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Present Perfect

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วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ Branaman
ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปที่ 3

Present Perfect Tenses

1. We use the Present Perfect to indicate that something in the past is
connected to something in the present.

The child has learned fractions.

The child knows fractions now. The child had a lesson in fractions in the past.
(Fractions are parts of a number: one half, one quarter, one eighth.)

Jian-Hui: Have you seen Gone with the Wind, Eileen?

Eileen: Yes, I have. I liked it very much.

Eileen has seen the movie and is familiar with it. She did not specify WHEN she saw it.

2. We use the Present Perfect with a repeated activity before now.

I have taken the TOEFL test three times. This is the third time I have taken the TOEFL.

I took the test three times before right now. I am taking the test now.
I am not taking the test now.

3. We use the Present Perfect with "for" or "since" for an activity or action
that starts in the past and continues into the present.

Ahmed has lived in Cairo for six years. It's been raining for six days.

(He still lives there.) (It's still raining.)

I've been staying at the Hilton since The temperature has been above 30 degrees Centigrade
Tuesday. since June 01.
Complete the chart.
Base form Simple Past Past Participle
1. know knew known
2. got
3. taken
4. bought
5. leave
6. cost
7. showed
8. be
9. gone
10. eat
11. made
12. did
13. saw
14. thought
15. grew
16. spent

The Present perfect Tense: Regular and Irregular Verbs

1. We form the present perfect with have/has and the past participle of the verb.

2. We form the past participle of regular verbs by adding –ed to the verb. This is the same
form as the simple past tense: play, played finish, finished

3. Irregular verbs have irregular past participles: know, known write, written

Regular Verbs Simple Past Past Participle

work worked worked
live lived lived
own owned owned
study studied studied

Irregular Verbs Simple Past Past Participle

be was/were been
have had had
know knew known
go went gone
see saw seen

Affirmative Statements
Subject Have/Has Past Participle For/Since
You had
He/She/It has owned a grammar for six months.
We studied book since June.

Exercise: 1 Complete the following sentences with the present perfect of the verb in
Belton is a small town. Brad Peltry (live) ____has lived___ in Belton all his life. Brad
is 58 years old. Brad is married. He (be) ______________ married to Dora for 25 years. They
(know) _______________ each other since high school. Brad and Dora have a son. He is a
student at a university in Atlanta. He (study) ____________ medicine for three years now.
Brad owns the grocery store in town. He (own) ______________ the store for 22
years. He (work) ________________ in the store for 22 years. Something strange has
happened this week. Nobody (see) __________________ Brad for four days.
His truck (disappear) ________________ . Dora doesn’t know where he is. Dora (be)
_________________ worried. Brad(have) ________________ money problems lately.

Exercise: 2 Write complete sentences.

Use the verbs from the list and the present perfect tense.
be- was/were – been make – made – made speak-spoke-spoken
have-had-had see-saw-seen visit-visited-visited
live-lived-lived send-sent-sent write-wrote-written
1. Bob/live/on the farm all his life
Bob has lived on the farm all his life.
2. Bob and Brenda/ be married/for 55 years
3. Bob and Brenda/be / happy
4. Bob/have/a good life
5. Jim/have/an interesting life.
6. Jim’s family life/ be / unhappy
7. Jim/visit/ many countries
8. Jim/make/a lot of money
9. Jim/live/alone for ten years
10. Bob/write to / Jim every Christmas
11. Bob/ send/ pictures of his family to Jim
12. Bob/ not see/ Jim for a long time

The Present perfect Tense: Negative Statement and Questions

Subject Have/Has not Past Participle For/Since

You have not
We haven’t lived
They been here for a long time.
He has not
She hasn’t
Yes/No Questions Short answers
Have/Has Subject Past Participle Affirmative Negative

Yes, No,
I you have. you haven’t.
Have you I/we have. I/we haven’t.
we been here for you have you haven’t.
they lived long? they have. they haven’t.
he he has. he hasn’t.
Has she she has. she hasn’t.
it it has. it hasn’t.

Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using the present perfect tense of the verbs in

Alex: How long (be) have you been in this class?

Peter: Since February.
Alex: (make) _____________ you ______________ any friends?
Peter: Yes, I (make) __________________ a lot of friends in this class, but my English
(not, improve) __________________________.

John: How long (have) _________________ you ____________ your driver’s license?
Bob: For two years.
John: (have) _____________________ you _______________ any accidents?
Bob: No, I __________________.

Leyla: How long (study) _________________ you ___________ English?

Yumi: For six years, but I (not, speak) ____________________ English with American
people in a long time.
Leyla: Me neither. I (not, speak) _______________ English with English or American
people, but I (watch) __________________ American movies for many years.
Sue: How long (work) ____________ you ____________ here?
Don: Since May. But I (be) _____________ a computer programmer for four years.
Sue: (work) _____________ you _______ for other companies?
Don: Yes, I _____________. I (work) _________________ for three companies
since the year 2000.
Sue: (live) ____________you ____________ in Boston since 2000?
Don: Yes, I _______________. I like Boston. How long (live) ____________ you
____________ in Boston?
Sue: For three months now, and the weather (not, be) _______ good for the last three
months. It (be) ________ so cold.

Lillian: How long (be) ____________ John _____________ married?

Andrea: He (be) _______________ married for six months, but he (know) ____________
his wife for ten years.

Since and For

We use for and since with the present perfect to talk about how long the action or situation
existed from the past to the present. We use for to talk about a length of time; we use since to
talk about when a period of time began.

For Since
four years 1990
six months last year
five weeks (last) June
for four days since (last) Friday
three hours yesterday
twenty minutes this morning
a minute nine o’clock this morning
a long time I moved to Tokyo

Exercise: 4 Complete the sentences with for or since.

1. Mark and Yolanda have been married _for__ 22 years.

2. They have been at the same address ___________________ 1992.
3. Yolanda has been a teacher _____________ 1990.
4. Mark has been a salesman _______________ 25 years.
5. He has been with the same company _____________ 1995.
6. Now Mark is in Texas on a business trip. He has been there _________ last Monday.
7. Mark has been on four business trips ______________ last June.
8. It’s Saturday. Yolanda is at the shopping center. She has been there_________ 10:00
this morning. She wants to get a birthday present for her son, Clark. He is 16 today.
9. Yolanda has been busy ___________ yesterday. She wants to prepare for
Clark’s birthday.
10. Right now Clark is at the school gym. He has been there _________ 9.00 this morning.
11. Clark has been at the gym ___________ three hours now.
12. He has been on the school basketball team __________ a years.
13. Clark has also been the top student in his class ___________ three years.
14. Nick has been Clark’s best friend _____________ 1996.
15. Nick and Clark have been in the same class ___________ many years.
16. Nick is always with Clark. Nick has been with Clark ______________ this morning.

Present Perfect and Past simple: time expressions

We use the present perfect with: ever, never (any time/not any time)
Have you ever seen a lion? I’ve never seen a lion.

just (a short time ago)

Is Peter here? No, he’s just gone out. There he is!

yet (not finished – with negatives and questions)

I haven’t finished yet.
Have you finished your homework yet? No, I’m still doing it.

already ( finished )
Have a sandwich?
No thanks, I’ve already eaten. I had lunch at 12.00.
Exercise 5: Complete these sentences with just, yet, already.

1. Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch (just/have)
2. Do you know where Julia is? Yes, I_____________ her. (just/see)
3. What time is David leaving? He __________ (already/leave)
4. What’s in the newspaper today? I don’t know. I ___________ (not/read/yet)
5. Is Ann coming to the cinema with us? No, she ___________ the film. (already/see)
6. Are your friends here yet? Yes, they ____________(just/arrive)
7. What does Tim think about your plan? I _________________ (not/tell/yet)

Exercise: 6 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Have you ever/yet visited Slovenia?
2. Tim has for/just come back from the USA.
3. I’m not hungry. I’ve already/since eaten.
4. Jane lived in Greece since/for fifteen years.
5. I can’t come out. I haven’t done my homework already/yet.
6. Mark has worked in Turkey ago/since 1998.

Exercise: 7 Complete each sentence with a time word from the box.
already ever just never since yet
1. Sue has been on the beach for an hour, but she hasn’t had a swim yet.
2. I don’t want to see this film. I’ve ________ seen it.
3. Have you ___________ been to the Greek island?
4. Ouch! An insect has _______ bitten me!
5. George has ___________ eaten Chinese food, so this the first time for him!
6. Rick has lived in Japan _____________ 1998.

Past Simple or Present Perfect

Sorry, he isn’t here. He’s left.
Sorry, he isn’t here. He left at 8.00.

Renaldo has scored a goal!

We are interested that he has scored! We are not interested in when he did this.
Renaldo scored a goal in the second minute of the match.
We are interested in the time when he scored.

I’ve broken my pen. Now I can’t write my essay!

This explains why we can’t do something now

I broke my pen at school in the maths test.

This explains what happened, where it happened and when it happened.

Have you been to China? Yes, I have been there many times.
When did you go to China? I went there in 1998.

Exercise: 8 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Can I have another book? I’ve read/read this one.
2. I’m not ready. I didn’t finish/haven’t finished my homework.
3. I can’t find my wallet. I think I’ve lost/lost it.
4. Did you eat /Have you eaten spaghetti last night?
5. Harry left/has left at 10.30.
6. Hurry up, Jim! You didn’t start/haven’t started!
7. Did you see/Have you seen this film last year?

Exercise: 9 Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or present perfect.
1. Where (you go) did you go for your holidays last year?
2. I can’t play any more. I (just hurt) ______________ my foot.
3. Jane is a famous writer, and (write) ______________ over fifty books.
4. Sorry, I (not finish) ______________ my letters yet.
5. ‘We had a great party last week.’ ‘Who (you, invite) ____________?
6. Where (you, meet) _______________ Sam? Was it at the sports center?
7. Peter (not play) ______________ basketball for a month.
Exercise: 10 Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
the present perfect simple.
1. Tina isn’t here. She (just go) has just gone to school.
2. What time (you get up) _______________ this morning?
3. Paul (have) _______________ a bad car accident three years ago.
4. I (live) _________________ in the same house since 1995.
5. What (you do) _______________ last night?
6. Brian (not finish) _______________ his work yet.
7. Tina (arrive) _______________ here in 2001.
8. (you, see) ______________ ‘Men in Black?’ It’s a great film.

Exercise: 11 Choose the best answer, A,B,C or D, to complete the sentence.

1. ___________ to Europe?
a. Have you ever been b. Ever been you
c. Been ever d. Were you ever
2. Danny’s not here. He ______________ to the office an hour ago.
a. went b. was going c. has gone d. has went
3. We____________ to India.
a. never have been b. been never have
c. have never been d. have been never
4. We _________________ grammar since early this morning.
a. studied b. have to study
c. have study d. have studied
5. A: Have you ever had a dog?
B: Yes, I ____________.
a. have had b. have c. had d. do
6. Nick __________ since yesterday.
a. have not called b. hasn’t call
c. did not go d. hasn’t gone
7. We________ to a movie for a long time.
a. have not gone b. hasn’t go
c. did not call d. hasn’t called
8. When ___________?
a. the movie starts b. has the movie start
c. did the movie start d. the movie has started
9. I ___________ my mother yesterday?
a. have called b. was calling c. called d. have call
10. How long ____________ ?
a. have been married John b. married John
c. has john been married d. did marry John

Exercise: 12 Find the underlined word or phrase, A,B,C or D, that is incorrect.

1. Humans lived on Earth for millions of years.
a b c d
2. The weather has change in the last ten years.
a b c d
3. There were many earthquakes in California since 1914.
a b c d
4. The president is not been in the country since last Wednesday.
a b c d
5. Students had problems with English spelling for a long time.
a b c d
6. This was the hottest summer since 1964.
a b c d
7. People have played soccer since four hundred years.
a b c d
8. Mozart has written 600 pieces of music before he died in 1891.
a b c d
9. Did you gone to Singapore when you lived in Asia?
a b c d
10. Since 1990, scientists found many new drugs to help us fight diseases.
a b c d

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