Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
Submitted by
is a bonafide student of this institute and the work has been carried out by him/her under the
supervision of Prof. Priyanka Jadhav and Mr. Abdullah Khan. This work is approved for the
partial fulfillment of the requirement of Savitribai Phule Pune University, for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)
(Dr. A. V. Deshpande)
Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering Pune – 41
Internship is like a bridge between theoretical and practical working. First of all, we would like to
thank the supreme power the Almighty God who is obviously the one has always guided us to
work on the right path of life.
We are indebted to our Internship Supervisor Prof. Priyanka Jadhav , Department of Computer
Science of Smt. Kashibai Navale college of engineering. We feel it’s a pleasure to be indebted to
our guide for his valuable support, advice and encouragement and we think him for his superb and
constant guidance towards this project.
We sincerely thank Prof. R. H. Borhade, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering and
Principal, Dr. A. V. Deshpande of Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, for all the
facilities provided to us in the pursuit of this project.
We acknowledge our deep sense of gratitude to our loving parents for being a constant source of
inspiration and motivation.
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system
middleware and key applications. Android is a software platform and operating system for mobile
devices based on the linux operating system and developed by google and the open handset
alliance. It allows developers to write, manage code in a java like language that utilizes google
developed java llibraries, but does not support programs developed in native code.
The unveiling of the android platform on 5th November 2007 was announced with the founding
of the open handset alliance, consortium of 34 hardware, software and telecom companies devoted
to advancing open standards for mobile devices. When released in 2008 most of the android
platform was made available under the apache free software and open source license.
Chapter 1
1.Name of Company :
The name of the company from where I have completed my internship is TXON.
TXON IT Services offers a comprehensive android development and various other domains that
provides numerous benefits to its participants. Interns get opportunity to work on real world
projects and gain practical experience in the field.
Mr. Abdullah Khan is a software trainee engineer who is working and building TXON. He has
worked in a lot of real world projects.
Chapter 2
2. Introduction:
Android operating system is the largest installed base among various mobile platforms across the
globe. Hundreds of millions of mobile devices are powered by Android in more than 190 countries
of the world.
Android is a powerful open-source operating system that open-source provides immense features.
Android development is a form of software engineering dedicated specifically to creating
applications for devices that run on the Android platform.
Android Development is an open source technology with huge device market share which also
makes an easier entry into the market.
An enormous market share of apps are developed by using android development technology.
Android development is not only easy to learn but also highly in demand.
Numerous and a variety of job opportunities are present in this field.
For android development the user can either use Kotlin or Java along with using GitHub and an
The role of an android developer is to create software applications for devices such as mobile
phones and tablets which run on android operating system.
Android development process involves creating software code, implementing backend services and
testing application on mobile devices.
Chapter 3
3. Problem Definition:
Chapter 4
4. Motivation:
Passion for Mobile Technology: Many developers are passionate about mobile technology and
enjoy creating innovative and impactful applications. Android development provides an avenue to
explore the vast possibilities of mobile computing and bring ideas to life.
Growing Market Share: Android has the largest market share in the mobile operating system
market, making it an attractive platform for developers. The potential user base is substantial,
offering developers the opportunity to reach a wide audience and make a significant impact with
their apps.
Career Opportunities: Android development skills are in high demand, and there is a constant need
for talented developers in the industry. By honing your Android development skills, you can
enhance your career prospects, increase job opportunities, and potentially command higher
Personal Growth and Learning: Android development offers continuous learning opportunities.
The platform evolves rapidly, introducing new features and technologies. By staying up-to-date
with the latest developments, you can continuously challenge yourself and expand your skill set,
fostering personal and professional growth.
Creative Expression: Developing Android applications allows you to express your creativity and
problem-solving skills. From designing user interfaces to implementing unique features, Android
development offers a platform for developers to showcase their creative ideas and make a
meaningful impact on users' lives.
Community and Collaboration: Android development has a vibrant and supportive community of
developers worldwide. Engaging with this community can be highly motivating as you can share
knowledge, seek guidance, collaborate on projects, and learn from others' experiences
Chapter 5
5. Methodological Details:
When it comes to Android development, there are several methodologies and practices that
developers commonly follow. Here are some methodological details related to Android
1. Agile Development: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, are commonly used
in Android development. They emphasize iterative and incremental development, allowing for
flexibility and quicker feedback cycles. The development process is divided into sprints, with each
sprint delivering a working increment of the application.
2. Design Patterns: Android developers often utilize design patterns to create maintainable
and scalable applications. Some commonly used design patterns in Android development include
Model-View-Controller (MVC), Model-View-Presenter (MVP), and Model-View-View Model
(MVVM). These patterns help separate concerns and improve code organization.
3. Test-Driven Development (TDD): TDD is a development approach where tests are written
before the actual code. It ensures that the code meets the specified requirements and helps identify
and fix issues early in the development process. Android developers use testing frameworks like
JUnit and Espresso for unit tests and UI tests, respectively.
4. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): CI/CD is a practice that involves
automating the build, testing, and deployment processes. Android developers utilize tools like
Jenkins, Bit rise, or Circles to set up CI/CD pipelines, enabling frequent integration of code
changes and rapid delivery of updates to users.
5. Version Control: Version control systems like Git are fundamental in Android
development. They allow developers to track changes, collaborate with others, and revert to
previous versions if needed. Popular code hosting platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket are often
used for hosting repositories and facilitating collaboration.
7. User-Centered Design (UCD): Android developers consider user experience (UX) and user
interface (UI) design principles during development. They conduct user research, create user
personas, and iterate on designs based on user feedback. Material Design guidelines provided by
Google are often followed to ensure consistent and intuitive app interfaces.
Software requirements
1.Java Development Kit (JDK): Android applications are primarily written in Java, so you will
need to install the JDK on your system. You can download the latest version of JDK from the
Oracle website.
2.Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Android Studio is the official IDE for Android
development. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for building Android apps.
Android Studio includes the Android SDK, emulator, and various libraries. You can download
Android Studio from the official Android Developer website.
3.Android SDK: The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) provides the necessary libraries,
APIs, and tools required to develop Android applications. Android Studio usually includes the
SDK, but you may need to update it periodically using the SDK Manager within Android Studio.
4.Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager: The AVD Manager is included in Android Studio and
allows you to create and manage virtual devices for testing your applications. You can create
virtual devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and Android versions.
5.Gradle: Gradle is a build system used by Android Studio to manage dependencies and build your
Android application. Android Studio handles Gradle installation and configuration automatically.
6.Additional Libraries and Tools: Depending on your specific project requirements, you may need
to include additional libraries or tools in your Android application. These can be added as
dependencies in your Gradle build file.
7. Android Device or Emulator: To test your application, you'll need an Android device or an
emulator. Android Studio provides a built-in emulator for testing on virtual devices. Alternatively,
you can connect a physical Android device to your development machine using a USB cable.
Hardware Requirement
4.Storage: SSD (Solid State Drive) with at least 256 GB of free space
6.Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290 or better (required only for
Android Emulator with hardware acceleration)
7.USB Ports: At least two USB ports for connecting devices and debugging
9.Android Device: A physical Android device is recommended for testing (USB debugging
10.Android Studio: The official IDE for Android development. It requires additional disk space for
installation and project files.
2. Quiz app
Chapter 6
6. Results:
1.Unit Converter
3.Quiz App
Chapter 7
7. Conclusion:
Overall, the TXON Android Development internship program is an excellent opportunity for
students to gain practical experience and develop their skills in the field.
Past interns have reported positive experiences and have gained valuable skills that have helped
them in their careers.
This internship also provides the flexibility of the program, which allows to balance the academic
commitments with the internship. The remote work option is particularly helpful for those who live
faraway from the office location.
Chapter 8
8. References:
Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is a popular community-driven Q&A platform where you can
find answers to specific programming questions related to Android development.
Txon –