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Proteinas de La Piel Antivirales

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TREIMM 1465 No.

of Pages 13

Special Tissues: Local Immune Responses


Innate Antiviral Immunity in the Skin

Chelsea Handfield,1 Jeffery Kwock,1 and Amanda S. MacLeod1,2,3,*

Barrier sites such as the skin play a critical role in immune defense. They must Highlights
maintain homeostasis with commensals and rapidly detect and limit pathogen As the body’s barrier organ exposed to
the environment, the skin is constantly
invasion. This is accomplished in part through the production of endogenous
challenged by potentially harmful
antimicrobial peptides and proteins, which can be either constitutive or induc- viruses.
ible. Here, we focus particularly on the control of innate antiviral proteins and
Antiviral proteins are key effector mole-
present the basic aspects of their regulation in the skin by interferons (IFNs), cules of the cutaneous innate host
IFN-independent immunity, and environmental factors. We also discuss the defense program.
activity and (dys-)function of antiviral proteins in the context of skin-tropic
Innate antiviral immune responses are
viruses and highlight the relevance of the innate antiviral pathway as a potential inducible by interferon-dependent and
therapeutic avenue for vulnerable patient populations and skin diseases with interferon-independent mechanisms.
high risk for virus infections.

The Skin Barrier and Innate Antiviral Defense

The skin is the largest epithelial surface for interaction with microbes including viruses, bacteria,
and fungi, and serves as the initial barrier to prevent pathologic microorganism entry into the
body. Upon perturbation of the skin barrier, the delicate interactions between the cutaneous
commensal microbiome and the skin are interrupted and pathologic microorganisms, including
viruses, have the potential to invade and infect this tissue. Clinical evidence demonstrates that
viruses play a critical role in severe skin diseases and infections. The field of cutaneous innate
antiviral immunity has been investigated in the setting of viral recognition and entry receptors,
viral evasion mechanisms, as well as mast cell-mediated antiviral immunity and inflammasome
activation, topics which are summarized in excellent reviews elsewhere [1–4]. Here, we provide
an overview of antiviral proteins, the protagonists of the innate immune system, that defend the
body against foreign viral invaders. We review the current literature and discuss the myriad of
mechanisms involved in regulation and function of antiviral proteins in the skin. We discuss and
translate the significance of cutaneous antiviral immunity to vulnerable patient populations that
are particularly susceptible to viral infection, including the newborns and the elderly, the
immune compromised, and patients afflicted with atopic dermatitis (AD), who can suffer from
very severe viral skin infections, ultimately leading to systemic illness. Gaining insights into
antiviral proteins and their mechanisms to regulate cutaneous viruses may offer insights into
new and possibly less toxic therapeutic antiviral treatments.

Regulation of Antiviral Proteins by the Cutaneous Immune Cell Network 1

Department of Dermatology, Duke
Antiviral proteins are host effector molecules that directly antagonize viral infections. There is University, Durham, NC, USA
abounding diversity in antiviral proteins in terms of their viral targets and mechanism of action 2
Department of Immunology, Duke
(Table 1). In addition, individual antiviral proteins may exhibit multiple antiviral actions depending University, Durham, NC, USA
Pinnell Center for Investigative
on the tissue or cell type in which they are expressed or the virus against which they are acting. Dermatology, Duke University,
Host antiviral proteins that have demonstrated antiviral actions within cells that are present Durham, NC, USA
temporarily or permanently in the skin (see Glossary) and/or active against skin-tropic viruses
are listed in Table 1. One of these antiviral proteins is oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS2), which
identifies viruses through binding of viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and activating latent
RNase (RNase L), which subsequently leads to the degradation of viral RNA [5]. OAS proteins (C. Handfield Correspondence:).

Trends in Immunology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 1

© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
TREIMM 1465 No. of Pages 13

can also function through an RNase L-independent mechanism [6]. Within the skin, antiviral Glossary
proteins, such as OAS family members, myxovirus resistance proteins (MX), GTPases, and Immunosenescence: age-related
interferon (IFN)-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15), are expressed in various cell types. Previously decline of the immune system.
published reports, and unpublished analyses of microarray, RNA-seq, and single-cell RNA-seq Langerhans cells: subset of
dendritic cells present in the
data sets, reveal that antiviral proteins are expressed in epidermal keratinocytes, dendritic cells, epithelium.
and cutaneous T [46_TD$IF]cell subsets [7–9]. Because it is well known that viruses initially infect only few Neurotropic virus: virus that infects
basal keratinocytes within the epidermis but spare the more differentiated layers, future nerve cells.
NF-kB: transcription factor that
research is needed to define the temporal–spatial presence of antiviral proteins and how this
regulates the immune response to
guides the protection against viral skin infections. infection.
Skin: soft outer tissue covering
The regulation and induction of antiviral proteins occur in two phases. The early phase involves vertebrates. The skin is composed of
two layers, the superficial epidermis,
the direct recognition of viral nucleic acids, a type of pathogen-associated molecular pattern,
which is home to keratinocytes,
via pattern-recognition receptors including Toll-like receptors (TLRs), melanoma differentiation- Langerhans cells, and melanocytes,
associated gene 5 (MDA5), retinoic acid-inducible gene (RIG-I), and cGAMP synthase (cGAS) and the underlying dermis, which
[1]. TLR3, TLR7, and TLR9 detect viral nucleic acids and are expressed by a variety of skin cell contains other immune cells and
connective tissue.
types including keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans cells, and dermal dendritic cells.
Tetratricopeptide repeats: a
Signaling through such pattern-recognition receptors induces IFNs and proinflammatory degenerated 34-amino acid motif
responses (Figure 1, Key Figure). The vast majority of antiviral proteins are induced and that mediates protein–protein
amplified by IFNs. Yet, recent studies also highlight the ability of IFN-independent factors interactions.
Type 2 T-helper (Th2) cells: subset
including interleukin-27 (IL-27) and additional factors to induce the antiviral protein OAS2 in of CD4+ T cells, which produce the
human epithelial keratinocytes and is discussed in a later paragraph [9]. cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-10, and IL-13.
Type 17 T-helper (Th17) cells:
There are three classes of IFNs distinguished by the receptor complex through which they subset of CD4+ T cells, which
produce the cytokine IL-17.
signal: Types I–III. Type I IFNs (IFNa and IFNb) signal through the IFN-a/b receptor (IFNAR) Virulence factor: molecules
complex, which is a heterodimer of IFNAR1 and IFNAR2. Type II IFNg signals through IFNg secreted by microorganisms that
receptor (IFNGR). Type III IFNl signals through the IFNl receptor 1 (IFNLR1) and IL-10R2 enhance their infectivity.
complex, which is almost exclusively expressed by epithelial cells [10]. The other IFN receptors
are present ubiquitously. Through the secretion of IFNs, the antiviral response is amplified in the
later phase as hundreds of ISGs including antiviral proteins are activated. Within the cytoplasm,
IFN signaling pathways produce complexes containing IFN-regulatory factor 9 (IRF9), signal
transducers and activators of transcription 1 (STAT1), and STAT2 and homodimers of STAT1
that are capable of translocating into the nucleus to bind to enhancer elements to stimulate the
transcription of target genes. The STAT1/STAT2/IRF9 complex binds to an IFN-sensitive
response element (ISRE) within the promoter region of ISG15, Mx, OAS, and protein kinase
R (PKR) genes, whereas STAT1 homodimers bind to GAS elements within the promoter region
of other ISGs (Figure 1). However, excessive and prolonged expression of Type I IFNs is
pathological and uncontrolled production of Type I IFNs is associated with inflammatory
disease and autoimmunity [11].

There are also emerging IFN-independent pathways that induce the production of antiviral
proteins. In the skin, IL-27 stimulates the production of the antiviral protein OAS2 in human
keratinocytes, but not antibacterial human beta defensin-2 (hBD2) and regenerating family
member 3 alpha (REG3A) [9]. The underlying signaling pathways of IL-27-induced antiviral
protein induction in skin cells are areas of active research. IL-27 is produced following
cutaneous injury by murine CD301b+[463_TD$IF] dermal dendritic cells and can be induced by dsRNA
[9] (Figure 2). In addition, IRF-3 can also induce the production of antiviral proteins directly,
independent of IFN signaling [12] (Figure 1). IRF-3 triggers the expression of antiviral IFN-
induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 (IFIT1) and IFIT2 and to a smaller degree
guanylate-binding protein 1 (GBP1), OAS proteins, and ISG15 in T cells by binding to a region
within their promoter gene homologous to their ISREs [13]. Furthermore, C11orf83, a

2 Trends in Immunology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

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Table 1. Summary of AVPs Expressed in the Skin, Their Viral Targets, and Mechanisms of Actiona,b
Antiviral peptide Range of viruses Viral target Antiviral mechanism of action Refs
0 0
OAS proteins RNA and DNA viruses ssRNA Form 2 5 oligomers, which activate RNase L to [93]
degrade viral RNA

OASL RNA and DNA viruses Newly synthesized proteins ISGylation of viral proteins [94]

MxA RNA or DNA viruses Ribonucleoproteins or Sequesters viral proteins into perinuclear [95]
nucleocapsids complexes, prevents nuclear translocation of
incoming viral ribonucleoprotein, and blocks viral
transcription and replication within the cytoplasm

MxB Retrovirus Preintegration complex Prevents the preintegration complex from [96,97]
uncoating, importing into the nucleus, and
integrating into host chromosome

GBP Positive-sense RNA viruses Ubiquitinated replication Promotes autophagy of ubiquitinated replication [98,99]
complex complexes

IRG Positive sense RNA viruses Replication complex Targets the replication complex using a ubiquitin- [98,99]
like LC3 conjugation systema

IFITM Enveloped viruses Fusion to late endosomes or Blocks viral fusion with cell membranes [100]

IFIT RNA viruses Lack of 20 -O methylation or IFIT1 detects viral RNA and then forms a complex [101]
uncapped 50 ppp with IFIT2 and IFIT3 to sequester the viral RNA
(triphosphate) from the replication pool

PKR RNA viruses ssRNA and dsRNA Stops protein synthesis while promoting select [102]
transactivation of stress-response genes

ISG15 RNA and DNA viruses Newly synthesized proteins Uses ISGylation to prevent release of virus [103]

ADAP2c RNA viruses Clathrin-mediated uptake Restricts the entry of viruses that enter host cells [89]
using clathrin

Abbreviations: AVP, antiviral protein; GBPs, guanylate-binding proteins; IRGs, immunity-related GTPases; Mx, myxovirus resistance proteins; PKR, double-stranded
RNA-activated protein kinase; ssRNA, single-stranded RNA.
Mechanism of action in mice, function in humans unknown.
ArfGAP with dual pleckstrin homology (PH) domains 2 (ADAP2) or centaurin-a2 (CENTA2) is a member of the ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) family of Ras-related

component of Complex III of the electron transport chain on the mitochondrial inner membrane,
endows cells with a stronger capability to inhibit viral replication via the OAS3/RNAse L activity
[5]. The IFN-independent pathways that produce antiviral proteins are of exceeding interest as
they can offer insight into novel antiviral treatments, which would be a desired alternative to
conventional antiviral therapies that have toxicity-associated side effects. Yet, whether these
latter IFN-independent pathways, IRF3 and C11orf83, play relevant roles in antiviral protein
regulation in the skin requires further investigation.

Skin Conditions and Patient Populations That Relay Susceptibility or

Resistance to Virus Infections
Many viruses can infect skin cells or can be transmitted via the skin and can be causative for
skin and/or systemic disease (Table 2). Notably, there is the notion of vulnerable patient
populations that are at increased risk to become infected by viruses. These patients may
have a loss, lack, or suppression of antiviral proteins, and enhancing their innate antiviral
immunity may make them less susceptible to viral infections and provide a basis for the
development of new antiviral therapeutics.

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Key Figure
Innate Antiviral Immunity Signaling Pathways

Early IL27RA
gp130 Type
IL1 Typ
2 e III
2 1
ssRNA 1
Genomic DNA
IKKε TRAF3 Myd88 STAT1 p



IRF7 p


IRF3 p IRF7 p
IRF3 p



Figure 1. In the early phase, viral nucleic acids are recognized by Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on the plasma membrane and endosomal membrane receptors or within the
cytoplasm by melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 (MDA5), retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I), DNA-dependent activator of IFN-regulatory factors (DAI),
DEAD-box helicase 41 (DDX41), interferon (IFN)-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 6 (IFIT6), cyclic GMP–AMP synthase (cGAS), DexH-box helicase 9
(DHX9), DHX36, or TNFa receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3). Signaling from TLR2, DHX9, and DHX36 goes through myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88
(Myd88), which stimulates phosphorylated IFN-regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) to homodimerize and enter the nucleus to increase the transcription of IFNa. Signaling from the
endosomal TLRs can also stimulate phosphorylated IRF7 homodimerization, while an alternative signaling pathway is through the TANK binding kinase-1 (TBK1) and
IkB kinase e (IKKe) complex, which stimulates phosphorylated IRF3 homodimerization to induce the transcription of IFNb. TLR3 can also signal through TRAF3, which
induces the phosphorylation of IRF3 via the TBK1 and NF-kB essential modulator (NEMO) complex. The TBK1 and IKKe complex is also formed in response to genomic
DNA binding to DAI, DDX41, IFIT6, and cGAS via stimulator of IFN genes (STING), which is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. During the replication of genomic
DNA, RNA polymerase III forms single-stranded RNA replicates that can be detected by MDA5 or RIG-I. MDA5 and RIG-I also sense viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)
and single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) and then bind to mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS), associated with the mitochondrial membrane, to stimulate the
formation of the TBK1 and IKKe complex or MAVS binding stimulates IRF1 to translocate to the nucleus and induce the transcription of IFNl. In the late phase, the
cytokine interleukin-27 (IL-27) binds to its transmembrane plasma receptor composed of IL-27 receptor A (IL27RA) and glycoprotein 130 (gp130), stimulating the
transcription of oligoadenylate synthetase 2 (OAS2) in an IFN-independent manner. An alternative signal to induce OAS2 independent of IFNs occurs via IRF3. Type II
IFNs bind to their receptor consisting of IFNg receptor 1 (IFNGR1) and IFNGR2; each subunit is associated with Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) on the cytoplasmic domain. This
activates signal transducers and activators of transcription 1 (STAT1) to become phosphorylated and homodimerize, forming IFNg activation factor (GAF). GAF then
translocates to the nucleus and binds to GAF site within the promoter region of target genes to induce the transcription of IRF1, IRF2, IRF8, and IRF9. Type I IFNs bind to
their receptor composed of IFNa receptor 1 (IFNAR1) associated with cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) and IFNAR2 associated with cytoplasmic JAK1. Type III IFNs
bind to their receptor composed of IL-10 receptor 2 (IL10R2) associated with cytoplasmic TYK2 and IFNl receptor 1 (IFNLR1), which is associated with cytoplasmic
JAK1. Both Type I and III IFNs binding to their respective receptors leads to the formation of the phosphorylated STAT1 and phosphorylated STAT2 heterodimer
complex, which then conjugates with IRF9 to form the IFN-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3) complex. ISGF3 then translocates to the nucleus and binds to the IFN-
stimulated response element (ISRE) site within the promoter region of target genes to induce the transcription of OAS1, IFIT1, myxovirus-resistance A (MxA), IRF7, IFIT3,
IFIT2, interferon-stimulated protein of 15 kDa (ISG15), and protein kinase R (PKR). NF-kB, nuclear factor-kB; TNF, tumor necrosis factor.

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Psoriasis Atopic dermaƟƟs Acute injury

IL-29 IL-27
IL-13 LL-37 CD301b+DC

HIV Dengue / west nile virus

Langerhans • Warts
cell CGRP
• Merkel cell

T cell proteins

Figure 2. Models of Antiviral Dysregulation within Skin Diseases. Antiviral immunity is dysregulated among a broad spectrum of skin conditions (clockwise):
psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by high Th17 numbers. These Th17 cells produce interleukin-29 (IL-29), which subsequently induces
antiviral proteins including 20 50 -oligoadenylate synthase 2 (OAS2), myxovirus-resistance 1 protein (MX1), and interferon (IFN)-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) [7]. However,
innate immune regulators of antiviral proteins in psoriatic skin have not been defined. Skin affected by atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, shows
increased expression of Th2-type cytokines IL-4 and IL-13, which inhibit antimicrobial proteins human beta defensin 3 (hBD3) and cathelicidin (LL-37), which have
broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity including antibacterial and antiviral function [54,113]. AD skin also shows decreased expression of professional antiviral proteins
OAS2 and MX1. Patients with AD have a defective skin barrier and are frequently colonized with Staphylococcus aureus, which can enhance herpes simplex virus (HSV)
infections via toxin production and enhance viral cell entry and replication [63]. In response to acute mechanical skin injury, double-stranded RNA serves as a danger-
associated molecular pattern (DAMP) stimulating CD301b+ dendritic cells (DCs) to release IL-27, which induces the production of OAS2 in keratinocytes [9]. The Aedes
mosquito transmits many emerging viruses such as Dengue and West Nile virus into human skin allowing these viruses to penetrate permissive epithelial cells including
keratinocytes [114–116]. Many viruses produce proteins that are able to counter the actions of IFN and antiviral proteins [8,110,117]. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
causes cutaneous warts and increases the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) typically in immunocompromised patients. Whether this virus is
countered by Type I or II IFNs or through IFN-independent pathways has yet to be determined. Furthermore, the control of potentially oncogenic viruses like HPV and
Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCP) by antiviral proteins is not well known. While there is no risk of transmission if the skin is not broken, contact between HIV-infected fluids
and broken skin, wounds, or open sores on mucous membranes can lead to HIV transmission. HIV can initially infect the skin, specifically Langerhans cells within the
epidermis as well as dermal dendritic cells, which then present HIV antigen to T cells [118–121]. Antiviral proteins including MX2 and interferon-induced transmembrane
proteins (IFITM) can counter HIV and may be able to prevent the transmission of the virus. Whether the neuropeptide calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) released
from neurons promotes proteasomal degradation of HIV within Langerhans cells in the skin, similar to what has been shown in mucosal Langerhans cells [122], is
currently unknown and hypothetical.

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Table 2. Viruses Associated with Skin Disease or Transmitted via the Mucocutaneous Barrier to Cause
Systemic Infection
Group/[462_TD$IF]family Species Characteristics Refs

ssDNA virus

Parvoviridae Human parvovirus B19 Erythema infectiosum (fifth [94]

disease), mild febrile illness
with rash

dsDNA virus

Herpesviridae HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV Chronic infection [104]

characterized by active
phase that forms vesicular
lesions with erythematous
base and dormant phase
where the virus lies quietly
within neurons

Poxviridae Molluscum contagiosum Single or multiple flesh- [105]

colored papules

Papillomaviridae HPV Warts, Bowen’s disease [106,107]

(SCC in situ), and SCC
Merkel cell carcinoma

Polyomaviridae MCP [108]


Lentivirus HIV Small, circumscribed, round [109]

pink/red macules or papules

ssRNA virus

Flaviviridae DENV/WNV Macules and papules [110,111]

ZIKV Pruritic, erythematous [112]

macules and papules

Neonates and the Elderly: Antiviral Immunity at Extremes of Age

Two populations that show dramatically increased susceptibility to cutaneous viral infections
are the neonates and the elderly.

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) can cause particularly severe infections in neonates, possibly due to
a weak antiviral response. The vast majority of neonatal herpes cases are acquired through
vaginal delivery, in many instances from asymptomatic mothers who were unaware they were
carrying HSV. Thirty percent of neonatal herpes cases spread to the central nervous system
and 25% of cases cause disseminated infection affecting multiple organs [6].

The microbiome is strongly influenced by external factors and at birth neonates transition from
the wet in utero environment to the external world. Within the first few weeks after delivery, the
skin of neonates is dominated by Firmicutes and other species, and only over the span of 1 year
do children establish a cutaneous bacterial microbiome (bacteriome) that is dominated by
species one would expect to find in adults [14]. In addition to the bacteriome, fungi and even
parasites live on/in the skin [15–19] and it is attractive to speculate that these may also regulate
the virome and associated antiviral proteins in the skin. Similar observations have been recently
made in the intestine and in additional barrier organs (see review on this topic by Robinson and
Pfeiffer [20]). In mice and humans, a diverse cutaneous microbiome, mostly studied as the

6 Trends in Immunology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

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bacteriome, was found to positively regulate the immune response within the skin [18,21–23].
We postulate that the cutaneous virome at the neonatal stage in life is undoubtedly unique.
Therefore, given that the skin barrier is not fully fortified [14,24] and the cutaneous virome is
likely immature as well, two key factors involved in creating a strong innate immune response, it
is possible that the neonatal antiviral innate immune system is underdeveloped, accounting for
the increased susceptibility to severe forms of cutaneous viral infections in this population.
Important open questions in the field are whether neonatal bacterial colonization coregulates
cutaneous viruses and/or whether viral colonization controls epidermal barrier function, toler-
ance mechanisms, or even drives the innate antiviral protein development in the skin [22,25]. In
neonates suffering from atopic eczema, also called AD, the risk of HSV infection is even higher
and this aspect is discussed in a later paragraph within this review article. In conclusion, if the
cutaneous innate antiviral response could be enhanced in neonates at risk for HSV, these
infants may not succumb to this grave HSV-induced systemic illness.

On the other side of the spectrum, elderly individuals often succumb to infections with varicella
zoster virus (VZV), which is closely related to HSV. After a primary infection (causing chicken
pox), VZV remains in a dormant state in the nervous system of infected patients and tends to
reactivate in patients as they age, producing the herpes zoster, also known as ‘shingles rash’.
While the increased risk of cutaneous viral infections in neonates is likely due to an immature
innate antiviral system, the increased susceptibility to viral infections in older individuals may be
secondary to a reduced ability to mount an antiviral response within the innate and adaptive
immune systems, a process often referred to immunosenescence [26]. Blood monocytes
from older individuals and younger adults have shown no significant difference in transcriptional
and functional levels of cytokines at baseline. However, when stimulated with nucleic acids,
monocytes from older individuals have reduced TLR and RIG-I signaling and decreased
transcription and expression of IFNs, IFN-associated signaling molecules, and antiviral proteins
compared with younger adults [27,28]. While several studies determined that cutaneous
immune cells, such as keratinocytes, Langerhans cells, and skin T cells, also undergo age-
related changes and demonstrate a senescent phenotype [29–35], identification and system-
atic analysis of innate antimicrobial effector molecules and antiviral proteins or their regulators
are missing.

Antiviral Defense in the Context of Inflammatory Skin Disease: Psoriasis and Atopic
Psoriasis and AD are the two most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases. However,
unlike patients with psoriasis, AD is associated with a relative higher susceptibility to cutaneous
viral infections. Interestingly, compared with psoriasis patients, AD patient skin is relatively
deficient in professional antiviral proteins, such as OAS2, MX proteins, ISG15, among others.
Notably, increased antiviral protein expression appeared specific to the skin and was not
observed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, suggesting that a local factor contributes to
antiviral protein expression [7,36].

A key component of the psoriasis is the proliferation and survival of Type 17 T-helper (Th17)
cells promoted by the cytokine IL-23 [37]. Imiquimod, an agonist of TLR7, is commonly used in
murine studies to model a psoriasis-like disease state. In addition, in mice, the production of IL-
23 and development of psoriasis-like skin disease are inducible by the binding of 50 -triphos-
phate dsRNA to RIG-I [36]. IL-23 induces Th17 cells to release IL-29, a Type III IFN (IFNl) that
stimulates the secretion of antiviral proteins Mx1, ISG15, and OAS2 from psoriatic keratino-
cytes [7]. Unsurprisingly, there is increased expression of antiviral genes ISG15, IRF7, and Mx2
in psoriatic skin [38]. Further, psoriasis-susceptibility genes IFIH1 and DDX58 encode for the

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nucleic acid sensors MDA5 and RIG-I, respectively [39], while another susceptibility gene
RNF114 alters the regulation of MDA5 and RIG-I signaling [40]. While there is no clear evidence
for a viral pathogenesis for psoriasis, it has been demonstrated that overt recognition of nucleic
acids in complex with antimicrobial peptide LL-37 can trigger an innate antiviral immune
response characteristic for psoriasis [41].

AD is the most common allergic skin disease in the general population worldwide, especially in
the newborn population (up to 15–30%). AD is characterized by itchy, dry, and eczematous
skin lesions with eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrates and spongiosis (intraepidermal and inter-
cellular edema). AD patients are at relatively higher risk for viral infections, including eczema
herpeticum (caused by HSV-1), eczema vaccinatum [caused by vaccinia virus (VACV)], eczema
coxsackium (Coxsackie virus), and molluscum contagiosum.

HSV is a double-stranded (dsDNA) neurotropic virus that infects (muco-)cutaneous epithe-

lium and is a member of the Herpesviridae family. In can cause eczema herpeticum, a
particularly debilitating cutaneous HSV infection in patients with AD. Notably, mucosal HSV
infection in non-AD-individuals induces Type I and Type III IFN responses [42], producing
OAS2, OAS3, MxA, and dsRNA-activated protein kinase (PKR) [43,44]. MxA reduces the
replication of HSV-1 in primary human fibroblasts [45]. Interestingly, however, in the absence of
IFNa signaling, an alternatively spliced isoform of MxA is induced in infected cells that trans-
locates to the nucleus and actually enhances HSV-1 replication [45]. The antiviral protein PKR
stimulates autophagy of HSV [44] and murine embryonic fibroblasts deficient in PKR show
increased susceptibility to HSV-1 [46]. Unsurprisingly, HSV-1 infected cell protein 34.5
(ICP34.5) counters PKR activity by inhibiting IRF3 activation to prevent the translational
shutdown induced by PKR [47]. This also illustrates the important role of IRF3, which was
found to induce antiviral proteins IFIT1, IFIT2, ISG15, OAS, and GBP1 in the context of an HSV
infection [48]. Recently, it was discovered that silencing IL-36b in mice produced more severe
HSV-1 cutaneous disease, but the mechanism through which this cytokine exerts its effect has
yet to be discovered [49].

Eczema herpeticum caused by HSV-1 is one of the most common viral infections in AD patients
and this skin infection may progress to systemic infection and can be complicated by fever,
malaise, keratoconjunctivitis, encephalitis, and septic shock. Patients with eczema herpeticum
tend to have early onset AD, more severe disease, increased risk of asthma, increased allergen
sensitization, dysbiosis and Staphylococcus aureus colonization, and increased Th2 polarity.
Notably, a null mutation in a gene critical for the skin barrier, called Filaggrin (FLG), is not only
one of the strongest genetic predictors of AD, but also confers an even greater risk for eczema
herpeticum in AD patients [50], suggesting a pivotal role for a defective skin barrier in this
devastating condition. Further risk factors include prior exposure to HSV-1 [51], genetic
variants in IRF2 that produce an abnormal response to HSV, low expression of IFNAR1,
and low expression or genetic variants of IFNg and/or IFNGR1 [52,53]. All of these variants
implicate some aspect of the innate antiviral system in the development of a very serious
complication, eczema herpeticum, in patients with AD.

A hallmark of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated diseases is an increased production of IL-4 and

IL-13 by Type 2 T-helper (Th2) cells. Indeed, AD lesions within the skin show increased
expression of Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13. These cytokines have been shown to reduce the
expression of antimicrobial proteins hBD3 and cathelicidin (LL-37) [54]. hBD3 and cathelicidin
have been most commonly associated with their antibacterial functions, yet they also exhibit
antiviral activity [55,56]. Decreased expression of ‘professional’ antiviral genes in the skin of

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patients with AD compared with normal, healthy skin and with psoriasis skin has also been
noted [38,52,57–59]; however, it has not determined whether Th2-type cytokines suppress
antiviral proteins. [465_TD$IF]Given the results of psoriatic inflammation-associated upregulation of multiple
antiviral proteins and a Th2 dominance in AD coupled with structural barrier defects and
relatively low antiviral protein expression, the disease state of AD and the associated immune
response and barrier dysfunction may negatively regulate the innate antiviral immune system
(Figure 2).

Interestingly and linked to the dysfunctional barrier of AD skin, the propensity for S. aureus
cutaneous infection is very high [60,61]. Importantly, S. aureus can cause disease flares and is
itself a contributor to cutaneous viral infections seen in patients with AD [60,62]. Alpha-toxin, an
S. aureus virulence factor, enhances HSV-1 and VACV gene expression in human kerati-
nocytes by forming pores that facilitate viral entry into cells [63]. How does S. aureus, a skin
commensal with high pathogenic potential [23,64–66], affect antiviral protein production,
associated skin inflammation, and wound healing responses? If S. aureus can block antiviral
protein production, this may contribute further to increased infection risk and may be thera-
peutically prevented by antimicrobial treatments. We also do not understand how barrier
dysfunction caused by FLG mutations or mechanical perturbation, pain- and itch-associated
neurotransmitters related to itch behavior, and S. aureus infection [67–69] in AD patients relates
to the regulation of genes encoding antiviral proteins. This knowledge may help target and
prevent viral infections in the highly susceptible AD population.

VACV is the second most common cause of cutaneous viral infections in patients with AD.
VACV is a member of the Poxviridae family of dsDNA viruses that primarily infect cells within the
skin including keratinocytes, Langerhans cells, other dendritic cells, and macrophages. These
viruses cause a range of diseases from molluscum contagiosum to severe systemic disease
such as smallpox (Table 2). Molluscum contagiosum presents as a more severe and/or
treatment-resistant rash in children with AD and in immunocompromised patients [70,71].
Clinically, VACV is used as a vaccine to prevent smallpox. Intuitively, major complications of this
vaccine have occurred at a higher rate in virus-susceptible populations. For example, patients
with AD are more likely to develop vaccinia vaccinatum, while immunocompromised patients
are more likely to develop progressive vaccinia [72–74]. The modified vaccinia virus Ankara
produces Type I IFNs in mouse conventional dendritic cells through the cGAS/stimulator of IFN
genes (STING) pathway [75]. VACV infection of human keratinocytes induces the production of
Th2 cytokines [76], which again reduce the expression of antimicrobial peptides. Keratinocytes
sense VACV DNA via TLR7 and stimulate the production of Type I and II IFNs [77]. However,
upon entry into host cells, vaccinia counters the recognition of viral DNA via TLR7 by producing
the inhibitor protein E3. E3 also inhibits PKR, ISG15, and prevents Langerhans cells from
presenting viral antigens to T cells [77–80].

The Immunocompromised Patient

Immunosuppression is an almost universal strategy to prevent rejection following solid-organ
transplantation. These immunocompromised patients have an exceedingly high risk of devel-
oping nonmelanoma squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), possibly in part through a viral pathway.
While these data do not provide evidence for a causative relationship, a meta-analysis
demonstrated that SCC lesions from immunocompromised patients were three times more
likely to express human papilloma virus (HPV) than SCC lesions from immunocompetent
patients [81]. HPV is a small, non-enveloped dsDNA virus that is a member of the Papillomavi-
rus family. It is a member of the commensal skin microbiome [16], but also a causative agent for
warts and subsets of SCC. It preferentially infects basal epithelial cells but only produces virions

Trends in Immunology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 9

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in the terminally differentiated upper layers of the epithelium [82]. IFIT1 is able to bind to and Outstanding Questions
sequester HPV’s viral helicase E1 within the cytoplasm. This action prevents the viral protein Does the cutaneous microbiome con-
from entering the nucleus to join its replication complex [83,84]. The signaling events upstream tribute to innate antiviral immunity?

of IFIT1 in relation to HPV are unknown. IFIT1 is typically induced by Type I IFNs but Type I IFNs
What type of interferon-independent
may or may not be implicated in the antiviral response to HPV. One study demonstrated that pathway exists to induce the transcrip-
Type I IFNs reduced the replication of HPV16 [85]. However, a subsequent in vitro study tion of antiviral proteins?
demonstrated that in human keratinocytes, Type II IFNg and not Type I IFNa/b inhibited an array
of HPV strains through a Janus kinase 2/STAT1 (JAK2/STAT1) pathway [86]. IFIT1 is also What is the relative contribution of
these interferon-independent and
known to be activated independent of Type I IFNs via IRF3, but IRF3 does not have the
interferon-dependent pathways to
capability to bind to the HPV16 proteins and thus was associated with a downregulation of the antiviral protein expression in homeo-
antiviral genes it typically induces including IFIT1, IFIT2, OAS, and GBP1 [13]. Therefore, there is static conditions, and in inflammation
possibly another Type I IFN-independent pathway through which IFIT1 is produced. By settings?
contrast, interferon-induced transmembrane proteins (IFITM) 1, 2, and 3 were found to
What are the essential and collabora-
moderately enhance HPV-16 replication in keratinocytes [87]. A deeper understanding of
tive factors in establishing antiviral
how antiviral proteins are regulated in the skin and how they affect HPV infection and virion immunity in the skin? What is the inter-
generation will ultimately provide knowledge about the cellular and molecular mechanisms play between antiviral proteins and
underlying innate antiviral immunity against HPV in keratinocytes. Such knowledge is relevant other barriers of the skin (e.g., physical
and chemical) in this process?
because HPV amplifies its genome dependent on keratinocyte differentiation [82]. Research
defining how differentiation and cell cycle arrest regulate antiviral proteins and how viruses
usurp the innate immunity machinery within infected keratinocytes to counteract antiviral
defenses is of interest to immunologists, virologists, and dermatologist alike.

Immunosuppressed patients, as well as older, and/or chronically sun-exposed patients fur-

thermore bear a higher risk for infection with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCP). Yet, MCP is part of
the healthy human virome [16,60]. After MCP’s discovery just less than a decade ago, it has
been demonstrated that viral oncoproteins of MCP play a critical role in Merkel cell carcinoma
progression and are found in the majority of Merkel cell carcinoma tumors. Importantly, while
the adaptive immune response against MCP is well established, and involves T cells that
recognize a specific MCP epitope [88], the control of MCP by innate antiviral proteins has not
been studied and may uncover novel and new insight into the innate immune response to this

Concluding Remarks
The skin barrier faces a multitude of insults and the innate immune system defends the body by
preventing pathologic microorganism invasion. Great progress has been achieved with regard
to understanding the mechanisms of antibacterial proteins, such as defensins and cathelici-
dins, however much has yet to be discovered regarding professional antiviral proteins, espe-
cially within the skin (see Outstanding Questions). The extremely common chronic inflammatory
skin diseases AD and psoriasis are associated with an altered and opposite susceptibility to
viral infections, which is directly related to the level of expression of antiviral proteins within these
skin lesions. The young, the elderly, and immunocompromised patients are vulnerable subsets
of the population facing increased susceptibility to cutaneous viral infections for diverging
reasons. Furthermore, many viruses, including emerging Zika, Dengue, and West Nile viruses
are transmitted into the skin via mosquito bites, and can infect skin cells [8,82,89–92]. It is
therefore important to have an understanding of the regulators of antiviral host defense within
the cutaneous epithelium and cutaneous immune cells to comprehend viral disease patho-
genesis and ultimately develop new preventative and therapeutic treatments (Figure 2). The
current antiviral treatments are associated with severe toxicities including nephrotoxicity and
neurotoxicity; however, antiviral therapies that target antiviral proteins or effectors along the
innate antiviral signaling cascade may minimize toxicity and resistance. Therefore, enhancing

10 Trends in Immunology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

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the discussion of antiviral proteins, which provide a critical service to the skin barrier, offers new
insights into human disease.

The authors would like to thank Shiz Aoki (BioRender, Inc.) for help creating figure illustrations. The authors would like to
apologize to all investigators whose work could not be cited here due to space constraints. This work was funded in part by
the Poindexter Scholars in Basic Science (to C.H.), Stead Scholarship (to J.K.), the Duke Physician-Scientist Strong Award
(to A.S.M.), NIHR21 AI128727 (to A.S.M.), NIHK08 AR063729 (to A.S.M.), and the Dermatology Foundation Award (to A.S.
M.). A.S.M. also receives financial support from [46_TD$IF]Silab and the Department of Dermatology at Duke University.

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