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Class 5

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COACHING CLASS 5 __________________


A) Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. They can be in the active or in the passive

1-He ……………………….. (get up) at 6 o’clock every day.

2-What ………….. you ………………. (do) if it ………………………. (rain) tomorrow?
3-They ……………………….. (play) tennis this afternoon.
4-She always ……………………. (have) tea at 5 o’clock.
5-They …………………………… (still live) in Madrid at the moment but they ……………………….. (move)
house in a few months’ time.
6-She ………………………… (be) 18 on her next birthday.
7-He ………………………… (buy) tickets for the concert tomorrow. …………………. I ………………. with him?
8-“What …………… you ………………… (do) Mary?” “I ………………………… (read) a thriller.”
9-“Where ……………………. your father …………………….. (work)?” “He ……………………. (work) in a bank.”
10-These flowers ……………………. (smell) lovely.
11-She ……………………….. (finish) studying and is looking for a job.
12-They ……………………… (live) in that house since they were born.
13-They ……………………… (learn) French for four years but now they are learning Spanish.
14-She ……………………… (take) at least a hundred photos while they were on holiday.
15-I ……………………….. (try) to talk to him but he doesn’t seen to understand me.
16-I ……………………….. (wait) for four hours and I’m not going to wait any longer.
17-We ………………………. (buy) a new car last year.
18-She just ……………………….. (go) out and I don’t know what time she’s coming back.
19-They …………………………. (not/see) the film yet. I think they’re going tomorrow.
20-They ………………………… (do) their homework on the bus coming to school.
21-It was a pity you ……………………….. (not come) last Saturday.
22-Your radio is very old. I’m sure you ………………………. (get) a better reception if you buy a new

B) Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets. They can be in the active or in the

1. Guess what! I …………………. (lose) the key so we can’t open the door.

2. I………………(meet) my sister this evening.
3. At six o’clock tomorrow dad ………………….. (listen) to the news.
4. The girl who………………………… (never/ see) a wolf before, …………………….(tell) him all about her
grandmother and where she ……………….. (live)
5. I like it, but I …………………… (offer) a better one, and I’m going to accept it. It’s in Brazil, and I
…………………. always …………………… (want) to go to brazil. I ……………………….(not like) living in cold
6. Patricia …………………. (lay) the table but forgot the fish knives.
7. What ………………… you …………….. (do) when president Kennedy was assassinated.
8. At this time tomorrow I………………………… (walk) to school.
9. Where ……………. You……………. (meet) Jack for the first time.
10. This is a beautiful house that you’ve got. How long …………………. You ………………………. (live) here?
11. Why …………….. you ………………….. (cook) those carrots? You know Helen only ………………. (eat)
raw vegetables.
12.Can you smell that, Watson? Someone …………………………………… (smoke) cigarettes in this room.
13. Stuart mentioned Nina …………………………………..(phone) the day before.
14. I usually ………………….. (cycle) to work when the weather was fine as I ………………. (try) to lose
15. By the end of the century doctors ………………….(find) a cure for AIDS.
16. At the beginning of the sixties he ………………………(go) to settle in France where he……………….
(lived) ever since.
17. The weather condition give me no doubt. It ………………………. (rain) tomorrow.
18. My train …………………… (leave) at 7:15 in the morning.
19. A super-intelligent computer …………………… (invent) by the year 2050.
20. By the age of twenty she …………………………………………. (win) three gold medals
21. She …………………………………(walk) in the park when a dog attacked her.


A) Rewrite these sentences so that they use a form of the passive

1. We understand the Minister is on his way to the airport.

The Minister ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. No one has ever told my fortune.
I’ve ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. She hates people staring at her.
She hates …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. They presented the winners with gold medals.
The winners …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. They’re going to pierce my ears this afternoon.
I’m …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. We know that more than 10% of the population are living in the country.
More than 10% of the population ……………………………………………………………………………
7. Someone should have told us.
We …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. People won’t obey the rules unless you enforce them.
The rules …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

B) Put the following sentences into the Impersonal Passive

1)They say he has gone to France.

2)They think he has friends living here.
3)They know he speaks French like a Frenchman.
4)They now understand that he was in the Paris area last week.
5)Someone reported that they saw him on the river yesterday afternoon.
6) People believe he stole the money.

C) Transform these sentences using the Causative Have

1. The engine of Sarah’s car is making a strange noise

2. Willy has got a roll of film with his holiday photos on.
3. Some children have just broken Mrs Moon’s kitchen window.
4. Edgar keeps getting headaches when he reads the newspaper.

5. Marilyn is going abroad soon and has just discovered her passport expired last week!
6. Max has just done a translation but he’s not sure about a few phrases.
7. Rupert has got a terrible pain in his ankle, he thinks it may be broken.
8. Edith thinks she might be going slightly deaf.
9. Water is pouring out of Sonia’s washing machine.
Every weekend in Britain thousands of walkers head off into the (0) countryside COUNTRY
with the necessary (56) _______________ to enjoy their hiking. One thing they will EQUIP
not leave behind because it is considered an absolute (57) _______________ is their Ordnance
Survey Map. These maps are (58) _______________ to the hiker as they are VALUE
very (59) _______________ , with up-to-date details about every part of the country. INFORM
The Ordnance Survey (60) _______________ in the eighteenth century BEGIN
and was (61) _______________ intended to provide the army of the time with ORIGIN
maps. Before this, most maps were inaccurate and (62) _______________ . Better maps
were thought to be important because the country felt (63) _______________ by invasion THREAT
from abroad or (64) _______________ at home. The organization is still wholly owned REBEL
by the Government, but it was recently (65) _______________ trading fund status, which GIVE
allows it to reinvest any profits.

WORD FORMATION: Write the correct form of the word in brackets to complete these
sentences. Some of the answers are irregular, but there are other regular nouns included
here. Don't forget to use an -s if necessary.

1. Please send a photograph with your CV and form. (APPLY)

2. You need to make a today. (DECIDE)
3. Her of the grammar was very unclear. (EXPLAIN)
4. We had a long about our problems. (DISCUSS)
5. Students must have their parent's to come on the trip. (PERMIT)
6. He is still in hospital, recovering from his . (OPERATE)
7. I entered a bowling . (COMPETE)
8. My children never show for anything I do! (APPRECIATE)
9. I can't come up with a to this problem. (SOLVE)
10. The of junk food has increased over the last 20 years. (CONSUME)
11. You need a lot of for this job. (QUALIFY)
12. When I lived abroad, I found the from my family very difficult. (SEPARATE)
13. The of the new flats is nearly finished. (CONSTRUCT)
14. We don't want a of the violence at last year's football match. (REPEAT)
15. The police are conducting an into the murder. (INVESTIGATE)
16. I gave the police a of the thief. (DESCRIBE)
17. It wasn't my to offend you. (INTEND)
18. We are making for the wedding. (PREPARE)
19. I've just had a very interesting with your sister. (CONVERSE)
20. You can try our product for free, with no to buy it. (OBLIGE)



1. “………. is very relaxing.” “I don’t agree. I think it’s boring.”

a. Fish b. Fishing c. To fish

2. “Why do you want to buy a car?” “Because I hate …………….. for the bus every day.”
a. waiting b. wait c. to wait

3. “Do you have any plans for the summer?” “Well, Danny suggested …………. to Spain for a
a. go b. going c. to go

4. I like ……… my bills as soon as I get them.

a. pay b. paying c. to pay

5. He stopped ……… coffee because he had stomachache.

a. drink b. drinking c. to drink

6. She introduced herself and went on …… about her new book.

a. talk b. talking c. to talk

7. I have to go out. I forgot ……… a newspaper.

a. buy b. buying c. to buy

8. Did you remember ………… Sam about the meeting?

a. tell b. telling c. to tell

9. My neighbour threatened ……… the police.

a. call b. calling c. to call

10. Jack denied ……… in the exam.

a. cheat b. cheating c. to cheat

11. If you’ve got a headache, try ……… an aspirin.

a. take b. taking c. to take

12. My friend advised me ……… a club

a. join b. joining c. to join

13. I don’t mind …… hard if necessary

a. train b. training c. to train

14. My friend insisted on………… her doctor.

a. see b. seeing c. to see

15. I would rather……… some gym than any kind of sport

a. practise b. practising c. to practice

16. I would prefer ……… here rather than go out tonight.

a. stay b. staying c. to stay

17. I can’t help …… sad for what happened to him.

a. feel b. feeling c. to feel

18. It is no use ……… to him. He will never listen.

a. talk b. talking c. to talk

19. After taking the exam three times, he finally managed ……… his driving license.
a. get b. getting c. to get

20. I would like to have a car but I can’t afford ……… one.
a. buy b. buying c. to buy

Reporting Verbs: Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word you’re
given. Do not change this word.

1) “I’ll give you a lift to the station,” Mike said to me. TO

Mike …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. a lift to the station.
2) “Yu should save money every month,” Rita told her son. ADVISED
Rita ………………………………………………………….……………………….……. some money every month.
3) “Can you lend me $30?” Caroline said to me. WHETHER
Caroline wanted to know ………………………………………………………………………….…………………. her $30.
4) “Why are you so upset?” Diana asked Fiona. WAS
Diana asked Fiona ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… so upset.
5) “I feel very ill,” he said to her. COMPLAINED
He …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. very ill.
6) “I promise I’ll send you a postcard,” Julie said to Mike. PROMISED
Julie ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………. Mike a postcard.
7) “I will send you to your room if you don’t apologize,” she said to him. THREATENED
She ……………………………………………………………………….…….. to his room if he didn’t apologize.
8) “Would you like to come to dinner on Friday?” they said. INVITED
They ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….. to dinner on Friday.
9) “I’m sorry I interrupted the meeting,” he said to her. FOR
He …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. the meeting.
10) “You must finish that report by five o’clock,” she said to me. ON
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. the report by 5 o’clock.
11) “No, I won’t give you any more pocket money,” Dad said to me. REFUSED
Dad ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… any more pocket money.
12) “Let’s go for a picnic this afternoon,” Mum said. GOING
Mum …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………. that afternoon.
13) “I didn’t leave the tap on,” she said. DENIED
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. the tap on.
14) “Don’t forget to pack your swimming costumes,” Mum said to us. REMINDED
Mum ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………… our swimming costumes.
15) “I took you new skirt,” ADMITTED
My sister …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………. my new skirt.
16) “You drank the last can of lemonade,” Sue said to Jane. OF
Sue ………………………………………………………………………………….………………… the last can of lemonade.

17) “Ok, I’ll give you a chance,” she said. AGREED
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. a chance.
18) “Drop your gun!” the policeman told the man. ORDERED
The policeman …………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………. his gun.
19) “Why are you making such a fuss?” Mum asked me. WAS
Mum wanted to know …………………………………………………………………………………….……….. such a fuss.
20) “It’s true. I did take the car without asking.” ADMITTED
He …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. the car without asking.
21) “I can’t be at your house before 8 pm.” TOLD
He ……………………………………………………………………………………….……….. be at my house before 8 pm.
22) “No, I certainly didn’t tell Magda about you and David.” DENIED
He ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Magda about her and David.
23) “Simon, don’t go out on your bike when the roads are icy.” WARNED
She ………………………………………………………………………… out on his bike when the roads were icy.
24) “I didn’t send you an invitation because I thought you were on holiday.” EXPLAINED
She ……………………………………………….…… sent him an invitation because she thought he was on
25) “William, don’t forget to finish your homework before you go out.” REMINDED
She ………………………………………………………………………….……………………… his homework before he went
26) “I won’t see him until next week.” SAID
She ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. see him until the following week.
27) “Let’s go shopping this afternoon.” SUGGESTED
She ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… shopping that
28) “I did not speak to your girlfriend!” shouted the boy. DENIED
The boy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. to my girlfriend.
30) “Do you think Superman is a better film than Spiderman?” IF
He asked me ………………………………………………………………………………..……… a better film than Spiderman.
31) “I can’t come to your party tomorrow,” said Sarah. COULDN’T
Sarah said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. the following day.
32) “The telephone company still hasn’t fixed our connection,” Jay complained to Ela. FIXED
Jay told Ela that the telephone company ……………………………………………………….………………. connection.
33) “I stole the money,” said the man. ADMITTED
The man ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………….. the money.
34) “You’ll get burnt if you don’t use some sunscreen,” said Sophie. WARNED
Sophie …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… sunscreen.
35) “When will you write to your grandfather?” asked my grandmother. WOULD
My grandmother asked ……………………………………………………………………………………….…… to my
36) He reminded me to post the letter. TOLD
He ................................................................................................ to post the letter.
37) “Let’s try that new Thai restaurant,” she said. TRYING
She ..................................................................................... new Thai restaurant.
38) “Yes, I gave away your secret,” she said. GIVING
She ........................................................................................................ my secret.
39) “I’m sorry I lost the book you lent me,” he said. APOLOGISED
He ........................................................................................ the book I had lent him.
40) “Don’t go too near the edge of the cliff,” they said to us. WARNED
They ............................................................................... too near the edge of the cliff.
41) “No, I didn’t steal the company’s money,” the manager said. HAVING
The manager .............................................................................. the company’s money.
42) “What shall I do?” she said. WONDERED
She ............................................................................................................ do.
43) “You’ve caused a lot of pain to my family,” she said to him. OF
She .................................................................................... a lot of pain to her family.
44) He told the manager he was dissatisfied with the service. ABOUT
He ....................................................................................................... the service.
45) “You must apply for the teaching post,” he said to me. ON
He ............................................................................................ the teaching post.
46) “I’d like you to come to Paris with me,” he said to her. GO
He ............................................................................................... to Paris with him.
47) “Please, please don’t give us any homework,” they said to the teacher. NOT
They .............................................................................. give them any homework.
48) “That’s how I managed to escape,” he said to me. HOW
He .................................................................................... he had managed to escape.
50) “I’ll never forget our anniversary again,” he said. WOULD
He ......................................................................................... their anniversary again.
51) “You should try to find another job,” he said to me. ME
He ............................................................................................ to find another job.
52) “Yes, it was a very dull lecture,” she said. THAT
She .............................................................................................. a very dull lecture.
53) “No, I won’t tell you where I was last night,” he said to her. HER
He ................................................................ where he had been the night before.


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