally a com-
mander or ruler from impero, to rule.

EM'PHASIS. s. Remarkable stress, laid upon a word, or a sentence.

G. emphasis : en, in, and phaino, to show or appear.
EMPHATIC, adj. Forcible impressive requiring- emphasis uttered
; ; ;

with emphasis. See EMPHASIS.

EM'PIRE. s. Government; territory governed. F. empire. See EM-
quack. F. empirique : G. empeirikos : en, in, and
peira, an endeavour, or experiment.
EMPLOY', v. To occupy the time, attention, and labour of; to use
as an instrument or means. F. employer : L. in, in, and plico, to
place of merchandise a commercial city. G. ;

emporionemporos, a merchant.

EMPYR'EAN". s. The highest heaven. G. empuros : en, in, and pur,

EMPYR'EUM. s. The disagreeable burned taste and smell, which
sometimes remains after boiling or distillation. G. empureuma : en,
in, and pur, fire.
EMULATE, To v. L. cemulor, to rival.
EMULSIVE, adj. Softening; milk-like. L. emulsus, p. part, of
emulgeo : e, from, and mulgeo, to milk.
ENAM'EL. v. To inlay to variegate with colours, properly with

colours fixed by fire.

ENAM'OUR. v. To inflame with love. F. en, into, and amour, love
L. in and amor.
ENCHANT, v. To practise sorcery or witchcraft upon to delight to ;

the highest degree to charm. F. enchanter : L. in, upon, and canto,


to sing often.
ENCHASE, v. To enfix; to enclose in any body, so as to be held fast.
ENCLITICS, s. Particles which are closely united with other words,
and throw back the accent upon the foregoing syllable. G. enkli-
tica : en, in, or upon, and Iclino, to recline.
ENCLOSE, v. To envelop to surround. F. enclos, part, of enclorre,

to enclose. See INCLOSE.

ENCO'MIUM. s. Praise. G. enkomion ; from komazo,io celebrate in
ENCORE. Again. F.
ENCOUN'TER. s. Conflict. F. encontre : L. contra, against.
ENCOUR'AGE. v. To give courage; to incite; to raise confidence.
F. en, in, and COURAGE.
ENCROACH', v. To invade another's right ; to pass bounds. F. ac~
crochet, to catch : croc, a hook.
ENCUMBER, v. F. encombrer. See INCUMBER.
ENCYCLOPiE'DIA. s. The circle of sciences; a work containing
information on every science. G. enkuklopaideia. See CYCLO-
ENDEM'IC. which is natural to a country.
adj. Relating to a disease
G, endemos : and demos, the people.
en, in,
ENDORSE', v. To write on the back of a bill, &c. F. endosser, (for-
merly endorser ;) en, in, and dos, the back L. in, and dorsum. :

i 97
ENDOW, v. To give a dower; to enrich by a gift. F. endouaire.
ENDU'RE. v. To continue ; to sustain. F. endurer : L. in, in, and
duro, to continue.
foe ; an antagonist. F. ennemi : L. inimicus ; in, not,
and amicus, a friend.
ENERGY, s. Natural power ; force. G. energeia : en, in, and ergon,
ENER'VATE. v. To weaken ; comp. of
to effeminate. L. enervo :

e, from, and nervus, a nerve or sinew.

EN FAMIL'LE. In the usual family mode; without ceremony. F.
en, according a.s,famille, the family.
ENFILA'DE. v. To pierce from flank to flank. F. enfiler : en, in,
andjile, a row.
vessel is said to be armed enjlute, when she carries
only her upper tier of guns ; her hold being filled with stores. Flute
is a kind of long vessel, serving chiefly for the carrying of provisions
in fleets of ships of war ; and is supposed to be derived from a Ger-
man word, signifying to float. F. en, in the manner of, flute, a flute.
ENFRANCHISE, v. To admit to all the privileges of a freeman ; to
invest with the elective privilege. F. en, into, and franchise, free-
ENGA'GE. v. To empawn; to stake; to embark in an affair; to at-
tack to bind by appointment or contract, &c. F. engager : comp.

of en, in, and gage, a pawn or pledge.

ENGENDER, v. To beget between different sexes to produce to ; ;

form. F. engendrer : en, in, and genus, a race.

machine. F. engin : L. ingenium, a contrivance in, :

in, and geno, to beget.

ENGRA'VE. v. To cut figures in any substance. F. engraver : G.
en, into, and grapho, to write.
ENGROSS', v. To monopolize ; to copy in a larger character. F.
grossir, to enlarge.
ENIG'MA. s. An obscure question ; a riddle. G. ainigma : ainisso.
mai, to hint.
ENJOIN', To lay an injunction upon; to order; to prescribe. F.
enjoindre. See INJUNCTION.
EN MASSE. In a body a military levy en masse, includes the whole

population capable of bearing arms. F. en, in, masse, a mass.

ENNUI, s. Weariness. F.
EN'MITY. s. The quality or state of being an enemy. F. inimitie ;
in, meaning not, and amitie, friendship.
ENORMOUS, adj. Irregular ; extremely large. L. enormis : e, out
of, and norma, a rule.
ENROL', v. To write in a roll or register ; to record. F. enroler : en,
in, and role, a roll or register.
ENSHRI'NE. To enclose in a chest or cabinet ; to preserve as a
thing sacred. F. en, in, and shrine.
EN SIGN. s. The flag or banner of a military band the officer who ;

carries the banner; naval ensign; a larger banner, hoisted on a

staff, and carried over the poop or stern of a ship. F. enseigne : L.
insignia ; from signum, a mark.

ENSUE, v. To follow as a consequence; to succeed in a train of
events, or course of time. F. ensuivre : L. insequor : in, upon, and
sequor, to follow.
ENTAIL', v. To settle and limit the inheritance of an estate, so that
it cannot, by any subsequent possessor, be disposed of at his pleasure.
ENTANGLE, v. To involve ; to confuse. F. en, (used for the L. in,)
and L. tangor, to be beaten together.
ENTEROL'OGY. s. An anatomical description of the intestines. G.
enteron, an intestine, -and logos, a description.
EN'TERPRISE. s. Arduous attempt. F. enterprise : entreprendre,
to undertake.
ENTERTAIN', v. To amuse
to treat hospitably to cherish in the
; ;

mind. F. entretenir L. inter, amongst, and teneo, to hold, or retain.


vain belief of private revelation heat of ima- ;

gination violence of passion elevation of fancy. G. enthousiasmos :

; ;

en, in, and Theos, a god. Enthusiasm may be considered as an in-

ternal burning of oneself in sacrifice as a passion which induces ;

one to believe any thing, or attempt any thing, through a violent

love of some object.
ENTI'RE. adj. Whole complete. F. entier : L. integer, whole.

EN'TITY. s. Existence; a real being, or species of being. F. entite:

L. ens, from esse, to be.
ENTOMOL'OGY. s. The science which treats of insects; a treatise
upon insects. G. entoma, an insect, (en, in, and temno, to cut,) and
logos, a word, or discourse.
EN'TRAILS. s. The intestines; the bowels. G. entera; from entos,
within. »

EN'TRANCE. s. The act of entering ; the power of entering the ;

door, &c, by which a place may be entered. F. entrans, part, of

entrer, to enter L. intro, within.

ENTREAT', v. To petition to solicit. L. in, into, and TREAT.


ENTRE NO US. Between ourselves ; in secrecy. F. entre, between,

nous, us.
EN'TREPOT. s. An intermediate place of deposit. F. entrepot : L.
inter, between, and positus, p. part, of pono, to place.
ENUMERATE, v. To mention singly; to reckon. L. enumero: c,
out of, and numero, to reckon.
ENUNCIA'TION. s. Act of announcing. L. enunciatio. See AN-
ENVEL'OP. v. To inwrap ; to conceal. F. enveloper : L. in, in, and
velo, to cover.

ENVI'RON. v. To surround. F. cnvironner ; virer, to go around.

EN'VOY. s. A public
minister, in dignity below an ambassador, sent
from one government to another. F. envoye ; envoyer, to send.
EN'VY. v. To feel uneasy or mortified at the view of another's happi-
ness, or success ; to grudge. F. envier : L. invideo ; in, into, and
video, to see.
E'PACT. s. A number by which we note the excess of the common
solar year above the lunar, and ascertain the age of the moon. G.
cpakte, a supplement.
EP'AULET. s. A military shoulder-ornament. F. epaulette ; epaule,
the shoulder.
EPAULE' MENT. s. In fortification, a side- work, or work to cover

side wise, made of gaboons, fascines, or bags of earth. F. epaule, a

EPHEM'ERAL. adj. Of one day's continuance. G. ephemerios ; epi,
through, and hemera, a day.
EPHO'RI. s. Five magistrates of Sparta, who inspected the conduct
of the kings and the people. G. ephoroi ; ephoros, an inspector epi, :

over, and horao, to see.

EP'IC. adj. Relating to a narrative, not acted, as the drama, but
merely read or spoken by one person in its general sense, it now :

refers to an heroic poem. L. epicus : G. epos, a word, or song.

EPICURE, s. A person fond of luxury. Epicurus, a Grecian, the
founder of the Epicureans. But that philosopher did not teach that
pleasure arose from sensual gratification but from intellectual en- ;

EPIDEMIC, adj. Generally prevailing. G. epidemos ; epi, through,
and demos, the people.
EPIDERMIS, s. In anatomy, the cuticle or scarf-skin of the body.
G. epidermis : epi, upon, and derma, a skin.
EPIGLOT'TIS. s. In anatomy, one of the cartilages of the larynx,
which covers the glottis. G. epiglottis : epi, over, and glotta, the
EP IGRAM. s. A short poem, treating of only one subject, and ending
in some point of wit. G. epi, upon, and gramma, a letter.
EPIGRAPH, s. A title; an inscription. G. epi, upon, and grapho, to
EP'ILEPSY. s. A convulsive fit. G. epilepsia ; epi, upon, and lam-
bano, to seize.
EP'ILGGUE. s. A poem or speech after the conclusion of a play. G.
epilogos ; epi, upon, or after, and logos, a word.
EPIPHANY, s. A church
festival on the twelfth day after Christmas.
G. epiphaneia ; upon, and phaino, to appear,
EPISCOPAL, adj. Relating or belonging to a bishop. L. episcopalis :
G. episkopos, an overseer : epi, over, and skopeo, to look.
digression in a
s. poem or fable. G. episodion : epi,
beside, and ode, a song.
EPIS'TLE. s. A solemn letter. G. epistole ; epi, upon, and stello, to
EP'ISTYLE. s. In ancient architecture, a term used by the Greeks
for what is now called the architrave. G. epi, upon, and stulos, a
EP'ITAPH. s. Inscription on a tomb. G. epitaphion ; epi, upon, and
taphos, a tomb.
EPITHALA'MIUM. s. A marriage song. G. epithalamion ; epi, upon,
and thalamos, a bridal chamber.
EP'ITHET. s. An adjective denoting any quality, good or bad. G.
epitheton ; epi, upon, tithemi, to place.
EPIT'OME'. s. An abridgment. G. epitome ; epi, into, and temno, to
EP'OCH, or EPOCH' A. s. The time
at which a new computation is
begun. L. epocha G. epoche ; epi, upon, and echo, to hold, or stop.

EP'ULARY. adj. Belonging to feasts or banquets. L. epularis : epu-

lum, a feast.
EQUANIMTTY. s. Evenness of mind. L. aquanimitas ; from cequus,
equal, and animus, the mind.
term in algebra and astronomy, denoting equali-
sation. L. (zquatio ; from eequus, equal.
EQUA'TOR. s. The imaginary circle which divides the globe into
two equal parts, called the northern, and southern hemispheres. L.
(equator ; from tequus, equal.
EQUER'RY. s. Master of the horse. L. equarius, pertaining to a
horse : equus, a horse.
EQUES'TRIAN. adj. Pertaining to horses or horsemanship ; being
on horseback. L. equester : from equus, a horse.
EQUILAT'ERAL. adj. Having all sides equal. L. aqua latera, equal
sides : oequus, and latus.
EQUILIBRATE, v. To balance equally. L. cequus, equal, and libra,
a balance.
EQUILIBRIUM, s. Equipoise; equality of weight. L. equilibrium ;
cequus, equal, and libra, a balance.
EQUINOX, s. The time when the sun crosses the equator, and the
night is of the same length as the day. L. aquus, equal, and nox, a
EQUIP', To furnish for a horseman; to furnish in general. F.
equiper L. equus, a horse.

EQUIPAGE, s. Furniture of a horseman but, more generally a ;

splendid carriage and the horses or table furniture. F. equipage. ;

EQUIPOISE', Equilibrium; equality of weight, or of power. L.
cequus, equal, and F. poids, weight.
EQUIPOLLENT, adj. Having equal power or force. L. cequus,
equal, and pollens, part, of polleo, to be able.
EQUIPON'DEROUS. adj. Equal in weight. L. cequus, equal, and
pondero, to weigh.
EQ'UITY. a. Justice mode of decision in a court of justice, accord-

ing rather to the spirit, than the letter, of the law. L. tequilas ; from
csquus, equal.
EQUIVALENT, adj. Of equal value, or power. L. eequus, equal, and
valens, part, of valeo, to avail.
EQUIVOCAL, adj. Capable of being construed in different senses;
uncertain. L. cequivocus ; aquus, equal, and vox, a voice.
EQUIVOROUS. adj. Feeding or subsisting on horse-flesh. L. equus,
a horse, and voro, to eat.
ERA'DIATE. v. To shoot as rays of light. L. c, from, and radio, to
ERADICATE, v. To pull up by the root; to destroy entirely. L.
eradico ; e, from, and radix, a root.
ERA'SE. v. To scrape out; to expunge. L. c, from, and rasum, sup.
of rado, to scrape.
ERECT', adj. Upright directed upwards. L. erectus
; p. part, of
erigo : e, from, and rego, to rule, or make straight,
i* 101

ER'EMITE. s. A hermit. See HERMIT.
EREP'TION. s. A taking away, by force. L. ereptio :
or snatching
ereptus, of eripio : e, from, and rapio, to take by violence.
p. part,
ERR. v. To deviate to mistake. L. erro, to wander.

message something to be told or done by a messen-

ger. L. errans, part, of erro, to wander.

ERRA'TA. s. Errors. L. pi. of erratum ; from erratus, part, of erro.
See ERR.
ERRATTC. adj. Wandering. L. erraticus. See ERR.
ERRO'NEOUS. adj. Incorrect. L. erroneus. See ERR.
ERUBES'CENT. adj. Red, or reddish ; blushing. L. erubescens, part,
of erubesco : rubeo, to be red.
ERUDI'TION. s. Knowledge obtained by learning. L. eruditio ;
from eruditus, p. part, of erudio, to instruct; corap. of e, from, and
rudis, untaught.
ERUP'TION. s. Ereaking forth a cutaneous disease. L. eruptio

eruptus, p. part, of erumpo ; e, from, and rumpo, to break.

ERYSIP'ELAS. s. An eruption of a hot, acrid humour, chiefly in the
face. G. erusipelas ; eruo, to draw, and pelas, adjoining because, ;

the neighbouring parts are drawn closer by the eruption.

ESCALA'DE. s. Act of scaling the walls of a fortified place. F. esca-
lade ; from echelle, a ladder.
ESCHEAT', v. To result back, in consequence of some unforeseen
contingency, to the lord of the fee. F. escheoir, to happen.
ESCORT', v. To convoy. F. escorter : L. cohors, a cohort or band of
writing-desk. F. ecritoir, (formerly escritoire ;)
L. scriptum, sup. of scribo, to write.
ESCULENT, adj. Eatable. L. esculentus ; esum, sup. of edo, to eat.
ESCUT'CHEON. The shield on which a coat of arms is represented.
F. ecvsson : from L. scutum, a shield.

ESOT'ERIC. adj. Private an epithet applied

; to the private instruc-
tions and doctrines of Pythagoras opposed ; to exoteric, or public.
G. esoteros : from eso, within.
ESPALI'ER. s. A row of trees planted about a garden, or in hedges,
and trained up wood-work, or stakes. F. from the L.
to a lattice of
palus, a stake or pole.
ESPE'CIAL, adj. Particular. See SPECIAL.
ESPIONAGE', s. Act of a spy ; inspection, with a design of informing
against. F. espionnage. See ESPY.
ESPLANA'DE. s. In fortification, the glacis of the counterscarp, or
the sloping of the parapet of the covered way, towards the country
or the void spaces between the glacis of a citadel, and the first houses
of the town. Spanish, esplanada ; from L. planus, a plane.
ESPOU'SE. v. To marry ; to abet. F. epouser ; (formerly espouser ;)
epouse, a wife.
ESPY', v. To see any thing at a distance to discover a thing intend-

ed to be hidden, &c. F. espier : L. e, from, or out, and specio, to

ESQUIRE', s. The attendant, or armour-bearer, of a knight ; a title
applied, also, to some of the younger sons of noblemen, and to ma-
gistrates, military officers, &c. Old F. escuer ; escu, a shield.

ESSAY', s. To attempt. F. essayer, to attempt.
ES'SAY. s. An attempt ; a dissertation. See the vero.
ES'SENCE. s. Physical basis ; essential oil. F. essence : L. essentia,
the existence : esse, to be.
ESSENTIAL, adj. Having the essence ; indispensable. L. essentialis.
ESTAB'LISH. v. To render stable ; to settle firmly to confirm ; to ;

found. F. etablir, formerly establir. See STABLE.

ESTATE, s. Condition of life ; property. F. etat ; (formerly estat ;)
L. status ; from sto, to stand.
ESTEEM', s. Regard ; respect. See ESTIMATE.
ES'TIMATE. v. To rate ; to conjecture. L. cestimo ; ces, money.
ESTRANGE', v. To withdraw the affections. F. etranger, (formerly,
estranger ;) L. e, from, and stringo, to draw.
ESTREAT, v. To extract or take out from the other records, (in the
case of a recognizance,) for the purpose of putting in suit. See EX-
ES'TUARY. s. An arm of the sea ; a frith ; a narrow passage, or the
mouth of a river or lake, where the tide meets the current, or flows
and ebbs. L. cestuarium : (Bstuo, to boil or foam.
ET CETERA. Abbreviated etc. or SfC. And the rest and others of

the same kind. and, and catera, others.

L. et,

E'THER. s. An imaginary air a volatile distilled spirit. L. ather


G. aither ; ailho, to burn.

ETH'ICS. s. The doctrine of morality. G. ethike ; ethos, a manner.
ETH'NIC. adj. Gentile neither Jewish nor Christian. G. ethnikos
ethnos, a nation. See GENTILE.
ETHNOG'RAPHY. s. A treatise upon nations. G. ethnos, a nation,
and grapho, to write.
ETIQUETTE, Established ceremony or mode, F. etiquette, a

ticket, upon which the forms of court ceremonies, &c. are written.
ETYMOL'OGY. s. The derivation of a word from its original that ;

part of grammar which treats of the different sorts of words and

their various modifications. L. etymologia : G. etumologia ; etumos,
true, and logos, a word.
ETYMON, s. Origin primitive word. G. etumon.

EU'CHARIST. s. The Lord's Supper. G. cucharistia, thanksgiving :

eu, well, and charis, favour.

instrument, invented by Priestley, for ascer-

taining the purity of atmospheric air. G. eu, good, dios, air, and
metron, measure.
EU'LOGY. s. Praise. G. euhgia ; comp. of eu, good, and logos, a
EU'PHONY. s. Agreeable sound. G. euphonia ; eu, well, and phoneo,
to sound.
EVACUATE, v. To make empty : to retire from. L. evacuo ; vacuus,
EVA'DE. v. To elude, or avoid. L. evado ; e, from, and vado, to
march, or move.
EVANESCENT, adj. Vanishing imperceptible. L. evanescens, part

of evanesco, to disappear from vanus, empty.


EVANGELIST, s. A writer of the history cf Christ. L, evangelus :

G. evangelos ; from ey, good, and angelo, to declare,

EVAPORATE, v. To ascend in vapour. L. evaporo ; e, from, and
vapos, vapour,
EVASION, s. Act of evading ; subterfuge ; equivocation ; shift. L.
evasio. See EVADE.
EVENT', s. Occurrence. L. eventus ; e, out of, and ventum, sup, of
venio, to come.
dispossess by a judicial process.
v. L. evictum, sup. of
evinco from, and vinco, to conquer.
: e,

EVIDENCE, s. Proof; testimony the person who testifies. F. evi- ;

dence : L. evidentia. See EVIDENT.

EVIDENT, adj. Proved; clear. F. evident: L. evident; e, out of,
and video, to see.
EVINCE', v. To prove ; to manifest. L. evinco ; e, from, and vinco, to
EVISCERATE, v. To embowel. L. eviscero ; e, from, and viscera,
the bowels.
EVTTABLE. adj. Avoidable ; that may be escaped or shunned. L.
evitabalis : evito, to shun.
EV'OCATE. v. To call forth. L. evoco. See EVOKE.
EVO'KE. v. To call forth. L. evoco: e, from, and voco, to call.
EVOLA'TION. s. The act of flying away. L. evolo ; e, from, and
volo, to fly.
EVOLUTION, s. Act of unfolding ; military field-exercise. L. evolu-
tus, p. part, of evolvo. See EVOLVE.
EVOLVE', v. To unfold to throw off by chemical effect.
; L. evolvo ;
e, from, and volvo, to roll.
EVUL'SION. s. The act of plucking away. L. evulsio : evulsus, p.
part, of evello : e, from, and vello, to pluck.
E'WER. s. vessel in which water is brought, for washing the hands.
F. eau, water.
EXACT', adj. Without defect or omission according to rule metho- ; ;

dically very accurate.

; F. exacte : L. exactus, p. part, of exigo ; ex,
out, and ago, to do.
EXACT', v. To demand as a right ; to require authoritatively ; to en-
force ; See the adjective.
to extort.
EXAGGERATE, v. To heighten beyond truth. L. exaggero ; ex,
above, and aggero, to heap: agger, a heap: ad, to, and gero, to
EXANIMATE, adj. Lifeless ; inanimate. L. ex, from, and anima,
the breath, or soul. •
EXALT', v. To raise ; to dignify. F. exalter : L. ex, above, and altus,
EXAM'PLE. s. A pattern ; a copy ; a model ;
precedent. L. exem-
plum : ex, and similis, like.
EXASPERATE, v. To enrage. L. exaspero ; ex, above, (meaning in
a high degree,) and aspero, to make rough asper, rough. :

EX'CAVATE. tf. To make hollow. L. excavo ; ex, from, and cavo, to

make hollow.
EXCEED', v. To go beyond to surpass. L. excedo ; ex, from, and ;

cedo, to depart.

EXCEL', v. To be eminent; to surpass. L. excello; ex, from, and
cello, to lift up.
EXCEPT', v. To leave out. L. exceptum, sup. of excipio ; ex, out of,
and capio, to take.
EXCEKP'TA. Extracts. L. excerpta ; from excerptus, part, of ex-

cerpo ; and carpo, to pluck.

ex, from,
EXCESS', s. More than sufficient surplus. L. excessus, p. part, of ;

excedo. See EXCEED.

EXCISE, s. A tax, formerly paid by a part of the article assessed. L.
excisvs, p. part, of excido. See EXCISION.
EXCISION, s. Act of cutting out. L. excisio ; from excisus, p. part.
of excido ; ex, from, and c&do, to lop.
EXCITE, v. To rouse; to animate; to encourage; to put in motion.
L. excito; ex, out of, and cito, to call.
EXCLAIM', v. To call loudly. L. exclamo ; ex, from, and clamo, to
EXCLU'DE. v. To shut out ; to debar. L. excludo ; comp. of ex, from,
and claudo, to shut.
EXCLU'SION. s. Act of excluding. L. exclusus, p. part, of excludo.
expel from communion. L. ex, from,
and communico, to impart, or share with another.
EXCO'RIATE. v. To strip off the skin. L. ex, from, and corium, a
EXCORTICA'TION. s. Act of stripping off the bark. L. ex, from,
and cortex, the bark.
EXCRESCENCE, s. Irregular protuberance. L. excrescens ; part, of
excresco ; ex, from, and cresco, to grow.
EXCRUCIATING, adj. Extremely painful. L. excrucio, to torture :

ex, from, and cruce, abl. of crux, a cross ; alluding to the torments
of crucifixion.
EXCUL'PATE. v. To exonerate from a criminal charge. L. ex, from,
and culpa, blame.
EXCURSION, s. A ramble out of the prescribed path. L. excursio ;
ex, from, and curro, to run.
EXCUSE, v. To disengage from an obligation; to pardon. L. excuso
ex, from, and causa, a cause, or suit at law.
EXECRATE, v. To curse to detest. L. execror, or exsecror ; ex,

from, and sacrum, a holy rite meaning, to debar from the benefit :

of religious ceremonies.
EX'ECUTE. v. To perform to put to death. L. executus, part, of

exequor ; ex, according to [direction,] and sequor, to follow.

EXECUTIVE, adj. Relating to the power which performs, but does
not deliberate. See EXECUTE.
EXEMPLI GRATIA. As an example; for instance; usually ab-
breviated ex. gr., or e. g. L.
EXEMPT', adj. Free by privilege. L. exemptus, p. part, of eximo ;
ex, from, and emo, to purchase.
EX'EQUIES. s. Funeral rites the ceremonies of burial. L. exequies ;

from exequor, to follow.

EX'ERCISE. s. Use ; practice performance exertion task. L. ;
; ;

exercitum ; from exerceo, to exercise G. ergon, work. :

circular space between the work and the edge of

a coin or medal, on which the inscription is usually placed. G. ex,

from, and ergon, work.
EXERT', v. Literally, to thrust forth to emit. (An unusual applica- ;

tion.) To thrust forth, as strength, force, or ability ; to put into ac-

tion ; to strive. L. exero : ex, from, and sero, to throw, to thrust.
EXEUNT OM'NES. Used, in theatrical pieces, to mark the de-
parture, from the stage, of all the characters. L. omnes, all, exeunt,
go out omnis, and cxeo.

EXFOLIATE, v. To separate in layers. L. ex, from, and folium, a

EXHA'LE. v. To emit or draw out vapour or fumes. L. exhalo ; ex,
from, and halo, to breathe.
EXHAUST', v. To draw away; to fatigue. L. exhaustum, sup. of
exhavrio ; ex, from, and haurio, to draw.
EXHIB'IT. v. To display. L. exhibeo ; comp. of ex, from, and habeo,
to have or hold.
EXHILARATE, v. To enliven. L. exhMaro. See HILARITY.
EXHORT', v. To advise from an a virtuous action.
evil, or to L. ex-
hort or ; ex, from, and hortor, to advise.
raise out of the earth, that which has been
buried ; L. ex, out of, and humus, earth.
to unbury.
EX'IGENCE, or EXIGENCY, s. Sudden occasion. L. exigens, part,
of exigo, to drive out ex, from, and ago, to move. :

EXTLE. s. Banishment, either voluntary or compulsive person ba- ;

nished. L. exilium ; exilio, to depart hastily ex, from, and salio, :

to leap.
EXIST', v. To be ; to have a being. L. existo : ex, out of, and sisto,
to stand still or continue.
EX'IT. A term used to mark the time at which a player leaves the
stag;e ; departure. L. exit, he (or she) goes out exeo. :

EX-MINISTER, s. One who has been a minister of state. L. ex, out,

and minister.
EX'ODUS. s. The second book of Moses, which describes the journey
of the Israelites from Egypt. G. exodos ; ex, out of, and odos, a way.
EX OFFI'CIO. By the power of his office. L. ex, according to,
officio, abl. of qfficium, an office.
EXONERATE, v. To disburthen; to exculpate. L. exonero ; ex,
from, and onus, a burthen.
EX OR ABLE, adj. Possible to be moved or persuaded by entreaty.
L. exorabilis : ex, from, and oro, to pray.
EXOR'BITANT. adj. Irregular ; enormous. L. ex, out of, and orbita,
a track.
EX'ORCISE. v. To pretend to drive away an evil spirit. G. ex, out
of, and orkizo, to adjure.
EXOR'DIUM. In oratory, the beginning; the introductory or pre-

paratory part. L. from ex, and ordior, to begin.

EXOT'ERIC. adj. External public opposed to esoteric, or secret. ;

The exoteric doctrines of the ancient philosophers, were those which

were openly professed and taught the esoteric were secret, or taught :

onlv to a few chosen disciples. G. exoteros, exterior.


EXOTIC, adj. Foreign. G. exolikos ; exo, out of doors abroad. ;

EXPAND', v. To-open wide. L. expando ; ex, from, and pando, to open.

EX-PAR' TE'. On one side only; ex-parte evidence is that testimony,
which, as before a grand jury, is delivered in the absence of the
party against whom it is to operate. L. ex, from, parte, abl. of pars,
a part.
EXPA'TIATE. v. To enlarge on, in language. L. expatior ; ex, from,
and paten, to spread out.
EXPATRIATE, v. To send into exile ; to go into exile. F. expatrier
L. ex, from, and patria, a country.
EXPECT', v. To anticipate, in the mind ; to wait for. L. expecto ; ex,
from, and specto, to look.
EXPECTORATE, v. To eject matter from the breast. L. ex, from,
and pectus, the breast.
EXPEDIENT, adj. Advantageous; fit. L. expediens, part, ofexpedio.
EXPEDITA'TION. s. The act of cutting off the feet. L. ex, from,
and pedes, pi. of^es, a foot.
EXPEDITE, v. To facilitate; to hasten. L. expedio, to free: ex,
from, and pede, abl. of pes, a foot.
EXPEL', v. To drive out. L. expello ; comp. of ex, from, and pello,
to drive.
EXPEND', v. To spend; to disburse. L. expendo ; ex, from, and
pendo, to weigh, or pay.
EXPENSE', s. Expenditure; cost. L. expensum. See EXPEND.
EXPE'RIENCE. s. Practice. L. experientia. See EXPERT.
EXPERIMENT, s. Trial. L. experimentum. See EXPERIENCE.
EXPERT, adj. Skilful dexterous. L. expertus, part, of experior

ex, from, and perior, to be skilful.

EX'PIATE. v. To atone for. L. expio; comp. of ex, from, and pio,
to worship, or purge.
EXPI'RE. v. To breathe out; to die; to terminate. L. expiro : ex,
from, and spiro, to breathe.
EXPLAIN', v. To make plain; to render intelligible. L. explano:
ex, out, and planus, smooth or even.
EXPLE'TIVE. s. In grammar, means something inserted, more to
please the ear, than to illustrate. L. expletivum : expleo, to glut;
ex, in a superabundant degree, and pleo, to fill.
EXPLICABLE, adj. Explainable; capable of being made intelligible.
L. explicabilis : ex, from, and plico, to fold.
EXPLI'CIT. adj. Emphatically clear; not merely implied. L. explu
citus, p. part, of explico, to unfold.
EXPLO'DE. v. To drive out, with open marks of disapprobation ; to
make a loud noise like ignited gunpowder. L. explodo : ex, from,
and plaudo, to make a noise by clapping.
EXPLO'RE. v. To view with care to try; to search or pry into; to

examine closely. L. exploro : ex, out of, and ploro, to cry out, to
wail, to bawl.
EXPLO'SION. s. The act of exploding. L. explosio : explosvs, p.
part, of explodo. See EXPLODE.
EXPORT', v. To send out of a country, in the way of traffic. L. ex-
porto : ex, out of, and porto, to carry.
EXPO'SE. v. To lay open ; to put in danger. F. exposer : L. exposi-
tvm, sup. of expono : ex, out of, and pono, to place.
EX POST FACTO. Made or done after the act; retro-active, L.
EXPOS'TULATE. v. To reason earnestly with a person, on some
impropriety of his conduct, &c. L. expostulo : ex, from, and postulo,
to require.
EXPOUND', v. To explain. L. expono: ex, out of, and pono, to
EX-PRESTDENT. s. One who has been a president. L. ex, out, and
EXPRESS', v. To press out ; to represent ; to declare. L. expressum,
sup. ofexprimo: ex, from, and premo, to press.
EXPRESS', by an impression ;) expli-
adj. Exactly alike, (as if taken
cit ;
See the verb.
particularly declared.
EXPRESS', s. An extraordinary messenger. See the verb.
EXPUG'NABLE. adj. Possible to be taken or subdued by a siege, or
an assault. L. ex, out of, a.nd pugno, to fight.
EXPUL'SION. s. Act of expelling. L. expulsio ; from expello. See
EXPUNGE', v. To erase. L. expungo ex, : from, and pungo, to prick.
EXPUR'GATE. v. To expunge to purge ; away. L. expurgo : ex,
from, and purgo, to cleanse.
EX'QUISITE. adj. Consummate; excellent. L. exquisitus, p. part.
of exquiro, searched out; ex, out of, and qucero, to seek.
EXSCIND', v. To cut from. L. ex, from, and scindo, to cut.
EXSICCATE, v. To dry. L. exsicco, to dry.
EX'TANT. adj. Before the public; now existing. L. exstans, part.
of exsto, to stand out: ex, from, and sto, to stand.
EX'TASY, or ECSTACY. s. Any emotion, by which the thoughts
are absorbed, and in which the mind is for a time lost; excessive
joy, or excessive grief. F. extase : G. ekstasis ; from ek, out, and
stasis, part, ofistemi, to stand.
EXTEM'PORE. adj. Without preparation. L. ex, from, and tempore,
abl. oi'tempus, time meaning the present time.

EXTEND', v. To reach (with to ;) to enlarge. L. extendo ; comp. of

ex, from, and tendo, to stretch.
EXTEN'UATE. v. To lessen ; to palliate. L. extenvo : ex, from, and
tenuis, thin, or small.
EXTERIOR, adj. Outward. L. exterior, compar. deg. of extra, with-
out: pos. extra; compar. exterior; sup. extremus.
EXTER'MINATE. v. To destroy. L. extermino : ex, out of, and ter-
mino, to end terminus, a boundary.

EXTER'NAL. adj. Outward; foreign. L. externus : exter, foreign :

comp. of ex, out of, and terra, a territory.
EXTINCT', adj. Extinguished abolished. L. extinctus, p. part, of

exiinguo, to extinguish.
EXTINGUISH, v. To quench to destroy. L. extinguo, to extin-

EXTIR'PATE. v. To take out the stem or stalk to eradicate to de- ; ;

stroy. L. extirpo : ex, from, and slirps, a stem.

EXTOL', v. To praise highly. L. extollo : ex, from, and tollo, to
lift up.

EXTORT', v. To obtain by force, or by the passion of avarice. L.
extortum, sup. of extorqueo : ex, from, and torqueo, to twist.
EXTRA, adj. Additional. L. extra, besides.
EXTRACT', v. To draw from ; to take out a part. L. extractum,
sup. of extralio ; comp. of ex, from, and traho, to draw.
EXTRAJUDICIAL, adj. Out of the regular course of legal procedure.
L. extra, beyond, and judicial.
EXTRANEOUS, adj. Foreign; of a different kind. L. extraneus :
ex, out of, and terra, the land.
EXTRAORDINARY, adj. Uncommon unusual eminent. L.; ;

extraor dinar ius ; extra, beyond, and ordinarius, ordinary: ordo, a

EXTRAVAGANT, adj. Irregular ; wild ;
prodigal. L. extravagans :

extra, beyond, and vagor, to wander.

EXTREME, adj. Greatest ; utmost. L. extremus, superl. of extra,
EX'TRICATE. v. To disentangle. L. extrico : ex, out of, and trices,
hairs wrapped round the feet of fowls, to hinder them from es-
EXTRU'DE. v. To thrust out; to push off with violence. L. exlrudo :

ex, out, or from, and trudo, to thrust.

EXTRU'SION. s. Act of extruding. L. extrusus, p. part, of extrudo.
EXU'BERANT. adj. Overabundant. L. exuberans, part, of exubero
extra, beyond, and uber, plentiful.
EXU'DE. v. To issue in sweat. L. exudo : ex, out of, and sudo, to
EXULT', v. To rejoice greatly. L. exulto ; comp. of ex, from, [the
ground,] and salto, to dance, or leap.
EXU'VLE. s. Cast skins, shells, or coverings of animals; any parts
of animals which are shed or cast off. L. from exuo, to throw off,
to strip.


FA'BLE. s. A fictitious story, written for amusement. L. fabula ;

for, to speak, or tell.

FABRIC, s. Something made. L. fabrica faber, a workman. :

FAB'RICATE. v. To construct; to invent. L.fabrico. See FABRIC.

FAB'ULOUS. adj. Fictitious; false. L. fabulosus. See FABLE.
FACA'DE. s. Front, (pronounced fasad', or fasa'de.) F.fagade, the
front: L. fades, the face.
FACE. s. In a general sense, the surface of a thing, or the side which

presents itself to the view of a spectator; as the face of the earth;

the face of the water. L. fades ; from facio, to make.
FACETIOUS, adj. Witty. L.facetice, raillery.
FACILITATE, v. To make easy. L.facilis, easy : facio, to do, or
FAC SIMTLE. s. An imitation, as nearly resembling the original as

factum, a thing done, and simile, neuter of similis, like:

possible. L.
the word factum has been here abbreviated to fac.
FACT. s. A thing done reality. L. factum ; facio, to do.

K 109
FACTION, s. A party, active in opposing another. L. factio : facio,
to do.
FACTI'TIOUS. adj. Made by art, in distinction to what is produced
by nature ; L. factitius : facio, to
artificial. make.
agent, employed to buy or sell for another. L. fac-
tor ; from facio, to do, or make.
house, or district, inhabited by the foreign traders
of a particular nation, in. a distant country ; the traders themselves :
a manufactory. See FACTOR.
FACULTY, s. Power derived from nature; learned professors. L.
facultas : facio, to do, or make.
FACUN'DITY. s. Eloquence ; readiness of speech. L. facundilas,
probably from L. for, to speak, and undo, to flow.
FAIR. s. An annual or other stated meeting of buyers and sellers.
F. faire, to do.
FAITH, s. Belief; assent of the mind; fidelity, confidence ;
given ; sincerity ; honesty. h.Jides: Jido, to trust.
FAL'LACY. s. Deceit; untruth. L. fallacia : j alio, to slip or slide;
to deceive.
FAL/LIBLE. adj. Liable to error, or to failure. ~L.fallo, to slip.
FALSE, adj. Not morally true; not physically true perfidious; not ;

real, h.falsus, p. part, offallo, to slip, or deceive.

FAL'TER. v. To hesitate ; to stammer ; to fail, tremble, or yield in
exertion. L./aZZo. See FAULT.
FAME. s. Rumour; report; celebrity ; renown, h.fama: G. phama ;
phemi, to speak.
FAMILIAR, Domestic affable unceremonious well-known
adj. ; ; ; ;

too nearly acquainted. L. fa miliar is : familia, a family.

FAMTNE. s. Distressful scarcity of food. F. famine: L. fames,
FAMTSH. v. To starve. Ti. fames, hunger.
FA'MOUS. adj. Renowned. L. famosus : fama, report. See FAME.
FANATTC. adj. Wild and extravagant in opinions, particularly in
religious opinions ; excessively enthusiastic. L. fanaticus ; from the
G. phainomai, to appear.
FANCY, s. Imagination caprice ; ; liking. This is a contraction of
phantasy. See FANTASM.
FAN'TASM. s.Something which appears real, but is only in the ima-
gination. G. phantasma, an apparition phaino, to appear. :

FANTAS'TIC. adj. Irrational ; whimsical. F.fantastique. See FAN-

FARCE.s. A dramatic afterpiece, of a ludicrous kind. F.farcir: L.
farcio, to fill up, or stuff.
FARINACEOUS, adj. Mealy. L. farina, meal.
FARRA'GO. s. A rude or confuted mixture. L. farrago : far, all
kinds of corn.
horse-doctor, (a profession usually followed by horse-
shoers.) F. ferrier : L. ferrarius, belonging to iron ferrum, :

FAS'CES. s. Rods, with an axe bound up in the middle, anciently
carried before the Roman consuls. L. fasces, pi. of fascis, a bundle
of twigs.

FAS'CINATE. To influence, as if by supernatural power to de-
v. ;

light highly, h.fascino, to bewitch.

FAS'CINE. s. The military name of a fagot fascines are used gene- :

rally for filling up a ditch. F. fascine : L.fascis, a bundle of twigs.

FASH'ION. s. Form make manner general practice. F. facon
; ; ;

from the L./acio, to make.

FASTI DTOUS. adj. Disdainful overdelicate disagreeably method-
; ;

ical. L. fastidious ; from fastidium, pride, reluctance.

FATE. s. Destiny event predetermined. L. fatum : fatus, p. part.

of for, to speak; alluding to the responses of the ancient oracles.
FATUT TY. s. Foolishness weakness of mind. F. fatuite : L. fa-

tuus, silly.
FAULT, s. Offence; slight crime; defect; difficulty. Y.faute: L.
falsus, of fallo, to slip, or deceive.
p. part,
FAUN. s. A
kind of rural deity. Faunus, (a son of Picus, an Italian
king,) whose attachment to agriculture induced his subjects to revere
him, after his death, as one of their country deities. See the heathen
FAUX PAS. A false step; a deviation from rectitude. F. faux,
and pas, a step.
FEALTY, s. Duty or fidelity to a superior lord ; loyalty. F. fide-
lite: L. fidelitas : fides, faith.
FEASIBLE, adj. Practicable. Y.faisible: faire, to do.
FEAST, s. An anniversary day of rejoicing; an entertainment of the
table, &c. Jj.fastus, lucky, lawful : from fas, piety, justice, right.
FEAT. s. Act; deed; exploit. F. fait, part, offaire, to do h.facio. :

FEA'TURE. 5. The make, form, or cast of any part of the face any ;

single lineament; outline; prominent part. L. factura, a making;

from facio, to make.
FEB'RIFUGJE. s. A medicine serviceable in a fever. L. fehris, a fe-
ver, and fugo, to drive away.
FEBRILE, adj. Relating to fever. L. fchilis : fehris, a fever.
FEB'RUARY. s. The second month. L. Februarius. The luperca-
lia, says Plutarch, appears to have been a feast of purification, being
solemnized on the dies nefasti, or non-court days of the month of
February, which derives its name from februo, to purify and the ;

very day of the celebration was anciently called Februaca.

FECULENT, adj. Foul excrementitious. L. fceculentus ; from f<B-

cula, small dregs ; fcex, dregs.

FECUNDITY, s. Fruitfulness. L.fcecunditas, fruitfulness.
FED'ERAL. adj. Relating to a contract; united. ~L.fasdus, a league.
FED'ERALIST. s. Originally meant an American citizen who voted
for the new federal constitution of the United States since the be- :

ginning of the French war, in 1792, it has had no relative meaning ;
but, like the term democrat, is used only to serve the interested views
of a parly. See FEDERAL.
FEIGN, v. To invent; to pretend. F.feindre:, to make or
FELI'CITATE. v. To congratulate. L. felicito : felicitas, happiness;
felix, happy.
FELINE, adj. Resembling, or pertaining to, a cat. L.felinus : felis,
a cat.

SE'. A
person of sound mind who commits suicide. L.
felo, a felon, de, of, se, himself.
FEMALE, s. Amongst animals, one of that sex which conceives and
brings forth young. F.femclle. See FEMININE.
FEMININE, adj. Relating or belonging to a female. L. femininus
femina, a woman.
FEMME COV'ERTE. In law, signifies a woman covered or pro-
tected, by marriage, from the payment of debt, and, in some cases,
from criminal prosecution. F.femme, a woman, couverte, covered.
FEMME SOLE. spinster A
an unmarried woman. F. femme, a

woman, andold F. sole, alone.

FEND. v. To keep off; to guard. From Defend.
FENES'TRAL. adj. Pertaining to a window. L. fenestralis : fenestra,
a window.
a wild nature; unreclaimed :— usually ap-
plied to animals not domesticated. L.
FERMENT', v. To exalt or rarefy, by internal motion of parts ; to
have the parts put into intestine motion. L. fermento : ferveo, to
grow hot.
FEROCIOUS, adj. Fierce. L. ferocis, gen. of ferox, fierce.
FERRUGINOUS, adj. Partaking of the particles and the quality of
iron. L. ferrugineus : com p. of ferrum, iron, and genus, a sort.
FER'TILE. adj. Fruitful. L. fertilis : fero, to bear, or produce.
FERVENT, adj. Hot; ardent. L. fervens, part, of ferveo, to boil.
FER'VID. adj. Hot vehement zealous. L. fervidus : ferveo,
; ; to
FER'ULE. s. A little wooden
used to punish children
pallet or slice,
in school. Under the Eastern Empire, the ferula was the emperor's
sceptre. L. fervla ; from ferio, to strike.
feast, or the period of a feast. L. festivus. See
FETE CHAMPE'TRE. An entertainment, given in the country, in
the open F. fete, a feast, and champ etre, rural.
FETID, adj. Rancid having an offensive smell. L. foetidus : fosteo,

to have an ill scent.

FE'VER. s. A
disease, characterized by an increase of heat, &c.
heat; agitation; excitement. F. Jievre ; h.febris: from ferveo, to
be hot.
FI'AT. In law, a writ containing a peremptory order. L.
s. fiat, let
it be done
from fio.;

FIB. s. A lie a falsehood. L. fabula, a fable.


FICTION, s. Invention; falsehood. L. fictio : from fictus, p. part,

of Jingo, to frame.
FICTITIOUS, adj. Counterfeit ; not real. L. fictitius. See FIC-
FIDELTTY. s. Faithful adherence ; honesty. L. fidelitas : fides,
faith, or truth.

FIDU'CIARY. adj. Given in trust ; confiding ; undoubting. L. fidu-

ciarius : fides, faith.
FIERCE, adj. Savage ; ravenous easily enraged
; passionate ; ; vio-
lent ; furious. F. fier ; L. ferus, ferox, wild, savage, cruel.

FIERI FACIAS. A judicial writ, directing a sheriff to levy the
amount of a debt, or of damages recovered. L. facias, you must
cause it, fieri, to be made : facio, and Jio.
FIG'MENT. s. A fiction* figmentum Jingo, to frame.
L. :

FIG'URE. s. Form ; an image a character denoting a number

; ; a
trope, L, Jigura ; from Jingo, to shape, or frame.
body, long and slender, like a thread. L, Jila*
menta i filum, a thread.
FIL'IAL. adj. Regarding a child, in relation to its parents. F. filial
L. Jilius, a child.
FIL'IATE. v. To acknowledge as a son j to adopt as one's child. L.
Jilius, a son, or child.
FILLE DE CHAM'BRE. s. A chamber-maid. F.
FILLE DE JO IE. s. A prostitute. Y.Jille, a daughter, de, of,joie,
band, to tie about the hair of the head meat
little ;

rolled together,and tied round. F. Jilet : L, Jilum, a thread.

FIL'LY. s. A. young mare. F. Jille : L. Jilia, a daughter.
FIL'TER. v. To purify by straining. Low L. Jiltro : comp. of Jilum,
a thread, and traho, to draw referring to the original mode of filter-.

in?, by suspended threads.

FI'NAL. adj. Last L. Jinalis : from finis, the end.
; conclusive.
FINANCE', s. Revenue. F.Jinance : L. Jinio, to accomplish.
FINE. s. A fine, in law, is an amicable composition or agreement of
a suit, by leave of the court; and is so called because it puts an end
to the suit. L. Jinis, an end,
FINESSE', s. A species of artifice, in which art and cunning are em-
ployed. F. finesse : from Jin, fine that is, small, subtle. ;

FINISH, v. To terminate; to complete to make perfect, Y.finir; ;

L. Jinio : from finis, an end.

FINITE, adj. Limited. L. Jinitus : finis, an end.
FIS'CAL. adj. Relating to the public revenue. F. fiscal : L. fiscus,
a treasury G. phiskos, a basket.

FIS'SILE. adj. Having the laminae, or grain, in a direction to admit

of being cleft. L. Jissilis. See FISSURE.
FIS'SURE. s. A cleft. L. Jissura : from fissus, p, part, offindo, to
sinuous ulcer. L. fistula, a pipe.
FIX. v. To fasten
to settle. L. fix win, sup. of figo, to fasten.

FLACCID, adj. Limber; soft, L. Jlaccidus : fiacceo, to wither.

FL AGELLA'TION. s. Use of the scourge a flogging. L. Jlagellum., ;

a scourge.
FLAGI'TIOUS. adj. Atrocious. L. fiagitius. See FLAGRANT.
FLA'GRANT. adj. Sometimes means flushed, but commonly, noto-
rious, or atrocious. L. fiagrans, part, of Jiagro, to be on fire.
FLAMBEAU, s. torch. A
F. Jiambeau: cornp. of Jlamme, flame,
and beau, handsome.
FLAiME. s. Light emitted from fire. L. Jlamma : G. phlegmo, to
FLAM'MABLE. adj. Capable of being set on fire. See FLAME.
FLAN'NEL.s, A soft, nappy woollen cloth, of loose texture. T.Jlan*
elle : L. lana, wool.
k* 113
FLATULENT, adj. Windy. L. flatulentus : flatus, a puff; flatus,
offlo, to blow.
p. part,
FLEXIBLE, adj. Possible to be bent; pliant. L. flexibilis : flexus,
p. part, of fleclo, to bend.
company, usually a company of birds or beasts. L.
fluctus, p. part, of fluo, to flow.
FLORID, adj. Bright in colour ; flushed with red; embellished. L.
floridus ; from floris, gen. of flos, a flower.
FLORIST, s. A cultivator* of flowers; a maker or vender of artifi-
cial flowers. L. floris, gen. of flos, a flower.
FLOUR'ISH. v. To have vigour ; to boast. L. floreo ; floris, gen. of
flos, a flower.
FLU' ATE. s. A weak salt, which, by means of strong sulphuric acid,
yields a vapour, and when condensed forms liquid fluoric acid. L.
fluo, to flow.
FLUCTUATE, v. To flow backwards and forwards; to vary often.
L. fluctuo : fluctus, a wave : fluo, to flow.
FLUE. s. A passage for smoke. L. fluo, to flow, or pass away.
FLU'ENT. adj. Flowing; having a ready command of words. L.
fluens, part, of fluo, to flow.
FLUID, adj. Liquid. L. fluidus : fluo, to flow.
tubated musical instrument. F. flute : L. fluto, to flow
gently fluo, to flow.

FLU'TED. adj. Resembling the shape of a flute. See FLUTE.

FLUVIATTC. adj. Belonging to rivers. L. fluviaticus : fluvius, a
river ; from fluo, to flow.
FLUX. s. Act of flowing; thing which flows ; dysentery. L. fluxus :

from fluo, to flow.

FLUXTONS. s. A species of arithmetic, invented by Newton. L.
fluxio, a flowing.
FO'CUS. s. The point where the rays of heat are collected by a burn-

ing-glass ; a certain point in the axis of a curve. L. focus, a fire-

hearth, or the fire.
weak side a failing. F. foible, weak.

FO'LIAGE. s. Leaves. F. feuillage : L. folium, a leaf.

FO'LIATE. v. To put forth leaves ; to beat into laminas or leaves, as
in beating gold. L. foliatus, having leaves folium, a leaf. :

book, the leaves of which are formed of sheets of paper

once doubled. L. abl. of folium, a leaf.

FOMENT', v. To cherish with heat to bathe with warm lotions (in ;

an evil sense) to encourage. L. fomentor : from foveo, to keep

FONT. s. A large bason or stone vessel, in which water is contained,
for baptizing children or other persons, in a church. L. fons, a foun-
tain : fundo, to pour out.
FONT. s. A complete assortment of printing types, of one size. F.
fonte ; from fondre, to melt or cast L. fundo, to pour out. ;

FOR' AGE. v. To go out in search of provisions. F. fourrager : four-

rage, fodder : fourrer, to stuff in.
FORCE, s. Strength ; active power. F. force : L. fors, strength.
FOR'CEPS. s. Surgical tongs. L. forceps, a pair of tongs.

FOR'EIGN. Not of this country not allied without relation.
adj. ; ;

F. forain L. foris, abroad.


FOREN'SIC. adj. Belonging, or appropriate to, a court of judicature.

L. forensis. See FORUM.
FORGE, v. To form by hammering to imitate, F. forger, to ham- ;

FOR'FEIT. s. Something lost by the commission of a crime, and
thereby gone away, or departed from the owner ; a fine. F. forfait
L. foris, abroad, and actus, part, of Jio, to be made, or become.
FOR'MIDABLE. adj. Apt to excite fear terrible; tremendous. L. ;

formidabilis : formido, fear.

prescribed order. L. formula : forma, a form.
FORT. s. A fortified place usually a small fortified place. F. fort ;

L. fortis, strong.
FOR'TIFY. v. To strengthen. F. fortifier : L. fortis, strong, and
facto, to make.
FOR' TITER IN RE. With promptness and determination in the
execution of an affair. L. ; an expression opposed to suaviter in
FOR'TITUDE. s. Bravery in resisting, or in suffering. L. fortitudo :

from fortis, hardy, strong.

FOR'TRESS. s. A fortified building. F. fortresse : L. fortis, strong.
FORTUITOUS, adj. Accidental. L. fortuities : fortis, gen. of for »
chance, and itus, the act of going.
FOR'TUNATE. adj. Lucky ; successful. L. forlunatus : fortuna,
FO'RUM. s. The market-place of Rome, where great judicial causes
were tried. L. forum, a market-place.
FOSSE, s. A military ditch. F. fosse : L. fossa : fossus, p. part, of
fodio, to dig.
FOS'SIL. s. Something dug out of the earth. L. fossilis. See
FOUND, v. To originate, as a town or a colony. ~L.fundo, (funddre,)
to lay the groundwork fundus, land. :

FOUND, v. To cast, as at a foundry. L. fundo, (fundere,) to pour

basis or lower part of an edifice ; the prin-

ciple or ground upon which any notion is raised. F. fondation. See

FOUND, to originate.
FOUN'DER. v. To cause such a soreness and tenderness in a horse's
feet, that he is unable to set them to the ground to sink to the bot- ;

tom. F. fondre : L. fundere (infin. of fundo) to pour out, or throw

FOUND'RY. s. A place where articles are formed of melted metals.
See FOUND, to cast.
FOUNTAIN, s. A visible spring; a spout of water; origin; first
cause. F. fontaine : L. fons : from fundo, to pour out.
FRACTION, s. An arithmetical part of an integer. L.fractio: frac-
tus, p. part, of frango, to break.
FRACTURE, s. Breach ; separation of a bone. L. fractura. See
— ;

FRAGILE, adj. Easily broken ; uncertain. L. fragilis : frango, to
part broken off; an imperfect part, L. frag.

menlum : from frango, to break.

FRA'GRANT. adj. Sweet-smelling. L, fragrans, part of fragro, to
smeil sweetly fragum, a strawberry,

FRAIL, adj. Weak decaying easily easily destroyed weak of re-

; ; ;

solution. F. frele : L. fragilis. See FRAGILE.

FRANCHISE, s. Privilege. F.
FRAN'GIBLE. adj. Easily broken. L. frango, to break.
FR AN'TIC. adj. Mad outrageously mad. (Corrupted from phrenetic.)

FRATER'NAL. adj. Brotherly; relating to brothers. F.fralernel;

L. frater, a brother.
FRATRICIDE, s. Murder of a brother. L. fratricidium : frater, a
brother, and c&do, to kill.
FRAUD, s. Deceit; dishonesty. F. fraude : L. fraudis, gen. of fraus,
FRENETIC, adj. Originally, Phrenetic. Mad ; distracted. G. phre-
netikos. See FRENZY.
FRENZY, s. Temporary madness ; mental distraction. G. phrenetis,
madness (from phren, the mind) whence, phrenetisy —
— frenzy.

FRIABLE, adj. Easily reduced to powder. F. friaole : L. friabilis :

frid, to crumble.
FRIAR, s. A brother of some religious order. F. frere : L. frater, a
FRICTION, s. The act of rubbing. L. frictio : frico, to rub.
FRIGID, adj. Cold; unfeeling; stiff; formal; lifeless. L. frigidus
from frigeo, to be or grow cold : rigeo, to be stiff or frozen.
FRIGORIF'IC. adj. Producing cold; or, in chemical language, de-
priving of heat. L. frigorijicus : comp. of fr igor, cold, and facio,
to make.
FRISEUR'. s. A F. friseur : friser, to curl.
cut small to destroy gradually. F. friture, a piece
v. ;

of meat cut small L. frictus, p. part, of frico, to rub.


FRIVOLOUS, adj. Slight; trifling; trivial. L. frivolus : frio, to

break into small pieces.
FRONT, s. The face: the forepart of any thing. F. front: L. frons,
the forehead.
FRONTAL, adj. Relating to the forehead. F. frontal. See FRONT.
FRUCTIFY, v. To make fruitful. F. fructijier : L. fructus, fruit,
and facio, to make.
FRU'GAL. adj. Sparing ; economical. L. frugalis : from frugcs, fruit,
or corn : meaning, careful of provisions.
FRUIT, s. That part of a plant which is taken for food produce ; ;

effect, &c. L. fructus: fructus, part, offruor, to enjoy, to take the

profit of.
FRUI'TION. adj. Enjoyment of what one possesses. ~L. fruitus, part.
offruor, to enjoy. The miser has possession, but not fruition.
FRUSTRATE, v. To defeat. L.frustro, to disappoint.
FU'EL. s. Material for burning. F.feu, fire.
FUGA'CTTY. s. Volatility quality of flying away
; a term used by ;

chemists. ~L.fugacis,gen.offugax. See FUGITIVE.

FUGITIVE, adj. Escaping ; unstable ; volative. L. fugitivus: fugio,
to flee or escape.
FUGITIVE, s. One who runs from his station or duty. See the ad-
FUGUE, s. In music, a chase or succession in the parts that which ;

expresses the capital thought or sentiment of the piece, in causing it

to pass, successively and alternately, from one part to another. F.
fvgue ; from the L. fugo, to chase.
FUL'CRUM. s. That on which a lever rests and moves. L. fulcrum:
fulcio, to prop.
FULI'GINOUS, adj. Sooty; smoky. L. fuliginosus : fuligo, soot.
FUL'MINATE. v. To make a loud crack ; to issue ecclesiastical cen-
sure. ~L.fulm.ino; from fulmen, thunder.
FUME. s.Smoke; vapour. L. fumus, smoke.
FUMIGATE, v. To fill with smoke or vapour. See FUME.
FUNCTION, s. Performance; employment. L. funclio : functus,
part, offungor, to execute.
FUND. s. A stock or capital money lent to government, constituting

a national debt, used in the pi. as the public funds. F. fond : L.

fundus, ground, bottom, foundation.
FUNDAMENTAL, adj. Relating to the foundation or origin essen- ;

tial. L. fundamentalis : fundamentum, a foundation; fundo, to

FUNG'OUS. adj. Excrescent. L. fungus, a mushroom.
FUNERAL, s. The solemnity which attends the consignment of a
body to the grave. L. funeris, gen. offunus, a funeral from funis, :

a cord because lighted cords or torches were carried, by the Ro-


mans, before the bodies which were interred by night.

FUR'TIVE. adj. Stolen. L.furtivus: fur, a thief.
FUSE. v. To melt. ~L.fusum, sup. of fundo, to pour out.
FUSE. s. A small pipe, inserted in a bomb-shell, through which the
exploding fire passes. Y.fuseau, a spindle.
FUSIBLE, adj. Capable of being melted. See the verb FUSE.
FUTILE, adj. Of no effect. L. futilis : futio, to pour out.
FU'TURE. adj. Relating to time to come. Ju.futurus, about to be:
part, of the irreg. v. sum, I am.


GAIN. s. Profit, advantage, interest. F. gain ; from gagne, to ac-

quire : L. gigno, to beget.
GAL' AX Y. s. A stream of light in the sky, called the milky way. G.
galaxia : galaxias ; from gala, milk. See the heathen mythology.
GAL'EATED. adj. Covered as with a helmet. L. galeatus : galea,
a helmet.
mode of speech peculiar to the French language.
F. gallicisme : L. Gallia, the ancient name of France.
GALLINA'CEOUS. adj. Denoting birds of the pheasant kind. L.
gallinaceus : gallina, a hen.
— :

GAN'GRENE. s. A cancerous sore. L. gangrcena : G. gangraina t

graino, to feed upon ; meaning, to destroy.

GAR'GLE. v. To wash the throat. F. gargouiller : G. gargareon,
the throat.
adorn; to decorate with appendages; to furnish.
F. garnir, to adorn or furnish.
GAR'RISON. s. The soldiers of a fortified town or castle; the town

or castle having defenders. F. garnison : garnir, to furnish.

GAR'RULOUS. adj. Talkative. L. garrulus ; from garrio, to prate.
boast ; a bravado. F. from Gascon, an inhabit-
ant of Gascony, in France ; a province remarkable for boasting.
GASOM'ETER. s. In chemistry, an instrument or apparatus, intended
to measure, collect, preserve, or mix different gases. Gas, and G.
melron, measure.
GASTRIC, adj. Relating to the stomach. G. gaster, the belly, or
GELATINOUS, adj. Of the nature of jelly. L. gelatus, p. part, of
gelo, to freeze : gelu, frost.
GEL'ID. adj. Extremely cold ; frozen. L. gelidus : gelu, frost.
GEM. s. A jewel. L. gemma, a jewel.
GEMTNI. s. A sign of the zodiac, represented by figures of the twin
brothers, Castor and Pollux. L. gemini, twins.
natural sex ; a grammatical sex.
F. gendre : L.
generis, genitive of: genus, a kind.
GENEAL OGY. s. History of the succession of families. G. genea-
logia : genea, a generation, and logos, a description.
GENERA, s. Classes. See GENUS.
GENERAL, s The totality; the main, without descending to parti-
culars :adj. comprehending many species or individuals ; not re-
strained by narrow or distinctive limitations ; public ; common. F.
general: L. generalis ; from generis, gen. of genus, a kind.
GENERATE, s. To beget; to produce. L. genero: genus, a race.
GENERTC. adj. Relating to a genus or class. F. generique : L. ge-
neris, genitive of genus, a race.
GEN'EROUS. adj. The primary meaning of this word, " of high birth"
or "good extraction," is long since obsolete. It now signifies noble-

minded, open-hearted, liberal ; when applied to animals, faithful,

courageous; when applied to wines, soils, &c, strong, rich, nutri-
tive. F. genereux : L. generosus, noble from generis, gen. of genus >

a race.
GEN'ESIS. s. The first book of Moses, which describes the creation
of the world and the lives of the first patriarchs. G. genesis : from
genea, a generation. -V
GE'NIAL. adj. Contributing to propagation ; natural. L. genialis :
genus, a race.
GEN'ITALS. s. The members of generation. L. genitalis. See
GENTTTVE. adj. A case in grammar, called by the Latins, genitivus
from gigno, to beget, because, it, in a manner, generates other cases
depending on it, and is chiefly used in the formation of compounded
GE'NIUS. s. The protecting or ruling power of men, places, or things

mental power or faculties a man endowed with superior faculties.

It appears that by the word genius, the ancients denoted a quality,

a. generative power. L. from the root of gigno : G. gennao, to beget.
GENTEEL', adj. Polite graceful fashionable. F. gentil : L. gen-

tilis, of the same family, or one to whom the estate would descend
from gentis, gen. of gens, a nation, or family.
GENTILE, s. A term applied, by the Israelites and Christians, to
distinguish a foreigner, or one who knew not the true God. L. gen-
tilis ; from gentis, gen. of gens, a nation.
GENTLE, adj. Formerly meant well-born; hence, the term gentle-
man; but it now signifies mild. See GENTEEL.
GENUFLEXION, s. The act of bending the knee. L. genu, a knee,
and Jlectio, or flexio, a bending; from jtecto, to bend.
GENUINE, adj. Not spurious unmixed ; natural. L. genuinus ;;

from genus, a kindred, or sort.

GE'NUS. s. In science, a class, comprehending many species. L.
genus, a race, or sort pi. genera, from geno, to beget.

GEOCENTRIC, adj. Applied to a planet or orb having the earth for

its centre, or the same centre with the earth. G. ge, the earth, and
L. centrum, the centre.
GEOGRAPHY, s. Description of the earth, according to its natural
or political divisions. G. ge, the earth, and graplio, to describe.
GEOL'OGY. s. The doctrine of the formation and composition of the
earth. G. ge, the earth, and logos, a word or description.
GEOM'ETRY. s. Originally signified the art of measuring the earth,
or certain divisions of it; but it is now used for the science of quan-
tity or extension, abstractedly, without any regard to matter. G.
geomelria : comp. of ge, the earth, and metreo, to measure.
GEOR'GIC. adj. Relating to the culture of land, as treated by Virgil.
L. georgicus : G. georgikon : ge, the earth, and ergon, work.
GER'MAN. adj. A
cousin-german, is one related to another by con.
sanguinity, or blood, not by affinity, or marriage. L. germanus :
germen, a sprout.
GER'MINATE. v. To sprout. L. germino: germen, a branch, or
GESTATION, s. The act of carrying the young before birth. L.
gestatio ; from gestus, p. part, of gero, to carry.
GESTICULATION, s. Various artificial gestures. L. gesticulatio.
GES'TURE. s. Expressive motion and carriage of the body. L. ges-
tus : gero, to carry.
GI'ANT. s. A man of size above the ordinary rate. L. gigantis, gen.
of gigas, a giant G. gigas ; comp. of ge, the earth, and gao, to be

born. See the heathen mythology.

GIB'BOUS. adj. Convex protuberant. L. gibbus : G. kuphos : kupto,

to bend.
GIGANTIC, adj. Of very large stature. L. gigantis, gen. of gigas,
a giant.
GLACIERS, s. Huge masses of mountain ice. F. glaciers : glace,
ice : L. glacies.
GLA'CIS. s. In fortification, is a smooth, sloping fence. F. glacis
glace, ice : L. glacies.

GLAD'IATOR. s. A Roman prize-fighter, with or without a sword.
L. gladiator ; from gladius, a sword. y
GLAND, s. A term in anatomy. F. gland : L. glandula, a kernel in
the flesh.
glandular disorder peculiar to horses, and creating
a purulent discharge from the nostrils. See GLAND.
GLEBE, s. Land; church-land. L. gleba, a lump of earth.
GLOBE, s. A round body the earth. L. globus, a ball.

GLOB'ULAR. adj. Having the form of a globe. See GLOBE.

GLOB'ULE. s. Around particle of matter. L. globulus. See GLOBE.
GLOM'ERATE. v. To gather into a ball or sphere. L. glomero:
glomus, a ball of thread.
GLOS'SARY. s. A dictionary of antiquated or obscure words. L.
glossarium : G. glossa, a tongue, or language.
GLOSSOG'RAPHER. s. A writer of glossaries; a commentator upon
words. G. glossa, a tongue, and grapho, to write.
GLOT'TIS. s. The narrow opening at the upper part of the aspera
arteria, or windpipe. G. glotta, the tongue.
GLUTINOUS, adj. Of the nature of glue. L. glutinosus : gluten, glue.
GLUT'TON. s. One who indulges too much in eating. F. glduton :
L. glutio, to swallow.
GNOMON, s. The hand or stile of a dial. G. gnomon : ginosko, to
GNOMONTCS. s. The art of dialling. G. gnomonike. See GNOMON.
GNOS'TIC. s. One of a numerous sect of Christians of the first cen-
tury, who pretended to a high degree of knowledge, and held extra-
vagant notions of religion. G. gnostikos : ginosko, to know.
GORGE, s. The throat; the gullet; in architecture, the narrowest part
of the Tuscan and Doric capitals, between the astragal, above the
shaft of the column and the annulets: in fortification, the entrance
of the platform. F. gorge, the neck or throat.
piece of armour, which defends the throat an orna- ;

ment worn by military officers, suspended from the neck, so as to

reach the breast. F. gorge, the throat or neck.
GOR'MANDIZE. v. To eat greedily. F. gourmand, a glutton.
GOVERN, v. To direct; to rule as a chief magistrate. F. gouverner
L. guberno, to steer a ship G. kubernao : kupto, to bend, and naus,

a ship.
GRADA'TION. s. Regular progress from one degree to another. L.
gradatio from gradus, a step.

GRADE, s. Rank
class ; : —
a word used only in the United States.
L. gradus, a step. v. To reduce to a proper level, or rank.
GRADUAL, adj. Proceeding by degrees. F. graduel : L. gradus, a
GRAD'UATE. v. To mark with degrees; to obtain a collegiate de-
gree. L. gradus, a step.
GRAMINEOUS, adj. Grassy. L. gramineus : gramen, grass.
GRAMINIVOROUS, adj. Grass-eating living ; on grass. L. gramen,
grass, and voro, to eat.
GRAMMAR, s. The art of using a language correctly a book which ;

teaches the science of grammar. F. grammaire : G. grumma, a


GRAN'ARY. s. A store for corn. L. granarium ; from granum, a
grain of corn.
GRANDILOQUENCE, s. High, lofty, big speaking. L. grandis,, and loquor, to speak.
GRAN 1TE. s. A sort of stone, formed of distinct grains or particles.
F. gravit : L. granum, a grain.
GRAN1V OROUS. adj. Living on grain. L. granum, a grain of corn,
and voro, to eat.
assign with a warranty or assurance of title and quiet
enjoyment; to concede; to admit; to allow. F. garantir, to war-
GRAN'ULATE. v. To form into grains. L. granum, a grain, and
latum, sup. offero, to bring.
GRA'PHIC adj. Relating to the art of delineating, or of engraving.
G. grapho, to write, or engrave.
GRATIFY, v. To indulge ; to please. L. gratificor : comp. of gra-
tus, agreeable, and facio,
make. to
GRATIS, s. Without requiring payment. L. gratis: gratus, wel-
GRATTTUDE. s. Desire to repay benefits. Low L. gratitudo ; from
grator, to thank.
GRATUITOUS, adj. Voluntary as a gift. L. gratuitus. See GRA-

TIS. Gratuitous is sometimes used to denote without proof; but,

this sense is erroneous.
GRATUITY, s. gift. F. graluite. See GRATIS.
GRATU'LATORY. adj. Expressing congratulation. L. gratulor, to
congratulate gratvs, welcome.

GRAVE, adj. Solemn. L. gravis, weighty.

GRAYER, s. An engraving tool. See ENGRAVE.
GRAVITATE, v. To tend, by intrinsic weight, towards the centre
of attraction. See GRAVITY.
GRAVITY, s. Weight; solemnity. L. gravitas : gravis, heavy.
mode of speech peculiar to the Greek language. L.
gr&cismus ; from Gratia, Greece.
GREGA'RIOUS. adj. Living in flocks. L. gregarius ; from greges,
pi. ofgrex, a flock.
GROSS, adj. Bulky palpable unrefined indelicate. F. gros, thick,
; ; ;

GUARANTEE', s. One who insures the fulfilment of a contract. F.
from garantir, (formerly guarantir,) to warrant.
garantie :

GUBERNATORIAL, adj. Relating to the office of a chief magistrate.

L. gubernator, a governor.
GUTTURAL, adj. Pronounced in the throat. L. gutturalis : guttur,
the throat.
GYMNAS'TIC. adj. Relating to athletic exercises. L. gymnasticus
G. gumnastikos : from gumnos, unclothed.
GYMNOS'OPHIST. s. One of a sect of Indian philosophers, who

thought it conformable with the law of nature to go naked. F.

gymnosophist : G. gumnos, naked, and sophistes, a philosopher.
GYRA'TION. s. The act of turning any thing about. L. gyratus,
turned about. G. guros, a circuit.
L 121


IIAB'EAS COR'PUS. The name of a judicial writ, which commands

a jailer, or other person having ;iny one in custody, or under restraint,
to bring him beiinre the court. L. habeas, you must have, corpus, the
body [before us.]
HA BE' RE FACIAS. If a person recovers a chattel interest, in
land, the writ of execution is an habere facias possessionem ; which
directs the sheriff to give actual possession. L.
HABIL IMENT. s. Dress. F. habillement : L. habeo, to have.
HAB'IT. s. The effect of custom; dress. L. habitus; habeo, to
HABITABLE, adj. Capable of being dwelt in. L. habitabilis. See
HABITATION, s. Place of abode. L. habitatio: habito, to dwell;
from habeo, to have.
HAGIOG'RAPHY. s. Sacred writings. G. hagios, holy, and grapho,
to write.
HAL'CYON. Happy.
L. halcyoneus : from Halcyone, daughter
of iEolus; who, (according to a heathen fiction,) drowned herself in
the sea whence, birds of the same name arose during whose hatch-
: ;

ing, there is always a calm.

HALLUCINATE, v. To stumble; to blunder. L. hallucinor, to
HAL'O. s. A
coloured circle around the sun, moon, or any of the
larger stars. G. halos, an area.
HAMADRYAD, s. According to the heathen mythology, nymphs
who presided over trees, with which they lived and died. G. hama %
together with, and drus, an oak.
HAM'ATED. adj. Hooked. L. hamatus : hamus, a hook.
HAN'APER. s. The clerk of the hanaper receives the fees due to the
king of England, for charters and patents. Low L. hanaperium, a
large basket, or a treasury.
HAR'MONY. s. Agreement ; musical concord. G. harmonia : comp.
of ha ro, to fit.
HAR'PY. s. According to the heathen mythology, a winged monster,
which had the face of a woman, the body of a vulture, and its feet
and fingers armed with sharp claws; a rapacious monster. L. har-
pia : G. harpax, rapacious.
HAUGHTY, adj. Proud; arrogant; contemptuous. F. haul, high;
or Irom a Saxon word of the same meaning.
HAUTEUR', s. Pride; haughtiness. F. hauteur: haut,h\gh.
UAUT-GOUT. s. Any thing with a strong relish. F. haut, high, and
gout, taste.
HEBDOMADAL, adj. Weekly. L. hebdomada : G. hebdomas, a
week : hepta, seven.
HECATOMB, s. An ancient heathen sacrifice of a hundred head of
cattle. L. hecatombes : G. hekatombe : hekaton, a hundred, and baus t
an ox.
HECTIC, adj. Constitutional. F. hectique : G. hexis, a habit.
HEIN'OUS. adj. Atrocious. F. haineux : from haine, ill-will.

HEIR, s, One to whom an estate or any property has descended. L.
hares : from hcereo, to stick or continue.
HELIOCEN'TRIC. adj. The heliocentric phce of a planet, is the
place of the ecliptic in which the pi met would appear, to a spectator,
at the centre of the sun. G. helios, the sun, and keatron, the
HE'LIOSCOPE. s. A kind of telescope, or glass, contrived to enable
one to look at the sun, without injury to the eye. G. helios, the sun,
and skopco, to view.
HELIOTROPE, s. The sun-flower; a flower which keeps its face
always towards the sun. G. helios, the sun, and trepho, to turn.
HELLEN'lAN. iadj. Pertaining to the Hellenes, or inhabitants oi
HELLEN'IC. \ Greece so called from Hellas, in Greece, or from

Hellen, G. hellenikos, hellenios.

word used in composition, signifying half. G. hemisu,
HEMISPHERE, s. Haifa sphere; half of the earth. G. hemisphai-
rion : comp. of hemisu, half, and sphaira, a globe, or sphere.
HEM'ISTIC. s. Haifa verse of poetry. G. hemistichion : hemisu, half,
and stichos, a verse.
HEMORRHAGE, s. A violent flux of blood. G. haimorrhagia
haima, blood, and rhegnumi, to burst.
HEMORRHOIDS, s. The piles. G. haimorrhois : haima, blood, and
rheo, to flow.
HEPAT'IC. adj. Relating or pertaining to the liver. L. hepaticus :
G. hepatos, gen. of hepar, the liver.
HEPTACHORD, s. A system of seven sounds; an instrument with
seven strings. G. hepta, seven, and chorde, a chord.
HEP'TAGON. s. A figure having seven sides and angles. G. hepta,
seven, and gonia, a corner, or angle.
HEPTAN'DRIA. s. A genus of plants with hermaphrodite flowers
and seven stamina. G. hepta, seven, and andria, virility.
HEPTAN'GULAR. adj. Having seven angles. G. hepta, seven, and
L. angulus, a corner, or angle.
HEPTARCHY, s. A federal government, consisting of seven states.
G. hepta, seven, and arche, government.
HERBIVOROUS, adj. Naturally inclined to eat herbs. L. herha, an
herb, and voro, to devour.
HERCULEAN, adj. Having great strength, or large bodily frame
laborious. See Hercules, in the heathen mythology.
HEREDITARY, adj. Descending by inheritance. L. hereditarius.
leader in heresy. F. heresiarque : G. hairesis,
heresy, and archos, a chief. See HERESY.
HER'ESY. s. An opinion different from the tenets of the catholic

church. F. heresie : G. hairesis : from hairco, to choose or adopt [an

HER'E TIC. s. One who propagates or is inclined to heresy. F. here-
tique: G. hairetikos. See HERESY.
HERTTAGE. s. Inheritance ; that which is or may be inherited. See

HERMA'PHRODITE. s. An animal, or a plant, which unites the

two sexes. G. hermaphrodites ; Hermes, Mercury, and Aphrodite,

Venus, See Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, title Hermaphro-
HERMETICALLY, adv. In a manner practised by chemists, (as
hermetically sealed.) G. Hermes, Mercury, the fabled inventor of
HER' MIT. s. A person who lives in solitude. F. hermite : G. hermites :

eremift, a desert.
HER'NI A. s. A
corporeal rupture. L. hernia ; G. hernos, a sprout
alluding to protuberance.
HE'RO. s. A man eminent for bravery; chief personage in a poem or
drama. L. heros, a hero G. heros, a demigod. :

species of cutaneous inflammation. L. herpes : G.
herpo, to creep.
HERPETOL'OGY. s. A description of animals that creep. G. herpo,
to creep, and logos, a description.
HESTTATE. v. To pause. L. hasito : from hareo, to stick fast.
HESPE'RIAN. adj. Western ; situated at the west. L. hesperius ;
from hesperus ; vesper, the evening star G. hesperos. :

HETEROCLITE. adj. Irregular; varying from the common modes

of declension deviating from the common rule. L. heteroclitum :

G. heteros, another, and klino, to incline or turn away.

HET'ERODOX. adj. Differing from an established opinion. G.heteros,
another, and doxa, an opinion.
HE TEROGE'NEOUS, adj. Dissimilar in natural qualities. G. heteros,
another, and genos, a kind.
HEX'ACIIORD. s. A system of six sounds ; an instrument with six
strings. G. hex, and chorde, a chord.
figure having six sides and angles.
s. G. hex, six,
and gonia, a corner, or angle.
HEXAMETER, adj. Relating to verse of six feet. L. hexameter: G.
hex, six, and metron, a measure.
HEXAN'GULAR. adj. Having six angles. G. hex, six, and L. angulus,
a corner, or angle.
HEX' APOD. s. An animal with six feet. G. hex, six, and podes, (pi.
of prms,) feet.
HEX'ASTILE. s. A building with six columns in front. G. hex, six,
and stulus, a style, pin, or pillar.
HIA'TUS. s. A chasm ; an omission in writing. L. hiatus : hio, to
HIBER'NAL. adj. Relating to winter. L. hibernus, relating to winter.
HIBERNATE, v. To winter ; to pass the season of winter in close
quarters, or in seclusion, as birds or beasts. L. hiberno : hibernus,
HI'ERARCH. s. The chief of a sacred order. G. hieros, holy, and
archos, a chief.
HIEROGLYPHIC, s. An emblem by which an idea or word is signi-
fied. L. hieroglyphicus : G. hieros, sacred, and glupho, to carve :

because, used anciently in religious writings.

HIEROG'RAPHY. s. Holy writing. G. hieros, sacred, and grapha,
to write.
HIEROL'OGY. s. A discourse on sacred things. G. hieros, sacred,
and logos, a word.
HILAR'ITY. s. Mirth. L.hilaiitas: G. hilaros, joyful.
HIPPOCEN'TAUR. In ancient fable, a supposed monster, half man

and half horse. The hippocentaur differed from the centaur, in this,
that the latter rode on an ox, the former en a horse, as the name
imports. G. hippokentauros : hippos, a horse; kenteo, to spur, and
tauros, a bull.
HIP'PODROME. s. Anciently, a circus, or place in which horse-

races and chariot-races were performed, and horses exercised. G.

hippodromos : hippos, a horse, and drotnos, a course ; dremo, to run.
HIP'POGRIFF. s. A winged horse, imagined by the Italian poet,
Ariosto. G. hippos, a horse, and grups, a griffin.

HIPPOPOTAMUS, s. The river-horse. L. hippopotamus : G. hippos,

a horse, arid potumos, a river.
HISTORIOGRAPHER, s. A writer of history. G. historia, history,
and grapho, to write.

HISTORIOL'OGY. s. Knowledge of history ; explanation of history.

G. historia, history, and logos, a word.
HIS'TORY. s. A dignified narration of events; narration. L. historia:
G. historia : histor, a witness.
HISTRIONIC, adj. Theatrical. L. histrio, a stage-player.
HOM'AGE. s. Service paid, and fealty professed, to a sovereign or
superior lord, by his tenant or vassal; who, holding up his hands,
both together, between those of the lord, professed that he became
his man, from that day forth, &c. respect shown, by external ac-

tion. F. hommage : L. homagivm : homo, a man.

HOM'ICIDE. s. The unpremeditated killing of any human being. L.
homicidium : comp. of homo, a man, or human being, and ccedo, to
HOMILY, s. A religious discourse read to a congregation. G. homi-
lia : from homileo, to associate.
HOMOGE'NEAL. adj. Having the same nature or principles. G.
homos, like, and genos, a kind.
HON'EST. adj. Upright chaste. L. honestus : honor,
; just ; ;

honour, respect.
HON'OUR. s. Dignity; reputation; nobleness of mind; reverence.
L. honor, honour.
HON'ORARY. adj. Done in honour; having honour without gain.
L. honorarius. See HONOUR.
HORIZON, s. The line which terminates the view. G. horizon :
horizo, to limit.
HORTZON'TAL. adj. Parallel to the. horizon ; level. See HORIZON.
HOROLOGTCAL. adj. Relating or pertaining to the hours. G. hora,
an hour, and logos, a word or descripiion.
HOROM'ETRY. s. The art or practice of measuring time by hours
and subordinate divisions. G. hora, an hour, and rnelreo, to measure.
configuration of the planets, by an astrologer, at

any particular hour. G. horoskopos : hora, an hour, and skopeo, to

l* 125

HOR'RID. adj. Hideous ; dreadful. L. horrid us ; horreo, to be' rough ;
to tremble through fear.
HORS DE COMBAT. A French term, denoting wounded, or ren-
dered, by some other accident, in battle, unfit for immediate service :
hors, out, df, of, combat, battle.
HORTATIVE, adj. Exhortive. L. hortativus : from hortor, to advise.
HORTICULTURE, s. The art of cultivating gardens. L. horti, gen.
of hortus, a garden, and culture.
HOSAN'NA. s." Exclamation of praise to God. G. hosavna ; from two
Hebrew words signifying, I pray salvation, I wish prosperity.

HOSPITABLE, adj. Kind to strangers. L. hospitabilis : hospitiu?n,

an inn hospes, a guest, or an entertainer.

place built for the reception of the sick, or poor.
L. hospitalis, belonging to strangers. See HOSPITABLE.
HOST. s. One who entertains in his own house the landlord of ah ;

inn. —
F. hoste : L. hospes, an entertainer. An army assembled for

war; a multitude: hoslis, an enemy. The consecrated wafer in the
Roman church hostia, a sacrifice lor having obtained a victory over

enemies; or a sacrifice in general.

HOSTILE, adj. Adverse opposed. L. hostilis : from hostes, a fo-

reigner, a public enemy.

HOTEL', s. A
lodging-house, for the accommodation of occasional
lodgers, who are supplied with apartments, hired for the night, or
by the week. F. hotel ; L. hospes, an entertainer.
HUE. s. Hue and Cry, is the old common-law process of pursuing,
with horn and with voice, all felons, and such as have dangerously
wounded another. F. huer, to hoot at, or shout.
HU'MAN. adj. Having the qualities of a man ; relating or belonging
to mankind. L. humanus ; homo, a man.
HUM A'NE. adj. Charitable; merciful. F. humaine. See HUMAN.
HUM'BLE. adj. Low ; unassuming. F. humble : L. humilis : from
humus, the ground.
HU'MID. adj. Moist; watery. L. humidus : humus, the ground.
HUMILTTY. s. Humbleness; freedom from arrogance. F. humility
L. humilkas. See HUMBLE.
HU'MOUR. s. Bodily moisture; temper of mind; a sort of wit. L.
humor. See HUMID.
HY'DRA. s. A
monstrous water-serpent, with many heads, said to
have been slain by Hercules a complicated mischief. L. hydra :

G. hud or, v^ater.

HY'DRANT. s. A pipe, with a turncock attached, from which water
issues for the convenience of the public, or of a private family. G.
hudor, water.
HYDRAUL'ICS. s. The art of conveying water through pipes. G.
hudor, water, and aulos, a pipe.
HYDROCETHALOUS. s. A dropsy in the head. L. pydrocephalos
G. hudor, water, and kephale, the head.
preservative against moisture. G. hudor, water,
and/ug-o, to drive away.
HY'DROGEN. s. One of the constituent parts of water. G. hudor^
water, and gennao, to generate.

HYDROG'RAPHY. s. The art and practice of measuring and de-

scribing the sea, lakes, rivers, and other waters. G. hudor, water,
and grapho, to write.
HYDROM'ETER. s. An instrument for ascertaining the weight of

liquids. G. hudor, water, and metreo, to measure.

HYDRONAM'ICS. s. Laws relating to the motion of water.
HYDROPHO'BIA. s. Canine madness; the most striking evidence
of which is a dread of water. L. hydrophobia : G. hudrophobia : hu-
dor, water, and phobos, dread.
HYDROPIC, adj. Dropsical. L. hydropicus : G. hudrops, the dropsy :
hudor, water, and ops, an appearance.
HYDROSTATICS, s. The science of the weight and pressure of

water. G. hudor, water, and statos, part, of istemi, to stand or sus-

HYGROM'ETER. s. An instrument for denoting the humidity of the
atmosphere. G. hugros, moist, and metreo, to measure.
HY'GROSCOPE. s. An hygrometer. G. hugros, moist, and skopeo,
to view.
HYGROSTATTCS. s. The science which ascertains degrees of mois-

ture. G. hugros, moist, and statos, part, of istemi, to stand or sustain.

HYMENE'AL. adj. Relating to marriage. L. Hymen, the god of
HYMN. s. song of praise a divine song. F. hymne : G. humnos,

a song of praise.
HYMNOL'OGY. s. A collection of hymns. G. humnos, a song of
praise, and logos, a word.
HYPERBOLA, s. term in mathematics. G. huper, over, and ballo,
to throw.
rhetorical figure, by which any thing is in-

creased or diminished beyond the truth. L. hyperbole : G. huperbole

com p. of huper, over, and ballo, to throw.
HYPERBO'REAN. adj. Northern. L. hyperboreus : G. huper, be-
yond, and Boreas, the north.
HYPERCRITICAL, adj. Captiously exact as a critic critical be- ;

3^ond use. G. huper, above, and critical. See CRITIC.

mark (-)'used to join words, and parts of words. G.
huphen, together.
HYPOCHON'DRIAC. adj. Melancholy; disordered in the imagina-
tion a state in which a person is bound down, as by some animal

cord. E. hxjpochondriaque : G. hupo, under, and chondros, a cartilage.

HYPOCRISY, s. Dissimulation, with regard to moral or religious
sentiments. G. hupokrisis : hupo, under, and krisis, a judgment, or
opinion : meaning an appearance under a mask.
HYPOGAS'TRIC. adj. Seated in the lower part of the belly. F. hy-
pogastrique : G. hupo, under, and gaster, the belly.
HYPOTENUSE, s. The longest side of a right-angled triangle. G.
hupotenousa ; comp. of hupo, under, and teino, to stretch out.
HYPOTHECATE, v. To deposite as a pledge. L. hypotheca, a
pledge G. hupo, from, and theke, a place of deposite,

HYPOTHESIS, s. supposition or a proposition or principle which

is supposed or taken for granted. L. hypothesis: G. hupothesis ;

hupo, before, and thesis, a position.
HYPOTHETIC, or HYPOTHETICAL, adj. Including a supposi-
tion ; conditional. See HYPOTHESIS.
HYSTERIC, or HYSTERICAL, adj. Subject to a species of fits.
G. husierikos : hustera, the womb from which region, the cause of

this female weakness is supposed to issue.


IAM'BUS. s. A poetical foot,

consisting of a short syllable followed by
a long one. L. iambus : G. iambos ; from iambizo, to rail or revile ;
the iambic measure having been originally used only in satire.
ICH'OR. s. A thin, watery humour. G. ichor, raw or immature blood.
science of the nature of fishes. G. ichthu-
ologia ; comp. of ichthus, a fi>h, and logos, a description.
ICH THY'OPHAGY.s. Diet offish. G.ichtus, a fish, and ph ago, to eat.
ICON'OCLAST. s. An image-breaker ; a term applied to a sect of the
early Christians, who considered the worship of images in the Ro-
man Catholic churches as idolatry. G. eikon, an image, and klao,
to break.
history or description of images. G. eikon t
an image, and grapho, to write.
ICTER'ICAL. adj. Afflicted with jaundice. L. ictericus : G. ikteros,
the jaundice.
IDEA, A mental conception. G. idea ; from eido, to see; that is,

in the mind.
IDEN'TITY. s. Sameness. L. identitas : idem, the same.
IDES. s. A term in the Roman kalendar, denoting the 13th day of
each month, except of March, May, July, and October, in which it
relates to the 15th. L. idus. The ides were generally about the
middle of the month and therefore we may derive the word from

iduare, an obsolete verb, signifying to divide. Kennett's Rom. Ant.

IDIOM, s. A mode of speech peculiar to a language. G. idioma;
from idios, peculiar.
IDIOT, One born a fool. L. idiota, an illiterate, simple person; a

private man, not in office G. idios, private. :

I'DOL. An image worshipped as God one loved or honoured almost

s. ;

to adoration. L. idolmn : G. eidolon, an image from eido, to see. :

IGNEOUS, adj. Containing fire. L. igneus : ignis, fire.

IGNIF'LUOUS. adj. Flowing with fire. L. ignijluus : ignis, fire,
undfluo, to flow.
IGNIPOTENT. s. Presiding over fire. L. ignipotens : ignis, fire,
and potens, able.
IG'NIS-FAT'UUS. s. A meteor arising from marshes or stagnant
waters ; will-o-the-wisp. L. ignis, fire, and fatuus, foolish or flashy.
IGNI'TE. v. To kindle. L. ignis, fire.
IGNIV'0?flOUS. Vomiting
L. ignis, fire, and vomo, to vomit.
adj. fire.
IGNOMINIOUS, adj. Disgraceful.
L. ignominiosvs ; from ignomi-
nia, properly a mark of disgrace prefixed to a man's name by the
Roman censors ignavus, slothful or cowardly, and nomen, a name.

IGNORA'MUS. s. Signifies "we are ignorant of it;'- "we do not


a verdict of acquittal given by a grand jury.
L. ignoro, to be ignorant.
IG'NORANT. adj. Wanting knowledge; untauglit. F. ignorant : L.
ignorons, part, of ignoro, not to know in, not, and gnarus, skilful, :

IGNORE, v. To quash a bill of indictment, by writing on it the word

ignoramus. See IGNORAMUS.
ILLATIVE, adj. Relating to inference or conclusion.
L. Hiatus, p.
part, of infer ocomp.- of in, into, and few, to bring.

ILLAU'DIBLE, adj. Not deserving praise or approbation. L. illau-

dabilis ; comp. of in, not, and laudabilis, praiseworthy: laudo, to
ILLE'GAL. adj. Not lawful. L. in, not, and legal.
ILLE'GIBLE. adj. Impossible to be read. L. in, not, and legible.
ILLEGITIMATE, adj. Irregular not born in wedlock.
; L. in, not,
and legitimate.
ILLIB'ERAL. adj. Not liberal; not generous; sparing. L. illibe.
ralis : in, not, and liberalis, genteel, liberal : liber, free.
ILLICIT, adj. Unlawful. L. illicitus ; from in, not, and liceo, to be
ILLIT'ERATE. adj. Unlearned ; untaught. L. illiteratus ; comp. of
in, without, and litera, letters.
ILLU'MINATE. v. To enlighten ; to adorn with lights. L. illumino
in, into, and lumen, light.
ILLU'DE. v. To deceive, or mock. L. illudo : in, against, and ludo,
to sport.
ILLU'SION. s. Deception ; error. L. illusio. See ILLUDE.
ILLUS'TRATE. v. To explain. L. illustro : in, concerning, and
lustro, to purify ; that is, from obscurity.
to free
ILLUS'TRIOUS. adj. Conspicuously eminent for good qualities
; no-

ble. L. illustris, bright.

IM'AGE. s. A
corporeal representation a statue a picture ; sem- ; ;

blance appearance. L. imago ; from imitor, to imitate.


IMA'GINE. v. To fancy to paint in the mind to contrive. L. ima-

; ;

ginor. See IMAGE.

IM'BECILE. adj. Weak ineffectual. L. imbecillis, weak.

IMBI'BE. v. To draw in; to absorb; to acquire. L. imbibo ; comp.

of in, into, and bibo, to drink.
IM'BRICATED. adj. Indented with cavities ; hollowed like a gutter-
tile. L. imbricis, gen. of imbrex, a small canal or gutter to carry
off rain imber, a shower of rain.

IMBUE', v. To tincture deeply ; to furnish completely. L. imbuo, to

dye, or soak.
IMMACULATE, adj. Spotless pure without a moral blemish. L.
; ;

immaculatus : from in, without, and macula, a spot.

IMMAS'CULATE. v. To deprive of virility. L. in, not, and mas, a
IMMATU'RE. adj. Unripe; unfinished; hasty. L. in, not, and ma-
IMME'DIATE. aaj. Without any cause or event intervening; proxi-
mate ; instant. L. in, not, and medius, a middle.
IMME?vIO'RlAL. adj. Beyond human remembrance, or tradition. L.
in, not, or without, and memorial.

IMMENSE', adj. Unlimited ; huge. L. immensus : in, not, and men-
sus, (part, of metior,) measured.
IMMERGE'. v. To immerse. L. immergo : in, within, and mergo, to
IMMERSE', v. To din; to engage deeply. L. immersum, sup. of
immergo. See IMMERGE.
IM'MIGRATE. v. To migrate into; to enter as an emigrant. L.
immigro: in, into, and migro, to shift the habitation.
IM'MINENT. adj. Impending threatening. L. imminens
; : in, upon,
and minor, to threaten.
IMMISCIBLE, adj. Not capable of being mingled. L. in, not, and
IMMOBILITY, s. Immovableness resistance to motion. ; F. immo-
bility : L. in, without, and mobilitas, mobility, or activity ; jnoveo, to
IM'MOLATE. v. To sacrifice. L. immolo ; comp. of in, upon, and
mola, meal or flour, which was anciently mixed with salt, and sprin-
kled upon the head of the beast at the time of the sacrifice.
IMMOR'AL. adj. Against the laws of natural religion dishonest; ;

L. in, not, and moral.

IMMORTAL, adj. Exempt from death; everlasting. L. in, not, and
IMMU'NITY. s. Privilege exemption. F. immunite : L. immunitas

in, without, mnnus, a gift, charge, or duty.

IMMURE, v. To imprison. L. in, within, and murus, a wall.
IMMUTABLE, adj. Unchangeable; unalterable. L. in, not, and
I?*IPA'LE. v. To enclose with stakes to put to death, by fixing upon ;

a stake. F. empaler : en, in or upon, and L. palus, a stake.

IMPAL'PABLE. adj. Imperceptible by touch. L. in, not, and pal-
IMPARTIAL, adj. Free from regard to party; just. L. in, not, and
IMPEACH', v. To accuse ; to accuse by public authority. F. empe-
cher, to hinder; because, the accused is supposed to be arrested, or
obstructed in his usual employments and rights.
IMPECCABLE, adj. Exempt from possibility of sin. L. in, not, and
pecco, to sin.
IMPEDE, v. To delay to obstruct. L. impedio ; from in, against,

and pedes, (pi. of pes,) the feet.

IMPEL', v. To drive on towards a point; to urge forward. ~L.impello:
in, upon, and pello, to drive.
IMPEND', v. To hang over, as if threatening. L. impendeo : in,
upon, and pendeo, to hang.
IMPENITENT, adj. Unrepenting; obdurate. L. in, not, and penitent.
IMPEN'NOUS. adj. Without wings. L. in, without, penna, a quill,
or wing.
IMPER'ATIVE. adj. Commanding; absolutely required. L. impera-
tivus : irnpero, to command.
IMPE'RIAL. adj. Relating to empire, or to an empire, in the same
manner as regal, or royal, relates to a kingdom. L. imperialis : irn-
pero, to rule.
IMPE'RIOUS. adj. Arrogant ;
powerful. L. imperiosus ; from xm-
pero, to rule or command.
IMPE'RIUM IN IMP E' RIO. One government within, or subject
to, another; exemplified in the relation which the several states of
America bear to the federal government. L. imperium, a govern-
ment, in, witliin, imperio, a government.
IMPERTINENT, adj. Of no relation to the matter in debate; intru-
sive. L. in, not, and pertinent.
IMPER'VIOUS. adj. Impenetrable. L. impervius ; com p. of in, with-
out, and pervium, a passage per, through, and via, a way.

IMPETUOUS, adj. Violent; passionate. F. impetueux. See IM-

IM'PETUS. s. Violent tendency to any point; violent effort. L. im-
petus, natural desire or instinct: impeto, to invade; in, into, and
peto, to urge, to rush.
IMPINGE', v. To strike or fall against. L. impingo ; from in, against,
and pango, to strike.
IMPIOUS, adj. Irreligious; wicked, L. impius ; in, not, and pius,
religious, or just.
IMPLACABLE, adj. Not to be appeased. L. implacabilis ; in, not,
and placo, to appease.
IM'PLEMENT. s. Something that supplies a want; a utensil ; a tool.
L. implernentum ; from irnpleo, to fill.
IMPLE TION. s. The act of filling, or state of being full. L. impleo,
to fill.

IMPLICATE, v. To entangle ; to involve. L. implico ; in, together,

and plico, to knit, or fold.
IMPLICIT, adj. Inferred; not expressed; resting upon another;
trusting without reserve or examination. L. implicitus ; p. part, of
implico ; in, in, and plico, to fold.
IMPLO'RE. v. To solicit in a suppliant manner. L. imploro ; in, to-
wards, and ploro, to weep, or cry out.
IMPLY', v. To include as a consequence or concomitant. L. implico ;
•in, into, and plico, to fold.
IMPLU'MOUS. adj. Without feathers. L. implumis ; in, without,
and pluma, a feather.
IMPORT', To bring from abroad to imply. L. imporlo ; comp.
v. ;

of and porto, to carry.

in, into,
IM'PORT. s. Tendency; meaning pi. merchandise imported. See :

the verb.
IMPOR'TANT. adj. Momentous ; considerable. L. importans, part,
of imporlo ; in, into, and porto, to carry ; meaning, to carry some-
thing weighty or effective.
IMPORTU'NE. v. To tease to solicit unceasingly. L. importunitas,

importunity, unreasonableness in, towards, and porto, to carry ;


meming, to carry a solicitation frequently.

IMPOSE', v. To lay upon as a burthen or penalty to exact to cheat. ; ;

F. imposer : L. impositum, sup. of impono ; in, upon, and pono, to

IMPOS'SIBLE. adj. Impracticable. L. in, not, and possible.

IM'POST. s. A tax. F. impost : L. impositus. See IMPOSE.

IM'POTENT. adj. Powerless ; weak. L. Impotens ; in, not, and po-
tens, (part, of possum,) able.
IMPOUND', v. To put into a pound, or place for receiving cattle that -

have strayed, or been stolen. L. in, into, and pono, to place.

IMPRECATE, v. To pray for evil. L. imprecor ; in, against, and
precor, to pray.
IMPREGNABLE, adj. Not to be entered, or subdued. F. imprenable,
(formerly impregnable ;) L. in, not, and prcegno, lo fill.
IMPREG'NATE. v. To saturate ; to make pregnant. L. in, into, and
pr&gno, to fill.

IMPRESS', v. To imprint; to constrain. L. impressum, sup. of i?n-

primo ; comp. of in, into, and premo, to press.
IMPRIMA'TUR. A term used to give permission to print, in countries
where the press is not free, but subject to a censor. L. imprimatur,
" let it be printed :" imprimo, to print.
IMPRINT', pressure.
v. See PRINT.
To mark by
IMPROMPTTJ. A witticism, produced without preparation. L. im-
promptu, in readiness.
IMPUDENT, adj. Immodest; intrusive. L. impudens ; in, without,
and pudor, shame.
IMPUGN', v. To attack ; to oppose. L. impugno ; in, against, and
pvgno, to fight.
IMPULSE, s. Communicated force ; motive. L. impulsus, p. part.
of impello and pello, to drive.
; in, against,
IMPUNITY, s. Freedom from punishment. F. impunite L. impu- :

nitas ; in, not, and punio, to punish.

IMPUTE, v. To attribute. L. imputo ; comp. of in, concerning, and
puto, to suppose.
INACCESSIBLE, adj. Not accessible ; not to be reached. L. in, not,
and accessible.
INACCURATE, adj. Not accurate ; incorrect. L. in, not, and accu-
INADVER'TENCE. s. Carelessness ; inattention. L. in, not, and ad-
vertens, part, of adverio, to turn to: ad, towards, and verto, to turn.
INALIENABLE, adj. Not to be granted or given away to another.
L. in, not, and alienable. See ALIENATE.
INANIMATE, adj. Without life; dull. L. inanimatus ; from in y
without, and anima, breath, or souL
INANITY, s. Emptiness; void space, h.inanitas; inanis, empty.
INAUDIBLE, adj. Not possible to be heard. L. in, not, and audible.
INAU'GURATE. v. To invest with a new office, by solemn rites. L.
inauguro ; comp. of in, into, and augur, a soothsayer; alluding to
the ancient ceremony of consulting omens, as to the future success
of the person invested.
INCANTA'TION. s. Charms uttered by singing; pretended enchant-

ment. F
incantation : L. incanto, to enchant; in, into, and canto,

to repeat often the same thing cano, to sing. :

INCAR'CER ATE. v. To imprison. L. incarcero ; from in, into, and

career, a prison.
INCARNATE, adj. Embodied with flesh. L. incarnatus, p. part, of
incarno, to embody with flesh : in, into, and carnem, accus. of caro,
INC ARNA'TIQN. s. The assumption of body. F. incarnation. See
INCEN'DIARY. s. One who burns any thing maliciously ; a conspi-
rator. L. incendiarius ; incendo, to set on fire.
IN'CENSE. s. Perfume exhaled by fire, in honour of a deity ; flattery.
L. incensutn ; incendo, to set on fire.
INCENSE', v. To enrage, to provoke. L. incensum, sup. of incendo,
to set on fire.
INCEN'TIVE. s. Provocation incitement. ; L. incentivutn ; from in.
cendo. See INCENSE'.
INCEP'TIVE. adj. Noting a beginning. L. inceptivus ; from incipio.
INCESSANT, adj. Unceasing. L. in, not, and cessans, part, of cesso,
to cease.
IN'CEST. s. Criminal connexion of persons within prohibited degrees
of consanguinity. L. incestum ; in, not, and castus, chaste, or pure.
INCHOATE, adj. In an incipient state; just, begun; imperfect. L.
inckoatus, p. pirt. o? inch 00 ; comp. of in, not, and coquo, to boil.
IN'CIDENT. adj. Casual fortuitous apt to happen. L. incidens,
; ;

part, of incido ; in, into, and cado, to fall.

INCINERATE, v. To burn to ashes. L. in, into, and cineres,
INCIPTENT. adj. State of commencement; proceeding after a be-
ginning; early; immature. L. incipiens, part, of incipio ; in, into,
and capio, to take.
INCISION, s. Act of cutting into a ; cut. L. incisio ; incisus, p. part.
of incido ; in, into, and caido, to cut.
INCI'TE. ». To urge on. ~L.incito; in, to, and citum, sup. of cieo, to
INCLEMENT, adj. Unmerciful ; severe. L. in, not, and clemens,
INCLI'NE. v. To bend, or lean to be favourable. L. inclino ; in, to-

wards, and clino, to bend. G. klino.

INCLUDE, v. To comprise. L. includo; in, in, and claudo, to shut.
INCLUSIVE, adj. Comprised. F. inclusif : L. inclusus, p. part, of
includo. See INCLUDE.
INCOG' NITA. Unknown applied to a single thing of the feminine

gender, as, terra incognita, the unknown country the fair incog. :

nita, or unknown female or to several things of the neuter gender.


L. incognitas ; in, not, and cognosco, to know.

term, abbr. incog., which denotes a concealment
of the proper person or rank, when travelling, or in any public place
of amusement. See INCOGNITA.
INCOHERENT, adj. Unconnected; inconsistent. L. in, not, and
INCOMMO'DE. v. To inconvenience. L. incommodo ; in, not, and
commodo, to help.
INCOMPATIBLE, adj. Inconsistent. L. in, not,and compatible.
INCONTINENT, adj. Variable inconstant ; ; unchaste. L. in, not,
and continent.
INCORPORATE, v. To unite ; to form into a corporation. L. in,
into, and corporate.
m 133

INCORPO'REAL. adj. Not corporeal ; spiritual. L. in, not, and cor-
INCORRIGIBLE, adj. Bad beyond amendment. L. in, not, and cor-
IN'CREMENT. s. Increase; produce. L. incrementum ; from in-
cresco, to increase.
INCUBA'TION. s. Hatching L. incubatio ; incubo, to lie or sit on

. :

in, upon, and cumbo, to lie down.

INCUBUS, s. The night-mare an inflation of the members of the ;

stomach, which causes the sensation of a weight, oppressing the

breast. L. from incurnbo, to lie upon.
INCUL'OATE. v. To impress on the mind, by frequent repetitions.
L. inculco ; in, into, and calco, to tread calx, the heel. :

INCUL'PATE. v. To charge with a fault; to criminate. L. in, upon,

and culpa, a fault.
INCUM'BENT. adj. Lying on; imposed as a duty. L. incumbens,
part, of incurnbo. See INCUMBER.
INCUM'BENT. s. One who is in the enjoyment of an office. See the
INCUM BER. r. To oppress to inconvenience. , F. encombrer : L.

incurnbo, to lean upon : upon, and cumbo, to lie down.

INCUR', v. To become liable to to cause. L. incur ro ; in, into, and

curro, to run.
INCUR'SION. s. Hasty and sudden invasion inroad. L. incursio ; ;

comp. of in, into, and cursum, sup. of curro, to run.

INDECOROUS, adj. Indecent unbecoming. L. in, not, and de-

INDEFATIGABLE, adj. Not to be wearied. L. indefatigabilis ; in,
not, and defatigo, to weary.
INDEFEIS'IBLE. adj. Not to be annulled irrevocable. ; F. indefai-
sible ; in, signifying, not, and defaire, to undo.
INDEFINITE, adj. Unlimited; undetermined. L. in, not, and de-
INDELIBLE, adj. Not to be blotted out or effaced never to be for- ;

gotten. L. indelibilis ; in, not, and deleo, to blot out.

INDEM'NIFY. v. To secure against loss. L. in, not, and an obsolete
English word, damnify ; damnum, hurt, loss.
INDENT, v. To mark or cut in the form of a row of teeth. L. in,
after the manner of, and dentes, (pi. of dens,) teeth.
INDENTURE, s. written document, of which there is at least one
counterpart: from indent; because, the several writings, placed one
upon another, were formerly indented, with a knife; so that, when,
at any future time, laid together again, a forgery could be detected,
if there appeared any disagreement in the parts indented.
IN'DEX. s. A
discoverer; a pointer; table of contents. L. index
indictus,p. part, of indico. See INDICATE.
INTRICATE, v. To show. L. indico; in, concerning, and dico, to
INDICATIVE, adj. Showing; simply affirming, as, " I love." L.
indicalivus. See INDICATE.
IN' DICES, s. Algebraic quantities. L. indices, pi. of index. See

INDICT'MENT. s. (Pronounced indilement.) A written accusation,
preferred to, and presented on oath by, a grand jury. L. in, against,
and dico, to say.
INDIGENOUS, adj. Originally produced in a country not exotic. ;

L. indigena, a native G. endon, within, and gennao, to produce.


IN'DIGENT. adj. Needy; poor. L. indigens, part, of indigeo, to be

INDIGNA'TION. s. sentiment of anger, awakened by the atrocious
or unworthy conduct of another. L. indignatio ; from indignor, to
think unworthy.
INDISPENSABLE, adj. Not to be spared ; essentially necessary. L.
in, not, and dispensable. See DISPENSE.
INDIVID'UAL. adj. Separate from others of the same kind single. ;

L. individuus ; in, not, and divido, to divide; meaning, one that

cannot be subdivided.
INDIVISIBLE, adj. Not possible to be divided. L. in, not, and divi-
IN'DOLENT. adj. Careless ; lazy. L, in, not, and dolens, part, of
doleo, to feel or fret.
INDU'BITABLE. adj. Unquestionable certain. L. indvbitabilis ;

comp. of in, not, and dubium, a doubt.

INDU'CE. v. To persuade; to influence; to cause. L. induco ; in,
towards, and duco, to lead.
INDUCTION, s. A term mode of argument
in logic, expressing a
more tedious than a syllogism by which, from several particular

propositions, we infer one general proposition. It is used also to de-

note the giving corporal possession of a church, to a new minister.
L. induclio ; from in, into, and ductus, p. part, of duco, to lead.
INDUE', v. To invest to furnish. L induo, to put on, or cover over.

INDULGE', v. To be favourable to; to encourage by compliance; to

gratify with concession; to fondle. L. indulgeo ; comp. of in, to-
wards, and dulcis, sweet.
INDURATE, v. To harden. L. induro ; from in, into, and durus,
INEB'RIATE. v. To intoxicate to make drunk. L. inebrio ; in, ;

into, and ebrius, soaked, drenched, drunk.

INEBRIATION, s. Intoxication. L. in, in, and ebrieias, drunken-
INEF'FABLE. adj. Unspeakable ; unutterable. F. ineffable : L. in.
effabilis ; in, not, ad, with regard to, and for, to speak.
INEPT', adj. Trifling ; foolish ; useless. L. ineptus ; in, not, and
aptus, fit.

INERT', adj. Inactive ; sluggish ; motionless. L. iners ; in, without,

and ars, power, or art.
INES'TIMABLE. adj. Invaluable. L. inestimabilis ; in, not, and
tsstimo, to value.
INEVITABLE, adj. Unavoidable ; certain. L. ineviiabilis ; in, not,
and evito, to shun.
INEX'ORABLE. adj. Not to be entreated
L. inexorabilis ; ; inflexible.
in, not, ex, from, and orari, (infin. oforor,) to be entreated.
INEX'PLICABLE. adj. Incapable of being explained. L. inexplica-
hilis / in, not, and explico, to unfold.
IN EXTEN'SO. At large ; without any curtailment or abridg-
ment. L.
INFAL'LIBLE. adj. Free from the possibility of error ; certain. L.
in, not, and fallible.
IN'FAMOUS. adj. Publicly branded with guilt. L. infamis ; in, with-
out, and/a?rca, reputation.
IN'FANT. s. A young child ; in law, a minor. L. infans, without
speech : in, not, and for, to speak.
IN'FANT. adj. In a state of commencement. See the noun.
INFANTICIDE, s. The murder of a ; comp. child. L. infanticidium
of infans, a child, and ccedo, to kill.
IN'FANTRY. s. Foot soldiers. F. infanterie ; enfant, an infant, mean-
ing, that those soldiers are small, in comparison with cavalry.
INFAT'UATE. v. To strike with folly to deprive of understanding. ;

L. infatuo ; in, into, wci&fatuus, silly,

INFECT', v. To taint to pollute. L. infectum, sup. of injicio, to

stain in, into, and facio, to make.


INFER', v. To deduce. L. infero ; from in, into, and fero, to bring.

INFE'RIOR. adj. Lower in place subordinate. L. inferior, lower ; :

positive, infra, beneath comp. inferior, lower sup. infimus, lowest.

; ;

INFER'NAL. adj. Relating to hell atrocious. L. infernus ; infra, ;

INFEST', v. To disturb ; to vex ; to harass. L. infeslo ; in, not, and
festus, joyous or happy.
IN'FIDEL. s. An unbeliever in regard to religious tenets. L. infidelis ;

in,without, fides, faith, or belief.

INFINITE, adj. Unlimited very large. L. infinitus ; in, not, and

finis, an end.
INFIRM', adj. Tottering; weak. L. in, not, and firm.
INFLA'ME. v. To kindle to provoke. L. infiammo ; in, into, and

flamrna, a flame.
INFLA'TE. v. To swell with wind to fill with the breath to make ; ;

turbid. L. infiatum, sup. of inflo ; from in, into, and fio, to blow.
INFLECTION, or INFLEXION, s. The act of bending variation ;

of a noun or verb. L. infiectio, or injlexio ; from infiecto ; in, in, or

towards, -dndfiecto, to bend.
INFLEXIBLE, adj. Not possible to be bent, or prevailed on. L. in-
fiexibilis ; in, not, and flecto, to bend.
INFLICT', v. To impose as a punishment. L. infiictum, sup. of in-
fiigo ; in, upon, and fligo, to beat,
IN'FLUENCE. s. Power of effecting. L. influens, part, of infiuo ;
comp. of in, into, or against, and^ito, to flow, or proceed.
IN'FLUX. s. Act of flowing into. L. infiuxus, part, of infiuo ; in,
into, and^wo, to flow.
INFO'LIATE. v. To cover with a resemblance of leaves. L. in, upon,
folium, a leaf.
INFORM', v. To communicate what has lately happened; to instruct.
L. informo ; in, into, and formo,
to frame forma, a shape. :

IN FORMA PAUPERIS. In the form of a poor man; a law

phrase, to denote a certain exemption, granted, in the English courts,
to those who cannot afford the expense of a lawsuit. L. in, in,
forma, the form, pauperis, (gen. of pauper.) of a poor man.

" In a court of conscience j" with a
clear conscience. L.
INFRACTION, s. Breach. L. infradio ; in, into, and fractus, p. part.
of frango, to break.
INFRANGIBLE, adj. Not possible to be broken. L. in, not, and
INFRINGE', v. To violate. L. infringo ; from in, into, and frango,
to break,
INFURIATE, v. To enrage. L. in, into, and furia, a fury or fiend.
INFUSE, v. To pour into to ; extract without boiling.
F. infuser
L. infusum, sup. of infundo ; from in, into, and fundo, to pour.
INGENIOUS, adj. Having genius inventive. L. ingeniosus : inge-;

nium, capacity, wit in, in, and gigno, or, to beget. G. gennao.

INGENUOUS, adj. Candid generous. L. ingenuus, free-born ; of


good extraction ; honest. See INGENIOUS.

INGRA'TIATE. v. To recommend to kindness. L. in, into, and
gratia, affection, or favour.
IN'GRESS. s. Entrance. L. ingressus : in, into, and gressus, part.
of gradior, to step.
INGUINAL, adj. Relating to the groin. L. inguinis, gen. of inguen,
the groin.
INHABIT, v. To dwell in permanently. L. in, in, and habito, to
dwell habeo, to have, hold, or occupy.

INHA'LE. v. To draw in [to the lungs.] L. inhalo ; comp. of in, into,

and halo, to breathe.
INHERENT, adj. Naturally conjoined ; innate. L. inhcerens, part.
ofinhcereo : in, in, and hcereo, to stick.
INHERIT, v. To receive or possess by inheritance. F. inheriter.
INHIBIT, v. To retrain; to prohibit. L. inhibeo : in, against, and
habeo, to have or hold meaning, some obstruction.

INHUME, v. To bury. L. inhumo ; from in, into, and humus, the

INIMTCAL. adj. Hostile. L. inimicus : in, not, and amicus, a. friend.
INI'QUITY. s. High degree of injustice; crime.
F. iniquit6 : L. in.
iquitas : iniquus, unequal: in, not, and (Bquus, equal.
INI'TIAL. adj. At the beginning. L. inilialis : initium, a beginning ;
in, into, and, a going: itum, sup. of eo, to go.
INI'TIATE. v. To enter; to introduce. L. initio. See INITIAL.
INJECT', v. To throw in. L. injectum, sup. of injicio : in, into, and
jacio, to tbrow.
INJUDI'CIOUS. adj. Unwisely judged, or designed. L. in, not, and
INJUNCTION, s. Act of enjoining; command or rule, associated
with some business or duty. L. injunctio: injunctus, p. part, ofira-
jungo: in, with, andjunoo, to join.
INJURE, v. To hurt unjustly ; to damage. L. injuria : in, against,
and juris, gen. of jus, right.
IN LIM'INE. At the threshold ; inceptively ; at the commencement.
L. in, in, limine, abl. of limen, the threshold of a door.
INNATE, adj. Born with ; inherent. L. innalus, part, of innascor :
in, and nascor, to be born.
m * 137

IN'NOCENT. adj. Guiltless; innocuous. L. innocens ; from in, noi,
and nocens, part, of noceo, to hurt
INNOCUOUS, adj. Harmless in effect. L. innocuus : in, not, and
noceo, to hurt.
INNOVATE, v. To introduce something new or uncommon, (which
is thought inconvenient or dangerous.) L. innovo ; from in, into,
and novas, new.
INNOXIOUS, adj. Free from mischievous effects, or from crimes.
L. innoxius : in, not, and noceo, to hurt.
INNUEN'DO. s. Oblique hint. L. innuendo, by nodding abl. gerund ;

of innuo: in, towards, and nuo, to nod.

INNUMERABLE, adj. Not possible to be counted extremely nume- ;

rous. L. innumerabilis ; comp. of in, not, and numero, to reckon.

INOCULATE, v. To insert a bud or cutting of one plant in another;
to insert the virus of the small pox, or to vaccinate. L. inoculo : in,
into, and oculus, an eye meaning the eye of the bud.

INO'DOROUS. adj. Without smell; not affecting the nose. L. ino.

dorosus : in, without, and odos, smell.
INOR'DINATE. adj. Irregular ; disorderly. L. inordinatus : in,
without, and or do, a rule.
IN PRO'PRIA PERSONA. In his (or her) own person ; in per-
sonal attendance. L.
IN'QUEST. Inquiry authorized by law. F. enqueste : L.
s. in, into,
and quaisitvs, p. part, of qu&ro, to seek or inquire.
INQUIRE, v. To ask a question; to search. L. inquiro: in, into,
and qu<zro, to seek.
INQUISITION, s. Inquest; prison, established under papal autho-

rity, for the examination and punishment of heretics. L. inquisitio.

INSA'NE. adj. Of unsound mind. L. insanus ;*comp. of in, not, and
sanus, healthy.
INSATIABLE, adj. Greedy, so as not to be satisfied. L. insatiabilis
in, not, and satio, to satisfy.
INSA'TIATE. adj. Insatiable. L. insaliatus. See INSATIABLE.
INSCRI'BE. v. To write in, or upon, or to dedicate. L. inscribo;
from in, in, on, or to, and scribo, to write.
INSCRIPTION, s. Something inscribed. L. inscriptio : inscriptus,
p. part, of inscribo. Sae INSCRIBE.
INSCRUTABLE, adj. Unsearchable undiscoverable.
; L. inscruta-
bilis : in, not, and scruto, to explore.
small animal, having a separation in the middle of its

body, joined by a ligature; as in a common fly. L. insecius, cut or

notched in, into, and seco, to cut.

INSERT', v. To place in, or into, or amongst. L. insertum, sup. of

insero : in, in, and sero, to plant.

INSIDIOUS, adj. Sly; treacherous. L. insidiosus ; from insideo

comp. of in, in or upon, and sedeo, to sit.

INSIGNIFICANT, adj. Without a meaning; unimportant; con-

temptible. L. in, not, and_ significant.
INSIN'UATE. v. To introduce gently ; to hint. L. insinuo ; from in,
into, and sinus, the bosom.
INSIPID, adj. Not affecting the palate ; uninteresting, L. insipidus :

in, without, and sapor, savour.

INSIST', v. Not to recede from terms or assertions to persist in. L. ;

insisto : in, in, and sisto, to stand.

IN'SOLENT. adj. Contemptuous haughty. L. insolens in, not, and ; :

solens, part, of soleo, to be accustomed (the derivation of this word :

cannot easily be explained.)

INSOL'UBLE. adj. Not soluble ; not possible to be made fluid. L. in,
not, and soluble.
INSOL' VABLE. adj. Not solvable; inextricable. L. in, not, and
INSOL'VENT. adj. Unable to pay. L. in, not, and solvent.
INSPECT', v. To examine. L. inspecto : in, into, and specto, to eye
carefully : spectu?n, sup. of specio, to see.
INSPER'SION. s. A sprinkling upon. L. inspersio : inspersus, p.
part, ofinspergo: in, upon, and spargo, to strew, or sprinkle.
INSPIRE, v. To breathe into; to animate. L. inspiro: in, into, and
spiro, to breathe.
INSPIS'SATE. v. To thicken. L. in, into, and spissus, clammy.
INSTALL', v. To perform a particular ceremony of admitting to an
office or dignity. F. installer : en, into, and stalle, a seat for digni-
fied clergymen : stalle, is from a Saxon word, denoting an enclosed
place or bench.
point of time adj. noting the present month. ; F.
instant: L. instans, part, of insto : in, in, and sto, to stand.
INSTAN'TER. adv. Instantly. L. See INSTANT.
IN STATU QUO'. In the former state without any change. L. in, ;

in, statu, abl. of status, the state, quo, abl. of qui, in which [it was.]
IN'STIGATE. v. To urge or incite [to a crime.] L. instigo : in,
into, and stigo, to goad.
INSTIL', v. To infuse by drops to insinuate imperceptibly. L. in- ;

stillo : in, into, and stillo, to drop, or trickle down.

INSTINCT, s. The desire or aversion which causes action without
the use of reason. L. instinctus, p. part, of instinguo : in, in, and
stinguo, to move.
IN'STITUTE. v. To establish, appoint, or enact. L. instituo : from
in, in, and statuo, to erect.
INSTRUCT', v. To teach ; to direct ; to inform. L. instructum, sup.
of instruo : in, in, and struo, to pile up, or build.
a written document. L. in-
tool ; a machine ;

strumentum ; from See INSTRUCT. instruo.

IN SULAR. adj. Relating to an island. L. insularis : insula, an island.
IN'SULATE. v. To make like an island to remove all connexion. ;

INSULT', v. To treat with insolence or contempt scornfully to tri- ;

umph L. insulto
over. : in, against, and saltus, p. part, of salio, to
leap or dance.
INSUPERABLE, adj. Not to be overcome insurmountable. L. in-

superabilis : in, not, and supero, to climb over super, above, and eo,

to go.
IN'TEGER. s. A whole a whole number. L. integer, entire.

INTE'GRAL. adj. Whole; complete. F. integral. See INTEGER.


INTEG'RITY. s. State of being undivided ; honesty. L. integritas.
IN'TELLECT. s. The understanding. L. intellectus: iruelligo, to
understand ; intus, within, and lego, to gather.
INTEL'LIGIBLE. adj. Possible to be understood. L. intelligibilis :

intelligo, to understand.
INTEND', v. To purpose; to design. ; comp. of in, to-
L. intendo
wards, and tendo, to stretch.
INTEN'DANT. s. In France, means a superintending officer. F. in-
tendo nt. See INTEND.
INTENSE', adj. Denoting an extreme degree. L. intensus, p. part,
of intendo : in, into, and tendo, to stretch.
INTENT', adj. Anxiously attentive, or diligent. L. intentus, p. part.
of intendo. See INTENSE.
INTEN'TION. s. Purpose, or design. L. intentio. See INTEND.
INTER', v. To bury. F. erderrer : L. in, into, and terra, the earth.
INTERCALAR, or INTERCALARY, adj. Additional, to preserve
the equation of time as, the 29th of February, in a leap year.
; L.
intercalarius ; from intercalo, to insert.
INTERCE'DE. v. To mediate. L. intercedo, to come between.
INTERCEPT', v. To stop on the way. L. interceptum, sup. of inter-
cipio : between, and capio, to take.
INTERCESSION, s. Mediation. L. intercessio: intercessum, sup.
of. intercedo. See INTERCEDE.
INTERC1PTENT. adj. Intercepting. L. intercipiens, part, of inter-
cipio. See INTERCEPT.
INTERCOS'TAL. adj. Between the ribs. F. intercostal : L. inter,
between, and costa, a rib.
IN'TERCOURSE. s. Communication; commerce. F. entrecours : L.
inter, between, and carro, to run.
INTERDICT', v. To restrain pendente lite; to prohibit; to forbid.
L. inter dictum, sup. of interdico : inter, between, and dico, to say,
or object.
IN'TEREST. s. Concern; regard to private profit; advantage; parti-

cipation ; money paid for the use of money from inter sum, to be :

present: comp. of inter, between, or amongst, and sum, I am.

INTERFE'RE. v. To interpose ; to come into collision. L. inter, be-
tween, and fero, to bring.
IN'TERIM. s. Intervening time. L. interim, in the meantime from :

inter, between,
INTE'RIOR. adj. Internal; inner. L. comparative of intra, within
pos. intra; comp. interior ; sup. intimus.
INTERJACENT, adj. Lying between. L. interjacens, part, of inter-
jaceo : inter, between, and jaceo, to lie.

INTERJECTION, Interpositions. a word used, without premedi-


tation, to denote some passion or emotion of the mind. L. interjec-

lio : interjectus, p. part, of interjicio ; comp. of inter, between, and
jacio, to throw.
INTERLAP'SE. v. To intervene (in regard to time.) L. inter, be-
tween, and lapse.
INTERLI'NE. v. To write between lines. L. inter, between, and

INTERLOCUTORY, adj. Consisting of dialogue ;
preparatory to a
final F. interlocutoire : L. inter, between, and locutus,
part, ofloquor, to speak.
IN'TERLUDE. s. An intervening entertainment. L. inter, between,
and ludus, an entertainment.
INTERMEDIATE, adj. Intervening; interposed. F. inter mediat ;
L. inter, between, and medius, the middle.
INTER' MINABLE. adj. Never ending; immense. L. in, not, and
INTERMIS'SION. s. Act of intermitting; pause. L. intermissio
inlermissus, p. part, of intermilto. See INTERMIT.
INTERMIT, v. To stop, but not finally. L. intermitto ; comp. of
inter, between, and miito, to send.
INTER'NAL. adj. Interior. L. internus ; infra, within.
INTERNATIONAL, adj. Relating to the reciprocal intercourse or
commerce of one nation with another. L. inter, between, and na-
INTERPOLATE, v. To insert, with an evil design. L. interpolo;
inter, between, and make smooth meaning,
polio, to ; to remove, by
forgery, something which opposes our own designs.
place between; to interfere; to mediate. L.
interposit um, sup. of interpono ; inter, between, and pono, to place.
INTERPRET, v. To explain to translate. L. interprelor ; interpres,

an interpreter inter, between.


INTERREGNUM, s. The term during which a throne

is vacant. L.
interregnum ; comp. of
between, and regnvm, a reign.
INTERROGATE, v. To question to put questions in writing, be- ;

tween the commencement and conclusion of a suit in chancery. L.

interrogo ; inter, between, and rogo, to ask.
IN TERRO'REM. As a threat, or warning. L. in, for the purpose
of, and terror em, accus. of terror, fear.
INTERRUPT', v. To hinder, by interposition to separate. L. inter- ;

ruptum, sup. of interrumpo ; inter, between, and rumpo, to break.

INTERSECT', v. To cut, or pass between. L. intersectum, sup. of
interseco; comp. of inter, between, and seco, to cut.
INTERSPERSE', v. To scatter amongst. L. inter, amongst, and
sparsum, sup. of spar go, to sprinkle.
INTER'STICE. s. Intervening space, between matter. F. interstice :
L. interslitium ; from inter, between, and status, part, of sto, to
IN'TERVAL. Intervening space, as regards either matter or time.

L. inter vallum inter, between, and vallum, a wall.

INTERVE'NE. To interpose to elapse. L. intervenio ; from inter,
v. ;

between, and venio, to come.

INTERVENTION, s. Interposition lapse of time. ; L. intenqntio ;
inter, between, and ventum, sup. of venio, to come.
INTESTATE, adj. Without having made a will. L. intestatus ; in,
without, and testatus, part, of testof, to witness.
INTES'TINE. adj. Internal. L. intestinus ; intus, within.
IN'TTMATE. adj. Familiar ; near. L. intimus, innermost. See IN-

IN'TIMATE. v. To hint to mention indirectly. Low L. intimo

intimus, very deep, or secret.

INTIM'IDATE. v. To make fearful. L. in, into, and timidus, fear-
ful : timor, fear.
INTOLERABLE, adj. Insufferable. L. in, not, and tolerable.
INTONA'TION. Act of thundering-; an inward
s. tone, peculiar to
the speech, of some nations. L. intono, to thunder.
IN TO' TO. Entirely ; wholly. L. in, in, and toto, abl. of lotus, whole,
or wholly.
word which originally signified to imbue with
poison but now, to deprive of one's reasoning faculties, by success

or joy also, to make drunk.

; L. in, into, and toxicum, poison.
INTRANSITIVE, adj. A verb intransitive signifies an action, but
conveys no effect to any object; as, " I walk." L. in, not, and tran-
IN TR AN' SITU. On the passage ; whilst passing from one place to
another. L. in, in, and
transitu, abl. of transitus, a passage.
INTREPID, adj. Fearless; daring. L. intrepidus ; from in, not, and
trepidus, trembling, fearful.
IN TRICATE. adj. Perplexed ; obscure. L. intricatus ; in, in, and
tricatus, part, of tricor, to baffle.
INTRINSIC, adj. Inherent; independent of external relation. L.
intrinsecus ; intra, within, and se, itself.
INTRODU'CE. v. To conduct or usher into a place, or to a person ;

to bring into notice or practice. L. introduce* ; intra, within, and

duco, to lead.
INTROSPECTION, s. The act of looking- within. L. introspectus,
of introspicio : intro, within, and specio, to see.
p. part,
INTRU'DE. v. To enter without permission or invitation ; to inter-

pose with rudeness. L. intrudo ; comp. of in, into, and trudo, to

INTRUSION, s. The act of intruding. L. intrusio ; intrusum, sup.
of intrudo. See INTRUDE.
INTUITIVE, adj. Seen by the mind, without the agency of testi-
mony or argument. Low L. intuitivus ; intus, within.
IN UNDATE. v. To overflow. L. inundo ; in, into, and unda, a
INU'RE. v. To accustom to harden. L. inuro ; to brand, or print

into from in, into, and uro, to burn.


INVA'DE. v. To enter hostilely to encroach upon. L. invado ; in, ;

into, and vado, to march.

INVALTD. adj. Weak; of no force. L. invalidus ; in, not, and valeo,
to be strong.
INVALID', s. One disabled by sickness or a wound. See the ad-
INVALTD ATE. v. To weaken, with regard to evidence ; to annul.
INVA'SION. s. The act of invading. L. invasio ; invasum, sup. of
invado. See INVADE.
INVECTIVE, s.Censure; repronch. F. invective: L. invectio ; in-
vectvs, p. part. oHnveho. See INVEIGH.
INVEIGH', v. To utter an invective. L. inveho ; from in, against,
and veho, to carry.
INVENT', v. To produce something
ingenious; to fabricate. new and
L. inventum, sup. of invenio, to find in, upon, and venio, to come. :

INVENTORY, s. catalogue of moveable property, made by a judi-
cial officer, in pursuance of legal process; a list; an account. F.
intentoire : L. inventarium ; invent am, sup. of invenio, to find: in,
to, and venio, to come.
INVERSE', adj. Inverted. L. inversus, p. part, of inverto. See IN-
INVERT', v. To reverse ; to place upside-down. L. inverto ; comp.
of in, opposite to, and verto, to turn.
INVEST', v. To dress ; to install to adorn ; to enclose, or surround.

L. investio ; in, into, and vestis, a garment.

INVES'TIGATE. v. To examine. L. investigo ; in, into, and vestigo,
to trace vestigium, a track or footstep.

INVET'ERATE. adj. Obstinate from long continuance. L. invetera-

tus ; p. part, of invetero ; in, in, and veteris, gen. of vetus, old.
INVIDTOUS. adj. Envious; malignant; producing envy or malig-
nancy. L. invidiosus ; invidia, envy in, into, and video, to see or :

INVIG'ORATE. v. To strengthen, or enliven. L. in, into, and vigour.
INVINCIBLE, adj. Unconquerable; insuperable. F. invincible : L.
in, not, and vinco, to conquer.
INVIOLATE, or INVI'OLATED. adj. Uninjured ; unbroken. L.
inviolatus ; from in, not, and violatus, (p. part, of violo,) hurt.
INVISIBLE, adj. Imperceptible by the sight. L. in, not, and visible.
INVI'TE. v. To allure; to ask ; to intreat. L. invito ; in, to, and via,
a way.
INVOCATION, s. Supplication ; invitation. L. invocatio. See IN-
INVO'KE. v. To supplicate ; to invite. L. invoco ; comp. of in, to,
and voco, to call.
INVOL'UNTARY. adj. Not desired ; not intended. L. in, not, and
INVOLUTION, s. Inwrapment entanglement. L. involutio ; invo-

lutus, p. part, of involvo. See INVOLVE.

INVOLVE', v. Toinwrap; to comprise; to entangle. L. involvo ; in,
in, and volvo, to roll.
IO'TA. jot
s. A
a tittle ; the least quantity imaginable.
; Iota, (t) the
smallest letter in the Greek alphabet.
IPSE DIXIT. The ipse dixit of any person, denotes his mere, un-
supported assertion. L. ipse, he, dixit, said dico, to say. :

IP SO FACTO. By the act itself; by the mere doing of a thing. L.

IRAS'CIBLE. adj. Easily enraged. L. irascibilis. See IRE. f
IRE. s. Wrath anger. L. ira ; from the G. eir, a tempest.

I'RIS. s. The rainbow; resemblance of a rainbow; the circle around

the pupil of the eye; the fleur-de-luce. L. iris, the rainbow. G.
iris ; eiro, to announce.
adj. Expressing irony.
I'RONY. s. A mode of speech, in which the meaning is contrary to
the words. L. ironia : G. eironeia : eiron, a dissembler.
IRRA'DIATE. v. To illumine; to brighten. L. ir radio ; in, into, and
radius, a ray of light.
IRREFRAGABLE, adj. Not possible to be confuted. L. irrefraga-
bilis ; ir., not, and refractus, p. part, of refringo, to break open re, :

again, and frango, to break.

IRREF'UTABLE. adj. Not to be overthrown by argument. L. in,
not, and refutable. See REFUTE.
IRREL'ATIVE. adj. Without relation ; unconnected. L. in, not, and
IRREL'EVANT. adj. Unassisting ; not aptly adduced. L. in, not, and
IRREMEABLE, adj. Admitting no return not to be repassed. L.

irremeabilis : from in, not,and reineo, to return re, back, and eo, :

to go.
IRRESISTIBLE, adj. Superior to opposition. L. in, not, and re-
overflow with water, as a means of fertilizing. L.
irrigo : in, upon, and rigo, to water.
IR'RITATE. v. To excite anger to provoke. L. irrito. See IRE.

IRRUP'TION. s. Violent invasion; inroad. L. irruptio : irruptus, p.

part, of irrumpo : from in, into, and rumpo, to break.
IS'OLATED. adj. Detached. F. isole : L. solus, alone.
ISOSCELES, adj. Relating to an angle which has only two sides
equal. L. isosceles : G. isos, equal, and skelos, a leg.
neck of land which joins a peninsula to a continent.
L. isthmus : G. isthmos : istemi, to append.
I'TE.VJ. adv. Also; s. an individual thing. L. item, also.
IT'ERATE. v. To repeat. L. ilero : ito, to go often.
ITINERANT, adj. Wandering. F. itinerant : L. itineris, gen. of
iter, a journey from itum, sup. of eo, to go.

ITINERARY, adj. Relating to a journey. L. itinerarius. See


JACOBIN, s. A member of a noted faction in Paris, to whose designs

the execution of Louis XVI. is attributed so called, from their meet- ;

ing at a monastery which had belonged to Jacobine friars.

JACOBITE, s. A partisan of James II. of England, after his dethrone-
ment; and also of his descendants. L. Jacobus, James.
JACULA'TION. s. The action of darting, throwing, or lancing, as of
missive weapons, lu.jaculor, to dart.
JANTTOR. s. A porter a gale-keeper. L. from janua, a gate.

JANUARY, s. The first month. L. Januarius : from Janus, a hea-

then god to whom, it was consecrated by the Romans.

distemper which changes the skin and eyes to a
yellow colour. F. jaunisse : jaun, yellow.
JEJUNE, adj. Deficient in matter unaffecting. L. jejunus, bare, ;

JEL'LY. s. A glutinous substance. F. gelee : geler, to freeze. L.
gelu, frost.
JET. s. A small rapid issue of any fluid. F. jet : from jetter, to throw.
JET VEAU. s. An artificial water-spout. Y.jet, a spout, de, of, eau,
JEU D' ESPRIT, s. A witticism. F. jeu, play, de, of, esprit, hu-
JOCO'SE. adj. Facetious merry.
L. jocosus : jocus, a jest.

JOCULAR, adj. Facetious. L. jocularis : jocus, a jest.

JOCUND, s. Merry; gay. L. jocundus : jocus, a jest.
JOINT, adj. Shared amongst two or more united in the same pos- ;

session combined. F. joint: L. junctus, p. part, of jungo, to join.


JOINTURE, s. Strictly, signifies a joint estate, limited to both hus-

band and wife it also denotes a sole estate, limited to the wife only.

JOKE. s. A jest. L. jocus, a jest.
JOL'LY. adj. Cheerful agreeable. ; : L. jovialis.
F. joli See JOVIAL.
JOT. s. An iota the least quantity
; imaginable. Iota, (t) the smallest
letter in the Greek alphabet.
diary ; a compendium from a merchant's daj'-book.
F. journal : jour, a day.
JOUR'NEY. s. Passage by land. F. journee, a day's work, or day's
travel : jour, a day.
JOUR'NEYMAN. s. Strictly, any man
hired to work by the day, but,
in fact, any mechanic who hired to work for another, whether by
the month, year, or other term. See JOURNEY.
JO' VIAL. adj. Merry. L. jovialis; from Jovis, gen. of Jupiter. See
the heathen mythology.
JU'BILEE. s. Amongst the Jews, every fiftieth year, at which time
all the slaves were liberated, &c. a season of great public joy and

festivity. Li.jubilum, a joyful shout.

JUDGE, s. One authorized to determine any cause or question, ac-
cording to right, and the law, &c. L. judex : jus, right, and dico,
to say.
JUDICATURE, s. Power of distributing justice court of justice. ;

F. judicature. See JUDICIAL.

JUDICIAL, adj. Relating or belonging to courts of law. L.judicia-
lis: judex, a judge.
JUDICIARY, adj. Relating or belonging to judicature, lu.judicia-
rius. See JUDICIAL.
JUDICIOUS, adj. Wisely judged prudent. F.judicieux: Jj.judicis, ;

gen. of judex, a judge.

JUG'ULAR. adj. Belonging to the throat. L. jugulum, the throat.
JUNCTION, s. Act of joining point of contact union, h.junctio :

junctus, p. part, of jungo, to join.

JUNCTURE, s. Tiie critical point of time in which two events seem
to meet. L. junctura : juncturus, future part, of jungo, to join.
JUNE. s. The sixth month. L.Junius; from Juno, the imaginary
wife of the heathen deity, Jupiter.
JU'NIOR. adj. The younger. L. junior, younger; compar. of juvenis,
JURE D I VI' NO. By divine law. L. abl. of jus, and divinus.
JURE HUM A' NO. By human law. L. abl. of jus, and humanus.
JURID'ICAL. adj. Acting, or used, in the distribution of justice. L.
juridicalis : juridicus, a judge juris, gen. of jus, right. :

n 145

JURISDICTION, s. Legal authority
limited extent of power.
; L.
jurisdictio from juris, gen. of jus, law, and dictio, a declaration.
JURISPRUDENCE, s. The science of law the knowledge of the ;

laws, &c, in a state or community, necessary for the due adminis-

tration of justice. L. jurisprudentia : juris, gen. of jus, law, and
prudentia, science.
JURIST, s. One who professes the science of law. F.juriste: juris,
gen. of jus, law.
JURY. An assembly of persons sworn to discover and declare the
truth. L. juro, to swear.
JUS'TICE. s. St ict legal right; equity; punishment, (opposed to
mercy;) a judge. F. justice: la. jus, right.
JUS'TIFY. v. To clear from imputed guilt to defend. Y.justifier ;

L. Justus, right, and facio, to make.

JUVENILE, adj. Youthful; relating or belonging to youth. L. ju-
venilis : juvenis, young.
JUXTAPOSITION, s. Proximity. L. juxta, near to, and position.


KALEIDOSCOPE, s. An optical instrument, invented by Brewster

of Edinburgh, which gives to substances placed within it, an almost
unlimited variety of beautiful appearances. G. kalos, beautiful, eidos,
form, and skopeo, to view.
term in the Roman kalendar. The Romans used —
to reckon the days of their months by the kalends, nones, and ides.
Romulus began his months always upon the first day of the moon ;

and was followed in this by the authors of the other accounts, to

avoid the altering of the immoveable feasts therefore, every new ;

moon, one of the inferior priests used to assemble the people, in the
capitol, and call over as many days as there were between that and
the nones and so from the old word cnlo, or the Greek kaleo, to call,

the first of these days had the name of kalend. KennetVs Rom. Ant.
KIL'OGRAM. In the new system of French weights and measures,

a thousand grains. G. kilioi, a thousand, and gramma, a grain.

KILOMETER, s. In the French system of measures, a thousand
meters. G. kilioi, a thousand, and metron, a meter.
KNAVE, s. This word, now signifying a cunning rogue, originally
signified an idle, ignorant clown. L. ignavus, idle, slothful.

LAB'IAL. adj. Uttered by the lips ; relating or belonging to the lips.

L. labialis ; from labium, a lip.

LABOR' ATORY. s. A chemist's work-room. F. labor atoire: L. Za.

boro, to labour.
LABO'RIOUS. adj. Fatiguing; diligent. L. laboriosus ; from labor,
LA'BOUR. s. Painful exertion of strength; work; travail. F. labeur:
L. labor, labour.
LACERATE, v. To tear. L. lacero, to tear.
LACH'RYMAL. adj. Generating tears. L. lachryma, a tear.
LACHRYMATORY, s. A vessel in which tears were gathered, in
honour of the dead. L. lachryma, a tear.
LACON'IC. adj. In few words brief. L. laconicus ; ; from Laconia,
the country of the Spartans, who delivered their sentiments in few
LAC'TARY. adj. Milky ; having milk. L. lactarius : lac, milk.
LACTATES, s. Salts formed from the lactic acid. L. lac, milk.
LACTEAL, adj. Milky conveying chyle of the colour of milk. s.
; L.
lac, milk.
LACTEOUS. adj. Milky. L. lacteus : lac, milk.
LACTES'CENT. adj. Producing milk, or a white juice resembling
milk. L. lactescens, part, oflactesco: lac, milk.
LACTOM'ETER. s. An instrument which shows the quantity of milk

contained in any fluid. L. lac, milk, and G. metreo, to measure.

LATTY. s. The people, as distinguished from the clergy. See LAY.
LAM'BENT. adj. Gliding over gently. L. lambens, part, of lambo,
to lick.
LAMBOTDAL. adj. Having the form of the Greek letter A, lambda.
LAMTNiE. s. Thin plates or layers. L. lamina, plural of lamina, a
thin plate of metal.
LAN'GUAGE. s. Human speech ; national tongue ; expression. F.
langage : L. lingua, a tongue.
LAN'GUID. adj. Faint; feeble. L. languidus ; from langueo, to lan-
LANIF'EROUS. adj. Bearing or producing wool. L. lanifer : lana,
wool, and fero, to bear.
LANIG'EROUS. adj. Bearing wool. L. laniger ; from lana, wool,
and gero, to bear.
LANUGTNOUS. adj. Downy; covered with soft hair. L. lanugino-
sa ; from lanugo, down.
LAPTDARY. s. One who deals in gems, or finishes them. F. lapi-
daire : L. lapis, a stone.
LAPID'EOUS. adj. Stony; of the nature of stone. L. lapideus : lapi-
dis, gen. of lapis, a stone.
LAPIDES'CENT. adj. Growing or turning to stone. L. lapidescens,
part, of lapidesco : lapis, a stone.
LAPSE, s. Flow ;
period passed ; small error. L. lapsus, part, of la-
bor, to glide, or slip.
LARCENY, Theft, committed without violence.
s. F. larcin: L.
latrocinium : latro, a servant, a hired soldier, (anciently held in dis-
repute,) a robber.
present ; a gift ; a bounty. F. largesse : L. largio,
to give liberally, to bestow.
LARVA, s. An insect in the caterpillar state; the state of an insect

when the animal is masked, and before it has attained its winged or
perfect state. L. larva, a mask.
LARYNX, s. The windpipe or trachea. G. larunx, the throat.
LASCIVIOUS, adj. Lewd. L. lascivus : laxus, loose. See LAX.
LASSITUDE, s. Weariness. L. lassiludo ; from laxus, loose, un-
LATENT, adj. Concealed. L. latens, part, of latco, to lurk.

LAT'ERAL. adj. Relating to the side ; or to a motion from side to
side. L. lateralis; from laius, a side.
legate, a latere, is a pope's legate or envoy, so called
because sent from his side, from amongst his favourites and coun-
LAT'INISM. s. A mode of speech peculiar to the Latin language.
LATITAT, s. A writ, issuing from the King's Bench, in England
which supposes the defendant to be concealed. L. latitat, (from la-
tito,) he lurks.
LATTTUDE. s. Breadth ; extensive range ; distance from the equa-
tor. L. latitudo ; from latus, broad : latus, (p. part, of fero,) borne,
or carried ; that is, extended.
LATITUDINA'RIAN. s. One who thinks or acts without restraining

himself.L. latitudo. See LATITUDE.

LAUD. v. To praise highly ; to extol. L. laudo, to praise.
LAUD'ABLE. adj. Praiseworthy. L. laudabilis ; from laudo, to
house, or room, in which clothes are washed. F.
lavanderie : L. lavo. to wash.
adj. Decked with a laurel, or sup-
posed to be so honoured. L. laureatus : laurea, a laurel-tree, or
garland of laurels.
medicinal wash. See LAVE.
LAVE. v. To wash to bathe. L. lavo, to wash.

LA'VER. s. A
vessel for washing ; a large bason. F. lavoir : laver,
to wash. L. lavo.
LAVISH, adj. Prodigal. L. lavo, to throw or shake off.
LAX. adj. Loose slack vague, s. ; looseness, or diarrhoea. L.
; A
laxus, loose.
LAXTTY. s. Looseness; slackness; want of precision. L. laxitas.
See LAX.
LAY. adj. Regarding the G. laos, the people.
LAYMAN, s. One who is not a clergyman. See LAY.
LEAGUE, s. A confederacy a combination, either of interest or

friendship. F. ligue
L. ligo, to bind. :

contract, by which a temporary possession is granted,
of houses, lands, &c. F. laisser : L. laxo, to unloose, or set at
LEAVEN, s. That which raises bread, and is usually called yeast or

barm ; something which makes a general change in the mass ; in

general, denoting corruption. F. levain : L. levo, to raise.
LECTURE, s. An instructive discourse. F. lecture : L. lego, (legere,)

to select, or to read. A
lecture, as distinguished from a sermon,
seems to denote selection : being explanatory of several passages of
Scripture, and not referring to a particular text. In general, the
term alludes to reading.
Y. s. Chattel property bequeathed by a last will. L. legatum
from lego, (legare,) to send, to bequeath.
LE'GAL. adj. Lawful relating or belonging to law. L. legalis

from legis, gen. of lex, a law.

LEG' ATE. s. An ambassador; a papal ambassador or commissioner.
L. legatus ; from lego, to send, or intrust.

LEGATEE', s. One to whom a legacy has been willed. L. Icgatum,
a legacy. See LEGACY.
LE'GEND. s. A chronicle of the lives of saints ; any memorial or re-
lation ; nny inscription, particularly on coins and medals. L. le-
genda, [tiling-] to be read; from lego (legere.)
LEGERDEMAIN', s. Sleight of hand. F. legerete, nimbleness, de, of,
main, the hand.
LEGIBLE, adj. Such as can be read. L. legibilis ; from lego, to
LE'GION. s. A Roman battalion, consisting of about five thousand
men. L. legio ; from lego, to collect.
LEGISLATOR, s. One who makes laws. L. legislator : leges, laws,
and latum, sup. offero, to carry, or propose.
LEGITIMATE, adj. Regular; proper; born in wedlock. L. legitu
mvs, lawful; from legis, gen. of lex, a law.
LEGU'MINOUS. adj. Of the pulse kind, as beans and peas such as ;

are not reaped, but gathered by the hand. L. legumen, pulse from ;

lego, to gather.
LEISURE, s. Freedom from business or hurry ; convenience of time.
F. loisir ; from the L. laxus, loose.
LENIENT, adj. Assuaging; mild; merciful. L. leniens, part, of
lenio, to assuage ; lenis, mild.
LENITIVE, s. Something
to ease pain. F. lenitif. See LENITY.
LENITY, s. Mildness
tenderness. L. lenitas : lenis, mild.

LENS. s. An optical glass which is convex on two sides. L. lens, a

kind of pulse, called lentil, from a resemblance of that glass to the
form of its seed.
LENTICULAR, adj. Of the form of a lens. F. lenticulaire : L. len-
tis, gen. of lens. See LENS.
LEN'TIFORM. adj. Having the shape of a lens. L. lentis, of a lens,
and forma, figure.
LENTIG'INOUS. adj. Scurfy ;
partaking of the lentigo. L. lentigu
nosus. See LENTIGO.
freckly or scurfy eruption on the skin. L. from
lends, gen. of lens, a kind of pea or pulse, called a lentil.
LE'O. s. One of the twelve signs of the zodiac. L. leo, a lion.
LE'ONINE. adj. Belonging to or resembling a lion. L. leoninus
leo, a lion.
LEPER, s. One having the leprosy. See LEPROSY.
LEPROSY, s. A disorder which covers the body with a kind of white
scales. L. lepra : G. lepra : lepros, scabby.
LEP'ROUS. adj. Infected with leprosy. L.'leprosus. See LEPROSY.
LES'SON. s. Any thing read or repeated to a teacher precept por- ; ;

tion of scripture read in divine service. F. legon : L. lectio : lego,

to read.
LETHARGY, s. A morbid drowsiness. G. leihargia ; from lethe,
forg-etfulness, and argos, slothful, dull.
of the elements of a syllable ; an epistle ; literal

meaning. F. lettre : L. litera, a letter.

LETTRES DE CACHET. Private letters or mandates, (sealed
letters) formerly issued by the kings of France, under the royal sig-
net, for the apprehension of persons obnoxious to the court. F.
n* 149

LEVA'RI FA' CI AS. A writ which commands the sheriff (o levy
the plaintiff's debt, whereby that officer may seize the real estate of
the defendant, and receive the rents and profits, till satisfaction be
made to the plaintiff. L.
surgical instrument, for raising depressed parts of
the skull. L. levator : from levo, to lift.
LEVEE', s. An assemblage of persons at a court ; an artificial bank
of a river. F. levee : from lever, to raise.
LEV'EN. s. See — LEAVEN;
which is the most common, though not
the most correct, mode, of spelling the word.
LEVER, s. One of the mechanical powers. F. levier : L. levo, to lift.
LEVIGATE, s. To reduce to very fine powder ; to mix until a liquor

becomes smooth and uniform. L. Icevigo : from lavis, or levis,

LEVITY, s. Lightness ; unsteadiness ; trifling gayety. L. levitas
from levis y light.
LEVY. v. To raise, — applied to money, or an army. F. lever : L.
levo, to raise.
writer of dictionaries. G. lexicon, a dic-
tionary, and grapho, to write.
LEXTCON. s. A dictionary. G. lexicon : lexis, a word, and eikon, a
representation, or image.
LEX MERC ATO'RIA. The law of merchants. L.
LEX NATU'RJE. The law of nature. L. lex, a law, and naturcB,
gen. of natura, nature.
LEX NON SCRIP' TA. Unwritten law; the Common Law of Eng-
land. L. lex, a law, non, not, scripla, (from scribo,) written.
LEX SCRIP' TA. Written or statute law. L. lex, a law, scripta,
(from scribo,) written.
LEX TALIO NIS. The law of retaliation as, " an eye for an eye, ;

a tooth for a tooth." L. lex, a law, and talionis, gen. of talio, like
for like.
LIBATION, s. Wine poured upon
the ground, in honour of a hea-
then god. G. leibo, to pour out.
L. libatio :

LI'BEL. s. A defamatory writing a species of proceeding in law. L. ;

libellus, a little book, a lampoon from liber, a book. ;

LIB'ERAL. adj. Becoming a gentleman ; munificent ; generous. L.

liberalis : from liber, free.
LIB'ERATE. v. To set free. L. libero : from liber, free.
LIBER'TICTDE. s. A traitor to the liberties of his country a de- ;

stroyer of liberty. L. libertas, liberty, and ccedo, to kill.

licentious person. F. libertin : L. liber, free, un-
LIB'ERTY. s. Freedom ;
privilege ; a district privileged or exempted.
L. libertas : from liber, free.

LIBIDTNOUS. adj. Lustful ; lewd. L. libidinosus : libido, lust.

LI'BRA. s. One of the signs of the zodiac. L. libra, a balance.

LIBRARY, s. A place for books ; a large collection of books. L.
liber, a book.
LIBRATION. s. The state of being balanced. L. libratio : libra, a
LI'CENSE. s. Permission; permission allowed by on e's-self beyond a
proper limit. L. licentia : from liceo, to be lawful.
LICENTIATE, s. One who has obtained a collegiate degree. L.
licentia, permission.
LICEN'TIOUS. adj. Unrestrained by law or moral feeling. L. licen-
tiosus : from licentia, arbitrary license.
LIC'TOR. s. A person who attended the Roman consuls, to apprehend
or punish criminals. L. lictor : probably from ligo, to bind.
LIEGE, adj. Subject; sovereign. F. lige : L. ligo, to bind.
species of bodily looseness, or diarrhoea. F. lien.
terie : G. leion, smooth, and enteron, an intestine.
LIEU. In lieu, means in the place of. F. lieu, place, stead.
deputy; an officer next in rank to a captain.
F. from lieu, place, or stead, and tenant, part, oftenir, to hold.
LIG'AMENT. s. That which unites or connects ; bond. L. ligamen-
tum : from ligo, to bind.
LIG'ATURE. s. A L. ligatura : from ligo, to bind.
LIGNEOUS, wood. L. ligneus : lignum, wood.
adj. Partaking of
LIMIT, s. Boundary utmost reach. F. limile : L. limes, a boundary.

LIMTID. adj. Transparent. L. limpidus. See LYMPH.

LIN'EAL. adj. Composed of lines; descending in a direct family line.
L. linealis : from linea, a line.
LIN'EAMENT. s. Feature. L. lineamentum : from tinea, a line.
LINEN, s. Cloth made of flax or hemp. L. linum, flax.
LINGUA DENTAL, adj. Uttered by the combined action of the
tongue and teeth. L. lingua, a tongue, and dens, el tooth.
LINGUIST, s. One skilled in languages. L. lingua, a tongue or
species of ointment. L. linimenlum : from linio,
to rub softly.
swoon. G. leipothemia : comp. of leipo, to fail,
and ihumos, the mind.
LIQUATION, s. The act of melting capacity to be melted. L. liquo, ;

to melt.
LIQ'UEFY. v. To become liquid ; to make liquid. L. liquefio : from
and ,/io, to become.
liquor, a fluid,
LIQUES'CENT. adj. Melting of a melting nature. ; L. liquescens,
part, of liquesco, to grow liquid : liquo, to melt.
LIQ'UID. adj. Melted; fluid; soft. L. tiquidus : liqueo, to melt.
LIQ'UIDATE. v. To lessen a debt by degrees. L. liqueo, to dissolve.
LIQ'UOR. s. Any thing fluid ; vulgarly, intoxicating drink. L. liquor.
LIT' ANY. s. A form of prayer. G. litaneia, a supplication.
LIT'ERAL. adj. Not figurative ; following the words precisely ; con-
sisting of letters. L. lit era, a letter.
LIT'ERARY. adj. Relating to letters, or learning. L. literarius : from
literal, letters, or learning : litera, a letter.
LIT'ERATE. adj. Learned; instructed in learning and science. L.
literatus : litera, a letter.
LITER A'TI. s. The learned. L. pi. of literatus, learned; from litera,
LITERATIM, s. Letter by letter. L. literatim : from litera,a letter.

art of engraving, or of tracing letters,

on stone, and of transferring them to paper,

figures, or other designs,
by impression. G. lithos, a stone, and grapho, to write.
LITHONTRIP'TIC. adj. Medicine for dissolving the stone in the
kidneys or bladder. G. lithos, a stone, and tribo, to waste or digest.
Ll'i'tlO l'OMY. s. The art of cutting for the stone. G. lithos, a stone,
and, to cut.
LITIGATE, v. To contest in law. L. litigo : comp. of litis, gen. of
lis, strife, and ago, to make.
LITIGIOUS, adj. Inclined to judicial contest ;
given to the practice
of contending in law ; disputable; controvertible. L. litigios us. See
LIT'TER. s. Straw for cattle to lie on a bed for carrying a sick or

luxurious person a brood of young, (supposed to be in a bed.)

; F.
litiere : lit, a bed.
LITURGY, s. Form of prayers; form of public devotion. G. leitour-
gia : litos, public, and ergon, a work.
LIVERY, s. The act of giving possession; release from wardship;
the state of being kept at a certain rate the clothes given to ser-

vants a particular dress. F. livrer, to deliver L. libero. At the

; :

meeting of the plenary courts, Pepin was obliged to give dresses to

the officers of his household thence, came the word livery, because

these dresses were delivered at the king's expense.

LIVID, adj. Discolour.ed, as with a blow. L. lividus : from liveo, to
be black and blue, or pale and wan.
LIXIVIUM, s. A fluid impregnated with a salt. L. lixivium ; from
lix, ley made with ashes.
LOBE. s. In anatomy, any fleshy, protuberant part, as the lobes of the
lungs, the lobes of the ears. G. lobos, the lower part of the ear.
LOCAL, adj. Relating to place; in a particular place. F. local: L.
locus, a place.
LOCA'TE. v. To establish in a particular place. L. loco : from locus,
a place.
LOCOMOTION, s. Act of moving from one place to another. L. loco,
(abl. of locus,) from a place, and motion.
deputy ; a temporary substitute. L. locum,
a place, and tenens, holding (locus and teneo.):

LO'CUS SIGIL'LI, or L.S. The place of the seal. L. locus, a place,

and sigilli, gen. of sigillum, a seal.
species of arithmetic, invented by lord Napier.
G. logos, a ratio, and arithmos, a number.
LOGIC, s. The art of reasoning. L. logice : G. logos, a word, speech,
or thought.
LOGOM'ACHY. s. A contest in, or about, words. G. logomachia :

comp. of logos, a word, and mache, a battle.

LONGEVITY, s. Length of life. L. longcevus, long-lived ; from
longus, long, and <zvum, time.
LONGIM ETRY. s. The art of measuring distances. L. longus, long,
and G. metreo, to measure.
LON'GITUDE. s. Length ; distance from east to west. L. longitudo
from longus, long.
LOQUA'CIOUS. adj. Talkative. L. loquacis, gen. of loquax, talkative i

loquor, to speak.
LOR'ICATED. adj. Plated over, in the manner of a crocodile. L.
lorica, a coat of mail.
LO'TION. s. A medicinal wash. L. lotio : from lotum, sup. of lavo, to
LOUIS-D'OR. s. A golden coin of France. F. Louis, (the king's
name,) de, of, or, gold.
LOYAL, adj. Obedient to a prince, or to the national laws ; faithful.
F. loyal : from loi, a law.
LUBRICITY, s. Slipperiness, or smoothness ; instability. F. lubricite :

L. lubricus, gliding : labor, to slide.

LU BR I FACTION, s. The act of making slippery or smooth. L.
lubricus, gliding, and facio, to make.
LU'CENT. adj. Shining; splendid. L. lucens, part, of luceo, to
LU'CID. adj. Shining; perspicuous. L. lucidus : from lucis, gen. of
lux, light.
LUCIF'EROUS. adj. Giving light. L. lucis, gen. of lux, light, and
fero, to bring.
LU'CIFORM. adj. Having the form of light. L. lucis, gen. of lux,
light, and forma, form.
LUCRATIVE, L. lucrativus : from lucrum, gain.
adj. Profitable.
LU'CRE. s. Gain ; money. This
is a vulgar word, and always used
in a degrading sense. F. lucre : L. lucrum, gain.
LUCUBRATION, s. Nocturnal study. L. lucubratio : from lucis,
gen. of lux, light ;

meaning candlelight.
LUC'ULENT. adj. Lucid clear. L. luculentus : luceo, to shine.

LU'DICROUS. adj. Exciting laughter. L. ludicer : from ludus,

LUGUBRIOUS, adj. Mournful. L. lugubris : lugeo, to mourn.
LUMBA'GO. s. Pain in the loins and small part of the back. L.
lumbi, the loins, and ago, to move.
LUMINARY, s. That which emits light. L. luminare : from lumen,
species of intermitting mental derangement, erro-
neously supposed to be influenced by the moon ; madness in general.
L. luna, the moon.
LU'NAR. adj. Relating or belonging to the moon. L. lunaris : from
luna, the moon.
LUNA' RI AN. s. An inhabitant of the moon. L. luna, the moon.
LUNATIC, s. One afflicted with lunacy. See LUNACY.
LUNA'TION. s. A revolution of the moon. L. luna, the moon.
LU'PERCAL. s. A feast observed at Rome, at the place where Romu-
lus andRemus were said to have been suckled by a wolf. L. luper-
cal from lupa, a female wolf.

LUSTRA'TION. s. Religious purification by water, or other sacrifice.

L. lustratio. See LUSTRUM.
LUS'TRE. s. Brightness, or glitter renown ; a chandalier. F. lustre;

L. lustro, to purify.
LUS'TRUM. s. The religious purgation or cleansing of Rome, every
fifth year ; hence, lustrum is used to denote a period of four years. L,

LU'SUS NATURAE. An irregular production of nature; as an ani-
mal born with five legs, instead of four. L. lusus, a play or freak,
natures, (from natura,) of nature.
LUTA'RIOUS. adj. Living in mud. L. lutarius : from lut urn, mud.
LU'TING. Clay, or a composition, with which the joints and aper-

tures of chemical utensils are closed. F. lut : L. luium, clay.

LU'TULENT. adj. Muddy turbid. L. lutulentus : lutum, mud.

LUXURIANT, adj. Exuberant. L. luxurians : from luxo, to loosen ;

that is, to grow beyond the proper limit.
transparent, colourless fluid. L. lympha, a poetical
term for water.
LYMTHEDUCT. s. In anatomy, a vessel which conveys the lymph.

L. lympha, lymph, and ductus, a guidance duco, to lead.:

LYRE. s. A
harp. F. lyre : L. lyra : G. lura.
LYRTC. adj. Relating to poems intended for the harp; sentimental
pieces of music. L. lyricus. See LYRE.

MACERATE, v. To make lean; to wear away. L. macero; from
macer, lean.
MACHINA'TION. s. Artifice; malicious design. L. machinatio;
from machina, an engine. See MACHINE.
MACHINE, s. An engine of complicated workmanship. F. machine:

L. machina : G. machane, a project or endeavour quickness or ad-;

MACULA, A spot. L. (pi. macules.)

MAD'RIGAL. A pastoral song; any

s. light, airy, short song. F.
madrigal L. mandra, a hovel for cattle.

store-house, generally for munitions of war ; a
miscellaneous pamphlet, (imagined as a literary store-house.) F.
magazin: G. magos, wise.
MA'GIC. s. Pretended sorcery or enchantment. L. magia : G. magos,
MAGISTE'RIAL. adj. Relating to or resembling a magistrate. See
MAGISTRATE, s. A man invested with legal authority. L. magis-
trates : from major, greater.
magister, a master :

MAGNA CHAR'TA. s. The charter of English liberties, obtained

from king John, by the barons, in 1215. L. magna, (fern, of mag-
nus,) great, and charta, (pronounced carta,) paper.
MAGNANIMTTY. s. Greatness of mind ; bravery. L. magnanimi-
las: comp. of magnus, great, and animus, the mind or soul.
MAGNIFICENT, adj. Grand ; splendid. L. magnijicus ; from mag-
nus, great, and facio, to make.
MAGNIFY, v. To make great; to increase to the eye ; to exaggerate.

L. magnijicio ; from magnus, great, and facio, to make.

MAGNITUDE, s. Bulk; dimension. L. magnitudo ; from magnus,
MAIL. s. A coat of steel network, to protect the body any armour ;

a postman's bag, or that which covers and protects the letters a ;

carriage in which the mail is conveyed. F. maille, the mesh of a net


MAIN. adj. Principal ; chief; leading. Old F. magne : L. magnus,
MAIN. s. A continent, or great tract of land ; an ccean, or great sheet
ofw.iter. See the adjective.
MAIN'PRISE. s. Delivery into the custody of a friend, upon security
given for appearance bail. F. main, a hand, and prise, possession;

prendre, to take.
preserve; to keep; to support. F. maintenir
main, a hand, (that is, in the hand,) and tenir, to hold L. manus, :

and teneo.
MAJES'TIC. August; grand; splendid. L. majestas, superior-
ity, majesty from major, compar. of magnus, great.

MA'JOR. adj. Greater used generally before part. L. major, greater


compar. of magnus, great.

MAJOR, s. An officer next above a captain. L. major, greater.
MAJORTTY. s. The greater number; commission or rank of major.
MAL'ADY. s. Disease. F. maladie : mal, evil: L. malum.
MA'LA FIDE. With a design to deceive. L. abl. of malus, bad, and
Jides, faith.
MAL'ATES. s. Salts formed by a combination of any base with the
malic acid. See MALIC.
MAL'CONTENT. s. A discontented or dissatisfied person. . F. mal-
content: mal, ill, and content, contented.
MALEDICTION, Curse. s. L. maledictio; from malus, evil, and
dictio, an expression.
criminal. L. male, wickedly, and facio, to do.

MALEVOLENT, s. Ill-disposed ; malignant. L. malevolus ; from

male, wickedly, and volo, to wish.
MALTC. adj. Malic acid is obtained from the juice of apples. L.
malum, an apple.
MALICE, s. Evil design. F. malice : L. malitia ; from malum, wick-
MALTCE PREPENSE'. Evil intention, previously cherished. See
MALIFTCENT. adj. Malign; injurious; causing evil. L. malum,
evil, and facio, to make.
MALIGN, malicious
adj. Evil- disposed pestilential. F. maligne :
; ;

L. malignus malus, evil.


MALIGNANT, adj. Intending or effecting ill; malicious; hostile to

life. F. malignant : L. malignus ; from malum, evil.
MALLEABLE, adj. Capable of being spread by hammering. F.
malleable: L. malleus, ahammer.
MAL'LET. A wooden hammer, with two heads. F. maillet : L.

malleus, ahammer.
MALUM IN SE. Evil in itself, as murder. Some actions are evil
only when prohibited by law, as the killing of game, if unprivileged,
which is malum prohibitum. L. malum, (neuter of malus,) evil, in,
in, sp, itself.
MALVERSATION, s. Fraudulent conduct. F. malversation: L.
malum, evil, and verso, (freq. of verto,) to turn often.
MAN'ACLES. s. Handcuffs. F. manicles : L. manic<s : manus, a hand.
— ;

MAN' AGE. v. To conduct to make tractable. F. tnenager : main,

the hand, and agir, to act. L. manus, and ago.

MANDA'MUS. s. writ, requiring the person to whom it is directed,
to do some particular thing, therein specified. L. mandamus, (from
mando,) we command.
MAN'DATE. s. A command ; a commission. L. mandatum ; from
mando, to command, or give in charge : manus, a hand, and do, to
MANE'GE. A place for
s. training horses; a riding-school. F. ma-
nege. See MANAGE.
MAN'ES. s. The immortal
part, or spirit. L. manes : which appears
from maneo, to remain.
to be derived
MANEUV'RE. s. Finesse artful and subtle expedient ; military move-

ment. F. manoeuvre : comp. of main, the hand, and oeuvre, work.

MANGE, s. A scorbutic disease amongst brutes. F. manger, to eat
meaning to penetrate the skin.
MANGER, s. The trough or vessel in which cattle are fed. F. man-
geoire : manger, to eat.
MAN'IA. s. Raving or furious madness generally prevailing adoption

of something new. G. mania, rage.

MA'NIAC. s. One highly deranged in mind. See MANIA.
MAN'OR. s. Land granted by a sovereign to a person of great merit,
as an estate or permanent place of residence. Old F. manoir : L.
maneo, to remain.
MAN'SION. s. The house erected on a manor a house adapted for ;

a permanent residence place of abode. L. mansio, a continuance


mansum, sup. of maneo. See MANOR.

kind of pent-house, used by a besieging army, to
cover the miners and pioneers from the enemy's shot. F. mantelet :
Old F. mantel, a cloak.
MANUAL, adj. Performed by the hand. L. manualis : from manus,
a hand.
small book, such as may be easily carried in the
hand. See the adjective.
MANUFACTURE, v. To form by art and labour. F. manufacturer:
L. manu, (abl. of manus,) by the hand, and facio, to make.
MANUMIT', u. To release from slavery. L. manumitto : comp. of
manu, abl. of manus,) from the hand, and mitto, to send away. The
ceremony of manumission was thus performed by the Romans :

The slave was brought before the consul, and, in after times, before
the prsstor, by his master ; who, laying his hand upon his servant's
head, said, to the praetor, " hunc hominem, liberum esse volo ;" and
then let him go out of his hand which was termed e manu emitlere.

Kennett's Rom. Ant. 1 14.

MAN'USCRIPT. s. Something written by the hand, not printed. —
L. manuscriptum : manu, (abl. of manus,) by the hand, and scriptus,
p. part, of scribo, to write.
MARCH, s. The third month. L. Martius ; from Mars, the god of
war; to whom, it was dedicated by the Romans.
MARGIN, s. The brink, or border. L. margo, the brink.
MARI'NE. adj. Belonging to the sea. L. marinus; from mare, the sea.
MARINER, s. A seaman. See MARINE.
MAR'ITAL. adj. Relating to a husband. F. marital : L. maritus, a
MARITIME, adj. Relating to the sea. L. maritimus ; from mare,
the sea.
MARQUE, s. "Letters of marque and reprisal ;" (words used as syno-

nymous, and signifying, the latter, a taking in return, the former,

the passing of the frontiers, in order to such taking:) are granted,
in order to seize the bodies or goods of offending foreigners, until
satisfaction be made. F. from marche, a boundary.
MARQUIS, or MAR'QUESS. s. Now denotes a nobleman, next in
rank below a duke ; but originally signified a person whose office
was to guard the frontiers and limits of the kingdom of England.
F. marche, a boundary, or limit.
MAR'RY. v. To perform the ceremony of marriage; to take in mar-
riage. F. marier : L. marito, to wed.
MAR'TIAL. adj. Warlike ; relating to war. F. martial : L. martialis:
Mars, the god of war.
MAR'TYR. s. One who is put to death for holding a particular opi-
nion. F. martyr : G. martur, a witness ; because, by his death, he
bears witness to the truth of his belief.
MARTYROL'OGY. s. Aregister of martyrs. F. martyr, a martyr,
and G. logos, a description.
MARYELLOUS. adj. Wonderful. F. merveilleux : merveille, won-
der, meriter, to deserve, and veiller, to notice.
MASCULINE, adj. Relating or belonging to males. L. masculinus ;
from mas, a male.
MAS'SACRE. s. Extensive and indiscriminate slaughter cruel butch- ;

ery of the unarmed or defenceless. F. massacre : L. macto, to kill,

and sacrum, a sacrifice.
MAS'SIVE, or MASSY, adj. Bulky ; ponderous. F. massif: L.
massa, a heap.
M ASTER, s. One who has a servant ; a ruler ; a director ; one who
teaches, &c. F. maistre: L. magister ; from major, (compar. of
magnus„) greater.
MATE'RIAL. adj. Consisting of matter ; corporeal, not spiritual; im-
portant; essential; necessary. L. materialis. See MATTER.
MATERIALIST, s. One who denies the existence of spiritual sub-

stances. See MATERIAL.

MATE'RIA MEDTCA. A general name for all substances used in
medicine; a book which treats of these substances. L. materia,
matter, and medica, (fern, of medicus,) pertaining to physic.
MATER'NAL. adj. Motherly pertaining to a mother. L. maternus :

mater, a mother. G. mater, a mother.

MATHEMATICS, s. That science which contemplates whatever

can be numbered or measured. G. mithematike ; from mathema,

instruction ; manthano, to learn.
MATIN, adj. Relating to the morning. F. matin, morning.
MATINS, s. Morning worship. F. matines. See MATIN.
MAT'RICE. s. A mould ; an instrument used by engravers and letter-
founders, on which is engraved a figure to be stuck into the metal,
or the letter to be cast. See MATRIX.
o 157
MATRICIDE, s. one who murders a mother.
Murder of a mother ;

L. matricidium comp. of mater, a mother, and ccsdo, to kill.


MATRICULATE, v. To admit as a member of a university; to enrol.

L. matrix, a womb, and latum, sup. of fero, to bring. A college is
thus compared to a mother.
MATRIMONY, s. Wedlock. L. matrimonium ; from mater, a mother.
MATRIX, s. The womb; also, an instrument used in the formation
of letters, &c, by engravers and type-founders. L. matrix : G. ma-
ter, a mother.
MA'TRON. s. An elderly lady ; a wife. L. matrona ; from mater, a
MATTER, s. Substance purulent discharge subject consequence
; ; ;

importance. L. materia ; from mater, a mother G. mater. :

MATURE, adj. Ripe. L. maturus, mellow.

MATURA'TION. s. The process of ripening, or coming to maturity.
L. maturus, ripe.
MAUSOLE'UM. s. A splendid tomb. L. from Mausolus, king of Ca-
ria ; for whom, a famous funeral monument was erected by his
queen, and called The Mausoleum.
MAUVAISE HONTE. Excessive bashfulness. F. mauvaise, evil,
shame, or confusion.
MAX'IM. s. An axiom; a general principle; a leading truth. F.
maxime : L. maximus, greatest.
MAX'IMUM. s. The highest rate, opposed to minimum. L. maxi-
mum, (neuter of maximus,) the superl. of magnus, great : pos. mag.
nus, great; compar. major, greater; superl. maximus, greatest.
MAY. s. The fifth month. L. Maius ; from Maia, the mother of
MAY'OR. s. The chief magistrate of a town. F. maire : L. major,
MEAGER, adj. Lean weak emaciated.
; ; Y.maigre : L. macer : G.
mikros, small.
MEANDER, v. To move in a serpentine course. Meander, a river in
Phrygia, remarkable for its winding.
MEASURE, s. Standard of measurement; degree, or quantity;
means musical time metre. F. mesure : L. mensura : mensus,
; ;

part, of metior, to measure G. metreo. :

MECHANICS, s. The science of the power and construction of ma-

chines. G. mechane, art.
MED'AL. s. A piece of metal, bearing a memorial of some meritorious
or remarkable performance and intended as a present to the ;

achiever. F. medaille : from the Saxon, med, signifying reward.

MEDAL'LION. s. Something resembling a medal. F. medallion. See
ME'DIATE. v. To intercede. L. medius, middle ;
— a mediator stands
between two persons.
ME'DIATELY. adv. By a secondary cause. See MEDIATE.
ME'DIATOR. s. An intercessor. See MEDIATE.
MEDICAL, adj. Relating to the art of healing. L. medicus : G. me-
deo, to govern.
MEDIOCRITY, s. Middle rate. L. mediocrilas : from medius,
m iddle.

MED'ITATE. v. To contemplate. L. meditor : G. medeo, to govern,
or take care of.
ME'DIUM. s. Anything intervening; a middle degree ; means. L.
medium, the middle.
disease, arising from a heavy state of the
blood ; a gloomy, pensive temper. G. melanos, gen. of melas, black,
and chole, bile.
ME'LIORATE. v. To improve to ; ameliorate. L. melior, better.
MELLIF'EROUS. adj. Producing honey. L. mellifer : mel, honey,
and fero, to bring.
MELLIFLUOUS, adj. Sweetly flowing. L. mel, honey, and fluo, to
MEL'LOW. adj. Pleasingly ripe
soft. L. mel, honey. ;

MEL'ODY. Sweetness of musical sound. G. melodia : from meli,

honey, and ode, a song. Musical harmony relates to the agreement
of sounds.
MEM'BRANE. s. A delicate web used in the human structure. L.
membrana, a film.
MEMEN'TO. v. Remember ; s. a memorial. L. memento, remember
imper. of the defective v. memini.
MEM'OIR. s. A familiarly written history. F. memoire : L. memoro,
to remember.
MEMORAN'DUM. s. A note to aid the memory. L. memorandum, to
be remembered ;
part, of memoro, to
MEMO'RIAL. s. A monument; a remembrancer a written address, ;

such as reminds of services and solicits a reward a remonstrance. ;

F. memorial: L. memorialis : memoro, to remember.

MEM'ORY. s. The faculty of recollecting things past; recollection.
L. memoria : from memoro, to remember.
MEN' ACE. v. To F. menacer : G. menio, to be angry.
place for wild animals. F. from
menager, to manage, or take care of.
MENDACITY, s. Falsehood. L. mendax, lying.
MEN'DICANT. adj. Begging. L. mendicans, part, of mendico, to
MENDICITY, s. The state of a beggar. See MENDICANT.
ME'NIAL. adj. Belonging to the retinue or train of common or low
servants ; befitting a servant. According to Blackstone, menial ser-
vants are so called, because being intra m&nia ; within the walls, or
MEN'SAL. adj. Relating to the table. L. mensalis : mensa, a table.
MENSTRUAL, adj. Monthly; relating to a menstruum. F. men-
strual : L. mensis, a month.
MENSURATION, s. The science or act of measuring. L. mensura,
a measure. See MEASURE.
MEN'TAL. adj. Intellectual. F. mentale : L. mentis, gen. of mens,
the mind.
MEN'TION. s. A hint a suggestion ; a brief notice or remark. L.

mentis, gen. of mens, the mind.

MEPHIT'IC. adj. Ill-smelling ; noxious. L. mephitis, a bad smell.
MER'CANTILE. adj. Commercial. L. mercans, part, of mercor, to
MERCENARY, adj. Venal; hired; too studious of recompense. L.
mercenariesfrom merces, wages.

MER/CER. s. A dealer in cloths. F. merrier: L. mercor, to buy.

MER'CHANT. s. One who traffics. F. marchand : L. mercans : mer-
cor, to purchase.
MER'CY. Tenderness ; goodness pity, &,c. F. merci : L. miseri-
s. ;

tus, part, of miserccor, to pity.

MERETRICIOUS, adj. Alluring by false show. L. meretricius :
from meretrix, a harlot.
MERCURY, s. Quicksilver. L. Mercurius, called, in English, Mer-
cury the most subtle of all the heathen gods.

MERGE, v. To unite; to be included. L. mergo, to immerse.

MERID'IAN. s. The point of noon a geographical line,drawn from

north to south, and passing through all tho?e places which have noon
at the same time. F. meridien : L. meridies, noon probably, from

medius, middle, and dies, a day.

MERTT. s. Desert. L. meritum : from mereo, to earn.
MER'MAID. s. An animal resembling the human form, said to exist
in the sea. F. mer, the sea, and maid.
MERSION. s. The act of sinking or plunging below the surface. L.
mersio : from mersum, sup. of mergo, to plunge.
MESSAGE, s. An errand any thing committed to another, to be

told to a third. F. message : L. missus, p. part, of mitto, to send.

MES'SIEURS. s. Sirs; gentlemen. F. plural of monsieur, sir.
MESSUAGE, s. (Pronounced mess-wage.) In law, the house and
ground set apart for domestic uses; also a garden, shop, mill, &c.
Law L. messuagium : supposed to be derived from mansio. See
MET'ALLURGY. s. The art of working or preparing metals. L.
metallum, metal, and G. ergon, work.
METAMORPHOSE, v. To change the form. G.metamorphoo: comp.
of meta, against, and morphe, form.
MET'APHOR. s. A similitude; a simile, usually comprised in one
word. G. metaphora : meta, signifying from one place, or thing, to
another, and phoreo, to carry.
MET'APHRASE. s. A strict, verbal translation. G. metaphrasis :
meta, signifying from one place, or thing, to another, and phrasis, a
METAPHYSICS, s. That part of philosophy which considers the
nature and properties of thinking beings, &c. G. metaphusike ; from
meta, through, and phusis, nature,
MET'APLASM. s. In grammar, a transmutation or change made in
a word, by transposing or retrenching a syllable or letter. G. mcta-
plas?nos : meta, over, and plasso, to form.
METAS'TASIS. s. Translation or removal. G. metastasis : from
meta, across or opposite to, and stasis, a situation.
METE. v. To measure. L. metior : G. metreo, to measure.
METEMPSYCHOSIS, s. Transmigration of the soul from one body

to another. G. metempsuchosis : from meta, from one place to an-

other, and psuche, the soul.
ME'TEOR. s. transitory body passing through the air. G. meteora :
from meta, from one place to another, and aeiro, to raise.

METEOROLOGICAL, adj. Relating to the doctrine of meteors ; and
to the changes of weather. Meteor, and G. logos, a description.
METH'OD. s. The placing of several things, or performing several

operations, in the most convenient manner; mode, or manner. G.

methodos meta, with, and odos, a way.

rhetorical figure, founded on the several relations
of cause and effect, container and contained, sign and thing signi-
fied as, when we say, "he is reading Locke," the cause is put for

the effect : meaning, " the works of Locke. " G. metonumia : meta,
against, and onoma, a name.
ME'TRE, s. Language confined to a. certain number, and harmonic
disposition, of syllables; verse. G. metron, a measure.
discourse on measures or mensuration. G.
metron, measure, and logos, discourse.
chief city. L. metropolis : G. meter, a mother,
and polls, a city.
METROPOLITAN, s. An archbishop. G. from metropolis : sup-
posing that the chief city was the principal see.
MEUM AND TUUM. Mine and yours: a technical expression, —
used to mark the distinction of property, as belonging to one person
or another. L.
MIAS'MA. s. Contagious effluvia, arising from distempered or poison-
ous bodies. G. miasma : from miaino, to infect.
MICOG'RAPHY. s. The description of objects too small to be discern-
ed without the aid of a microscope. G. mikros, small, and grapho, to
MICROCOSM, s. Man is so called, from a fanciful
The little world.
analogy to the G. ?nikros, little, and kosmos, the world.
world itself.

MICROM'ETER. s. An instrument for measuring small spaces. G.

mikros, small, and metreo, to measure.
MICROSCOPE, s. An instrument for viewing small objects. G.
mikros, small, and skopeo, to view.
MI'GRATE. v. To remove to another country. L. migro, to shift the
MIL^ s. The Roman mile was thousand paces
called mille passus, a
or sxeps, each about five feet ; hence, the English mile, though it
contains 1760 yards.
MILTARY. adj. In medical language, means small, resembling a
millet-seed : a miliary fever produces small eruptions. F. miliaire
L. milium, a millet-seed.
MILITANT, adj. Fighting; engaged in spiritual warfare. L. mill-
tans, part, of milito, to go a fighting: from ?niles, a soldier.
MILTTARY. adj. Belonging to the profession of a soldier; relating
to war. L. militaris : from miles, a soldier.
MILI'TIA. s. Citizens and peasantry trained for national defence. L.
militia, soldiery; from miles, a soldier.
MILL. s. In the federal, arithmetic of the United States of America,
a mill is the thousandth part of a dollar. F. mille: L. mille, a thou-
MTLLEN'NIUM. s. A thousand years; a certain period of time, an-
ticipated by some Christians. L. mille, a thousand, and annus, a
o* - 161

MILLESIMAL, adj. Relating to, or containing a thousand. L. mil-
lesimus ; from
a thousand. mille,
MIL'LIGRAM. s. In the system of French weights and measures,
the thousandth part of a grain. L. mille, a thousand, and gramma,
a grain.
French lineal measure, containing the thou-
sandth part of a meter. L. mille, a thousand, and metrum, a measure.
MIM'IC. s. A
ludicrous, or servile imitator. L. mimicus : G. mimos,
an imitator.
MIN'ATORY. adj. Threatening. L. minor, to threaten.
MINCE, v. To cut or chop into very small pieces. L. minuo, to
MINERAL'OGY. s. The science of minerals: coinp. of the Eng. mi-
neral, and G. logos, a description.
MIN'IATURE. s. A representation in a small compass. F. miniature.
This word, in accordance with the size of the painting, &c, appears
to come from the L. minvo, to lessen but, in relation to its ortho- ;

graphy, and to the mode of execution, the French word may have
been derived from miniatus, part, of the L. minio, to colour with
MINIMUM, s. The lowest rate; opposed to maximum. L. minimum,
(neuter of minimus,) the superl. of parvus, little compar. minor, ;

less ; superl. minimus, least.

MINTON. s. A court-favourite ; a mean dependant. F. mignon, a
MINISTER, s. An agent one who acts under another a clergyman,
; ;

or high civil officer. L. minister, a servant, or assistant minor, less. :

MINISTER, v. To attend ; to manage to perform ; to supply. L. ;

minisiro. See the noun.

MI'NOR. adj. Petty less ; smaller. L. minor, less.

MI'NOR. s. One under the age when he can lawfully manage his own
affairs. L. minor, less, or younger.
monster imagined by the poets, half man and
half bull. L. Minotaurus : from Minos, a king of Crete, and taurus,
a bull. See Ovid's Metamorphoses.
MI'NUS. s. Less insufficient ; in electricity, opposed to plus.
; L.
minus, less.
MINUTE', adj. Small ;
precise. L. minutus, diminished ; from mi-
nuo, to lessen.
MINUTE, s. The sixtieth part of an hour. L. minutus. See MI-
MINUTE, v. To record briefly. See MINUTE'.
MINU'TIiE. s. Minute parts ; trifles. L. pi. of minutia : minutus,^.
part, of minuo, to make less ; minor, less.
MIR'ACLE. s. A wonder; something above human power. F. mira-
cle L. miracuhim : from miror, to wonder.

looking-glass. F.miroir: L. miror, to admire.
MIS'ANTHROPE. s One disgusted with mankind. G. misanthropos
miseo, to hate, and antkropos, a man.
MISCELLANEOUS, adj. Various. L. miscellaneus ; from misceo,
to mix.
MIS'CIBLE. adj. Possible to be mingled. L. misceo, to mix.
MIS'CREANT. s. Now signifies a vile wretch it anciently denoted

an unbeliever, or one who worshipped false gods : —

modern F. mis-
creant ; old F. mescroyantz.
MI'SER. Originally, signified a wretched or unhappy person, in
general but now, means one who is extremely covetous of money,

and wretched from the fear of poverty. L. miser, wretched.

MISERABLE, adj. Wretched. F. miserable. See MISER.
MISNO'MER. s. In law, signifies a wrong name. F. from mis, de-
noting error, and worn, a name.
marriage-hater. G. miseo, to hate, and garnos,
MISPRISION, s. In law, signifies neglect, negligence, or oversight.
Old F. mespriser, to disdain or mesprendre, to mistake.

MIS'SILE. adj. Thrown designed to be thrown. L. missilis ; from


missus, p. part, of mitto, to send.

MIS'SION. s. Commission the office of persons commissioned or

employed. L. missio ; from missus, p. part, of mitto, to send.

MITIGATE, v. To assuage to soften. L. mitigo; from mitis, meek.

MI'TRE. s. A bishop's crown. L. mitra, a bonnet, or turban.

MITTIMUS, s. magistrate's order for imprisonment. L. mittimus,
we send being the first word in the old Latin writs.

MIXTILIN'EAR. s. Consisting of a line, or lines, partly straight and

partly curved. L. mixtus, mixed, and linealis. See LINEAL.
MNEMON'ICS. s. The science of artificial memory. G. mnemonikes,
relating- to the memory : mnaomai, to remember.
MOBILITY, Capacity of being moved; activity; in cant language,

the populace. F. mobilite : L. mobilitas : moveo, to move.

MOCK. v. To imitate in an ill-natured and vulgar manner ; to laugh
at ; to tantalize to defeat.
; F. moquer : G. mokao, to laugh at.
MODE. s. Manner; method; form; fashion. F. mode : L. modus, a
due proportion, method, manner.
MODEL, s. A pattern. F. modele : L. modulus, a little measure.
MOD'ERATE. adj. Not excessive; temperate; middling. L. mode-
ratus. See MODE.
MOD'ERN. adj. According to the present mode ; in conformity with
the present mode ; recent not ancient. ; F. moderne. See MODE.
MOD'EST. s. Having a proper deportment; not impudent; chaste.
F. modeste: L. modestus : modus, a measure, a due proportion.
MOD'IFY. v. To shape, so as to fit or conform to another thing to ;

qualify. F. modifier: L. modus, a manner, and facio, to make. See

MOD' UL ATE. v. To form sound to a certain key, or to certain notes.
L. modulor ; from modulus, a measure modus, a rule. :

MO' DUS. s. A
due proportion, neither more nor less measure lim- ; ;

its; rule. L.
MO DUS OPERANDI. The method or manner of operating. L.

modus, a method, operandi, (gerund, of operor,) of working.

MOI'ETY. s. Half. F. moitiiijirom moyen, the middle.
MOLE'CULE. s. The molecules of bodies are those ultimate particles
which cannot be decomposed by any chemical means. F. moUcule,
a dimin. formation, from the L. moles, a mass.
MOLEST', v. To disturb, or vex. F. molester : L. molestia, trouble s

moles, a mass, or heap.

MOL'LIENT. adj. Softening-. L, molliens, part, of niollio, to soften,
MOL'LIFY. v. To soften. L. mollis, soft, and Jio, to be- made.
MO'MENT. Force; importance; consequence; indivisible particle

of time. L. momentum: moveo, to move.

MOMEN'TOUS. adj. Important of consequence. L. momentosus.

MON'ACHISM. s. State of a monk. F. See MONK.
MONAN'DRIA. s. A genus of plants, distinguished by one male sta-
mina. G. monos, single, and andria, virility.
MON' ARCH. s. An emperor, or a king. G. monarchos ; from monos,
alone, and arche, government.
habitation for monks. L. monasterium G. :

monos, alone.
MONI'TION. s. Advice. L. monitio ; from moneo, to advise. G.
monos, alone that is, in private.

MON' ITOR. s. One who gives advice; a scholar appointed to watch

over his fellows. L. monitor ; from moneo, to advise.
MONK. s. A man secluded in a monastery. Derived, through the
Saxon, from the G. monachos, solitary monos, alone. ;

MON'OCHORD. s. A musical instrument, of one string. G. monos,

alone, and chorde, a chord.
MONODY, s. A poem in which only one person is introduced as
speaking. G. monos, alone, and ode, a song.
MONOG'AMY. s. Marriage of one wife opposed to polygamy. G. ;

monos, one, and gameo, to marry.

MONOLOGUE, s. A soliloquy. G. monos, alone, and logos, a word,
or speech.
MONOM'ACHY. s. A duel, a single combat. G. monomachia : monos,
alone, and mache, combat.
MONOPET'ALOUS. adj. Having only one petal. G. monos, only,
and petalon, a flower-leaf.
MONOP OL1ZE. v. To engross. G. monos, alone, and poleo, to
MONOP'TOTE. s. A noun used only in one oblique case. G. monos,
one, and ptosis, a case.
MONOSYL'LABLE. s. A word of one syllable. G. monos, one, and
MONOSTROPHTC. adj. Having only one strophe; not varied in
measure. G. monos, only, and strophe, a turning.
MONOT'ONY. s. Disagreeable repetition of the same sound. G.
monotonia : monos, one, and tonos, a tone or note.
MONSTER, s. The primary meaning of this word was, something
ominous ; something which w7 as supposed to show or foretel as, an ;

eclipse of the sun, a comet, or an unusual colour of the moon but, :

the word Monster now denotes something formed contrary to the

general rules of nature, or any th|^ extremely large. F. monstre :
L. monstrum : monstro, to show.
MON'UMENT. s. Any thing by which the memory of persons or
things is preserved. L. monumentum ; from moneo, to bring to re-
MOOD, or MODE. s. Manner; a term of logic and of grammar. See
MOR'AL. adj. Relating to human conduct; proper; honest. L. mo-
ralisfrom maris, gen. of mos, a manner.

MOR'BID. adj. Diseased; sickly. L. morbidus ; from morbus, a

MORBIF'IC. Causing disease. F. morbifique : L. morbus, a
disease, to make.
and facio,
MOR'DANT. s. A substance, such as alum, or iron, which has a
chemical affinity for another substance and with which cloth or ;

yarn is prepared before dyeing. F. mordant, sharp, acrid from ;

mordre, to bite : L. mordeo.

MOROSE', adj. Peevish; sullen. L. morosus ; from mordeo, to
mouthful a piece a meal. L. morsus ; from the
; ;

p. part,of mordeo, to bite.

MOR'TAL. adj. Subject to death causing death. L. morlalis ; from

mors, death.
MORT'GAGE. s. Security on lands, &c, by the terms of which, the
land pledged for the repayment of money borrowed, is, in law, in
case of non-payment at the time limited, for ever dead and gone from
the mortgagor. F. mort, dead, and gage, a pledge.
MORTIF'EROUS. adj. Causing death. L. mortiferus : mortis, gen.
of mors, death.
MORTIFY, v. To destroy the vital principle to subdue inordinate ;

passions to vex. F. mortijier : L. mors, death, and facio, to make,


or cause.
MORT'MAIN. s. Such a state of possession as makes it unalienable ;
whence, it is said to be in a dead hand. F. morte, dead, and main,
a hand.
sort of ecclesiastical heriot a burial-place. F. ;

mortuaire : L. mortis, gen. of mors, death.

MO'TIVE. s. That which incites. L. motivus : moto, to move.
slimy or gummy substance. F. mucilage. See
MUCILAGINOUS, adj. Having the quality of mucilage : from mu-
cilage, and the L. genus, a sort.
MUCOUS, adj. Viscous slimy. See MUCUS. ;

MU'CULENT. adj. Viscous; slimy. See MUCUS.

MUCUS, s. That which issues from the nose a viscous fluid. ; L.
MULCT, v. To punish by fine. L. mulcto, to fine.
MULCTUARY. adj. Imposing a fine. See MULCT.
MULIEB'RITY. s. Womanhood the state of being a woman, ; corre-
sponding with man. L. mulier, woman.
virility in
MULTIFARIOUS, adj. Having great diversity various. L. multi- ;

fcr; comp. of multus, many, and fero, to bear.

MUL'TIFORM. adj. Having various forms. L. multiformis; from
multus, many, and forma, a shape.
MULTILATERAL, adj. Having many sides. L. from multus, many,
and latus, a side.
MULTIP'AROUS. adj. Producing many at a birth. L. multiparus ;
from multus, many, and pario, to bring forth young.
— ;

MUL'TIPEDE. s. An insect with many feet. L. multipeda ; from
multus, many, and pedes, pi. of pes, a foot.
MUL'TIPLY. v. To increase; to find the product of arithmetical fac-
tor?. L. multiplico ; from multus, many, and plico, to fold.
MUL'TITUDE. s. A great number the vulgar. L. muitilvdo : mul-

tus, many.
MUL'TUM IN PAR'VO. Much in little space. L. multum, neuter
of multus, much, in, par vo, abl. of parvus, little.
MUM'MERY. s. Masking, sport, farcical show. F. momerie : from
Mo?nus, the god of sport and ridicule.
MUN'DANE. adj. Belonging to the world. L. mundanus ; from
mundus, the world.
MUNICIPAL, adj. Belonging or relating to a corporation. L. muni-
cipalis ; from municipium, a privileged city, munus, a gift, and
capio, to hold.
MUNIFICENCE, s. Splendid liberality. L. munijicentia ; from mu-
nus, a gift, and facto, to make.
MUNI'TION. s. Ammunition; materials for war. L. muniiio ; from
munio, to strengthen.
MURAL, adj. Pertaining to a wall. L. muralis ; from murus, a wall.
MU'RIATES. s. Salts formed by the combination of any base with
muriatic acid. See MURIATIC.
MURIATTC. adj. Having a chemical basis of salt. L. muria, salt
repository of curiosities. L. museum : G. mouseion,
a place dedicated to the Muses from mousa, a Muse.

MUSIC, s. Instrumental or vocal harmony. L. musica : G. mousike

from mousa, a Muse.
MU'TABLE. adj. Changeable; inconstant. L. mutabilis ; from muto,
to change.
MUTATIS MUTANDIS. After making the necessary changes:
(inflections of the L. muto, to change.)
MUTE. adj. Silent. L. mutus : G. muttos ; from muo, to shut.
MUTILATE, v. To deprive of some essential part. L. mutilo : muto,
to change, or transform.
MU'TINY. v. To form a plan of insurrection to rise against autho- ;

rity. F. mutiner : L. mutus, silent because mutinies are organized


in silence. See MUTE.

MUT'TON. s. The flesh of a sheep. F. mouton, a sheep.
MUTUAL, adj. Reciprocal. L. muluus ; from muto, to change.
MYRTAD. s. Ten thousand a vast number. G. murias, ten thousand.

ruffian a mercenary bravo. G. murmedon ; from

the Myrmidones, a people who followed Achilles to the Trojan war.

MYS'TERY. s. Something shut or hidden from the knowledge of the
people, and known only by the ancient priests something beyond

human comprehension. L. mysterium : G. musterion : muo, to shut.

MYS'TIC, or MYSTICAL, adj. Sacredly obscure, as distinguished
from mysterious, which applies to common obscurities secret em- ; ;

blematical. L. mysiicus. See MYSTERY.

MYTHOL'OGY. s. System of fables; explication of the fabulous his-
tory of heathen gods. F. mylhologie : G. muthos, a fable, (from muo,
to shut,) and logos, a description.

NARCOT'IC. adj. Promoting sleep. G. narko-o, to stupify.

NARRA'TE. v. To relate. L. narro, to tell.
NASAL, adj. Relating to the nose. L. nasus, the nose.
NAS CENT. adj. Rising into existence. L. nascens, part, of nascor,
to be born.
NA'TAL. adj. Native; relating to nativity. L. natalis; from naius,
part, of nascor, to be born.
NA'TION. s. A people, distinguished from another people, by place
of birth, &c. F. nation : L. natio. See NATAL.
NATIVE, adj. Produced by nature ; natural ; relating to the place
of birth, or production : s. one born in a particular country. L. na-
tivus. See NATAL.
NATURE, s. The native state or properties of any thing; an imagi-

nary being, supposed to preside over the material and animal world.
L. natura ; from natus, part, of nascor, to be born.
NAUS'EOUS. adj. Loathsome. L. nauseosus : G. nausia, sea-sick-
ness from naus, a ship.

NAUTICAL, adj. Relating to sailors naval. G. nautikos ; from ;

naus, a ship.
NAVAL, adj. Relating to ships ;
pertaining to a navy. L. navalis.
NAVIGATE, v. To pass by water to steer. L. navigo ; from navis,

a ship, and ago, to move.

NAV'Y. s. A
national fleet. L. navis, a ship. G. naus ; from nao, to
NEBULOUS, adj. Cloudy ; misty. L. nebulosus : G. nephos, a cloud.
NE'CESSARY. adj. Needlul; essential. L. necessarius ; from ne, not,
and cessum, sup. of cedo, to depart, or resign.
NECROMANCER, s. One who pretends to converse with the dead ;

a conjurer. G. nekros, dead, and mantis, a prophet.

NECTAR, s. A delightful drink. G. nektar, the fabled beverage of
the gods.
NEFA'RIOUS. adj. Highly criminal; abominable. L. nefarius ; from
nefas, a wicked action which is from ne, not, and /as, right.

NEGATIVE, adj. Not affirmative not positive. L. negativus ; from


nego, to deny ne, not, and ago, to do.


NEGLECT', v. To omit by heedlessness to slight. L. neglectum, ;

sup. of negligo : nee, not, and lego, to choose.

NEGLIGE' E. s. A sort of gown, worn as an undress. F. neglige,
part, of negliger, to neglect.
NEGLIGENCE, s. Habit of neglect; carelessness. F. negligence.
NEGOTIATE, v. To traffic ; to treat. L. negoiium, time of business ;

comp. of nee, not, and otium, leisure.

NE'GRO. s. A black man. Spanish, negro: Li. niger, black.
abbreviation of nemine contradieente ; " no person
opposing or disagreeing." L. nemo, no one, and oontradico, to speak
NEM. DISS. An abbreviation of nemine dissentiente, and expressing
the same meaning as nem. con. L. nemo, no one, and dissentio, to
disagree in opinion.
NEOL'OGISM. s. A new mode of expression. G. neos, new, and logos,
a word.
NE'OPHYTE. s. One regenerated ; a convert ; a novice. G. neos,
new, and phuton, a plant.
NEPHRIT'IC. adj. Belonging
organs of urine; troubled with
to the
the stone; remedial against the stone. G. nephritikos ; from nephros,
a rein or kidney.
NEPHROTOMY:, s. The operation of opening the kidneys; the ope-

ration of cutting for the stone. G. nephros, a kidney, and temno, to

NE PLUS ULTRA. Utmost degree. L. we, not, plus, more, vltra,
NEPOTISM, s. Fondness for nephews. F. nepotisme : L. nepos, a
NES'CIENCE. s. Ignorance. L. nesciens, part, of nescio, to be igno-
rant: ne, not, and scio, to know.
NEUROL OGY. s. Description of the nerves. G. neuron, a nerve, and

logos, a description.
NEUROT'OMY. s. The anatomy of the nerves. G. neuron, a nerve,
and temno, to cut.
NEU'TER. adj. Neutral; indifferent; neither masculine nor feminine.
„ L. neuter, neither.
NEU'TRAL. adj. Indifferent not concerned in a war between other

states; chemically inactive. L. neutralis. See NEUTER.

NID'IFICATION. s. The act of building nests. L. nidus, a nest, and
facio, to make.
NID ULATION. s. The time of remaining in the nest. L. nidulatus,
p. part, of nidulor, to sit on a brood nidus, a nest.

NIGRESCENT, adj. Growing black. L. nigrescens ; part, of nigresco :

niger, black.
NI'SI-PRI'US. In England, a judicial writ, by which a sheriff is to
assemble a jury at Westminster Hall, on a certain day unless, be- ;

fore that day, the king's judges go into the sheriff's county, to deter-
mine causes. This intention may now be considered as a mere
fiction. L. nisi, unless, prius, before.
NI'TROGEN. s. The principle of nitre the chief ingredient of atmo-

spheric L. nitrum, nitre, and G. gennao, to generate.

NIVEOUS, adj. Snowy; resembling snow. L. niveus : nivis, gen.
of nix, snow.
NO'BLE. adj. Of an ancient and illustrious family; great; worthy;
exalted. F. noble : L. nobilis ; from notus, (part, of nosco,) known.
NOCTAM'BULIST. s. One who walks in his sleep. L. noctis, gen.
of nox, night, and ambulo, to walk about.
NOC'TUARY. s. An account of what passes in the night. L. noctis,
gen. of nox, night.
NOCTURNAL, adj. In the night. L. nocturnus ; from nox, night.
NO'LENS VO'LENS. Willing or unwilling. L. nolens, (part, of
nolo,) unwilling; and volens, (part, of volo,) willing: the conjunction,
signifying or, is understood, and the order of the Latin is inverted in
the English translation.
NOLLE PROSEQUI. To be unwilling to proceed a form used in ;

law, when the plaintiff declines proceeding- further; or when the

Attorney- General wishes to withdraw a prosecution. L. nolle, to be
unwilling, prosequi, to proceed, or prosecute from nolo, and prosc- :

NOMENCLATURE, s. Mode of giving names; a vocabulary. L.
nomenclatura nomen, a name.

NOMINAL, adj. Referring to names, rather than things titular not ; ;

real. L. nominalis ; from nomen, a name.

NOMTNATE. v. To appoint by name. L. nomino, from nomen, a
NOMTNATIVE. s. First case in grammar. L. nominativus ; from
nomen, a name because it primarily displays the original word, or

name of any thing.

NONAGE, s. Minority of years. L. non, not, and age.
NON'AGON. s, A figure having nine sides and nine angles. L. nonus,
nine, and G. gonia, an angle.
NON ASSUMPSIT. He did not assume, or undertake a plea, in ;

law, opposed to assumpsit. L.

NONCHALANCE', s. Carelessness supineness indifference. F.
; ;

NON COMPOS MENTIS. Not of sound mind ; a phrase opposed

to compos mentis. L.
NONCONDUCTOR, s. In philosophy, that which does not conduct

the electric fluid, heat, sound, &c. L. non, not, and conductor.
NONCONFORMIST, s. dissenter. A
L. non, not, and conform.
NONEN'TITY. s. creature of the imagination. L. non, not, and
ens, a being.
NONES, s. Certain days of the Roman Kalendar,— the 7th day of
March, May, July, and October, and the 5th of the remaining
months. L. nonce novem, nine. The nones were so called, because

they reckoned nine days from the ides the ides were generally :

about the middle of the month.

NON ESI 1 INVENTUS. In law, signifies, " he has not been found :"
the phrase is familiarly used to denote a sudden disappearance, or
concealment. L. est, he is, non, not, inventus, found: {non, sum, and
NONEXISTENCE, s. Negation of existence ; a thing not existing.
L. non, not, and existence.
NONFEA'SANCE. s. The omission to do a lawful act. L. non, not,
and Y.faisant, p. part, offair e, to do.
NONJUROR, s. One who refuses to swear allegiance. L. non, not,
and juro, to swear.
NONPAREIL', s. That which cannot be matched; excellence un-
equalled. F. non, not, and pareil, a match L. non, and par.

NON'PLUS. s. Inability to proceed; a low word. L. non, not, and

plus, more.
NON'SUIT. v. To deprive of the benefit of a legal process, in conse-
quence of some management. L. non, not, and suit.
failure in the
NOSOL'OGY. s. Doctrine of diseases. G. nosos, a disease, and logos,
a discourse.
NOTA BENE, or N. B. "Observe this particularly." N. B. is often
p 169

used instead of P. S. or postscript ; but a careful writer will avoid
this impropriety. L. nota, (imper. of noto,) mark, bene, well.
NOT' ABLE. adj. Remarkable. —
(vulgarly, careful.) L. nolabilis ;
from noto, to mark.
NO'TARY. s. An official recorder. L. notarius ; from mark.
noto, to
NOTATION, s. The art of recording or describing by scientific
marks, as in arithmetic and music. L. notaiio ; from noto, to
NOTE. v. To observe ; to record. L. noto, to mark.
NO'TIFY. v. To make known. L. notijico ; comp. of notus, known,
(p. part, of nosco,) and facio, to make.
NO'TION. s. Idea; conception of the mind sentiment; opinion. F. ;

notion ; from the L. notus, part, of nosco, to know.

NOTO'RIOUS. adj. Extensively known. (Used mostly in relation to
a bad action.) L. notorius ; from noto, to mark.
NOURTSH. v. To support by food to promote growth or strength;

to encourage; to foment. F. nourrir : L. nutrio, to nurse.

NOVEL, adj. New and uncommon. L. novellus, dim. of novus, new.
NOVEM'BER. s. The eleventh month, formerly the ninth, when the
year began in March. L. novembris ; novem, nine.
NOVICE, s. An inexperienced person one who has entered a con- ;

vent, but has not yet taken the vow. F. novice : L. novus, new.
NOVI'TIATE. s. The state of a novice the time in which the rudi- ;

ments are learned the time spent in a religious house, by way of


trial, before the vow is made. F. noviciat : L. novitius, newly made.

term used to denote a man recently emerged
from obscurity, or from a state of comparative indigence. L. novus,
new, and homo, a man.
NOX'IOUS. adj. Hurtful. L. noxius ; from noceo, to hurt.
NU'BILE. adj. Marriageable. L. nubilis ; nubo, to marry.
NUCIFEROUS, adj. Nut-bearing. L. nucis, gen. of nux, a nut, and
fero, to bear.
NU'CLEUS. s. A kernel something about which matter is collected.

L. nucleus, a kernel.
NUDE. s. A
female who exposes her person by the lightness or scan-
tiness of her dress. L. nudus, naked.
NU'DITY. s. Nakedness. F. nudite : L. nudus, naked.
NUGATORY, adj. Trifling futile insignificant.
; L. nugatorius

from nugor, to trifle.

NUIS'ANCE. s. Something noxious or offensive something that in- ;

commodes the neighbourhood. F. nuisance : L. nocens, part, of

noceo, to hurt.
NULL. adj. Of no force extinct.
; L. nullus, none.
NUMERAL, adj. Relating to number. F. numeral: L. numerus, a
NUMER'ICAL. adj. Containing number ; relating to the number, but
not the quality. See NUMERAL.
NU'MEROUS. adj. Great in number ; many. L. numerosus ; from
* numerus, a number.
NUMISMAT'ICS. s. The science of coins and medals. L. numisma-
tis, gen. of numisma, money.

NUNCU'PATIVE. adj. Verbally pronounced ; not written. L. nun-
cupates : from nuncio, to tell.
NUP'TIAL. adj. Relating to marriage. L. nuptialis ; from nubo, to
veil, because the Roman ladies were veiled at the time of mar-
NURSE, s. A woman that has the care of a child, or of a sick person ;
one who rears, educates, or protects. F. nourrice. See NOURISH.
NURTURE, v. To feed to bring to maturity ; to educate.
; F. nour-
riture, sustenance. See NURSE.
NUTATION, s. Act of nodding or inclining. L. nutatio ; nuto, to
NUTRIMENT, s. Food. L. nutrimentum
from nutrio, to nurse. ;

NUTRI'TIOUS. ; from nutrio, to nurse.

adj. Nourishing. L. nutritius
NYMPH, s. A goddess of the woods, meadows, or waters in poetry, ;

a young female. L. nympha : G. numphe, a bride. This sense does

not, however, accord either with the heathen, or the present applica-
tion of the word.

OB'DURATE. adj. Hard of heart; stubborn;

impenitent. L. obdura-
tus, part, of obduro ; ob, against, and duro, to harden.
OBE'DIENT. adj. Submissive to authority obsequious. L. obediens. ;

OBEIS'ANCE. s. An act of submission, or reverence a bow, or ;

courtesy. F. obeisance. See OBEY.

monument, generally of four sides, and pyramidical
a mark (t) referring to the margin. L. obeliscus : G. obeliskos, dim.
of obelos, a spit, or species of weapon used in war.
OBESITY, s. High degree of fatness. L. obesus, fat.
OBEY', v. To submit to authority to comply with. L. obeo, to go to,

or be ready at ob, according to, and eo, to go.


O'BIIT. v. He (or she) died. L. obeo, to go to, or die. See OBEY.

OBTT'UARY. adj. Relating to the decease of a person, as an obituary
notice. F. obituaire : obeo, to die.
OB'JECT. Something thrown or placed before the eye something
s. ;

in view; something acted upon. L. objectus, p. part, of objicio ; from

ob, before, or against, and jacio, to throw, or place.
OBJECT', To oppose (with to or against.) See the noun.
v. ;

OBJECTIVE, adj. Relating to the object; s. the third case in the

majority of English grammars. See OB'JECT.
OBLATE', adj. Partaking of flatness. L. oblatus, (p. part, of qffero,)
struck, or forced ob, against, and fero, to bear.

OBLA'TION. s. A religious sacrifice. L. oblatus, p. part, of qffero, to

OBLIGA'TION. s. Binding power; contract; duty; favour conferred.

L. obligatio. See OBLIGE.

OBLIGE, v. To bind to compel to do a kind action, and thus bind
; ;

the person favoured, by a lie of gratitude. F. obliger : L. obligo

ob, according to, or by reason of, and ligo, to bind.
OBLIQUE', adj. Not direct not parallel not perpendicular. L. 06-
; ;

liquus ; from ob, against or, about and lictus, p. part, of linquo, to
leave, or forsake.

OBLITERATE, v. To blot out to destroy. L. oblitero
; ; comp. of
ob, against, and litera, a letter.
OBLIVION, s. Forgetfulness amnesty. L. oblivio ; from
; oh, against,
and lavo, to wash.
OBLOQUY, s.Censure
slander; reproach. L. obloquor, to reproach;

comp. of ob, against, and loquor, to speak.

OBNOXTOUS. adj. Injurious; considered with aversion. L. obnoxius :
ob, against, and ncceo, to hurt.
OBSCURE, adj. Dark; abstruse; little known. L. obscurus : G.
skieros, shady skia, a shadow.

OB'SEQUIES. s. Funeral solemnities. F. obseques ; from the L. ob.

sequium, attendance on some great person obsequor, to follow. :

OBSEQUIOUS, adj. Meanly compliant. L. obsequiosus ; from ob%

according to, and sequor, to follow.
OBSERVE', v. To watch to regard attentively; to note; to keep re-

ligiously. L. observo : ob, opposite to, and servio, to keep.

OBSERVAN'DA. s. Things to be observed. See OBSERVE.
OBSOLESCENT, adj. Growing obsolete. L. obsolescens, part, of ob-
solesco. See OBSOLETE.
OBSOLETE, adj. Disused. L. obsoletus ; from obsoleo : ob, against,
and soleo, to use.
OB'STACLE. s. Obstruction ; hindrance. F. obstacle : L. ob, against,
and sio, to stand.
OBSTETRIC, adj. Relating to midwifery. L. obstetrix, a midwife.
OB'S TINATE. adj. Stubborn. L. obstinalus, part, of obstino : comp.
of ob, against, and teneo, to hold.
OBSTRUCT', v. To place an obstacle in the way ; to impede; to hin-
der. L. obstruction, sup. of obstruo ; from ob, against, and struo, to
pile up.
OBTAIN', v. To gain; to acquire; to procure. L. obtineo: ob, against,
and teneo, to hold.
OBTRU'DE. v. To thrust one's-self in the way ; to offer intrusively.
L. obtrudo ; from against, and trudo, to thrust.
OBTRU'SION. s. The act of obtruding. L. obtrusus, p. part, of ob-
trudo. See OBTRUDE.
OBTU'SE. adj. Blunt; —
opposed to acute. L. obtusus, p. part, of ob.
tundo ; comp. of ob, against, and tundo, to beat; that is, made blunt —
by being beaten.
OB'VIATE. v. To avert or remove, by meeting the obstruction in its
way or passage. L. ob, against, and via, a way.
OB'VIOUS. adj. Easily perceived. L. obvius, meeting in the way
comp. of ob, against, and via, a way.
OCCA'SION. s. Occurrence incident opportunity. L. occasio ; from
; ;

ob, for, or against, and casus, a chance.

OCCIDENTAL, adj. Western. L. occidentalis : occidens, the west
from occido, to fall down alluding to the setting of the sun.

OCCLU'SION. s. Act of shutting up. L. occlusio ; from ob, against,

and clausum, sup. of cloudo, to shut.
OCCULT', adj. Hidden abstruse. L. occultus, p. part, of occulo, to

OCCUPY, v. To hold. L. occupo ; comp. of ob, before, and capio, to

OCCUR', u. To enter into the mind ; to happen. L. occurro ; from ob,
against, and curro, to run.
OC'ELLATED. Resembling the eye. L. ocellaius : oculus, an eye.
figure containing eight sides and angles. G. okto,
eight, and gonia, a corner.
OCTANGULAR, adj. Having eight angles. L. octo, eight, and an-
gulus, an angle.
OCTAVE, s. In music, an eighth, or an interval of eight sounds. L.
octavus, eight.
book, each leaf of which is equal in size to the eighth

part of a sheet. L. of octavus, the eighth.

OCTENNIAL, a J;'. Happening every eighth year; lasting eight
years. L. octo, eight, and annus, a year.
OCTO'BER. s. The tenth month formerly the eighth, when the year

began in March. L. October ; from octo, eight.

OCTUPLE, adj. Eight fold. L. octuplus ; from octo, eight.
OCULAR, adj. Relating to a perception by sight. F. oculaire : L.
oculus, an eye.
OCULIST, s. An eye-surgeon. L. oculus, an eye.
ODE. s. A poem intended to be sung. G. ode ; from aeido, to sing.
O'DIOUS. adj. Hateful; detestable. L. odiosus. See ODIUM.
O'DIUM. s. Quality of provoking dislike; disgrace. L. odium; from
odi, I have hated.
ODOM'ETER. s. An instrument for measuring the length of roads.
G. odos, a way, and metreo, to measure.
ODORIFEROUS, adj. Fragrant. L. odorifer ; from odor, scent, and
fero, to bring.
OFFEND', v. To displease; to transgress. L. offendo, to strike
OFFENSIVE, ; adj. Offending
assailing ; opposed to defensive ; dis-
pleasing; disgusting; painful. F. offensif: L. offensus, p. part, of
offendo. See OFFEND.
present; to attempt.
v. L. offero ; comp. of oh, for, or
against, and fero, to bring.
public charge^or employment; agency; business; a
place for transacting business. F. office : L. officium ; comp. of ob,
for, and facio, to do.
OFFI'CIAL. adj. Relating to an office ; published by the proper office,
and thus made authentic. F. official. See OFFICE.
OFFICIATE, v. To perform the business of an office. See OFFICE.
OFFICIOUS, adj. Though this word originally expressed doing good
offices, which meaning is in exact accordance with its etymology, it
is now rarely used except to denote intrusively active. F. officieux
L. officiosus. See OFFICE.
OIL. s. The expressed juice of olives ; any thin, greasy matter. L.
oleum : olea, an olive tree.
OLEAGTNOUS. adj. Oily. L. oleaginus ; from olea, an olive tree,
and genus, a kind. See OIL.
OLFACTORY, adj. Having the sense of smelling. F. olfactoire
L. olfacio, to smell to.
OLTGARCHY. s. Government by a few. G. oligarchia ; from oligos,
a few, and arche, government.
v 173

period of four years, or that space of time which
elapsed between the periodical celebration of the Olympic games.
The first of these great celebrations, at Olympia, in Peloponnesus,
occurred 779 years before Christ, and 22 before the foundation of
O'MEN. s. A prognostic. L. omen G. oimai, to consider, or suppose.

OM'INOUS. adj. Prognosticating betokening generally considered


inauspiciously, or in an unfavourable sense. L. ominosus. See

OMIS'SION. s. The act of omitting ; thing omitted. L. omissus, p.
part, ofomitto. See OMIT.
OMIT. v. To leave out; to neglect. L. omitto : 06, signifying aside,
and mitto, to send.
OMNIGENOUS, adj. Of every kind. L. omnes, all, or every, and
genus, a kind.
OMNIP'OTENT. adj. Almighty. L. ojnniputens ; comp. of omnis,
all, and potens, (part, of possum,) being able.
OMNIPRES'ENT. adj. In every place. L. omnis, all, and prcesens,
being present.
OMNISCIENT, adj. Knowing every thing. L. omnis, all, and sciens t
part, of' scio, to know.
OMNIUM, s. The aggregate of certain portions of different stocks in
the English funds. L. omnium, of gen. pi. of omnis.
all ;

ONEROUS adj. Burthensome ; oppressive. L. onerosus ; from onus,

a burthen.
ON'OMANCY. s. Pretended divination by a name. G. onoma, a name,
and manteia, a foretelling.
ONTOL'OGY. s. The doctrine of being or existence. G. on, being,
and logos, a description.
ONUS PKOBANDI. The burthen of proving. L. onus, a burthen,
and probandi, gen. gerund of probo, to prove.
OPACITY, s. Cloudiness; want of transparency. F. opacite : L.
opacitas. See OPAQUE.
OPAQUE', adj. Cloudy ; not transparent. F. opaque : L. opacus
from opaco, to shade.
OP'ERATE. v. To act; to produce effect. L. operor ; from opus,
OP'EROSE. adj. Requiring much labour. L. operosus. See OPE-
OPHIOL'OGY. s. That part of natural history which treats of ser-
pents. G. ophis, a serpent, and logos, discourse.
OPHIOPH'AGOUS. s. Eating or feeding on serpents. G. ophis, a
serpent, and phago, to eat.
OPHTHAL'MIA. s. A disorder of the eyes. G. ophthalmos, an eye.
O'PIATE. s. A medicine that promotes sleep. G. opion, the juice of
OPIFTCER. s. One that performs any work ; an artist. L. opifex
opus, work, and facio, to do.
OPINION, s. Conjecture ; sentiments ;
judgment. L. opinio ; from
opinor, to think.
OPPO'NENT. s. One who opposes. L. opponens, (part, of oppono,)
opposing. See OPPOSE.

OPPORTUNITY, s.Convenient point of time convenience. ; L.
opportunitas ; from ob, in the way of, and porto, to carry.
OPPOSE', v. To stand in front to act against to obstruct; to hinder.
; ;

L. opposilum, sup. ofoppono; from ob, against, and pono, to place.

OP'POSITE. adj. Standing in front ; contrary. See OPPOSE.
OPPRESS', v. To crush; to tyrannise over. L. oppressum, sup. of
opprimo : ob, against, and premo, to press.
OPPROBRIOUS, adj. Reproachful; scurrilous. L. opprobrium, dis-
grace ob, against, and probrum, deformity.

OPPUGN', v. To oppose; to resist. L. oppugno : ob, against, and

pug no, to fight.
OPTICIAN, s. One skilled in optics a maker of optical instruments.

OP'TICS. s. The science of the laws of vision. G. ops, an eye.
OP'TUVySM. s. The doctrine that every thing is ordered for the best.
F. optimisme ; from the L. optimus, best.
OP'TION. s. Power of choosing ; choice. L. optio ; from opto, to
OP'ULENT. adj. Wealthy. L. opulens : opes, riches ; from opis,
OR'ACLE. s. One who conveys information by supernatural wisdom
or by pretended supernatural wisdom, as the oracle at Delphos the ;

place where the information is delivered ; a person famed for wisdom.

L. oraculum : oro, to speak.
O'RAL. adj. Delivered by the mouth not written. F. oral : L. oris,

gen. of os, the mouth.

petitioner; a public speaker; a man of eloquence.
L. orator ; from oro, to entreat.
performance of sacred music. Italian, from the
L. oro, to entreat.
ORB. s. A
sphere ; circular body ; circle ; line described by a planet.
L. orbis, a round thing of any kind.
ORBICULAR, adj. Spherical ; circular. See ORB.
OR'BIT. s. The line described by the revolution of a planet. L. orbita.
See ORB.
OR'CHESTRA, or OR'CHESTRE. s. The place where the musi-
cians sit in a theatre, or ball-room. G. orchestra ; from orcheomai,
to dance, —
alluding to the dancing choristers of a Greek theatre.
ORDAIN', v. To appoint; to decree; to invest with the sacerdotal
office. L. ordino ; from ordo, a rule or law.
OR'DINAL. adj. Relating to numerical position; as, first, second,
third. L. ordinalis ; from ordo, order or rank.
OR'DINANCE. s. A law; appointment. F.ordonnance. See ORDAIN.
OR'DINARY. adj. Established; common; of low rank. L. ordina~
rivs. See ORDAIN.
ORDINA'TION. s. Established order or tendency investment of the ;

sacerdotal office. L. ordinatio. See ORDAIN.

OR'GAN. s. Natural instrument; as the ear, which is the organ of
hearing, —
the eye, of sight; a sort of musical instrument. F. or-
gane G. organon, an instrument orge, force or ergon, work.
: : ;

ORGANIZE, v. To arrange, so that all the parts may co-operate.

QR'GIES. Frantic revels. G. orgia ; from orge, vehement ardour.

ORIEN'TAL. adj. Eastern. F. oriental : L. oriens, the east; from

orior, to arise.
OR'IFICE. An opening, or perforation. L. orificium ; from oris,

gen. ox a mouth, or gap, and facio, to make.

OR'IGIN. s. Beginning; source. L. origo : from orior, to arise.
ORIG'INAL. adj. Primitive; not copied from another. L. originalis.
OR'ISONS. s. Prayers. F. oraisons : L. oro, to entreat.
OR'NAMENT. s. Embellishment. L. ornamentum ; orno, to adorn.
ORNITHOL'OGY. s. A description of birds. G. ornithos, gen. of
ornis, a bird, and logos^ a word or description.
child who has lost both of its parents, or one of its
parents. G. orplianos, destitute.
OR'THODOXY. s. Supposed infillibility of opinion and doctrine. G.
orthodoxia ; orthos, right, and dokeo, to perceive.
ORTHOEPY, s. The science of right pronunciation. G. orthos, right,
and epos, a word.
ORTH'OGON. s. A rectangular figure. G. orthos, right, and gonia,
an angle.
ORTHOGRAPHY, s. Knowledge of spelling. G. orthos, right, and
grapho, to write.
OSCILLA'TION. s. The act of moving backward and forward like a
pendulum. L. oscillum, an image, suspended and swung in the air,
by the heathen worshipers. G. ossio-o, to render holy.
OS'SEOUS. adj. Bony resembling a bone. L. osseus : os, a bone.

OS'SIFY. v. To change to bone. L. os, a bone, andjio, to become.

OSTEN'SIVE. adj. Avowed; shown. F. ostensif : L. ostensus, p.
part, of ostendo ; ob, opposite to, and tendo, to stretch forth.
OSTENTA'TION. s. Ambitious display vain show. L. ostentatio. ;

OS'TRACISM. s. Public sentence inscribed, by each voter, upon a
shell. G. ostrakismos
from ostrakon, a shell. ;

OUTRE', adj. Uncommon; different from the usual mode. F.

O'VAL. adj. Not quite round, but oblate at the ends or poles. F. ovale ;
L. ovum, an egg.
OVA'TION. s. A lesser Roman triumph. L. ovatio ; from ovis, a
sheep because, on this occasion, the victor sacrificed a sheep but,
; ;

in the greater triumph, he sacrificed a bull.

O'VERPLUS. s. Surplus. Compounded of over, and L. plus, more.
O'VERT. adj. Open public.
F. ouvert, part, of ouvrir, to open.
O'VERTURE. s. First proposal; musical prelude. F. ouverture ; from
ouvrir, to open ; — that is, to begin.
O'VIFORM. adj. Having the form of an egg. L. ovum, an egg, and
forma, shape.
OVIP'AROUS. adj. Bringing forth eggs. L. ovum, an egg, and pario,
to bring forth.
OXAL'IC. adj. The acid denominated oxalic, is found in the juice of
sorrel. L. oxalis, wild sorrel.
OX'IDE. s. Any substance combining oxygen, in a proportion not
sufficient to produce acidity. See OXYGEN.
OX'YGEN. s. The
principle of acids, and of combustion, and a ne-
cessary agent in the support of animal life. G. oxus, an acid, and
gennao, to generate.
OXYGON, s. A triangle, having three acute angles. G. oxus, sharp,
and gonia, an angle.
OYER AND TERMINER. A judicial commission given "to hear
'and determine." F. oyer, to hear, and terminer, to end or determine.


PAB'ULUM. s. Food ; support. L. from pasco, to feed.

PACE. s. A step made by projecting or expanding the foot ;
F. pas. See PASS.
PACIFY, v. To appease. F. pacifier: L. pacifico ; comp. of pax,
peace, and facio, to make.
PACT. s. A
contract ; a bargain. L. pactum : pactus, part, of pas-
ciscor, to bargain.
PACTION, s. A bargain
a covenant. L. pactio. See PACT.

PAINT, v. To forma figure or likeness in colours to cover or be- ;

smear with colouring matter. F. peindre : L. pingo, to draw out the

shape and form of an}7 thing to stain. ;

PAIR. s. Two things, suiting one to another, as a pair of gloves a ;

male and female; two of a sort. Y.paire: L. par; from the adjec-
tive par, even in number, two.
royal house a house eminently splendid. The Pala.

tinus Mons, or Mount Palatine, was the site upon which Romulus
laid the first foundation of Rome where also he kept his court as
; ;

did Augustus, and all the succeeding emperors of Rome from which :

circumstance, the word palatium, or palace, has, ever since, been ap-
plied to the residence of a monarch, or prince.
PALE. s. A rail or post; an enclosure; district. L. palus, a post.
piece of parchment, twice prepared for writing,
first by rubbing* with pumice-stone, when in a state of manufacture,
and again by the same process, after the original writing had been
taken away. G. palimpsestos : palin, again, and psecho, to scrape
or rub.
word or sentence, which is the same, read
backward or forward, as " madam.'''' G. palindromia ; palin, again,
or backwards, and dromos, a running.
PALTNODE. s. A recantation. G. palinodia ; palin, again, and ode,
a song.
PALISADE, s. A defence made of pales. F. palisade : L. palus, a
PALLA'DIUM. s. Properly, a statue of Pallas, (Minerva,) which, it
was said, fell from heaven, and on the preservation of which, it was
imagined, depended the safety of Troy it was accordingly stolen

from the city, by Ulysses and Diomedes. Palladium is generally

used to denote some great preserver of a country's liberty as the ;

trial by jury, or freedom of the press.

bed made of straw, firmly compressed, and in-
closed in ticking. F. paillasse ; paille : L. palea, straw.
PAL'LET. s. A small bed. F. paille, straw.
PA L'LIATE. v. To cloak ; to cover with excuse. L. paUio ; from
pallium, a cloak.
PAL'LI D. adj. Pale. L. pallidus, pale.
PALMISTRY, s. The pretended
art of predicting, by viewing the
lines of the hand. L. palma, the palm of the hand.
PAL'PABLE. Perceptible by the touch; easily detected. F.
palpable ; from palpor, to feel in the dark, or grope.
PAL'PITATE. v. To beat as the heart. L. palpito, to pant.
PAL'SY. s. An abbreviation of Paralysis.
universal medicine. G. panakeia ; pan, all, and
akos, a cure.
PANA'DO. s. Food made of bread and water. L. panis, bread.
treatise which comprehends the whole of any
science the digest of the civil law.
; L. pandecta : G. pan, all, and
dechomai, to contain.
PANEGYRIC, s. An encomiastic composition praise. F. panegy. ;

riqve : G. paneguris ; pan, all, and agureo, to collect; meaning, to

rehearse all worthy deeds.
square, or piece of any matter, inserted between
other bodies an oblong piece of parchment, (or little pane,) in which

the sheriff returns the names of jurors. Dim. of the F. panneau, a

PANOPLY, s. Complete armour. G. panoplia ; from pan, all, and
opla, armour.
PANORA'MA. s. Avery
large painting, extended in a kind of theatre,
and exhibiting a city, or of some grandly interesting oc-
view of a
currence, such as a conflagration or a battle. G. pan, all, and orama,
a view.
temple of all the heathen gods a book describing ;

the heathen gods. G. pantheion ; comp. of pan, all, and theos, a

PANTOM'ETER. s. An instrument for measuring all sorts of eleva-

tions, angles, and distances. G. panta, all, and metreo, to measure.

theatrical drama of action, without speech. F.
pantomime: G. pan, all, and mimos, a mimic.
closet for provisions. F. panetrie ; pain, bread : L.
panis, bread.
PAPAL, adj. Relating to the Pope. L. papa, a fond name for father.
G. pappas.
PAPAVEROUS, adj. Resembling poppies. L. papaver, a poppy.
PATER, s. In French, papier from papyrus, an Egyptian shrub
; ; of
which, paper was originally made.
PAPIL'LARY. adj. Having vessels resembling teats. L. papilla, a
nipple, or teat.
PAR. s. State of equality equal value. L. par, equal.

PAR' ABLE. s. A similitude. G. para bole ; comp. of para, alike, and

hullo, to deliver, or teach; — that is, to teach one thing, by another
which resembles it.

PAR'ACHUTE. In aerostation, an instrument to prevent the rapidi-


ty of descent. G. para, against, and F. chute, a fall.

PAR'ACLETE. s. Properly, an advocate one called to aid or sup- ?

port. G. parakletos ; para, to, and kaleo, to call.

PARA'DE. s. Show; review
or exercise of a military corps place of ;

F. parade : L. pareo, to appear.

military exercise.
PARADISE, s. Garden of Eden ; celestial abode. G. paradeisos, a
garden from a Hebrew word, denoting a place set with fruitful

PAR'ADOX. s. A position seemingly absurd, because contrary to

some received opinion, yet, true in fact. G. paradoxos ; para, con-
trary to, and doxos, an opinion.
PAR'AGOGE. s. A figure, by which a letter or syllable is affixed to a
word, without adding any thing to its sense. G. paragoge : parago,
to extend.
PAR' AGON. s. A model ; something extremely well formed. G. para,
from, and ago, to form.
PARAGRAPH, s. A distinct part of a discourse. G. paragraphe ;
from para, through, and grapho, to write : meaning, through the
PARALEP'SIS. ) s. In rhetoric, a pretended or apparent omission.
PARALEP'SY. \ G. paraleipsis : para, beyond or by, and leipo,
to leave.
PAR'ALLAX. s. The distance between the true and apparent place
of the sun, or any star, viewed from the earth. G. parallaxis, a
difference para, through, and allato, to change.

PAR'ALLEL. adj. Extended in the same direction, and preserving

always the same distance equal like. G. parallelos ; from para,
; ;

by the side, and alios, another.

right-lined quadrilateral figure, the oppo-
site sides of which are parallel and equal. G. parallelos, (see Pa-
rallel,) and gramma, a figure.
PARALOGY, s. False reasoning. G. para, against, and logos,

PAR'ALYSE. v. To effect by a paralysis to enfeeble by contention. ;

PARAL'YSIS. s. A palsy. G. paralusis ; from para, through, and luo,
to untie ; meaning the sinews, &c.
PARAMOUNT, adj. Superior. G. para, above, and F. monter, to
go up.
lover, or wooer; a mistress.
s. F. par, for, and
amour, a love intrigue.
love, or
PARAPHERNALIA, s. Goods in which a wife has a legal property,

besides her dower suitable apparel and ornaments of a wife. G.


para, besides, and pherne, a dower.

PAR'APHRASE. s. loose translation. A
G. para, alike, or resem-
bling, and phrasis, a speech.
PAR'ASITE. s. One who frequents the tables of the rich, and earns
his welcome by flattery. But, in the early ages, the name of para-
site, was venerable, for it properly signified a messmate at the table
of sacrifices. There was in Greece a college of persons, particu-
larly honoured with this title, whose business it was to select the
grain, &c. for the public offerings. G. parasitos ; from para, over,
and sitos, corn.
PARASOL', s. A portable shelter from the sun. G. para, against, and
L. sol, the sun.

PAR'CEL. s. A part ; a small bundle or package. F. parcelle : L.
pars, a part.
PAR'DON. v. To excuse an offender; to forgive a crime. F. par-
do nner ; from the L. per, by or through, and dono, to give.
PAREGOR'IC. s. An assuaging medicine. G. paregoreo, to miti-
PARENT; s. A father or mother. F. parent : L. parens ; from pario,
to beget, or bring forth.
PARENTHESIS, s. A word or sentence, so included within another
sentence, as that it may be omitted, without injuring the sense of
that which encloses it. Marked thus ( ). G. para, with, en, in, and
thesis, a position.
PAR EXCELLENCE. By way of eminence. F. par, by, and ex.
cellence, excellence.
mock sun, or contiguous resemblance of the
sun. G. para, near, and helios, the sun.
PARIETAL, adj. Relating to the parietes. See PARIETES.
PARI'ETES. s. In anatomy, a term used for the enclosures, or mem-
branes, which stop up or close the hollow parts of the body such as ;

those of the heart and thorax, L. pi. of paries, a wall.

PARI PASSU. With an equal pace by an equal gradation. L. ;

pari, with an equal, passu, pace abl. of par, and passus.


PARTSH. s. The particular charge of a secular priest; the district

which contributes to the support of a clergyman of the established
church. Low L. parochia : F. paroisse : G. paroikia : para, near to,
and oikeo, to dwell —
referring to an ancient convent : the inhabitanta

of which had the charge of a district, such as we now denominate a

PARITY, s. F.paritc: L. paritas ; from par, equal.
PAR'LEY. Conference; short treaty. F. parler, to speak.

PAE/LIAMENT. s. The ancient legislative assembly of the states of

France; the present British legislature. F. parlement, (formerly,
parliament,) from parler, to speak.
PAR'LOUR. s. Primarily, the apartment in a nunnery where the
nuns are permitted to meet and converse with each other hence, ;

with us, a [domestic] sitting-room. F. parloir ; from parler, to

speak, or converse.
PAROCHIAL, adj. Relating to a parish. See PARISH.
PAR'ODY. s. A literary imitation. G. parodia ; para, opposite to,
and ode, a song; that a different subject, in the same style.

PAROLE', s. Words spoken, not written ; a verbal pledge of honour.

F. parole, a word.
PAR'OXYSM. s. Periodical action of a disease; a fit. G. paroxusmos ;
from para, through, and oxuno, to sharpen.
PARRICIDE, s. The murder of a parent, or any near relation. L.

paricidium : one who has murdered a parent, or any near relation
paricidia : from parens, a parent, and c<zdo, to kill.
PARSE, v. To analyze a sentence, into the several parts of speech.
L. partio, to divide.
PAR SIMONY, s. Extreme frugality sordid inclination for hoarding.

L. parsimonia ; from parco, to spare or save.

PAR'SON. s. The priest of a parish. See PARISH.
PART. s. A portion ; member ; share, &c. L. pars ; partio, to
PARTAKE', v. To have a part of. Comp. of part, and take.
PARTERRE', s. A selected piece of ground, separated by a fence. F.
parterre ; parti, divided, and terre, land.
PARTIAL, adj. Favouring- one party ; affecting- only one part F.
partial.PART. See
PARTICIPATE, v. To partake ; to share. L. participo ; from pars,
a part, and capio, to take.
PARTICIPLE, s. A word which, besides its primary quality of verb,
partakes occasionally of the quality of a substantive and adjective.
L. participium. See PARTICIPATE.
PAR'TICLE. s. Any small portion of a greater substance a (little) ;

word unvaried by inflection. L. par tic ula, dim. of pars, a part.

PARTICULAR, adj. Single distinct not general ; uncommon, &c.
; ;

L. particula, a small part. See PARTICLE.

PAR'TISAN. s. An adherent to a faction; a commander of a body of
troops, who, through patriotism, or some private motive, acts in con-
cert with the regular army. See PARTY.
PARTITION, s. Act of dividing that which divides. L. partitio ; ;

partitus, p. part, of partio, to divide.

PARTITIVE, adj. In grammar, signifies distributive; as each, or
every. L. partio, to part or divide pars, a part. :

PARTURITION", s. State of travail, or labour. L. parturio, to be in

travail from partus, p. part, of pario, to bring forth young.

PARTY, s. number of persons confederated in opposition to others ;
a faction one, of two or more litigants a select assembly, &c. F.
; :

partie. See PART.

PASCHAL, adj. Relating to the passover. G. pascha, a passing
PASS. To go to move from one place to another to be at an end,
v. ; ;

&c. F. passer : L. passus, a step.

PASSIM. In various places here and there a term used by authors,
; ;

when referring generally to the writings of another, without seve-

rally quoting the pages. L. passim, every where.
PASSIVE, adj. Unresisting suffering not active, but being the ob-
; ;

ject of action. L. passivus ; from potior, to suffer.

PAST. adj. Neither present nor future gone through. See PASS. ;

shepherd a clergyman. L. pastor ; pasco, to feed.
; .

PASTURE, s. Grazing land. F. pasture : L. pastus : from pasco, to

exclusive privilege. Letters patent, or " open let-

ters," are so called, because they are not sealed up, but exposed to
open view, with the great seal pendant at the bottom. From L.
PATER'NAL. adj. Relating or pertaining to a father. L. paternus ;
from pater, a father.
PAT'ER-NOSTER. s. The name of the Lord's Prayer, by the Ro-
man Catholic church; because, pater and nosier, (our father,) are
the first two words of that prayer. L. pater, a father, and nosier,
PATHETTC. adj. Affecting the finer passions. G. pathetikos. See
q 181

PATHOL'OGY. s. That part of medical science which treats of the

distempers incident to the human body, with their differences, causes,

and effects. G. pathos, a disease, and logos, a description.
PATH'OS. s. Strong feeling the feeling or expression of some pas-

sion energy. G. pathos, passion.


PA'TIENT. adj. Not easily provoked calm under affliction. L. pa. ;

tiens ; from patior, to suffer.

person suffering pain, in consequence of disease.
See the adjective.
PATRIARCH, s. The father of a tribe. G. patriarches ; comp. of
patria, a family, and archos, a chief.
PATRICIAN, adj. Senatorial; noble; not plebeian. L. patricius
pater, a father.
PAT'RICIDE. s. Murder of a father. L. patris, gen. of pater, a. father,
and cczdo, to kill.
PA'TRIMONY. s. An estate possessed by inheritance. L. patrimo-
nium pater, a father.

PA'TRIOT. s. An active lover of his country. L. patria, one's coun-

try, or native soil.
PA'TRON. s. One who countenances, supports, or protects one who ;

has the appointment to an ecclesiastical preferment. F. patron : L.

patronns ; pater, a father.
PATRONYMIC, s. A name expressing that of the father or ancestor :

as, Tidides, the son of Tydeus Neil, the son of Neil, Mac Gregor,

the son of Gregor. G. patronumikos ; from paler, a father, and

onoma, a name.
PAU'CITY. s. Smallncss of number. L. paucitas ; from pauci, few,
poor person one who receives alms. L. pauper,

PAUSE, s. A stop ; cessation. F. pause : L. positus, p. part, of pono,
to place, or lay, or set down.
PEACE, s. Reconciliation of differences ; respite from war rest

quiet. F. paix : L. pax : from pactus, p. part, of pango, to agree

upon, or contract.
PEAS' ANT. s. One whose business is rural labour. Y. pay san: pays,
a country.
PECCANT, adj. Criminal corrupt injurious to health. F. peccant :
; ;

L. peccans, part, of pecco, to sin.

PECCA'VI. s. "I have sinned." To make a person " cry peccavi,"
is, in cant language, to compel him to acknowledge his transgres-
sion. L. from pecco, to sin.
PECTORAL, adj. Relating or pertaining to the breast. L. pectoralis :
pectus, the breast.
PECULATION, s. theft of public money. L.
Robbery of the public;
peculor, to rob the public probably from pecunia, money.

PECULIAR, belonging to any one, with the ex-

adj. Appropriate ;

clusion of others. L. peculiaris : peculium, that which a son, or a

slave, holds of his own, under a father, or a master, which is distinct
from either of their stocks: pecu, cattle.
PECUNIARY, adj. Relating to money. L. pecuniarius ; from pecu-
nia, money. Pliny says, that the first Roman coins, bearing an im-
pression, were made by order of Servius Tullus, and stamped with
the resemblance of sheep and oxen hence, pecunia is derived from

pecus, a flock of sheep, or other cattle.

PED'AGQGUE. s. Originally signified a teacher of children, gene-
rally but now it refers only to a pedantic teacher. L. pedagogus :

G. paidagogos : pais, a boy, or girl, and ago, to guide.

PED'AL. s. Something designed to be acted upon by the foot; as the
pedal of an organ, harp, or piano-forte. L. pedalis : pedis, gen. of
pes, a foot.
PED' ANT. s. Originally meant one who taught children ; but the
term is now applied to a man vain of low knowledge, or awkwardly
ostentatious of his literature. F. pedant : G. paidos, gen. of pais, a
boy, or girl.
PEDESTAL, s. The base of a statue or pillar. F. piedestal : L. pe-
dis, gen. of pes, a foot.
PEDES'TRIAN. s. One who travels on foot. L. pedesler, performed
on foot pes, a foot.

PEDTCLE. s. That by which the leaf or fruit is fixed to the tree. L

pediculus, dim. of pes, a foot.
pedestrian dealer. See PEDESTRIAN.
PEDOBiVP'TIST. s. One who adheres to the practice of infant bap-
tism. G. paidos, gen. of pais, a child, and baptizo, to baptize.
PEDOM'ETER. s. An instrument for showing how far a person has
walked. L. pedis, gen. of pes, a foot, and G. metreo, to measure.
PEER. s. An equal a nobleman, (the several degrees of peers having

the same privileges.) F. pair : L. par, equal.

kind of coat or robe. F. from the L. pellis, a skin.
thin skin; a film. L. pellicula, dim. of pellis, a
PELLU'CID. adj. Transparent. L. pellucidus ; from per, through,
and luceo, to shine.
PEL'TRY. s. Skins. L. pellis, a skin.
PEN. s. An instrument for writing. L. penna, a quill-feather, or a
PEN AL. adj. Denouncing or enacting punishment ; used for punish-
ing. F. penal: L. poena, punishment.
PEN'ALTY. s. Punishment; fine. See PENAL.
PEN'ANCE. s. Punishment inflicted or suffered as an expression of
repentance. L. poena, punishment.
PENCHANT, s. Inclination desire. F. from pencher, to incline.

small brush, used by painters for laying on co-
lours any instrument for writing without ink. L. penicillus. See

PEN'DANT. s. Something suspended; a small naval flag. F. pen-
dant : L. pendco, to hang.
PENDENT, adj. Hanging. L. pendens, part, of pendeo, to hang.
PENDENTE LITE. Whilst the suit or contest is pending and
undelermined. L. from pendeo, to hang, and lis, a dispute, or action
at law.
PENDING, adj. Remaining undecided; during. See PENDENT.
PENDULUM, s. Any weight suspended, so that it may perform os-
cillations of equal time ; the vibrating movement of a clock. L.
pendeo, to hang.

PEN'ETRATE. v. To pierce ; to enter ; to reach the meaning. L.
penetro : penitus, within.
tract of land almost surrounded by water. L.
pene, almost, insula, an island.
PENITENT, adj. Repentant. L. poenitens, part, of pasniteo ; from
poena, punishment, pain, remorse.
PEN'NATED. adj. Winged: pennated, in botanical language, refers
to those leaves which grow directly, one against another, on the
same rib or stalk. L. pennatus : penna, a feather, or wing.
PEN'SION. s. Pecuniary allowance, given at regular periods, as a
reward of service, or through charity. F. pension : L. pensus, p.
part, of pendo, to pay.
PENSIVE, adj. Sorrowfully thoughtful. Y.pensif; from penser, to
think. L. penso pendo, to weigh, or consider on.

PEN'TAGON. s. A figure with five angles. G. pente, five, and gonia,

a corner, or angle.
PENTAMETER, s. A Latin verse of five feet. L. pentametrum :
G. pente, five, and metron, measure.
PENTAN'GULAR. adj. Five cornered. G. pente, five, and angular.
PEN'TARCHY. A s. government in the hands of five persons. G.
pente, five, and arche, rule.
PEN'TATEUCH. s. The five books of Moses. G. pente, five, and
teuchos, a volume.
PEN'TECOST. s. One of the Jewish feasts ; Whitsuntide. G. pente.
coste, fifty because celebrated fifty days after the passover.

PENULTIMATE, adj. Last except one. L. penultimus ; comp. of

pene, almost, and ultimus, the last.
PENUM'BRA. s. An imperfect shadow. L. pene, almost, and umbra,
a shadow.
PENURIOUS, adj. Niggardly sordidly mean. L. penuria, scarcity.

PEN'URY. Poverty; indigence. L. penuria, want.

PEP'TIC. adj. Promoting digestion. G. pepto, to boil or digest.
PERADVENTURE. adv. Perhaps. L. per, by, and ndventure ;
meaning, a chance.
PERAM'BULATE. v. To walk through to visit the boundaries. L.

perambulo : per, through, and ambulo, to walk.

PER AN'NUM. By the year; for every year. L. per, by, and annum,
accus. of annus, a year.
PERCEIVE', v. To know, through the medium of the senses to ob- ;

serve. F. appercevoir : L. percipio : per, through, and capio, to take.

PER CENT. By the hundred ; for every hundred. L. per, by, and
centum, a hundred.
PERCEPTION, s. The faculty or act of perceiving. L. perceptio :
perceptus, p. part, of percipio. See PERCEIVE.
PERCIPTENT. adj. Having the power of perception. L. percipiens,
part, of percipio, to perceive.
PER'COLATE. v. To strain, or filter. L. percolo, to filter : per,
through, and colo, (colore,) to strain.
PERCUS'SION. s. The act of striking, or shaking violently. L. per-
cussio from percutio, to strike : per, through, and quatio, to shake.

PER DIEM. By the day for every day. L. per, by, and diem ac-

cus. of dies, a day.

PERDITION, s. Destruction : eternal damnation. L. per ditio ; from
per do, to lose.
PEREGRINATION, s. Travel. L. peregtinatio ; from per, through,
and ager, a field, or country.
PEREMPTORY, adj. Absolute ; dictatorial. L. peremptorivs ; from
perimo, to take away wholly : that is, to remove all excuse for non-
PEREN'NI AL. adj. Lasting through the whole year perpetual. L. ;

perennis comp. of per, through, and annus, a year.


PER'FECT. adj. Complete without blemish. L. perfectus, p. part.


ofperjicio, to finish comp. of per, throughout, and/acto, to make.


PERFIDY, s. Treachery. L. perfidia ; from per, through, and fides,

PERFLATION, s. Act of blowing through. L. perjiaius, p. part, of
perjio : per, through, a.ndJlo, to blow.
PERFORATE, v. To bore to pierce. L. perforo; ; from per, through,
and foro, to bore.
PERFORM', v. To finish ; to execute ; to do. L. per, throughout,
and for mo, to frame.
PERFUME, v. To impregnate with sweet scent. F. parfume : L.
per, throughout, and fumus, smoke, or vapour.
PERICAR'DIUM. s. A membrane which envelops the heart. G.
peri, about, and Jcardia, the heart.
membrane which envelops the fruit or grain
of a plant; or that part of the fruit which encompasses the seed. G.
peri, about, karpos, fruit.
PERICRANTUM. s. A membrane which covers the skull. G. peri,
about, and kr anion, the skull.
PERTGEE. s. point in the heavens, where a planet is in its nearest
distance from the earth. G. peri, towards, and ge, the earth.
PERIHE'LIUM, or PERIHELION, s. That point of a planet's orbit,
wherein it is nearest to the sun. G. peri, towards, and helios, the sun.
PERIL, s. Danger hazard. F. peril : L. periculum. See PERISH.

PE'RIOD. s. A round of time a conclusion a point of time a gram-

; ; ;

matical point (.). G. periodos ; comp. of per?, through, or around,

and odos, a w;iy.
PERIPATETIC, adj. Relating to the peripatetics ; to the philosophy
of Aristotle and his followers, who taught whilst walking. G. peri,
about, and pateo, to walk.
PERIPH'ERY. s. Circumference. G. peri, around, and phero, to
PERIPH'RASIS. s. Circumlocution. G. periphrasis ; from peri, around,

and phrasis, a speech.

PERIPNEUMONIA, s. Inflammation of the lungs. G. peri, about,
and pneumon, the lungs.
PERTSH. v. To cease to have existence to die; to decay L. pereo : ; :

per, through, and eo, to go.

PERISTALTIC, adj. Spiral; vermicular and wormlike. G. peris-
tallikos : peristello, to involve.
PERITONE'UM. s. The soft, thin membrane, which lies immediately
under the muscles of the lower abdomen. G. peri, about, and teino,
to stretch out.
ci* 185

PER'JURE. v To swear falsely and corruptly. L. perjuro ; comp.
of per, through, or under pretence, and juro, to swear.
PER'MANENT. adj. Durable; lasting. L. permanens, part, of per-
maneo : per, through, and maneo, to remain.
PERMISSION, s. Leave allowance. F. permission ; L. pennissus,

p. part, of permitto. See PERMIT.

PERMIT', v. To allow. L. permitto ; from per, through, and mitto,
to send that is, to allow a passage, or entrance.

PERNI'CIOUS. adj. Highly injurious; destructive. L. perniciosus

from per, through, and noceo, to hurt; meaning, to injure largely.
PERORA'TION. adj. Tiie concluding division of a formal speech.
L. peroratio>; from per, throughout, and oro, to speak meaning, to ;

PERPENDICULAR, adj. Hanging or being in a direction towards
the centre of gravity ; placed so as to form right angles, h.perpen-
dicularis : per, by, and pendeo, to hang from.
PERTETRATE. v. To commit; thoroughly to effect; (always taken
in a criminal sense.) L. perpetro : per, through, and petro, to effect,

or bring about.
PERPET'UAL. adj. Never ceasing. L. perpetuus : perpetuo, to con-
tinue : from per, through, and peto, to seek.
PERPLEX', v. To puzzle ; to entangle. L. per, through, and plexus,
p. part, of plecto, to twist.
PERQUISITE, s. Something gained by a place or office, besides the
regular wages. L. perquisitus, p. part, of perquiro, to make diligent;
per, through, and qiuzro, to seek.
PER SAL' TUM. At a leap all at once without any intermediate
; ;

stage. L.
PER SE. By itself; by himself, or herself; by themselves. L. per,
by, se, itself, himself herself, or themselves.
PERSECUTE, v. To pursue with malignity; to tease. L. persecutus,
part, of persequor ; Worn per, through, and sequor, to follow.
PERSEVE'RE. v. To persist. L. persevero, from per, through, and
severus, serious, steady.
PERSIST', v. To persevere. L. persisto ; from per, through, and sisto,
to continue.
PERSPECTIVE, s. View ; the science by which objects are properly
delineated. F. perspectif : L. perspectus, p. part, of perspicio ; per,
through, and specio, to see.
PERSPICACITY, s. Quickness of sight. L. perspicax, quick-sighted;
from per, through, and specio, to see.
PERSPICUITY, s. Clearness of discourse or writing. L. perspi-
cuitas from per, through, and specio, to see.

PERSPI'RE. v. To pass through the pores of the skin. L. from per,

through, and spiro, to breathe, or exhale.
PERSUADE', v. To influence by argument or expostulation to bring ;

to any particular opinion. L. persuadeo ; per, through, and suadeo,

to advise.
PERTAIN', v. To belong. L. periineo ; from per, by, and teneo, to
PERTINA'CIOUS. adj. Obstinate; resolute. L. perlinax ; from per,
by, and teneo, to hold.

PERTINENT, adj. Suiting the purpose. L. pertinens. See PER-
disquiet; to disturb; to disorder. £,. perturbo
per, through, and turbo, to disorder : turba, a crowd.
PERTU'SED. adj. Pierced through ; pierced with holes. L. pertusus,
p. part, of perlundo : per, through, and tundo, to beat.
PERU SE. v. To read. L. from per, through, and usvs, part, of uior,
to use or be conversant with.
PERVA'DE. v. To extend throughout. L. pervado ; from per, through,
and vado, to march, or move.
PERVERSE', adj. Perverted ; stubborn. F. pervers. See PERVER-
act of perverting. F. perversion : ~L. perversus,

p. part, ofperverto.See PERVERT.

PERVERT', v. To turn from the original or proper design. L. per-
verto ; from per, across, and verto, to turn.
PER'VIOUS. adj. Admitting a passage. L. pervius ; from per, through,
and via, a way.
PEST. s. Plague something teasing. F. pesle : L. pestis, infection,

PESTER, v. To disturb to perplex. See PEST.;

PESTIFEROUS, adj. Pestilential destructive infectious. ; L. from ;

a pest, or infection, and fero, to carry.

PETAL, s. The leaf of a flower. G. petalon, a leaf.
PETTT, or PETTY, adj. A
petit jury consists of twelve, and is of
inferior rank to agrand jury. F. petit, small.
PETITION, s. Request prayer. L. petitio ; from
peto, to ask.
PETTT-MAIT'RE. s. A coxcomb ; a beau. F. petit, little, and maitre,
a master.
PET'RIFY. v. To change to stone. L. petra, a rock, and Jio, to be-
PETTY, mean. See PETIT.
adj. Small ;

FET'ULANT. Quickly and suddenly impatient; saucy; per-

verse. L. petitions ; from peto, to seek.
PHANTASM, s. Something appearing only in the imagination. G.
phantasma ; from phaino, to appear.
PHANTASMAGORIA, s. An optical exhibition of figures, resembling
the supposed form of spectres, &c. by means of a sort of magic lan-
tern. G. phantasma, a spectre, and agora, an assembly.
PHANTOM, s. The appearance of a thing otherwise than what it is;
a false apparition. F. phantome ; from G. phaino, to appear.
adj. Relating to
pharmacy. G. pharmakeutikos. See PHARMACY.
dispensatory; a book containing rules for
the composition of medicines. G. pharmakon, medicine, and poieo,
to make.
PHAR'MACY. s. The art of preparing medicines. G. pharmakon, a
PHA'SES. Appearances exhibited by any body as the changes of
s. ;

the moon.G. phasis, an appearance.

PHENOM'ENON. s. Appearance extraordinary appearance. G. ;

phainomenon ; from phainomai, to appear.


PHILANTHROPY, s. Love of mankind. G. phileo, to love, and an*
thropos, man.
invective declamation —
from the speeches of

Demosthenes against Philip, king of Macedon.

PHILOL'OGY. s. Grammatical learning; criticism. G. phileo, to
love, and logos, a word, —
meaning, language.
nightingale. G. Philomela, a Grecian female, who
isfabulously related to have been changed into a bird.
PHILOSOPHY, s. Knowledge, natural or moral ; study of nature,
&c. G. and L. philosophia ; G. phileo, to love, sophia, wisdom.
PHILTER, s. Something to excite love. G. philtron ; from phileo,
to love.
PHLEBOT'OMY. s. The science or practice of bleeding. G. phlebo-
tomia phlebos, gen. ofphleps, a vein, and temno, to cut.

PHLEGM, s. Watery humour of the body, supposed to produce slug-

gishness. G. phlegma ; pldego, to burn hence, the word must have :

originally expressed the matter formed by suppuration.

PHLEGMATIC, adj. Abounding in phlegm; generating phlegm
dull. G. phlcgmaiikos. See PHLEGM.
PHLOGISTON, s. An exploded chemical name for an imaginary
substance, thought to be a constituent part of all inflammable bodies.
G. phlogizo, to burn.
chemical substance, which ignites when ex-
posed to the air. G. phos, light, and phero, to bring.
PHRASE, s. An expression; a mode of speech. G. phrasis ; phrazo,
to speak.
PHRASEOL'OGY. s. Style; diction. G. phrazo, to speak, and logos,
a word.
PHRENOL'OGY. s. The science which teaches the discovery of the
passions and affections of the mind, by inspecting the human skull.
G. phren, the mind, and logos, a word, or discourse.
PHTHT'SIS.A consumption. s. G. phthisis ; from phthio, to waste.
PHYLACTERY, s. A bandage worn by the Jews, on which was in-
scribed some remarkable sentence, as a charm. G. phulacterion ;
phulake, a guardian.
PHYSIANTHROPY. s. The philosophy of human life, or the doc-
trine of the constitutionand diseases of man, and the remedies. G.
phusis, nature, and anthropos, a man.
PHYSTC. s. The science of healing ; medicine. G. phusike, natural
philosophy : phusis, nature.
PHYSTCAL. adj. Relating to nature or to phvsic ; relating to natural
power. See PHYSIC.
PHYS'ICS. s. The study of nature. See PHYSIC.
PHYSIOG'NOMY. s. The fallacious science of discovering the pas-
sions in the features of the face. G. phusiognomonia ; from phusis,
nature, and ginosko, to know.
PHYSIOL'OGY. s. The doctrine of the constitution of the works of

nature. G. phusis, nature, and logos, a description.

PHY'TOLITE. s. A plant petrified, or fossil vegetable. G. phuton, a
plant, and lithos, a stone.
discourse or treatise on plants. G. phuton, a
plant, and logos, discourse.
PICTURE, s. A delineated resemblance. L. pictura ; from pictus,
p. part, of pingo, to paint.
PIG'MENT. s. Paint. L. pigmentum ; from pingo, to paint.
PIG'MY. s. A
diminutive person. Derived from a nation of dwarfs,
recorded by the ancients. L. pygmceus : G. pugmaios ; from pugme,
a measure of length from the fist to the elbow.
square column, sometimes insulated but usually :

pilasters are set within a wall, projecting only one quarter of their
diameter. F. pilastre. See PILLAR.
PIL'LAR. s. Literally, a pile or heap hence, a kind of irregular co-

lumn round an insulate, but deviating from the proportions of a just

column a supporter. F. pilier ; from the L. pila, a pile or pillar.

PILOS'ITY. s. Hairiness. L. pilosus, hairy pilus, hair. :

PI'QUANT. adj. Sharp or pungent; severe. F. piquant, part, of

piquer, to pierce.
PIQUE, s. Ill will ; offence taken. F. pique ; piquer, to pierce.
PIRATE, s. A sea-robber. L. pirata : G. peirales ; from peirazo, to
try, or to seize.
PIS'CARY. s. Common of piscary, is the right of fishing in another
man's waters. L. piscis, a fish.
PIS'CES. s. A sign of the zodiac. L. pisces, pi. of piscis, a fish.
PISCIVOROUS, adj. Living on fish. L. piscis, a fish, and voro, to
description of the several sorts offish. L. piscis,
a fish, and word, or discourse.
logos, a
PITTANCE, s. very small portion. F. pitance, an allowance for
one meal in a monastery.
PIVOT, s. A pin on which any thing turns. F. pivot, a hinge or axis.
PLACARD', s. An advertisement placed against a wall, &c. F. pla-
card ; from placer, to place.
PLA'CID. adj. Gentle kind. L. placidus ; from placeo, to please.

PLA'GIARY. s. A thief in literature one who steals the thoughts or;

writings of another. L. plagiarius : G. plagiarios ; from plagios,

oblique, sly.
of the heavenly bodies which move around the

sun. G. planao, to wander.

L. planeta :

PLANIMETRY, s. Mensuration of plane surfaces. L. planus, a

plane, and G. metreo, to measure.
PLANISPHERE, s. map of one or both hemispheres, drawn on a
flat surface. L. planus, level, and sphaira, a sphere.
PLANOCON'VEX. adj. Flat on one side, and round on the other. L.
planus, level, and convexus, crooked, or arched.
PLAS'TER. s. An adhesive composition. F. pldtre : G. plasso, to
daub, or to fashion, mould, or shape.
PLAS'TIC. adj. Having the power to give form. G. plastikos ; from
plasso, to form.
PLATONTC. adj. Platonic love is purely mental; not sensual. Plato%
the Athenian philosopher.

PLAUD'IT. s. Loud applause. L. plaudo, to make a noise by clap-
PLAUS'IBLE. adj. Such as gains approbation right in appearance; ;

specious. L. plausibilis. See PLAUDIT.

PLEAS'URE. s. Delight gratification loose gratification approba-
; ; ;

tion ; choice. L. placeo, to please.

PLEBEIAN, adj. Relating or belonging to the common people; vul.
gar. L. plebes, the common people.
PLE'IADES. s. A northern constellation. G. Pleiades; a name
given to seven daughters of Atlas, who are fabulously related to have
been placed in the heavens, after death.
PLEN'ARY. adj. Full without any exception. L. plenus, full.

negotiator invested with full power to
conclude a treaty. F. plenipotentiare : L. plenus, full, and potentia,
PLENITUDE, s. Fulness ; completeness. F. plenitude : L. pleni-
tudo ; plenus, full.
PLENTY, s. Abundance; sufficiency. L. plenus, full.
PLEONASM, s. The using of more words than are necessary. L.
pleonasmus : G. pleonazo, to abound.
PLETH'ORA. s. Injurious abundance of the humours in the human
vessels. G. plethora ; from plethos, fulness.
PLEURISY, s. An inflammatory disorder near the breast. G. pleura,
a membrane which girds or surrounds the ribs.
PLI'ABLE. adj. Flexible. F. pliable ; from plier, to bend.
PLICATION, PLICATURE. s. Fold double. L. plico, to fold. ;

PLI'ERS. s. An instrument used for bending wire, &c. F. plier, to

fiat, square member, which serves as a foundation to
the base of a pillar a square projection at the bottom of a wall. G.

plinihos, a tile.

PLU MAGE, s. Feathers. See PLUME.

PLUMB s. A plummet a
, leaden weight suspended to a cord, in or-

der to mark a line perpendicular to the horizon. adj. Perpendicular

to the horizon. L. plumbum, lead.
feather a bunch of feathers.
; L. pluma, a feather.
PLUME, v. To adorn with plumes to feel pride. See the substantive.

When it is said that a man plumes himself, it is figuratively denoting

that he dresses himself in gaudy feathers, as a reward of his assumed
PLUMIG'EROUS. adj. Feathered. L. pluma, a feather, and gero, to
PLU'MIPEDE. s. A fowl that has feathers on its feet. L. plumipedis ;
gen. of plumipes : pluma, a feather, and pes, a foot.
leaden weight, suspended to a cord, to ascertain

depth and perpendicularity. See PLUMB.

PLUPERFECT, adj. The name of a grammatical tense. L. plus,
more, and perfect.
PLU'RAL. adj. Implying more than one. L. pluralis ; from pluris,
gen. of phis, more.
PLURALTTY. s. number more than one majority. See PLURAL. ;

PLUS. More opposed to m in us. L.



PLU'VIAL, PLU'VIOUS. adj. Rainy ; relating to rain. L. pluvialis,
pluvius : pluvia, rain.
PLUVIOMETER, s. An instrument for showing the quantity of rain
that L. pluvia, rain, and G. metreo, to measure.
PNEUMATICS, s. The science of the density and pressure of the
atmosphere. G. pneuma, wind.
POACHER, s. One who steals game. F. poche, a pocket or bag.
POD'AGRAL. adj Afflicted with the gout. G. podagra, the gout
podos, gen. ofpous, the foot, and agra, a catching, or weakness.
PO'EM. s. The work of a poet; a metrical composition, h.po'ema:
G.poiema. See POET.
POET. s. An author of fiction, generally in measured verses or
rhyme. L. po'eta : G. poieo, to do, or invent.
POI'GNANT. adj. Sharp painful. F. poignant : L. pungo, to prick.

POFGNARD. s. A sort of dagger. F. poignard ; from the L. pungo,

to prick.
POINT, s. The sharp end; moment; grammatical stop ; degree, &c
F. point : L. punctus or punctum, from pungo, to prick.
POLEMTCAL. G. polemikos ; from polemos, war.
adj. Controversial.
POLI'CE. s. The regulation or government of a city or country, so
far as respects the inhabitants; a guard under the orders of the po-
lice government. F. police : G. polis, a city.
POLTCY. s. The art of government; prudence; management of af-
fairs stratagem. See POLICE.

POLTSH. v. To make smooth and bright to make elegant in man- ;

ners. L. polio, to make smooth.

POLI'TE. adj. Elegant in manners refined. L. politus, p. part, of

polio. See POLISH.

POLITICAL, adj. Relating to national affairs. G. politikos : polis,
a city or state.
POLLU TE. v. To defile to corrupt. L. polluo, to infect from G.
; ;

polu, much, and L. lues, pestilence or blight.

POL'YCHORD. s. A musical instrument, having many chords or
strings. G. polus, many, and chord.
POLYGAMY, s. Plurality of wives. G. polugamia ; from polus,
many, and gameo, to marry.
POLYGLOT, s. A book which has many languages. G. poluglottos ;
from polus, many, and glotta, a tongue.
POLYGON, s. A figure of many angles. G. polus, many, and gonia,
a corner, or angle.
POL'YGRAM. s. A figure consisting of many lines. G. polus, many,
and gramme, a line.
POLYPET' ALOUS. adj. Having many petals. G. polus, many, and
petalon, a petal.
POL'YPUS. s. Signifies, in general, any thing with many roots, or

feet. used to denote also a particular excrescence on the nose.

It is
G. polupous : polus, many, and pous, a foot.
POLYSYL'LABLE. s. A word containing more than three syllables.
G. polus, many, and syllable.
POLYTEC'NIC. adj. A polytecnic school is an institution where
many sciences are taught. G. polus, many, and techne, an art or

POLY'THEIST. s. One who believes in a plurality of gods. G.polus,
many, and tkeos, a god.
POM'ACE. s. The substance of apples or of similar fruit, crushed by
grinding-. L. pomum, an apple.
POMIF'EROUS. adj. Apple-bearing ; an epithet applied to plants
which bear the larger fruits. L. pomum, an apple, and fero, to
POMOL'OGY. s. A description of fruit ; the science of cultivating
fruit-trees. L. pomum, an apple, and G. logos, a description.
POMP. s. Splendour; pride. L. pompa : G. pompe; from pempo, to
send forth.
PON'DER. v. To consider. L. pondero, to weigh.
PONDEROUS, adj. Heavy. L. ponderosus : pondus, a load.
PON'TAGE. s. Duty paid for the reparation of bridges. L. pontes,
gen. of pons, a bridge.
military bridge. F. ponton : L. pons, a bridge.
POP'ULACE. s. The common people. F. populace : L. populus, the
POPULAR, adj. Suitable to the common people ; beloved by the peo-
ple. L. popularis ; from populus, the people.
POPULOUS, adj. Thickly inhabited. L. populosus ; from populus, a
PORCELAIN, s. Fine earthen-ware. F. porcelaine ; from the Por-
tuguese, porcellana, a cup.
PORE. s. Spiracle of the skin passage of perspiration ; any narrow

spiracle or hole. G. poros, a passage.

PORE. v. To inspect with minute attention. Derived from the noun;
meaning, to look into the smallest cavity, or examine for the least
defect, &c.
PORT. s. A harbour for ships, made convenient for receiving and dis-

charging merchandise. L. portus : (an aperture for cannon : porta,
a gate :) from porto, to carry.
PORTABLE, adj. That may be easily carried. F. portabilis ; from
porto, to carry.
PORT' AGE. Price of carriage land-road, between two navigable
s. ;

waters. F. portage
: L. porto, to carry.

gate, in a fortified place, suspended in a groove.
F. portcoulisse : port, a gate, and coulisse, a groove couler, to glide. :

PORTEND', v. To give notice, by some appearance. L. portendo

from porto, to carry that is, to carry a sign.

PORTER, s. common carrier. L. porto, to carry a gate-keeper :

porta, a gate. See PORT.

PORTFO'LIO. s. A case for large papers. L. porto, to carry, and fo-
lium, a leaf. See FOLIO.
POR'TION. s. part A
a share. F. portion : L. portio : partio, to

PORT'LY. adj. Stately. L. porto, to carry ; meaning to carry or
hold the person erectly.
PORTMANTEAU, A bag for carrying clothes.
s. F. portmanteau :

from porter, to carry, and manteau, a cloak.

POR'TRAIT. s. A picture, generally of a human being. F. portrait.

PORTRAY', v, To describe by picture. F. portraire : pour, for, and
L. traho, to draw.
POSI'TION. s. Situation; posture; principle laid down. li.p)sitio;
from positus, p. part, of pono, to place.
POS'ITIVE. adj. Absolutely fixed; dogmatical. L. positivus ; from
pono. See POSITION.
POS SE. s. An attendant crowd a vulgar abbreviation of posse comi.

of the inhabitants of a county ;

which the when opposition is made

sheriff is authorized to call forth,
to the execution of justice. L. posse, (infin. of possum,) to have the
power, comi tut us, of the county.
POSSESSION, s. The state of having in one's own hands or power
property. L. possessio ; from possessus, p. part, of possideo, to pos-
sess : potis, able, and sedeo, to sit.

POSSIBLE, adj. Practicable. L. possibilis ; from posse, to be able,

to have power.
POST. s. Station; employment; office; a hasty messenger, who has

the advantage of horses, placed at convenient stations ; quick man-

ner of travelling; (a piece of timber, &c, set upright; L. postis.)
F. poste : L. positus, p. part, of pono, to place.
POSTDATE, v. To date after the real time. L. post, after, and date.
POSTDILU'VIAN. adj. After the Flood. L. post, after, and diluvium,
a deluge.
POSTERIOR, adj. Subsequent; hinder. L. posterior; from post,
POSTERTTY. s. Succeeding generations. L. posteritas ; from post,
after, and hares, an heir.
POS'TERN. s. A back-gate ; a little private gate or door. L. post,
POSTHUMOUS, adj. After death. L. posthumus ; from post, after,
and humo, to bury : humo is from humus, earth.
POSTLIMINTAR. Contrived, done, or existing subsequently
\ adj. ;

to preliminary.
( L. post, after, and ti-
men, a threshold or entrance.
POSTIL'LION. s. One who guides the leading horses of a post-chaise;
one who guides a post-chaise. F. postilion. See POST.
POSTMERIDIAN, or P. M. adj. After noon. L. post, after, and
POST MORTEM. After death. L. post, after, mortem, accus. of
mors, death.
POST O BIT. A post-obit bond is that which promises payment of
money death of a certain person generally by his heir.
after the ;

L. post, after, obit, he dies from obeo. :

POSTPO'NE. v. To place after (with to) to adjourn to delay. L. ; ;

postpono : comp. of post, after, and pono, to place.

POS 1 'SCRIPT, or P. S. s. A paragraph added to the end of a letter,
«&c. L. post, after, and scriptus, p. part, of scribo, to write.
POSTULATE, s. position supposed or assumed without proof. L.
postulatus, part, of postulo, to will, or demand.
POS'TURE. s. State; position. F. posture: L. positura. See PO-
a 193
PO'TABLE. adj. Such as may be drunk. L. potabilis ; from poto, to
POTA'TION. s. Draught; species of drink. L. potatio : poto, to drink.
PO'TENT. adj. Having power strong efficacious. ; ; L. potens, part.
of possum, to be able.
PO'TENT ATE. s. A sovereign. F. potentat. See POTENT.
POTEN'TIAL. adj. The potential mood denotes the power or possibi-
lity of acting. See POTENT.
L. potentialis.
POUND, In law, an inclosure for the safe keeping of cattle dis-

trained from the L. ponendo, abl. gerund of pono, to put or place.


POVERTY, s. Indigence; meagerness. F. pauvrete: L. pauper,

PRACTICAL, adj. Relating to action ; not theoretical. See PRAC-
PRACTICE, s. Use; custom; habit; performance; medical treat-
ment; professional employment. L. practicus, practical: G. prak-
tike : prasso, to act.
A. s. Things previously known. L. pra, before, and
cognitus, p. part, of cog nose o, to know.
PRAGMATTC. adj. Meddling ; intrusive. F. pragmalique : G. prag-
ma, business.
PRA'IRIE. s. In the United States, a natural meadow, covered with
long, coarse grass. F.
PRAVTTY. s. Badness of heart ; malignity ; corruption. L. pravitas ;
from pravus, crooked, wicked.
PRE' AMBLE, s. Preface. F. preambule : L. pra, before, and ambulo,
to walk.
PREB'END. s. The stipend or maintenance, granted out of the estate
of a cathedral or collegiate church. F. prebende ; from L. prabeo,
to afford or allow.
PREB'END ARY. s. A stipendiary of a cathedral. L. prebendarius ;
from prabeo, to allow.
PRECARIOUS, adj. Dependent ; uncertain, because depending on
the will of another. L. precarius ; from precor, to supplicate.
PRECATORY, adj. Suppliant. L. precatus, part, of precor, to
PRECAU'TION. s. Preventive measure. L. pra, before, and caution.
PRECE'DE. v. To go before. L. pracedo : comp. of pra, before, and
cedo, to go.
PRE'CEDENT. A rule or example to future times. L. pracedens,
part, of pracedo. See PRECEDE.
PRECENTOR, Leader of a choir. L. pracentor ; from pracinor,

to sing before comp. of pra, before, and cano, to sing.


PRE'CEPT. s. Rule; commandment. L. praceptum ; from pra, be-

fore, and capio, to take or design.
PRECEPTOR, s. A teacher.. L. praceptor. See PRECEPT.
PRECESSION, s. The act of preceding. F. precession: L. prcecessus,
part, of pracedo. See PRECEDE.
PRE'CINCT. s. Boundary; suburb. L. pracinctus ; from praecingo,
to enclose.
PRECIOUS, adj. Of great price ; valuable. L. pretiosus ; from pre-
Hum, a price.

PRECIPICE, s. A perpendicular declivity. L. pracipitium. See
PRECIPITATE, v. To throw head-foremost; to fall head-foremost
to hurry forward. L. pracipito : pra, before, and caput, the head.
PRECI'SE. adj. Exact; formal. L. pracisus, p. part, of pracido, to
pare off: pra, before, and cado, to cut.
PRECLUDE, v. To shut out, or hinder. L. pracludo ; from pra,
before, and claudo, to shut.
PRECLUSION, s. Act of precluding; state of being precluded. L.
praclusus, p. part, of pracludo. See PRECLUDE.
PRECOC ITY. s. Early maturity. L. pracox : from pro;, before, and
coquo, to boil, or ripen.
PRECOGNITION, s. Previous knowledge. L. pra, before, and cog-
PRECONCEIVE', v. To conceive previously. L. pra, before, and
PRECURSOR, s. Forerunner. L. precursor ; from pra, before, and
curro, to run.
PRE' DAL. adj. Plundering. L. prada, plunder.
PREDATORY, adj. Plundering; ravenous. L. pradatorius ; from
prada, plunder.
PREDECESSOR, s. One that preceded another. F. predecesseur
L. pra, before, and decessus, part, of decedo, to depart.
PREDES'TINATE. v. To appoint beforehand. L. pra, before, and
destino, to design.
PREDETERMINE, v. To determine previously. L. pra, before, and
PRE'DIAL. adj. Consisting of farms; the produce of a farm. L. pra-
dium., a farm.
PREDICAMENT, s. In logic, a category ; a series or order of all

the predicates or attributes contained under any genus ; class or kind

described by any definite marks ; hence, condition, particular situa-
tion, or state. We
say the country is in a singular predicament. L.
pradicamentum : from pradico, to affirm. See PREDICATE.
PREDICATE, v. To affirm any thing of another thing. L. pradico :

from pra, before, and dico, to say.

PREDICT', v. To foretel. L. pradictum, sup. of pradico : from pra,
before, and dico, to say.
PREDOMINANT, adj. Having the ascendancy ;
prevalent. Y. pre-
dominant : L. pra, before, and dominant.
PRE-EMINENT, adj. Supremely eminent. L. pra, before, and emi-
PRE-EMPTION, s. The right of purchasing before another. L. pra,
before, and emptio, a purchasing emptus, p. part, of emo, to pur-

PRE-EXIST', v. To exist previously. L. pra, before, and exist.
PREF'ACE. Introductory discourse. L. prafatio
s. : from pra, before,
and fatus, part, of for, to speak.
PREFATORY, adj. Introductory. L. See PREFACE.
PREFECT, s. A a commander. L. prafectus : from pra-
governor ;

ficio, to put in authority: pra, before, and facio, to make.


regard more than another to advance. L. jprasfero
v. ;

from and fero, to bring or carry.

prce, before,
PREFIX', v. To place before. L. from prce, before, and fix.
PREG'NABLE. adj. That may be won by force. L. prcegno, to fill.
PREG'NANT. adj. With young; teeming; full. F. pregnant: L.
prcsgnans : pr<e, before, and gigno, to engender, or bring forth.
PRE HEN SIGN. s. Act of laying hold of, or seizing. L. prehensio :
prehensus, p. part, o! prehendo, to take.
PREJUDGE', v. To judge previously, without waiting for proper evi-
dence L. prce, before, and judge.
PREJUDICE, s. Judgment formed without examination (injury ; :

but this sense is improper ;) L. pro,judicium ; from prce, before, and

judicium, judgment.
PR EL' ATE. s. An ecclesiastic of the highest order. L. prcelatus
from prce, before, and laius, part, of feror, to be borne.
PRELA'TION. s. Preference the setting of one before another.
; L.
pralatio : prcelatus, p. part, of prceferor : prce, before, and fero, to
PRELECTION, s. Reading; lecture. L. prcelectio : prce, before, and
lectio, a reading.
PRELIBA'TION. s. Taste beforehand. L. prce, before, and libo, to
PRELIMINARY, adj. Introductory. L. prce, before, and limen, a
threshold or entrance.
PREL'UDE. s. Introductory entertainment; precursor. L. pr<B.
ludium : from pr<z, before, and ludo, to play.
PRELUSIVE, adj. In the manner of a prelude. See PRELUDE.
PREM'ATURE. adj. Unfinished immature. L. prcematurus ; from ;

prcB, before, and maturus, ripe.

PREMEDITATE, v. To think upon previously; to design. L. prce,
before, and meditate.
PREMTER. s. A chief; a prime minister. F. premier: L. primus,

PREMI'SE. v. To make a previous explanation, or proposition. L.

pra, before, and missum, sup. ofmitto, to send.
PREMTSES. s. Propositions antecedently supposed or proved also, ;

by a perversion of language, house, or lands. See PREMISE.

PRE'MIUM. s. Something given to invite a loan or bargain a re- ;

ward. L. prmnium. See PROEM.

PREMON'ISH. v. To forewarn to admonish previously. L. prtc- ;

moneo : prce, before, and moneo, to warn.

PREMONSTRA'TION. s. The act of showing previously. L. prce,
before, and monstro, to show.
PRENO'MEN. s. Amongst the Romans, a name prefixed to the family
name, corresponding with our Christian name, as Caius, Lucius,
Marcus, &c. L. pr&nomen : prce, before, and nomen, a name.
PRE-OC'CUPY. v. To occupy previously. L. prce, before, and occupy.
PREPA'RE. v. To make ready. L. pr&paro : from prce, before, and
paro, to make or shape.
PREPENSE', adj. Preconceived; contrived before-hand; as malice
prepense. L. prcepensus : prce, before, and pensus, p. part, of pendo,
to weigh or deliberate on.

to overpower by superior in-
v. ;

fluence. pra, before, and pondero, to weigh.

L. prapondero :

PREPOSI'TION. s. In grammar, an indeclinable word, governing a

case. L. prapositio : from pra, before, and positus, p. part, of pono,
to place.
PREPOS'ITIVE. adj. In grammar, signifies placed before; and, in
this sense, is opposed to subjunctive. L. propositus, p. part, of pra-
PREPOSSESS v. To impress
. an opinion before due examination to ;

prejudice. L. pros, before, and possess.

PREPOS'TEROUS. adj. Having that first, which ought to be last
perverted ; absurd. L. praposterus : pra, before, and posterus, the
following : post, after.
PREROGATIVE, s. Peculiar privilege ; something required or de-
manded before, or in preference to, all others. L. prarogativa : from
pr<B, before, and rogo. to demand or propose: —
alluding to a privi-
lege enjoyed by some persons in Rome, of giving their votes the
PRES'AGE. s. Prognostic. L. prasagium: from pra, before, and
sagax, quick-scented, or cunning.
PRESBYTERIAN, s. An advocate for the government of. the church
by presbyteries, composed of elders. G. presbuteros, an elder.
PRES'CIENCE. s. Foreknowledge. L. prcesciens, part, of prascio
from pra, before, and scio, to know.
PRESCRIBE, v. To order ; to direct, &c. L. prascribo ; from pra,
before, and scribo, to write, or appoint.
PRESCRIPTION, s. Custom which has become law ; medical recipe.
L. prascriptio. See PRESCRIBE.
PRESENT, adj. Not ;ibsent; not past, nor future. F. present: L.
prasens, part, of prasum : comp. of pra, before, (meaning in pre-
sence of,) and sum, I am.
place in the presence of; to exhibit to view or no-
tice ; See the adjective.
to offer as a gift.
complimentary gift; pi. presents, things written,
and presented or offered in the manner of evidence, as in a lease, —
&c. See the verb.
PRESERVE', v. To keep with care; to save ; to prepare fruits, &c.
so that they may be kept from spoiling. L. praservo : comp. of pra,
before, and servo, to keep.
PRESI'DE. v. To sit as president. L. prasideo : from pra, before,
and sedeo, to sit.
PRES'IDENT. s. One who presides, or occupies the highest place.
L. prasidens, part, of prasideo. See PRESIDE.
PRESS, v. To squeeze ; to crush ; to distress ; to constrain ; to urge,
&-c. F. presser : L. pressvs, p. part, of premo, to press.
PRESUME, v. To assume before permission, or proof. L. prasumo :
from pra, before, and sumo, to take.
PRESUMP'TION. s. Assumption without permission. L. prasumptus,
p. pirt. of prasumo. See PRESUME.
PRETEND', v. To make L. pra-
a false representation; to claim.
tendo : from pra, before, and tendo, to stretch forth [something as a
k * 197
PRETERIMPER'FECT. adj. An irrational term, applied, by some
grammarians, to one of the past tenses. L. prater, beside, and im-
PRE TERIT. adj. Past. L. prateritus, p. part, ofpratereo; from pra-
ter, beside, and eo, to go.
PRETERNAT'URAL. adj. Not natural; miraculous. L. prater, more
than, and natural.
PRETERPER'FECT. adj. An irrational term, applied, by some
grammarians, to one of the past tenses. L. prater, beside, and
PRETERPLUPER'FECT. adj. An irrational term, applied, by some
grammarians, to one of the past tenses. L. prater, beside, and plu-
PRE'TEXT. s. Pretence. L. pratextus, p. part, of pratexo, to cloak
or cover : pra, before, and tectus, p. part, of tego, to cover.
PREVAIL', v. To overcome ;
(with on, over, or against,) to predomi-
nate; to have influence. L. pravaleo : from pra, before, and valeo,
to be strong.
PREVALENT, adj. Predominant ; common. L. praoalens, part, of
pravaleo. See PREVAIL.
PREVARICATE, v. To vary in giving evidence. L. prevaricor : from
concerning, and vario, to vary.
PREVENT', v. To obstruct. L. praventum, sup. of pravenio : pra y

before, and come.

venio, to
PRE'VIOUS. adj. Antecedent. L. pravius : pra, before, and via, a
way that is, being before another, in proceeding.

PRIMA FACIE. On the first view without referring to any thing


subsequently. L. prima, on the first, facie, face, or figure primus, :

and fades.
PRI'MATE. s. The chief bishop. L. pri?nas : from primus, first.
PRIME, adj. The first the best. L. primus, first.

PRIME, v. To put powder into the pan of a gun; to lay on the first
paint. Sec the adjective.
PRIM'ER. s. A child's school-book. L. primus, first.
PRIME'VAL. adj. Such as was at first. L. primavus : from primus,
first, and cevum, an a^e.

PRIMTTIVE. adj. Original; ancient; uncompounded. h.primiiivus:

primus, first.
PRIMOGEN ITURE. s. Seniority. F. primogeniture : L. primus, first,
and genitus, begotten.
PRIMORDIAL, adj. Original. L. primordium, the beginning from ;

primus, first, and or do, a rule.

PRIMROSE, s. An early flower. L. primus, first, and rose.
FRI'MUM MOB'ILE'. That which gives motion to all the other
parts. L. primum, the first, mobile, moved primus and mobilis. :

PRINCE, s. A sovereign ; son of a king. F. prince : L. princeps,

first, chief: primus, first, and capio, to take.
PRINCIPAL, adj. Chief; essential; important. F. principal: L.
principalis. See PRINCIPLE.
PRINCIPIA NON HOMINES. Principles, not men: the motto
chosen by Mr. Monroe, when elected president of the United

PRINCIPLE, s. Element ; constituent part ; rule ; moral guide. F,
principe : L. principium : principis, gen. of princeps, first, original
primus, and capio, to take.
PRINT, v. To mark by pressing to use the art of typography, &c. ;

L. imprimo : in, into, or upon, and premo, to press.

PRIOR, adj. Former L. prior, the former.
; anterior.
PRIOR'ITY. s. Precedence, in time or place. See PRIOR.
PRIS'ON. s. jail. A
F. prison : pris, part, of prendre, to seize.
PRIS'TINE. adj. Ancient former. L. pristinus : prior, the former.

PRI'VATE. adj. Retired; secret; individual. L. privatus, p. part, of

privo, to take away.
PRIVATION, s. Removal of something desired. L. privatio : from
privo, to take away.
PRIVILEGE, s. Peculiar advantage something, of wr hich others are ;

deprived private right. F. privilege : L. privilegiurn : privus, par-


ticular, and legis, gen. of lex, a law. See PRIVATE.

PRIVITY, s. Private communication private concurrence. F. pru ;

vault. See PRIVY.

PRIVY, adj. Private secret admitted to secrets of state, (as the
; ;

privy council :) Y.prive. See PRIVATE.

reward gained by a contest with competitors a vessel ;

or merchandise captured at sea gain in a lottery. F. prix, or prise,


from prendre, to take.

vulgar abbreviation of pro and contra, for and
PROBABLE, adj. Apparently true. L. probabilis : from probo, to
prove or allow.
PROBATE, s. Proof of a will. L.probatus: from probo, to prove, or
PROBATIONER, s. One who is upon trial ; a novice. L. probatio,
^ a from probo, to prove.
trial ;

PROBATORY, adj. Serving for trial. L. probo, to prove.

PROBE, v. To examine a deep wound with an instrument. L. probo,
to try.
PROBITY, s. Honesty; veracity. L. probitas : from probatus, (p.
part, of probo,) proved.
PROB'LEM. s. A question proposed. G. problema : proballo, to pro-
pose : pro, before, and ballo, to throw.
PRO BONO PUBLICO. For public benefit. L.
PROCEED', v. To move forward; to act; to issue. L. procedo : from
pro, forward, and cedo, to go.
PROCESS, Progressive course operation course of law. F. pro-
s. ; ;

ces : L. processus : from procedo. See PROCEED.

PROCESSION, s. A train moving in ceremonious solemnity. F.
procession : L. processio. See PROCESS.
PROCLAIM', v. To make public. L. proclamo : pro, before, and
clamo, to call.
PROCON'SUL. s. A deputy consul. L. pro, for, and consul.
PROCRASTINATE, v. To defer through idleness. L. procrastinor :
from pro, for, eras, to-morrow, and teneo, to hold.
PROCREATE, v. To generate; to produce. L. procreo: pro, for-
ward, and creo, to create.

PROCTOR, s. A manager of another's affairs; an attorney of the
spiritual court; the magistrate of a university. L. procurator. See
PROCURATION. 8. Power giyen to transact business for another.
L. procuratio. See PROCURE.
PROCURE, v. To obtain ; to cause. L. procuro ; from pro, for, and
euro, to take care of.
PROD IGAL. adj. Lavish. L. prodigus ; from prodigo, to drive forth :
pro, before, and ago, to drive or act.
PRODIGY, s. Something out of the ordinary course of nature. L.

prodigium. This word seems to have an affinity with prodigal.
PRODUCE, v. To exhibit; to bring forth. L. produco ; from pro,
signifying forward, and duco, to bring.
PRODUCE, s. That which any thing yields, of a material nature.

It is different in its meaning from product, which is an arithmetical

result. See the verb.
PRO'DUCT. s. Result; sum; of an arithmetical, rather than of a
material kind. It is used in a different sense from produce, which
is a material result. L. produclus, p. part, of produco. See PRO-
PRODUCTION, s. The act of producing ; the thing produced ;
duce. F. production. See PRODUCT.
PROEM, s. Preface introduction.
; Old F. proline : L. procemium
G. prooimion : pro, before, and oime, a way.
PROFANE, adj. Irreverent to sacred things; not sacred. L. pro-
fanus pro, before, and fanum, a temple.

PROFESS', v. To declare openly ; to follow as a profession. F. pro-

fessus, part, of projiteor : from pro, before, and fateor, to confess.
PROFI'CIENT. adj. Highly advanced in the knowledge of any thing.
L. projiciens, part, of proficio, to go forward : pro, before, and facio,
to do.
PROFTT. s. Gain
pecuniary advantage; accession of good. F. profit:

L. profectus from proficio: pro, forward, and facio, to make.


PROFLIGATE, adj. Abandoned; completely lost to virtue and de-

cency. L. profiigatus : pro, forward, andfiAgo, to dash or beat.
PROFOUND', adj. Very deep humble; intellectually deep. L. pro-

fundus : pro, before, or far off, and fundus, the bottom. Profound
may be applied to great learning, by supposing that a scholar has
examined deeply : and to humility, from the posture in bowing.
PROFU'SE. adj. Prodigal; exuberant. L. proj usus, part, of profundo y
to pour out.
PROGENITOR, s. A forefather; a person, either male or female,
from whom another has descended. L. progenitor ; from pro, before,
and genn, to beget.
PROG'ENY. s. Offspring. L. progenies : pro, forward, and genus, a
PROGNOS'TIC. Something by which we may foretel an omen.
s. ;

G. prognostikos : pro, before, and ginosJco, to know.

PROGRESS, s. Motion forward advancement. L. progressus ; from

pro, forward, and gressus, part, of gradior, to go: gradus, a step.

PRO AC VICE. For this turn for the present occasion. L. ;

PROHIB'IT. To v. to hinder.
forbidL. prohibeo ; from pro, before,

and habeo, have or hold -.meaning some obstruction.


PROJECT', v. To throw forward; to jut out; to contrive. L. pro-

jectum, sup. of projicio ; from pro, before, and jacio, to throw.
PROLATE, adj. Extended beyond an exact round. L. prolatus, p.
part, of profero, to thrust out pro, before, and fero, to carry.

PROLEGOMENA, s. Preliminary observations. G. pro, before, and

lego, to speak.
form of rhetoric, by which objections are antici-
pated; an error in chronology, by which events are dated too early.
G. prolepsis : pro, before, and lambano, to take.
PROLIFIC, adj. Fruitful productive. F. prolifiaue : L. proles, a

race, and facio, to make.

PROLIX, adj. Long ; not concise. L. prolixus ; from pro, and laxus,
PROLOCUTOR, s. Speaker of a convocation. L. prolocutor ; from
pro, for, and loquor, to speak.
PROLOGOM'ENA. s. Prefatory matter. G. pi. of prologomenon. See
PRO'LOGUE. s. Preface something spoken before the beginning of

G. prologos ; from pro, before, and logos, a word.

a play.
PROMENA'DE. s. A walk a place for walking. F. from promener,

to walk ;
pro, signifying forward, and metier, to carry, or lead.
PROMTNENT. adj. Projecting ; conspicuous. L. prominens, part,
of promineo, to jut out.
PROMISCUOUS, adj. Mingled confused. L. promiscuus ; from pro, ;

and misceo, mix. to

PROM'ISE. s. Declaration of design expectation hope. L. promis- ; ;

sum ; from pro, before, and mitto, to send that is, to send out the :

declaration before the performance is accomplished.

PROM'ONTORY. s. High land, jutting into the sea; a cape or head-
land. L. promontorium : pro, before, and mons, a mountain.
PROMO'TE. v. To forward to advance. L. promotum, sup. of pro.

move.o ; from pro, forward, and moveo, to move.

PROMPT, adj. Ready quick instant. F. prompt : L. promptus, p.
; ;

part, of promo, to draw out, or bring forth. Prompt payment is

money drawn out.
PROMP'TER. s. One who aids the memory, as at a theatre. See
PROMUL'GATE. v. To make public. L. promulgo — the primitives :

seem and vulgus, the common people.

to be pro, before,
PRONE, adj. Lying with the face downward, as in the act of wor-
shipping; bending downward inclined. L. pronus, downward. ;

PRO'NOUN. s. A word used instead of a noun. L. pro, instead of,

and noun.
PRONOUNCE', v. To utter; to declare. L. pronuntio ; from pro, be-
fore, (in presence of,) and nuntio, to tell.
PROP'AGATE. v. To continue to increase the kind, by generation
or successive production. L. pro, forward, and ago, to go or drive.
PROPEL', v. To drive forward. L. propello ; from pro, forward, and
pello, to drive.
: ;;

PROPEN'SITY. s. Strong inclination; desire. L. propensio; from
propensus, part, of propendeo : pro, forward, and pendeo, to hang.
PROPER, adj. Peculiar; not common natural; suitable. F. proprc :

L. proprius, peculiar.
PROP'ERTY. s. Peculiar quality disposition ; thing possessed in

one's own right. See PROPER.

PROPH'ET. s. One who foretels by divine inspiration. G. prophetes
from pro, before, and phemi, to say.
PROPHETIC, or PROPHETICAL, adj. Foreseeing or foretelling
future events. See PROPHET.
PROPHYLACTIC. ( adj. In medicine, preventive; defending
PROPHYLACTIC AL. £ from disease. G. prophulaktikos : pro,
before, and phulasso, to preserve.
PROPI'TIATE. v. To gain the favour of. L. propilio : probably from
piope, near; because the heathens always solicited their deities to
be near or present, to give their aid in favour of their designs.
PROPORTION, s. Comparative relation; symmetry. L. proportio
from pro, according to, and portio, a part: that is, one part agreeing
with another.
PROPOSE, v. To offer for consideration. L. propositum, sup. of pro-
pono ; from pro, before, and pono, to place.
PROPOUND', v. To propose. L. propono. See PROPOSE.
PROPRIETY, s. Accuracy ; justness. L. proprietas ; from proprius,
fit. See PROPER.
PROPUL'SION. s. Act of propelling. L. propulsus, p. part, of pro-
pello. See PROPEL.
PRO RATA. Proportionally according to a prescribed rate. L.

PRO RE NATA. For the thing as arises; for the occasion as it it

happens. L.
PRORO'GUE. v. To prorogue a parliament is to continue it from one
session to another. L. prorogo, to defer ; from pro, forward, and
rogo, to desire or request.
PROSCEN IUM. s. The large open space, in front of the scenes of a
theatre, in which the actors perform their parts. L. comp. of pro,
before, and scena, a scene.
PROSCRIBE, v. To doom to destruction ; to forbid. L. proscribo
from pro, concerning, and scribo, to write.
PROSCRIPTION, s. Act of proscribing. L. proscriptio : proscriptus,
p. part, of proscribo. See PROSCRIBE.
PROSE, s. Language not restrained to harmonic sounds or regular

number of syllables. F. prose: L. prosa ; from prorsus, straight for-

ward by way of opposition to versus, (hence verse,) a turning back-

ward.See VERSE.
PROS'ECUTE. v. To pursue to continue. L. prosequor ; from pro,

forward, and seqvor, to follow.

convert; one brought over to a new opinion,
such as from the Jewish or Mahomedan, to the Christian faith. But
a. proselyte must be distinguished from a convert the latter con- —
forms with the heart the former, only by outward action. L. pro-

sclytus : G. proselutos ; from proserchomai, to be come to, or be

added to.

PROS'ODY. s. That part of grammar which teaches the just sound
and quantity of syllables, and the measures of verse. G. prosodia
pros, for, and ode, a song.
PROSOPOPOEIA, s. Personification. G. prosopopoiia ; from prosopon,
a person, and poieo, to make.
PROSPECT, s. View of something distant. L. prospectus, part, of
prospicio ; from pro, forward, and specio, to see.
PROSPECTIVE, adj. Relating to a distant view. See PROSPECT.
PROSPECTUS, s. Plan, generally of a proposed literary work. L.
prospectus. See PROSPECT.
PROSPER, v. To favour; to render or be successful, h.prospero:
G. pros, towards, and phero, to bear.
PROSPI'CIENCE. s. The act of looking forward. L. prospiciens,
part, of prospicio : pro, forward, aud specio, to see.
PROSTERNA'TION. s. Act of overthrowing. L. pro, forward, and
sterno, to spread, or prostrate.
PROS'TITUTE. v. To expose to crime, or commit sin, for a reward.
L. prostituo from pro, forward, and statum, sup. of sto, to stand;

meaning, to offer one's services in a public market.

PROSTRATE, adj. Lying at length thrown down. L. prostratus, ;

p. part, of prosterno ; from pro, before, and sterno, to spread.

PROSTYLE, s. In architecture, a range of columns in the front of a
temple. G. prostulos : pro, before, and stulos, a column.
PRO TAN' TO. For so much for that quantity. L. ;

PROTECT', v. To shield ; to defend. L. protectum, sup. of protego ;

from pro, before, and tego, to cover.
PRO- TEMPORE. For a time
not permanently. L. pro, for, tem-

pore, abl. of temp us, time, or a time.

PROTER'VITY. s. Peevishness. L. prater vitas : protervus, saucy,
PROTEST', v. To record in the manner of a notary ; to object. L.
protestor ; from pro, for, and testor, to bear witness : testis, a witness,
PROTHON OTARY. s. Chief notary, or register. G. protos, first,
and notary.
PROTOCOL, The original copy ; a record or registry. G. protos,

first, and glue so called, perhaps, from the gluing together of

kolla, ;

pieces of paper, or from the spreading of it on tablets. It was for-

merly the upper part of the leaf of a book, on which the title or name
was written.
PROTOMAR'TYR. s. The first martyr ; a term applied to St. Ste-
phen. G. protos, first, and MARTYR.
PROTOPLAST, s. The original ; the thing first formed as a copy to
be imitated. G. protos, first, and plastos, formed.
PROTOTYPE, s. The original. F. prototype : G. prototupon ; from
protos, first, and tvpos, a mark or form.
PROTRACT, v. To lengthen to prolong a continuation to delay.
; ;

L. protractum, sup. of protraho ; from pro, forward, and traho, to

PROTRU'DE. v. To thrust forward. L. protrudo ; from pro, before,
and trudo, to thrust.
PROTRUSION, s. Act of protruding. L. protrusus, p. part, of pro-
trudo. See PROTRUDE.
swelling ; prominence. L. pro, before, (on
the surface,) and tuber, a bunch or excrescence.
short moral sentence. L. proverbium ; from pro,
for, and verbum, a word ; meaning an expression used for something
PROVERBIAL, adj. Mentioned as a proverb; resembling a proverb.
PROVI'DE. v. To make ready beforehand to supply ; ; to stipulate.
L. provideo ; from pro, before, and video, to see.
PROVIDENCE, s. The act of providing; divine superintendence.
F. providence. See PROVIDE.
PROVINCE, s. Originally, a conquered country generally, a large ;

district. L. provincia ; from pro, before, and vinco, to conquer.

PROVIS'ION. s. Something provided stipulation. L. provisio ; from :

provideo. See PROVIDE.

PROVISO, s. Stipulation; condition. L. proviso, abl. of provisus, p.
part, of provideo. See PROVIDE.
PROVOCATION, s. Act or cause by which anger is excited. L. pro-
vocalio. See PROVOKE.
PROVO'KE. v. To enrage ; to promote. L. provoco : from pro, for-
ward, and voco, to call.
PROW. s. The forepart of a ship. F. proue : G.prora: from pro, be-
fore, and rheo, to proceed.
PRO'WESS. s. Bravery valour courageous excitement which places
; ;

a man forward, or in the front of a battle. F. prouesse. See

PROXIM'ITY. s. Nearness. L. proximitas from proximus, nearest. :

PROX'Y. s. The agency of another the agent employed. Abbrevia- ;

tion of L.proximus, a neighbour. See PROXIMITY.

PRU'DENT. adj. Provident discreet. F. prudent : L. prudens, an

abbreviation of providcns. See PROVIDE.

PRU'RIENCE. s. Great desire or appetite for any thing. L. pruriens,
part, ofprurio, to itch.
PSALM, s. A holy song. G. psalmos, a tune for a musical instru-
ment from psallo, to strike [the harpstrings] psallo, signifies also,
; :

to praise in song, —
the harp being originally used for songs of praise ;

as by David.
PSAL'TER. s. The volume of psalms. G. psalterion : from psallo.
PSEU'DO. adj. False counterfeit. G. pseudos, false.

PU'BERTY. s. Sexual maturity. L. pubertas : from puber, of ripe

PUBLISH, v. To make public ; to issue from the press. L. publico,
to make public.
PU'CELAGE. s. State of virginity.Y.pucelage: pucelle, a maid.
PU'ERILE. adj. Boyish; childish. L. pucrilis ; from puer, a boy.
PUER'PERAL. adj. Relating to childbirth. L. puer, a child, and
pario, to bring forth.
PfjGNA'CITY. s. Quarrelsomeness ; inclination to fight. L. pugna-
cilas : pugna, a fight.
PUISNE', adj. A puisne (puny) judge, is one of inferior rank. F.
puisne, younger : puis, afterwards, and ne, part, of naitre, to be born.
PUISSANT, adj. Powerful. F. from pouvoir, to be able.
PUL'CHRITUDE. s. Beauty. L. pulchritudo pulcher, beautiful. :

PUL'MONARY. adj. Relating to the lungs. L. pulmo, the lungs.

PULSA'TION. s. The act of beating or moving rapidly against some-
thing opposing ; the beating of the pulse. L. pulsalio : pulsus, p.
part, ofpello, to strike.
PULSE, s. The perceptible action of the blood, in certain parts of the
body. L. pulsus : from a part, of pello, to strike.

PUL'VERIZE. v. To reduce to powder. L. pulveris, gen. of pulvis^

PUNCTILIO, s. A nice point of exactness; etiquette. See PUNC-
PUNCTILIOUS, adj. Extremely exact. See PUNCTUAL.
PUNCTUAL, adj. Attentive to the time appointed exact. F. punc- ;

tuel L. punctum, a point. See POINT.


PUNCTUA'TION. s. The act or method of pointing, or placing stops.

L. punctum, a point. See POINT.

hole made by a sharp point. L. punctum, a point.
PUNGENT, adj. Sharp on the tongue ;
piercing ; acrimonious. L.
pungens, part, of pungo, to prick.
PUNISH, v. To pain; to afflict with pain. L. punio : posna, pain.
PU'NITIVE. adj. Awarding or inflicting punishment. L. punio, to
PU'NY. adj. Inferior ; weak. See PUISNE'.
PU'PIL. s. A L. pupillus, a male orphan papilla, a female
scholar. ;

orphan : from papa, a baby

also, the apple of the eye alluding to
: ;

the small image reflected by the eye.

small image, moved by wires, in a mock drama. L.
pupus, a young child.
PURCHASE, v. In law, to acquire an estate, by any method except
by descent :

to obtain at an expense, as of labour or danger to buy ;

for a price. F. pour, for, and chasser, to chase or pursue.

temporary hell, or place of purgation from sin,
believed to exist by the Roman Catholics. L. purgatorium : from
purgo. See PURGE.
PURGE, v. To cleanse. L. purgo, to cleanse.
PUR'LIEU. s. Besides the creation of new forests, the Norman kings
of England made great additions to the Saxon forests, by encroach-
ing upon the lands of their subjects. These encroachments, called
purlieus, were afterwards disafforested, as far as regarded the rights
of the land-owner but they continued subject to the forest laws, in

respect to all other persons. F. pur, pure, or unmixed, and lieu,

PUR'PORT. s. Design; tendency. F. pourporte : from pour, for, and
porter, to carry. L. pro, and porto.
PUR'POSE. s. Intention; effect of the intention. F. pour, for, and
poser, to place : L. pro, and pono.
PURSUE', u. To chase to continue. F. poursuivre : from pour, for,

and suivre, to follow.

PURSUIVANT, s. An attendant on the heralds. F.poursuivant, part,
of poursuivre, to follow.
s 205

PURULENT, adj. Consisting of corrupted matter. L. purulentus
from puris, gen. of pus, corruption.
PURVEYOR, s. One who collects provisions a procurer. F. pur- ;

voyeur : from pour, for, and voir, to see.

PUS. s. Matter issuing from a sore. L. pus, corruption.
PUSILLANIM'ITY. s. Cowardice. F. pusillanimite : L. pusillus,
weak, and animus, the soul, or mind.
small swelling. F. pustula : pus, matter, or cor-
PUTATIVE, adj. Supposed; reputed. F.putatif: L. puto, to think.
PUTREFY, v. To rot to become foul. ; F. putrifier : L. putris, rotten,
and Jio, to become.
PUTRESCENT, adj. Growing rotten or foul. L. putrescens, part.
ofputresco : from putris, rotten.
PUTRID, adj. Rotten; foul. L. putridus, rotten.
PYRAMID, s. A which are plain triangles,
solid figure, the sides of
meeting in F. pyramide : G. puramis ; from pur, fire
a point be- :

cause fire ascends in a similar form.

PY'RITES. s. A mineral, sometimes called ^re-stone. Some of its
varieties are sulphurets of iron, and others, sulphurets of copper, with
a portion of alumine and silex. G. pur, fire.
PY'ROFUGE. s. A machine, by which persons may escape from fire.

G. pur, and L. fugio, to flee.


PYROL'ATRY. s. The worship of fire. G. pur, fire, and latreia,

PYROLIG'NOUS. adj. The acid called pyrolignous, resembles the
acetous and is obtained by exposing wood, confined in a cylinder

of iron, to the action of fire. G. pur, fire, and L. lignum, wood.

PYROL'OGY. s. treatise on heat the natural history of heat, latent ;

and sensible. G. pur, fire, and logos, discourse.

PYR'OMANCY. s. Divination by fire. G. pur, fire, and manteia,
PYROM'ETER. s. An instrument, invented by Wedgewood, for ascer-

taining the heat of ovens, furnaces, and intense fires. G. pur, fire,
and metreo, to measure.
PYROPH'ORI. s. Compound substances, which ignite on the admis-
sion of atmospheric air. G. pur,fire, and phero, to bear.

PYROTECHNICS, s. The art of making fireworks. G. pur, fire, and

techne, art.
PYRR'HONISM. s. Scepticism universal doubting. ; Pyrrho, a Gre-
cian philosopher, the founder of the Sceptics.


square a surface with four right angles. L.

quadravgulus : quadratus, (from quatuor, four,) squared, and angu-

lus, an angle.
QUAD'RANT. s. A quarter; the quarter of a circle; an instrument
for measuring altitudes. L. quadrans, the fourth part qualuor, :

QUAD'RATE. adj. Square ; divisible into four equal parts. L. quad.
ratus, part, of quadro, to square quatuor, four. :

QUADRATIC, adj. Square; denoting a square, or pertaining to it.

QUADRATURE, s. The act of squaring; state of being square; the
first and last quarter of the moon. L. quadratura. See QUAD-
QUADREN'NIAL. adj. Lasting four years; happening once in four
years. L. quadriennium, the space of four years; comp. of quatuor,
four, and annus, a year.
QUAD'RIBLE. adj. Capable of being squared. L. quadro, to square :
quatuor, four.
QUADRILATERAL, adj. Having four sides. L. quatuor, four, and
Uteris, g-en. of latus, a side.
QUADRILLE', s. A kind of game at cards, and also a dance in which
four partake. F. from the L. quatuor, four.
QUADRIPAR'TITE. adj. Having four parts. L. quatuor, four, and
partitus, p. part, of partio, to divide pars, a part. :

QUADRUPED, s. An animal which has four feet. L. quadrupedis,

gen. of quad'rupes : from quatuor, four, and pes, a foot.
QUADRU'PLE. adj. Fourfold four times told. L. quadruplus : qua-

tuor, four.
QUADRIPLICATE, v. To double twice ; to make fourfold. L.
quadrnplico quatuor, four, and plico, to fold.

QUALIFY", v. To adapt to furnish with what is necessary for a par-


ticular state or profession ; to abate. F. qualifier : L. qualis, such

as, and facio, to make.
QUALITY, s. Sort, relatively considered; property; rank. L. qua-
litas : qualis, of what kind; such as.
long as he shall conduct
himself properly a condition on which the English judges hold their

offices. L. quamdiu, as long as, gesserit, (from gero,) he shall con.

duct, se, himself, bene, well.
QUAN'TITY. s. Indeterminate weight or measure ;
portion ;
dial measure. L. quantitas.
QUAN'TUM. s. Quantity; amount; proportion assigned. L. quan-
from quantus, how much, or as much as.
QUAN'TUM MERUIT. As much as he has earned, or deserved. L.
quantus, and mereo.
QUAN'TUM SUFFI'CIT. As much as is sufficient. L. quantus and

QUA' RE IMPE'DIT. The name of a writ, which lies for the patron
of a church -living, against the person who has disturbed his right
of advowson. L. quare, wherefore, i/npedit, (from impedio,) he
QUAR'ANTINE. Originally, the space of forty days, in which a

ship, suspected of infection,was obliged to forbear intercourse with

the port to which she was bound ; but the duration of quarantine is
now variable. F. quarantaine : quarante, forty.
QUAR'REL. s. A breach of concord a brawl a dispute. ; ; F. que-
relle ; L. querela, a complaint quero, to complain. :

QUART, s. The fourth part of a gallon. F. quart : L. quartus, the
fourthfrom quatuor, four.

QUART' AN. adj. A quartan ague occurs every fourth day. L. qvar-
tanus : quartus, the fourth : quatvor, four.
QUARTA'TION. s. A chemical operation, by which, three parts of
silver are fused with a fourth part of gold, in order to purify the
latter. L. quartus, the fourth.
QUART'ER. s. A fourth part a region of the skies, as denoted by ;

the mariner's compass a particular region of the town or country,


without regard to arithmetical division hence, the term quarters, :

for military. F. quartier : L. quartus : quatuor, four.

QUART I LE. s. An aspect of the planets, when they are ninety de-
grees (the fourth of a circle) distant from each other. L. See
QUARTO, s. A book in which every sheet of paper makes four leaves.
L. abl. of quartus, the fourth.
QUASH, v. To crush ; to subdue suddenly ; to annul ; to abate. L.
quatio, to shake or shatter.
QUA'TERCOUSINS. s. Those within the first four degrees of kin-
dred. F. quatre, for, and cousins.
QUATERNITY. s. A term which includes four. L. quaterni : qua-
tuor, four.
QUE'RENT. s. The complainant. L. querens, part, ofqueror, to com-
QUERIST, s. An inquirer. L. qucero, to seek.
QUER'ULOUS. adj. Mourning; whining; habitually complaining.
L. querulus : querela, a complaint; queror, to complain.
QUE'RY. s. A question an inquiry to be resolved. L. qucsre, imper.

of qucero, to seek.
QUEST, s. Search. F. queste : L. qucesitus, p. part, of qucero, to
QUES'TION. s. Interrogatory; subject of inquiry or debate; doubt.
F. question : L. questio : qucesitus, p. part, of qucero, to seek.
QUID-NUNC. s. A news-hunter, or coffee-house politician. L. quid,
what, nunc, now.
QUIESCENT, adj. Not moving ; reposing. L. quiescens, part, of
quiesco, to be quiet.
QUIET, adj. Still ; free from disturbance ; inoffensive. L. quietus,
part, of quiesco, to be quiet.
QUIETUS, s. A cant word, denoting something to render a person
tame or submissive. L. quietus, p. part, of quiesco, to rest.
QUI'NARY. adj. Consisting of five. L. quinarius : quinque, five.
QUINQUAGES'IMA. adj. "Quinquagesima, or Shrove Sunday, is the
fiftieth day before Easter, reckoned by whole numbers. L. fern, of
quinquagesimus, the fiftieth.
QUINQUENNIAL, years; happening once in five
adj. Lasting five
years. L. quinquennis and annus, a year.
: quinque, five,
QUINTESSENCE, s. An imaginary fifth being of the old philoso-
phers an extract from any thing, containing all its virtues, in a

small bulk. L. quinta, fem. of quintus, the fifth, and essence.

QUINTUPLE, adj. Fivefold. L. quintuplus : quinque, five.
body of singers.
* F. choeur. See CHOIR.
QUIT. u, To
relinquish; to leave off; to abandon; to resign. F.
quitter L. quietus, p. part, of quiesco, to rest.

QUI TAM. An action in the manner of an information on a penal

statute. L. qui, who, tarn, as well that is, the informer, who as

well, for the king- as for himself, sues, &c.

QUIT-RENT. Quit-rents, quieti reditus ; so called because thereby

the tenant goes quit and free of all other services. See QUIT.
QUO' AD HOC. As far as this [point of the argument, &c] L.
quoad, as much as, or, as far as, hoe, this.
QUO AN'IMO. " With what mind," or with what design or intention.
L. abl. of qui, and animus.
QUO JURE, By what
right. L. abl. of qui, a.nd jus.
QUO MO' DO. In what manner. L. abl. of qui, and modus.
QUON'DAM. Having been formerly. L. quondam, in time past.
QUORUM, s. A term used to distinguish a magistrate of a certain
rank; a bench of magistrates a number of any members sufficient

to transact business. The term is thus used, from the words of the

commission, " quorum, A. B. unurn esse volumus,'''' {of whom, A. B.
we wish you to be one.) Where a commission is directed to seven
persons, or to any three of them, whereof A. B. and C. D. are to be
two in this case, they are said to be of the quorum {of whom ;) be-

cause, the rest cannot proceed to business without them so, " a ; —
justice of the peace and quorum," is one, without whom the rest of
the justices, in some cases, cannot proceed and a quorum of any

deliberative assembly has the same relation.

QUO'TA. s. Share proportion assigned to each. L. fern, of quotus ;

from quot, as many as.

QUOT1DTAN. adj. quotidian fever returns every day. L. quolidi-
anus : quot, every, and dies, a day.
QUO'TIENT. s. A number produced by the division of two other
given numbers, the one by the other as, the quotient of 50, divided

by 10, is 5. F. quotient: L. quoties, as many times.

QUO WARRANTO. By what warrant, or authority. L.


tumultuous crowd the lowest of the populace. L.
s. ;

rabula, a wrangler rabo, to rave, or be mad.


RAB'DOMANCY. s. Pretended divination by means of rods. G. rab-

dos, a rod, and manteia, a foretelling.
RA'DIANT. adj. Emitting rays shining. L. radians, part, of radio,

to emit beams and rays, or to glitter : radius, a ray G. rabdos, a :

small branch, or rod.

RA'DIATED. adj. Adorned with rays. L. radiatus. See RADIANT.
RADTCAL. primitive; implanted by nature.
adj. Affecting the root ;

F. radical: L. radicis, gen. of radix, a root.

RADTCATE. v. To form a root ; to plant deeply and firmly. L. ra.
dicor : radix, a root.
RADTCLE. s. That part of the seed, which, after its vegetation, be-
comes its root. L. radicula, dim. of radix, a root.
RA'DIUS. s. The semidiameter of a circle ; (pi. radii.) L. radius, a
ray G. rabdos, a small branch, or rod.

s* 209
RAGOUT', s. Meat stewed and highly seasoned. F. from gout, taste,
RAL'LY. v. To re-assemble and put in order dispersed forces. F.
rattier : re t again, and oilier, to join : —to tease by frequent attempts
of satire; railler, to jeer.
RAMBLE, v. To wander at large, without any fixed object in view.
L. re,back, or again, and ambulo, to go about.
RAMTFY. v. To separate into branches. F. ramijier : L. ramus, a
branch, and facio, to make.
RA'MOUS. adj. Branchy. L. ramus, a branch.
RAMTART. s. In fortification, an elevation of earth around a place,

capable of resisting cannon. F. rempart ; from remparer, to fence.

RAN'CID. adj. Emitting a putrid smell. L. rancidus, musty, stale.
RANCOUR, s. Inveterate malignity. F. rancoeur : ranee, rusty, and
coeur, the heart L. rancidus and cor.

RANGE, v. To place in a row, or in order; to rove at large, as if

along the entire row. F. ranger : rang, a row.
RANK. s. A
row a class or order degree, as if denoting in what
; ;

row. F. rang, a row.

RANSOM, s. Price of redemption, from captivity or punishment. F.
RAPA'CIOUS. adj. Addicted to plunder, or seize by violence. F.
rapace : L. rapax. See RAPINE.
RAPACITY, s. Inclination to plunder; exercise of plunder. F. ra-
pacite : L. rapacitas : rapax, ravenous rapio, to pull, or take by ;

RAPTD. adj. Swift. F. rapide : L. rapidus : raptus, p. part, of rapio,
to take by violence.
RA'PIER. s. A species of sword. F. rapiere : L. rapio, to take by
RAPTNE. Act of plundering; violence. F. rapine: L. rapina :

rapio, to pull, or takeby violence.

RAP'TURE. s. Extasy violence of any pleasing affection or passion.

L. rapturus, (part, of rapto,) about to take, or hurry away, by vio-

rare bird ; something singular or wonderful. L.
rara, fern, of rarus, rare, and avis, a bird. »
RARE. adj. Scarce uncommon unfrequent. F. rare : L. rarus,
; ;

thin, or not thick set.

RAREFACTION, s. Act of rarefying. L. rarus, thin, and /actio, a
power of making : facio, to make.
RA'REFY. v. To make thin, or less dense. F. rarejier : L. rarus,
thin, and facio, to make.
RA'RITY. s. Uncommnnness ; a thing valued for its scarcity. F.
rarite : L. raritas. See RARE.
RATE. s.Assigned value; allowance; degree; rank; mode of ac-
tion ; degree to which any thing is done tax. L. ratus, part, of ;

rear, to suppose.
RATIFY, v. To confirm; to sanction. F. ratifier : L. ratus, (part.
ofreor,) established, and facio, to make.
RA'TIO. s. Rate proportion. L. from ratus, part, of reor, to suppose.

RATIOCINATION, s. The act of reasoning, or of deducing conse-

^aenees from premises. L. ratiocinatio : ratiocinatus, part, of ratio*
cinar, to cast an account, or reckon. See RATIO.
RATIONAL, adj. Having the power of reasoning in conformity ;

with reason judicious. L, rationalis : ratio, reason* See RATE.


RAVAGE, v. To plunder; to lay waste. F. ravager : L. rapio, to

take by violence.
RAY. s. A beam of light ; any lustre, corporeal or intellectual. F.
rale; from the L. radius. See RADIUS.
RAZE. v. To make level with the ground ; to ruin ; to efface. F.
raser : L. rasus, p. part, of rado, to shave.
RA'ZOR. s. A
knife for shaving the beard. L. rasor ; from rasus, p.
part, of rado, to shave.
RA'ZURE. $. Erasure; act of erasing. F. rasure : L. razura. See
RE'AL. adj. Not fictitious, but actually existing; genuine; consisting

of things immovable, as land, not transitory, as furniture or money.
L. realis : res, a thing.
RE' ALIZE. v. To make real to acquire beyond the reach of contin-

gency to induce one's mind to believe any extreme happiness or


affliction. See REAL.

REALM, s. kingdom a king's dominions. F. roiaulme ; roi, a king.

REANTMATE. v. To revive. L. re, again, and animate.

REAS'ON. s. Rational faculty; mind; cause; motive; justice; mode-
ration. F. raison L. ratio ; from ratus, part, of reor, to suppose, oy

REAS'ONABLE. adj. Rational just moderate. F. raisonnable. See ;

REASSU'ME. To resume to take again. L. re, again, and assume.
v. ;

REASSURE, To assure again. L. re, again, and assure.

REBAPTI'ZE. v. To baptize again. L. re, again, and baptize.
REBEL', v. To revolt, after being conquered to rise against lawful ;

authority. L. rebello : comp. of re, again, and hello, to wage war :

helium, war.
REBUILD', v. To build again. L. re, again, and build.
RE'BUS. s. A
word represented by a picture. L. rebus, (abl. pi. of
res,) by things.
REBUT'. To repel. F. rehuter : L. re, back, and hatuo, to beat.
RECANT', v. To retract ; to contradict one's former professions. L.
recanto: comp. of re, again, and canto, to sing.
RECAPIT'ULATE. v. To repeat the heads of a former discourse ; to
capitulate again. F. recapituler : L. re, again, and capitulatim, by
heads or chapters caput, a head. :

RECE'DE. v. To fall back ; to retreat. L. recedo : re, back, and

cedo, to depart.
RECEIPT', s. The act of receiving written evidence of a thing re- ;

ceived. L. receptum : receptus, p. part, of recipio. See RECEIVE.

RECEI'VE. v. To take or get into one's possession; to embrace intel-
lectually to admit.
; F. recevoir : L. recipio : re, back, or again,
and capio, to take.
RE'CENT. adj. New ; late ; fresh. L. recens, new.
RECEPTACLE, s. A vessel or place into which any thing is received.
L. receptaculum. See RECEIPT.
RECEPTION, s. Act of receiving ; state of being received, See
RECEP'TIVE. adj. the faculty of receiving. See RECEIPT.
RECESS', s. Retirement secession ; place of retirement, or secrecy ;

a niche. L. recessus, part, of recedo. See RECEDE.

RECESSION, s. Act of receding. L. tecessio. See RECESS.
medical prescription a direction for apportioning the ;

ingredients of any compound. L. imper. of recipio, See RECEIPT.

RECIPIENT, s. The thing which receives. L. recipiens, part, of rc-
cipio. See RECEIVE.
RECIPROCAL, adj. Alternate; mutual. L. reciprocus, going, or
flowing, backward and forward ; comp. of re, back, capio, to take,
and pro, forward.
RECITATIVE, or RECITATI'VO. s. Chaunt a kind of tuneful ;

pronunciation, more musical than common speech, and less musical

than song. See RECITE.
RECI'TE. v. To rehearse to repeat to enumerate. L. recito ; from
; ;

re, again, and cito, to call [into the memory.]

RECLAIM', v. To recall to reform to correct to restore to a state
; ; ;

of arahility. L. rcclamo : re, back, and clamo, to call.

RECLAMATION, s. Act of reclaiming. See RECLAIM.
RECLI'NE. v. To lean back to repose. L. reclino : re, back, and

clino, to bend.
RECLU'SE. adj. Secluded. F. rectus : L. re, back, and clausus, p.
part, of claudo, to shut.
RECOG'NISANCE. s. Acknowledgment bond of acknowledgment, ;

with regard to a debt, or to a penalty that may accrue by non-ap-

pearance in a court of law. F. reconnoissance, (formerly recogni-
sance.) See RECOGNISE.
RECOGNISE, v. To know again. L. re, again, and cognosco, to
RECOGNITION, s. x4.ct renovation of knowledge.
of recognising ;

L. recognitio. See RECOGNISE.

RECOIL', v. To rush back to retire rapidly from some opposing

danger. F. reculer : re, back, and cul, the breech.

RECOIN'. v. To coin over again. L. re, again, and coin.
RECOLLECT', v. To collect again ; to restore to the memory. L. re,
again, and collect.
RECOMMEND', v. To commend, to another, that which is already
commended to one's-self; to make acceptable. L. re, again, and
RECOMMIT', v. To commit again.
L. re, again, and commit.
RECOMPENSE, v. To requite; to
give an equivalent. F. recom-
penser : L. re, back, and compenso, to recompense con, with, and :

pensus, p. part, of pendo, to pay.

RECONCILE, v. To cause a renewal of affection or regard to make ;

consistent. L. reconcilio : re, again, and concilio, to join. See CON-

RECONNOITRE, v. To view ; to explore. F. comp. of re, again,
and connoitre, to know.
RECORD', v. To cause to be remembered; to register L. recordor:
re, again, and cor, the heart, or mind.

RECOUNT', v. To relate in detail ; to reckon again. F. recontre
re, again, and conter, to count, or reckon.
RECOURSE', s. Return; access. F. recours : L. recursus : from re-
curro : re, back, and curro, to run.
RECREANT, adj. Cowardly ; crying out for mercy recanting ;

through fear. F. recriant, part, of recrier : from re, back, or again,

and crier, to cry out.
RECREATE, v. To refresh after toil to amuse or divert. L. recreo :

re, again, and creatus, p. part, of creo, to make.

RECREMENT, s. Superfluous or useless parts; dross. L. recremen-
tum : re, back, and cresco, to increase, or creo, to create ; meaning,
the reverse of increment. See INCREMENT.
RECRIMTNATE. v. To charge, with another crime, the person who
has made the first charge. L. re, back, and criminate.
RECRUIT', v. To repair by a new supply ; to restore in number a
wasted army. F. recruter : re, again, and croitre, to increase L. :

cresco, to grow.
figure which has one angle or more, of ninety
degrees. L. rectus, straight, and angulus, an angle.
RECTIFY, v. To make right to correct to refine or strengthen by
; ;

repeated distillation. F. rectifier: L. rectus, straight, or just, and

facio, to make.
RECTILINEAR, adj. Consisting of right lines. L. rectus, straight,
and linea, a line.
RECTITUDE, s. Honesty freedom from moral curvity or obliquity.

F. rectitude : L. rectum : from rectus, (p. part, of rego,) ruled or or-

dered meaning that which is ordered to be done.

governor a clergyman who receives higher tythes

than a vicar. L. rector : rectus, p. part, of rego, to rule.

RECUM'BENT. adj. Lying, or leaning. L. recumbens, part, of re-
cumbo : re, back, and cumbo, to lie down.
RECUR', v. To happen again to come back to the memory to have
; ;

recourse to. L. recurro : re, again, or back, and curro, to run.

RECUR' VO US. adj. Bent backwards. L. recurvus : re, back, and
curvus, crooked, or bent.
REDEEM', v. To purchase again to ransom to pay the penalty of;; ;

to rescue. L. redimo : re, back, or again, and emo, to buy.

REDEMP'TION. s. Ransom release rescue. L. rcdemptio : re-; ;

demplus, p. part, of redimo. See REDEEM.

RED'OLENT. adj. Sweet-smelling. L. redolens, part, of redoleo
from re, back, and oleo, to yield a smell.
REDOUB'LE. v. To double again to renew with increased assiduity.

L. re, again, and double.

REDOUND', v. To be sent back by reaction to conduce; to proceed. ;

L. redundo : re, back, and undo, to spread as waves, or abound:

unda, a wave.
REDRESS', v. To amend; to remedy; to relieve; to ease. F. re-
dresser : L. re, again, and directus, p. part, of dirigo, to direct or
range : di, separately, and rego, to rule or set right.
REDU'CE. v. To
bring to the former state to reform to bring to a ; ;

state of diminution to degrade; to subdue.

; L. reduco : re, back,,
and duco, to lead.
REDUCTION, s. Act of reducing science of reducing. ; F. reduc-
tion : L. reductio : from reductus, p. part, of reduco. See RE-
REDUN'DANT. adj. Superabundant; superfluous. L. redundans, p.
part, ofredundo, to overflow comp. of re, back, and undo, to spread :

as waves, or abound unda, a wave. See REDOUND.


L. re, again, and duplicate.
v. double.
REFECTION, s. Refreshment.
F. refection: L. refectio : refectus,
p. part, ofreficio, to repair re, again, and facio, to make. :

REFECTORY, s. Room of refreshment eating room. F. refectoire. ;

REFER', v. To direct one person to another, or to some document,
for information or judgment; to direct the mind to, as the ultimate
object or end. L. refero : re, back, and fero, to carry.
REFINE, v. To make doubly fine to purify. L. re, again, and

REFLECT', v . To throw back to bend back to turn the thoughts ; ;

upon the past ; to throw reproach or censure. L. rejlecto : re, back,

and Jlecto, to bend.
RE FLEX, adj. Directed backward. L. reflexus, p. part, of rejlecto.
REF'LUENT. adj. Flowing back. L. rejiuens, part, of rejluo : re,
back, andj^M.0, to flow.
RE'FLUX. s. Backward course. L. refluxus, part, of rejluo. See
REFORM', v. To remodel ; to free from impurity. L. re, again, and
break the natural course (of rays.) L. refractum,
sup. of refringo from re, back, and frango, to break.

REFRACTORY, contumacious; rebellious. L. re-

adj. Obstinate;
fractarius : refractus, p. part, of refringo : comp. of re, back, and
frango, to break. This word should be written Refractory.
REFRAGABLE. adj. Capable of confutation. ~L.refragabilis : refra.
gor, to resist, or deny re, again, and frango, to break.

REFRAIN', v. To hold back to restrain. F. refrener : L. re, back, ;

and fraino, to curb fr&num, a bridle. :

REFRANGIBLE, adj. Rays of light are refrangible, because they

can be refracted or turned out of their way, in passing from one
transparent body to another. L. re, back, and frango, to break.
REFRIGERATE, v. To cool or rather to bring to a former state ;

of coolness. L. refrigero : re, back, or again, and frigus, cold.

REF'UGE. s. Shelter from danger or distress protection. F. refuge : ;

L. refugium : re, back, and fugio, to flee.

REFUGEE', s. One who seeks or has obtained a place of refuge. F.
refugie. See REFUGE.
REFUL'GENT. adj. Shining back glittering; bright; splendid. L. ;

refulgens, p. part, of refulgeo : re, back, and fulgeo, to shine.

REFUND', v. To repay; to restore. L. refundo : re, back, and j'undo,
to pour.
REFU'SE. v. To reject to deny what is solicited or required
; not to ;

comply with. F. refuser: L. refusum, sup. of refundo : re, back,

and fundo, to pour.

RE'FUSE. s. That which is rejected remainder after the rest is ;

taken.See the verb.

REFU'TE. v. To prove false or erroneous. L. refuto : re, back, and
futo, to disprove.
REGAL, adj. Royal. F. regale : L. regalis : regis, gen. of rex, a
king : rego, to rule.
REGALIA, s. Ensigns of the regal office things to which a king ;

claims a right, independent of the state. L. See REGAL.

REGARD', v. To feel an interest in to observe to consider ; to re- ; ;

spect or esteem. F. regarder : re, back, and garder, to keep, or pre-

REGEN'ERATE. v. To reproduce ; to give a new nature. L. re,
again, and generate : (regenero.)
REGENT, s. A governor ; a vice-king. F. regent : L. regens, part,
of rego, to rule.
REG'ICIDE. s. Murderer of his king,
regicida : murder of his king,
— regicidium : and cado, to kill.
regis, gen. of rex, a king,
REG'IMEN. s. Mode mode of diet and living, suitable to a particu-

lar course of medicine or state of body. L. from rego, to rule.

REGTMENT. s. A body of soldiers having a name or a number, and

commanded by a colonel. Old F. regiment : L. rego, to rule, or

REGION, s. Tract of land tract of space part of the body. F. ; ;

region : L. regio ; from rego, to rule meaning that portion which is ;

subject to one ruler.

record, or regular account; the officer who re-
cords. F. registre : L. registrum : regestus, p. part, of regero : re,
back, or again, and gero, to carry.
REGNANT, adj. This term, when applied to a queen, must be dis-
tinguished from the word regent. queen-regnant reigns in her A
own right, as did Elizabeth a queen-regent is appointed to reign in

the place of another. See REIGN.

RE'GRESS. s. Passage back power of returning. L. regressus : from

regredior : re, back, and gradior, to go gradus, a step. :

REGULAR, adj. Agreeable to rule orderly relating to a certain ; ;

species of geometrical figures. L. regularis : rego, to rule.

REGUR'GITATE. v. To flow back with violence. L. re, back, and
gurges, a whirlpool.
REIGN, v. To enjoy or exercise sovereign authority to be predomi- ;

nant. L. regno : from rego, to rule.

REIMBURSE', v. To repay. L. re, back, in, into, and bursa, a purse.
REINTEGRATE, v. To repair; to restore. L. re, again, and integro,
to renew : integer, entire.
REIT'ERATE. v. To repeat again and again. L. re, again, and
REJECT', v. To throw back; throw aside; to cast off; to refuse.
L. rejeclurn, sup. ofrejicio: back, andjacio, to throw. re,
REJUVENES'CENCE. s. State of growing young. L. re, again, and
juvenescens, part, of juvenesco, to grow young.
RELAPSE', v. To slip or fall back to return to any former state to ; ;

return to a former opinion or profession. L. relapsus, part, of rela-

tor : re, back, and labor, to slide.

tell; to recite; to have reference.
v. L. relatum, sup.
of refero: back, or again, and fero, to bring

RELAX', v. To slacken to make less tense to make less severe ; to

; ;

ease. L. relaxo : re, back, or again, and laxo, to loosen.

RELAY', s. Horses on a road to relieve others. F. relais : re, again,
and laisser, to leave L. laxo, to loosen.

RELEASE', v. To set free to free from obligation or penalty to

; ;

lease again. F. re, again, and laisser, to leave, let, or yield. L. laxo,
to loosen.
RELENT', v. To soften in temper ; to feel compassion. F. relenlir
L. re, again, and lenitus, p. part, of lenio, to soften.
REL'EVANT. adj. Relieving; aiding. F. part, of relever : L. relevo ;
com p. of re, again, and levo, to lift.
REL'IC, or RELIQLE. s. That which remains; (in the plural,
bodily remains ;) something retained in memory of a person, with a
religious, or superstitious veneration. F. relique : L. reliqucB : re-
liclus, (p. part, of relinquc,) left behind: re, back, and linquo, to
woman left desolate by the death of her husband a ;

widow. L. relictus, p. part, of relinquo. See RELIC.

RELIEVE', v. To ease from pain, sorrow, or oppression to ease from ;

military or other duty to improve the appearance, by contrast.

; L.
relevo : re, again, and levo, to lift.
RELIG'ION. s, Reverence of a Supreme Being; united, especially in
Christians, with a solemn and awful expectation of everlasting hap-
piness, in a future state, as the reward of obedience to God, or of —
torment, as the reward of sin particular species of religious opin-

ions. F. religion: h.religio: from religo, to bind fast: re, back,

and ligo, to bind.
RELIN'QUISH. v. To leave with reluctance ; to quit to desert. L. ;

relinquo : back, and linquo, to leave.

RELU'CENT. adj. Shining transparent. L. relucens, part, of relu-

ceo : re, back, and luceo, to shine.

RELLC'TANT. adj. Unwilling. L. reluctans : re, back, and luclo,
to wrestle.
RELUME, or RELU'MINE. v. To relight; to rekindle. L. re, again,
and lumen, light.
RELY', v. To lean or rest upon with confidence ; to put trust in, (with
on.) F. re, back, and Her, to tie, or unite L. ligo. :

REMAIN', v. To be left ; to be left out; to stay ; to continue. L. re.

maneo ; comp. of re, back, and maneo, to stay, or wait.
REMAINDER, s. That which remains; in law, the last chance of
inheritance. See REMAIN.
REMAND', v. To call back ; to send back. L. re, back, and mando,
to bid, or send away.
REMARK', v. To note ; to observe. F. remarquer : re, again, and
marquer, to mark.
REM'EDY. s. Means of cure; means of counteracting any evil; re-
lief. L. remedium : G. medos, care, advice.
REMIGRA'TION. s. Removal back again ; a migration to a former
place. L. re, back, and inigro, to migrate.
REM INIS'CENCE. s. Recollection ; recovery of ideas. L. reminis-
cens : re, again, and memini, to remember.
REMISS', adj. Careless : slothful. L. remissus, p. part, of remitto.
REMISSION, s. Act of remitting. L. remissio ; remissus, p. part.
of remitto. See REMIT.
REMIT', v. To send back to release from to pardon to defer; to
; ; ;

refer to abate.
; L. remitto ; com p. of re, back, and mitto, to send.
REM'NANT. s. Remainder. L. remanens, part, of remaneo. See
REMON'STRATE. v. To show reasons, in strong terms, accompanied
by expressions indicating a sense of injury. L. remonsiro : re, back,
or again, and monstro, to show.
REMORSE', s. Pain, from guilt; sorrow, arising from a sense of
having injured. L. remorsus, part, of remordeo ; from re, b^ck, or
again, <ind mordeo, to bite.
REMOTE, adj. Far removed distant. L. remotus, p. part, of remo-;

veo : back, and moveo, to move.

RE VIO'VE. v. To displace; to go to another place; to transplant; to
place at a distance. L. re moveo : re, back, or again, and moveo, to
REMU'NERATE. v. To repay ; to reward. L. remunero : re, again,
and munero, to gift: munus, a gift, or service.
RENASCENT, adj. Rising again into being. L. renascens, part, of
renascor again, and nascor, to be born.
: re,
RENCONTRE, or RENCOUN'TER. s. Collision or opposition ; bat-
tle. F. rencontre ; re, again, and encontre, a chance or adventure :
€7?, into, and contre, against L. in, and contra. :

RENDEZVOUS, s. Assembly; place appointed for assembling. F.

rendezvous : rendez, imper. of rendre, to return, and vous, you.
RENOUNCE', v. To disown ; to relinquish to quit upon oath. L. ;

renuntio : re, again, and nuntio, to tell, or declare.

REN'OVATE. v. To renew ; to refresh. L. renovo : re, again, and
novo, to make new : from novns, new.
RENOWN'. 5. Reverberation of a name ; great and established repu-
tation. F. renommee : L. re, back, or again, and nomen, a name.
RENT. s. Revenue; money paid, or service rendered, for any thing
held of another. L. reditus ; from redeo, to return re, back, and eo, :

to go.
RENUNCIATION, s. Act of renouncing. L. renuntiatio. See RE-
REPAIR', v. To amend ; to replace, or restore. L. reparo : re, again,
and paro, to make, or shape.
REP' ARABLE, adj. Capable of being repaired. L. reparabilis. See
REP ARA'TION. s. Act of repairing amends. ; L. reparatio.
* See
REPARTEE', s. Smart reply. F. repartie ; from repartir, to divide
again, or reply : L. re, and partio.
REPAST', s. A meal food
; refreshment.
; F. repas : L. re, again,
and pastus, p. part, of pasco, to feed.
t 217

REPEAL', v. To revoke ; to annul. F. rappeller : L. re, back, and
appello, to call.
REPEAT', v. To speak, use, or try, again to recite; to denote the ;

time of day, (as a repeating watch.) L. repeto, to ask again comp. :

of re, again, and peto, to beseech, ask, seek after, &c.

REPEL', v. To drive back; to rebut. L. repello: re, back, and pello,
to drive away.
REPENT', v. To think on any thing past with sorrow to express ;

sorrow for something past; to change the mind. F. repentir : Li. re,
again, and penitus, within.
REPERCUS'SION. s. Rebound. L. repercussio : repercussus, p. part,

of repercutio : re, back, and percutio, to strike per, through, and :

quatio, to shake.
REPERTORY, s. magazine a book in which information on cer- ;

tain subjects is to be found. F. repertoire : L. repertorium ; from

repertus, p. part, of reperio, to find, or discover.
REPETITION, s. Act of repeating thing repeated. L. repetitio. ;

REPLENISH, v. To refill. L. re, again, and plenus, full.

REPLE'TE. adj. Full, meaning in a high degree. F. replete : L.
repletus, p. part, ofrepleo: re, again, or in a high degree, and pleo,
to fill.

REPLE'TION. s. Act of rendering too full ; state of being too full.

F. repletion. See REPLETE.
take back, or recover, on secu-
rity given to the proper officer, seized. Law F. replevir
any thing
re, again, and old F. plevir, or plegir, to give a pledge.
formal reply answer to a plea in law. L. re- ;

plicatio, an unfolding from replicalus, p. part, of replico. See


REPLY', v. To answer;
to make a return to an answer. L. replica,
to unfold, or reply: re, back, or again, and plico, to fold.
carry back the result of any inquiry, from a com-
mittee, to the whole assembly deliberating ; to make public to ru- ;

mour ; to make a loud noise. L. reporto : re, back, and porto, to

REPO'SE. Rest ; quiet sleep. F. repos : L. repositus, p. part, of
s. ;

repono back, and pono, to place.

: re,
REPREHEND', v. To reprove; to censure. L. reprehendo ; from re,
again, and prchendo, to take, or lay hold on.
REPREHEN'SIBLE. adj. Reprovable; censurable. F. reprehensible
L. reprehensus, p. part, of reprehendo. See REPREHEND.
REPRESENT', v. To show as a likeness; to describe; to make
known ; to personate. L. represento : re, again, and prcesens, pre-
sent. See PRESENT.
REPRESS', To crush ; to subdue.
v. L. repressum, sup. of reprimo
re, back, and premo, to press.
REPRIEVE', v. To respite. F. repris, part, of reprendre: re, back,
or again, and prendre, to take.
REPRISAL, s. Act of seizing, by way of retaliation ; thing seized.
F. represaille. See REPRIEVE.

REPROACH. To eensure in opprobrious terms ; to upbraid. F.
reprocher : again, and approcher, to come near.
REPROBATE, v. To disallow, or reject; to censure; to think of
with feelings of much disapprobation. L. reprobo ; comp. of re, back,
and probo, to approve, or allow.
REPROVE', v. To blame, chide, or reprehend. F. reprouver : L. re-
probo : re, back, and probo, to approve, or allow.
creeping animal. L. reptile ; from repo, to creep,
or crawl.
commonwealth; a state in which the happiness
and advantage of all the people are considered and provided for; and
in which the people govern through their representatives. L. respub-
lica : res, an affair, or advantage, and publicus, public.
REPUDIATE, v. To divorce; to put away. L. repudio : re, back,
and G. pudarizo, to spurn.
REPUGNANT, adj. Contrary ; inconsistent. F. repugnant : L. re-
pugnans, part, of repugno : re, back, and pugno, to fight.
REPULSE', s. Act of repelling ; condition of being repelled, or de-
feated. F. repulse : L. repulsus, p. part, afrepello. See REPEL.
REP'UTABLE. adj. Honourable; respectable. See REPUTE.
REPU'TE. v. To esteem ; to account; to think. L. reputo : re, again,
and puto, to think, or consider.
REQUEST', s. Petition; entreaty; state of being desired. F. re-
quete : L. requisitus, p. part, of requiro. See REQUIRE.
hymn, in which rest is implored for the dead. L.
comp. of re, again, and quies, rest.
REQUI'RE. v. To demand ; to ask as a right; to need. L. requiro
re, back, and quaro, to ask, or seek.
REQUISITE, adj. Required ; necessary. L. requisitus, p. part, of
requiro. See REQUIRE.
REQUITE, v. To repay; to retaliate. F. requiter : re, again, and
quitter, to quit, or part with.
cut off; to abrogate ; to repeal. L. rescindo : re,
again, and scindo, to cut.
RESCIS'SION. s. Act of rescinding. F. rescission; from L. rescissus,
p. part, of rescindo. See RESCIND.
RESCRI'BE. v. To write back ; to write over again. L. rescribo : re,
back, or again, and scribo, to write.
RE'SCRIPT. s. Edict, generally of a Roman emperor, or a pope.
When any doubt arose upon the construction of the Roman laws,
the usage was, to state the case to the emperor, in writing, and take
his opinion upon it. His answers were called rescripts ; which had,
in succeeding cases, the force of perpetual laws. L. rescriptum : re-
scriptus, p. part, of rescribo. See RESCRIBE.
RESCUE, v. To set free from any violence, danger, or confinement.
F. re, b.ick, or again, and escheoir, to avoid, or shun hence, the ob- :

solete word, eschev).

RESEM'BLE. v. To be similar. F.resembler : L. re, back, (meaning
reflection,) and similis, like.
RESENT, v. To consider as an injury or affront, and act in conform-
ity with that sentiment. F. resentir : L. re, again, and sentio, to be
sensible of, or resent.

RESERVE', v. To keep in store to retain ; ; to hold. L. feservo
comp. of re, back, and servo, to keep.
RESETTLE, v. To settle again. L. re, again, and settle.
RESIDE, v. To dwell; to be present. L. resideo, to sit down: re,
back, and sedeo, to sit, or stay.
RESIDENT, adj. Redding, or having abode. L. residens, p. part.
ofresideo. See RESIDE.
RESIDUARY, adj. A residuary legatee is a person to whom the re-
mainder of an estate is willed, — all that is left after paying the lega-
cies particularly specified. See RESIDUE.
RESIDUE, s. Remainder. F. residu : L. residuum. See RESIDE.
RESID UUM. s. That which subsides, or remains after the more valu-

able part has been drawn off. L. from resideo, to sit down re, back, :

and sedeo, to sit, or stay.

RESIGN', v. To relinquish a claim or possession to submit. L. re- ;

signo : re, back, and signo, to mark, declare, or signify.

RESONANT, adj. Resounding. L. resonans. See RESOUND.
RESORT, v. To have recourse to visit frequently. F. ressortir : re t

again, and sortir, to go out.

RESOUND', v. To echo to sound back ; to celebrate by sound.
; L.
resono back, and sono, to sound.
: re,
RESPECT, s. Regard; attention; reverence; honour; feeling of
compassion. F. respect: L. respectus, p. part, of respicio : re, back,
or ajjain, and specio, to see, or behold.
RESPECTIVE, adj. Particular; individual; viewed with regard to
each. See RESPECT.
RESPIRE, v. To breathe; to rest. L. respiro re, again, : and spiro,
to breathe.
RESPITE, Repose; pause; reprieve. F. respit, or repit : L. respi-
ratus, of respiro : re, again, and spiro, to breathe.
p. part,
RESPLENDENT, adj. Shining bright; illustrious. L. resplendens, ;

part, of resplendeo ; comp. of re, back, and splendeo, to shine.

RESPOND', v. To answer; to correspond; to suit. L. respondeo, to
answer re, and spondeo.

RESPONDEN TIA. s. Security for money lent on a cargo of mer-

chandise. For a full definition of this term, see Black. Com. 11 vol.
458. L. respondentia, pi. of respondens, a part, of respondeo. See
RESPONSE', s. Answer answer made by the congregation, speaking

alternately with the minister in public worship. L. responsum. See

RESPONSIBLE, adj. Answerable; accountable; capable of answer-
ing to, or discharging an obligation. L. responsus, suitableness.
REST. s. Repose; being undisturbed; absence of motion;
state of
prop, or support, —
meaning that on which any thing reposes, or by
wijich motion is prevented remainder, or that which is left behind,

or undisturbed. L. restitus, part, ofresto : re, back, and sto, to stand.

RESTAURA'TiON. s. Act of recovering to the furmer state. L. re.
stauro, to restore.
RES TIFF, or RESTIVE, adj. Unwilling to go forward; stubborn.
F. restif. Sec REST.
RESTRAIN', v. To hold back; to repress. F. restreindre: L. re-
stringo : re, back, and stringo, to bind.
RESTRICT', v. To limit; to confine. L. restrictum, sup. of restringo.
RESULT', v. The primary signification of this word is to leap back;
but this meaning is scarcely used now, even by the poets. The
proper sense of result, at the present day, is, to follow as a conse-
quence, or as the effect of concurring causes. L. resulto : resultum,
sup. ofresilio: re, back, and salio, to leap.
RESU'ME. v. To take back; to take again. L. resumo ; comp. of re,
back, or again, and sumo, to take.
RESUMP'TION. s. Act of resuming. L. resumptus, p. part, of re-
sumo. See RESUME.
RESURRECTION, s. Return from the grave revival. F. resurrec- ;

tion : L. resurrectum, sup. of resurgo : re, again, and surgo, to arise.

RESUSCITATE, v. To rouse ; to restore animation, after being sus-
pended by drowning, &c. L. resuscito: re, again, and suscito, to
awake sub, under, and cito, to call.

RETAIL', v. To sell, in small quantities, something purchased from

another to relate, amongst one's neighbours, that which one has

heard from another. F. retailler : re, again, and tailler, to cut.

RETAIN', v. To keep; to detain. L. retineo ; from re, back, and
teneo, to hold.
RETALIATE, v. To return like for like. L. re, back, and talio, like
for like.
RETARD', v. To delay; to hinder. L. retardo: re, back, and tarda,
to delay : tardus, slow.
RETENTION, s. Act of retaining. L. retentio : retentus, p. part, of
retineo. See RETAIN.
RETEN'TIVE. adj. Having the power of retaining ; recollective. F.
retentif. See RETENTION.
small bag, made of net-work, or
some other material, (erroneously called a ridicule.) L. reticulum,
a little net; dim. of rete, a net.
RETICULATED, adj. Made of net- work, or in the form of the
meshes of a L. reticulatus ; from rete, a net.
number of persons retained by, and attending on, a
superior a train. F. retenue, part, of retenir, to retain.
; See RE-
withdraw, or retreat; to go to a place of privacy.
F. reiirer back, and tirer, to draw.
: re,
RETORT, s. A censure or incivility returned a witty or satirical ;

reply a glass vessel, with a bent neck, used by chemists in distilling.


F. retorte : L. retorlus, p. part, of retorqueo : re, back, and torqueo,

to writhe, bend, or hurl.
RETRACT', v. To recall to recant, or change the mind. L. re-

tractum, sup. ofretraho: re, back, and traho, to draw.

RETREAT, s. Act of going back, or retiring; place of retirement or

privacy. F. retraite : L. retractus, p. part, ofretraho: re, back, and

trulio, to draw.
RETRENCH', v. To pare off; to lessen. F. retrancher : L. re, again,
and trunco, to lop off,
t* 221
RETRIBUTION, s. Repayment
atonement. F. retribution : L. re-

tributus, p. part, of retribuo back, and tribuo, to give, or bestow,

: re,
RETRIEVE', v. To recover; to restore; to repair; to regain. F.
retrouver ; comp. of re, again, and trouver, to find.
RETROACTIVE, adj. Having a backward action acting upon the ;

past. L, retro, backward, and ACTIVE.

RETROCE'DE. v. To go back ; to reassign. L. retrocedo: retro, back-
ward, and redo, to depart, or yield.
RETROCESSION, s. Act of retroceding. L. retrocessum, sup. of
retrocedo. See RETROCEDE.
RET'ROGRADE. v. To go backward to decline from a state of im- ;

provement. L. retrogradior : retro, backward, and gradior, to go,

or walk gradus, a step.

RETROGRESSION, s. Act of retrograding. L. retrogressus, part.

or retrogradior. See RETROGRADE.
RETROPUL'SIVE. s. Driving back repelling. L. retro, back, and ;

pulsus, part, of pello, to drive.

RET ROSPECT. s. Backward view view of ; the past. L. retro, back-
ward, and spectum, sup. of specio, to see, or view.
RETROVERT'. v. To turn back. L. retro, backwards, and verto, to
RETURN', v. To
turn back to come, cr go back ; to give back ; to

reply. L. again, and turn.

re, (F. retourner.)
REUNION, s. Return to a state of junction, cohesion, or concord.
L. re, again, and union.
REVEAL', v. To uncover to disclose to inform from Heaven. L.
; ;

revelo ; from re, back, and velum, a veil, or curtain.

REVELA'TION. s. Act of revealing; knowledge revealed. See RE-
REVENUE, s. Income ; annual return of profits, or amount of na-
tional imposts or rents. F. revenu : L. re, back, and venio, to come.
REVER'BERATE. v. To beat back; to rebound; (used in relation
to sound, or heat.) L. reverbero : re, back, and verbero, to whip, or
beat: verber, a. whip.
REVERBERA'TORY. s. An oven or furnace in which the flame is
confined by a dome, which occasions it to rebound before it passes
into the chimney. See REVERBERATE.
REVE'RE. v. To reverence; to honour; to venerate. L. revereor:
re, meaning again, or in a great degree, and vereor, to reverence, or
REVERENCE, s. Veneration; respect; act of obeisance title of a : —
clergvman. F. reverence: L. reverentia : reverens, part, of revereor.
REVEREND, adj. Venerable; deserving reverence; also, an epithet
applied to a clergyman. F. reverend: L. reverendus, (part, of reve-
reor,) to be revered. See REVERE.
REVERSE', s. Change; vicissitude; misfortune; an opposite. L.
reversus, p. part, ofreverto. See REVERT.
REVER'SION. s. Act of reverting contingent interest in the return

of land to the grantor or his heirs. F. reversion : L. reversio. See

REVERT', v. To return. L. reverto : re, back, and verto, to turn.
REVEST', v. To vest again ; to reinvest. L. revestio : re, again, and
vestio, to clothe.
REVILE, v. To vilify; to treat with contumely. L. re, backhand
vilis, vile.
REVI'SE. v. To review ; to re-examine. L. revisum, sup. of revideo ;
com p. of re, again, and video, to see.
REVI' VE. v. To return to life ; to reanimate ; to renew. L. revivo :

re, again, and vivo, to live.

REVOCATION, s. Act of revoking state of being revoked repeal,
; ;

or reversal. L. revocatio : revocatus, part, of revoco. See RE-

REVOKE, v. To recall, or repeal ; to reverse. L. revoco : re, back,
and voco, to call.
REVOLT', v. To desert ; to refuse obedience ; to turn away in dis-
gust. F. revolter : L. revolutus, p. part, of revolvo : re, back, and
volvo, to roll.
REVOLUTION, Course of any thing that returns to the point at
which it began move;
to change of government. F. revo-

lution : L. revolutus, p. part, of revolvo. See REVOLVE.

REVOLVE', v. To roll in a circle; to roll around; to consider. L.
revolvo ; from re, back, or again, and volvo, to roll.
RHABDOL'OGY. s. Gomputation by Napier's rods. G. rhabdos, a
rod, and logos, a word.
RHAP'SODY. s. A kind of poem, written without necessary con-
nexion. G. rhapsodia : rhapto, to weave, or make, and ode, a song.
RHET'ORIG. s. The art of speaking with propriety and elegance ;

oratory. G. rhetorike ; rhetor, an orator from rheo, (dico) to speak. :

RHEUM, s. A thin watery matter, oozing through the glands. G.

rheuma ; from rheo, (Jluo) to flow.
RHEU'MATISM. s. A painful distemper, supposed to proceed from
acrid humours, or rheum. G. rheumatismos. See RHEUM.
RHOMB, s. A term in geometry. G. rhombos ; from rhembo, to turn
or whirl round.
figure having some resemblance to a rhomb. G.
rhombos, a rhomb, and eidos, form.
RHYME, s. Harmonical succession of sounds generally applied to ;

that species of poetry, in which the last sound of one line corresponds
with the last sound or syllable of another but, the etymology of :

the word includes even what is called blank verse. See RHYTH-
RHYTH'MTCAL. adj. Harmonical; having one sound proportioned
to another. See RHYTHMUS.
RHYTH'MUS. Metre harmonical succession of sounds, either in
s. ;

prose or verse. L. rhythmus : G. rhuthmos, a rule.

RIDTCULE. s. Wit, or jeering, of that species which excites disre-
spectful laughter. F. ridicule : L. ridiculum ; from rideo, to laugh.
RIDICULOUS, adj. Promoting ridicule worthy of contemptuous ;

laughter. L. ridiculus. See RIDICULE.

RIGHT, adj. According to rule; straight; proper; just; true: the —
right hand is so called, because it is that which is used according to
rule or usual custom. Derived, through the Saxon, from the L. rectus,
p. part, ofrego, to rule.

RIGTD. adj. Stiff; inflexible ; severe ; extremely strict. F. rigide :

L. rigidus ; from rigeo, to be very cold, or frozen.

RIGOROUS, adj. Extremely cold ; rigid ; severe ; extremely strict.
RIGOUR, or RIG'OR. s. Severe coldness; severity; extreme strict-
ness. L. rigor ; rigeo, to be very cold, or frozen.
RISIBLE, adj. Having the faculty or power of laughing exciting ;

laughter. F. risible : L. risibilis : rideo, to laugh.

RITE. s. Solemn act of religion ; external observance. L. ritus, a
rite, or religious ceremony.
RITUAL. s. A book in which are written the rites and observances
of religion. L. ritualis. See RITE.
ROBUST', adj. Strong L. robustus, made of
: sinewy vigorous.

oak robur, oak, of the hardest kind.


vain, noisy, bluster or boast; a rant. F.
rodomontade ; from a boasting, boisterous hero, of the Italian poet,
Ariosto, called Rodomonte.
ROGA'TION. s. Supplication ; church-litany, L. rogatio ; from rogo,
to entreat.
ROS'TRUM. s.from which the Roman orators ha-
The scaffold
rangued. When Camillus overcame Antium, the capital of the
Volsci, he carried the prows or beaks of their ships to Rome, and
placed them in the Forum, on a tribunal, thence called Rostrum, —
signifying the beak of a ship.
RO'TARY. adj. Moving around as a wheel. L. rota, a wheel.
ROTA TION. s. The act of turning round like a wheel succession, ;

so that when the last has completed a duty, the first will recom-
mence, and each will continue to repeat in his turn. L. rotatio
from rotatus, p. part, of roto, to turn round like a wheel rota, a :

ROTUNDA, or ROTUN'DO. s. A circular building, such as the Pan-
theon of Rome. L. rotundus, round : rota, a wheel.
ROTUNDITY, s. Roundness. L. rotunditas ; rotundus, round; rota,
a wheel.
ROUGE, s. Red paint, for the face. F. rouge, red.
ROUND, adj. Circular ; spherical
; not precisely; sounding smoothly
expressed, but denoted, through convenience, chiefly by round num-
bers, or figures ; —
as, 5000, instead of 5123. F. rond : L. rotundus ;
from rota, a wheel.
ROUTE, s. Way; road; order, and direction for marching. F. route,
a way.
ROUTINE, s. Established mode, or practice. F. See ROUTE.
ROY'AL. adj. Kingly ; regal. F. from roi, (formerly roy,) a king.
RU'BRIC. s. Directions, printed in books of law, and in prayer-books;
originally distinguished by being in red ink. L. rubrica ; ruber, red.
RU'EY. s. A
precious stone, of a red colour. L. ruber, red.
RUDE. adj. Untaught; in a state of nature ; barbarous; of coarse
manners; uncivil; unpolished; boisterous. L. rudis, new, or fresh.
RUDIMENTS, s. First principles ; elements of science ; first parts
of education. L. rudimentum, the first rules rudis, new, or fresh. :

RU'IN. s. Fall or destruction ; remains of something demolished. F.

ruine ; L. ruina, from ruo, to fall.

RULE. s. Government sway ; ;
precept ; an instrument by which lines
are drawn. L. regula from rego,
; to govern.
RU' MI NATE. v. To chew the cud ; to consider again and again. L.
rumino, to chew over again.
RUMOUR, Popular report. L. rumor ; ruo, to rush.

RUP'TURE. Act of breaking or bursting; state of being broken or


burst breach of peace ; open hostility.

; F. rupture : L. ruptus, p.
part, of rumpo, to break or burst.
RURAL, adj. Relating or pertaining to the country. F. rural : L.
ruralis ; from ruris, gen. of rus, the country.
RUSE DE GUERRE. trick of war; a stratagem. AF. ruse, a
trick, de, of, guerre, war.
RUS'TIC. adj. Rural ; clownish. L. rusticus ; from rus, the country.
RUS'TICATE. v. To reside in the country ; to acquire the manners
of the country. L. rusticor. See RUSTIC.


SACCHARINE, adj. Having the qualities of sugar. L. saccharum,

SACERDO'TAL. Relating or pertaining to the priesthood. L.
sacerdotalis ; sac erdos, a priest; comp. of sacer, sacred, and dos, a
SACRAMENT, s. A religious ceremony ; the eucharist. L. sacra-
mentvm; sacer, sacred.
SA'CRED. adj. Holy ; devoted to religious uses ; not to be violated ;

consecrated. L. sacer, sacred.

SACRIFICE, v. To offer to Heaven ; to kill, at the altar, as an atone-
ment or propitiation ; to destroy or give up, for the sake of some-
thing else, or through rashness or misconduct. L. sacrifico ; sacer,
sacred, and facto, to make.
SACRILEGE, s. The crime of appropriating to one's-self, what is

devoted to religion or of violating or profaning sacred things. L.


sacrilegium ; comp. of sacer, holy, and lego, to gather, or steal.

SACRISTY, s. An apartment, in which are deposited the consecrated
vessels or moveables of a church. F. sacristie : L. sacris, gen. of
sacer, sacred.
SAFE. adj. Freefrom danger; free from hurt; conferring security :

s. a place for meat, &c.

F. sauf: L. salvus, safe.
SAGA'CIOUS. adj. When applied to mere animals, denotes quick of
scent, or having a more extended mental faculty than is usually
possessed by brutes, —
Men are sagacious when they are quick of
thought, or acute in discovering. L. sagax, quick-scented.
SAGE. s. A
philosopher a man of gravity and wisdom. F. ; See
SAGIT TA'RIUS. s. One of the twelve signs of the zodiac. L. Sagit-
tarius, an archer : sagitta, an arrow.
SAINT, s. A person revered virtue. F. saint: L. sanc-
for piety and
tus, holy, or pious of sancio, to make sacred.
: from the p. part,
SALAMMO'NIAC. s. A species of salt, formerly dug from the sands
in some parts of Africa an artificial salt, named muriate of ammo-

nia. L. sal, salt, and G. aminos, sand.


SAL'ARY. s. annual or stated payment. F. salaire : L.
Stated hire ;

solarium ; from sal, salt because the Roman soldiers were origi-

nally paid in salt. —

This is the derivation given of salary, by both
ancient and modern writers but the author of this work is inclined

to question its correctness.

SALT ANT. adj. In heraldry, denotes in a leaping posture. F. See
SAL'IENT. adj. Leaping ; moving by leaps ;
— in fortification, pro-
jecting. L. saliens, part, of salio, to leap.
SALIFIABLE, adj. Capable of combining with acids, and forming
salts. L. sal, salt, and Jio, to become.
SALI'NE. adj. Partaking of the properties of salt. L. salinus ; from
sal, salt.
SALIVA, s. That which flows from the mouth ;
juice separated by
the salival glands. L. saliva, spittle.
SALTVATE. v. To purge by the salival glands. L. salivo. See
SAL'LY. s. Sortie ; rapid egress, as from a place besieged volatile or ;

sprightly exertion of wit. F. saille : L. salio, to leap.

SALUBRIOUS, adj. Wholesome; promoting health. L. salubris
salus, health.
SALUTARY, adj. Contributing to safety ; advantageous. L. salutaris
from salutis, gen. of salus, health, or safety.
SALU'TE. v. To
greet; to hail; to honour in a military way, by a
discharge of guns, a present' of arms, &c. L. saluto ; salus, health.
SALUTIFEROUS. adj. Bringing health or safety. L. salulifer : sa-
lutis, gen. of salus, health, and fero, to bring.
SAL'VABLE. adj. Possible to be saved. L. salvo, to save.
SAL'VAGE. s. Recompense for saving goods from a wreck, or a ship
from being lost, when found at sea without any living person on
board. F. from the L. salvo, to save.
SALVATION, s. Preservation; saving of the soul from eternal
misery. L. salvo, to save.
SALVE, s. Aremedy ; a remedial plaster. L. salvo, to save.
SAL'VO. s. An exception; a reservation. L. abl. of salvus, safe; that
is, saved, or excepted.

SANATIVE, adj. Curing ; healing. L. sano, to heal.

SANCTIFY, v. To make holy. F. sanctifier : L. sanctifico ; sanctus^
holy, and facio, to make.
SANCTIMONY, s. Holiness ; appearance of holiness. L. sanctimonia :

sancfus, holy. See SAINT.

SANCTION, s. Solemn confirmation; countenance. L. sanctio
sanctus, p. part, of sancio, to make sacred.
SANCTITY, s. Holiness purity. L. sanctitas. See SAINT.

history of saints. L. sanctus, holy, and G.
logos, a word.
SANCTUARY, s. A sacred or holy place properly the most retired

and awful part of a temple sacred asylum. L. sanctuarium ; sanc-


tus, p. part, of sancio, to make sacred.

SANCTUM SANCTORUM. The Holy of Holies, or most holy
place that part of a temple
; which is prohibited to be entered, or
looked into. L.

SANE. adj. Healthy of sound mind. L. sanus, whole, or sound.

SANG FROID'. s. Coolness indifference apathy. F. sang, blood,

; ;

and j void, co'd.

SANGUINARY, adj. Bloody; cruel; murderous. L. sanguinarius
sanguinis, gen. of sanguis, blood.
SAN'GUINE. adj. Red; having the colour of blood; abounding with -

blood; warm; ardent; confident. L. sanguineus ; from sanguinis,

gen. of sanguis, blood.
SANITARY, adj. Conducive to health. See SANITY.
SANTTY. s. Soundness of mind; opposed to insanity. L. sanitas,
SANS. prep. Without. F.
SANSCULOT'TES. s. A reproachful name given to one of the parties
of France, in the period which succeeded the revolution of 1789. F.
sans, without, culotte, breeches.
SAP'IENT. adj. Wise. L. sapiens, part, of sapio, to be wise.
SAPONA'CEOUS. adj. Soapy having the qualities of soap. L. sa- ;

ponis, gen. of sapo, soap.

SARCASM, s. Bitter and personal satire a taunt. F. sarcasme : L. ;

sarcasmus : G. sarkasmos ; from sarkazo, to pluck or pull away the

flesh : sarx, flesh.
SARCOPH'AGUS. s. Originally signified a stone, in which dead bo-
dies, when inclosed, consumed and wasted away, bones and all, ex-
cept the teeth, in about forty days. It now signifies a sepulchre, of
the usual kind. L. sarcophagus : G. sarx, flesh, and phago, to eat.
SARCOTTC. adj. Incarnative ; having the quality of filling up sores
with new flesh. G. sarx, flesh.
SARDONTC. adj. This word, when applied to grinning or laughter,
means forced or affected. —
An herb grows in Sardinia, of so bitter
a taste, as to cause convulsive laughter, according to the ancients ;
hence, the L. expression, Sardonicus risus.
Into ego Sardois videar tibi amarior herbis.
Virg. Buc. Eel. vii. Line 41.
SATED, part. adj. Satiated ; glutted. See SATIATE.
SAT'ELLITE. s. An attendant, (in an evil sense;) a small planet re-
volving around a larger. L. salelles, a species of soldiers, or a par-
SATIATE, To satisfy to glut, or fill beyond natural desire. L.
v. ;

satio : G. burthen.
satto, to
SATFETY. Fulness, beyond desire or pleasure more than enough.
s. ;

L. satietas. See SATIATE.

poem, (or prosaic discourse,) in which wickedness or
folly is censured. L. satyra, or satira: G. saturos, a sylvan god.
This kind of poem is of very ancient date; and (according to Horace)
was introduced, into the Greek tragedies, by way of interlude, to re-
lieve the audience from the force of those strokes which were thought
too'deep and affecting. In these satirical interludes, the scene was
laid in the country, and the persons were rural deities, satyrs, pea-
sants, &c.
SATISFACTION, s. Act of fully satisfying, or state of being satis-
fied ; release from suspense recompense for an injury. L. satisfactio.

SAT'ISFY. To content; to recompense; to appease by punish-
ment ; from doubt, perplexity, or suspense to convince. L.
to free ;

satisfacio ; comp. of satis, enough, and facio, to make.

SATURATE, v. To impregnate, until no more can be received or
imbibed. L. saturo ; from satur, full-fed.
SATUR'NIAN. adj. Happy golden used by the poets in relation to

times of felicity, such as are fabulously related to have been in the

days of Saturn, when he is said to have reigned in Italy.
SATUR'NINE. adj. Gloomy grave of severe temper supposed to
; ;

be born under the dominion of the planet Saturn. L. saturninus.

SAVAGE, adj. Wild uncultivated uncivilized barbarous ; cruel.
; ; ;

F. sauvage : L. sylva, a wood.

SAVE. v. To preserve from danger or destruction to reserve or lay ;

by to except. F. sauver : L. salvo, to preserve.


SAVE. prep. Except; not including. Imperative of the verb save.

SCALA DE. s. Entry of a fortified place by means of ladders. F. from
the L. scala, a ladder.
SCALE, v. To enter by means of a ladder to climb as by a ladder. ;

L. scala, a ladder.
SCALE, s. Regular gradation regular series, rising like a ladder ; a

figure subdivided by lines like the Bteps of a ladder, used in mea-

suring proportions ; series of harmonic proportions, &.c. L. scala, a
SCANDAL, s. Offence given by the faults of others; reproachful as-

persion; infamy. L. scandalum : G.skandalon: skazo, to halt, or

be maimed.
SCENE, s. Originally signified that part in front of a theatre, assigned
for the decorations. It now denotes a painted representation, on
boards or canvas also a division of the play, &c. L. scena : G. skene,

a small wooden house or tent. See Rollin's An. His. 1 vol. 89.
SCENT, v. To smell to perceive by the nose; to perfume. F. scentir ;

from the L. sentio, to perceive.

SCEP'TIC. s. One who assents or believes only after seeing unques-
tionable evidence. F. sceptique: G. skeptikos ; from skeptomai, to
look around.
kind of royal staff, or batoon, now used only on
solemn occasions. L. sceptrum : G. skeplron ; from skepto, to lean
piece of paper or parchment, containing an inven-
tory or list of goods, &c, and in general annexed to a larger writing.
L. schedula: G. schede, a sheet or leaf of paper; from schizo,
to cut.
SCHEME, s. Plan; project; contrivance. G. schema, a form, or
SCHISM, s. Separation, or division, arising from discordant opinions.
G. schisma ; from schizo, to split.
SCHISMATIC, s. One who has separated in consequence of holding
a different opinion. See SCHISM.
SCHOLAR, Member of a school; one who learns
s. of a master; a
disciple; a man of letters. See SCHOOL.
SCHO'LIUM. s. A note an explanatory observation; : pi. scholia. L.
from the G. scholion. See SCHOOL.
place of discipline and instruction system of doc. ;

trine, peculiar to any teacher. L. schola : G. schole, retirement,

SCIA'TER. s. An instrument used in designing. G. skia, a shadow.
SCI'ENCE. Knowledge any species of knowledge. Science is
s. ;

theoretical knowledge ; Art is practical knowledge. Botany is a

science Gardening, an art. F. science : L. scientia : sciens, part.

of scio, to know.
SCIENTIFIC, or SCIENTIFICAL. adj. Producing demonstrative
or certain knowledge; philosophical; not mechanical. F. scienti-
Jique: L. scientia, knowledge, and facio, to make. See SCIENCE.
SCIN'TILLA. s. A spark an iota. L. scintilla, a spark. ;

SCIN'TILLATE. v. To emit sparks. L. scintillo : scintilla, a spark :

scindo, to break off, or divide.

SCIOLIST, adj. One who knows many things superficially. L. scio,
to know.
SCIOP'TIC. adj. Pertaining to an instrument used in the camera ob-
scura. G. skia, a shadow, optomai, to see.
SCIRE FA' CIAS. The name given to a judicial writ, ordering the
defendant to show cause, why the execution should not be made out
of a judgment which has passed, &c. L. facias, you must cause,
scire, to know : scio, a.nd facio.
SCIS'SORS. s. A sort of instrument for cutting. L. scissus, p. part.
of scindo, to cut.
SCLEROTTC. adj. Hard ; an epithet applied to one of the coats of
the eye. F. sclerotique : G. skelos, hard.
SCOPE, s. Aim ; intention ; room, &c. L. scopus : G. skeptomai, to
SCO'RIA. s. Dross; recrement. L. scoria :G. skoria : skor, dung.
SCOR'PIO. s. One of the twelve signs of the zodiac. L. scorpio, a
SCOT'OMY. s. A which causes dimness of
dizziness of the head,
sight. G. skotoma darken. : skoto-o, to
whip; an instrument of punishment a punishment; ;

one that harasses, or destroys. F. escourgee : L. corrigia ; from

corrigo, to correct : con, with, and rego, to rule.
SCRIBBLE, v. To write without use or elegance ; to write carelessly
or ill. L. scribillo : scribo, to write.
SCRIBE, s. A writer. This term was much used before the invention
of printing. L. scriba: scribo, to write.
SCRIPTURE, s. Sacred writing; (plural,) the Bible. L. scriptura :

scribo, to write.

SCRIVENER, s. One who writes contracts; one who writes under

the superintendence of an attorney. L. scribo, to write.
SCRU'PLE. s. Doubt; difficulty of determination, generally respecting

minute things twenty grains proverbially, any small quantity.

; ;

L. scrvpulus ; from scrutor, to search diligently, or explore.

SCRU'TABLE. adj. Discoverable by scrutiny. See SCRUTINY.
SCRU'TINY. s. Minute search, or examination. L. scrutinium:
scrutor, to search diligently, or explore : from scruta, lumber ; mean-
ing to search amongst rubbish.
v 229

SCRU'TOIRE. s. A cabinet for writings. F. ecritoire, (formerly es.
criioire :) ecrire, to write.
carver; one who cuts wood or stone into images.

L. sculptor sculptus, p. part, of sculpo, to carve, or grave.


SCURRILOUS, adj. Grossly opprobrious ; vile ; low. L. scurrilis :

scurra, a scoffer, or buffoon.
SEBACIC. adj. Sebacic acid is procured from animal fat. L. seba-
ceus sebum, tallow.

SEBATES. s. Salts formed by the sebacic acid, when combined with

and metallic oxides. See SEBACIC.
alkalies, earths,
SE'CANT. s. A right line drawn from the centre of a circle, meeting
and cutting another line, without it, called the tangent. L. secans,
part, of seco, to cut.
SECE'DE. v. To withdraw,
in consequence of holding a different
opinion. denoting separation, and cedo, to depart.
L. secedo : se,
SECES'SION. s. Act of seceding. L. secessio. See SECEDE.
SECLUDE, v. To shut up, or confine from to withdraw to exclude. ; ;

L. secludo ; comp. of se, denoting separation, and claudo, to shut.

SECOND, adj. Following next in order to the first; the ordinal of
two; inferior. F. second: L. secundus ; from sequor, to follow.
SECOND, s. One who is not a principal, but a supporter or abettor ;
one who accompanies another in a duel a sixtieth part of a minute, ;

formerly called a second minute. See the adjective.

SECONDARY, adj. Not primary following the first subordinate ; ;

not of the first order. L. secundarius. See SECOND.

SE'CRET. adj. Retired private unseen hidden ; unrevealed. F.
; ; ;

secret : L. secretus, part, of secerno, to put asunder se, asunder, and :

cerno, to or separate.

SECRETARY, s. One intrusted with the secrets, or the management

of business ; one who writes for another ; a writing desk, or cabinet

for holding valuable papers. L. secretarius. See SECRET.
SECRETE', v. To hide ; (in the animal economy,) to separate. See
SECRE'TION. s. That agency in the animal economy which consists
in secreting or separating the various fluids of the body; the fluid
secreted. See SECRETE.
separate body, or subdivision of persons, holding an opi-

nion different from the society from which they have separated. F.
secte : L. secta. See SECTION.
part divided from the rest; a division, h.sectio:
sectus, p. part, of seco, to cut. ,
SECTOR, s. In geometry, a mathematical instrument, for describing
or -measuring angles. L. from sectus, p. part, of seco, to cut, or
SECULAR, adj. Relating to affairs of this world ; not spiritual : in —
the church of Rome, not bound by monastic rules. L. secularis :
seculum, an age or period of man's life secula, a scythe, (from seco,

to cut ;) alluding to the emblematical scythe of Time.

SECUNDUM ARTEM. According to art. L.
SECU'RE. adj. Using no care to avert danger ; without fear ; confi-
dent; safe; sufficiently confined to prevent escape. L. securus : se,
asunder, and cura, care.

SEDA'TE. adj. Still ; calm ; serene ;
grave. L. sedatus, p. part, of
sedo, to allay : sedeo, to sit.

SED'ENTARY. adj. Passed in sitting still; without motion or action.

L. sedentarius : sedeo, to sit.

SEDIMENT, That which subsides to, or rests at the bottom. F.


sediment : L. sedimentum : sedeo, to sit, or rest on.

SEDITION, s. Mutiny; treasonable conspiracy. L. seditio ; from
sedeo, to sit that is, to sit together, or convene.

lead from duty, or allegiance; to allure; to betray;
to dishonour. L. seduco : se, asunder, and duco, to lead.
SEDUCTION, s. Act of seducing. F. seduction: L. seductus, p. part.

of seduco. See SEDUCE.

SED'ULOUS. adj. Being in the habit of close and regular application
to any business ; assiduous ; very industrious. L. sedulus : sedeo, to

SEEM. v. To make or have a show or semblance ; to have the appear-

ance ot truth or fact. F. sembler ; from the L. similis, like.
SEG'MENT. s. A figure contained between a chord and an arch of a
circle, or so much of a circle as is cut off by the chord. F. segment
L. segtnentum from seco, to cut.
SELECT', adj. Chosen chosen on account of superior excellence.

L. selectus, p. part, of selego : se, asunder, and lego, (legere,) to

SELENOG'RAPHY. s. A description of the moon. G. selene, the
moon, and grapho, to write.
SEM'BLANCE. s. Likeness ; resemblance ; figure. F. semblance :

L. similis, like.
SEM'I. A word which, used in composition, signifies half; as, semi-
diameter, half the diameter. L.
SEM'INAL. adj. Relating or pertaining to seed. L. seminalis : semi-
nis, gen. of semen, seed.
SEMTNARY. s. The ground in which seeds are sown, with a design

of transplanting their produce ; place of education, where the seeds

of knowledge, and of future usefulness and good conduct, are sown.
L. seminarium ; from semen, seed.
SEN'ATE. s. An assembly of state counsellors or legislators, chosen
on account of their mature age, and consequently greater experience,
wisdom, and prudence. L. senatus : senex, an old man.
SENESCENCE, s. The state of growing old. L. senescens, part, of
senesco : senis, old.
SENTLE. adj. Relating or pertaining to old age. L. senilis : senium,
old age.
SE'NIOR. adj. The elder, (opposed to junior.) L. senior, compar. of
senex, old.
SENSA'TION. s. Perception or feeling through the senses. L. sen-
satio. See SENSE.
SENSE, s. Faculty or power by which external objects are perceived

or by the mind.
felt The senses are five in number sight, touch, :

hearing, smell, and taste. But this term is applied more generally
in common discourse, though restricted, as here denned, by meta-
physicians. L. sensus ; from a part, of sentio, to discern by the

SEN'SIBLE. adj. Having the power of perceiving by the senses
perceptible by the senses; state of having perceived by the senses.
SEN'SITIVE. adj. Having sense or perception, but not reason , af-
fected by contact, or the touch, as a sensitive plant. F. sensitif.
SENSO'RIUM, or SENSORY, s. That part whence the senses
transmit their perceptions to the mind ; the seat of sense. L. See
SEN'SUAL. adj. Affecting or pertaining to the senses, but not to the
mind; carnal; luxurious; lewd. F. sensuel. See SENSE.
SEN'TENCE. s. Determination or decision, as of a judge; doom; so
many words as express a sentiment or occurrence iully, and accord-
ing to the rules of grammar. F. sentence : L. sententia ; from sen-
tio, to be sensible of' or think.

SENTENTIOUS, adj. Abounding with sentences, axioms, and max-

ims, — short and energetic. L. sententiosus. See SENTENCE.
SENTIENT, adj. Perceiving ; having perception. L. sentiens, part.
of sentio, to perceive through the senses.
SENTIMENT, s. Conception of the mind; notion; opinion; mean-
ing, considered distinctly from the language. F. sentiment : L. sen.
tio, to feel, or think.

SENTINEL, s. One who watches or guards, to prevent surprise or

theft. F. sentinelle : L. sentio, to discern.
SENTRY, s. A sentinel. See SENTINEL.
SEPARATE, v. To sever a part from the rest to disunite : to with- ;

draw. L. separo : se, asunder, and paio, to make, or dispose.

SEPTANGULAR, adj. Having seven angles. L. septem, seven, and
angulus, an angle.
SEPTEM'BER. s. The ninth month formerly, the seventh, when the

year began in March. L. from septem, seven.

SEPTEN'NIAL. adj. Lasting seven years happening once in seven ;

years. L. septennis : septem, seven, and annus, a year.

SEPTIC, or SEPTICAL. adj. Corrupting causing putrefaction. L. ;

seplicus : G. septikos ; from sepo, to putrefy.

SEPTUAGINT. s. The ancient Greek version of the Old Testament;
so called, as being the work of about seventy (seventy-two) inter-
preters. L. septuaginta, seventy.
SEPTUPLE, adj. Sevenfold. L. septuplex ; comp. of septem, seven,
and duplex, double.
place inclosed for burial. L. sepulcrum : sepul-
tus, p. part, of sepelio, to bury from sepio, to inclose, or hedge in.

SEPULTURE, s. Burial in a sepulchre. F. sepulture : L. sepultura.

SEQUA'CIOUS. adj. Following attendant pliant. L. sequacis, gen.
; ;

ofseqvax: sequor, to follow.

SE'QUEL. s. Succeeding part; consequence; event. F. sequelle
L. sequor, to follow.
SEQUENCE, s. Order of succession ; series. L. sequens, part, of
sequor, to follow.
SERE'NE. adj. Calm ;
placid ; unruffled. L. serenus, clear, without
SERIAT'IM. According to place or seniority. L. from series, an
order, concatenation, or course.
SE'RIES. s. Connected succession ; order ; course. L. series ; from
sero, to lay in order, or join.
SERIOUS, adj. Grave; solemn; in earnest; important. L. serins:
sero, to lay in order.
SER'MON. s. A religious or moral discourse, pronounced or composed
generally by a clergyman. F. sermon: L. sermo, discourse, talk.
SEROUS* Thin ; watery relating or pertaining to the serum,
adj. ;

L. serosus serum, whey.


SERTENT. s. An animal that moves by undulation, without legs.

L. serpens, part, of serpo, to creep.
SERPENTINE, adj. Resembling a serpent; winding like a serpent.
L. serpentinus. See SERPENT.
SER'RATE, or SERRA'TED. adj. Indented like the edge of a saw.
L. serratus : serra, a saw.
SE'RUM. s. In anatomy, a thin, transparent, saltish liquor, which
makes a considerable quantity of the mass of blood. L. serum,
SER'VANT. s. One who is under an obligation to work for another.
F. servant. See SERVE.
SERVE, v. To work for to attend at command
; to obey to supply ; ;

with food or table furniture, ceremoniously; to supply; to aid; to

promote; to content to deliver, as in the case of a summons. L.

servio : servus, a bond servant servo, to keep, heed, or defend.


SER'VICE. s. Act of serving time of serving public office of devo-

; ;

tion ; employment; benefit, &c. F. service: L. servitium. See

SER'VILE. adj. slave; dependent; mean;
Slavish; relating to a
fawning or cringing, See SERVE.
L. servilis.
SER'VITOR. s. One who acts under another; one of the lowest order
in a university. F. serviteur. See SERVE.
SESQUIPEDA'LION. s. Containing a foot and a half. L. sesqui,
so much and half as much, and pedis, gen, of pes, a foot.
SESS. s. See CESS.
SES'SION. s. A stated assembly of magistrates, legislators, divines,
&c. the space during which the assembly sits. F. session : L.

sessio ; from sedeo, to sit.

SETA'CEOUS. adj. Bristly set with strong hairs consisting of
; ;

strong hairs. L. seta, a bristle.

SE'TON. s. A
hair, or thread of silk, inserted in the flesh, to cause a
discharge of humour. F. seton : L. seta, a bristle, or strong hair.
SEVER, v. To separate to disjoin. F. sevrer : L. separo : se, asun-

der, and paro, to make.

SEVERAL, adj. Different; distinct; particular; single; divers;
many. See SEVER.
SEX. s. The property by which any animal or plant is male or female ;

gender, as regards male and female. F.sexe: L. sezus : sectvs, p.

part, of seco, to cut, or divide.
SEXAGES'IMA. adj. Relating to the second Sunday before Lent; so
called as being about the sixtieth day before Easter, L. fem of
sexagesimuSy the sixtieth.
u* 233
SEXAN'GULAR. adj. Having six angles. L. sex, six, and angulus,
an angle.
SEXEN'NIAL. adj. Lasting six years ; happening once in six years.
L. sex, six, and annus, a year.
SEX'TANT. s. The sixth part of a circle ; an astronomical instru-
ment formed like a quadrant, (of 90 degrees,) but the limb ef which
comprehends 60 degrees, or the sixth part of a circle. L. sextans, a
sixth part : sex, six.
SEX'TILE. adj. Relating to the position of two planets, when at 60
degrees distance (the sixth of a circle,) from each other. L. sextilis ;
from sex, six.
SEXTUPLE, adj. Sixfold six times told. L. sexiuplus : sex, six,

and duplex, double.

SIB'ILANT. adj. Hissing. L. sihilans, part, of sibiJo, to hiss.
SICCA'TION. s. Act of drying. L. siccatus, p. part, of sicco, to dry.
SI'DERAL. adj. Starry; astral. L. sideralis : sideris, gen. of sidus,
a star.
SIDEROGRAPH IC. adj. Relating to the art of engraving or im-
pressing letters and other figures on iron or steel an art brought to ;

a very high state of perfection, if not invented, by Perkins &. Co. of

Philadelphia. G. sideros, iron, and grapho, to write.
SIGN. s. A mark that by which any thing is shown an omen. F.
; ;

signe : L. signum,a mark. In the age of darkness, when the clergy

purposely held the laity in the grossest ignorance, writing was con-
fined chiefly to the cloisters and persons who could not write made

the sign of the cross, in place of their name, in confirmation of any

legal deed hence, the phrase signing, instead of subscribing a paper.

SIGN. v. To affix or subjoin one's hand-writing or seal, as evidence

of identity or ratification to signify. See the substantive.

SIG'NAL. s. Notice given by a sign a sign that gives notice adj.

; ;

conspicuous remarkable. F. signal. See SIGN.


SIG'NATURE. s. A sign or mark impressed upon any thing sign- ;

manual. F. signature : L. signatura. See SIGN.

sea!, generally used for the seal manual of a prince.
F. signette, dimin. of signe, a mark. See SIGN.
SIG'NIFY. v. To declare by some sign or token to express to im- ; ;

port. F. signifter : L. significo ; comp. of signum, a sign, and/ac70,

to make.
SILEX. s. Flint. L.
SILICEOUS, adj. Having the nature of silex, or flint. L. siliceus,
or silicius : silicis, gen. of silex, a flint stone.
SIL'VAN, or SYL'VAN. adj. Woody shady; relating or pertaining ;

to woods. L. silca, or sylva, a wood.

SIMTLAR. adj. Like resembling. F. similaire : L. similis, like.

comparison, by which any thing is illustrated or made
more striking- to the understanding. L. similis, like.
SIMILTTUDE. s. Likeness; resemblance; comparison. L. simili.
tudo ; from similis, like.
SI'MONY. s. The crime of buying or selling church preferments, or
of corruptly ordaining or licensing any person for the church so ;

called, from the resemblance it is said to bear to the sin of Simon

Magus, who, upon seeing the miraculous effects of the laying on of

the apostles' hands, offered them money; saying, "Give me, also,
this power," &c. Acts, viii. 18.
SIM'PLE. adj. Single; uncompounded plain; artless; unskilled; ;

silly. F. simple: L. simplex: comp. of sine, without, and plico, to

SIMULA'TION. s. Act of assuming- the appearance of some particular

character, with the intention of deceiving. F. simulation: L. simu-

latio : simulatus, p. part, of simulo : sirnilis, like.
SIMULTANEOUS, Acting together acting at the same time.
adj. ;

L. simultaneus ; from simul, together, and teneo, to hold.

SIN'ECURE. s. An office which has revenue, without any care or
employment. L. sine, without, cava, care.
SINE DTE. When a business is adjourned sine die, no day is ap-
pointed for its reconsideration. L. sine, without, die, (abh of dies,)
a day.
SINE QUA NON. A sine qua non (without which, not,) is an indis-

pensable condition, without which being acceded, one of the parties
is predetermined not to sign a treaty or compact thus, the " acknow- :

ledgment of the independence of the United States" was a sine qua

non, proposed and obtained by the American commissioners at Paris
in 1782-3. L.
SIN'GLE. adj. Not more than one; unconnected; particular; indi-
vidual alone unmarried. L. singulus, every, each one, one by one.
; ;

SINGULAR, adj. Single expressing only one; not plural; unexam- ;

pled remarkable unique.

; L. singularis. See SINGLE.

SINISTER, adj. Left, as opposed to right; evil designed unfair. L. ;

SINIS'TROUS. adj. Absurd perverse evil designed. See SINIS- ;


~SIN'UATED. adj. Bent in and out. L. sinuatus, p. part, of sinvo, to
wind sinus, a bosom, or bay.

SINUOUS, adj. Bending in undent. L. sinus, a bosom, or bay.

SIR. s. A
word of respect, used in addressing a man above the vulgar
class ; the title of a baronet, or of a knight. F. sire. See SIRE.
father a word of respect, used in addressing a prince. F.
s. ;

sire L. senior, elder.


SI'REN. s. A
goddess, (one of three,) who is fabulously related to have
enticed men by singing, and then devoured them any mischievous ;

enticer. L. siren. The name, according to Bochart, who derives it

from the Phenician language, implies a songstress. Its meaning is,
therefore, synonymous with the G. surizzo, to play on a pipe.
SITE. s. Situation local position. L. situs ; from situs, (p. part, of

sino,) set,i or placed.

SITUA'TION. state.
s. F. situation. See SITE.
Place ;
position ;

SKEL'ETON. The bones of

a body, preserved or remaining, as

nearly as possible, in their natural position the frame of any thing, ;

in an unfinished or decayed state officers of a regiment which has ;

been wasted in service. G-. from skelo, to dry.

SO'CIAL. adj. Fond of society ; relating to society ; familiar; cheer-
ful ; agreeable. L. socialis ; from socius, a companion.
SOCI'ETY. Union of many in one general interest; people thus
united ; company. F. societe : L. societas ; socius, a companion.

SOI DISANT'. as, the soi-disant baronet.
Self-called ; F.
dwell only for a time to live as from home. F.
v. ;

sejourner ; journee, a journey jour, a day. :

SOL ACE. v. To comfort; to cheer. L. solor, to comfort.

SO'LAR. adj. Relating or pertaining to the sun. L. Solaris ; sol, the
SOLD'ER. v. To unite or fasten with metallic cement. L.solido;
from solidus, solid.
s. Originally, one who served for pay. L.
soldurius. The most rational derivation of the word Soldier, is to be
found in Caesar's Com. De Bell. Gall. Lib. iii. xxii. "Atque in ea re,—
omnium nostrorum intentis an i mis, alia ex parte oppidi Adscantuan-
nus, qui summam imperii tenebat, cum DC
devotis, quos illi (Galli)
Soldurios appellant quorum hsec est conditio, ut omnibus in vita

commodis una cum his fruantur, quorum se amicitiaa dediderint: si

quid iis per vim accidat, aut eundem casum una ferant, aut sibi
mortem consciscant : neque adhuc hominum memoria repertus est
quisquam, qui, eo interfecto.cujus se amicitife devovisset, mori recu-
saret." —
"And, when the attention of all was turned to that affair,
Adscantuannus, who held the chief command, came out, from an-
other part of the town, with 600 determined men, whom they (the
Gauls) call SOLDURII whose condition is this, that, in every cir-

cumstance of life, they enjoy the same lot with them to whom they
have attached themselves in friendship. If any violence is done to
them, they either suffer the same misfortune, 01 devote themselves
to death for them : nor as yet, within the memory of man, has any
one been found, who, the person being slain, to whom he had devoted
himself in friendship, had refused to die."
SOLE. s. That part which touches the ground. L. solu?n, that which
sustains or bears any thing on it; the ground.
SOLE. adj. Single; only; (in law,) not married. Old F. sole: L.
solus, alone.
SOL'ECISM. s. Unfitness of one word to another; impropriety in
language. L. soloecismvs : G. soloikismos : Solas, a Grecian city of
Cilicia, in Asia Minor, the inhabitants of which degenerated, in lan-
guage, from the purity of the Attic dialect hence, the Athenians ;

applied the term, soloikoi, to all people of barbarous speech, and to

all barbarians.
SOL'EMN. adj. Religiously grave awful serious. L. solemnis, or
; ;

solennis, yearly, or appointed: that is, done every year, at an ap-

pointed time, in the manner of a religious ceremony solus, only, :

and annus, a vear.

SOLICIT, v. To entreat to implore to ask. L. solicito, to stir or
; ;

dig up the ground, to disturb, to be busy, to trouble, to press, to be

urgent solum, the ground, and cito, to excite, or stir up.

SOLICITOUS, adj. Anxious; anxiously desirous; concerned. L.

solicitus. See SOLICIT. „
SOLTD. adj. Not
liquid ; compact ; not hollow full of matter ; strong

firm having all the geometrical dimensions ; sound ; real grave.


L. solidus, substantial.
SOLIDUNG'ULOUS. adj. Whole-hoofed, not cloven. L. solidus, solid,
and uvgulus, a hoof.
SOLILOQUY, s. A discourse made by one, in private, to himself. F.
soliloque L. sgIus, alone, and loquor, to speak.

SOL'IPEDE. s. An animal whose feet are not cloven. L. solidi, and

pedes, pi. of solidus, solid, and pes, a foot.
SOLITARY, adj. Alone retired done or passed without company ;
; ;

single. L. solitarius ; solus, alone.

SOL'ITUDE. s. Solitary life state of being alone retirement a de-
; ; ;

sert. L. solitudo ; solus, alone.

SO'LO. s. A
tune designed for a single instrument, or a single voice.
Italian from the L. solus, alone.

point in the ecliptic, beyond which the sun does not
go or, rather, beyond which the earth does not proceed, in its an-

nual motion around the sun. L. solstitium ; comp. of sol, the sun,
and status, part, of sto, to stand.
SOLSTITIAL, adj. Relating or pertaining to the solstice. L. solsti-
Halis. See SOLSTICE.
SOL'UBLE. adj. Capable of being dissolved. L. solubilis ; from solvo,
to loosen, or melt.
SOLUTION, s. Act of dissolving ; matter dissolved ; explanation. F.
solution : L. solutio ; solutus, p. part, of soho, to loosen, untie, or
SOLVE, v. To explain ; to make intelligible. L. solvo, to loosen, or
SOL'VENT. adj. Having the power of dissolving having the means ;

of paying debts contracted, and thus dissolving an obligation. L.

solvens, part, of solvo, to loosen, discharge, or melt.
SOMNAM'BULATE. v. To walk while asleep. L. somnus, sleep, and
ambulo, to walk.
SOMNIF'EROUS. adj. Causing sleep. L. somnifer : comp. of somnus,
sleep, and fero, to bring.
SOMNIFIC, adj. Causing sleep. L. somnus, sleep, and facio, to
SOMNOLENCY, s. Sleepiness ; inclination to sleep. L. somnolentia :

somnus, sleep.
SONATA, A tune. Italian
s. ; from the L. sono, to sound.
SON'NET. s. A short poem, or species of song. F. sonnet : L. sono,
to sound. .

argument, ingeniously framed
fallacious an un- ;

sound subtlety. G. sophisma, something invented sophia, wisdom. :

SOPHTST. s. A professor of philosophy a framer of sophisms, or ;

prating caviller. G. sophistes ; sophia, wisdom.

disputant, fallaciously subtle one who frames ;

sophisms; a particular rank in some universities. See SOPHIST.

SOPHISTICATED, part. adj. Fallacious spurious adulterated. See ; ;


SOPHISTRY, s. Fallacious argumentation; logical exercise. See
sleep. L. sopor, sleep, and facio, to make.
pretended enchanter or magician. L. sortiarius ;

from sortis, gen. of sors, a lot, or chance.

SOR' DID. adj. Mean vile base covetous niggardly. L. sordidus ;
; ; ; ;

from sordes, filth.

SORO'RICIDE. s. Murder of a sister. L. soror, a sister, and ctedo,
to kill.
SORT. s. A kind ; a species ; rank. F. sorte : L. sors, a lot, chance,
condition, kind.
SOURCE, s. Spring; head; origin. F. source : L. surgo, to arise.
SOVEREIGN, adj. Supreme power chief; supremely
in ; efficacious.
F. souveraine : L. super, above, and regno, to reign.
SPACE, s. Room; quantity of time ; the relation of distance between
any two bodies or points. L. spatium, a space of ground or time ;
but, properly, a stage or distance in racing.
SPA'CIOUS. adj. Wide ; extensive roomy. L. spatiosus. See ;

SPARSE, adj. Scattered ; far apart. L. sparsus, p. part, of spargo,
to sprinkle.
SPASM, Convulsion
s. violent and involuntary
; contraction. G.
spasma from spao, to draw, or pluck.

SPASMOD'IC. adj. Convulsive. See SPASM.

SPECIAL, adj. Particular; peculiar; appropriate; designed for a
particular purpose; extraordinary; uncommon. L. specialis. See
SPECIES, A sort a subdivision of a general term single order
s. ; ;

of beings. L. species, a form, figure, or sort; from specio, to see.

SPECIFIC, adj. Relating or pertaining to the qualities which make
or distinguish a species appropriated to the cure of some one spe-

cies of distemper. F. specifique : L. species, a sort, and facio, to

SPECIFY, v. To mention a species or sort by some particular marks
of distinction to show or declare particularly, not generally. F.

specifier : L. species, a sort, and facio, to make, or delineate.

SPECIMEN, s. A sample; a part of any divisible species, exhibited,
that the rest may be known. L. See SPECIES.
SPECIOUS, adj. Showy ; plausible apparently, but not really right ;

or valuable. L. speciosus ; from specio, to see.

SPECTACLE, s. Any tiling perceived by the sight; a show; some-
thing exhibited to the view as eminently remarkable (in the plural,) ;

glasses to aid the sight. F. spectacle : L. spectaculum ; spectum, sup.

of specio, to see.
SPECTATOR, s. looker-on a beholder. L. spectator. See SPEC- ;

SPECTRE, s. An apparition ; a phantasm. F. spectre : L. spectrum;
specio, to see.
SPECTRUM, s. An image a visible form. Ocular spectra are images

presented to the eye, after removing them from a bright object, or

closing them. L. from specio, to see.
SPECULAR, adj. Having the qualities of a mirror or looking-glass.
L. specularis ; specio, to see.
SPECULATE, v. To look forward with the mind to conjecture ; to ;

purciiase any thing under the impression of a future advance in its

value, — or to sell in expectation of a decline. L. speculor : from
specio, to see.
SPECULUM, s. A mirror; a looking-glass; that in which represen-
tations are formed by reflexion. L. speculum; specio, to see.
SPERM, s. Seed ; that by which a species is continued. G. sperma ;
speiro, to sow.
SPERMATTC. adj. Seminal : consisting of seed ; belonging to or
containing sperm. See SPERM.
SPERMOL'OGIST. s. One who gathers and treats of seeds. G. sper-
mologos comp. of sperma, seed, and logos, a description.

SPHACELUS, s. A gangrene a mortification of the flesh. G. spha-;

kelos ; from sphazo, to destroy.

SPHERE, s. A globe a solid body, contained under one, uniform,

round surface, every point of which is equally distant from a certain

point in the middle, called its centre orb circuit of motion indi- ; ; ;

vidual compass of knowledge or action particular employment. L. ;

sphaira : G. sphaira, a bowl, or any thing that is round.

SPHE'ROID. s. A solid body, oblong or oblate, approaching the form
of a sphere. G. sphaira, a sphere, and eidos, a shape.
SPHINCTER, s. A muscle, which binds up or draws together any
passage or duct of the body. G. sphingo, to shut up.
SPINE, s. The back-bone. L. spina, a thorn, a prickle, a pin, the
back-bone, [or that which pins the body together.]
SPINAS, s. In botany, thorns or rigid prickles. L. pi. of spina, a
SPINIF'EROUS. adj. Bearing thorns. L. spina, a thorn, and fero, to
SPI'NOUS. adj. Thorny ; full of thorns. L. spinosus : spina, a
SPIR'ACLE. s. A breathing hole ; a vent; a small aperture. L. spu
raculum : spiro, to breathe.
SPI'RAL. adj. Curve ; winding ; circularly formed, like a screw. See
curved line a curl a wreath a building of a taper
; ; ;

form on the outside or inside of which winding stairs are built any ;

building of a taper form, without winding stairs. L. spira ; from

the G. speira, a rope ; alluding to the winding convolutions of the
several plies of a rope.
SPIR'IT. s. Breath; principle of animal life; an immaterial sub-
stance; an intellectual being the human soul; a spectre temper;
; ;

ardour; courage; enterprise; desire; eharacteristical likeness; an

inflammable and intoxicating liquor, obtained by distillation. L.
spiritus : spiro, to breathe.
SPIRTTUAL. adj. Distinct from matter; incorporeal; relating to the
soul not temporal relating to eternity ecclesiastical. F. spirituel:
; ; ;

L. spiritualis. See SPIRIT.

SPIRITUOUS, adj. Having the quality of distilled spirit. F. spiri-
tueux. See SPIRIT.
SPLEEN, s. The milt one of the intestine members, the use of which

is scarcely known. It is fancied to be the seat of anger, melancholy,

and mirth hence, the application of the term, in relation to these

passions. L. and G. splen.

SPLEN'DID. adj. Showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous. F.
splendide : L. splendidiis : splendeo, to shine.
SPLENETIC, adj. Troubled with the spleen ; fretful peevish. F. ;

splenetique. See SPLEEN.

SPOIL, carry
v. To away by
force; to plunder; to injure; to grow
L. spolio ; from the G. spao, to draw, or pluck off.
SPOLIATION, s. Act of spoiling or plundering. L. spoliatio. See
SPON'SOR. s. One who makes a promise or gives security for an.
other. L. sponsor : sporisus, p. part, of spondeo, to promise willingly.
SPONTANEOUS, adj. Voluntary ; natural ; without cultivation. L.
spontaneus ; from spondeo, to promise willingly.
SPOUSE, s. One joined in marriage a husband or wife. ; F. epouse,
(formerly espouse :) L. sponsa : sponsus, p. part, of spondeo, to pro-
mise willingly.
SPRIGHT, or SPRITE, s. A spirit ; an apparition. This word is a
contraction of Spirit.
SPRTGfiT'LY. adj. Airy; with spirit; lively. See SPRIGHT.
SPUME, s. Foam, or froth. L. spuma : spuo, to spit: and, from the
same root, is derived the verb spew.
SQUAD, s. A company of armed men
a party learning military ex- ;

ercise ; any small party.

F. escouade. See SQUADRON.
SQUAD'RON. s. Originally, signified a body of troops drawn up
square. It now denotes part of an army, or part of a fleet, and
sometimes, a small fleet. F. escadron : Italian, squadrone : L. quad,
ratus, squared.
SQUALID, adj. Foul nasty filthy. L. squalidus : squaleo, to be
; ;

SQUAMOUS, adj. Scaly ; covered with scales. L. squameus : squama,
the scale of a fish, &c.
SQUIRE, s. This word, a contraction of Esquire, is used, by the pea-
santry of England, to denote a country gentleman and signifies, in; ;

some parts of the United States of America, a justice of the peace.

STABILITY, s. Capability of standing; steadiness; firmness. F.
stabilite : L. stabilitas. See STABLE.
STA'BLE. adj. Capable of standing ; steady firm. L. stabilis : sto, ;

to stand.
STA'BLE. s. A house for beasts. L. stabulum : sto, to stand.
STAG'NANT. adj. Motionless ; not flowing. L. stagnans, part, of
slagno, to stand still : sto, to stand.
STAGNATE, v. To become motionless ; to have no course or stream.
L. stagnatus, p. part, of stagno, to stand still.
STALACTITE, s. Spar, in the shape of an icicle, formed by water
dropping from the fissures of a rock. G. stalazo, to drop.
STAM'INA. s. First principles solids of the human body (in botany,)
; ;

littlethreads or capillaments, which grow up within the flowers of

plants, and encompass the style. L. pi. of stamen, hemp, flax, &c,
placed on a distaff for spinning, or a thread G. istemi, to place, — :

or build.
STAMIN'EOUS. adj. In botany, consisting of stamina, or threads.
L. stamineus. See STAMINA.
STAN'NARY. s. The stannary courts, in Devonshire and Cornwall,
are for the administration of justice amongst persons working or
concerned in the tin mines. L. stannarius ; from stannium, tin.
STATE, s. Condition; circumstances of nature or fortune; degree;

ceremonious order, or position ; rank ;
grandeur nation or com-

monwealth. L. status : status, p. part, of sto, to stand.

STATE, v. To
represent the state or condition, in all the circum-
stances of modification to explain. See tue noun.

STA'TED. part. adj. Established: ordained; regular. L. status, p.

part, of sto, to stand, or continue.
STAT'ICS. s. That branch of mechanics which treats of bodies at
rest ; opposed to dynamics, which treats of bodies in motion. In
medicine, a kind of epileptics, or persons seized with epilepsies. G.
statike: statos, part, of istemi, to stand, or sustain.
STA'TION. s. Appointed place of standing or assembling; session at
an appointed place; post; office; situation; rank; condition of life.
F. station : L. statio : status, p. part, of sto, to stand.
STA'TION ER. s. vender of books, &c, who remains in one station
or fixed place, but does not sell as an itinerant, or pedler. See
STAT'UE. s. A standing image. F. statue : L. statua : status, p.
part, of sto, to stand.
STAT U QUO. In its (his, her, or their,) former state. L. statu, in
the state, quo, in which ; status and qui.
STAT'URE. s. The height of any ammal, measured when standing.
F. stature : L. slalura : status, p. part, of sto, to stand.
STAT' US QUO. The "status quo ante bellum," the state in which
[the several belligerents were] before the war. L.
law, intended to be permanent and general, not
made for a temporary or particular purpose. F. statut : L. slatutum
status, p. part, of sto, to stand, or continue.
STEGANOG'RAPHY. s. The art of writing secretly, in ciphers. G.
steganos, secret, and grapho, to write.
STEGNO'SIS. s. An obstruction of the pores of the body ; the sup-
pression of any evacuation. G. stegno-o, to bind.
STEGNOTTC. adj. Binding; rendering costive. G. stegnotikos ; from
stegvo-o, to bind.
STELLAR, adj. Astral ; relating to the stars. L. Stella, a star.
STEL/LATE. adj. Pointed in the manner of an irradiating star. L.
stellatus, part, of stellor : Stella, a star.
STENOG'RAPHY. s. Short-hand. G. stenos, short, and grapho, to
STERCORA'CEOUS. adj. Relating to dung; partaking of the nature
of dung. L. stercoraceus : dung.
stercoris, gen. of stercus,
STEREOGRAPHY, Art of drawing the forms of solid bodies on a

plane. G. stereos, solid, and grapho, to write.

STEREOMETRY, s. The art of measuring solid bodies. G. stereos,
solid, and nietreo, to measure.
STEREOTYPE, s. Stereotype printing is by types cast together, in
a solid plate not by types, each of which can be separated from the

others. G. stereos, solid, and tupos, a type.

STERILE, adj. Barren; unfruitful, h.steiilis; from the G. stereo,
to take away.
STETH ESCOPE. s. A tubular instrument, for distinguishing diseases
of the stomach by sounds. G. stethos, the breast, and skopeo, to view.
STIG'MA. s. A mark of infamy. G. stigma ; from stizo, to brand,
v 241

STIGMATIZE, v. To brand, or distinguish by a mark of infamy.
STILL, s. A vessel used in distilling. See DISTIL.
STIM'ULATE. v. To excite forward; to influence by some pungent
motive ; to increase the animal spirits. L. stimulo, to prick G. :

stigme, a point.
STIPEND, s. Salary settled pay. L. stipendium ; from stipis, a

piece of money, with which the Roman soldiers were anciently paid,
by weight, and pernio, to pay.
STIPENDIARY, s. One who receives a stipend. See STIPEND.
STIP'ULATE. v. To bargain to ; contract ; to settle terms. L. stipiu
lor ; from stipo, to fill up close.
STOTC. s. One who holds the doctrines of the heathen philosopher,
Zeno. L. stoicus : G. stoikos ; from stoa, a porch, in which Zeno
STOMACH, The ventricle in which food is digested ; appetite. L.
stomachus G. stoma, a mouth, and echo, to have.

STO'RY. s. History ; a small tale a petty fiction. See HISTORY. ;

STRAIGHT, adj. Not crooked turning neither to the right nor left

direct. See STRAIT.

STRAIN, v. To squeeze through something to filter ; to sprain ; to ;

put to its utmost strength. F. estreindre : L. stringo, to tighten, or

STRAIT, adj. ; Narrow
close ; confined ; strict, s. narrow pass A
distress ; F. etroit, formerly estroit.
difficulty. L. strictus, p. part.
of stringo, to tighten, or bind.
foreigner ; one unknown ; a guest ; one unac-
quainted. F. etranger ; from the L. extraneus, foreign: extra,
STRAN'GLE. v. To choke ; to suffocate ; to kill by intercepting the
breath ; to hinder from birth or appearance. L. strangulo : G.
strangulo-o, to writhe, or twist.
painful difficulty in passing urine. L. strangu-
ria : G. strangouria : comp. of Strang x, a drop, and ouron, urine.
STR AT' A. s. Layers. Plural of Stratum. L.
STRATAGEM, s. An artifice in war ; a trick, by which some ad-

vantage is endeavoured to be gained. L. stratagema : G. strategema :

from strategeo, to command an army comp. of stratos, an army, :

and ago, to lead.

STRAT'AGY. s. The art of conducting a war. See STRATAGEM.
STRATEOL'OGY. s. A discourse on the art of conducting a war
the art of conducting a war. G. stratos, an army, and logos, a word,
or discourse.
STRATIFY, v. To arrange in strata, or layers. F. stratifier : L.
stratum, a bed, or layer, and facio, to make.
STRATOG'RAPHY. s. Description of whatever relates to an army.
G. stratos, an army, and grapho, to write.
STRA'TUM. s. layer. A
L. stratum : stratus, p. part, of sterno, to
w ay (properly a paved way,) between two rows of

houses; the houses which bound the way. Derived, through the

Saxon, from stratum ; which is from stratus, p. part, of sterno, to
STRENUOUS, adj. Active ; zealous ; ardently laborious. L. sirenuus,
STRESS, s. Violence ; force ; importance imputed. L. strictus, p.
part, of stringo. See STRAIN.
STRI'tE. In natural history, the small grooves or channels in the
shells of cockles, scallops, &c. L. pi. of stria, a groove.
STRI'ATE, or STRI'ATED. adj. Formed in stria. L. striatus, p.
part, of strio, to groove.
STRICT, adj. Exact accurate rigorously attentive to rules severe
; ; ;

confined; tight. L. strictus, p. part, of stringo, to tighten, or bind.

STRICTURE, s. Contraction critical remark. L. strictura : strictus,

p. part, of stringo, to grasp, or hold fast.

STRUCTURE, s. Act of building practice of building that which ; ;

is built form arrangement of words. F. structure : L. structura :

; ;

structus, p. part, of struo, to pile up.

STU'DENT. s. One who is studying. L. studens, part, of studeo, to
STUDY, s. Earnest application of the mind to books and learning ;
deep cogitation ; any particular kind of learning a room for studying ;

in. L. studium : studeo, to apply the mind to, or desire eagerly.

STUL'TIFY. v. To turn to a fool to stupefy. L. stultus, foolish, and ;

Jio, to become.
STUPEFACTION, s. Act of stupefying state of being stupefied. ;

F. stupefaction : L. stupefactus, p. part, of stupefacio. See STU-

STU'PEFY. v. To make stupid. L. stupefacio ; comp. of stupor, sense-
lessness, and facio, to make.
STU'PID. adj. Dull ; wanting
sensibility wanting apprehension ; ;

sluggish. L. stupidus. See STUPOR.

STU'POR. s. Suspension or diminution of sensibility. L. stupor ; from
the G. stupho, to tie fast.
STYGTAN. Relating or pertaining to the river Styx hellish
adj. ;

infernal. L„ stygius ; Stygis, gen. of Styx, the poetical infernal

lake. G. Stux; from Stugeo, to tremble.

pointed iron, used anciently in writing on tables of wax;
manner of writing, with regard to the language ; manner of execut-
ing, effecting, or acting, in general title appellation the pin of a ; ; ;

dial, &c. L. stylus : G. stulos, a column.

STYPTIC, or STYPTTCAL. adj. Astringent efficacious in stopping ;

a flow of blood. L. stypticus : G. stuptikos ; stupho, to tie fast, or

SUA'SIVE. adj. Persuasive. L. suadeo, to persuade.
SUAV ITER IN MO' DO. Gently in the manner; an expression
opposed to fortiter in re : which see. L.
SUAVITY, s. Agreeableness amiability. F. suavite : L. suavitas ;

suavis, sweet.
SUB. A Latin preposition, signifying under, or in a subordinate de-
SUBAL'TERN. adj. Subordinate of rank below that of a captain. F.

subalterne : L. sub, under, and alter, another.

SUBAQ'UEOUS. adj. Existing under water. L. sub, under, and aqua ;
SUBDIVI'DE. v. To divide that which has been already divided. L.
sub, under, (meaning-, in a subordinate degree,) and divide.
SUBDIVISION, s. Act of subdividing ; thing subdivided. L. sub,
under, (meaning, in a subordinate degree,) and division.
SUBDU'CE, or SUBDUCT, v. To withdraw; to take away; to sub.
tract. L. subduco, (sup. subductum ;) sub, under, and duco, to lead.
SUBDUC'TION. s. Act of subducing, or subducting. L. subduciio.
SUBDU'E. v. To bring under the yoke ; to subjugate ; to conquer. L.
PLICATE, adj. Containing one part of
two. F. subduple ; from the L. sub, under, and duplex, double, or
duplicatus, doubled.
SU'BERATES. s. Salts formed by the combination of any base, with
the suberic acid! See SUBERIC.
SUBER'IC. adj. Suberic acid is obtained from cork. L. suber, the
cork tree, or cork.
SUBJACENT, adj. Lying under. L. subjacens, part, of subjaceo ; sub,
under, and jaceo, to lie.
SUBJECT', v. To reduce to submission to make subordinate; to en- ;

sl ve to expose
; to make liable.
SUB'JECT. s. One who lives under the dominion of another; that on
which any operation, either mental or material, is performed; that
in which any thing inheres or exists (in grammar,) the nominative

case to a verb. L. subject us, p. part, of subjicio ; sub, under, and

jacen, to he.
SUBJOIN'. ». To add L. sub, under, and join.
at the end.
bring into a state of permanent submission ; to
subdue. L. subjugo ; svb, under, and jugum, a yoke. An enemy,
when beaUn by the Romans, were actually compelled to march un-
der the jugum, or yoke, formed of three spears, erected in the man-
ner of a ga Hows.
SUBJUNCTIVE, adj. Subjoined; dependent; contingent. L. sub.
junctivus ; from subji/nsro ; sub, under, and jungo, to join.
SUB'LIMATE, or SUBLIME, u. To raise by the force of fire to ele- ;

vate. See the adj. SUBLIME.

SUBLI'ME adj. High in place ; high in excellence ; indescribably
grand. L. sublimis, lofty*
SUBLING'UAL. adj. Placed under the tongue. L. sub, under, and
lingua, the tongue.
SUBLUNAR Y. adj. Terrestrial ; of this world. L. sub, under, and
luna, the moon.
SUBMARI'NE. adj. Lying or acting under the sea. L. sub, under,
and mare, the sea.
SUBMERGE', v. To put under water. L. submergo ; comp, of sub,
und r, tnd mergo, to sink.
SUB W KR'SION. s. Act of submerging ; state of being submerged. F.

submersion L. suhmvrsus, p. part, ol submergo. See SUBMKR(*E.


SUBMISSION, s. Act of submitting. L. submissio ; submissus, p.

part, of submitto. See SUBMIT.

SUBMIT', v. To resign ; to leave to discretion ; to refer to judgment ;

to be subject; to acquiesce in the authority of another ; to yield. L.

submitto ;comp. of sub, under, and mitto, to send, or throw;
SUB MO DO. In a qualified manner. L.
SUBORDINATE, adj. Inferior in order, in nature, in dignity, or in
power. L. sub, under, and ordinatus, p. part, of ordino, to put in
order ordo, an order, or rule.

SUBORN', v. To procure the aid or favour of, by secret and dishonest

means to seduce from duty. L. suborno ; sub, under, (meaning

secretly,) and orno, to deck, or furnish.

writ commanding attendance, under a penalty. L.
sub, under, poena, punishment.
SUBSCRI'BE. v. To write under to give consent to, or promise by ;

underwriting the name to assent. L. subscribo ; sub, under, and


scribo, to write,
SUBSCRIPTION, s. Act of subscribing ; amount, &c. subscribed ;

written contribution. L. subscriptio ; subscriptus, p. part, of sub.

scribo. See SUBSCRIBE.
SUBSECTION, s. A subdivision of a larger section. L. sub, under,
and section.
SUBSEQUENT, adj. Following. L. subsequens, part, of subsequor
comp. of sub, under, or next after, and sequor, to follow.
serve in subordination
v. to serve instrumental^. ;

L. subservio ; sub, under, and servio, to serve.

SUBSI'DE. v. To sink ; to fall to the bottom ; to cease. L. subsido ;
sub, under, and sido, to perch, or settle ; or subsideo ; comp. of sub,
under, and sedeo, to sit.
SUBSIDIARY, adj. Assistant ; aiding. L. subsidiarius. See SUB-
SUB'SIDY. s. Aid, in a general, national, or military way. L. subsi.
dium ; sub, under, and sedeo, to sit.
SUB SILEN'TIO. In silence; without any notification. L. sub,
under, silentio, abl. of silentium, silence.
SUBSIST', v. To be to have existence to retain the present state
; ;

or condition to continue. ; L. subsisto ; from sub, under, and sisto,

to stand still, or stay.
SUB'STANCE. s. Something existing something tangible the essen- ; ;

tial part; means of life. L. substantia ; substans, part, of substo, to

stand still sub, under, and sto, to stand.

SUBSTAN'TIAL. adj. Having substance real actually existing ; ;

material; solid; firm; strong; durable moderately wealthy. See ',

SUBSTANTIATE, v. To prove real ; to prove, as in giving evidence.
SUB'STANTIVE. s. A noun ; the name of a person, or of a thing,
real or imaginary. L. subsiantivum. See SUBSTANCE.
SUBSTITUTE, s. One person acting in the place of another ; any
thing used instead of some other thing. L. subslitutus, p. part, of
subsiitio ; sub, under, and statuo, to set, or place.
SUBS IRUC'TURE. Foundation; that part of any building which

is under the surface of the ground, (opposed to superstructure.) L.

sub, under, and structure.
v 245
SUBTAN'GENT. s. In any curve, is the line which determines the
intersection of the tangent in the axis prolonged. L. sub, under, and
tangeus, part. o\ tango, to touch.
SUBTEND', v. To bo exiendtd under. L. sub, under, and tendo, to
i s. That which is extended under
the chord of an arch. ;

L. sub, under, and tensus, of tendo, to stretch.

p. part,
SUBTERFLU'ENT, or SUBTER'FLUOUS. adj. Flowing unrler. L.
subterfluens, part, of subterjluo ; subter, under, and^uo, to flow.
SUBTERFUGE, s. shift an evasion a trick. F. subterfuge : L.
; ;

subter, under, and fugio, to run away.

(within,) the earth; placed under the earth. L. subterraneus ; from
sub, under, and terra, the earth.
SUBTILE, or SUBTLE, adj. Thin; not dense; vaporous; nice;
fine; piercing; acute: — also, cunning ; artful; refined or acute be-
yond necessity. In these senses, it is generally written subtle. L.
subtilis, finely spun sub, under, (meaning in a low degree,) and

tela, a web.
SUBTRACT', v. To withdraw a part from the rest; to diminish to ;

deduct, by arithmetic, a less sum from a greater, and place the re-
mainder underneath. L. subtractum, sup. of subtraho ; sub, under,
and traho, to draw.
SUB'URB. s. Building without the walls of a city precinct. L. sub. ;

urbium : sub, under, and urbs, a city.

SUBVERSION, s. Act of subverting; state of being subverted. F.
subversion : L. subversus, p. part, of subverto. See SUBVERT.
SUBVERT', v. To overthrow to overturn to lurn upside down to
; ; ;

corrupt; to confound. L. subverto ; from sub, under, and verto, to

substitute. L. from succedo, to follow.
SUCCEED', v. follow in order; to come into the place of one who
has quitted or died ; to obtain one's desire to terminate prosperously, ;

&c. L. succedo; sub, under, or next after, and cedo. to depart.

SUCCESS', s. The termination of any affair, fortunate or unfortunate,

— but often used in a happy sense, without any qualilying term. L.

successus ; from a part, ot succedo. See SUCCEED.
SUCCESSION, s. Act of succeeding regular order series. L. sue- ; ;

ci'ssio ; successus, p. part, of succedo. See SUCCEED.

SUCCINCT, adj. Concise; brief. L. succinctus, p. part, of succingo ;
comp. of sub, under, ;>nd cingo, to gird.
SUCCOUR, v. To aid ; to relieve. L. succurro ; sub, under, and curro,
to run.
SUCCULENT, adj. Juicy; moist. L. succulentus ; succus, juice.
SrCCUMB'. v. To yield to sink under any difficulty. This word
; is
inelegant. L. succumbo ; sub, under, and cumbo, to lie.
SUDA'TION. s. Sweat; a sweating. ~L.suda.tio; sudo, to sweat.

SU'DATORY. s. A sweating chamber. L. sudatorius ; from sudo, to

SUDORIFTC. adj. Promoting sweat. F. sudorifique: L. sudor, sweat,
and facio, to make.

SUFFER, v. To bear to undergo ; to feel, with sense of pain ; to

allow; to be injured. L. svffero ; sub, under, and fero, to bear.

SUFFICE, v. To be sufficient; to satisfy. L. sujficio ; sub, under, or
near to, and facio, to make.
SUFFI'CIENT. adj. Equal to the proposed end enough competent; ; ;

L. sufficiens, part, of sufficio. See SUFFICE.

SUF FOCATE. v. To choke, or prevent respiration, by the exclusion
or interception of air. L. suffoco ; from sub, under, and focus, a fire-
hearth, or a fire.
SUFFRAGAN, adj. A suffragan
bishop is subject to his metropolitan
or superior bishop. L. suffraganeus. See SUFFRAGE.
SUFFRAGE, s. Vote voice given upon a controverted point. F

suffrage : L. suffragium ; from suffero. See SUFFER.

SUFFUS'ED. part. adj. Spread. L. suffusus, p. part, of suffundo ; sub,
under, and /undo, to pour out.
SUGGEST', v. To hint privately; to intimate; to propose. L. sug-
gestinn, sup. of suggero ; comp. of sub, under, and gero, to carry.
SUICIDE, s. Self-murder. L. suicidium ; sui, of himself or herself,
and cades, slaughter c&do, to kill.

SUI GENERIS. Of its own kind ; not to be classed under any or-
dinary description. L. gen. of suus, and genus.
SUIT. s. setA a number of things corresponding one to another a
; ;

petition or address of entreaty courtship; action at law. F. suite:


suivre, to follow. L. secutus, part, of sequor, to follow.

SUIT'ABLE. adj. Fitting according with ; agreeable. See SUIT,

and ABLE.
SUITE, s. Series; retinue; (pronounced sweet.) See SUIT.
SUM. s. The whole many particulars conjoined, so as to form
; a total
the result of reasoning or computation; quantity of money ; comple-
tion ;height. L. summa : summus, highest.
SUMMARY, adj. Containing the chief heads ; short ; brief; last
immediate ; compendious. L. summarium, an abridgment. See SUM.
SUM'MON. v. To call with authority ; to admonish to appear to cite ; ;

to excite ; to raise. L. summoneo : sub, under [subject to a penalty,]

and moneo, to put in mind, or warn.
SUM' MUM BO NUM. The chief good. L.
SUMP'TER. s. An animal which carries provisions on a journey. L.
sumplus, p. part, of sumo, to take.
SUMP'TUARY. adj. Relating to expense; regulating expenditures;
promoting economy. L. sumptuarius : sumptus, expense ; from
sutno, to take, or procure.
SUMP'TUOUS. adj. Costly expensive ; splendid.; L. sumptuosus ;
sumptus, expense, from sumo, to take, or procure.
SU'PER. In composition, denotes above, over, more than another,
more than enough. L.
SU'PERABLE. adj. Conquerable ; that may be overcome. L. super-
alrilis : super, above.
SUPER ABUN' DANCE, s. Overabundance; more than enough. L.
super, above, and abundance.
SUPERADD', v. To add over and above ; to add to what has been
added. L. superaddo : super, above, and addo, to add.
SUPERANNUATED, part adj. Impaired or disqualified by age. L.
super, above, or beyond, and annus, a year.
SUPERB', adj. Grand ; pompous; splendid. L. superhus ; from super,
person sent in a ship, to superintend the dis-
posal or purchase of the merchandise. L. super, over, and cargo.
SUPERCILIOUS, adj. Haughty dogmatical ; dictatorial ; arbitrary ;

overbearing. L. superciliosus, of a sour countenance from super- ;

cilium, the brow.

SUPEREROGATION, s. Performance of more than duty requires.

L. super, beyond, or above, and erogatio, a bestowing from erogo ; ;

com p. of e, from, and rogo, to ask.

SURERFI'CIAL. adj. Lying on the surface not reaching below the ;

surface ;shallow ; not profound insufficient smattering

; not ; ;

learned. F. superficiel. See SUPERFICIES.

SUPERFI'CIES. s. Outside surface. L. comp. of super, above, and

fades, a face.
SUPERFI'NE. adj. Eminently fine. L. super, above, and fine.
SUPER'FLUOUS. adj. Exuberant more than enough unnecessary.
; ;

L. superjluus, flowing over super, over, and^uo, to flow.


SUPERGLA'CIAL. adj. Resting on ice. L. super, above, and glacies,

SUPERINCUM'BENT. adj. Lying on the top. L. super, above, and
SUPERINDU'CE. v. To bring in as an addition ; to bring in some-
thing extrinsic. L. super, over, and induce.
SUPERINTEND', v. To oversee ; to conduct. L. super, over, and
SUPE'RIOR. adj. Higher; greater in dignity or excellence; upper;
(with to,) not to be conquered or overcome by. L. com par. of super,
or supra, above.
SUPERLATIVE, adj. Implying or expressing the highest degree;
superior; paramount. L. superlativus : superlatus, p. part, of super-
fern : super, beyond, or above, and fero, to carry.
SUPERNATANT, adj. Swimming above floating. L. supernatans,

part, of supernato ; comp. of super, above, and nato, to swim.

SUPERNATURAL, adj. Above the powers of nature unusual. L. ;

super, above, and natural.

SUPERSE'DE. v. To make void or inefficacious by superior power;
to set aside ; to displace. L. supersedeo : super, over, and sedeo, to
SUPERSTITION, s. Unnecessary fear or scruples in religion ; ob-
servance of unnecessary and uncommanded rites or practices; false
religion or worship too scrupulous exactness. L. superstitio : super,

beyond, or above, and sto, to stand.

SUPERSTRUCTURE, s. That which is built or raised upon some-

thing else that which is raised above the surface of the ground
; :

(opposed to substructure.) L. super, above, and structure.

SUPERVENE, v. To come as an extraneous addition. L. supervenio ;
super, above, or besides, and venio, to come.
SUPERVENTION, s. Act of supervening. L. superventus, p. part.
of supervenio. See SUPERVENE.

oversee to examine the general conduct or ac-
v. ;

counts of others. L. super, over, and visum, sup. of video, to see.

SUPPLANT', v. To displace by stratagem to overcome. L. sup- ;

planto ; from sub, under, and planla, the foot.

SUPPLE, adj. Pliant; flexible; flattering; fawning. L. supplex
sub, under, and plico, to fold.
SUP'PLE.VIENT. s. Addition to any thing, by which its defects are
supplied. L. supplementum : suppleo, to fill up.
SUP'PLIANT. adj. Humbly entreating; praying; submissive. F.
suppliant: L. supplicans, part, of supplier). See SUPPLICATE.
SUP PLICATE, v. To entreat to implore to petition submissively
; ;

and humbly. L. supplico, to beg on one's knees: sub, under, and

plico, to fold [the hands.]
SUPPLY', v. To fill up, as any deficiencies happen to give some- ;

thing wanted ; to serve instead of; to bring to furnish. L. suppleo : ;

sub, under, or near to, and pleo, to fill.

SUPPORT', v. To sustain to prop to bear up to endure to aid ;
; ; ; ;

to defend to supply with the necessaries of liie.

; L. supporto : sub,
under, and porto, to carry, or bear.
SUPPO SE. v. To advance, by way of argument or illustration, with-
out maintaining the truth of the position; to admit without proof;
to conjecture to imagine.
; F. supposer : L. suppositus, p. part, of
suppono : sub, under, and pono, to place.
SUPPOSI'TION. s. Act of supposing ; thing supposed. F. supposi-
tion. See SUPPOSE.
SUPPRESS', v. To crush ; to overpower ; to subdue ; to conceal ; to
withhold. L. suppressum, sup. of supprimo : sub, under, and premo,
to press.
SUP'P URATE, v. To generate pus or matter to be in a state of dis- ;

charging matter. L. suppuro : sub, under, and pus, (puris,) cor-

rupted matter.
SUPREM'ACY. s. Highest place ; highest authority ; state of being
supreme. See SUPREME.
SUPRE'ME. adj. Highest in authority or dignity; chief. L. su-
premus, superlative of super, or supra, above.
SURCHARGE', s. Additional charge; additional quantity. F. sur,
(L. super,) over, and charge.
SUR'CINGLE. s. Exterior girth that which binds down a saddle, by

passing over it and the ordinary girths; the girdle of a cassock. F.

sur, (L. super,) over, and L. cingula, a girth cingo, to gird. :

SURE. adj. Certain; infallible; confident; safe firm. F. sur: L. ;

securus : se, denoting separation or absence, and cura, care.

SUR'FACE. s. Superficies ; outside. F. sur, (L. super,) above, and
SURFEIT, Sickness or satiety, caused by over-fulness or repeti-
tion. F. from sur, over, and fait, past part, of faire, to do: L. super,
and facio.
rough, swelling sea; a billow; a foaming wave. L.
surgo, to arise.
SUR GEON. s. One who cures by manual operation. F. chirurgeon,
or chirurgien : G. cheir, the hand, and ergon, work.
SURMI'SE. v. To suspect ; to imagine imperfectly ; to conjecture.
F. surmise: svr, over, upon, or towards, (L. super,) and L. mitto, to
send, or put forth.
SURMOUNT', v. To rise above to conquer to overcome.
; F. sur- ;

monter comp. of sur, above, and monter, to get up, or rise L. su-
; :

per, above, and mons, a mountain.

SURNAME, s. Additional name family name the name which a ; ;

person has besides his Christian name. F. sur, (L. super,) over, and
SUR'PLICE. s. The outer, or white gown, worn by some ministers
of religion, during a part of the church-service. F. surplis : sur,
over, and plisser, to fold L. super, and plico.

SUR'PLUS. s. Supernumerary or extra part; superabundant remain-

der. F. sur, over, and plus, more L. super, and plus. :

SURPRISE, v. To take unawares to attack unexpectedly to asto- ; ;

nish by something wonderful to confuse or perplex by something


sudden. F. surpris, p. part, of surprendre : L. super, over, and

prendo, to take, or lay hold on.
SURRENDER, v. To yield to deliver to another to resign. F. sur-
; ;

rendre L. sub, under, and F. rendre, to return.


SURREPTITIOUS, adj. Done by stealth obtained or produced fraud- ;

ulently. L. surreptitius : surrepo : sub, under, and repo, to creep.

deputy; the deputy of an ecclesiastical judge.
L. surrogatus, p. part, of surrogo : sub, under, and rogo, to demand,
or inquire.
SUR TOUT', s. A large coat worn over all the rest. F. comp. of sur,
over, and lout, all.
SUR'VEILLANCE. s. Overseeing ; overlooking ; having an eye upon.
F. surveiller, to oversee.
SURVEY', v. To look over; to view as from a higher place; to ex-
amine; to measure the contents, and ascertain the relative position
of lands, &c. Old F. surveoir : sur, (L. super,) over, and voir, to
SURVI'VE. v. To outlive, or live after the death of another ; to live
after any thing. F. survivre : L. super, beyond, and vivo, to live.

SUSCEP'TIBLE. adj. Capable of receiving or admitting subject to ;

receive or admit. F. susceptible : L. susceptus, p. part, of suscipio ;

comp. of sub, under, and capio, to take.
SUS'CITATE. v. To rouse ; to excite. L. suscito, to awake ; from
sub, under, and cito, to call.
SUSPECT', v. To imagine, with a degree of fear and jealousy, what
is not known to suppose guilty, without proof; to conjecture ; to

doubt. L. suspectum, sup. of suspicio : sub, under, and specio, to

SUSPEND', v. To hang; to make to stop for a while; to delay; to
debar for a time from the execution of an office, or the enjoyment of
a revenue. L. suspendo : sub, under, and pendeo, to hang up.
SUSPENSE', s. Uncertainty; doubt; delay. F. suspens : L. suspen-
sus, p. of suspendo. See SUSPEND.
SUSPENSION, s. Act of suspending; state of being: suspended. L.
suspensio : suspensus, p. part, of suspendo. See SUSPEND.
SUSPICION, s. Act of suspecting; state of being suspected. L. sus-
picio. See SUSPECT.

bear; to prop; to support; to endure; to suffer
without yielding. L. sustineo : sub, under, and teneo, to hold.
SUSTENANCE, s. Support; maintenance; food. F. soustenance
L. sustinens, part, of sustin-eo. See SUSTAIN.
SYCOPHANT, s. deceitful parasite a designing flatterer a mean,; ;

insinuating fellow. L. sychophanta : G. sukopliant es : suke, a fig,

and phao, to tell. " By a law of Solon," says Plutarch, " no produc-
tion of the Attican binds, except oil, was allowed to be sold to stran-
gers,— and, therefore, it is not improbable, what some affirm, that
the exportation ofjigs was formerly forbidden, and. that the informer
against the delinquents was called a sycophant."
SYL'LABLE. s. A sound, pronounced by a single impulse of the
voice, and constituting a word, or part of a word. L. syllaba: G.
sullabe : sullambano, to contain suji, with, and lambano, to take.

SYL'LABUS. s. An abstract; a compendium, containing the heads

of a discourse. G. sullabos : sullambano, to contain sun, with, and :

lambano, to take.
SYL'LOGISM. s. An argument composed of three propositions: as,
Everyman thinks; Henry is a man; therefore, Henry thinks. L.
syllogismus : sun, with, and logos, reason.
G. sullogis7nos :

SYL' VAN, or SILVAN, adj. Woody shady relating or pertaining

; ;

to woods. L. sylva, or silva, a wood.

comprehensive form a type a figurative represen-
; ;

tation ; a sign. L. symbolum : G. sumbolon ; from sumballo, to bring

together sun, with, and ballo, to throw.

SYMMETRY, s. Harmony of parts; proportion. L. symmetria : G.

sun, with, and metron, measure.
SYMPATHETTC. adj. Having mutual sensation feeling in conse-

quence of what another feels producing an effect by having some


relative quality. F. sympathetique. See SYMPATHY.

SYM'PATHY. s. Mutual sensibility; fellow feeling the quality of ;

being affected by the affection of another. F. sympathie : G. sumpa-

theia ; sun, with, and pathos, passion pascho, to suffer.

SYM'PHONY. s. Harmony of sound that part of a tune, composed


in the same style, which is sung or played before or after the main
part, or in the intervals. L. symphonia : G. sun, with, and phone, a
SYM'PHYSIS. s. Act of growing together union of two bones ; a ;

mode of membral articulation, in which there is no motion. G. sun,

with, and phuo, to grow.
SYMPTOM, s. That which happens with something else a sign. F. ;

symptone : G. sumptoma ; comp. of sun, with, and pipto, to fall.

religious assembly of Jews; a Jewish place of
worship. F. synogogue : G. sunagoge ; sun, with, and ago, to lead,
or bring.
SYNALE'PHA. s. A contraction or excision of a syllable, in scanning
Latin verse: as, ilVet, for ille et. G. sunaloiphe ; sun, with, and
aleipho, to mix.
close conjunction of two bones. G. sun,
with, and arthro-o, to form.
union, by gristles, of the sternon to the
ribs. G. sun, with, and chondros, a cartilage.

SYNCHRONIC, or SYNCHRON'ICAL. adj. Happening at the same
time. G. sun, with, and chronos, time.
SYN'COPE. s. Fainting fit contraction of a word, by cutting off a

part in the middle. F. syncopie : G. sunkope ; sun, with, and kopto,

to cut.
SYN'DIC. s. chief magistrate of a corporation, or of a commu-
nity. G. sundikos ; sun, with, and dike, justice.
figure,' by which a part is substituted for the
whole, or the whole for a part. G. sunekdoke ; comp. of sun, with,
ek, out of, and dechomai, to take.
SYN'OD. s. An assembly, particularly of ecclesiastics. L. synodus :
G. sunodos ; sun, with, and odos, a way.
SYNON'YMOUS. adj. Expressing the same thing of the same mean- ;

ing. G. sunonumos ; sun, with, and onuma, or onoma, a name.

general view all the parts brought under one view.

G. sunopsis ; sun, with, and ops, a view.

SYNTHESIS, s. The act of joining; the act of forming a compound
body by the union of elements opposed to analysis. G. sunthesis :

sun, with, and tithemi, to put.

SYNTHETIC, compounding opposed to analytic.
adj. Conjoining ; :

G. sunlhetikos. See SYNTHESIS.

SYRINGE, s. An instrument for squirting liquids. G. suringx, {fis-
tula,) a pipe.
SYRINGOT'OMY. s. The act or practice of cutting fistulas or hollow
sores. G. suringx, (fistula,) a pipe, and temno, to cut.
SYR'TIS. s. A quick-sand, or shelf of sand, caused by the motion of
a whirlpool a bog.
; L. syrtis : G. surtis, a whirlpool from suro, :

to draw.
SYS'TEM. s. Combination of many things acting together a scheme ;

which reduces many things to regular dependence or co-operation

organization; scheme; mode. F. systeme : G. sustema ; sun, with,
and istemi, to stand.
SYS'TOLE. s. In anatomy, the contraction of the heart in grammar, ;

the shortening of a long syllable. F. systole : G. sustole ; sun, with,

and stello, to draw together.
building, in which the pillars stand near together.
G. sun, with, and stulos, a pillar.


temporary habitation a sacred place a place ; ;

of worship. L. tabernaculum, a little house made of boards from ;

tabula, a board.
TAB'ID. adj. Wasted by disease ; consumptive. L. tabidus ; tabeo,
to consume.
TA'BLE. s. Any flat or level surface ; a flatboard, stone, &c. used
for meals and other purposes a tablet ; ; a surface on which any
thing is written or engraved an index ; ; a catalogue ; a synopsis,
&,c. F. table : L. tabula, a board, or table.
TA'BLE D'HO' TE. A public table ; table of an inn. F. table, a
table, de, of, hote, an innkeeper.

TAB'ULAR. adj. Delineated or described in the form of tables, or a
synopsis. L. labularis. See TABLE.
TAB'ULATED. adj. Tabular; having flat surfaces. See TABLE.
TACTT. adj. Silent implied not expressed by words. L. tacitus :
; ;

from taceo, to be silent.

TACITURNITY, s. Habitual silence. L. taciturnitas. See TACIT.
TACT. s. Technical character something which marks a particular

trnde or profession. L. tactus, p. part, of tango, to touch.

TACTICS, s. The science or art of arranging armies and fleets for
battle. G. taktike : tasso, to put in order.
TJE'DIUM VI'TM. Weariness of life. L,
TAIL. s. In law, the term fee-tail signifies any truncated or mutilated
inheritance, cut out of the fee-simple. F. tailler, to cut.
TAI'LOR. s. One whose business is to make clothes. F. tailleur
tailler, to cut.
TAINT, v. To
stain or sully [the reputation ;] to infect to corrupt ;

to putrefy. F.teindre, to dye.

talent anciently signified a certain weight, or a sum
of money the value differing, in different ages and countries. By a

metaphor, taken from the talents mentioned in the New Testament,

Matt. xxv. 15, the term is now used to express faculty, power, or gift
of nature. L. talentum.
TAL'LY. s. A
stick, notched in conformity with another stick, with
the units of an account a single notch or mark of any sort, to re-

present one. F. taille : from tailler, to cut.

TAL'LY. v. To fit to be suitable to conform ; to mark one. From
; ;

the substantive.
right line, perpendicularly raised on the extremity

of a radius, and touching a circle, so as not to cut it. F. tangent

L. tangens, part, of tango, to touch.
TAN'GIBLE. adj. Perceptible by the touch ; possible to be realized,
so as to be made a subject of inquiry. L. tango, to touch. •


TAN'TALIZE. v. To torment by a show of pleasure, which cannot
be readied. Derived from Tantalus, a king of Lydia who is re- ;

presented, by the poets, as punished in hell by an insatiable thirst,

and placed up to his chin in a pool of water, which flows away as
soon as he attempts to taste it.
TANTAMOUNT, adj. Equivalent. F. tantamount; tant, as^much
as, and monter, to mount, or go up.

TAP'IS. s. "On the tapis," on the carpet; having become the sub-
ject of debate. F.
TAR'DY. adj. Slow sluggish. L. tardus ; from tardo, to stop.

TARTA'REAN. adj. Hellish. L. tartarus: G. tartar os ; from tarasso,

to trouble.
TAU'RUS. s. A sign of the zodiac. L. taurus, a bull.
TAUTOL'OGY. s. Unnecessary and disagreeable repetition of the
same words, or of the same sense, in different words. G. tautologia ;
tautos, the same, and logos, a word.
TAUTOPH'ONY. s. Frequent and disagreeable repetition of the same
sound ; monotony. G. tautos, the same, and phone, a sound.
w 253
TAVERN, s. An inn. or, rather, a house in which refreshments are
sold. F. taverne : L. taberna, a small house made of boards : tabula,
a board.
TECHNICAL, adj. Belonging to arts pertaining to some mechani-

cal or professional business, and therefore not commonly understood.

G. technikos ; from techne, an art.
TECHNOL OGY. s. A description of arts ; a treatise on mechanics.
G. techne, art, and logos, a word, or description.
TECTON'IC. adj. Pertaining to building. G. tektoniko/t ; tekton, a
TE DE'UM. s. A particular hymn, so called because it begins with
the words, Te Deum laudamus, we praise thee, God tu Deus : —
TE'DIOUS. adj. Wearisome by continuance, or by reason of prolixity ;

slow. L. t&dium, weariness.

TEG'UMENT. s. In anatomy, a cover. L. iegumentum ; tego, to
instrument which answers the purpose of
writing, by conveying intelligence to a distance, by means of signals.
G. tele, far off, and grapho, to write.
TEL'ESCOPE. s. An optical tube for viewing distant objects. G. tele,
far off, and skopeo, to view.
TEMER'ITY. s. Rashness unreasonable contempt of danger. L.

temeritas ; from temno, to despise.

TEM'PER. v. To mix, so as that one part qualifies another to bring ;

to due proportion to moderate to form metals to a proper degree

; ;

of hardness. L. temper o ; from temporis, gen. of ternpus, time, a

convenience, suitableness to the time present, &c.
TEM'PER. s. Due mixture of different or contrary qualities ; consti-
tution of body disposition of mind
; frame of mind moderation;
; ;

state to which metals are reduced, particularly as to hardness. See

the verb.
TEM'PERATE. adj. Not excessive ; moderate. L. temperatus, part,
of tempero. See TEMPER.
TEM'PEST. s. Extreme violence of wind; an excessively destructive
storm tumult perturbation. L. tempeslas, time, season, weather,
; ;

boisterous weather: from tempus, time.

TEM'PORAL. adj. Measured by time; not eternal; secular; not ec-
clesiastical worldly not spiritual. L. temporalis ; temporis, gen.
; ;

of tempos, time.
TEMTORARY. adj. Lasting or continuing only a limited time: op-
posed to permanent. L. temporarius ; temporis, gen. of tempus,
TEMPT, v. To by presenting some pleasure or advantage to
incite, ;

entice ; to provoke.L. tentus, p. part, oftento, to stretch, or try.

TEN'ABLE. adj. Such as may be held against attacks such as may ;

be maintained against opposition. F. tenable : L. teneo, to hold fast.

TENACIOUS, adj. Adhesive; inclined to hold fast; retentive; ob-
stinate. L. tenax ; teneo, to hold fast.
TENACITY, s. Adhesiveness; glutinosity retentiveness ; obstinacy.

F. ienacite : L. tenacitas ; teneo, to hold.

TEN'ANCY. s. Possession as a tenant. See TENANT.

TEN' ANT. s. One
that holds by the authority of another ; one that
has temporary possession of lands, &c. under a landlord. F. tenant:
L. tenens, part, ot'teneo, to hold.
TEND. v. To move towards ; to be directed to any end or purpose
to contribute ; to nurse, or guard. L. tendo, to stretch out.
TEN'DENCE, or TEN'DENCY. s. Motion or direction towards ; in-
clination towards. L. tendens, part, of tendo. See TEND.
TENDER, adj. Soft; easily impressed or injured ; delicate; sensitive;
compassionate ; gentle. F. tendre : L. tendo, to stretch out, spread,
or bend.
TEN'DER. v. To offer; to propose for acceptance, s. an offer, or pro-
posal. F. tendre : L. tendo, to stretch out.
TENDINOUS, adj. Sinewy ; containing tendons. L. tendinis. See
TEN'DON. s. ; A sinew
a ligature, by which the joints are stretched
out, or contracted. F. tendon : L. tendo, to stretch out.
TEN'DRIL. s. The clasp of a vine, or other climbing plant. F. ten-
drillon : L. tendo, to stretch out.
TEN'EBROUS. adj. Dark ; gloomy. L. tenebrosus ; tenelrce, dark-
TEN'EMENT. s. Any thing held by a tenant. F. tenement : L. tene-
mentum ; teneo, to hold.
TEN'ET. s. Principle
position. L. teneo, to hold.

TEN'ON. s. The end

of a piece of timber, cut so as to be fitted into
another piece. : F. tenon
L. teneo, to hold.
TEN' OR, or TENOUR. s. Continuity of state; constant mode; gene-
ral currency meaning ; design also, a term in music. L. tenor ;
; ;

from teneo, to hold.

TENSE, adj. Stretched ; tight. L. tensus, p. part, of tendo, to stretch
TENSE, s. In grammar, the variation of a verb, to signify time. F.
temps: L. lemptis, time.
TENSILE, adj. Capable of being stretched, or extended. L. tensilis.
TENSION, s. Act of stretching or extending; state of being stretched
or extended. F. tension. See TENSE.
TENT. s. A moveable lodging-place or cabin, commonly made by
stretching canvass over poles. F. tente : L. tentorium ; from tendo,
to stretch.
TEN'TER. s. A hook on which things are stretched. L. tentus, p.
part, of tendo, to stretch.
TENUITY, s. Thinness; smallness. F. tenuite : L. lenuitas : tenuis,
slender : from teneo, to hold that is, to hold easily.

TENUOUS, adj. Thin ; small. L. tenuis ; from teneo, to hold ; that

is, to be held easily.
conditions on which tenements are held, in relation

to the service to be rendered, extent of the lease, amount of rent,

mode of payment, &c. period or conditions of holding things in

general. F. tenure : L. teneo, to hold.

TEPEF ACTION, s. The act of moderately warming. L. tepefactus,
p. part, of tepefacio : tepidus, (from tepeo,) moderately warm, and
facio, to make.
TEPTD. adj. Moderately warm : L. tepidus ; from tepeo, to be mode-
rately warm.
TERGIVERSATION, s. Change: fickleness. L. tergiversatio : ter-
gu?n, the back, and verso, (from verto ) to turn often. y

TERM. s. Limit; a word having a specific or limited meaning appel- ;

lation condition; stipulation; period; time of being assembled for


the transaction of business. L. terminus, a boundary.

TER'MINATE. v. To limit ; to end ; to stop. L. termino. See
TERMINOL'OGY. s. A description or explanation of technical words.
L. terminus.
TER'NARY. adj. Proceeding by threes ; consisting of three. L. ter-
narius ; from ties, three.
TER'RACE. s. A small mount of earth, covered with grass a balco- ;

ny ; an open gallery. F. terrace : L. terra, earth.

TERRA'QUEOUS. adj. Composed of land and water. L. terra, land,
and aqua, water.
TERRE'NE. adj. Earthly ; terrestrial. L. terrenus : terra, the earth.
TERRESTRIAL, adj. Earthly; not celestial. L. terrestris : terra,
the earth.
TER'RIER. s. A dog that follows his game under ground. F. terrier :

L. terra, the earth.

TERRIFTC. adj. Dreadful causing terror. ; L. terrijicus : terror,
and facio, to make.
TER'RITOR Y. s. Land dominion district. ; ; L. territorium : terra,
TERROR, s. Fear dread. L. terror : lerreo, to affright.

TERSE, adj. Neat elegant without pompousness. F. ters

; ; : L. tersus,
p. part, of tergeo, to make clean.
tertian fever intermits every third day.
adj. L. ter-
tiana : lertius, the third tres, three. :

TERTIARY, adj. Relating to third formation, &c. L. tertius, the

TES'SELATED. adj. Variegated by squares. L. tessella, a small
square stone, or piece of wood, &c. G. tessara, four (a square has :

four sides.)
TEST. s. Proof; trial, or examination. F. test : L. testis, a witness.
TESTA'CEOUS. adj. Consisting of shells ; composed of shells: having
continuous, not jointed shells. L. testaceus : testa, a shell-fish.
TESTAMENT, s. Evidence of a will, or intention, as to the disposal

of property after death evidence of Divine revelation and command.


ments, contained in the sacred volumes, called the Old and New
Testaments. F. testament: L. testamentum : testis, a witness.
TESTAMENTARY, adj. Given by testament or will ; contained in
a will. See TESTAMENT.
TESTATE, adj. Having made a will. L. testatus, part, of testor, to
bear witness from testis, a witness.

TESTATOR, s. One who has made a will. L, from testis, a witness.

TESTIFY, v. To witness to give evidence. F. testifier : L. tesiiji-

cor : comp. of testis, a witness, and facio, to make.

TESTIMONY, s. Evidence given proof by witness. L. testimonium ; ;

testis, a witness, and moneo, to put in mind.

TESTU'DINOUS. adj. Resembling the shell of a tortoise. L. icsiu.
dineus from testudo, a tortoise.

TETA'NUS. s. A contraction a kind of stiffness or rigidity in any


part of the body. G. letanos : teino, to stretch.

TETE A TETE. "Head to head;" a familiar discourse. F.
TETRAG'ONAL. adj. Square consisting of four sides and angles.

G. tetra, four, and gonia, a corner.

TETRAMETER, adj. Consisting of four poetical measures. G. te-
trametros : tetra, four, and eo, to measure.
TETRAN'DRIA. s. A genus of plants with hermaphrodite flowers
and four male stamina. G. tetra, four, and aner, a male.
TETRAPET'ALOUS. adj. Having four leaves around the style. G.
tetra, four, and petalon, a leaf.
TET'RAPLA. s. A bible in four columns, by Origen, each column
containing a different Greek version. G. tetraplobs, fourfold.
TET'RAPTOTE. s. A noun with only four cases. G. tetra, four, and
ptosis, a case.
TET'RARCH. adj. One who governed the fourth part of a Roman
province. L. tetrarcha : G. tetrarches : tetra, four, and archos, a
chief. *

TETRAS'TIC. s. An epigram or stanza of four verses. G. tetrasti-

chos : tetra, four, and stichos, a verse.
building with four columns in front ; a build-
ing with four pillars on a side. G. tetra, four, and stulos, a pillar.
TEXT. s. That on which a comment is written or spoken a sentence ;

of scripture. F. texte : L. textus, p. part, of texo, to weave, or build.

TEX'TILE. adj. Woven capable of being woven. L. textilis ; textus,

p. part, of texo, to weave.

TEX'TURE. s. Something woven manner of weaving combination ; ;

of parts. L. textura ; textus, p. part, of texo, to weave.

THE'ATRE. s. A place of exhibition a playhouse. F. theatre ; L. ;

theatrum : G. theatron ; from fkeaomai, to behold.

THE' 1ST. s. One who believes in God. G. Tkeos, God.
THEME, s. subject on which a person speaks or writes; a short
scholastic dissertation ; the radical, or original word from which
another is derived. G. thema ; from tkeo, \pono,) to place, or lay
THEOCRACY, s. Government immediately superintended by God.
F. theocratie G. Theos, God, and krateo, to govern.

THEOG'ONY. s. Fabulous generation of the gods. G. theogonia ;

theos, a god, and gone, offspring.
THEOL'OGY. s. The science of divinity. G. theologia ; Theos, God,
and logos, a description.
THEOPHILAN'THROPIST. s. A lover of God and man. G. Theos,
God, philo, a lover, and anthropos, a man.
THE'OREM. s. A position laid down as an acknowledged truth. G.
theorema ; then, (pono,) to place, or lay down.
THEORETIC, or THEORETICAL, adj. Speculative depending on ;

theory or speculation not practical. G. theoretikos. See THEORY.


THE'ORY. s. Speculation knowledge obtained by looking on, or


from books, not from practice scheme or plan. G. theoreia ; from


theoreo, to view.
r* 257

THERAPEU'TIC. adj. Teaching the cure of diseases. G. therapeu>
tikos ; therapeuo, to heal.
THERMOMETER, s. An instrument for measuring degrees of heat.
G. and metreo, to measure.
ther?ne, heat,
THE'SIS. s. A position something laid down, either affirmatively or

negatively. G. thesis ; tithemi, (pono,) to place, or lay down.

THORACIC, adj. Belonging to the breast. L. thoracis, gen. of tho-
rax, the inner part of the breast. G. thorax.
THO'RAL. adj. Relating to a bed. L. thorus, ovtforos, twisted grass
or straw, on which the ancients laid their bed-furniture, for the con-
venience of sleeping. G. toros, a rope.
royal seat; the seat of a bishop. L. thronus : G.
thronos ; from thrao, to sit.
TIM'ID. adj. Fearful timorous ; wanting courage. L. timidus

timeo, to fear.
TIMOROUS, adj. Fearful; timid. L.timor, fear.
TINCTURE, s. Portion of extrinsic quality ; extract of some drug,

made in spirits. L. tinctura ; tinctus, p. part, of tingo, to dye.

TINGE, v. To touch lightly with a colour ; to affect lightly with some
quality. L. tingo ; G. tengo, to sprinkle.
TINT. s. Delicate shade of colour. F. teinte : L. tinctus, p. part, of
tingo, to dye. See TINGE.
general head, comprising particulars ; an appellation
of honour; a name a claim of right. L. titulus.

TIT'ULAR. adj. Nominal ; having or conferring only the title. F.

titulaire. See TITLE.
TOAST, Bread, scorched before a fire, and generally eaten with

butter, but sometimes sopped or immersed in a liquor for drinking;

a celebrated woman, whose health is often drunk any person or ;

sentiment expressed before drinking. L. tostus, p. part, of torreo, to

roast, or scorch.
TOGA VIR1LIS. "The manly robe;" the dress assumed by the
Roman youth, on reaching a certain period of life. L. toga, a gown,
or robe, and virilis, (from vir,) manly.
TOMB. s. A
sepulchral monument, or grave, anciently marked by a
heap of earth or stones. F. tombe : L. tumulus, a little hill from ;

tumeo, to swell.
TOMETTCA. s. Medicines for opening the pores, and dispersing
viscous humours. G. temno, to cut.
TON. s. Fashion. F.
barber. L. ionsor ; tonsus, p. part, of tondco, to clip.
TON'SURE. s. The act of clipping or shaving the hair ;the part
shaven. F. tonsure : L. tonsura ; tonsus, p. part, of tondeo, to clip.
TOP' ARCH. s. The chief man of a place ; a lord or governor of a
small country. G. topos, a place, and archos, a chief.
TOPTC. s. Subject of discourse ; a general head, to which other things

are referred ; an external remedy, applied to some particular part.

F. topique : G. topos, a place.
TOPTCAL. adj. Relating to some general head local ; confined to

some particular place; applied, as a remedy, to some particular part


TOPOG'RAPHY. s. Description of particular places. F.iopograpkie
G. topos, a place, and grapho, to write.
TORNA'DO. s. A whirlwind; a hurricane. Spanish; from the L.
tornatus, p. part, of tomo, to turn as a wheel. G. torno-o.
TORPE'DO. s. A fish, which, when living, is said to communicate
numbness by an electric shock a submarine engine, invented by ;

Robert Fulton of Pennsylvania, for destroying an enemy's ships. L.

torpedo ; torpeo, to be numbed.
TORPES'CENT. #dj. Becoming torpid. L. torpescens, part, of tor-
pesco, to grow numb,
TORPID, adj. Benumbed; motionless; inactive. L. torpidus. See
TOR'POR. s. Numbness; inability to move; dulness of sensation. L.
torpor ; from torpeo, to be numb.
TORREFAC'TION. s. Act of roasting, or drying by the fire. F. tor.
refaction : L. torrefactus, p. part, of torrefacio ; comp. of torreo, to
roast, and facio, to make.
TOR'RID. adj. Parched ; scorching. L. torridus ; from torreo, to
TORT. s. A wrong committed ; an injury. F. tort : L. tortus, p. part.
of torqueo, to twist.
TORTIOUS, adj. Wrongful ; injurious. See TORT.
TOR'TUOUS. adj. Twisted ; winding. L. tortuosus ; tortus, p. part
of torqueo, to writhe.
TORTURE, s. Infliction of pain ;
pain, by which guilt is punished,
or confession extorted ; extreme pain. L. tortura ; torturus, (future
part, of torqueo,) about to writhe.
TO'TAL. adj. Whole; complete; full. L. totalis; tot, so many, just
so much.
TOT IDEM VERBIS. In just so many words. L.
TOUPET. A little tuft of hair. F. from toupier, to
s. whirl about.
TOUR. s. A journey, comprehending many places, and requiring va-
rious turnings. F. from tourner, to turn, or wind around L. tomo. :

TOURNAMENT, s. Tilt joust; mock encounter. F. tournoyement:


tournoyer, tourner, to whirl about. L. tomo.

TOUR'NIQUET. s. A surgical instrument, used in amputation, &c.
capable of being straitened or relaxed by turning a handle. F. from
tourner, to turn.
TRACE, s. Mark left by any thing passing appearance of what has ;

been ;harness by which a beast draws a carriage, &c. (verb, to —

follow by the trace or remaining mark to delineate, &c.) F. trace. ;

TRACK, s. Trace mark impressed on a road, by any thing drawn

over it; impression; beaten path. L. tractus ; from the p. part, of

traho, to draw.
TRACT, s. A region, the boundaries of which are supposed to be
traced out, or defined a treatise a small book. L. tractus ; from
; ;

a part, of traho, to draw.

TRACTABLE, adj. Manageable; docile; compliant. L. tractabilis
tractus, p. part, ot traho, to draw.
TRACTILE, adj. Capable of being drawn out; ductile. See TRACT-

TRACTION, s. Act of drawing
state of being drawn.
; L. tractuS,
p. pait.of traho, to draw.
TRADE, s. Traffic; mutual delivery or exchange of merchandise;
species of traffic. L. trado, to deliver comp. of trans, across, and

do, to give.
TRADl'TION. s. Delivery or oral communication of occurrences,
from one age to another an occurrence thus communicated. L.

traditio ; from trado, to deliver.

TRADUCE, v. To censure, or calumniate. L. traduco: trans, across,
and duco, to carry meaning, ; to bear about, from one to another,
that which is unfavourable.
TRADU'CIBLE. adj. Deliverable derivable. L. traduco ; : trans,
across, or from one place to another, and duco, to lead.
trade in person, or by means of an agent, abroad.
Italian, traffico : L. trans, across, or from one place to another, and
facio, to make, or do.
dramatic representation of a serious and affecting
kind; a mournful event; a dreadful catastrophe. L. tragoedia : G.
tragodia ; from tragos, a mule-goat, and ode, a song. Tragedy,
which has attained so high dignity, was, at first, only a trial of iam-
bics between two peasants, and a goat was the prize: thus, Horace
calls it, vile certamen ob hircum, —
" a mean contest for a he-goat."
TRAGTC, or TRAGICAL, adj. Relating to tragedy; mournful; ca-
lamitous; dreadful. L. tragicus. See TRAGEDY.
TRAIN, v. To educate; to teach; to exercise. F. trainer: L. tra-
hendus, p. future part, of traho, to draw.
TRAIN, s. That which is designed to be drawn after any thing,
as, the tail of a bird, the tail of a gown, or cannon accompanying an
army ; a connected series, in which one thing is followed by another ;
process method ; retinue ; a trail or line of powder, reaching to a

mine, &c. F. train : L. trahendus, (to be drawn,) p. future part, of

traho, todraw.
TRAIT, Sketch moral picture ; moral feature action, or striking
s. ; ;

occurrence in human life, (sometimes pronounced tray.) F. trait,

(formerly traict :) L. tr actus ; from the p. part, of traho, to draw.
TRAITOR, s. One who c?eZiuers,to an enemy, that with which he has
been intrusted one who, being trusted, betrays. F. traitre : L. tra-

ditor : trado, to deliver, or yield.

ferry a means of passing across a river.
; L. tra-
jectus ; from the p. part, of trajicio : trans, across, and jacio, to
TRAJECT'. v. To throw across to cast. See the substantive.

TRAM'MEL. s. net; a kind of shackles, in which horses are taught
to pace; a human snare; an impediment or obstruction. F. tramail
L. trames, a cross way ; tramissus, p. part, of trarnitto, (for trans-
mitto :) trans, across, and mitto, to send.
TRANSACT', v. To negotiate ; to manage to perform
; to do.
; L.
transactum, sup. of transigo ; comp. of trans, across, or from one
place to another, and ago, to do.
TRANSCEND', v. To surpass to exceed, or excel
; ; to surmount. L.
transcendo : trans, beyond, and scando, to climb.

TRANSCRI'BE. v. To copy in writing. L. transcribo : trans, across,
or from one place to another, and scribo, to write.
s. written copy. L. transcriptus, p. part, of trans-
cribo. See TRANSCRIBE.
TRANSE. s. State of apparent death sleep, unusually prolonged. F. ;

trans : L. transitus, p. part, of transeo : trans, beyond, and eo, to go.

cross aisle. L. trans, across, and septus, p. part,
of sepio, to enclose.
TRANSFER', v. To convey ; to remove. L. transfero : trans, across,
and/ero, to carry.
TRANSFIGURATION, s. Change of form. L. tra nsjiguratio ; from
transfiguro : trans, across, or from one to another, and Jiguro, to
shape. See FIGURE.
TRANSFIX', v. To pierce through. L. transjixum, sup. of transjigo ;
trans, across, and Jigo, to stick, or fasten.
TRANSFORM', v. To metamorphose
to change the shape. L. ;

transform*) : from one to another, and forma, shape.

trans, across, or
TRANSFU'SE. v. To pour out of one into another to spread. L. ;

transfusum, sup. of transfundo trans, across, or beyond, and fundo,:

to pour.
TRANSGRESS', v. To pass beyond to violate to offend, by violating; ;

a law. L. transgressum, sup. of transgredior : trans, beyond, and

gradior, to walk gradus, a step.

TRAN'SIENT. adj. Soon past soon passing momentary. L. tran- ; ;

siens, part, of transeo: trans, across, and eo, to go.

TRANSIL'IENCE. s. Leap from one thing to another. L. transiliens,
part, oftransilio : trans, across, and salio, to leap.
TRAN'SIT. s. Passage ; the passage of any planet over the sun, moon,
or stars. L. transitus. See TRANSITION.
TRANSI'TION. s. Removal passage from one state or thing to an-

other ; change. L. transitio: transitus, part, of transeo: trans,

across, and eo, to go.
TRANS'ITIVE. adj. Having the power of passing (in grammar,) a ;

verb transitive is that which signifies an action, conceived as having

an effect upon some L. transitivus. See TRANSITION.
TRANS'ITORY. adj. Continuing only a short time speedily vanish- ;

ing. L. transitorius. See TRANSITION.

TRANSLA'TE. v. To remove to convey to change into another
; ;

language. L. translatum, sup. of transfero : trans, across, or from

one to another, and fero, to carry.
TRANSLOCATION, s. Change of place. L. trans, across, or from
one to another, and locus, a place.
TRANSLUCENT, or TRANSLU'CID. adj. Transparent; clear; af-
fording a passage to the light through its pores. L. translucens,
part, of transluceo, to shine through comp. of trans, across, and :

luceo, to shine. Translucid is derived from translucidus.

TRANSMARINE, adj. Situated on the other side of the sea found ;

beyond sea. L. transmarinus : trans, across, or beyond, and mare,

the sea.
TRANSMIGRATION, s. Passage from one place or state into an-

other.L. transmigratus, p. part, of transmigro ; from tians, across,

meaning from one to another, and migro, to remove.

TRANSMISSION, s. Act of transmitting.
L. transmissio ; trans-
missus, p. part, of transmitto. See TRANSMIT.
TRANSMIT, v. To send from one person or place to another. L.
transmitto : trans, across, and mitto, to send.
TRANSMON'TANE. adj. Beyond the mountain. L. trans, across,
and mons, a mountain.
TRANSMU'TE. v. To change from one nature to another. L. trans-
muto ; from trans, across, meaning from one to another, and ?nulo,
to change.
TRANSPARENT, adj. Allowing the light to pass through its pores ;
clear; pellucid; not opaque. F. transparent : L. trans, across, and
parens, part, of pareo, to appear.
TRANSPIERCE', v. To pierce through ; to transfix. L. trans, across,
and pierce.
TRANSPI'RE. v. To perspire ; to escape from secrecy to publicity.
L. transpiro :trans, across, or beyond, and spiro, to breathe.
TRANSPLANT/ v. To remove, and plant in another place ; to re-
move and settle. L. trans, across, or beyond, and plant.
TRANSPORT', v. To carry from one place to another, at a consider-
able distance; to hurry by violence of passion ; to put into extasy.
L. transporto : trans, across, or beyond, and porto, to carry.
TRANS'PORT. s. Conveyance ; a vessel in which soldiers or muni-
tions of war are conveyed extasy. See the verb.

TRANSPO'SE. v. To alter, interchangeably, the position of things or

words. F. transposer : L. transposition, sup. of transpono ; trans,
across, and pono, to place.
miraculous operation, believed in
the Church of Rome, by which the bread and wine of the eucharist
are supposed to be changed into the real body and blood of Christ.
F. transubstantiation : L. trans, across, or from one to another, and
substantia, substance.
TRANSU'DE. v. To pass through in sweat, or vapour. L. trans,
across, or beyond, and sudo, to sweat.
TRANSVERSE', adj. In a direction across. L. transversus, p. part,
of transverto : trans, across, and verto, to turn.
TRAVAIL', v. To labour; to toil; to harass; to be in labour; to suf-
fer the pains of childbirth. F. iravailler, to trouble.
TRAVEL, v. To make a journey ; to pass ; to move. This verb is
generally supposed to be the same as travail ; though it is now dif-
ferently spelled, when expressing the toil of a journey, &c.
TRAVERSE', adj. Lying across ; s. that which lies across; a thwart-
ing obstacle, &c. F. traverse. See TRANSVERSE.
TRAVERSE', v. To cross; to thwart; to oppose, or cross by an ob-
jection to travel over.
; F. traverser. See TRANSVERSE.
burlesque imitation. F. travesti, part, of travestir,
to disguise. L. trans, across, meaning contrariety or opposition,
and vestis, a garment.
TREACHERY, s. Perfidy; breach of faith. F. tricherie ; from tri-
cher, to cheat. L. tricor, to trifle, or baffle.
TREA'SON. s. An offence committed against the safety of a people,
or of a sovereign or state. F. trahison ; from trahissant, part, of
trahir, to betray. L. iraho, to draw, or entice.

TREAS'URY. s. A place in which money is deposited. F. tresorerie
L. thesaurus : G. thesauros ; comp. of thesis, a place, and awros,
TREAT, v. To negotiate ; to discourse on ; to use in any manner,
well or ill; to conduct; to manage; to entertain gratuitously. F.
trailer : L. tracto ; from tractum, sup. of traho, to draw, or stretch
out, lead, allure, or contract.
TREATISE, s. Written discourse tract. See TREAT. ;

TREATY, s. Negotiation; compact. See TREAT.

TREBLE, adj. Threefold (in music,) of a sharp sound.
F. triple.
TRE'FOIL. s. A species of clover, or three-leaved grass. L. trefo-
lium: and folium, a leaf.
tres, three,
TREM'BLE. v. To shake as with fear or cold ; to quake ; to quaver;
to shudder; to totter. F. trembler : L. tremo, to shake.
TREMEN'DOUS. adj. Dreadful ; astonishingly terrible. L. tremen-
dus ; from tremo, to shake.
TREM'OR, or TREM'OUR. State of trembling ; quivering or vi-

bratory motion. L. tremortremo, to shake.


TREMULOUS, adj. Trembling; fearful; quivering; vibratory. L.

tremulus. See TREMOR.
TRENCH, s. A pit or ditch. F. tranche : trancher, to cut. L. trunco,
to chop off.
TRENCH' ANT. adj. Cutting; sharp. F. tranchant, part, of trancher
L. trunco, to chop off.

on which meat is cut at table. F.
wooden plate,
trenchoir : L. trunco, to cut into pieces.
trencher, to cut :

TREPAN', s. An instrument used for cutting circular pieces out of

the skull. F. trepan : G. trepo, to turn.
TREPID A'TION. s. State of violent trembling, or quivering state of ;

being terrified. L. trepidatio ; trepido, to quake for fear, or be

TRESPASS, v. To transgress to offend to enter unlawfully into
; ;

another's ground. F. trespasser : L. trans, across, and passus, a

TREV'ET. s. Any thing that stands on three legs; as a stool. F.
trepied L. tres, three, and pedis, gen. of pes, a foot.

TREY. s. A three, of cards, dice, &.c. L. tres, three.

TRI'AD. s. Three united. L. trias ; tres, three.
figure of three angles. L. triangulum ; tres, three,
and angulum, an angle.
TRIBE, s. A distinct body of people, as distinguished by nation,
family, or fortune. In the reign of Romulus, after a treaty had been
made with the invading Sabines, it was agreed, that Rome should
be inhabited by Romans and Sabines, in common; and that they
should be divided into three sections, (tribus,) called Rhamnanses,
Talienses, and Lucrenses. The word tribe is, therefore, derived from
an inflexion of the L. adj. tres, three.
TRIBULA'TION. s. Persecution ; distress ; vexation. F. tribulation :

L. tribulo, to thresh.
TRIBU'NAL. s. The seat of a judge; a court of justice. L. tribunal.

TRIB'UNE. Originally, the chief officer of a Roman tribe ; after-

wards, an of Rome, chosen by the people, to guard their liber-

ties ; or the commander of a cohort. L. tribunus. See TRIBE.
TRIBUTARY, adj. Subject to pay tribute relating to tribute ; paid ;

in tribute ; subordinate. L. tributarius. See TRIBUTE.

TRIBUTE, s. Payment made by a subjected people to their victors ;
acknowledgment. L. tribulum; tribuo, to give, or grant.
plant with leaves resembling hair. G.
frichion, hair, phullon, a leaf.
TRI'COLOURED. adj. Having three colours. L. tres, three, and co-
TRIDENT, s. The three-pronged sceptre of Neptune. L. tridens
tres, three, and dens, a tooth.
TRIB'UAN. adj. Lasting three days ; happening every third day. L.
triduum ; tres, three, and dies, a day.
TRIENNIAL, adj. Lasting three years; happening once in three
years. L. triennes ; tres, three, and annus, a year.
TRIFO'LIATE. adj. Having three leaves. L. tres, three, and folium,
a leaf.
TRIFORM, adj. Having a triple shape. L. triformis ; tres, three,
and forma, a shape.
TRIGLOT, A literary
work, exhibiting the same matter in three

different languages. G. treis, three, and glotta, a tongue.

TRIGONAL, adj. Triangular three-cornered. G. trigonon, a trian- ;

gle treis, three, and gonia, a corner, or angle.


TRIGONOM'ETRY. s. The art of measuring triangles. G. trigonos,

a triangle, and metreo, to measure.
TRILATERAL, adj. Having three sides. F. trilateral: h.tria, (neu-
ter of tres,) three, and latera, pi. oflatus, a side.
TRIM'ETER. adj. Consisting of three poetical measures. G. trime-
tros ; treis, three, and melron, a measure.
TRI'NAL. adj. Threefold. L. trinus ; tres, three, and unus, one.
TRINITY, s. Three in one. L. trinitas ; tres, three, and unitas,
unity : unus, one.
TRIP'ARTITE. adj. Divided into three parts; having three corres-
pondent copies relating to three parties. L. tripartitus ; comp. of

tres, three, and partitus, p. part, ofpartio, to divide.

TRIP EDAL. adj. Having three feet. L. tripedis, gen. of tripes ; tres,
three, and pes, a foot.
TRIPET'ALOUS. adj. Having a flower consisting of three leaves.
G. treis, three, and petalon, a leaf.
TRIPHTHONG, s. The coalition of three vowels to form one sound.
G. treis, three, and phlhongos, a sound.
TRIP'LE. adj. Threefold; treble. F. triple : L. triplex ; comp. of
tres, three, and plico, to fold.

TRIPLET, s. Three of a kind; three verses rhyming together. See

TRIP'LICATE. s. Made thrice as much ; a second copy, or third of
three of the same kind. L. triplicatus. See TRIPLE.
TRIP'OD. s. A seat with three feet. G. tripous, (gen. tripodos ;) from
treis, three, and pous, a foot. •

TRIP'TOTE. s. A noun used only in three cases. L. triptoton : G.
treis, three, and ptosis, a case.
TRI'REME. s. A galley with three benches of oars. L. triremis ; from
tres, three, and remits, an oar.
TRISECT', v. To cut into three parts. L. tres, three, and seco, to
TRISYL'LABLE. s. A word consisting of three syllables. L. trisyU
laba ; tres, three, and syllaba, a syllable.
TRIT-33'US. s. The G. tritaios, tertian treis, three.
tertian ague. :

TRITE, adj. Worn out; common. L. tritus, p. part, of tero, to rub.

TRIT'URATE. v. To levigate or reduce to powder by friction. L.
trituro : from triturus, (future part, of tero,) about to rub.
TRI'UMPH. s. Pomp with which a victory is celebrated state of be- ;

ing victorious conquest. L. triumphus : G. thriambos : thrion, a leaf,


(meaning, of laurel,) and embaino, to go in state.

TRIUM'VIRATE, or TRIUMVIRI, s. Coalition of three men, as of
Pompey, and Crassus. L. triumviratus,
Cassar, or triumviri : tres,
three, and viri, (pi. of vir,)
TRIUNE, adj. Three and one, at the same time. L. tres, three, and
unvs, one.
TRIVIAL, adj. Vulgar; trifling; unimportant; inconsiderable. L.
trivialis : ways meet, (therefore,) a
trivium, a place where three
place of common resort and via, a way.
: tres, three,
TROCHOL'ICS. s. The art of wheel-work. G. trochos, a wheel.
TROPE, s. Figurative change of a word from its original significa-
tion. G. tropos : from trepo, to turn.
TROPH'Y. s. Something shown or treasured up in proof of victory.
L. tropceum, or trophaum : G. tropaion ; from trepo, to turn allud- ;

ing to the flight or turning of the enemy.

TROPTC. s. The line at which the sun appears to return, in his decli-
nation to the north or to the south. L. tropicus : G. trepo, to turn.
TROPICAL, adj. In grammar, figurative from Trope : In astro- : —
nomy, within or belonging to the tropics. See TROPIC.
TROVER, In the common law, an action which one person has

against another, who has found, (or has, by any means, in his pos-
session) any of the plaintiff's goods, and refuses to. deliver them. F.
trouver, to find.
TROY. adj. A
species of weight, of which there are 12 ounces in a

pound. The fair of Troyes, in Champaign, (says Adam Smith) was,
in the reign of Henry VIII. of England, (by whom this weight was
introduced into the mint,) frequented by all the nations of Europe,
and its weights and measures generally known and esteemed.
kind of carriage, with low wheels, for carrying heavy
weights. G. trochos, a wheel.
small wheel the moveable part of a pulley. G.

trochos, a wheel.
TRUN'CATE. v. To lop to cut short to maim. L. trunco. See
; ;

short staff; a cudgel a staff of command. F. ;

trongon L. truncus, cut short.


TRUNK, s. The body of a tree, exclusive of the branches ; the body

of an animal, without the limbs a hollow piece of timber, for con-

x 265

veying fluids ; a species of chest ; the proboscis of an elephant. L.
truncus, cut short.
TU'BERCLE. s. A small swelling or excrescence a pimple. L. tu- ;

ber culum ; dim. of tuber, a puff, growing in the ground like a mush-
TU'BEROUS. adj. Having prominent knots or excrescences. L. tu-
berosus : tuber, a puff growing in the ground like a mushroom.
TUBULAR, adj. Resembling a pipe; consisting of a pipe or pipes;
fistular. L. tubus, a conduit-pipe.
TU'BULE. s. A small pipe, or fistular body. L. tubulus, dim. of tubus,
a conduit-pipe.
TUI'TION. s. Guardianship care exercised by a guardian or tutor

general instruction. L. iuitio : tutus, p. part, of tueor, to behold, or

TUMEFACTION, s. Swelling. L. tumefactio ; from tumefactus, p.
part, of tumefacio ; comp. of tumeo, to swell, and facio, to make.
TUMID, adj. Swelled protuberant pompous falsely sublime. L.
; ; ;

tumidus : tumeo, to swell.

TU'MOUR. s. A morbid swelling. L. tumor : tumeo, to swell.
TUMULO'SE. adj. Full of little hills. L. tumulosus : tumulus, a hil-
lock from tumeo, to swell.

TUMULT, s. Promiscuous commotion in a multitude popular dis- ;

turbance. L. tumultus ; from tumeo, to swell.

TU'NIC. s. Part of the Roman dress (in anatomy,) a natural cover- ;

ing or integument. L. tunica.

TU'NICLE. s. Natural cover integument. L. tunicula, a little coat.

TUR'BID. adj. Muddy. L. turbidus : turbo, a whirling round.
TURBULENCE, s. Tumult; confusion; disorder. L. turbulentia
turba, a crowd turbo, a whirling round.

TURGES'CENCE. s. The act of swelling; the slate of being swelled ;

vain magnificence. L. turgescens, part, of tur'gesco. See TURGID.

TUR'GID. adj. Swelling bloated pompous vainly magnificent. L.
; ; ;

turgidus ; from turgeo, to swell.

TURPITUDE, s. Vileness badness. L. turpitudo : turpis, filthy.

small eminence, or little tower, raised above the rest
of a building. L. turris, a tower.
TU'TELAGE. s. Guardianship state of being under a tutor or guard-

ian. F. tutelage : L. iutela. See TUITION.

TU'TELAR, or TU'TELARY. adj. Protecting guarding. F. tute- ;

lage. See TUTELAGE.

TU'TOR. s. One who has the care of another's learning and morals a ;

teacher. L. tutor ; from tutus, p. part, of tueor, to behold, or defend.

TYMPA'NUM. s. part of the ear, which is supposed to be the im-
mediate organ of hearing so called, from its resemblance to a drum.

L. tympanum : G. tumpanoh, a drum.

kind of obstructed flatulence, which swells the
body like a drum. L. tympanum : G. tumpanon, a drum.
TYPE. s. A
mark ; an emblem prefiguration a printing letter. L.
; ;

typus : G. tupos, a mark from tupto, to beat. ;

species of continued fever. G. tuphos, stupor, sense-
TYP'ICAL. adj. Emblematical figurative. L. typicus. See TYPE. ;

TYP'IFY. v. To figure to show by an emblem. L. typvs, a type,


and facio, to See TYPE.

TYPOG'RAPHY. Emblematical or hieroglyphical representation
s. ;

art of printing with types. L. typographia : G. tupos, a type, and

grapho, to write. See TYPE.
TYRANNICIDE, s. The act of killing a tyrant one who has killed ;

a tyrant. L. tyrannus, a tyrant, and cado, to kill.

TY'RANT. s. Originally meant one who had gained the ascendency,
or absolute rule, in a republic it now denotes an imperious mon-;

arch a cruel and severe master an oppressor. L. tyrannus : G.

; ;

turannos, regal teiro, to subject.


TY'RO. s. One not yet master of his art; a beginner. L. tyro, or tiro.


UBIQ'UITY. s. existence, at the same time, in all

Omnipresence ;

places. L. ubique, in every place.

hollow sore, from which matter issues. F. ulcere : L.
ulcus : G. ulx, a furrow.
ULIGINOUS, adj. Oozy slimy muddy. L. uliginosus : uligo, the
; ;

natural moisture of the earth.

ULTE'RIOR. adj. Further. L. compar. of ultra, beyond ultra, ulte- :

rior, ultimus.
UL'TIMATE. adj. Intended as the last resort; last in a train of
consequences. L. ultimus, the last superl. of ultra, beyond. ;

ULTIMATUM, s. Ultimate or last offer or decision. See ULTI-

UL'TIMO, abbreviated ult°. or ult. The last preceding [month] . L.
abl. of ultimus, last.
ULTRAMARI'NE. adj. Situated beyond the sea ; foreign. L. ultra,
beyond, and mare, the sea.
ULTRAMON'TANE. adj. Situated beyond the mountains. L. ultra,
beyond, and mons, (gen. montis,) a mountain.
ULTRAMUN'DANE. adj. Beyond the world. L. ultra, beyond, and
mundus, the world.
UMBRAGE, s. Shade ; shadow
resentment offence suspicion of
: — ; ;

injury. — The of this word, umbrage, may be explain-

last three uses
ed, by supposing, that the person giving an offence, is thrown, as it
is said, in the shade, or out of the favourable aspect of the other's
countenance. F. ombrage : L. umbra, a shadow, or shade.
UMBRA'GEOUS. adj. Shady; yielding shade. F. ombragieux : L.
umbra, a shadow, or shade.
UMBREL'LA. s. A portable screen, used as a shelter from the sun,
or from the rain. L. umbra, a shade.
UM'PIRE. s. One, to whose sole judgment, the decision of a contro-
versy is referred. L. imperator : impero, to rule.
UN. A privative or negative particle, having the same effect
as the L. in, when this preposition is used to mark privation or ne-
gation thus, imconnected, means not connected, and incapable, not

UNAN'IMOUS. Of one mind;
without any discordance. L. una-
ni?nus, or unanimis ; comp. of units, one, and animus, the mind.
UNCTION, s. Act of anointing; rite of anointing; ointment. L. unc-
tio : unctus, p. part, of ungo, or unguo, to smear.
UNCTUOUS, adj. Fat; clammy; oily. L. unctus. See UNCTION.
UN'DULARY. adj. Moving as waves; moving with intermission.
UN'DULATE. v. To move as waves to move with intermission. L. ;

undulo : unda, a wave.

UNGUENT, s. Ointment. L. unguentum ; from unguo, or ungo, to
U'NICORN. s. A beast that has naturally only one horn. L. unicornis :

unus, one, and cornu, a horn.

U'NIFORM. adj. Similar to itself; preserving the same tenor; con-
forming to one rule acting in the same manner agreeing with each
; ;

other. L. unus, one, and forma, shape.

U'NION. s. Junction, so as out of two or more, to make one ; concord.
F. union; from the L. unus, one.
UNIP'AROUS. adj. Bringing forth one at a birth. L. unus, one, and
pario, to bring forth.
UNIQUE, adj. When we say a thing is unique, we mean that it is
the only thing of its kind. F. unique : L. unicus : unus, one.
U'NIT. s. One the least number, or the root of numbers. See

UNITARIAN, s. One who does not believe in the doctrine of the
trinity. L. unus, one.
UNI'TE. v. To make one; to act in con-
join two or more, so as to
cert ; cemented, &e. See UNITY.
to be
U'NITY. s. The state of being one concord conjunction ; uniform- ; ;

ity species of dramatic propriety.

; L. unitas : unus, one.
UNIVERSAL, adj. General; extending to all; total; whole; not
particular. L. universalis : unus, one, and versus, p. part, of verto,
to turn.
U'NIVERSE. s. The general system of things ; the whole creation.
college, incorporated for the education of youth,
in all the liberal arts, sciences, &c, and empowered to confer de-
grees. A
university generally comprehends many colleges, as is
exemplified in those of Oxford and Cambridge, in England. L. uni.
versitas. See UNIVERSAL.
UNIVO'CAL. Having one meaning certain regular.
adj. ; ; L. uni~
vocus ; comp. of unus, one, and vox, (gen. vocis,) a voice.
URBANITY, s. Civility ; elegance ; politeness agreeableness.
; L.
urbanitas, a city life, civility, courtesy urbs, a city.

URGE. v. To push to drive to press by motives, or by

incite ; to ; ;

argument ; importune or solicit. L. urgeo, to press on.

to enforce ; to
UR'GENT. adj. Inciting pressing importunate or solicitous. L.
; ;

urgens, part, of urgeo. See URGE.

URN. s. A water-pot, the mouth of which is narrower than the body;
a vessel of similar form, in which the remains of burned bodies were
deposited an ornament of the same shape. L. urna, a water-

U'SAGE. s. Custom ; long-continued practice ; treatment. F. usage :
L. vsus. See USE.
USE. s. Application to any purpose proper designation or instrumen-

tality agency help benefit practice, &c. L. usus ; from a part,

; ; ; ;

of utor, to use.
USH'ER. s. One whose business is to introduce strangers, or walk
before persons of high rank ; an under-teacher, or one who intro-
duces young scholars to higher learning. F. huissier ; from huis, a
USTULA'TION. s. The roasting of ores, to separate the arsenic and
sulphur from the metal. L. ustulaius, p. part, of ustulo, (from uro,)
to burn.
U'SUFRUCT. s. Temporary use
enjoyment of the profits, without

power L. usus, use, and fructus, fruit.

to alienate.
USURP', v. To possess by force or intrusion to seize or possess with- ;

out right. L. usurpo, the frequentative form of ut or, to use.

U'SURY. s. Money paid for the use of money interest the, practice : ;

of taking interest. But the term usury, is now used only to denote
a higher rate of interest than is allowed by law, or the practice of
charging it. F. usure : L. usura ; from utor, to use.
UTENSIL, s. An instrument for use. F. utensile : L. utor, to use.
U'TERINE. adj. Relating or belonging to the womb. L. uterinus.
U'TERUS. s. The womb. L.
UTILE DUL'CI. The useful with the pleasant. L.
UTILTT Y. s. Usefulness ;
profit ; convenience. L. utilitas : utor, to
diplomatic phrase, used when two or more
states desire to make peace, on the terms that each shall retain the
possessions which it then holds: opposed to status quo ante bellum.
L. uli, as, possidetis, (from possideo,) you possess.
UXO'RIOUS. adj. Submissively fond of a wife ; infected with connu-
bial dotage. L. uxorius ; uxor, a wife.


VA'CANT. adj. Empty; unoccupied;

thoughtless; unintelligent. L.
vacans, part, of vaco, to be empty.
VACA'TE. v. To make vacant, or void to quit possession of. ; L.
vaco, to be empty.
VACA'TION. s. Recess from a place of business intermission ; of
stated employments. L. vacatio: vacatus, p. part, of vaco, to be
VACCINE, adj. Vaccine inoculation (an important substitute for the
variolus,) was perfected by Dr. Jenner of England, about the year
1800, and received its name from the infectious matter having been
first taken from the teats of cows. L. vacca, a cow.
VACUITY, s. Emptiness; space unfilled, or unoccupied; want of
reality. L. vacuitas. See VACUUM.
VACUUM, s. Space unoccupied by matter, or from which the atmo-
spheric air has been exhausted. L. from vaco, to be empty.
VAG'ABOND. adj. Wandering, without any settled habitation (al- ;

x» 261)
ways, now, considered in a reproachful sense.) F. vagabond: L.
vagabundus : vagor, to wander.
VAGARY, s. A freak ; a capricious frolic. L. vagor, to wander.
VA'GRANT. adj. Wandering ; unsettled vagabond. L. vagor, to

VAGUE, adj. Unfixed unsettled ; undetermined ; indefinite.
; F.
vague L. vagus : vagor, to wander.

VAIL. s. curtainA ; a cover. See VEIL.

VAIN. adj. Unreal; shadowy; showy; fond of admiration useless; ;

fruitless ineffectual, &c.

; F. vain : L. vanus, empty.
VALE. s. A
valley ; a hollow between hills. L. vallis ; from vallo, to
VALEDICTION, s. farewell. A
L. vale, farewell, and dictio, a say-
ingf dico, to speak.

VALEDICTORY, adj. Bidding farewell. See VALEDICTION.

VALETUDINARIAN, s.One who, through infirmity of body, is
compelled to nurse himself, in order to restore his constitution. L.
valetudo, health, or sickness.
VALIANT, adj. Strong brave. F. vaillant L. valeo, to be strong. ; :

VALTD. adj. Efficacious; convincing conclusive. L. validus ; from ;

valeo, to be strong.
VAL'LEY. s. A vale ; a hollow between hills. L. vallis : vallo, to
VAL'OUR. s. Strength bravery. ; L. valor : valeo, to be strong.
VAL'UE. s. Price worth rate. ; ; F. value : valoir, to have worth : L.
valeo, to be strong.
VAN. s. The front division of an army or fleet. F. avant, before.
VANISH, v. To lose perceptible existence; to disappear; to pass
away. L. inceptive, vanesco ; from vanus, empty.
VAN'ITY. s. Emptiness ; fruitless endeavour vain pursuit presump-
; ;

tion ; idle show fondness of admiration.

; L. vanitas. See VAIN.
VANQUISH, v. To conquer. F. vaincre : L. vinco ; from vincio, to
VAPTD. adj. Spiritless ; having the spirit evaporated. L. vapidus.
VA'POUR. s. Fluid in an aeriform state steam. L. vapor. ;

VA'RL\NCE. s. Disagreement; discord; dissension. See VARY.

VA'RIEGATE. v. To diversify to stain with various colours. From ;

vary, with the addition of the L. verb ago, to make.

VARIETY, s. Change; difference; dissimilitude; deviation. L. va-
rietas. See VARY.
species of disorder, resembling the small-
pox. L. variola ; from varus, a spot, and G. eidos, form.
VARIOUS, adj. Changeable; uncertain; different; several. L. va-
rius. See VARY.
VA'RY. v. To change to diversify
; to be changeable to deviate ;
; ;

to disagree. L. vario, to draw with, (or be of,) various colours va- :

rus, a spot.
VAS'CULAR. adj. Consisting of little vessels ; full of little vessels.
L. vasculum, dim. of vas, a vessel.
VASE. s. A
domestic vessel, rather for show than use. F. vase : L.
vas, a vessel (of any kind, for domestic use.)
VAS'SAL. s. One who holds of a superior lord a dependant
; one ;

who acts by the will of another. F. vassal : L. vas, a pledge, or

VAST. adj. Very large very great ; ; immensely spacious. L. vastus,
waste, desolate, wide, huge, &c.
VATICINATION, Act of prophesying a foretelling.
s. ; L. vaticu
natio ; from a prophet.
VAUDE'VILLE. s. A ballad a musical drama. F. ;

VEAL. s. The flesh of a calf. F. veau : L. vitulus, a calf.

VEDETTE', s. A mounted sentinel, who observes the movements of
an enemy. F. vedette ; from the L. video, to see.
VE'GETABLE. s. Any thing that grows as a plant. L. vegetaoilis.
VE'GETATE. v. To grow as plants ; to grow without sensation. L.
vegeto ; from vegeo, to be strong and healthy, to stir or move up.
VEHEMENT, adj. Violent ; forcible ; ardent. L. vehemens : veho, to
VE'HICLE. s. That in which any thing is carried that by means of ;

which any thing is conveyed. L. vekiculum : veho, to carry.

VEIL. s. A
small curtain for concealing the face ; means of conceal-
ment a disguise. L. velum : velo, to cover.

small carriage, driven by the feet. L. velox,
(gen. velocis,) swift, and pes, (gen. pedis,) a foot.
VELOCITY, s. Speed swiftness. L. velocitas : velox, swift from
; :

volo, (volare,) to fly.

VENAL, adj. Mercenary; prostitute. F. venal: L. venalis; from
veneo, to be sold.
VENAT'IC. adj. Used in hunting. L. venaticus : venatus, part, of
venor, to seek after, or hunt.
VEND. v. To sell. L. vendo, to sell.
VENDTBLE. adj. Saleable. L. vendibilis : vendo, to sell.
VENDITIONI EXPONAS. The name of a judicial writ, directing
a sheriff to sell certain property therein described. L. exponas, you
must expose, venditioni, to sale :expono, and venditio.
VEN' DUE. s. Public sale, generally by auction. F. from vendre : L.
vendo, to sell.
VEN'ENATE. v. To poison ; to infect with poison. L. veneno : G.
pheno, to kill.
VENERABLE, adj. To be regarded with awe; to be treated with
reverence ; deserving the highest degree of respect. L. venerabilis.
VEN'ERATE. v. To regard with awe ; to reverence. L. veneror, to
VENESECTION, s. Act of opening a vein blood-letting. L. vena,;

a vein, and sectus, p. part, of seco, to cut.

VE'NIAL. adj. Pardonable; excusable; permitted. F. veniel : L.
venia, leave.
VENIRE FACIAS. The name of a judicial writ, by which a she-
directed to summon a jury. L. facias, you must cause, [them,]
riff is
venire, to come : venio, and facio.
VEN'ISON. s. The flesh of deer. F. venaison: L. venor, to hunt.
VENOM, s. Poison. L. venenum. See VENENATE.

VENT. $. An aperture through which any thing comes out; emis.
sion passage, &c. L. ventum, sup. of venio, to come.

VENT. s. Sale. F. vente : L. venditio : venditus, part, of vendo, to sell.

VEN'TIDUCT. s. A passage for the wind. L. ventus, wind, and ductus,
a guidance 2#from the p. part, of duco, to lead.
VEN'TILATE. v. To cool or purify, by the admission of wind. L.
ventilo ; from ventus, wind.
VEN'TRAL. adj. Relating or belonging to the belly. L. venter, the
VEN'TRICLE. s. The stomach
any small cavity in an animal body,

particularly of the heart. L. venlriculus, dim. of venter, the belly.

pretends that he speaks from his
belly, but who has acquired the art of articulating his words without
using the proper organs of speech and can so modify his tones, as;

to induce a belief that the sound issues from any place to which he
directs the attention of his auditors. L. venter, the belly, and loquor,
to speak.
hazard ; an undertaking of chance and danger the ;

thing put to hazard, &c. F. avanture : L. venturus, (future part, of

venio,) about to come.
VERACITY, s. Moral truth honesty of report. L. veracis, gen. of

verax, true of speech.

VERB. s. A
part of speech, defined as signifying " to be, to do, or to
suffer." L. verhvm, a word thus, making the verb pre-eminent, as

being the radical, from which is formed the greater portion of the
other parts of speech.
VER'BAL. adj. Spoken not written oral consisting of mere words
; ; ;

referring to mere words, not to the matter or general style ; literal

having word corresponding to word derived from a verb. L. ver- ;

balls ; verbum, a word. See VERB.

VERB AT IM. Word for- word. L. from verbum, a word.
VERBATIM ET LITERATIM. Word for word, and letter for
letter without the smallest variation. L. adverbs, verbatim, word

for word, and literatim, letter for letter verbum, a word, and litera, :

a letter.
VER'BERATE. v. To beat ; to strike. L. verbero ; from verber, a
VERBO'SE. adj. Exuberant in words tedious, by a multiplicity of ;

words. L. verbosvs ; verbum, a word.

VER'DANT. adj. Green. F. verdoyant (formerly, verdoiant ;) L. viri-
dans ; vireo, to flourish, or to be green vires, pi. of vis, strength. :

VER'DERER. s. An officer of a forest. F. verdier : L. viridarium, a

green place, enclosed for beasts and fowls from viridis, green. :

VER'DITER. s. Chalk made green. F. verd, green, and terre, earth.

VER'DICT. s. The determination of a jury, declared to the judge de- ;

cision judgment.
Law L. veredictum ; L. verum, neuter ofverus,
true, and dictum, a saying.
VER'DURE. s. Green green colour. F. verdure. See VERDANT.

rod, or something resembling it, carried as an emblem
of authority the mace of a dean. F. verge : L. virga, a rod.

VERGE, s. The brink the edge the utmost border. L. vergo, to

; ;

decline, or bend towards.


VER'GER. s. He that carries the verge or mace before a dean. See
VERIFY, v. To confirm ; to prove true. F. verifier : L. verus, real,
or true, and facia, to make.
VERILY, adj. Truly ; with great confidence. See VERY.
certainly ;

VERISIMILITUDE, Probability; resemblance of truth. L. veri.


similitudo ; comp. of veri, gen. of verum, truth, and similitudo, a

VERITABLE, adj. True; in accordance with fact. F. veritable.
VERTTY. s. Truth. L. Veritas
verus, real. :

VERMICULAR, adj. Acting like a worm ; continued from one part

to another. L. vermiculus, dim. of vermis, a worm.
little worm. L. vermiculus, dim. of vermis, a
VERMIFORM, adj. Having the shape of a worm. L. vermis, a
worm, and forma, shape.
medicine for expelling or destroying worms. L.
vermis, a worm, and/wg-o, to drive away.
VER'MIN. s. Noxious animals a term used commonly in relation to

small creatures of a disagreeable or destructive nature. F. vermin

L. vermis, a worm, grub, &c.
VERNACULAR, adj. Native; of one's own country. L. vernaculus
from verna, a bond-servant, or one born in the house.
VER'NAL. adj. Relating or pertaining to the spring of the year. L.
vernus : ver, the spring.
VER'SATILE. adj. Changeable; variable; easily applied to a new
task. L. versatilis : verso, to turn often verto, to turn.

VERSE, s. Language restrained to harmonic sounds, or a regular

number of syllables a line of verse ; a portion of Scripture, con-

tained in one numerical division. This species of composition is

generally called poetry ; though, a poem is not always written in
verse, nor is verse always poetry, —
which denotes an exertion of
genius, and a captivating display of originality. L. versus ; from
verto, to turn. See PROSE.
VERS'ED. Skilled (in ;) acquainted (with.)
adj. L. verso, to turn
often, or consider verto, to turn.

VER'SIFY. v. To make verses. F. versifier : L. versifico : comp. of

versus, a verse, and facio, to make.
VERSION, s. Translation. L. versio: versus, p. part, of verto, to
VERSUS, prep. Against. L.
VER'TEBRAL. adj. Relating to the joints of the spine. L. vertebra,
a turning joint in the body ; verto, to turn.
VER'TEX. s. The zenith, the point over head ; the top. L. vertex,
the top of any thing verto, to turn.

VER'TICAL. adj. Placed in the zenith ; placed in a direction perpen-

dicular to the horizon. L. verticis, gen. of vertex. See VERTEX.
VERTIGINOUS, adj. Turning round ; rotary ; giddy. L. vertigi-
nosus : vertiginis, gen. of vertigo, turning round : from verto, to turn.
giddiness, or sense of turning, in the head. L. from
verto, to turn.
VER' Y. adj. True ; real ; same or precise adv. emphatically ; in a

high degree. Old F. veray, (modern, vrai,) true L. versus, real.


VESICATE, v. To blister. L. vesica, a bladder, or (figuratively,) a

VESTCLE. s. A small cuticle, filled or inflated. L. vesicula, dim. of
vesica, a bladder.
VESICULAR, adj. In anatomy, hollow ; full of small interstices. See
VES'PERS. s. Evening service of the Roman church. L. vesper, the
VEST. v. To dress ; to deck ; to enrobe ; to make possessor of; to
invest with ; to place under the authority of. L. vestio ; from vestis,
a garment.
VESTAL, adj. Consecrated to Vesta ; having virgin purity. L. ves-
talis. See the heathen mythology.
VESTTGE. s. Mark left behind in passing trace. L. vestigium, a ;

VEST'MENT. s. Garment; part of dress. L. vestimentum : vestis, a
VESTRY, s. A room, belonging to a church, in which the sacerdotal
garments, &c, are deposited a parochial assembly, usually convened

in the vestry-room an assembly of the elders and pew-holders of


any church. L. vestiarium, a wardrobe vestis, a garment. :

VEST'URE. s. Garment ; robe ; dress. Old F. vesture : L. vestis, a

VETERAN, adj. Long practised in war ; long experienced. L. vete.
ranus : veteris, gen. of vetus, old.
VE'TO. s. Refusal rejection; invested power or privilege of rejecting

or annulling. L. veto, I forbid.

VEX. v. To disturb ; to plague ; to lament ; to fret. L. vexo, to toss
up and down ; freq. from vexus, p. part, ofveho, to carry.
VIA. By the way of. L. abl. of via, a way.
VIANDS, s. Food ; meat dressed. F. viande, food. L. vivendo, ge-
rund, of vivo, to live.
VIATTCUM. s. Provision for a journey ; in the Roman church, the
last rites used to prepare the passing soul for its departure ; pecu-
niary compensation to a witness, for having come to a court of jus-
tice. L. from via, a way, and itus, a going eo, to go. :

VI'BRATE. v. To move backward and forward, or upward and down-

ward, with a quick motion ; to quiver. L. vibro, to shake.
substitute ; a clergyman of the episcopal church, in de-
gree below a rector. L. vicarius : vicis, stead, place.
VICARIOUS, adj. Deputed delegated ; acting in the place of an-

other. L. vicarius. See VICAR.

VICE. In the place of. L. abl. of vicis, stead, place.
VICE-ADMIRAL, s. The second, commander of a fleet an admiral ;

of the second rank. L. vice, in the place, (instead,) and admiral.

VICEGE'RENT. s. A lieutenant; one who possesses delegated power.
L. vice, in the place, (instead.) and gererts, part, of gero, to bear.

VI'CEROY. s. One who governs in place of a king, with regal autho-

rity. L. vice, in the place, (instead,) and F. roi, a king.


VICINAGE, s. A neighbourhood ;
places adjoining. L. vicinia ; from
vicus, a village.
VICIN'ITY. s. Nearness; state of being near; neighbourhood. L.
vicinitas. See VICINAGE.
VICIS'SITUDE. s. Change ; L. vicissitudo ; comp. of
vicis, change, stead, and ito, go frequently Hum, sup. of eo, to go.
to :

VICTIM, s. A sacrifice ; something slain for a sacrifice something ;

destroyed. L. victima, a beast killed in sacrifice, for victory : viclus,

p. part, of vinco, to overcome.
VICTOR, s. Conqueror. L. from vinco, to conquer.
VICTUALS, s. Food. F. victuailles : L. victus, p. part, of vivo, to
VI'DE. v. L. imper. of video, to see.
VIDELTCET, or its contraction, VIZ. That is; to wit; namely;
comp. of videre, infinitive of video, to see, and licet, it is lawful you —
may if you will, &c.
VI ET ARM' IS. By force and arms ; by a force not sanctioned by
law. L. abl. of vis, and arma.
VIEW. s. Prospect, sight, &c. F. vue : vu, past part voire : L. vi-
dere, (infin. of video,) to see.
VIGIL, s. Watch devotion performed in the customary hours of

rest a fast observed before a holiday, &c.

; L. vigil, a watchman.
VIGILANT, adj. Watchful; circumspect. L. vigilans, part, of vigilo
vigil, a watchman.
VIG'OROUS. adj. Strong ; lively energetic full of strength and life. ; ;

VIGOUR, s. Strength ; health ; L. vigor ; from vigeo, to
flourish ; vi, (abl. of vis,) with strength, and agendo, abl. gerund of
ago, to do, or move.
VILE. adj. Worthless ; mean ; sordid ; base ; wicked. L. vilis, of no
VILTFY. v. To debase ; to degrade ; to defame. L. vilis, of no value,
and/ado, to make.
small collection of houses in the country, less than
a town. F. village : L. villa, a country-house.
VIL'LAIN. s. This word, according to the present popular meaning,
has almost entirely changed its signification. It formerly denoted
one who held lands on very dependent conditions, under the feudal
system one who was bound to do any sort of service for his supe-

rior lord. It now signifies a base, wicked rogue. F. vilain : vil,

mean, contemptible; L. vilis ; or else, from villa, a village. Consult
Blackstone's Commentaries.
VIL'LANAGE. s. The state of that species of tenants formerly called
villains or the nature of their tenure.
VIL'LOUS. adj. Shaggy rough furry. L. villosus : villus, wool, or
; ;

VIMIN'EOUS. adj. Made of twigs. L. vimineus : vimen, a twig.
VIN'CIBLE. adj. Conquerable ; superable. L. vincibilis : vinco, to
VINDICATE, v. To revenge to avenge to justify to support, or ; ; ;

maintain ; to assert to claim with efficacy. L. vindico : vi, (abl.


of vis,) with strength, and indico, to declare in and dico. :


VINDICTIVE, adj. Revengeful. L. vindicta, vengeance. See VIN-
VIN'EGAR. s. Wine grown sour ; a vegetable acid, called acetous.
F. vinaigre : vin, wine, and aigre, sour L. vinum, and acer. :

VI'NOUS. adj. Having the qualities of wine relating to a species of ;

fermentation. L. vinosus : vinum, wine.

VIN'TAGE. s. Season of gathering the grapes, and making them into
wine. F. vin : L. vinum, wine. >
VINT'NER. s. One who sells wine. F. vin : L. vinum, wine.
VI'OLATE. v. To infringe to hurt; to injure, by irreverence or sa-

crilege to deflower.
; L. violo, to force vi, abl. of vis, force. :

VIOLENT, adj. Acting with great force produced or continued by ;

force; unseasonably vehement; outrageous. L. violentus : violo, to

force vi, abl. of vis, force.

VI'PER. s. A
serpent of that species which brings forth its young
alive. L. vivus, alive, and pario, to bring forth.
blustering woman ; a woman with the qualities of a
man. L. vir, a man, and ago, to act.
VIRGO, s. One of the twelve signs of the zodiac. L. virgo, a
VIRILITY, s. Manhood ; power of procreation. L. virilitas : vir, a
VIR'TUAL. adj. Having the efficacy, without the material part hav- ;

ing the power, without the regular authority, of acting. F. virtuel

L. virtus, force, faculty.
VIR'ULENT. adj. Poisonous venomous bitter ; malignant. L. vi-
; ;

rulentus. See VIRUS.

VIRUS, s. Infectious principle poison. L. ;

VIS' AGE. s. Countenance face. F. visage : L. visus : visus, (p. part.


of video,) seen.
species of carriage, in which the passengers sit oppo-
site to each other. F. vis a vis, over against visage, a face, a, :

against, visage, a face.

VIS'CERA. s.The entrails. L. pi. of viscus, a bowel, or entrail.
VISCERATE, v. To disembowel. See VISCERA.
VIS'CID, or VIS'COUS. adj. Glutinous; sticky; tenacious. L. vis-
cidus : viscus, properly a species of shrub, which yields a glutinous
substance, called birdlime.
VISCOUNT, s. The term viscount, wT as formerly the French name
for sheriff, in England, as vicecomes, is now the Latin vice, in the :

place of, and comes, a count. The title of viscount, was first con-
ferred by Henry VI. without any office pertaining to it ; and now
signifies one of the order of nobility next below an earl. See COUNT.
VISIBLE, adj. Perceptible to the eye; apparent; open ; conspicuous.
L. visibilis. See VISION.
VIS INER'TIJE. In physics or mechanics, this is applied to the
power of a stationary body, resisting that which would set it in mo-
tion. In morals, it is a figurative application, and another name for
sluggishness, or indolence. L. vis, the power, inertia, (gen. of in-
ertia,) of lying still.
VISION, s. Sight ; the faculty of seeing a supernatural appearance ;

something shown in a dream ; a rhetorical figure, by which past


VIS— voc
events are represented as present. F. vision : L. visio : visus, p.
part, of video, to see.
VIS'IONARY. adj. Affected by phantoms disposed to receive im- ;

pressions on the imagination; imaginary. F. visionaire. See

VIS'IT. v. To go to see ; to be in the habit of mutual salutations at
the houses of each other (in scriptural language,) to send good or

evil judicially. L. visito, to go often to see visum, sup. of video, to see. :

VISIT A'TION. s. Formal or tedious visit judicial good or evil sent ;

by God. L. visito. See VISIT.

VI'SOR. s. A mask for disguising the face. See VISAGE.
VIS'TA. s. View through an open space, as between trees, &c. Ita-
lian ; from the L. visus, p. part, of video, to see.
VIS'UAL. adj. Relating or pertaining to the sight. F. visuel : L. vi-
sus, sight : from video, to see.
VI'TAL. adj. Contributing to life necessary to life ; relating to life

essential, &c. L. vitalis : vita, life.

VI'TALS. s. Parts essential to life. See VITAL.
VITIATE, v. To corrupt; to make less pure. L. vitio: vitium,
faultiness, or deformity.
VI'TIOUS,or VI'CIOUS. adj. Corrupt wicked prone to vice. L. ;

from vitium, faultiness, deformity.

vitiosus ;
VIT'REOUS. adj. Consisting of glass; resembling glass. L. vit reus :
vitrum, glass.
VIT'RIFY. v. To become glass : to change into glass. F. vitrifier :

L. vitrum, glass, and facio, to make.

VIT'RIOL. s. This term, which refers to a glassy appearance, is no
longer used by chemists, but is superseded by that of sulphate : thus,
Roman or blue vitriol is called sulphate of copper and green vitriol, ;

or copperas, sulphate of iron. F. vitriol : L. vitrum, glass.

VIT'ULINE. adj. Belonging to a calf. L. vitulinus : vitulus, a male
VITUTERATE. v. To blame, or censure. L. vitupero, to blame.
VIVA'CIOUS. adj. Long-lived lively gay. L. vivacis, gen. of vivax

from vivo, to live.

VIVA'CITY. s. Liveliness ; gayety ; sprightliness. F. vivacite : L.
vivacis, gen. of vivax, lively : vivo, to live.
VIVA VO'CE. By oral declaration or testimony, as opposed to
written. L. viva, by a living, voce, voice : abl. of vivus, and vox.
VIVID, adj. Lively ; striking ; sprightly ; active. L. vividus : vivo,
to live.
VIVIFY, v. To endue with life. F. vivifier : L. vivifico : vivus, alive,
and facio, to make.
VIVIP'AROUS. adj.Bringing forth the young alive : opposed to
oviparous. L. vivus, alive, and pario, to bring forth.
sort of dictionary ; a glossary, or explanation
of obscure terms a stock of words. L. vocabularium : vocabulum,

a name voco, to call.


VO'CAL. adj. Uttered by the voice intended for the voice. L. vocalis

vocis, gen. of vox, the voice.

v 277

VOCA'TION. s. A calling
; the employment to which any one is called

by the will of God.

L. vocatio : vocatus, p. part, of voco, to call.
VOC' ATI VE. grammatical case used in calling
adj. Relating to the
or speaking to. L. vocativus ; from voco, to call.
VOICE, s. Sound emitted by the mouth vote ; suffrage. F. voix

L. vox ; from vocatus, p. part, of voco, to call.

VOID. adj. Empty; vacant; vacated; null; ineffectual. F. vuide:
L. viduus, bereft, deprived.
preliminary oath, administered to a witness, (veru
tatem dicere ;) to make true answers to such questions as the court
shall demand of him, to ascertain his competency, age, &c, previous
to his being sworn in chief, to testify as to the merits of the question.
Voire seems to be a Norman corruption of the L. verus, true ; dire,
is from the L. dicere, to say.
VO'LANT. adj. Flying passing through the air ; nimble. F. volant

L. volans, part, of volo, (volare,) to fly.

VOL'ATILE. adj. Having the power to pass off by spontaneous eva-
poration ; overlively ; fickle ; of changeable mind. L. volatilis : volo,
(volare,) to fly.
burning mountain. Italian, from the heathen deity,
Vulcan, who is poetically related to have had his forge in Mount
iEtna, where his workmen, the Cyclops, made thunderbolts.
VOLI'TION. s. Will ; the act of willing the power of willing exerted.

L. volitio : volo, (velle,) to will, or be willing.

flight of shot ; a discharge of many guns at once ; an
emission of many at once. F. volee : L. volo, (volare,) to fly.
VOL'TIGEUR, s. One of a kind of troops intended for rapid move-
ments. F. from the L. volito, (freq. of volo,) to fly about.
VOLUBIL'ITY. s. Act or power of rolling; activity or fluency (ap-
plied to the tongue, or speech.) L. volubilitas. See VOLUBLE.
VOL'UBLE. adj. Formed so as to roll easily, or be easily put in mo-
tion ; rolling ; moving quickly ; active or fluent, (applied to the
tongue, or speech. L. volubilis : volutus, p. part, of volvo, to roll.
VOL'UME. s. Something rolled, or convolved a book so called, be-
; ;

cause books were anciently rolled on a staff; circumference. L.

volumen ; volvo, to roll.
VOLUMINOUS, adj. Consisting of many volumes ; extensive ; co-
pious. See VOLUME.
VOL'UNTARY. adj. Acting by one's own will, not by compulsion, or
entreaty ; willing ; spontaneous. L. valuntarius ; volo, (velle,) tobe
VOLUNTEER', s. enters upon any service of his own ac-
One who
cord. See VOLUNTARY.
F. volontaire.
VOLUP'TUOUS. adj. Freely indulging one's desires ; given to excess
of pleasure ; luxurious. L. voluptuosus ; voliiptas, pleasure volo, :

to wish.
VOLU'TE. s. That part of the capital of a column which is supposed
to represent the bark of trees twisted into spiral lines, or, according
to others, the long twisted hair of a female. F. volute : L. volutus,
p. part, of volvo, to roll.
VOM' IT. v. the stomach ; to emit, as a volcano. L.
To throw up from
vomito, frequentative of vomo, to spew or cast up.

VORA'CIOUS. adj. Greedy
to eat ravenous rapacious. L. vorax,
; ;

(gen. voracis from voro, to devour.


VOR'TEX. s. A whirlwind, or whirlpool; pi. vortexes. In the Carte-

sian philosophy, a system or collection of particles of matter, moving
the same way, and round the same axis pi. vortices. L. vortex ;

from verto, to turn.

VO'TARY. s. One devoted, as by a vow, to any particular service,
worship, study, or state of life. See VOTE.
VOTE. s. Suffrage ; wish expressed in favour of any person or thing.
L. votum ; votus, p. part, of voveo, to vow, or wish for.
VO'TIVE. adj. Given by vow. L. voiivus. See VOTE.
VOUCH, v. To vouch, in law, signifies to call upon a person to defend
a title to lands, which he is supposed to have warranted it also sig- :

nifies to bear witness, to warrant, &c. L. voco, to call.

VOW. v. To consecrate, by a solemn dedication to promise with so- ;

lemnity. F. vouer : L. voveo, to pray, or wish for.

VOWEL, s. A letter which can be fully sounded by itself. F. voyelle :
L. vocalis ; from vocis, gen. of vox, a voice, or sound.
VOX POP'ULI. The voice of the people. L.
VOY' AGE. s. journey of discovery but, in general, a long passage ;

by sea it is also used to express the ascension and passage of an


ffironaut. F. from voir, to see.

VUL'GAR. adj. Plebeian ; suiting or practised amongst the common
people ; (in relation to also, mean ; un-
a language,) national :

fashionable. L. vulgaris ; valgus, the common people.
VUL'NERABLE. adj. Susceptible of wounds liable to external in- ;

juries ; not impregnable. L. vulnerabilis ; vulnera, pi. of vulnus, a

VUL'NERARY. adj. Relating or belonging to wounds. L. vulnera-
rius ; vulneris, gen. of vulnus, a wound.
VULPINE, adj. Belonging to a fox. L. vulpinus ; vulpes, a fox.

WARD. v. To guard ; to fence off.
; s. guard ; act of guard-
to protect
ing district in a town custody that part of a lock, which, cor-
; ; ;

responding to the proper key, hinders, or guards it from being

opened by another one in the hands of a guardian, &c. F. garder,

to guard.
WAR'RANT. v. To support or maintain ; to attest to authorize ; to ;

justify; to secure. F. garaniir, to indemnify, or defend. See

WAR'RANT. s. A writ conferring some right or authority ; a secure,
inviolable grant; a justificatory commission; evidence. See the
WAR'REN. s. A kind of park for rabbits. F. garenne. See WARD.
WASTE, v. To destroy to diminish to ; ; consume, &c. L. vasto, to
destroy, or ravage.
WID'OW. s. A woman whose husband is dead. L. vidua ; from
viduus, bereft.


ZEAL. s. Passionate ardour. L. zelus G. zelos ; from zeo, to be hot.


ZEAL'OT. s. One passionately ardent in any cause — generally used


in dispraise. G. zelotes. See ZEAL.

ZEAL'OUS. adj. Passionately ardent in any cause. See ZEAL.
ZEPH'YR. s. The west wind any calm, pleasing wind. L. zephyrus:

G. zephuros ; zoe, life, and phero, to bring.

ZE'RO. s. A term used to signify 0. In thermometers, the or zero
of Reaumur indicates the freezing point; but in the instruments
made according to Fahrenheit, the zero is 32 degrees below it. This
word is not in any English dictionary but, in the French, is ex-

plained as a cypher or nought. G. xeros, (vacuus,) void, vacant.

ZEUGMA, s. A figure in grammar, by which a verb, agreeing with
several nouns, or an adjective with several substantives, is referred
to one expressly, and understood before the rest: as, "lust overcame
shame, —boldness, fear, —
and madness, reason." G. zeugma, a
ZODIAC, The track of the sun through the twelve signs, (the ram,
bull, &c.a great circle of the sphere, representing the twelve signs.

L. zodiacus : G. zodiakos ; zodioa, (pi. of zodion,) living creatures :

zao, to live.
ZONE. s. A ; a division of the earth, marked by an imaginary
girdle or circle.G. zone ; zonnuo, to gird.
ZO'OGO'NIA. s. The production of living creatures pronounced :

zo-ogonia. G. zoos, living, and gone, an offspring.

ZO'OG'RAPHY. s. A written description of animals pronounced :

zo-ography. G. zoos, living, and grapho, to write.

ZO'OL'OGY. s. That part of natural history which relates to animals
pronounced zo-ology. G. zoos, living, and logos, a word, or descrip-
natural production, which partakes of the nature
of both a vegetable and animal pronounced zo-ophyte. G. zoos,

living, and phuton, a plant.

ZO'OT'OMY. s. Dissection of the bodies of animals pronounced zo- :

otomy. G. zoos, living, and temno, to cut.


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With a Vocabulary of the Proper Names contained in the work, and the
Prosodial Accents, in conformity with the Pronunciation of Lempriere
Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the
Questions, for the use of Teachers and Families,
— — —
Revised and Corrected and a Vocabulary of Proper Names appended)

with Prosodial Marks to assist in their Pronunciation.

Also, Questions adapted to the above History; and a Key, adapted to the
Questions, for the use of Teachers and Families.

GRIMSHAW'S HISTORY OF FRANCE, with Key and Questions.

The editor of the North American Review, speaking of these Histories, ob-
serves, that
Among the Elementary Books of American History, we do not remember to
have seen any one more deserving approbation than Mr. Grimshaw's History of
the United States. It is a small volume, and a great deal of matter is brought
into a narrow space; but the author has succeeded so well in the construction of
his periods, and the arrangement 6f his materials, that perspicuity is rarely sacri-
ficed to brevity.
The chain of narrative is skilfully preserved ; and the author's reflections are
frequently such as to make the facts more impressive, and lead the youthful mind
to observe causes and consequences which might otherwise have been overlooked.
As a school book it may justly be recommended.
What has been said of this volume will apply generally to his other historical
works. They are each nearly of the same size as the one just noticed, and de-
signed for the same object, that is, the use of classes in schools.
The History of England is an original composition; but the Grecian and Roman
Histories are Goldsmith's, improved by Grimshavv, in which he has corrected the
typographical errors with which the later editions of Goldsmith's Abridgements
so much abound ; and removed any grossness in language, which, in some few
instances, render these valuable compends less useful in the schools to which
youth of both sexes resort. He has also added a Vocabulary of Proper Names,
accentuated, in order to show their right pronunciation, which is a valuable ap-
pendage to the History.
All these .books are accompanied with very full and well-digested Tables of
Questions, for the benefit of Pupils, and also with Keys to the same, for the con-
venience of Teachers.


And ParlorCompanion; containing nearly every word in the English
language, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles of
verbs; being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and
Schools. By William Grimshaw, Esq.
In the Nashville Republican, we observe the following notice of this very useful
In recommending the " Ladies' Lexicon," therefore, to all our readers, male
and female, who ha've ever experienced the difficulties which it is so admirably
calculated to remedy, we but do an ordinary act of justice to the author and pub-
lisher. We consider the "Ladies' Lexicon," and recommend it to our readers as
a work that possesses superior claims on their attention and patronage.


Or, Pocket Dictionary: containing nearly every word in the English lan-
guage, and exhibiting the plurals of nouns and the participles "of verbs;
being also particularly adapted to the use of Academies and Schools.
By William Grimshaw.
The public are again indebted to the talents of Mr. Grimshaw, for the very use-
ful books which he has called "The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Lexicons." The
peculiarity and advantages of these works maybe collected from the following
portion of the preface:

— — —
They from all preceding works of the kind in this, that they exhibit the
plurals of all nouns which are not formed by the mere addition of the letters,
and also the participles of every verb now generally used, and unless accompa-
nied by a particular caution. No word has been admitted which is not now of
polite or popular use; and no word has been excluded which is required either in
epistolatory composition or conversation.
In giving the above extracts we take occasion to say, that teachers will find the
" Ladies' and Gentlemen-s Lexicons" works admirably adapted to take the place,
with advantage to their pupils, of the different works recently put into their hands
under the name of Expositors, &c.
ftCr The above work has been introduced as a Classbook into many of our
academies and schools, with great approbation.

Ruschenberger's First Books of Natural History.



For the use of Schools and Families; with 45 illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo.
This is most valuable work, by Dr. Ruschenberger: and most admirably are
the plates, representing all the different parts of the body, done. It is cheap
and every parent should place one in the hands of his children. N. Y. Herald.


The Natural History of Quadrupeds; for beginners; 75 illustrations. 1
vol. 12 mo.
This number treats of all animals that in infancy feed on the milk of their
mothers, from the human being down to the musquito-catching bat. Like the
Ci First Book," it is divided into Questions and Answers, and a Glossary; and
illustrated by six plates. It is very cheap;and contains an abundance of useful
information. There are thousands of persons in this country, and millions in
Europe, who do not know that whales give milk. New York Era.

We do not know a more useful set than this promises to be and IS. New York
The Natural History of Birds; for beginners; 81 illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo.
New York, Feb. 9, 1846.
Sir— I have received your note of the 3d instant, together with the " Elements
of Ornithology," prepared for the use of Schools and Colleges, by W. S. W.
Ruschenberger, M. D., &c, and have read the work, in compliance with the re-
quest of the American Institute, that I should examine and report upon it.
I have great pleasure in highly recommending it. To say the truth, although I
am somewhat blanched by the hand of time, and have many years been a student
of Ornithology, I consider the present the very best introduction to that science
that I have ever seen ; and I might add as full praise to the other works of the
series of Ruschenberger's text- books of Natural History, as far as I am acquainted
with the subjects they relate to.
Dr. Ruschenberger has, in giving this series to the public, rendered a benefit to
all seekers after science, as both old and young may profit by the well-arranged
and valuable information these volumes contain. Your obedient servant,
To H. Meigs, Esq., JOHN J. AUDUBON.
Recording Secretary of the American Institute, New York City.
We wish we could induce our teachers generally to examine this, as well as the
earlier works of Dr. Ruschenberger; they are admirably arranged, and just the
very books needed for schools. The work before us, on the Natural History of
Birds, is an admirable one; and no teacher should neglect to introduce the series.
Cincinnati Gazette.
— — — —
We have much pleasure in commending this series of works —the third of
which, now before us, is on Ornithology. It will be found useful in the school-
room, or the private study. U. S. Gazette.


The Natural History of Reptiles and Fishes- for beginners; 66 illustra-
tions. 1 vol. 12mo.
Ruschenberger's Series of Books on Natural History are among the most valu-
able and useful works, for the use of Schools, that have ever been published. A
knowledge of Natural History is not only valuable, but deeply interesting ; and no
one's education can, with such facilities as these works afford, be considered com-
plete without it. National Intelligencer.


The Natural History of Shells and Mollusca; for beginners; 119 illustra-
tions. 1 vol. 12mo.
" We have no hand-books equal to these and we think Dr. E,. has conferred

an obligation upon teachers and learners by producing them in an English dress,

with all the advantages of well-engraved illustrations. The whole set of this
work, which is furnished at a low price, will prove an invaluable acquisition to the
school library."


The Natural History of Insects ; for beginners ; 9 1 illustrations. 1 vol. 12mo.
The subjects are well treated; and from the exceeding cheapness and admirable
arrangement of these elementary works, they are well fitted for general use in
Public Schools, Academies, and in every private library. New York American.


The Natural History of Plants; for beginners; 194 illustrations. 1 vol.
We do not hesitate to say, that this is the best work of the kind and dimensions
that has ever fallen under our notice. We hope all will embrace the first oppor-
tunity of procuring a copy, as we are sure they will prize it highly. Botanic
We regard this series as eminently useful, supplying adequately the instruction
in Natural History necessary to a proper school education.— Nort h American.


The Natural History of the Earth's Structure; for beginners; illustrated
with 300 beautiful Wood-cuts, designed to assist the learner in the
course of his studies. 1 vol. 12mo.
"We agree with a competent judge in the opinion, that it is the most complete
and beautiful Elementary Treatise on the subject which has been published in this
country. The subject of Geology is now attracting a great deal, and will continue
to excite still more attention in the United States, as our vast mineral resources
are becoming more fully developed; and this work exactly suits the wants of the
public, in training up the young for future study in this branch of knowledge."
The series of books of which this forms a part has been highly and justly com-
mended by the ablest judges, as furnishing rare facilities for the acquisition of
branches of knowledge, but too much neglected in our schools. We have ex-
amined the volumes with much care, and we find them well deserving all the
praise bestowed on them. — Godey's Lady's Book.
«e The above series, taken separately or collectively, is considered one of the
most valuable contributions to the cause of education which has ever been pub-
lished in this country."
This interesting Series of Books has already met with the most flattering recep-
tion from the American press. They have been introduced into the public schools
of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, Maine, New York, Tennessee, Alabama,
Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, the Carolinas, &c, and many of the first class Semi-
naries of Learning in the United States. The moderate price of this series is a
great recommendation, being half the price of the common school books in use,
on the same subject.
Yale College, Bee. 19, 1845.
I think this an excellent work —
condensed, lucid, exact, and comprehensive —
safe guide for the pupil, and a useful review for the teacher. The illustrations
are numerous and exact. B. SILLIMAN.
Extract of a Report to the American Institute.
Your committee with much pleasure recommend this highly valuable book to
the attention of those who conduct our Schools, Academies, and Colleges, as a
work excellently calculated to give the first outlines of the very important study
of Geology to students. Nor do we hesitate to say, that all men, except learned
Geologists alone, will feel, after its perusal, that they have received a great re-
ward for a very small expense of time and money. JAMES J. MAPES.


Numbers First, Second, Third and Fourth.
These books are particularly adapted for an introduction into the Schools gene-
rally in the South and West; and Teachers who feel a deep interest in promoting
the welfare of their pupils, will, no doubt, after a careful examination, give them
the preference over all other Readers now in use.
Parents and Teachers will please read the following notice of this invaluable
series of Elementary School Books.
We called attention to the above-named series of Common School books several weeks
since, when publishing an advertisement for the sale of them by some of our merchants.
Since that time we have had opportunity to give them a thorough examination, and we
feel it due to the community in which we live, and the proprietors of those interesting pub-
lications, to notice them more particularly. They certainly contribute a valuable addition
to our stock of elementary literature; in their plan and details presenting an intimate
acquaintance with the necessities that demanded their production, and developing, in their
prosecution, a wisdom and zeal in adapting the material at hand to the attainment of the
object in view, every way worthy of commendation and confidence.
The First Class reader is exactly such a book as would interest and impress the minds
and hearts of little boys and girls. Composed of short and easy words, embodying plea-
sant and profitable instruction, it is just the thing for infant learners, who find in it such
words as they can readily pronounce, and such ideas as they can easily comprehend. In
the Second and Third Class Readers the style increases in the intricacy of diction and the
elevation of sentiment, in beautiful consistency with the progress of attentive and studious
pupils, in the more advanced stages of primary school education. The Fourth Class
Reader is an invaluable compendium of deeply interesting and instructive facts, argu-
ments and inferences, drawn from that unfailing repository of truth, the history of the men
and manners of by-gone times. It is a reprint of the " Beauties of History," consisting of
anecdotes of men and women made illustrious by the splendor of their talents and virtues,
or rendered eternally infamous by the vileness of their characters and crimes. It is, there-
fore, a fit companion for those who are completing their term of study, preparatory to
entering the great arena of life inviting and encouraging them by the bright example of

the good, to walk in wisdom's narrow path, and warning them, by the wretchedness and
ruin of the vicious, from entering the broad road of sin and death.
After the table of contents of the Second Reader, is a chapter giving directions for the
attainment of a correct and elegant style of reading, the great importance of which all
know the value of, but few attain. For the truth of these remarks, we refer to the book?
*** Public, private and social libraries, and all who purchase to sell again, supplied or
the most reasonable terms with every article in the Book and Stationery line including

new novels, and all new works in every department of literature and science.
f£7=* Particular attention will also be
paid to all orders, through country merchants, or
by mail, for Law, Medical and Miscellaneous Books, for public and private libraries, an<?
so effort will be spared to complete all such orders on the most reasonable terms.

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