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Chem 1301 - 2021 Final Exam

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Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 1

1. Which of the following photons has the greatest energy?

A) Red light from a lamp

B) Purple light from a flashlight
C) Ultraviolet radiation from the sun
D) Infrared radiation from Earth
E) Gamma rays from a rock

2. Consider the properties of waves. Destructive interference occurs best when

which of the following combine?

A) Two same-phased waves of different wavelength but identical amplitude

B) Two same-phased waves of identical wavelength and identical amplitude
C) Two opposite-phased waves of identical wavelength and identical amplitude
D) Two opposite-phased waves of identical wavelength but different amplitude
E) Destructive interference is not affected by phase or wavelength

3. Consider the orbital represented by the wavefunction below. How many nodes
does this orbital have?

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 2

4. What is the electron configuration of Mn6+ in the ground state?

A) 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
B) 1s22s22p63s23p63d1
C) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1
D) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d5

5. An element that has the outer electron configuration 6s25d7 belongs to which
period and which group?

Period Group
A) 6 2
B) 6 7
C) 6 9
D) 7 7
E) 7 9

6. In the following, the radii of pairs atoms and/or ions are compared. Which
inequality is NOT correct?

A) Sn2+ > Ge4+

B) As3– > Cl
C) Cl− > F−
D) Al3+ > Ca
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 3

7. Which of the following species is most likely to contain a polar covalent bond?

A) KBr
B) Cl2
C) CH4
D) CHCl3
E) NaCl

8. Which one of the following has a non-bonding pair of electrons on the central

A) CO2
B) BF3
C) SiF4
D) NF3
E) None of the above

9. Draw the best Lewis structure for ClO2−. The chlorine atom has what formal

A) −1
B) +1
C) 0
D) +2
E) +3
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 4

10. In how many of the following species is the negative charge delocalized by

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4

11. Which one of the following statements concerning ICl4- and XeF4 is correct?

A) ICl4- is tetrahedral but XeF4 is square planar

B) Both are tetrahedral
C) XeF4 is tetrahedral but ICl4- is square planar.
D) Both have a see-saw shape
E) Both are square planar

12. Based on molecular shape, how many of the following molecules are polar?

BBr3 SH6 PF5 SeCl2

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 5

13. How many of the following statements is/are correct?

• Hydrogen bonding would be expected for pure samples of CH3OH but not
for CH3OCH3.
• CH3OH will hydrogen bond to water
• HF has a higher boiling point than does HCl
• Surface area is an important factor when assessing the intermolecular
forces between alkanes

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) All four

14. The discovery of salvarsan, the structure

of which was thought to be as shown on
the right for over a century before being
proven incorrect, is considered to be the
birth of modern chemotherapy. Which one
of A – E correctly describes the bond
indicated by the arrow?

A) It is formed from the sideways overlap of four

4p orbitals.
B) It is formed from the sideways overlap of four
sp2 orbitals.
C) It is a polar bond.
D) It is formed from the sideways overlap of one sp2 orbital with a 4p orbital, and
another sideways overlap of a different sp2 orbital with a different 4p orbital.
E) It is formed from the on-axis overlap of two sp2 orbitals and the sideways
overlap of two 4p orbitals.
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 6

15. Consider the structure of folic acid, otherwise known as vitamin B9. How many
sp2 and sp3 carbon atoms are present in folic acid?

sp2 sp3
A) 12 7
B) 13 6
C) 15 4
D) 17 2

16. The acronym HOMO is frequently used in molecular orbital theory. What does it

A) A highly ordered or organized molecular orbital.

B) A set of molecular orbitals that have the same energy and orientation
C) The highest molecular orbital with a minimum orientation
D) A hybridized orbital that is made from many atomic orbitals
E) The highest-energy molecular orbital that has one or more electrons in it
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 7

17. How many of the following species are paramagnetic?

C22+ N22+ O22+ O22−

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4

18. Which one of the following would be unlikely to act as a ligand in a metal
coordination complex?

A) As(C2H5)3
B) S(C2H5)2
C) Ge(C2H5)4
D) I−

19. Consider the molecule bis(diphenylphosphino) ethane, Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2. It can

act as how many of the following types of ligands?

Ph = phenyl group (C6H5)

• Chelating ligand
• Terminal ligand
• Bridging ligand
• Bidentate ligand

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 8

20. Shown below is the ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum of a well-known food

colouring. The approximate colours corresponding to the various wavelengths
are shown below the x-axis. What colour is this substance most likely to appear?

Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

A) Green
B) Red
C) Orange
D) Blue
E) Yellow
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 9

21. Consider the coordination complexes below. In principle, which of them can
exhibit stereochemistry?

A) 2 only
B) 1 and 2 only
C) 2 and 4 only
D) 3 only
E) 4 only

22. Suppose you had prepared three samples of metal complexes with the same
coordination geometry (structure) and type of ligands but with three different
metals: Fe(II), Ru(II), and Os(II). Regrettably, you did not label the samples
properly, but you note in your lab book that sample X is yellow, sample Y is
green and sample Z is orange. Based on this information, what is the likely metal
in the vials?

Sample X Sample Y Sample Z

A) Fe Ru Os
B) Os Ru Fe
C) Fe Os Ru
D) Os Fe Ru
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 10

23. With a 4d metal and several strong field ligands, the coordination complex fac-
[RhCl3(P(C6H5)3)3] is low spin. How many unpaired electrons are there in the

A) 0
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 4

24. Gingerol, shown below, is one of the compounds in ginger that gives ginger
spices and gingerbread cookies their characteristic flavour. Which one of the
following is NOT present in gingerol?

A) Ketone
B) Alkoxy group
C) Aryl group
D) Carboxyl group
E) Hydroxyl group

25. Which of the following types of compounds must contain exactly one oxygen
atom and at least one sp2-hybridized carbon atom?

A) Ether and alcohol

B) Ketone and aldehyde
C) Ester and aldehyde
D) Alcohol and ester
E) Amide and ether
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 11

26. Which one of the following is true when comparing the vibrations of C−C and
C=C bonds?

A) A C−C bond normally vibrates at a higher frequency than a C=C bond.

B) A C−C bond normally vibrates at a lower energy than a C=C bond.
C) The difference in their vibrations is due to their different  (reduced mass)
D) They are both excited by the same wavelength of IR light.

27. Which one of the following is NOT a mode of bond vibration?

A) Symmetrical stretching
B) Spinning
C) Asymmetrical stretching
D) Scissoring
E) Rocking

28. How many different constitutional isomers are shown below?

A) 4
B) 5
C) 6
D) 7
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 12

29. Which one of the following compounds could give the infrared spectrum shown

3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500

Wavenumber (cm−1)

A) B)

C) D)

Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 13

30. Which one of the following shows 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane (CHBr2CHBr2) in its

lowest-energy conformation?

A) B)

C) D)


31. How many of the following statements is/are correct?

• Acyclic alkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2

• The carbon skeleton of cyclopentane is planar.
• trans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane has two chair conformations of identical
• trans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane and cis-1,4-dimethylcyclohexane are

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 14

32. Shown below is -D-glucose, one of the most common six-carbon sugars. Which
one of A – D depicts the most stable conformer of -D-glucose?

A) B)

C) D)

33. Which one of the following compounds is NOT a trans stereoisomer?

A) B)

C) D)

Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 15

34. Consider again the structure of folic acid. How many units of unsaturation does it

A) 11
B) 13
C) 14
D) 15
E) 16

35. Shown below is the structure of 1,2-propadiene. The plane created by H−C−H of
carbon 1 is perpendicular to that created by H−C−H of carbon 3. Which
statement best explains why the four hydrogen atoms are not planar?

A) All carbon atoms have the same hybridization.

B) If the four hydrogen atoms were in the same plane, then there would be too
much steric hindrance. This would force the carbon atom on the right to twist
so that it is perpendicular to the one on the left.
C) The molecule has a linear shape.
D) The  bond between carbons 1 and 2 is perpendicular to the  bond between
2 and 3, so the trigonal plane formed by carbon 1 is perpendicular to the one
formed by carbon 3.
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 16

36. How many different molecules containing only C and H, only one C=C bond, and
no C≡C bonds have the carbon skeleton shown below?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5

37. -Carotene, the substance that gives carrots their distinctive orange colour, can
be synthesized in the lab. One of the intermediates in the synthetic pathway is
shown below. What are the E/Z configurations of the indicated alkenes?

1 2 3
A) E Z Z
B) Z E E
C) E Z E
D) Z E Z
E) Z Z E
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 17

38. Which one of the following is optically inactive?

A) B)

C) D)

39. Merck, a major pharmaceutical company,

has recently asked the FDA to authorize the
use of molupiravir, shown on the right, for
the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

Which one of A – E correctly describes the

stereochemical configurations of the
indicated C atoms?

1 2 3
A) R R R
B) R S R
C) S S S
D) S R S
E) S R R
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 18

40. The bonding sequence of PF-07321332,

Pfizer’s investigational new drug for the
treatment of COVID-19, is shown on the right.
How many stereocentres are present?

A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
E) 6

41. The two structures represented below are best described as…

A) Identical compounds
B) Constitutional isomers
C) Enantiomers
D) cis/trans isomers
E) Conformations
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 19

42. In Experiment #3, Investigating the Properties of Carbonates, what was the
purpose of using the bidentate ligand that is shown in the complex below?

A) The number of moles of this ligand was used to determine the number of
moles of magnesium carbonate in the water sample
B) This ligand was used to promote the lithification process between CaCO 3 and
C) This ligand was used to ensure that the complexometric titration was carried
out under basic conditions
D) This ligand was used to produce a colour change at the end point

43. Which one of the following regarding hard water is incorrect?

A) The hardness of the water can be expressed in parts per million of calcium
B) Hard water is more likely collected from an underground spring than from
C) Hard water could result from passing soft water over dolomitic limestone.
D) Adding crushed oyster shells could harden this water.
E) Exchanging the sodium ions for calcium and magnesium ions can soften the
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 20

44. In Experiment #4, Qualitative Analysis, one of the tests performed was for the
ammonium ion. The presence of the ammonium ion in a sample turn red litmus
paper blue because the…

A) NH3 ligand complexes with the Cu2+ ion

B) NH4+ ion is basic
C) Added NaOH increases the hardness of the water
D) NH3 gas produced is basic
E) Chlorine in water dissolves the NH4+ ion

45. Dr. Eamonn Conrad from Solvay presented a seminar in your Chem 1301A
class. What specialties product (chemistry) platform that is part of the company’s
portfolio was described by Dr. Conrad?

A) Phosphorus specialties including phosphines, PR3

B) Polymer specialties based on polypropylene
C) Inorganic coatings based on titanium dioxide, TiO2
D) Silicon materials for solar cells
E) Amine specialties for CO2 capture

46. Dr. Eamonn Conrad from Solvay presented a seminar in your Chem 1301A
class. Based on what he had described, the scientists at Solvay attained what
level of education when they were hired?

A) BSc
B) MSc
C) PhD
D) Scientists at all of the above levels were hired
Chemistry 1301A Final Exam, December 2021 Page 21

47. Which of the following is NOT part of the Western Science Internship Program?

A) Earning money for working in a science field

B) Ranking your workplace options and then being assigned to an employer
C) Earning a 1.0 course credit
D) Go out to internship to work after third year


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Have a great holiday!

Potentially Useful Data

1 k
Frequency of vibration: =
2 

Reduced mass: =
m1 + m2
Spectrochemical series:
I− < Br− < Cl− < F− < OH− < H2O < NH3 < H2NCH2CH2NH2 < CN− < CO

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