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Viking Material Specs

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VIKING MATERIAL SPECS AND RELATED INFORMATION Specs Defined—By definition a speci. fication is a detailed and exact stat ‘ment of particulars; a material spect cation thus becomes a detailed and ex: act statement of particulars covering material and could include, but would ‘not be limited to, information about the chemical composition, mechanical ‘and physical properties, heat treat- ment, form, color, machinability, availability, compatitiliy, finish, meth. ( of production, etc. Why Have Specs?—Material specs are needed to satisy requirements in three basic areas—desian, communi- cations between buyer and seller, and quality control DESIGN—Atter Marketing has de- termined the parameters or limitations of a product they want developed, itis the job of the Product Design group to establish physical dimensions and ma- terials of construction. By knowing the requirements imposed on the mate: rials by the design, the designer can, by examining the specifications of sev- feral materials, select the one best suited for the job. Without material ‘specifications it would be virtually im- possible to satisfactory select a mate- Fial without extensive testing or expen- sive overdesign. COMMUNICATION—By referring to the specification covering material selacted by the design group, Purchas- ing can indicate to a supplier what is needed, @.g, AISI or SAE 1045 for stee! bar, ASTM F104-71, Class F 326128; MB tor general purpose gasket mate- fial for petroleum products. Also peo- pple specifying or purchasing pumps ‘ean, by calling out material specs, In- dicate to Viking the materials of con- struction required, e.9., pump case ‘material must be a stee! meeting ASTM A216, Class WCB spec. ‘QUALITY CONTROL—Material specs also provide limits or guidelines {or Quality Control or Receiving inspec: tion to check or compare against. In some instances the testing procedures used in determining a particular prop- erly of a material are also spelled out in the material specs. ‘Thus, once the material of construc- tion has been selected, the material ‘specs are used throughout the organi zation trom the requisition stage to pro- ‘curement to inspection and application of the product ‘Specs Vs. Part Numbers—Material ‘Specs are tied into the Viking identifica. tion system through @ material code designation in the part number. Viking raw materials and parts are identified by a 10 or 12 digit allnumeric or alpha- numeric number. The digits are sepa: fated into five groups or “Yields” by dashes, eg., the part number 2.571: 206-991.47 is for a steel rotor for a 125 pump. The fourth field (in bold type) is the material code, The 391 in this field indleates that the material is low alloy steel. if you have further in- terest in the Viking part numbering sys- tem there is a pamphlet available on request which describes it fully. Each material code number repre: sents a specific material for which there is a spec sheet. This is true for the material codes used for raw mate: tials and parts, It is not true for the ma- terial code used for sub-assemblies; this code merely indicates the materi alg of the two or more parts inthe sub. This information on material specs will be presented in three rather dis tinct segments: 1. Specifications for the basic mate- Hlals used in Viking pumps. 2. Adiscussion and review of promis- ing new materials, of Viking and plastics, and of coatings and im- pregnations, etc. 3. Acollection of charts and tables, a ‘lossary of terms, and a listing of specifying agencies and tests, all relating to materials in one way or another. The specifications which will be ‘covered are grouped by pump part or Classification in which the material is, used: 1. Cast materials used for pump cas: ings, heads, brackets, rotors and idler. Idler pins. Rotor shatts, Idler and bracket or casing bush- Ings Flat gaskets. O-rings. Packing, Hardware. Springs. Miscellaneous—mechanical seals, bearing housings, ete. Chart 1 on page 4 covers the specs on cast materials indicated in the frst item above. Specs for materials found in the other classifications — rotor shafts, idler ping, etc, — are covered on pages 5, 6, and 7 Figures 1 thru 6 show microstruc: tures and test bars of several of the ‘materials described on Chart 1. Figure 1 is @ photomicrograph show- ing the microstructure of atypical cast pe : wre MS Figure 1. Photomicrograph of a typical cast iron sample with flake ‘graphite noted. PAGE 1 lon sample. Note the graphite In lake form. When a cast iron part is over- stressed s0 a crack is started, a sud. den failure can be expected since the crack will follow the weak graphite flakes across the section. The resulting break, see Figure 2, is relatively clean for sharp showing virtually no neck- down or stretching at the break area, The surface appearance of the break as shown in Figure 2 Is typical of that seen on a failed cast iron part Figure 2. One half of a broken cast iron tensile test bar. Figure 3. Cast iron sample showing Brinell Hardness Test indentation. See Glossary of Terms on Page 10 Figure 3 shows a typical indentation ‘made in a cast iron sample by a Brinell, Hardness Tester. The diameter of the ball and load used for the test are stan- dardized; the actual hardness reading is determined by the diameter of the impression or indentation. This method fof measuring is used for the relatively soft metals Such as cast iron, ductie Iron, mild steel, bronze, and stainless, Figure 4 is a picture of the hardness tester used by the Viking R&D Labora: tory. It is equipped so that it can be Figure 4. Hardness Tester. PAGE 2 Used for determining hardness on both the Brinell and the Rockwell scales, Charts 5 and 6 on page 11 show con- version between these two scales. Figure 5 is a photomicrograph of the microstructure of a typical ductile iron sample. Note the spheroidal or nodular form of the free graphite. In this form the graphite does not provide a con- tinuous break or fracture path across the metal section as it does when in flake form, Figure 5. Photomicrograph of a ductile iron sample showing spheres of free graphite. So Figure 6. Tensile Test Bar— Ductile Type Material. Figure 6 isa picture of a broken ten: sile test bar of ductile type material ‘The appearance is fairly typical of bars (f ductile iron, mild steel and 316 stan. less, Note the reduction in diameter or “neckdown" in the area of the break, also the jagged surface. Prior to the test two center punch marks 2° apart were made in the bar, see picture. At ter the test the distance between the two punch marks was measured. Elon: «gation is determined by the percent in crease in the length of the original 2° section of the bar. (On occasions an order is recelved {or an all-Monel pump. Monel is a nick: ‘e-copperalloy with good strength and hardness, but its benefits corrosion: wise are rather limited. It is never fur nished except on customer's request While there are several other metals that could be cast and machined by Viking for use as pump exterals and internals, those for which specs have just been given—cast iron, ductile iron, cast steel, bronze, 316 Stainiess ‘and Alloy 20—cover at least 98% ofall requirements, Almost all applications for which Viking pumps can be con: sidered can be handied with cast iron, steel or 316 stainless steel external. ‘Chart 2 covers the Specs for Mate: rials used for Idler Pins in Viking pumps. All parts in an internal gear ‘pump are important, but the idler pin is probably the single most critical. Along lasting idler pin generally means a pump that will give very acceptable service for the user. Carburized and hardened 8620 lead: ced steel (Material Code 281) has been the “standard” material for "G" size ‘and larger idler pins in the 32, 125 and other cast iron Viking pump models since the year one. Induction harden ing isa fast method of producing con- sistently high quality pins from readily available bar stock Figure 7 shows a sectioned "Q" size induction hardened stee! idler pin cut about "from the rotor end of the pin. Note the change of appearance in the transition zone, This pin has been hardened to a depth of approximately 0.060", %4" oF 1.5 mm. Figure 8 shows 2 plot of hardness vs. distance from the finished ©.D. surface of the same pin. Core properties are unatfected by the induction hardening process. Figures 9 and 10 show sections of typical idler pins made from readily machineable materials which can sub- sequently be hardened by thermal treatments. Typical of these materials are the 1045 and 8620 steels, Nitalloy ‘and 4406 stainless. Figure 7. Section of an Induction Hardened Steel “Q” size Idler Pin showing depth of case. Figure 11 Is a section of a straight uundrilled pin typical of those made trom the materials — Stelite or tung: sten carbide — that can only be fin: ished by grinding, While the materials for idler pins listed in Chart 2 cover most applica- lions, there are those very special jobs (or requests that may call for something else, Pins have been furnished of K monel, 316 stainless, Stelite coatings fon 316 stainless base material, Col ‘monoy coating on either steel or stain less base and with chrome plating. For some applications users have found stil other combinations of materials 2 ARONESS~ ROCKWELL °C" SCALE So ake oio oto" oho ae ge DISTANCE FROM SURFACE tion Hardened Steel Idler Pin. (Cor Hardness Remained Unchanged) IDLER PIN inmi/ieiC2nm) (V8 3mm) Figure 8. Plot of Hardness versus Distance from Surface for an Induc- CROSS HOLE FOR INTERNAL LUBE FCROSS HOLE FOR INTERNAL LUBE a) fiOLER PIN LUBE GROOVE HEAD re “M” and “N" Hardened Stee! Idler Pins. FIDLER PIN E Luge Groove i ical Section of “A” Figure 11. Straight Undrilled Idler through “LS” Hardened Steel Idler Pin typical of those made from the HEAD Pins. Stellites and Tungsten Carbide. ‘andfor coatings to extend service lite _ Since the idler bushing (see Chart 4) (nn their particular application. In combination with the idler pin is the ‘Several of the materials on Chart 2. “heart” of the Viking internal gear have useful properties at temperatures pump, considerations must be given to above 800°F. Viking considers 800°F the selection of the material beyond fas @ practical maximum temperature compatibility with the liquid pumped for pumping applications. ‘and compressive strength. The surface ‘Chart 3 covers "Specs for Wrought finish ofthe ID. is critical, a rough fn Material used for Rotor Shatts”. This is ish may contribute to rapid wear of {quite a different listing of materials either the bushing or ofthe pin. Dimen- from Chart 2, since for idler pins the inal tolerances are also important, main consideration is for wear resis: since the running clearance between tance with corrosion resistance and the ILD. of the bushing and the pin or ductility being only slighty less impor- tant. However, with rotor shafts, strength and machinability are prime liquid flow through the clearanc considerations with corrosion and {tight enough to contro! the posit ‘wear resistance being secondary con- coms. shaft (inthe case of the bracket bush- ing) must be large enough to provide rat the idler or rotor in the pump. In addition to the materials shown on 7 ido pi, sever! metedala Chere 4 noes on occas quad in ih lr pie, saver mstarils Pete ion ale abc oor. elo, have been furnished for special appli- cations or at special requests by users, because its relatively inert to most lig tlds because of its low coefficient of aaa erate Kmmonel Alloy 2o'ana tiction, is often considered by a cus- special high strength steels. Also as with the pins, various coatings are oc- Casionally used. tomer for a bushing material. Because Of its cold flow characteristics and high Ccoetticient of expansion, it actually is not very practical and is seldom used. Another readily available plastic, nylon, {s also offen mentioned as a potential bushing material because of its rela tively high strength compared to other Plastics, ready availabilty and modest cost, but experience indicates that it ‘may’ have considerable swell, has a limited range of compatibility with lia ids, picks up color easily and has a high coefficient of expansion. The use ‘of bushing materials other than those ‘shown on Chart 4 is very limited. GASKET MATERIAL SPECS Flat Gaskets PLASTIC—MATERIAL CODE 802—A cellulose triacetate material suitable for use with petroleum products and similar liquids to temperatures of '300°F. Plastic is firm, which makes for 2 good shim, but its incompressibilty limits its use as a gasket to those joints which have a high unit loading imposed by the fasteners e.g. small pumps with head capscrews closely spaced. Plastic sheet stock is color coded to indicate thickness, e.9., .001" thick ‘material is amber, .002" red, .005* blue and 010" brown, ‘TREATED PAPER—MATERIAL CODE 804—A vegetable fiber sheet gasket for use with petroleum products and similar liquids to temperatures of 300°F. This ‘material meets ASTM Spec F 104-71, Class F $26128M6, Treated paper is a widely used general purpose gasket ‘material. At Viking itis the standard flat {gasket material used on iron pumps K and larger. NON-ASBESTOS—MATERIAL CODE '806—Consists of a combination of syn- thetic fibers, filers, and elastomeric binders for highest ‘chemical stability and heat resistance to 70°F. This material meets ASTM Spec F 104, F 112900-M6, 15-50%. Used on pumps with operating tem- peratures above 300°F; as standard ‘on any pump with jacketed features: on all stainiess 700 series pumps and on fany pump with a Viton or Teflon seal that uses flat gaskets. Viking does carry a few Teflon gas: kats in stock but their practical applica- tion is limited, Tefion is relatively in compressible and has a characteristic known as “cold flow”. A material that “cold flows” will gradually extrude ‘when under constant pressure or load, when this happens to a gasket the fas: teners will become loose and the gas: ket will leak. Because of this tendency ccheck with a Viking man before con- sidering the use of Teflon gaskets; ‘pump pressure and temperature limita tions on their use is very low. PAGE 3 Tanase sora bitdig wouwoxe su 204 Aivewed pes boeu Neue es EE ae » St sere mena MER re ee ogg . Sues oot = -~ astee ee a ae an *SUld J9|P| 405 pesn sjeeyeW 10) soads “% LYWHO aur ssauzy vase curio ssouev mise SYeYS 40}0y 10} pasn sjeyeyeW 1Y6NOM 405 S9edS “E LHYVHO PAGE 7 a roore: roar ub Govngatareonze “sBulysng 10} pesn sjeyayew 10) soeds “py LUVHO As a point of general interest, the last two digits of the Viking gaskel part number indicates the thickness or ‘gauge of the gasket stock in thou: Sandths of an inch, ‘O-Ring Gaskets BUNA-N (NITRILE}—MATERIAL CODE '860—The most widely used elastomer avaliable today, Buna-N, has excellent resistance to petroleum products. Nitrole or Buna-N is a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile. It can be ‘compounded with widely varying per- centages of the acrylonitrile to meet specific requirements. The Buna-N ‘normally used by Viking is compound: ed to meet the UL swell test for han: dling LP gas and fue! oils. Buna-N is used as the standard O-ring elastomer in Viking iron and steel pumps designed to accept O-ring gaskets. The normally accepted tem- erature range used by Viking for Buna O-rings is ~40°F to 225°F, Buna is not recommended for use with solvents such as carbon tet, ke- tones, toluene, xylene or with phos- phate hydraulic fluids. ‘A special food grade Buna is used in the Viking Take-Apart pumps to meet FDA specs. This material carries Viking Code 864. It is identified by a yellow dot on the surface of the O-ring NEOPRENE—MATERIAL CODE 810— Neoprene has good low temperature flexibility, but has limited resistance to petroleum lubricants. It is a homopoly mer of chloroprene. Not used as a standard material for Ovring gaskets in any of the cataloged Viking pumps, itis used for some OEMs and is the mechanical seal elastomer used In pumps handling ammonia. Neoprene is well suited for use in han- dling high aniline point petroleum oils ‘and where low temperature flexibility is needed. VITON—MATERIAL CODE 867—Viton has a useful temperature to 350°F and is resistant to a number of solvents— carbon tet, toluene, xylene—that at. tack Buna-N. It isa linear copolymer of vinylidene fluoride and hexatluoro pro- pylene. Used by Viking as an O-ring gasket material where the liquid of the ap- plication requires, for temperatures above the capabilly of Buna and at customer's request, IIs not recommended for use with ketones, ammonia or at temperatures below O°F. TEFLON—MATERIAL CODE 872— Teton Is inert to almost all liquids han- PAGES dled by Viking pumps. It has a useful temperature range from below = 100°F to 450+ °F. The name Tetlon Is @ DuPont tradename for tetrafluora- ethylene (TFE) fluorocarbon polymers. Used by king as an Oring Gast to a very limited extent becaus "cold fow’"characterstios and ited stretch. It does serve better as a ‘gasket in the O-ring form than in the flat sheet form. Other elastomers requested by cus- tomers for special applications include silicone, Thiokol, butyl, Hycar and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). None of these elastomers are carried in stock to any extent by Viking. When re- uired, delivery may be extended, and because of the small quantities in- volved, they are quite expensive, Some elastomers require special handing, e.g., EPR will deteriorate when in contact with lube ol or fuel ol, thus necessitating special pump as: sembly and test procedures, Occasionally there is a requirement for special package labeling, color coding of the O-ring, “cure” informa: tion and shelt life or storage history records. Any of these requirements, while they can be handled, do involve Considerable time and expense. PACKING STANDARD PACKING—MATERIAL CODE 830—Packing used at Viking is a TFE packing with 50% ultrafine ‘graphite impregnation. It is used with a broad range of petroleum products, solvents, weak acids and caustics, Suitable for use with liquids at temper- atures to 00°F. This packing is used as standard in all Viking cast iron and steel external packed pumps. For more information, 00 ESB-521 HIGH TEMPERATURE—MATERIAL CODE 859-53, 853-54—This packing is ‘made Into die formed rings form braid. ed graphite filament with a light TFE coating, No. 859-53 are inner and outer fings. The center rings, 859-54, ae all graphite packing containing no resin binders or inorganic filers. Used pri rmarlly on applications where tempera: ture is above 300°F; practical maxi mum temperature is 800°F, All jacketed series 34 pumps are built with high temperature packing. It is also used in packed pumps handling heat transfer liquids. The types of packing just described are carried in stock by Viking and will, normally handle most liquids. There are dozens of different packing types available for specific applications, Cus: tomers can request special packings by type or supplier number. A few of these are 1) metallic packings—lead foil, aluminum fol, etc.—for high tem- perature applications. These packings are quite firm and may require a hardened shaft to prevent severe cut- ting or scoring. 2)Self-Mold—a mixture extruded in a triangular shape avall- able in short lengths. it must be broken, Up into small pieces before being in- stalled in the stuffing box or formed in- to packing rings. Being soft it conforms. to the exact shape of the shaft and stuffing box. Ithas been heiptul in sol ing some troublesome packing leakage problems with thin liquids, it works best when used in conjunction with a front and follower ring of braided packing. 3) Grafoil (all graphite) ribbon packing; furnished as a ribbon in" to 1” widths. To form into packing rings, several wraps are made around the shaft and then it is compressed into place by the packing gland. Itis also available in ready made rings from several different suppliers. Being almost pure graphite, it is self- lubricating and thus can be tightened er organizations, as well as over 1000, ‘companies. The over 4000 standards it has published to date cover many ait: ferent areas of goods and services. ‘Most familiar in our work is ANSI Std. 873.1 concerning pumps for chemical service. AP|—American Petroleum Insti: tute—The principle activities of this in- stitute are simpification, standardiza- tion and improvement of equipment {and methods used by the petroleum in- dustry. The API Committee on Refinery Equipment conducts a program of Viking Pump standardization dealing with various features of the equipment used for refinery service. One of the standards which has been established is API Standard 610 entitled “‘Centrifug Pumps for General Refinery Services. This standard includes a table on Material Specifications for Centrifugal Pump Parts. API 610 is offen refer fenced on spec sheets covering posi- tive displacement pumps. Generally the material specs in API 610 can be applied to positive displacement pumps. ASTM—American Society for Test ing & Materials—ASTM is a scientific and technical organization formed for ‘the development of standards on characteristics and performance of ‘materials, products, systems and ser. vices.” The 1974 annual book of ASTM standards consists of 47 parts. Part 2 covers standards relating to ferrous castings and ferroalloys; Part 8 relates to non-ferrous metals; Part 11 to metal ography and non-destructive tests, etc. Standards comprise those test methods, detinitions, recommended practices, classifications and specit: cations that have been formally adopted by the society. A typical num ber for an ASTM spec includes a letter, which indicates a committee designa’ tion, then a 1, 2, 3 oF 4 digit number Which indicates the particular specif: Cation within the area of committee re- sponsibility, this number is followed by @ 2 digit number which indicates the year that the specification was ap- Proved. Some spec numbers end with a letter designation which indicates they are considered tentative or that there has been more than one revision within the year. Typical of an ASTM designation is A216-740 which is the ‘specification for ""Carbon-Steel Cast- ing Suitable for Fusion Welding for High-Temperature Service”, MiL—Standards established under the authority of the Department of Defense for products purchased by the military. Individual standards are devel- ‘oped by the various bureaus and agen: cies of the DOD. MIL specs for metals are classified oniy by chemical compo- sition and not by physical or mechani cal properties, etc. ‘SAE—Socioty of Automotive Engi neers—Standardization activities are an important part of this society. It car ries on extensive technical standard zation work, particularly relating to in- ternal combustion engines and related vehicles. Limited reference is found to SAE standards in the wrought steel ‘area, Basically the SAE number desig: nation runs parallel with those of AISI, 2g, 8 1048 steel may be indicated as ‘SAE or AISI and the specification for the chemistry of the material would be the same, CHEMICAL SYMBOLS. FOR SOME OF THE ELEMENTS FOUND IN MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Cedar Falls, lowa 50613 * Telephone (319) 266-1741 © Telex 465-632 Cable “Viking” * FAX (319) 273-8157 NPCaM 187 ‘Copyright 1987 PAGE 12 ‘Al Aluminum Ni Nickel B Boron P_ Phosphorous BI Bismuth =P Lead. Carbon = S_—Sulfur Gd Columbium* Sb Antimony Cd Cadmium Si Silicon Co Cobalt. = Sn_Tin Gr Chromium = Ta Tantalum Cu Copper = Ti__Titanium Fe ‘tron V_Vanagium Mg Magnesium — W Tungsten Mn Manganese Zn __ Zine Mo Molybdenum Zr Zirconium No Niobium “Old designation for Niobium Pintedin USA

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