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Eyes Open 3 Unit 1 Standard Vocabulary

Name Class Date

1 Complete the words to describe extreme weather. Use the pictures to help you.

1 2 3 4 5

1 s w o 4 h tw e
2 h y r 5 t n and l t g
3 h l

2 When does this weather happen in your country? Match the words in the box to
the season you experience it.

heatwave ​hail ​heavy rain ​boiling ​freezing ​high winds ​snowstorm ​


3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

map ​sleeping bag ​first aid kit ​camera ​sun cream ​

1 Matt always needs to use . His skin is very pale.

2 We went camping last weekend. It was very uncomfortable and I was cold because I forgot my
3 I love taking photos so I always take my with me.
4 To survive for three days in a forest you need food, water and a to know where you are.
5 Jane fell and cut her leg. Fortunately, we had our with us.

4 Tick (✓) the survival essentials you would need for each place.

Essentials Forest (at night) City (daytime) Mountains (weekend)

water bottle
sleeping bag
sun cream

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 1 Standard Vocabulary

Eyes Open 3 Unit 2 Standard Vocabulary

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences about priorities. Use the correct form of the words in the box.

time for himself help around the house do sport shop for clothes chat with friends online

1 I miss everyone back home, so it is great that I can .

2 My parents complain because they say my sister and I don’t enough.
3 John always says he wants to be alone because he needs .
4 Pam loves fashion. She always at the weekend.
5 My friends and I a lot of at the weekend – we enjoy playing
football in the park.

2 Complete the phrases. Then match them to the pictures.

1 getting sleep
2 hanging with friends
3 doing something
4 sports

a b

c d

3 Complete the text with the words in the box.

act dance instrument on stage orchestra play the piano voice microphone

Kelly opened the door and walked 1 . She was so nervous but happy too, and very excited.
This was a dream come true! She looked down at the empty seats, there were no musicians in the
today. The only 3 in the room was next to her – her piano. She sat down,
turned on her 4
and started to 5 . Her 6 was strong and beautiful
and the song was perfect. She heard someone say, ‘If you can 7 and 8 as well
as you can sing, you’ve got the job!’ Kelly smiled.
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 2 Standard Vocabulary
Eyes Open 3 Unit 3 Standard Vocabulary

Name Class Date

1 Match the definitions with the words that describe art.

1 A person who plays music in a public place. a gallery
2 Words or drawings in public places. b concert hall
3 When objects or paintings are on display to the public. c exhibition
4 A room or building that shows works of art. d busker
5 A large building where you can see concerts. e graffiti

2 Use the letters in brackets in the correct order. Complete the sentences to describe art.
1 One of the most traditional Spanish musical instruments is the . (rauigt)
2 A can balance eight balls in the air. (gujgrle)
3 There’s an art near my house but I never go there. (ragelyl)
4 I love going to the city centre and seeing . They spend
hours without moving! (ivnlig tutases)
5 He is a very good . My sister looks just like that in real life!
(rtatpior preatin)

3 Label the instruments. The first letter is given.

1 b 2 t 3 g 4 r

5 d 6 s 7 v 8 k

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 3 Standard Vocabulary

Eyes Open 3 Unit 4 Standard Vocabulary

Name Class Date

1 What are these people doing? Label the pictures.

1 going to a s c 2 going s

3 going on a g t 4 going c

5 going on a s

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

chill out set off look round pick up find out

1 We need to now or we’ll be late.

2 Jenny didn’t come to class yesterday. We have to what happened to her.
3 What did you do yesterday? We the shops. I wanted to buy a T-shirt.
4 I didn’t any new words in the German class yesterday. Did you?
5 My father really needs to . He works too much.

3 Circle the correct word.

1 I didn’t want to come over / back from Paris, it was so fantastic!
2 She needs to find out / on how her new mobile works.
3 They are always stressed. They don’t know how to chill about / out.
4 We looked round / over the old town and it was lovely.
5 Go to bed now because we need to set after / off very early tomorrow.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 4 Standard Vocabulary

Eyes Open 3 Unit 1 Standard Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Write questions. Use the present simple form 5 Complete the text with the past continuous
of the words below. form of the verbs in brackets.
1 you / like / English? Last Saturday I met my friends in the morning.
 We wanted to do something different but the
2 Where / she / work? weather wasn’t very nice – it 1
 (rain) and it was very, very cold. We decided
to go for a walk in the mountains. While we
3 Peter / always / arrive / early? 2
(walk) to the bus stop, we

saw my mother. She 3 (do)
4 they / like / sports? the shopping and she told me not to be late.
 We caught the bus and when we arrived, it
5 When / visit / your grandparents? 4
(snow)! We got off the bus
 and decided to walk. Mary 5
(complain) because she was cold and Peter said we
2 Write the words in the correct order to make should go back. We waited at the bus stop but it
sentences. 6
(snow) even more. There were
1 never / you / he / anything / gives no other cars or people and we didn’t know what to
 . do. It 7 (get) dark and we were all
2 have / some cereal / I / for breakfast / always very cold. Suddenly, a car appeared – it was my mum
 and she was not happy at all!
3 In Spain / it / very hot / usually / in the summer / is 6 Circle the correct word.
 . 1 Jenny was playing / played video games when
4 sometimes / goes / to the cinema / she / the phone rang.
at weekends 2 I was going / went to the cinema yesterday.
 . 3 My friends were climbing / climbed trees all
5 to the doctor / once a year / goes / Peter day yesterday.
 . 4 What were you doing / did you do yesterday at
7 p.m?
3 Complete the sentences with the present 5 Lola was having / had chicken for lunch on
continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Sunday.
1 Sorry, I can’t help you now. I
6 We were walking / walked in the woods when
for an exam (study). the storm started.
2 You know what? He tennis with 7 We were playing / played chess when we heard
Rafa Nadal! (play) the really loud music.
3 What they ? (do) 8 He was driving / drived really fast when he hit
4 We the house. It’s very dirty! (clean) the wall.
5 What book you ? 9 They were cooking / cooked me a beautiful
(read) meal for my birthday.
10 She was playing / played the piano when she
4 Complete the text with the present simple
was at school.
or present continuous form of the verbs in
Omar 1 (come) from the North of
Argelia. He 2 (have) a big family: his
parents and seven brothers and sisters. The weather
where he 3 (live) is normally quite warm
but now it 4 (rain). In the summer Omar
and his friends 5
(go) swimming in the
sea. At the moment in his village, they 6
(build) a swimming pool so, next summer Omar will
swim there. They 7 (love) swimming!

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 1 Standard Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 3 Standard Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Match the questions and answers.
form of the present perfect. Use the verbs 1 Have you ever played a musical instrument?
in brackets. 2 Has anyone in your family ever been to
1 He (play) the violin in music school?
many different concert halls. He’s very famous. 3 Have you ever met a famous musician?
2 I (never do) any graffiti 4 Have you ever downloaded music from the
in my life. I think it’s ugly! Internet?
3 Jennifer (read) all his 5 Have you ever been to a classical concert?
novels. She is a really fast reader!
a Yes, I have. It’s so easy.
4 I (never met) a famous
rock star but Lucy has. b Yes, my mum when she was a little girl.
5 My sister (live) abroad c No, never, but I love the violin.
for many years. In fact, she lives in Vienna now. d Yes, once but I didn’t like it. It was boring.
6 My mum and I (watch) e No, never. I’m not really interested in meeting
the series on television. We love it. anyone like that.

2 Match the sentence halves. 5 Complete the letter. Use the correct form of
1 Matt has helped the present perfect and the verbs in brackets.
2 They have done Dear Ann,
3 We have seen How are you? I’m fine but very busy.
4 My father has played I1 (just start)
5 Music has changed classes and I’ve got so much to do.
a graffiti all over our city. I2 (decide) to
learn to play an instrument and I’m going
b football all his life.
to music classes! I’m going with Tom, my
c his parents to move house.
friend. He 3 (start)
d my life. I love it! to learn the piano. I prefer the drums but my
e lots of jugglers in town recently. parents don’t! 4 you
(ever play) a musical
3 Write questions with the present perfect and instrument?
ever. Use the verbs in brackets.
My other news is that I am going to Art
1 you (travel) to a foreign country?
club on Fridays. It’s great fun! The school
(give) us a wall where
2 she (visit) her friend John? we can do graffiti. I 6
(meet) a lot of new friends, which is great!
3 you (listen) to live music? Our teacher told us last week that we
can paint the common room when we
4 he (do) graffiti?
(finish) the graffiti
5 they (meet) a famous person? I have to go now. I’ll write again soon.
6 you (go) to America?

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 3 Standard Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 4 Standard Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences 4 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions
with the correct form of the present perfect using already, yet or still.
and just. Use the verbs in the box.
a b c
start finish arrive go

d e

1 Have Peter and Susan arrived?

1 Jonathan 2 The concert
at work. .
2 Has the plane left?

3 Have you tidied your room?

4 Has Emily finished her book?

5 Has he done the shopping?

5 Complete the sentences with for or since.

3 Be quiet! Your dad 4 The tennis match
1 I haven’t eaten four hours.
to bed. and it’s
2 How long have you known Ana?
going to be exciting.
2 Write the words in the correct order. 3 We have been best friends 2002.
1 already / visited / we / have / the museum 4 Laura hasn’t visited me two months.
. 5 They have lived in that beautiful house
2 hasn’t / a job / found / Maria / yet February.
3 hasn’t / Mark / still / seen / her
6 Circle the correct words.
Anna: 1 Have you ever been / Did you ever go
to Italy?
4 you / booked / yet / have / a table
Lola: Yes, I 2 have been / went last year.
Anna: 3 Have you liked / Did you like it?
5 have / already / you / a text message / sent
Lola: I 4 have loved / loved it! It’s so beautiful and
? the people are so friendly.
Anna: What 5 have you done / did you do when
3 Match the questions with the answers.
you were there?
1 Where’s Matt? a No, he hasn’t. Just be
Lola: We 6 have visited / visited lots of museums
2 Can I go out? patient!
and galleries.
3 Has he phoned? b Listen carefully! I’ve
Anna: Have you gone / Did you go shopping?

4 Where’s the bus? already explained it!

Lola: Yes, I bought a lovely handbag and presents
5 I don’t know what c It still hasn’t arrived.
for my family. What about you, Lola, 8 have
we have to do. d No, you haven’t finished you ever visited / did you visit another
your homework yet. country?
e He’s already left.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 4 Standard Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 1 Extra Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Write the words in the correct order to make Mary 5 because she was cold and Peter
sentences. Use the correct form of the verb. said we should go back. We 6 at the bus
1 never / you / he / anything / give stop for ages. There were no other cars or people
and we didn’t know what to do. It 7
dark and we were all very cold. Suddenly a car
2 have / some cereal / I / for breakfast / always
appeared – it was my mum and she was not happy
 . at all!
3 in Spain / it / very hot / usually / in the summer / be
 . 5 Complete the short conversations with the
4 sometimes / go / to the cinema / she / at past continuous form of the verbs in the box.
 . go ​do ​play ​wear ​have ​read ​watch
5 to the doctor / once a year / go / Peter
 . 1 A: You didn’t answer the phone when I called
last night? What you
2 Complete the sentences with a verb in the ?
present continuous. B: I a bath.
2 A:  you
do ​play ​study ​go ​read TV at 8 o’clock last night?
B: No, I wasn’t. I a book.
1 Sorry, I can’t help you now. I for
an exam. 3 A: I football in the park at six
2 Where they ? o’clock yesterday.
3 Where’s Paul? He the guitar. B: Did you win?
4 What book you ? A: No, we lost!
Jane Eyre. I love it. 4 A: Sam her new dress when I
5 What they ? They’re saw her last night.
playing football in the garden. B: Really. Where she
3 Choose the correct form of the verb. A: To a party, I think.
1 We usually are playing / play tennis
at weekends. 6 Complete the conversation with the past
2 Don’t interrupt! We are studying / study now! simple or past continuous form of the words
3 I am cooking / cook at the moment. Pick up the in brackets.
phone, please! Police Officer: So, what 1 (you /
4 Sarah never is helping / helps at home. do) yesterday at 9 p.m?
5 Joe is reading / reads a book at the moment. Paul: I 2 (have) dinner in the
4 Complete the text with the past continuous Police Officer: 3 (you / be)
form of the verbs in brackets. alone?
Paul: Yes, I 4 (wait) for my
walk complain ​
get ​
snow (x2) ​
do wait friend, Anna.
Police Officer: 5 (you / hear)
Last Saturday I met my friends in the morning. We any strange noises?
wanted to do something different but the weather Paul : No, but I 6 (see) a strange
wasn’t very nice – it 1 and it was man dressed in black through the window.
very, very cold. We decided to go for a walk in the Police Officer: What 7 (he / do)?
mountains. While we 2 to the bus stop,
Paul: He 8 . (sing)
we saw my mother. She 3 the shopping
Police Officer: Are you sure?
and she told me not to be late. We caught the bus
and when we arrived, it 4 even more! Paul: Yes, and he 9 (be)
We got off the bus and decided to walk. a terrible singer!

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 1 Extra Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 2 Extra Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Read the sentences. Write advice with 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
should (+) or shouldn’t (-). of have to / had to or don’t have to and the
1 I have a bad cold. (+) verbs in the box.

2 He never does any physical activity. (-) wear ​come ​do ​go ​study ​
 help ​practise ​take

3 Jane spends too much time watching TV. (+)

1 I can’t go to bed. I

for the exam.
4 We only sleep four hours every night. (-)
2 When I was a little girl I
 a uniform to school. I didn’t like it!
5 My mother drinks seven cups of coffee every day. 3 You’re lucky! You
(+) any homework this weekend.
 4 My father says we
the dog for a walk every morning.
2 Complete the sentences with must or mustn’t
5 You on a diet.
and a verb.
You’re very thin!
1 You so many sweets.
6 He if he is busy.
It’s bad for your health.
7 She her mum around
2 You in any public
the house yesterday.
building anymore. You can usually smoke outside
8 She the flute every
day – she practises three times a week.
3 Paul to the party.
We are going to have a great time! 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
4 I all the things I have of mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to. Use the
to do. I should write a list. verbs in brackets.
5 John sweet drinks 1 We should hide David’s birthday presents,
before going to bed. he them before
6 You your mobile tomorrow. (see)
phone at school. 2 It’s okay, you me.
I know what I’m doing. (help)
3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the
3 You anybody about
box and should/shouldn’t for advice (A) or
this. It’s a secret. (tell)
must/mustn’t when it’s necessary (N).
4 I to lock the back door
listen ​speak ​save ​tell ​spend ​play before I leave the house. (forget)
5 You to my party if you
don’t want to, but I’d like you to. (come)
1 We more time with our friends. (A)
6 He early tomorrow
2 How much money I
because there’s no school! (get up)
to go to London? (N)
7 My mum says I cake
3 You to your music
every day because it’s bad for me. (eat)
so loudly. (A)
8 Steve the shopping this
4 Joe to his sister like
week because I did it this morning. (do)
that. (A)
9 The children so much
5 This is a secret. You
noise – the baby is sleeping! (make)
anyone. (N)
10 I any more homework
6 I the guitar every day.
so I can go out with my friends. (do)

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 2 Extra Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 3 Extra Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form 4 Match the questions from Exercise 3 to the
of the present perfect. answers.
a No, I haven’t, but I’d love to see Ed Sheeran
not meet play watch read not do live in concert.
b No, they haven’t. They aren’t interested in
1 He the violin in many meeting anyone like that.
different concert halls. He’s very famous. c Yes, she plays the piano.
2 I any graffiti in my life. d Yes, I’ve been to New York.
I think it’s ugly! e Yes, he says it’s really easy.
3 Jennifer all his novels. f Yes, we usually go to France in the summer.
She’s a really fast reader!
4 I a famous rock star 5 Re-write the sentences using ever or never
but Lucy has. when you can.
5 My sister abroad for 1 I’ve seen graffiti in our town.
many years. In fact, she lives in Vienna now.
6 My mum and I the 2 Has he played his guitar on the street?
series on television. We love it.
3 Have you finished your sculpture?
2 Write the correct form of the present perfect
of the verbs in brackets. Then match the
sentence halves. 4 There’s a big concert hall here but I’ve been to
1 Matt (help) see anything there.
2 They (do)
5 They’ve visited Italy three times.
3 We (see)
4 My father (play)
6 Have you done a sculpture in Art class?
5 Music (change)
a graffiti all over our city.
b in a football team all his life. 6 Complete the letter using the present perfect
c his parents to move house. and the verbs in the box.
d my life. I love it!
e lots of jugglers in town recently. finish give play meet decide start start

3 Write the questions. Use the correct form of

the present perfect and ever. Dear Ann,
1 you / travel / to a foreign country? How are you? I’m fine but very busy.
I1 just classes and
I’ve got so much to do. I 2 to
2 she / play / a musical instrument?
learn to play an instrument and I’m going to
music classes! I’m going with Tom, my friend.
3 you / listen / to live music? He 3 to learn the piano. I prefer the
drums but my parents don’t! 4 you
4 he / download / music from the Internet? ever a musical instrument?
My other news is that I am going to Art club on
5 they / meet / a famous person? Fridays. It’s great fun! The school 5
us a wall where we can do graffiti. I 6
6 you / go / to America? a lot of new friends, which is great!
Our teacher told us last week that we can paint
the common room when we 7
the graffiti wall!
I have to go now. I’ll write again soon.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 3 Extra Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 4 Extra Grammar

Name Class Date

1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences 4 Write sentences about these situations with
using the present perfect and just. for or since.
1 I ate four hours ago.

2 Pat is studying German. She started when she
was 14 years old.

3 We are best friends. We started being best
friends when we were very young.

1 Jonathan 2 The concert
4 Laura visited two months ago. She hasn’t visited
at work. .
me recently.

5 They live in a beautiful house. They bought it in

5 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form

of the present perfect or past simple and the
verbs in brackets.
3 Be quiet! Your dad 4 The tennis match Anna: 1 (be) to Italy?
to bed. and it’s Lola: Yes, I went last year.
going to be exciting. Anna: 2 you
(like) it?
2 Write the words in the correct order using the
Lola: I 3 (love) it! It’s so
present perfect. beautiful and the people are so friendly.
1 already / visit / we / the museum
Anna: What 4 you
 . (do) when you were there?
2 a job / not find / Maria / yet Lola: We 5 (visit) many
 . museums and galleries.
3 Mark / still / not see / her Anna: 6 you
 . (go) shopping?
4 you / book / yet / a table Lola: Yes, I bought a lovely handbag and presents
 ? for my family. What about you, Lola,
5 already / you / a text message / send
 ? (visit) another country?

3 Match the questions with the answers. 6 Complete the sentences with yet, still,
Complete the answers with still, yet or already. already, for or since.
a No, he 1 He hasn’t arrived .
1 Where’s Matt?
hasn’t. Just be patient! 2 We have visited many places.
2 Can I go out? b Listen carefully! I have 3 Mr Smith has taught in this school
explained it. many years.
3 Has he phoned? c It hasn’t 4 I have lived in this house September.
arrived. 5 My father has been ill a week.
4 Where’s the bus? d No, you haven’t finished
your homework
5  Idon’t know what .
we have to do. e He’s left.

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 4 Extra Grammar

Eyes Open 3 Unit 1 Puzzles and Quizzes

Name Class Date

1 Read the four postcards from Will to Mia. The underlined words are in the incorrect places.
Write the correct words in the correct places.

a b
Dear Mia,
Dear Mia,
very expensive I’m now in Berlin and the weather isn’t
Greetings from Oslo! This is a lovely, but Mia Cha plai n
muc h better than in Oslo! There is a storm
! They
city. It’s –7º and high winds

– today and boilin

32 Fairview Street g
say it’s often cold in winter here. It’s true bit scar ed!
and I’m a little
2 ! I need anot her
there was a heatwave Sydney
I hope I survive this storm and can writ Mia Chaplain
jumper and a warm coat! e
Australia with better news from Rome!
32 Fairview Street
See you soon!
See you soon. Sydney
Love from Love from Australia
Will Will

Dear Mia, Dear Mia,

don and it’s heavy rain
I don’t understand the weather in Europe! I can’t believe it! I’m in Lon r
Oslo was terrible, Berlin was bad and Rome is 6 ! England is having a thunde
7 ! This never Mia Chaplain
worse! I want some sun! There are snowstorm and lightning some shorts
I nee d to buy 32 Fairview Street
and freezing 5 , Mia Chaplainhappens in England!
full of people
the trees are blowing everywhere and it’s very and a T-shirt! The parks are Sydney
32 Fairview Street themselves.
wet! I don’t think I’ll see the sun this holiday – sunbathing and enjoying
I’m off to London next! Sydney Australia
See you next week.
Australia rm friend!
Love from Love from your happy, wa
Will Will

2 Look at the picture and write down the

survival essentials you can see.

3 Now cover the picture and see how many

you can remember.

4 Write down as many words for extreme

weather as you can in one minute.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 1 Puzzles and Quizzes

Eyes Open 3 Unit 2 Puzzles and Quizzes

Name Class Date

1 Look at the pictures. What do you think each person is prioritising in their life?
Label the pictures with the words in the box.

shopping for clothes doing something creative having time for yourself
chatting with friends online getting enough sleep helping around the house

1 2 3

4 5 6

2 How do you feel about the activities in Exercise 1? Complete the table below with how you
prioritise the activities.

must mustn’t have to don’t have to should

3 Draw lines to match the words and phrases to make collocations.

concentrate more sleep

catch get in your lessons

a snack
surf watch a cold
have the Internet

4 Write down as many performing words as you can in one minute.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 2 Puzzles and Quizzes

Eyes Open 3 Unit 3 Puzzles and Quizzes

Name Class Date

1 Read the clues and complete the crossword.

Across 1 2 3

1 A room or building used for showing works 4 5

of art, sometimes so that they can be sold.

4 A person who throws objects up in the air
in order to entertain people.
8 A person who paints or draws another
9 A person who plays music or sings in a
public place to get money.
10 An object made from a material like wood, 8
clay, metal, or stone.
1 Words or drawings, especially humorous, rude, or political,
on walls, doors, etc. in public places. 9

2 An event where objects such as paintings are shown to the public.

3 A large picture that has been painted on the wall of a 10
room or building.
5 A person who dresses up to look like an object made from a hard material,
especially stone or metal, and doesn’t move for long periods of time.
6 A large building where people sing or play music.
7 A picture made using paint.

2 Look at the two pictures. Find nine differences.

a b

3 Put the instruments from the pictures in the correct place in the table.

stringed wind percussion

4 Write down as many words for musical instruments as you can in one minute.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 3 Puzzles and Quizzes

Eyes Open 3 Unit 4 Puzzles and Quizzes

Name Class Date

1 Look at the pictures of Amelia and Harry on holiday. Write sentences using the present perfect
to describe the activities.

1 ✓ 2 ✓ 3 ✗

1 2 3

4 ✓ 5 ✗ 6 ✗

4 5 6

7 ✓ 8 ✓

7 8

2 Find six phrasal verbs in the word search. 3 Write down as many phrasal verbs as you can
in one minute.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 4 Puzzles and Quizzes

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