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Asynchronous Activities

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Curso capacitación inglés para profesores del primer ciclo de enseñanza básica

Enero 2022

Asynchronous activities- Unit 3 January 2022

Teacher’s name: Cynthia Castillo Olguín.

1. Read booklet unit 3
2. Complete Tasks 1 & 2

TASK 1: Select 4 aspects described above, and provide real examples from your current context.
How would you include those aspects in your English class?

Example: “Organizing instruction around themes Activity: Students write a supermarket list to
that relate to children’s experience at home and in buy some ingredients for their favourite dish,
other classes” and then they describe the process of the
Developing classroom routines to keep Activity 1: Students say hello in English and
communication in English. read aloud different posters related to
classroom management and class rules at the
begging of every lesson.
Providing a variety of ways to make English Activity 2: Students create paper puppets in
comprehensible; for example, through order to identify vocabulary related to family
actions, gestures, games, pictures and objects. members.
Linking the English classroom with home, Activity3: Students create posters about the
community and local environments places where they live by writing short
sentences describing it.
Focusing children’s attention on the game, Activity4: Students play bingo with their
song, story or other activity, rather than classmates by using the words relates to the
directly on the language unit.

TASK 2: Let’s plan activities:


1) Select a coursebook to use in your planning

2) Design the following activities
 Warm-up activities
 Presentation activities
 Practice activities
 Application activities
3) Complete this lesson plan template with your class information

Class profile: This is Multigrade rural school in Camarones, near of Arica. The school has students from
1st grade to 6th grade in the same classroom. Most students have a positive attitude towards learning
English, but for some of them it’s difficult because they only have English language as a mandatory
Curso capacitación inglés para profesores del primer ciclo de enseñanza básica
Enero 2022

subject from 5th grade. So, the students from 1st to 4th grade only have a 1-hour “English language
workshop” every week. Hence, there is a huge difference between the different grades in terms of
curriculum, contents and learning styles. Despite of the differences, the students have the good receptive
skills, and they are always interested as long there is technology involved in the classroom.
OA (National Curriculum): 1°OA1 Understand short and simple texts read by an adult or in audiovisual format, such
as: rhymes and chants; songs; stories; dialogues.
Lesson learning outcome: By the end of this lesson, my learners will be able to understand a short story about
family members and retelling the story by using paper puppets.
Lesson duration: 60’ lesson.
Anticipated problems and solutions: There is a possibility that younger students may struggle with cutting and
pasting activities. However, the teacher will be supervising this before they start the activity.

Stage Timing Interaction pattern Procedure (write the Materials and resources
(T- Sts / Sts-Sts) step by step for

Warm-up 5’ T- sts The students try to - Board and markers.

The teacher guess the family - Labels with words related to
introduces the topic member that teacher is family members (Mom, dad, sister,
by playing a drawing on the board brother, etc.)
guessing game by saying the name
about family aloud. The ones who
members. The answer correctly stick a
teacher uses the label with the word on
structure “This is the drawing.
my” on every
drawing. Also, it
gives a label with
the word to the one
who answers

Presentation 10’ T- sts The students check the - Family flashcards

activity The teacher shows vocabulary presented
the vocabulary to by the teacher trough
the students trough flashcards.
flashcards before
listening the story
about a family.

Practice 15’ T- sts The students listen the - A story about a family read by the
activity The teacher reads story twice in order to teacher.
the story twice to complete the listening -English activity book on page 20,
the students in activities on the book 21 and 22.
order to complete a by reading and
post listening matching.
activity on their

Application 20’ The teacher The students listen the - Paper puppets
activity recreates the story story again and they - Scissors, color pencils and glue.
by using paper create the paper
puppets and ask the puppets. They also
Curso capacitación inglés para profesores del primer ciclo de enseñanza básica
Enero 2022

students to create practice the dialogue

the puppets in with help from the
order to retell the teacher.

Closure 10’ Sts-Sts The students recreate - Paper puppets

The teacher asks the story about the
the students to family the class by
recreate the stories retelling the story and
using the paper using the paper
puppets in front of puppets in front of the
the class. class.

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