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Mechanisms for control of skin immune function by the

Teruaki Nakatsuji, Joyce Y Cheng and Richard L Gallo

The skin represents the largest area for direct contact between typically provide semi-specific and highly potent defense
microbes and host immunocytes and is a site for constant against a broad range of microbes by disrupting mem-
communication between the host and this diverse and essential branes. Thus, control of the expression and post-tran-
microbial community. Coagulase-negative staphylococci are scriptional activation of these peptides and proteins is a
an abundant bacterial genus on the human skin and are primary innate host defense mechanism for directly sup-
regulated through various mechanisms that include the pressing microbial growth [1,2]. AMP expression
epidermal barrier environment and innate and adaptive immune increases when the skin detects danger signals or inflam-
systems within the epidermis and dermis. In turn, some species matory cues in response to wounding or infection, and this
and strains of these bacteria produce beneficial products that is mediated by both classical and unique signaling path-
augment host immunity by exerting specifically targeted ways that include pattern recognition receptors, cyto-
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, or anti-neoplastic activity kines, vitamins, hormones, and neuropeptides [1,3–6].
while also promoting broad innate and adaptive immune Activation of AMP activity is essential for control of
responses. The use of selected skin commensals as a bacterial growth on the skin in case of epithelial barrier
therapeutic has shown promise in recent human clinical trials. damage.
This emerging concept of bacteriotherapy is defining
mechanisms of action and validating the dependence on the Despite intrinsic expression of AMPs by diverse cells in the
microbiome for maintenance of immune homeostasis. skin, an abundant and diverse population of microbial
organisms colonizes the epithelial surfaces of mammals.
Address This community of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses
Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Diego, United has been called the ‘microbiome’. Emerging evidence over
the last 15 years has suggested that the microbiome con-
Corresponding author: Gallo, Richard L ( tributes crucially not only to human health and a well-
functioning immune system but also to the pathogenesis of
diverse diseases including atopic dermatitis (AD), inflam-
Current Opinion in Immunology 2021, 72:324–330
matory bowel disease, obesity, and cancer [7,8]. These
This review comes from a themed issue on Allergy and associations have driven the hypothesis that our body is
in continuous communication across epithelial barriers
Edited by Toshiaki Kawakami and Ulrich Blank with microbial ecosystems that influence both local and
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial systemic homeostasis within our bodies. The following will
Available online 16th September 2021 review evidence that supports this hypothesis.
It is a common misconception that human skin is a flat
0952-7915/ã 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an
surface and impermeable barrier for microbes. In reality,
open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
org/licenses/by/4.0/). it contains complex anatomical structures, including
grooves, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and eccrine
sweat glands with specific physiological functions to
maintain a dynamic environmental interface. Follicular
glands provide a rich source of triglycerides and fatty acids
for microbial growth. Indeed, a larger quantity of
microbes reside within hair follicles and eccrine glands
Human skin provides a unique milieu for
than on the epidermal surface of human skin [9]. When
host–microbe interactions
the various anatomical structures of the skin are taken
Mammalian skin possesses intrinsic defenses against
together, the total surface area of this interface is vast,
infection by microbial pathogens. Both skin resident cells
comparable to or larger than that of the intestine, but
and commensal bacteria participate in a variety of protec-
without a thick mucous layer separating microbes from
tive innate and adaptive immune mechanisms. Antimi-
the epithelial surface [10]. This physical structure and
crobial peptides (AMPs) form an important part of this
concentration of microbes within protected follicles
defense. They are produced by various cells in the
implicates the skin as a major site for potential host–
epidermis and dermis, including keratinocytes, sebo-
microbe interactions. In particular, follicular epithelial
cytes, and immunocytes such as neutrophils, mast cells,
surfaces represent an important interface for immune
monocytes, T-cells, and dermal adipocytes [1]. AMPs

Current Opinion in Immunology 2021, 72:324–330

The skin microbiome as an element of immune system Nakatsuji, Cheng and Gallo 325

system interaction with microbes. Sebaceous and eccrine skin immune system (Figure 1). For example, S. epider-
glands also actively regulate the growth of resident bac- midis produces a uniquely structured lipoteichoic acid
teria through production of AMPs and antimicrobial lipids that blocks overactivation of pro-inflammatory signaling
to prevent unwanted bacterial overgrowth [11,12]. These triggered by damage-associated molecular pattern recog-
facts suggest that mammalian skin is uniquely suited to nition after tissue damage [20,21]. In this relationship,
harbor, control, and protect a microbial ecosystem. the host benefits from controlled wound repair, while the
commensals are protected from excessive acute inflam-
Elements of the microbial community residing on the mation. A lipopeptide produced by S. epidermidis defends
human skin surface routinely penetrate the epidermal the host from pathogen infection by enhancing AMP
barrier and enter dermal compartments [9], suggesting production in human keratinocytes and mast cells, boost-
that bacteria in the dermis directly interact with various ing the innate immune system [22–24].
dermal cell types and influence their phenotypes. Skin
penetration by bacteria is dependent upon proteolytic Colonization with S. epidermidis has been shown to
mechanisms and is independent from translocation by enhance CD8+ skin-resident T cell functions via activa-
CD11c+ phagocytic immune cells [13]. Indeed, the com- tion of IL-1 signaling [25]. This in turn promotes upre-
position and richness of the microbial community in the gulation of AMP production in keratinocytes, limiting
dermal compartment differ from those in the superficial pathogen invasion [26]. S. epidermidis-specific CD8+ T-
epidermal layer [14], indicating that only selected bacte- cells express genes associated with immunoregulatory
ria can translocate across the epithelial barrier. Bacterial and tissue repair signatures [27]. Furthermore, it has been
penetration is highly regulated by epidermal barrier ele- demonstrated in mice that early life exposure to ribofla-
ments, including the AMP cathelicidin and filaggrin vin-synthesizing commensals, including S. epidermidis,
barrier protein [13]. Skin-resident innate lymphoid cells promotes development of skin-residing mucosal-associ-
(ILCs) isolated from the epidermis, dermis, or subcutis ated invariant T cells in adult life [28]. These events in
demonstrate layer-specific transcriptomic profiles [15], development of specific types of T-cells are integral to
indicating they receive unique signals from the microbial controlling tissue repair and homeostasis.
community in different anatomical layers of the skin.
Therefore, the epithelial barrier regulates host–microbe S. epidermidis also facilitates wound healing independent
interactions not only by selecting for bacterial survival but of T-cell-mediated mechanisms through the activation of
also by controlling the movement of commensal bacteria. neutrophils to express the chemokine CXCL10 [29].
CXCL10 forms a complex with DNA from commensals,
The microbiome is a master manipulator of which activates type I interferon-producing plasmacytoid
cutaneous immunity dendritic cells and accelerates wound closure. Further-
The mechanisms by which certain microbes evade detec- more, selected strains of S. epidermidis produce 6-N-
tion by the cutaneous immune system during skin colo- hydroxyaminopurine, a unique nucleobase analog, with
nization are of great interest. Regulatory T cells are the capacity to inhibit DNA replication in cancer cells.
essential for establishing and maintaining immune Topical application of the S. epidermidis strain protects
homeostasis in epithelial tissues. Skin colonization by mouse skin from neoplasia induced by mutagen sensiti-
Staphylococcus epidermidis during the neonatal period zation and ultraviolet B exposure [30].
may establish immune tolerance through accumulation
of commensal-specific regulatory T cells after second Given the body of evidence suggesting that the commu-
exposure to the same species in later life [16]. In contrast, nity of symbiotic bacteria influences and is necessary to
exposure to a-toxin produced by S. aureus prevents this maintain health, the hologenome theory was introduced
immune tolerance to commensals and activates the alar- to better explain host–microbiome homeostasis [31,32].
min pathway instead, resulting in breakdown of inflam- In this theory, a holobiont (a host and all of its associated
matory homeostasis and enhancing immune response to symbiotic microbes) should be considered as a single unit
commensals [17]. Moreover, short-chain free fatty acids in the process of evolution, even though the genomes of
(SCFAs), fermentation products of sebum by skin com- host and symbionts have separate origins.
mensal bacteria Corynebacterium acnes, can also actively
control immune tolerance to commensals through inhibi- The microbiome provides additional layers of
tion of histone deacetylase activity [18,19]. Thus, com- antimicrobial barrier on human skin
mensals likely influence immune tolerance through mul- In general, bacterial populations inhabiting the same
tiple mechanisms to maintain inflammatory homeostasis. ecological niche compete with each other for nutrients
and other resources using strategies including production
Although many microbes on the skin are potential oppor- of antibiotics, secretion of digestive enzymes, and quo-
tunitic pathogens or do not influence the host immune rum sensing. Recent studies have demonstrated that this
system, some selected species or strains of bacteria appear ecological concept also applies within human-associated
to have a mutualistic and beneficial relationship with the microbial communities such as the gut and skin Current Opinion in Immunology 2021, 72:324–330

326 Allergy and hypersensitivity

Figure 1

Current Opinion in Immunology

Beneficial actions of coagulase-negative staphylococci in the skin microbiome.

Gram positive bacteria are the dominant organisms that colonize human skin and Coagulase negative Staphylococci are the major class of these
microbes that can establish themselves in the commensal skin community. Of these diverse species, some have a mutualistic beneficial
interactions with the immune system through a variety of strain-specific mechanisms. 6-HAP, 6-N-hydroxyaminopurine; LTA, lipoteichoic acid;
DAMP, damage-associated molecular pattern; CoNS, coagulase-negative staphylococcus; AMP, antimicrobial peptide; MAIT cells, mucosal-
associated invariant T cells; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell.

microbiome [33,34]. In cooperation with the host immune the epithelial barrier and promote inflammation [39]. The
system, these antagonistic interactions determine the presence of S. aureus strains with functional agr quorum
composition of a functional antimicrobial barrier. sensing systems is associated with AD disease; in contrast,
S. aureus strains with loss-of-function mutations in the agr
Coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS) is an abun- gene are more prevalent in non-AD subjects [40], impli-
dant culturable member of the human skin microbiome cating S. aureus quorum sensing in the pathogenesis of
[35]. Bacteriocins, a class of prokaryotic antimicrobials AD. Various CoNS strains within the human skin micro-
produced by some strains of CoNS, serve as an important biome produce a unique cyclic peptide known as the
antimicrobial barrier on the skin surface that comple- autoinducing peptide (AIP), which blocks quorum sens-
ments the expression of AMPs by the host. For example, ing system in a wide range of S. aureus strains [41].
lantibiotics and phenol-soluble modulins (PSMs) pro- Recent observations suggest that certain strains of S.
duced by CoNS limit survival of pathogenic bacteria epidermidis abundantly produce cysteine proteases under
on the skin surface [34,36,37]. Importantly, these pro- the control of quorum sensing, which exacerbates skin
karyotic AMPs are found abundantly on normal skin and inflammation in AD, while AIP produced by a S. hominis
can synergize with host AMPs including cathelicidin and strain can inhibit quorum sensing by S. epidermidis [42]. S.
b-defensin-2 against pathogenic bacteria, which further aureus and S. epidermidis protease production under con-
enhances antimicrobial defense [34,36–38]. Prokaryotic trol of the agr system have also been recently shown to
AMPs selectively exhibit bactericidal activity against skin closely associate with exacerbations of disease in the
pathogens, such as S. aureus (S. aureus), Group A Strepto- monogenetic human disorder Netherton’s syndrome,
coccus, and Escherichia coli, but are not typically active and this too can be inhibited by AIPs from CoNS resident
against commensal organisms such as S. epidermidis. This on human skin [43]. Thus, interspecies antagonism by
selectivity may be important to maintaining healthy and AIPs produced by beneficial commensal strains can
diverse microbial ecosystems. reduce the detrimental effects of pathogenic bacteria.

Quorum sensing is a form of communication that allows Targeting dysbiosis in atopic dermatitis offers
bacterial cells to share information about population novel therapeutic approaches
density and regulate gene expression accordingly. S. Because the cutaneous immune system actively regulates
aureus relies on quorum sensing to secrete selective toxins the microbial community, dysregulation of AMP expres-
and proteases such as PSMs and d-hemolysin that damage sion on the skin can lead to an imbalance in the microbial

Current Opinion in Immunology 2021, 72:324–330

The skin microbiome as an element of immune system Nakatsuji, Cheng and Gallo 327

community known as ‘dysbiosis’. In many cases, dysbiosis capitis, which produce bacteriocins that selectively kill S.
can trigger the development of skin disorders through the aureus, are much rarer on AD skin than on healthy skin
detrimental effects of overgrown pathogens as well as [34]. A lower frequency of commensal CoNS strains on
commensals. In addition, dysbiosis disrupts symbiotic the skin has been observed to correlate with S. aureus
interactions with beneficial bacteria within the micro- colonization and contributes to the overgrowth of detri-
biome, disequilibrating cutaneous homeostasis. Com- mental pathogens [34].
bined, the abnormal skin immune environment of inflam-
matory skin diseases promotes dysbiosis that is Normalization of the skin microbiome offers a promising
manifested as both an increase in pathogenic microbes therapeutic avenue for restoring homeostasis in the man-
and a decrease in beneficial organisms. This dysbiosis in agement of inflammatory skin diseases such as AD. One
turn drives further exacerbation of the host inflammatory approach to this has been by targeting defective host
response with resulting establishment of chronic disease immune systems that cause the skin dysbiosis. Because of
(Figure 2). the action of 1,25-hydroxyvitamin D to induce the human
AMP gene CAMP, oral vitamin D supplementation has
In patients with AD, expression of AMPs such as cathe- been evaluated as a method to increase skin cathelicidin
licidin and b-defensins on the skin is decreased by over- production and improve disease severity in AD patients
expression of Th2 cytokines, including IL-4, IL-13 and [47,48], though further studies are needed to determine
TSLP, in comparison with other inflammatory conditions, whether this increase functionally protects against skin
such as psoriasis and cutaneous wounds [36,37]. Although infections. Cross-sectional observational studies have
AMP production in AD skin is greater than that in non- noted a correlation between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
inflamed healthy skin, it is not enough to suppress growth D deficiency, increased skin colonization by S. aureus, and
of S. aureus. With its relative paucity of AMPs, AD skin is increased disease severity in AD patients [49,50]. Another
more susceptible to colonization and infection by patho- approach has been to consider an old remedy for AD and
gens like S. aureus and herpes virus [44,45]. In addition, other skin diseases, topical coal tar. Activation of the aryl
AMP dysregulation in AD weakens selective pressure on hydrocarbon receptor by coal tar is postulated to induce
skin microbiota, altering the microbial composition of AD expression of keratinocyte-derived AMPs. Topical coal
skin compared with normal skin [46]. Strains of commen- tar treatment has been shown to decrease staphylococcus
sal CoNS such as S. epidermidis, S. hominis, S. warneri, or S. abundance in AD patients compared with vehicle and

Figure 2

Current Opinion in Immunology

Dysbiosis fuels the chronic disease cycle.

Barrier dysfunction on the skin surface may promote dysbiosis with overgrowth of pathogenic bacterial species and/or a decrease in beneficial
commensal strains. The dysbiosis in the skin microbiome can expand defects in the physical barrier and stimulate inflammation that then further
promotes inflammation and additional injury (red arrows). Bacteriotherapy using rationally designed or selected beneficial commensals could
directly and indirectly restore beneficial interactions between host and microbes (green lines). Solid green lines represent relationships supported
by human clinical studies and broken lines represent relationships validated only in preclinical investigations. Such bacteriotherapy could be
expected to be useful for a wide range of disease states associated with dysbiosis. Current Opinion in Immunology 2021, 72:324–330

328 Allergy and hypersensitivity

shifted the microbial composition toward that of healthy tumors (Figure 1). Translation of these additional find-
controls [51]. Modern, targeted biologic therapy has also ings to treat a wide range of human skin disorders is
shown promise. Excess production of Th2 cytokines is a currently underway.
key element in the pathophysiology of AD and sup-
presses host AMP functions to control S. aureus survival. Conclusion
Dupilumab, a fully human antibody against IL-4 receptor The preponderance of current experimental and clinical
a, inhibits both IL-4 and IL-13 signaling and should studies have shown that selected species or strains within
theoretically enable more normal AMP function. This the skin microbial community can work together with the
hypothesis was supported in a randomized, double-blind, cutaneous immune system to maintain local and systemic
placebo-controlled trial, that showed sixteen weeks of defense against pathogenic bacteria. The skin micro-
treatment with dupilumab increased microbial diversity biome is therefore correctly considered an important
and decreased S. aureus abundance [52]. component of the human holobiont system. Dysbiosis
in the colonized microbial community can promote
Future perspectives on development of inflammatory disease that further disrupts immune
bacteriotherapies using beneficial homeostasis and may lead to the development of skin
commensals disorders. Pharmaceutical antibiotics are widely used to
The relative deficiency of CoNS with antimicrobial activ- temporarily suppress overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria,
ity on AD skin, combined with their multiple antagonistic but the non-selective action of these antibiotics also kills
defense mechanisms against pathogenic S. aureus, present beneficial microbes and should be reserved for infections,
novel therapeutic opportunities for the use of protective an invasive stage beyond bacterial colonization. More
CoNS in the management of S. aureus colonization in AD selected, rational, and targeted use of bacteriotherapy
(Figure 2). As discussed previously, multiple beneficial for the control and regulation of immune functions is a
functions from the skin commensal microbial community promising next step in human therapeutics.
could be used therapeutically. Recently, our group con-
ducted the first multi-center, double-blind, vehicle-con- Conflict of interest statement
trolled, phase 1 clinical trial of bacteriotherapy in adult R.L.G. is a co-founder, scientific advisor, consultant and
patients with AD using a rationally selected strain of S. has equity in MatriSys Biosciences and is a consultant,
hominis (ShA9) that was isolated from a healthy individual receives income and has equity in Sente. T.N. and R.L.G
[53]. This strain is present in healthy populations, but are co-inventors of technology described in this report
not on individuals with AD [34]. ShA9 was chosen that has been disclosed to the University of California San
because it produces two lantibiotics and an AIP that Diego.
selectively target S. aureus and deleterious strains of S.
epidermidis. Bacteriotherapy with ShA9 did not cause
serious adverse events, successfully inhibited S. aureus RLG is supported by N.I.H. grantsR37AI052453,R01AR074302,
survival, and blocked quorum sensing by S. aureus on the andR01AI153185. TN and RLG are supported by NIH grants
lesional skin of AD patients. These multiple protective R01AR076082 andU01AI52038.
effects were associated with improvement in clinical AD
symptoms [53]. In other work, an open-label bacter- References and recommended reading
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Current Opinion in Immunology 2021, 72:324–330

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