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Answer Key 20-39

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“Supremacy” means unlimited power, not unrestricted growth (B). The passage
states that Drake diminished Spain’s supremacy, but does not specifically
mention diminishing its territory (C). Drake’s raids enriched England and reduced
Spain’s power; no mention is made of eliminating any treaties (D).

21. B

“Robust” means strong. It does not mean warlike (A), accomplished (C) or
competent, timid (D) or fearful, or inexperienced (E).

22. B

“Martial” means warlike or war-related. It does not mean complete (A),

independent (C), or isolated (D).

23. C

“Vulnerable” means open to attack or susceptible to harm. It does not mean open
to change (A) or receptive, triumphant (B) or victorious, defeated (D) or beaten-
they were vulnerable to attack first and then consequently were defeated-or
discouraged (E), i.e. disheartened or dispirited.

24. A

The passage indicates the Armada was “blocked” on one side, i.e. closed off
rather than damaged (B) (it was damaged extensively, not on one side); alone (C)
or circled (D), i.e. surrounded, neither of which can be done on only one side.

25. B

“Interceded for” means intervened on behalf of, not refused help to (A), wanted
to fight (C), given orders for all to fight (D), or defeated (E).

26. C

“Pacify” means to calm or make peaceful. It does not mean to make weaker (A),
to destroy (B), or to irritate (D), i.e. annoy or provoke.

27. B

“Ennobled” means gave honor to or made noble. It does not mean gave comfort
(A) or solace, gave strength (C), i.e. fortified or reinforced, gave fear (D) or
frightened, or gave hope (E) or encouraged.
28. B

To “abet” means to enable, support, or encourage, usually in crime or doing

something wrong. It does not mean to end (A), think about (C), or daydream
about (D) something.

29. B

“Reinforced” means strengthened, not welcomed (A), held (C), or captured (D).

30. B

The passage states that the presence of Eris, goddess of discord, “always
embroiled mortals and immortals alike in conflict.” Embroiling them in conflict is
creating conflict amongst them. It does not mean scheming against (A) them,
feeling hostile toward (C) them, ignoring (D) them, or comforting (E) them.

31. A

“Aggressively” means boldly. It does not mean effectively (B) or successfully,

secretly (C), or carefully (D).

32. A

“Contradicted” means Athena disregarded Hera’s statement and disputed or

countered it. It does not mean she defeated (B) her statement, agreed with (C) it,
restated (D) it, or questioned (E) it.

33. B

To “clamor for” means to cry out for (something). It does not mean to long for (A)
it, beg (C) for it, hope (D) for it, or think much (E) “for,” of, or about it.

34. A

To “vouch” means to give assurance. It does not mean to think (B), hope (C), or
convince some (D).

35. A

“Disclaimed” means denied, i.e. refused or declared untrue. It does not mean
stopped (B), noted (C), or justified (D), i.e. substantiated or confirmed, the
opposite of denied.

36. C
She was unable to invoke, i.e. to call upon, the aid of relatives. To invoke does not
mean to locate (A) or find; to speak about (B) or discuss; to identify (D), i.e.
recognize; or to know (E).

37. B

“Declaimed” means spoke forcefully. It does not mean finally appeared (A).
Though she did also give testimony (C) in court, “declaimed” does not mean to
testify; it describes the way she spoke while doing so. “Declaimed” also does not
mean she gave evidence (D).

38. B

“Profusely” means abundantly, copiously, or excessively. It does not mean wisely

(A) or carefully (B), which are both opposite in meaning to the excessive
connotation of profuse spending. Foolishly (D) can be associated with spending
profusely, but does not have the same meaning. Profusely does not mean joyfully
(E), i.e. gleefully or happily.

39. B

“Spendthrifts” means money wasters. It does not mean aristocrats (A), i.e. nobles
or privileged people. It does not mean enemies (C) or adversaries. It does not
mean individuals (D) or persons. “Spenders” (E) denotes people who spend, but
does not convey the sense of wasteful spending or squandering in the same way
that “spendthrifts” does.

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