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Namhla The Paid Wife

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Everyone has dreams, whether the dream is to

becoming something or to achieve something, but what
happens when those dreams stay as dreams for so long
that they forgotten. We all believe in something right
well I mean whether it's a statue, ancestors or the
christ that has supposedly sacrificed his life for us but
what if everything that we believe in seems to be
failing us and makes us question our own sanity or what
if it's overcomed by darkness come to think of it what
happens when something is supposedly meant to be but
the obstacles are just too much to handle not because
we weak but because something is making us weak.

It's funny how everyone has everything planned out for

himself then those plans go in vain because he ain't no
maker of plans but the follower of instructions and he
just don't know it yet, I don't know if I'm making sense
but if I'm not I hope the events of my life tell you
exactly how I had planned my life only to find out that
my life is actually not mine but his who brought me to
earth and who had a purpose with my life, just a short
version of what I mean, well as a 6 year I had my life
planned out, from graduating at a certain age to getting
married at a certain age but fate had other plans for
me, where are my manners my name is Namhla Minenhle
Zulu, well apparently when I was born there was a heavy
rain and as per saying a rain is a blessing so my
beautiful grandmother said Namhla iMin'enhle kwaZulu
hence my names, bundle up let me take you through my
journey of being someone I never had in mind.

I just couldn't resist 😭

NB: I'm sorry if I offended anyone with what I wrote,

I respect every belief just give a clear




It's a dreadful Monday, August and it's lousy weather

ain't helping a bit. I just came out of an interview and
it was crappy, I mean what did I expect interviewing
for a reception job with only my matric. I dragged my
feets out of the offices, this is the hundreds of
rejections I have, first it was my baby daddy, then my
mom then the job rejections followed, at least I'm
happy about something in life that is the love my dad
always showed me and my baby who is a female version
of her father, ubumenemene nje (hypocrisy). I don't
know if it wasn't for my dad and grandma where would
I, oh my grandmother may her soul rest in peace, living
in Soweto can be a disadvantage when you don't have
the means of transport cause the taxi fare is so high
but my dad has always made I have the right amount
each time I go on this interviews even though I always
come back empty handed he never gives up on me. My
phone rang disturbing me from my thoughts and it was
my dad, I blinked a few times and swallowed the lump in
my throat before answering it, I can't bare
disappointing him yet again but I have no choice

Me: Mageba

I could feel him smiling and it cut deep that I'm about
to wipe that smile off

Him: Ngelosi yoMageba kuhamba njani(Angel of the

Magebas', how did it go)

Me: I didn't get the job Baba, ngiyaxolisa(I'm sorry)

I just teared up, I couldn't hold the tears.

Him: Sukhala phela Ngelosi yam akusukuphela komhlaba,

neyakho imini iyeza (don't cry my angel, this is not end
of the world your day will come)

Me: Mele ngihamba Baba ( I have to go )

I couldn't handle his voice so hang up, I just stood in

one place like a mad person, tears steamed out,
something told me to run and I started running mind
you the place is a busy place people are walking, I was
running heading to the taxis, i bumped into someone
back as i turned the corner of Carlton center

Him: Shit.. look where you going...

He said as he turned his was very pissed from his tone

coffee had spilt over his suit

Me: Oh I'm so sorry

I said looking down as my phone was in pieces on the


Him: It's okay

He said in a more polite manner guess he saw that he

scared the shit out of me, he kneeled over picked the
pieces of what was my phone

Him: This isn't good

Me: Yeah, please excuse me I have to go. I am sorry for

messing up your suit

I said leaving him there still holding the pieces of my

phone. I got inside the the taxi sat next some old

Her: It's gonna be okay, this is the start of your

journey don't lose faith, always remember that you are
stronger than the circumstances

I looked at her confused and she just smiled at me. I

can't wait to get home and forget about this day.


I don't know what happened yesterday but I opened my

eyes a beautiful woman is sleeping next to me and I'm
not even at my place. I rolled out of bed with a mother
of headaches from the massive hangover. I looked at
the time and it was seven thirty in the morning

Me: Fuck

This is why I hate Mondays I quickly wore my jeans and

vest, took my sneakers by the hand tried tip toeing my
way out

Voice: Leaving already?

Shit I got caught

Me: Morning, I didn't want to wake you since you were

so peaceful
She nodded sitting up straight

Her: You leaving without breakfast

Of course I am ain't your boyfriend, I'm just some guy

who fucked you from the club

Me: I really got to go I have a meeting in about an hour

and I can't miss it, it was nice meeting you

I wicked at her then left, huuu finally. I got to my car

went straight to the office, i couldn't go to my place
cause it was late so I will just shower at work, I always
have a clean suit in my car so it's chilled. I quickly went
to the bathroom, whoever made this offices knew how
Mondays get really I mean who builds office with
showers anyway he did good. I was done in no time and
was ready to start my day. My PA came to tell that
they are ready for me in the boardroom.

I wouldn't bore with all the boardroom staff since it

was just a briefing session. I was back in my office the
land line went off

Noma: Boss your uncle is on the line

She said when I picked it up

Me: Okay put him through

Uncle: Phakamani, Ngempela wabanjani yini le engizwayo

about the taxis being searched( how are you really,
what is it that I hear)

Likhuluma ngani lekhehla( What is this old man talking


Me: Babomncane...

Him: Awaz angithi ( you don't know right) who is in

charge of those taxis?

Me: Yimina Babomncane ( it's me uncle)

Him: Pho yindaba ungazi kwenzakani ngawo( So why

don't you know what's happening with them)

Because I can't be in different places at once

Me: Uxolo Mangethe( I'm really sorry)

Him: Fix this Phakamani

He hang up after that, lekhehla (this old man) thinks my

life revolves around this businesses Ngiyabonga( I
see)... The office wasn't busy so I decided to go check
on the taxis since I was scold for them, I need to find
out what's going on, I left my car in a safe parking lot
then walked to the taxis parking well I got myself some
coffee just so I could function. I stood next to Carlton
center one of our drivers came

Him: Grootman ubekwayin la ngalesikhathi( what are you

doing here at this hour)

I normally come at around two in the afternoon

Me: Nsizwenye kwenzenjani( what's going on) I got a

call from ubabomncane saying the taxis were searched

Him: Eish nam angazi Grootman labokgata baqhamuke

from nowhere ( I also don't know those cops came from
nowhere) I think ilabafana bakwaMwelase(its those
Mwelase boys) they have it for us.

I nodded

Me: Okay itaxi igcwele buyela emsebenzini ( the taxi is

full go back to work)

I patted his shoulder, as I was standing someone

number into me in a very speedy way it was as if his
running I turned annoyed and ready to threw some
fists,only to find a woman. She looked like she was
crying I lost all the annoyed feeling I had soften up my
face. To make matters worse her phone was scattered
on ground it was in pieces. I wanted to offer her mine
even though it wasn't my fault but she just excused
herself and left me there. I threw the coffee cup and
left. Can this day be over and done with. I'm sure you
wondering who I am? Well I'm Phakamani Zwane, the
first born of Agatha and Chris Zwane, I am a CEO in
one of my dad's company since he can't do it himself,
well that's the story of another day.


I just came back from my trip with my friends. I know

Phumlani might be angry for leaving without saying
anything but I needed this break. I got out of my car
then took out my bags and went inside...

Me: Babe I'm home


Me: Babeee
Him: Yey uyarasa ( you making noise) if you home you
know how to tell me but when you leaving you can't say

Me: It's not like that babe, I just needed the break
after the miscarriage.

He nodded

I wheeled my suitcase

Him: Are you blaming me for the miscarriage?

I froze then slowly turned to look at him, only then I

realized that he was holding a glass of whiskey, mind
you he was leaning to the door that separates the living
room and the kitchen

Me: Of course not babe, I could never blame you for

that I mean you also hurting, it's not the first time we
lost a baby

Him: And you blamed me for the first one

He sipped on his glass

Me: And I'm sorry for that

I went to him
Me: If I could take back the things I said I would I

He nodded and gulped on the glass again

Him: Don't wait up

He took his car keys and left I sighed, well my name is

Zandile Monica Zwane the wife of Phumlani Zwane, my
husband wants a baby since we have been married for
six years he thinks it's a long time but for some reason
i always miscarry this is the third time but he doesn't
know that he thinks it's the second time.




The drive home was long as always, the old woman's

words kept on playing on my head like a broken record
finally my stop came and got off the taxi walked home.
Before i could reach I saw Anomsa playing with other
kids she saw me and ran as fast as she could

Her: Mama ubuyile( you back)

She excitedly said as I picked her

Me: I'm back baby were you well behaved for Khulu.

She nodded as fast as she can

Me; That's my girl

I put her down giving a sweet, she had messed up my

white blazer but that didn't matter as long as she was
happy I was happy

Me: Uphi uKhulu?( where is granpa)...

Her: Usesispaza sakhe(his at his shop)

Yeah my dad owns a lil spaza shop that's how we get by

Me: Okay, come earlier so you could bath

Her: Okay mama

She ran back to her friends

Me: Babami

I said as I peeped through the small window that we

use to trade

Him: Ngelosi subuyile( Angel you are back)

I love my dad you all, he treats me like I'm still five.

Me: I'm back and you could go rest I will take over
from here

Him: I know you tired so go rest or something

Me: Dad come on

Him: No we are not discussing this you go inside and I

Will stay here

Me: AI usekhulumile uMageba( Mageba has spoken).

I threw my hands in the air in surrender he just

chuckled, I went inside and decided to take a relaxing
bath before getting started with the pots.. Around six
I was done with the pots and I went out to call for
Anomsa so she could bath, she was with dad at the

Her: But Ma it's cold

Me: You should have thought of that before playing till
late, woza (come)Anomsa

She let go of the snacks she was packing and came to

me sulking

Me: Buka ukuthi uncle njani (look at how dirty you are)

We went inside and I bath her, after I was done with I

dished since dad had closed the shop.

Anomsa: I would like to say the grace

Me: Okay

Her: Father we thank you for the delicious food you

provide for us, thank you for the family you have
blessed me with, please bless mama with a good job so
she can take me to a better school amen

Me&dad: Amen

The last part hit home I tell you, cause it was my wish
to make our lives better. After dinner we all resorted
to bed because of being tired, well our house is a five
room dad built while he was working as a driver but he
lost his sight for driving hence he now has a spaza shop,
the house is consist of two bedrooms, a kitchen and a
dinning room well and the bathroom we prayed and

Morning came and I woke up to prepare Anomsa for

school. My daughter is seven years and she's my whole
world, I prepared breakfast while she was packing her

Her: Mama, don't forget they need the files by the end
of this week

Oh I forgot she said they files for filling project, now

I have to ask dad for money and that doesn't sit well
with me but I have no choice


Finally the day has ended and I'm at my place, well I

live in Sandton alone, no wife no dog or cat just me.
Mom has been a pest about me getting married
apparently I'm getting old and she wants grandchildren,
guess she already has a perfect wife for me whom I
don't even know, honestly I'm not into marriage well I
once was but that changed after I found out that the
woman I was ready to marry was pregnant with my
brother's baby, imagine well that was after she
miscarried mine funny right. I just finished showering
and changing into comfortable clothes, preparing to do
some work my phone rang as I was dressing up it was
my brother Phumlani

Me: Brazo

Him: Mangethe..

Me: UMangethe ubab'wakho( Mangethe is your father)

He chuckled

Him: Listen Bafo, We going to visit the old man you


Me: Wena noba?(you and who)

He knows why I'm asking, I'm sure you have guessed


Him: His not coming, his overseas... It's just the older

Me: I'm coming

Well we are nine at home, I'm the first born then five
other guys after me with four girls.

Him: We will meet there

Our father Chris Zwane suffered a severe stroke, his

been living in machines for years now but we ain't
giving, mom had pressured us to switch off the
machines but we hearing none of it. Our mother
drastically changed after the birth of Mzwandile we
don't know what's going but that's when dad started
getting sick then the stroke followed later on I had one
glass of whiskey before heading out. I drove to hospital
where my dad is kept, I found my brother's waiting for

Me: BoMangethe

Phumlani: Fuseg UMangethe uyihlo( Mangethe is your


We laughed

Muzi: Oksalayo Nani ningoZwane(But still you are the

Zwanes too)

Funny how we all hate to be called by our clan name, not

because we hate it but it just that it makes us feel old

Mzwa: Yey iskhathi siyaphela nilibele

ukuthemunda(Time is running out while you busy

We walked to the ward surrounded his bed just quietly

looking at him

Mzwa: Do you think he will ever wake up?

Me: Umes'thanda uzovuka(if he loves us he will wake


Mzwa: He has to wake up

Muzi: He really has to

The doctor got in

Me: Doc is there any change I mean it's been years now

Doc: There is no change at all Mr Zwane isn't

responding to any of the treatment given to him

Me: That means you not doing your job properly then,
you have been his doctor since day one you know his
case more than anyone so why don't you research more
about it?
I was now getting pissed

Mzwa: Awukahle PK uthusa lomlungu( stop it PK you

scaring this white guy)

The others laughed but I kept a straight face so he

couldn't read me, after thirty minutes we left since
Muzi had something to take of... I drove back to my
house and pour some whiskey went to my study but I
didn't get anything done cause I was tired.

It was Tuesday morning already and I was still a bit

tired but not like Monday. I prepared myself for work
and drove there, well I'm not a breakfast person early
eating gives me heart burn

Noma: Morning sir, i have an important meeting for you

She running next to me

Me: Talk Noma

Her: Mr Emirhan has shifted the dates of the meeting

from one month time to a week's time

Me: What??

Her: He is coming to SA next week Friday

Me: Shit okay Noma, please cancel all my meetings for

I said rushing to my office calling my brother Phumlani

Me: We have a problem...

Him: Khuluma Bafo

Me: UEmirhan uyeza next week and you know what that

Him: His expecting to meet Your wife

Me: Exactly and you know how he gets when his

demands are not met, a lil bit of thing is an offence to
him... he will pull out the deal.

The idiot just laughed at me...


I thought Phumlani was joking when he said I mustn't

wait up but now the time is 12am and his not back, I
feel like my marriage is gonna end before we have kids.
My husband loves kids very much and this is hurting him
well me and him both but I don't know what's going
cause the doctors that I'm healthy and conceive at any
given time. I couldn't sleep thinking about all this some
I went to catch on work, well I am a human rights
lawyer, I mostly work with social workers to the recent
GBV cases

Morning couldn't have come earlier, I dragged myself

out of bed and went to take a shower, I ended up
sleeping at 3am, I prepared Phumlanis clothes while
trying to also figure what to wear... He got in while I
was lotioning

Him: Morning

Me: Hey

Him: How are you?

I kept quiet for a minute, is he really gonna ask me that

Me: My husband didn't sleep at our bed so I'm very


I said sarcastically so

Him: Zandi don't start please it's still early, I'm really
not in the mood
He said heading straight to the shower

Me: Wow, just wow so when I love you want me here

but when I'm here you not in the mood

Him: What do you want me to do? Huh?

He roared

Him: You wanted a break and you got it, I want it and
it's wrong, Zandile ufunani Kim( what do you want from

I blinked a couple of times

Me: I'm sorry okay, I have apologized for losing our

babies... I don't know why this is happening but I'm
sorry okay ...

Him: Babe, please

He came to stand Infront of and placed his hand on my


Him: I don't want us to fight okay, I just want us to

grieve together that's all. I know that this is hard for
both of us that's why we have to deal with this
together okay?
I nodded while teary, he just embraced me, I love my
husband y'all. After that heart warming moment we
both prepared for work and went our separate ways.




The week went pretty fast, it was Sunday and I had

finally had the courage to ask dad for money and he
gave me enough for the groceries too, I sent a note
notifying the teacher that I will buy the files as soon
as I can, while I was bathing I heard a knock on my

Voice: Enhle

Oh it's Nwabisa my friend, I won't say best friend

cause I barely know her. See I'm 22 I had Anomsa
when I was 15 you already judging me I know, my then
best friend turned on me and I was an outcast since I
was only in grade 9.

Me: Come in

She got in and she was very much herself the hyper

Her: Aibo wena what's wrong with your phone i have

been texting and calling you all day yesterday and
earlier today

I had forgotten about my phone, that's how boring my

life is.

Me: Oh sorry I was tired yesterday I couldn't come

and tell you, it's broken.

Her: Askies Mngani shame, so where are you going

Me: I'm on way to the mall

Her: Oh good then we can go together, Lucky is coming

to fetch me for shopping, it his birthday today we
meeting with his friends later on wanna join us

Me: No thanks
I said without hesitation

Her: Come on Mngani, you deserve to have some fun

Me: Yes but not that kind, you know I don't drink so I
will pass

She rolled her eyes

Her: Okay your loss

I finished bathing and I was ready to leave, told dad

that I'm leaving we left. Even though I was Hella bored
but at least I saved money

Nwabisa: Babe how about you leave us and I will call you
when we done

The boyfriend agreed and dropped us off. After the

whole shopping thing we went to McDs for some food.

Her: So how is the job hunting going?

Me: Hectic, I don't know what do really. I really need

to get something and fast. My dad isn't gonna live
forever you know and me depending on him is just
something that has to change

Her: Why don't you study some small course just start

I sighed

Me: You know I didn't pass matric very well and

bursaries demand good grades or I will have to pay for

She nodded and our order was called as we were

walking I saw a familiar face and I think he saw me too
cause approached

Him: Ladies

Me&Nwa: Hi

Him: I see you not in such hurry today, you walking and
not running

Me: Yeah, about that I'm really sorry I hope the

coffee didn't damage your suit

Him: It's okay, can't say the same about your phone

Awkward silence

Me: We really need to go, I'm glad your suit is okay, he


Him: I'm PK by the way

He offered me his hand

Me: I'm Namhla

I said shaking his hand and quickly taking my hand back.

Him: Good to meet you, can I please replace your


Me: Uhm, there is no need I mean ...

Him: Well the problem is I'm a man who was taught

that a woman is a very special gem she isn't suppose to
cry so I really feel bad about how you were and I was in
your way you ended up breaking your phone

I didn't know how to respond, he just handed me a

phone those small Samsung galaxy mobile

Him: If you don't like it then we can revisit the

replacement issue on Monday

He gave me his card

Voice: Phakamani simengawe la( we waiting on you here)

Him: Please call me I have to go

He left

Nwabisa: And that?

She said excitedly so

Me: It's a long story

Her: And You not gonna tell me?

Me: Nope

Her: Mxm, anyway that guy is the source really will you
call him?.

Me: Of course not

Her: Aii wena uyabhora( you boring) why the hell not?.

Me: Nwabisa

Her: Okay okay I will shush but his still hot

We reach Lucky's car and he drove us back home. The

day ended very soon, and it was Monday morning, you
know the drill I wake up fix my daughter for school
after that I do the house chores, i cleaned and made
some porridge for dad. Nwabisa got in as I busy putting
some clothes on the line.

Her: Hey friend

Me: Morning...

Her: So?
Me: So?

Her: Did you call the guy...

Me: No and I'm not going to

She rolled her eyes

Her: Anyway, this company is looking for general

workers, you have to go there in person look for
Phakamani Zwane his the one hiring

Me: Really

Her: Yep, now off you go I Will continue with this.

I kissed her cheeked and left to prepare myself, you

could see the happiness in my face, dad was already at
the spaza so I will tell him when I pass there...

Fast forward I was already in the offices I told the

receptionist why I was here and she gave me some
attitude saying they are not hiring, a beautiful lady
came to ask what was the problem

Me: I'm here to see Mr Phakamani Zwane

Her: Oh Lucia I will take it from here come with me

She then directed me to the office



My brother's and I have a tradition of exploring places,

so today we in Soweto so I needed some cash I went to
withdraw at the nearest ATM and the guys needed so
food so I went to McDonald's since it was the nearest.
While I was waiting for my order I heard the voice
that I think I once heard I looked at who it was and it
was the girl that bumped me and caused me spill my
coffee, she was telling her friend just how badly she
needed and all I saw an opportunity for myself too.
Well after my order was called I rushed out looking for
her and I saw them so I went to them practically
begged her to call me, but Phumlani disturbed by calling

Phumlani: And that?.

Me: I think I just found the perfect solution for my


He looked at me confused
Me: I'm not saying a word until I'm sure if my plan is
gonna work or not. Muzi drove us to a car wash, well a
shisanyama that we were here for...

Mzwa: Bafethu I really don't want to spoil the fun, but

I am really worried about ubaba. Its been years since
his like this don't you think it's time we got a second
option or opinion. This current doctor doesn't seem to
know what his doing

Muzi: That's what I have been thinking since we last

visited him.

Me: Let's talk to ma and Babomncane first

Mzwa: Mama doesn't care, how long has she wanted to

turn off the machines but we fought

Me: I know Mzwandile but we need to first say

something if they not hearing we do things our way.

Phumlani: The hard way, plus I don't they are aware

just what we capable of.

He said as we were clicking our glasses

I saw Namhlas friend with some dude, but Namhla

wasn't here I wonder why, guess what she saw me too
and made her way to our table

Her: The Mysterious PK, still waiting for my boring

friend's call

She laughed

Her: Well forget it she won't call you because she's

boring, you will wait forever

She said sitting on my lap

Me: Get your flat ass off my lap

Her: Oh feisty

Me: Aii Fuseg wena suka( Voetsak move)

She stood up I always did

Me: Since you sure that she won't call me then make
sure she comes to this place, tell her there is a job for
her or som




The lady directed me to an office with a glass door, it

had PHAKAMANI ZWANE CEO printed on it my heart
started beating so fast my nerves shot up. I slowly
opened the door and made my way in not even looking at
who was inside I only turned after closing the door, I
got a surprise for ages

Me: You

I said without thinking he just looked at me with a

straight face. It now made sense why his PK

Me: Sorry good morning sir

Him: Morning Miss...

Me: Zulu

Him: Please have seat..

Me: I am here about the gener..

Him: There is no general worker job or any vacancy


Me: What but... what's going on then?

Him: I asked your friend to get you here

Me: Now it makes sense, I'm out of here

Him: Namhla sit...

He said in a very serious tone, this guy is scary you

guys, I slowly went back to sit

Him: I'm sorry I tricked you but I had no choice. I

have a business proposal for you, I know you need a job
well more cash, and I can get you that

Me: How?

Him: I need a wife

Me: I'm not ready for marriage so no thanks

I stood up again

Him: I'm also not ready, actually I don't wanna get

married... Please sit down

His tone had changed again it was more scarier

Him: I have a client who only wants to make a deal with

a married person, I couldn't say no to him. Thing is his
coming to Mzansi on Friday and he wants to meet my
wife... I could have asked anyone but I came to you...

Me: For how long and how much you offering?

I asked out of curiousity

Him: Well if you agree you ask for anything you want
and we gonna have to spend some time together so we
can get to know each other, yes we will be pretending
but it really has to look real..

Me: Whatever I want?

Him: Whatever you want

Me: It's tempting, really but I have factors to

consider. I seriously need to think about it.

Him: I know, but you really need to think fast cause I

seriously don't have time

I just nodded, I was now scared to leave

Him: You can go if you don't have anything to say right


I stood up
Him: Oh while you thinking about my proposal, also think
about getting rid of that lousy friend of yours.

Me: Mhhh, are we already pretending?

He just looked at me then opened his laptop, I just saw

my way out. I went back home full of thoughts.


For some reason I wasn't my always in control self in

the meeting with Namhla, she's something else I tell
you, if it wasn't that I needed her to play along I would
have fucked her right in this office.

Phumlani: I just saw the girl from the mall walking out
on my way here, who is she PK? What's going on? Or
you in love?.

Me: Ungazonginyela wena( don't bullshit me)

I sighed stood up went to close the door since he left it


Me: Well angithi uEmirhan uyeza(Emirhan is coming

right) to meet my "wife" so I'm arranging that wife

Him: Oh now I see, but how did you meet that one?.

Me: It's a long story

Him: I got time

Me: Yhoo uyin kanti wena( What are you really) are you
sure uyalengisa( you have a penis).

Him: Don't start with me...

I laughed..

Me: Well she bumped on me last week causes me to spill

coffee all over my suit.

Him: Ahhh so she's paying for that.

Me: No and I'm done talking about this

He just laughed

Me: What brings you this side Ndoda

Him: Well Mzwandile asked me to talk to about what we

discussed yesterday, he wants to know if he can set it
up for tonight?

Me: I'm game, I mean why wait...

Him: Okay I will call uma then you call inkanyamba

Me: Why me?

Him: You the eldest and you know how to deal with
him... I'm out of here, oh we meeting at your place

Me: Why not yours cause Zandile can cook...

Him: Yes she can for me not the society.

He said leaving, wow, okay will have to call the chef.

Later on it was knock off time, I drove back home.

When I got home I took a shower and changed into
comfortable clothes and went to check how far the
chef was with the cooking and setting of the table.

The family finally arrived and we were seating and

eating, well when we eat it becomes silent like you
would swear we don't know each other, after a few
minutes we were done

Me: Okay Madala nawe Ma( old man and you Ma) we
called you here because we feel like it's about time we
explored other options with dad's case, I mean it
seems like the current doctor isn't doing his job

They looked at each other

Ma: Uchaza ukuthini Phakamani ( what do you mean)

Phumlani: Uchaza ukuthini sizomkhipha ubaba

kulebhedlela akuso simufake la azolululana khona( He
means we will take dad out of the current hospital and
place him where he could heal)

Babomncane: Anizukuyenza leyo( You gonna do no such)

Mzwa: Uchaza ukuthini Babomncane

Him: I.. I.. I don't think that will work, uChristopher

has been there for years...

Muzi: Exactly and nothing happened now something

must happen

Ma: Yey Nina Ngubani othe senibadala seningasithathela

izinqumo ubab'wenu umyeni wami( Who said you old
enough to decisions for us, your father is my husband)
I get to decide what happens with him

Mzwa: Like you have been doing right?, Ye mama when

last have you visited him just to check if there are

Me: Exactly well us his sons have been there at least

once a week I think that gives us the right to decide
Phumlani: We are handling dad case closed if you not
happy then tough, I am leaving my wife is waiting

Ma: While you at your leaving tell her I need grandkids

Me: Ma

Her: Yini( What)?

I just kept quiet luckily for her Phumlani also just left,
everyone left.


Agatha and John came in looking rather pissed

John: You said you will handle this

Agatha: Yes I did but I didn't think those brats were

planning to remove him from Jonathan's care. We can't
allow that

John: You have to handle this since they are your


Agatha gave him the evil eye

A little Zama walked in rushing to her grandmother

Her: grandma

Agatha faked a smile

Agatha: Hey baby where is your mother

Zama: She's at the kitchen making me food

Agatha: Okay my angel, go check if she's not finished


Zama ran again

John: I'm leaving, fix this KaMadonsela

He left after that... Agatha went to her room paced up

and down.




I didn't sleep a wink, i was turning and tossing all night.

I really was conflicted and I still am I have been
praying silently for guidance. I woke up to prepare
Anomsa for school

Anomsa: Mama

Me: Yes baby

Her: Uright?.

Me: Yes my love why?

Her: You very quiet this morning and you didn't sleep at
night, you kept turning around

Is she really seven years old

Me: I'm sorry baby I just had a headache but I'm okay

She nodded I dressed her up, she knows how to bath

herself but I also need to check if she's perfect, her
transport came and she left

Later on I was watching TV, well let just say it was

watching me dad walked in

Him: Ngahlala(can I sit)?.

I nodded

Him: What's bothering you? Don't say nothing cause I

know you Ngelosi

I sighed what am I going say, or how am I going to say

what's bothering me

Me: I don't know what to say Babami... Okay let just

say you had to make a decision and that decision may
change your whole future but it may come with
consequences what will you do?.

Him: Hmm that's a tricky one, well making a decision is

something we face everything it's more of having a
choice my angel, you can never make a decision without
a having a choice, it's up to whether it's a bad or good
choice, but as long as you comfortable with that choice
it easier to make a decision...

Me: Ngiyakuzwa Babami( I hear you)

Him: Allow your gut and heart to lead you cause they
can never you leave you in the wilderness
Me: Maybe the guts but the heart I don't trust it too

I said smiling

Him: That's because you allowing it to control

everything my angel, listen to it but don't give it full
control, now can I have ingelosi yoMageba back

I smiled and hugged him

Me: Ngiyakuthanda babam(I love you)

Him: Ngiyakuthanda nami Ngelosi yam ( I love you too

my angel)

He stood left me in my thoughts

Me: You have a choice to decline the offer or to accept

it what you gonna do Namhla?

I said as I reached for my phone

Me: Hmmm

I said dialing Phakamanis' digits but his phone sent me

straight to voicemail.

I decided to nap...

Voice: Take care of them.. they need you you just don't
know it yet

Me: But who are you? What are you talking about?

Voice: You are my last hope, pray for them

I tried to reach to where the voice was but it seemed

to be fading away


I was woken up by dad saying I'm mumbling things, and

said my friend is here to see me I got up went outside
found Nwabisa seating in the shadow of a tree

Her: He really gave it to you for you to sleep at this


Me: What are you talking about?

Her: You so dump, I mean PK...

She said rolling her eyes

Me: Ai sies wena you know I could never do that

Her: Argg what did I expect from a nun? I don't what

PK even bothered to go such a trouble

I looked at her what the fuck then I remembered

Phakamanis words

Me: I need to prepare my daughter's food please

excuse me

I left her there after that, later on I made dinner for

my family and we resorted to bed, I dialed Phakamanis'
number again but it went to voicemail again


I woke up pretty early this morning since it's the last

day of the it's gonna be busy at work, well the company
specializes in car parts well we buy second car parts
and re-invest them bring them back to life, and so far
we doing good, me and my brothers have our own side
thing of using the company to clean some guys money
but I would rather not talk about that.

I took a shower then I remembered that I'm still

waiting for Namhla to decide and time isn't on my side,
sigh. I got done with everything and decided to first go
check on the taxis since I'm gonna be having a day from
hell today. I drove to Carlton center found everything
in order except the fact that some drivers were fined
for drunk driving mxm, I drove to the office

Me: Noma you here, I didn't expect to see you here so


Her: I know sir but you know how month ends get so
had start early preparing your day

Me: Well how does it look

Her: Very busy because you have the GM meeting and

also the site checking after that

Me: I don't wish to be me

She laughed, I like Noma she's a professional and she's

good at what she does, most of all she's loyal.

The day went on and I was dead tired I was on my last

meeting for the day my phone has off, that's how busy
I am on month ends. I drove to Alaska restaurant for
my meeting. I met with the potential investor who
wants two percent of the company and we not about to
give anyone our shares really.

Finally it's around seven in evening and my day has come

to an end, I drove home got there put my phone in the
charger and poured myself a glass of whiskey sat on
the couch taking a long breath, this day sure feels like
a Monday, I turned my phone on and tons of messages
came through from missed calls vmlite to texts. I
noticed an unsaved number and decided to call it back

Voice: Phakamani

It's Namhla I froze

Her: Hello

Me: Hey sorry about that, did I call at a bad time?

She sounded sleepy

Her: Not really..

Me: Oh listen I'm sorry I missed your calls I just had a

long day, my phone has been off

Her: It's okay, can we met Tomorrow?

Me: Sure what time?

Her: Around 12 if it's okay

Me: Yeah it's okay...

Her: Cool, Please bring whatever it is that I have to


Me: What?.

Her: I'm taking your offer if you want me to sign

anything we can do it tomorrow... I got to go

She hung up, I sighed in relief... Dialed Phumlani

Him: Bafo, I'm busy marn

Me: She's in

Him: Shit, oh that's good we will talk bye

What just happened? Did he hung up on on me.


Agatha walked in making her way to Dr Jonathan's

office, she knocked and was told to come in

Agatha: I hear we have a problem...

Jonathan: Yes mam, the boys think I'm incapable of

doing my job and they said they looking for a second
Agatha: So what can we do?.

Jonathan: I'm not sure, I mean I have been doing my

part and making sure that no doctor comes near him

Agatha: Good, now can I go see him just for the time I
think of something...

She went to Zwanes ward

Agatha: Your sons are just like you, stubborn but don't
worry they will know their lane soon after I have taken
everything from you and them then you can wake up... I
am KaMadonsela and I am on mission which is about to
unfold don't worry Agatha's love you will live just hang

She swayed her hips out while smiling.


"What do you mean we lost the baby doctor"

Doc: I'm sorry Mr Zwane you fiancé had a rare

Me: What cause it?

Doc: We don't know cause everything was fine till now,

we still running some tests

Me: Can I see her?

Him: Not now she needs to rest since she lost a lot of

I sighed took my jacket and left. I drove to Phakamanis

house, got there knocked and got in before he could say

Me: Is this how you felt?

I said as tears steamed out

Him: Muzikayise? Bafo yini? What's wrong?

Me: She lost him Bafo... Thuli Lost our first son, it

I said throwing myself at him he tightened his grip on


Him: Ncese Mangethe ( I'm sorry)

Me: But everything was fine Bafo, do You think the

ancestors have turned on us?
Him: I don't know impela angazi Bafo but I promise we
will figure this out

We embraced each other until I was calm then we had

some whiskey

Good afternoon ❤️

What could be the reason behind the miscarriages?




I'm on way to meet with Phakamani, he called me

earlier saying we will be meeting at his house and he
sent me his address, I told dad I'm going on a follow up
meeting, I can't tell him how I'm about to feed us hell
no that has pride and I respect that. I had no choice
but to call a taxify so I won't get lost... On my way I
was just thinking of the weird dreams I'm having, first
it was a voice saying then it was a woman approximately
in late fifties crying. After that long but short drive I
finally arrived rang the intercom

Him: Come in

I got in and he was already at the door waiting for me

Me: Hi

Him: Good day, how are you ?

I'm nervous and unsure

Me: I'm good and you

Him: I'm okay, can I offer you something to drink?

Me: Just water please

He nodded and disappeared to what I assumed was the

kitchen and came back holding a tray with two glasses
and a jug of water, he poured for me

Him: I know you said I should bring anything that you

should sign but I couldn't because I don't know you
terms yet

Me: Oh I understand


Him: I'm waiting???

Me: Oh as you said you know I need cash and you have
it, well I would like to first start by upgrading my
matric and also send my daughter to a good school...

Him: You have a daughter?

Me: Yes...I thought since you know I need cash you

know what I needed it for

Him: I thought I knew...

Me: We are not there yet

I cut him short

Me: Anyway, my dad and daughter are my whole world,

I can only do this if you guarantee me their safety.

Him: I understand and it will be my priority to do so

Me: What exactly will I be doing?

Him: You just have to pretend to be my wife as I told

Me: For how long?

Him: That's a tricky one cause I don't know when my

client is leaving the country and also the fact that we
will have to travel together for couple of months
visiting the client, which is why I suggest that we get
legally married but only on paper

Me: Oh so I will be basically a paid wife

Him: You could say that?

Me: And how will we live?

Him: You can stay at home and only come when I need

I nodded

Me: Fine by me then we will talk when the papers are

ready, if this will be all I will see my way out

Him: Actually there is one more thing, you gonna have

to change certain things about yourself

I looked at him

Me: Like??.
Him: Your wardrobe

Oh hell no

Me: Not happening

Him: Not entirely but it will have to suit the version of

you as my wife

Me: I see, I have go tell me when everything is ready

Him: I am on my way out, I can give you a ride

Me: Nah I don't wanna intrude

Him: I insist plus it will give us an opportunity to get to

know each other

Me: Fine

He disappeared again and came back holding car keys

Him: After you

I got out and he locked up, we walked to the car and he

opened the passenger side for me then jogged to his


After my call with Namhla, i had planned on going to

bed but Muzi arrived looking like he was hit by a train,
and turns out he suffered the Same as fate as Phumlani
and me. We got drunk I ended up telling him about the
fake marriage thing and he thought I was blurffing it's
morning already we seating on the high chairs his having

Me: How are you?

Him: I don't know Bafo, I don't think I will be able to

face Thuli.

Me: You have to she needs you more than ever

Him: I know, anyway ain't you going to work?

Me: I am working from home this week well I'm sorting

out the wife thing

Him: You were serious about that

Me: Yes I got no choice

Him: I thought you were kidding

Me: No I wasn't I don't joke about business

Him: Good luck I gotta go, I have to go change this

Me: Okay Brazo

He left after I waited for Namhla and she finally

arrived we talked things through, it was time for her to
leave and I told her I'm also heading out but I wasn't I
just wanted to company her

Me: So tell me about yourself...

Her: You already know who I am so what do wanna


Me: Everything how was your childhood? anything...

Her: Well I was raised by my grandmother and my

father since the age of 9, things were difficult but
they did their best. I got pregnant at the age of 15
because I too naive to see the truth in front me. My
mother walked out on me while I was pregnant and got
married to her current without even looking back. I
barely passed my matric because I was suffering from
rejections from my mom.. Now I'm twenty two

Me: Hectic
She just smiled

Her: What about you?

Me: You already know my name, was raised by both

parents I have eight

Her eyes popped and I chuckled

Me: We as follows I'm the first born, Phumlani, Muzi,

Mzwandile, Nhlamulo, Sbongile, Aphiwe, Simphiwe and
Londeka... My dad has been in a coma for years now but
ubabomncane took over his role.

Her: And how old are you?

I chuckled

Me: 36

Her: Wow thought you gonna say 26

Me: Is that a compliment

Her: In a way

I chuckled again

Her: So why are you not ready for marriage?

Me: I will rather not talk about that, and where is your
baby daddy

Her: Not in the picture

Me: I see

Then it became silent but comfortable silent.

Her: You can drop me off here thanks for the ride

She said as had reached her location. It was far from

her home though.


I got of the car said thank you then walked home, you
should have seen the stares it was as I got caught
practicing witchcraft I tell, as soon as I got to the gate
Nwabisa was waiting for me

Me: Where did you come from?

Her: Hello to you too friend, was that PK?

Me: Where?

Her: The car that dropped you hau don't play dump
Me: I thought I was dump...

For some reason after what Phakamani said I'm no

longer comfortable around her, I don't know what she
did but I think I wanna know. I left her standing there
walked inside. I first checked on dad and he was good I
went to get started on dinner.

Your insert Hunnies ❤️






It's Thursday today, Phakamani and I are going to

court to sign then we have a photoshoot, well he bought
the rings you would swear we really getting married but
we all know it's fake. I told dad I got the job imagine,
he thinks I'm working really. I hate lying to him, I just
finished bathing going to "work", im actually ready for
to lead I am leaving early so dad won't ask too many

Me: Babami I'm leaving

Him: Okay Ngelosi don't worry I will prepare

everything for Anomsa

Me: Ngiyabonga Mageba (Thank You)

Him: Hamba ke ungazoba late ( leave then so you won't

be late)

I left, oh I forgot to mention that I am have a whole

wardrobe at Phakamanis' place, a wardrobe that suits
his image, I called an Uber and dropped me off at his
place. The gate opened before I could even ring the
intercom, I got in found him waiting me at door

Me: Morning

Him: Sawubona Mageba( Hello)

Me: Unjani ( how are you)

We were making our way to the kitchen

Him: Aii kulunge konke(It's all good) would you like

some breakfast?

Me: Uhmm sure

Him: Aii ke uyalibona ikhabethe nako konke okuhla

ukudla ( well you can see the cupboard and everything
else that food stay in)

Helang Basadi washo gog' Lilian Dube in whatever that

show was, is this man for real, I gave the really bra

Him: Yin? Awukahle wengane ngindoda yomzulu mina

angeke ngiphekele umfazi(what? Come on child I am a
Zulu man I won't cook for a woman) plus you have to get
used to this kitchen cause some business dinners are
going to be here

Me: I'm not going to make you anything

Him: Of Course you are not cause angidli ibhrefesi( I

don't eat breakfast) I can only digest food after 11am
and I think that's not really breakfast


Him: Hurry, I'm going to prepare myself for the long


He went upstairs leaving me in my sandwich making and

some milk

Minutes later he came down

Him: You are done?

He said with his hands in his pockets, Phakamani isn't

that handsome but his has that thing that says respect
me, he has an aura of his own, his a bit tall and his very
dark but charming.

Fast forward we have just came out of court, well we

signed wearing our clothes and we will find the wedding
garments at the photoshoot
Me: Do you think anyone who walks in your house will
believe that we married?

I suddenly asked

Him: Why?

Me: It just your house doesn't have any woman's touch

you know it screams man cave..

Him: And you only thinking of that now?

Me: Well I am only asking?

Him: There is no time to fox that now but that

something we should work on..

Me: Okay...

Him: So when are planning on rewriting your matric

Me; I'm not sure, isn't it a bit late now I mean it's
already trial time for matrics.

Him: I'm sure I can pull a few strings

Me: Let's focus on your client for now

We finally reached our when we got there he came to

open for me and went to the shooting were I got a
surprise for the day his brothers were there well I saw
them in some at his place

Me: Why didn't you tell me your brothers will be here

I whispered, my nerves were taking over and I couldn't

walk properly because of nerves

Him: I'm sorry I didn't think it was necessary, relax

they don't bite


My week has been busy and hectic really, I mean

Monday it was the headache I got from mom, then it
was the month end rush now it's my wedding well fake
wedding, we just arrived at the photoshoot venue which
is Mzwandiles' studio since he will the photographer..
you should have seen how nervous Namhla was I almost
laughed but that would embarrass her

Me: Bafethu (my bros)

I said as reach them

Phumlani: Yebo Mkhwenyana( Hi groom).

Me: Fuseg wena slima( Voetsak you idiot)

Muzi: Sawubona Nkosazana enhle ( Hello beautiful lady)

Her: Sawubona (Hello)

I know she just didn't know how to respond so she said

that with a smile

Me: Majita this is Namhla, Namhla that's Phumlani,

Muzi and our very photographer Mzwandile

Them: Muhle ufanelwe ukuthemunda Ngempela ( she's

beautiful she deserves to be taken seriously)

I know they planned this and I'm so gonna get them,

Zandile walked in I asked her to pretend as a maid of

Me: And that's Phumlanis' wife

Her: I'm pleased to meet you all

Zandi: It's good to meet you

She hugged her, we changed into the garments and

Mzwandile started doing his thing and said the pics will
be ready tomorrow morning he will work through the
night. It was time for us go our separate ways and go
rest for tomorrow cause it will also be a long day


To say I'm tired would be an understatement, I was

very exhausted and it was because of those damned
hills, listen I can rock whichever you gave me but I
hated them. Phakamani was gonna drop me off at home,
I must say his brothers are exactly like him just that
the age difference is visible a bit not in the face but in
the actions even though. I have exchanged digits with
Zandile, she seemed cool

Me: You could have warned me you know?

I said as he was driving me back home

Him: I know I just didn't think you shy I'm sorry

Me: Now you know

Him: Your walk was hilarious though

Me: Your brothers were looking straight at me ahhh

Him: So you changed steps?

Me: Yes I am a girl, when a bunch of guys are looking at
me I'm bound too, you just don't know that feeling

Him: Do you lack confidence?

Me: Hell no, but its uncomfortable

Him: I see

We drove in silence after that.

Me: Thanks for the ride

Him: You welcome

Me: Go back safely, see you tomorrow...

Him: Be safe as well

I smiled and walked home, you know the feeling you get
when someone is watching you well that's how I felt and
I knew it wasn't Phakamani cause he had left. I got
home and found my family watching TV

Me: Hello family

Dad: Ngelosi you back

Me: Yes daddy, I'm so tired...

Anomsa was rather quiet

Me: Baby What's wrong are you mad at Mama?

Her: No mama, baby is just tired... I missed you

She hugged me

Me: I missed you too baby

Her: You have a job now?

I nodded

Her: Where?

Me: In a big company

Her: Wow will you buy sweets from the mall? Not those
that Khulu sells

Me: I'm gonna buy everything you want, dad have you

Him: I bought chicken my angel there is bread in the


I went to make some food said a grace and ate. As I

was eating a bank notification came through it was
4grand From Phakamani.

Me: Wow, first payment I see

I smiled...




After the dinner I went to bed and the dozed off

immediately but I was woken up by the dreams, again
the woman was crying and she was wearing a bloody
dress. I started praying since I thought maybe it's
because I haven't been to church in about to two
weeks, maybe it's those evil spirits.

Morning came earlier than expected, and it was the day

I put my acting skills to test. I got out of bed went to
prepare everything for Anomsa, then I prepared myself
for "Work".

Dad: I'm proud of you know that

I froze where is this coming from, I was now making
him his favourite porridge

Him: You have been trying so hard to find a job, never

did you once give up. I know your mom would be so

Me: Dad please you know that woman is anything but a

mother and she had never been proud of me, Grandma
was more of a mother she ever was. You know that she
has never met Anomsa just because I disappointed her.

Him: I know Ngelosi but that doesn't mean she never

loved you, she did love you

Me: I don't think so Baba, if she loved me she wouldn't

have allowed me to fall in a trap, I mean mother's know
best but not once did she tell me anything about the
bees and the beds all she wanted was to marry me of,
you porridge is ready I'm leaving

I took my bag and left, see my dad is a sweetheart he

always tried to see my mother as someone who just
made a wrong decision at that time. Well here is what
happened, I grew up in a church I love God with my all
heart, at my then church wma guy supposedly had a
version that I was his wife mind you I was only 14, mom
said it's normal since I'm all grown my dad was against
it but because he is a sweetheart didn't put his foot
down, the guy started calling me and whispering sweet
things I was taken and that's what led to me having
Anomsa. After I told the guy that I was pregnant he
said the baby wasn't his, he actually humiliated me.
Mom actually believed him, mind you she had already
left home to be since then I had never seen her

Driver: Mam we have arrive

I didn't even realize that

Me: Sorry, thank you

I got off, I always find the gate already opened, I

guess the guards have been notified about my arriving
time, I got to the door knocked but there was no
response so I just got in

Me: Phakamani, hello

No response, I just decided to make myself something

to while singing, well more like trying to sing I love
gospel music so much that I sing everything
Voice: Umawam uyalithanda lelo culo( My mom loves
that song)

Where is he coming from?

Me: Well she is a woman after...

I said while turning shucks his topless...

Him: Done drooling?

Mxm cocky

Me: Who said I was drooling?

I turned back to where I was taking my sandwich

Me: Where were you anyway? Been yelling your name?

Him: Oh sorry I was in the gym down in the basement

and the music was loud

Me: Oh okay

Him: I going to get dressed, we going to the salon

Me: Oh okay, and thank you for the payment I got the

Him: That wasn't a payment that was a thank you for

agreeing to this madness... I know that you could have
said no and never looked back

I nodded as he made his upstairs, I continued to eat my


Few minutes later he came back all ready to leave

Him: Ready?

Me: Yep, let's go


Later on we were already well I was still getting make

up on

Gabi: Mr Zwane is ready for you he said you will find

him downstairs

Me: Okay Gabi

The make up artist did the final touch ups and I was
ready I was beautiful, I made my way downstairs

Me: I'm ready

He turned to look me together with Phumlani and


Phumlani: Ncoma ingane ungalibele uyihlahlele

amahle(Give the girl some compliments Don't just stare
at her)

Him: Voetsak mnqundu(asshole) can we leave ?

Phumlani and Zandile led the way....

Him: You look beautiful...

Me: Thank you Sir you also clean up pretty well.

We got to the car and Phumlani drove us to our



I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Namhla she was

beautiful, Phumlani being himself cornered me into
complimenting her, not that I wasn't going to but I
didn't want to say it in a way that will give her ideas.

Namhla: Phumlani since you married why didn't you be

the one to handle the client?

Phumlani: Because he wanted to deal with the both of

us, and he was ready to arrange a wife for PK

He laughed after that cause he knows I hate that topic

Me: And I told him I have a fiancé, we getting married
in a few months time.

She nodded, she does that a lot. I was kinda offended

that she asked Phumlani instead of me

We drove to the restaurant where the meeting would

be taking place, got there made our way in, the
Emirhans were already there we made our way to them

Me: Adem It's good to see you again

Him: Likewise Pakhaman... I mean PK... Your name still

gives me a hard

We laughed

Me: You know my brother and his wife...

Him: How could I forget

He said in his own scent, you know those Russians or

whatever scents, they handshaked

Me: And this is my wife Namhla.. babe this is Adem


Him: Good to meet his wife

He took her hand kissed it as a good gesture

Me: That is his wife Cassandra

Cass: Pleased to meet you

Adem: Please take a seat...

We all sat down ordered some food and beverages.

Cass: So how did you guys meet?

Me: You don't wanna know

I said faking a laugh and the others joined

Adem: Actually I'm also curious

Me: Uhmm... ahh...Well babe why don't you tell them, I

mean you a better storyteller than I am

Namhla gave me an evil eye

Me: Babeee

Her: Oh well since you insist well, I just had a very bad
and I was in a hurry... In my hurrying ( laughs) I bumped
in this tough guy causing him to spill his hot coffee all
over his shirt and suits, but I didn't care until the next
day where we bumped into each other again in town
when he actually asked me out... So it was love at
second sight
She made it seem so romantic like we were really

Cass: Ncoooooh

Adem: Don't cry babe I know you

We laughed

Cass: Love is just beautiful

Me: See I told she's good at storytelling

We laughed again, then our food came. We dug in while

conversing, something that we only adapt to when we
around people, the dinner we really well

Me: It's getting late maybe you call your dad

I whispered in Namhla's ear, she just giggled like I said

something funny

Her: Stop it, we have company

She playfully slapped my arm, and now

Cass: Hmmm still very much in love huh?

She said with a smile, only then my mind came back to

what she's trying to do.
Her: Please excuse me, I need to use the bathroom

Then she stood up leaving the table





I thought this dinner was gonna be one of those that

the wife is a housewife that turns to be the husband's
bag, she goes wherever he goes but no it was good that
I didn't see that the time was running until Phakamani
told me to contact my dad. Knowing my dad his already
worried i got to the toilet dialed his number

Him: Namhla where are you?

Oh not Ngelosi...

Me: Ngiyaxolisa Babami( I'm sorry) I am caught up at

work, there was just so much to do

He sighed

Him: I thought something bad happened to you

especially how you left in the morning

I totally forgot about that

Me: I'm sorry I had you worried, dad I have to go

please don't worry I'm okay, I might come back ekseni(
in the morning), i might spend the night at a colleagues
cause it's near

Him: Okay Ngelosi

Me: Please kiss Anomsa for me

Him: Will do

Me: I love you guys

I was trying to make the call as short as possible

Him: We love you too

We bid farewell and I fixed myself going back to the

Finally the dinner was over and done with I was so
sleepy I got excited when Phakamani said we leaving he
was like " the madam has to get her beauty, can we be
excused", mind you it was nine o'clock. Phumlani and
Zandile also said their goodnights we all left. They first
dropped us off.

Phakamani: You used to sleeping early

I nodded while yawning, he unlocked the door and we

got in

Him: That went well

Me: I guess

I yawned again

Him: Come let me show the room you will using

I followed him, handing him his jacket that he had

placed on my shoulders

Me: Thanks

Him: You welcome

He showed me a beautiful room then said I should wait

so he could give me something comfortable to sleep in
and between us guys I love sleeping naked. He went out
came holding his best

Him: You can wear this

Me: Thank you

He went out saying goodnight, I took of the dress and

placed the vest near me got undercovers dozed off


The went well dinner was good, now we waiting on

Emirhan that tell us if the deal is ours or not, but I
think after this I know his impressed. After making
sure that Namhla is comfortable I went to my office
had a glass of whiskey then I was off to bed.




Agatha was pacing up and down in her room trying to

figure out how to deal with the boys since they seem to
be getting to big for their own shoes, she decided to
leave it all to someone who's capable. She got under her
covers smiling, she then slowly drifted to "lalaland".

Morning came and it around 9 o'clock, Agatha hadn't

woken up as yet, John was having tea in the lounge
waiting for her so they could discuss a way forward.
Londeka went to her room out of worry

Londeka: Mama


Londeka: Mama is everything okay? Are you sick?

Babomncane is here to see you.

She continued talking but got no response she went

closer to her shaking her but Agatha didn't, Londeka
started panicking so she screamed for help, John
rushed together with Aphiwe as well as Thuli,
Muzikayise's fiancée

John: Yin Londeka ( What )?

Londeka: Uma kavuki( mom isn't waking up) please call

the ambulance

John and Thuli looked at each other

Thuli: Babomncane please take Ndeka out, John knew

why so he just led Londeka out of the room. Thuli
started chanting some things, going to the drawer
taking some white powder and placed it on both
Agatha's palms while still chanting. After that she
removed the blankets on her left her there

Thuli: I did some CPR on her, and she woke up but she's
still weak since she was out of it for a while

Londeka: Is She okay?

Thuli: she's okay don't just let her rest

Londeka nodded and went to her room. An hour later

Agatha walked in

Agatha: Morning
John: Are you crazy KaMadonsela, why did you do that

He half shouted while trying to whisper

Agatha: Don't you dare talk to me like that, you we

have a problem so I had to go find us some solutions

John: And???

Agatha: And the master isn't happy at all he says

Phakamani has brought us a problem, Thuli do you know
anything about that, have you seen something or heard

Thuli: No I haven't

Agatha: Then find out...


Morning couldn't have come earlier, yes I slept so

beautiful but I missed sleeping next to my daughter. I
got out of bed and went the ensuite bathroom washed
my face everything was there, I wore the vest that PK
gave me to sleep in which was so big, i made the bed
and sat on it dialing my dad's number

Him: Ngelosi

Me: Babami how are you?

Him: Ngiyaphila unjan?( I'm good and you?)

Me: I'm okay how's Ano? Is she behaving ?

Him: You know she's a good kid, don't stress we all


Me: Where is she?

Him: Uyamazi uthanda istradi ( you know her she loves

the street)

Me: Okay dad, have you had breakfast yet?

Him: Namhla I'm not a child for Pete's sake

I laughed

Me: Ncese Mageba hau ukuthi Ngiyakuthanda nje(

Sorry Mageba just that I get worried that's all)

We chatted a bit, surprisingly he didn't ask about when

im coming back home. I wanted to go make myself some
food but looking at I was wearing I wasn't leaving this
room never.

A knock came through and I knew it was PK I mean I'm

at his house

Him: Namhla are you okay? Can I come in?

I looked around for something I could cover myself

with and eyes landed on a fleece blanket, I quickly
covered myself

Me: Yeah you may come in

He got in

Him: And now why are you all wrapped up are sick?

He put his hand on my forehead

Me: No why

I said removing it

Him: The blanket

Me: Oh it's just that I am not really decent

He looked at me confused

Me: Uhmm I... I... I'm not really comfortable in just

this vest
He chuckled

Him: Oh, you could have called me at least not stay in

here like a prisoner

Me: I guess

Him: I asked Gabi to get you some clothes, she will be

here at any moment...

I nodded

Him: You do that a lot don't you?

Me: What?

Him: The head nod

Me: I never realised

Him: Well you do, let me leave you to your awkwardness

of being wrapped in a blankie

I laughed, Gabi came back with the clothes, I got

dressed and went downstairs mind it was 10am now and
I haven't had breakfast yet. I went downstairs found a
note on the fridge saying he gas gone out, family crisis
and I should lock up when I leave and I can keep the
key since I would be here at lot I might need it, I made
myself food then are, I decided to give myself some
house tour after eating. I saw a picture of a beautiful
woman she looks like Phakamani, wait it's the woman I
am dreaming of how's is this possible...

I decided to go back home so I called an Uber then it

dropped me off at the shop cause I needed airtime, I
walked home

Nwabisa: Sowuyalunda nah ntombi?( You sleeping out

now girl )

Where she come from now

Me: What are talking about?.

Her: The Uber, your clothes isn't it early to be dressed

like that? Plus I went to check up on you yesterday but
you weren't home, your father said you were sleeping
over at a friend's place.

Me: Well you have your answer why ask me then?

Her: Aibo I'm just kidding with you I know you a

mamfundisi you don't do such

She laughed and I was Hella bored I couldn't even fake

a smile. She continued to walk with me till I reached
home, I noticed that the spaza was closed

Me: Babami I'm home

I said when I got inside

Him: My angel welcome back

He was watching soccer

Me: How are you? Where is Anomsa?

Him: I'm okay, she's playing

Me: Why is the shop closed?.

Him: I wasn't feeling well earlier so I came back in


Me: Dad why didn't you tell me I would have come


Him: Aii Namhla , you can't always be busy and

babysitting me, you need a break too


I woke up pretty early for some reason, I couldn't

really sleep at some point I found myself wanting to go
wake Namhla up but decided against since we had a long
day. I was at my study trying to get some work done my
phone rang it was Phumlani

Me: Brazo

Him: Bafo, We got the deal...

Me: Really? But it was already a done deal I'm glad we


Him: Yes Emirhan wants us to sign on Monday at office

Me: Good I'm really glad this deal will open doors for us

Him: I gotta go, wifey gone yet?

Me: Fuseg Phumlani

He laughed and hung up... Namhla hasn't woken up yet

and I know she usually has breakfast at eight so it's
kinda strange, I decided to go check on her I knocked
she said i can come in 3 minutes, I found her wrapped in
fleece blanket, thought she was sick but no she is "not
decent", I almost laughed I wonder how long she was
going to stay if I didn't send Gabi to get clothes or I
didn't go to check up on her I went back to the study
my phone disturbed me again, it was now Londeka

Me: Gcino




The weekend ended pretty fast, it was Monday and i

had no intentions of going anywhere especially since I
have done my part in playing wife dad thinks it's my off
day. Anomsa is already at school is the spaza, I decided
to take a walk as I was getting out of the gate I saw
Nwabisa rushing towards me holding a paper what is it
this time

Her: You sly you, why I wasn't I invited and where did
he propose? Wuu aii Namhla shame you...

I cut her short

Me: What are you talking about?

Her: She acts like she doesn't know, I'm talking about

She gave me the paper

Me: Oh my God

I stood there reading, it was an article about the

marriage or wedding people want to know who the
mystery lady is and where did she come from or was it
an arranged marriage, there was a picture of us wearing
the wedding garments.

Her: Is it true, you look surprised?

Me: Of course not, I have to go

I left her there and went to catch a taxi, still holding

the paper. How could Phakamani do this, this isn't what
we agreed on. I got into the taxi full thoughts, dad is
gonna kill me if this doesn't kill him. After what
seemed like forever in the taxi I got of rushing to
Phakamanis office's, I got in passing the receptionist

Noma: Mam you can't go in his in a meeting

That was his PA trying to stop me

Me: Move out of my way Nomaswazi.

I said annoyed as she was standing in front of me

Her: I can't let you...

I aggressively pushed aside and walked to Phakamanis


Me: What the hell is this?

I threw the paper on his table

Him: Please excuse us Mandla

Whoever the guy was he got up and left

Him: I'm sorry about all I don't know how it happened,

I'm trying to fix it

Me: Fix what huh? Do you have any idea what this could
do to my father huh?

Him: I'm sorry okay I know...

Voice: Whats this Phakamani?

He was cut short by someone entering the office

Him: Mom!!!

Her: Don't mom me, yini le Phakamani (what is this )?

I wasn't looking at the woman but at Phakamani

Him: Mom I will explain everything to you just not now


Her: I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who is

this gold digger?

Only then did I turn to look at her, oh no it can't be,

what's going on. It was the woman from my dreams who
was telling me some people need me, and who had a
bloody dress on

Me: I.. I..

Her: I'm not talking to you wena... In fact get out of


Me: I was just leaving, Fix this

I said going out of the office still angry and more

confused about the woman.

I started feeling dizzy, right outside the building and it

was lights out


This is all messed up I don't how the media got hold of

this pics really. I have never seen Namhla so mad but
it's understandable right mom is also not helping she
demands answers

Me: Agatha I said I will explain later right now I'm

trying to do some damage control. Noma ...

I shouted

Her: Sir

She came rushing...

Me: Please see my mother out

I said picking my phone up and dialing on it, she led her

out and I put it back down sighing

Me: What did you do?

I said to myself

Voice: You look terrible

That was Phumlani making his in my office

Me: Thanks
Him: What are you going to do?

I sighed

Me: I don't know Phumlani, you should have seen how

angry Namhla was mfethu( bra) it actually hurts me... I
mean why did I drag her into this....

Him: That's because you love her

Me: Don't start

His been telling me to actually date Namhla

Him: Deny it all you want but you know the truth
Phakamani, I mean you could have asked anyone to do
this for you but you choose her, we are not there, I
have called Amos to handle the papers so you can chill

Me: I wish I could chill but your mother was here and
she spitting fire.

Him: Isn't she always?

Me: She called Namhla a gold digger...

Him: Aii umawakho(your mother)... Do you know who did


Me: I have no Idea... If anything where to happen to

Namhla or her family I won't forgive myself, I mean I
promised her protection then this

happens on top of that she had to hear uma embiza

igolddigger(She had to here mom calling her a gold

He smiled

Me: Don't you dare say it..

Him: I wasn't planning on saying anything

Me: I need a drink let's get out of here

Him: You said it...

Me: Noma

I said as we past her desk

Her: Boss

Me: I'm leaving, cancel all my meetings

Her: Sure case

We left and went to the nearest bar just to de-stress.



Thuli and John just walked into the house straight to

the study so the kids won't see them, they found
Agatha already waiting for them, as soon as they got in
Agatha slapped Thuli so

Thuli: Aunty what was that for?.

Agatha: What did I bring you here for?

Thuli: To make sure that you know everything that guys

are planning, and get closer to Muzi so he won't have a
choice to marry me...

Agatha: What have you been doing so far?.

Thuli: Muzi doesn't talk Aunty I told you Mzwandile was

a better choice but you didn't listen.

Another slap landed on her face

John: That's enough KaMadonsela

Londeka: KaMadonsela?

She said getting in

Londeka: Mama what's going on who is KaMadonsela

John: Nothing is going on Lolo, I just said a name out of


Agatha: What do you need sweetie?

Londeka: Bhuti Phakamani is here

Agatha: Okay I will there now

Londeka left...

Agatha: I'm not done with you...

She said to Thuli they went to the Lounge where

Phakamani is.

Agatha: Start talking Phakamani what nonsense was


Phakamani: I had to do it for the business ma, if I

didn't we would have lost the biggest client we could
ever find

Agatha: So you decided to marry without our knowledge

Phakamani: Yes,I mean I'm handling Zwane Holdings... I

can't always report every decision i make

Agatha: I'm your mother,I deserve to know what's

going on in your lives... Did you get the deal?

Phakamani: We did
Agatha: Then end the marriage

Phakamani: I can't

Agatha: Why not? You wanted a business deal and you

got it now what's wrong?

Phakamani: We still need her for the business trips

with the client ma, and I'm not explaining anymore

Agatha: You listen to me and listen good, I'm your

mother and I'm telling you to end this madness

Phakamani stood up

Phakamani: Ma I love you and I respect you but I'm

sorry I won't do that

He headed to the door and turned before reaching it

Phakamani: What happened to you? What changed

mama, you were never like this?




I woke up in a room I wasn't familiar with, i tried

removing my head from the but couldn't it was heavy
like something hit me, the door opened

Voice: Oh you are awake, Mama she's awake

She shouted then turned to me with a smile

Her: How are you feeling?

Me: My head is heavy

Her: Reasonably so, will ask Mama to give you something

for it

The door opened again an elderly woman got in

Her: Welcome back Dali

Wait a minute this woman is the one that said things I

couldn't understand the day I met Phakamani, she
smiled at me

Me: What's going on? I don't mean to be rude but who

are you guys?
They both smiled, the old lady came closer to me

Her: Sorry for not introducing ourselves, I'm

MaMkhize this is my daughter Asiphe, you passed out
earlier and I brought you here.

I nodded

Her: I'm sure you remember me from the other day

and I'm sure you confused

I nodded cause I am really

Her: I'm sure you hungry. Asiphe go make her

something to eat

Asiphe got out

Her: Well we didn't meet by coincidence that day, we

were bound to meet and so did you and your husband

Me: What are you talking about?

She smiled, Asiphe got in with a tray of food

Her: I know you know what I'm talking about darling,

and I told you it was the start of your journey... I know
that you having dreams of a woman, you have to find
out who she is, and why she's visiting you. You have to
pray more than before and everything will slowly be
revealed to you

Uthetha nganton lo mama( What is this woman talking


Her: I know it's all confusing right now but I'm here
and I will guide you through it all, now finish up you
have to go home....

I ate the bread and jam slowly then I remembered that

I haven't seen my phone.

Me: My phone...

Her: Under the pillow

I reached for it, I had 3 missed calls from Nwabisa, 3

from my dad, and a message from Nwabisa. I didn't
wanna read it but something told me too

Me: Nkosiyam ( my goodness)

I said after reading the message, I stood up

MaMkhize: What's wrong?

Me: I... I... I have to go,where are my shoes?

Tears were steaming down, dad can't die on me I still

need him. Asiphe gave me my shoes

Me: Thank you for everything

I took my phone on the bed and left, took a taxi to the

mentioned hospital. I have been saying a silent prayer
ever since I left that house asking God to spare my
father cause I still need him...

Me: Thulani Zulu please

I said to the receptionist who wasn't giving me any


Me: Sisi we ngicela unginake( Sisters please give me

some attention)

Voice: Namhla, where have you been?

I turned found Nwabisa behind me

Me: Nwabisa where is he? Where is Anomsa? What


Her: You dad collapsed after seeing the paper luckily I

was near by for Anomsa to reach me... The doctors
don't wanna tell me anything

Me: Thanks for bringing him in

Her: Where were you?

Me: Who is his doctor?

Her: I don't know who... Oh there he is

I half ran to him

Me: Excuse me doctor

Her: Yes can I help you?

Me: My father was brought in here, unconscious I

believe his under your care, I wanna how is he and
what's wrong with him?

Her: And who is your father?

Me: Zulu Thulani Zulu

Her: Oh mam your father suffered a mild heart


Me: Oh my goodness

My hands started shaking because of fear

Me: Will he be alright?

Her: We managed to stabilise him so I believe his will

be just fine, I must say you did good by bringing him in

I nodded

Me: Oh Namhla what did you do?

Nwabisa: What do you mean?

I didn't realize that I said that out loud

Me: Nothing, where is Anomsa

Her: She's with my mom... I have to go I have a date

I nodded

Me: Thanks again




The Zwane boys were livid with what their mother had
said, each of them where in their houses but they had
some reaction. Luckily for Phumlani he had someone to
calm him down, Muzi was a closed book and Thulile knew
better not to confront him at the state he was in,
Mzwandile is the Bachelor of the family and Phakamani
eell as much as his married he wasnt really married
better while with Namhla but now his anger had taken
over, Phakamani decided to do a video conference call
with his brothers

Phakamani: You know why I called right?

The others: Yes/sure/yah

Muzi: We gotta do something, unless you all have lost

hope too

Phakamani: If I had lost hope I won't be calling you at

this time

Phumlani: What are we going to do?

Mzwa: I have a plan

The others: Khuluma phela/ talk already

Mzwa: Since Agatha is planning on switching the

machines off, we have to be one step ahead of her...
Here is the plan we gonna kidnap him, since we had
planned to move him I looked for a place but I got no
time to explain

He started narrating what he had mind to them.

Phakamani: Okay but the hospital knows that ubaba is

Jonathan's patient how are gonna take him out...

Mzwa: We pay whoever is in charge Bhuti, I thought

you knew that there is nothing money can't buy these
days, even people can be bought

Phakamani: Okay... We have an early morning so let's

get some sleep.

Morning couldn't have come earlier to Zwane boys. It

was 4:30 in the morning and they were already outside
the hospital waiting for the helicopter to arrive.

Phakamani: This guy is running late

Mzwa: Relax Bhuti they have arrive

Muzi: It's showtime

Phakamani: Muzikayise we are not in a movie we here to

save our father
Muzi: I know

He said in a very bored tone...

Minutes later Phumlani and Muzikayise were disquised

as Paramedics and pushing Mzwandile as a patient. They
got in and The hospital owner was already waiting for

Doc Johnson: What do we have here?

Mongezi(HO): Don't worry J I got this, it's my case...

Gentlemen this way please hurry

They rushed to the wards were Zwane was and they got
to his room... Phakamani was already on the emergency
escape waiting for his brothers he got a call from
Phumlani so he could give the clear, and he did.. they
put their father in the stretcher and went to the
emergency escape and Phakamani met them half way so
they could hurry, Mzwa stayed behind...

Mzwa: Should I count on you about the security


Mongezi: I said I will take care of it Mzwandile, I can't

risk my job now leave
Mzwa: Don't be like that Mongezi you know why I had
to do this mfethu

Mongezi: How did you know I was in charge here?

Mzwa: Internet....

He left after that... Zwane was gently fled to a certain



I can't believe that we had to kidnap our own father

just because our mother is now tired of him. I just got
back from our mission if I have to call it that. I got
inside the house and I tossed my car keys on the
counter then poured myself a glass of whiskey, I took
out my phone on my pocket scrolled down the the
contact for Namhla's digits but I stopped myself from
dialing her

Me: Ahhh Phakamani what are gonna say to her at this


I threw the phone on the table. I couldn't go back to

bed so I decided to get some work done... After some
few minutes or hours I went to shower and this time
the sun was shining bright so beautifully, I decided to
call Namhla

Her: Hello

Me: Hey how are you?

My heart was beating so fast

Her: I'm okay how are you?

Me: I'm good...

Then silence

Her: Is everything okay?

Me: Huh?

Her: I mean is there something you need or do we have

a business dinner I forgot about?

Me: Oh no no, I just... I don't know.... Just to hear how

you were doing

Her: Oh thanks I guess

Me: Can you go out with me tonight?

I just blurted that out, it just became quiet

Her: Huh?

Me: Come on, I'm sure you heard me

She giggled that giggle of hers that smitten me, I

found myself smiling

Her: I did, but I wanna make sure I heard correctly

Me: Please don't make me repeat

Her: Okay I have to go, but sure I will go out with you

Me: Great, enjoy your day then I will see you at six

Her: Enjoy your day too see you at six

We hung up after that, I took my briefcase and car

keys locked the house then left. I got to the office
headed straight to mine after greeting everyone I met
along the way. I got disturbed by a knock

Me: Come in

Mzwa: Bafo

Muzi: Brazo

Lani: Ekse
Me: What are you all doing here?

Mzwa: Well our plan succeeded and I thought we could

go out and celebrate later on

Muzi: Well not before we see the face in our mother's

face when she realizes that she can't get her way this

Me: Well as much I would like to see her face and

celebrate, I can't I have plans

I said grinning

Phumlani: Khuluma ( Talk)?

Me: I have a date..

Mzwa: Argga marn PK don't tell me you found another

whore to mess around with...

Me: Of course not, I have a date with my wife

Phumlani: Finally he has overcome his fear, gentlemen

let's give this man a bells

Me: Fuseg Phumlani

Mzwa: You better not play her Bafo

Me: Kahle Bo I didn't say it's our anniversary I said

it's a date

Muzi: Oksalayo

Later on they left and I prepared for my last meeting.


It's another morning and I'm preparing Ano for school,

I finished serving her breakfast and I was cleaning up
the mess I made while trying to get her ready on time,
my phone rang and I rushed to it, to my surprise it was
Phakamani I answered

Me: Hello




Namhla got out of the house looking all sorts of

beautiful, you know there is always a certain way a
woman looks, she could hot, Beautiful, gorgeous and
sexy... A hot woman who is hot is the one that raises
lust and the one I am looking at right now is making me
feel so many things and lust is one of them. I just wish
to hold her, protect her and her little girl.

Me: You look beautiful

I said as she finally reached me.

Her: Thank you.. You not bad yourself

I opened the passenger door for her

Her: Where are we going?

Me: Somewhere

She giggled

Her: Really?

Me: Yes really, now buckle up

I drove us to a beautiful restaurant where I had made

a reservation, got there parked and got out of the car
jogged to hers opened the door for her.

Her: Thank you

I took her hand gave the valet the car keys we walked

Her: We alone?

Me: I made reservations

Her: This is beautiful

Me: All thanks to my sister in law

Her: Zandi?

Me: Yep

Zandi helped me with the advices since I know nothing

about about romance, I pulled a chair for her and got
seated too

Me: We have done the formalities of getting to know

each other family wise, but I feel like that's not

Her: What do you mean?

Me: I mean I wanna know know everything about you,

Look I'm not really an emotions person but I know that
I feel something for you. It's been years since I
actually felt something for a woman cause I was once
hurt before but that's a story for another day

Her: What if I want that day to be right now?

I sighed

Me: Thought first dates are supposed to be glamorous

I smiled

Her: I'm not a glamour queen I'm just a Kasi girl who is
as real as reality comes, and since I was bought before
I was dined I deserve to know why?

Me: Mhhhh okay, well if you put it that way I was


My phone disturbed from finishing my sentence

Me: It's Phumlani

Her: Answer it

Me: I can't do that

Her: Please

Me: Okay... Phumlani yini( what is it?)

I said as I answered

Him: You gotta get here now, your mother is fuming

Me: And how is that my problem?

Him: She's asking for you

Me: Okay I'm coming...

I hung up

Me: See why I didn't want to answer it, now we gotta


I stood up and she also did we headed out, I placed my

jacket on her shoulders

Me: I'm mad at you

Her: Hau what did I do ?

Me: You forced me to answer the call

She just giggled

The valet brought back my car and I drove us straight

to the hospital.


Agatha was going crazy on the staff and everyone.

Agatha: What do there is no sign of anything strange?

I mean someone must have came in here and took my

Mongezi: Mam you have seen the footage and we have

asked everyone who was on duty today but no one saw

Phakamani got into Mongezi's office

Phakamani: What is going on here?

Agatha: What the is this gold digger doing here?.

Phakamani: She's here for and with me so leave her

alone, what's going on here?

Agatha: Your father is missing...

Phakamani: Oh

Agatha: What do you mean oh? I tell you your father is

missing and all you have to say is oh?

Phakamani: Mama hours ago you didn't care about our

opinions because his your husband now we have to jump
just because you want us too, are you serious?

Agatha: What do you want me to do?

Before they could exchange words Namhla started

crying in pain holding her head

Phakamani: Namhla... Babe...

He said rushing to her

Agatha: Babe!!!!?

Phakamani: Not now Mama... Mumu... Babe...

He held as she was about to collapse

Phumlani: Why are you just standing there? Do


He said looking at Mongezi who finally came back to his

senses and rushed to Namhla checking her pulse, they
picked her up placed in the bed

Mongezi: Everything seems fine...

Phakamani: What do you mean everything seems fine?

No being can just faint marn wena slima( you idiot)

He said angrily
Mongezi: What do you want me to say Mr Zwane? That
she's dying huh? I don't see anything wrong, it might
happen that she ate something that doesn't agree with
her... please get out she needs rest ..

They all went out

Agatha: Didn't you say you were only married on paper?

What is it that I hear? You calling her by Pat names

Phakamani: Ma I said not now, why are poking your nose

in my business anyway? Ain't you supposed to be
worried about ubaba?

Agatha: Of course I am, John please drive me back



We had to cut our date short because of Phakamanis'

family matters. We drove to hospital and guess what
his whole family was there, his mother started making
her funny comments about me being a gold digger. As
they busy arguing I was looking at Phakamanis' mother
and the woman's cries from my dreams right next to
her she was looking at like she was about to say
something then I heard MaMkhize's words in my ears,
I looked at Phakamanis' mom then the woman I was
basically looking at the same person

Me: How, who are you?

Voice: She killed me

My head started spinning so painful, I collapsed after


Doc: You awake?

Me: Yes what happened?

Doc: I don't really know cause your vitals are just fine
but I'm running some tests

I nodded

Doc: How are you feeling?are you in any kind of pain?

Me: I'm good really I don't feel any pain

Doc: Okay, let me call your husband before he insults

me again
Me: Huh?

Doc: Nevermind

He went out and shortly after that Phakamani and his

brothers got in, Zandile followed

PK: Thank God you awake, you scared me.. What


What happened? How do I explain what I saw and what

I heard...

Me: Don't worry I'm okay, it was just low blood levels
that's all

Phumlani: Don't ever do that again or this hospital will

be left Doctor less and it will be your fault

They laughed

Me: Why?

Phumlani: Your husband would kill them all mumu


PK: Piss off Phumlani, Zandi hold your dog

Zandi: Angizingeni ( I'm not getting involved)

A beautiful girl got in

Her: Muzi I'm leaving...

Muzi: Okay babe will be with you shortly oh before you

go I would like to introduce you to Namhla, Namhla this
is my fianceé Thuli babe this Namhla Phakamanis'

Her: Oh please to meet you

Me: Like wise

She looked at me in eyes of pity before leaving the

room, the doctor got in

Doc: We can't find anything wrong so we will have to

discharge you

Me: Great

Doc: Not so fond of hospitals I see

Me: Hey I'm not the only

PK: Mumu get up we have to get you home...

He said that as if his proving a point, that mumu name

appeared again

Me: Okay where are my shoe?

I asked getting out of the bed

PK: Sit I will put your shoes on

He kneeled and put my shoes on, we left after that.

We arrived my neighborhood and he parked a few

houses away, we both got out of the car he came to my
side and leaned to the car

Him: I'm sorry our date was cut short

Me: It's okay... Why don't you seem worried about the
fact that your father is missing

Him: That's because I know where he is

He said pulling me closer to him.

Me: Phakamani.... Your mom...

Him: wanted to kill him... enough about that please can I

have a kiss instead

He said rubbing his lips into mine, we kissed for about

five minutes and I pulled out

Him: Why do you always that MaZulu?

I just blushed
Me: I'm sorry Mangethe but I have to go it's late, you
know my dad will have a fit

Him: Wuu don't remind me about the last time.

I laughed, I kissed him again

Me: Goodnight

Him: Goodnight

I walked home after that... I got inside the yard, he

was still standing I waved my hand and he also did got
inside his car and left. I walked inside the house found
the family watching TV.

Me: Family I'm back

Ano: Mama you making noise we watching a movie

Me: Oh I'm sorry...

I went to my room changed clothes and I went back to



Agatha and John got in both fuming but Agatha was

Agatha: Can you believe the nerve of those bastards?

John: Calm down KaMadonsela

Agatha: Stop calling me like that, remember last Time...

John: I'm sorry

Agatha: What are you sorry about? That you a weakling

you can't do anything if I don't tell you what to do

John: Calm down okay, I won't have insult just because

the new plan didn't work out okay...

Agatha: We gotta find him.

She said pacing up and down

John: But how? Cause clearly "your son's" know where

he is?

Agatha: Don't you think I know that?.. As if this is not

enough Phakamani brought us another problem... That
girl needs to stay away from this family or else all this
work will be for nothing
John: Make him divorce her....

He shouted

Agatha: Why don't you?.

She shouted back




I got to my place took off my jacket, threw it in the

couch I also threw my car keys. I went upstairs to my
study, just to process everything that has happened
today. I found myself thinking of Namhla and I decided
to text her a good night text and she replied

Me: Goodnight MaZulu... Thank you for going out with

me I'm honoured

Her: Good night Mangethe thank you for asking me out

I'm honoured


I decided to call her immediately

Her: Mangethe

I know I said I hate being called by my clan name but

the way she says it, my heart just smelt.

Me: Ntomb'enhle usekahle(Beautiful woman you still


Her: Ngikahle wena unjani ( I'm okay how are you?)

Me: Aii ukhala akusizi( Complaining doesn't help), I'm

sorry what supposed to be our special day turned out
the way it did

Her: I understand don't worry about it

Me: Ngitshele ke wenzan ( tell me then what are you

Her: Already in bed and you?

Me: Was trying to work but somebody decided to

occupy my mind?

Her: Is that a bad thing?

Me: It's a very bad thing cause I don't know whether

she suffers the same fate as me

She laughed

Her: I think she does...

Me: Where is the young MaZulu?

Her: She's right next to me

Me: Can I talk to her?

Her: Okay

I heard shuffling

Voice: Uncle PK

Me: Hey Nana how are you?

Ano: I'm good and you?

Me: I'm good, how was your day?

Ano: My day was good, I guess yours was even better..

Me: No I missed my nana, but don't tell mama

She giggled just like her mother

Her: Your secret is safe with me Malume.

Me: Now that I have spoken to you my day has become

very much better, goodnight nana Malume loves you

Her: I love Malume too, goodnight...

Me: Give the phone to mama

I heard shuffling again

Namhla: What did you say to her?

Me: That's our business mumu

Her: Is it?

Me: Yes...

I heard a bang on the door

Me: Mumu I have to go someone is trying to break my


Her: Okay goodnight

Me: Who said we done talking? I'm still gonna call you
after... Geez I will call you soon

I said as another bang came through

Me: Geeez are you trying to break my door? I'm coming


I said rushing off the stairs... I opened the door and

mom just pushed me aside

Her: Tell me you not serious about that girl? That all
that you did today was because you just wanted to
annoy me for suggesting that we turn off the
machines... I mean you can't be serious about that

Me: Ma, whether I'm serious about Namha or not it's

none of your business, and please stop calling her names

Her: Phakamani you can't expect me to welcome that

trash into our home...

Me: I said stop calling her names okay... If you have a

problem with her then tough cause I am not divorcing,
actually I'm planning on doing what's right which is
sending the uncles her family
Her: What?

Me: You heard me, now leave cause you clearly have
nothing to say

I went to open the door for her

Her: That girl is turning you against me and I don't like


She left after that, to say I was mad would be an



After watching a movie with my dad and daughter we

resorted to bed, I'm just saying that I was watching
the movie cause it was actually watching me. I was
occupied with what Happened at the hospital. My
thoughts were disturbed by a text from Phakamani, I
replied to and he called immediately I found myself
smiling as I saw his name appearing on the screen. I
answered and talked for some few minutes and he
asked to talk to Ano, and also had their minutes. He
said he will call again cause someone was at the door.

I waited till I fell asleep...

Morning came earlier than expected, I was woken up by

my phone vibrating underneath my pillow.

Me: Hello

Voice: Mumu

I looked at the caller id and it was PK, I think I love

this new name

Me: Mangethe...

Him: Did I wake you?

Me: I was about to wake up anyway

I said as it was almost time for me to wake up and

prepare Ano for school

Him: I'm sorry about yesterday I know I promised to

call again but something just ruined my whole mood I
didn't want to ruin yours too

Me: It's okay...

Him: I just wanted to wish you a good morning and start

my day on a high note too
Me: That's sweet

Him: I'm always sweet

I laughed

Me: Ngikuzwa ngawe loko mina angizwa ngawe( if you

say so cause I don't know that)

Him: Mumu I have to go enjoy your day

Me: Enjoy your day too

We hung up after that

I got out of bed and went wash my face, so I could

start my day.

Later on I was at the shop and dad was sitting under a

tree, a black Mercedes parked outside the gate and I
saw Phakamanis' mom getting out. My heart started
beating so fast I quickly got of the shop walked to
where dad was cause she went to him first

Me: Sawubona ma ( hello Ma).

Her: Who's your mother? I'm Mrs Zwane to you

Me: Oh

Her: What do you want from my son?

Me: Maa, i mean Mrs Zwane?

Her: You heard me... Ufunani kumfana wam( what do you

want from my son?), is it money that you want?... I
mean look at the place you call a home

She said with an attitude

Her: How much do you want for you to get




I locked myself in my room until Ano time to come back

from school came that's because I was avoiding her
questions. My daughter can talk shame and it would
have been something else if she found me locked up in
the room. She got in as Happy as always

Her: Hello mama

Me: Hey baby

I said in a lowest voice ever

Her: Mama are you okay? Are you crying?

Me: Say baby mama is okay... I'm not crying I just have

Her: Oh my poor mommy

She said asking, I just smiled and hugged her back.

Me: Change into normal clothes and mama will make

something to eat okay?

Her: I'm not hungry...

My phone rang and it was Phakamani, I almost hung up

but he doesn't know anything so why would I punish him

Me: Hello

Him: Mumu, are you okay?

Me: Yes I am and you?

Him: I am okay, are sure you Okay?

Me: Yes why?

Him: Your voice sound funny it's husky

Me: I'm okay Mangethe

Him: Okay then I'm outside

What the heck

Me: Huh?

Him: You heard me Mumu ngilangaphandle( I'm outside).

I thought Ano told you

Me: No she didn't...

Him: Okay woza kuMangethe ke ngoba his waiting (

Come to Mangethe because his waiting)

Me: Give me a few minutes...

Him: Give Ano the phone in those few minutes

I gave Ano the phone

Ano: Malume?. .


Ano: I'm sorry Malume, I was about to tell her

She said laughing

Ano: She has flu that's all...

Okay that's enough

Me: Can I have my phone now?...

She said her goodbyes and I took my phone headed

out... I spotted His car and him outside it, he was busy
on his phone

Me: Hey

I greeted in the lowest voice

Him: Hey bab... Have you been crying?

Me: No, Ano told you I have flu nje

Him: Flu? What kind of flu makes eyes so red, and leave
traces of tears in cheeks..

I wiped my face but I knew I just washed it before

coming here

Him: Gotcha, there is nothing on your face but for the

fact that you thought I was right means I am right,
now out with it?

Me: Don't worry it's nothing serious...

Him: You are now starting to annoy me Namhla, what's

going on with you?

He said in a calm but yet scary tone

Me: Your mom was here...

Him: What? What did she want?.

Me: To buy me out of your life

Him: Wow... Why didn't you call me?

Me: Because I didn't want you to get angry at her, I

mean look at you right now

Him: I'm not angry Mumu...

He pulled me towards him

Him: I'm sorry

Me: It's okay

Him: Don't worry I will sort this out okay...

I nodded

Him: Words Mumu I prefer words we ain't mute

Me: I'm sorry, okay

Him: Good, I love you

I froze

Him: You don't have to say it back but I just had to say

Me: I love you too

I said removing my head on his chest and kissing him

and he pulled out this time, he just smiled.

Him: I have to go...

Me: Okay....

I smiled... We kissed again then he got inside his car

and stepped back, he drove off I walked back home

Nwa: A way to a woman's heart is through her kid...

She joining me in walking

Me: Hello to you too Nwa

Her: Do you think it's a good idea to let Ano be so

attached to PK? I mean he doesn't strike me as a guy
who sticks to one woman what will happen if he just
disappears like her father

Is this girl for real?

Me: Nwabisa, what's your problem huh?

Her: What do you mean?

Me: Not once has said something good about me or that

concerns me ever since we have me, all you do is try to
drag me down and make me feel stupid why?

Her: That's not what I wanted, but I just wanted you

to live Mngani

Me: Mngani? You not a friend wena, no friend wants to

see her friend down. You what we live in the same
neighborhood so I don't want any bad blood between so
it's best we go our separate ways civically so!!

I left her there after that, got home started with


Dad: Don't let that woman get to you...

Me: Baba

Dad: You locked yourself up all just because of her

Ngelosi, I didn't raise you to be a weakling and hide
away from your battles Mageba.

Me: I know Babam

Him: If you really love that boy you will to work hard to
prove that not because you desperate but because you
want to.

I nodded, then smiled at the thought of PK saying we

ain't mute just because I nodded.

Later on I dished up for us and we had our dinner while

the princess was telling us about her day and how Uncle
PK spoilt her at the mall after school, which explains
why she came back full. We watched our favorite series
after that then resorted to bed. We prayed and off we
went to lalaland.


Voice: Help us

I looked around and saw nothing

Voice: Help me, help them

I looked around saying where are you and this time

there was a bottle, you know the mayonnaise bottle but
this one it had some cloth underneath the lid, I made
my way to but something pushed me.


I woke up panting and a bit wet because of sweat,

What's happening to me and why do I always hear PKs
mom voice asking for help because she seems to hate

Ano: Mama are you okay?

Me: Yes baby go back to sleep

I started praying again, while praying MaMkhize's voice

played in my ears, what she said that day.

Me: No no what's going on? Could it be?


After my call with Mumu, I prepared for work. I drove

there while some Maskandi, well I am a Zulu after all. I
got there parked and went straight to my office only to
find Phumlani there

Me: Ekuseni kangaka Bafo ubekwayini la( what are you

doing here so early bro)?

Him: Ngila to tell you ( I'm here to tell you) that Adem
wants to on the fourth of October

Me: Oh? Why next month cause he will only start

supplying us on the 1st of November

Him: Apparently he wants to start next month now,

cause his equipment is overflowing

Me: Well then we have to sort MaZulus' papers before

next week

Him: Yep, unjani yena uMaZulu( How is she )?

Me: She's very well thank you for asking

Him: Heee oPK sebekwazi nokuncuma ngenxa yentombi

eyodwa(PK can now smile because of one woman)

Me: What can I say... But your mother aii something

went wrong with her head after giving birth to
Mzwandile I tell you... Can you believe she came into my
house to tell me to get rid of Namhla

Him: She you know she's always like that marn do give
it much thought...

Me: I guess, so mtakababa how's our father?

Him: Well since can't go there I called the doctor that

is in charge of his case and he said his still running
some tests just to be sure what his dealing with
Me: Okay, that's at least something

Him: Yeah, Bafo ngikubonile awuthi ngihambe( I have

seen you now let me leave)

Me: Okay will talk Bafo...

He left and I got started with my day.

Things at the office were quiet so I decided to have a

half day and while at that I decided to fetch Anomsa
at school.

Me: Noma you can knock off cause there is not much to
do will actually see you on Monday when we have real

Noma: Okay sir thank you... Enjoy your weekend

I left, drove to my house first so I could change

clothes after that I drove to Ano's school. I waited at
the gate while still waiting, I let her transport driver
know that I will be taking her. The alarm went off and
kids were rushing to the gate, I got out of the car. I
saw her talking to someone, a man in his 30s. I got out
of the car going closer to them but the man left.

Me: Ano...
I shouted

Her: Malume

She ran to me just as before.

Me: Hey Nana how are you?

Her: I'm good and you?

Me: I'm good, get in we going out




I was so livid when Namhla said mom came to buy her

off I even forgot to tell her that a man went to Ano's
school claiming he is an old friend, i drove back to my
house, I'm sure you all now know what I do when I get
there first relieve myself from all the tight clothing
then pour myself some double whiskey, on the rocks. I
laid on the couch thinking of my day today. I decided to
have an early night I think I deserve it

Morning came earlier than usual, maybe it's because I

didn't quite have enough rest... I dragged myself out of
bed hitting the shower, after getting out of the shower
I wrapped myself in a towel, dialed Namhla's number
and put her on speaker

Her: Mangethe

My heart smelted

Me: Hey Mumu, you feeling any better today?

Her: A lot better

Me: That's good to hear babe, Listen you know

yesterday I went to pick Ano up. I saw her with a man
who was in his early thirties who said he is an old friend
of yours to her

Her: What?

Me: Yeah I couldn't tell you yesterday cause of what

you said about mom... Do you perhaps know who it might

Her: No Mangethe, I never had male friends before...

Unless it's...

She kept quiet

Me: Unless it's???

Her: Sbonelo

Me: Who is Sbonelo?

I said with a serious face as if she can see me

Her: It's my sperm donor

Me: You mean her father?

Her: Don't call him that

Me: Ngiyaxolisa Mumu( I'm sorry Mumu)...


Me: Xola phela MaZulu wam bengaqondile ukukucasula(

Forgive MaZulu I didn't mean to upset you)

Her: I'm not mad

Me: Ngempela (Really)?

Her: Ngempela

She laughed

Me: Good, Mumu that's not all the reason why I called...
Phumlani came to my office yesterday saying Emirhan
wants to meet on the first of October

Her: I thought we were only gonna meet them


Me: I thought so too but he changed his mind

Her: So how is this gonna work cause I don't have a


Me: Don't worry just give me your Id and I will handle

the rest

Her: Okay, will drop by at the office so I could give it

to you

Me: I'm actually not going to till Monday, you can come
over anytime you not busy

Her: Okay, I got to go Ano is grumpy this morning so I

have to check everything she does

I chuckled
Me: Okay, I love you

Her: I love you too

We hung up after that, I took my phone and headed

downstairs well I was already dressed since I was doing
everything while talking to Namhla. I checked the
cupboard to see if there are snacks for when Namhla is
here, and what was there wasn't enough so I decided to
go to the mall.


I didn't sleep trying to figure out a way out of this

mess. I still can't believe that Phakamani married
Thulani's child. If something were to happen to her I
would be dead I know, Thulani didn't forgive me for
aborting his first child that man made life a living hell
for some time, my name was tarnished I has to leave
the place and start over yet again, Luckily John loved
me so he welcomed me in his life and married me
anyway we are not there but just know that I wasn't
always this evil and cruel the world changed me
John: You in a better mood today?

He said coming in to the study

Me: You can say so

John: Good found a way forward yet

Me: Of course angithi I'm the man here

John: Guess I spoke too soon, So what's the plan?

I just took my phone and dialed Phakamanis' number

Me: Phakamani mfan'wami ( my boy), I'm sorry about

how I handled the whole Marriage issue, can you please
get back to me when you get this message...

John: What did you do?

Me: I am doing what I think Agatha might have done

My phone rang before he could respond

Me: Phakamani son, how are you?

Him: I got your missed call...

Such disrespect nxx

Me: I want to apologize to both you and Namhla, can

you please come over for dinner tonight...
Him: I don't think Namhla will agree ma, you hurt her

Me: I know baby please help me fix it

Him: I will try convincing but if she says no I won't

pressurise her

Me: Okay I hope you do make it

He hung up without saying a thing.

John: KaMadonsela are you crazy? Do you remember

what the master said? That girl will be the end of us

Me: Of course I remember but I also remember the

saying that says we should we bring our enemies closer

I said gulping on my glass of cognac

Him: Wow

He said gulping on his glass too.


I don't know what's going on with me lately really,

seems like my life is no longer mine. The dreams are
getting worse, you know the last one left me with so
much thoughts so I decided to go to MaMkhize's just
get some kind of sense, lucky enough I now remember
where she lives. My mind has been playing the dream
over and over again. I got out of bed and went to the
bathroom, washed my face then went to the kitchen to
prepare breakfast and polish Ano's school shoes, I then
woke her up and she was grumpy. My phone rang and I
rushed to it, it was the husband we talked for a few
minutes, it's funny how it feels like we have been
together for years while it hasn't been a full month
yet. Ano left for school and I went to dad's room

Me: Babam

Him: Ngelosi

Me: Can we talk?

Him: Yes baby what's wrong?

Me: You know that my marriage to was a business


Him: Yes Ngelosi what wrong?

Me: Well Phakamani just called and said we have a trip
on the 1st of October so I am on my way to him right
now cause...

Him: You don't have to explain any further

He said holding my hand

Him: I am old Namhla, I can see that you are smitten

that's why I told you to not hide but fight for him...
You don't have to always ask for permission when it
comes to him but I just want him to do the right thing
that's all

I nodded and hugged him

Me: Ano has left and I'm leaving too

Him: Be safe




I don't know how I feel about this dinner thing but I

just have to do it. After watching my favorite show, so
much to Phakamanis' annoyance, we went to fetch Ano
from school.

Me: What time is the dinner?

PK: It's at six thirty

Me: So what should I wear?

Him: Mumu, it's just dinner not a work function you can
wear anything you are comfortable in.

Me: Wouldn't your mother expect me to wear any doek

and long skirts

He laughed

Him: You don't have to do anything to impress my

mother, especially since she's the one who has acting
crazy. As a matter of she should be impressing you

Me: Phakamani can you be serious just for a moment

Him: Maar I am serious ( but I am serious)

I chose to keep quiet

Me: Ano

Her: Yes mama

Me: Are you okay my baby?

She was awfully quiet

Her: Yes

Me: Okay

I didn't want to be a pest

Her: Mama

Me: Yes baby

Her: What is the name of my daddy?

Phakamani and I looked at each

Me: Why do you ask?

Her: There is a man who always visits me here at school

he said his my daddy

I froze

PK: And what did he say his name was my angel?

Her: Sbonelo

Tears just rolled out my mind just shut down. I couldn't

say a word

PK: Is it the same man I saw you My Angel?

Her: Yes uncle

Me: I... I...

I just didn't know what to say, I guess Phakamani saw

that cause he just took my hand squeezed it

Him: Can we talk about this later My Angel...

Her: Okay

We got to my neighborhood and he did what he always

does parking a few houses away from my house.

Him: Nana please give me a few minutes with mama

Her: Okay bye Malume

Him: Bye Nana I love you

Her: I love you too

She left after that

Me: How could Sbonelo do this? I mean after all this

years he resurfaces and go straight to my daughter

Him: It's okay Mumu, don't cry we will fix this okay... I
will fix this

He hugged me so tight, in his arms I felt safe and loved


Me: Thank you for what you did I just didn't know what
to say

Him: It's okay... We can cancel the dinner if you no

longer in the mood

Me: No we will go... I have to go prepare

I kissed his cheek and left, I got inside the house

found dad getting himself a glass of water

Me: Hey Dad

Him: Ngelosi how are you?

I just threw myself in his arms

Him: Hey hey... What is it Mageba omuhle (beautiful


Me: His back baba, ubuyile lo sathane( That devil is

Him: Ubani lowo( who is that)?

Me: Sbonelo, he has been visiting u Ano at school

Him: What? Since when?

Me: I don't know

Him: Don't cry Ngelosi we will deal with him don't

worry, wipe those tears cause he

I wiped my tears off

Him: We will deal with this I promise

I nodded and headed to my room. I found Another still

changing into her clothes.

Ano: Mama why are you crying? Is it because of me,

I'm sorry mama I promise I won't make you cry ever
again and I won't talk to that man

Me: Hey hey, it's not because of you okay, you can
never make me cry you are my happiness

I said hugging her, after that I went back to dad to let

him know that Phakamanis' mom invited me to dinner.
Later on I was preparing myself for that dinner and
Zandile was helping me as always
Me: How about this one?.

Her: Babe all those dresses are beautiful so just make

up your mind

Me: I can't just wear anything Zee I have to make a


Her: And you will but seriously you don't have to

Me: Why?

Her: Agatha doesn't deserve any effort, you know I am

Phumlani's wife but she still treats as a girlfriend. She
isn't nothing that Phumlani said when we met.

That's because, you know what let me just shush.

Me: I Know hey

I finally chose a dress and got done. Phakamani was

waiting for me at the gate.


The chefs were preparing a feast as per Madam

Agatha's wish. The family was now waiting for
Phakamani and his wife.

Agatha: Mavis you will serve us today...

Mavis: Ok mam

Sbongile: Are we hosting the late Kings memorial

service or what?

Agatha: Ngizokuqhwaba ngempama wena phambi

komnyeni wakho( I will slap the shit out of you right in
front of your husband)

A knock came through

Agatha: It must be them, hambovula Nhlamulo....

Nhlamulo: Why me?...

Agatha gave him an eye, he sighed and went to open

Nhlamulo: Hey guys you may come in

Namhla: Thanks

She said with a smile while Phakamani just passed him

like he isn't there

Agatha: Oh you made it

She said with the most fake smile, she hugged

Phakamani who was perplexed.

Agatha: Makoti, welcome Let me introduce you to the

Zwane kids

She shake Namhla's hand but quickly let it go

Agatha: That's Nhlamulo and his wife Ayanda, that's

Sbongile and her husband Smiso...

She introduced everyone, Namhla hugged the siblings

but Phakamani stopped her from hugging nor shaking
both Nhlamulo and Ayanda, and they went to take seats
in the table.

Agatha: Namhla I would like to apologize for my

reaction towards you my child, I was just being a

Namhla: I understand ma...

She said looking at Agatha straight in eyes, and that

made Agatha uncomfortable so much that she excused



It's a week later since the dinner, and since I saw

Sbonelo. Tomorrow it's the day of the trip to Istanbul
for the Emirhan deal, Zandile is taking me out for
shopping. In terms of the dreams, well they keep on
changing if it's not the one where she's crying and
bloody, it's the with the bottle and now there is one
where she's surrounded by new born babies and they all
crying. I have been doing a lot of praying about I just
need guidance cause now I know she is, the problem is
she still hasn't spoken to me as much as I try to
communicate with her it seems like something is holding
her back. Zandile is on her way to fetch me so we can
to the mall...
Dad: Ngelosi can we talk?

Me: Sure dad, what's wrong?

Dad: These past weeks weren't really great, I was

hospitalized, that shows how unpredictable life is. I
know I won't be around for long...

Me: Baba...

Him: Shhh listen... Life is really unpredictable a lot

could happen, I won't be around for long my age won't
allow me to stick around. I want you to be strong and
don't lose your faith nor values, always remember that
family isn't only by blood but loyalty. I'm not saying
something will happen to me but I'm saying I'm not
getting any younger and so are you, live your life make
mistakes, you still young don't let your dreams die,
never depend on anyone okay?

As confused as I was I nodded

Me: I love you Babami...

Him: I love you too Angel

I heard a car hoot outside

Me: That must be Zandile

I took my bags, well I will be preparing myself at her

Him: Tell her she must enter next time

Me: I will, I will see you in week's time

I hugged him

Me: Tell Ano I said I love her and she must behave

She was out playing... I got out of the house after that
heading to Zandiles' car

Me: Hey Makoti ka Agatha

Her: Don't start tuu... Let's go get you dazzling

She hit the engine and we left.

Her: So have you dish it out?

Me: What?

Her: Ngikhuluma nge tlof tlof babe, has he tasted the

forbidden fruit yet?(I'm talking about sex)

I laughed..

Me: No babe we haven't..

Her: Then mugurl this trip is good for you.. you will get
the chance to get as nasty as you want

Me: Zandile

I said blushing, not that sex hasn't crossed my mind

ever since I met Phakamani but I didn't want to be the
initiating it you know.

Her: What? I know you want it, it's been forever you
need to get laid my baby. I promise after that you will
be able to function more, I mean Phumlani and I have
sex almost daily it gives power face everything, from
work to dealing with his mother

We laughed

Her: Especially when he gets rough...

Me: Too much info geez Zee...

Her: Ah konje you shy

She said laughing, we got to the mall she looked for a

parking spot and then finally the fun began. After
hours of shopping and getting our selves pampered we
had lunch at Wimpy

Me: Finally huu!!! I'm so tired, can we go now!!

Her: We have one last shop babe then we done

Me: Oh my really?

I said basically throwing my head on the table

Her: Really...

She said laughing, my phone rang and it was Phakamani...

Me: Mangethe

Him: Mumu... You done yet?.

Me: I thought I was but your sister in law said we have

one more stop

Him: Okay hurry our flight is in two hours time

Me: Okay.

Him: I love you

Me: Me too

Him: You too ini( what)?

Me: I love you too

I said laughing, after that we hung up. Zandi and I

finished eating then she dragged me to wherever she
said we going to.
Me: Really? A lingerie boutique Zee

I said as we entered the shop and being met by lots of


Her: At least you know what this is which means you

know why we here

She said laughing

Me: No I don't

Her: Yes you do... We are getting you a sexy number

for you to wear underneath the red we bought for the
actual dinner with the Emirhans

Me: No we not

Her: Yes we are

She pulled me by hand and walked further inside the


S. Assistant: Good day ladies.. can I help you with


Zee: No we will manage skaty

She smiled and left us alone.


It's been a busy week since Namhla and I are leaving

for Istanbul, well Phumlani and Zandi are coming too. I
have just got back from the office, I'm sure you now
know what I do when I get home, it's like a routine. I
just finished my glass of whiskey and now packing.
Phumlani and I we will be driving together, we will meet
with the girls at the airport. I heard some noise
downstairs and I went down

Me: You guys have to stop this, it's creepy

I said as I found my brothers in my kitchen

Mzwa: We don't sneak we just enter.

Me: Still

Muzi: So you two are going on a vacation?

Phumlani: It's for work you idiot

Muzi: You still gonna have fun

Mzwa: Yeah, I mean I can already imagine the beautiful

girls you gonna see
Me: Hey we married

Mzwa: But you still got eyes

Muzi: Mzwa you also need to get settled

Mzwa: No I don't, I mean a man gets tired of one

flavor you know, I won't survive being stuck with one

Phumlani: Amen

I looked at the time

Me: I got to check on Namhla

Them: Whipped

They laughed

Me: I'm not the only

I went upstairs to call Namhla, and she said they only

have one more shop to go to then they will be done.




I was woken up by Phakamani shaking

Him: Mumu wake up

Me: Huh... What time is it?

Him: Half past three in the morning, you had a


Me: Oh sorry I woke you up

It was not a nightmare but you already know. My

stomach rumbled

Me: Damn I'm so hungry

He laughed

Him: You have to, you have been sleeping since from the
car till now

Me: Wow
Him: Let's go get you feed up

He said pulling my hand, and I dragged myself off the

bed. He piggy back me to the kitchen and placed me in
the counter

Him: What would you like to have

Me: Anything that's available

Him: Anything coming right up...

He said playfully and turning on me... it's good to him

get playful because he can be a very intimidating

Me: Mangethe

I said after clearing my throat

Him: Yes mumu

Me: Tell me about your mother?

Him: My mother?

Me: Yes your mother....

Him: Uhmm ok... She's a good mother, loving, caring and

supporting well at least she was but she changed after
giving birth to Mzwandile
Me: How so?

Him: She became distant, she got upset over little

things. She just became a whole different person.

That's because she is a different person

Him: Huh? ...

Did I say that out loud

Me: Huh... Nothing... I love the relationship between

you and your brothers, are you that close with the girls

Him: Not really, me and the boys suffer the same


Me: How so?

Him: Not having kids, I once lost a child, well Ayanda

miscarried, Zandi has had two miscarriages and Thuli
miscarried too

Me: I knew about Zandi but not yours

Him: We have never reached that when talking babe

He said turning back to me with a sandwich

Him: Here we go...

Me: But your sisters have kids

Him: Yep, and Nhlamulo has one with Ayanda

Me: Strange

I think it explains my dream of kids crying.

Him: You a bit chatty this morning

Me: Well maybe sleeping next to you helps

Him: In that case I have to do right by your father


He said kissing me

Me: Ewww Mangethe I was still chowing

Him: You my wife so!!

Me: Aii sies marn

He just laughed at me Mxm. I finished eating my

sandwich and we went back to bed

Him: Good morning Mumu

Me: Good morning Mangethe

He kissed my forehead and we drift back to sleep.



It's morning already and I just got back my morning

jog, I found myself thinking about the talk I heard with
Namhla, it was the first time we had a talk that deep. I
got inside the house found Phumlani, Zandi and Namhla
having breakfast

Me: Morning

I kissed Namhla's cheek

Her: Morning Mangethe

Zandi: morning sbari

Phumlani: Sure

Zandi: What are doing today since these two will be


She said looking at Namhla

Me: You can go shopping

They all looked at me

Me: What? Isn't that what you women love

Zandi: It's a good idea but I wasn't expecting it from


Phumlani: My thought exactly, she asked uMaZulu not

wena (you)

Me: Okay no need to gang up on me fellas, wena let's

get to work

Phumlani: Angizi ukusebenza nawe unuka mina( I won't

work with you while you stink)

Namhla: Hey my husband doesn't stink

Me: Mtshele wena Mumu( tell him )

Her: Asambe sogeza(Let's go bath).

She stood up and we went upstairs


After Namhla and PK went upstairs I cleaned the

kitchen up then Phumlani and I also went upstairs
Phumlani: Wanna Join me in the shower?.

Me: Of course as long as you promise me to behave

Him: How can I behave when my wife is such a turn on

Me: Is it?

Him: You know it's true, now come here maybe we might
just make baby number...

Me: Mxm, really?

Him: Come on babe... We have to talk about this at

some point

Me: Yes at some point not now..

Him: So you have given up?

Me: No I haven't but I'm still mourning my baby

Phumlani and I'm not ready for another

Him: Babe...

Me: No Phumlani, I won't be able to survive another

miscarriage, I can't lose another baby... I have lost
three kids already...

Him: What? What do you mean three kids?

Oh no I didn't Lord what have I just done

Me: I... I..

Him: Don't you dare think of lying cause I know what I


Me: I'm sorry okay, the second time it happened you

were here and I couldn't bare the hurt it will cause
Mangethe I'm sorry

Him; Wow just wow so it's three miscarriages not two

Me: Yes

I said already in tears and he paced up and down also

tearing up. He then kneeled Infront of me

Him: I'm sorry

Me: It's not your fault

Him: Still I wasn't there

Me: It's that I don't kids but we have to figure out

what's going on

He nodded, we went to take a very long innocent shower

then we were done we went downstairs, found Namhla
and PK already in the lounge
PK: It's about time ndoda we late.

They said their goodbyes and left.

Namhla: Are you okay babe




The meeting we just came out of was very long

especially since Phumlani was miles away from it, I had
to everything by myself

Me: Thank you Adem we will meet again tomorrow for

the dinner...

Adem: Pleasure doing business with you Pakamni

Me: Just call me PK

I said laughing and he laughed too

He left with his team

Me: What was that Phumlani? Do you realize that you

almost cost us this deal...

Him: I'm sorry

He said taking his things and leaving me there. I found

him in the car

Me: Bafo, What's going on?

Him: Zandi

Me: What's wrong is she sick?

Him: No, she didn't have two miscarriages but three

Me: What?

Him: Yeah she didn't tell me about the second one

Bafo, she had to go through it alone imagine how hard
that was for her.

He got out of the car leaned on it , I got out

Me: I'm sorry Mangethe, I promise we gonna get to the

bottom this I promise
Him: You know I wanted us to try again but now I don't
know maybe we just not destined for babies

Me: You can't lose hope Bafo

Him: I am not I'm just accepting fate.

He got back in the car after that, I got in too then

drove us back home. We got home and found Namhla
and Zandi watching movies can you believe they were in

Me: And nou( and now?), Are you watching movies or you
busy crying over the break ups these people go through

Namhla: Leave us alone

She said sniffing

Me: Yhoo I'm out of here.

Phumlani was already out he greeted and left followed

by Zandi, whom we didn't notice had left

Her: No you joining me...

Me: Mumu I'm tired

Her: And you came back made Zandi leave now you
joining me
Me: Okay fine

But this is bulling really,I took of my shoes and joined

her in the carpet, we watched whatever she was

Her: Mangethe

Me: Mhhh

Her: Don't tell me you dozing off on me

Me: No I'm not babe

Well I was about to sleep not because I'm tired but

because of the shit we watching.

Later on we were all in the dinning table, it was a little

bit awkward because the other two were on their on
world... Finally we got done eating and we resorted to
our beds.

Me: Mumu

Her: Mangethe

I can't get used to how she calls me, it makes me feel

like a king

Me: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa( I love you )

Her: Nami Ngiyakuthanda ( I love you too)

Me: I'm worried about Phumlani

Her: Don't worry they gonna be fine, they love each


I sighed and we slowly drifted to sleep.





We were all getting ready for the dinner and guess

what, we were on a limo darlings, turns it won't just be
us and the Emirhans but also other well known business

PK: Mumu we getting late, please come down already

Me: No need to scream I'm here

I said walking down the stairs

He whistled

Me: Will you always do that

I said giggling

Him: Well I just can't help it, you are a healing sight to
sore eyes MaZulu

He said pulling me closer to him, kissing me.

Phumlani: Okay lovebirds we need to get going, we all

got out the limo was already waiting for us Phakamani
opened the door and we the ladies got in first and they
followed. We were driven to the venue, I felt like a
whole miss South Africa you guys. We got in and the
place was gorgeous, PK saw someone he knew and we
walked to him so he could greet him... After the he also
spotted the Emirhans and we had to go to them
Him: Adem how are you? I must say the place looks

Adem: When you have a beautiful companion beautiful

things follow you

PK: Cassandra it's good see you again

Cass: Like was PK.. Nmla it's good to see you

She said pulling me for a hug, then did all this kissing
the air thing then she went to Zandi they both did it,
I'm not kissing any air when I have a giant man with
soft thick lips to kiss, I'm kidding it's just I'm not
used to it bo ma-e.

Me: Likewise you look stunning by the way that dress

suits you

Her: Thanks darling

She said with a smile

The night was pretty long with PK and Phumlani mingling

and fishing for business. It was now time for us to get
back home can you believe I instantly became nervous,
why? Because I'm planning on having sex for the first
time in seven years geez
Me: Mangethe I'm going to the bathroom

Zee: I was about to say that

We walked to the bathroom

Zee: Babe are you okay?

She asked as she saw me fanning myself

Me: I don't know..

Her: What's going on

Me: We going home, that's what's going on Zee

Her: You don't wanna go?

This girl doesn't get it

Me: Zee do you realize that I'm about to give someone

the cake which hasn't been eaten for seven years, I
basically don't know anything about sex

Guess what ... uMfazi ka Phumlani ( Phumlani's

woman)just laughed at me

Her: Babe relax it's really not a rocket science... You

just try to relax and go with whatever flow his coming
Me: What if he rejects me?

Her: Girl have you seen yourself? You flames, I'm

underneath that dress it's more fire and he loves you,
so you just relax

I looked at myself in the mirror then washed my hands,

we went to the husbands.

PK: Mumu, are you okay?

He whispered in my ear and I nodded then remembered

that he doesn't like that.

Me: Yes love

I said smiling..


The dinner went well and I can safely say that we might
be getting more business this side. We were bidding
farewell to the Emirhans since it was the last time we
see but we planning on spending the whole week just for
fresh air, I noticed that Namhla was a bit off I asked
her if she was Okay and I let her be, we got out of the
venue and the limo was already waiting to cut it short
we were driven back home

Me: What a day

I said as I took off my jacket as per usual

Lani: You can say that again

He said throwing himself in the couch just like I do

Me: At Least we gaining something out of it

Him: Which is?

Me: More business

Zandi: Ah guys please no more business talk aii, anyway

I'm going to bed

Namhla: I will be off to bed too

Me: I will be there in a minute

They both looked at each other and left us there, after

I had had my glass of whiskey I also decided to go to

Me: Aii Bafo isiyobonana ( we will see you again)

Him: Sharp

I went upstairs, immediately when I got inside the room

I was met by an unusual but beautiful sight

Me: Wow

Wow was the only word that could come out of my big
mouth, Namhla was seating in the edge of the bed
wearing the most sexiest black and red lingerie...

Her: You like what you see?

She stood up making her way to me

Me: Fuck like is an understatement, I love you I mean

what I see

I said as I met her halfway and She giggled. I took off

my tie off and shirt

then I immediatelyy placed a kiss on her soft lips and

she wrapped her arms around my neck which caused me
to pick her up having wrapped her legs around my waist,
I gently placed her on the bed, I moved from her lips
to her neck I sucked on it causing her to moan. I placed
my hand on one nipple pinching, it was easy for me to do
so cause the lingerie was now a bit loose for some
reason she moaned yet again

Me: Your nipple is hard

I said pinching it again also breathing on her neck and

as she was giggling her giggles turned into a moan. I
went back to the lips and caress her skin with my hand
until I reached her forbidden kingdom. I tore the
lingerie so it could give me actual access to the
kingdom, it's a kingdom cause it's for Kings.

Me: Juicy wet

I said opening my eyes to look at her beautiful face,

and she also looked at me for minute then shied away

Me: Look at me Mumu

She gave me back the eye contact and I slid in a first

finger she clenched trying to look away again

Me: Look at me

She did I started slowly fingering her and sucking her

neck, her moans escalated and she tried suppressing

Me: You can scream as you want, the room is

soundproofed my love
I whispered in her ear while finger was doing the most
inside causing her to hold on the sheets, when I I felt
she was wet enough I took everything I was wearing
under I put on the condom and positioned myself into
her heaven

Me: You ready

She nodded

Me: Words Mumu




Namhla woke up with something hard poking her ass and

a finger in her forbidden kingdom
Namhla: What made you so hard so early

She said with her eyes

Phakamani: Your ass was rubbing my crotch

Namhla: Liar

She said giggling, Phakamani just inserted himself in

from behind making her moan

Phakamani: You were saying

He said on her eye

Namhla: Noth... Geez Mangethe

She couldn't even respond cause he fastened the pace,

after some time they both fell apart

Phakamani: That's a great way to start a morning, come

let's go take a bath

Namhla: I think I'm paralyzed, I also need to sleep

some morthate

She said pulling back the blanket covering herself,

Phakamani just laughed and went to the bathroom after
bathing he went downstairs

Phakamani: Good moorning

He said energetically so as he found Phumlani and Zandi
making breakfast as usual

Phumlani: You late

Phakamani: Are we going somewhere

Phumlani: No but around this time you are already on

the hills jogging

Phakamani: Oh let's just say I had an even better

exercise today

He said winking at him

Phumlani: Ahhh finally hit it huh

Phakamani: I'm not saying anything...

Zandi: Can you please shut up you two, this conversation

is disgusting

Phakamani: Don't act he didn't hit too last night

Phumlani: Leave my wife

Phakamani: Zandi makoti omuhle wakwaMangethe(

beautiful Mangethe bride)...

Zandi: What do you want PK?

Phakamani: Please make my wife some Breakfast so I
could give her some breakfast in bed

Zandi: Trying to score points using me huh?

Phakamani: Come on it's not like that

Zandi: Why don't you make it?

Phakamani: Because breakfast ain't my thing and you

know it

Phumlani: So what are we doing today

Phakamani: I don't know about two but my wife and I

will be spending the rest of the day in bed

Zandi: Heeee wuu we will never find inner peace

Phakamani: Don't be jealous you can also drag your own

husband back to bed

Phumlani: Well we are used to tlof tlof so we will find

something to

Phakamani: Shame...

He took the tray and went upstairs, Zandi added some

cream and some strawberries


Phakamani woke me up yet again to have some

breakfast, to say I was tired would an understatement
really this guy kept me awake all night Mxm.

Me: Am I not allowed to sleep now?

Him: You are but you also need to eat...

Me: But I haven't taken a bath yet...

Him: Mumu, it's breakfast in bed which means the

receiver is supposed to be in bed Hau

Me: Okay fine

I sat up straight and dugged in.

Me: I haven't spoken to my dad since I got here

Him: Yes you have I mean I sent him an SMS notifying

him that you safe when we got here and it was with
your phone

Me: It was you not me

Him: He doesn't know that...

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Me: And I do plus I miss my daughter

Him: Well since you mentioned my little diva then you

can use mine to call cause I have a Sim this side

He handed me his phone and I dialed dads number

Him: Zulu

He always answers like that if he doesn't know the

number or if it's a private number

Me: Babami

Him: Oh Ngelosi how are you? Are you well fed? Is the
weather treating you well?

See my dad can be a mother at times

Me: Slow down Mageba... I'm okay and I'm well taken
care off Don't worry. I miss you guys

Him: We miss you too Ngelosi

I heard Ano asking if it's me on the phone and dad yes

Him: The Little one wants to talk to you

Me: Okay...

Her: Hey Mama how are you? When are you coming
back? Did you get me something?

Me: Easy Anomsa let me speak too Hau

I said laughing

Her: I'm sorry Mama

She laughed too

Me: Now let's have a conversation, how are you?

Her: I'm good mama and you, how's uncle PK too?

Me: I'm okay and uncle PK is also okay...

Her: Where is he?

Me: His right here

Her: Can I talk to him

Me: But we still talking...

PK snatched the phone on my hand

Him: Hey nana

Her: Hey Malume how are you?

Just like that I'm Forgotten, they spoke about

everything and anything. I just went to take a bath,
after taking a bath I went to the room, I wasn't
outside of it just in the bathroom I found PK laying in
the bed facing the ceiling

Me: So I'm replaced by you now




Namhla woke up with something hard poking her ass and

a finger in her forbidden kingdom

Namhla: What made you so hard so early

She said with her eyes

Phakamani: Your ass was rubbing my crotch

Namhla: Liar
She said giggling, Phakamani just inserted himself in
from behind making her moan

Phakamani: You were saying

He said on her eye

Namhla: Noth... Geez Mangethe

She couldn't even respond cause he fastened the pace,

after some time they both fell apart

Phakamani: That's a great way to start a morning, come

let's go take a bath

Namhla: I think I'm paralyzed, I also need to sleep

some morthate

She said pulling back the blanket covering herself,

Phakamani just laughed and went to the bathroom after
bathing he went downstairs

Phakamani: Good moorning

He said energetically so as he found Phumlani and Zandi

making breakfast as usual

Phumlani: You late

Phakamani: Are we going somewhere

Phumlani: No but around this time you are already on
the hills jogging

Phakamani: Oh let's just say I had an even better

exercise today

He said winking at him

Phumlani: Ahhh finally hit it huh

Phakamani: I'm not saying anything...

Zandi: Can you please shut up you two, this conversation

is disgusting

Phakamani: Don't act he didn't hit too last night

Phumlani: Leave my wife

Phakamani: Zandi makoti omuhle wakwaMangethe(

beautiful Mangethe bride)...

Zandi: What do you want PK?

Phakamani: Please make my wife some Breakfast so I

could give her some breakfast in bed

Zandi: Trying to score points using me huh?

Phakamani: Come on it's not like that

Zandi: Why don't you make it?

Phakamani: Because breakfast ain't my thing and you

know it

Phumlani: So what are we doing today

Phakamani: I don't know about two but my wife and I

will be spending the rest of the day in bed

Zandi: Heeee wuu we will never find inner peace

Phakamani: Don't be jealous you can also drag your own

husband back to bed

Phumlani: Well we are used to tlof tlof so we will find

something to

Phakamani: Shame...

He took the tray and went upstairs, Zandi added some

cream and some strawberries


Phakamani woke me up yet again to have some

breakfast, to say I was tired would an understatement
really this guy kept me awake all night Mxm.

Me: Am I not allowed to sleep now?

Him: You are but you also need to eat...

Me: But I haven't taken a bath yet...

Him: Mumu, it's breakfast in bed which means the

receiver is supposed to be in bed Hau

Me: Okay fine

I sat up straight and dugged in.

Me: I haven't spoken to my dad since I got here

Him: Yes you have I mean I sent him an SMS notifying

him that you safe when we got here and it was with
your phone

Me: It was you not me

Him: He doesn't know that...

Me: And I do plus I miss my daughter

Him: Well since you mentioned my little diva then you

can use mine to call cause I have a Sim this side

He handed me his phone and I dialed dads number

Him: Zulu

He always answers like that if he doesn't know the

number or if it's a private number

Me: Babami

Him: Oh Ngelosi how are you? Are you well fed? Is the
weather treating you well?

See my dad can be a mother at times

Me: Slow down Mageba... I'm okay and I'm well taken
care off Don't worry. I miss you guys

Him: We miss you too Ngelosi

I heard Ano asking if it's me on the phone and dad yes

Him: The Little one wants to talk to you

Me: Okay...

Her: Hey Mama how are you? When are you coming
back? Did you get me something?

Me: Easy Anomsa let me speak too Hau

I said laughing

Her: I'm sorry Mama

She laughed too

Me: Now let's have a conversation, how are you?

Her: I'm good mama and you, how's uncle PK too?

Me: I'm okay and uncle PK is also okay...

Her: Where is he?

Me: His right here

Her: Can I talk to him

Me: But we still talking...

PK snatched the phone on my hand

Him: Hey nana




The week ended pretty fast, I guess it's true when

they say time flies when you're having fun. Istanbul is a
very beautiful place and I had fun with the people I
came with especially my husband. I was looking at him
as he was sleeping, I must say I really can't believe I'm
married to him. Our wedding or proposal was out of this
world but I'm very happy to be married to him.

Him: Are you planning on killing me?

He said with his eyes still closed

Me: Maybe I'm just planning on eating you up

He chuckled, I threw myself back in bed

Me: I can't believe we leaving today

Him: You don't wanna leave?

He said wrapping his arm around my waist

Me: Of course I don't, but I Miss Ano and dad so much

Him: We can stay for another week

Me: That would be awesome but we really need to get

Him: We can always come back

He said turning me for a kiss

Me: You got to get out of bed...

Him: Not before I get my morning Glory

I laughed softly, He smiled at me and cupped her chin,

bringing my face closer for a kiss again. His hands were
slowly travelling up to my boobs. He picked her up and
walked with her towards the bed. He gently got on top
of me parting my legs, then he just looked at

Me: Yini(What?)

I asked with a smile..

Him: Ubuhle bakho angibujwayeli(I can't get used to

your beauty)

He said smiling and I looked away, failing to control my

blushes He just placed his lips to my neck and planted a
trail of warm kisses from it. I was slowly getting wet.
So my hands just made my way around his body. She sat
up from the bed and helping him of his boxer as we
continued kissing... I could feel the heat of his body
transferring to mine as we rolled in the bed and I was
now on top of him.... I planted kisses from his neck to
his jaw line then right down, my heart started pounding
as I reached his member, I swallowed hard. I placed it
in my hand gently massaged it. My eyes were on his as
his were on mine the whole time.

I massaged his member a couple of minutes before

slowly taking the head into my mouth, mind you it was
my first time doing all this but with Zandile as the
Mastermind I know I was spot on cause shut his eyes
closed. I did that I tasted his precum. I swirled my
tongue around the glans while massaging his two kids
and he hissed. I licked his shaft from the bottom up,
with smile occupying on my face because of his
reaction, i took all of it in as she shook her hand to
pave the way for it on through her throat. I placed my
hands on his thighs for balance, I made gagging sounds
before pulling off his shaft, and almost choked on it,
my saliva was now mixed with his liquid dripping off in
my chin.

Him: MaZulu, shittt

He shot out with his head thrown back as he couldn't

take it anymore. He felt himself about to come and
pulled me up. He threw me on the bed right next to him
and He got ontop of me and attacked on my lips while
grabbing and caressing both her round babies. He left a
trail of wet kisses on almost each part of my lower
body. He got off the bed and pulled her by the legs,
spreading my legs widely before diving into my
forbidden kingdom as he called it

Me: Mangethe haaaaa

A moan left my lips, hr sucked on the clit and slowly

released it from the grip of his lips. He placed two
fingers on it and watched as lubricous and transparent
juices just made their way down slowly from my canal.
He lapped them all up before sticking his tongue in
there. I wasn't ready for any of that but damn it was
good. Minutes later I was shaking like I was having

Me: Geeez

The moans just kept on coming, I found myself holding

the back of his head The crown of a real and
experienced pxssy eater.

Him: Yes Mumu?

He responded without even looking at me but at my
kingdom. I just continued to moan

He got up and let himself inside my thighs. He

positioned himself while kissing my neck. Ivwas panting
at these neck kisses as he rubbed the head of his dxck
on my clit

Me: Ahhh Phak....

I didn't even finish that, He just his thing inside me

Me: God!!

I literally screamed, if the room was not soundproofed

I'm sure the neighborhood would have heard.

He started thrusting. Very, very slowly. Patiently.

Lovingly. I couldn't keep still, this love making was
different. Every thrust was sending a message and I
eas slowly starting to losing it, my finger dug in his hard
yet soft skin. He changed positions after came and laid
on his back. He pulled me to sit on the edge of the bed,
he bent so he could reach me as he inserted himself yet
again my legs were on his shoulders, he pounded me like
nobodies business. He groaned as I moaned, minutes
later I was on my knees with him pounding from behind
as he had my hands on him.... After what seemed to be
an hour we both collapsed on the bed

Him: That was amazing Mumu

He kissed the top of my head as I laid on his chest.

Me: We got to prepare for our flight

I said leaving the bed with a duvet covering myself and

he followed. We heard an innocent shower, awoa you
guys my kingdom was on fire. After we took a shower
we went downstairs

Us: Morning

Zandi: You guys are always happy this days is the sex
that good




This past three months have been amazing, well I am

traditionally Mrs Zwane. After we came back from
Istanbul dad received a later from the Zwane family
and he was thrilled cause they we're finally showing him
some respect, I now go as I please from Phakamanis' to
my dad's. In terms of dreams, after coming back from
Istanbul I went to MaMkhize's home to tell her
everything I understand and she started speaking in
riddles but what thing she assured me is that things
are gonna be okay and that the time to tell everyone is
near but I won't even know it, imagine. I have spent
time with Phakamanis' sisters and I must say I really
love Londeka, she's different from the others. In
other news today is my first rewriting day and I'm
excited, I have been studying for this exams for the
past two months.

Me: Dad I'm leaving

I shouted as I was already on my way, I was running

Him: Okay Ngelosi good luck

He shouted back From his room, Ano was still sleeping

since her schools are done writing I mean it's
December. As per my husbands orders I am banned
from using taxis, so it's Uber and taxify all the way me.
I was dropped at academy's gate and I rushed inside as
I was on the rush I bumped into this girl and her books

Me: Oh my I'm so sorry

Her: It's okay I can see you in a rush where to?

She asked as I handed her books over

Me: I'm rewriting mathematics paper 1

Her: Oh it's in that hall over, it's only starts in an hour

She said looking at her watch

Me: What??

Her: You thought you were late?

Me: Yeah,geez I'm so relieved...

Her: Well good my name is Zubenathi Ntshangase by
the way

She gave me her hand to shake

Me: I'm Namhla Zulu-Zwane

She looked so confused

Me: I'm married

Her: Ohh

She laughed

Me: You attend here

Her: No, I just came to submit some forms for my dad,

he owns this building...

Me: Wow okay

Her: I really have to go, mind giving me your digits

Me: Of course not

We exchanged digits and she left I headed to the hall.

I received a text from the husband saying good luck
just before I could switch off my phone, I smiled then
switched it off. The exam was hell difficult but I'm
sure I did my best. I got of the exam switched my
phone back on and messages came in flowing, Phakamani
said his waiting at the gate so I went to him. I also got
a message from Zubenathi saying she would like to
meet sometime

Me: How did you know I was finished?

I asked PK when I found him leaning on his car

Him: Well we knew you won't be writing all day so we

thought why not surprise you

Me: We

Him: Me and our little princess

Ano got out of the car, news flash Ano now calls Babami

Ano: Hey ma

Me: Hey baby

I kissed her cheek

PK: We going out for lunch

Me: You mean breakfast for you

Him: come on Mumu

Ano laughed, he opened the door for me then for Ano,
we drove to the mall


My day was just plain boring so I decided to go watch a

movie alone well I hoped Namhla would join but I guess
not after watching a movie I drove myself home

Dad: Mnqobi where is your brother?

Aya: Here I am, and I'm not his brother I only have one
sibling the other died with my mother 18 years back

Dad: Ngizomura Ayabongwa engathi uyakhohlwa ukuthi

ukukhula nobani( I will penal beat you, cause it seems
like you forgetting who you speaking to)

Aya: Chill will you, I'm sorry

I heard all this as I was passing the lounge, well this is

something I deal with almost every day. My mother
passed on when we were kids, she died while giving
birth to Mnqobi and that made Ayabongwa angry, he
blames Mnqobi for mom's death. My Name is Zubenathi
Ntshangase the daughter of Langelihle and Lungile
Ntshangase. My mom passed on while giving birth to my
little brother Mnqobi and that took a toll on everyone. I
was two years when she died but I could notice some of
the things that didn't make sense anymore, like how my
aunt was the one taking care of us instead of my mom,
how dad suddenly changed from a loving father to a
distant father. Anyway I was in my room when I heard
a door being slammed I just knew it's Mnqobi. I got out
of my room to his

Me: Mnqobi it's me

I said knocking, Silence I decided to just let myself in

Me: Mnqobi no, not this again

He was cutting his wrist, so I just took the razor

Him: Come on Zuzu

Me: You can't keep hurting yourself just because of


Him: He hates me, I'm just a reminder of mom's death

Me: No he doesn't hate, his just being childish and

wants someone to blame.
Him: And I am to blame, mom died giving birth to me if
she wasn't pregnant she would still be here. I caused
her death...

Me: You are not the cause of her death... God had a
plan and no one could stop his plan

Him: It hurts sis, I have never met her yet I was in her

Me: I'm sorry but never blame yourself okay

I hugged him so tight.... I love my siblings so much, it

hurts to see them like this




It's been a while since Agatha, or should I say

Nosiphiwe got some real rest. The sacrifice has been
called out and it doesn't give her rest.

Agatha: John, I can't do this no never...

John: But it's been can we cannot run from it

Agatha: Don't you think I know that huh? We have to

find a way...

John: Well we can always confess Nosiphiwe

They heard something fall from outside the room

John: Ukuzwile loko( Did you hear that)?

Agatha: Of course I did... Go check

John went out looking at the corridor but saw no one

John: There is no one

Agatha: What do you mean we should confess?

John: Just that let's confess

Agatha: Uyanya, I'm not losing all this after we have

gone through to get all of it
John: Then we do the sacrifice

Agatha: No, not my grandkids John. Sbongile is already

expecting another child we can't let her experience

John: Then we can make an offer,Since Sbongile is

married we can offer Londeka's virgin blood

Agatha: That could work, woza siyoshweleza( let's go

make a plea).

They disappeared to the secret room and started their


Master: Your offer isn't welcomed

Agatha: But master the offering...

Master: The blood you want to offer isn't pure, that's


John: What do you mean?

Master: Just that now it's either you give me the

sacrifice or you suffer the consequences. You have
been warned a couple of times but you chose to dine
with the enemy, and I'm sure you felt that girl's
presence wasn't pleasant but you still welcomed her
Agatha: It was only for easy access master

Master: You are dismissed

He disappeared, Agatha and John left the room livid

John: What did he mean that Londeka's blood isn't


Agatha: How the hell should I know??? Londeka

She shouted going straight to Londeka's room and she

just barged in

Agatha: Londeka usulala nabafana wena( you sleeping

with boys now/ you now having sex)

She said aggressively pulling her leg as Londeka was


Londeka: Maaa, what the heck?

Agatha: You now having sex huh? Who's the boy you
sleeping with? Ngitshele ( tell me)?

Londeka: What are you talking about?

A slap landed on her face

Agatha: Ngubani lomfana olala naye( who's the boy you

sleeping with)?
Londeka: I'm not sleeping with any b...

Another slap followed

Londeka: I'm lesbian ma

Agatha froze

Agatha: What did you say? Utheni, ngazengavelelwa


Londeka: Mntimande??

Agatha: Voetsak wena...

She said leaving the room more livid.


After Phakamanis' proposal we drove home, I mean his

place he said we had to celebrate.

Ano: Mama will I be your flower girl?

She's been asking questions since we left the mall

Me: Yes baby you will

Her: Awesome, Angela is gonna be so jealous

PK laughed

Him: You guys are sleeping over right?

Ano: Mom we sleeping at Babamis house? Please say yes

I really miss my room

Me: Seems like the little miss has decided for us so yes

Him: It was non-negotiable anyway... Remind me why we

still leave separately again?

I really had no answer for that

Him: We need to talk about that...

Me: I know

I know that I have to move in with him but I think I'm

scared of leaving my dad alone. We got to his place and
guess what his brothers where already there

Me: Hey guys

I greeted...

Them: Makoti/ Sis N

The Makoti came from Lani and Muzi the sis N it's
obvious, the attention was actually on Ano. These guys
are obsessed about her

Zee: Congratulations

She came running to me

Me: What are you talking about?

Her: Your engagement silly

Me: Oh thanks babe but I'm already married

I said jokingly

Her: But you it's still the first time you got engaged

We laughed...

The day went on, basically we were celebrating the

engagement. Everyone left and Ano was asleep since
she was bored.

PK: Mumu?

Me: Mangethe

Him: Why are we still leaving separately?

I was not facing him since I was doing the dishes

Me: Uhmm maybe because you never asked me too

Him: But I thought me paying Lobola was me asking...

I sighed and turned to look at him while placing my

hands on the sink

Me: I know, it's just I have separated from my dad.

It's kinda worries me to leave him alone

He sighed too and cupped my face

Him: I understand Mumu but I also need you here

Me: I will talk to dad tomorrow...

Just before I could finish my sentence, I felt the urge

to vomit then I ran to the nearest bathroom


Namhla just left me standing there and ran to the

nearest bathroom, I followed concerned

Me: Mumu Uright( you okay)?

Her: I don't know what's going it's the third time this
Me: Then we have to go see a doctor?

Her: It's probably nothing, maybe it's because I

haven't been really eating well.

Me: Or it could be food poisoning...

Her: Now you exaggerating Mangethe

Me: It's your health so I have to...

I said pulling her for a kiss

Her: What are you doing?

Me: Kissing my wife

Her: Who just vomited

Me: Well, marriage is a better for worse kinda thing

She giggled, we got out of the bathroom and we went to

our bedroom... Namhla let his dad know that they
spending the night here


Morning came and I had a very unpleasant way of

waking up. I had this urge to vomit again.

Voice: Vomiting again

It was PK leaning to door frame, I just nodded not

feeling like talking

Him: That's it then we going to the doctor today

Me: I have an exam in two hours Mangethe.

Him: But you gonna finish writing...

Me: I guess so

I took a shower and got ready for my day.

Him: You taking a cab?...

Me: Yes

I wasn't really in a mood to talk really...

Him: You should learn to drive soon, we have two unused

cars so you can take one

Me: Well for now I have an Uber to catch

I kissed his cheek

Me: Kiss Ano for me

I left after that, my phone had a missed call from
Zubenathi, I'm sure girl thinks I don't wanna be
friends. I made it a mental note to call after I finish
writing. Did I mention I had a dream of PKs mom placing
a baby in my arms.





I am on my way home I mean my dad's house cause I

need to discuss with him the moving issue. Phakamani
said he still wants to spend time with Ano so he will
bring her later on. I got home and found him in the

Me: Babami

Him: Ngelosi you are back, how the paper?

Me: It was okay I'm just glad I'm writing my last one

Him: I'm proud of you Ngelosi yam

I smiled nervously knowing that I'm about to break his

heart, I watched as he packed his stock

Me: Babami

I said clearing my throat

Him: Yes Ngelosi

He continued packing his stock

Me: Can we talk?

Him: Of course, is everything okay?

Only then I got his attention

Me: Uhmm Phakamani.. well we were wondering when can

I move in him...
I said looking down

Him: And?

Me: Well I wanted to first ask permission from you, I

mean I know you still need me...

I said so fast I even couldn't hear myself

Him: Easy Minenhle slow down

I breathe out

Him: Ngelosi yam, I'm a father to a beautiful daughter.

It's a father's misfortune to always have to accept
that at a certain age his little is gonna leave and
become somebody's wife. I completely understand and
you don't need permission from me to do your wifely

Me: I...

I couldn't finish my sentence tears just rolled and dad

just hugged me

Me: Thank you father

Him: You welcome my angel, speaking of angels where is

my grandkid?
Me: Phakamani said he will bring her later on

I looked at the time

Me: Shucks, Babami I have to go meet up with a friend

I kissed his cheek then left, my phone rang as I about

to catch a taxi

Zuu: Babe where you at? Do you need me to fetch you?

Me: Sure I will send you the location

Oh saves me the Time plus Phakamani would flip hearing

I took a taxi. Minutes later she arrived in her mini

Me: Nice car

I said entering and closing the door

Her: thanks babe... So where too?

Me: We can go to the mall, I could use some shopping

Her: Aw lady after my heart

Me: So Tell me about Zubenathi?

Her: Wuu I feel like I'm on a first date

We laughed
Her: I am Zubenathi as you already know, got two
brothers an older one and a younger one, was raised by
a single dad cause mom died while giving birth to my

brother... Oh I'm 20

And she has a car, talking about nice life problems

Me: Wow that's hectic

Her: And you?

Me: Where do I begin?

Her: At the beginning

We laughed

Me: Well I'm Namhla,I'm 22 years, the only daughter

of Thulani Zulu. I have 7 years old daughter too, and
I'm married...

Her: Damn girl I was sure that we the same age...

We got to the mall and we did some shopping while

conversing, it felt like I was young really without
problems which are the dreams. After a whole lot of
shopping we resorted to mugg abd bean for brunch


Being with Namhla is so refreshing and I can feel that

I'm a 20 year old. We are now at Wimpy getting are
tummies fed.

Me: So how come you married?

Her: Huu That's a story for another day...

Me: Arranged?

Her: No way my dad won't...

Before she could finish her sentence, she started

closing her eyes and opening them again like was in some
kind of pain

Me: Namhla babe... Are you okay?

I asked running to her side, holding her arm and

rubbing her back

Her: Your mother is not at peace

Me: Huh??
I let go of her

Her: She needs peace... Your brothers... You gotta bring

peace to them so she can have peace.

How did she know about my brothers beef.... After she

said that she closed her eyes while holding her head as
if it's painful

Me: Can we please get a glass of water?

The waiter came running with the water, she gulped on


Her: What Happened?

What? she doesn't remember

Me: You don't remember what you just said?

Her: Did I say something?

Me: Yeah you were talking about something so personal

about me and I never you about, you said my mom
wasn't at peace don't you don't remember?

Her: No... Wait Really?

Me: Yes

Her: This is getting too much, it felt like... Listen I

have to go...

She took her bag and ran out


I can't believe that happened, to mean it felt like I was

in a whole new place. I took a taxi to MaMkhize's got
there knocked and Asiphe opened

Her: Sis Namhla hi...

She said with a smile

Me: Hey Siphe, is your mom in?

Her: Yeah sure come on in...

I got in found MaMkhize sipping on her coffee

Her: I was expecting you

I took a seat

Me: Ma something very strange is happened...

Her: And it was the not the last time, as long he is in

there you gonna see things
Me: What? What are you talking who is in where?

She smiled and came to touch my tummy

Her: You carrying a gifted soul

Me: What?

Her: You pregnant hence the vomiting, for someone

who's been pregnant you so slow

Me: Oh my

I said touching my stomach, how can I be so careless

yet again.

Me: I'm pregnant

I said still holding my tummy

Her: You are...

Me: That means my baby is in danger ma, Nosiphiwe...

The sacrifice

Her: You got to protect him, and trust me he will

protect you too.. it's not gonna an easy road but you got
to have faith pray harder... They know you know, they
working to stop you....

Okay this is getting too much

Her: Hang in there okay

Me: Ma...

Her: We all have purposes my girl, yours is being strong

for the others...

Me: I have to go

I took my bag and left walked to the nearest phamacy

to buy a pregnancy test after that I walked to the
taxis not caring whether they snitch on me or not, I got
to a taxi home, my mind was far away. I was thinking of
ways to protect my baby. How come didn't I notice that
I'm pregnant, I just remembered that I last saw my
periods on the fifteenth of October. I got home found
dad still at the shop, I just passed it went straight the
house drank lots of water then lied on the bed, minutes
I felt the urge to pee I quickly got off the searched
for pregnancy test in my bag.

Me: Gotcha

I ran to the bathroom, locked and did the test, it really

came back negative and it's already 12 weeks.

Me: Great, another evidence that I'm having sex


I touched my stomach, I really didn't know whether to

be Happy or sad


I had fun with my little princess but it was time for us

to part. I am parked at gate, pecks of paying Lobola.
We both got out and I opened the gate for her then I
followed behind.

Ano: Mama

She shouted running to the house, Namhla opened the


Her: Hey baby

Her eyes were puffy like she was crying

Me: Nana get inside...

She walked passed Namhla

Me: Mumu are you okay? Have you been crying?

Do you think she answered me cause she just passed me
going straight to the car, I followed

Me: Mumu what's going on?

She took out something out of jacket, and handed it to


Me: And this?

Her: I'm pregnant

Me: Huh?

Only then I took a closer look of what she gave me it

was a pregnancy test

Me: Wow, so I'm gonna be a father?

I said excitedly

Her: Yeah

She said in a Lowest tone

Me: Why does it seem like you not happy?

Her: He leaves his sperms inside me, a visible evidence

of having sex then he thinks I have to be happy...

Me: Huh??
Her: Phakamani I have just started school, which is one
step at achieving my dreams.

Me: I get that Mumu but please don't consider


Her: What? I am not getting rid of my baby even if I

was begged... I am just mad at you for making me
pregnant without even asking me

What? How did I know that we were gonna get it on in


Me: That's because I didn't plan to Mumu...

Her: Mxm...

Me: It says here you are 12 weeks pregnant, which it

was on our first days maybe

It must be the next morning cause I don't remember

us using protection.


Agatha: John I have a plan?

John: What plan now KaMadonsela?

Agatha: To make a more reasonable sacrifice, not my

grandkids... You see that little skank is pregnant, and
the master said the baby is powerful. That means
sacrificing him will be a great deal for us

John: How the hell do you plan on doing that?

Agatha: Leave all that to me

She gave him a wicked smile




It's been two weeks since I found out that I'm

pregnant and had my last paper, now anxiously waiting
for the results. Today it's the 16th of December and
we going to Phakamanis' family house, which is
Nosiphiwe's or Agatha's house. Well me and Ano have
moved in with PK and it's been wonderful but then
there is this issue of me having to deal with Agatha.

Me: Mangethe do we really have to be in that party...

Him: Yes Mumu we do...

Me: Ah that's a bummer, was hoping that maybe ( I

said seductively taking my gown) we ( I pushing him to
the bed) could spend ( I put my leg over to him)...
maybe the day herd

I attacked him with a kiss but a slow passionate one

Him: Mumu you very naughty you know that, but as

much as this sounds so tempting we still need to go

Me: Arg fine

I said getting off him causing him to laugh

Him: I love you too sthandwa Sami

Me: Okay... Since you are insisting that you wanna go

that means you ready to reconcile with Nhlamulo

Him: Not this again...

He said attempting to leave the room

Me: Yes we are having this conversation again, you claim
to have healed from the past but you still don't wanna

Him: Mumu

Me: No Mangethe, it's day of reconciliation so why not

reunite with your brother so that the new year can
really be a new year. The poor guy has been trying to
out without Vail.

Him: Fine I will talk to him

Me: Good

I said heading to the shower

Him: Now can I join you?

Me: No you wait till I'm done angithi you wanna leave
and go out

Him: But babe look what you did

He said pointing to his visible erection

Me: I love you too

I took a shower after it I went downstairs to make

something to eat, while Phakamani was taking a shower
Ano: Mama when are visiting Khulu?

Me: Tomorrow my love...

Her: Awesome

She said excitedly, my phone beeped and it Zubenathi

inviting for dinner on Saturday since today is Thursday
and she was wishing me and my family a great
reconciliation day, I replied confirming that I will be

Finally it was time for to go the witch's house.

Me: Can we pray first?

Him: That's a first but okay

Agatha always acts so loving and caring in front of

people but I know that she's just hiding the fact that
she's the Reason behind these guys pain. I started
praying then after I said amen we left.

When we got there The others were already there,

basically we were the last ones to arrive

Londeka: Sis Namhla you here, it's good to see you

Me: It's good to see you too my baby, how are you?
Her: I'm good and you?

Me: I'm good?

Me: So how is the girlfriend?

She blushed

Her: She is good...

I greeted everyone hugging them, when it was time for

me to greet the queen of the house I didn't know
whether to hug her or shake her hand, I just resorted
to a hand shake which was super awkward cause she
just barely touched my fingers and let go as fast as she

Phumlani: Makoti you look beautiful as always

Me: Thank you Bhuti Sbari

I said jokingly

Mzwa: Is there such a thing??

He said laughing, I just shruggled my shoulders smiling

Phumlani: I wonder

Zandi: Babe, it's been a minute...

We hugged

Me: Angithi awusangithandi(that's because you no

longer love me)

Her: You know that's not true, I just have been so busy
at the firm

Me: I know my love

PK: Hey I thought I was the love...

He said coming back from greeting his uncle, who was

really avoiding me.

Phakamani: Nhlamulo can we talk??

I heard him say suddenly, I don't even know where was

Nhlamulo cause I was busy conversing with Zandile.

Me: Let's go sleep in the kitchen...

Her: We gonna do no such a thing, well I am I won't if

you wanna help you go ahead sesi. I won't play the
perfect Makoti to that monster in law

Me: Zandi!!

Her: Yini if ufuna ukudlala Umakoti go ahead ( what? If

you wanna play Makoti )
I didn't wanna go but I am a makoti like it or not, I
stood up went to the kitchen asked if there is anything
I could help with Sbongile said I could peel some
potatoes and I did that. Sbongile is married but you
would swear she's not cause she's forever at her
mom's house. I haven't seen Muzi and Thuli maybe they
on their way.. Ano was playing with the kids...


Namhla and Ano have finally moved in with me, and it's
amazing. After she got mad at me for knocking her out
we booked a doctor's appointment, and everything was
okay it's still is but I'm not at ease. Today we having a
family dinner, you can call it a party it's actually
tradition that we kept going just so we could have that
bound, in the years that dad was still healthy it was
always amazing but now it seems like we just doing it
for just nje. We chatting with Phumlani and Mzwa, I
saw Nhlamulo walk in with Ayanda

Me: Gents ngiyabuya manje( I'm coming now now)

I stood up went them

Me: Nhlamulo can we talk?

We were past the greeting whatsoever aii

Him: Sure....

We moved away from the crowd, head to dad's study

which now Mom's

Me: Ngilalele( I'm listening)

Him: Huh?

Me: You always wanted a chance to "explain" this is it

Him: Oh... I.. I... Well I also don't know what happened
that day...

Me: Oh

Him: Ngempela (really) Bhuti, one moment I was having

a glass of whiskey then the next it was whatever that
was happening...

Me: Do you really expect Me to believe that

Him: Yes cause it's the truth...

Me: Mxm.. you think I'm stupid huh?

Him: No Bhuti, I know you not.. yes I ended up marrying
her but it was because she was pregnant and mom told
me too or she won't provide




When we got inside the house, PK put Ano in bed and I

locked up then went up.

Him: I'm listening

Me: What are you listening?

Him: What are you so angry about? What danger could

our unborn be in?
Me: I told I wanted you to talk to me first and you
know that not everyone cherish your happiness with you
and people tend to practice witchcraft

Him: So you mean to tell me that someone in MY family

can bewitch us just out of spite

Me: Exactly

Him: Wow...

He took a pillow and went to sleep in the couch

Me: Mangethe what are you doing?

Him: Sleeping, Goodnight Namhla...

Wow okay, then I have to break all the news to him,

how the hell will he believe me.

Morning came and I woke to my lonely bed, PK wasn't in

the couch so I thought he went jogging.

I went downstairs to make breakfast after washing my

face, minutes later he got in

Him: Hi

Then he opened the fridge for some bottled water

Me: Morning...
Silence, silence and silence

Me: Mangethe


Me: I'm sorry about what I said, I didn't mean the way
it sounded

Him: Okay

Me: Please forgive me

Him: Okay


Me: Ano and I are going to visit my dad later on, and
Zubenathi asked me to join her family for dinner so..

Him: I would be spending the day with my brothers

Okay, Namhla shut up


After separating the beautiful Zubenathi I walked to

my car where my friends were
Musa: You have been gone for decades

Me: Fuseg wena says who??

Him: Says me duhh

He said rolling his eyes

Me: Dude that's so gayish

Him: Maybe I am, plus I have had my eyes on you since

the day we met my love

Me: Aii Voetsak marn

Sphiwo: We might think his playing but the heart wants

what it wants..

He said laughing

Musa: Aii wena I'm not a moffie

Sphiwo: If you say so

Me: Well I'm very much straight ngithanda ingquza

mina mfethu ayi imbobo yokuhuda( I love pu**y bra not
a hole for pooping)

I said hitting the engine.. you must be wondering who I

am well I am Nkanyezi Luthuli aged 25, I am the son of
Nomfundo Jacobs and Brian Luthuli, well as you can see
they are not married but that's not important. The
drive to Alberton was long cause I was bit tired, we
coming from a great party in Heidelberg...

Musa: I'm crashing at your place tonight

I heard him but I didn't hear him, I mean my mind was

occupied with Zubenathi, I know I saw her for a second
but she's beautiful.

Musa: Ngikhuluma nawe NK( I'm talking to you NK)

Me: What?

Him: I said I'm crushing at your place tonight

Me: Oh okay akunajaivi( there is no problem) as long as

you will stay away from my butts

Laugher escalated

Finally we got to my flat well after dropping Sphiwo


Me: You take the couch ain't giving up my bed

Musa: It's cool

I went to my room took a shower then got into my PJs.

I browsed through Facebook checking highlights, then
it me that Zubenathi told me her surname too so I
searched her...

Me: Finally

I said after about 10 minutes of searching, I looked at

her beautiful pictures... My phone rang as scrolling




The day went on pretty fast and it was now dinner time.
The door bell rang

Me: Aya you behave yourself

I said going to open the door for Namhla cause I knew

it was her.

Me: Babe, how are you?... Please come on in

Her: I'm okay and you babe...

We hugged after she got inside the house

Me: N meet my dad Langelihle, my little brother Mnqobi

and that is Ayabongwa the first born... Everyone this
my friend Namhla Zulu-Zwane

She greeted everyone and when Aya Shaked her hand

it lasted longer than expected because of my idiotic

Him: It's pleasure to meet you MaZulu

Me: Aya

Him: Huh?

He said not letting Namhla's hand go, my poor friend

was so uncomfortable

Me: You can let go of her hand now

Him: Ohhhh sorry

Namhla: It's okay

She said smiling

Dad: Siyakwamukela kwaNtshangase khululeka nje

MaZulu (We welcome you in the Ntshangase household
feel free MaZulu)

Her: Ngiyabonga baba( Thank you)

Me: Dinner is ready, we can all be seated

They all came to the table and we sat down.

Aya: So you really Zuzu's friend??

Her: Yes I am

Me: Yes she is, she is my so married friend

Him: I heard that before

He said bored

Dad: Ain't you too young to be married?

Me: Dad!!

Her: No it's okay, I think I am but It something I has

to do baba

Dad nodded

Her: Mnqobi I hear you in matric... What subject do you


Mnqobi: Physical science and pure maths

Her: Way to go

She said offering him a high five

Which Mnqobi gladly responded too while smiling, it was

good to see smile.

Her: You...

Before she said anything else she started holding her

head like she's in pain

Me: Babe are you okay?

Her: Yes I am

Aya: Are you sure?

She nodded but her nod was cut by a scream and it was
visible to me that what happened that day was
happening again cause she closed her eyes and opened
them again

Her: You need to let go of the anger...

She said looking at Aya

Her: Your mother is not at peace..

Aya: Aii yini manje Zubenathi, why ungazange usho

ukuthi umngani wakho uno1 ( what now Zubenathi? Why
didn't you say that your friend is crazy)

Me: She's not crazy, she just seems things...

We were whispering

Her: Ulaka lwakho ulibhekise kumuntu owrong(You have

placed your anger in the wrong person)... Your mother
wasn't killed by anyone, she had served her purpose....

Him: Why is she busy talking about my mother as if she

knows her...

Dad: Shut up Ayabongwa

He said angrily

Her: There is no peace in this house... Your wife is

disappointed in you Baba, she is disappointed in the way
you have let this go as if you also believe that you little
boy is to blame...

My dad looked down not knowing what to say, I went to

the kitchen to fetch her some water since she started
saying things we didn't understand
Me: Have some water

I said helping drink some water, but it became worse

Her: Phakamani... Phakamani...

She kept calling her husband's name.

Aya: Who is Phakamani now?

Me: Her husband

I think I saw him rolling his eyes

Me: you want me to call him

She didn't say anything but kept calling his name, until
she passed out. I took a wet cloth and placed it on her

Dad: I'm going to bed

He left us there

Mnqobi/Aya: Is she Okay?

Me: I think so!!!

Minutes later she finally woke up

Her: Oww ouch

She held her head

Me: Finally

Her: What happened?

Me: Uhmm you passed out

Her: Really

Me: Yeah...

Aya: You got us worried there for a second...

Her: I'm sorry...

Me: I'm just glad you okay

She looked at her watch

Her: I gotta get home

Me: Sure I will drive...

Aya: I will drive you

Me: No I will...

Aya: No dad said you can't drive at night remember

Me: But she's my friend not yours...

Aya: I'm allowed to drive anytime and you not

Me: Mxm, Is it okay Babe?

Her: Yeah it's cool

She took her jacket and bag, and bid farewell to


Her: It was good seeing you babe, I'm sorry I didn't

finish the food but it was amazing

Me: It's okay my love, be safe okay

Her: I'm sure your brother will make sure of that

She said laughing...

Me: Mxm don't tell me about that one...

She left after that I sighed, does dad blame Mnqobi

too seriously...


Phumlani: An't you going home

Me: Well I will just not now...




Things have been a bit sour this past two days. Mnqobi
demands to know whether Namhla was telling the truth

Mnqobi: Is it true dad do you also blame?

Dad: What? No...

Mnqobi: Why would sis Namhla say all things, I'm sure
as hell that Zuzu didn't say anything to

His tone wasn't pleasant

Dad: Don't raise your voice at me Nsizwa

Mnqobi: Ngiyaxolisa kodwa ngidinga ukwazi iqiniso ( i

apologize but I need to know the truth), Do you blame

He yelled

Dad: Your mother didn't want to have another child but

I insisted okay so I blame myself




They were both shouting at each other

Me: Can You Just Shut It... The both of you assemblief

They both looked at me and Mnqobi ran to his room

Me: Really Baba

Him: Don't Nkosazana...

He gave a hand, I just went upstairs to check on

Mnqobi. I got to his room and knocked but he didn't

Me: Mnqobi can I come in?


Me: Mnqobi...
Silence, I just got in and there he was lying in his bed
and a bottle of pills next to him

Me: No no no Mnqobi, Baba... Mnqobi what did you do?

I screamed as tears made their way out he came

rushing followed by Aya

Aya: What the hell? Mnqobi ..

He rushed to him

Me: Move away from him, this is your fault

I said through my tears

Me: Dad don't just stand there do something...

Aya: Zuzu we gotta try draining the pills ourselves first

He said rushing to the jug with water and made him

drink them since he still had a pulse then carried him to
the bathroom and slapped his back so he could vomit
the pills. When Mnqobi started coughing Aya carried
him to car, dad drove us to hospital

Me: How could you do this to me Mnqobi?

I brushed his head

Aya: His gonna be fine

Me: This all your fault...

We got to hospital and Mnqobi was attended to

Later on the doctor came to notify us that the pills

were successfully drained out of his system and that he
will have to stay over night.

Me: Can we see him?

Doc: He needs to rest so I suggest you guys go home

and rest too

I nodded

We drove back home in silence. When we got there I

put my phone on the kitchen counter sat on in high
chair trying to digest what just happened.


Zubenathi forgot her phone on the kitchen counter, and

went to her room. Aya got in and noticed it and took it
with him upstairs on his way he got a thought he opened
it went to contacts and searched for Namhla's digits,
After that he went to knock on Zubenathi's door

Aya: Can I come in?

Zuzu: Leave me alone Ayabongwa...

Aya: You forgot your phone downstairs sis, I'm here to

give it to

Zuzu sighed and went to open

Zuzu: Thank you

She said snatching it from his hand and tried to close

the door but Aya put his feet

Aya: I'm sorry

Zuzu: You apologizing to the wrong person.

She going back to her bed and Aya got in

Aya: And I will apologize to him too but for now you

Zuzu: Apology accepted now leave my room.

Aya: Sis, I'm sorry hle... I know I was a jerk. I know it

wasn't his fault, i don't know maybe it was my way of
Zuzu: Way of grieving? Have you ever took a second to
think how Mnqobi was suffering huh? I mean you were
privileged enough to see her, to feel her touch and he
didn't. He only knows her from how we describe her
and her pics Don't you think that is torture for him?

Aya: I know that...

Zuzu: No You don't cause you an ass Phuma enkameren

lam Ayabongwa (get out of my room)

Aya sighed and got out...


I received a text from a number I don't know I don't

know and also one from Zubenathi telling me that
Mnqobi was in hospital he overdoze on pills

Number: You not gonna greet me back

It was another text on WhatsApp, I saved it out of

curiousity and viewed the profile picture and it was Aya

Me: Aya hi
Him: You saved the number first right?

Me: Obviously, how did you get my number cause I'm

sure as hell that Zuzu didn't give it to you...

Him: I have my ways

I went off so I could call Zuzu

Her: Babe

Me: Are you okay?

Her: I'm trying...

Me: Don't worry his gonna be fine...

Her: If you say so I trust you...





Will you believe if I told you that my dad is happy that

I'm pregnant. Recently I have been having dizzy spells
out of blue, this past two days I get angry over little
things really like I almost beat Ano over laughing... A
month later I am 4 months pregnant and guess what I
have received my results and I can now say I have

PK: Good morning Mumu

Me: Morning Mangethe

Him: Slept well?

Me: Yeah you?

We were in the bathroom I was brushing my teeth and

he was Just standing there with his hands in his

Him: I did... How's my champ?

Me: His alive in my tummy

He laughed

Him: Mumu??

Me: Yes Mangethe

Him: Ngiyakuthanda yezwa ( I love you)

Me: I love you too

Him: I'm sorry for making you angry yesterday

Well he brought up my mom and I just lost it.

Me: It's okay I'm sorry I acted like a hooligan too

I went back to our room..

Him: It's the hormones so I understand.

I smiled at him

Me: Thank you, how about we spend the day in doors


Him: Sounds like a plan... Let me go check on Ano

Me: Okay love

My phone rang and it was Aya.

Me: Aya hi
Him: Are you playing hide and seek with me?...

Me: Of course not why would I do that?

Him: Angazi maybe ilesinayi sakho either udlalele kude

nami( I don't know maybe it's that idiot of yours that
said stay away from me)

I have been avoiding him cause I can see his interested

in me and Phakamani would flip.

Me: First his not an idiot you are never gonna

disrespect him like that, and no he has nothing to do
with me being not available.

Him: If you say so? Can I take you out tomorrow?

Me: Aya I'm married

Him: So married women don't eat?

Me: They do but...

Him: We going out tomorrow Mrs him well for now

See what I mean...


John: Nosiphiwe, we don't have much time things are

messy right now, didn't hear what Mfanimpela said...
The crobs have burned down...


John: Well what are we going to do?

Agatha: I said I'm working on it... I AM WORKING ON


John: While you working on it I will be confessing..

Agatha: What? John Zwane you are gonna do no such

John: Watch me

He said getting out of the study, Agatha followed him

trying to stop him.

Agatha: John come on you can't do this

She trying to pull him back to the study but he was

hearing none of it. They were now arguing on the stairs
and John turned

Agatha: I'm sorry I can't let you do that

She pushed him from the back and he rolled down till
the end then his head hit the corner of a stair, he
just laid there on his pool of blood

Agatha ran down the stairs while in tears.

Agatha: See what you made me do

She touched his wrist to feel his pulse but there was

Agatha ran upstairs to fetch her phone, while in tears

she dialed a certain number

Agatha: Get here now...

She hung up after that, a knock came through the door.

She rushed

Spina: Sengikhona Ndlovukazi( I'm here)

Agatha: We don't have much time, I need you to help

me get rid of this right now

Spina: Ndlovukazi uyacava ukuthi ngisebenza kanjani


Agatha: Nkanyiso there is no time for games right now,

my daughter is on her way from and she can't see this
I promise I will pay you back every cent after
As they were wrapping up the body and trying to clean
up, Thuli was recording everything since they didn't
even know that she was there.

Londeka: Mama what's going on here?

She said coming from the garage door since she had
borrowed Sbongile's car.

Agatha: Lolo babe what are you doing here...

She said in a panicking mode

Londeka: Mama is that Babomncane? What did you do?

Agatha: It's not what you think baby, it was all an

accident I promise

Londeka: Then why is he wrapped in a blanket? we

have to call the cops and the ambulance...

Agatha: No no no baby we can't

Spina: Magogo I don't have time for this siyayichuna

ding dang or ngivaye(are we doing this or should I

Agatha: No no we doing this...

Londeka: Mama
She said looking at her in disbelief.

Agatha: Listen my baby( she held her cheeks)if we call

the cops now I will get arrested do you want me to
spend my last old days in jail? Who will take care of
you? I'm sorry you had to see this okay I really am

Londeka: This is wrong in so many levels Mama, I don't

wanna get involved in all this...

She said while shaking and looking her uncle's body

Agatha: You have to be involved, you can just pretend

that you didn't see any of this okay...

Londeka nodded

Agatha: Go to your room and lock okay

She said still holding Londeka's cheeks while Londeka

was just nodding. She ran to her room and locked threw
herself into her bed.


Musa: How long will you stalk the poor girl?

Me: Until I get the courage to face her...

Him: It's been a month already ndoda

Me: Your point?

Him: The poor girl has been receiving nothing but

flowers from a "stranger" you should stop acting like a
pussy and show her who the flowers come from.

Me: I don't know man, maybe it's best to leave her in

peace. Mom has met Mandy

Yes she did and she liked her.

Him: So? Don't tell me you date to please I oleydi lakho

manje( your mom/ old lady now)

Me: Of course not but what if things don't work out

between us, what if she rejects me

Him: Then you take it as a man dude...

He started laughing

Me: What's so funny?

Him: Just that I never thought I will see the day where
you a whole you being afraid to ask a girl out

Me: Mxm you an idiot

I threw a pillow at him

Him: Show yourself dude

My phone disturbed me from responding and it was my


Me: Mama

Her: Hey baby How are you?

Me: Mama I'm not a baby anymore...

Her: But you are my baby wena Nkanyezi don't get

smart with... So how is my daughter in law?

See what I meant... I'm sure she's already planning our

wedding day

Me: She's fine ma

Her: When are visiting me wena ngane(child)?

Me: I'm coming tomorrow mama

Her: Good cause I miss you and your uncle misses you

Me: Well I will see you guys tomorrow, I have to go now

Her: I'm the one who called the

Me: And the one who has to go to work ma

Her: Okay fine bye

I hung up, I got up closed my laptop and went to the

kitchen to make myself a sandwich, it's actually my off
day today.


Things are a bit okay now at home, Mnqobi got out of

hospital after a week and Aya apologized. Mnqobi is
spending this year at KZN, with dad's family because
he needed some time out. Well his doing his matric.

I have been receiving flowers every morning since

December now, at first I thought it was cute but now
it's boring cause I don't know who's sending them my
dad has even tried to send them back cause he thinks
I'm in danger, he even put a tracker on my car and
phone just in case.

The bell rang and i looked at the time and it was

flowers time I went to open and found the delivery guy
at the door with no flowers but a nicely wrapped box

Him: Good morning ma'am it's a delivery for Ms Z


Me: That's me and morning

Him: Please sign here for me

Me: Sure

I signed and he left

I took the box went to sit down so I could open it

Aya: What's this?

He said coming from his morning jog

Me: That's what I'm trying to find out

I finished unwrapping the box

Him: Really??

He said as I took out a packet of lays

Him: Who send a packet of lays like a fancy gift...

I took out the card

"Have lunch with me tomorrow" that's all it said, I
found myself smiling thinking of Nkanyezi.

Him: Who is it from?

Me: None of your business big bro

I took everything the box, the Lays and the card head
upstair, got to my room and immediately called Namhla
then Zandi for a conference call, well I met Zandi
through Namhla and she's so cool

Me: I think I know who my admirer is?

I said just after Zandi picked up

Zandi: Who???

She asked loudly being herself

Namhla: Talk ntombo

She said laughing

Me: Nkanyezi

Them: No way?

Zandi: What? What happened? Has he contacted you

Me: No but today I didn't get any flowers just a packet
of lays and a note saying have lunch with me tomorrow,
it can only be him

Namhla: Finally




Spina put John's lifeless body on the car seat on the

drivers as they reached the cliff, he made sure to wipe
his fingerprints off the car and since John's car was an
automatic it was easy for him to set it off and it went
off the cliff.

Spina: Ngilindele amaphepha emoore aphelele( I'm

expecting my money in the money, the full amount)
Agatha: Thanks you did good

Spina: I always do my best

They got inside Agatha's car car and Agatha drove off,
Thuli also got in his car leaving the crime scene after
recording everything.

Later on the Zwane maids were busy serving the family

dinner, but Londeka wasnt there. She couldn't really
digest or believe what she saw.

Aphiwe: Mavis please call MaLondi

Agatha: No don't call she's studying for a test

Aphiwe: Oh okay...

They had their dinner in silence. After dinner Agatha

went upstairs with Londeka's plate, she knocked but
Londeka didn't respond so she just let herself in

Agatha: Londeka baby

Londeka: Go away..

Agatha: Baby I know what you is...

Londeka: Is total evilness and plain cruelty

Agatha: Londeka...
Londeka: What did you do to his body, did you bury it in
some shallow grave...

Agatha slapped her so hard that her head turned to

face right

Agatha: I'm still your mother, you gonna show me some

respect. It was an accident okay? And no we didn't
bury his body, he will be found, he will have a decent

Londeka: Does that make you feel better, does it ease

your conscious

Agatha: Don't talk to me like that, I will organise

therapy for you. You better keep your mouth shut or
else we will both go to jail

She said walking out

Londeka: Wow

She said not believing that this woman is actually her



Namhla, Ano and I had an awesome day together in

doors yesterday but today it's back to work, it's pecks
of being the boss.

Later on it was knock off time and I was all packed up,
well I was already on my home. My phone rang and I
answered since it was connected to Bluetooth

Me: Mumu

Her: Mangethe, how far are you from home?

Me: Uhmm an hour away I think

Her: There are cops waiting for you here...

Me: What do they want?

Her: Just hurry back... It's best you find out when you

She hung up after that, I hit the accelerator rushing to

find out what's going on...

I finally got home and parked my car on road since the

police vehicle was parked in the gate I rushed inside

Me: Namhla, Mumu...

I shouted as I got Inside the house

Her: We in the lounge

I got in

Me: Sanibonani(greetings)Officers I hear you here for


Officer 1: Good day sir, I'm detective Sibiya and this is

my colleague detective Sebiloane.. Mr Zwane we have a
reason to believe that you are related to a John Zwane
is that correct?

Me: Yes his my uncle, why is my relation with him so


Sibiya: Well we are sad to notify you that Mr John

Zwane has passed on, he committed suicide last night...

Me: What??? What are you talking about?

Sibiya: Well a homeless man found him in his car today,

it seemed like he driven over a cliff...

Me: Wow...

Him: Our sincere condolences to you and your family..

We will keep in touch...
After that Namhla walked them out

Me: How did this happen?

I asked to a no body

Namhla: Are you okay?

She asked Clearly concerned

Me: I don't know Mumu, I have to let the family know...

I have to go

I have lot of questions and I know I won't get answers

to cause Babomncane is gone. Why would he do this...

Her: Should I go with you?

Me: No you relax I will be fine Mumu...

She nodded but still concerned, I took my phone called


Me: Meet me at home right away ndoda.

Him: Why? Are you okay?

I sighed

Me: Just get home and call Muzi and Mzwa too

I had no energy to make calls... I drove home knocked

got in before they could say come

Mama: Phakamani ubekwayini la ngaskhathisini( what

brings you here at this time ) shouldn't you be at home

Before I could respond my brothers got in

Ma: My son's you all here

Phumlani: PK ndoda what's going on you didn't sound

okay on the phone?

Me: Can all please sit down?

Ma: What's going on?

Mzwa: My question exactly Bafo

Me: Ubabomncane...

I looked

Phumlani: I'm sure his on his way...

Me: No his not... Ubabomncane akasekho( Uncle is no


Everyone: What??

You could clearly see the shock on their faces

Sbongile: What happened?

Me: Suicide, apparently he driven himself over a cliff

Londeka: Wow

She looked at mom then stood up and left the table.

Mzwa: That's bull

Me: That's what the cops said to me.

We continued to talk and already planned how the

funeral will take place...


I am on my way home but the whole point of going home

is to reveal myself to Zubenathi. I must say I'm

I got home knocked and came without being told

Me: Maaa


Me: Mama

Her: I'm in the kitchen

I put my bag on table near the door and made my way
to kitchen

Her: You home finally my baby oh i missed you

She hugging me and pinching my cheek

Me: Ma I'm not a kid anymore, you can do that to JJ

That would be my eleven years old brother

Her: Don't test me Nkanyezi

Me: How am I testing you?

Her: You know you will also be a baby to me even if you

hundred years old

Me: I know but you should stop doing all this weird
things to me they kill my Vibe

Her: Nyil my nywab se foot marn

I laughed taking my bag upstairs

Her: Your uncle will be here in a minute together with

your father

Me: Okay

I went upstairs, my real father I call him dad and

James is Father. I got to my room put my bag on top of
the bed and went to shower after showering I got
dressed for my date with Zubenathi, I went back
downstairs but that's because I'm heading out

Me: Hey guys bye guys

I said as I found my uncle and James in the lounge

Uncle: Hey hang on when did you get here?

Me: 30 minutes ago

James: Yet you already heading out

Me: I will see you guys when I get back I really have to

Uncle Vumani: Uya esketini ke wena ujahe so( You going

to a girl that's why you so in hurry)

I just laughed and left, an hour later I was parked few

houses away from Zubenathi's house, I had asked my
friend to make a delivery when I left the house so I
saw a delivery guy going inside her yard... After a few
minutes he got out which meant Zubenathi was to follow
at any moment. Minutes later she appeared looking
around and I waved my hand at her to show her thats


Me: The note said lunch and it's way past lunch now,
what if his not coming

Namhla: Don't be silly, his coming it's still early hau

Zandile: Drink a chill pill babe his coming...

Just after she said, well we were on a conference video

call, a knock came through

Me: There is a knock on the door

Zee: Go check

Me: Don't hung up you guys

I went to open the door and found a delivery guy

Me: Hi, I said looking around

Him: Hey, Miss Z Ntshangase




Aunt Zethu: Phakamani how's your wife?

She asked watching slaughter the cow

Bheki: Mama why are here instead of helping in the


We laughed

Her: Aii Bhekumuzi I'm tired I need rest...

Me: You can ask her yourself aunty she's in the house.

Her: I'm not going in that house, your mother

suffocating me. She's acting like John's wife
Bheki: She knows him better than you mama now can
you give us space please

She just clicked her tongue and left us alone.

Bheki: Yabo if Namhla is anything like my mom

usenkingeni boss( You in trouble)

Me: My wife isn't like that yhoo... Just that this

pregnancy is making her crazy yhoo. She gets angry
over little things mfethu

Phumlani: That's not good...

Me: We always at each others throats cause everything

has now turned to be her way or the high way

We continued to chat while working, after we got done.


I was busy doing the the dishes and I heard Agatha

calling me.

Me: Ma

I didn't want to sound disrespectful so I had to call

Her ma even though I don't want to. I went to her

Her: I have been calling you since forever are you dead

Me: No I'm just busy, how can I help you?

Her: You were busy doing what? Signing other

contracts to serve

Me: Excuse me!!

Her: We both know how you operate, isn't that's how

you married my son at the first place

Helang is this woman for real

Me: Ma why did you call me here?

Her: Where did you say your mother? Ahh I remember

she left you and your broke useless father to marry a

I found myself slapping the shit out of her, and she

screamed so loud that everyone came

Me: How dare you?

Her: How dare me? How dare slap me wena

Ntombazane( you little girl)

PK: What? Namhla, you did what?

Her: She slapped me, Phakamani

She said holding on to to her cheek, dramatically so!!

PK: Namhla!!!

Me: She provoked me Mangethe...

Her: You lying you just went all crazy on me...

PK: Namhla, you hit my mother

Me: She provoked me

PK: She provoked you? How? And does that really

justify hitting her, she's my mother...

Me: She's not your mother...

I shouted

Him: What do you mean she's not my mother, have you

gone crazy, haven't you seen the family pics...

Her: I told you she was nuts and a trouble maker you
didn't listen

Me: shut up you witch

Him: That's it I'm calling the psychiatric hospital

Me: I am not crazy okay... She's a witch and she's...

Her: You crazy... You said I'm not his mother now I am

Me: Phumlani

I found myself calling for him

Lani: Yini(What)?

Me: I'm not crazy.. please. Believe me I'm not crazy,

This is Nosiphiwe...

Zethu: Aibo Phakamani you married a mad woman?

UNosiphiwe kade washona nje( Nosiphiwe long died)

After that corrosion finally the Doctor from the

psychiatric hospital came with two securities or

Me: I'm not crazy, Phakamani... Your mother died while

giving birth to Mzwa she visits me, she's not resting in

I literally cried, and I was kicking so much that

someone would think that I'm not pregnant. They
injected me with something and I became unconscious


Everyone was surprised about what just happened,

Phakamani just walked to his room. Agatha smiled as
Everything played out as she wanted to

Her: And checkmate

She picked her phone up and dialed a number

Her: Hijack that ambulance... Don't hurt the girl just

take her somewhere...

Spina: Yizo boss lady

They hung up after that...


Me: Where did you know where I live?

Him: i asked a friend to find out, honestly I had been

stalking you from Facebook. Igwababa belisho( nerves
were doing the most)

Me: You were nervous to approach me?

I said laughing not believing a word his saying...

Him: Don't laugh, I seriously was nervous

We chatted a lot, got to know each other nje it was


Me: I had fun today thank you

He was driving me back home

Him: I had fun too, thank You for agreeing to go out

with me.. Listen MaNtshangase, you have taken my
heart to new heights... If it's okay with can we please
give a try whatever is going on here?

I blushed

Me: Okay

Him: Really??

He said biting his lower lip, we were now parked few

houses away home and it was around six...

Me: Really..
I said smiling... And before I knew it our lips were
touching, he had turned my face to him.

Him: Okay.. geez woman you can kiss...

I blushed

Me: I got to go I'm sure daddy dearest is worried.

Him: Okay then guess I will see you soon.

We kissed one more time and we both got out of the

car, we shared a long hug.

Him: Go inside I'm watching you

I walked inside the yard and he drove past, I found

myself smiling then going inside.

An insert babies


Bonisiwe KaSam Ngcobo

Why PK didn't lesson to Namhla because she knows

that she see and talk to people who living in after life
but one day he will remember her💔😢

· Reply · 17 w

Namhla: The Paid Wife

t1lhliSp2f onsorgMeaiyd ·




Spina put John's lifeless body on the car seat on the

drivers as they reached the cliff, he made sure to wipe
his fingerprints off the car and since John's car was an
automatic it was easy for him to set it off and it went
off the cliff.

Spina: Ngilindele amaphepha emoore aphelele( I'm

expecting my money in the money, the full amount)
Agatha: Thanks you did good

Spina: I always do my best

They got inside Agatha's car car and Agatha drove off,
Thuli also got in his car leaving the crime scene after
recording everything.

Later on the Zwane maids were busy serving the family

dinner, but Londeka wasnt there. She couldn't really
digest or believe what she saw.

Aphiwe: Mavis please call MaLondi

Agatha: No don't call she's studying for a test

Aphiwe: Oh okay...

They had their dinner in silence. After dinner Agatha

went upstairs with Londeka's plate, she knocked but
Londeka didn't respond so she just let herself in

Agatha: Londeka baby

Londeka: Go away..

Agatha: Baby I know what you is...

Londeka: Is total evilness and plain cruelty

Agatha: Londeka...
Londeka: What did you do to his body, did you bury it in
some shallow grave...

Agatha slapped her so hard that her head turned to

face right

Agatha: I'm still your mother, you gonna show me some

respect. It was an accident okay? And no we didn't
bury his body, he will be found, he will have a decent

Londeka: Does that make you feel better, does it ease

your conscious

Agatha: Don't talk to me like that, I will organise

therapy for you. You better keep your mouth shut or
else we will both go to jail

She said walking out

Londeka: Wow

She said not believing that this woman is actually her



Namhla, Ano and I had an awesome day together in

doors yesterday but today it's back to work, it's pecks
of being the boss.

Later on it was knock off time and I was all packed up,
well I was already on my home. My phone rang and I
answered since it was connected to Bluetooth

Me: Mumu

Her: Mangethe, how far are you from home?

Me: Uhmm an hour away I think

Her: There are cops waiting for you here...

Me: What do they want?

Her: Just hurry back... It's best you find out when you

She hung up after that, I hit the accelerator rushing to

find out what's going on...

I finally got home and parked my car on road since the

police vehicle was parked in the gate I rushed inside

Me: Namhla, Mumu...

I shouted as I got Inside the house

Her: We in the lounge

I got in

Me: Sanibonani(greetings)Officers I hear you here for


Officer 1: Good day sir, I'm detective Sibiya and this is

my colleague detective Sebiloane.. Mr Zwane we have a
reason to believe that you are related to a John Zwane
is that correct?

Me: Yes his my uncle, why is my relation with him so


Sibiya: Well we are sad to notify you that Mr John

Zwane has passed on, he committed suicide last night...

Me: What??? What are you talking about?

Sibiya: Well a homeless man found him in his car today,

it seemed like he driven over a cliff...

Me: Wow...

Him: Our sincere condolences to you and your family..

We will keep in touch...
After that Namhla walked them out

Me: How did this happen?

I asked to a no body

Namhla: Are you okay?

She asked Clearly concerned

Me: I don't know Mumu, I have to let the family know...

I have to go

I have lot of questions and I know I won't get answers

to cause Babomncane is gone. Why would he do this...

Her: Should I go with you?

Me: No you relax I will be fine Mumu...

She nodded but still concerned, I took my phone called


Me: Meet me at home right away ndoda.

Him: Why? Are you okay?

I sighed

Me: Just get home and call Muzi and Mzwa too

I had no energy to make calls... I drove home knocked

got in before they could say come

Mama: Phakamani ubekwayini la ngaskhathisini( what

brings you here at this time ) shouldn't you be at home

Before I could respond my brothers got in

Ma: My son's you all here

Phumlani: PK ndoda what's going on you didn't sound

okay on the phone?

Me: Can all please sit down?

Ma: What's going on?

Mzwa: My question exactly Bafo

Me: Ubabomncane...

I looked

Phumlani: I'm sure his on his way...

Me: No his not... Ubabomncane akasekho( Uncle is no


Everyone: What??

You could clearly see the shock on their faces

Sbongile: What happened?

Me: Suicide, apparently he driven himself over a cliff

Londeka: Wow

She looked at mom then stood up and left the table.

Mzwa: That's bull

Me: That's what the cops said to me.

We continued to talk and already planned how the

funeral will take place...


I am on my way home but the whole point of going home

is to reveal myself to Zubenathi. I must say I'm

I got home knocked and came without being told

Me: Maaa


Me: Mama

Her: I'm in the kitchen

I put my bag on table near the door and made my way
to kitchen

Her: You home finally my baby oh i missed you

She hugging me and pinching my cheek

Me: Ma I'm not a kid anymore, you can do that to JJ

That would be my eleven years old brother

Her: Don't test me Nkanyezi

Me: How am I testing you?

Her: You know you will also be a baby to me even if you

hundred years old

Me: I know but you should stop doing all this weird
things to me they kill my Vibe

Her: Nyil my nywab se foot marn

I laughed taking my bag upstairs

Her: Your uncle will be here in a minute together with

your father

Me: Okay

I went upstairs, my real father I call him dad and

James is Father. I got to my room put my bag on top of
the bed and went to shower after showering I got
dressed for my date with Zubenathi, I went back
downstairs but that's because I'm heading out

Me: Hey guys bye guys

I said as I found my uncle and James in the lounge

Uncle: Hey hang on when did you get here?

Me: 30 minutes ago

James: Yet you already heading out

Me: I will see you guys when I get back I really have to

Uncle Vumani: Uya esketini ke wena ujahe so( You going

to a girl that's why you so in hurry)

I just laughed and left, an hour later I was parked few

houses away from Zubenathi's house, I had asked my
friend to make a delivery when I left the house so I
saw a delivery guy going inside her yard... After a few
minutes he got out which meant Zubenathi was to follow
at any moment. Minutes later she appeared looking
around and I waved my hand at her to show her thats


Me: The note said lunch and it's way past lunch now,
what if his not coming

Namhla: Don't be silly, his coming it's still early hau

Zandile: Drink a chill pill babe his coming...

Just after she said, well we were on a conference video

call, a knock came through

Me: There is a knock on the door

Zee: Go check

Me: Don't hung up you guys

I went to open the door and found a delivery guy

Me: Hi, I said looking around

Him: Hey, Miss Z Ntshangase

Me: That's me
Him: Please sign here for me

I signed and he left, it was another bunch of flowers. I

opened the card...

Me: He's here he's

I screamed I heard my bitvhes laugh, I went back to

my laptop

Zee: We told you his coming

Me: How do I look?

I said busy fixing myself Infront of the laptop, they


Zee: Uyababa girl( you hot)

Namhla: You know you beautiful my love now go before

he thinks you not coming out and leave

Me: Yho bye guys... I love you mcwwa

We hung up after that... I took my bag and went out. I

looked around searching for him and I saw him wave at
me, I walked towards him

Me: Hi

I greeted when I reached him

Him: Hey, you look beautiful

Me: Thank you , you not bad yourself

Him: Shall we

Me: Yeah sure

He opened the passenger door for me then jogged to

his side got in

Him: I can't believe you agreed, what If I was a serial


Me: I knew it was you

He chuckled

Him: How?

Me: The lays

Him: I'm sorry my approach was a bit creepy




Mzwa: Phakamani needs come out his room, we have to

talk about what happened with sis N

Me: We have a lot of things to do, our uncle is dead and

waiting to be buried, any other shit that has happened
will dealt with after. I

Mom: I'm going to sort out catering for tomorrow

Me: Ma, can we talk?

Her: Not now baby I'm in a hurry, will talk when I come

She smiled and left

Phumlani: uRyt ndoda(Are you okay man)?

Me: Yeah I'm fine

Him: Really?.

Me: Phumlani Zwane ngithe ngilungile manje ongigexa

sketi( I said I'm fine now leave me alone)

I took my glass of whiskey went to my room

I don't know how I am, I just sent my pregnant wife

who has turned aggressively crazy in a looney bin and I
don't know whether my mother will ever forgive her


I woke up in a very dark room, the first thing I did was

to touch my tummy. I felt a sense of relief since it was
still there.

Me: Nurse

I shouted, the door opened and a man got in

Him: Uyarasa ( you making noise

He turned on the light, there is no way in hell this is a


Me: Where am I?

Voice: You in a lions den

That was definitely that witch

Me: You

Her: Yes darling me

Me: What do you want from me?

She laughed

Her: Well for one I want you to shut up, two I want
that thing you carrying

Me: You witch, you promised that master of yours my


Her: You are smart after all

Me: Do you think Phakamani won't notice that I'm not

at the hospital?

Her: Are you talking about the same Phakamani that

thinks you have gone crazy. The same that didn't
believe you when you said I wasn't his mother...

Me: Nosiphiwe please... I need to drink my vitamins..

She laughed

Her: Vitamins?? You mean the pills I have been feeding

Me: What are you talking about?

Her: Well darling, how do you explain your certain

changes of behaviour. You think it's just "hormones".
No darling I knew who you were right from the start
that were bringing me problems so I had to act...

Me: You witch

I said charging to her since she was far from me, guess
what she quickly got out.

I must have fallen asleep cause i was woken up by a loud

bang of the door opening

Guy: Dinner is served...

He said putting a tray of food in front of me

Me: I'm not hungry

Him: Yes I'm sure you not but the cargo you carrying is

My stomach started growling

Him: See I told you

I started taking small bites, this creepy fucker was

just watching me
Him: You beautiful

Me: Thanks...

He moved next to me and tried brushing my cheek

Me: What the hell?

Him: Feisty too

He brought his face close to mine, he actually tried to

kiss me..

Me: Dude what's up?

I said pushing him but he came with full force pinning

me to the bed, this can't be actually happening, am I
getting raped?

Me: Please don't...

I said in a shaky voice...

Him: Don't worry I won't do something you are not

used to

He was right on top of me I couldn't move, he

unbuckled his belt and took out very much black
uncircumcised ugly thing and pulled my skirt, well I was
a skirt because of the funeral. Tears steamed out but I
had no voice to scream, I started saying a very silent

Voice: What the hell do you think you doing?

He quickly got of me

Him: Spina Joe..

He didn't finish his sentence I heard a gunshot and

fell, the Spina guy came closer to him hit with two more
bullets I think. I was a wailing mess and my eyes were
closed, it became silent and I opened my eyes only to
be met by a lifeless body in a pool of blood

Me: God why did you allow me to be kidnapped?

I started wailing over again, four guys got in two

wrapped the body and took it out, one started

Spina: Ugrand?

He asked as if gives a two shits about me, I just


Cuddling myself, the food was scattered on the floor


Me: I can't believe she actually slapped her

Zandi: Trust me that I believe cause I also have been

wanting to do it, what I don't believe is Phakamanis'
reaction, to send her in a loony bin was just plain
extreme. I know that Namhla hasn't been herself this
days but that doesn't mean she's crazy.

Me: Yhoo babe, so when are we going to see her?

Her: I don't know babe, I'm a bit swamped because of

the funeral tomorrow and work but we have to go see
her soon, she needs our support..

Me: Yeah you right... She has been so supportive, I owe

her so much

Well we were on a call, I had called to give them update

on my date but Zandi dropped a bombshell on me...

Her: Any way how was your date with the mysterious

She said excitedly so, knowing her I just know she

making dramatic faces
Me: Well, it was perfect my friend... Nkanyezi is so

Her: Did you perhaps do something interesting?

I know what she means

Me; What no Zee but we definitely kissed...

I said blushing

Her: Uuhh at least that's something.... Is he a good


Me: His goood my friend, the way he took control on it

was such a turn on

She laughed so hard

Her: Wuu usemathandweni my love(you in love)

I blushed...

Her: Babe I have to go we will talk...

Me: Okay my love

We hung up...

Me: Poor Namhla

I said sighing
Voice: What's wrong with Namhla?

Me: Geez dude do you ever knock?

Aya: No now what's wrong with Namhla?

Me: Nothing you should worry yourself about...

Him: Come on Zuzu...

Me: No Ayabongwa, You promised to stay away from


Him: And I am, I'm just asking...

Me: Okay.. and I answered you.

Well my brother here wanted Namhla and Namhla told

him off, and she also told me to tell him to back off.




It's been week since the funeral took place, and since
Agatha took Namhla. Zandile and Zubenathi just left to
visit her in hospital

Zandi: So how are things between you and bae?

Zubenathi: Oh friend they are just awesome. I really

miss him you know

Zandile: But he has only been gone for three days

Zubenathi: I know but I really miss him

Zubenathi's phone rang and it was Nkanyezi

Zubenathi: Speak of an Angel... Hey babe

Zandi: Last time I checked it was of the devil

Meanwhile Phumlani is at Phakamanis' place trying to

talk some sense into his stubborn mind and heart.

Phumlani: The funeral passed a week ago Phakamani, you

gotta go check up on your wife. Zibuke ( look at

Phakamani: Phuma Kimi Phumlani( leave me alone

Phumlani) "look at yourself" For what? How are I am?

Phumlani: You a mess Bafo, You drink a lot...

Phumlani phone rang before he could finish his sentence

Phumlani: Mama

Zandile: Babe, we are in the psychiatric hospital were

Namhla is supposed to be but she is not here

Phumlani: What do you mean she's not there

Zandile: Maybe we at the wrong place, please ask

Phakamani for me, just to be sure...

She hung up after that...

Phakamani: Is everything okay?

Phumlani: Which hospital did you call for Namhla?

Phakamani: The Joburg Psychiatric Hospital, Mzizi is

the Superintendent there... Why do you ask? What's
going on?

Phumlani: Well Zandile and Zubenathi are there and

Namhla is not there...

Phakamani: What do you mean she's not there? Did she

escape? Where is she?

Phumlani: I didn't ask...

Phakamani: Then call her back and find out

Phumlani took his phone and dialed Zandiles' number

Zandile: Babe

Phumlani: Mama... Are you sure you in The Joburg

Psychiatric Hospital?

Zandile: Yes love, and they said they never had such
patient. Well there was a booking but she never came
so they thought everything was in check

Phumlani: What?

Phakamani: What is it? What is she saying?

Phumlani: Sthandwa Sami we will talk...

Phakamani: What's going on Phumlani?

He asked already panicking cause he could see it wasn't

good from Phumlani's face.
Phakamani: Phumlani???

Phumlani: Namhla never reached the hospital....

Phakamani: What?

Phumlani: The receptionist told them that she was

never there...

Phakamani: WHAT? Phumlani Tell me you joking?

Phumlani: I wish I was Bafo, You do realise what that




Phumlani: Don't shout at me I'm not Ano or the little

champ that's coming...

Phakamani: What have I done? Phumlani???

He said sinking down on the floor.

Phumlani: We got to go to the hospital and find out

what happened to the doctor and the paramedics...


I have been in this hell hole for a week now and I

haven't slept through out. I have been seeing that
guy's lifeless body and him on top of me. Ever prayed
and felt like your prayer isn't going anywhere. The door
opened and Spina, he has been serving me himself since
the almost rape thing.

Him: Good morning

Me: What's good about when I'm still stuck in here...

Spina: It's good because you still alive. Here is your


I swallowed hard

Me: Thanks

I started eating

Me: Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment...

Him: So??

Me: Can I at least go there, you can take me just see if

I behave...

Him; Nice try ain't gonna happen...

I sighed

Me: Please just let me go I promise I say anything to


Him: I'm sorry I can't

Me: You can't or you won't?

Him: Both... Bona Lana sphalaphala ngiyakena ukuthi

usejayvini kodwa ke( look here beautiful I know that
you in trouble but then) I can't help you

Me: I'm begging you, I have a daughter who is turning 8

years in a few days please i need to get out of here

Agatha: How cute you think you can get out of here,
well darling you not going anywhere until I get what I

Me: God why have you forsaken me, please father help

Her: Shut up

Me: I need your guidance Lord


She was scratching herself... Spina was kinda surprised

to what was going.





I was finally parked few houses away from Zubenathi's

house and I called her to come out, finally I saw her
making her way to me

Her: Really? You drove all this way because I'm sniffing

Me: No I drove all this way because I love you and you
are not okay

We were hugging, my Muntuza was really not okay

Me: So tell me happened?

She started narrating what happened and damn it really
didn't sit well, I just wonder what kind of husband is
the friend's husband, how can you not check up on your
wife for a whole week.

Me: Fuck that's hectic

Her: Yeah I know, I'm scared NK what if something

bad has happened to her

Me: Don't say that, I'm sure she's okay wherever she

I hugged her so tight

Me: Let's get inside the car before someone see's us.

Not because I'm hiding her but we in her

neighbourhood who knows who might just pass by, I
mean I'm not ready to die. We stayed in the car
cuddling and chating, well I was trying to cheer her up.

Me: Muntuza I have to go now it's late and I have to go

to work in the morning... But if you want me to stay I

Her: No it's okay, thank you for being here it really

made a difference
She said sitting up straight

Me: Just call if you need anything...

Her: I will

We shared a kiss after it I opened the door for her,

she got out and I also did, I watched her walk. I really
need to end things with Mandy.


Everyone was busy trying to figure out what happened

to Namhla in Zwane mansion. Agatha has just arrived
from the place where she's holding Namhla captive.

Agatha: What's going on?

She asked as she noticed the somber mood in the


Mzwa: Namhla is missing...

Agatha: What? How? Isn't she at the hospital?

She acted so surprised

Mzwa: She didn't make it to the hospital. Phakamani is
losing his mind ma.

Agatha: Oh my poor baby... Where is he?

Mzwa: At your study...

Agatha Walked upstairs to the study

Agatha: Oh my son...

She said opening her arms for him and Phakamani threw
himself in them

Phakamani: What if something happened to her mama?

Agatha: Don't say that baby, you gotta believe that

she's coming back and unharmed. Now tell what do you
have at the moment..

Phakamani: We just know that she never made it to the

hospital, and that the paramedics are also missing

Agatha: I'm sure something else will come to our

knowledge soon

After that fake pity and support Agatha went to her

room, she found Thuli sitting on her bed

Thuli: You are behind this ain't you?....

Agatha: How's that any of your business?

Thuli: It's not but I know you aunty...

Agatha: That's the problem you Think you know me

little girl, you think you have me where you want me but
you forgot one thing you my little dearest Thulile you
have been in this since the beginning, how do you think
Muzikayise is gonna react if he finds out that his little
innocent fiancée is not so innocent huh?

Thulile swallowed hard

Agatha: I thought as much, so make sure you keep that

little mouth of yours shut or else I will take you down
with me.. Now get the hell out of my room...

Thuli stood up shaked her ass out but she was a bit
embarrassed and shaken since she knows that Muzi
could kill her if he finds out that she was skimming
behind his back. Right after she got out Londeka got in

Londeka: Are you behind this mama?

Agatha: What?


Agatha: Ungalinge ungiphakamisele iphimbo ngisese

unyoko( don't you dare raise your voice at me I'm still
your mother) and to answer your question no I had
nothing to do with this

Londeka: I really hope so mama

She went out after that, Agatha took a deep sigh and
released. After an hour or so she got out of her room
and head out again


Me: Sure mjita I need your help...

Him: That can't good...

Me: Nkululeko ndoda I don't have time for games...

Him: Ohhhkay what's up?

Me: I'm sending you a picture right now and I want you
to help me find that person...

Him: Okay, send all the details..

Me: Thanks Ntwana

I hung up after that, no I'm not involved in a gang or
something but me and my friends know a thing or about
the works of the underground world.


Me: You working for someone but you don't know her

Spina: Imali Imali queen( money is money queen)

Me: Do you know why I'm here?

Him: Because the queen mother wants a random from

your husband

Me: Wow, is that what she told you?

Him: Is there other reason...

Me: She wants to sacrifice my baby for wealth...

His eyes popped, his phone rang and he ignored it but it

rang again

Him: Queen mother

Him: Akuyona into besivumelene leyo( that isn't what
we agreed on)


Him: Sure ngiyeza( I'm coming )

He stood up and left after that


A knock came through and it Namhla's dad

Me: Baba please come on in

Him: Where is my daughter?

He asked so calmly but yet scary

Me: We still looking for her Baba

Him: Where are you looking for her cause here you are
right in front of me

I didn't know how to respond

Him: I trusted you with my precious cargo and you lost

it Zwane...
Me: And I will find her Baba, Where is Ano?..

Him: Umsaphi ufuna ukumlahla naye ( What you gonna

do with her, you want to lose her too)

Yhoo, well Ano Thinks her mom is really sick and in a


Him: She's with Zubenathi

I nodded

A helper came to give him a drink.

Mzwa: PK we gotta talk...

Me: What is it?

Mzwa: It's about dad, but it can wait




Ayabongwa has just arrived at the Zwane mansion. He

knocked on the door Sbongile opened

Ayabongwa: I'm here for Phakamani...

Sbongile: And you are?

Ayabongwa: That's none of your business Sesi Is

Phakamani here or not?

Phakamani: And who are you?

He said as he came downstairs

Ayabongwa: Ayabongwa Ntshangase is the name, I'm

here about Namhla. I think I know where she is

Phakamani: And who are you to know about my wife's


Ayabongwa: Listen Ndoda if I had time to chit chat I

would have asked for coffee and sat down but I really
don't have that time... So Mr my wife do wanna find her
or not?, I'm not here because I need you but I know
that you worried

Phakamani: Fine, where is she?

Ayabongwa: We have to go now cause I'm not sure
what's going on

Phakamani: Phumlani

He shouted, and the brothers appeared from the


Phumlani: And who is this?

Phakamani: There is no time for intros but he claims to

know where Namhla is so we need to get going.

Phumlani: Well we ready

The brothers and

Ayabongwa head out and got inside a taxi, and drove to

where Ayabongwa directed them. After a while of
driving Mzwandile was finally parked in an abundant

Mzwa: Is this the place?

Ayabongwa: As far as I know... Let's get this over and

done with...

They all got out of the taxi

Mzwa: Ubani wena vele( Who are you really?)

Ayabongwa: Somebody who cares about Namhla

He said leading the way to the inside of the building.

Phumlani looked at Phakamani who was annoyed by those


The guys got in, looking around for something

suspicious. As they were about to search the whole

Mzwa: Seems like someone was here

He said picking up a very fresh eaten apple

Aya: Or Someone is here...

Before he could even swallow his word the was a gun

shot and they all looked for places to hide

Aya: Shit

He said touching his shoulder...

Spina: Nifunani yii(What are you here)?

Phakamani: Where is my wife wena sinayi(you idiot)?

Spina: Uringa ngani ( What are you talking about?)

Aya: Ukena kahle ukuthi siringa ngani wena

mambovumani( you know exactly what we talking

Gun shots started yet again, bullets were flying until

they heard Spina crying in agony. They got out of their
hiding places and went to him.

Phakamani: WHERE IS MY WIFE?

Spina couldn't answer cause he was choking from his

blood,he had three bullet holes on his chest.

Aya: She's clearly here so let's start searching...

He said finishing Spina off

Aya: That's for the scratch you put on my shoulder

He then spit on him..

The guys continued to search the building with no

hassles this time

Phakamani: What's that?

He said pointing to something that looked like a garage


Aya: There is one way to find out

He got closer to the door and tried to pull it up.



Me: What the hell???

I said as I saw Namhla surrounded by candles, I ran to


Me: Namhla baby..

I held her head up, her eyes were closed but she was
talking, shes just hallucinating

Her: Lord protect my son, fire... Nosiphiwe you won't

get away with this.

Me: Babe, what are you talking about?

Her: You might have killed the other babies and their
grandmother but you are not killing my son.

I tried to pick her up but she was so heavy

Ayabongwa: Let me help you

Me: Don't you have done enough, but you can call of my
brothers for me
Ayabongwa smiled and went out... The brothers came

Mzwa: And now?

He said kicking the candles.

Muzi: This shit looks like cult or whatsoever

He said looking around and he spotted a black scarf on

the floor since he was using his phone for more light

Me: Can one of you at least help me here....

Phumlani: Sure

We both lifted Namhla up headed to the taxi.

Ayabongwa: Found anyone else in there?.

Muzi: No but I found this...

He showed him the scarf.

Mzwa: I think I have seen that before...

Muzi: Where?

Mzwa: I don't know...

Me: Can we discuss that some other time right now

Namhla needs Medical attention
Mzwa: Sure Phumlani you drive

Aya: I don't mind driving

Phumlani: You heard him...

Mzwa tossed the keys to Aya and Aya smiled, he got to

the driver's seat after that he hit the engine off we

Mzwa: Geez marn are trying to get us killed, this is a

taxi not a sports car

Aya: Relax we almost there

He said so chilled...


Agatha: Dammit!!! I almost had that baby

Master: You don't listen code 11, I told you that child
was protected but you never listen do you. Do you know
the consequences of all this huh?

Agatha: Master we can still pull this through

Master: Shut up... You never listen and now I will also
have to suffer

Agatha: Wena ophezulu what do you mean?

Master: You don't get it do you, when you go down I

also go down. You think just because I'm above you I'm
above the entire oparation well I'm not... You need to
fix this I don't know how because you at the end right
now but find a way


The guys arrived at the hospital and they screamed for

help, the nurse came with a wheelchair.

Nurse: What's wrong?

Phakamani: We also don't know she's pregnant and she

has been talking to herself

Namhla was attended to by the doctors.

Ayabongwa: Will she be okay?

They were all pacing up and down, Phakamani looked at


Phakamani: We thank you for help but your presence is

no needed here

Aya just smiled

Aya: I'm not going anywhere without knowing that

Namhla is okay so Mr "my wife" you can save your

The others chuckled at the Mr "my wife" thing.

Phakamani went to stand right in front of Aya and they
played a staring content

Phumlani: Easy guys....

He pulled Aya away from Phakamani

Phumlani: Siyabonga ndoda( Thank you man) for helping

us but this is all awkward you know, we have never met
you then boom you rescue our Makoti....

Aya: I'm Ayabongwa Ntshangase, You know Zubenathi?

Phumlani nodded

Aya: Isuster lam( she's my sister)

Phumlani: Ohhhh you could have said that before

Aya: There was no time, speaking of Zuzu i have to tell
her what's going on...

He took out his phone and excused himself then went

to make a call

As Phakamani was seating in the benches an old woman

approached him and joined

Woman: She doesn't need western medicine

Phakamani: Excuse me

Woman: The battle she's fighting doesn't need


After that she left, the doctor appeared

Phakamani: Doc whats going on with my wife?.

Doc: Your wife is stable, she was fighting so we had to

stabilise her

Me: Is that okay for the baby!?

Doc: We promise that we won't do anything to harm the


He left after that


Me: Are you sure she's okay Aya?

Him: Sis we found and we in a hospital not just any

other Hospital but one of the best

To Be Continued






Me: Are you sure she's okay Aya?

Him: Sis we found and we in a hospital not just any

other Hospital but one of the best

Me: Can come and see her

Him: That would a waste sis cause Phakamani was just

with the doctor and they already leaving so I guess the
doctor advised them to leave.

Me: Okay, are you guys okay though?

Him: Yeah we are good... I have to go before they leave

me behind

Me: Okay will talk when you get here...

Him: Sure

We hung up after that...

Zandi: What did he say?

She asked with lots of concern

Me: They found her and they on their way back now

Her: Thank goodness

She said quite relieved

Her: Why Phumlani hasn't called me?

Me: I don't know babe but Aya said they all okay

Her: That's good babe I have to go I want Phumlani to

find me home

Me: Okay babe will talk over the phone...

I walked her out and we hugged. I went to




Mzwa: Well I... i.. had left with it the other day...

He responded to Agatha about the scarf

Agatha: Oh you should have told me...

Phumlani's phone rang and it was Zandi

Phumlani: Nkosikazi

Zandi: Mangethe, can you talk? I mean is there a

private spot you can stand in...

Phumlani looked around and moved away from the

others, curiously

Phumlani: I am alone now MaZwane kwenzenjani( what's


Zandi: Zuzu and I decided to visit Namhla, but when we

got there we saw Phakamani discharging her and he said
I must tell you guys to be careful around your mom
better yet leave the mansion

Phumlani: What? Why?

Zandi: He didn't say, he just said he will explain later

Phumlani: Okay mama I heard you, I'm sure he has a

good reason.

They spoke for a while and said their good byes.

Phumlani stood there for a minute trying to make sense
of what's going on, he thought about the scarf ordeal
and then what Zee said, he sighed going back to the
others. He sent his brothers texts that they need to
get out of there right now. Muzi looked at him,
Phumlani just shruggled his shoulders

Phumlani: Mzwa, Muzi we have to do that thing we

spoke about earlier..

Muzi: Oh yeah that thing..

Mzwa: I.. almost forgot about it

Phumlani: Ma we have to go

Agatha: Okay my son will talk again

She hugged them and they left as soon as they can

Muzi: And now?

He asked as they were already outside

Phumlani: I don't know but Phakamani told Zandi that

we need to get out of the house ASAP... He said he will
explain later...

They got inside the car and drove to Muzis.


Upon my arrival at the Mkhize household, MaMkhize

told me to place Namhla on the bed then told to wait in
kitchen or lounge. I heard them pray I mean her and
Asiphe. My phone rang and I just ignored it.

An hour passed and they were still praying and I heard

heard a cough. I ran back to the bedroom Namhla was

MaMkhize: The worst is over...

She said smiling at after she said amen

Her: She needs to rest so you can leave her here.

Me: Thank you ma

I was so relieved

Her: I know that all this is too much for you and you
need to vent or something but make sure that you not
putting MaZulu in harm's way. Nosiphiwe is not the
mastermind and those above her can be very dangerous,
the evil spirits works very unfair especially when things
are like this.
Me: What do I have to do to protect my wife and kid?

She smiled, she does that a lot...

Her: Right now she just needs your support her that's
all, and don't confront Nosiphiwe cause you will placing
yourself in harm's way.

I nodded

Her: Your brothers are worried about you, you have to

go and talk to them

She walked me out

Me: Thanks again ma

I hugged her and I got Inside my car drove off.

My phone rang again again.

Me: Phumlani

Him: Ndoda what's going on?

Me: I will explain everything when I see you guys,

where are you guys? Did you leave the mansion?

Him: Yes we did, we at Muzis where are you?

Me: I am in Zilali squatter camp, but I'm heading there

right now


Phakamani has just arrived at Muzis place. He found his

brothers, Zandile and Thulile already waiting for him.

Mzwa: Finally you here, now what the hell is going?

Phakamani: Mom is not not mom, she's actually aunty


Thulile choked on her juice

Phumlani: What do you mean?

Phakamani: I mean Namhla was telling the truth, mom

passed giving birth to Mzwandile. Aunty used some
voodoos to take over her body hence we see her as

All this was making Thuli uneasy so she excused her,

Phumlani stood up not believing his ears. He rubbed his
face with his hands while turning his back on everyone...

Phakamani: And...
Phumlani: Wait there is more?

He turned to face them again

Phakamani: The miscarriages were not really

miscarriages they were sacrifices...

Zandi: WHAT?

Phakamani: Apparently mamomncane sacrificed them

for more wealth....

Muzi: But can Namhla be still pregnant?

Phakamani: Because our mother chose her to protect

us, this is mom fighting for herself and us. The baby is
also protecting Namhla, don't ask me how cause I'm
also confused

Phumlani: This doesn't make any sense...

Muzi: Tell me about it?

Mzwa: Why are we discussing this here and not out

there, making that witch confess her crazy sins

Phakamani: Because we would be placing ourselves in

harm's way and also Namhla is supposed to deal with
her us confronting her won't work.
Phumlani: Wow

Zandi: So I lost my babies because of wealth?

She said trying to make sense of everything and tears

just made their way out

Phumlani sat next to her trying to calm her down

Phumlani: I think she's responsible for the kidnapping

Phakamani: I know she is

Mzwa: Of course she is, I mean the scarf is hers

Phakamani: What scarf?

Muzi: The one I found at the scene...

Mzwa: you think she's also responsible for

dad's coma?.

Phakamani: Maybe, but why?

Mzwa: Obvious to be with her real bitch... I'm sure

Babomncane knew

Muzis phone beeped

Muzi: It's the lawyer, he sent the list of people that

should be present at reading of the will tomorrow.
Phakamani: John's will

Muzi nodded

Mzwa: Are we going to be there?.

Phakamani: We have to else Nosiphiwe will be suspicious

unless she already knows that we know. Who knows how
this voodoos of her work...

I can't believe I sent my woman in a loony because of


Phumlani: This is frustrating nxx

He kicked the table, in the meantime Thuli was packing

her clothes while debating whether to warn Nosiphiwe
or not...




My body felt a bit light like something has been

removed from me. It also felt like I was in a deep sleep

Me: Maa

I said as I opened my eyes and they landed to her

Her: Hey nana

She said smiling

Me: How long have I been out?

Her: Just a few days

She said smiling

Me: Wow

Her: Your husband knows everything now

My eyes popped

Me: But he didn't believe me...

Her: Well that was before he found you hallucinating

surrounded by candles

Everything came back to me, anger built in. I was angry

at Phakamani for not believing me, he just had to be
Thomas. I had to be in danger first for him to believe
that I was telling the truth

Me: Ma that means his in danger

I said quickly sitting up straight

Her: And not when you can Help him


I just got home and I found my brother watching TV, I

just threw myself in the couch

Him: You look shitty

Me: Thanks big bro

Him: It can't be school that has you mopping like this

so talk

Me: I feel useless with the whole Namhla situation...

Him: What? Why? Has anything happen to her?

Me: No nothing has happened man, just that we were at

the hospital, Zandi and I, we found PK discharging her
Him: What is he crazy? Last time I checked she was
still unconscious, and yesterday I saw no difference

He blabbed out

Me: What do you mean yesterday?

Him: What? Did I say that?

Me: You sneaky fucker, you have been visiting her

I said throwing a pillow at him

Him: I'm sorry sis but I just can't stay away

My phone disturbed me from saying anything...

Me: This conversation is not over

I said hiding the caller id and leaving the room since it

was NK calling

Him: Who is that?

Me: None of your business...

I shouted heading upstairs


The day of the reading of the will is here bury me

already. My brothers and I have decided to attend
cause have we no choice. Nhlamulo will join us on Skype
since his in the US

Phumlani: So we have to sit there, in the same room

with our mom's murderer

Me: We got no choice Bafo...

Mzwa: We have one, we could just Skype too

Me: Then she wins

Muzi: this is Bull mxm

He said fixing his belt as we were on our way out

already, we drove there and parked in the drive way.
Everyone was already seated and we were the last one
to arrive

Me: Sorry we are late

Mr Moloi: It's okay shall we begin

Mom/Aunty: Please sir

Mzwa looked at me clearly annoyed

Mr M: And I read"This serves as the last and
authorized will of I John Zwane, any other former
written nor verbal agreement may not be considered...

First I would like to apologize for I had lived my days

as a sinful man, I have done things I'm not proud off
and I hope that my apologies can reach forgiving
hearts... My worth is something I should be proud of
but I feel ashamed.




Nosiphiwe was scratching herself and moving like a

snake on the floor. Londeka was watching with tears
thinking that this woman killed her father
Namhla: Confess

Nosiphiwe: Never

She said moving with her stomach on the floor. Her

voice had changed a bit to someone else's voice.

Sbongile: i can't watch this, I'm leaving my baby needs


Namhla: No one is leaving until everything is in the

open... Close that door

Namhla: I command you to confess and tell us who you

are in the name of Jesus.

She continued to pray asking God for guidance and the

strength. The weather started changing outside the
was lightning and heavy rain all of the sudden.

Nosiphiwe: I'm sorry I will talk stop burning me...

She said moving around the floor, that made Namhla to

pray more

Namhla: Who are you?

Nosiphiwe: I'm Nosiphiwe Madonsela-Zwane

Namhla: Where is Agatha? How did you end up with her

body? I command you to answer me in Jesus name

Nosiphiwe: Agatha is no more she could never come

back, I sacrificed her so I could gain access to her
body. I needed her body to get close to her husband

Sbongile: Oh my God...

She said not believing a word

Namhla: Stand up and look at me...

Nosiphiwe: No your eyes are fire I can't look at you...

Namhla didn't press on that cause she knew if burns

more, they won't get the whole truth

Namhla: Where did you keep Agatha's soul cause she's

not resting, she needs to rest in peace

Nosiphiwe laughed evilly so

Nosiphiwe: I can't tell you...

Namhla: Okay... in the name of Jesus Christ, I command

you to talk... I call upon the fire that cause you Lord
are the fire

She touched Nosiphiwes stomach causing her flinch

Nosiphiwe: Her soul is kept in a bottle so her body

could not die

Mzwa: You witch

He said charging to Nosiphiwe but Phakamani stopped

him before he could reach her

Namhla: Who is your master?

Nosiphiwe: He who is greater than me, He who can't be

seen in light...

Namhla: Call him?

Nosiphiwe: I rather die

She said laughing evilly again.

Namhla: Who were your accomplice?

Nosiphiwe: My husband and My niece Thulile

Everyone's eyes popped.

Namhla continued to pray out the truth out of

Nosiphiwe were the others were watching helplessly.
Namhla was no longer herself too since the weather
had turned, the baby had taken over the power from
her. After all the truths came out Namhla collapse
after saying a last prayer. Phakamani: Namhla, Mumu...
He said rushing to her... Even though Nosiphiwe hadn't
given the master up, she said all the valuable truths.

Phakamani: Muzi call a number saved as MaMkhize

explain to her what's going on...

Muzi did as he was told... After the instructions from

MaMkhize to let her be in that floor, she was slowly
coming back and the weather was becoming normal
again. Nosiphiwe was also lying there seemingly lifeless


All this felt like I was in a horror movie really...

Muzi: I'm going to kill her

He said out of the blue, hitting the table I guess

hearing that Thuli is actually an accomplice just sunk in

Mzwa: The only person I wanna kill is that robbed me of

my mother.

He looking at Nosiphiwe

Me: I won't let you become a murderer because of that

evil creature, we will deal with her accordingly

Londeka: She killed him

Muzi: Who killed who?

Londeka: Ma I mean Nosiphiwe killed uncle John

Me: Now I have heard it all

I said throwing my hands in the air

Mzwa: Did you actually see her do it? Why didn't you
say anything?

Londeka: Because she said if she gets arrested I will

also get arrested Bhuti

Me: Lo Mfazi unjani Ngempela ( What kind of woman is

she really)?

Mzwa: The one that has no conscious

I have never seen my brother like this really. I had

Namhla cough I quickly stood up.

Me: Mumu are you okay?

Her: I'm fine

She said with an attitude, I gave her my hand she just

looked at it, and Phumlani came to help.




As everyone was conversing in a yet awkward

conversation, Nosiphiwe gained consciousness and sneak
up stairs. Everyone noticed later on that she was no
longer there. They all decided to call it a day. Muzi was
the first to leave rushing to Thulile.

Muzi: Thulile

He shouted as he got inside the house slamming the


Muzi: Thulile

He called out for her as he went upstairs. He searched

for her in all the rooms with no luck. He went to open
her side of the wardrobe

Muzi: Damn you, Thulile

He said finding but a piece of paper well an envelope

written his name.. He sat next to the bed and started

" My love, By the time you read this I would be long

gone. I know you may hate me right but I had no choice,
yes I knew everything. I could have told you but I
would have lost my life, I know you may have many
questions I wish I could answer them but because I am
coward of a woman. I always lived to survive than to
love and build a future, that's how living as my aunts
shadow was. You may have doubts about me but never
have doubts about my love for you. Please continue to
be the loving man you are. Don't look me

I love you"

He just threw the paper away after reading and

screamed in tears. After all that he got inside his car
drove to the nearest bar.


After everything that happened, well Nosiphiwe

vanished while we still talking. It was time for us to

Phakamani: Mumu

Silence is all he got, we were in a car driving to our


Him: I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, I'm so sorry

that I called you crazy

Silence my Lord silence is the only answer he will get

from me really.

Him: Please say something... I know I was so stupid, lot

of things were off but still I didn't believe you

He parked in front of the garage and I quickly got out

of the car and went to unlock the house, minutes later
he followed.

Him: Mumu Ngiyaxolisa ( I'm sorry)

Me: I heard that Ayabongwa is the one who found...

Him: Uhmm yes, he helped...

Me: How come did you only notice a week later that I
was missing?... Oh let guess you thought I was safe and
sound in a loony bin right?, Do you know the shit I have
been through. I watched a man die right in front of me,
a man who nearly raped me.

His eyes popped out

Me: To think that's worse, my baby was nearly

sacrificed for WHAT? BLOODY WEALTH?. You never
gave me a chance to explain you just concluded that
I'm crazy...

Him: Because you have been acting up for these past

months MaZulu

Me: You never thought that maybe, just maybe I was

stressed, you sent me into a loony bin without thinking
twice Phakamani.

We heard lightning outside and I just started to shake

Him: Namhla,baby are you okay?

He rushed to me but I was okay before he even got to

Me: Don't you dare come near me, as a matter of fact
this is over

I said taking my engagement ring off, placing it on the


Him: Hell no I refuse....

I left him there went upstairs to what supposed to be

our room took my nighties then went to a guest room. I
don't have a phone, I know dad is worried about me
maybe I should go back home.


What did Namhla mean? Was she talking about the

engagement or everything as in we are over. Well if she
thinks she's leaving she has another thing coming, she
is not leaving me ever. My phone disturbed me from my
thoughts and it's was her father

Me: Great just great

I ignored it once and he called again

Me: Mageba

I answered after talking a long breath

Him: Iphi ingan'yami wena mfana ( where is my child )?

Me: Uhmm I was about to call you to explain baba...

Him: Oh Ngempela ( really) okay explain?

He was so chilled and it was scary

Me: Thing is a lot has happened baba... Namhla is finally

awake but we have been dealing some issue hence we
hadn't reached out to you

Him: So your issues are way important than me knowing

that my daughter is finally awake?

Yhoo this guy

Me: Cha Baba( no sir)

Him: Uphi( Where is she)?

Me: She's already in bed Baba, I will make sure she

calls you as soon as she wakes up.

Him: Good

Me: Baba... Uhmm is Ano near by?

Him: Yes...




Namhla: What's going on?

Ahh She still cares, she was following me around

Me: Muzi is in hospital...

Her: What? What happened?

Me: I don't know...

Her: You shower, I will prepare some clothes for you

I took a quick shower while Namhla was preparing my


Fast forward I was now driving to the hospital, Namhla

stayed behind. I got to the hospital in no time or so I

Me: Muzikayise Zwane

I said to the receptionist, who directed me to his ward

and rushed there. I was met by a crying Mzwandile and
a seemingly defeated Phumlani

Me: Guys how is he? What happened?

No body answered me

Me: Phumlani??

Him: His no more

He said rubbing his face with his hands and standing up

Him: His dead Phakamani, our little brother is ..

He couldn't finish his sentence he started holding his

chest and struggling to breath. He held on the wall

Me: Lani please breath... Help

I said rushing to him... A doctor came attended to he

did breathing exercises with him. I don't know where
Mzwandile disappeared too...

Me: Doctor what happened to my brother?

Well his our doctor so I had to ask him, so I asked as

soon as Phumlani was calmer

Him: Uhmm, Muzi drove straight into an old buildings

wall, the damage on car was too much it seemed like he
did that a multiple of times. A sharp metal reached his
vitals causing them to fail

Me: Oh my God...

Why would Muzi do this shit...

Namhla: Phakamani

When did she get here

Her: I couldn't just sit and wait, how is he?.

I couldn't answer words couldn't come out. I saw her

open her arms and I just ran into them

Her: I'm so sorry Mangethe...

Me: We have to start the funeral arrangements, the

family still don't know what's going on with Ma I mean
Nosiphiwe. How am I going to deal with all
I said pulling out of the hug.

Her: We gonna get through this together I promise...

She wiped my tears, I went Doctor Molois office

Me: I need to see him

Doc: That could be arranged...

We went to the Morgue and there he was lying there so


Me: Kodwa Mangethe (But Mangethe) why would you do

such a thing?

I said touching his cheek... I just couldn't believe that

he was gone. Tears made their way out


My poor husband is shuttered, I don't know how the

hell his gonna deal with this. We left the hospital, it
was total silence in the car. Phumlani was with us,
Mzwandile is no where to be seen.

PK: Bafo Can we drop you off at your place first? I

wanna go see Ano

Phumlani: No problem...

He said that not even looking at PK but outside the


Me: We can fetch her after the funeral...

Him: I promised her we will come today so I can't

break that promise or at least I can try not to break

We dropped Lani off but I was worried about him.

Me: Lani, why don't you join us in visiting Ano?

Him: I know you worried Makoti but i will be fine I just

need to be alone just until Zandi comes home.

I nodded and closed the window, PK drove off. My man

was not okay and that hurt, look at me talking as if I
wasn't planning on leaving hours ago. Well honestly I'm
angry at PK but leaving him ain't an option cause I love
this man. We got out of the car after he parked in my
father's gate. We went inside the house

Me: Babami
Ano came rushing causing me to laugh

Her: Mama

Me: Baby

I hugged her

Her: I missed you, and you too Babami

She moved to him

PK: Just the person I wanted to see

She smiled

Me: Where is Khulu?

Dad: I'm here

He said appearing from outside

Me: My king

I said hugging him for the longest time. We headed to

the lounge.

Dad: Guess you have come to fetch the little one.

Me: As much as we want to we can't something has

come up.
I sighed




After spending time with Ano, Namhla and I left. We

got home around 7pm and I remembered that
Mzwandile is no where to be seen.

Namhla: What would you like to eat?

Me: I'm not hungry

Her: You may not be hungry but you have to eat


Me: Okay, I will have anything you cook then.

Her: His okay, he just need time to digest everything

Me: Mhhh...

Her: It's gonna be okay I promise

She kissed my cheek and left me in the lounge, Will we

ever gain peace?

That question rang in my mind as I tried making calls to

the family members.

Later on we were dinning and I couldn't even

concentrate I kept checking my phone, my mind was
really not there. I just lost my brother and the other is

Namhla: His okay Mangethe...

Me: I'm sorry I'm just worried

Her: I know, you just lost Muzi so you are a bit scared
but his okay.

I nodded

Namhla: Have you called the elders yet?

Me: I tried to, but I couldn't...

She nodded

Her: I understand, we could do it tomorrow...

She said holding my hand, I took hers and kissed it with
tears in my eyes.

She just came and sat on my lap. I just became weak

and wailed like a baby. I cried for my mother, I cried
for almost losing my wife and I cried for my brother, I
mean I cried for everything

Her: Let it all

She was rubbing my back as I held her waist. We

stayed in that position for about half an hour, then we
went to bed.


Me: Guys I'm going out

I said coming downstairs after showering.

Aya: Where to?

Me: I'm going to see Namhla, show my support you know

I said taking my phone from the counter

Him: I'm coming with

He said quickly standing up.

Me: No you not...

Him: Yes I am... Unless you want me to tell baba about

your little boyfriend..

Me: Uhmm... What.. What boyfriend?

I said clearing my throat

Him: "Oh that's good to hear babe, I miss you already.

Come back soon ha ha ha I love you too NK"

He said imitating my voice, Mnqobi laughed

Me: You listening to my calls now..

Him: Don't flatter yourself... The ear doesn't have a

tub so I heard when I was passing. Are we leaving or

Me: Fine Asambeni(Let's go) mxm...


Aya: So??

Me: So what??

Aya: Tell me about the douchebag that's lying to my

little sister?

Me: What?

Aya: I mean your little so called boyfriend "NK"

I felt myself blushing, we were in the car and he was


Me: His not lying to me

Him: His a dude so I Know his probably lying about

something to smitten you.

Me: Mxm

Him: Anyway who is he?

Me: Just a guy I met last year

Him: I'm sure that's not all..

Me: His name is Nkanyezi Luthuli his currently located

at Alberton, but his mom is here... His dad is in the US
where is currently visiting. His an intern in a dealership

Him: Mhh...

Him: I wanna meet him

He said out of the blue

Me: Huh?

Him: You heard me.

Me: No way Aya ha.ana

Him: Oh yes, it's either that or I Tell on you

Me: Arg okay fine...

Him: Good we were now close to Namhlas place.


Phakamani has finally gain courage to call some of the

family members, some already knew from the television
since they were the ones blowing up his phone. Zandi
and Phumlani had just arrived, Phumlani had red eyes it
was visible that he didn't get enough sleep. They
decided that the funeral will take place at Phakamanis
house since his the elder son, and they did feel like the
mansion was their home anymore, since the whole
witchcraft saga.

Phumlani: Has any of you heard from Mzwandile?

He asked Phakamani and Namhla, who shook their heads


Phumlani: Where could he be?

Mzwa: I'm here relax now will you, don't worry I didn't
kill myself I'm not a coward.

Phakamani: Where have you been Mzwandile? We were

worried sick about you.

Mzwa: I'm here now no need to worry about me I'm

fine I just needed a breather okay...

He looked really tired, like he didn't get any sleep. He

went upstairs to the room he uses when his here.

Finally Zuzu and Aya also arrived.

Zuzu: Our deepest sincere condolences to you all please

find comfort in the Lord

She said hugging Namhla who was nodding on her




The week went on pretty fast. It was Thursday today

and it was actually the day of the funeral. The Zwane
family decided to have an intimate ceremony. It was 7
o'clock in the morning and the aunts and the Zwane
brides where already up

Aunt 1: Uphi u Agatha? Kulele indodana yakhe kodwa

yena akabonwa( Where is Agatha? It's her son that's
has passed on but she's no Where to be seen..) Did you
see Phakamanis wife acting like everything is okay,
nothing happened

Aunt 2: Bengicabanga ukuthi uPhakamani usehlukene

nalehlanya lomfazi but here she is( I thought Phakamani
was done with that crazy woman)
Phakamani cleared his throat

Aunt 2: Phakamani where did you come from...

Phakamani: Why are you here Aunty?

He asked so serious

Aunt 2: For the funeral of course...

Phakamani: Then act like you here for a funeral rather

than gossiping about my wife, who happens to be every
thing you not. I mean that's why still a Zwane at your
age no man wants to marry you.

Aunt 1: Aibo Phakamani!!!

Phakamani: Muzis body can now be seen..

He said leaving them there

Aunt 2: I have never been so disrespected...

The family went to the tent to see the body, after that
the Pastor got started with funeral program...

An hour later it was Time to go to the cemetery. When

they got there the Pastor said the words. All this
happened when Thulile was watching while in disguise,
crying her eyes out. Mzwa spotted her
Mzwa: You got to be kidding me

He said as the pastor was still doing the talking

Phakamani: What?

Mzwa: What is she doing here?

Phumlani: Who??

He said looking around thinking about Nosiphiwe

Mzwa stood up walked straight to Thulile without her

noticing that she was busted

Mzwa: What the hell are you doing here?

He whispered in her ear in a very scary tone, Thulile

got startled

Thulile: I just wanted to pay my last respects Mzwa

nothing more...

Mzwa: Voetsak wena, my brother is dead because of

you and your evil aunt.. Now you wanna talk about

He aggressively turned her around

Mzwa: Unesibindi mfazi ndini( You very brave bloody

Phakamani: Leave Thulile you not needed here

He said so calmly

Thuli: I'm sorry...


They noticed that everyone was now looking at them.

Mzwa: This is not the time for your sorries wena

Satan... Leave... NOW

Thuli got scared so she just left without saying more.


I have never seen Mzwa so mad and broken. We just

came back from the cemetery and his spitting fire.

Mzwa: How dare she shows up at my brother's funeral

after all the witchcraft she and her evil aunt have done

Me: She has some nerve...

Him: No she's plain evil nje...

Bheki: Isn't she Muzis fiancee

Mzwa: No she's not, that was all a lie to her...

Thulile: No it wasn't I loved Muzi...

Mzwa: The Gods are really testing me

Phumlani: Ufunani la Thulile?( What are you doing here)

Her: I just want to explain...

Mzwa: Isn't that too late... Why didn't you explain

immediately after my brother asked you to marry him
oh let me guess it was all part of your plan right

He said walking closer to her

Her: It wasn't my plan okay, it was aunty Nosiphiwes...

I was just a pawn in her game

Bhekis mom: Nosiphiwe?What's going on Kahle Kahle(

really)? Phakamani?

Being the eldest can be hell I tell you, she said walking
straight to us as we sitting in the garage

Me: I'm sure Thulile will explain... You know what maybe
it's time for the whole family to know what's going on...

Nhlamulo: Yeah I think so too...

Where did he come from... We called everyone around
real quick we all sitting waiting for Thulile to start

Her: It all started when uncle John's shop wasn't doing

well in rurals... Aunty couldn't take it anymore, she had
been poor all her life so she didn't want to die poor.
One morning I got a call from her telling me she has
found an answer to her problems and I had to be part
of her plans since I also need money, I agreed. We
visited a certain sangoma and the sangoma took Aunty
to the lake, she came back a complete new person not
scared of anything I don't know what happened in that
lake. I later found out what she was planning and
wanted out but she said she will kill me,my mother and
my then boyfriend... I had no choice but to support her.




People may not believe it but Thuli loved Muzi, if she

didn't she won't have come to set the record straight.
She started coughing and held her neck like something
was choking, something told me to start praying and I
did, with my eyes opened though

Me: Show yourself, I command you to show yourself in

Jesus name...

In the mention of Jesus she started moving like a snake

and bounced up down

Aunt 1: Aibo imihlolo

Everyone's eyes had popped out.

Bhekis mom: Aibo Phakamani what's going on?

She asked with her face written shock, I couldn't

focus on them too much cause I had some praying to

Me: Leave Thuli to talk, I command you in Jesus name

Voice: Never, she has to die

Me: Who are you?

Aunt 2: Where did that come from?

These people were clearly scared

Voice: I'm the one who can't be seen by naked eye..

Me: Only my God can't be seen so show yourself I

command you in the name of Jesus.. I command the holy
fire to burn you

Voice: Ahhh shut up you hurting me, you burning me

I walked closer to Thuli touched her stomach and it was

as if I was touch what ever I was talking to causing
started bouncing up and down again...

Voice: She's burning us awww

Thuli continued to move like a snake and I kept praying

calling Jesus name, I was still praying and I heard some
screams but something told me to concentrate on
praying more

Me: We trust you Lord cause you our savior, I call upon
the name of Jesus Christ right now. I command all evil
to surrender in Jesus name

Aunt 1: Izinyoka yeJesu( Snakes oh Jesus)

I prayed until words couldn't anymore, only tears came

out my eyes had involuntary closed and I opened them I
was met by 3 snakes about a metre long right next to
Thulile. I was abit weak since my tummy was abit heavy


I noticed that Namhla was losing her balance so I

rushed to her, I held so she won't fall.

Her: I have to finish this so let me sit down next to


Me: kodwa Mumu( but )...

Her: Phakamani please...

She cut me short

I helped her down

Her: Thulile??
Thuli: mhh??

She mumbled as she was out of it

Namhla: Where is Agatha's soul?

Thuli: It's in a bottle, inside the mansion in a secret


Namhla: Where is the secret room?

Thuli: In my aunt's bedroom

Londeka: Angikholwa ukuthi ngempela lomfazi umawam(I

still can't believe that this woman is really my mother)

Mzwandile: Well you better believe it... Umamakho(

she's your mother)and she killed mine

Nhlamulo: I still can't believe that we not all siblings...

Aii umama naye

Namhla: We need to find that bottle, Ma Agatha needs

to be freed, she needs to rest in peace...

She had closed her eyes, she tried standing up but

failed since she's pregnant so I helped her... She led us
upstairs, the elders were so shocked especially after
seeing the snakes. When we got upstairs we noticed a
door that we never knew existed... Namhla went to it
and opened

Her: Please stay out...

She said making an uneasy body language, indeed we

waited outside


As Soon as Namhla got inside the room, her hair

cringed her body felt uneasy hence she didn't allow the
family to get inside with her. As weak as she felt she
started walking around the room while silently praying.
The room had a mirror, and it shelves with human parts
all different human parts.

Namhla: Oh God, what kind of a woman Nosiphiwe is?

She said looking at everything, she finally saw the

bottle on its own shelf

Namhla: This is it...

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We just finished watching the USB that Thulile left,

Nosiphiwe is really something else. That video was
traumatizing I can't believe that Londeka weakness any
of that.

Mzwa: Is this woman really human?

Phumlani: If she wasn't Nhlamulo won't have been here

Nhlamulo: Voetsak Phumlani...

I chuckled... It's now around 8pm in the evening and we

having dinner, Namhla had an early night though. My
phone vibrated and I attended to it..

Me: Phakamani Zwane

Voice: Good evening Mr Zwane I'm Lucia calling from

Armsworth hospital... Sir, I was sent by Dr Moloi to tell
you that Mr Zwane senior is awake his asking for his

Me: What? Are being for real right now?

Her: I'm being for real real...

Me: Wow thank you for such good news mam

Her: My pleasure

She hang up after that

Me: Dad is awake and his asking for us

I just blurted that out immediately after hanging up

Mzwa: No kidding?

Me: Trust me I'm not

Phumlani: Finally some good news in the Zwane mansion

Me: This house is haunted I tell you

Mzwa: I believe you

Me: We need to rebuild a new home for us really


Me: Why are not answering your phone it has been

ringing none stop

NK: I don't want to, it's mom

We lying on our backs on the floor well on a warm


Me: It's clearly important Nkanyezi

I vibrated again

Him: Hello


Him: Don't wait up


Him: I will spend the night at a hotel


Him: Because i want to bye will talk in the morning


Him: I don't wanna fight with you

He was so serious and the way he was I just felt his not
being honest when he said it is his mother

Him: Muntuza

Me: Huh?

Him: Where did you just go right now?

Me: No where babe I'm here

I said faking a smile, he signed

Him: That wasn't my mother

Me: Ohh who was it?

I acted surprised

Him: I know you might picked that, it's my ex girlfriend

from the US

He sighed and sat up straight rubbing his face with his


Him: She's in my mother's house right now

Me: What??

Him: Yeah my mom is fond of her, she had promised

mom that she will visit her this weekend but I didn't I
didn't think she would come after our Break up.. But I
swear me and her Done, I am done with her babe

Me: But clearly she's not done with you or else she
won't be calling you right now. How long have you guys
broken up?

Him: Uhmm we broke up a week ago

Me: WHAT? So you had a girl while persuading me?


Me: Yes but I promise I wasn't, I am not playing you

for a ride I love you Muntuza

Her: Wow!! You are unbelievable Nkanyezi... How could

you not tell me all this?

Me: It doesn't matter sthandwa Sami, well I thought I


Her: Well Clearly is matters since she's at y




It's a week after I went to see MaMkhize she said I

must never turn my back on the Lord, and I told her I
wasn't planning to. She isn't well and that worries me
really. Today I'm not feeling too well and I haven't
gotten out of bed

PK: Babe you don't look to good maybe we should go to

see a doctor

Me: No I'm fine, you go to work my love..

Him: I'm not leaving you in this state in fact I'm calling
in an emergency

He took out his And dialed whoever, after he took off

his shoes and joined me back in bed.


Me: Ma!!

Her: I told you I don't want any gold digger in my house

Me: Zubenathi is not a gold digger ma, your problem is

that want to dictate my love life and it won't be
possible. I am a grown ass man ma

Ma: A grown ass man who let a beautiful girl go just

because he tasted a rotten...

James: What the hell is going on here?

He semi yelled as he got in from work..

Me: Father, please talk to your wife cause I can't


James: Is this about Us meeting the new girlfriend?

Me: Yes..

James: Nono I thought we talked about this...

Her: No we didn't...

Him: Yes we did, Nkanyezi you can bring her over for
dinner tonight

He had a half day at work lucky for me

Ma: Wow, okay fine but don't expect me to all lovey

dovey with her

Me: Thank you Father J

I ran upstairs to my room, the reason why I want

Zubenathi to meet my family is because I want to show
her that I'm serious about her and mom is making it
difficult that woman is stubborn. I got to my dialed
Zuzus number

Her: Munt'wami

Me: Muntuza

Her: How are you?

Me: Hey I'm the one who can I ask the how are you's

She giggled that smelted my heart

Me: Now how are you?

Her: I'm good my love and you

Me: I'm good, listen it's happening tonight..

Her: What's happening tonight?

Me: Dinner at my place...

Her: No way

I could hear her panicking

Me: Relax Muntuza, yes it is you get ready and I come


She sighed

Her: Okay I love you bye

Tu tu tu, wow she hang up


I texted Zandile and Namhla that I have a 911

situation, and only Zandile came through. Namhla has
been offline since eleven pm yesterday, I hope she's

Me: How do I look?

Zandile: You look beautiful as always my friend, listen

don't stress yourself about the mother. You have your
man right?..

Me: Right...

There was a car hooter

Me: That must be him

Her: If doesn't like you then tell her to go fetch

Mandisa and marry her herself cause you ain't going

I laughed and walked out, dad and Aya where having a

boys night out. I walked to where he is

Him: Muntuza you look beautiful

I blushed

Me: Thank you

Him: Shall we

He said opening the car door, I got in and he half ran to

the car

Him: And we here

The drive was rather short but maybe it was because I

was too nervous, I slowly got out of the car
Me: How do I look

Him: Like you did few minutes ago Muntuza, you look

I sighed

Him: Relax will you...

I updated Ayabongwa about my whereabouts...




James got in the bedroom, took off his clothes and got
inside the covers facing the other way.
Nomfundo: Now you mad at me, why?

James: I'm just disappointed cause I thought I

married a woman not a girl that's all

Nomfundo turned to his side

Nomfundo: What do you mean?

James: Just that, good night Nomfundo.

He fixed his pillow and closed his eyes.

Zubenathi got inside her room, after arriving at home.

She dialed Zandiles number who picked up after the
second ring

Zandile: Babe...

Zubenathi just sniffed

Zandile: I take it the didn't go so well...

Zubenathi: She hates me Zee

Zandile: Oh you poor thing, should I come over?

Zubenathi: No I will be fine... Have spoken to Namhla?

She was still sniffing

Zandile: No but I did call PK to find out if she's okay

and he said she's not feeling so well

Zubenathi: Oh then we got to check up on her in the


Zandile: Yes babe listen don't let that old hag get to
you okay...

Zubenathi: Okay good night I love you...

Zandile: I love you too my cry baby

Zubenathi giggled

Nkanyezi parked in the driveway debating whether to

go inside his mother's house or not. He decided to go
sleep at a hotel.


The pains were escalating as I tried to sleep.

PK: That's it we going to the hospital like it or not.

He quickly got out of bed and got dressed as quickly as

he can then he came to my side to help me out of bed.
We left after that, Phakamani was driving like a maniac
in the road.

PK: Help

He shouted as he help me out of the after we had

arrived. We got attended by a nurse

Her: What's wrong?

PK: As you see she's pregnant, she suffers from severe

pains in her abdomen

I was seated on a wheelchair and I was rushed to a

ward where a doctor attended me

PK: Doc what's wrong?

He was panicking,the doctor smiled

Doc: Calm down Mr. Zwane, your wife is okay and so is

the baby. The baby was turning, I mean changing
positions and that was the cause pains nothing hectic

It was after he checked me up

PK: That's a relief

Doc: Let me give you guys some privacy, Relax Mr.

He took the file and went out

Me: Our baby is not going anywhere, please relax.

I smiled, I could see he thought history was repeating

itself. Well I had to spend the night for observation.


Morning couldn't have come any earlier. I rolled out of

bed prepared myself for driving back home..

Fast forward, I arrived at home got out of the car

after parking it then head inside the house

Mom: Of course I'm over him, What do you take me


James: If you are then why do you have a problem with

that girl?

Mom: Do you really want me to answer that?

James: I won't have asked if I didn't expect an answer

or you can't give me one Cause You Know That It Ain't
About Her But Your Own Damn Feelings...
Mom: James...

She saw me as I passed the lounge

Her: Nkanyezi baby...

I just looked at her walked straight to my room. I'm

still mad at her for her behavior last night, I wonder
what they are arguing about. I decided to break my
thoughts by calling my beautiful girlfriend

Her: Thambolami

My lips just automatically wildened with a smile.

Me: Thembalami unjani umuntuza( how are you


Her: I'm okay and you?

Me: I miss you Mama wezingan'zam

Her: I miss you too

She said giggling, that warmed my heart. I thought of

how my mother acted that annoyed me.

Her: Babe you still there?

My mind just wondered off for a few minutes...

Me: Yes baby, I'm here...

I sighed

Me: I'm sorry about yesterday

Her: It's not your fault and your mom is just looking
out for you.

Me: Still, that doesn't give her any right to be rude to


Her: Babe it's okay, as long as you love me then I'm


Me: And I promise nothing will change that, not even

the underworld cabinet

She genuinely laughed, we continued to talk until my

little brother badged into my room demanding we play


Mzwandile: I finally found her baba...

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