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43THLG-INGLES - 7°basico - CLASE ONLINE - Semana 30

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English – 7° años

Unit 4 Green Issues

Objetivo de la clase

Habilidad: Identificar, comprender y aplicar

Ruta de aprendizaje
1. Observar vídeo.
2. Responder preguntas sobre el vídeo.
3. Observar imágenes, escuchar y repetir.
4. Comparar 2 imágenes y responder qué tienen en común y
en qué se diferencian.
1. Completar una tabla con vocabulario del recuadro.
2. Leer un texto y prestar atención a vocabulario destacado.
3. Responder preguntas relacionadas con el texto leído.
4. Leer y responder preguntas de reflexión acerca del texto leído.
5. Completar un párrafo usando vocabulario de la unidad.
6. Ticket de salida: Realizar actividad 3-2-1.
7. Verificar si se cumplió el objetivo.
Let’s watch the following video. / Vamos a observar el siguiente vídeo.

What types of pollution were mentioned in the video?

1. air 2. water 3. land 4

Vocabulary. / Vocabulario.
Look at the images, listen and repeat. / Observe las imágenes, escuche
y repita.

environment noise smoke trash harmful

global warming recycle chemicals factory protect

Look at the pictures and answer the questions./Observe las
imágenes y conteste las preguntas.

1. What do the two pictures have in common?

a. b.

2. In what sense are they different?

Write the words from the box in the chart./Escribe las palabras del
recuadro en la tabla.
overuse - waste - harmful – contaminated – full- clean – noisy - protect

Synonym Similar meaning

1. overuse a. waste
2. ___________ b. Polluted
3. Strident c. ___________
4. ___________ d. Crowded
5. Damaging e. ___________
6. ___________ f. take care
7. pure g. ___________
Read the text. Pay attention to the words in bold. / Lea el texto. Ponga atención a las palabras
Andrea’s Summer Holiday

Last summer, I travelled to the city to visit my aunt for a week. I didn’t know that it was a
bad choice until I spent some days there. It was dirty. The streets were crowded by cars
and buses. Factories were everywhere, and some of them were even in the city centre. As
a result, the air was polluted. When I walked around the city, I saw people throwing
garbage in the streets. The city was noisy. One day, I decided to go to the beach. I found
rubbish everywhere and the water wasn’t as clean as I imagined because, factories threw
their waste water into the Ocean.
In my aunt’s house, her children took long showers. They kept the TV and the lights on, all
day. My aunt kept the water running, while washing the dishes. Her husband overused
water every time he wanted to wash his car. I tried to explain them that overusing water
and energy was bad, but they didn’t care. I felt sad and angry, so I decided to go back
home before my holiday finished. It was the worst holiday I have ever had.
Read and complete the sentences. Choose the correct alternative. / Lea y
complete las oraciones. Elija la alternativa correcta.

1. Andrea travelled to the city to visit _________ 2. After a few days, Andrea realised ___________
a) her teacher. a) it was a good choice.
b) her aunt. b) it was a good time.
c) her friends. c) it was a bad choice.

4. The streets _______________ by cars and buses 4. Where were some of the factories located?
a) were empty a) Out of the city.
b) were overused b) In the city centre.
c) were crowded c) In the suburbs.

5. The air in the city ___________________ 6. Why the water wasn’t clean as she thought?
a) was pure. a) Because of the factories.
b) was clean. b) Because of the people.
c) was polluted. c) Because of the animals.
Read and complete the sentences. Choose the correct alternative. / Lea y
complete las oraciones. Elija la alternativa correcta.

7. Her aunt _________ while washing the dishes. 8. The TV and lights _____________ all day.
a) saved water a) were on
b) kept the water running b) were off
c) destroyed the water c) were polluted

9. Her aunt’s husband, is Andrea’s ____________ 10. Andrea’s uncle ______when washing the car.
a) cousin. a) kept the water off
b) neighbour. b) overused the water
c) uncle. c) saved the water
11. Overusing water and energy ____________ 12. She said: “It _____________ I have ever had”.
a) is a good thing. a) was the best holidays
b) is a bad thing. b) was the most unforgettable holidays
c) is a good idea. c) was the worst holidays

Writing activity Read and answer the questions./Lea y responda las preguntas.

a) How long did Andrea want to spend in her aunt’s house .

b) How did Andrea’s aunt’s family overuse electricity?
d) What did Andrea want to explain to her aunt’s family?

Complete the next paragraph using the words from the box./Complete el siguiente párrafo
usando las palabras del recuadro.
decompose – artificial – pollution – dioxide – air –
water – agricultural – oxygen – burning - factories

(a) ___________ happens when nature does not know how to (b)
___________ an element that was not introduced in the environment
naturally. If we put in the environment (c) _________ things like plastic, we
pollute the environment. There are many types of pollution. First, there is
(d) _________ pollution. Some of the main sources of this kind of pollution
are the (e) ________ of fossil fuels and emissions of carbon (f) _______
from vehicles and (g) _________. Then, there’s (h) ______________
pollution. Sources of this kind of pollution include the waste from (i)
____________ fields, industrial sites and urban areas. Additionally, if
fertilizers get thrown into the sea, it reduces the amount of available algae
and (j) _______for other species. 12
Exit Ticket: Answer the 3-2-1 activity

❖ 3 things you learned in this class

❖ 2 things you still have doubts about

❖ 1 opinion or suggestion for next class

¿Cumplimos el objetivo?

Identificar vocabulario relacionado

con el medio ambiente en textos
audiovisuales para expresar ideas a
través de la escritura.


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