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Example RFP - Contract Relationship Management and Specification Writing Courses

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Invitation to Quote

Ref DN303459 – Northamptonshire

County Council: ‘Contract and
Relationship Management’ and
‘Specification Writing’ Courses

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 1

Invitation to Quote for ‘Contract and Relationship Management’ and ‘Specification Writing’ Courses

1. Introduction & Instructions

1.1. These Instructions describe the Northamptonshire County Council's (the Authority) requirements for
the above requirement, the quotation process and the commercial terms on which the Authority proposes to
contract in due course with the successful Tenderer.
1.2. All costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Tenderer in connection with the preparation and
submission of the Quotation will be borne by the Tenderer.
1.3. The Tenderer shall have no claim whatsoever against the Authority in respect of such costs and in
particular (but without limitation) the Authority shall not make any payments to the successful Tenderer or
any other Tenderer save as expressly provided for in the Contract and (save to the extent set out in the
Quotation Documents) no compensation or remuneration shall otherwise be payable by the Authority to the
successful Tenderer or any other Tenderer in respect of the requirement by reason of the scope of the
requirement being different from that envisaged by the successful Tenderer or otherwise, including without
limitation any costs incurred by any Tenderer in the event this quotation process is aborted.
1.4. To ensure that the Authority will be able to carry out a proper comparison of quotations, no
unauthorised alterations shall be permitted to the Quotation Documents. Quotations that contain
unauthorised alterations or qualifications may be rejected.
1.5. Bids shall remain open for acceptance for a minimum of 30 days. The Authority expects to decide
award of contract within 30 days of the closing date for submission of quotations.
1.6. The Authority is not bound to accept any quotation or make any award from this Invitation to Quote.
The contract will be awarded on the basis of the Quotation Evaluation Criteria, based on the criteria as set
out below and subject the Authority’s funding approval.
2. Further Information and Enquiries:
2.1. The Tenderer may write to the Authority requesting any information or raising any query in connection
with the Quotation Documents. Any such communication must be in writing via correspondence function on
ProContract. Where appropriate, any such questions will be circulated to all other potential suppliers via the
clarification function on ProContract. The Authority reserves the right to seek clarification of any matters
arising from the Tenderers submission. The Authority reserves the right to make amendments to the text of
the Quotation Documents during the quoting process and notify Tenderers of any such amendments.
3. Terms and Conditions of Contract:
3.1. Please note this is not an order. If your quotation is accepted, an official purchase order will be raised.
The order will be subject to Authorities Terms and Conditions of Contract and your completed quotation
Submission. Acceptance of the quote by the Authority shall be in writing and on the Authorities terms and
conditions, which are supplied as part of our quotation requirements. Tenderers should note the Authority
will publish the awarded contract value and the name of the successful Tenderer.
3.2. Please note if you have any queries or require any clarifications regarding Authorities Terms and
Conditions please submit these by 30 October 2017. Any clarifications received after this deadline will not
be considered.
4. Return of Quotation
4.1. All Quotations shall be submitted to the Authority through the ProContract portal before 12 noon
on 6 November 2017. Please be aware that the Authority will use the server clock on the ProContract
portal to verify the time of submission. Tenderers should allow sufficient time to upload their submissions to
ensure that it is fully loaded into ProContract before the deadline. Failure to upload your bid by the deadline
may result in your submission being rejected at the sole discretion of the Authority. Tenderers should be
aware that the quotation cannot be submitted while a document is in the process of being uploaded and the
larger the file size (50mb suggested maximum) the longer it will take to upload.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 2

4.2. The following documents must be completed and returned through the ProContract portal:
a) An on-line mandatory questionnaire on ProContract;
b) A response to the Quotation Quality Evaluation questions (Section 2. Quotation Evaluation Criteria);
c) Completed Pricing Schedule (if applicable, please see 4.3);
d) All supporting documentation as required as part of the Quotation submission.
4.3. All pricing documents must be uploaded separately in an excel format and not embedded
within any other documents. Where pricing information is embedded within other documents, tenderers
must upload separate copies of the embedded documents.
4.4. Any attachments that are not identified or any general sales material submitted will not be considered
by the Authority. Tenderers are therefore asked not to enclose any documents, brochures or other
materials unless you are specifically requested to do so.
5. Key dates
5.1. This procurement will follow a clear, structured and transparent process to ensure that all tenderers
are treated equally, fairly and transparently. The key dates for this procurement are currently anticipated to
be as follows:
Date for Submission: 12noon 6/11/2017
Deadline for Tenderers Queries 30/10/2017
Contract Award Date: 20/11/2017
Contract Start Date: 27/11/2017
Contract End Date: 31/03/2019
Contract Extension Date: 31/03/2021

6. Health and Safety

6.1. The Authority requires that all contractors, their employees and sub-contractors (where applicable)
shall, whilst working for the Authority, conform with all requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act
1974 and with all other Health and Safety Legislation that relate generally or specifically, to their trade,
business or undertaking.
6.2. Where applicable the successful Tenderer must also comply with the Authorities Health and Safety
policies included on the Guidance for Suppliers on ProContract.
7. Accreditations
7.1. The Authority requires that where accreditation to professional bodies is necessary to deliver the
Works, Supplies or Services all contractors and sub-contractors (where applicable), shall whilst working for
the Authority, have all necessary accreditations in place.
8. Insurance
8.1 If a contract is awarded to you, written evidence of your insurance cover will be required. Insurance
requirements will form part of the Terms and Conditions of Contract. The Authority’s requirements are:
a) Employers Liability Insurance £5,000,000
b) Public Liability Insurance £5,000,000
c) Professional Indemnity Insurance (if applicable) £1,000,000

9. Rejection of Quotation
9.1. The Authority in its absolute discretion may reject a quotation if:
9.1.1. the prices submitted are too high to be affordable;

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 3

9.1.2. the prices submitted are too low to be credible, but only after the Tenderer has been given the
opportunity to provide an explanation of the quotation or part of the quotation which the Authority
believes to be too low, and where the Authority does not accept the explanation;
9.1.3. all or part of the Quotation Documents are reproduced for submission in a different format from
that provided by the Authority;
9.1.4. the Quotation is qualified;
9.1.5. the Tenderer makes or attempts to make any variation or alteration to the terms of the Contract
9.1.6. if the Tenderer discloses to any third party prices shown in its Quotation except where such
disclosure is made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the purposes of financing or
insurance and/or;
9.1.7. if the Tenderer enters into any agreement with any other person that such other person shall
refrain from submitting a Quotation or shall limit or restrict the prices to be shown by any other Tenderer
in its Quotation and/or;
9.1.8. if the Tenderer fixes prices in its Quotation in accordance with any arrangement with any person
or by reference to any other Quotation and/or;
9.1.9. if the Tenderer offers or agrees to pay or give or does pay or give any sum of money, inducement
or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or
having caused to be done in relation to any other Tenderer or any other person's proposed Quotation
any act or omission and/or;
9.1.10. if the Tenderer in connection with the award of the Contract commits an offence under the Bribery
Act 2010 or an offence under Section 117(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 and/or;
9.1.11. if the Tenderer has directly or indirectly canvassed any member or official of the Authority
concerning award of the Contract or who has directly or indirectly obtained or attempted to obtain
information from any such member or official concerning any other Tenderer or Quotation submitted by
any other Tenderer and/or;
9.1.12. if the Tenderer has done anything improper to influence the Authority during the Quotation period
9.1.13. if the Tenderer has failed to use the English language and/or;
9.1.14. if the Tenderer has failed to return any of the accompanying documents identified in paragraph
4.2 above.
9.1.15. if the Tenderer has failed to declare any conflict of interest or any circumstances that could give
rise to a conflict of interest.
9.2. For the avoidance of doubt any non-acceptance or rejection in accordance with paragraphs 8.1.1 and
8.1.2 above shall be without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to the Authority or any criminal
liability that such conduct by a Tenderer may attract.
10. Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (DBS Checks)
10.1. Where the Authority specifies that DBS Checks are required it will be a requirement that all
contractors, their employees and sub-contractors (where applicable) shall, whilst delivering the Works,
Supplies or Services hold current certification of DBS Checks and these will be disclosed to the Authority
for verification before the Contract commences.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 4

1. Specification of Services

The service provider will be required to deliver ‘Contract and Relationship Management’ and
‘Specification Writing’ development activities for managers and officers involved in (or about to become
involved in) commissioning and procuring services on behalf of their local authorities.


1.1. This specification covers courses that will predominantly be required to run at locations within
Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire. There may be a requirement to run courses in other
counties, either Huntingdonshire or Milton Keynes.


2.1. The contract will commence on 27 November 2017 and expire on 31 March 2019. This
specification is for 2 courses to run on dates to be decided after the award of the contract.
A minimum of 6 weeks notice will be provided, and dates will be agreed with the service provider.
The council reserves the option on up to 4 additional courses to those above which are currently
not confirmed but would still be covered by this specification (price per course) subject to
satisfactory performance in the delivery of the contract. Should this need arise the additional dates
will be scheduled before the end of the first contract term. The initial term of the contract will run
until 31/03/2019.
Further to satisfactory performance during the initial term, the Council reserves the right to extend
the contract for a 2 year period, with a requirement for the option on up to 6 additional courses to
those which are currently not confirmed but would still be covered by this specification (price per


3.1 Introduction and Context

The service provider will be required to deliver:
 Contract and Relationship Management and
 Specification Writing
blended learning and development activity that achieves the aim of ‘Effective purchasing of
services based on implementing appropriate contracting and tendering arrangements’ and
enables delegates to achieve the following learning outcomes:

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 5

Contract and Relationship Management
 Understand the role and responsibilities of contract managers in delivering best practice
public service contract management.
 Be aware of the application of basic contract law.
 Understand the benefits of applying contract management best practice processes and
 Be introduced to a range of techniques, tools and processes to use to underpin best
practice in contract and relationship management.
and include the following content
 Monitoring & management of contracts – a framework. Review.
 Role of performance standards. Key Performance indicators – developing, setting and
 Channels & methods available – types of contracts.
 Regular and structured communication and feedback including contract meetings, reviews
reports and compliance audits.
 Problem resolution processes & control tools.
 Different types of contracts.
 Risks that can impact on contracts & risk management.
 Setting objectives/requirements & control tools.
 Contract documentation, referencing the relevant council documents.
 Awarding and administering a contract including contract meetings, reviews and reports.
 Stages and process in contracting (including enabling stages).
 Post contract evaluation.
 Reward and penalties as control tools.
 Payment responsibilities.
Specification Writing
 Develop a clear understanding of the role and purpose of different types of specifications,
how they impact on the process and their advantages and disadvantages.
 Know what content to include in a specification, how to define requirements and why to
include them.
 Be aware of the Risks involved and benefits gained from a comprehensive specification.
 Understand sector procurement.
 Have been introduced to ways to achieve competitive prices when writing a specification,
best practice in specification writing and models to support the process.
 Review how specifications should be issued and controlled.
and cover the following topics (indicative content)
 Table of contents.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 6

 Evaluation criteria.
 Detailed, functional and performance specifications.
 Scoping, planning and tools to support.
 Writing SMART outcomes.
 Importance and impact of clarity in language.
 Process framework.
 The benefits of early market engagement and how it can be used in public sector

The service provider will deliver learning and development activities for a maximum group size of
20 participants.
The national drivers for this activity are ‘Upgrading the skills of managers to raise productivity and
competitiveness’ and are integral to the aim and learning outcomes specified above as listed in
the national management standards.
The local drivers for this activity are to up-skill managers in working in a more commercialised
environment and are integral to the aim and learning outcomes specified above.
The impact these courses will deliver is that delegates will have a clear understanding of Contract
and Relationship Management techniques and/or Specification writing and be aware of the impact
and benefits of applying these techniques in work contexts.
The council reserve the right to retain final sign-off on the course content which will need to be
agreed between the council and the service provider as part of pre-delivery preparations.

3.2. Working methods and codes of practices

The following codes of practice/policies need to followed;
 Equality in Employment Policy (attached)
 Code of Conduct (attached)
 Health & Safety (attached)

3.3. Quality and performance standards

 We will expect the service provider to use the council evaluation process and that the
aggregate score from stage 1 evaluations will be no less than 3 per question (Likert scale 1 –
4). The service provider will produce a short evaluation report, the format will be supplied by
LGSS Learning and Development, after each course and return to the LGSS Learning and
Development course owner named in 4.5 below
 The provider staff will be occupationally competent in learning and development as well as
holding qualifications that support occupational competence in the delivery subject.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 7

3.4. Reporting
 The council’s named course owner/contract manager to work with the service provider for the
purposes of ensuring successful delivery of this contract will be Dominic Dineen. The provider will
be notified of any changes to named holder of this position.
 The contract will be monitored using the following methods;
 A minimum of 1 pre-contract meeting
 Quality Assurance by the course owner/contract manager e.g. by direct observation of
part of a course(s)
 Evaluation – delegates and their managers
 The contract will be reviewed by the course owner with the service provider towards the end of
the contract. The service provider shall produce a short annual report covering the following
 what worked well
 what lessons have been learnt in delivering this course
 what improvements could be made in respect of delivery and/or content of the course
 any other recommendations (if any)

3.5. Problem Solving

 In the event that there is concern on behalf of either party, this should be raised with the other
party and a way forward agreed.
Stage 1 – informal discussion between service provider and course owner and a way forward
If unresolved, Stage 2 – formal meeting between service provider and a way forward agreed
If unresolved Stage 3 – formal meeting to move to terminate the contract.

 In the event that the level of performance of the service provider is unacceptable, the service
provider will be given the opportunity to take remedial action to improve.

3.6. Review of Procedures/Change

 In the event that change(s) to the content/outcomes/timescales are required, the service provider
will be given four weeks notice in writing by the course owner to implement the change(s).
 Changes will be notified in writing by the course owner to the service provider.
 Reasonable costs incurred in making changes will be borne by the service provider.
 The service provider should maintain their own knowledge of updates required e.g. legislative
changes, and will inform the course owner of how this needs to be built into the course

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 8

3.7. Promotion and Publicity

 The service provider shall use materials that carry LGSS logos
 The council will provide the service provider with logos and general branding guidance in a trainer
guide for use on handouts, materials, etc. for this activity only.

3.8. Cost and payment

 Please provide the total cost, exclusive of VAT, for all specified requirements shown at 2.1
above, including e.g. trainer fees, materials, trainer travel costs, certification and registration costs
if appropriate, etc. Other costs identified subsequently will not be paid.
 The council will issue a single purchase order.
 The service provider will supply all materials/handouts within the cost quoted. Alternatively,
LGSS Learning and Development can do this but a charge of 50p per side of A4 monochrome or
75p per side of A4 colour will be made.
 Payment will be made on receipt of an invoice submitted by the service provider.

3.9. Cancellations

 Our intention is to not cancel any course but we may re-schedule a date and/or venue with
reasonable notice.
 In the event that the service provider cancels a course or fails to arrive on the date of a course,
the council will invoice the service provider on the following scale:
30 – 50 days before the scheduled date @ 50% of 85% of the course cost.
10 – 30 days before the scheduled date @ 75% of 85% of the course cost.
Less than 10 days before the scheduled date @ 100% of 85% of the course cost.
 The council will review numbers of delegates booking onto courses on a regular basis. In the
event that there is low take up, at a point no later than four weeks before the course is due to run,
the council may reschedule the course to a later date. No payment will be made by the council.
 In the event that the number of delegates falls to a low number within fifteen days of the
scheduled date, LGSS Learning and Development will contact the service provider so that the
service provider can adapt their delivery model to cater for the low numbers.

4. General items

 If the training venue does not provide equipment, the service provider will provide their own laptop
and projector and other equipment needed.
 Service providers will provide their own lunch and snacks, drinks will be provided by LGSS
Learning and Development /the training venue.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 9

 All activities will be evaluated by delegates on the activity, using LGSS Learning and
Development evaluation forms, and service providers will return all forms to the LGSS Learning
and Development administration team within five working days of the course. Delay in returning
evaluation forms and attendance sheets may delay payment.
 Service providers will maintain their own CPD
 We expect that all Learning and Development activity will meet equality and diversity standards.
 Should the service provider wish to substitute a trainer i.e. someone other than trainers named in
the quotation, the service provider should submit the substitute trainers CV to the LGSS Learning
and Development course owner 2 weeks before the course date(s) for sign-off by LGSS Learning
and Development.
 The service provider should not sub-contract course delivery to a third party without prior
discussion with and approval of the LGSS Learning and Development course owner.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 10

1. Quotation Evaluation Criteria
Each Quotation will be scored by the evaluation team against each of the evaluation areas in Table 1 and
Table 2 below:
Table 1

Overall Pricing Criteria 60% Weighting

Cost 100%

The Quality aspect of the quotation will take into account the criteria below in Table 2:
Table 2

Are Overall Quality Criteria 40% Level 1 Level 2

a Weighting Weighting

1. Functional and Technical Compliance with the Specification 20%

1.1. Please identify a minimum of 4 trainers that you will use in 50%
the delivery of both these programmes, outline their
experience in the subject matter, training experience and
qualifications they hold in this area of specialism.

1.2. Please outline previous experience that your organisation 50%

has in delivering learning programmes on this subject areas
outlined in the specification.

2. Delivery 30%

2.1 Please attach a proposed course outline for both Contract 40%
and Relationship Management and Specification Writing
learning sessions.

2.2 Please attach a sample course resource that you would 30%
propose to use in the delivery of each of the two courses.

2.3 Please itemise any additional resources, other than on 30%

course resources that you would include to ensure that the
learning outcomes are met as a result of these courses.

3. Environmental Considerations 10%

3.1 Please outline any environmental considerations that you 100%

feel are relevant in support of your bid.

4. Meeting outcomes 40%

4.1 Please provide a method statement as to how you intend to 50%

meet the learning outcomes for the Customer and
Relationship Management programme as detailed in the

4.2 Please provide a method statement as to how you intend to 50%

meet the learning outcomes for the Specification Writing
programme as detailed in the specification.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 11

In respect of each quality criteria in Table 2 a score will be awarded on a system of 0-3 in accordance with
the scoring scale in Table 3:
Table 3

No. of

0 Response does not meet requirements or no response is provided.

1 Response partially meets requirements but contains significant weaknesses, issues

or omissions.

2 Response meets requirements to an acceptable standard but contains some

weaknesses, issues or omissions.

3 Response meets requirements to a high standard. Robust and detailed in all


Responses may score any whole number between 0 and 3. The scoring system is set such that an
acceptable standard would gain a score of at least 2. This would be awarded for a response which shows
that the Tenderer’s solution demonstrated performance of the service to an acceptable standard in
accordance with the Specification. Where the response is lacking in appropriate detail, only partially
complete or inadequately justified, the overall score will be adjusted accordingly.
The score for each of the evaluation criteria will be multiplied by the weighted factor as follows to give an
overall initial score:
Actual score / maximum score x weighting from Table 2
Evaluation of the Quotation Price payable by the Authority:
Price Evaluation (costs payable by the Authority) will be evaluated in accordance with Table 4 below using
60% price as an example:
Table 4

Cost of Proposal (£) Calculation Points

Quotation 1 10,000 60

Quotation 2 15,000 10,000/15,000 x 60 39.9

Quotation 3 20,000 10,000/20,000 x 60 30.0

Quotation 4 25,000 10,000/25,000 x 60 24.0

The scores achieved for the quotation price and the quality criteria elements will be added together
and the tenderer achieving the highest score will be successful.
Note: failure to provide the required information requested may lead to your quotation being rejected.

Invitation to Quote V23 – Jan 2017 12

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